aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | The Morning Report — 7/1/22![]() Maybe it’s not as big a decision in the public mind as the SCOTUS decisions this term on Abortion and the 2nd Amendment. But it’s a big one, bigly and big league. The United States Supreme Court, in a majority Opinion by Chief Justice Roberts, just ripped the heart out of the Green New Deal agenda which was being carried forward not by act of Congress, but by administrative fiat through the Environmental Protection Agency. Not being able to pass legislation to decarbonize the economy, Democrats relied on agency action. The case is West Virginia v. EPA (Docket) where the Questions Presented were:Understatement of the year from friend of the blog and legal eagle William Jacobson. And that majority opinion was from John Roberts. John freakin' Roberts. Go figure. Considering he fairly reeks of Swamp gas, insofar as a career as Chief Justice doing all he can to preserve, protect and defend the absolute power of the DC status quo, it wouldn't have surprised me in the least if he had voted the other way. His assertion that "Capping carbon dioxide emissions at a level that will force a nationwide transition away from the use of coal to generate electricity may be a sensible 'solution to the crisis of the day'" hints at that, but then again, referring to it in quotes as a "crisis of the day" read to me as a slap at the Left. Recall in 2007 the horrendous SCOTUS decision that declared the EPA can regulate carbon dioxide as an atmospheric pollutant that contributes to "global warming." The chief perpetrator of that was John Paul Stevens, with henchmen Anthony Kennedy, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Stephen Breyer concurring. Roberts filed the dissent with Scalia, Thomas and Alito concurring. Aside from the fact that manmade global warming/climate change is a complete myth, labeling CO2 as a pollutant is an equally dangerous bromide. Along with oxygen, CO2 is essential for life on earth to exist and therefore is not, never was and never will be a pollutant given the biology of this world, and given the fact that every living thing on this planet is carbon based. That said, virtually every industrial process, every engine and indeed all forms of animal life on this planet emit CO2 to one degree or another. You can well imagine the consequences if it were to be regulated by individuals with the mindset of Scoldilocks Greta Thunberg and worse Gina McCarthy. The equally crucial issue that the link discusses is the effect this ruling has on the power of the bureaucracy itself. The Politico headline says it all: "How SCOTUS’ upcoming climate ruling could defang Washington." Starting with the 16th Amendment and certainly with FDR's new deal — all the way up to the EPA itself (thanks, Tricky Dick) — the very foundations of American government, wherein political power was supposed to be vested primarily in the citizenry and then the states with certain very limited powers delegated to a federal government, was turned completely upside down. Since that time, and metastasizing like cancer, a giant unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy in Washington issues edicts and regulations that have the force of law behind them. No one voted for that. And yet, you defy a governmental agency in any way, shape or form and you'll wonder what fell on you. Funny, we fought a revolution and won our independence from a tyrannical monarchy on the very same grounds. "No taxation without representation" should ring a bell, unless your main textbook in school was Ibram X. Krement's Jive Kampf crackpot race nuttery. Dig this line from Roberts: " . . . it is not plausible that Congress gave EPA the authority to adopt on its own such a regulatory scheme in Section 111(d). A decision of such magnitude and consequence rests with Congress itself, or an agency acting pursuant to a clear delegation from that representative body." Well duh! The legislative branch is where laws are supposed to originate. But Congress gradually abrogated that responsibility long ago because politicians are loathe to actually pass laws that might be damaging to one's political prospects. What better way to both advance the goals of big government statism as well as pass the buck for the ensuing failures and disasters of those goals on bureaucracies that will not only never be abolished but will grow in size, scope and funding with each new budget. Or should I say continuing resolution because the criminal scumbags in DC are too cowardly to even enact one. Now you understand why owning SCOTUS is so absolutely vital to the anti-American Left. Any law or regulation that they manage to pass, or the bureaucracy advances, like national abortion or Obamacare or declaring CO2 a poisonous pollutant, that would never have a snowball's chance in hell of surviving real legal scrutiny will be declared kosher and Constitutional by hacks in black that are down for the struggle, as it were, to fundamentally transform America. And Politico is right to be shitting itself over what this means beyond the EPA. All this is well and good except for one thing: America as founded no longer exists, the great rulings from SCOTUS and elections and all the rest of the illusion of regular order notwithstanding. There is no way in hell the Leftists are going to just say "Oh well, the courts and the people have spoken. Maybe we should listen to them or at best try to compromise." Whether its hate shakes, fists and Molotov cocktails from their sanctioned black-clad brownshirt street terrorists, 3:00AM FBI/CNN raids and imprisonment without due process in the Garland Archipelago, a sudden plague of Monkeypox that locks us down and steals the midterms or simple nullification by blue shit hole mayors and governors, these people are not only not going to concede, they are going to quadruple down until we are crushed. Isn't it funny how for over 100 years, they've done everything they can to eradicate the Constitution and particularly the 9th and 10th Amendments but when things don't go their way, they hide behind both of them as justification to ignore the law? I am overjoyed at all the huge decisions that came down this week, which you can thank Donald Trump for. But the reality is, as I have stated many times, I cannot see any form of reconciliation, rapprochement or even accommodation with the Left. They are too far gone in their hatred of us and of America as founded for the country to ever come together again as it was. In any case, I am relieved by all great news, despite the fact that as Steve Miller once crooned "you've got to go through hell before you get to Heaven" and we don't really know what constitutes the latter, in political/governmental/societal terms, let alone if we'll get there. But there will be "fundamental transformation." Perhaps though, it may not be the way the dog-eating stoner degenerate thought it would be. Have a safe, blessed and happy Fourth of July weekend. Note: YUUUUGE thanks to all who hit the tip jar. New podcast episode coming late today or early Saturday so BOLO.In 42 U.S.C. § 7411(d), an ancillary provision of the Clean Air Act, did Congress constitutionally authorize the Environmental Protection Agency to issue significant rules including those capable of reshaping the nation’s electricity grids and unilaterally decarbonizing virtually any sector of the economy-without any limits on what the agency can require so long as it considers cost, nonair impacts, and energy requirements?That sounds dry, but it’s a big ****ing deal, as Politico noted it goes even beyond regulating carbon emissions and goes to the heart of the ever-expanding administrative state, How SCOTUS’ upcoming climate ruling could defang Washington:The Supreme Court is expected to issue a ruling this month hobbling the Biden administration’s efforts to rein in greenhouse gases — but its impact could weaken Washington’s power to oversee wide swaths of American life well beyond climate change. The upcoming decision on the Environmental Protection Agency’s climate oversight offers the conservative justices an opportunity to undermine federal regulations on a host of issues, from drug pricing and financial regulations to net neutrality. Critics of the EPA have clamored for the high court to do just that, by declaring it unlawful for federal agencies to make “major” decisions without clear authorization from Congress.. . . From the majority Opinion:Capping carbon dioxide emissions at a level that will force a nationwide transition away from the use of coal to generate electricity may be a sensible “solution to the crisis of the day.” New York v. United States, 505 U. S. 144, 187 (1992). But it is not plausible that Congress gave EPA the authority to adopt on its own such a regulatory scheme in Section 111(d). A decision of such magnitude and consequence rests with Congress itself, or an agency acting pursuant to a clear delegation from that representative body. The judgment of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit is reversed, and the cases are remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.What a fitting end to the term.
Follow us on Instagram: @Cutjibnewsletter Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Happy Fricking Friday
Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 07:48 AM (ex2Cx) 2
Posted by: fd at July 01, 2022 07:48 AM (sn5EN) 3
I nooded
Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 07:48 AM (ex2Cx) 4
Good morning everyone. Thank you J.J.
Posted by: Tonypete at July 01, 2022 07:48 AM (Msys3) 5
Thank you, J.J.!!
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 01, 2022 07:49 AM (1n+EO) 6
Saint of the Day
St. Junipero Serra (1713 - 1784) was born to a farming family in Majorca. He was baptized, and later sent to be educated by the Franciscans. In 1730 he joined the Franciscans and was ordained to the priesthood. St. Junipero was well-trained in philosophy and theology, and taught at the university. In 1750 he traveled to the New World and began ministering to the people of Mexico City. In 1768 he moved north and began working in the Californian missions. As a result of his tireless missionary efforts, he is largely responsible for the spread of Catholicism along the western coast of the United States. He founded the first nine of twenty-one Catholic missions that spread along the California coast. He converted thousands of Indians to the Christian faith and taught them new methods of agriculture, animal husbandry, and craftsmanship. He died from tuberculosis at the age of 71. The Indians he ministered wept at his death out of their love for him. Junipero Serra was beatified by Pope St. John Paul II in 1988 and canonized by Pope Francis during his trip to the United States in 2015, the first canonization Mass to ever take place on American soil. Posted by: Tonypete at July 01, 2022 07:49 AM (Msys3) 7
At least we can exhale.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 01, 2022 07:49 AM (BFigT) 8
Good morning morons and thanks JJ
I have been wondering why there has bot been a lot said about Kaliningrad. There are a million Russians in an exclave wedged between Poland and Lithuania, who are no threatened by sanctions. The Russians would have to take the Baltic states, and could, in order to "save" Kaliningrad. And there's your WW3. Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 01, 2022 07:51 AM (EZebt) Posted by: fd at July 01, 2022 07:51 AM (sn5EN) 10
Morning Horde. I'm trying to track down the obit for someone and having no luck. Anyone know what the designation Ex-Swiftee QM2 might mean. He also shows as Captain USAR which I'm guessing is US Army Reserve. I'm hoping his military designation leads me to finding info on him.
Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at July 01, 2022 07:53 AM (2NHgQ) 11
I coulda been a contender, but clicked on the earlier thread's comment button.
Posted by: IanDeal at July 01, 2022 07:53 AM (MGjjz) 12
g'mornin' again, 'rons Posted by: AltonJackson at July 01, 2022 07:53 AM (ENBF0) 13
I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody.
Posted by: Chatterbox Mouse at July 01, 2022 07:55 AM (lKAqb) 14
Good morning horde!
Posted by: I used to have a different nic, member - Ashli Babbitt Society at July 01, 2022 07:56 AM (GYIa4) 15
I hope that asshole Leahy breaks his other hip.
Never Give Up Your Guns! Rootin For Putin! Free Buffalo Guy! More coffee... Posted by: Hairyback Guy at July 01, 2022 07:56 AM (xu2px) 16
neverenoughcaffeine, sounds like he was a USN (Quartermaster rate) Petty Officer 2nd class. And for a time at least, was assigned to Swift Boats.
Send me his name/info (contact info in my nic) and I'll look for him too. Posted by: Tonypete at July 01, 2022 07:56 AM (Msys3) 17
"solution to the crisis of the day"
* Hahaha Please tell me that the pro global warming folks used "crisis of the day" in their legal documents. Because that is perfect. Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 07:56 AM (XJLMb) 18
Are the hearings over now or are there more shockingly devastating bombshells to come?
Posted by: fd at July 01, 2022 07:57 AM (sn5EN) 19
What, so now every agency has to be sued all the way to the Supreme Court when they exceed their legislated authority?
Bureaucrats are going to limit their own authority? What was the remedy or relief granted by the Court? Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 01, 2022 07:57 AM (EZebt) 20
The SCOTUS decision on the EPA is not going to do much. The reason is the regulatory environment is fouled up by constantly changing course. What the EPA got sued over was put in place by Obama, repealed by Trump, and reinstated by Biden. No one is investing billions when they don't know what the rules will be next year.
Posted by: WiNO at July 01, 2022 07:58 AM (EpDzw) 21
There couldn't be any connection, could there? It's just a coincidence, right?
The federal agencies, from education to the IRS to the EPA, becoming armed and militarized was purely to defend themselves from attack by right wing terrorists. Posted by: davidt at July 01, 2022 07:58 AM (oTZbj) 22
Bureaucrats are going to limit their own authority? What was the remedy or relief granted by the Court?
Posted by: San Franpsycho It should be Trial by Combat in a sane world. Posted by: Tonypete at July 01, 2022 07:58 AM (Msys3) 23
"I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody.
Posted by: Chatterbox Mouse " Can you show us on the doll where Trump touched you? Posted by: The Jan 6 Committee of Dunces at July 01, 2022 07:58 AM (sn5EN) 24
Also JJ
Did you see that Biden stated that people will be paying high gas prices until Russia wins in Ukraine? Story is at the business insider, but I'm sure a search will bring it up. Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 07:58 AM (sMlIs) Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 01, 2022 07:59 AM (ZpruR) 26
Hey never enuf caff Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 07:59 AM (ex2Cx) 27
8 Good morning morons and thanks JJ
I have been wondering why there has bot been a lot said about Kaliningrad. There are a million Russians in an exclave wedged between Poland and Lithuania, who are no threatened by sanctions. The Russians would have to take the Baltic states, and could, in order to "save" Kaliningrad. And there's your WW3. Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 01, 2022 07:51 AM (EZebt) I linked to a few stories the past week or so, but it gets lost in the sauce. That is a potential flashpoint and Joey Soft-Serve is now building us a base in Poland. Sheesh. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 01, 2022 07:59 AM (s2VJv) 28
Tonypete. Thanks. I figured it was swift boats.
How exactly do I access your info from your nic? Tried and got nothing. Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at July 01, 2022 07:59 AM (2NHgQ) 29
We are going to make you a star baby!
Posted by: The Jan 6 Committee of Dunces at July 01, 2022 07:59 AM (sn5EN) 30
Guten morgen horden!
Happy Liberty Month! Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at July 01, 2022 07:59 AM (kf6Ak) 31
St. Junipero Serra (1713 - 1784) was born to a farming family in Majorca. He was baptized, and later sent to be educated by the Franciscans. ...
Posted by: Tonypete at July 01, 2022 === Yeah, the junta tore his statue down. Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 01, 2022 08:00 AM (EZebt) 32
Can you show us on the doll where Trump touched you?
Posted by: The Jan 6 Committee of Dunces at July 01, 2022 07:58 AM (sn5EN) Judges would have also accepted Barbie Jeep. Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 08:00 AM (ex2Cx) 33
Every breath you take, every move you make....
Posted by: Eromero at July 01, 2022 08:00 AM (gktX6) 34
20 Posted by: WiNO at July 01, 2022 07:58 AM (EpDzw)
Illustrative of the limbo we find ourselves in. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 01, 2022 08:00 AM (s2VJv) 35
Place your cursor over my nic and my email addy will display - (it's following . . )
Posted by: Tonypete at July 01, 2022 08:01 AM (Msys3) Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 01, 2022 08:01 AM (ZpruR) 37
Anybody know if they are going to renew 'J6-The Hearings' for a second season?
Or are the ratings that bad? Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 01, 2022 08:02 AM (1n+EO) 38
The SCOTUS acted with legitimacy with this sessions rulings. The strength of originalist thinking on display in every case. The remain in Mexico case was likely decided correctly, though not to my liking. It was the failure of previous courts to allow Trump to overturn DACA that was wrong. The problem remains that you have 3 "ham sandwich" votes, that is, liberals who will vote for cause and not law. Very likely that all cases are decided by discussions among Roberts and the 5 Constitutionalists in the room while letting the others know how to vote their base at lunch.
Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at July 01, 2022 08:02 AM (oWBc3) 39
rhennigan thanks. That's where I originally got his info. However I cannot find his birth or death date anywhere and that's what I'm searching for. No obit and the church that buried him has been non responsive.
Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at July 01, 2022 08:02 AM (2NHgQ) 40
That is a potential flashpoint and Joey Soft-Serve is now building us a base in Poland.
* Someone linked another on a thread last night. Apparently the world bank has done something (gold related? Debt related?) o force major nations to choose sides, and the big boys are picking Russia. Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 08:03 AM (HI8rY) 41
EPA claimed to discover an unheralded power representing a transformative expansion of its regulatory authority in the vague language of a long-extant, but rarely used, statute designed as a gap filler. That discovery allowed it to adopt a regulatory program that Congress had conspicuously declined to enact itself.
Now do mpg, drugs, extension cords on jobsites, and cow farts. Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 08:03 AM (ex2Cx) 42
Independence weekend
Hope we can save it Posted by: Skip's phone at July 01, 2022 08:03 AM (LQfvy) 43
"The West will need vast quantities of everything Woke doesn't make..."
Does Woke "make" anything. That is, aside from human misery? The "fundamental choice for the West" is between Wokism and material survival? Really? Posted by: Ordinary American at July 01, 2022 08:03 AM (H8QX8) 44
Thanks tonypete. Email incoming.
Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at July 01, 2022 08:03 AM (2NHgQ) 45
neverenoughcaffeine - also check for a death certificate from the county in which he passed. Most times, they are accessible by the public.
Posted by: Tonypete at July 01, 2022 08:04 AM (Msys3) 46
37 Anybody know if they are going to renew 'J6-The Hearings' for a second season?
Or are the ratings that bad? Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 01, 2022 08:02 AM (1n+EO) I believe J6 on Ice was approved but the Broadway version is on hold. Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 08:04 AM (ex2Cx) 47
West will need vast quantities of everything Woke doesn't make
" No one needs a truck and no one drives more than 20 miles to work. Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 08:04 AM (HI8rY) 48
The "fundamental choice for the West" is between Wokism and material survival?"
The road to Utopia is paved with broken eggs. Posted by: fd at July 01, 2022 08:05 AM (sn5EN) Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 08:05 AM (ex2Cx) 50
I linked...
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 01, 2022 07:59 AM (s2VJv) === I lack the mental and emotional stability to read "links" like I refuse the "mystery clicks" out of fear of Yoko Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 01, 2022 08:06 AM (EZebt) 51
The road to Utopia is paved with broken eggs.
Posted by: fd at July 01, 2022 08:05 AM (sn5EN) It was never made perfectly clear but I believe that the only way the children that were to inherit Utopia could happen was for their parent to be dead. Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 08:06 AM (ex2Cx) 52
Biden Has Weaponized the FBI and DOJ Against His Political Opponents— The GOP Needs to End It
Why would they want to end it? Stinkfinger's political enemies are the GOP's enemies. People like Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney want Trump and his voters crushed as much as Nancy Pelosi does. A GOP president (if there ever is one again) needs to eliminate the FBI and DOJ, and if not that, then staff them with hardline nutbusters who will arrest people like Schiff, Schumer and Pelosi, throw them in GITMO and leave them to rot. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 01, 2022 08:06 AM (2JVJo) 53
I was expecting a J6 July 4th Spectacular featuring music, fireworks, and Lynne Cheney twerking.
Posted by: fd at July 01, 2022 08:07 AM (sn5EN) 54
Moron Robbie @ 47
I drive less than 20 miles and have 3 trucks. I'm worse than hitler? Posted by: Eromero at July 01, 2022 08:07 AM (gktX6) 55
Happy Friday, one and all! Since I am a .gov wage slave, I fully anticipate this place being a ghost town in a few hours.
Posted by: NR Pax at July 01, 2022 08:07 AM (4olE8) 56
Hot Coffee!!!...TourdeFrance starts today and get's me through July FO!!!
Posted by: qmark at July 01, 2022 08:07 AM (nGOuT) 57
Gina McCarthy stated “We have opportunities now to transfer to clean energy in a way that grows thousands of jobs. We just had a recent report that is showing that all of the energy and the employment stats from last year. Clean energy is winning. Fossil fuels losing jobs.” Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 08:08 AM (ex2Cx) 58
SCOTUS just knocked out the EPA's plans by invoking and "codifying" the "major questions" doctrine. Some had hoped that SCOTUS would use this case for a broader ruling to knock out "Chevron deference" entirely, whereby courts are to defer to agency rulemaking, even when the agency doesn't have clear Congressional direction, unless bat shit crazy. Had SCOTUS done that a guerilla army of BigLaw lawyers and K Street lobbyists would have immediately descended on neighboring leafy DC suburbs to burn six homes to the ground.
Major questions has been dabbled with before, but now it's fully SCOTUS-approved as an exception to Chevron deference: When an agency tries to regulate something that has major economic impact it needs clear Congressional authorization to do so. Let the CO2 hearings begin! This is highly relevant to the SEC's proposed Climate Change rules, and will be the lead argument in upcoming legal challenges. Other agencies will also be affected. Developing ... Posted by: Ignoramus at July 01, 2022 08:08 AM (i0slg) 59
drive less than 20 miles and have 3 trucks. I'm worse than hitler?
* You don't need those things because I don't need those things. Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 08:08 AM (HI8rY) Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:08 AM (WWh8n) Posted by: Ignoramus at July 01, 2022 08:09 AM (i0slg) 62
I'm going to use some fireworks to put more pollution in the air on July 4, suck it EPA.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at July 01, 2022 08:10 AM (Rcp6g) 63
Independence Day.
INDEPENDENCE DAY! That's the name of the holiday. It falls on the fourth of July, but it is called INDEPENDENCE DAY! [Yes, I just made coffee] Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 01, 2022 08:10 AM (XIJ/X) 64
We have opportunities now to transfer to clean energy in a way that grows thousands of jobs
* Parents are literally not buying food for their family in the same quantity as three years ago, but 2300 people out of a nation of 330,000,000 got a job putting weatherstripping in section 8 homes m Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 08:10 AM (HI8rY) 65
You know who else talked about some sort of a something-or-other "world order?"
WH's National Economic Council Director Deese: Paying High Gas Prices "About the Future of the Liberal World Order" The Left not moderating their message about their policies and future policies at all heading into the November elections. (Going all-in with gender dysphoria, abortion-on-demand and environazi Green New Deal policies). Just as they did in summer of 2020. Gee, it's almost like they know they are going to win every election going forward after successfully rigging and stealing the 2020 election and so they do not have to lie anymore. Posted by: Clyde Shelton at July 01, 2022 08:11 AM (Do5/p) 66
thank you for the links and content, J.J.
Posted by: BifBewalski @ (UgAdJ) - at July 01, 2022 08:11 AM (UgAdJ) 67
From the links
Trump Is the Greatest Man Alive If you ask me, Trump has shown greater restraint than any man alive in the world today. Greater restraint perhaps than almost any man in history: For there are very few men, even in small and trivial nations, who could launch a civil war if they chose to do it. That sort of following—so wide, so deeply committed, and so much on the precipice of fury unleashed—is truly rare. The fact that Trump did not call upon his supporters to do violence on January 6 is singular, incredible: What leftist, on the verge of losing his power in Washington, and yet possessed of the means of retaining it through coercive force, would have walked away as Trump did? Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at July 01, 2022 08:11 AM (kf6Ak) 68
I've contended for a very long time that the government has moved beyond enforcing "laws" to enforcing "policy." Policy doesn't require anything other than a bureaucrat's signature and a regulatory body to enforce the policy. Since almost every bureau, agency and department with in FedGov has a heavily armed wing, this is not a problem.
Had the oil, coal and other fossil fuel industries simply told the junta to go get bent and continued to mine and drill you can bet there would have been bloodshed... over policy, not law. The EPA decision notwithstanding I will predict the left will ignore the ruling and continue to enforce their pet environmental policy with gusto. Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 01, 2022 08:11 AM (BFigT) 69
National Review’s Andrew McCarthy appeared the most smitten with the former intern for Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Representative Steve Scalise (R-La.). Her testimony, McCarthy insisted, was “spellbinding,” “compelling,” “stunning,” “riveting,” and “devastating” to Trump.
It made me weep for joy like the gay kiss in Lightyear! Posted by: Andy Mac at July 01, 2022 08:12 AM (ex2Cx) 70
California's state and county bureaucrats will be happy to fill any regulatory space vacated as a result of the Supreme Court decision.
Local health department climbed on my back in March 2020 and they are still there. I don't expect them to ever get off again. Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 01, 2022 08:12 AM (EZebt) 71
I think the whole Covid fiasco woke up a lot of people (Maybe even some Supreme Court justices!) to the fact that if you let government do whatever it wants in a "crisis," government people will always be finding some new "crisis" that needs addressed.
Posted by: Wally at July 01, 2022 08:12 AM (FJYfm) 72
And that majority opinion was from John Roberts. John freakin' Roberts. Go figure. Considering he fairly reeks of Swamp gas, insofar as a career as Chief Justice doing all he can to preserve, protect and defend the absolute power of the DC status quo, it wouldn't have surprised me in the least if he had voted the other way.
++++ It's the balancing act he always engages in. He's a state power guy, but he's fairly pragmatic. He knows that "going the other way" on an issue this big after major victories publicized over the past couple of weeks would be very bad for John Roberts. So he did what he always does. He drafted an opinion that deals with this specific problem in a way that is quite limited, hinted at something larger, and prevented the anti-Chevron on the Court from going any further by holding out. Roberts is not a good justice, but he is a very skilled politician. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:13 AM (WWh8n) 73
Good morning all!
Posted by: jewells45 at July 01, 2022 08:14 AM (nxdel) 74
The fact that Trump did not call upon his supporters to do violence
* That's why they're so heavy handed about this. No one was armed. It was pretty much the definition of the lefts peaceful protest. Imagine when food, jobs, and savings accounts disappear. Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 08:14 AM (HI8rY) 75
Redstate has a story about a guy identifying as a bird. This is all part of my master plan to identify as a 70 year old to collect social security. Let the lawsuits begin. You don't know how old I feel! Aches and pains, aches and pains.
Posted by: Sal A. Mander at July 01, 2022 08:14 AM (5aPYj) 76
No one needs a truck and no one drives more than 20 miles to work. Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 08:04 AM 20 miles is less than one third of my drive to work in my 21 year old truck Posted by: AltonJackson at July 01, 2022 08:14 AM (ENBF0) 77
Clean energy isn't "winning". We will neeed all the energy we have to push into the future. The glee at oil and gas losing jobs is misplaced. It happens because oil and gas companies are economic animals and contrary to the idiot left are not subsidized for their efforts. Any preferences in the tax code they enjoy are entirely consistent with other manufacturers, not the free money green energy subsidies the government lets enjoy. Governments can try to choose winners and losers in the game of economics, it never works because they make sucker bets.
Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at July 01, 2022 08:14 AM (oWBc3) 78
"That's the name of the holiday. It falls on the fourth of July, but it is called INDEPENDENCE DAY!"
Whatever. Don't miss the part of the show where Adam and Lynne sing a duet melody featuring "This Land Is Our Land" and "The Rainbow Stripes Forever". Posted by: The Jan 6 Committee of Dunces at July 01, 2022 08:14 AM (sn5EN) 79
Mornin', all! Eromero, Liz twerking? Now I guess a Friday fast is possible. Blech.
Happy Independence Day weekend, everyone! May everyone still have the fingers on Tuesday that they have today. Not that the "fireworks or gunshots?" game will be over anytime soon in the country. ![]() Posted by: Catherine at July 01, 2022 08:14 AM (ZSsrh) 80
Apologize if this has already been discussed here at AoS.
Trump's attempt to drain the swamp was thwarted by, as Good Morning America referred to her yesterday, "The First Black Supreme Court Justice in U.S. History." Posted by: bed head at July 01, 2022 08:15 AM (Y1sOo) 81
Look I thought Roberts would get Kav to fold on Roe and EPA, so I am happy
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:15 AM (WY8d2) 82
20 miles is less than one third of my drive to work in my 21 year old truck
* You must be mistaken. I've checked my experience, and that isn't true. Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 08:15 AM (HI8rY) 83
The EPA decision notwithstanding I will predict the left will ignore the ruling and continue to enforce their pet environmental policy with gusto.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 01, 2022 08:11 AM (BFigT) ++++ They absolutely will ignore the ruling and they will get away with that anywhere that direct federal jurisdiction is involved. Their ability to ram it down the states' throats just got screwed, though. The energy states will now happily tell the EPA to go piss up a rope. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:15 AM (WWh8n) 84
mornin' y'all.
Looks like God has decided to handle the fireworks 'round here. Evenin' thunderstorms forecast all weekend. Posted by: Nearsighted Cyclopes at July 01, 2022 08:16 AM (ZAtDh) 85
75. Next on the plate, will be the Mormons wanting 9 wives again. And then the next big fad will be pedophilia going legal in Cal
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:16 AM (WY8d2) 86
This is highly relevant to the SEC's proposed Climate Change rules, and will be the lead argument in upcoming legal challenges.
Other agencies will also be affected. Developing ... Posted by: Ignoramus at July 01, 2022 08:08 AM (i0slg) That’s a good insight. I briefly wondered about the ripple effect of this decision but I would like to see a deep dive into the subject. Posted by: 7man at July 01, 2022 08:17 AM (qwO6y) 87
83. Exactly Joe. Marxists want to control the whole country like a Levitihan. They will not be happy having 25 to 30 states telling them to fu#k off
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:18 AM (WY8d2) 88
Gina McCarthy stated “We have opportunities now to transfer to clean energy in a way that grows thousands of jobs. We just had a recent report that is showing that all of the energy and the employment stats from last year. Clean energy is winning. Fossil fuels losing jobs.”
Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 08:08 AM (ex2Cx) ++++ What a scrunt. When you hurl money - money we don't have, of course - at Thing A while hurling obstacles at Thing B, the growth of Thing A and the contraction of Thing B is not some natural phenomenon that can be used to justify hurling additional money at Thing A. She's not only dishonest and sinister, she thinks I'm stupid (or she herself is stupid, or both). Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:18 AM (WWh8n) 89
Next on the plate, will be the Mormons wanting 9 wives again. And then the next big fad will be pedophilia going legal in Cal
* Is it decided at the state level? If so, fine. It's crass sounding because of the latter example, but let the 10th Amendment work. Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 08:18 AM (HI8rY) 90
" I briefly wondered about the ripple effect of this decision but I would like to see a deep dive into the subject."
On the surface it seems to be making waves. Posted by: fd at July 01, 2022 08:18 AM (sn5EN) Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik [DHS Verdict: MDM] at July 01, 2022 08:19 AM (DTX3h) 92
" Next on the plate, will be the Mormons wanting 9 wives again. "
* thumbs thru binders of women * Posted by: Mitt at July 01, 2022 08:19 AM (sn5EN) 93
This is highly relevant to the SEC's proposed Climate Change rules, and will be the lead argument in upcoming legal challenges.
Other agencies will also be affected. Developing ... Posted by: Ignoramus at July 01, 2022 08:08 AM (i0slg) I guess I'm a little behind on the news. The SEC has Climate Change rules? The Securities Exchange Commission has Climate Change rules? I assume the Department of Education will be next. Posted by: Wally at July 01, 2022 08:20 AM (FJYfm) 94
On March 30, 2010, Obama signed the Health Care and Education Act charging the U.S. Department of Education to make 100 percent of all government-funded college loans, effective on July 1 of that year. In 2010, student loan debt totaled $760 billion. In 2022, the total outstanding student loan debt will more than double to a record $1.7 trillion.
Look more like 125% to me! Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 08:20 AM (ex2Cx) 95
85 75. Next on the plate, will be the Mormons wanting 9 wives again. And then the next big fad will be pedophilia going legal in Cal
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:16 AM (WY8d2) Wouldn't be surprised to see the latter go legal in Michigan first. Aloha Snackbar. Posted by: Allie at July 01, 2022 08:20 AM (UnA8+) 96
On the surface it seems to be making waves.
* (gets $2B grant to build device that doesn't really produce much energy but moves when water hits it and makes a few light bulbs turn on 40 feet away) Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 08:20 AM (HI8rY) 97
70. California's biggest employer by far is the military. The reason that their state economy does not fall apart. So the marxists out there are supported by the hated Right wing jar heads
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:21 AM (WY8d2) Posted by: Hillary Clinton at July 01, 2022 08:22 AM (SWi3y) 99
The reason Scotland was unable to gain independence, was pensioners reliance on London money. Any Red State should now be looking at ways to replace gubmint checks, or it will never happen
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:22 AM (WY8d2) 100
Now that Pride Month is over, we're back to just being "friends."
Posted by: McCarthy and Luntz at July 01, 2022 08:23 AM (FJYfm) 101
The fact that Trump did not call upon his supporters to do violence on January 6 is singular, incredible: What leftist, on the verge of losing his power in Washington, and yet possessed of the means of retaining it through coercive force, would have walked away as Trump did?
Not that American 'historians' are, by and large, worth reading, but it would be interesting to be given a glimpse of things 100 years from now. Will Trump's refusal to burn DC to the ground be seen as the noble act it was or a tragically missed opportunity to save the Republic? Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 01, 2022 08:23 AM (2JVJo) 102
Her testimony, McCarthy insisted, was “spellbinding,” “compelling,” “stunning,” “riveting,” and “devastating” to Trump.
Sounds like an surreally intellectualized 12-year-old girl. Posted by: Ordinary American at July 01, 2022 08:24 AM (H8QX8) 103
Feed Me Seymour!!
Posted by: Hilarys FUPA at July 01, 2022 08:24 AM (5aPYj) 104
All this and now you can't get peanut butter anymore
Posted by: redenzo at July 01, 2022 08:25 AM (E7vND) 105
Whoo-hoo! It's July! Time for some straight pride! Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik [DHS Verdict: MDM] at July 01, 2022 08:19 AM (DTX3h) ++++ LOL. In honor of July and straight pride, here are some dancing girls set to Bob Seeger: Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:25 AM (WWh8n) 106
Finally someone realizes what any person with common sense could see years ago. But, as usual, the smartest people in the room find the absolute dumbest solution in the room to try to fix the problem. Solar power. FFS... His solution to high EV cost? One of the most inefficient energy solutions in existence: solar power.
Stellantis Says EU's 2035 Combustion Engine Ban Means Auto Industry Is "Doomed" Unless EVs Get Cheaper Meanwhile, the company also said it is looking at generating its own energy, due to the cost of rising prices associated with the Russia/Ukraine conflict and global inflation. "We have significant areas where we could put solar panels," Tavares commented. Posted by: Clyde Shelton at July 01, 2022 08:25 AM (Do5/p) 107
101 The fact that Trump did not call upon his supporters to do violence on January 6 is singular, incredible: What leftist, on the verge of losing his power in Washington, and yet possessed of the means of retaining it through coercive force, would have walked away as Trump did?
*** A point almost no one else has made and very much worth making. It reveals the paradox of Trump (all great leaders almost to a man have been paradoxes of sorts). Of course it is the obverse argument to the idea that Trump failed us in our crucial moment by NOT using the power at his disposal to save the nation. Posted by: Ordinary American at July 01, 2022 08:25 AM (H8QX8) 108
Good to see SCOTUS pressuring these Fed Appeals courts, to reign in these Rogue judges on abortion
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:26 AM (WY8d2) 109
“I’m embarrassed that I didn’t know better 25 years ago.”
Creator of Friends Apologises for Characters Being White -- Then I propose every cent this stupid b*tch made off that show, from its inception to its cancellation, should be stripped from her. Posted by: Lady in Black at July 01, 2022 08:26 AM (sVtYq) 110
"The SEC has Climate Change rules? "
Proposed rules intended to soon become final. It's couched as new discloure rules for public companies, but it's gargantuan overeach and intended to micromanage companies. If implemented it will also be the basis for future carbon taxes. You can't underestimate how bad this is. The SCOTUS decision in WV v EPA should knock this out, but the SEC may bull ahead anyway. Developing ... Posted by: Ignoramus at July 01, 2022 08:26 AM (i0slg) 111
Now that Pride Month is over, we're back to just being "friends."
Posted by: McCarthy and Luntz at July 01, 2022 08:23 AM (FJYfm) ++++ Well done. You're still more than friends, though, right? You're still "roommates." Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:26 AM (WWh8n) 112
Scotus taking on the case against State Supreme courts knocking down redistricting maps that favor the GOP.
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:27 AM (WY8d2) Posted by: Ordinary American at July 01, 2022 08:28 AM (H8QX8) 114
111 One will be listed in the other's obit as "life long companion".
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at July 01, 2022 08:28 AM (lz5hY) 115
Friends calling me to ask if they should buy the dips on Blue Chip Stocks. 3 or 4 years ago, it would be Yes due to historical market trends. Now with this jackass in Office for 2 more years, I have no idea. Maybe a rally when GOP Takes the House ?
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:29 AM (WY8d2) 116
Provisional data from CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics indicate that there were an estimated 100,306 drug overdose deaths in the United States during 12-month period ending in April 2021, an increase of 28.5% from the 78,056 deaths during the same period the year before.
who would have thunk that lonely, isolated, scared to death by their governments people would kill themselves?? Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 08:29 AM (ex2Cx) 117
Breaking: Missing woman in Canada, police announcement on Twitter here: Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at July 01, 2022 08:30 AM (M9XmQ) 118
> The energy states will now happily tell the EPA to go piss up a rope.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) ____________ The EPA's armed SWAT team would have a field day with that. Violence is all but assured when people, entities or states decide to thumb their collective nose at the feds over policies they disagree with. Also, which side of this particular equation does one think law enforcement would take? Do they know the difference between policy and law and which one they're sworn to uphold? Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 01, 2022 08:30 AM (BFigT) 119
Rush and Hannity loved Andy McCarthy, like he was a guru
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:30 AM (WY8d2) 120
I refuse the "mystery clicks" out of fear of Yoko
Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 01, 2022 08:06 AM (EZebt) This is safe. I promise. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 01, 2022 08:30 AM (XIJ/X) 121
110 "The SEC has Climate Change rules? "
Proposed rules intended to soon become final. It's couched as new discloure rules for public companies, but it's gargantuan overeach and intended to micromanage companies. If implemented it will also be the basis for future carbon taxes. You can't underestimate how bad this is. The SCOTUS decision in WV v EPA should knock this out, but the SEC may bull ahead anyway. Developing ... Posted by: Ignoramus at July 01, 2022 08:26 AM (i0slg There has already been significant push back against these rules, even from Blackrock. This should significantly dent the SEC’s efforts. The comment period just ended, so we will see. Posted by: Tofer732 at July 01, 2022 08:31 AM (GcxM3) 122
A point almost no one else has made and very much worth making. It reveals the paradox of Trump (all great leaders almost to a man have been paradoxes of sorts). Of course it is the obverse argument to the idea that Trump failed us in our crucial moment by NOT using the power at his disposal to save the nation.
Posted by: Ordinary American at July 01, 2022 08:25 AM (H8QX ![]() ++++ I don't see it as a contradiction, I see it is a function of who and what Donald Trump is. When you strip away the bombast and get down to the essence, Trump is a reformer. He is not a revolutionary. He wants to fix the system, not tear it down. He does not - or cannot - believe that the system is beyond reform and correction. He wants to rip through it with a scythe to put it back on course, not dismantle it and rebuild it. A reformer would never call on his supporters to rise up and tear down the complex and then install himself as the head man of the new system he builds. A revolutionary would do that, and Trump is not a revolutionary. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:31 AM (WWh8n) 123
"We have significant areas where we could put solar panels," Tavares commented. Posted by: Clyde Shelton at July 01, 2022 08:25 AM (Do5/p) I saw Tavares open for The Brothers Johnson at the Apollo Theater in NYC in 1976. More coffee. Posted by: Hairyback Guy at July 01, 2022 08:31 AM (xu2px) 124
“This is the Future of the Liberal World Order and We Have to Stand Firm” – Biden Advisor Brian Deese When Asked What He Would Tell Americans Who Can’t Afford High Gas Prices
Posted by: SMOD at July 01, 2022 08:32 AM (RHGPo) 125
110 "The SEC has Climate Change rules? "
The better question is who doesn't have them. Posted by: Ordinary American at July 01, 2022 08:28 AM (H8QX ![]() ++++ The IRS has SWAT teams? The better question is who doesn't have them. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:32 AM (WWh8n) 126
Norway is Tracking What Everyone Buys, and Biden Wants to Follow Suit in the United States
_______________ I guess I'll be using cash. Just stop looking over my shoulder, leave me the hell alone, f*ing busybodies. Posted by: Chuck Martel at July 01, 2022 08:32 AM (fs1hN) 127
Then I propose every cent this stupid b*tch made off that show, from its inception to its cancellation, should be stripped from her.
Indeed. This ridiculous virtue signaling is truly growing tiresome. Just STFU already. Posted by: jewells45 at July 01, 2022 08:33 AM (nxdel) 128
112 Scotus taking on the case against State Supreme courts knocking down redistricting maps that favor the GOP.
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:27 AM (WY8d2) The North Carolina case - yes, this could be momentous. Note that a couple days ago, Alito overturned the Federal Judge who was trying to Louisiana districting away from their Legislature. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 08:33 AM (r46W7) 129
The EPA's armed SWAT team would have a field day with that. Violence is all but assured when people, entities or states decide to thumb their collective nose at the feds over policies they disagree with.
Also, which side of this particular equation does one think law enforcement would take? Do they know the difference between policy and law and which one they're sworn to uphold? Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 01, 2022 08:30 AM (BFigT) ++++ The EPA sending their gun thugs to impose an illegal order on the states may not go the way they'd hope. Those states would be resisting an illegal order, and state cops are also a thing. Which side would law enforcement take? Whichever side pays them - and there would be two sides involved. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:33 AM (WWh8n) 130
“This is the Future of the Liberal World Order and We Have to Stand Firm”
What you mean, "We," Kemosabe? Posted by: Tonto at July 01, 2022 08:33 AM (oTZbj) 131
LA schools in the Big Ten. WTF??
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:33 AM (WY8d2) 132
This is the Future of the Liberal World Order and We Have to Stand Firm” – Biden Advisor Brian Deese When Asked What He Would Tell Americans Who Can’t Afford High Gas Prices
* It's funny how that is just one small step away from wreckers, hoarders, and sabateurs. Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 08:34 AM (HI8rY) 133
This is safe.
I promise. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 01, 2022 08:30 AM (XIJ/X) ++++ #cruel Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:34 AM (WWh8n) Posted by: Mentholated Smooth-Drawing gp at July 01, 2022 08:34 AM (qpX6U) 135
128. Yes. Penn is awful too
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:34 AM (WY8d2) 136
"I am overjoyed at all the huge decisions that came down this week, which you can thank Donald Trump for."
And those three appointees, who aspired to be in the position to make these rulings, proved to be ingrates, by refusing to intervene in the steal. Posted by: Brett at July 01, 2022 08:34 AM (o7mPu) 137
Has Judas Roberts come out strongly against ANY of the bullshit lobbed at his supoosedly precious court, including the constant calls for violence? What about defending the idea that opinions are never *partisan*, as he did to Trump? No?
He only needed to respond to Trump, not when his justices are being threatened, attacked, killed etc? Ok Karen. Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 08:36 AM (un7FC) 138
We need not only to win congress and Gov Mansions, but these down ballot races are more vital than ever
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:36 AM (WY8d2) 139
Norway is Tracking What Everyone Buys, and Biden Wants to Follow Suit in the United States
We need a constitutional amendment to limit data collection and more importantly automatically destroy any personal data, except perhaps health related maintained by your doctor, after a certain amount of time. Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 08:36 AM (ESjRY) 140
When you strip away the bombast and get down to the essence, Trump is a reformer...
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:31 AM (WWh8n) Yes. I meant paradox in the context of how he was popularly viewed as a bull in a china shop. The question lingers: did we or will we need a revolutionary figure; are we beyond reform of the sort he represented? Posted by: Ordinary American at July 01, 2022 08:37 AM (H8QX8) 141
This is the Future of the Liberal World Order and We Have to Stand Firm”
What you mean, "We," Kemosabe? Posted by: Tonto at July 01, 2022 08:33 AM (oTZbj) Oh he doesn't mean you Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 08:37 AM (un7FC) 142
Posted by: JT at July 01, 2022 08:37 AM (arJlL) 143
I'm not so black-pilled. We're smashing these bastards. They're weak, stupid people once they're on their own outside the hive.
Posted by: quantum mechanic at July 01, 2022 08:37 AM (vcv8B) 144
The writer continued, “What makes this truly emotional for me is that I want this connection I didn’t have. I deeply, deeply want this connection with the black community that I didn’t have. Because of ‘Friends,’ I never attained that.”
“I’m embarrassed that I didn’t know better 25 years ago,” Kauffman continued, adding that the death of George Floyd in 2020 prompted her to realise that she had “internalized systemic racism,” and “participated” in it, and that she “needed to course-correct.” ++++ What a weak and stupid woman. Why apologize for this? Why believe it (and I suspect she does believe it - she wasn't under a microscope that I'm aware of and so is mouthing the words of self-denunciation to keep the Maoists with a dagger held at her heart appeased)? The "Friends" were white. That's fine. There's nothing to apologize for and no course to correct. Her show was dumb as hell and I don't think it was worth watching, but the whiteness of the characters has nothing to do with that. This stupid racism is extremely corrosive. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:38 AM (WWh8n) 145
54 Moron Robbie @ 47
I drive less than 20 miles and have 3 trucks. I'm worse than hitler? Posted by: Eromero So you're the guy responsible for this energy crisis! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana! ~ at July 01, 2022 08:38 AM (hOUT3) 146
Aunt who is pro choice, brought up Roe the other day. I told her the left went to far with infanticide. She did not even know what that meant. I told her in Blue states a woman can legally decide to kill her baby after its born. She called me a liar
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:38 AM (WY8d2) 147
“This is the Future of the Liberal World Order and We Have to Stand Firm”
Then: This NWO stuff is a bunch of conspiracy hogwash. Now: Hey buddy we all have to make sacrifices for the LWO. Well, I mean all of you normies do. Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 08:38 AM (ESjRY) 148
Hiya, JT.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:38 AM (WWh8n) 149
A reformer would never call on his supporters to rise up and tear down the complex and then install himself as the head man of the new system he builds. A revolutionary would do that, and Trump is not a revolutionary.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:31 AM (WWh8n) If I may make a rather obscure historical reference, Trump is a modern Luther, and not a Calvin. That was the biggest dispute between the two: Luther simply wanted to reform the Roman Catholic Church, and thought that he could. Calvin always wanted to burn it down and start from scratch. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 08:39 AM (r46W7) 150
"The comment period just ended, so we will see."
You can't make a legal challenge to new agency rules unless you first send a nastygram to the agency during the comment period. I did a quick check on the SEC's Climate Change rules and found several such, including from states like WV and TX that were plaintiffs in the EPA case, that specifically raised "major questions", now fully endorsed by SCOTUS in its EPA ruling. What I don't know is when can you bring a challenge. Do the rules have to be final first? Can you get an injunction during the pendency of challenge? I fear the SEC may bull ahead to force change during the uncertainty, even if it knows its rules will ultimately get knocked out. Posted by: Ignoramus at July 01, 2022 08:39 AM (i0slg) 151
Yes. I meant paradox in the context of how he was popularly viewed as a bull in a china shop. The question lingers: did we or will we need a revolutionary figure; are we beyond reform of the sort he represented?
Posted by: Ordinary American at July 01, 2022 08:37 AM (H8QX ![]() ++++ That's the $64 trillion (and 300 year) question. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:39 AM (WWh8n) 152
I have friends in Penn, who think Roberts is Satan. They were stunned when he allowed counting, for 2 weeks after the vote there in 2020
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:40 AM (WY8d2) 153
Does the SCOTUS / EPA ruling also mean that the EPA can no longer mandate non-functioning gas cans that lack vents?
Posted by: Buck Throckmorton at July 01, 2022 08:40 AM (d9Cw3) 154
Then I propose every cent this stupid b*tch made off that show, from its inception to its cancellation, should be stripped from her.
Posted by: Lady in Black at July 01, 2022 08:26 AM (sVtYq) Whoa whoa whoa I'm not *that* embarrassed. Posted by: Lady Who Created Friends at July 01, 2022 08:41 AM (I9qiW) 155
128 112 Scotus taking on the case against State Supreme courts knocking down redistricting maps that favor the GOP.
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:27 AM (WY8d2) The North Carolina case - yes, this could be momentous. Note that a couple days ago, Alito overturned the Federal Judge who was trying to Louisiana districting away from their Legislature. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 08:33 AM (r46W7) Yes that was a tell. Plus the case, now pending, may have broader implications beyond redistricting. For example it may collaterally or even directly address the mess caused when state courts rewrite voting rules for absentee ballots. Posted by: 7man at July 01, 2022 08:41 AM (qwO6y) 156
Lying liars who lie.
I get that. They've no arguments, no integrity, no decency other than the drive to money and power, so they use "the environment" and "global warming" as a cudgel to effect their totalitarian schemes. What fucking pisses me off, is nobody, with few exceptions, fights back. They are social, economic saboteurs and need to be treated as such. Posted by: Common Tater at July 01, 2022 08:42 AM (2goIS) 157
That 2007 supreme court decision on carbon dioxide was an abomination. The literal interpretation of it was that human beings are a pollution source, and could be regulated as such. I am heartened by it being overturned.
Posted by: Thomas Paine at July 01, 2022 08:42 AM (kb3I4) 158
Ya know, apologizing for a show where a bunch of white people hang out together and do living stuff is a great exmple of how sick the Woke Left really is. Now do How I Met your Mother, The Big Bang Theory and so on.
Posted by: kraken at July 01, 2022 08:42 AM (Vr12I) 159
Does the SCOTUS / EPA ruling also mean that the EPA can no longer mandate non-functioning gas cans that lack vents?
------------------- I think one of the EPA's mandates is to fuck over the consumer at the lowest possible level. Their mission is to make filling up your lawnmower painful, showers suck, and to require 2-3 flushes and then a plunge after your morning coffee. Posted by: SH (Roe Overturned) at July 01, 2022 08:43 AM (sX1BW) 160
Some SCOTUS expert came out yesterday with the numbers on Scotus judges on GOP Presidents since Nixon.
Nixon, Reagan, Bush1, Bush 2 were all 50% or lower sucess rate. Yes even Reagan. Trump 100%, and Roe finally 86'ed Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:43 AM (WY8d2) 161
Want to fix voting?
Only absentee ballots if you are overseas active duty military. Sorry college students, snow birds and the like...this is more important then making it easier for you to vote. Move voting day to April 16 or tax day to Nov 1. Everyone gets a purple finger, or if they lack fingers purple somewhere publicly visible on their body. Illegals caught voting = death sentence Voting twice in the same election for a citizen = 20 years in prison. Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 08:44 AM (ESjRY) 162
What a weak and stupid woman. Why apologize for this? Why believe it (and I suspect she does believe it -
Mannix -------- Ding ding ding. She "wanted this connection with the black community" she doesn't have? Oh yeah I bet she goes to sleep in her big gated house real broken up about it the lack of connection with blacks. I bet it tears her up inside when she's driving her Mercedes. Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 08:45 AM (ZHvCS) 163
"All In The Family" had people of all colors, creeds, religions, nationalities and backgrounds.
Archie would comment on each and everyone and folks would laugh. Couldn't make that show today as it was too diverse. More coffee. Posted by: Hairyback Guy at July 01, 2022 08:45 AM (xu2px) 164
Yes. I meant paradox in the context of how he was popularly viewed as a bull in a china shop. The question lingers: did we or will we need a revolutionary figure; are we beyond reform of the sort he represented?
Posted by: Ordinary American I don't think so. We're seeing the fruits of the reform Trump represented. Not just in these spectacular SCOTUS decisions, but in the movement of large chunks of the electorate (e.g. Hispanic) towards our side, and the fact that GOPe no longer calls the shots. These things take time. Tea Party v1 started this, but was crushed by the GOPe. We still had too much trust in our so-called conservative leaders. But we learned from that mistake. Trump was (is) the leader for Tea Party v2, and Trumpism is taking over the GOP, not withering. Posted by: quantum mechanic at July 01, 2022 08:45 AM (vcv8B) 165
And those three appointees, who aspired to be in the position to make these rulings, proved to be ingrates, by refusing to intervene in the steal.
Posted by: Brett at July 01, 2022 08:34 AM (o7mPu) A point we discussed yesterday - I (and quite a few others here who watch the court) believe that when the Steal happened, Roberts leaned heavily on the 3 new justices, telling them that they would destroy the Court's reputation forever (and their own) if they immediately tried to intervene in favor of the President who appointed them. In that case, Roberts' won them over, using his prestige as Chief Justice. BUT.... that was Roberts' Last Hurrah, and since then they have reconsidered, and now Roberts has completely lost control of the direction of the Court. Alito and Clarence Thomas are jointly sharing the role of effective Chief Justice, with Thomas being the senior of the two. Roberts still has the title of CJ, but he's lost all control. And the Steal is why that happened. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 08:46 AM (r46W7) 166
Does the SCOTUS / EPA ruling also mean that the EPA can no longer mandate non-functioning gas cans that lack vents?
Posted by: Buck Throckmorton at July 01, 2022 08:40 AM (d9Cw3) ++++ )*#&)%^&()#@^)%$ Ugh. Those damn things are a pain in the ass, more because of the safety lock than the lack of carb on the other side of the can. If you're filling a car's gas tank, they actually work fairly well, but that's a rare - to the point of happening only twice in my life so far - event. What I do use a gas can for regularly, though, is filling the lawnmower or generator or leaf blower. And those have a different design. They can't toggle the stupid latch and open the damn thing to let gas out. So what happens? I have to toggle it manually and then find some thing inside the tank (like a plastic ridge, etc.) to depress the mechanism. The result of this is that I get gas on my hands there are usually dribbles - exactly what the criminally stupid things were supposed to prevent. /rant off Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:46 AM (WWh8n) Posted by: JT at July 01, 2022 08:47 AM (arJlL) 168
146 Aunt who is pro choice, brought up Roe the other day. I told her the left went to far with infanticide. She did not even know what that meant. I told her in Blue states a woman can legally decide to kill her baby after its born. She called me a liar
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:38 AM (WY8d2) *********** Send her this- Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam Defends Leaving Infants to Die After Birth Posted by: redridinghood at July 01, 2022 08:47 AM (NpAcC) 169
Gas cans. If you want good ones, hit yard sales. Seriously.
Posted by: kraken at July 01, 2022 08:47 AM (Vr12I) 170
Hey, does Garrett and ace know that MyPillow has their own brand of crocks now: men-s-slide-sandals Mike is amazing and knows his customer base. Posted by: banana Dream at July 01, 2022 08:48 AM (skf6d) 171
Their mission is to make filling up your lawnmower painful, showers suck, and to require 2-3 flushes and then a plunge after your morning coffee.
Posted by: SH (Roe Overturned) at July 01, 2022 08:43 AM (sX1BW) Correct. The idea is to be in your head at all possible intervals. Both inconveniencing you and reminding you of their power over you. It actually has a shitload to do with that Biderman's Chart of Coercion I'm always rabbiting on about. Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 08:48 AM (F3cVw) 172
I like that black people could choose to be friends with her at any moment over the last 30 years, but...
Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 08:48 AM (HI8rY) 173
I suspect that Roberts's "friends" leaned on him heavily to validate the steal.
If the steal failed we've get to see his special vacation photos from Epstein island... Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 08:48 AM (ESjRY) 174
The 'Boyfriend' loophole?
Seems somewhat sexist, and presumptive if one were to ask me. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 01, 2022 08:48 AM (1n+EO) 175
Will the EPA ruling fix the dishwashers and washing machines too?
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at July 01, 2022 08:49 AM (Rcp6g) 176
The 'Boyfriend' loophole?
Seems somewhat sexist, and presumptive if one were to ask me. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 01, 2022 08:48 AM (1n+EO) Well I don't have to worry, I don't have a boyfriend Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 01, 2022 08:49 AM (d0Qel) 177
Does the SCOTUS / EPA ruling also mean that the EPA can no longer mandate non-functioning gas cans that lack vents?
Posted by: Buck Throckmorton And will I be able to buy a dishwasher that actually dries dishes? Posted by: quantum mechanic at July 01, 2022 08:49 AM (vcv8B) 178
She did not even know what that meant. I told her in Blue states a woman can legally decide to kill her baby after its born. She called me a liar
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:38 AM (WY8d2) ____________ Exhibit A - Gov. Northam - “the infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired.” Posted by: Chuck Martel at July 01, 2022 08:49 AM (fs1hN) 179
I know of Pro Abortion and Pro Life, I don't know of any thing like Pro Choice and Anti Abortion.
Posted by: kraken at July 01, 2022 08:49 AM (Vr12I) 180
The United States Supreme Court, in a majority Opinion by Chief Justice Roberts, just ripped the heart out of the Green New Deal agenda which was being carried forward not by act of Congress, but by administrative fiat through the Environmental Protection Agency.
I think it's very, very important to understand - and I like to think I do - what's motivating the Obama wing of the Ruling Class to purposely destroy the coal and oil industries. I don't think it's nihilism at all. It's worse. In the past, we've tried to subsidize industries, with varying degrees of success. NASA worked for a while, and gave us the beginning of solar power. Every dollar spent since then subsidizing solar has brought us pretty much nothing. So our best and brightest minds have decided on forced scarcity. Not as a punishment, I don't believe that for a second. But to artificially create the environment necessary for mass energy innovation. They believe, if they create an energy crisis, somebody out there will come up with the solution. It's magical thinking. And it's going to get a lot, and I do mean a lot, of people killed because the technology is just not there. Posted by: Once More With Feeling at July 01, 2022 08:50 AM (zOeHu) 181
The 'Boyfriend' loophole?
Seems somewhat sexist, and presumptive if one were to ask me. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 01, 2022 08:48 AM (1n+EO) ++++ Under the old law, a person convicted of domestic abuse was banned from having a gun if they had been married to the victim, had lived with them, or had a child with them. The new law, signed by President Joe Biden last weekend, expands that prohibition to include offenders who have been in a dating relationship with the victim as well. Terrible for multiple reasons, but it is yet another diminution of marriage. If you want the rights of a married person, get married Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:51 AM (WWh8n) Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 01, 2022 08:51 AM (1n+EO) 183
Their mission is to make filling up your lawnmower painful, showers suck, and to require 2-3 flushes and then a plunge after your morning coffee.
I occasionally check out the facebook group of an ultra blue, wealthy, suburban town I used to live in. I saw there was a big fight brewing on leaf blowers. Basically...a woman is leading a fight to ban them. And...I looked her up she moved to the US from India a couple of years ago, and then to the blue town a few weeks before leading her crusade. I see this sh*t and I so want to tell the scrunt, "If you don't like it here go the f*ck home". Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 08:51 AM (ESjRY) 184
172 I like that black people could choose to be friends with her at any moment over the last 30 years, but...
Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 08:48 AM (HI8rY) Maybe she doesn't have black friends because she is an insufferable bitch, dunno. Posted by: kraken at July 01, 2022 08:51 AM (Vr12I) 185
Junipero Serra statue in San Francisco was torn down by protesters during the George Floyd riots. A racist apparently.
Posted by: Ziba at July 01, 2022 08:51 AM (4h9M3) 186
Ugh. Those damn things are a pain in the ass, more because of the safety lock than the lack of carb on the other side of the can. If you're filling a car's gas tank, they actually work fairly well, but that's a rare - to the point of happening only twice in my life so far - event. What I do use a gas can for regularly, though, is filling the lawnmower or generator or leaf blower. And those have a different design. They can't toggle the stupid latch and open the damn thing to let gas out. So what happens? I have to toggle it manually and then find some thing inside the tank (like a plastic ridge, etc.) to depress the mechanism. The result of this is that I get gas on my hands there are usually dribbles - exactly what the criminally stupid things were supposed to prevent.
/rant off Posted by: Joe Mannix 2 D battery fuel pump at Lowe's, Tractor Supply, Northern, etc. fits in 5 gallon gas can. No lifting, tilting, fighting, etc. one finger control. Posted by: rickb223 at July 01, 2022 08:51 AM (c8pZY) 187
Is that unicorn the horse she rode in on?
Posted by: chicago refugee in florida at July 01, 2022 08:52 AM (XZ6dz) 188
OK, what happened?
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at July 01, 2022 08:52 AM (Rcp6g) 189
@88 Joe Mannix/rhennigantx-The clean energy/renewable fuels is creating temporary jobs. The jobs might last a year or two building new process plants for reclaimed cooking oil and soy, but it won’t provide maintenance jobs like fossil fuels will being more corrosive to equip/pipe. Plus yes, our money is used to subsidize this BS. Some of our guys look at it as “hey, at least it’s work” but it is not much down the road. Boilermakers trade is being sold on methane capturing devices for garbage landfills, cattle/dairy ranch silage. What many haven’t considered is these devices being pre fabricated in another state or most likely China. A lot of our natural gas co-gens equip is built in China. Like Pipefitters , boilermakers are becoming nothing more than assemblers and installers. This is how our unions justify telling you to vote for Dems. Hey at least they are “creating” work!
Posted by: JROD at July 01, 2022 08:53 AM (nsFgR) 190
147 “This is the Future of the Liberal World Order and We Have to Stand Firm”
Then: This NWO stuff is a bunch of conspiracy hogwash. Now: Hey buddy we all have to make sacrifices for the LWO. Well, I mean all of you normies do. Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 08:38 AM (ESjRY) I'm overjoyed to see the Left saying crap like this openly - this is a pure Marie Antoinette "let them eat cake" moment. (ignoring the issue of whether she actually said that or not) I would be worried if they were trying to walk things back and convince people to support them; but no, they are doubling down on tyranny and stupidity. Imagine telling someone that their kids have to go without food for the Liberal World Order! Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 08:53 AM (r46W7) 191
"If the steal failed we've get to see his special vacation photos from Epstein island..."
And then there are his illegally adopted children. I go with the simple thing that Roberts puts SCOTUS before the Constitution and before "We the People." He's deathly afraid of court packing. Ironically, there's less risk of that with Roe off the table. Posted by: Ignoramus at July 01, 2022 08:53 AM (i0slg) 192
It's magical thinking. And it's going to get a lot, and I do mean a lot, of people killed because the technology is just not there.
Posted by: Once More With Feeling at July 01, 2022 08:50 AM (zOeHu) One can credibly argue that the Ukraine war is brought to you by US “green” policy. Posted by: 7man at July 01, 2022 08:53 AM (qwO6y) 193
You want a gas can that works?
I own several, and love them. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice Do you sing to them ? Posted by: JT at July 01, 2022 08:54 AM (arJlL) 194
I would just like to point out that now that we have two black justices on the SCOTUS, blacks are now over-represented on the court.
Blacks are around 13% of the total U.S. population. But they now have 22% representation on the SCOTUS. Meanwhile, we still have no Asian justices, despite the fact that Asian-Americans make up around 7% of the entire U.S. population. Posted by: TrivialPursuer--FJB at July 01, 2022 08:54 AM (MvHI3) 195
Soros and Buffett, two left wing uber billionaires, still making deals. Disgusting
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:54 AM (WY8d2) Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 01, 2022 08:54 AM (ZpruR) 197
I get gas on my hands there are usually dribbles - exactly what the criminally stupid things were supposed to prevent. _____________ Ah, but you are using gas powered lawncare. You think the re-design was a mistake? We don't make mistakes. Use electric, citizen, it is better for the environment and our patrons, but mostly for our patrons. -EPA Posted by: Chuck Martel at July 01, 2022 08:54 AM (fs1hN) 198
The EPA isn't going quietly into that good night. Like all Dems with all rules they don't like, they'll just ignore SCOTUS.
Posted by: creeper at July 01, 2022 08:55 AM (cTCuP) 199
So our best and brightest minds have decided on forced scarcity. Not as a punishment, I don't believe that for a second. But to artificially create the environment necessary for mass energy innovation. They believe, if they create an energy crisis, somebody out there will come up with the solution. ...
Posted by: Once More With Feeling at July 01, 2022 08:50 AM (zOeHu) ++++ That's not a take I'd considered. I kind of doubt it because I don't think they're actually all that sophisticated, but it's definitely an interesting assessment that's worth thinking about. And there is some historical justification for it if so. The Catalytic Converter was essentially impossible to achieve at necessary scale (small for the unity itself, tremendous for the total volume of units) until they mandated it. It worked that time, unlike the usual outcome. "The market" finding clever solutions, however, requires being allowed to experiment and innovate, and that depends on the men who comprise that market being free to do so. A forced scarcity system doesn't satisfy the prerequisites. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:55 AM (WWh8n) Posted by: SMOD at July 01, 2022 08:55 AM (RHGPo) 201
Remember incandescent light bulbs?
Posted by: kraken at July 01, 2022 08:55 AM (Vr12I) 202
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 01, 2022 08:30 AM (XIJ/X) === Reminds of the schvitz at Grossinger's. Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 01, 2022 08:55 AM (EZebt) 203
The jobs might last a year or two building new process plants for reclaimed cooking oil and soy, but it won’t provide maintenance jobs like fossil fuels will being more corrosive to equip/pipe."
I knew some people who looked into building one of those a little while back - their conclusion was that you could never get as much energy (ie, money) out of the process as you had to put into it. It's a suckers game. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 08:56 AM (r46W7) 204
"The first black Supreme Court justice was Thurgood Marshall, who joined the Court in 1967. The second black Supreme Court justice was Clarence Thomas, who still serves on the Court."
Good Morning America Forced To Issue Correction On Supreme Court Tweet After Backlash, Mockery ________ This is unfair. You cannot expect today's journolists to remember ancient history, like 1967. And of course, Clarence Thomas doesn't count, as he isn't really black. So the fact checkers will decree: "Mostly true." Posted by: Eeyore at July 01, 2022 08:56 AM (TgBWG) 205
178. Northam , a former Republican and pro lifer, sells his soul to Lucifer to gain votes in Virgiania. Where is the demon now?
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:56 AM (WY8d2) 206
You want a gas can that works?
* Can't click the link, but I own a few metal ones. Eagle brand iirc. Safety cans like you find in industrial settings that you have to squeeze a handle (think push lawnmower) to pour. They're a bit more initially but I doubt I'll ever need to buy another. Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 08:56 AM (HI8rY) 207
Imagine telling someone that their kids have to go without food for the Liberal World Order!
I've noticed for all their vaunted empathy, leftists really, really don't give a sh*t about how their policies affect people. They always fall back to "its for the greater good!" as utilitarians but...then their greater good is almost always virtue signalling bull shit. Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 08:56 AM (ESjRY) 208
Mazel tov Hadrian
Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 01, 2022 08:57 AM (EZebt) 209
knew some people who looked into building one of those a little while back - their conclusion was that you could never get as much energy (ie, money) out of the process as you had to put into it. It's a suckers game.
* That sums up all "green" energy. Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 08:57 AM (HI8rY) 210
It's a girl!
It's a girl! It's a girl! It's a boy! Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh Congratulations hooman! Posted by: rickb223 at July 01, 2022 08:57 AM (c8pZY) 211
Only time Roberts votes with us anymore, is on non social issues
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 08:58 AM (WY8d2) 212
They always fall back to "its for the greater good!" as utilitarians but...then their greater good is almost always virtue signalling bull shit.
Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 08:56 AM (ESjRY) The greater good. My greater good. Potatoe potato. Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 01, 2022 08:58 AM (b2nrj) 213
They pump fake liberal hearts for $$. These wonderful hearts get the $$ from the sky or you.
Posted by: humphreyrobot at July 01, 2022 08:58 AM (J8LnB) 214
No one needs a truck or gas powered lawnmower.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 08:58 AM (HI8rY) 215
I go with the simple thing that Roberts puts SCOTUS before the Constitution and before "We the People."
He's deathly afraid of court packing. Ironically, there's less risk of that with Roe off the table. Posted by: Ignoramus at July 01, 2022 08:53 AM (i0slg) I listened to some of the oral argument in Dobbs. Sotomyor, while filibustering Scott Stewart, made exactly that point—-by overturning Roe, the credibility of the Court would be destroyed. Roberts shares that position. Posted by: 7man at July 01, 2022 08:58 AM (qwO6y) 216
No borders is a Marxist plan, Lenin thought after the Russian Revolution started all of Europe would dive into his Revolution.
Posted by: Skip's phone at July 01, 2022 08:58 AM (azd8a) 217
"So our best and brightest minds have decided on forced scarcity. Not as a punishment, I don't believe that for a second."
Well, I'll disagree: punishment is absolutely part of it, a sensually self-righteous part central to their psychic makeup. Posted by: Ordinary American at July 01, 2022 08:58 AM (H8QX8) 218
The town I lived in Cali has the Mission San Juan Capistrano, one of the missions he founded. To say that the local Indian tribe hates Fr Serra with the hate of a thousand suns would be an understatement.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at July 01, 2022 08:59 AM (Rcp6g) 219
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. - Bishop Fulton Sheen.
Posted by: redridinghood at July 01, 2022 08:59 AM (NpAcC) 220
... I occasionally check out the facebook group of an ultra blue, wealthy, suburban town I used to live in.
I saw there was a big fight brewing on leaf blowers. Basically...a woman is leading a fight to ban them. ... Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 08:51 AM (ESjRY) ++++ Leaf blowers are noisy and the gas-powered ones use smelly two-cycle engines. I dig it. But banning them means the leaves don't get dealt with, neither does other debris - debris that also scatters across your driveway, walkways and the street. It wasn't until I moved to a place with water that I learned how important the leaf blower actually is. If you ban leaf blowers, you'd better get really good at raking and sweeping for hours upon hours every week - or have enough money to hire coolies to do it for you. I strongly suspect this woman is in that latter group. Nobody who has to do the work himself would make such an argument. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 08:59 AM (WWh8n) 221
That's not a take I'd considered. I kind of doubt it because I don't think they're actually all that sophisticated, but it's definitely an interesting assessment that's worth thinking about."
When you watch the people at Davos, and at the huge "Climate Change" conferences that have been held over the years, the leaders there have been saying this quite openly for almost 10 years now. Yes, enforced scarcity has been their plan. Create a crisis, and then reap the acclaim from "solving" that crisis. They actually thought they could do it, and never considered the likelihood that they would destroy everything instead. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 08:59 AM (r46W7) Posted by: Eeyore at July 01, 2022 08:59 AM (TgBWG) 223
So our best and brightest minds have decided on forced scarcity. Not as a punishment, I don't believe that for a second. But to artificially create the environment necessary for mass energy innovation. They believe, if they create an energy crisis, somebody out there will come up with the solution.
It's magical thinking. And it's going to get a lot, and I do mean a lot, of people killed because the technology is just not there. Posted by: Once More With Feeling at July 01, 2022 08:50 AM (zOeHu) Humbly disagree. What they are producing is a path to wealth for their own asses. Every time these things are investigated - and it is rare - the power brokers are found to be investing in and shorting all the right things. There is much wealth to be gained from destruction and they want it for them and theirs. There is nothing noble in their desires. It's "systemic" theft. Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 09:00 AM (fYp8D) 224
222 Sen. Leahy Breaks a Hip
_______ I'm unclear what kind of exercise equipment he was using. Posted by: Eeyore at July 01, 2022 08:59 AM (TgBWG) He was doing the horizontal bop with Happy Rockefeller . . . Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 01, 2022 09:00 AM (s2VJv) 225
Bad Blue yesterday one of the Tweets Belgium ( I think) is shutting down %30 of cattle farms for global warming, no other reason for it.
Posted by: Skip's phone at July 01, 2022 09:00 AM (azd8a) 226
Voting twice is illegal in federal elections under federal law. Voters who cast "votes more than once in an election" will be fined "not more than $10,000" and "imprisoned not more than five years BTW, this is per vote. Some the 2000 mules (voted at least 10 times) could be fined $100k and up to 50 years. Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 09:00 AM (ex2Cx) 227
One of the problems with green energy is that the public arguments for it just assume people are leaving money on the table.
If Solar, Wind, etc where comparable in price and reliability people would switch to it anyway...and since there are major swings in the price of oil you'd just have to wait for a natural oil shock to make "green" energy all the rage. But...the people making these decisions haven't. Because green energy is way more expensive and way less reliable. And we have *proof* of this. The proof? Everywhere people can reasonably get power from dams or geothermal, reliable "green" energy they already did BEFORE the modern green movement. Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 09:01 AM (ESjRY) 228
The greater good. My greater good. Potatoe potato.
Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 01, 2022 08:58 AM (b2nrj) ++++ Democracy. Our Democracy. Potatoe, potato. Justice. Social Justice. Potatoe, potato. Etc. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 09:01 AM (WWh8n) 229
222 Sen. Leahy Breaks a Hip
_______ I'm unclear what kind of exercise equipment he was using. _____________ He was using a stretch band thing that his good buddy the late Harry Reid left him in his will. Posted by: TrivialPursuer--FJB at July 01, 2022 09:01 AM (MvHI3) 230
Good morning, JJ, Horde,
* scans content * So we're somewhere between "Idiocracy" and "Mad Max." Good to know. * guzzles Brawndo, cranks up engine on V8 Interceptor * Posted by: callsign claymore at July 01, 2022 09:01 AM (ZmRfe) 231
223 Humbly disagree. What they are producing is a path to wealth for their own asses. Every time these things are investigated - and it is rare - the power brokers are found to be investing in and shorting all the right things.
There is much wealth to be gained from destruction and they want it for them and theirs. There is nothing noble in their desires. It's "systemic" theft. Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 09:00 AM (fYp8D) I tend to agree with you. I think that they think it already exists except evil oil and evil Jooz are holding the patents to the unicorn farts in a secret vault somewhere. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 01, 2022 09:01 AM (s2VJv) 232
Why do you racists hate illegal aliens who totes aren't working illegally but why do you want to force them to use rakes again like black slaves that you hate, too?
Posted by: Moron Robbie - screw anyone here who thinks he should tell Americans what they need or should buy at July 01, 2022 09:02 AM (HI8rY) 233
Voting twice is illegal in federal elections under federal law. Voters who cast "votes more than once in an election" will be fined "not more than $10,000" and "imprisoned not more than five years
The last person I remember caught by this law...Rosie O'Bighead...paid a trivial fine. Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 09:02 AM (ESjRY) 234
That's not a take I'd considered. I kind of doubt it because I don't think they're actually all that sophisticated
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) The left don't play chess. They never look more than one move ahead. If we get our shit together, they're not hard to defeat. Fortunately, we appear to be getting our shit together. Posted by: quantum mechanic at July 01, 2022 09:02 AM (vcv8B) Posted by: JT at July 01, 2022 09:03 AM (arJlL) 236
226 18-1
Voting twice is illegal in federal elections under federal law. Voters who cast "votes more than once in an election" will be fined "not more than $10,000" and "imprisoned not more than five years BTW, this is per vote. Some the 2000 mules (voted at least 10 times) could be fined $100k and up to 50 years. Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 09:00 AM (ex2Cx) There's a better shot at Hillary Clinton going to prison for life than that happening. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 01, 2022 09:03 AM (s2VJv) 237
* guzzles Brawndo, cranks up engine on V8 Interceptor *
Posted by: callsign claymore at July 01, 2022 09:01 AM (ZmRfe) With proper right hand drive? Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 09:03 AM (ex2Cx) 238
Imagine telling someone that their kids have to go without food for the Liberal World Order!
In all honesty, how many people do you think will ever hear of or read that quote? We know, but that's because the Horde is jacked up on politics. Your average lo-fo mofo will never hear that quote and will go on blaming Trump, white supremacy, Big Oil and Big Grocery. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 01, 2022 09:03 AM (2JVJo) 239
He was doing the, broke back mountain exercise but it was done wrong.
Posted by: humphreyrobot at July 01, 2022 09:03 AM (J8LnB) 240
I strongly suspect this woman is in that latter group. Nobody who has to do the work himself would make such an argument.
Yeah in the areas I live in we have a real problem with uber left wing recent south Asian immigrants that are used to bossing the underclasses around. They left their servants behind in India and want new ones here. Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 09:03 AM (ESjRY) 241
I saw there was a big fight brewing on leaf blowers. Basically...a woman is leading a fight to ban them. ...
Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 08:51 AM (ESjRY) ++++ Leaf blowers are noisy and the gas-powered ones use smelly two-cycle engines. I dig it." forgive me for the clearly rayciss comment - but I have never seen any Mexican happier than when he has a gas powered leaf blower strapped to his back. Damn, they love those things. I remember watching out a window once where one of those guys spent 30 minutes trying to blow the dirt off a dirt patch with no grass on it at all. And he loved every minute of it! Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 09:03 AM (r46W7) 242
"these people are not only not going to concede, they are going to quadruple down until we are crushed."
------- Why would you think we will concede either? Did the pro-life movement concede after 50 years? We have the majority, the constitution, and control the states. Looking at it dispassionately, it is hard to see how the left wins in the long term. Now if anyone thinks the battle is over, you are wrong. The war has just begun. And like at Antietam, we are finding out that we CAN win. Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 01, 2022 09:03 AM (5p7BC) 243
The Netherlands are also going to cut the number of animals allowed to be raised on farms, the farmers had a big tractor protest the other day and snarled traffic. The govt will still go thru with the plan.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at July 01, 2022 09:04 AM (Rcp6g) Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning the value of horror with Wes Craven at July 01, 2022 09:04 AM (LvTSG) 245
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 01, 2022 09:04 AM (Zz0t1) 246
@203 Tom Servo-Absolutely right. Many plant operators and engineers say the same thing. The ones that are wise to how much energy for the $$$ renewables will make wonder how easily the plants can be converted to processing crude oil.
Posted by: JROD at July 01, 2022 09:04 AM (nsFgR) 247
Weirdo D candidate for State Senate invites Rep running against her to her next OB/GYN app: This woman looks too old to have a kid anyway and I doubt that the "sacrament" of abortion is in any danger in CT. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 01, 2022 09:05 AM (FZ2cV) 248
Feb 2022
A Black Lives Matter chapter founder in Tennessee was sentenced to six years in prison for illegally registering to vote while serving probation. Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 09:05 AM (ex2Cx) 249
I am excited for the day when Gina McCarthy is skullfucked by the barbed cock of Satan.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 01, 2022 09:05 AM (Zz0t1) 250
So our best and brightest minds have decided on forced scarcity. Not as a punishment, I don't believe that for a second. But to artificially create the environment necessary for mass energy innovation. They believe, if they create an energy crisis, somebody out there will come up with the solution.
It's magical thinking. And it's going to get a lot, and I do mean a lot, of people killed because the technology is just not there. Posted by: Once More With Feeling I think that is exactly correct. Even Macron is asking the US to start pumping, but the idiot says no. He wants people to suffer until they give in to the greens. Posted by: Thomas Paine at July 01, 2022 09:05 AM (kb3I4) 251
243 The Netherlands are also going to cut the number of animals allowed to be raised on farms, the farmers had a big tractor protest the other day and snarled traffic. The govt will still go thru with the plan.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at July 01, 2022 09:04 AM (Rcp6g) ======= I hope the Dutch are happy with their government that controls their lives to the smallest degree. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning the value of horror with Wes Craven at July 01, 2022 09:05 AM (LvTSG) 252
I listened to some of the oral argument in Dobbs. Sotomyor, while filibustering Scott Stewart, made exactly that point—-by overturning Roe, the credibility of the Court would be destroyed. Roberts shares that position.
Posted by: 7man at July 01, 2022 08:58 AM (qwO6y) Credibility, or raw power? Roe, and especially its progeny (Wait - Can an abortionist have progeny?) gave the court power, because it made them lawmakers. They got to tell the states what they could and couldn't do on abortion. This is, of course, not the way it was supposed to work, but it made them quite powerful as the SuperCongress. Throwing out Roe, Casey, et. al., put the issue back where it belongs - with our elected representatives. Posted by: Wally at July 01, 2022 09:05 AM (FJYfm) 253
I tend to agree with you. I think that they think it already exists except evil oil and evil Jooz are holding the patents to the unicorn farts in a secret vault somewhere. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 01, 2022 09:01 AM (s2VJv) __________ What the average prog knows about patents could be written on the back of a postage stamp with room to spare. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 01, 2022 09:05 AM (ZpruR) 254
Good morning, Dave. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning the value of horror with Wes Craven at July 01, 2022 09:04 AM (LvTSG) I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 01, 2022 09:05 AM (Zz0t1) 255
Well I don't have to worry, I don't have a boyfriend
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 01, 2022 08:49 AM (d0Qel) That might get you into trouble in today's U.S. Navy! Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 01, 2022 09:06 AM (XIJ/X) 256
Catalytic converters were necessary at the time because Detroit had detuned the engines so much they were literally spewing unburned gasoline out the tailpipe. It was a wasted gasoline burner, basically..
A V8 equipped car is capable of 25 mpg on the highway - but will emit lots of NOX, by detuning the engine, the NOX is radically reduced, at the expense of increasing HC (unburned gasoline). That's why about 11 mpg on the highway was de rigeur in the 1970s. Note well they did this during a period of rampant monetary inflation, and an Oil Embargo. It destroyed the domestic auto production. Yeah, they could have handled it better, but "one size fits all" didn't help. Posted by: Common Tater at July 01, 2022 09:06 AM (2goIS) 257
He was doing the horizontal bop with Happy Rockefeller . . .
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 01, 2022 09:00 AM (s2VJv) Pity it wasn't with Megan Marshack. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 01, 2022 09:06 AM (2JVJo) 258
I go with the simple thing that Roberts puts SCOTUS before the Constitution and before "We the People."
------------ Which is sort of like putting your fingers before your hand. Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 09:06 AM (vjnX/) 259
"The market" finding clever solutions, however, requires being allowed to experiment and innovate, and that depends on the men who comprise that market being free to do so. A forced scarcity system doesn't satisfy the prerequisites.
I never said it was a good idea. But I truly believe, after watching what they say and do, that I've figured out the plan. Why do I say this ? Because it's the ultimate national "nudge". Look - these people adore, absolutely love, the romantic notion of FDR America. They ignore the scarcity and the pain, but they are completely enthralled with that government / industry marriage focused toward their goals. This time, it isn't the defeat of the Axis. Its the forced social leap to green energy, that unfortunately doesn't exist. Posted by: Once More With Feeling at July 01, 2022 09:06 AM (zOeHu) 260
2022 Charlie Burns Jr. Criminal Conviction Fraudulent Use Of Absentee Ballots Texas 2022 DeWayne Ward Criminal Conviction Fraudulent Use Of Absentee Ballots Texas 2022 Monica Mendez Criminal Conviction Fraudulent Use Of Absentee Ballots Texas 2022 Marlena Jackson Criminal Conviction Fraudulent Use Of Absentee Ballots Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 09:07 AM (ex2Cx) 261
The Netherlands are also going to cut the number of animals allowed to be raised on farms, the farmers had a big tractor protest the other day and snarled traffic. The govt will still go thru with the plan.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at July 01, 2022 09:04 AM (Rcp6g) ======= I hope the Dutch are happy with their government that controls their lives to the smallest degree. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning the value of horror with Wes Craven at July 01, 2022 09:05 AM (LvTSG) I hope they don't expect the 101st to drop in and rescue them again? Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 01, 2022 09:07 AM (d0Qel) 262
Are the judges still allowed to tweet?
Posted by: humphreyrobot at July 01, 2022 09:07 AM (J8LnB) 263
Liberal World Order is trending on Twitter-
Breaking911 @Breaking911 CNN: "What do you say to those families that say, 'listen, we can't afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years?'" BIDEN ADVISOR BRIAN DEESE: "This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm." Posted by: redridinghood at July 01, 2022 09:08 AM (NpAcC) 264
What the average prog knows about patents could be written on the back of a postage stamp with room to spare.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 01, 2022 09:05 AM (ZpruR) _________________ You can add to that postage stamp what a prog knows about how anything works and still have room to spare. Posted by: Chuck Martel at July 01, 2022 09:08 AM (fs1hN) 265
"Throwing out Roe, Casey, et. al., put the issue back where it belongs - with our elected representatives."
Roe was improperly framed as a right to privacy case, with a dollop of doctor/patient privilege. But the question has always been "when does infanticide begin?" which is not a federal question. Posted by: Ignoramus at July 01, 2022 09:08 AM (i0slg) 266
Covering the countryside with solar panels in the name of "Green Energy" is like counseling teens to try anal in the name of Chastity.
Oh wait. We do that? Posted by: Zek at July 01, 2022 09:08 AM (OzNIz) 267
I hope today's art is of a pretty girl. I could use the cheering up.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 01, 2022 09:09 AM (2JVJo) 268
"Sotomyor, while filibustering Scott Stewart, made exactly that point—-by overturning Roe, the credibility of the Court would be destroyed."
What a fraud. She's perfectly happy to sacrifice the "credibility of the Court" to get what she wants. All Leftists are. Posted by: Ordinary American at July 01, 2022 09:09 AM (H8QX8) 269
263 BIDEN ADVISOR BRIAN DEESE: "This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm." Posted by: redridinghood at July 01, 2022 09:08 AM (NpAcC) ========== Ideologues who believe all the things that aren't true, including their own intelligence and beneficence. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning the value of horror with Wes Craven at July 01, 2022 09:09 AM (LvTSG) 270
10 US Navy Swift boat veteran, Quartermaster 2nd class.
Looks he switched branches, got commissioned in the Army Reserves. Posted by: callsign claymore at July 01, 2022 09:09 AM (ZmRfe) 271
The Left wants a Manhattan Project for green energy, but the MP was an engineering project, not one of discovery. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 01, 2022 09:09 AM (ZpruR) 272
Why would you think we will concede either? Did the pro-life movement concede after 50 years?
We have the majority, the constitution, and control the states. Looking at it dispassionately, it is hard to see how the left wins in the long term. Now if anyone thinks the battle is over, you are wrong. The war has just begun. And like at Antietam, we are finding out that we CAN win. Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 01, 2022 09:03 AM (5p7BC) It's less an issue of political power and more about accumulated damage to society. A continuing pendulum just means we go into a dark age and stay there for a long time. We need the situation to be much more one-sided just to minimize the bad times. Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 01, 2022 09:09 AM (b2nrj) 273
268 "Sotomyor, while filibustering Scott Stewart, made exactly that point—-by overturning Roe, the credibility of the Court would be destroyed."
What a fraud. She's perfectly happy to sacrifice the "credibility of the Court" to get what she wants. All Leftists are. Posted by: Ordinary American at July 01, 2022 09:09 AM (H8QX ![]() ========== "Our ability to make up shit on the fly to enforce changes upon government and society will take a hit!" Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning the value of horror with Wes Craven at July 01, 2022 09:10 AM (LvTSG) 274
I was disappointed in the Remain in Mexico decision, but not very surprised. It was always going to be a ruling about how the process to change policy should work, not about what that policy actually is. Even if the decision would have gone the other way, the Biden admin would have just needed to hold a month of hearings (or whatever) and they would have been able to go right back to doing whatever they want to do.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 09:10 AM (r46W7) 275
You can add to that postage stamp what a prog knows about how anything works and still have room to spare. Posted by: Chuck Martel at July 01, 2022 09:08 AM (fs1hN) ________ True. They have no idea what goes into making anything. It's all just "there". Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 01, 2022 09:11 AM (ZpruR) Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 01, 2022 09:11 AM (1n+EO) 277
"Pity it wasn't with Megan Marshack."
A blast from the past. Nelson died in his office late one night while fucking her. Before that was revealed, the NYT ran an op-ed praising him for working so hard until his last breath. Posted by: Ignoramus at July 01, 2022 09:12 AM (i0slg) 278
I am pleased with the current SC. 5 1/2 to 3 1/2 is pretty good. I doubt it will be that good in the future.
Posted by: kraken at July 01, 2022 09:12 AM (Vr12I) 279
It is beyond grotesque Ilhan Omar is shrieking about "women's rights."
That burka wearing brother loving refugee from a society which thinks women are also good for clearing mine fields should STFU. Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (5pTK/) at July 01, 2022 09:12 AM (5pTK/) 280
You can add to that postage stamp what a prog knows about how anything works and still have room to spare.
Dude I know how all this stuff works. I order food from Whole Foods and it shows up. I plug in my devices into the wall and get electricity. I don't need your racist fossil fuels! Posted by: Some leftist at July 01, 2022 09:12 AM (ESjRY) 281
237 Yes, with a Colt .45 in the glove box. Because America!
Posted by: callsign claymore at July 01, 2022 09:12 AM (ZmRfe) 282
The Left wants a Manhattan Project for green energy, but the MP was an engineering project, not one of discovery. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 01, 2022 09:09 AM (ZpruR) It's Cargo Cult mentality. They look back and see that brilliant minds were able to once do something incredible, using Science, and they think they can do it themselves just by going through the same motions. (even though they understand nothing) Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 09:13 AM (r46W7) 283
Covering the countryside with solar panels in the name of "Green Energy" is like counseling teens to try anal in the name of Chastity.
Oh wait. We do that? Posted by: Zek at July 01, 2022 09:08 AM (OzNIz) ******** Solar panels are aesthetically butt ugly. Over my dead body before they ever go on my house. Posted by: redridinghood at July 01, 2022 09:14 AM (NpAcC) 284
When you watch the people at Davos, and at the huge "Climate Change" conferences that have been held over the years, the leaders there have been saying this quite openly for almost 10 years now. Yes, enforced scarcity has been their plan.
You can listen to Davos - you can listen to the typical Lib here that gets a tingle down their leg remembering FDR with fondness. The old trope about "WWII got us out of the Depression". What was WWII about ? Forced scarcity, among other things. And the older generations, who are currently in charge, absolutely revere that era in time. And here's the kicker - they truly believe, if they just turn up the wick - that the masses will adapt and innovate. This isn't mass punishment. This is forced evolution. They think, or more accurately, hope. Posted by: Once More With Feeling at July 01, 2022 09:14 AM (zOeHu) 285
Becoming friends with black people only seems to be a problem for these self-hating entitled racist white idiots.
Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 09:14 AM (vjnX/) 286
278 I am pleased with the current SC. 5 1/2 to 3 1/2 is pretty good. I doubt it will be that good in the future.
Posted by: kraken at July 01, 2022 09:12 AM (Vr12I) ========== It also influences what cases they take at all. If the conservatives continue to have some pretty steely balls, they could help select cases every term for at least a few years designed to continue to chip away at the administrative state. It only takes 4 of them to agree to take a case, and I doubt the leftist side of the court is going to be encouraging cases they know they'll lose with Thomas running things. It'll lead to narrow victories for the left and broad victories for the right. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning the value of horror with Wes Craven at July 01, 2022 09:14 AM (LvTSG) 287
>>> forgive me for the clearly rayciss comment - but I have never seen any Mexican happier than when he has a gas powered leaf blower strapped to his back. Damn, they love those things. I remember watching out a window once where one of those guys spent 30 minutes trying to blow the dirt off a dirt patch with no grass on it at all. And he loved every minute of it!
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 09:03 AM (r46W7) Back in college me and some other guys made a mini hover craft with an electric blower. It had no eels but it was a blast to ride around until you got to the end of your extension cord. So we replaced it with a broken gas one from a repair shop and it was a blast. We even rigged a little caged prop in the back for propulsion but it's movement was always wacky. We built two just to crash them into each other which was hard because you really couldn't control direction. Posted by: banana Dream at July 01, 2022 09:15 AM (skf6d) 288
Story time, I have seen what it means to "beat the left".
I was in a van listening to two teachers from Florida talk, so these two are typical leftist "teach all the children about transgenderism" types. They were moaning about how people "without any experience in education" are winning seats on the school board. And also how they have to read all the book in the library before allowing children to read them, to make sure there is no sex in the book. Were they gearing up to "never give up" and "fight on"? No, they had given up. One had left teaching and gone into insurance. They other was keeping her head down and rejecting requests from other teachers to "make her voice heard". She is going quiet to ride out the storm. The left is not destined to win, and they will quit. They need to eat too. Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 01, 2022 09:15 AM (5p7BC) 289
The Left ignores physical limitations on things like solar and wind. And they ignore how the Grid actually works.
So they're pushing an economic suicide pact. Posted by: Ignoramus at July 01, 2022 09:16 AM (i0slg) 290
There's a corporate dairy farm in an adjoining town.
Over 4,000 cows confined to a concrete/steel barn. Cows are hooked up to a variety of tubes. Have never seen a cow outdoors. Mountains of manure under plastic tarps weighted down with old tires. Very picturesque. And no bad smell. Posted by: Ziba at July 01, 2022 09:16 AM (4h9M3) 291
Justice Elena Kagan, a committed leftist and crackpot, warned in her dissent that the Eastern United States could be “swallowed by the ocean” due to global warming.
I shall hold the water back from my $13 M beach front estate!! Posted by: barak the majic negro at July 01, 2022 09:16 AM (ex2Cx) 292
Why do I say this ? Because it's the ultimate national "nudge". Look - these people adore, absolutely love, the romantic notion of FDR America. They ignore the scarcity and the pain, but they are completely enthralled with that government / industry marriage focused toward their goals. This time, it isn't the defeat of the Axis. Its the forced social leap to green energy, that unfortunately doesn't exist. Posted by: Once More With Feeling at July 01, 2022 09:06 AM (zOeHu) I agree with you, that's what they are trying to do - but they have been so blind that they missed what always should have been obvious. The lower socioeconomic classes, especially hispanic voters, are going to turn on the authors of this policy as their lives are ruined. Arguably this is why they have pushed the RAYCISS! angle so hard, but hispanic voters aren't buying it. They thought they had them in their pocket, and they were wrong. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 09:16 AM (r46W7) 293
The left is not destined to win, and they will quit. They need to eat too.
Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 01, 2022 09:15 AM (5p7BC) I think you correctly describe the "Useful Idiots," but i would be wary of assuming the same thing about the committed communists. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 01, 2022 09:17 AM (XIJ/X) 294
>>> 282 271
The Left wants a Manhattan Project for green energy, but the MP was an engineering project, not one of discovery. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 01, 2022 09:09 AM (ZpruR) It's Cargo Cult mentality. They look back and see that brilliant minds were able to once do something incredible, using Science, and they think they can do it themselves just by going through the same motions. (even though they understand nothing) Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 09:13 AM (r46W7) We are SMAHHHHHRRT and will get this done even quicker because we will include all the diverse people that you rayciss types didn't back then. Posted by: leftists at July 01, 2022 09:17 AM (llON8) 295
forgive me for the clearly rayciss comment - but I have never seen any Mexican happier than when he has a gas powered leaf blower strapped to his back. Damn, they love those things. I remember watching out a window once where one of those guys spent 30 minutes trying to blow the dirt off a dirt patch with no grass on it at all. And he loved every minute of it!
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 09:03 AM (r46W7) ++++ Mine arrives this month. I'm looking forward to it. I only have a handheld electric job right now and while it's fine for (and ideally suited to) the routine stuff throughout the year, it is not up to Autumn duty or serious post-storm duty. They make life easier. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 09:17 AM (WWh8n) 296
Justice Elena Kagan, a committed leftist and crackpot, warned in her dissent that the Eastern United States could be “swallowed by the ocean” due to global warming.
Leftist news coming soon since the 1980s. Note when the world was warmer in the 1100s the east coast of the US was not under water. Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 09:17 AM (ESjRY) 297
by the way, I was listening to Jimmy Dore last night and even he was slamming the testimony of Cassidy Cornbread.
To say Dore is less than impressed with the Jan 6 committee is an understatement. Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (5pTK/) at July 01, 2022 09:17 AM (5pTK/) 298
BIDEN ADVISOR BRIAN DEESE: "This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm." Posted by: redridinghood Can't wait until everything goes tits up. We'll have to stand firm while the left swings from lampposts. Posted by: rickb223 at July 01, 2022 09:18 AM (c8pZY) 299
293 I think you correctly describe the "useful Idiots," but i would be wary of assuming the same thing about the committed communists.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 01, 2022 09:17 AM (XIJ/X) ========== Committed communists are probably too small in number to effect much in the face of a dedicated opposition, especially if the ground continues to even out over time. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning the value of horror with Wes Craven at July 01, 2022 09:18 AM (LvTSG) 300
The left is not destined to win, and they will quit. They need to eat too.
Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 01, 2022 09:15 AM (5p7BC) Well winning for the left means most people are dead. How much worse will the US family unit be in a decade? How much worse is our present pipeline of human capital than prior generations? How screwed up are our population ratios? All of these things have consequences for long periods of time and require decades to build up. Just like the infrastructure that we won't build for that matter. Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 01, 2022 09:18 AM (b2nrj) 301
The left is not destined to win, and they will quit. They need to eat too.
I wish I had your optimism, Dave. I really do. Sadly, defeat and resignation is hardwired into my psyche. I have, God willing, about 20 years left. It would be nice if I died in a sane, reconciled, peaceful America, but I don't believe that will happen. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 01, 2022 09:19 AM (2JVJo) 302
A leaf blower hovercraft is ridiculously easy to build. Basically, you need a sheet of plywood, some tarp material, and a leaf blower. Cut the plywood into a 5-6' diameter circle. Cut a hole in the plywood for the leaf blower pointed down. Then attach the tarp to the bottom of the plywood with 5-6 5" holes cut in the tarp about a third from the perimeter for the leaf blower air to shoot out. Fire up the leaf blower and you're hoverin' away!
Posted by: banana Dream at July 01, 2022 09:19 AM (skf6d) 303
MPPP-Here's a pretty girl, and you didn't have to wait till the Morning art thread. Eugene De Blaase-"The Farewell": Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 01, 2022 09:19 AM (FZ2cV) 304
Posted by: Jonah at July 01, 2022 09:20 AM (WY8d2) 305
291 Justice Elena Kagan, a committed leftist and crackpot, warned in her dissent that the Eastern United States could be “swallowed by the ocean” due to global warming.
I shall hold the water back from my $13 M beach front estate!! Posted by: barak the majic negro at July 01, 2022 09:16 AM (ex2Cx) Has everyone else noticed that Elena Kagan this term has become a non-entity, a true NPC on the Court if there ever was one? When the MSM want liberal judicial soundbites, Sotomayer is the one who gets quoted. She's a mediocre mind filling a slot, she never should have moved past the Traffic Court. It's comical to realize that with Breyer's retirement, the Court now consists of 5 conservatives, Roberts the quisling, and 3 angry Karens. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 09:20 AM (r46W7) 306
The left is not destined to win, and they will quit. They need to eat too.
Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 01, 2022 09:15 AM (5p7BC) I think you correctly describe the "useful Idiots," but i would be wary of assuming the same thing about the committed communists. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 01, 2022 09:17 AM Concur, CBD. Committed communists don't need to eat. Or breathe, as far as I'm concerned. Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 01, 2022 09:20 AM (RkC6l) 307
True. They have no idea what goes into making anything. It's all just "there".
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 01, 2022 09:11 AM (ZpruR) Yep. A decade ago, I had an intern girl (phrasing), smart as a whip, sensible, logical, seemingly apolitical, about 18... then one time she asked me how much my large format plotter cost. I told her the price and she said "it shouldn't be that expensive". I asked her what the parts and labor *should* cost and how that should be decided, and she just looked at me blankly. I guarantee she knows no more today than she did back then and that she is a reflexive leftard. Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 09:20 AM (vN2kx) 308
Morning TJM!
Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 01, 2022 09:20 AM (5p7BC) 309
I do not believe a reconciliation is in the cards either.
I do believe - thank you Joe Biden & SC - that part of the veil / curtain has been lifted. Joe's " were going to have to live with this (gas prices) as long as Putin . . . " is obviously a dodge. But more and more will point to TX, AK etc and say "what about that oil over there." IMHO, SC and 75% Ds saying the country is on the wrong track is a great way to celebrate the 4th. Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at July 01, 2022 09:21 AM (NW9xb) 310
I think you correctly describe the "useful Idiots," but i would be wary of assuming the same thing about the committed communists.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 01, 2022 09:17 AM (XIJ/X) ------------ this is correct. Bill Ayers openly admitted he might be one of the 25 million executed once the brave new communist utopia was created in the US. He accepted it as part of the price he would have to pay to usher in the new era. Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (5pTK/) at July 01, 2022 09:21 AM (5pTK/) 311
I have, God willing, about 20 years left. It would be nice if I died in a sane, reconciled, peaceful America, but I don't believe that will happen.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 01, 2022 09:19 AM (2JVJo) that really depends on your willingness to move south. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 09:21 AM (r46W7) 312
305 Has everyone else noticed that Elena Kagan this term has become a non-entity, a true NPC on the Court if there ever was one? When the MSM want liberal judicial soundbites, Sotomayer is the one who gets quoted. She's a mediocre mind filling a slot, she never should have moved past the Traffic Court.
It's comical to realize that with Breyer's retirement, the Court now consists of 5 conservatives, Roberts the quisling, and 3 angry Karens. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 09:20 AM (r46W7) ========= It must be depressing to know that you are solidly in the minority, only able to write fire dissents that are completely meaningless, and it's going to be like that for years as your opposition on the court has decided to fight back hard. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning the value of horror with Wes Craven at July 01, 2022 09:21 AM (LvTSG) Posted by: Hovercraft Eels at July 01, 2022 09:21 AM (1n+EO) Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 09:22 AM (vN2kx) 315
Heading to the closing for the property we bought next to our garden center. I have to stop and get a cashier's check to pay for it because if my personal check doesn't clear I could be long gone with the property in my back pocket. This practice must have started so that the realtor doesn't have to wait a few days for his commission.
Posted by: jwest at July 01, 2022 09:22 AM (/BlEx) 316
Fauci was unable to attend his daughter's wedding due to him still having Covid.
He had to FaceTime in to give the toast. Posted by: redridinghood at July 01, 2022 09:22 AM (NpAcC) 317
308 Morning TJM!
Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 01, 2022 09:20 AM (5p7BC) ======== Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning the value of horror with Wes Craven at July 01, 2022 09:22 AM (LvTSG) 318
MPPP-Here's a pretty girl, and you didn't have to wait till the Morning art thread. Eugene De Blaase-"The Farewell": Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 01, 2022 09:19 AM (FZ2cV) Thank you, Fen! I have a vague feeling that CBD used that pic before. And looking through the artist's other works, he seems to have made a habit of painting girls lifting the hems of their dresses. NTTAWWT. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 01, 2022 09:23 AM (2JVJo) 319
Fauci was unable to attend his daughter's wedding due to him still having Covid.
He had to FaceTime in to give the toast. Posted by: redridinghood at July 01, 2022 09:22 AM (NpAcC) HA! And how old is his daughter, 60? Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 01, 2022 09:23 AM (Zz0t1) 320
I'm OK with the Eastern seaboard getting swallowed up by the ocean.
Posted by: Ziba at July 01, 2022 09:23 AM (4h9M3) 321
>>> 299 293 I think you correctly describe the "useful Idiots," but i would be wary of assuming the same thing about the committed communists.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 01, 2022 09:17 AM (XIJ/X) ========== Committed communists are probably too small in number to effect much in the face of a dedicated opposition, especially if the ground continues to even out over time. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning the value of horror with Wes Craven at July 01, 2022 09:18 AM (LvTSG) It's a race between how much damage can they do to our infrastructure (which is already substantial, and even if we started reversing this *now* would take time to overcome) not to mention human lives vs how long it takes for them to piss EVERYONE off to the point where they get stomped. The WEF crowd spooges over how many people will die, including their own co-religionists. Posted by: Helena Handbasket at July 01, 2022 09:23 AM (llON8) 322
MPPP-Here's a pretty girl, and you didn't have to wait till the Morning art thread. Eugene De Blaase-"The Farewell": Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 01, 2022 09:19 AM (FZ2cV) ++++ I like De Blaase. I have a print of his in my house. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 09:24 AM (WWh8n) 323
@242 Dave in Fla-Hate to be a dick and an “eeyore” but Trump beating fraud to get elected and appoint SCOTUS judges that resulted in Roe v Wade being overturned was dumb luck IMO.
We have the states, we have the majority, we have the constitution. They have the culture, they have all education, law enforcement, military, MSM all of the federal leviathan to bring down upon us. They have zero qualms about using the law against us, no problem inciting violence and using their “troops” antifa and others against us. We are fighting from red states that can be turned blue any election or through a slow drip. “Fighting” from a ballot box scares the shit out of me as much as having to fight in the streets does against these assholes. Posted by: JROD at July 01, 2022 09:24 AM (nsFgR) 324
Thank you, Fen! I have a vague feeling that CBD used that pic before. And looking through the artist's other works, he seems to have made a habit of painting girls lifting the hems of their dresses. NTTAWWT. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 01, 2022 09:23 AM (2JVJo) And he favors a fat ass. Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 01, 2022 09:24 AM (Zz0t1) 325
By the way, Royce White is running in Minnesota to take on Omar. I saw him on Tim Pool's show, and he is fantastic.
Posted by: Thomas Paine at July 01, 2022 09:24 AM (lTGtQ) 326
>>> 306
== Concur, CBD. Committed communists don't need to eat. Or breathe, as far as I'm concerned. Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 01, 2022 09:20 AM (RkC6l) Newsletter? Posted by: Helena Handbasket at July 01, 2022 09:25 AM (llON8) 327
" Heading to the closing for the property we bought next to our garden center. I have to stop and get a cashier's check to pay for it because if my personal check doesn't clear I could be long gone with the property in my back pocket."
I could see this with buying a mobile home. But not the land it sets on. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 01, 2022 09:25 AM (1n+EO) 328
Note when the world was warmer in the 1100s the east coast of the US was not under water.
___________ Just curious, if there are any outer banks folks here, since the '80s is there any less land? If so, can it be attributed to erosion or rising sea levels? I would think that area could be the canary in the coalmine. Not that I think rising CO2 has anything to do with global warming. I think warming is simply due to long-term climate cycles and we're still coming out of the last little ice-age. I'd be more concerned if warming peaked (I think it has, it certainly has paused for 2 decades) and global cooling is the next part of the cycle. Posted by: Chuck Martel at July 01, 2022 09:25 AM (fs1hN) 329
that really depends on your willingness to move south.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 09:21 AM (r46W7) Phrasing Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 09:25 AM (Ss8Md) 330
Another day I wake up to the reality that America is over. It's far too late to stop the left. That needed to start with COVID.
At least it's easy to ignore the disaster unfolding around me. With the exception of outrageous food and fuel prices life hasn't changed much in Oklahoma. But I know some day it will. Posted by: creeper at July 01, 2022 09:25 AM (cTCuP) 331
In Russia leafblower rides you.
Posted by: Eromero at July 01, 2022 09:25 AM (gktX6) 332
that really depends on your willingness to move south.
It is, theoretically, at the edge of possible. But it will probably not happen, for reasons I don't care to discuss. I need to be more like Fen and Jewells and others here and try to take comfort in God and in lovely, sunny days in my garden. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 01, 2022 09:26 AM (2JVJo) 333
2 moar Cornbread lies:
General Flynn tells me that he didn’t speak to Mark Meadows on January 5th and neither has he ever had any phone conversation with Meadows. Once again, there never was any such telephone briefing. That of course did not stop USA Today or the New York Times from gleefully recycling this canard without contacting me or my attorney for comment. Nor was I aware of or involved with any “war room” within the Willard Hotel. Posted by: barak the majic negro at July 01, 2022 09:26 AM (ex2Cx) 334
332 It is, theoretically, at the edge of possible. But it will probably not happen, for reasons I don't care to discuss.
I need to be more like Fen and Jewells and others here and try to take comfort in God and in lovely, sunny days in my garden. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 01, 2022 09:26 AM (2JVJo) ========= A couple of weeks ago it was impossible. So, you're telling me there's a chance... Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning the value of horror with Wes Craven at July 01, 2022 09:26 AM (LvTSG) 335
In Russia leafblower rides you.
Posted by: Eromero at July 01, 2022 09:25 AM (gktX6) What's THAT a euphemism for? Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 01, 2022 09:26 AM (Zz0t1) 336
off sox
Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 09:26 AM (ex2Cx) 337
Thank you, Fen! I have a vague feeling that CBD used that pic before. And looking through the artist's other works, he seems to have made a habit of painting girls lifting the hems of their dresses. NTTAWWT.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 01, 2022 09:23 AM (2JVJo) ++++ He's definitely used this one: Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 01, 2022 09:27 AM (WWh8n) 338
335 In Russia leafblower rides you.
Posted by: Eromero at July 01, 2022 09:25 AM (gktX6) What's THAT a euphemism for? Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 01, 2022 09:26 AM (Zz0t1) =========== Let me put it this way, Mr. Sponge. The 9000 series is the most reliable leafblower ever made. No 9000 leafblower has ever made a mistake or distorted information. We are all, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof and incapable of error. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning the value of horror with Wes Craven at July 01, 2022 09:27 AM (LvTSG) 339
I keep picturing this realtor rushing through the closing while a bleach blonde in a fur coat waits for him in a red convertible - ready to spend that unearned commission.
Posted by: jwest at July 01, 2022 09:27 AM (/BlEx) 340
I need to be more like Fen and Jewells and others here and try to take comfort in God and in lovely, sunny days in my garden.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 01, 2022 09:26 AM (2JVJo) Fuck yes that is 100% it Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 09:27 AM (Ss8Md) 341
MPPP-gets a picture of pretty girl because he was hoping there would be one on the art thread, and the art thread may not be up for a bit. Th rest of you get pretty girls regularly from Joe Mannix. They are just not works of art from a museum.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 01, 2022 09:27 AM (FZ2cV) 342
"We are fighting from red states that can be turned blue any election or through a slow drip."
Trump rebranded the base of the R party to be people who work for a living and their families, and away from Country Club Republicans. So Hispanics invited, and many Blacks. This is a winning majority coalition, that's starting to wise up. (Gas prices and inflation help). It's fighting the Borg and the threat of massive election cheating. The future isn't written! Posted by: Ignoramus at July 01, 2022 09:28 AM (i0slg) 343
Powell blames the wait wait for it wait
“What did we get wrong? — Believing everyone would get vaccinated for INFLATION Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 09:28 AM (ex2Cx) 344
>>> I'm OK with the Eastern seaboard getting swallowed up by the ocean.
Posted by: Ziba at July 01, 2022 09:23 AM (4h9M3) I'm ok with the places where people who are ok with the eastern seaboard getting swallowed up by the ocean live getting SMOD'ed. Posted by: banana Dream at July 01, 2022 09:28 AM (skf6d) 345
Well winning for the left means most people are dead.
------- Well if that is going to be the choice, I have no problem with them being the ones who die. But I don't see evidence that the truly committed communists/maoists have the numbers to drive anything, without using the leverage of a bureaucracy. It's really about leverage, and support from "soft" supporters in the education system and other places. Those soft supporters have to live within the economy like the rest of us, they aren't funding by endowments and Soros. So when their paycheck is threatened, they will keep their head down. Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 01, 2022 09:29 AM (5p7BC) 346
Her testimony, McCarthy insisted, was “spellbinding,” “compelling,” “stunning,” “riveting,” and “devastating” to Trump
Spellbinding. LOL. It sounds like that song "Magic, "You can do magic...." Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 01, 2022 09:30 AM (FZ2cV) 347
that really depends on your willingness to
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01 Phrasing Posted by: ... at July 01 =================== Fixed. Posted by: andycanuck (yikp0) at July 01, 2022 09:30 AM (yikp0) 348
>>> 343 Powell blames the wait wait for it wait
“What did we get wrong? — Believing everyone would get vaccinated for INFLATION Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 09:28 AM (ex2Cx) "People didn't get vaxxinated because Putin bought $100,000 of ads on Facebook telling lies about horse paste!" Posted by: Helena Handbasket at July 01, 2022 09:30 AM (llON8) 349
I don't think the SOCTUS EPA decision will change much. It may slow down agency power grabs a little, but they'll still do whatever they want with no consequences.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 01, 2022 09:31 AM (Y5qcH) 350
The left is not destined to win, and they will quit. They need to eat too.
Neither side is destined to win. Its possible that nobody will win, and we all fall back together a number of centuries in social and technological level. Frankly, I doubt the sides will even look the same in fifty years. We're watching the last gasps of two ideologies, Conservatism and Liberalism. What comes out of this might look like some union of the two, I don't know. But I'm sure it won't look like this. Because this is unsustainable. Conservatism is unwilling to eliminate Liberalism, and Liberalism is unable to sustain whenever left to its own devices after locally eliminating Conservatism. Posted by: Once More With Feeling at July 01, 2022 09:31 AM (zOeHu) 351
MPPP-Here's a pretty girl, and you didn't have to wait till the Morning art thread. Eugene De Blaase-"The Farewell": Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 01, 2022 09:19 AM (FZ2cV) Yep, pretty girl. But no hovercraft. Would not hang. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at July 01, 2022 09:31 AM (KYKwc) 352
Yes. I meant paradox in the context of how he was popularly viewed as a bull in a china shop. The question lingers: did we or will we need a revolutionary figure; are we beyond reform of the sort he represented?
Posted by: Ordinary American at July 01, 2022 08:37 AM We need much more than just a revolutionary figure. We need a revolutionary movement. Similar to the American left-wing march through the institutions that started ~50 years ago and now has complete control of every institution in the nation. If we're lucky, if the revolutionary movement starts now, in another 50 years, the movement will have gotten this country back to where it should be. But most of us will not be around if that day finally arrives. That said, the conservative movement has absolutely no one of any influence supporting them financially and organizationally like the Left has built up over the decades with their Discover the Networks cabal. Posted by: Clyde Shelton at July 01, 2022 09:31 AM (Do5/p) 353
But I don't see evidence that the truly committed communists/maoists have the numbers to drive anything, without using the leverage of a bureaucracy.
Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 01, 2022 09:29 AM (5p7BC) If the ahem 3 percenter people are correct then the obverse is true. The commies only need 3% too. Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 09:31 AM (Ss8Md) 354
>>> 346 Her testimony, McCarthy insisted, was “spellbinding,” “compelling,” “stunning,” “riveting,” and “devastating” to Trump
Spellbinding. LOL. It sounds like that song "Magic, "You can do magic...." Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 01, 2022 09:30 AM (FZ2cV) Old and busted: Trump said pussy! New and hot: Trump said take me to the Capitol! Posted by: Helena Handbasket at July 01, 2022 09:31 AM (llON8) 355 Go.
Posted by: humphreyrobot at July 01, 2022 09:31 AM (J8LnB) 356
316 Fauci was unable to attend his daughter's wedding due to him still having Covid.
He had to FaceTime in to give the toast. ____________ Gee, what a shame. At least he's not dead, unlike so many of the innocent kids he and his idiot fellow bureaucrats forced the "vaccines" on. Looking at the U.K. chart in the article JJ linked above is infuriating. Hundreds of times as many vaccinated kids died than unvaccinated. It is insane that vaccines were forced -- and are still being forced -- on kids, who are at almost no risk of dying from covid. And how many more people will die in the future because they trusted assholes like Fauci and Birx to tell them the truth? Posted by: TrivialPursuer--FJB at July 01, 2022 09:31 AM (MvHI3) 357
263 BIDEN ADVISOR BRIAN DEESE: "This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm." Posted by: redridinghood at July 01, 2022 09:08 AM (NpAcC) Shorter version of Deese: Davos Uber Alles! Posted by: very confused at July 01, 2022 09:31 AM (AMIL/) 358
Just curious, if there are any outer banks folks here, since the '80s is there any less land?"
two places the left loves to bring up; Chesapeake Bay and Southern Louisiana. But this is ONLY because those two areas are sinking geological basins, doing what they have always done since time immemorial. In the case of southern Louisiana, that's why the Mississippi goes there. The land sinks, the river builds it back up with deposited mud. But now that we've stopped the yearly floods, the land sinks and is never built back up, so southern La. is turning back into ocean. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 09:31 AM (r46W7) 359
To all my friends here at AOS:
HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY WEEKEND! And to my 5th great-grandfather - David Merwin 22 OCT 1746 - 25 APR 1826 - A Soldier of the Revolution -- Thank you!! Posted by: Archer at July 01, 2022 09:31 AM (gmo/4) 360
Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 09:32 AM (ex2Cx) 361
{230}... So we're somewhere between "Idiocracy" and "Mad Max." Good to know.
* guzzles Brawndo, cranks up engine on V8 Interceptor * Posted by: callsign claymore at July 01, 2022 09:01 AM (ZmRfe) Beyond the movie (which made me both laugh, but sad for society because it's coming true in so many ways), there was this series of fan-made commercials for Brawndo that are fantastic: Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 01, 2022 09:32 AM (nRMeC) 362
rhennigantx: Nood. Say nood. SAY IT! (some of us search for that keyword) ;-)
Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 01, 2022 09:33 AM (nRMeC) 363
>Fauci was unable to attend his daughter's wedding due to him still having Covid.
He had to FaceTime in to give the toast. How many people did he take that choice away from? Posted by: BourbonChicken at July 01, 2022 09:33 AM (44ww/) 364
We need a revolutionary movement.
Yep. I keep seeing people demand...why doesn't anyone stand up to the left?!? And then when someone does, he is left all by himself and destroyed. Until that changes because there is a movement to support that man we are f*cked. Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 09:33 AM (ESjRY) 365
If I may make a rather obscure historical reference, Trump is a modern Luther, and not a Calvin. That was the biggest dispute between the two: Luther simply wanted to reform the Roman Catholic Church, and thought that he could. Calvin always wanted to burn it down and start from scratch.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 08:39 AM Yep, that sounds like my Calvin. Posted by: Hobbes at July 01, 2022 09:33 AM (Do5/p) 366
349 I don't think the SOCTUS EPA decision will change much. It may slow down agency power grabs a little, but they'll still do whatever they want with no consequences.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 01, 2022 09:31 AM (Y5qcH) with all due respect, you're wrong. It changes a lot, it destroys the EPA's plan to completely overturn this country's method of power generation. You don't know how terrible the plans they were getting ready to implement were. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 09:34 AM (r46W7) Posted by: Maj. Healey at July 01, 2022 09:34 AM (MkYsY) 368
316 Fauci was unable to attend his daughter's wedding due to him still having Covid.
He had to FaceTime in to give the toast. Fauci is like 100 years old. How old was the blushing bride? More coffee... Posted by: Hairyback Guy at July 01, 2022 09:34 AM (xu2px) 369
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 01, 2022 09:30 AM (FZ2cV)
Huh. Compelling and Stunning were the words used by Bret Baier, who has apparently been given the Chris Wallace mantle. Since the "testimony" was absolutely neither thing, you can infer that Journolist 3.0 is real. Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 09:35 AM (+EH1X) 370
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 01, 2022 09:26 AM (2JVJo)
Well, if you enjoy your garden that's a good place to start, and how about again reading that book you suggested to me yesterday-about being merry by the RC nun. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 01, 2022 09:35 AM (FZ2cV) Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 01, 2022 09:36 AM (FZ2cV) 372
Yep. I keep seeing people demand...why doesn't anyone stand up to the left?!? And then when someone does, he is left all by himself and destroyed.
Hence, the great self sorting we are seeing now, as people flee blue states for red, and blue cities for red rural areas. Nobody wins alone. And nobody wins when they have enemies at their backs while they're facing the enemy in front of them. You have to vote with your feet and find good defensive ground before you plant your flag and make your stand. Posted by: Once More With Feeling at July 01, 2022 09:36 AM (zOeHu) 373
Since the "testimony" was absolutely neither thing, you can infer that Journolist 3.0 is real.
I'm amazed that some event happens and all the FNM news sources are immediately covering it with exactly the same terminology. So yeah - they are all getting the same script to read. Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 09:36 AM (ESjRY) 374
so southern La. is turning back into ocean.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 09:31 AM (r46W7) Yep, and they said we'd all be underwater by 2010. I just checked and I am not underwater. It's pretty funny that they predicted a place would be underwater due to climate change that was already below sea level when they made the prediction. If it wasn't for flood control levees and the Army Corps of Engineers, this place would be wetlands like it always was. Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 01, 2022 09:36 AM (Y5qcH) 375
JROD - Dumb luck?
Trump flipped traditionally solid blue Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. And he did it against massive fraud in those three states (you didn't think fraud only happened in 2020, did you?) How is that even possible? It isn't luck, it is due to political realignment. It doesn't happen often, maybe every generation or two, but it does happen. Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 01, 2022 09:37 AM (5p7BC) 376
with all due respect, you're wrong. It changes a lot, it destroys the EPA's plan to completely overturn this country's method of power generation. You don't know how terrible the plans they were getting ready to implement were.
That's my industry. The plan is to shut down every remaining coal plant in the coming decade, and go exclusively to natural gas, solar, and wind. Posted by: Once More With Feeling at July 01, 2022 09:38 AM (zOeHu) 377
with all due respect, you're wrong. It changes a lot, it destroys the EPA's plan to completely overturn this country's method of power generation. You don't know how terrible the plans they were getting ready to implement were.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 09:34 AM (r46W7) I work with EPA regulations. If they don't get what they want, they come back for a smaller piece later. Then another, then another. They play the long game. This will just delay them. It won't stop them. Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 01, 2022 09:39 AM (Y5qcH) 378
Excellent article on Watergate, the Washington Post and the CIA.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at July 01, 2022 09:40 AM (lf83v) 379
Congratulations on the puppies, Hadrian!
Posted by: LadyS at July 01, 2022 09:40 AM (5WgUb) 380
Looking at these protests in the Netherlands...did they learn the lesson from Canada?
Just blocking roads isn't enough - you need to remove the politicians. Posted by: 18-1 at July 01, 2022 09:41 AM (ESjRY) 381
374 so southern La. is turning back into ocean.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 01, 2022 09:31 AM (r46W7) Yep, and they said we'd all be underwater by 2010. I just checked and I am not underwater. It's pretty funny that they predicted a place would be underwater due to climate change that was already below sea level when they made the prediction. If it wasn't for flood control levees and the Army Corps of Engineers, this place would be wetlands like it always was. Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 01, 2022 09:36 AM (Y5qcH) If left alone by the Corps of Engineers, a while back the big river would have shifted its course to the Gulf southwest into the Atchafalaya River basin, saying good bye to New Orleans and Baton Rouge Posted by: very confused at July 01, 2022 09:42 AM (AMIL/) 382
234 The left don't play chess. They never look more than one move ahead. If we get our shit together, they're not hard to defeat. Fortunately, we appear to be getting our shit together.
Posted by: quantum mechanic at July 01, 2022 09:02 AM (vcv8B) The left doesn't play chess. They challenge you to a game of chess, but once you both sit down, they are actually playing "Hit You in the Head with a Brick.", and will do so the second you take your eyes off of them. Posted by: Allie at July 01, 2022 09:42 AM (UnA8+) 383
353 Howdy, ... It takes only 12 zealots to set major change in motion (The Apostles, Special Forces A team).
I'd wager the working group that drove the Bolshevik Revolution was no more than a dozen men. A small number of communist cadre is a very big problem. Posted by: callsign claymore at July 01, 2022 09:43 AM (ZmRfe) 384
I work with EPA regulations. If they don't get what they want, they come back for a smaller piece later. Then another, then another. They play the long game. This will just delay them. It won't stop them.
You are right. This is a hole in the gestalt of Conservatism. Conservatives look for solutions. After a problem is solved, they like to go on to something else - often their own lives, maybe another problem. The concept of constant effort applied to something never truly eliminated just doesn't register well with most Conservatives. That ruling was a win, no doubt. But it didn't solve much of anything. It opened huge gaps in the Liberal lines. But those must now be exploited, with further effort. That always seems to be where Conservatism fails. The follow up, the exploitation, is always lacking. Posted by: Once More With Feeling at July 01, 2022 09:43 AM (zOeHu) 385
The left doesn't play chess. They challenge you to a game of chess, but once you both sit down, they are actually playing "Hit You in the Head with a Brick.", and will do so the second you take your eyes off of them.
Posted by: Allie at July 01, 2022 09:42 AM (UnA8+) My only quibble with this is the letting you sit down before smashing you with the brick thing. Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 09:44 AM (jstZu) 386
My only quibble with this is the letting you sit down before smashing you with the brick thing.
Spoiler Alert - they stole the brick from one of us. They can't make a brick on their best day. Posted by: Once More With Feeling at July 01, 2022 09:45 AM (zOeHu) 387
361 Thank you for the link, Grumpy and Recalcitrant
Posted by: callsign claymore at July 01, 2022 09:49 AM (ZmRfe) 388
The problem with "liberalism vs conservatism" is the Natural Law that every single system by nature can be used to exploit and undermine itself.
The systems where it is most difficult to do this is where there is raw naked absolute power, but even those crumble at the weak point of taking out the leader. My point is leftism is about subversion and destruction - and nothing can be invented, no rule implemented, no system deployed, that can't be subverted and eventually destroyed. And the fact that conservatives by nature crave fewer rules is a knife to our own throat. Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 09:51 AM (9AGUW) 389
Spoiler Alert - they stole the brick from one of us. They can't make a brick on their best day.
Posted by: Once More With Feeling at July 01, 2022 09:45 AM (zOeHu) Yep Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 09:52 AM (9AGUW) 390
TRUMP is the cleanest federal politician since Washington, bar none.
Posted by: The Biden Abomination What Causes Desolation at July 01, 2022 09:53 AM (jV+aN) 391
@375 Dave in Fla-Yes, Trump HIMSELF flipped Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan IN THE 2016 ELECTION. Fraud was committed in 2016 but not enough for Clinton to win. The Dems screwed up hence her anger when she lost. Who in the future will have the enough stroke to beat beat Dem fraud in these same states? Are you confident given their propensity to break the law that we can defeat them when we remain within the bounds of the law?
Posted by: JROD at July 01, 2022 09:53 AM (nsFgR) 392
My point is leftism is about subversion and destruction - and nothing can be invented, no rule implemented, no system deployed, that can't be subverted and eventually destroyed. And the fact that conservatives by nature crave fewer rules is a knife to our own throat.
I like your observation, and would love to talk about it all day. I'd like to add to it - Conservatives "could" avoid subversion, if they subscribed to constant personal vigilance. But they do not. If anything, we're at this point in part because Conservatives were willing to trust various institutions to stay vigilant on their behalf. Surprise, those institutions became the biggest part of the problem. Posted by: Once More With Feeling at July 01, 2022 09:57 AM (zOeHu) 393
Imagine telling someone that their kids have to go without food for the Liberal World Order!
Isn't that basically what the Left said regarding baby formula shortage and babies dying, without explicitly talking about "liberal world order". Notice that's nowhere in the news cycle anymore. Cloward-Piven in action. Attack the system from so many different directions that it is impossible to address every attack and inevitably, numerous attacks will succeed, because sources need to be used to fight off only a certain amount of attacks. The Left has been doing this for decades and that is why they have succeeded in their march through the institutions and control and use of every institution to administer their policies. Posted by: Clyde Shelton at July 01, 2022 09:59 AM (Do5/p) 394
Posted by: Once More With Feeling at July 01, 2022 09:57 AM (zOeHu)
That's reasonable. I was guilty of it myself. But I grew up without knowing the amount of targeted psy op propaganda I was being subjected to. I only had a "feeling" but it wasn't nearly enough to combat the constant mindfucking from school, Hollywood and TV. And I'm speaking as someone who became conservative as soon as he understood politics - which was kind of late. My point isn't that we're blameless for being lax, but rather that I get it. That said... the last 15-20 years should have opened a lot of eyes, and Trump's guided awakening should have "fundamentally transformed" our side into one that is far less welcoming and hospitable to, not to mention more vigilant against, enemy action. Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 10:04 AM (lDvMn) 395
People on our side tend to forget or not realize that the crazy hate campaign against Trump is so insane because he has unique abilities to drop scales from eyes. His communication skills are up there with anybody in recorded civilized history.
Their side, who relies on these scales in order to be remotely viable in polite company, HAD to go balls to the wall against him. Because without shredding his credibility, he was going to destroy them. It was obvious by September 2015 that simply wasn't going to allow open minded (and some closed minded) people to sleep on what had become of the America that he knew and loved, and what immediate peril it was in. Posted by: ... at July 01, 2022 10:10 AM (WKvwW) 396
0bamas "Fundamental Transformation" was a total success. His 2015 Patriot Act was that fundamental change. That 90% of America think the Patriot Act is from Bush Jr. The 2015 Patriot took the Islamofascists off the Govt lists and put YOU AND I ONTO THEM.
Posted by: Fisht at July 01, 2022 10:17 AM (ZRarh) 397
The icing on the cake in the Legal Insurrection piece on the W Virginia vs. EPA decision was Professor Jacobson ending the article by posting the "What is Best in Life" scene from Conan.
Posted by: Introverted Elephocentric Hypochondriac at July 01, 2022 10:46 AM (t8KI/) 398
BTW, this is per vote. Some the 2000 mules (voted at least 10 times) could be fined $100k and up to 50 years.
Posted by: rhennigantx at July 01, 2022 09:00 AM (ex2Cx) There's a better shot at Hillary Clinton going to prison for life than that happening. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 01, 2022 09:03 AM Yup. Which is why the claims from people that "we have so many more rules and regulations and laws in place now compared to 2020, so we're not going to let that happen again" fall flat with me. It does not matter what laws are in place for anything, let alone voting. What matters is (1) who counts the votes and (2) who enforces the rules, regulations and laws. The Left counts the votes and selectively enforces the rules, regulations and laws. Unless the Left is caught and prosecuted and thrown in prison - instead of being left in complete control of the voting counting and voting law enforcement process - pre-election polling and voting laws/regulation do not matter. Posted by: Clyde Shelton at July 01, 2022 10:50 AM (Do5/p) 399
Imagine telling someone that their kids have to go without food for the Liberal World Order! In all honesty, how many people do you think will ever hear of or read that quote? We know, but that's because the Horde is jacked up on politics. Your average lo-fo mofo will never hear that quote and will go on blaming Trump, white supremacy, Big Oil and Big Grocery.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 01, 2022 09:03 AM Bingo. And that is the difference between the Left and conservatives in positions of influence. The Left takes a quote or a crisis or an event and uses every single one of their influential people and institutions to broadcast it and paint with a broad brush to smear their enemy. Influential conservatives do... nothing. Democrats go on every media outlet, every social media outlet, go on the floor of Congress to make everyone aware. Republicans do... nothing. Remember 2006. Democrats turned a "wide stance in a public bathroom" by a GOP Senator and turned it into a issue to smear not only that Senator, but the entire Republican Party. Republicans never do that for anything. Posted by: Clyde Shelton at July 01, 2022 10:55 AM (Do5/p) 400
158 Ya know, apologizing for a show where a bunch of white people hang out together and do living stuff is a great exmple of how sick the Woke Left really is. Now do How I Met your Mother, The Big Bang Theory and so on.
The real to the head kicker of all this is that it is apparently perfectly fine to do a show with all black people if it is a show about black people. And why not? Sometimes the internal logic of a story makes it that only one racial group is presented. No Chinese in the Corleone family, no blacks in the torpedo squadron in Midway, no whites in the band in the NWA movie. Posted by: azjaeger at July 01, 2022 10:58 AM (3/XaG) 401
You can add to that postage stamp what a prog knows about how anything works and still have room to spare.
Posted by: Chuck Martel at July 01, 2022 09:08 AM (fs1hN) True. They have no idea what goes into making anything. It's all just "there". Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 01, 2022 09:11 AM Yep. Remember that idiot in Detroit back in 2008, I think, who thought that the handouts the Obama Administration was giving were paid from "Obama's stash in the White House" or some such idiocy. I would guesstimate that 75% of the people in this country have no idea that the government - federal, state and local - do not have any money and that everything is paid for by American taxpayers. They really think things are "free" if "the government" gives it to you. Posted by: Clyde Shelton at July 01, 2022 11:06 AM (Do5/p) 402
Clean energy will come as soon as we finish occupying Stalingrad.
Posted by: Ray at July 01, 2022 11:57 AM (sw3xv) 403
Father / Saint Junipero Sierra:
If you ever get the opportunity to see the California Missions do so. The Mission at San Juan Capistrano in San Diego is a good place to start. I was struck by a letter the mission had written back to Spain, that in a near begging tone, requested that they be send another shovel. Posted by: waepnedmann at July 01, 2022 02:16 PM (cb5Lw) 404
Νormally I don't read post on blogs, but I ᴡould like to say that thiѕ write-up very pressured me to check out and do it!
Your writing taste has been amazed me. Thank you, quite great post. Posted by: reptilian at July 01, 2022 09:26 PM (31WIO) Processing 0.07, elapsed 0.083 seconds. |
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