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Keep It Low: Kamala Harris Is an Authoritarian Marxist
Plus: Biden Bumbles, and the Rumor Mill Turns

David Harsany rebuts claims by the leftwing Marxist media that Kamala Harris is a "moderate" and even a "small-c conservative."

Remember when Harris moderately accused Brett Kavanaugh of gang rape?

This false perception of moderation stems from Harris' time as prosecutor and attorney general. Harris liked to brag about using "a huge stick" as a prosecutor in San Francisco, where she regularly threatened poor parents with jail time in her efforts to craft social policy -- which wasn't her job.

It's true that Harris threw a lot of people in jail to bolster her political fortunes. Some of them likely innocent. And judging from her disposition, she would throw a lot more people into jail, if she could.

When pro-life journalist David Daleiden published videos of Planned Parenthood executives nonchalantly discussing the selling of body parts, Harris had his home raided, seized evidence, and then tried to throw him in prison. She later teamed up with the abortion mill to write legislation that would squash the free speech rights of other pro-lifers.

Like any good authoritarian, Harris enforces whatever laws she sees fit to enforce whenever she sees fit. One of the reasons Harris allegedly opposed the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch was that the judge "consistently valued narrow legalisms" -- which is to say, respected the Constitution -- "over real lives."

Harris was never one for legalism. When candidate Biden argued that Harris' promise to issue an executive order unilaterally banning access to certain guns would be unconstitutional, she retorted: "I would just say: Hey, Joe, instead of saying 'No, we can't,' let's say 'yes, we can,'" before cackling at the very notion that presidents couldn't do whatever they wanted.

As a national candidate, Harris said she believed immigration laws should be treated as civil, rather than criminal, offenses. As a candidate, Harris supported abolishing private health insurance -- "Let's eliminate all of that. Let's move on," she told CNN. In addition to nationalizing health care and education, Harris wants the government to control the manufacturing sector, the auto industry, food ... and any industry that emits carbon.

Harris was in favor of getting rid of the filibuster to overturn state voting laws, nationalizing abortion on demand until birth, and passing the Green New Deal -- an authoritarian takeover of the economy written by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, which would ban all fossil fuels, force Americans to retrofit every building in the country, eliminate air travel and meat, and create government-guaranteed jobs, among many other authoritarian measures.

Abigail Shrier: Kamala is a threat.

By avoiding a primary, Harris also avoided revealing herself as a leftist.

There is every reason to believe Vice President Harris is actually quite radical and would govern that way. Since the start of her failed 2020 presidential campaign, she has adopted virtually every tenet of progressive maximalism--yes, wokeness--from gender ideology (pronouns-in-her-bio) to seriously discussing defunding the police in a 2020 radio interview.

She has called to "critically reexamine ICE and its role" and concluded "we need to probably think about starting from scratch," meaning scrapping it altogether. She believes that the term radical Islamic terrorism ought to be abolished--not the terrorism, mind you, just the phrase. In 2020, she put out a video endorsing "equity" and insisted "equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place." Actually, that's what equitable treatment means to the hard left.

As U.S. senator, Harris was one of the earliest sponsors of AOC's "Green New Deal," a dismantling of the U.S. economy under the flag of climate fundamentalism. She could scarcely be bothered to visit our southern border and had no interest in securing it, even when fixing the immigration crisis was made her unique responsibility as vice president.

In 2019, she expressed remarkable hostility to American energy. On CNN, she said there was "no question" she would ban fracking and offshore drilling. She fully supported Biden's disastrous, inhumane policy of encouraging not only hormones but also gender surgeries for vulnerable minors and of flinging open the doors of women's jail cells to biologically male offenders.

When Joe Biden was running for election in 2020 and referred to the "Latino community," she corrected him on X: "the Latinx community," she wrote, preferring the agender, woke neologism unpopular with the Latino community.

In June of 2020, Harris urged her supporters to post bail for BLM rioters who had ransacked our cities, even tweeting a payment link to the Minnesota Freedom Fund just four days after rioters burned a Minneapolis police precinct to the ground. "They're not going to stop and everyone beware, because they're not going to stop," she said on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, referring to the BLM protesters. "They're not going to let up, and they should not."

Each of these positions is out of step with the moderates in her party and the vast majority of the American people; had they come out in a primary, they would have been quite damaging. For good reason, Harris was ranked the "most liberal" member of the senate by the government transparency organization GovTrack, which recently memory-holed the webpage bearing the accolade.

Now, as a candidate in the 2024 general election, she claims she never wanted to ban fracking. Expect her to reverse course on other far-left positions in the coming weeks. Had she been forced to restate these positions in a recent primary, the current disavowals would seem phony to the point of ridiculous.

Instead, having avoided a primary, Harris can sell herself as a moderate to a public that has no time to unpack whether she was or wasn't the official "border czar." She smiles and laughs a lot. She looks like the kind of person you'd want to unwind with over a glass of pinot grigio. She can present herself as a centrist and count on the media to spearhead the cover-up.

Salena Zito: The media has stopped massaging the truth on behalf of Kamala and moved into straight-up lies.

Facts are facts, even if they make new presidential candidate Kamala Harris look bad. This fact is undeniable, no matter how much dishonest media try to obfuscate it: President Joe Biden appointed the vice president to stem the tide of migrants to the U.S. southern border. Period. No wiggle room.

And the almost inarguable judgment is that she failed at the job. Miserably. The tide didn't recede; it rose and crashed in huge waves upon our (figurative) shores.

It was way back on March 24, 2021. Biden, in a White House meeting that included Harris, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, announced he was tapping Harris to lead the administration's response to the growing number of migrants arriving at the U.S. border. Her job, he said, was "stemming the migration to our southern border." He also said she "agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with nations (to our South) to accept re- -- the returnees, and enhance migration enforcement at their borders -- at their borders."

Biden told reporters before the meeting that he wanted Harris to be the point person on the border, to speak decisively for the administration. And in a call to reporters after the announcement, a senior official told reporters unequivocally that Harris' focus would be on the historic surge of illegal border crossings.

Within hours stories emerged in major news organizations with clarity that Biden was tasking her with leading efforts to stem migration at the border, with dozens of elite news organizations referring to her as the "border czar." This is irrefutable history. It's all documented.

Nonetheless, one hour after Biden endorsed Harris on July 21, news organizations and Democrats were stridently saying it was never the case that Harris was in charge of the border, that they never said she was the border czar and that the claim was all a right-wing conspiracy.

Axios, a popular Washington insider online news organization, not only scrubbed part of its story from 2021 reporting Harris was "appointed by Biden as border czar," but also said in an editor's note that it had "incorrectly" labeled Harris a border czar. At least it admitted it originally called her that.

It was one of the most remarkably dishonest moments in American journalism, a once revered industry that in recent years has lost the trust of the people to report the news in a full, fair and accurate way. And it wasn't just Axios. The gaslighting of readers across multiple news organizations has been equally repulsive -- and it may just be the final straw in that relationship between readers and news organizations.

The New York Times admonished readers, saying, "Ms. Harris was not, in fact, appointed border czar, nor was she tasked with addressing the broader problems plaguing the border itself."

That is not what Biden said. That is not what the press wrote and said.

Simply put, they were either lying then or they are lying now.

For years the national press has had what they referred to as "disinformation beats" and used them to rush to say that social media platforms should not feature certain news stories or news outlets, almost all of them center-right or conservative, on their sites.

And now they are engaged in disinformation that discredits their own reporting. They need to call themselves out for disinformation. Either they're lying now or they were lying then.

Ben Shapiro mocks Salad-Tosser Kamala's latest word salad.

Twitter rumors claim that Salad-Tosser Kamala has picked Pennsylvania Governor -- and Israel supporter -- Josh Shapiro as her running mate.


A Democrat staffer in Philly accidentally posted a video revealing that Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro is Kamala's running mate

It was supposed to come out on Monday, but this is better because now I can spend the weekend exposing Shapiro

Ian Miles Cheong

LEAK: Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker accidentally published this video ahead of schedule. She leaked Kamala Harris' pick for Vice President as Josh Shapiro.

I don't know about that.

Incredibly, Kamala Harris is claiming she was a huge success on the border. (Which she never even visited! And she never once met the head of the Border Patrol!)

Trump fired back:

Bonus: Biden bumbles.

I can't confirm this, but...


BREAKING: The Israeli Air Force is bombing Hezbollah on the border between Syria and northern Lebanon, targeting possibly the massive weapons and military equipment they are actively moving.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:10 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Nooded.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at August 02, 2024 06:12 PM (O7YUW)

2 *waits for the others to show up*

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at August 02, 2024 06:13 PM (O7YUW)

3 THat's a lot to take in

Posted by: It's me donna at August 02, 2024 06:13 PM (IyPmt)

4 >>>3 THat's a lot to take in

That's what she said.

Posted by: Willie Brown at August 02, 2024 06:14 PM (KRtlO)

5 Good ad

Posted by: It's me donna at August 02, 2024 06:15 PM (IyPmt)

6 Biden walked onto the plane after the prisoners got off

Did he think he was being exchanged to Russia??

- Jack Poso US (@JackPosobiec) August 2, 2024

I missed that part. Was Kamala hoping they'd take him away?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at August 02, 2024 06:15 PM (FnneF)

7 >>>I missed that part. Was Kamala hoping they'd take him away?

like Richard Dreyfuss at the end of Close Encounters*

* just rewatched on Prime, holds up well

Posted by: ace at August 02, 2024 06:15 PM (KRtlO)

8 Kamala's theme song needs to be Cher's "Halfbreed."

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 02, 2024 06:16 PM (ioD89)

9 >>Biden walked onto the plane after the prisoners got off
Did he think he was being exchanged to Russia??

It's just all so f**king embarrassing.

These people are just getting off on the humiliation of it all.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 02, 2024 06:16 PM (XV/Pl)

10 i finally started rereading the Lord of the Rings.

It's actually pretty good!

His dialogue is good.

Posted by: ace at August 02, 2024 06:16 PM (KRtlO)

11 Good evening everyone.

Posted by: Tonypete at August 02, 2024 06:16 PM (6WCwE)

12 I love the Kamala was a prosecutor
So are those Soro DAs who let hard criminals out of jail

Posted by: Skip at August 02, 2024 06:17 PM (fwDg9)

13 Shapiro ? Sure, pick a guy who is a gov of a state where DJT was almost assassinated. What are they trying to tell us ? Is this a reward ?

Posted by: runner at August 02, 2024 06:17 PM (V13WU)

14 Pilots halfway across the Atlantic, "do you hear something?"

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 02, 2024 06:17 PM (ioD89)

15 No slapstick like Biden slapstick….

Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 06:18 PM (PCK5/)

16 Ben Shapiro mocks Salad-Tosser Kamala's latest word salad.


OUT: The Salad Shooter.
IN: The Salad Spitter.

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at August 02, 2024 06:19 PM (umwYf)

17 Biden was like a toddler wandering onto that plane. Is Jill still swanning around at the Olympics or just refusing to play ball?

Posted by: Ktgreat at August 02, 2024 06:19 PM (ei7q6)

18 Collin Rugg
JUST IN: Louisiana mayor Misty Roberts Clanton, who suddenly announced her resignation last week, has been charged with child r*pe.

The 42-year-old was the mayor of DeRidder before suddenly resigning.

This week, Clanton was arrested for allegedly having "s*xual intercourse with one juvenile victim while employed as Mayor."

"As the investigation progressed, LSP SVU conducted interviews with two juveniles, one of which was the victim. Both juveniles confirmed Roberts had s*xual intercourse with one juvenile victim while employed as Mayor," a statement read.

The former mayor was charged with third-degree r*pe.

She was arrested and released on a $75,000 bond.

Posted by: Mister Ghost at August 02, 2024 06:19 PM (TGPs7)

19 I love the Kamala was a prosecutor
So are those Soro DAs who let hard criminals out of jail
Posted by: Skip

We need to pick a lane.

I hear people say her big issue is she put too many people in jail.

I think the last thing you want to do is say any Democrat is too tough on crime.

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2024 06:19 PM (wMRY8)

20 10 i finally started rereading the Lord of the Rings.

It's actually pretty good!

His dialogue is good.
Posted by: ace at August 02, 2024 06:16 PM (KRtlO)

That is why it has been so influential in the fantasy genre…

Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 06:19 PM (PCK5/)

21 Dear Tensor

I changed the "bikini" prompt to "one piece swimsuit" and now there is even less clothing.

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 02, 2024 06:19 PM (ioD89)

22 >>>That is why it has been so influential in the fantasy genre…

I guess!

Posted by: ace at August 02, 2024 06:20 PM (KRtlO)

23 Kamala is a compassionate marxist.

Like W was a compassionate conservative.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 06:20 PM (d9LQi)

24 I saw his press conference after the shooting, he seemed like a self promoting sleazebag.

Posted by: runner at August 02, 2024 06:20 PM (V13WU)

25 No slapstick like Biden slapstick….

Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 06:18 PM (PCK5/)


This morning, Sponge humorously dubbed him "Otto Pilot."

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at August 02, 2024 06:21 PM (FbxQv)

26 22 >>>That is why it has been so influential in the fantasy genre…

I guess!
Posted by: ace at August 02, 2024 06:20 PM (KRtlO)

Yeah, I made a stupid comment there…

Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 06:21 PM (PCK5/)

27 Is this news (I've been sleeping)
Democrat accused of 'accidentally leaking' that Josh Shapiro is Kamala Harris' running mate in bizarre tweet

Posted by: Ciampino - Fri Update #06 at August 02, 2024 06:21 PM (qfLjt)

28 Ian Miles Cheong
LEAK: Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker accidentally published this video ahead of schedule. She leaked Kamala Harris’ pick for Vice President as Josh Shapiro.

Posted by: Mister Ghost at August 02, 2024 06:21 PM (TGPs7)

29 Well Kamala raised money in 2020 Race riots to get rioters money for court costs and bakl

Posted by: Skip at August 02, 2024 06:22 PM (fwDg9)

30 Kamallah will make Jack Smith AG.
After she replaces either Thomas or Alito, mass arrests will begin.

Ok that's hard to believe.

Mass arrests begin after he's confirmed.

Posted by: Prediction time at August 02, 2024 06:22 PM (Zab8A)

31 "Incredibly, Kamala Harris is claiming she was a huge success on the border. (Which she never even visited! And she never once met the head of the Border Patrol!)"

Harris ads now in production by the Always Lying Harris for President Campaign (TM) -

I created 15 million jobs!

I defeated inflation!

I canceled the student debts of 30 million struggling young people!

Posted by: Gref at August 02, 2024 06:22 PM (5fDan)

32 >>>Yeah, I made a stupid comment there…

no I was playing along, I started with the dumb comments by reporting that lord of the rings is "actually pretty good!"

Posted by: ace at August 02, 2024 06:22 PM (KRtlO)

33 As far being an Israeli supporter, he is not unique - 80% of American public supports Israel (latest poll on the subject). It's just that it might be unique among his fellow democrats...

Posted by: runner at August 02, 2024 06:22 PM (V13WU)

34 Biden didn't think he was being exchanged to Russia. He just had no fvcking clue where he was.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 02, 2024 06:23 PM (JvZF+)

35 check out the Mystery Click

Posted by: ace at August 02, 2024 06:23 PM (KRtlO)

36 The MSM should now be referred to as the Ministry of Truth where they re-write historical facts.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 06:23 PM (B1dzx)

37 28 Ian Miles Cheong
LEAK: Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker accidentally published this video ahead of schedule. She leaked Kamala Harris’ pick for Vice President as Josh Shapiro.

Bullshit. She was going with someone else, and this was "accidentally" released to try to force Kamala's hand.

Or it was a trial balloon to gauge response.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 06:24 PM (d9LQi)

38 they are either superbly comfortable with MI and Whitmer's magic there, or are writing the state off completely

Posted by: runner at August 02, 2024 06:24 PM (V13WU)

39 Biden walked onto the plane after the prisoners got off


Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at August 02, 2024 06:24 PM (e8Sk7)

I'm trying to think of Trump nicknames for Kamala.

Border Czar Kamala
Failing Kamala

"Even Democrats know that Failing Kamala is a bad bet! She will magnify every one of Demented Joe Biden's failures and America may never recover!!!"

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2024 06:24 PM (ny95y)

41 Kamala deported 104 million illegals and personally oversaw construction of 3000 miles of border wall.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 06:25 PM (d9LQi)

42 the response will be negative and she will go with Beshear (he hasn't decided that he has better things to do has he ?)

Posted by: runner at August 02, 2024 06:25 PM (V13WU)

43 Or it was a trial balloon to gauge response.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 06:24 PM (d9LQi)

My first thought

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at August 02, 2024 06:25 PM (NtVYv)

44 The Biden video was unreal.

He walks up the steps and onto the plane while SS and Kamala are watching dumbfounded trying to figure out what to do.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at August 02, 2024 06:26 PM (5p7BC)

this was "accidentally" released to try to force Kamala's hand.

Or it was a trial balloon to gauge response.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy


That which you can attribute to incompetence...

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2024 06:26 PM (ny95y)


As a candidate, Harris supported abolishing private health insurance -- "Let's eliminate all of that. Let's move on," she told CNN. In addition to nationalizing health care and education, Harris wants the government to control the manufacturing sector, the auto industry, food ... and any industry that emits carbon.


She says the words. She has no understanding of what the words mean. Just mouth-sounds that bring a reward.

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at August 02, 2024 06:26 PM (abgnT)

47 >>I'm trying to think of Trump nicknames for Kamala.


Posted by: JackStraw at August 02, 2024 06:26 PM (LkLld)

48 No word on IDF bombings on either Jerusalem Post nor JNS. org.
Of course, they don't usually rush to talk about ongoing operations...

Posted by: Constitutionalist at August 02, 2024 06:26 PM (cPGH3)

49 35 check out the Mystery Click
Posted by: ace at August 02, 2024 06:23 PM (KRtlO)

Hat tip… love that song, driving beat, takes me back ace.

Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 06:26 PM (PCK5/)

50 I hear people say her big issue is she put too many people in jail.

I think the last thing you want to do is say any Democrat is too tough on crime.
Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2024 06:19 PM (wMRY

You are only hearing half of what they say. The Left also put J6s in jail. Is that being tough on crime?

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 06:26 PM (B1dzx)

51 she never once met the head of the Border Patrol!)"

Read that as Border Parody.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at August 02, 2024 06:27 PM (e8Sk7)

52 Kamala Harris is fighting to fix our broken immigration system.

By 'fix', I assume you mean make permanent.

Posted by: t-bird at August 02, 2024 06:27 PM (pEcHx)

53 It's another sign of this country's degeneracy that this jizz-gargling gutter whore is a presidential candidate, following a senile serial child molester having been president.

Posted by: Certainly wasn't on my bingo card ten years ago at August 02, 2024 06:27 PM (q1Zxb)

54 Biden walked onto the plane after the prisoners got off

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty

I just like to daydream about the alternate reality where Trump didn't debate Biden so early in the campaign and they were truly stuck with someone that bad off.

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2024 06:27 PM (wMRY8)

55 on one hand she is not bound by what was, on the other her entire online history is gone !

Posted by: runner at August 02, 2024 06:27 PM (V13WU)

56 >>>I hear people say her big issue is she put too many people in jail.
I think the last thing you want to do is say any Democrat is too tough on crime.
Posted by: Blago

one of the only useful people at NRO was making that point. Nate Holchein or whatever.

Posted by: ace at August 02, 2024 06:27 PM (KRtlO)

57 Go For Soda got some moderate play on MTV.

Kim Mitchell is originally from the band Max Webster.

Posted by: Mark1971 at August 02, 2024 06:27 PM (xPl2J)

58 Just mouth-sounds that bring a reward.
Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug

Oh she is quite familiar with mouth sounds that bring a reward!

Posted by: Tonypete at August 02, 2024 06:27 PM (6WCwE)

59 There are some good YouTubers putting everything together regarding the assassination attempt so we don't have to.

Prepared to be infuriated and yell at your screen.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 02, 2024 06:28 PM (2fIO4)

60 As ninety-nine trial balloons go by.
Call the pollsters out in a hurry.

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 02, 2024 06:28 PM (ioD89)

61 i finally started rereading the Lord of the Rings.

It's actually pretty good!

His dialogue is good.

Posted by: ace at August 02, 2024 06:16 PM (KRtlO)


If you didn't already know, from Wikipedia:

"The Inklings were an informal literary discussion group associated with J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis at the University of Oxford for nearly two decades between the early 1930s and late 1949.[1] The Inklings were literary enthusiasts who praised the value of narrative in fiction and encouraged the writing of fantasy. The best-known, apart from Tolkien and Lewis, were Charles Williams, and (although a Londoner) Owen Barfield."

IIRC, Tolkien was heavily influenced by Norse Myths.

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at August 02, 2024 06:28 PM (8QNNX)

62 check out the Mystery Click
Posted by: ace

Nice, clean sound. Never heard of the guy or the song before.

Posted by: t-bird at August 02, 2024 06:28 PM (pEcHx)

63 Kim Mitchell - Patio Lanterns

Posted by: Mark1971 at August 02, 2024 06:29 PM (xPl2J)

64 TGP:

The two agencies jointly released a public service announcement on July 31 warning that Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on election infrastructure could block public access to critical information on the 2024 elections but assured the public that there would be no impact on election security.

“This public service announcement is to raise awareness that Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on election infrastructure, or adjacent infrastructure that supports election operations, could hinder public access to election information, but would not impact the security or integrity of election processes,” the FBI and CISA announced.
Cardboard over the digital windows.

This election may be declared Venezuela-style.

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at August 02, 2024 06:29 PM (0QFnr)

65 57 Go For Soda got some moderate play on MTV.

Kim Mitchell is originally from the band Max Webster.
Posted by: Mark1971 at August 02, 2024 06:27 PM (xPl2J)

For some reason connects me to another song “Driver’s Seat” by Sniffin’ the Tears… a time in my life I guess…

Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 06:29 PM (PCK5/)

66 Biden walks up plane steps.

Door closes

Engines start

Secret service: Crap.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 06:29 PM (d9LQi)

67 He was on that plane long enough for the Pilot to call Moscow and get a Nyet! on tardnapping him.

Posted by: DaveA at August 02, 2024 06:30 PM (FhXTo)

Is this news (I've been sleeping)
Democrat accused of 'accidentally leaking' that Josh Shapiro is Kamala Harris' running mate in bizarre tweet
Posted by: Ciampino -


You slept right through ace's post.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2024 06:30 PM (ny95y)

69 finally started rereading the Lord of the Rings.

It's actually pretty good!

His dialogue is good.

Posted by: ace at August 02, 2024 06:16 PM (KRtlO)


You still have to finish the Sherlock Holmes book first!

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 06:30 PM (B1dzx)

70 She says the words. She has no understanding of what the words mean. Just mouth-sounds that bring a reward.

Harris' father is a prominent, self-proclaimed Marxist economist. He taught at Stanford and she was brought up in this world.

She regularly preaches not for equality but equity. She wants the government 100% in charge of healthcare and pretty much everything else. She's fully on board with tearing down western culture.

She knows what she's saying. She's a Marxist.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 02, 2024 06:30 PM (LkLld)

71 I'm on the bullshit train too. There are no accidents. Just like the debate wasn't an accident. It was a setup to force Biden out.

The leak is to try and force Kamala to pick him.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at August 02, 2024 06:30 PM (5p7BC)

72 Yeah Biden dropping out is Trump's fault.

Posted by: steevy at August 02, 2024 06:30 PM (HJ9BW)

73 >>His dialogue is good.

He's no Raymond Chandler.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2024 06:31 PM (BwNH5)

74 34 Biden didn't think he was being exchanged to Russia. He just had no fvcking clue where he was.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 02, 2024 06:23 PM (JvZF+)

The Handlers bundled him off to Delaware first thing this morning. I may have to watch his Big Speech at the Dem National Convention to watch him crash and burn as it happens.

His speech is relegated to Monday night, first night of the Convention. The Dems are now dissing him.

Posted by: Gref at August 02, 2024 06:31 PM (5fDan)

one of the only useful people at NRO was making that point. Nate Holchein or whatever.
Posted by: ace


Its comical to me that saying Kamala put a lot of people in jail means black people arent going to vote for her.

We just tend to grasp at straws hoping for the black vote.

If people want a soft on crime "compassionate" approach, they're always going to pick the Democrat.

And when people get longish sentences for minor drug charges, usually because they plead out to some lesser charge. Its likely not some draconian approach to drug laws.

A leftist like Kamala is not some law and order type.

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2024 06:31 PM (wMRY8)

76 This will be a trifecta election.

Winner controls everything.

Posted by: Prediction time at August 02, 2024 06:31 PM (Zab8A)

77 The spin on Bribe'em walking onto the plane is that he went to thank the people that were still on the plane

Posted by: Ben Had at August 02, 2024 06:31 PM (5MvGY)

78 she never once met the head of the Border Patrol!)"

No reason to meet his head. I already got the job.

Posted by: Kumallia at August 02, 2024 06:31 PM (4SKzt)

79 I'm trying to think of Trump nicknames for Kamala.

Border Czar Kamala
Failing Kamala

How about Kamala the Prevaricator.

Posted by: Glenn John at August 02, 2024 06:31 PM (nvKZ7)

80 Louisiana mayor Misty Roberts Clanton, who suddenly announced her resignation last week, has been charged with child r*pe.

Teach women not to rape!

Posted by: Seriously, what the actual fuck? at August 02, 2024 06:32 PM (q1Zxb)

81 71 I'm on the bullshit train too. There are no accidents. Just like the debate wasn't an accident. It was a setup to force Biden out.

The leak is to try and force Kamala to pick him.
Posted by: Dave in Fla at August 02, 2024 06:30 PM (5p7BC)

They just did a teeeeny adjustment on the drugs before the “debate”.. et voila!!!

Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 06:32 PM (PCK5/)

82 She says the words. She has no understanding of what the words mean. Just mouth-sounds that bring a reward.

Harris' father is a prominent, self-proclaimed Marxist economist. He taught at Stanford and she was brought up in this world.

She regularly preaches not for equality but equity. She wants the government 100% in charge of healthcare and pretty much everything else. She's fully on board with tearing down western culture.

She knows what she's saying. She's a Marxist.
Posted by: JackStraw at August 02, 2024 06:30 PM (LkLld)

Old South American Idiom ( translated)

The parrot says what it knows but doesn’t know what it says.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 06:32 PM (B1dzx)

83 >>The leak is to try and force Kamala to pick him.

Isn't he severely #metoo compromised?

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2024 06:32 PM (BwNH5)

84 Wait

Perfect song for Kamala - "No More Words"

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 02, 2024 06:32 PM (ioD89)

85 That plane reminded Biden of the one that flew the stew from New Guinea that gave Beau food poisoning.

Posted by: Minuteman at August 02, 2024 06:32 PM (9hAWC)

86 "Living in the world of giants" is a pretty good tune, it was recorded well and really sounded great on a decent stereo.

Spandex made its debut, here, I think. Big hair, keyboards, and spandex.

Posted by: Common Tater at August 02, 2024 06:32 PM (F90Zm)

87 His dialogue is good.

He's no Raymond Chandler.
Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2024 06:31 PM (BwNH5)

who is no Alexandre Dumas père

Posted by: runner at August 02, 2024 06:32 PM (V13WU)

88 The spin on Bribe'em walking onto the plane is that he went to thank the people that were still on the plane
Posted by: Ben Had at August 02, 2024 06:31 PM (5MvGY)

Yeah. For inventing Doritos.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 06:33 PM (lX8VI)

89 The spin on Bribe'em walking onto the plane is that he went to thank the people that were still on the plane
Posted by: Ben Had at August 02, 2024 06:31 PM (5MvGY)

And, I did it all by myself. So, there!

Posted by: Fraud Biden at August 02, 2024 06:33 PM (nvKZ7)

90 Trump better be prepared with an army of lawyers ready to stop the steal.

Posted by: Jmel at August 02, 2024 06:33 PM (GsVMV)

91 Chameleon Kamala

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 06:34 PM (lX8VI)

92 Parrot Dentists?

There is apparently such a thing as parrots pulling kids teeth...

Posted by: Mister Ghost at August 02, 2024 06:34 PM (TGPs7)

93 Words "not meaning anything" is pretty crucial to the con.

Before you can pervert people, ya gotta pervert language.


Posted by: Common Tater at August 02, 2024 06:34 PM (F90Zm)

94 It's not "just" about Kamala being a threat. The entire Democrat party is a theat. Anyone they put up is a threat.

Harris is easily parried, but there are dozens, if not more, waiting in the wings.

And I'm not so sure she'll be pushed to the side. She's pliable and incredibly stupid... but not brain dead.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at August 02, 2024 06:34 PM (Q4IgG)

95 he spin on Bribe'em walking onto the plane is that he went to thank the people that were still on the plane


use the bathroom

Posted by: runner at August 02, 2024 06:35 PM (V13WU)

96 Dear Tensor
I changed the "bikini" prompt to "one piece swimsuit" and now there is even less clothing.
Posted by: Anna Puma

A bikini is two pieces of clothing.

One piece of clothing should obviously cover less.

Posted by: Tensor "AI" at August 02, 2024 06:35 PM (DgGvY)

I'm not sure who is worse, Kameltoe or Frau Gruppencankles. I'm still thinking Das Frau would have been worse, mainly because she's marginally more competent.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 02, 2024 06:35 PM (y9nCu)

98 Okay...we joke about Math a lot here, but O.M.G. Defendant #2 takes that up to 11:

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at August 02, 2024 06:35 PM (Wnv9h)

99 The two agencies jointly released a public service announcement on July 31 warning that Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on election infrastructure

As we're learning, these 'warnings' are code for "what we're going to do and when".

Posted by: t-bird at August 02, 2024 06:36 PM (pEcHx)

100 Trump better be prepared with an army of lawyers ready to stop the steal.
Posted by: Jmel

Once the ballot goes in the box, its over. Even a conservative leaning Supreme Court is not going to go in there and disqualify ballots.

My hope was that after 2020, the SC would reign in some of the Covid nonsense, but nothing was done. Early voting should be unconstitutional imo, there a specific DAY outlined in the Constitution.

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2024 06:36 PM (wMRY8)

101 Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2024 06:31 PM (wMRY

And you wonder why people jump on your posting.

The criticism is that Kamala put black men in prison at a high rate for minor drug offenses when she claims she is the defender of these sort of injustices as a supporter of BLM .

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 06:36 PM (B1dzx)

102 I don't remember what year it was, or what city it was, but I remember two front doors because Kavenaugh was a lousy architect. It's seared in my hippocampus. And Kamala still has the hat to this day.

Posted by: Minuteman at August 02, 2024 06:36 PM (9hAWC)

103 The Democrat party are now all going Marxism

Posted by: Skip at August 02, 2024 06:36 PM (fwDg9)

104 I'm thinking the leak was intentional to soften the blow of it being Shaprio. Let the various mental patients cry over the weekend when no one's paying attention, and then when it gets announced officially, all the energy from the initial protest is gone.

Sort of like telling people someone who massacred kids is a random white guy then 48 hours later releasing his real name.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 06:37 PM (lX8VI)

105 Rest assured they mean something very different when they use a word, or words, than you might suppose. This is why one must never take anything at face value.

Reagan joked about this, about the veritable pile of horseshit, "there's gotta be a pony in here somewhere, right?"

Posted by: Common Tater at August 02, 2024 06:37 PM (F90Zm)

106 >>The parrot says what it knows but doesn’t know what it says.

Marxism is a failed political movement. It's proven over and over to bring nothing but failure and death. Only a complete moron would promote it yet billions do.

Being stupid does not mean she doesn't believe in Marxism. In fact, it's a prerequisite.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 02, 2024 06:37 PM (LkLld)

107 That Biden clip walking onto the plane and then back off a minute later is very strange. Did anyone in the press ask KJP or any administration spokesperson the reason for that free solo climb? It’d be interesting to hear the answer….

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 02, 2024 06:37 PM (n048s)

108 >>The two agencies jointly released a public service announcement on July 31 warning that Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on election infrastructure

I thought there was no Internet Connectivity involved in Elections / Voting Machines?

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2024 06:37 PM (BwNH5)

109 So who was the asshole that told Biden he wasn't being exchanged at that airport?

Posted by: IRONGRAMPA at August 02, 2024 06:38 PM (hKoQL)

110 Oh, and I believe Shapiro means The Fix is In.

He is above all cover for stealing PA. I pray I'm wrong.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 06:38 PM (lX8VI)

111 >>>Marxism is a failed political movement. It's proven over and over to bring nothing but failure and death. Only a complete moron would promote it yet billions do.

Marxism is now more popular with the "elite" and upper middle class than the lower classes. Marxism is now packaged as "climate change mitigation" and "tolerance for the upper class' many transgender offspring" to bring them along with the program.

Posted by: ace at August 02, 2024 06:38 PM (KRtlO)

112 I'm looking forward to the media excuses why they won't cover any of Harris' positions:
Trump will unfairly attack her with lies, so we can't cover her or we will give oxygen to his lies.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 02, 2024 06:39 PM (aXXkI)

113 >>>>I think the last thing you want to do is say any Democrat is too tough on crime.
Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2024 06:19 PM (wMRY

She wasn't tough on crime. She put more Black men in prison for minor marijuana offenses than any other prosecutor.
She voted for more liberal policies than any other senator.
She presided over the worst economy in more than a half century.
She presided over and welcomed the flood of illegal alien gangsters in this nation.

It's not a lane it's a highway.

Posted by: Braenyard at August 02, 2024 06:40 PM (bm1f0)

114 Oh so Biden went to thank the pilot and crew…. Still strange. Really doesn’t explain why Harris and the other bystanders kept looking nervously like “what’s he doing?”

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 02, 2024 06:40 PM (n048s)

Did he think he was being exchanged to Russia??

Putin would refuse him.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 02, 2024 06:40 PM (63Dwl)

116 Marxism is now more popular with the "elite" and upper middle class than the lower classes. Marxism is now packaged as "climate change mitigation" and "tolerance for the upper class' many transgender offspring" to bring them along with the program.
Posted by: ace at August 02, 2024 06:38 PM (KRtlO)

You'd make a pretty good commenter.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 06:40 PM (lX8VI)

117 Flipflop!!

Kyle Rittenhouse @ThisIsKyleR
Over the past 12 hours, I've had a series of productive conversations with members of the Trump's team and I am confident he will be the strong ally gun owners need to defend our Second Amendment rights.

My comments made last night were ill-informed and unproductive. I'm 100% behind Donald Trump and encourage every gun owner to join me in helping send him back to the White House.

Catturd ™ @catturd2 14m
I was harder on you than anyone - but I can't hold a grudge when a man apologizes.

Just remember, when it was political poison to take your side, Trump and MAGA was there for you during your lowest point.

Posted by: andycanuck (i0CiB) at August 02, 2024 06:40 PM (i0CiB)

118 80 Louisiana mayor Misty Roberts Clanton, who suddenly announced her resignation last week, has been charged with child r*pe.

Teach women not to rape!
Posted by: Seriously, what the actual fuck? at

Another casualty of the feminist and free to be you and me movement. Once you buy in to morality being relative, all the internal gatekeeping mechanisms are removed.

Posted by: Piper at August 02, 2024 06:40 PM (p4NUW)

119 Clarity @covid_clarity Aug 1
BREAKING: Minnesota Supreme Court rules that even when a person is actively being attacked and at risk of death they cannot defend themselves and brandish a deadly weapon if it is “reasonably possible to retreat”

Posted by: andycanuck (i0CiB) at August 02, 2024 06:41 PM (i0CiB)

120 TONY™ @TONYxTWO 3h
Holy sht ‼️ IIIegal Migrant gets $13,000 per month in food stamps and $5,000 in cash in NYC !!!

Must watch and share this video !!!
7:29 minutes; LNSFW

This is the receipt ‼️👇🏼

Quote tweet: TaraBull @TaraBull808 5h
An illegaI migrant from Venezuela left her receipt at the grocery store, so the cashier took a photo..

EBT Food Stamp balance: $13,401.82

EBT Cash balance: $4,498.85

Yet millions of Americans can't afford groceries, gas, & rent.

Make this post go Viral. Share and comment!

Posted by: andycanuck (i0CiB) at August 02, 2024 06:41 PM (i0CiB)

121 Yeah I’m uncomfortable if Shapiro is the pick. Makes stealing PA plausible…. I think PA is THE crucial state this cycle

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 02, 2024 06:42 PM (n048s)

122 The Rittenhouse thing is so stupid. Who gives a shit who he votes for. It's his choice. He's now a victim of MAGA cancel culture.

Posted by: Mark1971 at August 02, 2024 06:42 PM (xPl2J)

123 Ian Miller @ianmSC 1h
Joe Biden climbed back up the stairs of an airplane that had just arrived and he wasn’t flying on, as Kamala watched in amazement

I mean, he legitimately has no idea where he is or what he’s doing

RNC Research @RNCResearch 11h
BIDEN: “You’re stuck with me as president for awhile, kid. There’s no way out. You got me for at least 90 days or so.” 😬

Juanita Broaddrick @atensnut 2h
You can bet secret service didn’t see this coming? Looks like a scene right out of the movie “Airplane”.

Did he think he was boarding short stairs of Air Force One?

Sean Davis @seanmdav 1h
Who is actually president right now? Because it clearly isn’t Joe Biden.

Posted by: andycanuck (i0CiB) at August 02, 2024 06:42 PM (i0CiB)

124 Several airlines are suspending flights to Iran and are avoiding Iranian air space. Carriers are also halting flights to Israel.

A Israeli mininsters have been issued sat phones.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 02, 2024 06:43 PM (5MvGY)

125 Kyle Rittenhouse @ThisIsKyleR
Over the past 12 hours, I've had a series of productive conversations with members of the Trump's team and I am confident he will be the strong ally gun owners need to defend our Second Amendment rights.

My comments made last night were ill-informed and unproductive. I'm 100% behind Donald Trump and encourage every gun owner to join me in helping send him back to the White House.

Catturd ™ @catturd2 14m
I was harder on you than anyone - but I can't hold a grudge when a man apologizes.

Just remember, when it was political poison to take your side, Trump and MAGA was there for you during your lowest point.
Posted by: andycanuck (i0CiB) at August 02, 2024 06:40 PM (i0CiB)

Okay I will flip flop on the position I recently had on Rittenhouse. I was young and dumb once. Maybe not that dumb though.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 06:43 PM (B1dzx)

126 Sarah Fields @SarahisCensored 18h
I’m going to post a video of Kamala Harris and her moronic takes every day until the election.

This is not exactly a “moronic take”. Just proof that in 2019, Kamala was ready to accept her Indian heritage. Now she wants to erase it
35 seconds

Sarah Fields @SarahisCensored 18h
MINDY KALING: "Okay. So what we're going to cook today is an Indian recipe. Because you are Indian."

KAMALA: "Yes yes yes okay."

MINDY KALING: "Actually we're both South Indian."

Posted by: andycanuck (i0CiB) at August 02, 2024 06:43 PM (i0CiB)

127 107 That Biden clip walking onto the plane and then back off a minute later is very strange. Did anyone in the press ask KJP or any administration spokesperson the reason for that free solo climb? It’d be interesting to hear the answer….
Posted by: LinusVanPelt

He wanted to wish the predators a safe trip home.

Posted by: Braenyard says Biden has an affinity for predators at August 02, 2024 06:43 PM (bm1f0)

128 An illegaI migrant from Venezuela left her receipt at the grocery store, so the cashier took a photo..

EBT Food Stamp balance: $13,401.82

EBT Cash balance: $4,498.85



Posted by: runner at August 02, 2024 06:44 PM (V13WU)

129 >>Marxism is now more popular with the "elite" and upper middle class than the lower classes. Marxism is now packaged as "climate change mitigation" and "tolerance for the upper class' many transgender offspring" to bring them along with the program.

If you listen real close, or even not so close, to the speeches at the WEF you see that what they are really preaching is international communism. Not a surprise that they co-opted the Club Of Rome, the creators of the global warming hoax and also communists.

Communism doesn't last and it always fails in a spectacular way, but along the ride the elite get fabulous wealthy and powerful.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 02, 2024 06:45 PM (LkLld)

130 Is this news (I've been sleeping)
Democrat accused of 'accidentally leaking' that Josh Shapiro is Kamala Harris' running mate in bizarre tweet
Posted by: Ciampino - Fri Update #06 at August 02, 2024 06:21 PM (qfLjt)


He has agreed to be the next Tim Kaine.

Posted by: Decaf at August 02, 2024 06:45 PM (unUNN)

131 Insurrection Barbie @DefiyantlyFree Aug 1
A new lawsuit has been filed by a FL resident against Mayorkas as well as the Florida District Attorney and the Florida Secretary of State (among others) alleging a conspiracy to commit election fraud by using noncitizens and having NGOs register them to vote. Once the illegals are registered, the NGOs request ballots which get sent to them by mail. And you can guess the rest.

The plaintiff says he has sent numerous letters to both the Secretary of State and the Florida AG. Neither of them EVEN bothered to respond.

The allegations in here are explosive. I am linking the complaint below.

Guess who the judge assigned to the case is? Judge Eileen Cannon.

Posted by: andycanuck (i0CiB) at August 02, 2024 06:45 PM (i0CiB)

132 The Rittenhouse thing is so stupid. Who gives a shit who he votes for. It's his choice. He's now a victim of MAGA cancel culture.
Posted by: Mark1971 at August 02, 2024 06:42 PM (xPl2J)

He has a ton of followers and if he was campaigning to vote against Trump which means a vote for Harris I think he deserved all the criticism he got.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 06:45 PM (B1dzx)

133 and even a "small-c conservative."

Big C Cunt

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at August 02, 2024 06:45 PM (e8Sk7)

134 I wish our side wouldn’t scold/cancel (Rittenhouse) on social media like lefties. Let the kid have his opinion even if I disagree…. Sheesh, there are bigger fish to fry

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 02, 2024 06:46 PM (n048s)

135 The official reason for Biden getting on the plane was to thank the crew for bringing our hostages home.

Posted by: Piper at August 02, 2024 06:46 PM (p4NUW)

136 Kamelion.
Posted by: JackStraw

Kanela, the brown skinned girl.
Kamala the coconut. Brown on the outside white on the inside.

Posted by: Braenyard says Biden has an affinity for predators at August 02, 2024 06:46 PM (bm1f0)

137 Does anyone know if Kamala really hasn't been to Europe?

Posted by: Decaf at August 02, 2024 06:46 PM (unUNN)

138 Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at August 02, 2024 06:45 PM (e8Sk7)

She can do a lot with a Big C

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 06:46 PM (lX8VI)

139 the Democrat base thunk Kahjaala was a perfect candidate because they actually believed there was no dirt on her--because they have never heard anything bad about her.

But, Trump has been prepping to run against Harris since before the debate.
And there is a shit-ton of dirt on her.

As has been pointed out: The media is going into over-drive to focus on trivial, stupid, mundane and pointless "issues" to keep as far away from her record as possible.
And, as long as Trump has been around, they still think Trump will fall for it this time. E.g., the debate, where they really thought calling him a felon would elicit an angry response; or the black journalists panel, where they really believed calling him a racist, etc. would also "end his political career."

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 02, 2024 06:46 PM (uPilC)

140 The Soviets had to use white-out and cut-and-paste to re-write history. How far we have come. Or cum, in the case of Kamala.

Posted by: Ex Rex Reeder at August 02, 2024 06:47 PM (MZ+PY)

141 How far we have come. Or cum, in the case of Kamala.
Posted by: Ex Rex Reeder at August 02, 2024 06:47 PM

Hold my beer.

Posted by: Peter North at August 02, 2024 06:48 PM (Wnv9h)

142 Hate to admit it but that explanation for Biden’s meandering is plausible

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 02, 2024 06:48 PM (n048s)

143 wish our side wouldn’t scold/cancel (Rittenhouse) on social media like lefties. Let the kid have his opinion even if I disagree…. Sheesh, there are bigger fish to fry
Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 02, 2024 06:46 PM (n048s)

Does that go for everyone or just Rittenhouse?

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 06:49 PM (B1dzx)

144 Currently trending on Twitter/X; '#F**k the White Women', which appears to be a sentiment expressed by some of Kamala's female Afro-American allies on how to win whatever office she's currently running for.

This is really gonna be neat!/Flounder from Animal House

Posted by: William F. 'Buck' Dharma at August 02, 2024 06:49 PM (a9CYf)

145 i/o @eyeslasho 10h
The median age of an MSNBC viewer is 70. At Fox News it's 69. Younger people watch CNN (median age 67).

Catturd ™ @catturd2 4h
Legacy fake news will soon be done.

Posted by: andycanuck (i0CiB) at August 02, 2024 06:49 PM (i0CiB)

146 She looks like the kind of person you'd want to unwind with over a glass of pinot grigio.

Whaaaaattt?? She looks like the kind of person you'd want to hit with a baseball bat.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at August 02, 2024 06:49 PM (YqDXo)

147 Because Joe is known for going that extra mile for underlings.

Posted by: andycanuck (i0CiB) at August 02, 2024 06:50 PM (i0CiB)

148 Trump generates headlines despite the media.
Harris generates headlines because of the media.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 02, 2024 06:50 PM (uPilC)

149 The official reason for Biden getting on the plane was to thank the crew for bringing our hostages home.

Bet he hit the head. He's 81, it's late at night...

Posted by: Way,Way Downriver at August 02, 2024 06:51 PM (zdLoL)

150 How far we have come. Or cum, in the case of Kamala.
Posted by: Ex Rex Reeder

Hold my beer.
Posted by: Peter North

If you're trying to land it in the beer, Imma just set it here on this coffee table. And step back.

Posted by: mikeski at August 02, 2024 06:51 PM (DgGvY)

151 Biden walks up plane steps.

Door closes

Engines start

Secret service: Crap.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude

I think they're training him for Air Pinochet. This was just the training session, so he goes quietly when it's for real.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at August 02, 2024 06:51 PM (VNX3d)

152 Currently trending on Twitter/X; '#F**k the White Women', which appears to be a sentiment expressed by some of Kamala's female Afro-American allies

Whereas African-American men are happy to oblige.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at August 02, 2024 06:51 PM (YqDXo)

153 NOPE. There is no either. They were lying then and are still lying. They've just changed the lies around.

Posted by: PaleRider at August 02, 2024 06:52 PM (wTs+0)

154 Tony Seruga @TonySeruga 9h
Kamala Harris is the gift that just keeps giving. Guess who covered up sexual harassment claims in her office — @KamalaHarris.

Her office paid $1.1 million in settlements.

Harassment and retaliation claims during Kamala Harris’ time as California’s top cop led to $1.1...
The California Department of Justice paid more than $1.1 million to settle claims with employees who alleged they were sexually harassed or retaliated against by co-workers during the tenure of...

Posted by: andycanuck (i0CiB) at August 02, 2024 06:52 PM (i0CiB)

155 Unburdened is a key word.

To erase or forget (forcibly) the past.

Mao wanted to be unburdened by the pillars of China.
The family. The dynasty. The religion. and The Tribes.

Lenin needed to be unburdened by the Romanoff's and thus to Europe. To the 3rd century of Western Civilization that would free a slave world (serfs).

Hitler needed to be unburdened by a class of educated merchants and scholars so that society could be changed overnight.

Posted by: rhennigantx at August 02, 2024 06:52 PM (gbOdA)

156 Hate to admit it but that explanation for Biden’s meandering is plausible
Posted by: LinusVanPelt

At this point, all explanations are plausible. Wanted to thank the crew, needed to use the lavatory, thought it was AF1, curious about what color the seatbelts were.....

Posted by: mikeski at August 02, 2024 06:52 PM (DgGvY)

157 13 Shapiro ? Sure, pick a guy who is a gov of a state where DJT was almost assassinated. What are they trying to tell us ? Is this a reward ?

Shapiro was also AG of PA when the Floyd riots erupted and burned, and did nothing in his role of Chief LEO as the Mega Crimewave rolled over Philly in the Covid years to present. He is a place holder, a puppet in the Biden-Harris-Obama mold. If this creep is VP, look for Philly's Larry Krasner, the worst Soros DA in America, to be elevated to DOJ. Krasner will be the new Jack Smith.

You want nothing to do with PA Democrats, believe me.

Posted by: Ex GOP at August 02, 2024 06:52 PM (GpUII)

158 145 i/o @eyeslasho 10h
The median age of an MSNBC viewer is 70. At Fox News it's 69. Younger people watch CNN (median age 67).

Catturd ™ @catturd2 4h
Legacy fake news will soon be done.
Posted by: andycanuck (i0CiB)

This indicates that the cherished age metric that they shoot for doesn't watch at all.

Posted by: Braenyard says Biden has an affinity for predators at August 02, 2024 06:53 PM (bm1f0)

159 And anyone younger than that doesn't watch NOOZ. They've been unwatchable for years.

Remember TV shows with laughtracks? It's kinda like that. Impossible to listen/watch with artificial overlay. Young people are sensitive to "fake and ghey" and insincerity.

Posted by: Common Tater at August 02, 2024 06:53 PM (F90Zm)

160 I think I may have a take a few days break from any news, because the news feed has headlines, "Trump was racist towards talented black women journalists." and that sort of thing. Umm, no he wasn't. They will play the race and woman card to the hilt. So very tired of it and it's only August.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 02, 2024 06:53 PM (dTTBf)

161 Does that go for everyone or just Rittenhouse?
Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 06:49 PM (B1dzx)

Anyone. Disagree, don’t scold. It’s a bad look

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 02, 2024 06:53 PM (n048s)

162 gatekeeping mechanisms

Piss flaps?

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at August 02, 2024 06:53 PM (e8Sk7)

163 "The spin on Bribe'em walking onto the plane is that he went to thank the people that were still on the plane
Posted by: Ben Had"

Who were the pilots? I would like to hear their side of the story.

Posted by: fd at August 02, 2024 06:54 PM (vFG9F)

164 The whole Rittenhouse kerfuffle smells to me like a publicity stunt. Rittenhouse's 10 minutes of fame was up and he needed to make himself relevant again for the $$$.
I mean really, writing in Ron Paul?! Gimme a break!

Posted by: BetaCuck4Lyfe at August 02, 2024 06:54 PM (9aVck)

165 They probably gave him a plastic wing pin and sent him on his way.

Posted by: fd at August 02, 2024 06:54 PM (vFG9F)

166 Someone had a pretty good analysis of what each potential pick signals as to the true state of the race.

I can't recall, but seems if it was Shapiro, it means they are losing PA.

OTOH, "favored son" as VP has never swung a state. Temporary bump yeah, but, as Trump pointed out, you're voting for President, not the VP.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 02, 2024 06:55 PM (uPilC)

167 Rittenhouse is just a dumb kid.

Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 06:55 PM (PCK5/)

168 One possibility that does give me pause about 2024: what if the next president needs to suck a lot of cocks, like a murder of cocks, isn't Kamala the most qualified in that event?

Posted by: Cup the Balls, Spit on the Shaft at August 02, 2024 06:55 PM (MIvVV)

169 Divide by Zero, per your comment about databases: I used a variety of databases, and they have an awful lot of ash, trash, and bad information, and what is worse is they are interconnected and bad info spreads like mold on an old danish.
Part of my job was to disentangle database information and get multiple support for a bit of useful data, and matching information between databases while identifying where the multiple info was untrustworty because it was actually a single source. all encompassing databases like the Lexis Nexis ones were the worst, the ones like the USDOT trucker registration were the best, but it never had info I needed!
I had trouble teaching this to anyone else on my team, because they didn't care, and didn't understand.

as always, The Truth Is Out There, But No One Can Identify It

Posted by: Kindltot at August 02, 2024 06:55 PM (D7oie)

170 155 Unburdened is a key word.

To erase or forget (forcibly) the past.

Mao wanted to be unburdened by the pillars of China.
The family. The dynasty. The religion. and The Tribes.

Lenin needed to be unburdened by the Romanoff's and thus to Europe. To the 3rd century of Western Civilization that would free a slave world (serfs).

Hitler needed to be unburdened by a class of educated merchants and scholars so that society could be changed overnight.
Posted by: rhennigantx

Well they've already got the elites and the scholars.
Time to come after the red necks.

Posted by: Braenyard says Biden has an affinity for predators at August 02, 2024 06:56 PM (bm1f0)

171 Hitler needed to be unburdened by a massive flatulence problem.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at August 02, 2024 06:56 PM (e8Sk7)

172 Fundamentally Transform America is happening… that guy was not bullshitting after all..

Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 06:57 PM (PCK5/)

173 What ever Kumala did or didn't do the undeniable fact is the economy is done swirling around the bowl and is about to go down the drain.
I expect the unemployment numbers to hit 5% in the next month.
Then there is this whole Middle East thing about to go hotter.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 02, 2024 06:57 PM (5MvGY)

174 Definitely keep everyone informed of all things said on X, FB, Instagram, all of it. Otherwise irrelevant, insignificant, mostly dumb things elevated and discussed. The biggest show of shit there could be.

Posted by: Son of Dad at August 02, 2024 06:57 PM (8JB5s)

175 I can't recall, but seems if it was Shapiro, it means they are losing PA.

OTOH, "favored son" as VP has never swung a state. Temporary bump yeah, but, as Trump pointed out, you're voting for President, not the VP.
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 02, 2024 06:55 PM (uPilC)

And whoever's analysis this was,thinks they don't know that?

They know. It iscover. Yet the media will probably announce that the pick of Shapiro wins Kamala PA and the "polls" will reflect it from now until Electile Dysfunction Day.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 06:57 PM (lX8VI)

Kamala the coconut. Brown on the outside white on the inside.
Posted by: Braenyard

Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don't.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 02, 2024 06:58 PM (63Dwl)

177 Okay I will flip flop on the position I recently had on Rittenhouse. I was young and dumb once. Maybe not that dumb though.
Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 06:43 PM (B1dzx)

He is still thinking about Lara Logan's huge cans

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at August 02, 2024 06:58 PM (NtVYv)

178 Biden was making a desperate attempt to defect.

Poor man, confined after the coup, his every movement managed by armed guards and his degenerate family.

Posted by: Kindltot at August 02, 2024 06:58 PM (D7oie)

179 Does that go for everyone or just Rittenhouse?
Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 06:49 PM (B1dzx)

Anyone. Disagree, don’t scold. It’s a bad look
Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 02, 2024 06:53 PM (n048s)

So no criticism even though he's the one who posted to his followers he wasn't voting for Trump . A person along with his son who supported his actions when he was being persecuted.

And sorry it laughable that you say everyone while posting on aos.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 06:58 PM (B1dzx)

180 177 Okay I will flip flop on the position I recently had on Rittenhouse. I was young and dumb once. Maybe not that dumb though.
Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 06:43 PM (B1dzx)

He is still thinking about Lara Logan's huge cans
Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at August 02, 2024 06:58 PM (NtVYv)

Like I said…

Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 06:58 PM (PCK5/)

181 I am sure between Shapiro and the SoS they will have the fraud well planned out.
Not to mention Dominion, I still say I saw Pennsylvania vote counting with multiple negative numbers , as in both candidates had a total, then hundreds or thousands removed, only to start counting up again. Later to do it again.
My belief is they were computer adding but got ahead of themselves as fake ballots were making up the slack of Sundowner being behind.

Posted by: Skip at August 02, 2024 06:59 PM (fwDg9)

182 Posted by: Kindltot at August 02, 2024 06:58 PM (D7oie)

LOL finally the first explanation I can buy

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 06:59 PM (lX8VI)

183 The criticism is that Kamala put black men in prison at a high rate for minor drug offenses when she claims she is the defender of these sort of injustices as a supporter of BLM .
Posted by: polynikes

And I'm saying that's nullifying a more legitimate attack that voters care about. Out of control crime.

The sort of voter that thinks most incarcerated black people are innocent or overcharged, that's not a Trump voter and it never will be.

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2024 07:00 PM (wMRY8)

184 Here's another indication of the state of the race:
Who is campaigning with Kamalalahaha?

So far it's been ... videotaped endorsements.
A rap/rally in Atlanta.
A funeral/rally in Houston.
And zoom calls without her.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 02, 2024 07:00 PM (uPilC)

185 @eyeslasho 10h
The median age of an MSNBC viewer is 70. At Fox News it's 69. Younger people watch CNN (median age 67).

Catturd ™ @catturd2 4h
Legacy fake news will soon be done.
Posted by: andycanuck

This indicates that the cherished age metric that they shoot for doesn't watch at all.
Posted by: Braenyard

The advertisers know this. Look what's advertised on those channels. Reverse mortgages, stiffy pills, Life Alert..... it's almost all aimed at the Social Security set.

Mountain Dew and Axe Body Spray ain't wasting money on MSNBC air time.

Posted by: mikeski at August 02, 2024 07:00 PM (DgGvY)

186 And whoever's analysis this was,thinks they don't know that?

They know. It iscover. Yet the media will probably announce that the pick of Shapiro wins Kamala PA and the "polls" will reflect it from now until Electile Dysfunction Day.
Posted by: ...

If it is Shapiro, he should turn it down. Imagine the welcome he'll get in Dearborn or Little Somalia (Minneapolis), which are the likely first campaign stops he gets.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at August 02, 2024 07:00 PM (VNX3d)

187 It seemed to me his handlers were baffled when he went in the plane but just brazened it out..

Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 07:01 PM (PCK5/)

188 "Trump was racist towards talented black women journalists." and that sort of thing. Umm, no he wasn't. They will play the race and woman card to the hilt. So very tired of it and it's only August.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke

You may be excused from the news but you have no permission to leave here.

Posted by: Braenyard says Biden has an affinity for predators at August 02, 2024 07:01 PM (bm1f0)

189 The CMP just released a tranche of Krag-Jorgensons.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 07:01 PM (d9LQi)

190 Come on. Can we make this one go to the bigtime?

Electile Dysfunction Day

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 07:01 PM (lX8VI)

191 Trump's abuse of the Black woman was met with applause and laughter from the Black crowd.

Posted by: Braenyard says Biden has an affinity for predators at August 02, 2024 07:01 PM (bm1f0)

192 The Trump campaign went to Kyle. That is something the former RNC would never have done.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 02, 2024 07:01 PM (5MvGY)

Definitely keep everyone informed of all things said on X, FB, Instagram, all of it. Otherwise irrelevant, insignificant, mostly dumb things elevated and discussed. The biggest show of shit there could be.
Posted by: Son of Dad

Newton Norman Minow was an American attorney who served as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. He is famous for his 1961 speech referring to television as a "vast wasteland".

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 02, 2024 07:02 PM (63Dwl)

194 Biden walked onto the plane after the prisoners got off

Did he think he was being exchanged to Russia??

The Party Line is that he was "thanking the pilots".

Posted by: The ARC of History! at August 02, 2024 07:02 PM (uxCna)

195 185

The advertisers know this. Look what's advertised on those channels. Reverse mortgages, stiffy pills, Life Alert..... it's almost all aimed at the Social Security set.

Mountain Dew and Axe Body Spray ain't wasting money on MSNBC air time.
Posted by: mikeski at August 02, 2024 07:00 PM (DgGvY)

Yep good point… follow the money trails.. they give the best clues.

Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 07:02 PM (PCK5/)

196 At this point, all explanations are plausible. Wanted to thank the crew, needed to use the lavatory, thought it was AF1, curious about what color the seatbelts were.....
Posted by: mikeski

Ice cream in the galley.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 02, 2024 07:02 PM (XeU6L)

197 Rittenhouse is lucky to not be in prison being pumped full of some hardened felon's seed. I think I can manage without hearing his thoughts about politics. He should find something productive to do that doesn't involve us hearing about him.

Posted by: Dude's Practically a Fetus at August 02, 2024 07:03 PM (MIvVV)

198 So what happens in the election if we have a worldwide financial crash?

Fear and loathing from Wall Street:

>What is going on in Japan has them concerned.

>“They risk massive asset bubble unwinding and it’s happening fast and global.”

>All eyes on Asian markets open this Sunday.

>Expect policy responses from BOJ and frenzied behind the scenes calls between central banks over weekend. The US cant afford a run on markets before elections. Let’s see what transpires over weekend.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 02, 2024 07:03 PM (LkLld)

199 He is still thinking about Lara Logan's huge cans
Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at August 02, 2024 06:58 PM (NtVYv)

I accept that as a legitimate reason.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 07:03 PM (B1dzx)

200 167 Rittenhouse is just a dumb kid.
Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 06:55 PM (PCK5/)

Exactly. (But even a dumb kid, you would think, would grasp that out of three Presidential candidates, two would rather him be in prison for the rest of his days, when the other thinks that self-defense is no crime.)

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at August 02, 2024 07:04 PM (WnmTG)

201 Then there is this whole Middle East thing about to go hotter.

IS getting hotter right now.

Posted by: Constitutionalist at August 02, 2024 07:04 PM (cPGH3)

202 So who is Rittenhouse going to vote for that's better on the 2A? A gay libertarian?

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2024 07:04 PM (wMRY8)

203 As U.S. senator, Harris was one of the earliest sponsors of AOC's "Green New Deal," a dismantling of the U.S. economy under the flag of climate fundamentalism.

Kamala Harris: Just another watermelon San Francisco commie.

Posted by: mrp at August 02, 2024 07:05 PM (rj6Yv)

204 Currently trending on Twitter/X; '#F**k the White Women', which appears to be a sentiment expressed by some of Kamala's female Afro-American allies on how to win whatever office she's currently running for.
I seem to remember something like that from the primaries.
Like how they were pissed that she was polling last in -gasp!- white states.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 02, 2024 07:05 PM (uPilC)

205 "...Kamala Harris is a "moderate" and even a "small-c conservative."


Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at August 02, 2024 07:05 PM (Rbu5d)

206 The CMP just released a tranche of Krag-Jorgensons.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy

Bonus points for using 'tranche'.

Now I'm wondering if there is a collective noun for small arms.


Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 02, 2024 07:05 PM (XeU6L)

207 >Expect policy responses from BOJ and frenzied behind the scenes calls between central banks over weekend. The US cant afford a run on markets before elections. Let’s see what transpires over weekend.
Posted by: JackStraw at August 02, 2024 07:03 PM (LkLld)

There are def some rumblings in the distance. I may be poor in a couple days

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at August 02, 2024 07:05 PM (NtVYv)

208 Fun fact:

Putin greeted the Russians exchanged when their plane arrived in Moscow.

The kids of two Russian spies on the plane had no idea that they were Russian, so Putin spoke to them in Spanish.

And no, Putin did not try to get on the plane.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at August 02, 2024 07:05 PM (uxCna)

209 Good news everyone.

So far for August I have earned 4 cents with Amazon in royalties.

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 02, 2024 07:05 PM (ioD89)

210 206 The CMP just released a tranche of Krag-Jorgensons.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy

Bonus points for using 'tranche'.

Now I'm wondering if there is a collective noun for small arms.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 02, 2024 07:05 PM (XeU6L)

David Hogg….

Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 07:06 PM (PCK5/)

211 I mean really, writing in Ron Paul?! Gimme a break!
Posted by: BetaCuck4Lyfe at August 02, 2024 06:54 PM (9aVck)

A reactionary.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at August 02, 2024 07:06 PM (WnmTG)

212 Trump has likely 1 debate to tell the country what Harris' radical leftist beliefs really are, and where she will take this country. The "media" sure as hell isn't going to do it. I worry greatly that most of America isn't going to hear much of what she really stands for, and what her history already is.

Posted by: Lady in Black at August 02, 2024 07:06 PM (mupln)

213 Bonus points for using 'tranche'.

Now I'm wondering if there is a collective noun for small arms.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 02, 2024 07:05 PM (XeU6L)

David Hogg….
Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 07:06 PM (PCK5/)

"Gee, that's a nice rack!"

Posted by: mrp at August 02, 2024 07:07 PM (rj6Yv)

214 So no criticism even though he's the one who posted to his followers he wasn't voting for Trump . A person along with his son who supported his actions when he was being persecuted.

And sorry it laughable that you say everyone while posting on aos.
Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 06:58 PM (B1dzx)

It’s simple really. I would distinguish between scold and disagree/debate. Karen’s scold… adults disagree and debate. I’m not all worked up about it but I think it would’ve been better to simply list the reasons he was wrong about Trump’s 2A position. But going all “hey he deserves your support”…and with some hostility no less…. it’s just a bad approach. Why try to bully him into charging when you can probably convince him?

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 02, 2024 07:07 PM (xT8gx)

215 "...Kamala Harris is a "moderate" and even a "small-c conservative."

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker

When you think about it, she is. She wants to conserve abortion, gay rights, infinite border crossings by illegals, high crime rates, destructive energy and industry policies, and high taxes.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at August 02, 2024 07:07 PM (VNX3d)

216 How an Elon Musk PAC is using voter data to help Trump beat Harris in 2024 election

Experts say Musk’s ownership of X and the lack of any real guardrails around how he uses it, are a sign the platform could be used by the Tesla boss as a political weapon to take on Harris and Democrats at large with fewer than 100 days left until Election Day.
“I’d say that it is somewhat concerning that the owner of one of the most important social media platforms is openly partisan (rooting for one of the candidates) and is using his platform ... as a vehicle for pursuing his openly partisan ends,” said Matthew Baum, a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, whose research includes studying misinformation.
Baum said such ownership of a social media company like X leaves open the possibility of “capture of a major platform by a partisan actor, who would then be largely free to use the platform as they see fit, regardless of the potential negative social or political consequences.”
“There is a concern that Musk is weaponizing that platform to help his preferred candidate” in Trump, said Weiner.

Posted by: BetaCuck4Lyfe at August 02, 2024 07:08 PM (9aVck)

217 "Good news everyone."
LOL, I used to get royalty checks for amounts smaller than the amount of the postage stamp. I framed a few of them, they're around somewhere...

Posted by: gourmand du jour at August 02, 2024 07:08 PM (MeG8a)

218 Armory - storage of weapons.
Magazine - storage of powder/ammo.

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 02, 2024 07:08 PM (ioD89)

219 201 Then there is this whole Middle East thing about to go hotter.

IS getting hotter right now.
Posted by: Constitutionalist at August 02, 2024 07:04 PM (cPGH3)

We’ll see. The way I see it it’s days ending in -y.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at August 02, 2024 07:08 PM (WnmTG)

220 Posted by: Braenyard says Biden has an affinity for predators at August 02, 2024 07:01 PM (bm1f0)

Well, that's very nice of you. Thanks, even if it does sound a little like a dad and you're way too young to be my dad.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 02, 2024 07:08 PM (dTTBf)

221 Lady in Black, the economy is going to do her in. The media can't save her ass on that one.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 02, 2024 07:08 PM (5MvGY)

222 Rittenhouse is just a dumb kid.
Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 06:55 PM (PCK5/)


He now also has a megaphone and he is using it in a stupid way.

Would we say let the kid be if his vote is the one vote that could have swung it for Trump in his state?

Lastly, you would think he would have wised up a bit after what he went through in court and had some sympathy for Trump in that regard.

No, not giving him any leeway.

Posted by: Decaf at August 02, 2024 07:09 PM (unUNN)

223 Now I'm wondering if there is a collective noun for small arms.
Posted by: Mike Hammer

Like "a parliament of owls?"

Wouldn't there be different collective nouns for different kinds?

A shootout of revolvers.

A driveby of nines.

Posted by: mikeski at August 02, 2024 07:09 PM (DgGvY)

224 220 Posted by: Braenyard says Biden has an affinity for predators at August 02, 2024 07:01 PM (bm1f0)

Well, that's very nice of you. Thanks, even if it does sound a little like a dad and you're way too young to be my dad.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 02, 2024 07:08 PM (dTTBf)

Something something Patriarchy….

Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 07:09 PM (PCK5/)

225 10 i finally started rereading the Lord of the Rings.
It's actually pretty good!
His dialogue is good.
Posted by: ace at August 02, 2024 06:16 PM (KRtlO)

Yes, it is.
the Two Towers is really difficult for me to take in, it's so dark and dismal. Kinda like modern news.

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at August 02, 2024 07:09 PM (Rbu5d)

226 Then there is this whole Middle East thing about to go hotter.

We'll see. Having Khamenei anxiously checking the skies when he was outside at the memorial service was hilarious.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at August 02, 2024 07:09 PM (uxCna)

227 "Gee, that's a nice rack!"
Posted by: mrp

They're stacked!

Well, up until the M14.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 02, 2024 07:09 PM (XeU6L)

228 Good news everyone.
So far for August I have earned 4 cents with Amazon in royalties.
Posted by: Anna Puma

So you can put your two cents in..... for free!

Posted by: mikeski at August 02, 2024 07:10 PM (DgGvY)

229 The Trump campaign went to Kyle. That is something the former RNC would never have done.
Posted by: Ben Had

I just dont think Rittenhouse ever had a following. I always scored it as a really dumb and naive kid thinking he was going to be some hero.

It was ultimately self defense, he should have never been charged, but never thought he was some model of what we should be doing where you go out of your way to insert yourself into an armed conflict.

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2024 07:10 PM (wMRY8)

230 Lady in Black, the economy is going to do her in. The media can't save her ass on that one.
Posted by: Ben Had at August 02, 2024 07:08 PM (5MvGY)


I sure hope so, Ben Had.

Posted by: Lady in Black at August 02, 2024 07:11 PM (mupln)

231 I think I got the angle on the Italian lady boxer who just today apologized to her victor.
The IOC said they would pay her the amount as if she had won (which they did do), but she would have to apologize. That's my theory.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at August 02, 2024 07:11 PM (MeG8a)

232 Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 02, 2024 07:07 PM (xT8gx)

Evidently he was convinced. And you keep saying scold when it was ridicule with the reasons why. Something that is done here at aos everyday.

Have you ever seen reasonable debate here with anyone criticizing Trump much less saying they would not be voting for him?

Rittenhouse was in a gun fight. He can survive 'scolding'. It's part of growing up.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 07:12 PM (B1dzx)

233 So far for August I have earned 4 cents with Amazon in royalties.
Posted by: Anna Puma


Have you considered a mansion in Beverly Hills with a cement pond out back?

Posted by: Lady in Black at August 02, 2024 07:12 PM (mupln)

234 #punchanazi

Posted by: # this at August 02, 2024 07:13 PM (vFG9F)

235 >>I just dont think Rittenhouse ever had a following.

He has over 1 million followers on X alone. He has a following.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 02, 2024 07:13 PM (LkLld)

236 Have you considered a mansion in Beverly Hills with a cement pond out back?

It's only a model. All I can afford.

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 02, 2024 07:13 PM (ioD89)

237 As a candidate, Harris supported abolishing private health insurance -- "Let's eliminate all of that. Let's move on," she told CNN. In addition to nationalizing health care and education, Harris wants the government to control the manufacturing sector, the auto industry, food ... and any industry that emits carbon.

so very conservative.

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at August 02, 2024 07:14 PM (Rbu5d)

238 “There is a concern that Musk is weaponizing that platform to help his preferred candidate” in Trump, said Weiner.
Posted by: BetaCuck4Lyfe at August 02, 2024 07:08 PM (9aVck)


But it's perfectly fine when they do it. Their hypocrisy is oozing all over the place.

Posted by: Decaf at August 02, 2024 07:14 PM (unUNN)

239 20 year olds are idiots. How do you think Bernie got any traction?

Posted by: # this at August 02, 2024 07:15 PM (vFG9F)

240 Wow! Biden didn't stumble and fall when getting on that plane. It's a miracle.

Posted by: Decaf at August 02, 2024 07:15 PM (unUNN)

241 Then there is this whole Middle East thing about to go hotter.

We'll see. Having Khamenei anxiously checking the skies when he was outside at the memorial service was hilarious.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at August 02, 2024 07:09 PM (uxCna)

We've all witnessed how Slow Joe handled the Taliban takeover. I really don't want to see how Kamala would handle Hezbollah and a resurgent Isis. Especially the ones who are already here.

Posted by: mrp at August 02, 2024 07:15 PM (rj6Yv)

242 207 >Expect policy responses from BOJ and frenzied behind the scenes calls between central banks over weekend. The US cant afford a run on markets before elections. Let’s see what transpires over weekend.
Posted by: JackStraw at August 02, 2024 07:03 PM (LkLld)

There are def some rumblings in the distance. I may be poor in a couple days
Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway

Texas, the breadbasket of the GDP is running at 1% tax revenue.
That indicated that the rest of the US in in recession. The NYSE is in free fall.

Aside of the horror economic meetings the Kamala campaign is going to try to pin this on Trump as the economy gets worse and worse and every day items get more and more expensive.

Posted by: Braenyard says Biden has an affinity for predators at August 02, 2024 07:16 PM (bm1f0)

243 20 year olds are idiots. How do you think Bernie got any traction?
Posted by: # this at August 02, 2024 07:15 PM (vFG9F)


Whatever it takes

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 07:16 PM (B1dzx)

244 I am unsure why Trump has not challenged her to three debates rather than being ambiguous regarding one

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at August 02, 2024 07:16 PM (vsXBg)

245 It's not a question about Kyle's opinion. It's that Trump supporters stood up for him and donated to his legal fund. Seems to have been influenced by a Never Trumper that he works with. Trump community felt like he was turning his back on the folks that helped him.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at August 02, 2024 07:17 PM (MdjE1)

246 10 i finally started rereading the Lord of the Rings.
It's actually pretty good!
His dialogue is good.
Posted by: ace at August 02, 2024 06:16 PM (KRtlO)

Yes, it is.
the Two Towers is really difficult for me to take in, it's so dark and dismal. Kinda like modern news.
Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at August 02, 2024 07:09 PM (

I love those books! I’ve read them twice that I remember…. Tolkien was a genius. My only minor quibble is the whole section on Tom Bombadil goes on forever and doesn’t seem to have anything whatsoever to do with the main plot…. I’ll read it again I’m sure

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 02, 2024 07:17 PM (xT8gx)

Something something Patriarchy….
Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 07:09 PM (PCK5/)

Naw; I wouldn't say that. Dads can be great. It's just that Braenard would have to have been born sometime before World War II to be my dad. My dad served in WWII.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 02, 2024 07:17 PM (dTTBf)

248 @BretWeinstein
Dear Democrats. Please snap out of it. This is an emergency.

Bret has been nervous and hopeful, waiting his entire life for crazy people to be sane, and sane people to be crazy. I used to feel sorry for him.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at August 02, 2024 07:17 PM (lhenN)

249 Glad to see ace giving Vivid Prowess some recognition.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 02, 2024 07:17 PM (5MvGY)

250 Kyle learned the bud lite lesson today.

It takes years to build a brand
Seconds to destroy it.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 07:17 PM (d9LQi)

251 He climbed up the big boy stairs all by himself h8ers!

Posted by: haffhowershower at August 02, 2024 07:17 PM (NMT5x)

252 Hey! I asked the pilots to let me take the plane for a spin. They said they would but it was due for an oil change. No kidding. They said come back and they would let me drive tomorrow.

Posted by: Joe Biteum at August 02, 2024 07:18 PM (vFG9F)

253 Marxism is a failed political movement. It's proven over and over to bring nothing but failure and death. Only a complete moron would promote it yet billions do.

[ . . . ]
Posted by: JackStraw at August 02, 2024 06:37 PM (LkLld)

There is an Argentine tech writer named Fabio who had an article with argument that Socialism is only truly socialism when it works, otherwise it is capitalism.

Every socialist/communist character when faced with the harsh facts of reality first claims to be perfect socialism and it works. if we just sacrifice a bit more. Every time someone fails with that system they automatically accused of being a brutal authoritarian who had left the strictures of true socialism behind.

and I have to ask, why is it so hard to be truly socialist, haven't the rules been worked out in the last 200 years?

Posted by: Kindltot at August 02, 2024 07:18 PM (D7oie)

254 I just dont think Rittenhouse ever had a following.

He has over 1 million followers on X alone. He has a following.
Posted by: JackStraw

So you think this is a major blow to Trump's campaign?

I don't

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2024 07:18 PM (wMRY8)

255 I’d say that it is somewhat concerning that the owner of one of the most important social media platforms is openly partisan (rooting for one of the candidates) and is using his platform ... as a vehicle for pursuing his openly partisan ends,” said Matthew Baum, a professor

LMAO love the Babylon Bee

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 07:18 PM (lX8VI)

256 This is the part of a political campaign, getting close to the election, where Democrats have to desperately try to zip their human skin suits up over their enormous lizard snouts.

Posted by: MartynW at August 02, 2024 07:18 PM (sHP7b)

257 I really don't want to see how Kamala would handle Hezbollah and a resurgent Isis.

Considering that Kamala's national security advisor is an Iranian agent, I'm sure she'll do just fine. /s

Posted by: The ARC of History! at August 02, 2024 07:18 PM (uxCna)

258 247
Something something Patriarchy….
Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 07:09 PM (PCK5/)

Naw; I wouldn't say that. Dads can be great. It's just that Braenard would have to have been born sometime before World War II to be my dad. My dad served in WWII.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 02, 2024 07:17 PM (dTTBf)

Aw I know… just having some Fen Fun😉

Posted by: tubal at August 02, 2024 07:19 PM (PCK5/)

259 So you think this is a major blow to Trump's campaign?

I don't

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2024 07:18 PM (wMRY

Not since he changed his position.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 07:19 PM (B1dzx)

260 I really don't want to see how Kamala would handle Hezbollah and a resurgent Isis.

Considering that Kamala's national security advisor is an Iranian agent, I'm sure she'll do just fine. /s
Posted by: The ARC of History!

Kamala would just blow the off.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at August 02, 2024 07:19 PM (VNX3d)

261 14 Pilots halfway across the Atlantic, "do you hear something?"
Posted by: Anna Puma at August 02, 2024 06:17 PM (ioD89)

He can understand all the markings in the plane...those Crylllic words look just like he talks.

Posted by: haffhowershower at August 02, 2024 07:20 PM (NMT5x)

262 >>It's not a question about Kyle's opinion. It's that Trump supporters stood up for him and donated to his legal fund. Seems to have been influenced by a Never Trumper that he works with. Trump community felt like he was turning his back on the folks that helped him.

That's a great point. I be Kamala could whip up a killer Venn diagram that would show the overlap in Trump supporters and Rittenhouse supporters. I remember how much support he got here during the trial.

This might be good for Rittenhouse as well.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 02, 2024 07:20 PM (LkLld)

263 I really don't want to see how Kamala would handle Hezbollah and a resurgent Isis.

Considering that Kamala's national security advisor is an Iranian agent, I'm sure she'll do just fine. /s
Posted by: The ARC of History!

Kamala would just blow them off.
Posted by: Hour of the Wolf

Stupid Auto-Correct.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at August 02, 2024 07:21 PM (VNX3d)

264 177 Okay I will flip flop on the position I recently had on Rittenhouse. I was young and dumb once. Maybe not that dumb though.
Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 06:43 PM (B1dzx)

He is still thinking about Lara Logan's huge cans
Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway

The Power of Bewbs!!

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at August 02, 2024 07:21 PM (FmapG)

265 Make this post go Viral. Share and comment!
Posted by: andycanuck (i0CiB) at August 02, 2024 06:41 PM (i0CiB)

Wow! That lady is pissed!! I passed that video on to 30 others via email. Now I'm pissed.

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy at August 02, 2024 07:21 PM (iODuv)

266 Like I said, the media is going to hide Kamala like the did Joe.
Plus they ate going to lie about her views.

The Trump campaign needs to show video of her espousing her Marxist beliefs.
Just claiming she is soft on crime or the border won't cut it.

Posted by: Erebus- ex-killer whale at August 02, 2024 07:22 PM (elaR+)

267 Aside of the horror economic meetings the Kamala campaign is going to try to pin this on Trump as the economy gets worse and worse and every day items get more and more expensive.
Posted by: Braenyard says Biden has an affinity for predators at August 02, 2024 07:16 PM (bm1f0)

Well, she can always try. Won't work.

Posted by: mrp at August 02, 2024 07:22 PM (rj6Yv)

268 Kamala will keep bowing to the Islamists, paying them off, and when Iran does get a nuke the world will wonder what happened

Posted by: Skip at August 02, 2024 07:22 PM (fwDg9)

269 96 Dear Tensor
I changed the "bikini" prompt to "one piece swimsuit" and now there is even less clothing.
Posted by: Anna Puma

A bikini is two pieces of clothing.

One piece of clothing should obviously cover less.

Posted by: Tensor "AI" at August 02, 2024 06:35 PM (DgGvY)
Define 'piece'.
I remember in a novel someone describing a bikini as 3 strategically placed postage stamps.

Posted by: Ciampino - Fri Update #07 at August 02, 2024 07:22 PM (qfLjt)

'He is still thinking about Lara Logan's huge cans'

And well he might. They were beautiful.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at August 02, 2024 07:22 PM (3wi/L)

271 Or it was a trial balloon to gauge response.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 06:24 PM

Was it full of shit like the ones we send over South Korea?

Posted by: Kim Jong-Un at August 02, 2024 07:23 PM (tBmO2)

272 Cafe Noooooooooooood

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 07:24 PM (d9LQi)

273 The CMP just released a tranche of Krag-Jorgensons.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 07:01 PM (d9LQi)

Great. And I have no money....

Posted by: OrangeEnt at August 02, 2024 07:24 PM (0eaVi)

274 The Rittenhouse thing is so stupid. Who gives a shit who he votes for. It's his choice. He's now a victim of MAGA cancel culture.
Posted by: Mark1971 at August 02, 2024 06:42 PM (xPl2J)

I said it earlier and got a nasty argument out of it - it is an attempt to target and destroy anyone who may wander away from the approved herd to keep others from wandering away as well.

I got asked what about accountability, and my response was that in a witch burning the accused have accountability but the Witchsmeller and the mob with still smoking torches just have to hang their heads and claim to have been acting on principle.

Posted by: Kindltot at August 02, 2024 07:24 PM (D7oie)

275 If, PGBW, Trump manages to prevail over yet another woman there are going to be some that will go stark raving mad with TDS. We may have a serious health crisis on our hands.

Posted by: fd at August 02, 2024 07:24 PM (vFG9F)

276 Ladies and Gentlemen, the Los Angeles Times:

Why California’s surge in immigration is lifting our economy

The immigrants are simply replacing all the people fleeing California, you see.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at August 02, 2024 07:24 PM (uxCna)

277 The Trump campaign needs to show video of her espousing her Marxist beliefs.
Just claiming she is soft on crime or the border won't cut it.
Posted by: Erebus- ex-killer whale

Agreed, I just dont know that far left Marxism is the voter kryptonite it used to be.

But Kamala having an irritating laugh and saying dumb word salad, thats not going to be enough.

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2024 07:24 PM (wMRY8)

278 Back when Kamala was AG of CA she made a bunch of PSA type radio spots in which she described in breathy bedroom voice the appeal of Equity over Equality.
They were about 30 seconds long. Maybe there were a half a dozen of them.
They must be around somewhere.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at August 02, 2024 07:24 PM (MeG8a)

279 Wow! That lady is pissed!! I passed that video on to 30 others via email. Now I'm pissed.
Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy

There's video?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 02, 2024 07:26 PM (XeU6L)

280 The JRB-126 walked up the stairs, and the JRB-127 walked down the stairs.

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at August 02, 2024 07:27 PM (Rbu5d)

281 Her office paid $1.1 million in settlements.

Harassment and retaliation claims during Kamala Harris’ time as California’s top cop led to $1.1...
The California Department of Justice paid more than $1.1 million to settle claims with employees who alleged they were sexually harassed or retaliated against by co-workers during the tenure of...
Posted by: andycanuck (i0CiB) at August 02, 2024 06:52 PM (i0CiB)

Believe all women. Kamala was acting senatorial

Posted by: Kindltot at August 02, 2024 07:28 PM (D7oie)

282 Great. And I have no money....
Posted by: OrangeEnt

I would, but I'm running pretty low on .30-40 ammo.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 02, 2024 07:29 PM (XeU6L)

283 Now I'm wondering if there is a collective noun for small arms.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 02, 2024 07:05 PM

An arsenal!!!!!!!

Posted by: The MSM at August 02, 2024 07:29 PM (Wnv9h)

284 Wow! That lady is pissed!! I passed that video on to 30 others via email. Now I'm pissed.
Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy

There's video?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 02, 2024 07:26 PM (XeU6L)

Yep. Was even posted on the previous thread. I think I was the only one who watched it.

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy at August 02, 2024 07:30 PM (iODuv)

285 Ian Miles Cheong
LEAK: Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker accidentally published this video ahead of schedule. She leaked Kamala Harris' pick for Vice President as Josh Shapiro.
Has anyone asked Rashida or Ilhan what they think of Kamala's fondness of Jewish men?

Posted by: Eeyore at August 02, 2024 07:30 PM (1bNHn)

286 94...And I'm not so sure she'll be pushed to the side. She's pliable and incredibly stupid... but not brain dead.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at August 02, 2024 06:34 PM (Q4IgG)

Stupid? maybe.
But certainly incredibly cruel, arrogant, calculating, and a 'true believer' Marxist.

She's not Chauncy Gardner. She's not to be underestimated. She didn't get to where she is by being stupid. (yes, even l'affair Willy was calculated...)

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at August 02, 2024 07:31 PM (Rbu5d)

287 An arsenal!!!!!!!
Posted by: The MSM
[slaps head]
Of course.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 02, 2024 07:31 PM (XeU6L)

288 Wow! That lady is pissed!! I passed that video on to 30 others via email. Now I'm pissed.
The Café is nood to help you calm down.

Posted by: andycanuck (i0CiB) at August 02, 2024 07:31 PM (i0CiB)

289 Communism doesn't last and it always fails in a spectacular way, but along the ride the elite get fabulous wealthy and powerful.
Posted by: JackStraw at August 02, 2024 06:45 PM (LkLld)


I see a miscalculation on the part of the WEF habitués. Can't they see that they are richer from their investments in capitalism than are Russian oligarchs who robbed the Soviet Union as it went down?

Posted by: Decaf at August 02, 2024 07:32 PM (unUNN)

290 Now I'm wondering if there is a collective noun for small arms.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 02, 2024 07:05 PM (XeU6L)

I think it is "stand"

Posted by: Kindltot at August 02, 2024 07:33 PM (D7oie)

291 10 i finally started rereading the Lord of the Rings.

It's actually pretty good!

His dialogue is good.
Posted by: ace at August 02, 2024 06:16 PM (KRtlO)
What are you? Some kind of weird far right deplorable?

Posted by: Eeyore, the weird donkey at August 02, 2024 07:34 PM (1bNHn)

292 Posted by: Kindltot at August 02, 2024 07:24 PM (D7oie)

Who pray tell can we criticize or ridicule then? This is probably the most important election in our history and you are ironically scolding people who are criticizing someone who is voting to destroy the country. Brilliant.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 07:34 PM (B1dzx)

293 19 I love the Kamala was a prosecutor
So are those Soro DAs who let hard criminals out of jail
Posted by: Skip

We need to pick a lane.

I hear people say her big issue is she put too many people in jail.

I think the last thing you want to do is say any Democrat is too tough on crime.
Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2024 06:19 PM (wMRY
Or was she just too tough on the innocent?

Posted by: Eeyore, the weird donkey at August 02, 2024 07:35 PM (1bNHn)

294 Or was she just too tough on the innocent?
Posted by: Eeyore, the weird donkey at August 02, 2024 07:35 PM (1bNHn)

Tough on those J6 criminals !!

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 07:37 PM (B1dzx)

295 I see a miscalculation on the part of the WEF habitués. Can't they see that they are richer from their investments in capitalism than are Russian oligarchs who robbed the Soviet Union as it went down?
Posted by: Decaf at August 02, 2024 07:32 PM (unUNN)

Mostly they ARE the ones who robbed the Soviet Union as it went down.
That's why they hate Putin, he made them stop and started trying to claw back the funds

Posted by: Kindltot at August 02, 2024 07:40 PM (D7oie)

296 Who pray tell can we criticize or ridicule then? This is probably the most important election in our history and you are ironically scolding people who are criticizing someone who is voting to destroy the country. Brilliant.
Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 07:34 PM (B1dzx)

anyone, but welcome them back if the stop being an asshat.

Posted by: Kindltot at August 02, 2024 07:41 PM (D7oie)

297 Mao wanted to be unburdened by the pillars of China.
The family. The dynasty. The religion. and The Tribes.

Lenin needed to be unburdened by the Romanoff's and thus to Europe. To the 3rd century of Western Civilization that would free a slave world (serfs).

Hitler needed to be unburdened by a class of educated merchants and scholars so that society could be changed overnight.
Posted by: rhennigantx at August 02, 2024 06:52 PM (gbOdA)

The Czars freed the serfs. The Communists made farmers serfs again because if they didn't everyone would move to a city and the entire country would starve.

Farming is a decent living in a country with money. In a Communist state its a death sentence as everyone needs food and lots of it.

Posted by: Oldcat at August 02, 2024 08:42 PM (n7h9X)

298 anyone, but welcome them back if they stop being an asshat.
Catturd ™ @catturd2 14m
I was harder on you than anyone - but I can't hold a grudge when a man apologizes.

Just remember, when it was political poison to take your side, Trump and MAGA was there for you during your lowest point.

Posted by: andycanuck (i0CiB) at August 02, 2024 09:17 PM (i0CiB)

299 Makes me wonder what the Democratic National Convention is going to look like in 2 weeks.

Posted by: Nightwatch at August 02, 2024 09:48 PM (TDvv2)

300 Old people like Biden sometimes just wander off and get lost. Happens all the time: 'missing, last seen...'

Posted by: jillyjilly at August 03, 2024 04:35 AM (X+Ls2)

301 ZQpODtFiGswHg

Posted by: UdbhklvxVWgTrq at August 06, 2024 09:03 PM (HVzni)

302 AEpyORwY

Posted by: aEkUbzRLMFyqJ at August 11, 2024 06:34 AM (NtSwH)

303 IxdmafJFj

Posted by: QcKbBrlkI at August 15, 2024 10:31 AM (GgdIu)


Posted by: OxlpPfBEK at August 16, 2024 07:50 AM (od3B8)

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