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The Libs of TikTok: A Growing National Concern

This red-blooded all-American man insists that if you want to have sex with a "trans woman," and furthermore a trans "woman" who still has his penis, and you really want to play with that Feminine Penis, that doesn't make you gay, because, it's just a woman with a big, hard penis.

We've seen this guy before telling people you can have sex with lots of men and still be straight. Straight guys just nut into each other all the time. It's like a handshake. No -- a manshake.

Here's The Boyscast discussing this guy's theory that you can s*** every d*** in a thirty mile radius and still be straight as an arrow.

By the way, Ryan Long does my favorite juvenile joke there. Whenever he's talking about some story about The Gays, he introduces it by saying, "Danny (his co-host), here's an important story for you."

* * *

Lower your expectations, plebes.

Stores are spreading out their limited supply of product to make the shelves look less bare than they really are. An example of that below, from Ashe Short (@AsheSchow).


And from Amber Athey:


Remember, Peons: Know your place. Lower your expectations.

Screenshot (636).png

* * *

If you want to see how the government wants to treat you, look to how they treat the group they have the most direct power over -- children.

Children are a dry run for the adult population.


* * *

Trust your health care professionals. They're very, very smart.

* * *

Lesbian teacher cries as she announces she just "came out to my students." They're sixth graders. She says "It just felt right... it was so beautiful."

She claims that this was good for them because "they asked so many questions." See, it was a learning experience for the students, not a narcissistic personality disorder experience for her.

Here's another Teacher of the Year contender, being recorded by her giggling students.

Via this account, these quotes from a Medium post by a teacher attacking her students, and the parents who (over)pay her salary.


The teachers unions must be dissolved, and tenure eliminated. And everyone still drawing salaries while reading the paper all day in a "rubber room" fired and forced to earn a living for once.

* * *

Has it been too long since you've heard someone invent a new niche form of asexuality? Then boy, do I have a surprise for you. "Reciprosexuals" -- they don't feel sexual attraction towards someone until that person shows sexual attraction towards them.

We have again discovered a new sexuality that covers most of the normal straight population. Yes, some people do suddenly find a sexual interest in someone else only after that person has expressed an interest in them. It's kind of common, actually.

* * *

A transgender working at Marvel and DC -- or, at least, until recently working for those SJW pits of despair -- announces that he will convert all of your children to transgenderism.

Hey, Kids!!! Comics!!!

* * *

You know the Woke 8-Year-Old story that leftist parents tell about their supposedly #WokeAF spawn?

Well now leftists are telling Woke 8-Year-Old stories about themselves.

* * *

I'm going to just paraphrase this ugly troll: "I have never felt the comforting weight of a man on top of me."

Another case of the Medusa Complex.

* * *

This angry women claims to be a "he/they," and also says she's "going above and beyond" to help you get her pronouns right by putting them in her bio.

Wow, talk about going the extra mile.

"There is no f***ing excuse for people to misgender me."

Except for... you know, refusing to play along with schizophrenic delusions.

* * *

Fat Activist of doubtful sexual identification identifies chairs as fat-phobic.

* * *

This pyrsyn of color -- a "microaggressions researcher" -- is angry that diversity training that beats up on white people is still "centering white people."

* * *

Lisping guy in the hospital, who just got "genital confirmation surgery," is angry that they won't give him harder drugs to control his pain and screams that this is "medical racism."

* * *

Transgender "woman" is doing the very minimum possible to appear to be a woman says it's "intentional" if you "accidentally" misgender him, because you "haven't done the work to deconstruct" how you view men pretending to be women.

* * *

Monsters proudly talk about raising their baby "Zoomer" without a gender.

* * *

Ugh, white leftist women Karens are the absolute worst. The worst.

I mean, seriously: the worst.

* * *

Not all people featured on Libs of TikTok are libs. Some are normal people reporting on what leftists are doing. Like this black teacher who reveals the "racist" gifts given to her by her school district -- a Black Educators Matter mask, an I Heart Being Black pin, and a bizarre greeting from some organization that prays to an African pagan god.

A government funded school district is sending this shit out.

(She also has her own parody twitter account making fun of her fellow woke teachers, but the gifts from her school district are real.)

This woman is being kicked out of the military for refusing to get the vaccine, and suggests you contact soon-to-be-former-military-people about possible jobs.

* * *

Do go on.

They make it hard to forget that transgenderism is a mental illness. If you don't get that nasty sentiment: this man is angry that his mother got breast cancer.

No, that's not the part he's mad about. He's mad that his cancer-stricken mother got a masectomy, which he calls "top surgery," before he did.

* * *

Should white people be allowed to own property? Should America be allowed to exist?

Spoiler: No.

An alternate viewpoint: Also no.

* * *

Back when you were allowed to say that the election is rigged, and that voting machines are being hacked:

The meme is real:

Even more real:

Posted by: Ace at 06:30 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Foist?

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 22, 2021 05:31 PM (oHd/0)

2 Bonk bonk on tha head

Posted by: Dr. Varno at October 22, 2021 05:32 PM (vuisn)

3 Doing that to a baby is child abuse.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at October 22, 2021 05:32 PM (kTF2Z)

4 that's a lot of hits

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Dune 2021 review at October 22, 2021 05:32 PM (XvPQV)

Whoa, Ace, this a HUGE Quick Hits post!

Posted by: S'oothsay'er at October 22, 2021 05:32 PM (aGUIs)

Let them eat goldfish !

--Joe Antoinette

Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 05:33 PM (V13WU)

Yum. Big and bouncy.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at October 22, 2021 05:34 PM (/U27+)

8 Is the "Celebrate Diversity" logo depicting an orgy?

Posted by: Curly Shuffle at October 22, 2021 05:35 PM (TNyrE)

9 Goldfish shortage could be serious.

Posted by: wth at October 22, 2021 05:35 PM (v0R5T)

10 Re the mask with mouth openings for eating etc. = real. have seen some idiots wearing them at local restaurants.

Posted by: IC at October 22, 2021 05:35 PM (hV9ir)

NBA player doubles down on china after his frowned upon "free tibet" outburst:

"Heartless Dictator of China,
XI JINPING and the Communist Party of China.

I am calling you out in front of the whole world.
Close down the SLAVE labor camps and free the UYGHUR people!

Stop the GENOCIDE, now!


Posted by: S'oothsay'er at October 22, 2021 05:35 PM (aGUIs)

12 Transtifa needs to be corrected.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Dune 2021 review at October 22, 2021 05:36 PM (XvPQV)

13 9 Goldfish shortage could be serious.
Posted by: wth at October 22, 2021 05:35 PM (v0R5T)

I'm stockpiling now.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Dune 2021 review at October 22, 2021 05:36 PM (XvPQV)

14 It's only gay if the balls touch.

Posted by: Cave Johnson at October 22, 2021 05:36 PM (yTRY2)

Plastic + baby's faces = never a good idea

Posted by: S'oothsay'er at October 22, 2021 05:37 PM (aGUIs)

16 There were food shortages in the first couple years of the Weimar Republic, shortly before the hyperinflation, IIRC.

Posted by: Surfperch at October 22, 2021 05:37 PM (/4vtq)

17 The baby picture really upsets me...

Posted by: It's me donna at October 22, 2021 05:37 PM (qrgjm)

18 This red-blooded all-American man insists that if you want to have sex with a "trans woman," and furthermore a trans "woman" who still has his penis, and you really want to play with that Feminine Penis, that doesn't make you gay, because, it's just a woman with a big, hard penis.

Didn't click the link, but my guess is it's by David French.

Posted by: Eeyore at October 22, 2021 05:37 PM (7X3UV)

19 This CAN be real ....

Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 05:38 PM (V13WU)

20 We don't believe that slavery existed? Huh. News to me.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 22, 2021 05:38 PM (KZzsI)

Found the dry dog food I needed. At the fourth PetSmart I went to.

I may lower my expectations, but don't ask my dogs to. They might get a bit tetchy. And if there's something you don't want, it's explaining this to a tetchy Borzoi.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at October 22, 2021 05:38 PM (/U27+)

22 Just waiting on the tipping point.

Not tanned and not rested, but I am ready.

Posted by: Jak Sucio at October 22, 2021 05:38 PM (jvt6t)

23 I can think of a couple of guys that would tell teacher "Come to my bed and I will teach you many things."

Posted by: Been Lurking at October 22, 2021 05:39 PM (rDgjh)

24 OK, like the 'lumber' crises a few months back that sprung from no where, and drove up prices... when NOTHING had actually changed in the industry... it suddenly just appeared, and made some folks a lot of money...

This supply chain thing has me confused. If Covid is the root of the problem, why didn't it happen under Trump?

And after driving 99 Highway a few times this week, it sure as hell ain't a lack of trucks. Seeing more big rigs than ever on that Freeway.

Problems of this magnitude don't just suddenly appear, without some catastrophe... which didn't happen...

Something hinky is going on.

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 22, 2021 05:39 PM (oHd/0)


Does my experience as a five year old saying, "You show me yours, I'll show you mine count?"

Posted by: Traitor Joe's Military Surplus, Vaccine and Massage Parlor at October 22, 2021 05:39 PM (dQvv7)

26 The baby with the masks and shield is just awful beyond words. I can't express how horrible I find it.
That poor child.
He looks to be the age of my grandson, who (while both his mother and I had COVID with an extra lashing of pneumonia!!) ran a slight temp for a day, and the sniffles for another day more. We were under the weather for three weeks and more, eventually having to go to the emergency room on separate . Wee Jamie's pediatrician? "Let him ride it out - liquid Tylenol if necessary."

Posted by: Sgt. Mom at October 22, 2021 05:39 PM (xnmPy)

27 Howie Carr sounds a lot now fresher than he did on Newsmax.

Posted by: Jamaica Queens, cynicon the Sheepscot at October 22, 2021 05:39 PM (Od+LM)

28 It was a crummy day at work. Seeing the infinity masked commuter got a huge laugh from me. Wouldn't have thought that was possible an hour ago.

Thanks, ace.

Posted by: Curly Shuffle at October 22, 2021 05:39 PM (TNyrE)

29 Ask not what your country can do for you

...because we already got what we need.

Posted by: The WaPo at October 22, 2021 05:40 PM (KDCRD)

30 Not QUICK!

Stupid Trans people... we can only hope that they Darwin themselves before the spawn.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at October 22, 2021 05:40 PM (rfLLF)

31 Lefties. Put them put them up against a wall, make them sing the Star Spangled Banner, then gouge out their eyes and skull fuck them.

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at October 22, 2021 05:40 PM (sG29e)

32 You know, I'm still not seeing any empty shelves.

Markets, target and costco--all basically the same as the summer. This is SoCal, though, so the "supply line" may not need as much to work.

But it does make me wonder if they are trying to provoke panic buying.

Posted by: artemis at October 22, 2021 05:41 PM (AwPyG)

33 Cooking and chopping and drinking in preparation for the mad 4 a.m. run up 35 to Corsicana in the morning. I'll have some spare ammo for y'all. For bartering.

Posted by: Jak Sucio at October 22, 2021 05:41 PM (jvt6t)

34 Just did a quick pilot name search in EVE Online.
I found:

Let's Go Brandon (13d old)
Lets Go Brandon (16d old)


FJB (6d old)

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at October 22, 2021 05:41 PM (ufFY8)

35 18 This red-blooded all-American man insists that if you want to have sex with a "trans woman," and furthermore a trans "woman" who still has his penis, and you really want to play with that Feminine Penis, that doesn't make you gay, because, it's just a woman with a big, hard penis.

The logistics of this are confusing.. I'm trying to be delicate here but generally a male usually finds an orifice to "rest" their penis in.. So a "woman" with a penis eliminates one of those orifices....

Posted by: It's me donna at October 22, 2021 05:41 PM (qrgjm)

36 My pronouns are fzgbzh and thbfz.

Posted by: Axeman at October 22, 2021 05:41 PM (OaZlZ)

37 They think ... that slavery never happened.


Bullshit. They absolutely do not think that slavery never happened. Fuck off you lying twat.

Posted by: Cave Johnson at October 22, 2021 05:42 PM (yTRY2)

38 Question. What can you do if your expectations are already lower then Kumala Harris' knee pads? I'm pretty sure nobody can go lower.

Posted by: Marcus T at October 22, 2021 05:42 PM (phYRn)

39 Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at October 22, 2021 05:40 PM (sG29e)


Posted by: Jak Sucio at October 22, 2021 05:42 PM (jvt6t)

And after driving 99 Highway a few times this week,

Something hinky is going on.
Posted by: Romeo13

I'm surprised your vehicle wasn't *eaten* by a pothole

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at October 22, 2021 05:42 PM (rfLLF)

41 hola chamucas y chamucos y bully

Posted by: memin_pinguin at October 22, 2021 05:42 PM (oSX/P)

I saw reference to this, another example of someone killed and others injured on a low-budget film production, taking place in GA:

They were filming a scene on an old railroad trestle. They had no coordinated with the RR, nor even had permission to be there, and a woman was killed when a train came down.

There were charges of involuntary manslaughter and people went to jail.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at October 22, 2021 05:42 PM (Mzdiz)

43 Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at October 22, 2021 05:41 PM (ufFY

I'm waiting for a 'Hi, I'm Brandon, where the hell am I supposed to be going?' meme.

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 22, 2021 05:42 PM (oHd/0)

44 It's the ole Our civilization is dying thread.

How about Vince Gill, Alison Krauss, and Ricky Scaggs.

Ah, that's better.

Posted by: Puddleglum at October 22, 2021 05:43 PM (QFVV9)

45 That poor child.

Posted by: Sgt. Mom at October 22, 2021 05:39 PM (xnmPy)

And those horrible teachers. I foresee lots of school shootings in the future, where kids snap and take a few with them.

Posted by: flounder at October 22, 2021 05:43 PM (KnJdm)

46 Fat Activist of doubtful sexual identification identifies chairs as fat-phobic.

Nero Wolfe had that problem.

Posted by: Eeyore at October 22, 2021 05:43 PM (7X3UV)

47 Something hinky is going on.

Naaahhhh... Couldn't be:

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at October 22, 2021 05:43 PM (SchxB)

48 I'm amazed at some of the things people put on social media.
I don't have a Twitter or FB account so I can look at with a jaundiced eye. The teacher who thinks all parents are terrorists doesn't have any idea that her ranting might reach a larger audience of yes-the parents of kids in her schools, and that they might object?.

I'm sorry; I want to have a good rest of the evening. I can't listen to read all the sentiments of all the angry weirdos linked in the thread, but thanks for all your hard work, Ace.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 22, 2021 05:43 PM (ueGNX)

49 So many of the tweets in the links have been deleted.

So much mockery. So much angst.

Posted by: Revenant at October 22, 2021 05:44 PM (oXIiU)

50 hola chamucas y chamucos y bully
Posted by: memin_pinguin at October 22, 2021 05:42 PM (oSX/P)

If you're still pimping piss warm Chango, then yeah.

Posted by: Jak Sucio at October 22, 2021 05:44 PM (jvt6t)

51 9 Goldfish shortage could be serious.
Posted by: wth at October 22, 2021 05:35 PM (v0R5T)

I'm stockpiling now.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Dune 2021 review at October 22, 2021 05:36 PM (XvPQV)

don't forget the beer

Posted by: wth at October 22, 2021 05:44 PM (v0R5T)

52 My pronouns are fzgbzh and thbfz.


dzzz nts ?

Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 05:44 PM (V13WU)

53 My local Albertson's tried the "stretching the product" approach. They mostly gave it up when they found out you can't stretch a complete lack of an item...

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM Guy at October 22, 2021 05:44 PM (ZSK0i)

54 I'm surprised your vehicle wasn't *eaten* by a pothole
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at October 22, 2021 05:42 PM (rfLLF)

Actually... 99 is a pretty good drive now between Bakersfield and Manteca. They have finally completed most of the widening project.

You know, the one that was supposedly started under the Obama Shovel Ready Project?

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 22, 2021 05:45 PM (oHd/0)

They were filming a scene on an old railroad trestle. They had no coordinated with the RR, nor even had permission to be there, and a woman was killed when a train came down.


Oh, they coordinated. CSX told them No, twice, in writing. They went ahead anyway.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at October 22, 2021 05:45 PM (/U27+)

56 "none of them teach"

parents. parents don't teach.

what a dumb bitch.

Posted by: x at October 22, 2021 05:45 PM (oA+QO)

57 Alec Baldwin should go to jail.

Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 05:45 PM (V13WU)

58 Oh, they coordinated. CSX told them No, twice, in writing. They went ahead anyway.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at October 22, 2021 05:45 PM (/U27+)

But what a great shot for the film right?

Posted by: Jak Sucio at October 22, 2021 05:46 PM (jvt6t)

59 *Types* *Deletes*


*Types* *Deletes*

I think "We're not voting our way out of this" is now woefully inadequate to describe the situation.

Posted by: Oldstoke at October 22, 2021 05:46 PM (sb+Cg)

60 43 Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at October 22, 2021 05:41 PM (ufFY

I'm waiting for a 'Hi, I'm Brandon, where the hell am I supposed to be going?' meme.
Posted by: Romeo13 at October 22, 2021 05:42 PM (oHd/0)

There was a station named "Make EVE Great Again" that has been around for years.

I named one of mine "Trunalimunuprzure" and another "Fourth Box Forge" (where I manufacture ammo).

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at October 22, 2021 05:46 PM (ufFY8)

61 But it does make me wonder if they are trying to provoke panic buying.

Posted by: artemis at October 22, 2021 05:41 PM (AwPyG)

I see some shortages in rural inland NW, but mostly it is just sticker shock. In the summer, you couldn't find gatorade to save your life, however.

Posted by: flounder at October 22, 2021 05:46 PM (KnJdm)

62 Who knew so many places were trying to sell treadmills?

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at October 22, 2021 05:47 PM (aXxgO)

63 Alec Baldwin should go to jail.


Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at October 22, 2021 05:47 PM (SchxB)

64 If you want to see how the government wants to treat you, look to how they treat the group they have the most direct power over -- children.

Bubble baby pic is really creeping me out and depressing me. I think a parent, not the government, did that to the child. Willingly, without coercion. And is proud of herself for it.

Posted by: Hands at October 22, 2021 05:47 PM (786Ro)

65 I can't tell what's real or fake anymore, particularly if it comes from the Twatter sewer. If that Jessica Lexicus bint really is a teacher and posted that tripe, we're in worse trouble that I had thought. Totally unbalanced and deranged. Shouldn't be allowed within 500 yards of a school.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 22, 2021 05:47 PM (Xrfse)

You know, I'm still not seeing any empty shelves.

But it does make me wonder if they are trying to provoke panic buying.

Posted by: artemis at October 22, 2021 05:41 PM

I wonder if Aldi's has contracts with suppliers, because it's tough as nails to find a hole in an aisle or a higher price. The only price I noticed higher is scallops... delicious sweet and sour and salty scallops.

Posted by: Traitor Joe's Military Surplus, Vaccine and Massage Parlor at October 22, 2021 05:47 PM (dQvv7)

67 Holy crap the teacher of the year is insane and the videos are scary.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at October 22, 2021 05:48 PM (2NHgQ)

But what a great shot for the film right?
Posted by: Jak Sucio at October 22, 2021 05:46 PM (jvt6t)


CSX trampled on their artistic freedom by sending a freight train through at 58 mph.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at October 22, 2021 05:48 PM (/U27+)

69 "none of them teach"

parents. parents don't teach.

what a dumb bitch.

Posted by: x at October 22, 2021 05:45 PM (oA+QO)

My homeschool first grader started basic division a few weeks back. Bitch can eat all the dicks.

Posted by: flounder at October 22, 2021 05:48 PM (KnJdm)

We're still waiting for all those "straight" men who "date" men pretending to be women. When will that commence?

Posted by: S'oothsay'er at October 22, 2021 05:48 PM (aGUIs)

71 Alec Baldwin should go to jail.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at October 22, 2021 05:47 PM (SchxB)


Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 05:48 PM (V13WU)

72 But it does make me wonder if they are trying to provoke panic buying.

Never had to pack heat to buy Charmin. Until now.

Posted by: Jak Sucio at October 22, 2021 05:49 PM (jvt6t)

So if that airbag fires, does the baby do a Superman?

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at October 22, 2021 05:49 PM (n+4am)

74 And after driving 99 Highway a few times this week, it sure as hell ain't a lack of trucks. Seeing more big rigs than ever on that Freeway.

Problems of this magnitude don't just suddenly appear, without some catastrophe... which didn't happen...

Something hinky is going on.

I think the media drives a lot of it. My mother said she saw there's a toothbrush shortage. But I've seen toothbrushes everywhere like normal. I think they say this shit, then assholes run out and buy all they can and voila! Empty shelves.

I'm not saying everything is that, but I'm sure that's some of it. See paper product shortage of 2020.

Posted by: Bicentennialguy at October 22, 2021 05:49 PM (iydjf)

75 The medium post of the teacher.
Funny how it seems to hit all the lib talking points.
Lying asshat.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 22, 2021 05:49 PM (axyOa)

76 Alec Baldwin should go to jail.
Posted by: runner

Would you settle for a somber candlelit SNL open, with the entire cast of unfunny retards exhorting Americans to turn in their guns?

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at October 22, 2021 05:49 PM (sG29e)

77 I can't tell what's real or fake anymore, particularly if it comes from the Twatter sewer. If that Jessica Lexicus bint really is a teacher and posted that tripe, we're in worse trouble that I had thought. Totally unbalanced and deranged. Shouldn't be allowed within 500 yards of a school.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 22, 2021 05:47 PM (Xrfse)

Believe it is real. That is basically an expanded FB rant from my local covid Karen from late last year. Yes, she is a teacher, and she is still bunkered up since Jan. 2020.

Posted by: flounder at October 22, 2021 05:50 PM (KnJdm)

78 All of us down at the Brattleboro Women's Reproductive Health Center thinks that persons of color should be able to shop first or before persons of no color to right the wrongs of the Trump years. Persons of color should be able to shop from 8 AM to 5 PM and after that persons of no color can shop except those persons of no color that supported President Obama and have been fully vaccinated. Persons of no color should not have to prove vaccination. We be hopes other towns adapt this program to show the world that we all hate Trump !!!!

Posted by: Mary Clogginstein from Brattleboro, VT at October 22, 2021 05:50 PM (otFiP)

79 It's like the world has lost it's MFin mind. I miss the days...

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at October 22, 2021 05:50 PM (l1zez)

80 Actually... 99 is a pretty good drive now between Bakersfield and Manteca. They have finally completed most of the widening project.

You know, the one that was supposedly started under the Obama Shovel Ready Project?
Posted by: Romeo13 at October 22, 2021 05:45 PM (oHd/0)

That part through Madera is finally finished. Now all we need is High Speed Rail!

Posted by: wth at October 22, 2021 05:50 PM (v0R5T)

81 Can't say seen any glaring holes on store shelves, some items missing but has been like that since a Wednesday night pillage early last year.

Posted by: Skip at October 22, 2021 05:50 PM (2JoB8)

82 76 Alec Baldwin should go to jail.
Posted by: runner

Would you settle for a somber candlelit SNL open, with the entire cast of unfunny retards exhorting Americans to turn in their guns?
Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at October 22, 2021 05:49 PM (sG29e)

Isn't it interesting that the ONLY people in Calif. who can still own those evil Assault Rifles, are Police (including off duty) and Hollywood?

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 22, 2021 05:51 PM (oHd/0)

83 Reading MAGA students brings a smile to me.

Posted by: Skip at October 22, 2021 05:51 PM (2JoB8)

84 Jeebus those are pretty small shelves to be stacking treadmills on next to the goldfish crackers.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at October 22, 2021 05:51 PM (2NHgQ)

85 It was just like I remember when I shot the GRU agent on the submarine. Exhilarating!!!

Alec Baldwin

Posted by: Jak Sucio at October 22, 2021 05:51 PM (jvt6t)

86 Mary, I'm pretty sure it's "coler", not "color".

Posted by: wth at October 22, 2021 05:51 PM (v0R5T)

87 Believe it is real. That is basically an expanded FB rant from my local covid Karen from late last year. Yes, she is a teacher, and she is still bunkered up since Jan. 2020.

How pathetic. We used to lock lunatics like that up in a padded room.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 22, 2021 05:52 PM (Xrfse)

88 There were glaring holes in the bourbon shelves at the ABC store this week. That's a fucking crime.

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at October 22, 2021 05:52 PM (sG29e)

89 That part through Madera is finally finished. Now all we need is High Speed Rail!
Posted by: wth at October 22, 2021 05:50 PM (v0R5T)

Yeah, only hold up now? Is my little town of Atwater... last to be done of course.. but luckily I don't drive that little piece of the Freeway.

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 22, 2021 05:52 PM (oHd/0)

90 runner: "Alec Baldwin should go to jail."

Twitchy had an update to the incident. Apparently, a few hours before the shooting, "a half-dozen camera crew workers walked off the set to protest working conditions". The cinematographer who was shot was advocating for them according to a witness.

So, intentionally or not, Baldwin was the set hothead (as expected) and acted recklessly when waving the weapon/prop.

Baldwin is in deep doo doo, IMO, especially considering these new revelations. It certainly adds another level of intrigue to the "accident".

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at October 22, 2021 05:53 PM (aXxgO)

There are holes in the shelves in all the grocery stores around here (well, the ones we go to). And it's getting worse. Different stores will be out of different things at different times, but it's steadily getting worse.

Every time we go now, there will be at least one thing we can't get. Last time, it was saltines.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at October 22, 2021 05:53 PM (Mzdiz)

92 Would you settle for a somber candlelit SNL open, with the entire cast of unfunny retards exhorting Americans to turn in their guns?
Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at October 22, 2021 05:49 PM (sG29e)

absolutely not

Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 05:53 PM (V13WU)

93 Mary, I'm pretty sure it's "coler", not "color".

I was going for colon, but that works.

Posted by: Jak Sucio at October 22, 2021 05:54 PM (jvt6t)

Psst! Karen! I hear there's an impending wine shortage. Better stock up!

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at October 22, 2021 05:54 PM (/U27+)

95 Jeebus those are pretty small shelves to be stacking treadmills on next to the goldfish crackers.

The pizza flavored treadmills are the best.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 22, 2021 05:54 PM (Xrfse)

96 I also know people who buy up shit because they're afraid there'll be a shortage.

This is all so ridiculous. But I guess a not-too-small number of people are quite pleased to watch civilization crumble before their eyes. The problem is, they get to drag the rest of us to hell with them.

Posted by: Bicentennialguy at October 22, 2021 05:54 PM (iydjf)

97 If you know the slightest thing about movie making and shooting scenes you will know this. Those scenes are in the script, they are in the instance riders, they have been rehearsed numerous time. They've been reviewed by stunt people, armorers and others. The actor doesn't just pull a gun out of his belt. He is handed a weapon that's been declared safe by professionals bore solely for that purpose. There is a chain of custody for the forearm. This was a terrible tragedy and as I said this morning, some compassion is in order.

Posted by: Marcus T at October 22, 2021 05:54 PM (phYRn)


Anyone have experience with squibs? They look like they'd be fun to play with. You know, around the house and the neighborhood.

Posted by: S'oothsay'er at October 22, 2021 05:55 PM (aGUIs)

99 How pathetic. We used to lock lunatics like that up in a padded room.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 22, 2021 05:52 PM (Xrfse)

Precisely. Her rant included accusing the unmasked of being selfish and trying to kill her and her kids. She was way ahead of the crazy curve.

Posted by: flounder at October 22, 2021 05:55 PM (KnJdm)

100 I think they are starving Red States. Tales of empty shelves and shortages are coming from Red States. CA, IL, WA, OR, NY and others are most likely are not experiencing shortages. Prove me wrong ?

Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 05:55 PM (V13WU)

101 ace, do you have to take a shower after slumming for this shit?

Yikes, these people are insane.

Posted by: Infidel at October 22, 2021 05:55 PM (QC3yT)

102 "No, that's not the part he's mad about. He's mad that his cancer-stricken mother got a masectomy, which he calls "top surgery," before he did."

If he would have been smart, he could have taken mom's tatas and had them installed on him in one go. So they are cancer ridden, beggars can't be choosers.

Posted by: Janir at October 22, 2021 05:55 PM (7FTeO)

103 *and other blues...

Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 05:56 PM (V13WU)

I think Radio Free Europe is still a thing. We need Radio Free America.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at October 22, 2021 05:56 PM (/U27+)

Ever shoot yourself with a "wadcutter?"

Does it hurt? Deadly?

Posted by: S'oothsay'er at October 22, 2021 05:56 PM (aGUIs)

106 Didn't someone say they had seen stores that were putting curtains of some sort that had images of soup cans and whatnot printed on them in front of the shelves?

Potemkin grocery stores <-- you are here

Posted by: banana Dream at October 22, 2021 05:56 PM (+gFOr)

107 Baldwin is in deep doo doo, IMO, especially considering these new revelations. It certainly adds another level of intrigue to the "accident".
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel

I don't know about surviving a deal girl, but I figured out how to get past a live boy! Call me, Alec.

*thumb an pinky hand phone motion*

Posted by: Kevin Spacey at October 22, 2021 05:56 PM (sG29e)

108 That deranged bitch is around children.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 22, 2021 05:56 PM (VvXmx)

109 Lesbian teacher cries as she announces she just "came out to my students." They're sixth graders. She says "It just felt right... it was so beautiful."

She claims that this was good for them because "they asked so many questions." See, it was a learning experience for the students, not a narcissistic personality disorder experience for her.

Yes Susie. I lick women in their no no spot.

Posted by: rickb223 at October 22, 2021 05:56 PM (OCTRt)

110 Help Wanted:
No experience necessary. Must wear body armor during working hours, and never yell at the star.

Posted by: wth at October 22, 2021 05:57 PM (v0R5T)

111 Hey, mom! We learned about hot lesbian sex today!

Posted by: Sixth Grader at October 22, 2021 05:58 PM (Xrfse)

112 I think Radio Free Europe is still a thing. We need Radio Free America.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

That was Rush Limbaugh.

Posted by: Miklos, student of his Institute at October 22, 2021 05:58 PM (QzkSJ)

113 Susie- I really like Ms Williams and if she is a lesbian I want to be a Lesbian too.

Posted by: Skip at October 22, 2021 05:58 PM (2JoB8)

114 Alec Baldwin need to serve time, and not in some chichi jail with sauna and gourmet cooking. Real Time.

Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 05:59 PM (V13WU)

115 Talking about your sex life and sexual preferences to young children is akin to molestation. It's disgusting and inappropriate. What the fuck is wrong with these people? (Rhetorical)

All the result of living in a Godless society, I suppose.

There may be no food on the shelves, but she has pu$$y to eat.

Posted by: Bicentennialguy at October 22, 2021 05:59 PM (iydjf)

116 Only empty shelves I saw today were in the meat department. I'm guessing it's because it's payday and people are buying for the weekend.
I live within 1/2 a mile of many head of cattle and know the owner, I'll never be without beef.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at October 22, 2021 05:59 PM (2NHgQ)

117 Jeebus those are pretty small shelves to be stacking treadmills on next to the goldfish crackers.

The pizza flavored treadmills are the best.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 22, 2021 05:54 PM (Xrfse)

Are those the ones that kill the chilluns?

Posted by: wth at October 22, 2021 05:59 PM (v0R5T)

118 An empty butcher department uses meat curtains.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 22, 2021 05:59 PM (VvXmx)

119 I think they are starving Red States. Tales of empty shelves and shortages are coming from Red States. CA, IL, WA, OR, NY and others are most likely are not experiencing shortages. Prove me wrong ?
Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 05:55 PM (V13WU)

I live in WA and have not been able to find my favorite german beer in a couple months. Its a damned catastrophe!!!

Posted by: Diogenes at October 22, 2021 05:59 PM (axyOa)

Anyone have experience with squibs? They look like they'd be fun to play with. You know, around the house and the neighborhood.
Posted by: S'oothsay'er

You could wear and use them to a 'mostly peaceful protest' to get the ball rolling!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at October 22, 2021 05:59 PM (rfLLF)

No experience necessary. Must wear body armor during working hours, and never yell at the star.
Posted by: wth at October 22, 2021 05:57 PM (v0R5T)


Constant danger, safe return doubtful.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at October 22, 2021 05:59 PM (/U27+)

122 I think Radio Free Europe is still a thing. We need Radio Free America.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at October 22, 2021 05:56 PM (/U27+)

Guerilla Radio

Posted by: flounder at October 22, 2021 06:00 PM (KnJdm)

123 I live in WA and have not been able to find my favorite german beer in a couple months. Its a damned catastrophe!!!
Posted by: Diogenes at October 22, 2021 05:59 PM (axyOa)

Ok, do this, go and buy Stiegl. Yourwelcome.

Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 06:00 PM (V13WU)

124 Government skool teachers are the worst.

Nasty layabouts who damage other people's children, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at October 22, 2021 06:00 PM (R/m4+)

125 This was a terrible tragedy and as I said this morning, some compassion is in order.

For the woman who was killed and her family. Also for the man that was injured.

For Alec Baldwin, the gun grabbing self righteous prick? None.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at October 22, 2021 06:01 PM (SchxB)

126 This was a terrible tragedy and as I said this morning, some compassion is in order.
Posted by: Marcus T

Sorry. ZERO compassion for that gun grabber. Fuck him.

Posted by: rickb223 at October 22, 2021 06:01 PM (OCTRt)

127 MAGA students think slavery never happened?

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at October 22, 2021 06:01 PM (xDXlt)

128 Good thing the Army changed its slogan and dropped Be All That You Can Be. Today the WaPo would insist it be something like Be Less Than You Can Be.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 22, 2021 06:01 PM (axyOa)

129 Another study -- this one from the Yale School of Public Health -- concluding that naturally-acquired immunity (from having had and recovered from the china virus) is more robust and longer-lasting than vaccine-acquired immunity.

Keep in mind that CDC estimated last year that at least 1/3 of the U.S. (@125 million people) had already had and recovered from the china virus, IOW, have naturally-acquired immunity.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer--F*ck Joe Biden at October 22, 2021 06:01 PM (k4dH2)

130 I live in WA
Posted by: Diogenes

I think I have identified your problem...

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at October 22, 2021 06:02 PM (rfLLF)

131 #PutAlecInJail

Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 06:02 PM (V13WU)

132 I think they are starving Red States. Tales of empty shelves and shortages are coming from Red States. CA, IL, WA, OR, NY and others are most likely are not experiencing shortages. Prove me wrong ?
Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 05:55 PM (V13WU)


I'm in a red state and so far have seen no real shortages. Maybe a small section of an aisle is empty but that's about it.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at October 22, 2021 06:02 PM (xDXlt)

133 That damn lesbo teacher should be in jail for child abuse.

Hate to say it, but time for a first look at "what would Vladimir Putin do (WWVPD)"?

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at October 22, 2021 06:02 PM (sG29e)

134 ARREC BARRWIN is in deep shit--movie mishaps like this tend to go very bad very fast once they hit the courts.

(and, as much as this tragedy is immensely unfortunate for all involved, it does amuse me greatly that the Team America meme is back in a big way)

Posted by: CppThis at October 22, 2021 06:03 PM (UewuT)

135 I had a Karen moment this afternoon. One was getting on me about masking (even though less that 10% are masked here). I politely told her I was not responsible for her neuroses.

It was fun.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 22, 2021 06:03 PM (yQpMk)

136 Today the WaPo would insist it be something like Be Less Than You Can Be.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 22, 2021 06:01 PM (axyOa)

That's for the TransWomen divisions.

Posted by: flounder at October 22, 2021 06:03 PM (KnJdm)

137 Alec Baldwin need to serve time, and not in some chichi jail with sauna and gourmet cooking. Real Time.
Posted by: runner

Too bad they weren't shooting in old Mexico instead of New Mexico.

Posted by: rickb223 at October 22, 2021 06:03 PM (OCTRt)

138 124 Government skool teachers are the worst.

Nasty layabouts who damage other people's children, physically, mentally and spiritually.
Posted by: Hairyback Guy

of the 5 I know, 4 are complete loons. the other one is the only married one.

Posted by: x at October 22, 2021 06:03 PM (oA+QO)

139 Lesbian teacher cries as she announces she just "came out to my students." They're sixth graders. She says "It just felt right... it was so beautiful."

She claims that this was good for them because "they asked so many questions." See, it was a learning experience for the students, not a narcissistic personality disorder experience for her.

Little Biily had a boner, but now it's gone.

Posted by: wth at October 22, 2021 06:03 PM (v0R5T)

140 S'oothsay'er: "Ever shoot yourself with a 'wadcutter?'

Does it hurt? Deadly?"

Are you really asking? Because, yes, they are deadly. Now they won't have the range of a typical bullet because they're designed for shorter range target practice since it makes nice, clean holes. But it is indeed a bullet fired from a cartridge and it will kill you (well, pierce your body in destructive ways).

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at October 22, 2021 06:03 PM (aXxgO)

141 An empty butcher department uses meat curtains.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory

Does this Boston Butt make my...oh never mind

Posted by: Lady Gaga in a meat dress at October 22, 2021 06:03 PM (QzkSJ)

142 *For Diogenes

"One of the most common brands of beer to be found in Austria is Stiegl (" little stair " or " little step "), founded in 1492. Stiegl brews both a helles (a light lager) and a Weissbier (Hefeweizen), as well as other specialty beers, including a grapefruit Radler. Stiegl is the most popular beer of Austria that isn't owned by Brau Union.'

Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 06:03 PM (V13WU)

143 I politely told her I was not responsible for her neuroses.

It was fun.
Posted by: G'rump928(c)

You have me grinning.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at October 22, 2021 06:04 PM (rfLLF)

The bullshit is getting thicker: Supposedly the regular crew left the set because of unsafe conditions and were replaced "on the fly" by "locals." [Do you see where this is going?]

Oh, and supposedly there were two prior "misfires" on the set with weapons, whatever that means.

Posted by: S'oothsay'er at October 22, 2021 06:04 PM (aGUIs)

145 Can you possibly resist a beet owned by a "Brau Union"?? CAN YOU ??

Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 06:04 PM (V13WU)

146 I think I would put $20 Alex never even gets indicted.
He will lose a few million in payouts

Posted by: Skip at October 22, 2021 06:04 PM (2JoB8)

147 I had a Karen moment this afternoon. One was getting on me about masking (even though less that 10% are masked here). I politely told her I was not responsible for her neuroses.

It was fun.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 22, 2021 06:03 PM (yQpMk)

Nice. My reflex response is "mind your own fucking business."

Posted by: flounder at October 22, 2021 06:04 PM (KnJdm)

148 Keep in mind that the time you visit the store may be in-between stocking shifts.

Roll up right after the afternoon rush and you will find empty shelves. Go earlier or later and they have been magically restocked.

Posted by: Wodun at October 22, 2021 06:05 PM (YE1jU)

149 Hefeweizen


Posted by: Sixth Grader at October 22, 2021 06:05 PM (Xrfse)

150 Keep in mind that CDC estimated last year that at least 1/3 of the U.S. (@125 million people) had already had and recovered from the china virus, IOW, have naturally-acquired immunity.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer--F*ck Joe Biden at October 22, 2021 06:01 PM

Last years number. What I'm hearing now is 40 million, or 1 in 8 citizens. I happen to one of them. Not gonna roll up my sleeve unless I'm getting ready to throw a punch.

Posted by: Traitor Joe's Military Surplus, Vaccine and Massage Parlor at October 22, 2021 06:06 PM (dQvv7)

Are you really asking? Because, yes, they are deadly. Now they won't have the range of a typical bullet because they're designed for shorter range target practice since it makes nice, clean holes. But it is indeed a bullet fired from a cartridge and it will kill you (well, pierce your body in destructive ways).
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel

Yeah, I was being facetious with this and the squibs.

Because today is Be Fcking Stupid With Guns Day.

Posted by: S'oothsay'er at October 22, 2021 06:06 PM (aGUIs)

152 Help Wanted:
No experience necessary. Must wear body armor during working hours, and never yell at the star.
Posted by: wth at October 22, 2021 05:57 PM (v0R5T)

Safety not guaranteed.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 22, 2021 06:06 PM (yQpMk)

153 Is it just me, or do half these links go nowhere?

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at October 22, 2021 06:06 PM (QU5/8)

154 I think they are starving Red States. Tales of empty shelves and shortages are coming from Red States. CA, IL, WA, OR, NY and others are most likely are not experiencing shortages. Prove me wrong ?
Posted by: runner

I'm in a red state and so far have seen no real shortages. Maybe a small section of an aisle is empty but that's about it.
Posted by: Joe XiDen

Very little, if any, food that I eat comes from Chyna.
Not sure how they're going to starve a red state when the food doesn't go on ships.

Posted by: rickb223 at October 22, 2021 06:06 PM (OCTRt)

155 Amazon workers are looking to unionize in NY. I hope they do it. Let Bezos get a taste of his socialist medicine. LOLGF and fuck you, war.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at October 22, 2021 06:06 PM (xDXlt)

156 Parent 1: "Did you see the video Junior posted of the teacher saying leftist shit?"

Parent 2: "Yes, I did. That bitch is crazy. They are brainwashing our kids. What are you gonna do?"

Parent 1: "Keeping sending Junior to the same teachers 8 hours a day for the next 10 years. The school watches him while I'm at work and feeds him.

Did I tell you I got a new boat?"

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at October 22, 2021 06:07 PM (7F9te)

157 21 Found the dry dog food I needed. At the fourth PetSmart I went to.

I may lower my expectations, but don't ask my dogs to. They might get a bit tetchy. And if there's something you don't want, it's explaining this to a tetchy Borzoi.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at October 22, 2021 05:38 PM (/U27+)

I'm having problems finding the Friskies Pate. I'd regularly pick up the 60-packs at Costco but they've gone *poof*. Although I foresaw this and still have 300+ cans on my shelves, I did go ahead and pick up some of the Wally World-branded pate this afternoon. Let's see if the kitties notice!

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at October 22, 2021 06:07 PM (DTX3h)

158 ""Reciprosexuals" -- they don't feel sexual attraction towards someone until that person shows sexual attraction towards them."

Those have been around forever, they're called "women".

Posted by: NeverBiden at October 22, 2021 06:07 PM (uA3aJ)

159 Ok, do this, go and buy Stiegl. Yourwelcome.
Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 06:00 PM (V13WU)

I'll look for it.
Been going with Hafbrau and Paulenar but shelves are empty.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 22, 2021 06:07 PM (axyOa)

160 The bullshit is getting thicker: Supposedly the regular crew left the set because of unsafe conditions and were replaced "on the fly" by "locals." [Do you see where this is going?]

Oh, and supposedly there were two prior "misfires" on the set with weapons, whatever that means.

Posted by: S'oothsay'er at October 22, 2021 06:04 PM (aGUIs)

Yep. What the ever-living fuck was going on there?

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 22, 2021 06:07 PM (VvXmx)

161 Why I prefer teaching special ed kids: I spent some time in a regular 4K classroom today, monitoring a special ed kid. The teacher was reading the class a book about how kids were mean to a girl with a hijab and that was wrong because hijabs are beautiful and empowering. I'm not in favor of bullying girls with hijabs, but I'm not crazy about telling kids that a sign of female submission is really beautiful. (BTW, I haven't seen one girl with a hijab on at that school.) The same teacher scolded me in a Karen voice when I said a kid was "acting naughty" at recess. "We don't say, 'naughty' we say 'bad choices.'" Gee, thanks for talking to me like I'm in 4K. I didn't realized being called "naughty" scarred a kid for life.

Posted by: Donna&&&&&&&&V at October 22, 2021 06:07 PM (HabA/)

162 Is it just me, or do half these links go nowhere?

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at October 22, 2021 06:06 PM (QU5/

I think that they got nuked.

Posted by: flounder at October 22, 2021 06:08 PM (KnJdm)

163 127 MAGA students think slavery never happened?
Posted by: Joe XiDen

I would consider the source. She's obviously a lunatic.

Posted by: Puddleglum at October 22, 2021 06:08 PM (QFVV9)

164 Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 22, 2021 06:03 PM (yQpMk)

She's lucky it was you and not me. I would have made a scene. Guaranteed she'd never open her mouth to a stranger again.

Posted by: Bicentennialguy at October 22, 2021 06:08 PM (iydjf)

165 Very little, if any, food that I eat comes from Chyna.
Not sure how they're going to starve a red state when the food doesn't go on ships.
Posted by: rickb223 at October 22, 2021 06:06 PM (OCTRt)


It's not just Chyna though. Farmers need equipment to harvest their crops. That equipment is made in Chyna. Or if not made in Chyna, made with parts from Chyna or Taiwan or Japan. If those parts are on a ship outside LA, the equipment doesn't get made or repaired/maintained.

The global supply chain affects everything and everyone.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at October 22, 2021 06:08 PM (xDXlt)

166 Imagine if I had said, "The kid was acting like a brat."

Posted by: Donna&&&&&&&&V at October 22, 2021 06:08 PM (HabA/)

167 Who knows, but I don't think that jaw-dropping post by the teacher is either fake, or all that unrepresentative.

When one considers that such dumb, ignorant, delusional, arrogant vandals have been "teaching" for a few dozen years at least, the national degradation and civic collapse isn't so surprising.

When teachers had second jobs - not second houses - public education could be and often was excellent. Of course the role of parents (i.e., the broader society) cannot be ignored. Country has gone from rock solid to some kind of Khmer Rouge situation without a bump, until recently, and those are minor.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at October 22, 2021 06:08 PM (OTzUX)

168 Ever shoot yourself with a "wadcutter?"

Does it hurt? Deadly?
Posted by: S'oothsay'er at October 22, 2021 05:56 PM (aGUIs)

The FBI load? Err ... yes.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 22, 2021 06:08 PM (yQpMk)

169 It was the wild west out there.

Posted by: Best Boy at October 22, 2021 06:09 PM (v0R5T)

170 The shooting incident is starting to seem a lot like Benghazi. A lot of implausible stories and excuses

Posted by: artemis at October 22, 2021 06:09 PM (AwPyG)

171 Hefeweizen

Posted by: Sixth Grader

I'll go with the schnitzengruben

Posted by: Miklos, casting a glance at Helga at October 22, 2021 06:09 PM (QzkSJ)

172 He was shitfaced drunk.

Posted by: Key Grip at October 22, 2021 06:10 PM (v0R5T)

173 The parts for harvesting equipment is now worse because John Deere is on strike. They may have them in stock, wherever they came from, but aren't being shipped.
We're supposed to receive our Gator mid-November and assume that will not happen.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at October 22, 2021 06:10 PM (2NHgQ)

174 She claims that this was good for them because "they asked so many questions."

Sixth graders' questions to the teacher about her sexual preferences should be answered with: "That's not something that is appropriate for us to be talking about. Sex is a private matter, between adults. If you have questions about sex, you should ask your parents or an adult family member whom you trust. If there is no adult in your family you feel comfortable talking to, then you should speak to the school psychologist, Dr. Whatever."

Posted by: TrivialPursuer--F*ck Joe Biden at October 22, 2021 06:11 PM (k4dH2)

175 S'oothsay'er: "Yeah, I was being facetious with this and the squibs."

Sorry. My detector is off because the world remains more off-axis than usual. The stray voltage has me confuzzled.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at October 22, 2021 06:11 PM (aXxgO)

176 It was a Goatfuck.

Posted by: Gaffer at October 22, 2021 06:11 PM (v0R5T)

177 The Baldwin story is this:

Some MAGA locals in rural NM who love guns because they have small dicks, forced Baldwin to shoot his producer. This is all Trump's fault along with the NRA. We need to ban guns so this never happens again.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at October 22, 2021 06:11 PM (xDXlt)

178 CA, IL, WA, OR, NY and others are most likely are not experiencing shortages. Prove me wrong ?
Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 05:55 PM (V13WU)

Interesting question... I've not seen any shortages of anything here in Calif.

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 22, 2021 06:11 PM (oHd/0)

179 I can taste the frustration while reading this post.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at October 22, 2021 06:12 PM (OCVqB)

Miley talked to the manager at on the local grocery stores one time about what was going on. It's not just getting the product, it's actually trucking it in and even labor. They get enough trucks in, and sometimes when they can get a truck, they won't have enough help to unload it.

As I was ranting about the other night, the lockdowns and free money have ruined the Waffle Houses around here. They used to be open 24 hours, 365 days a year. Bar nothing. Now, they're having to close early, some locations are closed about all the time. It's all labor and supply problems.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at October 22, 2021 06:12 PM (Mzdiz)

181 Yeah, I was being facetious with this and the squibs.
Because today is Be Fcking Stupid With Guns Day.
Posted by: S'oothsay'er

For those playing along at home, there's two types of squibs. One good. One very, very bad.
Good - squib and blood pack to make a person on film look like they got shot.

Bad - boolit that goes halfway down a barrel and stops. On a live gun, next shot blows it up.

On a prop/blanks gun, next shot could dislodge the bullet and send it flying.

Bad juju all around.

Posted by: rickb223 at October 22, 2021 06:12 PM (OCTRt)

182 Been going with Hafbrau and Paulenar but shelves are empty.


I don't suppose the likes of Harp would suffice ?

Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 06:12 PM (V13WU)

183 Thank you Ace. Interesting content. I guess the one good thing about the trans people is they will not reproduce, especially if they have cut their various bits off.

Posted by: MikeM at October 22, 2021 06:12 PM (OqsNP)

Incidentally, years ago I read something about how many Horses hollywood has killed over the decades.

They don't talk about it, naturally, but it's not a secret. Hollywood has been killing horses forever.

Maybe Mary Poppins can tell us more about this, someday.

Posted by: S'oothsay'er at October 22, 2021 06:12 PM (aGUIs)

185 @157

Makes me a little nervous that dog food apparently comes from China

Posted by: artemis at October 22, 2021 06:12 PM (AwPyG)

186 The parts for harvesting equipment is now worse because John Deere is on strike. They may have them in stock, wherever they came from, but aren't being shipped.
We're supposed to receive our Gator mid-November and assume that will not happen.
Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at October 22, 2021 06:10 PM (2NHgQ)

I watch it in the morning at breakfast at the hotel. The Des Moines newsidiots are loving it.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 22, 2021 06:12 PM (VvXmx)


Posted by: Assistant Director at October 22, 2021 06:13 PM (v0R5T)

188 Alec Baldwin couldn't afford CGI, - not in the budget, - so he used real guns and ammo and capped his crew for getting uppity. Guilty on all charges.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at October 22, 2021 06:13 PM (5l6FZ)

189 "Reciprosexuals" -- they don't feel sexual attraction towards someone until that person shows sexual attraction towards them.

We have again discovered a new sexuality that covers most of the normal straight population. Yes, some people do suddenly find a sexual interest in someone else only after that person has expressed an interest in them. It's kind of common, actually.

Liberal discovers the "slump buster". Film at 11.

Posted by: mikeski at October 22, 2021 06:13 PM (P1f+c)

190 MikeM. Unfortunately in the case of our new 4 star it reproduced while married to an actual woman. 2 kids. Those poor kids must be totally screwed up.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at October 22, 2021 06:14 PM (2NHgQ)

191 huh ? wha ?

Posted by: memin_pinguin at October 22, 2021 06:14 PM (oSX/P)

192 Glad ace is hammering teachers and admins. They deserve everything coming to them and more.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at October 22, 2021 06:14 PM (OCVqB)

193 If only they had been in costume.

Posted by: Film Editor at October 22, 2021 06:15 PM (v0R5T)

194 The parts for harvesting equipment is now worse because John Deere is on strike. They may have them in stock, wherever they came from, but aren't being shipped.
We're supposed to receive our Gator mid-November and assume that will not happen.
Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine

What screws people more than anything? JD parts are proprietary. At least with a Case Tractor, I can use New Holland equipment.

Posted by: rickb223 at October 22, 2021 06:15 PM (OCTRt)

195 We don't believe that slavery existed? Huh. News to me.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor

I assume that's for the liberal definition of slavery. The one where it was invented by, and only practiced by, reich-wing Americans.

Posted by: mikeski at October 22, 2021 06:15 PM (P1f+c)

196 Liberal discovers the "slump buster".

Posted by: mikeski at October 22, 2021 06:13 PM (P1f+c)

lol, pretty much

Posted by: flounder at October 22, 2021 06:15 PM (KnJdm)

197 >>Nice. My reflex response is "mind your own fucking business."

"You better hope that mask holds your teeth in better than it keeps Covid out."

Posted by: garrett at October 22, 2021 06:15 PM (5RHey)

198 magine if I had said, "The kid was acting like a brat."
Posted by: Donna&&&&&&&&V at October 22, 2021 06:08 PM (HabA/)

The correct but career limiting response was always: "Yeah, sure Diane. Go fuck yourself up the ass."

Posted by: Boswell at October 22, 2021 06:15 PM (5iUNf)

199 Following AOSHQ SOP, didn't read all the comments, but I see scattered talk of squibs and such.

I find it astonishing, to put it mildly, that any normally functioning firearm - or live ammo - could be anywhere near a thing like a movie set. I believe it's been decades that completely safe and incredibly authentic-looking firearm props have been available.

Of course (I guess) we still don't know what happened. But one killed/one seriously wounded doesn't sound like (an equally inconceivable, though for different reasons) blank incident.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at October 22, 2021 06:16 PM (OTzUX)

200 . They deserve everything coming to them and more.
Posted by: Widespread Pepe at October 22, 2021 06:14 PM (OCVqB)


What's coming to them is 7% annual raises, 3 months vacations and retirement at 52 with full pension and benefits.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at October 22, 2021 06:16 PM (xDXlt)

201 17 The baby picture really upsets me...
Posted by: It's me donna at October 22, 2021 05:37 PM (qrgjm)
That picture drives me into a red mist rage. What the hell kind of parent would consider doing that? To a baby! TWO face diapers. Sick sick sick.

Not. Enough. Lampposts.

Posted by: Not Enough Lampposts at October 22, 2021 06:16 PM (7oSyg)

202 MikeM. Unfortunately in the case of our new 4 star it reproduced while married to an actual woman. 2 kids. Those poor kids must be totally screwed up.
Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at October 22, 2021 06:14 PM (2NHgQ)

What really matters is that Cousin It looks good in a two piece.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 22, 2021 06:16 PM (VvXmx)

Latest at ZeroHedge. Largest candy corn producer in the country has been hit with a ransomware attack.

So, we may have a shortage of candy corn at Halloween. I don't know what I'm gonna do..... (I don't think I've eaten candy corn in maybe 30 years or more).

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at October 22, 2021 06:16 PM (Mzdiz)

204 Hey, wasn't the OSHA mandate due out earlier this week?

Posted by: Tami at October 22, 2021 06:16 PM (cF8AT)

205 Widespread Pepe: "Glad ace is hammering teachers and admins. They deserve everything coming to them and more."

But they're the real heroes!

Posted by: The Legacy of Norm Macdonald at October 22, 2021 06:16 PM (aXxgO)

206 Mr Aspirin Factory. Read up on it, the union demands are crazy. It's not about money as much as control of the business. They want to see the contracts in place for financing of purchases. The company even offered to retro the new wages and perks to retirees. No go. They are f'ing nuts.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at October 22, 2021 06:17 PM (2NHgQ)

Makes me a little nervous that dog food apparently comes from China

Posted by: artemis at October 22, 2021 06:12 PM

When I used to give a shit about Facebook I noticed a lot of dog owners with suddenly dead dogs imploring others not to buy some X,Y,or Z brand from China. Now I have no sympathy for people who remain on Facebook, or buy dogfood from China.

I'd like to be a better person but I don't think it's gonna take.

Posted by: Traitor Joe's Military Surplus, Vaccine and Massage Parlor at October 22, 2021 06:17 PM (dQvv7)

208 Hefeweizen

Posted by: Sixth Grader

I'll go with the schnitzengruben
Posted by: Miklos,

13 is my limit.

Posted by: rickb223 at October 22, 2021 06:17 PM (OCTRt)

209 >>Makes me a little nervous that dog food apparently comes from China

Melamine. It's got what Dogs crave.

Posted by: garrett at October 22, 2021 06:17 PM (5RHey)

210 ately in the case of our new 4 star it reproduced while married to an actual woman. 2 kids. Those poor kids must be totally screwed up.
Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine

have you seen a pic of them? more than totally screwed up.

Posted by: x at October 22, 2021 06:17 PM (oA+QO)

211 Hey, wasn't the OSHA mandate due out earlier this week?
Posted by: Tami

Yes, but it wasn't compliant with OSHA regulations

Posted by: Miklos, because nothing is at October 22, 2021 06:18 PM (QzkSJ)

212 Hey, wasn't the OSHA mandate due out earlier this week?
Posted by: Tami at October 22, 2021 06:16 PM (cF8AT)


Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 06:18 PM (V13WU)

213 Supposedly Hollywood is getting better at not destroying 100 horses in a cavalry charge movie scene.

Posted by: Skip at October 22, 2021 06:18 PM (2JoB8)

214 Does the big guy get 10% of Chinese dog food profits?

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at October 22, 2021 06:18 PM (xDXlt)

215 publius, Rascally Rapscallion: "... (I don't think I've eaten candy corn in maybe 30 years or more)."

That's OK. They can round up the leftovers from 30 years or more plus ago.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at October 22, 2021 06:19 PM (aXxgO)

216 The teachers unions must be dissolved, and tenure eliminated. And everyone still drawing salaries while reading the paper all day in a "rubber room" fired and forced to earn a living for once.

Not enough. The Ed schools are the progenitor of all of this shit. Credentialism at its most evil. Those schools need to be erased.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 22, 2021 06:19 PM (1t5dY)

217 Latest at ZeroHedge. Largest candy corn producer in the country has been hit with a ransomware attack.

So, we may have a shortage of candy corn at Halloween. I don't know what I'm gonna do..... (I don't think I've eaten candy corn in maybe 30 years or more).
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at October 22, 2021 06:16 PM (Mzdiz)

We give out Corn Subsidies don't we?

Posted by: Senator Blutarsky at October 22, 2021 06:19 PM (oHd/0)

218 "We don't say, 'naughty' we say 'bad choices.'" Gee, thanks for talking to me like I'm in 4K. I didn't realized being called "naughty" scarred a kid for life.
Posted by: Donna&&&&&&&&V at October 22, 2021 06:07 PM (HabA/)

I love it when teachers talk to me like that. I'd come back with something like "Well, junior's bad choices include grabbing little Sally 's budding boobies and that shit is gonna get his little ass kicked from here to Stuttgart."

Posted by: Diogenes at October 22, 2021 06:20 PM (axyOa)

219 x. I'm not looking, not after Skip got me to look at daddy it in a bikini. I still haven't recovered.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at October 22, 2021 06:20 PM (2NHgQ)

220 I would stay away from dog food made in China

Posted by: Skip at October 22, 2021 06:20 PM (2JoB8)

221 "We don't say, 'naughty' we say 'bad choices.'"

Exhibit A of why we're where we're at.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 22, 2021 06:20 PM (Xrfse)

222 203
Latest at ZeroHedge. Largest candy corn producer in the country has been hit with a ransomware attack.

So, we may have a shortage of candy corn at Halloween. I don't know what I'm gonna do..... (I don't think I've eaten candy corn in maybe 30 years or more).
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at October 22, 2021 06:16 PM (Mzdiz)

*scratches head*

...but I thought the ransomware crew was supposed to be the bad guys?

Posted by: CppThis at October 22, 2021 06:20 PM (UewuT)

223 Not enough. The Ed schools are the progenitor of all of this shit. Credentialism at its most evil. Those schools need to be erased.
Posted by: weft cut-loop


I will tell Joe when and if he wakes up

Posted by: Dr. Jill, Ed.D. at October 22, 2021 06:20 PM (QzkSJ)

224 Anybody Else notice that Campbell's soup is watered downed, opened up a can of tomato soup and I could pour it out unlike previous cans where I would have to spoon it out.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at October 22, 2021 06:21 PM (dKiJG)

225 I don't think the (now very good) special effects of impact/blood devices have anything to do with "squibs". Could be wrong. Thought the special effects packets were actuated by electronics triggered by the blank report, or independently (thus the very realistic look of it all).

And depending on the caliber and platform, a normal round fired after a squib will not necessarily result in a kaboom. Many images online of x-rayed revolvers (usually heavy/strong single-action revolvers) with their bores full of bullets, one after another (how the shooter failed to detect the squib issue and keep shooting is the more interesting and inscrutable part of this).

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at October 22, 2021 06:21 PM (OTzUX)

226 x. I'm not looking, not after Skip got me to look at daddy it in a bikini. I still haven't recovered.
Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at October 22, 2021 06:20 PM (2NHgQ)

Call your doctor if your erection is lasting longer than 4 hours.

Posted by: wth at October 22, 2021 06:22 PM (v0R5T)

I think my dentist had to pay a hundred thousand dollar 'excess profits tax' after candy corn became a thing.

Posted by: Traitor Joe's Military Surplus, Vaccine and Massage Parlor at October 22, 2021 06:22 PM (dQvv7)

228 @davereaboi 4m

Jonah Goldberg--whose only serious thoughts he cribbed from Claremont and Ace of Spades--laughs at those of us who think that slanted, biased monopolies controlling American political discourse is an existential issue. Jonah's dumb, but he knows he can't insult his donors.

Posted by: Tami at October 22, 2021 06:22 PM (cF8AT)

229 Largest candy corn producer in the country has been hit with a ransomware attack.

We MUST protect the circus peanuts!

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 22, 2021 06:22 PM (Xrfse)

230 Dammit. For a brief moment at 3PM today Fiocchi 45ACP, 230 Grain was $290.00 for 1000 rounds online.

Sold out now, of course.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 22, 2021 06:22 PM (yQpMk)

231 221 "We don't say, 'naughty' we say 'bad choices.'"

Exhibit A of why we're where we're at.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 22, 2021 06:20 PM (Xrfse)

WHUT! No Naughty List?

Who the hell thought it was a good idea to have an HR department?

Posted by: Santa Claws... going postal at October 22, 2021 06:22 PM (oHd/0)

232 Stores are spreading out their limited supply of product to make the shelves look less bare than they really are. An example of that below, from Ashe Short (@AsheSchow).


Ace, if you're still here, stores are putting up fake vinyl facades to make it look like there are products on the shelves during our first year of socialism. I'll see if I can find the thread.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - LET'S GO BALDWIN at October 22, 2021 06:23 PM (k1L5r)

233 Posted by: Tami at October 22, 2021 06:22 PM (cF8AT)

That warms my cold, shriveled heart.

Posted by: flounder at October 22, 2021 06:24 PM (KnJdm)

234 For me, the most significant part of this story is that Parmesan Goldfish are a thing. I'm off to the store, BBL.

Posted by: a.moron at October 22, 2021 06:24 PM (TuSSw)

235 Data point of one, but sometimes those can be suggestive.

Many years ago, a friend returned from some overseas gig, went graduate education school ("prestigious" institution).

Came back from that, and to some degree had been transformed into a delusional "leftist" (had been standard-issue default not very thoughtful "liberal", prior). Spouted insanities that some mutual friends still cite today, sort as a standard of insane nonsense we've actually heard real people say.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at October 22, 2021 06:24 PM (OTzUX)

236 Hefeweizen

Posted by: Sixth Grader

I'll go with the schnitzengruben
Posted by: Miklos,

13 is my limit.
Posted by: rickb223 at October 22, 2021 06:17 PM (OCTRt)

So not Cuban.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 22, 2021 06:24 PM (yQpMk)

237 #wastf

Posted by: golfman at October 22, 2021 06:24 PM (hOMhY)

238 That picture of the poor masked-up baby is hideous. Horrible.

What kind of demented parent would permit such a thing?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at October 22, 2021 06:24 PM (guGkK)

239 I don't suppose the likes of Harp would suffice ?

Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 06:12 PM (V13WU)

Actually I score Harps at the local Irish pub.
Day to day anymore is a lager called 805.
And when I can afford it, Rogue River Dead Guy Pale Ale.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 22, 2021 06:25 PM (axyOa)

240 Largest candy corn producer in the country has been hit with a ransomware attack.

We MUST protect the circus peanuts!
Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 22, 2021 06:22 PM (Xrfse)

*shifty eyes*

They just crossed the line.

Posted by: Jak Sucio at October 22, 2021 06:25 PM (jvt6t)

241 I bet Old Dr Jill is barking orders at all the education agencies and what not feeding this bullshit.

*adjusts tin foil hat*

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 22, 2021 06:26 PM (VvXmx)

Thank you Ace. Interesting content. I guess the one good thing about the trans people is they will not reproduce, especially if they have cut their various bits off.
Posted by: MikeM

The could buy one like Mayor Pete did.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at October 22, 2021 06:26 PM (63Dwl)

243 Will Cain has Tim Pool on.

Posted by: redridinghood at October 22, 2021 06:26 PM (NpAcC)

244 $290 for a case of brass-cased new production 45 would have been a pretty good price 3 years ago, much less now. Must have been a mistake.

Reminds me. Gotta load up a half-case of 45, and then a few hundred 45 Colt. 9mm can refilled already. Then some 38 special.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at October 22, 2021 06:26 PM (OTzUX)

245 Rogue River Dead Guy Pale Ale.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 22, 2021 06:25 PM (axyOa)

One of my go to beers, especially in the larger cans.

Posted by: flounder at October 22, 2021 06:26 PM (KnJdm)

246 I don't think the (now very good) special effects of impact/blood devices have anything to do with "squibs". Could be wrong. Thought the special effects packets were actuated by electronics triggered by the blank report, or independently (thus the very realistic look of it all).
Posted by: rhomboid

Yes, the blood packs used to be called squibs.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 22, 2021 06:27 PM (1t5dY)

247 What kind of demented parent would permit such a thing?

Bad choices.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 22, 2021 06:27 PM (Xrfse)

248 The shelf thing is called "facing". I did a grocery shop at QFC today. Now last time I was actually in the store, I was able to buy some frozen turkey breasts. Those are all gone, of course, The only frozen turkey was a single, already cooked one. I looked for a bone in ham. Nothing. All you can get are those little lunchmeat type hams. But....they had a buy one get one free on pork shoulder roasts! I have what would have been about $60 worth of pork now. And whole chickens for 99 cents a pound. They did have some buy one get one free on beef, but prices are higher on that. I was able to find the other things I needed. I am going to cook up the pork, shread it and freeze it.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at October 22, 2021 06:27 PM (5HBd1)

249 Soviet grocery story lines coming soon to a Target or Wal-Mart near you tovarich.*

Unless you are part of the elite.

*Speaking of Wally World. I have not seen this but I am hearing reports of the electronic cash registers actually informing customers they have bought enough. If you want to see the shooting start, this is certainly the way to set it off.

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 22, 2021 06:27 PM (WbpTV)

250 The University of Denver is now mandating flu shots.

Posted by: redridinghood at October 22, 2021 06:27 PM (NpAcC)

251 Also, on topic: I miss being able to buy a stack of boxed treadmills with cheese to keep in my desk for lunch hour. Some other pieces of exercise equipment are still available for that purpose but they're getting sparse too so I detect a bit of midday hunger--err, I mean treadmill envy--in my future.

Gawd, I sometimes wish I was active on mainstream social media. The trolling would be epic!

Posted by: CppThis at October 22, 2021 06:27 PM (UewuT)

252 Largest candy corn producer in the country has been hit with a ransomware attack.

We MUST protect the circus peanuts!
Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 22, 2021 06:22 PM (Xrfse)

The poor kitty from 1972 has come back to torment my sister who choked that same kitty with candy corn.

Yeah. She hates Trump.

And me.

Posted by: golfman at October 22, 2021 06:27 PM (hOMhY)

253 Is that baby visiting at Los Alamos or something?

Posted by: wth at October 22, 2021 06:28 PM (v0R5T)

254 So in Ghostbusters Ivo Schandler had decided post WWII society was too sick to survive and had ceremonies to try to bring about the end of the world, and thus he was a villain.

In 2021 it turns out he was actually a prophet and was right, and possibly the hero of the piece defeated by the real villains. Who knew?

Posted by: Bete at October 22, 2021 06:28 PM (Ojki1)

255 $290 for a case of brass-cased new production 45 would have been a pretty good price 3 years ago, much less now.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at October 22, 2021 06:26 PM (OTzUX)

Don't know. I bought a 1K case for $250 that I have been living on for a few years but I am getting close to the end. I don't really shoot that much 1911.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 22, 2021 06:28 PM (yQpMk)

256 "What kind of demented parent would permit such a thing?"

Ummm .... Cicero - maybe 40-70% of the parents all around us, depending on location?

A son of an older guy I've known since teen years (neighbor) was walking their 10 (?) month-old in a stroller back in the middle of The Great Idiocy. He said they had isolated "the little guy" the entire time.

THIS is the level of ignorance we're talking about.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at October 22, 2021 06:29 PM (OTzUX)

257 Rogue makes a decent Stout. One of the fe beers I can choke down.

Posted by: garrett at October 22, 2021 06:29 PM (5RHey)

258 The could buy one like Mayor Pete did.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

As is right and proper

Posted by: Chief Justice Roberts with the blonde Guatemalan kids at October 22, 2021 06:30 PM (QzkSJ)

259 *Speaking of Wally World. I have not seen this but I am hearing reports of the electronic cash registers actually informing customers they have bought enough. If you want to see the shooting start, this is certainly the way to set it off.
Posted by: Anna Puma at October 22, 2021 06:27 PM (WbpTV)


I am 99.99999999% this is bullshit. Why would a retailer tell its customers they've bought enough? Where are these "reports" coming from? Come on.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at October 22, 2021 06:30 PM (xDXlt)

260 203 Latest at ZeroHedge. Largest candy corn producer in the country has been hit with a ransomware attack.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at October 22, 2021 06:16 PM (Mzdiz)

The compromised company in question is Ferrara. Dear Lord, are there now going to be shortages of Red Hots, Lemonheads, and Lik-m-aid Fun Dip on top of everything else?

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at October 22, 2021 06:30 PM (DTX3h)

261 Terminological ignorance on my part. Only know "squib" from the reloading context, a round with little/no powder, but a primer.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at October 22, 2021 06:30 PM (OTzUX)

262 Yep on 'facing,' you always pull the merchandise forward to make the shelves look full and thus appealing to the customer.

Plus it makes sure the customer can see the product instead of that last can of cranberry sauce tucked at the back and hidden in shadows.

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 22, 2021 06:30 PM (WbpTV)

263 I do believe this shortage/ shipping blockage is man made on purpose.

Posted by: Skip at October 22, 2021 06:30 PM (2JoB8)

264 I'm enjoying a Rogue myself, as I type this.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at October 22, 2021 06:31 PM (xDXlt)

265 For me, the most significant part of this story is that Parmesan Goldfish are a thing. I'm off to the store, BBL.
Posted by: a.moron at October 22, 2021 06:24 PM (TuSSw)

2/$4.00 apparently. Limit one per customer.

Posted by: wth at October 22, 2021 06:31 PM (v0R5T)

266 Dear Lord, are there now going to be shortages of Red Hots, Lemonheads, and Lik-m-aid Fun Dip on top of everything else?
Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at October 22, 2021 06:30 PM (DTX3h)


Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 22, 2021 06:31 PM (yQpMk)

267 Can we donate to the people who did the ransomware attack, so circus peanuts disappear in to the dust bin of history.

And then get them to target Peeps next.

Posted by: Bete at October 22, 2021 06:31 PM (Ojki1)

268 Why do you THINK I said "I haven't seen it"

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 22, 2021 06:31 PM (WbpTV)

269 I am hearing reports of the electronic cash registers actually informing customers they have bought enough

Oh, man. I just gotta head over to Wally and try that. May end up in the hoosegow but it'll be worth it. Scratch one robot register.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 22, 2021 06:32 PM (Xrfse)

270 Dammit. For a brief moment at 3PM today Fiocchi 45ACP, 230 Grain was $290.00 for 1000 rounds online.


Where? Because I'll put that on my F5 crack-monkey list.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - LET'S GO BALDWIN at October 22, 2021 06:32 PM (k1L5r)

271 Grump $250 for that is quite good. Haven't regularly bought ammo in many years, but periodically check out prices, and for new-production brass case FMJ that's a very good price.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at October 22, 2021 06:32 PM (OTzUX)

272 As usual.....follow the money.

Shortages increase prices, also known as inflation. More inflation makes the debt more manageable and a side benefits makes Wall St a fuck ton of money as the nominal value of their assets increases.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at October 22, 2021 06:32 PM (xDXlt)

273 Gah, this world is a mess. Just got a phishing email that they are deducting 453.00. People piss me off. Just signed up for lifelock again.

Posted by: Infidel at October 22, 2021 06:33 PM (QC3yT)

274 Imagine this: the people who don't believe in "American Exceptionalism", think the head of the American Covid effort, Tony Fraudci, is the only leader in the world you can listen to.

Japan and India are giving their people "horse-dewormer"!

Surely it's got to be racism of some sort to say the white dwarf is the only guy to listen to and that Japan and India are stupid enough to give their people veterinary drugs.

Posted by: Axeman at October 22, 2021 06:33 PM (OaZlZ)


Posted by: Skip at October 22, 2021 06:33 PM (2JoB8)



Posted by: S'oothsay'er at October 22, 2021 06:33 PM (aGUIs)

277 268 Why do you THINK I said "I haven't seen it"
Posted by: Anna Puma at October 22, 2021 06:31 PM (WbpTV)


So where are these "reports" you're hearing of? What city? What stores? Who is reporting them? When? It's nonsense and you know it.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at October 22, 2021 06:33 PM (xDXlt)

278 nood


Posted by: banana Dream at October 22, 2021 06:34 PM (+gFOr)

279 For me, the most significant part of this story is that Parmesan Goldfish are a thing. I'm off to the store, BBL.


We've got two young kids and eat a BUNCH of goldfish. The flavor blasted are pretty good, but there are artisianal ones in small overpriced bags that you can occasionally find. Pizza, hot wings, parmesan, etc.

Don't waste your money on the half goldfish/half pretzel. Just buy a cheap bag of pretzels and a full bag of goldfish.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - LET'S GO BALDWIN at October 22, 2021 06:34 PM (k1L5r)

280 hiya

Posted by: JT at October 22, 2021 06:34 PM (arJlL)

281 Rogue River Dead Guy Pale Ale.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 22, 2021 06:25 PM (axyOa)

One of my go to beers, especially in the larger cans.
Posted by: flounder at October 22, 2021 06:26 PM (KnJdm)

Yeah. I prefer lagers but Dead Guy is pretty good.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 22, 2021 06:34 PM (axyOa)

282 Local Wal-Mart has a limit on PSN cards that can be bought in a day. So CVS made a sale for my nephew's birthday.

Posted by: Bete at October 22, 2021 06:34 PM (Ojki1)

283 Infidel

Phsihing scam would be preferable. VA denied paying for the ambulance bill and I just got a letter in the mail from the ambulance saying I need to pay up. But on the bright side they will take a credit cart.

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 22, 2021 06:34 PM (WbpTV)

284 Rogue has a weird set-up at their brewery in Newport. We couldn't go upstairs, due to capacity limits or some such. This is years before the The Great Idiocy. Fire limits? Anyway, just bought some of their stuff to take back to the hotel.

Had a porter with an Oliva Serie O cigar yesterday after the range. Unfortunately a food allergy attack kind of ruined it, but I think the combo "worked", flavor-wise.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at October 22, 2021 06:35 PM (OTzUX)

285 When I was in high school, a zillion years ago, some jerks in my French class were so obnoxious the teacher had a nervous breakdown and quit teaching. I'm praying those guys reproduced and their offspring ended up in that teacher's class.

Posted by: EveR at October 22, 2021 06:35 PM (MUpk6)

286 Neighbors were arguing on their porch earlier. Dad wants the kid back in school... Mom was literally shrieking at the top of her impressive lungs "HOW COULD YOU FUCKING SAY THIS?!?!? YOU KNOW HE ISN'T SAFE IN THE GENERAL POPULATION!!!! IM NOT LISTENING TO YOU IM LISTENING TO THE FUCKING SCIENCE! REEEEEEE!!!"

I'm thinking about going over there with a glass of whiskey and a gun, and just asking if he wants to end his suffering, whichever way he sees fit.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at October 22, 2021 06:35 PM (/KPLX)

287 Where? Because I'll put that on my F5 crack-monkey list.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - LET'S GO BALDWIN at October 22, 2021 06:32 PM (k1L5r)

Like Rhom said, it could have been a typo they quickly addressed by making it out of stock. Or some nefarious hook just to get you to their site.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 22, 2021 06:35 PM (yQpMk)

288 I don't think the (now very good) special effects of impact/blood devices have anything to do with "squibs".

That's what they called them. Used to be able to buy them at gun shows.
Squib -
A squib is a miniature explosive device used in a wide range of industries, from special effects to military applications. It resembles a tiny stick of dynamite, both in appearance and construction, although with considerably less explosive power. Squibs consist of two electrical leads, which are separated by a plug of insulating material, a small bridge wire or electrical resistance heater, and a bead of heat-sensitive chemical composition, in which the bridge wire is embedded. Squibs can be used for generating mechanical force or to provide pyrotechnic effects for both film and live theatrics. Squibs can be used for shattering or propelling a variety of materials.

Posted by: rickb223 at October 22, 2021 06:36 PM (OCTRt)

289 MONSTERS proudly talk about raising their baby "Zoomer" without a gender makes me want to vomit. My heart breaks for this child.
F the Left and their enablers.

Posted by: redridinghood at October 22, 2021 06:36 PM (NpAcC)

290 Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 22, 2021 06:35 PM (yQpMk)



Posted by: Moron Robbie - LET'S GO BALDWIN at October 22, 2021 06:37 PM (k1L5r)

291 I'm sorry Anna. Everything sucks right now.

Posted by: Infidel at October 22, 2021 06:40 PM (QC3yT)

292 Kayleigh McEnany

Did you ever think it would be THIS bad?

Posted by: redridinghood at October 22, 2021 06:41 PM (NpAcC)

293 NO Kayleigh.

Posted by: Infidel at October 22, 2021 06:42 PM (QC3yT)

294 "Sorry, that Tweet has been deleted."

Seems to be a thing in this post. And here I thought the trannies loved the attention.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at October 22, 2021 06:45 PM (hVqGz)

That final clip features Doctor Zaius -- good catch!

There were a lot of disappeared entries in this edition. Poor li'l cockroaches don't like the light, it seems.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at October 22, 2021 07:03 PM (pNxlR)

296 I went through that teacher's Medium account. The "I'm about to quit" post was from early September and AFAIKT she still hasn't quit, sadly.
But man, that account -- she updates it every few days -- is... something else. She's a lunatic.

Posted by: Robert Hobart at October 22, 2021 07:12 PM (IY1F+)

297 I think they are starving Red States. Tales of empty shelves and shortages are coming from Red States. CA, IL, WA, OR, NY and others are most likely are not experiencing shortages. Prove me wrong ?
Posted by: runner at October 22, 2021 05:55 PM (V13WU)


I'm in a red state and so far have seen no real shortages. Maybe a small section of an aisle is empty but that's about it.
Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at October 22, 2021 06:02 PM (xDXlt)

CA has plenty of shortages, and store closures.

Posted by: Oldcat at October 22, 2021 07:33 PM (eoQWY)

298 If you know the slightest thing about movie making and shooting scenes you will know this. Those scenes are in the script, they are in the instance riders, they have been rehearsed numerous time. They've been reviewed by stunt people, armorers and others. The actor doesn't just pull a gun out of his belt. He is handed a weapon that's been declared safe by professionals bore solely for that purpose. There is a chain of custody for the forearm. This was a terrible tragedy and as I said this morning, some compassion is in order.
Posted by: Marcus T at October 22, 2021 05:54 PM (phYRn)

Baldwin was the boss. There's a quote sourced from the set that Baldwin made a crack about shooting the director just before he pointed the gun and the shot happened.

No matter what the rest of the protocols were or were not, the ultimate safety is the operator, and we know Baldwin remains unfamilar with gun safety and guns as a matter of politics. I am pretty low info myself, but I know that a gun with a blank charge is not "safe", having seen Civil War muskets with blanks shoot out a large flame from the barrel. Baldwin likely knows nothing about that.

Posted by: Oldcat at October 22, 2021 07:40 PM (eoQWY)

299 The baby picture really upsets me...
Posted by: It's me donna at October 22, 2021 05:37 PM (qrgjm)
That picture drives me into a red mist rage. What the hell kind of parent would consider doing that? To a baby! TWO face diapers. Sick sick sick.

Not. Enough. Lampposts.
Posted by: Not Enough Lampposts at October 22, 2021 06:16 PM (7oSyg)

Low oxygen at that age likely means impaired mental development down the line. And having those sort of parents doubles down on that.

Posted by: Oldcat at October 22, 2021 07:45 PM (eoQWY)

300 MONSTERS proudly talk about raising their baby "Zoomer" without a gender makes me want to vomit. My heart breaks for this child.
F the Left and their enablers.
Posted by: redridinghood at October 22, 2021 06:36 PM (NpAcC)

They will find that girls will be girls anyhow, and boys will be boys until they torture it out of them.

Posted by: Oldcat at October 22, 2021 07:46 PM (eoQWY)

301 I hate all these steals from Twitter. Pathetic.

Posted by: Harry at October 22, 2021 08:58 PM (EcD5Y)

302 Well, bye.

Posted by: Curly Bill at October 22, 2021 09:56 PM (yQpMk)

303 The School of Education at every university: lowest SATs and highest GPAs.
Most teachers have aroomful of participation trophies and think they're champions.

Posted by: buddhaha at October 23, 2021 03:33 AM (XAUEo)

304 Test

Posted by: Never served at October 23, 2021 05:20 AM (N+4km)

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