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Are You Ready for the "Trans Day of Vengeance"?
Update: Joe Biden Makes Ice Cream Jokes


That sounds like a call to violence.

Do you think Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray are investigating this group for the promotion of domestic terrorism, or nah?

Are trans people really being murdered?

Um, no. It's, get this, another lie from the trans extremists.

A very based take from David Strom:

'm not exactly sure what they will be avenging. They claim a trans genocide is upon us, but in their own propaganda, they claim that 6 trans people have been murdered this year. There were 26,031 murders in 2021. The TDOV people claim 60 murders in 2022 for trans people. 1.6 million people in the United States identify as trans. That works out, I think, to 3.75 murders per 100,000. That is less than half that of the general population.

Black men die by homicide at a rate of 55 per 100,000. Trans people: 3.75 per 100,000.

Every murder is a tragedy and a crime, no matter the victim. But what is shocking about the murder rate for transgender people is how low it is, not how high.

The Daily Wire did a deep dive into the FBI stats and found that there is statistically almost no hate crime against transgendered people...

When trans activists talk about a "genocide," they are not actually talking about physical harm done to transgendered people. Their claim, actually, is that our desire to keep them from recruiting more people into their cult is a genocidal act, as they otherwise have no means to reproduce.

It's a neat sleight of hand if you think about it. But it also gives the lie to their claim not to be recruiting. They want to expand their ranks because the alternative is not being able to reproduce. The grooming itself is the point.

In Tennessee, a 28-year-old "heavily armed woman" entered a Christian school and began killing people, including children. This woman has been identified as "Audrey Hale" by NBC News.

Although the connection to the shooter is not yet confirmed, an "Audrey Hale" who goes by "he/him" pronouns and who sometimes calls herself by the male name "Aiden" has been found on LinkedIn.


If this is true, prepare for a media blitz of sympathy for the shooter and a condemnation of the victims and all other Christians -- essentially, the media will declare this shooting of Christian children to be kinda justified.

Ron DeSantis will be named as the real criminal here. Although Tennessee governor Bill Lee will share credit for that, having signed legislation that limits transgender "therapy" for children.

The media routinely publishes claims that to limit transgender procedures according to the age of the victim-patient is "literally genocide."

How many times did the media think it could claim that any disagreement with the extremist trans agenda was "literally genocide" before an extremist believed them and took action premised on the idea that she was "fighting genocide"?

Update: They awoke Biden from his daily 21 hour nap to comment. He started off with some ice cream humor before making his thousandth rote call for a ban on non-existent "assault weapons."

Posted by: Ace at 05:17 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 You know who else was a failed art student??

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 27, 2023 05:17 PM (Vwz3I)


The Nashville murderer thought it was code for "bring a gun".

Posted by: Marcus T at March 27, 2023 05:18 PM (IaTa3)

3 >>>That works out, I think, to 3.75 murders per 100,000. That is less than half that of the general population.

The suicide rate, on the other hand....

Posted by: Dr. T at March 27, 2023 05:18 PM (KnacH)

4 Isn’t their day of rage...every day?

Posted by: Duke Lowell at March 27, 2023 05:18 PM (u73oe)

5 There's this report that says he used to be Aiden -- an Irish male name.

Also, Red Idaho is an autistic computer pro who comments at Insty's. He's been getting photos etc. from the "deleted" Instagram page if you want to scroll down with "Newest" comments as the default.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 27, 2023 05:19 PM (Vwz3I)

6 LOL! oh, yes, bring it by all means!

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - we are being gaslighted 24/365 at March 27, 2023 05:19 PM (QNv15)

7 Audrey looks like a happy, well-adjusted person.

Posted by: Jordan61 at March 27, 2023 05:19 PM (DRSnL)

8 Every murder is a tragedy

If you say so.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at March 27, 2023 05:19 PM (ppBhU)

9 Ufffff, now my ads are about nasal polyps and there are pictures.

Posted by: Seems Legit at March 27, 2023 05:21 PM (DcKNO)

10 So...April Fools.

Posted by: Diogenes at March 27, 2023 05:21 PM (anj39)

11 Isn’t their day of rage...every day?
Posted by: Duke Lowe

That's the idea I get from them, too

Posted by: Prime Sister at March 27, 2023 05:21 PM (tQL7r)

April Fools Day

How Fitting

Posted by: Soothsayer, the HQ's Most Respected Commenter at March 27, 2023 05:21 PM (b6U3/)

13 Isn’t their day of rage...every day?

Yeah, but this is a day of vengeance, or applied rage.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at March 27, 2023 05:21 PM (ppBhU)

14 Vengeance sounds violent, is this vengeance going to be mostly peaceful?

Posted by: Thomas Bender at March 27, 2023 05:21 PM (up/3i)

I'm confused. I thought a male tranny did the shooting.

Posted by: Soothsayer, the HQ's Most Respected Commenter at March 27, 2023 05:21 PM (b6U3/)

16 Garland has already OK'd the killing of Christians.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at March 27, 2023 05:21 PM (lTGtQ)

17 Doesn't it seem like almost every "victim" group is unnecessarily angry?

Everyone is angry.

Posted by: Seems Legit at March 27, 2023 05:22 PM (DcKNO)

18 Quickly checks on Tennessee's carry laws since I'm almost certainly moving there in a couple of months...

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM Guy at March 27, 2023 05:22 PM (ZSK0i)

19 One of the reason why the Left hates Andy Ngo is that he documented throughout the riots in Portland in 2020 what an incredibly high percentage of the people arrested were trannies.

Severely mentally ill people are the foot soldiers of the Left - which is why the Left protects them.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at March 27, 2023 05:22 PM (2tUFv)

20 Trans people are routinely targeted for murder.

By themselves.

Because they are mentally ill and feel like freaks in society, they go to a doctor for treatment, the doctor cuts off their sex organs, then they come to the reality that it was the doctor that made them a legitimately permanent freak in society, they will never know marital love, there is no one for them to date, there is no one even for them to hook up with, and then they blow their own heads off or swallow pills or cut themselves.

The doctors use the money to live their best lives, bang hot women, drink good scotch, smoke cigars and play the finest golf courses in the world and laugh at the dead bodies left in their wake.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at March 27, 2023 05:22 PM (A6GXC)

21 I dunno. Liberals are constantly espousing the murder of children. Murder them in the womb. For the ones who live, let them murder themselves through drugs or addiction or by defiling their bodies and stoking their adolescent confusion or mental illness.

Why should they be shocked at this? I suppose they are not. It's just another vehicle to promote their evil agenda.

Posted by: Marcus T at March 27, 2023 05:22 PM (IaTa3)

22 Joey Bidet, "Trans Day of Vengeance is just an idea and that's a fact."

Posted by: Anna Puma at March 27, 2023 05:22 PM (O636P)

They advise wearing a mask to conceal identity, not germs, in case it was unclear.

Posted by: Soothsayer, the HQ's Most Respected Commenter at March 27, 2023 05:22 PM (b6U3/)

24 Why don't they seek out men with a drag habit cruising for sex on the street and who were more than slightly pissed that sexy "lady" was a fake woman with a penis, and take vengeance on them?

And NO, I am endorsing violence AT ALL. I just dont get what the SC has to do with this.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 27, 2023 05:23 PM (FUVRY)

25 1.6 million people in the United States identify as trans. That works out, I think, to 3.75 murders per 100,000. That is less than half that of the general population.

Assuming that there are actually 1.6 million "trans" people in the United States, which I seriously doubt.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at March 27, 2023 05:23 PM (2tUFv)

26 I wonder what would happen if someone printed out fake fliers for a Klan rally at that same time and place and got them distributed in DC's "ethnic" neighborhoods.

Posted by: Dr. T at March 27, 2023 05:23 PM (KnacH)

27 Q: How do trannies get killed?

A: The off themselves.

∴ Failing to re-make the world so they don't want to kill themselves => genocide.

Get yourselves a new language to fuck, libs.

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:23 PM (krQz2)

28 How many times did the media think it could claim that any disagreement with the extremist trans agenda was "literally genocide" before an extremist believed them and took action premised on the idea that she was "fighting genocide"?

Is "all the times" the correct answer?

Posted by: Thomas Paine at March 27, 2023 05:23 PM (lTGtQ)

29 So...April Fools.
Posted by: Diogenes at March 27, 2023 05:21 PM (anj39)

Well, May Day is for international communism, they have to differentiate somehow

Posted by: Kindltot at March 27, 2023 05:23 PM (xhaym)

30 If that is really the shooter, got to watch out for those frustrated artists. Looked what happened to the world due to one failed painter.

Posted by: Anna Puma at March 27, 2023 05:24 PM (O636P)

Even mentioning genocide from a group that will never have children because of lopping off their own genitalia seems a tad absurd.

Like killing your parents and expecting sympathy from the court because you're now orphaned.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at March 27, 2023 05:24 PM (enJYY)

32 It's appropriate that this will happen on April Fool's day since these people are playing a joke by pretending to be women and men which is not the sex of the chromosomes.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 27, 2023 05:24 PM (FUVRY)

33 Testosterone poisoning is a fuck of a thing.

Posted by: trev006 at March 27, 2023 05:24 PM (DTm0P)

34 I didn't realize the there was a final solution to the transvestite question.

Posted by: Archer at March 27, 2023 05:24 PM (gmo/4)

Who killed the tranny? The police?

Posted by: Soothsayer, the HQ's Most Respected Commenter at March 27, 2023 05:24 PM (b6U3/)

36 If that is really the shooter, got to watch out for those frustrated artists. Looked what happened to the world due to one failed painter.

Posted by: Anna Puma at March 27, 2023 05:24 PM (O636P)
Architecture artist.

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:24 PM (krQz2)

37 Then: Sarah Palin using a crosshair in a political ad is violence

Now: Literally calling for violence is peaceful protest.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at March 27, 2023 05:25 PM (up/3i)

38 >>>Are trans people really being murdered?

>>>Um, no. It's, get this, another lie from the trans extremists.

This is fine.

Posted by: Zombie James Hodgkinson at March 27, 2023 05:25 PM (7R+co)

39 I know a LOT of Aidens who are female. it was a common female name (for some reason) as well as a male name for that age group

then again, Audrey can be considered a male name - well maybe more Aubrey?

anyway still not sure if bio male or bio female. from looking could really go either way. A Pat, as it were!

but def involved in Antifa, I think

Posted by: BlackOrchid at March 27, 2023 05:25 PM (w0NJk)

40 TN Just passed SB0003, which makes it an offense for a person who engages in an adult cabaret performance on public property or in a location where that performance could be viewed by a person who is not an adult.

Trans activists are very upset about this.

TN SB0005, the "Youth Health Protection Act" is probably going to pass soon. This bill prohibits surgery that sterilizes a minor, does a mastectomy, removes an otherwise healthy or non-diseased body part or tissue, or giving puberty blocking drugs, testosterone to girls, or estrogen to boys.

Trans activists are very upset about this.

Jane Fonda recently advocated murder as a response to anti-abortion activism.

Posted by: bonhomme at March 27, 2023 05:25 PM (j2Xg6)

41 "Stop Trans Genocide!"

I'm sure this will be as big as Stop Asian Hate -- until its supporters realize that most of the violence is black dudes finding out Yolanda (who they just paid $5 for a "favor") is a dude in a wig. Then it'll just as quickly quiet down inexplicably.

Posted by: red speck at March 27, 2023 05:25 PM (Ny/Va)

42 Who killed the tranny? The police?

Posted by: Soothsayer,


Posted by: Thomas Paine at March 27, 2023 05:25 PM (lTGtQ)

43 Who killed the tranny? The police?

yes the police

Posted by: BlackOrchid at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (w0NJk)

44 They fixate on government because by denying a Higher Power they need a new religion and can't have the High Priests of the Law going rogue.

Posted by: Anna Puma at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (O636P)

45 She/he left a manifesto

Posted by: redridinghood at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (NpAcC)

46 I wonder what would happen if someone printed out fake fliers for a Klan rally at that same time and place and got them distributed in DC's "ethnic" neighborhoods.
Posted by: Dr. T at March 27, 2023 05:23 PM (KnacH)

Do you, perchance, have a newsletter to which I could subscribe?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (tkR6S)

Or was this a murder-spree-suicide?

If that's the case, expect lots more of these "trans-kamikazes" to occur, as they were going to kill themselves, anyway, and just decided to take others with them.

Posted by: Soothsayer, the HQ's Most Respected Commenter at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (b6U3/)

48 The balls on these chicks

Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Innocent Souls, I'm starvin' over here at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (cupoy)

49 45 She/he left a manifesto
Posted by: redridinghood at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (NpAcC)

Not a womanifesto?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (9UlRk)

50 I'm sure this will be as big as Stop Asian Hate -- until its supporters realize that most of the violence is black dudes finding out Yolanda (who they just paid $5 for a "favor") is a dude in a wig. Then it'll just as quickly quiet down inexplicably.
Posted by: red speck at March 27, 2023 05:25 PM (Ny/Va)
The Trans Genocide Squad haz diversity.

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (krQz2)

51 April Fool's Day is kind of an appropriate day for trannies to be obnoxious.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (eYoxG)

52 Well, lots of us has predicted that trannies would start killing people. This may be the start.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (UuD2k)


Trump said "retribution." But of course their violence s speech and ours is . . .

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (x0n13)

54 Joey Bidet has soft serve ice cream for brains.

Posted by: Anna Puma at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (O636P)

55 She/he left a manifesto
Posted by: redridinghood at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (NpAcC)

Don't you mean a trannifesto?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (tkR6S)

56 "essentially, the media will declare this shooting of Christian children to be kinda justified."

Bring it. Deus Vult!

Posted by: Marcus T at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (IaTa3)

57 Most transgenders who are victims of violence comes from domestic violence.

Posted by: polynikes at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (9A3LN)

58 no Sooth it was a mass murder based on political ideology and the cops shot zer as soon as they got there

Posted by: BlackOrchid at March 27, 2023 05:27 PM (w0NJk)

59 Why does that sign make me think of ice cream?

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:27 PM (krQz2)

60 Given that "April 1st" is the day, April Fools Day, I'd say maybe this is a joke, but on the other hand...

Posted by: Thrawn at March 27, 2023 05:27 PM (Rl7KJ)

61 For starters, all trans are mentally ill by definition. Now they are being deliberately radicalized and their targets identified.

Maybe the time will come to give them confirmation of their fears and this incident goes a long way towards that.

Posted by: SamIam at March 27, 2023 05:27 PM (oasF3)

62 12
April Fools Day

How Fitting
Posted by: Soothsayer, the HQ's Most Respected Commenter at March 27, 2023 05:21 PM (b6U3/)

It's their out for saying it was never "a real plan" - it was always a joke...

Posted by: Nova Local at March 27, 2023 05:27 PM (exHjb)

63 >>>That works out, I think, to 3.75 murders per 100,000. That is less than half that of the general population.

>>>Black men die by homicide at a rate of 55 per 100,000. Trans people: 3.75 per 100,000.

They suicide more quickly than they can be homicided. So, really, vengeance starts at home.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Disinformation Demon at March 27, 2023 05:27 PM (7R+co)

64 Who killed the tranny? The police?


Posted by: Andy Summers at March 27, 2023 05:27 PM (h5TKJ)

65 How do trannies get killed?

A cruel, uncaring society still refuses to censor any criticism of trannies, so they have no choice but to kill themselves.

Straight-up murder.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at March 27, 2023 05:27 PM (2tUFv)

66 I encourage DC police to get totally carried away

Free wood shampoos!

Posted by: DB - watching the thing at March 27, 2023 05:27 PM (geLO8)

67 Add in the fact that a very vocal gun control *mom* just happened to be visiting the neighborhood at the same time the shooter went into the school to kill those kids and hijacked a cnn press conference to demand an assault weapons ban before anyone knew anything about what was happening.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at March 27, 2023 05:28 PM (ncXxy)

68 52 Well, lots of us has predicted that trannies would start killing people. This may be the start.

Harris and DePalma tried to warn us

Posted by: BlackOrchid at March 27, 2023 05:28 PM (w0NJk)

69 She killed 6 people. She killed 6 people. There is no way anyone currently at that school could have caused her harm and yet she killed 3 children and 3 adults.
Most of these school shooters are young mentally ill adults. How can anyone think it is guns that are the problem and not that these people are not getting treatment.
Will they ever study what taking cross sex hormones at a young age does to a growing body?

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 05:28 PM (Y+l9t)

70 Are trans people getting murdered? I don't know but, they are certainly shooting up Christian school children in Tenn.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at March 27, 2023 05:28 PM (DMyTF)

71 This is a group with very tenuous mental health to start, what did they think would happen? But hey, chocolate chip ice cream, right?

Posted by: Piper at March 27, 2023 05:28 PM (bTn7Y)

72 Transgender terrorists

Posted by: SMOD at March 27, 2023 05:28 PM (289ZB)

73 Who killed the tranny? The police?

yes the police

don't trans so close to me

Posted by: x at March 27, 2023 05:29 PM (ZBPE2)

74 A very based take from David Strom:

That is Strom? WTH is going on?! How can that be Strom??!!

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:29 PM (krQz2)

75 Will they ever study what taking cross sex hormones at a young age does to a growing body?

they don't have to study that. they know what it does.

they don't care.

these young people are being used, abused, mutilated, and made mad (or madder than they started out).

oh and it's on purpose. they are berserkers for the Progs

Posted by: BlackOrchid at March 27, 2023 05:29 PM (w0NJk)

76 "It’s sick … It’s heartbreaking. A family’s worst nightmare.’ "

Joetato is talking about mutilating a child to try and convince them they can change their gender- right?

Posted by: Marcus T at March 27, 2023 05:29 PM (IaTa3)

77 It seems most serial killers are homosexuals or repressed closeted homosexuals.

Posted by: polynikes at March 27, 2023 05:30 PM (9A3LN)

78 Some of those LGBBQ ladies sport serious biceps.

Posted by: 13times at March 27, 2023 05:30 PM (/rKEy)

79 Jane Fonda recently advocated murder as a response to anti-abortion activism.
Posted by: bonhomme at March 27, 2023 05:25 PM (j2Xg6)

Good news, then, that Tennessee has gone to permitless open/concealed carry for those over age 21 as of July 1, 2021.

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM Guy at March 27, 2023 05:30 PM (ZSK0i)

80 I think you got it backwards. A trans woman is a man who claims to be a woman. Best way to keep it straight is to substitute the word "trans" with the word "fake."

Posted by: Confusing,I know at March 27, 2023 05:30 PM (iG7nr)

I shot the trannie, but I did not shoot the deputy

Posted by: Zombie Bob Marley at March 27, 2023 05:30 PM (enJYY)

82 At least when the illegals had their day of protest they all stayed home. And I identified a number of places I wouldn't go to anymore because they closed because all of their employees didn't show up

Posted by: Kindltot at March 27, 2023 05:30 PM (xhaym)

83 In case you haven't heard about Biden's My Pet Goat moment...

No one told Joking Joe about the change of theme for the presser he was giving at the W.H. so he jokes about ice cream; Dr Joe Biden, confusing himself with Jill, and trying to get into four little girls' pants. [Jill, someplace else, was told BTW and made the usual phoney condolences.]

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 27, 2023 05:30 PM (Vwz3I)

84 The Police?

Every trans you take

Posted by: Anna Puma at March 27, 2023 05:30 PM (O636P)

The victims were "anti-trans" and "had" bullets "hurled at them."

Posted by: Soothsayer, the HQ's Most Respected Commenter at March 27, 2023 05:30 PM (b6U3/)

86 Klown World is like kicking a semi carrying 80Klbs out of gear right at the crest of the Rockies and letten xir roll on.

No jake brake, no air brake. Let's see how clown world it will go.

Posted by: micky at March 27, 2023 05:30 PM (3byMq)

87 Focus on what's important, people! Orangeman Bad!!!

Posted by: NPC_10111100 at March 27, 2023 05:30 PM (a3Q+t)

88 Lord have mercy.

Posted by: It's Not Votes, It's Not Ballots, It's Ballots Counted at March 27, 2023 05:30 PM (jV+aN)

89 67 Add in the fact that a very vocal gun control *mom* just happened to be visiting the neighborhood at the same time the shooter went into the school to kill those kids and hijacked a cnn press conference to demand an assault weapons ban before anyone knew anything about what was happening.
Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at March 27, 2023 05:28 PM (ncXxy)

Yeah, I'd think she had preknowledge about what was gonna happen today...

Posted by: Nova Local at March 27, 2023 05:31 PM (exHjb)

90 oh and it's on purpose. they are berserkers for the Progs
Posted by: BlackOrchid at March 27, 2023 05:29 PM (w0NJk


( okay I just watched a Firefly marathon)

Posted by: polynikes at March 27, 2023 05:31 PM (9A3LN)

91 I think you got it backwards. A trans woman is a man who claims to be a woman. Best way to keep it straight is to substitute the word "trans" with the word "fake."
Posted by: Confusing,I know at March 27, 2023 05:30 PM (iG7nr)
I always mentally use the word "not".

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:31 PM (krQz2)

92 You won't hear calls for red flag laws after this shooting, because to do so would be to acknowledge that trannies have mental health issues.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at March 27, 2023 05:31 PM (TXtUO)

93 Ummm...a "female" tranny is a guy pretending to be a girl, not a girl pretending to be a guy.

So, was it a "female" or a "male" tranny?

Posted by: Angzarr the Cromulent at March 27, 2023 05:31 PM (XMwZJ)

94 ….now to sports….

Posted by: Msnbc at March 27, 2023 05:32 PM (E7vND)

95 Are trans people really being murdered?

Um, no. It's, get this, another lie from the trans extremists.

I've never understood why activists seem to think this information, even if true, means Trans people should be given drugs and had surgery done on them. They never even make that argument. They make the statement and move on, as if the conclusion is logical or understood.

But it doesn't flow logically and I don't understand it.

Surgery and drugs

Is the argument that if you're more difficult to detect, you won't be targeted? But what about the people who engage in sexual relationships with a person who doesn't know you're Trans? Might some of those people react violently once they find out?

Posted by: bonhomme at March 27, 2023 05:32 PM (j2Xg6)

96 "Head of School Dr. Katherine Koonce, who was killed in the shooting, as saying, “At the Covenant School, we are about more than simply educating our students — we are participating in the miracle of their development and seeingtransform into who they will be. Impactful teaching methods and programs, daily all-school chapel, and school-wide service-learning are the backdrop for the real work — helping children become who God intends them to be.” The school’s motto is, “Shepherding Hearts, Empowering Minds, Celebrating Childhood"

Guess Aiden didn't like the part about the children becoming who God intended them to be.

Or will this turn out to be FIB-adjacent/related?

Posted by: Prime Sister at March 27, 2023 05:32 PM (tQL7r)

You realize that this tranny's death will be added to both the "death by gun violence" and "high trans death rate Fake Statistics, yes?

In other words, this is a Win for the Left.

Posted by: Soothsayer, the HQ's Most Respected Commenter at March 27, 2023 05:32 PM (b6U3/)

98 Audrey has weird overplucked eyebrows. I would think testosterone would make your brows fill in?

Posted by: CaliGirl at March 27, 2023 05:33 PM (oeVy+)

99 Mayor blamed guns, not crazy person.

Posted by: Redenzo at March 27, 2023 05:33 PM (E7vND)

100 Lol DeSantis will be named the real criminal here. Maybe but he’s still not the front runner so they’d be punching down, I suspect they’ll lay it on him and the orange man and ultimately on all of us.

Posted by: Goucho at March 27, 2023 05:33 PM (4d7HQ)

101 67 wow- I truly hope this was the oddest of coincidences. I can’t get my head around that much evil to premeditate killing of children for a gun control advertising opportunity.

Posted by: Piper at March 27, 2023 05:33 PM (bTn7Y)

102 I'll give 5 to 1 this cretin's parents (at least one) work in government in some capacity.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at March 27, 2023 05:33 PM (9UlRk)

103 Um, no. It's, get this, another lie from the trans extremists.

Your words are violence. Violence kills.


Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:33 PM (krQz2)

104 Are trans people really being murdered?

They don't mean murder when they say that, its psychological warfare trying to guilt people into agreeing with insanity

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2023 05:34 PM (0hOvj)

105 "Trans" is just a wedge issue.

Posted by: Chuck C at March 27, 2023 05:34 PM (xttsV)

106 Wonder how the ibf will dress agents in preparation to infiltrate trans?
These trans hate societies. Any society. Trans society, hate that too.

Posted by: humphreyrobot at March 27, 2023 05:34 PM (n/VGw)

107 Mayor blamed guns, not crazy person.
Posted by: Redenzo at March 27, 2023 05:33 PM (E7vND)
If you can't handle crazy people, city life is not for you.

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:34 PM (krQz2)

108 We have had for decades the case of Bruce and Brian Reimer. Dr. John Money was ahead of his time in twisting and mutilating children.

But here we are with young people still trying to come to grips with their bodies and place in the world and here comes authority figures going full Dr. Josef Mengle telling them that only through irreversible surgery will they find happiness.

Meanwhile Jazz is still hurting emotionally even after following this advice.

This is evil.

Posted by: Anna Puma at March 27, 2023 05:34 PM (O636P)

109 I always mentally use the word "not".
Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:31 PM (krQz2)

Some on the bird app call them "Impossible Women," the inspiration being the fake meat known as "Impossible Beef."

Posted by: Confusing,I know at March 27, 2023 05:35 PM (iG7nr)

110 Everytime the genital mutilation of a child is discouraged a tranny is murdered

Posted by: That Northern skulker at March 27, 2023 05:35 PM (i5vrt)

111 I sure hope there isn't any parading at this event. I hear you can get in some mighty big trouble if you parade.

Posted by: Stu Podaso at March 27, 2023 05:35 PM (2flSU)

112 The humane way to help post-operative transexuals.....

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at March 27, 2023 05:35 PM (A6GXC)

113 When trans activists talk about a "genocide," they are not actually talking about physical harm done to transgendered people. Their claim, actually, is that our desire to keep them from recruiting more people into their cult is a genocidal act, as they otherwise have no means to reproduce.

That is a powerful paragraph, and gets to the heart of the evil that is stalking us.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at March 27, 2023 05:35 PM (lTGtQ)

114 When they say murder, they mean "they will commit suicide if you don't go along" and "they still will commit suicide if you don't encourage, praise, and affirm their choices". Its psychological blackmail, trying to guilt you into going along with the insanity.

The chance of suicide for one of these people is very high. But it stays high whether they get mangled and pretend they are something they are not, or do not get mangled. The third, most obvious, and most healthy choice they ignore is treatment, counseling, and prayer, to help them get over their discomfort and misery.

That group has a much lower suicide rate.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2023 05:35 PM (0hOvj)

115 Bring a Buddy

...and a 3rd Leg!

Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2023 05:35 PM (9KI8h)

Encouraging a "Day of Vengeance" for the Mentally Ill.

I can see absolutely no way this could go wrong.

None at all.

The accompanying encouragement of Delusional Paranoia among the Crazy is also pretty great.

Welp, carry on. Carry on. This is gonna be great!

Posted by: naturalfake at March 27, 2023 05:36 PM (mm6iK)

117 As I understand it, telling people to quit claiming to be transsexual is "genocide," just like asking ghetto black folk to get jobs and be self-supporting.

"How dare you!!!"

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at March 27, 2023 05:36 PM (okGHj)

118 I think you can start the clock on this story disappearing within the next 48 hours.

Posted by: Citizen Cake at March 27, 2023 05:36 PM (CwhoI)

119 high trans death rate Fake Statistics, yes?

OK, now it's 2 a year.

Posted by: Bosk at March 27, 2023 05:37 PM (ZVuYy)

120 Interesting that there has been no mention of parents.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 05:37 PM (Y+l9t)

121 No one told Joking Joe about the change of theme for the presser he was giving at the W.H. so he jokes about ice cream....

Biden actually got to the shooting right after that. He spoke in very low, sober tones and called for assault weapons ban, of course. Then he went right into the subject at hand in a big, booming voice. It was weird.

Posted by: Prime Sister at March 27, 2023 05:37 PM (tQL7r)

122 118 I think you can start the clock on this story disappearing within the next 48 hours.
Posted by: Citizen Cake at March 27, 2023 05:36 PM (CwhoI)

Now we get to see the reflex actions of all the little individual cells and how they act before they can actually coordinate.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at March 27, 2023 05:37 PM (9UlRk)

...and a 3rd Leg!
Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2023 05:35 PM (9KI8h)I

If God and/or the Marines wanted you to have third leg, He/they would have issued you one.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at March 27, 2023 05:37 PM (okGHj)

124 83 In case you haven't heard about Biden's My Pet Goat moment...

No one told Joking Joe about the change of theme for the presser he was giving at the W.H. so he jokes about ice cream; Dr Joe Biden, confusing himself with Jill, and trying to get into four little girls' pants. [Jill, someplace else, was told BTW and made the usual phoney condolences.]

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 27, 2023 05:30 PM (Vwz3I)

When everything you say is a lie, your thinking process is so corrupted it is easy to quickly switch from yukking it up about chocolate chip ice cream to talking about the murders of children.

Posted by: Granite at March 27, 2023 05:38 PM (AMIL/)

125 Gotta be male to female.

Otherwise, the self delete wouldn't have been with a gun.

Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2023 05:38 PM (9KI8h)

126 They don't mean murder when they say that, its psychological warfare trying to guilt people into agreeing with insanity
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2023 05:34 PM (0hOvj)
The Dems try to twist everything into life and death stakes these days because that "justifies" government action to "preserve life".

Tucker shouldn't show Jan-6 footage on his show because PEOPLE'S LIVES (Officers' lives, in this case).

Wear a mask because YOU'RE KILLING GRANDMA!!

Surrender to the Jab because YOU'RE KILLING GRANDMA!!

Give kids puberty blockers or YOU'RE killing trans kids (who have not transitioned yet).

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:38 PM (krQz2)

127 Give kids puberty blockers or YOU'RE killing trans kids (who have not transitioned yet).
Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:38 PM (krQz2)

You can't have the Moral Equivalent of War without the Moral Equivalent of Casualties.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at March 27, 2023 05:38 PM (9UlRk)

128 Biden thinks he is such an entertaining comedian and just continues to make a fool of himself and the country.

Just recently, Jill Biden presented a transgender woman Alba Rueda with 'Women of Courage' award during the International Women's Day celebrations at the White House. So she gave a dude an award for his courage to wear garish make-up, tuck his junk, and call himself a woman. Great. Something all little boys should aspire to.

Posted by: Cheri at March 27, 2023 05:38 PM (oiNtH)

129 Maybe we should address the mental health of these trannies.
Nah, just kidding. It' the scary black rifles fault. claims the shooter was indeed a tranny

Posted by: Fool Otto at March 27, 2023 05:38 PM (DB16e)

130 I sorta' would like to see what exactly "a day of vengeance" is performed by limp wristed girly boys.

But, Trump said "retribution."

So... yea... fuck them sideways with the flaming trans-pineapple and requisite barbed wire while suspend by their thumbs by fishhooks.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at March 27, 2023 05:39 PM (Q4IgG)

131 Do any trannies ever get that sinking feeling them are nuts?

Posted by: That Northern skulker at March 27, 2023 05:39 PM (i5vrt)

132 >>Interesting that there has been no mention of parents.

Be a shame if someone were to sue them like those parents in Michigan.

Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2023 05:39 PM (9KI8h)

133 Heavy fast facts

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at March 27, 2023 05:39 PM (fUnHJ)

134 I think you can start the clock on this story disappearing within the next 48 hours.
Posted by: Citizen Cake at March 27, 2023 05:36 PM (CwhoI)

This. It'll be a non-event by the weekend.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at March 27, 2023 05:40 PM (BdMk6)

135 131 Do any trannies ever get that sinking feeling them are nuts?
Posted by: That Northern skulker at March 27, 2023 05:39 PM (i5vrt)

The ones who get them cut off probably do.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at March 27, 2023 05:40 PM (9UlRk)

136 "If this is true, prepare for a media blitz of sympathy for the shooter and a condemnation of the victims and all other Christians -- essentially, the media will declare this shooting of Christian children to be kinda justified."

For this same reason, I've never understood why terrorists hit NY and other blue areas. If 9/11 had happened in a red state, the media would have said they had it coming.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at March 27, 2023 05:40 PM (CcoDx)

137 Heard a term today.

Dog King.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at March 27, 2023 05:40 PM (TXtUO)

138 132 >>Interesting that there has been no mention of parents.

Be a shame if someone were to sue them like those parents in Michigan.

Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2023 05:39 PM (9KI8h)

28 year old is 10 years from parental upbringing...that's a LONG time to go nuts...

Posted by: Nova Local at March 27, 2023 05:41 PM (exHjb)

139 And, if it does turn out to be a trans person who shot up the Christian school, the left will have gotten exactly what they've been after: They're playing the long game, figuring if they push mentally ill people to be even more mentally, they get the mass shooter they so greatly desire.

That a bunch of Christians got shot and killed is merely a bonus.

...why yes, I do believe the left is that sick and twisted. Why do you ask? (and, I've been saying this kind of result from trans activism was inevitable. I sincerely doubt I'm the only one who thought this kind of thing was baked into the cake)

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(2YtOq) at March 27, 2023 05:41 PM (2YtOq)

140 "Jokin' Joe" has left and wandered off, hey hey hey

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:41 PM (krQz2)

141 For this same reason, I've never understood why terrorists hit NY and other blue areas. If 9/11 had happened in a red state, the media would have said they had it coming.
Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at March 27, 2023 05:40 PM (CcoDx)

They want the publicity, and the media wouldn't cover it in a red state. And maybe they hate the libs more than the red-staters.

Posted by: Oldcat at March 27, 2023 05:41 PM (eoQWY)

142 I sorta' would like to see what exactly "a day of vengeance" is performed by limp wristed girly boys.

Bombings. Mass casualty shit with cars. Stuff like that.

Posted by: Don't You Believe Them at March 27, 2023 05:41 PM (nacfR)

143 >>28 year old is 10 years from parental upbringing...that's a LONG time to go nuts...

That's only 2 years past childhood according to Obamacare.

Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2023 05:42 PM (9KI8h)

144 >>>It' the scary black rifles fault.

Remember when that SUV ran over all those people at a Christmas parade?

Posted by: Citizen Cake at March 27, 2023 05:42 PM (CwhoI)

145 Don't you mean a trannifesto?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

*golf clap*

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at March 27, 2023 05:42 PM (fUnHJ)

146 It's long past time for sensible mentally-ill tranny control laws.

Posted by: Roy at March 27, 2023 05:42 PM (rqgpJ)

147 >>I sorta' would like to see what exactly "a day of vengeance" is performed by limp wristed girly boys.

It will be fabulous, Bigot!

Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2023 05:42 PM (9KI8h)

148 Go down to SCOTUS on a Saturday!

April Fool.

Posted by: Chatterbox Mouse at March 27, 2023 05:43 PM (5u1+1)

149 Reavers.

( okay I just watched a Firefly marathon)
Posted by: polynikes at March 27, 2023 05:31 PM (9A3LN)

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at March 27, 2023 05:43 PM (2hlEI)

150 Remember when the left claimed that the environment played no significant role in determining an individual's sexuality just over a decade ago?

Of course, no one on the left will care that they've been proven to be so wrong. Their agenda moved forward and that's all that matters with them.

Posted by: Sasquatch, the Original Trans-Wookie at March 27, 2023 05:43 PM (xxG/v)

151 Don't you mean a trannifesto?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

*golf clap*
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at March 27, 2023 05:42 PM (fUnHJ)
*Joins in on golf clap*

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:43 PM (krQz2)

152 I could not, in good conscience, see a gun to a Tranny.

Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2023 05:43 PM (9KI8h)

153 Fitting this foolishness is on April’s Fool Day.

Also, perhaps they would like to take some come uppance for the recent mass shootings that featured trans people as the murderer.

I am sure there are some families who would like some vengeance.

Posted by: Miss Issippi at March 27, 2023 05:43 PM (zjVy3)

154 sell

Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2023 05:43 PM (9KI8h)

155 For this same reason, I've never understood why terrorists hit NY and other blue areas. If 9/11 had happened in a red state, the media would have said they had it coming.

At the time, neither did I. And I do wonder if they set in motion a chain of events they themselves were not prepared for.

They hit the two major media centers. And that got everything rolling from there.

Posted by: Don't You Believe Them at March 27, 2023 05:43 PM (nacfR)

156 Jane Fonda recently advocated murder as a response to anti-abortion activism.
Posted by: bonhomme

If Alex Jones can be sued in connection to Sandy Hook, she needs to be sued in connection with this.

One rule, or none at all.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 27, 2023 05:44 PM (jzzG8)

157 I think this story does have legs. Trannies are a sideshow. The real action is Disarm The Rubes so they can't fight back. They'll go whole-hog on gun grabbing and gloss over everything else with a "poor little thing was driven insane by Ron DeSantis personally" defense.

Guns are Bad. The Only Valid Religion Is the Cult Of Global Warming. Orange Man Bad. Florida Man Worse. Here Endeth The Lesson.

They have all the neural firepower of an isolated muscle fiber in a petri dish of electrolytes. So they're easy to predict.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at March 27, 2023 05:44 PM (9UlRk)

158 This should be continually referred to as the "Jane Fonda We Should Murder Them White Christian Kids Shooting" from now on.

Posted by: Unclefacts at March 27, 2023 05:44 PM (euG9/)

159 It's Women's History Month and one woman in Tennessee just became history.

Posted by: Quarter Twenty at March 27, 2023 05:44 PM (DhOHl)

160 Add in the fact that a very vocal gun control *mom* just happened to be visiting the neighborhood at the same time the shooter went into the school to kill those kids and hijacked a cnn press conference to demand an assault weapons ban before anyone knew anything about what was happening.
Posted by: Mister Scott


Yeah, isn't that a strange coincidence? This woman was being lauded on social media as making a great case for gun control...within 1½-2 hrs of the shooting.

Posted by: Prime Sister at March 27, 2023 05:44 PM (tQL7r)

161 I am fucking sick and tired of all this trans crap, and all the other perverted crap that has infected the body politic.

Sorry. I just needed to vent.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 05:44 PM (gFsc7)

162 I sorta' would like to see what exactly "a day of vengeance" is performed by limp wristed girly boys.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at March 27, 2023 05:39 PM (Q4IgG)

It could look like this, for one. But then, tossing the Robert Levines of the world into prison camps is starting to look like a no-downside deal.

Start things off by going after Audrey Hale and all her friends. Or take the Israeli approach and start charging price tags.

Posted by: trev006 at March 27, 2023 05:45 PM (DTm0P)

163 Real genocide in China. Enslavement of children for sex at the border.

My concern for others is very limited. Please call back later.

Posted by: humphreyrobot at March 27, 2023 05:45 PM (n/VGw)

164 high trans death rate Fake Statistics, yes?

OK, now it's 2 a year.
Posted by: Bosk at March 27, 2023 05:37 PM (ZVuYy)

Death rates from sincere trans- es is high, something like half end up killing themselves. Now the activists with the purple hair and dresses that look like linebackers, they will survive forever, since for them it is a power play to get jobs with influence.

Posted by: Oldcat at March 27, 2023 05:45 PM (eoQWY)

165 Wear a mask and assemble in a violent group? I dub thee "homo sacer", the ancient concept of "outlaw".

Wear mask, get a bullet.

Fuck these child-destroying predatory lunatics.

Posted by: Sharkman at March 27, 2023 05:45 PM (H+3IP)

166 Don't you mean a trannifesto?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

*golf clap*
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at March 27, 2023 05:42 PM (fUnHJ)
*Joins in on golf clap*
Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:43 PM (krQz2)
*stands, joins clapping, waits for bell to ring so clapping can stop*

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at March 27, 2023 05:45 PM (2hlEI)

167 It is female who identifies as male.
She left a manifesto mapping out what she intended to do.
Individuals were specifically targeted.
I do not think she will get the kind of sympathy you are speculating about. I don't care what her beef was with the adults, she killed 3 children. Not that it was right to shoot the adults but the fact that she shot innocents will not make people sympathize.
The LGBT community is already starting to back away from these trans extremists and drag show perverts. It is stuff like this that will make it go quicker.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 05:45 PM (Y+l9t)

168 It's Women's History Month and one woman in Tennessee just became history.
Posted by: Quarter Twenty at March 27, 2023 05:44 PM (DhOHl)

She'll be counted as male. You heard it here first.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 05:45 PM (gFsc7)

169 "Every murder is a tragedy --- If you say so"

the homicide of this 28 year old child murderer was not a murder. But yeah, you have a good point ... not all homicides are murder, and not all murders (poor Ashli, poor Seth) get classified as (DeepState) Murder.

Posted by: illiniwek at March 27, 2023 05:45 PM (Cus5s)

170 125 Gotta be male to female.

Otherwise, the self delete wouldn't have been with a gun.
Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2023 05:38 PM (9KI8h)

I think it's a girl. You think that is a boy?

Posted by: CaliGirl at March 27, 2023 05:45 PM (oeVy+)

171 That a bunch of Christians got shot and killed is merely a bonus.

Joke's on them, they just gave some children of God the express train to paradise.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2023 05:45 PM (0hOvj)

172 It's Women's History Month and one woman in Tennessee just became history.
Posted by: Quarter Twenty at March 27, 2023 05:44 PM (DhOHl)
Soon it will just be Women+'s History Month to only honor the very best in Women+.

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:46 PM (krQz2)

173 160 Add in the fact that a very vocal gun control *mom* just happened to be visiting the neighborhood at the same time the shooter went into the school to kill those kids and hijacked a cnn press conference to demand an assault weapons ban before anyone knew anything about what was happening.
Posted by: Mister Scott


Yeah, isn't that a strange coincidence? This woman was being lauded on social media as making a great case for gun control...within 1½-2 hrs of the shooting.
Posted by: Prime Sister at March 27, 2023 05:44 PM (tQL7r)

And she lives in Illinois...that's a BIG red flag...

Posted by: Nova Local at March 27, 2023 05:46 PM (exHjb)

174 >>Yeah, isn't that a strange coincidence? This woman was being lauded on social media as making a great case for gun control...within 1½-2 hrs of the shooting.

Control your Trannies, first.

Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2023 05:46 PM (9KI8h)

175 I sorta' would like to see what exactly "a day of vengeance" is performed by limp wristed girly boys. Posted by: Martini Farmer

Um, you're looking at. I wouldn't be so cavalier about the ability of hard leftists to hurt people. Mao said fucking "Hi," by the way.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 27, 2023 05:46 PM (jzzG8)

176 Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice)

Is there a link to her manifesto? Or a summary?

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at March 27, 2023 05:46 PM (fUnHJ)

177 Yeah, isn't that a strange coincidence? This woman was being lauded on social media as making a great case for gun control...within 1½-2 hrs of the shooting.
Posted by: Prime Sister at March 27, 2023 05:44 PM (tQL7r)

Brought to you by Bloomberg/ Soros. Make America Weimar Again.

Posted by: trev006 at March 27, 2023 05:47 PM (DTm0P)

178 Don't you mean a trannifesto?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

*golf clap*
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at March 27, 2023 05:42 PM (fUnHJ)
*Joins in on golf clap*
Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:43 PM (krQz2)
*stands, joins clapping, waits for bell to ring so clapping can stop*
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at March 27, 2023 05:45 PM (2hlEI)
*eyes you suspiciously*

Posted by: Joe Stalin at March 27, 2023 05:47 PM (krQz2)

179 >>I think it's a girl. You think that is a boy?

No idea.

All I know is chicks rarely shoot themselves. Numbers wise.
They take pills and cut their wrists, improperly.

Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2023 05:47 PM (9KI8h)

180 When will all the vengeful tranny shit go Broadway?

It's just begging for it. The costumes will be fabulous. The music... the lighting...


Posted by: Martini Farmer at March 27, 2023 05:47 PM (Q4IgG)

For this same reason, I've never understood why terrorists hit NY and other blue areas. If 9/11 had happened in a red state, the media would have said they had it coming.

'International city' gets international headlines. Part of the reason I knew the OKC bombing was home grown. While the leftists were screaming 'middle east terrorism' I had a pretty fair idea an event happening on the _nd anniversary of burning people alive was hardly a coincidence.

Posted by: Zombie Bob Marley at March 27, 2023 05:48 PM (enJYY)

182 The LGBT community is already starting to back away from these trans extremists and drag show perverts. It is stuff like this that will make it go quicker.
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 05:45 PM (Y+l9t)

Like TERFs in England, they will find that as soon as they do, they become traitors and will be punished worse than normies. See, Trans are already higher on the preference scale than blacks, latina, gays and so on.

Posted by: Oldcat at March 27, 2023 05:48 PM (eoQWY)

183 Wow! That's crazy! Wanting to cut off your own genitalia! Crazy!

I mean, the shooting thing is crazy, too, but let's not act like there were no warning signs.

Posted by: Wally at March 27, 2023 05:48 PM (BT6Fo)

184 The Dems try to twist everything into life and death stakes these days because that "justifies" government action to "preserve life".

Tell them to join Pro-lifers and end abortion.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at March 27, 2023 05:48 PM (YXHzG)

185 Jane Fonda recently advocated murder as a response to anti-abortion activism.
Posted by: bonhomme

If we're going to off people, let's start with traitors.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 05:49 PM (gFsc7)

186 Who killed the tranny?

Could have been my sister. She could never learn to drive manual.

Posted by: Archer at March 27, 2023 05:49 PM (gmo/4)

187 I heard the news of the shooting as I got in my car to drive to Washington. As soon as I heard it was a female who attended the school I guessed it was a transexual getting back at christian conservatives.

But hey I got a great idea lets recruit transexuals for the military give them security clearances. What could possibly go wrong?

Normal My lillly white Jewish ass

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2023 05:49 PM (EVR4i)

188 Yeah, isn't that a strange coincidence? This woman was being lauded on social media as making a great case for gun control...within 1½-2 hrs of the shooting.


Nobody that wants to keep their guns are giving them up just because of this mouthy bitch this time - no different than the umpteenth last times. Anybody that gives them up simply because a politician or judge says so ? Well, they didn't really want them all that badly anyway.

Posted by: Don't You Believe Them at March 27, 2023 05:49 PM (nacfR)

189 No link to the manifesto yet but cops have it. Made it sound like it was pretty clear why and how it was going to be done.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 05:50 PM (Y+l9t)

190 And that scrunt press secretary did not even wait for the bodies to cool off till she made it political

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2023 05:50 PM (EVR4i)

191 Tell them to join Pro-lifers and end abortion.
Posted by: Reuben Hick at March 27, 2023 05:48 PM (YXHzG)

Life doesn't begin until I say it begins! This is why abortion needs to be legal right up until age 5!

Posted by: karen McBoxwine - AWFL at March 27, 2023 05:50 PM (2YtOq)

192 Like killing your parents and expecting sympathy from the court because you're now orphaned.

Posted by: Divide by Zero

[The Menendez Brothers have entered the chat]

Posted by: Sharkman at March 27, 2023 05:50 PM (H+3IP)

193 The Dems try to twist everything into life and death stakes these days because that "justifies" government action to "preserve life".

Tell them to join Pro-lifers and end abortion.
Posted by: Reuben Hick at March 27, 2023 05:48 PM (YXHzG)
No. Pro-lifers only get women killed in back-alley abortions.

Abortions are like water cascading down a rock ridge. The inevitable, natural outcome.

Posted by: Your Propaganda Corps at March 27, 2023 05:50 PM (krQz2)

194 Jane Fonda recently advocated murder as a response to anti-abortion activism.
Posted by: bonhomme

If we're going to off people, let's start with traitors.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 05:49 PM (gFsc7)

you can't discuss any policy with liberals for 10 minutes positing reluctance to submit without death camps coming up. I used to do it for sport in the 1980s.

Posted by: Oldcat at March 27, 2023 05:50 PM (eoQWY)

How about a Day Of Normality?

or a Day Of Sanity?

Posted by: Soothsayer, the HQ's Most Respected Commenter at March 27, 2023 05:50 PM (b6U3/)

196 And she lives in Illinois...that's a BIG red flag...
Posted by: Nova Local at March 27, 2023 05:46 PM (exHjb)

With a hammer and sickle?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 05:50 PM (gFsc7)

197 So new Gun Control law:

NO guns for trannies?

I might support that

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2023 05:50 PM (EVR4i)

198 From Heavy:
"Hale’s Mother Posted About Gun Control & School Shootings on Her Now-Deleted Facebook Page"

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at March 27, 2023 05:50 PM (fUnHJ)

199 Dumb thought of the hour: I wonder if SSRIs were involved as a part of 'therapy.'

Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 27, 2023 05:51 PM (jzzG8)

200 April Fool's Day joke?

Nah just another day in clown world.

Posted by: Adam Kinzinger at March 27, 2023 05:51 PM (17s+e)

201 >>NO guns for trannies?

They are a Red Flag.

Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2023 05:52 PM (9KI8h)

202 Was "The Pied Piper" a trannie? leading the children out ... I forget the whole story, but basically he enticed them away with music (and his rainbow colors) ... today it is the groomer music in schools?

Posted by: illiniwek at March 27, 2023 05:52 PM (Cus5s)

203 Let's see..

Prince of darkness
immortal without reproduction
infects others to propagate
rages against Christianity, the only force strong enough to resist.

Did I call it, or what?

Posted by: Bram Stoker at March 27, 2023 05:52 PM (abaRd)

204 How can they spin the cray cray away?

Posted by: torabora at March 27, 2023 05:52 PM (OUiUM)

205 Biden opened his presser talking about ice cream. How he had a whole refrigerator full.
This is the President.
How the hell did we get here?

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 05:52 PM (Y+l9t)

206 Normal My lillly white Jewish ass
Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2023 05:49 PM (EVR4i)

There ought be some kind of civilian national militia organized in secret for no other reason than that if the nation ever does get attacked, we'd be completely boned relying on a bunch of jaded fresh-meat chip-shouldered nutcases led by a handful of corrupt perverts with a couple three trillion dollars worth of equipment no one has any flipping clue how to use anymore.

No offense.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at March 27, 2023 05:52 PM (9UlRk)

207 So new Gun Control law:

NO guns for trannies?

I might support that
Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2023 05:50 PM (EVR4i)
The mentally unstable shouldn't have guns--but then you get a country like Stalin where authorities are in a rush to classify their political opposition as "mentally unfit".

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:52 PM (krQz2)

208 As soon as I heard it was a female who attended the school I guessed it was a transexual getting back at christian conservatives.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2023 05:49 PM (EVR4i)

That was my guess, too. Trans-sexual or some kind of fruit.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 05:52 PM (gFsc7)

209 Mentally ill transman? Then this will be out of the news cycle withing.. poof it's gone before the 6:00 oclock news.

Posted by: Adam Kinzinger at March 27, 2023 05:53 PM (17s+e)

210 Biden opened his presser talking about ice cream. How he had a whole refrigerator full.
This is the President.
How the hell did we get here?
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 05:52 PM (Y+l9t)

Interesting. So did Pelosi in that one interview.

Posted by: Oldcat at March 27, 2023 05:53 PM (eoQWY)

211 Hmm, the day of tranny rage is April 1?

We've a church breakfast planned. Hopefully, I won't be the only one armed that morning.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(2YtOq) at March 27, 2023 05:53 PM (2YtOq)

212 >> Was "The Pied Piper" a trannie?

Ever read about The Pied Piper of Tucson?

My friend bought that house and we found out about the story well after the closing.

Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2023 05:53 PM (9KI8h)

213 > Um, you're looking at. I wouldn't be so cavalier about the ability of hard leftists to hurt people. Mao said fucking "Hi," by the way.


In the run up to the US Civil War, there was a huge amount of braggadocio. The South believed one of their men could best ten northerners, and the North believed the southern men were no match for them.

It only takes a couple of weeks of training for any random person to be good enough with a rifle. A rifle is a great equalizer. Those "limp wristed" guys that can't do a pullup don't need to be fit to join a Tiger Team and ride around in the back of a Toyota in groups of 200 or more.

Posted by: bonhomme at March 27, 2023 05:53 PM (j2Xg6)

214 I am ****ing sick and tired of all this trans crap, and all the other perverted crap that has infected the body politic.

Sorry. I just needed to vent.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara


We were all thinking it. Maybe not in those exact terms...

Posted by: Prime Sister at March 27, 2023 05:53 PM (tQL7r)

215 How can they spin the cray cray away?
Posted by: torabora at March 27, 2023 05:52 PM

Heard anything about the Colorado Springs non-binary gay club shooter lately?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at March 27, 2023 05:53 PM (Wnv9h)

216 No offense.
Posted by: Warai-otoko

Tell me more about this 'force'...

Posted by: Totally not the FBI/DOJ at March 27, 2023 05:53 PM (jzzG8)

217 Was "The Pied Piper" a trannie? leading the children out ... I forget the whole story, but basically he enticed them away with music (and his rainbow colors) ... today it is the groomer music in schools?
Posted by: illiniwek at March 27, 2023 05:52 PM (Cus5s)
Only after he got stiffed by the burghers of Hamelin for getting rid of the rates.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at March 27, 2023 05:54 PM (2hlEI)

218 I'm convinced we need a Trans Day of Pee Wee Herman Dancing.


Posted by: Dr. Bone at March 27, 2023 05:54 PM (Jg7EG)

219 Biden opened his presser talking about ice cream. How he had a whole refrigerator full.
This is the President.
How the hell did we get here?
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 05:52 PM (Y+l9t)

And his backup is even worse. Thanks, Democrats!

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 05:54 PM (gFsc7)

220 Were she/his guns legal?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2023 05:54 PM (EVR4i)

221 >>Trans-sexual or some kind of fruit. a Durian?

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at March 27, 2023 05:54 PM (9KI8h)

222 International city' gets international headlines. Part of the reason I knew the OKC bombing was home grown. While the leftists were screaming 'middle east terrorism' I had a pretty fair idea an event happening on the _nd anniversary of burning people alive was hardly a coincidence.
Posted by: Zombie Bob Marley at March 27, 2023 05:48 PM (enJYY)

There's a Mideast element in the OKC bombing also.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at March 27, 2023 05:54 PM (BdMk6)

223 I like to imagine that Biden has an imaginary staffer lurking in the back of the press room telling him, a la Harold Zoid, "would it kill you to throw a pie or something?"

Posted by: Warai-otoko at March 27, 2023 05:54 PM (9UlRk)

224 We were all thinking it. Maybe not in those exact terms...
Posted by: Prime Sister at March 27, 2023 05:53 PM (tQL7r)

Sorry about that. I try not to be crude, but ...

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 05:55 PM (gFsc7)

225 199 Dumb thought of the hour: I wonder if SSRIs were involved as a part of 'therapy.'
Posted by: weft cut-loop

We give kids 27 vaccine injections, yet modern humans are sicker than ever with chronic diseases.

1/3 of population is on meds for mental disorders. Cause or effect?

Posted by: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at March 27, 2023 05:55 PM (abaRd)

226 Good afternoon everyone.

I must admit, I napped through much of the crazy today.

Posted by: Tonypete at March 27, 2023 05:55 PM (qoGsy)

227 The TDOV people claim 60 murders in 2022 for trans people.

60 out of 350 MILLION isn't even a rounding error. It doesn't even qualify for a "blip".

Posted by: rickb223 at March 27, 2023 05:55 PM (esk9b)

228 For this same reason, I've never understood why terrorists hit NY and other blue areas. If 9/11 had happened in a red state, the media would have said they had it coming.

'International city' gets international headlines. Part of the reason I knew the OKC bombing was home grown. While the leftists were screaming 'middle east terrorism' I had a pretty fair idea an event happening on the _nd anniversary of burning people alive was hardly a coincidence.
Posted by: Zombie Bob Marley

I don't know. Seems like collapsing a skyscraper in any red state city would have gotten international headlines. Not an every day occurrence.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at March 27, 2023 05:55 PM (CcoDx)

229 ESPN recognized Lia Thomas in a TV special dedicated to Women’s History Month, sparking outrage from female competitors who swam against the transgender-identifying man from the University of Pennsylvania.

ESPN jumping on the trans train.

Posted by: Cheri at March 27, 2023 05:55 PM (oiNtH)

230 Just like the Pied Piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the symphony of destruction

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:55 PM (krQz2)

231 Biden opened his presser talking about ice cream. How he had a whole refrigerator full.
This is the President.
How the hell did we get here?
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice)

The freezer full of ice cream is the requirement for Speaker.
Creepy Pervy Uncle Joe gets cobfused

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at March 27, 2023 05:56 PM (oL8Gm)

232 Actually I am shocked and impressed by the honesty and promptness of the Nashville PD. And they apparently did a great job eliminating the threat

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2023 05:56 PM (EVR4i)

233 a Durian?
Posted by: Hillary Clinton


Posted by: Singapore Metro at March 27, 2023 05:56 PM (abaRd)

234 It only takes a couple of weeks of training for any random person to be good enough with a rifle. A rifle is a great equalizer.

The hard part isn't shooting. The hard part is living in the field, day after day for weeks on end.

This Balkanized, low boil thing we're heading toward is going to eliminate entirely the notion of living in the field.

Posted by: Don't You Believe Them at March 27, 2023 05:56 PM (nacfR)

235 Christian school mom here. Sigh.... time to double-check Pookette's lockdown training.

Posted by: pookysgirl, training for improvised weaponry at March 27, 2023 05:56 PM (dtlDP)

236 @nevergiveup, when I saw the news, my first thought was tranny committed the murders.

Nice to know I wasn't the only one who thought that almost immediately out of the gate.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(2YtOq) at March 27, 2023 05:56 PM (2YtOq)

237 ESPN jumping on the trans train.
Posted by: Cheri at March 27, 2023 05:55 PM (oiNtH)

They all are

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2023 05:56 PM (EVR4i)

238 Tell me more about this 'force'...
Posted by: Totally not the FBI/DOJ at March 27, 2023 05:53 PM (jzzG

Why not come to our first meeting! It's on this Saturday!

Pants optional... but strongly discouraged. Just letting you know so you're not embarrassed.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at March 27, 2023 05:56 PM (9UlRk)

239 Normie seeking mental health care: RED FLAG LAWS
Man seeking sex change: no problem
Hunter seeking gun: here ya go pal!

Posted by: torabora at March 27, 2023 05:56 PM (OUiUM)

240 And it's crazy like a trans.

Posted by: Duran-Duran at March 27, 2023 05:57 PM (17s+e)

241 The TDOV people claim 60 murders in 2022 for trans people.

60 out of 350 MILLION isn't even a rounding error. It doesn't even qualify for a "blip".
Posted by: rickb223 at March 27, 2023 05:55 PM (esk9b)
And probably targetted is way below that.

I bet Christians murdered 2022 is way above that.

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:57 PM (krQz2)

242 Are You Ready for the "Trans Day of Vengeance"?


This will be like a March for Life to avenge the millions of trans babies murdered in the womb, amirite?

Posted by: ShainS -- The Abolition of The West is from Men Without Chests at March 27, 2023 05:57 PM (sAeui)

243 Only after he got stiffed by the burghers of Hamelin for getting rid of the rates.
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at March 27, 2023 05:54 PM (2hlEI)

I was TDY in Hamelin for a month once. Cool town. Had a lot of fun.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at March 27, 2023 05:57 PM (BdMk6)

244 The mentally unstable shouldn't have guns--but then you get a country like Stalin where authorities are in a rush to classify their political opposition as "mentally unfit".

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 05:52 PM (krQz2)

Remember the Soviet "nurse" who injected and tranquilized a mom or wife of a Krusk crew member while she was calling out the Soviet leadership on live TV? Government deemed the mom or wife was "mentally unfit".

Posted by: Archer at March 27, 2023 05:57 PM (gmo/4)

245 All I know is chicks rarely shoot themselves. Numbers wise.
They take pills and cut their wrists, improperly.
Posted by: garrett


Yep. Women don't usually use guns. They don't want to make a mess that someone else has to clean up. Seriously. Not making that up.

Posted by: Prime Sister at March 27, 2023 05:57 PM (tQL7r)

246 >>>Interesting. So did Pelosi in that one interview.

Refrigeration was a cultural turning point for ancient Americans.

Posted by: Citizen Cake at March 27, 2023 05:57 PM (CwhoI)

247 And it's crazy like a trans.
Posted by: Duran-Duran at March 27, 2023 05:57 PM (17s+e)
I'm going off the rails like a crazy trans!

Posted by: Alternate Universe Ozzy at March 27, 2023 05:57 PM (krQz2)

248 Biden Pelosi opened her presser talking about ice cream. How she had a whole refrigerator full.
This was the President Speaker of the House.

I'm beginning to believe that there is a high correlation between psychopath, senile geriatrics and ice cream.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at March 27, 2023 05:57 PM (YXHzG)

249 I like how this David Strom used their numbers against them, but do any sane people really believe there are 1.6 million trannies? Or even.6 million trannies?

Posted by: Wally at March 27, 2023 05:58 PM (BT6Fo)

250 I thought bidens arg barker impression was solid.

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at March 27, 2023 05:58 PM (0Qrr3)

I am ****ing sick and tired of all this trans crap, and all the other perverted crap that has infected the body politic.

You will be made to care. But the trannies and crazy leftists don't realize when people who just want to be left the fvck alone have to care about crazy shit, when they do care it is NOT going to work out well for the trannies and leftists.

History may not repeat exactly but it sure does rhyme.

Somebody, not me.

Posted by: Zombie Bob Marley at March 27, 2023 05:58 PM (enJYY)

252 245 All I know is chicks rarely shoot themselves. Numbers wise.
They take pills and cut their wrists, improperly.
Posted by: garrett


Yep. Women don't usually use guns. They don't want to make a mess that someone else has to clean up. Seriously. Not making that up.
Posted by: Prime Sister at March 27, 2023 05:57 PM (tQL7r)

Thought it had more to do with how they looked in the aftermath.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at March 27, 2023 05:58 PM (eYoxG)

253 Mass murder wasn't even a speed bump for Pedo Joetatoe's ice cream habit.

Posted by: torabora at March 27, 2023 05:58 PM (OUiUM)

254 >> And it's crazy like a trans.

I'm going off the rails
like a Crazy Trans

Posted by: Ozzy at March 27, 2023 05:58 PM (9KI8h)

255 Blake, that was my first thought too but I thought it would be the other way around, male to female. I assumed a female wouldn't know her way around a rifle but then I thought....I certainly know my way around a rifle so that was a pretty sexist thought on my part.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 05:58 PM (Y+l9t)

256 @nevergiveup, when I saw the news, my first thought was tranny committed the murders.

Nice to know I wasn't the only one who thought that almost immediately out of the gate.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(2YtOq) at March 27, 2023 05:56 PM (2YtOq)

Well once they said female and she attended that school, it made sense especially since it was a Christian Day School

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2023 05:59 PM (EVR4i)

257 Klopts man. Klopts.

Posted by: Thesokorus at March 27, 2023 05:59 PM (1ais2)

258 a Durian?
Posted by: Hillary Clinton
My least favorite New Age band: Durian Durian.

Posted by: Alternate Universe Ozzy at March 27, 2023 05:59 PM (krQz2)

259 Biden opened his presser talking about ice cream. How he had a whole refrigerator full.
This is the President.
How the hell did we get here?
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 05:52 PM (Y+l9t)

It was like some kind of Bill Murray comedy bit where he opens with some lame jokes and then launches the next second into some fake sincere attitude and expressions -

to show just how little he cares.

About the violent murders of 3 innocent children.

Your President, ladies and gentlemen.

Posted by: naturalfake at March 27, 2023 05:59 PM (mm6iK)

260 ESPN recognized Lia Thomas in a TV special dedicated to Women’s History Month

I'd watch him swim alone and cheer him on ... if the pool were well-stocked with hungry piranhas.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 05:59 PM (gFsc7)

261 Interesting. So did Pelosi in that one interview.
Posted by: Oldcat at March 27, 2023 05:53 PM (eoQWY)

Well the pizza signal got blown up, so they had to come up with something.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at March 27, 2023 05:59 PM (9UlRk)

262 These tranny monsters are out of hand. They need to sit down and shut up.

Posted by: Miss Issippi at March 27, 2023 05:59 PM (zjVy3)

263 The TDOV people claim 60 murders in 2022 for trans people.

60 out of 350 MILLION isn't even a rounding error. It doesn't even qualify for a "blip".
Posted by: rickb223 at March 27, 2023 05:55 PM

And out of those 60, how many were killed by their LGBTQWERTYWTFBBQ "partner"? I'm guessing most.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at March 27, 2023 06:00 PM (Wnv9h)

264 >>Yep. Women don't usually use guns. They don't want to make a mess that someone else has to clean up. Seriously. Not making that up.

Pretty sure they will send a Complimentary Maid Service for you, up in Canada now.

Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2023 06:00 PM (9KI8h)

265 @136 I've never understood why terrorists hit NY


They didn't target New York. They targeted the World Trade Center. Islamic terrorists had been targeting it for years as a symbol of America, and it had already been unsuccessfully attacked at least twice.

Posted by: junior at March 27, 2023 06:00 PM (U2tKK)

266 This Balkanized, low boil thing we're heading toward is going to eliminate entirely the notion of living in the field.

Since the FUSA insists on building stick homes while the rest of the planet enjoys hardened building materials, those homes aren't going to provide much more than concealment.

Then there is this thing called "fire".

Posted by: Reuben Hick at March 27, 2023 06:00 PM (YXHzG)

267 My least favorite New Age band: Durian Durian.
Posted by: Alternate Universe Ozzy

Once you get past the smell they are OK.
Not great. Not worth the effort in getting past the smell.

Posted by: Singapore Metro at March 27, 2023 06:00 PM (abaRd)

268 Your President, ladies and gentlemen.
Posted by: naturalfake at March 27, 2023 05:59 PM (mm6iK)

The Vegetable-in-Chief. But if someone breaks wind around one of the favored groups, he'd blubbing on camera in a heartbeat.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:00 PM (gFsc7)

269 Should use the red-flag laws on these nutballs.

Posted by: MikeG at March 27, 2023 06:01 PM (VsUo2)

There's a Mideast element in the OKC bombing also.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at March 27, 2023 05:54 PM

Yup, I know. I morphed the image and it came up nearly 100% to the sketch.

Posted by: Zombie Bob Marley at March 27, 2023 06:01 PM (enJYY)

271 Was Aiden pretending to be Audrey or
was Audrey pretending to be Aiden.

If Audrey wanted to be Aiden why was it dressed as a woman during the murder?

Posted by: old chick at March 27, 2023 06:01 PM (sOete)

272 Yep. Women don't usually use guns. They don't want to make a mess that someone else has to clean up. Seriously. Not making that up.

Pretty sure they will send a Complimentary Maid Service for you, up in Canada now.
Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2023 06:00 PM (9KI8h)
Canadian Subsidized House Painting services for those that lack the will to pull the trigger.

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 06:01 PM (krQz2)

273 My least favorite New Age band: Durian Durian.
Posted by: Alternate Universe Ozzy at March 27, 2023 05:59 PM

You didn't like Hangry Like a Wolf?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at March 27, 2023 06:01 PM (Wnv9h)

274 It’s their day of vengeance against reality.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at March 27, 2023 06:01 PM (u73oe)

275 They didn't target New York. They targeted the World Trade Center. Islamic terrorists had been targeting it for years as a symbol of America, and it had already been unsuccessfully attacked at least twice.
Posted by: junior at March 27, 2023 06:00 PM (U2tKK)

WTC: American capitalism
Pentagon: American military power
White House: American politics

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:02 PM (gFsc7)

276 >>>Thought it had more to do with how they looked in the aftermath.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead!

>In fairness, it's tough to pull the trigger when your fingernails won't fit thru the trigger guard.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at March 27, 2023 06:02 PM (Jg7EG)

277 wear a mask - so that it will be much more difficult for you to be apprehended and charged and prosecuted for the laws that you will be breaking while youre at the nations capital

Posted by: sound awake at March 27, 2023 06:02 PM (5pgrw)

278 >>Once you get past the smell

...if I had a nickel for everytime that line has been used on me!

Posted by: Huma Abedin at March 27, 2023 06:02 PM (9KI8h)

279 All I know is chicks rarely shoot themselves. Numbers wise.
They take pills and cut their wrists, improperly.
Posted by: garrett

Yep. Women don't usually use guns. They don't want to make a mess that someone else has to clean up. Seriously. Not making that up.
Posted by: Prime Sister

Ummm. . . . not all of them. Wish I could tell you differently.

Posted by: Tonypete at March 27, 2023 06:02 PM (qoGsy)

280 Bribe'em had a presser?

Posted by: Ben Had at March 27, 2023 06:02 PM (5lYKT)

281 The rats are a later addition to the Pied Piper story.
From wiki
"The earliest written record is from the town chronicles in an entry from 1384 which reportedly states: "It is 100 years since our children left."

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at March 27, 2023 06:03 PM (fUnHJ)

282 Yep. Women don't usually use guns. They don't want to make a mess that someone else has to clean up. Seriously. Not making that up.

I think it's because they don't want to mess up their looks. Also the reason why they're invariably clothed, unlike many male suicides.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:03 PM (gFsc7)

283 Joe Biden is a sick turd

Posted by: Miss Issippi at March 27, 2023 06:03 PM (zjVy3)

284 Joe B eating ice cream every day is literally genocide against frozen novelty treats.

Posted by: MikeG at March 27, 2023 06:03 PM (VsUo2)

285 Once you get past the smell
Not my favorite Pablo Cruise song, either.

Wait, that was Once You Get Past the Taint....

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 06:03 PM (krQz2)

286 to show just how little he cares.

About the violent murders of 3 innocent children.

Your President, ladies and gentlemen.

We will know how much he cares if he orders the FUSA flags to flown at half mast/staff.

Since the flag was lowered for an entertainer who died of a drug overdose, we have our benchmark.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at March 27, 2023 06:03 PM (YXHzG)

287 Who told Joe he has a sense of humor?

Posted by: That Northern skulker at March 27, 2023 06:03 PM (i5vrt)

288 ...senile geriatrics and ice cream.
Posted by: Reuben Hick

Ice cream is a huge deal in our VA nursing home. More than one fight has broken out between resident Vets when one thinks the other one stole his ice cream. When in reality, the Vet already ate his ice cream and then had no memory of it. One of the aides will then quickly get the confused guy another ice cream to quell the outrage.

Posted by: Cheri at March 27, 2023 06:03 PM (oiNtH)

289 Bribe'em had a presser?
Posted by: Ben Had at March 27, 2023 06:02 PM (5lYKT)
We're not going to answer that question here today.

Posted by: Karinge Abdul Pierre at March 27, 2023 06:04 PM (krQz2)

290 Thought it had more to do with how they looked in the aftermath.
Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead!


That's a really good point. Probably has something to do with it

Posted by: Prime Sister at March 27, 2023 06:04 PM (tQL7r)

291 Then there is this thing called "fire".

Not my point. The big "no-go" for the typical modern American - left or right - to get involved in a traditional Civil War would be the need to go live in the field, as part of a standing army.

That's not how this next one is going to go down. It'll be a million little terrorist actions. Each committed by a faceless attacker, showing little skill in what we'd normally call as such in martial pursuits such as tactics, marksmanship, and such.

Looking at the headlines over the last three months, I think it's already started. All these trains are not derailing themselves and all these processing plants did not suddenly spontaneously combust.

Posted by: Don't You Believe Them at March 27, 2023 06:04 PM (nacfR)

292 You have to love the media, they are stating "this is only the fifth female mass shooter in modern times."

1) the shooter is ostensibly not female it identified as "he/him" on its twatter.

2) the tranny militia went full terror using threatened and enacted violence to get their way....

something the J6ers are for the most part not being found guilty of.

Posted by: sven at March 27, 2023 06:05 PM (Lzpvj)

293 If anyone brings it up at work tomorrow I will deadpan, "I heard he, excuse me, she voted for Trump. Twice."

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at March 27, 2023 06:05 PM (oL8Gm)

294 I see NBC saying "The shooter was identified as Audrey Hale, 28, of Nashville, according to the chief, who said she identifies as transgender."

they don't say she was a biological female, from the one report I saw. ... there may (very likely) be others. but that is a big difference. Was she a (biological) male that identified as trans? That better fits the mass shooter profile. ... (just looking for clarification) ... Audrey is a female name ... the cop said "she does identify as transgender" ... so I guess she was biological female, and cop is "politically incorrectly) say "she".

Her profile said "he/him" pronouns, but she did not bother to change her first name. I'm thinking there is an old country western singer that was something like Audrey, but memory fails me. heh (Gene Autrey, I'm probably thinking)

Posted by: illiniwek at March 27, 2023 06:05 PM (Cus5s)

295 Didn't Obama begin a serious speech with a shout out?

Posted by: That Northern skulker at March 27, 2023 06:05 PM (i5vrt)

296 So maybe the stats to look at are not violence committed ON transgender people, but violence committed BY transgender people?

Posted by: Isophorone at March 27, 2023 06:06 PM (biHDK)

297 >Once you get past the smell

If you get past the smell, you wnet too far.

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at March 27, 2023 06:06 PM (9KI8h)

298 I'm beginning to believe that there is a high correlation between psychopath, senile geriatrics and ice cream.
Posted by: Reuben Hick

One of the signs of dementia is losing one's sense of taste
Sweet is the last to go

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at March 27, 2023 06:06 PM (fUnHJ)

299 Joe B eating ice cream every day is literally genocide against frozen novelty treats.

Posted by: MikeG

His favorite flavor is chocolate with corn and nuts.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at March 27, 2023 06:06 PM (17s+e)

300 291 Posted by: Don't You Believe Them at March 27, 2023 06:04 PM (nacfR)

The democrats are providing legal cover for their deniable assets, look at how hard the civil service goes after non lunatic leftoids and look at how "well" they do against the left.

Posted by: sven at March 27, 2023 06:06 PM (Lzpvj)

301 Didn't Obama begin a serious speech with a shout out?
Posted by: That Northern skulker at March 27, 2023 06:05 PM

Ft. Hood shooting.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at March 27, 2023 06:06 PM (Wnv9h)

302 Do women leap?

Or is that just men?

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 06:06 PM (krQz2)

303 Actually I am shocked and impressed by the honesty and promptness of the Nashville PD. And they apparently did a great job eliminating the threat
I'm holding back on the first part until it's confirmed whether it was male or female. They clearly said female; and if the corpse still had its junk, I'll be pissed they didn't say that clearly.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 27, 2023 06:06 PM (Vwz3I)

304 "The earliest written record is from the town chronicles in an entry from 1384 which reportedly states: "It is 100 years since our children left."

Those are some OLD parents.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at March 27, 2023 06:06 PM (YXHzG)

305 Joe B eating ice cream every day is literally genocide against frozen novelty treats.
Posted by: MikeG

It is comments like this that keep me coming back for more. Lol

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 06:06 PM (Y+l9t)

306 >>>Joe B eating ice cream every day is literally genocide against frozen novelty treats.

Posted by: MikeG

>Brain freeze is the only neurostimulation that registers in that pan of gray mush. See also; Fetterman

Posted by: Dr. Bone at March 27, 2023 06:06 PM (Jg7EG)

307 Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Posted by: LASue at March 27, 2023 06:07 PM (Ed8Zd)

308 Ummm. . . . not all of them. Wish I could tell you differently.


Posted by: jewells45 fuck cancer at March 27, 2023 06:07 PM (wagHN)

309 295 Posted by: That Northern skulker at March 27, 2023 06:05 PM (i5vrt)

The Fort Hood Major Hasan massacre....urkle sent a shout out to Chief Medicine Hat or something.

Posted by: sven at March 27, 2023 06:07 PM (Lzpvj)

310 ESPN recognized Lia Thomas in a TV special dedicated to Women’s History Month, sparking outrage from female competitors who swam against the transgender-identifying man from the University of Pennsylvania.

ESPN jumping on the trans train.
Posted by: Cheri at March 27, 2023 05:55 PM (oiNtH)
Normalizing mental illness.

Posted by: redridinghood at March 27, 2023 06:07 PM (NpAcC)

311 Who would have guessed a mentally ill gender dysphoric would be involved?


Posted by: Sue Baru at March 27, 2023 06:07 PM (WmGrA)

312 Since the flag was lowered for an entertainer who died of a drug overdose, we have our benchmark.
Posted by: Reuben Hick at March 27, 2023 06:03 PM (YXHzG)

This worship of entertainers is repulsive. But it's not just us: the Brits routinely provide honors to actors, actresses, and musicians. Occasionally, by oversight, to someone who did something worth a damn.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:08 PM (gFsc7)

313 They didn't target New York. They targeted the World Trade Center. Islamic terrorists had been targeting it for years as a symbol of America, and it had already been unsuccessfully attacked at least twice.
Posted by: junior at March 27, 2023 06:00 PM (U2tKK)

WTC: American capitalism
Pentagon: American military power
White House: American politics
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

Well they didn't think it through. Hitting a red state would have torn the country apart arguing about the response. Again, the blue staters (in general) and media (nearly universal) would have been saying the red staters had it coming.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at March 27, 2023 06:08 PM (CcoDx)

314 Again, it is a female who identified as male and used the pronouns he/him. There was no doubt in the news.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 06:08 PM (Y+l9t)

315 Then there is this thing called "fire".

Posted by: Frankenstein at March 27, 2023 06:08 PM (krQz2)

316 nevergiveup-
The Chief of Police said about 45 minutes ago that it appears two of the three weapons were legally purchased, and locally. So stand by for further reports.

Posted by: Granite at March 27, 2023 06:08 PM (AMIL/)

317 It was born a female and it thought it was a male.

Do I have it right?

Posted by: Archer at March 27, 2023 06:08 PM (gmo/4)

318 She/he left a manifesto
Posted by: redridinghood at March 27, 2023 05:26 PM (NpAcC)

A Manifestx.

Posted by: LASue at March 27, 2023 06:08 PM (Ed8Zd)

319 The TDOV people claim 60 murders in 2022 for trans people.

60 out of 350 MILLION isn't even a rounding error. It doesn't even qualify for a "blip".
Posted by: rickb223

More Americans were killed by dogs in 2022 (62 deaths). I guess we have to exterminate all the dogs to keep us safe, too. Crazy people gonna crazy.

Posted by: mikeski at March 27, 2023 06:08 PM (DgGvY)

320 Those are some OLD parents.
Posted by: Reuben Hick

Instead of AD, they marked "years since our children left"

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at March 27, 2023 06:09 PM (fUnHJ)

321 Ummm. . . . not all of them. Wish I could tell you differently.
Posted by: Tonypete


Oh, no. So sorry, TonyPete. Speaking in generalities and stereotypes. My bad. Please forgive my thoughtlessness.

Posted by: Prime Sister at March 27, 2023 06:09 PM (tQL7r)

322 There was a good article at Breitbart about Billy Porter, a drag actor who was the fairy godmother in a failed Disney Cinderella remake. He was on the View raging about how a civil war coming on against drag queens and trans people.

If you are stoking violent rhetoric to your good little trans foot soldiers as a "civil war", you are going to get your soldiers shooting people. He has as much blood on his hands, or dress, as anyone else in the media over this Tennessee trans shooting. They need to stop this now.

Posted by: LizLem at March 27, 2023 06:09 PM (axmRM)

323 Yep. Women don't usually use guns. They don't want to make a mess that someone else has to clean up. Seriously. Not making that up.
Posted by: Prime Sister

When I started buying guns, my wife's cousin's husband had just blown his brains out in their bed when she was out making a mess. I promised her I would go out into the woods and not mess up my car or anything. She liked that

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2023 06:09 PM (EVR4i)

324 The Fort Hood Major Hasan massacre....urkle sent a shout out to Chief Medicine Hat or something.
Posted by: sven

I remember that.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at March 27, 2023 06:09 PM (91XZ3)

325 Well they didn't think it through. Hitting a red state would have torn the country apart arguing about the response. Again, the blue staters (in general) and media (nearly universal) would have been saying the red staters had it coming.
Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at March 27, 2023 06:08 PM (CcoDx)

Hell they were still practically saying that about New York. "Chickens coming home to roost".

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at March 27, 2023 06:09 PM (eYoxG)

326 Then there is this thing called "fire".
Posted by: Frankenstein at March 27, 2023 06:08 PM



Posted by: "Sen." Fetterman at March 27, 2023 06:09 PM (Wnv9h)

327 So maybe the stats to look at are not violence committed ON transgender people, but violence committed BY transgender people?
Posted by: Isophorone at March 27, 2023 06:06 PM (biHDK)

Out: what are your pronouns?
In: what are your prepositions?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:09 PM (gFsc7)

328 Again, it is a female who identified as male and used the pronouns he/him. There was no doubt in the news.

Then the media are deadnaming her .... if she identified as a male they should be calling her Aidan.

Posted by: old chick at March 27, 2023 06:10 PM (sOete)

329 Tranny/antifa martyr in the making? Scripture tells me to pray for those who hate and persecute us. Lord, I am really, really, really having a tough time with that one . Lotta stuff going through my head and heart right now and none of it resembles prayer

Posted by: Sock Monkey * Free Jacob Chansley at March 27, 2023 06:10 PM (OWOYG)

330 She also went by Aden.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 06:10 PM (Y+l9t)

331 "Crazy trans" is redundant.

Posted by: Just sayin' at March 27, 2023 06:10 PM (DhOHl)

332 I promised her I would go out into the woods and not mess up my car or anything. She liked that

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2023 06:09 PM (EVR4i)
Chicks dig consideration.

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 06:10 PM (krQz2)

333 Then the media are deadnaming her .... if she identified as a male they should be calling her Aidan.

But that is OK now because the perp is dead.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at March 27, 2023 06:10 PM (YXHzG)

334 Well they didn't think it through. Hitting a red state would have torn the country apart arguing about the response. Again, the blue staters (in general) and media (nearly universal) would have been saying the red staters had it coming.

I'm not sure they thought it through at all, either. But I'll argue against your notion.

Do that to a red city and state, especially back then, and there is either a global response - as well as a local one that would look like a pogrom - or, yes, the nation falls apart.

What we got was much worse. Red America caught flat footed because Blue America felt guilty about getting attacked. What do you do in that case ? We did the absolute worst option - we chose to punish ourselves.

I don't think Bin Laden saw that coming. I don't think anyone did.

Posted by: Don't You Believe Them at March 27, 2023 06:11 PM (nacfR)

335 If you look at her pic in the heavy article, there is no doubt
She looked like a butch lez

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at March 27, 2023 06:11 PM (fUnHJ)

336 Out: what are your pronouns?
In: what are your prepositions?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:09 PM (gFsc7)

Posted by: Former President William Jefferson Clinton at March 27, 2023 06:11 PM (krQz2)

337 More Americans were killed by dogs in 2022 (62 deaths). I guess we have to exterminate all the dogs to keep us safe, too. Crazy people gonna crazy.
Posted by: mikeski at March 27, 2023 06:08 PM (DgGvY)

Big dog lover here. I say execute all murderers first, then we'll talk about dogs.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:11 PM (gFsc7)

338 Oh, no. So sorry, TonyPete. Speaking in generalities and stereotypes. My bad. Please forgive my thoughtlessness.
Posted by: Prime Sister

Don't think a thing about it - seriously. I was simply pointing out there are always exceptions. We're all good.

Posted by: Tonypete at March 27, 2023 06:11 PM (qoGsy)

339 Well they didn't think it through. Hitting a red state would have torn the country apart arguing about the response. Again, the blue staters (in general) and media (nearly universal) would have been saying the red staters had it coming.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at March 27, 2023 06:08 PM (CcoDx)

The targets weren't chosen to hurt us. The targets were chosen to impress their audience - the rest of the muzzie world.

Posted by: Archer at March 27, 2023 06:11 PM (gmo/4)

340 Tranny/antifa martyr in the making? Scripture tells me to pray for those who hate and persecute us. Lord, I am really, really, really having a tough time with that one . Lotta stuff going through my head and heart right now and none of it resembles prayer
Posted by: Sock Monkey * Free Jacob Chansley at March 27, 2023 06:10 PM (OWOYG)
Praying for them is fine and called for.

Shooting them dead is also fine and called for if they show up at your door threatening you and your loved ones.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(2YtOq) at March 27, 2023 06:11 PM (2YtOq)

341 Again, it is a female who identified as male and used the pronouns he/him. There was no doubt in the news.

Then the media are deadnaming her .... if she identified as a male they should be calling her Aidan.
Posted by: old chick

Did IT have or ever have a prostate? There's your answer.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 27, 2023 06:12 PM (esk9b)

342 Ummm. . . . not all of them. Wish I could tell you differently.
Posted by: Tonypete at March 27, 2023 06:02 PM

{{Bro hug, man}}

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at March 27, 2023 06:12 PM (Wnv9h)

343 Tranny/antifa martyr in the making? Scripture tells me to pray for those who hate and persecute us. Lord, I am really, really, really having a tough time with that one . Lotta stuff going through my head and heart right now and none of it resembles prayer

Pro Tip: Be like King David and write your own imprecatory prayers.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at March 27, 2023 06:12 PM (YXHzG)

344 She also went by Aden.
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 06:10 PM (Y+l9t)
Can Yemen be far off?

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at March 27, 2023 06:12 PM (2hlEI)

345 Didn't I hear about how we decent and civilized people are supposed to be worried about fags and trannys arming up? Guess this is the 2nd part of that psy-op.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at March 27, 2023 06:12 PM (17s+e)

346 Word on the street is Ray Epps is going around DC telling the TDOV people that they need to storm the Capitol.

Posted by: Crazy to be sane at March 27, 2023 06:13 PM (qnyv5)

347 1. It was people like us who drove s/he/it to do it. I denounce myself.

2. Maybe the "Trans Day of Vengeance" really means the kids victimized by teachers, "influencers", and even their Chablis sodden mothers, will finally get even.

Posted by: Eeyore at March 27, 2023 06:13 PM (TgBWG)

348 Pro Tip: Be like King David and write your own imprecatory prayers.
Posted by: Reuben Hick at March 27, 2023 06:12 PM (YXHzG)
Lord, help them with their dental bills...

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 06:13 PM (krQz2)

349 Hell they were still practically saying that about New York. "Chickens coming home to roost".
Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at March 27, 2023 06:09 PM (eYoxG)

That was Jeremiah Wright. Did he say that also about the whopping great number of black males who get murdered? I didn't think so.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:13 PM (gFsc7)

350 One of the aides will then quickly get the confused guy another ice cream to quell the outrage.
Posted by: Cheri at March 27, 2023 06:03 PM

Links to a certain type of picture can and often do serve the same purpose of quelling outrage here.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at March 27, 2023 06:13 PM (a3Q+t)

351 Well...I guess that's more chocolate chip ice cream for me! Oh...uh...killing kids is awful unless it's done safely and legally by mothers exercising their reproductive rights. I'll have some fetus ripple....

Posted by: Joe Biden at March 27, 2023 06:14 PM (0avLl)

352 Then the media are deadnaming her .... if she identified as a male they should be calling her Aidan.

But that is OK now because the perp is dead.
Posted by: Reuben Hick

Exactly. More convenient for it to be a woman now, isn't it.
Even though we are suppose to recognize what the trans wants.

Posted by: old chick at March 27, 2023 06:14 PM (sOete)

353 She also went by Aden.
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 06:10 PM (Y+l9t)
Yeah, I didn't see how you would be F2M and call yourself "Audrey".

But, that's probably how much of a bigot I am.

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 06:14 PM (krQz2)

354 Big dog lover here.

Dittos, though I'm totally OK killing off the little dogs. They just bark too damned much.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at March 27, 2023 06:14 PM (YXHzG)

355 Then the media are deadnaming her .... if she identified as a male they should be calling her Aidan.
Posted by: old chick at March 27, 2023 06:10 PM

This is not a concept I'll acknowledge. Because fuck those people.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at March 27, 2023 06:14 PM (Wnv9h)

356 Scripture tells me to pray for those who hate and persecute us. Lord, I am really, really, really having a tough time with that one . Lotta stuff going through my head and heart right now and none of it resembles prayer

No kidding. I will definitely have to visit the Confessional tomorrow before Mass.

Posted by: Tonypete at March 27, 2023 06:14 PM (qoGsy)

357 Not sure if it was mentioned up thread, but, didn't a tranny shoot up a parade last year?

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(2YtOq) at March 27, 2023 06:14 PM (2YtOq)

358 Don't think a thing about it - seriously. I was simply pointing out there are always exceptions. We're all good.
Posted by: Tonypete at March 27, 2023 06:11 PM (qoGsy)

I'm sorry, too. I forgot the First (and Only) Law of Sociology: some do, some don't.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:15 PM (gFsc7)

359 Living up to his name:

@CurtisHouck 14m
With a rhetorical wink and nudge, ABC senior national correspondent Terry Moran blames Tennessee Republicans and Christians for six of their own being murdered today by a transgender former student

Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 27, 2023 06:15 PM (jzzG8)

360 Then the media are deadnaming her .... if she identified as a male they should be calling her Aidan.
Apparently, it used the 'e' spelling as Aiden.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 27, 2023 06:15 PM (Vwz3I)

361 Pretty clearly, responsibility for this falls on the Staal Brothers for not wearing those Pride jerseys before a Florida Panthers game.

Posted by: Wally at March 27, 2023 06:15 PM (BT6Fo)

362 Did IT have or ever have a prostate?
Posted by: rickb223 at March 27, 2023 06:12 PM

There are ads on this very site for those who may have issues in that regard.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at March 27, 2023 06:16 PM (a3Q+t)

363 If it were possible to resurrect the insane asylums one might be able to make... how they say... bank?

One of the, if not "the" biggest failure was shuttering them.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at March 27, 2023 06:16 PM (Q4IgG)

364 Trying to catch up, and by time I do it will be new thread time

Posted by: Skip at March 27, 2023 06:16 PM (xhxe8)

365 Then the media are deadnaming her .... if she identified as a male they should be calling her Aidan.

Posted by: old chick at March 27, 2023 06:10 PM

In case it needs saying, names are not a thing that dies.

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 06:16 PM (krQz2)

366 357 Not sure if it was mentioned up thread, but, didn't a tranny shoot up a parade last year?
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(2YtOq) at March 27, 2023 06:14 PM (2YtOq)

Parading is a violent felony. Good shoot.

Posted by: US Attorney General America at March 27, 2023 06:16 PM (0avLl)

367 Well they didn't think it through. Hitting a red state would have torn the country apart arguing about the response. Again, the blue staters (in general) and media (nearly universal) would have been saying the red staters had it coming.

I'm not sure they thought it through at all, either. But I'll argue against your notion.

Do that to a red city and state, especially back then, and there is either a global response - as well as a local one that would look like a pogrom - or, yes, the nation falls apart.

What we got was much worse. Red America caught flat footed because Blue America felt guilty about getting attacked. What do you do in that case ? We did the absolute worst option - we chose to punish ourselves.

I don't think Bin Laden saw that coming. I don't think anyone did.
Posted by: Don't You Believe Them

I think "falls apart" would have been a real possibility. People in red states were wearing "FDNY" apparel. No way New Yorkers would have been wearing Houston Fire Department hats if it had been Houston.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at March 27, 2023 06:16 PM (CcoDx)

368 The TDOV people claim 60 murders in 2022 for trans people.

60 out of 350 MILLION isn't even a rounding error. It doesn't even qualify for a "blip".
Posted by: rickb223 at March 27, 2023 05:55 PM (esk9b)

Probably more people named RickB are murdered every year than trannies.

Posted by: LASue at March 27, 2023 06:16 PM (Ed8Zd)

369 Dittos, though I'm totally OK killing off the little dogs. They just bark too damned much.
Posted by: Reuben Hick at March 27, 2023 06:14 PM (YXHzG)

Yeah, that can be annoying, but for choice I'd off pit bulls. There's no reason to have a dog that was bred for viciousness. At a minimum, there should be background checks (like those for guns), and a whopping great liability insurance required.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:16 PM (gFsc7)

370 Merrick Garland. Fuck.

Posted by: US Attorney General at March 27, 2023 06:16 PM (0avLl)

371 @313 Well they didn't think it through.


They're not Americans. They don't understand the US anymore than the North Vietnamese leadership that believed Nixon would start bombing Hanoi again if the North violated the Paris Peace Accords.

Posted by: junior at March 27, 2023 06:17 PM (U2tKK)

372 Was on the phone with my family in Israel talking about their political situation and they asked me if biden is senile LOL.

I said " Obviously"

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2023 06:17 PM (EVR4i)

373 Did IT have or ever have a prostate?
Posted by: rickb223 at March 27, 2023 06:12 PM

There are ads on this very site for those who may have issues in that regard.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at March 27, 2023 06:16 PM (a3Q+t)
Probably had toe fungus, tho'.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at March 27, 2023 06:17 PM (2hlEI)

374 Pro Tip: Be like King David and write your own imprecatory prayers.
Posted by: Reuben Hick

Going to pass on that one . Won't alleviate the struggle
Ground is thawed and I have about 50 T-posts to drive in
Better use of my anger

Posted by: Sock Monkey * Free Jacob Chansley at March 27, 2023 06:17 PM (OWOYG)

375 ...senile geriatrics and ice cream.
Posted by: Reuben Hick

Ice cream is a huge deal in our VA nursing home. More than one fight has broken out between resident Vets when one thinks the other one stole his ice cream. When in reality, the Vet already ate his ice cream and then had no memory of it. One of the aides will then quickly get the confused guy another ice cream to quell the outrage.
Posted by: Cheri at March 27, 2023 06:03 PM (oiNtH)

This is a well-known thing esp for people living with/caring for a senile parent.

If they start getting angry or confused or upset or having a senile tantrum, most of the time they can be eased out of it by simply giving them ice cream.

Everybody (who's senile) apparently loves ice cream.

Posted by: naturalfake at March 27, 2023 06:17 PM (mm6iK)

376 From Wiki:

A 2018 literature review with meta-analysis by breed, focusing on dog bite injuries to the face, head and neck, concluded that "of the cases in which the breed was known, the Pit bull was responsible for the highest percentage of reported bites across all the studies followed by mixed breed and then German Shepherds," and that "injuries from Pit bulls and mixed breed dogs were both more frequent and more severe."[3][4]

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:17 PM (gFsc7)

377 Photo of shooter (Audrey H) looks kind of like Amanda Bynes.

Posted by: Glenn John at March 27, 2023 06:17 PM (M3hSG)

378 Did IT have or ever have a prostate?
Posted by: rickb223 at March 27, 2023 06:12 PM

There are ads on this very site for those who may have issues in that regard.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at March 27, 2023 06:16 PM (a3Q+t)
Probably had toe fungus, tho'.
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at March 27, 2023 06:17 PM (2hlEI)

Don't forget the tooth fungus. Or is that dental implants?

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(2YtOq) at March 27, 2023 06:17 PM (2YtOq)

379 No matter what name you refer to the perp with now, are you not deadnaming?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at March 27, 2023 06:18 PM (a3Q+t)

380 I think "falls apart" would have been a real possibility. People in red states were wearing "FDNY" apparel. No way New Yorkers would have been wearing Houston Fire Department hats if it had been Houston.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at March 27, 2023 06:16 PM (CcoDx)

Exactly. Folks, they stopped the NASCAR race in Charlotte to show the first bombs in Iraq on CNN ... to huge cheers.

Red America was ready for war. Bush pissed it all away.

Posted by: Don't You Believe Them at March 27, 2023 06:18 PM (nacfR)

381 This is not a concept I'll acknowledge. Because fuck those people.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState

It's their concept and they should live up to it.
The difference here is a woman identified as a man but everyone is ignoring that.
Rare! Woman shooter!
but, but, I thought she identified as a man?

Posted by: old chick at March 27, 2023 06:18 PM (sOete)

382 Parading is a violent felony. Good shoot.

Posted by: US Attorney General America at March 27, 2023 06:16 PM (0avLl)

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 06:18 PM (krQz2)

383 Has the she/he's parents made a statement yet?

They must be prizes

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2023 06:18 PM (EVR4i)

384 Ignored is the demographic (black male) most represented in attacks upon and murders of trans people.

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at March 27, 2023 06:18 PM (iKBwy)

385 Better use of my anger
Posted by: Sock Monkey * Free Jacob Chansley at March 27, 2023 06:17 PM (OWOYG)

At first glance I read that as "auger," which also works.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:18 PM (gFsc7)

386 I'm sure I will be willowed.

I was just talking to one of my brother's, who served in our military. And this is exactly what we were talking about, but Kurt Schlichter has a way with words. Don't miss this piece by him at the Townhall.

Americans Have Stopped Trusting the Pentagon With Their Lives

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 27, 2023 06:18 PM (uQPen)

387 Scripture tells me to pray for those who hate and persecute us.

Dear Lord about our enemies, help us blow those little bastards straight to hell. Amen.

Posted by: Archer at March 27, 2023 06:18 PM (gmo/4)

388 ESPN recognized Lia Thomas in a TV special dedicated to Women’s History Month, sparking outrage from female competitors who swam against the transgender-identifying man from the University of Pennsylvania.

ESPN jumping on the trans train.
Posted by: Cheri at March 27, 2023 05:55 PM (oiNtH)
Normalizing mental illness.
Posted by: redridinghood at March 27, 2023 06:07 PM (NpAcC)
[From The Federalist recently:] "Here are all the men that have been named ‘Woman Of The Year."

Posted by: ShainS -- The Abolition of The West is from Men Without Chests at March 27, 2023 06:19 PM (MGJQu)

389 Ignored is the demographic (black male) most represented in attacks upon and murders of trans people.
Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at March 27, 2023 06:18 PM (iKBwy)

Trans people every demographic.


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:19 PM (gFsc7)

390 Dear Lord about our enemies, help us blow those little bastards straight to hell. Amen.

Posted by: Archer at March 27, 2023 06:18 PM (gmo/4)
"Three shalt thou count, and the number of thy counting shall be three."

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 06:19 PM (krQz2)

391 So, not supporting someone's insanity, is now murdering them and thus genocide.

Good to know.

Posted by: Romeo13 at March 27, 2023 06:19 PM (oHd/0)

392 Photo of shooter (Audrey H) looks kind of like Amanda Bynes.
Posted by: Glenn John at March 27, 2023 06:17 PM (M3hSG)

Whoa now! I'm not THAT crazy!

Posted by: Amanda Bynes at March 27, 2023 06:20 PM (BT6Fo)

393 This is not a concept I'll acknowledge. Because fuck those people.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState

It's their concept and they should live up to it.
The difference here is a woman identified as a man but everyone is ignoring that.
Rare! Woman shooter!
but, but, I thought she identified as a man?
Posted by: old chick at March 27, 2023 06:18 PM

I'll allow it for the purposes of skull fucking the left with it.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at March 27, 2023 06:20 PM (Wnv9h)

394 On the Tranny Day of Vengeance will my car not go into reverse because the tranny reaents the burnouts?

Posted by: azjaeger at March 27, 2023 06:20 PM (unMOy)

395 390 Dear Lord about our enemies, help us blow those little bastards straight to hell. Amen.

Posted by: Archer at March 27, 2023 06:18 PM (gmo/4)
"Three shalt thou count, and the number of thy counting shall be three."
Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 06:19 PM (krQz2)

Left out... 'Dear Lord, feel free to ignore their heathen prayers...'

Posted by: Romeo13 at March 27, 2023 06:20 PM (oHd/0)

396 I wondered that today--how many trans people have been killed in this "genocide"? People like LaVern Cox keep saying they're being killed, killed, killed! But how many, and were they killed for being trans or they got robbed or what?

And I'm sure we will find out that this murderer was mentally unfit and was banned from owning a gun. Of course that never works.

Posted by: PJ at March 27, 2023 06:20 PM (G1dq6)

397 everyone in the audience, who was laughing at Joe's jokes, should be identified and ostracized

Posted by: REDACTED at March 27, 2023 06:21 PM (us2H3)

398 This is gonna be a tough one for the media... So, they got the "white" part but weren't expecting a "woman" especially one who sometimes refers to herself as a he.. What to do, what to do ?

Posted by: It's me donna at March 27, 2023 06:21 PM (bs+z0)

399 Don't think a thing about it - seriously. I was simply pointing out there are always exceptions. We're all good.
Posted by: Tonypete


Thank you for extending this grace. ❤️

Posted by: Prime Sister at March 27, 2023 06:21 PM (tQL7r)

400 It's their concept and they should live up to it.
The difference here is a woman identified as a man but everyone is ignoring that.
Rare! Woman shooter!

Equality now!

I'm amused/ annoyed by liberals bleating about the number of black men who are incarcerated, but about the number of men generally, as opposed to women, crickets.

"But men commit more crimes!"

True, but now extend the reasoning a bit.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:21 PM (gFsc7)

401 Photo of shooter (Audrey H) looks kind of like Amanda Bynes.
Posted by: Glenn John at March 27, 2023 06:17 PM (M3hSG)
Bynes was cute. I haven't seen this one.

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 06:21 PM (krQz2)

402 Well, lots of us has predicted that trannies would start killing people. This may be the start.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe

The wave I predicted has yet to materialize, and will be against those who did this to them as children. Psychs and surgeons, moms and dads.

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at March 27, 2023 06:22 PM (iKBwy)

403 Left out... 'Dear Lord, feel free to ignore their heathen prayers...'
Posted by: Romeo13 at March 27, 2023 06:20 PM (oHd/0)
The look on Geoghan's face was priceless.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at March 27, 2023 06:22 PM (2hlEI)

404 The shooter looks like one of Fred Savages buddies from the wonder years. And I don't mean Winnie Cooper.

Posted by: Minnfidel at March 27, 2023 06:22 PM (GDJBM)

405 everyone in the audience, who was laughing at Joe

Posted by: REDACTED at March 27, 2023 06:21 PM (us2H3)

Probably closer to the truth.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:22 PM (gFsc7)

406 "But men commit more crimes!"

True, but now extend the reasoning a bit.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:21 PM (gFsc7)
Their doublethink alarms go off at that point.

Posted by: Axeman at March 27, 2023 06:22 PM (krQz2)

407 Klown World Quick Hits Awaits!

Posted by: micky at March 27, 2023 06:23 PM (3byMq)

408 The wave I predicted has yet to materialize, and will be against those who did this to them as children. Psychs and surgeons, moms and dads.

Sometimes, not only the smart move but the right move is to step back and let nature take it's course.

Posted by: Don't You Believe Them at March 27, 2023 06:23 PM (nacfR)

409 The wave I predicted has yet to materialize, and will be against those who did this to them as children. Psychs and surgeons, moms and dads.
Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at March 27, 2023 06:22 PM (iKBwy)

No problem here.

Sorry, I'm in a bad mood today.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:23 PM (gFsc7)

410 Is the first video really some of his first remarks about the shooting today?

Posted by: Denny Crane! at March 27, 2023 06:23 PM (eFxeZ)

411 They are going to want to have it all three ways

- You all deserved it for how you treated trans people
- This was not a trans mass shooter, it was a victim of Christian school
- You are showing disrespect for this victim by not using their desired pronouns

Posted by: Singapore Metro at March 27, 2023 06:24 PM (abaRd)

412 Talking about the tyranny "genocide" is like when the obnoxious Lefties start yammering about all the "death threats" they receive. It's just another attempt to make themselves out as the victims. Imagining themselves as victims is a Leftist pathology.

Posted by: Wally at March 27, 2023 06:24 PM (BT6Fo)

413 I'm really curious about who she blames in the manifesto. Because you know she blamed it on someone other than herself.
It will be tragic the day these children and teens who are opting into this before they know what sex is and how important it is to a happy and fulfilling life wake up and find that they cannot achieve an orgasm that they will never have children because they are sterile and that they have no option to go back and reverse what they have done.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 06:24 PM (Y+l9t)

414 Joe's thinks he a combo of Bob Hope and Jackie Mason

Posted by: REDACTED at March 27, 2023 06:25 PM (us2H3)

415 Trans Fat day of Vegetarians

Posted by: polynikes at March 27, 2023 06:25 PM (+hsEU)

416 Quick Hits Upstairs.

Posted by: micky at March 27, 2023 06:25 PM (3byMq)

417 The wave I predicted has yet to materialize, and will be against those who did this to them as children. Psychs and surgeons, moms and dads.
Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at March 27, 2023 06:22 PM (iKBwy)

No, it will be more against those horrible "normies" because they are responsible for everything bad in the world, that is what TV and movies and music now videogames have been telling them all their lives.

Posted by: Kindltot at March 27, 2023 06:25 PM (xhaym)

418 Looks like this shooter was a white supremacist that doesn't believe in global warming... that is all.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at March 27, 2023 06:25 PM (17s+e)

419 Clay Travis @ClayTravis
Nashville police confirm today’s shooter identifier as a transgender. The shooter was a woman who identified as a man. She intentionally targeted a religious elementary school for mass murder.

[My boldface.]

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 27, 2023 06:25 PM (Vwz3I)

420 They are going to want to have it all three ways

People in Hell want ice-water. Good luck.

As a practical matter, anyone here that can't take this incident - and absolutely light into whatever liberal relative / neighbor / co-worker ? Then you just don't have the will to claim an opinion that matters, in the big scheme. You're a "non-player".

Posted by: Don't You Believe Them at March 27, 2023 06:25 PM (nacfR)

421 It will be tragic the day these children and teens who are opting into this before they know what sex is and how important it is to a happy and fulfilling life wake up and find that they cannot achieve an orgasm that they will never have children because they are sterile and that they have no option to go back and reverse what they have done.
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at March 27, 2023 06:24 PM (Y+l9t)

Apart from that, it works out well.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:26 PM (gFsc7)

422 At first glance I read that as "auger," which also works.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

An auger is something Publius would have on his tractor and he could explain the physics and specs of how it operates . I have a 30lb post driver and an abundance of anger.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * Free Jacob Chansley at March 27, 2023 06:26 PM (OWOYG)

423 Joe's thinks he a combo of Bob Hope and Jackie Mason
Posted by: REDACTED at March 27, 2023 06:25 PM (us2H3)

He's more like Professor Irwin Corey.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:26 PM (gFsc7)

424 Weird that she was recognized for having the highest GPA in her class the just a year earlier (2022) then goes off on a shooting rampage.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at March 27, 2023 06:27 PM (ssESX)

425 Scripture tells me to pray for those who hate and persecute us. Lord, I am really, really, really having a tough time with that one . Lotta stuff going through my head and heart right now and none of it resembles prayer

The top thing to remember is that as much as I do love this world and want my country to be at peace and sanity and virtue, we're only here a very little while. It seems like a long time, because we don't have the perspective of eternity, but this is not our home. This is not the goal. We have glory on the horizon, and for now we serve God to glorify Him and show His love.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2023 06:28 PM (0hOvj)

426 Talking about the tyranny "genocide" is like when the obnoxious Lefties start yammering about all the "death threats" they receive. It's just another attempt to make themselves out as the victims. Imagining themselves as victims is a Leftist pathology.

Posted by: Wally

DARVO. Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim/Offender.

A very well-researched behavior tactic, especially among addicts, but also commonly used by progressives.

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at March 27, 2023 06:28 PM (iKBwy)

427 > Photo of shooter (Audrey H) looks kind of like Amanda Bynes.

I'm thinking Millie Bobby Brown's disgruntled, lesbian sister.

Posted by: bonhomme at March 27, 2023 06:28 PM (j2Xg6)

428 Vengeance against what? Reality?

Posted by: JackStraw at March 27, 2023 06:29 PM (ZLI7S)

429 Every outrageously arrogant man I know believes he's very funny. Almost none of them are.
Biden falls right in line with those observations.

Posted by: Wally at March 27, 2023 06:29 PM (BT6Fo)

430 He's more like Professor Irwin Corey.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 27, 2023 06:26 PM (gFsc7)

you better hope I don't catch you out in the open

Posted by: Irwin at March 27, 2023 06:29 PM (us2H3)

431 Bynes was cute. I haven't seen this one.

WAS cute -now she is a mess.

Posted by: Glenn John at March 27, 2023 06:30 PM (M3hSG)

432 nood quick hits

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 27, 2023 06:30 PM (Vwz3I)

433 We have glory on the horizon, and for now we serve God to glorify Him and show His love.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor

Amen yet the struggle remains

Posted by: Sock Monkey * Free Jacob Chansley at March 27, 2023 06:32 PM (OWOYG)

434 It seems like a long time, because we don't have the perspective of eternity, but this is not our home. This is not the goal.

Meh. You won't motivate folks like me with the tag-line of "it'll be better once we're all dead". I intend to make this little long march through the institutions that both the old and young communists seem to have such a hard-on for as awful as possible for as long as I can.

And I can be a right prick, self motivated, with very little in the way of scruples or shame. Especially when I feel justified.

Posted by: Don't You Believe Them at March 27, 2023 06:33 PM (nacfR)

435 If they start getting angry or confused or upset or having a senile tantrum, most of the time they can be eased out of it by simply giving them ice cream.

Everybody (who's senile) apparently loves ice cream.
Posted by: naturalfake at March 27, 2023 06:17 PM (mm6iK)

Hey! I'm right here!! Like my new freezer?

Posted by: Nancy P at March 27, 2023 06:33 PM (Zvtjl)

436 Looking at the headlines over the last three months, I think it's already started. All these trains are not derailing themselves and all these processing plants did not suddenly spontaneously combust.
Posted by: Don't You Believe Them at March 27, 2023 06:04 PM (nacfR)

There's only one side doing those from what I can see, so it isn't a Civil War yet.

Posted by: Oldcat at March 27, 2023 06:37 PM (eoQWY)

437 Weird that she was recognized for having the highest GPA in her class the just a year earlier (2022) then goes off on a shooting rampage.
Posted by: Chairman LMAO at March 27, 2023 06:27 PM (ssESX)

Who is going to give a transie a B?

Posted by: Oldcat at March 27, 2023 06:38 PM (eoQWY)

438 An awful lot of crazy people have guns

I’m torn, I have young grandchildren attending Christian school, no armed guards.

I’m getting to the point I believe anyone with any mental illness ever, I don’t care if it’s 50 yrs ago should not be allowed a gun

There’s so much insanity in this world, I don’t think our constitutional authors and bill of rights ever pictured this

Posted by: Gonzotx at March 27, 2023 07:20 PM (MwHgU)

439 God has abandoned us I fear, I’m beginning to find my inner atheist, surely God wouldn’t let 9 years pay for our sins?

The top thing to remember is that as much as I do love this world and want my country to be at peace and sanity and virtue, we're only here a very little while. It seems like a long time, because we don't have the perspective of eternity, but this is not our home. This is not the goal. We have glory on the horizon, and for now we serve God to glorify Him and show His love.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2023 06:28 PM (0hOvj)

Posted by: Gonzotx at March 27, 2023 07:23 PM (MwHgU)

440 228 "I don't know. Seems like collapsing a skyscraper in any red state city would have gotten international headlines."

No, hardly. A lot of New Yorkers would have chimed right in on "They had it coming..." and they and the rest of the world would have forgotten all about it by now.

Inflicting pain on the self-professed elite of the world was an essential part of the plan.

Posted by: Ray Van Dune at March 27, 2023 07:57 PM (AcLxR)

441 Another look at Iranian construction cranes?

These mentally ill fucks need to be dealt with

Posted by: Gman at March 27, 2023 08:00 PM (zsuQo)

442 Finally - EQUITY. /sarc

Also, Madonna announced a trans-rights benefit concert shortly before this Tennesee. Great timing Material Bitch:

Posted by: cheshirecat at March 27, 2023 08:22 PM (TwA+r)

443 "OUR Rights. NOT YOURS." You are all wrong, you have no rights, you cannot ever be right about anything. Hurry up and kill yourself so we can impose our rights on all. But, not your rights. Yours are equality, inclusive, and diverse. Ours are certainly not. Blah blah blah. GFY.

Posted by: Ray Mota at March 27, 2023 08:48 PM (sw3xv)

444 Let's roll this back a little to the year 2008 in Commiefornia (though not quite there yet)

Prop 8 which defined marriage as between a MAN and a WOMAN... was PASSED by a MAJORITY of Californians!!!

AHhhh...but then a Black Robe...a SINGLE Black Robe did strike it down...

Remember the wailing an nashing of teeth by the then only GAY community SOB SOB "We just want to be married because WE LOVE EACH OTHER...just like all you straights...THAT'S ALLL!!! The slippery slope was duly identified and then

FAST FORWARD.... now look... NOW LOOK!!! what they have wrought upon this nation

TRANNIES with guns...killing children.

You can DAMN well bet that none of us will get to read that freak's Manifesto...MSM will drop that off a cliff.

TRANNIES were a Mental Health Disorder up until OBAMA, WHO and other intuitions suddenly changed directions back around 2014.

Posted by: Nightwatch at March 27, 2023 09:21 PM (J00IM)

445 Yup

Posted by: Nightwatch at March 27, 2023 09:45 PM (J00IM)

446 I am making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I'm my non-public boss.
Here's what I've been doing..

Posted by: at March 27, 2023 11:00 PM (26ZLw)

447 Well, at least they picked the right day for their clown show.

Posted by: Tom Morrow at March 28, 2023 06:10 PM (Rm5BV)

448 I ϳust like the helpful infoгmation you supply in ʏour articles.
I'll bookmark your bloց and test once
more here frequеntly. I am relatiѵely certain I will be told many new stuff right
here! Good ⅼuck for the next!

Posted by: sheathing at March 31, 2023 08:50 AM (Xnjup)

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