aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Standard Everday Cucks Vs. Super Mega Incel CuckCuck 1:
They've called for Pruitt to step down, published two posts about soccer, pushed the NYAG suit against Trump's foundation, and tweeted about movies.But nothing about the IG report. So I assume this sentiment from last year still stands:
Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
gaf gaf
Posted by: sobaka at June 14, 2018 07:44 PM (H5knJ) 2
Posted by: Funnier North Korean at June 14, 2018 07:46 PM (MIVQy) 3
Off, NORK Sock!
Posted by: Hawkpilot at June 14, 2018 07:47 PM (MIVQy) 4
Posted by: Hawkpilot at June 14, 2018 07:47 PM (MIVQy) 5
Billy, don't you lose my number, cause your not anywhere and I cant find you
Posted by: Somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 14, 2018 07:47 PM (M+Lyo) Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 14, 2018 07:47 PM (EoRCO) 7
Insert nautical joke here______
Posted by: DXO at June 14, 2018 07:47 PM (nzKWW) 8
Isn't that "come abroad"??
Posted by: Captain Ned at June 14, 2018 07:47 PM (XIfux) 9
Bill Kristol : Self-satisfied, egomaniac SOB. My life and my rights as a citizen and human being mean nothing to you, because you are as one of the stars in Heaven.
Don't bet your bippy on it, fool. The witch speaks. Posted by: Your friendly neighborhood witch at June 14, 2018 07:47 PM (HLTe8) 10
Hey now, I'm a civil servant, at the state level. I look nothing like Milton!!! I demand satisfaction!!!
Posted by: lin-duh at June 14, 2018 07:48 PM (kufk0) Posted by: rickb223 at June 14, 2018 07:48 PM (9uM86) 12
Intent to move classified information to an unclassified system? Bah, just
Posted by: The Mouse that Roared, Americans don't Serf at June 14, 2018 07:48 PM (DxWUs) 13
I'm believing that Evan McMuffin is a highly-incompentent Brennan CIA op.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 14, 2018 07:49 PM (oVJmc) 14
Is Evan Macmullan actually a lying, corrupt, hell bound piece of human trash? Or am I guilty of misunderstanding him?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at June 14, 2018 07:49 PM (nBr1j) 15
Insert nautical joke here______
Posted by: DXO a Bill hasn't inserted his nautical joke in a long time. Right Paolo? Posted by: Bill Kristol's wife at June 14, 2018 07:49 PM (kYLYM) 16
I'm seriously starting to think Eggmcmullin is a foreign infiltrator from some shithole country assigned to create chaos in the USA. He speaks like a fucking idiot with no understanding of reality. Posted by: Soothsayer -- Follow and Lick Me On Fakebook at June 14, 2018 07:49 PM (9yPBp) 17
Just like a fine wine. No OIG Report before its time.
These things gotta marinate/ferment for a while. This report is devastating. With more to come. Posted by: RI Red at June 14, 2018 07:49 PM (I1V3o) 18
Posted by: blaster at June 14, 2018 07:49 PM (jHrzU) 19
You can never change the mind of a man who's being paid to maintain the same tediously dishonest position.
I mean... someone has got to be paying him, right? Nobody is that stubbornly idiotic in the face of all reality. Its like he is deliberately trying to be stupid Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at June 14, 2018 07:49 PM (39g3+) 20
everyone knows you have to go through Russian intelligence in order to win the presidency!
Posted by: Evan McNumbskull at June 14, 2018 07:49 PM (RKQ/v) Posted by: zombie walter white at June 14, 2018 07:50 PM (Evws/) 22
McMuffin gets cuck implants in his butt every six weeks, The only way he can keep this level of delusion.
Posted by: Ben Had at June 14, 2018 07:50 PM (cHVSG) 23
I wish someone would pay me to say stupid things, I have a great deal of them.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at June 14, 2018 07:50 PM (l9m7l) 24
I can't understand what motivates someone like McMullin unless its cash. He isn't getting any work from this, no esteem, no respect. He's not even like the horse in Animal Farm where everyone loves him despite his being a complete tool of the Man.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at June 14, 2018 07:50 PM (39g3+) 25
Egg McMuffin is an unserious person.
Posted by: blaster at June 14, 2018 07:51 PM (jHrzU) 26
Were you maybe going for "inconel cuck" there ?
Posted by: ScoggDog at June 14, 2018 07:51 PM (fiGNd) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 14, 2018 07:51 PM (r+sAi) 28
No one should be the least bit surprised a devout muslim would want to bring justice to the USA by flying airplanes into the heart of Manhattan. Posted by: Evan McMullin super cia spy, boy genius, brain of german shepherd at June 14, 2018 07:52 PM (9yPBp) 29
Ahoy, captain. May I come aboard your wife? Posted by: Ace of Spades at 07:50 PM Is her name Eileen? Posted by: Dexy at June 14, 2018 07:52 PM (fdTrp) 30
14 Is Evan Macmullan actually a lying, corrupt, hell bound piece of human trash? Or am I guilty of misunderstanding him?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at June 14, 2018 07:49 PM (nBr1j) Yeah. He's not that good of a person. Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 07:52 PM (BRvh1) 31
That's retarded sir.
Posted by: Bosk at June 14, 2018 07:52 PM (fjMEv) Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at June 14, 2018 07:52 PM (9yPBp) 33
Cucks gotta cuck.
Posted by: SteveOReno, as an intelligent person, I self-identify as a Moron at June 14, 2018 07:53 PM (2sCft) 34
371 The IG report and its summary remind me of that intel report and its summary about Iranian efforts for nukes back during GWB's Presidency. That report had many indications of Iranian shenanigans but the summary said, "No, no, it's all cool, bro!" It was the summary that was seized upon. Posted by: davidt at June 14, 2018 07:46 PM (TKQ/l) Posted by: davidt at June 14, 2018 07:53 PM (TKQ/l) 35
I had to explain to my coworkers today that, yes..we can conceal and open carry at work. One of the girls had a death threat today...not a credible one but one none the less.
Posted by: lin-duh at June 14, 2018 07:53 PM (kufk0) 36
And yet ---- are any of them calling for firings, indictments, strongly worded letters in their HR files?!?
(I haven't bothered to check, so maybe this is more than just getting the tsk-tsk tweets out of the way before going back to "Heh, hicks eat tater tots! giggle, snort) Posted by: Lizzy at June 14, 2018 07:53 PM (W+vEI) 37
Yo, FBI, thanks for making us look respectable!
Posted by: Bob at IRS at June 14, 2018 07:53 PM (WEBkv) 38
McMullin should do the world a favor and hang himself.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2018 07:53 PM (8Ku6c) 39
well, as someone who comments at the Althouse blog posted not too long ago, some people like him are looking forward to Trump being indicted and tried and convicted, even if they have no idea at all what the crime is.
Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at June 14, 2018 07:53 PM (KxbBq) Posted by: Adriane the Technology Critic ... at June 14, 2018 07:54 PM (AoK0a) 41
If you are have to wear a tie in your job, fucking wear the tie. None of this unbuttoned top button shit. If your neck is too fat for comfort, BUY A BIGGER NECK SHIRT. Sheesh. Posted by: JAS at June 14, 2018 07:54 PM (3HNOQ) 42
Friendsh, this McMuffin guy ish on to something.
Posted by: staffers pretending John McCain is still alive at June 14, 2018 07:54 PM (kYLYM) 43
No one should be the least but surprised the German people wanted justice from the Jews who were in league with the Devil. Posted by: Evan McMullin super cia spy, boy genius, brain of german shepherd at June 14, 2018 07:54 PM (9yPBp) 44
Justice was served today to the vile trumpster trash.
Posted by: Capt Kristol in his motorized canoe at June 14, 2018 07:54 PM (yhf6w) 45
Love that Iowahawk thing. A classic. (I assume all our 29-yr olds here recognize the guy on the left? That's one of the great things about that tweet - what % of the audience would sorta-kinda get it, even without knowing the identity of the guy on the left)
Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 07:54 PM (QDnY+) 46
I just read the Twitter thread of Tapper which puts Hillary's loss quite a bit at Comey's feet.
It also reveals that Horowitz is saying both that Strzok's motivation affected his investigation, while saying some place else that there is no proof that it affected his investigation. His hunger to get after Trump was enough to cause him to delay looking into the Weiner laptop--thus delaying Comey's announcement--but apparently affected his behavior in no other way. Because it's only worth condemnation when it affects Dems. Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 07:54 PM (vDqXW) 47
I really don't get what an "incel" is.
I can understand "volcel". You've made a choice. You live by that choice. It's become part of your identity. Your public persona. It's a label that actually tells you something about the person. But "incel"? That just means you're a loser, basically. Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 07:54 PM (BRvh1) 48
Remember kiddos, every 3rd party candidate is backed by Democrats at least 98% of the time.
Posted by: Ashey Judd's Puffy Scamper, nee MrCaniac at June 14, 2018 07:54 PM (fdTrp) 49
Egg McMuffin is an unserious person.
Posted by: blaster at June 14, 2018 07:51 PM (jHrzU) ++++ Didn't McMuffin have some kind of sketchy CIA or other intelligence agency type background? Too lazy to do a search on it. Posted by: SteveOReno, as an intelligent person, I self-identify as a Moron at June 14, 2018 07:54 PM (2sCft) 50
What is a bippy? I'm not sure I trust Internet definitions.
Anyways. Watching NR and Standard try to get Pruitt fired is wholly illuminating. Let me help them out with a Guide to Employment in the Trump Administration. 1) Speak against the Big Man, and your days are numbered. 2) Underperform, and you will be permitted to either improve or resign. 3) Deliver often and in quantity, and you are safe. These can be summarized by the Primary Rule, which overruled all others. Donald Trump does not care about what his enemies say. No matter how bad it looks, if you fail to deliver he will fire you and not look back. Posted by: trev006 at June 14, 2018 07:54 PM (paRwT) 51
35. At my previous employer, I was one of three on staff who CC'd. It was a great and good thing - my CHL was, in fact, a bonus with that org.
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Ask Me About SMR & Ancient Slavonaut Theory at June 14, 2018 07:55 PM (fA1SL) 52
GOOD LORD !!!! Tucker Carlson has no idea why Strzok is still employed or was
Posted by: Internet Tough Guy at June 14, 2018 07:55 PM (y3aQB) 53
Cap'n Bill is still mourning the loss of the SS Sea Cuck after the maelstrom Stormy Daniels took it down.
Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet Brings You Inspector General and his Electric Accordian Band! at June 14, 2018 07:55 PM (0QYMt) 54
I think Egg McMuffin drinks Zima.
Posted by: blaster at June 14, 2018 07:55 PM (jHrzU) 55
44 Justice was served today to the vile trumpster trash.
Posted by: Capt Kristol in his motorized canoe at June 14, 2018 07:54 PM (yhf6w) I read that as if he were sitting in a tub of bubble-bath playing with little rubber duckies and toy soldiers and plastic boats. Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 07:55 PM (BRvh1) 56
Much as I'd like to look at that train wreck, I just cannot bring myself to look up Kristol on twoofter to see what nuggets of, well, nuggets, he's dropped in the punchbowl.
Posted by: Blake - used bridge salesman at June 14, 2018 07:55 PM (WEBkv) 57
Stunned that Hayes and French would say anything sensible. Still won't think of ever reading anything they have to say.
Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 07:55 PM (QDnY+) 58
But "incel"? That just means you're a loser, basically.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 07:54 PM (BRvh1) ++++ Pretty much. You'd like to be getting laid, but it ain't gonna happen. Posted by: SteveOReno, as an intelligent person, I self-identify as a Moron at June 14, 2018 07:55 PM (2sCft) 59
There is no "Trump" State.
There is a very real Deep State and they are the enemy of every American citizen. Billy Kristol needs an ass whuppin. Then some castor oil. Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 14, 2018 07:55 PM (EoRCO) 60
The IG report and its summary remind me of that intel report and its
summary about Iranian efforts for nukes back during GWB's Presidency. The IG report and its summary remind me of that Comey speech laying out all the criminal hillary stuff with her emails and then saying "nah bro, no reasonable prosecutor...." Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 14, 2018 07:56 PM (r+sAi) Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 14, 2018 07:56 PM (LsBY9) 62
Not only did they know what classified means, they don't care.
Posted by: Eromero at June 14, 2018 07:56 PM (zLDYs) 63
g'early evenin', 'rons
Posted by: AltonJackson at June 14, 2018 07:56 PM (KCxzN) 64
59. Bastinado before the oil.
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Ask Me About SMR & Ancient Slavonaut Theory at June 14, 2018 07:56 PM (fA1SL) 65
So, by definition many married men are incels???
Posted by: lin-duh at June 14, 2018 07:57 PM (kufk0) 66
trev006, that is excellent, and I think very accurate.
Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 07:57 PM (QDnY+) 67
Do we have any intel on Bill Krystol's old lady ?
Posted by: ScoggDog at June 14, 2018 07:57 PM (fiGNd) 68
I reiterate: They have been snooping around Carter Page for OVER two years now, and had 100% of his personal communications for over a year.
He's the guy who's "suspicious", and he's the guy who hasn't been charged with a squattie pottie. And yet Muffinhead is saying they *knew* something they haven't indicted *anybody* on when they *began* the investigation. Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 07:57 PM (vDqXW) Posted by: Jollyroger at June 14, 2018 07:57 PM (7Z5/k) 70
Emergency! Every one to get from street.
Posted by: The Russians are Coming at June 14, 2018 07:57 PM (FTlwv) Posted by: DR.WTF? at June 14, 2018 07:57 PM (T71PA) 72
>>Egg McMuffin is an unserious person.
Is he a real person, or is he just an elaborate hoax? Has anyone seen this guy IRL, or even giving a speech or an interview? Seriously starting to wonder if it's a composite candidate/social media group project. Posted by: Lizzy at June 14, 2018 07:57 PM (W+vEI) Posted by: Dan Martin at June 14, 2018 07:57 PM (3HNOQ) 74
But "incel"? That just means you're a loser, basically.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 07:54 PM (BRvh1) Yes. Yes, it does. Posted by: Ersatz at June 14, 2018 07:58 PM (44PTs) 75
Egg McMuffin wears a bathing suit in the shower.
Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at June 14, 2018 07:58 PM (kYLYM) 76
re 45: didn't recognize the pic but at least I know that Murphy was one hell of a war hero.
course, to many of our youngerns, a war hero is someone who fought the good fight against Trump. Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at June 14, 2018 07:58 PM (KxbBq) 77
I read that as if he were sitting in a tub of bubble-bath playing with little rubber duckies and toy soldiers and plastic boats.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 07:55 PM (BRvh1) ............ My gawd, how did you know? Posted by: Capt Kristol in his motorized canoe at June 14, 2018 07:58 PM (yhf6w) 78
Dear Jesus, please get eggmcmuffin to endorse mitt romney. Amen. Posted by: Evan McMullin super cia spy, boy genius, brain of german shepherd at June 14, 2018 07:58 PM (9yPBp) 79
We should be putting people up against walls, building gallows and sharpening the guillotine, and these people are acting like they're offended the perpetrators didn't wear white gloves to dinner, had red wine with chicken and passed wind in public without apologizing .
Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2018 07:58 PM (8Ku6c) 80
53 Cap'n Bill is still mourning the loss of the SS Sea Cuck after the maelstrom Stormy Daniels took it down.
Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet Brings You Inspector General and his Electric Accordian Band! at June 14, 2018 07:55 PM (0QYMt) God knows many good men went down on that one. And some ladies. Posted by: Jollyroger at June 14, 2018 07:59 PM (7Z5/k) Posted by: Dick Martin at June 14, 2018 07:59 PM (3HNOQ) 82
Love, exciting and new
Come aboard, my wife's been expecting you Love, life's sweetest reward Let it flow, it flows back to you Cuck Boat soon will be making another run The Cuck Boat promises something for everyone Set a course for cucking Your bull on a new romance Love won't hurt anyone It's an open vagina on a friendly shore Yes love... It's love! Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at June 14, 2018 07:59 PM (4ErVI) 83
Gah ... Mrs. Bill Krystol is a Zero.
Posted by: ScoggDog at June 14, 2018 07:59 PM (fiGNd) Posted by: Dick Martin at June 14, 2018 07:59 PM (vDqXW) Posted by: f'd at June 14, 2018 08:00 PM (UdKB7) 86
Lizzy, amidst all this shit I would like to say that I enjoy reading your and GWS's posts. You are both well informed.
Posted by: Ben Had at June 14, 2018 08:00 PM (cHVSG) 87
Compare the treatment of Hillary to that of Flynn. There is no justice in D.C.
Posted by: IanDeal at June 14, 2018 08:00 PM (5mrLG) 88
If nothing else, it was great to see the scales fall from the eyes of Trey Goudy. He is pissed.
Posted by: JAS at June 14, 2018 08:00 PM (3HNOQ) 89
Democrats in congress: well there's no evidence of any Russian collusion
FBI: we can find no evidence of Russian collusion Meuller probe: No collusion is in evidence McMullan: TOTALLY RUSSIAN COLLUSION! ASK ME ABOUT THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE AND HOODIA! Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at June 14, 2018 08:00 PM (39g3+) 90
47 I really don't get what an "incel" is.
I can understand "volcel". You've made a choice. You live by that choice. It's become part of your identity. Your public persona. It's a label that actually tells you something about the person. But "incel"? That just means you're a loser, basically. Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 07:54 PM (BRvh1) Well, that's it. The term is used as an insult, nothing more. Posted by: rickl at June 14, 2018 08:00 PM (sdi6R) 91
Bird Kristol and the weakly standard are ops. Designed to steer and sabotage.
Posted by: Simplemind at June 14, 2018 08:01 PM (ZuGkg) 92
McMullin...Evan McMullin!
Posted by: How Evan McMullin Sees Himself at June 14, 2018 08:01 PM (O5Q3r) 93
This was A Cuck Too Far for Hayes and French.
McMuffin? The man was born to cuck. And clean the orlop deck. Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet Brings You Inspector General and his Electric Accordian Band! at June 14, 2018 08:01 PM (0QYMt) Posted by: sock_rat_eez, they are gaslighting us 24/365 at June 14, 2018 08:01 PM (GNCPT) Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:01 PM (/tuJf) 96
I just noticed there's a comments section on Wolfe's GoFundMe. Priceless:
Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at June 14, 2018 08:01 PM (rnXGe) 97
What's the term if you're fully able to find someone to bump uglies with but choose not to?
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at June 14, 2018 08:01 PM (39g3+) 98
If nothing else, it was great to see the scales fall from the eyes of Trey Goudy. He is pissed.
Posted by: JAS at June 14, 2018 08:00 PM (3HNOQ) He just got some product in his eyes. He'll be fine. Posted by: ScoggDog at June 14, 2018 08:01 PM (fiGNd) 99
59. Bastinado before the oil.
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Ask Me About SMR & Ancient Slavonaut Theory at June 14, 2018 07:56 PM (fA1SL) for me. What was that whip thing the Czar would use on his Billy Kristols? Bring one of those along.... Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 14, 2018 08:01 PM (EoRCO) 100
Not only no justice, hillary actually colluded with russia, and then used the govt to try and pin it on Trump. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 14, 2018 08:01 PM (r+sAi) 101
Ah fudgescicle
Posted by: f'd at June 14, 2018 08:01 PM (UdKB7) 102
re 71: Bippy is a low-cal version of Bibble.
Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at June 14, 2018 08:01 PM (KxbBq) 103
87. There is no justice in DC.
** Another look at Pense and Mattis on a vodka-fuelled tank and arty rampage? Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Ask Me About SMR & Ancient Slavonaut Theory at June 14, 2018 08:02 PM (fA1SL) 104
I didn't recognize Audie Murphy at first, but I thought:
"Well, he's awfully damn young to have more hardware showing than fabric. Whoever he is, he's gotta be famous." And then just assumed it was Audie Murphy. Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 08:02 PM (BRvh1) 105
Evan and Bill could share a cabin... and a cabin boy.
Posted by: The Love Boat at June 14, 2018 08:02 PM (HgMAr) 106
The IG report has evidence Clinton lied to FBI and the FBI says she lied.
Does that mean Huber will prosecute her for lying? Posted by: blaster at June 14, 2018 08:02 PM (jHrzU) 107
If nothing else, it was great to see the scales fall from the eyes of Trey Goudy. He is pissed. Posted by: JAS at June 14, 2018 08:00 PM (3HNOQ) A passing tantrum. He'll calm down and sheepishly return to the fold. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 14, 2018 08:02 PM (LsBY9) 108
McMuffin? The man was born to cuck. And clean the orlop deck.
Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet Brings You Inspector General and his Electric Accordian Band! at June 14, 2018 08:01 PM (0QYMt) Cats like us ... Baby We Were Born to Cuck !!! Posted by: Scogg Springstein at June 14, 2018 08:02 PM (fiGNd) 109
I didn't recognize Audie Murphy at first
Read his book. Its astounding both what he did, and the way he depicts it as being just trying to stay alive and help his friends, nothing heroic or unusual, usually done while terrified or stunned Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at June 14, 2018 08:03 PM (39g3+) 110
If mcmuffin is such an honorable guy, why isn't he working, trying to pay off all those thousands of dollars in campaign debts he owes.
Too bad we don't have debtor's prison. Posted by: Ever at June 14, 2018 08:03 PM (QPeHQ) 111 for me. What was that whip thing the Czar would use on his Billy Kristols?
Bring one of those along.... Posted by: Hairyback Guy I did not know that the Czars kept court eunuchs. #TheMoreYouKnow Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at June 14, 2018 08:03 PM (kYLYM) 112
Who, ol' Vise Head? Trey Gowdy's momma squeezed her legs together tight when little baby Trey was trying to escape her womb. Ended up with that narrow head. Posted by: Evan McMullin super cia spy, boy genius, brain of german shepherd at June 14, 2018 08:03 PM (9yPBp) 113
So Evan did you ever pay your people for their services during your highly successful presidential campaign? Or are you still a deadbeat scumbag?
Posted by: tu3031 at June 14, 2018 08:03 PM (O5Q3r) 114
I can't understand what motivates someone like McMullin unless its cash. He isn't getting any work from this, no esteem, no respect."
Once you think a minute, his life is really sad right now. He has no job, no organization, piles of debts, and even the never trumpers are getting sick of him. (because he keeps hitting them up for money) Think about it - his opinion, in his tweet here, means just as much as if Joe the downtown Wino on the curb was able to type tweets. Posted by: Tom Servo at June 14, 2018 08:03 PM (V2Yro) 115
Upon further reflection while shoveling dirt and making Vietnamese iced coffee, I am reasserting my earlier take.
By basically giving the "team" the benefit of the doubt on investigative judgement calls, and finding no evidence of bias affecting the course of the investigation, the IG has itself suffered a collapse of judgement, and the report is a disaster. Yes yes yes lots of dirt in the body of the report. Maybe even dirt that will lead to prosecutions. If so, indefensible and inexplicable that IG conclusions would give a clean bill of health on the central question - which they most definitely did. Director Wray is not just the wrong man for the job, he's a disaster. He's been silent (a huge mistake already), but now that he's opened his mouth, worst fears are more than confirmed. Pair his comments today with some from Rosenstein the last few months, and it's hard to resist the conclusion that these two are arrogant, clueless people who really would have been perfect for the last, corrupt, Third World administration. Trump and Sessions' judgement in keeping these two in their jobs is looking very very questionable. Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 08:04 PM (QDnY+) 116
On a high note...'The Capt Kristol in his motorized canoe Sock'...has been officially sent to the bottom of troll harbor. It became a boring, repetitive nuisance like it`s namesake!
Posted by: Tentotwo at June 14, 2018 08:04 PM (yhf6w) 117
The IG report has evidence Clinton lied to FBI and the FBI says she lied.
Yet somehow the conclusion by the IG that it wasn't in any way partisan motivated? What, precisely does he think was the motivation? Random caprice? Fear of retaliation? Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at June 14, 2018 08:04 PM (39g3+) 118
Retard Nation -- rise up!
Posted by: zombie at June 14, 2018 08:04 PM (c+2jX) 119
Audie was a lot like Alvin York.
Great shooters. Great guys. They tried to put Audie in West Point. He just didn't have the pre-requisites. Posted by: JAS at June 14, 2018 08:04 PM (3HNOQ) 120
Why would Trey Gowdy be pissed?
Posted by: blaster at June 14, 2018 08:04 PM (jHrzU) 121
After the Kabuki Theater today, you have been officially warned to restock your ammo cache before the Deep State ends ammo sales.
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at June 14, 2018 08:04 PM (UsCnO) 122
Is Supercuck a DC or Marvel hero?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at June 14, 2018 08:05 PM (nBr1j) 123
mcmullin's motivation is.... his leftist ideology. He's the worst phony conservative since the Bushes. Posted by: Evan McMullin super cia spy, boy genius, brain of german shepherd at June 14, 2018 08:05 PM (9yPBp) 124
Also we're asked to accept that in regards to what the FBI missed: mistakes. were. made.
But you're allowed to get real, real mad about Strzok delaying Comey's subpoena for the Weiner laptop and demand a do-over of the election. Yet in both cases, the answer is sort of: mistakes were made. But people like Tapper are saying these mistakes are more significant than those mistakes. Tapper reaffirms the two-tiered system of justice and concern. They want to slap Comey in irons and say HE'S THE REASON they don't have their queen, even though if Strzok delayed Comey, it wasn't Comey's decision to delay, mistakes were made. It all depends what mistake gored who's ox. Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 08:05 PM (vDqXW) 125
Let's calm down. Prosecuting anyone named here will shake the foundations of our democracy. So let's move on and get back to the all-important coup d'etat against Trump. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 14, 2018 08:05 PM (LsBY9) 126
97 What's the term if you're fully able to find someone to bump uglies with but choose not to?
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at June 14, 2018 08:01 PM (39g3+) I guess that's what i mean by "volcel". Voluntary Celibate. The fact that there needs to be a word for that is kind of insane, really. Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 08:05 PM (BRvh1) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 14, 2018 08:05 PM (r+sAi) 128
They tried to put Audie in West Point. He just didn't have the pre-requisites.
He wasn't officer material, not really even non-com even though he ended up there, mostly by surviving. His book is really sad, its mostly about all the other guys who didn't make it all around him. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at June 14, 2018 08:05 PM (39g3+) 129
117 The IG report has evidence Clinton lied to FBI and the FBI says she lied.
Yet somehow the conclusion by the IG that it wasn't in any way partisan motivated? What, precisely does he think was the motivation? Random caprice? Fear of retaliation? Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at June 14, 2018 08:04 PM (39g3+) Kuru and Cocaine, but mostly Kuru. Posted by: Dr. Rockzo at June 14, 2018 08:05 PM (TA9CI) 130
Compare the treatment of Hillary to that of Flynn. There is no justice in D.C.
Posted by: IanDeal at June 14, 2018 08:00 PM (5mrLG) Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe. -- Frederick Douglass Posted by: DR.WTF? at June 14, 2018 08:06 PM (T71PA) Posted by: wth at June 14, 2018 08:06 PM (HgMAr) Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at June 14, 2018 08:06 PM (kYLYM) 133
Yer' giving the T-1000 a bad name, man! We'll remember this slur when we finally decide to take over!
Posted by: goon at June 14, 2018 08:06 PM (PEcU2) 134
Retard Nation -- rise up!
Posted by: zombie at June 14, 2018 08:04 PM (c+2jX) ++++ It did rise up, only to trip over it's own untied shoelaces. That why retards should only wear shoes with velcro laces. Posted by: SteveOReno, as an intelligent person, I self-identify as a Moron at June 14, 2018 08:06 PM (2sCft) 135
Zombie, read Uncle Palp.
Posted by: Ben Had at June 14, 2018 08:07 PM (cHVSG) 136
I did send an email to Goudy, through his website, asking him if he misspoke about his constituents being worried about Russian Collusion in the Summer of 2016. IIRC, there was no mention of Russian Collusion until the day after the election in November.
Posted by: JAS at June 14, 2018 08:07 PM (3HNOQ) Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 14, 2018 08:07 PM (LsBY9) 138
Bill Kristol is the Deep State version of the Stay Puft Marshmallow man, except shorter and softer and fatter.
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at June 14, 2018 08:08 PM (nBr1j) 139
Hillary wouldn't lie. What possible motive could she have for lying when the whole thing was such a sure-deal? oops!
Posted by: goon at June 14, 2018 08:08 PM (PEcU2) 140
Kimberley Stassel...
1) Don't believe anyone who claims Horowitz didn't find bias. He very carefully says that he found no "documentary" evidence that bias produced "specific investigatory decisions." That's different Eight tweet thread... 1007390904674471936 Posted by: andycanuck at June 14, 2018 08:08 PM (Evws/) 141
Pair his [Wray's] comments today with some from Rosenstein the last few months, and it's hard to resist the conclusion that these two are arrogant, clueless people who really would have been perfect for the last, corrupt, Third World administration.
Trump and Sessions' judgement in keeping these two in their jobs is looking very very questionable. Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 08:04 PM (QDnY+) --- I think you have to make that duo a trio, based on Sessions recent unconditional dismissal of criticisms of Rosenstein. Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 08:08 PM (vDqXW) 142
We gladly welcome all legitimate oversight from the Soviet of Peoples', Workers', and Soldiers' Deputies. But only the legitimate kind.
Posted by: Chris Wray, Commissar of State Security at June 14, 2018 08:08 PM (QDnY+) 143
Sessions recusing himself and putting Rosenstein in charge immediately put Trump in a very bad position because firing Rosenpenis would cause a lot of problems.
The whole problem was Sessions recusing himself. Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at June 14, 2018 08:08 PM (4ErVI) 144
You know what was missing from Singapore? Some really good wacky "body double" conspiracy theories. Posted by: Evan McMullin super cia spy, boy genius, brain of german shepherd at June 14, 2018 08:09 PM (9yPBp) 145
Posted by: Regular joe at June 14, 2018 08:09 PM (rwVzJ) Posted by: zombie at June 14, 2018 08:09 PM (c+2jX) 147
>>Compare the treatment of Hillary to that of Flynn. There is no justice in D.C.
How about Petreaus? Recall that his being seduced and bending the rules re: classified docs paved the way for John Brennan to replace him as head of the CIA. And we all know how that worked out: he seems to have led the way on the US IC-UK IC collaboration to get Trump. Posted by: Lizzy at June 14, 2018 08:10 PM (W+vEI) Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 14, 2018 08:10 PM (LsBY9) 149
re 130: children in school should not be allowed to read such racist stuff.
Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at June 14, 2018 08:10 PM (KxbBq) Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at June 14, 2018 08:10 PM (ndTbZ) 151
Bill Kristol is the Deep State version of the Stay Puft Marshmallow man, except shorter and softer and fatter. Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at June 14, 2018 08:08 PM (nBr1j) And some sticky substance from the corner of his mouth. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at June 14, 2018 08:10 PM (UsCnO) 152
The IG report has evidence Clinton lied to FBI and the FBI says she lied.
Yet somehow the conclusion by the IG that it wasn't in any way partisan motivated? What, precisely does he think was the motivation? Random caprice? Fear of retaliation? Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at June 14, 2018 08:04 PM (39g3+) Sundance at CT has explained that the summary and conclusion is NOT written by the IG. It is written by adminstrators in the FBI and DOJ. CT readers were warned NOT to comment on the report until they read the entire report, paying particular attention to the body of the report,which is the information gathered by the IG. IOW, you can pretty much blow off the summary, as it is written by politically motivated individuals. The actual events, dates, and statements contained in the report are what Sessions and the atty he has working on this will be looking at. Kind of like a movie review. The actual movie script and then the reviewer puts their own bias and preferences into their conclusion as to whether the movie sucked or not. Posted by: Jen the original at June 14, 2018 08:10 PM (NLeU8) 153
Goudy had been defending the FBI. The report made him look bad.
Posted by: JAS at June 14, 2018 08:11 PM (3HNOQ) 154
I find it interesting that all the Lefties are screaming about that movie we did for Kim Jong Un. The interesting thing is that the "resistance" sees themselves exactly like that, men and women of destiny.
Posted by: notsothoreau at June 14, 2018 08:11 PM (JKNZq) 155
>>Yet somehow the conclusion by the IG that it wasn't in any way partisan motivated? What, precisely does he think was the motivation? Random caprice? Fear of retaliation?
I just saw Catherine Herridge say basically what I was saying in the last thread. What he said was he couldn't find any documentary evidence of political bias not that there wasn't any. It's a pretty important distinction. Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:11 PM (/tuJf) 156
Apparently the only way the dip shit IG would be able to infer political bias would be for one of the conspirators to explicitly state, "I would love to conduct a fair and impartial investigation but my political bypasses preclude that!! Apparently someone stating, explicitly, "...we won't let Trump win." and after the election, " physically sick from the election results.." among other revelation. This is all a multi-act production of The Aristocrats. Posted by: Kreplach at June 14, 2018 08:11 PM (UfMVm) 157
Bill Kristol and the Derp State calls us retards? Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Behold Bill Kristol's daughter and her husband. lulz 2012/06/29/featured-wedding-february-anne-and-matt/ Posted by: Dr. Rockzo at June 14, 2018 08:11 PM (TA9CI) 158
Used to be, the people who read superfine detail into every little thing they could find out about an inscrutable enemy trying to destroy the American way of life were called "Kremlinologists".
Now, that same industry has popped up, but with a different focus, and we should probably call them "Washingtonologists", but that doesn't really roll off the tongue... Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 08:11 PM (BRvh1) 159
Why are you guys so mean to Captain Bill Kristol? I mean the poor man has lost his status in life, has probably lost out on numerous cocktail party invitations, has seen his lucrative cruise business sink beneath the waves, and has definitely suffered the indignity of having to watch his wife service several well-hung men every damned night. Hasn't he suffered enough?????
Posted by: SteveOReno, as an intelligent person, I self-identify as a Moron at June 14, 2018 08:12 PM (2sCft) 160
Evan McMullin is a Lab experiment created in the basement of John Brennan. The DNA has to be similar. Its the only explanation.
Posted by: Puddleglum at June 14, 2018 08:12 PM (20X6f) 161
>>Pair his [Wray's] comments today with some from Rosenstein the last few months, and it's hard to resist the conclusion that these two are arrogant, clueless people who really would have been perfect for the last, corrupt, Third World administration.
I don't think they're ignorant. certainly not Rosenstein, considering he ways in Obama's DoJ, right there with the people who did this. Posted by: Lizzy at June 14, 2018 08:12 PM (W+vEI) 162
I think Jeff looks a lot like the only white guy (alive at the end of the movie) in Black Panther. Both of those characters should stay on BBC, where they don't really care about the reality that surrounds them.
Posted by: goon at June 14, 2018 08:12 PM (PEcU2) 163
IOW, you can pretty much blow off the summary,
Except you can't, because this is what gets widely disseminated in the media and becomes "fact". Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 14, 2018 08:12 PM (r+sAi) 164
If this report made Gowdy look bad, where was he getting his info before?
Posted by: blaster at June 14, 2018 08:12 PM (jHrzU) 165
I remember bloggers who took Egg McMuffin seriously. They should be ashamed to show their faces in public.
Posted by: rickl at June 14, 2018 08:12 PM (sdi6R) 166
Cuck Hall of Shame? Let's recognize the "pioneers" of the Republican Cuck movement! Jim Jeffords, cuck from Vermont. Lincoln Chafee, cuck from Rhode Island. Just a couple of original cucks. Posted by: Soothsayer -- Follow and Lick Me On Fakebook at June 14, 2018 08:13 PM (9yPBp) Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 14, 2018 08:13 PM (LsBY9) 168
Trump and Sessions' judgement in keeping these two in their jobs is looking very very questionable. Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 08:04 PM (QDnY+) Thank you for your kind words earlier. You can take this or leave it, but Wray, Nielsen, Rosenstein, and formerly Koskinen have something in common. All of them represent agencies so corrupt that they should be disbanded, but such action may not be politically possible even if it was immediately desirable. The rank and file are politically unreliable, but either useful In such cases, leaving figurehead in power avoids political conflict. Don't worry, I agree that they should be sacked and their agencies abolished. Pruitt is special because he has power to revamp regulations and gut the EPA. The left knows this and hates it passionately. Which is why, by contrast, he -must- be kept on. Posted by: trev006 at June 14, 2018 08:13 PM (X2App) Posted by: Soothsayer -- Follow and Lick Me On Fakebook at June 14, 2018 08:13 PM (9yPBp) Posted by: Ohio Retards at June 14, 2018 08:13 PM (9dzlp) 171
*but either useful or currently politically popular
Posted by: trev006 at June 14, 2018 08:13 PM (X2App) Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 08:14 PM (BRvh1) 173
Sessions recusing himself and putting Rosenstein in charge immediately put Trump in a very bad position because firing Rosenpenis would cause a lot of problems. The whole problem was Sessions recusing himself. I am now convinced this was part of the original plan. I don't know if/when they got to Sessions, but standing on that side of the fence means you are absolutely standing in bullshit, Jeff. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at June 14, 2018 08:14 PM (UsCnO) 174
Evan McMullin is a Lab experiment created in the basement of John Brennan. The DNA has to be similar. Its the only explanation.
Posted by: Puddleglum at June 14, 2018 08:12 PM (20X6f) Dress him in top hat and tails and he'll start singing "Puttin' On The Ritz." Posted by: DR.WTF? at June 14, 2018 08:14 PM (T71PA) 175
>>Kimberley Stassel...
1) Don't believe anyone who claims Horowitz didn't find bias. He very carefully says that he found no "documentary" evidence that bias produced "specific investigatory decisions." That's different And there you go. I got the women on my side. Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:14 PM (/tuJf) 176
Bill Krystol has to understand the George Thoroughgood song now that he won't be invited to any cocktail parties.
"I drink alone, with nobody else..." Posted by: JAS at June 14, 2018 08:14 PM (3HNOQ) 177
Except you can't, because this is what gets widely disseminated in the media and becomes "fact". Posted by: Guy Mohawk Most reporters have never read anything longer than a menu. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 14, 2018 08:15 PM (LsBY9) 178
Lizzy, please read my comment at 86.
Posted by: Ben Had at June 14, 2018 08:15 PM (cHVSG) 179
--- It also contains stunning examples of incompetence. Comey explains that he wasn't aware the Weiner laptop was big deal because he didn't know Weiner was married to Abedin? Then they sit on it a month, either cuz it fell through cracks (wow) or were more obsessed w/Trump --- It also demonstrates the lack of Comey's administrative skills putting the same team on two different investigations--of a presidential level of importance--at the same time, thus creating the occasion for the excuse that they were pursuing Trump so they couldn't multitask and check out Weiner's laptop. That's why you don't double-book people, asshole! Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 08:15 PM (vDqXW) 180
Goudy had been defending the FBI. The report made him look bad.
Gowdy... *types*...*deletes* I think that guy is bought and paid for with CGI cash. Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 14, 2018 08:15 PM (qWg0i) 181
andycanuck, saw that, and while she's correct, it's sort of academic. The only reason there's any interest in or importance to this particular IG investigation is - it is obvious, and has been since the first minute (as the two "cuck" twitter posts ace used here say), that there were massive ipso facto violations of law, and yet the FBI pretended to not find prosecutable crimes.
Therefore, the IG's finding of no improper motive, and only questionable but legitimate judgement calls in the investigation process is absurd. Doesn't matter how lurid the toxic and stupid views of FBI personnel, as revealed in their comms, might have been. Some of the dramatic personae may hang (well, be convicted anyway) on particular matters, some of which might be documented in the body of the report. But the country was just told that the comically corrupt obstruction of justice clumsily performed by the FBI/DOJ on behalf of the Clinton crime team at State didn't happen - or, somehow, magically, there is no documentary evidence of it. Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 08:15 PM (QDnY+) 182
What was McMullin talking about? This was about the investigation into Hillary, not Russian collusion.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at June 14, 2018 08:15 PM (/qEW2) 183
So extremely careless is understand? Acceptable?
Posted by: PhilDirt at June 14, 2018 08:16 PM (7I/ak) 184
You know how Trump doesn't sleep all that much? I bet he spends 12 out of the next 16 hours reading the full 500 pages.
Posted by: JAS at June 14, 2018 08:16 PM (3HNOQ) 185
A little OT but in the ballpark:
FBI Director Wray says that they will conduct anti-bias training. WHAT A FUCKING CROC!!!!eleventy x 1000. What these cocksucking, seditious, treasonous empoyees need - in lieu of hanging, which is what they deserve - is fucking training on the meaning of the oath that they took which specifically states that they will support and defend the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES ... not a particular candidate or political party!!!!! For Fuck's Sake!!!! Posted by: LGoPs at June 14, 2018 08:16 PM (FWsqf) 186
Daddy was solid GOP
Wrote articles for Commentary Spent part his life as a US Infantry Man I worked for Weekly Standard But they soon found out what my reasons were Started shilling for a trip on my own cruise line (chorus) I work with a long line of Cuckers Hayes, French, and others We were born with silver spoons in our hands Part neocon, a little liberal Please take my wife, you young bull My bloodline ... disowned who I am. Ahoy !!! Posted by: Scogg Kristol Sings the Redneck Classics at June 14, 2018 08:16 PM (fiGNd) 187
If you can't find documentary evidence of bias in all the "I hate Trump and his supporters" type of statements, then you can never ever find bias. Ever. Because you are willfully blind. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 14, 2018 08:16 PM (r+sAi) 188
The charts showing the circles of leaks look like the charts they show at the beginning of a zombie movie showing how the outbreak is spreading.
Also, what's this bullshit that there were just so many people with access and leaking that *shrug* whatchagonnado. What you do is fire every single solitary one of them, yank their pensions, name them publicly, and make sure that everyone who remains understands that there is a zero tolerance policy. Oh and prosecute too. Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at June 14, 2018 08:17 PM (dEQP3) 189
No one should be the least bit surprised an Actor would want to bring justice to someone who is openly collaborating with Negroes and Abolitionists. There could hardly be a more important role for an actor. Posted by: Evan McMullin super cia spy, boy genius, brain of german shepherd at June 14, 2018 08:17 PM (9yPBp) 190
Goudy had been defending the FBI. The report made him look bad. Posted by: JAS at June 14, 2018 08:11 PM (3HNOQ) I think Gowdy spewed his "I defend and support the FIB" speech a few days ago just to now be able to say, "Oh, horrors! You betrayed us, you corrupt idiots." He really can't be so naive to believe that these people were shining white knights and paladins, spotless and without sin, can he? Can he? Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at June 14, 2018 08:18 PM (8iiMU) 191
Sessions got some push from the media about a face to face with some Russian and he quickly fell into the old GOPe standard of immediately bending the knee.
What would've happened if he'd refused to recuse himself? Nothing. The media would've boiled about it for a bit and then moved on. Congress? We control it, but even if we didn't so what? They held Eric Holder in contempt and not a thing changed. This is why it's so, so important to never apologize and never bend the knee. Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at June 14, 2018 08:18 PM (4ErVI) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 14, 2018 08:18 PM (r+sAi) 193
Anyone near a TV, quick turn to FNC. Some drunk named Julian Epstein is attempting to converse with Tucker.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at June 14, 2018 08:18 PM (ptqGC) 194
And there you go. I got the women on my side.
Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:14 PM (/tuJf) ++++ I'll feel better when you get Sara Carter and Catherine Herridge and Sharyl Attkisson on your side as well as Ol' Kim. Posted by: SteveOReno, as an intelligent person, I self-identify as a Moron at June 14, 2018 08:18 PM (2sCft) 195
Trey Gaudy has looked bad for a long time.
Posted by: Right Angles at June 14, 2018 08:18 PM (QviAd) 196
Somebody please hide me. Some time in the next hour or so I will talk to alexthechick and I will be forced, forced to tell her that I just saw Incredibles 2.
She will be disappointed by everything I have to say. Posted by: Bandersnatch at June 14, 2018 08:18 PM (fuK7c) 197
What he said was he couldn't find any documentary
evidence of political bias not that there wasn't any. It's a pretty important distinction. Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:11 PM (/tuJf) Kind of like if you are a guy with a hard cock up your ass and the guy is sweating and puffing, but there isn't any documentary evidence that you are actually gay. Or something. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at June 14, 2018 08:18 PM (UsCnO) 198
Because we all know, if there's anything, and I mean *anything* the American people respect, it's "training sessions".
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 08:19 PM (BRvh1) 199
I don't understand why they haven't leaked that it was the Israelis that hacked Hillary's shabby email account. And then we could support the cause of our Palestinian brethren, who only want peace (and to drive the filthy heathens into the sea) just like the rest of the Islamic world. It's a head scratcher for sure.
Posted by: goon at June 14, 2018 08:19 PM (PEcU2) 200
@46 Apparently the only way the dip shit IG would be able to infer political bias would be for one of the conspirators to explicitly state, "I would love to conduct a fair and impartial investigation but my political bypasses preclude that!! Apparently someone stating, explicitly, "...we won't let Trump win." and after the election, " physically sick from the election results.." among other revelation. This is all a multi-act production of The Aristocrats. Posted by: Kreplach at June 14, 2018 08:11 PM (UfMVm) Lets not forget Fuck Flynn and then Fuck Trump. Cause, yeah no bias there. Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at June 14, 2018 08:19 PM (9dzlp) 201
A lot of these republicans speaking out probably feel a change in the wind direction and don't feel that they nor their families will be in danger if they speak out and raise hell.
Kinda like the Whoa Fat situation. Posted by: Dr. Rockzo at June 14, 2018 08:19 PM (TA9CI) 202
The whole problem was Sessions recusing himself.
I am now convinced this was part of the original plan. I don't know if/when they got to Sessions, but standing on that side of the fence means you are absolutely standing in bullshit, Jeff. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at June 14, 2018 08:14 PM (UsCnO) Not to defend his excessively passive behavior: but some men are highly committed to personal integrity, even when others don't have it. Sessions is on par with that: others supervise prosecutions when they are horribly compromised and should not be allowed near it. Sessions permits this by refusing to terminate such men. And the President would be derelict by permitting it to continue. For whatever reason, the President and AG have decided to let these guys keep hanging themselves. I really hope Trump knows what he's doing, and the evidence currently points to "yes." Posted by: trev006 at June 14, 2018 08:19 PM (X2App) 203
Haven't heard from Richard Lugar lately.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at June 14, 2018 08:19 PM (IqV8l) 204
If this report made Gowdy look bad, where was he getting his info before?
Posted by: blaster at June 14, 2018 08:12 PM (jHrzU) Rush said today in his opinion, Gowdy was defending his buds at the FBI a couple weeks ago to show that he was open minded, fair, hadn't come to any absolute conclusions about what was going on at the FBI, and wasn't assuming this report was going to have damning info in it. So today, his strong disappointment and statement was made to look all the more genuine, than if he had been nattering on for weeks about how awful the FBI is. Mmm, maybe. At some point, these guys are going to have to admit that the FBI , just like the DOJ and IRS, are full of Comey's and McCabes, and need a serious overhaul, not just nibbling around the edges. I wonder if the FBI is polling lower than congress right now? Posted by: Jen the original at June 14, 2018 08:20 PM (NLeU8) 205
Julian Epstein is attempting to converse with Tucker.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at June 14, 2018 08:18 PM (ptqGC) Wasn't he heading the DNC a while back? Or maybe the NAACP? Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 08:20 PM (BRvh1) 206
As I mentioned, Goudy said he was curious about the Russian Collusion thing because his "constituents" were concerned in the Summer of 2016.
I am calling Bullshit. Posted by: JAS at June 14, 2018 08:20 PM (3HNOQ) 207
Thanks, Ben Had!
![]() Posted by: Lizzy at June 14, 2018 08:20 PM (W+vEI) 208
I think Gowdy spewed his "I defend and support the FIB" speech a few days ago just to now be able to say, "Oh, horrors! You betrayed us, you corrupt idiots." He really can't be so naive to believe that these people were shining white knights and paladins, spotless and without sin, can he? Can he? Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at June 14, 2018 08:18 PM (8iiMU) I've lost a lot of respect for Gowdy recently. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at June 14, 2018 08:20 PM (UsCnO) 209
But there is documentary evidence of extreme bias against Trump and in favor of Clinton. Emails and texts reveal that so I don't know what else they are talking about when they say no documentary evidence. Its not like the conspirators were going to make entries in their official records and reports stating, "I'd love to pursue this avenue of inquiry but I can't, because biases. Its absurd. Posted by: Kreplach at June 14, 2018 08:21 PM (UfMVm) Posted by: andycanuck at June 14, 2018 08:21 PM (Evws/) 211
perhaps the best outcome we can realistically hope for is that many of these people in the FBI etc get fired, and CNN and MSNBC can't afford to hire most of them.
Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at June 14, 2018 08:21 PM (KxbBq) Posted by: weft cut-loop at June 14, 2018 08:21 PM (zfrbv) 213
The whole problem was Sessions recusing himself.
Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at June 14, 2018 08:08 PM (4ErVI) That still seems like a major unforced error on PDJT's part, He should have fired Sesionzzz within minutes of hearing about the recusal! Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at June 14, 2018 08:21 PM (n9EOP) 214
FBI Director Wray says that they will conduct anti-bias training.
Yeah, the way he made it sound in his little speech was like a couple of black guys got kicked out of the FBI cafeteria. Posted by: tu3031 at June 14, 2018 08:21 PM (O5Q3r) 215
>>Lets not forget Fuck Flynn and then Fuck Trump. Cause, yeah no bias there.
Also not part of the Hillary email investigation. Likely part of the FISA abuse investigation. Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:21 PM (/tuJf) 216
I'll feel better when you get Sara Carter and Catherine Herridge and Sharyl Attkisson on your side as well as Ol' Kim.
Posted by: SteveOReno, as an intelligent person, I self-identify as a Moron at June 14, 2018 08:18 PM (2sCft) I'd feel better if Catherine Herridge had her backside on my lap ... and I'd swear to every word and conclusion JackStraw ever made if that's what it took. And after Scogg Kristol Sings the Classics - I'm climbing to the top of the amplifier stack and smashing the Telecaster. Show's over. I can't do any better than that. Ahoy !!! Posted by: ScoggDog at June 14, 2018 08:21 PM (fiGNd) 217
Ahoy, captain. May I come aboard your wife?
Posted by: Ace of Spades at 07:50 PM Only if I can watch!--Captain Billy "Bones" Kristol Posted by: Anonymous White Male at June 14, 2018 08:21 PM (9BLnV) 218
What he said was he couldn't find any documentary
evidence of political bias not that there wasn't any. It's a pretty important distinction. Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:11 PM (/tuJf) ____________ They are killing the USA with words. Posted by: Right Angles at June 14, 2018 08:22 PM (QviAd) Posted by: JAS at June 14, 2018 08:22 PM (3HNOQ) 220
Bill Kristol just summed it all up:
"...I prefer the Deep State to the Trump State." And there you have it. Posted by: Jane D'oh at June 14, 2018 08:22 PM (ptqGC) 221
Comedy didn't know Wiener was married to Huma however you spell it, and Classified information is on some random guys laptop. Think about that.
Posted by: Patrick from Ohio at June 14, 2018 08:22 PM (dKiJG) 222
OT but I'm pissed at Chris Wray's presser.
He "feels" he needs to live up to the FBI's partners, like prosecutors and other law enforcement. What he didn't mention is that he needs to live up to the expectations of the American public who employs these asshsholes and pay their salaries. He also didn't mention that the FBI needs to be responsible to our elected officials, like the President and our Congress. He just wants to be responsible to other bureaucrats! No f***ing mention of the people that pay his salary. IMO he's a deep state POS. F*** that Posted by: Farmer at June 14, 2018 08:22 PM (yJ1e6) 223
@redsteze has a good one:
--- “Now is the most important time for journalism ever in this country. Corporate bosses are slashing staff & newsroooms all over the country when they should paying hard working reporters more” - People who gave away golf trips & sports tickets to the FBI Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 08:22 PM (vDqXW) 224
Re: Clinton, no way to defend it. In a discussion with people, it is easy to undermine them.
Either she was too stupid to be President (if she did not know what C meant), or too much a liar (corrupt) to be President. Seriously, I had a few of these back and forth before the election. We were talking about her separate e-mail server. Same logic applied. People couldn't find their way out of that simple response from me. You could see their brains spinning. It was bcz they had 't considered it in those terms. Were too busy with the media narrative to have even thought it through. Posted by: platypus at June 14, 2018 08:22 PM (GVZIJ) 225
did you guys get a load of the definition of "gross negligence" Comeys crew used?
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 08:23 PM (F5+ro) Posted by: blaster at June 14, 2018 08:23 PM (jHrzU) 227
The Weiner lie makes no sense.
If he found classified shit on his laptop after seizing it for child pornography, NOT knowing the Huma connection would have made it that much more worth looking into ASAP. Posted by: Ktgreat at June 14, 2018 08:23 PM (f8ilN) 228
And some sticky substance from the corner of his mouth. ------ Ectoplasm? Posted by: andycanuck at June 14, 2018 08:21 PM (Evws/) He was slimed? Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at June 14, 2018 08:23 PM (8iiMU) 229
Julian Epstein (on Tucker's show) always looks like an assistant just picked him up by the scruff of his neck off the floor of a bar, attempted to tidy him up, failed miserably, and put him in front of the camera.
And hilarity ensues. Posted by: Jane D'oh at June 14, 2018 08:24 PM (ptqGC) 230
Honestly, you read this crap, The Democrats defending it on tv and you want to unsheath the cutlass and set sail for Washington.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2018 08:24 PM (8Ku6c) 231
Its like the DERP state couldn't even imagine that they would lay out all that crap in the report and then do the one thing that would light a firestorm.....actually deny that the bias existed, rather than explain it away in any other lame fashion.
Nope its not there at all. Don't believe what you read and know from independent and verifiable sources. Just listen to or spin. This might have been a bridge too far for some, except Egg Mcmuffin. Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at June 14, 2018 08:24 PM (9dzlp) 232
Gowdy Yates has rawhide.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at June 14, 2018 08:24 PM (IqV8l) 233
JS, Hartford got a great one last night.
Posted by: Cosmic Charlie at June 14, 2018 08:24 PM (PUmDY) 234
By the way, the report that foreign intelligence agencies had some of Hillary's unsecured e-mails leads me to the observation that any foreign intelligence agency that didn't hack every last fucking one of her e-mails is incompetent to the point of needing to be executed by their respective governments for gross and criminal worthlessness.
She gave it to them on a fucking silver platter for crying out loud! Posted by: LGoPs at June 14, 2018 08:24 PM (FWsqf) 235
Looks like someone forgot to tell McMullin the narrative was changing. Someone in the phone chain is in trouble.
What an idiot. Posted by: platypus at June 14, 2018 08:24 PM (GVZIJ) 236
They are killing the USA with words.
Posted by: Right Angles at June 14, 2018 08:22 PM (QviAd) --- Only it used to be mainly confined to judges. "This opinion does not disparage religion because ... [I SAY it DOESN'T!! WHO DO YOU PEASANTS THINK YOU ARE??!!!]" Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 08:24 PM (vDqXW) 237
Gowdy has passed his sell-by date. All he ever did was get face time on TV with his hearings that went nowhere. I couldn't care less what he has to say now. I do not take him seriously.
Posted by: rickl at June 14, 2018 08:24 PM (sdi6R) 238
Posted by: Soothsayer -- Follow and Lick Me On Fakebook at June 14, 2018 08:13 PM (9yPBp)
==== Specter was a Democrat DA of Philthadelphia & wanted to be Senator & his handlers told him there is no way a Philly Democrat wins a Statewide Election, so he switched parties. Politcal expediency Posted by: Internet Tough Guy at June 14, 2018 08:24 PM (y3aQB) Posted by: andycanuck at June 14, 2018 08:24 PM (Evws/) 240
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at June 14, 2018 08:14 PM (UsCnO) Not to defend his excessively passive behavior: but some men are highly committed to personal integrity, even when others don't have it. Sessions is on par with that: others supervise prosecutions when they are horribly compromised and should not be allowed near it. Sessions permits this by refusing to terminate such men. And the President would be derelict by permitting it to continue. Posted by: trev006 at June 14, 2018 08:19 PM (X2App) I used to think this of Sessions. His continued actions in the light of such high levels of lies from his underlings tell me the opposite. There have been many points in time where such a man has to step up and say "enough". I don't see Sessions ever doing that. He has already had many chances to say enough. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at June 14, 2018 08:25 PM (UsCnO) 241
Anderson Cooper's crew says it's all a big nothingburger, except that lawyer douche whose name escapes me, saying he can't blame PDT for being upset.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at June 14, 2018 08:25 PM (ptqGC) 242
Grassley practically begged sessions in the confirmation hearings not to jump to the "i recuse" and suggested he take the loretta lynch "step aside" strategy. But sessions, so eager to appear the most honorable AG ever, had to push his recusing himself from anything and everything.
I wondered if Grassley's refusal to replace sessions was bc he was pissed trump didn't pull sessions' nomination when he had the chance. Posted by: Ever at June 14, 2018 08:25 PM (QPeHQ) 243
Axeman, no, it wasn't administrative incompetence (not saying that Comey didn't display that, but this isn't an example) to keep both investigations to a small group of people.
The "Mid-Year Exam" (Clinton/State) investigation was what they themselves called a "headquarters special" - it was run out of FBI HQ, not the field office. Not the usual way of doing things. Haven't had time to see whether the IG looked at things like this - very basic aspects of this case that screamed "what's going on here?". It was so limited, almost certainly, for obvious reasons. In fact, the first senior agent involved quit in May 2016 (Giacalone), with reason to think he did so because he saw the whitewash approaching. Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 08:25 PM (QDnY+) 244
What's Supercuck's super power?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at June 14, 2018 08:26 PM (nBr1j) 245
A woman in Oregon apparently just wrote to Wray and she posted it at Conservative Tree House. It's a terrific letter. Check it out: It's 8:16 p.m today from "Donna in Oregon" near the end of that thread on Wary's press conference. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 14, 2018 08:26 PM (0/+vJ) 246
I work with a long ... line of ... Cuckers
*big guitar chord at the end* I love you all, don't forget to book your cabin on the next cruise. Goodnight !!! Posted by: Scogg Kristol Sings the Redneck Classics at June 14, 2018 08:26 PM (fiGNd) 247
I could not accept anything from a customer or vendor exceeding $15, without approval from my superior.
A customer wanted to take me and a colleague out to dinner. I asked my boss. She said "$15 will barely cover the beer. Sure go ahead." It was OK, only when my boss was aware of it. Posted by: JAS at June 14, 2018 08:26 PM (3HNOQ) 248
I think I'll watch Morning Joe tomorrow, sipping a Bloody Mary. And, no, I'm not a day drinker.
I may just keep my jammies on and enjoy the lies and meltdown. Posted by: Jane D'oh at June 14, 2018 08:27 PM (ptqGC) Posted by: andycanuck at June 14, 2018 08:27 PM (Evws/) 250
What's Supercuck's super power?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at June 14, 2018 08:26 PM (nBr1j) +++ Cleaning up the wife, post coitus. Posted by: SteveOReno, as an intelligent person, I self-identify as a Moron at June 14, 2018 08:27 PM (2sCft) 251
190 153
Goudy had been defending the FBI. The report made him look bad. Posted by: JAS at June 14, 2018 08:11 PM (3HNOQ) I think Gowdy spewed his "I defend and support the FIB" speech a few days ago just to now be able to say, "Oh, horrors! You betrayed us, you corrupt idiots." He really can't be so naive to believe that these people were shining white knights and paladins, spotless and without sin, can he? Can he? Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt Its Failure Theater at its finest!! Posted by: Puddleglum at June 14, 2018 08:27 PM (20X6f) 252
I wouldn't give those guys a handjob. Not even for money.
Posted by: Ali Watkins at June 14, 2018 08:28 PM (OEYqM) 253
244 What's Supercuck's super power?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at June 14, 2018 08:26 PM (nBr1j) He and five other cuc... Never mind, I was going to go in a Captain Planet direction... Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at June 14, 2018 08:28 PM (ndTbZ) 254
That still seems like a major unforced error on PDJT's part, He should have fired Sesionzzz within minutes of hearing about the recusal!
Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at June 14, 2018 08:21 PM (n9EOP) Don't forget that Session's confirmation hearings were when "don't let Trump be sworn in " fever was at a pitch. Sessions was accused by the Democrats in Congress of being a grand wizard of the KKK, the Russia stupidity had just opened and it took days to get him confirmed. Dems were jonesing to have him arrested for collusion because he said hello to a Russian at a dinner with 500 other people. I think people are forgetting what a circus Trump's initial appointees were for getting through Congress. Not only the Dems but the Never Trumpers, including McConnell and Ryan. He would have still been trying to get another AG through. Posted by: Jen the original at June 14, 2018 08:28 PM (NLeU8) 255
Julian Epstein is attempting to converse with Tucker.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at June 14, 2018 08:18 PM (ptqGC) Wasn't he heading the DNC a while back? Or maybe the NAACP? Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 08:20 PM (BRvh1) ====== Did you miss Richard(Dicksucker)Goodstein earlier? TuCa show is getting incredibly monotonous, have some Progtard on & have them filibuster with verbal vomit & not answer one question. I just flip the station or hit mute Posted by: Internet Tough Guy at June 14, 2018 08:28 PM (y3aQB) Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 14, 2018 08:28 PM (oVJmc) 257
Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:11 PM (/tuJf)
I'm working my way through the entire OIG report.... I have to say -- I might be imagining it, but it almost seems like this report is written with a lot of snark. Almost like a very dry kind of humor throughout it. The OIG report goes through a whole thing about how Comey's team couldnt find a definition for "gross negligence" in the statute (gross negligence is a term of art in law that does not need to be defined), so they went to the legislative history, where they found a floor speech of a congressman from 1917 who said gross negligence is found commonly in statutes, then uses an example about driving a vehicle recklessly and killing someone. So Comeys crack team of researchers then looked up court cases and precedent of manslaughter laws in various states from the 1917 era requiring gross negligence. The OIG report dryly notes that the Comey's teams summation of these cases is that it requires more than negligence -- more like wanton disregard. They use the phrase "almost intent." To me, it seems like whoever wrote the OIG report was rolling their eyes going through this whole rigmarole. Comeys team sound like desperate defense attorneys trying to find a silly loophole that a judge maybe just maybe might buy, not prosecutors. Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 08:29 PM (F5+ro) 258
What's Supercuck's super power?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem He smells like smegma Posted by: Bozo Conservative....unfrozen caveman moron at June 14, 2018 08:29 PM (S6Pax) 259
The most putziess off all these characters is Horowirz. A real mover ad shaker. I now see why everyone was so anxious to have this guy at the helm. The government just kinda stoopids you into a slumber and then they fuck you over.
Posted by: REDACTED at June 14, 2018 08:30 PM (iOL28) 260
Re the sidebar thing about Netflix employees.
What do Netflix employees do, anyway? Maintain servers? Marketing and sales guys? Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at June 14, 2018 08:30 PM (ndTbZ) 261
231 Its like the DERP state couldn't even imagine that they would lay out all that crap in the report and then do the one thing that would light a firestorm.....actually deny that the bias existed, rather than explain it away in any other lame fashion.
Nope its not there at all. Don't believe what you read and know from independent and verifiable sources. Just listen to or spin. This might have been a bridge too far for some, except Egg Mcmuffin. Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at June 14, 2018 08:24 PM (9dzlp) Yep. It will piss off and wake up many millions of Americans. Let it sit for a bit while the usual suspects hang themselves with their own rope. Then release the original unredacted version that RR wasn't involved with. Posted by: Dr. Rockzo at June 14, 2018 08:30 PM (TA9CI) 262
Specter was a Democrat DA of Philthadelphia & wanted to be Senator & his handlers told him there is no way a Philly Democrat wins a Statewide Election, so he switched parties. Politcal expediency
Posted by: Internet Tough Guy at June 14, 2018 08:24 PM (y3aQB) Yup...he was a real shit heel and one of the first "Rinos" to take center stage. Too bad he didn't get hit with the "magic bullet" but I am happy he is dead. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 14, 2018 08:30 PM (EoRCO) 263
227 The Weiner lie makes no sense.
If he found classified shit on his laptop after seizing it for child pornography, NOT knowing the Huma connection would have made it that much more worth looking into ASAP. Posted by: Ktgreat at June 14, 2018 08:23 PM (f8ilN) Compared to when some guy gets hit by a car and the FBI find a hollow nickel with classified information. Posted by: Patrick from Ohio at June 14, 2018 08:30 PM (dKiJG) 264
Mmm, maybe. At some point, these guys are going to have to admit that the FBI , just like the DOJ and IRS, are full of Comey's and McCabes, and need a serious overhaul, not just nibbling around the edges. I know where I'd start looking; I'd want to know who was hired during Bronco Bama's Reign of Error. And then, I'd want to know who was hired by BJ Cliton and is still there. And who they hired. And I'd start waterboarding them in no particular order because fairness. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at June 14, 2018 08:30 PM (HaL55) 265
One, Two, Three O'clock, Four O'clock cuck,
Five, Six, Seven O'clock, Eight O'clock cuck. Nine, Ten, Eleven O'clock, Twelve O'clock cuck, They're gonna cuck around the clock tonight. They're gonna cuck around the clock tonight, They're gonna cuck, cuck, cuck, 'till broad daylight, They're gonna cuck around the clock tonight. Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 14, 2018 08:31 PM (SiINZ) 266
What he said was he couldn't find any documentary evidence of political bias not that there wasn't any. It's a pretty important distinction. Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:11 PM (/tuJf) I keep saying it. The documentary evidence is right in their report. Its that they broke all their rules and 100% of the time it benefited Hillary. That pattern of the favoritism is the documentation. Not once did they have to explain why they were "too hard" on Hillary and apologize for putting spies in her campaign after the found an illegal server leaking classified documents to the "foreign AC-TORS" It's in the report. Every time they broke protocol Hillary benefited, and their words in their emails/text magnifies their intent. Its laughable and anyone who hears it knows it. Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at June 14, 2018 08:31 PM (9dzlp) 267
Bill Maher on a rerun of 'Alice' on Antenna TV.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles He smells like smegma too. Posted by: Bozo Conservative....unfrozen caveman moron at June 14, 2018 08:31 PM (S6Pax) 268
244 What's Supercuck's super power?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at June 14, 2018 08:26 PM (nBr1j) A double jointed waist. Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at June 14, 2018 08:31 PM (4ErVI) 269
244 What's Supercuck's super power?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at June 14, 2018 08:26 PM ( Bald wilting. Posted by: eleven at June 14, 2018 08:31 PM (+lOpA) 270
It's hard to believe Hillary didn't know the significance of the "(C)"designation.
As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, she would have had to take the relavant training (especially since this was during the Bush Administration which would not have allowed her to skip the training). Posted by: SMOD at June 14, 2018 08:33 PM (e8kgV) 271
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at June 14, 2018 08:25 PM (UsCnO)
Two things to realize about Sessions. He is a Washington insider... he is HUGELY invested in the system. And, he is 72 years old... Trump, having the energy at his age to make real change is an outlier... Sessionzzzz should be in retirement IMO. Posted by: Don Q at June 14, 2018 08:33 PM (NgKpN) 272
Lizzy @ 147- Petraeus? Getting rid of him really not that remarkable, only what deep state does. What is remarkable is how a freaking mohamadan like brennan got the top CIA post.
Posted by: Eromero at June 14, 2018 08:33 PM (zLDYs) 273
No one should be the least bit surprised that an FBI agent would want to bring to justice someone who is openly collaborating with Russian intelligence in order to capture the American presidency. There could hardly be a more important mission for the FBI.
What a silly little unimportant twat Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 14, 2018 08:33 PM (SiINZ) 274
No one should be the least bit surprised that an FBI agent would want to bring to justice someone who is openly collaborating with Russian intelligence and they're coming to take me away Ha Ha they're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha in order to capture the American presidency. There could hardly be a more important mission for the FBI, to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time, and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're coming to take me away ha ha Posted by: Evan McMullin at June 14, 2018 08:34 PM (bUjCl) 275
Hillary not knowing that what C meant next to an email is such a lie that it is breathtaking. Remember, not only was this witch the Sec. of State, but prior she was a US Senator, and prior to that , the First Lady. She expected the FBI to believe that she didn't know what markings meant classified.
But guess what. They pretended to believe it. Posted by: Jen the original at June 14, 2018 08:34 PM (NLeU8) 276
That guy always makes me think of Egg McMuffins...
Posted by: Max Power at June 14, 2018 08:34 PM (q177U) 277
What is remarkable is how a freaking mohamadan like brennan got the top CIA post.
Posted by: Eromero Obama looked pretty hard to find someone like Brennan. It was not a mistake. It was a fundamental tactic of the Obama Regime. Posted by: Bozo Conservative....unfrozen caveman moron at June 14, 2018 08:34 PM (S6Pax) 278
Every time they broke protocol Hillary benefited, and their words in their emails/text magnifies their intent.
Its laughable and anyone who hears it knows it. Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at June 14, 2018 08:31 PM (9dzlp) Funny how a pattern of result can be used in a Court to prove RACIAL bias... but apparently, not POLITICAL bias. Posted by: Don Q at June 14, 2018 08:34 PM (NgKpN) 279
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 08:35 PM (BRvh1) 280
Mcmuffins cuck concubine Sarah Rumpf hasnt mentioned the IG report, either. What a hack she has become.
Posted by: Wyatt at June 14, 2018 08:35 PM (raFmT) 281
>> 260 What do Netflix employees do, anyway? Maintain servers? Marketing and sales guys?
And how do you know that some one is looking at you for more than five seconds unless you are watching them watch you for five seconds. Mutually assured destruction in the HR world I guess. Posted by: bananadream at June 14, 2018 08:35 PM (yRBj9) 282
For those who haven't go watch Wray's presser (it's fairly short).
It ranks as one of the most breath-takingly arrogant, and clueless, public performances by a govt. figure of consequence in my lifetime (which is saying something, esp. after the last 8 years). I'm still stunned by it. Dying to know what Trump and senior WH staff and even Sessions think of it. A key govt. agency is ablaze, its degradation was just further emphasized and documented by a report that raised even more questions about the wider DOJ with its ridiculous findings, and ..... let's talk about how well our recruiting is going, how tough it is to get into our intern program, and how we only care about the opinions of those working with us. Jeebus. Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 08:35 PM (QDnY+) 283
It's hard to believe Hillary didn't know the significance of the "(C)"designation. It stands for "Copyright". As in Hillary's words are copyrighted and if you try to use them, she will sue the crap out of you. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at June 14, 2018 08:35 PM (UsCnO) 284
Ok, who knows when the OIG FISA abuse report comes in?
Jackstraw, any sourced info? Posted by: RI Red at June 14, 2018 08:36 PM (I1V3o) 285
Bill Maher on a rerun of 'Alice' on Antenna TV.
Always looks as if he's going to snick something from his nose with his tongue. Posted by: Right Angles at June 14, 2018 08:36 PM (QviAd) 286
Rumpf is, however, is retweeting "funny" Hillary Clinton tweets today, though.
Posted by: Wyatt at June 14, 2018 08:36 PM (raFmT) Posted by: eleven at June 14, 2018 08:36 PM (+lOpA) 288
>>It's in the report.
Obvious bias is definitely in the report. The question is is there anything that they could take to court and get a conviction on a specific point. It's not what you know it's what you can prove in court. The latter is a much higher bar. Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:37 PM (/tuJf) 289
It was so limited, almost certainly, for obvious reasons. In fact, the first senior agent involved quit in May 2016 (Giacalone), with reason to think he did so because he saw the whitewash approaching.
Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 08:25 PM (QDnY+) --- Yeah, I agree. It's a real curious thing if the FBI would cop to these investigations being connected: Give Hillary the queen treatment while going hard after Trump--regardless of what Comey did in October. The connection would point to actions all aligned in a similar direction. But if you make the case that they are not connected, then you can at least make the case that Comey invited Strzok's delay by double-booking him. I'm not saying that's bedrock truth, I'm saying that's a strategic advantage from the enemies insistence that the FBI somehow was neutral in all this. Well, Comey ballocksed it up, by trying to have the same team run both investigations--even while giving no guidance to make sure they wrap up anything Clinton before proceeding on to Trump. This makes Comey clearly cannable, and cause completely removes obstruction as an issue: Comey's incompetent. Even if I don't believe it in that sense. Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 08:37 PM (vDqXW) 290
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 14, 2018 08:26 PM (0/+vJ)
Well said reference... and very depressing! Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at June 14, 2018 08:37 PM (n9EOP) 291
Kristol's twitter pic is just so gay. Just come out already.
Posted by: Lancelot Link Secret Agent Chimp at June 14, 2018 08:37 PM (o0mD3) 292
For those who haven't go watch Wray's presser (it's fairly short).
It ranks as one of the most breath-takingly arrogant, and clueless, public performances by a govt. figure of consequence in my lifetime (which is saying something, esp. after the last 8 years). What a total piece of shit he is. Miserable lying bastard Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 14, 2018 08:37 PM (SiINZ) 293
For those who haven't go watch Wray's presser (it's fairly short).
It ranks as one of the most breath-takingly arrogant, and clueless, public performances by a govt. figure of consequence in my lifetime (which is saying something, esp. after the last 8 years). I'm still stunned by it. Dying to know what Trump and senior WH staff and even Sessions think of it. Wray is trying to catch on as a Hollywood screenwriter. Specializing in fiction. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at June 14, 2018 08:37 PM (UsCnO) 294
It's not what you know it's what you can prove in court. The latter is a much higher bar.
Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:37 PM (/tuJf) Not according to Robert Mueller. Posted by: Don Q at June 14, 2018 08:38 PM (NgKpN) 295
Obvious bias is definitely in the report. The question is is there anything that they could take to court and get a conviction on a specific point.
Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:37 PM (/tuJf) Without a doubt they could get a conviction on at least the "gross negligence" mishandling of classified data charge. Well, maybe not in DC, but anywhere else in the country. Although it makes it harder now that former AAG Comey has stated as is professional prosecutor opinion that "no reasonable prosecutor" would bring the charge forward, then referenced manslaughter laws from 1917. Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 08:38 PM (F5+ro) 296
There should parallel flow charts of all the various investigations.
We know that they are all villains but which column? Posted by: Right Angles at June 14, 2018 08:38 PM (QviAd) 297
>>It's hard to believe Hillary didn't know the significance of the "(C)"designation.
Honestly, what she was doing was so far past a matter of understanding a 'C' designation that it is enraging that she gave this excuses. She was essentially committing espionage because she was not only distributing classified intel that she received as part of her job, but she was receiving and passing along intel she was not read in on - stuff she had no business possessing. And *this* points to her being up to something much worse than carelessness with documents - she had people inside IC agencies (some of whom we can probably ID now) stealing intel for her. To what end? Was she selling this? Was she using it to further her friends' business and then getting a kickback? Something worse? Posted by: Lizzy at June 14, 2018 08:39 PM (W+vEI) Posted by: Henny Kristol at June 14, 2018 08:39 PM (BRvh1) 299
Hey, REDACTED. You gonna explain why you socked me in the last thread?
Posted by: RI Red at June 14, 2018 08:39 PM (I1V3o) 300
It ranks as one of the most breath-takingly arrogant, and clueless, public performances by a govt. figure of consequence in my lifetime (which is saying something, esp. after the last 8 years).
Jeebus. Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 08:35 PM (QDnY+) I know right?......some people.....sheesh. Posted by: Zombie Budd Dwyer at June 14, 2018 08:39 PM (EoRCO) 301
I've always been told ignorance is not a defense
But I'm just a hoi polloi. Posted by: eleven at June 14, 2018 08:36 PM (+lOpA) For you, comrade citizen, ignorance is most definitely NOT a defense! Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at June 14, 2018 08:39 PM (n9EOP) 302
271 Sessionzzzz should be in retirement IMO.
Posted by: Don Q at June 14, 2018 08:33 PM (NgKpN) sessions got a total of nine bills passed in his 20 years in the senate. i think he officially retired a couple of decades ago. Posted by: Ever at June 14, 2018 08:39 PM (QPeHQ) 303
"Donna in Oregon"? Wasn't she that girl who was killed while dog-sitting by a John Lithgow lookalike one stormy night?
Posted by: andycanuck at June 14, 2018 08:40 PM (Evws/) 304
277 What is remarkable is how a freaking mohamadan like brennan got the top CIA post.
Posted by: Eromero Obama looked pretty hard to find someone like Brennan. It was not a mistake. It was a fundamental tactic of the Obama Regime. Posted by: Bozo Conservative....unfrozen caveman moron Brennan was also a communist. Another reason Obama picked him. Posted by: Puddleglum at June 14, 2018 08:40 PM (20X6f) 305
We are the cuck collective. Resistance is futile but encouraged.
Posted by: Egg McKristol at June 14, 2018 08:40 PM (Tyii7) 306
There has to be a joke there somewhere something, something "before the cuck crows three times."
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at June 14, 2018 08:41 PM (nBr1j) 307
I ordered bath towels from L.L. Bean. When they arrived I decided I didn't like the color, so I sent them back to exchange them for a different color. I just got an e-mail confirming receipt of my return. It looks like the towels have gone on sale since I originally ordered them. If I read it correctly, I may get a partial refund in addition to the replacement towels. #StillNotTiredOfWinning Posted by: rickl at June 14, 2018 08:41 PM (sdi6R) 308
Netflix now has original programming along with a rich library of straight to video movies, so it employs like a UHF station.
Posted by: Regular joe at June 14, 2018 08:41 PM (rwVzJ) 309
Ok, who knows when the OIG FISA abuse report comes in? Jackstraw, any sourced info? Posted by: RI Red at June 14, 2018 08:36 PM (I1V3o) You have to ask? Two Weeks Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at June 14, 2018 08:41 PM (9dzlp) 310
The report couldn't state people are guilty of x,y, and z. That would destroy any chances at a fair future trial. It's only facts. It's up to the prosecution to make the case at a hearing.
Posted by: Dr. Rockzo at June 14, 2018 08:41 PM (TA9CI) 311
>>I may just keep my jammies on and enjoy the lies and meltdown.
Heh. I don't think I could stomach watching that crew after the OIG report. Posted by: Lizzy at June 14, 2018 08:42 PM (W+vEI) 312
sessions got a total of nine bills passed in his 20 years in the senate. i think he officially retired a couple of decades ago.
Posted by: Ever at June 14, 2018 08:39 PM (QPeHQ) Good thing Sessionzzz was in the collegial Senate and DC for decades to establish his integrity and independence! Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at June 14, 2018 08:42 PM (n9EOP) Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 08:42 PM (F5+ro) 314
Ahhhh, cuthbert, I knew that was coming.
Posted by: RI Red at June 14, 2018 08:43 PM (I1V3o) 315
What is remarkable is how a freaking mohamadan like brennan got the top CIA post.
Look at the 13 Republicans that voted in favor of his confirmation Posted by: Atlanta Bob at June 14, 2018 08:43 PM (49y5s) 316
She expected the FBI to believe that she didn't know what markings meant classified.
But guess what. They pretended to believe it. Posted by: Jen the original at June 14, 2018 08:34 PM (NLeU ![]() --- And any operative of the left will. I've seen it countless times. They don't have a good argument, they just need a *side* to tell. That makes you "close minded" for not considering their side, and makes you "fanatic" for insisting your own. It allows a lot of back and forth where they run out the clock, and declare victory since "no one can decide" and "it's a divided nation" and all that crap that they say. It's the way that almost every single liberal that comes on Tucker is a time-waster, just prattling a party line (and I've tried *hard* to see in any other way) until their spot is done. Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 08:43 PM (vDqXW) 317
That was obviously a dodge. The laws are clear, you do not have to demonstrate gross negligence, you do not have to demonstrate intent, all you have to show is that classified data was transmitted from secure systems to insecure systems, and that you allowed people who did not have the necessary security clearance to access them. In some cases, documents tohat were only viewable on secure systems that were not connected to the net jumped the gap and were transmitted to Hillary's insecure server. This is all bullshit. Posted by: Kreplach at June 14, 2018 08:43 PM (UfMVm) 318
Im listening to Wray now. Really, what a douche.
Really. I mean, breathtakingly. Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 08:42 PM (F5+ro) You mean you aren't impressed by his intern program or the 5% acceptance? Better than Harvard or Yale... Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 14, 2018 08:44 PM (SiINZ) 319
The FBI is so hopelessly corrupt and incompetent that they can't even investigate themselves.
Posted by: Regular joe at June 14, 2018 08:44 PM (rwVzJ) 320
Help me, King Dong!!!
Posted by: Zombie Fay Wray at June 14, 2018 08:44 PM (Tyii7) 321
The FBI came over and left shart stains on the white couch... any tips for getting that stuff off leather? Posted by: Captain Planet's Less Gay Brother at June 14, 2018 08:44 PM (qul7b) Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:44 PM (/tuJf) 323
It allows a lot of back and forth where they run out the clock, and declare victory since "no one can decide" and "it's a divided nation" and all that crap that they say. It's the way that almost every single liberal that comes on Tucker is a time-waster, just prattling a party line (and I've tried *hard* to see in any other way) until their spot is done.
Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 08:43 PM (vDqXW) They have their actual arguments, then their "tv arguments" which almost no one believes are true, but they think we (the right) are stupid and easily confused; so they'll just throw it out there. Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 08:44 PM (F5+ro) 324
>>It's hard to believe Hillary didn't know the significance of the "(C)"designation. Honestly, what she was doing was so far past a matter of understanding a 'C' designation that it is enraging that she gave this excuses. She was essentially committing espionage because she was not only distributing classified intel that she received as part of her job, but she was receiving and passing along intel she was not read in on - stuff she had no business possessing. And *this* points to her being up to something much worse than carelessness with documents - she had people inside IC agencies (some of whom we can probably ID now) stealing intel for her. To what end? Was she selling this? Was she using it to further her friends' business and then getting a kickback? Something worse? Posted by: Lizzy at June 14, 2018 08:39 PM (W+vEI) I always thought her server was a blind drop. A way wicked retahded one, but I think that somewhere, someone convinced her it was good idea to pass the info that way. Its sad that the D's take national security so lightly. Party before nation indeed. Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at June 14, 2018 08:45 PM (9dzlp) Posted by: Lizzy at June 14, 2018 08:45 PM (W+vEI) 326
You mean you aren't impressed by his intern program or the 5% acceptance? Better than Harvard or Yale...
Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 14, 2018 08:44 PM (SiINZ) Well, I'm sold! Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 08:45 PM (F5+ro) 327
Bippy -- You had to be there to understand it. c.f. -- You bet your sweet ass I am.
Posted by: Deplorable Lady with Only Two Deplorable Cats at June 14, 2018 08:45 PM (Yg8Fy) 328
I'm sure he's been asked many times, but I haven't come across anything about it - what does Jonah Goldberg have to say about his previous support of Even McMullin these days?
Posted by: Mitchell Morgan at June 14, 2018 08:46 PM (BvNzB) 329
essions got a total of nine bills passed in his 20 years in the senate. i think he officially retired a couple of decades ago. Posted by: Ever at June 14, 2018 08:39 PM We probably have more than enough laws as it is. Maybe they should eliminate some of them instead. Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at June 14, 2018 08:46 PM (IqV8l) 330
also, OIG report mentions,, and IIRC -- so how many email addresses did Hillary and her staff have?
Are we sure we k now about all of them? Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 08:46 PM (F5+ro) 331
It's 8:16 p.m today from "Donna in Oregon" near the end of that thread on Wary's press conference.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 14, 2018 08:26 PM (0/+vJ) ===== FOUND IT ON THE (CURRENTLY) 6TH PAGE OF COMMENTS at Posted by: ShainS at June 14, 2018 08:46 PM (BiLU+) 332
Voting Aye
Lamar Alexander Richard M. Burr Daniel Coats Tom Coburn Susan Collins Bob Corker Jeff Flake Lindsey Graham Orrin G. Hatch Mark Steven Kirk John McCain Lisa Murkowski Marco Rubio Posted by: Atlanta Bob at June 14, 2018 08:46 PM (49y5s) 333
This is all bullshit.
Posted by: Kreplach at June 14, 2018 08:43 PM (UfMVm) In my old job, if I was witting of such a classified data transfer from a secure to an insecure off the books system and didn't report it immediately to my security officer, I'd still be in a subbasement windowless cell in Leavenworth! Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at June 14, 2018 08:46 PM (n9EOP) 334
Trump's been quiet on twitter today. I like to imagine that Melania stole Donald's phone, and said, "you are taking the day off, and if I catch you on the damn phone one more time I'm going to my Mother's!"
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 08:47 PM (BRvh1) 335
Ahoy, captain. May I come aboard your wife?
Posted by: Ace of Spades at 07:50 PM Why ask? Nobody else does. Posted by: OneEyedJack at June 14, 2018 08:47 PM (z79tQ) 336
It's not what you know it's what you can prove in court. The latter is a much higher bar. Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:37 PM (/tuJf) Not according to Robert Mueller. Posted by: Don Q at June 14, 2018 08:38 PM (NgKpN) Touche Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at June 14, 2018 08:47 PM (9dzlp) 337
I'm going to travel 1 week into the future. Brb.
. . . . . . . I'm back, just as I suspected. What IG report? Oh, and mueller still hasn't found any collusion. And the cubs lost. Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2018 08:47 PM (wdmm9) 338
RI Red, no way to know about an IG product until that office gives some indication. The FISA investigation was announced in late March. Of course a great deal of the material, and the personnel, are common to both scandals, er, understandably difficult investigations riddled with tough discretionary calls. Which might accelerate things.
Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 08:48 PM (QDnY+) 339
330 also, OIG report mentions,, and IIRC -- so how many email addresses did Hillary and her staff have?
Are we sure we k now about all of them? Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 08:46 PM (F5+ro) ======= I think Rush bought a domain name for her as a birthday gift one year: Posted by: ShainS at June 14, 2018 08:48 PM (BiLU+) 340
>>It's in the report.
Obvious bias is definitely in the report. The question is is there anything that they could take to court and get a conviction on a specific point. It's not what you know it's what you can prove in court. The latter is a much higher bar. Posted by: JackStraw -------------------------- Investigators, prosecutors, and defenders all are DeepState, none of them want discovery exposed to the public, a trial would bring political calamity to DeepState. Posted by: Right Angles at June 14, 2018 08:49 PM (QviAd) Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:49 PM (/tuJf) Posted by: rickl at June 14, 2018 08:49 PM (sdi6R) 343
Its sad that the D's take national security so lightly. Party before nation indeed.
Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at June 14, 2018 08:45 PM (9dzlp) They are actively attempting to subvert and destroy the Governement as constituted in the Constitution. (precise and accurate, but still sounds funny....) Why in the balls would they care in the slightest about a security breach? Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 08:49 PM (BRvh1) 344
Not according to Robert Mueller. Posted by: Don Q at June 14, 2018 08:38 PM (NgKpN) --- I don't think Mueller cares about what he can prove in court. His target is Trump, his target court is Congress. He will twist arms and raid lawyers and totally crap over rules of evidence, because when he finally strong-arms the goods on Trump (if any), Congress isn't bound by rules of evidence. That's what I'm thinking these days. This is why they got a guy *known* for withholding evidence and shady prosecution. Dirty Bob. Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 08:51 PM (vDqXW) 345
Ok, who knows when the OIG FISA abuse report comes in? Jackstraw, any sourced info? Posted by: RI Red at June 14, 2018 08:36 PM (I1V3o) At least a year, my guess is much longer since everyone involved requires the highest level natsec clearances. Because of the classification level I have a hard time imagining such a report can even be released to the public woth any specifics. Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at June 14, 2018 08:51 PM (rnXGe) Posted by: Atlanta Bob at June 14, 2018 08:51 PM (49y5s) 347
Well, this is it for me until 0400 Friday. Gute nacht du trottel bruder und schwestern.
Posted by: Eromero at June 14, 2018 08:51 PM (zLDYs) 348
I sense the accretion of a movie idea for Hillary - The Cucks Who Loved Me starring Billy 'DeeDee' Kristol.
DeeDee for being Doubly Deluded. Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at June 14, 2018 08:51 PM (AgRBF) 349
337 I'm going to travel 1 week into the future. Brb.
. . . . . . . I'm back, just as I suspected. What IG report? Oh, and mueller still hasn't found any collusion. And the cubs lost. Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2018 08:47 PM (wdmm9) =========== And you'll be assured that #FakeAG Sessions is still playing 11-dimensional possum in preparation for eventually saving the nation around 2025 ... Posted by: ShainS at June 14, 2018 08:51 PM (BiLU+) 350
It's like these people are all members of a secret society--The Fellowship of the Deep State.
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at June 14, 2018 08:51 PM (nBr1j) 351
Just remember this, folks: there's been all kinds of stories about how "Trump" isn't getting nominees to the Senate fast enough, and he's picking nominees who "can't pass background checks / security clearances", and etc.
THESE PEOPLE, AND THEIR FELLOW FELONS in the bureaucracy, are the SAME ONES making those checks. Is there anyone here stupid enough to think that process is being done fairly and honestly either???? Posted by: SDN at June 14, 2018 08:52 PM (z3gg+) 352
IG Report is fricken hilarious -
Bottom Line Up Front - - No documented evidence of political bias Then 500 pages of FIBs licking Hillary's fetid crotch and disparaging Trump. Posted by: Burnt Toast at June 14, 2018 08:52 PM (1g7ch) 353
Atlanta Bob, pardon my ignorance , but voting aye on what?
Posted by: Ben Had at June 14, 2018 08:52 PM (cHVSG) 354
If trump was openly collaborating, where is the proof? Open collaboration should be easy to demonstrate. Where is the indictment. I thought lefties had abandoned that position? It was Russian meddling.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2018 08:52 PM (wdmm9) 355
340 this is why McCabe's suit against DOJ and FBI will prove problematic
Posted by: kallisto at June 14, 2018 08:52 PM (dq4fo) 356
I've noticed his cases keep falling apart.
Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:49 PM (/tuJf) --- See my above post. I assess that he doesn't really care--outside of what excessive embarrassment might do, such as spur a consensus to shut down his Stasi. Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 08:52 PM (vDqXW) 357
Ok, thx, jackstraw and rhomboid. I'll save the lighter fluid for my new hair style till later.
Posted by: RI Red at June 14, 2018 08:53 PM (I1V3o) 358
I don't know what to think yet. I'm waiting for someone to read the entire 500 pages, then write a summary. The real meaning, I guess, depends on who gets to spend the rest of their life wearing an orange jumpsuit and be allowed to see the sun once a day and who doesn't.
Posted by: Deplorable Lady with Only Two Deplorable Cats at June 14, 2018 08:53 PM (Yg8Fy) Posted by: Internet Tough Guy at June 14, 2018 08:53 PM (y3aQB) 360
Night Eromero.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at June 14, 2018 08:53 PM (ndTbZ) 361
I'm back, just as I suspected. What IG report? Oh, and mueller still hasn't found any collusion. And the cubs lost.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2018 08:47 PM (wdmm9) At least there is some good news to look forward to. Posted by: tbodie at June 14, 2018 08:53 PM (3W5cQ) 362
346 Voting Aye on what?
Brennan's confirmation to CIA. Posted by: Atlanta Bob at June 14, 2018 08:51 PM (49y5s) Thanks. That's rather telling, isn't it? Posted by: rickl at June 14, 2018 08:54 PM (sdi6R) 363
Donna from Oregon makes me think of Donna wailing like a banshee on Playin in the Band during the 72 Veneta show.
Posted by: Cosmic Charlie at June 14, 2018 08:54 PM (PUmDY) 364
If trump was openly collaborating, where is the proof? Open collaboration should be easy to demonstrate. Where is the indictment. I thought lefties had abandoned that position? It was Russian meddling.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2018 08:52 PM (wdmm9) --- The Dems are rallying around that it's Comey's fault. Well if it's Comey's fault, there doesn't need to be Russian collusion to explain the Trump win. Why can't the Dems take the explanation that gosh, mistakes were made? Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 08:54 PM (vDqXW) 365
Investigators, prosecutors, and defenders all are DeepState, none of them want discovery exposed to the public, a trial would bring political calamity to DeepState.
Posted by: Right Angles at June 14, 2018 08:49 PM (QviAd) They need to be exposed to helicopter rides Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 14, 2018 08:54 PM (SiINZ) 366
332 Voting Aye
Lamar Alexander Richard M. Burr Daniel Coats Tom Coburn Susan Collins Bob Corker Jeff Flake Lindsey Graham Orrin G. Hatch Mark Steven Kirk John McCain Lisa Murkowski Marco Rubio Posted by: Atlanta Bob at June 14, 2018 08:46 PM (49y5s) I'd be shocked if any of these blackmailed commies voted no. Posted by: Dr. Rockzo at June 14, 2018 08:54 PM (TA9CI) 367
Off topic, but there I was at an IHOP/IHOb in Mesa, AZ this morning waiting a bit too long for what turned out to be luke warm over easy eggs and downright cold pancakes playing on the internet....signed into the IHOP WIFI and went to look up prices on aN ATV dust mask...the search returned the item I was looking for at Cabella's....clicked on the link and wow, it violated the IHOP Terms of Use policy because "weapons." Fired of a comment to IHOP HQ containing the phrase "bolshevik jerks," paid, no tip, will never go to another IHOP or Applebees again. Headquartered in Cali, the epicenter of sociwral collapse. Bunch of crap.
Posted by: ErikInTexas at June 14, 2018 08:55 PM (0EUAh) 368
Its sad that the D's take national security so lightly. Party before nation indeed.
Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at June 14, 2018 08:45 PM (9dzlp) They are actively attempting to subvert and destroy the Governement as constituted in the Constitution. (precise and accurate, but still sounds funny....) Why in the balls would they care in the slightest about a security breach? Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2018 08:49 PM (BRvh1) Their actions prove their loyalties and their treason. They consider us - Conservatives, Republicans - as the true enemy. It is more important to hide/secure their communications from us than from the country's actual enemies - Russia, China, and every other fucking intelligence agency on the planet that had the ability to hack into her 'bathroom server'. That shows where their true loyalties lie. This is as Un-American as you can get! Posted by: LGoPs at June 14, 2018 08:55 PM (FWsqf) 369
Speaking of Mueller, I think my friend's law partners are having fun torturing his office (the Russian internet saboteurs case). Another motion filed today or yesterday, about discovery. Haven't had time to check it out.
But I'm already wrong on that case. Was certain Mueller would drop it after the debacle at arraignment (defendants showed up, demanded trial and discovery, Mueller's team was completely unprepared and humiliated, and the judge sided with the defendants). Then again Mueller's operation seems to operate free of the legal, professional, constitutional, and political constraints that face other investigations. Perhaps fitting, as it's an illegitimate criminal investigation magically emerging from a counter-intel investigation, created contrary to DOJ regs. Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 08:55 PM (QDnY+) 370
The flyover rubes appear to be quite agitated over all of this. We can't have that.
Posted by: Egg McKristol at June 14, 2018 08:55 PM (Tyii7) 371
244 What's Supercuck's super power? Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at June 14, 2018 08:26 PM ( Bald wilting. Posted by: eleven at June 14, 2018 08:31 PM (+lOpA) To be bullied by Cap'n Bill. Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet Brings You Inspector General and his Electric Accordian Band! at June 14, 2018 08:56 PM (0QYMt) 372
So the position of the FBI is that they're not answerable to Congress, nor are they answerable to the President (and Wray said he doesn't care what Trump's opinion of the FBI is, he's more worried about the people "that matter.").
This is a... troubling development, I'd say, no? Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 08:56 PM (F5+ro) 373
>>See my above post. I assess that he doesn't really care--outside of what excessive embarrassment might do, such as spur a consensus to shut down his Stasi.
He's getting abused by the lawyer for the Russian group he tried to prosecute. His "evidence" is proving to be a non-existent joke. Mueller is probably not the go to guy to reference for successful prosecutions. Flynn is going to shove his guilty plea right up Mueller's ass now that he has access to all the evidence. Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:56 PM (/tuJf) 374
367 Applebee's is hideous
Posted by: kallisto at June 14, 2018 08:57 PM (dq4fo) 375
364 If trump was openly collaborating, where is the proof? Open collaboration should be easy to demonstrate. Where is the indictment. I thought lefties had abandoned that position? It was Russian meddling.
Good point. You would think it take this long for corrupt, incompetent criminal Robert Mueller to investigate open collaboration. In that case he's even more incompetent than suspected. Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at June 14, 2018 08:57 PM (nBr1j) 376
Mueller is probably not the go to guy to reference for successful prosecutions. Flynn is going to shove his guilty plea right up Mueller's ass now that he has access to all the evidence.
Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:56 PM (/tuJf) It's pretty hard to unplead guilty. Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 08:57 PM (F5+ro) 377
Speaking of Mueller, I think my friend's law
partners are having fun torturing his office (the Russian internet saboteurs case). Another motion filed today or yesterday, about discovery. Haven't had time to check it out. But I'm already wrong on that case. Was certain Mueller would drop it after the debacle at arraignment (defendants showed up, demanded trial and discovery, Mueller's team was completely unprepared and humiliated, and the judge sided with the defendants). Then again Mueller's operation seems to operate free of the legal, professional, constitutional, and political constraints that face other investigations. Perhaps fitting, as it's an illegitimate criminal investigation magically emerging from a counter-intel investigation, created contrary to DOJ regs. Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 08:55 PM (QDnY+) Yeah, but Mueller's a Republican! According to that cretin Julian Epstein on Tucker a few minutes ago. Posted by: LGoPs at June 14, 2018 08:57 PM (FWsqf) Posted by: cumjeff at June 14, 2018 08:58 PM (Evws/) 379
The Dems are rallying around that it's Comey's
fault. Well if it's Comey's fault, there doesn't need to be Russian collusion to explain the Trump win. Why can't the Dems take the explanation that gosh, mistakes were made? Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 08:54 PM (vDqXW) I know people who will tell you with a straight face that Comey is also a Russian spy. Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at June 14, 2018 08:58 PM (rnXGe) 380
This is a... troubling development, I'd say, no?
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 08:56 PM (F5+ro) --- But then again it upholds the 10-second tradition of the Independence of the DOJ! Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 08:58 PM (vDqXW) 381
Applebee's used to have good food, but a new company bought them and now their menu is 5 times the size and its made from low quality ingredients.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at June 14, 2018 08:58 PM (39g3+) 382
Yeah, but Mueller's a Republican!
According to that cretin Julian Epstein on Tucker a few minutes ago. Posted by: LGoPs at June 14, 2018 08:57 PM (FWsqf) Fake News. Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 08:58 PM (F5+ro) 383
I think Mueller should subpoena Trudeau's eyebrow.
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at June 14, 2018 08:59 PM (nBr1j) 384
Hey Jane, I love Bloody Mary's , I think I'll join you!
Posted by: Debby Doberman Schultz at June 14, 2018 08:59 PM (nWc4E) 385
-- a trial would bring political calamity to DeepState. ---------------------------------- Exceedingly unlikely. For example, when DeepState operators text things to each other that are obviously indicative of bias in the investigation they are involved with, the remedy recommended is to teach all investigators not to text on government phones. Posted by: The DeepState owns you at June 14, 2018 08:59 PM (RVcmP) 386
According to that cretin Julian Epstein on Tucker a few minutes ago.
Posted by: Crete at June 14, 2018 09:00 PM (nBr1j) 387
Brian in NOLA makes a good point about the FISA IG investigation - classification issues (ironic, huh?). Everything to do with FISA is ultra-hush hush (though many more people now realize what b.s. so much classification really is).
I recall that even in investigating the State/Clinton crimes, the IG had a problem in that they lacked enough personnel with sufficient clearances to deal with some the pertinent material. Which was tiny, tiny little hint to the thinking layman - hmm, the watchdog group investigating whether secrets were illegally placed in an unsecure environment don't even have the clearances to investigate the matter ..... looks like somebody violated the law! Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 09:00 PM (QDnY+) 388
But then again it upholds the 10-second tradition of the Independence of the DOJ!
Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 08:58 PM (vDqXW) Right, right. Well I don't remember when we decided to turn ultimate power in our country over to the federal police. I guess that's the thing about a police state, though, isn't it? -- it just kind of appears. One day you're going to all kinds of fun "workers of the world unite!" parties, with music and girls and camaraderie and the next day the KGB is dragging you to the gulag. Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 09:00 PM (F5+ro) 389
>>Yeah, but Mueller's a Republican!
According to that cretin Julian Epstein on Tucker a few minutes ago. *eye roll* IIRC, the Mueller team member who is running this one is Rhee, who previously worked for - wait for it! - Clinton Foundation. Posted by: Lizzy at June 14, 2018 09:01 PM (W+vEI) 390
The Dems are rallying around that it's Comey's fault. Well if it's Comey's fault, there doesn't need to be Russian collusion to explain the Trump win.
Why can't the Dems take the explanation that gosh, mistakes were made? Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 08:54 PM (vDqXW) ********************************* And they've been screaming that Trump was obstructing justice by firing Comey. Yet, he didn't fire him until after he got the letter from Rosenstein. It's like watching a ping pong match. Posted by: redridinghood at June 14, 2018 09:01 PM (PvFoN) 391
He hasn't been sentenced so he can make an application to retract his appeal. But that would open him up to torturous prosecution by Mueller. My gut says he's not going to retract. Posted by: Kreplach at June 14, 2018 09:01 PM (UfMVm) 392
>>It's pretty hard to unplead guilty.
Not when you have Judge Emmet Sullivan overseeing the case. He has a thing about prosecutorial misconduct. He's really against it. I wonder how he ended up on the case after Contreras was recused? Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 09:02 PM (/tuJf) 393
IHOP or Applebees again. Headquartered in Cali, the epicenter of sociwral collapse. Bunch of crap.
Posted by: ErikInTexas at June 14, 2018 08:55 PM (0EUAh) Yup.....IHOP and Applebees are pure shit. Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 14, 2018 09:02 PM (EoRCO) 394
Our country's government has become the Evil Empire. I never thought I'd say that. And it's happened in front of my eyes, over the last 30 years or so.
President Trump and his supporters are the Rebel alliance. Posted by: LGoPs at June 14, 2018 09:02 PM (FWsqf) 395
[From "The Hill" (no pun intended):] Hillary mocks Comey over reports he used private email for FBI business: "But my emails" Ugh ... she's the victim yet again! What a minefield we avoided thanks to PDT. Posted by: ShainS at June 14, 2018 09:02 PM (BiLU+) 396
He's getting abused by the lawyer for the Russian group he tried to prosecute. His "evidence" is proving to be a non-existent joke.
Mueller is probably not the go to guy to reference for successful prosecutions. Flynn is going to shove his guilty plea right up Mueller's ass now that he has access to all the evidence. Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:56 PM (/tuJf) --- I'm read up on *all* of that. I know how *thin* Mueller's cases are growing. That's why I suspect he doesn't care about admissibility of evidence because Congress is not bound by rules of evidence. He just has to keep his investigation politically viable, so he can twist arms and raid homes and offices, trying to get that one piece of dirt that will impeach Trump. That, I consider, is his game. He's got all sorts of "fruit of the poisoned tree" sitting around him. It doesn't matter. Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 09:03 PM (vDqXW) 397
Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 08:35 PM (QDnY+) Yes. He was an arrogant asshole. And I screamed that at him the whole time. He said he only cared about the 'opinions of those who knew him' or some such shit and then filibustered about how great a job the FBI was doing. WHAT!? Posted by: Cannibal Bob at June 14, 2018 09:03 PM (2CQCl) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 14, 2018 09:03 PM (r+sAi) 399
There's a phony-Brit pub-style chain here that was bought out too. Changed the menu and now it costs alot more, it takes 30 minutes to get served after ordering, and the quality has dropped.
![]() Posted by: andycanuck at June 14, 2018 09:03 PM (Evws/) 400
196 Somebody please hide me. Some time in the next hour or so I will talk to alexthechick and I will be forced, forced to tell her that I just saw Incredibles 2. She will be disappointed by everything I have to say. Posted by: Bandersnatch at June 14, 2018 08:18 PM (fuK7c) Full confession, citizen. Your review or your Agonizer! Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at June 14, 2018 09:03 PM (e1mEI) 401
And how would you like your steak microwaved, Professor?
Posted by: Fapplebees Server at June 14, 2018 09:03 PM (Tyii7) 402
Yup.....IHOP and Applebees are pure shit.
Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 14, 2018 09:02 PM (EoRCO) It's IHOb now. Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 09:04 PM (F5+ro) 403
Harry, seems like I'm an outlier here, but I am stunned at Wray's performance and professed mindset here. Even though it confirmed my worst fears during his months of silence.
At this point, it really is time for select Hill creatures to unload on Wray and the FBI. They've been having a not so polite wrestling match, but the combo of this shameful cowardly IG report (which documents appalling lack of intelligence and professionalism in the FBI) and Wray's stunning presser really should be the last straw. Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 09:04 PM (QDnY+) 404
*clears throat*
*singing* Being a cuck.... EX-sigh-TING and newwwww... Come on my wiiiiiffe... She's EX-Peck-Tinnnnng youuuuuuuuu... It's the CUCK BOAT! Posted by: Wild Bill Kristol at June 14, 2018 09:04 PM (v3DL/) 405
If Macmullin is aware of open collaboration he should take over from the worthless Mueller. Maybe that money would help him pay his debts.
Posted by: Crete at June 14, 2018 09:04 PM (nBr1j) 406
Brian in NOLA makes a good point about the FISA IG investigation - classification issues (ironic, huh?). Everything to do with FISA is ultra-hush hush (though many more people now realize what b.s. so much classification really is). ---- FISA is as secret as it gets. CIA/NSA intel, SCI, code-word, etc... Just being read into all of those programs can take months. For how many investigators after their year-long initial clearance investigation? And then what part of that "investigation" can be released to the public? Sources and methods, anyone? CIA/NSA could drag it out for a decade if they choose. And then who would trust a final report? Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at June 14, 2018 09:05 PM (rnXGe) 407
Do you think that James Comey knows that Hillary is married to Bill Clinton??
Posted by: Debby Doberman Schultz at June 14, 2018 09:05 PM (nWc4E) 408
[From "The Hill" (no pun intended):] Hillary mocks Comey over reports he used private email for FBI business: "But my emails" Ugh ... she's the victim yet again! What a minefield we avoided thanks to PDT. Posted by: ShainS at June 14, 2018 09:02 PM (BiLU+) She is gonna pay for that shit some day. The report shows she is pretty much an idiot, she is off her rocker ! Posted by: Somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 14, 2018 09:05 PM (M+Lyo) 409
And they've been screaming that Trump was obstructing justice by firing Comey. Yet, he didn't fire him until after he got the letter from Rosenstein.
It's like watching a ping pong match. Posted by: redridinghood at June 14, 2018 09:01 PM (PvFoN) --- Well Rosenstein kind of set him up by saying that Trump wanted R to give him a reason to fire Comey, and Trump went full out on TV saying he wanted to. It does seem to be all working against the left--but comfort with that requires time, which we probably won't have enough of with any sort of residual "blue wave" in November. Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 09:06 PM (vDqXW) 410
396 murller's problem is declining support even from feminists and indies. Impeachment won't happen to a popular president. Consumer confidence and spending are on the upswing. Murller's popularity and support come from fringe blue areas and the Beltway, not from the masses.
Posted by: kallisto at June 14, 2018 09:07 PM (dq4fo) 411
It's IHOb now.
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 09:04 PM (F5+ro) Oh yeah, I forgot.'s gonna be IOUTOFBUSINESS soon. Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 14, 2018 09:07 PM (EoRCO) 412
Egg McMuffin aka Big Mac is a true conservative's true conservative.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at June 14, 2018 09:07 PM (+y/Ru) 413
I do understand, somewhat, the reluctance of the FBI to grill Hillary. The stench in her presence must be overwhelming.
Posted by: Crete at June 14, 2018 09:07 PM (nBr1j) 414
Mueller is probably not the go to guy to reference for successful prosecutions. Flynn is going to shove his guilty plea right up Mueller's ass now that he has access to all the evidence.
Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:56 PM (/tuJf) ----------- I don't think Mueller cares about the Flynn case falling apart. He has already ruined him financially through his "the process is the punishment" shit he has put him through in order to make him an example not to fuck with Mueller. I hope Flynn can sue, and make back multiples of what spent on lawyers, but even that would not hurt that prick Mueller even one little bit financially. Posted by: Calm Mentor at June 14, 2018 09:08 PM (I16G8) 415
Kreplach, you really think Flynn wouldn't be OK to Judge Sullivan blowing up the plea deal - isn't that how it would work, if prosecutorial misconduct is found? He vacated the convictions of Ted Stevens in that case, I think.
As baffled as I am about Flynn's original plea, I'm extra puzzled as to why he might not go along with Judge Sullivan (who as JackStraw points out is the last federal judge alive you want on your case if you're a skeevy federal prosecutor) if it turns out the "case" is as dirty as we think it is. Time will tell, but the Flynn case unraveling, with ramifications for many big names, is actually my dark horse candidate for actual prosecutions of vermin like Yates and a few others - though the FISA debacle seems like it would sweep the whole rogue's gallery up rather nicely, too. Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 09:08 PM (QDnY+) 416
>>... but I am stunned at Wray's performance and professed mindset here. Even though it confirmed my worst fears during his months of silence.
Me, too. I figured he would at least say something such as, "I am stunned at some of the behavior by FBI agents in this report, and I can assure you that things will change." Nope, he says nothing in the report impugns the agency as a whole, here's a list of some non sequitur list recent accomplishments, training blah blah blah. WTF? Posted by: Lizzy at June 14, 2018 09:08 PM (W+vEI) 417
so shouldn't Flynn do a go-fund me?
Posted by: Krystal Slider Enthusiast at June 14, 2018 09:09 PM (FOPyv) 418
Flynn is going to shove his guilty plea right up Mueller's ass now that he has access to all the evidence.
Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:56 PM (/tuJf) I am so happy about that. The Flynn thing was outrageous. Just sickened me. Posted by: platypus at June 14, 2018 09:09 PM (GVZIJ) 419
Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 09:08 PM (QDnY+)
I think Flynn is following a legal strategy right now that is being driven largely by the fact that the DOJ has unlimited money to spend on this case and he has very finite money to spend. It's not an uncommon method for prosecutors to try. There are a lot of people who have taken a plea deal who probably would have won in front of a jury but just couldn't afford to get there. Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 09:11 PM (F5+ro) 420
17 so shouldn't Flynn do a go-fund me?
Posted by: Krystal Slider Enthusiast at June 14, 2018 09:09 PM (FOPyv) I wondered about that...did he go broke on his legal fees and lose his house? I wasn't able to closely follow at the time. Posted by: platypus at June 14, 2018 09:11 PM (GVZIJ) 421
No one should be the least bit surprised an Actor would want to bring justice to someone who is openly collaborating with Negroes and Abolitionists. There could hardly be a more important role for an actor. Posted by: Evan McMullin super cia spy, boy genius, brain of german shepherd at June 14, 2018 08:17 PM (9yPBp) Take a bow Posted by: Mega at June 14, 2018 09:11 PM (rv0Fo) 422
>>I don't think Mueller cares about the Flynn case falling apart. He has already ruined him financially through his "the process is the punishment" shit he has put him through in order to make him an example not to fuck with Mueller.
>>I hope Flynn can sue, and make back multiples of what spent on lawyers, but even that would not hurt that prick Mueller even one little bit financially. If Flynn's case falls apart there is even less reason for Mueller to even have a job. He is the only person even remotely connected to Trump and Russia as weak as it is. When Flynn's case crumbles that will be it for the Mueller investigation if it isn't over before. It's not about Mueller, it's about the left that put him in the job in the first place. Mueller is just their weapon. Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 09:11 PM (/tuJf) 423
I do fear that the usual reason Espionage Act cases are not brought to trial (discovery - revelation of sources and methods) will knee-cap the FISA case, which otherwise seems almost certain to contain serious slam-dunk felony charges against some of our favorite characters.
But Huber and Sessions and Trump might face a big decision here (which I think is easy, actually) - to finally go ahead, not letting such considerations limit the case, due to the importance of the principles and laws and crimes involved. Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 09:12 PM (QDnY+) 424
-- Flynn is going to shove his guilty plea right up Mueller's ass now that he has access to all the evidence. Posted by: JackStraw at June 14, 2018 08:56 PM (/tuJf) --------------------------------------- This concept you have of this thing called "evidence" amuses us. Posted by: The DeepState at June 14, 2018 09:12 PM (RVcmP) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 14, 2018 09:12 PM (r+sAi) 426
I don't think Mueller cares about the Flynn case falling apart. He has already ruined him financially through his "the process is the punishment" shit he has put him through in order to make him an example not to fuck with Mueller.
Posted by: Calm Mentor at June 14, 2018 09:08 PM (I16G ![]() --- That's a good point. McCabe has done that to people too. This is not your father's State, this is a new-school State. It raids the office of the personal counsel of a person EVERYBODY KNOWS is "under investigation", no matter how unofficial it is. If Trump weren't under suspicion, why would firing Mueller implicate him? What could it implicate him in, if he can't be a target? This is the doublethink that the left has trained themselves very well in. We have to avoid being sucked in. They raided the office of the personal counsel of the main target of Mueller's investigation--and once again, it won't matter because Congress has no evidentiary rules. If Mueller finds dirt--it become "serious" enough to impeach 45. Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 09:13 PM (vDqXW) 427
Posted by: BEN ROTTENSPLOOGER at June 14, 2018 09:13 PM (j6XEO) 428
What's Supercuck's super power?
------------------------------- Super enjoyment of the fact that he doesn't matter Posted by: Mega at June 14, 2018 09:13 PM (rv0Fo) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 14, 2018 09:13 PM (r+sAi) 430
Let me be clear, Mueller burned Flynn at the behest of barky.
Posted by: Ben Had at June 14, 2018 09:14 PM (cHVSG) 431
Me, too.
I figured he would at least say something such as, "I am stunned at some of the behavior by FBI agents in this report, and I can assure you that things will change." Nope, he says nothing in the report impugns the agency as a whole, here's a list of some non sequitur list recent accomplishments, training blah blah blah. WTF? Posted by: Lizzy at June 14, 2018 09:08 PM (W+vEI) Right?!? I was expecting a Obama-type reaction to the IRS thing "These are very serious allegations, we will look in to it, and take this very seriously... " etc. etc. while mentally making the jack off hand sign. This guy came out "well, some minor mistakes were made around the use of technology and a little bit of damage to our brand from false perceptions people had, but we don't care about your opinion. Oh, and I'm going to read some crime stats to you. Oh, and we're more exclusive than harvard. Oh, and we get a lot of interns. Also, don't care what the president, our boss, things about us. Or anyone else. Thanks, media!" Posted by: Harry Paratestes at June 14, 2018 09:14 PM (F5+ro) 432
Of course one of the burning questions that's been so for quite a while is how Rosenstein can be exercising any sort of real oversight of Mueller, given the ridiculous cases he's bringing, and the known lack of any evidence (or even any predicate crime) related to the nominal (and only fully publicly revealed) mandate of the SC's office.
Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 09:15 PM (QDnY+) 433
NOT Flynn - I meant Rosenstein. Stupid Brain. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 14, 2018 09:13 PM (r+sAi) The human brain is funny. I initially read that as "I met Rosenstein. Stupid Brain." Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at June 14, 2018 09:15 PM (ndTbZ) 434
I do understand, somewhat, the reluctance of the FBI to grill Hillary. The stench in her presence must be overwhelming.
Posted by: Crete at June 14, 2018 09:07 PM (nBr1j) --- And they might have seen Basic Instinct. Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 09:15 PM (vDqXW) 435
President Trump and his supporters are the Rebel alliance.
Posted by: LGoPs at June 14, 2018 09:02 PM (FWsqf) Tico! Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at June 14, 2018 09:15 PM (rnXGe) 436
Guy Mohawk, think I saw today that the "we'll stop him" message was actually only recovered in the last month. The "hid from Congress" thing might - might - be entirely mistaken, from a factual POV. If that report is true.
Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 09:16 PM (QDnY+) 437
Where's Guildenstern when I really need him?
Posted by: Rod Rosencrantz at June 14, 2018 09:17 PM (Tyii7) 438
Me, too.
I figured he would at least say something such as, "I am stunned at some of the behavior by FBI agents in this report, and I can assure you that things will change." Nope, he says nothing in the report impugns the agency as a whole, here's a list of some non sequitur list recent accomplishments, training blah blah blah. WTF? Posted by: Lizzy at June 14, 2018 09:08 PM (W+vEI) Always best when people impugn themselves with their own words. Sounds like he did. Makes me wonder what audience he thought he was speaking to. I mean, I keep wondering about the behind the scenes machinations. Who is still talking to Obama, Holder and that cabal. Stuff like that occupies me when these things happen that seem so tone deaf. Where is he getting his advice. Posted by: platypus at June 14, 2018 09:17 PM (GVZIJ) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 14, 2018 09:18 PM (r+sAi) 440
Investigators, prosecutors, and defenders all are DeepState, none of them want discovery exposed to the public, a trial would bring political calamity to DeepState.
Posted by: Right Angles at June 14, 2018 08:49 PM (QviAd) They need to be exposed to helicopter rides Posted by: TheQuietMan ******************** What they need, what we need, and what we get are diametrically opposed. Posted by: Right Angles at June 14, 2018 09:19 PM (QviAd) 441
Lizzy and Harry, glad to know you had the same reaction.
Wray's thing today was actually one of the most troubling, and disastrous, developments in this whole saga - which is basically a tale of unending troubling and disastrous developments. Will say it again - in what *possible* universe could his approach today seem other than disastrous? What do Sessions and Trump think of this? Wray's institution is ablaze, and he takes the occasion of a report documenting everyone's worst fears about it to say "our brand is fine". Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 09:19 PM (QDnY+) 442
>> Who is still talking to Obama, Holder and that cabal. Stuff like that occupies me when these things happen that seem so tone deaf. Where is he getting his advice.
Great point. Posted by: Lizzy at June 14, 2018 09:19 PM (W+vEI) 443
Sara Carter taking the boobehs out for a walk on Hannity
Posted by: BluesFish at June 14, 2018 09:20 PM (QSrx1) 444
Guy, I haven't followed every twist/turn on that message. Thought there was an innocent explanation. But of course if it is a case of the FBI literally just hiding it til last week, then ....... we have the mother of all bad-faith omissions/redactions (in a season of many such things).
Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 09:21 PM (QDnY+) 445
Flynn specifically hid the Strzok text of "we'll stop him" and yet still has a job.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 14, 2018 09:12 PM (r+sAi) Wait...what? Why am I feeling bad for Flynn then? I missed something. Posted by: platypus at June 14, 2018 09:21 PM (GVZIJ) Posted by: JAS at June 14, 2018 09:21 PM (3HNOQ) 447
You know what the Deep State are?
Fascists. They use raw power to expand their power and propaganda to justify it. They were hoping to use some sort of unconditional pledge to intelligence agencies to cow people from standing against them. They're fascists. Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 09:22 PM (vDqXW) 448
Sock off
Posted by: Northernlurk, but call me Teem at June 14, 2018 09:22 PM (nBr1j) 449
Rosenstein is following the standard protocol, once and investigation or prosecutorial process has started, no matter how absurd, farcicle or corrupt, you cannot interfere with it or stop it until it's concluded. Anything less and you can be accused of obstructing or tampering with it and can face possible leagal jeopardy. It's similar to Trey "I suck deep state cock" Gowdy admonition of, "if you're not guilty, act like it." There is simply no political or judicial remedy for what ailes us. Posted by: Kreplach at June 14, 2018 09:22 PM (UfMVm) 450
platy, I corrected myself, I meant rosenstein not flynn. Rhom - they are text messages in order, that one was specifically removed. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 14, 2018 09:23 PM (r+sAi) 451
We're Deplorable....check, Retarded...check, Uneducated, lazy POS...check Well, at least they didn't call us poopy heads! Posted by: lin-duh at June 14, 2018 09:24 PM (kufk0) 452
Little tidbit from Sundance: we don't even have the text messages from much of the DOJ side of all this. Messages were not retained during this period.
So that's nice. Just imagine the stuff we'll never see that was being sent around the DOJ/Nat Sec Div on this. Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 09:24 PM (QDnY+) 453
Wray's institution is ablaze, and he takes the occasion of a report documenting everyone's worst fears about it to say "our brand is fine".
Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 09:19 PM (QDnY+) --- They only need a party line to hold against yours. I say that about the left, but it's not perhaps strictly the left, but some sort of commonality of motivations between the left and the state that wants to cover for itself. And I'm not saying that they are all the same thing, yet. Just that they share dynamics. Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 09:25 PM (vDqXW) 454
How difficult would it be to adapt a standard anti-bias training manual to be about not having bias against conservatives? I'd imagine very difficult. None of the "experts" in producing such manuals would want to do it, and even if they did they wouldn't know how to argue for such a position.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at June 14, 2018 09:25 PM (/qEW2) 455
Posted by: Mega at June 14, 2018 09:26 PM (rv0Fo) 456
>> 99% of the FBI is good.
That means that 1% is shit. 1% is 1,000,000 % too high. The thing is, with all of there failures in recent years - Pulse, Parkland, etc. - there's a lot more than 1% who are bad. And if that 1+% is management, which it was, well that means the whole dang agency is bad. Any good agents in the field offices were/are no doubt aware that HQ is a CF, so there's no incentive to get promoted, frustration that you aren't being allowed to do your job effectively, and why bother staying? Can only imagine what morale has been, should there be any good agents still there. Posted by: Lizzy at June 14, 2018 09:26 PM (W+vEI) 457
But Huber and Sessions and Trump might face a big
decision here (which I think is easy, actually) - to finally go ahead, not letting such considerations limit the case, due to the importance of the principles and laws and crimes involved. Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 09:12 PM (QDnY+) What authority does Huber or Sessions have over the intelligence community? Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at June 14, 2018 09:28 PM (rnXGe) 458
-- How difficult would it be to adapt a standard anti-bias training manual to be about not having bias against conservatives? I'd imagine very difficult. None of the "experts" in producing such manuals would want to do it, and even if they did they wouldn't know how to argue for such a position. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at June 14, 2018 09:25 PM -------------------- Now tell us not to breathe. Posted by: DeepStaters at June 14, 2018 09:28 PM (RVcmP) 459
Yes. I think what I thought is the commonality: motivated lying.
The FBI is covering to maintain it's formal power and albeit fruitlessly, it's power through reputation. People fight for lost causes, after all. The left is motivated to advance its politics. A stalemate is the best worst-case for a motivated liar. Posted by: Axeman at June 14, 2018 09:29 PM (vDqXW) 460
451 Ok,
We're Deplorable....check, Retarded...check, Uneducated, lazy POS...check Well, at least they didn't call us poopy heads! Posted by: lin-duh at June 14, 2018 09:24 PM (kufk0) They made no mention of vodka soaked hobo-skinners. Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at June 14, 2018 09:29 PM (ndTbZ) 461
platy, I corrected myself, I meant rosenstein not flynn.
Rhom - they are text messages in order, that one was specifically removed. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 14, 2018 09:23 PM (r+sAi) Oh, thank goodness. I mean, I can only get whiplash so many times a day. Flynn was a scapegoat and collateral dammage iirc. Deserves to have his rep restored. Also, interesting that something that was intentionally hidden was recently recovered...and that we know who scuppered it. That is an incredibly damning text message. No matter what political bent you have, something like that should be really concerning to people. We are past politics and into foundational beliefs about free and fair elections, when this stuff gets said without consequence. Indicative of how far off course we drifted. Posted by: platypus at June 14, 2018 09:30 PM (GVZIJ) 462
Atlanta Bob, pardon my ignorance , but voting aye on what? Posted by: Ben Had at June 14, 2018 08:52 PM (cHVSG) You already know you find out, after you vote on it, what it says. Posted by: Nanzi Palzi at June 14, 2018 09:31 PM (UsCnO) 463
ONT ist Nood.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at June 14, 2018 09:31 PM (ndTbZ) 464
So former Sec Clinton relied on state dept employees to "properly handle" classified documents (p vi)... that were on her personal server? Just how many people did she have using her server? Is this report seriously supposed to exonerate her? Is her incompetence really a valid excuse?
Posted by: Ama at June 14, 2018 09:31 PM (ibMQY) 465
Brian, wouldn't work that way, as you know.
If there were a dispute about revealing info needed to prosecute a case, DOJ would butt heads with the IC - and the CiC would make the call, in the end. Would still require Sessions/DOJ to make a big decision, contrary to the norm, to open the kimono a bit in order to prosecute a case. Doesn't mean final call would be DOJ's. Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 09:32 PM (QDnY+) 466
Would still require Sessions/DOJ to make a big
decision, contrary to the norm, to open the kimono a bit in order to prosecute a case. Doesn't mean final call would be DOJ's. Posted by: rhomboid at June 14, 2018 09:32 PM (QDnY+) CiC could've ordered CIA/NSA to release everything they had on the Russian Collusion BS 18 months ago. Yet here we are. Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at June 14, 2018 09:33 PM (rnXGe) 467
Sounds like Stzrok is perfect MSNBC material, he should be offered a job any day. Sounds lik an Olberman type
Posted by: Somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 14, 2018 09:35 PM (M+Lyo) 468
>>Yeah, but Mueller's a Republican! According to that cretin Julian Epstein on Tucker a few minutes ago. And Benedict Arnold was American. Posted by: Nanzi Palzi at June 14, 2018 09:36 PM (UsCnO) 469
The thing is, with all of there failures in recent years - Pulse, Parkland, etc. - there's a lot more than 1% who are bad. And if that 1+% is management, which it was, well that means the whole dang agency is bad. Any good agents in the field offices were/are no doubt aware that HQ is a CF, so there's no incentive to get promoted, frustration that you aren't being allowed to do your job effectively, and why bother staying? Can only imagine what morale has been, should there be any good agents still there. Posted by: Lizzy at June 14, 2018 09:26 PM (W+vEI) I can no longer give them the benefit of the doubt. Any good agents would have spoken up by now. The whole institution is rotten, and each and every employee is rotten. They're all just punching the clock and following orders until they retire and get that sweet pension. Posted by: rickl at June 14, 2018 09:40 PM (sdi6R) 470
Um, can someone tell me whether Comey is a bad guy or a good guy today?
I'm going to be at the Colbert Show and I need to know. I got it wrong last time. Posted by: Clapping Seal at June 14, 2018 09:45 PM (0jtPF) 471
> Ahoy, captain. May I come aboard your wife?
Ace- you misspelled 'inside' Hope this isn't so late I get blocked Posted by: WaitingForMartel at June 15, 2018 09:32 AM (TfoWT) 472
Just saw this on twitter/Twitchy. There is more than "We will stop it":
--- In an exchange on August 6, 2016, Page forwarded Strzok a news article relating to Trump insulting the Kahns. Page: Jesus. You should read this. And Trump should go f himself. Strzok responded favorably to the article and added "And F Trump" Page: So. This is not to take away from the unfairness of it all, but we are both deeply fortunate people. Page: And maybe you're meant to stay where you are because you are meant to protect the country from that menace. To that end, read this: [link to a David Brooks column, about Trump's "enablers", who do not oppose him.] Strzok: Thanks. It's absolutely true that we're both very fortunate. And of course I'll try and approach it that way. I just know it will be tough at times. I can protect our country at many levels,... Posted by: Axeman at June 15, 2018 10:27 AM (vDqXW) 473
BTW, nothing I've read ever sounds like pillow talk or EVEN that Strzok and Page see each other in person--or even want to.
Affair my ass. It's emails, texts, and links. In a real affair there would be *some* acknowledgement of face-to-face interactions. I've yet to see one. Posted by: Axeman at June 15, 2018 10:30 AM (vDqXW) 474
As someone who had a security clearance at the TS/SCI level and remembers much from my security briefings, Clinton's answers to the FBI/DOJ interviewers are literally beyond belief.
Knowing the markings used to indicate that material is classified is taught in the very first security briefing to newly-cleared personnel. There is no way Clinton - who as Secretary of State had Original Classification Authority - could not have known about them. Those initial security briefings also make clear that the mention of information in the public sphere (via newspapers, radio, etc.) makes NO difference as to its classification. If someone leaks a piece of classified information to the press, it still remains classified until its pre-set declassification date unless someone with the authority to do so declassifies it earlier. Again, it is inconceivable that Clinton would have been unaware of this. Posted by: Mike S at June 15, 2018 10:49 AM (rKn63) Processing 0.08, elapsed 0.0875 seconds. |
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