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Joe Biden's "own" White House staffers have cucked him, holding an "historic" vigil outside of the White House to protest his policies and demand that he impose a ceasefire on Israel.

Staffers and appointees of President Joe Biden's administration held a vigil in front of the White House on Wednesday to demand that the president call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

More than three dozen people, most donning sunglasses and masks to conceal their identities, participated in the evening vigil, according to media reports.

Former State Department official turned activist Josh Paul, who resigned in October over the Biden administration's approach to the Israel-Hamas war, addressed the crowd during the demonstration in Washington, D.C.

Newsweek reached out via email on Wednesday night to Biden's representatives for comment.


Even his own staff is revolting!

I mean, they were always revolting. But now they're openly insubordinate.

This exposes what a frail, weak husk of a pervert he is.

This is like when you reach to cup your own wife's breast but the bull you're paying to pleasure her slaps your hand away and makes you sit in the corner wearing a diaper and babbling "mummy's boy is a silly boy" over and over again, Jonah Goldberg tells me.

And you know who is supposedly pushing Biden to be "more sensitive" on the war and take a more Hamas-friendly, position? That's right, the Blowjob Czar, Kamala Harris.

Biden's getting cucked by 60 year old women now.

If you want to see the future of the Democrats' foreign policy direction, look no further than today's Politico report on Kamala Harris' influence on Joe Biden. According to their sources, the Veep's influence on Biden regarding the war in Gaza has already begun paying dividends. Their three sources tell Politico that Harris has pushed Biden to demonstrate more "sensitivity" to the plight of Palestinians, and to take a harder line on Israel and their war efforts:

In internal conversations about the war in Gaza, Harris has argued that it is time to start making "day after" plans for how to handle the wreckage of the war once the fighting ends, one senior administration official said.

One person close to the vice president's office said she believes the United States should be "tougher" on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; she has called for being "more forceful at seeking a long-term peace and two-state solution," this person said.

And ... how's that going, anyway? Before answering that, read on to find out who's idea it was to start denouncing "Islamophobia" at at least the same pitch or higher than the ugly avalanche of anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions that emerged in the first days of the war:

In the immediate aftermath of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel, which left more than a thousand civilians dead and hundreds more kidnapped as hostages, Harris urged Biden to make sure he condemned Islamophobia at the same time as he spoke out against anti-Semitism. The Washington Post reported last month that Harris "suggested" Biden add a line denouncing Islamophobia in his Oct. 10 speech on the outbreak of war.

Since then, Biden, Harris and other administration officials have grown increasingly willing to criticize Israel's approach to battling Hamas, including this week when the president issued a stark warning to the Israeli government about the potential political consequences of its ferocious military offensive.

The only surprising aspect of that catastrophically dumb advice is that Biden didn't think of it first. While demonstrations in support of Hamas and against the Israelis erupted on college campuses and urban centers across America, Biden made himself look out of touch with his focus on '"Islamicphobia" in his Oval Office speech. And of course, the White House sent Karine Jean-Pierre out to flog that for another couple of weeks too, until the White House press corps and the rest of the media began ridiculing the effort.

Good: Biden blames himself for Hunter's legal woes.

President Biden has privately expressed that he feels guilty about Hunter Biden's legal troubles, telling close associates that he believes his son wouldn't be facing federal indictments if he hadn't run for office in 2020, according to a report.

"In private, no issue is more likely to anger or sadden President Biden than attacks on his son," according to Axios, which describes people close to the 81-year-old president noticing that his "moods shift" when there is unpleasant news about Hunter.

Few in the president's inner circle "feel free to discuss Hunter's situation with the president" over fears that it could "prompt both fury and dejection," according to the outlet.

The Justice Department investigation into the 53-year-old first son has also "strained" the president's relationship with Attorney General Merrick Garland, the report notes, describing it as "frigid" after Special Counsel David Weiss brought criminal charges against Hunter for allegedly lying about his drug use when he bought a firearm and failing to pay $1.4 million in taxes.

People close to the president have "fumed" at Garland for granting Weiss special counsel status to investigate Hunter and have likened the attorney general to former FBI Director James Comey, arguing that both are "obsessed with the appearance of having integrity rather than just trying to make the right decision," according to the outlet.

Similar to the president's claim, Hunter Biden's attorney Abbe Lowell argued Monday that his client was indicted "because he is the son of the president."

It's a family of white trash scumbags that always dindu nuffin' and always thinks The Man is fixin' to frame them.

David Axelrod continues slamming Biden's chances of winning, calling Dark Brandon's polling "very, very dark."

"The Wall Street Journal was, you know, very, very dark from a Biden standpoint," he said. He continued, "Job approval down, ratings generally down, most of the comparatives with Trump, not good. And the one that I think was most alarming from my standpoint was when they asked if Biden's policies and Trump's policies when they were president were helpful to people.

"Only 23 percent of voters say Biden's policies have helped them personally while 53% said they have been hurt by the president's agenda. By contrast about half of voters say Trump's policies when he was president helped them personally, more than the 37% who said they were hurt. What I worry about you guys from a Biden standpoint is these are the kind of things you get where people are starting to rationalize their votes."

Mike Murphy, one of Axelrod's co-hosts, interjected, "Oh, look, they're ready to fire Biden, you know that's the problem. They just put out another photo op with the Bidenomics sign next to him."

They then went on to talk about a couple of CNN polls, one in Georgia and one in Michigan. The Michigan poll had Trump leading by 10 points. Axelrod said he'd heard about private polling which made him think the situation wasn't quite that dire. "But it's bad," he added.

I bolded the part about "rationalize their votes" because I don't know what it means, but Axelrod seems to think it's important. I'm going to take a complete guess and say it means something like: "Begin to construct a logical argument which reinforces the sentiment that has already formed in your gut, thus solidifying that changeable sentiment into a more stable and permanent thing." That sounds right, but I don't know if that's what he means.

But don't worry, the Fed is on the case! They plan to cut interest rates three times during the election year of 2024. Cutting interest rates causes the cost of borrowing to become lower (duh), which makes it easier to start businesses or buy expensive items, which results in a growing economy (usually). And higher inflation (sometimes).

So the Fed seems to be looking to give Biden a nice big lift just in time for election season.

Apparently "prices are down" and inflation is over. Did you know that? I didn't. Last time I checked, the rate of inflation had merely fallen to 3.1%, which means prices are "merely" rising at an annual rate of 3.1% now. Not falling.

But the Fed thinks that's job done.

And KJP says that means that prices are now "down" and the only thing left to fix is "insulin prices" and "junk fees" at the bank and in airline ticketing.

Chris Christie and Vivek Ramaswamey will not qualify for the next debate, which will be held by CNN. (I don't like that part.) This means that Nikki Haley would have to debate DeSantis one-on-one.

Suddenly she doesn't want to debate. She says it's because Trump won't be debating, but Trump has not participated in any prior debate.

CNN held a Town Hall with Vivek Ramaswamy, and you'll never guess-- they would not allow him to speak a sentence without "fact-checking" him repeatedly.

Abby Phillips refused to concede that there were federal agents even present in the J6 crowd. Not that they caused the riot or they ringleaded it -- that they were even present.

And she would not just make an objection and then let him speak. She just kept interrupting him every time he attempted to make his point.

Obviously CNN does not do this to Democrats. On CNN, if you want to claim any false claim beloved by the left, that blacks are killed by cops at astonishingly high rates and at much higher rates than whites, or that transgender people are murdered at higher rates than white people, or that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation, or that Trump colluded with Russia-- you go ahead, you make your point. The CNN bobblehead will just nod.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:27 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 st

Posted by: Gref at December 14, 2023 06:29 PM (5fDan)

2 I nooded

Posted by: Gref at December 14, 2023 06:29 PM (5fDan)

3 rd

Posted by: Gref at December 14, 2023 06:29 PM (5fDan)

4 Run the World ? They can't even parallel park... Wait

Posted by: It's me donna at December 14, 2023 06:30 PM (n2vyf)

5 This exposes what a frail, weak husk of a pervert he is.

This is like when you reach to cup your own wife's breast but the bull you're paying to pleasure her slaps your hand away and makes you sit in the corner wearing a diaper and babbling "mummy's boy is a silly boy" over and over again, garrett tells me.

That's gonna leave a mark.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at December 14, 2023 06:30 PM (RIvkX)

6 What?

Posted by: Jamaica NYC at December 14, 2023 06:31 PM (Eeb9P)

7 Apparently "prices are down" and inflation is over. Did you know that? I didn't. Last time I checked, the rate of inflation had merely fallen to 3.1%, which means prices are "merely" rising at an annual rate of 3.1% now. Not falling.

Joe Biden stole HALF of everyone's wealth to give to his clients and allies.

Those Bidenbux you have in your savings account or the stock market have half the purchasing power they did under Trump

Posted by: 18-1 at December 14, 2023 06:31 PM (XqcwY)

8 But don't worry, the Fed is on the case! They plan to cut interest rates three times during the election year of 2024.

Welp, no chance of house prices being driven down now. Fuck them all to hell.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at December 14, 2023 06:31 PM (DTX3h)

9 So what's new about the fake lowering of interest rates ? They've been lying every month with the numbers

Posted by: It's me donna at December 14, 2023 06:32 PM (n2vyf)

10 "people close to the 81-year-old president noticing that his "moods shift" when there is unpleasant news about Hunter."

He hates being reminded of his rotten loser son.

Posted by: fd at December 14, 2023 06:32 PM (vFG9F)

11 Don't these people have better things to do?

Jeez....get a life folks!

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at December 14, 2023 06:32 PM (R/m4+)

12 For some reason, I read this entire article with the voice of Dennis Miller in mind.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at December 14, 2023 06:33 PM (XV/Pl)

13 Abby Phillip gets destroyed often, I was told. Nevertheless that last video is a really fun watch.

Posted by: Lawrence Of Arabia rode through at December 14, 2023 06:33 PM (ZZVmo)

14 He hates being reminded of his rotten loser son.
Posted by: fd at December 14, 2023 06:32 PM (vFG9F)

More likely he's afraid he'll be implicated

Posted by: It's me donna at December 14, 2023 06:33 PM (n2vyf)

15 Staffers ?? they must have a leader !

"Vice President Kamala Harris has reportedly become the face of the pro-Palestinian “resistance” within the White House, and is pushing President Joe Biden and his administration to be tougher on Israel and more supportive of the Hamas-led Palestinians.
Politico reported Thursday:

Vice President Kamala Harris has been telling colleagues in the administration that she wants the White House to show more concern publicly for the humanitarian damage in Gaza, where Israel is locked in a bloody and prolonged battle with Hamas, according to three people familiar with Harris’ comments.
One person close to the vice president’s office said she believes the United States should be “tougher” on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu....In the immediate aftermath of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel, which left more than a thousand civilians dead and hundreds more kidnapped as hostages, Harris urged Biden to make sure he condemned Islamophobia at the same time as he spoke out against anti-Semitism. The Washington Post reported last month that Harris “suggested” Biden add a line denouncing Islamophobia in his Oct. 10 speech on the outbreak of war."

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 06:34 PM (V13WU)

16 This conversation has happened.

'Joe, no one wants you to run again. You need to retire.'

'Fuck you, Jack! I'm running.'

'If you do, we will destroy your family.'

'You can't touch me!'

'Famous last words.'

Posted by: AlaBAMA at December 14, 2023 06:34 PM (XtkZj)

17 You're telling me? They stink on ice!

Posted by: Mel Brooks at December 14, 2023 06:34 PM (cR4lE)

18 2 kinds of people in this country: those who want America to succeed, and those who want their political ideology to succeed

Posted by: Don Black at December 14, 2023 06:34 PM (geLO8)

19 Further new info., to me t least, about the Marxist black supremist dancers:

End Wokeness @EndWokeness 5h
BREAKING: The group behind the viral Biden Christmas video is a radical anti-White group called Dorrance Dance

On the group website calls for defunding the police, abolishing prisons, and even quotes Marxist terrorist Angela Davis.

The site has an entire section dedicated to anti-White literature.
And best reply to that tweet:

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at December 14, 2023 06:35 PM (krqg6)

20 what a shocker ! That Harris is the face of pali resistance in the HW !

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 06:35 PM (V13WU)

21 Your Mom says, 'Hi' Ace.

Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 06:35 PM (+Rtz8)

22 Mighty bold of those WH employees to protest in masks, sunglasses and hats. Should have just opted for the burka.

Posted by: huerfano at December 14, 2023 06:35 PM (Q4KYm)

23 So, the wife likes these things the Jamaicans call dumplings. It's just boiled dough. They taste like an uncooked clump of Cream of Wheat, which, if memory serves, are tasty. These are not because they are not clumps of Cream of Wheat.

Posted by: Jamaica NYC at December 14, 2023 06:35 PM (Eeb9P)

24 Staff demands.


Aviator Joe will get right on those demands.

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 14, 2023 06:35 PM (4I/2K)

25 12 For some reason, I read this entire article with the voice of Dennis Miller in mind.

It's like a nude beach: sounds good until you get there.

Posted by: Dennis Miller at December 14, 2023 06:35 PM (cR4lE)

26 Do the Democrats have somebody in mind they'd like to replace Biden with who is at least semi-viable? I don't see Harris or Newsom as having much of a chance. Are there any other state governors out there who could come in out of nowhere (like Bill Clinton) in the event Slow Joe is put out to pasture? And what's the betting on Joe either being talked into stepping down, or being wafted by angels to his eternal reward?

Naturally, I rejoice at the Democrats dilemma. Confusion to the enemy!

Posted by: Paco at December 14, 2023 06:36 PM (njExo)

27 "He hates being reminded of his rotten loser son."

Again, harsh but fair.

Rotten son=acceptable, Loser son=acceptable. Rotten loser son=exceptional.

Posted by: DOYLE at December 14, 2023 06:36 PM (Z8Yh2)

28 >For some reason, I read this entire article with the voice of Dennis Miller in mind.

whatever happened to that guy

Posted by: Don Black at December 14, 2023 06:37 PM (geLO8)

29 Kamala is a garden-variety Bay area leftist complete with all the garden-variety Anti-Israel prejudices and lies

Posted by: San Franpsycho at December 14, 2023 06:37 PM (RIvkX)

30 "Staffers and appointees of President Joe Biden's administration held a vigil in front of the White House on Wednesday to demand that the president call for a ceasefire in Gaza."

I also held a vigil. In my bathroom after about 5 Sarde a beccafico. Pretty sure there was a 21 gun salute.

Posted by: Marcus T at December 14, 2023 06:37 PM (mp9e7)

31 That's gonna leave a mark.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at December 14, 2023 06:30 PM (RIvkX)

Not being male, I don't get this whole Garrett/Ace thing and the insult humor.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 14, 2023 06:37 PM (RSbhh)

32 Similar to the president's claim, Hunter Biden's attorney Abbe Lowell argued Monday that his client was indicted "because he is the son of the president."

Some folks are born, silver spoon in hand
Lord, don't they help themselves, yeah
But when the taxman comes to the door
The house look a like a rummage sale

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at December 14, 2023 06:37 PM (Dm8we)

33 @23

>>So, the wife likes these things the Jamaicans call dumplings. It's just boiled dough.

Yes but they usually accompany something like Jerk Chicken or Curried Goat and you can use them to sop up the gravy.

Jamaican/West Indian Food was my jam when I went to University in The Bronx.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at December 14, 2023 06:37 PM (XV/Pl)

34 I like this Caribbean food called Pastechi. Recently I realized it is a bastardized name of good old pasty.

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 06:38 PM (V13WU)

35 >>>Your Mom says, 'Hi' Ace.
Posted by: garrett

i know you're still stunned from the force of that burn so i'll give you time to collect yourself to deliver a more substantial counterattack.

Posted by: ace at December 14, 2023 06:38 PM (KRtlO)

36 It's like a nude beach: sounds good until you get there.
Posted by: Dennis Miller at December 14, 2023 06:35 PM (cR4lE)

The eternal triumph of Hope over Experience.

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 14, 2023 06:38 PM (4I/2K)

37 the pro-Hamas leftists here are being super annoying

they closed down a Schulylkill Expressway on-ramp during rush hour today, and promised to do it daily until there's a "ceasefire"

Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at December 14, 2023 06:38 PM (AcWfM)

38 Staffers and appointees of President Joe Biden's administration held a vigil in front of the White House on Wednesday to demand that the president call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

So, Joe Biden is what passes for an Israel hawk in this administration? Lol.

Posted by: Paco at December 14, 2023 06:38 PM (njExo)

39 >>"He hates being reminded of his rotten loser son."

100% chance that Beau was as disgusting a human being as Hunter is, his only grace was dying early with his skeletons still in his closet.

Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 06:39 PM (+Rtz8)

40 35 >>>Your Mom says, 'Hi' Ace.
Posted by: garrett

i know you're still stunned from the force of that burn so i'll give you time to collect yourself to deliver a more substantial counterattack.
Posted by: ace at December 14, 2023 06:38 PM (KRtlO)

It was a sick burn.


Posted by: AlaBAMA at December 14, 2023 06:39 PM (XtkZj)

41 they closed down a Schulylkill Expressway on-ramp during rush hour today, and promised to do it daily until there's a "ceasefire"
Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at December 14, 2023 06:38 PM (AcWfM)

I prefer a cease to exist for Hamas

Posted by: It's me donna at December 14, 2023 06:39 PM (n2vyf)

42 >>i know you're still stunned from the force of that burn so i'll give you time to collect yourself to deliver a more substantial counterattack.

Give me a second... I'm eating tacos.

Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 06:39 PM (+Rtz8)

43 Joe Biden's "own" White House staffers have cucked him, holding an "historic" vigil outside of the White House to protest his policies and demand that he impose a ceasefire on Israel.

Demand? That is funny. Israel to Biden, "tell your house pets to STFU, their barking is keeping us up at night."

Posted by: Lost in Space at December 14, 2023 06:39 PM (/kQwb)

44 How about 1stExWife/HairGel?

Posted by: Jamaica NYC at December 14, 2023 06:40 PM (Eeb9P)

45 100% chance that Beau was as disgusting a human being as Hunter is, his only grace was dying early with his skeletons still in his closet.
Posted by: garrett

Yep. I have thought that often also.

Posted by: Tonypete at December 14, 2023 06:40 PM (qoGsy)

Not being male, I don't get this whole Garrett/Ace thing and the insult humor.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke

They're engaged in a ghey-off. Nobody else understands it, either.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 14, 2023 06:40 PM (8Z5Bd)

47 FJB doesn't give a shit about his son or any other member of his own family.

The only thing he regrets is that Hunter's legal problems are causing problems for FJB.

He would shed a few crocodile tears if something happened to Hunter, but then he'd use his son's demise as a means of increasing his own fortunes.

FJB is a bastard-coated bastard with bastard filling. Hunter is exactly the same as his father.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at December 14, 2023 06:40 PM (BpYfr)

48 i changed the target to Jonah Goldberg. Not to spare garrett, but because I have completely laid off Jonah and David French for some reason. A friend used to email me every time I zinged Jonah.

Posted by: ace at December 14, 2023 06:40 PM (KRtlO)

49 Rocket launch tonight, from Kiwiland
Coverage begins in just under 3 hours,

Rocket Lab 'The Moon God Awakens' Launch
window that opens tonight at 11 p.m. EST (0400 GMT and 5 p.m. New Zealand time on Dec. 15)

Posted by: Ciampino - Space, The Semifinal Frontier at December 14, 2023 06:41 PM (qfLjt)

50 also jonah and david french are really the proper cuck targets

Posted by: ace at December 14, 2023 06:41 PM (KRtlO)

51 well Beau wasn't brain damaged like Hunt, and he WAS a massive douchebag in high school

so yeah, he was worse

but probably he was way better at covering his shit up

due to not having brain damage

Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at December 14, 2023 06:41 PM (AcWfM)

52 Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at December 14, 2023 06:38 PM (AcWfM)

Yes; I think Israel should pay close attention to a bunch of anti semites blocking a highway in PA/sarc.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 14, 2023 06:41 PM (RSbhh)

53 Not being male, I don't get this whole Garrett/Ace thing and the insult humor.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke

They're engaged in a ghey-off. Nobody else understands it, either.
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 14, 2023 06:40 PM (8Z5Bd)

I'm sick with the crud. And to hurts to laugh and you drop this one in the punch bowl??

Posted by: AlaBAMA at December 14, 2023 06:41 PM (XtkZj)

54 Not being male, I don't get this whole Garrett/Ace thing and the insult humor.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke

They're engaged in a ghey-off. Nobody else understands it, either.
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 14, 2023 06:40 PM (8Z5Bd)
Winner gets a new man-purse and a set of fur-lined crocs...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at December 14, 2023 06:41 PM (BpYfr)

55 Joey Bidet would earn One Point of respect from me if he fired all these protesting staffers.

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 14, 2023 06:42 PM (7Ac/i)

56 (also I wouldn't mind people spreading that joke and it will travel better if it's jonah goldberg)

Posted by: ace at December 14, 2023 06:42 PM (KRtlO)

57 Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 14, 2023 06:40 PM (8Z5Bd)

What is a gay-off? I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't understand it.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 14, 2023 06:42 PM (RSbhh)

58 ---
Winner gets a new man-purse and a set of fur-lined crocs...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at December 14, 2023 06:41 PM (BpYfr

Messenger bag !

Posted by: It's me donna at December 14, 2023 06:42 PM (n2vyf)

59 56 (also I wouldn't mind people spreading that joke and it will travel better if it's jonah goldberg)

Posted by: ace at December 14, 2023 06:42 PM (KRtlO)

Have cuck joke, will travel.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at December 14, 2023 06:42 PM (XtkZj)

60 I mean, they were always revolting. But now they're openly insubordinate.

sounds insurrectiony

Posted by: anachronda at December 14, 2023 06:42 PM (oY6Yp)

61 Ace
Your obsession with garret is disturbing.

Posted by: nurse ratched at December 14, 2023 06:43 PM (QWH/D)

62 Staff?

Like Gandalf has?

I'm a wizard!

I put a spell on you!!


Posted by: Joe Biden at December 14, 2023 06:43 PM (ttzpt)

63 "And you know who is supposedly pushing Biden to be "more sensitive" on the war and take a more Hamas-friendly, position? That's right, the Blowjob Czar, Kamala Harris."

Calm down, Kammie. Very soon, Joe will begin publicly blasting Israel and Bibi 10 times a day for killing innocent Pali babies and children. He'll use death counts supplied by Hamas and the UNWRA. Millions! He'll yell that the IDF should have confirmed by human reconnaissance there were Hamas thugs and no women and children in any room of a building, before throwing a rock at it, let alone a 2,000 lb penetrator bomb!

Posted by: Gref at December 14, 2023 06:43 PM (5fDan)

64 >>What is a gay-off? I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't understand it.

It's like a Cock-Fight.

But without the chickens. And. Gayer.

Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 06:43 PM (+Rtz8)

65 @31

>>Not being male, I don't get this whole Garrett/Ace thing and the insult humor.

Men haze each other and play dominance games to establish the hierarchy, whereas women form cliques and engage in reputational destruction and psychological operations to establish dominance and hierarchy.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at December 14, 2023 06:43 PM (XV/Pl)

66 That photo up top. You make it sound as if Biden is a powerless old idiot. Then why are they covering up their identities? Scared of retribution? Firing? So someone above yhem has teeth?

Posted by: Ciampino - Doxx all of them at December 14, 2023 06:43 PM (qfLjt)

67 Harris needs some "face time" with the Palis.

Posted by: pawn at December 14, 2023 06:43 PM (QB+5g)

68 I have decided that Peak Gay is calling your significant other your "partner" instead of wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend ... it's so freaking gay. or ghey. you might think you're straight but if you call your SO your partner you're gay.

thus rules the Orchid.

(it's also robotic and sounds to me like people are saying Comrade or something)

Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at December 14, 2023 06:44 PM (AcWfM)

69 "babbling "mummy's boy is a silly boy" over and over again, garrett tells me."

Wait, wait, wait,... are you saying garrett is David French?

Posted by: She Hobbit at December 14, 2023 06:44 PM (ftFVW)

70 >>Your obsession with garret is disturbing.

I get it. I'm not a bad looking guy, really.

Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 06:44 PM (+Rtz8)

71 I like this Caribbean food called Pastechi. Recently I realized it is a bastardized name of good old pasty.
Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 06:38 PM (V13WU)

Everyting gwarn be iree...

Posted by: Joe Black at December 14, 2023 06:44 PM (R/m4+)

72 What I worry about you guys from a Biden standpoint is these are the kind of things you get where people are starting to rationalize their votes."

Rationalizing votes is kryptonite for a party that relies on Tribal loyalty for its votes. If voters start connecting their votes to results on the ground, the tribe is finished.

Posted by: Ex GOP at December 14, 2023 06:44 PM (qS8WV)

73 Men haze each other and play dominance games to establish the hierarchy, whereas women form cliques and engage in reputational destruction and psychological operations to establish dominance and hierarchy.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at December 14, 2023 06:43 PM (XV/Pl)

Explain high school without using the words high and school.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at December 14, 2023 06:45 PM (XtkZj)

74 also jonah and david french are really the proper cuck targets

You haven't mentioned them in so long, Ace, I was beginning to think they were in some kind of cuck protection program, or maybe that your curare-dipped barbs had driven them into retirement (if the latter: thanks, and well done!)

Posted by: Paco at December 14, 2023 06:45 PM (njExo)

75 Posted by: Thomas Bender at December 14, 2023 06:43 PM (XV/Pl)

Well, I don't, but thanks for explaining that.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 14, 2023 06:45 PM (RSbhh)

76 Rationalizing votes is kryptonite for a party that relies on Tribal loyalty for its votes. If voters start connecting their votes to results on the ground, the tribe is finished.

hmm that makes sense

Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at December 14, 2023 06:45 PM (AcWfM)

77 Is a fucking DNS attack or similar fucking up commenting?

See you later.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at December 14, 2023 06:46 PM (krqg6)

78 >I have decided that Peak Gay is calling your significant other your "partner"

is that retroactive, for westerns and cop shows?

Posted by: Don Black at December 14, 2023 06:46 PM (geLO8)

79 Ok. Who brought the bag of dicks to this thread? Fess up.

Posted by: Marcus T at December 14, 2023 06:46 PM (mp9e7)

80 >>I have decided that Peak Gay is calling your significant other your "partner"

That's up there with...'We're Pregnant!'.


She's Pregnant. You may be the father??
...hard to say.

Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 06:47 PM (+Rtz8)

81 Not being male, I don't get this whole Garrett/Ace thing and the insult humor.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke

I suggest watching Gran Torino and Predator's handshake scene.

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 14, 2023 06:47 PM (4I/2K)

82 Wow. CNN Dunce is really desperate to keep the whole J6 Op legit. Just like the Russia Hoax they still cling to.

Posted by: Marcus T at December 14, 2023 06:47 PM (mp9e7)

83 58 ---
Winner gets a new man-purse and a set of fur-lined crocs...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at December 14, 2023 06:41 PM (BpYfr

Messenger bag !

Posted by: It's me donna at December 14, 2023 06:42 PM (n2vyf)
Fur-lined codpiece and ballsack for winter - remember that cross-country skier?

Posted by: Ciampino - Dongle freezing can harm a young lad at December 14, 2023 06:48 PM (qfLjt)

84 That would be Jonah "Do You Know the MacGuffin Man" Goldberg, to you.

Posted by: Marcus T at December 14, 2023 06:49 PM (mp9e7)

85 "Posted by: Thomas Bender at December 14, 2023 06:43 PM (XV/Pl)"


Posted by: fd at December 14, 2023 06:49 PM (vFG9F)

86 "Even his own staff is revolting!"

A metaphysical truth, however it is interpreted.

Posted by: Matthew at December 14, 2023 06:49 PM (XeU6L)

87 >>Messenger bag !

That is precisely where this whole thing started.

Ace was super excited about his new Messenger Bag and I made the obligatory "You know how I know that you are Gay" comment...

the rest is in the comments going forward.

Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 06:49 PM (+Rtz8)

88 Anyone called these people retards yet? Just checking.

Posted by: Weasel at December 14, 2023 06:50 PM (JwHpX)

89 Not being male, I don't get this whole Garrett/Ace thing and the insult humor, she said.

Posted by: zombie norm macsonald at December 14, 2023 06:50 PM (ttzpt)

women form cliques and engage in reputational destruction and psychological operations to establish dominance and hierarchy.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at December 14, 2023 06:43 PM (XV/Pl)


Like that bitch Cheryl in Accounting.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 14, 2023 06:50 PM (MoZTd)

91 Re the Fed:

I think Ace's take on the motive is correct, but if that indeed is the Fed's rationale (and I agree it is) that's totally retarded. People are pissed about inflation. We are at full employment. Rate cuts normally increase both inflation as well as employment. It's just bizarre. There must be something here I'm missing.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at December 14, 2023 06:50 PM (KSNKu)

92 Similar to the president's claim, Hunter Biden's attorney Abbe Lowell argued Monday that his client was indicted "because he is the son of the president."

No. He's being indicted because the volume and nature of the evidence is so overwhelming and clear that even Biden's DOJ Praetorians couldn't ignore it the way it has done with all the other evidence of every Hunter Biden crime so far.

But fear not, Hunter. What awaits you is most likely another plea bargain of RUFKM variety. As soon as everybody isn't watching anymore and they can find a crooked judge to sign off.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at December 14, 2023 06:51 PM (vYWu5)

93 88 Anyone called these people retards yet? Just checking.
Posted by: Weasel at December 14, 2023 06:50 PM (JwHpX)

Nope. Floor is yours, good sir.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at December 14, 2023 06:51 PM (XtkZj)

94 Posted by: zombie norm macsonald at December 14, 2023 06:50 PM (ttzpt)

Good try, but I've only seen Norm MacDonald in one skit where he wasn't talking about women.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 14, 2023 06:51 PM (RSbhh)

95 She's Pregnant. You may be the father??
...hard to say.
Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 06:47 PM (+Rtz
At an HR meeting today about our new PTO program, I learned that "mother" and "father" are antiquated terms.

The Orwell-approved terms are now "birthing parent" and "non-birthing parent."

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at December 14, 2023 06:51 PM (BpYfr)

96 That photo up top. You make it sound as if Biden is a powerless old idiot. Then why are they covering up their identities? Scared of retribution? Firing? So someone above yhem has teeth?
Posted by: Ciampino

Nothing says 'personal commitment' more than wearing a mask.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at December 14, 2023 06:52 PM (XeU6L)

97 Harris has argued that it is time to start making "day after" plans for how to handle the wreckage of the war once the fighting ends

No es nuestro problema, puta.

Posted by: wth at December 14, 2023 06:52 PM (v0R5T)

98 I bet Nikki Haley smells like stewed prawns and Charles Koch's ass. Mostly Charles Koch's ass.

Posted by: Marcus T at December 14, 2023 06:52 PM (mp9e7)

99 I've seen a picture, garret, you're handsome.

It's just, the more a dude questions the masculinity of another dude, the faggier he sounds. Just sayin, ace.

Ixnay on the aggotfay.

Posted by: nurse ratched at December 14, 2023 06:52 PM (nLeCA)

100 When is Israel going to capture the UNRWA officials and Doctors without Borders physicians and charge them with war crimes?

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 14, 2023 06:52 PM (aD39U)

101 >>Men haze each other and play dominance games to establish the hierarchy,

What's that have to do with ace and garrett?

Posted by: JackStraw at December 14, 2023 06:53 PM (ZLI7S)

102 These clowns are a bunch of retards.

Posted by: Weasel at December 14, 2023 06:53 PM (JwHpX)

103 I brought a whole bag.

Posted by: This is dick and my other brother dick at December 14, 2023 06:53 PM (cR4lE)

104 19 Further new info., to me t least, about the Marxist black supremist dancers:

End Wokeness @EndWokeness 5h
BREAKING: The group behind the viral Biden Christmas video is a radical anti-White group called Dorrance Dance

On the group website calls for defunding the police, abolishing prisons, and even quotes Marxist terrorist Angela Davis.

The site has an entire section dedicated to anti-White literature.
And best reply to that tweet:

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at December 14, 2023 06:35 PM (krqg6)

DOCTOR Jill tries sooo hard to be one of the cool kids. So that the rich and stylish people in DC and NYC will think of her as a stylish, woke First Lady, rather than as a no-class, no-taste bimbo from Philly then Wilmington. She fails in every attempt.

Posted by: Gref at December 14, 2023 06:53 PM (5fDan)

Like that bitch Cheryl in Accounting.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

I once heard a woman in marketing refer to one of the accounting people as 'A hussy'.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at December 14, 2023 06:54 PM (XeU6L)

106 @101

>>What's that have to do with ace and garrett?

All these years, I have assumed their gender, I now question these assumptions.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at December 14, 2023 06:54 PM (XV/Pl)

107 I was just thinking about the nuts on a fur pillow. Not unpleasant. Where can I get the fur codpiece? I work from home. It will get used.

Posted by: DOYLE at December 14, 2023 06:54 PM (Z8Yh2)

108 Men haze each other and play dominance games to establish the hierarchy, whereas women form cliques and engage in reputational destruction and psychological operations to establish dominance and hierarchy.

Psychological insights like these are why I keep coming back here.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at December 14, 2023 06:54 PM (vYWu5)

109 well Beau wasn't brain damaged like Hunt, and he WAS a massive douchebag in high school

so yeah, he was worse

but probably he was way better at covering his shit up

due to not having brain damage

Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at December 14, 2023 06:41 PM

Dupont heir sentenced to nothing for raping his 3 year old daughter. Okay by Beau Biden.

Posted by: huerfano at December 14, 2023 06:54 PM (Q4KYm)

110 and the White House staffers are all wearing masks? LOL

Posted by: Romeo13 at December 14, 2023 06:54 PM (xaFKb)

111 I just bought a nice OLED 4K TV and one of the first things I watch was that Cringemas fiasco in all its HDR glory

I regret everything

***hangs self***

Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger at December 14, 2023 06:54 PM (VTu1l)

112 I’m beginning to think Trump can actually win next year and TPTB may have concluded that’s their least painful way forward. Brandon is a disaster and the word salad queen is even worse so they’re stuck. So they won’t go all out to cheat and if (when) Trump wins the election, the deep state will simply hunker down and ride out (resist) his 4 years….. they’ve done it before. The bureaucracy will just ignore and/or slow roll orders….

Their only other option is to do brazenly cheat as to risk mockery and completely losing legitimacy

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at December 14, 2023 06:55 PM (xT8gx)

113 All these years, I have assumed their gender, I now question these assumptions.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at December 14, 2023 06:54 PM (XV/Pl)

Very good, Padawan. You have taken a first step into a much larger world.

Posted by: Obi Wan Baloney at December 14, 2023 06:55 PM (vYWu5)

These clowns are a bunch of retards.
Posted by: Weasel


Morons, imbeciles or idiots?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 14, 2023 06:55 PM (MoZTd)

115 I now what y'all are thinking, shich US state spend the longest on Pr0nhub ?

10 States that spent the longest on Pornhub per visit

Maryland – 11 minutes and 31 seconds
Rhode Island – 11 minutes and 11 seconds
New Jersey – 11 minutes and 9 seconds
North Carolina – 11 minutes and 7 seconds
Delaware – 11 minutes and 5 seconds
Alabama – 11 minutes and 4 seconds
Tennessee – 10 minutes and 57 seconds
Minnesota – 10 minutes and 56 seconds
Missouri – 10 minutes and 56 seconds
South Carolina – 10 minutes and 52 seconds

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 06:55 PM (V13WU)

116 Hey, great news everyone, Biden says we have 3 new covid vaccines for them to threaten us with on the way!

Posted by: gourmand du jour at December 14, 2023 06:55 PM (MeG8a)

117 Not being male, I don't get this whole Garrett/Ace thing and the insult humor.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 14, 2023 06:37 PM (RSbhh)


Posted by: San Franpsycho at December 14, 2023 06:55 PM (RIvkX)

118 *which

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 06:56 PM (V13WU)

119 So we're going to rebuild Ukraine AND Gaza?
We must be so fucking rich.

Posted by: wth at December 14, 2023 06:56 PM (v0R5T)

120 Their only other option is to do brazenly cheat as to risk mockery and completely losing legitimacy
Posted by: LinusVanPelt at December 14, 2023 06:55 PM (xT8gx)

Or Trump could die.

Posted by: The CIA Stroke Gun at December 14, 2023 06:56 PM (aD39U)

121 She fails in every attempt.
Posted by: Gref

Look, my staffers told me that the WH Christmas video would a smash hit. Turns out, 'smash hit' and 'unforgetable' are two different things.

Posted by: Doctor Jill at December 14, 2023 06:56 PM (XeU6L)

122 *Rhode Island ??

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 06:56 PM (V13WU)

123 I just bought a nice OLED 4K TV and one of the first things I watch was that Cringemas fiasco in all its HDR glory

I regret everything

***hangs self***

There's already an edited version where all the dancers are KJP, Biden, Hunter, and Zelensky.

Posted by: Ian S. at December 14, 2023 06:57 PM (Yqpb4)

124 Sometimes people call me a Hussy.

Posted by: NFL referee Walt Hussy at December 14, 2023 06:57 PM (cR4lE)

125 These clowns are a bunch of retards.
Posted by: Weasel

Morons, imbeciles or idiots?
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 14, 2023 06:55 PM (MoZTd)


Posted by: wth at December 14, 2023 06:57 PM (v0R5T)

126 >>What's that have to do with ace and garrett?

All these years, I have assumed their gender, I now question these assumptions.
Posted by: Thomas Bender

I've always had a hard time not thinking of them as Ace and Gary when they're like this.

Ah, back when SNL was still funny sometimes...

Posted by: She Hobbit at December 14, 2023 06:57 PM (ftFVW)

127 When is Israel going to capture the UNRWA officials and Doctors without Borders physicians and charge them with war crimes?
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 14, 2023 06:52 PM (aD39U)

Oh, I forgot about those bastards.

The IDF should make them run a gauntlet nekkid from the trucks to their flight, beating them the whole time with tire irons while shouting, "Out And Never Return!".

A Man Can Dream.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at December 14, 2023 06:57 PM (R/m4+)

128 10 States that spent the longest on Pornhub per visit

I figured Alabama would go for CousinsOnly.

Posted by: The CIA Stroke Gun at December 14, 2023 06:57 PM (aD39U)

129 I once heard a woman in marketing refer to one of the accounting people as 'A hussy'.
Posted by: Mike Hammer

When R. was elevated to Director of her Department, she called assistants to the previous Executive Director, "Sluts Row". They weren't there for long.

Posted by: Tonypete at December 14, 2023 06:58 PM (qoGsy)

130 dammit

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 14, 2023 06:58 PM (aD39U)

131 FJB doesn't give a shit about his son or any other member of his own family.

The only thing he regrets is that Hunter's legal problems are causing problems for FJB.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at December 14, 2023 06:40 PM (BpYfr)

I agree. He has always been a nasty, backstabbing prick, and his use of family as cut-outs for his thievery speaks volumes about their role in his life.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 14, 2023 06:58 PM (gSZYf)

So we're going to rebuild Ukraine AND Gaza?
We must be so fucking rich.
Posted by: wth


To restore them to status quo ante only needs S&H Green Stamps.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 14, 2023 06:58 PM (MoZTd)

133 Paco, thyre just so invisible I forgot about them. Some one sent me an allahpundit link and said "you must respond" and I thought "who even know who that is now?"

Posted by: Ace at December 14, 2023 06:58 PM (KRtlO)

134 Search for Sex Robots saw a jump of 1,689%. Globally !

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 06:58 PM (V13WU)

135 I figured Alabama would go for CousinsOnly.

I think this was covered just the other day, but it's actually mostly blue states (and DC, of course) where you can legally marry your first cousin.

Posted by: Ian S. at December 14, 2023 06:59 PM (Yqpb4)

136 Honorable Mention: North Dakota.

Posted by: Pronhub Ratings, Inc. at December 14, 2023 06:59 PM (cR4lE)

137 I really want to suck my own dick, so I have been stretching for months!

Posted by: Paul at December 14, 2023 06:59 PM (ItB0H)

138 Shut up, Dunce.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 14, 2023 07:00 PM (aD39U)

139 Search for Sex Robots saw a jump of 1,689%. Globally !
Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 06:58 PM (V13WU)
Don't get the ones with the machine-gun jubblies. That's not my bag, baby.

Posted by: Austin Danger Powers at December 14, 2023 07:00 PM (ScR16)

140 I was just thinking about the nuts on a fur pillow. Not unpleasant. Where can I get the fur codpiece? I work from home. It will get used.
Posted by: DOYLE

Business opportunity for a crafty person...

Posted by: She Hobbit at December 14, 2023 07:00 PM (ftFVW)

141 Also receiving votes: Alaska.

Posted by: Pronhub Ratings, Inc. at December 14, 2023 07:00 PM (cR4lE)

142 I now what y'all are thinking, shich US state spend the longest on Pr0nhub ?

10 States that spent the longest on Pornhub per visit

Maryland – 11 minutes and 31 seconds
Rhode Island – 11 minutes and 11 seconds
New Jersey – 11 minutes and 9 seconds
North Carolina – 11 minutes and 7 seconds
Delaware – 11 minutes and 5 seconds
Alabama – 11 minutes and 4 seconds
Tennessee – 10 minutes and 57 seconds
Minnesota – 10 minutes and 56 seconds
Missouri – 10 minutes and 56 seconds
South Carolina – 10 minutes and 52 seconds
Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 06:55 PM (V13WU)

All the Texas cowboys are looking to last for just 8 seconds.

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 14, 2023 07:00 PM (4I/2K)

143 But my dog likes to lick me, so I am not sure what is best.

Posted by: Paul at December 14, 2023 07:00 PM (ItB0H)

144 I was just thinking about the nuts on a fur pillow. Not unpleasant. Where can I get the fur codpiece? I work from home. It will get used.
Posted by: DOYLE

Business opportunity for a crafty person...
Posted by: She Hobbit at December 14, 2023 07:00 PM (ftFVW)

Joint venture with Mike Lindell!

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 14, 2023 07:01 PM (4I/2K)

145 Steve Baker - TPC
BREAKING My attorney has just been notified by
@FBI that I am going to be charged by @TheJusticeDept
for my journalistic efforts on #Jan6. I have to self-surrender on Tuesday. Charges are yet unknown. Stay tuned for more information to follow this afternoon.

They're never going to stop.

Posted by: IrishEi at December 14, 2023 07:02 PM (3ImbR)

146 I don't want to interrupt you... after interrupting him continuously through the 'interview'.

Posted by: Romeo13 at December 14, 2023 07:02 PM (xaFKb)

147 Deez nutz!!

Posted by: Mike Lindell at December 14, 2023 07:02 PM (cR4lE)

148 When I climb on you cut the ropes.

Posted by: Just the Punchline at December 14, 2023 07:03 PM (aD39U)

149 you know who else had political prisoners ??

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 07:03 PM (V13WU)

150 If Haley refuses to debate, they should have a surrogate read answers to questions that Haley has in print but it should be someone hidden behind an empty chair.
DeSantis deserves to be the only other candidate on the primary ballot so Trump is forced to debate him. Consolidate just in case something happens to Trump and if Trump does end up being the candidate, he should make DeSantis VP and then resign once he pardons everyone who has suffered because of the animus against him.
I know, dream on.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at December 14, 2023 07:04 PM (t/2Uw)

151 I hesitate to respond to the dunce troll but that is some world class asshattery right there

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at December 14, 2023 07:04 PM (xT8gx)

152 >>Posted by: JackStraw at December 14, 2023 06:53 PM (ZLI7S)

This made me laugh. Hope you and Elvis are doing well.

Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 07:04 PM (+Rtz8)

153 I bolded the part about "rationalize their votes" because I don't know what it means

I think he means the Dems are forced to come up with lies to tell themselves so they can overcome the reality of the Biden Shitshow.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at December 14, 2023 07:05 PM (IG4Id)

154 Regarding Baker's pending arrest: They are probably going after him because he has been investigating the truth about Jan. 6 and exposing the collusion between the Capitol Police, DOJ and Pelosi et al, and using the "insurrection" as an excuse.

Posted by: IrishEi at December 14, 2023 07:05 PM (3ImbR)

155 Flash Email Traffic

Some decent deals on surplus firearms

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 14, 2023 07:05 PM (aD39U)

I think Ace's take on the motive is correct, but if that indeed is the Fed's rationale (and I agree it is) that's totally retarded. People are pissed about inflation. We are at full employment. Rate cuts normally increase both inflation as well as employment. It's just bizarre. There must be something here I'm missing.
Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at December 14, 2023 06:50 PM (KSNKu)


I think it’s more to reduce interest payments on the Federal debt.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at December 14, 2023 07:05 PM (cMXNt)

157 oh, hey Disney news : Trian Fund Management will nominate Nelson Peltz, its founder, and Jay Rasulo, a former Disney chief financial officer, for election to Disney’s board, the investment firm said Thursday. This comes after Trian in November launched a new bid for seats on Disney’s board — a move the media conglomerate turned down — reigniting its battle from earlier this year.

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 07:06 PM (V13WU)

158 I get my Seamaster back tomorrow

Posted by: Don Black at December 14, 2023 07:06 PM (geLO8)

159 I'm still not convinced everyone posting here is using their real name.

Posted by: Nicolai Hayhleigh at December 14, 2023 07:06 PM (cR4lE)

160 >>This made me laugh. Hope you and Elvis are doing well.

Yes sir. Hope all is well with you too.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 14, 2023 07:06 PM (ZLI7S)

161 I think this was covered just the other day, but it's actually mostly blue states (and DC, of course) where you can legally marry your first cousin.
Posted by: Ian S. at December 14, 2023 06:59 PM (Yqpb4)

The others still haven't figured out the whole intertube thingy. Especially on their phones, or dial-up.

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy now with twice the crazy at December 14, 2023 07:07 PM (iODuv)

162 >>I think it’s more to reduce interest payments on the Federal debt.

That is a large component.

The Fed has painted themselves into a corner and the only tool they have is adjusting the Rate.
One can only expect them to use that tool poorly.

Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 07:07 PM (+Rtz8)

163 DeSantis deserves to be the only other candidate on the primary ballot so Trump is forced to debate him. Consolidate just in case something happens to Trump and if Trump does end up being the candidate, he should make DeSantis VP and then resign once he pardons everyone who has suffered because of the animus against him.
I know, dream on.
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at December 14, 2023 07:04 PM (t/2Uw)

I could go with that. What I’d Reilly love is for Trump and RDS to form a secret alliance… Trump surprises everyone by showing up at the next debate and he and RDS spend the entire debate hammering and mocking Nikki! I can dream too…

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at December 14, 2023 07:07 PM (xT8gx)

164 I'm still not convinced everyone posting here is using their real name.
Posted by: Nicolai Hayhleigh


Posted by: Seymore Butts at December 14, 2023 07:07 PM (qoGsy)

165 I can personally attest that both the CZ82 & 83 are fine pistols.

I have several.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 14, 2023 07:08 PM (aD39U)

166 Illinois banned AR15s , that was appealed, and Supreme court today upheld the ban. Anyone concerned ?

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 07:08 PM (V13WU)

167 30 "Staffers and appointees of President Joe Biden's administration held a vigil in front of the White House on Wednesday to demand that the president call for a ceasefire in Gaza."

I also held a vigil. In my bathroom after about 5 Sarde a beccafico. Pretty sure there was a 21 gun salute.

Posted by: Marcus T at December 14, 2023 06:37 PM (mp9e7)
Wonderful aroma....!

Posted by: The Dung Beetles All at December 14, 2023 07:08 PM (qfLjt)

168 I'm still not convinced everyone posting here is using their real name.
Posted by: Nicolai Hayhleigh

Posted by: Seymore Butts at December 14, 2023 07:07 PM (qoGsy)

Roger that!

Posted by: I.P. Freely at December 14, 2023 07:09 PM (4I/2K)

169 "What is a gay-off? I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't understand it.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 14, 2023"

It's better to just nods and smile.

Posted by: FeatherBlade at December 14, 2023 07:10 PM (ou9hh)

170 Illinois banned AR15s , that was appealed, and Supreme court today upheld the ban. Anyone concerned ?
Posted by: runner

Always, but the the Black Robe Squad turned it down because they wanted it to go to appeals first. Or something.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at December 14, 2023 07:10 PM (IG4Id)

171 Someone upthread nailed it on rationalizing. People (the real people who voted) voted against their own self-interest of a growing economy, low inflation, increasing wages, and no new wars under Trump because they bought the narrative that he was icky and Biden wouldn't be so bad.

Well, they have found out they chose poorly, and even in our nanospan attention culture they can remember life pre-COVID, pre-St Floyd riots, pre-Bidenomics. And they're pissed, probably more at themselves than they people who lied to them.

This is the kryptonite Axelrod is worried about. An appeal to Orangemanbad isn't going to work this time because people have the side-by-side records to compare, and those who can't be appealed to on tribalism are making up their minds not to be fooled again.

Posted by: the dandy at December 14, 2023 07:10 PM (w83EC)

172 166 Illinois banned AR15s , that was appealed, and Supreme court today upheld the ban. Anyone concerned ?

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 07:08 PM (V13WU)
Illinois Supreme Court or USSC?

Posted by: Ciampino - well screw all of them. More reasons to leave the State at December 14, 2023 07:10 PM (qfLjt)

173 Hero Navy Test Pilot Michael Cassidy has destroyed and beheaded the satanic display at Iowa State House.

Posted by: IrishEi at December 14, 2023 07:10 PM (3ImbR)

174 could go with that. What I’d Reilly love is for Trump and RDS to form a secret alliance… Trump surprises everyone by showing up at the next debate and he and RDS spend the entire debate hammering and mocking Nikki! I can dream too…
Posted by: LinusVanPelt

I love that idea❤️

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at December 14, 2023 07:11 PM (t/2Uw)

175 I'm still not convinced everyone posting here is using their real name.
Posted by: Nicolai Hayhleigh

Posted by: Seymore Butts at December 14, 2023 07:07 PM (qoGsy)

Roger that!
Posted by: I.P. Freely at December 14, 2023 07:09 PM (4I/2K)


Posted by: I.P. Nightly and Rusty Bedsprings at December 14, 2023 07:11 PM (xT8gx)

176 May 17 (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday left in place a Democratic-backed ban on assault-style rifles and large capacity magazines enacted in Illinois after a deadly mass shooting in Chicago's Highland Park suburb in 2022, handing a setback to gun rights advocates.

The court denied a request by the National Association for Gun Rights and a firearms retailer for an injunction blocking enforcement of the state law and a similar ban enacted by another Chicago suburb, Naperville, while a legal challenge to the measures proceeds. No justice publicly dissented from the decision.

They denied injunctive relief. I think the turn in rate is running under 1%.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 14, 2023 07:11 PM (aD39U)

177 so brave covering their faces. Fucking cowards.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 14, 2023 07:11 PM (R4t5M)

178 They upheld it by not hearing it.

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 07:11 PM (V13WU)

179 There must be something here I'm missing.
Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at December 14, 2023 06:50 PM (KSNKu)

I think it’s more to reduce interest payments on the Federal debt.
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at December 14, 2023 07:05 PM (cMXNt)

Simple, the way inflation if created is when you create more dollars, than the economy expands. Raising interest rates used to lower the amount of money created by Fractional lending ... because of less loans.

Problem is that now due to a cashless society, as we pay for things with credit cards, even if WE don't pay interest, it still creates money through fractional lending.. so the cashless society makes 2% or 3% inflation all by itself... with Government deficit spending causing another 3% or 4% baked into the system.

So all higher interest rates are doing, is slowing down the economy, and causing even MORE deficit spending as they have to float the existing debt.

Posted by: Romeo13 at December 14, 2023 07:11 PM (xaFKb)

180 >>Illinois banned AR15s , that was appealed, and Supreme court today upheld the ban. Anyone concerned ?

Have to read the decision before I can comment with any specificity...

Shall Not Be Infringed is hard to argue with, from my perspective.

Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 07:12 PM (+Rtz8)

181 Hero Navy Test Pilot Michael Cassidy has destroyed and beheaded the satanic display at Iowa State House.

Posted by: IrishEi

Did he follow it up by saying "there can be only one?"

Posted by: She Hobbit at December 14, 2023 07:12 PM (ftFVW)

182 "I think it’s more to reduce interest payments on the Federal debt.
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at December 14, 2023"

They don't pay those anyway so why would they care what the rate is?

Posted by: FeatherBlade at December 14, 2023 07:12 PM (ou9hh)

183 I think a gay-off is similar to a playoff, but with different kinds of balls.

Posted by: But I'm really not sure at December 14, 2023 07:13 PM (cR4lE)

184 Are they waiting for a better case to come forward? I just need someone to 'splain it to me. Like I am 6 year old...

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 07:13 PM (V13WU)

185 Illinois banned AR15s , that was appealed, and Supreme court today upheld the ban. Anyone concerned ?
Posted by: runner

Being Yankee Land, of course Illinois want to ban something, anything to make criminals more secure. But I don't know enough about this case but it sounds like the SCROTUM will let lower courts decide how illegal this is before they have to hear it.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at December 14, 2023 07:13 PM (R/m4+)

186 >>They don't pay those anyway so why would they care what the rate is?

They can't give away Bonds right now. Even at really good rates.

They have to do something. And this is all they know.

Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 07:14 PM (+Rtz8)

187 National Association for Gun Rights President Dudley Brown said the case will eventually return to the Supreme Court to be decided on the merits.

"Commonly owned weapons are protected by the Second Amendment and banning them has to stop," Brown said.

Brown said that lower courts have been ignoring a landmark ruling by the Supreme Court's last June that recognized the right to carry a handgun in public for self-defense.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 14, 2023 07:14 PM (aD39U)

188 >>They denied injunctive relief. I think the turn in rate is running under 1%.

Yea, seems like a pretty normal procedure, allowing the appellate process to play out before weighing in.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 14, 2023 07:14 PM (ZLI7S)

189 "Illinois banned AR15s , that was appealed, and Supreme court today upheld the ban. Anyone concerned?" Posted by: runner

yes .. I guess it means they also refused to hear the part about registering the "grandfathered" AR15s, and iirc it also includes larger magazines (over 10?).

I may register by January, idk, cuz they already know what I have (is my guess), and why give them an excuse to put me in jail (if the burning times come).

Posted by: illiniwek at December 14, 2023 07:14 PM (Cus5s)

190 THey refused to hear the case.

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 07:14 PM (V13WU)

191 >>Are they waiting for a better case to come forward? I just need someone to 'splain it to me. Like I am 6 year old...

I am guessing that Potentially Criminal on the youtubes will cover this tonight. And I will be watching it if he does.

Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 07:14 PM (+Rtz8)

192 Who.dat cuntus interruptus in the Vivek townhall?

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at December 14, 2023 07:15 PM (9YbFY)

193 Hero Navy Test Pilot Michael Cassidy has destroyed and beheaded the satanic display at Iowa State House.

Posted by: IrishEi

Did he follow it up by saying "there can be only one?"
Posted by: She Hobbit at December 14, 2023 07:12 PM (ftFVW)

If this is true it is truly awesome

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at December 14, 2023 07:15 PM (xT8gx)

194 I guess I could just provide the line to Al-Reuters

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 14, 2023 07:15 PM (aD39U)

195 Grump, They have ex cop Glocks and m&p cop guns cheap too.

The alloy Hi Power is a rare bird and only a few thousand or so were made for a few Euro police.

Posted by: whig at December 14, 2023 07:15 PM (JAi95)

196 I get my Seamaster back tomorrow
Posted by: Don Black at December 14, 2023 07:06 PM (geLO
Omega? Great watches!

Posted by: Weasel at December 14, 2023 07:15 PM (JwHpX)

197 I may register by January, idk, cuz they already know what I have (is my guess), and why give them an excuse to put me in jail (if the burning times come).
Posted by: illiniwek at December 14, 2023 07:14 PM (Cus5s)


Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 07:15 PM (V13WU)

198 163 DeSantis deserves to be the only other candidate on the primary ballot so Trump is forced to debate him. Consolidate just in case something happens to Trump and if Trump does end up being the candidate, he should make DeSantis VP and then resign once he pardons everyone who has suffered because of the animus against him.
What's wrong with you people? T
hey are both Florida residents!!!!!!!!!!
Trump would have to go back to NY. Probably get arrested while being Trump.

Posted by: Ciampino - We need to fix the judiciary at December 14, 2023 07:16 PM (qfLjt)

199 Need injunctive relief? Try Relief Factor free for three weeks. Guaranteed or your money back.

Posted by: Larry Elder at December 14, 2023 07:16 PM (cR4lE)

200 Trump has a residence in New Jersey I think.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at December 14, 2023 07:17 PM (t/2Uw)

They're never going to stop.

Posted by: IrishEi at December 14, 2023 07:02 PM (3ImbR

Why would they? Showing weakness just invites trouble.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at December 14, 2023 07:17 PM (XtkZj)

202 188 >>They denied injunctive relief. I think the turn in rate is running under 1%.

Yea, seems like a pretty normal procedure, allowing the appellate process to play out before weighing in.
Posted by: JackStraw at December 14, 2023 07:14 PM (ZLI7S)

But like all the Covid crap... they will allow it to play out WHILE taking Civil Rights away. Same as they are doing with stopping the order for the White House and administration to stop using Big Tech to censor citizens.

Damage is being done NOW... and they are cowards not to STOP the law, until it plays out in court.

Posted by: Romeo13 at December 14, 2023 07:17 PM (xaFKb)

203 Illinois Supreme Court or USSC?
Posted by: Ciampino - well screw all of them. More reasons to leave the State at December 14, 2023 07:10 PM (qfLjt)

USSC refused to hear the case. so the lower court's ruling stands. which is ..."Last month, a federal appeals court ruled that Illinois' assault weapon ban does not violate the U.S. Constitution, which set up a likely appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court."

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 07:17 PM (V13WU)

204 " But I don't know enough about this case but it sounds like the SCROTUM will let lower courts decide how illegal this is before they have to hear it."

not sure, but I think lower courts already decided, and SCOTUS was to be the place to overturn. ... haven't seen any details on it yet.

Posted by: illiniwek at December 14, 2023 07:17 PM (Cus5s)

205 The alloy Hi Power is a rare bird and only a few thousand or so were made for a few Euro police.
Posted by: whig at December 14, 2023 07:15 PM (JAi95)

I would have to go look but I thought my HP was alloy framed.

I literally have shot it once. I use my beat up Kareen for actual shooting.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 14, 2023 07:18 PM (aD39U)

206 they closed down a Schulylkill Expressway on-ramp during rush hour today, and promised to do it daily until there's a "ceasefire"
Posted by: BlackOrchid,

They did?
Surprised no one was run over

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at December 14, 2023 07:18 PM (9YbFY)

207 Abby Phillips did to Vivek what every liberal does when they hear the uncomfortable truth, they decide to try to drown them out with intelligent blather. She asked Vivek a question, then immediately started talking over his response, and thankfully he didn't let her run ther conversation.

I understand using that tactic if you're actually intelligent, but these 2 IQ CNN hosts do it with no information, as they're trying to repeat what the 30 producers are all saying to them in their earphones (you can even see her try to readjust hers to hear better) This stuff worked with Uber-little bitch Mitt Romney because he would fold and immediately attempt to fellatiate any liberal in front of him, but it won't with actual conservatives.

As for the debate, how badly do they need to manipulate polls to get Nikki Haley to qualify? I mean has anyone met a Haley supporter that doesn't work for NRO or Northrop Grumman? That's like a total of 250 people.

Posted by: Rbastid at December 14, 2023 07:18 PM (wM7T1)

208 Did he follow it up by saying "there can be only one?"
Posted by: She Hobbit

If this is true it is truly awesome
Posted by: LinusVanPelt

I mean, I always say it when biting the heads off gummy bears. Also, turning a breaker back on requires "hold on to your butts."

Posted by: She Hobbit at December 14, 2023 07:18 PM (ftFVW)

209 THey refused to hear the case.
Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 07:14 PM (V13WU)

do you advise me cutting my wrists now, or can I let the surgery scars heal up, first?

Posted by: Kindltot at December 14, 2023 07:18 PM (D7oie)

210 >>Damage is being done NOW... and they are cowards not to STOP the law, until it plays out in court.

In so many ways... This is The Story of The Roberts Court.

Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 07:18 PM (+Rtz8)

211 And we'll just keep kicking this can down the road.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 14, 2023 07:19 PM (R4t5M)

212 The audience was applauding Vivek. I think that's what was pissing her off. She kept trying to change what he was saying. He said so,ething like don't put words in my mouth. I'll put the words in my mouth.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at December 14, 2023 07:21 PM (t/2Uw)

213 210 >>Damage is being done NOW... and they are cowards not to STOP the law, until it plays out in court.

In so many ways... This is The Story of The Roberts Court.
Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 07:18 PM (+Rtz

It's the overwhelm concept. They come at it from so many angles and nonstop it's hard by design to fight back.

Socialism isn't hippie kids with signs. It's backed by very rich evil fuckers who know exactly what they are doing.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at December 14, 2023 07:21 PM (XtkZj)

214 Unexpectedly...

@Breaking911 50s
Los Angeles Man Robs Armored Truck After ‘Compassionate’ Release From Federal Prison

Posted by: weft cut-loop at December 14, 2023 07:22 PM (IG4Id)

215 At some point you run out of road.

Posted by: The Can at December 14, 2023 07:22 PM (cR4lE)

216 they closed down a Schulylkill Expressway on-ramp during rush hour today, and promised to do it daily until there's a "ceasefire"
Posted by: BlackOrchid,

They did?
Surprised no one was run over
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at December 14, 2023 07:18 PM (9YbFY)

Bring a super soaker. Its cold out there.

Posted by: Oldcat at December 14, 2023 07:22 PM (eoQWY)

217 f this is true it is truly awesome
Posted by: LinusVanPelt at December 14, 2023 07:15 PM (xT8gx)

It's true:

Posted by: IrishEi at December 14, 2023 07:23 PM (3ImbR)

218 Okay, there is one less FN-HP there now.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 14, 2023 07:23 PM (aD39U)

219 The audience was applauding Vivek. I think that's what was pissing her off. She kept trying to change what he was saying. He said so,ething like don't put words in my mouth. I'll put the words in my mouth.
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at December 14, 2023 07:21 PM (t/2Uw)

He needs practice overriding CNN hags, Trump does it way better and then turns away and goes and addresses the crowd. And what is this deal of both standing up?

Posted by: Oldcat at December 14, 2023 07:23 PM (eoQWY)

220 As for the debate, how badly do they need to manipulate polls to get Nikki Haley to qualify? I mean has anyone met a Haley supporter that doesn't work for NRO or Northrop Grumman? That's like a total of 250 people.
Posted by: Rbastid at December 14, 2023 07:18 PM (wM7T1)

Lots of people want to buy a bigger house. At the moment, if reports are true, there is a whole US Army command group in Ukraine to take over direction of the Ukraine army. You know if Ngo Dinh Diem Zelinsky is unable to continue leading his country. That will only turn out well if Nikki wins

Posted by: Kindltot at December 14, 2023 07:24 PM (D7oie)

221 Musical interlude for garret and ace

Posted by: Marcus T at December 14, 2023 07:24 PM (mp9e7)

222 f this is true it is truly awesome
Posted by: LinusVanPelt at December 14, 2023 07:15 PM (xT8gx)

It's true:
Posted by: IrishEi at December 14, 2023 07:23 PM (3ImbR)
Archangel Michael works in mysterious ways...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at December 14, 2023 07:24 PM (BpYfr)

223 shooot that was supposed to be a strike through

You know if President Ngo Dinh Diem Zelinsky is unable to continue leading his country.

Posted by: Kindltot at December 14, 2023 07:24 PM (D7oie)

224 Aw geeze, I'm only 10% responsible for Hunters legal woes.

Posted by: Joe Biden at December 14, 2023 07:25 PM (cHOHf)

225 I only went for it because the credit card bill won't come due until the end of January, after my 401K draw.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 14, 2023 07:25 PM (aD39U)

226 Libs think they can control the earth temperature. Thinking the Gov can control another country is more of the same shitty mindset. Very illuminating. How should the US stop Isreal? Money? Threaten attack?

Coercion is the staple of dicks.

Posted by: DOYLE at December 14, 2023 07:25 PM (Z8Yh2)

Dupont heir sentenced to nothing for raping his 3 year old daughter. Okay by Beau Biden.

Posted by: huerfano at December 14, 2023 06:54 PM (Q4KYm)

Offhand, two more instances of Beau's not having fallen far from the tree. He arrested Larry Sinclair on a sketchy warrant from Delaware, enforced by DC cops. Mr Sinclair was in DC to do interviews about his book that detailed how he fellated and did drugs with Barack Obama. He was released after the press opportunities were cancelled. And secondly, his choice of Hallie as his wife. A good woman doesn't turn into a crack ho jumping on the cock carousel no matter how shitty a hand she's been dealt. Or leave her daughter anywhere near a degenerate like Hunter.

Posted by: Leon Sphinx channeling Sam Gerber at December 14, 2023 07:26 PM (UIngH)

228 >>I only went for it because the credit card bill won't come due until the end of January, after my 401K draw.

I'd go with:
'I needed something to go with my Charcoal Suit.'.

She'll understand that.

Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 07:27 PM (+Rtz8)

229 95 She's Pregnant. You may be the father??
...hard to say.
Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 06:47 PM (+Rtz
At an HR meeting today about our new PTO program, I learned that "mother" and "father" are antiquated terms.

The Orwell-approved terms are now "birthing parent" and "non-birthing parent."

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at December 14, 2023 06:51 PM (BpYfr)
Wait, that's so antiquated as well. Don't you know men can give birth now?

Posted by: Ciampino - Try birthing through your urethra - then get back to me at December 14, 2023 07:27 PM (qfLjt)

230 Bring a super soaker. Its cold out there.
Posted by: Oldcat at December 14, 2023 07:22 PM (eoQWY)

Water balloons filled with a mixture of salt water or dissolved epsoms salt. It tastes like piss when it gets in mouths

Posted by: Kindltot at December 14, 2023 07:27 PM (D7oie)

231 She'll understand that.
Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 07:27 PM (+Rtz

What she doesn't know, won't hurt her.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 14, 2023 07:27 PM (aD39U)

232 WTH is there a statue of Satan in the Iowa state capitol?

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at December 14, 2023 07:28 PM (9YbFY)

233 If I were cynical, I'd say that the cuts to interest rates proposed for next year, as well as the Feds recently starting to refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve as fast as they can might have something to do with an upcoming election.

Posted by: Stu Podaso at December 14, 2023 07:28 PM (rqVU2)

234 "WTH is there a statue of Satan in the Iowa state capitol?
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion"

Because it's there.

Posted by: Stan at December 14, 2023 07:29 PM (vFG9F)

235 232 WTH is there a statue of Satan in the Iowa state capitol?
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at December 14, 2023 07:28 PM (9YbFY)

Because some adults weren't smacked enough as kids.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at December 14, 2023 07:29 PM (XtkZj)

236 "birthing parent".. sounds crude and obtuse

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 07:29 PM (V13WU)

237 There was a rumor that Reacher was actually going to debut tonight. Can anyone confirm?

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at December 14, 2023 07:30 PM (t/2Uw)

238 >>"birthing parent".. sounds crude and obtuse

Person of Dilation

Posted by: garrett at December 14, 2023 07:31 PM (+Rtz8)

239 Go Nood now

Posted by: runner at December 14, 2023 07:31 PM (V13WU)

240 Reacher on friday i think, the 15th.

Short answer: cannot confirm.

Posted by: DOYLE at December 14, 2023 07:31 PM (Z8Yh2)

241 As for the debate, how badly do they need to manipulate polls to get Nikki Haley to qualify? I mean has anyone met a Haley supporter that doesn't work for NRO or Northrop Grumman? That's like a total of 250 people.
Posted by: Rbastid at December 14, 2023 07:18 PM (wM7T1)

Lots of people want to buy a bigger house. At the moment, if reports are true, there is a whole US Army command group in Ukraine to take over direction of the Ukraine army.
Posted by: Kindltot at December 14, 2023 07:24 PM (D7oie)

Zelinsky earned my ire for his simulation of ol Adolf with his hold to the death order for every bombed out hamlet or tree line. This just made it easier for the Russians, and even the Azov Nazis don't deserve this crappy generalship.

But if reports are right and the US command team thought that their 12 brigade offensive would be able to reach the coast AND man the perimeter of the breakout and the cities and towns on the way in 5 days...then this makes Zelensky by far the more sensible general. These brigades are only maybe 3-4000 men. The coast was, what 100 miles off? A defensive brigade front is only a few miles long.

Posted by: Oldcat at December 14, 2023 07:31 PM (eoQWY)

242 237 There was a rumor that Reacher was actually going to debut tonight. Can anyone confirm?
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at December 14, 2023 07:30 PM (t/2Uw)

It is. That's what Amazon said on the website

Posted by: AlaBAMA at December 14, 2023 07:32 PM (XtkZj)

243 Water balloons filled with a mixture of salt water or dissolved epsoms salt. It tastes like piss when it gets in mouths

Oddly specific?

Posted by: That guy who always asks... at December 14, 2023 07:32 PM (V8he0)

244 I rarely regret buying a weapon. My regrets are about when I passed up buying one.

I did buy two Taurus PT100s once, that I immediately sold because I kept hitting the decocker. I bought them thinking that they would be an upgrade from my Beretta because they had a M1911 style safety but I ride my thumb on the 1911 when shooting, but this causes the Taurus to decock.

I couldn't change my muscle memory to not do it.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 14, 2023 07:34 PM (aD39U)

245 At an HR meeting today about our new PTO program, I learned that "mother" and "father" are antiquated terms.

The Orwell-approved terms are now "birthing parent" and "non-birthing parent."

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at December 14, 2023 06:51 PM (BpYfr)
Wait, that's so antiquated as well. Don't you know men can give birth now?
Posted by: Ciampino - Try birthing through your urethra - then get back to me at December 14, 2023 07:27 PM (qfLjt)

How far we’ve descended from that first season of sitcom Friends when the storyline includes Ross’ wife leaving him to be in a lesbian relationship despite being pregnant with his child. I found that storyline disgusting back in the day which is why I didn’t watch that show the first time around…. It seems so tame in comparison to today. The Overton window didn’t just move, it leapt…

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at December 14, 2023 07:34 PM (xT8gx)

246 How far we’ve descended from that first season of sitcom Friends when the storyline includes Ross’ wife leaving him to be in a lesbian relationship despite being pregnant with his child. I found that storyline disgusting back in the day which is why I didn’t watch that show the first time around…. It seems so tame in comparison to today. The Overton window didn’t just move, it leapt…
Posted by: LinusVanPelt at December 14, 2023 07:34 PM (xT8gx)

Trust me don't look up the plots for the cartoon Velma a Scooby-Do "remake"

Posted by: Oldcat at December 14, 2023 07:35 PM (eoQWY)

247 FDR's staff used to routinely protest the war out in front of the White House. Bout had a conniption in June of '44.

Posted by: Back in the day at December 14, 2023 07:35 PM (cR4lE)

248 Isn't it Dork Brandon?

Posted by: callister raine at December 14, 2023 07:36 PM (Sv3Yx)

249 FDR's staff used to routinely protest the war out in front of the White House. Bout had a conniption in June of '44.
Posted by: Back in the day at December 14, 2023 07:35 PM (cR4lE)

"we are NOT on board / For Overlord!"

Posted by: Oldcat at December 14, 2023 07:36 PM (eoQWY)

250 Let's get Tet!

Posted by: LBJ's staff at December 14, 2023 07:38 PM (cR4lE)

251 Their three sources tell Politico that Harris has pushed Biden to demonstrate more "sensitivity" to the plight of Palestinians, and to take a harder line on Israel and their war efforts:


Second Gentleman Self-Hating Cuck Doug Emhoff hardest gassed.

Posted by: ShainS -- CISA Cognitive Security Agent at December 14, 2023 07:42 PM (0ogfQ)

252 ... and have likened the attorney general to former FBI Director James Comey, arguing that both are "obsessed with the appearance of having integrity rather than just trying to make the right decision," according to the outlet.


HARD FAIL on both fronts: actual integrity and the appearance "illusion" of integrity.

Go sell crazy someplace else; we're all stocked up ...

Posted by: ShainS -- CISA Cognitive Security Agent at December 14, 2023 07:48 PM (0ogfQ)

253 vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at December 14, 2023 07:28 PM

Someone beheaded the Satanic Temple statue. James Lindley has a long thread of commentary. He wants to push the response toward marginalizing the left without turning to fascism.

Posted by: KT at December 14, 2023 08:13 PM (rrtZS)

254 Vivek is a wolf in sheep's clothing. The rest are all soft-socialist losers. I wanted to like DeSantis, but this behavior demonstrates he is an unserious candidate.

All of this is meaningless, because the Fix is still in. Death to tyrants, the federal government and all who suckle at its teets.

Posted by: insurgens ad opus at December 14, 2023 08:55 PM (82GZg)

255 Thanks KT!
I do like James Lindsay

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at December 14, 2023 09:01 PM (9YbFY)

256 test

Posted by: test at December 14, 2023 09:42 PM (nyutc)

257 jNpAYOFatIEfxCV

Posted by: HnygaLMNXTQhJYb at December 14, 2023 10:34 PM (D7Qk8)

258 RiAldahEorq

Posted by: HnygaLMNXTQhJYb at December 14, 2023 10:34 PM (D7Qk8)

259 It's genuinelʏ very ⅾifficult in this aсtive life to listen news on TV,
thus Ӏ simply use world wiԁe web for tһat purpose,
and obtain the hottest information.

Posted by: wolfgang at December 15, 2023 06:25 AM (MAkSr)

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