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Sunday Overnight Open Thread (2/11/24)

2 11 24 ont.jpg

(Music H/T Blake)


The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

“I wonder if there’s a more efficient way to create jobs than printing $61 billion and sending some of the weapons it buys to Ukraine.” U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH)

Quote II

"It's terribly easy to be lead away on some sort of romantic notion of living fossils.

"I'm not going to make any bones about this, I think that Professor Tan's description of this family as "devolution", as an evolutionary throwback, is not only scientifically irresponsible but deeply insulting to this family." British psychologist Nicholas Humphrey

Quote III

“So, what we need to see in the Middle East, in particular in relation to Palestine, is that we need to see a ceasefire now. And we need the international community to be singing in chorus and harmony in terms of ceasefire now.” Michelle O’Neill, the new First Minister of Northern Ireland
I do believe her hair coloring has affected her intellectual capacity


The Comments of The Week

Once again The Horde demonstrates they are the best..........

Screenshot 2024-02-04 at 9.28.22 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 8.45.56 AM.png

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Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 9.53.56 PM.png


Has your Sunday gone fairly well? If it has perhaps you shouldn't watch the following. We are so fvcked.


Not enough Rivastigmine in the world to make him coherent.


So the conversation goes something like this:
Bob: Hey William, can I grab a cold one from your frig?
William: Sure thing Bob, just grab one behind the jar of testicles.

Michigan transgender Muslim woman loses case against ex who she sued for throwing out jar of her former pair of testicles that she kept in the FRIDGE
A transgender Muslim woman is suing her ex-boyfriend for throwing away her testicles
Brianna Kingsley, 40, is seeking $6,500 after her former lover William Wojciechowski, 37, disposed of the surgically removed testicles
The body parts had been 'rotting' in his fridge for more than a year


So who the hell is in control of things at the White House?

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin transported to DC-area hospital for ‘emergent bladder issue’

I wonder if the gall bladder will end up in someone's refrigerator.


The ONT Musical Interlude & Hot Buttered & Salted Popcorn Emporium

Maybe, just maybe, if there are enough of us with courage, strength and resolve in our hearts, we will still enjoy this song in 5 years. - Sock Monkey


You can play this for your Sweetie this upcoming Wednesday.........


I thought Cops wore protective gloves while handling aGenius Award Winner.

Horny bloke found masturbating in library managed to escape cuffs due to slippy hands
Cops were called twice to the university library to reports a man was masturbating at a computer, but when they tried to apprehend Mark Coward, he gave them the slip at first


I'm sure they would rather have their husband and father back. Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

14 years after the death of an Army Sgt. in Iraq, his widow and children walked into a brand new house—gifted to them in honor of his memory.

The “Hero Home #27” was built through Operation Coming Home, a mission to help injured troops and families of fallen service members, and is located in Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina.

“We thank God for everybody who had anything to do with it,” said Ava Bradley. “We appreciate everybody. Everybody.”


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Office Games.


Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire & AceCorp, LLC. So far, so good about the NSA, FBI, CIA and WTF.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:00 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 first

Posted by: JohnFNotKerry at February 11, 2024 10:00 PM (GIu0F)

2 Oneth!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana - again! ~ at February 11, 2024 10:00 PM (hOUT3)

3 Take THAT, Brandon!

Posted by: Hokey Pokey at February 11, 2024 10:00 PM (as3uC)

4 Drat!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana - again! ~ at February 11, 2024 10:00 PM (hOUT3)

An ONT?? It's almost like you meant to do that!

Gdeve, y'all....

Posted by: mindful webworker - bullets & beef? Food/gun thread crossover at February 11, 2024 10:00 PM (ZFdeh)

6 Non-super bowl ONT

Posted by: JohnFNotKerry at February 11, 2024 10:01 PM (GIu0F)

7 Good evening everyone.

Posted by: Tonypete at February 11, 2024 10:01 PM (SAX5G)

8 Hey

Posted by: Ciampino at February 11, 2024 10:01 PM (qfLjt)

9 So, what we need to see in the Middle East, in particular in relation to Palestine, is that we need to see a ceasefire now.
There can be a ceasefire, at least in Gaza, as soon as every member of Hamas is dead.

Posted by: Methos at February 11, 2024 10:02 PM (Dnobf)

10 Things change so fast.

Posted by: From about that Time at February 11, 2024 10:02 PM (4780s)

11 6 Non-super bowl ONT
Posted by: JohnFNotKerry at February 11, 2024 10:01 PM (GIu0F)

No shit my friend.

My damn pc has all of these pop ups about what is happening.

I hate the late great Toby Keith for giving us a loser broad singer.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at February 11, 2024 10:02 PM (aA3+G)

Good evening, everyone. No, no need to stand.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at February 11, 2024 10:03 PM (MoZTd)

13 Good evening everyone

Posted by: Skip at February 11, 2024 10:03 PM (fwDg9)

14 Hopefully MisHum deletes any game posts....

Posted by: OrangeEnt at February 11, 2024 10:04 PM (Angsy)

15 12
Good evening, everyone. No, no need to stand.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at February 11, 2024 10:03 PM (MoZTd)

So you being the devout Catholic and Lent happens this week, what are you giving up?

I'm giving up empathy. And my thick skin.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at February 11, 2024 10:04 PM (aA3+G)

16 No idea how the Irish have gone totally bonkers

Posted by: Skip at February 11, 2024 10:05 PM (fwDg9)

17 Easily the worst collection of Super Bowl Commercials, especially the Jesus Thinks You're A Racist Commercials.

Best one of the terrible lot was the Schwarzenegger commercial.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at February 11, 2024 10:05 PM (XV/Pl)

18 Conference call Bingo addition:

"I'm sorry, I was multi-tasking. Would you repeat the ask again please?"

Posted by: Tonypete at February 11, 2024 10:05 PM (SAX5G)

19 Iris is not wrong.

Posted by: TRex at February 11, 2024 10:05 PM (IQ6Gq)

20 14 Hopefully MisHum deletes any game posts....
Posted by: OrangeEnt at February 11, 2024 10:04 PM (Angsy)

I think Ace and his sponsors would frown upon that.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at February 11, 2024 10:05 PM (aA3+G)

21 There can be a ceasefire, at least in Gaza, as soon as every member of Hamas is dead.
Posted by: Methos

We can still dream...

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana - again! ~ at February 11, 2024 10:06 PM (hOUT3)

22 Content:

𐄂 Not Read
☑ Read

Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 11, 2024 10:06 PM (IG4Id)

23 Hopefully MisHum deletes any game posts....

Posted by: OrangeEnt at February 11, 2024 10:04 PM (Angsy)

Screw you, Bub!

Posted by: Deer at February 11, 2024 10:06 PM (emlEe)

24 Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin transported to DC-area hospital for ‘emergent bladder issue’

If your bladder is emerging, that's definitely an issue.

Posted by: mikeski at February 11, 2024 10:06 PM (DgGvY)

25 What should I drink tonight?

Moonshine or moonshine?

Posted by: Tonypete at February 11, 2024 10:07 PM (SAX5G)

26 The Iwo Jima flag photo is timely. Just watched Flags of our Fathers movie on an airplane. Moving. We've also had the benefit of the visiting the USMC museum south of DC which has the second flag on display.

Posted by: TRex at February 11, 2024 10:07 PM (IQ6Gq)

So you being the devout Catholic and Lent happens this week, what are you giving up?


No, I'm a really crappy Catholic. But I'm trying to improve.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at February 11, 2024 10:07 PM (MoZTd)

28 Oh, hey, I should have posted this in the gun thread as I asked for prayers there last week, but hopefully enough people carry over. I posted for prayer because during the gun thread sra blaster let me know her mother had been hospitalized with thedoctor giving her a 50/50 chance.

Well, Horde prayer did its thing. She beat the odds and is more alert and talkative (she's got Alzheiners and is bedridden) than she has been in months.

Thanks, y'all.

Posted by: blaster at February 11, 2024 10:09 PM (IFNME)

29 No, I'm a really crappy Catholic. But I'm trying to improve.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

Hthe 7th, if you ever have the chance, get thee to the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, AL. Spent the weekend there - Not to be missed.

Posted by: Tonypete at February 11, 2024 10:09 PM (SAX5G)

No idea how the Irish have gone totally bonkers
Posted by: Skip at February 11, 2024 10:05 PM (fwDg9)


I often think the Irish, in their native environment, are frequently totally bonkers.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at February 11, 2024 10:09 PM (MoZTd)

31 I suspect Biden will just tell Ralphie to drink Ovaltine . . . . . .

Posted by: LRob in OK at February 11, 2024 10:10 PM (TSQkU)


Posted by: STW at February 11, 2024 10:12 PM (BAtz7)

33 In response to Iris's comment:

Posted by: blaster at February 11, 2024 10:12 PM (IFNME)

34 Moonshine or moonshine?

TP, the OLD song said there was "moonshine, moonshine to quench the devil's thirst", so you're OK with moonshine.

Posted by: LRob in OK at February 11, 2024 10:12 PM (TSQkU)

35 So how do you think it's scripted?
1) Mahomes wins with a last second TD
2) Mahomes loses with a last second INT.
3) Field Goal and they milk another 30 minutes of ad time out of it.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:12 PM (S6gqv)

36 I am, once again, giving up vegetables for Lent.

Posted by: blaster at February 11, 2024 10:12 PM (IFNME)

37 "No idea how the Irish have gone totally bonkers"

My theory:

All the smart ones either died or escaped during the Potato Famine.

The rest-- inbred.

Posted by: JQ at February 11, 2024 10:13 PM (njWTi)

38 Glafd to hear that your mother is improving, blaster. Thanks be to God, and the prayer of the horde is a wonderful thing.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 11, 2024 10:13 PM (Vabrb)

39 I'm giving up booze for lent.

Wish me luck.

Posted by: nurse ratched at February 11, 2024 10:14 PM (ZtIkv)

40 Thanks for the Kinder and Gentler ONT, Mis Hum!

Great photo up top. Imitations of glory grow up to become glorious one day. Great tune behind it too!

Posted by: Legally Sufficient at February 11, 2024 10:14 PM (KglbO)

41 Austin has got some serious lower plumbing issues going on. First prostate, now bladder - he's in trouble.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:14 PM (S6gqv)

42 I think Ace and his sponsors would frown upon that.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at February 11, 2024 10:05 PM (aA3+G)

I meant on the ONT.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at February 11, 2024 10:14 PM (Angsy)

43 I wonder if there’s a more efficient way to create jobs than printing $61 billion and sending some of the weapons it buys to Ukraine

Not if you are the people that get direct benefit from that $61B.

I see Boris Johnson is having a fit over Vlad calling him out for stopping a peace agreement early on during the Uke war.

This appears to be one of those items though that the FNM originally described as a good thing because they were told the Ukes were going to win. Now...especially after Vlad said it? Now its untrue...

Posted by: 18-1 at February 11, 2024 10:14 PM (ibTVg)

44 Game still boring?

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at February 11, 2024 10:15 PM (zdLoL)

45 No idea how the Irish have gone totally bonkers

Posted by: Skip at February 11, 2024 10:05 PM (fwDg9)

Listen to Michael Walsh on CutJibNewsletter Speaks.

He has a few ideas...

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 11, 2024 10:15 PM (gSZYf)

46 25 What should I drink tonight?

Moonshine or moonshine?

Posted by: Tonypete at February 11, 2024 10:07 PM (SAX5G)
Definitely nothing from a bladder.

Posted by: Ciampino - I love vanilla so vanilla for the soul? at February 11, 2024 10:15 PM (qfLjt)

47 Football announcer- “the DNA of that guy.”


Where’s the LGBT community where’s the ACLU?

Posted by: Rex B at February 11, 2024 10:15 PM (lq7Sk)

48 UGH, that conference call bingo brought back a lot of bad memories, and now I'm all traumatized.

But otherwise, thanks for the ONT!

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at February 11, 2024 10:15 PM (Rbu5d)

49 Austin has got some serious lower plumbing issues going on. First prostate, now bladder - he's in trouble.

What are the symptoms of monkeypox again?

Posted by: 18-1 at February 11, 2024 10:15 PM (ibTVg)

50 The Indian guy reverse colonizing Britain seems to be the best of their leaders.

Not that it is a high bar of course...but the native born ones are nutters.

Posted by: 18-1 at February 11, 2024 10:16 PM (ibTVg)

51 Yes! The clear favorite, #3 with 30 more minutes of ad time comes through!

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:16 PM (S6gqv)

52 Tie ball game. Looks like overtime.

Posted by: nurse ratched at February 11, 2024 10:16 PM (Cxf2D)

53 Tie ball game. Looks like overtime.

Is this the point in the game were both teams have to lip sync Swift songs for extra points?

Posted by: 18-1 at February 11, 2024 10:17 PM (ibTVg)

54 The Irish, eh - Cromwell was right.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:17 PM (S6gqv)

55 Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana - again!

I rec'd your email
Thank you.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at February 11, 2024 10:18 PM (aA3+G)

56 Austin has got some serious lower plumbing issues going on. First prostate, now bladder - he's in trouble.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:14 PM (S6gqv)

I'll bet it all stems from his prostate cancer surgery. He had a catheter in and it caused a bladder then kidney infection.

And let's not get too excited about the care at Walter Reed, or whatever military hospital he is going to...

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 11, 2024 10:18 PM (gSZYf)

57 I haven't missed a CJJ Speaks yet I think

Posted by: Skip at February 11, 2024 10:18 PM (fwDg9)

58 54 Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:17 PM (S6gqv)

Cromwell did nothing wrong!

Posted by: sven at February 11, 2024 10:18 PM (X0I7i)

59 52 Tie ball game. Looks like overtime.
Posted by: nurse ratched at February 11, 2024 10:16 PM (Cxf2D)

Please tell us who wins tomorrow, ok?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at February 11, 2024 10:18 PM (aA3+G)

60 I haven't missed a CJJ Speaks yet I think

Posted by: Skip at February 11, 2024 10:18 PM (fwDg9)

Cool! Thank you!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 11, 2024 10:18 PM (gSZYf)

61 The Irish, eh - Cromwell was right.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:17 PM (S6gqv)

What was Cromwell's greatest achievement?

Posted by: OrangeEnt at February 11, 2024 10:18 PM (Angsy)

62 I saw a video from an American woman that moved to Ireland and she loved it. They had awesome places to see, mild weather, and it was so quaint and lovely.

Except everything was expensive, you couldn't find a job unless you basically begged for one, those cool things to see all required you to have a car...which you couldn't afford, and the quaint places to live didn't have some things you might be used to like reliably running water or heat...

Posted by: 18-1 at February 11, 2024 10:19 PM (ibTVg)

63 56 Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 11, 2024 10:18 PM (gSZYf)

Pretty sure they folded serious care into the Bethesda network.

If you force yourself to be dispassionate there are a lot of signs we are an empire in decline.

Posted by: sven at February 11, 2024 10:20 PM (X0I7i)

64 The Irish, eh - Cromwell was right.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:17 PM (S6gqv)

What was Cromwell's greatest achievement?
Posted by: OrangeEnt at February 11, 2024 10:18 PM (Angsy)

Answer: Getting head from a king....

Posted by: OrangeEnt at February 11, 2024 10:20 PM (Angsy)

65 Ok. Goodnight all!

Posted by: nurse ratched at February 11, 2024 10:20 PM (LPplg)

66 I am, God help me, following this priest's advice and giving up social media for a couple of days. I never really do FB ( The church has a FB page but I don't scroll FB. And I don't have an Instagram account . However, I can give up news for a couple of days. Esteemed poster A.H Lloyd only posts on the prayer and book thread, I believe ,because it reinforces the idea that God is in charge.

Thoughts on social media fasts by Fr. John Kalchik:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 11, 2024 10:20 PM (Vabrb)

67 39 I'm giving up booze for lent.

Wish me luck.
Posted by: nurse ratched at February 11, 2024 10:14 PM (ZtIkv)

Well, if someone lent it to you, it wasn't really yours in the first place, was it?

Oh, and good luck.

Posted by: Orson at February 11, 2024 10:20 PM (dIske)

68 And we need the international community to be singing in chorus and harmony in terms of ceasefire now.” Michelle O’Neill, the new First Minister of Northern Ireland

Or Israel can just bomb the f**k out of the Palestinians. One of those two things.

Posted by: Dr. Jill at February 11, 2024 10:21 PM (0Htd1)

69 Good evening all...
Trying to stay warm furnace failed today. Kinda tough when it's 9 degrees outside 😬

Posted by: COMountainMarie at February 11, 2024 10:21 PM (V02eN)

70 Evenin'
(sips beer)

Maybe, just maybe, if there are enough of us with courage, strength and resolve in our hearts, we will still enjoy this song in 5 years. - Sock Monkey

Ok. No problem. I like Styx.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at February 11, 2024 10:21 PM (sAmhv)

71 Tie game, more ad revenue.

Posted by: davidt at February 11, 2024 10:21 PM (SYTee)

72 ->>> I do believe her hair coloring has affected her intellectual capacity

The Kamala wave, it's catching.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 11, 2024 10:21 PM (Foy17)

73 62 I saw a video from an American woman that moved to Ireland and she loved it. They had awesome places to see, mild weather, and it was so quaint and lovely.

Except everything was expensive, you couldn't find a job unless you basically begged for one, those cool things to see all required you to have a car...which you couldn't afford, and the quaint places to live didn't have some things you might be used to like reliably running water or heat...
Posted by: 18-1 at February 11, 2024 10:19 PM (ibTVg)

Details, details, details.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at February 11, 2024 10:21 PM (aA3+G)

74 I rec'd your email
Thank you.
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian

You're welcome!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana - again! ~ at February 11, 2024 10:22 PM (hOUT3)

75 61 Posted by: OrangeEnt at February 11, 2024 10:18 PM (Angsy)

Helping the Stuarts shave, establishing that parliament was supreme partially housebreaking the Irish.

Posted by: sven at February 11, 2024 10:22 PM (X0I7i)

76 Good evening all...
Trying to stay warm furnace failed today. Kinda tough when it's 9 degrees outside 😬
Posted by: COMountainMarie at February 11, 2024 10:21 PM (V02eN)

You got three dogs, COMM?

Posted by: OrangeEnt at February 11, 2024 10:22 PM (Angsy)

77 One thing I learned from this site, jokes about zombie Ted Kennedy and Chappaquiddick never stop being funny.

Posted by: nerdygirl at February 11, 2024 10:23 PM (0Htd1)

78 "we need the international community to be singing in chorus and harmony"

Call me.

Posted by: James Taylor at February 11, 2024 10:24 PM (SYTee)

79 The Irish were hoping the Nazis won. They have been F’d up for a long time. And they gave us the Kennedys.

Posted by: Naples Yellow at February 11, 2024 10:24 PM (MNhXM)

80 24 Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin transported to DC-area hospital for ‘emergent bladder issue’

If your bladder is emerging, that's definitely an issue.
Posted by: mikeski

It's not his bladder.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at February 11, 2024 10:24 PM (sAmhv)

81 I am SO going to turn that bingo into an actual file and email it to my team at work. I'll have to figure out a prize - will be difficult since we are all remote.

Posted by: GWB at February 11, 2024 10:24 PM (32nmx)

82 Posted by: OrangeEnt at February 11, 2024 10:18 PM (Angsy)

Helping the Stuarts shave, establishing that parliament was supreme partially housebreaking the Irish.
Posted by: sven at February 11, 2024 10:22 PM (X0I7i)

See #64

Posted by: OrangeEnt at February 11, 2024 10:24 PM (Angsy)

83 61 The Irish, eh - Cromwell was right.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:17 PM (S6gqv)

What was Cromwell's greatest achievement?

Posted by: OrangeEnt at February 11, 2024 10:18 PM (Angsy)
Either He dissolved the monasteries or he circumcised all the Cavaliers.

(would he have used HF to dissolve the monasteries, thus an alchemist of sorts?)

Posted by: Ciampino - I love vanilla at February 11, 2024 10:24 PM (qfLjt)

84 "we need the international community to be singing in chorus and harmony"

I'd like to buy the world a Coke, and keep it company.

Posted by: The New Seekers at February 11, 2024 10:25 PM (SYTee)

What was Cromwell's greatest achievement?
Posted by: OrangeEnt at February 11, 2024 10:18 PM (Angsy)"

Some would say the New Model Army.
Others would say reducing the Irish population by about 50%.
Personally I like his speech dismissing the Long Parliament.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:25 PM (S6gqv)

86 Seeing an AP news report that the Israelis have rescued two male hostages in Gaza.

Posted by: TRex at February 11, 2024 10:26 PM (IQ6Gq)

87 What was Cromwell's greatest achievement?

Posted by: OrangeEnt at February 11, 2024 10:18 PM (Angsy)
Either He dissolved the monasteries or he circumcised all the Cavaliers.

(would he have used HF to dissolve the monasteries, thus an alchemist of sorts?)
Posted by: Ciampino - I love vanilla at February 11, 2024 10:24 PM (qfLjt)

See #64

Posted by: OrangeEnt at February 11, 2024 10:26 PM (Angsy)

88 Kinda tough when it's 9 degrees outside 😬
Posted by: COMountainMarie at February 11, 2024 10:21 PM (V02eN)

You're saying you don't have back-up heaters? In Colorado?!

Posted by: GWB at February 11, 2024 10:26 PM (32nmx)

89 So sick of sportsball announcers with diarrhea of the mouf. SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at February 11, 2024 10:26 PM (GgJLQ)

90 The Irish women’s basketball teams refused to shake the hands of the Israeli team during an international competition.

Posted by: Naples Yellow at February 11, 2024 10:26 PM (MNhXM)

91 I saw Emergent Bladder Issue open for The Cramps on their Goo Goo Muck Tour at the Capitol Theater in 87.

Posted by: Hooterville World Guardian at February 11, 2024 10:27 PM (V5BDR)

92 Sadly, the "Irish Pronouncement" was issued by the newly installed head of NORTHERN IRELAND. A part of the United Kingdom.

Traditionally, such insanities were the norm from the Republic of Ireland (Southern Ireland), a socialist/communist enclave since the early 20th Century.

For Northern Ireland, this is a travesty, indeed.

I don't know how the woke tart got elected there. Bidenomics? Who the hell knows.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at February 11, 2024 10:27 PM (e6UQI)

93 Henry VIII dissolved the Monasteries in 1537. I've been advocating that as a guide for what we should do with the Ivy League schools.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:27 PM (S6gqv)

94 I asked for prayers for my BIL on the coffee thread. I am going to ask again. He started having issues with back and leg pain about a year ago. He was poked, proded and scanned with no definitive diagnosis. Friday morning he woke up with no feeling in his legs and unable to walk. After 12+ hours in the ER, they discovered a growth on his spine. He had an 81/2 hour surgery on Saturday. The mass was pervasive throughout his spinal area and they weren't able to get it all. Doctors are assuming it's cancer and his prognosis for walking is not good. We bought the front half of their acreage 28 years ago. He's an amazing guy. Always the first to show up, whether asked or not, when there is work to be done or a problem to solve. He is one of my few, true friends. Prayers would be appreciated.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 11, 2024 10:28 PM (ZYX33)

95 93 Henry VIII dissolved the Monasteries in 1537. I've been advocating that as a guide for what we should do with the Ivy League schools.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:27 PM (S6gqv)

I see campuses dissolving under heavy B52 bombing. But thats just me.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at February 11, 2024 10:28 PM (aA3+G)

96 Personally I like his speech dismissing the Long Parliament.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:25 PM (S6gqv)

Yes; That is a great speech.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 11, 2024 10:29 PM (Ki//m)

97 Forgot to mention, fuck Lloyd Austin.

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at February 11, 2024 10:29 PM (GgJLQ)

98 Posted by: Sock Monkey

Prayers up again!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana - again! ~ at February 11, 2024 10:30 PM (hOUT3)

99 18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material

(a) Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.

.. Joe Biden knew this stuff was in his garage .. guilty
This nonsense about intent is under the mistaken belief that it is intent to do damage or such. That isn't that statue.

Posted by: SMOD at February 11, 2024 10:31 PM (RovqD)

100 Prayers sent Sock Monkey, fuck cancer.

Posted by: sven at February 11, 2024 10:31 PM (X0I7i)

101 Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin transported to DC-area hospital for ‘emergent bladder issue’

You know when some people are hired for jobs they have to pass a medical exam. I guess Secretary of Defense isn't that important a job.

Posted by: nerdygirl at February 11, 2024 10:31 PM (0Htd1)

102 Henry VIII dissolved the Monasteries in 1537. I've been advocating that as a guide for what we should do with the Ivy League schools.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:27 PM (S6gqv)

We need to bring back decimation for college presidents, on PPV. A sport to really cheer on your college.

What's that saying? The old ways are the best ways.

Posted by: RickZ at February 11, 2024 10:31 PM (emlEe)

103 99 Posted by: SMOD at February 11, 2024 10:31 PM (RovqD)

further the law as written is that way specifically to exclude intent to minimize wiggle room.

You fuck up classified docs you go away....cold war rules baby.

Posted by: sven at February 11, 2024 10:32 PM (X0I7i)

104 Devolution is not an insult and not to be feared. I am also a throwback to Neanderthal Man.

Posted by: Boogie Boy at February 11, 2024 10:32 PM (V5BDR)

105 I doubt if there’s a more efficient way to create jobs than printing 535 Letters of Marque on federal legislators and tossing them face first into black marias for a one-way trip to Slam City.

Posted by: Not-a-US Senator Yudhishthira's Dice at February 11, 2024 10:32 PM (0FoWg)

106 Horny bloke found masturbating in library managed to escape cuffs due to slippy hands

Between the masturbators, junkies, and drunks, do cops just hose out the back of their cruisers at the end of the day? Then spray it all down with Lysol.

Posted by: nerdygirl at February 11, 2024 10:33 PM (0Htd1)

107 sock monkkey
I asked for prayers for my BIL on the coffee thread.

Prayers up for your BIL. Sounds very discouraging. But God is always at work. Prayers for all of you.

Posted by: TecumsehTea at February 11, 2024 10:33 PM (JrYM1)

108 78 "we need the international community to be singing in chorus and harmony"

Call me.

Posted by: James Taylor at February 11, 2024 10:24 PM (SYTee)
Blondie has entered the chat.

Posted by: Ciampino - Love you long tide at February 11, 2024 10:33 PM (qfLjt)

109 101 Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin transported to DC-area hospital for ‘emergent bladder issue’

You know when some people are hired for jobs they have to pass a medical exam. I guess Secretary of Defense isn't that important a job.
Posted by: nerdygirl at February 11, 2024 10:31 PM (0Htd1)

[X] Black
[X] Politician
[X] Woke
[X] Fucked up and fell upwards in the scheme of things
[X] Don't need no stinkin' physical

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at February 11, 2024 10:33 PM (aA3+G)

110 Yes; That is a great speech.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 11, 2024 10:29 PM (Ki//m)

My favorite line is "Ye have no more faith than my horse."

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:33 PM (S6gqv)

Professor Tan's description of this family as "devolution", as an evolutionary throwback

Are we not men?

Posted by: DEVO at February 11, 2024 10:33 PM (63Dwl)

112 Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 11, 2024 10:28 PM (ZYX33)

He sounds like a great guy and I am sorry he is having such troubles. I will pray for him. You might consider sending the request to the 'ette who kindly coordinates the prayer list :

apaslo at sign

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 11, 2024 10:33 PM (Ki//m)


That's great, Fen. I'm doing an Internet fast except for links from email at work and, when my laptop is fixed, writing group contacts. I will miss the garden, hobby, and book threads.

Posted by: NaughtyPine at February 11, 2024 10:34 PM (f6sKx)

114 Sandy Berger actually stole classified documents no doubt on behalf of Bill Clinton and basically got less than a slap on the wrist.

Posted by: Naples Yellow at February 11, 2024 10:34 PM (MNhXM)

115 Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:33 PM (S6gqv)

I didn't recall that, but it is pretty funny.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 11, 2024 10:34 PM (Ki//m)

116 Posted by: Boogie Boy at February 11, 2024 10:32 PM (V5BDR)

Are you a vet? Is your middle name 'Woogie Bugle'?

Posted by: RickZ at February 11, 2024 10:34 PM (emlEe)

117 In theory should try and stay up until 2am as tomorrow night will be up all night again.
That supervisor better have everything ready for me

Posted by: Skip at February 11, 2024 10:36 PM (fwDg9)

118 @99

>>This nonsense about intent is under the mistaken belief that it is intent to do damage or such. That isn't that statue.

As was noted, the Naval guy who took a souvenir photo of the sub, was prosecuted and sent to the brink, even though the investigators knew and believed him when he said it was just a souvenir photo, they told him that it didn't matter what his intent was, the fact that he took the photo was sufficient to satisfy the statute.

Trump ended up pardoning him.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at February 11, 2024 10:37 PM (XV/Pl)

119 Posted by: NaughtyPine at February 11, 2024 10:34 PM (f6sKx)

Good for you! I almost always miss the books threads-well I didn't' today because I posted before church. I won't be able to next week because we're doing a Lenten study before the church service.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 11, 2024 10:37 PM (Ki//m)

120 WTF! Oh-No!

Posted by: Taylor Swift at February 11, 2024 10:37 PM (SYTee)

121 Booji Boy

Posted by: DEVO at February 11, 2024 10:38 PM (63Dwl)

122 114 Sandy Berger actually stole classified documents no doubt on behalf of Bill Clinton and basically got less than a slap on the wrist.
Posted by: Naples Yellow

Come on people, you should know by now that there are RULES for conservative/republicans, and there are rulez flexible guidelines for liberal Democrats!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana - again! ~ at February 11, 2024 10:39 PM (hOUT3)

123 Posted by: Sock Monkey

Prayers up again!
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana - again! ~ at February 11, 2024 10:30 PM (hOUT3)
* * * *

Posted by: Legally Sufficient at February 11, 2024 10:39 PM (KglbO)

124 @114

Not only did he steal documents, he destroyed original documents.

And it wasn't a one time event, the National Archives actually actually set up a sting to catch him red handed.

And yet, as you say, the POS Clinton Bag Man got off scott free.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at February 11, 2024 10:39 PM (XV/Pl)

125 Online meetings are one of the few things I hate more than meetings.

Posted by: banana Dream at February 11, 2024 10:39 PM (5MuCQ)

126 >>> We need to bring back decimation for college presidents, on PPV. A sport to really cheer on your college.

What's that saying? The old ways are the best ways.

Posted by: RickZ at February 11, 2024 10:31 PM (emlEe)

Drawing and quartering is showy and thought provoking.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 11, 2024 10:39 PM (Foy17)

127 We need to ‘Cromwell’ the congress.

Posted by: Eromero at February 11, 2024 10:40 PM (NxC5+)

128 76 Orange Ent

Not 3, but I do have one snuggled up to me as we speak!

Posted by: COMountainMarie at February 11, 2024 10:40 PM (V02eN)

129 Personally I like his speech dismissing the Long Parliament.
Posted by: Tom Servo

When I am elected your King, I shall read it at once to Congress.

And make it so.

Posted by: Tonypete at February 11, 2024 10:40 PM (SAX5G)

130 Thanks for the reminder Fenelon. It is discouraging. He's been an active, healthy guy. He's 71 but you wouldn't know it. He's frightened, rightfully so, but he's also a strong man of faith. The family plan is to face this day by day with alot of prayer. The prayers are greatly appropriate morons.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 11, 2024 10:40 PM (ZYX33)

Online meetings are one of the few things I hate more than meetings.
Posted by: banana Dream


You have to bring your own donuts to an online meeting.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at February 11, 2024 10:41 PM (MoZTd)

132 96 Personally I like his speech dismissing the Long Parliament.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:25 PM (S6gqv)

Yes; That is a great speech.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 11, 2024 10:29 PM (Ki//m)
So, that's where long pigs come from? Long Parliaments? I smoked Long Parliaments for a while .... strange, no bacon taste ....! Good tobacco.

Posted by: Ciampino - I don't know about that at February 11, 2024 10:41 PM (qfLjt)

133 I hope the Niners win and the NFL is forced to deal with the PR when their d-line has to defend their QB's very life from a horde of drunk, angry millennial broads rushing the field to avenge Tay-Tay's boyfriend's besmirched honor, and a dozen of them wind up with CTE.

Posted by: Not-a-US Senator Yudhishthira's Dice at February 11, 2024 10:42 PM (0FoWg)

134 The '50s were a brief interlude from the insanity.
Trump was a moment.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 11, 2024 10:43 PM (Foy17)

135 Boogie Boy is a sometimes member/collaborator of the group Devo. He is included in the movie Neil Young made with Devo-Human Highway in 1982.

Posted by: Hey Hey, My My at February 11, 2024 10:44 PM (V5BDR)

136 The Irish women’s basketball teams refused to shake the hands of the Israeli team during an international competition.

Posted by: Naples Yellow a

Maybe the Irish women were just too drunk to shake hands.

Posted by: nerdygirl at February 11, 2024 10:44 PM (0Htd1)

137 Already have ya covered. Hope your BiL turns the corner, praying for ya since this morning, buddy.

Posted by: Not-a-US Senator Yudhishthira's Dice at February 11, 2024 10:44 PM (0FoWg)

138 Pall Mall non-filter was the best tasting cigarette in the world.
I couldn't talk after a week of 'em.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 11, 2024 10:44 PM (Foy17)

139 Ireland's Taoiseach is Leo Varadkar, son of an Irishwoman and an Indian immigrant. He believes in multiculturalism by immigration. People could blame his stint in Mumbai for his bad attitude towards his Mick constituents, but he did an internship in Washington DC with the House of Representatives, so he probably learned from us.

Posted by: NaughtyPine at February 11, 2024 10:45 PM (f6sKx)

140 Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 11, 2024 10:40 PM (ZYX33)

I am glad that his faith is important to him and that he will pray and have people praying for him.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 11, 2024 10:46 PM (Ki//m)

141 Not 3, but I do have one snuggled up to me as we speak!
Posted by: COMountainMarie at February 11, 2024 10:40 PM (V02eN)

Better than a lone blanket!

Posted by: OrangeEnt at February 11, 2024 10:46 PM (Angsy)

142 .. Joe Biden knew this stuff was in his garage .. guilty
This nonsense about intent is under the mistaken belief that it is intent to do damage or such. That isn't that statue.
Posted by: SMOD at February 11, 2024 10:31 PM (RovqD)

The SC report said that Biden did all the things. Said no charges because of his age and forgetfulness and no jury would convict.

The WH and all the Lefties are busy saying that he's been exonerated and also he's not old and forgetful, and uh, something.

It's not like DOJ is going to say, oh, okay, he's NOT decrepit, we will charge him

Posted by: blaster at February 11, 2024 10:46 PM (IFNME)

Oh well

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at February 11, 2024 10:47 PM (MoZTd)

144 Boring, boring, boring game.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at February 11, 2024 10:47 PM (zdLoL)

145 Everyone wants a piece of Taylor Swift.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at February 11, 2024 10:47 PM (ufFY8)

146 88

I have heaters, plus a fireplace. I just don't feel like making a fire tonight....feeling too lazy...

Posted by: COMountainMarie at February 11, 2024 10:47 PM (V02eN)

147 This is our devotional for Lent:

"Because of this I rejoice"- Reading Philippians during Lent and it's about spiritual disciplines. Available from

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 11, 2024 10:48 PM (Ki//m)

148 Really? Mahomes Again?

Posted by: davidt at February 11, 2024 10:48 PM (SYTee)

149 My theory:

All the smart ones either died or escaped during the Potato Famine.

The rest-- inbred.
Posted by: JQ at February 11, 2024 10:13 PM (njWTi)

Oh, I dunno. Check out Biden's family tree.

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy now with twice the crazy at February 11, 2024 10:49 PM (iODuv)

150 146 88

I have heaters, plus a fireplace. I just don't feel like making a fire tonight....feeling too lazy...

Posted by: COMountainMarie

That's a symptom of hypothermia.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 11, 2024 10:49 PM (Foy17)

151 >>> Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 11, 2024 10:20 PM (Vabrb)

I give up everything online each season of Lent. So this Wednesday. All news all sites everything. I'm a bit of an introvert so maybe that's why it's not hard for me. I find it very helpful and rewarding to just let go of it all. I read, spend more time with the family, reorient my self. I pick some religious text, church fathers, daily devotion to concentrate on.

Posted by: banana Dream at February 11, 2024 10:50 PM (5MuCQ)

152 Boring game. Thank Goodness the tay-tay bowl is over.

Posted by: Minnfidel at February 11, 2024 10:50 PM (4p0Xq)

153 ROFL!!! I just have to repost myself!

35 So how do you think it's scripted?
1) Mahomes wins with a last second TD
2) Mahomes loses with a last second INT.
3) Field Goal and they milk another 30 minutes of ad time out of it.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:12 PM (S6gqv)

First #3, Followed by #1!!! A perfect script!!!

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 10:50 PM (S6gqv)

154 Good for you! I almost always miss the books threads-well I didn't' today because I posted before church. I won't be able to next week because we're doing a Lenten study before the church service.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 11, 2024 10:37 PM

I hope you have a very fruitful study, Fen.

Posted by: NaughtyPine at February 11, 2024 10:51 PM (f6sKx)

155 @142

>>It's not like DOJ is going to say, oh, okay, he's NOT decrepit, we will charge him

The cherry on the sundae is that they have the meat puppet on tape telling his biographer, hey wait here, I have go downstairs to the garage to find the confidential documents he was referencing, then he comes back with the confidential documents and tells his biographer here they are and then begins reading from them into the tape.

I mean, it is what it is but that is beyond the pale of double standards.

They have this on tape, it's actually in the SC report.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at February 11, 2024 10:51 PM (XV/Pl)

156 The NFL kinda needed the Chiefs to win tonight. They've put a lot into this storyline. Taylor's people have too. It's supposed to be a fairytale ending. The OT win really ties it up in a nice little bow.

Posted by: Not-a-US Senator Yudhishthira's Dice at February 11, 2024 10:51 PM (0FoWg)

157 Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at February 11, 2024 10:47 PM (ufFY

I am one of the ones who doesn't. I find it uninspiring to think of a songwriter who apparently writes so much about her relationship breakups. I contrast this with a great poet like John Wesley who wrote almost 9000 poems during his life time. We sang one today, "Christ whose Glory Fills the Skies." The words and music are glorious if you're a person of the Christian faith..

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 11, 2024 10:51 PM (Ki//m)

158 I notice Mark Dice managed to get in an implication that Isreal is committing genocide.

It is an awful war, no question. Brutal, by Hamas's design.
I'm sure Mark has a better solution to save Hamas.

A comic I had been enjoying, SinFest, after shedding some of its leftiness, and a long run denouncing prostitution, perversion, and pederasty, suddenly started on anti-Jewish themes with stereotypes worthy of the Nazis. Had to give it up. I'll miss Pooch most of all.

Ok, sorry for politicizing. Just hard when folks I like seem to be so misguided in the wake of Oct 7.

Posted by: mindful webworker - disappointed at February 11, 2024 10:52 PM (ZFdeh)

159 136 The Irish women’s basketball teams refused to shake the hands of the Israeli team during an international competition.

Posted by: Naples Yellow a

Maybe the Irish women were just too drunk to shake hands.

Posted by: nerdygirl at February 11, 2024 10:44 PM (0Htd1)
From the video, they were too ugly and I'm not kidding.

Posted by: Ciampino - I don't know about them at February 11, 2024 10:53 PM (qfLjt)

160 Did Travis Swift catch the winning TD? That would be perfect.

Posted by: davidt at February 11, 2024 10:53 PM (SYTee)

161 Yay! The team I root for won!

Posted by: Weak Geek asks, is that generic enough? at February 11, 2024 10:53 PM (p/isN)

162 Commentator brought up this chronological Bible, think I'm going to get it.

I bought one from the church but it was only annotated.
PO'd me.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 11, 2024 10:53 PM (Foy17)

163 Boring, boring, sour, sour grapes.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at February 11, 2024 10:54 PM (zdLoL)

164 Is there a not-boring NFL game?

The rules have turned it into a ballet. They're all boring.

Posted by: Not-a-US Senator Yudhishthira's Dice at February 11, 2024 10:54 PM (0FoWg)

165 I realize lots of people here are unhappy with the game's outcome, because of the Chiefs' status, and because of Taylor's politics, and Travis' endorsement of the vaxx, and I get all that. I really do.

So as a right-winger who's also a Chiefs fan, let me say, from the bottom of my heart.....

Blow me, nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-naaaaahhhh.....

Posted by: Dr. T at February 11, 2024 10:56 PM (g0Y4p)

166 165 Posted by: Dr. T at February 11, 2024 10:56 PM (g0Y4p)

I am happy you have been validated.

Great work.

Posted by: sven at February 11, 2024 10:57 PM (X0I7i)

167 that was a good game! am I crazy?

wasn't on either side but thought it was a good game overall

defenses were both strong which makes for a boring game (I guess, not to me tho). then the end was pretty exciting!

Posted by: BlackOrchidZ at February 11, 2024 10:57 PM (AcWfM)

168 I contrast this with a great poet like John Wesley...
Charles, perhaps?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 11, 2024 10:57 PM (XeU6L)

169 I notice Mark Dice managed to get in an implication that Isreal is committing genocide.

So genocide is when the population are are massacring wantonly keeps growing do I have that right?

Posted by: 18-1 at February 11, 2024 10:58 PM (ibTVg)

170 The spread was covered and Roger Goody got 25 more minutes of ads....

YAY sportsball.

Posted by: sven at February 11, 2024 10:58 PM (X0I7i)

171 That little boy that Deadspin went after was at the game, facepaint and all. He deserved the win....

Posted by: Lirio100 at February 11, 2024 10:58 PM (I5U35)

172 >>>I notice Mark Dice managed to get in an implication that Isreal is committing genocide.

In his defense, he's retarded.

Posted by: Dr. T at February 11, 2024 10:59 PM (g0Y4p)

173 >>> Ok, sorry for politicizing. Just hard when folks I like seem to be so misguided in the wake of Oct 7.

Posted by: mindful webworker - disappointed

Justifingly political. We are on the cusp, we are at a time where political solutions are just about exhausted.
Note the concern over who is to be Kalorama's puppet and not much concern when the leader of the world's second most powerful nation gives and hour of his time talking to the American people.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 11, 2024 10:59 PM (Foy17)

174 Anyone watching sportsball today?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at February 11, 2024 11:00 PM (Y4Prd)

175 that was a good game! am I crazy?

Yes, but not for that reason.

I tuned in after halftime. It seemed like a good game to me. Enough that I stopped reading my book to watch it exclusively. It helped that I was watching it on a DVR and started several minutes behind so had the option to mute commercials and jump past commentary between plays.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at February 11, 2024 11:01 PM (PmqP5)

176 I have a perfect record of almost 20 years. No NFL!

Posted by: Eromero at February 11, 2024 11:01 PM (NxC5+)

177 Ever notice how all of Taylor Swift's songs are about how being a heterosexual has made her unhappy?

Posted by: The Gay Agenda at February 11, 2024 11:01 PM (3UsVM)

178 NFL propaganda and marketing is probably only second to the federal government.

They get you to cheer and jump up and down as the progressive millionaires and billionaires get richer.

All while giving you a mushroom stamp.

Posted by: Sorry this is ghey at February 11, 2024 11:01 PM (u3eOT)

179 176 I have a perfect record of almost 20 years. No NFL!

Posted by: Eromero

Fist bump.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 11, 2024 11:02 PM (Foy17)

180 So what's the line on the imminent Travis Kelce trade?

Posted by: Piccadilly Peccadillo at February 11, 2024 11:02 PM (MB784)

181 You are correct, Mike Hammer, and I actually know it's Charles Wesley. Just a tired Methodist slip of the tongue.

Here's the hymn:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 11, 2024 11:02 PM (Ki//m)

182 Ever notice how all of Taylor Swift's songs are about how being a heterosexual has made her unhappy?


Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at February 11, 2024 11:02 PM (Y4Prd)

183 177 Posted by: The Gay Agenda at February 11, 2024 11:01 PM (3UsVM)

In her defense, as a blow up doll her sexual life is rather sticky.

Posted by: sven at February 11, 2024 11:02 PM (X0I7i)

184 I don't care whether Taylor's woke boyfriend takes home a win, or the woke-ass Niners do.

The whole thing is a sham. I haven't cared in close to ten years about this thing. Certainly not since my daughter came along. Busier on the weekends, anymore.

HS ball is more interesting than that dog and pony show, anyway As long as the SEC exists (now with less Saban!) the NFL is a sideshow, anyhow.

Go, Vols!

Posted by: Not-a-US Senator Yudhishthira's Dice at February 11, 2024 11:02 PM (0FoWg)

185 In more serous news, Biden called Netanyahu and reportedly told him not to make the final assault into Rafah, the last city controlled by Hamas. Reports are that the final assault on Rafah began a few hours ago.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 11:03 PM (S6gqv)

186 Mrs. Sock went to a Super Bowl party at her sister's. I was going to wait until she came home to tell me the score. Oh well, I still don't care. Glad those that did watch it, enjoyed it. To each his own.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 11, 2024 11:03 PM (ZYX33)

187 Football was better when women hated watching it.

Posted by: RickZ at February 11, 2024 11:04 PM (emlEe)

188 Goodnight, all and God bless. I think light on the computer at night is bad for my sleep cycle, yet my addiction gets the better of me.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 11, 2024 11:04 PM (Ki//m)

189 In more serous news, Biden called Netanyahu and reportedly told him not to make the final assault into Rafah, the last city controlled by Hamas.

"I have no idea who that was on the phone but I think he was speaking authentic frontier gibberish."

-- B. Netanyahu

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at February 11, 2024 11:04 PM (Y4Prd)

190 Ciampino's Rescue Kitties

Still accepting donations towards the unkindest cut of all

There's another more extensive photo update #229 at the link.
Take a look if interested. Make sure to click on
"See Older Updates" as well if it's your first time.

ALSO LIVE STREAMING!! - Now most nights as well

Posted by: Ciampino - kitty kitty kitty at February 11, 2024 11:05 PM (qfLjt)

191 Biden is so incensed at being called a senile retard by the Special Counsel that he's hiking up his pants and shaking his tiny fist.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at February 11, 2024 11:05 PM (Y4Prd)

192 Good evening morons and thanks mh

I'm seeking accommodation on account of living with Mrs. F. the next few days will be impossible

Posted by: San Franpsycho at February 11, 2024 11:06 PM (RIvkX)

193 Ever notice how all of Taylor Swift's songs are about how being a heterosexual has made her unhappy?

If she was a pop tartlet 20 years ago she'd publicly make out with another pop tartlet to get all that juicy press coverage.

But in 2024 to get the same kind of cloying press you are going to have to chop off body parts and call yourself a boy and...she's got too much money to go that far...

Posted by: 18-1 at February 11, 2024 11:06 PM (ibTVg)

194 If you think Taylor Swift is distorting the social landscape, just remember the hysteria around Michael Jackson. Now that was creepy.

Posted by: Idaho Spudboy at February 11, 2024 11:07 PM (3UsVM)

195 Football was better when women hated watching it.

Men in tight pants playing with their balls...what's not to like?

Posted by: Barack Obama at February 11, 2024 11:07 PM (ibTVg)

196 >>>> I'm seeking accommodation on account of living with Mrs. F. the next few days will be impossible

Posted by: San Franpsycho

What's up with you and the Mrs.?

Posted by: Braenyard at February 11, 2024 11:07 PM (Foy17)

197 Football was better when women hated watching it.
Posted by: RickZ at February 11, 2024 11:04 PM (emlEe

But less profitable. And back then, they could count on the next generation of young dudes tuning in, which they can't anymore.

Turning football into a chick thing made sense and I get why the NFL went that way.

Posted by: Not-a-US Senator Yudhishthira's Dice at February 11, 2024 11:08 PM (0FoWg)

198 K haven't put on tv in a week at least

Posted by: Skip at February 11, 2024 11:09 PM (fwDg9)

199 Football was better when women hated watching it.

Men in tight pants playing with their balls...what's not to like?
Posted by: Barack Obama at February 11, 2024 11:07 PM (ibTVg)

Which are you, Barry, a tight end or a wide receiver?

Posted by: RickZ at February 11, 2024 11:09 PM (emlEe)

200 Which are you, Barry, a tight end or a wide receiver?

He's usually under center if you know what I mean

Posted by: Reggie Love at February 11, 2024 11:10 PM (ibTVg)

201 Emerging bladder issue for Austin?

I've heard of a prolapsed anus, but, ow.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(tT6L1) at February 11, 2024 11:10 PM (tT6L1)

202 I'm seeking accommodation on account of living with Mrs. F. the next few days will be impossible

Posted by: San Franpsycho

What's up with you and the Mrs.?
Posted by: Braenyard

The SF Fornicators lost the Super Bowl.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at February 11, 2024 11:10 PM (R4t5M)

If you think Taylor Swift is distorting the social landscape, just remember the hysteria around


Posted by: Zombie Ed Sullivan at February 11, 2024 11:11 PM (63Dwl)

204 Where did those little jarheads get that flag?

Thank G_d for fucking marines!

Posted by: Dr. Bone at February 11, 2024 11:11 PM (EEgXH)

205 Football was better when women hated watching it.
Posted by: RickZ

Thanks RZ. I needed a good laugh and that there was a good one.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 11, 2024 11:11 PM (ZYX33)

206 I miss the football Days of Yore when one's own teammates would smack you around for showboating.

Posted by: RickZ at February 11, 2024 11:12 PM (emlEe)

207 Emerging bladder issue for Austin?

Maybe his prostate is swollen, blocking his urethra?

This happened to Dad (who eventually died of prostate cancer) and he had to go to ER for catheterization to prevent his bladder bursting

Posted by: JQ at February 11, 2024 11:14 PM (njWTi)

208 You are correct, Mike Hammer, and I actually know it's Charles Wesley. Just a tired Methodist slip of the tongue.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke

Yes, I know the hymn. There's a bit of irony here, as the question came up over coffee with the geezers this week, 'Does the Episcopal Hymnal contain any of Wesley's hymns. Remarkably, I managed to remember the question, and look it up when I returned home.

The answer is 'Yes, dozens'. Now, the irony is that your link is to an Episcopal site.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 11, 2024 11:14 PM (XeU6L)

209 What's up with you and the Mrs.?
Posted by: Braenyard at February 11, 2024 11:07 PM (Foy17)

Devoted 49ers fan.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at February 11, 2024 11:16 PM (RIvkX)

210 I wanted SF to win because I can't stand Kelce and Tay-Tay. But then I remembered the little Chiefs fan that the MSM tried to label a racist was at the Super Bowl, so I'm glad the Chiefs won just for him.

Posted by: IrishEi at February 11, 2024 11:16 PM (dhjwC)

211 Where did those little jarheads get that flag?

Thank G_d for fucking marines!
Posted by: Dr. Bone

As an aside, as one might guess from the apparent vinatge of the photo, it is a 48 star flag. The time before Hawaiian judges.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 11, 2024 11:17 PM (XeU6L)

212 I yearn for the days of the 1980s Super Bowl blowouts.

In fact, I baked a quiche as a nostalgic nod to the greatest decade.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at February 11, 2024 11:17 PM (YIxO9)

213 Goodnight all.

Posted by: COMountainMarie at February 11, 2024 11:17 PM (V02eN)

214 The Indian guy reverse colonizing Britain seems to be the best of their leaders.
Not that it is a high bar of course...but the native born ones are nutters.
Posted by: 18-1

Cannot wait to see what their reverse Sepoy Mutiny will look like.
*puts Flashman into read soon pile*

Posted by: BifBewalski at February 11, 2024 11:19 PM (DbOZf)

215 Dickey Betts

Posted by: JackStraw at February 11, 2024 11:20 PM (LkLld)

216 Red Guitar

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 11, 2024 11:21 PM (XeU6L)

217 As an aside, as one might guess from the apparent vinatge of the photo, it is a 48 star flag. The time before Hawaiian judges.
Posted by: Mike Hammer

Bought one of those a few years back at a yard sale for $5.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 11, 2024 11:21 PM (ZYX33)

218 ===

Devoted 49ers fan.

Posted by: San Franpsycho

A little brandy may sooth her despair.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 11, 2024 11:21 PM (Foy17)

219 Mike Hammer @ 211-
48 stars, my older brother and I could have been in that picture.

Posted by: Eromero at February 11, 2024 11:21 PM (NxC5+)

220 It's raining. I'd better get to sleep. Because.

Tomorrow... is a rest wet day.

Posted by: mindful webworker - saturation situation at February 11, 2024 11:22 PM (ZFdeh)

221 Bought one of those a few years back at a yard sale for $5.
Posted by: Sock Monkey *

I have my Dad's. I never forget to run it up the mast on Flag Day, as that is also his birthday. It's getting frail, so I never leave it up very long.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 11, 2024 11:23 PM (XeU6L)

222 >>> The SC report said that Biden did all the things. Said no charges because of his age and forgetfulness and no jury would convict.

If the jury followed their instructions.
Sentence is up to the judge.

Still, he is POTUS (coup or not) and he would have to be impeached for crimes priot to election first before that trial.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at February 11, 2024 11:24 PM (cOq4q)

223 Allman Brothers best band out of Georgia, not R.E.M.

Posted by: Eromero at February 11, 2024 11:24 PM (NxC5+)

224 The time before Hawaiian judges.
Posted by: Mike Hammer

Bought one of those a few years back at a yard sale for $5.
Posted by: Sock Monkey *


I had no idea they could be had so cheaply.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 11, 2024 11:25 PM (XeU6L)

225 Tay-tay's next song will be about how she got fucked at the supperbowl but her date just didn't have the masculinity she was looking for because his testosterone levels were measurably down. I'd place her 40 year old ass in a teenage leotard and play some jiggly pop riffs for the retard masses.


Posted by: Dr. Bone at February 11, 2024 11:25 PM (EEgXH)

226 I have my next breakup song lined up.

"Hold the Applause (He Already Gave Me The Clap)"

Posted by: T Swift at February 11, 2024 11:29 PM (0FoWg)

227 I thought the Chefs were loosing?

Posted by: Skip at February 11, 2024 11:29 PM (fwDg9)

228 >>Allman Brothers best band out of Georgia, not R.E.M.

Not even close.

Posted by: JackStraw at February 11, 2024 11:32 PM (LkLld)

229 Meanwhile, in Ukraine:
1. The Russian have cut the fortress city of Adveevka in two.
2. The Ukrainian forces are massing for a counter attack, with the worst case of telegraphing their intentions since Burnside set up camp outside Fredericksburg.
3. Elsewhere, the Russians continue to very slowly push forward.
4. Resistance to conscription is starting to build in Ukraine.

Posted by: Idaho Spudboy at February 11, 2024 11:33 PM (3UsVM)

230 Seeing a snow storm Tuesday in Pa, maybe not much in my corner but measurable everywhere else

Posted by: Skip at February 11, 2024 11:34 PM (fwDg9)

231 >>>Allman Brothers best band out of Georgia, not R.E.M.

Not even close.

Posted by: JackStraw


Posted by: Don Black at February 11, 2024 11:35 PM (geLO8)

232 I know Donna Betts. #4 or 5.

Posted by: IrishEi at February 11, 2024 11:35 PM (dhjwC)

233 I have to go in early tomorrow. Not "early for me. I mean actual early. My company is merging with another, and tomorrow we have to get our computers synced up with all the shit to make all the shit work.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, stoopid iPad at February 11, 2024 11:37 PM (T/Lqj)

219 Mike Hammer @ 211-
48 stars, my older brother and I could have been in that picture.
Posted by: Eromero at February 11, 2024 11:21 PM (NxC5+)

The little bit we can see of the car in the background suggests an early 60's model, but that flag would only have been 3 or 4 years out of date, everyone still would have had them around..

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 11:37 PM (S6gqv)

235 Seeing a snow storm Tuesday in Pa, maybe not much in my corner but measurable everywhere else
Posted by: Skip at February 11, 2024 11:34 PM (fwDg9)

Joe Bastardi says the snow line is moving south a little. Here's the latest map:

Posted by: IrishEi at February 11, 2024 11:38 PM (dhjwC)

236 I had no idea they could be had so cheaply.
Posted by: Mike Hammer,

It was a benefit yard sale. I had already put a nice donation in the jar and helped with the sale. They were asking $30 and I had looked at it so the gal running it told me to take it. I thought it might have been the flag when I was born, but I discovered Alaska beat me into this country by a couple weeks.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 11, 2024 11:38 PM (ZYX33)

237 I hate the iPad.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, stoopid iPad at February 11, 2024 11:38 PM (T/Lqj)

238 RE: Conference call bingo. I would have a bingo every single day with that card.

Posted by: AshevilleRobert at February 11, 2024 11:38 PM (fv27Y)

239 Evening. Travis Kelce getting the sloppiest blowjob of his life right now?

Posted by: Robert at February 11, 2024 11:38 PM (c2mHj)

240 174 Anyone watching sportsball today?
Posted by: Cicero

One of my streaming services has a channel that shows lots of racing. Short track mostly. Dirt and pavement. Also, drag racing, offroad racing, etc. I love it. Watched the World Series of Stock Car Racing at New Smyrna Speedway, FL. I am easily entertained. I don't fault or slam people watching what they watch. Life is short, enjoy what you can. Saw the Chiefs won. Didn't watch the SB so missed the awful, overhyped commercials. The game was close anyway. Watching the replay of the final round of the Phoenix Open now.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at February 11, 2024 11:39 PM (sAmhv)

241 223 Allman Brothers best band out of Georgia, not R.E.M.
Posted by: Eromero

One of the best bands ever, period.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at February 11, 2024 11:41 PM (sAmhv)

242 >>>Allman Brothers best band out of Georgia, not R.E.M.

Not even close.

Posted by: JackStraw

* fist bump*

Who's REM

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 11, 2024 11:41 PM (ZYX33)

243 Georgia Satellites:
"My honey, my baby, don't put our love on a shelf!"
She said "Don't hand me no lines, and keep yo' hands to yo' self!"

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 11:42 PM (S6gqv)

244 I guess they dropped the new Deadpool movie trailer.

Deadpool & Wolverine

Posted by: Robert at February 11, 2024 11:42 PM (7A8Wd)

245 RFK Jr had a very catchy ad on TV tonight

he took an actual 1960 JFK campaign ad and put his face in it

in black and white, original campaign jingle
very clever

Posted by: Don Black at February 11, 2024 11:43 PM (geLO8)

246 "One of my streaming services has a channel that shows lots of racing. "

Used to watch the Speedvision channel religiously back in the day. WRC, BTCC, ATCC. Then they changed the name to just "Speed" and they went to hell in a handbasket.

Posted by: AshevilleRobert at February 11, 2024 11:43 PM (fv27Y)

247 I think Dickey Betts and Jaimoe are the last ones standing in regard to the original lineup of The Allman Brothers.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at February 11, 2024 11:43 PM (sAmhv)

248 And this?

This is just a dude what likes eating delicious food in Japan.

Dude visits a Kirby video game themed restaurant.

Posted by: Robert at February 11, 2024 11:44 PM (7A8Wd)

249 Since IrishEi has graced our presence.

Posted by: JackStraw at February 11, 2024 11:45 PM (LkLld)

250 I only he'd run to places instead of using a car ......
World marathon record holder Kelvin Kiptum, 24, 'dies in a car crash in Kenya', according to local reports... with his coach 'also killed in the accident'

Posted by: Ciampino - Run Kelv Run at February 11, 2024 11:45 PM (qfLjt)

251 246 "One of my streaming services has a channel that shows lots of racing. "

Used to watch the Speedvision channel religiously back in the day. WRC, BTCC, ATCC. Then they changed the name to just "Speed" and they went to hell in a handbasket.
Posted by: AshevilleRobert

Yea, those Touring car series are scattered among various streaming services. YTube has quite a bit. IMSA has a pretty good presence on YT and Peacock.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at February 11, 2024 11:45 PM (sAmhv)

252 I agree, that RFK ad was good! Very retro, had a Mad Men vibe.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 11:46 PM (S6gqv)

253 I do miss seeing Le Man's 24 hr races

Posted by: Skip at February 11, 2024 11:47 PM (fwDg9)

254 I miss Diamond P sports. They used to do Swamp Buggy racing and all that.

And I REALLY miss Takeshi 's Castle.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 11:48 PM (S6gqv)

255 253 I do miss seeing Le Man's 24 hr races
Posted by: Skip

My favorite race! You can watch the whole 24 hours on the MotorTrend Channel or wait till its uploaded on YTube and watch it at a leisurely pace.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at February 11, 2024 11:49 PM (sAmhv)

256 I'll bet it all stems from his prostate cancer surgery. He had a catheter in and it caused a bladder then kidney infection

Could be even worse; they might've messed up the bladder itself during the surgery, especially if it was one of those robot type of affairs. Or maybe a biopsy came back hot from something they saw and sampled during the surgery. Thinking that's what might be up with KCIII, they saw a mass around his bladder.

Berserker, are you around?

Posted by: Tammy-al Thor at February 11, 2024 11:50 PM (Vvh2V)

257 Elderly man is confirmed as first person to die from Alaskapox virus

Is this a monkeypox variant or a small pox variant?

Posted by: Ciampino - var monkeypox as vir at February 11, 2024 11:51 PM (qfLjt)

258 And I REALLY miss Takeshi 's Castle.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 11, 2024 11:48 PM (S6gqv)

Right you are, Tom Ken!

Posted by: RickZ at February 11, 2024 11:52 PM (emlEe)

259 >>>> Joe Bastardi says the snow line is moving south a little. Here's the latest map:

Posted by: IrishEi

Dropped 20 degrees here in the last 3 hours.
Cold front's coming.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 11, 2024 11:53 PM (Foy17)

260 "I do miss seeing Le Man's 24 hr races
Posted by: Skip

My favorite race! You can watch the whole 24 hours on the MotorTrend Channel or wait till its uploaded on YTube and watch it at a leisurely pace.

Posted by: Puddleglum"

Went to Petiet Lemans at Road Atlanta some years back. Got to see a car flip end over end on the backstretch. I was just behind the camera in this vid, up on the hill.

Posted by: AshevilleRobert at February 11, 2024 11:54 PM (fv27Y)

261 Okay, I laughed.

Glenn Reynolds comments: "CHIEFS WIN THE SUPER BOWL. Is there anything Taylor Swift can’t do?"

As the man says...Heh!

Posted by: Robert at February 11, 2024 11:54 PM (9MFFx)

262 Does RFK, Jr. have a lot of inherited wealth? Who is financing his "campaign?"

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 11, 2024 11:55 PM (63Dwl)

263 257 Elderly man is confirmed as first person to die from Alaskapox virus

Is this a monkeypox variant or a small pox variant?
Posted by: Ciampino - var monkeypox as vir at February 11, 2024 11:51 PM (qfLjt)


Spread by disgruntled Eskimos.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at February 11, 2024 11:56 PM (bo7UB)

264 'I'm very disheartened:' Final masses held for some St. Louis area parishes

Posted by: Ciampino - when you stray from the true pass ... at February 11, 2024 11:56 PM (qfLjt)

265 Don't mind me, I'm just skimming Insty.

Via Ed Driscoll.

Posted by: Robert at February 11, 2024 11:57 PM (9MFFx)

266 >>> 261 Okay, I laughed.

Glenn Reynolds comments: "CHIEFS WIN THE SUPER BOWL. Is there anything Taylor Swift can't do?"

As the man says...Heh!
Posted by: Robert at February 11, 2024 11:54 PM (9MFFx)

Stay with a guy for more than 6 months?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at February 11, 2024 11:57 PM (llON8)

267 Holy moly I made comments of the week, never done that before in many yrs here. Maybe I'm aging well like a fine wine, LOL.

In accepting this I must first than my parents, who raised me w/ some values so I didn't turn out a leftist idiot who hates the best country on the planet.

And of course gourmand du jour who so succinctly expressed the feelings of many here. He/she is a witty person who often posts some profound things here.

(Disclaimer: Not to imply anything like binary or trans or mentally ill, I repeat myself. I just don't know if it's a he or she.)

Posted by: Farmer at February 11, 2024 11:57 PM (55Qr6)

268 Robert - Greetings, my friend. Good to see you.

A. How are?

B. Iassume you noted that our EV buses are a failure...a very expensive failure.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 11, 2024 11:57 PM (XeU6L)

269 256 I'll bet it all stems from his prostate cancer surgery. He had a catheter in

When one is big and fat as he is so many things can go wrong.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 11, 2024 11:58 PM (Foy17)

270 >>> 262 Does RFK, Jr. have a lot of inherited wealth? Who is financing his "campaign?"
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 11, 2024 11:55 PM (63Dwl)

Look, fat, we both know it's Putin.

Posted by: Joe Biden at February 11, 2024 11:58 PM (llON8)

271 AshvilleRobert that just caught air and wanted to take off

Posted by: Skip at February 11, 2024 11:59 PM (fwDg9)

272 260: oh yeah. I remember that. Messed that Porsche up.

FYI, Penske Porsche GTP won this year's Daytona 24.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at February 12, 2024 12:00 AM (sAmhv)

273 'I'm very disheartened:' Final masses held for some St. Louis area parishes
Posted by: Ciampino

It is happening everywhere. Most of our fellowship building is now rented to a private school.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 12, 2024 12:00 AM (XeU6L)

274 See, I wouldn't tolerate a foreigner interfering in my country's affairs.
Greta Thunberg wears Palestinian headdress as Swedish climate change activist attends banned anti-motorway protest in France

Posted by: Ciampino - Put her ass in jail, it's ugly anyway at February 12, 2024 12:00 AM (qfLjt)

275 Israeli special forces rescued 2 hostages in Rafah. Awesome! FJB!

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 12, 2024 12:00 AM (ZYX33)

276 Hi Mike. Just hanging around.

A: Doin fine, thanks. How you doin?

B: Yeah. They were a big waste of money. They can't even get parts for them anymore!

Posted by: AshevilleRobert at February 12, 2024 12:01 AM (fv27Y)

277 273
Private LA high school is forced to CLOSE claiming the hotel it used for classrooms is unsafe after being overrun with homeless people staying at the shelter inside the building

Posted by: Ciampino - When the vagrants move in at February 12, 2024 12:02 AM (qfLjt)

278 >>> 274 See, I wouldn't tolerate a foreigner interfering in my country's affairs.
Greta Thunberg wears Palestinian headdress as Swedish climate change activist attends banned anti-motorway protest in France
Posted by: Ciampino - Put her ass in jail, it's ugly anyway at February 12, 2024 12:00 AM (qfLjt)

Why can't she protest in Israel, near a bulldozer.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at February 12, 2024 12:02 AM (llON8)

279 B: Yeah. They were a big waste of money. They can't even get parts for them anymore!
Posted by: AshevilleRobert

Yeah, who could have guessed that City Council could be stupidly incompetent?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 12, 2024 12:03 AM (XeU6L)

280 "AshvilleRobert that just caught air and wanted to take off

Posted by: Skip"

It sure did! I used to take one of my cars to track days there. I was doing 140 on that back stretch and got passed by this bad boy. It's some sound close up like that!

Posted by: AshevilleRobert at February 12, 2024 12:03 AM (fv27Y)

281 See, I wouldn't tolerate a foreigner interfering in my country's affairs.
Greta Thunberg wears Palestinian headdress as Swedish climate change activist attends banned anti-motorway protest in France

Posted by: Ciampino - Put her ass in jail, it's ugly anyway at February 12, 2024 12:00 AM (qfLjt)

Now that she's a full-fledged idiot adult, Greta needs to be Rachel Corried.

Posted by: RickZ at February 12, 2024 12:05 AM (emlEe)

282 262 Does RFK, Jr. have a lot of inherited wealth? Who is financing his "campaign?"

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

Ghost of Ross Perot

Posted by: Braenyard at February 12, 2024 12:05 AM (Foy17)

283 "Yeah, who could have guessed that City Council could be stupidly incompetent?

Posted by: Mike Hammer"

I read that one of them lives in Atlanta? How do they manage that?

Posted by: AshevilleRobert at February 12, 2024 12:06 AM (fv27Y)

284 Why can't she protest in Israel, near a bulldozer.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at February 12, 2024 12:02 AM (llON


The road to Hell is paved with...


Posted by: Rachel Corrie at February 12, 2024 12:06 AM (sE4sa)

285 Why can't she protest in Israel, near a bulldozer.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at February 12, 2024 12:02 AM (llON

Didn't read your comment but that Horde mind thingy . . . .

Posted by: RickZ at February 12, 2024 12:07 AM (emlEe)

286 An illegal with 5 deportations has been arrested in TX for kiIIing a 10-year-old Texas boy.

The second time they are caught you shoot them.

Posted by: Ciampino - When the illegals are not deterred at February 12, 2024 12:07 AM (qfLjt)

287 Tay-Tay is 34. Time to marry her football player, start a family, and back some grungey boy-genius who turns out to be con man.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia's phone at February 12, 2024 12:07 AM (lCaJd)

288 286 An illegal with 5 deportations has been arrested in TX for kiIIing a 10-year-old Texas boy.

The second time they are caught you shoot them.
Posted by: Ciampino - When the illegals are not deterred at February 12, 2024 12:07 AM (qfLjt)


His punchcard is FULL

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at February 12, 2024 12:09 AM (sE4sa)

289 Peachy Keenon pulling no punches on Taylor Swift.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 12, 2024 12:14 AM (ZYX33)

290 Biden asks nato not to take out trump as self defense. Why?

Posted by: raimondo at February 12, 2024 12:15 AM (Iyrjf)

291 Best band from South Carolina.

Posted by: JackStraw at February 12, 2024 12:16 AM (LkLld)

292 291: I knew before clicking that who it was. Great band!

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at February 12, 2024 12:19 AM (sAmhv)

293 An addendum to Mishum's we're so fvcked.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 12, 2024 12:20 AM (ZYX33)

294 And we need the international community to be singing in chorus and harmony in terms of ceasefire now


Did I miss the International National Anthem too?

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at February 12, 2024 12:20 AM (xw1WS)

295 As an aside, as one might guess from the apparent vinatge of the photo, it is a 48 star flag. The time before Hawaiian judges.
Posted by: Mike Hammer
Bought one of those a few years back at a yard sale for $5.
Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 11, 2024 11:21

What's really tough is to find a 49 star flag. We have one at the museum I work at. only made for a few months between the admission of Alaska and Hawaii in 1959.

Posted by: Farmer at February 12, 2024 12:20 AM (55Qr6)

296 Passenger without a passport or plane ticket was able to fly from Heathrow to New York by 'tailgating' another traveller... and he is STILL on the run

Posted by: Ciampino - and we have to dot all eyes and cross all tees at February 12, 2024 12:21 AM (qfLjt)

297 274 See, I wouldn't tolerate a foreigner interfering in my country's affairs.
Greta Thunberg wears Palestinian headdress as Swedish climate change activist attends banned anti-motorway protest in France

Posted by: Ciampino - Put her ass in jail, it's ugly anyway at February 12, 2024 12:00 AM (qfLjt)


She was only a climate change activist to advance communism. Supporting "palestine" is a favorite hobby of the neo-communists.

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at February 12, 2024 12:23 AM (xw1WS)

298 Best band from South Carolina.
Posted by: JackStraw

Saw em live in the mid seventies. Them fellars put on a damn fine show.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 12, 2024 12:24 AM (ZYX33)

299 She was only a climate change activist to advance communism. Supporting "palestine" is a favorite hobby of the neo-communists.

Which was also a favorite hobby of the old communists. The more things change...

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at February 12, 2024 12:25 AM (sAmhv)

300 Passenger without a passport or plane ticket was able to fly from Heathrow to New York by 'tailgating' another traveller... and he is STILL on the run


Dumbshit. He could have just waltzed in over the southern "border" like all the other terrorists.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at February 12, 2024 12:25 AM (sE4sa)

301 Evening, MisHum, and Horde. Back from shooting in the desert, followed by Super Bowl party. The game was tolerably good; half time show was a hot mess. The camera lingered on Tay-tay a lot, and you know what? She ain't all that. If she were a dairy, she'd be broke.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 12, 2024 12:28 AM (tkR6S)

302 Florida is of course Skynyrd but you can't overlook the Florida Guitar Army.

Posted by: JackStraw at February 12, 2024 12:28 AM (LkLld)

303 66 I am, God help me, following this priest's advice and giving up social media for a couple of days.


Fenelon, what a good idea.
I will try that

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at February 12, 2024 12:29 AM (DpEcY)

304 Sock Monkey, I will pray for your brother

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at February 12, 2024 12:29 AM (DpEcY)

305 So, I am left to discern more TROLLS while trying to enjoy dinner with my Lobster Bisque infused with Tri Tip and a Tequila based sauce...

Weekends are like this.

Posted by: Nightwatch at February 12, 2024 12:32 AM (TDvv2)

306 Biden asks nato not to take out trump as self defense. Why?
Posted by: raimondo

Probably the same reason your mom gave me her safe word before she earned my $17 last night.

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at February 12, 2024 12:33 AM (o+rB0)

307 The Indian guy reverse colonizing Britain seems to be the best of their leaders.

Not that it is a high bar of course...but the native born ones are nutters.
Posted by: 18-1 at February 11, 2024 10:16 PM (ibTVg)

If the brits had any sense at all, they would shitcan call-center Rishi, and make Nigel Farage PM.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 12, 2024 12:35 AM (tkR6S)

308 ...Probably the same reason your mom gave me her safe word before she earned my $17 last night. Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at February 12, 2024 12:33 AM (o+rB0)

With Bidenomics, that's worth $0.17, these days.

Shrinkflation, you know.

Or, the pool was COLD.


Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at February 12, 2024 12:35 AM (e6UQI)

309 >>Saw em live in the mid seventies. Them fellars put on a damn fine show.

Saw them in a tiny band in Manchester, NH. Almost more in the band than in the audience. They were great.

Posted by: JackStraw at February 12, 2024 12:35 AM (LkLld)

310 Band = bar

Posted by: JackStraw at February 12, 2024 12:36 AM (LkLld)

311 I'm parked and the guy in the truck next to mine is acting strange. He keeps on looking over at me and I even caught him taking a picture of me with his phone camera.

Really fucking bizarre.

If anyone reads about a truck driver possibly being raped and murdered in his truck at a truck stop in Georgetown, Texas, send this post to the Fuzz. Weirdo is a beaner in a Ruan truck.

Posted by: Robert at February 12, 2024 12:38 AM (bYdTS)

312 Watching the 60's remake of Stagecoach. Slim Pickens, Bing Crosby, Red Buttons, Mike Conners and of course Ann Margaret and Stefanie Powers. Dang fine Horse opera.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 12, 2024 12:40 AM (ZYX33)

313 MAJOR MOJO to anyone that can post some "Kodak Chromes"

of Biden in the "pool" with the little blonde "youngsters"...

I'm sure they're out there...

Posted by: Nightwatch at February 12, 2024 12:40 AM (TDvv2)

314 and another thing I saw on TV tonight

trailer for a "Twister" remake

Posted by: Don Black at February 12, 2024 12:41 AM (geLO8)

315 Robert,

The surveillance state at work? Did you do something that you didn't know you did? I think that's how it works.

Posted by: RickZ at February 12, 2024 12:41 AM (emlEe)

316 Weirdo is a beaner in a Ruan truck.
Posted by: Robert

Makes you wonder what his cargo is.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 12, 2024 12:42 AM (ZYX33)

317 Chefs, Chefs, Chefs!

There are no words.

"Is it not passing brave. To be a King* and ride in triumph through Persepolis?"

Marlowe; Tamerlane


Posted by: KC Wolf (mnw) at February 12, 2024 12:43 AM (NLIak)

318 Prayers up from here sock monkey for your BIL.

Posted by: Farmer at February 12, 2024 12:44 AM (55Qr6)

319 Thanks Farmer. We can never pray too much.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 12, 2024 12:46 AM (ZYX33)

320 Chef

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at February 12, 2024 12:46 AM (sAmhv)

321 Watching the 60's remake of Stagecoach. Slim Pickens, Bing Crosby, Red Buttons, Mike Conners and of course Ann Margaret and Stefanie Powers. Dang fine Horse opera.
Posted by: Sock Monkey

Same here. You left out, weirdly, Bob Cummings.

Really odd cast.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 12, 2024 12:47 AM (XeU6L)

322 "Is it not passing brave. To be a King* and ride in triumph through Persepolis?"

Marlowe; Tamerlane

OTOH, "Uneasy lies the head of the King"

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 12, 2024 12:49 AM (XeU6L)

323 Same here. You left out, weirdly, Bob Cummings.

Really odd cast.
Posted by: Mike Hammer,

Couldn't find that name in the grey matter. Recognized him. Too lazy to look it up.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 12, 2024 12:53 AM (ZYX33)

324 Weirdo is a beaner in a Ruan truck.
Posted by: Robert

Makes you wonder what his cargo is.
Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 12, 2024 12:42 AM (ZYX33)

On the road to ruin.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 12, 2024 12:57 AM (tkR6S)

325 Puddleglum

Too old & lazy to type all that. What's the gist of it, please?

Posted by: KC Wolf (mnw) at February 12, 2024 12:59 AM (NLIak)

326 Same here. You left out, weirdly, Bob Cummings.

Really odd cast.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 12, 2024 12:47 AM (XeU6L)

Bob Cummings owned an Aerocar at one time.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 12, 2024 01:00 AM (tkR6S)

Couldn't find that name in the grey matter. Recognized him. Too lazy to look it up.
Posted by: Sock Monkey

Me either. Managed to recall 'Cummings', and looked up the TV show.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 12, 2024 01:00 AM (XeU6L)

328 Speaking of TRUCKS....MASSIVE 4X4's with MAGA engines

grinding up the slopes and bursting the fence line at Occidental College in Pasadena and pouring across the campus with loudspeakers blaring..."WHERE IS OBAMA"S DORM ROOM!!!" Followed by Bear Spray and horizontal 10 gm percussive fireworks.

Yeah and then the Bear Spray on the way out crushing their security gates...


Posted by: Nightwatch at February 12, 2024 01:02 AM (TDvv2)

329 I remember the Bob Cummings sitcom. He played a photographer, so there was lots of eye candy.

Tagline was, "You're gonna like this picture!"

How did Cummings' name happen to come up?

Posted by: KC Wolf (mnw) at February 12, 2024 01:03 AM (NLIak)

330 Cool, horse opera followed by a Charles Bronson flick. That man was a true to life tough guy. Read his story of growing up and his service in WWII. Tailgunner in a B17 if I'm remembering right. Got all shot up one mission but wouldn't leave his gun because they were under attack.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 12, 2024 01:04 AM (ZYX33)

331 How did Cummings' name happen to come up?
Posted by: KC Wolf

MH and I were both watching the 60's remake of Stagecoach. Cummings played a sniveling low life banker thief.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 12, 2024 01:07 AM (ZYX33)

332 239 Evening. Travis Kelce getting the sloppiest blowjob of his life right now?
Posted by: Robert at February 11, 2024 11:38 PM (c2mHj)

They're reporters, it's part of their job.

Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Innocent Souls, I'm starvin' over here at February 12, 2024 01:07 AM (z+89e)

333 Cummings played a sniveling low life banker thief.
Posted by: Sock Monkey

Is there any other kind?

Posted by: Idaho Spudboy at February 12, 2024 01:09 AM (3UsVM)

334 Recognized Stefanie Powers and Ann Margaret without too much trouble. Had something to do with that squeaky voiced period of my yewt.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * need a new hobby at February 12, 2024 01:10 AM (ZYX33)

335 Cool, horse opera followed by a Charles Bronson flick.
White Buffalo, with Broson as Wild Bill Hickok. I think Slim Pickens may be in it also... yup.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 12, 2024 01:12 AM (XeU6L)

336 We must

We must...focus on OBAMA and drag him out into the light as it is he who yanks the chains on Biden.

We must expose him now...

Posted by: Nightwatch at February 12, 2024 01:14 AM (TDvv2)

337 Does ValJar still live under Zero's roof, thereby benefitting from his SS protection?

Posted by: JQ at February 12, 2024 01:15 AM (njWTi)

338 So, I had a little excitement today on the plinking trip to the desert. I was shooting a reproduction of an 1861 Remington New Army revolver. .44 caliber cap and ball. I was testing out some Pyrodex smokeless propellant pellets, made for this sort of use. Not nitrocellulose. Now, Pyrodex powder is well respected stuff, and I have used it with no problems. I loaded one chamber with a pellet, rammed a ball in, and capped it, and it shot OK, but seemed real dirty. Loaded all six chambers, capped them, fired off 3 rounds, much white smoke a crud. Fired #4, and #5 chain-fired. Whoosh-bang! No damage at all to me or the pistol, but I was shocked as heck. The ball went down range somewhere. #6 was untouched, and I fired it, and put the revolver away. The chambers were really crudded up. Not at all impressed with those pellets.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 12, 2024 01:17 AM (tkR6S)

339 Thank you and I'm to bid you all...

Sleep the Sleep.

Posted by: Nightwatch at February 12, 2024 01:17 AM (TDvv2)

340 We must...focus on OBAMA and drag him out into the light as it is he who yanks the chains on Biden.

Obama was a figurehead, just like Biden. Someone was pulling his strings too.

I suspect it was the shadowy cabal of International Amish Bankers. Or maybe Bakers. But what do I know...

Posted by: Idaho Spudboy at February 12, 2024 01:19 AM (3UsVM)

341 ValJar doesn't need protection

Posted by: Skip at February 12, 2024 01:26 AM (fwDg9)

342 ValJar doesn't need protection
Posted by: Skip at February 12, 2024 01:26 AM (fwDg9)

Her face alone ensures she will never get knocked up.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 12, 2024 01:30 AM (tkR6S)

343 Skip, it was something I read here some years ago... pure speculation, I'm sure.


Posted by: JQ at February 12, 2024 01:32 AM (njWTi)

344 325 Puddleglum

Too old & lazy to type all that. What's the gist of it, please?
Posted by: KC Wolf (mnw)

Chef, from South Park, dying. Horribly yet funny, because South Park.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at February 12, 2024 01:34 AM (sAmhv)

345 I do think right after Barky left the WH ValJar did live with them.

Posted by: Skip at February 12, 2024 01:35 AM (fwDg9)

346 The whole of the obozo admin needs to enjoy being aboard the first flights of the renewed Aero Pinochet Airlines.

Short Flights and Long Drops!

Or, conversely. Buzzard Airlines.

Where all the passengers are Carrion.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at February 12, 2024 01:35 AM (e6UQI)

347 Sock


I don't care for remakes of classic movies. They're classics for a reason. Remakes almost always end badly.

Posted by: KC Wolf (mnw) at February 12, 2024 01:35 AM (NLIak)

348 What's really tough is to find a 49 star flag. We have one at the museum I work at. only made for a few months between the admission of Alaska and Hawaii in 1959.
Posted by: Farmer at February 12, 2024 12:20 AM (55Qr6)

They are kinda a big deal up here.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at February 12, 2024 01:36 AM (sRfrW)

349 342 ValJar doesn't need protection
Posted by: Skip at February 12, 2024 01:26 AM (fwDg9)

Her face alone ensures she will never get knocked up.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 12, 2024 01:30 AM (tkR6S)

Well, she is a form of weasel.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at February 12, 2024 01:38 AM (sRfrW)

350 I'm out. Gotta be at work at 0500, on account of a class I have to to take on Central Time, like it would kill them to start an hour late. Assholes.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at February 12, 2024 01:39 AM (sRfrW)

351 ValJar isn't Iranian, she was born there I think but both parents are Americans, Marxists but Americans.

Posted by: Skip at February 12, 2024 01:42 AM (fwDg9)

352 We CAN'T prosecute Biden, he might lose the election!
We HAVE to prosecute Trump, he might win the election!

And no, there is obviously NOT a two-tier justice system, trust us!

Posted by: JB1000 at February 12, 2024 01:45 AM (NptO6)

353 JB100 that does sum it up.

Still think it will be a bait and switch at the Democrats Convention at latest.
Have a good night everyone

Posted by: Skip at February 12, 2024 01:49 AM (fwDg9)

354 "Nite Skip !

Posted by: JT at February 12, 2024 02:06 AM (T4tVD)

355 Well, past midnight here, so I am going to hit the sack. Night, Horde.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 12, 2024 02:16 AM (tkR6S)

356 I mean, I like to insult people and think I'm good at it but seriously CBD is an artiste.

Posted by: LenNeal at February 12, 2024 02:24 AM (OJ1IG)

357 What's really tough is to find a 49 star flag. We have one at the museum I work at. only made for a few months between the admission of Alaska and Hawaii in 1959.
Posted by: Farmer at February 12, 2024 12:20 AM (55Qr6)
They are kinda a big deal up here.
Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief'

I had one, a little wooden-stick version I picked out of an old box at my grandfather's 5-and-10c store. It was cheap and literally rotted away after a few years, but I did have one.

Posted by: LenNeal at February 12, 2024 02:33 AM (OJ1IG)

358 Slow night in Blogland.....

Posted by: JT at February 12, 2024 02:42 AM (T4tVD)

359 Yeah it is. I had to go out late to the Walmart and nobody is out. It's like New Years Eve in reverse, and now nobody is doing anything.

Posted by: LenNeal at February 12, 2024 02:45 AM (OJ1IG)

360 Perhaps everyone wore themselves out in that fest about Israel earlier today.

Posted by: LenNeal at February 12, 2024 02:46 AM (OJ1IG)

361 Lol, it's the Sunday-nightest Sunday night of the year!

I had to drive into & thru town this evening (during Teh Big Game) and streets were completely deserted.

Like the Twilight Zone, almost.

Posted by: JQ at February 12, 2024 02:49 AM (njWTi)

362 Israel was in the Super Bowl ?

Posted by: JT at February 12, 2024 02:51 AM (T4tVD)

363 Yeah it's dead everywhere. The Walmart looked like the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse, empty shelves and dazed-looking staff.

Posted by: LenNeal at February 12, 2024 02:52 AM (OJ1IG)

364 Our nearest Walmart *always* looks like that, LOL

Posted by: JQ at February 12, 2024 02:54 AM (njWTi)

365 Israel was in the Super Bowl ?
Posted by: JT'

Oh, past about comment 100 someone started in on a rant about how the IDF was murdering a million children a day or something, and I think AoS let it go on, as it ran up the hit numbers on Super Bowl Sunday.

Anyway, have you ever tried to listen to Israeli 'rock'? It fucking sucks.

Most of it sounds like Peter, Paul and Mary molesting a chicken.

Posted by: LenNeal at February 12, 2024 02:58 AM (OJ1IG)

366 Most of it sounds like Peter, Paul and Mary molesting a chicken.
Posted by: LenNeal at February 12, 2024 02:58 AM (OJ1IG)

How do YOU know what that sounds like ?

Posted by: JT at February 12, 2024 03:02 AM (T4tVD)


These guys aren't totally terrible but Coldplay likely sued them later.

Posted by: LenNeal at February 12, 2024 03:05 AM (OJ1IG)

368 How do YOU know what that sounds like ?
Posted by: JT'

I knew a guy who told me. Also it's common knowledge among farmboys you put the chicken in a flour sack with a hole in it, and 'it' can't go all the way in. I mean eggs come out of there so it's big enough, just not all the way.
I'd love to say I'm totally making this up but I am not.
As an old factory hand I used to work with said, "Show me a farmboy says he ain't fucked a cow, I'll show you a goddam liar."

Posted by: LenNeal at February 12, 2024 03:09 AM (OJ1IG)

369 Gross

Posted by: JQ at February 12, 2024 03:14 AM (njWTi)

370 Arik Einstein isn't totally terrible but I find the verbosity of the lyrics distracting. I rarely listen to this while working at the office, it's like speed rap mixed with Cat Stevens before he went Muz.

A lot of people don't realize Izzy had no real broadcast 'popular culture' well into the 2000s. State TV channels in B&W beginning in 1966, State controlled radio.

Posted by: LenNeal at February 12, 2024 03:19 AM (OJ1IG)

371 Gross
Posted by: JQ'

Hey, is what it is. That's by FAR not the grossest story I've heard from people working in factories. Human beings are kinda disgusting.

Posted by: LenNeal at February 12, 2024 03:21 AM (OJ1IG)

372 Ha! Here's an IDF song-bit!

'Givat a tahmoshet'

Interesting, worth a watch. Reminds me of the 'music videos' everyone made in the Balkan Wars.

Posted by: LenNeal at February 12, 2024 03:28 AM (OJ1IG)

373 Haha, LenNeal... I worked in a factory for almost 30 years. Worked in military bars before that... I've heard 'gross' before.

Was just sayin' I thought the chicken thing was gross.

Posted by: JQ at February 12, 2024 03:36 AM (njWTi)

374 Didn't mean to spoil anyone's fun...

Posted by: JQ at February 12, 2024 03:45 AM (njWTi)

375 You didn't.

Posted by: the chicken at February 12, 2024 03:51 AM (RCAte)

376 You didn't.
Posted by: the chicken


Posted by: JQ at February 12, 2024 03:58 AM (njWTi)

377 I also am laughing.

Posted by: the chicken at February 12, 2024 04:27 AM (RCAte)

378 The holey bag thing seem dubious, how do you get them to line up unless the chicken wants them to?

Posted by: the chicken at February 12, 2024 04:34 AM (RCAte)

379 BREAKING: House passes resolution to remove Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee.

Posted by: SMOD at February 12, 2024 07:20 AM (EgiLz)

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