aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Democrats Created Fake "Russian Bots" to Help Doug Jones Win the Alabama Special Election Against Roy MooreNote they immediately claim it was too small to impact the race -- and yet they've been claiming for two years that a hundred thousand or so dollars spent on FaceBook ads in the five billion dollar plus 2016 Presidential race was nigh decisive and an assault on our very democracy. But this $100,000? Pish-posh. 'Tis nothing. ... An internal report on the Alabama effort, obtained by The New York Times, says explicitly that [the "cyber security firm" here] "experimented with many of the tactics now understood to have influenced the 2016 elections." The project's operators created a Facebook page on which they posed as conservative Alabamians, using it to try to divide Republicans and even to endorse a write-in candidate to draw votes from Mr. Moore. It involved a scheme to link the Moore campaign to thousands of Russian accounts that suddenly began following the Republican candidate on Twitter, a development that drew national media attention. ... "We orchestrated an elaborate 'false flag' operation that planted the idea that the Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet," the report says.They're now claiming that this was purely a scientific experiment and that they did not intend to hurt Roy Moore's campaign or depress Republican turnout or excite Democrat turnout. I guess that's just a bonus coincidence that it worked out so nicely for them. Let's check in at how the New York Times reported this expenditure of $100,000 in confessed false flag operation in a race costing $51 million, versus how it reported about the same amount being spent to influence a five billion dollar plus presidential election:
Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Posted by: Calm Mentor at December 26, 2018 07:45 PM (ffYR/) 2
First. hah
Posted by: eleven at December 26, 2018 07:46 PM (NLLmE) Posted by: andycanuck at December 26, 2018 07:46 PM (Evws/) 4
Any thing that gets the poor, uneducated and deceased to the Polls to Vote Dem is a 'Good Thing'.
Posted by: Martha Stewart's Good Thing at December 26, 2018 07:47 PM (5TQX6) Posted by: Calm Mentor at December 26, 2018 07:48 PM (ffYR/) 6
It's almost as if the dems accuse others of doing exactly what they are doing. Weird that.
Posted by: Bosk at December 26, 2018 07:49 PM (9m9TT) Posted by: Speaker Nazi Pelousi at December 26, 2018 07:49 PM (f3oO4) 8
#3 Sorry, I see Reid's involvement is discussed in the link. Still, it's a quick view of it.
Posted by: andycanuck at December 26, 2018 07:49 PM (Evws/) 9
Matt Taibbi is usually a lefist fake news piece of shit. Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at December 26, 2018 07:49 PM (8jjJt) Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 07:50 PM (HaL55) 11
I was thinking today how unpopular Richard Nixon. Nixon was so hated, he was on 5, FIVE, winning presidential tickets. He was that hated. Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at December 26, 2018 07:51 PM (8jjJt) 12
Any man caught subverting elections with Facebook ads gets a night in the box.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at December 26, 2018 07:51 PM (UGqF8) 13
Evening all.
Posted by: Darth Randall at December 26, 2018 07:51 PM (p0nVR) 14
20,000 write-in votes for Nick Saban? Meh. Just an experiment.
Posted by: Hands at December 26, 2018 07:51 PM (786Ro) 15
So Ivan Ivanovich wasn't really a concerned Republican in Mobile who just couldn't bring himself to vote for Moore? I feel so betrayed. Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at December 26, 2018 07:51 PM (Uj7SU) 16
I guess is why the Democrats never fussed themselves much about seventy years of Soviet agitation on behalf of the American left and Democrat Party. A quibble. The American Left have always been Soviet apologists. That wasn't necessarily true of the Democratic Party (e.g. Sen. Pat McCarren) for many years but the Left took over the Democrats in the 70s. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 26, 2018 07:51 PM (LsBY9) 17
"accuse the other side of that which you are guilty" -- Goebbels
Posted by: Wontsubmit at December 26, 2018 07:51 PM (noyV4) 18
The dums are drooling over the idea that russians could have wanted a republican president. -- Is there anyone besides the kool-aid drunken children on the internet who actually believes that?
I have a hard time discerning reality -- is the left really this far gone, or is it just a big kabuki game with them. Do they believe their own lies? Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at December 26, 2018 07:52 PM (LWu6U) 19
It's almost as if Democrats don't really want fair and free elections.
Posted by: Evasiveboat42 at December 26, 2018 07:52 PM (Rz2Nc) 20
But remember - The MFM is still NOT the Enemy of the People. Smarter people than us need to keep reminding us of that as is their wont.
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at December 26, 2018 07:52 PM (6eEQ+) Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 07:52 PM (HaL55) 22
Eisenhower/Nixon '52 Eisenhower/Nixon '56 Nixon '60, election stolen by Democrats Nixon '68 Nixon '72 Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at December 26, 2018 07:53 PM (8jjJt) 23
I guess we all had better learn to speak Russian.
Posted by: Les Kinetic at December 26, 2018 07:53 PM (4ZE6o) 24
When they do it it's good collusion.
As someone said before, they are doing whatever they are accusing you of doing. Posted by: Decaf at December 26, 2018 07:54 PM (jLBUC) 25
"We orchestrated an elaborate 'false flag' operation that planted the idea that the Doug Jones campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet," the report says.
Changed the name in the quote to show what b.s. the original quote is. Posted by: Hands at December 26, 2018 07:54 PM (786Ro) 26
Stealing the Senate seat for Al Franken was purely a scientific experiment and they did not intend to hurt his opponent, the state, and the country.
Posted by: ShainS - Oppression Olympics Survivor Posted by: garrett at December 26, 2018 07:56 PM (NEOym) 28
Wait until you see all the stops they pull out in 2020
Posted by: Skip at December 26, 2018 07:56 PM (/rm4P) 29
"doing research"
Isn't that the defense that pedophiles always use to explain the photos on their computers to the fbi? Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at December 26, 2018 07:57 PM (LWu6U) 30
I blame the Fed.
Posted by: Hands at December 26, 2018 07:57 PM (786Ro) 31
It's like a nesting doll of collusion.
Posted by: garrett at December 26, 2018 07:57 PM (NEOym) 32
It's really too bad that we don't have any laws to govern voting and no one to enforce them even if we did. Seems to me like that's something that might be useful. But then again, the government would need to be interested in fair, accurate votes for that to happen. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 07:57 PM (HaL55) 33
$100K in Alabama is a LOT MORE proportionally than $200K nationally.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 26, 2018 07:58 PM (oVJmc) 34
>>Isn't that the defense that pedophiles always use to explain the photos on their computers to the fbi?
YEEEEEAAAAAHHHH Posted by: Pete Townsend at December 26, 2018 07:58 PM (NEOym) Posted by: Mona Charen adrift at December 26, 2018 07:59 PM (786Ro) 36
Reality is what you have when you take away everything that isn't real.
Posted by: Confusedus at December 26, 2018 07:59 PM (UdKB7) 37
I have a hard time discerning reality -- is the left really this far gone, or is it just a big kabuki game with them. Do they believe their own lies? Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at December 26, 2018 07:52 PM (LWu6U) No, they only need to make enough voters believe it. Posted by: rickl at December 26, 2018 07:59 PM (sdi6R) 38
Boris and Natasha unavailable for comment.
Posted by: Burger Chef at December 26, 2018 07:59 PM (RuIsu) 39
I am tellink you Comrades, this story is big burger of nothing. We should be concentrating on important matter, like a carbon tax for saving the EarthMother.
Posted by: Yankee FreedomEagle at December 26, 2018 08:00 PM (Uj7SU) 40
Russian Bots. Anything like that drunken asshole, Robot Boris?
Posted by: Fritz at December 26, 2018 08:00 PM (Z9C5C) 41
100K in Alabama is a LOT MORE proportionally than $200K nationally.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 26, 2018 07:58 PM (oVJmc) ------------ It is, but it is still not enough to even come close to swaying a U.S. Senatorial election. Posted by: Calm Mentor at December 26, 2018 08:00 PM (ffYR/) 42
No Ace, you don't get it.
This is pure Democracy, ie rule of the mob, exactly what the Democrats want. Its doesn't follow the rule of law, you know, like in a Republic. You know, the thing the Republicans pay lip service to, but don't really believe in either. Posted by: Don Q at December 26, 2018 08:00 PM (NgKpN) 43
41 100K in Alabama is a LOT MORE proportionally than $200K nationally.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 26, 2018 07:58 PM (oVJmc) ------------ It is, but it is still not enough to even come close to swaying a U.S. Senatorial election. Posted by: Calm Mentor at December 26, 2018 08:00 PM (ffYR/) Facebook testified before Congress that it was only $4700 worth of ads they could trace back. Posted by: Don Q at December 26, 2018 08:01 PM (NgKpN) 44
Just wait until 2020 !
Posted by: sock_rat_eez at December 26, 2018 08:02 PM (mfOi4) 45
Excuse me, Matt Taibbi said WHAT?
Posted by: JEM at December 26, 2018 08:02 PM (8erNz) 46
NY Slimes: Look, we and we alone, decide when $100,000 has an impact on an election. Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 26, 2018 08:03 PM (SiINZ) Posted by: JuJuBee, just generally being shamey at December 26, 2018 08:03 PM (2NqXo) 48
I'd be interested in a couple Russian sexbots to my specs... assuming they don't go all KGB on me and and feed me feet first into the fireplace... Posted by: In Vino Veritits at December 26, 2018 08:03 PM (vDDpQ) 49
Its doesn't follow the rule of law, you know, like in a Republic. You know, the thing the Republicans pay lip service to, but don't really believe in either.
Posted by: Don Q at December 26, 2018 08:00 PM (NgKpN) My dear, you should know by now that your Rulers do NOT believe in rules... Unless those rules are for YOU! Posted by: Speaker Nazi Pelousi at December 26, 2018 08:04 PM (f3oO4) 50
So that's what David Axelrod has been doing lately. No wonder we haven't heard much out of him. This is his faked Astroturfed polls on digital steroids. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 08:04 PM (HaL55) 51
Speaking of the Russians, looks like they have a satellite launch planned in about an hour. This will be from their new Vostochny cosmodrome in the eastern part of the country, that has only had a few launches so far. Posted by: rickl at December 26, 2018 08:05 PM (sdi6R) 52
Hitlery has a Glass Pessary. Keeps her fetid Womb of Doom twixt her dinner plate sized mud flaps. Posted by: In Vino Veritits at December 26, 2018 08:05 PM (vDDpQ) 53
The project's operators created a Facebook page on which they posed as liberal Alabamians, using it to try to divide Democrats....
Are we going to see an "experiment" like that? Posted by: Hands at December 26, 2018 08:05 PM (786Ro) 54
Well, hey.. there's Russians and there's Russians.. if you know what I mean.. you can't exactly equate the two!
Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at December 26, 2018 08:05 PM (438dO) 55
Here's the deal: ORANGE MAN BAD!
Posted by: SteveOReno , I proudly self-identify as a Moron at December 26, 2018 08:06 PM (2sCft) 56
Posted by: Sponge at December 26, 2018 08:06 PM (Zz0t1) 57
Excuse me, Matt Taibbi said WHAT? Posted by: JEM at December 26, 2018 08:02 PM (8erNz ==== The collusion conspiracy theorists lost Matt Taibbi a while ago. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 08:06 PM (oGNNA) 58
So, lets put this straight.
While the Dems were accusing everyone on the right of being Russian bots... They were acting like Russian Bots. Thus, another case of Projection. Posted by: Don Q at December 26, 2018 08:07 PM (NgKpN) 59
Keeps her fetid Womb of Doom twixt her dinner plate sized mud flaps.
Posted by: In Vino Veritits at December 26, 2018 08:05 PM (vDDpQ) +++++ Fuckin' Great mental image. You know it's nearly dinner time out here in the Pacific Northwest, don't you? Posted by: SteveOReno , I proudly self-identify as a Moron at December 26, 2018 08:08 PM (2sCft) 60
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Some $100,000 are more equal than other $100,000 too.
Posted by: Lump at December 26, 2018 08:08 PM (Iqr8o) 61
Alex Jones unavailable for comment.
Posted by: xnycpeasant at December 26, 2018 08:08 PM (ggAgX) 62
The DNC ALWAYS protests EXACTLY what they are actually doing. It's an utterly reliable indicator. And the volume of their screeching is exactly proportional to how much they are doing it. The more they accuse, the guiltier they are... Posted by: In Vino Veritits at December 26, 2018 08:09 PM (vDDpQ) 63
I have a hard time discerning reality -- is the left really this far gone, or is it just a big kabuki game with them. Do they believe their own lies?Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at December 26, 2018 07:52 PM (LWu6U ==== I have a hard time with this, too. I also have a hard time trying to figure out Stalin, Mao, the whole gang. They know they got their way only because they used force. Did they at any level believe in the ideology they were preaching? It's an aspect of human psychology I'll never understand. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 08:10 PM (oGNNA) 64
60 All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Some $100,000 are more equal than other $100,000 too.
Posted by: Lump at December 26, 2018 08:08 PM (Iqr8o) $200,000 Dem dollars = $4700 Russian dollars... OK then. Posted by: Don Q at December 26, 2018 08:10 PM (NgKpN) 65
Y'know, I'm beginning to think some of these Democrats might not be totally honest.
Posted by: Bilwis, Devourer of Low Glycemic Souls at December 26, 2018 08:11 PM (jp0Bv) 66
The collusion conspiracy theorists lost Matt Taibbi a while ago. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 08:06 PM (oGNNA) He seems to be one of those broken clock/blind squirrel kind of guys. Posted by: rickl at December 26, 2018 08:11 PM (sdi6R) 67
If Trump has to resign/be impeached/go to jail for Russian bots, then so does Doug Jones.
There is more evidence of a connection between the Jones campaign (ie hey these people are Dems and wanted to help Jones, I don't mean he was in on it) then there is anything about Trump. Posted by: alexthechick - Superelite Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at December 26, 2018 08:11 PM (GbPPJ) 68
In a sane world, FacePlant would be shut down by now and all their suits arrested under several millions of dollars in bail. Each. And Mewler's investigation would be ordered to immediately investigate everyone associated with this. But the DC Swamp Things won't let that happen. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 08:12 PM (HaL55) 69
Who's got you baby?
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 26, 2018 08:13 PM (q0eER) 70
They're now claiming that this was purely a scientific experiment and that they did not intend to hurt Roy Moore's campaign or depress Republican turnout or excite Democrat turnout. ==== Yeah, and ballot harvesting in California was purely a scientific experiment. Result: Success! Next step: Apply to remaining 49 states in 2020. GOP reaction: Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 08:14 PM (oGNNA) 71
If you cared, the kwanza is going on
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 26, 2018 08:15 PM (bQtop) Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at December 26, 2018 08:15 PM (Uj7SU) 73
71 If you cared, the kwanza is going on
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 26, 2018 08:15 PM (bQtop) -------- I'm too busy boxing to celebrate Kwanzaa this year. Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at December 26, 2018 08:16 PM (UGqF8) 74
If you cared, the kwanza is going on
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 26, 2018 08:15 PM (bQt +++++ I was so worried I missed it. Now where's my magic chicken foot? Posted by: SteveOReno , I proudly self-identify as a Moron at December 26, 2018 08:16 PM (2sCft) 75
Speaking of the Russians, looks like they have a satellite launch planned in about an hour. This will be from their new Vostochny cosmodrome in the eastern part of the country, that has only had a few launches so far. Posted by: rickl at December 26, 2018 08:05 PM (sdi6R) I love those CCCP 1 shows like What Fits Into Russia Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 26, 2018 08:16 PM (SiINZ) 76
He seems to be one of those broken clock/blind squirrel kind of guys.Posted by: rickl at December 26, 2018 08:11 PM (sdi6R ----- It's weird how he sees that for the far-fetched hysteria it is, but he can't apply that clear thinking to other lefty schemes. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 08:17 PM (oGNNA) 77
I have a hard time with this, too. I also have a hard time trying to figure out Stalin, Mao, the whole gang. They know they got their way only because they used force. Did they at any level believe in the ideology they were preaching? It's an aspect of human psychology I'll never understand. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 08:10 PM (oGNNA) This is in line with a comment I made in an earlier thread today. Is socialism just a gigantic scam from the get-go? They convince low-IQ proles to support it, but the ultra-rich seem to be fully on board, and they're the ones who benefit the most. The losers are the independent middle class, aka "bourgeoisie". Posted by: rickl at December 26, 2018 08:17 PM (sdi6R) Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at December 26, 2018 08:18 PM (/qEW2) 79
Isn't this....fraud?
Posted by: Gem at December 26, 2018 08:19 PM (XoAz8) 80
There's people who go on the list. It's getting to be too much like work. I guess I'll just have to hire a loyal henchman to carry around the book and pen. I'm thinking along the lines of Squire Danaher in "The Quiet Man".
Posted by: bill in arkansas at December 26, 2018 08:19 PM (xzqr4) 81
Ace, please write a "dossier" on some Democrat. We'll all forward it to the FBI. And we'll send it to all the Fake News outlets. Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at December 26, 2018 08:22 PM (8jjJt) 82
Roy Moore was as innocent as Brett Kavanaugh.
The only difference is that the Republicans were willing to fight for the latter. Posted by: 18-1 at December 26, 2018 08:22 PM (cRkMZ) 83
Is socialism just a gigantic scam from the get-go? Posted by: rickl at December 26, 2018 08:17 PM (sdi6R ======= To anyone who can see to the other side, yes. To pros like AOC and HRC? I imagine they get out of bed every morning motivated by tremendous narcissism combined with resentment of other people for some reason or other -- hyped up racial or class animus, a horrid marriage -- and socialism's capacity to control others is immensely appealing. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 08:23 PM (oGNNA) 84
The project's operators created a Facebook page on which they posed as conservative Alabamians, using it to try to divide Republicans and even to endorse a write-in candidate to draw votes from Mr. Moore. It involved a scheme to link the Moore campaign to thousands of Russian accounts that suddenly began following the Republican candidate on Twitter
I don't know the impact this may have had, but honestly, if conservative voters are so stupid that they are duped into sitting out an election (or voting for a spoiler) because of this bullshit, this country deserves to tank. Totally ignoring what's at stake, what each candidate stands for, and getting distracted by some manufactured purity test that the Democrats would fail infinitely worse at. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at December 26, 2018 08:23 PM (/qEW2) 85
Ace, please write a "dossier" on some Democrat.
We'll all forward it to the FBI. And we'll send it to all the Fake News outlets. Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter The American public and law enforcement need to know about the troubling scandals Ace will make up about [person]. Democracy Dies in Darkness! Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at December 26, 2018 08:24 PM (Uj7SU) 86
None of this stuff plausibly has an impact on any election.
And the "outrage!" and "deep concern!" about "attacks" on "our democracy!" are idiotic. We rightly attempt to influence all sorts of situations, including elections, around the world, where it matters to us, offers advantages, etc. As does everyone else who can do so. Many US states would not have their elections recognized by US, or the EU, or the UN (which is just us and/or the Euros, in reality, on things like this) due to the lack of election integrity that we insist on in election processes we assist overseas. Wayne County MI has worse election integrity than most Third World elections. The judiciary mocks the country repeatedly, pretending to believe that voter ID is anything but easy, normal, and should be always required. Gawd only knows what potential massive fraud vistas are opening up with all the stupid changes that allow "vote harvesting". AL voters are to blame for electing Jones. Period. Posted by: rhomboid at December 26, 2018 08:24 PM (QDnY+) 87
So glad the GOPe is spending their time trying to sink Trump instead of, you know, fighting the Left.
Posted by: weft cut-loop at December 26, 2018 08:24 PM (ZejZP) 88
"but design it to have almost no impact" In a "closely contested race," as virtually every one of them is now described by Progda, it doesn't take much to swing one. Sway the Mushy Middle of LIVs who have no clue as to about what or who they're voting for or against and Viola! You have a Progressive Democrat just barely eking out a win. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 08:24 PM (HaL55) 89
>> Is socialism just a gigantic scam from the get-go?
That is a much discussed topic. The true believers, the opportunists, the uninformed, the useful idiots,.... Personally, I think it is the short bus of ideology. Like going to the special ed class and giving them the tools to build a nuclear bomb. I can excuse young people who lean that way, but anyone with any knowledge or life experience who thinks it can work must be an idiot (meaning, well below average intelligence) or an evil bastard that knows it is bs and just wants the power. Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at December 26, 2018 08:24 PM (LWu6U) 90
Roy Moore was as innocent as Brett Kavanaugh.
The only difference is that the Republicans were willing to fight for the latter. Posted by: 18-1 __________ I actually disagree. Moore admitted on Hannity he dated girls that were high school age in his 30's. That's what this whole thing was about. I would have still voted Moore anyway, but dude was weird. Posted by: Blago at December 26, 2018 08:24 PM (UfkIY) 91
67 If Trump has to resign/be impeached/go to jail for Russian bots, then so does Doug Jones. Posted by: alexthechick - Superelite Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at December 26, 2018 08:11 PM (GbPPJ) Dems would take that deal in a second. Posted by: clutch at December 26, 2018 08:26 PM (kiSdp) 92
Ace, please write a "dossier" on some Democrat.
We'll all forward it to the FBI. And we'll send it to all the Fake News outlets. Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter The American public and law enforcement need to know about the troubling scandals Ace will make up about [person]. Democracy Dies in Darkness! Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at December 26, 2018 08:24 PM (Uj7SU) +++++ I've heard from sources that say while Nancy Pelosi was visiting Moscow, she hired Russian male "nurses" to insert her cathaters at a posh hotel and peed all over a picture of Melania. Truth? We need some investigatin'. Posted by: SteveOReno , I proudly self-identify as a Moron at December 26, 2018 08:26 PM (2sCft) 93
So a false flag website to mimic "conservative Republicans" yet the real conservative Republicans never asked themselves who among them is running it?
I would say they knew it wasn't them and did nothing to expose it and stop it. Republicans are complicit by staying out of it. If I were Roy Moore I would run again in 2020 and use all of this as advertising. Posted by: Decaf at December 26, 2018 08:26 PM (jLBUC) 94
There's people who go on the list. It's getting to be too much like work. I guess I'll just have to hire a loyal henchman to carry around the book and pen. I'm thinking along the lines of Squire Danaher in "The Quiet Man".
Posted by: bill in arkansas at December 26, 2018 08:19 PM (xzqr4) That would be Ignatius Feeney Feeney, have you written the name I gave you? I have. Well, strike a line through it. That´s for him. Sean Thornton... Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 26, 2018 08:27 PM (SiINZ) 95
Ace, please write a "dossier" on some Democrat. We'll all forward it to the FBI. And we'll send it to all the Fake News outlets. Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at December 26, 2018 08:22 PM (8jjJt ===== Then the DOJ can use the Fake News reports to get a FISA warrant against the Democrat. Then Ace can accuse the Democrats of writing fake dossiers and demand a special counsel. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 08:27 PM (oGNNA) 96
Isn't this....fraud? Pretty sure it is. But in the legendary words of Hairy Reed, "It worked, didn't it?" Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 08:28 PM (HaL55) 97
Alabamians were never the brightest bulbs in the socket.
There is a reason they have what is called a "jubilee". Posted by: Hairyback Guy at December 26, 2018 08:28 PM (Z+IKu) 98
So where did the money come from ? That 100K, was it soros money? laundered foreign money?
Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at December 26, 2018 08:28 PM (LWu6U) 99
Crap! Ace, you're gonna send my disabled ass out to the rifle range in the rain tomorrow to burn off steam! My 100 yard 2" shot group needs maintenance and I need to cool off on the 'bama bullshit. That smarmy fvck Doug Jones can EABOD.
Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 08:29 PM (8ZeGS) 100
I would have still voted Moore anyway, but dude was weird.
Posted by: Blago at December 26, 2018 08:24 PM (UfkIY) Is the term of art for that activity "getting some strange"? Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at December 26, 2018 08:29 PM (f3oO4) 101
We're the Communist Party. We never sleep.
Until we get into power. Then we're like Laurel and Hardy trying to paint out of the same bucket. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 26, 2018 08:30 PM (1GThF) 102
I would have still voted Moore anyway, but dude was weird.
Posted by: Blago at December 26, 2018 08:24 PM (UfkIY) Is the term of art for that activity "getting some strange"? Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at December 26, 2018 08:29 PM (f3oO4) ++++ No I believe the term is "getting some sweet, young tail." Posted by: SteveOReno , I proudly self-identify as a Moron at December 26, 2018 08:30 PM (2sCft) 103
Democracy Dies in Darkness! is the Reds' battle cry. Because they're trying to kill it.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 26, 2018 08:31 PM (1GThF) 104
rickl: "Is socialism just a gigantic scam from the get-go?"
Yes. About 10% with its even more insular leadership are as parasitically capitalistic in their actions as any purebred greedhound. It's their reliance on the 90% Useful Idiots and even worse off Reeducated that makes such a system function until the parasite kills the host. Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at December 26, 2018 08:31 PM (6eEQ+) 105
Nice video of the assembly of the rocket and payload now.
Posted by: rickl at December 26, 2018 08:31 PM (sdi6R) 106
No I believe the term is "getting some
Posted by: SteveOReno , I proudly self-identify as a Moron FIFY Posted by: Joss Whedon at December 26, 2018 08:31 PM (Uj7SU) 107
No I believe the term is "getting some sweet, young tail."
Posted by: SteveOReno , I proudly self-identify as a Moron at December 26, 2018 08:30 PM (2sCft) I stand corrected, but I think you left out the required repetition of "sweet"! Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at December 26, 2018 08:31 PM (f3oO4) 108
So where did the money come from ? That 100K, was it soros money? laundered foreign money?
Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at December 26, 2018 08:28 PM (LWu6U) Reid Hoffman, but he apologized for it, so it's all good. Posted by: Evasiveboat42 at December 26, 2018 08:32 PM (Rz2Nc) 109
Moore admitted on Hannity he dated girls that were high school age in his 30's. That's what this whole thing was about.
*** So he dated a young adult*. And? The charges that sunk him were that he sexually assaulted a 14 year old. Did he? No. *God help anyone that reads the history of John Adams. Posted by: 18-1 at December 26, 2018 08:32 PM (cRkMZ) 110
About 10% with its even more insular leadership are as parasitically capitalistic in their actions as any purebred greedhound. It's their reliance on the 90% Useful Idiots and even worse off Reeducated that makes such a system function until the parasite kills the host. Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at December 26, 2018 08:31 PM (6eEQ+) +++++ Exhibit One: Venezuela Posted by: SteveOReno , I proudly self-identify as a Moron at December 26, 2018 08:32 PM (2sCft) 111
So where did the money come from ? That 100K, was it soros money? laundered foreign money?
------ I think from the Reid Hoffman guy linked in my #3 comment. Posted by: andycanuck at December 26, 2018 08:33 PM (Evws/) 112
Speaking of Laurel and Hardy,...
You ever notice how common it was back then to move pianos? Everybody was always moving pianos. I have never seen one moved in my life, but back then Laurel and Hardy moved em, Mickey mouse and Goofy moved em, all the silent stars moved em,.. what was it, did the country move all the pianos around and it was such a disaster that everyone decided to just leave them where they are from then on? Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at December 26, 2018 08:33 PM (LWu6U) 113
Click, but be prepared to be crippled by intimidation when you see the juggernaut that is the Left! Posted by: Ghost of Bob Crane at December 26, 2018 08:33 PM (jdWK0) 114
No I believe the term is "getting some sweet, young tail."
___ Nothing wrong with that. as in young but still legal? EWWWWWW Posted by: Sen Menendez at December 26, 2018 08:33 PM (cRkMZ) 115
94 There cold be a whole thread on that movie,the IRA guys, Barry Fitzgerald, Barry Fitzgerald's Webley, the pub.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at December 26, 2018 08:33 PM (xzqr4) 116
No I believe the term is "getting some sweet, young tail."
Posted by: SteveOReno It's like a Browning shotgun...a Sweet 16.... Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 08:33 PM (8ZeGS) 117
Is socialism just a gigantic scam from the get-go? That is a much discussed topic. The true believers, the opportunists, the uninformed, the useful idiots,.... Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at December 26, 2018 08:24 PM (LWu6U===== I didn't realize that. We have to spend so much time dissuading the Free Shit Army that I suppose we haven't figured out, Scientology-style, how to defeat the irrational mind in its infancy. At any rate, the grandest irony of all to me is the similarity that socialism bears to hereditary monarchy. "It's not the system that's at fault. We just have to get the right people in there." Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 08:34 PM (oGNNA) 118
"Roy Moore was as innocent as Brett Kavanaugh.
The only difference is that the Republicans were willing to fight for the latter. Posted by: 18-1 __________ I actually disagree. Moore admitted on Hannity he dated girls that were high school age in his 30's. That's what this whole thing was about. I would have still voted Moore anyway, but dude was weird. Posted by: Blago at December 26, 2018 08:24 PM (UfkIY)" ----------------//--------- Big deal, I was in high school when I dated my husband who is six years older than me. Teenage boys did not interest me. Posted by: Decaf at December 26, 2018 08:35 PM (jLBUC) 119
There cold be a whole thread on that movie,the IRA guys, Barry Fitzgerald, Barry Fitzgerald's Webley, the pub.
------- Bar towel! Posted by: Captain Obvious at December 26, 2018 08:35 PM (tfbws) 120
108 So where did the money come from ? That 100K, was it soros money? laundered foreign money?
Martinized. Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2018 08:35 PM (NWiLs) 121
99 Crap! Ace, you're gonna send my disabled ass out to the rifle range in the rain tomorrow to burn off steam! My 100 yard 2" shot group needs maintenance and I need to cool off on the 'bama bullshit. That smarmy fvck Doug Jones can EABOD.
Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 08:29 PM (8ZeGS) ------- How are you shooting? Prone? Bench? Sling? Posted by: Weasel at December 26, 2018 08:35 PM (MVjcR) 122
"O Fortuna from Carmina Burana (better known as "The Theme to Excalibur and Beer Commercials"
And Ozzy Osbourne's concert intro music Posted by: Mark1971 at December 26, 2018 08:36 PM (xPl2J) 123
Moore admitted on Hannity he dated girls that were high school age in his 30's. That's what this whole thing was about.
*** So he dated a young adult*. And? The charges that sunk him were that he sexually assaulted a 14 year old. Did he? No. *God help anyone that reads the history of John Adams. Posted by: 18-1 _____________ I don't even know what sexual assault means anymore, what sunk Moore though was a guy in his 30s "dating" high school aged girls looks like a predator. And he admitted he did date girls with that sort of age gap. It was different back then, but it's still not a good look. Especially since he made himself to be some sort of super Christian. And the guy was a prosecutor at the time. The Kavanaugh stuff was straight up bullshit. Look, you can be conservative and think there might be a freak or two with an "R" next to his name. Dennis Hastert also comes to mind, I'm not going to defend him as just sowing his oats fucking the boys he was coaching. Posted by: Blago at December 26, 2018 08:36 PM (UfkIY) 124
Big deal, I was in high school when I dated my husband who is six years older than me. Teenage boys did not interest me.
Posted by: Decaf at December 26, 2018 08:35 PM (jLBUC) ++++++ Well, those teenage boys interest me!! Posted by: Hairy Reid's excercise bands. Posted by: SteveOReno , I proudly self-identify as a Moron at December 26, 2018 08:37 PM (2sCft) 125
63 I have a hard time with this, too. I also have a hard time trying to figure out Stalin, Mao, the whole gang. They know they got their way only because they used force. Did they at any level believe in the ideology they were preaching? It's an aspect of human psychology I'll never understand.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 08:10 PM (oGNNA) Interesting question. I suspect that they started out believing the socialist crap, being young and therefore stupid, but over time, as the prospect of real power arose, came to realize it was rubbish, but useful rubbish in their personal aggrandizement. See, e.g., most GOPe types, whom I suspect are of similar ilk, i.e., starting out ideologically committed, but then swayed by the siren call of power, money, and influence. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 26, 2018 08:37 PM (1GThF) 126
You ever notice how common it was back then to move pianos? Everybody was always moving pianos. I have never seen one moved in my life, but back then Laurel and Hardy moved em, Mickey mouse and Goofy moved em, all the silent stars moved em,.. what was it, did the country move all the pianos around and it was such a disaster that everyone decided to just leave them where they are from then on? Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at December 26, 2018 08:33 PM (LWu6U) There is or was a commenter here called "the guy who moves pianos for a living". I don't know if he is still around. Posted by: rickl at December 26, 2018 08:37 PM (sdi6R) 127
>> I suspect that they started out believing the socialist crap, being young and therefore stupid, but over time, as the prospect of real power arose, came to realize it was rubbish, but useful rubbish in their personal aggrandizement.
One possibility is that they understand it is rubbish, but they truly think it is no worse than the alternative (freedom.) That is, they rationalize it. This would also explain their obsession of accusing the right with all their own sins. Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at December 26, 2018 08:39 PM (LWu6U) 128
124 Since when do teenage boys interest Harry Reid. Some can fight back. Now, Cub Scouts would be a different story.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at December 26, 2018 08:39 PM (xzqr4) Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 26, 2018 08:39 PM (LsBY9) 130
I have seen where progtards spray paint swastikas on Republican offices. Now we see progtards create fake RUSSIANS to meddle with Repub candidates.
Nether makes nazis or russians of either. I wonder if they could spray paint "Russia was here" on a server? Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 26, 2018 08:40 PM (1g7ch) 131
come now. anything that progressives do is for the good of democracy. I mean, they are "their saviors" are they not. Moore, being truthful about his attractions was parleyed into his defeat. Only progressives can get potential digressions to disappear. thanks to their lackeys in the media. look at morning Joe. He had a dead young intern in his office (died of a blow to head). that went away.
Posted by: TX 32 orphan at December 26, 2018 08:40 PM (Wa5hI) 132
How are you shooting? Prone? Bench? Sling?
Posted by: Weasel I prefer prone, but am almost as good from a cross leg seating position and even better from a supported bench. use sandbags (the way my drill sergeant taught me to) instead of a mechanical rest when at the bench. I need to mount a sling for standing and practice with it or else my hog hunting days are gonna get cut short., too. Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 08:40 PM (8ZeGS) 133
See, e.g., most GOPe types, whom I suspect are of similar ilk, i.e., starting out ideologically committed, but then swayed by the siren call of power, money, and influence. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 26, 2018 08:37 PM (1GThF ==== Yes. Another argument for term limits. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 08:41 PM (oGNNA) 134
I prefer prone, but am almost as good from a cross leg seating position and even better from a supported bench. use sandbags (the way my drill sergeant taught me to) instead of a mechanical rest when at the bench. I need to mount a sling for standing and practice with it or else my hog hunting days are gonna get cut short., too. Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 08:40 PM (8ZeGS) ------ From prone, do you notice your shots stringing vertically? Posted by: Weasel at December 26, 2018 08:41 PM (MVjcR) 135
You ever notice how common it was back then to move pianos? Everybody was always moving pianos. I have never seen one moved in my life, but back then Laurel and Hardy moved em, Mickey mouse and Goofy moved em, all the silent stars moved em,.. what was it, did the country move all the pianos around and it was such a disaster that everyone decided to just leave them where they are from then on? The electric guitar and amplifier had not been invented yet. They're not as funny to try to move, either. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 08:41 PM (HaL55) 136
Big deal, I was in high school when I dated my husband who is six years older than me. Teenage boys did not interest me.
Posted by: Decaf _________ Apparently Alabama voters thought it was a problem. Except in Moore's case, it wasn't overlapping with peer groups. I don't know which side people are arguing. Either A) Moore never dated underage girls (despite admitting it) or B) Big deal if he did that Personally, I vote on ideology not character, so it wouldn't change my vote, but the guy did make my skin crawl. I'd rather have Roy Moore than "pure" Mitt Romney Posted by: Blago at December 26, 2018 08:42 PM (UfkIY) 137
The MFM ran stories about him dating "teenagers", you know the two or three 18- and 19-years-old he dated with parental approval, then sprang the completely false pederastic 13- and 14-years-old accusations. He couldn't deny he dated "teenagers" because he had but no one under-age let alone committing statutory rape.
On the tablet so I'm not going to go into more details or link the false accusers' bullshit or justify him looking for 18/19s. Posted by: andycanuck at December 26, 2018 08:42 PM (Evws/) 138
And Gloria Allred does not push false attacks on behalf of the progtards in various Repub races (the Republican Repubs, not the GOPe or UniParty ones).
Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 26, 2018 08:42 PM (1g7ch) 139
We have to spend so much time dissuading the Free Shit Army that I suppose we haven't figured out, Scientology-style, how to defeat the irrational mind in its infancy.
The Free Shit Army is too stupid to be dissuaded by anything other than a better offer. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 26, 2018 08:43 PM (1GThF) 140
Back in the old days, it was pretty common for at least middle class families to have a piano in the house. They were eventually displaced by radios, stereo systems and recorded music.
So I think pianos were actually more common decades ago. Posted by: rickl at December 26, 2018 08:43 PM (sdi6R) 141
From prone, do you notice your shots stringing vertically?
Posted by: Weasel Not really, I do notice a horizontal drift from left to right. a slight vertical rise sometimes. Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 08:44 PM (8ZeGS) 142
Look, you can be conservative and think there might be a freak or two
with an "R" next to his name. Dennis Hastert also comes to mind, I'm not going to defend him as just sowing his oats fucking the boys he was coaching. *** Hastert sexually assaulted young boys like Gerry Studds or Harvey Milk. It is almost certain elements of the left knew what he was doing and helped him cover it up - the MSM knew by at least 2006 (as they've admitted) and probably knew since they sunk Newt G. Note that the left sank Newt G and Newt G's chosen successor by getting a hold of information about both men's personal lives (they were having affairs). Moore was accused of sexually assaulting a girl. The woman in question lost a law suit in front of Moore and admitted to fabricating some of her "evidence". Kavanaugh was also accused of sexually assaulting a girl. Posted by: 18-1 at December 26, 2018 08:44 PM (cRkMZ) Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 08:45 PM (HaL55) 144
Oooh - new progtard propaganda program - "FamilyFire" - five 'family' members a day shot by "FamilyFire"!1!!11
Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 26, 2018 08:45 PM (1g7ch) 145
I have seen where progtards spray paint swastikas on Republican offices. Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 26, 2018 08:40 PM (1g7ch ==== There's another one. The fake hate crimes (actually, people who hang nooses on Black students' dorm rooms, but you rang a bell). These are people who know it's all a lie because THEY'RE THE ONES TELLING IT, and yet they'll continue to scream that wypipo are rayciss. Total mystery to me how the human mind can run this way. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 08:45 PM (oGNNA) 146
I dated an older girl in highschool, she 19
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 26, 2018 08:45 PM (bQtop) 147
The sidebar is a liar. True O fortuna lyrics: Posted by: The Atom Bomb of Loving Kindness at December 26, 2018 08:48 PM (lXZ2r) 148
141 From prone, do you notice your shots stringing vertically?
Posted by: Weasel Not really, I do notice a horizontal drift from left to right. a slight vertical rise sometimes. Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 08:44 PM (8ZeGS) ------ The lateral is probably some combination of ammo and setup. Do you hand Load? The vertical is probably mostly something going on in the back of the rifle.. You might try and isolate these by firing off of two stable bags. Just a suggestion. Posted by: Weasel at December 26, 2018 08:48 PM (MVjcR) 149
The Free Shit Army is too stupid to be dissuaded by anything other than a better offer. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 26, 2018 08:43 PM (1GThF ===== You're right. I should have said "defeating" the Free Shit Army. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 08:49 PM (oGNNA) 150
It's getting off topic so here goes. I used to do a little moonlighting for a guy that did move pianos. He had a gig with a few music stores, and had every type of equipment you could imagine for moving them. My main job was keeping them in balance while we had them rolling or using a stair climbing device. What was cool, the guy would set it up, including reassembly of grands or baby grands, and crank out a little Chopin for the customer. I ran the vacuum cleaner, a nice touch.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at December 26, 2018 08:50 PM (xzqr4) 151
On the tablet so I'm not going to go into more details or link the false accusers' bullshit or justify him looking for 18/19s.
*** Yep. So here's a question - was Humphrey Bogart a perv? He married Bacall when he was 45 and she was 20.... Posted by: 18-1 at December 26, 2018 08:50 PM (cRkMZ) 152
The Democrat party is one giant RICO crime.
Posted by: Tentotwo at December 26, 2018 08:50 PM (yhf6w) 153
"I have a hard time discerning reality -- is the left really this far gone, or is it just a big kabuki game with them. Do they believe their own lies?
Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at December 26, 2018 07:52 PM (LWu6U)" ------------- I don't think anyone in DC believes in anything except getting and keeping power but the Dems want it more. Posted by: Decaf at December 26, 2018 08:50 PM (jLBUC) 154
Democrats only tell the truth by accident.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at December 26, 2018 08:50 PM (l9m7l) 155
The DNC ALWAYS protests EXACTLY what they are actually doing. It's an utterly reliable indicator. And the volume of their screeching is exactly proportional to how much they are doing it. The more they accuse, the guiltier they are...
Posted by: In Vino Veritits at December 26, 2018 08:09 PM (vDDpQ) Like being complicit in the murder of journ0lists? Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 26, 2018 08:51 PM (1g7ch) 156
"O fortuna" is like the introduction to "Also Sprach Zarathustra", both shoot the bolt; the rest of the pieces are largely uninteresting. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 26, 2018 08:52 PM (LsBY9) 157
The Free Shit Army is too stupid to be dissuaded by anything other than a better offer. Heaven forfend anyone ever raise the possibility that they could get up off their asses, educate and motivate themselves and go get a lot more good stuff than Big Sister will ever give them. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 08:52 PM (HaL55) 158
Addendum: one might have been 16, though still legal and with parental permission.
Posted by: andycanuck at December 26, 2018 08:52 PM (Evws/) 159
Marxist evolution goes like this --
Step 1: Feudalism (I learned about that in school. We're beyond that.) Step 2: Capitalism (Bad, but a necessary step.) Step 3: Revolution (Now you're talking.) Step 4: The dictatorship of the proletariat (Go on.) Step 5: Socialism (You're getting ahead of me. Please elaborate on step 4.) Step 6: Communism - the Brotherhood of Man (Let's back up a couple of steps. Dictators have the life! They live in palaces while other people are miserable. Heck, they make other people miserable just by willing it. Don't like someone? Kill him! Or torture him, then kill him. I get to live my whole like as though I were Bryce in "13 Reasons Why." Bryce is cool. Sign me up.) Posted by: FireHorse at December 26, 2018 08:52 PM (T9f3V) 160
Thank you, Weasel!
I don't handload, yet, but I want to start. I was beginning to suspect that I was allowing my upper torso to settle a bit and that was causing the horizontal which was leading me to begin looking at using the two stable sandbags as a potential solution (plus more push ups and pull ups to help maintain the posture. One I'm certain I can still remove the variance caused by my atrophied skills, I can start looking into handloading. Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 08:53 PM (8ZeGS) 161
I have a hard time discerning reality -- is the left really this far
gone, or is it just a big kabuki game with them. Do they believe their own lies? *** It is a mix. Most of the power brokers don't. They are using this as a means to power. And you can see proof of this in how they keep building mega-mansions in areas that global warmination is apparently going to destroy. For most of the low level people? Believing is like a religion for them. The fact that their religion changes, fundamentally, every year doesn't phase them which is...odd. For the LIVs? The only thing they hear is that the left is caring an wants to help them. Posted by: 18-1 at December 26, 2018 08:53 PM (cRkMZ) 162
Since projection is the name of the game at the next election every Deplorable candidate should see what they are accused of and then go looking for the proof of it against their Dem opponents.
Posted by: Decaf at December 26, 2018 08:53 PM (jLBUC) 163
Democrats only tell the truth by accident.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at December 26, 2018 08:50 PM (l9m7l) ...................... AKA... when one of their lies goes off message. Posted by: Tentotwo at December 26, 2018 08:53 PM (yhf6w) 164
Rickl. Holy crap. That's a fine looking Russian rocket. (just so ya know some else is watching).
Posted by: t-dubya-d at December 26, 2018 08:53 PM (RZWC0) 165
There's another one. The fake hate crimes (actually, people who hang nooses on Black students' dorm rooms, but you rang a bell). These are people who know it's all a lie because THEY'RE THE ONES TELLING IT, and yet they'll continue to scream that wypipo are rayciss.
Total mystery to me how the human mind can run this way. ===== They're just "raising awareness." Posted by: Bicentennialguy at December 26, 2018 08:53 PM (RFYR/) 166
Gub thread!
Weasel - my current approach, which remains academic since I haven't reloaded the brass more than once, is to use the brass from HXP surplus (loading for the M-1) 3 times, then recycle it. So, a total of four firings. I visually inspect each case from the first reloading on, of course. I don't think I want to get into doing the "paper clip test" or similar to 1,200 cases, when I get to 3 reloadings/4 total firings, so I assume a safe approach is just to junk the brass at that point. Of course I might just set it aside, in the event I get a Springfield to reload for down the road (where I wouldn't be all that concerned about the cases, and also could more easily do close inspection for a much smaller number of cases). What say ye? Posted by: rhomboid at December 26, 2018 08:53 PM (QDnY+) 167
I have moved a piano twice and a Hammond organ once. I will move them one more time and there they will stay.
Posted by: freaked at December 26, 2018 08:54 PM (UdKB7) 168
Heaven forfend anyone ever raise the possibility that they could get up off their asses, educate and motivate themselves and go get a lot more good stuff than Big Sister will ever give them.
Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 08:52 PM (HaL55) But what about their Obama pho and other goodies from his stash? Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 26, 2018 08:56 PM (SiINZ) 169
Ayn Rand needed an editor to toss out most of Galts speeches but she understood that the siren call of 'getting some of that more talented, or more ambitious, or smarter dudes stuff' is a real siren call for most folks. They need to be shown how that works out when those ambitious folks find out the government is taking what they created to hand to folks who are good talkers making the case to the central committees that they have more needs than the folks what grew the crops or built the car or whatever do.
So when 90-something percent of the FNM and HW actors are spreading the damned dirty lie that socialism is more fair instead of showing the disasters in Cuba, Venezuela, Cambodia, Mao's China, etc. then the mob goes to lowest denominator of "I want some of that rich dudes stuff" Posted by: paleRider at December 26, 2018 08:56 PM (eASYU) 170
1-877- cars for kids
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 26, 2018 08:56 PM (bQtop) 171
160 Thank you, Weasel!
I don't handload, yet, but I want to start. I was beginning to suspect that I was allowing my upper torso to settle a bit and that was causing the horizontal which was leading me to begin looking at using the two stable sandbags as a potential solution (plus more push ups and pull ups to help maintain the posture. One I'm certain I can still remove the variance caused by my atrophied skills, I can start looking into handloading. Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 08:53 PM (8ZeGS) ------ You bet! More specifically with the L to R drift, unsupported, recoil can sometimes cause a right handed shooter to sort of torque to the right. Just something to consider. Posted by: Weasel at December 26, 2018 08:56 PM (MVjcR) 172
Bob Menendez visits pedo rape island and still wins in New Jersey but Roy Moore used to date young girls and is drummed out of "polite society".
Oh, it's New Jersey, that explains it. If the voteherd fail to do as they are instructed there are always trunk loads of votes in reserve. Posted by: Decaf at December 26, 2018 08:57 PM (jLBUC) Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 26, 2018 08:57 PM (LsBY9) 174
Moore was accused of sexually assaulting a girl. The woman in question lost a law suit in front of Moore and admitted to fabricating some of her "evidence".
Kavanaugh was also accused of sexually assaulting a girl. Posted by: 18-1 ______________ I'm saying I think Kavanaugh was smeared, Roy Moore wasn't. I was completely dismissive of the stuff against Moore until I heard his interview on Hannity. It was a lot of "well, I always asked their parents first if I did date teenagers when I was that much older" and I was like WTF. Robbing the cradle was more of a joke back then, but I think that's what his M.O. was. If you think it was 100% smears, fine, I'm saying though I think there was something there. Posted by: Blago at December 26, 2018 08:57 PM (UfkIY) 175
I'm always moving organs.
Posted by: Shep! at December 26, 2018 08:58 PM (RFYR/) 176
I don't know which side people are arguing.
Either A) Moore never dated underage girls (despite admitting it) or B) Big deal if he did that Personally, I vote on ideology not character, so it wouldn't change my vote, but the guy did make my skin crawl. I'd rather have Roy Moore than "pure" Mitt Romney Posted by: Blago at December 26, 2018 08:42 PM (UfkIY) Did he ever admit to dating underage girls? Ie. girls younger than 18? I'm not saying it's not creepy for a 30yo to date an 18 yo. I'm not saying the 18yo wasn't in college. You specifically said he admitted to dating *underaged* girls. Did he actually admit that? As others have noted the accusations about him and 14yo's were just slander, they've been debunked. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at December 26, 2018 08:58 PM (/qEW2) 177
Fake Russian bot campaign? Spent $100k on it? Obvious disinformation campaign?
Against the law, correct? Whether a felony or a gross misdemeanor, why isn't there a charge against this internet billionaire who planned and paid for it? Haven't we been collectively mugged for two years that our system is being ruined because of Trump supporters spending $4,700 on a multi-Billion campaign? My anger over the two different levels of rule of law is very high right now. It is obvious. One set of laws for the Demos and the freaks, and a much higher standard for traditional, working and God-fearing-loving Americans and Republicans / Trump. This will NOT go on forever. No more words, I don't want to get banned. You know what I want to say. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at December 26, 2018 08:58 PM (UsCnO) 178
164 Rickl. Holy crap. That's a fine looking Russian rocket. (just so ya know some else is watching).
Posted by: t-dubya-d at December 26, 2018 08:53 PM (RZWC0) Thanks. I still think it's cool to watch Russian launches live. I grew up during the Cold War when the Soviets were very secretive. Today the Chinese are like that. I've seen a few live webcasts of Chinese launches, but most of them are not carried live. Posted by: rickl at December 26, 2018 08:59 PM (sdi6R) 179
Bob Menendez visits pedo rape island and still wins in New Jersey but Roy Moore used to date young girls and is drummed out of "polite society".
__________ And don't forget Keith Ellison beating the shit out of women. Posted by: Blago at December 26, 2018 08:59 PM (UfkIY) 180
Speaking of Laurel and Hardy,... You ever notice how common it was back then to move pianos? Everybody was always moving pianos. I have never seen one moved in my life, but back then Laurel and Hardy moved em, Mickey mouse and Goofy moved em, all the silent stars moved em,.. what was it, did the country move all the pianos around and it was such a disaster that everyone decided to just leave them where they are from then on? Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest My first job in high school was moving pianos, altho they were mostly new-bought, moved from the store to your house. I remember taking one up a fire escape. Posted by: Vertov at December 26, 2018 09:00 PM (mDieY) 181
I wonder why they're not showing closeups of the rocket.
Posted by: rickl at December 26, 2018 09:00 PM (sdi6R) 182
I have moved a piano twice and a Hammond organ once. I will move them one more time and there they will stay. I did a gig once with a B-3 player who had an ex-ambulance he named the Vital Organ Transport. I rode that night with a drummer who had an old Crown Vic ex-cop car (complete with big chrome outside spotlight). While we were all loading out of the motel lobby into the respective vehicles, I watched a whole bunch of people slowly pull into the parking lot, turn around, and drive right back out. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 09:01 PM (HaL55) 183
166 Gub thread!
Weasel - my current approach, which remains academic since I haven't reloaded the brass more than once, is to use the brass from HXP surplus (loading for the M-1) 3 times, then recycle it. So, a total of four firings. I visually inspect each case from the first reloading on, of course. I don't think I want to get into doing the "paper clip test" or similar to 1,200 cases, when I get to 3 reloadings/4 total firings, so I assume a safe approach is just to junk the brass at that point. Of course I might just set it aside, in the event I get a Springfield to reload for down the road (where I wouldn't be all that concerned about the cases, and also could more easily do close inspection for a much smaller number of cases). What say ye? Posted by: rhomboid at December 26, 2018 08:53 PM (QDnY+) -------- The amount of stretch (actually flow) results from excessive headspace - a condition common in loosely chambered (military) rifles. I'd think you could get quite a few more reloadings from brass, though. Have you considered annealing? I would think the likelihood of case head separation at 4 firings would be low. Posted by: Weasel at December 26, 2018 09:01 PM (MVjcR) 184
I marvel at what one can accomplish with a massively corrupted, compliant, and colluding media.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at December 26, 2018 09:02 PM (EZebt) 185
Did he ever admit to dating underage girls? Ie. girls younger than 18? I'm not saying it's not creepy for a 30yo to date an 18 yo. I'm not saying the 18yo wasn't in college.
You specifically said he admitted to dating *underaged* girls. Did he actually admit that? As others have noted the accusations about him and 14yo's were just slander, they've been debunked. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear _________ Here is where I'm getting that from, you be the judge. HANNITY: At that time in your life...Let me ask you this you do remember these girls would it be unusual for you as a 32 year old guy to have dated a woman as young as 17? That would be a 15 year difference or a girl 18. Do you remember dating girls that young at that time? MOORE: Not generally, no. If did, you know, I'm not going to dispute anything but I don't remember anything like that _______________ "Not generally" means "sometimes" The guy should have just denied everything. Posted by: Blago at December 26, 2018 09:02 PM (UfkIY) 186
#Hamilton68 helped make this happen. H68 Advisory Board consists of bill kristol, david kramer, jake sullivan and john pedestal, among others.
Posted by: Ever at December 26, 2018 09:03 PM (1Zh0U) Posted by: Anachronda at December 26, 2018 09:04 PM (w2xGx) 188
So here's a question - was Humphrey Bogart a perv? He married Bacall when he was 45 and she was 20.... Posted by: 18-1 at December 26, 2018 08:50 PM (cRkMZ) Who stole the strawberries? Posted by: Captain Queeg at December 26, 2018 09:04 PM (UsCnO) 189
12 Any man caught subverting elections with Facebook ads gets a night in the box.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at December 26, 2018 07:51 PM (UGqF ![]() Enough room for three! Posted by: Lena Dunham at December 26, 2018 09:05 PM (AZP2g) 190
Posted by: rhomboid at December 26, 2018 08:53 PM (QDnY+)
----- Having said that, the extraction/ejection sequence in the M1 is fairly violent and beats the brass up pretty thoroughly, so 3 reloadings may not be so bad.... Posted by: Weasel at December 26, 2018 09:07 PM (MVjcR) 191
But what about their Obama pho and other goodies from his stash? They received the very latest bleeding-edge i-Phone? I don't think so. You'll never get the latest and greatest tech toy for free from Big Sistah. That's the whole point. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 09:07 PM (HaL55) 192
Hamilton68 is funded by the Alliance for Securing Democracy (Advisory Board), which is funded by the German Marshall Fund. On the Board of the GMF is Greg Craig. He was obama's WH Counsel and they guy who didn't go to jail when Mueller investigated Skadden Arp's involvement in Manafort's Ukraine policy paper,while his underling, Alex van der Zwaan, did.
Posted by: Ever at December 26, 2018 09:07 PM (1Zh0U) 193
And don't forget Keith Ellison beating the shit out of women.
Posted by: Blago at December 26, 2018 08:59 PM (UfkIY) Literally? Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 26, 2018 09:07 PM (1g7ch) 194
Yet even further proving that the Democrats are evil and only thirst for power. They don't care about the people at all. They only want to control the people.
Posted by: Sponge at December 26, 2018 09:07 PM (Zz0t1) 195
Yet even further proving that the Democrats are evil and only thirst for power. They don't care about the people at all. They only want to control the people. Posted by: Sponge at December 26, 2018 09:07 PM (Zz0t1) ^^THIS. Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at December 26, 2018 09:08 PM (8iiMU) 196
BifBewalski, when I was in the Corps, there were two types of prone positions. One, the classic v-leg, and another where you bring the leg of your shooting side up to heel to knee. It's very stable.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at December 26, 2018 09:08 PM (xzqr4) 197
There will never be another honest election in America. Hell, maybe won't even be another election.
Posted by: Eromero at December 26, 2018 09:09 PM (zLDYs) 198
Yet even further proving that the Democrats are evil and only thirst for power. They don't care about the people at all. They only want to control the people. That's a mental illness. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 09:09 PM (HaL55) 199
...You bet! More specifically with the L to R drift, unsupported, recoil can sometimes cause a right handed shooter to sort of torque to the right. Just something to consider.
Posted by: Weasel at December 26, 2018 08:56 PM (MVjcR) Which can be mostly mitigated by truly mastering the Natural Point of Aim physical discipline when behind the rifle in the prone. That, and an effective Hasty Sling, as taught in many an Appleseed Course. A quality "snap cap" dummy cartridge for Dry Fire practice, and lots of properly coached Dry Fire practice, will pay dividends on Live Fire days. If the shooter will DILIGENTLY improve their "behind the rifle" basics and skills *before* the first round goes downrange... Then that first and many subsequent rounds ought to land in a much cozier group than without that necessary Dry Fire practice. Whole lotta improvements can be made to one's shooting, without firing a single round. Jim Sunk New Dawn Galveston, TX Posted by: Jim at December 26, 2018 09:10 PM (QzJWU) 200
They're using a progress bar at the bottom of the screen that was pioneered by SpaceX.
Posted by: rickl at December 26, 2018 09:10 PM (sdi6R) 201
HANNITY: At that time in your life...Let me ask you this you do remember these girls would it be unusual for you as a 32 year old guy to have dated a woman as young as 17? That would be a 15 year difference or a girl 18. Do you remember dating girls that young at that time?
MOORE: Not generally, no. If did, you know, I'm not going to dispute anything but I don't remember anything like that _______________ "Not generally" means "sometimes" The guy should have just denied everything. Posted by: Blago at December 26, 2018 09:02 PM (UfkIY) Remember that age of consent was 16 in Alabama at that time (12 if first cousin). No parental consent needed. Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 26, 2018 09:11 PM (1g7ch) 202
#176 Good launch! Heh. Looked like it launched in my backyard. (scenery wise that is).
Posted by: t-dubya-d at December 26, 2018 09:11 PM (RZWC0) 203
They're after Democrat-ocracy. They just like to tell everyone it's democracy.
Posted by: t-bird at December 26, 2018 09:11 PM (OiC69) 204
And, david kramer was, per glenn simpson's testimony, part of a "small Russian group". Feinstein leaked that testimony on 1/9/18, kramer invoked 5th on 2/23/18. And, both of these events closely followed the election, 12/17. Possible links?
Posted by: Ever at December 26, 2018 09:11 PM (1Zh0U) Posted by: Weasel at December 26, 2018 09:12 PM (MVjcR) 206
196 BifBewalski, when I was in the Corps, there were two types of prone positions. One, the classic v-leg, and another where you bring the leg of your shooting side up to heel to knee. It's very stable.
Posted by: bill in arkansas it's been a while since I diverted from the prone classic v-leg. I have used the bent knee prone position, but it kills my knee so i quit using it. Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 09:13 PM (8ZeGS) 207
it's been a while since I diverted from the prone classic v-leg. I have used the bent knee prone position, but it kills my knee so i quit using it. Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 09:13 PM (8ZeGS) ------ The bent knee position is good for those who can't use the classic V and still breathe. Posted by: Weasel at December 26, 2018 09:16 PM (MVjcR) 208
206 The difference from being 18 and 29.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at December 26, 2018 09:16 PM (xzqr4) 209
End of webcast, although I think the upper stage is still burning. Looked like a good launch.
Posted by: rickl at December 26, 2018 09:17 PM (sdi6R) 210
208 206 The difference from being 18 and 29.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at December 26, 2018 09:16 PM (xzqr4) ----- *fistbump* Posted by: Weasel at December 26, 2018 09:17 PM (MVjcR) 211
Weasel, yes the extraction process is extremely violent. I spend probably 50% of the total time on 30-06/M-1 reloading just filing down the dents and deformations affecting the extracting groove, so I can get the brass into the shell-holder on the press.
As I approach the reality of this (I am still shooting through my HXP for the first time, plan to shoot it all up, I have new-production Prvi ammo as my "reserve"), I will revisit the issue. CMP forums naturally have lots of experienced reloaders for the M-1; I've read through many threads there the past few years, seems like the lazy/careful sorts go to 4-5 firings and recycle, while some of the more experienced/adventuresome inspect each case and get 8 or more uses out of each. I kind of like my own just-improvised idea of 4 M-1 firings followed by retirement to the bolt-action pasture, for use with a Springfield. Of course I'll have to actually get one of those rifles. Small detail, for the future. Posted by: rhomboid at December 26, 2018 09:17 PM (QDnY+) 212
No, see, the older story about the $100,000 Russian Facebook ad purchase was for the whole country. This is less serious, it's $100,000 in just one state. This is the same money spent in a close election in one of fifty states. Fifty times as concentrated. Oh... Well anyway, they say it was just research. To see what would happen. Like when a 13-year-old puts an M-80 in somebody's mailbox. To see what will happen. Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at December 26, 2018 09:18 PM (t5m5e) 213
thanks, Jim!
I practice the dry fire and natural point of aim almost as often as I practice my self defense one steps ( and my daughter and I practice those every day), and I know that is the root of the repeatability issue. Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 09:18 PM (8ZeGS) 214
CNN attacks troops in Iraq accusing them of basically violating 'hatch act' by accepting MAGA hats from Trump.
Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 26, 2018 09:19 PM (1g7ch) 215
The bent knee position is good for those who can't use the classic V and still breathe.
Posted by: Weasel which is where the pushups and pull ups come in...oh to be twenty again. Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 09:20 PM (8ZeGS) 216
>>>Posted by: Blago at December 26, 2018 09:02 PM (UfkIY)
I see. I agree with you then, it's unfortunate, but I still would have voted for him. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at December 26, 2018 09:21 PM (/qEW2) 217
Remember that age of consent was 16 in Alabama at that time (12 if first cousin). No parental consent needed.
Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 26, 2018 09:11 PM (1g7ch) Too old. Posted by: Harry Reid at December 26, 2018 09:21 PM (9gHOW) 218
215 And bends and motherfuckers till you vomit, you maggot.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at December 26, 2018 09:22 PM (xzqr4) 219
I kind of like my own just-improvised idea of 4 M-1 firings followed by retirement to the bolt-action pasture, for use with a Springfield. Of course I'll have to actually get one of those rifles. Small detail, for the future. Posted by: rhomboid at December 26, 2018 09:17 PM (QDnY+) ------ You will love the '03! I haven't had my M1 out in a while, and it might be interesting to number a few cases and measure overall length with calipers after each firing. If they're not getting longer, check the neck shoulder junction for a donut (not the good kind). Posted by: Weasel at December 26, 2018 09:22 PM (MVjcR) 220
CNN attacks troops in Iraq accusing them of basically violating 'hatch act' by accepting MAGA hats from Trump.
Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 26, 2018 09:19 PM (1g7ch) However, it was reported elsewhere that the troops had their own MAGA gear and were only asking for autographs. THAT, is CNN. Posted by: Sponge at December 26, 2018 09:22 PM (Zz0t1) 221
It's really true-- everything the Left accuses other people of doing, they're doing themselves. Their accusations are a road map to their own activities. Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at December 26, 2018 09:22 PM (t5m5e) 222
"At any rate, the grandest irony of all to me is the similarity that socialism bears to hereditary monarchy. "It's not the system that's at fault. We just have to get the right people in there."
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 08:34 PM (oGNNA) " Yeah, that similarity has struck me, too. It's the same mindset, just with different words to back it up. Posted by: sock_rat_eez at December 26, 2018 09:22 PM (mfOi4) 223
However, it was reported elsewhere that the troops had their own MAGA gear and were only asking for autographs.
THAT, is CNN. Posted by: Sponge at December 26, 2018 09:22 PM (Zz0t1) Even worse - troops were BRINGING political material to an event! In uniform!1!! Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 26, 2018 09:25 PM (1g7ch) 224
CNN attacks troops in Iraq accusing them of basically violating 'hatch act' by accepting MAGA hats from Trump.
Because it's what we would do! Reporting live from New York... about Iraq, this is CNN. Posted by: This... is CNN at December 26, 2018 09:25 PM (Y9zp1) 225
With ballot harvesting, democrats have discarded trying to get more people to vote for them and gone straight to finagling the count. It used to be that you had to either cast a ballot in person, mail in an absentee ballot, or drop it off at the proper location. In all cases the voter had to do that himself. California made it legal for a third party to pick up your ballot and drop it off for you. No way to corrupt that, nosiree.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 26, 2018 09:25 PM (gC2IV) 226
Yeah, that similarity has struck me, too. It's the same mindset, just with different words to back it up. Posted by: sock_rat_eez at December 26, 2018 09:22 PM (mfOi4 ===== Ever notice how many socialists and commies mysteriously form dynasties? The Kims, the Clintons, the Kennedys, the Trudeaus. But thank God we showed those Romanovs a lesson, eh? Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 09:27 PM (oGNNA) 227
225 With ballot harvesting, democrats have discarded trying to get more people to vote for them and gone straight to finagling the count. It used to be that you had to either cast a ballot in person, mail in an absentee ballot, or drop it off at the proper location. In all cases the voter had to do that himself. California made it legal for a third party to pick up your ballot and drop it off for you. No way to corrupt that, nosiree.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 26, 2018 09:25 PM (gC2IV) The end state - all registered voter ballots not cast for 'other' belong to the Democrat. Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 26, 2018 09:28 PM (1g7ch) 228
California made it legal for a third party to pick up your ballot and drop it off for you. No way to corrupt that, nosiree. Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 26, 2018 09:25 PM (gC2IV ==== I think ballot harvesting is legal in a couple of states now. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 09:29 PM (oGNNA) 229
Holy cow, there is a "Cheez-It" Bowl on right now. One of the teams even has a winning record, so that's how I know this top-shelf stuff.
Posted by: t-bird at December 26, 2018 09:30 PM (NAs56) 230
I know where this guy is coming from. I got paid to do a live experiment on how skyscrapers would respond to being hit by commercial airliners and just because it killed 3,000+ people suddenly I'm some kind of monster. People can be so touchy.
Posted by: Osama Bin Laden at December 26, 2018 09:30 PM (icI8A) 231
Democrats flipped all socal R seats using ballot harvesting. If they can go collect ballots from all D registered voters, what's to say they couldn't pinpoint R voters, collect their ballots, and then lose them in a canoeing accident?
Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 26, 2018 09:30 PM (gC2IV) 232
"Holy cow, there is a "Cheez-It" Bowl on right now. One of the teams even has a winning record, so that's how I know this top-shelf stuff.
Posted by: t-bird at December 26, 2018 09:30 PM (NAs56) " Poulan Weed Whacker Bowl or bust. Posted by: Who is broseidon, semi-official komodo dragon shifter? at December 26, 2018 09:31 PM (icI8A) 233
a belated Merry Christmas to the Horde. I'm burned out on the news and Trump tweets.
Posted by: Concerned People's Front, Boofing Chapter at December 26, 2018 09:31 PM (NjJUT) Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 09:32 PM (8ZeGS) 235
It's almost as if it's not an attack on our very democracy if it's intended to help Democrats -- which I guess is why the Democrats never fussed themselves much about seventy years of Soviet agitation on behalf of the American left and Democrat Party.
I wouldn't mind so much if Democrats would just admit that they think theirs is the side of righteousness and that justifies anything that aids them, and that anything that aids conservatives is immoral. But they don't say that. They try to frame things in terms of neutral principles "Whoever uses fraud to influence elections is bad" and then backpedal when they're caught doing it. That's what's so irritating. Stop claiming to adhere to some neutral principle. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at December 26, 2018 09:33 PM (/qEW2) 236
BTW, this was supported by Hamilton68, which is a cabal of rock ribbed conservatives.
Nah just fuckin' with you it's helmed by Bill Kristol and a lot of ex-CIA deep state assholes. Posted by: Who is broseidon, semi-official komodo dragon shifter? at December 26, 2018 09:34 PM (icI8A) 237
"Holy cow, there is a "Cheez-It" Bowl on right now. One of the teams even has a winning record, so that's how I know this top-shelf stuff.
Posted by: t-bird at December 26, 2018 09:30 PM (NAs56) " Poulan Weed Whacker Bowl or bust. Posted by: Who is broseidon, semi-official komodo dragon shifter? at December 26, 2018 09:31 PM (icI8A) --------------- I like the Bowl games, but am going to wait until Saturday to watch some of the big ones. Posted by: Calm Mentor at December 26, 2018 09:34 PM (ffYR/) 238
...thanks, Jim!
I practice the dry fire and natural point of aim almost as often as I practice my self defense one steps ( and my daughter and I practice those every day), and I know that is the root of the repeatability issue. Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 09:18 PM (8ZeGS) You're most welcome, BifB... and cheers to you for already being in the proper practice groove, there! Seeing as you're on the right track, I'll leave you with the one tip I'd give if I was standing there coaching you. Put every bit of your mental focus into not only your sight picture and "the break"....but also to the FOLLOW THROUGH. Those sights ought to be as exactly on-target *after* the sear breaks, as before. Get that as a result in your dry fire practice, and I'll hope that you see your desired result! /break Hiya, Weasel! Jim Sunk New Dawn Galveston, TX Posted by: Jim at December 26, 2018 09:35 PM (QzJWU) 239
"I like the Bowl games, but am going to wait until Saturday to watch some of the big ones.
Posted by: Calm Mentor at December 26, 2018 09:34 PM (ffYR/) " You haven't lived til you've seen a classic East Carolina vs UTEP barnburner. Posted by: Who is broseidon, semi-official komodo dragon shifter? at December 26, 2018 09:36 PM (icI8A) 240
Is it required that a spokesman for Shriners has to have a lisp?
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 26, 2018 09:36 PM (bQtop) 241
This, I shall focus on!
Those sights ought to be as exactly on-target *after* the sear breaks, as before. Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 09:37 PM (8ZeGS) 242
Drill Instructor Sgt Jones: you gonna hump a godamn sand bag into combat with you? You think Charlie is gonna just sit there and wait for you to get set up? If you're gonna be a Marine, you're going to fucking learn how to shoot the Marine Corps way!
Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 26, 2018 09:37 PM (gC2IV) 243
Democrats flipped all socal R seats using ballot harvesting. If they can go collect ballots from all D registered voters, what's to say they couldn't pinpoint R voters, collect their ballots, and then lose them in a canoeing accident? That's where I go back to my previous comment about how nice it would be having a government that was actually interested in accurate voting enough to insure the same by prohibiting bullshit such as this. #WASTF I'm just about to give up on politics altogether. What good does it do me to get incensed about this if nobody in power is? I suppose I should take my ass-fucking like a man and not complain since it does absolutely no good. They've already destroyed my career, that should've taught me something about those assholes, but nooooo...I had to be naively stupid and want the right thing to be done. Silly me. I'm a moron and an idiot. And an imbecile. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 09:37 PM (HaL55) 244
It's almost as if it's not an attack on our very democracy if it's intended to help Democrats Just like Anti-fa can't be bad. They're "against" fascism. Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 26, 2018 09:40 PM (aKsyK) 245
BackwardsBoy: I wouldn't blame you for tapping out. I only follow politics because of this place, but that's because you fuckers are good people that make me laugh. If this place were a sports or video game blog, I'd have 0 active interest in following politics as a spectator sport.
Posted by: Who is broseidon, semi-official komodo dragon shifter? at December 26, 2018 09:40 PM (icI8A) 246
241 This, I shall focus on!
Those sights ought to be as exactly on-target *after* the sear breaks, as before. Posted by: BifBewalski -sofa king we Todd did at December 26, 2018 09:37 PM (8ZeGS) Aim small, miss small. Posted by: Benjamin Martin at December 26, 2018 09:41 PM (2DOZq) 247
''O fortuna" is like the introduction to "Also Sprach Zarathustra", both shoot the bolt; the rest of the pieces are largely uninteresting.''
I respectfully disagree with you about ''Carmina Burana'' Posted by: Tuna at December 26, 2018 09:42 PM (jm1YL) 248
Republicans need to just start engaging voter fraud if they want to see any laws passed.
As long as it benefits Democrats, don't expect anything to be done. Posted by: Blago at December 26, 2018 09:44 PM (UfkIY) 249
Doug Jones got the same amount of votes as Clinton. Moore got half as many as Trump. No funny business there at all.
Posted by: Benjamin Martin at December 26, 2018 09:45 PM (2DOZq) 250
I'm a moron and an idiot. And an imbecile.
----------- No, you're not. You grew up in an age when it wasn't all politics all the time where the only goal goal winning. We had faith in the system, to your point. I think it really started to go seriously off the rails in 2000. Things could obviously go wrong before then, but the left went insane after that one, throwing everything out the window to "just win, baby!" Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 26, 2018 09:46 PM (gC2IV) 251
It's not progressive's Projection Politics.
Posted by: Orson at December 26, 2018 09:47 PM (Esqkf) 252
Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 26, 2018 09:46 PM (gC2IV)
1960 Nixon would probably disagree on your timeline. Posted by: Benjamin Martin at December 26, 2018 09:47 PM (2DOZq) 253
Republicans need to just start engaging voter fraud if they want to see any laws passed.
The laws have been passed. Posted by: t-bird at December 26, 2018 09:48 PM (QrTqV) 254
It's interception palooza at the Cheez It Bowl. 5 in the last few minutes.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 26, 2018 09:49 PM (gC2IV) 255
1960 Nixon would probably disagree on your timeline.
------------ Which is why I said it could go wrong before. Both Nixon and Reagan won landslides after the Kennedy BS. After 2000 the left went insane. They went even further after 16. Not sure there's any going back. Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 26, 2018 09:52 PM (gC2IV) 256
Republicans need to just start engaging voter fraud if they want to see any laws passed. As long as it benefits Democrats, don't expect anything to be done. I'm reasonably sure there are already laws that prohibit voter fraud, they just aren't enforced, just like the border laws and sanctuary cities. We don't need any more laws that will just get ignored by Progs. This "social justice" bullshit is illegal too. As one of the Morons (named "An Observation") has already pointed out several times, it's illegal to prevent someone from exercising their rights, but it's already happening with no repercussions at all. If nobody in power gives a shit enough to do their job, why should I care anymore? Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 09:52 PM (HaL55) 257
We are a nation of unenforced laws.
Posted by: Sponge at December 26, 2018 09:55 PM (Zz0t1) 258
Sunk New Dawn Galveston, TX Posted by: Jim at December 26, 2018 09:35 PM (QzJWU) --------------------- There's a guy I shoot with, high power matches, that when he shoots an M1 Garand, he's a machine when it comes to repeatability. Shoulder, recoil, rifle goes up, loads, shoulders, fires. He's like a metronome on the range and his scores reflect it. (slow fire off-hand) Absolutely a treat to watch. Posted by: Blake - tis the season for grinching at December 26, 2018 09:55 PM (WEBkv) 259
I don't see any evidence that the GOPe is doing anything about voter fraud. If that keeps up, 2020 will be a nightmare, Trump or no Trump.
Posted by: rickl at December 26, 2018 09:55 PM (sdi6R) 260
Which is why I said it could go wrong before. Both Nixon and Reagan won landslides after the Kennedy BS. After 2000 the left went insane. They went even further after 16. Not sure there's any going back.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 26, 2018 09:52 PM (gC2IV) ------------------ There is no going back. Over the last 20 years the Dems have purged their party of anybody that was even remotely moderate. Zell Miller is the last Blue Dog I remember, who would vote Country over party. -------------- The only place they are going is further Left. Posted by: Calm Mentor at December 26, 2018 09:57 PM (ffYR/) 261
What good does it do me to get incensed about this if nobody in power is? Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 09:37 PM (HaL55 === You know what should happen? Some Californian, like me for example, should agitate for a Proposition to cancel all Republican votes in all elections. See how far it would get. I bet it could get passed. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 09:57 PM (oGNNA) 262
You know what should happen? Some Californian, like me for example, should agitate for a Proposition to cancel all Republican votes in all elections. See how far it would get. I bet it could get passed.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 09:57 PM (oGNNA) ---------------- I'd sign. Might as well let this commie state implode faster. Posted by: Blake - tis the season for grinching at December 26, 2018 09:59 PM (WEBkv) 263
The Dems copied the tactics that gave us Trump
Is that fair? Posted by: No at December 26, 2018 09:59 PM (j/0/+) 264
255 1960 Nixon would probably disagree on your timeline.
------------ Which is why I said it could go wrong before. Both Nixon and Reagan won landslides after the Kennedy BS. After 2000 the left went insane. They went even further after 16. Not sure there's any going back. Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 26, 2018 09:52 PM (gC2IV) I will concede that 2000 was when local crooked Dem modus operandi went national. Posted by: Benjamin Martin at December 26, 2018 10:00 PM (2DOZq) 265
I'm a Californian
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 26, 2018 10:00 PM (bQtop) 266
You know what should happen? Some Californian, like me for example, should agitate for a Proposition to cancel all Republican votes in all elections. See how far it would get. I bet it could get passed. You don't need to go to all that trouble. They have "ballot harvesting" that does the same thing now. Oh well, I should be glad that I got to experience a little bit of America as it was intended to be, at least for a short while. I'm glad I'm old now and have something to look forward to that can't be taken away from me. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 26, 2018 10:02 PM (HaL55) 267
263 The Dems copied the tactics that gave us Trump
Is that fair? Posted by: No at December 26, 2018 09:59 PM (j/0/+) Hillary will never be President. Posted by: Benjamin Martin at December 26, 2018 10:03 PM (2DOZq) 268
263 The Dems copied the tactics that gave us Trump
Is that fair? Posted by: No at December 26, 2018 09:59 PM (j/0/+) --------------- You mean the one where the Dems realize they have to campaign in all 50 states rather than run up the totals in blue states? Posted by: Blake - tis the season for grinching at December 26, 2018 10:04 PM (WEBkv) 269
The Dems copied the tactics that gave us Trump
Is that fair? Decades of failures by the Ruling Class? They originated them, sugartits. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 26, 2018 10:14 PM (oVJmc) 270
"You know what should happen? Some Californian, like me for example, should agitate for a Proposition to cancel all Republican votes in all elections. See how far it would get. I bet it could get passed.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at December 26, 2018 09:57 PM (oGNNA)" ------------/ In a landslide of harvested votes. Posted by: Decaf at December 26, 2018 10:49 PM (jLBUC) 271
I live in Alabama and I am convinced the ONLY reason Jones won is because of the 14 year old girl stuff and Moore kind of being a Creeper McCreepster. I don't believe Jones will ever win a second term.
Posted by: amy rey at December 27, 2018 10:41 AM (w+mxN) 272
Let's see.
100 grand for a special senate race: No big deal. 100 grand for a major US Presidential race: HUGE DEAL, COLLUSION, IMPEACHMENT, WHITE SUPREMACY!! (OK, I added a couple, but you know the drift.) Posted by: Jonah Kyle at December 28, 2018 11:47 AM (SH7Tr) Processing 0.04, elapsed 0.0569 seconds. |
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