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The Talking Points Go Out: Unable to Deny Any Longer That Hunter Biden Was Selling Access, The Media Now Claims He Was Only Selling the "Illusion of Access," Because Of Course the Incorruptible Joe Biden Could Never Be Bought

Update: Of course -- Trump indicted again.

Is this a real indictment, or just the illusion of an indictment?

The real kind, right?


Is CNN now, for serious, attempting the same kind of endless walkback they used successfully in defending Bill Clinton? First he never had sex with that woman, and then, when the Blue Dress was entered into evidence: "It was just sex" and we mustn't criminalize sex! Love is love, H8rs!

And now, after screaming along with Grandpa Moneygrubber that he "never talked with Hunter" about his "businesses," and never met with Hunter's "business" associates, the media is forced to abandon the positions they once defended unto the death, and now retreat to the last bastion--

Yes, Joe Biden talked about "business" with Hunter.

Yes, Joe Biden met with Hunter's "business" partners.

But we don't have proof yet of Joe Biden actually delivering quid pro quos, so we'll now claim -- Hunter only sold "the illusion of access," not actual access.

It wasn't access-access, as Whoopie Goldberg will no doubt claim tomorrow.

And we'll just claim that despite the fact that every prior thing Joe Biden has told us is a proven lie, because we know, as all skeptical, truth-probing, "if your mother says she loves you get a second source" "reporters," that Joe Biden must be telling the truth, somehow, even if that truth is hidden beneath a cake of lies.

He must be innocent, because our religion says that he must.

Joe Biden sniffs children. No one who sniffs children could be a bad man.

But yes, that is today's new spin. Hunter was only selling the "illusion of access."

A week or two ago I wrote about the "limited hangout" strategy of dealing with a crisis. It is a strategy used by intelligence agencies that have been caught doing something illegal and/or embarrassing, made famous during the Watergate scandal.

Basically, you make a small admission to hide a much larger scandal--make it seem like you are coming clean while still hiding the bigger scandal.

That is the new Democrat strategy dealing with the Hunter Biden influence-peddling scandal.

It is no longer possible to maintain that Joe Biden never spoke to Hunter about his business dealings nor that he did nothing to further them. The evidence is too voluminous, to the point of being irrefutable. So the Democrats don't even try anymore.

Wow, who knew Devon Archer's explosive testimony was so helpful to proving Joe Biden's innocence, huh?

Say, CNN: When Joe Biden repeatedly got on the phone with Hunter's "business" partners to wave the flag and show he was part of Hunter's "business' -- was he also only selling the "illusion of access" to himself?

And when the Vice President sells "the illusion of access" to himself to foreign gangsters and Chinese Party officials, is that treason? Or merely "the illusion of treason"?

Or maybe he didn't even know he was selling the illusion of access to himself. CNN, was he just an old, stupid, senile man being tricked by his conniving crackhead son?

You're not going to parse that too carefully, are you?

Wait, wait wait.

If I can, for real, get Joe Biden strolling through the kitchen to lean over the phone and say Hi to my buddies, that's not the _illusion_ of access.

That's access.

I can summon the guy like a genie, and I can get him to make nice to my buddies without him even asking who they are and what they're talking about. That's how much the guy and I are in agreement. My buddies are his buddies.

How is this not access?

Posted by: Blonde Morticia

why do you have to be so racist

Posted by: Ace at 06:30 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 ...

Posted by: weft cut-loop at August 01, 2023 06:29 PM (jzzG8)

2 Bingo!

Posted by: Half Dozen at August 01, 2023 06:30 PM (eHovo)

3 it's like CNN is a defense attorney for a client that is caught on camera committing murder. .... ridiculous excuses are all they got.

Posted by: illiniwek at August 01, 2023 06:30 PM (Cus5s)

4 Trump indicted.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at August 01, 2023 06:31 PM (FXT2u)

5 3 it's like CNN is a defense attorney for a client that is caught on camera committing murder. .... ridiculous excuses are all they got.
Posted by: illiniwek at August 01, 2023 06:30 PM

In CNN's defense, it's probably more than enough to get their "client" off the hook.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 01, 2023 06:31 PM (NCgXW)

6 What about the appearance of corruption? Does it still require people in positions of trust to resign?

Posted by: PG at August 01, 2023 06:31 PM (84jHt)

7 Ola

Posted by: kactus at August 01, 2023 06:32 PM (D4/iY)

8 The illusion of that a new scent line from Estee Lauder?

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at August 01, 2023 06:32 PM (QNSds)

9 Next up...

"Of COURSE he's selling access, you idiots! That's what a true leader does!"

Posted by: Editor at August 01, 2023 06:32 PM (4DcbE)

10 and so it continues

Posted by: that guy that always thinks it's continuing at August 01, 2023 06:32 PM (i5lJm)

11 Next goalpost:

Selling access never happened; but if it did, it was a Good Thing (TM).

And next:

The Tapper Play - "Hey, how about our Armed Forces? Let's give it up for Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and National Guard!"

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at August 01, 2023 06:32 PM (aXxgO)

12 Selling the "illusion " is all required for a crime

Posted by: Skip at August 01, 2023 06:33 PM (xhxe8)

13 I'm suffering under the illusion that we have an honest government.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at August 01, 2023 06:33 PM (MeG8a)

14 That " illusion " was raking in millions for the Biden Crime Family

Posted by: Skip at August 01, 2023 06:34 PM (xhxe8)

15 Houdini Biden.

Mater of Illusion.

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at August 01, 2023 06:34 PM (JkCto)

16 Illusionist was the dumbest class Gygax ever came up with. No one understands how those spells are supposed to work.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at August 01, 2023 06:34 PM (ppBhU)

17 Ashley wants to know if Joe molesting her in the shower was an illusion.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at August 01, 2023 06:34 PM (CecP5)

18 Or is CNN now, for serious, attempting the same kind of endless walkback they used successfully in defending Bill Clinton?

Of course. The media are made up of the same sorts who now write movies for Hollywood. Neither is capable of doing anything they didn't do yesterday.

Politics, news, entertainment. They are all Groundhog's Day.

Posted by: Eeyore at August 01, 2023 06:35 PM (brAQZ)

19 It's not RAPE rape.

Posted by: FromNJ at August 01, 2023 06:35 PM (Cg7xp)

20 I saw Illusion of Access open for Take It Up The Ass America in the Rose Garden in 2023.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at August 01, 2023 06:35 PM (ufFY8)

21 >>>12 Selling the "illusion " is all required for a crime

you also need "intent"

Posted by: James Comey, Druid Philosopher at August 01, 2023 06:35 PM (KRtlO)

22 Trump indicted.
Posted by: Mr. Bingley

Welcome to the Biden Police State.

Posted by: Lost In Space at August 01, 2023 06:35 PM (0zz77)

23 Selling access never happened; but if it did, it was a Good Thing (TM).

And next:

As I understand the usual defense, the next step is Republicans do it too!

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 01, 2023 06:35 PM (i5lJm)

24 At this rate, we're gonna eventually have to start measuring the distance that the goal-posts keep moving in light years.

Posted by: ShainS at August 01, 2023 06:36 PM (VlLnx)

25 I guess all those millions funneled into Joe Biden's accounts were illusions too.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at August 01, 2023 06:36 PM (CecP5)

26 >>>12 Selling the "illusion " is all required for a crime

you also need "intent"
Posted by: James Comey, Druid Philosopher at August 01, 2023 06:35 PM (KRtlO)

and a reasonable prosecutor.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 01, 2023 06:36 PM (i5lJm)

27 Almost pregnant ?

The weather ?

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at August 01, 2023 06:36 PM (NtVYv)

28 The party of slavery, the party of defining "is", the party of Biden.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at August 01, 2023 06:36 PM (oWBc3)

29 He must be innocent, because our religion says that he must.

I know everyone does it, but you really should stop sneering at religion like that. Which, like it or not, that sentence is doing.

Posted by: Eeyore at August 01, 2023 06:37 PM (brAQZ)

30 I wouldn’t be surprised if leaving our equipment in Afghanistan wasn’t another Biden kick back scheme.

Posted by: polynikes at August 01, 2023 06:37 PM (MNhXM)

Wait, wait wait.

If I can, for real, get Joe Biden strolling through the kitchen to lean over the phone and say Hi to my buddies, that's not the _illusion_ of access.

That's access.

I can summon the guy like a genie, and I can get him to make nice to my buddies without him even asking who they are and what they're talking about. That's how much the guy and I are in agreement. My buddies are his buddies.

How is this not access?

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 01, 2023 06:37 PM (lCaJd)

32 Just a loving father helping his son deal with his crippling addictions by getting him into a board position with a foreign oil companies and various state owned businesses for a yearly salary of one million dollars plus other lagniappes available merely by letting him use the family name and the impression that the money will influence the father's approval and participation.
Who would not do the same for his son?

Posted by: Kindltot at August 01, 2023 06:37 PM (xhaym)

33 Welcome to the grand illusion.

Posted by: Dennis De Young at August 01, 2023 06:37 PM (ufFY8)

34 The national news is all "TRUMP INDICTMENT"

Not a word on Hunter Biden

Posted by: rd at August 01, 2023 06:37 PM (+bFb4)

35 >>>I know everyone does it, but you really should stop sneering at religion like that.

so you believe all religions are worthy and that we must not criticize any of them, huh?

yeah whatever you don't believe that

Posted by: ace at August 01, 2023 06:38 PM (KRtlO)

36 And Joe was too sad because Beau was ill and then died and he wasn't paying attention to Hunter...

Posted by: It's me donna at August 01, 2023 06:38 PM (bs+z0)

37 If Joe Biden said, in a signed affidavit to all his foreign partners, "I'm the Big Guy and if you pay me the amount of money I ask, I will do your bidding. Need military arms? Pay me. Need the US policy to change for your specific needs? Pay me. Need IC to spy for you, pay me. I am Joe Biden and this is My Brand," the MFM would say, "That's just good ol' Joe Being Joe. He didn't actually mean it. Just goofing around for fun."

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at August 01, 2023 06:38 PM (aXxgO)

38 If Hunter was only selling the illusion of access, perhaps an enterprising nation could haul him in front of an international criminal court (is there one?) for perpetuating fraud upon a sovereign state.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 01, 2023 06:38 PM (BpYfr)

39 He really is the smartest person Joe knows

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo, food, water at August 01, 2023 06:38 PM (xcxpd)

40 Is this post still up, or did it go "poof!"?

Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas - Ace of Spades Ladies Brigade, plucky comic relief at August 01, 2023 06:38 PM (SRRAx)

41 It's just the illusion of influence peddling, hookers, blow, incest, treason, and white trash.

Posted by: ShainS at August 01, 2023 06:39 PM (VlLnx)

42 As soon as they get Trump to drop out?

Then they go after Ron DeSantis and Vivek R.

It will never stop.

Posted by: rd at August 01, 2023 06:40 PM (HW8nN)

43 "I wouldn’t be surprised if leaving our equipment in Afghanistan wasn’t another Biden kick back scheme."

It had to be. I could understand no time or resources to get it all out. But to leave it all there, in perfect condition? When you could plant some C4 and disable everything?

Posted by: gourmand du jour at August 01, 2023 06:40 PM (MeG8a)

44 Evidently the Judge in Trump's new case has presided over Jan. 6 cases and has meted out longer sentences then the DOJ asked for... Gotta check if this is actually true

Posted by: It's me donna at August 01, 2023 06:40 PM (bs+z0)

45 I know everyone does it, but you really should stop sneering at religion like that. Which, like it or not, that sentence is doing.
Posted by: Eeyore at August 01, 2023 06:37 PM (brAQZ)

Even the pastafarians ?

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at August 01, 2023 06:41 PM (NtVYv)

46 Let's see, Burisma asked Biden to see if he could get the Ukranian prosecutor to quick looking into yheir business deal and Biden got him fired.

I would say that is delivering on his end.

Posted by: Darth Randall at August 01, 2023 06:41 PM (xT7BI)

47 It's just the illusion of influence peddling, hookers, blow, incest, treason, and white trash.
Posted by: ShainS at August 01, 2023 06:39 PM (VlLnx)

Four out of six ain't bad.

Posted by: zombie Meat Loaf at August 01, 2023 06:41 PM (ufFY8)

Next goalpost:

Selling access never happened; but if it did, it was a Good Thing (TM).

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna


It has long been known that the elder Mr. Biden was selling access.

Posted by: New York Times at August 01, 2023 06:41 PM (lCaJd)

49 An illusion! That's the ticket!

Posted by: Tommy Flanagan at August 01, 2023 06:41 PM (SYTee)

50 >>>39 He really is the smartest person Joe knows

well he made millions selling the country to Russia and China, and he'll never spend a single day in jail, so you tell me: Isn't that smart?

Posted by: ace at August 01, 2023 06:41 PM (KRtlO)

51 Illusion of access to Joe Biden and his illusion of competence.

Posted by: rd at August 01, 2023 06:41 PM (HW8nN)

52 I would say that is delivering on his end.

Pretty powerful illusion there, I'd say.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at August 01, 2023 06:42 PM (CecP5)

53 selling access to Russia and China is a personal matter, and we will have no further comment on this family matter.

Posted by: The Biden White House Statement at August 01, 2023 06:42 PM (KRtlO)

54 Evidently the Judge in Trump's new case has presided over Jan. 6 cases and has meted out longer sentences then the DOJ asked for... Gotta check if this is actually true

Posted by: It's me donna at August 01, 2023 06:40 PM

If it is the same judge, and I have no idea if it is or not, he will jail trump at his plea hearing, just like he has jailed every other Jan 6th defendant. That will be a lit courtroom.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at August 01, 2023 06:42 PM (QNSds)

55 But it's countdown to Kwanzaa!

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenko stuff at August 01, 2023 06:43 PM (UpVtE)

56 If it is the same judge, and I have no idea if it is or not, he will jail trump at his plea hearing, just like he has jailed every other Jan 6th defendant. That will be a lit courtroom.
Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at August 01, 2023 06:42 PM (QNSds)

It's a she.. Black Obama appointed female

Posted by: It's me donna at August 01, 2023 06:43 PM (bs+z0)

57 Use Your Illusion was a disappointing double album.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at August 01, 2023 06:43 PM (ppBhU)

58 If Joe Biden said, in a signed affidavit to all his foreign partners, "I'm the Big Guy and if you pay me the amount of money I ask, I will do your bidding. Need military arms? Pay me. Need the US policy to change for your specific needs? Pay me. Need IC to spy for you, pay me. I am Joe Biden and this is My Brand," the MFM would say, "That's just good ol' Joe Being Joe. He didn't actually mean it. Just goofing around for fun."
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at August 01, 2023 06:38 PM (aXxgO)
And then when Hunter's partners start having second thoughts, Joey B. drops the hammer: "Fuck you. Pay me."

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 01, 2023 06:44 PM (BpYfr)

59 And when the Vice President sells "the illusion of access" to himself to foreign gangsters and Chinese Party officials, is that treason? Or merely "the illusion of treason"?


I guess the Appearance of Impropriety is right out then?

Posted by: Hillary at August 01, 2023 06:44 PM (RLLZj)

60 Hey Assholes, how is the weather over there in Chinatown ?

Please send money, see ya Fat !

Posted by: Joe The Weather Biden at August 01, 2023 06:44 PM (NtVYv)

61 Biden finger raped a DC staffer , showered with his teen daughter , swam naked in front of female staff, committed adultery with a married woman and is so creepy he had Audacity of Grope made about him by a fellow Democrat . That by itself should have prevented him from being President.

Posted by: polynikes at August 01, 2023 06:44 PM (MNhXM)

62 Trompe l'oeil access.

Posted by: Rolling Donut Unharmed By gp's Flying Leap at August 01, 2023 06:44 PM (MvF+J)

63 The problem with the illusion of access is that Joe Biden got paid for the illusion, he profited from what they are now saying is Hunter's scam of foreign govts and businesses.

Of course we all know the truth, because Joe is on tape saying so.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at August 01, 2023 06:44 PM (8GBH4)

64 Didn't Biden brag about getting the prosecutor looking into Burisma fired by threatening to withhold millions of dollars from the Ukraine?

Certainly doesn't seem like an illusion.

Posted by: No One of Consequence at August 01, 2023 06:44 PM (F4bAW)

65 the whole thing is just sickening to watch unfold.

Posted by: Bosk of Port Kar at August 01, 2023 06:44 PM (VMFAF)

66 ace, i believe the correct term is that you are illusionating

Posted by: gnats local 678 at August 01, 2023 06:44 PM (B1FKF)

67 Next goalpost:

Selling access never happened; but if it did, it was a Good Thing (TM).

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna


It has long been known that the elder Mr. Biden was selling access.
Posted by: New York Times at August 01, 2023 06:41 PM


Everybody In Washington DC does it!
As they roll out Romney, Zombie McCain, McConnell, and McCarthy.

Posted by: rd at August 01, 2023 06:44 PM (n/Nsh)

68 It's a she.. Black Obama appointed female
Posted by: It's me donna at August 01, 2023 06:43 PM (bs+z0)

And as I assumed, a naturalized citizen. Born in Jamaica.

Posted by: polynikes at August 01, 2023 06:45 PM (MNhXM)

69 By the way nobody, and I mean nobody is going to continue paying millions of dollars for "the illusion of access".

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at August 01, 2023 06:45 PM (CecP5)

70 When the burning times come, it's open season on the media.

Posted by: Dems everywhere at August 01, 2023 06:45 PM (e4fEA)

71 The narratives of Democrats are sheets of a perforated legal pad.

They tear one off, and they start writing the next one.

If Nixon were a Dem, he would been able to argue that missing minutes on a tape recorder is not a crime. (ala Clinton). It's just that the Dems would not have heard that, and that's where Dem mind-reading comes in because they "KNOW" what's on those missing minutes.

Remember Schiff's Edward G. impersonation?

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 06:45 PM (krQz2)

72 The "illusion" of access.

How many times do we have to watch videos of Slow Joe bragging about how he had the Ukrainian prosecutor fired?

Posted by: mrp at August 01, 2023 06:45 PM (rj6Yv)

73 if biden was only pretending to sell influence, isn't that fraud?

Posted by: gnats local 678 at August 01, 2023 06:45 PM (B1FKF)

74 Andy McCarthy came on Fox just now and said it was really, really JUSTIFIED, damn it! How in heavens name did this man ever rise to the level of Assistant US prosecutor? He is an embarrassment.

Posted by: Boswell at August 01, 2023 06:45 PM (K+UlC)

75 66 Illusional monetization.

Posted by: Rolling Donut Unharmed By gp's Flying Leap at August 01, 2023 06:46 PM (MvF+J)

76 I gotta say, this Biden has balls. And the MFM? There's are even bigger.

BTW, who doesn't think the MFM is loaded and/or partnered with IC?

Posted by: The Syndicate at August 01, 2023 06:46 PM (aXxgO)

77 "Mr. Big get 10% of the illusory payola."

Posted by: mrp at August 01, 2023 06:46 PM (rj6Yv)

78 I fully expect DJT to be jailed in the DC gulag, because why not...
Secret Service or no.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at August 01, 2023 06:46 PM (MeG8a)

79 I'm sorry officer. This was just the illusion of speeding.

Posted by: Dems everywhere at August 01, 2023 06:46 PM (e4fEA)

80 I think leaving billions to the Taliban was a hat tip to Barky helping his goal to arm Muslims

Posted by: Skip at August 01, 2023 06:46 PM (xhxe8)

81 64 Didn't Biden brag about getting the prosecutor looking into Burisma fired by threatening to withhold millions of dollars from the Ukraine?

iirc, $2billion.

Posted by: davidt at August 01, 2023 06:46 PM (SYTee)

82 By the way nobody, and I mean nobody is going to continue paying millions of dollars for "the illusion of access".

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at August 01, 2023 06:45 PM (CecP5)
Hunter Biden is the smartest man Joe knows, you see.

I like how they are soft-spinning outright fraud here.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 06:47 PM (krQz2)

83 re 72: he was just illusionating. big nothing

Posted by: gnats local 678 at August 01, 2023 06:47 PM (B1FKF)

84 No Controlling Authority !!

No Controlling Authority!!

Posted by: polynikes at August 01, 2023 06:47 PM (MNhXM)

Joe Biden sniffs children.

He nibbles 'em at high speed.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 01, 2023 06:47 PM (63Dwl)

86 74 Andy McCarthy came on Fox just now and said it was really, really JUSTIFIED, damn it! How in heavens name did this man ever rise to the level of Assistant US prosecutor? He is an embarrassment.
Posted by: Boswell at August 01, 2023 06:45 PM (K+UlC)

Turley just said if you took a red pen and crossed out everything in this Indictment which is against the 1st Amendment you would end up with a Haiku

Posted by: It's me donna at August 01, 2023 06:47 PM (bs+z0)

87 Aren't they forgetting that Biden is on videotape bragging about taking out the Ukranian prosecutor by witholding $1 billion. There's the "quo" in quid pro quo.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 01, 2023 06:48 PM (RqMSv)

88 How about the illusion of gibbets?

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at August 01, 2023 06:48 PM (ufFY8)

89 The illusion of 81 million votes.

Posted by: davidt at August 01, 2023 06:48 PM (SYTee)

90 It's not just "the illusion of access" to Joe.

Remember, Hunter told the Chinese guy they were extorting that if he didn't do what he and Joe, who was sitting right there monitoring the situation, demanding the Chinese guy do, that Joe would get everyone he knew to help.

Hint: He's talking about the federal government.

He wasn't such threatening him with Joe. He was threatening him with the FBI, the IRS, etc.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 01, 2023 06:48 PM (EEjVl)

91 78 I fully expect DJT to be jailed in the DC gulag, because why not...
Secret Service or no.
Posted by: gourmand du jour at August 01, 2023 06:46 PM (MeG8a)

at that point, the SCOTUS will step in

they are pretty pissed at the dims atm

Posted by: REDACTED at August 01, 2023 06:48 PM (us2H3)

92 How in heavens name did this man ever rise to the level of Assistant US prosecutor?

He works for the other side. Just like mccain, romney and ryan.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at August 01, 2023 06:48 PM (8GBH4)

93 I was an illusionist.

Posted by: Doug Henning at August 01, 2023 06:48 PM (4I/2K)

94 More like Delusional Access

Posted by: polynikes at August 01, 2023 06:49 PM (MNhXM)

95 re 86: what the haiku you talkin bout?

Posted by: gnats local 678 at August 01, 2023 06:49 PM (B1FKF)

96 78 I fully expect DJT to be jailed in the DC gulag, because why not...
Secret Service or no.
Posted by: gourmand du jour at August 01, 2023 06:46 PM (MeG8a)


If the can deny secret service protection to RFKjr, I am sure they can justify stripping it from Trump.

Posted by: Just Lily at August 01, 2023 06:49 PM (RLLZj)

97 Joe: How's the weather over there in Kiev?

Ukrainian Gov't Official: It is raining a lot.

Joe: It's kinda dry over here.

UGO: Perhaps we could be sending you rain from our overflow - say, five buckets?

Joe: Yeah, five buckets sounds good. Five buckets apiece, that is.

Posted by: Paco at August 01, 2023 06:49 PM (njExo)

98 64 Didn't Biden brag about getting the prosecutor looking into Burisma fired by threatening to withhold millions of dollars from the Ukraine?

Certainly doesn't seem like an illusion.
Posted by: No One of Consequence at August 01, 2023 06:44 PM (F4bAW)


Who are you going to believe?

Me? Or your lying eyes?

Choose Wisely.

-- The Deep State

Posted by: rd at August 01, 2023 06:49 PM (n/Nsh)

99 People just have to realize that Demedia machine is like a really clever and resourceful kid when caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

They have sallies of narrative behind sallies of narrative.

They probably already know what their next spin step is.

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 06:49 PM (krQz2)

100 Time for a national day of protest.

Posted by: Dems everywhere at August 01, 2023 06:49 PM (e4fEA)

101 >>The Talking Points Go Out: Unable to Deny Any Longer That Hunter Biden Was Selling Access, The Media Now Claims He Was Only Selling the "Illusion of Access," Because Of Course the Incorruptible Joe Biden Could Never Be Bought

the next round of spin will actually have Hunter as The Hero, setting up a sting to ensnare nefarious foreign agents bent on America's destruction

Posted by: DB - shadowy campaign figure at August 01, 2023 06:50 PM (geLO8)

102 Biden has the illusion of mental competence.

Posted by: Angzarr the Cromulent at August 01, 2023 06:50 PM (XMwZJ)

103 I fully expect DJT to be jailed in the DC gulag, because why not...
Secret Service or no.
Posted by: gourmand du jour at August 01, 2023 06:46 PM (MeG8a)


If the can deny secret service protection to RFKjr, I am sure they can justify stripping it from Trump.

Posted by: Just Lily at August 01, 2023 06:49 PM

And then the cameras will quit working and trump will slip and fall and break his neck.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at August 01, 2023 06:50 PM (QNSds)

104 Trump will be charged because of the illusion of access, except it will be actual access. And not only will no one will have had access, but Trump will be on a recording that is released saying "No, I'm not doing this, this is illegal."

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 01, 2023 06:50 PM (EEjVl)

105 This is really just a story of a son's love for his father.

G*dDamn Hallmarkian, it is

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at August 01, 2023 06:50 PM (sJHOI)

106 Time for boobs

( . ) ( . )

Hunter would have wanted it this way

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo, food, water at August 01, 2023 06:50 PM (xcxpd)

107 Didn't Biden brag about getting the prosecutor looking into Burisma fired by threatening to withhold millions of dollars from the Ukraine?

Certainly doesn't seem like an illusion.
Posted by: No One of Consequence at August 01, 2023 06:44 PM (F4bAW)
Yeah but that was "all looked into".

And they "found nothing".

So, really, it wasn't sold access, you see?

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 06:51 PM (krQz2)

108 the pubs have only begun to tear at Biden

they will soon open an impeachment inquiry

Biden will not be the nominee

Posted by: REDACTED at August 01, 2023 06:51 PM (us2H3)

109 No, saying "Do you know who my dad is?!" is alluding to illegally buying special access; Joe in the room 20 times and talking on the [burner?] phones is special access.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 01, 2023 06:51 PM (krqg6)

110 I've been told endlessly that social influencers are a respectable sector of the wealth creation in our current culture.

But more and more women out there, are ditching their coveted feminist, professional, chosen fields of expertise and respectability for an opportunity to flash their splendid titties, tight pussies and plumped up asses for a life of luxury paid for by lonely men.

A life making millions in an online social adult industry may be a nice way to explain and justify the lifestyle but there was a time when this used to be called prostitution and you were a whore.

Thank you, and bless your heart!

Posted by: Dr. Bone at August 01, 2023 06:51 PM (fY84s)

111 Biden bad news, Trump indictment . Rinse and repeat. This country sucks.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at August 01, 2023 06:51 PM (oWBc3)

112 I suppose when the photos of Biden swimming naked in a pool on Epstein's island with a bunch of 13-year-old girls finally come out, Jack Smith (alias "General Zod") will indict Trump for the JFK assassination.

Posted by: Paco at August 01, 2023 06:51 PM (njExo)

113 "Illusion of access?" Well, son of a bitch, I'm fucking David Copperfield! I made a Ukrainian prosecutor disappear!

Posted by: J. Robinette Biden at August 01, 2023 06:52 PM (DgGvY)

114 Jack Poso @JackPosobiec
The Trump case has been assigned to U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, according to the court docket. Chutkan, an Obama appointee, is the only federal judge in Washington, D.C., who has sentenced Jan. 6 defendants to sentences longer than the government had requested.

Sean Davis @seanmdav
That’s the same Tanya Chutkan who represented Theranos at Boies Schiller (the firm that hired Fusion GPS to attack Theranos whistleblowers) and then presided as judge in the U.S. House lawsuit against Fusion GPS. Completely corrupt.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 01, 2023 06:52 PM (krqg6)

the next round of spin will actually have Hunter as The Hero, setting up a sting to ensnare nefarious foreign agents bent on America's destruction
Posted by: DB - shadowy campaign figure

Now he can be decorated like his brother.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 01, 2023 06:52 PM (63Dwl)

116 Even if some Bleeding Heart Lib wants to claim Joe was only trying to help his addiction-plagued son, how is putting said addict in a position to have everything he could possibly need to fuel every addiction known to Mankind 'helping' him?
I read the text messages off the laptop. It's the kind of thing I used to see from childhood friends turned hopeless drug addicts when I was in my 20s. Wheedling and connecting and making excuses and crazy, crazy crazy 24 hours a day.
There is simply no possible WAY this 'helped' Hunter with his addictions. The willingness of anyone to further this wild tale is so off-the-wall...

Posted by: LenNeal at August 01, 2023 06:52 PM (/BBNv)

117 >> Didn't Biden brag about getting the prosecutor looking into Burisma fired by threatening to withhold millions of dollars from the Ukraine?

obviously, he misspoke!

Posted by: DB - shadowy campaign figure at August 01, 2023 06:52 PM (geLO8)

118 Hunter Biden is the Criss Angel of illusionists.

Posted by: Count de Monet at August 01, 2023 06:52 PM (4I/2K)

119 And then the cameras will quit working and trump will slip and fall and break his neck.
Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at August 01, 2023 06:50 PM (QNSds)


In the shower, while reaching for the soap-on-a-rope.

Posted by: Just Lily at August 01, 2023 06:52 PM (RLLZj)

120 No, saying "Do you know who my dad is?!" is alluding to illegally buying special access; Joe in the room 20 times and talking on the [burner?] phones is special access.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 01, 2023 06:51 PM (krqg6)
For talking about the weather?!

Posted by: Rep Daniel Goldman at August 01, 2023 06:53 PM (krQz2)

121 >>The Media Now Claims He Was Only Selling the "Illusion of Access,"

where's the money

Posted by: DB - shadowy campaign figure at August 01, 2023 06:53 PM (geLO8)

122 They've wheeled out Larry Tribe, Constitutional law expert, to opine that you can' impeach Biden over something he did before he was POTUS.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 01, 2023 06:53 PM (RqMSv)

123 Because Of Course the Incorruptible Joe Biden Could Never Be Bought

And if he took money, it's because he wanted to create the illusion of being bought...

Posted by: Overton's Motorized Goalposts at August 01, 2023 06:54 PM (CaJIi)

124 the deep state is going to try and negotiate a peace

biden for trump

everyone goes home with a pardon

Donnie wont play tho

Posted by: REDACTED at August 01, 2023 06:54 PM (us2H3)

125 It it good that Joe took the bribe. He was working on behalf of democracy! He was saving the world and who cares if he was compensated for it a little bit! He is a lifelong public servant and was the poorest man in the senate!

-Talking points tomorrow

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 01, 2023 06:55 PM (O1z4v)

126 The illusion of access comes with no access.

What Biden did by getting on the phone was give access.

But fine, semantics.

Explain where your money came from, you disgusting, pedophilic, fucking criminal POS.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 01, 2023 06:55 PM (5xURv)

127 and the indictment is just more proof that in a place like d.c. members of the grand jury are not merely biased but stupid to boot

Posted by: gnats local 678 at August 01, 2023 06:55 PM (B1FKF)

128 Selling the "illusion " is all required for a crime

Pulling out the illusion of a gun in the process of a crime is the same as whipping out the real deal.

Someone robbing a bank demanding to put the till money in to a bag is not making the illusion of a bank robbery.

This is what happens when you have amoral reprobates run things. They literally can't tell right from wrong. This is why most persecutors go after process crimes (Malum prohibitum) because they can't comprehend the moral component to actual (Malum in se) crimes and have no idea where to start - many can't even describe why Malum in se crimes are bad.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 01, 2023 06:55 PM (p8A+W)

129 He really is the smartest person Joe knows

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo, food, water at August 01, 2023 06:38 PM (xcxpd)


"And Hunter's in the basement with a silver spoon --
The hookers and drugs are gonna be there soon ...

And and as I hang up the phone it occurred to me --
He was damn near dumber than me, my boy was dumb as me."

[Written by Bob Frantz]

Posted by: ShainS at August 01, 2023 06:55 PM (p6TW6)

130 Turley just said if you took a red pen and crossed out everything in this Indictment which is against the 1st Amendment you would end up with a Haiku
First line:
Blow a me, dozo.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 01, 2023 06:55 PM (krqg6)

131 Googled Tanya Chutkan; she appears exactly as one would expect of an Obama appointee.

Posted by: Angzarr the Cromulent at August 01, 2023 06:56 PM (XMwZJ)

132 It has long been known that the elder Mr. Biden was selling access.
Posted by: New York Times at August 01, 2023 06:41 PM (lCaJd)

It was a necessary move in the fast moving international environment to get the best deals for America, and there was no time to fight Congress and the State Department to get the most advantageous deals through standard channels. We should celebrate Preznit Bidden's verve and willingness to risk it all and deal for Our Democracy.

Posted by: Kindltot at August 01, 2023 06:56 PM (xhaym)

133 What will voir dire look like in DC?

Posted by: Goatweed at August 01, 2023 06:56 PM (0Q/6W)

134 Illusion of access = appearance of impropriety

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 01, 2023 06:56 PM (JvZF+)

135 They'll probably axe Biden and say see equal justice as they jail Trump and we will get Kamala....

Posted by: It's me donna at August 01, 2023 06:56 PM (bs+z0)

136 What phone call?

Posted by: Marlee Matlin at August 01, 2023 06:56 PM (r6zxK)

137 Ukrainian Oligarch: So, this f***ing drug addicted pervert lied to us!?!?

Make an example of him and his family!


I wonder if I could sell this as a screenplay for an FBI show episode? Maybe a series? Ukes, Chinese, Iranians, and on and on.

Of course we would need to make thesell-outs Conservative Republicans in the scripts.

Posted by: rd at August 01, 2023 06:57 PM (95C+X)

138 I wrote about the "limited hangout" strategy

I remember back in Watergate days, they discussed a "modified, limited hangout" strategy.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at August 01, 2023 06:57 PM (FVME7)

139 I reckon this will be another record month for weapon sales.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 01, 2023 06:57 PM (i5lJm)

140 133 What will voir dire look like in DC?
Posted by: Goatweed at August 01, 2023 06:56 PM (0Q/6W)

like a liquor store on Friday night

who ever be first in line

Posted by: REDACTED at August 01, 2023 06:57 PM (us2H3)

141 Another day's useless energy spent
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one
Lonely man cries for love and has none
New mother picks up and settles her son
Senior citizens wish they were young
Cold hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colours from our sight
Red is grey and yellow white
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion?

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at August 01, 2023 06:57 PM (8GBH4)

142 and the indictment is just more proof that in a place like d.c. members of the grand jury are not merely biased but stupid to boot

They are amoral, without conscience, and without any decency.

Lizard brains. What can I do today that will benefit me?

Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 01, 2023 06:57 PM (p8A+W)

143 Maybe they only got the illusion of money.

Posted by: Hokey Pokey at August 01, 2023 06:57 PM (F2tjK)

144 Posted by: Guy Mohawk at August 01, 2023 06:57 PM (8GBH4)

The Moody Blues.. Saw them in concert.. Great show

Posted by: It's me donna at August 01, 2023 06:58 PM (bs+z0)

145 So when Joe insisted ten times he never spoke with Hunter about business, he was... LYING??!1!

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 01, 2023 06:58 PM (JvZF+)

146 141 Another day's useless energy spent
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one
Lonely man cries for love and has none
New mother picks up and settles her son
Senior citizens wish they were young
Cold hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colours from our sight
Red is grey and yellow white
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion?
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at August 01, 2023 06:57 PM (8GBH4

*snaps fingers repeatedly*

Heavy man

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 01, 2023 06:58 PM (5xURv)

147 I reckon this will be another record month for weapon sales.

People are already in debt over recent purchases of gas appliances and portable generators.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 01, 2023 06:58 PM (p8A+W)

148 So is this the Grand Illusion?

Or should we Use Your Illusion here?

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo, food, water at August 01, 2023 06:58 PM (xcxpd)

149 So Hunter is the Madoff of politics?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at August 01, 2023 06:58 PM (FVME7)

150 I cannot find any info on when Judge Tanya S. Chutkan became a U.S. citizen. Articles do say she was an immigrant from Jamaica but give no info beyond that. Maybe my google fu is deteriorating.

Posted by: polynikes at August 01, 2023 06:59 PM (Xb3lU)

Of course we would need to make thesell-outs Conservative Republicans in the scripts.
Posted by: rd at August 01, 2023 06:57 PM (95C+X)


Put little crosses on their wives' necklaces.

The audience will get the point but it will be all subtle like.

Posted by: Just Lily at August 01, 2023 06:59 PM (RLLZj)

152 145 So when Joe insisted ten times he never spoke with Hunter about business, he was... LYING??!1!
Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 01, 2023 06:58 PM (JvZF+)

It was the illusion of not speaking.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 01, 2023 06:59 PM (5xURv)

153 JRB on the "Use Your Illusion" tour

Posted by: InZona at August 01, 2023 06:59 PM (7ClH/)

154 THAT is their defense?

"He isn't a crook. He's just a fink!"

Come the fuck on, junta. This is what you managed to seize the largest economy on earth with?

Fuck me.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 06:59 PM (9UlRk)

155 For ONE MEELION DOLLARS, I can guarantee the No one named Biden will ever be prosecuted.

Or Fauci


Posted by: Dr. Evil Miklos at August 01, 2023 06:59 PM (wuwH7)

156 What you don't talk about at your little cocktail parties is you WANT hunter on the Burisma board. You NEED Hunter on that Burisma board.

-MSNBC tonight probably

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 01, 2023 06:59 PM (O1z4v)

157 "And Hunter's in the basement with a silver spoon --
The hookers and drugs are gonna be there soon ...

And and as I hang up the phone it occurred to me --
He was damn near dumber than me, my boy was dumb as me."

[Written by Bob Frantz]
Posted by: ShainS at August 01, 2023 06:55 PM (p6TW6)

*Calls ASPCA to get that cat out of that cradle*

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo, food, water at August 01, 2023 06:59 PM (xcxpd)

158 This is all because the Dems are so scared, right?

Posted by: blaster at August 01, 2023 06:59 PM (8SAJV)

159 135 They'll probably axe Biden and say see equal justice as they jail Trump and we will get Kamala....
Posted by: It's me donna at August 01, 2023 06:56 PM


Ka Ma La!
Ka Ma La!
Ka Ma La!

---- The four horsemen of the apocalypse

Posted by: rd at August 01, 2023 07:00 PM (95C+X)

160 All this pouncing.

Y'all should be ashamed of yo selves.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 01, 2023 07:00 PM (5xURv)

161 Biden resigns.. Kamala becomes President.. Nothing happens to Hunter or the rest of the grifting Family and Trump goes to jail or isn't allowed to run and it will be too late for anyone else...

Posted by: It's me donna at August 01, 2023 07:00 PM (bs+z0)

162 149 So Hunter is the Madoff of politics?
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at August 01, 2023 06:58 PM (FVME7)

Hunter is the SBF of Madoffs.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:00 PM (9UlRk)

163 LOL. On Democrats.

Here's why.

If you were bilking world magnates on the illusion of access, so that people buying the access weren't seeing that access, don't you think Joe would have to do more than come on and chat about the weather to convince someone that the access, although not coming now, would come?

It's the reason why it's always a bad thing to just spin story after story, because you're simply trying to deflect the most recent blow, you're not really thinking it through and trying to coordinate it with reality.

Things that happen have a consistency of their happening. They have already admitted that Joe comes on the phone, so if Hunter is selling an "illusion of access" (fraud), Joe is lending that "illusion of access". In fact, that's the one main thing he is doing--provided that world magnates can be that gullible to be chatted up about the weather and think Steiner will come in two weeks with the access.

So, LOL. I wonder if the next wave will be as pathetic.

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:00 PM (krQz2)

164 None of this matters. The country's finished.

Posted by: Jim Rose at August 01, 2023 07:00 PM (VFl7m)

165 the deep state never intended to have Biden as the nominee

they just need him in place until after the primaries

then he will step down and the DNC will put either Gavin or Halfwit in the nominee slot

they can't have a contested primary season because then all kinds of nasty shit will come out, like reparations and such

that is a big turn off to the public

Posted by: REDACTED at August 01, 2023 07:01 PM (us2H3)

166 And which is an illusion?
Posted by: Guy Mohawk

Cool, daddy-O

Posted by: Maynard G. Miklos-Krebs at August 01, 2023 07:01 PM (wuwH7)

167 Eventually this will all be an illusion of foibles.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at August 01, 2023 07:01 PM (8GBH4)

168 Joe helped Hunter sell his fraud.


You need a new story, Dems.

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:01 PM (krQz2)

169 You don't sell the steak; you sell the sizzle.

Posted by: Cosmo Kramer at August 01, 2023 07:01 PM (FVME7)

170 165 None of this matters. The country's finished.
Posted by: Jim Rose at August 01, 2023 07:00 PM (VFl7m)

Was it finished when Russia bombed Pearl Harbor??

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 01, 2023 07:01 PM (5xURv)

171 They've wheeled out Larry Tribe, Constitutional law expert, to opine that you can' impeach Biden over something he did before he was POTUS.

Fine. Then jail his ass in J6 political prisoner's similar conditions (or SuperMAX if they want to be lenient on Joe)

Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 01, 2023 07:01 PM (p8A+W)

172 I'm completely serious when I say that they will claim this was all part of National Security. And that Hunter and Joe have been working for US Agencies the entire time.

It's perfect Lawfare and what did we all think "Doing well by doing good" actually meant?

They had all their crimes blessed by The Nat Sec State.

Posted by: Thesokorus at August 01, 2023 07:02 PM (qy0ip)

By the way, did anyone notice how thoroughly these people are throwing Hunter under the bus? I mean, why would it be so bad for Joe to know what Hunter was doing? Why is Joe's best path to plead ignorance?

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 01, 2023 07:02 PM (lCaJd)

174 The Russians had a word "apparatchik" meaning a person whose 8function was part of the state or Communist party apparatus.

Judge Apparatchik

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 01, 2023 07:02 PM (JvZF+)

175 169 Joe helped Hunter sell his fraud.


You need a new story, Dems.
Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:01 PM (krQz2

I think that's called fraud.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 01, 2023 07:02 PM (5xURv)

176 A foible wrapped in an illusion wrapped in a dime bag.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:02 PM (9UlRk)

177 And when the Vice President sells "the illusion of access" to himself to foreign gangsters and Chinese Party officials, is that treason? Or merely "the illusion of treason"?

Maybe we can have the "illusion" of a firing squad?

Will asking this question have the "illusion" of putting me on a list?

Posted by: Fox2! at August 01, 2023 07:03 PM (xnpli)

178 Even Schlichter's cuck ass sees what this represents. When people like him acknowledge the rule of law and the United States itself are dead, there's little doubt the Junta is holding power against the will of the populace.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at August 01, 2023 07:03 PM (KSNKu)

179 oh pertinent to what I was saying in the previous thread - Fitch just lowered our credit rating from AAA to AA+

Posted by: BlackOrchid at August 01, 2023 07:03 PM (AcWfM)

180 This is what happens when you have amoral reprobates run things. They literally can't tell right from wrong. This is why most persecutors go after process crimes (Malum prohibitum) because they can't comprehend the moral component to actual (Malum in se) crimes and have no idea where to start - many can't even describe why Malum in se crimes are bad.
Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 01, 2023 06:55 PM (p8A+W)

They know the difference between right and wrong, and wrong puts money in their pockets now and in the future.

Posted by: Kindltot at August 01, 2023 07:03 PM (xhaym)

181 Sean Davis @seanmdav
That’s the same Tanya Chutkan who represented Theranos at Boies Schiller (the firm that hired Fusion GPS to attack Theranos whistleblowers) and then presided as judge in the U.S. House lawsuit against Fusion GPS. Completely corrupt.
Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 01, 2023 06:52 PM (krqg6)

Boy oh boy. The foreign oligarchs like Bloomberg and Soros must be losing their minds if they thought this would have public legitimacy.

Posted by: trev006 at August 01, 2023 07:03 PM (WVerd)

182 Biden did earn his payoffs with the Bursima prosecutor firing so his value was no longer an illusion.

Posted by: polynikes at August 01, 2023 07:03 PM (Xb3lU)

183 Hunter Biden starring the The Sting remake.

Posted by: Count de Monet at August 01, 2023 07:04 PM (4I/2K)

184 172 They've wheeled out Larry Tribe, Constitutional law expert, to opine that you can' impeach Biden over something he did before he was POTUS.

Except nope. Its all about politics. Impeachment is a political process not a legal one. I think maybe Tribe knows those words....

Posted by: blaster at August 01, 2023 07:04 PM (8SAJV)

185 I've never thought about it before, but I'm sort of surprised the founders decided that non-citizens (not natural born, at least) could come and hang out for a while and then become the highest judges in the land and rule over presidents.

Well, okay, that "rule over presidents" didn't happen until 1803 or whenever Marbury vs Madison was and they seized power, but still.

That's pretty neat. Wouldn't be too hard to topple a country that way.


Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 01, 2023 07:04 PM (EEjVl)


Jail for Trump is the only course a reasonable prosecutor would take.

The Dems want war and have have the jurisdictions locked up to wage it.

Posted by: Auspex at August 01, 2023 07:04 PM (j4U/Z)

187 So, LOL. I wonder if the next wave will be as pathetic.
Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:00 PM (krQz2)


This is the moment for a Venn diagram of pathetic illusions.

Posted by: Just Lily at August 01, 2023 07:04 PM (RLLZj)

188 The media, in all its forms, is pure shit.

Pure. Shit.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at August 01, 2023 07:04 PM (R/m4+)

189 First he never had sex with that woman, and then, when the Blue Dress was entered into evidence: "It was just sex" and we mustn't criminalize sex! Love is love, H8rs!
You forgot:

He LOVED his wife. He'd NEVER to that to HIS WIFE!

We had weeks of Bill and Hill holding hands at televised events.

Also, via Lewinski herself, we now know that the Clintons suborned perjury by asking her to ask Linda Tripp to change her testimony. She has identified that as part of her "victimization" at the hands of Bill.

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:05 PM (krQz2)

190 Biden wont go to Jail but politically, he finished

Posted by: REDACTED at August 01, 2023 07:05 PM (us2H3)

191 When the son of the president of Colombia gets arrested for money laundering, while the son of the president here gets treated with kid gloves for doing that and much worse, it's kinda sad.

Posted by: SMH at what's coming at August 01, 2023 07:05 PM (8HfoY)

192 Hunter Biden starring the The Sting remake.
Posted by: Count de Monet at August 01, 2023 07:04 PM (4I/2K)

Who the hell wants to watch an entire movie about chlamydia?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:05 PM (9UlRk)

193 Chutkan was employed by Boies, Schiller and Flexner, which is at least one of the firms used by Jeff Bezos.
Also 'aggressively' defended Theranos and Harvey Weinstein.
Employees 'donated' millions to Democratic causes.

Posted by: LenNeal at August 01, 2023 07:05 PM (/BBNv)

194 then he will step down and the DNC will put either Gavin or Halfwit in the nominee slot

they can't have a contested primary season because then all kinds of nasty shit will come out, like reparations and such

that is a big turn off to the public
Posted by: REDACTED at August 01, 2023 07:01 PM (us2H3)

I'm sure they would like to, but I can't think of a bigger middle finger to RFK voters. Trump enjoyed a boost from Sanders types, and will have a much bigger one from RFK voters when the DNC fixes the nomination.

Posted by: trev006 at August 01, 2023 07:05 PM (WVerd)

195 Crunch all the narratives you want, we'll make more.

Posted by: Demedios at August 01, 2023 07:06 PM (krQz2)

196 Except nope. Its all about politics. Impeachment is a political process not a legal one. I think maybe Tribe knows those words....
Posted by: blaster at August 01, 2023 07:04 PM (8SAJV)

Also Bidden is president, as such he cannot be touched by ordinary legal means and there is no redress via voting.

Posted by: Kindltot at August 01, 2023 07:06 PM (xhaym)

197 I'm beginning to detect malarkey! Malarkey I say!

Posted by: Weasel at August 01, 2023 07:07 PM (RG6z4)

198 Biden wont go to Jail but politically, he finished
Posted by: REDACTED at August 01, 2023 07:05 PM (us2H3)


He's an 80 year old President Of The United States with two feet, a knee, and an elbow in the grave.

Of course he's fucking finished politically.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:07 PM (9UlRk)

199 What will voir dire look like in DC?
Posted by: Goatweed

Like when Shifty Powers won the lottery to go home in Band of Brothers.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at August 01, 2023 07:07 PM (jzzG8)

200 Ok, somebody do the math: if one out of every 2 judges and potential jurors would find Trump guilty if given the opportunity, regardless of the charge, how many indictments do the left need to make to get a greater than 50% chance of a conviction?

Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at August 01, 2023 07:07 PM (fKIdX)

201 "Illusion of Access,"


Yep. Duped 'em with the old Delaware Double-Dutch Dipsy-Doo, Fat!

Posted by: Muldoon, not quite sure how this meme works at August 01, 2023 07:07 PM (l4B/J)

202 Hey Weasel.

Posted by: SMH at what's coming at August 01, 2023 07:07 PM (8HfoY)

203 This is the moment for a Venn diagram of pathetic illusions.
Posted by: Just Lily at August 01, 2023 07:04 PM (RLLZj)

I'm simply agog. *giggles*

Posted by: VP Kamala at August 01, 2023 07:08 PM (4I/2K)

204 Biden did earn his payoffs with the Bursima prosecutor firing so his value was no longer an illusion.
Posted by: polynikes at August 01, 2023 07:03 PM (Xb3lU)
"No, that's just because the prosecutor was corrupt and needed to go"

They're going to say that Joe was doing diligence, not work for pay.

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:08 PM (krQz2)

205 So Trump can be indicted for telling people to go home peacefully, but clear influence peddling, pedo-ing, bribery and corruption are A-O-K.
I hate this banana republic.

Posted by: DJ at August 01, 2023 07:08 PM (uosPt)

The illusion of 81 million votes put this guy in office.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 01, 2023 07:08 PM (lCaJd)

207 If yu were bilking world magnates on the illusion of access, so that people buying the access weren't seeing that access, don't you think Joe would have to do more than come on and chat about the weather to convince someone that the access, although not coming now, would come?

Posted by: Axeman

If folks were t getting a cess and this is the time Hunter was banging the pipe and hooked, Joe would have had two sons who died in Iraq.

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at August 01, 2023 07:08 PM (JkCto)

208 I am sure Sundowner will not run in 2024
Even if s till physically capable as at least breathing they will make him a offer he can't refuse

Posted by: Skip at August 01, 2023 07:08 PM (xhxe8)

209 Hey SMH, haven't seen you around much. How's things?

Posted by: SFGoth at August 01, 2023 07:08 PM (KAi1n)

210 Ok, somebody do the math: if one out of every 2 judges and potential jurors would find Trump guilty if given the opportunity, regardless of the charge, how many indictments do the left need to make to get a greater than 50% chance of a conviction?
Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at August 01, 2023 07:07 PM (fKIdX)
You know very well math ain't allowed in these here parts of the blog...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 01, 2023 07:09 PM (BpYfr)

211 Howdy SMH!

Posted by: Weasel at August 01, 2023 07:09 PM (RG6z4)

212 Yep. Duped 'em with the old Delaware Double-Dutch Dipsy-Doo, Fat!
Posted by: Muldoon, not quite sure how this

Gonna put you back, with chains, man!

Posted by: Granpa Joe tells the Corn Pop story again at August 01, 2023 07:09 PM (wuwH7)


There you go, man
Keep as cool as you can
Face piles of trials with smiles
It riles them to believe
That you perceive the web they weave
And keep on thinking free

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 01, 2023 07:09 PM (63Dwl)

214 Yep. Duped 'em with the old Delaware Double-Dutch Dipsy-Doo, Fat!
Posted by: Muldoon, not quite sure how this meme works at August 01, 2023 07:07 PM (l4B/J)
That sounds like a pretty good scoop of ice cream!

Posted by: President Charlie Foxtrot at August 01, 2023 07:09 PM (krQz2)

Boy oh boy. The foreign oligarchs like Bloomberg and Soros must be losing their minds if they thought this would have public legitimacy.


This is why they do it.

Same as Hunter's coke in the White House that didn't need to be reported to the news.

They want you to know you have no power.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 01, 2023 07:09 PM (EEjVl)

216 200 I'm beginning to detect malarkey! Malarkey I say!

Posted by: Weasel at August 01, 2023 07:07 PM (RG6z4)

The illusion of malarkey.

Posted by: davidt at August 01, 2023 07:09 PM (SYTee)

217 I've never thought about it before, but I'm sort of surprised the founders decided that non-citizens (not natural born, at least) could come and hang out for a while and then become the highest judges in the land and rule over presidents.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 01, 2023 07:04 PM (EEjVl)

If you told them that judges who hate Christianity would make abortion legal throughout the country, most of the Founders wouldn't know who to shoot first. The perpetrators, or the enablers.

Posted by: trev006 at August 01, 2023 07:10 PM (WVerd)

218 Biden wont go to Jail but politically, he finished
Posted by: REDACTED at August 01, 2023 07:05 PM (us2H3)

Yes... If the Party wants that outcome. If they don't, then he's fine politically.

Nobody else's opinion matters at all, let alone the proles of the "public."

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 01, 2023 07:10 PM (0FoWg)

219 I couldn't even make a naked, drunk, and very willing gully dwarf believe this.

Posted by: Raistlin Majere at August 01, 2023 07:10 PM (r6zxK)

220 >>>You don't sell the steak; you sell the sizzle.

Posted by: Cosmo Kramer

>Have you ever been cow-tipping in bison country? The action is the juice.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at August 01, 2023 07:10 PM (fY84s)

221 Tonight's ONT had better be called "the illusion of an ONT"....

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:11 PM (9UlRk)

222 Posted by: davidt at August 01, 2023 07:09 PM (SYTee)
Illusory detection of malarkey.

Posted by: Weasel at August 01, 2023 07:11 PM (RG6z4)

223 Ka Ma La!
Ka Ma La!
Ka Ma La!


Posted by: Fox2! at August 01, 2023 07:11 PM (xnpli)

224 Well played, AlaBAMA.

Posted by: Jim Rose at August 01, 2023 07:11 PM (VFl7m)

225 The Illusion of Success: The Joe Biden Story

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at August 01, 2023 07:11 PM (FVME7)

226 Biden wont go to Jail but politically, he finished
Posted by: REDACTED at August 01, 2023 07:05 PM (us2H3)


Biden is 80 freaking years old and a doddering senile demented pervert. All be has to look forward to is urinary incontinence and tapioca pudding for snacks.

His hangers on are the ones worrying about a future.

Posted by: rd at August 01, 2023 07:11 PM (I9Sq6)

227 I'm beginning to detect malarkey! Malarkey I say!

Posted by: Weasel

Some contretemps of dissimulation?

Posted by: Inquiring Mind of Miklos at August 01, 2023 07:11 PM (wuwH7)

228 Hey SMH, haven't seen you around much. How's things?
Posted by: SFGoth

I lurk more as of late, not to mention being more involved in the church.

Hub and I are doing okay.

Posted by: SMH at what's coming at August 01, 2023 07:12 PM (8HfoY)

229 Same as Hunter's coke in the White House that didn't need to be reported to the news.

They want you to know you have no power.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 01, 2023 07:09 PM (EEjVl)

It was certainly worth a try, but it isn't true. Just because they control all the elite and centralized avenues of power doesn't make them all powerful.

As the bumper sticker says, "When democracy become tyranny, I STILL get to vote."

Posted by: trev006 at August 01, 2023 07:12 PM (WVerd)

230 Sorry officer you were illusinating speeding! It’s the old perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature. Could happen to anybody

Posted by: kelly at August 01, 2023 07:12 PM (x/Wxm)

231 Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper 1h
REACTION: US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen expressed firm disagreement Tuesday after a downgrade to the United States' long-term ratings from AAA to AA+, following repeated debt limit standoffs in the country

Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper 22m
BREAKING: White House says 'strongly' disagrees with Fitch ratings downgrade.

Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper 33m
BREAKING: Biden at movie theater to watch Oppenheimer, according to White House pool report

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 01, 2023 07:13 PM (krqg6)

232 Larry Tribe is lifesize colostomy bag.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at August 01, 2023 07:13 PM (ppBhU)

233 It was just my illusionation, running away with me.

Posted by: The Temptations at August 01, 2023 07:13 PM (SYTee)

234 221 Biden wont go to Jail but politically, he finished
Posted by: REDACTED at August 01, 2023 07:05 PM (us2H3)

Yes... If the Party wants that outcome. If they don't, then he's fine politically.

Nobody else's opinion matters at all, let alone the proles of the "public."
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 01, 2023 07:10 PM (0FoWg)


And just like that, the "custom" of two terms for a President becomes a relic of a fascist past.

The times are too dire to take a chance of having our Precious Democracy stolen, Jack!

Posted by: Just Lily at August 01, 2023 07:13 PM (RLLZj)

Things that happen have a consistency of their happening. They have already admitted that Joe comes on the phone, so if Hunter is selling an "illusion of access" (fraud), Joe is lending that "illusion of access". In fact, that's the one main thing he is doing--provided that world magnates can be that gullible to be chatted up about the weather and think Steiner will come in two weeks with the access.

So, LOL. I wonder if the next wave will be as pathetic.
Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:00 PM (krQz2)


True. But what kind of “illusion of access” is it that Joe actually got a prosecutor fired?

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 01, 2023 07:14 PM (cMXNt)

236 They want you to know you have no power.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 01, 2023 07:09 PM (EEjVl)
Exactly. And that's why the next term they could send Biden out of the podium with a drool cup.

And have all the Demedia rant about its a conspiracy that Joe Biden is passed his prime.

These people would pull a weekend at Bernies on the American people, if need be.

"Yes, your president *is* a joke--what are *you* going to do about it?"

"Yes, your President is an obvious *sham*--what are *you* going to do about it?!"

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:14 PM (krQz2)

237 What's the rumpus?

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 01, 2023 07:14 PM (i5lJm)

238 @216- "There you go, man
Keep as cool as you can
Face piles of trials with smiles
It riles them to believe
That you perceive the web they weave
And keep on thinking free."

Ahh, the Moody Blues! I like them even though I really am dead now as oppossed to being outside looking in.

Posted by: Timothy Leary at August 01, 2023 07:14 PM (cCxiu)

239 Thought experiment: if DeSantis said that the Florida history corriculum merely offered the illusion of being racist, how would the media respond?

Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at August 01, 2023 07:14 PM (fKIdX)

240 they can't have a contested primary season because then all kinds of nasty shit will come out, like reparations and such

Really? You are aware the enemedia is particularly skilled in embargoing stories such where most people will never be aware of inconvenient things.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 01, 2023 07:14 PM (p8A+W)

241 An illusion of treason against an illusory republic spun by an illusion peddling media to protect an illusory President from an illusory justice system.

It's like a David Copperfield show up in this bitch. If David Copperfield was a cheesy ass, low-rent faggot party-clown pulling wooden nickels from behind the ears of slow children on a short bus to a WWF match, that is.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 01, 2023 07:14 PM (0FoWg)


So Hunter was playing make-believe, the "Illusion of Access" because he was struggling with personal issues and dad was just being supportive.

The narrative is always based on pouncing seizing hate filled monsters like us doing bad things to heroes.

Posted by: Auspex at August 01, 2023 07:14 PM (j4U/Z)

243 It was just my illusionation, running away with me.
Posted by: The Temptations

Papa was a rolling stone
Wherever they put money in his hat was his home

Posted by: the Original Temptations at August 01, 2023 07:15 PM (wuwH7)

244 Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper 22m
BREAKING: White House says 'strongly' disagrees with Fitch ratings downgrade.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 01, 2023 07:13 PM (krqg6)

Oh wow. Just wait for interest rates to get a lot worse, if oligarch controlled ratings agencies can no longer hide the decline.

Posted by: trev006 at August 01, 2023 07:15 PM (WVerd)

245 Nobody else's opinion matters at all, let alone the proles of the "public."
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 01, 2023 07:10 PM (0FoWg)

The power of The Party up until now has been largely illusory. Who has actually stood athwart and said "Stop"?

Who has been willing to risk life and family to say "No Pasarán"?

They have flumped their way into power without hanging a single king. The time is rapidly coming when these mutants will have to actually earn the power they've bumbled their way into, and their skill set is not up to the task.

I, personally, will hopefully be nowhere near such events.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:15 PM (9UlRk)

246 >>> Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper 33m
BREAKING: Biden at movie theater to watch Oppenheimer, according to White House pool report

As if he won't fall asleep the second the lights are dimmed.

Posted by: DJ at August 01, 2023 07:15 PM (uosPt)

247 even I get tired of the constant hero worship of "The Founders".

Even you, huh.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 01, 2023 07:16 PM (i5lJm)

248 Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper 1h
REACTION: US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen expressed firm disagreement Tuesday after a downgrade to the United States' long-term ratings from AAA to AA+, following repeated debt limit standoffs in the country

Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper 22m
BREAKING: White House says 'strongly' disagrees with Fitch ratings downgrade.

Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper 33m
BREAKING: Biden at movie theater to watch Oppenheimer, according to White House pool report
Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 01, 2023 07:13 PM (krqg6)

Yellen: I object!

Fitch: Overruled.

Yellen: I strenuously object!

Posted by: VP Kamala at August 01, 2023 07:16 PM (4I/2K)

249 No, babe, I wasn’t cheating on you, I was just offering her the illusion of access to my pants.

Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at August 01, 2023 07:16 PM (fKIdX)

250 REACTION: US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen expressed firm disagreement Tuesday after a downgrade to the United States' long-term ratings from AAA to AA+, following repeated debt limit standoffs in the country

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 01, 2023 07:13 PM (krqg6)
Yellen: Harrumph!

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:16 PM (krQz2)

251 And just like that, the "custom" of two terms for a President becomes a relic of a fascist past.

The times are too dire to take a chance of having our Precious Democracy stolen, Jack!
Posted by: Just Lily at August 01, 2023 07:13 PM (RLLZj)
Not a custom. The 22nd Amendment

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 01, 2023 07:16 PM (JvZF+)

Again, and I'll say this until I die, its telling that the first act upon a society that actually pushed the British Empire off the continent was to ratify a new government. I would have been a staunch anti-federalist.
Posted by: Sunspot Baby at August 01, 2023 07:06 PM (1HL5h)


The system is rigged.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 01, 2023 07:17 PM (cMXNt)

253 Mrs Luntz is waiting for a blue dress to turn up

preferably without Frank's spunk on it

Posted by: REDACTED at August 01, 2023 07:17 PM (us2H3)

254 So Hunter was playing make-believe, the "Illusion of Access" because he was struggling with personal issues and dad was just being supportive.

Posted by: Auspex at August 01, 2023 07:14 PM (j4U/Z)
And Beau's death. Never forget Beau died.

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:17 PM (krQz2)

255 An illusion of treason against an illusory republic spun by an illusion peddling media to protect an illusory President from an illusory justice system.

It's like a David Copperfield show up in this bitch. If David Copperfield was a cheesy ass, low-rent faggot party-clown pulling wooden nickels from behind the ears of slow children on a short bus to a WWF match, that is.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 01, 2023 07:14 PM (0FoWg)

Eh, it's a living.

Posted by: Criss Angel at August 01, 2023 07:17 PM (4I/2K)

Biden wont go to Jail but politically, he finished
Posted by: REDACTED


The next wargame is to set the 2024 candidate. Who do we think it will be? (The outcome, mind you, will not be the result of a vote.) I can think of reasons why the Deep State won't care for the Dem governors. I'm laying down Kamala and Buttigieg as the 2024 ticket.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 01, 2023 07:17 PM (lCaJd)

257 Not a custom. The 22nd Amendment
Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 01, 2023 07:16 PM (JvZF+)

Like they care a teensy tiny bit when Our Precious Democracy is in danger.

Posted by: Just Lily at August 01, 2023 07:18 PM (RLLZj)

258 As if he won't fall asleep the second the lights are dimmed.
Posted by: DJ at August 01, 2023 07:15 PM (uosPt)

He probably has a popcorn box with his Jimmy sticking up thru it asking little girls if they want some popcorn.

Mickey Rourke would be so proud.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at August 01, 2023 07:18 PM (R/m4+)

259 Ha! They tried a downgrade a few summers ago. It didn't last long. Moody's, I think.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 01, 2023 07:18 PM (JvZF+)

260 So Joe can pull a ribbit out of a top hat?

Master of Illusions.

I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn.

And illusions of grandeur.

Posted by: Czech Chick at August 01, 2023 07:18 PM (0rsFX)

261 This thing that has clear paper trails, bank documents, and a literal news clip of Biden stating that he did the thing is an illusion, and January 6 was real.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 01, 2023 07:18 PM (EEjVl)

262 Joe Biden would make out during Sound of Freedom.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 01, 2023 07:18 PM (i5lJm)

263 Nah - even I get tired of the constant hero worship of "The Founders". They started centralizing power about the time the ink was dry on ratification. Sooner, really. And that's part of the problem. The refusal to accept that everybody in charge wants to be in charge. For all the quotes of Chesterton here, nobody wants to listen to C.S. Lewis.
Posted by: Sunspot Baby at August 01, 2023 07:13 PM (1HL5h)

Of course, but I'm not Patrick Henry. When the revolution is seemingly betrayed about five minutes after it ends, you're seeing the real goals of the revolution. Arguably the British could have just shrugged and let the French have a lot more territory for minimum cost, which would have avoided the heavy colonial taxes, but that wasn't how things went.

Posted by: trev006 at August 01, 2023 07:18 PM (WVerd)

264 If David Copperfield was a cheesy ass, low-rent faggot party-clown pulling wooden nickels from behind the ears of slow children on a short bus to a WWF match, that is.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 01, 2023 07:14 PM (0FoWg)

What's with the "if"?

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at August 01, 2023 07:18 PM (ufFY8)

265 S&P downgraded US sovereign debt in 2011.

So it does not begin, but continues.

Posted by: the Original Miklos at August 01, 2023 07:18 PM (wuwH7)

266 "Biden is 80 freaking years old and a doddering senile demented pervert. All be has to look forward to is urinary incontinence and tapioca pudding for snacks."

I'll discuss stuff like this with my father (who is the same age as Biden, but is so different physically and mentally that my children think I'm lying) and I've made, shall we say, intemperate comments like "I wish that corrupt old fuck would die". My dad, a very decent man who hasn't seen the things I have will protest and say I don't mean it. I absolutely do, because evil, corrupt oligarchs like Biden and Nancy Pelosi will pass on one day in enormous wealth and privilege, and will pay zero price for the things they've done. I don't expect justice, so at least mortality can hurry up and step in.

Posted by: UGAdawg at August 01, 2023 07:18 PM (tRd71)

267 Biden at the theater screening of Oppenheimer:

Posted by: SMH at what's coming at August 01, 2023 07:19 PM (8HfoY)

268 >>>The times are too dire to take a chance of having our Precious Democracy stolen, Jack!

Posted by: Just Lily

>Our Precious Sacred Democracy. It's all right there in the AOSHQ Style Guide, Padawan.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at August 01, 2023 07:19 PM (fY84s)

269 And Beau's death. Never forget Beau died.


At least he was the dumb one.
- Joe

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 01, 2023 07:20 PM (EEjVl)

270 Drunk Scogg is Best Scogg

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:20 PM (9UlRk)

271 We and Trump can't get fair treatment from the judicial system.

Which is why I've been pushing for Impeachment -- the court of public opinion. McCarthy should have the R votes to start. The revelations will be damning. So much so that I expect the Left will remove Joe on account of health. Then it'll get interesting.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 01, 2023 07:20 PM (RqMSv)

272 Who has been willing to risk life and family to say "No Pasarán"?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:15 PM (9UlRk)

Most of the people who refused to get the jab. You might be surprised how many of them there are.

Posted by: trev006 at August 01, 2023 07:20 PM (WVerd)

even I get tired of the constant hero worship of "The Founders".

Shape shifting freaks!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 01, 2023 07:20 PM (63Dwl)

274 Brandon isn't worthy. None of you are worthy. Only Swann was worthy!

Posted by: Nix at August 01, 2023 07:20 PM (0FoWg)

275 Biden at the theater screening of Oppenheimer:

Posted by: SMH

That movie is Da BOMB

Posted by: Joe reads teleprompter at August 01, 2023 07:21 PM (wuwH7)

276 >>Update: Of course -- Trump indicted again.

Well, much like Biden is on tape saying he has built the most advanced voter fraud operation in history and much like Biden is on tape bragging about leveraging a billion dollars to get a prosecutor investigating the company his son worked for fired, he is on tape saying that his administration would do everything possible to prevent Donald Trump from ever being President again.

The one thing you have to give the Democrats, is that they tell you exactly what they are going to do and they typically follow through on it.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 01, 2023 07:21 PM (up/3i)

277 Most of the people who refused to get the jab. You might be surprised how many of them there are.
Posted by: trev006 at August 01, 2023 07:20 PM (WVerd)

I can only thank Christ that for me, it was easy. At the time, i thought, whatever. Now? Woof.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:22 PM (9UlRk)

278 Jail for Trump is the only course a reasonable prosecutor would take.

The Dems want war and have have the jurisdictions locked up to wage it.
Posted by: Auspex at August 01, 2023 07:04 PM (j4U/Z)

As much as I hate to say it, but they're right. Their position is secure.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at August 01, 2023 07:22 PM (BdMk6)

279 The one thing you have to give the Democrats, is that they tell you exactly what they are going to do and they typically follow through on it.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 01, 2023 07:21 PM (up/3i)
And nothing is wrong with any of it, because they're okay with it.

And that's how it should be.

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:22 PM (krQz2)

280 Psalms 2 and 37. All I got. I’m thankful I grew up in, lived in, and will probably die in the United States. All you social justice idiots will have the privilege of growing old in a broken down third world sxxxt - hole. May God go with you.

Posted by: Queequeg the Harpooner at August 01, 2023 07:22 PM (0qxj4)

281 Drunk Scogg is Best Scogg
Posted by: Warai-otoko

Scogg Grog never quite took off.

Probably has plenty in the basement.

Posted by: Miklosian Anti-Marketing SA de CV at August 01, 2023 07:23 PM (wuwH7)

282 Joe Biden would make out during Sound of Freedom.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 01, 2023 07:18 PM (i5lJm)

It's no Schindler's List.

Posted by: Jerry S. at August 01, 2023 07:23 PM (ufFY8)

283 Biden watching Oppenheimer?

Sweet merciful fuck, don't give the retard any ideas!!!!!!

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:23 PM (9UlRk)

284 >Our Precious Sacred Democracy. It's all right there in the AOSHQ Style Guide, Padawan.
Posted by: Dr. Bone at August 01, 2023 07:19 PM (fY84s)


Please don't light saber me!

I promise to do better.

Posted by: Just Lily at August 01, 2023 07:24 PM (RLLZj)

285 The next wargame is to set the 2024 candidate. Who do we think it will be? (The outcome, mind you, will not be the result of a vote.) I can think of reasons why the Deep State won't care for the Dem governors. I'm laying down Kamala and Buttigieg as the 2024 ticket.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 01, 2023 07:17 PM (lCaJd)

depends upon the political landscape

but in any event it wont be Kameltoe. She wil be needed to pardon the Biden family and anyone else that needs a pardon, like Monaco and Garland

Kameltoe's payoff will be :the first female President' and a bunch of money

If the landscape is favorable, Gavin

if not, Halfwhit

Posted by: REDACTED at August 01, 2023 07:24 PM (us2H3)

286 Fitcb downgrade?

Does that mean $2,500 Gold?

Posted by: rd at August 01, 2023 07:24 PM (zgEsK)

287 Scogg Grog never quite took off.

Probably has plenty in the basement.
Posted by: Miklosian Anti-Marketing SA de CV at August 01, 2023 07:23 PM (wuwH7)

I would make a whole week out of Scogg Grog.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:24 PM (9UlRk)

288 even I get tired of the constant hero worship of "The Founders".
Shape shifting freaks!
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 01, 2023 07:20 PM (63Dwl)

That’s a shame. They accomplished so much but are now only talked about about being YT rayciss and other bullshit. They were Men among Men.
Idiots write songs about “Atlantis” but they should write songs about the men who founded this country against every Las Vegas oddsmaker and their bookies.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at August 01, 2023 07:24 PM (R/m4+)

289 Mrs Luntz is waiting for a blue dress to turn up

preferably without Frank's spunk on it
Posted by: REDACTED at August 01, 2023 07:17 PM (us2H3)

LOL, never gets old...

Ladies and gentlemen... Behold you GOP leadership, and weep. Tears of laughter. And disgust.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 01, 2023 07:24 PM (0FoWg)

290 I am become derp, the shitter of pants.

Posted by: Joe Biden at August 01, 2023 07:25 PM (ppBhU)

20 Tweets from Bad Blue

And they have a Ringer Judge for DJT who has racked up the most time jailed for Jan6 Ralliers

Posted by: Skip at August 01, 2023 07:25 PM (xhxe8)

292 S&P downgraded US sovereign debt in 2011.

Idle hands do the Putin's work.

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:25 PM (krQz2)

293 And they have a Ringer Judge for DJT who has racked up the most time jailed for Jan6 Ralliers

Posted by: Skip at August 01, 2023 07:25 PM (xhxe
She's qualified for the final rounds, then.

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:26 PM (krQz2)

294 Vikek, what are your qualifications for being the Commander In Chief of our United States Military? Any experience by you or direct family members in serving the United States Military? If so when and how far does it go back?

Why have we stopped electing or even considering the fact we are electing a Commander and Chief of our Nation's Military first and foremost?

I feel like this guy needs to run for city counsel first. Where is this money coming from? Where did he come from?
This is money laundering with a puppet acting as a charismatic figure. It's a psy-op to get the GOP to turn on Heritage Blacks and Whites. Simple as

I wouldn't follow and would not allow any family or friends to follow this walking Con-Inc Jive Turkey to the curb store for a Coke.

Posted by: Eagle Lips at August 01, 2023 07:26 PM (GxvRE)

295 I get nothing for the joke at 279?

It's like I don't even know you people.


Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 01, 2023 07:26 PM (0FoWg)

296 Our Precious Sacred Democracy. It's all right there in the AOSHQ Style Guide, Padawan.

No its Precious Democracy and Sacred Abortions

Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 01, 2023 07:26 PM (p8A+W)

297 The talking points a few iterations from now -

Well of course Joe promised he could do a lot of stuff for those Burisma and Chinese dummies! Have you never heard Joe speak? He's always bragging about how smart and powerful he is! Is it his fault those stupid foreigners bought a lot of Joe Just Being Joe malarkey? He never INTENDED to do anything for them in return for cash! Sheesh! And what was Joe supposed to do when some few dumb foreigners sent him gifts? Insult them by refusing them?

Posted by: Gref at August 01, 2023 07:27 PM (AMIL/)

298 hiya

Posted by: JT at August 01, 2023 07:27 PM (T4tVD)

299 Life of illusion?

More like an eminence front. It's a put on.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 01, 2023 07:27 PM (ZLI7S)

300 If Biden gets knocked out the D nominee will be RFK Jr.

He'll beat Kamala and Newsom by wide margins in primaries. Whitmer is a wild card.

They could install Biden in 2020 because the field was so weak.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 01, 2023 07:27 PM (RqMSv)

301 Tanya Sue Chutkan Is also married to another Leftist DC judge . Not that it matters but his ethnicity is somewhat confusing. His name is Peter Krauthamer but he doesn't look like a Peter Krauthamer.

Posted by: polynikes at August 01, 2023 07:28 PM (Xb3lU)

302 Tomorrow, Biden will thrill us with stories of how he, Oppenheimer and Einstein all smoked a doobie behind the train station.

It was then that he gave them the idea of splitting atoms.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 01, 2023 07:28 PM (5xURv)

303 301 I get nothing for the joke at 279?

It's like I don't even know you people.


Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 01, 2023 07:26 PM (0FoWg)

In my defense, i didn't get it.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:28 PM (9UlRk)

304 I wouldn't have bothered to watch that movie-- I thought it was called Open Hymen!

Posted by: President Charlie Foxtrot at August 01, 2023 07:29 PM (krQz2)

305 Why have we stopped electing or even considering the fact we are electing a Commander and Chief of our Nation's Military first and foremost?

Given the absolute garbage we have serving in the officers corps in the Party Military, I don't want any of those shit weasels anywhere near an executive position.

RDS would be my Go To candidate if it wasn't for the fact he served in that demonic organization.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 01, 2023 07:29 PM (p8A+W)

306 ...British could have just shrugged and let the French have a lot more territory for minimum cost...
But then I'd be commenting in French and only Ace would know what I was up to.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 01, 2023 07:29 PM (krqg6)

307 It was then that he gave them the idea of splitting atoms.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 01, 2023 07:28 PM (5xURv)

I will give his "campaign" a thousand dollars if he does this.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:30 PM (9UlRk)

308 We paid ten million for Joe's weather forecasts!

Posted by: Burisma! at August 01, 2023 07:30 PM (2tUFv)

309 So Hunter was playing make-believe, the "Illusion of Access" because he was struggling with personal issues and dad was just being supportive.

The narrative is always based on pouncing seizing hate filled monsters like us doing bad things to heroes.
Posted by: Auspex at August 01, 2023 07:14 PM (j4U/Z)

It was an illusion because the Bidens were working for US National Security and had cleared everything.

That's going to be the story.

I'm confident of it.

Posted by: Thesokorus at August 01, 2023 07:30 PM (qy0ip)

310 In my defense, i didn't get it.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:28 PM (9UlRk)

Awesome Clive Barker horror flick. Lord of Illusions. Daniel von Bargen played one of the scarier monsters ever.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 01, 2023 07:30 PM (0FoWg)

311 Clients will pay at first for no return. Eventually these critters are going to want their money back if Hunter doesn't deliver.

Some may go as far as calling in the debt with extreme measures.

Posted by: Conservative Beaner at August 01, 2023 07:31 PM (x6pcA)

312 306 If Biden gets knocked out the D nominee will be RFK Jr.

He'll beat Kamala and Newsom by wide margins in primaries. Whitmer is a wild card.

They could install Biden in 2020 because the field was so weak.
Posted by: Ignoramus at August 01, 2023 07:27 PM (RqMSv)

Biden wont step down until after the primaries giving the DNC free rein to select who they want

Posted by: REDACTED at August 01, 2023 07:31 PM (us2H3)

313 I think I will go steal borrow a movie and worry about this shit tomorrow.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 01, 2023 07:32 PM (aD39U)

314 They could install Biden in 2020 because the field was so weak.
Posted by: Ignoramus at August 01, 2023 07:27 PM (RqMSv)

Bernie got chased off, probably during his heart attack period, he had better showing and more legs than hiding in the basement Bidden. Remember, everyone dropped out on the same day.
Bidden had the keys to all the corruption everywhere. Because he was on the take for it.

Posted by: Kindltot at August 01, 2023 07:32 PM (xhaym)

315 The only way Joe leaves is feet first.

Mob rules #14.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at August 01, 2023 07:32 PM (R/m4+)

316 @318 Which is why Impeachment hearings now. The Left can't stand the exposure. Media too.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 01, 2023 07:32 PM (RqMSv)

317 Yeah, like the Democrats don't rig their own primaries

Posted by: Skip at August 01, 2023 07:32 PM (xhxe8)

318 That's going to be the story.

I'm confident of it.
Posted by: Thesokorus at August 01, 2023 07:30 PM (qy0ip)

This is classified. All of it is classified. You're all going to jail. Robble robble.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:32 PM (9UlRk)

319 Thanks Skip !

Posted by: JT at August 01, 2023 07:32 PM (T4tVD)

320 So Trump will be elected President while in prison and will immediately pardon himself?

Just when I thought I'd seen everything.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 01, 2023 07:32 PM (5xURv)

321 I got a bad feeling about this.

Posted by: Count de Monet at August 01, 2023 07:32 PM (4I/2K)

322 Turley: Smith railed against the January 6th riot and made it sound like he was indicting Trump on incitement. He didn't. The disconnect was glaring and concerning.
Ah. Sound and Fury.

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:33 PM (krQz2)

323 >Tanya Sue Chutkan Is also married to another Leftist DC judge . Not that it matters but his ethnicity is somewhat confusing. His name is Peter Krauthamer but he doesn't look like a Peter Krauthamer.

Posted by: polynikes

reading both their bios, it seems they met while working in the DC Public Defender's office

Posted by: DB - shadowy campaign figure at August 01, 2023 07:33 PM (geLO8)

324 I guess it is true that the REALLY really classified shit isn't even classified, because then someone has to know that it's classified and they gotta write it down somewhere.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:33 PM (9UlRk)

325 So what IS the point of a regular poster changing his handle every week when everyone knows who it is?!

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 01, 2023 07:33 PM (Keyt1)

326 The only way Joe leaves is feet first.

Mob rules #14.
Posted by: Hairyback Guy at August 01, 2023 07:32 PM (R/m4+)
Well, we often listen to fools.

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:34 PM (krQz2)

327 There will be no impeachment of Biden. The GOPe House doesn't have the balls.

Posted by: DB - shadowy campaign figure at August 01, 2023 07:34 PM (geLO8)

328 309 301 I get nothing for the joke at 279?

It's like I don't even know you people.


Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 01, 2023 07:26 PM (0FoWg)

you didn't give them a big bang at the end so they know when to clap

Posted by: Salieri at August 01, 2023 07:34 PM (us2H3)

329 I feel like this guy needs to run for city counsel first.


That's the least of my concerns.

City counsel types are the people who got us into this mess to begin with.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 01, 2023 07:34 PM (r9lDC)

330 Je accusé !

Posted by: runner at August 01, 2023 07:34 PM (V13WU)

331 Posted by: Sunspot Baby at August 01, 2023 07:32 PM (1HL5h)

You seem to be one miserable human being. I almost feel sorry for you. Do you not have the means to move out of the country so you can be happy ?

Posted by: polynikes at August 01, 2023 07:35 PM (Xb3lU)

332 Just when I thought I'd seen everything.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 01, 2023 07:32 PM (5xURv)

He shouldn't.

He should serve as President from prison.

Suck on that, Mandela.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:35 PM (9UlRk)

333 So what IS the point of a regular poster changing his handle every week when everyone knows who it is?!
Posted by: FenelonSpoke


I did it because there wouldn't be enough room to post the description of the news link and also my name in the name field.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 01, 2023 07:35 PM (r9lDC)

334 334 There will be no impeachment of Biden. The GOPe House doesn't have the balls.
Posted by: DB - shadowy campaign figure at August 01, 2023 07:34 PM (geLO

they don't need to hang him

a good skinning will suffice

Posted by: Salieri at August 01, 2023 07:36 PM (us2H3)

335 Awesome Clive Barker horror flick. Lord of Illusions. Daniel von Bargen played one of the scarier monsters ever.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 01, 2023 07:30 PM (0FoWg)
I love that movie about Democrats. But I didn't get the reference.

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:36 PM (krQz2)

336 Everyone get in feisty.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 01, 2023 07:36 PM (5xURv)

337 reading both their bios, it seems they met while working in the DC Public Defender's office


Awww, I love traditional romances.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 01, 2023 07:36 PM (r9lDC)

338 reading both their bios, it seems they met while working in the DC Public Defender's office

I wonder who was defending who when they met.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 01, 2023 07:36 PM (p8A+W)

339 Je accusé !
Posted by: runner

Gesundheidt !

Posted by: JT at August 01, 2023 07:36 PM (T4tVD)

RDS would be my Go To candidate if it wasn't for the fact he served in that demonic organization.
Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 01, 2023 07:29 PM (p8A+W)


It amazes me how many people are so gung-ho for a guy who has been on the government payroll his entire adult life.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 01, 2023 07:36 PM (cMXNt)

341 Same point as you constantly following around and bitching, I reckon.
Posted by: Sunspot Baby at August 01, 2023 07:35 PM (1HL5h)

I figured you keep getting banned and this is the only way you can communicate with your "friends"

Have you considered getting a puppy instead?

Posted by: Kindltot at August 01, 2023 07:37 PM (xhaym)

342 I'm betting they were both actively working to get really, really bad people back on the streets.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 01, 2023 07:37 PM (r9lDC)

343 329 Turley: Smith railed against the January 6th riot and made it sound like he was indicting Trump on incitement. He didn't. The disconnect was glaring and concerning.
Ah. Sound and Fury.

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:33 PM (krQz2)

Smith's screed was co-written by Schiff, Joe's Chief of Staff, and Lisa Monaco. Garland was told to go get a shoe shine when he asked, "Hey, why can't I help write Jack's BS?"

Posted by: Gref at August 01, 2023 07:37 PM (AMIL/)

344 Waraiotoko is actually a consortium of fifteen H-1B tech workers who live and work together who cobble together a stream of insouciance and dad jokes for the amusement of others.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:37 PM (9UlRk)

345 >Awww, I love traditional romances.

Posted by: Moron Robbie

It was a Meet Cute

Posted by: DB - shadowy campaign figure at August 01, 2023 07:37 PM (geLO8)

346 My hatred seethes with the heat of a thousand suns.
I shall drink beer and try very hard to be civil. But I didn't fight three wars, sending soldiers home in a box for this third world shit.

Posted by: Dems everywhere at August 01, 2023 07:37 PM (Axizx)

347 35 >>>I know everyone does it, but you really should stop sneering at religion like that.

so you believe all religions are worthy and that we must not criticize any of them, huh?

yeah whatever you don't believe that
Posted by: ace at August 01, 2023 06:38 PM (KRtlO)

If they deserve being sneered at, it's not for being a religion, but for being both false and harmful. And you made no such argument.

I know I'm fighting against the secularist culture you've imbibed. So did I, but eventually I spat it out.

Posted by: Eeyore at August 01, 2023 07:38 PM (brAQZ)

348 This is all because the Dems are so scared, right?

Posted by: blaster at August 01, 2023 06:59 PM (8SAJV)


It's almost as if they know elections don't matter anymore, making them free to go Full Open Borders, Full Pedo, Full Child Rape Trafficking, Full Child Mutilation, Full Anarcho-Tyranny, and Full Treason.

Posted by: ShainS at August 01, 2023 07:38 PM (HRgnk)

349 309 301 I get nothing for the joke at 279?

It's like I don't even know you people.


Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 01, 2023 07:26 PM (0FoWg)

When you die, on your deathbed you will receive total consciousness. So you got that going for you.

Posted by: The Dalai Lama at August 01, 2023 07:39 PM (4I/2K)

350 Je accusé !
Posted by: runner

Gesundheidt !
Posted by: JT at August 01, 2023 07:36 PM (T4tVD)


that was French !

Posted by: runner at August 01, 2023 07:39 PM (V13WU)

351 Posted by: Sunspot Baby at August 01, 2023 07:35 PM (1HL5h

Did I name a name? Do you not get enough attention n your regular life that need to play "Mr Dress Up" here. LOL.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 01, 2023 07:39 PM (Keyt1)

352 So... how long until I meet a lib online who tells me Trump's been indicted for incitement? ....

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:39 PM (krQz2)

353 Whole lotta' pouncin' and seizing going on.

Posted by: zombie Jerry Lee Lewis at August 01, 2023 07:39 PM (a3Q+t)

354 Je accusé !
Posted by: runner

Gesundheidt !
Posted by: JT at August 01, 2023 07:36 PM (T4tVD)


that was French !
Posted by: runner at August 01, 2023 07:39 PM (V13WU)
You're pardoned.

Posted by: Axeman at August 01, 2023 07:40 PM (krQz2)

355 Off damn dock

Posted by: Diogenes at August 01, 2023 07:40 PM (Axizx)

356 zealotry is rather unpleasant

Posted by: runner at August 01, 2023 07:40 PM (V13WU)

It's almost as if they know elections don't matter anymore, making them free to go Full Open Borders, Full Pedo, Full Child Rape Trafficking, Full Child Mutilation, Full Anarcho-Tyranny, and Full Treason.
Posted by: ShainS at August 01, 2023 07:38 PM (HRgnk)

It's estimated that 60% of Americans own firearms now.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 01, 2023 07:40 PM (5xURv)

358 NOOD Cafe.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at August 01, 2023 07:41 PM (voyai)

Obama knew every damn thing Joe was up to--and then some. Don't think Obama had his spooks tapped into EVERYthing Joe was doing???
Obama did not trust Joe--NObody is that fucking stupid .
But Obama knew how to use Joe...and boy did he use Joe, right up to today.
We are watching the Obama show. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Posted by: Voter theater. at August 01, 2023 07:41 PM (uxAXv)

360 349 309 301 I get nothing for the joke at 279?

It's like I don't even know you people.


Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 01, 2023 07:26 PM (0FoWg)

When you die, on your deathbed you will receive total consciousness. So you got that going for you.
Posted by: The Dalai Lama at August 01, 2023 07:39 PM (4I/2K)


Posted by: Carl Spackler at August 01, 2023 07:42 PM (us2H3)

361 Cafe is up. Not an illusion.

Posted by: screaming in digital at August 01, 2023 07:42 PM (aBJcM)

362 315 It was an illusion because the Bidens were working for US National Security and had cleared everything.

That's going to be the story.

I'm confident of it.
Posted by: Thesokorus

Sound theory.

They will turn down medals and democrat accolades 'cause they were "just doing their jobs."

Posted by: Auspex at August 01, 2023 07:42 PM (j4U/Z)

363 I know everyone does it, but you really should stop sneering at religion like that.

so you believe all religions are worthy and that we must not criticize any of them, huh?

yeah whatever you don't believe that
Posted by: ace


Not me. It's one of the reasons I think the left only attacks Christians. They know there's no real point in trying to weaken the other religions. They know the other religions are already sending people to Hell, so what's the point?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 01, 2023 07:43 PM (r9lDC)

364 RDS would be my Go To candidate if it wasn't for the fact he served in that demonic organization.
Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 01, 2023 07:29 PM (p8A+W)


It amazes me how many people are so gung-ho for a guy who has been on the government payroll his entire adult life.
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 01, 2023 07:36 PM (cMXNt)

Ditto x 1000.

Posted by: Voter theater. at August 01, 2023 07:43 PM (uxAXv)

365 I like Scogg.

I like getting mad at Scogg.

Scogg is like a positive troll. You get something out of engaging with the premises sprinkled behind the "I'm Better Than Everyone Here Because I'm Some Kind Of Liberaltarian or Something" veneer.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 01, 2023 07:44 PM (9UlRk)

366 They could install Biden in 2020 because the field was so weak.


This is all child's play to know who the next DNC post turtle is.

• look for who has an unexpected assist into office after office
• who is making all kinds of under-reported foreign trips

The Party works off of bribes and access. Biden earned his role due to the fact he was a rain maker for the party. He delivered Ukraine and China to the party grifters, business deals worth billions in money laundering and graft.

If we see Kamala working the streets on "diplomatic tours" or see family members twisting arms, then its Kamala. Newsome has connections, I don't know what his foreign connections are since he really doesn't need to stray from California to make them since most of the corrupt foreign officials stop in or have offices in California.

Witmer, while profoundly evil and devious, doesn't have those sort of connections to land large and lucrative foreign accounts to DNC/Uniparty grifters.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 01, 2023 07:45 PM (p8A+W)

367 But then I'd be commenting in French and only Ace would know what I was up to.
Posted by: andycanuck


Posted by: Le Mikleuse, mes cheres amis at August 01, 2023 07:49 PM (wuwH7)

368 Ok, somebody do the math: if one out of every 2 judges and potential jurors would find Trump guilty if given the opportunity, regardless of the charge, how many indictments do the left need to make to get a greater than 50% chance of a conviction?
Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at August 01, 2023 07:07 PM (fKIdX)
You know very well math ain't allowed in these here parts of the blog...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 01, 2023 07:09 PM (BpYfr)

Duck and cover! ....MATH ATTACK!!!

Posted by: Voter theater. at August 01, 2023 07:57 PM (uxAXv)

369 74 Andy McCarthy came on Fox just now and said it was really, really JUSTIFIED, damn it! How in heavens name did this man ever rise to the level of Assistant US prosecutor? He is an embarrassment.
Posted by: Boswell at August 01, 2023 06:45 PM (K+UlC)

Andy McCarthy types in Assistant US Attorney positions?--more than a few are worse than Andy. .
There was a time when that was not true but government prosecution is, these days, arguably THE most political of government endeavors.
Law? is for losers. It's all about the publicity and the convictions --of the politically not-connected.

Posted by: Voter theater. at August 01, 2023 08:09 PM (uxAXv)

370 So Hunter and Joe were accepting money for fake access? Would that not be fraud while representing the USA? No wonder there is a war Ukraine; they frauded the fraudsters.

Posted by: Bang-a-gong at August 01, 2023 08:49 PM (SRiFu)

371 Indiana Jones and the Illusion of Access

Posted by: Waiting for the bus at August 01, 2023 09:29 PM (0DcgS)

372 BO has a black eye and skinned knuckles after his paddle boarding chef drowned in his pond, ergo, we need mohr Trump indictments! Makes perfect sense. Ergo!

Posted by: Slow Learner at August 01, 2023 09:47 PM (klu5V)

373 Dear Speaker McCarthy:




Posted by: Tracy at August 01, 2023 11:20 PM (x58Cx)

374 So I suppose all those front companies received Monopoly money?

Posted by: Jane at August 01, 2023 11:50 PM (EcD5Y)

375 Call me old fashioned, but they had a word for intentionally selling an illusion of a product that didn't function as advertised: FRAUD

Explain to me how that's BETTER???

Posted by: CaptObvious at August 02, 2023 12:52 AM (KVS8o)

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