
aceofspadeshq at gee
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Surge of Suspicious Cell Phone Activity Sparks Fear of Massive Communications Intercept Op Being Run in Washington, DC

So -- Russia or China?

An unusual amount of highly suspicious cellphone activity in the Washington, D.C., region is fueling concerns that a rogue entity is surveying the communications of numerous individuals, likely including U.S. government officials and foreign diplomats, according to documents viewed by the Washington Free Beacon and conversations with security insiders.

I saw Fueling Concerns open for Rogue Entity at Monsters of Metal 98.

A large spike in suspicious activity on a major U.S. cellular carrier has raised red flags in the Department of Homeland Security and prompted concerns that cellphones in the region are being tracked. Such activity could allow pernicious actors to clone devices and other mobile equipment used by civilians and government insiders, according to information obtained by the Free Beacon.

It remains unclear who is behind the attacks, but the sophistication and amount of time indicates it could be a foreign nation, sources said.

Mass amounts of location data appear to have been siphoned off by a third party who may have control of entire cell phone towers in the area, according to information obtained by the Free Beacon. This information was compiled by a program that monitors cell towers for anomalies supported by DHS and ESD America and known as ESD Overwatch.

There's a line in Live Free or Die Hard where the hacker geek "Warlock" says, regarding his CB radio, "Low tech is the new high tech."

I hope we'll see some kind of interesting subculture develop where people use old-fashioned communications systems. Including sending physical letters and (get this!) meeting up In Real Life.

Not any political point here, just that I think it would be an interesting subculture for me to follow on my RSS feed while telling Siri to send automated sexts to all my Instagram followers.

Oh, and by the way, someone walked off with a Secret Service computer capable of accessing Trump Tower floorplans and details of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

Bro, do you even opsec?

Posted by: Ace at 05:10 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Russia - China, or us making it look like it's Russia or china?

Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:04 PM (R7cwD)

2 "Low Tech is High Tech"

My skills as a typewriter repairman will once again be in demand.

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at March 17, 2017 05:04 PM (TnUKj)

3 and look old communications like 'real life' means we'd have to put pants and lipstick on

Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:05 PM (R7cwD)

4 Corgis called.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at March 17, 2017 05:06 PM (VdICR)

5 i'm personally looking into tin cans and well what kind of string should it have any hemp in it ?

Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:06 PM (R7cwD)

6 "...meeting up In Real Life."

Posted by Ace at 5:10 PM

That's just nauseating.

[Just had a drink with Nevergiveup]

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 05:07 PM (rF0hx)

7 woah I am chatting away in the first 10! go me!

Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:07 PM (R7cwD)

Walkie Talkies!

Go long on Quaker Oatmeal containers and string.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 17, 2017 05:07 PM (mbhDw)

9 10!

Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:07 PM (R7cwD)

10 Kinda OT: Lie, lie, lie lie, lie... tell the truth.

Donna Brazile FINALLY admits she sent Clinton debate questions ahead of debates. Because damn right.

Posted by: Dang at March 17, 2017 05:07 PM (8b+oT)

11 Quite a top ten you had there, willow

Posted by: Geronimo Stilton at March 17, 2017 05:07 PM (OVUYQ)

12 Top ten? Probably not, I read the content.

And, drinking.

Posted by: so called Deplorable Ian Galt at March 17, 2017 05:07 PM (8iiMU)

13 Donald Trump - noted writer of memos BY HAND. Smarter than your average bear.

Posted by: Sporkatus at March 17, 2017 05:08 PM (eXSOZ)

14 well it might have happened

Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:08 PM (R7cwD)

15 6
That's just nauseating.

[Just had a drink with Nevergiveup]

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 05:07 PM (rF0hx)

And you don't call? What is this, pay-me-no-mind week?!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 17, 2017 05:08 PM (mbhDw)

16 Getting in on the ground floor: priceless.

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at March 17, 2017 05:08 PM (tHwdc)

17 I have thought for a while as a layman, what would be wrong with these "sensitive" systems simply going old school?

Like you hear about something like a water filtration plant being hacked, why not go back to old school 1970s dials and analog gauges? Why does all of this need to be wired to the internet?

Posted by: Maritime at March 17, 2017 05:08 PM (JnKpU)

18 Geronimo perhaps i'll beat the willow meme out of favor

Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:08 PM (R7cwD)

19 When they're not being evil they are busy being incompetent.

The Russians are not our greatest enemy per se, it's a fully corrupted, politicized and weaponized federal leviathan.

Posted by: Kreplach at March 17, 2017 05:08 PM (3Xxpy)

20 Dirty Dozen, Dammit.

Now, where's my rum?

shibumi, you catch up yet?

Posted by: so called Deplorable Ian Galt at March 17, 2017 05:08 PM (8iiMU)

21 Old and busted: Russia hacked the election

New hotness: Russia is hacking EVERYBODY

Posted by: Joe, living mobile at March 17, 2017 05:08 PM (CB81/)

22 i'm personally looking into tin cans and well what kind of string should it have any hemp in it ?
Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:06 PM (R7cwD)

No. That will get you arrested, unless you live in Colorado.

Posted by: bluebell at March 17, 2017 05:09 PM (sBOL1)

23 After 8 years of the Bronze Pussy, I guess somefolks think they can get away with anything.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 17, 2017 05:09 PM (oVJmc)

24 we can start tapping walls,
two times means mebbe
once means tap again

Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:09 PM (R7cwD)

25 2 "Low Tech is High Tech"

My skills as a typewriter repairman will once again be in demand.
Posted by: Jinx the Cat at March 17, 2017 05:04 PM (TnUKj)

Just gave wifey a 57-year-old Royal portable as a birthday gift. Still works.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 17, 2017 05:09 PM (mbhDw)

Walkie Talkies!

PRC 77!

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 17, 2017 05:09 PM (lKyWE)

27 So cellphones are like alcohol. If you use either one too much, you become a danger to yourself and others. And tend to reveal a lot more than you intended.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at March 17, 2017 05:09 PM (MZcWR)

28 What dumbass probably now ex Secret Service agent leaves a laptop in their car in Brooklyn. Was this the Secret Service Village Idiot?

Posted by: Marcus T at March 17, 2017 05:09 PM (6hoR5)

29 And you don't call? What is this, pay-me-no-mind week?!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 17, 2017 05:08 PM (mbhDw)

It was in New Jersey. I thought your passport had expired and you hadn't had your shots!

We are plotting a shooting expedition.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 05:10 PM (rF0hx)

30 I'll be over here on amateur radio.

Posted by: Country Singer at March 17, 2017 05:10 PM (GUBah)

31 ...Or, more likely, it's our own government. NSA or CIA is doing it, and whoever the fuck ESD Overwatch is didn't get the memo.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 17, 2017 05:10 PM (wmaTe)

32 There's a line in Live Free or Die Hard where the hacker geek "Warlock" says, regarding his CB radio, "Low tech is the new high tech."

I hope we'll see some kind of interesting subculture develop where people use old-fashioned communications systems. Including sending physical letters and (get this!) meeting up In Real Life.

--That is one reason I like the TV series Turn: Washington Spies. I like the low-tech spycraft.

Hell, even today there are low-tech techniques like dead drops that never go out of style.

Posted by: Cleveland Steamers at March 17, 2017 05:10 PM (3OqcZ)

33 Mass amounts of location data appear to have been siphoned off

This is not as alarming as it would have been a couple of years ago... I mean, once you've seen the location history Google/Apple have on you, you sort of have to make your peace with the fact that everybody knows exactly where your phone is going.

Posted by: Geronimo Stilton at March 17, 2017 05:10 PM (OVUYQ)

34 bluebell, well darn it , rope should do more then send a message .

Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:10 PM (R7cwD)

35 "I hope we'll see some kind of interesting subculture develop where
people use old-fashioned communications systems. Including sending
physical letters and (get this!) meeting up In Real Life."

Only to shoot.

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at March 17, 2017 05:10 PM (tHwdc)

36 Whats everyone looking at me for?

Posted by: Peter Petrovich Konovnitsyn at March 17, 2017 05:10 PM (GPaiX)

37 29 And you don't call? What is this, pay-me-no-mind week?!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 17, 2017 05:08 PM (mbhDw)

It was in New Jersey. I thought your passport had expired and you hadn't had your shots!

We are plotting a shooting expedition.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 05:10 PM (rF0hx)

I'm in!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 17, 2017 05:10 PM (mbhDw)

38 Personally, I miss smoke signals.

Posted by: Marcus T at March 17, 2017 05:11 PM (6hoR5)

39 Were I Trump, I'd consider hiring Pinkertons. The SS has turned into a circus of incompetence.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at March 17, 2017 05:11 PM (LTHVh)

40 One wonders why that particular Secret Service agent still has a job today.
Leaving valuables in unlocked cars, is that some kind of Federal training protocol?
The pistol that was used to kill Kate Steinle was stolen from the front seat of a Fed.
Another Fed recently had a fully auto M5 stolen from his car in Concord, CA. Fortunately it is in 10mm, meaning that the Feds are the only ones who can afford ammo for it.

Posted by: navybrat at March 17, 2017 05:11 PM (w7KSn)

41 the data was comprised of all your credit card numbers and socials.

oh and what you x'd in on your census

Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:11 PM (R7cwD)

42 Why does all of this need to be wired to the internet?

Posted by: Maritime at March 17, 2017 05:08 PM (JnKpU)

And, Lizzy MacDonald on FBN has a nice shade of green top on.
Her relatively plain looks and pr0n-librarian glasses intrigue me.
Or, it might just be the alcohol.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at March 17, 2017 05:12 PM (8iiMU)

43 So is Russia the big scary enemy now again?

I ask because when Russia was the big scary enemy, movies were a lot cooler.

Posted by: Joe, living mobile at March 17, 2017 05:12 PM (CB81/)

44 And you don't call? What is this, pay-me-no-mind week?!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 17, 2017 05:08 PM (mbhDw)

Besides, our club doesn't admit Jooos.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 05:12 PM (rF0hx)

45 so if Secret Service intel appears in the NY Times, it probably came from a stolen laptop, not directly from the intel community. The IC is completely clean and above leaking any such thing (except for the flood of previous leaks and all those that communicated with Hillary on her private server)

The maid did it ... she was just copying things for Hillary like she always did.

Posted by: illiniwek at March 17, 2017 05:12 PM (BrMft)

46 Like you hear about something like a water filtration plant being hacked, why not go back to old school 1970s dials and analog gauges? Why does all of this need to be wired to the internet?
Posted by: Maritime at March 17, 2017 05:08 PM (JnKpU)

because, then they wouldnt be able to take advantage of the fedgov technology grant money.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 17, 2017 05:13 PM (wmaTe)

47 Interesting. Lately I've been getting robocalled sometimes up to 10 times a day from two locations, NYC and DC. Same numbers at each location, no messages, just mechanical clicking noises.

Posted by: Fritz at March 17, 2017 05:13 PM (YAPkP)

48 Were I Trump, I'd consider hiring Pinkertons.


Posted by: Praetorian Guard at March 17, 2017 05:13 PM (LAe3v)

49 44 And you don't call? What is this, pay-me-no-mind week?!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 17, 2017 05:08 PM (mbhDw)

Besides, our club doesn't admit Jooos.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 05:12 PM (rF0hx)

Can you let my kid come in up to her knees? She's only half-Jewish.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 17, 2017 05:13 PM (mbhDw)

50 Just thinking out loud here. Maybe the NSA and FBI should be catching the people hacking an entire US cities cellphone network, instead of looking for Stalin under Trump's bed.

Posted by: Marcus T at March 17, 2017 05:13 PM (6hoR5)

Like you hear about something like a water filtration plant being
hacked, why not go back to old school 1970s dials and analog gauges?
Why does all of this need to be wired to the internet?

How's the Water Filtration Authority gonna access it's Facebook and Twitter, yo?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 17, 2017 05:13 PM (oVJmc)

52 So -- Russia or China?



Posted by: Holmes at March 17, 2017 05:13 PM (fi5nC)

53 Russia or China

NSAia or FBIia

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at March 17, 2017 05:13 PM (1CroS)

54 I'm betting this is one of the Secret Service agents that loved working for Obama and is also an unfireable Civil Service employee.

Handling National Security information in this manner is totally unacceptable, but fully compliant with the requirements and standards of the previous administration!!

Posted by: Hrothgar at March 17, 2017 05:13 PM (gwPgz)

55 I think new messages will only be sent by eye contact a wink and a blink in whatever order will mean 01 001 etc

Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:13 PM (R7cwD)

56 Do you have Price Albert in a can, comrade?

Posted by: tu3031 at March 17, 2017 05:13 PM (qJhUV)

57 /sock

Fuck me, the cable is out where I live. So, no March Madness and no streaming. Gotta settle for the piddly-shit tethering quote on my cell.

Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 05:14 PM (3OqcZ)

58 So -- Russia or China?

Probably MI6 on behalf of Russia or China.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 17, 2017 05:14 PM (oVJmc)

59 How do we know we're not the ones doing it?

Posted by: JuJuBee at March 17, 2017 05:14 PM (dargh)

60 I am all for a return to button mashing and knob twirling.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at March 17, 2017 05:14 PM (EnKk6)

61 Personally, I miss smoke signals.

Posted by: Marcus T at March 17, 2017 05:11 PM (6hoR5)

Liz Warren: Me too ugg

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 17, 2017 05:14 PM (493sH)

62 Posted by: Marcus T at March 17, 2017 05:09 PM (6hoR5)

Top. Men.

Posted by: kallisto at March 17, 2017 05:15 PM (nNdYv)

63 Damn this Macallan 21 I s good.

Posted by: Marcus T at March 17, 2017 05:15 PM (6hoR5)

64 IT friend tells me that the hack of the CIA that was wikileaked had to have been a state actor like China or Russia.

I've also made the point that Trump may have carried over business practices that sensitive things not be put in e-mails, which are discoverable in litigation.

Posted by: Ignoramus at March 17, 2017 05:15 PM (SIY7D)

65 60 I am all for a return to button mashing and knob twirling.
Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at March 17, 2017 05:14 PM (EnKk6)

The Japanese Purple (Nurple) Code!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 17, 2017 05:15 PM (mbhDw)

66 just mechanical clicking noises.

Posted by: Fritz at March 17, 2017 05:13 PM (YAPkP)

It works.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 05:15 PM (rF0hx)

67 Hell, even today there are low-tech techniques like dead drops that never go out of style.

Posted by: Cleveland Steamers at March 17, 2017 05:10 PM (3OqcZ)

Chalk futures are on the rise!

Posted by: Hrothgar at March 17, 2017 05:15 PM (gwPgz)

68 I have been low tech and I have been high tech.

The only difference I can see is with low tech there were fewer bills to pay and the working girls were in the classifieds under "Entertainment" or "Massage Therapy".

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 17, 2017 05:16 PM (5VlCp)

69 IT friend tells me that the hack of the CIA that was wikileaked had to have been a state actor like China or Russia.

I thought opinion was on a contractor.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 17, 2017 05:16 PM (oVJmc)

70 I'm 25% Irish. Why am I still 100% sober?


Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at March 17, 2017 05:16 PM (EnKk6)

71 7 woah I am chatting away in the first 10! go me!
Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:07 PM (R7cwD)

It's going to be an early thread.

Posted by: rickl at March 17, 2017 05:16 PM (zoehZ)

72 Button mashing and knob twirling?

You could at least buy me a drink first.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at March 17, 2017 05:16 PM (uuwor)

73 Send SMFH and 30 of her friends to DC and replace PDT's detail. Problem solved

Posted by: Ben Had at March 17, 2017 05:16 PM (XYOLS)

74 No words.

Just glad it's Gunzday again.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at March 17, 2017 05:16 PM (2qHjF)

75 Personally, I miss smoke signals.

Posted by: Marcus T
Everyone could see those.

Posted by: Injun Joe, who's tickelish at March 17, 2017 05:16 PM (8b+oT)

76 OPSEC has been a joke for decades. It went straight in the shitter with Emperor Fuckstick.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at March 17, 2017 05:16 PM (auetc)

77 Y'all see about the Secret Service bint who left a laptop containing sensitive material on the seat of her car and it was stolen?

They ain't making Secret Service officers like they used to.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at March 17, 2017 05:16 PM (ul9CR)

78 The Norwegians.

Posted by: Holmes at March 17, 2017 05:16 PM (fi5nC)

79 I think new messages will only be sent by eye contact a wink and a blink in whatever order will mean 01 001 etc
Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:13 PM (R7cwD)

Usually that means I have something in my contact. This could be tough.

I'm asking Mike Hammer to teach me Morse code.

Posted by: bluebell at March 17, 2017 05:17 PM (sBOL1)

80 "Were I Trump, I'd consider hiring Pinkertons. The SS has turned into a circus of incompetence."

He should retain private security and not rely on the Secret Service. I'm not kidding.

Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at March 17, 2017 05:17 PM (97XyN)

81 well if we are all going to send smoke signals i'm re investing in cigs.

Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:17 PM (R7cwD)

82 It might just be me, but if foreign nations are hacking an entire cities cellphone network, maybe the NSA and whoever else is responsible for cyber security aren't doing it right.

Posted by: Marcus T at March 17, 2017 05:17 PM (6hoR5)


It works.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 05:15 PM (rF0hx)

It does indeed. Like a charm.

Posted by: bluebell at March 17, 2017 05:18 PM (sBOL1)

84 Like you hear about something like a water filtration plant being hacked, why not go back to old school 1970s dials and analog gauges? Why does all of this need to be wired to the internet?
Posted by: Maritime at March 17, 2017 05:08 PM (JnKpU)

because, then they wouldnt be able to take advantage of the fedgov technology grant money.
Posted by: Harry Paratestes

Good point.

I also feel the same with all the intelligence storage when it comes to national security.

Why does all of this need to be online?

I mean some tranny like Bradley Manning can basically clean us out on a thumb drive.

What would be so wrong with classified files being put away like they were 30 years ago?

Much harder to physically break into a secure facility.

The fact that someone a few years out of high school could get a hold of this type of info on his computer at work is in of itself very troubling.

Why such easy access even for people within the agencies?

Posted by: Maritime at March 17, 2017 05:18 PM (JnKpU)

85 The Cone of Silence!!

Posted by: Maxwell Smart, Agent 86 at March 17, 2017 05:18 PM (oVJmc)

86 Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 05:15 PM (rF0hx)

Thanks. The scammers have been active lately.

Latest is from Bangalore dude who needs to check out my PC for issues. (I don't even have a web connection to my house.) So if I feel like playing with them, I thank them profusely for getting in touch with me because devils are talking to me through my laptop.

Posted by: kallisto at March 17, 2017 05:18 PM (nNdYv)

87 She's only half-Jewish.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 17, 2017 05:13 PM (mbhDw)

As long as it's the half that doesn't cook.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 05:18 PM (rF0hx)

88 My people used smoke signals to call tribe to pow-wow chow.

Thank Great Spirit. Eat prairie crab fricasee. Heap good.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at March 17, 2017 05:18 PM (ul9CR)

89 85 The Cone of Silence!!
Posted by: Maxwell Smart, Agent 86 at March 17, 2017 05:18 PM (oVJmc)

AKA a mute Jew.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 17, 2017 05:18 PM (mbhDw)

90 bluebell, funny I can remember a small class experience in school we practiced and I remember nothing at all now.

no idea why it was even mentioned at all.
along with my super quick experiences with barcode grocery reading.

Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:18 PM (R7cwD)

91 All Hauil Eris, from prior thread:

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Here's Shaun Davey's excellent version of "The Parting Glass" [raises tasty mixed beverage to late grandparents]:

--and the rest of the wonderful Waking Ned Devine soundtrack (which, by the way, should be in the Moron Movie Hall of Fame):

Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 05:19 PM (3OqcZ)

92 70 I'm 25% Irish. Why am I still 100% sober?

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at March 17, 2017 05:16 PM (EnKk6)


Holy crap--my family is so---er, loose--I would need a calculator, and a lab rat, to figure out my percentage.

Posted by: Holmes at March 17, 2017 05:19 PM (fi5nC)

93 Personally, I miss smoke signals.

Posted by: Marcus T


It's encrypted.

Posted by: Dang at March 17, 2017 05:19 PM (8b+oT)

94 One of these days somebody is going to be smart enough to put a whole bunch of false information on an easily hackable computer and just start laughing.

Posted by: DumberThanTheAverageBear at March 17, 2017 05:19 PM (dLkkp)

95 This comment is about the stolen laptop. What an example of fake news. Yes, the agent in question who left their official secret service laptop in the car was an idiot. But...
ABC Headline: "Secret Service laptop with Trump Tower floor plans, details on Clinton email probe stolen in New York"
In the body of the article: "The Secret Service did say the stolen laptop itself could not have
contained classified material but could have been used to access such
material on a server."
Geez oh Pete!!!! Any laptop could be used to access classified material. All that's needed is a connection to the gummint network, the appropriate encryption components, the appropriate authentication (i.e. Who is you? And prove that you is really you!) devices and protocols, etc.
This secret service laptop has the encryption and authentication componentry but without a connection to the gummint network or the authentication devices/code/biometrics it's really hard to access the network. Then you have to get into the part of the network containing the data you want.
So, while I fully expect gummint network security to be really horrible, this laptop does NOT contain anything remotely related to TT floor plans or HRC email hacking.
Arrrgghhh I hate news media hype and nonsense.
Rant over... back to work.

Posted by: George V at March 17, 2017 05:19 PM (LUHWu)

96 I was going to talk to the Secret Service about retraining, but when I called, I couldn't reach anyone.

Posted by: Billy Barty at March 17, 2017 05:19 PM (aiRZs)

97 Just gave wifey a 57-year-old Royal portable as a birthday gift. Still works.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton

That's what you call it nowadays?

Posted by: E Depluribus Unum at March 17, 2017 05:20 PM (ZFUt7)

98 I actually do keep some sensitive information on an old Jaz disk because even if someone steals it, who has a Jaz drive?

I'm sort of amazed it still works because I remember Iomega products being way ahead of the curve but also incredibly unreliable. I had multiple Zip drives fail, for instance.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at March 17, 2017 05:20 PM (uuwor)

99 97 That's what you call it nowadays?
Posted by: E Depluribus Unum at March 17, 2017 05:20 PM (ZFUt7)

You so funneh!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 17, 2017 05:20 PM (mbhDw)

100 everyone with something of value to discuss has always discussed it in person.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 17, 2017 05:20 PM (cPsPa)

101 Hopefully they hacked Egg McMuffins's phone and are, as we post, downloading his stash of goat porn for the New York Times.

Posted by: Marcus T at March 17, 2017 05:20 PM (6hoR5)

102 77 Y'all see about the Secret Service bint who left a laptop containing sensitive material on the seat of her car and it was stolen?

They ain't making Secret Service officers like they used to.
Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at March 17, 2017 05:16 PM (ul9CR)

--*COUGH* Diversity hires *COUGH*

Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 05:20 PM (3OqcZ)

103 all this hacking going on and I still wait for my credit score to be fixed.
damn it no win at all.

Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:20 PM (R7cwD)

104 The Russians... Is there nothing they can't do?

Posted by: It's Me donna at March 17, 2017 05:21 PM (O2RFr)

105 Arrrgghhh I hate news media hype and nonsense.
Rant over... back to work.
Posted by: George V at March 17, 2017 05:19 PM (LUHWu)


I believe you're right. My husband says whenever a laptop gets stolen from someone in his company, which has happened once in a while, it's just a brick because of all the encryption on it.

Posted by: bluebell at March 17, 2017 05:21 PM (sBOL1)

106 why do we assume it is not someone on our side?

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 17, 2017 05:21 PM (cPsPa)

107 >>>
It works.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo<<<

I've never tried that, but I'll give it a whirl. Thanks.

Posted by: Fritz at March 17, 2017 05:22 PM (YAPkP)

108 There's been so much hacking lately - it must have been the Russians who put all of this anime porn on my hard drive because I certainly wouldn't have done that, no sirree bob.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at March 17, 2017 05:22 PM (uuwor)

109 CharlieBrown'sDildo:

It works.

Yep. For those still reading, why are you still here? Go sign up. Do I have to threaten you with "spiders"?

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at March 17, 2017 05:22 PM (1CroS)

110 Ah, gimlet in a green martini glass.

To Ace and the Horde!

And thanks for the music Logprof.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at March 17, 2017 05:22 PM (EnKk6)

111 as a kid I learned Morse code with some little flashlight size signal flashers, that had the code right on the light.

How long would it take to send a 5MB jpg via Morse code? ha

Posted by: illiniwek at March 17, 2017 05:23 PM (BrMft)

112 "The Russians... Is there nothing they can't do?

Posted by: It's Me donna at March 17, 2017 05:21 PM (O2RFr) "

Beat Rocky in a boxing match.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at March 17, 2017 05:23 PM (uuwor)

113 bluebell, l your husband is more conscientious than out govt.

Posted by: willow- mixing memes at March 17, 2017 05:23 PM (R7cwD)

114 Kansas City Royal Portables

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt, still loving the Cubs, even though they are WINNERS! at March 17, 2017 05:23 PM (8iiMU)

115 Does anyone here have any experience in cheese making?

Some months ago, a delivery truck near my home was involved in an accident, that thoroughly disabled the truck. It was full of half gallons of milk. Pasteurized, but not homogenized, and had not had the cream skimmed off. Really good stuff.

All this milk was immediately donated to the area's churches, food banks, and the local school. The lunch lady at the local school, (who also happens to be the chicken lady that dropped off 7 1/2 dozen eggs this morning), gave us ten gallons of the stuff. I've still got about six gallons of it in the freezer.

It's just taking up room, and what better way to put this milk to good use, than turning into delicious cheddar cheese?

I've read up on the process, and it seems rather straight forward. Temperatures while getting the starter thriving during the curd phase are pretty critical, and I'll have to cob up some kind of make shift cheese press.

I've already got a small mini fridge to ripen it in...I'll have to buy a few things...wax, brush, mesophilic starter, calcium chloride, and rennet. And after the few first critical steps, making cheese seems to consist of simply leaving it alone for a few months.

But..before starting, I thought I'd ask for some advice, and that I don't end up tossing six gallons of high quality milk in the trash.

Posted by: Sticky Wicket at March 17, 2017 05:23 PM (bQLQX)

116 I actually do keep some sensitive information on an old Jaz disk because even if someone steals it, who has a Jaz drive?

I'm sort of amazed it still works because I remember Iomega products being way ahead of the curve but also incredibly unreliable. I had multiple Zip drives fail, for instance.
Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean

I had one back in the day, didn't it store like 100mb on a disk?

Do those old Iomega drives even work with a modern computer?

There has to be a better way to secure your data, can you just put an access code on a thumb drive?

Posted by: Maritime at March 17, 2017 05:23 PM (JnKpU)

117 I was going to say the Secret Service agent really tripped on his dick. But I see it's a woman. Another "diversity" hire I'll bet. After all the.dumb and ignorant need jobs too.

Posted by: Marcus T at March 17, 2017 05:23 PM (6hoR5)

118 U.S. mail is no good unless you use fake return address fields since they have started scanning everything and storing that metadata.

But we live in the age of people inviting big brother to watch their lives. If Orwell could have conceived of a portable tracking device that might record you either audio or video wise anytime big brother turned it on he would have imagined this as something the state forced people to wear and rebels finding ways to spoof the devices, leaving them in auditoriums while they met in private hallways or something.

Paying significant monthly fees to allow your every move to be tracked is out of Huxley's Brave New World, where the masses would be conditioned to want the stimulation and would shrug off all concerns about the trading off all privacy because getting their pixels was all that mattered.

Posted by: PaleRider at March 17, 2017 05:23 PM (eASYU)

119 Gawd.

Imagine listening to that pretentious shit.

Which country is looking the most suicidal lately?

It's the North Koreans--Watson!

Posted by: Holmes at March 17, 2017 05:23 PM (fi5nC)

120 "How long would it take to send a 5MB jpg via Morse code? ha

Posted by: illiniwek at March 17, 2017 05:23 PM (BrMft) "

About as long as it would take to program Skyrim in BASIC.

10 Print 'Fus Ro Dah'

20 Go To 10

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at March 17, 2017 05:24 PM (uuwor)

121 They should manacle their laptops to their wrists like back in the day with couriers.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at March 17, 2017 05:25 PM (EnKk6)

122 >>>
It works.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo<<<

I've never tried that, but I'll give it a whirl. Thanks.

Posted by: Fritz
Yes it does. Was getting maybe 5 a day. Now one ring slips through once a week.

Posted by: Dang at March 17, 2017 05:25 PM (8b+oT)

123 broseidon king of the brocean: "I had multiple Zip drives fail, for instance."

Such a promising device. But then... "Click of Death".

No, really, that's what they called it.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at March 17, 2017 05:25 PM (1CroS)

124 the Secret Service laptop will be full of porn and addresses of Medellin massage parlors. it's probably been hacked already even before the idiot lost it

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at March 17, 2017 05:25 PM (YCuAg)

125 I read this earlier today, and while interesting, it leaves me with a lot of questions. The "low" or "old tech" they refer to is something called SS7 (Signaling System 7), which has been around since 1975.

Essentially, it is the protocols within the telecommunications system by which phone calls are set up and terminated. It also allows various telephone services like call waiting, call forwarding, caller ID and the like. Variations of SS7 are in use all over the world. I've known about SS7, professionally, for decades.

The thing that puzzles me, is that SS7 is a function that takes place WITHIN the telephone network. It does not extend to the end user's (the "subscriber") equipment, whether that be a regular old POTS line, digital line or cell phone. It happens strictly within the telecom network, from CO to CO, switch to switch, across interoffice trunks and the like. Also, the SS7 signalling takes place "out of band". That is, the control signals that route your calls (along with all the other information they are in such a twist about) do not pass in the same bandwidth as the subscriber's call. So how would a "hacker" get in to the network to download all this information in the first place?

Yes, there have been methods in the past that some people knew about that allowed them to hack into the phone systems. In part, this is why SS7 was created, to prevent that. So to be sure, the telcos have know about these issues for a long time and have taken steps.

Indeed, so far as I know the ONLY entity, aside from the telcos themselves, that have access to the telecom network is, all together now, the Feds. Specifically, the NSA. And yes, that has been known for a very long time.

So maybe some new actor has now gained access, but I frankly would have to see the details, the gun camera film, as it were, to believe it, especially in these days of "fake news", D-rat "dezinformatsia" and the like...

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - No-Longer-Deplorable Source of all SMODs at March 17, 2017 05:26 PM (T1H5V)

126 If you give a mouse a cookie, he'll vote Democrat for the next 200 years.

Posted by: LBJ stories for children at March 17, 2017 05:26 PM (W8bn5)

The five terrabits of pron on my hard drive? Russians. But I leave It there In case I need it for when I give the wife the old Royal portable.

Posted by: E Depluribus Unum at March 17, 2017 05:26 PM (ZFUt7)

128 I was going to say the Secret Service agent really
tripped on his dick. But I see it's a woman. Another "diversity" hire
I'll bet. After all the.dumb and ignorant need jobs too.

Posted by: Marcus T
Her pussy hat fell over her eyes.

Posted by: Dang at March 17, 2017 05:27 PM (8b+oT)

129 Russian hackerz never sleep

Posted by: @votermom @vm at March 17, 2017 05:27 PM (Om16U)

130 SyQuest 44mb is way more legit than Iomega Jaz or Zip.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at March 17, 2017 05:27 PM (3Vlkn)

131 "I had one back in the day, didn't it store like 100mb on a disk?

Do those old Iomega drives even work with a modern computer?

There has to be a better way to secure your data, can you just put an access code on a thumb drive?

Posted by: Maritime at March 17, 2017 05:23 PM (JnKpU) "

Zip Drives started with 100 MB disks, then 250 MB. Jaz drives were a whopping 1 GB, an amazing amount for disk based storage in 1996. I've got a SCSI to USB adapter, and it works fine even on a modern OS.

I could also just do encryption on something like a USB drive, but I like retro tech, and it gives me an excuse to use it.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at March 17, 2017 05:27 PM (uuwor)

132 Heard about the laptop missing on Rush's showon theway home.
Question, what ever happened to 'The need to know'?

Posted by: Skip at March 17, 2017 05:28 PM (GPaiX)

133 I heard the Jaz drive carts would lose info if you dropped them.

Posted by: Dang at March 17, 2017 05:29 PM (8b+oT)


Posted by: MSM at March 17, 2017 05:29 PM (3OqcZ)

135 We're spectacularly, spectacularly soft. Everything we live in is based on assumptions that we generally want the world as we know it, our way of life, to keep on. It does not take much contamination to arrest the finely-tuned gears of western living, at least on a local level. But a surprisingly small number of people seek to abuse that.

On one hand, our freedoms necessitate it, and most of the people enjoying those freedoms do not want to see them go away, or at least don't want to see the convenience and comfort consequent to the freedom go away.

On the other hand, modern travel and the internet have made the world an exceedingly small place heavily reliant on well-understood systems where a handful of people taking advantage of that can cause a large amount of mayhem very quickly and without telegraphing their intent.

We think of this in terms of kinetic terror but there's an awful lot of damage that can be done without actively murdering noncombatants.

There are very smart people working on these issues but it's only going to create more tension between liberty and security. If the fringe-libertarians and anti-military-industrial-complex progressives are already having fits, just wait for it, we've not yet begun to wrestle with these issues.

And ultimately, the bad guys are still going to score points, a lot of them, for the same reason we'll see more Enron situations in our lifetime - someone with a profit motive, or fanatical passion for a nation or religion, or something that lights a fire in their belly, will eventually outcycle a bureaucrat who punches in and out believing he's smart enough to define every necessary and possible constraint on creative and excited human minds.

There is no solution, this is just part of living with other people. But as we grow more accustomed to a wired, integrated, on-demand world, the number of gaps in our defenses will rise correspondingly, as each of these new systems will have its own weaknesses, and people will be more aware of their helplessness because the wide array of weaknesses will invite probing or attack closer to home.

I don't think it's really dawned on most Americans yet - the OPM hack, Yahoo!, Target, Anthem, eBay, JPMC, Adobe, etc. etc. - these huge data breaches are barely scratching the surface in terms of vulnerabilities available and efforts to exploit them. When you take into consideration the amount of non-hardened infrastructure we're dependent on, not just the data but the physical systems themselves, utilities and highways and mass transit and so on, it's pretty staggering how exposed we are.

Tremendous ramble off of a short post but it really is an interesting topic, and should encourage some healthy anxiety in our friends and neighbors.

Posted by: On the Grid at March 17, 2017 05:29 PM (wx6iv)

136 Yep. Old school (skool?) tradecraft is best. Deaddrops, hand deliveries, one-time codes.

There is a strong tradeoff between usability and security.

If you make something easier to use, it's always less secure.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 17, 2017 05:30 PM (zsHGH)

137 I could also just do encryption on something like a USB drive, but I like retro tech, and it gives me an excuse to use it.
Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at March 17, 2017 05:27 PM (uuwor)

Retro tech.

You know, bro, when some of us were your age, that stuff didn't even exist yet.

Have a little respect for your elders.

Who are of course, really 29 I promise and all that, but yeah.

Posted by: bluebell at March 17, 2017 05:30 PM (sBOL1)

138 How long would it take to send a 5MB jpg via Morse code? ha

Posted by: illiniwek at March 17, 2017 05:23 PM (BrMft)

Depends on how fast you can send/receive code. Run it though a software CW program with the speed cranked up to say, 240wpm, and you're probably only looking at a few days.

Posted by: Country Singer at March 17, 2017 05:30 PM (GUBah)

139 @On the Grid

Is right

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 17, 2017 05:31 PM (zsHGH)

140 Also, damn...another five inches of snow coming at me tomorrow.

Posted by: Sticky Wicket at March 17, 2017 05:32 PM (bQLQX)

141 Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me...

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 17, 2017 05:32 PM (zsHGH)

142 >>[Just had a drink with Nevergiveup]
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 05:07 PM (rF0hx)

Macho Mojitos?

Posted by: garrett at March 17, 2017 05:33 PM (4/95V)

143 So, we have 17 intelligence agencies and none of them knows who's doing this?

Posted by: Duke Lowell at March 17, 2017 05:33 PM (kTF2Z)

144 I only text in Navajo.

Posted by: garrett at March 17, 2017 05:33 PM (4/95V)

145 Used to mess with all the truckers and hookers at Sierra Sids and Boomtown I-80 near Reno late 70's early 80's on my old mans CB. Driving truckers into fits of rage and trying to talk the hookers down to just a few bucks. Good times as an early troll.

Posted by: JROD at March 17, 2017 05:33 PM (qT49E)

146 136 Yep. Old school (skool?) tradecraft is best. Deaddrops, hand deliveries, one-time codes.

There is a strong tradeoff between usability and security.

If you make something easier to use, it's always less secure.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 17, 2017 05:30 PM (zsHGH)

--Are you a fan of Turn as well?

I can't wait to watch it again.

Posted by: MSM at March 17, 2017 05:34 PM (3OqcZ)

147 Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me...
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 17, 2017 05:32 PM (zsHGH)


That's been running in my head since willow's post upthread.

Trivia question: what cartoon had an instrumental version of that song in it?

Posted by: bluebell at March 17, 2017 05:34 PM (sBOL1)

148 Not Russia or China.

Not sure if anyone has said this.. but I'm voting for our own Dr. Evil, George Soros.

And the Deep State.

Posted by: shibumi at March 17, 2017 05:34 PM (FkAXz)

149 I have a co-worker who is a big fan of autonomous cars. He is a self-admitted bad driver and lurves the idea of not having to think behind the wheel. When I pointed out this technology would be made mandatory (For the children!) and used by the government to control the populace, he said "Yeah, but travel will be easier for me."

The funny thing is he is an observant Orthodox Jew, very conservative politically. You'd think he would be more distrustful of the government, given how the Tribe has been treated throughout history.

Posted by: Butch at March 17, 2017 05:34 PM (hXu8T)

150 Macho Mojitos?

Posted by: garrett at March 17, 2017 05:33 PM (4/95V)

1776 Bourbon.


And I like Mojitos, even if it is a chick drink.

Just not in March.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 05:34 PM (rF0hx)

151 140. I am so jealous. We've only been having sand and tumbleweed blizzards for the last couple of months and while that situation is not terribly rare here it sucks. And KS, OK and west TX got hit with huge fires a week or so ago although the national FNM has been too busy yammering about folks having to deal with a snowstorm to cover it.

Posted by: PaleRider at March 17, 2017 05:35 PM (eASYU)

152 "Retro tech.

You know, bro, when some of us were your age, that stuff didn't even exist yet.

Have a little respect for your elders.

Who are of course, really 29 I promise and all that, but yeah.

Posted by: bluebell at March 17, 2017 05:30 PM (sBOL1) "

Well yes, I know for Vic retro tech means the wheel, but I think using a proprietary file storage device from the early 90's in our world of cloud computing counts as retro.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at March 17, 2017 05:35 PM (uuwor)

153 The funny thing is he is an observant Orthodox Jew, very conservative politically. You'd think he would be more distrustful of the government, given how the Tribe has been treated throughout history.
Posted by: Butch at March 17, 2017 0

yeah but it is so much more comfortable than a box car. you are going to a camp may as well go in style.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 17, 2017 05:36 PM (cPsPa)

154 broseidon, I didn't say it wasn't! lol

Posted by: bluebell at March 17, 2017 05:36 PM (sBOL1)

155 Interesting phenomenon: Daughter frequently calls me on the way home from work on her cell phone. I a very well populated section of Rt 29, her phone invariably drops out, but a couple hundred feet down the road service is back. This only happens when she's driving west. I've been very tempted to go look for tower spoofers in that area, but it would be an academic exercise.

Posted by: Hrothgar at March 17, 2017 05:36 PM (gwPgz)

156 /MBM sock

Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 05:36 PM (3OqcZ)

157 Hi Bob from NSA!
I think you guys are doing a great job. Keep up the good work.

Posted by: Under Fire at March 17, 2017 05:36 PM (fqERy)

158 Hrothgar, that's really common around here in certain areas. It's just that there aren't enough towers in some communities. Same with my husband's little home town area up north.

Posted by: bluebell at March 17, 2017 05:38 PM (sBOL1)

159 148 Not Russia or China.

Not sure if anyone has said this.. but I'm voting for our own Dr. Evil, George Soros.

And the Deep State.

Posted by: shibumi at March 17, 2017 05:34 PM (FkAXz)

--Trump needs to put that POS and his shitapple son in the dock, or push laws that will do so, YESTERDAY.

Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 05:38 PM (3OqcZ)

160 If you should happen to have a few cocktails this afternoon, are they required to be green?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at March 17, 2017 05:39 PM (6Ll1u)

161 The DOJ just delivered wiretap info to Congressional investigators... Wonder how long it will take to leak?

Posted by: It's Me donna at March 17, 2017 05:39 PM (O2RFr)

162 CBD @ 150 - Don't play innocent, buddy. That Food Thread recipe is seared - SEARED - into my memory!

Posted by: Butch at March 17, 2017 05:39 PM (hXu8T)

163 Verizon landline (the one inundated by robocalling) doesn't participate in nomorobo yet. Was instructed to call them and request, so now I'm on hold, listening to annoying music.

So delightfully retro.

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at March 17, 2017 05:39 PM (tHwdc)

164 --Trump needs to put that POS and his shitapple son in the dock, or push laws that will do so, YESTERDAY.

Posted by: logprof
This. Please.

Posted by: Dang at March 17, 2017 05:39 PM (8b+oT)

165 Ananna tatonka owatchee

Posted by: Duke Lowell at March 17, 2017 05:39 PM (kTF2Z)

166 So, we have 17 intelligence agencies and none of them knows who's doing this?

Posted by: Duke Lowell at March 17, 2017 05:33 PM (kTF2Z)

"Intelligence, I don't that word means what you think it means!"

Posted by: I. Montoya at March 17, 2017 05:39 PM (gwPgz)

167 >>>So, we have 17 intelligence agencies and none of them knows who's doing this?<<<

Seven of them are doing this, the other ten are surfing porn.

Posted by: Fritz at March 17, 2017 05:39 PM (YAPkP)

168 160 If you should happen to have a few cocktails this afternoon, are they required to be green?
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at March 17, 2017 05:39 PM (6Ll1u)

--I'm having Mountain Dew spiked with vodka, so I'm compliant.

Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 05:39 PM (3OqcZ)

169 Thinking we should buy our Secret Service Agents their own private whores. They protect POTUS so don't they deserve the best?

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at March 17, 2017 05:40 PM (2qHjF)

170 Miley, yes it does! I have it on our Verizon landline. Do you have FIOS? I do; not sure if it works if you don't have FIOS.

Posted by: bluebell at March 17, 2017 05:40 PM (sBOL1)

171 I actually do keep some sensitive information on an old Jaz disk because even if someone steals it, who has a Jaz drive?

I'm sort of amazed it still works because I remember Iomega products being way ahead of the curve but also incredibly unreliable. I had multiple Zip drives fail, for instance.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at March 17, 2017 05:20 PM (uuwor)

Talk about a blast from the past. I used to have both Zip and Jaz drives back in the day, now long gone. And yes, neither were very reliable...

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - No-Longer-Deplorable Source of all SMODs at March 17, 2017 05:40 PM (T1H5V)

Paying significant monthly fees to allow your every move to be tracked is out of Huxley's Brave New World, where the masses would be conditioned to want the stimulation and would shrug off all concerns about the trading off all privacy because getting their pixels was all that mattered.
Posted by: PaleRider

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 17, 2017 05:41 PM (IqV8l)

173 @2: "My skills as a typewriter repairman will once again be in demand."

I'm going long in heliographs

Posted by: FaCubeItches at March 17, 2017 05:41 PM (rznWS)

174 >>>Trump needs to put that POS and his shitapple son in the dock, or push laws that will do so, YESTERDAY.


Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at March 17, 2017 05:42 PM (ngBS+)

175 Ananna tatonka owatchee

hah...I got that.

Posted by: eleven at March 17, 2017 05:42 PM (qUNWi)

176 Miley, yes it does! I have it on our Verizon landline. Do you have FIOS? I do; not sure if it works if you don't have FIOS.

Posted by: bluebell at March 17, 2017 05:40 PM (sBOL1)

I do have FIOS but when I tried to sign up, it rejected me with that message. So, don't know how to proceed.

Gave up after 12 minutes on hold. Fuckers.

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at March 17, 2017 05:43 PM (tHwdc)

177 @15: " What is this, pay-me-no-mind week?!"

Oh!!!! You gonna let him get away with that? What is this world coming to?

Posted by: Jimmy Conway at March 17, 2017 05:43 PM (rznWS)

178 I would, if it were me, track assistants. Lackeys. Underlings. When the bosses go diving for the safety of their bunkers, they are going to want to have the creature comfort of having someone to yell at. No? Oh for sure they are! You know that. It's who they are. So, anyhow, I don't think you'll be needing to worry about the bosses phones, but the underlings might need to swap out things about twice every day. Everyone has cruise missiles now. What a thing.

Posted by: goon at March 17, 2017 05:44 PM (EaQ6/)

179 Hrothgar, that's really common around here in certain areas. It's just that there aren't enough towers in some communities. Same with my husband's little home town area up north.

Posted by: bluebell at March 17, 2017 05:38 PM (sBOL1)

Bluebell, but this is not some remote stretch of mountain road in a holler somewhere. It's in a well populated area with nearby housing and business.

I know some areas have spotty coverage, because in one area I visit frequently, the running joke is that you have to stand on the chalk marks to ensure you get any usable wireless reception!

Posted by: Hrothgar at March 17, 2017 05:44 PM (gwPgz)

180 @17: "Why does all of this need to be wired to the internet?"

For safety. And the contracts (and kickbacks) to convert it, and maintain the converted system.

Posted by: FaCubeItches at March 17, 2017 05:45 PM (rznWS)

181 Low tech, high tech: Two days ago the Toledo Blade lost its cloud, and the front page couldn't even. There were no columns in the set-up. All national and local pre-written stories were kaput. They had the car ads, and the funnies. One story by one writer, who'd never get a front-page byline otherwise. Bet his mom bought 50 copies.

It would have looked better set up in wood type, with words like "Succefs."
A perfect example of what it would be like if the First Amendment were read like the Second, so those of us with muskets could press presses by hand.

Only thing missing was a full-page scrawl "Who Is John Galt?"

Here's the motherin bitch: Postal Service has spent billions on some pretty astounding gee-wizardry. There aren't any postal clerks in there. "The system" goes down, good and hard, and your letters are as screwed as your cell phones.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 17, 2017 05:45 PM (H5rtT)

182 Even a typewriter won't necessarily keep you safe.

Hey, is that a prothonotary warbler?

Posted by: Alger Hiss at March 17, 2017 05:45 PM (uuwor)

DOJ sends documents related to Trump wiretap claim to House panel

Posted by: EVLINC! at March 17, 2017 05:45 PM (y3aQB)

184 I can't possibly catch up so I'll just start here.

Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 05:45 PM (lwiT4)

185 "The Russians... Is there nothing they can't do?"

They suck pretty hard at Rock n' Roll.

Posted by: Rick Steves, boringly touring europe on your tax dollars. at March 17, 2017 05:45 PM (1aMQH)

186 I bet Putin buys and provides his Secret Service with the best whores.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at March 17, 2017 05:46 PM (2qHjF)

187 Posted by: On the Grid at March 17, 2017 05:29 PM (wx6iv)


Great comment.

Posted by: India--all ur tech support at March 17, 2017 05:46 PM (fi5nC)

188 I can't possibly catch up so I'll just start here.

I'll recap for you:

I have no idea.

Posted by: eleven at March 17, 2017 05:47 PM (qUNWi)

189 Da!

Posted by: goon at March 17, 2017 05:47 PM (EaQ6/)

190 Bluebell, but this is not some remote stretch of mountain road in a holler somewhere. It's in a well populated area with nearby housing and business.

I know some areas have spotty coverage, because in one area I visit frequently, the running joke is that you have to stand on the chalk marks to ensure you get any usable wireless reception!
Posted by: Hrothgar

most likely just lousy coverage. happens in manhattan all the time on att, even in areas that should have loads of coverage like Wall Street. lots of users all on their phones simultaneously.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 17, 2017 05:47 PM (cPsPa)

191 185 "The Russians... Is there nothing they can't do?"

They suck pretty hard at Rock n' Roll.

Posted by: Rick Steves, boringly touring europe on your tax dollars. at March 17, 2017 05:45 PM (1aMQH)


They fucking own us in classical music and chess, though.

Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 05:47 PM (3OqcZ)

192 2 "Low Tech is High Tech"

My skills as a typewriter repairman will once again be in demand.
Posted by: Jinx the Cat at March 17, 2017 05:04 PM (TnUKj)

Make sure you burn the typewriter ribbon after using.

Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper, aka MrCaniac at March 17, 2017 05:47 PM (1JnAL)

193 Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at March 17, 2017 05:43 PM (tHwdc)

Talk about retro tech, I use an answering machine on my Verizon landline to "screen" calls. The device allows me to set ring patterns for family or other calls I have in my "phone book".

Posted by: Hrothgar at March 17, 2017 05:47 PM (gwPgz)

194 @173 I'm going long in heliographs

Look up Kipling's "A Code of Morals." You'll laugh your ass off.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 17, 2017 05:48 PM (H5rtT)

195 I'll recap for you:

I have no idea.

Posted by: eleven at March 17, 2017 05:47 PM (qUNWi)

Thank you. I'll fit right in then.

Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 05:48 PM (lwiT4)

196 Verizon landline (the one inundated by robocalling) doesn't participate in nomorobo yet. Was instructed to call them and request, so now I'm on hold, listening to annoying music.

So delightfully retro.

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at March 17, 2017 05:39 PM (tHwdc)

My wife spent about two hours on hold with Verizon yesterday trying to cancel our service. She finally connected with an online tech to complete the deed.

Good f'ing riddance, Verizon.

Posted by: Sticky Wicket at March 17, 2017 05:48 PM (bQLQX)

lots of users all on their phones simultaneously.
Posted by: yankeefifth

I'm amazed cell phones work as well as they do.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 17, 2017 05:49 PM (IqV8l)

198 The chair is against the wall.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at March 17, 2017 05:49 PM (kTF2Z)

199 "I saw Fueling Concerns open for Rogue Entity at Monsters of Metal 98."

This is why I waste my fucking time here, because Ace has joke-skillz.

Posted by: JBro at March 17, 2017 05:49 PM (vhwYr)

Good f'ing riddance, Verizon.

Can You hear Me now? Evidently not....

Posted by: It's Me donna at March 17, 2017 05:49 PM (O2RFr)

201 Talk about a blast from the past. I used to have
both Zip and Jaz drives back in the day, now long gone. And yes,
neither were very reliable...

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - No-Longer-Deplorable Source of all SMODs at March 17, 2017 05:40 PM (T1H5V)

Before I retired I helped clean out some offices (downsizing). Found boxes of large cassettes for computers, along with Zip drive disks by the hundreds, all trashed, because the info wouldn't interest anyone there anyway. All I could think is how valuable all that info was once...It was a large research company.

Posted by: Colin at March 17, 2017 05:49 PM (DLV/d)

202 The chair is against the wall.

Fuck yes it is.

Posted by: eleven at March 17, 2017 05:49 PM (qUNWi)

203 Starbucks Moscow has been busy lately.

Posted by: wth at March 17, 2017 05:49 PM (HgMAr)

204 3 Starbucks Moscow has been busy lately.

More likely Starbucks DC....

Posted by: It's Me donna at March 17, 2017 05:50 PM (O2RFr)

205 Miley, I just looked - I signed up last year in July.

On the website, choose "Verizon FIOS Digital Voice" from the dropdown menu, and put in your email. Then go from there.

The only email I ever got from them was a welcome notice that contained a link back to actually set up the service.

Posted by: bluebell at March 17, 2017 05:50 PM (sBOL1)

Hrothgar, that's really common around here in certain areas. It's just that there aren't enough towers in some communities. Same with my husband's little home town area up north.

Posted by: bluebell at March 17, 2017 05:38 PM (sBOL1)

Used to be, a lot of affluent lefty communities were cellular dead spots because the communist cocksucker NIMBYs wouldn't let the carriers put up antennas or towers.

Example: Back in '01 I spent a week in Burlington, VT working with one of the cell carriers. Total cellular dead spot. Had to drive out of town to get a decent signal. When I met local lower-middleclass residents and mentioned that I was working telecom, they'd BEG me to do something about the shitty cell service.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at March 17, 2017 05:50 PM (cuZZW)

207 143 So, we have 17 intelligence agencies and none of them knows who's doing this?
Posted by: Duke Lowell at March 17, 2017 05:33 PM (kTF2Z)

They are too busy spying on the 100 or so Nazi's and Klan members instead of the enemies from outside.

Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper, aka MrCaniac at March 17, 2017 05:50 PM (1JnAL)

208 @89: "85 The Cone of Silence!!

Posted by: Maxwell Smart, Agent 86 at March 17, 2017 05:18 PM (oVJmc)

AKA a mute Jew.

No, that's the Cohen of Silence

Posted by: FaCubeItches at March 17, 2017 05:50 PM (rznWS)

209 Where is my abundance of caution!!!

Posted by: eleven at March 17, 2017 05:50 PM (qUNWi)

210 That Food Thread recipe is seared - SEARED - into my memory!

Posted by: Butch at March 17, 2017 05:39 PM (hXu8T)

Which one? For a Mojito? Shit...I don't remember.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 05:50 PM (rF0hx)

Make sure you burn the typewriter ribbon after using.
Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper

Or else Columbo will get you!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 17, 2017 05:51 PM (IqV8l)

212 Who was the MBM asshelmet who tweeted "What has Russia contributed to culture?" then got his ass handed to him by the tick-tick-ticking off of Tchaikovsky, Pushkin, Mendeleev, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Prokofiev, Gogol, et al.?

--and libtards think *we're* clueless rubes?!

Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 05:51 PM (3OqcZ)

213 Hrothgar, there are lots of places in Great Falls where coverage drops, depending on your service.

And even going down route 7 west occasionally.

Some services have better coverage here than others.

Posted by: bluebell at March 17, 2017 05:51 PM (sBOL1)

214 The Cohan of Silence sounds Jewish but it's Irish.

Posted by: eleven at March 17, 2017 05:51 PM (qUNWi)

215 I grew up in the Catskills in NYS...back in the 90's, many, many of the townships banned towers....Mostly NYC people didn't want to look at them from their summer homes. Now everyone wants the towers.....

Posted by: Colin at March 17, 2017 05:52 PM (DLV/d)

216 160 If you should happen to have a few cocktails this afternoon, are they required to be green?
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at March 17, 2017 05:39 PM (6Ll1u)

Only if you throw them up.

Posted by: wth at March 17, 2017 05:52 PM (HgMAr)

217 Good f'ing riddance, Verizon.

Posted by: Sticky Wicket at March 17, 2017 05:48 PM (bQLQX)

Could have told you that. Verizon used to be known as Bell Atlantic, of all of the Bell operating companies, they were just about the worst. Hated having to deal with them.

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - No-Longer-Deplorable Source of all SMODs at March 17, 2017 05:53 PM (T1H5V)

218 Seven of Nine would have just murdered T'Pol. But about communications security ... forget it! There is none, so I'll watch some more episodes now, thank you.

Posted by: goon at March 17, 2017 05:53 PM (EaQ6/)

219 Hell, even today there are low-tech techniques like dead drops that never go out of style.

New fangled dead drops exist now. They put a battery and a Bluetooth enabled device into a rock or brick or something. Put your techy drop site in a public square and set it to only turn on at certain times.

Voila, people can now exchange information in plain sight without looking suspicious at all.

Is that guy on the bench over there reading a blog on his phone? Or is he passing secrets to an intelligence officer?

Posted by: bonhomme at March 17, 2017 05:53 PM (8cGfn)

220 Dot dot dash dot
Dot dot dash
Dash dot dash dot
Dash dot dash

Dot dot dot dot
Dot dot
Dot dot dot

Posted by: Diogenes at March 17, 2017 05:53 PM (0tfLf)

221 210 That Food Thread recipe is seared - SEARED - into my memory!

Posted by: Butch at March 17, 2017 05:39 PM (hXu8T)

Which one? For a Mojito? Shit...I don't remember.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 05:50 PM (rF0hx)

Maybe you'll remember if we grill you about it.

Posted by: Donna tan faded but with &&&&&&& to burn and so there at March 17, 2017 05:53 PM (P8951)

222 208
AKA a mute Jew.

No, that's the Cohen of Silence

Posted by: FaCubeItches at March 17, 2017 05:50 PM (rznWS)

Actually, there's no such thing as a mute Jew.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 17, 2017 05:53 PM (mbhDw)

223 Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 05:51 PM (3OqcZ)

Rimsky-Korsakov, Stravinsky. Gee whiz, who DIDN'T come from Russia?

Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 05:54 PM (lwiT4)

224 223
Rimsky-Korsakov, Stravinsky. Gee whiz, who DIDN'T come from Russia?
Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 05:54 PM (lwiT4)

The Indians came from there via the Bering Straits.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 17, 2017 05:54 PM (mbhDw)

225 Hi Bob from NSA!
Wanted to let you know I voted for Obama twice. Keep up the great work.

Posted by: Under Fire at March 17, 2017 05:55 PM (fqERy)

226 160 If you should happen to have a few cocktails this afternoon, are they required to be green?
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at March 17, 2017

you should only have a parade if you win something. no participation parades.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 17, 2017 05:55 PM (cPsPa)

227 (possible urban legend warning) I heard parts of Russian government still use typewriters because they don't trust that modern tech isn't spying on them.

Posted by: goodluckduck at March 17, 2017 05:55 PM (yqvys)

228 J.J. Sefton - I forgot to ask you if you had a happy Purim. Did you have a happy Purim?

Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 05:55 PM (lwiT4)

229 Do agents still us shoe phones along with the cone of silence....Maybe Trump will have to have a room in the WH with a cone....

Posted by: Colin at March 17, 2017 05:55 PM (DLV/d)

230 Maybe you'll remember if we grill you about it.

Posted by: Donna tan faded but with to burn and so there at March 17, 2017 05:53 PM (P8951)

Trying to smoke me out?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 05:55 PM (rF0hx)

231 Before I retired I helped clean out some offices (downsizing). Found boxes of large cassettes for computers, along with Zip drive disks by the hundreds, all trashed, because the info wouldn't interest anyone there anyway. All I could think is how valuable all that info was once...It was a large research company.

Posted by: Colin at March 17, 2017 05:49 PM (DLV/d)

Shades of IBM 3420 tapes by the thousands. Once so valuable they had to be shipped off to the salt mine regularly for long term storage. Now, not so much...

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - No-Longer-Deplorable Source of all SMODs at March 17, 2017 05:55 PM (T1H5V)

232 Regarding those docs on wire tapping given to congress. If it doesn't wind up on NYT or WaPo websites today, it's not good news for dems.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at March 17, 2017 05:55 PM (kTF2Z)

233 @135: "There are very smart people working on these issues but it's only going to create more tension between liberty and security."

What tension? Security doesn't necessarily win, but liberty always loses.

Posted by: FaCubeItches at March 17, 2017 05:56 PM (rznWS)

So, we have 17 intelligence agencies and none of them knows who's doing this?

Well, each of those agencies is spying on the other 16. That takes a lot of time.

Also... some are spying for the DNC, some are doing it for Soros/Deep State, some are double agents for foreign governments, and some are just hanging out, surfing kiddie porn and waiting to retire.

That being said, of course there's confusion.

/are any local to Trump? My Magic 8 Ball says "ask again later."

Posted by: shibumi at March 17, 2017 05:56 PM (FkAXz)


My new earworm.

Radioactive cover by Pentatonix.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt, still loving the Cubs, even though they are WINNERS! at March 17, 2017 05:56 PM (8iiMU)

236 Not all Stingrays swim in the sea.

Posted by: NYPD at March 17, 2017 05:57 PM (fqERy)

237 If you should happen to have a few cocktails this afternoon, are they required to be green?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at March 17, 2017

We're having dinner tonight at a restaurant down by the marina. They sent me an email saying they would be having specialty Irish Whiskey drinks. And a live band. I may come home shoeless and unconscious.

Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 05:57 PM (lwiT4)

238 212 Who was the MBM asshelmet who tweeted "What has Russia contributed to culture?" then got his ass handed to him by the tick-tick-ticking off of Tchaikovsky, Pushkin, Mendeleev, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Prokofiev, Gogol, et al.? "

I ask the same question all the time about the Muslims.

The only thing I can think of is falafel and tabbouli and baba ghanosh. Which are pretty good.

Posted by: Donna tan faded but with &&&&&&& to burn and so there at March 17, 2017 05:57 PM (P8951)

239 "Who was the MBM asshelmet who tweeted "What has Russia contributed to
culture?" then got his ass handed to him by the tick-tick-ticking off of
Tchaikovsky, Pushkin, Mendeleev, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Prokofiev,
Gogol, et al.?"

Really, what have White people in general contributed to culture other than genocide, slavery and homophobia? The world would be living in harmony with nature if it weren't for them.

Posted by: Ripley at March 17, 2017 05:57 PM (1BQGO)

240 This actually isn't a new issue. It's been known for a couple of years now in natsec circles.

These "interceptor" towers became available to the various agencies of Fedzilla, and they all started buying and using them for their own snooping purposes (both international counterintelligence and domestic law enforcement use).

The situation wasn't ever adequately documented or interagency-coordinated. And hence rapidly got out of hand, with interference and whatnot, to the point where Uncle Sugar had to commission an actual census of the interceptor towers operating in high-density areas. To then walk back the cat to determine which of Uncle's own departments owned and operated each one.

It turned out that a couple of the interceptor towers in question could not be traced back to any known federal entity. And were presumably operated either by other nation-states' intelligence establishments, or by non-state actors, including, potentially, organized crime outfits.

Of course, because this accounting was performed during the Shit Midas administration, nothing at all seems to have been done then, or since.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 17, 2017 05:57 PM (noWW6)

241 How can you not remember the Macho Mojito Thread?

It's legendary in its awfulness.

Posted by: garrett at March 17, 2017 05:57 PM (4/95V)

242 >>>I bet Putin buys and provides his Secret Service with the best whores.<<<

Naturally. And if whores with weak bladders is your thing, he'll deliver like Dominos pizza.

Posted by: Fritz at March 17, 2017 05:57 PM (YAPkP)

243 Russian purchase typewriters:

It serves two purposes, harder to hack, and leaked documents can be tracked to specific machines.

Posted by: goodluckduck at March 17, 2017 05:57 PM (yqvys)

244 Starbucks Moscow has been busy lately.

More likely Starbucks DC....

Posted by: It's Me donna at March 17, 2017 05:50 PM (O2RFr)

ha ha silly Mellicans

Posted by: Starbucks Beijing at March 17, 2017 05:58 PM (HgMAr)

245 An oldie but a goodie: Lily Tomlin, phone rep

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at March 17, 2017 05:58 PM (1CroS)

246 My egg-shaped clamshell phone is impervious to attack.

Posted by: McMuffin at March 17, 2017 05:58 PM (Tyii7)

247 CS... nice to see a fellow fan of Turn. One of the very best shows on TV. Can't wait for the return.

Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at March 17, 2017 05:58 PM (CNHr1)

Photos of Cell Phone Towers Disguised as Fake Trees

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 17, 2017 05:58 PM (IqV8l)

249 Look I'm not advocating for human trafficking, I'm only stating the obvious that risking your life day in and day out for POTUS will make you want much sexy time on your time off. Why not allow it? Just pay them a 1000 bucks a day and put them on a private island.

I see where this could be viewed as a bad idea, but see how not doing this is a bad idea as well?

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at March 17, 2017 05:59 PM (2qHjF)

250 220 Dot dot dash dot
Dot dot dash
Dash dot dash dot
Dash dot dash

Dot dot dot dot
Dot dot
Dot dot dot
Posted by: Diogenes at March 17, 2017 05:53 PM (0tfLf)


Bad guys are shooting up the Orange Julius? We're on our way!

Posted by: Gekko45 at March 17, 2017 05:59 PM (kTF2Z)

251 I wonder how much of that is SmartVibrator Traffic?

Perhaps Paolo has finally released hi bot army?

Posted by: garrett at March 17, 2017 06:00 PM (4/95V)

252 Rimsky-Korsakov, Stravinsky. Gee whiz, who DIDN'T come from Russia?
Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 05:54 PM (lwiT4)

--I would rank the contributions of Russians to Western Civ high, above Spain, maybe up with the Dutch (and I consider science part of the core of Western Civ, hence Mendeleev). Russia gets docked points for affinity of despotism, but her literature is superior to any other except the British/Irish and possibly the French.

--and how could I leave out Rachmaninov, who had to live in exile after the commies took over?

Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 06:00 PM (3OqcZ)

253 So, we have 17 intelligence agencies and none of them knows who's doing this?

That why we need another super intelligence agency that gathers information from all of them, sorts it out and keeps it's eyes on he others. Like Homeland Security but even better.

Posted by: Ripley at March 17, 2017 06:00 PM (1BQGO)

254 It's legendary in its awfulness.

Posted by: garrett at March 17, 2017 05:57 PM (4/95V)

Ah...that wasn't a food thread. And that was consigned to the dustbin of history.

Fvck...I thought you maniacs would have forgotten that by now.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 06:01 PM (rF0hx)


FSB (KGB). which totally dorks up the Russian stooge scenario

Posted by: ThunderB at March 17, 2017 06:01 PM (KteRa)

256 Photos of Cell Phone Towers Disguised as Fake Trees

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 17, 2017 05:58 PM (IqV8l)

Lots of them around yet....Saw the oddest one in Florida, looked like a pine tree, crappy looking tree. I think it was on the west coast somewhere. It was a very high one..

Posted by: Colin at March 17, 2017 06:01 PM (DLV/d)

257 Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 17, 2017 05:41 PM (IqV8l)

Well not surprising that I am not original with that thought. I mostly figure I am pretty trackable myself but no one cares about my boring life and if I ever decide to do something interesting I'll take some care not to livestream it to TPTB

Posted by: PaleRider at March 17, 2017 06:01 PM (eASYU)

258 I can't type Dvorak here. I think he was Czech though, not Russian.

Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 06:01 PM (lwiT4)

259 >>(and I consider science part of the core of Western Civ, hence Mendeleev)

He discovered the gay gene in peas, right?

Posted by: garrett at March 17, 2017 06:01 PM (4/95V)

260 Trying to smoke me out?
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 05:55 PM (rF0hx)

Nah, I got bigger fish to fry.

Posted by: Donna tan faded but with &&&&&&& to burn and so there at March 17, 2017 06:02 PM (P8951)

261 @239 Genocide, slavery and homophobia are living in harmony with nature. That's exactly how Nature does business. Red in tooth and claw.

But you knew that.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 17, 2017 06:02 PM (H5rtT)

262 #31: Exactly. CIA was my first thought. Hard to believe that any foreign actor could do this without our own counterintelligence noticing.

Posted by: Lab Rat at March 17, 2017 06:02 PM (hAbrX)


They can't even find who did all the rest of the JCC threats, other than to say "overseas". And they are sending emails too. They can't track that?

I'm betting Pakistani call center

Posted by: ThunderB at March 17, 2017 06:02 PM (KteRa)

264 Using "surge" in a blog headline is kind of intimidating and sexist, don't ya' think?! That's almost as bad as the follow-on "suspicious" word. Duh, what era are you in here, like, anyhow? Those certainly must be on some banned-words list somewhere, no? I'll tell ya', it makes me want to shake my arms real hard and be fat!

Posted by: goon at March 17, 2017 06:03 PM (EaQ6/)

265 258 I can't type Dvorak here. I think he was Czech though, not Russian.
Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 06:01 PM (lwiT4)

Damn tootin'.

Posted by: Donna tan faded but with &&&&&&& to burn and so there at March 17, 2017 06:03 PM (P8951)

266 So, we have 17 intelligence agencies and none of them knows who's doing this?

Way too busy monitoring flyover country Lutheran insurgents.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at March 17, 2017 06:03 PM (Tyii7)

267 Why would the Secret Service have info on the Clinton email investigation? They aren't the agency investigating this. They aren't even part of the Justice Department.

Posted by: Mark1971 at March 17, 2017 06:03 PM (xPl2J)

268 Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 06:00 PM (3OqcZ)

I think Russia produced a lot of authors, artists and composers because they have a lot of angst there. Artsy-fartsy types thrive in angst.

Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 06:03 PM (lwiT4)

269 The JCC calls are always on a Monday. Sophisticated equipment. A call center. Got to be

Posted by: ThunderB at March 17, 2017 06:04 PM (KteRa)

270 >>Why would the Secret Service have info on the Clinton email investigation?

Her Depends were lined with Counterfeit $50 Dollar Bills.

Posted by: garrett at March 17, 2017 06:04 PM (4/95V)

271 "There's a line in Live Free or Die Hard where the hacker geek 'Warlock'
says, regarding his CB radio, 'Low tech is the new high tech.'"

Even all the way back to the original heyday of CB in the Seventies, "national technical means" extended to orbital sigint platforms which would voraciously snork up every last tiny analog signal they heard from a terrestrial source.

The problem back then was filtering and prioritization.

Deciding what to focus upon and keep as a recording, because the technology just wasn't there at the time to digitize and bulk-store every random casual conversation crossing the airwaves. Much less to index and search the contents of same.

That's not a problem any longer.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 17, 2017 06:04 PM (noWW6)

272 258 I can't type Dvorak here.

You need one of those Dvorak keyboards.

Posted by: Geronimo Stilton at March 17, 2017 06:04 PM (OVUYQ)

273 Way too busy monitoring flyover country Lutheran insurgents.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at March 17, 2017 06:03 PM (Tyii7)

Hey Bob from NASA - gonna be at Pier 290 tonight. Just giving you a heads up.

Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 06:05 PM (lwiT4)

274 --.-

Posted by: Under Fire at March 17, 2017 06:05 PM (fqERy)

275 Why would the Secret Service have info on the Clinton email investigation? They aren't the agency investigating this. They aren't even part of the Justice Department.
Posted by: Mark1971 at March 17, 2017

meh, the hodgepodge of info on her computer suggests she had low level stuff that was available elsewhere. getting Trump Tower floorplan info is not hard. hopefully the ss new she was not competent to be trusted with anything that could not be left in her car in her driveway overnight.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 17, 2017 06:05 PM (cPsPa)

276 @252 Sergei Rachmaninoff was a great American!
Kee-rist we could use more neurotic Russians like him!

EYE-gore Strawinsky, mebbe, not so much.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 17, 2017 06:05 PM (H5rtT)

277 You need one of those Dvorak keyboards.

Posted by: Geronimo Stilton at March 17, 2017 06:04 PM (OVUYQ)

They're all out. I Czeched.

Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 06:06 PM (lwiT4)

278 258 I can't type Dvorak here. I think he was Czech though, not Russian.
Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 06:01 PM (lwiT4)

--Yes, he was.

259 >>(and I consider science part of the core of Western Civ, hence Mendeleev)

He discovered the gay gene in peas, right?
Posted by: garrett at March 17, 2017 06:01 PM (4/95V)

--Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk.

Mendeleev --> Periodic Table, so pretty impressive.

Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 06:06 PM (3OqcZ)

279 Good one grammie

Posted by: ThunderB at March 17, 2017 06:06 PM (KteRa)

280 What did I do?

Posted by: Bob from NASA, setting up another ant-in-space experiment at March 17, 2017 06:06 PM (wpC7C)

281 A couple of thoughts. First, it probably was a national government that planted the bug/listening device, but why jump to the conclusion that it was a foreign government? It's only been eight weeks since the inauguration. Who among you thinks this thing has only been active for eight weeks? Vault 7, people, Vault 7.

But, hey, I'm 200% positive that Jeh Johnson, John Brennan, Valery Jarrett, and Barack Obama would never, ever, ever, spy on Americans? How crazy would that be?

As for the Secret Service agent who lost her laptop, riddle me this, Batman. The article does not say "has access to...". It says "containing floor plans for Trump Tower, details on the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server and other national security information..." I can understand a Secret Service Agent having floor plans to Trump Tower. Trump lived there, Melania still lives there, etc. But why would anyone in the Secret Service have details on the the
criminal use of Hillary Clinton's private email server? How is that an
issue for the Secret Service?

This woman does not seem to be high enough in the department to be overly concerned with Hillary's emails. She lives in Brooklyn. Fricking Brooklyn. And not the really nice part of Brooklyn, wherever that is. Apparently she lives in Bath Beach, Brooklyn, where Mr. Kotter and Tony Manero, of Saturday Night Fever, lived, according to Wikipedia. What am I missing here?

Posted by: Scott at March 17, 2017 06:06 PM (TUB4r)

282 "You need one of those Dvorak keyboards."

Beat to the punch.

Posted by: goodluckduck at March 17, 2017 06:07 PM (yqvys)

283 EYE-gore Strawinsky, mebbe, not so much.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 17, 2017 06:05 PM (H5rtT)

I like the Firebird Suite. I used to do interpretive dance to that. With scarves.

Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 06:07 PM (lwiT4)

284 >>--Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk.

Ah, yes. I always mix those two up.

Mostly because I don't love Science Sexually.

At least, not since Middle School.

Posted by: garrett at March 17, 2017 06:07 PM (4/95V)

285 Everytime our government gets hacked, an angel gets their wings.

Posted by: Abby at March 17, 2017 06:07 PM (HBU7W)

286 Weren't Hillarys offices in Brooklyn?

Maybe this SS person was assigned to Hillary.

Posted by: ThunderB at March 17, 2017 06:08 PM (KteRa)

287 Could have told you that. Verizon used to be known as Bell Atlantic, of all of the Bell operating companies, they were just about the worst. Hated having to deal with them.

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - No-Longer-Deplorable Source of all SMODs at March 17, 2017 05:53 PM (T1H5V)

I worked with their techs when I was still with AT&T. One notable night, we were migrating traffic to some new equipment, about two dozen T1's...which we'd spent laboriously busying out over the prior week, by jacking each channel as they went idle, (and yes, we could listen to all your phone conversations...we didn't though, they were boring).

Outgoing to Bell were all idled on the night in question, but we were still seeing traffic from Bell. When we announced our readiness to roll each T1 to it's new circuit, the associated incoming T1 from Bell, which was live at the time, went dark. They just simply pulled the plug on them...when pressed about this, we were told by their techs that since these were all long distance....their customers would just blame AT&T.

Posted by: Sticky Wicket at March 17, 2017 06:10 PM (bQLQX)

288 @250: "Bad guys are shooting up the Orange Julius?"

Do not take literally. Repeat: do not take literally.

Posted by: FaCubeItches at March 17, 2017 06:10 PM (rznWS)

289 Yup. Hillarys campaign headquarters were in Brooklyn.

Posted by: ThunderB at March 17, 2017 06:10 PM (KteRa)

290 "My husband says whenever a laptop gets stolen from someone in his
company, which has happened once in a while, it's just a brick because
of all the encryption on it."

We'll get in, but there's no rest for the wicked, right?

Posted by: The Finn at March 17, 2017 06:10 PM (noWW6)

291 I think Russia produced a lot of authors, artists and composers because they have a lot of angst there. Artsy-fartsy types thrive in angst.
Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 06:03 PM (lwiT4)

--True. Russian art is very fatalistic. They are like Old World Aztecs.

276 @252 Sergei Rachmaninoff was a great American!
Kee-rist we could use more neurotic Russians like him!

EYE-gore Strawinsky, mebbe, not so much.
Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 17, 2017 06:05 PM (H5rtT)

--Rachmaninov lived in exile in a Brooklyn apartment. Every day before setting to work on composing, he played "The Star Spangled Banner" in gratitude for his adopted country. Like Mozart, he was an excellent musician as well as composer.

Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 06:10 PM (3OqcZ)

292 Trump Tower floorplan info is not hard.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 17, 2017 06:05 PM (cPsPa)

The plans are probably public, and stored in the NYC zoning board office or the various engineering departments.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017 06:11 PM (rF0hx)

293 If it contained stuff on Hellary's e-mail it was an job to help out Hellary.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 17, 2017 06:11 PM (fDdVG)

My email is becoming unusable. Three out of four messages are phishing expeditions. is hitting me daily posing as Amazon. I mean wtf? The actual NYTimes doesn't give a shit? Or are they complicit in the ruse?

Im gonna have to mothball my main email addy pretty shortly.

Posted by: E Depluribus Unum at March 17, 2017 06:11 PM (ZFUt7)

--I would rank the contributions of Russians to Western Civ high, above Spain, maybe up with the Dutch (and I consider science part of the core of Western Civ, hence Mendeleev). Russia gets docked points for affinity of despotism, but her literature is superior to any other except the British/Irish and possibly the French

I think Americans under-value French literature, old and new. I'd put it on par with Russian.

Posted by: shibumi at March 17, 2017 06:11 PM (FkAXz)

296 The plans are probably public, and stored in the NYC zoning board office or the various engineering departments.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 17, 2017

yep, probably in the offices of every major brokerage too.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 17, 2017 06:12 PM (cPsPa)


Sometimes people "lose" their laptops when they don't want people to discover what you've done with it

Posted by: ThunderB at March 17, 2017 06:12 PM (KteRa)

298 I'd read a lot more Russian literature if they changed the names to Ed or Sue.

Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 06:12 PM (lwiT4)

299 Sticky Wicket.
Provisiong error.Yours.

Posted by: Zombie Bell Atlantic Slouch at March 17, 2017 06:13 PM (fqERy)

300 I like the Firebird Suite. I used to do interpretive dance to that. With scarves.

Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 06:07 PM (lwiT4)

I would have loved to see you do that, grammie. Plus I always lived the Firebird Suite...

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - No-Longer-Deplorable Source of all SMODs at March 17, 2017 06:13 PM (T1H5V)

301 We see that in the military. People "lose" their work laptop when you want to see what's on it

Posted by: ThunderB at March 17, 2017 06:13 PM (KteRa)

302 hahaha.

Trump tells Merkl they have something in common-- both were wiretapped by "the previous administration."

Posted by: shibumi at March 17, 2017 06:13 PM (FkAXz)

303 "loved", dammit...

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - No-Longer-Deplorable Source of all SMODs at March 17, 2017 06:13 PM (T1H5V)

304 284 >>--Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk.

Ah, yes. I always mix those two up.

Mostly because I don't love Science Sexually.

At least, not since Middle School.
Posted by: garrett at March 17, 2017 06:07 PM (4/95V)

--While reading one of the history books (uh, well, Kindle) I'm on, I came across the German word satisfaktionsfaehig, which means to be of suitably honorable standing to give or receive a challenge to a duel. Just another awesome German term to throw on the big heap.

Fuck loving science sexually --I fucking love history sexually.

Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 06:15 PM (3OqcZ)


Sort of like hitting work phones with hammers to prevent people from seeing what's on them

Like Hillarys staff did

Posted by: ThunderB at March 17, 2017 06:15 PM (KteRa)

306 People reason it's better to get dinged for losing or destroying equipment than going to jail

Posted by: ThunderB at March 17, 2017 06:16 PM (KteRa)

307 Getting the urge to get out my wire wrap tool and run some cross connects.....NAH

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 17, 2017 06:16 PM (IqV8l)

308 While reading one of the history books (uh, well, Kindle) I'm on, I came across the German word satisfaktionsfaehig,
which means to be of suitably honorable standing to give or receive a
challenge to a duel. Just another awesome German term to throw on the
big heap.

I love German. Whenever they don't have a term for something, they just smash a whole bunch of related words together and Presto! New word that says exactly what you want it to say.

Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 06:17 PM (lwiT4)

309 I'd read a lot more Russian literature if they changed the names to Ed or Sue.

There's this great Ang Lee film called "Eat Drink Man Woman." I think it takes place in Taiwan?

The first time I watched it, I was completely confused, since there's three (I think it was three) sisters that all looked alike to me.

Try French literature. The Plague by Camus is interesting, as is The Joke, from Milan Kundera (who is Czech, but lives in France.) No strange names and not quite as depressing as the Russians.

Posted by: shibumi at March 17, 2017 06:18 PM (FkAXz)

310 Couple of cute stories about Dvorak, who seems like a really sweet guy:

1. The first Sunday when he was in Iowa, he snuck into the organ loft and startled the poor congregation with unexpectedly mighty Compositional Thunder.

2. He had dinner with Brahms one time, which may have been their first face-to-face meeting. Brahms played him a draft of second symphony on the piano. They probably drank copiously. But poor Dvorak was amazed to find out that Brahms was a free thinker. He writes his wife to say: "What a great soul Brahms is. But HE BELIEVES IN NOTHING!"

Posted by: Geronimo Stilton at March 17, 2017 06:18 PM (OVUYQ)

311 I love German. Whenever they don't have a term for something, they just smash a whole bunch of related words together and Presto


What a great title.

Posted by: shibumi at March 17, 2017 06:19 PM (FkAXz)

312 Dvorak was in Iowa? Wow. I did not know that. I love this place.

Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 06:19 PM (lwiT4)

313 Rachmaninoff was a naturalized US citizen, then he died only a month later.

Posted by: navybrat at March 17, 2017 06:21 PM (w7KSn)

314 Provisiong error.Yours.

Posted by: Zombie Bell Atlantic Slouch at March 17, 2017 06:13 PM (fqERy)

Lets not even talk about provisioning. The circuits in Provisioning World existed in an alternate reality. Probably still do.

It was like a clown orchestra...AT&T, all the Bell's, the foreign carriers, and exchanges...each playing from a different sheet of music.

I'm still kind of amazed that it ever worked at all.

Posted by: Sticky Wicket at March 17, 2017 06:22 PM (bQLQX)

315 I think Americans under-value French literature, old and new. I'd put it on par with Russian.

Posted by: shibumi at March 17, 2017 06:11 PM (FkAXz)

--I myself confess to reading all too little of French lit. The most I've read is Chretien de Troyes (King Arthur).

I do like the '90s Les Miserables with Clare Danes though.

Oh, and this masterpiece:

Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 06:25 PM (3OqcZ)

I love German. Whenever they don't have a term
for something, they just smash a whole bunch of related words together
and Presto! New word that says exactly what you want it to say.
Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 06:17 PM (lwiT4)

You forget they also have nonsensical slang, often modified from regional dialects, that are now enshrined in the "standard" German. The argument is that it meant something. Once.

Posted by: Kindltot at March 17, 2017 06:27 PM (WQX/u)

317 Hilarious ! Top Men in Charge !

My 0.02 ? The intel community has greenlighted this activity as one more avenue toward the Main Objective; bringing down PDT.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, they are gaslighting us 24/7 at March 17, 2017 06:29 PM (9AVZA)

318 312 Dvorak was in Iowa? Wow. I did not know that. I love this place.
Posted by: grammie winger at March 17, 2017 06:19 PM (lwiT4)

--Supposedly his masterpiece New World Symphony was inspired by Indian themes. He would not have composed it had he not seen a lot of the USA.

Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 06:29 PM (3OqcZ)

319 SW
Used to design timing packs for D4 channel banks at Bell Labs and worked with analog and digital carrier for many years.

SNET was one of the worst telco's to work with.

Posted by: Under Fire at March 17, 2017 06:30 PM (fqERy)

320 Provisiong error.Yours.

Posted by: Zombie Bell Atlantic Slouch at March 17, 2017 06:13 PM (fqERy)

Lets not even talk about provisioning. The circuits in Provisioning World existed in an alternate reality. Probably still do.

It was like a clown orchestra...AT&T, all the Bell's, the foreign carriers, and exchanges...each playing from a different sheet of music.

I'm still kind of amazed that it ever worked at all.

Posted by: Sticky Wicket at March 17, 2017 06:22 PM (bQLQX)

ROFL! Now where have I heard this before???? And oh yes, you are so right, and I too wondered how it ever worked at all with all those separate, often badly run entities. One of the reasons my hair is as white as it is today is due to having to coordinate repair/MAC efforts between these various organizations. Retirement did not come soon enough....

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - No-Longer-Deplorable Source of all SMODs at March 17, 2017 06:33 PM (T1H5V)

321 Used to design timing packs for D4 channel banks at Bell Labs and worked with analog and digital carrier for many years.

SNET was one of the worst telco's to work with.

Posted by: Under Fire at March 17, 2017 06:30 PM (fqERy)

D4? Good God, how long ago was that? I could count on the fingers of one hand the number of time I ever saw D4 framing ever used in the past 35+ years.

And SNET? I thought I knew them all, but I never heard of that one. Were they ever under a different name?

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - No-Longer-Deplorable Source of all SMODs at March 17, 2017 06:38 PM (T1H5V)

322 Yep. 30 years ago. lol
All Special Services(DDS/SLC) D4 Banks
Southern New England Telephone(SNET). aka as dirty throwbacks.

Posted by: Under Fire at March 17, 2017 06:54 PM (fqERy)

323 Bring back the dials that go to eleven...

Posted by: Ama at March 17, 2017 06:56 PM (qvFj0)

324 60 I am all for a return to button mashing and knob twirling.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at March 17, 2017 05:14 PM (EnKk6)


I'm down for that, IYKWIMAITTYD


Posted by: browndog at March 17, 2017 07:12 PM (bGMOs)

325 Whatever happened to that female secret service agent that said she wouldn't take a bullet for Trump?

Top men!

Posted by: The Media Suxs at March 17, 2017 07:24 PM (2VDgx)

326 "So, Russia or China"-or Calorama?

Posted by: My baloney has a middle name at March 17, 2017 07:57 PM (0cUlH)

327 My money is on a local three letter agency. Any one of three.

Posted by: Mark Matis at March 17, 2017 08:35 PM (LzG0h)

328 Mark (327) That's my vote as well. NSA, FBI, CIA, or any of those still rogue.

Posted by: BamaBubba at March 17, 2017 09:20 PM (ZY4Uc)

329 ONT up

Posted by: logprof at March 17, 2017 09:54 PM (GsAUU)

330 24 we can start tapping walls,
two times means mebbe
once means tap again

Twice on the pipes if the answer is no

Posted by: Fox2! at March 18, 2017 04:48 PM (brIR5)

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