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Stacy Abrams Propagates Medical Disinformation That Fetal Heartbeat Is a "Manufactured Sound" Created By a Conspiracy of Doctors To Make Women Think That Babies Have Heartbeats

This is a medical conspiracy theory, which the tech monopolies and legacy propaganda media outlets say they're committed to eradicating.


Ultrasounds aren't real. The female penis, now that is real.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls

Don't worry, though: Stacy Abrams' "interesting theory" will not only not result in her being censored by the leftwing media and the tech monopolies, but leftwing media is already claiming that yeah, maybe the fetal heartbeat is, in a way, a made-up, imaginary sound.

Glenn Kessler -- the Nazi descendant who serves as the Washington Post's "fact-checker" -- actually claims that this Medical Conspiracy Theory is... accurate!

He claims that because the ultrasound is detecting mere "electrical activity" in the heart, that doesn't actually count as a "fetal heartbeat."

Electrical activity... you mean like 120-volt?

Or do you mean... nervous system activation of the heart muscles?

Um, what would that "electrical activity" be, "fact-checker," except the firing of the heart muscles to, you know, beat?

The heart isn't the brain, you know. It's not the hamstring muscle. It does one thing. Electrical activity causes its chambers to contract and pulse blood through the body.

This whole claim originates from one pro-abortion "doctor" from the pro-abortion state media outlet NPR:

"At six weeks of gestation, those valves don't exist," she explains. "The flickering that we're seeing on the ultrasound that early in the development of the pregnancy is actually electrical activity, and the sound that you 'hear' is actually manufactured by the ultrasound machine."

That's why "the term 'fetal heartbeat' is pretty misleading," says Dr. Jennifer Kerns, an OB-GYN and associate professor at the University of California, San Francisco.

"What we're really detecting is a grouping of cells that are initiating some electrical activity," she explains. "In no way is this detecting a functional cardiovascular system or a functional heart."

This is what they always claim -- "Well, it's not a complete baby yet, so we can abort it."

"It's not a fully-formed heart yet, so we're going to say that what is obviously the firing of heart nerves activating heart muscle is not a 'heart beat,' so we can abort it."

This is a bad faith claim. If the ban were at 24 weeks, when there were "those valves" present and you couldn't argue this wasn't a fully-formed heart, they'd just come up with some other reason why this doesn't count as a baby and therefore why you can abort it.

Someone pointed out that he's basically claiming that because you're using a medical device to hear something undetectable by the unaided human ear, it's not really a sound and it's not really happening. And by this logic, nothing heard through the doctor's stethoscope is "real," either.

Posted by: Ace at 01:40 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 sponge

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at September 22, 2022 01:48 PM (LvTSG)

2 Tank has a fecal heartbeat.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenko Solutions at September 22, 2022 01:48 PM (71GKV)

3 hello

Posted by: barbarausa at September 22, 2022 01:48 PM (VqoCx)

4 He claims that because the ultrasound is detecting mere "electrical activity" in the heart, that doesn't actually count as a "fetal heartbeat."


"The electric activity in the heart of a Jew is not a real heartbeat."
-Joseph Mengele, probably

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at September 22, 2022 01:48 PM (LvTSG)

5 Heartbeats are a social construct, just like gender and race.

Posted by: Hello at September 22, 2022 01:49 PM (SmFPm)

6 Stacy Abrams the Princess of Whales? That Stacy Abrams?

Posted by: Tex at September 22, 2022 01:49 PM (z9V4B)

7 >>>1 sponge

Chore Boy!

Posted by: 496 at September 22, 2022 01:50 PM (VJsqe)

Tank has a fecal heartbeat.
Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenko Solutions at September 22, 2022 01:48 PM (71GKV)

Fuuuuuck... thread closed up by the 2nd comment.


Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 22, 2022 01:50 PM (oINRc)

9 Tank has a fecal heartbeat.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenko Solutions at September 22, 2022 01:48 PM (71GKV)


Posted by: BignJames at September 22, 2022 01:50 PM (AwYPR)

10 Hey, at least Kessler went to an NPR "doctor". Half the time they just ask the journolist at the next desk to be their "informed source" or "expert."

I have a friend who, on a train, actually overheard two reporters doing just that. They worked for different papers, and each agreed to be the other's source.

We must trust them, or we're conspiracy theorists.

Posted by: Eeyore at September 22, 2022 01:50 PM (TgBWG)

11 Hmm so if you have a heart attack you can just plug yourself in the nearest outlet and survive. Cool.

Posted by: Joe XiDen at September 22, 2022 01:50 PM (OalnH)

12 Well that's that then. We can abort at 6 weeks. But not 7.

Happy Stacy?


Posted by: quantum mechanic at September 22, 2022 01:50 PM (g1EEm)

13 Ultrasounds pick up "sounds".

EKG's pick up electrical activity.

You see, we put it in the names as a hint.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at September 22, 2022 01:50 PM (UuD2k)

14 Damn, ace called his own NOOD...

This post must be special!

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 22, 2022 01:50 PM (BgMrQ)

15 Lies are their native tongue, for they are of their father, the Father of Lies.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at September 22, 2022 01:50 PM (N1tpc)

16 Just when you think you're unable to dislike a person any more, they give you another reason to dislike them.

Posted by: Eromero at September 22, 2022 01:51 PM (/RDPd)

17 Ghouls

Posted by: It's me donna at September 22, 2022 01:51 PM (bs+z0)

18 This whole when life begins nonsense is so stupid.

Life begins at conception, full stop, period, end of story.

F**king monsters.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 22, 2022 01:51 PM (up/3i)

19 6 Stacy Abrams the Princess of Whales? That Stacy Abrams?
Posted by: Tex at September 22, 2022 01:49 PM (z9V4B)

You'd wail too if you had to lug that bohunkus around.

Posted by: 496 at September 22, 2022 01:51 PM (VJsqe)

20 The left is a satanic death cult.

Posted by: Biergood at September 22, 2022 01:51 PM (FQWHA)

21 FWIW, "fetal heartbeat" is a misnomer. The ultrasound picks up electrical activity generated by an embryo. The so-called "heartbeat" sound you hear is created by the ultrasound. Not until 10 weeks can the opening and closing of cardiac valves be detected by a Doppler machine.
They're splitting a mighty fine hair and claiming that "muscular contraction" does not mean "heartbeat" because the valves have not yet developed. It is a heartbeat, because the muscle is contracting. It is not yet doing its job because the other parts haven't grown yet, but that also doesn't mean that it is nothing.

Engaging in a discussion of minutiae and splitting hairs like this might - might, maybe - make one question their motivations.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 22, 2022 01:51 PM (t0OGg)

22 Yes, it's absolutely ignorant and freakish, but this is also Exhibit A for why you should not only distrust the complete medical illiterates in the media, but reject compulsory demands just because they're making said demands.

Posted by: trev006 at September 22, 2022 01:52 PM (67hQn)

I wonder if Women know they are aborting women, and men who identify as women?

Posted by: portlandon at September 22, 2022 01:52 PM (+oR7L)

24 He was a liar from the beginning, and they serve his will.

Some of them knowingly. (See: White House "Mokeypox outreach)

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at September 22, 2022 01:52 PM (N1tpc)

25 Stacy Abrams is an idiot.

Posted by: vic /s at September 22, 2022 01:52 PM (mZwKe)

26 Everything I do not wish to believe is made up. Everything I do wish to believe is an incontrovertible fact.

[Insert Queensryche lyrics here]

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 22, 2022 01:52 PM (ppBhU)

"Fecal heartbeat," LOL.


These abortion cultists *do* have an asshole pumping out crap where their hearts should be.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 22, 2022 01:52 PM (oINRc)

The left love to place the babies into the burning arms of Molach.

Posted by: portlandon at September 22, 2022 01:52 PM (+oR7L)

29 14 Damn, ace called his own NOOD...

This post must be special!
Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 22, 2022 01:50 PM (BgMrQ)

Yeah, but I think "Nood Tank Abrams" violates the style-guide. If it doesn't, it otter.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at September 22, 2022 01:53 PM (906pl)

30 Wow.... after 43 years of working on high level electronics, I never KNEW I could use an ultra SOUND machine, to find ELECTRICAL activity.

Guess I should be usin a stethoscope instead of a O'scope all those years?


Posted by: Romeo13 at September 22, 2022 01:53 PM (oHd/0)

31 21 Engaging in a discussion of minutiae and splitting hairs like this might - might, maybe - make one question their motivations.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 22, 2022 01:51 PM (t0OGg)


I remember one medical student (they said) on a news article comment section some years ago proving, beyond a reasonable doubt, that conception was not the beginning of human life.

You know what the proof was? Doctors called it a zygote, which is not a human. He (she? I dunno) then listed the next few terms for the next few stages of development.

He thought this was some sort of slam dunk.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at September 22, 2022 01:53 PM (LvTSG)

32 These people need to not obsess over something, no matter how precious it may be to them.

Posted by: Smeagol at September 22, 2022 01:53 PM (JTRqZ)

33 ... "The flickering that we're seeing on the ultrasound that early in the development of the pregnancy is actually electrical activity, and the sound that you 'hear' is actually manufactured by the ultrasound machine."
The text you're reading on the screen is actually electricity, and the words that you 'see' are actually manufactured by the computer.

The sound that you're hearing through the speaker is actually electricity, and music you 'hear' is actually manufactured by the radio.

The light that you're seeing through your television is actually electricity, and the show that you 'watch' is actually manufactured by the TV set.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 22, 2022 01:53 PM (t0OGg)

34 Stacey "Tank" Abrams
Klann Gussler

The talking points must be on a google chat thing now.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at September 22, 2022 01:54 PM (IyrhE)

35 These people are amoral pigs and monsters.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at September 22, 2022 01:54 PM (W/9Bb)

36 Also Doppler machines measure blood flow. They aren't used for ultrasound imaging. The Doppler effect is the change in frequency sound undergoes due to relative motion.

Glenn Kessler is a f'ing idiot. This is high school level science.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at September 22, 2022 01:54 PM (UuD2k)

37 She's the female Humungus.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 22, 2022 01:54 PM (ZCool)

38 Any time I begin to doubt my own perspectives in life, they bring it back and let me know without a shadow of a doubt they are downright evil.

Posted by: ... at September 22, 2022 01:54 PM (iUvpd)

39 Claim: Stacy Abrams is a fat ho.

Fact check: False. What critics perceive as fat its merely the gravitational interaction between Ms. Abrams' mass and that of the Earth.

Also, she is not a gardening tool.

Posted by: NJ Class Traitor at September 22, 2022 01:54 PM (c1efv)

40 Having sex with dead people is okay as long as they're still warm. WAPO Experts

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022 01:54 PM (0CuV9)

41 At six weeks of gestation, those valves don't exist," she explains. "The flickering that we're seeing on the ultrasound that early in the development of the pregnancy is actually electrical activity, and the sound that you 'hear' is actually manufactured by the ultrasound machine."

This is conflating as a means of deception. Conflating the sound of movement in doppler mode versus the visualization of ultrasound. There may not be liquid blood flowing at 6 weeks to hear on doppler, but the cardiac activity seen on ultrasound is still cardiac activity.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Pennsylvania Dad, Defiant! at September 22, 2022 01:54 PM (BI+67)

42 Not too long ago they were arguing children up to 7 weren't really human yet anyway

Posted by: steevy at September 22, 2022 01:55 PM (yezA1)

43 The left is a satanic death cult.
Posted by: Biergood at September 22, 2022 01:51 PM (FQWHA)

I have determined this to be true. -- AoSHQ Fact Checker

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 01:55 PM (wYNBg)

44 MRIs can't show you an image of your brain. The image is actually created by the MRI.

Posted by: 29Victor at September 22, 2022 01:55 PM (BJKQV)

45 Seriously. Stacey Abrams gets more and more stupid with time.

I find it fascinating that someone like this can function in society.

Seriously stupid.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 01:55 PM (lf83v)

"Kill babies. Mutilate the genitals of children. 13 is the Hollywood 18."

I guess I'm not as bothered as much by the clearly evil among us constantly shouting at us to victimize the innocent, but by the people who support them because their herd mentality is so strong as to blind them to basic, obvious morality.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 22, 2022 01:55 PM (oINRc)

The casting in Star Trek never seemed real to me, because they would have solved morbid obesity that far into the future.

Posted by: portlandon at September 22, 2022 01:55 PM (+oR7L)

48 Overheard on the Last Day:

"Depart from me. I never knew you."

Posted by: CZ=FNG, Free Republic of Florida at September 22, 2022 01:56 PM (MkuC5)

49 Stacy Abrams is an idiot.

Her BMI is higher than her IQ.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 22, 2022 01:56 PM (ppBhU)

50 So fetal heartbeats are imaginary like global warming?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at September 22, 2022 01:56 PM (FVME7)

51 These people have to be literally bat guano insane. There is no lunacy which they will not utilize to justify their immoral, evil argument of abortion.

Posted by: ICBMMan at September 22, 2022 01:56 PM (PZ45V)

52 It isn't enough to strip children of their childhood. Now, even a baby in utero isn't worthy of being human.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 22, 2022 01:56 PM (Ggr3u)

53 "This is a bad faith claim."

Looking at the panel on the stage, I wish you lotsa luck trying to reason with them.

Posted by: Peel gp A Grape at September 22, 2022 01:56 PM (24fqN)

54 Will doctors claiming there is a heartbeat get canceled?

Posted by: That NLurker guy at September 22, 2022 01:57 PM (eGTCV)

55 "Ensoulment" hasn't happened yet, either. So kill it already. *hic*

Posted by: Nancy Pelosi, Catholic Theologian at September 22, 2022 01:57 PM (PiwSw)

56 Stacy Abrams moves too slow to be detected by Doppler, therefore she doesn't exist.

Posted by: quantum mechanic at September 22, 2022 01:57 PM (g1EEm)

57 "Seriously. Stacey Abrams gets more and more stupid with time.
I find it fascinating that someone like this can function in society."

Hell that's describing 90% of DC and our reps.

Posted by: Bosk at September 22, 2022 01:57 PM (v4L7Y)

58 We might be snickering over this right now......

Posted by: Pork Chops & Bacons at September 22, 2022 01:57 PM (BdMk6)

59 45 Seriously. Stacey Abrams gets more and more stupid with time.

I find it fascinating that someone like this can function in society.

Seriously stupid.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 01:55 PM (lf83v)


She's up there with Democratic candidates like Charlie Crist in FL and Katie Hobbs in AZ (who said that there was no problem with the border) who seem to have completely given up on winning.

They are throwing red meat to progressives in the hope that something will break through to Hollywood and lead to another seven figure donation week that they won't use to actually try and win their elections.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at September 22, 2022 01:57 PM (LvTSG)

60 If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, would it make a sound?

And if a tree falls on Stacy Abrams, would anyone care?

Posted by: NJ Class Traitor at September 22, 2022 01:57 PM (c1efv)

61 Automaticity, do you speak it, Mother F#@$er?

Posted by: Trog04 at September 22, 2022 01:57 PM (wfZwW)

62 Ultrasounds aren't real. The female penis, now that is real.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 22, 2022 01:57 PM (ppBhU)

63 Stacey Abrams doctor has announced that she has no heartbeat.

The EKG was actually picking up stray electrical impulses from her spastic colon and sphincter.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 01:57 PM (lf83v)

64 Protip- That heartbeat graph on the thing beside your hospital bed isn't actually created by your heart, it's created by the machine. #YoureWelcome

Posted by: 29Victor at September 22, 2022 01:57 PM (BJKQV)

65 I've always had a semi-formed thought that arguing life "begins" at conception ignores that it doesn't come from nowhere: life continues, and will grow and be born as a new being

Posted by: barbarausa at September 22, 2022 01:58 PM (VqoCx)

66 "Ensoulment" hasn't happened yet, either. So kill it already. *hic*
Posted by: Nancy Pelosi, Catholic Theologian at September 22, 2022 01:57 PM (PiwSw)
To achieve your objectives of serving the prince of darkness, Nance, you should recommended banning all abortions that happen *prior* to "ensoulment."

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 22, 2022 01:58 PM (t0OGg)

This is conflating as a means of deception.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Pennsylvania Dad, Defiant! at September 22, 2022 01:54 PM (BI+67)

Of course it is. Every "fetus" that survives the womb comes out a human being. Every one. I wonder what science thinks about the number 100%. Is it significant, or is "more study" required?

Posted by: ... at September 22, 2022 01:58 PM (iUvpd)

68 47
The casting in Star Trek never seemed real to me, because they would have solved morbid obesity that far into the future.
Posted by: portlandon at September 22, 2022 01:55 PM (+oR7L)

Aye Captain... so you want the transporter buffer set to a young Hot Audrey Hepburn?

We haven't got the POWER!!!

Posted by: Scotty at September 22, 2022 01:58 PM (oHd/0)

69 Abrams is determined to be enshrined in
Hell's Hall of Fame

Posted by: Voter theater. at September 22, 2022 01:58 PM (l9lYK)

70 Kickstart my heart.

Posted by: Nikki Sixx at September 22, 2022 01:58 PM (h5TKJ)

71 BREAKING: The FDA has approved in-vitro mRNA shots because they're concerned about an explosion of "womb-covid" and because last month's royalty checks were a bit low.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 01:58 PM (wYNBg)

72 Does the Tankster have any children?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 22, 2022 01:58 PM (Hn+0J)

And if a tree falls on Stacy Abrams, would anyone care?
Posted by: NJ Class Traitor at September 22, 2022 01:57 PM (c1efv)


Unless it was an ancient Redwood, nobody'd even notice. Like a toothpick dropping on Gibraltar.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 22, 2022 01:58 PM (oINRc)

74 We might be snickering over this right now......

You can bet that Stacey Abrams is always Snickering. Snickers are her manna.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 22, 2022 01:59 PM (ppBhU)

75 Of course it is. Every "fetus" that survives the womb comes out a human being. Every one. I wonder what science thinks about the number 100%. Is it significant, or is "more study" required?
Posted by: ... at September 22, 2022 01:58 PM (iUvpd)

100% is a MATH term... and MATH is RAAAAACIST!

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 22, 2022 01:59 PM (oHd/0)

76 >>>14 Damn, ace called his own NOOD...
This post must be special!

no, it's that the last post was lame and is old news. that post has been sitting in draft since monday. I had nothing to say about it. It should have been a quick hit entry.

Posted by: ace at September 22, 2022 01:59 PM (B3oWe)

The Liberal Mothers day cards:

"Thanks for not killing me, Mom!"

"Why did you have me? I wouldn't have all these problems if you had just aborted me. Thanks alot. You are so selfish. Boomer."

Posted by: portlandon at September 22, 2022 01:59 PM (+oR7L)

78 Any science that relies on facts must be discarded in favor of political opinion.

Bring on the leeches, and avoid bad humors.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at September 22, 2022 01:59 PM (lTGtQ)

79 I'm relatively prochoice and that's not welcome here. But Stacey Abrams is a clown. The fetus is circulating its own blood early, and depending on whether you count from conception or LMP that's 5-seven weeks.

I happen to think that brain activity is far more important to personhood, and further that no women is oblgated to make her uterus hospitable for another person or the invading chorion. I know your mileage varies, so no need to argue.

But I wish people would just tell the hard truth all the time and stop making ignorant or inaccurate remarks about pregnancy, and be plain about their motives.

Posted by: SarahW at September 22, 2022 01:59 PM (g1vnC)

80 I guess Abrams is okay with white abortion doctors plying their trade in the poor inner city which tends to be heaviy populated by minorities.

My body, my choice = "Does he have a paycheck and it is big enough that, combined with the checks from my other baby daddies, I can continue to live a life of booze and drugs?" "No?" "Abortion it is, then."

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 22, 2022 01:59 PM (5pTK/)

81 I've had her!

Posted by: BAD BRAD Raffensperger at September 22, 2022 01:59 PM (OgZm3)

82 Would Tank be a better or worse VP than Kamala?

Posted by: That NLurker guy at September 22, 2022 02:00 PM (eGTCV)

83 >>>He claims that because the ultrasound is detecting mere "electrical activity" in the heart, that doesn't actually count as a "fetal heartbeat."

The party of SCIENCE!

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at September 22, 2022 02:00 PM (yHsuS)

84 54 Will doctors claiming there is a heartbeat get canceled?
Posted by: That NLurker guy at September 22, 2022 01:57 PM (eGTCV)

Perceptive question

Posted by: 496 at September 22, 2022 02:00 PM (VJsqe)

85 There is a mighty reckoning awaiting these people.

Posted by: bluebell at September 22, 2022 02:00 PM (gFPAT)

86 Audrey Hepburn was never hot. Too skinny.

She did have a lovely smile, however.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 22, 2022 02:00 PM (Hn+0J)

87 "Fetuses don't have a heartbeat" is a serious expansion of the "the magic vagina is what makes fetuses alive" theory espoused by the left. Is Gwenyth Paltrow endorsing this yet?

Posted by: Ian S. at September 22, 2022 02:00 PM (ZGrMX)

88 I have never trusted Big Ultrasound.

Posted by: quantum mechanic at September 22, 2022 02:00 PM (g1EEm)

89 >>>Protip- That heartbeat graph on the thing beside your hospital bed isn't actually created by your heart, it's created by the machine. #YoureWelcome
Posted by: 29Victor

room is spinning!!!

Posted by: ace at September 22, 2022 02:01 PM (B3oWe)

90 Damn, ace called his own NOOD...

This post must be special!
Posted by: browndog
I think it's just a cat herding thing.

Posted by: From about that time at September 22, 2022 02:01 PM (4780s)

91 The heartbeat does not matter, it's a straw argument meant to chicken fuck the monstrosity that is abortion.

Within hours of a sperm fertilizing the egg, cellular division and differentiation begins, the process, if left uninterrupted, will result in the birth of a human being, created in G-ds image.


Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 22, 2022 02:01 PM (up/3i)

92 And if a tree falls on Stacy Abrams, would anyone care?
Posted by: NJ Class Traitor

I would feel bad

for the tree.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at September 22, 2022 02:01 PM (lTGtQ)

I happen to think that brain activity is far more important to personhood

Then we have a hell of a lot of non-persons because most libs are brain dead

Posted by: It's me donna at September 22, 2022 02:01 PM (bs+z0)

94 This wasn't Tank just shitting this out of her pie hole. Just as steffy didn't just bring up Romney outlawing birth control out of the blue. It was planned and coordinated messaging. I am willing to bet that doc came up with her bullshit conflation and passed it to some lefty think tank. Abrams was chosen as the person to initiate, but everyone else, including Kessler was ready with the talking points to back her up.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Pennsylvania Dad, Defiant! at September 22, 2022 02:01 PM (BI+67)

95 That's how out of it that I am today (every day?) but I know what an ultrasound does. It picks up changes in density of the tissues. And I still didn't go "hey, wait a minute" about the "picks up electricity" claim.


Posted by: Synova at September 22, 2022 02:01 PM (BD/yx)

96 I'd say burn this witch a the stake but was going to need a whole faggot worth of stakes to hold her ass up long enough to burn off that lard.

Posted by: JoshO at September 22, 2022 02:02 PM (Z9wz+)

97 "Ultrasounds pick up "sounds". EKG's pick up electrical activity. You see, we put it in the names as a hint."

ha, yes.

The beat is the point, not whether we can hear it. It is detected.

imo trying to eliminate most first term abortions will make it harder to win governorships, and being against later term abortions is the winning strategy. (and keeping it as a state's decision)

Posted by: illiniwek at September 22, 2022 02:02 PM (Cus5s)

98 So this Stacey Abrams is a bit of a zealot.

Posted by: WisRich at September 22, 2022 02:02 PM (G0vdT)

99 Evil. Just bald faced evil.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:02 PM (5r4XQ)

100 Mengele is finally acceptable as a fat, entitled, modern day American female POC.

Posted by: Voter theater. at September 22, 2022 02:02 PM (l9lYK)

101 If a voter is a Democrat, it's not a complete brain yet.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at September 22, 2022 02:02 PM (p+1gI)

102 NPR: A fetus? Cluster of cells, no heartbeat. Not life.

Also NPR: Pile of dust on Mars? Patterns of fossils that possibly existed in a river basin. LIFE!!!!!!

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 02:02 PM (lf83v)

103 Too bad all those burgers on her plate aren't fake.

Posted by: ... at September 22, 2022 02:03 PM (iUvpd)

104 Then we have a hell of a lot of non-persons because most libs are brain dead
Posted by: It's me donna at September 22, 2022 02:01 PM (bs+z0)

It's not their brains.

It's their souls.

Posted by: CZ=FNG, Free Republic of Florida at September 22, 2022 02:03 PM (MkuC5)

105 At least we found out the other day in that Vanderbilt story that penises are worth like 5 times what vaginas are. I suspected as much, but never had proof until now.

I guess transgender medicine isn't totally worthless.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at September 22, 2022 02:03 PM (UuD2k)

106 And people complain that we pick stupid hills to die on.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 22, 2022 02:03 PM (ZLI7S)

107 So this Stacey Abrams is a bit of a zealot.

The last time Stacey was "a bit," she wasn't human or alive (according to Stacey).

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 22, 2022 02:03 PM (ppBhU)

108 Heartbeat, It's a Love Beat was a moderate hit for the DeFranco Family. Don't know how many records they sold to fetuses, though.

Posted by: Rum Dum at September 22, 2022 02:03 PM (l3SW6)

109 I mean her theory is thre same in the sense that if you listen to a sing on the radio you're not actually listening to something musicians created, you're listening to manipulated waves.

Tank here fits in the category of idiot late night hosts who think they're intelligent, and internet morons like Neil Degrasse Tyson, they find something that is technically true, but is only considered true if you're a f'n idiot who doesn't live in the real world.

I hope she doesn't get censored, because most normal people will hear this and realize she's dumb as shit, and the leftist who believe all this crap will regurgitate it thinking they're intelligent, only for everyone to remind them they too are dumb as shit.

Posted by: Rbastid at September 22, 2022 02:03 PM (o6+2g)

110 He claims that because the ultrasound is detecting mere "electrical activity" in the heart, that doesn't actually count as a "fetal heartbeat."


I once heard a person make a very convincing argument that the human body was a very elaborate system that evolved solely to transport salt water around.

Coincidentally, salt water is a really great conductor. Gosh, I wonder why our bodies are built like they are?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't insist that I accept what you are when you can't accept what you are at September 22, 2022 02:04 PM (C0bt5)

111 I have never trusted Big Ultrasound.
Posted by: quantum mechanic

Ultra Lord > Ultrasound

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at September 22, 2022 02:04 PM (FVME7)

112 She's a dumb person. Not serious. She's solely (or soullessly) Political. And fat. No discipline of body or mind.

She's a garbage person.

Posted by: Seems Legit at September 22, 2022 02:04 PM (Lv84X)

113 45 Seriously. Stacey Abrams gets more and more stupid with time.
I find it fascinating that someone like this can function in society.
Seriously stupid.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 01:55 PM (lf83v)

My question is:

Why is she "a thing".

I mean, why is she the spokeswoman for the Left / People of Color / Women...

Just why???

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 22, 2022 02:04 PM (BgMrQ)

114 One or two on the stage were shaking their heads in agreement, all the others were like "did she really say that?"

Posted by: WisRich at September 22, 2022 02:04 PM (G0vdT)

115 I happen to think that brain activity is far more important to personhood, and further that no women is oblgated to make her uterus hospitable for another person or the invading chorion.

If you make your vagina hospitable to a penis, you kind of obligate yourself to making your uterus hospitable to the resulting human you selfish bitch.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Pennsylvania Dad, Defiant! at September 22, 2022 02:04 PM (BI+67)

116 Of course it is. Every "fetus" that survives the womb comes out a human being. Every one. I wonder what science thinks about the number 100%. Is it significant, or is "more study" required?
Posted by: ... at September 22, 2022 01:58 PM (iUvpd)

We haven't reached consensus on that yet. It's not a slam dunk like climate change. -- SCIENCE!

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:04 PM (wYNBg)

117 >>> 72 Does the Tankster have any children?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 22, 2022 01:58 PM (Hn+0J)

I asked the same question in my head when I read this BS!

Confirmed, she does not have any kids...but that shouldn't be surprising.

Posted by: ICBMMan at September 22, 2022 02:04 PM (PZ45V)

118 So as a guy who started in clinical engineering I might be able to clear up what this guy wrote. Technically he's correct. You are not going to be able to actually hear a baby's heartbeat, without some mechanical intervention. I doubt a stethoscope can actually pick up the fetal heartbeat and that is the only way to actually hear the heartbeat. Anything else is simply going to be a mechanical representation, such as a fetal heart monitor. However, that doesn't mean the heart isn't beating. It is a representation of that heartbeat, but not the actual heartbeat.

Posted by: DFCtomm at September 22, 2022 02:04 PM (OHy0b)

119 "Not until 10 weeks can the opening and closing of cardiac valves be detected by a Doppler machine"

So then it's OK to ban abortion after 10 weeks then?

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 22, 2022 02:05 PM (iFTx/)

120 The thing that separates life from unlife is an appreciation of Iron Maiden's early catalogue.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 22, 2022 02:05 PM (ppBhU)

121 Shit people.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at September 22, 2022 02:05 PM (W/9Bb)

122 Fat, conspiracy-propagating, and stupid is no way to go through life, son. Or daughter. Or whatever you are, Abrams.

Posted by: Dean Wormer at September 22, 2022 02:05 PM (FJYfm)

123 I guess Abrams is okay with white abortion doctors plying their trade in the poor inner city which tends to be heaviy populated by minorities. Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 22, 2022 01:59 PM (5pTK/)

From what I've seen, most abortionists are MD's from third world countries.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 22, 2022 02:05 PM (7B5FA)

124 Coincidentally, salt water is a really great conductor. Gosh, I wonder why our bodies are built like they are?
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't insist that I accept what you are when you can't accept what you are at September 22, 2022 02:04 PM (C0bt5)

We're more brackish than salty. If we were as salty as seawater, we'd die.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at September 22, 2022 02:05 PM (UuD2k)

125 109 I mean her theory is thre same in the sense that if you listen to a sing on the radio you're not actually listening to something musicians created, you're listening to manipulated waves.

I was going to make this point. But I couldn't think how to make it funny.

Posted by: quantum mechanic at September 22, 2022 02:05 PM (g1EEm)

126 Anyone who votes for Abrams is a threat to good people everywhere.
She's truly a scumbag.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at September 22, 2022 02:05 PM (1hhkP)

127 Progressives lack a functioning heart, and can only ape emotions.
Progressives lack a functioning brain, too, as proven by their shock when facing consequences of their illogical economic policies.

Posted by: Coki at September 22, 2022 02:05 PM (G7Avm)

128 from the pro-abortion state media outlet NPR:


The Gope will continue to fund them.

Posted by: I've got bad news for you at September 22, 2022 02:05 PM (EsGqq)

129 Weird that Abrams is harping on heartbeats not being real when that science has been settled.

Posted by: Seems Legit at September 22, 2022 02:05 PM (Lv84X)

130 I mean being that we all get to pick a demarcating line based on our own idiosyncratic criteria apparently.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 22, 2022 02:05 PM (ppBhU)

131 no, it's that the last post was lame and is old news. that post has been sitting in draft since monday. I had nothing to say about it. It should have been a quick hit entry.
Posted by: ace at September 22, 2022 01:59 PM (B3oWe)

I really feel that this is like seeing behind the curtain in Oz. I'm totally disillusioned.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:05 PM (wYNBg)

132 Jared Kushner slams Ron DeSantis: "We have to remember that these are human beings, they’re people, so seeing them being used as political pawns is very troubling to me.”

Well, you're no Hunter Biden but damn, dude!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at September 22, 2022 02:06 PM (FVME7)

133 Willowed: The question I always had was: you can't feed them after midnight, I get it, but at what point does the timetable reset so that they could be fed again? Technically the entire following day is "after midnight." Did the clock reset at dawn? Noon?
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 22, 2022

Hmf. Didn't think about that one.

Gremlins to me suffered because (a) I'd seen Ghostbusters just before and that was an instant classic, and (b) Gremlins didn't seem to have a single recognizable human in it. They took the characters and tropes from It's a Wonderful Life and added Alien (on a smaller scale).

The SF and fantasy fans I knew then embraced the Murray/Aykroyd/Ramis movie and quoted it incessantly, as we still do here today. Gremlins, not so much.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:06 PM (J2vNu)

134 All someone needs to say to her, publicly, is "Are you now claiming that babies are fake?"

Distill her argument down to Fake Babies and go from there.

Posted by: ... at September 22, 2022 02:06 PM (iUvpd)

135 Ultra Sheen > Ultra Lord > Ultrasound

Posted by: Stacey at September 22, 2022 02:06 PM (ZCool)

136 Hmmm... seriously stupid?

This is much further than that...
miltary grade stupid? further...
planetary grade stupid? further...
federation grade stupid? still further.
galaxy class stupid... that fits.

Posted by: Lepton Fields at September 22, 2022 02:06 PM (yoKk5)

137 Do dermatologists make good money? I ask, cuz Dr. Pimple Popper seems to enjoy her work. I bet she excelled with the wood burning kit during arts and craft time.

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022 02:06 PM (0CuV9)

138 113 Why is she "a thing".

I mean, why is she the spokeswoman for the Left / People of Color / Women...

Just why???
Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 22, 2022 02:04 PM (BgMrQ)


Because she created an organization in the wake of her original win for governor of GA that funds a whole lot of efforts to change election laws across America with the message that her election was stolen.

She controls a fair amount of money and has celebrity in GA, making her the most well-known pseudo politician of the Democratic party in the state. Another loss, this time larger and more definitive than last time, should push her fully into MSNBC visits and fundraising. She probably won't run for GA governor again, though I could imagine her running for a senate seat in the state in the future.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at September 22, 2022 02:07 PM (LvTSG)

139 We're more brackish than salty. If we were as salty as seawater, we'd die.


25% of the country can't name all three branches of the federal government. Over 50% (75%+ in inner cities) are functionally illiterate. They ain't gone know what no brack is, yo.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't insist that I accept what you are when you can't accept what you are at September 22, 2022 02:07 PM (C0bt5)

140 After this statement, she has to drop back into double digits in the polls.

Good lord, Georgia. Stop the insanity, already.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 02:07 PM (lf83v)

141 >>Why is she "a thing".

>>I mean, why is she the spokeswoman for the Left / People of Color / Women...

>>Just why???

Cause she's a feisty black woman who doesn't take no shit from whitey.

She might lose by double digits this time.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 22, 2022 02:07 PM (ZLI7S)

142 Also it's mean to use a picture of Salt Bae, considering that Stacey probably had the blood pressure of the McCrary brothers combined

Posted by: Rbastid at September 22, 2022 02:07 PM (o6+2g)

143 I'd say burn this witch a the stake but was going to need a whole faggot worth of stakes to hold her ass up long enough to burn off that lard.

Posted by: JoshO at September 22, 2022 02:02 PM (Z9wz+)

Whale oil was once used for lighting. We should preserve this natural resource for future generations.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at September 22, 2022 02:07 PM (yHsuS)

144 Ugh if that's a direct quote, Jared is a cocksucker.

Posted by: ... at September 22, 2022 02:07 PM (iUvpd)

145 Double digits behind.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 02:07 PM (lf83v)

146 Posted by: DFCtomm at September 22, 2022 02:04 PM (OHy0b)

Yes. This is an odd conflation that it isn't a heartbeat until you can akshually hear the actual valves slapping shut. It is stupid. And stacy did not come up with it on her own.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Pennsylvania Dad, Defiant! at September 22, 2022 02:07 PM (BI+67)

147 "It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman's body."

What is this obsession these people have with making this about man vs. woman? What "man" is taking control over any woman's body by giving her the option of considering an ultrasound? These people have a near-sexual fetish for making men the root of literally every bad thing that ever happened to a woman ever.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 22, 2022 02:07 PM (iFTx/)

148 I really feel that this is like seeing behind the curtain in Oz. I'm totally disillusioned.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic,

You know what they say. Never meet your heroes.

Posted by: quantum mechanic at September 22, 2022 02:07 PM (g1EEm)


Fetal heartbeats is the new Holocaust, right Mahmoud Abbas?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 22, 2022 02:07 PM (x0n13)

150 I endorse this. I can attest that NO ONE had a heartbeat when I was done.

Posted by: Dr. Kermit Gosnell patron saint of abortion at September 22, 2022 02:07 PM (JTRqZ)

151 125 109 I mean her theory is thre same in the sense that if you listen to a sing on the radio you're not actually listening to something musicians created, you're listening to manipulated waves.

I was going to make this point. But I couldn't think how to make it funny.
Posted by: quantum mechanic at September 22, 2022 02:05 PM (g1EEm)

If we are listening to Cher recordings, I'd agree.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (5r4XQ)

152 UltraSOUND machines don't detect electricity, they project sound waves and record the reflections. It is in the fucking NAME.

Posted by: anon2020 at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (RqMDa)

153 115 I happen to think that brain activity is far more important to personhood, and further that no women is oblgated to make her uterus hospitable for another person or the invading chorion.

not certain whether typo for "obligated" or "oblongated" (because girthy)

Posted by: kulak anachronda at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (v3pYe)

154 Then we have a hell of a lot of non-persons because most libs are brain dead
Posted by: It's me donna
Under the new rules, will they be candidates for post partem abortions then?

Posted by: From about that time at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (4780s)

155 Mark Levin gave a very good run down of the history of Planned Parenthood focused on the very nasty eugenicist, real life racist, and bigot Margaret Sanger. I'm already pretty familiar with her and her role in founding PP, which is a major source of donations to people like Stacey Abrams. She is for all intents and purposes being paid by an organization founded by racists to continue their racialist quest at reducing the Black population.

Posted by: Erik In Texas at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (aGGj6)

156 Mentally defective shit people. Just a communist borg. Wait til the fucktards figure out they're expendable, just like us.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (W/9Bb)

157 That electrical activity in an embryo is sustainable, unlike a windmill or a solar panel, since it keeps operating at night and when the wind doesn't blow.

So, in a way, The Matrix was an anti-abortion movie.

Posted by: Minuteman at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (LaNzR)

158 We're more brackish than salty. If we were as salty as seawater, we'd die.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at September 22, 2022 02:05 PM (UuD2k)

Who are you calling brackish?

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (yHsuS)

159 Heck, my son not only had a heartbeat in utero, he had a personality.

And his in utero personality was consistent with the personality he had once he emerged from the womb.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (Hn+0J)

160 Until a baby farts in your direct presence, he has no asshole. That's just science, trogs.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (ppBhU)

161 Jared Kushner slams Ron DeSantis: "We have to remember that these are human beings, they’re people, so seeing them being used as political pawns is very troubling to me.”

Did we ask you?

Then, STFU!

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (lf83v)

162 Weird argument for her to make since she likely supports abortion up to first breath.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (UuD2k)

163 If you make your vagina hospitable to a penis, you kind of obligate yourself to making your uterus hospitable to the resulting human you selfish bitch. Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Pennsylvania Dad, Defiant! at September 22, 2022 02:04 PM (BI+67)

Taking that argument to the extreme, you get Sandra Fluke: "My Catholic university has to fund my birth control because I shouldn't be required to only have sex with men who can go to the clinic and get free condoms. My body, my choice."

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (7B5FA)

164 Just one more lie that they float to cover for the previous lies they've told that have been rejected. Next week it will be something else. The worst one I hear is that a baby in the womb is essentially a remora, an parasite that makes the pregnant woman somehow ill. This one is still floated by those who claim that women NEED to abort their babies or they will lose their lives as they know them. To which I say, bullshit! But there ya go.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (okGHj)

165 There is no doubt in my mind that all the mothers who took their kids to see drag queens acting porny will no doubt shake their heads in agreement with Tank.

Posted by: Cheri at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (oiNtH)

166 no, it's that the last post was lame and is old news. that post has been sitting in draft since monday. I had nothing to say about it. It should have been a quick hit entry.
Posted by: ace at September 22, 2022 01:59 PM (B3oWe)

Don't sell yourself short're a tremendous slouch, and my dad never liked you.

Posted by: Ty Webb at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (BgMrQ)

167 132 Jared Kushner slams Ron DeSantis: "We have to remember that these are human beings, they’re people, so seeing them being used as political pawns is very troubling to me.”

Well, you're no Hunter Biden but damn, dude!
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at September 22, 2022 02:06 PM (FVME7)

Welp, I guess Trump saw the last polling numbers FL showing Desantis with a 10 lead over Trump.

Posted by: WisRich at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (G0vdT)

168 @139

>>They ain't gone know what no brack is, yo.

Anyone whose raised Cichlids knows what brackish is and also what territorial little monsters they are.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (up/3i)

169 152 UltraSOUND machines don't detect electricity, they project sound waves and record the reflections. It is in the fucking NAME.
Posted by: anon2020 at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (RqMDa)

What's so superlative about them?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (5r4XQ)

170 Kessler’s reasoning would conclude that an ultrasound on an expectant mother is useless before ten weeks. That’d be a hard sell to even the most hardcore of pregnant female abortion believers. “Sorry ma’am, I know you’d like an ultrasound to see how you baby is doing, but we’ll be waiting until after ten weeks.”

Posted by: RSE at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (nos7q)

171 150 I endorse this. I can attest that NO ONE had a heartbeat when I was done.
Posted by: Dr. Kermit Gosnell patron saint of abortion at September 22, 2022 02:07 PM (JTRqZ)

Herman's Hermits Hardest Hit! Literally.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (x0n13)

172 135 Ultra Sheen > Ultra Lord > Ultrasound

charlie sheen > utra sheen > ultra lord > ultrasound

Posted by: the power of tiger blood compels you at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (v3pYe)

173 What a load of krappe. The leftists will LIE about ANYTHING. They're soooo believable. Who do they think they are kidding with this??

Posted by: Prime Sister at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (tQL7r)

174 If men are so hideous, selfish and contolling why do so many women spread their legs for them?

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (0CuV9)

175 When they tell Tank to haul ass it takes two… no there. .. no for trips.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable at September 22, 2022 02:10 PM (jqgXg)

176 "Glenn Kessler -- the Nazi descendant who serves as the Washington Post's "fact-checker" -- actually claims that this Medical Conspiracy Theory is... accurate!

He claims that because the ultrasound is detecting mere "electrical activity" in the heart, that doesn't actually count as a "fetal heartbeat.""

Even Dr Evil k owns this is false, you f'ing dunce.

Posted by: Marcus T at September 22, 2022 02:10 PM (TbpGr)

177 Bye, bye, baby, baby, goodbye
Bye, bye, baby, don't make me cry

Videos are emerging of Russian men saying goodbye to their families as Putin drafts 300,000 more soldiers to fight in Ukraine

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at September 22, 2022 02:10 PM (FVME7)

178 I'm waiting until Dr. David French, Soooooper Christian, weighs in on this.

Posted by: Wally at September 22, 2022 02:10 PM (FJYfm)

179 Heartbeat, Its A Lovebeat

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 22, 2022 02:10 PM (63Dwl)

180 161 Jared Kushner slams Ron DeSantis: "We have to remember that these are human beings, they’re people, so seeing them being used as political pawns is very troubling to me.”

Did we ask you?

Then, STFU!
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (lf83v)

Could certainly use that quote for the abortion folks as well, I guess. Do they even hear what they are saying? Doubtful.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 22, 2022 02:10 PM (okGHj)


Puzzled? It's quite simple:

They want to be able to kill all babies and children that they aren't sexually attracted to.

Posted by: My Pimp Shot My Dealer at September 22, 2022 02:10 PM (39rOP)

182 169 152 UltraSOUND machines don't detect electricity, they project sound waves and record the reflections. It is in the fucking NAME.
Posted by: anon2020 at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (RqMDa)

What's so superlative about them?

it's a dog whistle

Posted by: kulak anachronda at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (v3pYe)

183 Now you made me think of the Partridge Family song!

Posted by: Isophorone at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (ZDM+I)

It's this stuff that leaves me scratching my head about half the country supports Democrats. I mean, these people have many horrible aspects to them... redistributionism, the welfare system, the racism, the corruption, the regulatory state, and on and on. I can forgive the innate tendency of people to latch onto bad, but well-marketed ideas.

But it's this stuff that I just can't get. You have a Party that says "slaughter babies, even right as they're being born. If they make it to childhood, hacking off their genitals is the best way to go. Teach them about anal sex in elementary school. Grooming is love, calling someone a groomer is bad," and so on.

Who is lining up to buy *that?* I mean this stuff *should* be unmarketable.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (oINRc)

185 Interestingly enough, just this morning, the Today Show did a piece on babies being able to taste in the womb.

They showed a baby at rest, and then a baby smiling after its mom ate something sweet, like a carrot.

So NOW those clumps of cells are babies, amirite, Today Show?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (ptqGC)

186 Heartbeats are a social construct, just like gender and race.
Posted by: Hello

This ^^^^^ So much this

Posted by: Prime Sister at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (tQL7r)

187 This is so easy to debate. And yet we don't have a single "Republican" that will do it.

Just ask, "Are you saying that these fetuses with the fake heartbeat will *never* have a real heartbeat if allowed to grow? I want to know if that's what you're saying. It's a fake baby. Is that your claim?"

Posted by: ... at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (iUvpd)

188 If the vote were held today, I would vote for Trump over DeSantis.

But if Jared Kushner is part of the Trump Team again? I'm voting DeSantis.

NFW that guy should be close to DJT.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (lf83v)

189 Yeah, but I think "Nood Tank Abrams" violates the style-guide. If it doesn't, it otter.
Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at September 22, 2022

We hadn't otter question the Big Guy!

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (J2vNu)

190 Leftists have given up real science and make up their own

Posted by: Skip at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (xhxe8)

191 Yeah, those radar images of hurricanes that you see on tv? They aren't real either because you know - all of that sensor data has to be converted to electrical activity so that it can be shown on your tv. That makes it completely made-up stuff. That isn't a real hurricane you're looking at - obviously. Next time a hurricane comes, stay home because what you see on your tv is not real. Right?

Posted by: JT at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (eOOGm)

192 UltraSOUND machines don't detect electricity, they project sound waves and record the reflections. It is in the fucking NAME.
Posted by: anon2020 at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (RqMDa)

What's so superlative about them?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (5r4XQ)

What's the frequency, Kenneth?

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (yHsuS)

193 UltraMAGA > UltraSound

Posted by: quantum mechanic at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (g1EEm)

194 Liars and murderers like their father, the devil before them.

Posted by: Methos at September 22, 2022 02:12 PM (kOpft)

195 Dr. Pimple Popper would have very little business if people would just accept the medical knowledge that has been on this forum for years. Slap a hot iron to it always works, and the sooner the better.

Posted by: The Iron Sheik at September 22, 2022 02:12 PM (l3SW6)

196 25% of the country can't name all three branches of the federal government.

AOC couldn't after she was elected to Congress.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 22, 2022 02:12 PM (7B5FA)

197 Abrams assertion that the fetal heartbeat is manufactured by...*checks notes* to control women's bodies is interesting to say the least.

According to this logic, if women had greater control of their own bodies, they'd abort far more babies than is currently allowed.

Unfortunately for women, men are just dead set on more and more babies being born.

I suppose that's one way to look at it.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 22, 2022 02:12 PM (KbCG3)

198 Ultrasounds are okay. I think baby heartbeats sound better in Dolby Surround Sound though.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 22, 2022 02:12 PM (ppBhU)

199 161 Jared Kushner slams Ron DeSantis: "We have to remember that these are human beings, they’re people, so seeing them being used as political pawns is very troubling to me."

Did we ask you?

Then, STFU!
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (lf83v)

Heh, Jared Kushner...


Posted by: CZ=FNG, Free Republic of Florida at September 22, 2022 02:12 PM (MkuC5)

200 When Darth DeSantis becomes President, the first file he should open up would be Hunter Biden’s and second Kushner.’s

Posted by: RSE at September 22, 2022 02:12 PM (nos7q)

201 I heard Pookette's heartbeat through my mom's stethoscope when I was still in the first trimester. It was a barely audible "tic-tic-tic-tic" sound, but nothing compares to the joy I felt hearing it.

Posted by: pookysgirl loves being a mom at September 22, 2022 02:12 PM (XKZwp)

202 Stacy Abrams is no Cynthia McKinney.

Posted by: dantesed at September 22, 2022 02:12 PM (193FS)

203 155 Mark Levin gave a very good run down of the history of Planned Parenthood focused on the very nasty eugenicist, real life racist, and bigot Margaret Sanger. I'm already pretty familiar with her and her role in founding PP, which is a major source of donations to people like Stacey Abrams. She is for all intents and purposes being paid by an organization founded by racists to continue their racialist quest at reducing the Black population.
Posted by: Erik In Texas at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (aGGj6)


Bill Gates's father was quite the Planned Parenthood supporter. He was on the board in Washington State. If not the President. Can't remember.

Posted by: Seems Legit at September 22, 2022 02:12 PM (Lv84X)

204 Gremlins to me suffered because (a) I'd seen Ghostbusters just before and that was an instant classic, and (b) Gremlins didn't seem to have a single recognizable human in it. They took the characters and tropes from It's a Wonderful Life and added Alien (on a smaller scale).

The SF and fantasy fans I knew then embraced the Murray/Aykroyd/Ramis movie and quoted it incessantly, as we still do here today. Gremlins, not so much.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:06 PM (J2vNu)

But Gremlins had Phoebe

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 22, 2022 02:12 PM (BgMrQ)

205 Kushner is a kunt.

Posted by: quantum mechanic at September 22, 2022 02:13 PM (g1EEm)

206 193 UltraMAGA > UltraSound
Posted by: quantum mechanic at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (g1EEm)

I STILL like MAGA Ultra better.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:13 PM (5r4XQ)

207 Sean Davis @seandavis - 11m

They're doing it. They're really doing it. The fact-checker journos are really going with "babies don't have hearts" so they can defend Stacey Abrams, who in addition to being a nutjob conspiracy theorist is also dumb as a post.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:13 PM (ptqGC)

208 Minions of Satan want to kill babies; it's no deeper than that. Trying to untangle their twisted logic is an exercise in futility.

If these weirdos can't kill babies, then they want to either mutilate children's genitalia, sterilize them, or fvkc them.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at September 22, 2022 02:13 PM (pJWtt)

209 132 Jared Kushner slams Ron DeSantis: "We have to remember that these are human beings, they’re people, so seeing them being used as political pawns is very troubling to me.”

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at September 22, 2022 02:06 PM (FVME7)

FUCK THESE "HUMAN BEINGS." If they don't like it, they can crawl back down whatever shithole they crawled out of.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 22, 2022 02:13 PM (iFTx/)

210 205 Kushner is a kunt.
Posted by: quantum mechanic at September 22, 2022 02:13 PM (g1EEm)

He'd have a use then.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:13 PM (5r4XQ)

211 Having sex with dead people is okay as long as they're still warm. WAPO Experts
Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022

And you can add them to the compost heap afterward, so win-win!

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:13 PM (J2vNu)

212 174 If men are so hideous, selfish and contolling why do so many women spread their legs for them?
Posted by: Pudinhead

Because they have not yet known the sweet sweet love of a cunning linguist...

Posted by: Playing Ukulele at the Crossroads at September 22, 2022 02:13 PM (39rOP)

213 The left: Why do you wingnuts believe conspiracy theories, like that global mega pharma corps might hide negative data with their experimental products?

Also the left: You know every doctor in America is faking that whole ultrasound thing. If you listen closely you can hear them go do-do do-do whenever they are pretending to let you listen

Posted by: 18-1 at September 22, 2022 02:14 PM (ESjRY)

214 179 Heartbeat, Its A Lovebeat
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 22, 2022 02:10 PM (63Dwl)

DeFranco Family, 1974! Before you were born, remember kids?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 22, 2022 02:14 PM (x0n13)

215 Sean Davis @seandavis - 11m

They're doing it. They're really doing it. The fact-checker journos are really going with "babies don't have hearts" so they can defend Stacey Abrams, who in addition to being a nutjob conspiracy theorist is also dumb as a post.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:13 PM (ptqGC)

We won't stand for this slander.

Well, I guess we'll literally stand for it, but you know.

Posted by: Posts at September 22, 2022 02:14 PM (FJYfm)

NFW that guy should be close to DJT.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (lf83v)


Kushner and his father were always lefties. Do not like. I'll hold comment about Trump's daughter.

Posted by: Seems Legit at September 22, 2022 02:14 PM (Lv84X)

217 195 Dr. Pimple Popper would have very little business if people would just accept the medical knowledge that has been on this forum for years. Slap a hot iron to it always works, and the sooner the better.
This is an excellent point. Any lesson taught by Clint Eastwood should be considered holy scripture.

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022 02:14 PM (0CuV9)

218 Did anyone watch Liz Truss's speech? Another piece of shit globalist puppet. "Conservative" my ass.

She said repeatedly the issue of our time is "Democracy vs Authoritarianism" (supposedly speaking about Russia and maybe China), which... coincidentally... is exactly the "battle of our time" that was recently laid out by Biden in the Blood Speech.

Posted by: ... at September 22, 2022 02:14 PM (iUvpd)

219 U.S. Constitution Article 1 Section 10

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; ...

Because the "digital dollar" is neither gold or silver Coin, The red state governors can declare it not to be legal tender in their states, in fact the Constitution requires them to do so. They absolutely will win that case in the courts. In fact they will be able to force all the states to do so.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at September 22, 2022 02:14 PM (CecP5)

220 211 Having sex with dead people is okay as long as they're still warm. WAPO Experts
Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022

And you can add them to the compost heap afterward, so win-win!

well, after 2027 here in california

Posted by: kulak anachronda at September 22, 2022 02:15 PM (v3pYe)

221 The SF and fantasy fans I knew then embraced the Murray/Aykroyd/Ramis movie and quoted it incessantly, as we still do here today. Gremlins, not so much.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:06 PM (J2vNu)

But Gremlins had Phoebe
Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 22, 2022

Good point. Though I wanted to laugh during her oh-so-serious story of how her father got stuck in the chimney playing Santa, and died up there. (I think that was the gist of it. It's been years since I looked at the movie.)

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:15 PM (J2vNu)

222 Kushner and his father were always lefties. Do not like. I'll hold comment about Trump's daughter.
Posted by: Seems Legit at September 22, 2022 02:14 PM (Lv84X)

She has a nice rack.

No bearing on this, just thought I would bring it up.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:15 PM (5r4XQ)

223 I happen to think that brain activity is far more important to personhood, and further that no women is oblgated to make her uterus hospitable for another person or the invading chorion.

If you make your vagina hospitable to a penis, you kind of obligate yourself to making your uterus hospitable to the resulting human you selfish bitch.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Pennsylvania Dad, Defiant! at September 22, 2022 02:04 PM (BI+67)

Without going into name calling, I don't believe anyone here is suggesting banning contraceptives. If, however, as a women who is aware that pregnancy is possible, you neither take steps to avoid, nor prevent, the possibility and use abortion as an "it wasn't a person to me" option well...I'll just point that the "non-person" was never given a choice.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:15 PM (wYNBg)

224 That's why "the term 'fetal heartbeat' is pretty misleading," says Dr. Jennifer Kerns, an OB-GYN and associate professor at the University of California, San Francisco.

For those who may not know, UCSF is freakazoid HQ. Everybody in the place is queer - and I mean almost literally everybody - also strange, and very very hard left.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at September 22, 2022 02:15 PM (YqDXo)

225 Stacy Abrams is no Cynthia McKinney.

Posted by: dantesed at September 22, 2022 02:12 PM (193FS)

No, she's not. True fact: McKinney went full MAGA before the 2020 election.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:15 PM (ptqGC)

226 This is so easy to debate. And yet we don't have a single "Republican" that will do it Just ask, "Are you saying that these fetuses with the fake heartbeat will *never* have a real heartbeat if allowed to grow? I want to know if that's what you're saying. It's a fake baby. Is that your claim?" Posted by: ... at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (iUvpd)

You do notice that the source of the video is a tweet from "RNC Research"?

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 22, 2022 02:15 PM (7B5FA)

227 Old and busted: if you aren't a liberal at 20 you have no heart

New Hotness: Hearts are a false theory from the vast religious-medical conspiracy.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 22, 2022 02:15 PM (ESjRY)

228 Smart military blog with a horde of cunning linguists.

Posted by: quantum mechanic at September 22, 2022 02:15 PM (g1EEm)

229 >>Welp, I guess Trump saw the last polling numbers FL showing Desantis with a 10 lead over Trump.

Or maybe we just discovered who counseled Trump not to use this tactic when he came up with it back in 2019.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 22, 2022 02:15 PM (ZLI7S)

230 Long live king harv.

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at September 22, 2022 02:16 PM (q7YwT)

231 In fact they will be able to force all the states to do so.


Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenko Solutions at September 22, 2022 02:16 PM (71GKV)

232 Because the "digital dollar" is neither gold or silver Coin, The red state governors can declare it not to be legal tender in their states, in fact the Constitution requires them to do so. They absolutely will win that case in the courts. In fact they will be able to force all the states to do so.
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at September 22, 2022 02:14 PM (CecP5)

Neither is a Federal Reserve dollar and we've been using those since 1913.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at September 22, 2022 02:16 PM (UuD2k)

233 Seems it's been said already, but ultrasound cannot pick up electrical activity, anymore than a microphone can pick up the sound of a flashlight.

Stacy Abrams is an evil stunned cunt.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 22, 2022 02:16 PM (oH4L2)

234 211 Having sex with dead people is okay as long as they're still warm. WAPO Experts
Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022

And you can add them to the compost heap afterward, so win-win!
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:13 PM (J2vNu)


- - Gein & Bates, LLC

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 22, 2022 02:16 PM (x0n13)

235 Heartbeat, Its A Lovebeat
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 22, 2022
DeFranco Family, 1974! Before you were born, remember kids?
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 22, 2022

Really? I always thought it was the Jackson Five.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:16 PM (J2vNu)

236 Man do I hate auto correct.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable at September 22, 2022 02:16 PM (jqgXg)

237 190 Leftists have given up real science and make up their own
Posted by: Skip at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (xhxe

For most of them, "science" simply means anti-religious. They view religion, correctly, as limiting and constricting. Think about how much better off we'd be without those annoying ten commandments or anything other than a doped-up Jesus dispensing peace signs and bongs to the faithful.

Posted by: Erik In Texas at September 22, 2022 02:16 PM (z0DEK)

238 Twitter Abrams is wearing her Dr Smack whites.

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at September 22, 2022 02:17 PM (4B3eq)

239 227 Old and busted: if you aren't a liberal at 20 you have no heart

New Hotness: Hearts are a false theory from the vast religious-medical conspiracy.
Posted by: 18-1 at September 22, 2022 02:15 PM (ESjRY)

"Most doctors are Jooz."

- - Louis Farrakkkkhan

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 22, 2022 02:17 PM (x0n13)

86 Audrey Hepburn was never hot. Too skinny.

She did have a lovely smile, however.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 22, 2022 02:00 PM (Hn+0J)

That's no way to talk about your grandmother.

Posted by: Auspex at September 22, 2022 02:17 PM (j4U/Z)

241 235 Heartbeat, Its A Lovebeat
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 22, 2022
DeFranco Family, 1974! Before you were born, remember kids?
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 22, 2022

Really? I always thought it was the Jackson Five.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:16 PM (J2vNu)


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 22, 2022 02:17 PM (x0n13)

242 Hearts have no home here

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't insist that I accept what you are when you can't accept what you are at September 22, 2022 02:18 PM (C0bt5)

243 Cruel, but accurate:


I think we can all agree that, when it comes to having a healthy, living heart, @staceyabrams is the first person you'd want to ask.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:18 PM (ptqGC)

244 Radio telescopes are a conspiracy!

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 22, 2022 02:18 PM (ppBhU)

245 133 Willowed: The question I always had was: you can't feed them after midnight, I get it, but at what point does the timetable reset so that they could be fed again? Technically the entire following day is "after midnight." Did the clock reset at dawn? Noon?
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 22, 2022

Hmf. Didn't think about that one.

Gremlins to me suffered because (a) I'd seen Ghostbusters just before and that was an instant classic, and (b) Gremlins didn't seem to have a single recognizable human in it. They took the characters and tropes from It's a Wonderful Life and added Alien (on a smaller scale).

The SF and fantasy fans I knew then embraced the Murray/Aykroyd/Ramis movie and quoted it incessantly, as we still do here today. Gremlins, not so much.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:06 PM (J2vNu)

I wasn't the biggest fan of either movie. GB had a very clever premise and great cast, but I thought most of the jokes and gags fell flat. Gremlins was just dumb but . . . Phoebe Cates.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 22, 2022 02:18 PM (iFTx/)

246 Bongino has an interview up of an FBI Special Agent/Whistleblower named Kyle Seraphin that might be worth a listen:

Posted by: Sharkman at September 22, 2022 02:18 PM (Gda1b)

247 I'll just point that the "non-person" was never given a choice.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:15 PM (wYNBg)

It's not a huge leap to declare other people non-persons. How easily they miss that.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at September 22, 2022 02:18 PM (yHsuS)

248 Audrey Hepburn was attractive. I am not sure I would use hot. She was one of those that had a decidedly non-sexual feel to me for some reason. I dunno why.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:18 PM (5r4XQ)

249 They're doing it. They're really doing it. The fact-checker journos are really going with "babies don't have hearts" so they can defend Stacey Abrams, who in addition to being a nutjob conspiracy theorist is also dumb as a post.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:13 PM (ptqGC)

Ghetto scholarship - you can't beat it.

Stacey also makes a mean pancake.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at September 22, 2022 02:18 PM (YqDXo)

250 231 In fact they will be able to force all the states to do so.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenko Solutions at September 22, 2022 02:16 PM (71GKV)

I'm not even breathing hard...

Posted by: Flaccid Steiner at September 22, 2022 02:18 PM (BgMrQ)


On it

Posted by: Sandra Fluke at September 22, 2022 02:19 PM (ESjRY)

252 Less fetal heartbeats means more calories for my gunt.

Posted by: Tank at September 22, 2022 02:19 PM (OZjDX)

253 Cunningham thinks quoting Shitheep J Wanker, who LITERALLY HAS the fucking 'LETS GET VACCINATED WE CAN DO THIS' crap as his profile pic, is a winning argument?

Get fucked, Cunningham.

There are plenty of actual persuasive personalities without boosting the vaccine shill NeverTrump piece of shit.

Posted by: DudeAbiding at September 22, 2022 02:19 PM (setIA)

254 It's not a huge leap to declare other people non-persons. How easily they miss that.
Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at September 22, 2022 02:18 PM (yHsuS)

That's because they're NOT missing it. They never fucking have. They just want to be able to make the call.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:19 PM (5r4XQ)

255 Double digits behind.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 02:07 PM (lf83v)

You ever seen her? Girl got a triple digits behind.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:19 PM (wYNBg)

256 The good news is, Tank is trailing Kemp by eight points today.

So there's that.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:19 PM (ptqGC)

257 Audrey Hepburn was attractive. I am not sure I would use hot. She was one of those that had a decidedly non-sexual feel to me for some reason. I dunno why.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:18 PM (5r4XQ)

Because she looked like a ten year-old boy wearing makeup?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at September 22, 2022 02:19 PM (YqDXo)

258 >>> Neither is a Federal Reserve dollar and we've been using those since 1913.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe

Rally call: Remember the Silver Certificate!

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at September 22, 2022 02:20 PM (4B3eq)

259 You do notice that the source of the video is a tweet from "RNC Research"?

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 22, 2022 02:15 PM (7B5FA)

I didn't. RNC Research tweets some good stuff. It doesn't really negate my point. We should have multiple elected Republicans who will stand up by name and make these arguments. Just quoting these idiots in a tweet isn't enough.

Posted by: ... at September 22, 2022 02:20 PM (iUvpd)

260 I heard Pookette's heartbeat through my mom's stethoscope when I was still in the first trimester. It was a barely audible "tic-tic-tic-tic" sound, but nothing compares to the joy I felt hearing it.
Posted by: pookysgirl loves being a mom

This. The first ultrasound/pics I was giddy.

Posted by: Infidel at September 22, 2022 02:20 PM (6/K6X)

261 It be science, yo!

Posted by: Stupid Binger at September 22, 2022 02:20 PM (ufFY8)

262 248 Audrey Hepburn was attractive. I am not sure I would use hot. She was one of those that had a decidedly non-sexual feel to me for some reason. I dunno why.
Would you have fucked Olive Oil if Popeye was at sea?

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022 02:20 PM (0CuV9)

263 Love the Pookete heart story

The problem with kids is that they grow up too fast

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 22, 2022 02:20 PM (zTO+K)

264 FWIW, "fact checker" is a misnomer. I'm actually a "narrative enforcer".

Posted by: Glenn Kessler, grandgit of Nazis at September 22, 2022 02:20 PM (NZZ+O)

265 234 211 Having sex with dead people is okay as long as they're still warm. WAPO Experts
Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022

And you can add them to the compost heap afterward, so win-win!
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:13 PM (J2vNu)


- - Gein & Bates, LLC
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 22, 2022 02:16 PM (x0n13)

Or, even better....

Posted by: Hannibal "Hannypie" Lecter, MD at September 22, 2022 02:20 PM (MkuC5)

Let's just get to the truth of the matter and admit that any statement Ms. Abhrams makes cannot be criticized or you are a lookist / racist or something else the style editors of the NYT decides.

Posted by: Auspex at September 22, 2022 02:20 PM (j4U/Z)

267 "This is what they always claim -- "Well, it's not a complete baby yet, so we can abort it.""

Here's the thing. In the end, it's always "a women's choice". Nobody is going around forcing abortions or births. They are promulgating facts and potential outcomes about the options. They are also potentially limiting the options based on the medical, moral, humanistic aspects. Conversely, some have chosen not to examine those options and provide abortions without deference to any of those measures. So I am a little confused why the pro abortion side wants to limit the education of people with respect to the facts, or better yet distort actual medical facts to make their case? Is it that their arguments are weak, there is plainly no "right" to an abortion in the constitution, and irrespective there are still plenty of states where you can go to murder your baby with nary a restriction? Why do they want to take away people's right to choose? Weird.

Posted by: Marcus T at September 22, 2022 02:20 PM (TbpGr)

268 257 Audrey Hepburn was attractive. I am not sure I would use hot. She was one of those that had a decidedly non-sexual feel to me for some reason. I dunno why.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:18 PM (5r4XQ)

Because she looked like a ten year-old boy wearing makeup?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at September 22, 2022 02:19 PM (YqDXo)

Nailed it.

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at September 22, 2022 02:21 PM (4B3eq)

269 Because she looked like a ten year-old boy wearing makeup?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at September 22, 2022 02:19 PM (YqDXo)

I read the words and all my mind thinks is 'Because she has no tits?'

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:21 PM (5r4XQ)

270 Has Jared said anything negative about Biden? More republican (ish) "It is my guy or nobody. I will burn you to the fucking ground!"

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Pennsylvania Dad, Defiant! at September 22, 2022 02:21 PM (BI+67)

271 Off cannibalistic sock.

Posted by: CZ=FNG, Free Republic of Florida at September 22, 2022 02:21 PM (MkuC5)

272 Cruel, but accurate:


I think we can all agree that, when it comes to having a healthy, living heart, @staceyabrams is the first person you'd want to ask.

That's the kind of cruelty VDH comes here for. Chuy Ace better step it up if Michael Malice is beating him.

Posted by: Ian S. at September 22, 2022 02:21 PM (ZGrMX)

273 Would you have fucked Olive Oil if Popeye was at sea?
Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022 02:20 PM (0CuV9)


Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:21 PM (5r4XQ)

274 I usually like 'em with a bit more meat on the bone, but Audrey Hepburn is an exception. Very pretty lady.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 22, 2022 02:21 PM (ppBhU)

275 Got to say, I did enjoy Hepburn and Grant in Charade. It was a fucking good movie.

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022 02:21 PM (0CuV9)

276 What will Tank Abrams' next move be when she loses (again) to Brian Kemp?

a) Go back to writing soft porn

b) Go on a yuge eating binge

c) All of the above

Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:22 PM (ptqGC)

277 Also Doppler machines measure blood flow. They aren't used for ultrasound imaging. The Doppler effect is the change in frequency sound undergoes due to relative motion.

Glenn Kessler is a f'ing idiot. This is high school level science.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe


Exactly right. I had a Doppler hooked up to me somehow after reconstruction surgery 22 yrs ago....and it measured blood flow.

Posted by: Prime Sister at September 22, 2022 02:22 PM (tQL7r)

278 Sean Davis @seandavis - 11m

They're doing it. They're really doing it. The fact-checker journos are really going with "babies don't have hearts" so they can defend Stacey Abrams, who in addition to being a nutjob conspiracy theorist is also dumb as a post.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:13 PM (ptqGC)

We won't stand for this slander.

Well, I guess we'll literally stand for it, but you know.
Posted by: Posts

You could always picket....

Posted by: The PUNisher at September 22, 2022 02:22 PM (JTRqZ)

279 Greetings:

Geez !!! That Stacey woman sure fills out a chair !!!

Posted by: 11B40 at September 22, 2022 02:22 PM (uuklp)

280 Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams: "There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks.

So babies don't have rhythm? Is that just white babies, perchance?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at September 22, 2022 02:22 PM (YqDXo)

281 Because she looked like a ten year-old boy wearing makeup? Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at September 22, 2022 02:19 PM (YqDXo)

Yeah, I don't know why so many people go gaga over Breakfast at Tiffany's. It's such an implausible movie , from the plot to the characters, and they're all just unlikeable people.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 22, 2022 02:22 PM (7B5FA)

Audrey Hepburn had a perfect face, hence the movie career. But she looked like a child.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 22, 2022 02:22 PM (oINRc)

283 Rally call: Remember the Silver Certificate!

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at September 22, 2022 02:20 PM (4B3eq)

I've got a few of those puppies in my safe box. Nice collectors items....kinda like steel pennies, and Mercury dimes.

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 22, 2022 02:22 PM (BgMrQ)

284 275 Got to say, I did enjoy Hepburn and Grant in Charade. It was a fucking good movie.
Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022 02:21 PM (0CuV9)


Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:22 PM (5r4XQ)

285 Someone pointed out that he's basically claiming that because you're using a medical device to hear something undetectable by the unaided human ear, it's not really a sound and it's not really happening. And by this logic, nothing heard through the doctor's stethoscope is "real," either.

It's worse than that, ace. Since our brains are wholly dependent upon outside stimuli, sound, light, vibration, heat, etc., and those stimuli are heavily filtered by pur brains into the so-called "Reality" that we perceive, we really have no way of really KNOWING for certain if a baby is real. Even after it is born.

What is "Real"? What is "Life"?

We have no way of knowing, so abortion of everyone up to age 100 should be mandated.

/off communist/DemonRat/progressive retard mask

Posted by: Sharkman at September 22, 2022 02:22 PM (Gda1b)

286 272 Cruel, but accurate:


I think we can all agree that, when it comes to having a healthy, living heart, @staceyabrams is the first person you'd want to ask.

That's the kind of cruelty VDH comes here for. Chuy Ace better step it up if Michael Malice is beating him.
Posted by: Ian S. at September 22, 2022 02:21 PM (ZGrMX)

His last name is Malice. Chuy's last name is Quesadilla.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at September 22, 2022 02:22 PM (mE7cY)

287 The only appropriate test is to remove the electrical activity from Kessler's heart and see what happens.

Posted by: Alec Leamas (working from home) at September 22, 2022 02:23 PM (HCRZt)

288 Stacey Abrams should have someone look under her gunt. Pretty sure something's living there. I'm just not certain what it is.

Posted by: Marcus T at September 22, 2022 02:23 PM (TbpGr)

289 All three of my sons were born premature, the third was 9 weeks early. I've spent more all-niters in NICU watching my sons struggle that I ever care to think about.

There was a baby in the NICU when we were there last back in '95 who's mom was on crack and her baby weighed exactly one and a half pounds and they were keeping it alive. I talked to one of the nurses there sometime later and the kid actually survived.

I can only imagine what the technology is like now. This is why I roll my eyes when people start trying to use statistics to talk about how bad healthcare here is especially with regard to newborns. I have no f****** clue.

There was a family there also whose baby daughter was in NICU 254 days and they threw a party for her the day she left. I've never seen a happier set of parents but they look like extras on The Walking Dead after what all they'd been through.

Posted by: Azathoth at September 22, 2022 02:23 PM (wb1YC)

290 Welp, I guess Trump saw the last polling numbers FL showing Desantis with a 10 lead over Trump.
Posted by: WisRich at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (G0vdT)

DeSantis has previously stated that he will not challenge Trump in the primaries. Until, and unless, he rescinds that statement, I see all stories like this to be an effort to sow discord among the MAGA right.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:23 PM (wYNBg)

291 Neither is a Federal Reserve dollar and we've been using those since 1913.

Yes, and police got away with beating confessions out of suspects until the Miranda ruling said: "No, you can't do that".

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at September 22, 2022 02:23 PM (CecP5)

292 This Abrams cunt, what does she actually DO besides stuff her enormous pie-hole? Does she have an actual job?

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at September 22, 2022 02:23 PM (ufFY8)

293 Well, lesson learned. I thought I'd get drunk last night and sleep until noon and maybe the world would be less crazy. And then I wake up to this shit? I know it's stupid to believe in astrology but it actually does work if you know what to look for. On the basis of astrology (and, I will admit, a lot of mind-bending drugs) I said back in 1999 that we were entering The Age of Lies. Lies are always around, but can anyone deny that the Liar and his minions have ramped it up to unheard of levels since then?

Posted by: Plum Duff, North America's newest cryptid at September 22, 2022 02:23 PM (JWHEO)


That fat sow is going on about heartbeat.

Is she trying to destroy science? Isn't that what the progs are into, changing science. 2+2=5?

Posted by: Dr.Rev. Senator Your Highness E Buzz Miller, Esq PhD MA MS at September 22, 2022 02:23 PM (V8ovK)

295 It’s ‘created by the machine itself, which translates the waves of electrical activity into something audible.’”

That's not totally untrue, but I would argue "created" is a bit over the top.
The audio produced is generated from the Doppler of the blood flowing thru the fetal heart. It is an electronic reinterpretation of the blood flow using a Hilbert transform. It is derived from the same signals that show those red and blue color flow mapping displays when looking for leaky heart valves. You can't really hear the blood flow of a fetus or an adult without an ultrasound machine (merely the muscle of the heart) so comparing the ultrasound audio to a stethoscope is a bit of a non sequitur, but a fetus' heart will make a sound similar to an adult on an ultrasound machine.

Posted by: SMOD at September 22, 2022 02:23 PM (RHGPo)

296 282
Audrey Hepburn had a perfect face, hence the movie career. But she looked like a child.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 22, 2022 02:22 PM (oINRc)

The quintessential definition of Gamine

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 22, 2022 02:24 PM (BgMrQ)

297 Yeah, I don't know why so many people go gaga over Breakfast at Tiffany's. It's such an implausible movie , from the plot to the characters, and they're all just unlikeable people.
Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 22, 2022 02:22 PM (7B5FA)

That last is absolutely correct. They are not just dislikeable- they are repulsive. Mickey Rooney as the Chinaman is the most sympathetic. Just think about that for a minute.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:24 PM (5r4XQ)

298 I don't think most on the left really give a shit about abortion. It is a fight to win and fundraise off of. Nothing more. If they could make money by forcing everyone to put carrots in chili they would make that a national issue.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Pennsylvania Dad, Defiant! at September 22, 2022 02:24 PM (BI+67)

299 Ask yourself WHY abortion is so important to these people.

I don't think the low level local school board "stay safe" Democrats are openly doing it, but I'm more and more convinced that the high-level DC folks are outright Moloch worshippers. This is a required sacrifice, and they are doing that demon's will. They are willing to fight for it over everything, and it's the only explanation that makes sense.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't insist that I accept what you are when you can't accept what you are at September 22, 2022 02:24 PM (C0bt5)

300 Got to say, I did enjoy Hepburn and Grant in Charade. It was a fucking good movie.
Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022

"The best Hitchcock movie he never made."

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:24 PM (J2vNu)

301 276 What will Tank Abrams' next move be when she loses (again) to Brian Kemp?

a) Go back to writing soft porn

b) Go on a yuge eating binge

c) All of the above
Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:22 PM (ptqGC)


Continue raising money from progressives to her organization Fair Fight, live off of those donations, and spend some amount of the money trying to make it legal for illegal immigrants to vote in federal elections.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at September 22, 2022 02:24 PM (LvTSG)

302 The question I always had was: you can't feed them after midnight, I get it, but at what point does the timetable reset so that they could be fed again? Technically the entire following day is "after midnight." Did the clock reset at dawn? Noon?

I'd go with dawn, given the relationship Gremlins have with sunlight.

Posted by: Methos at September 22, 2022 02:24 PM (kOpft)

303 We should have multiple elected Republicans who will stand up by name and make these arguments. Just quoting these idiots in a tweet isn't enough. Posted by: ... at September 22, 2022 02:20 PM (iUvpd)

Plenty do. But they are not given a platform by the media.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 22, 2022 02:24 PM (7B5FA)

304 “Sorry ma’am, I know you’d like an ultrasound to see how your baby inanimate lump of cells is doing, but we’ll be waiting until after ten weeks.”
Posted by: RSE at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (nos7q)

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:24 PM (wYNBg)

305 Lol.

More cruelty:

Julio N. Rausseo @NJReports

It's like taking healthy advice from @JBPritzker.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:25 PM (ptqGC)

306 Someone pointed out that he's basically claiming that because you're using a medical device to hear something undetectable by the unaided human ear, it's not really a sound and it's not really happening. And by this logic, nothing heard through the doctor's stethoscope is "real," either.


So if we're in a vacuum without any helpful atmosphere as the mechanical medium for sound to travel through, we don't have heartbeats either?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't insist that I accept what you are when you can't accept what you are at September 22, 2022 02:25 PM (C0bt5)

307 Got to say, I did enjoy Hepburn and Grant in Charade. It was a fucking good movie.

Yes, it was. The best non-Hitchcock Hitchcock movie ever made.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 02:25 PM (lf83v)

308 I still do not understand why Blacks like Abrams are so heavily invested in abortion when the racist origins of abortion in this country are so widely known.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 22, 2022 02:25 PM (5pTK/)

309 >>>Stacy Abrams Propagates Medical Disinformation That Fetal Heartbeat Is a "Manufactured Sound" Created By a Conspiracy of Doctors To Make Women Think That Babies Have Heartbeats

Especially the brown ones, right Tank?

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at September 22, 2022 02:25 PM (yHsuS)

310 There are ultrasound probes that can do heartbeats without the big box typically associated with ultrasound machines.

Posted by: SMOD at September 22, 2022 02:25 PM (RHGPo)

311 Audrey Hepburn was cute, but NOT a One.

There, I said it.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at September 22, 2022 02:25 PM (ufFY8)

312 I also called every presidential election this century on the basis of astrology. I guess not the last one, but actually, yes, because really Trump won.

Posted by: Plum Duff, North America's newest cryptid at September 22, 2022 02:25 PM (JWHEO)

313 That should have read " they have no f****** clue" not "I".

But since we're probably not going to get an edit button until sometime in 2040 what are you going to do...

Posted by: Azathoth at September 22, 2022 02:26 PM (wb1YC)

314 To be fair.

Stacey's Whale Song drowns out most other auditory input.

Posted by: garrett at September 22, 2022 02:26 PM (8mn8m)

315 DeSantis has previously stated that he will not challenge Trump in the primaries. Until, and unless, he rescinds that statement, I see all stories like this to be an effort to sow discord among the MAGA right.

Agreed. It's bullshit all the way down.

Posted by: Ian S. at September 22, 2022 02:26 PM (ZGrMX)

316 And, I HATE movies with monkeys in it.

Very stupid.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at September 22, 2022 02:26 PM (ufFY8)

317 I don’t know her politics, but I find Queen Latifah rather attractive. If I’m gonna have an overweight black woman harping at me, I’d take her over Tank any day.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 22, 2022 02:26 PM (Hn+0J)

318 Plenty do. But they are not given a platform by the media.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 22, 2022 02:24 PM (7B5FA)


Posted by: ... at September 22, 2022 02:26 PM (iUvpd)

319 When this nation inevitably divides, what will lefties name their half?

Abortiana or Transylvania?

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 22, 2022 02:26 PM (KbCG3)

320 311 Audrey Hepburn was cute, but NOT a One.

There, I said it.
Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at September 22, 2022 02:25 PM (ufFY

Huh. Putting it to the Scoogdog test kind of throws it in to stark relief.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:26 PM (5r4XQ)

321 @292

>>This Abrams cunt, what does she actually DO besides stuff her enormous pie-hole? Does she have an actual job?

Well, she was able to consent decree enough fraud to steal a Presidential Election and two Senate Seats, so that's her job.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 22, 2022 02:26 PM (up/3i)

322 The abortion issue is about defining when infanticide begins. And secondarily who gets to decide.

It’s not a civil liberties question.

Like defining degrees of murder or whether to have a felony murder rule it belongs with the states

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 22, 2022 02:27 PM (BYoqH)

323 With a stethoscope, you hear the heart muscle, not the blood flow.
With ultrasound probes, you hear the blood flow, not the heart muscle.
A fetus' heart will make a sound similar to an adult on an ultrasound machine.

Posted by: SMOD at September 22, 2022 02:27 PM (RHGPo)

324 Bill Gates's father was quite the Planned Parenthood supporter. He was on the board in Washington State. If not the President. Can't remember.
Posted by: Seems Legit

PP gave Hillary a big award one year. Obama, a big fan of PP.
Seeing a pattern here.

Posted by: Cheri at September 22, 2022 02:27 PM (oiNtH)

325 If a voter is a Democrat, it's not a complete brain yet.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at September 22, 2022 02:02 PM (p+1gI)

Nor will it ever be.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 22, 2022 02:27 PM (i6a+q)

326 For Dems, abortion is multifaceted. Part of the patriarchy. Part of feminism. Part of refusal to accept responsibility for action.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at September 22, 2022 02:27 PM (mE7cY)

327 This whole when life begins nonsense is so stupid.

Life begins at conception, full stop, period, end of story.

F**king monsters.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 22, 2022 01:51 PM (up/3i)

Don't disagree, but the issue is a bit more profound than that. The abortionists deny the personhood of the unborn. If the unborn is not a person, than anything you do to it doesn't matter because the unborn is "life unworthy of life."

At conception, a new body and soul come into being.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at September 22, 2022 02:27 PM (pJWtt)

328 276 What will Tank Abrams' next move be when she loses (again) to Brian Kemp?

a) Go back to writing soft porn

b) Go on a yuge eating binge

c) All of the above
Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:22 PM (ptqGC)

She's gonna reprise the role of Mr. Creosote in the a female version of "The Meaning of Life".

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 22, 2022 02:27 PM (BgMrQ)

329 still do not understand why Blacks like Abrams are so heavily invested in abortion when the racist origins of abortion in this country are so widely known.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 22, 2022 02:25 PM (5pTK/)

There were favored blacks on the plantations.

Posted by: ... at September 22, 2022 02:27 PM (iUvpd)

330 Oof:


Her heart health is like the amount of political positions she's actually been elected to, which is like the amount of men lining up to impregnate her.

Another one:

It's like asking advice about dealing with progressive Alzheimer's from Joe Biden.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:28 PM (ptqGC)

331 >>Audrey Hepburn was cute, but NOT a One.


Posted by: garrett at September 22, 2022 02:28 PM (8mn8m)

332 Who is lining up to buy *that?* I mean this stuff *should* be unmarketable.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 22, 2022 02:11 PM (oINRc)

People who don't believe in God. People who think this life is one and done. They want to support the team that promises free shit...even if it's just permission to piss in someone else's cornflakes.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:28 PM (wYNBg)

333 "I'm more and more convinced that the high-level DC folks are outright Moloch worshippers."

I am convinced that there is a lot of demonic possession going on around us. Seriously.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 22, 2022 02:28 PM (7B5FA)

334 308 I still do not understand why Blacks like Abrams are so heavily invested in abortion when the racist origins of abortion in this country are so widely known.
Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 22, 2022 02:25 PM (5pTK/)

Because Moloch worship is alive and well in modern-day?

Hearing peers talk about unborn children as footballs to be cruelly punted from a woman's womb and seeing members of my family struggle to have their own children gave me a whole new perspective on abortion.

Posted by: Thrawn at September 22, 2022 02:28 PM (Rl7KJ)

335 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 22, 2022 02:28 PM (Zz0t1)

336 It’s ‘created by the machine itself, which translates the waves of electrical activity into something audible.’”

And an ultrasound is not picking up waves of electrical activity. The probe is generating a sound impulse and recording the reflected return from the tissue.
Not that picking up electric impulses like an EKG is bad. It is literally the electric impulses generated by the heart cells.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Pennsylvania Dad, Defiant! at September 22, 2022 02:28 PM (BI+67)

337 I am always sort of shocked when black people insist that their babies aren't people.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't insist that I accept what you are when you can't accept what you are at September 22, 2022 02:29 PM (C0bt5)

338 314 To be fair.

Stacey's Whale Song drowns out most other auditory input.
Posted by: garrett at September 22, 2022 02:26 PM (8mn8m)

garrett garrett garett! Do you like Nerd Power Pop? Because here is Nerd Power Pop!

Mollie Hemingway had a link to them....

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at September 22, 2022 02:29 PM (PiwSw)

339 At conception, a new body and soul come into being.
Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at September 22, 2022 02:27 PM (pJWtt)

That is what they have to deny. If they acknowledge life, then they are wanton and prolific murderers- which their sense of self will not allow, so they deny any actuality to the thing they are snuffing out. AND get more histrionic in their over the top support for it.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:29 PM (5r4XQ)

340 Tank Abrams on the one hand.

Audrey Hepburn on the other.

Talk about poles apart --!!!

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:29 PM (J2vNu)

341 >> It’s ‘created by the machine itself, which translates the waves of electrical activity into something audible.’”

Also. There's NO music on a Record, Tape or a Cd.

Posted by: garrett at September 22, 2022 02:29 PM (8mn8m)

342 The thing with Audrey Hepburn (who I think was a goddess in her own right) is that she was like a China doll. Fragile and beautiful.

If I hugged her, I think I'd break her.

Maureen O'Hara is more my speed. Built to take heavy seas, IYKWIM.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 02:29 PM (lf83v)

343 Hey, Anchorbabe, how are Nice Bod Brooke and Big-Tit Donna doin’ today.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 22, 2022 02:29 PM (Hn+0J)

344 They also treat this as their 2nd Amendment Hill to die on.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at September 22, 2022 02:29 PM (mE7cY)

345 That tank has a constituency tells you something about the heartbeat of the nation.

Posted by: 7man at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (qwO6y)

346 A Roman Catholic priest, a Baptist minister, and a rabbi have this discussion about the beginning of life.

The priest says "Life begins at conception."

The Baptist Minister says "Life begins with the heartbeat."

The Rabbi says "Life begins when your youngest child moves out and takes the dog with him."

Posted by: Chatterbox Mouse at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (C1rbv)

347 Demand are incapable of honest debate about anything. Everything they say about everything is driven by their insane agenda.

Posted by: That NLurker guy at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (eGTCV)

348 The ultrasound machine is actually an EKG machine that detects electrical activity and applies a random audio to it.

Yeah, they're just flat making shit up now.

All your fetus are murdered by us.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (Zz0t1)

349 "I'm more and more convinced that the high-level DC folks are outright Moloch worshippers."

I am convinced that there is a lot of demonic possession going on around us. Seriously.
Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon


I don't disagree. I have posted it before and I can't articulate it well unfortunately, but I think this whole "they/them" pronoun crossdresser stuff is directly tied to the story about Legion.

They. Them.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't insist that I accept what you are when you can't accept what you are at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (C0bt5)

350 So UltraSound is sonar.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (BYoqH)

351 Mollie Hemingway > Audrey Hepburn

Fight me.

Posted by: CZ=FNG, Free Republic of Florida at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (MkuC5)

352 Will Abrams primary Ossoff? Will she wait 6 years to run against walker? No. Probably run for president in 24.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Pennsylvania Dad, Defiant! at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (BI+67)

353 "UltraSOUND machines don't detect electricity, they project sound waves and record the reflections. It is in the fucking NAME."

I can see why her (stupid) point is applauded, because it sound like ultrasound is just a very "juiced up" microphone. But the above quote clarifies it.

Of course The Tank probably applauds the guy running down the teenager, assuming the teenager was a MAGA white terrorist (with a heartbeat).

Posted by: illiniwek at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (Cus5s)

354 Stacy "Beefheart" Abrams

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (M+Lyo)

355 >>> DeSantis has previously stated that he will not challenge Trump in the primaries. Until, and unless, he rescinds that statement, I see all stories like this to be an effort to sow discord among the MAGA right.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic

Statement deemed accurate and true

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (4B3eq)

356 I thought Hepburn was very attractive as the vulnerable blind women being gaslighted in Wait until Dark

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (CecP5)

357 I remember the joy in hearing D'oh Boy's heartbeat for the first time.

And I remember of not hearing our second baby's heartbeat during a routine exam at 13 weeks. Seeing the baby curled up, and knowing it was dead.

Joy and grief.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (ptqGC)

358 I can't believe this fat slob actually has a chance of winning.

Posted by: jewells45 at September 22, 2022 02:31 PM (nxdel)

359 Unfortunately for women, men are just dead set on more and more babies being born.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 22, 2022 02:12 PM (KbCG3)

It's true. Many of those babies will be girls. Girls, if permitted to mature, become women. Then we have even more women who's bodies we can control.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:31 PM (wYNBg)

360 342 The thing with Audrey Hepburn (who I think was a goddess in her own right) is that she was like a China doll. Fragile and beautiful.

If I hugged her, I think I'd break her.

Maureen O'Hara is more my speed. Built to take heavy seas, IYKWIM.
The nice thing about Audrey is she would make your dick look bigger.

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022 02:31 PM (0CuV9)

361 152 UltraSOUND machines don't detect electricity, they project sound waves and record the reflections. It is in the fucking NAME.
Posted by: anon2020 at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (RqMDa)

What's so superlative about them?
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (5r4XQ)

Like ultraviolet, the ultra in ultrasound means outside our hearing range.

Posted by: Oldcat at September 22, 2022 02:31 PM (eoQWY)

362 350 So UltraSound is sonar.
Posted by: Ignoramus at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (BYoqH)

Except you can't find whale pods in the doctors office.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at September 22, 2022 02:31 PM (mE7cY)

363 >>garett! Do you like Nerd Power Pop?

Never go far, without a little Big Star.

Posted by: garrett at September 22, 2022 02:31 PM (8mn8m)

364 Does she have an actual job?
Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt

She moonlights as a supermassive black hole.

Posted by: quantum mechanic at September 22, 2022 02:31 PM (g1EEm)

365 I don’t know her politics, but I find Queen Latifah rather attractive. If I’m gonna have an overweight black woman harping at me, I’d take her over Tank any day. Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 22, 2022 02:26 PM (Hn+0J)

I think her "Equalizer" is respectful of the franchise. I was surprised that it didn't turn into a Mary Sue.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 22, 2022 02:31 PM (7B5FA)

366 If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, would it make a sound?

And if a tree falls on Stacy Abrams, would anyone care?
Posted by: NJ Class Traitor at September 22, 2022 01:57 PM (c1efv)

1. The poor sorry bastard that has to clean up the mess.
2. Maybe, maybe, her family.
3. Not me

Posted by: rd at September 22, 2022 02:31 PM (Z32m1)

367 The cardiovascular system is the first organ system to begin functioning in the early embryo, for the simple reason that embryonic growth cannot continue without an efficient internal transport and distribution system. This same fundamenta constraint prevents a solid tumor from beyond the size of the head of a pin unless it recruits a vascular supply.

By the end of the third week of gestation, the early heart (which at that point is just a tube) is already producing contractile activity to move primordial blood cells through primitive forming vessels. An organ like the heart does not manifest all at once. Just because the six-week heart is not displaying the same mechanics of an adult heart does not mean it is not functioning in the embryo at that stage.

Posted by: soft white underbelly at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (IPWly)

368 People who don't believe in God. People who think this life is one and done. They want to support the team that promises free shit...even if it's just permission to piss in someone else's cornflakes.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:28 PM (wYNBg)

I made this argument once to an atheist pro-abortion gal: IF there is no greater plan. If life is just a cosmological accident. If consciousness is just a happy coincidence.

Does not this make life even MORE precious and miraculous? Holy shit, all of the things that had to come together to not only produce life, but ask these questions? Maybe worth a thought or two.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (5r4XQ)

369 352 Will Abrams primary Ossoff? Will she wait 6 years to run against walker? No. Probably run for president in 24.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Pennsylvania Dad, Defiant! at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (BI+67)


That's true. She'll be the Beto of 2024.

Also, Beto is probably going to run. He won't even be the Beto of that race.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (LvTSG)

370 356 I thought Hepburn was very attractive as the vulnerable blind women being gaslighted in Wait until Dark
That was a good one. Back when white pipo lived in NYC.

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (0CuV9)

371 So sorry, Jane.

Posted by: CZ=FNG, Free Republic of Florida at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (MkuC5)

372 Built to take heavy seas, IYKWIM.

Gina Carano?

Posted by: Chatterbox Mouse at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (C1rbv)

373 So UltraSound is sonar.
Posted by: Ignoramus at September 22, 2022

Psst! Don't tell anybody, but there are little bats inside the machines!

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (J2vNu)

374 I think Audrey is a 1.

But we cannot be scientifically certain until FenelonSpoke offers a detailed analysis of her facial symmetry and whatnot.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (ppBhU)

375 Stacy Abrams heart is actually the chocolate fountain at Golden Corral.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (Zz0t1)

376 we always get dizzy trying to fly around Abrams

Posted by: gnats local 678 at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (Ynyl9)

377 If a leftist falls in the forest, does it make a sound?

Posted by: Cicero Kaboom! Kid at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (3Or4S)

378 Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (ptqGC)


Posted by: It's me donna at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (bs+z0)

379 "This whole claim originates from one pro-abortion "doctor" from the pro-abortion state media outlet NPR"

Every member of the Democrat-Media Complex can near-instantaneously find at least a half-dozen doctors or experts to provide info and data to support any crackpot theory or claimed iron-clad scientific fact he wants to sell to the LIVs and the rest of the Democrat-Media Complex.

It is another way the Media has been weaponized by the Democrats and all of their supporting groups like the Sierra Club. Every expert and scientific paper used by the Democrats is Absolutely Unbiased and Correct; every espert and paper used by non-Democrats is Bogus (and racist, misogynistic, etc.).

Posted by: Gref at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (AMIL/)

380 So if we're in a vacuum without any helpful atmosphere as the mechanical medium for sound to travel through, we don't have heartbeats either?

In a vacuum, you won't have heartbeats for long.

Posted by: Methos at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (kOpft)

381 Like ultraviolet, the ultra in ultrasound means outside our hearing range.
Posted by: Oldcat

Speak for yourself.

Posted by: doggie at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (g1EEm)

382 Nothing falls outside the lens of self-loathing. It colors everything. We can have no common experience.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (44ww/)

383 Joy and Pain - Frankie Beverly & Maze

Posted by: SMH at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (aenZi)

384 The pronoun thing is to create shibboleths. Words that you have to say which reveal your politics

In Northern Ireland the Prods call the town Londonderry. The Papists use the original name Derry

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (BYoqH)

385 Like the band. Singer's voice is a little weak in that live set. But, that could be a performance thing. Not bad.

At the very least, not Wet Leg Bad.

Posted by: garrett at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (8mn8m)

386 So UltraSound is [active] sonar.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (BYoqH)

Higher frequency, but yeah, in manner of speaking.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (yHsuS)

387 Doesn't Tank write bodice rippers for black women?

Posted by: That NLurker guy at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (eGTCV)

388 356 I thought Hepburn was very attractive as the vulnerable blind women being gaslighted in Wait until Dark
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe

So did Alan Arkin.

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (4B3eq)

389 Really old and busted: Government out of my healthcare. Well, it should pay for it but otherwise government out of my healthcare

Old and Busted: What right do YOU have not to take the clot shot if the government says you should?

New Hotness: Government out of my healthcare. And into yours to get your shot. So you can't get COVID, and it will be less severe for the multiple times you do get it. And remember we need socialized healthcare for all those young people dying of heart disease they always have. Except the ones we abort.

Posted by: The left at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (ESjRY)

390 Actually, I have a different take on Tank: I trust her advice on hearts. With a body of that immense size and weight, her heart must be superhuman. She knows of what she speaks.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (iFTx/)

391 Sweet Lord.
Just poking in here and WTF???
Just how stupid are these people? And how debased must they be to justify this bullshit?

Posted by: Diogenes at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (anj39)

392 there are certain topics that Herr Kessler should stay away from

Posted by: avi at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (cBCwV)

393 Except you can't find whale pods in the doctors office.

Posted by: AlaBAMA


Well there's a hanging curveball.

Posted by: 2009Refugee at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (cIxhi)

394 "I think this whole "they/them" pronoun crossdresser stuff is directly tied to the story about Legion."

I've posted the same thing before. It's right there in our faces, but we refuse to see it for what it is.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (7B5FA)

395 Like ultraviolet, the ultra in ultrasound means outside our hearing range.
Posted by: Oldcat at September 22, 2022 02:31 PM (eoQWY)

*stage whisper*

I know, I was making a joke about it being in the name.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (5r4XQ)

396 >>Don't tell anybody, but there are little Pro-Life bats inside the machines!

Posted by: garrett at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (8mn8m)

397 387 Doesn't Tank write bodice rippers for black women?
Posted by: That NLurker guy at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (eGTCV)

Tank and bodice rippers {{{shudder }}}

Posted by: It's me donna at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (bs+z0)

398 I can't believe this fat slob actually has a chance of winning.

Posted by: jewells45 at September 22, 2022 02:31 PM (nxdel)

She ain't going to win, unless a few hundred truckloads of ballots are suddenly discovered in State Farm Arena.

Lots of blue state liberal transplants here are begging everyone to vote for her. It's a head-scratcher.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (ptqGC)

399 Jared Kushner slams Ron DeSantis: "We have to remember that these are human beings, they’re people, so seeing them being used as political pawns is very troubling to me.”

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at September 22, 2022 02:06 PM (FVME7)

Let us assume, for a second, that Kushner actually said this. First, someone should point out that his beef is with Biden. Second, no one should vote for Kushner. Third, lest we forget, while he MAY be a flaming social leftist, he's also the one who spearheaded Trump's Abraham Accords so maybe Trump knows how to get value from him and ignores the rest.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (wYNBg)

400 I thought Hepburn was very attractive as the vulnerable blind women being gaslighted in Wait until Dark
That was a good one. Back when white pipo lived in NYC.
Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022

Alan Arkin played the vicious lead criminal Harry Roat Jr. It was only his second movie, and people in H'wood were talking about him getting an Oscar nomination (which he deserved). He shrugged that off. "Nobody gets an Oscar nomination for threatening Audrey Hepburn!"

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (J2vNu)

401 No Big Tit Donna sighting, sadly.
She in an ancillary character, Nice Bod Brooke's sister.

Nice Bod Brooke was in her black leather top telling Skinny Ass Taylor to stay away from her husband. No paint catfight like a few weeks ago.

Boring half hour of average looking chicks and the usual insipid dialog. Not even a glimpse of Steffy's juicy booty, lol

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (ufFY8)

402 Gina Carano?

Oh, yeah.

Oh, hell yeah.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (lf83v)

403 Sonogram
and for Tank, the Pentagram

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (4B3eq)

404 I've posted the same thing before. It's right there in our faces, but we refuse to see it for what it is.

I many names.

Posted by: Stan at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (ESjRY)

405 Aghhh! My daughter detected a HEARTBEAT in her potato-battery experiment!!!

Posted by: Cicero Kaboom! Kid at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (3Or4S)

406 Like ultraviolet, the ultra in ultrasound means outside our hearing range.
Posted by: Oldcat

Speak for yourself.
Posted by: doggie at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (g1EEm)

If your ultrasound tech is a dog, you need a new doctor.

Posted by: Oldcat at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (eoQWY)

407 DeSantis has previously stated that he will not challenge Trump in the primaries. Until, and unless, he rescinds that statement, I see all stories like this to be an effort to sow discord among the MAGA right.

Agreed. It's bullshit all the way down.
Posted by: Ian S. at September 22, 2022 02:26 PM (ZGrMX)

I find the Trump vs. DeSantis wars to be silly. The Republican nomination for POTUS in 2024 will be Donald Trump's by popular acclaim. DeSantis is relatively young and will be poised to run for POTUS in 2028 with some pretty unique assets:

Popular GOP 2-term governor that will have forged a .... call it a .... Confederacy ... with several GOP governors (Keri Lake, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and, probably, Greg Abbott) as his allies.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (pJWtt)

408 361 152 UltraSOUND machines don't detect electricity, they project sound waves and record the reflections. It is in the fucking NAME.
Posted by: anon2020 at September 22, 2022 02:08 PM (RqMDa)

What's so superlative about them?
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:09 PM (5r4XQ)

Like ultraviolet, the ultra in ultrasound means outside our hearing range.
Posted by: Oldcat at September 22, 2022 02:31 PM (eoQWY)

So, if Ultra is outside of our hearing range.... is that why I NEVER hear any ULTRA MAGA anywhere?

Shit.. makes sense.

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 22, 2022 02:35 PM (oHd/0)

And I remember of not hearing our second baby's heartbeat during a routine exam at 13 weeks. Seeing the baby curled up, and knowing it was dead.

Joy and grief.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (ptqGC)

Wife had a blighted ovum on our 2nd. It never attached to the wall properly and never became more than a "clump of cells." She miscarried on my birthday. That was fun......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 22, 2022 02:35 PM (Zz0t1)

410 385 Like the band. Singer's voice is a little weak in that live set. But, that could be a performance thing. Not bad.

At the very least, not Wet Leg Bad.
Posted by: garrett at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (8mn8m)

I just love that the lead guitarist is dressed Business Casual.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at September 22, 2022 02:35 PM (PiwSw)

411 >>Except you can't find whale pods in the doctors office.

Tank's uterus = whale pod.

Posted by: bed head at September 22, 2022 02:35 PM (Y1sOo)

412 372 Built to take heavy seas, IYKWIM.

Gina Carano?
Posted by: Chatterbox Mouse at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (C1rbv)

She's give your main mast a hell of a... think I'll stop there.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:35 PM (5r4XQ)

413 In a vacuum, you won't have heartbeats for long. Posted by: Methos at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM (kOpft)

And no one can hear you scream.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 22, 2022 02:35 PM (7B5FA)

414 Ultra-MAGA-Sound

Posted by: garrett at September 22, 2022 02:35 PM (8mn8m)

415 If I were not a racist, I would be obsessed with this Black Whale Abrams fellow.

Posted by: Racist Captain Ahab at September 22, 2022 02:35 PM (ufFY8)

416 . "Nobody gets an Oscar nomination for threatening Audrey Hepburn!"
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (J2vNu)

That's pretty funny; Good for Alan Arkin.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 22, 2022 02:35 PM (vH/6k)

417 Doesn't Tank write bodice rippers for black women?

Posted by: That NLurker guy at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (eGTCV)

Yes. Under the name "Selena Montgomery." A while back Ace posted some of her tamer prose.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:35 PM (ptqGC)

That tank has a constituency tells you something about the heartbeat of the nation.

Posted by: 7man at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM

That somewhere close to 50% of Georgia voters voted for her puts Georgia on my drive-straight-through without stopping bucket list locations. I might throw some litter out my windows, though.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 22, 2022 02:35 PM (y3pKJ)

419 So the factchecker is using the "if a tree falls in the forest and you can't hear it, it didn't happen" fallacy.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at September 22, 2022 02:36 PM (F5ekr)

420 We need to ask Doctor Dr. Jill MD

Posted by: Jimco Industries at September 22, 2022 02:36 PM (buTO7)

421 407 Popular GOP 2-term governor that will have forged a .... call it a .... Confederacy ... with several GOP governors (Keri Lake, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and, probably, Greg Abbott) as his allies.
Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (pJWtt)


I still think Trump making DeSantis his Secretary of State would be a good move for both men.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at September 22, 2022 02:36 PM (LvTSG)

422 Heartbeat shmartbeat.

Ask any woman: most of us knew the exact MOMENT we became pregnant. Your entire body changes immediately! Even if you didn't know for certain that you were pregnant, you knew SOMETHING was different...and most women can feel presence of the baby ASAP.

It's all smoke and mirrors and lies with the left ( they serve the Father of Lies, anyway) so they can use and abuse women AND kill babies.

Posted by: RondinellaMamma Donald J Trump is our duly elected president at September 22, 2022 02:36 PM (Ml6E9)

423 The left: Its a fetus until some time after it is born you h8ter!

Also the left: Hey everyone I'm having a boy! Birthday is in 3 months!

Posted by: 18-1 at September 22, 2022 02:36 PM (ESjRY)

424 Audrey was lovely, as graceful as a swan, elegant to the nth degree. But not "hot" as we understand it, not like Raquel Welch in the Sixties, for example.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:36 PM (J2vNu)

425 If your ultrasound tech is a dog, you need a new doctor.
Posted by: Oldcat

They use them like sniffer dogs.

Posted by: quantum mechanic at September 22, 2022 02:36 PM (g1EEm)

426 I am a fact checker. But instead of checking facts, I am going to repeat what the doc who fed the info to Abrams said.

This is alot like steele. Dr Kerns feeds Abrams some bullshit about ultrasounds and fetal heartbeats, then offers herself up as an expert opinion to fact checkers to corroborate abrams' statement.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Pennsylvania Dad, Defiant! at September 22, 2022 02:36 PM (BI+67)

427 Oh, yeah.

Oh, hell yeah.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (lf83v)

That one photshoot back in the day when she was MMA trim? Kicking that bag? Mmmmm.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:36 PM (5r4XQ)

428 That somewhere close to 50% of Georgia voters voted for her puts Georgia on my drive-straight-through without stopping bucket list locations. I might throw some litter out my windows, though.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 22, 2022 02:35 PM (y3pKJ)

I don't know where you're from, but the majority of liberals in my state aren't from here. They are infesting every red state.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:36 PM (ptqGC)

Boring half hour of average looking chicks and the usual insipid dialog. Not even a glimpse of Steffy's juicy booty, lol
Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (ufFY8

Just showed Spongette the AOC Juicy Booty video, but showed her the actual incident first, so she got to see how AOC lied about what Stein said to her, but the vid is hysterical. She was amused.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 22, 2022 02:37 PM (Zz0t1)

430 Alan Arkin - Yossarian.

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022 02:37 PM (0CuV9)

431 Mathilda May > Audrey Hepburn

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at September 22, 2022 02:37 PM (LvTSG)

432 Electrical. So it's a Hybrid Fetus?

Posted by: Minnfidel at September 22, 2022 02:37 PM (GwxCX)

433 391 Sweet Lord.
Just poking in here and WTF???
Just how stupid are these people? And how debased must they be to justify this bullshit?
Posted by: Diogenes at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (anj39)

If they don't kill them in the womb, they shove drag queens in their face in elementary school and talk about how awesome sex change operations are.

Posted by: Colonel Travis at September 22, 2022 02:37 PM (RG7Wy)

434 359 Unfortunately for women, men are just dead set on more and more babies being born.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 22, 2022 02:12 PM (KbCG3)

It's true. Many of those babies will be girls. Girls, if permitted to mature, become women. Then we have even more women who's bodies we can control.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:31 PM (wYNBg)

Perpetual oppression machine. I love it.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 22, 2022 02:37 PM (KbCG3)

435 Tank and bodice rippers {{{shudder }}}
Posted by: It's me donna at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (bs+z0)

Set her free by ripping her bodice could take out a city block.

Tank and Kevin Williamson undressing in the same room at the same time could endanger life as we know it.

Posted by: That NLurker guy at September 22, 2022 02:37 PM (eGTCV)

436 "I'm more and more convinced that the high-level DC folks are outright Moloch worshippers."

I am convinced that there is a lot of demonic possession going on around us. Seriously.
Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon


I don't disagree. I have posted it before and I can't articulate it well unfortunately, but I think this whole "they/them" pronoun crossdresser stuff is directly tied to the story about Legion.

They. Them.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't insist that I accept what you are when you can't accept what you are at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (C0bt5)

Yes, to both these points.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at September 22, 2022 02:37 PM (pJWtt)

437 Did anyone watch Liz Truss's speech? Another piece of shit globalist puppet. "Conservative" my ass.
Posted by: ... at September 22, 2022 02:14 PM (iUvpd)

Liz Truss is Boris Johnson with smaller tits. If that we not the case, she'd have been eliminated from the race at the same time as Kemi Badenoch.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:38 PM (wYNBg)

438 >> Alan Arkin - Yossarian.

He was awesome in that role. As was 90% of that cast. Great film.

Posted by: garrett at September 22, 2022 02:38 PM (8mn8m)

439 Will Abrams primary Ossoff? Will she wait 6 years to run against walker? No. Probably run for president in 24.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Pennsylvania Dad, Defiant! at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (BI+67)

I very much doubt that she can run at all.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at September 22, 2022 02:38 PM (YqDXo)

440 He shrugged that off. "Nobody gets an Oscar nomination for threatening Audrey Hepburn!"
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (J2vNu)

Alan Arkin has always been one of my favorites.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Gen X Ne'er-Do-Well at September 22, 2022 02:38 PM (xPJvm)

441 it is conceivable to me that body life and soul life are unique "spirit life"s. Body, soul, and (holy) spirit would make a man complete (the "born again") Christian, Christ in being the holy spirit part.

God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into him the breath of life.

But I see nothing really specific about when soul life is introduced to the body life. Sure seems like the DNA and the rest (body life) comes from the parents, but the invisible soul life (which is also spirit, but not eternal life spirit of the new birth)

anyway, still an unanswered question for me. "The life is in the blood" is close enough I guess.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 22, 2022 02:38 PM (Cus5s)

442 Audrey was lovely, as graceful as a swan, elegant to the nth degree. But not "hot" as we understand it, not like Raquel Welch in the Sixties, for example.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:36 PM

Raquel Welch of almost every decade is hawt.

Posted by: Minnfidel at September 22, 2022 02:39 PM (GwxCX)

443 The nice thing about Audrey is she would make your dick look bigger.
Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022 02:31 PM (0CuV9)

Mickey Mantle when introduced to a senator's wife complimented her on her small hands. He said they would make his dick look bigger.

Posted by: MAC V SOG at September 22, 2022 02:39 PM (P4Pk9)

444 385 Like the band. Singer's voice is a little weak in that live set. But, that could be a performance thing. Not bad.

At the very least, not Wet Leg Bad.
Posted by: garrett at September 22, 2022 02:33 PM (8mn8m)

Never heard a single note from any song by Wet Leg and never was even curious about the hype. Then I dropped off my car for service and the loaner didn't have satellite radio. So I was forced to listen to what passes for "rock" on radio stations today. They played two of her songs. I now know what the appeal is: it's a prurient interest in a girl singing raunchy songs, like about about guys jerking off thinking about her. The songs themselves are generic pablum. Similar prurient interests launched the careers of Alanis Morissette (she goes down in theaters) and that other vapid twat who sung about kissing girls and liking it.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 22, 2022 02:39 PM (iFTx/)

445 "I'm more and more convinced that the high-level DC folks are outright Moloch worshippers."

In 2019 or thereabouts the most important Satanic Temple in NY burned down. The FNM suspected arson.

Two points:

1) There are enough Satanic Temples in NY they can talk about relative importance
2) The left was LIVID that someone burned down one of THEIR temples.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 22, 2022 02:39 PM (ESjRY)

446 Having sex with dead people is okay as long as they're still warm. WAPO Experts
Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022

I believe that's the official position of Islam.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:39 PM (wYNBg)

447 Alan Arkin - Yossarian.

He was awesome in that role. As was 90% of that cast. Great film.
Posted by: garrett at September 22, 2022 02:38 PM (8mn8m)

I haven't seen that in years. Must remedy that.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Gen X Ne'er-Do-Well at September 22, 2022 02:39 PM (xPJvm)

448 If your ultrasound tech is a dog, you need a new doctor.
Posted by: Oldcat at September 22, 2022 02:34 PM (eoQWY)

Wait for the Cat Scan...

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 22, 2022 02:39 PM (BgMrQ)

449 Tank and Kevin Williamson undressing in the same room at the same time could endanger life as we know it.
Posted by: That NLurker guy at September 22, 2022 02:37 PM (eGTCV)

A lipid criticality event?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at September 22, 2022 02:39 PM (YqDXo)

450 Took a dump with so much blood in it that it needed a heartbeat.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenko Solutions at September 22, 2022 02:39 PM (71GKV)

451 Will Abrams primary Ossoff? Will she wait 6 years to run against walker? No. Probably run for president in 24.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Pennsylvania Dad, Defiant! at September 22, 2022 02:30 PM (BI+67)

If Tapioca Joe had appointed her to be his VP instead of Kamalala Harris? Tank would already be POTUS#47.

The Professional Congressional Black Caucus, with their Confederates in the News Media would have bum rushed a so very befuddled Racist Joe and Jill out of the Whitehouse by July 4, 2021. They would have never known what hit them.

Posted by: rd at September 22, 2022 02:39 PM (Z32m1)

452 The nice thing about Audrey is she would make your dick look bigger.
Posted by: Pudinhead at September 22, 2022 02:31 PM (0CuV9)

Ok, that was true and funny.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at September 22, 2022 02:39 PM (ufFY8)

453 Alan Arkin has always been one of my favorites.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Gen X Ne'er-Do-Well at September 22, 2022 02:38 PM (xPJvm)

I'm gonna kick your spaghetti-bending butt back to Milan.

Not now!

Too much with the ethnic slurs?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:39 PM (5r4XQ)

454 "Nobody gets an Oscar nomination for threatening Audrey Hepburn!"
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022
That's pretty funny; Good for Alan Arkin.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 22, 2022

I've never studied his life or career in detail. But he always seemed to me to be about the work, delivering a good authentic performance, and not whining about social "issues." Like most celebs until relatively recently. Robert Vaughn (to my eternal shame) was a big lefty, a Kennedy family adherent, and opponent of the war in Vietnam. But he didn't talk about those issues all the damn time. I had no idea of his position on those things until years after his heyday.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:40 PM (J2vNu)

455 365 I don’t know her politics, but I find Queen Latifah rather attractive. If I’m gonna have an overweight black woman harping at me, I’d take her over Tank any day. Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 22, 2022 02:26 PM (Hn+0J)

I think her "Equalizer" is respectful of the franchise. I was surprised that it didn't turn into a Mary Sue.
Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 22, 2022 02:31 PM (7B5FA)

Latifah plays for the other team - although she's always been very discreet about that. I do agree with your statement, however.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 22, 2022 02:40 PM (9miN6)

456 Mickey Mantle when introduced to a senator's wife complimented her on her small hands. He said they would make his dick look bigger.

Pride of the Yankees, Part II.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 02:40 PM (lf83v)

457 If they don't kill them in the womb, they shove drag queens in their face in elementary school and talk about how awesome sex change operations are.
Posted by: Colonel Travis at September 22, 2022 02:37 PM (RG7Wy)


Kill the fetus
Starve the babies
Groom the survivors

Posted by: Diogenes at September 22, 2022 02:40 PM (anj39)

458 -
Ask yourself WHY abortion is so important to these people. -

Two reasons
1. One of the driving forces of leftism is the rejection of responsibility for the consequences of ones own actions. Abortion fits this to a T.

2. (and this one is insidious) Once they get someone to have an abortion, there is a 99% chance they have created a lifelong lefty voter. People do NOT want to face what they have actually done, so they will NEVER vote against the people praising them as strong and brave for their "choice".

Posted by: irright at September 22, 2022 02:40 PM (SchQD)

459 >>The nice thing about Audrey is she would make your dick look bigger.

And those eyes. If she were doming you up, you'd not stand a chance against those eyes.

Posted by: garrett at September 22, 2022 02:40 PM (8mn8m)

460 The songs themselves are generic pablum. Similar prurient interests launched the careers of Alanis Morissette (she goes down in theaters) and that other vapid twat who sung about kissing girls and liking it.
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 22, 2022 02:39 PM (iFTx/)

Heard an Alanis Morissette song in a bar the other day. I'd forgotten how "cats in a blender" horrible that woman's voice is.......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 22, 2022 02:40 PM (Zz0t1)

461 "God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into him the breath of life, and man became a living soul" (should have included that last part)

Posted by: illiniwek at September 22, 2022 02:40 PM (Cus5s)

462 317 I don’t know her politics, but I find Queen Latifah rather attractive. If I’m gonna have an overweight black woman harping at me, I’d take her over Tank any day.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 22, 2022 02:26 PM (Hn+0J)

You are on the wrong team for that.

Posted by: blaster at September 22, 2022 02:41 PM (pwExq)

463 Mathilda May

I don't know who this is. But Mathilda is a circus performer name. No offense to the circus performers, and related professionals like carnies, among us, but life under the big top is not for me.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 22, 2022 02:41 PM (ppBhU)

464 Or maybe we just discovered who counseled Trump not to use this tactic when he came up with it back in 2019.
Posted by: JackStraw at September 22, 2022 02:15 PM (ZLI7S)

In fairness, Trump was focused on keeping them out, not sending them to specific places inside.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:41 PM (wYNBg)

465 Mathilda May in Life Force, I think it was…mmmmmmmmmm…

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 22, 2022 02:41 PM (Hn+0J)

466 Heard an Alanis Morissette song in a bar the other day. I'd forgotten how "cats in a blender" horrible that woman's voice is.......

Meh, she has other oral talents

Posted by: Dave Coulier in a movie theater at September 22, 2022 02:41 PM (ESjRY)

467 Alan Arkin - Yossarian.

He was awesome in that role. As was 90% of that cast. Great film.
Posted by: garrett at September 22, 2022
I haven't seen that in years. Must remedy that.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Gen X Ne'er-Do-Well at September 22, 2022

Is it easier to understand than Catch-22 novel? They tried to make me read that in college. It kept repeating scenes and looping back on itself until I gave up.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:41 PM (J2vNu)

468 In fairness, Trump was focused on keeping them out, not sending them to specific places inside.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:41 PM (wYNBg)


Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 22, 2022 02:42 PM (5r4XQ)

469 161 Jared Kushner slams Ron DeSantis: "We have to remember that these are human beings, they’re people, so seeing them being used as political pawns is very troubling to me.”

How does Jared feel about seeing the hundreds of illegal alien Venezuelans who have set up a giant homeless camp in El Paso, and are using the street as a public sewer, pissing and shitting all over the place?

Yes, these are people. They are people with enormous needs for things we can't afford to provide them: things like housing and education and medical care and jobs. And Biden is dumping these people on the country by the millions every year, despite the fact that we already have millions of our own homeless that we can't provide for. It's insane that Americans are tolerating this.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer--FJB at September 22, 2022 02:42 PM (MvHI3)

470 Democrats:
Kill the fetus
Starve the babies
Groom the survivors
Posted by: Diogenes at September 22, 2022 02:40 PM (anj39)

Mutilate the confused

Posted by: CZ=FNG, Free Republic of Florida at September 22, 2022 02:42 PM (MkuC5)

471 We used to have a record store chain that I think still has some in existence. It was called the Electric Fetus. Today I learned that all women are carrying a carbon neutral electric fetus. Amazing what science can do now.

Posted by: Minnfidel at September 22, 2022 02:42 PM (GwxCX)

472 465 Mathilda May in Life Force, I think it was…mmmmmmmmmm…
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 22, 2022 02:41 PM (Hn+0J)


Can you guess what I'm watching right now?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at September 22, 2022 02:42 PM (LvTSG)

473 Oh boy, McCarthy rolls out, "Commitment To America Plan."

I'm thinking its going to be underwhelming.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 22, 2022 02:42 PM (up/3i)

I don't know where you're from, but the majority of liberals in my state aren't from here. They are infesting every red state.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:36 PM

I'm from Pennsylvania, and I read about a decade or so back about an 'exodus' to Georgia by people of color. Sadly it hasn't caused a drop in extremely motivated and 'fortified' voters in Philadelphia, though. Without those votes Pennsylvania would be glow-in-the-dark red.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 22, 2022 02:42 PM (y3pKJ)

475 Gina Carano?

Snu snu.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 22, 2022 02:42 PM (44ww/)

476 Or maybe we just discovered who counseled Trump not to use this tactic when he came up with it back in 2019.
Posted by: JackStraw at September 22, 2022 02:15 PM (ZLI7S)

That is a MEAN TWEET, sir, and you should be ASHAMED!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 22, 2022 02:43 PM (Zz0t1)

477 Stacy Abrahms would deep fry baby parts and eat them.

Posted by: Minnfidel at September 22, 2022 02:43 PM (GwxCX)

478 Audrey had doe eyes, which I call diamond eyes because if she looked at me, I'd just go buy her a diamond.

Hey honey, I'm home!

Me - okay, let me go get you a diamond.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at September 22, 2022 02:43 PM (mE7cY)

479 I am always moved to wonder where there is just a vacuum where these ghouls' souls should be or if is filled with excrement or something.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 22, 2022 02:43 PM (yQpMk)

480 Tank made something like 5-10 million dollars after she lost.

Girl could get that lap band she's always dreamed about.

Posted by: MJ at September 22, 2022 02:43 PM (zwDuR)

481 >>Is it easier to understand than Catch-22 novel?

Without having read the novel, I am not quite sure how well it would come together.

But, I really enjoyed the novel and read and re-read it in short order. Well before ever seeing the film.

Posted by: garrett at September 22, 2022 02:43 PM (8mn8m)

482 Audrey Hepburn was never hot. Too skinny.

She did have a lovely smile, however.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 22, 2022 02:00 PM (Hn+0J)

Back when I was single I'd have given her the most disappointing 45 seconds of her life. That's hot enough for me.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:43 PM (wYNBg)

483 >>I very much doubt that she can run at all.

Tank so fat she'd have to amble for president!

Posted by: Juvenile Comedy Hour at September 22, 2022 02:43 PM (Y1sOo)

484 I believe that's the official position of Islam.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:39 PM (wYNBg)

Can't speak to corpses, but I do know that Ayatollah Khomeini himself said that if you "spoil" a sheep it can't be eaten and if you "spoil" your neighbor's sheep you have to pay him for it.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 22, 2022 02:43 PM (7B5FA)

485 Heard an Alanis Morissette song in a bar the other day.

Other than Peter Frampton, no one has made more of career off of one single album.

She has a musical that is traveling through the Northeast -- "Jagged Little Pill."

It sucks.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 22, 2022 02:43 PM (lf83v)

486 Oh boy, McCarthy rolls out, "Commitment To America Plan."

I'm thinking its going to be underwhelming.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 22, 2022 02:42 PM (up/3i)

1. GOPe Ritual Seppuku.

Anything else is the trailer for failure theater.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at September 22, 2022 02:44 PM (yHsuS)

487 democrats, raping or mutilating the children they cannot kill.

Posted by: democrats, Raping or Mutilating the Children They Cannot Kill Since 1973 at September 22, 2022 02:44 PM (jV+aN)

488 Tank Abrams/Fetterman's Neck Lump 2024

Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 22, 2022 02:44 PM (ptqGC)

489 Robert Vaughn (to my eternal shame) was a big lefty, a Kennedy family adherent, and opponent of the war in Vietnam. But he didn't talk about those issues all the damn time. I had no idea of his position on those things until years after his heyday.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:40 PM (J2vNu)

Anyone who actually supported John Kennedy's positions today? Would be a MAGA supporter. He actually was trying to take the ability to print dollars AWAY from the Fed Res Bank.

And as to opposing the Viet Nam war? I now oppose all foreign interventionism by the US... we simply can't afford to try to fix the world.

Damn.... sounds like Vaugn's positions were not so heinous to me...

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 22, 2022 02:44 PM (oHd/0)

490 ========

Can you guess what I'm watching right now?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at September 22, 2022 02:42 PM (LvTSG)

Young Frankenstein?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 22, 2022 02:44 PM (Zz0t1)

491 This. The first ultrasound/pics I was giddy.

Posted by: Infidel

Always tell my daughter: "I've lived you since you were a tiny dot." We've looked at her ultrasound pictures together and she always laughs when I say that.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 22, 2022 02:45 PM (Gda1b)

492 Nood

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at September 22, 2022 02:45 PM (yHsuS)

493 465 Mathilda May in Life Force, I think it was…mmmmmmmmmm…
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 22, 2022 02:41 PM (Hn+0J)

If every Jew looked like her in that movie, there would be no anti-Semitism.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 22, 2022 02:45 PM (iFTx/)

494 I made a video of BETO giving a campaign speech at a car dealership.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at September 22, 2022 02:45 PM (CecP5)

495 Electrical activity... you mean like 120-volt?


120, 121, whatever it takes whatever it takes ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Go Galt or Go Rome at September 22, 2022 02:45 PM (yLTnz)

496 479 I am always moved to wonder where there is just a vacuum where these ghouls' souls should be or if is filled with excrement or something.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 22, 2022 02:43 PM (yQpMk)



Puss, and... Sulphur.

Posted by: CZ=FNG, Free Republic of Florida at September 22, 2022 02:45 PM (MkuC5)

497 Commitment to Fuck republicans over?

Not as catchy.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at September 22, 2022 02:45 PM (mE7cY)

498 Anyone who actually supported John Kennedy's positions today? Would be a MAGA supporter. He actually was trying to take the ability to print dollars AWAY from the Fed Res Bank.

If you hold to the positions Obama claimed to in his re-election run in 2012 you are now a "far right Republican"

Posted by: 18-1 at September 22, 2022 02:45 PM (ESjRY)

499 *loved, not lived.

Stupid autocuke.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 22, 2022 02:45 PM (Gda1b)

500 Audrey could do drama, comedy, romance, and suspense thrillers, and make you believe it in each instance. Yes, she played Eliza in the film version of My Fair Lady and was dubbed, so maybe musical comedy wasn't her big thing. But she still made you believe whatever was going on.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:45 PM (J2vNu)

501 473 Oh boy, McCarthy rolls out, "Commitment To America Plan."
I'm thinking its going to be underwhelming.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 22, 2022 02:42 PM (up/3i)

I know a Contract with America...and you sir, are no Contract with America

Posted by: Newt Gingrich at September 22, 2022 02:45 PM (BgMrQ)

502 Nood Youngkin

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 22, 2022 02:46 PM (J2vNu)

503 There used to be people who would claim they were pro-choice but not pro-abortion. Now the Democrats are clearly and vociferously pro abortion.

Posted by: That NLurker guy at September 22, 2022 02:47 PM (eGTCV)

504 437 Did anyone watch Liz Truss's speech? Another piece of shit globalist puppet. "Conservative" my ass.
Posted by: ... at September 22, 2022 02:14 PM (iUvpd)

Liz Truss is Boris Johnson with smaller tits. If that we not the case, she'd have been eliminated from the race at the same time as Kemi Badenoch.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at September 22, 2022 02:38 PM (wYNBg)

I was having a discussion with a friend about this issue of British 'conservatives', esp. re: Rupert Murdoch. The only member of the British Conservative Party that in my lifetime would even rate as close to an American conservative was Margaret Thatcher. American conservative thought doesn't exist in either British or Australian politics. We think of Murdoch as a conservative, but only in terms of Commonwealth conservatism does that even come close to being true. The 2016 Trump was probably too conservative for Murdoch, which is why he opposed him.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 22, 2022 02:47 PM (9miN6)

505 Tank will run in 2024 and there will be a brief bounce for her after she has a 'go girl' moment then democrats will remember they hate black people and nominate Biden again.

Posted by: MJ at September 22, 2022 02:47 PM (zwDuR)

506 >>In fairness, Trump was focused on keeping them out, not sending them to specific places inside.

He was. But he floated that idea back in 2019 and it was reported that his team talked him out of doing it.

Kushner did a fantastic job with the Abrams Accords and in a sane world that would be recognized as one of the most significant American foreign policy achievements in the last 100 years. But other than that he's a typical NY limousine liberal.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 22, 2022 02:49 PM (ZLI7S)

507 Stacy Abrams stops at a rural store and asks how do I get to 285 ?

Storeowner laughs and say "Diet and exercise"

Posted by: SMOD at September 22, 2022 02:49 PM (RHGPo)

508 374 I think Audrey is a 1.

that's good, because i hear audrey 2 is something to avoid.

Posted by: kulak anachronda at September 22, 2022 02:49 PM (v3pYe)

509 May she return to obscurity like Sandra Fluke

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at September 22, 2022 02:49 PM (M+Lyo)

510 Electrical. So it's a Hybrid Fetus?
Posted by: Minnfidel at September 22, 2022 02:37 PM

Marty: Are you telling me...this fetus is nuclear?!

Doc Brown: No, no, no...this sucker's electrical!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 22, 2022 02:50 PM (Wnv9h)

511 brief bounce

Gravity will not allow her more than a brief bounce.

Posted by: Diesel Jones, Biologist at September 22, 2022 02:52 PM (Vu7A1)

512 Nobody tell Glenn Kessler that the mega space telescopes aren't actually taking optical images of black holes but are using algorithms and rendering to interpret what their sensors read into a picture

Posted by: Who is Brandon Galt? at September 22, 2022 02:56 PM (KrErK)

513 Everyone needs this song. If you haven't heard it, "Pride of Man" sung by Gordon Lightfoot. I think I will just keep posting it. It is truly the song for our times.

Posted by: Plum Duff, North America's newest cryptid at September 22, 2022 02:59 PM (JWHEO)

514 Mayo website ( described how the "start" of pregnancy is counted, and if it's counted from the end of the last period, there are 2 wks where there IS no pregnancy, yet counted as part of the weeks of pregnancy. So adds to the confusion.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 22, 2022 03:09 PM (ynpvh)

515 They are arguing 6 or 10 weeks, but they support abortion up to 9 months.

Posted by: Drew in MO at September 22, 2022 03:10 PM (cGlgB)

516 The simplest of messages for these people who wish to prove their semantic correctness is this:

What. Does. It. Become.

Posted by: Kevin in ABQ at September 22, 2022 03:12 PM (DwEUu)

Mayo website ( described how the "start" of pregnancy is counted, and if it's counted from the end of the last period, there are 2 wks where there IS no pregnancy, yet counted as part of the weeks of pregnancy. So adds to the confusion.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 22, 2022 03:09 PM

Exactly, people who practice the 'rhythm method' of contraception (also known as parents) know that egg is released at approximately mid-cycle.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 22, 2022 03:26 PM (y3pKJ)

518 Heart valves aren't what makes a heart beat. They help the heart move blood. The heart is beating so long as there is an electrical impulse and some muscle tissue to receive it and contract. I note that Doctor Gossengle here doesn't ever claim "there is no heart muscle tissue yet." He makes a spurious claim about the formation of heart valves.

I note that he makes no mention of how an Ultrasound actually detects this "electrical activity" since ultrasounds don't detect electrical activity at all they just detect sound. So what sound is being made by this electrical activity and more precisely how is it being made? He doesn't elucidate.

He just says not the heart valves so not an actual heart beat which is a lie.

Posted by: mikethemoose at September 22, 2022 04:27 PM (8UlzJ)

519 And by this logic, nothing heard through the doctor's stethoscope is "real," either.

Neither is anything you hear through your phone, or radio, or computer, or BluRay player, etc. "real." Better ban photographs while you're at it, they can steal your soul.

Posted by: Socratease at September 22, 2022 04:37 PM (oqnjT)

520 Abrams permanently joins the ranks of Hank Johnson in the Stupidest Politicians Club. What a fookin' waste of oxygen.

Posted by: ruralcounsel at September 22, 2022 06:55 PM (96wFa)

521 If blacks had souls they would have aborted this pizza delivery boy menace long ago. No wonder where ever you find blacks civilization doesn't exist, just the law of the jungle.

Posted by: Obama's boyfriend at September 22, 2022 07:45 PM (EcD5Y)

Making money online is more than $15k just by doing simple work from home. I received $18376 last month. It's an easy and simple job to do and its earnings are much better than regular office jobs and even a little child can do this and earn money. Everybody must try this job by just use the info on this page.....

Posted by: Jessica Williams at September 23, 2022 07:14 AM (79MP9)

523 I am ⅽurіous to find out what bloɡ system you happеn to be working with?
I'm һaving some small security issues with my latest wеbsite and I would like to fіnd somethіng more risk-free.
Do you һaѵe any suggestions?

Posted by: fluffiest at September 23, 2022 07:06 PM (qrwDn)

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