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Iran Hacked Trump Campaign Emails and Then Offered Them to the Democrat Party to Exploit

Remember, the Media-Democrat Party and the FBI insist that this means Iran is attempting to harm both parties.

They don't want to admit a terrorist state supports the Democrats -- not after eight years of demaguoging about Russia -- so the official straight-shooter word from the FBI is that Iran is attempting to harm Both Sides equally.

Another filthy lie.

The FBI and other intelligence agencies revealed Wednesday that Iran attempted to share information stolen during its hack on the Trump campaign with the Biden campaign and continues to send material to various media outlets.

"Iranian malicious cyber actors in late June and early July sent unsolicited emails to individuals then associated with President Biden's campaign that contained an excerpt taken from stolen, non-public material from former President Trump's campaign as text in the emails," the agency wrote in a joint statement alongside the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

"There is currently no information indicating those recipients replied."

In other words: Democrats took the emails.

Remember when they screamed about a FusionGPS operative tricking Trump into seeing her by claiming she might have information about Hillary?

RUSSIA COLLUSION, they claimed.

Now they're taking hacked emails from the intelligence services of the terror state of Iran, and it's all okey-dokey.

The Harris campaign condemned the sharing of Trump campaign data but said what appeared to be phishing emails sent by Iran to staffs' personal emails were ignored.



Despite assurances from the intelligence community that no one from the Biden-Harris team responded to the emails, the Trump campaign raised the specter that their rivals may have used the information.

"This is further proof the Iranians are actively interfering in the election to help Kamala Harris and Joe Biden because they know President Trump will restore his tough sanctions and stand against their reign of terror. Kamala and Biden must come clean on whether they used the hacked material given to them by the Iranians to hurt President Trump. What did they know and when did they know it?," Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said in a statement.

That battle also played out in the House Intelligence Committee, where Chair Mike Turner (R-Ohio) similarly fired off a series of questions, asking "what did they do" with the information.

Meanwhile, ranking member Jim Himes (D-Conn.) noted that Trump previously called for Russia to hack the Clinton campaign, suggesting he "should sit this one out."

Posted by: Ace at 01:18 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 In other words: Democrats took the emails.


Election interference and collusion with a foreign power that some sections of the US government wants to be at war with?

Is that a treason?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 01:18 PM (GBKbO)

2 Election interference and collusion with a foreign power that some sections of the US government wants to be at war with?

Is that a treason?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 01:18 PM (GBKbO)

Not when they do it....

Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 01:19 PM (IyPmt)

3 the left will steal elections, of course they will collude with an enemy

anything to win, everything for the party

Posted by: brak at September 19, 2024 01:19 PM (NGHTx)

4 Ehh. So what if Iran got a stack of ferocious "They're Eating the Pets" memes?

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 01:19 PM (iFTx/)

5 We received Trump's sensitive emails, but did not read them. Swearsies.

- Harris-Walz campaign -

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 19, 2024 01:19 PM (Q4IgG)

6 Kamala is running on abortion.. Can't believe they will win on it again....

Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 01:20 PM (IyPmt)

7 Trying to bring Joy to us.

Posted by: Skip at September 19, 2024 01:20 PM (fwDg9)

October surprises are abound!

Posted by: Frank Barone at September 19, 2024 01:20 PM (+oR7L)

9 Obama is the Iranian candidate. And since he's still running things, of course they offered it to them.

Posted by: Earl Schlobodowicz at September 19, 2024 01:21 PM (P7Iz+)

10 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:21 PM (IXZGh)

11 Top 13?!?

Posted by: Grayman27 at September 19, 2024 01:21 PM (pgwxJ)

12 They are not harming Iran or Kamala nor helping True President Trump.

They are creating another FISA Farce, a National Security Investigation(tm) that will allow them to surveil PDT “by the book” again.

National Security Investigations allow them to spy, to hide it and to break laws with impunity, as opposed to criminal investigations where there are rules, rights, laws, disclosure and possibly an honest judge like Judge Cannon.

This is not about Iran or Kamala.

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at September 19, 2024 01:21 PM (LJgkr)

13 Alright, ladies. Your turn to objectify the menfolk.


Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 01:21 PM (i24o9)

14 But did they take out $100K worth of Facebook ads? I think not.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 01:22 PM (ExV1e)

15 They don't want to admit a terrorist state supports the Democrats -- not after eight years of demaguoging about Russia -- so the official straight-shooter word from the FBI is that Iran is attempting to harm Both Sides equally.

Owebama sent them PALLETS of CASH. OF COURSE they'll do anything they can to help Democrats.

If you think ANYTHING different, you're a dumbass.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:22 PM (IXZGh)

Q: Are you planning on using the Iranian stolen Trump emails?

A: Look, I grew up in a middle class home, where people liked their lawns.....

Posted by: Frank Barone at September 19, 2024 01:22 PM (+oR7L)

17 October surprises are abound!
Posted by: Frank Barone at September 19, 2024 01:20 PM (+oR7L)

*checks calendar*


Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:22 PM (RhGG0)

18 They are creating another FISA Farce, a National Security Investigation(tm) that will allow them to surveil PDT “by the book” again.

National Security Investigations allow them to spy, to hide it and to break laws with impunity, as opposed to criminal investigations where there are rules, rights, laws, disclosure and possibly an honest judge like Judge Cannon.

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at September 19, 2024 01:21 PM (LJgkr)

You are probably exactly on here.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 01:23 PM (i24o9)

19 Here's a fun fact:

Obama spied on Trump's campaign.

Iran spied on Trump's campaign.

The full weight of the government has been thrust upon Trump for the better part of a decade.

And the most they've ever gotten on him is BS lawfare and a phone call asking Ukraine to investigate corruption.

Cleanest. Pol. Ever.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:23 PM (KbCG3)

20 Check their burner phones and anon email accounts.

Posted by: Bacon Jeff at September 19, 2024 01:23 PM (VGRuw)

21 Trump making a joke is the same thing?
What scum.

Posted by: Erebus- ex-killer whale at September 19, 2024 01:23 PM (elaR+)

22 Sticks head in: Is the He-Man Woman Haters Club meeting here again today?

Posted by: Lady Who Always Has a Burning Question at September 19, 2024 01:23 PM (JCLJi)

23 Sticks head in: Is the He-Man Woman Haters Club meeting here again today?

Posted by: Lady Who Always Has a Burning Question at September 19, 2024 01:23 PM (JCLJi)

Alright, ladies. Your turn to objectify the menfolk.


Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 01:21 PM (i24o9)

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 01:24 PM (i24o9)

24 You'd need a hazmat suit and Andromeda Strain biohazard protections before you open the computer files of this filthy whore or her pasty pedophile VP

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 01:24 PM (iFTx/)

25 Next you'll be telling me that Iran is working in conjunction with the Secret Cervix to assassinate Trump.

Wait, wut?

Posted by: ShainS -- The Democrat Party is a Domestic Terrorist Organization at September 19, 2024 01:25 PM (P3VPf)

26 Meanwhile, ranking member Jim Himes (D-Conn.) noted that Trump previously called for Russia to hack the Clinton campaign, suggesting he "should sit this one out."

That's not at all what happened, you lying sack of shit.

Trump made a joke about Russia possibly already HAVING Hillary's missing 30,000 emails and releasing them.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:25 PM (IXZGh)

27 In before the "nothing will happen" crowd.

And, nothing will happen ...

Posted by: ShainS -- The Democrat Party is a Domestic Terrorist Organization at September 19, 2024 01:25 PM (P3VPf)

28 Alright, ladies. Your turn to objectify the menfolk.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon

Sticks head in: Is the He-Man Woman Haters Club meeting here again today?
Posted by: Lady Who Always Has a Burning Question

WTF did I miss last thread?

Posted by: Oedipus at September 19, 2024 01:26 PM (Z6vKV)

what appeared to be phishing emails sent by Iran to staffs' personal emails were ignored

To even click on an email from Iran to determine the contents?

I have a slight suspicion the DNC doesn't have the brightest bulbs.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 19, 2024 01:26 PM (RKVpM)

30 Alright, ladies. Your turn to objectify the menfolk.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 01:21 PM (i24o9)

I, for one, have never been objectified in any way, shape or form.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:26 PM (IXZGh)

31 26 Meanwhile, ranking member Jim Himes (D-Conn.) noted that Trump previously called for Russia to hack the Clinton campaign, suggesting he "should sit this one out."

That's not at all what happened, you lying sack of shit.

Trump made a joke about Russia possibly already HAVING Hillary's missing 30,000 emails and releasing them.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:25 PM (IXZGh)

Why did Trump need Russia to hack Clinton? According to the DNC, Russia already did hack Clinton by that point.

Sad that that happened right before Seth Rich was killed. How much can one campaign take?!

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:26 PM (KbCG3)

32 In before the "nothing will happen" crowd.

And, nothing will happen ...

Posted by: ShainS -- The Democrat Party is a Domestic Terrorist Organization at September 19, 2024 01:25 PM (P3VPf)

How do you know if you're coming or going?

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 01:26 PM (i24o9)

33 Sticks head in: Is the He-Man Woman Haters Club meeting here again today?
Posted by: Lady Who Always Has a Burning Question

Today it's Get Rid of Slimy girlS (GROSS). HMWHC is over at Zero Hedge today.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 01:26 PM (v6JzV)

34 Yeah, rand hypocrisy.

Won't move the meter at all. The left only has one rule: they win.

They don't care about anything else and will say contradictory things within the same sentence if need be.

Posted by: ACTUAL Yoda at September 19, 2024 01:26 PM (N1DT3)

35 Alright, ladies. Your turn to objectify the menfolk.


Posted by: Comrade Flounder

Is an enormous schwanzstucker of interest to anyvone?
-- Pauli

Posted by: Tonypete at September 19, 2024 01:26 PM (WXNFJ)

36 I, for one, have never been objectified in any way, shape or form.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:26 PM (IXZGh)

Me neither. And it is high time for some objectification, damn it.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 01:27 PM (i24o9)

37 >>> 15
Owebama sent them PALLETS of CASH. OF COURSE they'll do anything they can to help Democrats.

If you think ANYTHING different, you're a dumbass.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:22 PM (IXZGh)

The government forcing auto manufacturers to build EVs is a Conspiracy Theory!!!

Posted by: DUmbasses at September 19, 2024 01:27 PM (FnneF)

38 Alright, ladies. Your turn to objectify the menfolk.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder

Negative mods abound.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:27 PM (CIS44)


btw is Ace no longer a Disinformation Expert?

Posted by: wth at September 19, 2024 01:27 PM (v0R5T)

40 What country is Iran big buddies with again? I forget...

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 01:27 PM (LCr8f)

41 btw is Ace no longer a Disinformation Expert?

Posted by: wth at September 19, 2024 01:27 PM (v0R5T)

He quit that gig for that twitter hoor.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 01:28 PM (i24o9)

42 Iran or Democrats.

Who's more dishonest??
Tough call.

Posted by: dantesed at September 19, 2024 01:28 PM (Oy/m2)

43 Ace please lead your sheep out of the darkness!

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 01:28 PM (LCr8f)

44 Not surprising - Robert Malley has been under investigation for forming an Iranian spy ring in Washington for quite a while now.

You'd think that he would be blocked from working for the US government, but no, the State Department stripped him of his security clearance, but allowed him to continue to work using non-secret materials.

Now there is an another investigation, since Malley was still allowed to access "sensitive" documents while working, which shouldn't have been allowed.

Lotsa traitors in Washington.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 19, 2024 01:28 PM (uxCna)

45 Sticks head in: Is the He-Man Woman Haters Club meeting here again today?

Posted by: Lady Who Always Has a Burning Question at September 19, 2024 01:23 PM (JCLJi)

Alright, ladies. Your turn to objectify the menfolk.


I got a huge throbbing engorged . . . stock portfolio

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 01:28 PM (iFTx/)

46 Here's a hottie who knows what he's good for:

(I'm joking, but...)

Posted by: Lady Who Always Has a Burning Question at September 19, 2024 01:28 PM (JCLJi)

47 Ace please lead your sheep out of the darkness!
Posted by: ... a

The horde can not be herd

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:29 PM (CIS44)

48 I, for one, have never been objectified in any way, shape or form.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:26 PM (IXZGh)

Object - shape - form...
You're a damn SPONGE!!!!

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:29 PM (RhGG0)

49 Donald j. Trump @realdonaldtrump · Sep 18
Wow, just out! The FBI caught Iran spying on my campaign, and giving all of the information to the Kamala Harris campaign. Therefore she and her campaign were illegally spying on me. To be known as the Iran, Iran, Iran case! Will Kamala resign in disgrace from politics? Will the communist left pick a new candidate to replace her?

Tony Kinnett @TheTonus Sep 17
We all know the Harris/Walz campaign is opposed to Iranian election interference because they:

❌ publicly condemned receiving the hacked Trump files back in June & July
❌ warned the Trump campaign
✅ said nothing about it while Trump survived two assassination attempts

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 19, 2024 01:29 PM (CEzQx)

50 Alright, ladies. Your turn to objectify the menfolk.


Posted by: Comrade Flounder

Is an enormous schwanzstucker of interest to anyvone?
-- Pauli
Posted by: Tonypete

or a big fat wallet?

Posted by: wth at September 19, 2024 01:29 PM (v0R5T)

The government forcing auto manufacturers to build EVs is a Conspiracy Theory!!!
Posted by: DUmbasses at September 19, 2024 01:27 PM (FnneF)

Trump has already said he'll crater Biden's CAFE standards because they're completely unattainable.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:29 PM (IXZGh)

52 btw is Ace no longer a Disinformation Expert?
Posted by: wth at September 19, 2024 01:27 PM (v0R5T)

He neglected to pay his recertification fee.

Posted by: spindrift at September 19, 2024 01:29 PM (OguvZ)

53 The media will forget about this by tomorrow.

Posted by: Northernlurker , wondering where his phone is at September 19, 2024 01:30 PM (FfSAJ)

54 >>> 36 I, for one, have never been objectified in any way, shape or form.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:26 PM (IXZGh)

Me neither. And it is high time for some objectification, damn it.
Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 01:27 PM (i24o9)

I believe your chances for objectification are greatly improved by dancing on Saturday night at the TX MoMee.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 19, 2024 01:30 PM (FnneF)

55 Object - shape - form...
You're a damn SPONGE!!!!
Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:29 PM (RhGG0)

Unobjectified form.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:30 PM (IXZGh)

56 38 Alright, ladies. Your turn to objectify the menfolk.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder

Negative mods abound.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:27 PM (CIS44)

My young daughter asked my wife why she'd marry me given that I'm bald.

Wife said that my daughter had no idea how funny I am.

My physical appearance did not enter into the conversation...

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:30 PM (KbCG3)

57 This is easy.

Trump is evil and a Russian stooge.

Harris is a good person and can be trusted.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Haitians are the invasive species introduced to solve the geese problem at September 19, 2024 01:30 PM (7h9jE)

58 I believe your chances for objectification are greatly improved by dancing on Saturday night at the TX MoMee.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 19, 2024 01:30 PM (FnneF)

Disco Doof approves of this!

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:30 PM (RhGG0)

59 I, for one, have never been objectified in any way, shape or form.
Posted by: Sponge

Me? Objected to, yes. Objectified, no.

Posted by: mikeski at September 19, 2024 01:30 PM (DgGvY)

60 I believe your chances for objectification are greatly improved by dancing on Saturday night at the TX MoMee.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket

*kicks rocks*

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:31 PM (CIS44)

61 Did someone say She-Man Woman-Bater's Club?

Posted by: Admiral Rachel Levine, a serious woman in a serious nation at September 19, 2024 01:31 PM (Ybyk2)

62 57 This is easy.

Trump is evil and a Russian stooge.

Harris is a good person and can be trusted.
Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Haitians are the invasive species introduced to solve the geese problem at September 19, 2024 01:30 PM (7h9jE)


When W. droned brown terrorists, it was bad because W. had hate in his heart.

When Obama droned weddings and even American citizens, it was good because Obama had love in his heart.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 01:31 PM (GBKbO)

63 60 I believe your chances for objectification are greatly improved by dancing on Saturday night at the TX MoMee.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket

Mopes that I live in CA.

Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 01:31 PM (IyPmt)

64 Sure, sure, sure. Iran is attempting election interference. From a terminal thousands of miles away. Sure it is.

Posted by: t-bird at September 19, 2024 01:32 PM (KfN19)

65 My young daughter asked my wife why she'd marry me given that I'm bald.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

Some chicks dig bald. My wife included, fortunately.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 01:32 PM (v6JzV)

66 Most of the "Russians" around Trump's campaign were implanted by our CIA/FBI. All part of fabricating Trump/Russia "evidence" for public consumption, including the non-existent pee pee tape. (all still used today on the LIVs)

But Team Harris was dealing with the real enemy of the state.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 19, 2024 01:32 PM (Cus5s)

67 62 57 This is easy.

Trump is evil and a Russian stooge.

Harris is a good person and can be trusted.
Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Haitians are the invasive species introduced to solve the geese problem at September 19, 2024 01:30 PM (7h9jE)


When W. droned brown terrorists, it was bad because W. had hate in his heart.

When Obama droned weddings and even American citizens, it was good because Obama had love in his heart.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 01:31 PM (GBKbO)

Biden blew up a dude and a bunch of kids who was transporting water.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:32 PM (KbCG3)

I believe your chances for objectification are greatly improved by dancing on Saturday night at the TX MoMee.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 19, 2024 01:30 PM (FnneF)

You asked for it........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:32 PM (IXZGh)

69 >>> 63
Mopes that I live in CA.
Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 01:31 PM (IyPmt)

Road trip!!!

... we have bacon ...

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 19, 2024 01:32 PM (FnneF)

70 Not surprising - Robert Malley has been under investigation for forming an Iranian spy ring in Washington for quite a while now.

You'd think that he would be blocked from working for the US government, but no, the State Department stripped him of his security clearance, but allowed him to continue to work using non-secret materials.

Now there is an another investigation, since Malley was still allowed to access "sensitive" documents while working, which shouldn't have been allowed.

Lotsa traitors in Washington.
Posted by: The ARC of History!

That's why this country needs to auger in, break up and we go our own separate ways and the left can starve.

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 19, 2024 01:32 PM (l/cbt)

71 65 My young daughter asked my wife why she'd marry me given that I'm bald.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

Some chicks dig bald. My wife included, fortunately.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 01:32 PM (v6JzV)

In my case, it helped that I met her that way.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:32 PM (KbCG3)

72 ... we have bacon ...
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 19, 2024 01:32 PM (FnneF)

Long road trip ,but the bacon is tempting

Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 01:33 PM (IyPmt)

73 When W. droned brown terrorists, it was bad because W. had hate in his heart.

When Obama droned weddings and even American citizens, it was good because Obama had love in his heart.

Terrorism for Good is Good Terrorism.

Posted by: t-bird at September 19, 2024 01:33 PM (Ez0wT)

74 Long road trip ,but the bacon is tempting
Posted by: It's me donna
There are also brownies. And Disco Doof.

Posted by: screaming in digital at September 19, 2024 01:33 PM (iZbyp)

75 Oh, and in Dearborn this Sunday, there is a memorial service for "The Martyr Fadl Abbas Bazi", one of the Hezbollah people who had a communications device explode. Hezbollah released the usual memorial picture of Bazi, confirming that he was part of Hezbollah.

Apparently members of Bazi's family live in Dearborn.

So, you are having memorial services in the United States for an admitted member of a terrorist organization.

Kamala's America.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 19, 2024 01:34 PM (uxCna)

76 I believe your chances for objectification are greatly improved by dancing on Saturday night at the TX MoMee.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket

Mopes that I live in CA.
Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 01:31 PM (IyPmt)

We got people that come in from New Jersey.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 01:34 PM (ExV1e)

77 Sure, sure, sure. Iran is attempting election interference. From a terminal thousands of miles away. Sure it is.
Posted by: t-bird

hopefully they're using Hungarian pagers and cell phones

Posted by: wth at September 19, 2024 01:34 PM (v0R5T)

78 74 Long road trip ,but the bacon is tempting
Posted by: It's me donna
There are also brownies. And Disco Doof.
Posted by: screaming in digital at September 19, 2024 01:33 PM (iZbyp)

Oh my.. You're making it more difficult LOL

Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 01:34 PM (IyPmt)

79 73 When W. droned brown terrorists, it was bad because W. had hate in his heart.

When Obama droned weddings and even American citizens, it was good because Obama had love in his heart.

Terrorism for Good is Good Terrorism.
Posted by: t-bird at September 19, 2024 01:33 PM (Ez0wT)

Reminds me of one of my favorite Fat Tony quotes from The Simpsons:

I don't get it. Everyone loves rats, but they don't want to drink the rats' milk?

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:34 PM (KbCG3)

80 Some chicks dig bald. My wife included, fortunately.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 01:32 PM (v6JzV)

Meanwhile, my wife loves long hair, so I have to grow mine out and deal with all this flowing mane.

Posted by: ACTUAL Yoda at September 19, 2024 01:34 PM (N1DT3)

81 My physical appearance did not enter into the conversation...
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer


Now is a REALLY good time to explain to her that men and women are very, very different.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Men don't care about women's accomplishments, only looks and pleasantness at September 19, 2024 01:34 PM (7h9jE)

82 Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 19, 2024 01:34 PM (uxCna)

But he was just an austere religious scholar!

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 01:35 PM (v6JzV)

83 young daughter asked my wife why she'd marry me given that I'm bald.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

Some chicks dig bald. My wife included, fortunately.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

Hubbymayhem shaves his head. I get grumpy when he hasn't shaved for a few weeks. I like clean shaven face and head on my fella.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 19, 2024 01:35 PM (4XwPj)

84 So, you are having memorial services in the United States for an admitted member of a terrorist organization.

since we are cedeing Michigan to Muslims apparently, we need to make sure to pander to the terrorist-sympathizer vote

Posted by: brak at September 19, 2024 01:35 PM (NGHTx)

85 ... we have bacon ...
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 19, 2024 01:32 PM (FnneF)

Long road trip ,but the bacon is tempting
Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 01:33 PM (IyPmt)

We got people that come from Seattle.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 01:35 PM (ExV1e)

DNC Instructor: "Alright that concludes today's session on how to protect your computer from malicious code, keyboard sniffers, phishing attempts, and foreign actors. Any questions? Okay.

DNC Employee: "Oh, gee an email about Donald Trump from Iran, gotta open that one up!"

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 19, 2024 01:35 PM (RKVpM)

87 There are also brownies. And Disco Doof.
Posted by: screaming in digital at September 19, 2024 01:33 PM (iZbyp)

Oh my.. You're making it more difficult LOL
Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 01:34 PM (IyPmt)

Disco Doof will serve you a brownie if you show up

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:35 PM (RhGG0)

88 We got people that come in from New Jersey.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic


Is this unusual?

Posted by: North Carolina at September 19, 2024 01:35 PM (7h9jE)

89 I'd shave my head but it's too lumpy.

Posted by: wth at September 19, 2024 01:36 PM (v0R5T)

Disco Doof will serve you a brownie if you show up
Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:35 PM (RhGG0)

Wish I could.. You all have fun for me

Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 01:36 PM (IyPmt)

91 My young daughter asked my wife why she'd marry me given that I'm bald.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

An explanation of a huge number of U-turns under the covers probably is a no-go for a daughter.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 19, 2024 01:36 PM (WXNFJ)

92 offered and accepted, I assume

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at September 19, 2024 01:36 PM (xcxpd)

93 There are also brownies. And Disco Doof.
Posted by: screaming in digital at September 19, 2024 01:33 PM (iZbyp)

There's fantastic food, plenty of booze, amazing conversation and LOTS of lead flying.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:36 PM (IXZGh)

94 >>Remember when they screamed about a FusionGPS operative tricking Trump into seeing her by claiming she might have information about Hillary?

That meeting was a Deep State setup, she and the other Russians at the meeting were on a no-fly/no-entry list, the Department granted them entry specifically for that meeting, and then afterwards, she hightailed it out of the country.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 19, 2024 01:36 PM (XV/Pl)

95 Ace please lead your sheep out of the darkness!
Posted by: ... a

Get the Flock out of here!

Posted by: Frank Barone at September 19, 2024 01:36 PM (+oR7L)

The irony of the D claim that Trump "called for Russia to hack the Clinton campaign" is that Trump (sarcastically or not, I don't care) mused that it would be something if Russia released HRC's emails from her COMPLETELY UNPROTECTED PRIVATE email account, through which it was illegal to be conducting State business.

But of course the illegal and highly hackable email (and server setup she had) would have been and with almost a certainty was a major window for foreign espionage of many stripes to hack into the thought process and communications of Sec State and by extension POTUS.

So yeah "duhuh that Trump stepped in it..." by pointing out that every frickin adversary with a cyber capability undoubtedly exploited HRCs complete lack of basic security --undoubtedly motivated by her desire to keep her shakedowns for the Clinton Foundation while Sec State off the official records.

But yeah "Trump should sit this one out."

Posted by: Zek at September 19, 2024 01:36 PM (5FPX4)

97 We got people that come in from New Jersey.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic
Is this unusual?
Posted by: North Carolina at September 19, 2024 01:35 PM (7h9jE)

They go back?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 01:36 PM (ExV1e)

98 Hubbymayhem shaves his head. I get grumpy when he hasn't shaved for a few weeks. I like clean shaven face and head on my fella.
Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 19, 2024 01:35 PM (4XwPj)

My guy has shoulder length black hair and a longish beard that he dyes red. He's quite the eye catcher!

He shaved the beard once but I made him grow it back because he has no lips.

Posted by: hobbitopoly at September 19, 2024 01:37 PM (k9OZB)

Reminds me of the 2004 election, when Osama put out a video in Oct, endorsing John Kerry. Either OBL was stupid enough to think that his endorsement would help Kerry, or he wanted Dubya to stay in office to continue the war.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 19, 2024 01:37 PM (y9nCu)

100 I noticed that the party Trump nominally identifies with has been pretty quiet about Iran spying on him, the MSM inciting violence against him, the lawfare being waged against him... etc.

Not surprised. But it might be an indication about the future of a second Trump presidency.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 19, 2024 01:37 PM (Q4IgG)

101 I'll say it again if Trump is elected, after getting all undercovers and informants to safety, he should dump the entire FBI database onto the web. Nuke it from orbit so to speak.

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 19, 2024 01:38 PM (pkaD9)

102 Apparently members of Bazi's family live in Dearborn.

Imagine how much more effective Al-Qaeda could have been in 2001, had they had family members residing in the United States to provide support.

I have heard for years that leading figures in Hezbollah have sent family members to Dearborn, to establish American residency there.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 19, 2024 01:38 PM (uxCna)

He shaved the beard once but I made him grow it back because he has no lips.
Posted by: hobbitopoly at September 19, 2024 01:37 PM (k9OZB)

I shaved my goatee once and my daughter threatened me and told me never to do that again.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:38 PM (IXZGh)

104 There's fantastic food, plenty of booze, amazing conversation and LOTS of lead flying.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:36 PM (IXZGh)

And that's just on the road in!

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:38 PM (RhGG0)

105 He shaved the beard once but I made him grow it back because he has no lips.
Posted by: hobbitopoly at September 19, 2024 01:37 PM (k9OZB)

Sam Elliott in Season 6 of Justified has entered the chat

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:39 PM (RhGG0)

106 We got people that come in from New Jersey.

Is this unusual?
Posted by: North Carolina at September 19, 2024 01:35 PM (7h9jE)

They go back?
Posted by: I used to have a different nic


Ha. Threadwinner.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Men don't care about women's accomplishments, only looks and pleasantness at September 19, 2024 01:39 PM (7h9jE)

107 103
He shaved the beard once but I made him grow it back because he has no lips.
Posted by: hobbitopoly at September 19, 2024 01:37 PM (k9OZB)

I shaved my goatee once and my daughter threatened me and told me never to do that again.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:38 PM (IXZGh)

Remember making my father shave his mustache once.

"I'm a freak!" He had no upper lip.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:39 PM (KbCG3)

108 I shaved my goatee once and my daughter threatened me and told me never to do that again.
Posted by: Sponge

I've had a 70's era pron 'stache since the 70's. I shaved it once and my young children cried. Grew it back.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 19, 2024 01:40 PM (WXNFJ)

109 I shaved my goatee once and my daughter threatened me and told me never to do that again.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:38 PM (IXZGh)

I just shaved my beard down to just a goatee and all my children are horrified.

Posted by: ACTUAL Yoda at September 19, 2024 01:41 PM (N1DT3)

110 He shaved the beard once but I made him grow it back because he has no lips.
Posted by: hobbitopoly a

She Hobbit has never seen me without a long beard or long hair.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:41 PM (CIS44)

I just shaved my beard down to just a goatee and all my children are horrified.
Posted by: ACTUAL Yoda at September 19, 2024 01:41 PM (N1DT3)

I can't grow a full beard, so that's not an option.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:41 PM (IXZGh)

112 A record 45 million people played the sport in the US during 2023, according to the United States Golf Association (USGA), and there were another 31.6 million unregistered and registered golfers across 146 countries last year, according to the R&A.

In 2019 the US boasted 43% of the world’s golf courses with 16,752, the R&A reported. That’s more courses than the number of Starbucks or McDonalds stores across the country and the stage for a record 531 million rounds of golf nationwide in 2023, according to the National Golf Foundation (NGF).

As any amateur who has picked up a club will know, the chances of finishing a round with the ball you started with are slim. While a myriad of factors can affect those odds – chiefly, skill and the topography of the course – estimates for the number of balls lost by the average golfer per round typically vary between one and four.

Found Golf Balls CEO Shaun Shienfield, whose company recovers and resells millions of lost balls across the US and Canada each year, told CNN that he gauged the average to be between three and four each round.

Using Shienfield’s low estimate, that’s over 1.5 billion balls lost in the US every year since 2020.

Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 01:42 PM (RHGPo)

113 She Hobbit has never seen me without a long beard or long hair.
Posted by: BruceWayne

You're married to She Hobbit?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 01:42 PM (v6JzV)

114 And looks like I've been using that sock all thread lol

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at September 19, 2024 01:42 PM (N1DT3)

115 She Hobbit has never seen me without a long beard or long hair.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:41 PM (CIS44)

Chin pubes!!!

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:42 PM (RhGG0)

116 111
I just shaved my beard down to just a goatee and all my children are horrified.
Posted by: ACTUAL Yoda at September 19, 2024 01:41 PM (N1DT3)

I can't grow a full beard, so that's not an option.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:41 PM (IXZGh)

That's so sad. I think I've kept a beard since I was about 23-24. Have had several Irish friends that made me thankful I am not Irish. I dig having a beard.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:42 PM (KbCG3)

117 You're married to She Hobbit?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus a

not married. me meet at TxMoMe 2 years ago

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:42 PM (CIS44)

118 the people from the i. c. claimed -without evidence- that "There is currently no information indicating those recipients replied."

updated for accuracy

Posted by: gnats local 678 at September 19, 2024 01:43 PM (CWTWj)

119 I dig having a beard.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:42 PM (KbCG3)


Posted by: Barack at September 19, 2024 01:43 PM (RhGG0)

120 Chin pubes!!!
Posted by: Doof


Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 01:43 PM (v6JzV)

121 Ace please lead your sheep out of the darkness!
Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 01:28 PM (LCr8f)

Safe were the ninety and nine of the horde,
Safe though the net was stormy and cold;
But said the blogger, when counting them o'er,
“One sheep is missing: There should be one more!”


The Shepherd went out to search for His sheep
And all through the nets and cold vacant lots,
He sought till He found him,
With love-bands He bound him,
And we stewed it for dinner, hobo-chops.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 19, 2024 01:43 PM (D7oie)

122 113 She Hobbit has never seen me without a long beard or long hair.
Posted by: BruceWayne

You're married to She Hobbit?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 01:42 PM (v6JzV)

Funny story. Had a dream the other night that I was in some type of group that was like something out of Lord of the Rings.

No shit, there was this small being in the middle of the group and I overheard someone call her She Hobbit.

I woke up laughing, realizing my Ace addiction had now gone too far.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:44 PM (KbCG3)

123 not married. me meet at TxMoMe 2 years ago
Posted by: BruceWayne

Ah, I see.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 01:44 PM (v6JzV)

124 Been bald most of adult life. My last good hair day was October 25, 1987, the day I walked onto Fort Sill for Basic Training.

At least my skull isn't oddly misshapen.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Telling War Stories at September 19, 2024 01:44 PM (xPJvm)

125 >>> 118 the people from the i. c. claimed -without evidence- that "There is currently no information indicating those recipients replied."

updated for accuracy
Posted by: gnats local 678 at September 19, 2024 01:43 PM (CWTWj)


As if whether or not they *replied* matters. Thanks, Eff.Bee.EYE!

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 19, 2024 01:44 PM (FnneF)

126 When W. droned brown terrorists, it was bad because W. had hate in his heart.

When Obama droned weddings and even American citizens, it was good because Obama had love in his heart.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 01:31 PM (GBKbO)

And it turned out they're just both cocksuckers!

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 01:44 PM (LCr8f)

127 "the people from the i. c. claimed -without evidence- that "There is currently no information indicating those recipients replied. --updated for accuracy"

I shannot believe it until verified by statement of the Town Manager of a small midwestern town.

Posted by: Zek at September 19, 2024 01:44 PM (5FPX4)

128 @112 SMOD, I played nine this morning and lost two balls in leaves that were on the ground. Played ok otherwise but it's annoying when you know you hit a decent shot and can't find the damn thing

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 19, 2024 01:44 PM (pkaD9)

129 Seth Rich was unavailable for comment.

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 01:44 PM (LCr8f)

130 Found Golf Balls CEO Shaun Shienfield, whose company recovers and resells millions of lost balls across the US and Canada each year, told CNN that he gauged the average to be between three and four each round.

Using Shienfield’s low estimate, that’s over 1.5 billion balls lost in the US every year since 2020.
Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 01:42 PM (RHGPo)

That guy has a lot of balls.

Posted by: WisRich at September 19, 2024 01:44 PM (Qgr0I)

I woke up laughing, realizing my Ace addiction had now gone too far.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer a

Just sent that to her hahah

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:44 PM (CIS44)

132 119 I dig having a beard.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:42 PM (KbCG3)

Posted by: Barack at September 19, 2024 01:43 PM (RhGG0)

You're welcome for that amazing set up.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:44 PM (KbCG3)

I've had a 70's era pron 'stache since the 70's. I shaved it once and my young children cried. Grew it back.
Posted by: Tonypete at September 19, 2024 01:40 PM (WXNFJ)

The one thing that Morons can count on at a MoMee is the grooming standard. Either clean-shaven or biker beards. Then again, some people have to be individuals and sprout creepy pron 'staches and scare the 'ettes.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 19, 2024 01:45 PM (y9nCu)

134 ... we have bacon ...
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 19, 2024 01:32 PM (FnneF)

Long road trip ,but the bacon is tempting
Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 01:33 PM

The bacon is, indeed, impressive. Served up by our very own professional Bacon Wench.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 01:45 PM (kgE5c)

135 So, you are having memorial services in the United States for an admitted member of a terrorist organization.

A competent government would round up everyone attending the memorial service.

Anyone holding a visa or a green card would be immediately deported.

Any naturalized US citizen attending would be investigated - on your citizenship application it asks you if you have ever been a member of a foreign military or paramilitary organization.

Lying on your citizenship application is grounds for stripping you of your citizenship and then being deported.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 19, 2024 01:45 PM (uxCna)

136 Ah, I see.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonu

To say been dating since then for clarification.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:45 PM (CIS44)

137 I shave my goat!
- Achmed.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 19, 2024 01:45 PM (XxL0Y)

138 I played nine this morning and lost two balls
Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 19, 2024 01:44 PM (pkaD9)


Posted by: Hazbolla at September 19, 2024 01:45 PM (LCr8f)

139 'member when the media said it was unethical to publish hacked materials and would not do so?

Posted by: Pepperidge Farms Fuckin' Remembers at September 19, 2024 01:45 PM (UGyV5)

140 estimates for the number of balls lost by the average golfer per round typically vary between one and four.

What you're after is a net gain. I can start with eight in the bag and not be nervous because I know I'll find others.

Posted by: t-bird at September 19, 2024 01:46 PM (NCclz)

141 1 In other words: Democrats took the emails.


Election interference and collusion with a foreign power that some sections of the US government wants to be at war with?

Is that a treason?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 01:18 PM (GBKbO)
Figuring whether the Dems(Communists) would or did take the hacked Trump info is being too kind to ‘Iran’ taking the info in the first place.
‘Iran’ is a very convenient cover for bad actor/subcontractors of the IC doing the hack. If there were a betting site with odds on WHO really did the hack, you’d do well to bet the IC did the deed.
IOW ….’Iran’ my ass.
The IC ‘says’ that ‘Iran ‘ wants to assassinate Trump. Oddly the two sad sack Trump assassins so far seem to have the rather strange odor of IC adjacent dupes….’Iran’ is Bob at the NSA.
Nice cover Bob.

Posted by: Voter theater. at September 19, 2024 01:46 PM (FCPbW)

Using Shienfield’s low estimate, that’s over 1.5 billion balls lost in the US every year since 2020.
Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 01:42 PM (RHGPo)

At $4 a ball, this is why I only play Titleist Pro V's when I find them.

When I was playing often, I'm sure I was the .5 part of that number.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:46 PM (IXZGh)

143 124 Been bald most of adult life. My last good hair day was October 25, 1987, the day I walked onto Fort Sill for Basic Training.

At least my skull isn't oddly misshapen.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Telling War Stories at September 19, 2024 01:44 PM (xPJvm)

When I finally decided to shave mine, the only thing that gave me confidence was walking into work and a black co-worker looked at me and said, "You got the skull for it."

Validation. Unreal validation.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:46 PM (KbCG3)

144 You're married to She Hobbit?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus a

not married. me meet at TxMoMe 2 years ago
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:42 PM (CIS44)

They are a very cute couple. One cuter than the other. Not gonna say which.

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:46 PM (RhGG0)

145 >>> 139 'member when the media said it was unethical to publish hacked materials and would not do so?
Posted by: Pepperidge Farms Fuckin' Remembers at September 19, 2024 01:45 PM (UGyV5)

Also, it is *illegal* for anyone who is not a member of the press to read such materials.

Posted by: Chris Cuomo at September 19, 2024 01:46 PM (FnneF)

146 better to lose with honor than win with trump (gop e motto)

Posted by: gnats local 678 at September 19, 2024 01:46 PM (CWTWj)

147 Trump made a joke about Russia possibly already HAVING Hillary's missing 30,000 emails and releasing them.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:25 PM (IXZGh)


And he said that because the PRESS was remarkably uninterested in the information Hillary stolen from the government.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at September 19, 2024 01:47 PM (CgVac)

148 131
I woke up laughing, realizing my Ace addiction had now gone too far.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer a

Just sent that to her hahah
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:44 PM (CIS44)

How is her family doing?

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:47 PM (KbCG3)

149 1) Iran isn’t hacking Trump’s emails.
2) Iran did hack Trump’s email but the democrats didn’t look at it.
3) Here’s why it’s good the democrats use Trump’s hacked email to save democracy.

Posted by: Crazy at September 19, 2024 01:47 PM (WAMJ6)

150 Found Golf Balls CEO Shaun Shienfield, whose company recovers and resells millions of lost balls across the US and Canada each year,


I looked at some recovered Pro V1s at Walmart a few months ago. They were supposedly "refurbished" somehow, but all I can figure is that they were maybe ground down somehow to remove any obvious scuffing and then spray painted before putting the markings back on. They weren't that much cheaper than new and all had obvious flaws. Some had pimples instead of dimples. You'd be much better off playing a new box of the cheapo Wilsons or similar unless you just need to impress your playing companions with the name.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Men don't care about women's accomplishments, only looks and pleasantness at September 19, 2024 01:47 PM (7h9jE)

151 The bacon is, indeed, impressive. Served up by our very own professional Bacon Wench.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 01:45 PM (kgE5c)

From the state of Washington!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:47 PM (IXZGh)

152 They are a very cute couple. One cuter than the other. Not gonna say which.
Posted by: Doof

And one has a very long rapidly graying beard. Not gonna say which.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:47 PM (CIS44)

153 Relatedly, WaPo reports a man from Alaska arrested for making torture and assassination threats against six of the nine Supreme Court Justices. They don't report which are the six.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at September 19, 2024 01:47 PM (ssz2a)

154 At least my skull isn't oddly misshapen.
What lump??

Posted by: Igor at September 19, 2024 01:48 PM (CEzQx)

155 Apparently, if you laid 1 billion golf balls in a row, they would extend around the Earth’s circumference

Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 01:48 PM (RHGPo)

156 The bacon is, indeed, impressive. Served up by our very own professional Bacon Wench.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 01:45 PM (kgE5c)
The deep-fried "Jersey roll" is also quite tasty...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 19, 2024 01:48 PM (7fElN)

They are a very cute couple. One cuter than the other. Not gonna say which.
Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:46 PM (RhGG0)

I'm sitting right here, you know.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:48 PM (IXZGh)

158 Long road trip ,but the bacon is tempting
Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 01:33 PM

The bacon is, indeed, impressive. Served up by our very own professional Bacon Wench.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 01:45 PM (kgE5c)

Listen to RMBS! He may have one of the longest journeys to the ranch.

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:48 PM (RhGG0)

159 97 We got people that come in from New Jersey.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic
Is this unusual?
Posted by: North Carolina at September 19, 2024 01:35 PM (7h9jE)

They go back?
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 01:36 PM (ExV1e)

Ha! Ask CBD.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 19, 2024 01:48 PM (Hy7iO)

160 How is her family doing?
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

They are hanging in, visitiation is today, memorial tomorrow morning.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:49 PM (CIS44)

161 Also, it is *illegal* for anyone who is not a member of the press to read such materials.
Posted by: Chris Cuomo at September 19, 2024 01:46 PM (FnneF)

I thought that was Don Lemon 😂

Posted by: Hazbolla at September 19, 2024 01:49 PM (LCr8f)

162 They are a very cute couple. One cuter than the other. Not gonna say which.
Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:46 PM (RhGG0)

I'm sitting right here, you know.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:48 PM (IXZGh)

Yes, but I don't want to objectify you!

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:49 PM (RhGG0)

163 ---
The deep-fried "Jersey roll" is also quite tasty...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 19, 2024 01:48 PM (7fElN)

The deep fried Buc-ee's ghost pepper jerky was surprisingly tollerable.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:49 PM (IXZGh)

164 If people held hands all the way around the world, a large number would drown.

Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 01:49 PM (RHGPo)

Using Shienfield’s low estimate, that’s over 1.5 billion balls lost in the US every year since 2020.
Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 01:42 PM (RHGPo)

The ball market just expanded, exponentially.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 19, 2024 01:50 PM (y9nCu)

They are hanging in, visitiation is today, memorial tomorrow morning.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:49 PM (CIS44)

She is in our thoughts and prayers.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:50 PM (IXZGh)

167 160 How is her family doing?
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

They are hanging in, visitiation is today, memorial tomorrow morning.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:49 PM (CIS44)

All the best to them.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:50 PM (KbCG3)

168 And one has a very long rapidly graying beard. Not gonna say which.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:47 PM (CIS44)

Imagining She Hobbit with a long gray beard. I need to unsee that!!

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:50 PM (RhGG0)

169 As the saying goes, leftists always accuse others of what they are doing.

So Russian-Collusion was a hoax but we are about to find out Iranian-Collusion was very very real.

Oh, but no one will be prosecuted. Why? Reasons you racist!

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 01:50 PM (oZhjI)

170 At least my skull isn't oddly misshapen.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Telling War Stories

Lucky you. I have scars, and holes all over. Some from a failed halo brace, others from numerous skin cancers. At least I still have some hair to cover them.

Posted by: wth at September 19, 2024 01:50 PM (v0R5T)

171 She is in our thoughts and prayers.
Posted by: Sponge - F

She very much appreciates it. She hasnt really had a breakdown yet, I expect that will change tomorrow.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:51 PM (CIS44)

172 You're married to She Hobbit?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus a

not married. me meet at TxMoMe 2 years ago
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:42 PM (CIS44)

They are a very cute couple. One cuter than the other. Not gonna say which.
Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:46 PM (RhGG0)

Pretty sure BruceWayne has seen you making eyes at him.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 01:51 PM (ExV1e)

173 All the best to them.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

very much appreciated.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:51 PM (CIS44)

174 If people held hands all the way around the world, a large number would drown.

Would suck to be one of the guys in the middle of the Sahara as well

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 01:51 PM (oZhjI)

She very much appreciates it. She hasnt really had a breakdown yet, I expect that will change tomorrow.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:51 PM (CIS44)

it is necessary. My wife will attest to that.

I still never do.......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:51 PM (IXZGh)

176 Oh, and everybody tells me the doctor must have dropped me at birth.

Posted by: wth at September 19, 2024 01:52 PM (v0R5T)

177 Imagining She Hobbit with a long gray beard. I need to unsee that!!
Posted by: Doof
It's only female dwarves that can grow beards. Not hobbits.

Posted by: screaming in digital at September 19, 2024 01:52 PM (iZbyp)

178 I'll offer this option.

The Dems didn't take the emails from Iran,
because the CIA/NSA/FBI already gave them to them.

Posted by: Inogame at September 19, 2024 01:52 PM (53oGX)

179 Start a Go Fund Me page : Lost Golf Balls to Replace Hezbollah Testicles.

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 19, 2024 01:52 PM (pkaD9)

180 They are a very cute couple. One cuter than the other. Not gonna say which.
Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:46 PM (RhGG0)

Pretty sure BruceWayne has seen you making eyes at him.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 01:51 PM (ExV1e)

If he ever admits to the superiority of Alter Bridge over Creed, he might have a chance with me

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:52 PM (RhGG0)

181 Disco, Disco Doof
I wanna be a Disco Doof!

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 19, 2024 01:52 PM (CEzQx)

Imagining She Hobbit with a long gray beard. I need to unsee that!!
Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:50 PM (RhGG0)

Are you saying he's her beard?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:52 PM (k26Nt)

183 If he ever admits to the superiority of Alter Bridge over Creed, he might have a chance with me
Posted by: Doof


Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:53 PM (CIS44)

184 A court-appointed special master report revealed on Tuesday that roughly 99 percent of challenged signatures collected for a pro-ranked-choice voting Arizona ballot measure are duplicates. In his report, court-ordered Special Master and retired Arizona Superior Court Judge Christopher Skelly disclosed that 37,657 pairs of signatures gathered in support of Proposition 140 are, in fact, duplicates.

As argued by the Arizona Free Enterprise Club (AZFEC), this discovery “now place Proposition 140 thousands of signatures under the constitutionally required signature threshold to qualify for the [November] ballot.”

Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 01:53 PM (RHGPo)

185 Relatedly, WaPo reports a man from Alaska arrested for making torture and assassination threats against six of the nine Supreme Court Justices. They don't report which are the six.
Posted by: Alec Leamas at September 19, 2024 01:47 PM (ssz2a)

Reportedly this dastardly fiend was going to play Kamala speeches on a loop and strap them to the Clockwork Orange chair.

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 01:53 PM (LCr8f)

186 If he ever admits to the superiority of Alter Bridge over Creed, he might have a chance with me
Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:52 PM (RhGG0)

There shouldn't even be a discussion about this.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:53 PM (k26Nt)

187 Using Shienfield’s low estimate, that’s over 1.5 billion balls lost in the US every year since 2020.
Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 01:42 PM (RHGPo)

Hezbollah has a ways to go then.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 19, 2024 01:54 PM (aD39U)

188 It's only female dwarves that can grow beards. Not hobbits.
Posted by: screaming in digital at September 19, 2024 01:52 PM (iZbyp)

The more you know!

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:54 PM (RhGG0)

189 I grew a goatee because La'mar in the cell block ordered me to.

Posted by: James Traficant at September 19, 2024 01:54 PM (Y1sOo)

190 No, no. Not Detroit! Anything but Detroit!

Posted by: Bret Kavanaugh at September 19, 2024 01:54 PM (LCr8f)

191 1.5 Billion golf balls a there's a market that must be flooded with cheap Chinese fakes right?

Posted by: TexasDan at September 19, 2024 01:54 PM (z/ifB)

192 After making copies, the recipients immediately turned it over all information to the FBI. Honest.

Posted by: Ribbed at September 19, 2024 01:54 PM (iFMeW)

193 @141 Voter Theater-I'm not buying this Iran bullshit either. This with the e-mails and the supposed threats of assassinating Trump. I think they'll eventually get around to(hopefully unsuccessfully) taking Trump out with a bomb and if they succeed........"oh look what Iran did!"

Posted by: JROD at September 19, 2024 01:55 PM (IlL6s)

194 Relatedly, WaPo reports a man from Alaska arrested for making torture and assassination threats against six of the nine Supreme Court Justices. They don't report which are the six.

Poor Judge Roberts always included in the wrong group by the leftwing FNM and leftwing assassins

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 01:55 PM (oZhjI)

195 As argued by the Arizona Free Enterprise Club (AZFEC), this discovery “now place Proposition 140 thousands of signatures under the constitutionally required signature threshold to qualify for the [November] ballot.”
Posted by: SMOD

Is that the abortion prop?

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:55 PM (CIS44)

196 Listen to RMBS! He may have one of the longest journeys to the ranch.
Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:48 PM

*considers map*

I dunno...I think nurse and the Bacon Wench have me beat on that.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 01:55 PM (kgE5c)

197 194 Relatedly, WaPo reports a man from Alaska arrested for making torture and assassination threats against six of the nine Supreme Court Justices. They don't report which are the six.

Poor Judge Roberts always included in the wrong group by the leftwing FNM and leftwing assassins
Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 01:55 PM (oZhjI)

They didn't report which are the six.

Which is, as they say, a tell.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:55 PM (KbCG3)

198 NotTheBee: Pennsylvania county bans drop boxes after woman caught with multiple ballots

Posted by: Ribbed at September 19, 2024 01:55 PM (iFMeW)

199 The online video platform and web-host company Rumble scored a victory on Friday when a federal judge held Rumble could proceed with discovery in its defamation lawsuit against Nandini Jammi and Claire Atkin, the co-founders of Check My Ads.

The court’s ruling also suggests the efforts by the Check My Ads co-founders to have Rumble’s civil case tossed will fail, meaning the country may soon learn much more about how the censorship-industrial complex functions — including Democrats and Media Matters’ alleged role.

Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 01:56 PM (RHGPo)

200 If he ever admits to the superiority of Alter Bridge over Creed, he might have a chance with me
Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:52 PM (RhGG0)

There shouldn't even be a discussion about this.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:53 PM (k26Nt)

This is another example of why the bromance can not be broken!

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:56 PM (RhGG0)

201 It's only female dwarves that can grow beards. Not hobbits.

Well, on their faces.

Posted by: Some Hobbit with a full 70s fro on each foot at September 19, 2024 01:56 PM (oZhjI)

202 My dad was grounds keeper at IU golf course for over 45 yrs. We had a ginormous barrel of golf balls that he picked up on the course. My brothers would use a golf club to smack them into the corn field behind the house. I used a baseball bat. I don't play golf.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 19, 2024 01:56 PM (4XwPj)

203 *considers map*

I dunno...I think nurse and the Bacon Wench have me beat on that.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 01:55 PM (kgE5c)

I thought you were in Maryland?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:56 PM (k26Nt)

204 Lucky you. I have scars, and holes all over. Some from a failed halo brace, others from numerous skin cancers. At least I still have some hair to cover them.
Posted by: wth at September 19, 2024 01:50 PM (v0R5T)

a FAILED halo brace?

I want to know but I also don't.

Posted by: TexasDan at September 19, 2024 01:56 PM (z/ifB)

205 In other news, the Big Tit Sisters (Big Tit Donna, Nice Bid Brooke, and Curvy Katie) are in the same room bloviating about something.

Stuffy Steffy is getting stuffed by Libbity-Bibbity Finn. She is looking good sprawled on the bed in her black panties and bra.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at September 19, 2024 01:57 PM (ufFY8)

206 I'd like to come to the TX MoMe, if I ever find a damn job and have my own income stream again.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 01:57 PM (v6JzV)

207 Imagining She Hobbit with a long gray beard. I need to unsee that!!
Posted by: Doof
It's only female dwarves that can grow beards. Not hobbits.
Posted by: screaming in digital at September 19, 2024 01:52 PM

True, but hobbitses have furry feet. Unless they wax, I guess...

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 01:57 PM (kgE5c)

208 As argued by the Arizona Free Enterprise Club (AZFEC), this discovery “now place Proposition 140 thousands of signatures under the constitutionally required signature threshold to qualify for the [November] ballot.”
Posted by: SMOD

Is that the abortion prop?
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:55 PM


No. Ranked choice voting.

Posted by: Bigsmith at September 19, 2024 01:57 PM (1Au9i)

209 Yeah Bruce my best to her.

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 01:57 PM (LCr8f)

210 198 NotTheBee: Pennsylvania county bans drop boxes after woman caught with multiple ballots

yep - luzerne I think

people are not having it this time around, I think

Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 19, 2024 01:57 PM (s3qiR)

211 *considers map*

I dunno...I think nurse and the Bacon Wench have me beat on that.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState

Travelmath has them as very close.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:57 PM (CIS44)

212 Listen to RMBS! He may have one of the longest journeys to the ranch.
Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:48 PM

*considers map*

I dunno...I think nurse and the Bacon Wench have me beat on that.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState
NZFrank wins the prize if he can make it this year.

Posted by: screaming in digital at September 19, 2024 01:57 PM (iZbyp)

213 A beard on thine saves your wine.

Posted by: Orson Welles all hopped up on Paul Masson at September 19, 2024 01:57 PM (Ybyk2)

214 Ah, it's a wonderful-wonderful day here on the peanut ranch!

Ah one and ah two


Posted by: Jimmy Carter at September 19, 2024 01:57 PM (5hfjS)

215 198 NotTheBee: Pennsylvania county bans drop boxes after woman caught with multiple ballots
Posted by: Ribbed at September 19, 2024 01:55 PM (iFMeW)


I saw that yesterday.

PA's election efforts are actually tightening up to some small degree.

And the mail in numbers seem to lean slightly more Republican than 2020 did (while have a much smaller overall number because of course).

If you assume that all those missing mail in ballot D voters from 2020 are going to turn up to vote, then we might still have a tight race in PA. Of course, then there's Philly...

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 01:57 PM (GBKbO)

216 I thought you were in Maryland?
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:56 PM

MA. North of Boston.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 01:57 PM (kgE5c)

217 Yeah Bruce my best to her.
Posted by: ... a


Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:58 PM (CIS44)

218 "people are not having it this time around, I think"

God, I hope so.

Posted by: Ribbed at September 19, 2024 01:58 PM (iFMeW)

219 Everything Trump touches turns to shit. He can’t even keep emails secure. Fumbling bumbling buffoon.

Posted by: Should Have Gone With DeSantis at September 19, 2024 01:58 PM (cEtBs)

220 Heh, they tried to use voter fraud to get the ranked choice initiative on the ballot. Sounds about right.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 01:58 PM (oZhjI)

221 NZFrank wins the prize if he can make it this year.
Posted by: screaming in digital at September 19, 2024 01:57 PM

Hands down.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 01:58 PM (kgE5c)

222 "PA's election efforts are actually tightening up to some small degree."

Shapiro is motivated to ensure a fair election.

Posted by: Ribbed at September 19, 2024 01:59 PM (iFMeW)

223 NZFrank wins the prize if he can make it this year.
Posted by: screaming in digital a

Ya thats a tough one to beat

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:59 PM (CIS44)

224 Just heard some dudes on the radio talk about an Oprah documentary that Oprah bought, so that it never gets released. Apparently this O'Barky lover didn't like some of the content.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at September 19, 2024 01:59 PM (ufFY8)

225 Listen to RMBS! He may have one of the longest journeys to the ranch.
Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:48 PM

*considers map*

I dunno...I think nurse and the Bacon Wench have me beat on that.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 01:55 PM (kgE5c)

Not if you count it by number of states away!

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 01:59 PM (RhGG0)

226 ha! now that's funny

Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 19, 2024 01:59 PM (s3qiR)

227 MA. North of Boston.

I bet you don't pahk yah cah in hahvahd yahd.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 01:59 PM (oZhjI)

228 MA. North of Boston.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState

How close are you to Mr. Poppina?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 01:59 PM (v6JzV)

229 Everything Trump touches turns to shit. He can’t even keep emails secure. Fumbling bumbling buffoon.
Posted by: Should Have Gone With DeSantis at September 19, 2024 01:58 PM

Your concern is:

[X] Noted

[ ] Other than noted

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 01:59 PM (kgE5c)

230 "Poppins"

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 01:59 PM (v6JzV)

231 Ummm, we all know Iran is an ally of the dem admin.

Posted by: Eromero at September 19, 2024 02:00 PM (o2ZRX)

232 I saw that yesterday.

PA's election efforts are actually tightening up to some small degree.

And the mail in numbers seem to lean slightly more Republican than 2020 did (while have a much smaller overall number because of course).

If you assume that all those missing mail in ballot D voters from 2020 are going to turn up to vote, then we might still have a tight race in PA. Of course, then there's Philly...
Posted by: TheJamesMadison,

The trends there have all been very positive, but ya Philly.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:00 PM (CIS44)

233 I thought you were in Maryland?
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:56 PM (k26Nt)

No self respecting Hordeling would live there

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 02:00 PM (RhGG0)

MA. North of Boston.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 01:57 PM (kgE5c)

Ah, ok.

Of course, shocking no one, I was wrong.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 02:00 PM (k26Nt)

235 222 "PA's election efforts are actually tightening up to some small degree."

Shapiro is motivated to ensure a fair election.
Posted by: Ribbed at September 19, 2024 01:59 PM (iFMeW)


None of it is coming from the governor's office or the executive branch at the state level at all.

It's the judiciary at the state level (which could very easily be influenced in the same ways as the executive) and county stuff.

It does entertain me this thought that Shapiro is allowing it all, though.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:00 PM (GBKbO)

236 I bet you don't pahk yah cah in hahvahd yahd.
Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 01:59 PM

Nah...they'd tow it to Meffa.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 02:00 PM (kgE5c)

237 Your concern is:

[ ] Noted

[ ] Other than noted

[X] Trolling

Posted by: Ribbed at September 19, 2024 02:00 PM (iFMeW)

238 @215 TJM , given that some precincts in Philly had over 100% turnout in 2012, with no votes for Romney, it's safe to say they'll do it again this year

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 19, 2024 02:00 PM (pkaD9)

239 FCC Commissioner Slams Kamala Harris’s $42 Billion Broadband Initiative:
‘Not One Person, Home, or Business Connected in 3 Years!’

Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 02:00 PM (RHGPo)

240 I do wonder what Trump's plan is when a few days after the election Philly submits ten million votes for Kamala.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:00 PM (oZhjI)

241 I thought you were in Maryland?
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 01:56 PM (k26Nt)

No self respecting Hordeling would live there
Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 02:00 PM


Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 02:01 PM (kgE5c)

242 Strange that Ds still live in a world where Watergate, i.e. spying on a campaign, was the worst attack on democracy since the shaman looked at pelosi's mail. Shouldn't this be bigger news then.
The Ds also do not care when the FBI spies on a campaign on behalf of another campaign.
I really never want to hear a damn thing about Watergate ever again

Posted by: FunkySeeFunkyDo at September 19, 2024 02:01 PM (x17Ef)

243 Not surprised. But it might be an indication about the future of a second Trump presidency.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 19, 2024 01:37 PM (Q4IgG)

You mean the FIGHTIN' GOP? Those guys??

Not possible. They're FIGHTIN' donate today.

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:01 PM (LCr8f)

244 No. Ranked choice voting.
Posted by: Bigsmith

ugh, that crap is awful

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:01 PM (CIS44)

245 Everything Trump touches turns to shit. He can’t even keep emails secure. Fumbling bumbling buffoon.
Posted by: Should Have Gone With DeSantis at September 19, 2024 01:58 PM

The tits are not calm. I repeat, the tits are NOT calm.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 02:01 PM (k26Nt)

246 Ya thats a tough one to beat
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 01:59 PM (CIS44)

That's what
- She

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 02:01 PM (RhGG0)

247 238 @215 TJM , given that some precincts in Philly had over 100% turnout in 2012, with no votes for Romney, it's safe to say they'll do it again this year
Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 19, 2024 02:00 PM (pkaD9)



They've been doing it for decades.

I have very little hope for the legal challenges to it, but it'd be interesting to see that stuff actually play out.

I'm not holding my breath.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:01 PM (GBKbO)

248 “It’s been 1,039 days since Vice President Harris agreed to spearhead this massive program, yet not a single person has been connected to the internet. Not one home. Not one business. Not even a shovel has hit the ground,” Carr declared in his opening statement.

“It gets worse—no infrastructure builds will even start until sometime next year at the earliest, and in many cases, not until 2026. This makes Vice President Harris’s $42 billion initiative the slowest-moving federal broadband deployment program in recent history.”

Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 02:02 PM (RHGPo)

249 How close are you to Mr. Poppina?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 01:59 PM

Maybe 15-20 minutes up the highway. He's been to my range to train for the TxMoMe.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 02:02 PM (kgE5c)

250 There is a guy that posts videos from Philly every night. He just drives around and posts his dashcam.

And the streets are full of people shooting up, passed out, or yelling at people that aren't actually there.

And every election the FNM tells us these people are highly motivated voters.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:02 PM (oZhjI)

251 239 FCC Commissioner Slams Kamala Harris’s $42 Billion Broadband Initiative:
‘Not One Person, Home, or Business Connected in 3 Years!’
Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 02:00 PM (RHGPo)

Tee hee.

Posted by: Democrat Donors Who Got the $42B at September 19, 2024 02:03 PM (cEtBs)

252 Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok 2h
BREAKING: The man from Alaska who was just charged for threatening to torture & kill 6 Supreme Court Justices donated dozens of times to Democrat Platform ActBlue.

The DOJ indictment didn’t name which 6 justices were threatened.

The Supreme Court has a 6-3 Conservative majority

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 19, 2024 02:03 PM (CEzQx)

253 People in my neck of the woods here in California receive a shitload of ballots every year around voting time. I already have three. On the way to my carpal tunnel surgery me and my cousin discussed how we're going to go about harvesting and filling out ballots like a mofo here in Contra Costa County. Any tips from the horde are welcome.......

Posted by: JROD at September 19, 2024 02:03 PM (IlL6s)

254 DeSantis did beat a perverted syphilitic homo crackhead who got caught on videotape at the height of the election, so there's that.

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:03 PM (LCr8f)

“It gets worse—no infrastructure builds will even start until sometime next year at the earliest, and in many cases, not until 2026. This makes Vice President Harris’s $42 billion initiative the slowest-moving federal broadband deployment program in recent history.”
Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 02:02 PM (RHGPo)

And the money is likely already spent, so when the project DOES start, they'll need new funding.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 02:03 PM (k26Nt)

Apparently, if you laid 1 billion golf balls in a row, they would extend around the Earth’s circumference
Posted by: SMOD

Do you play a Slazenger 1?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 19, 2024 02:03 PM (63Dwl)

257 My dad was grounds keeper at IU golf course for over 45 yrs. We had a ginormous barrel of golf balls that he picked up on the course. My brothers would use a golf club to smack them into the corn field behind the house. I used a baseball bat. I don't play golf.
Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 19, 2024 01:56 PM (4XwPj)

There is an adapter for an AR-15 that launches golf balls using .223 blanks. It is surprisingly fun to play with

Posted by: Kindltot at September 19, 2024 02:03 PM (D7oie)

258 Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok 2h
BREAKING: The man from Alaska who was just charged for threatening to torture & kill 6 Supreme Court Justices donated dozens of times to Democrat Platform ActBlue.

The DOJ indictment didn’t name which 6 justices were threatened.

The Supreme Court has a 6-3 Conservative majority
Posted by: andycanuck

*looks for shocked face*
*decides to put it back down*

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:03 PM (CIS44)

259 “It gets worse—no infrastructure builds will even start until sometime next year at the earliest, and in many cases, not until 2026. This makes Vice President Harris’s $42 billion initiative the slowest-moving federal broadband deployment program in recent history.”
Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 02:02 PM (RHGPo)

I'm betting it never gets done.

Posted by: hobbitopoly at September 19, 2024 02:03 PM (k9OZB)

260 I remember we had a Northeastern MoMe many many years ago. If Trump wins maybe we should have another one?

If he loses we can just meet up in the camps.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:04 PM (oZhjI)

261 The Supreme Court has a 6-3 Conservative majority
Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 19, 2024 02:03 PM (CEzQx)

He hates these cans.

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:04 PM (LCr8f)

262 DeSantis did beat a perverted syphilitic homo crackhead who got caught on videotape at the height of the election, so there's that.

Gillum's likely of being under a stack of meth'd up hobos came to light AFTER the election.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:05 PM (oZhjI)

263 TJM , given that some precincts in Philly had over 100% turnout in 2012, with no votes for Romney, it's safe to say they'll do it again this year
Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 19, 2024 02:00 PM (pkaD9)



They've been doing it for decades.

I have very little hope for the legal challenges to it, but it'd be interesting to see that stuff actually play out.

I'm not holding my breath.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:01 PM (GBKbO)

We are deeply fuckeded. I think the only chance we have is some combination of the PA voter security measures actually having some teeth (unlikely) and/or the Shapiro faction despising the Hindi Whore and wanting her to lose so he can run in 2028. The latter is very likely, but I don't know how much power he as to shiv her in the back.

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:05 PM (iFTx/)

264 Posted by: Should Have Gone With DeSantis at September 19, 2024 01:58 PM

"The tits are not calm. I repeat, the tits are NOT calm."

I suspect that this disgruntled DeSantis fan poster is probably a male and therefore doesn't have too much in tits to speak of.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 19, 2024 02:05 PM (dTTBf)

265 252 Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok 2h
BREAKING: The man from Alaska who was just charged for threatening to torture & kill 6 Supreme Court Justices donated dozens of times to Democrat Platform ActBlue.

The DOJ indictment didn’t name which 6 justices were threatened.

The Supreme Court has a 6-3 Conservative majority
Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 19, 2024 02:03 PM (CEzQx)


DU is never going to talk about this again.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:06 PM (GBKbO)

266 "Gillum's likely of being under a stack of meth'd up hobos came to light AFTER the election."

I feel better knowing I'm not the only one who misremembered that.

Posted by: Ribbed at September 19, 2024 02:06 PM (iFMeW)

267 The NYT's, Politico and the WP all have the full packet. They are waiting for a bit and will release them to one of those garbage leftist blogs...and then the former will cite that blog so they can report on them.

This is how they get around illegally obtained information...which is exactly what they did with the Steele dossier. All of which point to the fact that there weren't any Iranians involved at all. This is an Intel Op...just last last time.

Posted by: Orson at September 19, 2024 02:06 PM (dIske)

268 254 DeSantis did beat a perverted syphilitic homo crackhead who got caught on videotape at the height of the election, so there's that.
Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:03 PM (LCr8f)


Nah, Gillum got caught in that bedroom after the election.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:06 PM (GBKbO)

269 Poor Judge Roberts always included in the wrong group by the leftwing FNM and leftwing assassins
Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 01:55 PM (oZhjI)

They didn't report which are the six.

Which is, as they say, a tell.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 01:55 PM (KbCG3)

Probably said "the conservative wing". Roberts let out a sigh of relief saying "good, not me".

Posted by: WisRich at September 19, 2024 02:06 PM (Qgr0I)

270 So two leftist would be Trump assassins and two leftist would be SC assassins.

I really hope these things don't come in threes.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:06 PM (oZhjI)

271 "I suspect that this disgruntled DeSantis fan poster is probably a male and therefore doesn't have too much in tits to speak of."

I suspect he's a Trump supporter who is trying to show how Desantis supporters are always throwing rocks first.

Posted by: Ribbed at September 19, 2024 02:06 PM (iFMeW)

272 NotTheBee: Pennsylvania county bans drop boxes after woman caught with multiple ballots

Good news.

Luzerne County has the curiously Hispanic city of Hazleton (over 60%). This is northeastern PA coal country. They got the Springfield, Ohio treatment.

The D's are vulnerable to this. Our own operatives could "get caught" doing the same thing.

Posted by: t-bird at September 19, 2024 02:07 PM (NCclz)

273 Heh!

Posted by: Xipe Totec at September 19, 2024 02:07 PM (kzHlT)

274 263 We are deeply fuckeded. I think the only chance we have is some combination of the PA voter security measures actually having some teeth (unlikely) and/or the Shapiro faction despising the Hindi Whore and wanting her to lose so he can run in 2028. The latter is very likely, but I don't know how much power he as to shiv her in the back.
Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:05 PM (iFTx/)


There could be the effort to keep counts until Philly reports.

If Shapiro orders the arrest of red county officials for holding back numbers, oh boy...

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:07 PM (GBKbO)

275 @254..., that's perverted syphilitic homo crackhead Mayor of Tallahassee to you pal

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 19, 2024 02:07 PM (pkaD9)

276 Iran also tried to hack the Biden Harris campaign but was unsuccessful in doing so. And of course we have the media double standard of being hands off on this info while being all over the 2016 Clinton emails.

Russia hacked Hillary. Passed it on. Everybody used it. Just remember that shit. Whatever happened here, My give a fuck is already used up.

Iran, if you're listening, you need to send that shit to me. I'll put it to good use.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 19, 2024 02:07 PM (JCZqz)

277 I suspect that this disgruntled DeSantis fan poster is probably a male and therefore doesn't have too much in tits to speak of.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 19, 2024 02:05 PM (dTTBf)
He has the strong scent of estrogen supplementation.

Nah, Gillum got caught in that bedroom after the election.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:06 PM (GBKbO)

Forget it I'm rolling.

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:07 PM (LCr8f)

278 It's really a pity that no Democrats took the pagers.

Posted by: scottst at September 19, 2024 02:08 PM (qcvs8)

279 265 252 Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok 2h
BREAKING: The man from Alaska who was just charged for threatening to torture & kill 6 Supreme Court Justices donated dozens of times to Democrat Platform ActBlue.

The DOJ indictment didn’t name which 6 justices were threatened.

The Supreme Court has a 6-3 Conservative majority
Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 19, 2024 02:03 PM (CEzQx)


DU is never going to talk about this again.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:06 PM (GBKbO)

"SCOTUS has been restricting rights and pushing people to the brink ever since they become the Orange Man's personal judiciary. It's no wonder people feel the need to lash out in this way." - DU, barely an inconvenience

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 02:08 PM (KbCG3)

280 Iran, if you're listening, you need to send that shit to me. I'll put it to good use.
Posted by: Intercepted DU

FBI is gonna get right on this right? right?

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:09 PM (CIS44)

281 Let's see 6 justices but not named . Not Kagan, not Ketanji, not wise Latina sugar tits. So ..

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 19, 2024 02:10 PM (pkaD9)

282 Would someone have taken a shot at DeSantis after the left tagged pre-hanged him with abortion and Project 2025?

Posted by: fd at September 19, 2024 02:10 PM (vFG9F)

283 I remember we had a Northeastern MoMe many many years ago. If Trump wins maybe we should have another one?

If he loses we can just meet up in the camps.
Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:04 PM

2010, iirc. I think we met. Laura W. and her husband were there, too. Good times. I, for one, would welcome another NeMoMe.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 02:10 PM (kgE5c)

284 We are deeply fuckeded. I think the only chance we have is some combination of the PA voter security measures actually having some teeth (unlikely) and/or the Shapiro faction despising the Hindi Whore and wanting her to lose so he can run in 2028. The latter is very likely, but I don't know how much power he as to shiv her in the back.
Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:05 PM (iFTx/)


There could be the effort to keep counts until Philly reports.

If Shapiro orders the arrest of red county officials for holding back numbers, oh boy...
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:07 PM (GBKbO)

Shapiro wants the whore to lose. She snubbed him for VP (he seems pissed about that) and he wants a clear field in 2028. I doubt he'll actively do anything that helps her win. But he's not doing the "counting" in Philly. I don't know how much his faction can influence that.

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:10 PM (iFTx/)

285 Bastards!!!

Breaking911 @Breaking911
NEW: OnlyFans model Ava Louise faces possible charges after she flashed President Trump at NY rally
30 seconds; pixilated Bastards!!!

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 19, 2024 02:10 PM (CEzQx)

286 Whatever happened to

"Bomb, bomb, bomb,
bomb-bomb Iran"?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at September 19, 2024 02:10 PM (a3Q+t)

287 2010, iirc. I think we met. Laura W. and her husband were there, too. Good times. I, for one, would welcome another NeMoMe.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState

SiD are yall still talking bout a SCMoMe?

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:11 PM (CIS44)

288 NEW: OnlyFans model Ava Louise faces possible charges after she flashed President Trump at NY rally

The world has gone mad. What is she being charged with? Being awesome?

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:11 PM (LCr8f)

289 I, for one, would welcome another NeMoMe.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 02:10 PM (kgE5c)

Count me in!

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 02:11 PM (RhGG0)

290 254 DeSantis did beat a perverted syphilitic homo crackhead who got caught on videotape at the height of the election, so there's that.
Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:03 PM (LCr8f)

You forgot the part where he won re-election by 20 points in 2022. He’d be wiping the floor with Kamala. Instead the Orange God will lose again. And he’ll blame fraud and god knows else for his pathetic campaign. Aliens caused him to lose.

Posted by: Should Have Gone With DeSantis at September 19, 2024 02:11 PM (i7MGG)

291 NEW: OnlyFans model Ava Louise faces possible charges after she flashed President Trump at NY rally

Charged with decent exposure?

Posted by: Oddbob at September 19, 2024 02:12 PM (/y8xj)

292 Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 19, 2024 02:10 PM (CEzQx)

I hope she doesn't have any charges against her, but she was an ignoramus.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 19, 2024 02:12 PM (dTTBf)

293 Breaking911 @Breaking911
NEW: OnlyFans model Ava Louise faces possible charges after she flashed President Trump at NY rally
30 seconds; pixilated Bastards!!!
Posted by: andycanuck (C

Now do the It from the White House

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:12 PM (CIS44)

294 Breaking911 @Breaking911
NEW: OnlyFans model Ava Louise faces possible charges after she flashed President Trump at NY rally

They NEVER threaten charges when the Code Pink cattle run around with their titflops out..........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 02:12 PM (k26Nt)

295 NEW: OnlyFans model Ava Louise faces possible charges after she flashed President Trump at NY rally
30 seconds; pixilated Bastards!!!
Posted by: andycanuck

Because it's well known that one way to piss off Donald Trump is to show him your boobs.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:12 PM (v6JzV)

296 I hope she doesn't have any charges against her, but she was an ignoramus.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke a

Literally nothing that doesnt happen 100s of times at every rock concert.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:13 PM (CIS44)

297 Shapiro wants the whore to lose. She snubbed him for VP (he seems pissed about that)
Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:10 PM (iFTx/)

That may be what Democrats want us to believe but it's only to throw us off the scent.

Remember how "incompetent" and "awful" Kamala was for three years only to transform into the smartest most amazing woman ever?

NEVER BELIEVE A DEMOCRAT. Shapiro will already have many guarantees from her post-election.

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:13 PM (LCr8f)

298 The world has gone mad. What is she being charged with? Being awesome?
First Degree Nipplage.

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 19, 2024 02:13 PM (CEzQx)

299 Or the FBI did it and is blaming Iran so they can claim foreign influence.

Posted by: FlatvilleBill at September 19, 2024 02:13 PM (LHZOs)

300 It's also great cover. "Shapiro hates Kamala, Pennsylvania couldn't have cheated!"

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:14 PM (LCr8f)

Because it's well known that one way to piss off Donald Trump is to show him your boobs.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:12 PM (v6JzV)

Shit. Hopefully the Harris campaign doesn't start pushing for another debate........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 02:14 PM (k26Nt)

302 I totally believe that these psychopaths didn’t read any of those emails. Totally.

Posted by: Jak Sucio at September 19, 2024 02:14 PM (Aoykm)

303 Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:13 PM (CIS44)

It wasn't a rock concert, She should just keep her boobs to her OnlyFans station.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 19, 2024 02:14 PM (dTTBf)

304 It wasn't a rock concert, She should just keep her boobs to her OnlyFans station.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke

Sure it was.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:15 PM (CIS44)

305 Shit. Hopefully the Harris campaign doesn't start pushing for another debate........
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 02:14 PM (k26Nt)


Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 19, 2024 02:15 PM (dTTBf)

306 There could be the effort to keep counts until Philly reports.

If Shapiro orders the arrest of red county officials for holding back numbers, oh boy...
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:07 PM (GBKbO)

So the state special weapons unit is going to go upstate to start kicking doors at county courthouses? Will the Sheriff object?

Posted by: Kindltot at September 19, 2024 02:15 PM (D7oie)

307 @254..., that's perverted syphilitic homo crackhead Mayor of Tallahassee to you pal
Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 19, 2024 02:07 PM

Add mephitic, and he'd be approaching the Penguinlarity.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at September 19, 2024 02:15 PM (a3Q+t)

308 Posted by: Should Have Gone With DeSantis at September 19, 2024 02:11 PM (i7MGG)

Could have also nominated Ron Paul. Didn't. Any idea why? Maybe Trump cheated DeSantis into 10% support, that's probably it.

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:16 PM (LCr8f)

309 Oh FFS Mel Kiper says "2 high safeties should be banned". just stop playing defense guys.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:16 PM (CIS44)

310 It wasn't a rock concert, She should just keep her boobs to her OnlyFans station.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 19, 2024 02:14 PM (dTTBf)

I, for one, would never tell a woman to not show me her boobs if she decided that was something she wanted to do.

I would advise you not to head to New Orleans during Mardi Gras.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 02:16 PM (k26Nt)

311 It wasn't a rock concert, She should just keep her boobs to her OnlyFans station.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke

But Trump is a rock star.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:16 PM (v6JzV)

312 288 NEW: OnlyFans model Ava Louise faces possible charges after she flashed President Trump at NY rally

The world has gone mad. What is she being charged with? Being awesome?
Posted by: ...

Who? (Googles)

NY Post image from event:

Is see. Not a dumb Lefty trying to pwn
Trump, but a hot (slutty) supporter. I hope someone threw her some beads. Article says it was at the Nassau Colliseum rally.

Posted by: Admiral Ackbar at September 19, 2024 02:16 PM (JCZqz)

313 And I doubt in a crowd of however many were there TRump had an opportunity to see her boobs, poor dear.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 19, 2024 02:16 PM (dTTBf)

314 I believe your chances for objectification are greatly improved by dancing on Saturday night at the TX MoMee.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 19, 2024 01:30 PM (FnneF)

So, zero then, same as before.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:16 PM (i24o9)

315 >>>NEW: OnlyFans model Ava Louise faces possible charges after she flashed President Trump at NY rally


Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:17 PM (i24o9)

316 Oh FFS Mel Kiper says "2 high safeties should be banned". just stop playing defense guys.
Posted by: BruceWayne

When did they stop drug testing?

Posted by: SFGoth at September 19, 2024 02:17 PM (KAi1n)

317 I, for one, would never tell a woman to not show me her boobs if she decided that was something she wanted to do.

I would advise you not to head to New Orleans during Mardi Gras.
Posted by: Sponge

Or the infield at the Preakness.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:17 PM (v6JzV)

318 >>> 282 Would someone have taken a shot at DeSantis after the left tagged pre-hanged him with abortion and Project 2025?
Posted by: fd at September 19, 2024 02:10 PM (vFG9F)

Don't be silly, he is a Quality, Electable Candidate.

... until he gets nominated.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 19, 2024 02:17 PM (FnneF)

319 Oh FFS Mel Kiper says "2 high safeties should be banned". just stop playing defense guys.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:16 PM (CIS44)

My favorite Mel Kiper moment was when someone from the media asked a coach about their draft board and suggested Mel Kiper said they should go a different direction.

"WHO the HELL is Mel Kiper?!??"

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 02:17 PM (k26Nt)

320 Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:16 PM (v6JzV)

I am not familiar with Trump's rock output.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 19, 2024 02:17 PM (dTTBf)

321 Or the infield at the Preakness.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

Or the Indy 500

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:18 PM (CIS44)

322 pixilated Bastards!!!
Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 19, 2024 02:10 PM

non-Nooding Bastards <<< pixilated Bastards

Posted by: Duncanthrax at September 19, 2024 02:18 PM (a3Q+t)

323 It wasn't a rock concert, She should just keep her boobs to her OnlyFans station.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 19, 2024 02:14 PM (dTTBf)

I'm not claiming to be a hero but if I were a bit younger I'd have thrown myself on those boobs to protect the bystanders.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 02:18 PM (ExV1e)

My favorite Mel Kiper moment was when someone from the media asked a coach about their draft board and suggested Mel Kiper said they should go a different direction.

"WHO the HELL is Mel Kiper?!??"
Posted by: Sponge - F*


Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:18 PM (CIS44)

325 Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 02:18 PM (ExV1e)

LOL. That is very thoughtful of you.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 19, 2024 02:19 PM (dTTBf)

326 I'm not claiming to be a hero but if I were a bit younger I'd have thrown myself on those boobs to protect the bystanders.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic

face first.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:19 PM (CIS44)

327 Posted by: Should Have Gone With DeSantis at September 19, 2024 02:11 PM (i7MGG)

except . . . He lost the primary. Sorry, but reality trumps should have.

I know you are a one subject sort of guy, but you have wonderful spelling. Have you tried discussing things you enjoy instead of these things that cause you pain?
Come, Brother. Loosen up and have some fun. Life is so fleeting.

Do 50 words on boobs. Bring the funneh.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 19, 2024 02:19 PM (D7oie)

328 319 Oh FFS Mel Kiper says "2 high safeties should be banned". just stop playing defense guys.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:16 PM (CIS44)

My favorite Mel Kiper moment was when someone from the media asked a coach about their draft board and suggested Mel Kiper said they should go a different direction.

"WHO the HELL is Mel Kiper?!??"
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 02:17 PM (k26Nt)

Back in the day, him and the Colts GM got into it during the draft. Was great TV. Colts GM was also right. Kiper never sat in a meeting. Never worked for a team. Simply offered consequence-free opinions.

Side note: I was roommates with a guy who worked closely with Kiper. Said the guy was a genius. He legit knew every college draft-worthy player and could recite facts about them without having to revisit research.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 02:19 PM (KbCG3)

329 Oh FFS Mel Kiper says "2 high safeties should be banned". just stop playing defense guys.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:16 PM (CIS44)

Playing football under the influence is dangerous. All safeties should be sober.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 02:19 PM (ExV1e)

330 I am not familiar with Trump's rock output.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 19, 2024 02:17 PM (dTTBf)

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 19, 2024 02:20 PM (aD39U)

331 The world has gone mad. What is she being charged with? Being awesome?
Possessing Weapons of Mass Distraction.

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 19, 2024 02:20 PM (CEzQx)

332 I'm not claiming to be a hero but if I were a bit younger I'd have thrown myself on those boobs to protect the bystanders.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic

Are you suggesting she's not 100% natural...and Mossad may have had a hand in her augmentation? You're a true hero.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at September 19, 2024 02:20 PM (JCZqz)

333 It wasn't a rock concert, She should just keep her boobs to her OnlyFans station.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 19, 2024 02:14 PM (dTTBf)

I, for one, would never tell a woman to not show me her boobs if she decided that was something she wanted to do.

I would advise you not to head to New Orleans during Mardi Gras.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 02:16 PM (k26Nt)

Or to any expensive night club. They are basically topless bars by midnight in the VIP sections. Only hot girls are allowed in there, so it's all quality.

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:20 PM (iFTx/)

334 321 Or the infield at the Preakness.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

Or the Indy 500
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:18 PM (CIS44)

Talladega infield.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 02:20 PM (KbCG3)

335 I am not familiar with Trump's rock output.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 19, 2024 02:17 PM (dTTBf)


Love ya Fen, but sometimes you try way too hard to not get the joke.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 19, 2024 02:20 PM (2UnvF)

336 Back in the day, him and the Colts GM got into it during the draft. Was great TV. Colts GM was also right. Kiper never sat in a meeting. Never worked for a team. Simply offered consequence-free opinions.

Side note: I was roommates with a guy who worked closely with Kiper. Said the guy was a genius. He legit knew every college draft-worthy player and could recite facts about them without having to revisit research.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

He does do that, but he has no concept of how those things translate to teams/systems.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:21 PM (CIS44)

337 Because it's well known that one way to piss off Donald Trump is to show him your boobs.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:12 PM (v6JzV)

"They were nice, Melania, really nice. But yours are spectacular"

Posted by: Kindltot at September 19, 2024 02:21 PM (D7oie)

338 The world has gone mad. What is she being charged with? Being awesome?
Possessing Weapons of Mass Distraction.

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 19, 2024 02:20 PM (CEzQx)


Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:21 PM (i24o9)

339 Or the infield at the Preakness.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

Or the Indy 500
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:18 PM (CIS44)

Talladega infield.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer a

Vegas Pool

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:21 PM (CIS44)

340 A hottie flashing her bewbs is a serious security threat - assuming its done to distract the secret service while a shooter takes position elsewhere...

Why not? It works in the movies

Posted by: weew at September 19, 2024 02:21 PM (QnUpo)

341 >>> 327
Do 50 words on boobs. Bring the funneh.
Posted by: Kindltot at September 19, 2024 02:19 PM (D7oie)

boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 19, 2024 02:21 PM (FnneF)

342 Precious

Posted by: Hokey Pokey at September 19, 2024 02:22 PM (QSrLX)

343 321 Or the infield at the Preakness.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

Or the Indy 500
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:18 PM (CIS44)

Talladega infield.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 02:20 PM (KbCG3)

Come to our next Bingo Night!

Posted by: The Villages at September 19, 2024 02:22 PM (Y1sOo)

344 Side note: I was roommates with a guy who worked closely with Kiper. Said the guy was a genius. He legit knew every college draft-worthy player and could recite facts about them without having to revisit research.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

He does do that, but he has no concept of how those things translate to teams/systems.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:21 PM (CIS44)

Again, consequence-free opinions. He's touted how many busts?

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 02:22 PM (KbCG3)

345 So the second assassination attempt on Trump got more conspiratorial. A whistleblower told Senator Hawley that there are typically SS agents stationed at the golf course vulnerable areas.

So at this point there was supposed to be someone where the shooter was.

This is the exact same problem with the J13 assassination. There should’ve been someone on the roof but not and the shooter exploited that vulnerability.

In both cases there is no way the shooter should’ve known the vulnerability existed.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at September 19, 2024 02:22 PM (CgVac)

346 boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 19, 2024 02:21 PM (FnneF)

Needs more boobs.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:22 PM (i24o9)

347 Or the infield at the Preakness.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

Or the Indy 500
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:18 PM (CIS44)

Talladega infield.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer a

Vegas Pool
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:21 PM (CIS44)

David French's living room. Oh wait, that's dicks ....

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:23 PM (iFTx/)

348 Oh FFS Mel Kiper says "2 high safeties should be banned". just stop playing defense guys.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:16 PM (CIS44)

Bob Costas can regurgitate all kinds of stats and bullshit about baseball, but just because you can memorize an encyclopedia doesn't mean you know f*ck all about anything.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 02:23 PM (k26Nt)

349 Do 50 words on boobs. Bring the funneh.
Posted by: Kindltot at September 19, 2024 02:19 PM (D7oie)

50 words? That pager girl could hold War and Peace.

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:23 PM (LCr8f)

350 Weren't there Iranians who hacked the democrat servers back in 2016, too? I seem to recall a family of them who were hired by the dems and then managed to run home once they were discovered.

Posted by: red speck at September 19, 2024 02:23 PM (0Id0S)

351 315 >>>NEW: OnlyFans model Ava Louise faces possible charges after she flashed President Trump at NY rally

Posted by: Comrade Flounder

I know, right?!? Maybe we can get Dylan Mulvaney to flash Kamala at her next rally...much more tasteful and progressive!

Posted by: Tim Walz at September 19, 2024 02:23 PM (JCZqz)

352 >>> 344
Again, consequence-free opinions. He's touted how many busts?
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 02:22 PM (KbCG3)

JaMarcus Russell? Ryan Leaf?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 19, 2024 02:23 PM (FnneF)

353 He's touted how many busts?
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer


Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:23 PM (CIS44)

354 boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 19, 2024 02:21 PM (FnneF)

That's hot.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 02:23 PM (k26Nt)

355 I'm not claiming to be a hero but if I were a bit younger I'd have thrown myself on those boobs to protect the bystanders.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 02:18 PM

Were your motorboating and dialing in Rangoon skills better then?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at September 19, 2024 02:23 PM (a3Q+t)

356 "Iran Hacked Trump Campaign Emails"

My main takeaway: Trump's team needs to harden their cybersecurity and comsec.

Posted by: El gp De Los Vientos at September 19, 2024 02:23 PM (7d3jo)

357 Nick Sortor @nicksortor
Is this a Trump rally or an Aerosmith concert?!
Holy CRAP 😳
35 seconds; NOT meant as a rejoinder to Fen.

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 19, 2024 02:24 PM (CEzQx)

358 nood

Posted by: El gp De Los Vientos at September 19, 2024 02:24 PM (7d3jo)

359 David French's living room. Oh wait, that's dicks ....

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:23 PM (iFTx/)

Not taking any nightclub recommendations from you until you get glasses.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:24 PM (i24o9)

360 The FBI conducted a raid on the Rahal Letterman Lanigan (RLL) Racing headquarters in Zionsville, Indiana, early Wednesday morning.

The renowned facility, owned by former Indy 500 champion Bobby Rahal, television icon David Letterman, and entrepreneur Mike Lanigan, became the center of an active federal investigation.

Federal agents, in coordination with Zionsville police, arrived at the state-of-the-art 100,000-square-foot facility located at 10771 Creek Way.

Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 02:24 PM (RHGPo)

361 U nas yest' NOOD.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:25 PM (v6JzV)

362 That's why this country needs to auger in, break up and we go our own separate ways and the left can starve.
Posted by: rickb223

A divorce will never happen. Consider the ramifications in the financial world. It would destroy Western economies. This is a global war .

Posted by: Sock Monkey * considering the imponderables at September 19, 2024 02:25 PM (f+zED)

363 Not a dumb Lefty trying to pwn
Trump, but a hot (slutty) supporter

"Being charged" was the tell.

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:25 PM (LCr8f)

364 Were your motorboating and dialing in Rangoon skills better then?
Posted by: Duncanthrax at September 19, 2024 02:23 PM (a3Q+t)

Well, I was less married then.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 02:25 PM (ExV1e)

365 357 Nick Sortor @nicksortor
Is this a Trump rally or an Aerosmith concert?!

.. Steven Tyler damaged his vocal chords last year and the band has now ceased any new concerts

Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 02:26 PM (RHGPo)

366 Because it's well known that one way to piss off Donald Trump is to show him your boobs.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:12 PM

Not sure how I feel about it, I guess there's only one way to find out!

Posted by: Minnfidel at September 19, 2024 02:26 PM (ewjUl)

367 50 words? That pager girl could hold War and Peace.
Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:23 PM (LCr8f)

Not everyone's muse is that voluble.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (D7oie)

368 312 288 NEW: OnlyFans model Ava Louise faces possible charges after she flashed President Trump at NY rally

Prosecutors in New York have already lost 2 cases in their highest state court holding that women have the right to go topless. Not a joke. These peace officers/prosecutors are idiots and tyrants.

Posted by: Tit Law at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (SSEhk)

369 Boobs > Bobs > Hobos

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (oZhjI)

370 "Iran Hacked Trump Campaign Emails"

.. this apparently was one former employee who had left before the hack

Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (RHGPo)

>>>NEW: OnlyFans model Ava Louise faces possible charges after she flashed President Trump at NY rally

Sentenced to exile on Gilligan's Island.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (63Dwl)

372 European Parliament Approves the Recognition of Edmundo González as the “Legitimate” and Elected President of Venezuela

Posted by: SMOD at September 19, 2024 02:28 PM (RHGPo)

373 Prosecutors in New York have already lost 2 cases in their highest state court holding that women have the right to go topless. Not a joke. These peace officers/prosecutors are idiots and tyrants.
Canadian women "won" that "right" here too courtesy of our Supremes.

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 19, 2024 02:29 PM (CEzQx)

374 Hillary used an unsecured home brew server JUST SO he Russian pals could break into it and read her comms.
Her purpose was to put the Russians at ease that Obama policy was tracking to favor Russia. Reset Button diplomacy.

She was a fool of course but she married Bill too. And she trusted her lawyer to keep her secrets.

Posted by: torabora at September 19, 2024 02:33 PM (0Gnoc)

375 SiD are yall still talking bout a SCMoMe?
Posted by: BruceWayne
sorry, I had a zoom meeting. Yes, we are. Probably in April.

Posted by: screaming in digital at September 19, 2024 02:38 PM (iZbyp)

376 So Darth Cheney AND Iran support QueMala! Good to know.

Posted by: rechill at September 19, 2024 02:47 PM (K1zyu)

377 All--and I mean ALL--of the plots of violence against Democrat politicians have one major element:
Undercover FBI agents instigating and encouraging the violent acts.

None, and this is glaring, none of the plots of violence against Republicans have an undercover FBI agent in sight.

Why isn't that dog barking?

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 19, 2024 02:53 PM (w10cF)

378 >>>NEW: OnlyFans model Ava Louise faces possible charges after she flashed President Trump at NY rally

*consults interwebs*

Over-inflated lips. Duck face. Would not bang.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 02:55 PM (kgE5c)

379 Demo-Rats rub elbows with the Enemy now we see who Americas real enemy is Domestic

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at September 19, 2024 04:16 PM (wGqjj)

380 But...FBI whistleblowers are real, right?

Posted by: insurgens ad opus at September 19, 2024 04:21 PM (+IKy0)

381 Kamala and her advisors must be prosecuted for this Iranian assistance. Remember the process is the punishment.

Posted by: TitanTom at September 19, 2024 04:26 PM (mLHwG)

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