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Biden Signs "Tough" Immigration Order That Will Lock In 1,750,000 Illegal Aliens Per Year, Minimum

The Permanent (?) Invasion.

President Biden has signed an executive order that supposedly shuts down the US-Mexico border, but critics argue the move only cements his ongoing border invasion, as it still allows for up to 1.75 million new illegal entries into America every year.

The executive order is expected to take effect immediately upon signing and will lift border restrictions two weeks after the number of illegal crossings averages 1,500 for seven days straight.

Even if illegal migration is limited to 2,500 per day for a full calendar year, the number of crossings would hit 912,500 -- a historic high compared to the rest of the century.

Trump slammed the move as "weak" and "pathetic," saying in a social media video: "Joe Biden is pretending to finally do something about the border. But in fact, it's all about show because he knows we have a debate coming up in three weeks. The truth is that Joe Biden's executive order won't stop the invasion."

The Biden administration's new executive order has been met with criticism, with many arguing that it does not effectively address the ongoing border crisis. Even if illegal migration is limited to the proposed 2,500 per day, the number of crossings would still reach a historic high of 912,500 in a year. This figure does not account for the additional 400,000 migrants that Biden has allowed into the country through a mass parole scheme for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans.

John Sexton calls Biden "delusional" in his interview with the very friendly media of Time Magazine. He once again shows he's an Elderly Man with a Poor Memory in falsely claiming, without evidence (as Jake Tapper would say), that American wage growth has exceeded the pace of inflation, which even Time fact-checks him on.

But let's look at his lies/delusions about immigration:

[Time:] Okay, I'm gonna do a couple of rapid fire here. Another of your first acts as President under the banner of value-based leadership was to lift various punitive Trump-era immigration measures, Mr. President, that you and others said were inhumane. In retrospect, do you think those humanitarian moves helped drive record illegal border crossing?

Biden: No.

Were you wrong to lift any of those measures?

Biden: If I was wrong, it's because I took too long.

Sexton writes:

There's really no doubt about what actually happened here. Biden lifted or reversed all of Trump's efforts at Border control and immediately the number of migrants at the border shot up and have remained extremely high until we hit an all time record in December of 2023. The bottom line is that Biden is clearly responsible for what happened. In fact, Biden himself predicted it could happen before he even came into office. The Washington Post published an excellent story about how this happened back in April 2021:

Biden seemed eager to temper expectations when he laid out his immigration policy plans a month before inauguration. His administration wanted to ensure "guardrails" were in place, he said, to avoid having "2 million people on our border."

"It's not going to be able to be done on Day 1, lift every restriction that exists," he said, "and find out that and go back to what it was 20 years ago and all of a sudden find out we have a crisis on our hands that complicates what we're trying to do."...

But that's exactly what he did, of course:

The prudent tone Biden's team sounded in December was harder to detect on Inauguration Day, as the guardrails started coming off. Biden issued more executive orders and actions on immigration than any other topic, including a 100-day deportation moratorium and a halt to border wall construction...

Word soon spread that families with children younger than 7 years old were being allowed to enter the United States and released from custody. Families fitting that profile began rushing to that span of the border, where U.S. agents were already overwhelmed by soaring numbers of teens and children arriving alone...

More migrant families were arriving, too, and with Mexico only taking back a limited number, the Biden administration released more and more parents with children into border towns and cities. Biden officials continued to insist they were expelling the majority of the families crossing the border. It wasn't true; statistics show fewer than half were being sent back.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 03:50 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Just what this country needs... more illegals.

Posted by: Ann at June 04, 2024 03:50 PM (4neFu)

2 Trump slammed the move as "weak" and "pathetic," saying in a social media video: "Joe Biden is pretending to finally do something about the border. But in fact, it's all about show because he knows we have a debate coming up in three weeks. The truth is that Joe Biden's executive order won't stop the invasion."
It directly enables it!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 04, 2024 03:51 PM (d04cU)

3 Just what this country needs... more illegals.
Posted by: Ann at June 04, 2024 03:50 PM (4neFu)
Ah, but they won't be "illegal" they'll be in a formal gray area.

Much better.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 04, 2024 03:51 PM (d04cU)

4 It's full of yenshee...

Posted by: Reboot of 2001: A Space Odyssey at June 04, 2024 03:52 PM (PiwSw)

5 The debate will be Lit AF

Biden has to debate. He won't be able to hide behind "convicted felon."

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at June 04, 2024 03:52 PM (FxH7T)

6 I've noticed the articles in the MSM about this are very sparse in specifics, but generous in the "TOUGH" "SWEEPING" adjectives.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at June 04, 2024 03:52 PM (zjgNU)

7 Okay, I'm gonna do a couple of rapid fire here. Another of your first acts as President under the banner of value-based leadership was to lift various punitive Trump-era immigration measures, Mr. President, that you and others said were inhumane.
Journalists, man. Oy vey.

"I agree with you, so here's a straw man for you take down so we can pretend to be 'fair' and shit."

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 04, 2024 03:52 PM (d04cU)

8 Do you like MS-13?
cause this is how you get MS-13.

Posted by: Shaftoe at June 04, 2024 03:53 PM (BZYCq)

9 Word soon spread that families with children younger than 7 years old were being allowed to enter the United States and released from custody. Families fitting that profile began rushing to that span of the border, where U.S. agents were already overwhelmed by soaring numbers of teens and children arriving alone...
What's the burden of proof that they are, in fact, families rather than slavers?

Also, this is even worse. This is how colonization gets started.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 04, 2024 03:53 PM (d04cU)

10 John Kennedy was a lawyer before he became a Congressman. Perhaps that's why he has such a colorful vocabulary.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 04, 2024 03:53 PM (XkYcA)

11 2500 a day ? The number should be 0 with millions of send backs

Posted by: It's me donna at June 04, 2024 03:53 PM (Akjoo)

12 I just assume they're building an army.

Mass killing is the goal. Prepare accordingly.

Posted by: BurtTC at June 04, 2024 03:53 PM (dGCAG)

13 Sen. John Kennedy: "President Biden is in trouble politically. He's polling right up there with fungal infections. Part of the reason for that is that he gave in to loon wing of his party and he dissolved the southern border."
You still gonna vote for the next omnibus, John?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 04, 2024 03:54 PM (d04cU)

14 They're newcomers, people! Newcomers!!

Posted by: Karine Jean-Pierre, Interlocutius for The Regime at June 04, 2024 03:54 PM (Mwy4g)

15 John Kennedy was a lawyer before he became a Congressman. Perhaps that's why he has such a colorful vocabulary.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 04, 2024 03:53 PM (XkYcA)
Perhaps he lurks on This Very Blog.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at June 04, 2024 03:55 PM (mUnoX)

16 2500 a day ? The number should be 0 with millions of send backs
Posted by: It's me donna at June 04, 2024 03:53 PM (Akjoo)

Your Republican Party will insist on no more than 2499.

Then when the Dems tie it to sending money to overseas war adventures, the R's will cave and ask for 3000.

Posted by: BurtTC at June 04, 2024 03:55 PM (dGCAG)

17 They're newcomers, people! Newcomers!!
Posted by: Karine Jean-Pierre, Interlocutius for The Regime at June 04, 2024 03:54 PM (Mwy4g)
Colonists usually are.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 04, 2024 03:55 PM (d04cU)

18 I mean, paying bills for illegals won't incentivize any more to come...

Posted by: California Homeless coordinator at June 04, 2024 03:56 PM (53oGX)

19 They are mostly all going to blue states to prop up their numbers for the next census. If biden hadn't let in over 25 million illegals in the last few years CA, IL, NY and CO would have all lost House seats again with the next census.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at June 04, 2024 03:56 PM (QNSds)

20 Yeah, AP/CP chyron here repeated the signing tough border limits without mentioning the tough limits are up to 4,000 a day.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 04, 2024 03:56 PM (ZdexC)

21 I've noticed the articles in the MSM about this are very sparse in specifics, but generous in the "TOUGH" "SWEEPING" adjectives.
Posted by: Formerly Virginian at June 04, 2024 03:52 PM

Rumint Wild conjecture has Biden withdrawing from the election on 13 June.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at June 04, 2024 03:56 PM (Mwy4g)

22 Perhaps he lurks on This Very Blog.
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at June 04, 2024 03:55 PM (mUnoX)

We'll know if he slips up and uses cockport or fartclam.

Posted by: It'd Be Nice If Republicans Did Something at June 04, 2024 03:56 PM (GOXs+)

23 You still gonna vote for the next omnibus, John?
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 04, 2024 03:54 PM (d04cU)

We can't have a government shutdown. Anything to avoid a government shutdown.

Posted by: BurtTC at June 04, 2024 03:57 PM (dGCAG)

24 Biden is such a loon that he challenged the Time reporter to a fight when asked if his age was going to be an election issue.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 04, 2024 03:57 PM (Ayynh)

25 Kennedy is funny. No question. But acting like the old muppets in the balcony really isn't enough.

Posted by: It'd Be Nice If Republicans Did Something at June 04, 2024 03:57 PM (GOXs+)

26 1,750,000 a year?

(Calls stock broker)

"Go long in mulch, used Toyota pickups, Jarritos, zero-turn mowers, used CDs, shovels, baby carriages. We are gonna make bank."

Posted by: ZOD at June 04, 2024 03:58 PM (Lv8q7)

27 Kennedy is funny. No question. But acting like the old muppets in the balcony really isn't enough.
Posted by: It'd Be Nice If Republicans Did Something at June 04, 2024 03:57 PM (GOXs+)
How about hearings?

Posted by: Congressional Republicans at June 04, 2024 03:58 PM (d04cU)

28 They're newcomers, people! Newcomers!!
Posted by: Karine Jean-Pierre, Interlocutius for The Regime at June 04, 2024 03:54 PM (Mwy4g)
Colonists usually are.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 04, 2024 03:55 PM (d04cU)

Cortez the Newcomer!

Posted by: BurtTC at June 04, 2024 03:58 PM (dGCAG)

29 The importer in chief.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at June 04, 2024 03:58 PM (63Dwl)

30 I agree that this is important. But, what's more important is that Dr. Pepper is now the number two soda in the former USA. Pepsi is now number three. Coke number one of course.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at June 04, 2024 03:58 PM (0eaVi)

31 22 Perhaps he lurks on This Very Blog.
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at June 04, 2024 03:55 PM (mUnoX)

We'll know if he slips up and uses cockport or fartclam.
Posted by: It'd Be Nice If Republicans Did Something at June 04, 2024 03:56 PM (GOXs+)

The AoSHQ is filled with collegial, collaborative, and respectful posters who do critically important work every day. I am immensely proud to comment here.

Posted by: Totally Not John Kennedy at June 04, 2024 03:58 PM (PiwSw)

32 Tough and sweeping ? 70 thousand illegals a month and that's the ones we "catch"

Posted by: It's me donna at June 04, 2024 03:58 PM (Akjoo)

33 1 3/3 million new voters, if they or someone else Rd fills out their ballot

Posted by: Skip at June 04, 2024 03:58 PM (fwDg9)

34 under the banner of value-based leadership

WTF is this corporate-speak?

Posted by: pookysgirl, cursed as an English major at June 04, 2024 03:58 PM (dtlDP)

35 22 Perhaps he lurks on This Very Blog.
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at June 04, 2024 03:55 PM

If so, he's not very punny.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at June 04, 2024 03:59 PM (Mwy4g)

36 under the banner of value-based leadership

WTF is this corporate-speak?
Posted by: pookysgirl, cursed as an English major at June 04, 2024 03:58 PM (dtlDP)
Ignorant pablum. I strongly suspect he meant "values-based," not "value-based." As in "unlike that nasty Trump, we have *values* and moral stature and shit."

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 04, 2024 04:00 PM (d04cU)

37 I agree that this is important. But, what's more important is that Dr. Pepper is now the number two soda in the former USA. Pepsi is now number three. Coke number one of course.
Posted by: OrangeEnt at June 04, 2024 03:58 PM (0eaVi)

If/when my ex dies, DP will drop down to #6.

She literally doesn't drink anything else.

Posted by: BurtTC at June 04, 2024 04:00 PM (dGCAG)

38 Old and busted: smallpox blankets
New hotness: Lady of Guadalupe window decals

Posted by: ZOD at June 04, 2024 04:00 PM (Lv8q7)

39 If he hasn't already, Biden is gonna try a speech en Espanol.

Posted by: ZOD at June 04, 2024 04:01 PM (Lv8q7)

Just so long as they're not Irish.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:01 PM (MoZTd)

41 If/when my ex dies, DP will drop down to #6.

She literally doesn't drink anything else.
Posted by: BurtTC at June 04, 2024 04:00 PM (dGCAG)

Not even water out of the tap?! Does she pay for water?!?!

Posted by: OrangeEnt at June 04, 2024 04:02 PM (0eaVi)

42 39 If he hasn't already, Biden is gonna try a speech en Espanol.

Posted by: ZOD at June 04, 2024 04:01 PM (Lv8q7)

Mandarin and Farsi

Posted by: It's me donna at June 04, 2024 04:02 PM (Akjoo)

43 Camela Toe Harris- LMAO you fuckin MAGA dweebs,

Posted by: Im Gumby Damn It!/George Carlins Pencil at June 04, 2024 04:02 PM (7keno)

44 SpaceX just got its launch license from the FAA. Looks like they will try launching on Friday.

Posted by: pawn at June 04, 2024 04:03 PM (MAGux)

45 Praise the importation deal. Where others see problems, Zod sees opportunity.

Posted by: ZOD at June 04, 2024 04:03 PM (Lv8q7)

46 ||Biden repeatedly mixed up Russia with Ukraine throughout his comments on the subject. He also mixed up Iraq and Iran at points, including his refutation of “the idea that you had nuclear arsenals in Iran, that were being, I mean, in Iraq…” At another point, Biden confused Taiwan with South Korea. Biden also said that America has “the strongest alliance in all of America,” before correcting his claim to “all of history.”

The interview also saw Biden trail off a number of times, ending an assertion about being “on a slippery slope for war if we don’t do something about Ukraine” with “It’s just not gonna…anyway…,” according to TIME’s transcript.||

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 04, 2024 04:04 PM (ZdexC)

I've noticed the articles in the MSM about this are very sparse in specifics, but generous in the "TOUGH" "SWEEPING" adjectives.
Posted by: Formerly Virginian


They're SWEEPING the Welcome mat, which is made of TOUGH material to absorb all the footprints.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:04 PM (MoZTd)

48 Trump slammed the move as "weak" and "pathetic," saying in a social media video: "Joe Biden is pretending to finally do something about the border. But in fact, it's all about show because he knows we have a debate coming up in three weeks. The truth is that Joe Biden's executive order won't stop the invasion."

Haha, not with you in jail, fuckhead.
- Judge Merchan

Posted by: Washington Nearsider at June 04, 2024 04:05 PM (/nCD+)

49 Texas should sue against this

Posted by: It's me donna at June 04, 2024 04:05 PM (Akjoo)

SpaceX just got its launch license from the FAA.


Did they have to get a learner's permit first?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:05 PM (MoZTd)

51 You don't agree to let us bring in Illegals we will keep bringing in more Illegals

Posted by: Skip at June 04, 2024 04:05 PM (fwDg9)

52 Transborder Industrial Mastic Human Flypaper Array.

Consigned to the dustbin of history.

Posted by: ZOD at June 04, 2024 04:05 PM (Lv8q7)

53 If/when my ex dies, DP will drop down to #6.

She literally doesn't drink anything else.
Posted by: BurtTC at June 04, 2024 04:00 PM (dGCAG)

Not even water out of the tap?! Does she pay for water?!?!
Posted by: OrangeEnt at June 04, 2024 04:02 PM (0eaVi)


Posted by: BurtTC at June 04, 2024 04:05 PM (dGCAG)

54 I cannot look at Cornyn's vacant, hamheaded face without wondering where I can find a shovel.

Posted by: Archimedes at June 04, 2024 04:05 PM (xCA6C)

55 Non-nooders report to the Barrel for re-education.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 04, 2024 04:05 PM (sReAO)

56 Hey, fellow Hordemates, do a 'Ron a solid, and let me know where I can lay my hands on some of these "yenshee babies." I need 'em for a...project I'm working on.

Thanks! E-mail in my nic.

Posted by: Kim Jung Un at June 04, 2024 04:06 PM (v6JzV)

57 Not even water out of the tap?! Does she pay for water?!?!
Posted by: OrangeEnt at June 04, 2024 04:02 PM (0eaVi)

Posted by: BurtTC at June 04, 2024 04:05 PM (dGCAG)

But yeah, no. She doesn't drink water, except whatever they put in Doctor Pepper.

Posted by: BurtTC at June 04, 2024 04:06 PM (dGCAG)

58 They're SWEEPING the Welcome mat, which is made of TOUGH material to absorb all the footprints.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:04 PM (MoZTd)


Posted by: pookysgirl, no longer on Old MacDonald's farm at June 04, 2024 04:06 PM (dtlDP)

59 4000 a day is bs. It's unlimited.

Posted by: ... at June 04, 2024 04:06 PM (XPmXx)

60 Next up, Joe asks Hamas to delay the destruction of Israel for a few months, so it's easier for him to get re-elected and can ignore them in his second term.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at June 04, 2024 04:06 PM (VNX3d)

61 Bill Melugin
In no way can Biden’s executive order be described as “shutting down” the border.

It bans asylum to some illegal crossers, with some exceptions.

It does *not* stop or slow the up to 1,500 migrants per day released into the U.S. via CBP One app at ports of entry, and does not stop or slow the up to 30,000 migrants per month flying directly into the U.S. and being released into the country via Biden’s controversial mass parole program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans.

Unaccompanied children/minors are exempt from the order - which will lead to concerns about child trafficking, and migrants can still claim fear in an attempt to avoid deportation.

Also, asylum has already been banned for most migrants who cross illegally since the end of Title 42 last year - and that hasn’t stopped them from coming. Highest numbers in recorded history end of 2023.

The order may speed up removals to countries we can deport easily to, (Mexico, northern triangle countries, etc), but there has been no explanation as to how the administration will be able to begin mass removals of migrants coming from another hemisphere with governments that don

Posted by: redridinghood at June 04, 2024 04:06 PM (NpAcC)

62 Texas should sue against this
Posted by: It's me donna at June 04, 2024 04:05 PM (Akjoo)

Yeah, it should.

Posted by: SCOTUS at June 04, 2024 04:07 PM (d04cU)

63 To be honest, everyone in DE has met Joe Biden. I spoke with him numerous times and have a few pictures with him. That is how he got re-elected. If your volunteer Fire company had a bbq, he showed up, shook hands, kissed the babies and shot the shit for a couple hours.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 04, 2024 04:07 PM (rsqyi)

64 The country is overrun by illegal immigrants. They are ruining our communities, have devastated social services, destroyed the schools and filled our jail cells. There isn’t a week that goes by without one of them murdering a citizen or shooting at law enforcement.

But yeah, let’s lock it down to 1.75 million illegal aliens a year.

We still have a legal immigration system- right?

Posted by: Vengeance at June 04, 2024 04:07 PM (j3d9V)

65 Non-nooders report to the Barrel for re-education.
Posted by: San Franpsycho

Ah, but there was a nood.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 04, 2024 04:07 PM (v6JzV)

66 55 Non-nooders report to the Barrel for re-education.
329 nood
Posted by: zombie rachel corrie at June 04, 2024 03:54 PM

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 04, 2024 04:07 PM (ZdexC)

Would you msm fuckers please quit saying "migrant"?

Posted by: Blonde Morticia's phone at June 04, 2024 04:07 PM (sEAtp)

68 So this EO is the "immigration deal" that died in Congress earlier this year, right? At least, it's the high points of that "deal?"

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 04, 2024 04:08 PM (d04cU)

Bill Melugin


I always read that as Bill Melungeon.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:08 PM (MoZTd)

70 >>Nicaraguans

"Nee-rah-wah." Don't call 'em Messicans.

Posted by: ZOD at June 04, 2024 04:08 PM (Lv8q7)

71 I assume they are continuing the direct flights of these "newcomers."

Posted by: It's me donna at June 04, 2024 04:08 PM (Akjoo)

72 I always read that as Bill Melungeon.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

I always do that.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 04, 2024 04:09 PM (v6JzV)

Non-nooders report to the Barrel for re-education.
Posted by: San Franpsycho

Ah, but there was a nood.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus


Non-readers report to the Barrel for re-education.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:09 PM (MoZTd)

74 68 So this EO is the "immigration deal" that died in Congress earlier this year, right? At least, it's the high points of that "deal?"
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 04, 2024 04:08 PM (d04cU)

Yup... with a slightly lower number.... With exceptions of course to those numbers

Posted by: It's me donna at June 04, 2024 04:10 PM (Akjoo)

75 PDT put in place policies which worked, but, because of politics and hatred, mostly hatred, everything he did has been reversed.

Of course, the GOP made sure thy didn't try to codify anything into law so it would be easier for a future president to undo.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 04, 2024 04:10 PM (tT6L1)

76 Not even water out of the tap?! Does she pay for water?!?!
Posted by: OrangeEnt at June 04, 2024 04:02 PM (0eaVi)

Posted by: BurtTC at June 04, 2024 04:05 PM (dGCAG)

But yeah, no. She doesn't drink water, except whatever they put in Doctor Pepper.
Posted by: BurtTC at June 04, 2024 04:06 PM (dGCAG)

See Len Neal....

Posted by: OrangeEnt at June 04, 2024 04:11 PM (0eaVi)

77 Immigration EO:

Everyone who wants to come in, can come in except those we exclude
Nobody is excluded
There is a 4500/day cap except those excluded from that number
Everyone is excluded from that number.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 04, 2024 04:12 PM (rsqyi)

78 Starting to think "My word as a Biden." was just empty words.

Posted by: Ribbed - Still Straight at June 04, 2024 04:12 PM (Ectld)


Posted by: nurse ratched at June 04, 2024 04:12 PM (DC9IU)

80 ... There is a 4500/day cap except those excluded from that number
Everyone is excluded from that number.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 04, 2024 04:12 PM (rsqyi)
The number is irrelevant. It could be one or a million with the same outcomes. The border is open now. It's unenforceable on purpose. Just wave 'em through.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 04, 2024 04:13 PM (d04cU)

81 Nicaraguans

Posted by: ZOD

Back when SNL was still funny, they had this great skit when the guest host was Jimmy Smits, who is Hispanic. He was sitting around in some office with a bunch of non-Hispanics who were using the "authentic" Spanish pronunciations of word ("burrrrito," etc.), while Smits would just use the normal English pronunciation. Funny stuff.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 04, 2024 04:14 PM (v6JzV)

82 I'm gonna do a couple of rapid fire here. [/i{

Time interviewer is trying to make Biden look sharp and full of vitality.

Posted by: Emmie at June 04, 2024 04:14 PM (Sf2cq)

83 Any land we stole, we had the courtesy to kill them first or move them to better lands.

Posted by: Ribbed - Still Straight at June 04, 2024 04:14 PM (Ectld)

84 >>75 PDT put in place policies which worked, but, because of politics and hatred, mostly hatred, everything he did has been reversed.

He failed at this.

Pillboxes, dogs, human flypaper, minefields, barbed wire, caltrops, electric fencing, strafing planes, booby-trapped Modelo, tainted water, howitzers, "the friendly coyote" turned serial killer, lasers, mustard gas...

He employed none of these.

For Border Security: ZOD

Posted by: ZOD at June 04, 2024 04:14 PM (Lv8q7)

85 Any land we stole, we had the courtesy to kill them first or move them to better lands.

Posted by: Ribbed - Still Straight at June 04, 2024 04:14 PM (Ectld)

Except me!

Posted by: Land O' Lakes indian at June 04, 2024 04:15 PM (/nCD+)

86 54 I cannot look at Cornyn's vacant, hamheaded face without wondering where I can find a shovel.

.. actually, he looks like he is deaf

Posted by: SMOD at June 04, 2024 04:15 PM (RHGPo)

87 He employed none of these.

For Border Security: ZOD
Posted by: ZOD at June 04, 2024 04:14 PM (Lv8q7)

I'm down with Border Czar ZOD.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 04, 2024 04:15 PM (tT6L1)

88 All duly noted Ace. Really, considering the facts of the matter, we might just go on to a different topic now, only noting in passing the innocent verdict handed down in a few weeks…

Posted by: tubal at June 04, 2024 04:16 PM (PCK5/)

89 The only hope is to have Trump win, and have the deportation force he spoke about in 2016. The additional thing is he cannot wait for the courts. Just start forcefully deporting.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at June 04, 2024 04:16 PM (7PziG)

90 Another reason to cheer on a Great Depression.

Those illegal invaders that won't self deport will be on the menu.

Hoover Stew 2: Joe's Meal Time Boogaloo.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 04, 2024 04:16 PM (7rocu)

91 I'm down with Border Czar ZOD.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 04, 2024 04:15 PM (tT6L1)

Got My vote

Posted by: It's me donna at June 04, 2024 04:16 PM (Akjoo)

92 Zod doesn't feel like he's actually committed to the human flypaper idea.

It feels like pandering to get votes.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:17 PM (GBKbO)

93 We are not going to recover from this

Posted by: steevy at June 04, 2024 04:17 PM (FQmDC)

Hoover Stew 2: Joe's Meal Time Boogaloo.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 04, 2024 04:16 PM (7rocu)

Might want to look into the long pig recipe used in "Fried Green Tomatoes."

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 04, 2024 04:18 PM (tT6L1)

95 We'll know if he slips up and uses cockport or fartclam.
Posted by: It'd Be Nice If Republicans Did Something at June 04, 2024 03:56 PM (GOXs+)
Or "dorked in the squeekhole."

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 04, 2024 04:18 PM (mUnoX)

96 Without immediate deportations, this country is lost.

Also, given that the majority of these wetbacks are criminals who will not be punished for any crime they commit, you know what is going to happen in every city in short order.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at June 04, 2024 04:18 PM (lTGtQ)

97 Except me!
Posted by: Land O' Lakes indian

Posted by: Ribbed - Still Straight at June 04, 2024 04:18 PM (iFMeW)

98 It feels like pandering to get votes.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:17 PM (GBKbO)

He's setting up franchise opportunities.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 04, 2024 04:19 PM (tT6L1)

99 I thought yesterday the number was 4000 per day?

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at June 04, 2024 04:19 PM (9mfKN)

100 We can put a man on the moon, but we can't have the "Planet of the Apes" human-roundup scene with nets on constant replay at the border.

Posted by: ZOD at June 04, 2024 04:19 PM (Lv8q7)

101 Olly Olly All in Free

Posted by: Skip at June 04, 2024 04:19 PM (fwDg9)

102 Even for crime-ridden, rapidly-descending-into-anarchy California, this is pretty crime-ridden, rapidly-descending-into-anarchy California:

A series of fire hydrant thefts in the Florence-Firestone neighborhood of South Los Angeles has left residents without a working hydrant near their homes.

The thefts of four hydrants near the intersection of 82nd Street and Hooper Avenue mean the block doesn't have even one operating hydrant, KTLA's Jennifer McGraw reports.

It's no joke. The crooks are literally ripping the hydrants off the street and taking them away

Posted by: SMOD at June 04, 2024 04:19 PM (RHGPo)

103 Pillboxes, dogs, human flypaper, minefields, barbed wire, caltrops, electric fencing, strafing planes, booby-trapped Modelo, tainted water, howitzers, "the friendly coyote" turned serial killer, lasers, mustard gas...
No crocodiles in the Rio Grande?

ZOD is getting soft in his old age...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 04, 2024 04:19 PM (7fElN)

104 Back when SNL was still funny, they had this great skit when the guest host was Jimmy Smits, who is Hispanic. He was sitting around in some office with a bunch of non-Hispanics who were using the "authentic" Spanish pronunciations of word ("burrrrito," etc.), while Smits would just use the normal English pronunciation. Funny stuff.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 04, 2024 04:14 PM (v6JzV)
That was a good 'un.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 04, 2024 04:19 PM (mUnoX)

105 I missed the last thread, so apologies if this has already been said. I hope they DON'T find Hunter guilty. In the larger scheme, he doesn't matter. What matters is that the American people have the corruption of our current DoJ rubbed repeatedly in their faces, so they finally get a clue and vote accordingly.

Posted by: Archimedes at June 04, 2024 04:20 PM (xCA6C)

106 There won’t be mass deportations, no matter what. And by mass, I mean in the millions.

Posted by: tubal at June 04, 2024 04:20 PM (PCK5/)

107 It's all Trump's Fault(TM)!!! I'm still cleaning up the border mess he left me with!!! Vote for me because I'll keep Trump from messing-up the border again!

Posted by: Joe "Border Security Is My #1 Priority (today)" Biden at June 04, 2024 04:20 PM (5fDan)

108 It's no joke. The crooks are literally ripping the hydrants off the street and taking them away
Posted by: SMOD at June 04, 2024 04:19 PM (RHGPo)
1) How does one do that?
2) Doesn't that create a giant mess with water shooting everywhere until it's shut down?
3) What do they do with the hydrants? Sell it for scrap? Are they stealing manhole covers, too?

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 04, 2024 04:21 PM (7fElN)

109 I thought yesterday the number was 4000 per day?
Posted by: DoublySymmetric

Why should we believe there is actually some kind of limit? This junta has no boundaries. 4000 per day is just a number, like age is just a number for Joey Fingers.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at June 04, 2024 04:21 PM (IG4Id)

110 I thought yesterday the number was 4000 per day?
Posted by: DoublySymmetric at June 04, 2024 04:19 PM (9mfKN)

4000, 8000, 1.2 million. Don't matter none. All made up numbers anyways.

There are exactly 57 card-carrying members of the Communist Party in the Department of Defense at this time!

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 04, 2024 04:21 PM (7rocu)

111 The demented degenerate couldn't survive without the adoring support of the criminal media.

Posted by: Northernlurker at June 04, 2024 04:21 PM (M82F9)

112 >>tainted water, howitzers, "the friendly coyote" turned serial killer, lasers, mustard gas, crocodiles in the Rio Grande...

Posted by: ZOD at June 04, 2024 04:22 PM (Lv8q7)

113 There will be no debate.

Posted by: Max Power at June 04, 2024 04:22 PM (q177U)

114 111 The demented degenerate couldn't survive without the adoring support of the criminal media.
Posted by: Northernlurker at June 04, 2024 04:21 PM (M82F9)


Eh. They don't matter.

The ballot counters matter.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:22 PM (GBKbO)

115 1) How does one do that?
2) Doesn't that create a giant mess with water shooting everywhere until it's shut down?
3) What do they do with the hydrants? Sell it for scrap? Are they stealing manhole covers, too?
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 04, 2024 04:21 PM (7fElN)

Stolen vehicle smashes the hydrant off the base, car is left, thieves grab hydrant, toss in secondary stolen vehicle and take off.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 04, 2024 04:22 PM (tT6L1)

116 The thing that will stop this invasion, because the GOPe sure won't, is if someone from the Dem powerful or a family member has an "unfortunate" run in with an illegal. Might just get enough of the rest nervous to have them threaten, donation -wise , Mush Brain

Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 04, 2024 04:23 PM (LyrOO)

117 Soviet citizens paid no attention to the news, ever. We are halfway there already.

Posted by: tubal at June 04, 2024 04:23 PM (PCK5/)

118 In National IQ Test, Biden Does 'We Gotta Secure The Border!' Routine

The truth is that Joe Biden’s Executive Order won’t STOP the invasion—it will make the invasion WORSE.

We recently learned, Biden is secretly granting mass amnesty to hundreds of thousands of these illegal aliens, along with welfare, government benefits, work permits, and jobs. Show more

Posted by: Tyler Durden at June 04, 2024 04:23 PM (RHGPo)

119 This fucking guy.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at June 04, 2024 04:24 PM (ufFY8)

120 Stolen vehicle smashes the hydrant off the base, car is left, thieves grab hydrant, toss in secondary stolen vehicle and take off.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 04, 2024 04:22 PM (tT6L1)
Seems like a lot of trouble to go to to get a fire hydrant.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 04, 2024 04:24 PM (mUnoX)

121 I like Kennedy, but his cornpone witticisms and snark are annoying at this point, I don't know, how about you guys, you know.... DO SOMETHING!!!!????

Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 04, 2024 04:24 PM (XV/Pl)

122 weft cut-loop & Hairyback Guy,

Very good horde mind, well done.

I know the numbers are made up and the total doesn’t matter anyway. Just trying to figure out if this is the same EO as the one mentioned yesterday (w/ 4k/day) or if this is in addition to the EO mentioned yesterday.

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at June 04, 2024 04:24 PM (9mfKN)

123 Stolen vehicle smashes the hydrant off the base, car is left, thieves grab hydrant, toss in secondary stolen vehicle and take off.

A hydrant is worth more than a functioning vehicle?

Posted by: Archimedes at June 04, 2024 04:24 PM (xCA6C)

124 116 The thing that will stop this invasion, because the GOPe sure won't, is if someone from the Dem powerful or a family member has an "unfortunate" run in with an illegal. Might just get enough of the rest nervous to have them threaten, donation -wise , Mush Brain
Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 04, 2024 04:23 PM (LyrOO)


Nah. The wife of a Senator being gangraped by 12 Chinese illegal immigrants would do nothing. The wife would beg the justice system to take it easy on them because of their hard lives while calling them Hispanic.

Now, if prominent Democrats start losing elections because of immigration...that's another story.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:24 PM (GBKbO)

125 provide free food, housing, phones, employment assistance, and legal assistance to 912,500 illegal immigrants

Don't forget the medical care!

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism at June 04, 2024 04:24 PM (DECGl)

126 A hydrant is worth more than a functioning vehicle?
Posted by: Archimedes at June 04, 2024 04:24 PM (xCA6C)

We're talking people who think stealing fire hydrants is better than honest work.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 04, 2024 04:25 PM (tT6L1)

127 "I like Kennedy, but his cornpone witticisms and snark are annoying at this point, I don't know, how about you guys, you know.... DO SOMETHING!!!!????"

Absolutely. Fed up with these useless twits.

Posted by: Ribbed - Still Straight at June 04, 2024 04:25 PM (Ectld)

128 121 I like Kennedy, but his cornpone witticisms and snark are annoying at this point, I don't know, how about you guys, you know.... DO SOMETHING!!!!????
Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 04, 2024 04:24 PM (XV/Pl)


It'd be nice if a Senator brought all business on the floor to a halt by demanding that the next CR be read, in full, on the floor of the Senate.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:25 PM (GBKbO)

129 Who knew there was a black market for fire hydrants?

Posted by: Skip at June 04, 2024 04:25 PM (fwDg9)

130 Finished work here, heading home tomorrow. Tonight, though, the farewell banquet:

Posted by: ZOD at June 04, 2024 04:25 PM (Lv8q7)

131 In National IQ Test, Biden Does 'We Gotta Secure The Border!' Routine

Complete the danged fence!

Posted by: Archimedes at June 04, 2024 04:25 PM (xCA6C)

132 Stolen vehicle smashes the hydrant off the base, car is left, thieves grab hydrant, toss in secondary stolen vehicle and take off.

A hydrant is worth more than a functioning vehicle?
Posted by: Archimedes at June 04, 2024 04:24 PM (xCA6C)
Do they at least salvage the catalytic converter off the first stolen vehicle?

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 04, 2024 04:25 PM (7fElN)

133 Asked this morning

"Why did Van Gogh cut off his ear ? "

You have to have lived a life similar to Van Gogh to see the reason. The first time I heard that story I understood his motivation completely. The real question is "Why did Van Gogh cut off his ear, and send it to a girl?"

The answer is: Because he had no other way of showing her how much she meant to him.

Insane behavior? Yes, but that was his motivation.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at June 04, 2024 04:26 PM (CecP5)

134 It's no joke. The crooks are literally ripping the hydrants off the street and taking them away
Posted by: SMOD at June 04, 2024 04:19 PM (RHGPo)
I wonder which scrap metal dealers have a councilman or police chief on payroll.

Welcome to South Africa, where infrastructure is stolen.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 04, 2024 04:26 PM (d04cU)

135 Don't forget that other little grenade, chain migration

Posted by: Ben Had at June 04, 2024 04:26 PM (gbLgH)

136 The thing that will stop this invasion, because the GOPe sure won't, is if someone from the Dem powerful or a family member has an "unfortunate" run in with an illegal. Might just get enough of the rest nervous to have them threaten, donation -wise , Mush Brain

Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 04, 2024 04:23 PM (LyrOO)

I completely disagree.

We've seen European politicians have their daughters raped and killed by 'newcomers,' only to reiterate their positions.

Posted by: Land O' Lakes indian at June 04, 2024 04:26 PM (/nCD+)

137 It'd be nice if a Senator brought all business on the floor to a halt by demanding that the next CR be read, in full, on the floor of the Senate.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:25 PM (GBKbO)


Posted by: DoublySymmetric at June 04, 2024 04:26 PM (9mfKN)

138 Pretty good video from Sal Mercagliano about the logistics of D-Day.

Utube, What's Going On With Shipping? channel.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at June 04, 2024 04:26 PM (ufFY8)

139 Off, cancelled butter sock

Posted by: Washington Nearsider at June 04, 2024 04:26 PM (/nCD+)

140 129 Who knew there was a black market for fire hydrants?
Posted by: Skip at June 04, 2024 04:25 PM (fwDg9)

There’s a market for everything, everything and anything is for sale.. for the right price.

Posted by: tubal at June 04, 2024 04:26 PM (PCK5/)

141 The closer to November and if it looks like Sundowner is going to go down in flames, and the world sees it there will be 1 million a month getting here

Posted by: Skip at June 04, 2024 04:27 PM (fwDg9)

142 The enterprising crook has a valve wrench to shut off the water. Drought concious dont ya know.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at June 04, 2024 04:27 PM (Z8Yh2)

143 137 It'd be nice if a Senator brought all business on the floor to a halt by demanding that the next CR be read, in full, on the floor of the Senate.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:25 PM (GBKbO)

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at June 04, 2024 04:26 PM (9mfKN)


And next, I'll demand that some right-wing nut of a House Speaker (like I'm assured Mike Johnson is) would pass a budget at 1909 levels of funding for departments and then adjourn the chamber for the next 7 months.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:27 PM (GBKbO)

144 And a pony.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:27 PM (GBKbO)

145 133 Asked this morning

"Why did Van Gogh cut off his ear ? "

You have to have lived a life similar to Van Gogh to see the reason. The first time I heard that story I understood his motivation completely. The real question is "Why did Van Gogh cut off his ear, and send it to a girl?"

The answer is: Because he had no other way of showing

her how much she meant to him.

Insane behavior? Yes, but that was his motivation.
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at June 04, 2024 04:26 PM (CecP5)

He could have sent some nice sunflowers

Posted by: It's me donna at June 04, 2024 04:27 PM (Akjoo)

Who knew there was a black market for fire hydrants?
Posted by: Skip


Mafia dogs.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:28 PM (MoZTd)

147 I have a question - Where is the border czar, kamala Harris In all this?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 04, 2024 04:28 PM (YqDXo)

148 Render all EBT cards inactive.
Fuck em.

And pop popcorn.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at June 04, 2024 04:28 PM (ufFY8)

149 The locusts feed, and move on to the next field… very Biblical in a way…

Posted by: tubal at June 04, 2024 04:28 PM (PCK5/)

150 Thinks he can bring in more than Trump can get rid of.

He’s wrong.

Posted by: Braenard at June 04, 2024 04:28 PM (2gbgu)

151 Who knew there was a black market for fire hydrants?
Posted by: Skip


Mafia dogs.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:28 PM (MoZTd)
Next: under-the-table Milk Bones.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 04, 2024 04:29 PM (mUnoX)

152 I have a question - Where is the border czar, kamala Harris In all this?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 04, 2024 04:28 PM (YqDXo)
On her knees, inadequately positioned for success.

As usual.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 04, 2024 04:29 PM (d04cU)

And next, I'll demand that some right-wing nut of a House Speaker (like I'm assured Mike Johnson is) would pass a budget at 1909 levels of funding for departments and then adjourn the chamber for the next 7 months.

And a pony.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:27 PM (GBKbO)

The pony can be probably be handled. It’s just other people’s money.

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at June 04, 2024 04:29 PM (9mfKN)

He could have sent some nice sunflowers

Posted by: It's me donna

He could have sent a PAINTING

Posted by: Thomas Paine at June 04, 2024 04:29 PM (lTGtQ)

155 Once they're here, can't they simply sponsor family to follow them?

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at June 04, 2024 04:29 PM (KbCG3)

156 her how much she meant to him.

So, she had big tits?

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at June 04, 2024 04:30 PM (ufFY8)

157 Render all EBT cards inactive.

The hack of the century.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at June 04, 2024 04:30 PM (Z8Yh2)

158 Lemme get this off my chest.

Any man who uses huggy bear rainbow heart emojis during a text conversation is creepy af.

No. Just. No.

Posted by: nurse ratched at June 04, 2024 04:30 PM (wined)

159 >>"Why did Van Gogh cut off his ear, and send it to a girl?"

Accompanying note: "I am now halfway done listening to your shit."

Posted by: ZOD at June 04, 2024 04:30 PM (Lv8q7)

160 her how much she meant to him.

So, she had big tits?
Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at June 04, 2024 04:30 PM (ufFY
Her favors were...negotiable.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 04, 2024 04:30 PM (mUnoX)

161 He could have sent some nice sunflowers
Posted by: It's me donna at June 04, 2024 04:27 PM (Akjoo)

Yeah sunflowers are okay, but, do they show commitment like cutting off one's own ear? I think not....

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 04, 2024 04:31 PM (tT6L1)

162 We really need one major showdown with the administrative state where the fourth branch of government makes it so obvious that it operates without the consent of the governed that Texas passes secession resolutions because the Constitution has been dissolved.

Seriously. Shut down the Department of Education through the budget. Refuse to pass a dime for it.

Watch the executive fund it anyway.


Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:31 PM (GBKbO)

163 Oilfield Rando

Good news everybody, we’re only going to provide free food, housing, phones, employment assistance, and legal assistance to 912,500 illegal immigrants a year.

Republicans would be nuts to oppose measures this strict!


"You left out free medical care, free education including college now, anchor babies and all the welfare that comes with that, Social Security disability, get-out-of-jail free cards, downward pressure on pay, driver's licenses, and voter registration, h8r!"

Posted by: ShainS -- We Are All 'Convicted Felons' Now at June 04, 2024 04:31 PM (VW9sI)

164 Dumpster fire continues to burn.

Posted by: a typical moron at June 04, 2024 04:31 PM (D20IF)

165 He could have just taken her to dinner on a starry night.

Posted by: Ben Had at June 04, 2024 04:31 PM (gbLgH)

166 When they get rid of Johnson they need to get rid of the whip too.

Posted by: Braenard at June 04, 2024 04:31 PM (2gbgu)

167 158 Lemme get this off my chest.

Any man who uses huggy bear rainbow heart emojis during a text conversation is creepy af.

No. Just. No.
Posted by: nurse ratched at June 04, 2024 04:30 PM (wined)

Yeah… hope they don’t run… can’t finish this thought, nurse.

Posted by: tubal at June 04, 2024 04:32 PM (PCK5/)

168 166 When they get rid of Johnson they need to get rid of the whip too.
Posted by: Braenard at June 04, 2024 04:31 PM (2gbgu)


$5 says Johnson is Speaker next Congress.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:32 PM (GBKbO)

169 Republican congressional candidate Marty O'Donnell says that 10%-15% of the federal government could easily be cut without any repercussions for the American public. O'Donnell, who for the majority of his career composed music, is running for Congress in Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District. The musician spent years making jingles (Mr. Clean, Flintstones Chewable Vitamins) before composing the very celebrated soundtracks for massive video game franchises Halo and Destiny. The Halo franchise alone has sold over 81 million copies, according to Deadline.

Posted by: Tyler Durden at June 04, 2024 04:32 PM (RHGPo)

170 Any man who uses huggy bear rainbow heart emojis during a text conversation is creepy af.

No. Just. No.
Posted by: nurse ratched at June 04, 2024 04:30 PM (wined)

Starsky always gave me shit about that.

Posted by: Huggy Bear at June 04, 2024 04:32 PM (ufFY8)

171 $5 says Johnson is Speaker next Congress.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:32 PM (GBKbO)

That's to say they keep the House

Posted by: It's me donna at June 04, 2024 04:32 PM (Akjoo)

172 Once they're here, can't they simply sponsor family to follow them?

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at June 04, 2024 04:29 PM (KbCG3)


AKA "chain migration."

Posted by: ShainS -- We Are All 'Convicted Felons' Now at June 04, 2024 04:33 PM (VW9sI)


Any man who uses huggy bear rainbow heart emojis during a text conversation is creepy af.

No. Just. No.
Posted by: nurse ratched


Anyone over 14 who uses emojis is creepy af..

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:33 PM (MoZTd)

174 169 Republican congressional candidate Marty O'Donnell says that 10%-15% of the federal government could easily be cut without any repercussions for the American public. O'Donnell, who for the majority of his career composed music, is running for Congress in Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District. The musician spent years making jingles (Mr. Clean, Flintstones Chewable Vitamins) before composing the very celebrated soundtracks for massive video game franchises Halo and Destiny. The Halo franchise alone has sold over 81 million copies, according to Deadline.
Posted by: Tyler Durden at June 04, 2024 04:32 PM (RHGPo)


Day to day much does the federal government appear? Its tentacles are in nationwide systems, but from the local perspective of someone in a mid-sized city far from the coasts?

If you cut 90% of discretionary spending, they'd notice nothing. It's only when transfer payments get involved will people notice (and get very angry).

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:33 PM (GBKbO)

175 Starsky always gave me shit about that.

Posted by: Huggy Bear at June 04, 2024 04:32 PM (ufFY
I always thought Hutch was a little light in the loafers.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 04, 2024 04:33 PM (mUnoX)

Anyone over 14 who uses emojis is creepy af..
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:33 PM (MoZTd)

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 04, 2024 04:34 PM (tT6L1)

177 My guess is cut the government by 55%, just yo start.

Kennedy screwed us there

Posted by: Skip at June 04, 2024 04:34 PM (fwDg9)

178 Anyone over 14 who uses emojis is creepy af..
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:33 PM (MoZTd)

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 04, 2024 04:34 PM (mUnoX)

179 >>Oil field Rando


Posted by: BEN at June 04, 2024 04:34 PM (Hkcdp)

180 176
Anyone over 14 who uses emojis is creepy af..
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:33 PM (MoZTd)

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 04, 2024 04:34 PM (tT6L1)


Posted by: tubal at June 04, 2024 04:34 PM (PCK5/)

181 Waiting for all the republicans to go Hawaiian judge shopping so he can slap a nation wide injunction on Biden for this illegal executive order.

I'll be waiting a long time.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at June 04, 2024 04:35 PM (17s+e)

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1)



Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:35 PM (MoZTd)

183 IDF chief: Israel nearing decision on whether to launch war against Hezbollah, who are aligned with "Death To America" Iranians (pals of Joe Biden)

Posted by: Tyler Durden at June 04, 2024 04:35 PM (RHGPo)

184 158.

There was that line in the first hangover where Phil told his bro don’t text me it’s gay. That would never fly now, but he had a point.

My favorite Internet line is one that is never mentioned, it is from NewsRadio. Matthew tried to get Vicky to check out something on the web and she said, “Internet, InterNOT!” That one should at least be on YouTube for historical purposes, but it isn’t.

Posted by: Quint at June 04, 2024 04:35 PM (ZAhr4)

185 That's to say they keep the House
Posted by: It's me donna at June 04,
- …


Posted by: Braenard at June 04, 2024 04:36 PM (2gbgu)

186 Any man who uses huggy bear rainbow heart emojis during a text conversation is creepy af.

No. Just. No.
Posted by: nurse ratched at June 04, 2024 04:30 PM (wined)

Starsky always gave me shit about that.
Posted by: Huggy Bear at June 04, 2024 04:32 PM (ufFY


Which begs the question are there fuzzy dice emojis and what would nurse say about those?

Asking for a Hunter's sugar-brother-lover ...

Posted by: ShainS -- We Are All 'Convicted Felons' Now at June 04, 2024 04:36 PM (VW9sI)

187 Any man who uses huggy bear rainbow heart emojis during a text conversation is creepy af.

The pimp from Starsky and Hutch? Yeah, definitely creepy.

Posted by: Oddbob at June 04, 2024 04:36 PM (/y8xj)

188 He could have just taken her to dinner on a starry night.
But she ended up eating potatoes.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 04, 2024 04:36 PM (ZdexC)

189 Starsky always gave me shit about that.

Posted by: Huggy Bear at June 04, 2024 04:32 PM (ufFY
I always thought Hutch was a little light in the loafers.
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 04, 2024 04:33 PM (mUnoX)

Don't give up on me baby!

Posted by: D. Soul Man at June 04, 2024 04:36 PM (ufFY8)

190 Even for crime-ridden, rapidly-descending-into-anarchy California,
I rolled in to San Fran this morning. First time in over a decade. Its worse than NYC now. Just a mess of street people, and zombie addicts roaming downtown. You see the occasional tourist couple looking at their phones, then looking up and seeing reality and turning around and going back inside the hotel.

Posted by: a typical moron at June 04, 2024 04:37 PM (D20IF)

191 Considering that rocket fire from hezbollah has most of Northern Israel on fire , it's about time.

Posted by: Ben Had at June 04, 2024 04:37 PM (gbLgH)

Posted by: Duke Lowell at June 04, 2024 04:37 PM (2UnvF)

193 Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:33 PM (MoZTd)

Oh, dear. I'll have to go somewhere and cry profusely now. I occasionally use smiley emojis or winking ones here because there is no way to see body language to tell whether something is a joke.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 04, 2024 04:37 PM (XkYcA)

194 I haven't felt this safe since Beirut.

Posted by: Jak Sucio at June 04, 2024 04:37 PM (Aoykm)

195 171 $5 says Johnson is Speaker next Congress.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:32 PM (GBKbO)

That's to say they keep the House
Posted by: It's me donna at June 04, 2024 04:32 PM (Akjoo)


Yeah, the GOP's going to keep the House.

The cheat didn't get the Democrats the House either 2020 or 2022. It's probably not going to happen this year either.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:38 PM (GBKbO)

196 191 Considering that rocket fire from hezbollah has most of Northern Israel on fire , it's about time.
Posted by: Ben Had at June 04, 2024 04:37 PM (gbLgH)

I’d say finish in the south first, THEN head north. Maybe the relatively small distances make that wisdom moot, though.

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at June 04, 2024 04:38 PM (9mfKN)

197 Just a friendly message to Hunter's Juror's............

Having the IRS visit for an Audit is not fun..........

Posted by: Joe Biden at June 04, 2024 04:38 PM (VYql4)

198 ACE,

Check this out over at Real Clear Defense.

It is a good background on the people and groundwork set up by Obama to open the borders.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at June 04, 2024 04:39 PM (N37Q6)

199 *Can't remember if I met Hadrian in TX last year. So, it's possible he knows of that which he speaks.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 04, 2024 04:39 PM (tT6L1)

200 I’d say finish in the south first, THEN head north. Maybe the relatively small distances make that wisdom moot, though.
Posted by: DoublySymmetric at June 04, 2024 04:38 PM (9mfKN)
Given the size of Israel's forces, it would be difficult to wage all-out offensives on more than one front.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 04, 2024 04:39 PM (mUnoX)

201 We are not going to recover from this


Nope, we're not. This is the planned, utter destruction of America. There is no recovery that I can see. Not without some very immediate and harsh measures that will never, ever be taken, and if they are taken by some miracle, the courts would stop it. We're over. We've been over.

Posted by: Lady in Black at June 04, 2024 04:39 PM (mupln)

202 I played poker with Antonio Fargas once in Vegas.
He was a quiet guy. Seemed nice.

I wish he would have stayed longer, I was winning against him, lol.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at June 04, 2024 04:40 PM (ufFY8)

Starsky always gave me shit about that.
Posted by: Huggy Bear at June 04, 2024 04:32 PM (ufFY
Is Huggy Squirrel gonna havta choke a bitch?

Posted by: Huggy Squirrel at June 04, 2024 04:40 PM (7fElN)

Oh, dear. I'll have to go somewhere and cry profusely now. I occasionally use smiley emojis or winking ones here because there is no way to see body language to tell whether something is a joke.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke


*hands Fen a hankie*

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:40 PM (MoZTd)

205 🥓 🥓 🥓

Posted by: Jordan61 at June 04, 2024 04:40 PM (DRSnL)

206 195


Yeah, the GOP's going to keep the House.

The cheat didn't get the Democrats the House either 2020 or 2022. It's probably not going to happen this year either.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:38 PM (GBKb

Why would they bother? They get what they want anyway? Besides, with an Imperial Presidency Congress is just window dressing, a fashion accessory…

Posted by: tubal at June 04, 2024 04:40 PM (PCK5/)

207 No Biden didn't give in the loony left wing of the party.
He is part of it.
Where do they find these writers?

Posted by: Erebus- ex-killer whale at June 04, 2024 04:40 PM (elaR+)

208 Any man who uses huggy bear rainbow heart emojis during a text conversation is creepy af.

No. Just. No.
Posted by: nurse ratched

I know, right?

Antonio Fargas

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at June 04, 2024 04:40 PM (FxH7T)

209 I just got here, but that RCD article I just linked is a must read (but blood pressure harming.)

Obama set the groundwork, and the Biden exec. order does nothing to reestablish the security measures that have been systematically destroyed by two commie traitor presidents.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at June 04, 2024 04:41 PM (N37Q6)

210 206 Why would they bother? They get what they want anyway? Besides, with an Imperial Presidency Congress is just window dressing, a fashion accessory…
Posted by: tubal at June 04, 2024 04:40 PM (PCK5/)


I bet they'd love it. These aren't people for half-measures, but the corruption of elections is somewhat limited which makes stealing the House significantly harder to do.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:41 PM (GBKbO)

211 First planned terror attack at 2024 Olympic foiled by authorities: Surprise! He’s a Muslim migrant

.. no word if this terrorist yelled "Allahu Akbar" or not

Posted by: Tyler Durden at June 04, 2024 04:41 PM (RHGPo)

212 I almost never use emojis, and never in my work communications. I will use this one sometimes here:

Posted by: Pug Mahon, with a drawer full of pieces of flair at June 04, 2024 04:41 PM (hZc6Q)

213 205 🥓 🥓 🥓
Posted by: Jordan61 at June 04, 2024 04:40 PM (DRSnL)

MMMmmmm Bacon!

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at June 04, 2024 04:41 PM (9mfKN)

214 208 Any man who uses huggy bear rainbow heart emojis during a text conversation is creepy af.

How about the Grateful Dead bear ?

Posted by: It's me donna at June 04, 2024 04:41 PM (Akjoo)

*Can't remember if I met Hadrian in TX last year.


Alas, I ceased to be a social person a long time ago.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:42 PM (MoZTd)

216 Why would they bother? They get what they want anyway? Besides, with an Imperial Presidency Congress is just window dressing, a fashion accessory…
Posted by: tubal at June 04, 2024 04:40 PM (PCK5/)
The last remnants of the old Republic will be swept away.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 04, 2024 04:42 PM (mUnoX)

217 Yeah, fucking Hezbollah are shooting rockets into the forest to set them on fire ( it's the dry season).

Where is that freak St. Greta.

How DARE you!

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at June 04, 2024 04:42 PM (ufFY8)

218 Notice how quickly the state-compliant media all rush to repeat how "tough" this order is?

Because it's only meant to be a talking point they can trot out as somehow a counter when anyone says the border is open:
"Biden signed the toughest border enforcement order in decades! Tougher than even Trump!"

It'll work on the same people who think the Inflation Reduction Act reduced inflation.

PS: Biden's order is "tough," but Trump’s orders were "racist," even though both target Hispanics?
That's how you respond to this, not that it's weaker than Trump's but more racist than Trump’s.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at June 04, 2024 04:42 PM (PfAOx)

219 Any man who uses huggy bear rainbow heart emojis during a text conversation is creepy af.

No. Just. No.
Posted by: nurse ratched

Any man who texts huggy bear rainbow heart emojis spends a night in the box.

Posted by: Cool Hand Luke reboot at June 04, 2024 04:42 PM (PiwSw)

220 Weeee this is gonna be fun... 10 million people descend on Washington DC. Trumps Hotel former Post Office HQ will be slammin...

Posted by: Im Gumby Damn It!/George Carlins Pencil at June 04, 2024 04:42 PM (7keno)

221 4,000 people a day are above the law.

Posted by: ... at June 04, 2024 04:43 PM (XPmXx)

222 I use emojos.
No rainbow ones tho.
Man's gotta have some standards.

Posted by: Erebus- ex-killer whale at June 04, 2024 04:43 PM (elaR+)

223 Nope, we're not. This is the planned, utter destruction of America. There is no recovery that I can see. Not without some very immediate and harsh measures that will never, ever be taken, and if they are taken by some miracle, the courts would stop it. We're over. We've been over.
Its true. Hard to face, but there it is. Miracle needed. We aren't voting, policying our way out of this dumpster fire. A dumpster fire burns until it runs out of garbage. There is still a lot of garbage to burn.

Posted by: a typical moron at June 04, 2024 04:43 PM (D20IF)

224 Well the possibility is A big Trump turnout will bring in more Republicans as well. I think more Democrat Senators are due for election

Posted by: Skip at June 04, 2024 04:43 PM (fwDg9)

225 Allahu shitbar!!!!
💩 💩 💩

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 04, 2024 04:43 PM (ZdexC)

226 Everyone loves bacon if we can’t come together on that one then things really are as bad as they say.

Posted by: Quint at June 04, 2024 04:44 PM (ZAhr4)

227 Hadrian, you would feel more comfortable at the TXMoMe than being a ring steward.

Posted by: Ben Had at June 04, 2024 04:44 PM (gbLgH)

228 National suicide by invasion.
When the sporting times start...and it will somewhere, no one will be safe.

Posted by: Diogenes at June 04, 2024 04:44 PM (W/lyH)

229 When these illegal aliens completely drain our social services, and Medicare gets gutted as a result, it will be the Democrats throwing Grandma off the cliff. At least the white grandmas.

Posted by: Lady in Black at June 04, 2024 04:44 PM (mupln)

230 It'll work on the same people who think the Inflation Reduction Act reduced inflation.

PS: Biden's order is "tough," but Trump’s orders were "racist," even though both target Hispanics?
That's how you respond to this, not that it's weaker than Trump's but more racist than Trump’s.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at June 04, 2024 04:42 PM (PfAOx)

Inflation and the border.

What are two things the dems constantly say aren't a problem to be solved, should be solved but reps won't help, have been solved by Biden.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at June 04, 2024 04:44 PM (KbCG3)

231 I like emojis but I guess that scans.

Posted by: ... at June 04, 2024 04:44 PM (XPmXx)

232 Anyone over 14 who uses emojis is creepy af..
Exception for the "thumbs up"

Because millennials hate it and think it's like a middle finger.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at June 04, 2024 04:45 PM (PfAOx)

233 204
Oh, dear. I'll have to go somewhere and cry profusely now. I occasionally use smiley emojis or winking ones here because there is no way to see body language to tell whether something is a joke.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke


Pay no attention to the purists. I use them and everyone I know uses them. They can be quite useful in getting a point across and defining a meaning.

Posted by: The Screws at June 04, 2024 04:46 PM (4SnFm)

234 Inflation and the border.

What are two things the dems constantly say aren't a problem to be solved, should be solved but reps won't help, have been solved by Biden.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at June 04, 2024 04:44 PM (KbCG3)


You left out cancer.

Posted by: ShainS -- We Are All 'Convicted Felons' Now at June 04, 2024 04:46 PM (VW9sI)

235 Hispanics are a small part of the border invasion. Saying that even 20 years ago would be absurd but look around you. The reality is there. I never get into conversations with Hispanics. I get into conversations with Arabic speakers all the time because that’s who is moving here and they are guys going OK now what do I do?

Posted by: Quint at June 04, 2024 04:46 PM (ZAhr4)

Hadrian, you would feel more comfortable at the TXMoMe than being a ring steward.
Posted by: Ben Had at June 04, 2024 04:44 PM (gbLgH)


That's characteristically kind of you, but when I'm a steward I know what I'm doing. I'm one of the better ones.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 04, 2024 04:46 PM (MoZTd)

237 MGT for VP !!!!! Hell Yeah !!!!!

Posted by: Im Gumby Damn It!/George Carlins Pencil at June 04, 2024 04:46 PM (7keno)

238 I like emojis but I guess that scans.
Posted by: ... at June 04, 2024 04:44 PM (XPmXx)
They can be fun, but littering your e-mails and texts with them makes you look like an 8-year-old girl.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 04, 2024 04:46 PM (mUnoX)

239 👍🦨👌

Posted by: tubal at June 04, 2024 04:46 PM (PCK5/)

240 When things go sideways, it will be easy at first, because a large majority of the illegals can't speak English properly.

It's the home grown godless commies that will be harder to uncover.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at June 04, 2024 04:47 PM (ufFY8)

241 Off sock.

Posted by: washrivergal at June 04, 2024 04:47 PM (4SnFm)

242 Margaret Cleveland at Federalist is pointing out lots of former underlings in Sundowner's law departments have moved to all these Trump cases all over. One guy #3 in DOJ leaves to go work for Bragg

Posted by: Skip at June 04, 2024 04:47 PM (fwDg9)

243 Primary here today in Ocean County NJ. I voted straight MAGA..

Posted by: Im Gumby Damn It!/George Carlins Pencil at June 04, 2024 04:48 PM (7keno)

244 239 👍🦨👌
Good one

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at June 04, 2024 04:48 PM (PfAOx)

245 An emoji is the hobgoblin of little minds.*

*Just my own personal philosophy; YMMV

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at June 04, 2024 04:48 PM (KbCG3)

246 The MoMe needs a ring steward

Posted by: Skip at June 04, 2024 04:48 PM (fwDg9)

247 Millennials hate the thumbs up emoji?


Posted by: BEN at June 04, 2024 04:49 PM (Hkcdp)

248 The MoMe needs a ring steward
Posted by: Skip at June 04, 2024 04:48 PM (fwDg9)

And a flower girl?

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at June 04, 2024 04:50 PM (ufFY8)

249 248 The MoMe needs a ring steward
Posted by: Skip at June 04, 2024 04:48 PM (fwDg9)

And a flower girl?
Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at June 04, 2024 04:50 PM (ufFY

And a Piss-Boy?

Posted by: tubal at June 04, 2024 04:50 PM (PCK5/)

250 Anyone over 14 who uses emojis is creepy af..
Exception for the "thumbs up"

Because millennials hate it and think it's like a middle finger.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at June 04, 2024 04:45 PM (PfAOx)


Imma gonna go out on a limb and guess there's no emoji for the "okay" sign hand gesture ... because white supremacist?

Posted by: ShainS -- We Are All 'Convicted Felons' Now at June 04, 2024 04:50 PM (VW9sI)

251 The MoMe needs a ring steward
Posted by: Skip at June 04, 2024 04:48 PM (fwDg9)

And a flower girl?
Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at June 04, 2024 04:50 PM (ufFY
Bridesmaids of easy virtue?

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 04, 2024 04:50 PM (mUnoX)

252 I usually assume the guys on a construction project that don't know English are the most recent illegals

Posted by: Skip at June 04, 2024 04:50 PM (fwDg9)

253 I remember when it was almost impossible for an American to move to Italy or France or England legally. That was not long ago and I still think it’s true today. But back in those days, you had to prove that no one else in the region could do the job you wanted to do it is the only way they would allow you to have a work permit and enter the country legally.

That is how countries did it for hundreds of years and still 99% of countries still do that this way. I wish I could say only the US gave up on this and allows everyone because the Brits do it and the Spanish are overrun because they can’t stop it. But it is so crazy that Native Americans think every illegal has a right to live here when every other group from every other country thought otherwise just recently.

Even today try to immigrate to Mexico or Costa Rica and see how they treat you.

Posted by: Quint at June 04, 2024 04:50 PM (ZAhr4)

254 And next, I'll demand that some right-wing nut of a House Speaker (like I'm assured Mike Johnson is) would pass a budget at 1909 levels of funding for departments and then adjourn the chamber for the next 7 months.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 04, 2024 04:27 PM (GBKbO)

I'd be satisfied if the funded the DoD, CBP, very select parts of Treasury and Commerce, then stopped for the year.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at June 04, 2024 04:51 PM (VNX3d)

255 Emojis can be 🌈.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at June 04, 2024 04:51 PM (ufFY8)

256 253

Even today try to immigrate to Mexico or Costa Rica and see how they treat you.
Posted by: Quint at June 04, 2024 04:50 PM (ZAhr4)

Or Belize..

Posted by: tubal at June 04, 2024 04:52 PM (PCK5/)

257 Or Australia.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at June 04, 2024 04:52 PM (ufFY8)

258 I remember when it was almost impossible for an American to move to Italy or France or England legally. That was not long ago and I still think it’s true today. But back in those days, you had to prove that no one else in the region could do the job you wanted to do it is the only way they would allow you to have a work permit and enter the country legally.
Pretty much the reason why James Earl Jones was not allowed to perform as Othello in the BBC production of same. Beeb cast Anthony Hopkins in the role, and he turned in what must be the worst performance of his career.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 04, 2024 04:53 PM (mUnoX)

259 Maybe a flower girl, everyone gets a Hawaiian Leis don't they at a MoMe?

Posted by: Skip at June 04, 2024 04:53 PM (fwDg9)

260 Does everyone get Lei’d when they go to Hawaii?

Posted by: tubal at June 04, 2024 04:54 PM (PCK5/)

261 Nood alert I repeat! Nood Alert!

Posted by: Im Gumby Damn It!/George Carlins Pencil at June 04, 2024 04:54 PM (7keno)

262 242 Margaret Cleveland at Federalist is pointing out lots of former underlings in Sundowner's law departments have moved to all these Trump cases all over. One guy #3 in DOJ leaves to go work for Bragg
America First Legal @America1stLegal 12h
/1🚨BREAKING — Biden’s Acting Associate Attorney General Matthew Colangelo left the DOJ to help orchestrate Alvin Bragg’s political prosecution of President Trump.

We just sued the DOJ to uncover Colangelo’s records discussing President Trump before leaving the gov’t.

unrolled ordinary webpage

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 04, 2024 04:55 PM (ZdexC)

263 256, yeah, everyone in South America, Central America, etc. they know how to handle their borders, They treat illegal invasion as a crime and punish it as a crime.

I don’t understand how Americans woke up one day thinking the most normal thing ever is to be able to move to a new country and just be welcomed. Sure, the Brits make it difficult as hell for an American to go there or try going to France or Italy legally. But in Latin America and South America, Central America, it is almost impossible. You have to pay big time and wait a long time.

When people talk about the Overton window for sure, it is moved the most when it comes to immigration in this country. Half the country thinks anyone can just move here just get up and well now you’re an American. That is the opposite of how every country has dealt with these issues for hundreds of years.

Posted by: Quint at June 04, 2024 04:55 PM (ZAhr4)

264 Another point into the ether.

Biden did not "give in to the Left wing of the party"

Biden made a deal. The problem with parliamentary systems is that you end up with coalitions. Coalitions are bad because the minority parties get to dictate terms. The majority of the population never gets what they want since they need to create a coalition government.

What happened in 2020 is that the DNC got the fringe loons to drop out, but in exchange for terms.
The terms:
- The loony AOC wing got the green new deal ("inflation act.) and no new drilling on US soil
- The obama wing got open borders and Iran deal
- The BLC wing got a "black woman" VP, and SCOTUS pick.
etc. This was all agreed to in the 2020 primary. Biden was the front man for a mob pact.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at June 04, 2024 04:55 PM (N37Q6)

265 MGT for VP !!!!! Hell Yeah !!!!!

Posted by: Im Gumby Damn It!/George Carlins Pencil at June 04, 2024 04:46 PM (7keno)


Screw VP debates, MTG vs. Kamala cage match -- two bitchez enter, only one leaves ...

Posted by: ShainS -- We Are All 'Convicted Felons' Now at June 04, 2024 04:56 PM (VW9sI)

266 The “newcomers “ all use their Obamaphone’s translation app.
Have had to do this where I volunteer - the guy kep r speaking into it then showing me his question, and I had to do the same to answer it. A total PITA, but you can imagine fed bureaucrats think this makes ‘em all English proficient.

Posted by: Lizzy at June 04, 2024 04:56 PM (Hkcdp)

267 The left will sue and the DOJ will settle locking in the settlement as new "law." That's really why Biden discovered his authority over border enforcement 5 months before the election.

Posted by: crasey at June 04, 2024 04:57 PM (N6226)

268 The beauty of all this, is that open borders Republicans, who love calling their white voters "racists" will finally give the Chamber of Commerce and their big business donors the cheap labor they've been demanding for decades. And all those new, cheap workers who replace the middle class workers, will make products that will sit on shelves and never be purchased, because there will be no more middle class to buy their products.
Bravo, bravo Republicans! You damn idiots. Hope it was worth selling away America. But hey, no more mean tweets, right?

Posted by: Tracy at June 04, 2024 11:16 PM (iMrxp)

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