aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Lee Smith: The Russia Conspiracy Theory is an "Extinction-Level Event" for the Media's Make-Pretend "Expert Class"This is an interesting point I haven't seen anyone else make explicitly. It's not just "the media." We can all agree the media is lazy, dishonest, corrupt, and incompetent. But the part of paid political operation called "the media" that is most damaged by the Russia Conspiracy is the system of using alleged "experts" to endlessly "fill in the gaps" of reported facts with speculation and what they're supposedly hearing, maybe, from their Also Expert Inside Sources. There is some truth to the media's defense of its repulsively dishonest and incompetent reporting that its actual reporting of facts had something like a 75% accuracy rate. Not all that great, especially considering most facts the media reports are on-the-record public statements and press releases, stuff a stenographer would get right. But it is true that as far as reporting what few facts there were in the Russia Hoax story, they got most of those right. About 75%. With 25% of their reportage of "facts" being spectacularly, comically wrong. But the media did not have many facts throughout this case. And yet they filled up thousands and thousands of TV segments and print stories the past year -- 500,000+, one accounting finds. How did they fill up those minutes, those column inches? With speculation from alleged "experts" in the intelligence community, who would offer their wild-ass guesses which were always subtly hinted to be the Real Scoop coming from Insiders. In fact, often these experts would explicitly claim their information was coming from the inside. This has now all been revealed to have been an enormous lie from beginning to end -- they never had any Anonymous Clandestine Inside Sources who knew the whole story, they weren't just dribbling out vague hints (much like QAnon, actually!) based off what their own personal Deep Throats were telling them. They. Were. Just. Making Shit Up. Wholesale. And Monetizing It. For the Greedy to Profit off the Gullible. They had no more inside information than a third-tier blogger. And I happen to know for a fact that some first-tier bloggers knew, and let me stress that word, KNEW, K-N-E-W, a great deal more than these alleged experts. Knew, I'm saying. Not speculated or even deduced. KNEW. But the "Experts" nominated by the leftwing media to fill in the gaps and knowledge with partisan, anti-Trump/NeverTrump wishcasting didn't know a damn thing. Not a damn thing. But still, they talked and talked and talked and talked and guessed and speculated and predicted and hinted and suggested and implied and promised and guaranteed and warned and threatened and talked and talked and talked anyway. This is what is being criticized in the media coverage of this story -- not the once sentence of actual information the media had about the story, on average, per day. But the sixty pages of complete hack made-up wishcasting bullshit, all coming from the same political perspective and agenda, no "right vs. left" here, that the media then added every single f***ing miserable repetitive day to its one sentence of information to pad out its Narrative and make three blocks per hourlong show out of.Russiagate was an information operation from the beginning, in which dozens of individual reporters and institutions actively partnered with paid political operatives like Glenn Simpson and corrupt law enforcement and intelligence officials like former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and senior DOJ official Bruce Ohr to smear Trump and his circle, and then to topple him. None of what went on the last two years would have been possible without the press, an indispensable partner in the biggest political scandal in a generation. The campaign was waged not in hidden corners of the internet, but rather by the country’s most prestigious news organizations--including, but not only, The New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC. The farce that has passed for public discourse the last two years was fueled by a concerted effort of the media and the pundit class to obscure gaping holes in logic as well as law. And yet, they all appeared to be credible because the institutions sustaining them are credible. Michael McFaul was U.S. ambassador to Moscow--he knows everything about Russia. He wouldn’t invent stuff about national security matters out of thin air. Jane Mayer is a national treasure, one of America’s greatest living journalists who penned a long profile of Christopher Steele in the pages of the New Yorker. Susan Hennessy is a former intelligence community lawyer, who appears as an expert on TV. And how about her colleague at the Lawfare blog, Benjamin Wittes, a Brookings Institution fellow and a personal friend of James Comey? You think he didn’t have the inside dope, every time he posted a "Boom" GIF on Twitter predicting the final nail just about to be hammered in Trump’s coffin? Many more jumped on the dog pile along with them, validating each other's tweets and breathless insider sourcing. The point was to thicken the echo chamber, with voices from the right as well as the left in order to make it seem real. Hey, if this many experts are saying so, there must be something to it. Except, there wasn't--ever.I keep returning to Lee Smith's seminal piece, Fusion GPS Illuminates the Brave New World of Manufactured News for Hire. We're living in a cyberpunk world where the "news" isn't the news, it's commercial advertisements for corporations and information ops paid for by political parties put into a form resembling that of what we used to call "news," bought and paid for by deep-pocketed interested parties. "The News Media" is now just a delivery medium for these paid commercial advertisements and information ops slightly rewritten to resemble dispassionately-gathered news.
Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Hey Ace
Posted by: joe, living dangerously at March 29, 2019 12:07 PM (KUaJL) 2
Corgis called
Posted by: rickb223 at March 29, 2019 12:07 PM (XWb4y) 3
Posted by: Hotspur at March 29, 2019 12:08 PM (yiiDy) 4
Ace bolded us!
Posted by: rickb223 at March 29, 2019 12:09 PM (XWb4y) Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 12:09 PM (i89zP) 6
Posted by: Lurking Lurker at March 29, 2019 12:09 PM (FiUMj) 7
never forget and never forgive drive them out of business and ban them from the industry forever
Posted by: phoenixgirl at March 29, 2019 12:09 PM (0O7c5) 8
Where is brave sir robin when you need him to boldly go?
Posted by: Archer at March 29, 2019 12:09 PM (gmo/4) 9
But Schitt for brains assures me he has proof Trump is a Russian agent!
Posted by: It's me donna at March 29, 2019 12:09 PM (O2RFr) 10
Your stool firm up, yet?
Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 12:10 PM (i89zP) 11
Nice to see the National Guard surrendering preemptively.
Standards...what are those? Time to go back to private instead of nationalized militas Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:10 PM (bcbK8) 12
We shall see.
They've been dead to me since Bush, but a lot of people just want to be bullshitted. Posted by: eleven at March 29, 2019 12:10 PM (NLLmE) 13
Schiff says he ain't goin' nowhere.
Posted by: navybrat, sometime commentater at March 29, 2019 12:10 PM (w7KSn) 14
Trump calls Schiff a shit for brains, without evidence.
Posted by: Lurking Lurker at March 29, 2019 12:10 PM (FiUMj) 15
Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 12:11 PM (IXZGh) Posted by: Lizzy at March 29, 2019 12:11 PM (W+vEI) 17
But was hoping to be in before the unboldening.
Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 12:11 PM (IXZGh) 18
Eyes Wide Shut
Posted by: literally serious at March 29, 2019 12:11 PM (3zt5o) 19
They're turning the guns inward. Let's help true their aim.
Posted by: JSchuler at March 29, 2019 12:12 PM (ySdHR) 20
If we're in a cyberpunk world now, where's all the chrome? I want an upgraded heart and lungs, and maybe a pop-out plasma gun in my wrist.
Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at March 29, 2019 12:12 PM (J+mig) 21
It's almost as if the Media and news are crisis actors or something.
Posted by: literally serious at March 29, 2019 12:12 PM (3zt5o) 22
Nice to see the National Guard surrendering preemptively.
Standards...what are those? Time to go back to private instead of nationalized militas Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards Those still pushing the no tolerance policy to a picture in a logo need to be dragged outside and hanged off of playground equipment. Posted by: rickb223 at March 29, 2019 12:13 PM (XWb4y) Posted by: Doobie Bruthas at March 29, 2019 12:13 PM (aKsyK) 24
Honestly, I have not believed "experts" or speculation since living through the DC sniper (lived in N. VA at the time).
Talk about an eye-opening experience about what total BS these "experts" were peddling. Posted by: Lizzy at March 29, 2019 12:13 PM (W+vEI) 25
this "collusion" narrative has been the bolus in the colon of the body politic.
Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at March 29, 2019 12:13 PM (R6smW) 26
Yeah, but we're not investigators. We just broadcast other people's bullshit.
Posted by: The Media at March 29, 2019 12:13 PM (uGHnY) 27
Lots of bold pouncing and seizing in there ace. And as much as I wish the "Experts" would suffer for all their lies, it simply won't happen because there is a 24-hour news cycle to fill and most journalists are lazy. For an example of this phenomenon I direct you to Former Enron Adviser Paul Krugman, who is still an Expert.
Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at March 29, 2019 12:13 PM (RD7QR) 28
>>If we're in a cyberpunk world now, where's all the chrome?
I want a Wooden Airship with Electro-Static Sails and a Water Wheel! Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 12:13 PM (i89zP) 29
>>We're living in a cyberpunk world where the "news" isn't the news, it's commercial advertisements for corporations and information ops paid for by political parties put into a form resembling that of what we used to call "news," bought and paid for by deep-pocketed invested interests.
The more digging I do on the whole Russia scam the more this becomes obvious. We are being told one reality while the truth is consciously buried. Russia collusion is distraction to cover up for an unbelievable amount of corruption by a small group of power elites and the amount of money involved is staggering. Posted by: JackStraw at March 29, 2019 12:13 PM (/tuJf) 30
Only the bold deserve the fair!
Posted by: zombie horatio nelson at March 29, 2019 12:13 PM (Dh1wo) 31
Hey, remember when Louise Mensch Tweeted that Steve Bannon was getting the death penalty (which she is against and took "no pleasure in reporting" LOL) and that Rudy Giuliani was "singing like a bird" to avoid the same?
Good times. GOOD times. Posted by: Guy Smiley at March 29, 2019 12:14 PM (4AeKb) 32
My favorite is watching Mueller industry fall apart, Mueller She Wrote was having a live broadcasts across the Country at 40 dollars a pop and them trying prop up their failing industry.
#Sad Posted by: Patrick from Ohio at March 29, 2019 12:14 PM (dKiJG) 33
22 Nice to see the National Guard surrendering preemptively.
Standards...what are those? Time to go back to private instead of nationalized militas Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards Those still pushing the no tolerance policy to a picture in a logo need to be dragged outside and hanged off of playground equipment. Posted by: rickb223 at March 29, 2019 12:13 PM (XWb4y) I rate this: Harsh but fair Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:15 PM (bcbK8) 34
Tom Nichols hardest hit.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:15 PM (I2dne) 35
20 If we're in a cyberpunk world now, where's all the chrome? I want an upgraded heart and lungs, and maybe a pop-out plasma gun in my wrist.
Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at March 29, 2019 12:12 PM (J+mig) I want dermal plating, and a pain editor, and an Ingram Smartgun, and an adrenal pump, and... Posted by: Insomniac at March 29, 2019 12:15 PM (NWiLs) 36
>>Russia collusion is distraction to cover up for an unbelievable amount of corruption by a small group of power elites and the amount of money involved is staggering.
But, that could be The Weed talking. Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 12:15 PM (i89zP) 37
The Russia Conspiracy Theory is an "Extinction-Level Event" for the Media's Make-Pretend "Expert Class"
====== They don't care. Kinda like the Post Office - they fuck up shit and are generally useless, rude, lazy assholes, but where else are you going to go? Posted by: bicentennialguy at March 29, 2019 12:15 PM (vg8iE) 38
Shane Rimmer, James Bond and 'Thunderbirds' Actor, Dies at 89
Posted by: SMOD at March 29, 2019 12:15 PM (QkjLD) 39
I watch almost no TV news anymore. I get my news from on line aggregators and believe very little of what I read.
Posted by: BignJames at March 29, 2019 12:15 PM (ykq7q) 40
Demanding the Mueller Report is the new 'Birtherism'
Posted by: SMOD at March 29, 2019 12:16 PM (QkjLD) 41
Think the best exercise for any person who reads/hears the news is this:
For each headline, story, whatever, ask yourself: "Is this news?" "Why was this chosen to be reported as news today?" For example, why are they this week breathlessly reporting bits about Barbara Bush? I'm sure it's because there's a new biography, but . . . why do they think I should care about her thoughts and feeling, especially after they trashed the woman all the damn time? Posted by: Lizzy at March 29, 2019 12:16 PM (W+vEI) 42
Well, lets put it this way.
The talking heads and experts are no different than dudes on a comment section of the internet discussing things. They might have some experience or professional knowledge, they might have local contacts, but they're just giving their opinion. Sometimes their opinion is wise and insightful (as often, here). Sometimes they're just yanking it out of their posterior and guessing. But they are no more reliable or trustworthy, no more "experts" (sorry Tom Nichols) than any of us. For example, I'm an expert in fantasy role playing, 1980s comics, Nazi war history, the Jolrhos campaign setting, Taylor family history, and Oregon culture and geography. I know more about those things than your average bear, even Tami, about some of them at least. That doesn't make me better than anyone else or worthy of interviewing on CNN. It doesn't make me a Crossfire guest. It just makes me an ordinary person who by age 53 has finally learned some things. These guys on these shows are nothing special. Being an expert is nothing special. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 12:16 PM (39g3+) Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 12:16 PM (i89zP) 44
36 >>Russia collusion is distraction to cover up for an unbelievable amount of corruption by a small group of power elites and the amount of money involved is staggering.
But, that could be The Weed talking. Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 12:15 PM (i89zP) Cyberpunk, so it's all about CBD oil and synthetic endorphins now. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:17 PM (bcbK8) 45
For example, why are they this week breathlessly reporting bits about Barbara Bush? I'm sure it's because there's a new biography, but . . . why do they think I should care about her thoughts and feeling, especially after they trashed the woman all the damn time?
Because it's something nasty about Trump Posted by: It's me donna at March 29, 2019 12:17 PM (O2RFr) 46
The more digging I do on the whole Russia scam the more this becomes obvious. We are being told one reality while the truth is consciously buried.
Russia collusion is distraction to cover up for an unbelievable amount of corruption by a small group of power elites and the amount of money involved is staggering. Posted by: JackStraw at March 29, 2019 12:13 PM (/tuJf) Most of those same "elites" got their astounding wealth by selling us down the river to China or anyone else that showed up with a dump truck of money. This was classic projection, accusing someone else if doing the same heinous things you do, to try to pervert the course of justice. Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at March 29, 2019 12:17 PM (J+mig) 47
and David Frum is the epitome of Deep State. he quaffed from the penis of the Bush Administration, on whose behalf he read the anti-war Old Right out of the GOP mainstream ("unpatriotic conservatives"), and then immediately gobbled Obama's.
the man is the biggest lickspittle in American politics, and needs to be shunned. Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at March 29, 2019 12:17 PM (R6smW) Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:17 PM (bcbK8) 49
38 Shane Rimmer, James Bond and 'Thunderbirds' Actor, Dies at 89
Posted by: SMOD at March 29, 2019 12:15 PM (QkjLD) It's a good thing he was active back in the '60s and '70s and not after certain sexual phenomena became known. Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at March 29, 2019 12:17 PM (RD7QR) 50
burn, scatter, salt, THEN nuke for good measure, just to be sure...
Posted by: SturmToddler at March 29, 2019 12:17 PM (8D42x) 51
In a tweet, Politico accused President Trump, without evidence, of not using evidence to point out that Schiff is a pencil-necked hoebag.
Posted by: Sporkatus at March 29, 2019 12:18 PM (CGB5H) 52
For each headline, story, whatever, ask yourself:
"Is this news?" "Why was this chosen to be reported as news today?" Posted by: Lizzy And, as always, FOLLOW THE MONEY. Posted by: rickb223 at March 29, 2019 12:18 PM (XWb4y) 53
I watch almost no TV news anymore. I get my news from on line aggregators and believe very little of what I read.
Posted by: BignJames I take it as an approximation of what might be happening. Posted by: eleven at March 29, 2019 12:18 PM (NLLmE) 54
They're errand boys, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill.
Posted by: andycanuck at March 29, 2019 12:18 PM (Dh1wo) 55
Demanding the report is just them desperately flailing away for another few news cycles.
They know Barr is required by law to do certain redactions. If he released it without them they'd be screaming about that. They're desperate. Trying to keep they're heads above water until the report does come out and they can seize (cwidt?) on continue the charade. Posted by: Guy Smiley at March 29, 2019 12:18 PM (4AeKb) 56
Were. Just. Making Shit Up. Wholesale. And Monetizing It. For the Greedy to Profit off the Gullible. We have seen this before but this time - thankfully - it is a bit different. In prior cases like Vietnam, Watergate, SDI, etc. it was both more limited because the press was more careful but the last sentence in your statement there would have ended differently. It would have read: "For the Greedy to Profit off of the Captive." We are no longer captives. The Internet, flawed as it is and rigged in favor of the establishment as it has become, allowed the true shining stars of journalism to chip away tirelessly at the cabal's lies. This, even as extreme as it is, would not have been an extinction-level event in the past. Their oligopoly has been broken and their ability to act as nearly perfect gatekeepers has been taken away from them. It is for this reason, I think, that the press and their "expert" elite classes are finally vulnerable to total annihilation unlike any time before. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:19 PM (I2dne) Posted by: Lizzy at March 29, 2019 12:19 PM (W+vEI) 58
I want dermal plating, and a pain editor, and an Ingram Smartgun, and an adrenal pump, and...
Posted by: Insomniac at March 29, 2019 12:15 PM (NWiLs) Suprathyroid for the win. Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at March 29, 2019 12:19 PM (J+mig) Posted by: Sporkatus at March 29, 2019 12:19 PM (CGB5H) 60
Posted by: Guy Smiley at March 29, 2019 12:19 PM (4AeKb) 61
never forget and never forgive drive them out of business and ban them from the industry forever And make that lying Shitt-for-Brains resign from office. Then prosecute him for sedition. Or indict him for sedition and make him resign from office. Either/or, I'm not picky. Then set sights on Mad Maxine's Wig-hat and the rest of the Progressive seditioners in Congress. Sweep the leg. They know not of the Crane Pose and now have absolutely no defense for their words after the Mewler Report vindicated PDT. And if they persist, PDT needs to merely begin declassifying stuff to further prove that they're lying still. Posted by: BackwardsBoy says #PurgeProgressivism at March 29, 2019 12:20 PM (HaL55) 62
Rimmer is a great orn name.
But you need to make it the first name Rimmer Shagwell Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 12:16 PM (i89zP) Sounds like a gay pron name. Posted by: Archer at March 29, 2019 12:20 PM (gmo/4) 63
For each headline, story, whatever, ask yourself:
"Is this news?" "Why was this chosen to be reported as news today?" Its getting worse, too. Without competent editors and a professional news staff, the dumbest stuff or most blatantly paid advertising is given as news. The local news organizations routinely post pictures of people charged with crimes, not convicted, but just charged. And its not stuff like jaywalking, its "Joe Bob Boyton who lives in Keizer, has been charged with raping a 4 year old (image)." If he's guilty, sure, post his picture and location so we can all beat him to death with tire irons. But if he's just charged, not even a court date set, you ruined this guy! Innocent before proven guilty, anyone??? Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 12:20 PM (39g3+) 64
We can all agree the media is lazy, dishonest, corrupt, and incompetent.
------- You left out 'Ignorant'. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 29, 2019 12:20 PM (2kj6M) 65
Somehow, someway, President Trump needs to find how to cut the money CNN et al get from people who don't want them on their cable or satellite service.
Gotta be a way to hurt those bastards and put them out of business. War. Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 29, 2019 12:21 PM (Z+IKu) 66
58 I want dermal plating, and a pain editor, and an Ingram Smartgun, and an adrenal pump, and...
Posted by: Insomniac at March 29, 2019 12:15 PM (NWiLs) Suprathyroid for the win. Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at March 29, 2019 12:19 PM (J+mig) Eye upgrades and synthcardium too...damn, getting low on Essence.. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:21 PM (bcbK8) Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 12:21 PM (i89zP) 68
>>Most of those same "elites" got their astounding wealth by selling us down the river to China or anyone else that showed up with a dump truck of money.
>>This was classic projection, accusing someone else if doing the same heinous things you do, to try to pervert the course of justice. That's very true but trying untangle all the money and the associated moves is a daunting task. This isn't just a US thing, this is a worldwide phenomenon. The "elite" are a club and we aren't in it and that includes Donald Trump. Posted by: JackStraw at March 29, 2019 12:21 PM (/tuJf) 69
What bothered me most about all of this is the people on both sides that actually put any time into this KNEW it was all bullshit for rube consumption. You didn't have to have to be some national security or law enforcement insider to figure it out. But they pushed it anyway with the hope Trump would do something stupid as a process crime.
The biggest bullet we dodged was Trump never sitting down with Mueller. I'm hoping Trump was just playing the media saying how much he wanted to sit down with Mueller, because that would have the end. basically everyone that talked with the FBI got charged. Posted by: Blago at March 29, 2019 12:21 PM (UfkIY) 70
Were. Just. Making Shit Up. Wholesale. And Monetizing It. For the Greedy to Profit off the Gullible. I think this is Bill Kristol's business plan for The Bulwark. Posted by: OregonMuse. AoSHQ Thought Leader & Pants Monitor at March 29, 2019 12:21 PM (/aEfE) 71
Cyberpunk, so it's all about CBD oil and synthetic endorphins now.
Better Than Life chips when? I want dermal plating, and a pain editor... Wired Reflexes. Posted by: Sporkatus at March 29, 2019 12:21 PM (CGB5H) 72
Their oligopoly has been broken and their ability to act as nearly perfect gatekeepers has been taken away from them. It is for this reason, I think, that the press and their "expert" elite classes are finally vulnerable to total annihilation unlike any time before.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:19 PM (I2dne) That's why they're starting to censor the Internet platforms now. They've realized the threat, but the pace of change is too fast for their groupthink-addled central authorities to keep up with, so the truth keeps leaking out. Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at March 29, 2019 12:21 PM (J+mig) 73
The biggest bullet we dodged was Trump never sitting down with Mueller. I'm hoping Trump was just playing the media saying how much he wanted to sit down with Mueller, because that would have the end. basically everyone that talked with the FBI got charged.
Trump as Muhammad Ali. Run your mouth out of the ring, rope-a-dope in the ring. Posted by: JEM at March 29, 2019 12:22 PM (8erNz) 74
Eye upgrades and synthcardium too...damn, getting low on Essence..
Switch to bioware. Half-off if you have more cyber. Posted by: Sporkatus at March 29, 2019 12:22 PM (CGB5H) 75
Posted by: FIRST!!!!! at March 29, 2019 12:22 PM (uopCm) 76
Russia collusion is distraction to cover up for an unbelievable amount of corruption by a small group of power elites and the amount of money involved is staggering. ===== I always go back to my prim Midwestern upbringing: how in the stump-toed hell do the people in Congress leave so substantially wealthier; and their children and grandchildren have all the impossible goods and benefits that no other US citizens have. Then they marry each other. Posted by: mustbequantum at March 29, 2019 12:22 PM (MIKMs) 77
We went through this before fairly recently with Valerie Plame "scandal."
Everyone in DC knew the real story: Plame was a CIA desk jockey and many people knew she worked at the CIA. Dick Armitage "leaked" her name, not Scooter Libby and the Dark Lord Cheney. But the did not care. They made up the entire sham of a story because WE HATE BUSH and CHENEY. They had the investigation, prosecuted and jailed Libby. The entertainment industry rewarded Plame with stories, a biography, movies, etc.. All based on a lie. Posted by: Lizzy at March 29, 2019 12:22 PM (W+vEI) 78
Somehow, someway, President Trump needs to find how to cut the money CNN et al get from people who don't want them on their cable or satellite service.
Gotta be a way to hurt those bastards and put them out of business. War. Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 29, 2019 12:21 PM (Z+IKu) +++++++ A-la-carte cable pricing would do it in a heartbeat. The number of channels would probably fall by half and the costs would likely fall by 10%-15% or so, though not commensurate with the absence of content you weren't watching anyway. The pay TV business lives and breathes by bundling, and a-la-carte is the existential threat hanging over them like the Sword of Damocles. I for one would like to see it. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:22 PM (I2dne) 79
That's not news, that's propaganda. Posted by: Lizzy --------- It was during the Obama administration that the media began to parrot press releases as 'news'. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 29, 2019 12:23 PM (2kj6M) 80
Nuclear Waste leaking in South Africa since 2014. William Petzer (in English). The only news stories so far on this are in Afrikaans so far. Posted by: Off the reservation at March 29, 2019 12:23 PM (vWMNq) 81
Russia collusion is distraction to cover up for an unbelievable amount of corruption by a small group of power elites and the amount of money involved is staggering.
Posted by: JackStraw NOT A HINT OF CORRUPTION IN THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. Isn't that something that the twatwaffle Brooks said once upon a time? Another "faux-conservative" house organ monkey for the Times. Things are STILL coming out about just how corrupt Bill Clinton was as Prezzident, so it will likely be DECADES before the truth leaks out to the general popo about just how corrupt Obama was. We already know a lot of significant things, such as the Iran Deal, Benghazi, and the biggest mess of all....Obamacare. Probably a lot of bad things that we don't even have a glimpse of. Posted by: Bozo Conservative....unfrozen caveman moron at March 29, 2019 12:23 PM (vcOmj) 82
Everything is like this now.Including tv,movie,book and music reviews.Centrally controlled spin and hype.
Posted by: steevy at March 29, 2019 12:23 PM (BXMxN) 83
Guys like Schiff I'm convinced were being slipped information from the Deep State, from people who ought to have been in the know, and hence had great credibility. Jack from the FBI sent me this text about how the president is about to be charged with crimes! Sheila from the CIA just sent me a DM about Russian connections between Trump and Putin!
So he bought it, and said he had evidence, when it was just a mention by someone, and to this day refuses to believe they were lying to him. That's my take, at least. He's not sneaky and lying, he's stupid and credulous. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 12:23 PM (39g3+) 84
I know I keep screeching Center for American Progress like a dude on a corner with a sammich board, but seriously. Where do you suppose all these "experts," especially the ones with their ready-made always left-supporting analysis comes from.
CAP is not the only one, but it is one of the most problematic ones, with an entire clinton shadow organization used to cultivate the next dem government in waiting. Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at March 29, 2019 12:23 PM (t6MX/) 85
Russia collusion is distraction to cover up for an unbelievable amount of corruption by a small group of power elites and the amount of money involved is staggering. Posted by: JackStraw at March 29, 2019 12:13 PM Think of the money involved to create 6,000 factories in the USA. Factories that employed five million people. Probably covered 20 million people with health insurance. All gone in the decade after year 2000. That money went to China. They couldn't get kickbacks from the owner of the 6,000 factories in this country but you can be damn sure some sweetheart deals got cut with China, Inc. It never ceases to amaze me how a Senator goes into office with a net worth of a couple million dollars and six years later he has a net worth of 20 million. How does that happen? Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 12:23 PM (jYje5) 86
Funny that McKay Coppins still thinks there's something there way, way down that'll be found in the released report even if it isn't "Russians are running the U.S. government".
Posted by: andycanuck at March 29, 2019 12:24 PM (Dh1wo) 87
>>It was during the Obama administration that the media began to parrot press releases as 'news'.
Journo-list. They never stopped. Just changed their means of communication / dissemination. Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 12:24 PM (i89zP) 88
That's why they're starting to censor the Internet platforms now. They've realized the threat, but the pace of change is too fast for their groupthink-addled central authorities to keep up with, so the truth keeps leaking out.
Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at March 29, 2019 12:21 PM (J+mig) ++++++++++++ Yes, and they may be successful but that is by no means a guarantee. It is one of the reasons - other than the flat illegality of what they're doing - that I want to see the big tech giants broken up. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:24 PM (I2dne) Posted by: steevy at March 29, 2019 12:24 PM (BXMxN) 90
*puts on Neuromancer by Billy Idol*
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:25 PM (bcbK8) 91
yeah, CNN is like Q-Anon ... pretending to be linked directly to inside sources. But Q-Anon was at least rooting for the good guys, and was right more broadly, that the left was running a huge propaganda war.
So I liked some of the Q-Anon results, and that large following that were constantly digging into data and reports, often turning up good facts and theories, and producing those memes. Even those that were skeptical of Q being an insider could participate in the "Q community" ... and that is a good "crowd source like" thang. (much better than the antifa crowd, or BLM, etc.) Posted by: illiniwek at March 29, 2019 12:25 PM (Cus5s) 92
Safe at Home with Orson Bean, will eat your morning: WeirdDave bait for weekend: Garfield phones on French beaches Norwegian Air and the Good Ship Venus Posted by: JEM at March 29, 2019 12:25 PM (8erNz) 93
That goggle eyed wireneck freak is a disgrace to the the great name of Schiff!
And I had knuckles in Marge Simpson after the prom. Posted by: Artie Schiff at March 29, 2019 12:25 PM (OFzX4) 94
Nuclear Waste leaking in South Africa since 2014
Putting untrained, inexperienced, disinclined people in charge of a nuclear state, how can that possibly go wrong? Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 12:25 PM (39g3+) 95
74 Eye upgrades and synthcardium too...damn, getting low on Essence..
Switch to bioware. Half-off if you have more cyber. Posted by: Sporkatus at March 29, 2019 12:22 PM (CGB5H) Hmm. Not sure where we are in the timeline. And how many credits I have for all this... Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:26 PM (bcbK8) 96
It never ceases to amaze me how a Senator goes into office with a net worth of a couple million dollars and six years later he has a net worth of 20 million. How does that happen? Posted by: Newest Nic Cattle futures Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 29, 2019 12:26 PM (aKsyK) 97
Think of the money involved to create 6,000 factories in the USA. Factories that employed five million people. Probably covered 20 million people with health insurance. All gone in the decade after year 2000.
That money went to China. They couldn't get kickbacks from the owner of the 6,000 factories in this country but you can be damn sure some sweetheart deals got cut with China, Inc. It never ceases to amaze me how a Senator goes into office with a net worth of a couple million dollars and six years later he has a net worth of 20 million. How does that happen? Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 12:23 PM (jYje5) +++++++++++ It's easy math if you're a shitheel. "To me, the extra dollars I get from China, Inc. are worth to me than your life, especially because I can hide behind the moral shield of my intention to give you better skills even though I know it doesn't work that way." The fact that congressmen are exempt from insider trading laws are just icing on the cake. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:26 PM (I2dne) Posted by: Cake Girl's Bosom at March 29, 2019 12:26 PM (beH4q) 99
I think this is Bill Kristol's business plan for The Bulwark.
Posted by: OregonMuse ----------- Sort of the Michael Avenatti of 'journalism'. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 29, 2019 12:26 PM (ZMWtN) 100
80 Nuclear Waste leaking in South Africa since 2014.
Runaway crime, predictably corrupt government, neutrons, what more can you expect? Posted by: JEM at March 29, 2019 12:26 PM (8erNz) 101
>>>That goggle eyed wireneck freak is a disgrace to the the great name of Schiff!
this is a great set of words. Are they yours? I LOVE "wireneck." I LOVE IT. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 12:26 PM (PbpT7) 102
It never ceases to amaze me how a Senator goes into office with a net worth of a couple million dollars and six years later he has a net worth of 20 million.
How does that happen? Posted by: Newest Nic Insider trading. Being able to steer government contracts to your spouse. (Looking at you Pelosi) Posted by: rickb223 at March 29, 2019 12:27 PM (XWb4y) 103
>>CAP is not the only one, but it is one of the most problematic ones, with an entire clinton shadow organization used to cultivate the next dem government in waiting.
Not just that, flounder, CAP provided a lot of policies that Obama implemented during his presidency. Heck, Michelle Obama's school lunch program was cribbed from a Soros' Center for American Progress policy paper. Posted by: Lizzy at March 29, 2019 12:27 PM (W+vEI) 104
94 Putting untrained, inexperienced, disinclined people in charge
No need to add "Nuclear". And those in charge are not "inexperienced" ... they are *communists*. Posted by: Off the reservation at March 29, 2019 12:27 PM (vWMNq) 105
i want to know how original "wireneck" is so i know how easy it will be to steal it...
Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 12:27 PM (PbpT7) 106
It never ceases to amaze me how a Senator goes into office with a net worth of a couple million dollars and six years later he has a net worth of 20 million.
How does that happen? Posted by: Newest Nic ----------- This is about me, isn't it? Posted by: Bernie Sanders, who has never had a real job in his life at March 29, 2019 12:28 PM (ZMWtN) 107
Mr. Edwards I see by your nic, that your resolve grows! One of the basic tenets of many martial arts disciplines is to make sure you are firmly grounded in your stance and readiness I have to believe the true morons on the other side I have absolutely no idea of who they're dealing with carry on good sir
Posted by: Sock monkey wanted: organ grinder, willing to train at March 29, 2019 12:28 PM (B7Qtx) 108
Lee Smith: The Russia Conspiracy Theory is an "Extinction-Level Event" for the Media's Make-Pretend "Expert Class"
I wish. Sadly, it's not even close to true. Most of them won't suffer one bit from this. It will be like what happened to Dateline NBC when it was discovered that they were blowing cars up to "prove" that they blew up by themselves. ... They had egg on their face for a couple of days and just soldiered on making shit up and presenting it on TV. They were caught in another huge lie on the show, around which point they went from a weekly show to a daily one and stayed on the air for years and years and years! Nothing makes leftist shitrags go extinct. They are a permanent part of the societal background. The best we can do is keep them relegated to the "noise" section, where they belong. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 29, 2019 12:28 PM (C0qUW) 109
It never ceases to amaze me how a Senator goes into office with a net worth of a couple million dollars and six years later he has a net worth of 20 million.
How does that happen? Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 12:23 PM (jYje5) I don't know exactly, but if you and I did the same things, we would be arrested for "insider trading." Posted by: OregonMuse. AoSHQ Thought Leader & Pants Monitor at March 29, 2019 12:28 PM (/aEfE) 110
Rob Reiner
@robreiner Due the Criminal would be Autocrat that sits in our WH, we are facing three existential threats. 1.Survival of millions of Americans through loss of health care. 2.Survival of the planet by rejecting climate change. 3.Survival of Democracy. It's all on the line in 2020. Fight! - Thanks, Meathead, for bringing a little clarity to the situation. Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at March 29, 2019 12:28 PM (+y/Ru) 111
"switch to bioware"
yeah, but since EA bought the licence you have to keep paying microtransactions to do much with it Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at March 29, 2019 12:28 PM (R6smW) 112
Bloggers come in tiers? What tier of blogger is Ace?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at March 29, 2019 12:28 PM (dNzKv) 113
Lincoln Tunnel squeegee men offered more value than today's corporate media.
Posted by: mr tmz at March 29, 2019 12:28 PM (m/Gc2) 114
Here's something more realistic than the MSM's and Cuck's Fake News: The new Godzilla trailer. Posted by: naturalfake at March 29, 2019 12:29 PM (9X624) 115
I think that "prog audiences" still believe 100% that every bit of it was true. They aren't mad about being lied to, they're mad that their heroes FAILED. They were promised results. They didn't get results. Their heroes were ineffective, unable to use what they KNOW was true and will believe was true until the day they die, to do what their heroes promised to do.
Posted by: Synova (reversion to pseudonymous) at March 29, 2019 12:29 PM (BD/yx) 116
>>I always go back to my prim Midwestern upbringing: how in the stump-toed hell do the people in Congress leave so substantially wealthier; and their children and grandchildren have all the impossible goods and benefits that no other US citizens have. Then they marry each other.
Here's an interesting anecdote. Nicholas Sarkozy secretly took 50 million Euros from Gaddafi for his 2007 presidential campaign. Not conjecture, it's fact. He also took a shitload of personal cash from Gaddafi. At the same time the Muslim Brotherhood supporting Qataris which hated Gaddafi were showering the Clinton Foundation with cash. And then out of the blue in 2011 France, the UK and of course the US decided they needed to kill Gadaffi. The reasons given never made any sense and all it did was create a failed state filled with terrorists and an active slave trade. This should be an enormous story but it barely gets any coverage at all. Way too much money and power involved. Posted by: JackStraw at March 29, 2019 12:29 PM (/tuJf) 117
Youtube took down a great documentary channel without warning, no message, disappeared it. There must be some devious discussions going on at the top. That jerkoff Zucker talking about how they aren't investigators and all that, I wonder if that is a method they've chosen to get around the Covington lawsuit and any other investigations. Big Media is way more toxic to people than Big Oil or Big Tobacco. Posted by: Rev Dr E Buzz Raniere at March 29, 2019 12:29 PM (z8c2c) 118
i want to know how original "wireneck" is so i know how easy it will be to steal it...
Posted by: ace ---------- Everything that appears at AoSHQ is in the public domain. Posted by: Jonah Goldberg at March 29, 2019 12:29 PM (ZMWtN) Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas at March 29, 2019 12:29 PM (uDcBt) 120
>>>112 Bloggers come in tiers? What tier of blogger is Ace?
permanently second tier, unless i've slipped to third. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 12:29 PM (PbpT7) 121
No need to add "Nuclear". And those in charge are not "inexperienced" ... they are *communists*.
Well some of them are at least, some are just random uncle I can throw a high paying job and put in charge of disease control or something. The South African apartheid government was given like six months to turn everything over to the new leadership, ALL of whom were black and NONE of whom knew what the hell they were doing. And it hasn't really gotten any better. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 12:29 PM (39g3+) Posted by: Off the reservation at March 29, 2019 12:29 PM (vWMNq) 123
I imagine the ending of the Schiff shit-burger for the Progs was like the end of "Erik The Viking" when the crew finally enters Valhalla and finds "the gods" to be something quit different from voyagers' initial expectations.
Posted by: mrp at March 29, 2019 12:30 PM (Pqytn) 124
I don't think there's anything new about the way the press operates. But we've been coasting along on the prosperity of previous generations for a long time. It takes a while to destroy a great country.
What is new is the internet, and exposing their lies to a wide audience. It used to be individuals throwing bricks at their TV. Now you get on the internet and we all realize there are a lot of other individuals throwing bricks at their TV too. Posted by: I like cookies at March 29, 2019 12:30 PM (xxAFD) 125
The media is the mob, and the mob is paid to provide a circus. Each one of them is just a cog in the propaganda chain, who reinforces whatever baseless political disinformation the others bleat.
This isn't about laziness, or the fact that most of these people are not very bright. It is about a deliberate, well funded and coordinated attack on the very pillars of our democratic republic. It exists way beyond the press. Look at what happened in the Smollet farce and who was involved. Foxx didn't get their by accident or on her own. She was bought and paid for by Soros for a purpose. And when she's gone, they will get another dupe to stand in. My question is, now that the masks are slipping will people actually notice and call it out, or will they fall back into being useful idiots. Because while it seems that people have initially tuned out, I wonder how, or if, that lasts. Posted by: Marcus T at March 29, 2019 12:30 PM (VpIIl) 126
When I was a reporter you were expected to quote experts on both sides of an issue or else an editor would spike the story. I once did a series on kiddie porn that my editor threatened to spike because I didn't have a pro-kiddie porn expert.
Different times in more ways than one Posted by: Regular joe at March 29, 2019 12:30 PM (6/uwW) 127
Kristol wrote three pieces for the Bulwark, all in January. What the hell else is he doing?
I think the man has lost his mind and is in a Twitter loop. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 29, 2019 12:30 PM (wYseH) 128
It never ceases to amaze me how a Senator goes into office with a net worth of a couple million dollars and six years later he has a net worth of 20 million.
How does that happen? Posted by: Newest Nic I wonder how many congresspersons profited off of Solyndra thru cut out companies? Posted by: rickb223 at March 29, 2019 12:30 PM (XWb4y) 129
permanently second tier, unless i've slipped to third.
Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 12:29 PM (PbpT7) +++++++++++ Out of curiosity, Ace, does any blogger in any tier have your level of engagement? Yours defies belief. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:30 PM (I2dne) 130
When progressives are down, they double down. Don't expect them to slink away, tail between legs. They will wait a week or so and act as if the mueller report never came out. They will crank up the collusion talk to 11.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at March 29, 2019 12:31 PM (dNzKv) 131
George is getting his money's worth.
Prosecutor In Smollett Case, Kim Foxx, Got $408,000 From Soros Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at March 29, 2019 12:31 PM (+y/Ru) Posted by: DaveA at March 29, 2019 12:31 PM (FhXTo) 133
Bloggers come in tiers? What tier of blogger is Ace?
God Emperor? Posted by: Off the reservation at March 29, 2019 12:29 PM (vWMNq) Crazy uncle that is only spoken of in hushed tones. Posted by: I like cookies at March 29, 2019 12:31 PM (xxAFD) 134
*looks at side-bar*
What the fvckity-fvckity? Oh wait National Guard Bureau is where the climbers and the useless are sent. Posted by: Anna Puma at March 29, 2019 12:32 PM (+GFl/) 135
permanently second tier, unless i've slipped to third.
At this point I figure you're first tier, because I mean... what other blogs are bigger or more influential? I don't think your blog's influence has changed all that much since 2006 but all the bigger blogs are gone. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 12:32 PM (39g3+) 136
What difference, at this point, does it make?1!?!1!?!?!?!? ~cackle-cackle-cackle-cackle-cackle-cackle-CACKLE-CACKLE-CAC,,,COUGH,,COUGH-COUGH-COUGH,,,COUGH,~ *hic* Posted by: Hillary Clinton at March 29, 2019 12:32 PM (GEhPL) 137
The fact that congressmen are exempt from insider trading laws are just icing on the cake. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:26 PM When Obama was in office I threatened to set up a Congress Watch investment firm which would buy and hold an exact mirror of stocks in Senators portfolios. I was dead serious. Fast Forward to after an Obama State of the Union when the cameras were instructed to key in on Obama saying, ''Put that bill on my desk and I'll sign it.'' My brain had one of those weird moments when I realized it was watching pure political theater for the masses to digest. I've heard the bill got shit-canned a couple of months later. Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 12:32 PM (jYje5) 138
Which is why South Africa is the only country to develop nuclear weapons and give them up.
Posted by: steevy at March 29, 2019 12:32 PM (BXMxN) 139
We're living in a cyberpunk world where the "news" isn't the news, it's commercial advertisements for corporations and information ops paid for by political parties put into a form resembling that of what we used to call "news," bought and paid for by deep-pocketed interested parties."
I know Ace tires of my beating the same old drum, but that view isn't exactly "new" - "mass" media has been nothing more than an "outlet" since day one. Pamphleteers and printers mostly printed tales originally written/told by others - the idea that "professional" journalists would "track down a story" and such was a media/hollywoodland creation of the mid 20th Century, nothing more. The more things change, the more they stay the same... Posted by: Anon a mouse at March 29, 2019 12:32 PM (6qErC) 140
Bloggers come in tiers? What tier of blogger is Ace?
God Emperor? Posted by: Off the reservation Galactic Overlord. Posted by: rickb223 at March 29, 2019 12:32 PM (XWb4y) 141
Kristol wrote three pieces for the Bulwark, all in January. What the hell else is he doing?
I think the man has lost his mind and is in a Twitter loop. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 29, 2019 12:30 PM (wYseH) +++++++++ Maybe he shuffled this mortal coil and he's being kept "alive" as an AI chatbot experiment run by the social media companies. For what it's worth, I have exactly as much evidence for this as the experts have for Russian Collusion. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:32 PM (I2dne) 142
112 Bloggers come in tiers? What tier of blogger is Ace?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at March 29, 2019 12:28 PM (dNzKv) --- Ace ain't in no way tiered! Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at March 29, 2019 12:32 PM (9qOCq) 143
They have done this with global warming. When all of those emails came out proving they just made up the data, did it end global warming? No. They waited a week, then cranked up the doomsday talk.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at March 29, 2019 12:32 PM (dNzKv) 144
121 ALL of whom were black and NONE of whom knew what the hell they were doing. And it hasn't really gotten any better.
They are doing this to the entire country. Private and public enterprises alike. It's "affirmative action" but for the majority rather than the minority. But in the government, they *do* know what they are doing. The ANC has annual conferences and the published minutes say exactly what their strategy is. Posted by: Off the reservation at March 29, 2019 12:32 PM (vWMNq) 145
I think that "prog audiences" still believe 100% that every bit of it was true. They aren't mad about being lied to, they're mad that their heroes FAILED. They were promised results. They didn't get results. Their heroes were ineffective, unable to use what they KNOW was true and will believe was true until the day they die, to do what their heroes promised to do.
======== This. Since the majority are Godless reprobates, they will always be looking for their next messiah to save them. Posted by: bicentennialguy at March 29, 2019 12:32 PM (vg8iE) 146
I'm still waiting for the consequences of the various Extinction-Level-Events that exposed the scams of the Global Warming asswipes ...
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 29, 2019 12:33 PM (C0qUW) Posted by: Sporkatus at March 29, 2019 12:33 PM (CGB5H) 148
The walls are closing in on the tightening noose.
Posted by: clutch cargo at March 29, 2019 12:33 PM (sLicW) 149
Not just that, flounder, CAP provided a lot of policies that Obama implemented during his presidency.
Heck, Michelle Obama's school lunch program was cribbed from a Soros' Center for American Progress policy paper. Posted by: Lizzy at March 29, 2019 12:27 PM (W+vEI) You want to see where dems are headed next? Check CAP's Trump RICO page. All citing reliable WaPo and NYT stuff. Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at March 29, 2019 12:33 PM (t6MX/) 150
When I was a reporter you were expected to quote experts on both sides of an issue or else an editor would spike the story. I once did a series on kiddie porn that my editor threatened to spike because I didn't have a pro-kiddie porn expert.
This is what I mean by professionalism and those old editors. They were really biased too, but they had really hard standards and were savage to writers like we have today. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 12:33 PM (39g3+) Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at March 29, 2019 12:33 PM (9qOCq) 152
@134. So what's their new logo- and iPhone? Dunces.
Posted by: Marcus T at March 29, 2019 12:33 PM (VpIIl) 153
The barrage of misinformation had nothing to do with news but aimed at scaring the GOPes into abandoning Trump. Thank God DJT stood strong and his base with him.
Posted by: kallisto at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (+aiYj) 154
Prosecutor In Smollett Case, Kim Foxx, Got $408,000 From Soros
======== I hope she spends a little of it on some facial reconstruction surgery. Posted by: bicentennialguy at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (vg8iE) 155
Y'know, it's a funny thing. Twenty years ago, someone ranting about "the Illuminati" I would dismiss as a crank or a nutjob. Now? The only things they seem to have been wrong about are window dressing.
Posted by: Brother Cavil at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (AM1GF) 156
I imagine the ending of the Schiff shit-burger for the Progs was like the end of "Erik The Viking" ...
--------- Or in Genesis, when God asks the cowering Adam and Eve, "Who told you that you are naked?" Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (ZMWtN) 157
The walls are closing in on the tightening noose.
Posted by: clutch cargo at March 29, 2019 12:33 PM (sLicW) The tide is coming in to roost on eggs that haven't hatched. Posted by: I like cookies at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (xxAFD) 158
It is true you never asked me shit. Just ran with your one sided story
![]() Posted by: Satan at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (Ol/Jg) 159
Since the majority are Godless reprobates, they will always be looking for their next messiah to save them.
Posted by: bicentennialguy at March 29, 2019 12:32 PM (vg8iE) These people need to learn that politicians ain't heroes. Heroes don't go into politics. You're not going to get Salvation from some act of legislation. Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (J+mig) 160
>> Bloggers come in tiers?
Not so much tiers as shelves. There are Top Shelf Bloggers out there. ... and then there is Ace. Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (i89zP) 161
permanently second tier, unless i've slipped to third. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 12:29 PM The only way to hit the coveted top tier is to sell out to some Soros cut-out and toe their line. We'll never notice. For the first five minutes, anyway. Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (jYje5) 162
112 Bloggers come in tiers? What tier of blogger is Ace?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at March 29, 2019 12:28 PM (dNzKv) He's over 9000! Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (bcbK8) 163
Nothing makes leftist shitrags go extinct. They are a permanent part of the societal background. The best we can do is keep them relegated to the "noise" section, where they belong."
Your example is a shining light - or should be - of the Gell Mann amnesia effect. If a page one above the fold story is so factually incorrect, why believe anything in the following pages? Yet people do... Posted by: Anon a mouse at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (6qErC) 164
Man, if there's all this money floating around just to make stuff up, then I need to learn dossier format! "Subject A handed $100,000 to the President in the White House parking garage in a tan envelope...."
Posted by: pookysgirl at March 29, 2019 12:35 PM (XKZwp) 165
so, we've made a dent in the media, which is GREAT!
and I'm hoping academia is hurt by incursions vs the MSM but healthcare/pharma is still not being looked at. I feel like a lot of the MSM focus on overdoses and anti-vaxxers are a deflection...Ocare turned a what had been a healthy spigot of taxpayer money into a FLOOD so much Swamp. so little time! Posted by: BlackOrchid at March 29, 2019 12:35 PM (Rarvo) 166
Are blogs ranked by revenue?
Posted by: steevy at March 29, 2019 12:35 PM (BXMxN) 167
151 140 Bloggers come in tiers? What tier of blogger is Ace?
--- of a clown? Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at March 29, 2019 12:33 PM (9qOCq) Props. And earworm Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:35 PM (bcbK8) 168
Most focus just on the material as presented that is wrong.
But that is only, essentially literally, half the story. Think about all the sins of omission that are committed. This doubles their error rate. Take take this Russian Collusion episode. They got everything wrong WRT the Trump Administration. They utterly ignored the actual, lengthy, factual record of Clinton/Obama collusion with Russia along with an extensive sequence of readily provable crimes of her time in the Obama Administration and out of it as a presidential candidate. The MFM is an illegitimate institution now. There's not a scintilla of a reason to trust it for anything. They are paid activists for other parties with agendas devised out of view and in coordination. To borrow a bastardized Reaganism: "Don't trust, but verify." "Enemy of the People" is not just some frustrated grunt; it's a tangible claim and a mostly unvarnished truth. Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at March 29, 2019 12:35 PM (6eEQ+) 169
>>permanently second tier, unless i've slipped to third.
His #2 doesn't look like a #2. there a #3? Posted by: Talk Radio Commercials at March 29, 2019 12:35 PM (i89zP) 170
They have done this with global warming. When all of those emails came out proving they just made up the data, did it end global warming? No. They waited a week, then cranked up the doomsday talk.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at March 29, 2019 12:32 PM (dNzKv) ++++++++++ Over the past 10-15 years, my mother went from center-left to conservative. I was talking about this with my brother when we were visiting her and I said, "Mom got really red-pilled by Obama" in response to some comment she made earlier. She heard this and piped up from the kitchen, "It wasn't him." This shocked me, since I thought it had been The Won who did it to her. I asked her what led to her political realignment and she replied, "It was that miserable, lying motherfucker Michael Mann." She almost never swears and it was quite shocking and also a revelation for me. She really - *really* - hates being lied to and the CRU affair ("Climategate") pushed her over the edge. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:35 PM (I2dne) Posted by: Anon a mouse at March 29, 2019 12:36 PM (6qErC) 172
France, the UK and of course the US decided they needed to kill Gadaffi. The reasons given never made any sense and all it did was create a failed state filled with terrorists and an active slave trade. Posted by: JackStraw
This coincided with Hillary's need for a foreign policy achievement. Killing Gadaffi was supposed to be her first campaign commercial. Posted by: The Gipper Lives at March 29, 2019 12:36 PM (Ndje9) 173
My blog is like 270th tier. I made it as high as 250th for a while in 2011
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 12:36 PM (39g3+) 174
>>>I know Ace tires of my beating the same old drum, but that view isn't exactly "new" - "mass" media has been nothing more than an "outlet" since day one. Pamphleteers and printers mostly printed tales originally written/told by others - the idea that "professional" journalists would "track down a story" and such was a media/hollywoodland creation of the mid 20th Century, nothing more.
yes, you are probably right. However, it's a carnival-barker gimmick of the media, which I learned from them, to pretend that everything is "new," because New is salable and Old isn't. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 12:36 PM (PbpT7) 175
this is a great essay Ace but Patterico isn't explained
what the heck he really does supposedly "walk the walk"??! just, that bad of Trump Derangement Syndrome? Posted by: BlackOrchid at March 29, 2019 12:36 PM (Rarvo) Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 12:36 PM (i89zP) 177
So we need a kind of pundit scorecard site that tracks their emanations and sees if they pan out.
Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at March 29, 2019 12:36 PM (9qOCq) 178
Don't ever be number one at anything. Taxes are too high.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 29, 2019 12:36 PM (pUDQf) 179
Hell 158 was for 126. Sock fail.
Posted by: Satan at March 29, 2019 12:36 PM (Ol/Jg) 180
The new Godzilla trailer. - Somewhere over the rainbow Godzilla will fly Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at March 29, 2019 12:37 PM (+y/Ru) Posted by: Anon a mouse at March 29, 2019 12:37 PM (6qErC) 182
Not so much tiers as shelves.
There are Top Shelf Bloggers out there. ... and then there is Ace. Posted by: garret Ace is..... The Ewok on the Shelf Posted by: Bozo Conservative....unfrozen caveman moron at March 29, 2019 12:37 PM (vcOmj) Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 29, 2019 12:37 PM (fuK7c) Posted by: Hillary Clinton at March 29, 2019 12:37 PM (GEhPL) 185
"Enemy of the People" is not just some frustrated grunt; it's a tangible claim and a mostly unvarnished truth.
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at March 29, 2019 12:35 PM (6eEQ+) ++++++++++ And they know it. Why do you think people like Cuomo keep repeating it? It is the one thing they must never acknowledge or they'll descend into madness. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:37 PM (I2dne) 186
Hillary was right, there really is a "vast right wind conspiracy", but she didn't mention that it (the GOPe and cucks and CoCs) ... was just a division of the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy (the commie one that marched through our institutions)
Posted by: illiniwek at March 29, 2019 12:37 PM (Cus5s) 187
This shocked me, since I thought it had been The Won who did it to her. I asked her what led to her political realignment and she replied, "It was that miserable, lying motherfucker Michael Mann."
She almost never swears and it was quite shocking and also a revelation for me. She really - *really* - hates being lied to and the CRU affair ("Climategate") pushed her over the edge. Posted by: Joe Mannix THAT'S when you know shit has gotten real. Posted by: rickb223 at March 29, 2019 12:38 PM (XWb4y) 188
Dumbass. Posted by: Xipe Totec at March 29, 2019 12:38 PM (Ol/Jg) 189
'"Extinction-Level Event" for the Media's Make-Pretend "Expert Class"'
Ha, I wish! Our electorate is so stupid, miseducated, fickle, and easily distracted, they'll keep on watching f'n TV, and keep on getting their news from comedians, and they'll keep buying the BS. The next big media hoax will be bigger and shinier and falser than anything you've seen yet, phonier than anything you can even IMAGINE. And America will STILL fall for it! We're doomed. Live life to the fullest now. Stick a fork in the USA. Posted by: gp at March 29, 2019 12:38 PM (mk9aG) 190
One I'll never forget, from David French, last August:
"One thing that I see political analysts get wrong all the time. They over-estimate the extent to which Trump supporters know about (or believe) the various Trump scandals. There is simply a gigantic knowledge gap between the politically-engaged subculture and everyone else." Maybe I'll swing by the Twitter and rub his face in it. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at March 29, 2019 12:38 PM (dQsCC) 191
the idea that "professional" journalists would "track down a story" and such was a media/hollywoodland creation of the mid 20th Century, nothing more.
The more things change, the more they stay the same... Posted by: Anon a mouse at March 29, 2019 12:32 PM (6qErC) The press gained its credibility after the Yellow Journalism era, thanks to the war correspondents who followed WW2, and again during Vietnam. Being a newsman had never been seem as an honorable profession before that, they were seen as scoundrels and muckrakers. I think it would be quite healthy for society to return to that view. Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at March 29, 2019 12:38 PM (J+mig) 192
We came, we saw, he died! Cackle cackle. Did not make a good campaign commercial. Lucky for us she was the worst campaigner in history.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at March 29, 2019 12:38 PM (dNzKv) 193
Prosecutor In Smollett Case, Kim Foxx, Got $408,000 From Soros
------------ Soros has been backing a number of District Attorney/Prosecutor races. I would be very suprised if Rachael Robinson (Boston) didn't get Soros money. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 29, 2019 12:39 PM (ZMWtN) 194
The "sources say" thing has always been a bit of a joke. The difference now is it's impossible to say it with a straight face.
Posted by: Caliban at March 29, 2019 12:39 PM (QE8X6) 195
Trying to figure out what the 75% of correctly reported we're.
They got EVERY fact wrong about: 1. The true source and accuracy and use of the dossier. 2. The true story of Papadopolous and how he was targeted for a push-pull information op. 3. The true story of what happened to Gen. Flynn and how he was framed. 4. The actual facts about Carter Page. 5. The truth of who was behind ALL the meetings with "Russians" that were set-up by the CIA and FBI. 6. The true facts behind Hillary's crimes, the cover-up of those crimes and the exoneration of Hillary by the same crew that set out to frame Trump the next day. 7. The facts regarding what this whole Mueller witch hunt was designed to hide: Hillary and Bill and he Clinton Global Initiative selling access while she was Secretary of State and the crimes that were committed with respect to Uranium One. I guess other than all that they did a great job reporting the facts. Or at least 75% of them. /S Posted by: Sharkman at March 29, 2019 12:39 PM (rEOL4) 196
THAT'S when you know shit has gotten real.
Posted by: rickb223 at March 29, 2019 12:38 PM (XWb4y) +++++++ It stands out, that's for sure. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:39 PM (I2dne) 197
I know Ace tires of my beating the same old drum, but that view isn't exactly "new" - "mass" media has been nothing more than an "outlet" since day one.
This is true, but something has changed recently: professionalism and dedication to the story. They're no longer any good at their job. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 12:39 PM (39g3+) 198
May God continue to bless and protect President Donald J. Trump.
Without him, none of the blatant corruption would've been aired to the public. They're all going to burn in Hell for what they've done. I hope the sale of their souls was worth it to them in life because in death, they'll suffer for eternity. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 12:39 PM (IXZGh) 199
107 Mr. Edwards I see by your nic, that your resolve grows! One of the basic tenets of many martial arts disciplines is to make sure you are firmly grounded in your stance and readiness I have to believe the true morons on the other side I have absolutely no idea of who they're dealing with carry on good sir
Posted by: Sock monkey wanted: organ grinder, willing to train at March 29, 2019 12:28 PM (B7Qtx) :fistbump: Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:39 PM (bcbK8) 200
it's a carnival-barker gimmick of the media, "
By George, I think he's got it! I used to think of newz folk as carneys - but then realized that one could actually be entertained by carney folk... Posted by: Anon a mouse at March 29, 2019 12:40 PM (6qErC) 201
There's a big difference between what's going on now, and the bygone days of journalism. What's happening now is a fraud. While people may have "re-printed" or sourced stories, they are now not only hiding that fact and misrepresenting content but they are working to promote a clear bias, any many of them are getting paid for it. That's Soviet level propaganda, and pretty unprecedented in our history. They have weaponized media as a political tool.
Posted by: Marcus T at March 29, 2019 12:40 PM (VpIIl) 202
183 Does Glenn Reynolds share details of his running trots with us?
I'll stay second tier. Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 29, 2019 12:37 PM (fuK7c) ---- running thots > running trots Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at March 29, 2019 12:40 PM (9qOCq) 203
I can't even get my friends to turn off their idiot box TVs. As long as people keep watching that sh!t, civilization is doomed.
Posted by: gp at March 29, 2019 12:40 PM (mk9aG) 204
Hmmmm ... maybe cut DOT funding to regional airports that display CNN propaganda 24/7 inside their terminals?
Posted by: mrp at March 29, 2019 12:40 PM (Pqytn) 205
The press may have gotten 75% of the facts right, but they spent 99% of the time on the 25% of the facts that are wrong.
Posted by: I like cookies at March 29, 2019 12:41 PM (xxAFD) 206
>>You want to see where dems are headed next? Check CAP's Trump RICO page. All citing reliable WaPo and NYT stuff. Oh, my Lord --- it's the Clintons that need to worry about RICO charges! Posted by: Lizzy at March 29, 2019 12:41 PM (W+vEI) 207
101 >>>That goggle eyed wireneck freak is a disgrace to the the great name of Schiff!
this is a great set of words. Are they yours? I LOVE "wireneck." I LOVE IT. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 12:26 PM *********************************************** Of course they're my words! You think I pay someone to do that for me? And I could because I'm a billionaire, a Schiff billionaire who made my money the old fashioned way, through asset stripping, copyright theft and east Asian sweat shops, not vomiting lies as flimsy as a gypsy's alibi like that 'tall alien from the end of Close Encounters' looking cousin of mine. He was always slow. At Schiff family gatherings we'd have to keep him away from the cats. And I once spent a week picking blue pubes out of my teeth. Posted by: Artie Schiff at March 29, 2019 12:41 PM (OFzX4) 208
We came, we saw, he died! Cackle cackle. Did not make a good campaign commercial. Lucky for us she was the worst campaigner in history.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy That should have been run by the Trump campaign in 2016. You will literally have to drive a stake in her heart before she stops having influence, and all the crooked schmuck that ride in her wake. Posted by: Bozo Conservative....unfrozen caveman moron at March 29, 2019 12:41 PM (vcOmj) 209
The willingness of neverTrumpers to instantly trust the liars of the MSM destroys their credibility.
For instance their willingness to wet themselves over the Covington Kids story was insane. National Review spittle flecked lunatic Nicholas Frankovitch should have been fired for that alone. Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 12:41 PM (JgA4k) 210
All of this and a bag of chips.
But, you guys, we should REALLY be paying attention and doing everything Billy Kristol says because HE'S SMAHT!!!!!! Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 12:41 PM (IXZGh) 211
Does Glenn Reynolds share details of his running trots with us? "
Well, we do get the occasional Althouse, so... yeah. Posted by: Anon a mouse at March 29, 2019 12:41 PM (6qErC) 212
112 Bloggers come in tiers? What tier of blogger is Ace? Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at March 29, 2019 12:28 PM (dNzKv) He's over 9000! Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (bcbK ![]() When you calculate the tremendous value of this blog, divide it by the cost ($0) you get a divide by zero error. So I'd say it is invaluable. Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at March 29, 2019 12:42 PM (jxbfJ) 213
"One thing that I see political analysts get wrong all the time. They over-estimate the extent to which Trump supporters know about (or believe) the various Trump scandals. There is simply a gigantic knowledge gap between the politically-engaged subculture and everyone else."
Maybe I'll swing by the Twitter and rub his face in it. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at March 29, 2019 12:38 PM (dQsCC) +++++++++++ He's actually *almost* right, but he gets it wrong really tragically there at the end. There isn't a "gigantic knowledge gap between the politically-engaged subculture and everyone else." There is, however, a gigantic *credulity* gap between the politically-engaged *beltway* subculture and everyone else. It isn't knowledge. It's belief. They are idol-worshipers, not the normals. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:42 PM (I2dne) 214
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at March 29, 2019 12:42 PM (m3OE6) Posted by: Off the reservation at March 29, 2019 12:42 PM (vWMNq) Posted by: Royal Ugly Dude at March 29, 2019 12:42 PM (c0nyW) 218
an "Extinction-Level Event" for the Media's Make-Pretend "Expert Class"
Uh, no, sorry. The only people who will go extinct are you. We still control the news media, the entertainment industry, the social media giants, the universities and what your children are taught at school. And if you try to construct institutions to rival our power, we will simply have them outlawed as "hate" organizations. Fuck you very much, Your Hostile Elite Overlords Posted by: Your Hostile Elite Overlords at March 29, 2019 12:42 PM (DuAZ5) 219
They're all going to burn in Hell for what they've done. I hope the sale of their souls was worth it to them in life because in death, they'll suffer for eternity.
====== I take comfort in knowing God will get them because they won't face any justice on earth. Posted by: bicentennialguy at March 29, 2019 12:42 PM (vg8iE) 220
The press has been a joke since forever. I always got a real kick out of their "objective standard" that reporters' notes are tantamount to 100% trustworthy, reliable eyewitness testimony and physical proof. LOL. Their friggin written notes ...
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 29, 2019 12:42 PM (C0qUW) 221
193 Prosecutor In Smollett Case, Kim Foxx, Got $408,000 From Soros
------------ Soros has been backing a number of District Attorney/Prosecutor races. I would be very suprised if Rachael Robinson (Boston) didn't get Soros money. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 29, 2019 12:39 PM (ZMWtN What would make my year would be if the FBI investigates her, and through her stupidity, they link back to Soros for blackmail, bribery and a slew of other shit. He's extradited back to the US, where he spills on Hillary and Obama and every other liberal fuckstick in order to not have the US seize everything he and his family owns. Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 29, 2019 12:43 PM (pUDQf) 222
Funding for this line item comes from the Health Insuring Corporation Class Franchise Fee Fund (Fund 5TN0).
The Running of the THOTs is my favorite part of summertime in DC. Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at March 29, 2019 12:43 PM (wCmLp) 223
181 And earworm"
Get your Pagliacci checked... Posted by: Anon a mouse at March 29, 2019 12:37 PM (6qErC) I'm more of a Pizza Hut man Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:43 PM (bcbK8) 224
222 Funding for this line item comes from the Health Insuring Corporation Class Franchise Fee Fund (Fund 5TN0).
The Running of the THOTs is my favorite part of summertime in DC. Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at March 29, 2019 12:43 PM (wCmLp) Film plz Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:43 PM (bcbK8) 225
"cyber punk world" indeed, perfectly stated, ace.
Verner Vinge has a series of sci fi novels where there are sections of the universe where rational thought is harder to process. People can become stranded in these parts of the universe because their starships can no longer process advanced calculations. Anyway, it feels like we've entered a less sane, less rational age. People are getting dumber and turning away from the wisdom of the past. Posted by: Max Power at March 29, 2019 12:43 PM (q177U) 226
Here's an interesting anecdote. Nicholas Sarkozy
secretly took 50 million Euros from Gaddafi for his 2007 presidential campaign. Not conjecture, it's fact. He also took a shitload of personal cash from Gaddafi. At the same time the Muslim Brotherhood supporting Qataris which hated Gaddafi were showering the Clinton Foundation with cash. And then out of the blue in 2011 France, the UK and of course the US decided they needed to kill Gadaffi. The reasons given never made any sense and all it did was create a failed state filled with terrorists and an active slave trade. This should be an enormous story but it barely gets any coverage at all. Way too much money and power involved. Posted by: JackStraw at March 29, 2019 12:29 PM (/tuJf) My favorite part of that story if my memory serves was Barky and Chlamydia were in South America swiggin cervezas and dancing the macarena when the pulled the trigger on Libya taking a great huge dump in the middle-east. I know this may not be 100% true , but I sticking with that memory Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at March 29, 2019 12:43 PM (ymnmz) 227
yes, you are probably right. However, it's a carnival-barker gimmick of the media, which I learned from them, to pretend that everything is "new," because New is salable and Old isn't. "
I remember 18 months ago - maybe 2 years now - you posting more than once that people you trusted were telling you that this whole thing "was just an op". Nailed it. Posted by: Tom Servo at March 29, 2019 12:43 PM (Kpl3J) 228
Bloggers come in tiers? What tier of blogger is Ace?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at March 29, 2019 12:28 PM (dNzKv) He's over 9000! Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (bcbK The Ace of Spades HQ... they've gone to PLAID! Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at March 29, 2019 12:44 PM (wCmLp) 229
Then i listen to Dan Bongino's podcast and wonder if i'm just hearing bullshit that conforms to what i want reality to be.
Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at March 29, 2019 12:44 PM (9qOCq) 230
Not that it could conceivably happen, but if any MFM organ decided it wanted to regain a smidgen of credibility, it would start by calling out the BS from their own side. Self policing. But since one of their ploys is to point to someone else and say "I never said that", it's out of the question.
Among the indications of just how dumb the press is, is this fact; that they don't get that they've reached the point where ALL the errors of their group hurt each of them. Posted by: Eeyore at March 29, 2019 12:44 PM (VaN/j) 231
Who needs experts when you have beach friends?
Posted by: Christine Crazy-Fraud at March 29, 2019 12:44 PM (NjJUT) 232
thanks to the war correspondents who followed WW2, and again during Vietnam"
So Crankwrong and Rather were "professionals" n' such? Yeah, no. It was the consolidation of a wide range of national press into 3 main channels and a handful of "papers of record" BS... Posted by: Anon a mouse at March 29, 2019 12:44 PM (6qErC) 233
Rob Reiner
@robreiner Due the Criminal would be Autocrat that sits in our WH, we are facing three existential threats. 1.Survival of millions of Americans through loss of health care. 2.Survival of the planet by rejecting climate change. 3.Survival of Democracy. It's all on the line in 2020. Fight! We're a Constitutional Republic, you moronic dipshit fucktard. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 12:45 PM (IXZGh) 234
Who needs experts when you have beach friends?
Posted by: Christine Crazy-Fraud at March 29, 2019 12:44 PM (NjJUT) +++++++++++ Have you seen a Washington beach? Trash-sand beaches on the shores of a fetid swamp. Imagine what kind of friends you can meet there... Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:45 PM (I2dne) 235
What would make my year would be if the FBI investigates her, and through her stupidity, they link back to Soros for blackmail, bribery and a slew of other shit. He's extradited back to the US, where he spills on Hillary and Obama and every other liberal fuckstick in order to not have the US seize everything he and his family owns. Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 29, 2019 12:43 PM I thought he already was living here in the USA. The goofy phony bomber I seem to recall sent him a package. Somewhere in NY, iirc. Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 12:45 PM (jYje5) 236
162 112 Bloggers come in tiers? What tier of blogger is Ace?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at March 29, 2019 12:28 PM (dNzKv) He's over 9000! Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (bcbK ![]() --- that is not nice Mark Posted by: Hal9000 at March 29, 2019 12:46 PM (9qOCq) 237
Then i listen to Dan Bongino's podcast and wonder if i'm just hearing bullshit that conforms to what i want reality to be. I've concluded that. Clickbait. Posted by: Off the reservation at March 29, 2019 12:46 PM (vWMNq) Posted by: Anon a mouse at March 29, 2019 12:46 PM (6qErC) 239
Those FISA court judges that signed off on the Steele nonsense (4 times) are still siting on those courts.
They swore that the documents are factual. They are either ignorant or complicit. Posted by: navybrat swimming upstream at March 29, 2019 12:46 PM (w7KSn) 240
Last night's Hannity interview with Limbaugh was excellent. I noticed that Hannity *never* interrupted him.
Limbaugh's analysis of the situation was dead on. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 29, 2019 12:46 PM (Ou6XS) 241
Just wasted my time reading a Drudge-linked article about Buttigieg that claimed he was a "moderate." A "moderate" that supports ... getting rid of the electoral college and packing the Supreme Court.
Posted by: Fake ... Everything at March 29, 2019 12:47 PM (4Eo4+) 242
The 3 minute montage that Rush played yesterday summed up the corruption and "pay for play" the media has been.
They all should be destroyed. There is no media anymore. They're embarrassing bought and paid for hacks. Destroy all media. They've earned it. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 12:47 PM (IXZGh) 243
OT: What is Ace's reason for following nutrition fads? Is he combating an illness? It's not good for him to do that stuff.
Posted by: gp at March 29, 2019 12:47 PM (mk9aG) 244
He's over 9000!
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (bcbK SSJSS3 Blue Ultra instinct? Posted by: joe, living dangerously at March 29, 2019 12:47 PM (KUaJL) 245
Funding for this line item comes from the Health Insuring Corporation Class Franchise Fee Fund (Fund 5TN0).
The Running of the THOTs is my favorite part of summertime in DC. Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at March 29, 2019 12:43 PM (wCmLp) This is what I get for trying to sneak in a comment while working... Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at March 29, 2019 12:47 PM (wCmLp) 246
When did Meathead officially become mentally ill?
Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 12:47 PM (JgA4k) 247
Arab Spring. Everyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knew that was a cluster*ck in the making.
I was at a military ceremony and a 3 star general was waxing poetic about the Arab Spring. I looked at my spouse and said (not too loudly) "well, this guy is an idiot." This was years ago. 2013-14. Posted by: Seems legit at March 29, 2019 12:47 PM (jUVms) 248
Yes, obviously the Constitution doesn't have an answer for when foreigners and traitors abuse the First Amendment to take over the public square. But the far more ominous problem is that the CIA is in on this. Look at Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore. Speak out against core principles? Disavowed, denounced, scrubbed. Meanwhile, you have John Brennan and Adam Schiff openly deceiving Congress and the American people, while the CIA does nothing about it. And that's after the Iraq fiasco, which the CIA refuses to actually defend for some reason.
The CIA is the enemy, who decided that smearing domestic opposition, up to the rank of President, is more important than doing their actual jobs abroad. The agency is a cancer, and must be destroyed. Posted by: trev006 at March 29, 2019 12:47 PM (JH+YW) 249
...People are getting dumber and turning away from the wisdom of the past.
Posted by: Max Power at March 29, 2019 12:43 PM (q177U) Reversion to the mean. It'll get you every time, eventually. Our Founders were truly remarkable. Posted by: I like cookies at March 29, 2019 12:47 PM (xxAFD) 250
There's a pencil neck on my boat.
Posted by: Little Admiral Kristol at March 29, 2019 12:48 PM (vtcmf) 251
246 When did Meathead officially become mentally ill?
Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 12:47 PM (JgA4k) 1971 Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:48 PM (bcbK8) 252
Poor Jonah. I'll bet he was banking on Trump being guilty when he announced a new venture with Hayes. That may just die a quiet death and he'll stay on at NRO.
Posted by: abbynormal at March 29, 2019 12:49 PM (h5Lyp) 253
Anyone remember Trans-Pacific Partnership? That was just to spread some of the graft away from China, Inc to a few other countries willing to make *wink, wink* 'deals'. You wonder why they hate Trump? He cut into their potential for new graft. Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 12:49 PM (jYje5) 254
Reversion to the mean. It'll get you every time, eventually"
Indeed. Perhaps one of the most difficult "realizations" in my life was the understanding that what we call "The West" or "normal" - isn't. And is very much odd in human history. Posted by: Anon a mouse at March 29, 2019 12:50 PM (6qErC) 255
Say, I've got conclusive proof that Trump whacks it daily in the Oval Office executive washroom WITHOUT closing the stall door! Tune in tonight! Posted by: Cock Curious Cuck Cruise Captain Crystol at March 29, 2019 12:50 PM (n2qRY) 256
When did Meathead officially become mentally ill?
Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 12:47 PM (JgA4k) Everyone was supposed to sympathize with Meathead and hate Archie. Kind of backfired on them. Posted by: I like cookies at March 29, 2019 12:50 PM (xxAFD) 257
. 3.Survival of Democracy.
------------ Yeah, Bernie recently said that Democratic processes selected Maduro, so, it's OK. Now, an honest media strip the bark off that grifting commie balcony muppet, but no... Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 29, 2019 12:50 PM (Ou6XS) 258
"spittle flecked lunatic"
That pretty much sums up the entire Trump-Russia collusion narrative, does it not? Posted by: TANSTAAFL at March 29, 2019 12:50 PM (T09ml) 259
Knowing all this about the press I really more than suspect Michael Jackson was an innocent weirdo.
Posted by: steevy at March 29, 2019 12:50 PM (BXMxN) 260
When did Meathead officially become mentally ill?
Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 12:47 PM (JgA4k) +++++++++++ At birth, I reckon. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:50 PM (I2dne) 261
He obviously just meant colloquially he had conclusive proof, not legally conclusive proof. Don't put words in his mouth, geez
Posted by: joe, living dangerously at March 29, 2019 12:51 PM (KUaJL) 262
244 He's over 9000!
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (bcbK SSJSS3 Blue Ultra instinct? Posted by: joe, living dangerously at March 29, 2019 12:47 PM (KUaJL) Let's not go crazy. I was thinking Ace was more standard issue Super Saiyin Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:51 PM (bcbK8) 263
>>>I remember 18 months ago - maybe 2 years now - you posting more than once that people you trusted were telling you that this whole thing "was just an op".
yup. That wasn't something I really "knew," but I did have enough background to think that was the likeliest possibility. There is a big thing I did KNOW, though, which I've hinted about, but I can't talk about it because it's not my scoop. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 12:51 PM (PbpT7) Posted by: Off the reservation at March 29, 2019 12:51 PM (vWMNq) Posted by: MAGA at March 29, 2019 12:52 PM (E2CNJ) 266
Well, I wanted to go rub French's stupid quote in his face, but the only thing he's tweeted recently is a fundraising appeal for one of his remora-like family members who's running for GOP chair in TN.
Go figure. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at March 29, 2019 12:52 PM (AzW6q) 267
Stacey Abrams: The narcissism is strong in this one.
I can only guess that she stayed at a Holiday Inn Express. Posted by: SMOD at March 29, 2019 12:52 PM (QkjLD) 268
When did Meathead officially become mentally ill?
Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 12:47 PM (JgA4k) +++++++++++ At birth, I reckon. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:50 PM (I2dne) That explains the head shape! Posted by: Anonymous White Male at March 29, 2019 12:52 PM (3sjI6) 269
Hostis. Humani. Generis.
Posted by: Brother Cavil at March 29, 2019 12:53 PM (AM1GF) 270
162 112 Bloggers come in tiers? What tier of blogger is Ace?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at March 29, 2019 12:28 PM (dNzKv) He's over 9000! Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:34 PM (bcbK ![]() *crushes computer monitor* Posted by: Vegeta at March 29, 2019 12:53 PM (NWiLs) 271
266 Well, I wanted to go rub French's stupid quote in his face, but the only thing he's tweeted recently is a fundraising appeal for one of his remora-like family members who's running for GOP chair in TN.
Tennessee lost to Perdue last night. There sill be mourning Posted by: SMOD at March 29, 2019 12:53 PM (QkjLD) 272
Marcus T: "That's Soviet level propaganda, and pretty unprecedented in our history. They have weaponized media as a political tool."
I used to wonder from afar how the Russian people could be so clueless about Soviet media. Then, after decades of misleading material and outright lies, I appreciated their capacity to read between the lines like 1984. Now, I fully appreciate their evolution. We're living their experience WRT the MFM. I was mistaken to have attributed embraced cluelessness to decent people. They were imprisoned in an environment and needed, collectively, to adapt to their circumstances over time to arrive at a truer truth. And that's where we find ourselves, too; we have had to adjust to fully appreciate the milieu into which we are ourselves being marinated. Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at March 29, 2019 12:53 PM (6eEQ+) 273
Rob Reiner @robreiner Due the Criminal would be Autocrat that sits in our WH, we are facing three existential threats. 1.Survival of millions of Americans through loss of health care. 2.Survival of the planet by rejecting climate change. 3.Survival of Democracy. It's all on the line in 2020. Fight! If one of your existential threats is the world ending in twelve years aren't the other two sort of moot? Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at March 29, 2019 12:53 PM (TAmPV) 274
There is a big thing I did KNOW, though, which I've hinted about, but I can't talk about it because it's not my scoop.
Posted by: ace ------------- C'mon...don't be a tease. Let's have it. Posted by: Jonah Goldberg at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (fZcn6) 275
Poor Jonah. I'll bet he was banking on Trump being guilty when he announced a new venture with Hayes.
I do wonder where he ends up. Maybe somewhere like Atlantic. There's really no economic room for another nevertrump online magazine, I don't think there is room for ONE. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (39g3+) 276
Need Horde advice.
Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr) 277
263 >>>I remember 18 months ago - maybe 2 years now - you posting more than once that people you trusted were telling you that this whole thing "was just an op".
yup. That wasn't something I really "knew," but I did have enough background to think that was the likeliest possibility. There is a big thing I did KNOW, though, which I've hinted about, but I can't talk about it because it's not my scoop. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 12:51 PM (PbpT7) Does it involve George Conway and things he puts in his ass? Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (bcbK8) 278
237 229
Then i listen to Dan Bongino's podcast and wonder if i'm just hearing bullshit that conforms to what i want reality to be. I've concluded that. Clickbait. Posted by: Off the reservation at March 29, 2019 12:46 PM (vWMNq) --- your comment does not conform to how i want reality to be. Posted by: Hal9000 at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (9qOCq) 279
271 Those chickens can BALL.
Posted by: steevy at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (BXMxN) 280
I am here to audition. I was born to play this part people.
Posted by: SMOD at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (NDtyL) 281
276 Need Horde advice.
Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr Dynamite. Just to be sure. Or a pellet gun. Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (pUDQf) 282
America's course is set and Trump is only a temporary reprieve.
Posted by: MAGA at March 29, 2019 12:52 PM (E2CNJ) Eventually doesn't necessarily mean we can't reverse the trend this time. It just means eventually. Posted by: I like cookies at March 29, 2019 12:55 PM (xxAFD) 283
MSNPC is running stories on 3-Mile Island........
They're done. Broken. Worthless. May they all suffer mightily. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 12:55 PM (IXZGh) 284
241 Just wasted my time reading a Drudge-linked article about Buttigieg that claimed he was a "moderate." A "moderate" that supports ... getting rid of the electoral college and packing the Supreme Court.
Posted by: Fake ... Everything at March 29, 2019 12:47 PM (4Eo4+) --- fudgepacking? Posted by: buzzsaw90 at March 29, 2019 12:55 PM (9qOCq) 285
How do I take the fucker out
Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr) ----- Pellet gun. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at March 29, 2019 12:55 PM (AzW6q) 286
Don't kill Woody.Got an airhorn?
Posted by: steevy at March 29, 2019 12:55 PM (BXMxN) Posted by: Keto not Beto at March 29, 2019 12:55 PM (9AcAx) 288
276 Need Horde advice.
Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr) Dust off and nuke the entire site from orbit. Alternatively, slap hot iron to it. Posted by: Insomniac at March 29, 2019 12:55 PM (NWiLs) 289
Nice little retrospective on Henry Hazlitt up at the Spectator: Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:55 PM (I2dne) 290
This has been lifted right out of the pages of Hitler's Nazi regime.
The Big Lie. The bigger the players spreading the lie, the easier it is for the masses to buy into it. The OSS did a psychological profile of Hitler. it read, in part: His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it. Those magnificent bastards read Hitler's book! Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at March 29, 2019 12:56 PM (so+oy) 291
How do I take the fucker out
Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr) pellet/bb gun and patience Posted by: BignJames at March 29, 2019 12:56 PM (ykq7q) 292
Dan Bongino @dbongino
29m DO NOT MISS my podcast today where I discuss explosive revelations about Jim Clapper Obama, and the collusion hoaxers. The show is hot , don't miss it. Posted by: Deep State is in DEEP SHIT at March 29, 2019 12:56 PM (BqBId) 293
>>Stacey Abrams: The narcissism is strong in this one. I can only guess that she stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.
I do wonder why she's still an It girl in the Democrat party. She lost her bid for governor. Her personal life is clearly messy. Yet they gave her the prominent rebuttal speech to Trump's SoTU and make her out to be the next big thing. Why? What makes her special?? Posted by: Lizzy at March 29, 2019 12:56 PM (W+vEI) 294
Anyone remember Trans-Pacific Partnership? That was just to spread some of the graft away from China, Inc to a few other countries willing to make *wink, wink* 'deals'.
You wonder why they hate Trump? He cut into their potential for new graft. Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 12:49 PM (jYje5) ----------------------- That one hurt them, but it was rejecting the Paris Climate Accord that really, really ate into their graft potential. Posted by: Calm Mentor at March 29, 2019 12:56 PM (ffYR/) 295
Survival of millions of Americans through loss of health care
This always cracks me up, I just cannot help but shake my head and laugh. Returning us to the horrific old days of ... 2014. Back in the bad old days of the Obama administration when millions died from "loss of health care" Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 12:56 PM (39g3+) 296
I remember 18 months ago - maybe 2 years now - you
posting more than once that people you trusted were telling you that this whole thing "was just an op". Nailed it. Posted by: Tom Servo at March 29, 2019 12:43 PM (Kpl3J) Yes. And I credit Ace for having the integrity to not just go all in until there are verifiable facts and sources to cite. Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at March 29, 2019 12:56 PM (t6MX/) 297
Does it involve George Conway and things he puts in his ass? Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (bcbK8 Shockingly enough, I don't think that's something anyone is pining to know about. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 12:56 PM (IXZGh) 298
Verner Vinge has a series of sci fi novels
Zones of thought! "A fire upon the deep" is a good book. The overarching menace in the books is interesting, but the solution...I, personally, didn't care for it. It was hard to find a copy though. Posted by: GMan at March 29, 2019 12:56 PM (sxq57) 299
Need Horde advice.
Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Posted by: nurse ratched Tell it that you've retained counsel and that you'll sue. or throw rocks. Posted by: Ian Faith at March 29, 2019 12:57 PM (nEOLy) 300
>>>243 OT: What is Ace's reason for following nutrition fads? Is he combating an illness? It's not good for him to do that stuff.
eesh, don't make a maniac out of me! Look, all I can say is: If you think the current Medical Conventional Advice on weight maintenance and heart health is correct, then I guess you must think that doctors want an explosion of obesity and diabetes rates predicted to soon soar above 30 f'n' percent. I'll take my excellent cholesterol and triglycerides numbers, and my very good (down from rather bad) resting insulin number, and I'll further take my compete reversal of the dangerous condition called Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease. I'll also take having lost 40 pounds from peak, peak fattitude a couple of years ago in just about 10 months. I'll also take getting rid of a very persistent and nasty case of acid reflux syndrome almost every acid-gargling night. but whatever, eat less exercise more, that's the key! It works so well. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 12:57 PM (PbpT7) 301
Call Acme.
Posted by: Wile E. Coyote at March 29, 2019 12:57 PM (Ndje9) 302
How do I take the fucker out
Posted by: nurse ratched ......... garden hose should do it.. keep at it every time he comes back.. Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at March 29, 2019 12:57 PM (so+oy) 303
Yes. And I credit Ace for having the integrity to not just go all in until there are verifiable facts and sources to cite. Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at March 29, 2019 12:56 PM (t6MX/) Sad, but in today's world, integrity is something that is hard to come by. Ace, however, has a bunch of it. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 12:57 PM (IXZGh) 304
This is a great post, ace.
After the 2016 election there was enormous demand from Hillary's voters to be told something-- anything -- to assuage their feelings and reassure them that OrangeMan would be dealt with. It was a massive market looking for frauds and charlatans to speak the best soothsay. And, in America, where there is demand, supply soon follows. Posted by: Revenant at March 29, 2019 12:57 PM (NUNXH) 305
276 Need Horde advice. Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Is it a Russian Woodpecker? Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at March 29, 2019 12:57 PM (TAmPV) 306
Does it involve George Conway and things he puts in his ass? Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (bcbK8 Shockingly enough, I don't think that's something anyone is pining to know about. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 12:56 PM (IXZGh) Well if it gets Kellyanne cut loose, and if I don't visualize, it's worth it Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:57 PM (bcbK8) Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 12:57 PM (PbpT7) 308
>>>Woodpecker banging on the side of my house.
>>Near windows. >>>How do I take the fucker out Honeypot. They always fall for the old Honeypot. Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 12:58 PM (i89zP) 309
276 Need Horde advice.
Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr) Dinner and a movie. Posted by: joe, living dangerously at March 29, 2019 12:58 PM (KUaJL) 310
276 Need Horde advice. Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Is it a Russian Woodpecker? Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at March 29, 2019 12:57 PM (TAmPV) And we're back to the Ukraine again. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:58 PM (bcbK8) 311
I do wonder why she's still an It girl in the Democrat party.
She lost her bid for governor. Her personal life is clearly messy. Yet they gave her the prominent rebuttal speech to Trump's SoTU and make her out to be the next big thing. Why? What makes her special?? Posted by: Lizzy at March 29, 2019 12:56 PM (W+vEI) ++++++++++ 1) Aggressive Progressive 2) No moral objection to cheating 3) Desires a corruption of Democracy 4) Black 5) Woman She's not perfect because she's not a total cipher (as you say, her personal life is messy) but she ranks well on their charts. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 12:58 PM (I2dne) 312
Does it involve George Conway and things he puts in his ass?
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (bcbK8 Yes. And when they didn't do the trick, he returned them to Amazon. Posted by: abbynormal at March 29, 2019 12:58 PM (h5Lyp) 313
295 They believe it.I have had limeys tell me that people drop dead in the streets in America because of no healthcare.
Posted by: steevy at March 29, 2019 12:58 PM (BXMxN) Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 12:58 PM (PbpT7) 315
yes, I too worry that ace is missing out on his vital carbohydrates and risks severe malnournishment if he doesn't eat the daily recommended oncies, twosies, dinners, and second dinners.
Posted by: Keto not Beto at March 29, 2019 12:58 PM (9AcAx) 316
Need Horde advice. Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr) ==== Get a cat? Posted by: Off the reservation at March 29, 2019 12:58 PM (vWMNq) 317
295 Survival of millions of Americans through loss of health care
As if anybody on the left actually cares about people. Give me a break. Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 12:58 PM (JgA4k) 318
People are getting dumber and turning away from the wisdom of the past. The wisdom of the past is being purposefully ignored and buried precisely because it is the wisdom of the past. Just in children's stories there are a lot of life lessons and these are hardly referenced these days in popular culture. It's another part of the Progressive's quest to destroy Western Civilization, of which we here in the USA are the pinnacle. Ace pointed it out above that what's New and Bright and Shiny sells and what's Old doesn't. Posted by: BackwardsBoy says #PurgeProgressivism at March 29, 2019 12:59 PM (HaL55) 319
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease We wouldn't know anything about that. We go for the *real* thing. Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 12:59 PM (jYje5) 320
Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr)
-------- Also - look into your county and state and regulations. Where I grew up, I think the penalty for killing a woodpecker was some Diocletian-type torture and execution. I may or may not have done it anyway, but just make sure to shoot, shovel, and shut up if that's the case for you. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at March 29, 2019 12:59 PM (AzW6q) 321
>>Rob Reiner @robreiner Due the Criminal would be Autocrat that sits in our WH, we are facing three existential threats. 1.Survival of millions of Americans through loss of health care. 2.Survival of the planet by rejecting climate change. 3.Survival of Democracy. It's all on the line in 2020. Fight!
- - - - Never forget this f#cker was/is one of the big funders of Daniel Jones propaganda organization that funded Fusin GPS's post-election oppo research and churns out a daily newsletter to the media on what to report. Rob Reiner is up to his eyeballs in this MSM mess. Posted by: Lizzy at March 29, 2019 12:59 PM (W+vEI) 322
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease
We wouldn't know anything about that. We go for the *real* thing. ---- right...I need a weed replacement for booze Posted by: Keto not Beto at March 29, 2019 12:59 PM (9AcAx) 323
I'll take my excellent cholesterol and triglycerides numbers, and my very good (down from rather bad) resting insulin number, and I'll further take my compete reversal of the dangerous condition called Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease.
I'll also take having lost 40 pounds from peak, peak fattitude a couple of years ago in just about 10 months. I'll also take getting rid of a very persistent and nasty case of acid reflux syndrome almost every acid-gargling night. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 12:57 PM (PbpT7) That's a lot of "takin'". You should probably think about "givin'" a little bit. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 29, 2019 01:00 PM (C0qUW) 324
Prog audiences wonder, why bother watching/reading?
........ They'll just switch to Ex On The Beach or maybe Empire. Posted by: wth at March 29, 2019 01:00 PM (v0R5T) 325
I do wonder why she's still an It girl in the Democrat party.
She lost her bid for governor. Her personal life is clearly messy. Yet they gave her the prominent rebuttal speech to Trump's SoTU and make her out to be the next big thing. Why? What makes her special?? ======= It might have something to do with the hue of her skin. Posted by: bicentennialguy at March 29, 2019 01:00 PM (vg8iE) 326
Today's Propaganda Press theme is that the President is either a triumphalist jerk or a whiny little baby (choose one? Or can it be both?) because he seems intent on finding out the sources of the Russia Collusion claims that almost succeeded in reversing the election results. Imagine that.
The President wants to find out who is undermining our elections....why, it's almost exactly like what the press has screamed about for two whole years, in mirror image! Posted by: Huck Follywood, onto my next cup of cofvevee at March 29, 2019 01:00 PM (Z216Q) 327
People are getting dumber and turning away from the wisdom of the past. ------- I feel like the legacy of Jon Stewart Clown Nose journalism lives on, that every lib feels like they can smug their way out of any bad fact scenario. Posted by: Keto not Beto at March 29, 2019 01:00 PM (9AcAx) 328
>>>right...I need a weed replacement for booze
Can't help you, my stock is already committed to a single purchaser, but professional rules of discretion prevent me from naming him. Posted by: JackStraw's Millionaire Pot Dealer at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (PbpT7) 329
That's a lot of "takin'". You should probably think about "givin'" a little bit.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 29, 2019 01:00 PM (C0qUW) What a great idea! Posted by: Supertramp at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (NWiLs) 330
A number of years ago a pileated woodpecker (they're the big ones) broke through the wall into a cottage near Lake of the Woods in western Ontario.
It did a huge amount of damage. Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (JgA4k) 331
I was thinking the other day, and I've had this thought a lot over the years, that if someone were to look upon what the hell is going on in this country from a perspective of politics and the media that covers and controls politics, would they notice much difference from the how those acted in the USSR. Hard to say there would be much difference, both dealt in deep falsehoods and fake realities. Posted by: Rev Dr E Buzz Raniere at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (z8c2c) 332
Does it involve George Conway and things he puts in his ass? Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (bcbK8 Shockingly enough, I don't think that's something anyone is pining to know about. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 12:56 PM (IXZGh) 298 Verner Vinge has a series of sci fi novels --- now if it was Tim Conway, it'd be hysterical Posted by: buzzsaw90 at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (9qOCq) 333
MSNPC is running stories on 3-Mile Island........
They're done. Broken. Worthless. May they all suffer mightily. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 12:55 PM (IXZGh) So now they're ripping off Vic's "on this day in history". Posted by: Miklos, still pre-prandial at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (zCyNd) 334
Ok. Got the BB gun.
Waiting for the little fucker to return. It's a flicker, not one of the giant pilliated peckers. Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (PkVlr) Posted by: DocJ at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (NYS7S) 336
I've got a Pecker problem too.
Fucker drilled a hole in my house. Hundreds of trees everywhere around here and he went after my roof. Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (pUDQf) 337
Fasting is not a fad, but I think a lot of people think 11 days is a little too much, and talking about 28 days (I think you said something like that) is definitely too much. They're concerned. But I figure people can make their own decisions, even though it sounds like a little excessive to me.
Posted by: I like cookies at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (xxAFD) 338
Woodpecker banging on the side of my house.
Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr) An anvil with wood laminate on it. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (C0qUW) 339
Holy shit they are installing NewsGuard at my work. brills-newsguard-and-fact-checking-scam-robert-spencer (space) Posted by: Max Power at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (q177U) 340
CNN Blames Ratings Slump On Lack Of News They Want To Report
- OK, it's from the Babylon Bee but it's still true. Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (+y/Ru) 341
Waiting for the little fucker to return. It's a flicker, not one of the giant pilliated peckers.
Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (PkVlr) *types* *deletes* *types* *deletes* Posted by: joe, living dangerously at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (KUaJL) 342
now if it was Tim Conway, it'd be hysterical
Posted by: buzzsaw90 at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (9qOCq) *laughing too hard to type* Posted by: Harvey Korman at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (zCyNd) 343
Ok. Got the BB gun.
Waiting for the little fucker to return. It's a flicker, not one of the giant pilliated peckers. Posted by: nurse ratched Insomniac: you have been warned. Posted by: AoSHQ Customer Service at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (nEOLy) 344
332 297
Does it involve George Conway and things he puts in his ass? Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (bcbK8 Shockingly enough, I don't think that's something anyone is pining to know about. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 12:56 PM (IXZGh) 298 Verner Vinge has a series of sci fi novels --- now if it was Tim Conway, it'd be hysterical Posted by: buzzsaw90 at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (9qOCq) Dorf on Politics Posted by: Insomniac at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (NWiLs) 345
The most destructive thing the left did was seize the education system.
Posted by: steevy at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (BXMxN) 346
How do I take the fucker out
Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr) pellet/bb gun and patience Posted by: BignJames at March 29, 2019 12:56 PM (ykq7q) Flamethrowers are the best option. Just be sure to roll the woodpecker in olive oil and panko crumbs before firing. Posted by: Anonymous White Male at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (3sjI6) 347
276 Need Horde advice.
Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr) ........ Dunno. I can't even get rid of my gophers, and they don't fly. Posted by: wth at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (v0R5T) 348
Speaking of extinction level events...Mrs D is watching some movie with Cheryl Ladd. Apparently she overheard me say something...ahhh...slightly lustful about Ms Ladd.
Damn. Posted by: Diogenes at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (0tfLf) 349
I've read AP and Reuters articles about the Mueller investigation that were nothing but the idiot writing the articles fantasy about what he thought was happening or would happen. There wasn't an ounce of reality to it Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (OLCnA) Posted by: The Cucking Kristols at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (PbpT7) 351
Isn't it good that a fatty liver is nonalcoholic? Wouldn't want it to be obese AND an alcoholic.
Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at March 29, 2019 01:03 PM (RD7QR) 352
They're done. Broken. Worthless.
Well, they're kind of desperate, casting out all over trying to find something that will bring back those eyeballs. They were really low ratings during the Obama administration, and it seems like they're headed right back there. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 01:03 PM (39g3+) Posted by: WitchDoktor, as if anyone gives a shit at March 29, 2019 01:03 PM (tVWQB) 354
>>Waiting for the little fucker to return. It's a flicker, not one of the giant pilliated peckers.
FYI - You don't want to get caught killing a Flicker / Pecker. Federal Migratory Bird Protections are fucking retarded. Huge Fines. Shoot. Shovel. Shutup. Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 01:03 PM (i89zP) 355
318 People are getting dumber and turning away from the wisdom of the past.
Made easy work for people who have come to think "Ancient History" ended with the drop of the iPhone 8. Posted by: DocJ at March 29, 2019 01:03 PM (NYS7S) 356
Maybe try a bird feeder filled with pickle juice.
Posted by: wth at March 29, 2019 01:03 PM (v0R5T) 357
334 Ok. Got the BB gun.
Waiting for the little fucker to return. It's a flicker, not one of the giant pilliated peckers. Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (PkVlr) I had one of those a**holes pecking on my furnace exhaust this morning. Resonated all the way down to the furnace, which drove my dog nuts. Posted by: jwb7605 at March 29, 2019 01:03 PM (uU9ws) 358
Need Horde advice.
Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Posted by: nurse ratched Likely a Flicker, not a fucker. I used a BB gun. They are illegal to shoot, so I just harassed it until it moved on. Good luck in Seattle. You'd likely get swatted. Water hose maybe? Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at March 29, 2019 01:03 PM (t6MX/) Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 01:03 PM (i89zP) 360
Ok. Got the BB gun.
Waiting for the little fucker to return. It's a flicker, not one of the giant pilliated peckers. Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (PkVlr) I've got one in my neighborhood that I need to take care of, but shooting in a densely populated area is not advisable, unless you're guaranteed the hit. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 01:04 PM (IXZGh) 361
right...I need a weed replacement for booze Posted by: Keto not Beto at March 29, 2019 12:59 PM I wonder if they'll permit a script for 'Syndros' for those looking to cut back or get off booze? It recently won approval but I forget the conditions for treatment. It seems to me it was for loss of appetite related to chemo. It's pseudo pot, by the way. I would imagine it would keep gun owners on the right side of the law. Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 01:04 PM (jYje5) 362
That Rachel Maddow dude looks like xe smells like cat piss and failure.
Posted by: model_1066 at March 29, 2019 01:04 PM (S74r6) 363
The most destructive thing the left did was seize the education system.
Posted by: steevy at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (BXMxN) Teaching the kids was always "women's work". Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 29, 2019 01:04 PM (C0qUW) 364
350 >>>336 I've got a Pecker problem too.
We get as much as we want off Craigslist!!! Posted by: The Cucking Kristols at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (PbpT7) Bill Clinton has a major pecker problem. Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 01:04 PM (JgA4k) 365
Same corrupt media people are the peddlers of the Global Warming Hoax, the Killing Babies is Only Women's Health Hoax, the Obamacare is Not Social Medicine Hoax, the Homelessness is Not Related to Drug Addiction Hoax, the Open Borders is Our Economic Strength Hoax, and the Socialism is Warm and Snuggly Hoax. All paid for by George Soros, Putin, and other people and countries who want to destroy America. I spit on them all. Why are we letting these shithole propagandists deliver our "news"?
Posted by: starboardhelm at March 29, 2019 01:04 PM (hOtJL) 366
343 Ok. Got the BB gun.
Waiting for the little fucker to return. It's a flicker, not one of the giant pilliated peckers. Posted by: nurse ratched Insomniac: you have been warned. Posted by: AoSHQ Customer Service at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (nEOLy) Well I am back in FL, so... Posted by: Insomniac at March 29, 2019 01:04 PM (NWiLs) 367
Every. Morning.
Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 01:03 PM (i89zP) Morning wood. Hehhehehehehehe hu hehheheh. Posted by: Beavis at March 29, 2019 01:04 PM (IXZGh) 368
The MSM and the dims know their audiences.
The uneducated, foolish, undiscerning, mostly younger, mostly minorities, horde. Yes, it is cynical and even more telling of the country on the whole But there are a fucking lot of them and growing everyday. Posted by: REDACTED at March 29, 2019 01:05 PM (RZ6R1) 369
>>>Fasting is not a fad, but I think a lot of people think 11 days is a little too much, and talking about 28 days (I think you said something like that) is definitely too much. They're concerned. But I figure people can make their own decisions, even though it sounds like a little excessive to me.
I was talking about 21 days, I think, though I might have alluded to 28, because yeah, that was a secret Stretch Goal in the back of my head. The next time WILL be 21 days, though. Now that I have learned that my downfall EVERY SINGLE TIME is trying to over-supplement potassium and magnesium due to the mistaken belief I'm becoming dangerous deficient in them. I'll do the next long one in May. Frankly I'd like to go again now but I have to replenish vitamins and minerals. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:05 PM (PbpT7) 370
>>>336 I've got a Pecker problem too. We get as much as we want off Craigslist!!! Posted by: The Cucking Kristols at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (PbpT7) Not anymore! Posted by: TGEOTUS at March 29, 2019 01:05 PM (t6MX/) 371
Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr)
I had that problem last year. Some people advised me to use a pellet gun, but I live in a town where that is much frowned upon and have a neighbor who watches everyone like a Russian political commissar. I drove it off with a hose and a tight spray pattern, along with repainting a few areas that seemed to especially attract the bastards attentions. I had to repair two shutters where he did some significant damage, and a soffit. But, he's gone. Posted by: Huck Follywood, onto my next cup of cofvevee at March 29, 2019 01:05 PM (Z216Q) 372
The most destructive thing the left did was seize the education system.
Posted by: steevy at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (BXMxN) Correctness status: [X] Spot On [ ] Nah Brah Posted by: DocJ at March 29, 2019 01:05 PM (NYS7S) 373
PDT would be totes justified in pulling Progda's WH press passes especially after the Mewler Report now. I hope he does. Posted by: BackwardsBoy says #PurgeProgressivism at March 29, 2019 01:05 PM (HaL55) 374
Speaking of extinction level events...Mrs D is watching some movie with Cheryl Ladd. Apparently she overheard me say something...ahhh...slightly lustful about Ms Ladd.
Damn. Posted by: Diogenes at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (0tfLf) ------------------------------ Seeing her in a bikini on Charlie's Angels was life changing for the teenager I was at the time. Posted by: Calm Mentor at March 29, 2019 01:05 PM (ffYR/) Posted by: Carlos Danger at March 29, 2019 01:05 PM (h5Lyp) 376
I followed the intermittent fasting/low carb thing and it's not a fad. It works.
Posted by: WitchDoktor, as if anyone gives a shit at March 29, 2019 01:03 PM (tVWQB) No one ever said that fads don't work. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 29, 2019 01:05 PM (C0qUW) 377
Teaching the kids was always "women's work".
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 29, 2019 01:04 PM (C0qUW) ++++++++++++ I think it wasn't until The War Between The States. IIRC, teaching was a largely male profession until they all went off to die in the war and women took it over. After the war, that did not change as it was working out reasonably well. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 29, 2019 01:05 PM (I2dne) 378
335 We're well past Burn. Scatter. Salt.
Nuke, from space. Repeat. Wait 1,000-years. Posted by: DocJ at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (NYS7S) --- you really hate woodpeckers Posted by: buzzsaw90 at March 29, 2019 01:06 PM (9qOCq) 379
How much wood would a woodpecker peck if a woodpecker could peck wood.
Instead of furnace pipes. Posted by: Guy Smiley at March 29, 2019 01:06 PM (4AeKb) 380
I wonder if they'll permit a script for 'Syndros' f
---- my state legalled medical weed and DC next door legalized something, so...I'm wwondering about something to give me a little buzz without an extra 1000 calories a day Posted by: Keto not Beto at March 29, 2019 01:06 PM (9AcAx) 381
MSNBC and CNN have basically morphed into older, less-hip, video-based versions of Vox and Buzzfeed.
Posted by: DocJ at March 29, 2019 01:06 PM (NYS7S) 382
you really hate woodpeckers
Posted by: buzzsaw90 at March 29, 2019 01:06 PM (9qOCq) You have no idea. Not what I was talking about though, of course ![]() Posted by: DocJ at March 29, 2019 01:07 PM (NYS7S) 383
Hey, there's no evidence he didn't do whatever it is we thought he did, right?
Posted by: Keto not Beto at March 29, 2019 01:07 PM (9AcAx) 384
Barr is being hailed, ala Kavy, as a lying hack.
Jebby ??????? Georgie ?????? the chicken shit putz runs deep in the Bushies Posted by: REDACTED at March 29, 2019 01:07 PM (RZ6R1) 385
>>>353 I followed the intermittent fasting/low carb thing and it's not a fad. It works.
Posted by: WitchDoktor, as if anyone gives a shit ... i mean, this kind of frequently offered personal anecdotal evidence, plus the growing amount of peer reviewed studies finding that the low carb diet is the best diet for just about every purpose, should eventually start to get people stop buying into the evidence-free "consensus" made up in the 1970s, but it never does. Once people "know" something, they really resent having to unknow it. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:07 PM (PbpT7) 386
Dunno. I can't even get rid of my gophers, and they don't fly.
Posted by: wth at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (v0R5T) ------- Heh. Gophers. All I found that eventually worked was sustained, systematic rifle-hunting. None of the other methods did shit. After my friends and I spent about three months on the porch with a cooler of beer, we killed probably 500 of them, and the rest left and never returned. Maybe it's some kind of institutional gopher memory - "there be monsters." Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at March 29, 2019 01:07 PM (AzW6q) 387
The MSM and the dims know their audiences.
The uneducated, foolish, undiscerning, mostly younger, mostly minorities, horde. Actually, the viewere of CNN and MSNBC are, on average, older. I think 55 for CNN and 60 for MSNBC. Which is nearly half Bob Scheiffer's age. Posted by: Miklos, relatively youthful at March 29, 2019 01:07 PM (zCyNd) 388
All the experts on TV were just circle jerking each other.
Expert 1: Here's a thought, XYZ Expert 2: That XYZ thought is interesting Expert 3: You know, I just thought of something, XYZ Expert 4: That's a very interesting thought And on it went from CNN to MSNBC to NYT back to CNN Posted by: Lurking Lurker at March 29, 2019 01:07 PM (FiUMj) 389
347 276 Need Horde advice.
Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out ---- Install LINUX Posted by: buzzsaw90 at March 29, 2019 01:07 PM (9qOCq) 390
"eesh, don't make a maniac out of me!" I asked purely out of curiosity. Didn't mean to insult anybody.
![]() Posted by: gp at March 29, 2019 01:08 PM (mk9aG) 391
I was thinking the other day, and I've had this thought a lot over the years, that if someone were to look upon what the hell is going on in this country from a perspective of politics and the media that covers and controls politics, would they notice much difference from the how those acted in the USSR.
Hard to say there would be much difference, both dealt in deep falsehoods and fake realities. Posted by: Rev Dr E Buzz Raniere at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (z8c2c) You peons just don't get it. Before we can have utopia, you must suffer first. Like the birth pangs of a woman in labor. Like a prisoner twitching on the hangman's noose. Like little aliens bursting forth from your abdomen. It may take a thousand years, but it will be worth it. We promise. Now, wax my ass and polish my scrotum. Posted by: Anonymous White Male at March 29, 2019 01:08 PM (3sjI6) 392
If it's a Russian pecker you can call Robert Mueller and he'll send over a swat team to take it out. Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at March 29, 2019 01:08 PM (TAmPV) 393
Actually, the viewere of CNN and MSNBC are, on average, older. I think 55 for CNN and 60 for MSNBC.
___ Fox has the oldest, but CNN and MSNBC are pretty close behind. Basically nobody under 40 watches any of thats shit. Posted by: Lurking Lurker at March 29, 2019 01:08 PM (FiUMj) 394
I have no problem believing that the USDA food pyramid is ridiculous bullshit.
Posted by: Insomniac at March 29, 2019 01:08 PM (NWiLs) 395
If it's a Russian pecker you can call Robert Mueller and he'll send over a swat team to take it out.
--- note: this only applies to elderly woodpeckers Posted by: Keto not Beto at March 29, 2019 01:08 PM (9AcAx) 396
Speaking of extinction level events...Mrs D is watching some movie with Cheryl Ladd. Apparently she overheard me say something...ahhh...slightly lustful about Ms Ladd.
Damn. Posted by: Diogenes at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (0tfLf) There's a new show on Velocity with a husband and wife duo that work on random cars. The wife is SMOKING hot with some devastating eyes. I really don't think my wife appreciated my drooling while watching the woman wrench on a 78 Trans Am. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 01:09 PM (IXZGh) 397
The next time WILL be 21 days, though. Now that I have learned that my downfall EVERY SINGLE TIME is trying to over-supplement potassium and magnesium due to the mistaken belief I'm becoming dangerous deficient in them. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:05 PM I think there's something seriously retarded about the recommended daily allowances of both of those. But those recommendations come from the government so what else is new? Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 01:09 PM (jYje5) 398
>>>No one ever said that fads don't work.
so... electricity was a fad that worked. Air travel too. Should we have stuck with the tried-and-true less-effective non-fad traditions of gas-powered lighting and heat and locomotives? Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:09 PM (PbpT7) Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 01:09 PM (39g3+) Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 01:09 PM (i89zP) 401
Ha ha. Bring it bitch.
Posted by: Woody Woodpecker at March 29, 2019 01:09 PM (v0R5T) Posted by: buzzsaw90 at March 29, 2019 01:09 PM (9qOCq) 403
Add this to the list of things to talk about. The spectrum is regulated by the FCC, et al on behalf of The People. Licenses are granted with explicit (I've read some of the code) language that says you can't abuse the trust, yadda.
If the past two years isn't evidence that a FCC review is in order, I dont know what is. This could/should happen: simply take away the broadcasting license from ABC, inc. Give it to another company completely! Game changer! Posted by: TonicDog at March 29, 2019 01:10 PM (m+NBl) 404
You can tell a Fad by the Crocs.
Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 01:10 PM (i89zP) 405
You should consult some 1940's Warner Brothers cartoons for advice about woodpeckers.
Posted by: model_1066 at March 29, 2019 01:10 PM (S74r6) 406
360 Ok. Got the BB gun.
Waiting for the little fucker to return. It's a flicker, not one of the giant pilliated peckers. Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 01:01 PM (PkVlr) I've got one in my neighborhood that I need to take care of, but shooting in a densely populated area is not advisable, unless you're guaranteed the hit. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 01:04 PM (IXZGh) If there's a schadenboner in the neighbourhood the wood is so dense even a woodpecker gets concussed. Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 01:10 PM (JgA4k) Posted by: DocJ at March 29, 2019 01:10 PM (NYS7S) 408
Pecker? I didn't even know 'er.
Posted by: Just the Punchline at March 29, 2019 01:10 PM (6eEQ+) 409
348 Posted by: Diogenes at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (0tfLf)
So Cheryl Ladd was at your place watching a movie with your wife ? What was the suggestion? Three-some? Posted by: Off the reservation at March 29, 2019 01:10 PM (vWMNq) 410
398 >>>No one ever said that fads don't work.
so... electricity was a fad that worked. Air travel too. Should we have stuck with the tried-and-true less-effective non-fad traditions of gas-powered lighting and heat and locomotives? Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:09 PM (PbpT7) You don't sound like you're on board with the Green New Deal. Posted by: Someguy at March 29, 2019 01:10 PM (mX8Vr) 411
This rock-n-roll music, it's just a fad.
Posted by: Guy Smiley at March 29, 2019 01:11 PM (4AeKb) 412
You don't sound like you're on board with the Green New Deal.
Posted by: Someguy at March 29, 2019 01:10 PM (mX8Vr) Q: What did the Soviets use for lighting before candles? A: Electric Light Bulbs. Posted by: DocJ at March 29, 2019 01:12 PM (NYS7S) 413
I had to look up pileated pecker.
Nurse, I have the same problem with a woodpecker in my neighborhood. L'il bastard used the gutter to make a louder noise. Its a mating thing. But then I guess most pecker issues are. They are smart though...if you can surprise it a couple of times ito chase it away, it learns and will avoid your place. Alternative that seems to work is to hang wide ribbon from the gutter. It flitters in the wind and the bird will go elsewhere. Posted by: Diogenes at March 29, 2019 01:12 PM (0tfLf) 414
Should we have stuck with the tried-and-true less-effective non-fad traditions of gas-powered lighting and heat and locomotives?
Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:09 PM (PbpT7) My parents met on a trans-atlantic crossing (ship). Posted by: Off the reservation at March 29, 2019 01:12 PM (vWMNq) 415
I have no problem believing that the USDA food pyramid is ridiculous bullshit.
Posted by: Insomniac at March 29, 2019 01:08 PM (NWiLs) It is all true. Eat according to that, and you will be pyramid shaped. Posted by: Miklos, carbo loading, if booze is a carb at March 29, 2019 01:12 PM (zCyNd) 416
>>>390 "eesh, don't make a maniac out of me!" I asked purely out of curiosity. Didn't mean to insult anybody
i know, i wasn't insulted. it's a #trigger for me so I tried to say it in an amusing way, knowing that i get #triggered on this point. i can just keep saying: read Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes and get ready to have your mind blown. Seriously. This isn't just a medical story: It's a political story, a political corruption of medicine story. This is the nutrition equivalent of the Global Warming Fake Science. In fact, the global warming model of "science" followed the model set in the 70s to prove that sugar was NOT fattening but that animal meat WAS: because there was no evidence for this, and all studies actually DISPROVED it, they arranged for a conference with hand-picked "experts" who believed Sugar Good Animal Fat Bad and and VOTED and used that "CONSENSUS" as proof of the ir claims -- which the government then adopted. I'm telling you, this story has a political dimension, a global warming analogue, that would make this a compelling read for any conservative. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:13 PM (PbpT7) 417
I really hadn't considered this take before, but now that I think about it, this is absolutely spot-on. I think now I subconsciously drown out the opinion of the "experts", but when a show actually brings on a real investigative journalist with actual facts, my brain engages. For instance, when Tucker has on Mark Stein, it's a bunch of shits and giggles, but when he calls up Catherine Herridge, I dial in. I will actively listen to the monologues (except for Hannity's, which I've already memorized).
Posted by: Matticus Finch at March 29, 2019 01:13 PM (mENHL) Posted by: Sharkman at March 29, 2019 01:13 PM (rEOL4) 419
so... electricity was a fad that worked. Air travel too.
DC electricity was the fad. We went with AC. Air travel was never a fad. It was hot stewardesses and luxury. Should we have stuck with the tried-and-true less-effective non-fad traditions of gas-powered lighting and heat and locomotives? Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:09 PM (PbpT7) Gas lighting kept the nighttime crime rate down. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 29, 2019 01:13 PM (C0qUW) 420
Ace is not of the body!
Posted by: The Lawgivers at March 29, 2019 01:13 PM (RD7QR) 421
This rock-n-roll music, it's just a fad.
Posted by: Guy Smiley at March 29, 2019 01:11 PM (4AeKb) Considering what passes for it in today's industry. You might just be right. Posted by: Archer at March 29, 2019 01:13 PM (gmo/4) 422
So Cheryl Ladd was at your place watching a movie with your wife ? What was the suggestion? Three-some? Posted by: Off the reservation at March 29, 2019 01:10 PM And I know better than that too. Posted by: Diogenes at March 29, 2019 01:13 PM (0tfLf) 423
The bikiniwas a fad that worked out okay. Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at March 29, 2019 01:13 PM (TAmPV) 424
I saw Pileated Pecker open for Kathleen Turner Overdrive at the Orpheum in '92.
Posted by: DocJ at March 29, 2019 01:14 PM (NYS7S) 425
276 Need Horde advice. Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr) ==== Get a cat? Posted by: Off the reservation at March 29, 2019 12:58 PM (vWMNq) Aim along the house, not at the house. Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at March 29, 2019 01:14 PM (ymnmz) 426
423 Fortunately the mankini never caught on...
Posted by: steevy at March 29, 2019 01:14 PM (BXMxN) 427
You can tell a Fad by the Crocs.
Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 01:10 PM (i89zP) Because of Croc shaming like this, I now keep mine in my J. Crew messenger bag. Posted by: Miklos, enjoying some Fiddle Faddle at March 29, 2019 01:14 PM (zCyNd) 428
The Russia conspiracy theory was actually more a disinformation op, as they used to be called in Soviet times.
Posted by: rickl at March 29, 2019 01:14 PM (xjiRE) 429
This could/should happen: simply take away the broadcasting license from ABC, inc. Give it to another company completely! Game changer!
Posted by: TonicDog at March 29, 2019 01:10 PM (m+NBl) Maybe we should start one of those White House petitions: Revoke FCC credentials of all media organizations that knowingly boosted the false Russian Collusion story for political purposes. Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at March 29, 2019 01:15 PM (J+mig) 430
The MSM and the dims know their audiences.
The uneducated, foolish, undiscerning, mostly younger, mostly minorities, horde. Yes, it is cynical and even more telling of the country on the whole But there are a fucking lot of them and growing everyday. Posted by: REDACTED at March 29, 2019 01:05 PM (RZ6R1) You can include a lot of dummies that I work with. They are oh so educated. And by educated I mean well versed in the propaganda and nothing else. This one idiot was crowing about the New Zealand PM. She banned guns all on her own and we need that here. I asked if their Parliament approved that. She didn't know they have a Parliamentary government or it was a British colony or part of the Commonwealth or one damn thing. Just the wymyn banned guns Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 29, 2019 01:15 PM (OLCnA) 431
They are smart though...if you can surprise it a
couple of times ito chase it away, it learns and will avoid your place. Alternative that seems to work is to hang wide ribbon from the gutter. It flitters in the wind and the bird will go elsewhere. Posted by: Diogenes at March 29, 2019 01:12 PM (0tfLf) I think that is what happened with mine. And it also seemed to want to get through the soffit vent screen to get at the insulation for its nest. IIRC, Flickers stay with its mate for life. Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at March 29, 2019 01:15 PM (t6MX/) 432
Aim along the house, not at the house.
Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at March 29, 2019 01:14 PM (ymnmz) ------ Yep. Stalk around the corner when he's in the middle of his pecking craze, and shoot alongside the house. That's the way. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at March 29, 2019 01:15 PM (AzW6q) 433
I had to look up pileated pecker. Nurse, I have the same problem with a woodpecker in my neighborhood. L'il bastard used the gutter to make a louder noise. Its a mating thing. But then I guess most pecker issues are. They are smart though...if you can surprise it a couple of times ito chase it away, it learns and will avoid your place. Alternative that seems to work is to hang wide ribbon from the gutter. It flitters in the wind and the bird will go elsewhere. Posted by: Diogenes at March 29, 2019 01:12 PM (0tfLf) And that is my new excuse for not taking down my Christmas lights. Thanks! Posted by: Archer at March 29, 2019 01:15 PM (gmo/4) 434
The Washington Post is doing big time deep reporting on... President Trump's evil overstatements of his wealth. Its their next BIG STORY!!!!!!!
Good luck with that, guys. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 01:15 PM (39g3+) 435
416 I'm telling you, this story has a political dimension, a global warming
analogue, that would make this a compelling read for any conservative. I heard all that. Except the political part. Posted by: Off the reservation at March 29, 2019 01:15 PM (vWMNq) 436
>>i can just keep saying: read Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes and get ready to have your mind blown.
Posted by: Lizzy at March 29, 2019 01:15 PM (W+vEI) 437
The bikini was a fad that worked out okay. Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at March 29, 2019 01:13 PM (TAmPV) Life-changing Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 01:15 PM (bcbK8) 438
Sounds like an interesting book, ace!
Posted by: Lizzy at March 29, 2019 01:16 PM (W+vEI) 439
416 >>>390 "eesh, don't make a maniac out of me!" I asked purely out of curiosity. Didn't mean to insult anybody
i know, i wasn't insulted. it's a #trigger for me so I tried to say it in an amusing way, knowing that i get #triggered on this point. i can just keep saying: read Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes and get ready to have your mind blown. Seriously. This isn't just a medical story: It's a political story, a political corruption of medicine story. This is the nutrition equivalent of the Global Warming Fake Science. In fact, the global warming model of "science" followed the model set in the 70s to prove that sugar was NOT fattening but that animal meat WAS: because there was no evidence for this, and all studies actually DISPROVED it, they arranged for a conference with hand-picked "experts" who believed Sugar Good Animal Fat Bad and and VOTED and used that "CONSENSUS" as proof of the ir claims -- which the government then adopted. I'm telling you, this story has a political dimension, a global warming analogue, that would make this a compelling read for any conservative. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:13 PM (PbpT7) I also recommend The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teichholz. The comparison to the global warming scam is very valid. Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 01:16 PM (JgA4k) 440
Eat according to that, and you will be pyramid shaped.
Posted by: Miklos, carbo loading, if booze is a carb at March 29, 2019 01:12 PM (zCyNd) Ever seen the people who came-up with The Food Pyramid? They look like they desperately need a steak. Or two. Think of an emo-ized college sophomore living on granola, bong resin and caffeine - that sorta look. Posted by: DocJ at March 29, 2019 01:16 PM (NYS7S) 441
Ha ha. I'll be back at nap time.
Posted by: Woody Woodpecker at March 29, 2019 01:16 PM (v0R5T) 442
The bikini was a fad that worked out okay.
Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at March 29, 2019 01:13 PM (TAmPV) Life-changing Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 01:15 PM (bcbK8 LIFE. CHANGING. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 01:16 PM (IXZGh) 443
I'm telling you, this story has a political dimension, a global warming analogue, that would make this a compelling read for any conservative. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:13 PM Who was that goofy fvck from a grain producing state that ran for President and lost? McGovern (D)? He was at the epicenter of the bad information. Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 01:16 PM (jYje5) 444
276 Need Horde advice.
Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr) Slap a hot iron on it. Posted by: Someguy at March 29, 2019 01:16 PM (mX8Vr) 445
The bikiniwas a fad that worked out okay.
Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at March 29, 2019 01:13 PM (TAmPV) There should be laws on who is allowed to wear them though. Posted by: I like cookies at March 29, 2019 01:16 PM (xxAFD) 446
276 Need Horde advice.
Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr) I thought you had a boyfriend. Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at March 29, 2019 01:16 PM (di1hb) 447
Which is nearly half Bob Scheiffer's age.
===== LOL. I think everyone has noticed by now that he is hauled out every time the (D)s at CBS get waaaay ahead of their skis. Posted by: mustbequantum at March 29, 2019 01:16 PM (MIKMs) 448
The bikiniwas a fad that worked out okay.
Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at March 29, 2019 01:13 PM (TAmPV) Only because of the Hula Hoops. Posted by: Miklos, in agreement at March 29, 2019 01:16 PM (zCyNd) 449
There's a sort of a Catch 22 thing when you tell younger, more hip, left leaning aquaintances not to get their news from late night comedians when the biggest "comedians" are the lying fuckers that give you the MSM news.
Posted by: Gunga Dan Rather at March 29, 2019 01:16 PM (OFzX4) 450
>>>Gas lighting kept the nighttime crime rate down.
yes it did. And so did the electric lighting that replaced it. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:17 PM (PbpT7) 451
IIRC, Flickers stay with its mate for life. Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at March 29, 2019 01:15 PM (t6MX/) Which explains why they like banging their heads against a wall. Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at March 29, 2019 01:17 PM (TAmPV) 452
Cholesterol "science" is a straight-up scam, too.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at March 29, 2019 01:17 PM (AzW6q) Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 29, 2019 01:17 PM (veds3) 454
I'm okay with the National Guard symbol change (see sidebar). A lot of stuff has gotten hopelessly out of date. Our currency could feature LOLcats instead of long-dead historical figures, for example. What's Ben Franklin done for us lately. Not much. LOLcats though . . .
Posted by: Millenials Everywhere at March 29, 2019 01:17 PM (ppBhU) 455
I followed the intermittent fasting/low carb thing and it's not a fad. It works.
Posted by: WitchDoktor, as if anyone gives a shit ... i mean, this kind of frequently offered personal anecdotal evidence, plus the growing amount of peer reviewed studies finding that the low carb diet is the best diet for just about every purpose, should eventually start to get people stop buying into the evidence-free "consensus" made up in the 1970s, but it never does. Once people "know" something, they really resent having to unknow it. Posted by: ace You can eat carbs. But after you do, you need to hitch up a single bladed plow to a mule and walk forty acres. Then, cut & split a cord of wood. That's where the problem comes in. Lack of activity and movement. Posted by: rickb223 at March 29, 2019 01:17 PM (XWb4y) 456
I thought you had a boyfriend.
Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at March 29, 2019 01:16 PM (di1hb) He's about 1500 miles away, currently. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 01:17 PM (IXZGh) 457
ace, I believe "The Big Fat Surprise" covers some similar ground. It's fucking shocking. It also discusses the danger of processed vegetable fats.
We live in a globalist Fake World. Posted by: Max Power at March 29, 2019 01:17 PM (q177U) 458
421 This rock-n-roll music, it's just a fad.
Posted by: Guy Smiley at March 29, 2019 01:11 PM (4AeKb) Considering what passes for it in today's industry. You might just be right. Posted by: Archer at March 29, 2019 01:13 PM (gmo/4) I've come to the conclusion that Rock and Roll is indeed a musical fad. It went from dominant to niche, at most. Another 20 years, it'll go the way of Swing music. ![]() Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 01:17 PM (bcbK8) 459
Ever seen the people who came-up with The Food Pyramid?
They look like they desperately need a steak. Or two. Yeah the 4 food group thing wasn't ideal but the pyramid was idiotic crap. Not only was it nutritionally dubious, but the design made it look like the best stuff was at the top, which was the opposite of what they meant. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 01:18 PM (39g3+) 460
456 I thought you had a boyfriend.
Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at March 29, 2019 01:16 PM (di1hb) He's about 1500 miles away, currently. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 01:17 PM (IXZGh) She can still complain about his failure to deal with the problem. Posted by: Someguy at March 29, 2019 01:18 PM (mX8Vr) 461
Who was that goofy fvck from a grain producing state that ran for President and lost? McGovern (D)? He was at the epicenter of the bad information. maybe that was him, I know it was someone like him. He pushed this through because his own doctor had him on the Pritikin diet (low fat high carb little meat). There is actually videotape of his experts telling him there is no evidence for that diet and him just overruling them and saying, basically, "Well this is what I think, we're going with this." Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:18 PM (PbpT7) 462
He's about 1500 miles away, currently.
Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 01:17 PM (IXZGh) -------- Well, tell him to use the Intermediate Range Ballistic Pellet Gun. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at March 29, 2019 01:18 PM (AzW6q) 463
And this is why I thank Ace all the time - if it weren't for him, I'd be a Food Pyramid. But when he brought the whole fasting/low carb thing to prominence here and followed up with the regular GAINZZZZ threads, I did it. Dinner only, low/no carbs, vitamin supplements because I'm a worry wart, walked 3 mi/day during "lunch," and it worked like crazy. I dropped a LOT of fat, lost my sweet tooth, and my energy level increased exponentially.
Yeah, this is anecdotal and I'm just a faceless guy on the Internet. But I'm also a cynic about a lot of diets and tried quite a few of them. Simply put, the conventional wisdom isn't all that wise. The endless hectoring to eat whole grains and Clif bars and all that other crap is, in my opinion, harmful. Posted by: WitchDoktor, as if anyone gives a shit at March 29, 2019 01:18 PM (eytER) 464
Need Horde advice.
Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Posted by: nurse ratched Fuck his brains out. Posted by: Cock Curious Cuck Cruise Captain Crystol at March 29, 2019 01:18 PM (n2qRY) 465
the who got it right: rock is dead. Its rap and pop now.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 01:18 PM (39g3+) 466
Need Horde advice.
Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr) I thought you had a boyfriend. Posted by: Iron Mike Golf ISWYDT. Golf clap. Posted by: rickb223 at March 29, 2019 01:18 PM (XWb4y) 467
Woodpeckers are probably trying to get at ants which have built a nest somewhere in the siding. Ant poison bait along the foundation will take them out. Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 01:18 PM (jYje5) 468
Maybe we should start one of those White House petitions: Revoke FCC credentials of all media organizations that knowingly boosted the false Russian Collusion story for political purposes. That is an idea that needs doing. Newsletter? Posted by: BackwardsBoy says #PurgeProgressivism at March 29, 2019 01:19 PM (HaL55) 469
Eat according to that, and you will be pyramid shaped.
Posted by: Miklos, carbo loading, if booze is a carb at March 29, 2019 01:12 PM (zCyNd) ---------- Like Ben says, it's funny because it's true. Posted by: Seems legit at March 29, 2019 01:19 PM (jUVms) 470
Cholesterol "science" is a straight-up scam, too.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at March 29, 2019 01:17 PM (AzW6q) Eat sensibly, don't gorge and get off your ass, occasionally. You'll be fine, likely live a long life and die at an old age. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 01:19 PM (IXZGh) 471
455 I followed the intermittent fasting/low carb thing and it's not a fad. It works.
Posted by: WitchDoktor, as if anyone gives a shit ... i mean, this kind of frequently offered personal anecdotal evidence, plus the growing amount of peer reviewed studies finding that the low carb diet is the best diet for just about every purpose, should eventually start to get people stop buying into the evidence-free "consensus" made up in the 1970s, but it never does. Once people "know" something, they really resent having to unknow it. Posted by: ace You can eat carbs. But after you do, you need to hitch up a single bladed plow to a mule and walk forty acres. Then, cut & split a cord of wood. That's where the problem comes in. Lack of activity and movement. Posted by: rickb223 at March 29, 2019 01:17 PM (XWb4y) This. IF does work, so does low carb (though going no-carb fucked up my digestion) for fat loss but exercise works for overall health/strength/flexibilty as well. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 01:19 PM (bcbK8) 472
>>>457 ace, I believe "The Big Fat Surprise" covers some similar ground. It's fucking shocking. It also discusses the danger of processed vegetable fats.
We live in a globalist Fake World. yes I've meant to read Nina Tchlossov or ??? Something like that. I've seen her speak in symposia in YouTube clips and i've seen interviews so I know she's on the right side. I do mean to pick up her book some time. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:19 PM (PbpT7) 473
452 Cholesterol "science" is a straight-up scam, too.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at March 29, 2019 01:17 PM (AzW6q) Before I started doing IF, my breakfast, every day for about 18-months, usually consisted of the following... 2-eggs, fried in Kerrygold butter EITHER 4 breakfast sausages OR 4-5 bacon strips, broiled 20-24 oz hot tea with heavy cream and ONE stevia pack My cholesterol, which was already a moderate 165, dropped into the upper 130's. Posted by: DocJ at March 29, 2019 01:20 PM (NYS7S) 474
Make it easier to sue the press for libel and defamation. Only way to prevent "journalists" from morphing into propagandists is for people who've been smeared to sue. And if people can't sue them, they'll eventually choose vigilante justice.
Posted by: Brown Hornet at March 29, 2019 01:20 PM (l7udz) 475
At this point I figure you're first tier, because I mean... what other blogs are bigger or more influential? I don't think your blog's influence has changed all that much since 2006 but all the bigger blogs are gone.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 12:32 PM (39g3+) Your forgetting the unsurpassed insights and acumen of the commenting on this site. The Thai tranny scourge would have never been discussed if it weren't for us. Posted by: Sooner at March 29, 2019 01:20 PM (Fs5vw) 476
Eat sensibly, don't gorge and get off your ass, occasionally. i
Yeah. It really is simple, but it requires doing stuff people don't want to give up or start doing. Give up sweets, for example. Gotta have their num nums. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 01:20 PM (39g3+) 477
if this many experts are saying so, there must be something to it.
Except, there wasn't--ever. =========== Sounds familiar? Like the Kavanaugh op. Instead of "experts" we heard from a crazy lady, and CPL's phony baloney "client", a year book, and a couple of college acquaintances that really didn't have much to say that mattered. Its all about the echo chamber. Hysteria/Panic - how does it work? Information is a market. When you bid up the price of something based upon lies/marketing and sell it, people get pissed when the get it home, open the box and there is nothing inside. Now if you tried to say: "How was I to know there was nothing in it?" when the whole point of you is -- I'm a reliable authority isn't that a little too convenient? I mean sure "let the buyer beware" but at some point false advertising is false advertising. Why does the press get a freebie on its false advertising -- first amendment? Its a freaking multibillion dollar business. They are selling a product and we are buying it. Oopsie it was all an innocent mistake - we won't be delivering that product we promised and you paid for? Would that work for Ford, IBM, Apple? Freedom of the press is important, but these idiots are reckless and won't change, ever. They are incentivized not to change. (the more hysteria the more viewers/clicks). Its out of control and it has to be correct. Posted by: simplemind at March 29, 2019 01:20 PM (757AT) 478
Our currency could feature LOLcats instead of long-dead historical figures, for example.
H8r!! Speciesist! Bunny with a pancake on its head, FTW !!!!! Posted by: Adriane the Morose Critic ... at March 29, 2019 01:20 PM (LPnfS) 479
Dunno. I can't even get rid of my gophers, and they don't fly.
Posted by: wth at March 29, 2019 01:02 PM (v0R5T) 1. Clear off any mounds or other signs of activity. 2. Wait for fresh signs of activity. 3. Using a large screwdriver, probe around such a sign until you determine which way the burrow runs. 4. Two or three feet from the sign of activity, but along the burrow run, dig a hole ca. one foot square. 5. Find the burrow run in that hole, and clean it out in both directions with a trowel. 6. Place traps in the burrow run in opposing directions. 7. Wire the traps to a stake driven into the ground a short distance away from the burrow run.* 8. Wait a bit. I've nailed gophers within 10 minutes of doing this. The mistake most people make is to put traps into the burrow where it comes up to the surface. That doesn't work most of the time, in my experience. *Pro tip: put a kink in the wire, and tie a piece of cloth or something to it, so you can easily detect when you've got a customer. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 29, 2019 01:20 PM (OVKfs) 480
Here's my take:
"Experts" and "pundits" interviewed on cable-TV partisan-news shows ALREADY (pre-Russiagate) were irrelevant and pitiful ignore-worthy dead-air-fillers. I don't think they influenced any voters to think anything. Everyone who watches TV (more on that later) knows these type of experts are on the air just fill up the hours with jab-jabbering bullshit. been that way for years. As for the size of the audience. Current population of the US: 327 million. Current PEAK primetime viewership of the top-rated cable networks: About 3 million. That means that 1% of the US population ever even watches this garbage. More importantly: 99% of Americans DON'T watch cable news shows. Ever. Think about that. The most common report is, "Ah, but those 1% who watch are the influencers and the thought-leaders." I call bullshit on that claim. In fact, I think it's the reverse. I think the 1% who watch cable news programs are bored senior citizens, wild-eyed semi-schiophrenic leftists, a tiny handful of obsessive political addicts, and comatose patients in nursing homes. "Influencers?" Forget it. So this may be an "extinction-level event" for these pundits, but they were functionally irrelevant and isolated to begin with. Posted by: zombie at March 29, 2019 01:20 PM (5tb4C) 481
yes I've meant to read Nina Tchlossov or ??? Something like that. I've seen her speak in symposia in YouTube clips and i've seen interviews so I know she's on the right side. I do mean to pick up her book some time.
Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:19 PM (PbpT7) Nina Teichholz. Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 01:20 PM (JgA4k) 482
There is actually videotape of his experts telling him there is no evidence for that diet and him just overruling them and saying, basically, "Well this is what I think, we're going with this." That's not how this works. That's not how any of this is supposed to work. Posted by: BackwardsBoy says #PurgeProgressivism at March 29, 2019 01:20 PM (HaL55) 483
>>>Eat sensibly, don't gorge and get off your ass, occasionally.
what is "sensible"? You're not taking into consideration that many (most!) people's hormone systems overreact in the presence of carbohydrate and overproduce insulin, which both sends all glucose into fat storage AND prevents any fat from coming OUT of fat cells to be burned for fuel. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:21 PM (PbpT7) 484
Woodpeckers are probably trying to get at ants which have built a nest somewhere in the siding. Ant poison bait along the foundation will take them out.
I was going to suggest a can of WD-40 and a Bic Clic, but that might set fire to the structure as well as the woodpeckers. Posted by: JEM at March 29, 2019 01:21 PM (8erNz) 485
Give up sweets, for example.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 01:20 PM (39g3+) Blasphemer! You just don't want anyone to have fun. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 29, 2019 01:21 PM (C0qUW) 486
You can eat carbs. But after you do, you need to hitch up a single bladed plow to a mule and walk forty acres. Then, cut & split a cord of wood.
The big mistake is thinking all carbs are the same, which is unscientific nonsense. There are beneficial ones and detrimental ones. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 01:21 PM (39g3+) 487
Need Horde advice.
Woodpecker banging on the side of my house. Near windows. How do I take the fucker out Posted by: nurse ratched at March 29, 2019 12:54 PM (PkVlr) RPG. No, not the dead broad on the Court. Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 29, 2019 01:21 PM (OLCnA) 488
Ace released more real information last night than the entire media in the last two years. Right into the bowl.
Posted by: ... at March 29, 2019 01:21 PM (5tMXO) 489
Freedom of the press is important, but these idiots are reckless and won't change, ever. They are incentivized not to change. (the more hysteria the more viewers/clicks). The freedom of a responsible press is important. Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at March 29, 2019 01:21 PM (TAmPV) 490
maybe that was him, I know it was someone like him. He pushed this through because his own doctor had him on the Pritikin diet (low fat high carb little meat). There is actually videotape of his experts telling him there is no evidence for that diet and him just overruling them and saying, basically, "Well this is what I think, we're going with this." Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:18 PM Yup, that's the guy. I think he was head of the FDA at the time. There are a lot of nutritional videos on Amazon about the entire sordid mess. It's a shame it has probably put about 20 million Americans in an early grave. Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 01:21 PM (jYje5) 491
456 I thought you had a boyfriend.
Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at March 29, 2019 01:16 PM (di1hb) He's about 1500 miles away, currently. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 01:17 PM (IXZGh) That's right in the "Move Heaven and Earth" category. Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at March 29, 2019 01:22 PM (di1hb) 492
Great find Ace. That Lee Smith article is "spot on."
That Jake Maddow guy is going have a hard time finding an audience. Posted by: JAS at March 29, 2019 01:22 PM (KOCKb) Posted by: Hikaru at March 29, 2019 01:22 PM (UnA8+) 494
Woodpeckers are probably trying to get at ants which have built a nest somewhere in the siding. Ant poison bait along the foundation will take them out. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° You want Ants?! Because that is how you get, wait... Posted by: Mallory Archer at March 29, 2019 01:22 PM (OFzX4) 495
>>>Yeah. It really is simple, but it requires doing stuff people don't want to give up or start doing. Give up sweets, for example. Gotta have their num nums.
exercise is very good for you in many, many ways but it is a minor player in weight control. Diet is 10x (and I'm not making that up, this is the right figure, more or less) more of a factor in weight control than exercise. People are always shocked to find out that jogging two miles results in the number of calories burned equivalent to... drum roll... two slices of white bread. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:23 PM (PbpT7) 496
what is "sensible"? You're not taking into consideration that many (most!) people's hormone systems overreact in the presence of carbohydrate and overproduce insulin, which both sends all glucose into fat storage AND prevents any fat from coming OUT of fat cells to be burned for fuel.
Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:21 PM (PbpT7) Huh. Guess I've been doing it all wrong for 40 something years. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 01:23 PM (IXZGh) 497
I've nailed gophers within 10 minutes of doing this. The mistake most people make is to put traps into the burrow where it comes up to the surface. That doesn't work most of the time, in my experience.
*Pro tip: put a kink in the wire, and tie a piece of cloth or something to it, so you can easily detect when you've got a customer. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 29, 2019 01:20 PM Once you got one, nail his furry little ass to a small wooden stake and plant it in the encourage the others to go over to the neighbors. Posted by: Diogenes at March 29, 2019 01:23 PM (0tfLf) 498
what is "sensible"? You're not taking into consideration that many (most!) people's hormone systems overreact in the presence of carbohydrate and overproduce insulin, which both sends all glucose into fat storage AND prevents any fat from coming OUT of fat cells to be burned for fuel.
Posted by: ace Absolutely. I did the same routine without the low carb (regular exercise, etc) and I maybe fluctuated 10 lbs. And I felt like crap. If anything, my calorie intake was higher when I was in serious weight-loss mode and IF, but all else was pretty much equal and it worked. I don't pretend to know all the science behind it, but I do know that it works. Posted by: WitchDoktor, as if anyone gives a shit at March 29, 2019 01:23 PM (eytER) 499
The record was what, 382 days?
-------- I don't know whether fasting is a good or bad idea, but someone has to be lying about that. If you eat nothing for over a year, you'll die. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at March 29, 2019 01:23 PM (AzW6q) 500
If you'd want to read a good book on the cholesterol myth, read The Truth About Statins by Barbara Roberts, MD
It's a huge boondoggle to get people to take statins which so far more damage. Pharmaceutical boondoggle. Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 29, 2019 01:23 PM (pUDQf) 501
At The Federalist now: Physics Reveals 'Green' Energy Sources Are Unrealistic And Unsustainable
But SCIENCE IS REAL!!!! right proggies? Posted by: DocJ at March 29, 2019 01:24 PM (NYS7S) 502
I've lost about 30 pounds on Keto. I feel great and my energy has never been better. It's been almost 2 years. Stayed Keto or at least no sugar and low carb.
I've strayed every now and then but sugar is the devil that's for sure. Posted by: Seems legit at March 29, 2019 01:24 PM (jUVms) 503
>>Woodpeckers are probably trying to get at ants which have built a nest somewhere in the siding.
Spiders, too. More likely, this time of year, they are establishing a territory. They don't call like most birds. They tap, tap, tap all along the perimeter. Posted by: garrett at March 29, 2019 01:24 PM (i89zP) 504
The big mistake is thinking all carbs are the same, which is unscientific nonsense. There are beneficial ones and detrimental ones. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 29, 2019 01:21 PM It only takes a minute to print out a glycemic index chart and post it on the refrigerator. Keep your carbs on the low side of the index. Stay far, far away from the stuff at the top like potatoes and white bread. Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 01:24 PM (jYje5) 505
Woodpeckers are probably trying to get at ants which have built a nest somewhere in the siding. Ant poison bait along the foundation will take them out.
Or maybe some nice soft ash... Posted by: Diogenes at March 29, 2019 01:25 PM (0tfLf) 506
fake experts?
Like the recent Beto clip where he riffs on the idea that 100% of scientists have come together and proclaimed we got 12 years left. this stupid 99% number came from an online poll from 20 years ago now. The left gets the idea it wants and then lives with that as a fact for the rest of their lives. It's monogamous associative lifelong fact mating, like how Comey still doesn't know that HRC's campaign paid for the steele dossier. Posted by: Keto not Beto at March 29, 2019 01:25 PM (9AcAx) 507
My neighbors: "Hey when are going to take down you Christmas lights?"
Me: "Never. I'm using them to keep the wood peckers away." Neighbors: Back away slowly. Posted by: Archer at March 29, 2019 01:25 PM (gmo/4) 508
>>>488 Ace released more real information last night than the entire media in the last two years. Right into the bowl.
yup. I was really afraid I was losing water at such a rate that I'd go to the hospital again. and I now understand WHY that happened to me before- - same thing, overdoing it on potassium and magnesium, wrongly believing my body really needed high doses of those. I began a, let's say, liquid elimination spiral that dehydrated me more and more and I think when I tried to rehydrate I did so with powerade zero and the like, adding more potassium and magnesium. Wound up with a blood pressure of 60/35. Sad! Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:25 PM (PbpT7) 509
It's right out of dystopian films/books - think the "news" in Total Recall, Running Man, Hunger Games, etc. Whether government, corporate, robber baron, or what ever source, the Orwellian control of the people via control of information is not a new idea. It just used to be relegated to fiction (in this country at least). More evidence of the likelihood and need for what Zerohedge calls "the hard reset". He's talking about fiat currency, but the same hard reset will happen at some point in the disinformation realm. And it won't happen easily or quietly. And it may involve some really bad life consequences...
Posted by: BetaPhi at March 29, 2019 01:25 PM (hGNrS) 510
You can eat carbs. But after you do, you need to hitch up a single bladed plow to a mule and walk forty acres. Then, cut & split a cord of wood. That's where the problem comes in. Lack of activity and movement. Posted by: rickb223 at March 29, 2019 01:17 PM (XWb4y) Yeah, traditionally European peasants lived on bread and Asian peasants lived on rice, which is why those foods are called "staples". But they also worked in the fields from sunup to sundown. Posted by: rickl at March 29, 2019 01:25 PM (xjiRE) 511
Jimmy Swaggart hung on a little while, too, even as his audience dwindled and the cameras got tighter. Like him these people are done. And, really, the "expert" phenomenon began when Democrat hacks like Stephanopoulos were hired ostensibly to report. That never was going to end well and it didn't.
Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at March 29, 2019 01:26 PM (0jPyL) 512
499 Well,the guy was enormously fat and lived on his reserves.Did it in a hospital iirc.
Posted by: steevy at March 29, 2019 01:26 PM (BXMxN) 513
So this may be an "extinction-level event" for these pundits, but they were functionally irrelevant and isolated to begin with. So they really shouldn't be missed. But there are still a lot of folks who trust those people, for reasons that haven't been fully 'splained. It mystifies me why, when I bring up a salient political point to, say, a family member, they'll staunchly defend a talking head on TV that they don't personally know, who doesn't know or care about them before they'll listen to me, a family member. I just don't get it. Posted by: BackwardsBoy says #PurgeProgressivism at March 29, 2019 01:26 PM (HaL55) 514
Once you got one, nail his furry little ass to a small wooden stake and plant it in the encourage the others to go over to the neighbors. Posted by: Diogenes at March 29, 2019 01:23 PM (0tfLf) I like the way you think. Posted by: Vlad the Impaler at March 29, 2019 01:26 PM (TAmPV) 515
People are always shocked to find out that jogging two miles results in the number of calories burned equivalent to... drum roll... two slices of white bread. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:23 PM (PbpT7) You burn a lot of calories while not doing anything(over the course of the day). This is what muscles are good for. More muscles = higher passive burn rate. Aerobic exercises don't build muscle though. Posted by: Someguy at March 29, 2019 01:26 PM (mX8Vr) 516
483 >>>Eat sensibly, don't gorge and get off your ass, occasionally.
what is "sensible"? You're not taking into consideration that many (most!) people's hormone systems overreact in the presence of carbohydrate and overproduce insulin, which both sends all glucose into fat storage AND prevents any fat from coming OUT of fat cells to be burned for fuel. Posted by: ace According to evolutionary biologists, for the first five million years of human history, before we invented grain-farming, the human body was basically ALWAYS in ketosis (i.e. surviving but burning cell-fat, rather than surviving on blood glucose). We as a species didn't even have endless access to carbohydrates. They were quite rare, and had to be scavenged individually. Out current diet of basically 80% carbohydrates is a revolutionary change in our biology. Posted by: zombie at March 29, 2019 01:26 PM (5tb4C) 517
Damn, missed Ace's fasting/dieting thread last night. Was it the thread before the ONT?
Posted by: Seems legit at March 29, 2019 01:26 PM (jUVms) 518
fake experts? Like the recent Beto clip where he riffs on the idea that 100% of scientists have come together and proclaimed we got 12 years left. this stupid 99% number came from an online poll from 20 years ago now. The left gets the idea it wants and then lives with that as a fact for the rest of their lives. It's monogamous associative lifelong fact mating, like how Comey still doesn't know that HRC's campaign paid for the steele dossier. Posted by: Keto not Beto at March 29, 2019 01:25 PM (9AcAx) Can experts that banged the Mueller MUH Russia drum for two years so loufdly and wrongly stoill be considereed experts? There must be some sort of rating systme? Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at March 29, 2019 01:26 PM (ymnmz) 519
>Yeah, this is anecdotal and I'm just a faceless guy
on the Internet. But I'm also a cynic about a lot of diets and tried quite a few of them. Simply put, the conventional wisdom isn't all that wise. The endless hectoring to eat whole grains and Clif bars and all that other crap is, in my opinion, harmful. Posted by: WitchDoktor, as if anyone gives a shit at March 29, 2019 01:18 PM (eytER) Funny enough, my anecdotal evidence is pretty much the same as yours. Except I don't exercise. That just makes me super hungry and I tend to binge afterwards. I do lift weights/use resistance bands for things like balance and strength, but no cardio or anything like that. Posted by: G. Gnome, GNOMCO Home Defense System and Turkey Fryer Salesman at March 29, 2019 01:27 PM (al6UK) 520
>>>499 The record was what, 382 days?
-------- I don't know whether fasting is a good or bad idea, but someone has to be lying about that. If you eat nothing for over a year, you'll die. incorrect. Google it. This happened in a Western hospital (Scotland, I think) in 1965. This is no ancient Shaolin myth about a kung fu master. This is something that happened in the modern age and is well-documented. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:27 PM (PbpT7) 521
60/35?That is RBG territory.
Posted by: steevy at March 29, 2019 01:27 PM (BXMxN) 522
surviving but = surviving by
Posted by: zombie at March 29, 2019 01:27 PM (5tb4C) 523
It's a huge boondoggle to get people to take statins which so far more damage. Pharmaceutical boondoggle.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 29, 2019 01:23 PM (pUDQf) My mother had to stop taking statins (against the advice of her doctors) because they were fvcking her body up so badly. The doctors generally refused to believe it and kept sending her to get all sorts of tests for various problems. When she finally stopped the statins her system returned to normal. I'm one of the only people I know who does not take any prescriptions (and never have). I find the push by doctors to throw people onto all sorts of meds for little or no reason to be criminal, though people are responsible for accepting this bullshit, themselves. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 29, 2019 01:27 PM (C0qUW) 524
The record was what, 382 days?
-------- I don't know whether fasting is a good or bad idea, but someone has to be lying about that. If you eat nothing for over a year, you'll die. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at March 29, 2019 01:23 PM (AzW6q) ------------------------- No, that one is real. Dude that did it weighed over 500 lbs. to start though. Posted by: Calm Mentor at March 29, 2019 01:28 PM (ffYR/) 525
Rob Reiner
@robreiner Due the Criminal would be Autocrat that sits in our WH, we are facing three existential threats. 1.Survival of millions of Americans through loss of health care. 2.Survival of the planet by rejecting climate change. 3.Survival of Democracy. It's all on the line in 2020. Fight! Once a meathead, always a meathead. And the only thing Meathead is fighting for is a place in the buffet line Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 29, 2019 01:28 PM (OLCnA) 526
Wound up with a blood pressure of 60/35. Sad! Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:25 PM (PbpT7) --------- HA! never gets old. Posted by: Seems legit at March 29, 2019 01:28 PM (jUVms) 527
Ya know another thing these lying grifters are pushing... climate change.
Posted by: redridinghood at March 29, 2019 01:28 PM (RBOtF) 528
....For example, why are they this week breathlessly reporting bits about Barbara Bush? I'm sure it's because there's a new biography, but . . . why do they think I should care about her thoughts and feelings, especially after they trashed the woman all the damn time? Posted by: Lizzy at March 29, 2019 12:16 PM (W+vEI) ----------------------------------- This is an excellent example because it also includes the reporting of third-party statements as "fact," or "news." This "news" is not even about the old broad's "thoughts and feelings." It's about what a particular writer thinks and feels they are. Posted by: Margarita DeVille at March 29, 2019 01:28 PM (Rxduq) 529
I really like rice.
It seems to react will with my Norski metabolism for some reason. Bread makes me feel bloated now. I still eat toast though because life is to be enjoyed. But rice seems to be easier to eat regularly. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 01:29 PM (bcbK8) 530
According to evolutionary biologists, for the first five million years of human history, before we invented grain-farming, the human body was basically ALWAYS in ketosis (i.e. surviving but burning cell-fat, rather than surviving on blood glucose). We as a species didn't even have endless access to carbohydrates. They were quite rare, and had to be scavenged individually. Out current diet of basically 80% carbohydrates is a revolutionary change in our biology. yup. someone said that the American government and health authorities but the entire country's population into an unproven mass experiment with no science behind it in 1972, and by the mid-eighties, we were seeing the results: obesity rates far, far higher than the dietary recommendations were intended to reduce. And diabetes going from a fairly rare condition to a very common one. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:29 PM (PbpT7) Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 01:29 PM (bcbK8) 532
The food pyramid, diet heart hypothesis proponents. The most powerful one was Ancel Keys were able to completely marginalize anyone who disagreed with them.
It's very similar to what has happened with climate research. Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 01:29 PM (JgA4k) 533
One of my brothers invented "a water diet." Go jump into some cold lake and hang out for a while. The amount of energy you burn keeping your vitals warm is amazing.
Posted by: JAS at March 29, 2019 01:29 PM (KOCKb) 534
> According to evolutionary biologists, for the first five million years
of human history, before we invented grain-farming, the human body was basically ALWAYS in ketosis. --zombie We are born in ketosis. It's our natural state. Running off of glucose is the weird thing that happens when your parents make you eat sugars and grains. Posted by: G. Gnome, GNOMCO Home Defense System and Turkey Fryer Salesman at March 29, 2019 01:29 PM (al6UK) 535
Ace, did you drink broth or anything like that? Or just water?
Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 29, 2019 01:30 PM (pUDQf) 536
achel Acenas @RachelAcenas
16m #BREAKING Linda McMahon is set to resign as head of the Small Business Administration, and may assume a fundraising role in President Trump's 2020 reelection campaign. #OANN #BREAKING: Linda McMahon is reportedly stepping down from her role as head of the Small Business Administration under President Trump. Sources said today that she will return to the private sector, and will play a fundraising role in President Tru Posted by: Deep State is in DEEP SHIT at March 29, 2019 01:30 PM (BqBId) 537
My wife's grandfather was married for 67 years to the same woman. She woke every morning, made eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy for breakfast.
He died at 92.......I'd say, life is what you make it. Posted by: Sponge at March 29, 2019 01:30 PM (IXZGh) 538
>>>But rice seems to be easier to eat regularly.
rice has no gluten. you might have a gluten sensitivity. but still, you know, rice is a high glycemic carb, especially the white kind. but the brown rice is scarcely better. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:30 PM (PbpT7) 539
Wound up with a blood pressure of 60/35. Sad!
Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:25 PM (PbpT7) Jesus friggin' Christ ace, if there were a doctor here he'd do that thing where they sigh and shake their head. Posted by: The Lawgivers at March 29, 2019 01:30 PM (RD7QR) 540
incorrect. Google it. This happened in a Western hospital (Scotland, I think) in 1965. This is no ancient Shaolin myth about a kung fu master. This is something that happened in the modern age and is well-documented. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:27 PM That's another Amazon video. About fasting. The Russians (when the USSR) did a lot of research on it. A lot of people involved. Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 01:30 PM (jYje5) 541
The government likes us stupid, fat and dependent.
Posted by: Seems legit at March 29, 2019 01:30 PM (jUVms) 542
99% of Americans DON'T watch cable news shows. Ever.
Think about that. But nearly all cable subscribers pay for it, whether they watch or not. This is the scam. Posted by: Miklos, making the smae point again at March 29, 2019 01:30 PM (zCyNd) 543
So this may be an "extinction-level event" for these pundits, but they were functionally irrelevant and isolated to begin with. So they really shouldn't be missed. But there are still a lot of folks who trust those people, for reasons that haven't been fully 'splained. It mystifies me why, when I bring up a salient political point to, say, a family member, they'll staunchly defend a talking head on TV that they don't personally know, who doesn't know or care about them before they'll listen to me, a family member. I just don't get it. Posted by: BackwardsBoy says #PurgeProgressivism at March 29, 2019 01:26 PM (HaL55) Religion can turn family against family Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 01:31 PM (bcbK8) 544
Apparently, the meathead didn't fall far from the tree. His dad, Carl Reiner is just as idiotic, if not more so.
Posted by: JAS at March 29, 2019 01:31 PM (KOCKb) 545
533 One of my brothers invented "a water diet." Go jump into some cold lake and hang out for a while. The amount of energy you burn keeping your vitals warm is amazing.
Posted by: JAS at March 29, 2019 01:29 PM (KOCKb) Finish your shower by turning the tap to full cold. I find it very hard to do, but the effect is amazing. Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 01:31 PM (JgA4k) 546
This whole insanity reminds me of "Mission: Impossible." Your mission, Mister Phelps resistance media, is to GET TRUMP! This Twitter account will self-destruct in five seconds!
Do they actually think Robert Mueller was an idiot rube, with his 19 lawyers, 40 agents, 2,800 subpoenas, and 500 witnesses, using Vito Corleone shakedown tactics to get the people in the crosshairs to turn on PDT, even by providing false evidence? And speaking of Get Trump, it seems to me that the Resistance is the 21st Century equivalent of KAOS, who still wants to take CONTROL. Posted by: mercenary13 at March 29, 2019 01:31 PM (NwLhU) 547
Statins are b.s., at least on the present evidence. The only evidence of efficacy is that they lower LDL cholesterol, which BigPharma uses as a proxy for cardiovascular health. But there are no clinical trials or studies to my knowledge that associate statin use with decreased mortality or fewer heart attacks etc. (There weren't the last time I looked.) Add in that a lot of what gets said about LDL cholesterol might be b.s. too. Statins are a triumph or marketing over science. We are basically conducting an unsupervised, nationwide clinical trial on statins now. I'll bet the results don't end up looking so hot.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at March 29, 2019 01:31 PM (ppBhU) 548
The media is Pravda, in service to a single political party, doing its bidding and attacking the party's enemies.
And Pravda gotta Pravda. Posted by: MW at March 29, 2019 01:32 PM (hNTtn) 549
>>>535 Ace, did you drink broth or anything like that? Or just water?
just water except for one night when I had problems, AGAIN, with too much magnesium and potassium, and I had two cups of chicken bone broth and a pickle to calm my system down. That was only one time. The rest was just water and non-calorie water (Coke Zero, black coffee, green tea, and Powerade Zero). Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:32 PM (PbpT7) 550
Religion can turn father against son and brother against brother.
Posted by: JAS at March 29, 2019 01:32 PM (KOCKb) 551
538 >>>But rice seems to be easier to eat regularly.
rice has no gluten. you might have a gluten sensitivity. but still, you know, rice is a high glycemic carb, especially the white kind. but the brown rice is scarcely better. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:30 PM (PbpT7) I ate gluten like a boss until I did no-carb a few years back. Some of my useful gut bacteria died off during that and I'm still not back to normal. Based on that, I think low-carb is better than no-carb. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Angry, Radical, Anti-Liberal, and Dangerous: buy ammo at March 29, 2019 01:33 PM (bcbK8) 552
Religion can turn father against son and brother against brother.
Posted by: JAS at March 29, 2019 01:32 PM (KOCKb) So can a girl. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 29, 2019 01:33 PM (C0qUW) 553
532 The food pyramid, diet heart hypothesis proponents. The most powerful one was Ancel Keys were able to completely marginalize anyone who disagreed with them.
It's very similar to what has happened with climate research. Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 01:29 PM (JgA4k) The parallels are almost exact. Posted by: rickl at March 29, 2019 01:33 PM (xjiRE) 554
Nood BTW
Posted by: steevy at March 29, 2019 01:34 PM (BXMxN) 555
Religion can turn father against son and brother against brother.
Posted by: JAS at March 29, 2019 01:32 PM (KOCKb) So can a girl. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair Especially when dad starts banging her. Posted by: rickb223 at March 29, 2019 01:34 PM (XWb4y) 556
I tell people to go ahead and fast if they wish. What I don't tell them is that fasting puts one's thyroid into hypo-active mode. Many times it doesn't recover from that.
Then it gives them weight problems when they get older. Makes it almost impossible to lose weight. Posted by: Sooner at March 29, 2019 01:34 PM (Fs5vw) 557
someone said that the American government and health
authorities but the entire country's population into an unproven mass experiment with no science behind it in 1972, and by the mid-eighties, we were seeing the results: obesity rates far, far higher than the dietary recommendations were intended to reduce. And diabetes going from a fairly rare condition to a very common one. Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:29 PM (PbpT7) Watched a mini-documentary on that. It was a result of all the anti-fat hysteria at the time, the market rushed in with all sorts of low-fat, no fat alternatives, filled with as a replacement, carbs. Not all carbs are bad, and that result was due to the simplification of the dumbed down food pyramid. Your government at work. Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at March 29, 2019 01:35 PM (t6MX/) 558
Apparently, the meathead didn't fall far from the tree. His dad, Carl Reiner is just as idiotic, if not more so. Posted by: JAS at March 29, 2019 01:31 PM (KOCKb) Carl Reiner was actually funny though. Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at March 29, 2019 01:35 PM (TAmPV) 559
The food pyramid, diet heart hypothesis proponents. The most powerful one was Ancel Keys were able to completely marginalize anyone who disagreed with them.
Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 01:29 PM (JgA4k) Nobody ever gave a shit about the Food Pyramid. People ate what they wanted to eat and what they were taught to eat in their families. I don't know anyone who consulted the Food Pyramid for anything. Everyone knew the name but no one cared about it. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 29, 2019 01:35 PM (C0qUW) 560
549 >>>535 Ace, did you drink broth or anything like that? Or just water?
just water except for one night when I had problems, AGAIN, with too much magnesium and potassium, and I had two cups of chicken bone broth and a pickle to calm my system down. That was only one time. The rest was just water and non-calorie water (Coke Zero, black coffee, green tea, and Powerade Zero). Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:32 PM (PbpT7) Ah. Ok. Would you recommend cutting the RDB of potassium and Magnesium in half or even a quarter? I'm sure it's different for everyone but it sounds like you were doing the RDV and it was messing you up. Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 29, 2019 01:35 PM (pUDQf) 561
There's a whole lot of very tasty, very filling low-carb foods on the low side of the glycemic index. But the problem for me always is, I have my meat or fish, my vegetables, it's that 'other' little area of the plate that I want to put rice or potatoes on. So I compromise and make the portion tiny. Reduce the 'load' as they call it. Posted by: Newest Nic at March 29, 2019 01:36 PM (jYje5) 562
545 533 One of my brothers invented "a water diet." Go jump into some cold lake and hang out for a while. The amount of energy you burn keeping your vitals warm is amazing.
Posted by: JAS at March 29, 2019 01:29 PM (KOCKb) Finish your shower by turning the tap to full cold. I find it very hard to do, but the effect is amazing. Posted by: N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at March 29, 2019 01:31 PM °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° And it makes my little winkie look like a lady's front bottom, hee, hee, hee. Jussie loves it. Posted by: Former President Barack Hussein Obama - T'ffneee D'luxx to his friends. at March 29, 2019 01:37 PM (OFzX4) 563
538 >>>But rice seems to be easier to eat regularly.
rice has no gluten. you might have a gluten sensitivity. but still, you know, rice is a high glycemic carb, especially the white kind. but the brown rice is scarcely better. Posted by: ace As I get older (nearing 29 now), I find myself incapable of eating white rice after 5pm. If I do eat white rice with dinner, my blood sugar spikes through the ceiling for hours and hours and I can't sleep. For some reason, rice really gives me the blood-sugar-rush jitters much much more than any other carbohydrate. Don't know why. Wheat, potatoes, corn -- doesn't happen with them. Just rice. Weird. Posted by: zombie at March 29, 2019 01:38 PM (5tb4C) 564
This just in: Trump said, "pussy!"
Posted by: Fritz at March 29, 2019 01:40 PM (LuPts) 565
523---I find the push by doctors to throw people onto all sorts of meds for little or no reason to be criminal, though people are responsible for accepting this bullshit, themselves.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 29, 2019 01:27 PM (C0qUW) ------------------------------------- A solid majority of people want, even demand, magic medicine. For many it may be a choice between magic pills and such horrors as losing weight, quitting bad habits, etc. So yeah, patients are often the ones to blame. And imagine what happens if a doc discourages statins or other meds and the patient has a heart attack or stroke. Malpractice!!! Fear of lawyers can drive over-medication, just as it drives excessive testing. Posted by: Margarita DeVille at March 29, 2019 01:41 PM (Rxduq) 566
A solid majority of people want, even demand, magic medicine. For many it may be a choice between magic pills and such horrors as losing weight, quitting bad habits, etc. So yeah, patients are often the ones to blame.
Very true. People with colds - viruses - demand antibiotics all the time from doctors ... and doctors give them to them just to keep them as patients. And imagine what happens if a doc discourages statins or other meds and the patient has a heart attack or stroke. Malpractice!!! Fear of lawyers can drive over-medication, just as it drives excessive testing. Posted by: Margarita DeVille at March 29, 2019 01:41 PM (Rxduq) Also very true. Our civil court system is totally screwed up. For a long time it can make its insane decisions and judgments without killing the system but we are getting beyond that, now. The courts and the laws governing "liability" are doing real damage. But the government likes that. They love to make laws and procedures that mess things up so that they have to make more laws and procedures. This is why governance systems have to be totally redone every so often. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 29, 2019 01:49 PM (C0qUW) 567
If the damn carbs would run faster, like rabbits, we'd eat fewer of them.
Posted by: Jean at March 29, 2019 01:51 PM (AbV3V) 568
That was only one time. The rest was just water and non-calorie water (Coke Zero, black coffee, green tea, and Powerade Zero). Posted by: ace I wonder if there is a point at which your body learns how to burn stevia or caffeine as fuel Posted by: Jean at March 29, 2019 01:54 PM (OQO3S) 569
I'm telling you, this story has a political dimension, a global warming analogue, that would make this a compelling read for any conservative.
Posted by: ace at March 29, 2019 01:13 PM (PbpT7) They're upping the ante with the Eat Lancet movement. You should look it up. Global diet for a healthy planet, most of which is fruits/veggies (fine) and then grains, nuts, beans. Very little meat or dairy. The UN etc are all in. The Beef Council wrote a pretty funny refutation. Posted by: wasbrenette at March 29, 2019 02:57 PM (LWyIT) 570
"Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes" OK, I'll check it out.
I think that this is the biggest impact I've ever had on one thread, through the injudicious use of the single word "fad." Posted by: gp at March 29, 2019 03:10 PM (mk9aG) 571
The Media is like the character, Christof, from The Truman Show. Having created this world which consumed its audience (and raked in ratings) for years, once Truman caught on to the hoax and exited the farce to pursue real life, Christof couldn't handle it. His pleadings were not an impassioned desire to improve Truman's life, but to continue the gravy train -- even though he HAD to know it would never be the same, once everyone was in on the joke.
Posted by: red speck at March 29, 2019 03:59 PM (6Krd7) 572
I work in TV/Film industry and had to keep myself from just screaming "didn't we tell you!!!" while a few guys in a van to set with me talked about how they now see MSNBC and WaPo are nothing but opportunistic shits who lie constantly and don't care because that just want to go after Trump at all costs. Now I'm sure they're still major left wingers, but it's fun to see then catching on that their side is often full of it and how they'll talk openly about it now (likewise i watched an electrician in a room full of people watch the "Everybody Hurts" video while laughing hysterically, not caring who knew)
Posted by: Rbastid at March 30, 2019 12:04 AM (gYtEj) Processing 0.09, elapsed 0.1029 seconds. |
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