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The Morning Rant

talking ape.jpg
"You know, it's kind of sad to see journos getting all pissypants about being yelled at to "learn to code" on social media because they've been laid off. Their attitude is, like, what did we ever do to deserve such calumny. Well, let me tell you: I think the reason you see so many commenters on my side of the aisle sporting such gigantic schadenboners because of the loss of jobs in "journalism" is the fact that modern journalism is nothing but a litany of failure, and it's chief perpetrators refuse to see it, or even see there that there even *might be* a credibility problem: The UVA rapes that never happened, Duke Lacrosse rape case, Covington Catholic, the NAACP "bombing" that wasn’t, church fires and swastikas painted on synagogues that turn out to be set by liberal activists, attacks by Trump supporters, that weren't, the Jewish cemetery vandalism, racist remarks scribbled on credit card receipts at restaurants, etc. And all reported with hair-on-fire urgency and hyped 24/7. And all fake news. And the bad actors never seem to suffer any consequences for their spreading of fake news. They just drop the fake story and go on to the next fake story. And it's not like they get a few things wrong, they seem to get *everything* wrong. And the more they screw it up, the more outraged they become when we sneer at them. It's like they're not real journalists. They've killed real journalism and they're now walking around in journalism's skin and demanding respect."

(h/t @RobProvince)

Fonda Blumenthat Phillips Vietnam.jpg

Talcum X Gets Strapped:

street cred.jpg

"He's a baaaad mutha! (Shut yo' mouth!)
Talkin' 'bout the King (Shaun King!)
Can you dig it?"

Hillary's New Job:

hillary - costco.jpg

Thinking about how she must've felt, about having to go to a (shudder) Costco store, to flog her book and to maintain her public visibility for 2020, to have to talk to fat women on motorized wheelchairs, workers who make less than $13 an hour, and in general, people who are unable to give hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, makes me very happy and warm on the inside.

Word Play

A Man of Many Talents:

Who Dis:

beauty 20.jpg

And For the 'Ettes:

hunk 20190130.jpg

Monday's celebrities: Amanda Blake and James Arness. They played the lead roles on the 1955-1975 TV series Gunsmoke.

AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact FenelonSpoke, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at

fenelon direction 18 circle 'a' gmail dot com

(All one word, no spaces)

If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to her.

BLOG NOTE: It has come to our attention that one or more commenters are using the comments as a means to promote personal Go-Fund-Me pages. Because of possible negative legal ramifications to Ace and the cobs, we ask that you kindly discontinue the practice. The prayer list is where this new policy is being implemented first. There will be a more general notification later on.

Job Needs:

Kallisto has part-time job. She thanks everybody for prayers. Please continue to pray as she needs a full-time job.

MikeTheMoose was laid off from his company of 10 years. Is a control engineer. Needs job.

Prayers for comfort and strength after deaths:

Prayers for Jewells and her family. Her dear mother has died.

Prayers for PatrickinOhio and family after death of his sister in law from cancer

Prayers for Jim New Sunk Dawn and his family, His dear step mom just died

Continuing requests:

Prayers for RickL tumor has grown and has second one in lung. Prayers for complete healing

-Cheribebe asks for “extra prayer boost from horde.” Insurance dragging heels about new chemo treatment and bills are rolling in and finances are snug. Prayers for healing and that situations and insurance may be worked for her benefit.

-Calm Mentor is going through a very difficult time right now. He is at his last bit of money. Please pray that he gets a job.

-Prayers for Slapweasel, Parents have moved in with him.. Mom had stroke in June. Dad has dementia and doesn’t know where he is sometimes, Slap is caring for them so he needs prayer as well He also needs a donor for a liver transplant.

12/12-JTB’s cousin has a malignant tumor on pancreas. Needs healing

12/13-BuckIV need prayer for family of his sister whose husband just died after 5 week battle with cancer.

Buck’s sister also has breast cancer which has metastasized to bones. Also, Buck himself asked for prayers that bladder cancer not progress to worse type.

12/24-Renningantx asked for prayers for his uncle Jimmy who had been cancer free for 12 years but aggressive cancer has returned and he has a doctors apt this week. Prayers for complete healing.

12/30-LadyL asked for prayers for healing for a dear friend, Jean, who has had a recurrence of Mantle Cell Lymphoma, which is an aggressive cancer and hard to treat

12/30-JQ’s father has advanced prostrate cancer and has been having a lot of pain, JQ works full time and so needs to find a place where dad can be cared for.

12/30-Bebe’sBoobsDestroy- asked for prayer for “D” a friend of her brother, D needs to see things clearly and get out of a destructive relationship.

12/30-MyShariaMoor asked for prayers for his GF Robin who is an occasional lurker. Robin has an hard life and an abusive husband but come through it all. She became a deck hand on a water taxi and did such a good job they want to promote her, but course work and licensing to become a captain costs money she doesn’t have at the moment.

1/1-Cfo mom asked for prayers for complete healing for “Jim-her daughter-in-laws father and grandson’s Papa. Jim had hip replacement (Thanks for prayers, everyone), but recently femur fractured horribly and he had a 10 hour surgery with pins and cables. Jim’s father died from complications from surgery replacement surgery so everyone is concerned.

1/1-Captain Josepha Sabin asked for prayers for their non biological daughter. She is just ten years old and is going to have surgery soon for a brain tumor. Prayers for complete healing and skill for surgeon.

1/3-MWR and her husband are starting second IVF cycle as they try to conceive a child. Would like prayers for patience, trust and hope and for doctors and team as they graciously give of their time and expertise.

1/9-Antisocialists dear friend had a kidney transplant, Prayers for a successful recovery recovery.

1/9- Red asked for prayers for his friend Rita V. whose father died in Fall and has a son who has entered inpatient drug rehab the day after Christmas . Prayers for recovery for son and strength for mom.

1/9-Nickrp has stage-4 lymphoma. Battling to stay in remission has taken a toll on him financially, emotionally, and physically. Wife is disabled. Prayers for health and financial stability. He has a GoFundMe site with a picture of his family:

1/11-bensdad00 had combination pacemaker and defibrillator put in. Needs success for healing so he can get back to work.

1/14-PaleRider asked for prayer for her brother who had a colonoscopy. Waiting for results. Don’t think it’s cancer but he may have Crohn’s disease. Prayers for solid diagnosis and successful treatment.

1/14-Molly K asked for prayers for her daughter, 18 or so weeks pregnant. Baby is expected to pass in 2 weeks or at birth. Lymphatic and circulatory systems didn’t hook up right and baby is filling up with fluid. Daughter has decided to not have an abortion..Please pray for entire family for strength and comfort

1/16-NorthernLurker needs job or business, sense of direction, and vision and ambition in terms of future occupation.


1/29 Mrs. Empire1 thanks everybody for prayers for Mr. Empire who is now in rehab for about 11 days and is bored’ She wanted to gives prayers of thanksgiving and blessing for the great rehab staff and also asked for prayers that Mr. Empire continue on road for complete recovery and perhaps be able to come home soon .

1/29-PookysGirl report that Pooky started EMDR therapy to rewire his brain to alleviate his flashbacks. It’s tough because session are weekly and they’re uncovering more landmines. Prayers for successful treatment and also for strength PG who is trying to be a support but isn’t trained in EMDR

1/26-chrjp-Recovering slowly from neurosurgery but very tired and sometimes sitting up is all he can do. Clinical trial through NIH was not successful as tumor is growing too rapidly. Trying to find another treatment option that offers some hope for which he may be eligible. This week he asks for God’s help in choosing a path forward to get treatment and he and wife can find hope for future

1/30-Backwards Gal is back home (has been for a week or so) after scary blood pressure drop and transfusion , B Guy thanks everyone for their prayers, He didn’t ask for this prayer but I am. He’s having financial issues because of gigs being cancelled Please pray for that situation as well. Thx

New requests:

1/17- TonyPete asked for prayers for his granddaughters and daughter caught in bad family situation that has no immediate relief. Prayers for them and that daughter might gain wisdom to do good and not harm.

1/18-Mr. Empire1 will be transferred to a place for physical therapy after his fall and hospitalization. Mrs. Empire1 thanks people for their prayers. Please keep him in your prayers for healing and strengthening.

1/23 TroyRiser's mother, Judy has inoperable lung cancer. Please pray that she has a peaceful passage from this life to God

1/23-Prayers for Uncle Palpatine who was in a serious car accident a while back and needs continued healing and strengthening.

1/29 1/17-Mrs. Vic had surgery but it did not close hole in throat. Will need more surgery probably to be scheduled in March, Please keep she and Vic in prayer.

1/28-Tony “Locknar” in Tampa reports that his 90 year old grandmother had bad stroke about two weeks ago. She is now in aggressive rehab and heasked for prayers that she be able to be at home unassisted if that is her wish

1/28 BCochran has fluid in shoulder and can’t raise hand or arm above shoulder high. He was getting it drained and another injection but please pray for healing for him

1/29-Lin-Duh asked for prayers for good outcome for health issue, Will find out tomorrow where she stands. Not life threatening but major.

1/30 FenelonSpoke asks for prayers for D, a member of her congregation, who has had major problems since the summer, has no job and needs money. Is waiting to hear about a job interview he had on Monday.

Please remember the Prayer of St. Francis:

*Due to space constraints prayer requests will be removed after 5 weeks, unless updated. Please let me know. Please copy list and pray for earlier requests. Contact Fenelon at Fenelondirection18 at gmail dot com.

Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Caramel Cheesecake:

caramel cheesecake.jpg
(h/t Food Porn on Twitter)

Posted by: OregonMuse at 11:20 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Corgis called

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2019 11:17 AM (lyaJC)

Who dis???


Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2019 11:17 AM (8XRCm)

3 The best caption for Hillz in the Costco was Iowahawk:

"Worst recreation of The Last Supper ever"

Posted by: hogmartin at January 30, 2019 11:18 AM (t+qrx)

4 The guys from Top Gear spent more time in Vietnam than those bozos combined

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2019 11:18 AM (39g3+)

5 Nice to see Talcum X is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo at January 30, 2019 11:18 AM (bcbK8)

6 Aw, Paul Walker. RIP.

Posted by: Jordan61 at January 30, 2019 11:18 AM (QBy2Q)

"When Im out with it, nothing scares me."


Shaen King is a goddmaned idiot.

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2019 11:19 AM (8XRCm)

8 Those costco shoppers think they're in the checkout line.

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at January 30, 2019 11:19 AM (KUaJL)

9 Loretta Young?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at January 30, 2019 11:19 AM (7MRhd)

10 top ten?

Posted by: BunkerInTheBurbs, still needs a new Nic! at January 30, 2019 11:19 AM (Th6/I)

11 Hmm. . .the smile reminds me of Ann Miller, but I don't know for certain.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 30, 2019 11:19 AM (Ki5SV)

12 I don't know who it is, but I like her.

Posted by: Eeyore at January 30, 2019 11:19 AM (VaN/j)

13 I hate that Scrunt Fonda with passion. Still waiting for her to go to Hell so I can fly back to CA and piss on her grave.

Posted by: Vic at January 30, 2019 11:19 AM (mpXpK)

14 Maybe Ann Miller?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at January 30, 2019 11:20 AM (7MRhd)

15 (I had to look her up since I didn't know her so I wont say who the mystery pin up is)

Talcum X is a victim of listening to too many rap songs. He thinks he's a Public Enemy now.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2019 11:20 AM (39g3+)

16 Is that Maureen O'Hara?

Posted by: ShainS -- Registered Hat Offender at January 30, 2019 11:20 AM (i0w7o)

17 That pic of the caramel cheesecake just gave me chest pains.

And Dan Crenshaw. MMMMmmmmmmmmm.....

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2019 11:20 AM (ptqGC)

18 Got an idea...

There are so many programming languages. There is even a lolcat programming language.

Could someone create a special programming language for unemployed journalists, with like special journalist features?

Posted by: Sweet Lou at January 30, 2019 11:20 AM (4DuI9)

19 PLEASE NOTE. Not being a COB I was not involved in the decision making in not including GoFundMes in the prayer list, although I see where they are useful and could also be used in ways that are not helpful and do understand the decision and will, of course, respect it. I thank OM for letting me know but I just found out about ten minutes ago after the prayer list was submitted.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 30, 2019 11:20 AM (AllCR)

Rita Hayworth?

Posted by: Newest Nic at January 30, 2019 11:20 AM (jYje5)

21 Garbo?

Posted by: Diogenes at January 30, 2019 11:20 AM (dvH9o)

22 "Nice to see Talcum X is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment."

I wonder where he lives.

Or if he just copped to a felony?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 30, 2019 11:20 AM (cqNba)

23 mariannewilliamson
A healthy, free economy is about more than numbers. It is about more than things. It is about more than goods. It is about us.

Because socialism ain't gonna deliver any goods.

Posted by: Grump928(C) repeats himself at January 30, 2019 11:20 AM (ykycy)


Who Dis:

Ann Miller

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 30, 2019 11:21 AM (SiINZ)

25 That girl looks like a very cuddly bedmate. Don't know her, but I approve.

The guy looks like Rob Lowe to me but isn't

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo at January 30, 2019 11:21 AM (bcbK8)

26 I love cheesecake. Why'd they ruin it with caramel?

Posted by: Chris M at January 30, 2019 11:21 AM (eAZVt)

27 But speaking of women, from a trawl on the web this morning, I think I may have to go to a cosplay convention one of these days:

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 30, 2019 11:21 AM (Ki5SV)

28 G'morning, monkeyshiners.

You know, it's kind of sad to see journos getting all pissypants about being yelled at to "learn to code"...

Pardon a repost of another slapdash webwork, inspired by a comment from Garrett?

Learn to Latte - Career building suggestion

Posted by: mindful webworker's bright-eyed ghost, hanging around at January 30, 2019 11:21 AM (RnSBy)

29 Oh duh...not Garbo.
I agree, Ann Miller.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (dvH9o)

30 That cheesecake would play hell on my bloodpressure.

As would the young lady above.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet Proudly Sponsors The Hit Musical Learning to Code! at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (0QYMt)

31 agreed with the no GoFundMe / Patreon shilling, but. is hawking our own books still okay?

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (H0mNd)

32 The woman is Ella Fitzgerald. The man is Denzel Washington.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (gC2IV)

33 Does Shaun King hold his 9mm sideways, or only pretend to?

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (FTlwv)

34 Posted by: Grump928(C) repeats himself at January 30, 2019 11:20 AM (ykycy)

I haven't read enough to know about her political opinions even though that sounds o.k. She's made a lot of money from her ministry, I expect.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (AllCR)

35 shirley temple?

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (Pg+x7)

36 Fonda went downhill fast, after the opening of Barbarella.

Posted by: Eeyore at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (VaN/j)

37 9 Loretta Young?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at January 30, 2019 11:19 AM (7MRhd)


Posted by: OregonMuse. AoSHQ Thought Leader & Pants Monitor at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (i+d9C)

38 With Venezuela, the Democrats have been presented with another moral test, an incredibly easy one to be on the right side of. And of course they are utterly failing it.

Posted by: Citizen Cake at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (HmZuC)

39 The Jussie story is as solid as a loose turd in the maelstrom of the swirl. So naturally, EVERYONE from TMZ to the "conservative tabloid" The Daily Mail are doubling down on roving bands of MAGA hat terrorists armed with bleach and nooses.

"Ooops, Covington really blew up in our faces. We CANNOT, under ANY circumstances, let Trump supporters be the victims. What else we got? Anyone willing to take one for the team?"

Posted by: Rusty Nail at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (ju9gW)

40 The guys from Top Gear spent more time in Vietnam than those bozos combined

Oh, I miss that show. The real one with Clarkson, Hammond, and May. They tried to recreate it on Amazon but it just wasn't the same without being able to use the Stig and other BBC intellectual property.

"And now James May's lap will be exactly like a prog rock song. It will last 42 minutes and be utterly meaningless".

Posted by: Bandersnatch at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (fuK7c)

41 hiya

Posted by: JT at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (ix/hM)

42 Damn, that caramel cheese cake makes me hungry just looking at it.

Posted by: Vic at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (mpXpK)

43 11 Hmm. . .the smile reminds me of Ann Miller, but I don't know for certain.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 30, 2019 11:19 AM (Ki5SV)

Your instincts are superb.

Posted by: OregonMuse. AoSHQ Thought Leader & Pants Monitor at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (i+d9C)

44 OT, some sort of drug bust happening right outside my office, in full view from my window. Except the 'suspect' looks like a well groomed businessman.

Posted by: IC at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (a0IVu)

45 OK, did an image search. It is Ann Miller. I was right.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (Ki5SV)

46 Wooooooowwww...this gorilla is dropping truth bombs. I wonder if he uses shrooms. Did you know I'm half gorilla myself?

Posted by: Joe Fuckin' Rogan at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (BDZWU)

47 If I couldn't buy groceries because fatass Hillary was blocking the aisle I would be tempted to cancel my Costco membership.

Posted by: Northernlurker, but call me Teem at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (MkcN1)

If ever a face needed a bullet, it's Jane Fonda's face

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (SiINZ)

Woman on 'mobility scooter' to Hillary Clinton:

"You're right, the 'Pride' has better acceleration and cornering around bollards, but the 'Shoprider' is better for navigating crowded shopping aisles.'

Posted by: Newest Nic at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (jYje5)

50 " The woman is Ella Fitzgerald. The man is Denzel Washington."

Ah, yes.

I see it now.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (cqNba)

51 >>I haven't read enough to know about her political opinions even though that sounds o.k. She's made a lot of money from her ministry, I expect. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (AllCR)

She is a witch.

Posted by: Zod at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (Bdeb0)

52 42 Damn, that caramel cheese cake makes me hungry just looking at it.
Posted by: Vic at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (mpXpK)

I feel the same way about the Ann Miller pic

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (bcbK8)

53 Could someone create a special programming language for unemployed journalists, with like special journalist features?

Posted by: Sweet Lou at January 30, 2019 11:20 AM (4DuI9)


They could call it CABAL.

Posted by: ShainS -- Registered Hat Offender at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (i0w7o)

54 Pics of cheesecake, beefcake and desert. OM covered everything.

Posted by: runner - baby, it's cold outside ! at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (bUjCl)

55 I think democrats push gun control, because when a kid gets killed by a gun, PP doesn't get a cut.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (aWhzp)

56 Fixing nic

Posted by: Calm Mentor at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (ffYR/)

57 Does Shaun King hold his 9mm sideways, or only pretend to?

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM

I'll bet he tried it at the range once. And after the facefull of hot shells he decided, "Maybe not."

Posted by: Rusty Nail at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (ju9gW)

58 OM has nice manly men pics for the ettes today...*kisses*

Posted by: IC at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (a0IVu)

59 Weird post for a liberal. Wouldn't that ruin his good standing with the wilting violets?

Posted by: Someguy at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (WYC5Y)

60 26 I love cheesecake. Why'd they ruin it with caramel?
Posted by: Chris M at January 30, 2019 11:21 AM (eAZVt)

I love the cheesecake too. But what's this about caramel? I don't see any caramel.

Posted by: Eeyore at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (VaN/j)

61 23 mariannewilliamson
A healthy, free economy is about more than numbers. It is about more than things. It is about more than goods. It is about us.

Well, in that humans are economic actors and there's no reason to have an economy if you don't have, you know, US, then yes. But then this is something one says when they're so stoned that they stare at their foot for 15 minutes.

Posted by: joncelli, providing the traditional responses at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (RD7QR)

62 hiw did PaleRider's bro do? should have had results by now right?

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (H0mNd)

63 That gal is Ann Miller.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (kQs4Y)

64 Nice to see Talcum X is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo at January 30, 2019 11:18 AM (bcbK

Where he stay? Got a carry permit?

Posted by: BignJames at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (cxHbL)

65 Is Shawn King the guy who is AKA Talcum X?

That cheesecake does not appeal to me. And, no, I am not a troll.

Posted by: Northernlurker, but call me Teem at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (MkcN1)

66 Way to go. Telling all those around you to be prepared for a firearm.

What a Dumbass.

But then we knew that from the git go.

Posted by: jakee308 at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (c02Xt)

67 I own a 9mm.I know MMA.
Hmmm...I'll go with the 9mm.
In my experience, guys who claim they know shit, really don't.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 30, 2019 11:25 AM (dvH9o)

68 Nice cheesecake picture. The caramel pie isn't bad either.

Posted by: Muldoon at January 30, 2019 11:25 AM (m45I2)

69 59 Weird post for a liberal. Wouldn't that ruin his good standing with the wilting violets?

Posted by: Someguy at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (WYC5Y)

He probably thinks it gives him street cred with his black brothers.

Posted by: Jordan61 at January 30, 2019 11:25 AM (QBy2Q)

70 >>42 Damn, that caramel cheese cake makes me hungry just looking at it. Posted by: Vic at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (mpXpK)

Went looking for those Kraft soft caramel candies at the store the other day. Werthers was the only alternative. Had such a jones for a bag of those little Kraft cubes.

Posted by: Zod at January 30, 2019 11:25 AM (Bdeb0)

71 Posted by: Zod at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (Bdeb0)

She's identified herself as being a Witch?. I hadn't read that, although I haven't read her stuff for years.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 30, 2019 11:25 AM (AllCR)

It's so cold in Chicago that I can't even go out at night with my ski mask, MAGA hat, bleach and noose and terrorize actors that no one can recognize.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 30, 2019 11:25 AM (SiINZ)

73 33 Does Shaun King hold his 9mm sideways, or only pretend to?
Posted by: Jinx the Cat at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (FTlwv)

Either way, it's cultural appropriation.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at January 30, 2019 11:26 AM (t6MX/)

74 Is it bad that I know who the guy is, but not the gal. And she's from my era or slightly earlier. Does that make me gay or sumpin'?

...asking, hmm, for a friend...yeah that's it.

Posted by: engineer at January 30, 2019 11:26 AM (R5QBF)

75 And eeyore edged me out by =><= this much

Posted by: Muldoon at January 30, 2019 11:26 AM (m45I2)

76 That cheesecake looks inedible. I don't mind sweet stuff once in a while but that's too much.

My guess is Talcum X thinks "hollowpoint" means the open end of the barrel. I doubt he's even touched a pistol in his life and his MMA credentials are as valid as Elvis' black belt.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2019 11:26 AM (39g3+)

77 Someone tweet that Antifa elimination shooting to Shaun King.

Posted by: Can't resist temptation at January 30, 2019 11:26 AM (c10sF)

78 is it an Uzi 9mm? if so, only the circumcised may use it

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 30, 2019 11:26 AM (H0mNd)

79 Oddly enough, you can best evade being censored and demonetized for politically incorrect views by using Chinese platforms now.

Posted by: Total Control Racist at January 30, 2019 11:26 AM (tAZa2)

80 >>so stoned that they stare at their foot for 15 minutes. Posted by: joncelli, providing the traditional responses at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (RD7QR)

She's going to build a circle of human community, and karmic energy is gonna pay for it.

Posted by: Zod at January 30, 2019 11:27 AM (Bdeb0)

81 is hawking our own books still okay?

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (H0mNd)

Within reason...

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at January 30, 2019 11:27 AM (wYseH)

82 39 The Jussie story is as solid as a loose turd in the maelstrom of the swirl. So naturally, EVERYONE from TMZ to the "conservative tabloid" The Daily Mail are doubling down on roving bands of MAGA hat terrorists armed with bleach and nooses.

"Ooops, Covington really blew up in our faces. We CANNOT, under ANY circumstances, let Trump supporters be the victims. What else we got? Anyone willing to take one for the team?"
Posted by: Rusty Nail at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (ju9gW)

I agree. After Covington they have a lust for blood, and will try increasingly desperate ploys to satisfy it. I expect a greater than ever cascade of fake stories.

Posted by: Eeyore at January 30, 2019 11:27 AM (VaN/j)

83 Is Shawn King the guy who is AKA Talcum X?
Posted by: Northernlurker


Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2019 11:27 AM (lyaJC)

84 Went looking for those Kraft soft caramel candies at the store the other day. Werthers was the only alternative. Had such a jones for a bag of those little Kraft cubes.

Check the baking aisle.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2019 11:27 AM (39g3+)

85 Funny story, I was asked to body double Paul Walker in dive gear in his diving movie. I couldn't afford to take that much time off of my legitimate job.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at January 30, 2019 11:27 AM (aWhzp)

86 >>She's identified herself as being a Witch?. I hadn't read that, although I haven't read her stuff for years. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 30, 2019 11:25 AM (AllCR)


Posted by: Zod at January 30, 2019 11:27 AM (Bdeb0)

87 Talcum X sleft off the hashtag


Posted by: Muldoon at January 30, 2019 11:28 AM (m45I2)

88 26 I love cheesecake. Why'd they ruin it with caramel?
Posted by: Chris M at January 30, 2019 11:21 AM (eAZVt)

And I my reaction was why ruin delicious caramel with disgusting cheesecake? Lol. We like what we like.

Posted by: Gem at January 30, 2019 11:28 AM (XoAz8)

89 I own a 9mm.I know MMA.

I know MMA. It's on Central Park West and it has amazing collections of everything from medieval armour to Egyptian glyphs.

Had a hell of a Manet exhibition in the 80s.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at January 30, 2019 11:28 AM (fuK7c)

90 If I was pretending to be a black guy, I'd concealed carry too!

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 30, 2019 11:28 AM (1ISKN)

91 And Ann Miller does have puffy ankles.

Posted by: Gem at January 30, 2019 11:28 AM (XoAz8)

92 54 Pics of cheesecake, beefcake and desert. OM covered everything.

Posted by: runner - baby, it's cold outside ! at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (bUjCl)

I like to think of AoSHQ as a full-service blog.

Posted by: OregonMuse. AoSHQ Thought Leader & Pants Monitor at January 30, 2019 11:28 AM (i+d9C)

93 79 Oddly enough, you can best evade being censored and demonetized for politically incorrect views by using Chinese platforms now.

Posted by: Total Control Racist at January 30, 2019 11:26 AM (tAZa2)

As long as you don't criticize the Chinese government.

Posted by: Someguy at January 30, 2019 11:28 AM (WYC5Y)

94 75 And eeyore edged me out by =>
Posted by: Muldoon at January 30, 2019 11:26 AM (m45I2)

So a stuffed donkey is faster than Car 54?

Posted by: Eeyore at January 30, 2019 11:28 AM (VaN/j)

95 I was so sad when Paul Walker died. God, he was a good looking man.

Posted by: Jewells45 at January 30, 2019 11:29 AM (kG5hP)

96 Paul Walker was in what I consider one of the most underrated films ever, Running Scared.

Posted by: Can't resist temptation at January 30, 2019 11:29 AM (c10sF)

97 70 Went looking for those Kraft soft caramel candies at
the store the other day. Werthers was the only alternative. Had such a
jones for a bag of those little Kraft cubes.

Posted by: Zod at January 30, 2019 11:25 AM (Bdeb0)

Our grocery store no longer carries them or the Goetz's caramel cremes either. I ordered a 5 lb box of the Goetz's from Amazon.

Posted by: Vic at January 30, 2019 11:29 AM (mpXpK)

98 Loretta Young?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at January 30, 2019 11:19 AM (7MRhd)

Posted by: OregonMuse

Loretta Old ?

Posted by: JT at January 30, 2019 11:29 AM (ix/hM)

99 85 Funny story, I was asked to body double Paul Walker in dive gear in his diving movie. I couldn't afford to take that much time off of my legitimate job.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at January 30, 2019 11:27 AM (aWhzp)

How YOU doin'?

Posted by: Jordan61 at January 30, 2019 11:29 AM (QBy2Q)

100 Hogmartin, Happy Berfday 2U. You can make a wish and blow out a Flaming Moe at the MoMee.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at January 30, 2019 11:29 AM (kQs4Y)

101 Now THAT is food porn. Dayum.

Posted by: Insomniac at January 30, 2019 11:29 AM (NWiLs)

102 I just realized... they expect us to believe that the attackers wore full ski caps with masks... and MAGA baseball caps over them? I have a hard enough time keeping ballcaps on when they're tightly gripping my head.

Posted by: Rusty Nail at January 30, 2019 11:29 AM (ju9gW)

103 Your instincts are superb.
Posted by: OregonMuse. AoSHQ Thought Leader & Pants Monitor at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (i+d9C)

Heh. It's the legs. I'm a fan of yuge breasts, but a long pair of legs atones for many sins.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 30, 2019 11:29 AM (Ki5SV)

104 In my experience, guys who claim they know shit, really don't.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 30, 2019 11:25 AM (dvH9o)

Our son was complaining about the guys who go to the gun range dressed head to toe in camo, pants tucked into boots, etc.

He calls the pants "Kill Me First" pants. lol

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2019 11:29 AM (ptqGC)

105 "Ooops, Covington really blew up in our faces. We CANNOT, under ANY circumstances, let Trump supporters be the victims. What else we got? Anyone willing to take one for the team?"

I agree, I think after the Buzzfeed collapse they were desperate for a win, and it blew up even worse in their faces, so instead of taking the wise course of backing off and being more introspective they are even more desperate to find something.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2019 11:29 AM (39g3+)

106 Went looking for those Kraft soft caramel candies at the store the other day. Werthers was the only alternative. Had such a jones for a bag of those little Kraft cubes.
Posted by: Zod

Check the baking aisle, not just the candy aisle.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2019 11:29 AM (lyaJC)

107 81
is hawking our own books still okay?

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (H0mNd)

Within reason...

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at January 30, 2019 11:27 AM

BTW Horde, for those who have not purchased The Deplorable Gourmet, it is time to do so!
Monkey said so.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 30, 2019 11:29 AM (dvH9o)

108 Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (kQs4Y)

**waves to Eris**

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 30, 2019 11:30 AM (Ki5SV)

109 Is the guy on the right end of the Hillary picture trying to give back the book?

Posted by: NCC at January 30, 2019 11:30 AM (9zJPQ)

110 A bag of Kraft caramels and a bag of Dot's pretzels from North Dakota.

Amazon to the rescue.

Posted by: Zod at January 30, 2019 11:30 AM (Bdeb0)

111 "It's like they're not real journalists. They've killed real journalism and they're now walking around in journalism's skin and demanding respect."

What's a journalist?

Posted by: Anonymous White Male at January 30, 2019 11:30 AM (3sjI6)

112 Oh goodness I will send a personal email as well but Fenelon you can take me off the list. Thanks to everyone during that time. Your prayers were appreciated.

Posted by: Jewells45 at January 30, 2019 11:30 AM (kG5hP)

113 " I have a hard enough time keeping ballcaps on when they're tightly gripping my head."

You may need longer staples

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM (cqNba)

114 I just realized... they expect us to believe that the attackers wore full ski caps with masks... and MAGA baseball caps over them?

Carrying a noose in one hand and a bottle of bleach in the other, no less. I question whether there even WAS an attack.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM (39g3+)

115 "the reason you see so many commenters on my side of the aisle
sporting such gigantic schadenboners because of the loss of jobs in
"journalism" is the fact that modern journalism is nothing but a litany
of failure"

I disagree ... it is because the journolistas are actively producing propaganda ... agitprop in support of the destruction of the land of liberty, land of the pilgrim's pride, land where my fathers died, sweet land of liberty.

If they were just failures, no big deal, who cares? They are agents of the enemy, who will destroy good men (even Covington kids) and cover up all crimes (Hillary boondoggles) and even support the Mueller Coup. And they are run by BigMoney and the globalist cabal.

They are an existential threat to America (Orwellian prophesy coming to pass) ... and while some lose their jobs on the fringe, the MSM is still the dominant (fake) news source. Normies may doubt half, but still swallow half the lies. The Huffington Post losers will regroup, or Soros will fund another 1000 somewhere else with a new face (as ACORN did, just reconstituted in another form ... shape shifters)

Posted by: illiniwek at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM (Cus5s)

116 I found it interesting that our generally leftist local cable news channel reported this morning only that Jussie *claims* to have been assaulted. Maybe they're a little gun-shy after the Covington hoax blew up? Also, what the hell kind of name is "Jussie" anyway?

Posted by: Chris M at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM (eAZVt)

117 All the mainstream news sites have articles up right now hastening to "educate" people that this cold weather is a symptom of global warming, and/or does not disprove global warming.

I'm screen-shotting all of them. It is so pathetic! They push their f&cking agenda into EVERY news story.

Posted by: gp at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM (mk9aG)

118 I don't know who Ann Miller is. The dessert looks like Anna Miller's though.

Posted by: hogmartin at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM (t+qrx)

119 Pics of cheesecake, beefcake and dessert. OM covered everything.

Posted by: runner - baby, it's cold outside ! at January 30, 2019 11:24 AM (bUjCl)

I like to think of AoSHQ as a full-service blog.

*slips correction before anyone sees....

Posted by: runner - baby, it's cold outside ! at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM (bUjCl)

120 I just read that Empire actor still had the noose around is neck in that fake hate crime he concocted when police arrive an hour after the "attack". Sounds like something I would have pulled off as a small kid to get my brother in trouble. Run to my mother when she got home from the store with a rope around my neck screaming "See? My brother tried to hang me while you were gone!!!" Looking back things like that are pathetically transparent and humorous. Yet the leftist lemming can't see through this BS stunt and working themselves into another 2-minuet hate.

Posted by: Ripley at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM (MxEKc)

121 >>"You know, it's kind of sad to see journos getting all pissypants about being yelled at to "learn to code" on social media because they've been laid off. Their attitude is, like, what did we ever do to deserve such calumny. . . ."

Hardly sad when these people were often the ringleaders in efforts to destroy a whole lot of people on the right -- and the middle, if they had the audacity to still support a traditional notion or two.

Getting tweeted #LearnToCode is nothing compared to, say, ruining someone's livelihood by ginning up the mob to get them kicked off youtube, twitter, facebook, and patreon.

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM (W+vEI)

122 31 agreed with the no GoFundMe / Patreon shilling, but. is hawking our own books still okay?
Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 30, 2019 11:22 AM (H0mNd)

Yes. Although, personally, I would advise you not to be a dick about it, i.e making it an everyday thing. There's a limit to how many times you can go to the well.

Posted by: OregonMuse. AoSHQ Thought Leader & Pants Monitor at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM (i+d9C)

123 This sounds like a bunch of ..

Leader Kim Jong Un announced in his New Year's address that the agricultural front would be the primary instrument for economic reconstruction.

"After Kim Jong Un's [speech], the entire population has been mobilized to produce manure as the first major task of the year," a source in North Hamgyong province told RFA's Korean Service on Sunday.

"The authorities in each local region task factories, institutions and citizens groups with assigning production quotas to each individual," the source said.

"They are demanding that each person produce 100kg of human feces per day, or about 3 tons per month," said the source.

"But how on earth can it be possible for one person to make 3 tons of human feces and deliver it?"

Posted by: SMOD at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM (QkjLD)

124 90
If I was pretending to be a black guy, I'd concealed carry too!

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 30, 2019 11:28 AM (1ISKN)


Why would he brag so openly about crap like that. It's just inviting some dude to come kick the shit out him and take his gun away.

He's got hollow points! The baddest of bad ass bullets cause he's bad. That's right he's Baaad.

(Think Gene Wilder in Midnight Express Bad. Or was it Silver Bullet)

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM (ymnmz)

125 I know karate. And a couple of other Japanese words.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM (gC2IV)

126 Well, I've got to get ready to go to the store. I'm running low on bleach, and I make it a point to never leave home without it. Need to get a MAGA as well.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2019 11:32 AM (ptqGC)

127 Shaun King has a gun?


The thing about people who have guns is that they don't really tell the world about it.

They just use it when they need to.

My father, who grew up in the Bronx in the 1940s, always said "Don't use anything that you wouldn't want shoved up your ass."

I'll take that one further. Don't brag to the world about a weapon that you have that you wouldn't want shoved up your ass.

You phony racist bomb thrower.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 30, 2019 11:32 AM (RpM6k)

128 What's a journalist?
Posted by: Anonymous White Male

>A professional conspiracy theorist.

Posted by: Delaforce the Air Mechanic at January 30, 2019 11:32 AM (9fpIJ)

129 104 In my experience, guys who claim they know shit, really don't.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 30, 2019 11:25 AM (dvH9o)

Our son was complaining about the guys who go to the gun range dressed head to toe in camo, pants tucked into boots, etc.

He calls the pants "Kill Me First" pants. lol

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2019 11:29 AM (ptqGC)

He's not wrong. But fatigue pants are dead useful for serious shooting. You can hold a LOT of ammo on those pockets.

I don't wear them out and about, though. Low profile is best.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo at January 30, 2019 11:32 AM (bcbK8)

130 Wasn't Shaun King the guy that thought orange earplugs he found in Ferguson, Mo were rubber bullets?

Posted by: Tami at January 30, 2019 11:32 AM (cF8AT)

131 Talcum X Gets Strap-oned. But only BBC for dat brutha!

Posted by: Anonymous White Male at January 30, 2019 11:32 AM (3sjI6)

They've killed real journalism and they're now walking around in journalism's skin and demanding respect.

1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a turf war!

Posted by: Jamie Gumb at January 30, 2019 11:32 AM (pNxlR)

133 TYVM, Eris.

Posted by: hogmartin at January 30, 2019 11:32 AM (t+qrx)

134 "I love the cheesecake too. But what's this about caramel? I don't see any caramel."

LOL, I kinda walked right into that one.

Posted by: Chris M at January 30, 2019 11:32 AM (eAZVt)

135 Dang on the final episode of Antiquarian Biblia Bookstore Case Files. It is the second part of a mystery involving an old WWII Japanese safe, a priceless collection of Ranpo work, and Shiro-chan is in a race against her long missing mother Chieko to see what is in the safe.

A previous episode I was introduced to an American science fiction writer I had never heard of - Robert F. Young and his story The Dandelion Girl, so have started looking for his works.

Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2019 11:33 AM (s7A5W)

Ah yes, the great Ann Miller. Arguably among the top 3 or 4 female hoofers.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 30, 2019 11:33 AM (/9p9e)

137 Billionaire former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz says he can't run for president as a Democrat because he doesn't like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's proposal to slap a 70-percent marginal tax rate on income above $10 million.

Posted by: SMOD at January 30, 2019 11:33 AM (QkjLD)

138 long as you don't criticize the Chinese government


Sure. But you can do that from Twitter or whatever. If it's some pressing need. My point being we are far more restrictive than a tyrannical Communist regime currently

Posted by: Total Control Racist at January 30, 2019 11:33 AM (tAZa2)

139 To a liberal, there is no greater shame than shopping at Costco.

They'd do anything to avoid it. Even commit a double-murder, proudly.

The NYT column "LIVES: When One is Enough" ( has been a morbid joke in my family since it came out in 2004.

In this excerpt the trendy Manhattanite author justifies her decision to abort two of her three triplets on the following basis:

"On the subway, Peter asked, ''Shouldn't we consider having triplets?'' And I had this adverse reaction: ''This is why they say it's the woman's choice, because you think I could just carry triplets. That's easy for you to say, but I'd have to give up my life.'' Not only would I have to be on bed rest at 20 weeks, I wouldn't be able to fly after 15. I was already at eight weeks. When I found out about the triplets, I felt like: It's not the back of a pickup at 16, but now I'm going to have to move to Staten Island. I'll never leave my house because I'll have to care for these children. I'll have to start shopping only at Costco and buying big jars of mayonnaise. Even in my moments of thinking about having three, I don't think that deep down I was ever considering it."

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 30, 2019 11:33 AM (fuwT4)

140 Hello MP4! Long time no see, since I don't access the morning threads. I trust you are dashing and dapper, with boutonniere?

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at January 30, 2019 11:33 AM (kQs4Y)

141 >>131 Talcum X Gets Strap-oned. Posted by: Anonymous White Male at January 30, 2019 11:32 AM (3sjI6)

"When he's out with it, damn near nothing scares me."

I don't doubt that.

Posted by: Zod at January 30, 2019 11:33 AM (Bdeb0)

142 Couldn't just hire someone to crack the safe?

Posted by: Someguy at January 30, 2019 11:33 AM (WYC5Y)

143 "I just read that Empire actor still had the noose around is neck in that fake hate crime"

Hundreds of twinks strangle themselves in sex acts, every nite in Chicago. Hardly news.

Posted by: gp at January 30, 2019 11:34 AM (mk9aG)

144 137 Billionaire former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz says he can't run for president as a Democrat because he doesn't like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's proposal to slap a 70-percent marginal tax rate on income above $10 million.
Posted by: SMOD at January 30, 2019 11:33 AM (QkjLD)

And yet he's all in on destroying the economy over Climate Change. Fucking jerk.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 30, 2019 11:34 AM (/9p9e)

145 Also, what the hell kind of name is "Jussie" anyway?

Posted by: Chris M at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM
I bet it's really Jessie, but sounds like Jussie with a mouth full of boyfriend.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 30, 2019 11:34 AM (dvH9o)

146 Sorry I keep forgetting to email Fen. My brother ended up having surgery to remove the intestine section that kept getting blocked. He is out of the hospital since Thursday evening and only has to have a low fiber diet for now. Still has not heard back on tests for Crohn's. His hospital must send that testing out and whatever lab they use is very slow.

Posted by: PaleRider is simply irredeemable at January 30, 2019 11:34 AM (jUcoH)

147 I don't wear them out and about, though. Low profile is best.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo at January 30, 2019 11:32 AM (bcbK

Gray man. Learn it, live it, love it.

Posted by: Insomniac at January 30, 2019 11:34 AM (NWiLs)

148 Ann Miller was a dancer who did some acting.

Posted by: JuJuBee at January 30, 2019 11:34 AM (8YazN)

My father, who grew up in the Bronx in the 1940s, always said "Don't use anything that you wouldn't want shoved up your ass."

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 30, 2019 11:32 AM (RpM6k)

I use a baseball bat.

Posted by: Shep Smith at January 30, 2019 11:34 AM (KUaJL)

150 137 Billionaire former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz says he can't run for president as a Democrat because he doesn't like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's proposal to slap a 70-percent marginal tax rate on income above $10 million.

Posted by: SMOD at January 30, 2019 11:33 AM (QkjLD)

Mugged by reality.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at January 30, 2019 11:34 AM (t6MX/)

151 Multnomah County (the county that Portland is in), disbanded a citizens advisory group. The head of the group - a former elected official, and a former drug dealer was subjected to an investigation that generated a litany of complaints.

Among the accusations:

"The investigator also found that Anderson regularly failed to refer to a CIC staffer, who identifies as transgender, by the correct pronoun."

The horror!

Posted by: The ARC of History at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM (I2/tG)

152 Wasn't Shaun King the guy that thought orange earplugs he found in Ferguson, Mo were rubber bullets?
Posted by: Tami at January 30, 2019 11:32 AM (cF8AT)

That was actually a (notional) news-type reporter I think.

Posted by: hogmartin at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM (t+qrx)

153 And OM, thank you for both Dan and Paul.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM (kQs4Y)

154 Joan Collins made up to look like someone.

Posted by: Les Kinetic at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM (+fPHo)

155 Hey, I haven't been around that much lately...

Broseidon was on Jeopardy this Monday? Or Friday and Monday? We record the show and are behind on watching it, so I have the last 10 episodes or so.

Posted by: Mama AJ at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM (wSGZR)

156 Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 30, 2019 11:33 AM (fuwT4)

Oh, I remember that! Horrifying.

Posted by: Jordan61 at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM (QBy2Q)

157 "The authorities in each local region task factories, institutions and citizens groups with assigning production quotas to each individual," the source said.

"They are demanding that each person produce 100kg of human feces per day, or about 3 tons per month," said the source.

"But how on earth can it be possible for one person to make 3 tons of human feces and deliver it?"
Posted by: SMOD

Pro tip: you don't use human manure for growing.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM (lyaJC)

158 >>Paul Walker was in what I consider one of the most underrated films ever, Running Scared.

Oh, that one had some freaky stuff in it (that I will not specify because ICK).

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM (W+vEI)

159 It's not too late to try and execute Jane Fonda for treason.

Posted by: torabora at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM (Y274z)

160 his MMA credentials are as valid as Elvis' black belt.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2019 11:26 AM (39g3+)

Elvis actually was a legit black belt. Now his seventh degree black belt is more than questionable.

Posted by: Can't resist temptation at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM (c10sF)

161 The thing about the journolists is the ARE failing, and what gets them is that they are aware of it. What they cannot get their heads around is why. I think they are stuck on "It worked for Duranty, and Cronkite, and Donaldson. It should still work."

They know they are hurting, and a lot of their hatred is pure fear; they just don't understand what is going on. Their entire mental makes them unable to.

Posted by: Eeyore at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM (VaN/j)

162 "But how on earth can it be possible for one person to make 3 tons of human feces and deliver it?"

Tree bark is high in fiber.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 30, 2019 11:36 AM (ykycy)

163 Ah yes, the great Ann Miller. Arguably among the top 3 or 4 female hoofers.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 30, 2019 11:33 AM
But my heart secretly belongs to Juliet Prowse.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 30, 2019 11:36 AM (dvH9o)

164 78 is it an Uzi 9mm? if so, only the circumcised may use it
Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 30, 2019 11:26 AM (H0mNd)


Whew. Thank you Midwestern Conservative Christian parents!

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo at January 30, 2019 11:36 AM (bcbK8)

165 143 "I just read that Empire actor still had the noose around is neck in that fake hate crime"

Hundreds of twinks strangle themselves in sex acts, every nite in Chicago. Hardly news.
Posted by: gp at January 30, 2019 11:34 AM (mk9aG)

Does Buck have a place in Chicago?

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at January 30, 2019 11:36 AM (t6MX/)

166 Billionaire former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz says he can't run for president as a Democrat because he doesn't like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's proposal to slap a 70-percent marginal tax rate on income above $10 million.
Posted by: SMOD at January 30, 2019 11:33 AM (QkjLD)


Well, that and the fact that he would get buried in the Dem field of 20+ candidates at this point.

Posted by: Calm Mentor at January 30, 2019 11:36 AM (ffYR/)

167 This safe is a real humdinger:

1. Need a key
2. Need a four digit number
3. Need a passcode.

Shiro-chan has the combination. Chieko has stolen the key. So ...

Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2019 11:36 AM (s7A5W)

168 The trigger on an Uzi is shit, though.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo at January 30, 2019 11:36 AM (bcbK8)

169 Hundreds of twinks strangle themselves in sex acts, every nite in Chicago. Hardly news.

Yeah I'm inclined to think it was something much more along those lines than an attack. Time will tell, but I'm certain it was no roming band of MAGA hat wearing rednecks who were just carrying around bleach and a noose in downtown Chicago.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2019 11:36 AM (39g3+)

170 ...working themselves into another 2-minuet hate.


Heh. Same old song and dance.

Posted by: Muldoon at January 30, 2019 11:36 AM (m45I2)

171 It's not too late to try and execute Jane Fonda for treason.

ridicule lasts longer

Posted by: runner - baby, it's cold outside ! at January 30, 2019 11:36 AM (bUjCl)

172 You think Shaun King is pale now, imagine how white he would go if someone actually did confront his ass.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 30, 2019 11:36 AM (gsGev)

173 I don't know who you anti-caramel folks are, but caramel is well known as a particular favorite of mine.

Damn, now I'm hungry.

Posted by: Brother Cavil at January 30, 2019 11:36 AM (AM1GF)

174 For Hog, from the last thread:

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at January 30, 2019 11:37 AM (kQs4Y)

175 "But how on earth can it be possible for one person to make 3 tons of human feces and deliver it?"

Posted by: SMOD at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM

Having a pet pig helps.

Posted by: Homer Simpson at January 30, 2019 11:37 AM (ju9gW)

176 I found it interesting that our generally leftist local cable news channel reported this morning only that Jussie *claims* to have been assaulted. Maybe they're a little gun-shy after the Covington hoax blew up? Also, what the hell kind of name is "Jussie" anyway?
Posted by: Chris M at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM (eAZVt)

All the cool rapper names were taken, so he just went with a ridiculous sounding name. Like an earlier generation of blacks.

Posted by: Anonymous White Male at January 30, 2019 11:37 AM (3sjI6)

177 That was actually a (notional) news-type reporter I think.

Posted by: hogmartin at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM (t+qrx)

You're right...looked it up, Ryan somebody...HuffPo reporter.

Posted by: Tami at January 30, 2019 11:37 AM (cF8AT)

178 Pro tip: you don't use human manure for growing.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM (lyaJC)

What if you Science the shit out of it?

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo at January 30, 2019 11:37 AM (bcbK8)

179 Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at January 30, 2019 11:37 AM (kQs4Y)

By the girthy trunk of Ganesh!

Posted by: hogmartin at January 30, 2019 11:37 AM (t+qrx)

180 Ann Miller was a dancer, right? I mean she got the legs for it.

Posted by: dantesed at January 30, 2019 11:38 AM (88xKn)

181 From the department of "You had one job" ..

President Trump is deeply unpopular. According to RealClearPolitics, his favorability ratings now stand at just 41 percent -- near-historic lows. This means that Democrats have the upper hand heading into 2020. All they have to do is not be radically insane. And they just can't do it.

Posted by: SMOD at January 30, 2019 11:38 AM (QkjLD)

182 *waves to MPPPP and Eris*

Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2019 11:38 AM (s7A5W)

183 111
"It's like they're not real journalists. They've killed real journalism
and they're now walking around in journalism's skin and demanding

What's a journalist?

Posted by: Anonymous White Male at January 30, 2019 11:30 AM (3sjI6)

Pretty much. When that hot reporter was "interviewing" the covington kid, suggesting that he was standing "provocatively", my respect for reporters got significantly lower. And that was hard to do. It was fargin evil for her to do that.
She is literally a brainless stooge or evil. There is no other explanation for that interview.

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at January 30, 2019 11:38 AM (ymnmz)

184 Done.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 30, 2019 11:38 AM (eUVat)

185 Oh, that one had some freaky stuff in it (that I will not specify because ICK).
Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM (W+vEI)

Yeah but didn't you love how that ended?

Posted by: Can't resist temptation at January 30, 2019 11:38 AM (c10sF)

186 I don't know who you anti-caramel folks are, but caramel is well known as a particular favorite of mine.

CARR (short A)-uh-mell or KAHR-mul?

Posted by: Bandersnatch at January 30, 2019 11:38 AM (fuK7c)

187 "I just read that Empire actor still had the noose around is neck in that fake hate crime"

Hundreds of twinks strangle themselves in sex acts, every nite in Chicago. Hardly news.
Posted by: gp

Sadly, few succeed.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2019 11:38 AM (lyaJC)

188 Shiro-chan has the combination. Chieko has stolen the key. So ...

Ahh, but the strawberries that's... that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist, and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action. I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officers..."

Posted by: Captain Queeg at January 30, 2019 11:39 AM (RpM6k)

189 Dan Crenshaw is badass.

Posted by: usntakim profoundly deplorable at January 30, 2019 11:39 AM (0OmEj)

190 Hey Anna!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at January 30, 2019 11:39 AM (kQs4Y)

191 There are reports that ..

About 20 tons of gold from Venezuela's central bank was ready to be hauled away Tuesday on a Russian airline's Boeing 777 that landed in Caracas a day earlier, a Venezuelan lawmaker wrote on Twitter. The destination of the $840 million in gold bars was unknown, but a source told Bloomberg News that it represented about 20 percent of the country's holding of the metal.

Posted by: SMOD at January 30, 2019 11:39 AM (QkjLD)

192 Posted by: PaleRider is simply irredeemable at January 30, 2019 11:34 AM (jUcoH)

Thanks for the update. Will change list for next week.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 30, 2019 11:39 AM (AllCR)

193 "But how on earth can it be possible for one person to make 3 tons of human feces and deliver it?"


Just ask Jim Acosta

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at January 30, 2019 11:39 AM (KUaJL)

194 167 This safe is a real humdinger:

1. Need a key
2. Need a four digit number
3. Need a passcode.

Shiro-chan has the combination. Chieko has stolen the key. So ...

Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2019 11:36 AM (s7A5W)

Couldn't just safely saw through the locking mechanism or whatever locksmiths do?

Posted by: Someguy at January 30, 2019 11:39 AM (WYC5Y)

195 91 And Ann Miller does have puffy ankles.
Posted by: Gem at January 30, 2019

Her instep, the top of her foot, does look a little puffy, but the ankle itself is well defined. She was a dancer, after all.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at January 30, 2019 11:39 AM (7MRhd)

196 That caramel cheesecake is positively decadent.

Posted by: redridinghood at January 30, 2019 11:39 AM (hECVl)

197 Mmmmm Caramel cheeze cake and Lady McPantsuit will never be president.

Posted by: dananjcon at January 30, 2019 11:39 AM (xqfqx)

198 Venezuela - where zoo animals starve or devour each other. Where animals in national parks are slaughtered for food by starving people. Where's PETA? Where's the World Wildlife Fund? Where's the MSM 24/7?

Posted by: mrp at January 30, 2019 11:40 AM (Pqytn)

199 Ahh, but the strawberries that's...
Posted by: Captain Queeg at January 30, 2019 11:39 AM (RpM6k)

Posted by: hogmartin at January 30, 2019 11:40 AM (t+qrx)

200 All actresses had to be able to dance back then, but some were really exceptional at it.

CARR (short A)-uh-mell or KAHR-mul?

They are two difference creatures.

Carmel and caramel; one is softer than the other and has milk in it I believe.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2019 11:40 AM (39g3+)

201 In this excerpt the trendy Manhattanite author justifies her decision to abort two of her three triplets

And since she wrote this up for the New York Times, the surviving kid is going to find out about his two aborted siblings that he shared a womb with sooner or later.

Can you imagine the psychological trauma?

Aborting two kids so you don't have to "shop only at Costco and buying big jars of mayonnaise".

Posted by: The ARC of History at January 30, 2019 11:40 AM (I2/tG)

Pro tip: you don't use human manure for growing.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM

Wiki Milorganite. You can, but it has to go through a sanitation process, which requires a lot of energy. I would imagine they're going to skip that necessary step.

Posted by: Newest Nic at January 30, 2019 11:40 AM (jYje5)

203 I don't know who you anti-caramel folks are, but caramel is well known as a particular favorite of mine.

CARR (short A)-uh-mell or KAHR-mul?
Posted by: Bandersnatch

Dulce de leche.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2019 11:40 AM (lyaJC)

204 "Ooops, Covington really blew up in our faces. We CANNOT, under ANY
circumstances, let Trump supporters be the victims. What else we got?
Anyone willing to take one for the team?"

Posted by: Rusty Nail

In the future they will not make the mistake of attacking kids (yet) and make sure there are either no video and witnesses that or they have complete control of them. The Covington smear was a sloppy operation This latest story is crude but fits the narrative and no counter evidence . It will be forgotten by the time it is shown to be a hoax but will leave the disired impression on the LIV's

Posted by: Ripley at January 30, 2019 11:40 AM (MxEKc)

205 The problem isn't that journalists don't like to be teased. The problem is that Jack Dorsey thinks he can censor people at will. Its un-American, Jack.

Besides, it should really be #LearnToReport!

We don't want you people to stop reporting--we want you to start.

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at January 30, 2019 11:40 AM (Ndje9)

206 So the other day I picked up a 1959 book called Viva Vamp!, subtitled A book of photographs in praise of vamps from Theda Bara to Marilyn Monroe. In addition to the women you'd expect in a book like this - Monroe, Bardot, Collins, Novak - it also had ones new to me.

Like Silvana Pampanini -

Viviane Romance -

And, for my own delectation, the luscious Lillian Harvey -

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 30, 2019 11:40 AM (Ki5SV)

207 I just realized... they expect us to believe that the attackers wore full ski caps with masks... and MAGA baseball caps over them?

Carrying a noose in one hand and a bottle of bleach in the other, no less. I question whether there even WAS an attack
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM (39g3+)

My guess is he said the wrong thing to the wrong person, perhaps even came on to some guy and got knocked on his ass and now he's claiming it was a hate crime.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 30, 2019 11:40 AM (SiINZ)

208 Oh well there is another problem with the safe.

You see the deceased guy has it in a separate house where he kept his Ranpo collection and his mistress.

Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2019 11:41 AM (s7A5W)

209 37 9 Loretta Young?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at January 30, 2019 11:19 AM (7MRhd)


Posted by: OregonMuse.

sean connery?

Posted by: Anachronda at January 30, 2019 11:41 AM (sGtp+)

210 Oh, I remember that! Horrifying.
Posted by: Jordan61 at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM (QBy2Q)
To this day, whenever my parents return from Costco or we meet them there, my older brother says "Disgusting. You should have just killed YD and the other one so that we didn't have to live like this."

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 30, 2019 11:41 AM (fuwT4)

211 About 20 tons of gold from Venezuela's central bank was ready to be hauled away Tuesday on a Russian airline's Boeing 777 that landed in Caracas a day earlier, a Venezuelan lawmaker wrote on Twitter. The destination of the $840 million in gold bars was unknown, but a source told Bloomberg News that it represented about 20 percent of the country's holding of the metal.

It's going to a certain Congressional district in Queens, New York.

Posted by: Captain Queeg at January 30, 2019 11:41 AM (RpM6k)

212 "In this excerpt the trendy Manhattanite author justifies her decision to abort two of her three triplets on the following basis:"

What a horrible person. I hope it haunts her for the rest of her miserable life.

Posted by: Chris M at January 30, 2019 11:41 AM (eAZVt)

213 Even in my moments of thinking about having three, I don't think that deep down I was ever considering it."


She seems nice.

Posted by: Muldoon at January 30, 2019 11:41 AM (m45I2)

214 Shaun King so white his momma sent him a MAGA hat

Posted by: Total Control Racist at January 30, 2019 11:41 AM (tAZa2)

215 "Dulce de leche is a confection prepared by slowly heating sweetened milk to create a substance that derives its flavour from the Maillard reaction, also changing color, with an appearance and flavour similar to caramel. "

Posted by: runner - baby, it's cold outside ! at January 30, 2019 11:41 AM (bUjCl)

216 We had a couple decades of mild winters, and the climate hysterics told us it was AWFUL.

Now we have a cold snap like we used to routinely get in Jan-Feb, and the climate hysterics are running to the news media, "This is AWFUL! Another symptom of global warming."

Posted by: gp at January 30, 2019 11:41 AM (mk9aG)

217 About 20 tons of gold from Venezuela's central bank was ready to be hauled away Tuesday on a Russian airline's Boeing 777 that landed in Caracas a day earlier, a Venezuelan lawmaker wrote on Twitter. The destination of the $840 million in gold bars was unknown, but a source told Bloomberg News that it represented about 20 percent of the country's holding of the metal.

We stole Spain's gold reserves during the Spanish Civil War, too!

It's part of our tradition!

Posted by: Comrade Stalin at January 30, 2019 11:41 AM (I2/tG)

218 Youngest kidlet's office is closed today, so she is supposed to 'work from home' -- don't think the dogs will let her. Kids aren't here so that upsets them, and she is here so that upsets them even more because it is not the weekend. I won't let them out to play free in the snow, so they are mad at me for that.

Going to be a looooong day.

My first thought at the caramel confection was that the Oreo cookie made in look like a Chacmool figurine -- little demons holding an offering bowl.

Posted by: mustbequantum at January 30, 2019 11:42 AM (MIKMs)

219 About 20 tons of gold from Venezuela's central bank was ready to be hauled away Tuesday on a Russian airline's Boeing 777 that landed in Caracas a day earlier, a Venezuelan lawmaker wrote on Twitter. The destination of the $840 million in gold bars was unknown, but a source told Bloomberg News that it represented about 20 percent of the country's holding of the metal.
Posted by: SMOD at January 30, 2019 11:39 AM (QkjLD)


This gold is probably going to whichever non extradition island Maduro is planning to run to.

Posted by: Calm Mentor at January 30, 2019 11:42 AM (ffYR/)

220 Ahh, but the strawberries that's... that's where I had them.

I finally saw that movie all the way through. Its interesting because the first third or so is comedic, then it gets steadily darker and finally ends on a really shocking condemnation. Its even better than I had heard, a truly excellent story with some incredible acting (particularly from Bogart).

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2019 11:42 AM (39g3+)

221 "But how on earth can it be possible for one person to make 3 tons of human feces and deliver it?"

Heard this on Rush yesterday, there has to be a conversion error. 100kg is 220 pounds of Obama per day, every day!

My waste management courses are many years in the past, but I'm pretty sure you don't compost human waste because it is a superb way to spread disease.

Posted by: moon_over_vermont at January 30, 2019 11:42 AM (kUmUV)

222 Oh well there is another problem with the safe.

You see the deceased guy has it in a separate house where he kept his Ranpo collection and his mistress.
Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2019 11:41 AM (s7A5W)

Take the duck across first, leave it on the far side. The fox and the sack of grain will be fine alone.

Posted by: hogmartin at January 30, 2019 11:42 AM (t+qrx)

223 Too bad Broseidon didn't stick around a few more days on Jeopardy so he could play against Sean Thompson, star of the upcoming movie "It's Sean".

Posted by: Mark1971 at January 30, 2019 11:42 AM (xPl2J)

224 178 Pro tip: you don't use human manure for growing.

I thought a Nork defector from their army showed up here filled with parasites that they thought came from using human poop as fertilizer.

It made it sound like even their military was disease-riddled.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 30, 2019 11:43 AM (gsGev)

''Hey, Mom? Is it true you killed both of my brothers?''

Posted by: Newest Nic at January 30, 2019 11:43 AM (jYje5)

226 208 Oh well there is another problem with the safe.

You see the deceased guy has it in a separate house where he kept his Ranpo collection and his mistress.
Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2019 11:41 AM (s7A5W)

Are you playing Resident Evil 2 Remake?

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo at January 30, 2019 11:43 AM (bcbK8)

227 "that Empire actor still had the noose around is neck in that fake hate crime he concocted when police arrive an hour after the "attack". "

Other stories say he transported himself to the hospital after the attackers fled.

Can't quite square the two.

Posted by: f2000 at January 30, 2019 11:43 AM (WLC+D)

228 >>In this excerpt the trendy Manhattanite author justifies her decision to abort two of her three triplets on the following basis . .

That column was so awful.
How do you explain this to your child?

"I know you wish you had a brother or sister, but mommy decided to have them, uh, sent away because we only wanted you! . . How did we pick you? Uh, well, when a mommy and a life partner decide to start a family, and mommy gets pregnant with two girls and one boy, and we decide we want a boy . . What? Well, if you were a girl mommy would still love you, we've talked about how mommy is OK if sometimes you feel like a girl. . . No, that doesn't mean I want to kill you -- er, have the doctor remove you NOW if you feel like a girl, it was just that mommy preferred a boy when she was pregnant. If I had been pregnant with two boys? Well, I would have chosen you, of course. No, I would have definitely -- how would I know you were the better boy?. . *sigh* . . OK, let's see if daddy can explain this."

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2019 11:43 AM (W+vEI)

229 If it was strawberries, well then they would a moldy mess inside the safe.

Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2019 11:43 AM (s7A5W)

230 "But how on earth can it be possible for one person to make 3 tons of human feces and deliver it?"

Installment plan.

Posted by: gp at January 30, 2019 11:43 AM (mk9aG)

231 208 Oh well there is another problem with the safe.

You see the deceased guy has it in a separate house where he kept his Ranpo collection and his mistress.

Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2019 11:41 AM (s7A5W)

Ah, the answer is obvious then. Seduce the mistress for some hot lesbo action, and then saw through the safe. Sounds like an amusing read, if a bit convoluted.

Posted by: Someguy at January 30, 2019 11:43 AM (WYC5Y)

232 I think the caramel cheesecake looks great!

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 30, 2019 11:43 AM (AllCR)

233 44 OT, some sort of drug bust happening right outside my office, in full view from my window. Except the 'suspect' looks like a well groomed businessman.
Posted by: IC at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (a0IVu)

Drugs? or did he work for the Trump campaign?

Posted by: Don Q at January 30, 2019 11:43 AM (NgKpN)

234 that's one handsome dude.

Posted by: Donna&&&&&&V at January 30, 2019 11:44 AM (d6Ksn)

235 A previous episode I was introduced to an American science fiction writer I had never heard of - Robert F. Young and his story The Dandelion Girl, so have started looking for his works.
Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2019

I recall reading a collection of short stories by him when I first got into *real* SF/fantasy in the early '70s. I can't recall any specifics or titles, though.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at January 30, 2019 11:44 AM (7MRhd)

236 Couldn't just safely saw through the locking mechanism or whatever locksmiths do?

Not likely to offer immediate relief on the safe problem, but go look up the LockPickingLawyer on YouTube if you need light entertainment...

Posted by: JEM at January 30, 2019 11:44 AM (8erNz)

237 221 "But how on earth can it be possible for one person to make 3 tons of human feces and deliver it?"

Give me about six hours at a Chucky Cheese.

Posted by: MIchael Moore at January 30, 2019 11:44 AM (RpM6k)

238 Caramel is a candy. Carmel's a mountain in Israel.

Posted by: Insomniac at January 30, 2019 11:44 AM (NWiLs)

239 Oh well there is another problem with the safe.

You see the deceased guy has it in a separate house where he kept his Ranpo collection and his mistress.

One word: dynamite.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 30, 2019 11:44 AM (ykycy)

240 Shaun King, by his own admission, is a regular user of marijuana.

Shaun King, by his own admission, owns a firearm.

Therefore, Shaun King, by his own admission, is violating federal law prohibiting users of illegal drugs from owning firearms.

I wonder if the ATF is interested.

Posted by: egd at January 30, 2019 11:44 AM (02Tp0)

241 230"But how on earth can it be possible for one person to make 3 tons of human feces and deliver it?"
Michael Moore at an all you can eat buffet?

Posted by: Puddin Head at January 30, 2019 11:44 AM (2LelM)

242 234 that's one handsome dude.
Posted by: Donna&&&&&&V at January 30, 2019 11:44 AM (d6Ksn)


How are you?

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo at January 30, 2019 11:44 AM (bcbK8)

But how on earth can it be possible for one person to make 3 tons of human feces

I call that Tuesday

Posted by: Michael Moore at January 30, 2019 11:44 AM (TAmPV)

244 Also, what the hell kind of name is "Jussie" anyway?

short for Justicle.

Posted by: DanMan at January 30, 2019 11:45 AM (0SEK8)

245 "Hey, Mom? Is it true you killed both of my brothers?"

yeesh. that kid better clean his room when mummy dearest asks him

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 30, 2019 11:45 AM (MrWgD)

246 "mommy, how did you decide which of us to murder and which to spare? Was it random or did you look at us to see? Or did you not even care?"
--Surviving Triplet

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2019 11:45 AM (39g3+)

247 "Sadly, few succeed." No, most of them do achieve the pervy super-orgasms they seek. The meth helps.

Posted by: gp at January 30, 2019 11:45 AM (mk9aG)

248 24,908.70 +328.74 (+1.34%)

Posted by: DJIA Deathwatch at January 30, 2019 11:45 AM (ykycy)

249 If the Dims were smart, they would have put money for a gulf to pacific border wall into the Homeland Security Budget as soon as they were sworn in. Then, they could beat the GOPe with it after they all voted against it. Or, they could have mobilized the MSM to daily beat Trump with "why ain't it built yet?" Not to mention going full 60 minutes on the inevitable delays, failures waste, fraud, and abuse.

Thank God they're stupid.

Posted by: VADM Collingwood at January 30, 2019 11:46 AM (9X60i)

250 You're right...looked it up, Ryan somebody...HuffPo reporter.
Posted by: Tami at January 30, 2019 11:37 AM (cF8AT)

Perhaps he's one who did not survive the latest round of layoffs.

Posted by: OregonMuse. AoSHQ Thought Leader & Pants Monitor at January 30, 2019 11:46 AM (i+d9C)

251 Mark, nope.

But it was hilarious at the local arcade to hear this adult guy squeal and shriek every time he was attacked.

Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2019 11:46 AM (s7A5W)

252 159 It's not too late to try and execute Jane Fonda for treason.
Posted by: torabora at January 30, 2019

Is there a statute of limitations on treason?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at January 30, 2019 11:46 AM (7MRhd)

253 246 "mommy, how did you decide which of us to murder and which to spare? Was it random or did you look at us to see? Or did you not even care?"
--Surviving Triplet

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2019 11:45 AM (39g3+)

According to the article the one she kept was a standalone, while the two aborted were identical twins. There is a special place in Hell for this woman.

Posted by: Jordan61 at January 30, 2019 11:46 AM (QBy2Q)

254 "161 The thing about the journolists is the ARE failing, and what gets them is that they are aware of it. What they cannot get their heads around is why. I think they are stuck on "It worked for Duranty, and Cronkite, and Donaldson. It should still work."

They know they are hurting, and a lot of their hatred is pure fear; they just don't understand what is going on. Their entire mental makes them unable to.

Posted by: Eeyore at January 30, 2019 11:35 AM (VaN/j) "

This !
And they were so close !
HRC was gonna be the closer.

Unfortunately, they are not gonna let anything like PDT happen again, and most of the people supposed to be on our side are Quislings, helping the enemy defeat us.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at January 30, 2019 11:46 AM (5fNnO)

255 If the Dims were smart, they would have put money for a gulf to pacific border wall into the Homeland Security Budget as soon as they were sworn in.

Open borders is a religion with them.

Posted by: The ARC of History at January 30, 2019 11:47 AM (I2/tG)

256 CARR (short A)-uh-mell or KAHR-mul?

Posted by: Bandersnatch


Posted by: Brother Cavil at January 30, 2019 11:47 AM (AM1GF)

257 Normies may doubt half, but still swallow half the lies.

Posted by: illiniwek at January 30, 2019 11:31 AM (Cus5s)


+1000 for the entire comment, and this is particularly true vis-a-vis the Overton Window. I have family members, mostly retirees now, who have always been conservative claim to still be conservative -- who watch CNN 24x7 and believe virtually all of that agitprop crap.

Posted by: ShainS -- Registered Hat Offender at January 30, 2019 11:47 AM (gz1VM)

258 Perhaps he's one who did not survive the latest round of layoffs.

Primate please, Selective Reduction.

Posted by: DJIA Deathwatch at January 30, 2019 11:47 AM (ykycy)

259 In his SOTU speech Trump should blast the Dems over the horrific abortion bill in NY and VA.
It is pure evil and wrong. Anyone promoting this has blood on their hands.

Posted by: redridinghood at January 30, 2019 11:47 AM (hECVl)

260 About 20 tons of gold from Venezuela's central bank was ready to be hauled away Tuesday on a Russian airline's Boeing 777 that landed in Caracas a day earlier, a Venezuelan lawmaker wrote on Twitter. The destination of the $840 million in gold bars was unknown, but a source told Bloomberg News that it represented about 20 percent of the country's holding of the metal.
Posted by: SMOD at January 30, 2019 11:39 AM (QkjLD)


This gold is probably going to whichever non extradition island Maduro is planning to run to.
Posted by: Calm Mentor at January 30, 2019 11:42 AM (ffYR/)

And he'll get to stay there. Till the gold runs out. "Hey, Mad Man!. Your monthly cable bill is going to increase to a Kilo of gold a month due to *mumble mumble mumble*. Yeah, everyone's bill is going up. We wouldn't take advantage of you just because you're a fugitive with almost a billion dollars in gold. I can't believe you'd think that!"

Posted by: Anonymous White Male at January 30, 2019 11:47 AM (3sjI6)

261 It's not too late to try and execute Jane Fonda for treason.

"I have a special place prepared for her in Hell"

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2019 11:47 AM (39g3+)

262 Shaun King sounds like he's jealous of the attention Jesse Smullett is receiving. Why, oh why will no one try to commit a hate crime against him and prove how important he is?

Posted by: Emmie at January 30, 2019 11:47 AM (4HMW8)

263 Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2019 11:33 AM (s7A5W)

**waves to Anna**

Don't feel like typing, but hope to get a couple of pages penned today.

BTW, did you see my pic at 27? Should I be heading out to cosplay conventions more often?

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 30, 2019 11:48 AM (Ki5SV)

264 One of these days OM needs to show a little love for Louise Brooks. IMO, the hottest of the silent stars.

Posted by: Eeyore at January 30, 2019 11:48 AM (VaN/j)

265 I kind of wish the US would force down the jet carrying the gold, then add it to the real Venezuelan president's accounts.

Posted by: trev006 at January 30, 2019 11:48 AM (81uw/)

266 251 Mark, nope.

But it was hilarious at the local arcade to hear this adult guy squeal and shriek every time he was attacked.
Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2019 11:46 AM (s7A5W)

Seems to be a common result. I've watched two people play (Razorfist and Robot Co-op) and they both seem to get legit spooked by the game. Which is a nice change.

Good luck with the safe

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo at January 30, 2019 11:48 AM (bcbK8)

267 The mistress of some decades is now confined to a wheelchair and can no longer speak except in a whisper.

Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2019 11:48 AM (s7A5W)

Well, I've got to get ready to go to the store. I'm running low on bleach, and I make it a point to never leave home without it. Need to get a MAGA as well.
Posted by: Jane D'oh

Do like they did on D-Day. Get out there and hit the bleach!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 30, 2019 11:48 AM (aKsyK)

269 264 One of these days OM needs to show a little love for Louise Brooks. IMO, the hottest of the silent stars.
Posted by: Eeyore at January 30, 2019 11:48 AM (VaN/j)

Sexy black helmet hair girl?

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo at January 30, 2019 11:48 AM (bcbK8)

270 Internet was a big game changer for the media. Not so easy to hide the truth anymore. Decades ago, how would the Covington kids have gotten their side of the story out?

Posted by: Someguy at January 30, 2019 11:48 AM (WYC5Y)

271 In this excerpt the trendy Manhattanite author justifies her decision to abort two of her three triplets

And since she wrote this up for the New York Times, the surviving kid is going to find out about his two aborted siblings that he shared a womb with sooner or later.

Can you imagine the psychological trauma?

Aborting two kids so you don't have to "shop only at Costco and buying big jars of mayonnaise".
Posted by: The ARC of History

You're only here kid by the luck of the draw.

What a way to grow up.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2019 11:49 AM (lyaJC)

272 So I never asked to be on the prayer list, but for people that prayed for my grandpa, he's doing much better and his shoulders is healing well. He's walking fine, doesn't need painkillers and seems to be on his way to recovering from his broken shoulder.

Posted by: Who is broseidon, semi-official komodo dragon shifter? at January 30, 2019 11:49 AM (oZ6kz)

273 Doesn't Maduro have to redistribute all that gold equally to the people of Venezuela?

Ha! I crack myself up sometimes.

Posted by: rickl at January 30, 2019 11:49 AM (xjiRE)

274 Why, oh why will no one try to commit a hate crime against him and prove how important he is?
Posted by: Emmie at January 30, 2019 11:47 AM (4HMW

Hence the expression, "wouldn't cross the street to piss down his throat if his guts were on fire".

Posted by: hogmartin at January 30, 2019 11:49 AM (t+qrx)

275 Well, I've got to get ready to go to the store. I'm running low on bleach, and I make it a point to never leave home without it. Need to get a MAGA as well.
Posted by: Jane D'oh


They have it in bulk at Costco, breeder. All the better for your terrorism of minorities.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 30, 2019 11:49 AM (fuwT4)

276 In this excerpt the trendy Manhattanite author justifies her decision to abort two of her three triplets on the following basis . .

Kid will commit suicide, leaving a note saying, "Finishing what you started, mommy."

My loathing for such folk cannot be overstated.

Posted by: Brother Cavil at January 30, 2019 11:50 AM (AM1GF)

277 Speaking of Michael Moore, buffets and Golden Corral...anybody rember the hilarious essay from the guy that always went to GC on all you can eat goulash night?

Wore is wore his drawstringed sweat pants and upon going to the bathroom got caught in 'the move', could not get the string loose in that finesse move and filled his pants.

I think it ended with his wife finally came looking for him and spiriting him out the door with his cargo.

Posted by: DanMan at January 30, 2019 11:50 AM (0SEK8)

278 Hello MP4! Long time no see, since I don't access the morning threads. I trust you are dashing and dapper, with boutonniere?
Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at January 30, 2019 11:33 AM (kQs4Y)

Heh. Pajama pants and polo shirt right now, since I've left the hospital and am uploading my resume at different places for a PT transcription job; this is basically my first vacation in 3 years.

Would be nice if it weren't so damned cold though.

And I trust you're still rocking your Louise Brooks look?

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 30, 2019 11:50 AM (Ki5SV)

279 220 Ahh, but the strawberries that's... that's where I had them.

I finally saw that movie all the way through. Its interesting because the first third or so is comedic, then it gets steadily darker and finally ends on a really shocking condemnation. Its even better than I had heard, a truly excellent story with some incredible acting (particularly from Bogart).
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2019

A grand adaptation of a great book.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at January 30, 2019 11:50 AM (7MRhd)

280 >> In his SOTU speech Trump should blast the Dems over the horrific abortion bill in NY and VA.
It is pure evil and wrong. Anyone promoting this has blood on their hands.

Vermont legislators are going to attempt a bill almost identical to NY's and the GOP governor has said he supports it.

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2019 11:51 AM (W+vEI)

281 259 In his SOTU speech Trump should blast the Dems over the horrific abortion bill in NY and VA.
It is pure evil and wrong. Anyone promoting this has blood on their hands.

For the SOTU, Trump should invite the three children of Norman McCorvey, who was Jane Roe in Roe. v. Wade. McCorvey died in 2017.

He should point out that she repudiated the decision later in her life and the world is blessed in the gift of life she preserved for her three children.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 30, 2019 11:51 AM (RpM6k)

282 My guess is he said the wrong thing to the wrong person, perhaps even came on to some guy and got knocked on his ass and now he's claiming it was a hate crime.
Posted by: TheQuietMan

Dude was never outside.

#1. It was one degree outside at 2:00 am. With a wicked wind.
#2. What Subway store is open at 2:00 am?

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2019 11:52 AM (lyaJC)

283 255 If the Dims were smart, they would have put money for a gulf to pacific border wall into the Homeland Security Budget as soon as they were sworn in.

Open borders is a religion with them.
Posted by: The ARC of History at January 30, 2019 11:47 AM (I2/tG)

No, it's a means to an end. When a Christian refugee applies, it's all "Wait your turn, bigot!"

Posted by: Eeyore at January 30, 2019 11:52 AM (VaN/j)

284 250 You're right...looked it up, Ryan somebody...HuffPo reporter.
Posted by: Tami at January 30, 2019 11:37 AM (cF8AT)

Perhaps he's one who did not survive the latest round of layoffs.

Posted by: OregonMuse. AoSHQ Thought Leader & Pants Monitor at January 30, 2019 11:46 AM (i+d9C)

We can hope huh?

"Learn to make earplugs, Ryan"

Posted by: Tami at January 30, 2019 11:52 AM (cF8AT)

285 267 The mistress of some decades is now confined to a wheelchair and can no longer speak except in a whisper.

put her in a capt. pike chair and teach her morse code?

Posted by: Anachronda at January 30, 2019 11:52 AM (sGtp+)

286 MPPPP re#27

Oi! About to fall right out. Alas in the cosplay community it is about 36% who look good in costume, 60% who ate too much Ben+Jerry before stuffing themselves into a cheap costume, and about 4% who crossplay.

Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2019 11:52 AM (s7A5W)

287 " In this excerpt the trendy Manhattanite author justifies her decision to abort two of her three triplets on the following basis . . "

I saw that Noah Baumbach movie! Quirky and fun.

Posted by: gp at January 30, 2019 11:52 AM (mk9aG)

288 Nude Noose Thread

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 30, 2019 11:52 AM (ykycy)

A healthy, free economy is about more than numbers.

No it's precisely and solely about numbers.

Posted by: Soothsayer SLX Pro Series II Platinum Turbo at January 30, 2019 11:52 AM (JuvA7)

290 A grand adaptation of a great book.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at January 30, 2019 11:50 AM (7MRhd)

Maurice Micklewhite: And a bloody nice last name too, init?

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 30, 2019 11:53 AM (SiINZ)

291 Capt. Pike chair?

The Horde is brutal I tell ya...

Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2019 11:53 AM (s7A5W)

292 "In this excerpt the trendy Manhattanite author justifies her decision to abort two of her three triplets on the following basis:"

What a horrible person. I hope it haunts her for the rest of her miserable life.
Posted by: Chris M at January 30, 2019 11:41 AM (eAZVt)
It will also haunt the child that lived. He will never have a chance to grow up with them and he may end up resenting her.

Posted by: redridinghood at January 30, 2019 11:54 AM (hECVl)

293 The fact that CNN had cameras there {at Stone's house] before dawn, and the fact that the FBI allowed their SWAT team to be backlit for the cameras by CNN (which would have been suicidal had the FBI actually encountered armed resistance), indicates that obviously the FBI was working with CNN to make the arrest as theatrical as possible.

A number of people familiar with police tactics noted on Twitter after the raid that allowing backlighting of the SWAT team was a complete violation of the most elementary safety rules.

Posted by: SMOD at January 30, 2019 11:54 AM (QkjLD)

294 But how on earth can it be possible for one person to make 3 tons of human feces and deliver it?

Not as difficult as it sounds.

Posted by: Al Roker at January 30, 2019 11:54 AM (JcXHH)

I can't see buying gallon bottles of bleach. Powered lasts forever. Determine the formula to make one gallon from ____ tablespoons of dried powder and you're good to go for years, if not a decade or longer. All from under one single ~$7.00 package of BurnOut.

I'm pretty sure it's available at both Lowe's and Home Despot in swimming pool supply aisle.

Posted by: Newest Nic at January 30, 2019 11:54 AM (jYje5)

296 You crap 3 tons
and what do you git?
Another day older
and deeper in sh*t.

Posted by: John H. at January 30, 2019 11:54 AM (dKL2R)

In this excerpt the trendy Manhattanite author justifies her decision to abort two of her three triplets on the following basis . .

Kid will commit suicide, leaving a note saying, "Finishing what you started, mommy."

She will be brought up in the religion of Manhattanism and will praise her mother for loving her the best.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 30, 2019 11:54 AM (aKsyK)

298 It will also haunt the child that lived. He will never have a chance to grow up with them and he may end up resenting her.
Posted by: redridinghood at January 30, 2019 11:54 AM (hECVl)

The resentment is justified.

Posted by: OregonMuse. AoSHQ Thought Leader & Pants Monitor at January 30, 2019 11:55 AM (i+d9C)

299 If Maduro flies the gold to Cuba he's a dead man walking.

Posted by: Puddin Head at January 30, 2019 11:56 AM (2LelM)

300 I call that Tuesday
Posted by: Michael Moore at January 30, 2019 11:44 AM (TAmPV)


Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at January 30, 2019 11:57 AM (Ki5SV)

In his SOTU speech Trump should blast the Dems over the horrific abortion bill in NY and VA. It is pure evil and wrong. Anyone promoting this has blood on their hands.
Vermont legislators are going to attempt a bill almost identical to NY's and the

GOP governor has said he supports it.

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2019 11:51 AM (W+vEI)

I knew when NY passed the law it would become a mad race for blue states to see who could be the most goulish

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at January 30, 2019 11:57 AM (TAmPV)

302 True story about a couple I know.

In the early 1990s, they decided to abort their unborn child. They went to the clinic and had the abortion.

In weeks that followed, she experienced pain and bleeding. The abortionist explained that that was normal and that her body was going through the process than normally follows post-pregnancy hormonal activity.

She put up with the unusual symptoms until one day she went to emergency room.

She found out that there was another baby that was not aborted. The abortionist missed the second baby, miraculously. I believe that the angels hid her from the doctor that day.

She carried the baby to term and it is now a grown adult and a beautiful person. She has her mother's beautiful face and hair.

We are always left wondering what the other child would have looked like had she been allowed to live.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 30, 2019 11:59 AM (RpM6k)

303 191 There are reports that ..

About 20 tons of gold from Venezuela's central bank was ready to be hauled away Tuesday on a Russian airline's Boeing 777 ...

hardest hit: tupolev

Posted by: Anachronda at January 30, 2019 11:59 AM (v3pYe)

304 One of these days OM needs to show a little love for Louise Brooks. IMO, the hottest of the silent stars.
Posted by: Eeyore at January 30, 2019 11:48 AM (VaN/j)

You might like this:

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically at January 30, 2019 12:00 PM (Ki5SV)

Like aborting a baby that's ready to be birthed won't cause serious mental health issues for women down the road

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at January 30, 2019 12:01 PM (TAmPV)

306 NOOD Ace

Posted by: Vic at January 30, 2019 12:01 PM (mpXpK)

307 Polar vortex by the numbers: 6 states in US record temperatures lower than South Pole

The Science Is Settled

Posted by: SMOD at January 30, 2019 12:04 PM (QkjLD)

308 maybe Maduro is purchasing military might from Russia? If he is just stealing it, then the military would turn against him (they were still at least partly with him, last I heard). It would be better if he would leave and keep (half?) the gold, then the new election might offer hope.

and I hear Venezuela has a fingerprint requirement for voting .... how hard would that be for US? Computers could match the fingerprint with one on file (file for legit voters, not 50,000 Micky Mouse voters signed up at the border by ACORN). But cheating is what they do ... so they will fight voter ID forever.

Posted by: illiniwek at January 30, 2019 12:04 PM (Cus5s)

309 Boulder terlit hobo #31:
agreed with the no GoFundMe / Patreon shilling, but. is hawking our own books still okay?

Yeah, and whatabout promo'ing one's own, say, webworks and blogs?

I'm just joining in on the hubbub, not serious. I see how fundage changes the equation.

Anyway, with links, it's not like it's a fine line between occasional mentions and verging on spamming.

I greatly appreciate other folks' links on here, to their own works, books, limericks, animations, blogs, websites. Nevertheless, I always feel self-conscious when I link to my own stuff. Like I'm trickrolling, because I presume my stuff is... eclectic. I hope my "niche market" audience somehow finds its way to me, without too many folks being disappointed.

"Please don't take it personally, but your site kinda sucks."
-logprof on AoS, October 17, 2012

Posted by: mindful webworker's website is usually linked here at January 30, 2019 12:11 PM (RnSBy)

Yeah I'm inclined to think it was something much more along those lines than an attack. Time will tell, but I'm certain it was no roming band of MAGA hat wearing rednecks who were just carrying around bleach and a noose in downtown Chicago.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2019 11:36 AM (39g3+)

This is so ludicrous. I would be terrified to wear a MAGA hat here. I would literally fear for my safety. This is just more dark PR, trying to fully integrate the MAGA hat with a KKK hood, as so many blue-checked twatters did.

Posted by: Gem at January 30, 2019 12:29 PM (XoAz8)

311 Talcum X is a fucking moron. If learning MMA taught me anything, it's that there's plenty to fear from other people out there. Lots of guys train MMA, Shaun, not just you.

Posted by: Shane McGowan's Liver at January 30, 2019 12:31 PM (E1ETU)

312 Side question: What is the name of the sapient sage who pontificates from his grassy perch?

Posted by: Jonah Kyle at January 30, 2019 12:32 PM (SH7Tr)

313 307 IN all fairness, it's summer on the South Pole.

Posted by: Jonah Kyle at January 30, 2019 12:33 PM (SH7Tr)

314 You might like this:
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically at January 30, 2019 12:00 PM (Ki5SV)
Concur! An excellent illustrated crime book, as all Geary's are.

Whoa - Geary made a Trotky biography?!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at January 30, 2019 12:38 PM (kQs4Y)

You're only here kid by the luck of the draw.

What a way to grow up.
Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2019 11:49 AM (lyaJC)

"Mommy, did you love and want me when I was born?"

"Eh. Whichever of you."

" Do you love me now? "

"Maybe I should have killed you instead of Baby C. Too late now, though. It is what it is."

Posted by: Gem at January 30, 2019 12:38 PM (XoAz8)

316 Nearly 50 victims of human trafficking, including 14 minors, were rescued during a three-day sting operation across California last week, law enforcement officials announced Tuesday.

State and federal agencies arrested 339 people, including 156 men on suspicion of solicitation, during the coordinated effort, which involved cyber detectives posing as teenagers.

At a downtown Los Angeles news conference, Los Angeles County Assistant Sheriff Maria Gutierrez urged all parents to monitor their children's internet use.

"Predators," she said, "operate freely in cyberspace."

Posted by: SMOD at January 30, 2019 12:54 PM (QkjLD)

317 53 Could someone create a special programming language for unemployed journalists, with like special journalist features?

Posted by: Sweet Lou

They could call it CABAL.
Posted by: ShainS -- Registered Hat Offender at January 30, 2019 11:23 AM (i0w7o)


Posted by: Call me Deacon Bleau at January 30, 2019 01:13 PM (0x00j)

318 JurnoLisp

Posted by: Call me Deacon Bleau at January 30, 2019 01:13 PM (0x00j)



Posted by: ShainS -- Registered Hat Offender at January 30, 2019 02:47 PM (j+GpB)

319 Hey Hanoi Jane how much Desert did you and Robert Redford mess up while making your crappy movie THE ELECTRIC HORSEMAN?and oh by the way doing ads for United Airlines and Airliners use Fossil Fuels while doing a spot for some stupid Eco-Freak groups and selling off all that land to developers so they can build homes on it and you Sun Dance Ranch as well

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at January 30, 2019 04:14 PM (wGqjj)

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