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IRS Whistleblower: The "Investigation" of Hunter Biden Is Being Deliberately Tanked Due to "Preferential Treatment and Politics"
Update: Letter Added

I know, I know -- you're all stunned, you're all baffled, you're all walking around mumbling and hugging yourselves because life just doesn't make sense any longer.

I'm here. I'm your Cognitive Dissonance Guide. I'm going to try to make your Gaslighting Trip as pain-free as possible.

I mean, I'll help you once I get over my own psychic shock.

IRS Whistleblower Says U.S. Is Mishandling Hunter Biden Probe

In letter to lawmakers, Internal Revenue Service supervisor says he has information of 'preferential treatment and politics'

WASHINGTON--An IRS supervisor has told lawmakers he has information that suggests the Biden administration is improperly handling the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden and is seeking whistleblower protections, according to people familiar with the matter.

A letter sent to Congress on Tuesday says a career Internal Revenue Service criminal supervisory special agent has information that would contradict sworn testimony by a "senior political appointee." The supervisor also has information about a "failure to mitigate clear conflicts of interest in the ultimate disposition of the case," according to the letter.

The supervisor has details that show "preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols that would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in similar circumstances if the subject were not politically connected," according to the letter.

The letter says the supervisor has been overseeing an "ongoing and sensitive investigation of a high-profile, controversial subject since early 2020," which it doesn't name. The investigation at issue is into the younger Mr. Biden, the people familiar with the matter said.

The WSJ goes on to mislead that the US Attorney, David Weiss, is "Trump appointed" but held over by Biden. In fact, US Attorneys are chosen from a list of names presented by the senators representing the state in question, and as both Senators from Delaware are left-liberals, obviously then Trump would have had his pick of this leftwing Marxist or that leftwing Identity Politics shitlib.

Biden held this guy over for a reason.

More from Just the News:

According to a letter from the whistleblower's attorney Mark Lytle to Congress obtained by Just the News, the IRS agent revealed he is seeking to provide detailed disclosures about a high-profile, sensitive case to the tax-writing committees in Congress, which have special authority under federal tax privacy laws to receive such information. That could pave the way to share the details with other committees in coming weeks.

The letter does not state that the whistleblower disclosures are related to Hunter Biden. However, Just the News has independently confirmed the agent's allegations involve the Hunter Biden probe being led by Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, a Trump holdover, according to multiple interviews with people directly familiar with the matter.

Thanks to Robert for that last link.

Flashback: Back in February, Hunter Biden's lawyer, who is being paid by Biden's mysterious "Sugar Brother" who also paid $2 million in back taxes for Hunter, sent threatening emails to various media figures demanding retractions on pain of lawsuit, and also demanded that the government run by his daddy launch investigations into Hunter Biden's critics and journalists covering the laptop story.

Update: Below, the letter.



Tucker Carlson likened this to Iraq under Saddam Hussein -- if Uday Hussein blows a red light and runs over your kid, you best be quiet about it, or Daddy Hussein will sink his torturers on you.

Posted by: Ace at 06:00 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 first.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at April 19, 2023 06:00 PM (ncXxy)

2 And they can parade 1,000 whistle blowers in front of any committee and nothing will happen because its biden.

Remember they impeached trump over a faked record of a legitimate phone call.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at April 19, 2023 06:01 PM (ncXxy)

3 Did I break the blog?

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at April 19, 2023 06:02 PM (ncXxy)

4 >>The "Investigation" of Hunter Biden Is Being Deliberately Tanked Due to "Preferential Treatment and Politics"

Jeff Spicoli: Whooa.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at April 19, 2023 06:02 PM (up/3i)

5 NO!

Seriously IRS is politicized you don't say!?!

Fucking retards.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:02 PM (Lzpvj)

I'm so old I remember when the IRS would prosecute a high-profile case right before April 15th. To discourage the others. Sorry no Francoise from moi.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 19, 2023 06:04 PM (enJYY)

7 duh

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 19, 2023 06:04 PM (BRHaw)

8 MTG followed Swallowell in a committee meeting and started with:

"That was quite entertaining from someone that had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy. And everyone knows it!"

Swallowell tried to get MTG's statement taken down, but failed.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at April 19, 2023 06:06 PM (sWM8x)

9 Hunter is scum. All he ever was, all he ever will be. He belongs in the Colorado super max watching reruns of Jerry Falwell.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at April 19, 2023 06:06 PM (pohLc)

10 vote harder

Posted by: bored383 at April 19, 2023 06:06 PM (4Kzkx)

11 Hey IRS: Did Hunter declare the 2m as income on his taxes?

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 19, 2023 06:06 PM (tn/bQ)

12 Banana. Republic.

Corruption right out in the open and no one blinks an eye. Now tell me why I should give a damn about this country.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:06 PM (d2bW3)

13 If it was a conservative they would already be I'm prison.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:08 PM (d2bW3)

14 Speaking of sexual predators, FL just passed a bill allowing the death penalty for child sex abusers.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 06:08 PM (R38qh)

15 It's been a great news day today for Ace. I don't know whether to thank the A-Man, or the whole fricking world for being so thoroughly corrupted that it generates sordid stories like these every hour.

I thank them both. Thank you, Ace and ClownWorld!

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 06:08 PM (MvF+J)

16 Whatever the IRS is doing, I heartily endorse that partiotic agency's actions.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at April 19, 2023 06:08 PM (ppBhU)

17 13 Roger that.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 06:09 PM (MvF+J)

18 I don't like parties. I'm not a partiotic.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 06:10 PM (MvF+J)

19 Speaking of sexual predators, FL just passed a bill allowing the death penalty for child sex abusers.

Posted by: bonhomme

How will Disney keep any employees?

Of course this will cause all the pedos to move out of FL.
Will Disney vacate?

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 19, 2023 06:10 PM (tn/bQ)

Corruption right out in the open and no one blinks an eye. Now tell me why I should give a damn about this country.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:06 PM

Because, if it wasn't for people like you upholding the letter of the law, the residents of Kensington in Philadelphia would all be walking around like drugged out zombies?

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 19, 2023 06:11 PM (enJYY)

21 The gulags are coming.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:11 PM (d2bW3)

22 ClownWorld!
Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust

We need more entertaining Clowns is what I think. Some no fucks given sort in Russia needs to tie together all of the Hunter briefcase clips into an X rated movie and launch it multiple ways to the world at large.

Posted by: whig at April 19, 2023 06:11 PM (t9aCs)

23 So, apparently Florida has outlawed the Democratic party on pain of death?

Posted by: Xipe Totec at April 19, 2023 06:12 PM (pohLc)

24 >>IRS Whistleblower: The "Investigation" of Hunter Biden Is Being Deliberately Tanked Due to "Preferential Treatment and Politics"

I'm stunned. I gotta lie down.

Posted by: DB - Senior VP for product development, Amalgamated Tuba at April 19, 2023 06:12 PM (geLO8)

25 Love the video thumbnail. Googly eyes and a spliff.

Posted by: micky at April 19, 2023 06:12 PM (3byMq)

26 What knowledge could possibly be worth a 2 million dollar payoff to Hunter? Serious question. This guy took 2 million dollars out of his bank account and gave it to Hunter to pay taxes. No one seems to think this was worth investigating?

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at April 19, 2023 06:12 PM (Y+l9t)

27 "We need more entertaining Clowns is what I think."

I'm doing my best, darn it.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 06:12 PM (MvF+J)

28 >>>Because, if it wasn't for people like you upholding the letter of the law, the residents of Kensington in Philadelphia would all be walking around like drugged out zombies?
Posted by: Divide by Zero

That would be the case except Krasner refuses to prosecute anyone for anything.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:12 PM (d2bW3)

29 "vote harder" comments trigger me....

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:13 PM (V13WU)

30 I lose count of the number of times I pose rhetorical questions.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at April 19, 2023 06:13 PM (Y+l9t)

31 22 Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:11 PM (d2bW3)

Only way out is to go ghetto and close ranks...for people who cannot find the courage to vociferously mock people who think there are 6000 genders.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:13 PM (Lzpvj)

32 30 Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:13 PM (V13WU)

Black pillers piss me off, essentially "derp herp derp cede all the battlefield legally" to the left is almost as retarded as Bud Light.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:14 PM (Lzpvj)

33 32 We should ALL start shoplifting at the very least. TPTB will notice.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 06:14 PM (MvF+J)

34 I am shocked, SHOCKED that gambling takes place here.

Posted by: Kindltot - Sounding like like Liam Neeson chasing a load of hens around inside a barrel. at April 19, 2023 06:15 PM (xhaym)

35 Corruption right out in the open and no one blinks an eye. Now tell me why I should give a damn about this country. Posted by: Wyatt Earp

Because, if it wasn't for people like you upholding the letter of the law, the residents of Kensington in Philadelphia would all be walking around like drugged out zombies? Posted by: Divide by Zero
Always separate the regime from the people. Most people wanting to rule others in history have a high degree of sociopathy of various sorts and sometimes homicidal psychopathy. That does not necessarily mean that the people in that country agree with their rulers.

Posted by: whig at April 19, 2023 06:15 PM (t9aCs)

36 This IRS 'whistleblower' seems like a Democrat plant.

Biden is still being coy about running in 2024. Nobody is willing to come out and say it, but its pretty obvious Democrats don't want him running.

Seems like maybe this is a salvo from the Deep State 'hey pudding brain, it's time for you to go. Be a shame if we were forced to ACTUALLY INVESTIGATE you and Hunter'.

Posted by: DudeAbiding at April 19, 2023 06:15 PM (lCHt6)

37 I don't see how Biden gets the nod seeing as how the knives are out for him and his while Gruesome and Giggles are milling about.
Nor do I understand DeSantis getting involved unless he has been made and can win.
I wonder if Bill can make Trump a winner as a blue dog Democrat.

Posted by: Jamaica NYC at April 19, 2023 06:15 PM (Eeb9P)

38 Trump paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 and was indicted years after it happened and after he was already in the White House.
Someone gives the President's son 2 MILLION dollars and it's no big deal.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at April 19, 2023 06:15 PM (Y+l9t)

39 I try. I really do try to maintain a positive outlook. It’s getting more difficult.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at April 19, 2023 06:15 PM (u73oe)

40 >>>>Only way out is to go ghetto and close ranks...for people who cannot find the courage to vociferously mock people who think there are 6000 genders.
Posted by: sven

I cannot fathom anyone fixing this. I think we're too far gone, and no one in power will, or wants to fix things

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:15 PM (d2bW3)

41 I don't suppose FOX's investigative journalists want to take this story on ? given how FOX was hosed by people they helped to elect ?? no ? whata shame.

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:15 PM (V13WU)

42 MTG is a One.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at April 19, 2023 06:16 PM (ufFY8)

43 Black pillers piss me off, essentially "derp herp derp cede all the battlefield legally" to the left is almost as retarded as Bud Light.
Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:14 PM (Lzpvj)

"i am gonna stay home!! that'll show them !! give me what I want ...WHAAAA!!"

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:17 PM (V13WU)

That would be the case except Krasner refuses to prosecute anyone for anything.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:12 PM

It's funny, for all my life I knew who the Mayor of Philly was, but now I don't. Just asked my wife and she doesn't know either.

We do know who Krasner is, though.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 19, 2023 06:17 PM (enJYY)

45 Soon Fox will be paying Hunter. It's all a big scam. 10% for the Big Guy tax free.

Posted by: torabora at April 19, 2023 06:17 PM (OUiUM)

46 The reason the marxist left claimed Trump would do terrible things to our "precious" democracy was because they were lall ready doing that or had hard concrete plans to do so.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at April 19, 2023 06:17 PM (17s+e)

47 McCarthy is fucking worthless. No surprise.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 19, 2023 06:18 PM (DMyTF)

48 I cannot fathom anyone fixing this. I think we're too far gone, and no one in power will, or wants to fix things
Posted by: Wyatt Earp

Read Heinlein's best political works--One is Take Back Your Government which is a primer how things used to be in the US. The second is The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Lots of political philosophy there. Heinlein spent the first part of his career fearing the religious and the right. The second part was spent fighting communism.

Posted by: whig at April 19, 2023 06:18 PM (t9aCs)

49 "it's all RIGGED ! WHAAAAAA!!!"

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:18 PM (V13WU)

50 >>>It's funny, for all my life I knew who the Mayor of Philly was, but now I don't. Just asked my wife and she doesn't know either.

We do know who Krasner is, though.
Posted by: Divide by Zero

Jim Kenney, a drunk leftist a-hole. Like all the others.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:18 PM (d2bW3)

51 Twitter's API used to be free, and Musk is changing that. Microsoft is one of the companies that has been vacuuming all information off of Twitter for free. Now that Twitter is charging, Microsoft refuses to pay. Microsoft also decided to drop Twitter from their advertising platform in retaliation for not giving away data for free anymore.

Musk tweeted his intent to sue Microsoft.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 06:18 PM (R38qh)

52 >>>>Only way out is to go ghetto and close ranks...for people who cannot find the courage to vociferously mock people who think there are 6000 genders.
Posted by: sven

I cannot fathom anyone fixing this. I think we're too far gone, and no one in power will, or wants to fix things
Posted by: Wyatt Earp

I can see the fix. sven has it nailed. It is going to be messy, violent, and loud when it happens.

Posted by: BifBewalski at April 19, 2023 06:19 PM (3CCua)

53 41 Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:15 PM (d2bW3)

There is no "cowboy in a white hat on a white horse" to fix this brother, we have to survive, endure, make peace with what comes next and warn our progeny "do your own work, do not deal with people who had slaves, were slaves, or seek some new form of slavery"

I will not deign to try to explain what the crime waves and flash mobs we endure means given your avocation, I will say it is my sincere belief we have already had the communist revolution in this country.

Walmart for example funds DEI in AR, yet knows to their core it is a destructive, hateful, wasteful thing that obliterates profit.

I am sussing out why I think that is and what it means using open-source intelligence analytics and gathering but I assure you it does not speak to a good place in America.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:19 PM (Lzpvj)

54 48 The reason the marxist left claimed Trump would do terrible things to our "precious" democracy was because they were lall ready doing that or had hard concrete plans to do so.
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at April 19, 2023 06:17 PM (17s+e)

It's a matter of definition. To them 'our Democracy' means rule by Democrats.

Posted by: Arnies Bastard Son at April 19, 2023 06:19 PM (oHd/0)

55 >>>Read Heinlein's best political works--One is Take Back Your Government which is a primer how things used to be in the US. The second is The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Lots of political philosophy there.

I'll look them up. Thanks, Whig.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:19 PM (d2bW3)

56 >>>I will not deign to try to explain what the crime waves and flash mobs we endure means given your avocation, I will say it is my sincere belief we have already had the communist revolution in this country

Considering the lawlessness in blue cities, you're absolutely correct.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:21 PM (d2bW3)

57 Have we found out whether or not there is a digital record on an abandoned laptop of Hunter impregnating his sister-in-law in a drug fueled moment of weakness?

Posted by: Dr. Bone at April 19, 2023 06:21 PM (V4X9X)

58 38 I don't see how Biden gets the nod seeing as how the knives are out for him and his while Gruesome and Giggles are milling about.

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Posted by: Chuck Martel at April 19, 2023 06:22 PM (fs1hN)

59 I'll look them up. Thanks, Whig.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp
No problem. Stay safe Wyatt. Heinlein has some other books that are worth reading but those two show what we had as a political system and what some fictional characters did to rectify injustice in their time.

FWIW, Heinlein at his best is the hard headed former engineer analyzing problems.

Posted by: whig at April 19, 2023 06:23 PM (t9aCs)

60 50 I will do that! Thanks for the suggestion.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 06:23 PM (MvF+J)

61 if every eligible voter VOTED we would not have the problems we have today. 240 million eligible voters. how many participate ??? America is right of center. Until it has to get its ass to vote.

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:23 PM (V13WU)

62 57 Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:19 PM (d2bW3)

A gentle suggestion?

Get them on audiobook.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:23 PM (Lzpvj)

The gulags are coming.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp

Jan 6 prisoners are already there.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 19, 2023 06:23 PM (63Dwl)

I wasn't criticizing Wyatt in the least, for anyone reading anything into it. I know the score and the percentage of Philly LE who want out. Good friend in FL, former detective who got out in time, but doesn't want to give up his Governor. But we're still negotiating.

I got a great idea but OrangeMan bad has to embrace the obvious.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 19, 2023 06:24 PM (enJYY)

65 Posted by: Lupine in London at April 19, 2023 06:21 PM (N6Vq2)

get lost

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:24 PM (V13WU)

66 The real reason Ol' Joe is queering investigating that Hunter Biden, and by extension the whole Biden family is a criminal enterprise is he already knows the truth that the Biden family is a criminal enterprise. The way I am calling this is Ol' Sponge Brain is doing is not to keep his saggy ass out prison but to save the US Taxpayer money. Or something like that. With that out of the way, let's talk about Dylan Mulvaney's new shoes...

Posted by: Lost In Space at April 19, 2023 06:24 PM (vtNLy)

67 >>>Jan 6 prisoners are already there.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

Thankfully the GOP is working hard to free them. /s

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:24 PM (d2bW3)

68 59 Posted by: Lupine in London at April 19, 2023 06:21 PM (N6Vq2)

Fight harder, make them kill some people if need be, outcheat them, and break the machine if need be.

I am captain Laissez-Faire small government....

Let me tell you something if the name of the game HAS to be bribery bribe Juan and then take scalps with power.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:25 PM (Lzpvj)

69 “A decorated supervisory IRS agent has reported to the Justice Department’s top watchdog that federal prosecutors appointed by Joe Biden have engaged in “preferential treatment and politics” to block criminal tax charges against presidential son Hunter Biden, providing evidence as a whistleblower that conflicts with Attorney General Merrick Garland’s recent testimony to Congress that the decision to bring charges against Biden was being left to the Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney for Delaware.”

David Weiss, the Attorney General for the District of Delaware found that he did not have jurisdiction over Hunter’s tax matters because Biden did not file taxes in Delaware. When Weiss tried to refer the matter to the appropriate AG’s, he was stiff-armed.

Posted by: SMOD at April 19, 2023 06:26 PM (RHGPo)

70 Swallowell tried to get MTG's statement taken down, but failed.

Hilarious, worth viewing for the comment from the chairman after consulting the rules - "gentlemen will state the words you'd like taken down" HAH!

Posted by: Chuck Martel at April 19, 2023 06:26 PM (fs1hN)

71 Lots of cultures have survived civil wars but how many survived full on cultural Marxism? Lots of economic Marxists and their Luddite ways but never before the asexual pedophilia our lunatics believe

Posted by: Jamaica NYC at April 19, 2023 06:26 PM (Eeb9P)

72 64 Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:23 PM (V13WU)

Low voter participation is the norm, 2020 was anomalous in voter participation and choice....

turns out acting like a .3% max lethality virus is the Stand and letting people ballot harvest and count specious mail ins is a crooked system.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:26 PM (Lzpvj)

73 A decorated supervisory IRS agent


um , WUT ???!

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:26 PM (V13WU)

74 How will Disney keep any employees?

Of course this will cause all the pedos to move out of FL.
Will Disney vacate?

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 19, 2023 06:10 PM

disney can move to Guam as long as they promise to not tip the island over.

Posted by: Hank Jonhson at April 19, 2023 06:26 PM (ncXxy)

75 The game is rigged, stop playing - is a pill too far for those addicted to the game.
Posted by: Lupine in London
You will be made to play if you have any social interactions with others or have family that do.

If you don't vote for example, you will find someone voted for you. Instead of being supine, be a PITA. Vote in order to make them steal it. Quit buying Bud Light but affirmatively buy Yuengling the AB marketing VP appear stupid, and so on.

Be as water, not stone.

Posted by: whig at April 19, 2023 06:27 PM (t9aCs)

76 Stranger In A Strange Land by Robert Heinlein.

Posted by: Eromero at April 19, 2023 06:27 PM (MF3yS)

77 74 Posted by: Jamaica NYC at April 19, 2023 06:26 PM (Eeb9P)

Eh Russia is trying to come back, China changed.....the people go on.

One thing that should make you smile is by God the professional powers that be the Mandarin class and the apparats....they don't.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:27 PM (Lzpvj)

78 Low voter participation is the norm, 2020 was anomalous in voter participation and choice....

turns out acting like a .3% max lethality virus is the Stand and letting people ballot harvest and count specious mail ins is a crooked system.
Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:26 PM (Lzpvj)

dems found a formula; Rs still think it's year 2000

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:27 PM (V13WU)

79 I just saw a legendary meme.

"Not all Biden supporters are pedos, but all of them decided that groping kids isn't a deal breaker."

Damn right.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 06:27 PM (R38qh)

80 McCarthy is fucking worthless. No surprise.
Posted by: Maj. Healey

Pretty soon we'll be in national security, sources and methods town with bigK. No J6 tapes, no single topic bills, no *not* raising the debt ceiling. Perfect uniparty alignment.

His oratory has taken a decidedly painful turn as well. Slow grandiose pronouncements just like your typical pol scumbag.

Posted by: micky at April 19, 2023 06:27 PM (3byMq)

81 Shocked.
I am shocked.
This is shocking.
An actual whistleblower from the FBI.

Posted by: garrett at April 19, 2023 06:28 PM (P7IZS)

82 I want to get back to the decorated IRS agent. Decorated with what exactly ?

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:28 PM (V13WU)

83 A decorated supervisory IRS agent


um , WUT ???!

He got the "shows up on time sometimes" award. With clusters!

Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 06:28 PM (R38qh)

84 turns out acting like a .3% max lethality virus is the Stand and letting people ballot harvest and count specious mail ins is a crooked system.
Posted by: sven

Secret came out about the post 2020 GA Senate races via the 2022 WI Supreme Court race. The Dems are using gift card competitions for ballot harvesters and pyramid marketing type compensation schemes. Essentially, this ends up incentivizing people to fill out ballots of non existent people mailed to non existent residences for money and prizes.

Posted by: whig at April 19, 2023 06:29 PM (t9aCs)

85 Why the hat? Just why?

Posted by: Montec at April 19, 2023 06:29 PM (OalnH)

86 New House rules allow Congress to slash the pay of individual federal workers

The Holman rule, named after the congressman who first proposed it in 1876, was nixed by Congress in 1983. The rule, now reinstated for 2017, gives any lawmaker the power to offer amendments to appropriations bills that could, legislatively, fire any federal employee or cut their pay down to $1 dollar, if the lawmaker so chooses.

Posted by: SMOD at April 19, 2023 06:30 PM (RHGPo)

87 Yes, but no 'widespread' fraud so we can be thankful for that.

Posted by: micky at April 19, 2023 06:30 PM (3byMq)

88 It's a matter of definition. To them 'our Democracy' means rule by Democrats.

The Left doesn't use language like normal human beings do. They deconstruct the language as much as possible and have been largely successful in having a two language country:

• Normals who inadvertently use their language
• The smooth brained fools who respond to trigger language.

For the latter group, "Democracy" = "Democrat" and "Republic" = "Republican", so the verbal construct "Our Precious Democracy"™ cements the idea that Democrats are precious and something to be desired.

Its just emotional manipulation on their part, and they are very good at.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 19, 2023 06:30 PM (YXHzG)

89 Whoops. Make that IRS.

Listening to Goveia talk about the FBI/Jan 6th Trial today.

Posted by: garrett at April 19, 2023 06:30 PM (P7IZS)

90 87 Posted by: whig at April 19, 2023 06:29 PM (t9aCs)

They are giving away I-pads and cell phones here in the town I live at for "signing up" the requirement is you have to be on EBT or foodstamps.....

Dollars to donuts there are a lot of poor white trash republicans who the papers are gonna say were reborrn as born again hard democrats.

We can beat democrats, we cannot beat democrats and their imaginary friends.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:31 PM (Lzpvj)

McCarthy is fucking worthless. No surprise.

Almost 1/3rd of the year gone and nothing of substance to show. Yeah, the Dems would be worse. What an inspirational message to apathetic voters who sit home on Election Day.

Vote for us, we'll do nothing.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 19, 2023 06:31 PM (enJYY)

92 93 Posted by: Lupine in London at April 19, 2023 06:31 PM (N6Vq2)

Great so you voted for the winner, why complain then champ?

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:32 PM (Lzpvj)

93 >>Secret came out about the post 2020 GA Senate races via the 2022 WI Supreme Court race. The Dems are using gift card competitions for ballot harvesters and pyramid marketing type compensation schemes. Essentially, this ends up incentivizing people to fill out ballots of non existent people mailed to non existent residences for money and prizes.

While the dead voting can come in handy, living agents are way more tractible and mobile.

Posted by: garrett at April 19, 2023 06:32 PM (P7IZS)

94 The entire DOJ has fked us and protects their friends

Posted by: Skip at April 19, 2023 06:32 PM (xhxe8)

95 he Dems are using gift card competitions for ballot harvesters and pyramid marketing type compensation schemes. Essentially, this ends up incentivizing people to fill out ballots of non existent people mailed to non existent residences for money and prizes.

How many votes do gift cards totaling $787.5mm get you?

Posted by: Chuck Martel at April 19, 2023 06:32 PM (fs1hN)

96 82 I just saw a legendary meme.

"Not all Biden supporters are pedos, but all of them decided that groping kids isn't a deal breaker."


This is in reference to Sam Harris, I guess? He was on Bill Maher's podcast and was all "pffft, like it's a big deal I said that'. And Bill Maher was like, uhm dude, yeah that's kind of a big deal. And he kinda bitch slapped Sam Harris around a bit with the laptop story. And all Sam Harris could say was "well, you know yeah, but I don't know, Trump is a poop head". That's all he has. And for that he's still some kind of brilliant political genius on the left.

How brilliant is he? He calls Tump supporters member of Trumpistan. Wow!! Dude's IQ has to be well over 150 to come up with that brilliance.

Posted by: Montec at April 19, 2023 06:33 PM (OalnH)

97 They are racking up Kangaroo Courts

Posted by: Skip at April 19, 2023 06:33 PM (xhxe8)

98 Great so you voted for the winner, why complain then champ?
Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:32 PM (Lzpvj)

primadona seeking attention. look at meeeee! I am a principled nonvoter!!!

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:33 PM (V13WU)

99 >>>The entire DOJ has fked us and protects their friends
Posted by: Skip

That's been the case for a while. It's just that they're doing it in the open now.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:33 PM (d2bW3)

100 How brilliant is he? He calls Tump supporters member of Trumpistan. Wow!! Dude's IQ has to be well over 150 to come up with that brilliance.
Posted by: Montec at April 19, 2023 06:33 PM (OalnH)
Not measurable on any scale.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at April 19, 2023 06:34 PM (2hlEI)

101 Not playing the rigged game is not the same as doing nothing. It's simply not wasting my time. And even worse, giving the thing veneer of legitimacy to a rigged process. No thanks. #NotVotingHarder
Posted by: Lupine in London at April 19, 2023 06:31 PM (N6Vq2)

Wow, you could sell stocks. Nothing but encouragement.

I have a clever idea: find a solution other than giving up?

Posted by: Kindltot - Sounding like like Liam Neeson chasing a load of hens around inside a barrel. at April 19, 2023 06:34 PM (xhaym)

102 And the entire Democrats Propaganda Ministry went along with it saying it was Russian Collusion fake news.

Posted by: Skip at April 19, 2023 06:34 PM (xhxe8)

103 "Almost 1/3rd of the year gone and nothing of substance to show. Yeah, the Dems would be worse. What an inspirational message to apathetic voters who sit home on Election Day."

Far be it from me to defend the GOP, but in this case, what exactly do you expect? Reps barely control the house and nothing else. There's literally nothing they could do of substance. Sure they could hold some hearings that nobody would watch. Other than that?

Posted by: Montec at April 19, 2023 06:35 PM (OalnH)

104 Not playing the rigged game is not the same as doing nothing. It's simply not wasting my time. And even worse, giving the thing veneer of legitimacy to a rigged process. No thanks. #NotVotingHarder
Posted by: Lupine in London at April 19, 2023 06:31 PM (N6Vq2)

Wow, you could sell stocks. Nothing but encouragement.

I have a clever idea: find a solution other than giving up?

Posted by: Kindltot - Sounding like like Liam Neeson chasing a load of hens around inside a barrel. at April 19, 2023 06:34 PM

Ignore the troll, it's just a democrat eeyore taking soros geld.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at April 19, 2023 06:35 PM (ncXxy)

105 OT:

For those who have asked about sending a card to Jane D'oh, I have her address. You can email me at the cookbook email address (moroncookbook at gmail dot com) and I'll send it to you.

Posted by: bluebell at April 19, 2023 06:35 PM (pTb/Z)

106 multi prong approach my friendsh. multi. prong. dems are not asleep at the wheel.. Rs should not be either.

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:35 PM (V13WU)

107 Just remembered that if true Milley is retiring we will never know his research findings of root causation of 'white rage'. Bummer.

Posted by: micky at April 19, 2023 06:35 PM (3byMq)

108 > Why the hat? Just why?

It makes me look taller.

Posted by: Pontifex Maximus Francis at April 19, 2023 06:35 PM (R38qh)

109 IRS Whistleblower: The "Investigation" of Hunter Biden Is Being Deliberately Tanked Due to "Preferential Treatment and Politics"
Which is a weird way to say "No one is above the law!"

Posted by: Axeman at April 19, 2023 06:36 PM (krQz2)

110 86 A decorated supervisory IRS agent

um , WUT ???!

He got the "shows up on time sometimes" award. With clusters!
Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 06:28 PM

Seriously, are they wearing spiffy uniforms with epaulets and giving out medals?

Posted by: CaliGirl at April 19, 2023 06:36 PM (ocULy)

111 "Not all Biden supporters are pedos, but all of them decided that groping kids isn't a deal breaker."

Except the millions of LIVs and TV addicts who haven't yet seen the damn groping videos! GOP won't use them. MTG did NOT use them when she was asked by Leslie Stahl to prove Dems are pedos!!! She was either unprepared, or unwilling.

Why won't the GOP use the nukes? Blast them all over TV primetime ads every night for a month.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 06:36 PM (MvF+J)

112 Oh, no. What happened to Jane D'oh?

Posted by: Infidel at April 19, 2023 06:37 PM (/0+YE)

113 Ignore the troll, it's just a democrat eeyore taking soros geld.
Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at April 19, 2023 06:35 PM (ncXxy)

Lot of them, apparently there is money to pay them. This one can do complete sentences.

Posted by: Kindltot - Sounding like like Liam Neeson chasing a load of hens around inside a barrel. at April 19, 2023 06:37 PM (xhaym)

114 "Take Back Your Government"

I have placed the interlibrary loan request. Thanks!

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 06:37 PM (MvF+J)

115 111 Posted by: Lupine in London at April 19, 2023 06:35 PM (N6Vq2)

Oh so you VOTED but because DJT lost you can never dance again cause guilty feet ain't got no rhythm....

Whatever go lie down.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:37 PM (Lzpvj)

Far be it from me to defend the GOP, but in this case, what exactly do you expect? Reps barely control the house and nothing else. There's literally nothing they could do of substance. Sure they could hold some hearings that nobody would watch. Other than that?

Posted by: Montec at April 19, 2023 06:35 PM

You can't think of a couple things that would be front page news? The good-old-boys need an infusion of t from MTG.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 19, 2023 06:38 PM (enJYY)

117 117 Posted by: Infidel at April 19, 2023 06:37 PM (/0+YE)

Mister D'oh passed....

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:38 PM (Lzpvj)

118 it's OK to learn from your Sun Tzu said *riffles through art of war* "If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat."

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:38 PM (V13WU)

119 Ignore the troll, it's just a democrat eeyore taking soros geld.
Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at April 19, 2023 06:35 PM

Ahooooo!!! Trolls of the HQ. Ahoooo!!!!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at April 19, 2023 06:39 PM (Wnv9h)

120 > Not playing the rigged game is not the same as doing nothing.

As long as you're a citizen of the US, you're "playing the rigged game." You don't get to be free of their subjugation by not voting.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 06:39 PM (R38qh)

121 Oh, no. What happened to Jane D'oh?
Posted by: Infidel at April 19, 2023 06:37 PM (/0+YE)

Her husband passed away last week, and people have asked about sending condolence cards. I didn't have her address, but I asked her and she gave it to me and said it was okay for me to give out.

Posted by: bluebell at April 19, 2023 06:39 PM (pTb/Z)

122 Whatever go lie down.
Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:37 PM (Lzpvj)

If this is the one I think it is, if you take the piss on him long enough he will call you effeminate.

Posted by: Kindltot - Sounding like like Liam Neeson chasing a load of hens around inside a barrel. at April 19, 2023 06:39 PM (xhaym)

123 123 Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:38 PM (V13WU)

There is a reason win or lose we do lessons learned briefs.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:39 PM (Lzpvj)

124 I wish I could get excited about this.

I'm still on my Horowitz and Dunn investigation anticipation hangover regimen.

Posted by: Defenestratus at April 19, 2023 06:39 PM (xiZ2/)

125 Mister D'oh passed....
Posted by: sven

Oh, dear Lord.

Posted by: Infidel at April 19, 2023 06:39 PM (/0+YE)

126 Posted by: Infidel at April 19, 2023 06:37 PM (/0+YE)

Mister D'oh passed....
Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:38 PM (Lzpvj)
Sad news.

Posted by: Axeman at April 19, 2023 06:40 PM (krQz2)

127 Oh, no. What happened to Jane D'oh?
Posted by: Infidel at April 19, 2023 06:37 PM (/0+YE)

Husband had a relapse...did not make it.

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:40 PM (V13WU)

128 127 Posted by: Kindltot - Sounding like like Liam Neeson chasing a load of hens around inside a barrel. at April 19, 2023 06:39 PM (xhaym)

Wait I thought they thought being a femboy was a good thing?

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:40 PM (Lzpvj)

129 Will the one trick pony show up to explain how this is all Trump’s fault?

Posted by: Duke Lowell at April 19, 2023 06:40 PM (u73oe)

130 Trump indicted and Biden gets a pass. Sounds legit.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:41 PM (d2bW3)

131 Well apparently my granddaughter was asked by her teacher if she'd prefer to use the boys or girl bathroom. That question was such a hit all the girls got to tour the boys bathroom one by one. We've got some calls to make. First grade btw

Posted by: jhawk90 at April 19, 2023 06:41 PM (RH3Vm)

132 Will the one trick pony show up to explain how this is all Trump’s fault?
Posted by: Duke Lowell

If he does, ask him if this fart smells like bacon.

Posted by: JT at April 19, 2023 06:41 PM (T4tVD)

133 Hunter needs his own TV show.

“Everybody Loves Hunter”…

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at April 19, 2023 06:41 PM (R/m4+)

134 wait !! there is better Sun Tzu , "To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy."

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:42 PM (V13WU)

135 > Mister D'oh passed....

I'm sorry to hear that.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 06:42 PM (R38qh)

136 Wait I thought they thought being a femboy was a good thing?
Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:40 PM

No. They pretend that. They really despise those effeminate creatures.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at April 19, 2023 06:42 PM (Wnv9h)

137 Lois Lerner says hi

Posted by: Smell the Glove at April 19, 2023 06:42 PM (Uk8NJ)

138 Trump indicted and Biden gets a pass. Sounds legit.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:41 PM (d2bW3)
Felonies built from misdemeanors and a kit.

Posted by: Axeman at April 19, 2023 06:42 PM (krQz2)

139 139 Posted by: Hairyback Guy at April 19, 2023 06:41 PM (R/m4+)

I was waiting for a crossover-Everyone Pistol Whips Urkle

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:42 PM (Lzpvj)

140 Goodness - awful news, prayers for Jane

Posted by: jhawk90 at April 19, 2023 06:42 PM (RH3Vm)


Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:42 PM (V13WU)

142 McCarthy is fucking worthless. No surprise.
Posted by: Maj. Healey

The entire house should be working on presenting funding bills by department.

No more continuing resolutions and now "Just add 10% to existing budgets" BS.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 19, 2023 06:42 PM (tn/bQ)

143 I know a lot of you hate Ann Coulter now, but I still love her. Not her looks! Her brain. I want to bone the polemic gland in her cerebrum:

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 06:43 PM (MvF+J)

144 We've got some calls to make asses to kick. First grade btw
Posted by: jhawk90 at April 19, 2023 06:41 PM (RH3Vm)


Suggested edit.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at April 19, 2023 06:43 PM (u73oe)

145 Why won't the GOP use the nukes? Blast them all over TV primetime ads every night for a month.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 06:36 PM (MvF+J)


"The pen is mightier than the nuke. We choose to fight with strongly-worded truth bombs can't lose with gracious dignity --- or rapid vaporization -- whichever comes first. Send MOAR money!"

Posted by: ShainS -- The Abolition of The West is from Men Without Chests at April 19, 2023 06:43 PM (nW4F6)

146 >>>Felonies built from misdemeanors and a kit.
Posted by: Axeman

Hopefully fat boy eats so much he explodes

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:43 PM (d2bW3)

147 wait !! there is better Sun Tzu , "To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy."

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:42 PM (V13WU)
So, let my mom know that being my own worst enemy is a praiseworthy thing.

Posted by: Axeman at April 19, 2023 06:43 PM (krQz2)

148 > Well apparently my granddaughter was asked by her teacher if she'd prefer to use the boys or girl bathroom.

Sue the school for trying to impose the gender binary on your granddaughter.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 06:43 PM (R38qh)

149 "Mister D'oh passed...."

Terrible news.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 06:43 PM (MvF+J)

150 New Doughnut shooting breakdown video.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 06:45 PM (R38qh)

151 it's OK to learn from your Sun Tzu said *riffles through art of war* "If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat."
Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:38 PM (V13WU)

I wish there were pithy Austrian Economics precepts that could be printed out like fortune cookie slips.

We could hide them in blintzes. "Oooh, my Menger-gramme says 'the more you have the less you are willing to pay for it', what does yours say?"

"Wow, mine is 'Schumpeter says: without lasting value, the new cannot outlast the old.' What did you get Jimmy?"

"I got halvah. Want some?"

Posted by: Kindltot - Sounding like like Liam Neeson chasing a load of hens around inside a barrel. at April 19, 2023 06:45 PM (xhaym)

152 I know a lot of you hate Ann Coulter now, but I still love her.


No. She's been great. She makes a faux pas here and there, but really is sharp, witty, super smart and hilariously funny.

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:45 PM (V13WU)

153 oh, look, more letters have been written! Isn't how it usually works is, they let you write letters for a while, then those who wrote letters are first against the wall? seems to be the way it goes.

Posted by: citizenslave at April 19, 2023 06:46 PM (6CA/s)

154 Wait I thought they thought being a femboy was a good thing?
Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:40 PM (Lzpvj)

I feel pretty!

Posted by: Kindltot - Sounding like like Liam Neeson chasing a load of hens around inside a barrel. at April 19, 2023 06:46 PM (xhaym)

155 Horrible news

Posted by: Skip at April 19, 2023 06:46 PM (xhxe8)

156 So sorry to hear about the very great loss to the D'oh family.

May God strengthen them all and may Angels speed Mr. D'oh straight to heaven.

Posted by: Just Lily at April 19, 2023 06:46 PM (RLLZj)

157 "Never surround your opponent" was another Sun Tzu gem.
Posted by: Lupine in London at April 19, 2023 06:40 PM (N6Vq2)

I feel pretty, howabout you?

Posted by: Kindltot - Sounding like like Liam Neeson chasing a load of hens around inside a barrel. at April 19, 2023 06:47 PM (xhaym)

158 >>>We could hide them in blintzes. "Oooh, my Menger-gramme says 'the more you have the less you are willing to pay for it', what does yours say?"

"Those blintzes were horrible."

"Paint my fence!"

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 19, 2023 06:47 PM (d2bW3)

159 Gosh guys, so sorry that so many of you did not know about Jane's husband. I did announce it a couple of times last Tuesday when it happened but then I was away and wasn't able to get on the blog much.

Posted by: bluebell at April 19, 2023 06:48 PM (pTb/Z)

160 Damn. Prayers for Jane and DoughBoy.

Relapse of what? I remember him being sick and going to the Hospital a while back...but that is about all.

Posted by: garrett at April 19, 2023 06:48 PM (P7IZS)

161 I saw Polemic Gland open for 10cc at the Hollywood Bowl in '82.

Posted by: ShainS -- The Abolition of The West is from Men Without Chests at April 19, 2023 06:48 PM (nW4F6)


So, let my mom know that being my own worst enemy is a praiseworthy thing.
Posted by: Axeman at April 19, 2023 06:43 PM (krQz2)

why u bring yo ma into this , brah ?

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:49 PM (V13WU)

163 "Swallowell tried to get MTG's statement taken down, but failed."

Posted an hour ago on my weather page news feed:
The Failure party rode to Swallwells rescue and had the comments struck from the record.

Posted by: Fool Otto at April 19, 2023 06:49 PM (DB16e)

164 I forgive ya Bluebell !

Posted by: JT at April 19, 2023 06:49 PM (T4tVD)

Saw a poll out of Pennsylvania today where Trump beats Biden by a bunch. D'uh. Beat his last time, too.

Any Secretary of State who 'certifies' an election with the level of fraud in 2020 deserves a set of pin stripes herself.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 19, 2023 06:50 PM (enJYY)

Oh so you VOTED but because DJT lost you can never dance again cause guilty feet ain't got no rhythm....

Whatever go lie down.

Posted by: sven

That is a Wham lyric. Your man card, surrender it, now.

Posted by: BifBewalski at April 19, 2023 06:50 PM (3CCua)

167 Relapse of what? I remember him being sick and going to the Hospital a while back...but that is about all.
Posted by: garrett at April 19, 2023 06:48 PM (P7IZS)

Sudden onset of bilateral pneumonia; stopped breathing. Repeat of what happened at the end of December, which he never fully recovered from. This time it was much worse, and he didn't make it. It all happened really fast, and she was right there and saw it all (they were at the PT's office).

Posted by: bluebell at April 19, 2023 06:51 PM (pTb/Z)

Sudden onset of bilateral pneumonia; stopped breathing. Repeat of what happened at the end of December, which he never fully recovered from. This time it was much worse, and he didn't make it. It all happened really fast, and she was right there and saw it all (they were at the PT's office).
Posted by: bluebell at April 19, 2023 06:51 PM (pTb/Z)

That's really horrible. I can't even imagine.

Prayers up even more!

Posted by: Just Lily at April 19, 2023 06:52 PM (RLLZj)

169 >>Sudden onset of bilateral pneumonia; stopped breathing


Posted by: garrett at April 19, 2023 06:52 PM (P7IZS)

170 Gosh guys, so sorry that so many of you did not know about Jane's husband.

I'm really a bit surprised at that. It was mentioned in numerous threads for several days.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at April 19, 2023 06:52 PM (Xrfse)

171 I'm really a bit surprised at that. It was mentioned in numerous threads for several days.
Posted by: Notorious BFD

If you get busy and miss some threads it can happen.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 19, 2023 06:53 PM (tn/bQ)

172 173 Posted by: BifBewalski at April 19, 2023 06:50 PM (3CCua)

It may have been levied as a subtle barb...

wife is still angry the lad played for the other side.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:53 PM (Lzpvj)

173 OK. Guys, I must ask you. If you had a crying baby on the plane , right behind you, and it went on for 45 minutes..what would you do ??

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:54 PM (V13WU)

174 I'm really a bit surprised at that. It was mentioned in numerous threads for several days.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at April 19, 2023 06:52 PM (Xrfse)

Yes, but I know not everyone is on at the same time every day and I'm never around late at night. I should have asked people to spread the word. And then my being away didn't help either.

Posted by: bluebell at April 19, 2023 06:54 PM (pTb/Z)

175 Felonies built from misdemeanors and a kit.
Posted by: Axeman at April 19, 2023 06:42 PM (krQz2)

It's not so bad. Sometimes it's even pretty cool.

Kits, that is.

Posted by: Bradley GT, Meyers Manx, and Aquila GT at April 19, 2023 06:54 PM (4I/2K)

176 If you get busy and miss some threads it can happen.

This is true.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at April 19, 2023 06:54 PM (Xrfse)

177 > The Failure party rode to Swallwells rescue and had the comments struck from the record.

Noooope. They made a motion to strike that was denied.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 06:54 PM (R38qh)

178 I'm really a bit surprised at that. It was mentioned in numerous threads for several days.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at April 19, 2023 06:52 PM (Xrfse)

Welllllll, lots of us can't or don't check in every day, ya know. I mean, I do, mostly, but other people have life stuff going on.

Posted by: Dash My Lace Wigs! at April 19, 2023 06:55 PM (OX9vb)

179 176 Posted by: Just Lily at April 19, 2023 06:52 PM (RLLZj)

On the one hand at least they had time after almost losing him, on the other not nearly enough.

The D'ohs are in my prayers.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:55 PM (Lzpvj)

180 My God, it’s almost dark. They’ll be waking up soon!

Posted by: Normal Person In A democrat City at April 19, 2023 06:55 PM (R/m4+)

181 Yes, but I know not everyone is on at the same time every day and I'm never around late at night. I should have asked people to spread the word. And then my being away didn't help either.

I think you did a stellar job of keeping us posted, bluebell.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (Xrfse)

182 The American Revolution began today, or version 1.0 that is. We will see how many usurpations this generation endures.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (oWBc3)

183 Dennis Quaid!

"If a catastrophic [electric grid] outage ... occurred and caused a month-long outage, Quaid warned, "it would take us back to 1880, and you wouldn't be able to get gas, you wouldn't be able to get food."

Quaid's only worried about EMPs, but there are also solar events and cyberwarfare to worry about. If there is any part of the grid that's exposed to the internet (like with suicidal SCADA tech, for example) I'd say worry about that first.

Anybody who attacks us with an EMP will be immolated by our retaliatory nuclear airbursts and ground bursts, assuming our deterrent isn't completely disabled by the attack. That's why I don't worry as much about EMP and the grid. Any EMP attack launches total strategic global war, and our enemies know it. Don't need a grid if we're all dead.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (MvF+J)

184 OK. Guys, I must ask you. If you had a crying baby on the plane , right behind you, and it went on for 45 minutes..what would you do ??
Posted by: runner

Start singing ?

Posted by: JT at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (T4tVD)

185 NO!

Seriously IRS is politicized you don't say!?!

Fucking retards.
Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:02 PM (Lzpvj)

I'd be wearing my shocked face right now, but I sent it out to be cleaned and pressed.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (tkR6S)

186 OK. Guys, I must ask you. If you had a crying baby on the plane , right behind you, and it went on for 45 minutes..what would you do ??
Posted by: runner

Scream at the mother of course, because that is going to help the situation so much!
Of course if you can get someone to record you screaming and post in on Utube you can make the news!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (tn/bQ)

187 Thank you, BFD.

Posted by: bluebell at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (pTb/Z)

wife is still angry the lad played for the other side.
Posted by: sven

Smash is too. One of her favorite albums and I am forced get to hear it when she's driving and I'm not.

*tears up own man card for recognizing the artist*

Posted by: BifBewalski at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (3CCua)

189 There's only one group I trust to investigate this!

Top. Men.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at April 19, 2023 06:57 PM (WEqNk)

190 tart singing ?
Posted by: JT at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (T4tVD)

how do you come up with this stuff ???

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:57 PM (V13WU)

191 > OK. Guys, I must ask you. If you had a crying baby on the plane , right behind you, and it went on for 45 minutes..what would you do ??

If the parents are making an attempt to soothe the baby, nothing. Put on headphones and try to ignore it.

If the parents are doing nothing, then I'd probably ask the flight attendant to try to help.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 06:57 PM (R38qh)

192 >> OK. Guys, I must ask you. If you had a crying baby on the plane , right behind you, and it went on for 45 minutes..what would you do ??

Kill it.

Posted by: garrett at April 19, 2023 06:57 PM (P7IZS)

193 but other people have life stuff going on

As do I. My comment was not meant to be derogatory, by any means.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at April 19, 2023 06:58 PM (Xrfse)

I saw bluebell's notice and had to walk away from the blog before 10 am that final day. Some of us have been married a long time and simply can't process losing a partner of many decades which I am sure Jane and her husband were.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 19, 2023 06:58 PM (enJYY)

195 Damn.

My Hawkeye Pierce Sock didn't take!

Posted by: garrett at April 19, 2023 06:58 PM (P7IZS)

196 Scream at the mother of course, because that is going to help the situation so much!
Of course if you can get someone to record you screaming and post in on Utube you can make the news!
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (tn/bQ)

righ??? but then I started thinking...WWRD ?

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 06:58 PM (V13WU)

197 191 Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (MvF+J)

Quaid also believed with certainty we would be in an ice age by now....

If he SERIOUSLY thought there was an EMP inbound he would use his power or star power to get One Second After or a new IP made into at least an Amazon series like "State of Fear" should have been.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:58 PM (Lzpvj)

198 Our Marxists and Emperor Shapiro are not going to give up mail voting.

Posted by: Skip at April 19, 2023 06:58 PM (xhxe8)

199 I'm kind of rooting for a nuke EMP right now. It's likely the best case scenario to save us from the inevitable "AI" guided future.

Posted by: Biden: MAGA surrendered America to China at April 19, 2023 06:58 PM (ulgTA)

200 Noooope. They made a motion to strike that was denied.
Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 06:54 PM

Correct, when it happened.

And the Failure Theater party stepped in later and had it struck from the record.

Posted by: Fool Otto at April 19, 2023 06:59 PM (DB16e)

201 Speaking of nuke EMPs, I wonder what China was surveilling and testing with that balloon?

Ah well, probably nothing.

Posted by: Biden: MAGA surrendered America to China at April 19, 2023 06:59 PM (ulgTA)

202 yeah, get Horowitz on the job

he always gets to the bottom

Posted by: REDACTED at April 19, 2023 06:59 PM (us2H3)

203 Start singing ?
Posted by: JT at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (T4tVD)

That's a reasonable reaction, and if you are looking at the baby while doing so, it might be distracted and interested enough to stop crying and listen to you.

Posted by: Dash My Lace Wigs! at April 19, 2023 06:59 PM (OX9vb)

204 203 Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 19, 2023 06:58 PM (enJYY)

Quite, I love Jane and owe her and her family for the support they have shown my family when the wife and lad were away on business so to speak.

I hope and pray she and her son are as well as they can be, given the quality of his wife and child Mr D'oh must have been one hell of a fella.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 06:59 PM (Lzpvj)

205 SMOD is getting up there in age.

Maybe we should aim for a better candidate for 2024?

Maybe Godzilla?

Posted by: AlaBAMA at April 19, 2023 07:00 PM (WEqNk)

206 OK. Guys, I must ask you. If you had a crying baby on the plane , right behind you, and it went on for 45 minutes..what would you do ??
Posted by: runner

Start singing ?
Posted by: JT

Yes, Ethel Merman style.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at April 19, 2023 07:00 PM (CcoDx)

207 I think you did a stellar job of keeping us posted, bluebell.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (Xrfse)


Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 07:00 PM (V13WU)

208 206 Quaids are weird, no doubt. I liked Dennis a lot in "Traffic" (2000).

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 07:00 PM (MvF+J)

209 Trust the system. Quit shitting your pants. Stop throwing tantrums because you aren't getting your way. Steiner will come.

Posted by: Mainline some copium at April 19, 2023 07:00 PM (GjRvg)

210 208 Posted by: Biden: MAGA surrendered America to China at April 19, 2023 06:58 PM (ulgTA)

Friendly advice, take part of the funds for ammo and go long on blacksmithing.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 07:00 PM (Lzpvj)

211 Frankly, I think an EMP might save the country.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at April 19, 2023 07:00 PM (/dY9x)

212 If you had a crying baby on the plane , right behind you, and it went on for 45 minutes..what would you do ??

Seems like your only real choices are 1) be an *sshole about it or 2) don't be an *sshole about it. I hope I would choose option 2.

Posted by: Oddbob at April 19, 2023 07:00 PM (nfrXX)

213 other people have life stuff going on.
Posted by: Dash My Lace Wigs!

The nerve of those *people*!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 19, 2023 07:01 PM (tn/bQ)

214 Start singing ?
Posted by: JT at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (T4tVD)

That's a reasonable reaction, and if you are looking at the baby while doing so, it might be distracted and interested enough to stop crying and listen to you.
Posted by: Dash My Lace Wigs!

I forgot to add LOUDLY and OFF-KEY !

Posted by: JT at April 19, 2023 07:01 PM (T4tVD)

215 216 I think you did a stellar job of keeping us posted, bluebell.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (Xrfse)

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 07:00 PM (V13WU


Posted by: AlaBAMA at April 19, 2023 07:01 PM (WEqNk)

216 EMP is a hoax unless there's a full on nuclear strike, in which case who cares.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at April 19, 2023 07:01 PM (oWBc3)

217 That's a reasonable reaction, and if you are looking at the baby while doing so, it might be distracted and interested enough to stop crying and listen to you.
Posted by: Dash My Lace Wigs! at April 19, 2023 06:59 PM (OX9vb)

not MY singing ....I mean, the kid might be traumatized for life

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 07:01 PM (V13WU)

218 218 Posted by: Mainline some copium at April 19, 2023 07:00 PM (GjRvg)

Nah set your hair on fire and sit in the snow....

they can't kill you if functionally you have already committed political suicide.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 07:01 PM (Lzpvj)

219 > And the Failure Theater party stepped in later and had it struck from the record.

I retract my Noooope.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 07:01 PM (R38qh)

220 "And the Failure Theater party stepped in later and had it struck from the record."

They didn't use "Failure Theater Party" but that was the feed on my weather page an hour ago. "A group of Republicans"

Posted by: Fool Otto at April 19, 2023 07:01 PM (DB16e)

My Hawkeye Pierce Sock didn't take!
Posted by: garrett

I remember that episode, character was losing his marbles but good there. Won't me the actor's name as I loathe that lefty cocksucker

Posted by: BifBewalski at April 19, 2023 07:01 PM (3CCua)

222 How many votes do gift cards totaling $787.5mm get you?
Posted by: Chuck Martel

Oodles to protect our Democracy while it dies in the darkness or some such.

Posted by: whig at April 19, 2023 07:01 PM (t9aCs)

223 OK. Guys, I must ask you. If you had a crying baby on the plane , right behind you, and it went on for 45 minutes..what would you do ??


Assuming the parents are trying:

Feel sympathy for the child and parents. I've got a special-needs kid, and it's a little easier every day, but years 2-8 I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Posted by: Biden: MAGA surrendered America to China at April 19, 2023 07:02 PM (ulgTA)

224 I think you did a stellar job of keeping us posted, bluebell.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (Xrfse)

Posted by: runner

Thirded !

Posted by: JT at April 19, 2023 07:02 PM (T4tVD)

225 I carry a bag of disposable ear plugs when I travel, the foamy ones.
I pass them out like candy to anyone who wants them.

Posted by: gourmand du jour, mere pawn in game of life... at April 19, 2023 07:02 PM (jTmQV)

226 234 I carry a bag of disposable ear plugs when I travel, the foamy ones.
I pass them out like candy to anyone who wants them.
Posted by: gourmand du jour, mere pawn in game of life... at April 19, 2023 07:02 PM (jTmQV)

You got any peanuts?

Posted by: AlaBAMA at April 19, 2023 07:03 PM (WEqNk)

227 "If you had a crying baby on the plane , right behind you, and it went on for 45 minutes..what would you do ??"

Personally, I would go to sleep.

Posted by: Fool Otto at April 19, 2023 07:03 PM (DB16e)

228 225 Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at April 19, 2023 07:01 PM (oWBc3)

I wish, you can detonate a device high enough to goose electronics without that nasty Hiroshima aftertaste.

5-11 devices depending on yield and how successfully they were "salted" could give us a bad year which sounds mild UNTIL you remember that 5 bad days in a row gets you post-katrina NOLA on a nationwide scale with no US Government to bail you out.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 07:03 PM (Lzpvj)

229 I forgot to add LOUDLY and OFF-KEY !
Posted by: JT at April 19, 2023 07:01 PM (T4tVD)

Well, yeah, I assumed!

Posted by: Dash My Lace Wigs! at April 19, 2023 07:03 PM (OX9vb)

230 "It wasn't a chicken!"

Posted by: garrett at April 19, 2023 07:03 PM (P7IZS)

231 I'm riding to the rescue motherfuckers!

Posted by: John Durham at April 19, 2023 07:04 PM (GjRvg)

232 The guy handled the crying baby situation all wrong, but I feel for him. It's in our DNA to be extremely stimulated by babies crying, and it is hard to take when uncontrollable.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 07:04 PM (MvF+J)

I'm kind of rooting for a nuke EMP right now. It's likely the best case scenario to save us from the inevitable "AI" guided future.

Posted by: Biden: MAGA surrendered America to China at April 19, 2023 06:58 PM

I kinda think the idea of an EMP is BS. There are one hell of a lot more places a charge can ground to in 2023 then a hundred plus years ago. Seems like a false premise, like 'Please don't throw me in the briar patch."

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 19, 2023 07:04 PM (enJYY)

234 Kill it.
Posted by: garrett at April 19, 2023 06:57 PM (P7IZS)


Harsh, but fair.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at April 19, 2023 07:04 PM (u73oe)

235 Obviously, this is a Putin bot, and not a whistleblower. If it were true, that would entail that Biden had not restored decency and integrity to our government. And we are assured that he has.

Posted by: Eeyore at April 19, 2023 07:04 PM (TgBWG)

236 I've never lost patience with a crying baby. They're probably in pain, same as me. I would cry too.
Now, the 6 year old kicking the back of my seat, that is another matter.

Posted by: gourmand du jour, mere pawn in game of life... at April 19, 2023 07:05 PM (jTmQV)

237 OK. Guys, I must ask you. If you had a crying baby on the plane , right behind you, and it went on for 45 minutes..what would you do ??
Posted by: runner

Offer to walk it up and down the aisle for awhile. give the parents a break.

Posted by: MkY at April 19, 2023 07:05 PM (cPGH3)

238 234 I carry a bag of disposable ear plugs when I travel, the foamy ones.
I pass them out like candy to anyone who wants them.
Posted by: gourmand du jour, mere pawn in game of life... at April 19, 2023 07:02 PM (jTmQV)

Mmm, mini peeps,my favorite!

Posted by: Joe shit pants at April 19, 2023 07:05 PM (/6GbT)

239 Posted by: Lupine in London at April 19, 2023 07:04 PM (N6Vq2)

Or you could just change your handle again.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at April 19, 2023 07:06 PM (Keyt1)

240 242 Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 19, 2023 07:04 PM (enJYY)

I guess Reagan was a dummy, maybe we faked Starfish-Prime as well.

Good to know the conspiracy goes back to 1962 America.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 07:06 PM (Lzpvj)

241 > EMP is a hoax unless there's a full on nuclear strike

I don't understand. I'm pretty sure it's widely accepted that nukes set to do an airburst at the right height will produce an EMP that will fry unshielded electronics but won't outright kill many people.

By your statement, "EMP is a hoax" are you disputing that's possible?

Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 07:06 PM (R38qh)

242 Frankly, I think an EMP might save the country.
Posted by: Thomas Paine

Of course the city dwelling horde members would be gone so I don't think this would save anything.

The blue sh_th_les would be gone in 3 days along with all apartment dwellers.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 19, 2023 07:07 PM (tn/bQ)

243 27
'What knowledge could possibly be worth a 2 million dollar payoff to Hunter?'

Knowledge? It's a bribe to FJB. It's influence peddling. Standard corruption.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 19, 2023 07:07 PM (roH4R)

244 246 I've never lost patience with a crying baby. They're probably in pain, same as me. I would cry too.
Now, the 6 year old kicking the back of my seat, that is another matter.
Posted by: gourmand du jour, mere pawn in game of life... at April 19, 2023 07:05 PM (jTmQV)

The parents of the 6 year old need their heads jammed in the lavatory toilet a few times.

Posted by: Object lessons at April 19, 2023 07:07 PM (GjRvg)

245 245 Obviously, this is a Putin bot, and not a whistleblower. If it were true, that would entail that Biden had not restored decency and integrity to our government. And we are assured that he has.
Posted by: Eeyore at April 19, 2023 07:04 PM (TgBWG)

So, was there ever an official word on what whistleblower LIED about Trump, to get the last Impeachment going?

Seems that it constituted lying to Congress, as it turned out to be nothing, yet had Yuge consequences as that was taking the President's attention AS COVID WAS STARTING.

Posted by: Romeo13 at April 19, 2023 07:08 PM (oHd/0)

246 I kinda think the idea of an EMP is BS. There are one hell of a lot more places a charge can ground to in 2023 then a hundred plus years ago. Seems like a false premise, like 'Please don't throw me in the briar patch."

Posted by: Divide by Zero at


Non nuke ones definitely are. Everything I've read about them is "turn your electronics back on."

I'm no empologist but I've read that nuke ones are vastly different. Nukes have other stuff happening to break things they way they're intended to be broken

Posted by: Biden: MAGA surrendered America to China at April 19, 2023 07:08 PM (ulgTA)

247 Post EMP Planning:

General "Buck" Turgidson: Doctor, you mentioned the ratio of ten women to each man. Now, wouldn't that necessitate the abandonment of the so-called monogamous sexual relationship, I mean, as far as men were concerned?

Dr. Strangelove: Regrettably, yes. But it is, you know, a sacrifice required for the future of the human race. I hasten to add that since each man will be required to do prodigious... service along these lines, the women will have to be selected for their sexual characteristics which will have to be of a highly stimulating nature.

Ambassador de Sadesky: I must confess, you have an astonishingly good idea there, Doctor.

Posted by: Count de Monet at April 19, 2023 07:09 PM (4I/2K)

248 Bluebell, don't blame yourself!

Last week was Holy Week I I am sure many people weren't on much. I wasn't hardly at all.

But thank you for the posts.

Posted by: Just Lily at April 19, 2023 07:09 PM (RLLZj)

249 Thank you bluebell. My email is acting up and couldn't respond.

Posted by: Infidel at April 19, 2023 07:09 PM (/0+YE)

250 252 Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 19, 2023 07:07 PM (tn/bQ)

Any emp that knocked out just in time logistics would take months if not years to sort out.

Look at our BRILLIANT! port fiasco and magnify it everywhere all at once.

People likely overstate the impact of the EMP when they cry DOOM! I will not argue that, however after 1986 we have made long-term interlocking decisions on procurement and engineering that make us ever more reliant on an ever more fragile series of electronics.

Anyway whatever I will survive.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 07:09 PM (Lzpvj)

By your statement, "EMP is a hoax" are you disputing that's possible?
Posted by: bonhomme

*remembers the section of the tech manual for setting height of burst fuses for emp max*

Not me. Been there. Practiced that. True card carrying believer. Until the ice storm inTexasa few years ago, I would have thought the Waco region was one of the few that could survive that attack. Not any more. YOYO.

Posted by: BifBewalski at April 19, 2023 07:10 PM (3CCua)

252 242 I read the old govt NTIS microfiche docs about Shot Argus in the S Atlantic, and the Hawaii EMP from a Pacific test. EMP is real, maybe not as destructive as feared.

At least it would be extremely risky to engage in first use of EMP, because if it does not fully incapacitate ALL strategic retaliatory capability, the attacker will be vaporized. An EMP attack on the homeland is fully equivalent to a garden variety air-and-ground-nuke-burst attack, and would be responded to in the same way.

... ASSUMING our deterrent is fully EMP-shielded, and I'm sure ClownWorld's got that covered.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 07:10 PM (MvF+J)

253 > I've never lost patience with a crying baby. They're probably in pain, same as me. I would cry too.

Yep. A crying baby often means it's hungry, tired, in pain, or needs a diaper change. On a plane it may also be ear pain. If the parent's trying to soothe the kid and take care of these possibilities, that's the best they can do. Sometimes the kid can't be soothed.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 07:10 PM (R38qh)

254 There's a lab right here in Shithole that does EMP-hardness testing. Steel vaults with some kind of super-energetic exciter.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 07:12 PM (MvF+J)

255 You got on a plane without headphones for shutting out the barnyard noises of the cattle onboard? You have planned poorly. Arise, draw your wakizashi and commit ritual suicide.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at April 19, 2023 07:12 PM (ppBhU)

256 256 Posted by: Biden: MAGA surrendered America to China at April 19, 2023 07:08 PM (ulgTA)

It depends on the intensity.

An EMP relies on rapid positive ionization that at extremes travels faster than a circuit breaker or surge protector can trip.

The idea that there are mortar sized EMPs generating enough power to destroy the wiring and capacitors in electronics is far fetched....

let me make a blanket of 5KT explosions above the stratosphere and I can rock your world and spike your grid.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 07:13 PM (Lzpvj)

257 > I've never lost patience with a crying baby. They're probably in pain, same as me. I would cry too.

Yep. A crying baby often means it's hungry, tired, in pain, or needs a diaper change. On a plane it may also be ear pain. If the parent's trying to soothe the kid and take care of these possibilities, that's the best they can do. Sometimes the kid can't be soothed.
Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 07:10 PM (R38qh)

They can be Benadryl-ed. Jim Beam-ed, even.

Posted by: Count de Monet at April 19, 2023 07:13 PM (4I/2K)

258 Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 06:56 PM (MvF+J)

/looks out the window where half a mile away are TWO very sets of high capacity transmission lines... sitting out in the open on towers.

Posted by: Romeo13 at April 19, 2023 07:14 PM (oHd/0)

259 They can be Benadryl-ed. Jim Beam-ed, even.
Posted by: Count de Monet at April 19, 2023 07:13 PM (4I/2K)


Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 07:14 PM (V13WU)

260 260 Roger that.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 07:15 PM (MvF+J)

261 Oops: Roger 258!

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 07:15 PM (MvF+J)


Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 07:06 PM

I was involved in aero-space level electrical work pre-9/11. Stuff was being hardened 23 plus years ago. Maybe not your local power supply but important stuff. I'm sure it's filtered down to the local level in important places.

I see the crews in my area, I see the wires. I know why they're going to ground.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 19, 2023 07:15 PM (enJYY)

263 James O'Keefe tries to interview Anheuser-Bush Spokesmodel Dylan Mulva

Thanks to Archimedes

Dylan Aretha
Dylan Bovary
Dylan Gipple
Dylan Loleola
Dylan Delores!

Posted by: Jerry Seinfeld at April 19, 2023 07:15 PM (Do5/p)

264 You're welcome, Lily. And Infidel, as long as you got my email with her address, it's all good!

Posted by: bluebell at April 19, 2023 07:16 PM (pTb/Z)

265 let me make a blanket of 5KT explosions above the stratosphere and I can rock your world and spike your grid.

Posted by: sven


That's the nuke element, right? I agree with that. Those are the ones I think are effective. Non-nuke just gives you a power blip and you turn everything back on.

Again, this is from very casual reading on the subject a decade or more ago.

Posted by: Biden: MAGA surrendered America to China at April 19, 2023 07:16 PM (ulgTA)

266 Sven, you are wrong but put your physics degree on the line and we will discuss.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at April 19, 2023 07:17 PM (oWBc3)

267 Yeah, those 2 Nork "weather satellites" in polar orbits (not good for weather) really are not EMP bombs.

There isn't a way back from an EMP blast in modern society. We'll all be back on the bottom tiers of Maslow's pyramid.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 19, 2023 07:17 PM (tn/bQ)

268 They can be Benadryl-ed. Jim Beam-ed, even.



Pack them kids up
Give 'em a
Little bit of vodka and some
Cherry coke we're going to

Posted by: Biden: MAGA surrendered America to China at April 19, 2023 07:17 PM (ulgTA)

269 Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 07:13 PM (Lzpvj)

Its not the circuit breakers you need to worry about... the transient voltages transmitted to computer chips, will fry the junctions of the chip itself as well.

Most chips are not designed to be able to withstand this, and most cases are not grounded enough to be able to shut those transmissions to ground.

Posted by: Romeo13 at April 19, 2023 07:17 PM (oHd/0)

270 I watched The Raid last night, been hearing good things about it. Its an Indonesian martial arts actioner from 2011 and its really well done. John Wick probably got some of its cues from this film.

Its got some flaws, sometimes its ridiculously unrealistic but most of the time its gritty and believable, and there are some very interesting, distinct characters.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 19, 2023 07:17 PM (0hOvj)

... ASSUMING our deterrent is fully EMP-shielded, and I'm sure ClownWorld's got that covered.
Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust

Eight years of Bush Sr, 8 for Clinton, 4 for Jr, 8 for Barky, no real impact from OrangeManBad (reasons), and now the current jack ass. No, our shit is not hardened, even for lightning strikes. You'd be more hardened if you rolled out steel window screen in your garage and parked on that, folded it over your car, and weighed the edges down with sticks and rocks.

Get your necessities secured in a Faraday cage, then put that in another one that's grounded, the two insulated from touching each other.

Posted by: BifBewalski at April 19, 2023 07:18 PM (3CCua)

272 Any EMP attack would be accompanied by ASATs blinding us, cyberattacks crippling us, and activation of in-country saboteurs. It would be total war. I can't see anybody launching a solely EMP attack without the rest of it.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 07:19 PM (MvF+J)

273 262 Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 19, 2023 07:15 PM (enJYY)

Maybe strategic resources are hardened, I would hope the power grid as a whole was (it is not talk to linemen) that said the threat as I stated is the destruction of JIT Log.

Great you can nuke the unholy fuck out of whereverstan....

that ain't gonna feed the folks, it is not gonna get insulin delivered, it will not get blood pressure pills made and on and on.....

recovery would start to be felt I'd imagine based on EDREs at the 2 to 4 month point and the triage choices in who gets power first would lead to all hell breaking loose....

Not pleasant, and given we have "dumbfucks uber alles" being the preferred political outcome I am slowly preparing to have to endure at least four to nine months of calories on my own.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 07:19 PM (Lzpvj)

274 And Infidel, as long as you got my email with her address, it's all good!

I did, thank you.

Posted by: Infidel at April 19, 2023 07:19 PM (/0+YE)

275 Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 19, 2023 07:15 PM (enJYY)

Off the shelf computers? not so much. Even most server racks, which are built to be able to ground... the 'techs' don't know enough to do so unless they have worked in the DOD.

Never worked on an ATM... would be interesting to see if they are hardened or not.

Posted by: Romeo13 at April 19, 2023 07:20 PM (oHd/0)

276 The guy handled the crying baby situation all wrong, but I feel for him. It's in our DNA to be extremely stimulated by babies crying, and it is hard to take when uncontrollable.
Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 07:04 PM (MvF+J)

It's too bad the NFA made baby silencers illegal.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 19, 2023 07:20 PM (tkR6S)

277 My oldest was very colicky. My visiting Grandfather suggested a measuring cup of Blackberry Brandy.

-But that's way to much for a baby!! I exclaimed!

-No, baby gets a quarter teaspoon. Momma gets the rest.

After a month or two of walking the floors I was tempted. I'd probably been an alcoholic by his 1st birthday.

Posted by: Just Lily at April 19, 2023 07:20 PM (RLLZj)

278 "I watched The Raid last night"

Love it! That's the best chop-socky I've ever seen. Caution: unbelievably gruesome.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 07:20 PM (MvF+J)

279 Um, well, ok...

@KevinTober94 36m
Here is it! CBS Evening News is the first of the three networks to cover the bombshell IRS whistle-blower report in the Hunter Biden investigation.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 19, 2023 07:20 PM (jzzG8)

280 Get your necessities secured in a Faraday cage, then put that in another one that's grounded, the two insulated from touching each other.
Posted by: BifBewalski

Well I'm just fucked.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at April 19, 2023 07:21 PM (CcoDx)

281 269 Posted by: Romeo13 at April 19, 2023 07:17 PM (oHd/0)

Quite that is what I am saying the entire system is fragile and I do not mean the strategic weaponry.

People pretend cars would be unrecoverable, I doubt it....reason being they have some shielding and a near Faraday cage around the ECM, but it would take work to get them back up the entire internet driven logistic net would be fucked.

Not my optimal day at the beach.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 07:21 PM (Lzpvj)

282 276 I miss the baby bumpstocks. Those were good for gently rocking them to sleep.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 07:22 PM (MvF+J)

283 Nice work, Pennsylvania

Posted by: DB - Senior VP for product development, Amalgamated Tuba at April 19, 2023 07:22 PM (geLO8)

284 Not pleasant, and given we have "dumbfucks uber alles" being the preferred political outcome I am slowly preparing to have to endure at least four to nine months of calories on my own.
Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 07:19 PM (Lzpvj)

Once commerce breaks down, inner cities become a free fire zone within about 3 days... most 'urban' folk don't keep food or water onhand... and there are no more large warehouses full of goods, because we have leaned down supply chains to rely on trucking and such, instead of having goods on hand.

Posted by: Romeo13 at April 19, 2023 07:23 PM (oHd/0)

Time to sundown like our Precedent. See some of you on the Tech Thread.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 19, 2023 07:23 PM (enJYY)

286 Hey. I remember watching that EMP doctor show on TV back in the early seventies! It was terrific! Lemme think...oh yeah, the leading actors were Marcus Welby, Telly Savalas, a big fellow named Zulu or Danno or something, and the head nurse was played by ah, um, Angie Dickinson! I've always wondered what shampoo and conditioner she uses.

Posted by: Joe, eating pudding-flavored ice cream at April 19, 2023 07:24 PM (AMIL/)

287 "Get your necessities secured in a Faraday cage, then put that in another one that's grounded, the two insulated from touching each other."

I know so many ham radio operators who think that because they run tube equipment, they'll be the comms heroes when SHTF.

"Hello, this is Chicago. We just got nuked! Send help"
"Washington DC to Chicago: Welcome to the party, pal!"

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 07:24 PM (MvF+J)

288 My oldest was very colicky. My visiting Grandfather suggested a measuring cup of Blackberry Brandy.

-But that's way to much for a baby!! I exclaimed!

-No, baby gets a quarter teaspoon. Momma gets the rest.

After a month or two of walking the floors I was tempted. I'd probably been an alcoholic by his 1st birthday.

Posted by: Just Lily


I can't remember the name of it but in the 70s or so the doctors used to prescribe something that would knock kids out.

Should it be used all the time? No. But if it helps the kid get rest and the parents get rest to be able to manage the kid, using it in moderation isn't going to hurt anything.

That seems so foreign to people who grew up knowing that they weren't allowed to buy OTC cold medicine without government permission.

Posted by: Biden: MAGA surrendered America to China at April 19, 2023 07:24 PM (ulgTA)

289 and there are no more large warehouses full of goods, because we have leaned down supply chains to rely on trucking and such, instead of having goods on hand.


Just in time distribution will be a little too late.

Help us EV trucking. You're our only hope!

Posted by: Just Lily at April 19, 2023 07:25 PM (RLLZj)

290 What is not transient are the long term ground plane disruptions. Emp raises the ground pla e by several volts, which cripples digital electronics. They don't know what zero is anymore because everything is reading as high. That does go away, but can take several days to weeks depending on how high and where the main effect was delivered.

I've led irads on this shit and it gives me nightmares. We. Are. Fucked.

Posted by: BifBewalski at April 19, 2023 07:25 PM (3CCua)

291 Cafe open.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at April 19, 2023 07:26 PM (CcoDx)

292 Of course the city dwelling horde members would be gone so I don't think this would save anything.

The blue sh_th_les would be gone in 3 days along with all apartment dwellers.
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 19, 2023 07:07 PM (tn/bQ)

Hopefully Horde members would be smart enough to unass the city within a few hours of the EMP hitting.

Have a bugout bag ready, know where all your essential financial records, your essential medications, your essential firearms are, and be ready to load them into the bugout bag in half an hour. Have a means of contacting friends and family outside the city that doesn't rely on compromised systems. And have a bugout location already picked, and learn at least 3 routes to it.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 19, 2023 07:26 PM (tkR6S)

293 272 Any EMP attack would be accompanied by ASATs blinding us, cyberattacks crippling us, and activation of in-country saboteurs. It would be total war. I can't see anybody launching a solely EMP attack without the rest of it.
Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 07:19 PM (MvF+J)

Terrorist, given tacit help by a nation state, is the only scenario I could see it happening in...

Pop a nuc into an airliner or cargo plane.... pop it over a major city.

Posted by: Romeo13 at April 19, 2023 07:26 PM (oHd/0)

294 nood

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 07:26 PM (MvF+J)

295 OK

Posted by: DB - author of "So You Want To Play The Tuba" at April 19, 2023 07:27 PM (geLO8)

296 266 Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at April 19, 2023 07:17 PM (oWBc3)

I don't have a physics degree, I am a dumb ex tow gunner who has been studying up on nuclear war and survival since 83.

You say "eh no big deal because the balonium shielding will make it all good!"

I say Starfish-Prime did what it did, Ronald Reagan demanded hardening for DOD and I don't think it was on a lark, and that nefarious minds could do it with relatively low yield nuclear devices.

I also say that given the nature of the US logistics grid with which I am somewhat familiar that the 2d, 3d, 4th tier order of effects would be devastating.

You do you, I am not doubting your sincerity in your belief that EMP is not a threat....

I'll tell the officers who are closer to my view on it that I work for, and the people who raised me to be ready for it at Wright-Patt deal if you promise to 1/4 prepare-deal?

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 07:27 PM (Lzpvj)

297 "Pop a nuc into an airliner or cargo plane.... pop it over a major city."

Truck them in and ground-burst them. There is literally nothing
preventing that now.

Posted by: gp's Faulty Terathrust at April 19, 2023 07:28 PM (MvF+J)

298 Honestly
Offer to walk it up and down the aisle for awhile. give the parents a break.

so, the affected passenger needs to get up during "fasten your seatbelts" phase of journey, grab kid from ma, "excuse, can I borrow him ? no, I won't hurt him a bit !" and then start promenading in the isle ? I don't think so....

Posted by: runner at April 19, 2023 07:28 PM (V13WU)

299 > What is not transient are the long term ground plane disruptions. Emp raises the ground pla e by several volts, which cripples digital electronics. They don't know what zero is anymore because everything is reading as high. That does go away, but can take several days to weeks depending on how high and where the main effect was delivered.

Yeah, and that's for a localized EMP. A big CME would be worse.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 19, 2023 07:28 PM (R38qh)

300 225 I carry a bag of disposable ear plugs when I travel, the foamy ones.
I pass them out like candy to anyone who wants them.
Posted by: gourmand du jour, mere pawn in game of life... at April 19, 2023 07:02 PM (jTmQV)

Are these rubber bullets? An anyone confirm?

Posted by: Mass Media at April 19, 2023 07:31 PM (jf6Id)

301 Remarks by Vice President Harris in a Moderated Conversation on Reproductive Rights, yesterday

In part, "We thought that this issue of choice — a woman’s decision, a person’s decision to make about the future of their life, as it relates to their body — settled. Roe v. Wade. Not any longer.

If you look on a global scale, we thought that it was long settled — the understanding of the importance of sovereignty and territorial integrity. But you see, with Russia’s unprovoked aggression in Ukraine, we can no longer take that for granted."

It doesn't get better as it rolls along.

Posted by: Lola - ALL the 1/6 videotapes from Alexandra and Jade, too. at April 19, 2023 07:33 PM (GshMh)

302 An N-EMP event here would be devastating. Would it destroy all electronics? Not even close. But it would take enough of our grid out that a cascade effect would be triggered. Things would break down in a hurry. Since this nation is long accustomed to being the land of plenty people would get froggy fast when it no longer is true.

Posted by: AZ Hi Desert (Gringo fuertemente armado-Tempus belli) at April 19, 2023 07:34 PM (l7Kbv)

303 301 Posted by: Lola - ALL the 1/6 videotapes from Alexandra and Jade, too. at April 19, 2023 07:33 PM (GshMh)

I see so in Kamala land not wanting to abort every baby in America means you are a Russian?

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 07:35 PM (Lzpvj)

304 A modest proposal: all investigations of anything political should be carried out by the opposing political party.

Same thing with running PBS, if we can't get rid of that monstrosity otherwise.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 19, 2023 07:36 PM (YqDXo)

305 302 Posted by: AZ Hi Desert (Gringo fuertemente armado-Tempus belli) at April 19, 2023 07:34 PM (l7Kbv)

People conflate the idea of mechanical devastation with human resources implosion.

If major transportation is down for more than 96 hours nationwide there is a good chance you start losing hundreds of thousands of people to chronic problems requiring medication within 2 weeks.

The USA 1975 would have made it abundantly clear that an EMP attack on any tier one power is unacceptable and would result in hell on Earth.

USA 2023 sends the signal that as long as the EMP was happy with its nanosecond gender identity we would reason it out.

Posted by: sven at April 19, 2023 07:38 PM (Lzpvj)

306 Remarks by Vice President Harris in a Moderated Conversation on Reproductive Rights, yesterday

In part, "We thought that this issue of choice — a woman’s decision, a person’s decision to make about the future of their her life, as it relates to their her body — settled. Roe v. Wade. Not any longer.

Corrected for proper usage.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 19, 2023 07:38 PM (YqDXo)

307 Yeah, those 2 Nork "weather satellites" in polar orbits (not good for weather) really are not EMP bombs.

Tell that to DMSP. over 50 years of polar orbits.

Posted by: Mass Media at April 19, 2023 07:39 PM (jf6Id)

308 Caution: unbelievably gruesome.

Yes, it is incredibly bloody and violent

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 19, 2023 07:40 PM (0hOvj)

309 and there are no more large warehouses full of goods, because we have leaned down supply chains to rely on trucking and such, instead of having goods on hand.


Just in time distribution will be a little too late.

Posted by: Just Lily at April 19, 2023 07:25 PM (RLLZj)

Only one thing to do: eat all the MBAs who pushed for JIT. Also harness any survivors up as beasts of burden. About time they contributed something worthwhile.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 19, 2023 07:43 PM (YqDXo)

310 Back in the day we had stuff to give the kid, you know, for teething and the like. My boy crossed the Atlantic eight times before he was two.

Posted by: Javems at April 19, 2023 07:44 PM (AmoqO)

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