
aceofspadeshq at gee
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buck.throckmorton at
joe mannix:
mannix2024 at
petmorons at gee
J.J. Sefton:
sefton at
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The Classical Saturday Morning Coffee Break & Prayer Revival




The first Saturday in September? Hmmmm. Where has the year gone? In brighter news I have been informed by Mr. J.J. Sefton of the following:


Some good news to report. My MRI came back negative, so essentially I'm cancer-free for now.............

Please give everyone my thanks for all their prayers and kind words. It helped get me this far, I'm convinced.

Fantastic news J.J. Thank you for sharing with the Prayer Revival.


Before we enter the Prayer Revival there are a few housekeeping matters to take care of. (Rulz for those of you in Cornucopia)

1. This is an open thread so feel free to lurk, opine and/or bloviate.
2. Even the trolls need some understanding.
3. For Heaven's sake, no jumping on the Naugahyde divan.
4. No. Running. With. Sharp. Objects.
5. Have a great weekend!


AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List

Please submit any prayer requests to me, “Annie’s Stew” at apaslo atsign hotmail dot com. Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks unless we receive an update.

Prayer Requests:

6/29 – bluebell passed along a request from grammie winger, who asked for prayers for her husband, Rev, who is having open heart surgery on 7/8 to take care of his aortic aneurysm. Recovery time is expected to be 6-8 weeks.
8/17 Update – Rev is improving day by day. A home health nurse comes 3 days a week, and he has PT twice a week.

7/13 – Chris C, a loyal lurker (and prayer) requests prayers for his bride, Melanie, who was just diagnosed with breast cancer. She needs support as she is exhausted from caring for Chris and his 23 days in the hospital for a triple bypass that “went south”.
8/17 Update – Chris sent his thanks for all the prayers. Melanie’s surgery was successful, and the doctor got it all. Lymph sentinel was negative.

7/22 – Sponge’s First Lady is home and resting comfortably. The surgery went well and the doctor was pleased. They did remove some lymph nodes that looked suspect, but did not have to remove much mass around the cancer. They will have the results of the tests on the nodes next week. Thank you for the continued prayers as she has only just begun this whole thing.
8/8 Update – One of the lymph nodes had cancer cells in it. She’ll start chemo in a couple of weeks, but for now it will be once a week for 12 weeks, then different meds once every 2 weeks for 4 weeks, then radiation for 5 weeks. They send thanks to all for your support.
8/12 Update – Sponge’s First Lady starts chemo this week, earlier than expected. She’s also nervous that her boss won’t be happy that she can’t work Thursdays anymore, due to the chemo schedule.

8/6 - LMD Outer Banker requested prayers for a son who is undergoing an experimental treatment for chronic Lyme disease, which he has been battling for 25 years. He will be in a clinic abroad for about a month.
8/31 Update – The son is on his way home. After one month of treatment, the tests appear to show he is free of Lyme and its coinfections. For the first time in 15 years, he no longer has to take antibiotics. Now the challenge is for his immune system to repair itself to be able to ward off future problems. The clinic indicates that will take about 6 months of healthy eating and supplements. Thank you for your prayers; LMD Outer Banker and family are crying in joy.

8/10 – Farmer Bob provided an update. He sent his thanks for the prayers and encouragement. It’s been a year, and he is fit, fun, fashionable, fearless, and faithful man again, vs. the pit of despair and despondency.

8/10 – From about That Time requested prayers for a nephew, daughter, and the entire family in general. The nephew, a 45 year old, was camping with the family, and felt ill. He went to the porch to rest and died. The daughter could use prayers because she just lost her (early) second pregnancy. A boatload of prayers would be greatly appreciated.
8/17 Update – From about That Time sent thanks to all for the prayers.

8/10 – Tonypete asked for prayers for his HS buddy Fred, who passed away on 8/9 after suffering from ALS for many years.

8/10 – S requested prayers for his friend Jim, who lost his brother and needs strength to assist in this painful transition.

8/11 – RickZ asked for prayers for an internet friend, Pandora, who died of cancer, and for her beloved husband. Pandora was very worried about him, how hard it will be for him when she died.

8/17 – Pug Mahon posted that he was worried about his wife. She was on antibiotics for acute Lyme disease, and was scheduled for an MRI on Sunday morning. They are not sure what is going on.
8/21 Update – Pug’s wife didn’t do well with the first antibiotic, but she is responding better to the second one. Also, she is working half-days. It is pretty clearly Lyme disease.

8/17 – Oddbob asked for prayers for the family of M, his daughter’s friend, who passed away last week.

8/17 – Dave in Fla asked for prayers. He is looking for guidance related to his job. He is about 3 years from retirement, and returned to work from a vacation to find that he was removed from his position without explanation, and after demonstrated success, due to office politics. He still has a job, and can keep working in FL, but he is also considering an offer from the company’s San Diego location. It’d be a burden to be bi-coastal for 3 years until retirement, but he knows and trusts the people at that location.

8/17 – FenelonSpoke asked for prayers for her son, who is still looking for a job in his major, which was horticulture. He has been apparently been offered a part time dealing with writing things for the internet, but that hasn’t started yet. Also, prayers for all the Morons and ‘ettes looking for jobs, including Bulgar.

8/17 – Polliwog the ‘Ette posted that Sister, C, found out that she has ovarian cancer and is scheduled for surgery at the end of August. Thankfully, it seems contained to just that area, but life will be complicated for the entire extended family for a bit.

8/19 – screaming in digital requested prayers for J, who fell of her porch and hit her head on concrete. J is a recent widow, and has been a friend for nearly 40 years.

8/23 – Grumpy and Recalcitrant requested continued prayers for J.J. Sefton. J.J. is feeing “not too bad, all things considered”. His post-radiation/chemo MRI is scheduled for the first week of Sept, and this is when he will find out where things are at, concerning his cancer. Please keep praying for complete remission, recovery, and a return to good health.

8/24 – FenelonSpoke asked for prayers for a friend, P, whose daughter was getting married in the RCC church on 8/24. P is disaffected from the RCC, believes in God, but not in Jesus. P’s wife is involved in the RCC church, so this is a sticking point with her. Also, prayers are requested for blessings for the daughter and son-in-law, and that everyone gets back and forth safely, and that the people at the wedding feel the presence of God and have a lovely time.

8/24 – tbodie Lurker asked for prayers for a 2nd ablation surgery, scheduled for 9/30. Hoping this one sticks.

8/31 – Tonypete requested prayers for his wife’s friend Barb. She is suffering from some type of mental disturbance and is a mess.

8/31 – Huerfano asked for prayers for a nephew, FHC, who sustained a lower back injury in a car accident a couple of months ago. He is running out of treatment options, short of surgery, which no one wants.

8/31 – Jewells45 sent an update. She started on Cyremza 2 weeks ago, and the only side effects are really bad headaches and fatigue. She is praying this works.

8/31 Zibby requested prayers for her brother-in-law, who was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer and given 2 months to live. The family is in shock and Zibby’s husband is devastated. The BIL is the oldest sibling and beloved by everyone. Thank you for your prayers.

8/31 – AnnaS1’s husband died in July, and her heart is shattered. She needs some prayers. If anyone else has lost a spouse, how did you get through it?

8/31 – Morgan, loyal lurker, just got a new job and is very hopeful. He is requesting prayers that this will work out, that he can prove to be a valuable employee, and that God will bless the firm and its clients.

9/2 – Anderson Cooper’s giant anus has a praise update for the prayer list. His stage 4 esophageal cancer (lymph nodes and lungs secondary) is gone after 6 months of integrated therapy. The new scan is clean. Praise God. Thank you Horde.

9/3 – Ben Had posted that JT is sounding really good and sends his thanks for the prayers and concern. He will be in the rehab facility for a while longer.

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com. If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her. Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks or so unless we receive an update.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at 08:30 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 brcc ak47

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 07, 2024 08:18 AM (gbOdA)

2 I could have been a contender but got a run around

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2024 08:19 AM (fwDg9)

3 Good morning Mis Hum and Horde

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2024 08:19 AM (fwDg9)

4 Good morning horde.

Posted by: no one of any consequence at September 07, 2024 08:19 AM (+H2BX)

5 Gee, real sorry MisHum if that link I sent you caused you to have to skip on Wednesday's ONT.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at September 07, 2024 08:20 AM (0eaVi)

6 En mi casa toman Bustelo!

Posted by: Topping Up Fluids at September 07, 2024 08:20 AM (CV8a5)

7 Hooray JJ !!!

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 07, 2024 08:21 AM (SfhV1)

8 Good morning all

Posted by: 2009Refugee at September 07, 2024 08:21 AM (8AONa)

9 Great news, JJ! Couldn't have asked for better news to start the day. Good on ya!

Posted by: Dr_No at September 07, 2024 08:22 AM (ayRl+)


Where has the year gone?



Posted by: runner at September 07, 2024 08:22 AM (V13WU)

11 Mazel Tov for JJ!!

Posted by: runner at September 07, 2024 08:22 AM (V13WU)

12 Thank you Lord that in your abundant mercy, You have laid Your healing hand upon our beloved friend JJ.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 07, 2024 08:24 AM (SfhV1)

RFK Jr's WSJ 12 point plan to Make America Healthy Again:

/ in text mode, no paywall
/ repeating from Tech Thread

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 08:25 AM (RKVpM)

Cool weather for fall perennials planting today. Gotta keep the deer fed.

Posted by: Auspex at September 07, 2024 08:25 AM (j4U/Z)

3. For Heaven's sake, no jumping on the Naugahyde divan.


3A. Don't spill anything on the shag carpet.

3B. Don't scratch the wood paneling in the rec room.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 07, 2024 08:26 AM (1Nxff)

16 This is incredibly cool.

Looking inside you with visible light, not X-rays. Wild stuff.

"Achieving optical transparency in live animals with absorbing molecules"

One day, your annual check-up may include a quick non-invasive tour of your innards.

Posted by: naturalfake at September 07, 2024 08:26 AM (eDfFs)

17 Days are very noticeably shorter now. Daylight deprivation is just around he corner.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 08:27 AM (g8Ew8)

18 Good morning everyone. Prayers for all intentions - those requested and those known but to God.

Also, healing prayers requested for my lovely better half. She zigged when she should have zagged yesterday and, for her trouble, has 4-5 staples in the back of her head. No permanent damage or serious injury so we are all thankful for that.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 07, 2024 08:28 AM (WXNFJ)

19 3. For Heaven's sake, no jumping on the Naugahyde divan.

Respect the sacrifice of the ten Naugas that died in the making of this divan!

Posted by: naturalfake at September 07, 2024 08:28 AM (eDfFs)

20 "In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly." Psalm 5:3

Posted by: PA Dutchman at September 07, 2024 08:28 AM (QyT5w)

21 What great news about JJ! Now I want to hear the same kind of thing from everyone else!

Posted by: fd at September 07, 2024 08:29 AM (vFG9F)

22 If the lava lamp gets too hot, unplug it.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at September 07, 2024 08:29 AM (0ly5J)

23 Mornin' Horde. Praise the Lord for JJ's good news, JT's continuing recovery.

AnnaS - I'm so sorry. Every loss is different but too many of us here have lost a spouse. I don't have wisdom to offer, but sending love and hugs your way. The Horde is here. My email is in my nic if you want to talk.

Posted by: screaming in digital at September 07, 2024 08:29 AM (iZbyp)

24 Great news about JJ- what a sense of relief that must be

Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 08:29 AM (/7KEl)

Incredibly, the sun is shining this morning. Two days of clear weather before the rain starts again.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 07, 2024 08:29 AM (1Nxff)

26 Good morning dear horde and thanks mh and annie and you morons for your prayers

b"h for JJ's and JT's continued healing

Very grateful to Ben Had for updates

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 07, 2024 08:29 AM (RIvkX)

27 Days are very noticeably shorter now. Daylight deprivation is just around he corner.
Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 08:27 AM (g8Ew

It's always sunny in the Lone Star State! Yeehaw!

Posted by: naturalfake at September 07, 2024 08:29 AM (eDfFs)

28 Yonder Horde
Our California refugees are spending their first full weekend in their new digs.

Our house is now our house again and not a refugee camp.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 07, 2024 08:30 AM (Q4IgG)

29 Good Saturday morning, horde.

Prayers for all on the list have been said. Praise be for those who are healed!

*Maybe Pug Mahon needs to communicate with LMD Outer Banks to see what that miracle Lyme disease cure is.

Wonderful news about JT.

And, has anyone heard from pookysgirl? Is there a newborn yet?

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at September 07, 2024 08:30 AM (OX9vb)

Awesome news, JJ!

Posted by: naturalfake at September 07, 2024 08:31 AM (eDfFs)

31 Who started their day washing dishes at 6am? The guy who ordered a new dishwasher last night! 🍽️

Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 08:31 AM (/7KEl)

32 MisHum, I just learned yesterday that Tom Fowler passed away in July. Had you heard?

Posted by: fd at September 07, 2024 08:31 AM (vFG9F)

33 Amen Grammie Winger

Posted by: LMD Outer Banker at September 07, 2024 08:31 AM (BGW2E)

34 3B. Don't scratch the wood paneling in the rec room.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 07, 2024 08:26 AM (1Nxff)

3C. No watching Playboy Channel

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 07, 2024 08:31 AM (RIvkX)

35 12 Thank you Lord that in your abundant mercy, You have laid Your healing hand upon our beloved friend JJ.
Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 07, 2024 08:24 AM (SfhV1)


Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at September 07, 2024 08:31 AM (OX9vb)

36 Hi MH
Some good news to report. My MRI came back negative, so essentially I'm cancer-free for now.............

Please give everyone my thanks for all their prayers and kind words. It helped get me this far, I'm convinced.

Fantastic news J.J. Thank you for sharing with the Prayer Revival
Halelujah, thine the glory!
Halelujah, Amen!
Halelujah, thine the glory!
Revive us again!
- old time hymn.

Posted by: Eromero at September 07, 2024 08:31 AM (o2ZRX)

37 Great news about J.J. Keep going!

It’s a pleasant 68F this morning and the dry cool front is moving in. Great coffe weather for the front porch.

Posted by: Jak Sucio at September 07, 2024 08:31 AM (Aoykm)

38 Good morning!

Let's smile & be happy & strike fear in the hearts of killjoy leftists everywhere.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 07, 2024 08:31 AM (u82oZ)

39 Fantastic news about J.J. Long may it continue.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 07, 2024 08:32 AM (u82oZ)

40 One day, your annual check-up may include a quick non-invasive tour of your innards.
Posted by: naturalfake

"I told you I was a Doctor, damnit!"
-- Dr. Leonard McCoy

Posted by: Tonypete at September 07, 2024 08:33 AM (WXNFJ)

41 Speaking of the Lone Star State...

Muh 'Horns play Michigan today at 11 am CST.*

Should be a great game.

Hook'em Horns!!!

*That would be college football, y'all.

Posted by: naturalfake at September 07, 2024 08:33 AM (eDfFs)

42 yay for JJ

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 07, 2024 08:33 AM (gbOdA)

43 I am so happy for JJ!
Praise the Lord for He is good

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at September 07, 2024 08:34 AM (Ydd86)

44 Wonderful news from Sefton!

Posted by: Weak Geek at September 07, 2024 08:34 AM (p/isN)

45 One day, your annual check-up may include a quick non-invasive tour of your innards.
Posted by: naturalfake at September 07, 2024 08:26 AM (eDfFs)
Human bodies are pretty disgusting underneath the skin. I can't imagine too many people want to see their own internal organs pumping along.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 07, 2024 08:34 AM (BpYfr)

46 Days are very noticeably shorter now. Daylight deprivation is just around he corner.
Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons

But so is sitting in front of the fireplace.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at September 07, 2024 08:35 AM (Dm8we)

47 Prayers up for all the Horde's intentions. Those asked and unasked.

Posted by: olddog in mo at September 07, 2024 08:35 AM (hoCmQ)

48 Posted by: naturalfake at September 07, 2024 08:33 AM (eDfFs)

Hook ‘Em!!

Posted by: Jak Sucio at September 07, 2024 08:35 AM (Aoykm)

49 Nurse Tonypete, how is Mrs. Tonypete this morning?

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 07, 2024 08:35 AM (RIvkX)

50 {{{grammie winger - cheesehead}}}

Prayers continue to ascend for the Rev. May you not need to cook for him.

Yesterday, I saw a Green Bay Packers flag flying, along with a Riley County High School flag. I immediately thought of you and Jordie Nelson.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 07, 2024 08:35 AM (u82oZ)

51 Thanks for sharing your postive news, J.J. ThNks be to God! Prayers continue.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 07, 2024 08:35 AM (Ivqq8)

52 olddog in mo

So let it be written. So let it be so.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 07, 2024 08:36 AM (u82oZ)

53 And, has anyone heard from pookysgirl? Is there a newborn yet?
Posted by: Dash my lace wigs!

This new baby may in fact be the Horde's first niece/nephew/grandbaby depending on each of our ages.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 07, 2024 08:36 AM (WXNFJ)

For everyone suffering on the list, prayers for full and speedy recovery, and the strength and guidance to carry on.

God bless all of you for your prayers and kindness towards me. I know it made all the difference.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 07, 2024 08:36 AM (x0n13)

55 Dash my lace wigs it was a miracle for us but the clinic in Germany was amazing. There were many different treatments. I will dig out the link and post it. They treat many autoimmune disorders including reactions to Covid 19 shots

Posted by: LMD Outer Banker at September 07, 2024 08:37 AM (BGW2E)

56 Sorry if this is repetitive, but does anyone know what happened with the commenter Bill from Arkansas?
I used to see his posts here a lot and always thought he made some good points.

Posted by: Florida Peasant at September 07, 2024 08:38 AM (Lo97M)

57 Thank you, Annie, for the time and care you spend curating the prayer requests. It is so good to be able to pray specifically for others, as well as just in general.

Let's keep Pooky'sgirl in prayer, as she waits for Lil' Pooky to be induced, or not.

My friend J, 80, could use some prayers for healing. She tripped over the garden hose and face planted on the patio. She's home, but bunged up and facing a longish recovery. Many thanks.

Posted by: sal at September 07, 2024 08:38 AM (bx3Km)

58 One day, your annual check-up may include a quick non-invasive tour of your innards.
Posted by: naturalfake at September 07, 2024 08:26 AM (eDfFs)
Human bodies are pretty disgusting underneath the skin. I can't imagine too many people want to see their own internal organs pumping along.
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 07, 2024 08:34 AM (BpYfr)

I'm of the "More Info is Always Better" School. Esp when I can see it with my own damn lying eyes. 🤪

Sign me up for a looksee.

Posted by: naturalfake at September 07, 2024 08:39 AM (eDfFs)

59 pookysgirl was on the Pixy thread, reported contractions every 10 minutes a few hours ago, haven't heard from her since...

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 07, 2024 08:39 AM (RIvkX)

60 3B. Don't scratch the wood paneling in the rec room.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

I'm old fashioned. Don't have a rec room. I do, however, have stimulated wood paneling in my rumpus room.

Posted by: The Grand Poof at September 07, 2024 08:40 AM (CV8a5)

OrangeEnt Wednesday ONT was planned before your wonderful email

Patience Grasshopper
It will show up sometime

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at September 07, 2024 08:40 AM (mQj5A)

62 San Franpsycho - she slept pretty well. All the bumps and bruises from her fall have made their appearance overnight but honestly, they are all minor.

Thank you for asking.

I did cover her pillow with a kitchen trash bag last night as I figured there would be some seepage from her boo-boo. Good thing too.

You learn some things after you hit 29 years of age.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 07, 2024 08:40 AM (WXNFJ)

63 TonyPete, prayers for your Missus
That sounds very painful
Did she get a concussion too?

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at September 07, 2024 08:41 AM (Ydd86)

64 I just wanted to share that I was feeling kind of grumpy about politics and then I got in the car to ride as a passenger with spouse and we passed a white heron standing on a bridge looking Ive the side ( I guess to look for fish. It was too low for him to commit suicide if he was planning to jump 😉 and we then saw a huge mass of yellow tickweed. Both of these cheered me up immensely- little signs of God's artistry in nature.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 07, 2024 08:41 AM (VSzRn)

65 Good morning everyone, prayers for the Horde and their loved ones in need.
Had a tragedy two days ago here. A local restaurant owner, 57 years old and a nice guy, began having chest pains. Didn't want to go to the hospital right away but they persisted and he finally went. He was immediately taken in for surgery but died on the table before he could be helped. Do not ignore warning signs

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 07, 2024 08:41 AM (RshWO)

66 Link for the Lyme clinic and yes it is very expensive but saved his life along with all your prayers

Posted by: LMD Outer Banker at September 07, 2024 08:42 AM (BGW2E)

67 Muh 'Horns play Michigan today at 11 am CST.*
Hook'em Horns!!!
Posted by: naturalfake at September 07, 2024 08:33 AM (eDfFs)

She didn't go to UT, but Native Texan daughter just moved to Ann Arbor with Native U of Michigan husband.
Good thing is, she cares nothing about football.

Posted by: sal at September 07, 2024 08:43 AM (bx3Km)

68 I would enjoy seeing my innards pulsing and moving along.

Posted by: Perry Stalsis at September 07, 2024 08:43 AM (CV8a5)

69 Maryland got 9 votes in the Coach's Poll

Go, College Park Fighting Turtles!

Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 08:43 AM (/7KEl)

70 Human bodies are pretty disgusting underneath the skin. I can't imagine too many people want to see their own internal organs pumping along.
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel

I dunno
I think hubby nat want a live feed on his phone

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at September 07, 2024 08:44 AM (Ydd86)

71 Thanks for the prayers for the wedding of a daughter of my friend P. It all went well and it took place in the RCC which made the daughter and her mother happy.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 07, 2024 08:44 AM (VSzRn)

72 Prayers of Thanksgiving for JJ!
Prayers posted for all those in need!

Posted by: Sugar Plum fairy at September 07, 2024 08:45 AM (G77LY)

73 It all went well and it took place in the RCC which made the daughter and her mother happy.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke

Thanks for the update - I was wondering about that

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at September 07, 2024 08:45 AM (Ydd86)

74 vmom - nope, praise God. She did have a CT scan and her brain/skull was 'unremarkable'.

We laughed about that on the ride home.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 07, 2024 08:46 AM (WXNFJ)

75 9/2 – Anderson Cooper’s giant anus has a praise update for the prayer list. His stage 4 esophageal cancer (lymph nodes and lungs secondary) is gone after 6 months of integrated therapy. The new scan is clean. Praise God. Thank you Horde.

I guffawed, right before I praised the Lord. It's a good thing God loves us, because we are quite irreverent most of the time.

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at September 07, 2024 08:47 AM (OX9vb)

76 OrangeEnt Wednesday ONT was planned before your wonderful email

Patience Grasshopper
It will show up sometime
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at September 07, 2024 08:40 AM (mQj5A)

Ok. I thought maybe you were too traumatized by the link and had to bow out Wed night.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at September 07, 2024 08:47 AM (0eaVi)

77 Outstanding news, JJ!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 07, 2024 08:48 AM (Wnv9h)

78 I think hubby nat want a live feed on his phone
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at September 07, 2024 08:44 AM (Ydd86)

Haha! Is he the kind who will then show it to all of the friends and relatives every time they come to visit?

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at September 07, 2024 08:49 AM (OX9vb)

79 If we're cheering football teams -- go Jayhawks!

So nice to no longer be on the cupcake list.

Posted by: Weak Geek at September 07, 2024 08:50 AM (p/isN)

80 Human bodies are pretty disgusting underneath the skin. I can't imagine too many people want to see their own internal organs pumping along.
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 07, 2024 08:34 AM (BpYfr)

Not disgusting. Extremely fascinating. God designed us very well. It's a very robust structure underneath the skin. It all fits with what I call tough precision.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 08:50 AM (g8Ew8)

81 "We laughed about that on the ride home."

That is funny, TP . Glad you could laugh and glad that she's doing o.k.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 07, 2024 08:50 AM (bevB2)

82 Oy!

Everything old is new again.

Via Insty.

Posted by: naturalfake at September 07, 2024 08:50 AM (eDfFs)

83 >She did have a CT scan and her brain/skull was 'unremarkable'.

We laughed about that on the ride home.

Posted by: Tonypete


oh yeah- I got an 'unremarkable' on my brain after an MRI-
Thanks a lot, Doc- like I don't have enough problems, now I find out my brain ain't nothing to write home about

Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 08:52 AM (/7KEl)

84 Everything old is new again.
Posted by: naturalfake


Posted by: Tonypete at September 07, 2024 08:52 AM (WXNFJ)

85 31 Who started their day washing dishes at 6am? The guy who ordered a new dishwasher last night! 🍽️
Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 08:31 AM (/7KEl)

; )

Posted by: m at September 07, 2024 08:53 AM (64Zez)

86 Would like to ask for prayers for healing for C, a member of my congregation who is undergoing cancer treatments ( chemo right now) She has a positive attitude , God bless her, but she said the chemo exhausts her.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 07, 2024 08:53 AM (bevB2)

87 That is wonderful news from J. J.

Of course, prayers will continue for him and all on the list. (Those prayers are also a positive way to begin each day.)

Posted by: JTB at September 07, 2024 08:53 AM (zudum)

Great news about JJ!

Posted by: Lizzy at September 07, 2024 08:54 AM (Pijte)

89 @82 --

Who is the woman in the black dress?

Posted by: Weak Geek at September 07, 2024 08:54 AM (p/isN)

90 1 Then Hannah prayed and said: "My heart rejoices in the Lord; in the Lord my horn is lifted high. My mouth boasts over my enemies, for I delight in your deliverance. 2 "There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 07, 2024 08:54 AM (gbOdA)

91 Everything old is new again.

Posted by: naturalfake at September 07, 2024 08:50 AM

Oh, that's getting shared.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 07, 2024 08:54 AM (Wnv9h)

92 Who is the woman in the black dress?
Posted by: Weak Geek

I'm guessing it's Julia Louis-Dreyfus from Seinfeld.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 07, 2024 08:55 AM (WXNFJ)

In 1968, Sidney Poitier was at a press conference at the height of his career. He made it very clear how he felt about the press.

/ 1:29 seconds

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 08:55 AM (RKVpM)

94 > Go, College Park Fighting Turtles!
My alma mater. During the Len Bias and Boomer Esiason days.

Now, get off my lawn.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 07, 2024 08:55 AM (Q4IgG)

95 >>Everything old is new again.

But really, why do these Democrats and celebrities make those videos in the first place?
They look like high schoolers at a pep rally -- is this really supposed to appeal to voters?!?

Posted by: Lizzy at September 07, 2024 08:56 AM (Pijte)

96 yeah that's Elaine

Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 08:56 AM (/7KEl)

97 3. For Heaven's sake, no jumping on the Naugahyde divan.

Is that the same as the davenport?

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 07, 2024 08:56 AM (gbOdA)

98 oh yeah- I got an 'unremarkable' on my brain after an MRI-
Thanks a lot, Doc- like I don't have enough problems, now I find out my brain ain't nothing to write home about
Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 08:52 AM (/7KEl)

So it's an average brain
Join most of the human race

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at September 07, 2024 08:57 AM (mQj5A)

99 >>Who is the woman in the black dress?

actress Julia Louis Dreyfuss, she had an HBO series called "Veep" where she played an inept Vice President.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 07, 2024 08:57 AM (Pijte)

100 Good morning all! That's wonderful news about JJ. Had my second treatment Thursday and so far so good. Unfortunately this has been the week from hell. Monday evening a lesion on my upper left femur started hurting something awful. I could hardly walk. Hubby had to drive himself to the ER because over the weekend and into Monday he couldn't pee and was in terrible pain. Long story short they sent him home with a catheter in with NO instructions and very little information. It's not kidney stones.

Posted by: jewells45fuckcancer at September 07, 2024 08:57 AM (iF0sF)

101 Thanks for identifying Dreyfus.

I watched "Seinfeld" only a handful of times -- had to work -- and never during its initial run.

Posted by: Weak Geek at September 07, 2024 08:59 AM (p/isN)

102 old is new


Posted by: rhennigantx at September 07, 2024 08:59 AM (gbOdA)

103 She has a positive attitude , God bless her, but she said the chemo exhausts her.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 07, 2024 08:53 AM (bevB2)

Prayers said for her, and also that someday we have effective cancer treatments that don't involve poisoning ourselves, and hoping that we survive the poison longer than the cancer does.

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at September 07, 2024 09:00 AM (OX9vb)

104 Hall of Fame pitcher Dizzy Dean was hit in the head by a line drive once. He was rushed to the hospital.
Headline in next day's newspaper said
X-ray of Dizzy Dean's head reveals nothing.

Posted by: Florida Peasant at September 07, 2024 09:00 AM (Lo97M)

105 For Heaven's sake, no jumping on the Naugahyde divan.

What am I, chopped liver?

Posted by: Corinthian Leather Ottoman at September 07, 2024 09:01 AM (Kq6ZB)

106 >They look like high schoolers at a pep rally -- is this really supposed to appeal to voters?!?

Posted by: Lizzy

it makes them feel good about themselves and how clever they are
then the girls and Buttgig go out for appletinis

Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 09:01 AM (/7KEl)

107 Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at September 07, 2024 09:00 AM (OX9vb)

Thanks and amen!

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 07, 2024 09:01 AM (QRFdS)

108 Bloviating here, Boss.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at September 07, 2024 09:02 AM (Da7Vv)

109 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:02 AM (llXky)

110 Great news on JJ and JT. Prayers for continued strength and positive outcomes for all.

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 07, 2024 09:02 AM (rbKZ6)

111 They said his prostate was very swollen and pressing against his bladder. They drained a liter of urine out once the cath was in. He can't remember half of what they told him. He's frustrated and confused and now I absolutely know for certain he has early onset dementia. He just came down a few notches and it's very noticeable. I should have been there with him but my pain was so bad I couldn't even drive a car. Oh and I got another UTI. My trip to Florida is probably off. My last chance probably to go but I can't leave him like this.

Posted by: jewells45fuckcancer at September 07, 2024 09:02 AM (iF0sF)

112 Praise to the good Lord above for blessing JJ with healing and health! Let us all continue our prayers, and I recommend the substack called Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer for more information on healing.
My Most Precious loved one has defied the predictions of his old-guard doctor by using fenbendazole and ivermectin, and we are praying for many more joyful years together because of those two miracle drugs and prayer.

Posted by: Just Got Here at September 07, 2024 09:03 AM (pu3mF)

113 Wonderful news about JJ and JT, continued prayers for all of the Horde, especially you, jewells and your wonderful Hubby too. Have a joyful day, all.

Posted by: Debby Doberman Schultz at September 07, 2024 09:03 AM (Sgq8y)

114 {{{jewells}}}

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at September 07, 2024 09:04 AM (OX9vb)

115 {jewells} will add Mr. jewells to the list

Re catheter is to empty bag regularly and report promptly anything unusual in bag such as blood

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 07, 2024 09:05 AM (RIvkX)

116 >>it makes them feel good about themselves and how clever they are
then the girls and Buttgig go out for appletinis

Social media has a lot of adults want to behave like cutesy children. And yet, the tiktok guy on the skateboard sipping cranberry juice is 100% cooler than these weirdo tyrants.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 07, 2024 09:05 AM (Pijte)

117 Glad to hear the good news, JJ.

Posted by: dantesed at September 07, 2024 09:05 AM (Oy/m2)

118 Monday he couldn't pee and was in terrible pain. Long story short they sent him home with a catheter in with NO instructions and very little information. It's not kidney stones.
Posted by: jewells45fuckcancer at September 07, 2024 08:57 AM

Has his prostrate been checked?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at September 07, 2024 09:06 AM (Kq6ZB)

119 103 She has a positive attitude , God bless her, but she said the chemo exhausts her.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 07, 2024 08:53 AM (bevB2)

Prayers said for her, and also that someday we have effective cancer treatments that don't involve poisoning ourselves, and hoping that we survive the poison longer than the cancer does.
Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at September 07, 2024 09:00 AM (OX9vb
Medical version of making a ‘Broken Arrow’ call on your body.

Posted by: Eromero at September 07, 2024 09:06 AM (o2ZRX)

120 From the side bar: Popular gun Youtuber Paul Harrell has died. Love him or hate him, he created a lot of interesting content. [dri]
RIP, Paul.

Following that, a point of shooting interest from Paul, an analysis of the 1986 Miami/Dade, FBI shooting.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 07, 2024 09:06 AM (AN+eO)

121 Great news JJ. May you continue with your long and happy life

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 07, 2024 09:06 AM (RshWO)

If it was anywhere but Mexico I'd accept it more easily, but they have some research on cancer that indicates Ivermectin has value in treatment.

But wait, this is from NIH National Library of Medicine which only reports and does not endorse:

/ might be worthwhile for folks with cancer or in remission to do some further research

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 09:07 AM (RKVpM)

123 Headline in next day's newspaper said
X-ray of Dizzy Dean's head reveals nothing.

I'm sure he loved that. If he didn't actually write it himself.

Posted by: Oddbob at September 07, 2024 09:07 AM (/y8xj)

124 Oh, jewels, what a rough trip to the hospital.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 07, 2024 09:07 AM (Pijte)

125 A short video from Nicole Shanahan on Make America Healthy Again.

She has a knack for this.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at September 07, 2024 09:08 AM (MpVUb)

126 > Everything old is new again.
Pelosi's as mentally feeble as *biden.

Nice cameo by Hitler. Really pulls it all together.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 07, 2024 09:08 AM (Q4IgG)

127 Jewells, may God surround you both with love and support and provide relief and healing. Love and hugs to you.

Posted by: screaming in digital at September 07, 2024 09:09 AM (iZbyp)

128 your annual check-up may include a quick non-invasive tour of your innards.

Not only that, but first dates will be changed forever.

Posted by: Way,Way Downriver at September 07, 2024 09:09 AM (zdLoL)

129 Anderson, Thank you for sharing the good news about a clean report on the esophageal cancer. Congrats!

Posted by: Mrs JTB at September 07, 2024 09:09 AM (zudum)

130 Not disgusting. Extremely fascinating. God designed us very well. It's a very robust structure underneath the skin. It all fits with what I call tough precision.
Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 08:50 AM (g8Ew
Five years ago this week I was struck by myocarditis that resembled a heart attack and damn near killed me. Whilst in the hospital they scoped my ticker from top to bottom, even injecting me with that weird burning stuff to map the arteries. Very cool imaging. As soon as I could, I sought out the Anointing of the Sick, which I found calming. Also efficacious, as my heart sustained no damage and I had a full recovery. The cardiologist was positively grinning at the follow-up appointment because he rarely gets to give such good news.

While convalescing I read up on the Spanish Civil War, and that became the genesis of Long Live Death, which got me into non-fiction and so Walls of Men followed. I got to see the kids finish high school and greet my grandchildren, so things have worked out pretty well.

Thanks be to God!

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:10 AM (llXky)

131 f it was anywhere but Mexico I'd accept it more easily, but they have some research on cancer that indicates Ivermectin has value in treatment.

But wait, this is from NIH National Library of Medicine which only reports and does not endorse:

/ might be worthwhile for folks with cancer or in remission to do some further research
Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 09:07 AM (RKVpM)

If nothing else, it's a good excuse for a December vacation in Cancun.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 09:12 AM (g8Ew8)

132 Haha! Is he the kind who will then show it to all of the friends and relatives every time they come to visit?
Posted by: Dash my lace wigs!

Of course!

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at September 07, 2024 09:12 AM (Ydd86)

133 {{{{Jewells}}}

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at September 07, 2024 09:14 AM (Ydd86)

134 Jewells, hold fast!

Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 09:15 AM (/7KEl)

135 Following that, a point of shooting interest from Paul, an analysis of the 1986 Miami/Dade, FBI shooting.
Posted by: Braenyard at September 07, 2024 09:06 AM (AN+eO)
It's an excellent presentation, and highlights how the FBI has always worried more about public perception than actual results. Rather than address clear problems, they instictively redirect and cover up.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:16 AM (llXky)

136 Alabama plays South Florida tonight.

I have DirecTV Stream, which means I won't be watching Alabama play South Florida tonight.


Posted by: one hour sober at September 07, 2024 09:16 AM (Y1sOo)

137 Jewells, if you can find a first-rate urology department there is great reason for hope. First, as you probably have heard, all sorts of UTI's and urinary disorders ape the symptoms of dementia, and those clear up when the blockages and infections do.

"Swollen prostate" does not always mean prostate cancer, and treatments have advanced greatly in this century. You should ask about a process called trans-urethral resection (turp). The use of the laser only sounds barbaric in description, and pales by comparison to the melon-ballers they used to whip out.

Posted by: Way,Way Downriver at September 07, 2024 09:16 AM (zdLoL)

138 and pales by comparison to the melon-ballers they used to whip out.
Posted by: Way,Way Downriver

Did every other Moron instinctively cringe also or is it just me?

Posted by: Tonypete at September 07, 2024 09:18 AM (WXNFJ)

139 111 Posted by: jewells45fuckcancer at September 07, 2024 09:02 AM (iF0sF)

Stay strong and may your husband be blessed for a full and speedy recovery!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 07, 2024 09:19 AM (x0n13)

140 Alabama plays South Florida tonight.

I have DirecTV Stream, which means I won't be watching Alabama play South Florida tonight.

Posted by: one hour sober
I kinda think that game will be over long before halftime anyway.

Posted by: Florida Peasant at September 07, 2024 09:19 AM (Lo97M)

141 "Swollen prostate" does not always mean prostate cancer, and treatments have advanced greatly in this century. You should ask about a process called trans-urethral resection (turp). The use of the laser only sounds barbaric in description, and pales by comparison to the melon-ballers they used to whip out.
Posted by: Way,Way Downriver at September 07, 2024 09:16 AM (zdLoL)
I saw Swollen Prostate open for the Buzzcocks in 1990. Great show!

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:19 AM (llXky)

142 Jewells- I’m in awe of the strength you’ve shown through all of your challenges. I’m praying for you and your husband.

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 07, 2024 09:19 AM (rbKZ6)

143 Thank God for J J Sefton's good news!
Dear God please keep him in Your hand

Posted by: barbarausa at September 07, 2024 09:19 AM (enw9G)

144 Prayers up for those that have asked us for them;
Prayers up for those that know they need them but have not asked us for them;
Prayers up for those that need them but don’t know it yet; and
Prayers up for those who pray alone, asking for help in silence, and whose prayers are known but to God!
Prayers up even for all "our" politicians who have apparently decided that the 10% graft and power are far more desirable than honor or integrity, may they see the error of their ways and repent!
And lastly, prayers up for former (and hopefully future) President Trump, keep him safe from harm and may the many forces of evil arrayed against him and our country be made ineffective and come to naught!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana - again! ~ at September 07, 2024 09:19 AM (hOUT3)

145 Did every other Moron instinctively cringe also or is it just me?
Posted by: Tonypete at September 07, 2024 09:18 AM (WXNFJ)
There was a lot of retraction going on, I'm sure.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:20 AM (llXky)

146 Yes he has his prostate checked. I think he said last time was 8 months ago and it was fine. Something happened to make swell up. He sees a urologist Sept 17. I also have an appt with a urologist Sept 20 to try to figure out why I get so many UTI's.

Posted by: jewells45fuckcancer at September 07, 2024 09:20 AM (iF0sF)

147 and pales by comparison to the melon-ballers they used to whip out.
Posted by: Way,Way Downriver

Did every other Moron instinctively cringe also or is it just me?
Posted by: Tonypete at September 07, 2024 09:18 AM (WXNFJ)

Couldn't be any worse than having a catheter inserted.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 09:20 AM (g8Ew8)

148 school shooters have in common?

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2024 09:20 AM (fwDg9)

149 YEAH!!! Great news, JJ.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 07, 2024 09:21 AM (0FoWg)

150 I guffawed, right before I praised the Lord. It's a good thing God loves us, because we are quite irreverent most of the time.
Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at September 07, 2024 08:47 AM (OX9vb)


My reaction/thoughts as well - still giggling at that one!

Prayers for all intentions, especially in thanks for the wondrous healing of JJ and others.

It's a beautiful morning here, too bad I have to spend it in a classroom. Here's hoping that my bribing the teacher with doughnuts will somehow shorten the duration.....

Posted by: Matthew Kant Cipher at September 07, 2024 09:21 AM (lVCkP)

151 I have DirecTV Stream, which means I won't be watching Alabama play South Florida tonight.

Posted by: one hour sober at September 07, 2024 09:16 AM (Y1sOo)
Of all the games you have to miss, I don't think that one will be very exciting.

Since I have neither cable nor dish, I'll be listening to my beloved Spartans taking on the Derps via radio.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:21 AM (llXky)

Trans-Urethral Resection used to open for Mannheim Steamroller
in the late 90's.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 09:22 AM (RKVpM)

153 You should ask about a process called trans-urethral resection (turp).

My SIL just told me about that!

Posted by: jewells45fuckcancer at September 07, 2024 09:22 AM (iF0sF)

154 -@12 - grammie winger

Amen and amen!

Posted by: TeeJ at September 07, 2024 09:23 AM (IetnX)

155 Whipped Out Melon Ballers was the garage band name for the group that ultimately went on to be known as Mott The Hoople.

Posted by: Not a joke at September 07, 2024 09:23 AM (dg+HA)

156 Jewells, prayers up for the both of you!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana - again! ~ at September 07, 2024 09:24 AM (hOUT3)

157 Melon-Ballers would be a cool name for a sports team. Better than Guardians, Commanders, or Devils.

Posted by: Thornton Melon at September 07, 2024 09:24 AM (CV8a5)

158 93- In 1968, Sidney Poitier was at a press conference at the height of his career. He made it very clear how he felt about the press.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 08:55 AM (RKVpM)

I would love to see the full interview. I adored him. He was such a gifted and elegant man.

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 07, 2024 09:25 AM (rbKZ6)

159 118 Monday he couldn't pee and was in terrible pain. Long story short they sent him home with a catheter in with NO instructions and very little information. It's not kidney stones.
Posted by: jewells45fuckcancer at September 07, 2024 08:57 AM

Good morning Jewells
Friend of mine had something similar to this about 8 years ago
We have the same urologist
Dr. Did some zapping and it was resolved
No cancer per Dr just something that happens to men per the Dr

Stay strong & positive
You are amazing!

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at September 07, 2024 09:25 AM (mQj5A)

160 what school shooters have in common?

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2024 09:20 AM (fwDg9)
My father is an otherwise highly intelligent man, but he has outsourced all his political thought to MSNBC, and the other day yet again gave me the brain-dead claptrap about gun control and I had to remind him that he went to high school when you could mail order an M1 Carbine for $10 without any restrictions. Shotguns could be bought at the hardware store without showing ID.

Yet school was safe. What changed? It damn sure wasn't the guns. He tried to argue that guns were unique and I pointed out the Christmas parade massacre and how my quiet, leafy college town now parks trucks on all the entrances to the air fair so that some nut doesn't try the same trick.

We have a mental health crisis, not a gun crisis.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:26 AM (llXky)

161 I kinda think that game will be over long before halftime anyway.
Posted by: Florida Peasant at September 07, 2024 09:19 AM

So, no need to waste a "Roll, Tide" then.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at September 07, 2024 09:26 AM (Kq6ZB)

162 >>I kinda think that game will be over long before halftime anyway.

I thought that last year, too, but South Florida actually gave them a decent game on their home turf. It wasn't the blowout most people were expecting.

It's in Tuscaloosa tonight, though, so, yeah, probably a blowout.

Posted by: one hour sober at September 07, 2024 09:26 AM (Y1sOo)

163 "...essentially I am cancer free..."

Omigod! Oh, J.J. and Mis have made my day, week, month and year. How desperately we needed this news.

Tears of joy soaking shirt.

Posted by: creeper at September 07, 2024 09:26 AM (M6moH)

164 155 Whipped Out Melon Ballers was the garage band name for the group that ultimately went on to be known as Mott The Hoople.
Posted by: Not a joke at September 07, 2024 09:23 AM (dg+HA)

Wrong Nina Hagen breath

Posted by: Zombie Overend Watts at September 07, 2024 09:28 AM (mQj5A)

165 Thank you all for the kind words.

Posted by: jewells45fuckcancer at September 07, 2024 09:28 AM (iF0sF)

166 ZOD.

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 09:29 AM (P+D4R)

We have a mental health crisis, not a gun crisis.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:26 AM

True that. I seem to recall in the past that school shootings were a spring event, not mere days after school opens. Correct me if I'm remembering incorrectly.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 09:29 AM (RKVpM)

168 My uncle sneaked into the ball park and talked Dizzy into letting him catch warm up. He said the second pitch almost broke his hand. (uncle was a tough guy)

Ivermectin as an inhibitor of cancer stem-like cells
Interesting that the two "new" cancer fighters are antiparasitics.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 07, 2024 09:30 AM (AN+eO)

169 How to watch bama SF

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 07, 2024 09:30 AM (gbOdA)

170 One day, your annual check-up may include a quick non-invasive tour of your innards.
Posted by: naturalfake at September 07, 2024 08:26 AM (eDfFs)

Where's the fun in that?

Posted by: Pete Buttigieg at September 07, 2024 09:30 AM (PiwSw)

171 Since I have neither cable nor dish, I'll be listening to my beloved Spartans taking on the Derps via radio.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:21 AM (llXky)

One thing that bothers me is how is how publicly funded colleges get away with restricting games to cable in their home market. I'm paying for the school, but I also get to pony up for some private corporation to air the games. Total BS.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 07, 2024 09:31 AM (0FoWg)


This is an interesting article. Sitka, Alaska is coping with a major internet outage.

Posted by: SnakePlizzken at September 07, 2024 09:31 AM (G0Od/)

173 My Mom-in-law was getting frequent UTIs when she got to be around 80 years old. Treat it, then get it back fairly quickly. They finally did a CT scan. It was a Staghorn kidney stone completely filling up one of her kidneys-totally calcified. Removed offending kidney and she lived to 96.

Posted by: Loved Her Much at September 07, 2024 09:32 AM (CV8a5)

174 Poor "Mr Greedy' has passed.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at September 07, 2024 09:32 AM (a1415)

175 So how many know the the DoJ indictments were just a way to get Big Tech to cancel people?

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 07, 2024 09:33 AM (gbOdA)

176 True that. I seem to recall in the past that school shootings were a spring event, not mere days after school opens. Correct me if I'm remembering incorrectly.
Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 09:29 AM (RKVpM)
Columbine was, and sort of set a template for how to get media coverage if you're an angry kid.

The pattern was clear even back then, and no one has bothered to do anything. The schools report the kids, law enforcement folds its hands, and people expect the parents - who created the problem - to know how to fix it.

And then there's the new trans angle, where we pump dangerous chemicals into teenagers and wonder what will happen next. The responsible agencies are more interested in bullying parents' use of pronouns that stopping any of these crimes from happening.

Oh, and the "red flag" laws that take your guns but leave you with car keys and machetes because those totally can't hurt anyone.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:33 AM (llXky)

177 Brian "Sex Machine" Stelter will be relaunching his Reliable Sources newsletter starting Monday.

For those who like his cut and jib, this is your opportunity.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at September 07, 2024 09:34 AM (Kq6ZB)

178 How to watch any game any sport anytime


Posted by: Sent at September 07, 2024 09:34 AM (Crkij)

Then again maybe it's not so much mental as it is endocrine disrupting chemical pollutants in the water supply producing an increase in the gay, bisexual, and transgender population.

Something that Tucker Carlson, Robert Kennedy Jr, and Alex Jones have all touched upon.

I think this may be the only instance in human history where those three names ever occurred in the same sentence.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 09:34 AM (RKVpM)

180 8/31 – AnnaS1’s husband died in July, and her heart is shattered. She needs some prayers. If anyone else has lost a spouse, how did you get through it?

AnnaS1- you have my sincere condolences. I lost my first husband to a very aggressive cancer just after we both turned 30. What you are dealing with is hard. The loss, the sadness, the.... Everything. It feels like it's too much and it will crush you but trust me, you will get through it. I had a 2 yr old to deal with. Trying to keep his life normal helped me keep my sanity. My family, (parents, brothers, etc) were huge help. Turn to family and friends. When they ask what do you need, how can I help? Tell them. Don't think you have to carry this alone.
My brother heard me railing against this terrible reality, grabbed my shoulders, looked me right in the eye and said, " no it isn't what you want, it's not what it should be. It's the way it is, and you have to accept it and keep going. You play the cards you're dealt.".
Just keep breathing and moving forward.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 09:35 AM (4XwPj)

181 Biden has spent 532 days on vacation in less than four years, about 48 years worth of average Americans vaca time.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 07, 2024 09:35 AM (gbOdA)


This is an interesting article. Sitka, Alaska is coping with a major internet outage.
Posted by: SnakePlizzken

Sitka has no internet? Sounds like an ideal vacation spot.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at September 07, 2024 09:36 AM (rvx4r)

183 Since I have neither cable nor dish, I'll be listening to my beloved Spartans taking on the Derps via radio.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:21 AM (llXky)

I, too, am a MSU alum and will watch that game on the Big Ten Network. I'm not expecting much from the Spartans this year.

I've lived down here on the Redneck Riviera for several years now, so it's almost mandatory for me to to follow Bama football as most of my friends are Roll Tiders.

Posted by: one hour sober at September 07, 2024 09:36 AM (Y1sOo)

184 One thing that bothers me is how is how publicly funded colleges get away with restricting games to cable in their home market. I'm paying for the school, but I also get to pony up for some private corporation to air the games. Total BS.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 07, 2024 09:31 AM (0FoWg)
Depending on the school, you may not be contributing a cent to athletics unless you are a donor. That's been the rule in Michigan for a while - using tuition and state aid to pay for athletics is a no-no, so they raise funds by selling the broadcast rights.

Besides, what's the alternative - treating the game like a press conference and having every channel that wants to show up? How would that even work?

I mean it sucks, but it's better than the State Broadcaster providing official coverage.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:36 AM (llXky)

185 Thanks for the Coffee Thread and Prayer Revival, Mis Hum and Annie!

Great, wonderful, fantastic news from J.J!! Prayers continue.

Prayers for all who need them - and who doesn't?

Posted by: Legally Sufficient at September 07, 2024 09:37 AM (CiNoz)

186 Posted by: rhennigantx at September 07, 2024 09:35 AM (gbOdA)

So, who's running this country? Yeah, I know.

Posted by: dantesed at September 07, 2024 09:37 AM (Oy/m2)

187 Couldn't be any worse than having a catheter inserted.
I know darn well you are not new here, but still...

Posted by: Way,Way Downriver at September 07, 2024 09:38 AM (zdLoL)

188 Then again maybe it's not so much mental as it is endocrine disrupting chemical pollutants in the water supply producing an increase in the gay, bisexual, and transgender population.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 09:34 AM (RKVpM)
It's very clearly a social contagion spread by social media. That being said, given that there are measurable problems with birth control pills affecting the environment, one has to wonder why that hasn't been classified as a pollutant.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:39 AM (llXky)

189 I wonder why no one mentions flourine in water. I don't think it actually works because it is not on our teeth long enough. So, the flourine goes into our stomach and reacts with everything and we excrete it?

Posted by: Accomack at September 07, 2024 09:39 AM (oERdd)

190 Congrats JJ.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at September 07, 2024 09:39 AM (y31cs)

191 They're always in the last place you look.

And yes, prayers for the family.

But if you read the whole thing, it's like "well, we haven't officially identified the remains, so it could be some other person that we found.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at September 07, 2024 09:39 AM (a1415)

192 Besides, what's the alternative - treating the game like a press conference and having every channel that wants to show up? How would that even work?


Pick an over-the-air network to sell them to. Or rotate between them. But don't make me purchase cable I don't even want, with a subscription to some special package. That's the BS part.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 07, 2024 09:40 AM (0FoWg)


Would JJ mind sharing the final tumor diagnosis/type?

I've got a 'we don't know yet' thing in my brain, ill, looking for a chance.

Save your prayers for the good people here that deserve it. I don't. But thank you.

Posted by: Scared and Alone at September 07, 2024 09:40 AM (5LFjM)

194 Seriously, I would love it if the Catholic Church filed an environmental impact lawsuit on birth control pills.

Watching all the "green" groups filing amicus briefs arguing that some forms of pollution iare okay would be a hoot.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:40 AM (llXky)

195 I cannot imagine how devastating it is to lose a beloved spouse. Some people whom I know have joined "grief share" group if there's one on your community and you feel like you'd like you'd want to check it out. A couple of people I know have read this read this book and found it helpful from. Faith based perspective:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 07, 2024 09:40 AM (fxj6r)

196 >>An increase in the gay, bisexual, and transgender population. Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 09:34 AM (RKVpM)

1. Martian information operations campaigns are gaying the planet.
2. The actual number of people who will act on their professed sexual eccentricity is much lower than those who merely profess to the preference.
3. Eating the Subway meatball sub more than twice will make you a practicing lesbian.

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 09:41 AM (P+D4R)

197 We have a mental health crisis, not a gun crisis.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:26 AM (llXky)

I'd say we have a spiritual crisis more than a mental health crisis.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 09:41 AM (g8Ew8)

198 Good morning, Horde. In the coffee cup this morning is a 50/50 mix of French roast and pumpkin spice. I'm one of those weirdos who looks forward to the seasonal rollout of all things pumpkin spice. It's a harbinger of cooler weather and deer season.

Posted by: PabloD at September 07, 2024 09:41 AM (uquoQ)

199 Pick an over-the-air network to sell them to. Or rotate between them. But don't make me purchase cable I don't even want, with a subscription to some special package. That's the BS part.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 07, 2024 09:40 AM (0FoWg)
But how do you set that up? How do you handle dual camera crews?

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:42 AM (llXky)

200 To me the Cultural Marxists Seminaries pushing Trannie and no one to blame for their actions due to society causing personal problems.

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2024 09:42 AM (fwDg9)

201 First pumpkin spice sighting. The season has changed.
It is Decorative Gourd Season.

Posted by: Way,Way Downriver at September 07, 2024 09:43 AM (zdLoL)

202 163 "...essentially I am cancer free..."

Posted by: creeper at September 07, 2024 09:26 AM (M6moH)

Well, cancer-free "for now." Hence maintenance chemo and continual monitoring for the rest of my life. The nature of glioblastoma is that it is a very nasty and persistent cancer. That said, considering the near total removal of the mass and the pathology indicating that the usual treatment protocol with radiation and chemo per the oncologists would be very effective means I could go on for many years and likely die of something completely unrelated to this. I'm shooting to be in that group.

God bless.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 07, 2024 09:44 AM (x0n13)

203 PabloD at September 07, 2024 09:41 AM (uquoQ)

I made a comment last week that Halloween candy was on display in grocery stores. Before Labor Day.

Posted by: dantesed at September 07, 2024 09:44 AM (Oy/m2)

204 > I'd say we have a spiritual crisis more than a mental health crisis.
The mentally ill seem to hold sway over a huge segment of the population. Especially the alphabet people. I seriously doubt prayers will help that situation.


Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 07, 2024 09:46 AM (Q4IgG)

205 Pick an over-the-air network to sell them to. Or rotate between them. But don't make me purchase cable I don't even want, with a subscription to some special package. That's the BS part.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 07, 2024 09:40 AM (0FoWg)

Bundling killed cable. The companies refused to listen to us.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 09:46 AM (g8Ew8)

The season has changed.

So you're now onboard with meteorological seasons?

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 09:46 AM (RKVpM)

207 ---
My father is an otherwise highly intelligent man, but he has outsourced all his political thought to MSNBC, and the other day yet again gave me the brain-dead claptrap about gun control and I had to remind him that he went to high school when you could mail order an M1 Carbine for $10 without any restrictions. Shotguns could be bought at the hardware store without showing ID.

Yet school was safe. What changed? It damn sure wasn't the guns. He tried to argue that guns were unique and I pointed out the Christmas parade massacre and how my quiet, leafy college town now parks trucks on all the entrances to the air fair so that some nut doesn't try the same trick.

We have a mental health crisis, not a gun crisis.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd

Conversation with my doc the other day. He looked at me with deep sadness and said that he didn't understand how very intelligent people could be so deluded. He was speaking of friends or associates not things he'd read about.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 07, 2024 09:46 AM (AN+eO)

208 The news from Mr Sefton is so faith building. Praise God!

Posted by: Patrick at September 07, 2024 09:46 AM (bJ76h)

209 I wonder why no one mentions flourine in water.

Can't recall it being a concern. Do you mean fluoride?

Posted by: Way,Way Downriver at September 07, 2024 09:46 AM (zdLoL)

210 I'd say we have a spiritual crisis more than a mental health crisis.
Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 09:41 AM (g8Ew
Very much so, but it is easier to use the secular expression than the true one. The first step is clarifying that the problem cannot be solved merely by prohibiting sharp pointy things.

By focusing on mental health, we can also highlight the limitations of the current system, which includes the ineffectiveness of drug treatments.

At the same time, we must speak more openly of faith, re-inserting it into the public square and embracing the language of moral judgement. We need to remind people hell exists and its doing huge business at the moment.

Put simply, is banging another dude up the bunghole worth an eternity of torment?

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:46 AM (llXky)

So, who's running this country? Yeah, I know.
Posted by: dantesed

Otto Pilot

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 07, 2024 09:46 AM (63Dwl)

212 But how do you set that up? How do you handle dual camera crews?
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:42 AM (llXky)

But they already do in many cases. For instance, today's game in my area will be broadcasted by both an OTA network and ESPN. But many games are *only* on the cable nets - usually the more important ones.

You may recall the SEC/Big 10/etc. nets are fairly recent developments. It's just a novel way to squeeze another nickel out of the fans, boosters, and taxpayers who build their colleges. Feh.

It's ok. I'm not a big enough fan to bother going to a bar to watch. It's just galling, that's all.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 07, 2024 09:47 AM (0FoWg)

213 >>Well, cancer-free "for now."
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 07, 2024 09:44 AM (x0n13)

Congratulations. Are periodic PET scans to be part of your surveillance program?

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 09:47 AM (P+D4R)

214 209 I wonder why no one mentions flourine in water.

Can't recall it being a concern. Do you mean fluoride?
Posted by: Way,Way Downriver at September 07, 2024 09:46 AM (zdLoL)

General Jack D. Ripper has entered the chat!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 07, 2024 09:47 AM (x0n13)

215 >>>indicating that the usual treatment protocol with radiation and chemo per the oncologists would be very effective means I could go on for many years and likely die of something completely unrelated to this. I'm shooting to be in that group.

God bless.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton


Posted by: Braenyard at September 07, 2024 09:48 AM (AN+eO)

216 Jewells,

You and hubby are in our prayers. My morning prayers are with a rosary we got from you. They are lovely and the feel as they glide along my fingers adds to the moment.

Posted by: JTB at September 07, 2024 09:48 AM (zudum)

217 We got some rain in north Texas, the temperature is down in the double digits, and the candy corn harvest is in the stores. Fall is here.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at September 07, 2024 09:49 AM (rvx4r)

218 So you're now onboard with meteorological seasons?

So you don't know the rest of "Decorative Gourd Season"?

Posted by: Way,Way Downriver at September 07, 2024 09:49 AM (zdLoL)

219 Morning all.

So I see the black national anthem has made a return to the NFL.

*just stirring the pot*

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at September 07, 2024 09:49 AM (GTCVo)

220 Alabama vs. South Florida Game Info
Date: Saturday, September 7, 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m. ET
TV Channel: ESPN
Live Stream: Watch this game on Fubo (Regional restrictions may apply)
Live Stream: Watch this game on Sling (Regional restrictions may apply)


Yeah, no, ESPN is blocked on my DirecTV Stream because of their dispute over fees.

Fubo and Sling I don't have. Even if I did, the game would be blacked-out for me due to those regional restrictions.

Posted by: one hour sober at September 07, 2024 09:50 AM (Y1sOo)

221 "It's a harbinger of cooler weather and deer season."

'A venti venison smoothie, with two shots of Pumpkin Spice, please.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at September 07, 2024 09:50 AM (a1415)

Fluorine is a highly reactive and toxic halogen that exists as a pale yellow gas. It was first isolated by Henri Moissan in 1886 and has many industrial uses, such as uranium enrichment, steelmaking, and fluoridation.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 09:50 AM (RKVpM)

223 213 >>Well, cancer-free "for now."
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 07, 2024 09:44 AM (x0n13)

Congratulations. Are periodic PET scans to be part of your surveillance program?
Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 09:47 AM (P+D4R)

Just MRIs on the head. I'm no expert, but I think while it is common for cancer to metastasize from other parts of the body to the brain, I never hear of it going the other way. You'd certainly think it should. Good question to ask the team.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 07, 2024 09:50 AM (x0n13)

224 You may recall the SEC/Big 10/etc. nets are fairly recent developments. It's just a novel way to squeeze another nickel out of the fans, boosters, and taxpayers who build their colleges. Feh.

It's ok. I'm not a big enough fan to bother going to a bar to watch. It's just galling, that's all.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 07, 2024 09:47 AM (0FoWg)
I'm old enough to remember when having a game on television at all was a big deal. I was the marching band and I'd call my grandparents and tell them to watch for me when they showed shots of the band and more than once got a call on Sunday night from them saying they had friends over and everyone saw me.

I do recall local broadcasts and the university public TV station would run a taped version of the game late Saturday night.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:52 AM (llXky)

225 >indicating that the usual treatment protocol with radiation and chemo per the oncologists would be very effective means I could go on for many years and likely die of something completely unrelated to this. I'm shooting to be in that group.

God bless.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton

Gos bless is right JJ. Glad you'll be around till you slip getting out of the shower. :-)

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at September 07, 2024 09:52 AM (GTCVo)

I could go on for many years and likely die of something completely unrelated to this.


Shot by jealous husband

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 07, 2024 09:52 AM (1Nxff)

227 >>Just MRIs on the head. I'm no expert, but I think while it is common for cancer to metastasize from other parts of the body to the brain, I never hear of it going the other way. You'd certainly think it should. Good question to ask the team.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 07, 2024 09:50 AM (x0n13)

Good news. My first concern after the positive biopsy was that it'd go north from my tonsil, but was told my type always goes south to the lungs if it goes anywhere. Two years in the clear. Hang in there.

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 09:53 AM (P+D4R)

228 Good morning

Colorado Parks & Wildlife has released its annual grey wolf reintroduction report.

I am a bit puzzled by this quote from one of the organizers/advocates for the reintroduction:

“There’s a bigger good here, right? Bringing wolves back to do what wolves are supposed to do, which is to keep the land healthy by moving their native prey around the landscape,” said Rob Edward, President of Rocky Mountain Wolf Project.

What is this notion of what wolves are supposed to do? It seems obvious that with population growth in Colorado and with increased recreational activities in the mountains, ranching, and exurban mountain homesites that the interface between man and nature is nowhere near the same ass it was in 1824 or 1924 or even 1974. The notion of returning to some presumed prior normative status by bringing back an apex predator strikes me as Disneytopian nonsense.

Posted by: Muldoon at September 07, 2024 09:54 AM (991eG)

229 225 Glad you'll be around till you slip getting out of the shower. :-)
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at September 07, 2024 09:52 AM (GTCVo)

Was thinking more along the lines of falling asleep watching a Bowery Boys movie and not waking up, or in bed, dreaming of a girlfriend from long ago and very far away. Don't tell my wife!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 07, 2024 09:54 AM (x0n13)

230 After Halloween, Halloween candy goes back to being just regular candy

Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 09:56 AM (/7KEl)

231 [ ] Black national anthem at NFL games
[ ] Kneeling at NFL games
[x] Kneeling for Zod national anthem at NFL games

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 09:56 AM (P+D4R)

232 189 I wonder why no one mentions flourine in water. I don't think it actually works because it is not on our teeth long enough. So, the flourine goes into our stomach and reacts with everything and we excrete it?
Posted by: Accomack

It works on children because it gets in the system and effects the quality of bone growth. It does nothing positive for adults. Fluoride toothpaste is much more effective. There's also a fluoride rinse.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 07, 2024 09:56 AM (AN+eO)

233 I could go on for many years and likely die of something completely unrelated to this.


Shot by jealous husband
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 07, 2024 09:52 AM (1Nxff)


Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 09:56 AM (g8Ew8)

I think if I had escaped cancer I'd secure some Ivermectin and figure out some daily dose at a small percentage of recommended. The article I read from the Mexico research indicated it as highly effective at killing off cancer stem cells.

Ivermectin has a proven safe track record around the world.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 09:57 AM (RKVpM)

235 Does bottled water contain less estrogen than tap water?

Posted by: Braenyard at September 07, 2024 09:57 AM (AN+eO)

236 The amount of claptrap on weather, climate, sex, gender, politics, and religion pushed on to kids in school it is no wonder that they have serious issues.
With all of the education and childhood development degrees it appear no one thinks about what children can actually live with and understand.
The adultification of children it killing their mental health.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 07, 2024 09:58 AM (gbOdA)

237 231 [ ] Black national anthem at NFL games
You want a black national anthem go build yourself a black nation.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 07, 2024 09:58 AM (AN+eO)

238 Was thinking more along the lines of falling asleep watching a Bowery Boys movie and not waking up, or in bed, dreaming of a girlfriend from long ago and very far away. Don't tell my wife!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton

If she finds out, your death could be brutal, painful, and soon! Congrats on the good news!

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 09:59 AM (4XwPj)

239 234
I think if I had escaped cancer I'd secure some Ivermectin and figure out some daily dose at a small percentage of recommended. The article I read from the Mexico research indicated it as highly effective at killing off cancer stem cells.

Ivermectin has a proven safe track record around the world.
Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 09:57 AM (RKVpM)

THere's also an anti-parasitic called Fembendazole that is supposed to be very effective. Also CBD oil can boost chemo effectiveness, and even be effective on its own, per current research.

Yet, at pennies per pill, Big Pharma and the American Cancer Society aren't going to rake it in, so forget it ever getting FDA approval.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 07, 2024 09:59 AM (x0n13)

240 >>235 Does bottled water contain less estrogen than tap water? Posted by: Braenyard at September 07, 2024 09:57 AM (AN+eO)

The Subway meatball sub contains more estrogen than either tap water or bottled water. Not the reply you were looking for, but truth.

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 09:59 AM (P+D4R)

241 wolves are supposed to run down, kill and eat animal(s)

and make little baby wolf puppies
that's pretty much it

Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 09:59 AM (/7KEl)

242 The notion of returning to some presumed prior normative status by bringing back an apex predator strikes me as Disneytopian nonsense.
Posted by: Muldoon at September 07, 2024 09:54 AM (991eG)

Dude, trust the "science"!

And these are the same people that champion the rich cultural diversity that can only be achieved by importing millions of illegal aliens!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana - again! ~ at September 07, 2024 10:00 AM (hOUT3)

243 They treat many autoimmune disorders including reactions to Covid 19 shots

Posted by: LMD Outer Banker at September 07, 2024 08:37 AM (BGW2E)

There is a lot of emerging evidence that nicotine, of all things, helps deal with COVID/CoVax, as it appears the spike proteins bind to a nicotine receptor site.

I've seen a few doctors that are now recommending a 3 mg nicotine patch (half of a small one or cut a big one in 6 pieces) for long covid/covax symptoms.

Posted by: Malcolm Tent at September 07, 2024 10:00 AM (kR6py)

Does bottled water contain less estrogen than tap water?

Posted by: Braenyard at September 07, 2024 09:57 AM

Micro-plastics, the new Bogeyman.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 10:00 AM (RKVpM)

245 Does bottled water contain less estrogen than tap water?

Most bottled water is tap water that has been, at best, run through an RO system.

Posted by: Anzio Annie at September 07, 2024 10:00 AM (/y8xj)

246 As a kid, I would spend a *lot* of time living in the forest in CO. Starting when I was 12, my younger brother and I made a big teepee with a shortwave radio, a little library, camp stove, food, etc. We'd just hang out up there on the mountain and come back occasionally for showers. My parents loved it.

So I was going to remark that it's a matter of time til one of these wolves gobbles up some youngster whose hiking around.

But then I remember children don't even play outside anymore, let alone rough it in the woods unattended.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 07, 2024 10:00 AM (0FoWg)

247 -@228 - muldoon

Bonus effect - those icky humans end up with fewer elk, deer and other critters to harvest for food.

Gotta get going
Leofb , it is, after all, the 2nd Great Commandment,,, paraphrased

Posted by: TeeJ at September 07, 2024 10:01 AM (IetnX)

248 It works on children because it gets in the system and effects the quality of bone growth. It does nothing positive for adults. Fluoride toothpaste is much more effective. There's also a fluoride rinse.
Posted by: Braenyard at September 07, 2024 09:56 AM (AN+eO)
Years ago we got one of those fridge-basin water filters that took fluoride and everything else out of the water. There was no discernible result other than an uptick in cavity activity in the kids and it was expensive to keep filters in stock so we got rid of it.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 10:01 AM (llXky)

249 If the black national anthem was sung in Xhosa (the Bantu clicking language, but you knew that), I'd tune in.

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 10:02 AM (P+D4R)

250 238 Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 09:59 AM (4XwPj)

You know I'm Jewish since every time that summer romance from so long ago crosses my mind even for a moment, I get racked with guilt.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 07, 2024 10:02 AM (x0n13)

251 I will pray for AnnaS.
I endorse keep busy, but for me it was more a process of taking one thing at a time and doing it. So much was in upheaval when my husband died (year ago April) that I am only this month finishing our last married-filing-jointly for 2023; after closing out his business, doing those taxes and settling those accounts, I just filed an extension on our own taxes because I was overwhelmed from doing all the business things (also on extension--he died tax week after a long debilitating illness).
You WILL be busy all on your own, but take things as you can,
Yes, accept help. I am glad for relatives who helped me though so much.
I was very lucky, in that my husband's death was not unexpected. Also lucky in that I could truly feel thankful he was not in pain any more, not just the illness but the horrible rage and frustration of a man used to being competent and in control.
I miss him, but not his suffering.
And it hits me in the face when I least expect it.
His first birthday after he was gone wiped me out. He would have been 64, and that Beatles song was our wedding dance. It made me so sad that he didn't make it.

Posted by: barbarausa at September 07, 2024 10:02 AM (enw9G)

252 You want a black national anthem go build yourself a black nation.
Posted by: Braenyard at September 07, 2024 09:58 AM (AN+eO)

They are building one. Why do you think the leftists are erasing our borders.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 10:02 AM (g8Ew8)

253 My late mother always thought there is a cure for cancer, at least some of the common forms. But there's more money to be made with treating it than curing it.

Seeing how our government and Big Pharma acted during the covid op, I think she might have been correct.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 07, 2024 10:02 AM (Q4IgG)

254 The Subway meatball sub contains more estrogen than either tap water or bottled water. Not the reply you were looking for, but truth.
Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 09:59 AM (P+D4R)
It is the choice of pedophiles everywhere!

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 10:03 AM (llXky)

255 249 If the black national anthem was sung in Xhosa (the Bantu clicking language, but you knew that), I'd tune in.
Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 10:02 AM (P+D4R)

Meh, just play Jungle Boogie and/or the Oogum Boogum Song and be done with it.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 07, 2024 10:03 AM (x0n13)

256 The former cheating "low level staffer" at Michigan, Connor Stalions, who just happened to be on the sidelines during UM games, whispering in the OC's and DC's ear, even though he wasn't allowed on field per NCAA rules, lost his first game as head coach of a Detroit area high school team.

Final score: 60-0.

Posted by: one hour sober at September 07, 2024 10:03 AM (Y1sOo)

257 Muldoon,

CO wants to reintroduce wolverines, too

Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 10:04 AM (/7KEl)

258 Speaking of candy corn, has anyone noticed the prices this year. Way, way up. The migrant harvesters must have held out for a big raise.
So much so that I might make it through the fall without suffering any this year. Normally buy on bag just to remind myself how horrible it is.

Posted by: From about That Time at September 07, 2024 10:04 AM (4780s)

There is a lot of emerging evidence that nicotine, of all things, helps deal with COVID/CoVax, as it appears the spike proteins bind to a nicotine receptor site.

I've seen a few doctors that are now recommending a 3 mg nicotine patch (half of a small one or cut a big one in 6 pieces) for long covid/covax symptoms.

Posted by: Malcolm Tent at September 07, 2024 10:00 AM

In the early days of covid the people in France noticed some nicotine/covid sour relationship and emptied the shelves of every pharmacy in the country of nicotine products. I wonder how many people in the USA saw that story?

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 10:04 AM (RKVpM)

260 253 My late mother always thought there is a cure for cancer, at least some of the common forms. But there's more money to be made with treating it than curing it.

Seeing how our government and Big Pharma acted during the covid op, I think she might have been correct.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 07, 2024 10:02 AM (Q4IgG)

My very dear friend and author Harry Stein, who has been on the podcast a few times, wrote a thriller about this subject entitled "The Magic Bullet."

I recommend it.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 07, 2024 10:05 AM (x0n13)

261 ZOD.
Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 09:29 AM

*considers comment*

*considers nic*


Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 07, 2024 10:05 AM (Wnv9h)

262 Respect the sacrifice of the ten Naugas that died in the making of this divan!

Posted by: naturalfake at September 07, 2024 08:28 AM (eDfFs)

Hey! What about us and all that great oil we make?

Posted by: neats everywhere at September 07, 2024 10:06 AM (M6moH)

263 Hardly any whining in the pancakes this morning. Just a little pouting did the trick.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 07, 2024 10:07 AM (RIvkX)

Posted by: neats everywhere at September 07, 2024 10:07 AM (M6moH)

265 257 Muldoon,

CO wants to reintroduce wolverines, too
Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 10:04 AM (/7KEl)

Tanned, rested, and ready!

Posted by: C. Thomas Howell at September 07, 2024 10:07 AM (PiwSw)

266 > My very dear friend and author Harry Stein, who has been on the podcast a few times, wrote a thriller about this subject entitled "The Magic Bullet."

I recommend it.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton
That sounds vaguely familiar... I may have read it some time ago. Will revisit.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 07, 2024 10:08 AM (Q4IgG)

267 Thank you, SanFranPsycho.

Posted by: creeper at September 07, 2024 10:08 AM (M6moH)

268 The former cheating "low level staffer" at Michigan, Connor Stalions, who just happened to be on the sidelines during UM games, whispering in the OC's and DC's ear, even though he wasn't allowed on field per NCAA rules, lost his first game as head coach of a Detroit area high school team.

Final score: 60-0.

Posted by: one hour sober at September 07, 2024 10:03 AM (Y1sOo)
There are rumors that if U-M gets spanked by Texas today, the school will settle with the NCAA next week. In the bizarre calculus of U-M leadership, they'd rather keep the scandal dripping out and hope for a winning season than just clear it out of the way as all other schools would do. It's utterly insane from a crisis management perspective.

I've read the NCAA report on the "cheesburger" case and it is scathing. The scouting one will be much, much worse.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 10:09 AM (llXky)

269 210
'Put simply, is banging another dude up the bunghole worth an eternity of torment?'

That sounds almost unappealing said that way. I guess not.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at September 07, 2024 10:09 AM (3wi/L)

270 *just stirring the pot*
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at September 07, 2024 09:49 AM

That's just what I would expect a cannibal to do...

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 07, 2024 10:09 AM (Wnv9h)

271 , I get racked with guilt.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 07, 2024 10:02 AM (x0n13)

Hmmm... Guilt because you failed to keep the summer lass? Or guilt because your wife is... Standing right behind you reading this! RUN JJ! RUN!

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 10:10 AM (4XwPj)

272 Shot by jealous husband
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 07, 2024 09:52 AM (1Nxff)

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 09:56 AM (g8Ew

Run over by an Organic Produce trailer.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at September 07, 2024 10:11 AM (y31cs)

273 >>'Put simply, is banging another dude up the bunghole worth an eternity of torment?'


Posted by: Liz Cheney at September 07, 2024 10:11 AM (P+D4R)

274 Are football players still kneeling during the national anthem? I haven't watched a game in years. If they are, someone should hack the big screen and put "KNEEL! KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!" on the board when the do.

Posted by: PabloD at September 07, 2024 10:11 AM (uquoQ)

275 Hey! What about us and all that great oil we make?
Posted by: neats everywhere at September 07, 2024 10:06 AM

*golf clap*

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 07, 2024 10:11 AM (Wnv9h)

276 Speaking of candy corn, has anyone noticed the prices this year. Way, way up. The migrant harvesters must have held out for a big raise.
So much so that I might make it through the fall without suffering any this year. Normally buy on bag just to remind myself how horrible it is.
Posted by: From about That Time

Prices are up, just like everything else. I like the stuff, so I buy a supply on November 1 when they are on sale.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at September 07, 2024 10:11 AM (rvx4r)

277 269 210
'Put simply, is banging another dude up the bunghole worth an eternity of torment?'

That sounds almost unappealing said that way. I guess not.
Posted by: Dr. Claw at September 07, 2024 10:09 AM (3wi/L)

-2.5 pts for not using a Pete Butigeg nic.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at September 07, 2024 10:12 AM (y31cs)

278 Wolves and wolverines need wilderness areas to operate

CO defines 'wilderness' as 5000 contiguous roadless acres, or just under 8 square miles

I'm no biologist, (though I have seen Born Free), but that seems small

Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 10:12 AM (/7KEl)

279 His first birthday after he was gone wiped me out. He would have been 64, and that Beatles song was our wedding dance. It made me so sad that he didn't make it.
Posted by: barbarausa at September 07, 2024 10:02 AM (enw9G)

May his memory be a blessing.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 07, 2024 10:12 AM (RIvkX)

280 >>Run over by an Organic Produce trailer.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at September 07, 2024 10:11 AM (y31cs)

Bled to death from construction-paper cuts to eyeball.

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 10:12 AM (P+D4R)

281 Shot by jealous husband
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 07, 2024 09:52 AM (1Nxff)

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 09:56 AM (g8Ew

Run over by an Organic Produce trailer.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at September 07, 2024 10:11 AM

Freak crochet accident.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 07, 2024 10:12 AM (Wnv9h)

282 275 Hey! What about us and all that great oil we make?
Posted by: neats everywhere at September 07, 2024 10:06 AM

I could have been a contender...

Posted by: WD-39 at September 07, 2024 10:12 AM (PiwSw)

283 228
'The notion of returning to some presumed prior normative status by bringing back an apex predator strikes me as Disneytopian nonsense.'

I liken that to the predators the left is bringing in over the border.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at September 07, 2024 10:13 AM (3wi/L)

284 >>If they are, someone should hack the big screen and put "KNEEL! KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!" on the board when the do. Posted by: PabloD at September 07, 2024 10:11 AM (uquoQ)

Your newsletter. You will send it to Zod. Do this now.

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 10:14 AM (P+D4R)

285 Thanks, San Franpsycho, it is.
We are all getting to the place where we smile when something reminds us of what he would say or do on seeing it.

Posted by: barbarausa at September 07, 2024 10:14 AM (enw9G)

286 229
'watching a Bowery Boys movie and not waking up, or in bed, dreaming of a girlfriend from long ago and very far away.'

The Bowery Boys never seemed to have girlfriends for some reason.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at September 07, 2024 10:15 AM (3wi/L)

287 'The notion of returning to some presumed prior normative status by bringing back an apex predator strikes me as Disneytopian nonsense.'

"Fish are friends, not food."

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 10:15 AM (4XwPj)

288 "Jeffrey Dahmer: Disneytopian Apex Predator."

Coming to theaters near you.

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 10:16 AM (P+D4R)

289 @195 Fen, my aunt (father's sister) lost her husband in 2010. A great guy my uncle. Then she had a daughter pass in 2015 after a long cancer battle. She went to a grief support group and met a great guy . They've been together since 2017. She's 80 , he's 78. Those support groups work

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 07, 2024 10:16 AM (RshWO)

290 That sounds almost unappealing said that way. I guess not.
Posted by: Dr. Claw at September 07, 2024 10:09 AM (3wi/L)
It's a response to the liberal Catholic whining that people who want to enforce traditional morality are "hung up on sex."

Um, no. We think about lots of things and while sex has its place, it is not the primary activity with which we identify ourselves.

The deviants are the one who define themselves by their deviancy, and it's fascinating how they think that if they can just get a bunch of people in Roman collars to agree with them, God will withhold judgement on this matter.

But the core question is why? Why are you willing to put your very soul in eternal torment just so you can bust a nut on another dude? Don't get me wrong, I get that some sex is hotter than others, but banging your way through bathhouse after bathhouse has to get a bit boring after a while.

Maybe find another hobby that isn't a mortal sin is all I'm saying.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 10:17 AM (llXky)

291 Speaking of candy corn... Normally buy on bag just to remind myself how horrible it is.

Random somewhat nauseating thought: mash 'em up, add pancake syrup, and make candy creamed corn.

Posted by: Anzio Annie at September 07, 2024 10:17 AM (/y8xj)

292 /2-day old sock

Posted by: Oddbob at September 07, 2024 10:18 AM (/y8xj)

293 There are rumors that if U-M gets spanked by Texas today, the school will settle with the NCAA next week. In the bizarre calculus of U-M leadership, they'd rather keep the scandal dripping out and hope for a winning season than just clear it out of the way as all other schools would do. It's utterly insane from a crisis management perspective.

I've read the NCAA report on the "cheesburger" case and it is scathing. The scouting one will be much, much worse.
It's beyond the point where UM can negotiate anything as the official notice of allegations was delivered to them ten days ago.

They could've attempted a negotiated settlement after the draft NOA was received a month or so ago, but chose not to.

They can still offer to self-impose penalties, but the NCAA doesn't have to accept it if the proposed self-penalties are not sufficient given the serious nature of the infractions.

The matter is going to the NCAA's Committee On Infractions no matter what now.

Posted by: one hour sober at September 07, 2024 10:18 AM (Y1sOo)

294 While convalescing I read up on the Spanish Civil War, and that became the genesis of Long Live Death, which got me into non-fiction and so Walls of Men followed. I got to see the kids finish high school and greet my grandchildren, so things have worked out pretty well.

Thanks be to God!
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:10 AM (llXky)

AH, on whig's recommendation, I picked up Walls of Men. So far, it's fantastic. One takeaway is that having been taught ancient Western history, you realize that Europe had a colorful past. The Bible teaches us that the Middle East was similarly rich. Chinese and Asian history is especially so, and very much worth studying.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 07, 2024 10:19 AM (45BCn)

295 >>Those support groups work
Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 07, 2024 10:16 AM (RshWO)


[ ] People sitting on folding chairs in church basements, drinking black coffee.
[x] Well-lashed, malnourished Aztecs.

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 10:19 AM (P+D4R)

296 The 'expert left' like to experiment with things best left alone. Like wolves. The environment. Us.

One of these days they'll be sorry. Not today, sadly.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 07, 2024 10:20 AM (Q4IgG)

297 Sitka has no internet? Sounds like an ideal vacation spot.
Posted by: Thomas Paine at September 07, 2024 09:36 AM (rvx4r)
I've been to Sitka. Via Ketchikan, Anchorage, and Seattle. It's pretty remote.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 07, 2024 10:20 AM (RIvkX)

Maybe few read through RFK Jr's OpEd at the Wall Street Journal but I like how he ended it:

Mr. Trump has told me he wants to make ending this chronic-disease calamity a key part of his legacy, while Kamala Harris has expressed no interest in this issue. His political courage and moral clarity about the danger of our compromised institutions give us the best opportunity in our lifetimes to revive America’s health.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 10:21 AM (RKVpM)

299 >>The 'expert left' like to experiment with things best left alone.

(looks up from laboratory table, shrugs, returns to experiment)

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 10:21 AM (P+D4R)

300 I'm out. Time to load up the backpack and head out to play radio nerd.

Posted by: PabloD at September 07, 2024 10:22 AM (uquoQ)

301 Maybe find another hobby that isn't a mortal sin is all I'm saying.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd

That. Line. Right. There. It has caused me to laugh loud enough to disturb the cat and the girl spawn!

And it's true! Life was more peaceful when the perversions were kept in a closet.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 10:22 AM (4XwPj)

302 That's just what I would expect a cannibal to do...
Posted by: RedMindBlueStat


Crossing the streams:

Bringing wolves cannibals back to do what wolves cannibals are supposed to do, which is to keep the land healthy by moving their native prey around the landscape,” said Rob Edward, President of Rocky Mountain Wolf Cannibal Project.

Posted by: Muldoon at September 07, 2024 10:22 AM (991eG)

303 "Some good news to report. My MRI came back negative, so essentially I'm cancer-free for now............"

JJS, this is wonderful news. You continue to be in my prayers. My son gave a big cheer when I told him.

This Prayer List is wonderful. I say a prayer for everyone on it. Doing it right now, as I write this.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 07, 2024 10:23 AM (45BCn)

304 My folks took a cruise from Vancouver to Anchorage. Sitka was Mom's favorite stop.

Posted by: Weak Geek at September 07, 2024 10:23 AM (p/isN)

305 The Bowery Boys never seemed to have girlfriends for some reason.
Posted by: Dr. Claw at September 07, 2024 10:15 AM (3wi/L)

Because dames is trouble buster!

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 07, 2024 10:23 AM (RIvkX)

306 It's beyond the point where UM can negotiate anything as the official notice of allegations was delivered to them ten days ago.

Posted by: one hour sober at September 07, 2024 10:18 AM (Y1sOo)
That's not true. Throughout the process the path to a negotiated settlement remains open. The previous infraction was negotiated after the NOA was delivered, and in many cases the NOA facilitates negotiation because it spells out the seriousness of the offense.

The NCAA prefers this path because it takes less time and is not subject to appeal. Michigan technically has 90 days to respond and in the previous violation used that full time before reaching a settlement, though the case had to be broken up into separate elements due to Harbaugh's non-cooperation.

Based on the length of that case, I expect the cheating NOA to be several hundred pages long and contain information confirming that the football program was essentially unsupervised, completely beyond institutional control. The earlier report contains hints of this, remarking that there was a culture of non-compliance.

It will not end well for them.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 10:24 AM (llXky)

307 I actually dream of the day the Colorado Fish and Wildlife release Sabre Tooth Tigers back in the wild.

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2024 10:24 AM (fwDg9)

308 Run over by an Organic Produce trailer.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at September 07, 2024 10:11 AM (y31cs)

OMG! That's worse than syphillis.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 10:24 AM (g8Ew8)

309 Chinese and Asian history is especially so, and very much worth studying.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 07, 2024 10:19 AM (45BCn)

Susan Wise Bauer has written several excellent survey histories that would be worth checking out. Here's a link to the first one:

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at September 07, 2024 10:24 AM (PiwSw)

310 "He liked the woods. He could think there with a clear head. He also liked to eat people. He would eat them in the woods and then think. Then he would go back to the cabin."

Posted by: ZOD Hemingway at September 07, 2024 10:25 AM (P+D4R)

311 I buried two husbands. Never did come to terms with losing the first one. My consolation is that I'll see him again. God promised.

Posted by: creeper at September 07, 2024 10:25 AM (M6moH)

312 That's just what I would expect a cannibal to do...

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 07, 2024 10:09 AM (Wnv9h)

I completely missed that.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at September 07, 2024 10:25 AM (GTCVo)

313 AH, on whig's recommendation, I picked up Walls of Men. So far, it's fantastic. One takeaway is that having been taught ancient Western history, you realize that Europe had a colorful past. The Bible teaches us that the Middle East was similarly rich. Chinese and Asian history is especially so, and very much worth studying.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 07, 2024 10:19 AM (45BCn)
Glad you like it!

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 10:25 AM (llXky)

314 "Maybe find another hobby that isn't a mortal sin is all I'm saying."

A H Lloyd, I suspect if people were enjoined to "die to self" (remember the old hymn?) today, they'd respond with cries of being genocided.

Defining oneself, making one's entire identity, a sexual practice is no different than any other form of victimhood-worship celebrated today.

It is what people have instead of faith; they are GAY!! TRANS!!! or BIPOC!!!! or vegan or feminist or for the environment.

Posted by: barbarausa at September 07, 2024 10:25 AM (enw9G)

315 299 >>The 'expert left' like to experiment with things best left alone.

(looks up from laboratory table, shrugs, returns to experiment)
Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 10:21 AM (P+D4R)

Place metal fork handle in mouth, then insert tynes in electrical outlet.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 07, 2024 10:26 AM (x0n13)

316 I've been to Sitka. Via Ketchikan, Anchorage, and Seattle. It's pretty remote.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 07, 2024 10:20 AM

I was just up there. Ketchikan's connectivity is...not good. Skagway's was almost nonexistent.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 07, 2024 10:26 AM (Wnv9h)

317 The only thing about the "they have a cure for that, but they don't want you to know about it" theory is that doctors' and pharmas' relatives still die of (insert disease here) just like everyone else.

Posted by: sal at September 07, 2024 10:27 AM (bx3Km)

318 (remember the old hymn?)

Yes. "Father, make a swan/Father, make a swan..."

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 10:27 AM (P+D4R)

319 I was in Sitka to meet with the tribal government and honored to have dinner in their Long House. Fry bread, frogs eggs, and macaroni salad.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 07, 2024 10:27 AM (RIvkX)

320 I arrived here with the sole intended purpose of jumping on the Naugahyde divan while hiding a scalpel. Seeing the posted rules was a great disappointment.

At least I don't have to put on any pants.

Posted by: tankdemon at September 07, 2024 10:28 AM (Ux/18)

321 Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 10:28 AM (P+D4R)

322 This was 20 years ago so no wi-fi yet.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 07, 2024 10:29 AM (RIvkX)

323 >>Not disgusting. Extremely fascinating. God designed us very well. It's a very robust structure underneath the skin. It all fits with what I call tough precision.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 08:50 AM

We are most wonderful and amazing meat machines.

Posted by: huerfano at September 07, 2024 10:29 AM (VGOMa)

324 "Fish are friends, not food."
Posted by: Madamemayhem


Coming soon to a theater near you:

"Frying Nemo"

Posted by: Muldoon at September 07, 2024 10:29 AM (991eG)

325 Random somewhat nauseating thought: mash 'em up, add pancake syrup, and make candy creamed corn.
Posted by: Anzio Annie at September 07, 2024 10:17 AM

My pancreas went into shock just reading that.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 07, 2024 10:29 AM (Wnv9h)

326 Fry bread, frogs eggs, and macaroni salad.
Posted by: San Franpsycho

No offense intended to you or the tribe but.... That sounds gross. Who in the world would eat macaroni salad. Just ewww.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 10:30 AM (4XwPj)

327 Dr. Ehrlich had a magic bullet.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 07, 2024 10:30 AM (63Dwl)

328 I arrived here with the sole intended purpose of jumping on the Naugahyde divan while hiding a scalpel. Seeing the posted rules was a great disappointment.

At least I don't have to put on any pants.
Posted by: tankdemon at September 07, 2024 10:28 AM (Ux/1

Right on time, too.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 07, 2024 10:30 AM (RIvkX)

329 No offense intended to you or the tribe but.... That sounds gross. Who in the world would eat macaroni salad. Just ewww.
Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 10:30 AM (4XwPj)

It was horrific. A melange of U.S. Army, native, and fisherman cuisine.

When they came to San Francisco I took them to Empress Garden in Chinatown.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 07, 2024 10:32 AM (RIvkX)

330 Karl Rove is a douchebag. I’m sure if he served jail time his life would have been better. That is all!

Posted by: Stale, Pale, and Male at September 07, 2024 10:32 AM (Kritg)

331 Candy Corn and Pumpkin Spice are part of the International Communist Conspiracy to weaken the nation, yet some turn to these vile substances year after year. Wake up, people!

Posted by: Awake, Not Woke at September 07, 2024 10:32 AM (CV8a5)

332 >>327 Dr. Ehrlich had a magic bullet.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 07, 2024 10:30 AM (63Dwl)

R. Budd Dwyer:

[ ] Magic bullet
[x] .357 Magnum

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 10:33 AM (P+D4R)

333 Random somewhat nauseating thought: mash 'em up, add pancake syrup, and make candy creamed corn.
Posted by: Anzio Annie at September 07, 2024 10:17 AM

My pancreas went into shock just reading that.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState

The problem I have with it is that pancake syrup is maple flavor and that would overwhelm the delicate flavor of the candy corn. I think this is a possibly a corn syrup job.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 10:33 AM (4XwPj)

334 Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 07, 2024 10:16 AM (RshWO)

I am glad to hear that she had a positive experience.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 07, 2024 10:33 AM (dTTBf)

335 *thinks about CBD's reaction to putting candy creamed corn on French Toast*

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at September 07, 2024 10:34 AM (PiwSw)

336 Good chilly morning, everyone.

J.J., huzzah for such excellent news!

Posted by: All Hail Eris at September 07, 2024 10:35 AM (kpS4V)

337 Genocide!

Visegrád 24@visegrad24
26-year-old Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, a Turkish woman with U.S. citizenship was shot to death in the West Bank today by the Israeli Army.
The woman had joined a mob of locals and foreign activists that was pelting Israeli soldiers with rocks.

Rashida Tlaib@RashidaTlaib
Complete and utter failure in keeping Americans safe.


See new posts
Mark Ruffalo
Neither Hersh Goldberg-Polin nor Aysenur Egan Eygi would be dead today it weren’t the USA’s failed policies concerning the continued siege on Gaza, Netanyahu, and the IDF’s intransigence. If Biden had remained steadfast to American Law, his own policies concerning military aid, his “Redlines” and the world outcry, his ability to use American law to leverage a ceasefire, these beautiful young people would be alive today. Blinken’s comments do not meet the significance of this event. He does not address how the USA will keep other Americans safe there no matter what the circumstances may be. Eygi was protesting an illegal settlement. This has gone too far. It’s too much and it has to be addressed in good faith, finally. #TooFarTooMuchGaza.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With Pumpkin Spice! at September 07, 2024 10:36 AM (L/fGl)

338 Thank you Annie, Screaming in digital, madamemayhem, Barbarausa, and Fen. I appreciate you and everyone here more than you will ever know. Great news J.J.!!! Prayers for all on the list.


Posted by: AnnaS at September 07, 2024 10:36 AM (i5Vkf)

339 Good chilly morning, everyone.

113° forecast for area of Van Nuys today.
The hellmouth is still open.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 07, 2024 10:37 AM (WQlnC)

340 When wolves were reintroduced into the mountains of Colorado they went right back to eating livestock, which is why they were rubbed out in the first place.

In fairness to cannibals, when Alferd Packer was reintroduced into public after serving prison time he never did eat another person.

My point? Cannibals rehabilitate better than wolves.

Posted by: Muldoon at September 07, 2024 10:37 AM (991eG)

341 Leo Gorcey was married 5 times and was a very unsuccessful husband. All of his wives were gorgeous dames, though.

Posted by: Whitey and Gabe at September 07, 2024 10:38 AM (CV8a5)

342 By the way, I think the whole Michigan cheating thing is illustrative of how morality has slipped over the past few years.

Not that long ago, a school that found a violation would fall over itself to correct it. Michigan actually did this during the RichRod era where the president herself apologized for the transgressions.

Flash forward to last year. As soon as the story broke, I was convinced that there would be a Friday Night Massacre, canning Harbaugh, the staff, etc. and an immediate statement would go out about how this is unacceptable. Instead, they turtled up and have stayed that way, desperately clinging to their fraudulent titles.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Everything is "the ends justify the means" these days, but there are exceptions. MSU and Northwestern both had scandals and solved them by whacking the coach. As a result, they're in a better place today. Michigan has destroyed its reputations not only through the cheating, but their cowardly refusal to own up to it.

Who in their right mind would go to a school like that? Talk about destroying the brand.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 10:38 AM (llXky)

343 "...frogs eggs..."

Roe! Yum.

Posted by: creeper at September 07, 2024 10:39 AM (M6moH)

344 Muldoon,
Your mind must be a fascinating place to come up with that analogy.
I salute you, sir!

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 10:39 AM (4XwPj)

345 *thinks about CBD's reaction to putting candy creamed corn on French Toast*
Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at September 07, 2024 10:34 AM

Pretty sure the Flammenwerfer would be involved.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 07, 2024 10:39 AM (Wnv9h)

It was then that he drove the harpoon into Zod's chest. The majestic creature rose up and desperately attempted to pull away.
Never had he seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing than you, brother. In your death throes, unremorseful to the end.

Posted by: Santiago at September 07, 2024 10:39 AM (RKVpM)

347 Fish are friends, not food


Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 07, 2024 10:40 AM (WQlnC)

348 The woman had joined a mob of locals and foreign activists that was pelting Israeli soldiers with rocks.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With Pumpkin Spice! at September 07, 2024 10:36 AM (L/fGl)
October 7 is going to be lit here in Michigan. The local synagogue is just down the block and I'm sure someone is going to at least try to deface it.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 10:41 AM (llXky)

349 "Turkish woman with U.S. citizenship".
So, was she Turkish, or American?
As needed, I'm guessing.

Posted by: barbarausa at September 07, 2024 10:41 AM (enw9G)

350 Two young skunks named In and Out were playing in the woods.. Out returned home before supper without his brother so his mother told Out to go find him. Both lads returned within five minutes. Mom asked Out how he was able to find his brother so quickly.

He replied, "Instinct!"

Posted by: Muldoon at September 07, 2024 10:41 AM (991eG)

351 >>26-year-old Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, a Turkish woman with U.S. citizenship was shot to death in the West Bank today by the Israeli Army.

Accounting only for active-duty personnel, the IDF is 169,500. If each member of "the Israeli Army" that "shot her," shot, and 50% of them missed, she'd have been hit by 84,750 bullets.

That's a lot of bullets.

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 10:42 AM (P+D4R)

352 AnnaS1’s husband died in July, and her heart is shattered. She needs some prayers. If anyone else has lost a spouse, how did you get through it?

My husband died a little over a year ago. Grief is a tough journey. It seems insurmountable at first but believe me it does get better little by little. I leaned heavily on my son and sister during the first few months. Family is important. Try to stay busy. I was lucky in that regard as I decided to move from Ohio to Tennessee to be close to son and grandchildren and the process kept me from dwelling on the grief too much. Of course I had the blessing of Horde prayers and good wishes which I know helped me get through those first couple of weeks.

Posted by: Tuna at September 07, 2024 10:42 AM (oaGWv)

353 It was then that he drove the harpoon into Zod's chest. The majestic creature rose up and desperately attempted to pull away.
Never had he seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing than you, brother. In your death throes, unremorseful to the end.
Posted by: Santiago at September 07, 2024 10:39 AM (RKVpM)

I think we've entered new territory here.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 10:43 AM (g8Ew8)

354 When wolves were reintroduced into the mountains of Colorado they went right back to eating livestock, which is why they were rubbed out in the first place.

Posted by: Muldoon at September 07, 2024 10:37 AM (991eG)
Amazing how the "wildlife experts" assume that wolves will wear themselves out chasing wild game when there are essentially grocery stores packed with food just sitting there.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 10:43 AM (llXky)

355 >>>That's not true.

I'm not going to go digging for it now, but there is a pretty substantive flow-chart on the NCAA website that details how the whole process plays out regarding investigation of alleged infractions by member university sports programs.

It clearly shows that once the official (not the draft) notice of allegations is delivered, the matter ultimately will go to Committee on Infractions for determination.

As I stated, UM can offer to self-impose penalties and the NCAA investigation branch can even accept it, but the matter is still going to the Committee on Infractions who have the ultimate say in what the penalties will be.

Posted by: one hour sober at September 07, 2024 10:43 AM (Y1sOo)

356 347 Fish are friends, not food

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 07, 2024 10:40 AM (WQlnC)

Sorry Charlie!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 07, 2024 10:44 AM (x0n13)

357 Throw rocks you might get hurt as much as your actions might do to your opponents

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2024 10:44 AM (fwDg9)

358 348
'The local synagogue is just down the block and I'm sure someone is going to at least try to deface it.'

What better way to confirm that they ARE a bunch of terrorists and the rest of us would be better off with them dead.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at September 07, 2024 10:44 AM (3wi/L)

359 I think Montana specializes in sunsets. My husband and I used to grade them: Is it an MGM sunset? Biblical? A couple of nights ago the sun was a red ball of fire. I started for my husband's office to ask his opinion and I was halfway there before I woke up and remembered that he died over a year ago.

I thought What the hell and went to his office and shared it with him anyway.

Posted by: Wenda at September 07, 2024 10:45 AM (zPvK7)

360 317 The only thing about the "they have a cure for that, but they don't want you to know about it" theory is that doctors' and pharmas' relatives still die of (insert disease here) just like everyone else.
Posted by: sal

So, a really well kept secret.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 07, 2024 10:45 AM (AN+eO)

361 >>NCAA football

And yet, no single landmine implanted in each college football field.

So boring.

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 10:45 AM (P+D4R)

362 Cloudy day, rain later. We have had a good streak of nice days, more coming after today

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2024 10:46 AM (fwDg9)

363 Polio and leprosy were native wildlife. Should'nt they be reintroduced?

Posted by: Mr. Natural at September 07, 2024 10:46 AM (CV8a5)

364 Muldoon,

CO wants to reintroduce wolverines, too
Posted by: Don Black

I want them to reintroduce common sense but apparently that's a bridge too far.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With Pumpkin Spice! at September 07, 2024 10:48 AM (L/fGl)

365 And yet, no single landmine implanted in each college football field.

So boring.
Posted by: ZOD

Even a water hazard would liven it up but nooo! Little precious might get soggy. Football needs fire! Landmines, and retractable gas jets on the 50 yard line!

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 10:48 AM (4XwPj)

366 Your mind must be a fascinating place to come up with that analogy.
Posted by: Madamemayhem


You misspelled 'disturbing'.

Actually, I was trying to come up with an analogy between the wolves and Venezuelan criminal gangs, but it seemed too obvious.

Posted by: Muldoon at September 07, 2024 10:48 AM (991eG)

367 Ask any mernaid you happen to see...

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 07, 2024 10:49 AM (63Dwl)

368 CO wants to reintroduce wolverines, too
Posted by: Don Black

I want them to reintroduce common sense but apparently that's a bridge too far.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks


Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 10:49 AM (4XwPj)

369 Hi all, just stopping in. Usually by the time I get up and get moving on Saturday's this thread is dead. So it's still live today, thought I'd say hi.

Posted by: TecumsehTea at September 07, 2024 10:50 AM (JrYM1)

370 My father is an otherwise highly intelligent man, but he has outsourced all his political thought to MSNBC, and the other day yet again gave me the brain-dead claptrap about gun control and I had to remind him that he went to high school when you could mail order an M1 Carbine for $10 without any restrictions. Shotguns could be bought at the hardware store without showing ID.

Yet school was safe. What changed? It damn sure wasn't the guns. He tried to argue that guns were unique and I pointed out the Christmas parade massacre and how my quiet, leafy college town now parks trucks on all the entrances to the air fair so that some nut doesn't try the same trick.

We have a mental health crisis, not a gun crisis.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 09:26 AM (llXky)

Block MSNBC with a 4 digit PIN code. See if he notices.

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy at September 07, 2024 10:50 AM (iODuv)

371 Polio and leprosy were native wildlife. Should'nt they be reintroduced?
Posted by: Mr. Natural at September 07, 2024 10:46 AM (CV8a5)

With our open borders, they're being reintroduced as we speak.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 10:50 AM (g8Ew8)

372 The Wolverine hate on this thread is off the charts! Here's my motto for sportsball and life in general.

"Win if you can,
Lose if you must, But always cheat!"

Posted by: Bobby the Brain Heenan at September 07, 2024 10:50 AM (CV8a5)

373 As I stated, UM can offer to self-impose penalties and the NCAA investigation branch can even accept it, but the matter is still going to the Committee on Infractions who have the ultimate say in what the penalties will be.

Posted by: one hour sober at September 07, 2024 10:43 AM (Y1sOo)
We're talking past each other. The COI approves settlements as well as adjudicates. You will recall that there was an earlier settlement offer regarding recruiting that the COI rejected as too lenient.

The big difference is that a settlement cannot be appealed. The other resolution methods can.

Michigan would be well advised to settle quickly, before the FBI makes its move regarding Matt Weiss and the criminal implications of trying to fix the entire college football season. If the NCAA case remains open when that hits, the penalties will surely escalate. If it is closed, than the NCAA would not be able to reopen it.

I think the NCAA knows this and does not want to impose the 'death penalty' on Michigan, but if federal indictments are handed down, may be forced to do so. Closing the case avoids that entire discussion.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 10:51 AM (llXky)

374 352 AnnaS1’s husband died in July, and her heart is shattered. She needs some prayers. If anyone else has lost a spouse, how did you get through it?

My husband died a little over a year ago. Grief is a tough journey. It seems insurmountable at first but believe me it does get better little by little. I leaned heavily on my son and sister during the first few months. Family is important. Try to stay busy. I was lucky in that regard as I decided to move from Ohio to Tennessee to be close to son and grandchildren and the process kept me from dwelling on the grief too much. Of course I had the blessing of Horde prayers and good wishes which I know helped me get through those first couple of weeks.
Posted by: Tuna at September 07, 2024 10:42 AM (oaGWv)

Glad to hear about your journey, Tuna.
Did it maybe help to move away from the shared home? I have a grieving friend who will not move, and who starts every morning having coffee where they had coffee, keeps the deceased's clothes where they were (even on the drying rack), and so much more. I believe this is keeping the wounds open.

Posted by: m at September 07, 2024 10:52 AM (64Zez)

375 "Win if you can,
Lose if you must, But always cheat!"

Posted by: Bobby the Brain Heenan at September 07, 2024 10:50 AM (CV8a5)

Sir are you in the market for a job?
- nascar

Posted by: Write it off Jerry at September 07, 2024 10:52 AM (7i/Qe)

376 And yet, no single landmine implanted in each college football field.

So boring.
Posted by: ZOD

Even a water hazard would liven it up but nooo! Little precious might get soggy. Football needs fire! Landmines, and retractable gas jets on the 50 yard line!
Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench)

If they want to increase female viewership, then the football uniform is reduced to a jockstrap or swimsuit. Just spray the player's numbers on the chest and back with something that soap removes, if you need them.

If a woman wants to play, she's limited to the bottom of the swimsuit....

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at September 07, 2024 10:53 AM (VNX3d)

377 Posted by: TecumsehTea at September 07, 2024 10:50 AM (JrYM1)

Thanks, dear, for your very nice and interesting e-mail I will respond soon. It's been a combination of e-mail being wacky and my having to deal with Lyme Disease flare up. I apologize.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 07, 2024 10:53 AM (dTTBf)

378 If they want to increase female viewership, then the football uniform is reduced to a jockstrap or swimsuit. Just spray the player's numbers on the chest and back with something that soap removes, if you need them.

If a woman wants to play, she's limited to the bottom of the swimsuit....
Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at September 07, 2024 10:53 AM (VNX3d)

Posted by: Mayor Pete at September 07, 2024 10:53 AM (llXky)

379 So happy for JJ! Cancer free. Awesome. 🤩

Posted by: Czech Chick at September 07, 2024 10:54 AM (fpVC1)

380 If they want to increase female viewership, then the football uniform is reduced to a jockstrap or swimsuit. Just spray the player's numbers on the chest and back with something that soap removes, if you need them.

If a woman wants to play, she's limited to the bottom of the swimsuit....
Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at September 07, 2024 10:53 AM (VNX3d)
I'd watch every game!

Posted by: Mayor Pete at September 07, 2024 10:54 AM (llXky)

381 >>Even a water hazard would liven it up but nooo! Little precious might get soggy. Football needs fire! Landmines, and retractable gas jets on the 50 yard line! Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 10:48 AM (4XwPj)

Imagine the play by play:

"...he found a hole, cut left, he's got blockers, he's really moving now, the thirty, the twenty-five, open field BLAAAAMMM...."

"Well, he won't suit up for Michigan this year. Won't suit up for much at all, actually..."

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 10:54 AM (P+D4R)

382 Good on you JJ. Endeavour to persevere

Posted by: Muldoon at September 07, 2024 10:55 AM (991eG)

383 Block MSNBC with a 4 digit PIN code. See if he notices.
Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy at September 07, 2024 10:50 AM (iODuv)
It's kind of scary, because when I call him, I can hear it in the background.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 10:55 AM (llXky)

384 "Turkish woman with U.S. citizenship".
So, was she Turkish, or American?
As needed, I'm guessing.
Posted by: barbarausa at September 07, 2024 10:41 AM (enw9G)

Bitch got what was coming to her, no matter.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 07, 2024 10:55 AM (U+MR7)

385 Alan Dershowitz Leaves Democrat Party Following DNC

He was reasonably honest intellectually and morally so there was no room for him.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With Pumpkin Spice! at September 07, 2024 10:55 AM (L/fGl)

386 I don't hate wolverines, but it would be a hoot if the wolverines started eating all the protected (animal to be named later) and CO had to create a program to control the wolverine population

there's already a program to reimburse ranchers for wolf predation

"Cows die. It's what they're here for."

Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 10:56 AM (/7KEl)

387 Imagine the play by play:

"...he found a hole, cut left, he's got blockers, he's really moving now, the thirty, the twenty-five, open field BLAAAAMMM...."

"Well, he won't suit up for Michigan this year. Won't suit up for much at all, actually..."

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 10:54 AM (P+D4R)
Wasn't that the opening scene in The Last Boy Scout?

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 10:57 AM (llXky)

388 "Well, he won't suit up for Michigan this year. Won't suit up for much at all, actually..."

Posted by: ZOD

"That's right, Chet. Look they are bringing out the spoons and zip lock bags. Play will resume in a few minutes. We'll be right back after these messages from our sponsors."

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 10:57 AM (4XwPj)

389 It definitely helps to move. I had too many memories where I was living and felt sad all the time. It's much easier here.

You need time to grieve but at some point, you have to let it go.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at September 07, 2024 10:57 AM (MpVUb)

390 Since I foolishly posted this on the wrong thread:
Ever been sad about losing a house that you never saw? There was this Sears and Roebuck house for sale in Eidson TN. Used to look at it in Zillow. Just a beautiful place. There was a Facebook post it burned to the ground. Arson suspected as it was vacant

Posted by: Notsothoreau at September 07, 2024 10:58 AM (MpVUb)

391 Harris Reportedly Wants Advice From the UK's Far-Left Labor Party

I guess she wants to destroy western civilization faster.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With Pumpkin Spice! at September 07, 2024 10:59 AM (L/fGl)

392 Alan Dershowitz Leaves Democrat Party Following DNC

He was reasonably honest intellectually and morally so there was no room for him.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With Pumpkin Spice! at September 07, 2024 10:55 AM (L/fGl)
I wonder how much these defections will actually matter. Will it sway voters or is it more to let the elites know that the steal will not have as much cover this time?

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 10:59 AM (llXky)

393 Did it maybe help to move away from the shared home?

Yes it did. Because of the move, I had to make quick decisions about husband's clothing and other belongings. Decisions I know I would have put off indefinitely. I didn't have the time to dwell on sentiment. It was hard but with the help of my sis I made it through.

Posted by: Tuna at September 07, 2024 10:59 AM (oaGWv)

394 >>"That's right, Chet. Look they are bringing out the spoons and zip lock bags. Play will resume in a few minutes. We'll be right back after these messages from our sponsors." Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 10:57 AM (4XwPj)

The funny would be if one of those BLM kneelers knelt on it pregame.

"O'er the land of the free, and the BOOOM."

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 11:00 AM (P+D4R)

"Win if you can,
Lose if you must, But always cheat!"

Good joke. I hope. I have my doubts.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at September 07, 2024 11:00 AM (Z8Yh2)

Rasmussen latest:
Trump 52%
Harris 46%

Considering 'shy' Trump poll takers and Ras methodology which is too heavily waited to (R)'s and (D)'s and too few (I)'s it is probably closer to Trump 55 Harris 41.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 07, 2024 11:00 AM (RKVpM)

397 Glad to hear about your journey, Tuna.
Did it maybe help to move away from the shared home? I have a grieving friend who will not move, and who starts every morning having coffee where they had coffee, keeps the deceased's clothes where they were (even on the drying rack), and so much more. I believe this is keeping the wounds open.
Posted by: m

Grief is very individual. My wife of 40 years died 9/23/20. I donated all her nice clothing before Christmas that year. I'm sure some thrift store shoppers appreciated the Coach bags and beautiful jackets and dresses. The house to me, does not depress me. We thrived and loved being here for 32 years and I miss her just as much when I travel anywhere else. We were so close and changing locale would not help.

Posted by: She Was Awesome! at September 07, 2024 11:00 AM (CV8a5)

398 I must’ve missed something huge… and I do follow college football closely. And yet I had no idea Michigan fixed the whole season last year. How??? IMHO, cheating in college football is impossible in this day and age… NIL means you can buy whatever team you want legally. Anything Michigan did last year was of little consequence…. I can’t imagine anything that would’ve changed game outcomes. The stuff that got SMU the death penalty in 1987 is now legal encouraged and widespread. What did I miss??

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at September 07, 2024 11:00 AM (BIJxw)

399 Human bodies are pretty disgusting underneath the skin. I can't imagine too many people want to see their own internal organs pumping along.
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel

In 6th grade i pretty much knew every organ ("duo-dee-num") and wanted to be a doctor. Then i saw photos of healthy organs, not drawings, and i became a doctor, but of jurisprudence.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 07, 2024 11:01 AM (KAi1n)

400 "That's right, Chet. Look they are bringing out the spoons and zip lock bags. Play will resume in a few minutes. We'll be right back after these messages from our sponsors."
Posted by: Madamemayhem


"We are seeing some true sportsmanship on the field right now. The training staff from the opposing team just came over to give them a hand..."

Posted by: Muldoon at September 07, 2024 11:01 AM (991eG)

401 When wolves were reintroduced into the mountains of Colorado they went right back to eating livestock, which is why they were rubbed out in the first place.

In fairness to cannibals, when Alferd Packer was reintroduced into public after serving prison time he never did eat another person.

My point? Cannibals rehabilitate better than wolves.
Posted by: Muldoon at September 07, 2024 10:37 AM (991eG)

I don't believe Texas is reintroducing dangerous critters but here in DFW, they appear to be reintroducing themselves.

We are more or less in a metropolitan part of the city, and yet-

Twice I've seen very healthy and well-fed coyotes wandering the neighborhood at night.

i've seen two different families of very healthy and well-fed bobcats.

And I think at the nature preserve, I saw a mountain lion stalking through the brush. In any event, it was a very large and very sleek cat.

Right now, it's just vanishing dogs and cats but soon kids may be added to the menu. My sis told me about that issue when she lived in CA.

Aaaanyway, we terrible colonizers are living on their land, so it's okay and our fault.

So, just get used to being dinner, deplorables!

Posted by: naturalfake at September 07, 2024 11:01 AM (eDfFs)

402 Outstanding news, J.J.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 07, 2024 11:01 AM (i24o9)

403 The funny would be if one of those BLM kneelers knelt on it pregame.

"O'er the land of the free, and the BOOOM."
Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 11:00 AM (P+D4R)
You'd like Games Workshop's Bloodbowl, where fantasy races battle it out on the gridiron. I think the dwarfs use a spiked roller to create a hole.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 11:01 AM (llXky)

404 Fen, you have Lyme???

Posted by: TecumsehTea at September 07, 2024 11:01 AM (JrYM1)

405 “Independent” Newspaper Meddling In U.S. Election Publishes Chinese State Propaganda

China is a state? Over around Vermont and New Hampshire, I guess.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With Pumpkin Spice! at September 07, 2024 11:02 AM (L/fGl)

406 >>Rasmussen latest:

Trump: 0%
Harris: 0%

Freedom is slavery.

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 11:03 AM (P+D4R)

407 376 And yet, no single landmine implanted in each college football field.

So boring.
Posted by: ZOD

The first NFL championship game was played at an indoor venue due to terrible weather. That indoor venue had just hosted thr circus the previous week. The elephants left some "land mines" behind thst were not cleared before kickoff.

Posted by: tankdemon at September 07, 2024 11:03 AM (Ux/18)

408 "O'er the land of the free, and the BOOOM."
Posted by: ZOD

Reminds me of the 4th of July celebration when I was a kid. The finale was lots of rockets red glaring while the National Anthem blared from loud speakers.
It would make football more patriotic!

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 11:03 AM (4XwPj)

409 370
'Block MSNBC with a 4 digit PIN code. See if he notices. '

"Shit, Dad. I think they went off the air in this state."

Posted by: Dr. Claw at September 07, 2024 11:03 AM (3wi/L)

410 Win if you can,
Lose if you must, But always cheat!"

Good joke. I hope. I have my doubts.
Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at September 07, 2024 11:00 AM (Z8Yh2)

If you cheat, then cheat like a champion.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 07, 2024 11:03 AM (g8Ew8)

411 And BTW I’m no special pleaser for Michigan… I tend to pull for tOSU and even more the SEC. Despite that I just don’t believe Michigan did anything bad…. Yeah I heard about scouting games/practices whatever. That is minutiae

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at September 07, 2024 11:04 AM (BIJxw)

412 Just popping back in to send hugs to AnnaS again and anyone else who needs one. Heading out to the trails, prayers up for all y'all

Posted by: screaming in digital at September 07, 2024 11:05 AM (iZbyp)

413 389
Posted by: Notsothoreau at September 07, 2024 10:57 AM (MpVUb)

Posted by: Tuna at September 07, 2024 10:59 AM (oaGWv)

Posted by: She Was Awesome! at September 07, 2024 11:00 AM (CV8a5)

Thank you, all.

Posted by: m at September 07, 2024 11:05 AM (64Zez)

414 >>I can't imagine too many people want to see their own internal organs pumping along. Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel

"My God, Bob! The mine took off his leg and the front of his torso, and he's looking down at his own internal organs pumping along, and he's screaming! Michigan just called its last timeout!"

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 11:05 AM (P+D4R)

415 Democrat Minnesota Senator Posts Photo Of Tim Walz Outside Bakery His Lockdown Policies Forced Close

Well, if they could've gotten Bearclaw and Chris Christie over there, that bakery could've been saved!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With Pumpkin Spice! at September 07, 2024 11:06 AM (L/fGl)

416 Posted by: TecumsehTea at September 07, 2024 11:01 AM (JrYM1)

Yes; At least the test came back positive again and I need to go so a specialist.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 07, 2024 11:07 AM (dTTBf)

417 What did I miss??
Posted by: LinusVanPelt at September 07, 2024 11:00 AM (BIJxw)
In 2020, Michigan was on the ropes and Harbaugh was about to be fired. He accepted a humiliating pay cut and decided that he would win at any cost. First, he recruited during the Covid-related "dead period" when personal contact was forbidden, ostensibly to stop the spread. He was caught, lied about it, lied again, and continues to lie. The facts speak otherwise and there's a 48-page report on the NCAA web site to get you up to speed on that.

But that was small beans compared to the massive, multi-year in-person scouting scheme undertaken between 2020 and 2023, which not only sought to give Michigan a competitive edge against its foes, but hoped to rig the playoff selection by supplying other teams with opponents' signals so the "tree" could be stacked.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 11:07 AM (llXky)

418 We moved the fall before he died, and I am not ready to move again (maybe not for years).
Downsizing from a home of 25 years, with him so sick, was horrible--still have four golf bags full of clubs he refused to let go, because when it got warm he was going to golf again, dammit!
The only good thing about that process was that I don't ever have to do it again, and it's done so I can't afford to regret any of the decisions made in stress.
I would say don't make any major decisions quickly, in full grief.
I have gone through a lot of his things, clothes, books, etc.
And some are just too much to do anything but keep right now.
I'll know when it's time to let them go.
A few of them are going to be on the "not today" list for a long time, and some forever.

Posted by: barbarausa at September 07, 2024 11:07 AM (enw9G)

419 They just found the remains of a hiker missing since 2013, in Skamania County where I used to live. They did a big search when he went missing but he was in the lava beds in difficult terrain. They said there are still a dozen people missing in the county. There's a reason why Bigfoot lives there.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at September 07, 2024 11:09 AM (MpVUb)

420 The only thing about the "they have a cure for that, but they don't want you to know about it" theory is that doctors' and pharmas' relatives still die of (insert disease here) just like everyone else.
Posted by: sal

If Steve Jobs couldn't buy the secret cure for cancer, well, we're all doomed.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 07, 2024 11:09 AM (KAi1n)

421 If Harbaugh was involved in a scandal that the FBI would indict over, the NFL would never approve his hiring.
Alabama had a center who couldn't snap the ball. Penn St. had a stiff at QB.
Washington was overmatched.
The one game I know of where Michigan had signs was the TCU game. TCU knew this and CHANGED the signs and blew Michigan out..

Posted by: Accomack at September 07, 2024 11:09 AM (Y6Ecf)

422 My God, Bob! The mine took off his leg and the front of his torso, and he's looking down at his own internal organs pumping along, and he's screaming! Michigan just called its last timeout!"
Posted by: ZOD

It occurs to me that the marching band at halftime could get rather..... Um...... Interesting.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 11:10 AM (4XwPj)

423 Prayers for those who need them voiced and unvoiced.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at September 07, 2024 11:10 AM (k2h3X)

424 And BTW I’m no special pleaser for Michigan… I tend to pull for tOSU and even more the SEC. Despite that I just don’t believe Michigan did anything bad…. Yeah I heard about scouting games/practices whatever. That is minutiae
Posted by: LinusVanPelt at September 07, 2024 11:04 AM (BIJxw)
Michigan's football program faces a Level I violation for loss of institutional control. This destroyed SMU.

It is also a repeat offender, which increases the severity of each offense. If you read the prior report it is utterly damning. The football program was on an island, and compliance staff had no idea what they were doing.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 11:10 AM (llXky)

425 But that was small beans compared to the massive, multi-year in-person scouting scheme undertaken between 2020 and 2023, which not only sought to give Michigan a competitive edge against its foes, but hoped to rig the playoff selection by supplying other teams with opponents' signals so the "tree" could be stacked.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 11:07 AM (llXky)

Thank you. Yes…. I knew the broad outlines of all that. You and I have differing opinions as to its significance. I think it’s trivia and have no material impact on game outcomes. I tend to discount NCAA reports because the NCAA itself is a completely corrupt organization. I trust the universities way more than I trust the NCAA

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at September 07, 2024 11:11 AM (LTQl0)

426 399
'i became a doctor, but of jurisprudence.'

And now it's like looking at the interior of a colon.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at September 07, 2024 11:11 AM (3wi/L)

alright y'all have a nice Saturday
kickoff in 48 minutes
I will attempt to watch all the games

Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 11:11 AM (/7KEl)

428 "This is incredibly cool.
Looking inside you with visible light, not X-rays. Wild stuff."

There's your Dr. McCoy's tricorder.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 07, 2024 11:11 AM (KAi1n)

429 So the Turkish -American woman decided to become the new Saint Pancake. Life's hard, it's even harder when you are stupid

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 07, 2024 11:12 AM (RshWO)

430 So many lyme sufferers here, maybe we could do a post some time about that? Share what's helped, etc? I could use some encouragement, I'm pretty sure others could too. It's a disease that is so poorly understood and sometimes it's just lonely and frustrating out here.

Posted by: TecumsehTea at September 07, 2024 11:13 AM (JrYM1)

431 The Bowery Boys never seemed to have girlfriends for some reason.
Posted by: Dr. Claw at September 07, 2024 10:15 AM (3wi/L)

Girls are too expensive. Not enough money in the budget. Sach may have had an "imaginary" girlfriend once. But, from over stimulation, she became deflated.

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy at September 07, 2024 11:13 AM (iODuv)

432 Peace is at hand!

Blinken Announces U.S. Will Present Gaza Proposal “In Coming Days”

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With Pumpkin Spice! at September 07, 2024 11:14 AM (L/fGl)

433 >>I will attempt to watch all the games
Posted by: Don Black at September 07, 2024 11:11 AM (/7KEl)

Hope you see some explosive offense.

Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 11:14 AM (P+D4R)


Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2024 11:15 AM (fwDg9)

435 If Harbaugh was involved in a scandal that the FBI would indict over, the NFL would never approve his hiring.
Posted by: Accomack at September 07, 2024 11:09 AM (Y6Ecf)
The FBI has confirmed it is involved in the Matt Weiss case, which has been strangely silent.

My belief is that the FBI is holding back to let the NCAA do its thing because the NCAA can actually compel testimony and the FBI cannot. Participation in NCAA activities carries and obligation to be honest to investigators and cooperate. There is no 5th Amendment. This allows the NCAA to obtain evidence that might otherwise be withheld in a criminal matter, but could subsequently be passed to the FBI.

As to the signs, understand that Michigan didn't just have signals, they had the entire playbook of selected teams, so would know each formation and its capabilities. Plus, you can only change signals so many ways.

Finally, cheating obviates everything, whether or not it is effective.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at September 07, 2024 11:15 AM (llXky)

436 can't imagine too many people want to see their own internal organs pumping along.

Colostomy stoma extruding poo.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 07, 2024 11:15 AM (WQlnC)

437 I can't imagine leaving our house. We built it together. We had a ski house in mind: a couple of big gathering rooms, small bedrooms. There's even a niche between the great room and living room for my dollhouse and the kitchen cupboard my grandfather built for me when I was four.

Oh, the tea parties we had with grandchildren.

My twin grandsons say this is the house of their childhood. They're welcome any time.

And my husband is here. This is where the memories are. I can't picture myself leaving.

Posted by: Wenda at September 07, 2024 11:15 AM (zPvK7)

438 Or exploding. Whatever really.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 07, 2024 11:15 AM (4XwPj)

439 [Your newsletter. You will send it to Zod. Do this now.
Posted by: ZOD at September 07, 2024 10:14 AM

Would you settle for "Reliable Sources"?

Posted by: Brian "Sex Machine" Stelter at September 07, 2024 11:15 AM (a3Q+t)

440 418 We moved the fall before he died, and I am not ready to move again (maybe not for years).
Downsizing from a home of 25 years, with him so sick, was horrible--still have four golf bags full of clubs he refused to let go, because when it got warm he was going to golf again, dammit!
The only good thing about that process was that I don't ever have to do it again, and it's done so I can't afford to regret any of the decisions made in stress.
I would say don't make any major decisions quickly, in full grief.
I have gone through a lot of his things, clothes, books, etc.
And some are just too much to do anything but keep right now.
I'll know when it's time to let them go.
A few of them are going to be on the "not today" list for a long time, and some forever.
Posted by: barbarausa at September 07, 2024 11:07 AM (enw9G)

Thank you! It sounds like you have a wonderful sense of humor!

Posted by: m at September 07, 2024 11:16 AM (64Zez)

441 437 I can't imagine leaving our house. We built it together. We had a ski house in mind: a couple of big gathering rooms, small bedrooms. There's even a niche between the great room and living room for my dollhouse and the kitchen cupboard my grandfather built for me when I was four.

Oh, the tea parties we had with grandchildren.

My twin grandsons say this is the house of their childhood. They're welcome any time.

And my husband is here. This is where the memories are. I can't picture myself leaving.
Posted by: Wenda at September 07, 2024 11:15 AM (zPvK7)

Thank you, Wenda!

Posted by: m at September 07, 2024 11:16 AM (64Zez)

442 'i became a doctor, but of jurisprudence.'

And now it's like looking at the interior of a colon.
Posted by: Dr. Claw

Nope. It's all about the briefs. Wait, phrasing

Posted by: SFGoth at September 07, 2024 11:17 AM (KAi1n)

443 431
'Sach may have had an "imaginary" girlfriend once. But, from over stimulation, she became deflated.'


'Why, I oughta pound you!'
Thump. Thump. ssssssss....

Posted by: Dr. Claw at September 07, 2024 11:18 AM (3wi/L)

444 best to you, m.
In my prayers too

Posted by: barbarausa at September 07, 2024 11:20 AM (enw9G)

445 >>We're talking past each other.

Maybe we can agree that the DRAFT notice of allegations was the time for UM to attempt to negotiate a resolution and they chose not to.

A DRAFT notice of allegations includes the nature of the allegations and penalties prescribed, but does not include any evidence the NCAA investigators have uncovered to support the allegations.

The OFFICIAL notice of allegations does include that evidence. That was the point where the UM athletic director started to wobble from his previous stance of not negotiating and in a later radio interview indicated that the university will have to accept whatever penalties the NCAA will hand down.

UM can still offer to self-impose, as Iowa did with its head coach recently, and the NCAA investigation branch can sign off on it, but it would go to the COI who can reject it outright.

Posted by: one hour sober at September 07, 2024 11:22 AM (Y1sOo)

446 I would say don't make any major decisions quickly, in full grief.

We have all found individual ways to deal with and get through our grief. The heart will find a way. Just be kind to yourself. It does get better.

Posted by: Tuna at September 07, 2024 11:24 AM (oaGWv)

447 Linus, please talk to any coach at any level and see if they think having the opposite teams signs and signals of what play they are going to call prior to the play is not an advantage. That is what Michigan did. And the rumor based on a lot of evidence is that Vegas got wind of what Michigan was doing , sent their own investigative firm, uncovered that a Michigan coach had hacked into practice footage video via opposing schools servers and downloaded the footage. That’s when the FBI was called in, a Michigan coach by the name of Weiss was fired by Michigan last January and his home was raided by FBI and Ann Arbor police and computers confiscated. Remember last January during the playoffs, Saban came out and refused to allow his players to review practice footage on iPads because he was warned of hacking by Michigan . There is a lot to this story that sports media has buried because of money.

Posted by: Jen the original at September 07, 2024 11:25 AM (3olsR)

448 yes, Tuna, it does get better.
Best to you too <3

Posted by: barbarausa at September 07, 2024 11:25 AM (enw9G)

449 Posted by: TecumsehTea at September 07, 2024 11:13 AM (JrYM1)

I am sorry that you have it too, TT. Yes, it can be lonely and frustrating and a post on it would be a good idea.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 07, 2024 11:26 AM (dTTBf)

450 I can't believe there is a follower of college football who believes that one team knowing, prior to the snap of the ball, what play the opposing team is going to run doesn't offer a significant advantage.

The mind, it's boggled.

Posted by: one hour sober at September 07, 2024 11:36 AM (Y1sOo)

451 @422 --

A lot more percussion.

Posted by: Weak Geek at September 07, 2024 11:36 AM (p/isN)

452 One of the saddest days of my life was the day I was told that I'm allergic to coffee. (Or, to be precise, to one of the many substances to be found in coffee.) It was causing a rash that itched constantly.

So, I quit the brew, and the rash went away. I still miss coffee, but I most definitely do not miss itching constantly. Win a few, lose a few. I comfort myself with the thought that in heaven I'll have coffee again - and cigarettes.

Posted by: Nemo at September 07, 2024 11:46 AM (S6ArX)

453 Prayers for alll.

Posted by: Mick at September 07, 2024 12:19 PM (KOTG6)

454 Tuna, barbarausa, y'all are great.

Posted by: m at September 07, 2024 02:04 PM (64Zez)

455 Great new JJ, so hopefully many more years as top moron here. We love ya buddy.

Posted by: Rich knudsen at September 07, 2024 03:36 PM (Tj55V)

456 Such Good News, Mr JJ Sefton!

Here's to more good news throughout the rest of the year, we pray!!!

Posted by: Jimmy Doolittle at September 07, 2024 03:43 PM (oCQp3)

457 Oh what wonderful news of JJ! Stay strong!

Posted by: Isolden at September 07, 2024 03:50 PM (dB99g)

458 ϲontinuousⅼy i used to read smaller posts that as well clear their motive, and that is also happening witһ this рaragraph
which I am reading at this time.

Posted by: scuffling at September 07, 2024 05:09 PM (frlK0)

459 )

144 Prayers up for those that have asked us for them;
Prayers up for those that know they need them but have not asked us for them;
Prayers up for those that need them but don’t know it yet; and
Prayers up for those who pray alone, asking for help in silence, and whose prayers are known but to God!
Prayers up even for all "our" politicians who have apparently decided that the 10% graft and power are far more desirable than honor or integrity, may they see the error of their ways and repent!
And lastly, prayers up for former (and hopefully future) President Trump, keep him safe from harm and may the many forces of evil arrayed against him and our country be made ineffective and come to naught!
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana - again! ~ at September 07, 2024 09:19 AM (hOUT3)

Well expressed, and dittoed. Thank you.
Love you all!

Posted by: Barkingmad59, wandering lurkette at September 07, 2024 06:10 PM (hBG3V)

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