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Surprise! Sanctuary Shooter Had Prior DUI Convictions and Was Associated With a Street Gang, but California Protected Him from Deportation

Can you believe Trump is "politicizing" this merely because it proves each of his political claims about a current highly-disputed political question to be completely true?!?!

What a scandal. Who does that?!!

The suspect in the shooting death of a Newman Police Department corporal was arrested at a home near Bakersfield on Friday morning, the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department said.

Gustavo Perez Arriaga, 32, was arrested on suspicion of murder in connection with the Wednesday morning shooting of Newman Cpl. Ronil Singh.


Three adults there were arrested for aiding and abetting: Bernabe Madrigal Castaneda, 59, Ermasmo Villegas, 36, and Maria Luisa Moreno, 57, all from Bakersfield.

Also arrested for aiding and abetting on Thursday were the suspect's brother, Adrian Virgen, 25, and a co-worker, Erik Razo Quiroz, 35. Virgen was arrested in Hanford and Quiroz in Modesto.

"We had them in custody and asked for their cooperation and they lied to us," Christianson said.


Arriaga has two prior DUI convictions and ties to the Sureno Street Gang.

Jerry Brown will pardon him soon so no te preoccupes.

By the way: He was arrested while he was making preparations to flee back to his actual country of nationality, Mexico.

Posted by: Ace of Spades at 06:25 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 I wonder what the legal status of the others are?

Posted by: Bosk at December 28, 2018 06:23 PM (9m9TT)

2 And the idiot Dems think that Trump is going to lose on this issue.

Posted by: JAS at December 28, 2018 06:23 PM (3HNOQ)

3 You can't just go around willynilly throwing democrap voters out of the country.

Posted by: Eromero at December 28, 2018 06:25 PM (zLDYs)

4 He's just murdering the cops that Americans won't!

Posted by: 18-1 at December 28, 2018 06:25 PM (cRkMZ)

5 Oakland Mayor Shaff approves of all of this.

She ratted out ICE before their last op.

Posted by: navybrat on a mission from Odin at December 28, 2018 06:26 PM (w7KSn)

6 Three adults there were arrested for aiding and abetting: Bernabe Madrigal Castaneda, 59, Ermasmo Villegas, 36, and Maria Luisa Moreno, 57, all from Bakersfield.

Also arrested for aiding and abetting on Thursday were the suspect's brother, Adrian Virgen, 25, and a co-worker, Erik Razo Quiroz, 35.

"We had them in custody and asked for their cooperation and they lied to us," Christianson said.

Deport them all. Every mother's son of them.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 28, 2018 06:26 PM (KFtuK)

7 "By the way: He was arrested while he was making preparations to flee back to his actual country of nationality, Mexico."

From which he would have returned at his convenience as soon as the pressure was off (or whenever another Democrat gets elected President).

Posted by: Paul at December 28, 2018 06:27 PM (PMxE5)

8 That's an army of people willing to hide this guy after he committed murder.

Posted by: JuJuBee at December 28, 2018 06:27 PM (TBE/U)

I'm always for pushing things right to the liberal limit. Petition to pardon him. See how many Californians sign it.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 28, 2018 06:27 PM (oGNNA)

10 A Jamaican illegal also killed a 12-year-old a few days ago.

Posted by: andycanuck at December 28, 2018 06:27 PM (Evws/)

11 I said when the donks won the House that Trump wod have an easier time getting his wall. I see no reason yet that I was wrong.

Posted by: mugiwara at December 28, 2018 06:28 PM (QcR12)

12 Oakland Mayor Shaff approves of all of this.

She ratted out ICE before their last op.
Posted by: navybrat on a mission from Odin at December 28, 2018 06:26 PM (w7KSn)


Hopeful lesson learned by ICE? Go in and get it done. Talk about it after.

Posted by: Calm Mentor at December 28, 2018 06:28 PM (ffYR/)

13 "Three adults there were arrested for aiding and abetting"

THREE ????

The whole entire democrat party should have been arrested for aiding and abetting.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 28, 2018 06:29 PM (pw+jk)

14 We are rapidly passing the point of suing state officials when a coddled illegal kills a loved one.

We are fast approaching *types *deletes.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 06:29 PM (kDUUX)

15 I'm still talkin' 'bout movies.

Another movie I despised because all it wanted to do was to shit on normal life is 'Pleasantville'.

Posted by: OregonMuse. AoSHQ Thought Leader & Pants Monitor at December 28, 2018 06:29 PM (xyGnq)

I wonder what the legal status of the others are?

Posted by: Bosk at December 28, 2018 06:23 PM (9m9TT

If the MSM hasn't provided it, you know what it is.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 28, 2018 06:29 PM (oGNNA)

17 I'd like to see Brown, the California legislature, the sanctuary city mayors, and all the cops in on the sanctuary bullshit rounded up and charged as accessories and for violating 8 USC 1324.

Posted by: Insomniac at December 28, 2018 06:29 PM (NWiLs)

18 It's unconstitutional to arrest undocumented-Americans.

Posted by: Judge Poonapoonalikidiki at December 28, 2018 06:30 PM (Uj7SU)

19 I'm always for pushing things right to the liberal limit. Petition to pardon him. See how many Californians sign it.


Well, they let the guy that murdered Kathryn Steinle off...

Posted by: 18-1 at December 28, 2018 06:30 PM (cRkMZ)

20 We are rapidly passing the point of suing state officials when a coddled illegal kills a loved one.

We are fast approaching *types *deletes.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 06:29 PM (kDUUX)

YES, we have long passed that point. This shit would stop yesterday if we *types* deletes the right thing.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 28, 2018 06:30 PM (pw+jk)

21 Pity they "found him alive".

Posted by: Stu Podaso - Deranged Deplorable Dreg at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (9LIpg)

22 17 I'd like to see Brown, the California legislature, the sanctuary city mayors, and all the cops in on the sanctuary bullshit rounded up and charged as accessories and for violating 8 USC 1324.

Posted by: Insomniac at December 28, 2018 06:29 PM (NWiLs)

I'd like to see all of them shot.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (4ErVI)

23 Posted by: OregonMuse. AoSHQ Thought Leader & Pants Monitor at December 28, 2018 06:29 PM (xyGnq)

Maybe we should talk about good movies that didn't s*** on normal life.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (AllCR)

24 Carryover from last thread:

The Usual Suspects is a movie that contradicts itself. The entire movie is about how Keyser Soze's greatest feat was convincing people that he didn't exist but he spends the entire movie convincing the police that he does exist.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (+y/Ru)

25 19 I'm always for pushing things right to the liberal limit. Petition to pardon him. See how many Californians sign it.


Well, they let the guy that murdered Kathryn Steinle off...

Posted by: 18-1 at December 28, 2018 06:30 PM (cRkMZ)

I hope that sonofabitch meets the business end of a woodchipper, feet first. And the jurors who rendered that despicable verdict meet with miserable, ruinous ends.

Posted by: Insomniac at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (NWiLs)

26 Get out of Cali, morons.

Let it burn.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Tribune of the Hotties at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (xJa6I)

Today's paper said that another caravan of up to 15,000 is forming in Honduras. I hope it's true.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (oGNNA)

28 A question to ask the police of CA - do you approve of your government and state police leadership helping people like Gustavo Perez Arriaga stay in the country?

Posted by: 18-1 at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (cRkMZ)

... and a co-worker, Erik Razo Quiroz...


I'm gonna go ahead and call "shenanigans" on this "co-worker" business

Posted by: AltonJackson at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (KCxzN)

30 Nulification.


Posted by: Jerry Brown at December 28, 2018 06:32 PM (GL/05)

31 >>I wonder what the legal status of the others are?

At least two, his brother and co-worker, are illegals.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 28, 2018 06:32 PM (/tuJf)

32 We can still count on your vote, can't we? Leave us a forwarding address...

Posted by: CA DNC at December 28, 2018 06:32 PM (nIvDu)

33 12 Oakland Mayor Shaff approves of all of this.

She ratted out ICE before their last op.
Posted by: navybrat on a mission from Odin at December 28, 2018 06:26 PM (w7KSn)


Hopeful lesson learned by ICE? Go in and get it done. Talk about it after.
Posted by: Calm Mentor at December 28, 2018 06:28 PM (ffYR/)

That, or fatigue the response. Tell her there's going to be another raid, so she warns the miscreants, then do nothing. Do that every few days, until the wetbacks start getting fed up with her and stop reacting. Then swoop down and round 'em all up and deport 'em all.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 28, 2018 06:32 PM (KFtuK)

34 Another movie I despised because all it wanted to do was to shit on normal life is 'Pleasantville'.

I know I saw it.. barely remember it. Tobey Maguire?

Posted by: Jewells45 at December 28, 2018 06:32 PM (dUJdY)

35 The politicians and judges who protect these illegals are accessories to the crimes that they commit. I hope that someday they will be treated as such by our legal system.

Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at December 28, 2018 06:32 PM (o3AYq)

36 15 I'm still talkin' 'bout movies.

Another movie I despised because all it wanted to do was to shit on normal life is 'Pleasantville'.
Posted by: OregonMuse. AoSHQ Thought Leader & Pants Monitor at December 28, 2018 06:29 PM (xyGnq)

I HATED that movie. I hated the destruction of decency, it's like slut-as-serpent metaphor gone amuck.

It gets me so angry, I can hardly talk.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Tribune of the Hotties at December 28, 2018 06:32 PM (xJa6I)

37 You can expect Jerry Brown and the rest of the usual subjects (not an intentional reference to the last post, but whatevs...) to hold a press conference to get in front of this, and caution people to not try to use this tragic isolated incidence to make political points about denying basic human rights to migrants in general, yada, yada, yada. Mark my words.

And they're counting on the weekend and the rolling news cycle to help the somnambulent sheep to nod and forget.

You heard it here first.

Posted by: Qoheleth at December 28, 2018 06:32 PM (fD23g)

38 21 Pity they "found him alive".
Posted by: Stu Podaso - Deranged Deplorable Dreg at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (9LIpg)

Actually? Let's give the scumbag a press conference. Watch him spout Reconquista and F the Police and I killed that raghead cop.

Really rub the Commiecrat noses in it.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at December 28, 2018 06:32 PM (ujg0T)

39 They're all turning their lives around. Everyone deserves a second chance to rape, pillage, plunder and murder. Oh, and vote illegally.

Posted by: Gov. Moonbeam at December 28, 2018 06:32 PM (Tyii7)

40 15 I'm still talkin' 'bout movies.

Another movie I despised because all it wanted to do was to shit on normal life is 'Pleasantville'.

Posted by: OregonMuse. AoSHQ Thought Leader & Pants Monitor at December 28, 2018 06:29 PM (xyGnq)

Good choice. I've actually never seen the whole thing, just bits and pieces here and there, but I've read a lot of negative commentary about it for the reason you mention.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at December 28, 2018 06:33 PM (4ErVI)

41 A question to ask the police of CA - do you approve of your government and state police leadership helping people like Gustavo Perez Arriaga stay in the country?
Posted by: 18-1 at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (cRkMZ)


Pensions are a helluva drug.

Posted by: golfman at December 28, 2018 06:33 PM (GL/05)

42 22 17 I'd like to see Brown, the California legislature, the sanctuary city mayors, and all the cops in on the sanctuary bullshit rounded up and charged as accessories and for violating 8 USC 1324.

Posted by: Insomniac at December 28, 2018 06:29 PM (NWiLs)

I'd like to see all of them shot.
Posted by: Dack Thrombosis

See #14.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 06:33 PM (kDUUX)

43 I'm gonna go ahead and call "shenanigans" on this "co-worker" business
Posted by: AltonJackson

B&E, extortion, and drug dealing are all work.
I'll allow it.

Posted by: Judge Poonapoonalikidiki at December 28, 2018 06:33 PM (Uj7SU)

44 Aieeeeeeeee! What comes after a movie thread?

That's right, a fashion thread! Dresses! Shoes!!!!! 'Ettes running wild!!!!!

Posted by: Duncanthrax at December 28, 2018 06:34 PM (DMUuz)

45 Okay I went to IMBD .. now I remember it. It was..meh..

Posted by: Jewells45 at December 28, 2018 06:34 PM (dUJdY)

46 Find me a police union in CA that did not endorse any Democrats.

Then I'll care that their policies are getting people killed.

*Note well: This is not the only US citizen killed by an illegal in CA this year.

Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at December 28, 2018 06:34 PM (QZ0Lz)

47 I want him dead, killed by firing squad, then tossed in a room with flies and a bug zapper, so that the maggots die and then mix the ashes in concrete and dropped in the Marianas Trench so that the carbon can never reform in the same pattern.

Posted by: Picric at December 28, 2018 06:34 PM (nonGu)

48 CBS has been covering this, maybe the LIVs will wake up.

Posted by: kallisto at December 28, 2018 06:35 PM (PFcQG)

49 Police unions the state over here endorse and vote hard left democrat (birm). Let the illegals kill the police. It might make them think twice... nah who am I kidding. The democrat party will let them retire at 50 so they will always go with them. Ehh What's a few killed comrades.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 28, 2018 06:35 PM (pw+jk)

50 26 Get out of Cali, morons. 

Let it burn.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Tribune of the Hottiesat December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (xJa6I)

I'm staying to light the match

Posted by: Balrog of Morgoth at December 28, 2018 06:35 PM (g7BLK)

51 Well i am sure the RNC will soon run ads pointing all
This out and backing the President right? Lol

Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 28, 2018 06:35 PM (Y+V3r)

52 Every thread's a movie thread.

Posted by: Gov. Moonbeam at December 28, 2018 06:35 PM (Tyii7)

53 barely remember it. Tobey Maguire?

And Reese Witherspoon. Everyone who has sex turns technicolor in the black and white TV world. That's all I remember.

Posted by: no good deed at December 28, 2018 06:35 PM (uTY3H)

54 48 CBS has been covering this, maybe the LIVs will wake up.
Posted by: kallisto at December 28, 2018 06:35 PM (PFcQG)

FFS, they don't even wake up when it's their own friggin' kid who gets killed!

Posted by: Insomniac at December 28, 2018 06:35 PM (NWiLs)

55 I can't say what I really want to say coz I'll be banned. But yeah, too bad they arrested him..alive.

Posted by: IC at December 28, 2018 06:35 PM (a0IVu)

56 44 Aieeeeeeeee! What comes after a movie thread?

That's right, a fashion thread! Dresses! Shoes!!!!! 'Ettes running wild!!!!!

Posted by: Duncanthrax at December 28, 2018 06:34 PM (DMUuz)

Tits covered in puddin'!

I mean cough cough if that might happen and stuff clears throat.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at December 28, 2018 06:35 PM (4ErVI)

57 To many criminals arrested alive

Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 28, 2018 06:36 PM (Y+V3r)

58 Why can we not bring Moonbeam up on SOME kind of charges relating to this so-called "sanctuary" business?

If the law continues to be manipulated by the democrats such that any deviation or outright breaking of the law is considered "socially just" or some other cockamamie reason, then only democrats have the benefit of law and anyone else has only penalty of law.

Two-tiered justice needs to go. Jerry and his moonbeam fellow travellers need to face some losses.

Posted by: Just another flyover Deplorable Bot at December 28, 2018 06:36 PM (uU9xW)

59 JAS, it's not about Trump winning or losing, it's of course about the country and society - and if you think there is winning in store, keep me posted. I won't repost the boring summary of how mass illegal migration is currently worse than it was when Trump was sworn in - but it is, from almost every angle.

The country just handed the House to the party that is either implicitly, or explicitly and notoriously, identified with this kind of lawlessness, that continues to wreak social, economic, and physical havoc on many. Not a single "sanctuary" jurisdiction, municipal or state, has seen any backlash or counter-flow on these policies, AFAIK. Not one.

As a friend used to say about foreign conflicts in which the US was participating to some degree (of course getting the point wrong in most cases, as it was about US interests, period), "we can't care more than they themselves do". Enough people just don't care.

CA has had two (now three) notorious, high-profile illegal alien murder cases in just the last few years (and scores of course of other violent crime cases, most of which are ignored or "scrubbed" for their unfortunate illegal alien content). Steinle of course, and another cop from north-central CA (whose killer is the one who openly taunted the family in court, remember that sweet peach?).

Just checked. Yep, no backlash. No nothing. Dems now control almost every office in the state. Nobody cares. Well, not enough - or not enough, who will actually behave/vote as though they do. And of course the CA GOP makes the national GOP look responsible, honest, competent, and intelligent.

Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 06:36 PM (QDnY+)

60 23 Posted by: OregonMuse. AoSHQ Thought Leader & Pants Monitor at December 28, 2018 06:29 PM (xyGnq)

Maybe we should talk about good movies that didn't s*** on normal life.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (AllCR)


A challenge.

Die Hard.
Groundhog Day.
It Happened One Night
LA Story
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Tall in the Saddle
The Shootist
The Untouchables.

That's all I can find from my top 100 list that might fit.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Tribune of the Hotties at December 28, 2018 06:36 PM (xJa6I)

61 Every thread's a movie gun thread.
Posted by: Gov. Moonbeam

Fixed for accuracy.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 06:37 PM (kDUUX)

Cop radios that he's stopping a pickup truck with no plates.

Illegal alien driving the truck kills the cop.

Why? He just felt like it? He's entitled?

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at December 28, 2018 06:37 PM (s4A8O)

63 I haven't personally been this angry since that little MS13 twerp Ramos murdered my neighbor Mr. Bologna and his sons at a crowded intersection, not too far from my home.
I heard the shots from my garden.
I thought after that event "this will be the end of sanctuary city in San Francisco".
I was wrong.

Posted by: navybrat on a mission from Odin at December 28, 2018 06:37 PM (w7KSn)

64 Once again I find it necessary that this is how the majority of Californians want it.

Posted by: blaster at December 28, 2018 06:37 PM (OJ/jL)

65 Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Tribune of the Hotties at December 28, 2018 06:36 PM (xJa6I)

The Bishop's Wife-1947

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 28, 2018 06:37 PM (AllCR)

66 That's right, a fashion thread! Dresses! Shoes!!!!! 'Ettes running wild!!!!!

Would you believe, sweats, slippers and sitting at a computer commenting on AOS?

Posted by: Jewells45 at December 28, 2018 06:38 PM (dUJdY)

67 64 Once again I find it necessary that this is how the majority of Californians want it.

Posted by: blaster at December 28, 2018 06:37 PM (OJ/jL)

Sadly, yes. That is true. This state is lost to liberal lunatics.

Posted by: IC at December 28, 2018 06:38 PM (a0IVu)

68 The Dem elites need the illegal vote. And the Dem voters will think what they are told to think.

Posted by: 18-1 at December 28, 2018 06:39 PM (cRkMZ)

69 TO those that say GTFO of kalifornia, it ain't an easy thing when you have lived here you're whole life. It maybe necessary but it's not easy to uproot. I have lots of anchors here and it sucks that the democrat party and illegals (birm) have done this to the state. I live less than 25 miles from Reagan's ranch.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 28, 2018 06:39 PM (pw+jk)

70 I hated "The Bridges of Madison County."

it was supposed to be romantic. I thought it was repulsive

Posted by: nurse ratched at December 28, 2018 06:39 PM (d7Ww2)

71 Maybe we should talk about good movies that didn't s*** on normal life.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (AllCR)

"That Thing You Do." Watched it again just last night. What a fun flick that is.

Posted by: Pug Mahon at December 28, 2018 06:39 PM (xPJvm)

72 27
Today's paper said that another caravan of up to 15,000 is forming in Honduras. I hope it's true.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (oGNNA)

After the spectacular failure of the last caravan entry attempt, why would anyone trek thousands of miles, spend a lot of time cold, hungry, and tired, and still not enter the US? Or are they figuring Mexican border towns will take care of them?

Posted by: Emmie at December 28, 2018 06:39 PM (4HMW8)

73 I'm always for pushing things right to the liberal limit. Petition to pardon him. See how many Californians sign it.
When you kill the right kind of people, the left will ALWAYS support you as a saint.

Posted by: Wesley Cook AKA Mumia Abu-Jamal at December 28, 2018 06:39 PM (xERXm)

74 I've just watched Taken for the first time so I have some ideas on punishment for all of them.

Watching the sequel now but not impressed so far although I'm sure the action will be fine.

Posted by: andycanuck at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (Evws/)

75 A challenge.

Die Hard.
Groundhog Day.
It Happened One Night
LA Story
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Tall in the Saddle
The Shootist
The Untouchables.

That's all I can find from my top 100 list that might fit.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards,

Road to Zanzibar
Road to Morocco
Ma & Pa Kettle movies
Bowery Boys movies
White Christmas

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (kDUUX)

76 I'm all in favor of "types" deletes. The sooner the better.

Posted by: Just another flyover Deplorable Bot at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (uU9xW)

77 Here's a question for lawfags: some Klan laws were implemented to take out crooked politicians who were protecting the KKK, so why can't those same laws be used to take out crooked politicians protecting illegals?

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (Uj7SU)

78 After the spectacular failure of the last caravan entry attempt, why
would anyone trek thousands of miles, spend a lot of time cold, hungry,
and tired, and still not enter the US?

Because the caravaners were getting paid?

Posted by: 18-1 at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (cRkMZ)

79 Jukin: My ancestors didn't want to leave Poland and Germany and Hungary. Your roots are nice but never let them strangle you.

Posted by: Broseidon Czar of the Brocean at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (yZYjx)

80 Hey Moonbeam,
The four most important people in my life live in your state. My grandchildren.
If anything happens to them at the hands of an illegal immigrant, you will hear from me.
This is not a threat.
It's a statement of fact.

Posted by: Diogenes at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (0tfLf)

81 23 Posted by: OregonMuse. AoSHQ Thought Leader & Pants Monitor at December 28, 2018 06:29 PM (xyGnq)

Maybe we should talk about good movies that didn't s*** on normal life.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (AllCR)


A challenge.

Die Hard.
Groundhog Day.
It Happened One Night
LA Story
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Tall in the Saddle
The Shootist
The Untouchables.

That's all I can find from my top 100 list that might fit.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Tribune of the Hotties at December 28, 2018 06:36 PM (xJa6I)


I'll throw in "The Big Year". Even with Owen Wilson, Steve Martin, and Jack Black as the leads, it manages to avoid going over the top.

As an added bonus, Brian Dennehy is actually in the movie!

Posted by: No One of Consequence at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (piYK9)

82 Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Tribune of the Hotties at December 28, 2018 06:36 PM (xJa6I)
Rio Bravo
The Quiet Man

Posted by: Captain Obvious at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (Hx3Yn)

83 69, I live less than 25 miles from Reagan's ranch.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 28, 2018 06:39 PM (pw+jk)

You're in the SB area? That is where his ranch is, right? I am in TO..and yeah, not that easy to just up and leave. If it was just me, would have done it years ago.

Posted by: IC at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (a0IVu)

84 70 I hated "The Bridges of Madison County."

it was supposed to be romantic. I thought it was repulsive
Posted by: nurse ratched at December 28, 2018 06:39 PM (d7Ww2)

I thought it was pathetic. Then again, it certainly didn't glamorize the affair--it made it seem, well, pathetic.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (ujg0T)


Why? He just felt like it? He's entitled?

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at December 28, 2018 06:37 PM (s4A8O

The bastard. He had nothing to fear from ICE. Even if he'd been deported, he'd have gotten back handily.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (oGNNA)

86 Most movies made before 1965-1966 probably didn't shit on normal life.

Except a couple of pro-communist ones made back in the 1940s. Can't remember the names. The North Star was one of them.

Even the noir flicks didn't shit on normal life. They actually buttressed it because the people involved in a criminal situation usually ended up dead or on death row.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at December 28, 2018 06:41 PM (4ErVI)

87 Except the Mexicans don't want them either.

Posted by: andycanuck at December 28, 2018 06:41 PM (Evws/)

88 75 A challenge.

Die Hard.
Groundhog Day.
It Happened One Night
LA Story
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Tall in the Saddle
The Shootist
The Untouchables.

That's all I can find from my top 100 list that might fit.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards,

Road to Zanzibar
Road to Morocco
Ma & Pa Kettle movies
Bowery Boys movies
White Christmas

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (kDUUX)

Ah, the 'Road' movies!
I'll add 'Holiday Inn', though the life of a lazy artist may not be 'normal life'.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Tribune of the Hotties at December 28, 2018 06:41 PM (xJa6I)

89 We have a local Congress critter, her husband, a doctor was killed, t-boned in his car by a drunken illegal.
This was years ago. Back when Clinton himself was giving speeches about controlling the border.
She is, of course, a Dem and still is part of the open borders crowd.
She will be seated in the next Congress.

Posted by: navybrat on a mission from Odin at December 28, 2018 06:41 PM (w7KSn)

90 72 Forgot to mention "and risk dying" to the list of hardships.

Posted by: Emmie at December 28, 2018 06:41 PM (4HMW8)

Here's a question for lawfags: some Klan laws were implemented to take
out crooked politicians who were protecting the KKK, so why can't those
same laws be used to take out crooked politicians protecting illegals?

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (Uj7SU)

^^^ this X 1000 ^^^

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 28, 2018 06:41 PM (pw+jk)

92 77 Here's a question for lawfags: some Klan laws were implemented to take out crooked politicians who were protecting the KKK, so why can't those same laws be used to take out crooked politicians protecting illegals?
Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (Uj7SU)

Political will

Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 28, 2018 06:41 PM (Y+V3r)

93 61 Every thread's a movie gun thread.
Posted by: Gov. Moonbeam

Fixed for accuracy.
Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 06:37 PM (kDUUX)

Posted by: Weasel Senior Special Assistant to bluebell for NoVaMoMe 2019 at December 28, 2018 06:41 PM (MVjcR)

94 You heard it here first.

And next you'll breathlessly report that water is wet and the sun rises in the east.

Prog behavior is well documented and is about the only thing predictable about them.

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at December 28, 2018 06:42 PM (lD3vL)

95 No more simple deportations. They just come right back. Tent cities in the Mojave. Get caught here illegally? Five years in the tents and then deportation. Next time is ten years.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 28, 2018 06:42 PM (gC2IV)

96 Jukin: My ancestors didn't want to leave Poland and Germany and Hungary. Your roots are nice but never let them strangle you.

Posted by: Broseidon Czar of the Brocean at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (yZYjx)

I get you man. It just SUCKS. It is also very hard to convince Mrs. Jukin to leave when all her family is here.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 28, 2018 06:42 PM (pw+jk)

97 You guys are just afraid of brown people! Jerry Brown that is.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 28, 2018 06:42 PM (nAeGR)

98 Just think of the international incident if an American went to Mexico and shot a cop or two while generally breaking their laws, being a member of an American street gang The Van Buren Boys and running loose in Tecgiglackogropico while having more DUI's than Beto.

Oh, the horror, the horror.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at December 28, 2018 06:43 PM (Z+IKu)

99 'You Can't Take it with You' is about a kind of eccentric family but they all love one another and the grandfather has a prayer before each meal.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 28, 2018 06:43 PM (AllCR)

100 I hated "The Bridges of Madison County."

Oh man, I hated it too, and to make it even worse, I saw it on a date with a guy I didn't have the heart to turn down. It made it extra awful...the date and the movie.

Posted by: no good deed at December 28, 2018 06:43 PM (uTY3H)

101 Because the caravaners were getting paid?
Posted by: 18-1 at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (cRkMZ)

Likely, right?

Posted by: Emmie at December 28, 2018 06:43 PM (4HMW8)

102 69 TO those that say GTFO of kalifornia, it ain't an easy thing when you have lived here you're whole life. It maybe necessary but it's not easy to uproot. I have lots of anchors here and it sucks that the democrat party and illegals (birm) have done this to the state. I live less than 25 miles from Reagan's ranch.
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 28, 2018 06:39 PM (pw+jk)

I can relate. I have 11 years and 9 months to retirement I think, and I may bail. Assuming my old folks have passed on by then.

It is heartbreaking to see what was once arguably THE best place to live on Earth, decaying and turning into excrement.

But they can't take the weather and low bug population away, no matter what falsehoods the Climate Change Commiecrats fabricate.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at December 28, 2018 06:43 PM (ujg0T)

103 White Christmas

I watch it every year and I cry at the end every damn time.

Posted by: Jewells45 at December 28, 2018 06:43 PM (dUJdY)

104 You're in the SB area? That is where his ranch is,
right? I am in TO..and yeah, not that easy to just up and leave. If it
was just me, would have done it years ago.

Posted by: IC at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (a0IVu)

====Yep, right in the heart of moonbat central... and laraza central.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 28, 2018 06:44 PM (pw+jk)

105 Where are the aiding and abetting charges for the politicians that support sanctuary cities?

Posted by: MH-53J at December 28, 2018 06:44 PM (Ln4Ks)

106 Hey Moonbeam,
The four most important people in my life live in your state. My grandchildren.
If anything happens to them at the hands of an illegal immigrant, you will hear from me.
This is not a threat.
It's a statement of fact.
Posted by: Diogenes

Again, see #14.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 06:44 PM (kDUUX)

After the spectacular failure of the last caravan
entry attempt, why would anyone trek thousands of miles, spend a lot of
time cold, hungry, and tired, and still not enter the US? Or are they
figuring Mexican border towns will take care of them?
Posted by: Emmie at December 28, 2018 06:39 PM (4HMW8

They still have plenty of defenders up here, and our resources are stressed to the point that -- is this true? -- ICE is dumping people in El Paso?

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 28, 2018 06:44 PM (oGNNA)

108 After the spectacular failure of the last caravan entry attempt, why would anyone trek thousands of miles, spend a lot of time cold, hungry, and tired, and still not enter the US? Or are they figuring Mexican border towns will take care of them?

Because by the time they get up here the House Demoncrats will have already impeached Trump.

Or so goes the thinking wishcasting.

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at December 28, 2018 06:44 PM (lD3vL)

109 Cheaper By the Dozen

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at December 28, 2018 06:44 PM (4ErVI)

110 100 I hated "The Bridges of Madison County."

Oh man, I hated it too, and to make it even worse, I saw it on a date with a guy I didn't have the heart to turn down. It made it extra awful...the date and the movie.
Posted by: no good deed at December 28, 2018 06:43 PM (uTY3H)

Because cheating on your spouse and stabbing your family in the back is just totes romantic

Posted by: Insomniac at December 28, 2018 06:44 PM (NWiLs)

111 California has no one to blame but themselves and will learn nothing from it.

Posted by: Skip at December 28, 2018 06:45 PM (/rm4P)

112 ====Yep, right in the heart of moonbat central... and laraza central.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 28, 2018 06:44 PM (pw+jk)

Yeah..beautiful area but insanely liberal.

Posted by: IC at December 28, 2018 06:45 PM (a0IVu)

113 I've just watched Taken for the first time so I have some ideas on punishment for all of them.

Watching the sequel now but not impressed so far although I'm sure the action will be fine.
Posted by: andycanuck at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (Evws/)
Taken 2 is not bad as a sequel. The method Bryan gets Kimmie to use to lacate him is clever, though the physics involved doesn't quite work out.

Give Taken 3 a miss, though. It's not nearly as good as the other two.

Posted by: Captain Obvious at December 28, 2018 06:45 PM (Hx3Yn)

114 *Note well: This is not the only US citizen killed by an illegal in CA this year.

Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at December 28, 2018 06:34 PM (QZ0Lz)

If Trump had actually surrounded himself with people who support his agenda rather than denizens of the swamp, he could have put together a media strategy. Say, every fifteen minutes tweet the details of an American citizen who was murdered or killed via drunk driving by an illegal. Tell their stories. Name their Reps and Senators, and then ask why they won't do anything to protect their constituents. He could do that for a month straight and not even finish 2018's victims.

Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at December 28, 2018 06:45 PM (o3AYq)

115 Trump needs to do a prime time address from the Oval Office. Highlight this, the current caravan at the border, and the one forming in Honduras. Make the botoxed bitch and the cryin asshole answer for all of it.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 28, 2018 06:46 PM (gC2IV)

116 As I said yesterday at first news of this, in a rather harsh and atypical fashion, law enforcement has really entered a moral Twilight Zone by dutifully going along with "sanctuary" insanity, and (usually) being politically inseparable from the idiots pushing such policies.

Obviously horrible that this cop was killed.

But ...... (and imagine there being even the *possibility* of a "but" in such a discussion) ..... for every policeman harmed or killed, how many civilians are harmed or killed? Not to mention the social, cultural, and economic damage being inflicted, on millions. And let's not even discuss how this whole thing represents acid poured on the most fundamental foundations of our civil society - rule of law, equality before the law.

When the police, complicit in the dangerous reckless outrage of "sanctuary", get to taste its fruits, just exactly how upset am I supposed to be?

Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 06:46 PM (QDnY+)

117 >>>Deport them all. Every mother's son of them.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 28, 2018 06:26 PM (KFtuK)

But first, tag them with an irretrievable homing device.
Re-entry into the USA is a Wanted Dead or Alive posting.

Posted by: Braenyard at December 28, 2018 06:46 PM (PkIg+)

118 Taken 2 is not bad as a sequel. The method Bryan gets Kimmie to use to lacate him is clever, though the physics involved doesn't quite work out.

Give Taken 3 a miss, though. It's not nearly as good as the other two.
Posted by: Captain Obvious at December 28, 2018 06:45 PM (Hx3Yn)


That typo made me completely misread that sentence. Made me wonder what the heck was going on in that movie!

Posted by: No One of Consequence at December 28, 2018 06:46 PM (piYK9)

119 Re movies, I liked 'London has Fallen'..apologetically taking out muslim terrorists. I remember watching it in the movie theater and folks actually cheering at the end.

Posted by: IC at December 28, 2018 06:47 PM (a0IVu)

120 Trump needs to do a prime time address from the Oval
Office. Highlight this, the current caravan at the border, and the one
forming in Honduras. Make the botoxed bitch and the cryin asshole answer
for all of it.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 28, 2018 06:46 PM (gC2IV)

^^^^ again THIS X1000 ^^^^

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 28, 2018 06:47 PM (pw+jk)

121 might as well get used to MOAR of this, who will stop it?

Posted by: chavez the hugo at December 28, 2018 06:47 PM (KP5rU)

122 Hmm I see in Morocco a group of Muslim yutes murdered a couple of young Swedish girls.

According to the Swedish media this was not terrorism and had nothing to do with Islam.

Also, if you share the video of the Muslims beheading one of the girls the Swedish police will send you to jail for 4 years.

Posted by: 18-1 at December 28, 2018 06:47 PM (cRkMZ)

123 Scum like this is what the mayor of Oakland is protecting. I would say what I want to except there's ladies present.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 28, 2018 06:48 PM (nAeGR)

124 I have cousins that live in Cali.. one is selling his property. A gorgeous house in the mountains. The other is just waiting to hit retirement and she may very well end up moving to MO.

Posted by: Jewells45 at December 28, 2018 06:48 PM (dUJdY)

125 121 might as well get used to MOAR of this, who will stop it?
Posted by: chavez the hugo at December 28, 2018 06:47 PM (KP5rU)

The voters of California...or 10 Divisions attacking from three directions, while I'm wishing.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Tribune of the Hotties at December 28, 2018 06:48 PM (xJa6I)

126 might as well get used to MOAR of this, who will stop it?

Posted by: chavez the hugo at December 28, 2018 06:47 PM (KP5rU)

The Kalifornia GO... hahahahahaha GOP. That was a good laugh.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 28, 2018 06:48 PM (pw+jk)

127 Diversity sure is grand.

Posted by: garrett at December 28, 2018 06:48 PM (D986x)

128 When the police, complicit in the dangerous reckless outrage of "sanctuary", get to taste its fruits, just exactly how upset am I supposed to be?
Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 06:46 PM (QDnY+)

I avoided talking about this earlier, mostly because I agree with you here.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Tribune of the Hotties at December 28, 2018 06:49 PM (xJa6I)

129 Apparently there is NO diversity in ca

Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 28, 2018 06:49 PM (Y+V3r)

130 I hated "The Bridges of Madison County."

Oh man, I hated it too, and to make it even worse, I saw it on a date with a guy I didn't have the heart to turn down. It made it extra awful...the date and the movie.
Posted by: no good deed

And I'll bet he thought he was doing a great thing because it was supposed to be a chick flick.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 06:49 PM (kDUUX)

Here's a question for lawfags: some Klan laws were implemented to take
out crooked politicians who were protecting the KKK, so why can't those
same laws be used to take out crooked politicians protecting illegals?
Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable

The politicians see themselves as the good guys fighting AGAINST the KKK just like antifa.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 28, 2018 06:50 PM (aKsyK)

132 Kalifornia is going Venezuela faster than any other state... well Illinois is giving us a run.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 28, 2018 06:50 PM (pw+jk)

133 Pollyanna.

My grandkids know exactly what I mean when they step out of line and I get that grandfatherly scowl and rumble "death comes unexpectedly!"

Of course they giggle.

Posted by: Diogenes at December 28, 2018 06:50 PM (0tfLf)

134 all right, food time.

See folks in the movie and gun threads this weekend, hopefully.

Have a good New Years party, if I don't see you beforetime.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Tribune of the Hotties at December 28, 2018 06:50 PM (xJa6I)

135 That typo made me completely misread that sentence. Made me wonder what the heck was going on in that movie!
Posted by: No One of Consequence at December 28, 2018 06:46 PM (piYK9)
Hey, what's a vowel between Morons?

Posted by: Captain Obvious at December 28, 2018 06:50 PM (Hx3Yn)

136 Three adults there were arrested for aiding and abetting: Bernabe Madrigal Castaneda, 59, Ermasmo Villegas, 36, and Maria Luisa Moreno, 57, all from MEXICO.


Posted by: wth at December 28, 2018 06:51 PM (v0R5T)

137 JAS, it's not about Trump winning or losing, it's of course about the
country and society - and if you think there is winning in store, keep
me posted. I won't repost the boring summary

Enough Eeyore demoralizing bullshit , already.

Posted by: mikeyG at December 28, 2018 06:51 PM (LL1Be)

138 It is heartbreaking to see what was once arguably THE best place to live on Earth, decaying and turning into excrement.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at December 28, 2018 06:43 PM (ujg0T)

California used to be the coolest state in the U.S., just brimming with opportunity, optimism, and beauty. I feel the loss personally and I'm not even a Californian.

Posted by: Emmie at December 28, 2018 06:51 PM (4HMW8)

139 see you tomorrow, Mark!

Posted by: nurse ratched at December 28, 2018 06:51 PM (d7Ww2)

140 This has nothing to do with Islam!


2 dead; 12 injured...

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 28, 2018 06:51 PM (+y/Ru)

141 For those focused only on CA, time to catch up. Chances are your state, or metropolitan area, have "sanctuary" policies too.

Blonde Morticia, up top I alluded to what I've boringly posted before.

Illegal crossings are back to their pre-Trump levels (estimates - as they always are). Contrary to the Golden Scalp Weasel's enthusiastic claims, "catch and release" is absolutely still happening. So yes - the same game is chugging along at *record* numbers (November was all-time record for "family unit" crossings). Surrender/fake asylum petition/short-term detention/no space, have to be released, with a court summons. Still happening.

Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 06:51 PM (QDnY+)

142 I have a thought about the "wefundthewall" fund.

Brian should set it up as funding a section of wall for private landowners on the border. No need to trust the government to spend the funds where directed. Can have an easily reachable endpoint "fund X miles of wall for ranchers in NM or TX who are suffering fences being cut and illegals cutting through their yards ." As more landowners request fences the fund can grow and they can point to physical results so far. Meanwhile we the people can keep pressure on the gub'mint to erect a full wall.

Posted by: paleRider at December 28, 2018 06:51 PM (eASYU)

143 And I'll bet he thought he was doing a great thing because it was supposed to be a chick flick.

Heh, probably. He would have been better off taking me fishing.

Posted by: no good deed at December 28, 2018 06:51 PM (uTY3H)

144 Huh, and his family and social circle were sheltering him.

Posted by: Rob Crawford at December 28, 2018 06:52 PM (naEeR)

145 128 When the police, complicit in the dangerous reckless outrage of "sanctuary", get to taste its fruits, just exactly how upset am I supposed to be?
Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 06:46 PM (QDnY+)

I avoided talking about this earlier, mostly because I agree with you here.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Tribune of the Hotties at December 28, 2018 06:49 PM (xJa6I)

Any other perp who killed a cop would be deemed armed and dangerious - not likely to get out of this alive.
This one had... a spark of divinity.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 28, 2018 06:52 PM (1g7ch)

146 The Bishop's Wife 1947 with Loretta Young, Cary Grant and David Niven is a fav Christmas movie.

Posted by: John Doe at December 28, 2018 06:52 PM (WX+x0)

147 Three adults there were arrested for aiding and abetting: Bernabe Madrigal Castaneda, 59, Ermasmo Villegas, 36, and Maria Luisa Moreno, 57, all from Bakersfield.

Who's gonna mow our fucking lawns??!!

Posted by: Bakersfield at December 28, 2018 06:52 PM (v0R5T)

148 When the police, complicit in the dangerous reckless outrage of "sanctuary", get to taste its fruits, just exactly how upset am I supposed to be?
Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 06:46 PM (QDnY+)

I avoided talking about this earlier, mostly because I agree with you here.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Tribune of the Hotties at December 28, 2018 06:49 PM

OK I am going to call y'all out on that. The rank and file have no say in what the brass want to do. I have no idea on the outlook of the victim and neither do either of you. They follow orders just like soldiers do. So until I see some evidence that the victim was some sanctuary lover I think you might want to re-think your stances.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 28, 2018 06:52 PM (nAeGR)

149 132 When the commie governor of NJ got installed he said he was going to make the state Cali East.

Posted by: kallisto at December 28, 2018 06:52 PM (PFcQG)

150 But he has that spark of divinity that Ol' Nancy Pelosi talked about. You can't deny that!!

Posted by: SteveOReno , I proudly self-identify as a Moron at December 28, 2018 06:52 PM (2sCft)

151 I lived in Santa Paula and worked in Santa Barbara but realized that I had no future there.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at December 28, 2018 06:53 PM (bQF1y)

152 Here's a question for lawfags: some Klan laws were implemented to take out crooked politicians who were protecting the KKK, so why can't those same laws be used to take out crooked politicians protecting illegals?
Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (Uj7SU)

Political will
Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 28, 2018 06:41 PM (Y+V3r)

Yes, the GOPe will never cross their gas chamber overlords. Which is why they got DJT shoved up their pansy asses because he doesn't owe the financiers one fucking thing!

Posted by: Captain Hate at December 28, 2018 06:53 PM (y7DUB)

153 Deport Their Asses.
Or better yet, find the nearest overpass and bring some rope.

Posted by: wth - DTA Czar at December 28, 2018 06:54 PM (v0R5T)

154 Egyptian woman imprisoned for 'sexually harassing' monkey ...

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 28, 2018 06:54 PM (+y/Ru)

155 >>For those focused only on CA, time to catch up. Chances are your state, or metropolitan area, have "sanctuary" policies too.

We just had a group in my little town try to ram a sanctuary policy through the town council. Council told them to pound sand and the police force came out strongly against it. We are now scheduled to have a town referendum vote in April. I have zero doubt it will go down in flames and I'm not in the most conservative area.

Lots of people are getting sick of this crap.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 28, 2018 06:54 PM (/tuJf)

156 Yeah.

He was a legal American immigrant.

But just a filthy cop.

Who gives a shit.

Posted by: mikeyG at December 28, 2018 06:54 PM (LL1Be)

157 I was just following orders boss!!

Posted by: Every nazi excuse at December 28, 2018 06:55 PM (nzKWW)

158 Any other perp who killed a cop would be deemed armed and dangerious - not likely to get out of this alive.

Yep, the Dallas PD shooter was dispatched in the parking garage by a robot delivered bomb.

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at December 28, 2018 06:55 PM (lD3vL)

159 It used to be a serious breach of protocol to go off topic. Barreling at least but just as the rest of society goes so goes the HQ.

Posted by: John Doe at December 28, 2018 06:56 PM (PkIg+)



Posted by: wth - DTA Czar at December 28, 2018 06:56 PM (v0R5T)

161 Egyptian woman imprisoned for 'sexually harassing' monkey ...
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler

Is she available for a congressional seat?

Posted by: Minnesota at December 28, 2018 06:56 PM (Uj7SU)

Posted by: Every nazi excuse
Fuck you

Posted by: mikeyG at December 28, 2018 06:56 PM (LL1Be)

163 Sadly, this young migrant Gustavo didn't realize that California was a sanctuary state and that the police were not his enemy.

Therefore we must make the entire United States a sanctuary country, so that no young migrant will ever be so confused again.

This we must do for the safety of our men and women in law enforcement.

Or do you not care about our brave men and women in law enforcement you heartless racists????

Posted by: Rep. Luis Gutierrez at December 28, 2018 06:57 PM (DuAZ5)

164 but just as the rest of society goes so goes the HQ.

Perfect epitaph.

Posted by: mikeyG at December 28, 2018 06:57 PM (LL1Be)

Posted by: wth

That's why the Vatican has 40' walls.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 06:57 PM (kDUUX)

166 I remember when I lived in Cali mom and dad and I would take a trip to Solvang about once a month. Great memories. What a quaint little town and there was a particular restaurant that served rib eye steak, potatoes and red cabbage. If we had room we gorged on one of the many pastries they offered.

Posted by: Jewells45 at December 28, 2018 06:58 PM (dUJdY)

167 PDT's next State of the Union address is in 5 weeks. He hammered the Dems over their putting illegals ahead of citizens at the last one. I expect the hammer to get bigger and be swung harder this time around.

Posted by: Stu Podaso - Deranged Deplorable Dreg at December 28, 2018 06:58 PM (9LIpg)

168 All the arrested have Spanish names. Sounds suspiciously like disparate impact!

Posted by: PG at December 28, 2018 06:59 PM (Yox9g)

169 This is why I love this place - - many insightful responses to my question.

Thanks, beloved Horde!

Posted by: Emmie at December 28, 2018 06:59 PM (4HMW8)

170 Well i am sure the RNC will soon run ads pointing all this out and backing the President right? Lol

Wouldn't want to politicize their policies. Wouldn't be cricket.

Posted by: t-bird at December 28, 2018 06:59 PM (NpvYf)

171 166 I remember when I lived in Cali mom and dad and I would take a trip to Solvang about once a month. Great memories. What a quaint little town and there was a particular restaurant that served rib eye steak, potatoes and red cabbage. If we had room we gorged on one of the many pastries they offered.

Posted by: Jewells45 at December 28, 2018 06:58 PM (dUJdY)

Solvang is still a cute little town and yes, a pastry heaven..yum yum.

Posted by: IC at December 28, 2018 06:59 PM (a0IVu)

172 PDT's next State of the Union address is in 5 weeks.
He hammered the Dems over their putting illegals ahead of citizens at
the last one. I expect the hammer to get bigger and be swung harder this
time around.

Posted by: Stu Podaso - Deranged Deplorable Dreg at December 28, 2018 06:58 PM (9LIpg)

Thor would even be impressed, I'm hoping. Grabthar too.

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 28, 2018 06:59 PM (QLvwG)

173 Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin stringing up politicians from overpasses.

Posted by: wth - DTA Czar at December 28, 2018 07:00 PM (v0R5T)

174 154 Egyptian woman imprisoned for 'sexually harassing' monkey ...
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 28, 2018 06:54 PM (+y/Ru)

Now you can't just throw that out there without a link...

Posted by: joncelli, providing the traditional responses at December 28, 2018 07:00 PM (1FhAQ)

175 Willowed from last thread:

145 Wagner's music is better than it sounds.

(one of my favorites)

Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 06:07 PM (QDnY+)


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 28, 2018 07:00 PM (/9p9e)

176 Minnfidel I phrased it as a question because of course it's not a "normal" response to heinous violence.

And sorry, rank and file are all volunteers. No firing squad awaits them if they fail to follow orders. And there is ample room for them to "resist" this insanity - which now endangers them as well - as has been shown in CA and elsewhere, on this and other policies. See sheriffs and certain gun laws in several states, see Orange County and a few other sheriffs on ICE notifications.

Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 07:00 PM (QDnY+)

177 Shoot on sight.

Posted by: Emperor Country Boy at December 28, 2018 07:00 PM (CZ/hh)

178 JJ - obviously not mine, not sure whose it is. But as said, one of my favorites.

Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 07:01 PM (QDnY+)

179 I hope PDT's SOTU address next month is angry, forceful and blunt. And I hope Pelosi's face melts off and she swallows her dentures, on live TV.

Posted by: IC at December 28, 2018 07:01 PM (a0IVu)

180 Declare a national security emergency. Deploy the Corps of Engineers to the border. Can't build a wall, fine. Engineer stakes and triple rolls of concertina. Unless the caravans are carrying bangalores or satchel charges, they ain't getting in.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 28, 2018 07:01 PM (gC2IV)

181 PDT's next State of the Union address is in 5 weeks. He hammered the Dems over their putting illegals ahead of citizens at the last one. I expect the hammer to get bigger and be swung harder this time around.
Posted by: Stu Podaso - Deranged Deplorable Dreg at December 28, 2018 06:58 PM (9LIpg)


This is what I expect as well. He has also said he will put troops back on the border to seal it, if need be. Not even Judge Kamehameha can stop the CiC from doing this.

Posted by: Calm Mentor at December 28, 2018 07:01 PM (ffYR/)


Posted by: wth - DTA Czar at December 28, 2018 06:56 PM (v0R5T)


- - Chen, the Blade Runner eye guy (James Hong)

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 28, 2018 07:01 PM (/9p9e)

183 What I found surprising, and even shocking, is that the sheriff admitted that the California sanctuary state policy is ultimately responsible for the death of the police officer. He said that if the suspect had been in custody or deported he would not have been in a position to kill the cop or anyone else.

He will be made to pay for this heresy, I have no doubts.

Posted by: Decaf at December 28, 2018 07:02 PM (hT1qM)

184 Who's gonna mow our fucking lawns??!!
Posted by: Bakersfield

Turn the sprinklers off. Problem solved!

Posted by: t-bird at December 28, 2018 07:02 PM (g0Lfb)

185 Hold the State financial liable allow the families to sue the state for everything

Posted by: Tamaa Bird 1000 Voices at December 28, 2018 07:02 PM (wGqjj)

186 178 JJ - obviously not mine, not sure whose it is. But as said, one of my favorites.
Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 07:01 PM (QDnY+)

Still dying here! Could be Fred Allen channeling Yogi Berra.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 28, 2018 07:02 PM (/9p9e)

187 As more landowners request fences the fund can grow and they can point to physical results so far. Meanwhile we the people can keep pressure on the gub'mint to erect a full wall.
Posted by: paleRider at December 28, 2018 06:51 PM (eASYU)

That sounds all kinds of awesome, PR!

Posted by: Emmie at December 28, 2018 07:03 PM (4HMW8)

188 I can't imagine what his wife is going through right now...and that little baby of theirs. It's just too horrible to contemplate.

Posted by: IC at December 28, 2018 07:03 PM (a0IVu)

189 Now you can't just throw that out there without a link...


She got three years.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 28, 2018 07:03 PM (+y/Ru)

190 Trump could call an emergency address the nation tonight. He could have that cops family with him.
He could ask the nation if this is what it wants in its neighborhood.

Wouldn't you rather have a wall?
Call Nancy and Chuck.

Posted by: Braenyard at December 28, 2018 07:03 PM (PkIg+)

191 Hold the State financial liable allow the families to sue the state for everything
Posted by: Tamaa Bird 1000 Voices

No standing.

Posted by: Judge Mele Kalekimaka

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 07:04 PM (kDUUX)

192 Declare a national security emergency

Better yet, declare that because of the government "shutdown" there is no money or budget available to investigate crimes committed along the border.

Let nature take its course.

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at December 28, 2018 07:04 PM (lD3vL)

193 WeaselDog, a chihuahua mix, will bark at the mailman and UPS guy, but not the landscaping guys.

Posted by: Weasel Senior Special Assistant to bluebell for NoVaMoMe 2019 at December 28, 2018 07:04 PM (MVjcR)

194 nancy told me these are all god's children. i guess god approves of all this shit, eh nancy? this cops' blood is on her and the rest of her band of lowlife fucking commies. time to prosecute these mofos. occasional kotex is part of this problem.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at December 28, 2018 07:04 PM (KP5rU)

195 I live in Virginia and in the last governor election whether we needed to ban sanctuary cities was a topic.

The Dem and press castigated Republicans as racist for bringing it up because there are no sanctuary cities in Virginia and in fact just the word sanctuary cities is made up there is no such thing.

Meanwhile my county sheriff said she won't cooperate with ICE. Because she said someone had to fight against Trump.

So California here we come.

Oh we had a young Muslim girl killed during Ramadan and the Dem pols rushed to the mike to say how they were all Muslim and how terrible Republican rhetoric was.

Yes an illegal alien MS13 member killed her it turns out.

I point out a majority of Virginians want it this way.


Posted by: blaster at December 28, 2018 07:04 PM (OJ/jL)

196 Trump could call an emergency address the nation tonight. He could have that cops family with him.
He could ask the nation if this is what it wants in its neighborhood.

Great idea. I wish he would do it.

Posted by: Jewells45 at December 28, 2018 07:05 PM (dUJdY)

197 Wait, CA has illegals?
Look at my shocked face.

Posted by: Kemp at December 28, 2018 07:05 PM (x3uqY)

198 Tell the Truth = "politicize".

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at December 28, 2018 07:05 PM (jI3MC)

199 Hey ya Weasel, don't know if you remember me askin' ya a question a few months back in your area of expertise.

Didn't go the new tube route. Sent it off with a sharpie and told him get what you think is best for it done with this much and take the wife out for a nice dinner with the rest.

Came back Christmas Eve.
That little starting lever thingy lightened up.
Really looking forward to a good weather day for playing with it.

Posted by: teej at December 28, 2018 07:05 PM (W8e/N)

200 Here's a question for lawfags: some Klan laws were implemented to take out crooked politicians who were protecting the KKK, so why can't those same laws be used to take out crooked politicians protecting illegals?

Yeah, yeah, we'll get right on it.


Posted by: Rod Rosenstein and Chris Wray at December 28, 2018 07:05 PM (DuAZ5)

201 183 What I found surprising, and even shocking, is that the sheriff admitted that the California sanctuary state policy is ultimately responsible for the death of the police officer. He said that if the suspect had been in custody or deported he would not have been in a position to kill the cop or anyone else.

He will be made to pay for this heresy, I have no doubts.
Posted by: Decaf at December 28, 2018 07:02 PM (hT1qM)

Meanwhile criminal apologist on FOX arguing that the Feds could have figured out this guy was there and picked them up at any time. As if 'sanctuary' had nothing to do with it. 'Francisco' is a fvcking idiot... says its the sheriffs fault. Not the illegal alien and sanctuary policies.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 28, 2018 07:06 PM (1g7ch)

202 115...Duke Lowell

On Oval Office address...100% agree...this issue and more.

Posted by: Just another flyover Deplorable Bot at December 28, 2018 07:06 PM (uU9xW)

203 Declare a national security emergency

Better yet, declare that because of the government "shutdown" there is no money or budget available to investigate crimes committed along the border.

Let nature take its course.
Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy

Even better. Because of the shut down, declare the border sealed.


Not people. Not goods. Not produce. Nada.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 07:06 PM (kDUUX)

204 I am amazed that he was shot trying to escape.
At least 20 times.

Posted by: Kemp at December 28, 2018 07:06 PM (x3uqY)

205 E X T R A T E R R I T O R I A L

put that fence twelve miles inside Mexico and there will be no eminent domain problems.

Posted by: Braenyard at December 28, 2018 07:07 PM (PkIg+)

206 Minnfidel I phrased it as a question because of course it's not a "normal" response to heinous violence.

And sorry, rank and file are all volunteers. No firing squad awaits them if they fail to follow orders. And there is ample room for them to "resist" this insanity - which now endangers them as well - as has been shown in CA and elsewhere, on this and other policies. See sheriffs and certain gun laws in several states, see Orange County and a few other sheriffs on ICE notifications.

Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 07:00 PM

Sorry. I think it's a bullshit response. It's easy on a keyboard. The guy was doing his job and got killed in the process of doing so by some illegal piece of shit. I guess since he volunteered then it's cool.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 28, 2018 07:07 PM (nAeGR)

207 Enough. Shut down the entire southern border. Nothing crosses.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 28, 2018 07:08 PM (gC2IV)

208 16,000 illegals just wiped their ass with the 10.5 billion we sent for the Southern border of Mejicho.

Posted by: Ben Had at December 28, 2018 07:08 PM (AtaaG)

209 JS, good news.

The good people of NJ, however, are getting the opposite treatment (well, allowing the opposite treatment, to be accurate). As are many others.

Of course many people are tiring, or worse, of all this. As I always say - main reason Trump got the nomination, one big reason he won the election.

Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 07:08 PM (QDnY+)

210 "Pity they "found him alive".
Posted by: Stu Podaso - Deranged Deplorable Dreg at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (9LIpg)"


A panel of his peers - 12 illegal jurors, you know it's coming to that, will pronounce him not guilty.

Posted by: Decaf at December 28, 2018 07:08 PM (hT1qM)

Went to a wake/service this afternoon for the father of a friend. The family is Catholic, so there were readings and the Rosary, led by the deacon of their parish.

I have been to Novus Ordo services at several churches and at every one the readings and sermon are delivered in a manner that would embarrass William Shatner. If I wanted a revival meeting I would go to a Baptist congregation.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 28, 2018 07:08 PM (LsBY9)

212 Solvang? Nojoqui falls!

And nice knife shop, Nordic Knives... still there?

Posted by: adobe juan kenobi at December 28, 2018 07:08 PM (K07Ez)

213 175 Willowed from last thread:

145 Wagner's music is better than it sounds. (one of my favorites)
Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 06:07 PM (QDnY+)

Mark Twain, I think the whole thing was "I've heard that Wagner's music is better than it sounds."

Posted by: Caliban at December 28, 2018 07:08 PM (QE8X6)

214 Posted by: teej at December 28, 2018 07:05 PM (W8e/N)
Hey teej! Of course I remember! Please let me know how it goes, OK?

Posted by: Weasel Senior Special Assistant to bluebell for NoVaMoMe 2019 at December 28, 2018 07:08 PM (MVjcR)

I remember when I lived in Cali mom and dad and I would take a trip to Solvang about once a month. Great memories. What a quaint little town and there was a particular restaurant that served rib eye steak, potatoes and red cabbage. If we had room we gorged on one of the many pastries they offered.

Posted by: Jewells45 at December 28, 2018 06:58 PM (dUJdY)

Solvang was my mothers favorite place.

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at December 28, 2018 07:09 PM (TAmPV)

216 The Dem and press castigated Republicans as racist for bringing it up because there are no sanctuary cities in Virginia and in fact just the word sanctuary cities is made up there is no such thing.

Meanwhile my county sheriff said she won't cooperate with ICE. Because she said someone had to fight against Trump.


Would honestly love to see the federal government go to actual war with states over this.

The feds only have a few constitutionally mandated jobs. This is one of them.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 07:09 PM (kDUUX)

217 Even better. Because of the shut down, declare the border sealed.


Not people. Not goods. Not produce. Nada.
Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 07:06 PM (kDUUX)


Mentioned a little upthread, PDT has said he is willing to and will do this again if need be.

Posted by: Calm Mentor at December 28, 2018 07:09 PM (ffYR/)

218 Where's the past-vaunted GOPe 'dirty tricks' machine?
Get back here! Turn those machines back on!

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 28, 2018 07:10 PM (QLvwG)

219 This is supposed to be an 'appy occasion. Let's not bicker and argue about 'o killed 'om...

Posted by: DNC Spokespersonage Michael Palin at December 28, 2018 07:10 PM (NpvYf)

220 Also, immediately eliminate any and all foreign aid to Mexico and Central America unless they cooperate fully in stopping the caravans.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 28, 2018 07:11 PM (gC2IV)

221 A number of you people have made me mad lately so . . .

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 28, 2018 07:11 PM (+y/Ru)

222 Democrats are People Against Goodness And Normalcy.

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 28, 2018 07:11 PM (GQcg8)

223 Bomb the caravans.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at December 28, 2018 07:11 PM (4ErVI)

224 Unless the caravans are carrying bangalores or satchel charges, they ain't getting in.

Uncle George probably has all of those bases covered.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at December 28, 2018 07:11 PM (Tyii7)

225 I'm assembling a team . . .

Posted by: G. Gordon Liddy at December 28, 2018 07:11 PM (QLvwG)

226 If you want to see something heartbreaking look for the video of the brother of the cop who was shot speaking at the press conference today. He had trouble speaking through his tears but he wanted to thank the police and others who helped catch his brother's killer.

I don't know how liberals live with themselves.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 28, 2018 07:12 PM (/tuJf)

227 Gov Murphy in the People's Republic of New Jersey does want to make it a sanctuary state.

Posted by: Skip at December 28, 2018 07:12 PM (/rm4P)

228 Jerry Brown ought to get an Honorary "Accomplice before the fact" award from the California legislature.

Posted by: An Observation at December 28, 2018 07:12 PM (ba1uq)

229 Democrats are People Against Goodness And Normalcy.
Posted by: Anna Puma at December 28, 2018 07:11 PM (GQcg

They are America's #1 enemy and the sooner they're treated that way the better.

Posted by: Emperor Country Boy at December 28, 2018 07:12 PM (CZ/hh)

230 221 A number of you people have made me mad lately so . . .
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 28, 2018 07:11 PM (+y/Ru)

Now that is CLASSY.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 28, 2018 07:12 PM (1g7ch)

231 Someone mentioned earlier what a beautiful state Cali was. I lived there for 4 years and it was indeed a gorgeous state. I was taking drivers ed and our teacher would take us to these out of the way places that were just breathtaking. Very cool dude. I learned to really love that place. So sad to know what's happened to it.

Posted by: Jewells45 at December 28, 2018 07:13 PM (dUJdY)

232 @221
That nasty woman, dressing like she is at a beach party, coming off AF-1. Disgusting trash.

Posted by: Kemp at December 28, 2018 07:13 PM (x3uqY)

233 Democrats are People Against Goodness And Normalcy.
Posted by: Anna Puma


Posted by: Joe Friday at December 28, 2018 07:13 PM (Uj7SU)

234 See Something- SSS.

Posted by: Ben Had at December 28, 2018 07:13 PM (AtaaG)

235 I don't know how liberals live with themselves.
Posted by: JackStraw at December 28, 2018 07:12 PM (/tuJf)

They don't have a conscience.

Posted by: Jewells45 at December 28, 2018 07:14 PM (dUJdY)

in fact just the word sanctuary cities is made up there is no such thing.

Just as there aren't any "no-go zones."

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 28, 2018 07:14 PM (aKsyK)

237 So until I see some evidence that the victim was some sanctuary lover I think you might want to re-think your stances.
Posted by: Minnfidel at December 28, 2018 06:52 PM (nAeGR

Agree here. The policeman killed was an immigrant who polished up on his English to be better understood over the police radio. It is highly unlikely he would have much of a voice whether he liked a political position of the governor or his union bosses.

Posted by: Just another flyover Deplorable Bot at December 28, 2018 07:14 PM (uU9xW)

238 a-10 the caravans. they are target rich environments. fuck em all. let god sort them out. either we are serious, or we're not.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at December 28, 2018 07:14 PM (KP5rU)

239 I'm quite certain that Trump gets it. This is the issue that got him the nomination and ultimately the presidency. I'm sure he knows that if he caves, he's done. More importantly, I think he genuinely believes that he must eliminate illegal immigration for the survival of the country.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 28, 2018 07:15 PM (gC2IV)

240 Trump could call an emergency address the nation tonight. He could have that cops family with him.
He could ask the nation if this is what it wants in its neighborhood.

Wouldn't you rather have a wall?
Call Nancy and Chuck.
Posted by: Braenyard at December 28, 2018 07:03 PM (PkIg+)


One can only imagine what will happen over the next few weeks leading up to the SOTU.

Posted by: Diogenes at December 28, 2018 07:15 PM (0tfLf)

241 "Trump could call an emergency address the nation tonight. He could have that cops family with him.
He could ask the nation if this is what it wants in its neighborhood. "

For maximum effect he should do it on Sunday, preempting the NFL game.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at December 28, 2018 07:15 PM (jI3MC)

I don't know how liberals live with themselves.
Posted by: JackStraw

That's just what they think about us.
I don't think there's any "reaching across the aisle" or "meeting of the minds" possible.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 28, 2018 07:16 PM (aKsyK)

243 Minnfidel, checking to see where I said murder was cool.

Nope, not there.


In any case, neither this nor the earlier, notorious cop-killer illegal case last year generated much interest or outrage. But I interpret that as just more of the now-normal moral and practical brain-death and laziness of a working majority of CA, not any recognition that the police are now part of the problem.

Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 07:16 PM (QDnY+)

244 I have a place in Vail, in a large hotel, that Moochie stayed at one year with her mom, girls and hanger on's. They took the entire two top floors for their crowd. To this day, three or so years later, the staff still complains about what an asshole Moochie and her crew were.

Entitled jerks.

Posted by: Kemp at December 28, 2018 07:16 PM (x3uqY)

245 Well the Dems act like this because nothing ever happens to them. Try never disciplining a child throwing a tantrum and then wait and see how they turn out.

I suggest a something something types delete situation and then a Ken McElroy situation in which no one saw nuthin'. Lets see what happens then.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at December 28, 2018 07:16 PM (4ErVI)

246 Impregnable walls make good neighbors. - - Mark Twain

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 28, 2018 07:16 PM (QLvwG)

247 A panel of his peers - 12 illegal jurors, you know it's coming to that, will pronounce him not guilty.

Posted by: Decaf
I'm native Californian, and I don't doubt it. It's either that or every county's DA's office will tank the case like SF did. Nobody will ever convince me that the SF DA didn't lose the Kate Steinle case on purpose.

Posted by: Stu Podaso - Deranged Deplorable Dreg at December 28, 2018 07:17 PM (9LIpg)

248 I expect the State of the Union is going to be a barn burner.

Posted by: Ben Had at December 28, 2018 07:17 PM (AtaaG)

249 Entitled jerks.
Posted by: Kemp at December 28, 2018 07:16 PM (x3uqY)

Wasn't her mom the worst of the bunch?

Posted by: Diogenes at December 28, 2018 07:17 PM (0tfLf)

Remember Chris Dorner, the former LAPD cop who killed other cops in 2013?

He wasn't taken alive. There was zero attempt to do so. The cops intentionally burned down the house he was holed up in by firing pyrotechnic tear gas rounds of a type known to start fires.

The fat Mexican fuck who did this, and the other Mexicans who shielded him -- and all the other crap like Kate Steinle -- don't you get the distinct impression that the CA government regards Mexican murderers as a protected class?

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at December 28, 2018 07:18 PM (s4A8O)

251 I don't know how liberals live with themselves.

It's what drives them insane.

Posted by: t-bird at December 28, 2018 07:18 PM (98WNR)

252 229 Democrats are People Against Goodness And Normalcy.
Posted by: Anna Puma at December 28, 2018 07:11 PM (GQcg

They are America's #1 enemy and the sooner they're treated that way the better.
Posted by: Emperor Country Boy at December 28, 2018 07:12 PM (CZ/hh)

I agree with both statements.

Posted by: rickl at December 28, 2018 07:18 PM (sdi6R)

253 deport em all - especially the 'dreamers'

Posted by: Nora at December 28, 2018 07:18 PM (nyQyG)

254 Pondering my after dinner cigar options.

Posted by: Weasel Senior Special Assistant to bluebell for NoVaMoMe 2019 at December 28, 2018 07:20 PM (MVjcR)

255 I expect the State of the Union is going to be a barn burner.

Posted by: Ben Had at December 28, 2018 07:17 PM (AtaaG)

Hopefully something along the lines of what Saddam Hussein did on TV in 1979 when he purged the Ba'ath party.

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 28, 2018 07:20 PM (QLvwG)

256 Minnfidel, checking to see where I said murder was cool.

Nope, not there.


In any case, neither this nor the earlier, notorious cop-killer illegal case last year generated much interest or outrage. But I interpret that as just more of the now-normal moral and practical brain-death and laziness of a working majority of CA, not any recognition that the police are now part of the problem.

Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 07:16 PM

Yea, again. You didn't say it in so many words and you know that. So sorry, your reply is bullshit victim blaming. The guy was trying to do a job to provide for his family. You said. "And sorry, rank and file are all volunteers. No firing squad awaits them if they fail to follow orders. And there is ample room for them to "resist" this insanity". Skirt was too short, but I am not blaming her. Yea, bullshit.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 28, 2018 07:20 PM (nAeGR)

257 Trump and the families of 100 families slain by illegals attend the Super Bowl.

Then see if the NFL idiots stay true to their stupidity.

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 28, 2018 07:20 PM (GQcg8)

258 239
More importantly, I think he genuinely believes that he must eliminate illegal immigration for the survival of the country.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 28, 2018 07:15 PM (gC2IV)

And it's quite interesting and revealing that most of the political class is 180 degrees opposed.

Posted by: rickl at December 28, 2018 07:21 PM (sdi6R)

259 I expect the State of the Union is going to be a barn burner.
Posted by: Ben Had at December 28, 2018 07:17 PM (AtaaG)



Afterwards the first month of the new House will be the media tripping all over themselves with vapors trying to rep for the Dems.

Posted by: Diogenes at December 28, 2018 07:21 PM (0tfLf)

260 He was arrested while he was making preparations to flee back to his actual country of nationality, Mexico.

Impossible! We have been assured repeatedly by our "progressive elites" that these divine sparks know no other country but the U.S. as their home!

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at December 28, 2018 07:22 PM (fqUgw)

261 I'd like to see Brown, the California legislature, the sanctuary city mayors, and all the cops in on the sanctuary bullshit rounded up and charged as accessories and for violating 8 USC 1324.

Posted by: Insomniac at December 28, 2018 06:29 PM (NWiLs)

I'd like to see them lined up against the nearest wall and shot

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 28, 2018 07:22 PM (SiINZ)

262 Politicise it.

Congress has Constitutional authority to declare war.
They think that gives the the authority to preemptively surrender.
Surrender to poorly organized and armed hoards of invaders.

While demanding our defenses are distracted continents away our homeland they are constituted to defend.

Nancy, care to vote on that now?
Are you, in California giving billions in plunder, taken under threat of force from your citizens, to these aliens?
Yet deny a fraction of that plunder to defend them.

How did you get so wealthy on your low six figure job.
Sell out your own people?

Or is that just recently?

SOTU could go on for hours...

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 28, 2018 07:23 PM (1g7ch)

263 I don't know how liberals live with themselves.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 28, 2018 07:12 PM (/tuJf)

In their warped minds they are good ones and we're evil.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 28, 2018 07:23 PM (SiINZ)

264 It is ironic that Brown and others say my shielding them from deportation they will come forward and report crimes. And yet others are being arrested for helping him.


Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at December 28, 2018 07:23 PM (rs3zF)

265 I'd like to see Brown, the California legislature, the sanctuary city mayors, and all the cops in on the sanctuary bullshit rounded up and charged as accessories and for violating 8 USC 1324.

Posted by: Insomniac at December 28, 2018 06:29 PM

Same here. I still don't get how these POS judges get away with ruling that Trump can't withhold federal monies to these cities.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 28, 2018 07:23 PM (nAeGR)

266 If you are pardoning criminals so they won't get deported this is not an unintended consequence.

Posted by: blaster at December 28, 2018 07:24 PM (B/jPE)

267 Democrats are People Against Goodness And Normalcy.

I watched a true crime show today. A bunch of middle age and older hippies live near Taos NM in an area known as the Mesa. One resident was found shot to death with her hands cut off. She was known as a Wiccan (which may not quite be pagan but close). Turns out another resident killed her because he thought she was a witch casting spells on him and he cut off her hands because she couldn't cast slells without her hands.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 28, 2018 07:24 PM (+y/Ru)

268 I expect the State of the Union is going to be a barn burner.

Posted by: Ben Had at December 28, 2018 07:17 PM (AtaaG)

I predict the whole Democrat caucus to loudly interrupt Trump, shouting "SHAME!" & they'll let Women's March nuts in Handmaids outfits into the gallery.

Posted by: josephistan at December 28, 2018 07:24 PM (Izzlo)

269 I don't know how liberals live with themselves.

Posted by: JackStraw at D

they don't, they live with us.

Posted by: yankeefifth at December 28, 2018 07:24 PM (MTjB1)

Then see if the NFL idiots stay true to their stupidity.
Posted by: Anna Puma

They'll TRIPLE down on it.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 28, 2018 07:25 PM (aKsyK)

271 Wasn't her mom the worst of the bunch?

Posted by: Diogenes at December 28, 2018 07:17 PM (0tfLf)

YEP. Lived in the WH rent free for EIGHT years and treated the staff like shit. Total bitch.

Posted by: Kemp at December 28, 2018 07:25 PM (x3uqY)

272 lol, do not forget obama's aunt and uncle.

Posted by: yankeefifth at December 28, 2018 07:25 PM (MTjB1)

273 263 I don't know how liberals live with themselves.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 28, 2018 07:12 PM (/tuJf)

In their warped minds they are good ones and we're evil.
Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 28, 2018 07:23 PM (SiINZ)

That's exactly right. All of these things that are horrific and abominable to us have the full blessing of their own consciences. It's a complete moral inversion.

Posted by: Insomniac at December 28, 2018 07:26 PM (NWiLs)

274 Same here. I still don't get how these POS judges get away with ruling that Trump can't withhold federal monies to these cities.
Posted by: Minnfidel

Used to be, EVERY federal grant came with strings.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 07:26 PM (kDUUX)

275 Pondering my after dinner cigar options.
Posted by: Weasel Senior Special Assistant to bluebell for NoVaMoMe 2019 at December 28, 2018 07:20 PM (MVjcR)

Here, let me check my humidor...

Posted by: Bill Clinton at December 28, 2018 07:26 PM (1g7ch)

276 Pondering my after dinner cigar options.

Eh, whatever's handy.

Posted by: Bubba Clintoon at December 28, 2018 07:26 PM (Tyii7)

277 Any bets on whether this sherif and the brother of the slain officer are Trumps guests at the SOTU?

Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 28, 2018 07:27 PM (gC2IV)

278 190 Trump could call an emergency address the nation tonight. He could have that cops family with him.
He could ask the nation if this is what it wants in its neighborhood.

Wouldn't you rather have a wall?
Call Nancy and Chuck.
Posted by: Braenyard at December 28, 2018 07:03 PM (PkIg+)


Posted by: Just another flyover Deplorable Bot at December 28, 2018 07:27 PM (uU9xW)

279 Sorry, Minnfidel, bullshit right back atcha.

Yep, police are part of the problem. And if you think "skirt was short"/victim-blaming is remotely the same as this situation, you need to recalibrate your logic circuits.

Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 07:27 PM (QDnY+)

280 Here, let me check my humidor...

Posted by: Bill Clinton at December 28, 2018 07:26 PM (1g7ch)

I think I have one that smells a little like tuna, but has a good draw.

Posted by: Good ole Bill at December 28, 2018 07:28 PM (x3uqY)

281 Used to be, EVERY federal grant came with strings.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 07:26 PM

That's what I don't get. Let's say some city decided to outlaw abortions, think they'd be getting money for that new light rail project? Not a chance. Yet these fcks can just decide willy nilly to disregard and disobey a law and it's cool with the judges.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 28, 2018 07:28 PM (nAeGR)

282 josephistan, It is going to be like his inaugural speech. Pelosi is going to bite her tongue in half.

I hope the 20,000 strong show up about that time.

Me, I'm busy collecting the best minds in my community to edumacate the dumb fucking masses.

Posted by: Ben Had at December 28, 2018 07:29 PM (AtaaG)

283 Sorry, Minnfidel, bullshit right back atcha.

Yep, police are part of the problem. And if you think "skirt was short"/victim-blaming is remotely the same as this situation, you need to recalibrate your logic circuits.

osted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 07:27 P

So cops are part of the problem? The man died doign his job. Fuck you you classless piece of shit.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 28, 2018 07:29 PM (nAeGR)

284 We are fast approaching *types *deletes.

Posted by: rickb223

We long ago passed The Time Of Types Deletes.

We are all just waiting for an angry loved one to finally do something.

That day won't surprise me or upset me at all. Which I suppose makes me a Bad Person.

Posted by: Sharkman at December 28, 2018 07:30 PM (8PCXA)

285 Here's a young man who legally immigrated to America, did everything he could to assimilate into our culture, learned our language and was even taking extra English courses to be better understood on the radio, had just tested for sergeant, who had a wife and a five month old baby boy. Now he's been gunned down by an illegal alien driving a truck with no plates and is pulled over for a DUI check. And because he's an illegal, he will get more pull and more breaks from the Cali Dem's than a regular citizen would. I'm shaking my head in sheer disgust for California. (but not for our Moron's there)

Posted by: Old Blue at December 28, 2018 07:30 PM (gEvQ8)

286 241 "Trump could call an emergency address the nation tonight. He could have that cops family with him.
He could ask the nation if this is what it wants in its neighborhood. "

For maximum effect he should do it on Sunday, preempting the NFL game.
Posted by: sock_rat_eez at December 28, 2018 07:15 PM (jI3MC)

heh; crossing the streams

Posted by: m at December 28, 2018 07:30 PM (eJj1Q)

287 Taos? Not Sedona?

Superstition kills. About 20 years ago happened to a Vietnamese fortune teller in California. A jilted client from NC killed her and her daughter.

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 28, 2018 07:30 PM (GQcg8)

288 Same here. I still don't get how these POS judges get away with ruling that Trump can't withhold federal monies to these cities.
Posted by: Minnfidel

Trump has to stop acquiescing to these rulings. He's going to be impeached anyway, it might as well be for doing what's right & what he was elected to do.

Posted by: josephistan at December 28, 2018 07:30 PM (Izzlo)

289 The feds only have a few constitutionally mandated jobs. This is one of them.
Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 07:09 PM (kDUUX)

YES! Why doesn't someone in authority blow the freakin whistle on this shit? Why can't the damn repubs get mad as hell and say so live on every damn press opportunity? Wy must we be so freakin polite when the entire country is at risk and we are getting our teeth kicked in by wimpy-assed drug-addled commie thugs?!

Posted by: Just another flyover Deplorable Bot at December 28, 2018 07:31 PM (uU9xW)

290 Here's a young man who legally immigrated to America, did everything he could to assimilate into our culture, learned our language and was even taking extra English courses to be better understood on the radio, had just tested for sergeant, who had a wife and a five month old baby boy. Now he's been gunned down by an illegal alien driving a truck with no plates and is pulled over for a DUI check. And because he's an illegal, he will get more pull and more breaks from the Cali Dem's than a regular citizen would. I'm shaking my head in sheer disgust for California. (but not for our Moron's there)

Posted by: Old Blue at December 28, 2018 07:30 PM

Yep. Well said.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 28, 2018 07:31 PM (nAeGR)

291 Used to be, EVERY federal grant came with strings.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 07:26 PM

That's what I don't get. Let's say some city decided to outlaw abortions, think they'd be getting money for that new light rail project? Not a chance. Yet these fcks can just decide willy nilly to disregard and disobey a law and it's cool with the judges.
Posted by: Minnfidel

All those mraps, sub guns, body armor, and swat toys, get taken back because you don't follow fed law in regards to ICE.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 07:31 PM (kDUUX)

292 Illegals outrank legal immigrants.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 28, 2018 07:33 PM (oVJmc)

293 Dems go with impeachment PDT will wear it like a Merit Badge.

Posted by: Ben Had at December 28, 2018 07:33 PM (AtaaG)

294 Dems go with impeachment PDT will wear it like a Merit Badge.

lol.. indeed he will.

Posted by: Jewells45 at December 28, 2018 07:35 PM (dUJdY)

295 Will do Weasel.
I was already pretty much about 1.25 in. at 100 with it, when i did play with it, which was very little. And that was with knowing every time I touched it off I was going to get kicked by a mule.

Posted by: teej at December 28, 2018 07:35 PM (W8e/N)

296 All those mraps, sub guns, body armor, and swat toys, get taken back because you don't follow fed law in regards to ICE.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 07:31 PM

Start there and just tell your department heads that any federal projects in those cities need some "extra study" time and oooh I know, environmental impact studies! I mean shit, Lois Lerner got a way with it.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 28, 2018 07:35 PM (nAeGR)

297 YES! Why doesn't someone in authority blow the
freakin whistle on this shit? Why can't the damn repubs get mad as hell
and say so live on every damn press opportunity? Wy must we be so
freakin polite when the entire country is at risk and we are getting our
teeth kicked in by wimpy-assed drug-addled commie thugs?!

Posted by: Just another flyover Deplorable Bot at December 28, 2018 07:31 PM (uU9xW)

John Boehner and Paul Ryan laugh.

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 28, 2018 07:35 PM (QLvwG)

298 not that hard.

you redeploy ice out of every sanctuary city into cities that encourage and cooperate with immigration enforcement. then you come down like holy hell on the immigrants in the cooperative cities so they illegal immigrants move to the sanctuary cities.

you them make sure the census counts only citizens.

Posted by: yankeefifth at December 28, 2018 07:36 PM (MTjB1)

299 Withholding LE grants, as was pointed out here the instant it was announced, was such a weak, pin-prick response to lawlessness that it literally invited more defiance - and that was *before* courts ruled the move exceeded executive authority (which seemed a likely outcome - playing around with appropriated funds like that, outside of explicit terms contained in the governing legislation, is rarely kosher).

Of course there is the lawsuit against CA's sanctuary law, and the "investigation" of the Oakland mayor. First one *might* yield something, second one, nah.

And now that the House is Dem, no real response (binding appropriations conditions) is likely (or maybe "continues" to be unlikely - since the House was GOP before ...... though AFAIK administration never even floated the idea of serious action like this).

So the SOTU can be as barn-burnerish as it wants. Unlikely to matter.

Posted by: rhomboid at December 28, 2018 07:37 PM (QDnY+)

300 The fat Mexican fuck who did this, and the other Mexicans who shielded him -- and all the other crap like Kate Steinle -- don't you get the distinct impression that the CA government regards Mexican murderers as a protected class?
Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug

I'm afraid that we'll find out which side of their bollilo is buttered.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at December 28, 2018 07:37 PM (ZejZP)

301 John Boehner and Paul Ryan laugh.

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 28, 2018 07:35 PM

And then go to dinner and cocktail parties with the dems. It's like pro wrestling, put on a good show, scream at each other on how they are your enemy and when the camera's are off you go to dinner and share a cab ride home.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 28, 2018 07:38 PM (nAeGR)

302 292 Illegals outrank legal immigrants.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 28, 2018 07:33 PM (oVJmc)

Illegals outrank citizens.

Posted by: rickl at December 28, 2018 07:38 PM (sdi6R)

303 Weasel. I want to be known as the official T-Shirt supplier for the NoVaMoMe.

Posted by: Ben Had at December 28, 2018 07:38 PM (AtaaG)

304 Illegals outrank citizens.

The citizens of other countries are of course better than US citizens.

How much more obvious do the Democrats need to make this?

They. Hate. Americans.

Posted by: BlackOrchid at December 28, 2018 07:39 PM (Rarvo)

305 302 292 Illegals outrank legal immigrants.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 28, 2018 07:33 PM (oVJmc)

Illegals outrank citizens.
Posted by: rickl at December 28, 2018 07:38 PM (sdi6R)

It goes:

Ruling class elites

illegal immigrant servant class


Sea turtles

Normal Americans

Posted by: josephistan at December 28, 2018 07:40 PM (Izzlo)

306 298 not that hard.

you redeploy ice out of every sanctuary city into cities that encourage and cooperate with immigration enforcement. then you come down like holy hell on the immigrants in the cooperative cities so they illegal immigrants move to the sanctuary cities.

you them make sure the census counts only citizens.
Posted by: yankeefifth at December 28, 2018 07:36 PM (MTjB1)

Pull out all Federal LEOs.

Except IRS.

You get an audit... you get an audit...
Everyone gets an audit.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 28, 2018 07:41 PM (1g7ch)

307 It goes:

Ruling class elites

illegal immigrant servant class


Sea turtles

Normal Americans

Posted by: josephistan at December 28, 2018 07:40 PM


Posted by: Mitch McConnel at December 28, 2018 07:41 PM (nAeGR)

308 There has been a Nood upstairs for about 20 minutes, FYI.

Posted by: Calm Mentor at December 28, 2018 07:42 PM (ffYR/)

309 Late night radio. Gal from NY bemoaning that her kid can't get a spot in K because of all the illegals. She then notes that there are a lot of Germans, Poles and Irish that are illegal, and I'm thinking this is a really good thing.

Posted by: Ben Had at December 28, 2018 07:43 PM (AtaaG)

310 Irish Coffee is health food.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 28, 2018 07:43 PM (1g7ch)

311 Jerry Brown will pardon him soon so no te preoccupes.

I don't think even Governor Moonbeam is that stupid. But, if he is, Trump ought to use anti-Klan laws to bring the murderer up on federal charges.

Posted by: Socratease at December 28, 2018 07:43 PM (2GbWn)

312 A question to ask the police of CA - do you approve of your government and state police leadership helping people like Gustavo Perez Arriaga stay in the country?

Posted by: 18-1 at December 28, 2018 06:31 PM (cRkMZ)

They'll keep supporting them as long as they keep lying to them about their pensions

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 28, 2018 07:43 PM (SiINZ)

313 Brown won't be around to pardon this particular POS. What will Gavin, is it Gavin? do?

Posted by: paleRider at December 28, 2018 07:44 PM (eASYU)

314 Why can't the damn repubs get mad as hell
and say so live on every damn press opportunity?

No, then we'd never get votes. We read the papers like everyone else, so we know this.

Posted by: GOPe at December 28, 2018 07:44 PM (NAs56)

315 Patriotic Americans have become the 10 US sailors kneeling on a boat with our hands over our heads, terrorized by progressives holding us hostage.

Posted by: SSDD at December 28, 2018 07:45 PM (2CtSR)

316 Our city council voted last October to ban the Border Patrol from looking for illegals at the bus station or any other "nonpublic city-owned property." The Border Patrol basically said, eff you, the city ordinance doesn't stop us from doing our jobs.

Posted by: Jordan61 at December 28, 2018 07:46 PM (QBy2Q)

317 >>>Trump has to stop acquiescing to these rulings. He's going to be impeached anyway, it might as well be for doing what's right & what he was elected to do.

Posted by: josephistan at December 28, 2018 07:30 PM (Izzlo)

Bad precedent. He's nominating good judges at a breakneck pace and he intends to obey them too.

Just as he obeys Obama's judges his successor must obey his.

Posted by: Braenyard at December 28, 2018 07:50 PM (PkIg+)

318 "I'd like to see Brown, the California legislature, the sanctuary city mayors, and all the cops in on the sanctuary bullshit rounded up and charged as accessories and for violating 8 USC 1324.

Posted by: Insomniac at December 28, 2018 06:29 PM

I'd like to see them lined up against the nearest wall and shot

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 28, 2018 07:22 PM (SiINZ)"


There are sections of the border wall between California and Mexico that have been completed.

Posted by: Decaf at December 28, 2018 07:51 PM (hT1qM)

319 295 Will do Weasel.
I was already pretty much about 1.25 in. at 100 with it, when i did play with it, which was very little. And that was with knowing every time I touched it off I was going to get kicked by a mule.
Posted by: teej at December 28, 2018 07:35 PM (W8e/N
30-06 correct? You rolling your own?

Posted by: Weasel Senior Special Assistant to bluebell for NoVaMoMe 2019 at December 28, 2018 07:51 PM (MVjcR)

320 303 Weasel. I want to be known as the official T-Shirt supplier for the NoVaMoMe.
Posted by: Ben Had at December 28, 2018 07:38 PM (AtaaG)
It is done.

Posted by: Weasel Senior Special Assistant to bluebell for NoVaMoMe 2019 at December 28, 2018 07:51 PM (MVjcR)

321 Just as he obeys Obama's judges his successor must obey his.
Posted by: Braenyard at December 28, 2018 07:50 PM (PkIg+)

After watching via NSA / CIA for a year the Judge will be more than happy to comply.

Trump woulda coulda shoulda announced early on that the 'deep state' was violating rights of Americans and will be prosecuted for violation of civil rights under color of law and democrats will fight vigoriously for their conviction because if they do not suffer virtual life imprisonment for their crimes the democrats are getting it back ten fold.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 28, 2018 07:54 PM (1g7ch)

322 The study was conducted by chunky, drunky scientists?

Posted by: Billygoatpuke at December 28, 2018 08:08 PM (OBY+r)

323 Why don't we just defund a few sanctuary states/cities until they squeal in order to pay for the wall?

Posted by: DinsdalePiranha at December 28, 2018 08:16 PM (ncoPQ)

324 Bill Clinton read that study and wept.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 28, 2018 08:46 PM (nAeGR)

325 Video of Upfuck Schumer in 2009 saying a wall makes us safer and reduces illegal immigration. Gee, I wonder what changed? Hmmmm (looks up pensively at the sky)

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 28, 2018 08:48 PM (nAeGR)

326 There are few things so passive-aggressive as those "Hate Has No Home" signs.

See, see?
I'm a better person than you f*cking animals.

Posted by: xnycpeasant at December 28, 2018 08:54 PM (SqopC)

327 Posted by: Judge Mele Kalekimaka

Posted by: rickb223 at December 28, 2018 07:04 PM (kDUUX)

HenryII re: Thomas a Becket- "Will no one rid us of this f**ked up broad in a black robe?"

Posted by: Grannymimi at December 28, 2018 09:07 PM (u5LFV)

328 IC, I'm in TO, too. Taking note of the increase in car and home break-ins, here. I expect my New Jersey upbringing will allow me to tolerate the next 5-6 years, but I won't be happy about it...

Posted by: Joe Kidd at December 29, 2018 12:12 AM (5WpEK)

329 At least the Sanctuary Shooter didn't yell Aloha Snackbar as he gunned down the cop.

Posted by: torabora at December 29, 2018 01:16 AM (Y274z)

Posted by: ssɐlƃ ƃuᴉʞool ǝɥʇ ɥƃnoɹɥʇ at December 29, 2018 01:57 AM (5aX2M)

331 In cases like this, you will need to choose a rather simple picture frames.
A vector path, no matter what the twists and turns are, is often more elastic and scalable.
Matisse also took over as the king in the Fauvism and was famous within the art

Posted by: keo nha cai at December 29, 2018 06:17 AM (+eH1S)

332 The sherrifs and police chiefs organizations in California have come out strongly against sanctuary policies and Props 47 and 57 that revise the definitions of felony and misdemeanor and turn criminals loose. The problem is that every law enforcement officer is credentialed by the state, like teachers, and if you don't follow state policies, you have no job. I suspect that the overwhelming majority of late enforcement officers in Californis support cooperation between other agencies and the Feds. City councils and county supervisors can declare their jurisdictions "non-sanctuary," but the officers -- from the chiefs to the patrol persons -- must follow the dictates of the state.

Posted by: Tforeman88 at December 29, 2018 06:57 AM (D8IHO)

333 Sorry -- spelling is sheriff. It's hard to see those little letters.

Posted by: Tforeman88 at December 29, 2018 07:02 AM (D8IHO)

334 P.S -- that would be "state," not "late," although unfortunately it applies too often. My first time posting here and I haven't found the "edit" button.

Posted by: Tforeman88 at December 29, 2018 07:06 AM (D8IHO)

335 PPS -- little letters on my iPad in the dark trying not to wake my husband up....

Posted by: Tforeman88 at December 29, 2018 07:09 AM (D8IHO)

336 It is common to get the ornamental painting and sculptures with shapes depicting an appealing
mix of different elements from the artist's religious, physical and cultural background.
Leonardo Da Vinci came to be in the Florentine Republic
on April 15th, 1452. The beginning of Leonardo's life was specialized
in art and painting in particular.

Posted by: 188bet at December 29, 2018 07:26 AM (4VJO4)

337 In cases like this, you will need to choose a rather simple picture
frames. Waterslide paper is provided in clear or white however clear is a bit more preferred, since
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It is maybe one of the most worldwide of mediums,
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Posted by: 188bet at December 29, 2018 07:56 AM (cu/4p)

338 But the diversity!

Posted by: Dem Pitching Bull at December 29, 2018 11:32 AM (WRSbt)

339 God hears your prayers and then they do develop a difference.

Worry will creep into your mind, causing you to be
open to second guessing your coverage. Wink at him discreetly, send a flying kiss
and throw him bewitching smiles.

Posted by: scr888 games at December 29, 2018 12:26 PM (x8V9o)

340 Here's a question for lawfags: some Klan laws were implemented to take out crooked politicians who were protecting the KKK, so why can't those same laws be used to take out crooked politicians protecting illegals?

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at December 28, 2018 06:40 PM (Uj7SU)

I'd be happy with enforcing anti-KKK laws such as making it illegal to cover your face.

Antifa and Muslims hardest.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 29, 2018 01:49 PM (YqDXo)

341 Are usually easy to apply and approval is often within hrs or less.
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Posted by: lucky palace slot casino at December 30, 2018 12:41 AM (iHONV)

342 Should your motive this is to learn paintings for sale Melbourne or paintings for sale Brisbane, unfortunately however you can't notice here.
Waterslide paper emerges in clear or white however clear is a lot
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Then it makes no difference when it is heads or tail, one can predict the final

Posted by: keo nha cai at December 30, 2018 03:49 AM (MKuD0)

343 Hold the whole state liable allow victims or t heir faimilies to sue the state Hold all of these sanctuary cities liable as well name Moonbeam and Newsome as Defendents in the lawsuit

Posted by: Spurwing Plover at December 30, 2018 06:43 PM (FLiOE)

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