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NSC Refuses to Turn Over FOIA'd Docs on Unmasking to Judicial Watch; Says They've Been Turned Over to the Obama Library, Which Will Keep Them Secret for Five Years

How very convenient.

Judicial Watch announced on June 19 that the National Security Council has revealed that documents regarding the unmasking by President Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor Susan Rice of “the identities of any U.S. citizens associated with the Trump presidential campaign or transition team” have been removed to the Obama Library.

Such documents, by law, cannot be released to the public for at least five years, and after that the library may still erect hurdles to access them. In effect, documents reportedly related to Congress’ investigation of Russia collusion in the 2016 election are now sealed, including materials gathered by the Obama administration in 2015-16 and perhaps earlier.

Meanwhile, Powerline blogger Scott Johnson has received a letter from a lawyer in some confabulated lawsuit against Trump demanding that he preserve his notes of an interview he had with Trump.

Posted by: Ace at 05:41 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Wow, they're just flipping us the bird, aren't they?

Posted by: Toastrider at June 20, 2017 05:42 PM (HqVCo)

2 I think we already knew they could ignore "the appearance of impropriety," as long as it benefits them.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at June 20, 2017 05:43 PM (wB8Tg)

3 I thought I had read somewhere that Judicial Watch was going to sue.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 20, 2017 05:43 PM (mpXpK)

4 Sigh

Posted by: steevy at June 20, 2017 05:43 PM (rmVvL)

5 Woah! Did I do that??

Posted by: Ex President Cock Curious at June 20, 2017 05:43 PM (qJhUV)

6 Ever wonder why mostly all democrat politicians are lawyers?

Posted by: bergerbilder at June 20, 2017 05:44 PM (lIZQs)

7 I hope Judicial Watch sues them and makes a big ugly stink about this. Make it messy and public.

Posted by: IC at June 20, 2017 05:45 PM (P6173)

8 For something to appear improper,the media has to report it widely?Instead they pour out the fake news day after day about how "improper" various Trump acts are.

Posted by: steevy at June 20, 2017 05:45 PM (rmVvL)

9 Who wants to bet these documents will be "mis-filed" so in five years the archivist will throw up their hands and say, "those documents aren't where they're supposed to be, we'll notify you when we find them."

Posted by: bonhomme at June 20, 2017 05:45 PM (jhqr1)

10 instead of rushing the stage of some hackney play maybe folks should rush wherever those docs are stored

Posted by: bored383 at June 20, 2017 05:45 PM (70HTk)

11 I'm actually not clear on the precedent here, but, you know, "most transparent administration," "not a hint of scandal," etc.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at June 20, 2017 05:45 PM (wB8Tg)

12 The most corrupt administration ever, even corrupt after they are out of office. But I saw one good story today. Scankles' security clearance is finally being lifted after which she will never be able to get another one.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 20, 2017 05:45 PM (mpXpK)

13 I can't even get excited about being first.

This sort of shenanigans makes me want Trump to just go 'fine, this is how you want to play it?' and send federal marshals into Obumble's library storage. DARE the Dems to complain, too. 'Hey, I'm just helping Mueller with his investigation.'

Posted by: Toastrider at June 20, 2017 05:45 PM (HqVCo)

14 The NSC is now an arm of the Obama campaign, or is it just a wholly-owned subsidiary of Obama, Inc.?

Because I thought it was part of the federal government.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at June 20, 2017 05:46 PM (nS5LK)

15 I wasn't cock curious honey, I speak fluent cock.

Posted by: Barack Obama at June 20, 2017 05:46 PM (SkuXa)

16 This is the time my super power fantasies are triggered where I would tell the NSC that I asked nicely now I'm just going to take them.

Posted by: Jack Sock at June 20, 2017 05:46 PM (XntMs)

17 Burn it down.

Posted by: Johnny Fever at June 20, 2017 05:46 PM (nQgMQ)

18 9 Mis filed?Destroyed more likely.

Posted by: steevy at June 20, 2017 05:46 PM (rmVvL)

19 Since when do public records become the property of private citizens?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 20, 2017 05:46 PM (oVJmc)

20 The scandal-free presidency strikes again.

Posted by: Aunt Luna at June 20, 2017 05:47 PM (Zd2ZF)

21 We suck both at lawfare and at the kind of lawlessness (and this is lawlessness even if put under the fig leaf of 'by law') the Left and the Democratic party excel.

I'm sorta with Robert Howard in this sympathy with the barbarian who is, at least, free.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at June 20, 2017 05:47 PM (xJa6I)

22 DoJ should get an injunction to block the Obama Library until these docs are turned over.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 20, 2017 05:47 PM (oVJmc)

23 The left - makin' up rules as they go.

Posted by: washrivergal at June 20, 2017 05:47 PM (wI4ew)

24 Almost like they had a plan from the start.

Posted by: Strobe at June 20, 2017 05:47 PM (gbWkA)

25 NSC Refuses to Turn Over FOIA'd Docs on Unmasking to Judicial Watch; Says They've Been Turned Over to the Obama Library, Which Will Keep Them Secret for Five Years

Since those documents are classified, EO & classify the entire library "Classified" until they can be inspected. In 16 years. 8 Trump & 8 Pence.

Then it'll be "Obama who?"

Posted by: rickb223 at June 20, 2017 05:48 PM (Ak/GS)

26 instead of rushing the stage of some hackney play maybe folks should rush wherever those docs are stored

Posted by: bored383 at June 20, 2017 05:45 PM (70HTk) fnord (70HTk)

Look for a bag of ashes in a landfill near Document Destruction Inc.

In other words, rush of journolistas asking Rice and Obama about this status: nowhere to be seen.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at June 20, 2017 05:48 PM (wB8Tg)

27 I can't even get excited about being first.

This sort of shenanigans makes me want Trump to just go 'fine, this is how you want to play it?' and send federal marshals into Obumble's library storage. DARE the Dems to complain, too. 'Hey, I'm just helping Mueller with his investigation.'

This is a good idea.

However, do we even know where this stuff is being stored?

Also... by saying that this is in Obama's library, aren't they kind of saying that Obama ordered it?

So really... Obama commited the crime?

Posted by: shibumi at June 20, 2017 05:48 PM (aT+Bx)

28 The former POTUS should not have more power than the current one.

Posted by: Aunt Luna at June 20, 2017 05:48 PM (Zd2ZF)

29 Covering their collective asses, no?

This may be the biggest scandal in our history. Am I wrong?

Posted by: Ignoramus at June 20, 2017 05:48 PM (+7/1f)

30 Dang. It's almost like ubamba people knew this.

Posted by: Eromero at June 20, 2017 05:49 PM (zLDYs)

31 Johnson should send his notes to the Trump library.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at June 20, 2017 05:49 PM (IqV8l)

32 Again another dog that didn't bark by the MSM. This will be shoved down a dark hole faster than a Big Mac in Michael Moore's hand .

Posted by: Jack Sock at June 20, 2017 05:49 PM (XntMs)

33 Since when do public records become the property of private citizens?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 20, 2017 05:46 PM (oVJmc)

When they own the govt.
They don't call them tyrants for nothing.

Posted by: Pie-Rot at June 20, 2017 05:49 PM (nQgMQ)

34 DoJ should get an injunction to block the Obama Library until these docs are turned over.

Another excellent idea.

/someone needs to tweet these to Judicial Watch.... and maybe 4chan.

Posted by: shibumi at June 20, 2017 05:49 PM (aT+Bx)

35 28 The former POTUS should not have more power than the current one.

Especially over documents that belong, or should belong, to the federal government.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at June 20, 2017 05:49 PM (nS5LK)

36 I think you meant "How conveeenient."

Posted by: Church Lady at June 20, 2017 05:49 PM (hMwEB)

37 Those documents aren't just on paper, right? Does judicial watch know any good hackers for hire?

Posted by: bergerbilder at June 20, 2017 05:49 PM (lIZQs)

38 Never to be seen again

Posted by: Tradd at June 20, 2017 05:49 PM (AQl8O)

39 Does judicial watch know any good hackers for hire?

Posted by: shibumi at June 20, 2017 05:50 PM (aT+Bx)

40 Judicial Watch announced on June 19 that the National Security Council has revealed that documents regarding the unmasking by President Barack Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice of "the identities of any U.S. citizens associated with the Trump presidential campaign or transition team" have been removed to the Obama Library.

What the hell business does a friggin Precedential Library have with these sorts of papers? National security documents don't go to a friggin Precedential Library. It's not as if these libraries are high security installations. They're friggin vanity institutions - especially one for Barky ... which should be in Jakarta, to begin with.

BTW - I guessed at the meaning of the spooky black diamonds.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at June 20, 2017 05:50 PM (rZ+mb)

41 Scott Johnson is right!

Posted by: Olsen Johnson at June 20, 2017 05:50 PM (IqV8l)

42 So time to start work on the trump library and put important shit and people in it for a few years

Posted by: NCKate at June 20, 2017 05:51 PM (YZr8V)

43 Why would records of Susan Rice, belong to a PRESIDENTIAL library?

Do ALL Executive documents belong to it?

Last time I checked, even though at times she ACTED like she was President, she was not.

Posted by: Don Q. at June 20, 2017 05:51 PM (NgKpN)

44 I don't care about cutting, but could you call me when you get to the pasting?

Posted by: Joe Biden at June 20, 2017 05:51 PM (DMUuz)

45 Meanwhile, Powerline blogger Scott Johnson has received a letter from a lawyer in some confabulated lawsuit against Trump demanding that he preserve his notes of an interview he had with Trump.

It's only obstruction of justice if they catch you burning the notes. Why play by the 'nice guy' rules when the other side doesn't?

Just how many cell phones did Hillary Clinton destroy? Double digit anyway.

Posted by: E Depluribus Unum at June 20, 2017 05:51 PM (HTdUD)

46 I can see it tipping from here.

Posted by: Lorna Luft at June 20, 2017 05:51 PM (nQgMQ)

47 Someone needs to pull a Sandy Burger and just walk out with them in your socks.

Posted by: Bosk at June 20, 2017 05:51 PM (n2K+4)

48 Flipping off Presidents and their allies should be met with contempt charges. It should be noted that, while rulers have flipped off their populace in history, you need a fantastic and reliable military to guard against a witty retort, such as limo-piercing ammunition.

All goes to show: the spectacle of the Mueller inquiry might give the left mild satisfaction, but they're chucking stones from within a very fragile glass house.

Eventually anyone can make it crash down. If they're really unfortunate, liberals might even break it themselves.

Posted by: trev006 at June 20, 2017 05:52 PM (5Ag3u)

49 They play Calvin Ball. We play by the Queensberry rules.
It's a no win set up.

Posted by: Jack Sock at June 20, 2017 05:52 PM (XntMs)

50 But by all means get the vapors over disrupting a play

Posted by: Tradd at June 20, 2017 05:52 PM (AQl8O)

51 Its a shell game or three card monty

Posted by: Skip at June 20, 2017 05:52 PM (Ot7+c)

52 so is Barky still the acting President, then?

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at June 20, 2017 05:53 PM (s+88b)

53 reminder - beach read freebie

Posted by: votermom pimping great books at June 20, 2017 05:53 PM (hMwEB)

54 The former POTUS should not have more power than the current one.

Posted by: Aunt Luna at June 20, 2017 05:48 PM (Zd2ZF)

Carve this into marble, and install it over whatever White House exit a former President uses for his final departure from the premises.

And if the sonofabitch still doesn't snap to the clue, use said marble edifice as the marker over his memorial, after his fair, impartial and very rapid trial for treason.

Then carve a new one and set in place over the aforementioned exit.

Repeat as needed.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 20, 2017 05:53 PM (v5iqM)

Why would NSC documents concerning Trump and an election in which Obama was not a candidate be archived in the Obama library?

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at June 20, 2017 05:53 PM (lKyWE)

56 Now.... if Jeff Sessions was not doing a Casper the Ghost impression.... and disappearing all the damn time....

This is evidence in a potential criminal investigation... because we already have evidence that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was not followed.

Posted by: Don Q. at June 20, 2017 05:53 PM (NgKpN)

57 Talk about obstruction!

Posted by: CN at June 20, 2017 05:53 PM (2+tI4)

58 I wonder if a few nukes got turned over to Barky's library, too?

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at June 20, 2017 05:54 PM (rZ+mb)

59 Chutzpah 'r' Us.

Sounds like a good job for the Post-Ginzburg court, just a thought.

Posted by: ro-man at June 20, 2017 05:54 PM (RuIsu)

60 Is Phat Boi burning?

Posted by: Strobe at June 20, 2017 05:54 PM (gbWkA)

61 I was under the impression that Scott Johnson had mentioned in passing on his blog that he had taken notes at some event Trump had given a speech at, and that was what was subpoenaed. Not even an interview.

Posted by: irright at June 20, 2017 05:55 PM (vqzjE)

62 How are these documents outside the scope of any subpoena?

Posted by: The Inquiring Hat at June 20, 2017 05:55 PM (vBeA5)

63 But by all means get the vapors over disrupting a play

Why won't you listen to your bett... I mean listen to reason!?

Posted by: Ben Shapiro at June 20, 2017 05:55 PM (SkuXa)

64 They will be stored in the Obama Library and Data Disposal Site...

right next to Hillary's emails...

Posted by: Don Q. at June 20, 2017 05:56 PM (NgKpN)

65 The most corrupt administration ever, even corrupt after they are out of office.

Vic We Have No Party at June 20, 2017 05:45 PM (mpXpK)

Vic ... you are at the top of my favorite box people. Now here comes my "but" ...

... but screw blaming Obama for shit like this. I'm sick of it.

Obama was no Blofeld. He was no Palpatine. No mastermind that flipped all these good agencies to the Dark Side in eight short years. Smersh didn't do this to us. Spectre didn't either.

We fucked ourselves. Republicans in particular.

The NSA does this shit because it's too big. Too well funded. Too powerful ... and power corrupts. Just like the rest of the big agencies that God Fearing Americans insist on building bigger and badder to protect us.

The Dog Eater didn't build that shit. Somebody else made that happen.

And it'll be a cold day in hell before the "Somebody elses" ... also known as Republicans ... stop pushing 'em money to make 'em grow.

Posted by: ScoggDog at June 20, 2017 05:56 PM (fiGNd)

66 I think I read someplace that the President or Congress can still get them.

Posted by: Abby Normal at June 20, 2017 05:57 PM (cQO95)

67 So these are paper documents and the NSC has no electronic copies?

Posted by: Javems at June 20, 2017 05:57 PM (yOqwj)

68 It is utterly fucking amazing that Teh JEF can get away with shit like this. Truly amazing.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 20, 2017 05:58 PM (OlNRF)

69 On the bright side, what the Obama Administration knows about document security can be contained in a Hillary Clinton shithouse thumb drive.

Posted by: Fritz at June 20, 2017 05:59 PM (TNQMS)

70 Object under Rule .303 instead of Rule 45.

Posted by: andycanuck at June 20, 2017 05:59 PM (nlbfN)

71 It's time for Trump to plumb his inner Jackson.

Posted by: gNewt at June 20, 2017 05:59 PM (nQgMQ)

72 Oh and here I thought there was a law stating that the government had to retain documents for the public record and accountability.

How silly of me.

Posted by: Darth Randall at June 20, 2017 06:00 PM (6n332)

73 Never to be seen again

Posted by: Tradd at June 20, 2017 05:49 PM

Count on it.

*adjusts socks*

Posted by: Sandy Bergre at June 20, 2017 06:00 PM (p+Wdc)

74 They play Calvin Ball. We play by the Queensberry rules.

And it's umpired by the MSM.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, the Unwoking Dead at June 20, 2017 06:00 PM (Nwg0u)

75 And it'll be a cold day in hell before the "Somebody elses" ... also known as Republicans ... stop pushing 'em money to make 'em grow.
Posted by: ScoggDog at June 20, 2017 05:56 PM (fiGNd)


Just stop it. Now you've got my lower lip a quivering.

Posted by: Mitch McConnell at June 20, 2017 06:01 PM (wI4ew)

76 Fire, the great purifier.

Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at June 20, 2017 06:01 PM (e1mEI)

77 where is sandy berger when WE need him?

Posted by: ErikInTexas at June 20, 2017 06:01 PM (Vnlws)

78 Local news.

Posted by: CNN at June 20, 2017 06:01 PM (l4aLi)

79 It is utterly fucking amazing that Teh JEF can get away with shit like this. Truly amazing.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 20, 2017 05:58 PM (OlNRF)

This is just the Barky Law - Barky is allowed to do anything that pops into that little, America-hating pea-brain of his. And his junta gets to draft off of this. It's been going on for 9 years, now ... no reason to see it stopping any time soon.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at June 20, 2017 06:02 PM (rZ+mb)

80 The magical disappearing documents of the Obama Administration. Hillary's emails, Comey's Dear Diary notes, anything related to Barack Obama after his birth except for what he himself has written or approved. Transparent is right. There is nothing left. Nope. Clear through the tunnel not a scrap of evidence to be found.

No wonder Mueller and the Dems think rumor is fact.

Posted by: gracepc at June 20, 2017 06:02 PM (OU4q6)

81 Corrupt enough to get into office, still corrupt while there, and remains corrupt after leaving. That about covers it, right? That soros guy really got his money's worth.

Posted by: Eromero at June 20, 2017 06:02 PM (zLDYs)

82 Off, misspelled sock!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at June 20, 2017 06:02 PM (p+Wdc)

83 Maybe David French can get President Hillary to pardon the PowerLine dude?

Posted by: andycanuck at June 20, 2017 06:02 PM (nlbfN)

84 We have copies.

Posted by: Bob from NSA at June 20, 2017 06:02 PM (l4aLi)

85 So when they claimed they were rushing to maintain those climate change statistics, they were really purging all files of the mountain of evidence and smoking "assault rifles".

And yeah, documents of who was unmasking is part of regular housekeeping law and order stuff at the WH ... did he take the furniture and silverware and put that is some vault in Chicago as well?

Oh The Insanity ... letting Hillary sell uranium and tech to Russians for $150M or much more perhaps ... then managing to get a bunch of Dem henchman as 'Special Counselors', doing the deep anal probe on every Trump man, while stalling on Trump's appointments.

And GOPe whistling and shuffling their feet. The Swamp is a treasonous globalist mafia. But we knew that ...

Posted by: illiniwek at June 20, 2017 06:02 PM (O8hcu)

86 To be fair, quite a few of these agencies have no confidence that Republicans- including the President- will actually do their jobs. I assume there are some people within who aren't complete time wasters and goons, otherwise ISIS would probably have long since overrun us. But that assumes evidence not on display.

Anyways. If the alphabet soup actually had information that could destroy President Trump, they would have used it by now. Not hold back until he develops too much power to be stopped. The problem is, what happens when the electorate, especially the patriots who are otherwise susceptible to displays of authority, suddenly stops being polite?

Observing current trends, maybe Donald Trump could actually become the God Emperor.

Posted by: trev006 at June 20, 2017 06:03 PM (5Ag3u)

87 Sandy "Folies" Bergere.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, the Unwoking Dead at June 20, 2017 06:03 PM (Nwg0u)

88 I'm sure Barky will have some laughably photoshopped jpegs of the papers "released" to a web site some night at 2am.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at June 20, 2017 06:04 PM (rZ+mb)

89 65 The NSA does this shit because it's too big. Too
well funded. Too powerful ... and power corrupts. Just like the rest
of the big agencies that God Fearing Americans insist on building bigger
and badder to protect us.

The Dog Eater didn't build that shit. Somebody else made that happen.

And it'll be a cold day in hell before the "Somebody elses" ... also
known as Republicans ... stop pushing 'em money to make 'em grow.

Posted by: ScoggDog at June 20, 2017 05:56 PM (fiGNd)

According to the first article I read and linked on this these were Susan Rice documents dealing with conversations and interactions with Obama. And she is the one that sent them to the Obama Library.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 20, 2017 06:05 PM (mpXpK)

90 Nothing to see here.
Let's get back to doing the work of the people.

Posted by: The Soros Arm Of The GOP at June 20, 2017 06:05 PM (l4aLi)

91 I guess then we just have to throw all of those people into Gitmo as a sensible national-security precaution until the documents become available and we can determine the rights-and-wrongs of the matter.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, they are gaslighting us 24/7 at June 20, 2017 06:06 PM (i81II)

92 I'm sure Sessions will get right on this.

(rolls eyes)

Posted by: Country Boy at June 20, 2017 06:06 PM (xhvrA)

93 86. Yep. As I and others have observed - these people think Sun-in-his-hair is unimaginably awful. That they've given no thought to what will come after him shows an utter lack of imagination on their part. Trump is as nice a man as was willing to take the job; the next man, faced with an even worse task, will be very different.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. All Honor & Glory to Kekistan! at June 20, 2017 06:06 PM (TwwWO)

94 Susan Rice has Barky's brains in her hand.

Posted by: gNewt at June 20, 2017 06:06 PM (nQgMQ)

95 To be fair, quite a few of these agencies have no confidence that Republicans- including the President- will actually do their jobs.

Actually, it's the exact opposite. That terrifies them.

I assume there are some people within who aren't complete time wasters and goons,

Not at the administrative levels.

otherwise ISIS would probably have long since overrun us. But that assumes evidence not on display.

Posted by: trev006 at June 20, 2017 06:03 PM (5Ag3u)

ISIS (and the other incarnations of sunni jihadis) are a bunch of incompetents. That is our only saving grace with respect to that war.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at June 20, 2017 06:07 PM (rZ+mb)

96 I wonder how much the Russians (or Macedonians) would like tom provide a copy?

Posted by: bergerbilder at June 20, 2017 06:07 PM (lIZQs)

97 Judicial watch will sue and the Obamanite Lawyers will stonewall and it will be tied up in court until everyone is dead.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 20, 2017 06:07 PM (mpXpK)

98 On morning talk radio they had this story about the NSC and the Obama library. A few minutes later they had a story about how wikileaks released some stuff about all of our wifi routers are compromised and that the CIA can manage our routers and give them missions....

So these effers can figure out how to get my router to read my email, and they can't figure out how to get documentation about Susan Rice?

Posted by: blaster at June 20, 2017 06:08 PM (jHrzU)

99 Hey lets see all the "secret for 50 years" crap that was squirreled away after JFK was shot. Or do tinfoil hats lack an expiration date?

Posted by: 80's music fan at June 20, 2017 06:08 PM (SGSj1)

100 gaybama will be on the lam by then. hiding in a spiderhole. on fire island.

Posted by: The Original REAL Galactic Lord Sir Covfefe at June 20, 2017 06:08 PM (nFwvY)

101 Judicial watch will sue and the Obamanite Lawyers will stonewall and it will be tied up in court until everyone is dead.

At least if we have anything to say about it.

- Islam

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, the Unwoking Dead at June 20, 2017 06:10 PM (Nwg0u)

102 Is the deep state global cabal what Obama was talking about? Certainly Obama was spying on every internal enemy, (as he perceived the Republicans and patriots to be)

"can't depend just on military, need an internal security force just as strong, as powerful, just as well funded."

Posted by: illiniwek at June 20, 2017 06:10 PM (O8hcu)

103 This is one of those benefits that just mysteriously accrue to the power elite.

Along with pensions for life and lifelong Secret Service protection.

Yeah, no fuck you. If you managed to get your ass elected president, you can take care of yourself and your family. It's not like we all don't know your just gonna peddle your ass around making speeches for millions of dollars.

Get a job you bums.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at June 20, 2017 06:10 PM (4ErVI)

Why any blogger would want to step into the shit of the American legal system and surrender any part of their life to a witch hunt is unfathomable to me.

No witnesses equals no obstruction.

Do it, be done with it. I've seen cops raise their right hand in court and lie through their teeth. All respect for the American system of justice is way over on the other side of that bridge which is currently in flames.

Posted by: E Depluribus Unum at June 20, 2017 06:10 PM (HTdUD)

105 gaybama will be on the lam by then. hiding in a spiderhole. on fire island

That's no spiderhole.

Posted by: Don Lemon at June 20, 2017 06:10 PM (SkuXa)

106 Did you hear that the unemployed scum that were displaced out of their pitiful jobs by the H1-B program are going to rally at the WH this week? Get the fire cannons ready.

Posted by: Paul Ryan at June 20, 2017 06:11 PM (l4aLi)

107 Gangster government.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at June 20, 2017 06:11 PM (pvjTE)

108 Sundance at conservative treehouse wrote an extensive detailed article on this yesterday. Well worth the time to read it goes back and details interviews etc. with Susan Rice being questioned about the unmasking. There's even more CYA that the Obama administration did in regards to this. They actually numbered the documents and then carried a list of those numbers and gave it to individual congressmen.

Posted by: Jen the original at June 20, 2017 06:11 PM (SAsG2)

109 Posted by: shibumi at June 20, 2017 05:49 PM (aT+Bx)

I would be happy if the Sessions/DOJ did anything to counter the crimes of the Obama Regime. Anything.

Posted by: gracepc at June 20, 2017 06:11 PM (OU4q6)

110 de l'audace, encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace

Posted by: mustbequantum at June 20, 2017 06:11 PM (MIKMs)

111 Did Sandy Berger drop them off at the O'Bama library?

Posted by: I'm Tucker Carlson and I will destroy you at June 20, 2017 06:11 PM (sWmbV)


You know what, yeah we can. In fact, it should happen because then it's a lesson to the kiddies. See even the president wasn't smart with his money and look at him lying in the gutter. Learn the lesson, kiddo.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at June 20, 2017 06:12 PM (4ErVI)

113 68 It is utterly fucking amazing that Teh JEF can get away with shit like this. Truly amazing.
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead

Not that amazing really. The feckless crapweasals of the GOP weren't going to do anything about it anyways. They are terrified of being called "RACISTS!!" even though thats going to happen anyway or they hate Trump so much that helping Obama by hiding evidence is just hunky dorey. Also, there stupid too on top of anything else. The MFM, well we already know why they won't investigate this. They're in on it. So no, not really amazing. Entirely predictable, the whole sorted affair.

Posted by: Puddleglum at June 20, 2017 06:12 PM (yFMtH)

114 27 So really... Obama commited the crime?
Posted by: shibumi at June 20, 2017 05:48 PM (aT+Bx)

How cute. You think that the law actually applies to Demoncrats...

Posted by: Hikaru at June 20, 2017 06:12 PM (Vevy5)

115 the CIA can manage our routers and give them missions....

So these effers can figure out how to get my router to read my
email, and they can't figure out how to get documentation about Susan

It's not a matter of can.

They work for the uniparty's paymasters, not the American people.

Posted by: Methos at June 20, 2017 06:12 PM (3Liv/)

116 "Meanwhile, Powerline blogger Scott Johnson has received a letter from a lawyer in some confabulated lawsuit against Trump demanding that he preserve his notes of an interview he had with Trump."

I'm sorry, Mr. Shyster, but I am unable to fulfill your demand as I have committed those notes to the Trumpnado Historically Yuuge and Bigly Presidential Library file. So kindly GFY.

Posted by: Powerline blogger Scott Johnson's Proxy at June 20, 2017 06:13 PM (H8S+R)

117 Not a smidgen! Neener, Neener, Neener!

Posted by: Count de Monet at June 20, 2017 06:13 PM (JO9+V)

118 Laws are for little people.

Posted by: mpfs, Deplorable Pirate Wench at June 20, 2017 06:13 PM (79p/O)

119 They're screwin' with the wrong guy in Scott Johnson.

Posted by: Barry Jacobs at June 20, 2017 06:13 PM (TgJeP)

120 The science is settled; the old settled science is wrong.

A scientific consensus has emerged among top mainstream climate scientists that "skeptics" or "lukewarmers" were not long ago derided for suggesting - there was a nearly two-decade long "hiatus" in global warming that climate models failed to accurately predict or replicate.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, the Unwoking Dead at June 20, 2017 06:14 PM (Nwg0u)

121 One set of rules for the Left and another set of rules for us.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at June 20, 2017 06:14 PM (SjImc)

122 zombie john gotti weeps. should have opened a "library."

Posted by: chavez the hugo at June 20, 2017 06:14 PM (KP5rU)

123 They are a law unto themselves. Heads - they win, tails - you lose.

Posted by: Decaf at June 20, 2017 06:14 PM (qYGdC)

124 According to the first article I read and linked on this these were Susan Rice documents dealing with conversations and interactions with Obama. And she is the one that sent them to the Obama Library.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 20, 2017 06:05 PM (mpXpK)

I just typed and deleted. Turns out, it's good for the soul.

So I'll just say this ... once again, Republicans turn around - look each other in the eye - and ask each other why the Good Guys They Backed suddenly did Bad Things.

Maybe one day y'all will learn. But I doubt it.

Posted by: ScoggDog at June 20, 2017 06:15 PM (fiGNd)

125 Where is the new and improved DOJ in all this?

Posted by: Under Fire at June 20, 2017 06:16 PM (l4aLi)

126 Not that amazing really. The feckless crapweasals of the GOP weren't going to do anything about it anyways. They are terrified of being called "RACISTS!!" even though thats going to happen anyway or they hate Trump so much that helping Obama by hiding evidence is just hunky dorey. Also, there stupid too on top of anything else. The MFM, well we already know why they won't investigate this. They're in on it. So no, not really amazing. Entirely predictable, the whole sorted affair.

Posted by: Puddleglum at June 20, 2017 06:12 PM (yFMtH)

I knew stuff like this was going to happen many years ago when I started hearing insinuations that racism was somehow worse than murder. It all seemed to start with Jimmy the Greek and it just kept going and going and going.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at June 20, 2017 06:16 PM (4ErVI)

127 "...Which Will Keep Them Secret for Five Years"

I can keep them secret for longer than that... In My Shorts!

Posted by: Sandy Burglar at June 20, 2017 06:16 PM (H8S+R)

128 These guy are good. Like Disney copyright good. Bastards.

Posted by: Count de Monet at June 20, 2017 06:16 PM (JO9+V)

129 Is that's the library that's going to be built in Kenya or the one in Indonesia?

Posted by: ShainS at June 20, 2017 06:16 PM (U74jG)

130 Who are we kidding here - those records no longer exist.

Posted by: Lizzy at June 20, 2017 06:16 PM (NOIQH)

131 "The power of a few hundreds over billions"

Odd coincidences as I listen to C.S. Lewis audiobooks. Men without chests.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at June 20, 2017 06:17 PM (xJa6I)

132 If there is any thinking person left in 20 years the Obama Administration will go down as The Most Corrupt Administration in American History.

Perhaps that should be over the portal of the Obama Library. Like other well known inscriptions and sayings ....Abandon All Hope...Arbeiten Macht Frei ....The Truth Shall Set You Free.

Posted by: gracepc at June 20, 2017 06:17 PM (OU4q6)

133 Where is the new and improved DOJ in all this?

Posted by: Under Fire at June 20, 2017 06:16 PM (l4aLi)

Playing in the back yard with their new attack poodle, Mueller.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at June 20, 2017 06:17 PM (rZ+mb)

134 So get them from Wikileaks.

Posted by: SFGoth at June 20, 2017 06:17 PM (dZ756)

135 OT/ anyone here from Georgia 6 ?

Posted by: It's me donna at June 20, 2017 06:17 PM (O2RFr)

136 I read this morning on CT that they were sent to XPrez digitally, so they DO exist that way.

Julian Assange would be able to get them.

Posted by: booknlass at June 20, 2017 06:17 PM (v7o4i)

137 129, if he builds it in Indonesia it could double up as a madrasah too!

Posted by: IC at June 20, 2017 06:17 PM (P6173)

138 "I hope Judicial Watch sues them and makes a big ugly stink about this. Make it messy and public.
Posted by: IC at June 20, 2017 05:45 PM (P6173)"


Why should Judicial Watch have to do this? Why should there even be a need for a Judicial Watch?

Republicans are in power in all branches yet refuse to do a thing to help their voters. That is the scandal here.

Posted by: Decaf at June 20, 2017 06:17 PM (qYGdC)

139 126 I knew stuff like this was going to happen many years ago when I started hearing insinuations that racism was somehow worse than murder. It all seemed to start with Jimmy the Greek and it just kept going and going and going.
Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at June 20, 2017 06:16 PM (4ErVI)

That also greased the wheels for Islamic Jihadis and Hispanic Narco-gangs to murder whoever they want, whenever they want, and flaunt it in the citizenry's faces.

Posted by: Hikaru at June 20, 2017 06:18 PM (Vevy5)

140 Entirely predictable, the whole sorted affair.

Posted by: Puddleglum at June 20, 2017 06:12 PM (yFMtH)

Sordid. The whole affair is sordid.

Posted by: Count de Monet, It Pays To Enrich Your WordPower at June 20, 2017 06:18 PM (JO9+V)

141 Wait a minute, my documents were sealed too...

Posted by: Jack Ryan at June 20, 2017 06:18 PM (yqvys)

142 135 OT/ anyone here from Georgia 6 ?

Posted by: It's me donna at June 20, 2017 06:17 PM (O2RFr)

No but as we all know the Soviet Union used to control Georgia so we can just assume Trump/Putin are going to steal the election.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at June 20, 2017 06:19 PM (4ErVI)

143 I'll add my voice to the rest of yours. How can public documents be turned over to a private entity and then be unavailable for five years, no less?

And then after the five years is up, who with the proper security clearance that will presumably be an employee of the Obama library will clear them for release? They will either have to be declassified or redacted, and i can't imagine that friggin' digital library could possibly have the proper authority to do either.

Posted by: bluebell ~ Mangiamo! at June 20, 2017 06:19 PM (sBOL1)

144 /someone needs to tweet these to Judicial Watch.... and maybe 4chan.

Posted by: shibumi at June 20, 2017 05:49 PM (aT+Bx)
Or to AG Jeff Sessions at DOJ.

Posted by: gracepc at June 20, 2017 06:19 PM (OU4q6)

145 Republicans are in power in all branches yet refuse to do a thing to help their voters. That is the scandal here.
And they will insist, when we don't show up for them next year, that the problem is they haven't been sufficiently focused on bipartisanship and unity

Posted by: Methos at June 20, 2017 06:19 PM (3Liv/)

146 Or to AG Jeff Sessions at DOJ.

Posted by: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz at June 20, 2017 06:20 PM (l4aLi)

Damn I should have sent everything to my Prez Library on a daily basis. I am such a piker.

Posted by: Richard M. Nixon at June 20, 2017 06:20 PM (r+sAi)

148 It's not a matter of can.

They work for the uniparty's paymasters, not the American people.

Posted by: Methos at June 20, 2017 06:12 PM (3Liv/)

Can't, won't, whichever.

Seriously though. I heard that Obama Library didn't have any actual records, it was all electronic/virtual. So this "we don't have it the library does" is bullshit.

Seriously, this Deep State thing really is frightening.

Posted by: blaster at June 20, 2017 06:20 PM (jHrzU)

149 "Who wants to bet these documents will be "mis-filed" so in five years the archivist will throw up their hands and say, "those documents aren't where they're supposed to be, we'll notify you when we find them.""


Who wants to check Susan Rice's pants to make sure the documents are not carried off a la Sandy Berger?

Posted by: Decaf at June 20, 2017 06:20 PM (qYGdC)

150 Or to AG Jeff Sessions at DOJ.

Posted by: gracepc at June 20, 2017 06:19 PM (OU4q6)

He's out for lunch. He'll be out for lunch all day ... for three months. And then he'll have the world's longest dental appointment.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at June 20, 2017 06:20 PM (rZ+mb)

151 >>Is that's the library that's going to be built in Kenya or the one in Indonesia?

It's the butt-ugly one being built in Chicao that has been described as a multi-media community activist training center and museum abut Barack and Michelle. Lots of interactive media on Barack's excellent adventures and speeches to "inspire."I imagine actual presidential papers will be in short supply, and those that have been preserved will be heavily secured from all but the most sycophantic historians.

Posted by: Lizzy at June 20, 2017 06:20 PM (NOIQH)

152 i can't believe anyone is surprised by this.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at June 20, 2017 06:21 PM (KP5rU)

153 Those stupid kids will never even think to look in MY library.

Posted by: Valerie Jarrett at June 20, 2017 06:21 PM (j+dfT)

154 What WILL it take for the GOP to grow a fucking spine.

This is why we elected Trump to stop all this nonsense.

WTF is the DOJ? Why isn't anyone screaming at the top of their lungs about this?

I know, I know...

Posted by: mpfs, Deplorable Pirate Wench at June 20, 2017 06:21 PM (79p/O)

155 Yep. As I and others have observed - these people think Sun-in-his-hair is unimaginably awful. That they've given no thought to what will come after him shows an utter lack of imagination on their part. Trump is as nice a man as was willing to take the job; the next man, faced with an even worse task, will be very different.
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. All Honor & Glory to Kekistan! at June 20, 2017 06:06 PM (TwwWO)

IMHO they have thought it out.

They're just gonna outlast Trump until one of "their" people takes over.

Given that the entire Borg is on their side, they might be able to pull it off.

Posted by: Country Boy at June 20, 2017 06:21 PM (xhvrA)

156 12 The most corrupt administration ever, even corrupt after they are out of office. But I saw one good story today. Scankles' security clearance is finally being lifted after which she will never be able to get another one.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 20, 2017 05:45 PM (mpXpK)

Vic is my hero!

Posted by: Killerdog at June 20, 2017 06:21 PM (m1/ym)

157 Maybe they can turn Sandy Burger and send he and his pants on a mission to the Toonces Library.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at June 20, 2017 06:21 PM (Tyii7)

158 OT, am at ucla waiting for my daughter's therapy to be over and indulging in a little fantasy that someone shot fat Kim and strung him out in the public square and gutted him like a pig. It's such a pleasant way to waste some time

Posted by: IC at June 20, 2017 06:22 PM (P6173)

159 Oh yeah, those documents will be available in five years...

Posted by: Hamilton at June 20, 2017 06:22 PM (sCjDS)

160 Don't worry. I'm going to get right on this!

Posted by: Darrell Issa at June 20, 2017 06:22 PM (rZ+mb)

161 116:I'm sorry, Mr. Shyster

I think it was a 'Miss Shyster' but point taken. He did reply back to her and said pretty much what you posted just more 'legalish'.

Posted by: Puddleglum at June 20, 2017 06:22 PM (yFMtH)

162 So they really, really want to dig into Russian collusion, but they just filed documents away for 5 years that have to do with Russian collusion.....

Posted by: Axeman at June 20, 2017 06:22 PM (2mC6G)

163 berger,'s all the same

Posted by: Notorious BFD at June 20, 2017 06:22 PM (Tyii7)

164 145 Republicans are in power in all branches yet refuse to do a thing to help their voters. That is the scandal here.
And they will insist, when we don't show up for them next year, that the problem is they haven't been sufficiently focused on bipartisanship and unity


Look, didn't we vote to repeal Obamacare over sixty times? What more to you nit-pickers want out of us?

Posted by: Mitch McConnell at June 20, 2017 06:22 PM (wI4ew)

165 >>They will either have to be declassified or redacted, and i can't
imagine that friggin' digital library could possibly have the proper
authority to do either.

I seem to recall that the JFK presidential library pretty much keeps all his records locked down, only granting access to a few, the most ardent Kennedy fans.

Posted by: Lizzy at June 20, 2017 06:23 PM (NOIQH)

166 160 Don't worry. I'm going to get right on this!

Posted by: Darrell Issa at June 20, 2017 06:22 PM (rZ+mb)

I can help!

Posted by: Trey Gowdy at June 20, 2017 06:23 PM (l4aLi)

167 "Given that the entire Borg is on their side, they might be able to pull it off."

Wait a minute, I was on the Borg's side too...

Posted by: Jeri Ryan at June 20, 2017 06:23 PM (yqvys)

168 154 What WILL it take for the GOP to grow a fucking spine.

For their money and extravagant lifestyle to suddenly go away.

Posted by: Hikaru at June 20, 2017 06:23 PM (Vevy5)

I actually can't understand how this is a thing that can be done. Why would a prez library have consideration above supeona power? You would think SCOTUS or lower would be able to overturn that stupid rule.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 20, 2017 06:23 PM (r+sAi)

170 And the GOPers will do shit and ask George for money for their "institute" and whore houses

Posted by: CN at June 20, 2017 06:23 PM (2+tI4)

171 143 I'll add my voice to the rest of yours. How can public documents be turned over to a private entity and then be unavailable for five years, no less?

Because this bunch of Republicans In Charge are no better than the last bunch.

Go take the documents, review them, publish the dirty parts, and see what happens.

But ... no. Jeff Sessions just wouldn't think that shit was proper. I'm sure Trump is receiving a shit-pot of advice to the same. And Trump listens.

And hell ... the GOP only controls 5/6 of the three branches of Federal Government. What do you expect ?

Posted by: ScoggDog at June 20, 2017 06:24 PM (fiGNd)

172 So really... Obama commited the crime?
Posted by: shibumi at June 20, 2017 05:48 PM (aT+Bx)

How cute. You think that the law actually applies to Demoncrats...

Oh, I don't think the law applies to them at all.

Rules for some and not for others. We are "some," while democrats are "others."

I was just pointing out by putting this information in the presidential library, that it must have Obamas fingerprints on it. Why else would they need paperwork from a minion?

Posted by: shibumi at June 20, 2017 06:24 PM (aT+Bx)

173 "those documents aren't where they're supposed to be, we'll notify you when we find them."

Yeah, I'm sure they'll have the same blind guy searching for those records as they did for the IRS files.

Posted by: no good deed at June 20, 2017 06:24 PM (hsb2w)

174 Seriously though. I heard that Obama Library didn't have any actual records, it was all electronic/virtual. So this "we don't have it the library does" is bullshit.

Seriously, this Deep State thing really is frightening.
Posted by: blaster at June 20, 2017 06:20 PM (jHrzU)
But one thing that will never grow old: "Hmmmm. Somebody must have taken a hammer to that disc."

Posted by: Axeman at June 20, 2017 06:24 PM (2mC6G)

175 Where is the new and improved DOJ in all this?

D and OJ Down By the Schoolyard

When the mama pajama rolled out a bed
She ran to the police station
When the papa found out he began to shout
And he started the investigation
It's against the law
It was against the law
What the mama saw
It was against the law

The mama look down and spit on the ground
Every time my name gets mentioned
The papa said, "Oy, if I get that boy,
I'm gonna stick him the house of detention"
Well I'm on my way
I don't know where I'm going
I'm on my way I'm taking my time
But I don't know where
Goodbye to Moochie the queen of Corona
See you, D and OJ
Down by the school yard
D and OJ down by the school yard

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, the Unwoking Dead at June 20, 2017 06:24 PM (Nwg0u)

176 159 Oh yeah, those documents will be available in five years...

To Obama Library-approved "scholars" only.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at June 20, 2017 06:24 PM (nS5LK)

177 I don't recall any 5 year rule in the Constitution, if Congress wanted to overturn this shit it could. It doesn't. Fuck them at fundraising time

Posted by: CN at June 20, 2017 06:25 PM (2+tI4)

178 I actually can't understand how this is a thing that can be done. Why
would a prez library have consideration above supeona power? You would
think SCOTUS or lower would be able to overturn that stupid rule.

Executive Privilege. Of course it only works for (D)s, if an (R) claims privilege it is obstruction.

Posted by: mustbequantum at June 20, 2017 06:25 PM (MIKMs)

179 Why yes, now that you ask. I would be most happy to review the NSC documents pertaining to surveillance activities against Islamic countries as part of my research.

Posted by: Muslim "Presidential Scholar" at June 20, 2017 06:25 PM (j+dfT)

180 When they finally release those documents they'll do it one letter at a time ... out of order.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at June 20, 2017 06:25 PM (rZ+mb)

181 For the Horde's delectation: Ossoff has a cash bar at his victory party.

Posted by: alexthechick - manatees and corgis and happy crappy at June 20, 2017 06:26 PM (dEQP3)

182 Decaf: "...Why should there even be a need for a Judicial Watch?

Republicans are in power in all branches yet refuse to do a thing to help their voters. That is the scandal here."

This. So much this.

The swamp is deep, rancid, boundless, and unsalvageable.

Everyday Americans have tried for decades now to go through normal processes to remedy our rogue, lawless government. It has not worked. Apparently, it can't work.

Things that cannot continue... won't.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at June 20, 2017 06:26 PM (H8S+R)

183 Oooops,
I accidentally on purpose smashed/dropped my laptop, Blackberry, etc.

Posted by: Hillary Clinton, President of the United States in my mind at June 20, 2017 06:26 PM (79p/O)

184 140 Entirely predictable, the whole sorted affair.

Posted by: Puddleglum at June 20, 2017 06:12 PM (yFMtH)

Sordid. The whole affair is sordid.
Posted by: Count de Monet, It Pays To Enrich Your WordPower


R yuz sa'in mi engrish is badly??

Posted by: Puddleglum at June 20, 2017 06:26 PM (yFMtH)

185 Here you go:


That is wired.

Anyway, my point still stands. They can figure out how to get into my router and tell it to read all my email, but can't produce a document that says who asked for Mike Flynn's name to be unmasked? Because it isn't a freaking secret anymore, we know it was done.

Posted by: blaster at June 20, 2017 06:26 PM (jHrzU)

186 So no documents for 5 years but a special, a very special, council for PDT. Hum? Go figure

Posted by: Nevergiveup at June 20, 2017 06:26 PM (SjImc)

But one thing that will never grow old: "Hmmmm. Somebody must have taken a hammer to that disc."

Wiped it. LIke with a cloth.

Posted by: shibumi at June 20, 2017 06:26 PM (aT+Bx)

Bullshit... storm the place, trash it, grab the docs, and burn the rest.

Fook them and the horses on which they rode in.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: l will not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand at June 20, 2017 06:26 PM (pNxlR)

189 Would now be a good time to mention the explosion under one of the main streets in downtown Baltimore.

Being blamed on a steam explosion.

But cars covered with a solid layer of dirt and debris 100 foot away.

Buckled area is probably a 20 ft diameter uplifted area.

Fire department is spraying water on the rising steam column.

Windows blown out of Marriot hotel.

Doesn't feel like just a steam problem.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 20, 2017 06:26 PM (J+eG2)

190 The ballz on deez guyz!

Posted by: Insomniac at June 20, 2017 06:26 PM (ywNoU)

191 And they will insist, when we don't show up for them
next year, that the problem is they haven't been sufficiently focused
on bipartisanship and unity

Posted by: Methos at June 20, 2017 06:19 PM (3Liv/)

Ya, am already practicing sitting on my hands for any election race above County Sheriff.

Posted by: Count de Monet at June 20, 2017 06:27 PM (JO9+V)

192 here's the "contact us" page at the DOJ

Posted by: booknlass at June 20, 2017 06:27 PM (v7o4i)

193 For the Horde's delectation: Ossoff has a cash bar at his victory party.
Posted by: alexthechick - manatees and corgis and happy crappy

How tacky...

Posted by: mpfs at June 20, 2017 06:27 PM (79p/O)

194 This the NSC. The Director of the NSC reports directly to Trump. It McMaster, the supposedly stand up straight shooter.

If Trump is really concerned about the information, it will get out.

Posted by: MAGA at June 20, 2017 06:28 PM (LQ1Q3)

195 A scientific consensus has emerged among top mainstream climate scientists that "skeptics" or "lukewarmers" were not long ago derided for suggesting - there was a nearly two-decade long "hiatus" in global warming that climate models failed to accurately predict or replicate.

Link to the paper in Nature:

Posted by: bonhomme at June 20, 2017 06:28 PM (jhqr1)

196 Ya, am already practicing sitting on my hands for any election race above County Sheriff.

Posted by: Count de Monet at June 20, 2017 06:27 PM (JO9+V)

The only vote I cast in 2016 was for Trump. I didn't even bother with any of the other races. I've had enough.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at June 20, 2017 06:28 PM (rZ+mb)

197 They'll never get their grubby hands on my dog recipes.

Posted by: Disgraced Ex-Prez'nit Toonces at June 20, 2017 06:28 PM (Tyii7)

198 163 berger,'s all the same
Posted by: Notorious BFD at June 20, 2017 06:22 PM (Tyii7)

Hey! I resemble that remark!

Posted by: bergerbilder at June 20, 2017 06:28 PM (lIZQs)

199 And let's just enjoy that all of this stuff is being leaked to the press at the same time they're telling Judicial Watch it's unavailable.

NYT and other report on transcript of Flynn call w/Russian official -- and then months later we're told there was no wiretapping, and oh yeah, sorry, that's off limits.

Posted by: Lizzy at June 20, 2017 06:28 PM (NOIQH)

200 They can figure out how to get into my router and tell it to read all my email, but can't produce a document that says who asked for Mike Flynn's name to be unmasked? Because it isn't a freaking secret anymore, we know it was done.

Oh, that's an easy one.

The peons are The Enemy and must be surveilled, unlike our freinds the Violent Raping Explodey Muslims. For the good of the New World Order.

As for the Other Documents, we can't find them becuase we don't want to find them. The contents might tarnish Our Lord God Obama, Peace Be Upon Him, and that cannot happen. EVER.

Posted by: The Alphabet Agencies, wa at June 20, 2017 06:28 PM (aT+Bx)

201 For the Horde's delectation: Ossoff has a cash bar at his victory party.
Posted by: alexthechick - manatees and corgis and happy crappy

Bring pudding

Posted by: Jean at June 20, 2017 06:28 PM (9TU00)

202 1 Wow, they're just flipping us the bird, aren't they?
Posted by: Toastrider at June 20, 2017 05:42 PM (HqVCo)

The Obama administration did that on a daily basis for eight years. Why stop now?

Posted by: rickl at June 20, 2017 06:29 PM (sdi6R)

203 "those documents aren't where they're supposed to be, we'll notify you when we find them."

Yeah, I'm sure they'll have the same blind guy searching for those records as they did for the IRS files.

Posted by: no good deed at June 20, 2017 06:24 PM (hsb2w)

In a crate, deep in a salt cavern, next to the Ark of the Convenant.

Posted by: Count de Monet at June 20, 2017 06:29 PM (JO9+V)

204 by Michelle Malkin - May 08, 2005

Hugh Hewitt

A say after Senator Uriah Reid brands the president a "loser" ..., a week after Senator Ken Salazar labels Focus on the Family as the anti-Christ..., and a month after Sen. Robert Byrd brands the Senate GOP as Hitler's heirs, Senator Charles Schumer appeals to President Bush to bring moderation to the Republican side of the debate...

Posted by: gNewt at June 20, 2017 06:29 PM (nQgMQ)

205 La Marseillaise
Allons enfants de la patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arriv
Contre nous de la tyrannie
L'tendard sanglant est lev
Entendez vous dans les campagnes,

Posted by: gNewt at June 20, 2017 06:29 PM (nQgMQ)

206 192 here's the "contact us" page at the DOJ

Posted by: booknlass at June 20, 2017 06:27 PM (v7o4i)

*666* ERROR

Posted by: Trey Gowdy at June 20, 2017 06:29 PM (l4aLi)

207 For the Horde's delectation: Ossoff has a cash bar at his victory party.

Posted by: alexthechick - manatees and corgis and happy crappy

That doesn't sound very victorious to me.

Posted by: blaster at June 20, 2017 06:29 PM (jHrzU)

And for anyone tempted to squawk "executive privilege" -- fook that noise. I'm tired of that bullshit, too.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: l will not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand at June 20, 2017 06:29 PM (pNxlR)

209 163 berger,'s all the same
Posted by: Notorious BFD at June 20, 2017 06:22 PM (Tyii7)

Hey! I resemble that remark!
Posted by: bergerbilder

Wait a minute...burgher.

Posted by: mpfs at June 20, 2017 06:29 PM (79p/O)

210 Alex ... quit using big words.

Delectation ?

And it's been so long since you poked me with a stick ...

Posted by: ScoggDog at June 20, 2017 06:30 PM (fiGNd)

211 The entire Obama administration looks like one run by the worst sort of lawyer to me, of the Clinton ilk. The thought process with this sort of attorney goes something like this:

That's illegal. But I want to do it. How can I do it in a way that can never be provably illegal?

My father, lawyer, has always said that the first lesson learned in contract law is "if it's not illegal, it's legal," and that seems to have been approach taken by the Obama administration to nearly everything. As if they carefully examined the requirements to prove criminal guilt and then went ahead and committed the crime anyway, but were very careful not to leave the one critical piece necessary to prove guilt. In their minds, they've done nothing wrong because they cracked the code.

And then they seem baffled that all the non-lawyers who see exactly what's going on and have sized these people up correctly are furious.

Posted by: mx4 at June 20, 2017 06:30 PM (3qafY)

212 Most. Transparent. Administration. EVAH!!!11!1!

Posted by: JeremiadBullfrog at June 20, 2017 06:30 PM (q6jjE)

213 There's a phrase for that...what is it?...Oh--now I remember:

Obstruction of Justice.

Remember: It's Different When We Do It(tm).

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at June 20, 2017 06:31 PM (Ndje9)

214 Wow, they're just flipping us the bird, aren't they?
Posted by: Toastrider at June 20, 2017 05:42 PM (HqVCo)

The Obama administration did that on a daily basis for eight years. Why stop now?

Posted by: rickl at June 20, 2017 06:29 PM (sdi6R)

You got complaints? Call the complaint hotline at ...


Western pig-dog.

Posted by: Ex-King Ex-Emperor Ex-Admiral Barky at June 20, 2017 06:31 PM (rZ+mb)

215 And it's been so long since you poked me with a stick ...

Posted by: ScoggDog at June 20, 2017 06:30 PM (fiGNd)


Posted by: blaster at June 20, 2017 06:31 PM (jHrzU)

216 Baltimore officials confirm that it is a steam explosion.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 20, 2017 06:31 PM (J+eG2)

217 For the Horde's delectation: Ossoff has a cash bar at his victory party.
Posted by: alexthechick - manatees and corgis and happy crappy

I seem to remember Election Night at Hillary's -- people were getting raped something like $15.00 for a rum and coke. Then forced to wait through the night for Pennsylvania to give them the final insult.

Posted by: E Depluribus Unum at June 20, 2017 06:31 PM (HTdUD)

218 163 berger,'s all the same
Posted by: Notorious BFD at June 20, 2017 06:22 PM (Tyii7)

Hey! I resemble that remark!
Posted by: bergerbilder

Wait a minute...burgher.
Posted by: mpfs


Posted by: The Hamburglar at June 20, 2017 06:31 PM (79p/O)

Hell if it is Calvin Ball, I guess Trump could just make an executive order saying Prez Libraries don't have exemptions. But I actually don't think he cares about this, but he should; its a super easy way for total obstruction of the law.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 20, 2017 06:31 PM (r+sAi)

220 Senator Charles Schumer appeals to President Bush to bring moderation to the Republican side of the debate

Ah, yes...Compassionate Capitulation.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at June 20, 2017 06:31 PM (Tyii7)

221 COMET TV has an app for Roku and Apple TV.

You're welcome.

Posted by: blaster at June 20, 2017 06:33 PM (jHrzU)

Cite Rice for contempt if she refuses to testify and jail her lying ass.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: l will not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand at June 20, 2017 06:33 PM (pNxlR)

223 All the unmasking requests Rice made to other agencies, FBI , CIA, etc should be recorded in those departments.

Theoretically the information is available even without the NSC records. My guess, though, is that Deep State minions have been busy destroying all records they can find.

Nunes has requested the information about the unmasking, from the Trump appointed department heads, for 3 months now with no response.

Posted by: MAGA at June 20, 2017 06:33 PM (LQ1Q3)

224 Would now be a good time to mention the explosion under one of the main streets in downtown Baltimore.

Well, hell, I'm going to the Orioles' game tomorrow.

Posted by: no good deed at June 20, 2017 06:33 PM (hsb2w)

225 200 years from now, archeologists will find a newish looking clay pot in a cave near the Dead Sea. Sealed in it will be Obama's real, original birth certificate, SSN application, Columbia and Harvard student applications and transcripts and other origin documents.

Posted by: Count de Monet at June 20, 2017 06:34 PM (JO9+V)

226 Hell if it is Calvin Ball, I guess Trump could just make an executive order saying Prez Libraries don't have exemptions.

Well ... you can't actually do that. I could go into more detail ... but it's time for my PM Nap.

Posted by: Jeff S from Alabama at June 20, 2017 06:34 PM (fiGNd)

227 Here's a thought, should we all mail a copy of this story and a white feather to Jeff Sessions?

Posted by: 18-1 at June 20, 2017 06:34 PM (aZq03)

228 What I'm worried about is that we're getting used to this.
I don't me 'we' as the Morons here. We are, many of us, stubborn and intransigent ungovernable deplorables.

But the people outside of us, the people out there in front of us on the road or in the checkout line. The people who don't read, don't think, but watch TV and vote...sometimes.

Are they used to this? Is that the whole point of Barry's 8 years? To just wear down everyone's values to the point that we aren't outraged?

Wasn't that the point of 'Broadcast News' and 'Network' back in the day?

Bleh. Time for some Star Wars.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at June 20, 2017 06:34 PM (xJa6I)

229 216 Baltimore officials confirm that it is a steam explosion.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 20, 2017 06:31 PM (J+eG2)


Underground steampunk party got out of hand

Posted by: MAGA at June 20, 2017 06:35 PM (LQ1Q3)

230 Dershowitz: Sitting Presidents Cannot be 'Indicted, Prosecuted or Tried While Serving in Office'

Well now, we can fix that rather quickly can't we?

Posted by: Trey Gowdy at June 20, 2017 06:35 PM (l4aLi)


Ugh, clickbait title. Wikileaks reveals CIA has tools to hack common routers, but doesn't say what exploits are actually used.

Posted by: bonhomme at June 20, 2017 06:35 PM (jhqr1)

232 "Well, hell, I'm going to the Orioles' game tomorrow."

You should be good to go. Tonights game is going on as planned.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 20, 2017 06:35 PM (J+eG2)

233 Well ... you can't actually do that. <<<<<<<<<<<

In calvin ball, anything is possible.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 20, 2017 06:35 PM (r+sAi)


Posted by: Nevergiveup at June 20, 2017 06:35 PM (SjImc)

235 They'll never get their grubby hands on my dog recipes.

It was a little cocker spaniel dog in a crate that he'd sent all the way from Texas. Black and white spotted. And our little girl-Tricia, the 6-year-old-named it Checkers. And you know, the kids, like all kids, love the dog and I just want to say this right now, that regardless of what they say about it, we're gonna keep the recipe for it.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, the Unwoking Dead at June 20, 2017 06:36 PM (Nwg0u)

236 151 . . .
Lots of interactive media on Barack's excellent adventures and speeches to "inspire."I imagine actual presidential papers will be in short supply, and those that have been preserved will be heavily secured from all but the most sycophantic historians.
Posted by: Lizzy

As to the actual documents that our Low Information Ex-President produced himself, I'm assuming that we'll someday be able to determine at what point in his administration My Little Pony stickers went out of fashion.

Posted by: Furious George at June 20, 2017 06:36 PM (j+dfT)

237 227 Here's a thought, should we all mail a copy of this story and a white feather to Jeff Sessions?

Posted by: 18-1 at June 20, 2017 06:34 PM (aZq03)


A white flag maybe.

Posted by: Under Fire at June 20, 2017 06:36 PM (l4aLi)

238 The Powerline thing is silly - they sent him a *draft* subpoena. It's not a real subpoena but what they are threatening to do, a clear attempt to intimidate Johnson. And he is so not impressed

Posted by: Lizzy at June 20, 2017 06:36 PM (NOIQH)


That should leave a mark.

Posted by: rickb223 at June 20, 2017 06:36 PM (Ak/GS)

La Marseillaise
Allons enfants de la patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arriv
Contre nous de la tyrannie
L'tendard sanglant est lev
Entendez vous dans les campagnes,

The next verse is even bettter!

Aux armes, citoyens,
Formez vos bataillons,
Marchons, marchons!
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons!

Posted by: bergerbilder at June 20, 2017 06:37 PM (lIZQs)

241 Obama is great, no?

Whatever he's got that you want is sealed forever.

Whatever you've got that's sealed, if he needs it, it gets unsealed and to the right person.

He skates, you're fucked.

Posted by: Les Kinetic at June 20, 2017 06:37 PM (t/7gr)

242 225 200 years from now, archeologists will find a newish looking clay pot in a cave near the Dead Sea. Sealed in it will be Obama's real, original birth certificate, SSN application, Columbia and Harvard student applications and transcripts and other origin documents.
Posted by: Count de Monet at June 20, 2017 06:34 PM (JO9+V)

"Steve Dunham", son of Franklin Marshall Davis.

Posted by: Hikaru at June 20, 2017 06:38 PM (Vevy5)

243 "I imagine actual presidential papers will be in short supply, and those
that have been preserved will be heavily secured from all but the most
sycophantic historians."

Remember the whistleblower who used to work at State, who said he had been ordered by Clinton consigliere Cheryl Mills to illegally locate and destroy departmental cable traffic relating to Benghazi? The so-called "shredding party"?

There were, without a doubt, many such parties during the Obama years, and not limited to the State Department.

They probably had a side room in the White House proper, devoted entirely to stuffing burn bags with any and all documents considered not fit for inclusion in The Won's historical public record.

Posted by: torquewrench at June 20, 2017 06:38 PM (ujwCG)

244 Thought I just read that Session fired another 25 lawyers at the DoJ. Still cleaning house, having to replace a completely politicized DoJ thanks to Obama, Holder and Lynch.

Posted by: Lizzy at June 20, 2017 06:38 PM (NOIQH)


As a symbol of cowardice, the white feather supposedly[1] comes from cockfighting and the belief that a cockerel sporting a white feather in its tail is likely to be a poor fighter. Pure-breed gamecocks do not show white feathers, so its presence indicates that the cockerel is an inferior cross-breed.

Posted by: 18-1 at June 20, 2017 06:38 PM (aZq03)

246 The Castile dashcam footage has been released. Before watching, I was leaning in favor of Castile. Having seen the video and especially the audio, I can see why the officer was acquitted. He wasn't jumpy. Upon being told that Castile was armed, the officer said "Okay, don't reach for it then." He instructed him again not to pull it out, and again before shooting him. We can't know what Castile was doing in the vehicle that made the officer think that he was drawing his weapon and yell at him not to do so, but I hate the idea that you can get blown away for an otherwise benign action that a cop interprets as hostile.

Posted by: Xander Crews at June 20, 2017 06:38 PM (R2mTT)

247 There is no "I" in "criminal". The Nazi-Republicans say there is but they're racists.

- President Barack Obama

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, the Unwoking Dead at June 20, 2017 06:39 PM (Nwg0u)

248 We can't know what Castile was doing in the vehicle that made the officer think that he was drawing his weapon
If you are getting pulled over for some random stupid thing the first thing you should do is appear non-threatening...

Posted by: 18-1 at June 20, 2017 06:40 PM (aZq03)

249 They probably had a side room in the White House proper, devoted entirely to stuffing burn bags with any and all documents considered not fit for inclusion in The Won's historical public record.

Cheese Pizza orders.

Posted by: rickb223 at June 20, 2017 06:40 PM (Ak/GS)

250 My Fucking Rant- Congress better get their fucking thumb out of their ass and out of their ear and pass a fucking law that say these agencies work for the people not for your little fiefdom. Fuck You , you rape me every year in taxes and I fucking want some accountability. Government you don't own shit and the only thing you can withhold is your SS#

Posted by: Ben Had at June 20, 2017 06:40 PM (nVB9u)

251 >.There were, without a doubt, many such parties during the Obama years, and not limited to the State Department.

Yup. IRS destroyed Lerner's harddrive and no doubt others' records, too, with their "oopsie, backups destroyed!" move. The EPA at one point also claimed they lost all of their back-ups in response to a subpoena. And then there were all of Barack's cabinet members using secret email accounts to conduct business outside of FOIA.

I have suspected all along that Obama's library would be empty, because there will be very little record of what his administration has done for 8 years.

Posted by: Lizzy at June 20, 2017 06:41 PM (NOIQH)

252 Thought I just read that Session fired another 25 lawyers at the DoJ. Still cleaning house, having to replace a completely politicized DoJ thanks to Obama, Holder and Lynch.
Posted by: Lizzy at June 20, 2017 06:38 PM (NOIQH)

Give me a break.

Clinton fired 93 US Attorneys in one day.


This Administration could make Big Moves. They're not. Because they choose not to.

Posted by: ScoggDog at June 20, 2017 06:41 PM (fiGNd)

253 "But the people outside of us, the people out there in front of us on the road or in the checkout line."

I was in a checkout line last week, and one of the patrons in front of me was immersed in the latest issue of _Us_ magazine (targeted to those who find the big words and advanced concepts in _People_ to be a reading challenge).

The cover story? Ivanka the liberal Manhattan fashionista socialite, spilling the beans on "Why I Disagree With My Dad".

Trump made a deliberate choice to have this silly bint and her equally silly husband playing active roles in his White House. It was a dumb choice.

Posted by: torquewrench at June 20, 2017 06:42 PM (ujwCG)

254 "Didja see the Moose outside??? We're closed..."

Posted by: Sec Guard John Candy at June 20, 2017 06:42 PM (oY/R7)

255 Darrell Issa: "Don't worry. I'm going to get right on this!"

And do you recall my table pounding? Unparalleled!

We'll get to the bottom of this even if it takes us ten consecutive reelection campaigns!

Posted by: Also Darrell Issa at June 20, 2017 06:42 PM (H8S+R)

It should be clear to everybody if they didn't notice with the 8 years of obama, we don't live in a republic anymore. Its govt vs. the plebes.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 20, 2017 06:43 PM (r+sAi)

257 Raid it.

Posted by: Apostate at June 20, 2017 06:43 PM (n1dE4)


POTUS could possibly get them, Congress could get them (yeah, OK), or Judicial Watch could sue to get them, and that is even if they are properly excluded from disclosure, as obama lies and makes up shit as he goes.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at June 20, 2017 06:43 PM (tbOMB)

259 Ugh, clickbait title. Wikileaks reveals CIA has tools to hack common routers, but doesn't say what exploits are actually used.

Posted by: bonhomme at June 20, 2017 06:35 PM (jhqr1)

Yeah it does.

Posted by: blaster at June 20, 2017 06:43 PM (jHrzU)

260 When could Trump have fired James Comey ?

Day One.

When did Jeff Sessions have to recuse ?


Yet ... here we are.

Posted by: ScoggDog at June 20, 2017 06:44 PM (fiGNd)


Posted by: dc at June 20, 2017 06:44 PM (oY/R7)

262 257 Raid it.
Posted by: Apostate at June 20, 2017 06:43 PM (n1dE4)

Yes ... that is the logical play.

They won't.

Posted by: ScoggDog at June 20, 2017 06:45 PM (fiGNd)

263 250 My Fucking Rant- Congress...Fuck You , you rape me every year in taxes
Posted by: Ben Had at June 20, 2017 06:40 PM (nVB9u)

Did you see how much we raked in this quarter already?
Spend baby spend.

Posted by: Paul Ryan at June 20, 2017 06:45 PM (l4aLi)

264 Guess what papers you won't see in Obama's Presidential Library. His undergraduate college transcripts or any history associated with that time. You also won't see any papers he submitted for publication while at Harvard. Because there are none.

Posted by: Jack Sock at June 20, 2017 06:45 PM (IDPbH)

265 As a symbol of cowardice, the white feather supposedly[1] comes from cockfighting and the belief that a cockerel sporting a white feather in its tail is likely to be a poor fighter.

Call Carlos "White Feather" Hathcock that.

Posted by: rickb223 at June 20, 2017 06:45 PM (Ak/GS)

266 The Castile dashcam footage has been released. Before watching, I was leaning in favor of Castile. Having seen the video and especially the audio, I can see why the officer was acquitted. He wasn't jumpy. Upon being told that Castile was armed, the officer said "Okay, don't reach for it then."

I hear Yanez say, "Don't reach for it then."

Castile then says, "I'm ... I'm reaching for it, I'mma hafta pull it out."

Posted by: bonhomme at June 20, 2017 06:45 PM (jhqr1)

267 you forget one thing, i won, you stupid, flyover, christianists. suck on it losers.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at June 20, 2017 06:46 PM (KP5rU)

268 Let's play a game. Let's see how many ominous movie/tv quotes that are applicable we can come up with. I'll go first

There will be blood.

Winter is coming.

Hell comes to frog town.

Two men enter one man leaves.

Posted by: DFCTomm at June 20, 2017 06:46 PM (50gG9)

269 Ossoff has a cash bar at his victory party.

Can't blame him. If this works out the way I want, they're going to need big bucks alcohol.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, the Unwoking Dead at June 20, 2017 06:46 PM (Nwg0u)

270 I'll have to admit, PDT is not the greatest hiring manager.

Posted by: Under Fire at June 20, 2017 06:46 PM (l4aLi)

271 nood

Posted by: Darth Randall at June 20, 2017 06:46 PM (6n332)

272 This is all such a big nothingberger!!

Posted by: Hilary Clinton at June 20, 2017 06:46 PM (nWc4E)

273 Guess what papers you won't see in Obama's Presidential Library. His undergraduate college transcripts or any history associated with that time. You also won't see any papers he submitted for publication while at Harvard. Because there are none.
Posted by: Jack Sock at June 20, 2017 06:45 PM (IDPbH)

You will not see his application for a college funds due to the fact he was a foreign student either

Posted by: Nevergiveup at June 20, 2017 06:47 PM (SjImc)

274 Guess what papers you won't see in Obama's Presidential Library. His undergraduate college transcripts or any history associated with that time. You also won't see any papers he submitted for publication while at Harvard. Because there are none.

Has anyone seen a marriage certificate? Or did everyone just "assume"?

Posted by: rickb223 at June 20, 2017 06:47 PM (Ak/GS)

275 I ain't done yet- When the gov't can fucking regulate a wet spot on my property but tells me "We can't turn over these records" I know for a fact that this gov't doesn't work for me .

Posted by: Ben Had at June 20, 2017 06:47 PM (nVB9u)

276 "The Castile dashcam footage has been released. Before watching, I was leaning in favor of Castile. Having seen the video and especially the
audio, I can see why the officer was acquitted."

Something I've heard only in rumor but would be very interested in having formally factually substantiated:

Officer Yanez said he pulled over Castile's car because Castile bore a strong resemblance to the unapprehended perp of a recent prior store stickup, whose image was caught on security cameras. (To my eye, this is fair.)

A stickup which cash and cigarettes had been stolen.

Anyway, so the rumor goes, Castile's trashy girlfriend, the one who had no problem with having her small child riding in the back seat of a car with a driver who was smoking weed on the move, had packs of smokes on her that had tax stamps matching those from the robbed store.

This is of no probative value relative to the shooting, but it would underscore that we're not talking about a couple of pillars of the community here.

Posted by: torquewrench at June 20, 2017 06:48 PM (ujwCG)

277 Missed it by THAT much!

Posted by: Gope Smart at June 20, 2017 06:48 PM (X/Cr2)

278 RE DFCTomm@268,

Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at June 20, 2017 06:48 PM (H8S+R)

279 Guess what papers you won't see in Obama's
Presidential Library. His undergraduate college transcripts or any
history associated with that time. You also won't see any papers he
submitted for publication while at Harvard. Because there are none.

Has anyone seen a marriage certificate? Or did everyone just "assume"?

Posted by: rickb223 at June 20, 2017 06:47 PM (Ak/GS)

Not one ever seen for his parents. His book mentioned his seeing it in the family Bible one time - according to him (Billy Ayres, author). But no such document was ever produced.

We 'birthers' will be avenged one day!

Posted by: Count de Monet at June 20, 2017 06:50 PM (JO9+V)

280 We can't know what Castile was doing in the vehicle that made the officer think that he was drawing his weapon

Listen to the audio here:

After Castile announces he's carrying, Yanez tells him not to reach for it.

Others may hear differently than me, but I hear Castile then say, "I'm ... I'm reaching for it, I'mma hafta pull it out."

If that's right, I think we know Castile was actually reaching for it.

Posted by: bonhomme at June 20, 2017 06:50 PM (jhqr1)

281 Posted by: Xander Crews at June 20, 2017 06:38 PM (R2mTT)

Seems kind of obvious he was still reaching for his weapon after being told and then commanded not to three times. If I was the prosecutor and wanted a conviction I would have checked to see if Castillo had a hearing problem because that's the only explanation for Castille ignoring the commands if he had no bad intentions.

Posted by: Jack Sock at June 20, 2017 06:51 PM (IDPbH)

282 yes, that's what I heard him say, then I heard the girlfriend on the phone, calmly talking to someone on the phone about it. I couldn't take it.

Posted by: booknlass at June 20, 2017 06:52 PM (v7o4i)

283 Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at June 20, 2017 06:20 PM (rZ+mb)

I genuinely wish I could laugh. Sessions is a good guy. He's not a fighter and he sucks as AG. Move him somewhere else -- get rid of Priebus put Sessions on staff. And for God sakes get a fighter in as AG.

Put Bannon on targeting everyone who needs to be replaced. Let him build a team. Do it. Reward Bannon and arrange for him to be out of harm's way.

Posted by: gracepc at June 20, 2017 06:52 PM (OU4q6)

284 Yeah it does.

Posted by: blaster

From the article:
The files don't explain Surfside in any detail, or exactly how the Tomato exploit works, though the documentation hints that it may abuse a protocol called UPNP that security researchers have long warned represents a security liability.

So they guess it may be UPNP related, and they name three codewords used for the exploit software, but they don't tell you the exploit.

Posted by: bonhomme at June 20, 2017 06:53 PM (jhqr1)

285 Posted by: bonhomme at June 20, 2017 06:50 PM (jhqr

I thought he might be saying ' ima not reaching..' to put the cop off while he was still reaching for it.

Posted by: Jack Sock at June 20, 2017 06:54 PM (IDPbH)

286 I am just happy Obama Mugabe is out of office.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 20, 2017 06:54 PM (5VlCp)

287 275 I ain't done yet- When the gov't can fucking regulate a wet spot on my property but tells me "We can't turn over these records" I know for a fact that this gov't doesn't work for me .
Posted by: Ben Had at June 20, 2017 06:47 PM (nVB9u)

Stop being a bitch. We should buy 'em more MRAPS. And force our kids to give 'em a year's service or two.

Posted by: ScoggDog at June 20, 2017 06:55 PM (fiGNd)

288 Went over to Powerline to check it out. Looks like Mueller has hired another Clinton backer.

I really don't know why they just don't put a horse's head in the bed.

Posted by: gracepc at June 20, 2017 07:00 PM (OU4q6)

289 but I hate the idea that you can get blown away for an otherwise benign action that a cop interprets as hostile.

Posted by: Xander Crews at June 20, 2017 06:38 PM (R2mTT)

When a cop tells you to be still, you be still.

When a cop pointing a pistol at you tells you to be still you be real still.

And then that chick making up stuff.

Posted by: gNewt at June 20, 2017 07:09 PM (nQgMQ)

290 75 I ain't done yet- When the gov't can fucking regulate a wet spot on my property but tells me "We can't turn over these records" I know for a fact that this gov't doesn't work for me
Posted by: Ben Had at June 20, 2017 06:47 PM (nVB9

At first glance I thought you said wet spot in your bed and thought wow that really is intrusive.

Posted by: Northernlurker at June 20, 2017 07:13 PM (eAMlh)

291 How do you fight a political opponent with nary a single principle or any personal values or concern for truth or law whatsoever?

Posted by: Northernlurker at June 20, 2017 07:17 PM (eAMlh)

292 291 How do you fight a political opponent with nary a single principle or any personal values or concern for truth or law whatsoever?
Posted by: Northernlurker at June 20, 2017 07:17 PM (eAMlh)

As Chairman Mao tells us, "political power comes out of the barrel of a gun."

Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader at June 20, 2017 07:26 PM (KBZhb)

293 Obama's Sandy Berger moment, fer sure.

Posted by: atomicplaygirl (Gab: atomicplaygirl) at June 20, 2017 07:27 PM (Gim9y)

294 I wish I had the shredder concession for the Obama presidential library.

Posted by: Dirks Strewn at June 20, 2017 07:30 PM (0ecq3)

295 Can a Special Counsel get his hands on these documents? Why should I have all the fun?

Posted by: PDT at June 20, 2017 07:48 PM (0ecq3)

296 Most transparent administration evah....

What a load of shit.

Posted by: Daniel at June 20, 2017 07:48 PM (Z3ReH)

297 This really takes the pressure off me ! I sent my tax return to the Obama Libraruary , along with ! $ 50,000. in cash receipts from the massage parlor..Therapy ,you know .
Audit , smaudit .
My kingdom for an edit key , or a new SS number.

Posted by: deguello at June 20, 2017 10:34 PM (wc6R6)

298 President Trump can order the documents released with an executive order.

Posted by: Left Coast dawg at June 21, 2017 02:22 AM (UsCnO)

299 Dear American Public,

Sorry, but we already sent the only existing copies of these NSA records over to the Obama/Ayers Library. We would have made our own copies, but as the nation's premier high-tech spy agency, we have not yet mastered this "cc:"-button of which you speak.

But we're working on it at our massive facilities which copy every keystroke ever made.


Posted by: The Deep State Stone Liars and Bullshitters Club at June 21, 2017 04:35 AM (Ndje9)

300 Progressive Transparency:
Documents created by public employees with public funds on public time are "secret." Documents created by private individuals and businesses using private funds are required to be publicly disclosed.

Posted by: Fisht at June 21, 2017 09:20 AM (zOqbT)

301 Maybe that Trump interviewer could donate his notes to the Trump Library.

You know - to keep them SAFE.

Posted by: LindaF at June 21, 2017 12:09 PM (zcSMp)

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