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Kamala Harris: I'll Scrap the Senate Filibuster to Write Pro-Abortion Extremism Into US Law

Wait, so she's saying the federal government does have the power to intrude into abortion policy?

So she must equally believe the US government can forbid or restrict abortion as well?

Her values haven't changed. Wink.

Vice President and Democratic nominee for president Kamala Harris told WPR's "Wisconsin Today" on Monday that she supports ending the filibuster to restore Roe v. Wade to protect abortion rights nationally.

"I think we should eliminate the filibuster for Roe," Harris said in an interview that aired Tuesday morning. "And get us to the point where 51 votes would be what we need to actually put back in law the protections for reproductive freedom and for the ability of every person and every woman to make decisions about their own body and not have their government tell them what to do."

In 2022 as vice president, Harris said she supported ending the filibuster to protect reproductive and voting rights. As a candidate for president in 2019 when she was a U.S. senator, she also said she would support ending the filibuster to pass environmental legislation known as the Green New Deal.

Joe Manchin has talked a good game about being a "centrist," but he's only now finally done something tangible to back that up.

He's not endorsing Kamala Harris. Baby steps, "Centrist."

"Shame on her," Manchin said in the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday. "She knows the filibuster is the Holy Grail of democracy. It's the only thing that keeps us talking and working together. If she gets rid of that, then this would be the House on steroids."

Manchin opposed previous efforts to eliminate the filibuster. Manchin said the filibuster should not be eliminated for specific issues either. He has declined to endorse Harris, a former California Democratic senator, due to her position on the matter.

"That ain't going to happen," he said, according to CNN. "I think that basically can destroy our country, and my country is more important to me than any one person or any one person's ideology. ... I think it's the most horrible thing."

Update: Sinema also condemned the vow to gut the filibuster.

Steve Cortes @CortesSteve 2h

Wow. Kamala Harris has now been condemned by two Democrat Senators for her radical pledge to gut the filibuster so she can ram through Marxist legislation that would destroy our country. [Manchin and Sinema]

Thanks to andycanuck.

Via John Sexton: She previously vowed to defend the filibuster, from alleged plans of the GOP to scrap it.

Her word means nothing. "Her values haven't changed." Wink.

Sexton adds:

Second, she's saying this in a local radio interview in Wisconsin, not in a national interview on television. This is a pathetic, cowardly way to campaign but let's face it, radio works for Harris because she can read the talking points put in front of her rather than trying to think on her feet, which often doesn't go well for her. More to the point, this is clearly a political play to highlight abortion as an issue in swing states.

Posted by: Ace at 04:55 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Hello

Posted by: WisRich at September 24, 2024 04:56 PM (Qgr0I)


Posted by: naturalfake at September 24, 2024 04:56 PM (eDfFs)

3 meep meep!

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 24, 2024 04:56 PM (W2Pud)

4 Of course she would

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at September 24, 2024 04:57 PM (N1DT3)

5 Steve Cortes @CortesSteve 2h
🚨Wow. Kamala Harris has now been condemned by two Democrat Senators for her radical pledge to gut the filibuster so she can ram through Marxist legislation that would destroy our country. [Manchin and Sinema]

Manu Raju @mkraju 3h
New — Joe Manchin, a staunch defender of the filibuster, tells us he WON’T endorse Kamala Harris now over her vow to gut the filibuster to codify Roe. [ace's quote here]

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 24, 2024 04:57 PM (CEzQx)

6 Reproductive and voting rights? Umm, Kamala, her's a hint: aborting babies tends to permanently remove the right to vote.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 04:57 PM (tT6L1)

7 Telling

Posted by: Ciampino - Apply for your awards here! at September 24, 2024 04:58 PM (qfLjt)

8 And if you want to know why we are so polarized, that's the reason right there.

Our federal government was purposely designed to do very limited things.

it was further limited to ensure that what they did had the support of a LARGE majority of the people. Not barely scraping by.

We abandoned both of those and now we're in a cold civil war.

We're ruled by the best and brightest, for sure.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at September 24, 2024 04:58 PM (N1DT3)

9 The wolves are salivating at the idea of voting to eat the sheep.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 04:58 PM (tT6L1)

10 #5 Cortes' link with screencaps:

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 24, 2024 04:59 PM (CEzQx)

11 Howdy!

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 24, 2024 04:59 PM (rbKZ6)

12 so, we are back to "my body , my choice," again?

you fuckers forced me to take a shot that YOU KNEW was not only dangerous, but DIDN'T EVEN WORK, or lose my job.

I didn't have jurisdiction over my body then, did I?

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 24, 2024 04:59 PM (W2Pud)

13 Moloch demands a lot from his acolytes and they are all perfectly willing to give.

Posted by: huerfano at September 24, 2024 04:59 PM (VGOMa)

14 The only issue Kamala owns is the right to kill babies. Yet no one sees why this is a problem.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:00 PM (tT6L1)

Social Norms.

Posted by: Frank Barone at September 24, 2024 05:00 PM (+oR7L)

16 Manchin “ might” actually believe what he’s saying here… that being said he’s still been a loyal Democrat apparatchik for his whole career… you are not rehabilitated in my eyes, Joe.

Posted by: tubal at September 24, 2024 05:00 PM (PCK5/)

17 We're ruled by the best and brightest, for sure.
Posted by: Formerly Virginian at September 24, 2024 04:58 PM (N1DT3)

I see no evidence of this.

Posted by: Just Lily at September 24, 2024 05:00 PM (4bYN+)

18 14 The only issue Kamala owns is the right to kill babies. Yet no one sees why this is a problem.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:00 PM (tT6L1)

She seems to think this is all she needs to run on.. Hope she's wrong

Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:00 PM (IyPmt)

19 I didn't have jurisdiction over my body then, did I?
Posted by: nurse ratched at September 24, 2024 04:59 PM (W2Pud)

we're but a small step from forced abortions, too.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:01 PM (tT6L1)

20 Cummala talking about abortion is NOT an indication she is campaigning from a position of strength.

It's about shoring up the base. This isn't 2022.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 24, 2024 05:01 PM (dGCAG)

21 I am absolutely convinced that if Trump doesn't win we will be in a very hot civil war by June.

Posted by: Megthered at September 24, 2024 05:01 PM (VihIQ)

22 Please, keep talking Kamala. Doing great

Posted by: A dude in MI at September 24, 2024 05:01 PM (/6GbT)

23 so, we are back to "my body , my choice," again?

you fuckers forced me to take a shot that YOU KNEW was not only dangerous, but DIDN'T EVEN WORK, or lose my job.

I didn't have jurisdiction over my body then, did I?
Posted by: nurse ratched at September 24, 2024 04:59 PM

Of course, have choice when that choice is the one we approve of.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 24, 2024 05:02 PM (kgE5c)

24 Now Pharisee French and the others [including pretend-Christian prolifers for staying at home or voting third party] can directly vote for the person who wants to make abortion a federal issue the way they want!!!

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 24, 2024 05:02 PM (CEzQx)

25 What a load of horseshit. Neither Manchin or Sinema will be in the Senate in 2025.

Posted by: Ben Had at September 24, 2024 05:02 PM (I1GXe)

Some political party is always harping about social norms, our democracy, and destroying our institutions. Yet they keep destroying social norms, our democracy and our institutions.

Posted by: Frank Barone at September 24, 2024 05:02 PM (+oR7L)

27 When will Lindsey Graham jump in and say the GOP is gonna ban abortion?

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at September 24, 2024 05:02 PM (3Ope8)

28 i updated, she previously vowed to defend the filibuster.

her values haven't changed. wink.

Posted by: ace at September 24, 2024 05:03 PM (KRtlO)

29 "the ability of every person and every woman to make decisions about their own body and not have their government tell them what to do."

Every person, in other words, "men", and every woman.

Did she just forget about Covid? I guess she's unburdened by the facts.

Posted by: fd at September 24, 2024 05:03 PM (vFG9F)

30 "We're ruled by the best and brightest, for sure."

Her professor at university put her IQ at about 78.
No kidding. He posted it on X.
If you need a link I think I bookmarked it.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at September 24, 2024 05:03 PM (MeG8a)

31 and not have their government tell them what to do."?!!?!!

That's all they f*cking do is tell me what to do!! What to eat, what to drive, what to think, take this shot or lose your job, on and on and on!! Gahhh!!!

Screw that dumb b*tch!

Posted by: hobbitopoly at September 24, 2024 05:03 PM (k9OZB)

32 When will Lindsey Graham jump in and say the GOP is gonna ban abortion?
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at September 24, 2024 05:02 PM

What time is it now?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 24, 2024 05:03 PM (kgE5c)

33 Joe Manchin is the kind of guy who eats creamed corn out of a dead hobo's asshole and comes back for seconds. Fuck him with West Virginia's official state tree. Sideways.

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn, But Retarded at September 24, 2024 05:04 PM (2+SeL)

34 Nice to have a former senator oppose the filibuster.

Posted by: TexasDan at September 24, 2024 05:04 PM (hcYg8)

35 Tell me that your entire ideology revolves around murdering babies without telling me your entire ideology revolves around murdering babies.

Posted by: Stu Podaso at September 24, 2024 05:04 PM (Gq7xr)

36 When will Lindsey Graham jump in and say the GOP is gonna ban abortion?
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at September 24, 2024 05:02 PM (3Ope

When his shift at the gloryhole is over.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at September 24, 2024 05:04 PM (4Med0)

37 "and for the ability of every person and every woman to make decisions about their own body and not have their government tell them what to do."

Let's talk about vaccines now, for a minute...

Posted by: Gunslinger at September 24, 2024 05:04 PM (R2gO3)

38 every damn time abortion is brought up, republicans should say, "abortion is no longer a ferderal issue, it is a state issue." and be done.

next question.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 24, 2024 05:04 PM (W2Pud)

This stinks of desperation. Her internal polling must be off the charts bad.

Next she'll promise to stack the Supreme Court and add Puerto Rico as a state.

Posted by: Frank Barone at September 24, 2024 05:04 PM (+oR7L)

40 Wife, son and I were driving down a street in a city we once lived in and she pointed to a building and said, "there used to be a butcher shop there."

Son and I looked over. Bold on the building was "Planned Parenthood."

I said, "apparently it's still there."

Son shifted uncomfortably and said, "yeah, I wasn't going to say that out loud."

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Telling War Stories at September 24, 2024 05:04 PM (Ad8y9)

41 Joe Manchin is the kind of guy who eats creamed corn out of a dead hobo's asshole and comes back for seconds. Fuck him with West Virginia's official state tree. Sideways.
Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn, But Retarded


Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at September 24, 2024 05:05 PM (4Med0)

42 So, collaterally, every person has a right to self mutilate themseves… at what age does “ personhood” start??

Posted by: tubal at September 24, 2024 05:05 PM (PCK5/)

43 > Her word means nothing. "Her values haven't changed." Wink.
I think that holds true for the entirety of Congress. Fuck 'em all to hell.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 24, 2024 05:05 PM (Q4IgG)

44 When will Lindsey Graham jump in and say the GOP is gonna ban abortion?
October 27th [it needs some lead-in time for the Dims to make hay of it; and get the fake-prolifers cheering it on] so not on e.g. November 1st.

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 24, 2024 05:05 PM (CEzQx)

45 39
This stinks of desperation. Her internal polling must be off the charts bad.

Next she'll promise to stack the Supreme Court and add Puerto Rico as a state.
Posted by: Frank Barone at September 24, 2024 05:04 PM (+oR7L)

I'm sure we have someone here who will tell us kamala is leading in all the polls

Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:05 PM (IyPmt)

If we've learned anything from that piece of shit Manchin, it's that he's adroit at advertising he's willingly pliable.

His song & dance goes like this:
1. Oppose his party!
2. Negotiate with his party. (quid pro quo payoff)
3. Change his mind.

Posted by: Soothsayer: at September 24, 2024 05:06 PM (A1wUB)

47 She really did prostitute herself for power

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 24, 2024 05:06 PM (9Ya/8)

48 Once the filibuster is gone for one thing, it's gone for everything.

Just sayin......

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at September 24, 2024 05:06 PM (QNSds)

49 I have a stupid question; If you don't have any values, how can something you don't have change?

Posted by: Xipe Totec at September 24, 2024 05:06 PM (pohLc)

50 "Her values haven't changed. Wink."

Lemme think...the totalitarians in history who voluntarily changed to a new style of leadership, a new way forward, with a move to a soft, gentle, non-rigged vote counting democratic or republican form of government, were...ummmm...ahhh...I give up.

Posted by: Gref at September 24, 2024 05:07 PM (aBgBM)

Is jamala really going to the border, this week?

I mean, the actual border, or just some remote border town that will be picturesque and peaceful??

Posted by: Soothsayer: at September 24, 2024 05:07 PM (A1wUB)

52 I have a stupid question; If you don't have any values, how can something you don't have change?
Posted by: Xipe Totec at September 24, 2024 05:06 PM (pohLc)
That is...Zen-like.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at September 24, 2024 05:07 PM (VdhcA)

53 Woot, I just got "Metropolis" in blu ray!

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:07 PM (tT6L1)

54 They think Abortion is their one winning issue, but Late Term Abortion (which is what they always mean) is a 80-20 Losing Issue.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 24, 2024 05:07 PM (Cus5s)

55 The abortion cannibalism is merely the snake oil to sell the feral cannibals and sexually repressed washing-machine rinse-cycle cat ladies of the Dumocrap party on getting rid of the filibuster. The party has much greater plans in mind.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 24, 2024 05:07 PM (hv80C)

56 They have to destroy democracy in order to save it.

Posted by: tubal at September 24, 2024 05:07 PM (PCK5/)

57 so, we are back to "my body , my choice," again?

you fuckers forced me to take a shot that YOU KNEW was not only dangerous, but DIDN'T EVEN WORK, or lose my job.

I didn't have jurisdiction over my body then, did I?
Posted by: nurse ratched

You chose not to starve to death, didn't you? Are we not merciful?

Posted by: Your Betters at September 24, 2024 05:07 PM (Gq7xr)

58 every damn time abortion is brought up, republicans should say, "abortion is no longer a ferderal issue, it is a state issue." and be done.

next question.
Posted by: nurse ratched at September 24, 2024 05:04 PM (W2Pud)
There's a tremendous push from the pro-abortion crowd to get any and all restrictions in the states overturned right now.

It may be even MORE critical to continue supporting individual state restrictions/bans than ever before.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 24, 2024 05:08 PM (7fElN)

We still haven't been subjected to the staged photo-op pics of jamala and "the troops," yet.

Posted by: Soothsayer: at September 24, 2024 05:08 PM (A1wUB)

60 Ghouls, celebrating death

Posted by: Zeera the ungoverened at September 24, 2024 05:08 PM (ZTqcL)

61 59
We still haven't been subjected to the staged photo-op pics of jamala and "the troops," yet.

Posted by: Soothsayer: at September 24, 2024 05:08 PM (A1wUB)

She is going to the border supposedly on Friday

Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:09 PM (IyPmt)

62 I have a stupid question; If you don't have any values, how can something you don't have change?
Posted by: Xipe Totec at September 24, 2024 05:06 PM (pohLc)
That is...Zen-like.
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at September 24, 2024 05:07 PM (VdhcA)
Remember BHO--Kamala's mentor--once said that sin was being out of alignment with his own values.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 24, 2024 05:09 PM (7fElN)

63 Posted by: nurse ratched at September 24, 2024 05:04 PM (W2Pud)

You could only expect that from a party believed in personal liberty and that was trying to win.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at September 24, 2024 05:09 PM (3Ope8)

64 "I'm sure we have someone here who will tell us kamala is leading in all the polls
Posted by: It's me donna "

In a 'provocative' new study, researchers found that three monkeys can predict that Kamala Harris will win the US presidential election simply by looking at photos of the candidates.

Posted by: Doomthayer at September 24, 2024 05:09 PM (vFG9F)

65 Moloch will punish his tools on earth if we do not provide a steady stream of sacrifices. - Dems

Dems are more Lovecraftian than most people are willing to believe.

Posted by: Sifty at September 24, 2024 05:09 PM (yMOrY)

66 the kind of guy who has a dingus with an apparatus that squirts warm cream corn.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 24, 2024 05:09 PM (2G4Dl)

67 The silly cunt actually thinks she can just decree law. That both chills my blood and turns my stomach.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at September 24, 2024 05:10 PM (jbnUc)

68 "The ability of every person and every woman to make decisions about their own body and not have their government tell them what to do."

Now do prescription opioid pain-killers.

Posted by: Ciampino - a challenge at September 24, 2024 05:10 PM (qfLjt)

69 They absolutely believe in their own personal liberty.

Posted by: tubal at September 24, 2024 05:10 PM (PCK5/)

70 69 They absolutely believe in their own personal liberty.
Posted by: tubal at September 24, 2024 05:10 PM (PCK5/)

Just not Ours

Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:10 PM (IyPmt)

71 The federal government can do what it wants as long as it pushes the country toward totalitarian marxism.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at September 24, 2024 05:10 PM (17s+e)

72 39 This stinks of desperation. Her internal polling must be off the charts bad.
Next she'll promise to stack the Supreme Court and add Puerto Rico as a state.

It'll be stimmy checks next.

Posted by: J. Frank Parnell at September 24, 2024 05:10 PM (eb5mD)

73 I mean, the actual border, or just some remote border town that will be picturesque and peaceful??

Posted by: Soothsayer

I know a spot with a fence that is a good place for crying.

Posted by: AOC at September 24, 2024 05:11 PM (Gq7xr)

74 48 Once the filibuster is gone for one thing, it's gone for everything.
Just sayin......
Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at September 24, 2024 05:06 PM (QNSds)

I thought I heard, here in fact, that the Senate can make it's individual sessions' rules each time they convene.

Can't they ever re-instate the filibuster? Was under the impression they could.

Posted by: Gunslinger at September 24, 2024 05:11 PM (R2gO3)

75 most voters fall into the middle on the abortion issue.

virtually no one wants to allow late term abortion.
not very many want a total ban within the first several weeks.

but, with the progressives, it's all or nothing. so, I vote for NOTHING

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 24, 2024 05:11 PM (W2Pud)

76 Values? Like finally visiting the border for just a photo op in a very "clean" section to say that she has been there? It's all an op and dangerously stupid at that. At least with a crack whore, you know what she wants and is willing to do for it upfront.

Posted by: Cheri at September 24, 2024 05:11 PM (oiNtH)

77 This stinks of desperation. Her internal polling must be off the charts bad.
Next she'll promise to stack the Supreme Court and add Puerto Rico as a state.

It'll be stimmy checks next.
Posted by: J. Frank Parnell at September 24, 2024 05:10 PM (eb5mD)


Posted by: Elric Blade at September 24, 2024 05:12 PM (hv80C)

78 Dems are more Lovecraftian than most people are willing to believe.

The Black Goat With A Thousand Nameless Young will all vote Dem.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 24, 2024 05:12 PM (2G4Dl)

79 In their eyes, we are Untermenschen, not worthy of consideration, only exploitation..

Posted by: tubal at September 24, 2024 05:12 PM (PCK5/)

80 A new poll out Tuesday showed a widening gap among young voters choosing between Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris and Republican former President Donald Trump.

Harris leads Trump by 31 points among people aged 18-29 who are likely to vote in the presidential election, according to the poll by Harvard University's Institute of Politics (IOP) at the Harvard Kennedy School.

Posted by: Doomthayer at September 24, 2024 05:12 PM (vFG9F)

81 I wonder how many abortions Harris has had, maybe none but I wonder

Posted by: Northernlurker , wondering where his phone is at September 24, 2024 05:12 PM (FfSAJ)

82 The silly cunt actually thinks she can just decree law. That both chills my blood and turns my stomach.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at September 24, 2024 05:10 PM

Both obama and biden thought the same way. That's how we got saddled with the stupid "dreamer" illegal crap and biden pushing student loan bailouts 15 different times. Is is what the left does and sometimes it actually works.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at September 24, 2024 05:13 PM (QNSds)

83 All that and professor Dyson likes Latin poon-tang.

Yeah baby

Posted by: Redenzo at September 24, 2024 05:13 PM (V/pbu)

Harris leads Trump by 31 points among people aged 18-29 who are likely to vote in the presidential election, according to the poll by Harvard University's Institute of Politics (IOP) at the Harvard Kennedy School.
Posted by: Doomthayer at September 24, 2024 05:12 PM (vFG9F)

And here's the doom and gloom poll

Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:13 PM (IyPmt)

Ten days ago I predicted jamala would say she's pro-deportation.

I was wrong.

But there's still time.

Posted by: Soothsayer: at September 24, 2024 05:13 PM (A1wUB)

86 I thought I heard, here in fact, that the Senate can make it's individual sessions' rules each time they convene.

Can't they ever re-instate the filibuster? Was under the impression they could.

Posted by: Gunslinger

I'm sure after the demofascists have repealed the filibuster and changed all the laws they want the republicans will put back the filibuster when they get in power so those laws stay changed.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at September 24, 2024 05:13 PM (17s+e)

87 "35 Tell me that your entire ideology revolves around murdering babies without telling me your entire ideology revolves around murdering babies.
Posted by: Stu Podaso at September 24, 2024 05:04 PM (Gq7xr)"

well, tbf, she also believes in murdering anyone else she, or any of her "friends" and allies, feels like murdering. equal opportunity!

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - they have been lying to us for decades at September 24, 2024 05:13 PM (UWgy2)

88 Why does everyone nod along when the phrase "reproductive rights" is mentioned? Killing the unborn is the opposite of "reproductive".

Posted by: Crusader at September 24, 2024 05:13 PM (TN0g+)

89 Kamala means business, people. The border is secure, and if some illegal dares to cross, Kamala will pull her piece and start blasting away.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at September 24, 2024 05:13 PM (pohLc)

90 I wonder if the polled group were all Harvard dorm residents??

Posted by: tubal at September 24, 2024 05:14 PM (PCK5/)

91 I don't think the Republican party has the marbles to effectively use a filibuster. That requires fighting opposition. They don't know how to do that? It's unseemly.

Posted by: Orson at September 24, 2024 05:14 PM (dIske)

92 But only if we win! The filibuster goes back in to force whenever we lose.

Posted by: Gargula Harris at September 24, 2024 05:14 PM (KfN19)

93 know a spot with a fence that is a good place for helping sheep over.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 24, 2024 05:14 PM (2G4Dl)

94 "...enables a future congress to..."

Under Queen Kamalalala there will be no future congress.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 24, 2024 05:15 PM (Mr3X0)

95 Someone has probably already said it:

Her internals must be horrible and this keeps her "economic " details on furlough even longer.

Plus, consumer feelings drop off the front page.

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at September 24, 2024 05:15 PM (JkCto)

96 Once the filibuster is gone for one thing, it's gone for everything.
Just sayin......
Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at September 24, 2024 05:06 PM (QNSds)

I thought I heard, here in fact, that the Senate can make it's individual sessions' rules each time they convene.

Can't they ever re-instate the filibuster? Was under the impression they could.

Posted by: Gunslinger at September 24, 2024 05:11 PM

They can change the rules whenever they want to, but as mitch mcconnell famously said to harry may regret changing the rules sooner than you think.

But once the filibuster has been nerfed, it's pretty much done.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at September 24, 2024 05:15 PM (QNSds)

97 Ace, this is Harris trying to show she is the strong horse. She is trying to hold onto her current partisans and attract people who are living in a broken economy with no way out, and no hope for anything better.
Never learned anything, wages are falling behind the cost of rent and food, and illegals are depressing wages, shooting up neighborhoods and running down school kids.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 24, 2024 05:15 PM (D7oie)

98 I wonder how many abortions Harris has had, maybe none but I wonder

Posted by: Northernlurker , wondering where his phone is at September 24, 2024 05:12 PM (FfSAJ)

More than none.

Posted by: Washington Nearsider at September 24, 2024 05:15 PM (FAbrK)

99 They won't stop. They're not going to stop.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 24, 2024 05:15 PM (SfhV1)

100 "A pen and a phone" my ass--we have a Constitution. I'm sick to death of them believing the presidential decrees and illegal regulatory rules can circumvent the protections decreed in the Constitution.

Posted by: Crusader at September 24, 2024 05:15 PM (TN0g+)

101 Sheep lie.

Posted by: Sifty at September 24, 2024 05:15 PM (TLf/c)

102 Why wouldn't the SCOTUS just declare Empress Kamala's law unconstitutional? ....After it takes three years to be heard.

Posted by: JM in Ill -- Behold the Manchurian Candidate at September 24, 2024 05:15 PM (LKMHk)

103 42 days.

Posted by: tubal at September 24, 2024 05:16 PM (PCK5/)

104 Reid is dead, isn't he?

Posted by: Kindltot at September 24, 2024 05:16 PM (D7oie)

105 you know, abortion wouldn't be so much of an issue if young women didn't act like sex crazed cats in heat.

perhaps used birth control

or had a little respect for themselves.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 24, 2024 05:16 PM (W2Pud)

106 Why does everyone nod along when the phrase "reproductive rights" is mentioned?

Call and response is a form of interaction between a speaker and an audience in which the speaker's statements ("calls") are punctuated by responses from the listeners.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 24, 2024 05:17 PM (2G4Dl)

107 Kumala going to the border, where? In Texas where crossings are down to handfuls because of Abbott and razor wire? Mostly razor wire but hey its working.

Posted by: Ben Had at September 24, 2024 05:17 PM (I1GXe)

108 In the UK there is a band called "Foetal Juice"

Posted by: Ciampino - does it get gigs? at September 24, 2024 05:17 PM (qfLjt)

What do you all make of Wall Street? DJIA @ 42K.

And yet, all the economic news and metrics are Bad & Weak.

September consumer confidence falls the most in three years:

The Conference Board’s consumer confidence index slid to 98.7, down from 105.6 in August, the biggest one-month decline since August 2021. Respondents’ concerns focused mostly on jobs and inflation.

Posted by: Soothsayer: at September 24, 2024 05:18 PM (A1wUB)

110 sex crazed cats in heat.

Used to date her.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 24, 2024 05:18 PM (2G4Dl)

111 The left has no virtues except power. Kamala included.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 24, 2024 05:18 PM (oZhjI)

112 Old and busted: House on Booze.
New hotness: House on Steroids.

Posted by: Filesystem /gp Mounted at September 24, 2024 05:18 PM (wU1J3)

Cue Kamala's Power of the Pen speeches from the past.

Posted by: Frank Barone at September 24, 2024 05:18 PM (+oR7L)

114 I mean... did anyone think that once the marxists took control of elections that the filibuster was going to be a ting?

Posted by: Inogame at September 24, 2024 05:18 PM (53oGX)

115 "A pen and a phone" my ass--we have a Constitution. I'm sick to death of them believing the presidential decrees and illegal regulatory rules can circumvent the protections decreed in the Constitution.
Posted by: Crusader at September 24, 2024 05:15 PM (TN0g+)

Hope and Change!

Posted by: Kindltot at September 24, 2024 05:18 PM (D7oie)

116 We are winning.
Polls are queered.
Compare to Biden/ Hilary polls at this point in time you must add 3to 5 points for Trump

Posted by: Redenzo at September 24, 2024 05:19 PM (V/pbu)

117 Nurse Ratched bringing the Troof today.

Hat tip and whatnot. Love your show.

Posted by: Sifty at September 24, 2024 05:19 PM (TLf/c)

118 The left uses language to hide their true intentions. Mainly because they know if their constituents ever confronted the brute reality of the Democrat party they'd lose a lot of their constituency.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:19 PM (tT6L1)

119 you know, abortion wouldn't be so much of an issue if young women didn't act like sex crazed cats in heat.

The biggest group in favor of abortion I see are post-menopausal white women.

And if you get into it with them it has NOTHING to do with "choice" and everything to do with "those" people having too many kids.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 24, 2024 05:19 PM (oZhjI)

120 this is Harris trying to show she is the strong horse. Stump broke too!

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 24, 2024 05:19 PM (2G4Dl)

121 Harris lied? Shocked, shocked I say

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 24, 2024 05:19 PM (O8bOp)

122 Abortion is the only issue she has any support on from the general electorate, and even then it's flimsy as most don't want abortion up to birth.

But the Dems plan is smart politically. They force a law that nationalizes abortion, then when the GOP has the chance to repeal it, they demonize and use their media partners to pressure the usually feckless senators into caving.

Posted by: Shenanigans at September 24, 2024 05:20 PM (wGun1)

123 Reid is dead, isn't he?
Posted by: Kindltot at September 24, 2024 05:16 PM

More sort of sleeping...and the fucker snores.

Posted by: Cthulhu at September 24, 2024 05:20 PM (kgE5c)

124 Which Metropolis?

Fritz Lange's? Osamu Tezuka's anime movie? Or a bootleg of the new movie?

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 24, 2024 05:20 PM (9Ya/8)

125 Anyone remember when literally Hitler tried to get some of Obama's EO's overturned and was told he couldn't do that? Meanwhile, Joe completely dismantled everything PDT put in place within days of assume residency.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:20 PM (tT6L1)

126 Fritz Lange's? Osamu Tezuka's anime movie? Or a bootleg of the new movie?
Posted by: Anna Puma at September 24, 2024 05:20 PM (9Ya/


Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:21 PM (tT6L1)

127 "Who cares about the filibuster when you've got a pen and a phone?"

-- DogEater in a Dress

Posted by: ShainS -- Assassination is The Ultimate Form of Censorship at September 24, 2024 05:21 PM (pwy2g)

128 38 every damn time abortion is brought up, republicans should say, "abortion is no longer a ferderal issue, it is a state issue." and be done.

next question.
Posted by: nurse ratched at September 24, 2024 05:04 PM (W2Pud)

Absolutely correct. Thank you nurse ratched.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at September 24, 2024 05:21 PM (N39Ws)

129 Saw a funny Border Patrol recruiting ad, most likely on PlutoTV (since that's the one I watch most). it was mostly happy men and women in uniform with aerial shots of the US/Canada border; nice and pristine, bucolic even.

they must be desperate to fill uniforms.

Now do El Paso, Brownsville, Laredo, San Diego.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Telling War Stories at September 24, 2024 05:21 PM (Ad8y9)

Re: Visa

Why Now??

For example: At Costco, they only accept Cash, Debit, or Visa.

Visa has been doing this for decades.

Posted by: Soothsayer: at September 24, 2024 05:22 PM (A1wUB)

131 Also, drop the filibuster to pack SCOTUS. And eliminate private health insurance (Medicare for all). And stop all disinformation. And ban all semi-automatic weapons. And, and, and...

It's great to be a Queen, rule by diktat.

Posted by: JM in Ill -- Behold the Manchurian Candidate at September 24, 2024 05:22 PM (LKMHk)

132 Blake, I remember it all too well.

Posted by: Ben Had at September 24, 2024 05:22 PM (I1GXe)

133 Harris leads Trump by 31 points among people aged 18-29 who are likely to vote in the presidential election, according to the poll by Harvard University's Institute of Politics (IOP) at the Harvard Kennedy School.
Posted by: Doomthayer at September 24, 2024 05:12 PM (vFG9F)

And here's the doom and gloom poll
Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:13 PM (IyPmt)

Of course Kamala has the brainless twit vote wrapped up!

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:22 PM (tT6L1)

134 125 Anyone remember when literally Hitler tried to get some of Obama's EO's overturned and was told he couldn't do that? Meanwhile, Joe completely dismantled everything PDT put in place within days of assume residency.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:20 PM (tT6L1)

Wait till he does it again. And fires every US Attorney as POTUS is able to do. Not to mention the other housecleaning that is so desperately needed.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at September 24, 2024 05:22 PM (N39Ws)

135 "So she must equally believe the US government can forbid or restrict abortion as well?"

And restrict speech...
And restrict firearms...
And restrict Search and Seizure...

Posted by: Diogenes at September 24, 2024 05:23 PM (W/lyH)

136 We are seeing the Democrats Destroying the Heart Machine.

And Kamala makes a piss-poor Maria. But she definitely is the Whore of Babylon.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 24, 2024 05:23 PM (9Ya/8)

137 Anyone remember when literally Hitler tried to get some of Obama's EO's overturned and was told he couldn't do that? Meanwhile, Joe completely dismantled everything PDT put in place within days of assume residency.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:20 PM

It's (D)ifferent when we do it.

Posted by: Your Democrat Overlords at September 24, 2024 05:23 PM (kgE5c)

138 I wonder if Kamala is as flexible in bed as she is about her beliefs.

Willie, what say you?

Posted by: Seems Legit at September 24, 2024 05:23 PM (JeYYB)

139 Bilifuster. Fibbiduster.

Posted by: Filesystem /gp Mounted at September 24, 2024 05:23 PM (wU1J3)

Of course Kamala has the brainless twit vote wrapped up!
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:22 PM (tT6L1)

I have 2 21 year old grandsons and a 19 year old granddaughter all voting Trump

Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:24 PM (IyPmt)

Nothing makes sense.

Consumer Confidence way let's buy more Apple stock!

Posted by: Soothsayer: at September 24, 2024 05:24 PM (A1wUB)

142 Of course Kamala has the brainless twit vote wrapped up!
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:22 PM

Well, the poll did come out of Camelot High, where politicians go to learn how to lose elections.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 24, 2024 05:25 PM (kgE5c)

143 I have 2 21 year old grandsons and a 19 year old granddaughter all voting Trump
Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:24 PM (IyPmt)

Then, by definition, they are not brainless twits.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:25 PM (tT6L1)

144 It's great to be a Queen, rule by diktat.
Posted by: JM in Ill -- Behold the Manchurian Candidate at September 24, 2024 05:22 PM (LKMHk)

since she is the Czar of so many things from the border to EV recharging, it would actually be "rule by Ukase"

Posted by: Kindltot at September 24, 2024 05:25 PM (D7oie)

145 Brainless twit status is not age dependant… lots of oldsters fall into that category.

Posted by: tubal at September 24, 2024 05:25 PM (PCK5/)

146 Willowed:
How many people did Covid actually kill? I know of one of my friends, who was 90 years old and in poor health, and two others who got very sick. However I also know two healthy teenage girls (athletes) who died of congestive heart failure within two weeks of getting the vaccine.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at September 24, 2024 05:25 PM (Da7Vv)

147 Abortion because you are too stupid to keep your legs closed or go get free contraception from any number of places. Kiss my ass. I'm for making it a package deal.

Posted by: Ben Had at September 24, 2024 05:26 PM (I1GXe)

148 >>> 119 you know, abortion wouldn't be so much of an issue if young women didn't act like sex crazed cats in heat.

The biggest group in favor of abortion I see are post-menopausal white women.

And if you get into it with them it has NOTHING to do with "choice" and everything to do with "those" people having too many kids.
Posted by: 18-1 at September 24, 2024 05:19 PM (oZhjI)

*tee hee*

Posted by: Margaret Sanger at September 24, 2024 05:26 PM (FnneF)

Then, by definition, they are not brainless twits.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:25 PM (tT6L1)

Correct.... I'm not so sure Kamala has the youth vote like she thinks

Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:26 PM (IyPmt)

150 Ugh, I'm so annoyed the Caroline Ellison bint from FTX only got sentenced to two years.

I don't care how cooperative she was to help Sam bankman-fried get convicted. She was a nerd queen bee at the top of the hive who got off on her position and her power. She completely knew what she was doing.

They act like she was so brave to rat on him. Nope, just saving her own skin.

Minimum security prison starting in November.

Posted by: LizLem at September 24, 2024 05:26 PM (IUABH)

I have 2 21 year old grandsons and a 19 year old granddaughter all voting Trump
Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:24 PM (IyPmt)

Heh, that reminds me. I see a young attractive lass and think, "Hmm, I wonder if I can arrange for her to meet my grandson?"

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:26 PM (tT6L1)

152 She has the Karen vote locked up. In the basement.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 24, 2024 05:27 PM (9Ya/8)

153 109
What do you all make of Wall Street? DJIA @ 42K.

And yet, all the economic news and metrics are Bad & Weak.dictator.


A lot of it is froth.. Gold is up almost 40% from a year ago. So today's dollar buys about 30% less gold.

Posted by: JM in Ill -- Behold the Manchurian Candidate at September 24, 2024 05:27 PM (LKMHk)

154 152 She has the Karen vote locked up. In the basement.
Posted by: Anna Puma at September 24, 2024 05:27 PM (9Ya/

With their cats

Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:27 PM (IyPmt)

155 77


Posted by: Elric Blade at September 24, 2024 05:12 PM (hv80C)
Madonna can help! She offered before now.

Posted by: Ciampino - does it give gas? at September 24, 2024 05:28 PM (qfLjt)

156 The biggest group in favor of abortion I see are post-menopausal white women.

And if you get into it with them it has NOTHING to do with "choice" and everything to do with "those" people having too many kids.
Posted by: 18-1 at September 24, 2024 05:19 PM (oZhjI)

The proper response to these women is "When did you have your abortion?"

Shuts their piehole. Because that's what it is all about. If we demonize abortion, they have to face that they murdered their babies.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 24, 2024 05:28 PM (+YRf1)

157 Diktat?

Shee-it. Ain't no way imma gone get a diktat. Dat woud hurt.

Posted by: Cedrick on Black Twitter at September 24, 2024 05:28 PM (Y1sOo)

158 Sam Bankman-fried… had not thought of him for a while. His girlfriend looked like a startled rodent…

Posted by: tubal at September 24, 2024 05:28 PM (PCK5/)

159 Blowjobs

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 24, 2024 05:12 PM (hv80C)
Madonna can help! She offered before now.
Posted by: Ciampino - does it give gas? at September 24, 2024 05:28 PM (qf

One would have to be awfully desperate

Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:28 PM (IyPmt)

160 >>> 154 152 She has the Karen vote locked up. In the basement.
Posted by: Anna Puma at September 24, 2024 05:27 PM (9Ya/

With their cats
Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:27 PM (IyPmt)


Posted by: cats in Karens' basements at September 24, 2024 05:28 PM (FnneF)

161 She has the Karen vote locked up. In the basement.
Posted by: Anna Puma at September 24, 2024 05:27 PM (9Ya/

With their cats
Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:27 PM


Help us!!!!

Posted by: The Cats at September 24, 2024 05:28 PM (kgE5c)

162 With their cats
Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:27 PM (IyPmt)

Which all of a sudden they have to be afraid that they will be eaten.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 24, 2024 05:29 PM (D7oie)

163 and the horde mind strikes again.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:29 PM (tT6L1)

164 Shuts their piehole. Because that's what it is all about. If we demonize abortion, they have to face that they murdered their babies.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 24, 2024 05:28 PM (+YRf1)

Exactly this.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 24, 2024 05:29 PM (SfhV1)

165 146 Willowed:
How many people did Covid actually kill? I know of one of my friends, who was 90 years old and in poor health, and two others who got very sick. However I also know two healthy teenage girls (athletes) who died of congestive heart failure within two weeks of getting the vaccine.
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at September 24, 2024 05:25 PM (Da7Vv)

Killed my father. Brought on his cancer, that had been in remission for something like 25 years.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 24, 2024 05:29 PM (+YRf1)

166 Reminder about Harvard, the majority of students there are now actual POC retards.

They had to start doing remedial Harvard. The best or one of the best* Universities in the US.

*Not for a long time.

Posted by: Seems Legit at September 24, 2024 05:30 PM (JeYYB)

167 >>> Heh, that reminds me. I see a young attractive lass and think, "Hmm, I wonder if I can arrange for her to meet my grandson?"
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:26 PM (tT6L1)

Hah, cute. I think someone was trying to make a social dating app just for MAGA, I don't know if it ever happened. You'd screen out a lot of poor choices that way, honestly. Less crazy eyes.

Posted by: LizLem at September 24, 2024 05:30 PM (IUABH)

168 I saw a man on the street video, at a university in FL. Almost everyone was voting Trump. Except for those two young women that were voting Kamala because "she might need to get an abortion sometime". If she can't figure out to use contraceptives, she probably is wasting her time at college.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at September 24, 2024 05:30 PM (MpVUb)

I am absolutely convinced that if Trump doesn't win we will be in a very hot civil war by June.

Posted by: Megthered at September 24, 2024 05:01 PM

I am absolutely convinced that if the left succeeds in assassinating Trump that none of the most recognizable figures on the left will ever be able to freely walk the streets of this country again.

Some people on the left 'get this'. Some do not. The ones who do not 'get this' better wise up quickly and tone it the hell down. There is no indication lately that they intend to wise up.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 24, 2024 05:31 PM (RKVpM)

170 A US Navy Oiler - USNS Big HOrn -attached to the Abraham Lincoln Carrier Group - ran aground and is flooding. This is causing serious concerns about fuel shortages for the carrier group.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at September 24, 2024 05:31 PM (N39Ws)

171 The Filibuster has nothing to do with Democracy... it has to do with us being a Republic.... where a simple majority cannot over ride the rights of the minority.

But our Repub 'Leaders', don't want to even step into that argument... because THEIR rhetoric, for years, has been lying to the electorate about the basis of Government in this country.

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 24, 2024 05:32 PM (xaFKb)

172 Comments went from 171 to 170… I think.

Posted by: tubal at September 24, 2024 05:32 PM (PCK5/)

173 So, diversity in our Navy has been a good thing.

Posted by: Seems Legit at September 24, 2024 05:33 PM (JeYYB)

174 Sam Bankman-fried… had not thought of him for a while. His girlfriend looked like a startled rodent…

Posted by: tubal at September 24, 2024 05:28 PM (PCK5/)


She and Beta O'Rourke could make baby flurries.

Posted by: ShainS -- Assassination is The Ultimate Form of Censorship at September 24, 2024 05:33 PM (KBq/S)

175 The fact that an imbecile like kamala could even be on the ticket is a testament to the stupid, demented, immoral and sick dreck that is the Democrat party. They are the party of dung eating filth, and anyone who supports them are bereft of morals, conscience, self respect, intelligence, or self awareness.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at September 24, 2024 05:33 PM (pohLc)

176 Yeah tubal I saw I too. Something about Kamala and failure theater since abortion laws wouldn't pass.

The timelines are swapping!

Posted by: LizLem at September 24, 2024 05:33 PM (IUABH)

177 Bye-bye troll

Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:34 PM (IyPmt)

178 Hah, cute. I think someone was trying to make a social dating app just for MAGA, I don't know if it ever happened. You'd screen out a lot of poor choices that way, honestly. Less crazy eyes.
Posted by: LizLem at September 24, 2024 05:30 PM

HordeHarmony....for discerning conservatives.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 24, 2024 05:34 PM (kgE5c)

179 Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at September 24, 2024 05:25 PM (Da7Vv)

Killed my father. Brought on his cancer, that had been in remission for something like 25 years.
Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 24, 2024 05:29 PM (+YRf1)

Mom was a breast cancer survivor... all tests clean... two shots later, turbo cancer... Killed her.

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 24, 2024 05:34 PM (xaFKb)

180 I am absolutely convinced that if Trump doesn't win we will be in a very hot civil war by June.

Posted by: Megthered at September 24, 2024 05:01 PM or lose, if that happens, one upside is we won't have to pay any taxes.

Posted by: Diogenes at September 24, 2024 05:34 PM (W/lyH)

181 *baby FURRIES, damn auto-cucumber!

Posted by: ShainS -- Assassination is The Ultimate Form of Censorship at September 24, 2024 05:34 PM (KBq/S)

182 Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at September 24, 2024 05:31 PM (N39Ws)

Our Navy is rapidly transforming itself into the Soviet navy circa 1980-ish

Posted by: one hour sober at September 24, 2024 05:35 PM (Y1sOo)

183 The Filibuster has nothing to do with Democracy... it has to do with us being a Republic.... where a simple majority cannot over ride the rights of the minority.

One of the weaknesses of democracy is that 51% can vote to remove the rights of the other 49%. And then pretend their decision was a moral one.

You could see this with the clot shot. What branch of government has the right to mandate the clot shot? Answer: None. It doesn't matter if Biden actually had won the election. It doesn't matter if he hadn't promised he would not mandate the clot shot. Neither he, the courts, or the Congress have the right to mandate such.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 24, 2024 05:35 PM (oZhjI)

184 178 Hah, cute. I think someone was trying to make a social dating app just for MAGA, I don't know if it ever happened. You'd screen out a lot of poor choices that way, honestly. Less crazy eyes.
Posted by: LizLem at September 24, 2024 05:30 PM

HordeHarmony....for discerning conservatives.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 24, 2024 05:34 PM (kgE5c)

MDGA... Make Dating great Again?

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 24, 2024 05:35 PM (xaFKb)

Harris leads Trump by 31 points among people aged 18-29 who are likely to vote in the presidential election

I hope they enjoy being drafted.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 24, 2024 05:35 PM (63Dwl)

186 175 The fact that an imbecile like kamala could even be on the ticket is a testament to the stupid, demented, immoral and sick dreck that is the Democrat party. They are the party of dung eating filth, and anyone who supports them are bereft of morals, conscience, self respect, intelligence, or self awareness.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at September 24, 2024 05:33 PM (pohLc)


You know, I have to 100% agree with everything you said.

How in the actual F8ck is this obvious whorish fool their candidate.

Posted by: Seems Legit at September 24, 2024 05:35 PM (JeYYB)

187 #177 I'm not sure it was a troll, but I don't spend as much time here as some. The original #171 was possibly accurate, but I can see how it was problematic as well.

Posted by: Crusader at September 24, 2024 05:36 PM (TN0g+)

188 How come, if men are the big stupids that only think with their dick, it's women's need to bang every Tom, Dick and Harry that shows up at the ballot box?

Women can't "keep it out of their pants" and so they have to vote to kill babies?

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 24, 2024 05:36 PM (BWPTx)

189 You could see this with the clot shot. What branch of government has the right to mandate the clot shot? Answer: None. It doesn't matter if Biden actually had won the election. It doesn't matter if he hadn't promised he would not mandate the clot shot. Neither he, the courts, or the Congress have the right to mandate such.
Posted by: 18-1 at September 24, 2024 05:35 PM (oZhjI)

When the Supremes flat out refused to even HEAR any cases about the loss of Constitutional Rights, saying they would not even question the authority of even MAYORS to take away your rights...

Guess what... you have none.

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 24, 2024 05:36 PM (xaFKb)

190 Wouldn't overturning the SCOTUS ruling require a Constitutional amendment, not an Act of Congress. Unless your intent is to undermine SCOTUS and create a Constitutional crisis.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 24, 2024 05:36 PM (nFx0I)

191 187 #177 I'm not sure it was a troll, but I don't spend as much time here as some. The original #171 was possibly accurate, but I can see how it was problematic as well.
Posted by: Crusader at September 24, 2024 05:36 PM (TN0g+)

I think it's the one who always has the bad polls.. news something

Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:37 PM (IyPmt)

192 How in the actual F8ck is this obvious whorish fool their candidate.
Posted by: Seems Legit at September 24, 2024 05:35 PM

Because she's an easily controlled whorish fool who'll keep the gravy train flowing for their side, right up until the empire falls.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 24, 2024 05:37 PM (kgE5c)

193 18-29, the group with lowest voter turn out. Ok!

Posted by: Ben Had at September 24, 2024 05:37 PM (I1GXe)


Burn the Heretic!
Kill the Mutant!
Purge the Xenos!

Posted by: Cleric Bob at September 24, 2024 05:38 PM (7aWnP)

195 179 Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at September 24, 2024 05:25 PM (Da7Vv)

Killed my father. Brought on his cancer, that had been in remission for something like 25 years.
Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 24, 2024 05:29 PM (+YRf1)

Mom was a breast cancer survivor... all tests clean... two shots later, turbo cancer... Killed her.
Posted by: Romeo13 at September 24, 2024 05:34 PM (xaFKb)

I have been wondering if that is what brought on the breast cancer my daughter is suffering from. 27yo.

The severe degradation of quality of care, isolation and negligence in hospitals and nursing homes due to COVID lockdowns is what killed my mother and almost by disabled baby sister. The anger I have in me towards Fauchi and others burns like a 1000 suns.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at September 24, 2024 05:38 PM (N39Ws)

Moloch demands tribute.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 24, 2024 05:38 PM (fS9Q1)

197 Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 24, 2024 05:38 PM (nFx0I)

198 #189 Mayors and county nurses suddenly being power-heavy with decision making made be fully embrace the notion that a democrat cannot be trusted to be dog-catcher, much less any position of greater power.

Posted by: Crusader at September 24, 2024 05:38 PM (TN0g+)

199 Willie Brown repeatedly filled and busted in dat mouf. So I can see why this would be a sensitive issue for the whore.

Posted by: Troglodyte at September 24, 2024 05:38 PM (2+SeL)

200 I raised two boys mostly by myself in seattle.

they are both voting Trump. as is my daughter in law.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 24, 2024 05:39 PM (W2Pud)

201 What a stupid time to be alive.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 24, 2024 05:39 PM (PDf99)

202 You smell that? It smells like desperation and someone shit their pants? Maybe both.

Still think the polls are moving in Harris’ favor Democrats?

Posted by: Vengeance at September 24, 2024 05:39 PM (mMqP+)

203 Willowed:
How many people did Covid actually kill?

I am pretty convinced that three people in my congregation died because of Covid shots and boosters.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 24, 2024 05:39 PM (dTTBf)

204 Kamala Harris' economic plan explained... and it's a doozy.

This is about as bad as it gets. I don't mean as a policy perspective; I mean as a campaign response. It's so tragic that it's funny which mimics perfectly the Harris-Walz campaign.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at September 24, 2024 05:40 PM (aXxgO)

205 Wouldn't overturning the SCOTUS ruling require a Constitutional amendment, not an Act of Congress. Unless your intent is to undermine SCOTUS and create a Constitutional crisis.
Posted by: Ignoramus

I think we're talking about a different standard for legislation. They can do just about anything under the commerce clause.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at September 24, 2024 05:40 PM (Dm8we)

206 The Dems internal polls must look worse than tissue paper in a hailstorm.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at September 24, 2024 05:40 PM (Da7Vv)

207 What a brave and bold woman, hiding on radio? All
Women and girls should look to her as a role model!! She’s got vibe!!

Posted by: Vengeance at September 24, 2024 05:41 PM (mMqP+)

208 200 I raised two boys mostly by myself in seattle.

they are both voting Trump. as is my daughter in law.
Posted by: nurse ratched at September 24, 2024 05:39 PM (W2Pud)

And it sounds like you did a fabulous job. You should be proud - of them and yourself.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at September 24, 2024 05:41 PM (N39Ws)

209 202 You smell that? It smells like desperation and someone shit their pants? Maybe both.

Still think the polls are moving in Harris’ favor Democrats?
Posted by: Vengeance at September 24, 2024 05:39 PM (mMqP+)

I did that!

Posted by: Joe Biden at September 24, 2024 05:41 PM (/6GbT)

210 Willowed:
How many people did Covid actually kill?

Our own dear Oregon Muse died of covid, didn't he?

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 24, 2024 05:41 PM (SfhV1)

211 173 So, diversity in our Navy has been a good thing.
Posted by: Seems Legit at September 24, 2024 05:33 PM (JeYYB)

Diver City? Where they do scuba training?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 24, 2024 05:41 PM (x0n13)

212 Our own dear Oregon Muse died of covid, didn't he?
Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 24, 2024 05:41 PM (SfhV1)

Yes He is missed

Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:41 PM (IyPmt)

213 I am absolutely convinced that if Trump doesn't win we will be in a very hot civil war by June.
Posted by: Megthered

No. You'll see dozens of 'armed groups' operated by the alphabets rise up, suckers get arrested one by one, and conservatives become game for the state. If they can turn off your comms, take your bank accounts and evict you, there'll be no hot anything. It'll be a cool slide into a fascist superstate.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at September 24, 2024 05:42 PM (IG4Id)

214 #213 And not one Republican congressman will do one damn thing about it.

Posted by: Crusader at September 24, 2024 05:43 PM (TN0g+)

215 I think that Trump wins, they cry foul, take it all to court, public nasty legal fight, riots in the street nationwide, thrown to Supreme Court, they rule against Trump…

Posted by: tubal at September 24, 2024 05:43 PM (PCK5/)

216 212 Our own dear Oregon Muse died of covid, didn't he?
Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 24, 2024 05:41 PM (SfhV1)

Yes He is missed
Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:41 PM (IyPmt)


Btw, as a commenters will: if I die suddenly and you all find out, I want a busty blonde/redhead/brunette thread with tons of shit posts.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 24, 2024 05:43 PM (PDf99)

217 And not one Republican congressman will do one damn thing about it.
Posted by: Crusader at September 24, 2024 05:43 PM

Why should we? We're getting wealthy off this, suckers.

Posted by: The GOPE at September 24, 2024 05:44 PM (kgE5c)

218 Diver City? Where they do scuba training?
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 24, 2024 05:41 PM (x0n13)

They dive at five.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at September 24, 2024 05:44 PM (4Med0)

219 It’s a gimmick and bait for the mouth breathing part of the electorate. You can’t write into federal law things that are unconstitutional. If they read the decision, people would actually get it. Her entire campaign is deflection and distraction. Democrats are after one thing, power, and they don’t care of this bag of dirty socks wins. She just their figurehead.

Posted by: Vengeance at September 24, 2024 05:44 PM (mMqP+)

At Costco, they only accept Cash, Debit, or Visa.

But they accepted my Master Card Credit card to renew my membership.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 24, 2024 05:45 PM (63Dwl)

221 216

Btw, as a commenters will: if I die suddenly and you all find out, I want a busty blonde/redhead/brunette thread with tons of shit posts.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 24, 2024 05:43 PM (PDf99)

Now THAT we can do… it is our strength..

Posted by: tubal at September 24, 2024 05:45 PM (PCK5/)

I drill down into the cross tabs at Rasmussen and while the youth vote is 'problematic' in regards to females, most males in that category are Trump. Pretty much a wash.

So there is some hope for the country. Not much hope for females in the 18-29 category for much of a future unless it involves cats and an absence of Haitian neighbors.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 24, 2024 05:45 PM (RKVpM)

223 This stinks of desperation. Her internal polling must be off the charts bad.

Next she'll promise to stack the Supreme Court and add Puerto Rico as a state.
Posted by: Frank Barone at September 24, 2024 05:04 PM (+oR7L)

I'm sure we have someone here who will tell us kamala is leading in all the polls
Remember Biden's last gasp to save himself and rally the base was the plan--forgotten before the ink was dry--to pack the Supreme Court?
IIRC, that was also to "protect women's health care and baby murdering"

Anyway, as to polls. Some stupid outfit says Trump is only up 1 in ... FL.
What's amazing they looked at that and said, "yeah, that has to be right: Publish!"

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 24, 2024 05:45 PM (BWPTx)

224 There was a poll of young voters on X showed number 1 priority for young men was the economy (border 2nd), for young women it was abortion by far.

Young women are willing to let the country collapse as long as they can abort without having to drive out of state if they forget to get the abortion early enough per the voters in their state..

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 24, 2024 05:45 PM (fS9Q1)

225 You know, I have to 100% agree with everything you said.

How in the actual F8ck is this obvious whorish fool their candidate.
Posted by: Seems Legit

Because Biden said he'd pick a woman of color for his running mate. Unless he lost this election, she was always going to be the candidate.

If he was still in and won, there would be no primary for her in 2028. She'd be the nominee.

It's Joe's fault.

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at September 24, 2024 05:46 PM (JkCto)

226 Sounds like a lot of diseased 18-29 year olds out there…

Posted by: tubal at September 24, 2024 05:47 PM (PCK5/)

227 "Nothing makes sense."

This is the only hypothesis that makes sense.

Posted by: Filesystem /gp Mounted at September 24, 2024 05:47 PM (wU1J3)

228 Why do they say "let a woman make decisions about her own body" when the decision is about someone else's body being cut to pieces or chemically burned?

Posted by: Emmie at September 24, 2024 05:48 PM (Sf2cq)

229 227 "Nothing makes sense."

This is the only hypothesis that makes sense.
Posted by: Filesystem /gp Mounted at September 24, 2024 05:47 PM (wU1J3)

How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 24, 2024 05:48 PM (PDf99)

230 Even with 40% locked in if Harris/Walz wins it will be because of a steal. Blacks, Hispanics and independents are breaking to Trump/Vance because they realize what a train wreck the Dems actually are. Every day there is a new Kamala mess revealed and people are saying "no way"

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 24, 2024 05:48 PM (O8bOp)

231 Trump up by 1 in FL ?I think they forgot the 0

Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:48 PM (IyPmt)

232 Bribe'em was told the kumtwat was going to be his running mate.

Posted by: Ben Had at September 24, 2024 05:48 PM (I1GXe)

233 "Nothing makes sense."

This is the only hypothesis that makes sense.
Posted by: Filesystem /gp Mounted at September 24, 2024 05:47 PM

But...that means that the hypothesis is....

You know what? Fuck it.

*reaches for drink*

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 24, 2024 05:49 PM (kgE5c)

234 Oran Routh has been charged with two counts related to the receipt and possession of child pornography, following a federal investigation into his activities. The charges against Oran are unrelated to his father's alleged plot to kill Trump.


I missed out on this thread earlier today so here is my opinion, in case others have not pointed it out yet.

Since Routh is in Florida custody this is a message to him not to spill the beans how he was funded and by whom, not only for the attempted assassination but his other activities.

Posted by: Decaf at September 24, 2024 05:49 PM (unUNN)

235 It's me donna, yep.

Posted by: Ben Had at September 24, 2024 05:49 PM (I1GXe)

236 60 Ghouls, celebrating death
Posted by: Zeera the ungoverened at September 24, 2024 05:08 PM (ZTqcL)

Reminds me with Halloween next month, a costume shop in New Jersey called "Fun Ghouls."

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 24, 2024 05:49 PM (x0n13)

237 Meanwhile, at Drudge: big ol' white tadpole fixin' t'swaller Tennessee!

Posted by: Filesystem /gp Mounted at September 24, 2024 05:50 PM (wU1J3)

238 216 212 Our own dear Oregon Muse died of covid, didn't he?
Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 24, 2024 05:41 PM (SfhV1)

Yes He is missed
Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:41 PM (IyPmt)


Btw, as a commenters will: if I die suddenly and you all find out, I want a busty blonde/redhead/brunette thread with tons of shit posts.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 24, 2024 05:43 PM (PDf99)

We'll send someone over to get to your computer and wipe your browser history as well.

What are friends for, after all?

Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 24, 2024 05:50 PM (8FZgH)

239 228 Why do they say "let a woman make decisions about her own body" when the decision is about someone else's body being cut to pieces or chemically burned?
Posted by: Emmie at September 24, 2024 05:48 PM (Sf2cq)

It's the Ayn Rand conundrum. They want absolute liberty in this very narrow and small thing and they have been propagandized and evangelized on it to a point where they would accept any other tyranny (or all of them) in order to just have this one thing.

They're idiots- but so are we all.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 24, 2024 05:50 PM (PDf99)

240 Why do they say "let a woman make decisions about her own body" when the decision is about someone else's body being cut to pieces or chemically burned?
Posted by: Emmie at September 24, 2024 05:48 PM

This is why they spent decades of sophistry trying to deny that the unborn are individual humans.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 24, 2024 05:50 PM (kgE5c)

241 Stupid Whore's latest came straight from Obama. If you recall, after Biden was installed and the Dems had full control, Obama demanded the Senate end the filibuster.

I don't think Obama is anything more than the Lawn Jockey of the Ruling Class, mind you, so they want this done.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at September 24, 2024 05:50 PM (KSNKu)

242 "How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"

Not often enough, brother. Tell it!

Posted by: Filesystem /gp Mounted at September 24, 2024 05:50 PM (wU1J3)

243 *hand RMBS a drnk* Cheers.

Posted by: Ben Had at September 24, 2024 05:51 PM (I1GXe)

244 Trump up by 1 in FL ?I think they forgot the 0
Posted by: It's me donna at September 24, 2024 05:48 PM (IyPmt)


Yep, gaslighting is in full swing and the steal preparations are well under way. Trump would have to get +15 to win a state.

Posted by: Decaf at September 24, 2024 05:52 PM (unUNN)

245 150

Minimum security prison starting in November.

Posted by: LizLem at September 24, 2024 05:26 PM (IUABH)
How does that work? For us mere mortals, at sentencing, we would get marched straight to prison.

Posted by: Ciampino - Why isn't it sentenSe? at September 24, 2024 05:52 PM (qfLjt)

246 *hand RMBS a drnk* Cheers.
Posted by: Ben Had at September 24, 2024 05:51 PM

Cheers, Ben Had!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 24, 2024 05:52 PM (kgE5c)

247 190 Wouldn't overturning the SCOTUS ruling require a Constitutional amendment, not an Act of Congress. Unless your intent is to undermine SCOTUS and create a Constitutional crisis.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 24, 2024 05:36 PM (nFx0I)

The Dems don't care about details like those. They intend to win votes now by promising to put Roe into Federal Law. When they can't get it thru Congress they'll blame Republicans and campaign against them on the Roe law in 2026 and 2028. If the Dems somehow got a Roe law passed and signed into law, when SCOTUS rules it unconstitutional the Dems will continue to de-legitimize SCOTUS and pledge pack it.

Abortion will be a key Democrat campaign tool as long as the Party exists. They'll always find ways to create a political wedge with it.

Posted by: Gref at September 24, 2024 05:52 PM (aBgBM)

248 Every day there is a new Kamala mess revealed and people are saying "no way"
Posted by: Smell the Glove

Come here Kanela. Look at this. Did you do this? Why did you do this?

Posted by: Braenyard at September 24, 2024 05:53 PM (Mr3X0)

249 I feel like so much of the abortion heat would be deflated if Trump just promised to not sign a federal abortion ban if President.

If we're going to say the states should decide, that's a classic conservative federalism argument to just say you wouldnt create a new federal law now that states decide.

Posted by: Blago at September 24, 2024 05:54 PM (wMRY8)

250 How does that work? For us mere mortals, at sentencing, we would get marched straight to prison.
Posted by: Ciampino - Why isn't it sentenSe? at September 24, 2024 05:52 PM (qfLjt)

It is a matter of how much aid to Ukraine their "bank" laundered for the Democrat machine. It is a consideration, similar to getting those antenna toppers at the UnoCal station for a tank fillup.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 24, 2024 05:55 PM (D7oie)

251 146 Willowed:
How many people did Covid actually kill? I know of one of my friends, who was 90 years old and in poor health, and two others who got very sick. However I also know two healthy teenage girls (athletes) who died of congestive heart failure within two weeks of getting the vaccine.
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at September 24, 2024 05:25 PM (Da7Vv)

The people I know who died were in a hospital receiving Remdesivir.

Posted by: Emmie at September 24, 2024 05:55 PM (Sf2cq)

I suppose a lot of 18-29 year old women are too illiterate to read the 'informed consent' literature supplied with 'Plan B' and realize they can chemically kill the infant in their wombs all by themselves and especially shut the fvck up about it and leave the rest of us out of it. It's on your conscience, not mine, thank you very much.

But no, they have to rally for a damn invasive procedure that most likely will preclude them ever having children.

Cats they can have, children? Probably not. Choice. That's how it works.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 24, 2024 05:55 PM (RKVpM)

253 249 Women will still hate his living guts, even with the abortion issue set aside. It's a visceral thing, below/behind conscious reasoning.

Posted by: Filesystem /gp Mounted at September 24, 2024 05:56 PM (wU1J3)

254 Next I’ll be stuffin the muffin for votes.

Posted by: KamalasTalking Cooter at September 24, 2024 05:56 PM (DFbpm)

255 I read the word salad statements from the pastor who was justifying having her two abortions.

I don't care if her branch of Christianity believes in things different than I do, interprets them differently. I care that Satan is actually using her to twist actual pro-life scripture to paint it as actually pro-choice.

I know the devil can do this, twist holy text, and deceives us and beguiles us daily. But that a spiritual leader freely does this, deludes herself and therefore a whole flock, is beyond the pale.

Can someone sue her for wearing a pink planned parenthood robe when she preaches? Is that a violation of the rules about politics in church?

Posted by: LizLem at September 24, 2024 05:56 PM (FSJOo)

256 " I feel like so much of the abortion heat would be deflated if Trump just promised to not sign a federal abortion ban if President."

How many times does he have to say it? I think he did about 5 times in the debate.

Posted by: Doomthayer at September 24, 2024 05:56 PM (uH1zk)

257 Speaking of the DogEater, one of history's greatest ironies was that electing the first "black" POTUS actually destroyed race relations in the USA.

Of course, only because -- as was known -- he was an American-hating Marxist.

Had it been a conservative OTOH ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Assassination is The Ultimate Form of Censorship at September 24, 2024 05:57 PM (W35BD)

258 The people I know who died were in a hospital receiving Remdesivir.
Posted by: Emmie at September 24, 2024 05:55 PM (Sf2cq)
Yup. And a ventilator. And utter isolation from loved ones.

Have I mentioned I have some rage?

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Telling War Stories at September 24, 2024 05:57 PM (Ad8y9)

259 The people I know who died were in a hospital receiving Remdesivir.
Posted by: Emmie at September 24, 2024 05:55 PM


Or as the nurses called it "Run, death is near"

Posted by: Bigsmith at September 24, 2024 05:57 PM (1Au9i)

260 249 I feel like so much of the abortion heat would be deflated if Trump just promised to not sign a federal abortion ban if President.

Pretty sure you can ignore whatever Trump actually says and instead point to his real Project 2025 goals that will destroy the country and by the way don't read what's in it just trust what the Dems and the media (birm) say what's in there.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 24, 2024 05:58 PM (fS9Q1)

The foundation of the modern democrat party is built on the bodies of babies.

The foundation of the past democrat party was built on slavery.

Both are evil. Both have won elections.

We need Trump, but we deserve Kamala.

Posted by: Frank Barone at September 24, 2024 05:58 PM (+oR7L)

262 "one of history's greatest ironies"

It was one of America's greatest tragedies.

Posted by: Filesystem /gp Mounted at September 24, 2024 05:58 PM (wU1J3)

"Fun Ghouls."
Posted by: J.J. Sefton

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 24, 2024 05:58 PM (63Dwl)

264 I can’t get an abortion up until birth because the majority of people in my state don’t want it. So I think I’ll work against the majority for my personal beliefs, instead of moving to a state like NY where it’s legal to have a no excuses abortion and there is no penalty up until and after birth.

Posted by: KamalasTalking Cooter at September 24, 2024 05:58 PM (DFbpm)

265 I know we're all preaching to the choir (us) here, but that's what slays me about people who want to pretend this election is about mere "differences of opinion". Instead one side believes in we are and should remain a Constitutional Republic and the other side doesn't. Thats a HUGE difference to consider, but its played even within our towns and cities as merely "2 different ways of thinking".

Posted by: Crusader at September 24, 2024 05:59 PM (TN0g+)

266 249 I feel like so much of the abortion heat would be deflated if Trump just promised to not sign a federal abortion ban if President.

If we're going to say the states should decide, that's a classic conservative federalism argument to just say you wouldnt create a new federal law now that states decide.

Posted by: Blago at September 24, 2024 05:54 PM (wMRY

Trump doing what you suggest wouldn't lower the abotion issue temperature a bit. The abortion cult wants a Federal Guarantee of getting an abortion at any time during a pregnancy, no questions asked. And paid-for by FedGov or the States, or anyone but the woman getting the abortion. That part will come along if the Left ever gets close to getting a Roe Law passed and signed by POTUS. Because why not demand everything in one shot?

Posted by: Gref at September 24, 2024 05:59 PM (aBgBM)

267 146 Willowed:
How many people did Covid actually kill? I know of one of my friends, who was 90 years old and in poor health, and two others who got very sick. However I also know two healthy teenage girls (athletes) who died of congestive heart failure within two weeks of getting the vaccine.
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at September 24, 2024 05:25 PM (Da7Vv)

Tom Woods talked with Kevin McCarthy on his new book, discussing the deaths from neglect and malpractice during Covid.

the first 10-15 minutes is a discussion Ken McCarthy's career advising businesses, and the last part is about covid deaths. Ventilation, neglect, and remdesevir has a lot to do with the death count, especially in places like NY state

Ep. 2543 What the Nurses Saw, with Ken McCarthy

Posted by: Kindltot at September 24, 2024 06:00 PM (D7oie)

Red Kammie: "Let the sluices flow with aborted children's blood! Let me bathe in it!"

Red Kammie's followers: "Oh, hells to the yes!"

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 24, 2024 06:01 PM (xG4kz)

269 Have I mentioned I have some rage?
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Telling War Stories at September 24, 2024 05:57 PM (Ad8y9)

find a use for it, it is a limited resource.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 24, 2024 06:02 PM (D7oie)

270 268 That's vivid.

Posted by: Filesystem /gp Mounted at September 24, 2024 06:02 PM (wU1J3)

"Red Kammie, what will bring you joy?"

"Sluices filled with aborted children's blood across the length and breadth of this land!"

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 24, 2024 06:02 PM (xG4kz)

272 >>> I feel like so much of the abortion heat would be deflated if Trump just promised to not sign a federal abortion ban if President.

He's said he wouldn't sign one. What does he have to do, have Nancy pelosi write up a contract and he actually signs it?

He's also said project 2025 is not his agenda, and they won't believe him in that either.

These are the talking points they are using to scare young women into voting Kamala. The dems will never give them up, no matter what he does or says.

Posted by: LizLem at September 24, 2024 06:03 PM (nXY03)

273 I can't remember the name of the.lady that was suing NY for her father's death from covid treatment.

Posted by: Ben Had at September 24, 2024 06:03 PM (I1GXe)

274 170 A US Navy Oiler - USNS Big HOrn -attached to the Abraham Lincoln Carrier Group - ran aground and is flooding. This is causing serious concerns about fuel shortages for the carrier group.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at September 24, 2024 05:31 PM (N39Ws)
I saw that earlier and asked myself whether the officers were women not talking to each other.

Posted by: Ciampino - catty? petty? officer? at September 24, 2024 06:03 PM (qfLjt)

275 All the women will hear is Muh Abortions!

Posted by: AlaBAMA at September 24, 2024 06:03 PM (Ud7de)

276 Trump has made it extremely clear that abortion is a states rights issues and that it is settled. But don’t let that get in the way of your argument, along with the fact that Democrat funded organizations are working in almost every red state to change their laws against the will of the people.

Posted by: KamalasTalking Cooter at September 24, 2024 06:03 PM (DFbpm)

277 Trump doing what you suggest wouldn't lower the abotion issue temperature a bit. The abortion cult wants a Federal Guarantee of getting an abortion at any time during a pregnancy, no questions asked. And paid-for by FedGov or the States, or anyone but the woman getting the abortion. That part will come along if the Left ever gets close to getting a Roe Law passed and signed by POTUS. Because why not demand everything in one shot?
Posted by: Gref

I imagine if they got everything they wanted, like good little leftists they'd push for more. Like demanding that since large families are making the planet boil then a law for abortions on anyone with more than 2 kids.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 24, 2024 06:04 PM (fS9Q1)

278 258
Have I mentioned I have some rage?
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Telling War Stories at September 24, 2024 05:57 PM (Ad8y9)

When Faucci sheds his mortal coil, the line to piss on his grave starts behind me.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at September 24, 2024 06:04 PM (N39Ws)

279 raises a glass to LizLem, you are spot on.

Posted by: Ben Had at September 24, 2024 06:05 PM (I1GXe)

280 253 249 Women will still hate his living guts, even with the abortion issue set aside. It's a visceral thing, below/behind conscious reasoning.
Posted by: Filesystem /gp Mounted at September 24, 2024 05:56 PM (wU1J3)

Wild thing is, he hasn't done 99% of the shit they try to paint his character as being.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at September 24, 2024 06:06 PM (Ud7de)

281 Harris leads Trump by 31 points among people aged 18-29 who are likely to vote in the presidential election, according to the poll by Harvard University's Institute of Politics (IOP) at the Harvard Kennedy School.
Posted by: Doomthayer at September 24, 2024 05:12 PM (vFG9F)
Not even the Crazy +5 Harris polls are saying that. They are getting desperate.

Posted by: Black JEM at September 24, 2024 06:06 PM (GZYu7)

282 nood

Posted by: Filesystem /gp Mounted at September 24, 2024 06:06 PM (wU1J3)

283 256 " I feel like so much of the abortion heat would be deflated if Trump just promised to not sign a federal abortion ban if President."

How many times does he have to say it? I think he did about 5 times in the debate.
Posted by: Doomthayer at September 24, 2024 05:56 PM

I agree 100% with you.He’s said it over and over again that the issue now rests with the states and any federal law would violate the Dobbs decision.

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 24, 2024 06:06 PM (rbKZ6)

284 >> I feel like so much of the abortion heat would be deflated if Trump just promised to not sign a federal abortion ban if President.

He has. Numerous times.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 24, 2024 06:06 PM (LkLld)

285 Did anyone tell Kammie Pi the story about the two wolves and one sheep, voting on what's for dinner ?

Kmaala Hararis stars in: The Legend of the Searchlight Strangler, Harry Reid

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at September 24, 2024 06:07 PM (NtVYv)

286 The typos are not mine. AI could probably do a better job:

"Without sufficient tanker capacity, even the most advanced naval capabilities—including nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, which still rely on aviation fuel—will be rendered ineffective.

This problem became significantly more accute with the closing of the Navy’s massive Pacific fuel depot – Red Hill – after poor maintence resulted in fuel leaking into the local water supply, poisoning thousands including children, in Hawaii."

Oh no. Not the children. What about the kittens?

Posted by: fd at September 24, 2024 06:08 PM (uH1zk)

287 a law for abortions on anyone with more than 2 kids

a law for forced abortions on anyone with more than 2 kids

(That's crazy talk! - China)

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 24, 2024 06:08 PM (fS9Q1)

288 Our Country is Screwed: "When Faucci sheds his mortal coil, the line to piss on his grave starts behind me."

For what he did, he should have no grave, no earthly resting place. Not even to pi** on.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at September 24, 2024 06:09 PM (aXxgO)

289 nood Ukes

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 24, 2024 06:10 PM (CEzQx)

Red Kammie and Timpon are moral and intellectual cowards.

Come pedal your bilge filth before audiences who are not pre-selected drones to gauge how "in tune" you are with the voting public.

Filthy lying cowardly vomitus masses, the both of you.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 24, 2024 06:11 PM (xG4kz)

291 KamalasTalking Cooter is right on par with Maxine Waters' Hair.


Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at September 24, 2024 06:14 PM (3Ope8)

292 Trump has made it extremely clear that abortion is a states rights issues and that it is settled. But don’t let that get in the way of your argument, along with the fact that Democrat funded organizations are working in almost every red state to change their laws against the will of the people.

Posted by: KamalasTalking Cooter at September 24, 2024 06:03 PM (DFbpm)
Red States will just look at the SCOTUS ruling and tell the feds to fuck off. It's over. In red states where money has moved in to try and overturn state law - they will have to go back once it is reversed back. They don't have that much money.

Posted by: Black JEM at September 24, 2024 06:14 PM (GZYu7)

293 125
'Anyone remember when literally Hitler tried to get some of Obama's EO's overturned and was told he couldn't do that?'

That's an argument for ignoring the rulings of said judges. Once established that a president can overturn another president's EO, it become true that any future president can do likewise.
Any contrary ruling is unconstitutional. Null and void.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at September 24, 2024 06:18 PM (3wi/L)

294 19...we're but a small step from forced abortions, too.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 24, 2024 05:01 PM (tT6L1)

And euthanasia for the elderly and 'undesirables."

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at September 24, 2024 06:28 PM (Rbu5d)

295 213 214

Let's all suck our thumbs and piss our pants together.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at September 24, 2024 06:31 PM (3wi/L)

Folks are now asking, "Just what cases did Red Kammie" argue in court herself when she was an ADA, the San Francisco DA and the California AG? Any?"

I told you that she was seldom, if ever, in court and arguing cases before a jury or a judge. She's too much the verbal stumblebum to have put herself in such situations.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 24, 2024 06:32 PM (xG4kz)

297 80...Harris leads Trump by 31 points among people aged 18-29 who are likely to vote in the presidential election, according to the poll by Harvard University's Institute of Politics (IOP) at the Harvard Kennedy School.
Posted by: Doomthayer at September 24, 2024 05:12 PM (vFG9F)

They polled Harvard undergrads.

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at September 24, 2024 06:33 PM (Rbu5d)

298 100005...or had a little respect for themselves.
Posted by: nurse ratched at September 24, 2024 05:16 PM (W2Pud)

I have to go to a family baby shower next month. Two sisters.
One is married, having a little boy.
the other is unmarried, have twin boys.

I kills me.

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at September 24, 2024 06:54 PM (Rbu5d)

299 She's not being entirely dishonest on the filibuster. She just wants to eliminate for abortion. All the other stuff they have ~60 votes for, she's fine with keeping it for that stuff. Like she didn't learn anything from the last 4 years.

Posted by: GWB at September 24, 2024 06:59 PM (qGDil)

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