At Least Thirteen Virginia Schools Now Known to Have Hidden or "Delayed" Reporting of National Merit Awards to Students in Name of "Equity;"
Governor Youngkin Blasts "Maniacal maniacal Focus on Equal Outcomes for All Students at All Costs"
The Daily Mail:
REVEALED: At least THIRTEEN Virginia high schools delayed merit awards until after college admissions as state AG says they are specifically targeting Asian American students
* Virginia AG Jason Miyares says at least 13 high schools failed to let students know they won merit awards, causing them to miss out on scholarships
* The AG has opened an investigation into the issue following allegations that Asian American students were targeted to ensure 'equal outcomes'
* So far, three school districts have been caught in the allegations, including Fairfax, Loudon, and Prince William County Public Schools
* In Fairfax, which houses one of the best-scoring high schools in the nation, officials hired an equity consultant at $450,000
* Miyares said the goal of the consultant was to ensure 'equal outcomes no matter what,' which adversely affected high-achieving Asian American students
At least 13 Virginia high schools are under investigation after failing to deliver merit awards prior to college admissions, with the state attorney general alleging that the move specifically targeted Asian American students.
Following the case against 11 Fairfax and Loudoun County high schools, officials from Prince William County Public Schools revealed two of their schools did not tell 16 students they had earned a National Merit award.
Attorney General Jason Miyares condemned the schools' actions as the state launched an investigation over alleged Anti-Asian bigotry.
Recall that the Youngkin victory was fueled partly by the defection of Asian parents from the Democrat Party, who were sick of their kids being taught CRT crap and being disadvantaged in school. This may be why the Virginia government keeps emphasizing Asian kids. Maybe also because the law won't permit them to protect white kids (that is, maybe the law specifies that only minorities get protection under the law). I don't know.
Miyares told Fox News on Tuesday that in Fairfax, the district paid an equity consultant $450,000 to ensure 'equal outcomes no matter what, even if it means treating some students purposefully unequally.'
He added: 'You hear the word equity all the time. Equity without excellence is actually emptiness. It doesn't really help the student at all. It actually divides us.'
Miyares said that one mom in the Fairfax School district lamented that her daughter had done everything right since the first grade to excel academically.
'She studied so hard, and now she's realizing she may not go to the school of her dreams because of who she is, a Korean American,' Miyares said. 'That goes against everything we believe in this country.'
Here's the real goal:
Miyares cited especially troubling figures at Fairfax's Thomas Jefferson High School.
The school is America's best-performing public school -- with the district officials insisting their decision to change their admissions standard was part of a new strategy meant to provide 'equal outcomes for every student, without exceptions.'
The Attorney General said that just one year after the change, the high school saw 'close to a 20-point drop in Asian American enrollment.'
In Fairfax County alone, a full quarter of all schools have admitted to hiding awards from students -- oh, right, they keep claiming it was "on accident," all an "oversight," and weird how they all kept making the same "oversight" -- and Youngkin is blasting them for hiring a "consultant" for $450,000 to
guarantee "equal outcomes for all students without exception."
"It impacts their ability to apply to college for scholarships, and in this idea of a golden ticket as it is called was withheld from them and it seems to have been withheld from them for the purpose of not wanting to make people feel bad who didn't achieve it. And all of a sudden, we see it spreading around to the rest of Fairfax County," Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin told 7News WJLA-TV in a sit down interview outside of his State Capitol Office in Richmond.
I don't think it's a "golden ticket" because colleges themselves are anti-Asian and themselves are reducing the value of high SAT scores precisely because Asians and whites do well on them and blacks and Hispanics do not.
But it's only
not a big factor because colleges are themselves engaged in the same rigging of the rules to disqualify academically promising students and qualify academically unpromising ones.
For "equity."
We must guarantee equal outcomes for all students,
without exception. Without exception for the exceptional, note.
It's Harrison Bergeron, for real.
"The reality is that we have a superintendent in Fairfax schools who has explicitly stated that her top objective is equal outcomes for all students, regardless of the price," said Youngkin. "Now we know the price includes paying $450,000 to a liberal consultant to come in and teach the administrators in Fairfax County how to do this. What it appears happened is that principals in schools decided that they were going to systematically withhold accolades and a path to college admission and scholarships from high-performing students."
Miyares noted that some schools give out full scholarships based on National Merit Award winners:
"We actually know of some schools that give a full four-year scholarship if you are one of those who get recognized a national merit award commendation," he said.
And he pointed out that such a scholarship is worth $90-100,000, given today's outlandish prices for the failure factories we call "higher learning" with black humor.
"There's been a lot of federal money and state money lavished on these school districts over the last few years, and like you said, half a million dollars for a consulting firm to come in to do strategic planning for Fairfax County Public Schools," 7News Reporter Nick Minock told Governor Youngkin in a sitidown interview. "They [Fairfax County Public Schools] also spent $20,000 for one hour for an author to speak to teachers over Zoom and in Loudoun County, Equity Collaborative has been the firm that school district has hired. Do you think they're misusing public funds?"
"I think this is part of our investigation," Youngkin answered. "They have a maniacal focus on equal outcomes for all students at all costs. And at the heart of the American dream, is excelling, is advancing, is stretching and recognizing that we have students that have different capabilities. Some students have the ability to perform at one level, others need more help, and we have to allow students to run as fast as they can to dream the biggest dreams they can possibly dream and then go get them."
Democrats are calling this a "fake scandal," because they always claim that anything involving CRT or equity is "fake."
They're liars.
They just want to continue discrimination against Asians and whites.
State Senator Scott Surovell is calling the Attorney General's probe a "fake investigation" adding "Arlington, Alexandria and Prince William are next!"
They absolutely should be.
House Minority Leader Don Scott said the Attorney General is constructing a "fake controversy that in no way impact educational outcomes in schools."
You mean outcomes as far as
equality of outcomes? No, this is about individual outcomes. Fuck your equality of outcomes.
Youngkin reacted to the Democrats' criticism.
"That's the exact same thing they said last year when we called for an investigation in Loudoun County around the sexual assault of young women and what appeared to be the cover-up of that and after a grand jury found that in fact, it had been a cover-up," said Youngkin. "And then officials were indicted and subsequently fired. The reality of where we stand in the in the light of truth, versus political posturing, comes full circle. And here we are again."
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03:11 PM