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Daily Tech News 15 June 2024

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Disclaimer: Welcome to Dystopias R Us. Do you have your receipt?

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 04:00 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 G'Day everyone

Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 04:02 AM (fwDg9)

2 Howdy, all!

Thanks for tech goodies, Pixy!

Posted by: JQ at June 15, 2024 04:04 AM (njWTi)

3 Working in a Internet business, I think a fairly big operation

Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 04:08 AM (fwDg9)

4 The answer is:


Posted by: Deep Thought at June 15, 2024 04:15 AM (njWTi)

5 The giant bird story is interesting

Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 04:23 AM (fwDg9)

Koo? Koo buried.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 04:33 AM (xG4kz)

The giant bird story is interesting
Posted by: Skip

If you find the green greasy turds from Canada Geese on your lawn irritating, just imagine what a seven foot tall avian pal of said Canadian Goose would leave for you.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 04:35 AM (xG4kz)

Not Canadian, Canada Goose.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 04:36 AM (xG4kz)

Back to sleep ...

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 04:37 AM (xG4kz)

10 I am thinking of coffee

Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 04:39 AM (fwDg9)

Suck my semen stick!

Posted by: ADM Scott at June 15, 2024 04:44 AM (0efI1)

12 Microsoft yanked Recall from the upcoming Copilot launch next week until they can figure how to copy Apple getting praised for launching essentially thing in their next major release.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 04:47 AM (fuTvC)

13 In the Turing test results, the actual human was judged to be human only 67% of the time well Chat GPT4 was judged to be human 54% of the time. I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere to be had about politicians and lawyers but I can't quite put my finger on it yet.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 04:52 AM (fuTvC)

14 I am thinking of coffee
Posted by: Skip

I judge this comment to be not lawyer.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 04:58 AM (fuTvC)

15 Suck my semen stick!
Posted by: ADM Scott

I judge this comment to be politician, Democrat specifically.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 04:59 AM (fuTvC)

16 A single modern AI GPU can use 3.7MWh of power per year.

How many Pete Buttigieg imaginary EV car charging stations Is this equal to? Your answer can be expressed in gallons of diesel fuel or in acres of farmland dedicated to solar panels used to generate the electricity.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 05:08 AM (fuTvC)

17 I am not convinced I should have got up

Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 05:10 AM (fwDg9)


My Methane Engenders Enucleatidies!

Posted by: ADM Scott at June 15, 2024 05:11 AM (0efI1)

19 Well I guess I'm officially a resident of TN now.

TN drivers license..check
Voted in a TN election..check
Finally got a TN license plate for the car thus making separation from OH permanent

Today is Magna Carta Day. It's also National Prune Day

Posted by: Tuna at June 15, 2024 05:12 AM (oaGWv)

20 Morning, 'rons and 'ettes.

Posted by: olddog in mo at June 15, 2024 05:16 AM (eBi0N)


License plate prune tuna...License plate prune tuna... Initiate!

Posted by: ADM Scott at June 15, 2024 05:17 AM (0efI1)

22 Now much better-preserved examples have been found.

"It's a goose."

...Admiral Ackbar...

Posted by: Bruce at June 15, 2024 05:21 AM (KBZ5e)

23 Congratulations, Tuna!

Posted by: Notsothoreau at June 15, 2024 05:21 AM (xjTDL)

24 On the goose story "The birds are thought to have been eaten into extinction, with climate change hastening their demise."

HA!!! I knew when I first started reading the article of a bird that went extinct tens of thousands of years ago, that somehow Klimate Khange would get the blame.

Damn Aussies and their Utes. Driving around when they should have been using electric cars.

Posted by: Bruce at June 15, 2024 05:29 AM (KBZ5e)

25 How many Pete Buttigieg imaginary EV car charging stations Is this equal to? Your answer can be expressed in gallons of diesel fuel or in acres of farmland dedicated to solar panels used to generate the electricity.
Posted by: Alteria Pilgram

Lots, at a cool billion dollars a station

Posted by: Bruce at June 15, 2024 05:32 AM (KBZ5e)

26 I dumped NatGeo years ago due to every issue had to go Global warming somewhere in it

Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 05:32 AM (fwDg9)

27 I dumped NatGeo years ago due to every issue had to go Global warming somewhere in it
Posted by: Skip

In general, the writing had gotten pretty poor in the mag.

Posted by: Bruce at June 15, 2024 05:36 AM (KBZ5e)

28 The Virgin Galactic Unity spaceship took its final flight on June 8th. This is the spaceship that was used so Sir Richard Branson could declare himself Space Cadet 01 during the first fully manned flight in July 2021. This program and the various Unity launches have been performed at the New Mexico spaceport which is located about 25 mi due east of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. The first launch was live streamed at the Rio Grande Theater in Las Cruces with awesome swag being handed out. As is typical for how things are done here in New Mexico, the State built the spaceport without lining up any customers for it; a case of believing if you build it they will come. There was much moaning and bitching when no customers came.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 05:38 AM (fuTvC)

29 "HA!!! I knew when I first started reading the article of a bird that went extinct tens of thousands of years ago, that somehow Klimate Khange would get the blame."

I thought the same. Climate change and those damned hoomans went and ate the birds' eggs thus dooming them to extinction.

Humans. Is there anything they can't do?

Posted by: Tuna at June 15, 2024 05:42 AM (oaGWv)

30 I dumped NatGeo years ago due to every issue had to go Global warming somewhere in it
Posted by: Skip

In general, the writing had gotten pretty poor in the mag.
Posted by: Bruce

I stopped having any interest in National Geographic magazine as soon as I discovered there were better places to see porn.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 05:44 AM (fuTvC)

31 Evening and morning to all the AoSHQ Saturday satellites!

'Tis hot (I haven't looked it up, but I know it is) and dreary, the more so since I have to go out in it to wash the car and other errands. Still, you know, Saturday, so that's good.

National Geographic still, as far as I know, has fantastic photography to offset the wokeism. Not worth subscribing, but if I find an old issue in an antique store and there's at least one interesting article, I'll go for it.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 15, 2024 05:56 AM (omVj0)

32 11 1/2 lb doggie is keeps inching over gradually pushing me out of bed. It's like he's saying "If you want to be up this early you can go elsewhere."

Posted by: Tuna at June 15, 2024 05:57 AM (oaGWv)

33 National Geographic still, as far as I know, has fantastic photography to offset the wokeism. Not worth subscribing, but if I find an old issue in an antique store and there's at least one interesting article, I'll go for it.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius

Plus the naked aborigines. Go ahead, admit it.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 05:58 AM (fuTvC)

34 Good morning morons

I achieved 6 hours sleep with the help of diphenhydramine. Today is a good day.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 05:59 AM (RIvkX)

35 The annual Las Cruces June climate change catastrophe continues on for another week with temperatures projected to be around 105° everyday. But it's dry heat so it's good right?

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 06:00 AM (fuTvC)

36 I achieved 6 hours sleep with the help of diphenhydramine. Today is a good day.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 05:59 AM (RIvkX)

Great stuff. Zero side effects to. About ten minutes in to reading the paper describing the synthesis of it, you're out like a light!

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 15, 2024 06:02 AM (BpZ5k)

37 In the ChatGPT/human test, were the test-takers allowed to ask anything they wanted? If they asked something that was outside the pre-programmed "woke/PC" parameters of the machine, it would have come back with "It's not really a good idea to ask about such things, Dave." And they'd have known.

Of course, they probably weren't allowed to go off the reservation, and the human respondent would have been instructed to answer the same way.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 15, 2024 06:02 AM (omVj0)

38 I achieved 6 hours sleep with the help of diphenhydramine. Today is a good day.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 05:59 AM (RIvkX)
Great stuff. Zero side effects to. About ten minutes in to reading the paper describing the synthesis of it, you're out like a light!
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 15, 2024

Yeah, I used to use that stuff. Now it makes me wake up every ninety minutes to hit the head. I shifted to Unisom, which does not have that in it, plus melatonin and magnesium.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 15, 2024 06:03 AM (omVj0)

39 Plus the naked aborigines. Go ahead, admit it.
Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024

Unless the abos look like the young Raquel Welch, no!

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 15, 2024 06:04 AM (omVj0)

40 HA!!! I knew when I first started reading the article of a bird that went extinct tens of thousands of years ago, that somehow Klimate Khange would get the blame.

Climate change itself is real, it’s the idea that humans drive it that’s Orwellian and stupid. That’s why it’s become the preferred media terminology.

Similarly, the article on India’s Twitter clone Koo blames its demise on it being friendly to Modi (who is described as a scary right winger) and the platform allowing people to criticize women. Everything is biased.

Posted by: Ian S. at June 15, 2024 06:04 AM (FD5dr)

41 We have 2 fantastic days of weather here in mid Atlantic area, should do outside stuff

Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 06:04 AM (fwDg9)

42 The Dude Abides.

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 06:05 AM (ENQN6)

43 Yeah, I used to use that stuff. Now it makes me wake up every ninety minutes to hit the head. I shifted to Unisom, which does not have that in it, plus melatonin and magnesium.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 15, 2024 06:03 AM (omVj0)

Melatonin has the opposite effect on me. I wish I could use it. I've been using diphenhydramine so long I don't think it has any effect any longer.

Posted by: Tuna at June 15, 2024 06:07 AM (oaGWv)

44 Today will be sunny, breezy high of 70. I worked every day this week and still have a sleep deficit I intend to correct this afternoon.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 06:07 AM (RIvkX)

45 I've never been a napper. Unless I'm ill or hungover, i really can't sleep in the middle of the day. I envy nappers.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 15, 2024 06:11 AM (BpZ5k)

46 I gave both magnesium and melatonin very long trials and after initial success found no sustained improvement. Glad they work for you Wolfus

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 06:11 AM (RIvkX)

47 Subbing for stronk FJB, VP Kamala is headed off to Europe for the big what the hell do we do with Ukraine gab fest. Apparently FJB is so stronk that he's being left behind so he can go on a barnstorming campaign tour or some other bullshit. I sort of think the Europeans demanded he be left behind because they didn't want to be responsible for him wandering off and getting permanently lost while at the summit. Or his handlers needed the time to do a complete blood transfusion to get him ready for the debate in a few days.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 06:11 AM (fuTvC)

48 I've got a little project I'm renting a digger for today. Rained overnight so the ground is a little soft, but it's going to be beautiful today. Couldn't have asked for better luck.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 15, 2024 06:12 AM (BpZ5k)

49 ". . . the first Australians stole and ate the eggs of Genyornis. Together, these factors were enough to drive the species into extinction, ending a lineage that had lasted for tens of millions of years."

No other species had stolen the giant goose's eggs before that? There were small dinosaurs called Oviraptor, named because they was what they did, steal eggs. Didn't AU have anything like that before humans arrived?

I don't doubt that the abos stole the creatures' eggs, but can the beasts' demise be laid primarily to human depredation?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 15, 2024 06:13 AM (omVj0)

50 >>>The Australian bird - seven feet tall and weighing over five hundred pounds - ... It's a goose.


Posted by: m at June 15, 2024 06:14 AM (NHMTR)

51 I achieved 6 hours sleep with the help of diphenhydramine. Today is a good day.
Posted by: San Franpsycho

Prescription or OTC? If OTC what's the brand name?.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 06:14 AM (fuTvC)

52 I gave both magnesium and melatonin very long trials and after initial success found no sustained improvement. Glad they work for you Wolfus
Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024

I think the Unisom is making a big improvement for me too. Got to buy some more today.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 15, 2024 06:14 AM (omVj0)

53 Some people say it's napping, I think with me its just more disordered sleep pattern. Because Imma have three cups of coffee and then go back to sleep for another 90 minutes.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 06:15 AM (RIvkX)

54 Seriously, fuck these cretins and mutants making a show of wringing their hands over Ukraine while profiting off their dithering.

The options on the table are the exact same as they were when the invasion started. Stay the fuck out of it, or get in there and ruin Russia's whole day. One or the other. And frankly, it's a just a little bit late for the latter.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 15, 2024 06:15 AM (BpZ5k)

55 I achieved 6 hours sleep with the help of diphenhydramine. Today is a good day.
Posted by: San Franpsycho
Prescription or OTC? If OTC what's the brand name?.
Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024

Most of the OTC products called "sleep aid" have diphen in them. They put it in a lot of PM cold and flu meds too.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 15, 2024 06:15 AM (omVj0)

56 Prescription or OTC? If OTC what's the brand name?.
Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 06:14 AM (fuTvC)
Just the Walgreen's store label stuff. I think its labeled "allergy relief"

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 06:16 AM (RIvkX)

57 I don't doubt that the abos stole the creatures' eggs, but can the beasts' demise be laid primarily to human depredation?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 15, 2024 06:13 AM (omVj0)

And then paleolithic Elon Musk brought them Starpapyrus with doodles of titties and dicks on them and they all fapped themselves into extinction.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 15, 2024 06:17 AM (BpZ5k)

58 Most of the OTC products called "sleep aid" have diphen in them. They put it in a lot of PM cold and flu meds too.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius

Thanks. Things were so much easier when "diet pills" and Quaaludes were as easy to get as lifesaver mints.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 06:18 AM (fuTvC)

g'mornin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at June 15, 2024 06:20 AM (tljrc)

60 I don't get long enough sleep so when that happens start napping. Haven't in a couple weeks I think

Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 06:21 AM (fwDg9)

61 I haven't thought of Quaalude in years

Gee the 70s were fun. Sad but fun.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 06:21 AM (RIvkX)

Good morning, Hordians. Slept badly last night. I had hurt my hip in the course of yesterday's labors and could not get comfortable or roll over easily. Got up at 4:00 and found I'd put on a pound.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 15, 2024 06:22 AM (MoZTd)

I wonder what the rule is for this:

I left my incredibly cheap cell phone outside late yesterday and a torrential rain storm passed through. About an hour later wife found phone outside and brought it inside.

It works fine this morning. A few hiccups. What if it had been an expensive phone? Ruined?

Posted by: Divide by Zero at June 15, 2024 06:22 AM (RKVpM)

64 It works fine this morning. A few hiccups. What if it had been an expensive phone? Ruined?
Posted by: Divide by Zero at June 15, 2024 06:22 AM (RKVpM)
What did your wife say when she found your phone in the rain?

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 06:25 AM (RIvkX)

65 Since Oakland announced it was recasting itself as a Mad Max theme park the unemployment rate has plummeted to zero since everybody in town was qualified to be a cast member and was immediately hired. To pay for the sudden increase in government salaries the Oakland city council is considering sacking and looting San Francisco.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 06:25 AM (fuTvC)

66 G'morning, all.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 15, 2024 06:26 AM (a1415)

Thanks. Things were so much easier when "diet pills" and Quaaludes were as easy to get as lifesaver mints.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 06:18 AM

The communists discovered that women would pop a 'lude and have incredibly satisfying sex with a man which would lead to a satisfying long term relationship for both parties.

Can't have that.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at June 15, 2024 06:26 AM (RKVpM)

What did your wife say when she found your phone in the rain?

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 06:25 AM

To herself? Probably, "Dumb ass."

I was sitting outside, grabbed my stuff, got distracted, showered and made dinner. Completely forgot it.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at June 15, 2024 06:28 AM (RKVpM)

69 It works fine this morning. A few hiccups. What if it had been an expensive phone? Ruined?
Posted by: Divide by Zero at June 15, 2024 06:22 AM (RKVpM)
What did your wife say when she found your phone in the rain?
Posted by: San Franpsycho

What I'd like to know is what she said when she you found you laying next to the phone out in the yard. Ask her your original question. Most expensive phones are very water resistant.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 06:29 AM (fuTvC)

70 A cool 63 degrees and slight breeze

Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 06:30 AM (fwDg9)

This phone is a Consumer Cellular super special deal. I think I paid less then forty bucks for it. Sure it snoops on me, they all do.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at June 15, 2024 06:31 AM (RKVpM)

72 7
The giant bird story is interesting
Posted by: Skip

If you find the green greasy turds from Canada Geese on your lawn irritating, just imagine what a seven foot tall avian pal of said Canadian Goose would leave for you.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 04:35 AM (xG4kz)
Imagine the Xmas Bird to carve.

Posted by: Ciampino - Drumsticks and Wings at June 15, 2024 06:31 AM (qfLjt)

73 Wife says it drizzle for a little but we got no measurable rain, will water tje garden today. Do have sticks everywhere to clean up

Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 06:34 AM (fwDg9)

74 It increasingly looks as if the British are going to vote for an actual opposition party b"h.

I wish we had an opposition party.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 06:35 AM (RIvkX)

75 Did the abos have weapons that would kill those adult birds? Or was it mostly the egg-stealing, and maybe ambushing the young birds before they grew to 500 lbs.?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 15, 2024 06:35 AM (omVj0)

76 16
.... gallons of diesel fuel or in acres of farmland dedicated to solar panels used to generate the electricity.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 05:08 AM (fuTvC)
gallons of diesel fuel or in acres of farmland dedicated to shattered solar panels which HAD BEEN used to generate electricity.

Posted by: Ciampino - HAIL r Us at June 15, 2024 06:36 AM (qfLjt)

77 May we all have a boring, uninteresting day.

Posted by: Eromero at June 15, 2024 06:36 AM (o2ZRX)

78 Did the abos have weapons that would kill those adult birds? Or was it mostly the egg-stealing, and maybe ambushing the young birds before they grew to 500 lbs.?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius,

Birds are structurally put together by committee meaning they fall apart instantly when you hit them. I think even at 500 lb one good shot in the head with a rock and you had an instant buffalo wings for a month.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 06:38 AM (fuTvC)

79 Finished a pipe, am now having breakfast for some energy to wash the car &c. Yes, I fed the Giant Kittens, and they are now relaxing. That's their primary work, relaxing and looking handsome/cute, etc.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 15, 2024 06:38 AM (omVj0)

I just checked, empty bucket left outside has two inches of rainfall in it. First cucumber is short but really girthy. Damn deer pulled one plant out of the ground already. Bastids.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at June 15, 2024 06:38 AM (RKVpM)

81 It's starting to get light here already. I hate summer, at least here. I like it when dawn comes about 7 am and dusk happens about 5 pm.

The giant birds . . . what if they were still running around in remote corners of AU today, or in the 19th century? Quigley Down Under meets The Valley of Gwangi!

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 15, 2024 06:42 AM (omVj0)

82 Birdbath status?

Posted by: Just Wondering at June 15, 2024 06:43 AM (dg+HA)

83 I don't have to contend with deer in my garden, just raccoons and rats.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 06:44 AM (RIvkX)

84 "To kill the competition, bacteria throw pieces of dead viruses at them"

That's quite a headline. I didn't even read the article because the headline is so good. I didn't want to ruin it.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 06:44 AM (fuTvC)

85 mornin yall. According to the Experts, El Nino is dead.

'The loss of El Niño will also have major ramifications in the Atlantic Ocean and is one major reason experts are calling for a hyperactive hurricane season."

Like the Experts tell us every year, it's going to be the worst hurricane season ever. It occurs to me that "Heat Dome Hurricane" would be a good name for a band.

Posted by: fd at June 15, 2024 06:44 AM (vFG9F)

Busy day ahead. Washing the bed sheets right now so that Her Majesty can come home and collapse on a clean, freshly made bed. Making a pot of soup. Dusting the living room. Cleaning the kitchen and utility room.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 15, 2024 06:45 AM (MoZTd)

Doggo is getting agitated for me to get moving so she will get her first walk of the day. Try as we might, we cannot get her to stop fussing ahead of that event's official 7:00 start time.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 06:45 AM (xG4kz)

88 The usual weight of a fine thunder goose is five or six hundred pounds, but it is scarcely credible how far this weight may be increased, by cramming the birds with bean-meal, and other fattening diet. It some places it is customary to nail them to the floor by the webs of the feet, to prevent any possibility of action, and thus to fatten them the more readily.

Posted by: Thunder Goose Facts at June 15, 2024 06:48 AM (vFG9F)

"To kill the competition, bacteria throw pieces of dead viruses at them"

I'll bet that they have not got the throwing arm that G'pa ShitzenGiggles has!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 06:49 AM (xG4kz)

90 I read somewhere that dogs tell time by how scent changes. For example, when a person leaves the house, his scent is very strong and has a predictable intensity decay that dogs can understand. It's a wacky theory but it sounds plausible. Then again I get sucked into three-card money all the time.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 06:50 AM (fuTvC)

Thanks, Amazon Music. They have available for streaming Swan Lake, conducted by Anatole Fistoulari and the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic. In this recording Fistoulari opened out all the whacks and chops he made in the London Symphony version. But Amazon only has available the first two (of four) acts. Assholes.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 15, 2024 06:50 AM (MoZTd)

92 AI can suck my dick. Anybody who believes AI is real is a fool.

Let's put together some nifty algorithms and call it something special to gain grants and funding.

Real intelligence will be silicon-based and want to eat a carbon-based parasite.

When I eat viagra, my boner is artificial.

Okay, not really.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at June 15, 2024 06:51 AM (dmXQN)

93 A man from TX who didn't have a good father- but finally good stepfather /reflects on God the father who wants to be part of our lives and loves us Scripture is 1st John 3:1-3:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 15, 2024 06:53 AM (20pis)

94 Damn deer pulled one plant out of the ground already. Bastids.
Posted by: Divide by Zero

The little urban area where I live is packed with avid and enthusiastic deer hunters, yet deer are a common sight on the streets here even as early as the afternoon hours. They are unafraid, and will even trot along beside traffic without a care in the world (while the drivers are gripping the wheels with white knuckles in case that deer or one yet to emerge may decide to charge into their lane). As I've noted here before, USFWS introduced coyotes here to cull the deer population, with the result that we now have lots of coyote, and arguably even more deer - a picture-perfect example of federal intervention and what one ends up with.

Posted by: John Drake, The Kopet Dag Behind Him, Is Within Yards Of The Caspian Sea at June 15, 2024 06:53 AM (u/Zei)

95 "The loss of El Niño will also have major ramifications in the Atlantic Ocean and is one major reason experts are calling for a hyperactive hurricane season.

Oceans are incredibly slow to cool, especially since about 90% of the world’s excess heat produced by burning planet-heating fossil fuels are stored in them."

Wow, that sounds BAD.

"CNN’s Laura Paddison contributed to this report."

Oh, never mind.

Posted by: fd at June 15, 2024 06:53 AM (vFG9F)

96 Deer are lean and tender and if prepared properly, delicious.

I would recommend a crossbow for close proximity steaks and stew meat.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at June 15, 2024 06:58 AM (dmXQN)

97 Thanks, Amazon Music. They have available for streaming Swan Lake, conducted by Anatole Fistoulari and the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic. In this recording Fistoulari opened out all the whacks and chops he made in the London Symphony version. But Amazon only has available the first two (of four) acts. Assholes.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

Listening to London version. That Act 1 Intro is played with balls.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 06:59 AM (fuTvC)

Oceans are incredibly slow to cool, especially since about 90% of the world’s excess heat produced by burning planet-heating fossil fuels are stored in them.

I saw an interesting graphic on Twitter recently; all of the oceans content represented by a golf ball, the earths surface a basketball.

Sure water covers more then 2/3rds the planets surface, but it's really not that much in comparison to terra firma.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at June 15, 2024 06:59 AM (RKVpM)

99 64 It works fine this morning. A few hiccups. What if it had been an expensive phone? Ruined?
Posted by: Divide by Zero at June 15, 2024 06:22 AM (RKVpM)
What did your wife say when she found your phone in the rain?

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 06:25 AM (RIvkX)
Someone left the phone out in the rain
I don't think that I can take it
'Cause it took so long to make it

Posted by: Zombie Richard Harris at June 15, 2024 06:59 AM (qfLjt)

... a picture-perfect example of federal intervention and what one ends up with.

What this country needs is a National Expert Preserve -- a large and electrically fenced in area somewhere in one of the badlands of our west or Nevada's Great Basin. Into this we would pour all the "experts" whose "solutions" made a problem worse than it was. They'd be sentenced to life in the Preserve, with death as the penalty should they escape.

Live with your own brilliant ideas, a-holes.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 07:00 AM (xG4kz)

101 internal memos from the Department of Transportation say the delay is in large part a result of the White House’s diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

"These requirements are screwing everything up," said one senior Department of Transportation staffer

It is the plan. DEI reward failure. DEI Didnt Earn It.

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 07:01 AM (ENQN6)

Someone left the phone out in the rain
I don't think that I can take it
'Cause it took so long to make it

Posted by: Zombie Richard Harris at June 15, 2024 06:59 AM

'MacArthur Park' was actually written by Jimmy Webb, an amazing songwriter. How the same person can write a song like 'Wichita Lineman' and 'MacArthur Park' boggles my very small mind.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at June 15, 2024 07:04 AM (RKVpM)

"These requirements are screwing everything up," said one senior Department of Transportation staffer.[/ii]

Hey, it takes time to create an equitable and suitably diverse committee to decide what the pronouns will be for each and every charging station that will be built!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 07:05 AM (xG4kz)

104 82 Birdbath status?

Posted by: Just Wondering at June 15, 2024 06:43 AM (dg+HA)
This prompted me to as what size of birdbath would be needed for that Australian goose?

Posted by: Ciampino - maybe they were carnivors? at June 15, 2024 07:05 AM (qfLjt)

105 Fat Deer and Elk are excellent, but they tend towards ultra-lean. Fats and protein are where its at in terms of health and survival. Lewis and Clark expedition nearly starved at certain points during the epic trek. Many other examples abound of parties in the wilderness trying to get enough food. Lewis said every member was eating 7 to 10 pounds of lean meat and were wasting away and getting sick.

Posted by: Common Tater at June 15, 2024 07:06 AM (zquRj)

106 A couple of my spackle pans are in bed of my truck, barely wet

Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 07:06 AM (fwDg9)

Spackle puns? Trot them out, why doncha?

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 07:08 AM (xG4kz)

108 $45 BILLION for High Speed Internet in 2021 has connected exactly ZERO people.

Now only $499 for the Starlink Kit plus 1200 per year.

500 plus 3600 is 4100.

45000000000 / 4100=10,975,609

Would could have already connected 11 Million families.

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 07:08 AM (ENQN6)

109 82 Birdbath status?

Posted by: Just Wondering at June 15, 2024 06:43 AM (dg+HA)

500 Lb killer goose has crushed it.

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 07:09 AM (ENQN6)

110 Hey, it takes time to create an equitable and suitably diverse committee to decide what the pronouns will be for each and every charging station that will be built!
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 07:05 AM (xG4kz)

How about plus and minus

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 07:09 AM (ENQN6)

111 84
Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 06:44 AM (fuTvC)
Interesting article, thanks.

Posted by: Ciampino - dog eat dog at June 15, 2024 07:11 AM (qfLjt)

112 $45 BILLION for High Speed Internet in 2021 has connected exactly ZERO people.

Now only $499 for the Starlink Kit plus 1200 per year.

500 plus 3600 is 4100.

45000000000 / 4100=10,975,609

Would could have already connected 11 Million families.
Posted by: rhennigantx

Irrefutable logic. Cell phone internet is an extremely good option.
It would be interesting to know how much it would cost to extend that across the country as a primary option. I can see where this would not be viable in extremely rural areas.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 07:11 AM (fuTvC)

113 Billions for High speed internet no one gets, billions for EV charging stations that never get built.
See a pattern?

Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 07:12 AM (fwDg9)

114 A buddy of mine was able to procure some deer meat that was pretty much identical tasting to good beef. Were I served it in a restaurant, not sure I could tell the difference right away. Ordinarily though, most of the deer meat I have eaten has a certain wang to it, and most definitely on the lean side.

It always needs to have fat mixed in when making deer sausage or burger or whatever. Recall in the past, in wartime, fats and oils are rationed, and they start inventing or diverting bearing grease lubricants for human consumption. Hydrogenation is a way of getting edible fats from things that aren't ordinarily a cooking oil.

A veggie diet can't sustain a party of explorers, or anything else. There's no way, the exertion levels are too high for people who 'work for a living'. Heavy exertion might need 3000 to 4000 kilocalories daily.

Posted by: Common Tater at June 15, 2024 07:12 AM (zquRj)

If'n you don't want tread marks on your precious rainbow crosswalks, then do not put them on a street on which wheeled vehicles travel.


Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 07:12 AM (xG4kz)

116 Yonder Horde

Gonna' be a hot one today.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 15, 2024 07:15 AM (Q4IgG)

Tread Marks Matter

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 07:15 AM (xG4kz)

118 Any mention of MacArthur Park is always a good excuse to post this segment from SCTV (keep an eye on the woman at stage right):

Posted by: John Drake, The Kopet Dag Behind Him, Is Within Yards Of The Caspian Sea at June 15, 2024 07:16 AM (u/Zei)

119 Billions for High speed internet no one gets, billions for EV charging stations that never get built.
See a pattern?
Posted by: Skip

It all sort of reeks of major bribery payments being made with the public money to ensure loyalty to the Democrat Party. That FJB is responsible for this bribery money laundering scheme is not surprising; it's the one thing he's good at doing.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 07:17 AM (fuTvC)

120 > Tread Marks Matter
Black Marks Matter

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 15, 2024 07:17 AM (Q4IgG)

121 "... a picture-perfect example of federal intervention and what one ends up with. "

I give you...'OOPSIE', at the State level.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 15, 2024 07:19 AM (a1415)

A veggie diet can't sustain a party of explorers, or anything else. There's no way, the exertion levels are too high for people who 'work for a living'. Heavy exertion might need 3000 to 4000 kilocalories daily.

Posted by: Common Tater at June 15, 2024 07:12 AM

My daughter was full scale vegan. Then she got a part-time job stocking shelves in a grocery store and discovered vegan wasn't cutting it for the manual labor of pushing a cart around and lifting a couple thousand pounds per shift.

Whenever I hear a vegan spout their nonsense, I think lazy fvck.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at June 15, 2024 07:19 AM (RKVpM)

123 105 114 When the Corps of Discovery got to the PNW and salmon was in abundance, members of the party gorged themselves on it, craving the fats and oils. Many got sick from that. Too much too quick

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at June 15, 2024 07:20 AM (V5eKu)

124 Venison is indeed delicious, but the Whitetail population in some parts of Mississippi is infected with Chronic Wasting Disease, which is the prion-based illness that in bovine populations leads to Mad Cow Disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in human victims.

There was also a period back in the mid-90s when Anthrax ran wild through the deer population here in a major way.

Posted by: John Drake, The Kopet Dag Behind Him, Is Within Yards Of The Caspian Sea at June 15, 2024 07:22 AM (u/Zei)

125 It's Father's Day weekend so there's a better than 50-50 chance for blueberry pancakes. Inspired by Skip I will whine for double-berry pancakes.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 07:22 AM (RIvkX)

Powerline week in pictures

Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 07:23 AM (fwDg9)

127 See a pattern?
Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 07:12 AM (fwDg9)


Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 07:24 AM (ENQN6)

128 It's Father's Day weekend so there's a better than 50-50 chance for blueberry pancakes. Inspired by Skip I will whine for double-berry pancakes. Posted by: San Franpsycho

But stay away from waffles. Tom Brady noted in his Patriots Hall of Fame induction speech that waffles are for losers.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 15, 2024 07:25 AM (fuTvC)

Anthrax opened for Raven in the Fistful of Metal tour.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at June 15, 2024 07:26 AM (RKVpM)

130 What's happened to JT?

Posted by: Quarter Twenty at June 15, 2024 07:26 AM (dg+HA)

131 Human meat is nice and fatty.

Posted by: Hannibal Lechtor at June 15, 2024 07:30 AM (SYTee)

132 Haven't seen JT this morning

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 07:30 AM (RIvkX)

133 I spent an afternoon listening to my old Polish landlady talking about her family's stay as laborers for the Third Reich. Herr Direktor was from East Prussia and spoke Polish and, while no Oskar Schindler,was reasonable. Rations for the most part came from small family gardens, cabbage, carrots, potatoes. They also got a pretty heavy bread allowance. Family units did their own cooking and a lot of dishes were supplemented with lard. Lard was being used for machine lubricant and was readily available. That fat probably got them through with an otherwise insufficient diet. She and her family considered themselves very lucky for the factory works they were assigned.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at June 15, 2024 07:32 AM (V5eKu)

134 WaPo Warning: If Trump Wins, We’ll No Longer Have the “Experts” in Charge

gooder and harderer

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 07:32 AM (ENQN6)

135 Experts gave us

>25% inflation since 21
$2 T economic losses over CV
2 year education losses
30% increases in electricity cost
more blackouts in 2023 than in 1978
more cancers death than 20 years ago

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 07:35 AM (ENQN6)

136 Experts. Is there anything they DON'T know?

Posted by: Homer Simpson at June 15, 2024 07:36 AM (dg+HA)

A veggie diet can't sustain a party of explorers, or anything else. There's no way, the exertion levels are too high for people who 'work for a living'. Heavy exertion might need 3000 to 4000 kilocalories daily.

Posted by: Common Tater at June 15, 2024 07:12 AM


I was reading Charles Kuralt's account of the first Plaisted Polar Expedition in 1967, trying to reach the North Pole by snowmobile. They'd have to hack through pressure ridges in the ice, manhandle snowmobiles, etc. They'd munch on sticks of butter to keep up the calories.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 15, 2024 07:38 AM (MoZTd)

138 What's happened to JT?
Posted by: Quarter Twenty at June 15, 2024 07:26 AM

Birdbath maintenance?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at June 15, 2024 07:38 AM (tIhMQ)

139 A California Bay Area committee appointed to design racism reparations for black residents wants two years and $5 million just to write a plan.

Blacks Like (other peoples) Money

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 07:39 AM (ENQN6)

140 Home safe.

Had a number of close calls, but not actually hitting me or the car.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 15, 2024 07:39 AM (u82oZ)

141 ...She and her family considered themselves very lucky for the factory works they were assigned.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at June 15, 2024 07:32 AM (V5eKu)
They were lucky. Polish Jews, priests, nuns, professionals, and intellectuals were slaughtered.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 07:41 AM (RIvkX)

142 Vegans...

I worked with several of them. They "converted" a fellow researcher to become one. She went along with it, but about 2-3 months in she started to lose her hair, got sick a lot and ended up going back to Canada instead of completing her research.

Yet... at the annual cook out they'd be swarming the BBQ and eating everything in sight.

Seems legit.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 15, 2024 07:41 AM (Q4IgG)

143 Good Morning!

Let's smile & be happy & strike fear into the heart of killjoy leftists everywhere.

Slept for 13 hours. Feels good to be home.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 15, 2024 07:42 AM (u82oZ)

144 Ukrainian President Zelensky Rejects Putin’s Peace Offer Calling the Offer an Ultimatum Message

Grifter gonna...

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 07:43 AM (ENQN6)

145 Thunder bird?

Hillary has been around that long?

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 15, 2024 07:43 AM (xrAlj)

146 139 Am I the only one here thinking that just once I would like to stumble into a sweet deal like that. Collect the money, wait a couple months, and submit a report saying this is bullshit and won't work.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at June 15, 2024 07:43 AM (V5eKu)

147 Welcome home Salty

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 07:43 AM (RIvkX)

148 There are no limits for a**-holery.
AP, 13 hours ago (in part)

The pontiff welcomed more than 100 comedians from 15 nations, including U.S. celebrities Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rock, Stephen Colbert and Conan O'Brien.

"In the midst of so much gloomy news, immersed as we are in many social and even personal emergencies, you have the power to spread peace and smiles,” Francis told the comedians. “You unite people, because laughter is contagious,” he continued, asking jokingly, “Please pray for me: for, not against!”

Posted by: L - If they do it with you, they'll do it to you, too at June 15, 2024 07:43 AM (NFX2v)

149 Sounds like a modern AI GPU could possibly cook a goose.

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 15, 2024 07:44 AM (xrAlj)

150 Village Idiot's Apprentice

Top o ta mornin to ya, guv'nor

Was going to the Modern Museum of Contemporary Art. It was closed for the summer.

Went to the Chysler Museum. Went right past the Glass Studio. Did not stick my head in and say "Congrats on the engagement." Would not be prudent.

Had a good time. There is some stunning art there.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 15, 2024 07:45 AM (u82oZ)

151 141 Polish landlady's father was some sort of village jack of all trades back in Poland, but also had a reputation as a Commie Killer from the days after WW1. That might have saved them from the fate of millions of Poles.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at June 15, 2024 07:46 AM (V5eKu)

152 Finished a pipe, am now having breakfast for some energy to wash the car &c. Yes, I fed the Giant Kittens, and they are now relaxing. That's their primary work, relaxing and looking handsome/cute, etc.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 15, 2024 06:38 AM (omVj0)
They make their jobs look so effortless...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 15, 2024 07:47 AM (BpYfr)

153 Good morning you Morons!

Posted by: Tonypete at June 15, 2024 07:47 AM (2hOms)

154 Lesbian dating app uses facial recognition to exclude trans women
The app claims its technology can determine with 99% accuracy whether a new user is a cisgender woman.

Chick w/o Dicks Finder

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 07:48 AM (ENQN6)

155 Since it is the tech thread, I'm gonna read my nic as "Two ohms".

Posted by: Tonypete at June 15, 2024 07:49 AM (2hOms)

156 Mornin'

My last day here in Western PA. A nice little break from Babylon DC. Go back tomorrow. I'm going to a graduation party for the daughter of a friend of mine today.

Posted by: Puddleglum, fishin' and golfin' in Amish Country at June 15, 2024 07:50 AM (/Djer)

157 San Franpsycho

The NoVaMoMeet was fun. I was one of the very few that got to hear the entire Weasel origin story. Marvel Studios should pick up on the saga.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 15, 2024 07:50 AM (u82oZ)

158 146 139 Am I the only one here thinking that just once I would like to stumble into a sweet deal like that. Collect the money, wait a couple months, and submit a report saying this is bullshit and won't work.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at June 15, 2024 07:43 AM (V5eKu)

Now do Internet Access and EV Charger Network

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 07:50 AM (ENQN6)

159 "Libertarians are nothing but pot-scented democrats."

- Matt Walsh

**chef's kiss**

Posted by: Son of Dad at June 15, 2024 07:51 AM (8JB5s)

160 134 WaPo Warning: If Trump Wins, We’ll No Longer Have the “Experts” in Charge

gooder and harderer
Posted by: rhennigantx

That could be a Trump campaign slogan.

Posted by: Puddleglum, fishin' and golfin' in Amish Country at June 15, 2024 07:51 AM (/Djer)

161 WaPo Warning: If Trump Wins, We’ll No Longer Have the “Experts” in Charge

gooder and harderer
Posted by: rhennigantx

You had me at 'Trump'.

Posted by: Tonypete at June 15, 2024 07:52 AM (2hOms)

162 Mayor Pete, "Internet access? Can I upload in your data port?"

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 15, 2024 07:52 AM (xrAlj)

163 Made blueberry and cream oatmeal this morning

Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 07:52 AM (fwDg9)

164 Have a great day, everyone.

May you bask in the harmony of those close to you.
And keep ypur phone out of the rain.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 15, 2024 07:53 AM (u82oZ)

165 MacArthur Park' was actually written by Jimmy Webb, an amazing songwriter. How the same person can write a song like 'Wichita Lineman' and 'MacArthur Park' boggles my very small mind.
Posted by: Divide by Zero

Drugs-MacArthur Park

No drugs- Wichita Lineman

Posted by: Tuna at June 15, 2024 07:54 AM (oaGWv)

166 Lesbian dating app uses facial recognition to exclude MEN.

- - fixed.

Posted by: Son of Dad at June 15, 2024 07:54 AM (8JB5s)

167 Lesbian dating app uses facial recognition to exclude trans women
Posted by: rhennigantx

I bet they're GLAD they have that problem licked.

Posted by: Tonypete at June 15, 2024 07:56 AM (2hOms)

168 > WaPo Warning: If Trump Wins, We’ll No Longer Have the “Experts” in Charge

works for me
those experts have us at the brink of ruin

Posted by: Don Black at June 15, 2024 07:56 AM (/7KEl)

169 Problem is the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany the " experts" didn't have a good plan either

Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 07:56 AM (fwDg9)

170 The new research, led by a team from the University of British Columbia in Canada, shows UBI could not only improve living standards but also boost global gross domestic product (GDP), a standard measure of economic prosperity.

Robbing Peter to pay Lionel.

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 07:56 AM (ENQN6)

171 "MacArthur Park' was actually written by Jimmy Webb, an amazing songwriter. How the same person can write a song like 'Wichita Lineman' and 'MacArthur Park' boggles my very small mind.
Posted by: Divide by Zero"

It's no "He's The Groove"

Snuky Tate, "He's The Pope!":

Posted by: fd at June 15, 2024 07:58 AM (ArbhN)

172 > WaPo Warning: If Trump Wins, We’ll No Longer Have the “Experts” in Charge
There was a meme in the Powerline Week In Pictures that had this tag line; "If Trump wins he'll do to us what we've done to him."

I would hope so...

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 15, 2024 07:58 AM (Q4IgG)

173 169 Problem is the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany the " experts" didn't have a good plan either
Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 07:56 AM (fwDg9)

Kill the Jews
Kill the Ukrainians

After that we got nothing planned

Posted by: The Experts at June 15, 2024 07:58 AM (ENQN6)

174 so that means WaPo considers people like Pete Buttgig and ADM Rachel "Dick" Levine to be experts


Posted by: Don Black at June 15, 2024 08:01 AM (/7KEl)

175 I urge you to check out that Snuky Tate track. It's got more funky funk than Joe's drawers.

Posted by: fd at June 15, 2024 08:01 AM (ArbhN)

176 I read somewhere that dogs tell time by how scent changes. For example, when a person leaves the house, his scent is very strong and has a predictable intensity decay that dogs can understand. It's a wacky theory but it sounds plausible. Then again I get sucked into three-card money all the time.
Posted by: Alteria Pilgram

I'm always barefoot inside so doggy knows I'm leaving when the shoes and sandals go on. He has on occasion tried to make off with one of my shoes as I'm tying the other.

Posted by: Tuna at June 15, 2024 08:03 AM (oaGWv)

The pontiff welcomed more than 100 comedians from 15 nations, including U.S. celebrities Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rock, Stephen Colbert and Conan O'Brien.

"I asked for comedians. Why did the United States send me assholes?"

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 08:04 AM (xG4kz)

178 “Today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in the New Civil Liberties Alliance case of Garland v. Cargill that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ unilateral bump-stock ban conflicts with the federal statute defining ‘machineguns.’

My guess is about 51% of all regulations are misuse, mis-definition, or conflicting definition of legal or regulatory terms.

Posted by: The Experts at June 15, 2024 08:04 AM (ENQN6)

179 off sox

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 08:05 AM (ENQN6)

180 Problem is the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany the " experts" didn't have a good plan either
Posted by: Skip at June 15, 2024 07:56 AM (fwDg9)

Kill the Jews
Kill the Ukrainians

After that we got nothing planned
Posted by: The Experts at June 15, 2024 07:58 AM (ENQN6)

This is an important point. The Nazis waged a military campaign of extermination against the civilian population that was separate and apart from the military operations against the Allies, and can be said to even have subtracted from those efforts.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 08:05 AM (RIvkX)

181 "My guess is about 51% of all regulations are misuse, mis-definition, or conflicting definition of legal or regulatory terms.
Posted by: The Experts at June 15, 2024 08:04 AM (ENQN6)

179 off sox
Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 08:05 AM (ENQN6)"

I was getting ready to question your assertion, sir.

Posted by: fd at June 15, 2024 08:06 AM (vFG9F)

182 Feel sorry for the Pope
first Joe Biden, now Stephen Colbert

Posted by: Don Black at June 15, 2024 08:06 AM (/7KEl)

183 The pontiff welcomed more than 100 comedians from 15 nations, including U.S. celebrities Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rock, Stephen Colbert and Conan O'Brien.

"I asked for comedians. Why did the United States send me assholes?"
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 08:04 AM (xG4kz)

Will no one rid of these turbulent assholes?

Posted by: Da Pope at June 15, 2024 08:06 AM (ENQN6)

The new research, led by a team from the University of British Columbia in Canada, shows UBI could not only improve living standards but also boost global gross domestic product (GDP), a standard measure of economic prosperity.

There's that word again. Not followed by "might perhaps", however.


Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 08:06 AM (xG4kz)

185 WaPo Warning: If Trump Wins, We’ll No Longer Have the “Experts” in Charge

As best I can tell through reading ... because I wasn't alive in the 50s or 60s and sure not reading politics in the 70s ... the idea of the New Soviet Man was alive and well in the US as well - with different packaging, of course. "The Expert" - commonly known as credentialism here - was pushed as a real thing beginning and strongest in the 50s, 60s, and 70s ... coinciding with the peak of this big, monoloithic companies.

The 80s started the counter to that ... Apple, Microsoft, etc . And of course, the promptly started emulating the very competitors they sought to usurp.

My point is - "the expert" ? Its just another in the pile of failed dogmas our geriatric ruling class is taking one last gasp at pushing. Recreating their various skewed memories of 1960 in 2020.

Posted by: Its Always Been This Way at June 15, 2024 08:07 AM (fiGNd)

186 Good morning horde

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at June 15, 2024 08:07 AM (Ka3bZ)

187 The Nazis waged a military campaign of extermination against the civilian population that was separate and apart from the military operations against the Allies, and can be said to even have subtracted from those efforts.
Posted by: San Franpsycho

The Not Zees used rail and manpower resources to run the camps that were desperately needed for the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe efforts.

Posted by: Tonypete at June 15, 2024 08:07 AM (2hOms)

188 This is an important point. The Nazis waged a military campaign of extermination against the civilian population that was separate and apart from the military operations against the Allies, and can be said to even have subtracted from those efforts.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 15, 2024 08:05 AM (RIvkX)

Upwards of 75% of all (D) actions are taken against fellow Americans and not enemies of the State.

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 08:08 AM (ENQN6)

189 Jewish man harassed on subway:

Apparently, Hochul and Letitia James are thinking of implementing a new anti mask law. I guess ignoring anti semitism is not a good look for Democrats and Trump show trial didn't help them either, eh?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 15, 2024 08:09 AM (XkYcA)

190 The pontiff welcomed more than 100 comedians from 15 nations, including U.S. celebrities Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rock, Stephen Colbert and Conan O'Brien.

"I asked for comedians. Why did the United States send me assholes?"
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM)

Did you see the photo of FJB embracing the surprised pontiff forehead to forehead ? The look on the pope's face is priceless.

Posted by: Tuna at June 15, 2024 08:09 AM (oaGWv)

191 He's The Groove kicks MacArthur Park''s ass all the way to Wichita.

Posted by: fd at June 15, 2024 08:09 AM (vFG9F)

192 Senior Hayek

Hayek's article argues against the establishment of a Central Pricing Board (advocated by Lange) by highlighting the dynamic and organic nature of market price-fluctuations, and the benefits of this phenomenon.[4] He asserts that a centrally planned economy could never match the efficiency of the open market because what is known by a single agent is only a small fraction of the sum total of knowledge held by all members of society. A decentralized economy thus complements the dispersed nature of information spread throughout society.[5] In Hayek's words, "The marvel is that in a case like that of a scarcity of one raw material, without an order being issued, without more than perhaps a handful of people knowing the cause, tens of thousands of people whose identity could not be ascertained by months of investigation, are made to use the material or its products more sparingly; that is, they move in the right direction."

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 08:10 AM (ENQN6)

193 What’s the word? Thunderbird. How’s it sold? Good and cold. What’s the jive? Bird’s alive. What’s the price? Thirty twice. Who drinks the most? Cullid Folks.

It is said that Ernest Gallo, who made Thunderbird wine, once drove through a tough, inner city neighborhood and pulled over when he saw a bum. When Gallo rolled down his window and called out, What's the word? the immediate answer from the bum was, Thunderbird!

More coffee...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 15, 2024 08:11 AM (R/m4+)

Whatever became of Tom "The Expert" Nichols?

For a time there, Ace was mocking him almost every day.

Is he an oleaginous puddle somewhere around which gentle folk take long detours?

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 08:11 AM (xG4kz)


Posted by: rhennigantx at June 15, 2024 08:12 AM (ENQN6)

A goose?

So not, basically, a weasel then.

Posted by: Speller at June 15, 2024 08:12 AM (pSotA)

197 @170/rhennigantx:

British Columbia is known for producing stalwart and dependable economists that we can totally trust the advice of.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at June 15, 2024 08:12 AM (O7YUW)

198 Did you know lesbian carpenters don't use nails, only tongue and groove?

Posted by: Ciampino - dog eat lesbo at June 15, 2024 08:13 AM (qfLjt)

199 190. Did you see the photo of FJB embracing the surprised pontiff forehead to forehead ? The look on the pope's face is priceless.
Posted by: Tuna

Looks like a greeting between aliens. (Or the Coneheads)

Posted by: L - If they do it with you, they'll do it to you, too at June 15, 2024 08:13 AM (NFX2v)

You want to gaze upon the outcome of putting "experts" in charge?

I give you Robert McNamara and the Whiz Kids.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 15, 2024 08:15 AM (xG4kz)

201 The Experts ysed to ve known as Technocrats
Big corrupt grifting dumdums

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at June 15, 2024 08:19 AM (Ka3bZ)

202 0) 3.7MWh / [(AI GPU) year]

1) Google: kw pound coal -> 0.88 kWh/pound

2) Carry the one -> 2.1 tons of coal to operate a single AI GPU for a year, (plus air conditioning and other overhead energy requirements.)

Posted by: Marooned at June 15, 2024 08:47 AM (kt8QE)

203 On an even more meta level, the Turing Test as a whole fails as a useful tool since it only tests surface-level appearances. We've established current (non-)AIs are really, really good at appearances... and utter crap at anything deeper.

Posted by: Cortillaen at June 15, 2024 12:46 PM (6kADi)

204 Is there any possible explanation as to why Joe would bump foreheads with the pope? What could have been running through his decaying brain?

Posted by: Northernlurker at June 15, 2024 01:07 PM (JLq/1)

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