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Mick Mulvaney: I Told You That Making the Consumer Financial Protection Board Completely Indpendent From Congress Was a Bad Idea. Now That I'm Head Of It, Let Me Prove That. You Can Ask All the Questions of Me You Like and I Can Just Ignore Your Asses.

This guy is officially #NotaCuck.

From TheHill:

Mick Mulvaney, the acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), told a Senate panel on Thursday that he's not legally bound to answer lawmakers' questions, only to appear before them, in comments meant to stress his agency's independence.

"While I have to be here by statute, I don’t think I have to answer your questions," Mulvaney told the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee. "If you take a look at the actual statute that requires me to be here, it says that I 'shall appear' before the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs of the Senate. And I'm here and I'm happy to do it."

He also told a House panel something similar: "I believe it would be my statutory right to just sit here and twiddle my thumbs while you all ask questions."

Some Republicans enjoyed Mulvaney's use of the Democrats' own stupid rules against them.

See the first link (to Hot Air) for more quotes and pwnage.

Best part: Elizabeth Warren demands answers, and Mulvaney tells her to fuck off -- he invites her to experience some of the same frustration he felt when trying to get answers from a rogue agency entirely insulated from oversight by the people's representatives.

Flashback: Because the CFPB skims money from the companies it bullies, it is largely self-funding in the same way an armed street gang is self-funding. Yet they usually demand the government pour even additional taxpayer monies into this shakedown operation anyway.

When Mick Mulvaney had to request budgetary money, he asked for zero. Not for a zero percent increase. He asked for zero dollars, period. He literally zeroed out his own agency's budget.

Don't worry -- they'll keep collecting the vig from the people they shake down.

But at least they won't get any taxpayer money.

I'm not a gay, but looking at Mick Mulvaney's Bad Boy motorcycle-leather appeal, I have to say: I get it, Gay Dudes. I get it.

Mick Mulvaney

You make me want to be better man. Or a worse one. Okay, forget the better/worse part -- you make me want to be MORE of a man, one way or another.

President Mick Mulvaney? This guy is the Kenny Fucking Powers of administratin'.

Seriously, what this movement needs is balls. Audacity. Defiance. Rebellion. Animal spirits. Whatever you want to call it -- I'm tired of the Polite Company Conservatives who just want to be well-loved pets of the left.

It's time to start letting our good friends know they are not at all our good friends, and are in fact our enemies.

Not rivals. Enemies.

Treat them as they treat us.

Can't wait for the hysterical responses from the cucks at Commentary and The Cuck Cruise Emporium (TWS) about why using the Democrats' own rules against them something something coarsening our democracy and something something fraying the delicate bonds of goodwill.

Posted by: Ace of Spades at 03:26 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

Mine! All mine!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at April 12, 2018 03:19 PM (pNxlR)

That's all we need - another Mick in the White House

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at April 12, 2018 03:19 PM (pNxlR)

3 if he's got nothing to hide...

Posted by: Trey Gowdy at April 12, 2018 03:20 PM (ZQfW9)

But, but, but, muh Congressional gravitas and privilege!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at April 12, 2018 03:21 PM (pNxlR)

The balz on that guy.

Posted by: YIKES at April 12, 2018 03:21 PM (t6XCL)

6 You complete me.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 12, 2018 03:21 PM (/tuJf)

7 He should take out a sandwich and bag of chips and have lunch while he's there.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Come See the New Trump Section at The Outrage Outlet! at April 12, 2018 03:21 PM (hLRSq)

8 Gimme Mick!

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at April 12, 2018 03:21 PM (Dn4Uq)

9 I'm fully erect

Posted by: Alskari at April 12, 2018 03:22 PM (tdVTp)

10 Lips so thick

Posted by: Candy Slice at April 12, 2018 03:22 PM (IqV8l)

11 Hah - Warren got some heap big bad medicine there.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at April 12, 2018 03:22 PM (Dn4Uq)

12 Has anyone molested his garbage yet? (asking for a friend)

Posted by: irright at April 12, 2018 03:22 PM (pMGkg)

13 Good for him and fuck the congress

Posted by: MAC SOG and nothing will happen at April 12, 2018 03:22 PM (czkHE)

14 Its funny to pull Democrats pranks back onto them

Posted by: Skip at April 12, 2018 03:23 PM (aC6Sd)

15 Gettin' real tired of these congress critters here, boss.

Posted by: wth at April 12, 2018 03:23 PM (HgMAr)

Mick should play Tetris or sonething similar on his smart phone.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did you saw something to me?"

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at April 12, 2018 03:23 PM (pNxlR)

17 I guess he wants to be the next target of a no-knock FBI raid.

I hope he has a good lawyer who has a moat full of alligators and booby-trapped safes for his files to keep the feds out.

Posted by: Lily(Twinkies ((please don't play like a bunch of wimmin this year)) Superfan) AoSHQ assassin in th at April 12, 2018 03:23 PM (P6jaI)

18 Can he shake down Google, Facebook, BoA and all the other SJWCorps?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 12, 2018 03:23 PM (oVJmc)

19 Conservatives would get a lot more accomplished with this attitude than trying to constantly appease their enemies.

It seems though most Republicans absolutely can't wait to go back to losing and being whipping boys.

Posted by: Maritime at April 12, 2018 03:23 PM (lKmt3)

20 Eh, when he takes a chain to an impertinent Congressman we'll talk about running for higher office. We need him where he is right now.

Posted by: joncelli, nominal Lutheran at April 12, 2018 03:23 PM (RD7QR)

21 13; you're gonna need alot more dick for that.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at April 12, 2018 03:23 PM (KP5rU)

Anyone who expects me to answer a question spends a night in the box.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at April 12, 2018 03:24 PM (pNxlR)

23 Dear Sen. Warren:

I know how frustrated you feel. I too took off the safeties from the torpedoes.

Captain of the Konovalov

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Come See the New Trump Section at The Outrage Outlet! at April 12, 2018 03:24 PM (hLRSq)

24 9 I'm fully erect
Posted by: Alskari at April 12, 2018 03:22 PM (tdVTp)

Reminds me of all the times Archer gets an erection

Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at April 12, 2018 03:24 PM (nBr1j)

The longest ever "but first...... you will blow me."

Posted by: fixerupper at April 12, 2018 03:24 PM (8XRCm)

26 And that is how it's done.

Democrat marxist asks you a question, you tell them BFYTW.

Easy Peasy.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at April 12, 2018 03:24 PM (EoRCO)

27 Love this guy!!!

Posted by: Lizzy at April 12, 2018 03:24 PM (W+vEI)

28 True Fact : His underballs are smooth as silk.

Posted by: garrett at April 12, 2018 03:25 PM (PCb/X)

29 I think I just got a boner.

Posted by: NALNAMSAM at April 12, 2018 03:25 PM (YkEgi)

30 They never seem to enjoy being treated as they treat the rest of us.

I still wish congress would write 1. legislation, the only legislation this year that states All Laws that have been passed have to be followed By all citizens of the U.S great or small, politicians , law enforcers, alike.
And then proceed to go through the piles of laws that are just stupid and toss them.

Posted by: willow at April 12, 2018 03:25 PM (eaoOY)

31 He's so hostile to transparency he frosted his office windows!!!!!

Now we can't tweet to each other about what he's doing in there!!!

Posted by: Dumbledore's Army @CFPB at April 12, 2018 03:25 PM (W+vEI)

32 Don't read the comments on the article. It will make your IQ drop 12 points.

Posted by: notsothoreau at April 12, 2018 03:26 PM (5HBd1)

Ah yes, this is the Ace we have come to love and respect.

Posted by: Forgot My Nic at April 12, 2018 03:26 PM (LOgQ4)

34 With balls like that, he needs two wheelbarrows - one for each.

Posted by: Insomniac at April 12, 2018 03:26 PM (NWiLs)

35 7 He should take out a sandwich and bag of chips and have lunch while he's there.
Posted by: Mikey NTH - Come See the New Trump Section at The Outrage Outlet! at April 12, 2018 03:21 PM (hLRSq)


start smoking a cigar. drop ashes on the carpet

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at April 12, 2018 03:26 PM (oGRue)

36 Why would so many Republicans not understand the freedom that would come in treating Democrats and the MFM like imbeciles.

Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at April 12, 2018 03:26 PM (nBr1j)

37 Your speaking with forked tongue does not impress me, paleface.

Posted by: Elizabeth "Injun Liz" Warren at April 12, 2018 03:26 PM (O5Q3r)

38 -
True Fact : His underballs are smooth as silk.

Posted by: garrett at April 12, 2018 03:25 PM


Have you tried it? It's quite breathtaking.

Posted by: Dr. E. at April 12, 2018 03:27 PM (pMGkg)

39 "...If you take a look at the actual statute that requires me to be here, it says that I 'shall appear' before the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs of the Senate. And I'm here and I'm happy to do it."

It was then that a raucous clang rang out of the chamber and echoed down the halls. The banging of balls had commenced.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at April 12, 2018 03:27 PM (H8S+R)

I still wish congress would write 1. legislation, the only legislation this year that states All Laws that have been passed have to be followed By all citizens of the U.S great or small, politicians , law enforcers, alike.
And then proceed to go through the piles of laws that are just stupid and toss them.
Posted by: willow at April 12, 2018 03:25 PM (eaoOY)

At some point you have enough laws.

Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at April 12, 2018 03:27 PM (nBr1j)

..... ummmmm....... BFYTW???

But first you thank whitey?

Butt F**k yourself through windows?

But for your thicc women???

Posted by: fixerupper at April 12, 2018 03:27 PM (8XRCm)

42 >>Best part: Elizabeth Warren demands answers

Well, get out your Blue Corn Pollen and ask the Great Spirit or the White Buffalo for all I care.

Posted by: Mike Mulvaney at April 12, 2018 03:27 PM (WQ9DL)

43 >33

Ah yes, this is the Ace we have come to love and respect.

Posted by: Forgot My Nic at April 12, 2018 03:26 PM (LOgQ4)

You mean love long time, apparently.

Posted by: Muad'dib at April 12, 2018 03:27 PM (sjdRT)

44 Ace is coming out of the closet and is surprised we are all here to witness it..

"Wha? I was hanging shelves!!!"

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at April 12, 2018 03:28 PM (so+oy)

45 Mulvaney was elected in SC. Not all of the SC Republicans are terrible.

See also Nikki Haley.

Posted by: blaster at April 12, 2018 03:28 PM (zMICA)

46 I love this. "Madame Senator, when you created this agency you gave the director the authority to tell you to fuck off. I am now exercising the authority that you and your esteemed colleagues have granted me."

Posted by: Insomniac at April 12, 2018 03:28 PM (NWiLs)

47 FYNQ.

Posted by: Mick Mulvaney at April 12, 2018 03:28 PM (H8S+R)

48 In this country, Native Americans don't do the bullying.

Posted by: SH at April 12, 2018 03:28 PM (sX1BW)

49 Do you think DNA tests would show that he's Brenna Spencer's father?

Posted by: George LeS at April 12, 2018 03:28 PM (+TcCF)

50 there otto be a law'

Posted by: willow at April 12, 2018 03:28 PM (eaoOY)

51 He should take out a sandwich and bag of chips and have lunch while he's there.
Posted by: Mikey NTH - Come See the New Trump Section at The Outrage Outlet! at April 12, 2018 03:21 PM (hLRSq)

And hold up his finger, finish chewing before asking, "What was the question again? These fritos are loud."

Posted by: LASue at April 12, 2018 03:29 PM (Z48ZB)

52 >>When Mick Mulvaney had to request budgetary money, he asked for zero. Not for a zero percent increase. He asked for zero dollars, period. He literally zeroed out his own agency's budget.

Loved that!!

Posted by: Lizzy at April 12, 2018 03:29 PM (W+vEI)

53 Well, get out your Blue Corn Pollen and ask the Great Spirit or the White Buffalo for all I care.
Posted by: Mike Mulvaney at April 12, 2018 03:27 PM (WQ9DL)

*snort* *ouch, soda through nose*

Posted by: auscolpyr at April 12, 2018 03:29 PM (suO/a)

54 this is much better than mcconell re: the filibuster.

Posted by: willow at April 12, 2018 03:29 PM (eaoOY)

55 the Kenny Fucking Powers of administratin'

You Killed Kenny!!!

Posted by: tcn in AK at April 12, 2018 03:29 PM (7UW64)

56 Can he order a pizza like Spiccoli?

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at April 12, 2018 03:29 PM (oGRue)

57 49 Do you think DNA tests would show that he's Brenna Spencer's father?
Posted by: George LeS at April 12, 2018 03:28 PM (+TcCF)

No, but I volunteer to take a swab from her.

Posted by: joncelli, nominal Lutheran at April 12, 2018 03:29 PM (RD7QR)

58 cheering you on from here, mick.

Posted by: concrete girl at April 12, 2018 03:30 PM (h9wAA)

59 I still wish congress would write 1. legislation, the only legislation this year that states All Laws that have been passed have to be followed By all citizens of the U.S great or small, politicians , law enforcers, alike.
And then proceed to go through the piles of laws that are just stupid and toss them.

Posted by: willow at April 12, 2018 03:25 PM (eaoOY)

That makes sense, so forget it.

Posted by: wth at April 12, 2018 03:30 PM (HgMAr)

60 52 >>When Mick Mulvaney had to request budgetary money, he asked for zero. Not for a zero percent increase. He asked for zero dollars, period. He literally zeroed out his own agency's budget.

Loved that!!
Posted by: Lizzy at April 12, 2018 03:29 PM (W+vEI)

Didn't Betty DeVoss ask for a decrease in the education budget?

Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at April 12, 2018 03:30 PM (nBr1j)

61 54 this is much better than mcconell re: the filibuster.
Posted by: willow at April 12, 2018 03:29 PM (eaoOY)

Oh, did he stick his head out of the shell on this subject?

Posted by: joncelli, nominal Lutheran at April 12, 2018 03:30 PM (RD7QR)


WASHINGTON -- Rep. Keith Ellision (D-Minn.) is asserting that Office of Management and Budget and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Mick Mulvaney frosting the glass at his CFPB office gives the impression of disappearing transparency.

At a House Financial Services Committee hearing today, Ellison quizzed Mulvaney on whether the glass was clear when the OMB director arrived at CFPB and if it was frosted now. Mulvaney told Ellison that "part of it is" now frosted.

"So when somebody walks by your office, they are obscured from seeing what you're doing?" Ellison asked.

"Yeah... it is the point," Mulvaney replied.

Posted by: Candy Slice at April 12, 2018 03:30 PM (IqV8l)

63 He asked for zero dollars, period. He literally zeroed out his own agency's budget.

they will learn to like top ramen

Posted by: willow at April 12, 2018 03:30 PM (eaoOY)

64 it says that I 'shall appear' before the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs of the Senate. And I'm here and I'm happy to do it."


flat out perjury

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at April 12, 2018 03:30 PM (oGRue)

65 "I will answer your questions no more forever."

- Mick Mulvaney to Elizabeth Warren.

Posted by: George LeS at April 12, 2018 03:30 PM (+TcCF)

66 From his letter:

"I encourage you to consider the possibility that the frustration you are experiencing now, and that which I had a few years back, are both inevitable consequences of the fact that the Dodd-Frank...Act insulates the Bureau from virtually any accountability to the American people through their elected representatives. "


Posted by: Lizzy at April 12, 2018 03:31 PM (W+vEI)

67 At least Stalin made the trains run on time.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse at April 12, 2018 03:31 PM (roQNm)

68 His testimony yesterday and today was something to watch. He had the Dem's stuttering in rage and indignation.

Posted by: WisRich at April 12, 2018 03:31 PM (G0vdT)

69 It was then that a raucous clang rang out of the chamber and echoed down the halls. The banging of balls had commenced.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at April 12, 2018 03:27 PM (H8S+R)

Hey, the sparks coming off those could light the place on fire! Go easy, there, dude!

Posted by: tcn in AK at April 12, 2018 03:31 PM (7UW64)

70 I like the cut of this guy and ACE's jib.

Posted by: willy at April 12, 2018 03:31 PM (puf6g)

71 >>they will learn to like top ramen

We'll make due with Bottom Ramen, thanks.

Posted by: Mike Mulvaney at April 12, 2018 03:31 PM (WQ9DL)

72 I remember Mick's first presser after taking over the CFPB.

I thought, wholly shit, this guy is /ourguy/

Buckle up buttercups. Whilst I love real conservatives, sadly almost nothing has been "conserved". It's time for the street fighters.

the Dissident Right. We itch for the fight, we revel in it. And it's time to flex the damn muscles.

Nazi larpers and muh dixie shit can fuck off (altho I sympathize with dixie, lol). Smart aesthetics can win this every time.

remember, our enemies are actually retards and/or insane and/or so logically inconsistent that they are defeatable many times over.

The reason we lose: We are run by fucking cucks that really don't want to fight.

Posted by: prescient11 at April 12, 2018 03:31 PM (q+HNC)

73 48 In this country, Native Americans don't do the bullying.
Posted by: SH at April 12, 2018 03:28 PM (sX1BW)


isn't it Tatonka-ing?

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at April 12, 2018 03:31 PM (oGRue)

74 ummmmm....... BFYTW???
But first you thank whitey?
Butt F**k yourself through windows?
But for your thicc women???
Posted by: fixerupper at April 12, 2018 03:27 PM (8XRCm)


Posted by: Hairyback Guy at April 12, 2018 03:32 PM (EoRCO)

75 >68
His testimony yesterday and today was something to watch. He had the Dem's stuttering in rage and indignation.

Posted by: WisRich at April 12, 2018 03:31 PM (G0vdT)

His exchange with Maxscene was hysterical.

Posted by: Muad'dib at April 12, 2018 03:32 PM (sjdRT)

76 Madam Congresswoman, that was a perfectly cromulent question. I'll get back to you on the late afternoon of never.

Posted by: The Anti-Zuckerberg at April 12, 2018 03:32 PM (H8S+R)

77 Uh-oh. I'm sure Liz will be on the local news tonight using her "I'm out of Xanax and can't get any more" voice...

Posted by: tu3031 at April 12, 2018 03:32 PM (O5Q3r)

78 He had the Dem's stuttering in rage and indignation.
Posted by: WisRich at April 12, 2018 03:31 PM (G0vdT)


*makes jerk off motion*

Not impressed. They are that way ALL the time.

Posted by: fixerupper at April 12, 2018 03:32 PM (8XRCm)

79 What's the male equivalent of filing your nails, eating bonbons and reading magazines? That's what he should be doing.

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 03:32 PM (oMtOd)

80 I'd would brought a lawyer dressed in a purple dinosaur suit.

Posted by: Jean at April 12, 2018 03:32 PM (MS0+a)

81 Cajoling Congress into getting rid of the CFPB via taunt: I'll say this, it's certainly original...

Posted by: Jackal at April 12, 2018 03:32 PM (bSBS8)

82 I am a big fan of Animal Spirit Cooking.

Wouldn't want to be the Sous Chef, though.

Posted by: Jon Podesta at April 12, 2018 03:33 PM (WQ9DL)

Man, are all the statists pissed about getting back talk or no answers!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at April 12, 2018 03:33 PM (pNxlR)

84 "So when somebody walks by your office, they are obscured from seeing what you're doing?" Ellison asked."

This would not have stood in my Administration, the most transparent in history.

Posted by: Barack H. Obama, Light Bringer, bringing light to children's story hour at April 12, 2018 03:33 PM (ctuyM)

85 Don't read the comments on the article. It will make your IQ drop 12 points.
Posted by: notsothoreau at April 12, 2018 03:26 PM (5HBd1)

I wish I'd seen your warning before I ventured over there. What a bunch of stupid loons.

Posted by: LASue at April 12, 2018 03:33 PM (Z48ZB)

86 >>Best part: Elizabeth Warren demands answers

Mick should have called her an Eskimo.

Posted by: wth at April 12, 2018 03:33 PM (HgMAr)

87 Did I miss the explanation of who the guy with the mustache and the monocle is behind him in the video?

Posted by: hogmartin at April 12, 2018 03:33 PM (y87Qq)

88 We're gonna need moar popcorn.

Posted by: Chief Brody at April 12, 2018 03:33 PM (flgHT)

Pwning the bureaucratic game from the right. This must be classified as a miracle.

yeah, that legislation you wrote that says I can tell congress to eff off, well, eff off.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at April 12, 2018 03:33 PM (r+sAi)

90 Rep. Keith Ellision (D-Minn.) is asserting that Office of Management and
Budget and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Mick Mulvaney
frosting the glass at his CFPB office gives the impression of
disappearing transparency.

Do we have pictures of Keith Ellision's glass office/house?

Posted by: X-ray at April 12, 2018 03:33 PM (TGrKk)

91 I think i'll send him a MyPillow for his next appearance

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at April 12, 2018 03:33 PM (oGRue)

Why can't we have a thread like this every. fvcking. day?

Summa bitch after summa bitch pounding the leftists into the ground.

I know the answer. Rhetorical question.

Testosterone deficiency in males. Troublesome. I saw a Dr video recently where he admitted to getting a T shot in the butt cheeks every week or so. Made me jealous.

Posted by: Forgot My Nic at April 12, 2018 03:33 PM (LOgQ4)

93 Every question should be met with a yawn and a jacking off motion.

Posted by: hobbitopoly at April 12, 2018 03:33 PM (MX7xj)

He also told a House panel something similar: "I believe it would be my statutory right to just sit here and twiddle my thumbs while you all ask questions."

MM: "Plus I get to take the day off, too."

"Oh, and where's the bar? I know y'all have one or two in this building."

"Or do I have to go to one of y'all offices to get a shot and a beer?"

Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at April 12, 2018 03:33 PM (GdWl+)

95 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reiterated Tuesday that Republicans will not gut the 60-vote legislative filibuster despite public pressure from President Trump.
here are not the votes in the Senate, as I've said repeatedly to the president and to all of you, to change the rules of the Senate McConnell told reporters during a weekly leadership press conference.
08/01/17 03:13 PM EDT
the hill

i guess they all forgot the obamcare vote /reid

Posted by: willow at April 12, 2018 03:34 PM (eaoOY)

96 At a House Financial Services Committee hearing today, Ellison quizzed Mulvaney on whether the glass was clear when the OMB director arrived at CFPB and if it was frosted now. Mulvaney told Ellison that "part of it is" now frosted.

"So when somebody walks by your office, they are obscured from seeing what you're doing?" Ellison asked.

"Yeah... it is the point," Mulvaney replied.
Posted by: Candy Slice at April 12, 2018 03:30 PM (IqV8l)

Mulvaney followed up: "I can't see into your office"

Posted by: WisRich at April 12, 2018 03:34 PM (G0vdT)

97 Lol this and the frosted glass in his office ought to make Keith Ellison's head explode in 3..2..1..

Posted by: willy at April 12, 2018 03:34 PM (puf6g)

98 This is Elizabeth Warren's brainchild, an organization designed to act as a continual regulatory device to impose Communism on businesses

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 12, 2018 03:34 PM (39g3+)

99 80 I'd would brought a lawyer dressed in a purple dinosaur suit.
Posted by: Jean at April 12, 2018 03:32 PM (MS0+a)

I hate you
You hate me

Posted by: joncelli, nominal Lutheran at April 12, 2018 03:34 PM (RD7QR)

100 79 What's the male equivalent of filing your nails, eating bonbons and reading magazines? That's what he should be doing.

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 03:32 PM (oMtOd)

Playing video games, drinking beer, watching pron.

Posted by: Insomniac at April 12, 2018 03:34 PM (NWiLs)

101 >79
What's the male equivalent of filing your nails, eating bonbons and reading magazines? That's what he should be doing.

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 03:32 PM (oMtOd)

Read the Sports section of the paper and every once in a while stick your hand up over the paper and make it move like a mouth.

Posted by: Muad'dib at April 12, 2018 03:34 PM (sjdRT)

102 ^^^^^^^ THIS ! ^^^^^^^

So much Horde gold above, all that needs to be said.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, we are being gaslighted 24/365 at April 12, 2018 03:34 PM (Mbmmf)

103 BOOM

Posted by: Lizzy at April 12, 2018 03:31 PM (W+vEI)

That is called shoving it up their nether regions and snapping it off.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Come See the New Trump Section at The Outrage Outlet! at April 12, 2018 03:34 PM (hLRSq)

104 81 Cajoling Congress into getting rid of the CFPB via taunt: I'll say this, it's certainly original...

Posted by: Jackal at April 12, 2018 03:32 PM (bSBS

Naturally, I read that first word as "cojones."

Posted by: tcn in AK at April 12, 2018 03:34 PM (7UW64)

105 At least Stalin made the trains run on time.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse at April 12, 2018 03:31 PM (roQNm)

That was Strelnikov.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Come See the New Trump Section at The Outrage Outlet! at April 12, 2018 03:35 PM (hLRSq)

Read the Sports section of the paper and every once in a while stick your hand up over the paper and make it move like a mouth.

Posted by: Muad'dib at April 12, 2018 03:34 PM (sjdRT)

Hand in your pants, ala Al Bundy.

Posted by: tcn in AK at April 12, 2018 03:35 PM (7UW64)

107 So, this guy is Irish?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at April 12, 2018 03:35 PM (ycWCI)

108 Read the Sports section of the paper and every once in a while stick your hand up over the paper and make it move like a mouth.
Posted by: Muad'dib at April 12, 2018 03:34 PM (sjdRT)


Posted by: hobbitopoly at April 12, 2018 03:35 PM (MX7xj)

109 I love it when they get beat by playing by their rules.

Posted by: Gmac - 'All politics in this country now is dress-rehearsal for civil war' at April 12, 2018 03:35 PM (qZdIZ)

Hey, the sparks coming off those could light the place on fire! Go easy, there, dude!

Brass balls don't spark, Sparky!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at April 12, 2018 03:35 PM (pNxlR)

111 You people just made me almost pee myself.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at April 12, 2018 03:36 PM (EoRCO)

Naturally, I read that first word as "cojones."
Posted by: tcn in AK

No more Siamese twins.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 12, 2018 03:36 PM (IqV8l)

113 I'm not a gay, but looking at Mick Mulvaney's Bad Boy motorcycle-leather appeal, I have to say: I get it, Gay Dudes. I get it.

We get it too Ace.

Posted by: redridinghood at April 12, 2018 03:36 PM (PvFoN)

114 OT/
It is blissfully warm here today, and the birds have been singing since early morning. It is so wonderful I want to cry. Literally...I can feel it.

I really should live somewhere that allows me to enjoy this daily. I think I'd be a happier person. Well, maybe someday.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 03:36 PM (130AC)

115 This is what's called getting what you wanted good and hard.

Posted by: Insomniac at April 12, 2018 03:36 PM (NWiLs)

116 John McCain is rushing to introduce a bill to require Trump appoint Elizabeth Warren as head of the CFPB.

Posted by: RoyalOil at April 12, 2018 03:36 PM (VVUFE)

117 I clicked the other article where he said that he could just twiddle his thumbs in front them and they couldn't do a thing.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at April 12, 2018 03:36 PM (dKzYG)

118 meat from the R party to unenthused voters.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at April 12, 2018 03:36 PM (F5+ro)

119 He should have started whittling a stick while taking questions.

Posted by: Neal5x5 at April 12, 2018 03:36 PM (VWzSH)

120 Mick Mulvaney smells of engine oil, motorcycle leather, and the nethersweat of NeverTrumper wives.

Posted by: ace at April 12, 2018 03:37 PM (8rNrN)

121 Lizzy: re "I encourage you to consider the possibility that the frustration you are experiencing now, and that which I had a few years back, are both inevitable consequences of the fact that the Dodd-Frank...Act insulates the Bureau from virtually any accountability to the American people through their elected representatives."

I can't believe he wrote that. I think my schadenboner is dispensing Viagra.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at April 12, 2018 03:37 PM (H8S+R)

122 gumdrop, i hope you have your computer by a nice bright window

Posted by: willow at April 12, 2018 03:37 PM (eaoOY)

123 79
What's the male equivalent of filing your nails, eating bonbons and reading magazines? That's what he should be doing.
Scratching yer nutz from the man spread position

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at April 12, 2018 03:37 PM (RUsce)

124 Best part: Elizabeth Warren demands answers, and Mulvaney tells her to fuck off -- he invites her to experience some of the same frustration he felt when trying to get answers from a rogue agency entirely insulated from oversight by the people's representatives.

I love this guy in a totally non-gay way.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 03:37 PM (SpOII)

125 i guess they all forgot the obamcare vote /reid

Posted by: willow at April 12, 2018 03:34 PM (eaoOY)

We could elect 75 Republicans to the Senate ... will not matter.

They'll just make more creative excuses about why they can't do anything.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 12, 2018 03:37 PM (TKTX5)

126 During the Obama admin some of these bureaucrats basically did give the jerk off motion to Republican questions.Jeh Johnson comes to mind....

Posted by: steevy at April 12, 2018 03:38 PM (LiyEm)

127 this guy's testosterone is so high that sharks take pills of HIS cartilage

Posted by: ace at April 12, 2018 03:38 PM (8rNrN)

128 He also told a House panel something similar: "I believe it would be my statutory right to just sit here and twiddle my thumbs while you all ask questions."

Bwahahaha hahahaha

I don't know if ace is being funny, or the guy actually said that, but that is awesome if it is literal.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 03:39 PM (130AC)

129 Looks like some good time for whittlin', Mr. Mulvaney.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 12, 2018 03:39 PM (oVJmc)

130 125 i guess they all forgot the obamcare vote /reid

Posted by: willow at April 12, 2018 03:34 PM (eaoOY)

We could elect 75 Republicans to the Senate ... will not matter.

They'll just make more creative excuses about why they can't do anything.
Posted by: ScoggDog at April 12, 2018 03:37 PM (TKTX5)

We need the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the Supreme Court, the lower courts, the governorships of 3/4 of the states and this ashtray, and that's all we need!

Posted by: Insomniac at April 12, 2018 03:39 PM (NWiLs)

131 Paul Volcker, when he was Fed chairman, used to start his testimony to Senate Finance or Joint Economic committees by lighting a huge cigar and taking several puffs. Filling the area with cigar smoke. And adding to his gravitas and SmartPower.

It was glorious.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 12, 2018 03:39 PM (QDnY+)

132 it's like he watched Office Space as a training film & he's channeling his inner Peter Gibbons

Posted by: AltonJackson at April 12, 2018 03:39 PM (ZQfW9)

133 And this is why we will continue to Fight for more Republicans to represent the Party like Mick Mulvaney.

Posted by: redridinghood at April 12, 2018 03:39 PM (PvFoN)

134 This is what's called getting what you wanted good and hard.

Posted by: Insomniac at April 12, 2018 03:36 PM (NWiLs)

"But...but...but we were supposed to be in charge forever and ever! Ruy Teixeira told us so!" - Democrats Everywhere

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Come See the New Trump Section at The Outrage Outlet! at April 12, 2018 03:39 PM (hLRSq)

135 125
We could elect 75 Republicans to the Senate ... will not matter.

They'll just make more creative excuses about why they can't do anything.
Mutters, choughs..ahem..uhh..jiggles turkey neck..

Posted by: Mitch mcConnel at April 12, 2018 03:39 PM (puf6g)

136 Read the Sports section of the paper and every once in a while stick your hand up over the paper and make it move like a mouth.
Posted by: Muad'dib at April 12, 2018 03:34 PM (sjdRT)

Oh, I like this! Anyone got his email address?

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 03:39 PM (oMtOd)

137 He should hire, at crazy salaries all the people Mueller has screwed.

Posted by: Jean at April 12, 2018 03:40 PM (MS0+a)

138 His stock answer should be bite my ass.

Posted by: maddogg at April 12, 2018 03:40 PM (pLZFu)

139 He should show up with an Elizabeth Warren ventriloquist dummy and answer all of their questions using it while speaking like a fake Cherokee Indian.

Posted by: Jolo at April 12, 2018 03:40 PM (WrMOC)

140 gumdrop, i hope you have your computer by a nice bright window
Posted by: willow at April 12, 2018 03:37 PM (eaoOY)

I do. Always.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 03:40 PM (130AC)

141 He should ask for the wifi password so he can stream the Nationals game

Posted by: free tibet at April 12, 2018 03:40 PM (U4PcL)

142 Senator Warren, let me answer that question in your ancestors' language...

forms an O with his mouth, starts patting it with his erect fingers while going "Woo woo woo woo..."

Posted by: mallfly suPreme at April 12, 2018 03:41 PM (KxbBq)

143 Teepee for my cornholio.

Posted by: Lizzy Squawnto Warren at April 12, 2018 03:41 PM (2Mnv1)

144 technically the CFPB gets its money from The Fed not Congress so they can't even cut his funding that he doesn't want. He oughtta take a dump in chambers.

Posted by: x at April 12, 2018 03:41 PM (nFwvY)

145 So does the GOP plan to abolish the CFPB atrocity? Why haven't they done so already?

Rhetorical question.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 12, 2018 03:41 PM (QDnY+)

146 >We could elect 75 Republicans to the Senate ... will not matter.

They'll just make more creative excuses about why they can't do anything.
Posted by: ScoggDog at April 12, 2018 03:37 PM (TKTX5)

The new excuses will not be creative. They've never been creative. It's always been the same old thing forever and ever.

GOP's always been DNC's butt boy.

Posted by: G. Gnome, BAHT at April 12, 2018 03:41 PM (al6UK)

147 No I'm serious there's a guy in a monocle and hat with a huge mustache emoting behind him silently in the Hill video - is this just a normal everyday thing that I just didn't realize was commonplace? Is that someone I should recognize?

Does anyone else see this or have I completely flipped my shit?

Posted by: hogmartin at April 12, 2018 03:41 PM (y87Qq)

148 I have wanted moar Kenny Powers in office myself. Kenny Powers is suppose to be the based on former Braves closer John Rocker, who is a beast by the way. I'd love to see Rocker get involved in politics.

Posted by: Monk at April 12, 2018 03:41 PM (CVs5m)

149 Next time he should put on headphones and when someone starts talking say "I CANT HEAR YOU THIS MUSIC IS REALLY REALLY LOUD!"

Posted by: Bill Bradski at April 12, 2018 03:42 PM (zKv7H)

150 John McCain is rushing to introduce a bill to require Trump appoint Elizabeth Warren as head of the CFPB.
Posted by: RoyalOil
They shoulda let her head it from the beginning... when she was denied that post, she went for the Senate seat!

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at April 12, 2018 03:42 PM (so+oy)

151 "That's a very interesting question Madame Senator."

"And? Are you going to answer?"

"Hmmm... Nah."

Posted by: Insomniac at April 12, 2018 03:42 PM (NWiLs)

152 I loved when the Dem's tried to shame Mulvaney about the obscenely high salaries in the CFPB. He said "Hey, my predecessor established these salaries, not me."

This will really burn your ass. Mulvaney highlighted the fact that the average salary of the 1,600 employees of the CFPB is.............$192,000

That's the average.

Posted by: WisRich at April 12, 2018 03:42 PM (G0vdT)

153 Like. A. Boss.

Posted by: regular joe at April 12, 2018 03:42 PM (kb0cx)

154 Jean - "He should hire, at crazy salaries all the people Mueller has screwed."

Outstanding! Approved!

Posted by: rhomboid at April 12, 2018 03:42 PM (QDnY+)

155 I often ponder why they do the things they do, such as Reid filibuster deal years ago.

Do they expect always a McConnell response (seems integral) when we regain the majority?

that we might also fight dirty after the last couple of decades?
i guess they never contemplate the worms turn.

I have also been noticing their care for the constitution (whatever helps Them) at the moment.
But still get away with denying the parts they don't like.

Posted by: willow at April 12, 2018 03:42 PM (eaoOY)

156 So does the GOP plan to abolish the CFPB atrocity? Why haven't they done so already?

Rhetorical question.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 12, 2018 03:41 PM (QDnY+)

There's a slushbucket over there, all full of slush. You think they're getting rid of it?

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Come See the New Trump Section at The Outrage Outlet! at April 12, 2018 03:42 PM (hLRSq)

157 "Alinky: I read your book, you magnificent bastard!"

Posted by: zombie at April 12, 2018 03:42 PM (42M22)

158 this guy's testosterone is so high that sharks take pills of HIS cartilage

Posted by: ace at April 12, 2018 03:38 PM

You realize that some of us have serious day-drinking issues and an LOL is going to destroy our keyboards?

Posted by: Forgot My Nic at April 12, 2018 03:43 PM (LOgQ4)

I saw Cuck Cruise Emporium open for The Electric Light Orchestra at the Fabulous Forum back in 77

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at April 12, 2018 03:43 PM (lKyWE)

160 I like blue raspberry slush.

Posted by: Insomniac at April 12, 2018 03:43 PM (NWiLs)

161 No I'm serious there's a guy in a monocle and hat with a huge mustache emoting behind him silently in the Hill video - is this just a normal everyday thing that I just didn't realize was commonplace? Is that someone I should recognize?

Does anyone else see this or have I completely flipped my shit?
He's supposed to be the "Monopoly Guy".. you know.. big business.. corporate America..

What a doofus..

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at April 12, 2018 03:43 PM (so+oy)

162 Mick Mulvaney does not teabag the ladies. He potatosacks them.

Posted by: regular joe at April 12, 2018 03:43 PM (kb0cx)

163 Here's an idea: Why not just have Mulvaney shake down Twitter, Facebook, and Google until they're bankrupt, under the guise of "consumer protection"? He doesn't even need to explain himself or answer for it!

Posted by: The Deuce at April 12, 2018 03:43 PM (oDCMR)

164 The comments over there are a laugh riot.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 12, 2018 03:43 PM (BoFYZ)

165 >>I can't believe he wrote that. I think my schadenboner is dispensing Viagra.

More at WashExaminer:

Posted by: Lizzy at April 12, 2018 03:43 PM (W+vEI)

166 Mick Mulvaney does not sleep. He waits.

Posted by: regular joe at April 12, 2018 03:43 PM (kb0cx)

167 He should respond to all questions in mime.

Posted by: Insomniac at April 12, 2018 03:44 PM (NWiLs)

168 We need more people like Mulvaney infiltrating every level of government. I'll call it

The Schlong March Through the Institutions

Posted by: zombie at April 12, 2018 03:44 PM (42M22)

169 They'll just make more creative excuses about why they can't do anything.
Posted by: ScoggDog at April 12, 2018 03:37 PM (TKTX5)

We need the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the Supreme Court, the lower courts, the governorships of 3/4 of the states and this ashtray, and that's all we need!
Posted by: Insomniac at April 12, 2018 03:39 PM (NWiLs)

and this lamp. and those shoes..

Posted by: willow at April 12, 2018 03:44 PM (eaoOY)

170 At a House Financial Services Committee hearing today, Ellison quizzed Mulvaney on whether the glass was clear when the OMB director arrived at CFPB and if it was frosted now. Mulvaney told Ellison that "part of it is" now frosted.

"So when somebody walks by your office, they are obscured from seeing what you're doing?" Ellison asked.

"Yeah... it is the point," Mulvaney replied.
Posted by: Candy Slice at April 12, 2018 03:30 PM (IqV8l)

Mulvaney followed up: "I can't see into your office"

Posted by: WisRich

I would cover that wall with a giant poster of Ellison's eye in a creepy black and red motif.

Posted by: Jean at April 12, 2018 03:44 PM (MS0+a)

171 Mick Mulvaney smells of engine oil, motorcycle leather,

There is nothing like a man who can do that, then turn around and clean up in a crisp white shirt and suit for an evening out. The combo and contrast is intoxicating, and my boyfriends who could do both, got lucky, a lot. I was literally all over them. I swear it was some primal brain center or something. It was not my fault. Aannnndddd I've said too much.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 03:45 PM (130AC)

172 "This will really burn your ass. Mulvaney highlighted the fact that the average salary of the 1,600 employees of the CFPB is.............$192,000"

I am available and willing to telecommute.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Come See the New Trump Section at The Outrage Outlet! at April 12, 2018 03:45 PM (hLRSq)

173 There is no such thing as evolution. Just a list of animals Mick Mulvaney hasn't killed yet.

Posted by: zombie at April 12, 2018 03:45 PM (42M22)

174 Mulvaney must have balls the size of coconuts.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 03:45 PM (SpOII)

175 126 During the Obama admin some of these bureaucrats basically did give the jerk off motion to Republican questions.Jeh Johnson comes to mind....

Posted by: steevy at April 12, 2018 03:38 PM (LiyEm)

Well, he IS a jerkoff, so I guess he was just asking for speaking time.

Or some such shit.

Posted by: tcn in AK at April 12, 2018 03:46 PM (7UW64)

176 Mick Mulvaney has two speeds: walk and kill.

Posted by: regular joe at April 12, 2018 03:46 PM (O50yS)

177 I want to bear his children.

Posted by: Leonard Pinth-Garnell at April 12, 2018 03:46 PM (7A6l6)

178 Speaking of Senator Warren, the hookers along Aurora Avenue North in Seattle sure are particularly nasty looking today.

Posted by: Sharkman at April 12, 2018 03:46 PM (/DDKs)

179 167 He should respond to all questions in mime.
Posted by: Insomniac at April 12, 2018 03:44 PM (NWiLs)

Get the Mandela sign-language guy on this.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 03:46 PM (SpOII)

180 It was not my fault. Aannnndddd I've said too much.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 03:45 PM (130AC)

Funny how a real man can, with just a wink, turn us on our backs with our feet in the air.

Posted by: tcn in AK at April 12, 2018 03:47 PM (7UW64)

181 True Fact : Mike Mulvaney rapes Viking Poets.

Posted by: garrett at April 12, 2018 03:47 PM (8N7XW)

182 156 So does the GOP plan to abolish the CFPB atrocity? Why haven't they done so already?

Rhetorical question.

Posted by: rhomboid

they've done a lot of good work like adding thousand$ to the cost of a mortgage through regulatory compliance and simplifying the mortgage Good Faith Estimate from 1 page to 7. Next year they're simplifying mortgage loan application from 4 pages to 11 with lots more questions about your race and sex so lawyers can sue. the more pages they add the less the consumer reads.

Posted by: x at April 12, 2018 03:47 PM (nFwvY)

183 When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Mick Mulvaney.

Posted by: regular joe at April 12, 2018 03:47 PM (O50yS)

184 Here's an idea: Why not just have Mulvaney shake down Twitter, Facebook, and Google until they're bankrupt, under the guise of "consumer protection"? He doesn't even need to explain himself or answer for it!
Posted by: The Deuce

The NEA and the Clinton Foundation

Open an investigation into the DNA firms to see if they are cheating customers - just to tweak Pocahantas

Posted by: Jean at April 12, 2018 03:47 PM (MS0+a)

185 Speaking of big balls, DH rolled a 300 last night at bowling. There was much rejoicing at CasaTCN.

Posted by: tcn in AK at April 12, 2018 03:47 PM (7UW64)

186 This is the only way Democrats ... and most Republicans ... will agree to reform.

Jam the actions of these agencies down their fucking throats.

You want the FBI reformed ? Screw this double-secret investigation shit. Find a judge to approve a Cohen raid on fifty Democrats. You'll have that agency cut in half in a month.

Put someone at IRS to block audit CAIR and Planned Parenthood. That agency will be brought to heel by June.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 12, 2018 03:47 PM (TKTX5)

187 >>>168 We need more people like Mulvaney infiltrating every level of government. I'll call it

The Schlong March Through the Institutions


Posted by: ace at April 12, 2018 03:47 PM (8rNrN)

188 Mick Mulvaney doesn't walk the Earth. He stays in the same place while the world rotates with his every step.

Posted by: zombie at April 12, 2018 03:47 PM (42M22)

189 He should just show up to hearings with a sack lunch and eat it while these dickheads bark questions at him.

Posted by: Bear with Assymetrical Balls at April 12, 2018 03:48 PM (kSock)

190 I would keep the CFPB going with 0 budget, 1 employee the bureau head until Trump's last day then kill the entire organization.

Posted by: Skip at April 12, 2018 03:48 PM (aC6Sd)

191 We have an out-of-control federal bureaucracy and we're laughing about it.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse at April 12, 2018 03:48 PM (roQNm)

192 >There is nothing like a man who can do that, then
turn around and clean up in a crisp white shirt and suit for an evening
out. The combo and contrast is intoxicating, and my boyfriends who
could do both, got lucky, a lot. I was literally all over them. I
swear it was some primal brain center or something. It was not my
fault. Aannnndddd I've said too much.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 03:45 PM (130AC)

Bartender? Please give all the 'ettes 2 of whatever gumdrop is having. Thx.

Posted by: Muad'dib at April 12, 2018 03:48 PM (sjdRT)

193 Play the Max Scene Waters and Mulvaney exchange at the hearing. 60 point IQ difference on display.

It's beyond unbelievable.

Posted by: redenzo at April 12, 2018 03:48 PM (14qvS)

194 Are you crying, I'll give you something to cry about.

Posted by: Somewhere on Ventura Highway at April 12, 2018 03:49 PM (M+Lyo)

195 He's so hostile to transparency he frosted his office windows!!!!!

Most translucent Administration ever!

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 03:49 PM (SpOII)

196 I'd be even more impressed if he showed up to the hearings in bunny slippers.

Or he made reference to a shinebox.

But this is a damn good start.

Posted by: GnuBreed at April 12, 2018 03:49 PM (0ogQG)

197 He should respond to all questions in mime.
Posted by: Insomniac at April 12, 2018 03:44 PM (NWiLs)

Get the Mandela sign-language guy on this.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 03:46 PM (SpOII)

Better yet, get Garret Morris from old SNL to interpret for the deaf.

Posted by: DR.WTF? at April 12, 2018 03:49 PM (T71PA)

198 We have an out-of-control federal bureaucracy and we're laughing about it.
Posted by: Skandia Recluse


Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 12, 2018 03:49 PM (LNPd9)

199 Yes, that was quite a performance by Mulvaney.

Bonus points next time he appears before a committee if, in response to questions, again ignores the questions and instead asks THEM some of the most revealing and embarrassing political questions he can think of.

Posted by: Anonymous 7 at April 12, 2018 03:49 PM (EKvBl)

200 The Cuck Cruise Emporium (TWS)

Well Hello Sailor.

Posted by: DaveA at April 12, 2018 03:49 PM (FhXTo)

201 One other thing I noticed in testimony. Although the Dem's bitched and moaned about Mulvaney's un-accountability, not one Dem said the agency oversight or funding should be changed.

Dem's fully expect to get back control of the CFPB and resume is money laundering function.

Posted by: WisRich at April 12, 2018 03:50 PM (G0vdT)

202 178 Speaking of Senator Warren, the hookers along Aurora Avenue North in Seattle sure are particularly nasty looking today.
Posted by: Sharkman at April 12, 2018 03:46 PM (/DDKs)

Like Water logged ferret clowns? Or is that more the Seatac strip look.

Posted by: LASue at April 12, 2018 03:50 PM (Z48ZB)

203 Posted by: Bear with Assymetrical Balls at April 12, 2018 03:48 PM (kSock)

See #7.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Come See the New Trump Section at The Outrage Outlet! at April 12, 2018 03:50 PM (hLRSq)

204 I don't need to talk to you Jerky.

Posted by: Minnfidel at April 12, 2018 03:50 PM (kTQeF)

205 True Fact : Mike Mulvaney shot a man in Reno just because it was within his statutory discretion

Posted by: garrett at April 12, 2018 03:50 PM (D+UMU)

206 Should we flood the cruise with morons and make it a hell ship for the cucks that they cant get off. We could wear pirate shirts.

Posted by: Jean at April 12, 2018 03:50 PM (MS0+a)

207 Didn't the headquarters come in at way more per square foot than the most opulent private operation?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at April 12, 2018 03:51 PM (d8iui)

208 Speaking of big balls, DH rolled a 300 last night at bowling. There was much rejoicing at CasaTCN.
Posted by: tcn in AK

Golf. Clap.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 12, 2018 03:51 PM (Vgz5H)

209 I thought hotair was feud territory.

I am not talking about Ace's link, but that they even linked him back. Was all that negativity just a spat?

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at April 12, 2018 03:51 PM (LWu6U)

210 Mulvaney could also respond with: "That's an excellent question," or "Yes, I can see why you'd be interested in knowing that." And...that's it.

Posted by: Lizzy at April 12, 2018 03:51 PM (W+vEI)

211 He should answer every question with a question.

Posted by: TexasDan at April 12, 2018 03:51 PM (yL25O)

212 Put someone at IRS to block audit CAIR and Planned Parenthood. That agency will be brought to heel by June.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 12, 2018 03:47 PM (TKTX5)

Indeed. Also SPLC.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 12, 2018 03:51 PM (vUFR0)

213 Lizzy Warren, Heap Big Laughing Stock.

Posted by: WonkishRogue at April 12, 2018 03:51 PM (O9JR8)

214 lol
Posted by: ace

My work on this planet is complete. To the stars!

Posted by: zombie at April 12, 2018 03:51 PM (42M22)

215 0 It was not my fault. Aannnndddd I've said too much.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 03:45 PM (130AC)

Funny how a real man can, with just a wink, turn us on our backs with our feet in the air.
Posted by: tcn in AK at April 12, 2018 03:47 PM (7UW64)

It is true. And I need to add it was always nice guys, who treated me with respect and I was in a relationship with. I never went for bad boys or being treated like crap. Never saw the appeal. Still don't.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 03:51 PM (130AC)

216 176 Mick Mulvaney has two speeds: walk and kill.
Posted by: regular joe at April 12, 2018 03:46 PM (O50yS)

He's got one of the family stickers on the rear windshield of his car, but they're not of his family.

They're of his confirmed kills.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 03:51 PM (SpOII)

217 Mick Mulvaney isn't the Boogeyman. He's the man he send to kill the fing Boogieman!

Posted by: X-ray at April 12, 2018 03:51 PM (TGrKk)

218 If you're a straight guy, you get a list. 5 other dudes you could have sex with and it wouldn't be gay.

Mick Mulvaney is on my list 4 times.

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at April 12, 2018 03:52 PM (egezu)

219 MM- Shut it Warren, I'm blasting my quads.

Liz Warren- What was that you said?

MM- I'm in a meeting.

LW- Huh

MM- Biking is my life.

Posted by: Mick Mulvaney at April 12, 2018 03:52 PM (ymnmz)

220 Has anyone answered committee questions entirely in extemporaneous but brutally cunning riddles?

Posted by: hogmartin at April 12, 2018 03:52 PM (y87Qq)

221 Indeed. Also SPLC.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 12, 2018 03:51 PM (vUFR0)

Oooh. Yes, please!

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 03:52 PM (SpOII)

222 Should we flood the cruise with morons and make it a hell ship for the cucks that they cant get off. We could wear pirate shirts.
Posted by: Jean at April 12, 2018 03:50 PM

We're all gonna get fuckin shirts! (no pants though)

Posted by: Minnfidel at April 12, 2018 03:52 PM (kTQeF)

I was hitting the weight stack last week hard, really hard. In the car with the wife while some soy-boy in a car in front of me delayed making a left turn when the light turned green. Plenty of distance, lack of aggression on his part. Stupid. I had to sit through two lights because of this lack of aggression. I was really pissed off. I realized that the higher T-levels from lifting weights was the cause of my aggressiveness. But I had every right to be pissed off.

Not apologizing in the least. Just saying half this country needs a fvcking huge hypodermic needle of Acme Enterprises testosterone smack dab in the middle of the butt-cheeks. Every week.

Posted by: Forgot My Nic at April 12, 2018 03:53 PM (LOgQ4)

He should take out a sandwich and bag of chips and have lunch while he's there.

I'd walk in there with a big paper grocery bag full of handles of booze, 2-liter sodas and bags of munchies. Make a big deal of setting it all up on the table then say to one of them, "Hey, got any ice?"

"Can I smoke in here?"

Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at April 12, 2018 03:53 PM (GdWl+)

225 For the 'ettes, after the last thread.

Firemen and puppies.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 12, 2018 03:53 PM (39g3+)

226 220 Has anyone answered committee questions entirely in extemporaneous but brutally cunning riddles?
Posted by: hogmartin at April 12, 2018 03:52 PM (y87Qq)

In quatrains? Channel Nostradamus. Let the Reds figure out what the hell you're talking about.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 03:53 PM (SpOII)

227 Wait, did he actually say fuck off?

Because that's what I want and I'll fight anyone who says that didn't happen.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at April 12, 2018 03:53 PM (4ErVI)

228 Hey Mick, that's a little strong.

Posted by: Jeepers Creeper Guy at April 12, 2018 03:53 PM (ymnmz)

229 Mulvaney To Congress: Fuck Your Couch

Posted by: x at April 12, 2018 03:53 PM (nFwvY)

230 Lakota Liz will be sending her curtains out for dry-cleaning after that, IYKWIMAITYD.

Posted by: spongeworthy at April 12, 2018 03:54 PM (35Slc)

231 189 He should just show up to hearings with a sack lunch and eat it while these dickheads bark questions at him.

No, better, he should order pizza.

No, even better, he should require the nearest financial institution deliver him pizza as part of their vig.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at April 12, 2018 03:54 PM (LWu6U)

232 I would keep the CFPB going with 0 budget, 1 employee the bureau head until Trump's last day then kill the entire organization.
Posted by: Skip

First, move them to Johnston Atoll, there are some empty federal buildings there

Posted by: Jean at April 12, 2018 03:54 PM (MS0+a)

233 I wonder if he got hypnotized to relax and the guy never broke him out like in Office Space.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 12, 2018 03:54 PM (39g3+)

234 Hey Mick, that's a little strong.
Posted by: Jeepers Creeper Guy at April 12, 2018 03:53 PM

Not really.

Posted by: Shave And A Haircut Two Bits Guy at April 12, 2018 03:54 PM (kTQeF)

235 218 If you're a straight guy, you get a list. 5 other dudes you could have sex with and it wouldn't be gay.

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at April 12, 2018 03:52 PM (egezu)

Scratchng joe's name off the Louisville MoMee List here, boss.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 12, 2018 03:54 PM (TKTX5)

236 He's got one of the family stickers on the rear windshield of his car, but they're not of his family.

They're of his confirmed kills.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

Movie trivia:

The script for "Death Race 2000" was adapted from the book "My Autobiography," by Mick Mulvaney.

Posted by: zombie at April 12, 2018 03:54 PM (42M22)

237 227 Wait, did he actually say fuck off?

Because that's what I want and I'll fight anyone who says that didn't happen.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at April 12, 2018 03:53 PM (4ErVI)

No, unless your thinking "bureaucrat speak".

Posted by: WisRich at April 12, 2018 03:55 PM (G0vdT)

238 I'll do that thing in your mouth and you'll enjoy it.

Posted by: Mick the Dick Mulvaney at April 12, 2018 03:55 PM (89T5c)

239 224
He should take out a sandwich and bag of chips and have lunch while he's there.

I'd walk in there with a big paper grocery bag full of handles of booze, 2-liter sodas and bags of munchies. Make a big deal of setting it all up on the table then say to one of them, "Hey, got any ice?"

"Can I smoke in here?"

Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at April 12, 2018 03:53 PM (GdWl+)

Yeah I was gonna say a cigar and a paper bag with a bottle of liquor in it.

And not asking. Just lighting up one of those giant cigars that reek like a motherfucker.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at April 12, 2018 03:55 PM (4ErVI)

240 He should take out a sandwich and bag of chips and have lunch while he's there.

The dick in the butter dish routine.

Posted by: DaveA at April 12, 2018 03:55 PM (FhXTo)

241 >218
If you're a straight guy, you get a list. 5 other dudes you could have sex with and it wouldn't be gay.

Mick Mulvaney is on my list 4 times.

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at April 12, 2018 03:52 PM (egezu)

I just looked in my Straight Guy Manual and I cannot find this anywhere.

Posted by: Muad'dib at April 12, 2018 03:56 PM (sjdRT)

242 -
True Fact : Mike Mulvaney rapes Viking Poets.

Posted by: garrett at April 12, 2018 03:47 PM


And the poems the compose afterward are glorious.

Posted by: irright at April 12, 2018 03:56 PM (pMGkg)

243 The proper response to anything Warren says is "Bitch are you for real?"

Posted by: Bill Bradski at April 12, 2018 03:56 PM (zKv7H)

244 If you're a straight guy, you get a list. 5 other dudes you could have sex with and it wouldn't be gay.

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at April 12, 2018 03:52 PM (egezu)

Scratchng joe's name off the Louisville MoMee List here, boss.
Posted by: ScoggDog

It's not gay if you're underway.
It's only queer if you're at the pier.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 12, 2018 03:56 PM (Vgz5H)

245 Hell yeah!

Posted by: JoshO at April 12, 2018 03:56 PM (zu3jZ)

246 Best of all? The person appointed the head of the CFPB has the job for 10 years and cannot be fired.

Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, TX at April 12, 2018 03:56 PM (uDcBt)

247 Video:Ride along with UK anti knifecrime task force

Posted by: steevy at April 12, 2018 03:57 PM (LiyEm)

248 189 He should just show up to hearings with a sack lunch and eat it while these dickheads bark questions at him.
Posted by: Bear with Assymetrical Balls at April 12, 2018 03:48 PM (kSock)

While he puts on his headphones and rocks out.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 03:57 PM (SpOII)

249 So this CFPB thingy is why all the credit card solicitations i get in the mail every month carry an interest rate of 21-25 percent?

Posted by: Skandia Recluse at April 12, 2018 03:57 PM (roQNm)

250 I am Jack's amusement.

Posted by: Kuhyt at April 12, 2018 03:57 PM (Kuhyt)

251 How in the world does this post exist, without noting his put down of Maxine Waters? She insisted that she and her fellow legislators were responsible for implanting Dodd-Frank. he gave her short tutorial on separation of powers.

Posted by: Dean Wormer at April 12, 2018 03:57 PM (fftfA)

252 I'd start quoting lines from Office Space, when he's talking to the Bobs.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 12, 2018 03:57 PM (39g3+)

253 >>The person appointed the head of the CFPB has the job for 10 years and cannot be fired.

Talk about a dream job.

Posted by: garrett at April 12, 2018 03:58 PM (D+UMU)

254 holy shit.

"a huge cache of stone inscriptions... have been unearthed from a vast 'city of the dead' in Sudan. the inscriptions are written in... Meroitic'

this could be the most important discovery in over 30 years, srsly you guys

Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at April 12, 2018 03:58 PM (OEibW)

255 Elizabeth Warren demands answers

Like who really killed Squanto?

Posted by: That deplorable guy who always asks... at April 12, 2018 03:58 PM (Tyii7)

256 Best thread of the week. Hell, best thread of PDT's time in office.

We need this man. He fights.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 12, 2018 03:58 PM (ptqGC)

257 243 The proper response to anything Warren says is "Bitch are you for real?"
Posted by: Bill Bradski at April 12, 2018 03:56 PM (zKv7H)

I'd throw a Fauxcohontas in there somewhere.

Posted by: What's a Seawolf? at April 12, 2018 03:58 PM (72PAC)

258 56 Can he order a pizza like Spiccoli?
Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at April 12, 2018 03:29 PM (oGRue)

"Pardon me, Senators, anyone got a problem with anchovies?"

Then the pizza delivery comes in, Mulvaney pays him, opens the box, and offers it to the committee.

I'd die of ecstasy.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 03:58 PM (SpOII)

259 "I can't right now, Congress, I've got a meeting with the Bobs."

Posted by: Office Space Peter Mick Mulvaney at April 12, 2018 03:58 PM (8iiMU)

260 HotAir is now linking to Ace's post.

Well done Ace. I bow down before your satirical mastery.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at April 12, 2018 03:59 PM (jxbfJ)

261 wow, my based 4 year old started crying tears of joy while he read this blog post to me.

Posted by: Kuhyt at April 12, 2018 03:59 PM (Kuhyt)

262 257 243 The proper response to anything Warren says is "Bitch are you for real?"
Posted by: Bill Bradski at April 12, 2018 03:56 PM (zKv7H)

I'd throw a Fauxcohontas in there somewhere.
Posted by: What's a Seawolf? at April 12, 2018 03:58 PM (72PAC)

Or do the Indian "woo woo woo woo," or refer to sending her smoke signals.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 03:59 PM (SpOII)

263 Be even better if he just kept saying "FYNQ"

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at April 12, 2018 03:59 PM (jxbfJ)

264 this could be the most important discovery in over 30 years, srsly you guys
Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at April 12, 2018 03:58 PM (OEibW)

That's right up your alley, isn't it? I'm glad for you! I hope it's full of seriously cool stuff.

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 04:00 PM (oMtOd)

265 "Can I smoke in here?"
Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at April 12, 2018 03:53 PM (GdWl+)


I'm just kidding.

I'll smoke no matter what you say

Posted by: Mick at April 12, 2018 04:00 PM (oGRue)

266 He had me at, "Fuck you, squaw Warren." Should have finished with, "Now make me a sammich."

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 12, 2018 04:00 PM (ptqGC)

267 "She insisted that she and her fellow legislators were responsible for implanting Dodd-Frank."

So Dodd-Frank is like fake tits?

Posted by: X-ray at April 12, 2018 04:00 PM (TGrKk)

268 Play the Max Scene Waters and Mulvaney exchange at the hearing. 60 point IQ difference on display.

It's beyond unbelievable.
Posted by: redenzo at April 12, 2018 03:48 PM (14qvS)

Awesome. Where is that?!

Posted by: LASue at April 12, 2018 04:00 PM (Z48ZB)

269 My based 4 year old did start crying when he realized that Mulvaney may be guilty of conspiracy to defraud the government by his actions.

Posted by: Kuhyt at April 12, 2018 04:00 PM (Kuhyt)

270 "a huge cache of stone inscriptions... have been unearthed from a vast 'city of the dead' in Sudan. the inscriptions are written in... Meroitic'

There are a lot of very ancient Saharan civilizations that have just been swallowed up, I think it would be worth expeditions just to dig them up. I love this kinda stuff, its great until you dig up a lich or something

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 12, 2018 04:00 PM (39g3+)

271 this could be the most important discovery in over 30 years, srsly you guys
Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at April 12, 2018 03:58 PM (OEibW)

Finding a sensible, patriotic, financially prudent Democrat. Now THAT would be the most amazing discovery in over 30 years, easy.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 04:00 PM (SpOII)

272 Boy I'll tell ya, I don't know about their content, but that TheHill website is one righteous piece of shit.

Posted by: wth at April 12, 2018 04:01 PM (HgMAr)

273 260 HotAir is now linking to Ace's post.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at April 12, 2018 03:59 PM (jxbfJ)

God help the poor bastards if they start reading the comments.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 12, 2018 04:01 PM (TKTX5)

274 >Awesome. Where is that?!

Posted by: LASue at April 12, 2018 04:00 PM (Z48ZB)


Posted by: Muad'dib at April 12, 2018 04:01 PM (sjdRT)

275 my based 4 year old said, with tears in his eyes, that it was almost as if the DNC didn't intend to lose another electionwith the bullshit laws they created.

Posted by: Kuhyt at April 12, 2018 04:01 PM (Kuhyt)

276 I should get outside, its actually above 60 degrees here.

Posted by: Skip at April 12, 2018 04:01 PM (aC6Sd)

277 Between he and Pruitt over at the EPA, there are at least two people who are gleefully out there hacking away at the Left's sacred cows.

Which is why the long knives are out for Pruitt and there was the utter lunacy about Mulvaney frosting the glass on windows at the CFPB.

I am completely down with hey, you made those stupid rules, now live by them.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 12, 2018 04:02 PM (mf5HN)

278 Duuuuude!!??? Take it easy.

Posted by: Bear from Revenant at April 12, 2018 04:02 PM (ymnmz)

279 BTH - Cliff's Notes on the archaelogical/etc importance of this discovery? Meroitic is related to whom/which language family/civilization?

Posted by: rhomboid at April 12, 2018 04:02 PM (QDnY+)

280 You can thank those of us in SC-5 who elected him to the House back in 2010 and gave him his start in politics.

Posted by: Tom at April 12, 2018 04:02 PM (iKSMd)

281 Finding a sensible, patriotic, financially prudent Democrat. Now THAT would be the most amazing discovery in over 30 years, easy.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 04:00 PM (SpOII)

He rode off into the sunset on a unicorn. We'll never see him again.

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 04:02 PM (oMtOd)

282 So, is this what it's like when we get a Ron Swanson into actual positions of power in government?

Posted by: Another Anon at April 12, 2018 04:02 PM (pEWEN)

283 271
this could be the most important discovery in over 30 years, srsly you guys

Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at April 12, 2018 03:58 PM (OEibW)

Finding a sensible, patriotic, financially prudent Democrat. Now
THAT would be the most amazing discovery in over 30 years, easy.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 04:00 PM (SpOII)

You'd have as much like finding unicorns or flying dragons.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at April 12, 2018 04:02 PM (jxbfJ)

holy shit.

"a huge cache of stone inscriptions... have been unearthed from a
vast 'city of the dead' in Sudan. the inscriptions are written in...

this could be the most important discovery in over 30 years, srsly you guys

Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at April 12, 2018 03:58 PM (OEibW)

It would make my life if they were inscribed with "Mohammed is a child-raping, murdering, piece of sh*t."

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 12, 2018 04:02 PM (ptqGC)

285 Heh. They REALLY hate having their own capricious and arbitrary rules used against them.
No crumbs for you, Leftie!

Posted by: Taqyia2Me at April 12, 2018 04:02 PM (Ftuf+)

286 By the end of Mr. Trump's second term, SCOTUS will have ruled on most of the words in the O.E.D.

Including "is".

Posted by: Burger Chef at April 12, 2018 04:02 PM (RuIsu)

287 *moons people from Hot Gas*

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at April 12, 2018 04:03 PM (89T5c)

Which is why the long knives are out for Pruitt
and there was the utter lunacy about Mulvaney frosting the glass on
windows at the CFPB.

I am completely down with hey, you made those stupid rules, now live by them.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 12, 2018 04:02 PM (mf5HN)

That's a pretty good trick since he was sitting at his desk at the time.

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at April 12, 2018 04:03 PM (ymnmz)

289 >>Wait, did he actually say fuck off?

Essentially, yes.

He's been exchanging letters with Lizzie Warren and responded that he's not going to answer her 105 questions because thanks to the rules that she established when creating the agency, he doesn't have to.

Posted by: Lizzy at April 12, 2018 04:03 PM (W+vEI)

290 I should get outside, its actually above 60 degrees here.
Posted by: Skip at April 12, 2018 04:01 PM (aC6Sd)

It's 79 here. I have the windows open to let the warm air in.

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 04:03 PM (oMtOd)

291 this could be the most important discovery in over 30 years, srsly you guys

Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at April 12, 2018 03:58 PM (OEibW)

(runs inscription through Gurgle Translate)
"Drink Moar Ovaltine"

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 12, 2018 04:03 PM (vUFR0)

It's like the Neanderthals. Stupid dumb guys with big strong bones, strong teeth, spent the day killing woolly mammoths. Along came some inferior group that destroyed them, right?

Bullshit. It was like as if the Swedish Bikini Team hit the USA and they got knocked up so hard and fast in two generations you couldn't find their DNA with an electron microscope.

Posted by: Forgot My Nic at April 12, 2018 04:03 PM (LOgQ4)

293 A. B. Stoddard and the other pearl clutchers at the Hill will need to order more fainting couches.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 12, 2018 04:04 PM (ptqGC)

294 Thanks Muadib.

Posted by: LASue at April 12, 2018 04:04 PM (Z48ZB)

295 259
"I can't right now, Congress, I've got a meeting with the Bobs."

Posted by: Office Space Peter Mick Mulvaney at April 12, 2018 03:58 PM (8iiMU)

I did NOT get the memo!!!!

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at April 12, 2018 04:04 PM (o7tuA)

296 ...I love this kinda stuff, its great until you dig up a lich or something
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 12, 2018 04:00 PM (39g3+)

I got that reference.

Posted by: DR.WTF? at April 12, 2018 04:04 PM (T71PA)

297 Speaking of discoveries, hundreds of years' worth of rare earth metal deposits found near a Japanese island (remote, far from main islands). Ocean floor, feasibility study on mining/recovery scheduled.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 12, 2018 04:04 PM (QDnY+)

298 Seriously ... the Muzzies ? Death Cult, man. Don't let 'em in.

Posted by: Ancient Meroitic Tablet at April 12, 2018 04:04 PM (TKTX5)

299 "It's time to start letting our good friends know they are not at all our good friends, and are in fact our enemies."

It's long past time. They have been my enemies since they openly rooted for - and cheered - every 'grim milestone' in the Iraq War.

The left in America today is nothing more than a fifth column. And they should be treated as such.

Posted by: Bea Arthur's Dick at April 12, 2018 04:05 PM (jWe5r)

300 I love this part-
"The committee's chairman, Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Tx), who has been the LEADING opponent of the bureau, said " it is sheer irony and great comic relief to see the WAILING and GNASHING of teeth of my many DEMOCRATIC colleagues" about their inability to hold Mick accountable.

Hensarling validated Mulvaney's view that Dodd-Frank doesn't require him to answer their questions, adding "you could play Candy Crush for the next few hours and there is nothing we could do about it."

*grins with delight*

Posted by: redridinghood at April 12, 2018 04:05 PM (PvFoN)

301 It would make my life if they were inscribed with "Mohammed is a child-raping, murdering, piece of sh*t."

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 12, 2018 04:02 PM (ptqGC)


Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 04:05 PM (130AC)

302 That's why I voted for him !

Posted by: C1 at April 12, 2018 04:05 PM (9WcLF)

303 I just looked in my Straight Guy Manual and I cannot find this anywhere.

If you had the 1972 edition Bowie was totally in there.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 12, 2018 04:06 PM (fuK7c)

304 Does a meteoric tablet mean that it came from our celestial traveler overlords?

Posted by: That deplorable guy who always asks... at April 12, 2018 04:06 PM (Tyii7)

305 by the way, my based 4 year old started crying...then laughing...then crying again when he read me the story about stupid CUNY law students protesting...the law?...what?...Apparently, getting $200K in debt to not learn how to law good is going to mean a lot of poor, broke, unemployed law grads.


Posted by: Kuhyt at April 12, 2018 04:06 PM (Kuhyt)

306 Oh, I do hope Bret Baier has Jonah Goldberg and A. B. Stoddard on this evening to scold us all.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 12, 2018 04:06 PM (ptqGC)

307 Mick Mulvaney grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.

Posted by: regular joe at April 12, 2018 04:06 PM (kb0cx)

308 163
Here's an idea: Why not just have Mulvaney shake down Twitter, Facebook,
and Google until they're bankrupt, under the guise of "consumer
protection"? He doesn't even need to explain himself or answer for it!

Posted by: The Deuce at April 12, 2018 03:43 PM (oDCMR)
Do it!
Send a few billions to NRA.

Posted by: muckrack at April 12, 2018 04:06 PM (RZ4iC)

309 Hensarling validated Mulvaney's view that Dodd-Frank doesn't require him to answer their questions, adding "you could play Candy Crush for the next few hours and there is nothing we could do about it."

Bwahahaha hahahahaha
*can't breathe*

Thanks RRHood

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 04:06 PM (130AC)

310 Not just he's notacuck, he's the guy screwing the cuck's wife.

Posted by: SFGoth at April 12, 2018 04:07 PM (dZ756)

311 holy shit.

"a huge cache of stone inscriptions... have been unearthed from a vast 'city of the dead' in Sudan. the inscriptions are written in... Meroitic'

this could be the most important discovery in over 30 years, srsly you guys
Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at April 12, 2018 03:58 PM (OEibW)


We have no idea about our past. None. We have no clue what is under the sands. None.

I mean, look at Gobekli Tepe. It was, what, the mid 1990's before that was really discovered.

There are all of these civilizations out there, buried under dirt and sand, not more than a few feet beneath us and we have no idea.

And then, of course, there are the mole people living in the center of the Hollow Earth. But perhaps I have said too much. . .

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 12, 2018 04:08 PM (mf5HN)

312 >It's 79 here. I have the windows open to let the warm air in.

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 04:03 PM (oMtOd)

On my way! We have a Winter Storm Watch. I can still beat it outta here.

Posted by: Muad'dib at April 12, 2018 04:08 PM (sjdRT)

313 Mulvaney is basically "tea bagging" Elizabeth Warren and the Dems. Best news I've had in a while. Love it.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at April 12, 2018 04:08 PM (jxbfJ)

Or do the Indian "woo woo woo woo," or refer to sending her smoke signals.

Do the FSU Tomahawk Chop every once in a while when she talks.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at April 12, 2018 04:08 PM (GdWl+)

315 During his testimony yesterday, R Congresswoman asked about the $242 Million renovation of the office building that they didn't even own and who had signed off on it. They tried for years to get the information from Cordray and said he didn't know.

She's asks Mulvaney if he was able to find it.

Mulvaney: "Yes"

Congresswoman: "Where did you find it?"

Mulvaney: "In the office of directors files"

Agency was dirty from inception and oh, Warren approved the renovation.

Posted by: WisRich at April 12, 2018 04:08 PM (G0vdT)

316 Does a meteoric tablet mean that it came from our celestial traveler overlords?

Posted by: That deplorable guy who always asks... at April 12, 2018 04:06 PM (Tyii7)

Ancient Alien theorists say yes.

Posted by: wth at April 12, 2018 04:08 PM (HgMAr)

317 Meroitic is the language of Bronze and early Iron Age Kush, before the Nubians conquered it. its status in linguistics is like that of Etruscan: the alphabet can be read, and most of it is inscribed on stone for tombstones - so the average inscription can be understood, as "here lies So And So".

but that means the range is limited. if someone found an Etruscan language play, it would be mostly incomprehensible. similar with Meroitic.

Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at April 12, 2018 04:09 PM (OEibW)

318 >>I mean, look at Gobekli Tepe.

OK, I guess...

can I borrow your hand mirror?

Posted by: garrett at April 12, 2018 04:09 PM (D+UMU)

319 I'm having a crappy week, crappy day (even though it's in the 70s and gorgeous outside). This thread just made up for everything.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 12, 2018 04:10 PM (ptqGC)

320 Ah, the rosy afterglow of a near post coital state, induced by a Man being a Man, not a xe, or a metrosexual, or a glad handing back slapping good old boy.

Not gay at all.

Not. At. All.

Its like breathing air after being waterboarded. Refreshing doesn't quite capture it all.

Posted by: simplemind at April 12, 2018 04:10 PM (TO7py)

321 rare earth metal deposits found near a Japanese island

Posted by: rhomboid at April 12, 2018 04:04 PM (QDnY+)

I have a feeling China is going to start pushing their borders again

Posted by: Bill Bradski at April 12, 2018 04:10 PM (zKv7H)

322 {{Jane}}

Planning all done?

Posted by: Muad'dib at April 12, 2018 04:10 PM (sjdRT)

323 Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this supposed to have been Warren's fiefdom?

That's really, really gotta burn her good.

Posted by: Brother Cavil at April 12, 2018 04:10 PM (P83tS)

324 President Mick Mulvaney? This guy is the Kenny Fucking Powers of administratin'.


If he keeps this attitude up...

Yea. Agree 100%. This is how you do it.

Posted by: William Eaton at April 12, 2018 04:10 PM (MuTTO)

325 Then the pizza delivery comes in, Mulvaney pays him, opens the box, and offers it to the committee.

I figure if you're here, and I'm here that makes it... our time!

And then, of course, there are the mole people living in the center of the Hollow Earth. But perhaps I have said too much. . .

"Brothers, we may have to silent the tall red haired one"
--Mole People

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 12, 2018 04:11 PM (39g3+)

326 OK, I guess...

can I borrow your hand mirror?
Posted by: garrett at April 12, 2018 04:09 PM (D+UMU)

*smack smack smack smack smack*

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 12, 2018 04:11 PM (mf5HN)

327 so finding a pile of monuments in Meroitic is a BFD. might even give us a window on early Egyptian history.

as for Mo, heh. the Nubians had taken over by then. but they were literate too (after converting to Christianity). I'd love to read their opinion on the Arabs

Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at April 12, 2018 04:11 PM (OEibW)

328 (305) They'll be employed all right. Where they can do the most damage.
Fish and Game, f'rinstance.
"Is that a Duck?"
"Fill out this form, and we'll get back to you."

Posted by: Burger Chef at April 12, 2018 04:11 PM (RuIsu)

329 There are all of these civilizations out there,
buried under dirt and sand, not more than a few feet beneath us and we
have no idea.

And then, of course, there are the mole people living in the center
of the Hollow Earth. But perhaps I have said too much. . .

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 12, 2018 04:08 PM (mf5HN)

And The Manatees are aliens from the planet Manattuvia who salted the earth with humans and can't believe how godawful bad it turned out.
True story.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at April 12, 2018 04:12 PM (o7tuA)

330 He should have greeted Lizzy by raising his hand saying, how.

Posted by: Minnfidel at April 12, 2018 04:12 PM (kTQeF)

331 Mulvaney/Anyone 2024

Posted by: T at April 12, 2018 04:12 PM (X+HYk)

332 >>Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this supposed to have been Warren's fiefdom?

Yup, and think I read that she has been fundraising like a Clinton over her connection to it.
So Mulvaney isn't just messing with her baby, he's messing her biggest fundraising tool.

Posted by: Lizzy at April 12, 2018 04:12 PM (W+vEI)


Planning all done?

Posted by: Muad'dib at April 12, 2018 04:10 PM (sjdRT)

Planning yes. Work, not even close. Now my husband has gotten word that his cranky old aunt in ATL is in the hospital for the one zillionth time. So he's agonizing over whether to go up (again) and blow off a yuge business deal in the making.

If the old girl is going to peel off, I just wish she'd do it sooner rather than later, when we're leaving on vacation or something.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 12, 2018 04:13 PM (ptqGC)

334 "Brothers, we may have to silent the tall red haired one"
--Mole People
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 12, 2018 04:11 PM (39g3+)

*temporarily moves Christopher Taylor into the give the quick acting smallpox blanket column*

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 12, 2018 04:13 PM (mf5HN)

335 but that means the range is limited. if someone
found an Etruscan language play, it would be mostly incomprehensible.
similar with Meroitic.

Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at April 12, 2018 04:09 PM (OEibW)

They had to use tombstones; there weren't any highways for them to put the Burma Shave signs along.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 12, 2018 04:13 PM (vUFR0)

336 Oh AtC is back!

We missed you!

Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at April 12, 2018 04:13 PM (hMwEB)

337 So how come he isn't buying a shit ton of chicks and blow? What is he, a homo?

Posted by: Gumby at April 12, 2018 04:13 PM (2LelM)

338 Anyone have a link to the Mulvaney Newsletter? I like the cut of his jib.

Posted by: Minnfidel at April 12, 2018 04:13 PM (kTQeF)

339 Do the FSU Tomahawk Chop every once in a while when she talks.
Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at April 12, 2018 04:08 PM (GdWl+)

Great idea.

Or when he's talking, he emphasizes his point by repeatedly but subtly making the tomahawk chop.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 04:13 PM (SpOII)

340 On my way! We have a Winter Storm Watch. I can still beat it outta here.
Posted by: Muad'dib at April 12, 2018 04:08 PM (sjdRT)

Oh, no! Yes, come on over. It's supposed to be in the 80s the next couple of days. Stop by and get grammie winger on the way, would you?

Not only is it sunny, there's very low humidity so it's exceptionally pleasant. Happy hour on the deck, I think.

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 04:14 PM (oMtOd)

341 Fuck yes.

When did the GOP become the party of pussies.

What is this shit that we want to "get along"? That sounds like the wimpy kid pleading with the bully not to eat his lunch.

Screw that. We need to go all Christmas Story on their asses.

I mean- really? Fucking Chuck Schumer and Chief Sitting Bullshit Warren? They wouldn't last five minutes in an exchange of insults.

They both need a dick punch.

Mick is the Man. He should give people like McConnell lessons.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 12, 2018 04:14 PM (VpIIl)

342 Thank you, votermom.

You may have a lemon bar. *shoves through USB port*

And The Manatees are aliens from the planet Manattuvia who salted the earth with humans and can't believe how godawful bad it turned out.
True story.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at April 12, 2018 04:12 PM (o7tuA)

This is True Fact.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 12, 2018 04:14 PM (mf5HN)

343 334
Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 12, 2018 04:13 PM (mf5HN)

Welcome back home AtC. Missed you.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at April 12, 2018 04:14 PM (jxbfJ)

344 so finding a pile of monuments in Meroitic is a BFD. might even give us a window on early Egyptian history.

as for Mo, heh. the Nubians had taken over by then. but they were literate too (after converting to Christianity). I'd love to read their opinion on the Arabs
Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at April 12, 2018 04:11 PM (OEibW)

This is important, if you have a link, I'd be interested.

And RICKL if you are around I hope the satellite thing went well.

I'm glad you guys share this stuff even though it is usually when I'm too frenzied about something else in the thread to follow up.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 04:14 PM (130AC)

345 Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this supposed to have been Warren's fiefdom?

That's really, really gotta burn her good.
Posted by: Brother Cavil

About like an outta control tepee fire.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 12, 2018 04:15 PM (Vgz5H)

346 Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this supposed to have been Warren's fiefdom?

That's really, really gotta burn her good.

Posted by: Brother Cavil at April 12, 2018 04:10 PM (P83tS)

Resting Bitch Face will from now on be known as Howling Bitch Face.

Posted by: The Fukawees at April 12, 2018 04:15 PM (HgMAr)

347 >Oh, no! Yes, come on over. It's supposed to be in
the 80s the next couple of days. Stop by and get grammie winger on the
way, would you?

Not only is it sunny, there's very low humidity so it's exceptionally pleasant. Happy hour on the deck, I think.

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 04:14 PM (oMtOd)

Oh yes, I'll be sure to pick Grammie up. She is right on my way. You're going to need gin for happy hour. Lots and lots of gin.

Posted by: Muad'dib at April 12, 2018 04:15 PM (sjdRT)

348 *nomnomnom*

Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at April 12, 2018 04:15 PM (hMwEB)


Excellent post.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at April 12, 2018 04:15 PM (fceHP)

350 332 >>Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this supposed to have been Warren's fiefdom?

Yup, and think I read that she has been fundraising like a Clinton over her connection to it.
So Mulvaney isn't just messing with her baby, he's messing her biggest fundraising tool.
Can Mulvaney make Warren dance like a monkey to amuse us?

Posted by: Gumby at April 12, 2018 04:15 PM (2LelM)

351 BTH, gracias. Very interesting.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 12, 2018 04:15 PM (QDnY+)

352 We have a few foam tomahawks here (ATL Braves). They say "Tomahawk Chop!" I should send them to Mulvaney.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 12, 2018 04:15 PM (ptqGC)

353 345
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this supposed to have been Warren's fiefdom?

That's really, really gotta burn her good.

Posted by: Brother Cavil

About like an outta control tepee fire.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 12, 2018 04:15 PM (Vgz5H)

Mass. can see the smoke signals.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at April 12, 2018 04:16 PM (jxbfJ)

354 "BURP" - Silurians who just ate all the mole people and are eyeing the mushroom people for dessert.

Posted by: DaveA at April 12, 2018 04:16 PM (FhXTo)

355 but that means the range is limited. if someone found an Etruscan language play, it would be mostly incomprehensible.
Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at April 12, 2018 04:09 PM (OEibW)

So ... kinda like a Ted Kennedy speech?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 04:16 PM (SpOII)

356 The term "Polite Company Conservatives" is one of the reasons I come here. Ace can sure turn a phrase.

Posted by: troyriser at April 12, 2018 04:16 PM (K8f5g)

357 When did the GOP become the party of pussies.

Reagan didn't win the primary, what, two or three times ?

Its been the PussyParty all my life.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 12, 2018 04:16 PM (TKTX5)

358 "Can Mulvaney make Warren dance like a monkey to amuse us?"

Right now, she's on the warpath.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 12, 2018 04:16 PM (VpIIl)

359 Honestly, all this political stuff isn't doing anything for me sexually. I am happy to hear it, though!

Posted by: Chris M at April 12, 2018 04:16 PM (eAZVt)

360 If Mulvaney is the stud Ace says he is he will start replacing all of the staff with Stormfront members just to piss off Warren more.

Posted by: Gumby at April 12, 2018 04:17 PM (2LelM)

361 Oh yes, I'll be sure to pick Grammie up. She is right on my way. You're going to need gin for happy hour. Lots and lots of gin.
Posted by: Muad'dib at April 12, 2018 04:15 PM (sjdRT)

*hooks up still over bathtub*

(we're in the South, you know)

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 04:17 PM (oMtOd)

362 Has McCain chimed in to admonish Mulvaney?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 12, 2018 04:17 PM (ptqGC)

363 I'd love to see Mulvaney put on an Indian feather headdress when Warren starts talking. Just a single feather would do.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 04:17 PM (SpOII)

364 I am sorry I missed it. When I am on Duty I actually Gov Employees who does? LOL

I am glad we have a guy who understand we are at War with the left

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 12, 2018 04:18 PM (XH5TQ)

365 I just hope they don't force him to transition to Republican.

Posted by: George LeS at April 12, 2018 04:18 PM (+TcCF)

366 I just hope Lizzy 'buffalo dung' Warren doesn't rally all the other fake Indian academics and make a raid on Mulvaneys office.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at April 12, 2018 04:18 PM (o7tuA)

367 Mulvaney should send Squaw Warren a blanket. As a warning.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 12, 2018 04:18 PM (ptqGC)

368 remember, our enemies are actually retards and/or insane and/or so logically inconsistent that they are defeatable many times over.

The reason we lose: We are run by fucking cucks that really don't want to fight
Cut Jib Newsletter . . .

Posted by: simplemind at April 12, 2018 04:18 PM (iq/u7)

369 Still has manatee silk tie for AtC.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 12, 2018 04:19 PM (Vgz5H)

370 "When did the GOP become the party of pussies.

Reagan didn't win the primary, what, two or three times ?

Its been the PussyParty all my life.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 12, 2018 04:16 PM (TKTX5)

It doesn't fit with the party of the Second Amendment and supporters of the military.

In other words it does not fit with their base. We really need to clean all these soft hands fags out of the swamp and get some carnivores elected.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 12, 2018 04:19 PM (VpIIl)

371 363 I'd love to see Mulvaney put on an Indian feather headdress when Warren starts talking. Just a single feather would do.
Just wear a Chief Wahoo tee shirt to the hearings and clean fish.

Posted by: Gumby at April 12, 2018 04:19 PM (2LelM)

372 I'm glad you guys share this stuff even though it is usually when I'm too frenzied about something else in the thread to follow up.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 04:14 PM (130AC)

I'm always delighted to see our Morons post things about their specific interest, even if it's something I know nothing about (like, er, Merotoic thingies) because I know it makes them happy and I love sharing the joy.

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 04:19 PM (oMtOd)

373 5 During his testimony yesterday, R Congresswoman asked about the $242 Million renovation of the office building that they didn't even own and who had signed off on it. They tried for years to get the information from Cordray and said he didn't know.

She's asks Mulvaney if he was able to find it.

Mulvaney: "Yes"

Congresswoman: "Where did you find it?"

Mulvaney: "In the office of directors files"

Agency was dirty from inception and oh, Warren approved the renovation.
Posted by: WisRich at April 12, 2018 04:08 PM (G0vdT)

I knew it!

Most transparent and scandal free Presidency in history, b/c the fvckity fvck media didn't bother to do their job.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 04:19 PM (130AC)

374 Lizzzy shitting dog, how are sales of Pow Wow Chow going ?

Posted by: Somewhere on Ventura Highway at April 12, 2018 04:19 PM (M+Lyo)

375 Has McCain chimed in to admonish Mulvaney?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 12, 2018 04:17 PM (ptqGC)

I don't know, but he just rang for soup.

Posted by: The Tumor's Nurse at April 12, 2018 04:20 PM (HgMAr)

376 Lefties can't stand to live by their own rules.

Posted by: Marmo - yes, I am entertained, thank you very much at April 12, 2018 04:20 PM (fq72/)

377 Next stop: they emulate the Taiwanese "debates."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 04:20 PM (SpOII)

Hey, ace, I just want to re-emphasize the genius of Sefton's idea that we should form a "2nd Amendment" Party.

After all, who could object to that?
We are talking about a (and in my opinion, "THE") core provision of the Bill of Rights! - The very BODY GUARD of all our Civil Rights.

Force these motherfuckers (that is the Republican Party) to embrace it: or cast their sorry asses out.
If there is a "republican" who opposes the crucial CIVIL RIGHT which is the 2nd Amendment then lets out him or her and tell them to get gone!

I know I've personally presented some interesting ideas in the past (regarding a Constitutional Amendment that would sharply restrict the Congress's Article I authority to tax citizens): but I honestly think this (Sefton's concept) is the way to go.
- Specifically because it does not require an Amendment process.
It simply requires BASIC loyalty to libertarian/conservative grassroots.

Moreover, I must point this out:
If we can install a party apparatus (i.e. the "2nd Amendment Party") that is 100% committed to protecting a crucial Civil Right that is already enshrined in the Bill of Rights: that very same party will tend strongly toward protecting other libertarian/conservative values. - For instance, the Civil Rights of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Worship which is enshrined in the 1st Amendment.

I honestly thing that Sefton has hit upon it. (-I.e. an "NRA Party")
Please consider pushing the idea.
It would seem to be our salvation.

Posted by: Cold Civil War at April 12, 2018 04:20 PM (Z2PYk)

379 Can you imagine Mick wearing a feather in a headband to the hearing and taunting Warren

I can.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 12, 2018 04:20 PM (VpIIl)


Mick "Jag-Her (off)" Mulvaney.

This guy.

He should just tell Keith X and Pale-Rider that behind the frosted glass of his office he will be dismantling the CFPB brick by brick, screw by screw until nothing is left of it.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 12, 2018 04:20 PM (VM6ev)

381 The reason we lose: We are run by fucking cucks that really don't want to fight
Cut Jib Newsletter . . .
Posted by: simplemind at April 12, 2018 04:18 PM (iq/u7)

Beating Progressive arguments ain't hard. But you have to be willing to humiliate the Progressive. Republicans ain't.

I read that here once.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 12, 2018 04:20 PM (TKTX5)

382 Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this supposed to have been Warren's fiefdom?

Her own little extortion kingdom. You are hurting consumers -- pay up now.

Posted by: mustbequantum at April 12, 2018 04:20 PM (MIKMs)

383 I'd love to see Mulvaney put on an Indian feather headdress when Warren starts talking. Just a single feather would do.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 04:17 PM (SpOII)

Too obvious.

He should just hold up his right hand in the "how" position.

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 04:20 PM (oMtOd)

384 Fauxahauntas mind bubble, "uh-oh"

Posted by: Archer at April 12, 2018 04:21 PM (gbWkA)

Or when he's talking, he emphasizes his point by repeatedly but subtly making the tomahawk chop.

Or...he could do the "jerk off" motion with his hand while doing teh chop.

We're just full of ideas.

And their average salary is HOW MUCH?? Hell, I should send them a resume. MM seems like the type of guy who'd hire me to do nothing just to piss of a bunch of Dims.

And I'd let him.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at April 12, 2018 04:21 PM (GdWl+)

386 Mick walks up to the mic. His first word is- "How".

Posted by: Marcus T at April 12, 2018 04:21 PM (VpIIl)

387 I think just a sober business-like attitude, and one of those arrow-through-the-head prank things on his head, would be the perfect combo.

We used to joke about some day being in a position to order a whole delegation to wear those things, preferrably in strategic arms talks with the Soviets.

No smiles, no laughs, absolute poker faces would be part of the order. See what the Russians did. Would have been epic, dudes.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 12, 2018 04:21 PM (QDnY+)

388 342. The Manunaki Theory. Yes, well-supported.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine at April 12, 2018 04:21 PM (fA1SL)

389 Before we start, Senators, I have a few gifts for Senator Warren. As you can see, we have some beads here, and a couple of blankets. This metal knife has much good medicine, as well. And last, some tobacco for the peace pipe, later.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 12, 2018 04:22 PM (39g3+)

390 Speaking of discoveries, hundreds of years' worth of rare earth metal deposits found near a Japanese island (remote, far from main islands). Ocean floor, feasibility study on mining/recovery scheduled.
Trust me there's a lot going on there. Explains China's friskiness as well.

Posted by: simplemind at April 12, 2018 04:22 PM (mCa7C)

391 378 Posted by: Cold Civil War at April 12, 2018 04:20 PM (Z2PYk)

That was an unpaid endorsement by Friends of Seftoncorp.

(but gifts of money and danish are always accepted)

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 12, 2018 04:22 PM (VM6ev)

392 I love Ace: I'm not a gay, but looking at Mick Mulvaney's Bad Boy motorcycle-leather appeal, I have to say: I get it, Gay Dudes. I get it.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 12, 2018 04:23 PM (ptqGC)

393 I'd love to see Mulvaney put on an Indian feather headdress when Warren starts talking. Just a single feather would do.
Throw back Cleveland Indians jersey with a big ol' Chief Wahoo on it.

Posted by: simplemind at April 12, 2018 04:23 PM (c3fNi)

394 Worst part? Congress won't do jack shit. Democrats want to get back in power and turn these parts of the government back on the people again.

That's why they don't want Obamacare statutorily repealed. They want to breath life into that corpse when they get back in power. Count on it. I've heard that from staff in DC.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 12, 2018 04:23 PM (VpIIl)

395 I'm glad you guys share this stuff even though it is usually when I'm too frenzied about something else in the thread to follow up.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 04:14 PM (130AC)

I'm always delighted to see our Morons post things about their specific interest, even if it's something I know nothing about (like, er, Merotoic thingies) because I know it makes them happy and I love sharing the joy.
Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 04:19 PM (oMtOd)

Thank you, bcz I don't know how to say it. Like yesterday we were all on some thread freaking out about something, and Rickl drops in to tell us about a satellite.

And it makes me think of a sweet little boy trying to share something important with a bunch of crazy adults, and I want to tell him that, bcz I find it so endearing. But I think, that probably doesn't come off sounding as respectful as I mean it. So I got figure out something to say to acknowledge it.

Maybe just a *wave* post.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 04:23 PM (130AC)

396 Posted by: Cold Civil War at April 12, 2018 04:20 PM (Z2PYk)

You know what would be really funny? If Mulvaney went after the holdings of Steyer and Soros.

Comedy gold and real gold - much of it from dead Hungarian Jews, sadly.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 12, 2018 04:24 PM (VM6ev)

Conversation never going to happen:

Guy: I hate your estrogen. The drug that gives you your prominent breasts, the narrow waist, the full hips. That hourglass figure is so disgusting.

Woman: You should talk? That testosterone that makes you so muscular. So willing to take risks. To get lifted up to the top of a pole in the middle of a tornado and reconnect electricity so everyone can use their toaster again. The guy who gets up out of bed and checks that the doors are locked and is willing to shoot the hell out of someone breaking in.

Posted by: Forgot My Nic at April 12, 2018 04:24 PM (LOgQ4)

398 He could bring a Cherokee "translator" along to do hand signals. Total stoneface, wearing traditional garb.

Many moons ago, Senator, I was chosen to lead the consumer tribe... (guy behind gestures feathers behind his head and waves his hand across the room to indicate their approval of him).

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 12, 2018 04:24 PM (39g3+)

399 So how long has AZ been without half of its Senate representation now? What a beautiful demonstration of the responsibility, ethics, and patriotism of the incumbent.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 12, 2018 04:24 PM (QDnY+)

400 I'm always delighted to see our Morons post things about their specific interest, even if it's something I know nothing about (like, er, Merotoic thingies) because I know it makes them happy and I love sharing the joy.

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 04:19 PM (oMtOd)

Would you by chance have a moment to discuss the various merits of 80s porn ?

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 12, 2018 04:25 PM (TKTX5)

401 You know what would be really funny? If Mulvaney went after the holdings of Steyer and Soros.

That's just too much to hope for.

Now shaking down Goldman Sachs ...

Which, God knows, deserves it.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 04:25 PM (SpOII)

182 they've done a lot of good work like adding thousand$ to the cost of a mortgage through regulatory compliance and simplifying the mortgage Good Faith Estimate from 1 page to 7. Next year they're simplifying mortgage loan application from 4 pages to 11 with lots more questions about your race and sex so lawyers can sue. the more pages they add the less the consumer reads.

when will they do something about the choco ration?

Posted by: Anachronda at April 12, 2018 04:25 PM (v3pYe)

403 This is really the epitome of make the Left play by their own rules.

Okay. You set up this unaccountable agency. Now you want me to provide an account? Let me think. No.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 12, 2018 04:25 PM (mf5HN)

404 Scogg, I would not. Even I have my limits to sharing other people's happiness.

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 04:25 PM (oMtOd)

405 I think he was trolling her with the Monopoly guy.

Posted by: wth at April 12, 2018 04:26 PM (HgMAr)

406 Slices like a knife.

Liealotta must have gone full on Hillary when she was out of public view.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at April 12, 2018 04:26 PM (pw+jk)

407 We need the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the Supreme Court, the lower courts, the governorships of 3/4 of the states and this ashtray, and that's all we need!

...and a shrubbery.

Posted by: Knights who say #nevertrump at April 12, 2018 04:26 PM (0CeRG)

408 That's why they don't want Obamacare statutorily repealed. They want to breath life into that corpse when they get back in power.

Right, and all the RINOs are quitting to try and get Congress to flip before Trump can do something more permanent to it. They really do prefer to lose.

Posted by: Ian S. at April 12, 2018 04:26 PM (3J/LN)

409 Many moons ago, Senator, I was chosen to lead the consumer tribe... (guy behind gestures feathers behind his head and waves his hand across the room to indicate their approval of him).

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 12, 2018 04:24 PM (39g3+)

Well, that did it. I'm not getting anything done for the rest of the day. ROFL!

Posted by: hobbitopoly at April 12, 2018 04:26 PM (MX7xj)

410 Trust me there's a lot going on there. Explains China's friskiness as well.

Yeah China's sudden renewed interest in Islands near Japan has nothing to do with historical or territorial ties, its about resources, particularly oil.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 12, 2018 04:26 PM (39g3+)

411 Maybe Mulvaney should look into the usury associated with Student Loans and squeeze some sanity back into Tuition rates? It sounds like he's got carte blanche.

Posted by: Gumby at April 12, 2018 04:27 PM (2LelM)

412 Speaking of discoveries, hundreds of years' worth of rare earth metal deposits found near a Japanese island (remote, far from main islands). Ocean floor, feasibility study on mining/recovery scheduled.
Posted by: rhomboid

I am vindicated!

Posted by: Howard Hughes, the clean zombie at April 12, 2018 04:27 PM (MS0+a)

413 Yeah China's sudden renewed interest in Islands near Japan has nothing to do with historical or territorial ties, its about resources, particularly oil.
Japan has a bigger more modern navy than does China. They'd best be polite.

Posted by: Gumby at April 12, 2018 04:28 PM (2LelM)

414 So how long has AZ been without half of its Senate representation now? What a beautiful demonstration of the responsibility, ethics, and patriotism of the incumbent.
Posted by: rhomboid at April 12, 2018 04:24 PM (QDnY+)

Let's see.



Posted by: DR.WTF? at April 12, 2018 04:28 PM (T71PA)

415 And it makes me think of a sweet little boy trying
to share something important with a bunch of crazy adults, and I want to
tell him that, bcz I find it so endearing. But I think, that probably
doesn't come off sounding as respectful as I mean it. So I got figure
out something to say to acknowledge it.

Maybe just a *wave* post.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 04:23 PM (130AC)

Aaaaawwww.......I'll GG have a ladle of stew.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at April 12, 2018 04:28 PM (o7tuA)

416 You know what would be really funny? If Mulvaney went after the holdings of Steyer and Soros.

Comedy gold and real gold - much of it from dead Hungarian Jews, sadly.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 12, 2018 04:24 PM (VM6ev)

Don't toy with me JJ. Don't get my hopes up.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 04:28 PM (130AC)

417 404 Scogg, I would not. Even I have my limits to sharing other people's happiness.

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 04:25 PM (oMtOd)

Nobody gives two shits about my joy.

Except early 80s Honey Wilder. She cares.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 12, 2018 04:29 PM (TKTX5)

He could bring a Cherokee "translator" along to do hand signals. Total stoneface, wearing traditional garb.

Many moons ago, Senator, I was chosen to lead the consumer tribe... (guy behind gestures feathers behind his head and waves his hand across the room to indicate their approval of him).

Make sure he's dressed up like the Indian from the Village People. And have him do dance moves from the '60's occasionally just to see who's paying attention.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at April 12, 2018 04:29 PM (GdWl+)

419 Can the CFPB go after universities and extort money to give to right wing causes. Because I would have a perma-schadenboner if that happened.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at April 12, 2018 04:29 PM (pw+jk)

420 411 Maybe Mulvaney should look into the usury associated with Student Loans and squeeze some sanity back into Tuition rates? It sounds like he's got carte blanche.
Posted by: Gumby at April 12, 2018 04:27 PM (2LelM)

What a GREAT idea.

If there's one place where consumers need protection, it is undergraduate education. Make universities disclose how many graduate, how many find employment (by major), and what the average salary is (by undergraduate major).

That should kick a lot of bogus majors right in the balls.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 04:29 PM (SpOII)

421 So how long has AZ been without half of its Senate representation now?
What a beautiful demonstration of the responsibility, ethics, and
patriotism of the incumbent.

IL went five years of a six-year term. AZ has serious problems because Flake is Flaking out as well. Oh well, most of AZ is owned by the Feds anyway.

Posted by: mustbequantum at April 12, 2018 04:29 PM (MIKMs)

422 Mr. Sefton at # 391: I just now saw your comment.

Hello brother.

I genuinely think you have discovered the precisely correct course (the 2nd Amendment) for us (i.e. libertarians and conservatives) to follow.
I really hope you can bend ace's ear in that direction.

Thank you for acknowledging my comment.

Posted by: Cold Civil War at April 12, 2018 04:29 PM (Z2PYk)

423 Howard, that was mostly a cover for recovering that Soviet sub, but you knew that.

I think the rare earths discovery is far south of the main islands, not near the South China Sea where China's been throwing its weight around for years during The Great Empty Chair Period in DC.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 12, 2018 04:29 PM (QDnY+)

424 410 Trust me there's a lot going on there. Explains China's friskiness as well.

Yeah China's sudden renewed interest in Islands near Japan has nothing to do with historical or territorial ties, its about resources, particularly oil.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 12, 2018 04:26 PM (39g3+)

The islands are actually the Spratleys off the coast of the Philippines that have the 'erl. Japan went to war with US to get oil from Borneo and other raw materials, but that's an aside.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 12, 2018 04:29 PM (VM6ev)

425 Is this guy a member of the Slap-a-ho tribe?

Posted by: tonypete at April 12, 2018 04:29 PM (9rIkM)

426 Mulvaney should invite that woman who is a real Cherokee as a guest. The one who traced her ancestry and said she was full of it.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 12, 2018 04:30 PM (VpIIl)

427 Speaking of discoveries, hundreds of years' worth of rare earth metal deposits found near a Japanese island (remote, far from main islands). Ocean floor, feasibility study on mining/recovery scheduled.
Posted by: rhomboid

Take the Glomar Explorer out of mothballs!

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 04:30 PM (SpOII)

428 Nice, the US already has an airbase in the rare earths island. Screw China and her fake islands.

Posted by: Jean at April 12, 2018 04:30 PM (MS0+a)

429 422 Posted by: Cold Civil War at April 12, 2018 04:29 PM (Z2PYk)

You bet. The idea has more to do with having an organization in place that has a significant base of members as well as money, as opposed to trying to wrest control of the GOP from the CoC and Koch Bros. and getting co-opted in the process.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 12, 2018 04:30 PM (VM6ev)

430 425
Is this guy a member of the Slap-a-ho tribe?

Posted by: tonypete at April 12, 2018 04:29 PM (9rIkM)

*golf clap*

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at April 12, 2018 04:30 PM (o7tuA)

431 Aaaaawwww.......I'll GG have a ladle of stew.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at April 12, 2018 04:28 PM (o7tuA)

Uh, yea, CANNIBAL Bob, where did that meat in your stew come from. It looks kinda human. So I'm

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 04:31 PM (130AC)

432 Speaking of discoveries, hundreds of years' worth of rare earth metal deposits found near a Japanese island (remote, far from main islands). Ocean floor, feasibility study on mining/recovery scheduled.
Trust me there's a lot going on there. Explains China's friskiness as well.
Posted by: simplemind at April 12, 2018 04:22 PM (mCa7C)

I was thinking about this earlier today.

A decade or so ago, maybe less, people were freaking out about LNG stocks being depleted. Now we are awash in it.

Same with Peak Oil. Then came fracking and old wells having additional reserves and it seems like every few months someone is finding another massive oil field.

Rare earths deposits, which are mainly in China, starting to run out and what will that do to tech and China's power in the world and now Japan all nah, brah, we're cool for about 700 years or so more.

It's almost like blessed Mother Gaia has a Horde level sense of human and just keeps poof magicing stuff back into play just to mess with humans.

Not that. I would do that. Were I blessed Mother Gaia. koff

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 12, 2018 04:31 PM (mf5HN)

433 345 Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this supposed to have been Warren's fiefdom?

That's really, really gotta burn her good.
Posted by: Brother Cavil

He needs to crack academia open like an egg with the cfpb. Maybe send all the college presidents a Dear Asshole letter

Posted by: x at April 12, 2018 04:31 PM (nFwvY)

434 Pelosi suffers face spasms, brain freezes and repeatedly uses wrong words.

Must be another day ending in "Y".

Posted by: wth at April 12, 2018 04:31 PM (HgMAr)

435 mustbequantum, you talking about my ol' pal Kirk? Wasn't his stroke further along into his term? In any case, same/same - should have resigned his seat immediately.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 12, 2018 04:31 PM (QDnY+)

Along with oil, several trillion dollars of commerce sails through the South China Sea. America has traditionally kept those historically international waters open and the Chi-Coms want to wrest control of it for obvious reasons.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 12, 2018 04:32 PM (VM6ev)

437 "So how long has AZ been without half of its Senate representation now?

What a beautiful demonstration of the responsibility, ethics, and

patriotism of the incumbent."

I can think of no better example of the self-indulgent nature of McCain.

He has always thought of himself first, and the people last. Right to the end

Posted by: Marcus T at April 12, 2018 04:32 PM (VpIIl)

438 Take the Glomar Explorer out of mothballs!
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 04:30 PM (SpOII)

I'm pretty sure it got sold for scrap in 2015

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 04:33 PM (oMtOd)

439 432 Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 12, 2018 04:31 PM (mf5HN)

And on the other end of the globe, don't forget the Israeil/Cypriot gas field in the eastern Mediterranean that has Bladder-meer and the Islamos in Lebanon freaking out.

Game-changer as well.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 12, 2018 04:33 PM (VM6ev)

440 Not that. I would do that. Were I blessed Mother Gaia. koff

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 12, 2018 04:31 PM (mf5HN)

Its almost like ... maybe all the "good stuff" ain't necessarily near the surface.

Like how the frost-line pushes up rocks in your garden.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 12, 2018 04:33 PM (TKTX5)

441 alex the "reserves" of mineral resources are not physical quantities, but *physical quanities at given price points and technological levels*. Le grande difference.

Of course you know this. What is appalling is that this simple concept seems incomprehensible to zillions of people.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 12, 2018 04:34 PM (QDnY+)

442 Uh, yea, CANNIBAL Bob, where did that meat in your stew come from. It looks kinda human. So I'm

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 12, 2018 04:31 PM (130AC)

Weeeeell.....lets just say the recipe didn't make into the cook book. Bluebell is kinda judgy.*Picks out eyeballs*......there that better.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at April 12, 2018 04:34 PM (o7tuA)

443 Since its Japanese, I'm sure they will mine it with robots.

Posted by: Jean at April 12, 2018 04:34 PM (MS0+a)

444 Weeeeell.....lets just say the recipe didn't make into the cook book. Bluebell is kinda judgy.*Picks out eyeballs*......there that better.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at April 12, 2018 04:34 PM (o7tuA)

Get rid of the ears, too.

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 04:34 PM (oMtOd)

445 "Pelosi suffers face spasms, brain freezes and repeatedly uses wrong words."

I am starting to hear from some staff in Washington that if Dems win the House (and that's a bif "if" in my mind), there will be a serious challenge to her leadership.

Frankly I have not heard that in a long time. People usually would not even utter that.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 12, 2018 04:35 PM (VpIIl)

446 alex the "reserves" of mineral resources are not physical quantities, but *physical quanities at given price points and technological levels*. Le grande difference.

Of course you know this. What is appalling is that this simple concept seems incomprehensible to zillions of people.
Posted by: rhomboid

except the strategic reserve is an actual quantity

Posted by: Jean at April 12, 2018 04:35 PM (MS0+a)

447 Get rid of the ears, too.

Posted by: bluebell at April 12, 2018 04:34 PM (oMtOd)

I hear ya babe.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at April 12, 2018 04:35 PM (o7tuA)

448 Same with Peak Oil. Then came fracking and old wells having additional reserves and it seems like every few months someone is finding another massive oil field.

Makes one wonder if oil comes from dead dinosaurs.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 12, 2018 04:36 PM (BoFYZ)

Back to the CFPB, it along with the tentacles of Dodd-Fagg reach out and control virtually the entire banking system.

And Mulvaney is at the controls and no one can get to him.

He can do a lot of damage to the Progressive/Socialist money monster.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 12, 2018 04:36 PM (VM6ev)

450 This is not who we are!

Posted by: Tom "Better Than You" Nichols at April 12, 2018 04:36 PM (nvc/3)

451 Its almost like ... maybe all the "good stuff" ain't necessarily near the surface.

Like how the frost-line pushes up rocks in your garden.
Posted by: ScoggDog at April 12, 2018 04:33 PM (TKTX5)

I really really really want the abiotic theory of oil formation to be true simply because it would piss off all the right people.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 12, 2018 04:36 PM (mf5HN)

452 Anybody have a good tutorial on using a CAT-type tourniquet?

Posted by: hogmartin at April 12, 2018 04:36 PM (y87Qq)

453 Marcus T, exactly my point about McCain. What an outrageous situation. A wonderfully clear illustration of the heinous lie that is the term "public servant" when applied to people like him.

JJ, oh yes, the fossil fuel find in the eastern Med is one of my favorites. How poetic. Iz'rl with yuuuge energy resources.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 12, 2018 04:36 PM (QDnY+)

Peak Oil. Is that the Vitalis that accumulates on Judge Napolitano's and Paul Ryno's foreheads?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 12, 2018 04:36 PM (VM6ev)

455 "So how long has AZ been without half of its Senate representation now?

I knew things were looking better in DC

Posted by: Jean at April 12, 2018 04:36 PM (MS0+a)

456 rhomboid -- all I remember is that it was a really good time for (R)s and he could have resigned easily for another (R), although IL could be problematic, and I was yelling up a storm.

Posted by: mustbequantum at April 12, 2018 04:37 PM (MIKMs)

457 also new thread has that new thread smell.

Posted by: hogmartin at April 12, 2018 04:37 PM (y87Qq)

458 I really really really want the abiotic theory of
oil formation to be true simply because it would piss off all the right

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 12, 2018 04:36 PM (mf5HN)


Posted by: The Dinosaurs at April 12, 2018 04:38 PM (o7tuA)

459 443 Since its Japanese, I'm sure they will mine it with robots.
Posted by: Jean at April 12, 2018 04:34 PM (MS0+a)

Undersea Sexbots with Tentacles, who opened for Pink Lady & Jeff with Cheap Trick at Budokan in '78

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 12, 2018 04:38 PM (VM6ev)


@ comment #396

JJ. Sefton,

I would love to see Mick Mulvaney go after them (Steyer and Soros).

Mulvaney of the OMB is one of the truly inspired appointments of PDT.

Posted by: Cold Civil War at April 12, 2018 04:38 PM (Z2PYk)

Makes one wonder if oil comes from dead dinosaurs.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 12, 2018 04:36 PM

Coal is found under every continent. Dinosaur bones in Alaska. Al Gore is an idiot.

These three things are alike.

Posted by: Forgot My Nic at April 12, 2018 04:38 PM (LOgQ4)

Take the Glomar Explorer out of mothballs!
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 12, 2018 04:30 PM (SpOII)

You're shaving with it

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at April 12, 2018 04:39 PM (lKyWE)

463 Jean I'm assuming the depths mean that, yes, it will be robots doing the mining.

It's fantastic to have someone like ace's new man-crush at CFPB, but seriously, Trump should make its elimination, along with Dodd-Frank, a priority. I believe the latter is already an administration plan.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 12, 2018 04:39 PM (QDnY+)

464 I really really really want the abiotic theory of oil formation to be true simply because it would piss off all the right people.
Posted by: alexthechick

How many dinos had to die to make enough oil for us to burn for over a hundred years?

Posted by: rickb223 at April 12, 2018 04:39 PM (BoFYZ)

465 452 Anybody have a good tutorial on using a CAT-type tourniquet?
Posted by: hogmartin at April 12, 2018 04:36 PM (y87Qq)

"Not really."

- - Zombie Rachel Corrie

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 12, 2018 04:39 PM (VM6ev)

466 443 Since its Japanese, I'm sure they will mine it with robots.
Posted by: Jean at April 12, 2018 04:34 PM (MS0+a)

Undersea Sexbots with Tentacles, who opened for Pink Lady & Jeff with Cheap Trick at Budokan in '78
Posted by: J.J. Sefton

Somebody tell Kurt

Posted by: Jean at April 12, 2018 04:39 PM (MS0+a)

467 >>>Here's an idea: Why not just have Mulvaney shake down Twitter, Facebook, and Google until they're bankrupt, under the guise of "consumer protection"? He doesn't even need to explain himself or answer for it!
Posted by: The Deuce at April 12, 2018 03:43 PM (oDCMR)

Meanwhile, Trump should direct appoint a special prosecutor to go after all prior administration officials (and holdovers) for conspiracy to deprive Americans of civil rights under color of law..." and to my friends across the aisle, you had better hope every single defendant gets sentenced to life plus a hundred years because if there is a single successful defense or appeal you, my friends across the aisle, will be getting it ten times as hard."

Start with Samatha Power and two random people she once talked to for 'unmaking'. And that smirking scrunt from INS and every single drone who sandbagged a TEA party group...

Posted by: Burnt Toast at April 12, 2018 04:39 PM (Eu5eZ)

452 Anybody have a good tutorial on using a CAT-type tourniquet?

Posted by: hogmartin at April 12, 2018 04:36 PM (y87Qq)

Check the AoSHQ Emergency Medical Manual.

Posted by: The Dinosaurs at April 12, 2018 04:40 PM (o7tuA)

469 Here's an idea: Why not just have Mulvaney shake down Twitter, Facebook, and Google until they're bankrupt, under the guise of "consumer protection"? He doesn't even need to explain himself or answer for it!
Posted by: The Deuce at April 12, 2018 03:43 PM (oDCMR)




Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 12, 2018 04:40 PM (VM6ev)

I really hope that Trump or his people are lurking here. There are so many incredibly cromulent ideas.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 12, 2018 04:41 PM (VM6ev)

Is this guy a member of the Slap-a-ho tribe?



Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at April 12, 2018 04:41 PM (GdWl+)


Lyin' Comey!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 12, 2018 04:42 PM (VM6ev)

473 Rare earths deposits, which are mainly in China, starting to run out and what will that do to tech and China's power in the world and now Japan all nah, brah, we're cool for about 700 years or so more.
There's a God. He's your Daddy. He's not going to give you everything you want, but he's gonna provide what you need. You might have to put in some effort to make it pay off. Typical Dad stuff.

Posted by: simplemind at April 12, 2018 04:42 PM (iq/u7)

474 Mick Mulvaney's genitals are so large they are used as a measurement standard in third world countries.

Posted by: Nationalist Pikachu at April 12, 2018 04:43 PM (rNGKx)

475 LOL, just found a clip of Waters and Mulvaney at Daily Caller, first link if you google their names. Mad Max just doubles down on her stupidity, kinda like Juan only dumber, if possible.

Posted by: Farmer at April 12, 2018 04:43 PM (lfXAE)

476 317 but that means the range is limited. if someone found an Etruscan language play, it would be mostly incomprehensible. similar with Meroitic.

they recently found a bunch of Etruscan tablets someone had used to build a building. IIRC, about the only word they could figure out was "three".

Posted by: Anachronda at April 12, 2018 04:45 PM (sGtp+)

477 Mick Mulvaney's genitals are so large and still growing that he has a tailor on call 24/7 to let out his trouser's crotch again.

Posted by: Nationalist Pikachu at April 12, 2018 04:47 PM (rNGKx)

478 Mick Mulvaney's genitals are so large that during he uses them as a cumberbund and scarf. Simultaneously.

Posted by: Nationalist Pikachu at April 12, 2018 04:50 PM (rNGKx)

479 Team Mulvaney, fuck yeah!!

Posted by: PJ at April 12, 2018 04:58 PM (qlTN9)

480 Mick Mulvaney could become a specialty merchandisers' dream....think of the items that could be created for Trump Nation!

.......The Mulvaney Fart Igniter et al

Posted by: Redgrains1 at April 12, 2018 05:19 PM (WPxnj)

481 Rosenstien out? CNN is reporting that the WH is prepping talking points

Posted by: Maxine's Timex at April 12, 2018 05:21 PM (m7LQK)

482 Great read....Yes....we need and women to stand up and say "PC" has had its day ~~~

Posted by: bls46 at April 12, 2018 06:43 PM (soxpa)

483 Just seeing this now, he has a new fan in me, will look up links over the weekend for entertainment. I want to see and hear this.

Posted by: venusvelvet at April 12, 2018 11:18 PM (g94P/)

484 Late to the game, but just chiming in to elbow Ace out of the way.

After that thumb-twiddling comment, I'm sooooo changing my avi to "Mulvaney's Shopgirl".

Posted by: Shopgirl at April 13, 2018 01:21 AM (hFeal)

485 This was my comment after seeing Mulvaney's comments to Warren:

Posted by: physics geek at April 13, 2018 08:02 AM (huQJB)

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