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Friday Seftonless Morning Report (7/26/19)

Morning Report intro.jpg


TGIF Horde.

Big entertainment continues to bleed money and customers. Netflix put TFG on its board of directors. Ahh the Midas Shit Touch strikes again. AT&T learns that you can't just keep raising rates and expect people to bend over and ask for more.

Were you aware that the Federal Government hasn't executed any death penalty convicts in over 15 years? Well, that's about to change. Thank you Attorney General Bill Barr. He may be an insider, but he certainly hasn't been acting like a Swamp creature.

Death and taxes are the two certainties of life. What happens after death is kind of wacky at times.

We adults who work and pay taxes are told everything the government does must be for the children. There was forced busing in the 60s. Why? For the good of the children. We were told that inner city schools were not up to par in comparison to the suburban schools. The inner city schools are worse now than then. But instead of doing the right things for the kids the Democrats have to play footsie with the NEA. Even an old fashioned liberal such as Joe Liberman knows that school choice is key for educating poor and minority students.

President Trump doesn't take rejection well. If the courts are going to issue injunctions based on Orangemanbad and not the rule of law. Then he is going to do his darnedest to win some other way.

If I were president for a week, one of the first things I would do is get us out of the United Nations. Their latest vote should be the last straw. What a f*cking joke this organization is.

These are just a few of items in the news.

  • Netflix losing customers.

  • AT&T loses a boatload of customers after raising DirectTV prices.

  • Federal goverment to resume capital punishment.

  • A bucket of dicks was found and no it wasn't in Florida.

  • Joe Liberman calls for school choice for Democratic candidates.

  • Travel ban for Guatemalans?

  • Israel is the world's only violator of womens rights.

  • Ukraine seizes Russian oil tanker.

  • The State of Illinois is driving gun dealers out of business.

  • Equifax data breach. If you were affected you can file a claim.

  • The anti-Trump hysteria continues. Everything wrong? Trump.

  • Teens hospitalized, it may be related to vaping.

  • One lone Republican congressman attempts to stop online censorship.

  • Air pollution kills 30,000 Americans yearly.

  • Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) sleazy racist.

  • Woodstock 50 may take place. Of course Maryland.

  • Of course it's man's fault.

  • Louisiana Republicans are in sad shape right now.

  • Feel Good Story of The Day. "Nobody's gonna point a gun at me and get away with it."

  • "Genius Award Winner."

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at 07:28 AM


    (Jump to bottom of comments)

    1 Good morning!

    Posted by: Molly k. at July 26, 2019 07:29 AM (7lKSi)

    2 Happy Friday, ya maroons.

    Now to read.

    Posted by: Boxx Culvert, man about town. at July 26, 2019 07:29 AM (wmfhQ)

    3 without JJ, this place is like netflix

    thinking about dropping my sub

    Posted by: REDACTED at July 26, 2019 07:31 AM (DPjeO)

    4 Praise the Lord. Our long national nightmare of dueling Darrins is over.

    Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 26, 2019 07:32 AM (J6H+T)

    5 Good Morning Morons

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 07:33 AM (mpXpK)

    6 Those Brits really do carry on in the House of Commons; It's like watching a play. Boris Johnson takes on Labor and Jeremy Corbyn-"the friend of Mullahs":

    Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 26, 2019 07:33 AM (+0VWg)

    7 It's Friday, got almost no sleep last night, and Nick Monroe's latest twitter account* has been suspended. This day requires more than coffee. Ugh.

    *He was tweeting for Bitchute under "NewsChute".

    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 07:34 AM (bDqIh)

    Still looking for the pony in the huge pile of horseshit!


    Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at July 26, 2019 07:35 AM (pNxlR)

    9 G'morning, all.

    Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 07:35 AM (cqNba)

    10 Netflix losing customers.

    No shit, my wife signed up for that shit w/o talking to me. I watched one show. I already has all their movies that were any good. She got rid of it after a FEW MONTHS.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 07:35 AM (mpXpK)

    11 "A bucket of dicks was found and no it wasn't in Florida."

    Um, what are we talking here, kid's beach pail? Five gallon? And does it sell by the pound?

    Posted by: Sheppie Smith at July 26, 2019 07:35 AM (oS0xz)

    12 And a greeting from Salty, who is off the grid and on vacation.

    Good morning!

    Let's smile and be happy and strike fear in the hearts of killjoy leftists everywhere.

    Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 07:35 AM (cqNba)

    13 Morning!

    Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at July 26, 2019 07:35 AM (438dO)

    14 So how many terrible programs have Gaylord and Big Mike added? "The King of Comedy" is like a documentary of those two grifting retards although Sandra Bernhard's character might be a little too feminine and intelligent.

    Posted by: Captain Hate at July 26, 2019 07:36 AM (y7DUB)

    15 Omar is a sleazy racist, so what does that make media outlets like Buzzfeed and the NYT who are going above and beyond to protect and promote this vile person???

    Buzzfeed published an article calling her antisemitism a "myth."

    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 07:37 AM (bDqIh)

    16 Federal goverment to resume capital punishment.

    I am confused by this, they always have had capitol punishment for a few things, just never used it. Remember that asshole who shot all those people at Ft Hood, there were thoughts of executing him.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 07:38 AM (mpXpK)

    17 Guten morgen horden

    Posted by: VMom's phone at July 26, 2019 07:38 AM (dm05u)

    18 Willowed re Democrats releasing crazy people into communities / Kennedy's "Community Mental Health Act."


    I always enjoy finding quant old articles complaining about the same problems we have 100x worse now.

    "THE policy that led to the release of most of the nation's mentally ill patients from the hospital to the community is now widely regarded as a major failure. "

    NYT, 1984

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - 2nd Chronicles 14:7 at July 26, 2019 07:38 AM (SL85Q)

    19 >>So how many terrible programs have Gaylord and Big Mike added? "The King of Comedy" is like a documentary of those two grifting retards although Sandra Bernhard's character might be a little too feminine and intelligent.

    Their production company, Higher Road, has 6 programs in development. All look bad.

    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 07:38 AM (bDqIh)

    20 Good morning folks

    Posted by: rhennigantx at July 26, 2019 07:39 AM (uevCa)

    A bucket of dicks was found and no it wasn't in Florida.

    Just avoid this story, morons. It's too damn early.

    Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 26, 2019 07:39 AM (oVJmc)

    22 Remember : You can't spell "Free" without "REE".

    Posted by: Hikaru at July 26, 2019 07:40 AM (UnA8+)

    23 Hasn't Buzzfeed been sued out of existence by Hulk Hogan or was that Deadspin? I can't tell one worthless site from another.

    Posted by: Captain Hate at July 26, 2019 07:40 AM (y7DUB)

    24 Watching what goes on in Illinois is better than Bewitched reruns.

    Posted by: rammajamma at July 26, 2019 07:40 AM (xceTB)

    25 Don't forget that the Obamas also got a lucrative contract with Spotify to produce podcast.

    Gosh, it's almost like someone believes these people need to continue poisoning our culture and political discourse with their bad ideas and divisiveness.

    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 07:41 AM (bDqIh)

    26 Joe Liberman calls for school choice for Democratic candidates.

    The democrats will never go for that because the teachers unions are opposed to it.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 07:41 AM (mpXpK)

    27 Good morning, and happy Friday to all.

    Thank you for the Morning Report, MisHum, much appreciated.

    Posted by: Flyover at July 26, 2019 07:41 AM (B5K06)

    28 The
    State of Illinois is driving gun dealers out of business.[/i

    Just another reason to leave that shit State and never move there.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 07:42 AM (mpXpK)

    29 Actually it was a cooler full of dicks.
    I guess they were all out of bags.

    Posted by: Anonymous Gerbil at July 26, 2019 07:42 AM (19Cvz)

    30 Their production company, Higher Road, has 6 programs in development. All look bad.
    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 07:38 AM (bDqIh)

    Higher Road must be in reference to Gaylord's substance abuse because from 2009 onward it's been the path not taken.

    Posted by: Captain Hate at July 26, 2019 07:43 AM (y7DUB)

    31 23 Hasn't Buzzfeed been sued out of existence by Hulk Hogan or was that Deadspin? I can't tell one worthless site from another.
    Posted by: Captain Hate at July 26, 2019 07:40 AM (y7DUB)

    That was Gawker.

    And Univision brought them back to life.

    Posted by: Hikaru at July 26, 2019 07:44 AM (UnA8+)

    32 How did the complete alteration of the Presidential seal at the teen conference go unnoticed?

    A two headed eagle , arrows and dollar bills and 45 is a puppet in Latin.

    Posted by: Ben Had at July 26, 2019 07:44 AM (V3fhb)

    33 Israel
    is the world's only violator of womens rights.

    According to the ONT that liberal group says the US is

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 07:44 AM (mpXpK)

    34 >>Hasn't Buzzfeed been sued out of existence by Hulk Hogan or was that Deadspin? I can't tell one worthless site from another.

    No. Buzzfeed is the one that had massive layoffs in February. They've been burning through venture capital/funding from NBC or Disney or something yet a huge part of their revenue I generated by some guy (not an employee) who writes listicles for free.

    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 07:44 AM (bDqIh)

    35 DJT should close the UN for remodel. Send them to Brussels, never let them back in.

    Let Trump Inc. buy and remodel to condo and slap a big gold luxurious TRUMP for the world to behold.

    Posted by: john doe at July 26, 2019 07:45 AM (WX+x0)

    36 Teens hospitalized, it may be related to vaping.

    I have read this link but I ready an article about this earlier this morning and hospital said their lungs were wrecked.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 07:46 AM (mpXpK)

    37 Some folk ask why I link to stories of crime in and around Baltimore.


    This is what liberal/Democratic rule and education brings to a city.

    The Police employee that was assaulted on the street?

    Caught on camera.

    1. Lots of stereotypes become reenforced.

    2. Noticeably absent are cries that it's a hate crime by Donald Trump supporters.

    3. The squad is silent on this brazen attack.

    Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 07:46 AM (cqNba)

    38 We need to pull out of the UN

    Posted by: VMom's phone at July 26, 2019 07:46 AM (dm05u)

    39 >>Higher Road must be in reference to Gaylord's substance abuse because from 2009 onward it's been the path not taken.

    "When they go low, we go high"

    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 07:46 AM (bDqIh)

    40 "Remember that asshole who shot all those people at Ft Hood, there were thoughts of executing him."

    He was an Army Major, who murdered Army soldiers, on an Army base. Moslem saboteur or whatever you want to call it.

    So why would a civilian court or the FBI or have any jurisdiction or that nonsense in the first place? A court martial should have taken about a month. Then hang him.

    This notion that foreign terrorism and acts of war should be handled by the court system is a pathetic spectacle.

    Posted by: Common Tater at July 26, 2019 07:47 AM (E5DvK)

    41 35 DJT should close the UN for remodel. Send them to Brussels, never let them back in.

    Let Trump Inc. buy and remodel to condo and slap a big gold luxurious TRUMP for the world to behold.

    Sewage treatment facility.

    Posted by: Vlad the implaer, whittling away like mad at July 26, 2019 07:47 AM (dmoiP)

    42 Waking up with houseguests still asleep. On our way to the Biltmore today. But before my day starts getting cray shortly, I must put my vote in for Darrin #2!

    Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at July 26, 2019 07:48 AM (JoUsr)

    43 In 2017, Johns Hopkins University received $2,178,605,000 in federal research funding while UC-Berkeley received $330,339,000.

    AYFKM? These shitholes crank out bullshit studies and rake in that much money and we've got to hear about how we need more 'education' funding???

    Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 26, 2019 07:48 AM (oVJmc)

    44 40 He was an Army Major, who murdered Army soldiers, on an Army base. Moslem saboteur or whatever you want to call it.

    So why would a civilian court or the FBI or have any jurisdiction or that nonsense in the first place? A court martial should have taken about a month. Then hang him.

    This notion that foreign terrorism and acts of war should be handled by the court system is a pathetic spectacle.
    Posted by: Common Tater at July 26, 2019 07:47 AM (E5DvK)

    Because Muslim.

    Islam is the De Facto State Religion.

    Posted by: Hikaru at July 26, 2019 07:48 AM (UnA8+)

    45 Some videos and photos are coming out about the maiden flight of SpaceX's Starhopper that occurred late last night:

    The first one is from a slightly different angle than the webcam I was watching last night. You can also see the piece of flaming debris that started the big brush fire in front of the three tanks.

    Elon Musk's Twitter has a couple of closeup shots.

    Posted by: rickl at July 26, 2019 07:50 AM (sdi6R)

    46 40 So why would a civilian court or the FBI or have any
    jurisdiction or that nonsense in the first place? A court martial
    should have taken about a month. Then hang him.

    This notion that foreign terrorism and acts of war should be handled by the court system is a pathetic spectacle.

    Posted by: Common Tater at July 26, 2019 07:47 AM (E5DvK)

    IIANM the court martial did sentence him to death but it has not been carried out yet. He is still polluting our air.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 07:50 AM (mpXpK)

    47 The US can't "pull out" of the UN without losing the seat on the security council, and a vote. An important vote. In that sense the UN is like a Roach Motel. Not sure what the answer is, but it isn't as simple as it sounds.

    Posted by: Common Tater at July 26, 2019 07:51 AM (E5DvK)

    48 Make no mistake, there is a war on guns in most blue states. The Left does not care about citizen rights.

    And they get their power from corrupt voter rolls with non-citizens who want to vote anyway, and no state could give a rat's hind end to protect voter roll integrity.

    Every federal voter must be required to show a birth certificate or naturalization court document.

    How difficult is it to follow the law?

    OK, that was a trick question.

    Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 26, 2019 07:51 AM (sy5kK)

    49 48 How difficult is it to follow the law?

    OK, that was a trick question.
    Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 26, 2019 07:51 AM (sy5kK)

    The purpose of law is not justice.

    The purpose of law is to disappear undesirables.

    Posted by: Hikaru at July 26, 2019 07:52 AM (UnA8+)

    50 Might I add, I never quite get why inner city schools are perpetually in such a horrible state. Decade after decade after decade after decade. Why is it like moving heaven and earth to get these kids a better education? Are the teachers just hopelessly terrible? Get better ones! Are the kids just too unruly? One room schoolhouses in 1850 with nothing but slate chalkboards had better edumacations.

    Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at July 26, 2019 07:53 AM (JoUsr)

    51 Check out the sidebar link about Snopes "fact checking" the Babylon Bee. I saw that at Instapundit last night. They're accusing the Bee of "deceiving" people.

    Posted by: rickl at July 26, 2019 07:53 AM (sdi6R)

    52 Might I add, I never quite get why inner city
    schools are perpetually in such a horrible state. Decade after decade
    after decade after decade. Why is it like moving heaven and earth to
    get these kids a better education? Are the teachers just hopelessly
    terrible? Get better ones! Are the kids just too unruly? One room
    schoolhouses in 1850 with nothing but slate chalkboards had better

    Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at July 26, 2019 07:53 AM (JoUsr)

    Teachers Unions combined with liberal city government run by Democrats. The only answer is private schools in whcih the gov has no say. . . yet

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 07:54 AM (mpXpK)

    53 Regarding that vaping story, both Father and Mother Hate's lives were shortened by cigarettes so I'm no fan of the noxious weed and it has zilch appeal for me. Having said that, the demonization of a legal activity by the same fucking dimwits declaring pot the greatest thing evarrr fills me with a cold dark rage.

    Posted by: Captain Hate at July 26, 2019 07:56 AM (y7DUB)

    54 50 Might I add, I never quite get why inner city schools are perpetually in such a horrible state. Decade after decade after decade after decade. Why is it like moving heaven and earth to get these kids a better education? Are the teachers just hopelessly terrible? Get better ones! Are the kids just too unruly? One room schoolhouses in 1850 with nothing but slate chalkboards had better edumacations.
    Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at July 26, 2019 07:53 AM (JoUsr)

    What makes you think they WANT the serfs to have a good education?

    Posted by: Hikaru at July 26, 2019 07:56 AM (UnA8+)

    55 49 48 How difficult is it to follow the law?

    OK, that was a trick question.
    Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 26, 2019 07:51 AM (sy5kK)

    The purpose of law is not justice.

    The purpose of law is to disappear undesirables.
    Posted by: Hikaru at July 26, 2019 07:52 AM (UnA8+)

    Arkancide is the law?

    Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 26, 2019 07:56 AM (sy5kK)

    56 53 Having said that, the demonization of a legal activity by the same fucking dimwits declaring pot the greatest thing evarrr fills me with a cold dark rage.
    Posted by: Captain Hate at July 26, 2019 07:56 AM (y7DUB)

    Moi aussi.

    Posted by: Hikaru at July 26, 2019 07:57 AM (UnA8+)

    57 So the collection plate for Manhattan Media was a bit light. Too bad. They need to get another false narrative to goose the congregation's piety.

    Posted by: Puddin Head at July 26, 2019 07:57 AM (2LelM)

    58 Illegal aliens feel "stress" trying to illegally move to America?

    Poor things.

    Try illegally moving to Malaysia or Indonesia, and see what real "stress" is...

    Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2019 07:57 AM (AURKQ)

    59 55 Arkancide is the law?
    Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 26, 2019 07:56 AM (sy5kK)

    Lawfare is the law.

    Posted by: Hikaru at July 26, 2019 07:57 AM (UnA8+)

    60 Woodstock 50 at Merryweather?

    Been there multiple times.

    This could turn into a real shit-show.

    Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 07:58 AM (cqNba)

    61 Based on the price list in the body parts article if something costs "an arm and a leg", you can expect to pay approximately $2200.

    Posted by: Muldoon at July 26, 2019 07:59 AM (m45I2)

    62 I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but without exception every major/minor "ethnic cleansing" or modern civil war in the 20th century was preceded by a general firearm confiscation. It is practically a pre-requisite.

    It always follows a certain pattern, a general "otherizing" and demonization of a specific group or class of people. Whether in Rwanda or Sierrra Leone, or the Balkans, it has happened many many times. Heck, the Olympics were held in Sarajevo, considered a modern city. Within a few years it was under siege.

    Never forget, they want you dead. And they're working on it. Bigly.

    Posted by: Common Tater at July 26, 2019 07:59 AM (E5DvK)

    63 What makes you think they WANT the serfs to have a good education?


    There is probably a lot of truth in that, Hikaru.

    Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at July 26, 2019 07:59 AM (JoUsr)

    64 47 The US can't "pull out" of the UN without losing the seat on the security council, and a vote. An important vote. In that sense the UN is like a Roach Motel. Not sure what the answer is, but it isn't as simple as it sounds.
    Posted by: Common Tater at July 26, 2019 07:51 AM (E5DvK)

    True, but with the U.S. (and presumably many other allies like Eastern European nations and Israel) gone, who gives a flying feck what the UNSC says about anything?

    Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2019 07:59 AM (AURKQ)

    65 WHERE IS J.J,?

    Posted by: redridinghood at July 26, 2019 08:00 AM (RBOtF)

    54 50 Might I add, I never quite get why inner city schools are perpetually in such a horrible state. Decade after decade after decade after decade. Why is it like moving heaven and earth to get these kids a better education? Are the teachers just hopelessly terrible? Get better ones! Are the kids just too unruly? One room schoolhouses in 1850 with nothing but slate chalkboards had better edumacations.
    Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at July 26, 2019 07:53 AM (JoUsr)

    What makes you think they WANT the serfs to have a good education?
    Making chicken salad out of chicken shit seldom works. Those urban areas that encouraged their chicken shit to move always outperform those that paid them to stay.

    Posted by: Puddin Head at July 26, 2019 08:00 AM (2LelM)

    67 Argh, good boss won't be in until noon. Until then, it's bad boss ("I'll just assign tickets to people at random, and not say a word to anyone").

    Posted by: BeckoningChasm at July 26, 2019 08:00 AM (19g6/)

    68 Happy Friday to everyone else.

    Posted by: BeckoningChasm at July 26, 2019 08:01 AM (19g6/)

    57 So the collection plate for Manhattan Media was a bit light. Too bad. They need to get another false narrative to goose the congregation's piety die from rabies.

    Posted by: Vlad the implaer, whittling away like mad at July 26, 2019 08:01 AM (dmoiP)

    70 I clicked on the cooler of dicks story

    Posted by: VMom's phone at July 26, 2019 08:01 AM (dm05u)

    71 63 What makes you think they WANT the serfs to have a good education?


    There is probably a lot of truth in that, Hikaru.
    Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at July 26, 2019 07:59 AM (JoUsr)

    There's nothing that anyone can say that could convince me otherwise.

    Everything that Demoncrats have done since Woodrow Wilson has been in service of creating a permanent disposable underclass than can be abused and tossed aside at will by the Politically Connected.

    Posted by: Hikaru at July 26, 2019 08:01 AM (UnA8+)

    72 When Campus Reform questioned Gemmill as to how the correlation in her study translated to causation, she pointed to an "emerging body of evidence," which she says suggests that the election and surrounding circumstances "including heightened anti-immigrant rhetoric" and "threats of anti-immigrant legislation" may have had an impact on the American Latino population.

    [note the blurring of legal/illegal immigration there]

    "This may be because even among U.S.-born Latino Americans, about half report fearing that a family member or close friend might be deported under President Trump's administration," Gemmill told Campus Reform.

    Gemmill also asserted that "research indicates that anti-immigrant stress and rhetoric are linked with negative health outcomes in the Latino population."

    - - - -
    If breaking the law is stressful, then don't break the law?

    When I was pregnant we had the beltway snipers in my home turf. That was a hella stressful month or whatever for me. I was also stressed because my husband was laid off. And oh yeah, when my son was diagnosed with heart defects at 20 weeks into the pregnancy. Please tell me why I should care that this alleged stress of Trump's mean comments on illegal immigrants is so special/noteworthy.

    Yeah, I think I need more coffee. Sorry for the rant.

    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 08:02 AM (bDqIh)

    73 "What makes you think they WANT the serfs to have a good education?


    There is probably a lot of truth in that, Hikaru."

    They have take

    In the kitchen , to a whole different level of servitude, and inability to climb out of the prison that liberalism, progressivism and democratic quest for power.

    Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 08:02 AM (cqNba)

    74 Might I add, I never quite get why inner city
    schools are perpetually in such a horrible state


    Your first problem is assuming that those schools exist to improve the lives of children or communities. They don't. Those schools - and tens of thousands around the country - are there to help the school system.

    IIRC Charlotte (Mecklenburg County) has a two billion dollar annual school budget.

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - don't call me whitey, commie at July 26, 2019 08:03 AM (RMwSd)

    75 Based on the price list in the body parts article if something costs "an arm and a leg", you can expect to pay approximately $2200.
    Posted by: Muldoon at July 26, 2019 07:59 AM (m45I2)


    That's really cheap, but I assume installation is extra.

    Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 26, 2019 08:03 AM (ApSlL)

    76 Once the leftists took over education it was all over but the cryin'. It is specifically designed to produce an ill-informed or uninformed, compliant (practical) idiot. There isn't any debate about that.

    Posted by: Common Tater at July 26, 2019 08:03 AM (E5DvK)

    77 What makes you think they WANT the serfs to have a good education?


    There is probably a lot of truth in that, Hikaru.
    Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at July 26, 2019 07:59 AM (JoUsr)

    Absolutely. A person who can think is the enemy of tyranny. Unfortunately there is a significant percentage of the country's population, maybe as much as 45%, who would prefer to be ruled and only pretend to want to be free.

    Posted by: Captain Hate at July 26, 2019 08:04 AM (y7DUB)

    78 50 Might I add, I never quite get why inner city schools are perpetually in such a horrible state. Decade after decade after decade after decade. Why is it like moving heaven and earth to get these kids a better education? Are the teachers just hopelessly terrible? Get better ones! Are the kids just too unruly? One room schoolhouses in 1850 with nothing but slate chalkboards had better edumacations.
    Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at July 26, 2019 07:53 AM (JoUsr)

    When feral youth are reproducing feral youth without guidance or structure, teachers really are facing an uphill struggle.

    In 1850s the rate of illegitimacy was negligible.

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 26, 2019 08:04 AM (aA3+G)

    79 This may be because even among U.S.-born Latino Americans, about half report fearing that a family member or close friend might be deported under President Trump's administration," Gemmill told Campus Reform.


    So they're outright admitting that half of our Hispanic population is illegal.

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - don't call me whitey, commie at July 26, 2019 08:05 AM (RMwSd)

    80 Oh no! Air politilution is causing 30K deaths!!!

    You know what else causes lots of deaths every year?


    I do so love how our computer models are now considered science. It's no more science than fortune cookies. GIGO.

    Posted by: BurtTC at July 26, 2019 08:05 AM (cY3LT)

    81 WHERE IS J.J,?


    He mentioned a few weeks back that he was going overseas. Where, I can't remember.

    Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at July 26, 2019 08:05 AM (JoUsr)

    82 Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 08:02 AM (bDqIh)

    Slides Lizzy a cup of Karuba Dark Roast

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 26, 2019 08:06 AM (aA3+G)

    83 "Where, I can't remember."

    It wasn't a small. private island, was it?

    Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 08:06 AM (cqNba)

    84 Check out the sidebar link about Snopes "fact checking" the Babylon Bee. I saw that at Instapundit last night. They're accusing the Bee of "deceiving" people.

    No concern about the number of people who considered Jon Stewart as 'The News.'

    Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 26, 2019 08:06 AM (oVJmc)

    85 David French @DavidAFrench
    Why are we talking about climate change? We've already passed the "point of no return." So live it up while you can! SUV's for everybody!

    Posted by: Deep State is in DEEP SHIT at July 26, 2019 08:06 AM (BqBId)

    86 i just read that tulsi gabbard is a hari krishna.


    Posted by: musical jolly chimp at July 26, 2019 08:06 AM (Pg+x7)

    He mentioned a few weeks back that he was going overseas. Where, I can't remember.
    Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at July 26, 2019 08:05 AM (JoUsr)


    He's been spotted in Bangkok

    Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 26, 2019 08:06 AM (ApSlL)

    88 Everything that Demoncrats have done since Woodrow Wilson has been in service of creating a permanent disposable underclass than can be abused and tossed aside at will by the Politically Connected.

    Posted by: Hikaru


    Something about having them n***ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years IIRC.

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - don't call me whitey, commie at July 26, 2019 08:07 AM (RMwSd)

    When feral youth are reproducing feral youth without guidance or structure, teachers really are facing an uphill struggle.


    I gather that's likely a huge factor. And it's also a verboten topic one must never speak of. So it will never get corrected.

    Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at July 26, 2019 08:07 AM (JoUsr)

    90 Greetings fappers and fappees.

    Today's fresh hell is in that bucket over there.

    Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Living the Backwards Law at July 26, 2019 08:07 AM (HaL55)

    91 Your first problem is assuming that those schools exist to improve the lives of children or communities. They don't. Those schools - and tens of thousands around the country - are there to help the school system.

    IIRC Charlotte (Mecklenburg County) has a two billion dollar annual school budget.
    So the Hostage Model of Business.

    Posted by: Puddin Head at July 26, 2019 08:07 AM (2LelM)

    92 Public education has from its inception had an element of indoctrination. The problem is that it has switched from Americanism (ugly, clunky term) to Marxism.

    Posted by: Vlad the implaer, whittling away like mad at July 26, 2019 08:08 AM (dmoiP)


    JJ is in his Fortress of Solitude, deep under the Arctic ice pack, eating polar bear livers...

    Posted by: My Pimp Shot My Dealer at July 26, 2019 08:09 AM (qul7b)

    94 ... btw, idk that gabbard actually is a hari krishna. i just read it.

    Posted by: musical jolly chimp at July 26, 2019 08:10 AM (Pg+x7)

    95 Well, bad news.

    I was all set to run for office in 2020 in VA, but my sister didn't want to marry me.

    Posted by: WitchDoktor, as if you give a damn at July 26, 2019 08:10 AM (w5fJk)

    96 Morning all

    Same shit, Different day

    Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 26, 2019 08:10 AM (p0A33)

    97 It's 97 degrees in Amsterdam today and they're acting like the world is ending.

    Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 26, 2019 08:10 AM (ApSlL)

    98 >>Might I add, I never quite get why inner city schools are perpetually in such a horrible state.


    When I lived in the DC area there were several DC public school-related scams uncovered. The more money flowing into the schools, the easier it is to move it to your palm without detection.

    My favorite was the DC chapter (or whatever) of the Teachers union. The long-time president and vice president were embezzling for years like champs. The president was a VIP in DC city power circles - she knew everyone, was known for her 20+ fur coats, her collection of wigs (not cheap), and her St. John suits [those suits start at $1000]. And yet --- no one stopped to wonder how it is that the head of a regional teachers union could afford all this while the DC public schools were in disrepair, the teachers complained of low pay, and so on. This gal and her cohorts didn't just not care about education, she didn't care about teachers. It was just one big scam.

    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 08:11 AM (bDqIh)

    99 Once the leftists took over education it was all over but the cryin'. It is specifically designed to produce an ill-informed or uninformed, compliant (practical) idiot. There isn't any debate about that.
    Posted by: Common Tater at July 26, 2019 08:03 AM (E5DvK)

    When Bill Ayers became an authority on education my first thought was "where are the fucking adults?" And yes, I was looking right at the GOP. Not that they were responsible for it but they typically didn't do a GD thing to oppose it.

    Posted by: Captain Hate at July 26, 2019 08:11 AM (y7DUB)

    100 JJ is in his Fortress of Solitude, deep under the Arctic ice pack, eating polar bear livers...
    Posted by: My Pimp Shot My Dealer at July 26, 2019 08:09 AM (qul7b)

    With some fava beans?

    Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 26, 2019 08:11 AM (p0A33)

    101 One room schoolhouses in 1850 with nothing but slate chalkboards had better edumacations.

    That tells me that the curriculum is what needs revision, along with the books they use. Who's looking at those things? IIRC, Florida has passed a law that says independent groups can recommend schoolbooks. Or something similar. A couple of other states have that too.

    Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Living the Backwards Law at July 26, 2019 08:11 AM (HaL55)

    102 "I was all set to run for office in 2020 in VA, but my sister didn't want to marry me."

    Do you have a brother?

    Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 08:11 AM (cqNba)

    103 >>Slides Lizzy a cup of Karuba Dark Roast

    You are my new best friend

    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 08:12 AM (bDqIh)

    104 And in NC the teachers get $5000-8000 additional local pay, a separate retirement system, etc.

    My favorite was in the Bush years crash when we were in a depression, though. State government was reducing staff, suspending hiring, etc. and the teachers were still getting annual raises.

    But there's no union something something.

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - don't call me whitey, commie at July 26, 2019 08:12 AM (RMwSd)

    105 I gather that's likely a huge factor. And it's also a verboten topic one must never speak of. So it will never get corrected.
    Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at July 26, 2019 08:07 AM (JoUsr)


    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 26, 2019 08:12 AM (aA3+G)

    You are my new best friend
    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 08:12 AM (bDqIh)

    Here, have another

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 26, 2019 08:13 AM (aA3+G)

    107 CNN Editor Resigns After History of Antisemitism Resurfaces

    Par for the course

    Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 26, 2019 08:13 AM (p0A33)

    The EviroSoytards on the sidebar remind me a lot of what Progtards were pushing as their entry to turning the country soicialist-

    ie. The Third Way

    "The Third Way" existed in a magical sweet spot right between capitalism and socialism and was very reasonable and quite the common sense thing to do.

    It would disentangle crazy olde-styler political name-calling like "socialist" - I mean, what does that mean anyway. And all of us, yes! all of us would get meaningful stuff done in the Third Way way.

    And this enchanted Third Way, though not being socialist, Pfft! socialist, what a silly olde name calling name, somehow-

    always wound up involving less freedom for the individual and more power and money for the government, and somewhat looking just like socialism.

    But, luckily it wasn't[t socialism-

    It was The Third Way!!!!111!!!!


    Explain to me why its a good idea to destroy our economy in the name of Fake Science with UnData?

    Posted by: naturalfake at July 26, 2019 08:14 AM (mIQCW)

    109 88 Something about having them n***ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years IIRC.

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - don't call me whitey, commie at July 26, 2019 08:07 AM (RMwSd)

    Didn't LBJ say that was the purpose of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act and they would vote Democrat forever? The indications are now they are finally leaving the Democrat plantation its a trickle now but increasing. This is why the Democrats all want open borders.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 08:14 AM (mpXpK)

    110 Public education has the same problem seen in large hospitals. Top heavy, with executive positions (sometimes blatant no show jobs) paying exorbitant salaries. Not too long ago, in Erie County PA, a superintendent of schools was knocking down in excess of $400K a year, with perks. His wife was also employed by the same system, and not far behind hubby in compensation.

    Posted by: bill in arkansas at July 26, 2019 08:15 AM (C1Lsn)

    111 gather that's likely a huge factor. And it's also a verboten topic one must never speak of. So it will never get corrected.
    Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at July 26, 2019 08:07 AM (JoUsr)

    Pace Lord Acton but it's immunity, not power, that corrupts.


    Posted by: Vlad the implaer, whittling away like mad at July 26, 2019 08:15 AM (dmoiP)

    112 I want the U.N. to pull out of me.

    Posted by: klaftern at July 26, 2019 08:15 AM (RuIsu)

    ...were pushing in the 90's...

    That should be.

    Posted by: naturalfake at July 26, 2019 08:15 AM (mIQCW)

    114 I know a nurse who has stated that vaping causes "popcorn lung" for years now. I believe that the vape companies have changed their formulations to minimize this.

    This doesn't change the fact that when you vape, you deeply inhale "stuff." It's NOT just water and nicotine, but all of the other "flavorings" and such. And even if it was just water, that's a lot of water that your inhaling deep into your alveoli, no?

    Hey, it's a free country (or so they tell me). Do what you want to do. OTOH, common sense should tell you "I'm inhaling something that isn't naturally occurring, and I'm inhaling it very deeply... again, and again, and again."

    What could go wrong?

    Posted by: RobM1981 at July 26, 2019 08:16 AM (IsrtD)

    115 I see a lot of disinformation about Nidal Hassan, the Ft. Hood shooter. It's been a while, and people have forgotten - Hassan WAS Court Martialed, and in 2013 he was sentenced to death by a military court. The sentence was upheld on appeal.

    Hassan was sent to Ft. Leavenworth, to await execution, in 2014, and this is where things get hazy. The Obama administration had no interest at all in doing any executions, so they just let him sit. The Military brass preferred to pretend that none of this ever happened and forgot about him. There are currently 4 convicted criminals on Death Row at Ft. Leavenworth, but the Military has not carried out an execution since 1961, and does not appear to be interested in doing so.

    and yes, to reiterate, Hassan is subject to the Military Justice System, and not subject to the rules of the DOJ under Barr.

    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 08:19 AM (V2Yro)

    116 I have wanted a Sig P226 for over 25 years. I let this slip to sra blaster.

    I got her a Sig P365 for her birthday, so for anniversary she wants to get me the 226.

    BUT. August is big vacation month and cash flow is tight.

    But just because, I look on armslist and damned if someone doesn't have a P226 listed for $675.

    AND it has a genuine Galco Miami vice shoulder holster (which I also covet) included.


    Posted by: blaster at July 26, 2019 08:21 AM (ZfRYq)

    117 One room schoolhouses in 1850 with nothing but slate chalkboards had better edumacations.

    That tells me that the curriculum is what needs revision, along with the books they use. Who's looking at those things? IIRC, Florida has passed a law that says independent groups can recommend schoolbooks. Or something similar. A couple of other states have that too.
    Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Living the Backwards Law at July 26, 2019 08:11 AM (HaL55)


    It's not just books and curriculum. It seems like every other year, schools come up with some new teaching method. Rote learning in math (times tables) is right out. I've been trying to undo how they taught my son multiplication and division.

    Posted by: No One of Consequence at July 26, 2019 08:21 AM (Zbbka)

    118 Hassan should be wrapped in pigskin (not recommending bacon, as to prevent bacon abuse) then shot and buried. On PPV.

    Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Living the Backwards Law at July 26, 2019 08:21 AM (HaL55)

    119 CNN Editor Resigns After History of Antisemitism Resurfaces

    Par for the course
    Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 26, 2019 08:13 AM (p0A33)

    You know, when I see the word "editor" my first thought is a gruff cigar chomping fella with a drinking problem and three ex-wives.

    But then I remember it's 2019, and realize it's just as likely if not more, it's an of color chick who wears headgear to work every day.

    Posted by: BurtTC at July 26, 2019 08:22 AM (cY3LT)

    120 and people have forgottenPosted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 08:19 AM (V2Yro)

    I haven't. I followed this case closely. Political correctness killed those service men and women. There were multiple warning signs about Hassan -- nobody said anything for FEAR of reprisal. Did we learn anything from it?

    Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 08:22 AM (H8QX8)

    121 "and yes, to reiterate, Hassan is subject to the Military Justice System, and not subject to the rules of the DOJ under Barr."

    Is he subject to the Law of Gravity?

    Asking for a friend with a helicopter.

    Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 08:22 AM (cqNba)

    122 Twitter's new clunky design was done by young women SJW's. Jack Dorsey was taking a silent retreat in Myanmar. Is he a Buddhist? Hopefully his time on retreat allowed to see that he shouldn't be shutting down conservative voices, but I'm not very optimistic about this:

    Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 26, 2019 08:22 AM (+0VWg)

    123 But then I remember it's 2019, and realize it's just as likely if not more, it's an of color chick who wears headgear to work every day.
    Posted by: BurtTC at July 26, 2019 08:22 AM (cY3LT)

    That is, a semi-literate, civically ignorant...

    Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 08:23 AM (H8QX8)

    124 86 i just read that tulsi gabbard is a hari krishna.

    Posted by: musical jolly chimp at July 26, 2019 08:06 AM (Pg+x7)

    I've read that she's Hindu, but I don't think anyone has seen her wearing robes and dancing in an airport lobby. Not that it wouldn't be interesting.

    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 08:24 AM (V2Yro)

    125 I see a lot of disinformation about Nidal Hassan, the Ft. Hood shooter. It's been a while, and people have forgotten - Hassan WAS Court Martialed, and in 2013 he was sentenced to death by a military court. The sentence was upheld on appeal.

    Hassan was sent to Ft. Leavenworth, to await execution, in 2014, and this is where things get hazy. The Obama administration had no interest at all in doing any executions, so they just let him sit. The Military brass preferred to pretend that none of this ever happened and forgot about him. There are currently 4 convicted criminals on Death Row at Ft. Leavenworth, but the Military has not carried out an execution since 1961, and does not appear to be interested in doing so.

    and yes, to reiterate, Hassan is subject to the Military Justice System, and not subject to the rules of the DOJ under Barr.
    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 08:19 AM (V2Yro)

    Somehow it seems rather appropriate that our military, after 8 years of Bobama, are squeamish about executing anybody.

    The modern military... killing people... that's not who we are.

    Posted by: BurtTC at July 26, 2019 08:24 AM (cY3LT)

    126 Gabbard is Buddhist I believe.

    Posted by: blaster at July 26, 2019 08:24 AM (ZfRYq)

    127 Hassan was sent to Ft. Leavenworth, to await execution, in 2014, and this is where things get hazy. The Obama administration had no interest at all in doing any executions, so they just let him sit.

    More likely is that that approved of his actions.

    Posted by: Vlad the implaer, whittling away like mad at July 26, 2019 08:24 AM (dmoiP)

    128 I've been trying to undo how they taught my son multiplication and division.


    A friend of mine told me he discovered that his kid did math worse at the end of the year than when it started. Stuff the kid knew was teachered right out of the little ones head.

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - don't call me whitey, commie at July 26, 2019 08:25 AM (RMwSd)

    129 The third world (many living here) has no health care ... it causes them stress, so we must pay.

    They never care about the stress on working America caused by the free stuff DC gives away, and the stress from the crime introduced into their communities, the stress on white America every time Dems say all whites voting Trump are white supremacists ... and so on.

    Identity politics IS racism and bigotry. The left denounces merit based ... anything. Their merit is based on joining their Commie Cult.

    good morning glories ...

    Posted by: illiniwek at July 26, 2019 08:26 AM (Cus5s)

    130 99 Once the leftists took over education it was all over but the cryin'. It is specifically designed to produce an ill-informed or uninformed, compliant (practical) idiot. There isn't any debate about that.
    Posted by: Common Tater at July 26, 2019 08:03 AM (E5DvK)

    Greg Lukianoff goes one step further. He says purpose is to produce dysfunctional people.

    Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 08:27 AM (H8QX8)

    131 '"public education" in inner city areas like Baltimore is little more than providing a warehouse for yard apes while their criminal parents sleep off their latest load of heroin.

    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 08:27 AM (V2Yro)

    132 Trump fires up the Federal death penalty machine and announces 5 child killers are first in line. First one is white.

    All Dem candidates have to oppose carrying out the legal sentences on these child killers.

    But Trump is stupid and doesn't know how politics works.

    Posted by: blaster at July 26, 2019 08:27 AM (ZfRYq)

    133 Hassan was sent to Ft. Leavenworth, to await execution, in 2014, and this is where things get hazy. The Obama administration had no interest at all in doing any executions, so they just let him sit.

    More likely is that that approved of his actions.
    Posted by: Vlad the implaer, whittling away like mad at July 26, 2019 08:24 AM (dmoiP)

    Of course he did so it was up to the brass to do the right thing. And they fucked up.

    Posted by: Captain Hate at July 26, 2019 08:28 AM (y7DUB)

    134 British women lose out on 3 hours of sleep a night due to men, according to some fake news article?

    They probably are too worried about getting raped or stabbed by a swarthy "gentleman" on the street during the day.

    Posted by: Roy at July 26, 2019 08:28 AM (cD09y)

    135 Thanks for that clarification, Tom

    One thing about the miltary, they tend to move slow. Not always though, when they want to get something done, it can move with surprising rapidity. Say, for just an example, a soldier or marine has an immediate family member who isn't expected to live very much longer. They can have him on a plane from anywhere in the world and get him home within hours.

    My point is, the military screwed up badly. Hasan should have been quickly executed. There is a principle in law, something to do with the certainty of punishment, but also the celerity, or speed of punishment. He should have been made an example of.

    Instead apparently a bunch of pussies are in charge. This is profoundly demoralizing to military personnel, considered a feature, not a bug, by the usual suspects.

    Posted by: Common Tater at July 26, 2019 08:29 AM (E5DvK)

    136 Good Morning Glories!

    And A Very Merry Friday to you!

    Posted by: ALH at July 26, 2019 08:29 AM (uLuPn)


    It's not just books and curriculum. It seems like every other year, schools come up with some new teaching method. Rote learning in math (times tables) is right out. I've been trying to undo how they taught my son multiplication and division
    If you could snap your fingers ala Thanos and evaporate either all university schools of Education -or- schools of Journalism which would be the better choice?

    No, the healing power of 'and' is not available.

    Posted by: Vlad the implaer, whittling away like mad at July 26, 2019 08:29 AM (dmoiP)

    138 Morning all...

    2Q GDP

    2.1%(act) vs 1.8%(est)

    Posted by: Tami at July 26, 2019 08:30 AM (cF8AT)

    139 I hear Jonah Goldberg has finally changed his mind and admitted he was wrong:

    A hot dog is not a sandwich

    Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at July 26, 2019 08:30 AM (k81AA)

    140 hiya

    Posted by: JT at July 26, 2019 08:30 AM (arJlL)

    141 Twitter's new clunky design was done by young women SJW's.

    The fact that this has to be a story, along with 'Womyn of Colyr,' means it is a clusterfuck.

    If (straight)(white)men designed it, no one would care. No headlines, no reporting.

    The fact that it is a story rather than the outcome of the work means that the emphasis is in the wrong place.

    Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 26, 2019 08:30 AM (oVJmc)

    142 Something about having them n***ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years IIRC.


    Didn't LBJ say that was the purpose of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act and they would vote Democrat forever?..

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 08:14 AM (mpXpK)



    You know. Back when the parties switched.

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - 2nd Chronicles 14:7 at July 26, 2019 08:30 AM (SL85Q)

    143 Woodstock 50 at Merryweather?
    Been there multiple times.
    This could turn into a real shit-show.

    I went to my first event there last week. Going again this weekend. It's a nice place, but there is no way it can accommodate 32,000 people at once. Maybe they mean over the 3 days of the festival. I sure as hell won't be going.

    Posted by: no good deed at July 26, 2019 08:31 AM (MmFTx)

    144 I've been trying to undo how they taught my son multiplication and division.

    Rote learning is fine, anything that a kid remembers is a good way to teach. Once the basics are understood, then you can move onto other methods of teaching. But the progression needs to be built upon the basics so as to not forget them. Several Morons have brought up what their kids are getting taught mathwise and what they've described doesn't have much rhyme or reason to it, and just confuses them needlessly.

    IMO, that's done on purpose to give kids the sense that they can't solve anything on their own so they must always refer to the teacher (or anyone else in a position of power) for a solution. And it's not just math where that's done, from what I've read.

    Dumb down a populace, and they'll believe anything that's told them like compliant little drones.

    Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Living the Backwards Law at July 26, 2019 08:31 AM (HaL55)

    145 " Gloom, despair, and agony on me,
    Deep dark depression.... excessive misery....."

    Hi there Horde.... Happy Friday.....

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 08:31 AM (90T4r)

    146 I wanted them to invite Carlos Santana back for Woodstock 50, so he could redo his set from the first time.

    Posted by: Roy at July 26, 2019 08:32 AM (cD09y)

    147 131 '"public education" in inner city areas like Baltimore is little more than providing a warehouse for yard apes while their criminal parents sleep off their latest load of heroin.
    Posted by: Tom Servo


    Posted by: My Pimp Shot My Dealer at July 26, 2019 08:32 AM (qul7b)

    148 Posted by: blaster at July 26, 2019 08:21 AM (ZfRYq)

    Go for it!!!

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 26, 2019 08:32 AM (aA3+G)

    149 nurse who has stated that vaping causes "popcorn lung" for years now


    No stats on this.

    Posted by: Total Control Racist at July 26, 2019 08:32 AM (R0PG1)

    150 I looked up the story of the CNN Editor, it's funny how the last guy CNN ever expects to be involved in promoting terrorism is the guy named "Mohammed".

    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 08:33 AM (V2Yro)

    151 Popcorn Lung..... sounds yummy....

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 08:33 AM (90T4r)

    152 139 I hear Jonah Goldberg has finally changed his mind and admitted he was wrong:

    A hot dog is not a sandwich
    Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at July 26, 2019 08:30 AM (k81AA


    His reputation will take a hit for this.

    Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 26, 2019 08:34 AM (ApSlL)

    153 150 I looked up the story of the CNN Editor, it's funny how the last guy CNN ever expects to be involved in promoting terrorism is the guy named "Mohammed".
    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 08:33 AM (V2Yro)

    No shit!!

    Posted by: Jethro Yoder at July 26, 2019 08:34 AM (aA3+G)

    154 Why is JJ the only one who gets to put his entire post on the front page? Ace often has "Continue reading" breaks, but never JJ. Is JJ really Ace and Ace is JJ or something?

    Posted by: Gref at July 26, 2019 08:34 AM (AMIL/)

    155 When Trump wins next fall, there are going to be a surge in cases of "popcorn lung", due to eating too quickly and choking on a kernel while watching the MSM report on it.

    Posted by: Roy at July 26, 2019 08:34 AM (cD09y)

    156 I hear Jonah Goldberg has finally changed his mind and admitted he was wrong:

    A hot dog is not a sandwich

    Probably sold out to Big Weiner.




    Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 26, 2019 08:35 AM (oVJmc)

    157 Until the Normies revolt, and in a big way, nothing is going to change.

    And this possibility, however remote, has been anticipated for a long time.

    Posted by: Common Tater at July 26, 2019 08:35 AM (E5DvK)

    158 Sometimes a Hot Dog is just a Hot Dog....

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 08:35 AM (90T4r)

    159 Probably sold out to Big Weiner.



    Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 26, 2019 08:35 AM (oVJmc)

    You meant "put out for"

    Posted by: Roy at July 26, 2019 08:36 AM (cD09y)

    160 One room schoolhouses in 1850 with nothing but slate chalkboards had better edumacations.

    The entire state of Maryland starts school after Labor Day because Baltimore schools don't have air conditioning. When I moved here, I thought they meant the schools just couldn't afford to fix aging equipment. Well, I was disabused of this the other day. I saw a report from one of the area schools that is just now getting AC. One of the teachers, who has been at the school since 1994, said they have never had an AC unit. I was dumbfounded.

    Posted by: no good deed at July 26, 2019 08:36 AM (MmFTx)

    161 Before the upcoming Civil War.... we all need to consider Why the South lost so badly... and make our adjustments accordingly.....

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 08:37 AM (90T4r)

    162 2Q GDP

    2.1%(act) vs 1.8%(est)
    Posted by: Tami at July 26, 2019 08:30 AM (cF8AT)

    Amazing how under eight years of Gaylord the estimates were always higher than the actual and now this. Why it's as if the estimators were striving for something other than accuracy.

    Posted by: Captain Hate at July 26, 2019 08:37 AM (y7DUB)

    163 Round glasses, evil Spock goat-tee? Don't trust.

    Posted by: klaftern at July 26, 2019 08:38 AM (RuIsu)

    164 One of the teachers, who has been at the school since 1994, said they have never had an AC unit. I was dumbfounded.
    Posted by: no good deed at July 26, 2019 08:36 AM (MmFTx)

    But, the offices of the teachers' union are used to hang beef.

    Posted by: Roy at July 26, 2019 08:38 AM (cD09y)

    165 " Gloom, despair, and agony on me,
    Deep dark depression.... excessive misery....."

    What's the matter, kraken?

    Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 26, 2019 08:38 AM (+0VWg)

    166 JJ is in his Fortress of Solitude, deep under the Arctic ice pack, eating polar bear livers...
    Posted by: My Pimp Shot My Dealer

    And now the polar bears have to quit drinking.

    Posted by: JT at July 26, 2019 08:38 AM (arJlL)

    The entire state of Maryland starts school after Labor Day because Baltimore schools don't have air conditioning. When I moved here, I thought they meant the schools just couldn't afford to fix aging equipment. Well, I was disabused of this the other day. I saw a report from one of the area schools that is just now getting AC. One of the teachers, who has been at the school since 1994, said they have never had an AC unit. I was dumbfounded.

    None of my schools (or busses) had air conditioning as a kid. That usually meant the beginning of the year was a miserable sweatbox. Eh, you adapt.

    Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 26, 2019 08:39 AM (oVJmc)

    168 2Q GDP

    2.1%(act) vs 1.8%(est)
    Posted by: Tami at July 26, 2019 08:30 AM (cF8AT)

    Amazing how under eight years of Gaylord the estimates were always higher than the actual and now this. Why it's as if the estimators were striving for something other than accuracy.
    Posted by: Captain Hate at July 26, 2019 08:37 AM (y7DUB)


    All the groundwork Obama laid is finally coming to fruition! We should be thanking him!


    Posted by: No One of Consequence at July 26, 2019 08:39 AM (Zbbka)

    169 Hassan needs burned alive wrapped in a pig skin and buried in a pile of pig shit.

    Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at July 26, 2019 08:40 AM (MZtVh)

    170 We need to pull out of the UN

    Pulling out is rarely a good idea.

    Posted by: Mayor Buttplug at July 26, 2019 08:40 AM (vg8iE)

    171 Why is JJ the only one who gets to put his entire post on the front page"

    He's a New Yorker. You gonna tell him no?

    Morning, y'all! Another cool and nice AM in SE Texas, so coffeve for all!
    And again, no reference to the MuleDeer congress fiasco on the local newz.

    It's a mystery.

    Posted by: Anon a mouse at July 26, 2019 08:40 AM (6qErC)

    172 If you could snap your fingers ala Thanos and evaporate either all university schools of Education -or- schools of Journalism which would be the better choice?

    No, the healing power of 'and' is not available.
    Posted by: Vlad the implaer, whittling away like mad at July 26, 2019 08:29 AM (dmoiP)

    Education, absolutely. The schools of "Journalism" are almost comical now - they are simply engines of grift to suck money out of gullible trust fund babies, because in fact there are no open jobs in "journalim" anywhere any more. (and another hundred former "jounalists" landing on the employment line every week)

    A degree in "jounalism" today is about as marketable as a degree in phrenology.

    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 08:40 AM (V2Yro)

    173 Barack was so magnanimous he didn't want credit for the red hot economy, so he held growth to <1% for much of his exalted reign, just because he's that humble a guy.

    Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 26, 2019 08:41 AM (oVJmc)

    174 165 " Gloom, despair, and agony on me,
    Deep dark depression.... excessive misery....."

    What's the matter, kraken?
    Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 26, 2019 08:38 AM (+0VWg)

    Aw nothin' dear.... was just tweakin' my fellow Hordesters a little.... looking forward to a good weekend actually.... How are YOU doing, ma'am??? Chatty birds around here said you were under the weather??

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 08:41 AM (90T4r)

    175 I never went to an air conditioned school, never, and I went to school in Virginia and North Carolina.

    Why is this a necessity now?

    Posted by: dagny at July 26, 2019 08:41 AM (+dghT)

    176 Death and taxes are the two certainties of life. What happens after death is kind of wacky at times.

    I'll look again, but I didn't see a link for "what happens after death."

    The Creators have blessed us with another day. Humbling that they'll trust the likes of us tiny mortals with even the tiniest corner of creation. We're not worthy! We're not worthy!

    (Goes looking for coffee, trips over cat demanding food.)

    Posted by: mindful webworker - click for vids blog at July 26, 2019 08:41 AM (FYqfs)

    177 The dims put their faith in an old fart with the Ruskie hoax'

    Now they're gonna give the nomination to another


    Posted by: REDACTED at July 26, 2019 08:42 AM (DPjeO)

    Until the Normies revolt, and in a big way, nothing is going to change.

    And this possibility, however remote, has been anticipated for a long time.

    Ours is a quiet revolt. Remember how many Dims got swept out of office nationwide thanks to TFG? There's still a lot left to be done, but having PDT in the White House is a logical extension of the Tea Party. PDT noted once that the TP was comprised of a bunch of ordinary Americans who wanted a return to common sense, Constitutional government (or something along those lines) but got screwed by both national parties.

    I'd like to see a conservative takeover of the Republican Party similar to how the Progs have taken over the Democrat Party. A big push for obeying the Constitution should be the foundation and any Pubbie who thinks differently needs to be ousted from office toot sweet. Again, PDT has shown us who needs to go, we just have to find somebody to replace them.

    Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Living the Backwards Law at July 26, 2019 08:42 AM (HaL55)

    179 None of my schools (or busses) had air conditioning as a kid. That usually meant the beginning of the year was a miserable sweatbox. Eh, you adapt.

    I grew up on the TX Gulf Coast. I played sports in a gym with no AC. We just had big fans to circulate air. Of course, the buses didn't have AC. They still don't, but the school was air conditioned. They put in central air back in the 70s.

    Posted by: no good deed at July 26, 2019 08:42 AM (MmFTx)

    180 We have cut the cord and dropped Direct TV. Those bandits charge too much to watch reruns of That 70's Show and Family Feud.

    This represents a monthly savings of $95, which translates to 2 weeks grocery money.

    Or some new shoes.

    Posted by: ALH at July 26, 2019 08:42 AM (uLuPn)

    181 In a sane culture teaching, being important, should be very conservative in its methods. Every year a new cohort of millions of 'test subjects' is available and measured to see what works and what doesn't.

    Of course in said society there would be less scope for assw*pe EdD's to peddle their shiny new methods, write textbooks, and haul down multiple fat consulting/implementation contracts.
    And, no doubt, kickbacks for curriculum committees.

    Posted by: Vlad the implaer, whittling away like mad at July 26, 2019 08:42 AM (dmoiP)

    182 Spacex's Starhopper made it's first test flight (60 feet) last night.

    Thing actually flew.

    Posted by: WisRich at July 26, 2019 08:42 AM (G0vdT)

    Before the upcoming Civil War.... we all need to consider Why the South lost so badly... and make our adjustments accordingly.....

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 08:37 AM

    studying the unpleasantness in the Balkans would be a better use of our time

    Posted by: AltonJackson at July 26, 2019 08:43 AM (ceIDk)

    184 There is no "legal" remedy. Long ago we were subject to the ever wonderful "heads we win, tails you lose" magic 8 ball style of judicial interpretation.

    Take, for just one example out of thousands, the idea that illegal aliens are entitled to your tax dollars in public schools.

    That is a dumpster fire of interpretation. Republicans useless. "We tried, we shall never speak of it again."

    Now today, it is just a given, that anyone and everyone who can drag themselves across our borders is entitled to the full range of "benefits".

    Because someone, anyone, "needs" something - they have an automatic claim on your resources. Doesn't matter why, doesn't matter how, doesn't matter who.

    Remember that welfare baby mommy with eight ( kids demanding to know who was going to support "my keeds"? Belligerently Ignorant. It's not her fault she can't afford to support herself, much less her brood. So pay up.

    Posted by: Common Tater at July 26, 2019 08:43 AM (E5DvK)

    185 The US can't "pull out" of the UN without losing the seat on the security council, and a vote. An important vote. In that sense the UN is like a Roach Motel. Not sure what the answer is, but it isn't as simple as it sounds.
    Posted by: Common Tater

    Yep. And without us there with our veto power, WHO KNOWS what kinda bizarro shit they might try to pull ?

    Posted by: JT at July 26, 2019 08:44 AM (arJlL)

    186 182 Spacex's Starhopper made it's first test flight (60 feet) last night.

    Thing actually flew.
    Posted by: WisRich at July 26, 2019 08:42 AM (G0vdT)

    This makes me look it up... never heard of this before...

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 08:44 AM (90T4r)

    187 Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 08:41 AM (90T4r)

    I am glad that you are looking forward to a good weekend.

    I am affected by chronic Lyme, so I never know how I'm going to feel from day to day, so I just soldier on as best I can. Thanks for asking.

    Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 26, 2019 08:44 AM (+0VWg)

    188 161 Before the upcoming Civil War.... we all need to consider Why the South lost so badly... and make our adjustments accordingly.....
    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 08:37 AM (90T4r)

    it was actually a close run thing for a while. But the South never quite realized that they had the same problem that Japan had in 1941 - they needed to win in the first 6 months, or they had no chance to win at all.

    of course, even with that, if Lee would have taken Longstreet's advice and bypassed Mead's army on July 2, 1863, and headed straight for Washington...

    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 08:45 AM (V2Yro)

    189 183
    Before the upcoming Civil War.... we all need to consider Why the South lost so badly... and make our adjustments accordingly.....

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 08:37 AM

    studying the unpleasantness in the Balkans would be a better use of our time
    Posted by: AltonJackson at July 26, 2019 08:43 AM (ceIDk)

    Protip.... Beware the Albanians.....

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 08:45 AM (90T4r)

    190 We have cut the cord and dropped Direct TV. Those bandits charge too much to watch reruns of That 70's Show and Family Feud.

    Both of which are available on free broadcast TV stations.

    I've got to think that digital subchannels have taken a huge bite out of cable's offerings and customer base.

    Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 26, 2019 08:45 AM (oVJmc)

    191 Yep. And without us there with our veto power, WHO KNOWS what kinda bizarro shit they might try to pull ?
    Posted by: JT at July 26, 2019 08:44 AM (arJlL)

    Also without our money. And who is going to enforce anything?

    Posted by: Roy at July 26, 2019 08:45 AM (cD09y)

    192 "Look, I think they made a Faustian bargain," the former vice president said. "And I think the bargain is, as long as you say you're going to take on the LGBTQ community, as long as you say you're going to end abortion in any circumstances, as long as you say those things, we will overlook your personal conduct, we will overlook the things you say." . . .

    The former vice president, who last year claimed that those supporting traditional marriage because of their religion were the "dregs of society" told the Star the only question remained if Christians would "choose hope over fear" and vote for him.

    "Even the supporters know who he is as a person. The question that is left for me is to let them know who I am. Let them know who we are," he said. "That we really do choose hope over fear. That we really choose truth over lies. That we really do choose unity over division and science over fiction."

    Oh, we know exactly who you and your fellow Democrats are, Joe.

    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 08:45 AM (bDqIh)

    None of my schools (or busses) had air
    conditioning as a kid. That usually meant the beginning of the year was
    a miserable sweatbox. Eh, you adapt.

    Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 26, 2019 08:39 AM (oVJmc)

    None of the schools I attended from grammar school in the 50s until HS in the 60s had A/C. You always sweated in in Sep and late spring. We didn't have A/C at home either. Our car did not have A/C either.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 08:45 AM (mpXpK)

    194 Commentator on Morn Joho

    "we need to go out and ATTACK every republican !!!"

    Pleeeeze bitch

    Posted by: Steve Scalise at July 26, 2019 08:45 AM (DPjeO)

    195 welp My Friday is off with a Bang, Burned my Toast this morning, doing other stuff & didn't realize it had pooped up & pushed it back down & ended up with a Kitchen full of smoke. YAAAY ME!!! I need a BEER or 10

    Posted by: Deep State is in DEEP SHIT at July 26, 2019 08:46 AM (BqBId)

    196 A degree in "jounalism" today is about as marketable as a degree in phrenology.

    That warms the void in my chest where normal people keep a heart.

    Posted by: Vlad the implaer, whittling away like mad at July 26, 2019 08:46 AM (dmoiP)

    197 187 Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 08:41 AM (90T4r)

    I am glad that you are looking forward to a good weekend.

    I am affected by chronic Lyme, so I never know how I'm going to feel from day to day, so I just soldier on as best I can. Thanks for asking.
    Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 26, 2019 08:44 AM (+0VWg)

    Aw, so sorry for that.... nasty affliction.... have an uncle with that..... double plus ungood....

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 08:46 AM (90T4r)

    198 Protip.... Beware the Albanians....."

    Marco from Tropojo, especially...

    Posted by: Anon a mouse at July 26, 2019 08:47 AM (6qErC)

    199 Yesterday, AG Barr legalizes capital punishment at the federal level, and then Trump on the most watched news show, said that there were "high crimes and treason".

    Epstein is inducted for child sex trafficking. NXIVM indicted for sex trafficking.

    But "Nothing is Happening"

    Posted by: Deep State is in DEEP SHIT at July 26, 2019 08:47 AM (BqBId)

    200 186 182 Spacex's Starhopper made it's first test flight (60 feet) last night.

    Thing actually flew.
    Posted by: WisRich at July 26, 2019 08:42 AM (G0vdT)

    This makes me look it up... never heard of this before...
    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 08:44 AM (90T4r)

    Yeah, it's the new huge starship prototype. At this point, it's designed for only short "hop" tests so they call it the "starhopper". I believe they called their first Falcon test rocket the "grasshopper".

    Posted by: WisRich at July 26, 2019 08:47 AM (G0vdT)

    201 >>it was actually a close run thing for a while. But the South never quite realized that they had the same problem that Japan had in 1941 - they needed to win in the first 6 months, or they had no chance to win at all.

    Where does all the food come from in the US? Not Manhattan and downtown LA. And agricultural/rural CA is on which side? Hard to fight on an empty stomach.

    Posted by: Roy at July 26, 2019 08:47 AM (cD09y)

    202 107 CNN Editor Resigns After History of Antisemitism Resurfaces

    Par for the course
    I'm surprised a Goyim editor was hired at CNN.

    Posted by: Puddin Head at July 26, 2019 08:48 AM (2LelM)

    203 @ChadPergram

    Colleague Jason Donner rpts Ocasio-Cortez arrives at Spkr's Office for mtg w/Pelosi.

    Oh to be a fly on the wall in that office...

    Posted by: Tami at July 26, 2019 08:48 AM (cF8AT)

    204 Just went out and gave little kitty fresh water, she came up purring away and demanded to be petted.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 08:48 AM (mpXpK)

    205 A degree in "journalism" today is about as marketable as a degree in phrenology."
    Been that way, well, forever. "J Skrool" is, as previously mentioned, the home of trust funders and those on their way to dropping out of kolledge...

    Posted by: Anon a mouse at July 26, 2019 08:48 AM (6qErC)

    206 175 I never went to an air conditioned school, never, and I went to school in Virginia and North Carolina.

    Why is this a necessity now?
    Posted by: dagny at July 26, 2019 08:41 AM (+dghT)

    it was posted here a little while back that this all started with auto manufacturers putting in super cold AC units as standard equipment in every car starting in the 70's. (who remembers cars without AC anymore?) and it didn't take many years for people to start realizing "hey every time I drive around the block I get nice cold air conditioned air, why can't I have that in my house? in my office?" and people got to where they would accept nothing less.

    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 08:49 AM (V2Yro)

    207 201 >>it was actually a close run thing for a while. But the South never quite realized that they had the same problem that Japan had in 1941 - they needed to win in the first 6 months, or they had no chance to win at all.

    Where does all the food come from in the US? Not Manhattan and downtown LA. And agricultural/rural CA is on which side? Hard to fight on an empty stomach.
    Posted by: Roy at July 26, 2019 08:47 AM (cD09y)

    Yep... that's exactly it, Roy.....

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 08:49 AM (90T4r)

    208 Oh to be a fly on the wall in that office...
    Posted by: Tami at July 26, 2019 08:48 AM (cF8AT)

    Bitchy mean girl gets sent to the Principal's office.

    Posted by: Roy at July 26, 2019 08:49 AM (cD09y)

    209 A degree in "jounalism" today is about as marketable as a degree in phrenology.

    IIRC, Bugs Bunny has an instructional video on phrenology.

    Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Living the Backwards Law at July 26, 2019 08:50 AM (HaL55)

    210 Public education is largely a jobs program for otherwise unemployable adults

    Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at July 26, 2019 08:50 AM (k81AA)

    211 Colleague Jason Donner rpts Ocasio-Cortez arrives at Spkr's Office for mtg w/Pelosi.

    Sandy, this is the part where, if I had a dick, I'd tell you to suck it.

    Posted by: Nancy Pelosi at July 26, 2019 08:50 AM (vg8iE)

    212 Adegree in "jounalism" today is about as marketable as a degree in phrenology.


    When they get laid off they will just have to take their lumps.

    Posted by: Muldoon at July 26, 2019 08:51 AM (m45I2)

    213 Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Living the Backwards Law at July 26, 2019 08:42 AM (HaL55)

    The only thing I'd change from what you wrote is DJT was shoved down the GOP's throat by the base as payback for marginalizing the Tea Party after they put them in charge. This is why the cucks are so outraged that fire ants are infesting their playpen. They will continue to push back and it's up to us to stay vigilant.

    Posted by: Captain Hate at July 26, 2019 08:51 AM (y7DUB)

    214 I need a BEER or 10

    IOW a day ending in 'y'.

    Posted by: Vlad the implaer, whittling away like mad at July 26, 2019 08:51 AM (dmoiP)

    215 Good morning horde. I just made $250 this morning without breaking a sweat. Equifax had a data breach. You can easily check if this affected you by going to this page;

    I discovered that Rev and I were both impacted and we each have $125 coming our way. Check and see.

    Posted by: grammie winger at July 26, 2019 08:52 AM (lwiT4)

    The only thing I'd change from what you wrote is DJT was shoved down the GOP's throat by the base as payback for marginalizing the Tea Party after they put them in charge. This is why the cucks are so outraged that fire ants are infesting their playpen. They will continue to push back and it's up to us to stay vigilant.
    Posted by: Captain Hate at July 26, 2019 08:51 AM (y7DUB)

    Trump was the cherry bomb we stuck down the D.C. toilet.

    Posted by: Roy at July 26, 2019 08:52 AM (cD09y)

    217 Ok, now over a couple hunnerd, so...

    coupl'a weeks ago mentioned a little convertible caught my eye. Went to check it out, and meh... so, still looking about, and now there's a guy with a near perfect BMW Zed 3 - modest miles, seemingly great condition, reasonable asking price...


    Posted by: Anon a mouse at July 26, 2019 08:53 AM (6qErC)

    218 >>Colleague Jason Donner rpts Ocasio-Cortez arrives at Spkr's Office for mtg w/Pelosi.

    Can they both lose this intra-party war?

    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 08:53 AM (bDqIh)

    219 I'm surprised a Goyim editor was hired at CNN.

    Posted by: Puddin Head at July 26, 2019 08:48 AM (2LelM)


    Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 26, 2019 08:53 AM (wYseH)

    220 Colleague Jason Donner rpts Ocasio-Cortez arrives at Spkr's Office for mtg w/Pelosi.

    My tits are calm. I think.

    Posted by: Little Lupe at July 26, 2019 08:53 AM (EgshT)

    221 "hey every time I drive around the block I get nice cold air conditioned air, why can't I have that in my house? in my office?" and people got to where they would accept nothing less.
    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 08:49 AM (V2Yro)


    Don't get used to it. Air conditioning is in the crosshairs of the Left as one more thing the irresponsible Deplorables should not be permitted to enjoy. For the planet's sake.

    Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 26, 2019 08:54 AM (ApSlL)

    222 Why is this a necessity now?

    Because now schools have buildings full of 'administrators'.

    Posted by: t-bird at July 26, 2019 08:54 AM (CDGwz)

    223 NY Times Headline Today: "Mueller's Skepticism of Trump's Truthfulness Heightens Impeachment Debate"

    "New York Times": a once famous news organization found in the dictionary somewhere between "mendacity" and "obfuscation."

    Posted by: xnycpeasant at July 26, 2019 08:54 AM (koNhm)

    224 220 I'm surprised a Goyim editor was hired at CNN.

    Posted by: Puddin Head at July 26, 2019 08:48 AM (2LelM)

    Check out the management flow chart at CNN.

    Posted by: Puddin Head at July 26, 2019 08:54 AM (2LelM)

    225 Solmemes1 latest....

    It was a nice try....

    Posted by: Tami at July 26, 2019 08:55 AM (cF8AT)

    226 Good morning horde. I just made $250 this morning without breaking a sweat. Equifax had a data breach. You can easily check if this affected you by going to this page;


    My $125 is on its way!

    Posted by: bicentennialguy at July 26, 2019 08:55 AM (vg8iE)

    227 Colleague Jason Donner rpts Ocasio-Cortez arrives at Spkr's Office for mtg w/Pelosi.

    Shouldn't Pelosi be talking to the people who hired AOC?

    Posted by: t-bird at July 26, 2019 08:56 AM (CDGwz)

    228 When they get laid off they will just have to take their lumps."

    You're just probing for humor there.

    Posted by: Anon a mouse at July 26, 2019 08:56 AM (6qErC)

    229 NY Times Headline Today: "Mueller's Skepticism of Trump's Truthfulness Heightens Impeachment Debate"

    So says the sole and big "Republican" on the staff? Who by the way was eating pudding in the corner most of the time.

    Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 26, 2019 08:56 AM (p0A33)

    The Day #TheResistance's Dream Died - American Greatness

    Posted by: Deep State is in DEEP SHIT at July 26, 2019 08:56 AM (BqBId)

    IIRC, Bugs Bunny has an instructional video on phrenology.

    Pterry Pratchett posited retro-phrenology, where you detailed your desired personality adjustments and the doctor turned to his collection of little hammers.........

    Posted by: Vlad the implaer, whittling away like mad at July 26, 2019 08:56 AM (dmoiP)

    232 225
    Puddin Head: You obviously missed the latest Protocols newsletter. The CNN goy thing is one of our disinformation ops. Keep it on the down low.

    Posted by: xnycpeasant at July 26, 2019 08:57 AM (koNhm)

    233 I went to college on the banks of the steamy Mississippi, south a ways from St. Louis. There was one class building that had air conditioning, I think they kept it at 59 degrees. My dorm was not air conditioned. The steam would rise up every morning.

    Posted by: grammie winger at July 26, 2019 08:57 AM (lwiT4)

    234 Ol' Yeller remarked last night that the interruption of his appearance on Fox and Friends was strictly a technical glitch and had nothing to do with implicating Gaylord and the Farsi Ferret.

    Posted by: Captain Hate at July 26, 2019 08:58 AM (y7DUB)

    235 The only thing I'd change from what you wrote is DJT was shoved down the
    GOP's throat by the base as payback for marginalizing the Tea Party
    after they put them in charge. This is why the cucks are so outraged
    that fire ants are infesting their playpen. They will continue to push
    back and it's up to us to stay vigilant.

    I hadn't looked at PDT's election that way, but I tend to agree. What floors me is all the pundits whining about his "character" and the type of man he is when we've had nothing but silver-tongued liars in power for decades.
    I particularly love it when all the Progs start singing in unison that "PDT is a lying liar who lies" all while ignoring TFG's "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" bullshit. And that's just one example, there's a metric fuckton more of them.

    They truly expect us to not notice their not noticing that. That's how dumb they think we are.

    Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Living the Backwards Law at July 26, 2019 08:58 AM (HaL55)

    236 >>Why is this a necessity now?

    A guess?
    School year starting earlier (in CO it starts in mid-August) *or* later (in MA goes to end of June, or even July if snow days) because teachers unions negotiate a shorter workday and time off throughout the year for teacher training.

    Public school calendars are now filled with "teacher work days"* which extend the school year. In Arlington, VA the teachers actually had every Wednesday afternoon off as teacher work time. Yes, a half day every Wednesday Arlington parents had to juggle (I would get out of work at 11, then work Saturday morning to accommodate it).

    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 08:58 AM (bDqIh)

    237 231
    The Day #TheResistance's Dream Died - American Greatness
    Posted by: Deep State is in DEEP SHIT at July 26, 2019 08:56 AM (BqBId)

    AKA the day waraiotoko pointed and said "HAAAA ha!"

    Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2019 08:59 AM (AURKQ)

    238 A friend explained the sudden interest in environmentalism among "Republicans:" The Conservative Case For Whatever It Is CNN Is Talking About Right Now.

    If I may offer a simple, and easily as plausible, suggestion?

    Muller-Claus isn't coming this year. Quick! Change the subject!! Literally ANYTHING else will do but DO IT RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!! What? Environment? SURE, DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!

    Posted by: DocJ at July 26, 2019 09:00 AM (77WPm)

    239 Would a tactical baton be a good purchase before visiting Baltimore?

    Posted by: Huck Follywood, Mueller should be in a home at July 26, 2019 09:00 AM (NVYyb)

    240 First lesson: Move, GTFO. No, your city town village is not safe. If your neighborhood is even slightly mixed it is done.
    Posted by: Total Control Racist at July 26, 2019 08:52 AM (jLyL9)

    Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 26, 2019 09:01 AM (+0VWg)

    241 240 Would a tactical baton be a good purchase before visiting Baltimore?
    Posted by: Huck Follywood, Mueller should be in a home at July 26, 2019 09:00 AM (NVYyb)

    Sword cane.....

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 09:01 AM (90T4r)

    242 125$ here, too. Thanks for mentioning this, grammie! Sent the link to my hubby.

    Posted by: lizabth at July 26, 2019 09:01 AM (RFh5Y)

    243 I'm surprised a Goyim editor was hired at CNN.

    He was just a photo editor.

    Probably makes sure all the photos of Trump make him look like the Devil.

    Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 26, 2019 09:01 AM (oVJmc)

    244 Trump was the cherry bomb we stuck down the D.C. toilet.


    Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Living the Backwards Law at July 26, 2019 09:02 AM (HaL55)

    245 coupl'a weeks ago mentioned a little convertible caught my eye. Went to check it out, and meh... so, still looking about, and now there's a guy with a near perfect BMW Zed 3 - modest miles, seemingly great condition, reasonable asking price...


    Convertibles are great fun and you can find some great deals/values since they're a fairly niche market. Once you have one you'll either hate them or want one forever. It's a shame there's not a demand for four seat models, but again, niche.

    Anyway, I like and generally buy small and sporty (we've had lots of British and Miatas), but I've been really tempted by the old Lexus SC430 as a luxury tourer. A lack of a back seat and garage space is probably the only thing keeping me from buying one by now.

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - 2nd Chronicles 14:7 at July 26, 2019 09:02 AM (SL85Q)

    246 Hope the Equifax settlement website isn't hacked.... ( I keed, and run away).....

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 09:02 AM (90T4r)

    247 241-Sorry. Can you provide a list for us, Total Control Racist, where the neighborhood ISN"T mixed between conservatives and leftists because I'm not sure too many of those places exist except in very small town, perhaps.

    Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 26, 2019 09:02 AM (+0VWg)

    248 223
    Why is this a necessity now?

    Because now schools have buildings full of 'administrators'.

    Posted by: t-bird at July 26, 2019 08:54 AM (CDGwz)

    My grammar school had 1 principal who also taught second grade. My HS had 1 principal and 1 assistant who was a student. The same HS now has 2 principals 4 assistant principals and a room full of assistants.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 09:03 AM (mpXpK)

    249 Once you have one you'll either hate them or want one forever"

    Had 'em before, and miss having one. Might have to stumble over and check this one out...

    Posted by: Anon a mouse at July 26, 2019 09:04 AM (6qErC)

    250 125$ here, too. Thanks for mentioning this, grammie! Sent the link to my hubby.

    Posted by: lizabth at July 26, 2019 09:01 AM (RFh5Y)

    Oh good, lizabth! We can both go shoe shopping now!

    Posted by: grammie winger at July 26, 2019 09:04 AM (lwiT4)

    251 Check out the management flow chart at CNN.

    Posted by: Puddin Head at July 26, 2019 08:54 AM (2LelM)

    Check out reality. He was a photo editor...far from the masthead.

    Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 26, 2019 09:04 AM (wYseH)

    252 A good similarity is that Erik Swallwells poll numbers are the same as Blowtoskies GPA from Animal House..ZERO POINT ZERO

    Posted by: Mudd at July 26, 2019 09:05 AM (UQY42)

    253 My grammar school had 1 principal who also taught second grade. My HS had 1 principal and 1 assistant who was a student. The same HS now has 2 principals 4 assistant principals and a room full of assistants.


    The left fills the rank of bureaucrats, administrators, and HR.

    Its almost as if they like to be controlling without actually doing anything.

    Posted by: SH at July 26, 2019 09:05 AM (sX1BW)

    254 "Where does all the food come from in the US? Not Manhattan and downtown
    LA. And agricultural/rural CA is on which side? Hard to fight on an
    empty stomach."

    a lot of food still comes from rural Midwest, or rural other than CA. Much of that is the Deep Red Trump voter. BUT more and more is being bought by the paper profits of easy money, and rented to the farmers/growers, who depend more on cheap labor ...

    Even CA has some still with hands on involvement, but horticulture so far has used a lot of illegals or H1As. imo we must have a tax structure that encourages the smaller farmer/grower, and imposes higher tax on those living in gated communities that run to own a few thousand acres in their portfolio, and will demand servants run it.

    Posted by: illiniwek at July 26, 2019 09:05 AM (Cus5s)

    255 OK, grammie, I will have to check out that Equifax site!!

    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 09:06 AM (bDqIh)

    256 246 Convertibles are great fun and you can find some
    great deals/values since they're a fairly niche market. Once you have
    one you'll either hate them or want one forever. It's a shame there's
    not a demand for four seat models, but again, niche.

    Anyway, I like and generally buy small and sporty (we've had lots of
    British and Miatas), but I've been really tempted by the old Lexus
    SC430 as a luxury tourer. A lack of a back seat and garage space is
    probably the only thing keeping me from buying one by now.

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - 2nd Chronicles 14:7 at July 26, 2019 09:02 AM (SL85Q)

    I had a Mustang convertible that I bought when they first came out. My daughter decided that it was hers when she turned 16. I hated to get rid of it because I loved it in the spring and fall.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 09:06 AM (mpXpK)

    257 Like this one for instance. 95K and could probably get it for $10K in a private sale:

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - 2nd Chronicles 14:7 at July 26, 2019 09:06 AM (SL85Q)

    258 A good similarity is that Erik Swallwells poll numbers are the same as Blowtoskies GPA from Animal House..ZERO POINT ZERO

    Still, good enough for Senator.

    Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 26, 2019 09:06 AM (oVJmc)

    259 NY Times Headline Today: "Mueller's Skepticism of Trump's Truthfulness Heightens Impeachment Debate"

    I was under the impression that Trump was never actually interviewed by Mueller or any of his angry band of Democrat Primary Donors.

    Posted by: DocJ at July 26, 2019 09:06 AM (77WPm)

    260 207 201 >>it was actually a close run thing for a while. But the South never quite realized that they had the same problem that Japan had in 1941 - they needed to win in the first 6 months, or they had no chance to win at all.

    Where does all the food come from in the US? Not Manhattan and downtown LA. And agricultural/rural CA is on which side? Hard to fight on an empty stomach.
    Posted by: Roy at July 26, 2019 08:47 AM (cD09y)

    Yep... that's exactly it, Roy.....

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 08:49 AM (90T4r)

    If it comes to all-out civil war, lots and lots and lots of Americans will die, and most of them early in the proceedings. Power plants and oil refineries are very vulnerable. Houston and the other large cities in the Red States have farmland nearby, but without electricity to run refrigerators and water treatment plants and so forth, and without gas and diesel to keep the tractors and combines and cattle trucks running...well, you can easily guess what will happen. Especially when winter comes.

    Posted by: Gref at July 26, 2019 09:07 AM (AMIL/)

    261 " Mustang Sally..... girl, you gotta slow that Mustang down...."

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 09:07 AM (90T4r)

    262 shoes!

    Posted by: lizabth at July 26, 2019 09:07 AM (RFh5Y)

    263 If your neighborhood is even slightly mixed it is done.

    Posted by: Total Control Racist at July 26, 2019 08:52 AM (jLyL9)

    "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer?"

    You should check out Stormfront!

    Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 26, 2019 09:07 AM (wYseH)

    264 What is popcorn lung?

    Posted by: lin-duh, was deplorable now a committed racist! at July 26, 2019 09:07 AM (UUBmN)

    265 Is this news or news of the weird?

    After the bag of dicks article, everything else seemed tame, even women losing sleep because men don't have periods, or whatever that was.

    But it wasn't the robbers who fired their guns. It was a bystander in the back of the store who pulled out his.

    I remember that! "On the way to Thor's hammer." Great little action bit with Agent Phil Coulson.

    Posted by: mindful webworker - click for vids blog at July 26, 2019 09:08 AM (FYqfs)

    266 OK, grammie, I will have to check out that Equifax site!!

    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 09:06 AM (bDqIh)

    They are saying over 150 million people are due compensation, so the odds are pretty good. They also offer free credit monitoring if you'd rather do that then get a check.

    Posted by: grammie winger at July 26, 2019 09:08 AM (lwiT4)

    267 My grammar school had 1 principal who also taught second grade. My HS had 1 principal and 1 assistant who was a student. The same HS now has 2 principals 4 assistant principals and a room full of assistants.

    More people to deal with more bureaucracy, more regulation, more litigation. And Diversity. Lots and lots of Diversity.

    Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 26, 2019 09:08 AM (oVJmc)

    268 A good similarity is that Erik Swallwells poll numbers are the same as Blowtoskies GPA from Animal House..ZERO POINT ZERO

    Still, good enough for Senator.


    Bluto and D-Day would have likely favored nuking the Omega house.

    Posted by: SH at July 26, 2019 09:08 AM (sX1BW)

    269 Looks like Mrs VIA and I are both effected by the data breach.

    Probably gonna take the ten years of id protection instead of the cash payout.

    Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 09:09 AM (cqNba)

    270 I know right where that 7-11 is. I drive by it infrequently.

    Stupid Virginian-Pilot mentions several times how scared the witness was. And only mentions how GLAD she is the good guy had a gun in the VERY LAST SENTENCE.

    They also mention that "no one was hurt" in the OTHER FOUR ROBBERIES these guys committed last night. None of the innocent citizens were hurt in this robbery, either. But those a**holes didn't get to rob anyone else that night.

    Kudos to my fellow Virginian on his attitude and actions. Maybe we'll see the surveillance camera footage on Front Sight's site in the future.

    Posted by: GWB at July 26, 2019 09:09 AM (7Of/6)

    271 Would a tactical baton be a good purchase before visiting Baltimore?


    Yes. Practical preemptive punitive phrenology is a productive and potentially profitable pursuit.

    Posted by: Muldoon at July 26, 2019 09:09 AM (m45I2)

    272 267 OK, grammie, I will have to check out that Equifax site!!

    Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2019 09:06 AM (bDqIh)

    They are saying over 150 million people are due compensation, so the odds are pretty good. They also offer free credit monitoring if you'd rather do that then get a check.

    Posted by: grammie winger at July 26, 2019 09:08 AM (lwiT4)

    I checked, I am, missus kraken is, heck the neighbor's dog is too....

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 09:09 AM (90T4r)

    273 "Free credit monitoring"

    Contact the credit companies and tell them to put a freeze on your SS# and info. They'll call you to confirm it's you if anyone applies for a credit card.

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - 2nd Chronicles 14:7 at July 26, 2019 09:09 AM (SL85Q)

    274 270 Looks like Mrs VIA and I are both effected by the data breach.

    Probably gonna take the ten years of id protection instead of the cash payout.
    Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 09:09 AM (cqNba)

    I see a bit of irony.....

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 09:10 AM (90T4r)

    275 Popcorn lung is a rare condition that causes airway scarring due to inflammation and eventually lung damage.

    I guess it's not so rare now with vaping.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 09:10 AM (mpXpK)

    276 What is popcorn lung?

    Posted by: lin-duh, was deplorable now a committed racist! at July 26, 2019 09:07 AM (UUBmN)

    A lung disease that may be caused by diacetyl, which is used to make microwave popcorn.

    Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 26, 2019 09:10 AM (wYseH)

    277 Are we even allowed to laugh at Animal House anymore?

    Posted by: SH at July 26, 2019 09:11 AM (sX1BW)

    278 269 A good similarity is that Erik Swallwells poll numbers are the same as Blowtoskies GPA from Animal House..ZERO POINT ZERO

    Still, good enough for Senator.
    Bluto and D-Day would have likely favored nuking the Omega house.
    Posted by: SH at July 26, 2019 09:08 AM (sX1BW)

    "I gave my love a cherry, that had no ---" KABOOOM!!!!!

    Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2019 09:11 AM (AURKQ)

    279 "Were you aware that the Federal Government hasn't executed any death penalty convicts in over 15 years? Well, that's about to change. Thank you Attorney General Bill Barr. "

    Gotta get the machinery warmed up for the demonrats to start executing us when vote fraud gives us president warren in 2020.

    Posted by: sock_rat_eez at July 26, 2019 09:11 AM (/s+As)

    280 But you want to play the fool

    Posted by: Total Control Racist at July 26, 2019 09:10 AM (jLyL9)

    No. You said that any hint of mixing makes neighborhoods dangerous.

    That sounds like bullshit to me.

    Remember, Ace doesn't have any secret racist friends....

    Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 26, 2019 09:11 AM (wYseH)

    281 Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice


    I replied late to your question about the Wyze cameras the other day. Short answer: they work well for my purposes.

    Posted by: Muldoon at July 26, 2019 09:12 AM (m45I2)

    282 252 Check out the management flow chart at CNN.

    Posted by: Puddin Head at July 26, 2019 08:54 AM (2LelM)

    Check out reality. He was a photo editor...far from the masthead.
    I've got a pretty accurate picture of CNN. Its Brooklyn in Georgia. It used to be a Blue Dog Dem news show. Its now a puppet show. Pay attention to who the puppeteers are.

    Posted by: Puddin Head at July 26, 2019 09:12 AM (2LelM)

    283 Oh boy.....

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 09:12 AM (90T4r)

    284 281 Gotta get the machinery warmed up for the demonrats to start executing us when vote fraud gives us president warren in 2020.

    Posted by: sock_rat_eez at July 26, 2019 09:11 AM (/s+As)

    Warren ha no chance. She has no support outside of MA and CA.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 09:12 AM (mpXpK)

    285 Equifax site wouldn't take my submission. Just doesn't submit.

    The only scripts I didn't enable were for Google or Facebook.

    Really, Equifax? I have to enable the biggest offenders of my privacy to protect my privacy???

    Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 26, 2019 09:12 AM (oVJmc)

    286 "Were you aware that the Federal Government hasn't executed any death penalty convicts in over 15 years? Well, that's about to change. Thank you Attorney General Bill Barr. "


    I'm not sure why all captured terrorists aren't executed.

    Posted by: SH at July 26, 2019 09:13 AM (sX1BW)

    287 Ok so I need some gains advice. I injured my hip lifting. Note to self: 390 on standing calf raises is a bad idea. Anyway, it feels like induced bursitis in the hip. Very painful. Like if you've ever had a hip pointer, excruciating painful. I don't take prescription pain killers. Finally took two Advil and a Tylenol this morning after not sleeping. Any other advice on stretching or other natural pain/healing treatments?

    Posted by: Marcus T at July 26, 2019 09:13 AM (8ts9m)

    288 240 Would a tactical baton be a good purchase before visiting Baltimore?
    Posted by: Huck Follywood, Mueller should be in a home at July 26, 2019 09:00 AM (NVYyb)

    Only if it comes with a launcher that can chuck it at about 1000 fps. Close quarters combat is for the desperate, and you should only use it if ranged methods have failed.

    Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at July 26, 2019 09:13 AM (J+mig)

    289 My #266 - well, cr@p, that wasn't the whole Coulson buys mini-donuts clip. This seems to be:

    At least now I have coffee. No more missteekes.

    Posted by: mindful webworker - click for vids blog at July 26, 2019 09:13 AM (FYqfs)

    290 And now PDT has the Dems defending five child-killers. I'm sure the Dems will come out on top on that.

    Posted by: andycanuck at July 26, 2019 09:14 AM (Dh1wo)

    291 Pay attention to who the puppeteers are.

    Posted by: Puddin Head at July 26, 2019 09:12 AM (2LelM)

    Those sneaky Jews? They also own the banks!

    Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 26, 2019 09:14 AM (wYseH)

    292 Equifax site wouldn't take my submission. Just doesn't submit.


    It uses Google's recaptcha, so they need the last six months of your cookies, your javascript settings, and a screen grab. And also needs to place a cookie.

    Seriously, it uses recaptcha. That's probably the problem.

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - 2nd Chronicles 14:7 at July 26, 2019 09:14 AM (SL85Q)

    293 "I replied late to your question about the Wyze cameras the other day."

    Saw that.

    Pretty much parallels my experience with them.

    Latest update to IA people recognition for alerts is VERY good.

    All for $19.99

    Damn near cheap enough to be party favors.

    Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 09:14 AM (cqNba)

    294 Finally took two Advil and a Tylenol this morning
    after not sleeping. Any other advice on stretching or other natural
    pain/healing treatments?

    Posted by: Marcus T at July 26, 2019 09:13 AM (8ts9m)

    No cure. Once you have joint damage it is there until you get a replacement.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 09:15 AM (mpXpK)

    295 Thanks Grammie! I wasn't affected but my husband was. I'll spread the word.

    Posted by: lin-duh, was deplorable now a committed racist! at July 26, 2019 09:15 AM (UUBmN)

    296 281 Gotta get the machinery warmed up for the demonrats to start executing us when vote fraud gives us president warren in 2020.

    Posted by: sock_rat_eez at July 26, 2019 09:11 AM (/s+As)

    Won't be someone with the nagging voice and political acumen of the Bitch of Benghazi. Warren, in addition to being a pathological liar, is an even more shrill version of "everyone's ex-wife.

    It'll be Biden, Buttplug, or Harris. And all of them will lose to DJT no matter how well oiled the fraud machine.

    Posted by: DocJ at July 26, 2019 09:15 AM (77WPm)

    297 You can get fluid injections to the joint that will provide temporary relief.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 09:15 AM (mpXpK)

    298 " You can get fluid injections to the joint that will provide temporary relief."

    Rather have fluid ingestion to the stomach for temporary relief.

    Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 09:16 AM (cqNba)

    299 ok, i've got a good one:

    over at instapundit is a video of boris johnson giving a speech on churchill. he wrote a book on him, but this is specifically about his oratory. what's striking is that he goes into it in an ad lib, rambling manner but ends up giving a scholarly tutorial on churchill's rhetorical devices, with examples and classical sources.

    5 minutes well spent. recommended.

    Posted by: musical jolly chimp at July 26, 2019 09:16 AM (Pg+x7)

    294 Pay attention to who the puppeteers are.

    Posted by: Puddin Head at July 26, 2019 09:12 AM (2LelM)

    Those sneaky Jews? They also own the banks!
    CNN is owned by Turner Broadcasting, which is owned by Times/Warner, which is owned by AT&T. CNN seems to have become the canary in the Identity Politics Mine. Currently, the canary is looking ill.

    Posted by: Puddin Head at July 26, 2019 09:17 AM (2LelM)

    301 50 Might I add, I never quite get why inner city schools are perpetually in such a horrible state. Decade after decade after decade after decade. Why is it like moving heaven and earth to get these kids a better education? Are the teachers just hopelessly terrible? Get better ones! Are the kids just too unruly? One room schoolhouses in 1850 with nothing but slate chalkboards had better edumacations.

    Can't fire the shitty teachers because of the teachers' unions, and can't discipline the acting-out-in-class kids because of federal regulations.

    Did you see the report by the so-called Civil Rights Commission the other day? They claim that black kids don't act out in class at any greater rate than white kids do, despite all the studies and statistics that show otherwise. The Commission blatantly ignored the evidence, just so that they could justify their pre-determined bullshit conclusion that black kids are racially discriminated against by being disciplined more than white kids. These are the kinds of "social justice" idiots who have been making school policies for years, and this is why we have so many shitty, under-performing schools.

    Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 26, 2019 09:17 AM (k4dH2)

    302 "Were you aware that the Federal Government hasn't executed any death penalty convicts in over 15 years? Well, that's about to change. Thank you Attorney General Bill Barr. "


    Start practicing with any terrorist left at Gitmo.

    Posted by: SH at July 26, 2019 09:17 AM (sX1BW)

    303 If it comes to all-out civil war, lots and lots and lots of Americans will die, and most of them early in the proceedings. Power plants and oil refineries are very vulnerable. Houston and the other large cities in the Red States have farmland nearby, but without electricity to run refrigerators and water treatment plants and so forth, and without gas and diesel to keep the tractors and combines and cattle trucks running...well, you can easily guess what will happen. Especially when winter comes.
    Posted by: Gref at July 26, 2019 09:07 AM (AMIL/)

    Actually, it doesn't need to have many casualties or last very long at all, since efforts can be focused on a few major cities. Food concerns are so 19th century, way too slow. As you say, the key is Power Generation.

    If I (or anyone similar) had resources, 1,000 men, and a little bit of surprise, in 24 hours I could knock out California's entire power grid so hard that it couldn't be brought back on line for months. California has made some huge mistakes in designing it's system - they rely on huge plants removed from the population centers, plus a lot of long distance interstate transmission lines. A state like Texas, on the other hand, has a huge number of small power generation stations combined with some big ones, and they have been built much closer to the areas they serve. The Texas system is defensible, and could take damage and recover.

    California's power grid is totally un-defensible. So is New York's.

    imagine LA the day after all the residents realize their cell phones are never going to work again, because they can't charge them.

    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 09:17 AM (V2Yro)

    304 A PS to my 261 above:

    Coastal areas might remain in fairly good shape if foreign nations will supply food and refined fuels, in mass quantities. But if both sides in the war have some of our attack submarines in their control, shipping will take a big hit until torpedo and mine supplies run low or run out. And that may never happen if NATO countries, Japan, and Australia sell weapons to one or both sides.

    Posted by: Gref at July 26, 2019 09:17 AM (AMIL/)

    305 Seriously, it uses recaptcha. That's probably the problem.

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - 2nd Chronicles 14:7 at July 26, 2019 09:14 AM (SL85Q)

    I didn't see any recaptha thing. I was on Bing and Firefox with adblock. I didn't go thru Facebook. I just clicked the link, entered my name and address info. Pushed Submit. Got a confirmation.

    Posted by: grammie winger at July 26, 2019 09:18 AM (lwiT4)

    306 I'm not sure why all captured terrorists aren't executed.

    Posted by: SH at July 26, 2019 09:13 AM (sX1BW)

    Agreed. It's even allowed under the Geneva Conventions. All you have to do is give them a single hearing in a military tribunal that establishes that they were unlawful combatants, then you can take them out back and shoot them.

    Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at July 26, 2019 09:18 AM (J+mig)

    307 In the Balkans every neighborhood that had Muslims, serbs, etc became dangerous overnight.

    Posted by: Total Control Racist at July 26, 2019 09:14 AM (jLyL9) were talking about the Balkans. Sure.

    Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 26, 2019 09:18 AM (wYseH)

    308 I went to college in steamy menthol scented Durham, NC. The east campus dorms (built on a "southern" plan) with high ceilings and many floor to ceiling wide windows were easily tolerable in the late August/Sep heat. The west campus dorms, built as copies of gothic wonderland were hot as hell. But it wasn't for long and why kids are such pussies now is the real question.

    Dawn of time till ubiquitiousness of AC = people adapt, don't notice, life is life
    Now= OMG, I have to be 100% comfortable all the time!

    Posted by: dagny at July 26, 2019 09:18 AM (DIcye)

    309 I didn't see any recaptha thing. I was on Bing and Firefox with adblock. I didn't go thru Facebook. I just clicked the link, entered my name and address info. Pushed Submit. Got a confirmation.

    Posted by: grammie winger at July 26, 2019 09:18 AM (lwiT4)


    You didn't see recaptcha because they know who you are.

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - 2nd Chronicles 14:7 at July 26, 2019 09:18 AM (SL85Q)

    310 Shooting my self was working it's way onto the list of options last night. I had a hip pointer years ago that took a long time to go away. Lots of heat, stretching and OTC pain treatment. This feels like the same thing.

    Posted by: Marcus T at July 26, 2019 09:19 AM (8ts9m)

    311 303 CNN is owned by Turner Broadcasting, which is owned
    by Times/Warner, which is owned by ATT. CNN seems to have become
    the canary in the Identity Politics Mine. Currently, the canary is
    looking ill.

    Posted by: Puddin Head at July 26, 2019 09:17 AM (2LelM)

    I thought Ted Turner has divested himself of CNN.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 09:19 AM (mpXpK)

    312 No. You said that any hint of mixing makes neighborhoods dangerous.

    Remember, Ace doesn't have any secret racist friends....

    Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 26, 2019 09:11 AM (wYseH)

    He was replying to a comment about the Balkans. Been there, done that. It was extremely problematic there.

    America is different. But it's a valid thought exercise, imo.

    Mind you, I don't know Total Control Racist at all, and don't recall reading his comments before.

    Posted by: GWB at July 26, 2019 09:19 AM (7Of/6)

    313 Are we even allowed to laugh at Animal House anymore?

    Why, sure we are. If the SJW's can't or won't laugh, that's their problem, not mine. I refuse to enable their psychosis.

    It's like they revel in having something wrong with them and think that's some type of virtue. I don't get it...

    Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Living the Backwards Law at July 26, 2019 09:19 AM (HaL55)

    314 16 Federal goverment to resume capital punishment.

    I am confused by this, they always have had capitol punishment for a few things, just never used it. Remember that asshole who shot all those people at Ft Hood, there were thoughts of executing him.
    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 07:38 AM (mpXpK)


    I have been entertaining a crazy notion. An attempted coup is treason. There has to be some treason statute somewhere that still has the death penalty. Someone in the deep state cabal needs to roll over on all their buddies. Some assembly required.

    Posted by: jc at July 26, 2019 09:19 AM (PuMKG)

    315 My stock answer for when fools are all "Teh Jooz run everything!"

    ... "Well, thank Christ for that, can you imagine how crappy things would be if it were anyone else?"

    Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2019 09:19 AM (AURKQ)


    It uses Google's recaptcha, so they need the last six months of your cookies, your javascript settings, and a screen grab. And also needs to place a cookie.

    Seriously, it uses recaptcha. That's probably the problem.

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - 2nd Chronicles 14:7 at July 26, 2019 09:14 AM (SL85Q)

    Yes, I ran into this before.

    Google gets access to your shit because they bought out the verifier.

    Seriously, they're fucking monsters.

    Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 26, 2019 09:20 AM (oVJmc)

    317 On the UN thing. The only time the UN did any thing useful was when the USSR foolishly boycotted a vote. Nationalist China still had the security council seat at that point so South Korea was saved.

    What we should do is stay in and not give them one more dime ever period. And veto anything the security council ever calls for.

    Posted by: Big V at July 26, 2019 09:20 AM (xV6Pj)

    318 ... (apparently churchill deployed contrasts - large v small, complex v simple, anglo-salon v romance words.)

    Posted by: musical jolly chimp at July 26, 2019 09:20 AM (Pg+x7)

    319 305 "Were you aware that the Federal Government hasn't executed any death penalty convicts in over 15 years? Well, that's about to change. Thank you Attorney General Bill Barr. "
    Start practicing with any terrorist left at Gitmo.

    Posted by: SH at July 26, 2019 09:17 AM (sX1BW)

    And right on cue, over at HA there's an op/ed by a Never Trumper about how terrible it is for Barr to bring back the Death Penalty, and how all True Conservatives are against this.

    I only look there to see what kind of idiocy the Never Trumpers are spewing. I pretty much knew something like this would be there before I looked.

    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 09:20 AM (V2Yro)

    320 Warren ha no chance. She has no support outside of MA and CA.
    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 09:12 AM

    Anything that keeps her on the coasts and away from us has our support.

    Posted by: Prairie Crabs at July 26, 2019 09:20 AM (DMUuz)

    321 They know who I am? Of course they do. How else are they going to send me a check?

    Posted by: grammie winger at July 26, 2019 09:20 AM (lwiT4)

    322 Like this one for instance. 95K and could probably get it for $10K in a private sale: "

    V. nice.

    They're boulevard cruisers - really quiet, and no wind (seriously - in the passenger seat, 70 MPH, and baseball cap never budged)... and surprisingly robust.

    Posted by: Anon a mouse at July 26, 2019 09:21 AM (6qErC)

    323 306 Word.

    Posted by: rammajamma at July 26, 2019 09:21 AM (xceTB)

    324 Well, those 70% of immigrant households receiving welfare aren't going to pay for themselves.

    Y'all have fun.

    Posted by: Moron Robbie - 2nd Chronicles 14:7 at July 26, 2019 09:21 AM (SL85Q)

    325 California's power grid is totally un-defensible. So is New York's.
    - Tom Servo

    To be fair, it's not limited to these deep-blue states, though the grid in pretty much all of them could be knocked-out just as you describe. LA, NYC, Chi-Town, Philly, Boston, DC, Houston, Hotlanta, etc. would all be war-zones in 36-hours.

    Posted by: DocJ at July 26, 2019 09:22 AM (77WPm)

    326 Anyway, it feels like induced bursitis in the hip. Very painful. Like if you've ever had a hip pointer, excruciating painful.

    When my hip hurts like that, it's not really my hip. It's the nerves from my lower back. Maybe it could be sciatica?

    Posted by: no good deed at July 26, 2019 09:22 AM (MmFTx)

    327 Until not very long ago I used to think people on the Left were capable of genuine doublethink, that they could (and did) spend decades falsely accusing conservatives of wanting to stifle free speech and crush all dissent. Then, whey they themselves achieved the global tech base to do exactly that, THEY set about to stifle free speech and dissent but, due to doublethink, truly don't see it as such.

    I won't be giving them that excuse anymore. At least for the movers and shakers if not the thug drones, doublethink does not exist and never did.

    They are Thought Police, yes, but there's not an O'Brien among them. There's not one with the dubious honor of at least believing the self-refuting lies he spouts as he tortures Winston. It's just the simple old brazen hypocrisy of all communists. They know 100% of the time what they're doing and why. They simply ignore everyone who says they're lying hypocrites, or silence them. Because they can. The tech base that aligns with them now lets them do it.

    Since this beast likely is too big to starve, it's well past time to be thoroughly broken up else its power and influence can only expand.

    Posted by: oddly cheerful at July 26, 2019 09:22 AM (oS0xz)

    321 ... (apparently churchill deployed contrasts - large v small, complex v simple, anglo-salon v romance words.)

    Posted by: musical jolly chimp at July 26, 2019 09:20 AM (Pg+x7)

    The anglo-salon is ironically the finest salon in all of France.

    Posted by: Someguy at July 26, 2019 09:22 AM (EaXQR)

    329 289 Ok so I need some gains advice. I injured my hip lifting. Note to self: 390 on standing calf raises is a bad idea. Anyway, it feels like induced bursitis in the hip. Very painful. Like if you've ever had a hip pointer, excruciating painful. I don't take prescription pain killers. Finally took two Advil and a Tylenol this morning after not sleeping. Any other advice on stretching or other natural pain/healing treatments?

    Posted by: Marcus T at July 26, 2019 09:13 AM (8ts9m)

    Try some Biofreeze lotion or Biofreeze pads. But you might want to see your doc. It could just be muscular and not the joint itself.

    Posted by: Tami at July 26, 2019 09:22 AM (cF8AT)

    330 And right on cue, over at HA there's an op/ed by a Never Trumper about how terrible it is for Barr to bring back the Death Penalty, and how all True Conservatives are against this.

    I only look there to see what kind of idiocy the Never Trumpers are spewing. I pretty much knew something like this would be there before I looked.

    Posted by: Tom Servo

    Eh, there's more than one reason to be ambivalent at best about the death penalty. Consider, for example, who the investigators and prosecutors are that put these people there...

    Posted by: Grand Inquisitor Cavil at July 26, 2019 09:23 AM (AM1GF)

    331 Social friction is a fact of human existence, be it from race, class, religion, or whatever.

    It's living in a free, ordered society that makes it not only possible, not only tolerable, but in many cases downright enjoyable.

    But if you life in a hardscrabble dog-eat-dog (read: socialist) shithole, those frictions become intolerable.

    Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2019 09:23 AM (AURKQ)

    332 Posted by: oddly cheerful at July 26, 2019 09:22 AM (oS0xz)

    The point of power is power.

    Posted by: Someguy at July 26, 2019 09:23 AM (EaXQR)

    333 Oh, and Mornin' Horde.

    (Seriously, y'all know I've soured on capital punishment of late. Don't be shocked.)

    Posted by: Grand Inquisitor Cavil at July 26, 2019 09:23 AM (AM1GF)

    334 imagine LA the day after all the residents realize their cell phones are never going to work again, because they can't charge them.

    Imagine LA, Oakland, Fresno, and Riverside the day after the EBT cards stop working.

    Posted by: Victor Tango Kilo at July 26, 2019 09:24 AM (O7MnT)

    335 Captial punishment: Put to death. Acceptable.

    Capitol punishment: Forced to watch congressional committee hearings on endless loop. Considered too cruel and unusual.

    Posted by: mindful webworker - click for vids blog at July 26, 2019 09:24 AM (FYqfs)

    336 "When my hip hurts like that, it's not really my hip. It's the nerves from my lower back. Maybe it could be sciatica?
    Posted by: no good deed at July 26, 2019 09:22 AM (MmFTx)"

    Great point. It is centered in my hip but i can often feel it down into the outside of my knee. I have zero back pain, but maybe I'm not making the connection

    Posted by: Marcus T at July 26, 2019 09:24 AM (8ts9m)

    337 imagine LA the day after all the residents realize their cell phones are never going to work again, because they can't charge them.
    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 09:17 AM (V2Yro)

    And what the Grifters do when the Social Security and EBT taps dry up.

    Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at July 26, 2019 09:25 AM (J+mig)

    338 were talking about the Balkans. Sure.
    Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 26, 2019 09:18 AM (wYseH)

    Such an ass. These are not things I look forward to. They are real and they are happening here in the US. If you had the merest clue where I'm coming from you would apologize. Fuck yourself

    Posted by: Total Control Racist at July 26, 2019 09:25 AM (TeLa4)

    339 Are we even allowed to laugh at Animal House anymore?

    We are not allowed.
    Animal House was made by white men for white men.

    Posted by: Eskimo at July 26, 2019 09:25 AM (ZYNmu)

    340 328 To be fair, it's not limited to these deep-blue
    states, though the grid in pretty much all of them could be knocked-out
    just as you describe. LA, NYC, Chi-Town, Philly, Boston, DC, Houston,
    Hotlanta, etc. would all be war-zones in 36-hours.

    Posted by: DocJ at July 26, 2019 09:22 AM (77WPm)

    The West Coast and NE have been short on power for decades. When they have heat wave they both have to import shit-tons of power from other regions. They can't build more plants because both regions have an excess of liberal anti-power freaks.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 09:25 AM (mpXpK)

    341 Funny how many different things Obama did to protect Nadal Hasan.

    Posted by: dagny at July 26, 2019 09:26 AM (DIcye)

    342 335

    You know, forever is a long, long time.

    Posted by: A boot, eying a human face at July 26, 2019 09:26 AM (oS0xz)

    343 Looks like I'm going to Massachusetts.

    Never been to Massachusetts.



    Posted by: Robert at July 26, 2019 09:26 AM (DqfLu)

    344 @339
    I'm not an MD but I work with medical issues. Often hip pain radiates to the knee; knee pain can even be the primary symptom. You should check out your hip.

    Posted by: xnycpeasant at July 26, 2019 09:26 AM (koNhm)

    345 NPR's running at full tilt this morning with Russian interference in our 2016 election, so now it's shifted from Trump colluded, to "it happened."

    This, so its listeners can just go on dreaming.

    Posted by: Les Kinetic at July 26, 2019 09:26 AM (epGCz)

    346 America is different. But it's a valid thought exercise, imo.

    Posted by: GWB at July 26, 2019 09:19 AM (7Of/6)

    The comment was in the present tense, and clearly insinuating about current-day America.

    Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 26, 2019 09:27 AM (wYseH)

    347 I thought Ted Turner has divested himself of CNN.
    Turner Broadcasting isn't Ted Turner. Its a corporation. Ted sold all or part of his majority ownership stake to Time/Warner who was then purchased by AT&T.

    Posted by: Puddin Head at July 26, 2019 09:27 AM (2LelM)

    348 Please to remove the Post-Its from your cameras and please to turn up your microphones.

    In advance, sincerely thanking you.

    Posted by: Rajakrishna from NSA at July 26, 2019 09:27 AM (DMUuz)

    337 imagine LA the day after all the residents realize their cell phones are never going to work again, because they can't charge them.

    Imagine LA, Oakland, Fresno, and Riverside the day after the EBT cards stop working.

    Posted by: Victor Tango Kilo at July 26, 2019 09:24 AM (O7MnT)

    After setting fires everywhere, target the dams and powerplants.

    Posted by: Someguy at July 26, 2019 09:27 AM (EaXQR)

    350 I went to school with no air conditioning, and you know what? It really sucked and I'm glad kids today don't have to experience it. Sometimes it's ok to accept human progress rather than thinking that other people should have it as hard as you did.

    Posted by: Biggs Darklighter at July 26, 2019 09:27 AM (N4xQB)

    351 346 Looks like I'm going to Massachusetts.

    Never been to Massachusetts.


    Posted by: Robert at July 26, 2019 09:26 AM (DqfLu)

    Did not seem very roomy there, when I visited....

    Posted by: kraken at July 26, 2019 09:27 AM (90T4r)

    Yes. Practical preemptive punitive phrenology is a productive and potentially profitable pursuit.
    Posted by: Muldoon

    Here's the replacement for the Mencken quote on the masthead.

    Posted by: Vlad the implaer, whittling away like mad at July 26, 2019 09:28 AM (dmoiP)

    353 Since this beast likely is too big to starve, it's well past time to be thoroughly broken up else its power and influence can only expand.
    Posted by: oddly cheerful at July 26, 2019 09:22 AM (oS0xz)

    It's past time, the antitrust acts need to be dusted off and employed against Google, Facebook, & Twitter.

    Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at July 26, 2019 09:28 AM (J+mig)

    354 339

    Considered an inversion table? Got mine for under $200 shipped, helps the back more than I expected it would.

    Posted by: oddly cheerful at July 26, 2019 09:28 AM (oS0xz)

    355 So the coastlines near NYC and Ca should go full windmill. Problem solved, because nuclear is just too icky for them.

    Posted by: dagny at July 26, 2019 09:28 AM (DIcye)

    356 "Try some Biofreeze lotion or Biofreeze pads. But you might want to see your doc. It could just be muscular and not the joint itself.
    Posted by: Tami at "

    Thanks. I'll try that.

    Posted by: Marcus T at July 26, 2019 09:28 AM (8ts9m)

    357 I just started listening to an Reason Mag' interview with Nicholas Christakis. At Yale, he was screamed at over his statements that maybe not all Halloween costumes deemed offensive should be censored. He made some statements that would seem to allow people to naturally segregate by race or other normal factors, but that we can still have community.

    imo, it is the forced integration of mostly white communities that causes trouble, and that was Obama's goal ... "must break up white suburbia". So move welfare house into the middle of a white neighborhood ... that will fix things.

    And Muslims self segregate, but are being funded and forced into American life, then demand we change. People get along, but there is a war against white America, or at least against Trump voter America (even blacks that vote Trump are now KKK to the far leftist hater)

    The scene opens with him trying to talk on campus, and a black woman screaming at him, telling him to shut up, only she can talk, she wants him fired. He actually survives to continue working at Yale.

    Posted by: illiniwek at July 26, 2019 09:28 AM (Cus5s)

    358 Fuck yourself

    Posted by: Total Control Racist at July 26, 2019 09:25 AM (TeLa4)

    Good bye.

    Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 26, 2019 09:28 AM (wYseH)

    359 The tonal shift in the collision narrative is interesting. It has gone from "Trump did it so he could win" to "Trump may have not been involved but it's the only way he won." Of course soccer moms listening to NPR accept either variant.

    Posted by: rammajamma at July 26, 2019 09:28 AM (xceTB)

    360 361 And forever is a long long time.

    Posted by: rammajamma at July 26, 2019 09:29 AM (xceTB)

    361 A state like Texas, on the other hand, has a huge number of small power generation stations combined with some big ones, and they have been built much closer to the areas they serve. The Texas system is defensible, and could take damage and recover.

    California's power grid is totally un-defensible. So is New York's.

    imagine LA the day after all the residents realize their cell phones are never going to work again, because they can't charge them.

    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 09:17 AM (V2Yro)

    You may be right. But can the Red State military adequately defend against our own weaponry? IIRC, in Desert Storm, the Iraqi power grid was mostly taken down by conductive filaments dropped on transmission lines by our cruise missiles, shorting-out transformers. It's my understanding that large transformers are long-lead items. Maybe our power grids are protected against this, maybe not.

    Posted by: Gref at July 26, 2019 09:29 AM (AMIL/)

    Eh, there's more than one reason to be ambivalent at best about the death penalty. Consider, for example, who the investigators and prosecutors are that put these people there...
    Posted by: Grand Inquisitor Cavil at July 26, 2019 09:23 AM (AM1GF)

    go read the case histories of the 5 men slated for execution. Note that there is absolutely no doubt, not even a tiny bit of it, as to the guilt of any of them. Note the nature of their crimes.

    We allow the instantaneous death penalty to be applied to anyone who even threatens a cop, or a citizen, with deadly force. Why the squeamishness when it gets put off so due process can be observed?

    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 09:29 AM (V2Yro)

    363 Great point. It is centered in my hip but i can often feel it down into the outside of my knee. I have zero back pain, but maybe I'm not making the connection

    Posted by: Marcus T at July 26, 2019 09:24 AM (8ts9m)

    It could also be your IT band, which runs down the outside of your leg from your hip to your knee. They're hard to stretch. You can foam roll it but...better safe than sorry...see a doc FIRST.

    Posted by: Tami at July 26, 2019 09:29 AM (cF8AT)

    364 358
    So the coastlines near NYC and Ca should go full windmill. Problem solved, because nuclear is just too icky for them.

    Posted by: dagny at July 26, 2019 09:28 AM (DIcye)

    MA did want to install some windmills off the coast. The Kennedy clan raised hell. Beside windmill power is intermittent and VERY expensive.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 09:29 AM (mpXpK)

    365 Who was that poster that's an opera singer? Has she been here lately? I like her.

    Posted by: grammie winger at July 26, 2019 09:30 AM (lwiT4)

    366 Serious question for the Zionist conspiracy theorists: If "the Jews" most prominent in media and entertainment do not (90%+) even identify with Jewish religious practice, in what sense is it a Jewish conspiracy? Do you think that Jews are somehow driven by genetics to seek to "dominate" media? Is it a hidden nepotism network? Seriously, other than a "disparate impact" argument just what mechanism or motivation do you posit for your theory?

    Posted by: xnycpeasant at July 26, 2019 09:31 AM (koNhm)

    367 military adequately defend against our own weaponry?"

    It's already in Texas...


    Posted by: Anon a mouse at July 26, 2019 09:31 AM (6qErC)

    368 Oh, and art...

    Posted by: Anon a mouse at July 26, 2019 09:31 AM (6qErC)

    369 go read the case histories of the 5 men slated for execution. Note that there is absolutely no doubt, not even a tiny bit of it, as to the guilt of any of them. Note the nature of their crimes.

    We allow the instantaneous death penalty to be applied to anyone who even threatens a cop, or a citizen, with deadly force. Why the squeamishness when it gets put off so due process can be observed?

    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 09:29 AM (V2Yro)

    The concern Cavil seems to have is that the left will use the death penalty to target political enemies. Which they'll do anyways once they have secured power.

    Posted by: Someguy at July 26, 2019 09:31 AM (EaXQR)

    370 Posted by: Marcus T at July 26, 2019 09:24 AM (8ts9m)
    Sacroiliac Disorder or Sciatica, I have both

    Posted by: Deep State is in DEEP SHIT at July 26, 2019 09:32 AM (BqBId)

    371 361 Posted by: Gref at July 26, 2019 09:29 AM (AMIL/)

    CA's problem is the excess of liberal eco-nazis and the fact that they are part of the "Great Western Donut" which creates some unique problems.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 09:32 AM (mpXpK)

    372 Select all the frames with a President in it to continue:
    T.. B ..H
    R. I .....I
    U. L ...L
    M. L ..L
    P.. C ..A
    R Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    Posted by: CAPTCHA at July 26, 2019 09:32 AM (Dh1wo)

    373 Odd, I don't remember having no ac sucking at all. In fact, I don't remember even noticing it except one week in August on the top floor of a dorm, one year. Elementary and high school? Nope, never remember even noticing it.

    Posted by: dagny at July 26, 2019 09:32 AM (DIcye)

    374 Posted by: Gref at July 26, 2019 09:29 AM (AMIL/)

    In any future "civil war", I envision the official military sitting it out and staying in their barracks. The action will be small group and private.

    If the military *does* get involved, then our only hope is that there's a Pinochet or a Franco on top at the time, and not a Trotsky. But either way, if that happens it's going to be Lord Protector of the Commonwealth time for quite a few years after that. Civilian government won't survive.

    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 09:33 AM (V2Yro)

    375 nood

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 09:33 AM (mpXpK)

    376 366

    When you get in the really deep weeds with that type, you'll find it usually comes down (for them) to race/biology more than religion or philosophy. Jews are not merely Christ killers -- they are wholly non-human, truly "other," almost an alien race and so justifiably treated as such. It's shot full of holes and raises more questions than they can answer but that's the logic I've seen at times when they get nailed down by your question.

    Posted by: oddly cheerful at July 26, 2019 09:34 AM (oS0xz)

    377 The Kennedy clan raised hell. Beside windmill power is intermittent and VERY expensive.

    Indeed, which, if you refuse nuclear and old sources, you should pay for it in medieval windmills shitting up your views.

    Posted by: dagny at July 26, 2019 09:36 AM (DIcye)

    378 The concern Cavil seems to have is that the left will use the death penalty to target political enemies. Which they'll do anyways once they have secured power.
    Posted by: Someguy at July 26, 2019 09:31 AM (EaXQR)

    Whenever the Left has felt they could get away with it, they grab people at night, shoot them in the dark, and dump the bodies in mass graves. They don't bother with "due process".

    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 09:36 AM (V2Yro)

    379 121 "and yes, to reiterate, Hassan is subject to the Military Justice System, and not subject to the rules of the DOJ under Barr."

    Is he subject to the Law of Gravity?

    Asking for a friend with a helicopter.
    Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 08:22 AM

    Usually, when an active military member commits a serious crime, civilian and military prosecutors meet to discuss jurisdiction. Either party can (usually) file charges, so the real discussion is who has the more severe punishment, easier to meet criminal elements, etc.

    Posted by: Grimaldi at July 26, 2019 09:36 AM (S48ez)

    380 "130 99 Once the leftists took over education it was all over but the cryin'. It is specifically designed to produce an ill-informed or uninformed, compliant (practical) idiot. There isn't any debate about that.
    Posted by: Common Tater at July 26, 2019 08:03 AM (E5DvK)

    Greg Lukianoff goes one step further. He says purpose is to produce dysfunctional people.

    Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at July 26, 2019 08:27 AM (H8QX "

    Bingo. Look up "The Comprachicos"; a reasonably short essay,
    free in several places online.

    Say what you like about Rand as a literary stylist, she was not stupid.

    Posted by: sock_rat_eez at July 26, 2019 09:37 AM (/s+As)

    381 That was in another country. And besides, the wench is dead.

    Posted by: The Media Mogul of Malta at July 26, 2019 09:37 AM (koNhm)

    382 Seriously, other than a "disparate impact" argument just what mechanism or motivation do you posit for your theory?

    Posted by: xnycpeasant at July 26, 2019 09:31 AM (koNhm)

    It's a conspiracy, man! They're all in it together! Why do you need genetics or religion when you have a perfectly good set of coincidences you can point to as evidence?

    I mean, c'mon, they took over Palestine, right? So, obviously the whole world is next on their agenda.
    Look, once someone else has done all the string-linking on the wall in their foil-lined bunker, you're not required to do any more hard thinking. That's why THEY did it!

    Posted by: GWB at July 26, 2019 09:38 AM (7Of/6)

    383 374 Posted by: Gref at July 26, 2019 09:29 AM (AMIL/)

    In any future "civil war", I envision the official military sitting it out and staying in their barracks. The action will be small group and private.

    If the military *does* get involved, then our only hope is that there's a Pinochet or a Franco on top at the time, and not a Trotsky. But either way, if that happens it's going to be Lord Protector of the Commonwealth time for quite a few years after that. Civilian government won't survive.

    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 09:33 AM (V2Yro)

    That's a credible scenario, Tom S. The biggest wild card in any US modern civil war is what the military does or does not do.

    We should somehow schedule a US modern civil war thread on AoSHQ. The risk with that is a lot of bannings when the comment war gets really hot!

    Posted by: Gref at July 26, 2019 09:40 AM (AMIL/)

    384 114. And even if it was just water, that's a lot of water that your inhaling deep into your alveoli, no?

    Hey, it's a free country (or so they tell me). Do what you want to do. OTOH, common sense should tell you "I'm inhaling something that isn't naturally occurring, and I'm inhaling it very deeply... again, and again, and again."
    Posted by: RobM1981 at July 26, 2019 08:16 AM

    This is why I hold my breath whenever I take my daily long, hot, steamy showers.

    Posted by: That guy at July 26, 2019 09:40 AM (S48ez)

    385 366 Serious question for the Zionist conspiracy theorists: If "the Jews" most prominent in media and entertainment do not (90%+) even identify with Jewish religious practice, in what sense is it a Jewish conspiracy? Do you think that Jews are somehow driven by genetics to seek to "dominate" media? Is it a hidden nepotism network? Seriously, other than a "disparate impact" argument just what mechanism or motivation do you posit for your theory?
    Posted by: xnycpeasant at July 26, 2019 09:31 AM (koNhm)

    And to the Zionist conspiracy theorists, I would add as a person who has known Jews all of his life, if they did actually run the world, it wouldn't be nearly as much of a god-awful shitshow.

    Jews are generally a very competent people, I see no evidence of competence in globalist leadership.

    Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at July 26, 2019 09:41 AM (J+mig)

    386 "disparate impact"has always been a BS argument put forth by SJWs when they had nothing else. It should have been laughed out of court.

    Posted by: Vic at July 26, 2019 09:41 AM (mpXpK)

    387 @382
    Personally I think Jordan Peterson's explanation of Ashkenazic IQ deviations is the most elegant theory that explains most of "disproportionate" Jewish representation at the top of many organizations (good ones and bad ones). Basically in a competitive environment if x% of your population disproportionately occupies the top 1% of achievement in a given field, they will be a far greater proportion of its leaders. Not arguing for any kind of genetic superiority, but it has more to do with ditribution, like more men are morons and geniuses than women, and as a result (apart from behavior, which is a whole, other, large kettle of fish) are naturally going to occupy the majority of leadership positions in STEM.

    Posted by: xnycpeasant at July 26, 2019 09:42 AM (koNhm)

    388 " ... They truly expect us to not notice their not noticing that. That's how dumb they think we are.

    Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Living the Backwards Law at July 26, 2019 08:58 AM (HaL55) "

    Insofar as anyone is still capable of noticing it shows that the edjumacation system is not doing its job effectively.
    Moar Money !
    For the Children !

    Posted by: sock_rat_eez at July 26, 2019 09:42 AM (/s+As)

    389 Thanks, Grammie. Neither of us was affected, which is nice to know.

    Posted by: Empire1 at July 26, 2019 09:43 AM (CoNV1)

    390 AT&T learns that you can't just keep raising rates and expect people to bend over and ask for more.

    It's not just raising rates that is the problem. AT&T dropped NFL Network and NFL Redzone. Right before the NFL Draft a couple months ago.

    If they don't fix that contract situation with the NFL soon (season starts in 6 weeks), they are going to see a LOT more customers drop (including me).

    Posted by: Clyde Shelton at July 26, 2019 09:48 AM (7A4qQ)

    391 Joe Liberman calls for school choice for Democratic candidates.




    Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM guy at July 26, 2019 10:06 AM (7s3Gx)

    392 383We should somehow schedule a US modern civil war
    thread on AoSHQ. The risk with that is a lot of bannings when the
    comment war gets really hot!

    Posted by: Gref at July 26, 2019 09:40 AM (AMIL/)

    It's called the ONT. When such philosophical debates such as carrots or no carrots in chili, Daphne or Velma, Ginger or Maryanne, .45ACP vs. 9mm. Oh, and bewbs.

    Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at July 26, 2019 10:07 AM (N39Ws)

    of course, even with that, if Lee would have taken Longstreet's advice and bypassed Mead's army on July 2, 1863, and headed straight for Washington...
    Posted by: Tom Servo at July 26, 2019 08:45 AM (V2Yro)

    Nope. Lee fucked up. He should have defended the South's borders like in Manassas. He should have kept the battles in the south. He knew how to win there.

    Posted by: Sooner at July 26, 2019 10:09 AM (Fs5vw)

    394 390
    ATT learns that you can't just keep raising rates and expect people to bend over and ask for more.

    It's not just raising rates that is the problem. ATT dropped
    NFL Network and NFL Redzone. Right before the NFL Draft a couple months

    If they don't fix that contract situation with the NFL soon (season
    starts in 6 weeks), they are going to see a LOT more customers drop
    (including me).

    Posted by: Clyde Shelton at July 26, 2019 09:48 AM (7A4qQ)
    I had DirecTV up until shortly after ATT bought them. Loved the service, except for when channels were dropped due to contract negotiations. But paying $110+ for all channels except for HBO/skinnimax/etc. on top of my cable phone bill with Xfinity - i had to cut back on expenses. Dropped DirecTV, dropped the land line.

    Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at July 26, 2019 10:10 AM (N39Ws)

    395 Excellent post, especially the "layout" of the information.

    Posted by: rusty schaklefjord at July 26, 2019 10:12 AM (Hw4bz)

    "A bucket of dicks was found and no it wasn't in Florida."

    It's not nice to make fun of the Democrat presidential primary field like that.

    Posted by: I R A Darth Aggie at July 26, 2019 10:16 AM (1hM1d)

    397 348, thats funny right there.

    Posted by: rusty schaklefjord at July 26, 2019 10:19 AM (Hw4bz)

    398 One of my nieces taught in a Baltimore grade school until a 150 pound "first grader" threw a desk at her. She quit and went to nursing school.

    Posted by: Cosda at July 26, 2019 10:46 AM (VMFGC)

    399 A while back I had coined the phrase "Merdas Touch" for the phenomenon of ruining everything one was involved with. Still trying to make it happen. Heck, maybe *I* have the Merdas Touch, which is why the phrase doesn't work. That would be a shibboleth worthy of frying Norman's android brain, wouldn't it?

    Posted by: nightfly at July 26, 2019 03:35 PM (KT41q)

    400 Were those supposed to be the atomic numbers of molybdenum and rhenium? Because they should read 42 and 75 if so.

    Posted by: C T at July 26, 2019 04:26 PM (ZNEdN)

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