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Monday Overnight Open Thread (9/6/21) Laborious Edition

9 6 21 0nt (1).jpg


The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

"The worst part of this is that our victim was abused, that is number one. But also the fact that our suspect is in a position of trust." Fresno County Sheriff Lt. Brandon Pursell

Quote II

‘As we have said, while we have made improvements to our AI, we know it’s not perfect, and we have more progress to make. Dani Lever, a Facebook spokeswoman

Quote III

“The general pattern is that the kids who come from the poorest communities are the ones who have been most affected. But they have not only been affected by lack of access to learning; they have also been affected by isolation. So you’ve got to think about them both together and the mental health implications.”Pedro Noguera, dean of the USC Rossier School of Education



Once upon a time yours truly was younger than his 29 years and in pretty good shape. That being said, "Things I would never do for a $1,000." What would you pay to enter a marathon?

Described as “the world’s first premium ultra,” the Highland Kings marathon requires participants to pay a £15,499 ($21,500) entrance fee. That makes it the most expensive ultramarathon on Earth.’

Ultramarathons aren’t usually associated with luxury, but Primal Adventure, an outdoor adventure business based in Scotland, is hoping to change that by organizing what many are calling the most expensive ultra marathon in history. The Highland Kings, a four-day camping race covering a distance of 120 miles on the west coast of Scotland, is limited to only 40 participants, each of whom will be required to pay an entrance fee of £15,499. The premium cost will give them access to luxury amenities like butlers, Michelin-star chefs, and hydrotherapy pools, among others.


Guess who doesn't 'Coexist'. Hint, it isn't Lutherans.

Taliban militants shot and killed a pregnant police officer in front of her children and husband, the BBC reports. The woman, identified as Banu Negar by local media outlets, was killed in front of family members outside of her family home in the city of Firozkah.

I guess Diversity is too much to ask for as well.


Once upon a time you could go around with a chip on your shoulder for free. Now you can pay big bucks to get that chip.

UPitt to hire professor of 'oppression'

A job listing seeks an assistant professor of "Structural Racism, Oppression, and Black Political Experiences."

Applicants must include a statement of how their work advances "diversity and inclusion. "


I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help to f*ck things up."

EPA Penalized for Polluting

Under the category you can’t make this stuff up, the September 3, 2021 Federal Register included a notice of a proposed settlement agreement, enforcement action alleging air pollution violations for the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Edison New Jersey facility. The federal agency responsible for compliance with environmental regulations did not comply with New Jersey boiler and emergency generator regulations.


OK 'Rons, over the years we've all seen the advertisements for a bigger and better male appendage. I think the male ego has finally jumped the shark.

EVER heard of Scotox? Men are now injecting Botox into the scrotum to decrease sweating, reduce wrinkles, and make the scrotum appear larger due to the relaxation of the muscles.

However, this non-invasive surgical procedure might backfire as it can drastically alter the look of the penis.

Although I do wonder if The Rick Wilson will perform the procedure on his bald dick head.


Happy Unemployment Labor Day. There are job openings everywhere. And not just blue collar.

Enhanced pandemic unemployment benefits, which include $300 weekly bonus checks as well as coverage for freelancers and the long-term unemployed, expire today. Over 11 million people will be affected, with around 7.5 million losing benefits entirely.

Some two dozen states chose to pull the plug on federal aid during the summer, with governors claiming that the extra unemployment insurance was disincentivizing residents from taking available jobs. Out-of-work residents in at least 12 states have taken legal action to try to get that pandemic relief aid reinstated, arguing that they've been unable to pay basic expenses, including rent.


Little did we know that when our parents told us to clean up our plates they were looking out for the environment. Thanks Mom and Dad.

How food waste is huge contributor to climate change
Food production, transportation and rotting waste all cause release of greenhouse gases

Cutting food waste can help the climate. Every day in the UK we waste 20m slices of bread, 280 tonnes of poultry, 4.4m potatoes and much more.

Households squander about 70% of the UK’s 9.5m tonnes of waste food every year. About a third of all the world’s food goes to waste, and producing, transporting and letting that food rot releases 8-10% of global greenhouse gases. If food waste were a country, it would have the third-biggest carbon footprint after the US and China, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation.


Liberals are so predictable. If you can't defend your positions and policy call your opponent a "Racist". Oh yeah, even if that opponent is black.

A California professor campaigning for Gov. Gavin Newsom reportedly called Republican gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder "a Black face on White supremacy" during an event with the governor Monday.

Newsom appeared at a get out the vote event with Black elected leaders in Crenshaw ahead of the Sept. 14 recall election, in which Californians will decide whether to recall the governor or keep him in office. Voters who choose "yes" to recall will also be able to pick one of 46 candidates to replace the governor.


Just remember Leftists, Jury Nullification is a 2 way street.

A rioter who shot at SWAT three times during a George Floyd protest has been acquitted of all counts.

Jaleel Stallings of St.Paul, Minnesota, fired at SWAT three times during a George Floyd protest in May 2020, in Minneapolis. The 29-year-old had been hit with rubber bullets and testified that he thought he was being attacked by citizens according to his attorney Eric Rice. Reportedly, officers shot Stallings with rubber bullets after it appeared he was reaching for a rock. The police were in an unmarked van when Stallings opened fire.

On the bright side George Floyd hasn't committed any crimes in over a year.


Quote II above the fold covers AI. There are more and more signs that this Artificial Intelligence isn't very intelligent.

Automated resume-scanning software is contributing to a “broken” hiring system in the US, says a new report from Harvard Business School. Such software is used by employers to filter job applicants, but is mistakenly rejecting millions of viable candidates, say the study’s authors. It’s contributing to the problem of “hidden workers” — individuals who are able and willing to work, but remain locked out of jobs by structural problems in the labor market.

The study’s authors identify a number of factors blocking people from employment, but say automated hiring software is one of the biggest. These programs are used by 75 percent of US employers (rising to 99 percent of Fortune 500 companies), and were adopted in response to a rise in digital job applications from the ‘90s onwards. Technology has made it easier for people to apply for jobs, but also easier for companies to reject them.


I would never speak for you, But......This is my type of club.

A Missouri restaurant was ordered to shut down after violating the county's health orders regarding COVID-19. The cafe defied the orders by reopening as a "private club."

The Jackson County Department of Environmental Health issued multiple warnings and citations to Rae's Cafe in Blue Springs. The county's

Marshanna Smith, a Jackson County spokesperson, told KCTV-TV that the "enforcement of the health order requiring masks is complaint-based, meaning concerned community residents contact us about non-compliance." Smith said 10 complaints had been filed about Rae's Cafe.

There is a reason it isn't named Karen's Cafe.


The ONT Musical Interlude

On this day:1970 - Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix made his final live appearance when he appeared at the Isle Of Fehmarn in Germany. The guitarist died 12 days later on 18th Sept 1970 after choking on his own vomit. via


On this day: 1990 - Tom Fogerty
Tom Fogerty rhythm guitarist with Creedence Clearwater Revival died aged 49, due to complications from AIDS acquired during a blood transfusion. During 1969 CCR scored three US Top Ten albums and four Top 5 singles and after leaving CCR in 1971 Fogerty released several solo albums. via


At age 23 he has many years to repeat this award. Genius Award Winner.

Muskego police identified the suspect accused of stealing a Milwaukee Parking Enforcement Vehicle as 23-year-old Kordell Londell Grady.

Police said Grady stole the vehicle in Milwaukee and then led New Berlin and Muskego police on a chase.

The chase ended in Muskego at Moorland and Janesville Road when police forced Grady to crash the stolen vehicle into their squad.

(H/T dad29 )


Our Commander-In-Retreat let down many military families with his military failures. We can't say that about the Tunnel To Towers Foundation. Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

The Tunnel to Towers Foundation is giving the family of one of the 13 fallen servicemembers who was killed in the Kabul airport suicide bombing a mortgage-free home, the non-profit’s chairman and CEO told Breitbart News Saturday.

“We’re building mortgage-free homes for Gold Star Families, and that includes any of the 13 that left behind a young family. And we do know one of them — his wife is pregnant and will be giving birth shortly,” Frank Siller said, most likely referencing Jiennah McCollum, the wife of 20-year-old Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, who was killed in the ISIS-K terrorist attack on August 26. “We are going to build her a mortgage-free house. And rest assured, we are going to take care of any Gold Star Family that fits that criteria.”


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Labor Day Festivities.

9 6 21 brought.jpg

Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire, AceCorp, LLC and
The Presidential Physical Fitness Award. Don't ask how I know.

Breaking News: Americans being held hostage at Afghanistan Airport.

The Taliban is currently holding six airplanes full of American citizens hostage.

According to video released by CBS the Taliban will not clear the airplanes for takeoff full of American citizens and green card holders. There are a total of eleven planes being held captive and eight of them were chartered by conservative radio host Glenn Beck.

The State Department told CBS News the flights will be allowed to land in Qatar “if and when the Taliban agrees to takeoff.” A senior congressional source told CBS News that the Taliban is “basically holding them hostage to get more out of the Americans.”

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:28 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Early!

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 08:29 PM (kTF2Z)

2 and boxy.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 08:30 PM (kTF2Z)

3 I'll fetch em.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 08:30 PM (kTF2Z)

4 Otters called.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 08:31 PM (kTF2Z)

5 Arf!

Posted by: Sandy at September 06, 2021 08:31 PM (VxC1e)

6 An inside the park homer UN on the ONT.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 08:31 PM (kTF2Z)

7 Homerun

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 08:31 PM (kTF2Z)

8 Evening.

ONT is early.

Has there been a nuclear bombardment?

Is this a test of our faith?

Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 06, 2021 08:32 PM (1Yy3c)

9 >>> Krystal Jackson

Need I say it?

Posted by: Austin Powers at September 06, 2021 08:32 PM (ZOfsH)

10 Creedence Clearwater Revival: John Fogerty and three guys who hate his guts.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 08:33 PM (VxC1e)

11 Good evening everyone. Beautiful milky way pic Mis Hum. Thank you!

Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 08:33 PM (mD/uy)

12 hiya

Posted by: JT at September 06, 2021 08:34 PM (arJlL)

13 MisHum is Curatorus Maximus of the ONT, again.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 08:36 PM (VxC1e)

14 Guess who has new cheap discount tires.

This guy!

Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 06, 2021 08:36 PM (1Yy3c)

15 Cool photo, MisHum! I want that airbrushed on my van!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Live! from the Dungeon of Discord at September 06, 2021 08:36 PM (Dc2NZ)

16 What made you an OverNighter?

Hello Hordelians.

Posted by: mindful webworker - ready and willing, able at September 06, 2021 08:36 PM (+Dm7G)

17 The first quote?

No way that teacher is not a man.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 06, 2021 08:37 PM (2DOZq)

18 Boys of Summer is a great song. One of my favorites. Lovely picture.

Posted by: Puddleglum at September 06, 2021 08:37 PM (QFVV9)

19 Who the fuck wants a bigger SCROTUM?

Posted by: JoeF. at September 06, 2021 08:37 PM (dlC0g)

20 What made you an OverNighter?

Posted by: mindful webworker - ready and willing, able at September 06, 2021 08:36 PM (+Dm7G)

The burns us...

Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 06, 2021 08:37 PM (1Yy3c)

21 The study's authors identify a number of factors blocking people from employment, but say automated hiring software is one of the biggest.

No shit. Auto-disqualification of white males over 50 probably has a big impact also.

But I wouldn't know anything about that.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 08:37 PM (mD/uy)

22 Our office was closed for the holiday, but mostly because the boss forgot to get someone on the team to work it. Ever get the feeling your boss could be shopping around for another job?

Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at September 06, 2021 08:38 PM (YynYJ)

anyone remember what Jimmy Carter was fooking up 8 months in??

Posted by: will choose a nic later at September 06, 2021 08:38 PM (bTQ72)

24 Since when is having an enlarged scrotum considered a good thing?

I've had that (I even have a case of it now.) it's usually a benign condition caused by various reasons if not by and infection or other problem.

It is not fun and it is not comfortable.

And as was pointed out, enlarged scrotum makes the turtle head look a bit retracted and smaller.

Posted by: jakee308 at September 06, 2021 08:38 PM (nzLi4)

25 The scrotox business must be a gay thing because I've never heard a woman talking about a man's sack size.

Posted by: banana Dream at September 06, 2021 08:39 PM (ZOfsH)

26 Michael K Williams has died of a heroin overdose.

Just goes you can be a fantastic actor who creates iconic roles like Omar and Chalky -- and still be a dumbass.

Posted by: Regular joe at September 06, 2021 08:40 PM (L9P9s)

27 anyone remember what Jimmy Carter was fooking up 8 months in??
Posted by: will choose a nic later at September 06, 2021 08:38 PM (bTQ72)

Was it the 55 speed limit or the temperature set at 68 degrees cause of the OPEC boycott?

Posted by: jakee308 at September 06, 2021 08:40 PM (nzLi4)

28 Who is this MisHum that posts so early yet still has so much content!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar ~ Lay back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at September 06, 2021 08:40 PM (hOUT3)


my baseballs need no botox, these men are lacking heft

Posted by: Chuck Norris at September 06, 2021 08:41 PM (bTQ72)

30 The Paolo, he snort in derision at the, how do you say, "men" with the eensy weensy scrotums filled with tiny balls like the unharvested grape.

Posted by: The Paolo at September 06, 2021 08:41 PM (VxC1e)

31 Hey ONT!

anyone remember what Jimmy Carter was fooking up 8 months in??
Posted by: will choose a nic later at September 06, 2021 08:38 PM (bTQ72)

Trying to mandate unleaded gas, maybe?

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 08:41 PM (L2ZTs)

32 Just goes you can be a fantastic actor who creates iconic roles like Omar and Chalky -- and still be a dumbass.

Posted by: Regular joe

Omar be go'in yo!!

Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 08:41 PM (mD/uy)

33 I remember first seeing gas pumps marked 'unleaded' in the late 1970s.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 08:41 PM (L2ZTs)

34 There's that word again. "Conservative" radio host Glenn Beck.

Posted by: f'd at September 06, 2021 08:41 PM (Tnijr)

35 JoeF.

Well, zombie would take pictures of a guy at the Folsom Street Fair. Said he was locally famous.

Self-selecting out of the gene pool is my opinion.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at September 06, 2021 08:41 PM (u82oZ)

36 5 Arf!
Posted by: Sandy at September 06, 2021 08:31 PM (VxC1e)

Perhaps, we should step outside and discuss this?

Posted by: Conor at September 06, 2021 08:42 PM (hOUT3)

37 I'm shocked CBS is even reporting on the situation in Afghanistan.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 08:42 PM (L2ZTs)

38 28 Who is this MisHum that posts so early yet still has so much content!
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar ~ Lay back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at September 06, 2021 08:40 PM (hOUT3)

I'm not sure.....

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at September 06, 2021 08:42 PM (aA3+G)

39 'As we have said, while we have made improvements to our AI, we know it's not perfect, and we have more progress to make. Dani Lever, a Facebook spokeswoman

Yeah, you might even include a few texts on human evolution, ya fucking jackwagons. I thought you dickweeds were all in on biology.

*administers a number of face slaps, HARD*

Posted by: GnuBreed, no circumstance at September 06, 2021 08:42 PM (F0YaR)

40 Men are now injecting Botox into the scrotum to decrease sweating, reduce wrinkles, and make the scrotum appear larger due to the relaxation of the muscles.

Well that is just nuts.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 08:43 PM (mD/uy)

41 Krystal Jackson....That's a man baby!

Posted by: Javems at September 06, 2021 08:43 PM (gi0xn)

42 Hrothgar: that extra cup of coffee in the morning made all the difference :-)

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 08:43 PM (L2ZTs)

43 Facebook groupthink is a desert of thought.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at September 06, 2021 08:43 PM (u82oZ)

Facebook is for fags dude!

Posted by: will at September 06, 2021 08:43 PM (bTQ72)

45 16 What made you an OverNighter?

Hello Hordelians.

Posted by: mindful webworker - ready and willing, able at September 06, 2021 08:36 PM (+Dm7G)

I mostly sleep during the day.

Posted by: GnuBreed, no circumstance at September 06, 2021 08:44 PM (F0YaR)

46 I'll be the one to say it.
Having big balls makes everything else look smaller.

Posted by: JoeF. at September 06, 2021 08:44 PM (dlC0g)

47 I've always loved the name Milky Way. Comes from the Greek galaxias kyklos, milky circle, and the Roman via lactea, road of milk.

Milky Way sounds more poetic. The candy bar isn't so bad either.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 06, 2021 08:44 PM (mNhhD)

there, fixed !

Posted by: will choose a nic later at September 06, 2021 08:44 PM (bTQ72)

49 Well that is just nuts.
Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 08:43 PM (mD/uy)

But at least it's not ******* nuts!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at September 06, 2021 08:44 PM (hOUT3)

The State Department told CBS News the flights will be allowed to land in Qatar "if and when the Taliban agrees to takeoff."


Hunter is negotiating over The Big Guy's cut.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 06, 2021 08:45 PM (/U27+)

51 >>> Krystal Jackson

Need I say it?
Posted by: Austin Powers at September 06, 2021 08:32 PM (ZOfsH)

Krystal Jackson....That's a man baby!
Posted by: Javems at September 06, 2021 08:43 PM (gi0xn)

Question answered.

Posted by: banana Dream at September 06, 2021 08:45 PM (ZOfsH)

52 Hrothgar: that extra cup of coffee in the morning made all the difference :-)
Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 08:43 PM (L2ZTs)

Obviously NOT Folgers Crystals!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at September 06, 2021 08:46 PM (hOUT3)

53 Voters who choose "yes" to recall will also be able to pick one of 46 candidates to replace the governor.

See, this is why I'm not convinced that the next CA governor won't be some Marxist moonbat. It's got all the makings of a repeat of the infamous Grootification of Chicago.

Is Elder at least polling upwards of 30 percent? That would be a good start.

Posted by: CppThis at September 06, 2021 08:46 PM (UewuT)

54 Hrothgar, MisHum has a flag:
"Death Before Decaf/Freeze-Dried"

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 08:47 PM (L2ZTs)

55 >Who the fuck wants a bigger SCROTUM?
Posted by: JoeF. at September 06, 2021 08:37 PM (dlC0g)

Don't remember zombie's SF scrotum inflator guy?

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at September 06, 2021 08:47 PM (DXFDM)

56 Biden administration will pursue federal charges against anyone trying to stop women getting an abortion in Texas, AG Merrick Garland says

what charges? WTF is illegal for Charges other than breathing while conservative

Posted by: will choose a nic later at September 06, 2021 08:47 PM (bTQ72)

57 Hello everybody, is this where the kool kats hang out?

Posted by: Sister, aka ALH at September 06, 2021 08:48 PM (/g7XU)


ONT Hot 60!

Posted by: Zettai at September 06, 2021 08:48 PM (qXsmv)

59 I worry about the California recall because of the political machine that is behind Newsom. Before Trump was ripped off of the presidency, Nancy Pelosi made a big deal of saying oh no he's not gonna win this one. She said it was a lot of conviction and I thought she was full of shit. But now I think she knows a lot.
She recently just said oh he's not gonna be recalled about her godson Newsom. So I'm thinking the political machine is in position. I hope I'm wrong. Newsom sucks.
Now that he is under threat, we are living pretty peacefully here. He hasn't gone off the deep end with Covid regulations or threatening our water supply again. As soon as he is back in, he's got a wreck his vengeance upon us.

Posted by: keena at September 06, 2021 08:48 PM (RiTnx)

60 I'm watching a documentary on Amazon Prime called "Chicken People", about breeders at the "Westminster Dog Show" for chickens. There's some freaky chickens out there!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Live! from the Dungeon of Discord at September 06, 2021 08:49 PM (Dc2NZ)

61 Unleaded gas started in 1974 as a requirement for vehicles with catalytic converters

Posted by: MaxIE at September 06, 2021 08:49 PM (wgs+9)

62 keena, yup.

"Full Zentai for everyone until 2030!! Cuz I said so bitchez!!!" :-P

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 08:49 PM (L2ZTs)

63 19 Who the fuck wants a bigger SCROTUM?
Posted by: JoeF. at September 06, 2021 08:37 PM (dlC0g)

You should talk to Zombie!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Live! from the Dungeon of Discord at September 06, 2021 08:49 PM (Dc2NZ)

64 Hello everybody, is this where the kool kats hang out?
Posted by: Sister, aka ALH at September 06, 2021 08:48 PM (/g7XU)


Nope. Mostly just nuts.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 08:49 PM (VxC1e)

65 JC is off to conquer Gaul now

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 06, 2021 08:49 PM (oEn12)

66 19 Who the fuck wants a bigger SCROTUM?

Posted by: JoeF. at September 06, 2021 08:37 PM (dlC0g)

Just pump air into them like in San Francisco,.

Posted by: Javems at September 06, 2021 08:49 PM (gi0xn)

67 As soon as he is back in, he's got a wreck his vengeance upon us.
Posted by: keena at September 06, 2021 08:48 PM (RiTnx)

If you shoot at the king you better not miss.

Posted by: Sister, aka ALH at September 06, 2021 08:50 PM (/g7XU)

68 Fortune cookie:

Man who want wrinkle-free balls have smooth brain.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 06, 2021 08:50 PM (mNhhD)

69 All Hail Eris,

Have there been any Zombie sightings? She had a way about her.

Hopefully she did not marry a Leftist.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at September 06, 2021 08:51 PM (u82oZ)

70 About a third of all the world's food goes to waste, and producing, transporting and letting that food rot releases 8-10% of global greenhouse gases.

I can fix that shit in a day. Outlaw pumpkins, zucchini, brussel sprouts, okra, and rutabagas.

Problem solved. Gimme my Nobel Prize money, bitches.

Add lima beans, and I get double indemnity.

Posted by: GnuBreed, no circumstance at September 06, 2021 08:51 PM (F0YaR)

71 good evening horde

Posted by: wing at September 06, 2021 08:51 PM (PlW9M)

72 Omar be go'in yo!! Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 08:41 PM (mD/uy)

@Tonypete, complimented you on the line on the earlier thread, but I don't know about a repeat. Does that break an unstated rule?

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 06, 2021 08:51 PM (BMmaB)

73 I can fix that shit in a day. Outlaw pumpkins, zucchini, brussel sprouts, okra, and rutabagas.

Problem solved. Gimme my Nobel Prize money, bitches.

Add lima beans, and I get double indemnity.
Posted by: GnuBreed

And arugula. Have you seen the price of that shit?

Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 08:51 PM (mD/uy)

74 Add lima beans, and I get double indemnity.
Posted by: GnuBreed, no circumstance at September 06, 2021 08:51 PM (F0YaR)

Please add English peas to the list. They are just ick.

Posted by: Sister, aka ALH at September 06, 2021 08:52 PM (/g7XU)

75 @67 yeah but this is CA. There's not even a shitty non democrat contingency here.
Yeah I remember the gray Davis recall, but that was before the machine was in place for the fix to be in. On the bright side more Latinos than whites want him recalled.

Posted by: keena at September 06, 2021 08:52 PM (RiTnx)

76 Jimi influenced every guitar player alive.

Posted by: chris+opher at September 06, 2021 08:53 PM (IyjHW)

77 I saw Botox Bagg open for Up With People at Town Hall 1969.

Posted by: Larry the Lecherous Lamprey at September 06, 2021 08:53 PM (JPtHE)

78 "There are more and more signs that this Artificial Intelligence isn't very intelligent."

AI is a work in progress. However, we have perfected artificial stupidity. As if there weren't enough of the natural variety.

Posted by: Nemo at September 06, 2021 08:53 PM (S6ArX)

79 I'm not sure zombie is a she.

Posted by: lowandslow at September 06, 2021 08:53 PM (4thlk)

80 @Tonypete, complimented you on the line on the earlier thread, but I don't know about a repeat. Does that break an unstated rule?
Posted by: Caesar North

Could be - I had to leave early to drink with the neighbors.

I shall take my beating at the appointed time. Please send Ursula.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 08:53 PM (mD/uy)

81 Was it the 55 speed limit or the temperature set at 68 degrees cause of the OPEC boycott? Posted by: jakee308 at September 06, 2021 08:40 PM (nzLi4)

The OPEC boycott and 55 speed limit were Nixon. 1973.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 06, 2021 08:53 PM (BMmaB)

82 I don't understand what the big deal is on saying a black man is a primate.

The Human Species (Homo Sapiens) is a part of the Primate Order.

This is one of those things that points out how the left really thinks about Blacks. They think in terms of derogatory terms. If they see something that to them points to a derogatory term (even if not especially if not) they go, well, Ape about it.

They think Primate refers only to monkeys and gorillas and such. But that's not the facts but they don't bother much with facts.

They just like to get outraged and show how caring they are. (bigoted too)

Posted by: jakee308 at September 06, 2021 08:53 PM (nzLi4)

83 26 Michael K Williams has died of a heroin overdose.

Just goes you can be a fantastic actor who creates iconic roles like Omar and Chalky -- and still be a dumbass.

Posted by: Regular joe

When the news came out, the initial reports were coy about how he died. I figured OD or suicide. Sad to hear, regardless. He was a solid actor.

Posted by: Puddleglum at September 06, 2021 08:54 PM (QFVV9)

84 Carter's presidency jumped the shark when he was attacked by a bunny while canoeing. I don't recall if that was early or late in the game.

Oh, and he obsessed over shit like the White House tennis court schedule. While wearing sweaters.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 06, 2021 08:55 PM (mNhhD)

85 I'm not sure zombie is a she. Posted by: lowandslow at September 06, 2021 08:53 PM (4thlk)

I think that's been established. I heard that she was laying low for a while because it was getting too hot in SF to stay UTR.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 06, 2021 08:55 PM (BMmaB)

86 ZOD.

Posted by: ZOD at September 06, 2021 08:55 PM (xK9An)

87 They could just contract a case of the mumps and then go to the gym, put 5ld weights on each ankle and shoot hoops.

Posted by: Javems at September 06, 2021 08:55 PM (gi0xn)

88 lowandslow

I think so, but never confirmed. I imagine her as a beautiful, tall, willowy, drink of water, with symmetrical features, and long flowing golden-white hair.

She made a bit point over the years of describing how handsome and charming her Dad was, and the subsequent complications of family relations.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at September 06, 2021 08:56 PM (u82oZ)

89 There's some freaky chickens out there! Posted by: All Hail Eris, Live! from the Dungeon of Discord at September 06, 2021 08:49 PM (Dc2NZ)

I want to see the one with 8 wings.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 06, 2021 08:56 PM (BMmaB)

90 Could be - I had to leave early to drink with the neighbors.

I shall take my beating at the appointed time. Please send Ursula.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 08:53 PM (mD/uy)

Oh, check out the big brain on Tonypete, who has a built in drinking excuse.

Me, I blame dirt cookies in Haiti.

Posted by: GnuBreed, no circumstance at September 06, 2021 08:57 PM (F0YaR)

91 >>> 88 lowandslow

I think so, but never confirmed. I imagine her as a beautiful, tall, willowy, drink of water, with symmetrical features, and long flowing golden-white hair.

She made a bit point over the years of describing how handsome and charming her Dad was, and the subsequent complications of family relations.
Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at September 06, 2021 08:56 PM (u82oZ)

iirc she also told some hair-raising stories about her mother, leading at least one other Moron to ask, "zombie is Chelsea Clinton?!"

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 06, 2021 08:57 PM (ACi07)

92 Weird. Feels like I'm early to the ONT, when I'm obviously very late.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 06, 2021 08:58 PM (SchxB)

93 He was a solid actor.
Posted by: Puddleglum at September 06, 2021 08:54 PM (QFVV9)

?? Didn't he play a druggie? Maybe he was not acting?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 06, 2021 08:58 PM (Irn0L)

94 JC is off to conquer Gaul now Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 06, 2021 08:49 PM (oEn12)

On my way back, but haven't crossed the Rubicon yet. Don't make me do it.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 06, 2021 08:58 PM (BMmaB)

95 It's late chez Zod. The prince-dog has fucked his bed into shape, and is now sleeping in his poly-cotton ruin.

Perchance to dream. Why does every single actor read that soliloquy too fast?

Posted by: ZOD at September 06, 2021 08:59 PM (xK9An)

96 Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 06, 2021 08:53 PM (BMmaB)

yeah bit of misnomer there by me. There was an oil price jump in 79 and he def. did that temperature roll back thing. Him and his sweaters.

And him and that rabbit. I wasn't around a tv back then as I was trying to feed myself recycling cardboard and other stuff plus there's a lot of miles gone by since then.

Posted by: jakee308 at September 06, 2021 08:59 PM (nzLi4)

97 i think JC is about to meet Vercingentox (sp?)

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 06, 2021 08:59 PM (oEn12)

98 Didn't he play a druggie? Maybe he was not acting? Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 06, 2021 08:58 PM (Irn0L)

I think he was open that he had substance abuse issues in the past. Omar wasn't a druggie, but robbed dealers while the police turned a blind eye.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 06, 2021 09:00 PM (BMmaB)

99 Michael K Williams has died of a heroin overdose.

Just goes you can be a fantastic actor who creates iconic roles like Omar and Chalky -- and still be a dumbass.

Posted by: Regular joe

I just remember him in a few episodes of Community.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 06, 2021 09:00 PM (2DOZq)

100 I saw Freaky Chickens open for The Gram Parsons Project at The Orpheum in '86.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 09:00 PM (VxC1e)

101 93 He was a solid actor.
Posted by: Puddleglum at September 06, 2021 08:54 PM (QFVV9)

?? Didn't he play a druggie? Maybe he was not acting?
Posted by: Nevergiveup

No. His character in 'The Wire' robbed drug dealers but didn't use drugs. The character in 'Boardwalk Empire' I'm not sure about. Never did finish that show.

Posted by: Puddleglum at September 06, 2021 09:00 PM (QFVV9)

102 Evening everyone.

Posted by: dartist at September 06, 2021 09:01 PM (+ya+t)

103 The Pope is a primate. You piss him off and he'll tear off your face.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 09:01 PM (VxC1e)

104 yeah bit of misnomer there by me. There was an oil price jump in 79 and he def. did that temperature roll back thing. Him and his sweaters. And him and that rabbit. I wasn't around a tv back then as I was trying to feed myself recycling cardboard and other stuff plus there's a lot of miles gone by since then. Posted by: jakee308 at September 06, 2021 08:59 PM (nzLi4)

Yup. A leader he was not. The oil price was around the Iranian revolution. He pressured the Shah to let the Ayatollah return from exile. That worked well.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 06, 2021 09:01 PM (BMmaB)

105 I posted this this morning in the Art Thread. It deserves to be here, too, for those that missed it. Relevant to the INR's interests.

Let the word go out among the nations!

The Kardashian Butt Must Die!

I do not like big butts* and I cannot lie.

*Rather, I don't like the big honking ghetto ass that's popular with your average Instagram ho.

Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 06, 2021 09:01 PM (1Yy3c)

106 {{{Helena Handbasket}}}

Yes. She escaped a lot of dysfunction.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at September 06, 2021 09:02 PM (u82oZ)

107 we have made improvements to our AI

I don't think you know what 'Artificial ' means.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 06, 2021 09:02 PM (AytXr)

108 @59
Things do not bode well for Newsome being recalled and Elder being the next governor, no matter what polls or pundits say.

1. They mailed out ballots to every voter.
2. You can print ballots at home.
3. Vote harvesting is allowed.
4. You can early vote 29 days before the election.

There's more but that's enough to cast doubt on the fairness of the election.

If Newsome is removed I'll eat my hat.

Posted by: Thomas Bender, 25 years until the next Tool album. at September 06, 2021 09:02 PM (/rU1p)

109 Omar is dead? Sad

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 06, 2021 09:02 PM (oEn12)

110 >>> what charges? WTF is illegal for Charges other than breathing while conservative
Posted by: will choose a nic later at September 06, 2021 08:47 PM (bTQ72)

It's all a narrative. They want to set up videos of texas beating and firehosing women trying to "health care" their baby away. Then Biden will send in federal troops to save the women from their malicious monster babies and the entire nation will shout out for joy.

Get ready for it. It's all planned. Either the Texas GOP will completely cave or they will play the whole narrative. The narrative could fail, but even so, the left will pretend it all never happened and just try to get it overthrown in the courts over and over until successful.

This country and its innermost machinations which impel its outward impulse and movement, are not driven by hands of good intent. Very much the opposite.

Posted by: banana Dream at September 06, 2021 09:03 PM (ZOfsH)

111 Rather, I don't like the big honking ghetto ass that's popular with your average Instagram ho. Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 06, 2021 09:01 PM (1Yy3c)

I'm with you, Robert. I don't get it.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 06, 2021 09:03 PM (BMmaB)

112 Automated resume-scanning software is contributing to a "broken" hiring system in the US, says a new report from Harvard Business School.

So that's the latest excuse for hiring H1-B's over Americans?

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 06, 2021 09:03 PM (SchxB)

113 Omar is dead? Sad
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 06, 2021 09:02 PM (oEn12)

Wonder if he heard someone whistling The Farmer In The Dell before he died.

Posted by: Doof at September 06, 2021 09:04 PM (mZUr4)

114 Have there been any Zombie sightings? She had a way about her.
Posted by: NaCly Dog

May have been answered, but: last I read, Zombie was laying low out of concern for having been, or potentially being, identified by the Enemy.

Posted by: mindful the historically accurate webworker at September 06, 2021 09:04 PM (+Dm7G)

115 I've got big balls, she's got big balls

Posted by: Hatari Somewhere on Ventura Highway at September 06, 2021 09:04 PM (WF/xn)

116 I myself personally was very impressed with President Carter's attempt to free the Iranian hostages. I realize all the nit-pickers will point out that the mission did not 100% succeed. Still, everyone got participation medals including the dead. So it really was a net plus for all concerned.

Posted by: General Milley at September 06, 2021 09:04 PM (mNhhD)

117 A good maxim to live by is, never getter mixed up with heroin.

I don't think I've seen one success story.

Posted by: Thomas Bender, 25 years until the next Tool album. at September 06, 2021 09:04 PM (/rU1p)

118 Nobody is preventing anyone from doing anything. The law allows anyone to file a civil (not criminal) lawsuit for the death of a baby with a heartbeat. Just raises the price of an abortion.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 06, 2021 09:05 PM (BMmaB)

119 Looks like the lefties are getting ready to go for the brass ring:

For those who, smartly, don't trust shortened links, Constitution labeled with a "Harmful Language Alert" by the National Archives.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 06, 2021 09:05 PM (SchxB)

120 108, yes, it's going to be a disaster.

One potential silver lining might be that it will look so phony that it could lead to election reform--the right kind.

Posted by: JoeF. at September 06, 2021 09:06 PM (dlC0g)

121 Thomas Bender, 25 years until the next Tool album

Heroin, clearing the populous of empty, impulse-driven people since the 1880s.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at September 06, 2021 09:06 PM (u82oZ)

122 Thanks for the girthy ONT, Mis Hum! Stunning photo of the Milky Way up top. Nice tune behind the photo too.

Good on Tunnels 2 Towers for stepping up for Gold Star Families. God bless each and every one of them for their patriotism.

Posted by: Legally Sufficient, Believing in America at September 06, 2021 09:06 PM (rwusL)

123 >>> 103 The Pope is a primate. You piss him off and he'll tear off your face.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 09:01 PM (VxC1e)

That... seems out of character for Benedict XVI.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 06, 2021 09:06 PM (ACi07)

124 Heroin, clearing the populous of empty, impulse-driven people since the 1880s.
Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at September 06, 2021 09:06 PM (u82oZ)


Now do pot smokers.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 09:06 PM (VxC1e)

125 The person who invented heroin a.k.a. diacetylmorphine, which was originally made by mixing anhydrous morphine with acetic anhydride and boiling it for several hours, was C.R. Alder Wright way back in 1874.

The Bayer Company started the production of heroin in 1898 on a commercial scale. The first clinical results were so promising that heroin was considered a wonder drug.

Like the vaz jab?

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at September 06, 2021 09:07 PM (u82oZ)

126 Muskego police identified the suspect accused of stealing a Milwaukee Parking Enforcement Vehicle as 23-year-old Kordell Londell Grady.


Kordell, Kordell, Kordell. No need to take a whole vehicle. You just take the meter heads off the posts.

Posted by: Cool Hand Luke at September 06, 2021 09:08 PM (hVqGz)

127 That Fresno teacher sure gives off some male vibes...

Posted by: Legally Sufficient, Believing in America at September 06, 2021 09:08 PM (rwusL)

128 Wonder drug more like aspirin.

And recommended for just as many things.

Like childhood toothaches!

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 06, 2021 09:09 PM (+WWsf)

129 Biden administration will pursue federal charges against anyone trying to stop women getting an abortion in Texas, AG Merrick Garland says

Apparently besides being unaware of the Constitution he can't read either.

The Texas law does not ban a woman from getting an abortion. It enables those who are concerned parties (father of child, husband, boyfriend, parents, grandparents etc) to sue anyone who facilitated or performed that abortion.

I believe the rationale is that allowing the abortion interfered with their rights in the matter of the child's birth. I would've set the age a little older but this is a good way to go about limiting abortion and allowing the other parties involved with the creation of that life (such as the father) to have a say as right now, only the woman has any say at all in birth even tho other parties are invested and involved.

Posted by: jakee308 at September 06, 2021 09:09 PM (nzLi4)

130 Cicero (@cicero43). All right.

Pot, making people mellow, unfocused, self-indulgent, and buying Doritos since Reefer Madness.

Probably not.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at September 06, 2021 09:09 PM (u82oZ)

131 A job listing seeks an assistant professor of "Structural Racism, Oppression, and Black Political Experiences."

Applicants must include a statement of how their work advances "diversity and inclusion. "

Experience as an Imagined-Grievance Monger is a plus.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 06, 2021 09:09 PM (vOGqy)

132 Greatest view of the Milky Way I ever saw?

The view at night from a Bedouin camp in Jordan on a moonless night.

Being from SoCal I barely knew that stars existed. The Milky Way was a revelation.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 09:10 PM (VxC1e)

133 Ibuprofen is a wonder drug at this age

Posted by: Hatari Somewhere on Ventura Highway at September 06, 2021 09:10 PM (WF/xn)

134 For those who, smartly, don't trust shortened links, Constitution labeled with a "Harmful Language Alert" by the National Archives.
Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 06, 2021 09:05 PM (SchxB)

"A generation that doesn't know history has no past; hence, it no future." ~ Robert A. Heinlein.

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at September 06, 2021 09:10 PM (hOUT3)

135 Crassus was killed by the Parthians pouring molten gold down his throat.
Was this a unique mode of death invented just for him, or d did the Parthians like doingnthis?

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 06, 2021 09:11 PM (oEn12)

136 "If Newsome is removed I'll eat my hat."

Highly doubtful without any cheating but the left is at the point they enjoy being open about rigging the system. They get off on it. And the GOP doesn't say a word, they enjoy the humiliation.

Posted by: lowandslow at September 06, 2021 09:11 PM (4thlk)

137 >>> 110
It's all a narrative. They want to set up videos of texas beating and firehosing women trying to "health care" their baby away. Then Biden will send in federal troops to save the women from their malicious monster babies and the entire nation will shout out for joy.

Get ready for it. It's all planned. Either the Texas GOP will completely cave or they will play the whole narrative. The narrative could fail, but even so, the left will pretend it all never happened and just try to get it overthrown in the courts over and over until successful.

This country and its innermost machinations which impel its outward impulse and movement, are not driven by hands of good intent. Very much the opposite.
Posted by: banana Dream at September 06, 2021 09:03 PM (ZOfsH)

Hmm, what are the odds the teewee will show us footage from an MLK march and claim it's from TX 2021?

...and you're right, Stan's Retards are having a good time lately.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 06, 2021 09:11 PM (ACi07)

138 Being from SoCal I barely knew that stars existed. The Milky Way was a revelation.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 09:10 PM (VxC1e)

I've seen it from up on the John Muir trail. Impressive

Posted by: Hatari Somewhere on Ventura Highway at September 06, 2021 09:11 PM (WF/xn)

139 Awesome pic and click, MisHum!
Hi y'all!

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 06, 2021 09:11 PM (MViHT)

140 Good evening.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 06, 2021 09:11 PM (U9XSa)

141 Good evening, Horde.

Posted by: Ladyl at September 06, 2021 09:13 PM (+4oV5)

142 >>133 Ibuprofen is a wonder drug at this age
Posted by: Hatari Somewhere on Ventura Highway at September 06, 2021 09:10 PM (WF/xn)

(Consults feet)

This is correct.

Posted by: ZOD at September 06, 2021 09:13 PM (xK9An)

143 Have a great night, everyone.

May you all be blessed with natural endorphins.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at September 06, 2021 09:13 PM (u82oZ)

144 {{{Hrothgar}}}

Posted by: Ladyl at September 06, 2021 09:13 PM (+4oV5)

145 {{{Ladyl}}}

Posted by: wing at September 06, 2021 09:14 PM (PlW9M)

146 I don't think you know what 'Artificial ' means.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 06, 2021 09:02 PM

OTOH, we do.

Posted by: Mr. & Mr. Buttigieg at September 06, 2021 09:14 PM (a3Q+t)

147 I do not like big butts* and I cannot lie.
Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 06, 2021 09:01 PM (1Yy3c)

What really gets me is the people who get the lips done. Some people just don't know when to stop and others don't look good at all.

it's not a look for everyone. esp white girls.

Posted by: jakee308 at September 06, 2021 09:14 PM (nzLi4)

148 {{{ZOD IMPERIAL}}}

Posted by: ZOD at September 06, 2021 09:15 PM (xK9An)

149 May you all be blessed with natural endorphins.
Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at September 06, 2021 09:13 PM (u82oZ)


Flipper was great.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 09:15 PM (VxC1e)

150 >>> >>> 119 Looks like the lefties are getting ready to go for the brass ring:
For those who, smartly, don't trust shortened links, Constitution labeled with a "Harmful Language Alert" by the National Archives.
Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 06, 2021 09:05 PM (SchxB)

>>> 129 Biden administration will pursue federal charges against anyone trying to stop women getting an abortion in Texas, AG Merrick Garland says

Apparently besides being unaware of the Constitution he can't read either.
Posted by: jakee308 at September 06, 2021 09:09 PM (nzLi4)

The Constitution is, like, over a hundred years old and stuff! /////

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 06, 2021 09:15 PM (ACi07)

151 woah boxes within boxes! Like a nevee ending mandala!!

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 09:16 PM (HG00O)

152 Pic up top reminds me of an M.C. Escher drawing called Fluorescent Sea I tried to copy many years ago on scratch board.

Posted by: dartist at September 06, 2021 09:16 PM (+ya+t)

153 So. I'm thinking I could do a movie marathon and not pay any money. I could also run a couple of miles down the road and not pay any money. Lots of stuff to do that certainly doesn't require giant amounts of money....
Good f'n grief...

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 06, 2021 09:16 PM (MViHT)

154 Randomly: Milady Jo should be home soon with our new vehicle. She and Daughter drove 3.5 hrs up into Kansas to get it.

We really liked our 2003 Nissan Quest, but it finally had too many problems to fix up (I am no AOP). So, Daughter found [drumroll] a used (of course) 2005 Nissan Quest for a very decent price. [canned laughter] Even after fixing some things, we should be able to get our money's worth out of it, if it lasts a year or more.

This will probably be the fourth or fifth time Milady has acquired a car for us without my input (much). Daughter seems to have inherited her wisdom. I trust their judgment. Plus, Milady makes great sandwiches. I think I'll keep her.

BTW whoever decided putting liquid crystal displays in cars was a good idea should be court-martialed.

Posted by: mindful the mechanically uninclined webworker at September 06, 2021 09:16 PM (+Dm7G)

155 ZOD !!!

*runs away *

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 09:16 PM (U2p+3)

156 Apparently besides being unaware of the Constitution he can't read either.


Garland is a moderate reaction to the fascist Trump regime, hater.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 09:16 PM (VxC1e)

157 Hello Everyone!

Hope you had a nice Labor Day Weekend - Saturday I enjoyed some hiking in Blackstar Canyon (7.5 mi, 1000' elevation gain) here in Orange county and Sunday a ride thru Joshua Tree NP followed up by dinner in Cracker Barrel in Victorville.

A most excellent weekend.

Posted by: Anonymous Guy in Kalifornia at September 06, 2021 09:17 PM (7SwmH)

158 Son remarked you'll never see more stars than on a ship running dark in the middle of the Pacific.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 09:17 PM (r1z5A)

159 @147: "it's not a look for everyone. esp white girls."

It's a definite body dysphoria thing. I'd wager 98 percent of lip injections look completely unnatural to neutral observers, but it's one of the quickest and cheapest ways of getting into plastic surgery, so it attracts the sort of people who seemingly can't resist.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 06, 2021 09:17 PM (+WWsf)

160 43 Facebook groupthink is a desert of thought.
Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ)

I'd like to be able to say I'm boycotting Facebook because of their targeting of Trump and Trump supporters, but the truth is I never liked either of them anyway.

It's not particularly impressive when you quit a site you haven't visited in months.

Posted by: nerdygirl at September 06, 2021 09:17 PM (+lVUW)

161 155 ZOD !!!
*runs away *
Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 09:16 PM (U2p+3)

Strange. Acceptable.


Posted by: ZOD at September 06, 2021 09:17 PM (xK9An)

162 Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Labor Day Festivities.
-----------'s one of them El Dorado's.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 06, 2021 09:19 PM (CTJwJ)

163 Posted by: nurse ratched

Nurse! Is the boy home? Will be on the waterfront Wed noonish. I'll buy him lunch.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 09:19 PM (r1z5A)

164 followed up by dinner in Cracker Barrel in Victorville.

A most excellent weekend.
Posted by: Anonymous Guy in Kalifornia

Cheesy potatoes for the win!

Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 09:19 PM (mD/uy)

165 I myself personally was very impressed with President Carter's attempt to free the Iranian hostages....


Posted by: General Milley


Posted by: mindful the radically inclined webworker at September 06, 2021 09:19 PM (+Dm7G)

166 Darling {{{Wing}}}!!!

Posted by: Ladyl at September 06, 2021 09:19 PM (+4oV5)

167 Beautiful pic Mis Hum. Reminds me of a view I experienced (no other word for it) late one night at Lost Valley Scout Camp at 4000' in San Diego County a few years back....

Posted by: Anonymous Guy in Kalifornia at September 06, 2021 09:19 PM (7SwmH)

168 50
The State Department told CBS News the flights will be allowed to land in Qatar "if and when the Taliban agrees to takeoff."


Hunter is negotiating over The Big Guy's cut.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

Maybe they want more free military stuff.

Posted by: nerdygirl at September 06, 2021 09:19 PM (+lVUW)

169 19 Who the fuck wants a bigger SCROTUM?
Posted by: JoeF. at September 06, 2021 08:37 PM (dlC0g)


This guy.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at September 06, 2021 09:20 PM (hVqGz)

170 Thirst!

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 06, 2021 09:20 PM (+V9LB)

171 Rat!
Not yet.

Next week. How are you?

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 09:20 PM (U2p+3)

172 What happened to the good old days of using a steamer to get the wrinkles out of your sack?

I've also been told by our media elite that they aren't stopping the Americans on the planes from leaving, they're just stopping the planes from leaving......

In better times I'd offer to trade all the commies and forever aggrieved assholes to the Taliban for those people, as they keep saying they hate everything about America, but this administration would probably instead round up 70 year old grandmas who dared to stand for the national anthem, instead.

Posted by: Rbastid at September 06, 2021 09:20 PM (XwTyM)

Now do pot smokers.

Pot is just subtle enough to be perfect...if you want a docile population that isn't going to be able to think through why you shouldn't be the leader again.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 06, 2021 09:21 PM (DpkTQ)

174 Doof, did you see Blue Oyster Cult this weekend?

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 06, 2021 09:21 PM (KAi1n)

175 but it's one of the quickest and cheapest ways of getting into plastic surgery, so it attracts the sort of people who seemingly can't resist.
Posted by: Walter Freeman

Gateway surgery....tell me we're not doomed.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 09:21 PM (r1z5A)

176 150 >>> >>> 119 Looks like the lefties are getting ready to go for the brass ring:
For those who, smartly, don't trust shortened links, Constitution labeled with a "Harmful Language Alert" by the National Archives.
Posted by: Blanco Basura

This is a good thing

..... if Abbott is up to it.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 06, 2021 09:21 PM (U9XSa)

177 Son remarked you'll never see more stars than on a ship running dark in the middle of the Pacific.
Posted by: Some Rat

Agreed. My son offered the same sentiment. He also mentioned he was surprised at the number of satellites that could be viewed.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 09:21 PM (mD/uy)

178 "Just remember Leftists, Jury Nullification is a 2 way street."

Can I get an example?

Posted by: JB at September 06, 2021 09:21 PM (TO8Xm)

179 >>> I'd like to be able to say I'm boycotting Facebook because of their targeting of Trump and Trump supporters, but the truth is I never liked either of them anyway.

It's not particularly impressive when you quit a site you haven't visited in months.
Posted by: nerdygirl at September 06, 2021 09:17 PM (+lVUW)

I've never had a facebook account and never will. I hate it when a business only has a facebook account for info. I'm sure facebook loves that though. I remember back when everyone thought a sequestered partitioned internet was a bad thing. Now it's a prominent business model

Posted by: banana Dream at September 06, 2021 09:22 PM (ZOfsH)

180 (Zod, handing out Pacificos and trinkets earlier today)

"Jefe, with all deference, labor brought us the five-day workweek. We maybe could have one day off per year?

"No. Resume your toil."

Posted by: ZOD at September 06, 2021 09:22 PM (xK9An)

181 but it's one of the quickest and cheapest ways of getting into plastic surgery, so it attracts the sort of people who seemingly can't resist.
Posted by: Walter Freeman

Good suction

Posted by: Hatari Somewhere on Ventura Highway at September 06, 2021 09:22 PM (WF/xn)

182 OP: Smith said 10 complaints had been filed about Rae's Cafe.

I'd bet good money all ten complainants were county employees.

Posted by: Poster With No Good Money at September 06, 2021 09:22 PM (SmFPm)

183 Nurse! Doing good and your fine self?

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 09:23 PM (r1z5A)

184 G'night Salty!!



Is it really (*#%*)*^ September?! ...and it's getting late-ish for me, and I've still got a few things to do outside the grey boxes... gotta sign off.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 06, 2021 09:23 PM (ACi07)

185 The Constitution is, like, over a hundred years old and stuff! /////
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 06, 2021 09:15 PM (ACi07)

Even worse, it is written in longhand!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at September 06, 2021 09:24 PM (hOUT3)

186 Good suction
Posted by: Hatari Somewhere on Ventura Highway

You called?
-- Veep Throat

Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 09:24 PM (mD/uy)

187 Rat,
Ok. I am being bullied into either getting the jab or losing my job.


Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 09:24 PM (U2p+3)

188 Of course, the sneakiest and most dangerous white supremacists are the black ones. You just never see them coming. The Jewish SS division was the most feared

Posted by: azjaeger at September 06, 2021 09:25 PM (3/XaG)

189 I'd like to be able to say I'm boycotting Facebook because of their targeting of Trump and Trump supporters, but the truth is I never liked either of them anyway.

It's not particularly impressive when you quit a site you haven't visited in months.
Posted by: nerdygirl

Don't post on it, use to keep track of former classmates and their deaths.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 09:25 PM (r1z5A)

190 Now do pot smokers.
Posted by: Cicero

It'd be much, much easier to do alcohol drinkers.

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 06, 2021 09:25 PM (KAi1n)

191 "Greatest view of the Milky Way I ever saw? "

Winter, below zero crystal clear sky, away from city lights.

Posted by: davidt at September 06, 2021 09:25 PM (N/iqz)

192 isn't the Pope considered the Primate too?

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 09:26 PM (HG00O)

193 Even worse, it is written in longhand!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back

White code

Posted by: Braenyard at September 06, 2021 09:26 PM (U9XSa)

194 187 Rat, Ok. I am being bullied into either getting the jab or losing my job. Sucks.
Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 09:24 PM (U2p+3)

You should refuse to get the vaccine.

Posted by: ZOD at September 06, 2021 09:26 PM (xK9An)

195 IIRC: the LA Slimes ran an article claiming Elder was the Black face of White Supremacy... so the asshole giving the speech was just regurgitating an approved MFM talking point

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 06, 2021 09:27 PM (+V9LB)

BTW whoever decided putting liquid crystal displays in cars was a good idea should be court-martialed.
Posted by: mindful

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 06, 2021 09:27 PM (DMQdU)

197 You'd think there would be surgeries to make balls smaller in comparison, maybe even some optical illusion tattoos to make their shlong look longer.

Horizontal or vertical stripes, which would work best in this case? Or plaid?

Posted by: banana Dream at September 06, 2021 09:28 PM (ZOfsH)

198 Ok. I am being bullied into either getting the jab or losing my job.

Posted by: nurse ratched

Yeah, the vax works so well they have to mandate it, and here I thought masks and 6 ft. was all it took.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 09:28 PM (r1z5A)

199 You should refuse to get the vaccine.
Posted by: ZOD at September 06, 2021 09:26 PM (xK9An)


This is correct.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 09:28 PM (kTF2Z)

200 ZOD,
I wish I had the funds to be jobless.

I do not.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 09:28 PM (U2p+3)

201 Holiday Boating ONT Compliance Pics

*scroll down

Posted by: kbdabear at September 06, 2021 09:29 PM (qAR6u)

202 You should refuse to get the vaccine.
Posted by: ZOD

Something about paying rent and eating.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 09:29 PM (r1z5A)

203 Imagine if... A lot of blacks vote for Elder, the election is obviously and blatantly stolen from him, blacks riot against the Dems.

Posted by: davidt at September 06, 2021 09:29 PM (N/iqz)

204 I wish I had the funds to be jobless.

I do not.
Posted by: nurse ratched


no good

Posted by: Miklosification at September 06, 2021 09:30 PM (QzkSJ)

205 The Jewish SS division was the most feared
Posted by: azjaeger

You joke, but if you go back more than a couple generations, the Nazi party wasn't very kosher. That's one reason they cut off "Jew or Not a Jew" at two generations back. When they went back to great-grampses, they started finding Mogen David in the bloodstream.

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 06, 2021 09:30 PM (KAi1n)

206 My upstairs neighbor has two daughters.

They must weight 300# each and stomp like they're making wine.


Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 09:31 PM (U2p+3)

207 You'd think there would be surgeries to make balls smaller in comparison, maybe even some optical illusion tattoos to make their shlong look longer.

Horizontal or vertical stripes, which would work best in this case? Or plaid?
Posted by: banana Dream

How about a swim in any lake within 100 miles of MisHum?

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 09:31 PM (r1z5A)

208 Without clicking on the link, I'm. inclined to call "bullshit" on the scrotal Botox thing. Especially on the "to reduce wrinkles" part.

Botox is a paralyzing agent. It reduces wrinkles on the forehead and around the corners of the eyes by paralyzing the subcutaneous muscles that have created what is known as a furrowed brow and 'crow's feet'.

Wrinkles on the scrotum, on the other hand (oh stop it, you pervs), also known as rugae, have nothing to do with subcutaneous muscle. To smooth those wrinkles out would require injection of a large volume of liquid (or as zombie has shown, air) within the scrotum itself.

Not that I am denying that there are people stupid enough to try the Botox thing. Just that their ballsacks are surely still wrinkly.

Posted by: Muldoon at September 06, 2021 09:31 PM (m45I2)

209 I've always wanted to live out in the country so I could see the stars clearly at night. Is that picture up top what the sky *really* looks like away from city lights or is it taken with a super-zoom lens and color enhanced?

Posted by: Dr. Mabusette, just to clarify things at September 06, 2021 09:31 PM (ywxOG)

BTW whoever decided putting liquid crystal displays in cars was a good idea should be court-martialed.
Posted by: mindful

And other places. The radio/clock display in my Frontier has an LCD display, with an obviously polarized filter over it. All well and good...unless...the sunglasses I'm wearing are cross-polarized relative to the the display, in which case, I see nothing.

I've encountered this also on gas pumps with LCD displays.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 06, 2021 09:31 PM (vOGqy)

211 A good maxim to live by is, never getter mixed up with heroin.
I don't think I've seen one success story.
Posted by: Thomas Bender, 25 years until the next Tool album. at September 06, 2021 09:04 PM (/rU1p)

there are a few, but the hard thing is that they have to live clean to the end of their lives to be a success. To be a dead takes only one relapse

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 09:31 PM (HG00O)

212 Something about paying rent and eating.
Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 09:29 PM (r1z5A)

And only government approved activities can acquire infinitely large tax-payer funded legal assistance with a simple phone call...

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at September 06, 2021 09:32 PM (hOUT3)

213 I found a recipe website today called A Southern Soul. The lady's recipes look good. A recipe you jalapeño fans might like, Candied Jalapeños. I haven't tried it yet, but it is easy to make.

Posted by: four seasons at September 06, 2021 09:32 PM (PisyI)

214 >>204 I wish I had the funds to be jobless. I do not.
Posted by: nurse ratched

Zod Imperial Konzern is always receptive to appeals for employment. The application process is arduous; the pay is respectable. NDAs are, of course, required.

Your CV. You know where to send it.

Posted by: ZOD at September 06, 2021 09:33 PM (xK9An)

215 I've always wanted to live out in the country so I could see the stars clearly at night. Is that picture up top what the sky *really* looks like away from city lights or is it taken with a super-zoom lens and color enhanced?

Posted by: Dr. Mabusette

It's probably a time-lapse photo.

Posted by: davidt at September 06, 2021 09:33 PM (N/iqz)

216 Yeah, the vax works so well they have to mandate it,

The Biden Junta is debating internally when to start mandating the boosters.

The jab itself at this point does basically nothing - it protects you from the COVID virus of last year...for a little while.

But they fear, rightly, that if they start talking about the booster before they get everyone to take the jab that more people will tell them to f' off.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 06, 2021 09:33 PM (DpkTQ)

217 Horizontal or vertical stripes, which would work best in this case? Or plaid?
Posted by: banana Dream at September 06, 2021 09:28 PM

Those of us who follow the fashion threads that often break out among the 'ettes know that vertical stripes are considered slimming on dresses.

Therefore, horizontal, to promote the illusion of girth.

Posted by: Mr. & Mr. Buttigieg at September 06, 2021 09:34 PM (a3Q+t)

218 @210: "... cross-polarized relative to the the display ..."

Nothing a quick 45 degree head tilt can't fix!

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 06, 2021 09:34 PM (+WWsf)

219 Doof, did you see Blue Oyster Cult this weekend?
Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 06, 2021 09:21 PM (KAi1n)

Negative. Took advantage of the nice weather and got yard work done. BOC and some State Fair food would have been much more enjoyable

Posted by: Doof at September 06, 2021 09:34 PM (mZUr4)

220 Rat, Ok. I am being bullied into either getting the jab or losing my job. Sucks.
Posted by: nurse ratched

That stinks. I have no advice for you as I am unimpacted by a go/nogo shot decision.

But wow. My niece (pregnant nurse) is in the same boat.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 09:35 PM (mD/uy)

221 Ugh. Just saw that the runway at Ramstein AFB is now a tent city for "refugees."

Posted by: Jordan61 at September 06, 2021 09:35 PM (hP4QN)

222 The Funemployed were getting $600+ a week, rent and eviction moratoriums, so what "basic expenses" couldn't they cover?

Posted by: kbdabear at September 06, 2021 09:35 PM (qAR6u)

223 Hmm, what are the odds the teewee will show us footage from an MLK march and claim it's from TX 2021?
...and you're right, Stan's Retards are having a good time lately.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 06, 2021 09:11 PM (ACi07)

"lookit all them hipsters wearing ties!"

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 09:35 PM (HG00O)

224 So, per the article about food waste.
During the Burning Times, this certainly won't be an issue.
Calm down, lefties, and eat your bugs. All will be well...

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 06, 2021 09:35 PM (MViHT)

225 I think I'm mostly happy with my scrotum.

We have an understanding

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at September 06, 2021 09:36 PM (sJHOI)

226 @154

>>BTW whoever decided putting liquid crystal displays in cars was a good idea should be court-martialed.

The more technology they put in cars the more cars become disposable, because there is no way the LED gauge cluster in say a Jeep Grand Cherokee or the adaptive cruise control radar modules for a Toyota Tacoma is going to be available in 20 years.

Which is why any car after 2010-2012 is going to be a problem to fix.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 06, 2021 09:36 PM (/rU1p)

227 164 If you're around Victorville we're homies- I'm in north Pomona

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 09:37 PM (dVkJu)

228 I've always wanted to live out in the country so I could see the stars clearly at night. Is that picture up top what the sky *really* looks like away from city lights or is it taken with a super-zoom lens and color enhanced?

Very wide-angle lens and time exposure. I took one similar to it by piggybacking a Minolta X700 with a 20 mm f/2.8 lens back around 2000-2002 or thereabouts.

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM Guy at September 06, 2021 09:37 PM (ZSK0i)

229 Piggybacked on an 8" Meade SCT I meant...

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM Guy at September 06, 2021 09:38 PM (ZSK0i)

230 You'd think there would be surgeries to make balls smaller in comparison, maybe even some optical illusion tattoos to make their shlong look longer.


Battleship camouflage FTW

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 09:38 PM (VxC1e)

231 If you have the right genes, you don't need botox.

Posted by: Biggus Scrotus at September 06, 2021 09:38 PM (N/iqz)

232 The prince-dog has fucked his bed into shape, and is now sleeping in his poly-cotton ruin.
Posted by: ZOD

I'm not usually moved by poetry, but *stands upon desk* Captain, my Captain!

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at September 06, 2021 09:38 PM (hsoZD)

233 But they fear, rightly, that if they start talking about the booster before they get everyone to take the jab that more people will tell them to f' off.
Posted by: 18-1

Puzzle me this: When this most infectious, deadly, broad spectrum virus hit and there was no vax. Doesn't it stand to reason a bunch of us got it and didn't know or got better. Why can't there be a quick test for immunity?

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 09:38 PM (r1z5A)

234 Horizontal stripes + tumescence = Vertical stripes

Posted by: Muldoon at September 06, 2021 09:38 PM (m45I2)

235 220 Rat, Ok. I am being bullied into either getting the jab or losing my job. Sucks.
Posted by: nurse ratched

Nurse, please look at available job openings. PLEASE. You should be quite surprised at the opportunities available to you.

Posted by: LeBron at September 06, 2021 09:39 PM (Hh3y4)

236 >>> ZOD,
I wish I had the funds to be jobless.

I do not.
Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 09:28 PM (U2p+3)

Pray on it, talk to close loved ones, and then act decidedly. The jab doesn't define you one way or another any more than all the other fiddy bajillion decisions we all make each day that could save us or kill us. Do what you reason is best for you and your loved ones and have peace of mind.

You are a good person and deserve peace.

Posted by: banana Dream at September 06, 2021 09:39 PM (ZOfsH)

237 Nothing a quick 45 degree head tilt can't fix!
Posted by: Walter Freeman
Ow! Ow! Ow!

Posted by: Iffy vertibra at September 06, 2021 09:40 PM (9Fwwf)

238 227 164 If you're around Victorville we're homies- I'm in north Pomona
Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 09:37 PM (dVkJu)

I'm near the beach in OC. Good to know you.

Posted by: Anonymous Guy in Kalifornia at September 06, 2021 09:40 PM (7SwmH)

239 220 Rat, Ok. I am being bullied into either getting the jab or losing my job. Sucks.
Posted by: nurse ratched

Nurse, please look at available job openings. PLEASE. You should be quite surprised at the opportunities available to you.

Posted by: WinLinBSDAdmin at September 06, 2021 09:40 PM (Hh3y4)

240 Pray on it, talk to close loved ones, and then act decidedly. The jab doesn't define you one way or another any more than all the other fiddy bajillion decisions we all make each day that could save us or kill us. Do what you reason is best for you and your loved ones and have peace of mind.

You are a good person and deserve peace.
Posted by: banana Dream

And sue, sue, sue, sue....

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 09:41 PM (r1z5A)

241 The more technology they put in cars the more cars become disposable, because there is no way the LED gauge cluster in say a Jeep Grand Cherokee or the adaptive cruise control radar modules for a Toyota Tacoma is going to be available in 20 years.

Which is why any car after 2010-2012 is going to be a problem to fix.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 06, 2021 09:36 PM (/rU1p)

Sounds like a cool opportunity for someone with embedded software-hardware skills to solve and make some $$$.

Posted by: WinLinBSDAdmin at September 06, 2021 09:42 PM (Hh3y4)

242 238 You're close to qdpsteve in LB.
Let's go to Basilico's in HB sometime the three of us!!!
Mebbe we can convince ol' red to join us-

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 09:42 PM (dVkJu)

243 Battleship camouflage FTW
Posted by: Cicero

Dazzle camouflage?

*jazz hands!*

Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 09:42 PM (mD/uy)

244 Jobless = jobless

I'm so glad I'm really rich! Oh. Wait.
Just retired. And, by the grace of God, I managed to put away enough funds to take me down the road.
Probably not too bad for a total f'up most of my life...

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 06, 2021 09:42 PM (MViHT)

245 Hold your ground, nurse. Fuck these people.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at September 06, 2021 09:43 PM (Pvn5F)

246 MAxIE, I'm in!!

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 09:43 PM (L2ZTs)

247 Very wide-angle lens and time exposure.

The mount would have to track apparent the celestial movement, no?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 06, 2021 09:43 PM (9Fwwf)

248 Probably not too bad for a total f'up most of my life...
Posted by: COMountainMarie

Preach it Sister!

Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 09:43 PM (mD/uy)

249 I think the discussion should center on "circumferential" vs. "longitudinal" stripes.

Posted by: Muldoon at September 06, 2021 09:43 PM (m45I2)

250 "Man, that dude is hung like a zebra!!!"

Posted by: Muldoon at September 06, 2021 09:43 PM (m45I2)

251 Wrinkles on the scrotum, on the other hand (oh stop it, you pervs), also known as rugae, have nothing to do with subcutaneous muscle. To smooth those wrinkles out would require injection of a large volume of liquid (or as zombie has shown, air) within the scrotum itself.
Posted by: Muldoon at September 06, 2021 09:31 PM (m45I2)

So, what you're trying to say is, I should iron my nutsack but make sure to use the "steam" setting. I'm probably not going to want to do this often so I'll invest in some starch.

Posted by: banana Dream at September 06, 2021 09:44 PM (ZOfsH)

252 242 238 You're close to qdpsteve in LB.
Let's go to Basilico's in HB sometime the three of us!!!
Mebbe we can convince ol' red to join us-
Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 09:42 PM (dVkJu)

I am very close to Basilico's but have never been...and yes - quite close to qdpsteve.

Posted by: Anonymous Guy in Kalifornia at September 06, 2021 09:44 PM (7SwmH)

253 Nothing a quick 45 degree head tilt can't fix!
Posted by: Walter Freeman

Annnnnd the ole vertigo kicks in....and we're upside down in the ditch, which make the vertigo even worse.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 09:44 PM (r1z5A)

254 >>Pray on it, talk to close loved ones
Posted by: banana Dream at September 06, 2021 09:39 PM (ZOfsH)

A ram has been bled and the smoke has risen to the nostrils of Crom. Tambourines, incense, dizzying fermented milk, a constellation above. Warm furs on a bed of prairie-grass.


Posted by: ZOD at September 06, 2021 09:44 PM (xK9An)

255 Creedence Clearwater Revival: John Fogerty and three guys who hate his guts.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 08:33

What was the story behind that, I've forgotten?

Posted by: Farmer at September 06, 2021 09:45 PM (55Qr6)

256 My email is QDPSJL at the gmail thingy. Just let me know the day and time.

I'm good with a mini-meetup at Basilico's. Huntington Beach is not a long drive for me.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 09:45 PM (L2ZTs)

257 UPitt to hire professor of 'oppression'

Dumb shits.
They need to be inundated with 20,000 resumes from candidates who are white, brown, and not black.

Posted by: Diogenes at September 06, 2021 09:45 PM (axyOa)

258 Doesn't it stand to reason a bunch of us got it and didn't know or got better.

Someone posted a study on a post sometime this weekend that 80% of Americans tested had COVID antibodies.

The CDC says 40M Americans have gotten it, or about 20% of Americans (lower if you count illegals).

The CDC numbers are...wrong. Since the test they've been using for most of the time since COVID came out is inaccurate - but...if we assume that number is basically right that means that 240M Americans got COVID with no symptoms.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 06, 2021 09:46 PM (DpkTQ)

259 Anonymous Guy, you're not in Seal Beach are you?

My most recent (failed) part-time job was on Main Street, at Sun Newspapers.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 09:46 PM (L2ZTs)

260 Try to distract from the wrinkles. Attach some googly eyes to your balls.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 06, 2021 09:46 PM (mNhhD)

261 why is somebody going to need scrotox?

does your girl have eyes in her chin?

Posted by: confederatefifth at September 06, 2021 09:46 PM (K3ZCc)

262 I also would love to try the Hangout or Slater's 50/50, both in Huntington Beach.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 09:46 PM (L2ZTs)

263 Not that I am denying that there are people stupid enough to try the Botox thing. Just that their ballsacks are surely still wrinkly.
Posted by: Muldoon at September 06, 2021 09:31 PM

Wait, you mean it might not be wise to inject a neurotoxin near someone's wedding tackle? What quackery is this! Granted it affects acetylcholine pathways and may prevent any sexual response whatsoever if it leaks, but surely that is a mere side consideration to making my testicles as smooth enough to gild

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 09:46 PM (HG00O)

264 What was the story behind that, I've forgotten?
Posted by: Farmer

Ummmmm, read somewhere John could be "difficult".

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 09:46 PM (r1z5A)

265 232

Yes. My dog. And she's a girl. Still has to make 'the nest.'
Gotta put extra blankets on the sofa to satisfy this need.

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 06, 2021 09:47 PM (MViHT)

266 Wrinkles on the scrotum, on the other hand (oh stop it, you pervs), also known as rugae, have nothing to do with subcutaneous muscle. To smooth those wrinkles out would require injection of a large volume of liquid (or as zombie has shown, air) within the scrotum itself.
Posted by: Muldoon at September 06, 2021 09:31 PM (m45I2)

So, what you're trying to say is, I should iron my nutsack but make sure to use the "steam" setting. I'm probably not going to want to do this often so I'll invest in some starch.
Posted by: banana Dream at September 06, 2021 09:44 PM (ZOfsH)

I *think* it means stop fapping and peeing so much or have someone blow air into your junk.

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at September 06, 2021 09:47 PM (sJHOI)

267 The mount would have to track apparent the celestial movement, no?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 06, 2021 09:43 PM (9Fwwf)

Absolutely. The Meade was on an equatorial mount and the camera was mounted on a piggyback rail on top of the Meade...

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM Guy at September 06, 2021 09:47 PM (ZSK0i)

268 Continuing with the government COVID numbers...

If 40M people have gotten COVID and 60K have died from it, that gives you a mortality rate of .15%. Seasonal flu is .1%

Posted by: 18-1 at September 06, 2021 09:47 PM (DpkTQ)

269 262 I also would love to try the Hangout or Slater's 50/50, both in Huntington Beach.
Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 09:46 PM (L2ZTs)


Did you ever go to The Golden Bear?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 09:48 PM (VxC1e)

270 @241

The gauge cluster for a 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee is not just a LED display, it's a computer that interfaces with the ECU, MCU and the other electronics in the car, Jeep would have to license it to a third party along with whatever encryption they are using.

Not gonna happen.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 06, 2021 09:48 PM (/rU1p)

271 252 Basilico's refused to close during the troubles
Roasted Coumo pretty hard on his own show:

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 09:48 PM (dVkJu)

272 Farmer: John Fogerty basically always believed everyone else in the band was coasting on his hard work.

It was bad enough that his own brother, Tom, quit the band first. Then they got to their 1972 album Mardi Gras, and John openly refused to collaborate with anyone else on anything.

John is apparently quite the angry asshole. He didn't bother to show up for his brother's funeral and is still not on speaking terms with Doug Clifford or Stu Cook.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 09:48 PM (L2ZTs)

273 Which is why any car after 2010-2012 is going to be a problem to fix.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 06, 2021 09:36 PM (/rU1p)

By then you will be ready to enjoy the all new redesigned two cylinder Renault.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 06, 2021 09:48 PM (U9XSa)

274 I'm having a lot of trouble believing that there are any significant number of women that are concerned as to whether your balls are wrinkly.

Perhaps this is a gay thing?

Posted by: 18-1 at September 06, 2021 09:48 PM (DpkTQ)

275 Cicero, no but I'll put it on my list. Thanks!

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 09:49 PM (L2ZTs)

276 >>> UPitt to hire professor of 'oppression'

Dumb shits.
They need to be inundated with 20,000 resumes from candidates who are white, brown, and not black.
Posted by: Diogenes at September 06, 2021 09:45 PM (axyOa)

Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system!

Posted by: Dennis at September 06, 2021 09:49 PM (ZOfsH)

277 Michael K. Williams was pretty good in Hap & Leonard, from the Joe Lansdale novels, too. Worth a look if you haven't seen it.

Posted by: Just Some Guy at September 06, 2021 09:49 PM (JzDjf)

278 Reality: There's no way to make genitalia attractive to the eye. End of story.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 09:49 PM (kTF2Z)

279 The gauge cluster for a 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee is not just a LED display, it's a computer that interfaces with the ECU, MCU and the other electronics in the car, Jeep would have to license it to a third party along with whatever encryption they are using.

Not gonna happen.
Posted by: T

In fairness no chryslr is going to be running that lng anyway

Posted by: confederatefifth at September 06, 2021 09:49 PM (K3ZCc)

280 274 I'm having a lot of trouble believing that there are any significant number of women that are concerned as to whether your balls are wrinkly.

Perhaps this is a gay thing?
Posted by: 18-1 at September

As long as they don't smell like gym socks, I don't care.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 09:50 PM (U2p+3)

281 I think the discussion should center on "circumferential" vs. "longitudinal" stripes.

Posted by: Muldoon at September 06, 2021 09:43 PM (m45I2)

I hope your personal bias is not influencing this advice

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 09:50 PM (HG00O)

282 Annnnnd the ole vertigo kicks in....and we're upside down in the ditch, which make the vertigo even worse.
Posted by: Some Rat

heh. I was outside just a short time ago looking up at Jupiter and Saturn. I have to remind myself to look down slowly afterwards. Otherwise I do a faceplant.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 06, 2021 09:50 PM (ELgVT)

283 why is somebody going to need scrotox?
does your girl have eyes in her chin?
Posted by: confederatefifth

So The Rick Wilson can nuzzle David French's yambag and dream of Jeff Bezos?

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at September 06, 2021 09:50 PM (hsoZD)

284 270 Last vette I tried to buy (a 2016) had 36 network errors, probably due to a "minor accident"

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 09:50 PM (dVkJu)

285 The gauge cluster for a 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee is not just a LED display, it's a computer that interfaces with the ECU, MCU and the other electronics in the car, Jeep would have to license it to a third party along with whatever encryption they are using.

Not gonna happen.
Posted by: Thomas Bender

John Deere is refusing to release their software codes to DIY farmers.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 09:50 PM (r1z5A)

286 261


Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 06, 2021 09:50 PM (MViHT)

287 Also, when CCR was inducted into the Rock-n-Roll HOF, he refused to allow anyone but himself to perform, and had the rest of the band replaced with big names (who IMHO were assholes for agreeing to do it).

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 09:51 PM (L2ZTs)

288 Reality: There's no way to make genitalia attractive to the eye. End of story.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 09:49 PM (kTF2Z)

I believe you meant to say 'male' genitalia

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at September 06, 2021 09:51 PM (sJHOI)

289 Wasn't Plumpus Scrotus a notable Roman legate?

Posted by: Dr. Bone at September 06, 2021 09:51 PM (ecYxZ)

290 Cicero, no but I'll put it on my list. Thanks!
Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 09:49 PM (L2ZTs)


Too late. It closed in '86.

It was a premier regional concert venue while it lasted. I never went there but Mrs. Cicero is familiar with it.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 09:51 PM (VxC1e)

291 @258

Viruses circulate in populations, it's what they do, it's their thing.

Everyone on the planet has likely been exposed to, recovered and has active antibodies.

Or alternatively...

This is all one gigantic scam and op.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 06, 2021 09:51 PM (/rU1p)

292 248
Yes, Sir!

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 06, 2021 09:52 PM (MViHT)

293 288 Wrap them in $100 bills...

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 09:52 PM (dVkJu)

294 Assholery seems to thrive at R&R Hall of Shame

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at September 06, 2021 09:53 PM (sJHOI)

295 Four years of college. Four years of medical school. Three years specialty residency training. Three years subspecialty fellowship training. 13 years creditable military service followed by 23 additional years of private practice. And here I sit late at night discussing the vicissitudes of scrotal wrinkle therapy. Mom and Dad would be so proud.

Posted by: Muldoon at September 06, 2021 09:53 PM (m45I2)

296 ghost, yup. Plus it's a joke who's in versus who isn't.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 09:53 PM (L2ZTs)

297 89 There's some freaky chickens out there! Posted by: All Hail Eris, Live! from the Dungeon of Discord at September 06, 2021 08:49 PM (Dc2NZ)

The local permaculture guy did a podcast with a fellow who was a chicken Evangelist. He was great. He had some rules:
buy chickens bred to breed specifics, buy for purpose (eggs, meat, or both) and don't buy any fowl that can't reproduce on its own (Thanksgiving turkeys, we're looking at you...).

Posted by: Sal at September 06, 2021 09:53 PM (3c1fY)

298 I can practically walk to Basilico's. Let me think on it a little. Actually meeting people? I don't know.....LOL

Posted by: Anonymous Guy in Kalifornia at September 06, 2021 09:53 PM (7SwmH)

299 Reality: There's no way to make genitalia attractive to the eye. End of story.
Posted by: Duke Lowell

Dude!? Perhaps from the ladies point of view. Dunno about that. But conversely? Nah.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 09:53 PM (mD/uy)

300 I saw ZZ Top open for Stevie Ray Vaughan at Irvine Meadows

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 09:53 PM (dVkJu)

301 Smooches, Muldoon.

We appreciate you.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 09:54 PM (U2p+3)

302 Negative. Took advantage of the nice weather and got yard work done. BOC and some State Fair food would have been much more enjoyable
Posted by: Doof

I think that last line says it all.

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 06, 2021 09:54 PM (KAi1n)

303 Signing off - 4 am comes awful early....emphasis on 'awful'......Good Night all

Posted by: Anonymous Guy in Kalifornia at September 06, 2021 09:54 PM (7SwmH)

304 >>> As long as they don't smell like gym socks, I don't care.
Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 09:50 PM (U2p+3)

It's an acquired taste.

Posted by: Kim Cattrall as "Lassie" at September 06, 2021 09:54 PM (ZOfsH)

305 So, I get this far down through the comments and I like to acknowledge those who came first.
Yeah baby! First!

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 06, 2021 09:54 PM (MViHT)

306 Just Some Guy: MKW's portrayal of Leonard, with all his demons, deserves a watch, I agree.

Posted by: EveR at September 06, 2021 09:54 PM (MUpk6)

307 Ok, a little simplish car knowledge for some. Those that know can tune out. Horsepower and efficiency for a given engine size is tied to compression, or how much the air fuel mixture is compacted before ignition. Emissions largely revolve around how much of the mixture burns and how much goes out the exhaust. To get more power, pre emissions cars used lead additives to fight detonation or knock resulting from high compression. To lower emissions they dropped compression to have less mixture in each cycle. Then they introduced catalytic converters to burn the unburnt mixture before it left the exhaust. The lead ruined the catalytic in the converter so it had to go. Low compression led to weak engines that also didn't get good mileage. Eventally fuel injection and computerized ignition with knock sensors that could adjust timing quickly allowed compression to go up again which is why both power and mileage have returned. So of course the jerks are now trying to force us all to drive AAA battery cars, because the jerks never sleep.

Posted by: azjaeger at September 06, 2021 09:55 PM (3/XaG)

308 Wasn't Plumpus Scrotus a notable Roman legate?
Posted by: Dr. Bone

Yes. Biggus Dickus was his wingman.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 09:55 PM (mD/uy)

309 Or alternatively...

This is all one gigantic scam and op.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 06, 2021 09:51 PM (/rU1p)

Check out Dr. Trophy's article from earlier in the day.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 06, 2021 09:55 PM (U9XSa)

310 If the government did science, it would be interesting to do an antibody test for say, influenza and compare it to the normal way they identify cases.

The government has spent more money on COVID then *anything* in human history...and not only has it not worked in preventing the disease it hasn't even given us good metrics we could have used when a real killer virus emerges...

Posted by: 18-1 at September 06, 2021 09:55 PM (DpkTQ)

311 And here I sit late at night discussing the vicissitudes of scrotal wrinkle therapy. Mom and Dad would be so proud.
Posted by: Muldoon at September 06, 2021 09:53 PM (m45I2)


You know that the Romans believed you could foretell the future by reading the wrinkles on a hobo's scrotum? They called it augury.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 09:55 PM (VxC1e)

312 So, what you're trying to say is, I should iron my nutsack but make sure to use the "steam" setting. I'm probably not going to want to do this often so I'll invest in some starch.
Posted by: banana Dream 

If you're going down this road, I'd recommend setting the iron to "tire".

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at September 06, 2021 09:55 PM (hsoZD)

313 Nice interview with Eric Clapton on how the vaccine screwed up his health:

Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at September 06, 2021 09:56 PM (YynYJ)

314 298 Well qdp's a little suspect but I'm SOLID haha
You should go to Basilico's on general principle just to practice for our soiree
The clientele's banter is a delight

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 09:56 PM (dVkJu)

315 288
Reality: There's no way to make genitalia attractive to the eye. End of story.
Posted by: Duke Lowell
I believe you meant to say 'male' genitalia

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah
Ahem. Have you forgotten that handsome, sexy, tasteful picture of Rock Hudson with a wee-wee in his mouth?

Around the same time Madonna was in Playboy, I believe.


Posted by: JB at September 06, 2021 09:56 PM (TO8Xm)

316 Just ask the ettes. Ladies, what would be your reaction to getting a dick pic, even if it was from a guy you thought was really attractive?

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 09:56 PM (kTF2Z)

317 One small mercy of the Taliban's victory: Unlike with Vietnam, western proggs will not hail the Taliban as a victory for humanity and the working class. At least not with a straight face.

Posted by: The Sanity Inspector at September 06, 2021 09:56 PM (3yuMz)

318 305 I come first on a regular basis

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 09:56 PM (dVkJu)

319 We've got some percentage of the population getting scrotox and another, larger, percentage that doesn't bother to shower at least a couple of times a week.

What a world...

Posted by: 18-1 at September 06, 2021 09:56 PM (DpkTQ)

320 I'm watching a documentary on Amazon Prime called "Chicken People", about breeders at the "Westminster Dog Show" for chickens. There's some freaky chickens out there!
Posted by: All Hail Eris, Live! from the Dungeon of Discord at September 06, 2021 08:49

Jules recently told me there are some exotic chickens living on the other side of our block. I've got to go see them.

Posted by: Farmer at September 06, 2021 09:57 PM (55Qr6)

321 Muldoon, Dad wanted me to be a lawyer.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 09:57 PM (HG00O)

322 316 Just ask the ettes. Ladies, what would be your reaction to getting a dick pic, even if it was from a guy you thought was really attractive?
Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 09:56 PM (kTF2Z)


Oh brother

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 09:57 PM (VxC1e)

323 You used the word, "Vicissitudes." All that schoolin' and experience have come to fruition.

Posted by: davidt at September 06, 2021 09:57 PM (N/iqz)

324 Anyone ask Michael Moore recently if the Taliban are still "The Minutemen"? He ended up being right about them winning after all...

Posted by: 18-1 at September 06, 2021 09:57 PM (DpkTQ)

325 310 About a month ago the CDC admitted that the prc test they were using couldn't discriminate between covid and the flu

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 09:58 PM (dVkJu)

326 Ok. I am being bullied into either getting the jab or losing my job.

It is inexplicable that testing isn't allowed. I can (sort of) see the rationale of mandatory immunizations, they do it for lots of things. (Except millions of illegal aliens and assorted Jihadists imported from shitholes)

Either prove you've previously had Chicken Pox, or you have to get the Chicken Pix Vaccine. Again.

If someone has already had Covid/Sars and recovered, the immunity conferred is lifelong, or near enough. The goal of vaccination is not vaccination per se. Any Medical organization should know this.

Posted by: Common Tater at September 06, 2021 09:58 PM (qyZxC)

327 316 Just ask the ettes. Ladies, what would be your reaction to getting a dick pic, even if it was from a guy you thought was really attractive?
Posted by: Duke Lowell

immediately block the number and avoid the creep

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 06, 2021 09:58 PM (oEn12)

328 270 @241
The gauge cluster for a 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee is not just a LED display, it's a computer that interfaces with the ECU, MCU and the other electronics in the car, Jeep would have to license it to a third party along with whatever encryption they are using.
Not gonna happen.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 06, 2021 09:48 PM (/rU1p)

I figured that. Thing is, CAN is AFAIK 1 mbit/sec thus any type of encryption would be quite costly in terms of latency therefore I doubt they would be running it on the main systems. Entertainment centers, sure-ECU-MCU comms? Not sure of that.

Posted by: WinLinBSDAdmin at September 06, 2021 09:58 PM (Hh3y4)

329 They don't call it bumping uglies for nothing.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 06, 2021 09:58 PM (mNhhD)

330 I'm thinking that wrinkly ball conversations are pretty popular.
Don't like the smelly gym socks part though...

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 06, 2021 09:58 PM (MViHT)

331 The fact that some men send out dick pics likely means that for some percentage of women it works.

The wonder of the internet is you can blast your wedding tackle out to hundreds of women and if only a handful are interested, well, that's still a win right? Well, for some definition of "winning"

Posted by: 18-1 at September 06, 2021 09:59 PM (DpkTQ)

332 nurse, praying for you

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 06, 2021 09:59 PM (oEn12)

333 So gross.

Who does that?

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 09:59 PM (U2p+3)

334 Jules recently told me there are some exotic chickens living on the other side of our block. I've got to go see them.
Posted by: Farmer at September 06, 2021 09:57 PM (55Qr6)

Helena Handbasket has a few Polish mixed in with her flock, with the big froofy headgear. Looks like they should have titles that start with "Contessa" or "Adjutant-General". Chickens with presence.

Posted by: hogmartin at September 06, 2021 10:00 PM (ghoDT)

335 ThNks, vmom.

I'll figure it out.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 10:00 PM (U2p+3)

336 Muldoon, Dad wanted me to be a lawyer.
Posted by: Kindltot

I always told my sainted Mother that I played piano in a whorehouse instead of the truth: working for an Investment Bank.

That just would have killed her. Oh, the shame of it all!

Posted by: Tonypete at September 06, 2021 10:00 PM (mD/uy)

337 Posted by: nurse ratched

For someone with a nursing background and certifications, work from home medical writing can be a pretty good deal.

Posted by: Miklos humbly submits for your consideration at September 06, 2021 10:00 PM (QzkSJ)

338 Attach a printed copy of your bank balance to your member in the dick pic and if it's seven figures or over, the gal will love it :-P

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:00 PM (L2ZTs)

339 And on that note I'm out.

Endeavour to persevere.

Posted by: Muldoon at September 06, 2021 10:00 PM (m45I2)

340 333 So gross.

Who does that?
Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 09:59 PM (U2p+3)



Posted by: Anthony Wiener at September 06, 2021 10:00 PM (VxC1e)

341 @313

Which is why you don't promiscuously take drugs you do not need to take.

Which I guess the Hippocratic Oath is no longer a thing.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 06, 2021 10:00 PM (/rU1p)

342 Unsolicited dick pics bad. You're a stalker.

Solicited dick pics bad. Never stick a dick pic in crazy.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 06, 2021 10:01 PM (mNhhD)

343 307 You neglected the effect of mixture and timing on emissions
Also, the reason compression was lowered was to reduce the emissions of NOx: HC and CO emissions rose as a result but that we could address with catalytic convertors

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 10:01 PM (dVkJu)

344 Well, for some definition of "winning"
Posted by: 18-1 at September 06, 2021 09:59 PM (DpkTQ)


Had a buddy in the Corps whose only pick up line was "wanna screw?" He got slapped a lot, but never went more than a week without getting his ashes hauled.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 10:01 PM (kTF2Z)

345 Great, now I've got "Around the Bend" stuck in my head.

Posted by: pookysgirl, cat sandwich at September 06, 2021 10:02 PM (XKZwp)

Posted by: Anonymous Guy in Kalifornia

Lived out by Victorville for 3 years in the 80s at the now defunct George Air Force Base. From what I've seen on Google maps, it has grown unbelievably since then.

Posted by: MammaB at September 06, 2021 10:02 PM (KbHMJ)

347 Crystal Jackson looks like one of those girls that has a penis.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 06, 2021 10:02 PM (U9XSa)

348 Muldoon, Dad wanted me to be a lawyer.
Posted by: Kindltot


My lawyer advised me against admitting to being a dad

Posted by: Miklos, whose DNA does not match at September 06, 2021 10:02 PM (QzkSJ)

349 And on that note I'm out.
Endeavour to persevere.
Posted by: Muldoon at September 06, 2021 10:00 PM (m45I2)

I am drying prunes in my backyard dehydrator, so I am endeavoring to preserve

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 10:02 PM (HG00O)

350 325 310 About a month ago the CDC admitted that the prc test they were using couldn't discriminate between covid and the flu

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 09:58 PM (dVkJu)

Yup. In December, CDC plans to roll-out tests that can distinguish between SARS CoV-2 (Covid) bugs and flu bugs.

Posted by: Gref at September 06, 2021 10:03 PM (AMIL/)

351 Tunnel To Towers is awesome!

One of our brats ran their race a few years ago. We donated to the cause, and it was a pleasure.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 06, 2021 10:03 PM (Q9lwr)

352 Everyone jokes nowadays, Victorville is the meth capital of SoCal.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:03 PM (L2ZTs)

353 if you are being forced to get vaxxed, I figure J&J is the one to get if you are 29+
the nooz sez "no boosters planned" for J&J

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 06, 2021 10:03 PM (oEn12)

354 352 Everyone jokes nowadays, Victorville is the meth capital of SoCal.
Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:03 PM (L2ZTs)



Posted by: Riverside County at September 06, 2021 10:03 PM (VxC1e)

355 Clearly:

- I have walked in late to this ONT,
- the content to be discussed has already been chosen,
- it's the yambag


Posted by: hogmartin at September 06, 2021 10:03 PM (ghoDT)

356 vmom, yup. And it's one and done so you can get it over with.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:04 PM (L2ZTs)

357 After looking at that pic of the dude-looks-like-a-lady rapist, the kid must be emotionally scarred because he thinks he could be gay now.

Posted by: Roy at September 06, 2021 10:04 PM (Ti+Tv)

358 Victorville...

Last time I was there, was in 2007, on my way to NTC.

Very depressing-looking town.

Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at September 06, 2021 10:05 PM (G0h3n)

359 Helena Handbasket has a few Polish mixed in with her flock, with the big froofy headgear. Looks like they should have titles that start with "Contessa" or "Adjutant-General". Chickens with presence.
Posted by: hogmartin

One assumes that they are Winged

Posted by: Jan-Miklos Sobieski at September 06, 2021 10:05 PM (QzkSJ)

360 328 There are multiple network architectures on modern vehicles

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 10:05 PM (dVkJu)

361 Hmm, talking about beanbags? Looks like I picked the right time to join this thread!

Posted by: Barack Obama at September 06, 2021 10:05 PM (DpkTQ)

362 The gauge cluster for a 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee is not just a LED display, it's a computer that interfaces with the ECU, MCU and the other electronics in the car, Jeep would have to license it to a third party along with whatever encryption they are using.
Not gonna happen.
Posted by: Thomas Bender
John Deere is refusing to release their software codes to DIY farmers.
Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 09:50 PM (r1z5A)
Read up on how Bunnie Huang broke into the XBox console. It can be done.

Posted by: WinLinBSDAdmin at September 06, 2021 10:05 PM (Hh3y4)

363 The Taliban is currently holding six airplanes full of American citizens hostage.

Just in time for 9/11.

Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at September 06, 2021 10:06 PM (G0h3n)

364 SMH, I wouldn't say Victorville is depressing looking. Just that if you blink you'll miss most of it.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:06 PM (L2ZTs)

365 Victorville...

Last time I was there, was in 2007, on my way to NTC.

Very depressing-looking town.
Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at September 06, 2021 10:05 PM (G0h3n)


I stop at the Del Taco there on the way to Vegas. It's fine.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:06 PM (VxC1e)

366 >>> Just ask the ettes. Ladies, what would be your reaction to getting a dick pic, even if it was from a guy you thought was really attractive?
Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 09:56 PM (kTF2Z)

Oh brother
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 09:57 PM (VxC1e)

Ok, ok, stick with me here, what if a guy dressed his unit up as various characters from Diana Gobblegobble's Outlander series? Everyone's favorite mommy porn. Period-appropriate clothes, hats, little mustaches, whole scene dioramas from various notable parts of the book. Opinions?

Posted by: banana Dream at September 06, 2021 10:06 PM (ZOfsH)

367 Needles is a depressing looking town.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:06 PM (L2ZTs)

368 Just watched a guilty pleasure movie... one most would not understand how great it was...

Soldier... with Kurt Russel. Did not know it but they delayed filming at Kurt's insistence that he need to be in REALLY good shape to pull off the role.

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 06, 2021 10:06 PM (oHd/0)

369 If someone has already had Covid/Sars and recovered, the immunity conferred is lifelong, or near enough. The goal of vaccination is not vaccination per se. Any Medical organization should know this.
Posted by: Common Tater

Like working in the bio labs. Levels 1 thru 3 require a robust immune system. Level 4 anyone allowed, cause whatever you catch there, kills you.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 10:06 PM (r1z5A)

370 is Pompey pronounced "Pompee" whike Pompeii is "Pompay"

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 06, 2021 10:06 PM (oEn12)

371 Cicero, you're not thinking of Barstow?

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:07 PM (L2ZTs)

372 I've never received a dick pic, but if I did, I would hope it was girthy.

No, just kidding. I would think the sender was a pervert.

Posted by: Sister, aka ALH at September 06, 2021 10:07 PM (/g7XU)

373 Thanks for the ONT.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at September 06, 2021 10:07 PM (csEWM)

374 Kinda surprised - all the talk about nutsacks, and CTRL-F searches for "Jessica Yanniv" and "Bofa Deez" yielded zero hits on this thread.

Who ARE you people?!?!?

Posted by: Doof at September 06, 2021 10:07 PM (mZUr4)

375 Needles is a depressing looking town.
Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:06 PM (L2ZTs)

Snoopy's brother Spike is from there.

Posted by: hogmartin at September 06, 2021 10:07 PM (ghoDT)

376 The Taliban is currently holding six airplanes full of American citizens hostage.

Just in time for 9/11.
Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at September 06, 2021 10:06 PM (G0h3n)


It should make for a very festive 9/11 celebration.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:07 PM (VxC1e)

377 I stop at the Del Taco there on the way to Vegas. It's fine.
Posted by: Cicero

Do you have the money to stop on the way back?

Posted by: The House of Miklos always wins at September 06, 2021 10:07 PM (QzkSJ)

378 Had a buddy in the Corps whose only pick up line was "wanna screw?" He got slapped a lot, but never went more than a week without getting his ashes hauled.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 10:01 PM (kTF2Z)

I wonder if I served with the same guy. Stationed in 29 Palms?

Posted by: WinLinBSDAdmin at September 06, 2021 10:08 PM (Hh3y4)

379 Ok, ok, stick with me here, what if a guy dressed his unit up as various characters from Diana Gobblegobble's Outlander series? Everyone's favorite mommy porn. Period-appropriate clothes, hats, little mustaches, whole scene dioramas from various notable parts of the book. Opinions?
Posted by: banana Dream at

Ok. That's actually kind of funny.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 10:08 PM (U2p+3)

380 hogmartin, I know. Makes it even sadder for me. I'm a huge Peanuts fan.

Charles Schulz actually lived there for a few years... as a boy, during the Depression.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:08 PM (L2ZTs)

381 Per the chicken convo..
Some years ago, I acquired several hens called, I believe, Jersey Giants. Beautiful big black hens. Being the asshole I tend to be, they had names like Shaniqua, LeShonda, etc.
They didn't lay eggs worth a f'k.
Probably because I'm a racist...

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 06, 2021 10:08 PM (MViHT)

382 371 Cicero, you're not thinking of Barstow?
Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:07 PM (L2ZTs)


Nope. Barstow is Carl's Jr.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:08 PM (VxC1e)

383 If COVID goes back to the topped-off crazy, I have to go back to Wahl clippers, 1/8" all over. I have an ugly shaved head.

Fucking Chinee.

Posted by: ZOD at September 06, 2021 10:08 PM (xK9An)

384 Breathtaking

Posted by: Dr Evil at September 06, 2021 10:08 PM (4I/2K)

385 370 is Pompey pronounced "Pompee" whike Pompeii is "Pompay"
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 06, 2021 10:06 PM (oEn12)


Pompey predated Pompeii by a few hundred years.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:09 PM (VxC1e)

386 No, just kidding. I would think the sender was a pervert.
Posted by: Sister, aka ALH at September 06, 2021 10:07 PM (/g7XU)

But also girthy.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at September 06, 2021 10:10 PM (csEWM)

387 ..Therefore, horizontal, to promote the illusion of girth. Posted by: Mr. & Mr. Buttigieg at September 06, 2021 09:34 PM (a3Q+t)

A more powerful statement would be the black & white geometric patterns as found on an ICBM missile. You know, the one with the "penetrator" warhead.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at September 06, 2021 10:10 PM (QzJWU)

388 Soldier... with Kurt Russel. Did not know it but they delayed filming at Kurt's insistence that he need to be in REALLY good shape to pull off the role.
Posted by: Romeo13

An excellent movie.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 10:11 PM (r1z5A)

389 Pompey predated Pompeii by a few hundred years.
Posted by: Cicero

Pompeii was the New Jersey of Rome. It sucked.

And Vesuvius blows

Posted by: Pompey at September 06, 2021 10:11 PM (QzkSJ)

390 383 If COVID goes back to the topped-off crazy, I have to go back to Wahl clippers, 1/8" all over. I have an ugly shaved head.

Fucking Chinee.
Posted by: ZOD at September 06, 2021 10:08 PM (xK9An)

This time I will do a #1 instead of a #2 (so 3mm vs 7mm per my commie metric set of clipper guides.)

Posted by: Aetius451AD at September 06, 2021 10:11 PM (csEWM)

391 Would these digital images typically be conveyed with the male organ in a state of tumescence?

Posted by: Common Tater at September 06, 2021 10:11 PM (qyZxC)

392 What's funny is, that desert area is a cradle for a lot of fast food.

Del Taco started up in Yermo, the very first McDs was in San Bernardino, and Glen Bell was inspired to start up Taco Bell by the Mitla Cafe in SB as well.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:11 PM (L2ZTs)

393 @362

>>Read up on how Bunnie Huang broke into the XBox console. It can be done.

Yeah but this isn't like jail breaking an iphone, this would be decrypting whatever encryption is being used for a Jeeps digital gauge cluster.

You don't want that glitching out or locking up.

Not saying it's not in the realm of possibility just saying there are going to be vast nearly insurmountable hurdles to keeping technology laden vehicles operational 20 years in the future.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 06, 2021 10:12 PM (/rU1p)

394 388 Soldier... with Kurt Russel. Did not know it but they delayed filming at Kurt's insistence that he need to be in REALLY good shape to pull off the role.
Posted by: Romeo13

An excellent movie.
Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 10:11 PM (r1z5A)

Indeed. Kurt told them he wanted to get in shape- but would NOT use steroids- and that it would take him about 18 months. So they made Event Horizon while they were waiting.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at September 06, 2021 10:12 PM (csEWM)

395 Yup. In December, CDC plans to roll-out tests that can distinguish between SARS CoV-2 (Covid) bugs and flu bugs

Gee. It certainly seems like that might be useful in actual medical type work. Wonder how all this was managed for the last almost two years. "Our test shows you either have the Worst Plague Ever or a cold. Best we overreact to the level of total life and societal disruption, just to be on the safe side."

Posted by: azjaeger at September 06, 2021 10:12 PM (3/XaG)

396 Posted by: banana Dream at

Ok. That's actually kind of funny.
Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 10:08 PM (U2p+3)

Uh, sooooo... Ren Faire?

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 06, 2021 10:12 PM (oHd/0)

397 Pompey predated Pompeii by a few hundred years.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43)

Pompeii was already around, it's the eruption of Vesuvius that's in their future

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 06, 2021 10:12 PM (oEn12)

398 Pompey predated Pompeii by a few hundred years.
Posted by: Cicero

True, but I never dated Pompeii, although I may have signed her High School Yearbook.

Posted by: Pompey, candidate for Senate at September 06, 2021 10:12 PM (QzkSJ)

399 Uh, sooooo... Ren Faire?
Posted by: Romeo13 at September 06, 2021 10:12 PM (oHd/0)

Pen Faire

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 06, 2021 10:14 PM (oEn12)

400 Eventually the Dark Web will be half horrific porno, and half How To Fix Your Stuff.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:14 PM (L2ZTs)

401 Del Taco started up in Yermo, the very first McDs was in San Bernardino,


Correction. The original McDonalds was in Arcadia.

It was moved, lock stock and barrel to San Berdoo.

There is a McDonalds at the original Arcadia site. It has a mini museum about the origins of McDonalds.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:14 PM (VxC1e)

402 Cicero, really? Hmmm

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:15 PM (L2ZTs)

403 I'm doing mine in Apollo rocket paint scheme.

Posted by: Count de Monet, unvaccinated American at September 06, 2021 10:15 PM (4I/2K)

404 Cicero, really? Hmmm
Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:15 PM (L2ZTs)


The pre-Kroc history of McDonalds is surprisingly complex.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:16 PM (VxC1e)

405 The place to eat in victorville is freddy's steakburger

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 10:16 PM (dVkJu)

406 The only time a saggy scrotum truly blossoms into a bona fide fruit of the loin is when the temperature reaches 72.4degF.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at September 06, 2021 10:16 PM (ecYxZ)

407 Anything made since about 1985-1990 is chock full of electronics. Not necessarily a show stopper, except for the electrolytic capacitors. These are notorious for failure and usually intended for maybe a 10 or 15 year lifespan. They aren't too tough to replace but most people don't know they have a problem looming.

Posted by: Common Tater at September 06, 2021 10:16 PM (qyZxC)

408 White Castle is considered to be the very first fast food chain, ever.

Surprising. I thought it was Orange Julius.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:16 PM (L2ZTs)

409 Eventually the Dark Web will be half horrific porno, and half How To Fix Your Stuff.
Posted by: qdpsteve

In either case, someone needs to ramp up their video skills, and let's not even talk about audio.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 10:16 PM (r1z5A)

410 Cicero, sort of like Fleetwood Mac pre-Buckingham/Nicks. :-)

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:17 PM (L2ZTs)

411 My guess is those American "citizens" are not really the apple pie loving, flag flying types of citizens. So I kinda give no fucks about them.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at September 06, 2021 10:17 PM (GQ5VU)

412 The gauge cluster for a 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee is not just a LED display, it's a computer that interfaces with the ECU, MCU and the other electronics in the car, Jeep would have to license it to a third party along with whatever encryption they are using.

Not gonna happen.
Posted by: T

the "wanna screw" thing works, or did before i was married.

I was in the library with a girl had just started dating. When we were studying i whispered into her ear "wanna screw" she was more than shockd that I suggested that in that way and before she could say a word I offered her a 3 inch wood screw.

she was shockd, then amused, then great in bed.

Posted by: confederatefifth at September 06, 2021 10:17 PM (K3ZCc)

413 The place to eat in victorville is freddy's steakburger
Posted by: MAxIE

Beats that place over in looserville

Posted by: Miklos, the Zagat of the ONT at September 06, 2021 10:17 PM (QzkSJ)

414 >>406 The only time a saggy scrotum truly blossoms into a bona fide fruit of the loin is when the temperature reaches 72.4degF.
Posted by: Dr. Bone at September 06, 2021 10:16 PM (ecYxZ)

That's too warm for an aging wheel of hard cheese. Humid enough, but too warm.

Posted by: ZOD at September 06, 2021 10:18 PM (xK9An)

415 Generation whichever will have to learn history the hardest hard hard way.

You have 1 second to understand the 7th century history


Posted by: Humphreyrobot at September 06, 2021 10:18 PM (5sh7B)

416 Pompey and Pompeii eat pamplemousse.

Posted by: Georges Pompidou at September 06, 2021 10:18 PM (mNhhD)

417 she was shockd, then amused, then great in bed.
Posted by: confederatefifth

We thank you for your submission, however....

Posted by: Penthouse Forum editors at September 06, 2021 10:19 PM (QzkSJ)

418 343 307 You neglected the effect of mixture and timing on emissions
Also, the reason compression was lowered was to reduce the emissions of NOx: HC and CO emissions rose as a result but that we could address with catalytic convertors

Well, all that too but I was trying to simplify and just put some basics out there. Plus I wasn't all that interested in typing about nutsacks which seems to be the main topic

Posted by: azjaeger at September 06, 2021 10:19 PM (3/XaG)

419 MAxIE, is Freddy's in Victorville located where the Steak-n-Shake used to be?

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:19 PM (L2ZTs)

420 Did you all see the bit on GM putting a pause on their manufacturing at many of their plants? I know Toyota is running at about half on, half off right now.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at September 06, 2021 10:19 PM (csEWM)

421 So every so often I go to the public library and look through the new arrivals. This time there was a book entitled

The Horde

It is a history of the Mongols and early on does a little linguistic analysis of the word Horde:

The term "horde" entered Persian, Arabic, Russian, and all European languages following the Mongol Conquests, and is widely used today to denote a large crowd of unruly or uncontrollable people. This usage is a distant echo of "horde" as it appears in medieval sources written by travelers, many of them religious men otherwise accustomed to sedentary lives...From these medieval accounts...we get the modern sense of a horde as a powerful and frightening mass.

Posted by: Pikov Andropov at September 06, 2021 10:19 PM (y7zkd)

422 Eventually the Dark Web will be half horrific porno, and half How To Fix Your Stuff.
Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:14 PM (L2ZTs)

Today we will show you how to replace the carburetor on your MTD lawn machine. Mistress Paine, please bring the gimp in . . . and box with the Philips screwdrivers.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 10:19 PM (HG00O)

423 except for the electrolytic capacitors. These are notorious for failure and usually intended for maybe a 10 or 15 year lifespan. They aren't too tough to replace but most people don't know they have a problem looming.
Posted by: Common Tater

Rule one in the old CRT monitors. Replace all the electrolytics.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 10:19 PM (r1z5A)

424 Pompey and Pompeii eat pamplemousse.

some POMPLAMOOSE for example

Posted by: 18-1 at September 06, 2021 10:20 PM (DpkTQ)

425 Saggy Scrotum was a better cartoon than Tennessee Tuxedo.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 06, 2021 10:20 PM (mNhhD)


Pamplemousses is one of the administrative districts of the island nation of Mauritius

Posted by: The stuff Miklos knows at September 06, 2021 10:21 PM (QzkSJ)

427 *keeps mum*

Posted by: Balzac at September 06, 2021 10:21 PM (4I/2K)

428 419 It's across the 15 and south a little but still north of texas roadhouse which is aight too

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 10:21 PM (dVkJu)

429 the modern sense of a horde as a powerful and frightening mass.
So we are back to nut sacks?

Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs at September 06, 2021 10:21 PM (s94di)

430 Mishum, did you apply for the UPitt position. I'm sure you could garner a couple dozen references from the horde.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * unedited version at September 06, 2021 10:22 PM (YzJmd)

431 Kindltot, LOL.

"And now here's How To Change Your Sexbot's Attitude Settings..."

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:22 PM (L2ZTs)

432 @423

>>Rule one in the old CRT monitors. Replace all the electrolytics.

Rule zero... let the newbie discharge the flyback transformer.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 06, 2021 10:22 PM (/rU1p)

433 Never ate at any restaurant in Victorville, only MREs at the railyard there.

Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at September 06, 2021 10:22 PM (G0h3n)

434 Pooky has a dormant Twitter account and I have none, so I had to use his account to read replies to Crowder's tweet slapping down comparisons between the Taliban and Texas Republicans last night.

From the replies, it's pretty clear the new Leftist talking points are:

1. The GOP is for spousal rape (total non sequitur when discussing the heartbeat law)
2. The Bible allows for abortion (with no verses or passages cited)

The second one makes me reeeaaally curious, because I have no idea how anyone could possibly believe that unless they're deliberately misinterpreting Scripture. What heretical "pastor" is giving ammo to the baby killers this time?

Posted by: pookysgirl, Solo Scriptura at September 06, 2021 10:22 PM (XKZwp)

435 Totally OT
Having grown up on the east coast, I so loved going to sleep listening to crickets outside my window. Very relaxing.
I now have a damn thing, only one, hanging out in my kitchen.
Damn noisy thing...

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 06, 2021 10:23 PM (MViHT)

436 MAxIE, I gotta try TX Roadhouse in Corona one of these days.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:23 PM (L2ZTs)

437 old joke...

What's the worst part of 69?
The view.

Posted by: yop at September 06, 2021 10:24 PM (XcpXx)

Pompey pronounced "Pompee"

Anyone who remembers "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" would know that.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 06, 2021 10:24 PM (pNxlR)

439 Freddy's is good, if a touch pricey. It reminds me of what McDonald's used to taste like when they actually grilled actual meat rather than once they started microwaving whatever that substance they use for patties is

Posted by: azjaeger at September 06, 2021 10:24 PM (3/XaG)

440 Rule zero... let the newbie discharge the flyback transformer.
Posted by: Thomas Bender

The "lethal voltage" sticker always made me tense.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 10:24 PM (r1z5A)

441 Krebs, remember Hamer's introduction in Bonnie & Clyde?


Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:24 PM (L2ZTs)

442 Fun Fact: Pompey owned the largest theater in Rome. While the Senate curia building in the Forum was being rebuilt after a fire, the Roman Senate met in a building behind the stage in the theater.

In 44 BC Julius Caesar was assassinated in the shadow of Pompey's statue in front of the senate's temporary digs.

There is a small plaque at the excavated site today.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:25 PM (VxC1e)

443 azjaegar, I've found that anyplace that uses the term "steakburgers" provides a clue to how expensive they are. :-)

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:25 PM (L2ZTs)

444 436 Now you're a gittin' inta my hood homie
although Logan's roadhouse in Fontana has groupons

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 10:26 PM (dVkJu)

445 I also have a major jones for Outback lately. :-)

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:26 PM (L2ZTs)

446 ...we get the modern sense of a horde as a powerful and frightening mass.
Posted by: Pikov Andropov

Which is exactly what people will think when the COB's unleash us. Who cares if they hate us, just so long as they fear us.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * unedited version at September 06, 2021 10:26 PM (YzJmd)

447 I wonder if I served with the same guy. Stationed in 29 Palms?
Posted by: WinLinBSDAdmin at September 06, 2021 10:08 PM (Hh3y4)


8th & I from 85-87.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 10:27 PM (kTF2Z)

448 There is a small plaque at the excavated site today.
Posted by: Cicero

I can remove that plaque

Posted by: archaeological dental assistant at September 06, 2021 10:28 PM (QzkSJ)

449 They say Ron Jeremy kinda resembles me.

Posted by: Balzac at September 06, 2021 10:28 PM (4I/2K)

450 Yeah but this isn't like jail breaking an iphone, this would be decrypting whatever encryption is being used for a Jeeps digital gauge cluster.
(B.H. didn't inject a buffer overflow into the box, he actually installed signal amplifiers to analyze the signals between chips and thus determine the internal commands before any external encryption was done.)

You don't want that glitching out or locking up. (Agreed.)

Not saying it's not in the realm of possibility just saying there are going to be vast nearly insurmountable hurdles to keeping technology laden vehicles operational 20 years in the future. (Understood-just trying to think what is possible and if anything can be done about it since driverless cars are on the horizon IMHO and looking at the sheep-like stance of the American public during the COVID years, old cars are going to be at a premium to keep on the road.)
Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 06, 2021 10:12 PM (/rU1p)

Posted by: WinLinBSDAdmin at September 06, 2021 10:28 PM (Hh3y4)

451 442 Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:25 PM (VxC1e)

That era of Rome had God definitely leave the irony on.

The most successful slum lord who literally could not count his money allegedly died by liquified money, the alleged greatest general evah evah was defeated soundly by his understudy repeatedly, and "the selfless champion of the unwashed masses" was murdered by a cabal of people he forgave fighting him hiding behind his harlot's son's name.....

I would have been in stitches.

Posted by: sven at September 06, 2021 10:28 PM (Lzpvj)

... horde ... a large crowd of unruly or uncontrollable people

You'll be hearing from our lawyers

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 06, 2021 10:28 PM (pNxlR)

453 Guess who has new cheap discount tires.

This guy!
Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 06, 2021 08:36 PM (1Yy3c)

Make sure you switch over to winter air at the end of this month.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 10:29 PM (p4hE7)

454 Fogerty dead at 49, Dan Fogelberg died at 55 ... in 2007. Prostate Cancer ... no connection except their names both start with Foge ... so Fogelberg came to mind. My sister said she double dated with him once (he was not her date) at U of Illinois.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 06, 2021 10:29 PM (Cus5s)

455 Posted by: sven at September 06, 2021 10:28 PM (Lzpvj)


Well, when you say it like that...

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 10:30 PM (kTF2Z)

456 -------------
8th & I from 85-87.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 10:27 PM (kTF2Z)

Nice duty station. Respect.

No, this must have been his spirit brother. Sounds just like him though.

Posted by: WinLinBSDAdmin at September 06, 2021 10:30 PM (Hh3y4)

457 I also have a major jones for Outback lately. :-)
Posted by: qdpsteve

I always tell people to meet me in front of Outback.

Posted by: Miklosian Directions LLP at September 06, 2021 10:30 PM (QzkSJ)

458 434 Posted by: pookysgirl, Solo Scriptura at September 06, 2021 10:22 PM (XKZwp)

The Holy Bible which admonishes adherents not to aimlessly spill seed is totes down with infanticide....


Never forget they are quite literally insane ma'am....

Posted by: sven at September 06, 2021 10:30 PM (Lzpvj)

459 Michael K Williams has died of a heroin overdose.

Just goes you can be a fantastic actor who creates iconic roles like Omar and Chalky -- and still be a dumbass.

Posted by: Regular joe at September 06, 2021 08:40 PM (L9P9s)

So iconic, I have never heard of him.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 10:31 PM (p4hE7)

460 Miklos, I used to live across the street from an Outback. Didn't go there very often though. (I was too infatuated with the nearby Chili's.)

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:31 PM (L2ZTs)

461 What heretical "pastor" is giving ammo to the baby killers this time?
Posted by: pookysgirl, Solo Scriptura

The one's whose gospel is " it's all about the Benjamins ". They missed the parts about wolves amongst the flock and standing in front of our Lord at judgement.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * unedited version at September 06, 2021 10:31 PM (YzJmd)

462 459 Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 10:31 PM (p4hE7)

to be fair you and I both divorced this wretched culture a ways back...

Posted by: sven at September 06, 2021 10:32 PM (Lzpvj)

463 Miklos, I used to live across the street from an Outback. Didn't go there very often though. (I was too infatuated with the nearby Chili's.)
Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:31 PM (L2ZTs)


Chili's is a sewer.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:32 PM (VxC1e)

464 I remember first seeing gas pumps marked 'unleaded' in the late 1970s.
Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 08:41 PM (L2ZTs)

1975, I think. My father bought a '76 Granada, and it needed unleaded.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 10:32 PM (p4hE7)


Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:33 PM (VxC1e)

466 443 azjaegar, I've found that anyplace that uses the term "steakburgers" provides a clue to how expensive they are. :-)I

Freddy's isn't really a steak place..the burgers are more thin like old McDonald's. They also do ice cream...I think most of the good effect comes from them actually using ground beef and frying them on a grill. They aren't thick like the burgers you get at a steak place usually.

Posted by: azjaeger at September 06, 2021 10:33 PM (3/XaG)

467 Cicero, Chili's is a sewer now.
At the time-- late 1990s-- it was still pretty good.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:33 PM (L2ZTs)

468 Reality: There's no way to make genitalia attractive to the eye. End of story.
Posted by: Duke Lowell

Evolution may change that.

Posted by: Gref at September 06, 2021 10:33 PM (AMIL/)

Posted by: Cicero

Gonna knock you out, sucka

Posted by: Fred G. Sanford at September 06, 2021 10:33 PM (QzkSJ)

470 Pamplemousses is one of the administrative districts of the island nation of Mauritius

Posted by: The stuff Miklos knows

BRB you joker, that gives me an idea for a song!

Posted by: Steve Miller at September 06, 2021 10:34 PM (k3yL0)

471 Posted by: sven at September 06, 2021 10:30 PM (Lzpvj)

Hilariously, the spilling seed part is what Pooky (legally insane) immediately pointed out to me. So you're in good company... I guess?

Posted by: pookysgirl, still humming CCR (dangit) at September 06, 2021 10:34 PM (XKZwp)

472 Who the fuck wants a bigger SCROTUM?

Posted by: JoeF. at September 06, 2021 08:37 PM (dlC0g)

For awhile, it was a hot thing for gay pervs to balloon that thing with saline solution. Someone showed me a pic and there isn't enough eye bleach.

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess, #SuperStraight #EnemyOfTheState (Mzdiz) at September 06, 2021 10:34 PM (Mzdiz)

473 465 Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:33 PM (VxC1e)

My dear Cicero why ever would I fight you when fate has us destined to be on the same side?


Posted by: sven at September 06, 2021 10:34 PM (Lzpvj)

474 Posted by: WinLinBSDAdmin at September 06, 2021 10:30 PM (Hh3y4)


8th & I was good duty. I didn't really appreciate it til I got to LeJuene.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 10:35 PM (kTF2Z)

475 468 I kind of enjoy looking at female genitalia in fact I wish I was looking at some right now
close up

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 10:35 PM (dVkJu)

476 454
Danny Fogelberg lived in Nederland CO when I lived there in the 80s. He became a good friend, although he tended to be into the drugs. Didn't judge. Awesome musician though. Lost too soon. .

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 06, 2021 10:35 PM (MViHT)

477 In Anthropology a horde is a loosely knit small social group typically consisting of about five families.

In other words, the Mafia.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 06, 2021 10:35 PM (mNhhD)

478 Rule one in the old CRT monitors. Replace all the electrolytics.

Same for old radios. Replace, then do a power on test.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 06, 2021 10:36 PM (SchxB)

479 471 Posted by: pookysgirl, still humming CCR (dangit) at September 06, 2021 10:34 PM (XKZwp)

The atheist baby butchers who misuse the word of God forget that stripped of the holy and clerical it is at its heart rules for tribal survival and has worked admirably....

Turns out killing your own tribal future casually was frowned upon.

Posted by: sven at September 06, 2021 10:36 PM (Lzpvj)

Needles is a depressing looking town.
Posted by: qdpsteve

Per this era's predilection for euphemisms, they ought to rename it Sharps.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 06, 2021 10:36 PM (pNxlR)

481 My dear Cicero why ever would I fight you when fate has us destined to be on the same side?

Posted by: sven at September 06, 2021 10:34 PM (Lzpvj)


Ever try reading The Hortensius? It's thick.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:36 PM (VxC1e)

482 "I knew you before I formed you in your mothers womb..."
Jeremiah 1:5

Is that the Bible verse?///

Posted by: lin-duh at September 06, 2021 10:36 PM (UUBmN)

483 Who the fuck wants a bigger SCROTUM?

Posted by: JoeF.

Old Man Balls used to be a thing around here.

Posted by: Miklos, instantly regretful at September 06, 2021 10:37 PM (QzkSJ)

484 Funny thing I learned about several major chain restaurants recently, working for UberEats:

There's now a big thing called "ghost kitchens" or "virtual restaurants." Major chains who have a cordoned-off section of the menu, usually specializing in something.

Applebee's has Cosmic Wings, Chili's has It's Just Wings, and Denny's has The Burger Den.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:37 PM (L2ZTs)

485 I kind of enjoy looking at female genitalia in fact I wish I was looking at some right now
close up

There's a word for that and I'm having trouble thinking of it. It's right on the tip of my tongue...

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 06, 2021 10:37 PM (SchxB)

486 481 Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:36 PM (VxC1e)

No not really, I suspect given the way my mind works had I been in the area I would have far preferred the Chick Pea to the Dancer.

Posted by: sven at September 06, 2021 10:38 PM (Lzpvj)

487 Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at September 06, 2021 09:20 PM (hVqGz)

Don't know about you, but I'm not clicking on that!

Posted by: Pikov Andropov at September 06, 2021 10:38 PM (y7zkd)

488 I kind of enjoy looking at female genitalia in fact I wish I was looking at some right now
close up
Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 10:35 PM (dVkJu)

Madame Voyeur - Three new pics a day

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 10:38 PM (HG00O)

489 It's like Paul said in his second letter to the Deadites, "Whomsover is gotten with child, murdalate it, if it be more convenient."

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 06, 2021 10:38 PM (QU5/8)

490 457
Waaiit a minute. What about Waffle House? What about Darleen? Do you just blow your girls off this easily?
- signed, Marleen

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 06, 2021 10:39 PM (MViHT)

491 Pampas grass

Posted by: Count de Monet, unvaccinated American at September 06, 2021 10:39 PM (4I/2K)

492 Needles is a depressing looking town.
Posted by: qdpsteve

Someone should inject some life into the place. Some kind of stimulus.

Posted by: Miklos, Urban anti-Planner at September 06, 2021 10:39 PM (QzkSJ)

493 I kind of enjoy looking at female genitalia in fact I wish I was looking at some right now
close up


Posted by: David French at September 06, 2021 10:40 PM (DpkTQ)

494 8th & I was good duty. I didn't really appreciate it til I got to LeJuene.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 10:35 PM (kTF2Z)

Kinda wish I seized on some of those special assignments while in the Corps.

Good on you for doing so. Semper Fi!

Posted by: WinLinBSDAdmin at September 06, 2021 10:40 PM (Hh3y4)

Someone should inject some life into the place. Some kind of stimulus.
Posted by: Miklos, Urban anti-Planner at September 06, 2021 10:39 PM (QzkSJ)


Posted by: Hatari Somewhere on Ventura Highway at September 06, 2021 10:41 PM (WF/xn)

496 Well I headed out to Vegas
Only made it out to Needles

Posted by: Three Dog Night at September 06, 2021 10:41 PM (VxC1e)

497 475
Be careful what you wish for...
*adjusting pants*

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 06, 2021 10:41 PM (MViHT)

498 Rule one in the old CRT monitors. Replace all the electrolytics.

Same for old radios. Replace, then do a power on test.
Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 06, 2021 10:36 PM (SchxB)

Then use a variac to gently bring it to operating voltage. Should be good to go AFAIK.

Posted by: WinLinBSDAdmin at September 06, 2021 10:42 PM (Hh3y4)

499 I kind of enjoy looking at female genitalia in fact I wish I was looking at some right now
close up


Only if you do it 144 times

Posted by: Miklos, dangerously close to Maths at September 06, 2021 10:43 PM (QzkSJ)

Chili's is a sewer.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:32 PM (VxC1e)


They're all the same...Chilis, Olive Garden, Appbebees, Outback, etc.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at September 06, 2021 10:43 PM (GQ5VU)

501 Greatest view of the Milky Way I ever saw?

The view at night from a Bedouin camp in Jordan on a moonless night.

Being from SoCal I barely knew that stars existed. The Milky Way was a revelation.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 09:10 PM (VxC1e)

On any clear night, I can see the Milky Way here at stately Peon Manor.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 10:43 PM (NCOpD)

502 I find it amusing that I never saw a Bible verse cited, just "God allows abortion." And these idiots were trying to beat Crowder, a vocal Christian, with this idea. The Bible doesn't say what YOU want to say, it says what God needs to Gibbs-smack you with at the moment.

Posted by: pookysgirl, aunt to literal Bible-thumpers at September 06, 2021 10:44 PM (XKZwp)

503 "13And the word of the LORD came unto me the second time, saying, What seest thou? And I said, I see a seething pot; and the face thereof is toward the north.

14Then the LORD said unto me, Out of the north an evil shall break forth upon all the inhabitants of the land."

Is that about Canada? The evil is already breaking.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 06, 2021 10:44 PM (Cus5s)

504 Crassus was killed by the Parthians pouring molten gold down his throat.
Was this a unique mode of death invented just for him, or d did the Parthians like doingnthis?
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 06, 2021 09:11 PM (oEn12)

Well, it's not like you can't get the gold back later...

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 10:44 PM (NCOpD)

505 There's now a big thing called "ghost kitchens" or "virtual restaurants." Major chains who have a cordoned-off section of the menu, usually specializing in something.


Saw a CNBC thing on it and there was one restaurant in NYC which sold itself as 14 different restaurants on UberEats, Doordash and GrubHub.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at September 06, 2021 10:45 PM (GQ5VU)

506 - signed, Marleen

I'm trying to move you girls up a notch or two

Posted by: Miklos, out back of Outback at September 06, 2021 10:45 PM (QzkSJ)

507 If you were headed to Las Vegas and you ended up in Needles, you were seriously off course.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:45 PM (VxC1e)

508 Helena Handbasket has a few Polish mixed in with her flock, with the big froofy headgear. Looks like they should have titles that start with "Contessa" or "Adjutant-General". Chickens with presence.
Posted by: hogmartin

My Polish is just called Hippy chicken.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * unedited version at September 06, 2021 10:46 PM (YzJmd)

509 If you were headed to Las Vegas and you ended up in Needles, you were seriously off course.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:45 PM (VxC1e)

Probably was on the 15N and accidentally got on the 40 to the 10.

Posted by: WinLinBSDAdmin at September 06, 2021 10:47 PM (Hh3y4)

510 They're all the same...Chilis, Olive Garden, Appbebees, Outback, etc.
Posted by: Joe XiDen

At least Olive Garden remains true to its roots.

Posted by: Miklos, the cut-rate Zagat at September 06, 2021 10:48 PM (QzkSJ)

511 We really liked our 2003 Nissan Quest, but it finally had too many problems to fix up (I am no AOP). So, Daughter found [drumroll] a used (of course) 2005 Nissan Quest for a very decent price. [canned laughter] Even after fixing some things, we should be able to get our money's worth out of it, if it lasts a year or more.

This will probably be the fourth or fifth time Milady has acquired a car for us without my input (much). Daughter seems to have inherited her wisdom. I trust their judgment. Plus, Milady makes great sandwiches. I think I'll keep her.

BTW whoever decided putting liquid crystal displays in cars was a good idea should be court-martialed.
Posted by: mindful the mechanically uninclined webworker at September 06, 2021 09:16 PM (+Dm7G)

I have the engine, and all the wiring from a '97 Nissan Quest right here. I doubt it would fit your '03, though. But anyone who wants it? Free, you pick up. Engine ran before removed from vehicle. V6.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 10:48 PM (NCOpD)


Kim Kardashians butt is fake??

Posted by: will choose a nic later at September 06, 2021 10:48 PM (bTQ72)

513 Can't believe it's only 1/2 time.

Posted by: Skip at September 06, 2021 10:50 PM (2JoB8)

514 Joe XiDen: good grief.

I can imagine people lamenting "why does everything from everywhere taste the same??!?"... ;-)

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:51 PM (L2ZTs)

515 Is that about Canada? The evil is already breaking.
Posted by: illiniwek

Which would make Trudeau Gog?

Posted by: Sock Monkey * unedited version at September 06, 2021 10:51 PM (YzJmd)

516 Is anyone in search of an engine for a Quest?

Posted by: Miklos, not King of the Britons at September 06, 2021 10:51 PM (QzkSJ)

517 I've also been told by our media elite that they aren't stopping the Americans on the planes from leaving, they're just stopping the planes from leaving......

In better times I'd offer to trade all the commies and forever aggrieved assholes to the Taliban for those people, as they keep saying they hate everything about America, but this administration would probably instead round up 70 year old grandmas who dared to stand for the national anthem, instead.
Posted by: Rbastid at September 06, 2021 09:20 PM (XwTyM)

Again: How many Americans on those planes? Not Afghans holding U.S. passports, but real Born In The USA Americans?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 10:51 PM (NCOpD)

518 will choose:
if you turn the handle on the side, a clown puppet pops out of it...

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:52 PM (L2ZTs)

519 On a quest for a Quest engine??

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:52 PM (L2ZTs)

Tamerlane killed people by pouring molten lead into the ears, I think I read

Posted by: will choose a nic later at September 06, 2021 10:52 PM (bTQ72)

521 Can't believe it's only 1/2 time.
Posted by: Skip at September 06, 2021 10:50 PM (2JoB

I know, right? 2/4 is standard notation, unless you want to waltz it up at 3/4 time

Oom, ta-ta, Ooom, ta-ta, ooom ta-ta, Oom ta-ta . . .

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 10:53 PM (HG00O)

522 I'd bet good money all ten complainants were county employees.
Posted by: Poster With No Good Money at September 06, 2021 09:22 PM (SmFPm)

and all are Commie assholes, who need to be gutshot, and thrown in a ditch to bleed out.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 10:53 PM (NCOpD)

523 I worked at Chiji's before and during law school. I found waiting tables to be terrifying at first, but really a great experience in learning how to interact with people for profit. I also liked the food. I'd actually consider waiting tables again (though a step up from Chiji's) but those days went GWTW last March.... Sigh

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 06, 2021 10:53 PM (KAi1n)

524 I know, right? 2/4 is standard notation, unless you want to waltz it up at 3/4 time

Oom, ta-ta, Ooom, ta-ta, ooom ta-ta, Oom ta-ta . . .
Posted by: Kindltot

*smiles, waves baton*

Posted by: Lawrence W. at September 06, 2021 10:53 PM (QzkSJ)

525 The Taliban is currently holding six airplanes full of American citizens hostage.

"Carter never paid a price for this kind of thing, As long as we get them back before 444 days have past??? WE look like winners!"-Joe Biden

Posted by: jeff at September 06, 2021 10:54 PM (uAI4S)

526 So i decided to see if anything interesting was going on in the ONT......
How do I get an alert on my phone when the topic turns spicy?

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at September 06, 2021 10:55 PM (Y+l9t)

527 I know, right? 2/4 is standard notation, unless you want to waltz it up at 3/4 time

Oom, ta-ta, Ooom, ta-ta, ooom ta-ta, Oom ta-ta . . .

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 10:53 PM (HG00O)

I actually understood this. I need to get out (away from the musical theory family) more.

Posted by: pookysgirl only knows one waltz at September 06, 2021 10:55 PM (XKZwp)

528 ..Is anyone in search of an engine for a Quest? Posted by: Miklos, not King of the Britons at September 06, 2021 10:51 PM (QzkSJ)

Load that query up into the entry field on your favorite Search Engine, and hit the wee magnifying glass icon. That's right, send your Search Engine on a Quest.

Do it a second time, and make it a Re-Quest?

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at September 06, 2021 10:56 PM (QzJWU)

529 Rat,
Ok. I am being bullied into either getting the jab or losing my job.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 06, 2021 09:24 PM (U2p+3)

Force them to fire you. Move to a free State. Wait until the vaccine kills off most of the people in WA. Recolonize the place.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 10:56 PM (NCOpD)

530 The pre-Kroc history of McDonalds is surprisingly complex.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 10:16

At our museum I have a copy of the letter that Ray Kroc sent to Earl Prince (Prince Castles) who he was selling the multimixers for. He said the McDonalds were doing something right and the company should be looked into.

Posted by: Farmer at September 06, 2021 10:56 PM (55Qr6)

531 and all are Commie assholes, who need to be gutshot, and thrown in a ditch to bleed out.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

Jib. Cut. Like.

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at September 06, 2021 10:57 PM (k3yL0)

532 My cousin worked for Lawrence Welk Enterprises back in the eighties. Lawrence, referred to as The Fossil behind his back, showed up every day at 11 am to putt some golf balls in his office, go to lunch, then go home. His son ran the company.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 06, 2021 10:57 PM (mNhhD)

533 "Carter never paid a price for this kind of thing, As long as we get them back before 444 days have past??? WE look like winners!"-Joe Biden
Posted by: jeff at September 06, 2021 10:54 PM (uAI4S)

You know if there is a ransom paid there will be a kickback. I would be interested in knowing where that went

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 10:57 PM (HG00O)

534 516 because a Quest is absolutely the best!
(And, yeah. Don't be taking your girls above their station!)

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 06, 2021 10:58 PM (MViHT)

535 Welk was well into his 80's at that time, it is good he taught his kids well to run the company

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 10:58 PM (HG00O)

536 Do it a second time, and make it a Re-Quest?

Swap it into a midcentury Ford for a Galaxie Quest

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at September 06, 2021 10:59 PM (k3yL0)

537 Why can't there be a quick test for immunity?

If you think you're already immune, then you won't take the jab. And their goal is to make everyone take the jab.

Posted by: Methos at September 06, 2021 11:00 PM (kOpft)

538 Do it a second time, and make it a Re-Quest?


You guys are killing me!

Posted by: Miklos, requesting an inquest at September 06, 2021 11:00 PM (QzkSJ)

539 Holiday Boating ONT Compliance Pics

*scroll down
Posted by: kbdabear at September 06, 2021 09:29 PM (qAR6u)

Well, motorboating, anyway. Speaking of boats, a couple of weeks ago guess what I saw on a trailer? A steam launch, maybe about a 22 footer. Big stack midships. Cool.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 11:00 PM (NCOpD)

I actually understood this. I need to get out (away from the musical theory family) more.
Posted by: pookysgirl only knows one waltz at September 06, 2021 10:55 PM (XKZwp)

I adore that side of my family. My Aunts would arrange to get together and sing Gilbert and Sullivan with accompaniment. Grampa got to sing The Mikkado part once, and I remember fondly when the did Pirates of Penzance.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 11:01 PM (HG00O)

541 They kept calling Trump Hitler when he wasn't doing any fascist dictates and now governments are literally becoming Hitler and no one is saying anything. It's like aliens came down and infiltrated the bodies of the Australian, Canadian and American ruliing class and no one noticed.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at September 06, 2021 11:02 PM (Y+l9t)

542 524

Leave my oom-ta-ta alone!

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 06, 2021 11:02 PM (MViHT)

543 Cicero, sort of like Fleetwood Mac pre-Buckingham/Nicks. :-)
Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 10:17

Some of my favorite music, along w/ the Buckingham/Nicks album. Think I'll ask Alexa the spy to play that.

Posted by: Farmer at September 06, 2021 11:02 PM (55Qr6)

544 I have a blog for the Horde, if Mis Hum will allow it. Next week, the missus and I are going to drive to southern Utah, hoping to visit some of the National Parks. Because it is a couple of weeks after Labor Day, we're hoping the crush will have slackened off some. Any thoughts from some Morons who might have some info about the area and conditions?

Posted by: The Neon Madman at September 06, 2021 11:03 PM (KSXRc)

545 Looks like Newsom will stay. Trafalgar has him up by 10. Oh well it was fun fantasizing about a Republican gov of Cali for a week or two.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at September 06, 2021 11:03 PM (GQ5VU)

546 Shostakovich waltz #5 is the best waltz to dance to. This is known.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 06, 2021 11:05 PM (kTF2Z)

547 Supposedly the Muslim leader that pissed off Genghis Khan and brought him to the middle east also was killed by pouring molten precious metals into his head.

I guess its a popular idea in central asia?

Posted by: 18-1 at September 06, 2021 11:05 PM (DpkTQ)

548 "Which would make Trudeau Gog?"

idk, he doesn't seem that scary ... more like "Clog", in black face, shape shifting into Indian dancer, or whatever? But the bureaucracy there had gone tyrannical.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 06, 2021 11:05 PM (Cus5s)

549 Speaking of boats, a couple of weeks ago guess what I saw on a trailer? A steam launch, maybe about a 22 footer. Big stack midships. Cool.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 11:00 PM (NCOpD)

Very nice. I'd love to have one of those, but I can't imagine a pack of consumptive Dickensian waifs for stokers comes cheap.

Posted by: hogmartin at September 06, 2021 11:05 PM (ghoDT)

550 I just read an article about girls developing "tic disorders" from too much social media. Of course its all young girls, all have mood disorders, and now are part of a mass psychosis. And all I could think about was "Matt and Trey, you sonsabitches, you did it again".

Had a nice weekend. We did some yard stuff and home improvement stuff. Today was our anniversary so out for lunch at the place we were married, and some wine tasting.

Posted by: Funsize (EiPf6) at September 06, 2021 11:06 PM (EiPf6)

551 Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 11:01 PM (HG00O)

We gather around the piano to sing carols at Christmas, and it's a tossup as to who is playing the piano. Last year Pookette did a song (with flourishes, of course). I don't think Pooky understands how inadequate I feel sometimes by not being able to play piano.

Posted by: pookysgirl, piano mom at September 06, 2021 11:06 PM (XKZwp)

552 Looks like Newsom will stay. Trafalgar has him up by 10.

Keep in mind Biden "won" CA by 30 points (supposedly). And Newsom won 2 years ago by 25 points.

If he wins by 10 it does indicate there is something going on in CA...

Posted by: 18-1 at September 06, 2021 11:07 PM (DpkTQ)

553 Which is why any car after 2010-2012 is going to be a problem to fix.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 06, 2021 09:36 PM (/rU1p)

Sounds like a cool opportunity for someone with embedded software-hardware skills to solve and make some $$$.
Posted by: WinLinBSDAdmin at September 06, 2021 09:42 PM (Hh3y4)

There is already an open-source ECM for electronic fuel injection (and spark timing) called MegaSquirt. If it could be given capability to drive computer-controlled transmissions, you would be most of the way to doing an end-run around OEM modules.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 11:07 PM (NCOpD)

554 I read today - have not confirmed it independently yet - that the CDC has a team looking at vaccine effects in pregnant women, and their prelim results showed that of 116 women who got vaccinated in the first two trimesters, 104 of them miscarried. (The 700 women who got vaccinated in the third trimester had live births, so there's that, I guess.) I know that's preliminary, but one would think it's good reason to, at the very least, not recommend the shot for women who are pregnant or hoping to be until we have more data.

But we no longer live in a sane world.

Posted by: Mrs. Peel at September 06, 2021 11:08 PM (8548M)

555 It's like aliens came down and infiltrated the bodies of the Australian, Canadian and American ruliing class and no one noticed.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at September 06, 2021 11:02 PM (Y+l9t)

After WWII all the newly liberated colonies went socialist because the leaders had these educations from the greatest schools in the world that all said that they had to go Socialist to be great powers.

All the leaders in the freaking world now have had educations that have taught that organized central economies are the most successful, only you get rid of all the laws and freedoms that impede such a totalitarian grasp for their governments. this is what we get now, totalitarian wannabe states that are bearing down because they can, and it is moral and correct to do such things.

I heard one guy say, "the good news is they can't keep moving the goal posts, the will eventually run out of field," but he also felt that really bad things were going to happen first.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 11:08 PM (HG00O)

556 We Dreamed of being stokers....

Posted by: Emaciated consumptive DREAMERS from El Salvador at September 06, 2021 11:09 PM (QzkSJ)

557 The mount would have to track apparent the celestial movement, no?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 06, 2021 09:43 PM (9Fwwf)

A long time exposure would also show meteor trails and satellites, I would expect.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 11:09 PM (NCOpD)

558 I think the discussion should center on "circumferential" vs. "longitudinal" stripes.
Posted by: Muldoon at September 06, 2021 09:43 PM (m45I2)


Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 11:10 PM (NCOpD)

559 Which would make Trudeau Gog?"

idk, he doesn't seem that scary ... more like "Clog", in black face, shape shifting into Indian dancer, or whatever? But the bureaucracy there had gone tyrannical.
Posted by: illiniwek

I think he does fit. Underneath the " I'm a beautiful metrosexual thing" persona lies the pyscopathic brutal heart of a Castro.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * unedited version at September 06, 2021 11:11 PM (YzJmd)

560 I don't think Pooky understands how inadequate I feel sometimes by not being able to play piano.
Posted by: pookysgirl, piano mom at September 06, 2021 11:06 PM (XKZwp)

Piano is hard, and I have the voice of a crow. I am the step kid.

If you can make cookies and cakes you will be loved more than you would be fighting for a turn to play the piano.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 11:12 PM (HG00O)

561 Incidentally, if my husband came in and dropped trou right now, I'd be like hell yeah, let's do it. I still don't want a dick pic from him. Gross.

He and I had an idea a while back for a terrible Halloween costume, Sexual Harassment Robot. The robot would ineptly sexually harass everyone ("Hey baby, you must be tired because you've been lighting up my circuits all day"), and if you gave the robot your number, it would text you a dick pic, which would have just been a shot of the crotch of the robot costume (think Bender).

Needless to say, we never actually followed through with this idea.

Posted by: Mrs. Peel at September 06, 2021 11:14 PM (8548M)

562 Needless to say, we never actually followed through with this idea.
Posted by: Mrs. Peel at September 06, 2021 11:14 PM (8548M)


Went with the Amos N Andy blackface then, did you?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 06, 2021 11:16 PM (VxC1e)

563 If you can make cookies and cakes you will be loved more than you would be fighting for a turn to play the piano.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 06, 2021 11:12 PM (HG00O)

I can't even do that, sadly. Pooky let slip to my MiL early on that I don't enjoy cooking and baking, so I am not a good little Dutch wife.

Posted by: pookysgirl, listening to cats snore at September 06, 2021 11:16 PM (XKZwp)

564 and all are Commie assholes, who need to be gutshot, and thrown in a ditch to bleed out.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

Thereby triggering the now-only-occasional posting of the excerpt from Mickey Spillane's 'One Lonely Night':

"I killed more people tonight than I have fingers on my hand. I shot them in cold blood and enjoyed every minute of it. I pumped slugs in the nastiest bunch of bastards you ever saw and here I am calmer than I’ve ever been, and happy too. They were Communists, Lee. They were red sons of bitches who should have died long ago…"

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 06, 2021 11:17 PM (pbStR)

565 Keep in mind Biden "won" CA by 30 points (supposedly). And Newsom won 2 years ago by 25 points.

If he wins by 10 it does indicate there is something going on in CA...
Posted by: 18-1

It helps the steal if ones boy is polling at double digits, losing by double digits and winning raises too many eyebrows, not that that maters, but it does hurt the optics.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 11:19 PM (r1z5A)

566 For the UT park person, we did Bryce and Zion last year during the vid because that state was fairly open. But we did it in august which was HOT.
Loved both. Very majestic but something about Bryce made us love it more. Less crowds. Easier hiking.

The often overlooked part of Zion is the east area where few people go. More desolate but lovely. At the end of the road is a lovely reservoir that has camping all along it.

There's a great place to stay outside of Bryce that's easily drivable. And it's just pastoral and we wished we stayed longer. Let me know if you want more info.

Posted by: keena at September 06, 2021 11:19 PM (RiTnx)

567 If you can make cookies and cakes you will be loved more than you would be fighting for a turn to play the piano.

Posted by: Kindltot

"They laughed when I sat down at the piano..."

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 06, 2021 11:20 PM (pbStR)

If he wins by 10 it does indicate there is something going on in CA...
Posted by: 18-1

How do you figure? "He wins" ends the discussion.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 06, 2021 11:20 PM (pNxlR)

569 How do I get an alert on my phone when the topic turns spicy?
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at September 06, 2021 10:55 PM (Y+l9t)

Soooo, you want to be alerted 50 times a minute? Might wreak havoc on your data plan.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 06, 2021 11:20 PM (2SdPm)

570 Oops. I mean the west branch of Zion that is separate from the min drag. There's also a cool ghost town near there if you're going from the main part of the park to the west part.

Posted by: keena at September 06, 2021 11:21 PM (RiTnx)

571 and if you gave the robot your number, it would text you a dick pic, which would have just been a shot of the crotch of the robot costume (think Bender).

Needless to say, we never actually followed through with this idea.

Posted by: Mrs. Peel at September 06, 2021 11:14 PM (8548M)

Oh come on, you can't go wrong with Futurama!

Posted by: pookysgirl, kiss my shiny metal daffodil at September 06, 2021 11:21 PM (XKZwp)

572 How do I get an alert on my phone when the topic turns spicy?
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice)

Why an alert? Type "boobs" and sit back.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 11:22 PM (r1z5A)

573 He and I had an idea a while back for a terrible Halloween costume, Sexual Harassment Robot. The robot would ineptly sexually harass everyone ("Hey baby, you must be tired because you've been lighting up my circuits all day"), and if you gave the robot your number, it would text you a dick pic, which would have just been a shot of the crotch of the robot costume (think Bender).

Needless to say, we never actually followed through with this idea.

A friend in college made a breast exam robot... silver cardboard box over his body with outstretched arms covered with dryer vent hoses.... he had a GOOD night

Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs at September 06, 2021 11:22 PM (s94di)

574 And by easier hiking in Bryce I mean trails are not overrun by a ton of people. You are very smart going off season.

Posted by: keena at September 06, 2021 11:22 PM (RiTnx)

575 I really don't know anything about Gog, but a little checking, it seems to be prophecy of the second coming. The verses I quoted (Jeremiah 1) ... the Gentiles seem to actually "win", because Israel had made/worshiped other gods.

Gog is from Ezekiel ... another book with wild prophecy .. I never really studied it much. But I'm told this (current) period of the One Body, JC as the head (first raised from the dead) was the mystery, so not revealed when they saw a coming, then later, the second coming. ... Christians get gathered together before the tribulation, then the second coming, JC comes in power. we are in the age of Grace.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 06, 2021 11:23 PM (Cus5s)

576 Rule one in the old CRT monitors. Replace all the electrolytics.
Posted by: Some Rat at September 06, 2021 10:19 PM (r1z5A)

Ditto for antique radios and old audio gear.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 11:24 PM (r4ZGs)

577 Canada didn't become "socialist" until the late 60s/ early 70s once Trudeau hit the scene. And even then calling Canada socialist is a pretty big stretch. I mean FFS, Canada has a lower top marginal tax rate today than the US.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at September 06, 2021 11:24 PM (GQ5VU)

578 I worked at Chiji's before and during law school. I found waiting tables to be terrifying at first, but really a great experience in learning how to interact with people for profit. I also liked the food. I'd actually consider waiting tables again (though a step up from Chiji's) but those days went GWTW last March.... Sigh
Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 06, 2021 10:53

Wow, a lot of commonalities there SFG. Worked the restaurant/college bar during college and after. Great learning experience and taught my shy self to deal w/ people when bartending.

Posted by: Farmer at September 06, 2021 11:26 PM (55Qr6)

I heard one guy say, "the good news is they can't keep moving the goal posts, the will eventually run out of field," but he also felt that really bad things were going to happen first.
Posted by: Kindltot

There is an expanding field in an expanding universe.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 06, 2021 11:26 PM (63Dwl)

580 I don't know if you can draw a lot of conclusions from an off year recall election. After Gray Davis was bounced in 2003, CA just kept going further and further to the left.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at September 06, 2021 11:26 PM (GQ5VU)

581 Just finished a NY strip for dinner.

One thing I've found over the years is that for me, the all-time best steakhouse is my own.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:27 PM (L2ZTs)

582 "Pamplemousses is one of the administrative districts of the island nation of Mauritius"

Where the grapefruit grows I imagine

Posted by: Pikov Andropov at September 06, 2021 11:29 PM (y7zkd)

583 actually it says "the gates of Jerusalem", not "Israel". ... and maybe I read it backwards ... heh.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 06, 2021 11:29 PM (Cus5s)

584 One thing I've found over the years is that for me, the all-time best steakhouse is my own.
Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:27 PM (L2ZTs)


I feel the same with hamburgers. Best one out there is the one I grill myself.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at September 06, 2021 11:29 PM (GQ5VU)

585 CA just kept going further and further to the left.
Posted by: Joe XiDen

CA has gone so far left, it should have bumped into Japan by now.

Posted by: Miklos checks coordinates at September 06, 2021 11:29 PM (QzkSJ)

586 429 the modern sense of a horde as a powerful and frightening mass.
So we are back to nut sacks?


Posted by: Pikov Andropov at September 06, 2021 11:30 PM (y7zkd)

587 Joe, burgers are the one thing I just can't seem to master.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:30 PM (L2ZTs)

588 Joe, burgers are the one thing I just can't seem to master.
Posted by: qdpsteve

The Secret Thousand Island dressing

Posted by: Fast Times at Miklos High at September 06, 2021 11:32 PM (QzkSJ)

589 illiniwek

Same. I don't venture down the end times rabbit hole. I do find Ezekiel and Daniel fascinating. Amen to His Grace.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * unedited version at September 06, 2021 11:32 PM (YzJmd)

590 Miklos: that's my Mom's favorite.
For me red relish is key.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:32 PM (L2ZTs)

591 I just read an article about girls developing "tic disorders" from too much social media. Of course its all young girls, all have mood disorders, and now are part of a mass psychosis. And all I could think about was "Matt and Trey, you sonsabitches, you did it again".

Had a nice weekend. We did some yard stuff and home improvement stuff. Today was our anniversary so out for lunch at the place we were married, and some wine tasting.
Posted by: Funsize (EiPf6) at September 06, 2021 11:06 PM (EiPf6)

Wouldn't those be "tik-tok" disorders? And in one of the many Oz books by L. Frank Baum, there was a clockwork man named TickTock.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 11:34 PM (r4ZGs)

592 With burgers it's not just the meat. It's the fixins' too. Onions and good mustard while cooking. Then fresh tomatoes. It's the whole package.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at September 06, 2021 11:35 PM (GQ5VU)

593 Miklos: that's my Mom's favorite.

A lot of kids say that.

Posted by: Modest and discreet Miklos at September 06, 2021 11:35 PM (QzkSJ)

594 It's the whole package.
Posted by: Joe XiDen

This nut sack thing is persistent.

Posted by: Miklos attempts redirection at September 06, 2021 11:36 PM (QzkSJ)

595 Joe, true. Something just always seems to be missing from my burgers.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:37 PM (L2ZTs)

596 I know I make better fajitas than what the restaurants offer. I do better spaghetti too because I am eating it and care about the details.

Steak houses are different. With some exceptions, the high end steak houses get better meat. They pretty much get all the top end of prime cuts. Also, they have ovens that get way, way hotter than the ones regular people have.

i am not saying we can't make great steaks. But the high end steak houses do have an advantage.

Posted by: Quint at September 06, 2021 11:37 PM (8u1Ia)

597 "the leaders in the freaking world now have had educations that have taught that organized central economies are the most successful, only you get rid of all the laws and freedoms that impede such a totalitarian grasp for their governments"

There is some argument to be made for the success of China (or the CCP). At least as long as they have a USA to steal ideas from, and to sell to. ... But as Obama lamented "I wish I could just order things done like China can" (something like that)

There are certainly efficiencies in that ... also in being able to pollute, use slaves, toss the slaves out if they get sick or injured. ... It is terrible for the people, but if the serfs become adapted to submission and little hope ... it can be more efficient in many ways.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 06, 2021 11:39 PM (Cus5s)

598 Quint, they have an advantage, and I still want to try some local acclaimed steakhouses, but I've found markets in my area thankfully have some *really* good meat available. Just have to really look at the marbling, freshness, etc. I've learned I can't just throw something in the cart and expect it to be great.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:39 PM (L2ZTs)

599 But we no longer live in a sane world.
Posted by: Mrs. Peel at September 06, 2021 11:08

What kind of idiot would consent to the vaccine while pregnant?

I was scheduled for a triple level spinal fusion in Apr. No way would I take an experimental vaccine before or after surgery. Yep Mrs. Peel, you and I and a few others here are the remnants of sanity.

Posted by: Farmer at September 06, 2021 11:41 PM (55Qr6)

600 I've learned I can't just throw something in the cart and expect it to be great.
Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:39 PM (L2ZTs)

Most hobos are too scrawny to have much marbling.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 11:41 PM (r4ZGs)

601 Puppet Show
Blue Oyster Cult

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at September 06, 2021 11:42 PM (ufFY8)

602 AOP, true but this NY strip I found tonight (behind the butcher counter, no less) was *incredibly* well marbled. Wish I had taken a pic that I could show you. Looked almost like a piece of Wagyu.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:43 PM (L2ZTs)

603 There's a Pavilions nearby me that sells Wagyu, btw.
IMHO it didn't seem that much better than a really well-marbled ribeye or strip.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:44 PM (L2ZTs)

604 Kind of funny how the same people who love China (which has the 996 system, work 9-9, 6 days a week), talk about how important work-life balance is.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at September 06, 2021 11:44 PM (GQ5VU)

605 > Speaking of boats, a couple of weeks ago guess what I saw on a trailer? A steam launch, maybe about a 22 footer. Big stack midships. Cool.

Cool indeed. Katherine Hepburn and leeches sold separately, I'll bet.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at September 06, 2021 11:45 PM (oL4gB)

606 In Soviet America, dog wagyu!

Posted by: Barack Hussein Smirnov at September 06, 2021 11:45 PM (QzkSJ)

607 Just in and out tonight, with a quick scan.

I'm now considering getting my wedding tackle tattooed with WWII "dazzle" camouflage.

Good night, all.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at September 06, 2021 11:47 PM (oL4gB)

608 Quint, they have an advantage, and I still want to try some local acclaimed steakhouses, but I've found markets in my area thankfully have some *really* good meat available. Just have to really look at the marbling, freshness, etc. I've learned I can't just throw something in the cart and expect it to be great.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:39 PM (L2ZTs)

we definitely have more access to prime cuts than in the old days. It wasn't that long ago when you could never find prime graded steaks in a super market. They say there are different levels of prime, and the top steak houses still buy all of those. I believe that.

If I were you,l I would try a high end steak house but not a chain. Not Mortons, not Ruth's Chris, but something local just to see how they compare with your own.

The best meat I have purchased was from Allen Brothers. It came frozen, that is part of the deal. They were a major sponsor of Rush for a while and then that relationship disappeared. I don't know the details there but they went away as quickly as they showed up. My guess is politics but I don't know that.

Posted by: Quint at September 06, 2021 11:47 PM (8u1Ia)

609 Rodrigo, goodnight.
"Dazzle" camo is Milley's favorite!

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:47 PM (L2ZTs)

610 Quint, hmm. I'll take your advice about that, thanks.

I know of two great independent steakhouses in my general area, Madera's in Los Alamitos (right next to my fave hot dog place, LOL) and Stubrik's in Brea.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:49 PM (L2ZTs)

611 I have the engine, and all the wiring from a '97 Nissan Quest right here....
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

All the wiring -- heh. The old van did have a battery-draining short, so... welll....

Milady Jo has arrived with the new acquisition.

The old green Quest had a bent-up hood and bashed-in grill from hitting a small deer. The passenger side had scrapes and dents from getting too close to a cement post. The back end was crunched in from backing into a sturdy door. The radio dash was cracked and broken, mostly from my smashing the off switch violently any time SCOAMF, later Hillzebub, came on. Long list of interior wear, including the failed liquid crystal gauges. Still smelled of our old dog.

The new white van is totally startling - exactly the same as the old van, but totally clean, like-new interior. New details: power sliding doors, roof rack. Minor annoyance: LQ displays slightly failing, but nothing as bad as the old one. FM radio doesn't seem to work.

Gonna tell our mechanic this is the same old van; we had the dents pounded out, gave it a paint job, and had the interior detailed. I don't think he'll believe me.

Posted by: mindful the automotively limited webworker at September 06, 2021 11:50 PM (ijO9y)

612 AOP, true but this NY strip I found tonight (behind the butcher counter, no less) was *incredibly* well marbled. Wish I had taken a pic that I could show you. Looked almost like a piece of Wagyu.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:43 PM (L2ZTs)

I found an extremely well marbled steak at a local Hispanic market. Their meat isn't even graded. You have to use your eyes. I thought I hit the mother load. But when I went back there, the steaks were nothing like that. I think the real deals are with "choice" steaks. There are major differences within that group. You have to judge them for yourself.

Posted by: Quint at September 06, 2021 11:50 PM (8u1Ia)

613 If you're buying it in the States, you're not buying real Kobe or Wagyu. The USDA still won't allow it to be imported from Japan, which is why the JEF had to have it flown in for one of his (taxpayer-funded) parties.

Now, I have had real Kobe, and it is to die for. It is also slightly better than Wagyu.

Posted by: pookysgirl misses real teppanyaki at September 06, 2021 11:50 PM (XKZwp)

614 My guess is politics but I don't know that.
Posted by: Quint

Allen Brothers couldn't keep up with demand. They had to stop all online ordering for more than a year, I think, until they could handle the business.

Posted by: as recalled by Miklos at September 06, 2021 11:50 PM (QzkSJ)

615 Quint, yup. I think the best Choice steaks are almost indistinguishable from general Prime steaks.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:51 PM (L2ZTs)

616 pookysgirl, thanks and true, I read that, that there is no legal definition of what Wagyu or Kobe is in the USA. Anybody can call anything Wagyu if they want.

Having a gen-yoo-wine Kobe someday is on my bucket list, that's for sure.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:52 PM (L2ZTs)

617 Having a gen-yoo-wine Kobe someday is on my bucket list, that's for sure.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:52 PM (L2ZTs)

That goal may be more attainable than you think! You don't have to go to Kobe itself, just a good teppenyaki place anywhere in Japan. Four Seasons in Okinawa was the one I was the most familiar with.

Posted by: pookysgirl misses real teppanyaki at September 06, 2021 11:55 PM (XKZwp)

618 pookys, mmmmmm! Thanks. :-)

There is an actual Kobe Japanese Steakhouse near me. That's the name. I've read they have wagyu that's very close to the Japanese specimen. It's expensive though of course.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:56 PM (L2ZTs)

619 Allen Brothers couldn't keep up with demand. They had to stop all online ordering for more than a year, I think, until they could handle the business.

Posted by: as recalled by Miklos at September 06, 2021 11:50 PM (QzkSJ)

ahh! It was good stuff. I still have the steak knives they sent compris. Those knives have lasted a long time.

Posted by: Quint at September 06, 2021 11:57 PM (8u1Ia)

620 Overtime would be, depending on your state, 6/4 or 8/4.

Even though I played clarinet in school band (5-7th grades), and took some theory in college, I've always had a hard time (NPI) intuiting the difference between something like 3/4 and 6/8. 6/8 is just 2x(3/4). It doesn't mean anything to me other than it's a waltz meter. Waltz meter does make for some hauntingly delicious pop/rock/alt music. Concrete Blonde's "Darkening of the Light" for instance. Love (or used to love) dancing to that one.

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 06, 2021 11:58 PM (KAi1n)

621 "A long time exposure would also show meteor trails and satellites, I would expect.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 06, 2021 11:09 PM (NCOpD)"

They sure can. I've had to discard some long single exposures and also some individual frames in stacked CCD images because of meteors, aircraft, etc.

OTOH, I had a neat set of single exposures for a deep image of M20 (the Trifid Nebula) and if you played them in sequence, you could see asteroids floating through the field of view.

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent at September 06, 2021 11:59 PM (ZSK0i)

622 Here's the menu for Kobe Japanese Steakhouse.

Notice there's no price on their actual Kobe steak. Probably market-based, and I'd imagine at least a Benjamin per entree.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:59 PM (L2ZTs)

623 Goodnight all, thanks for the fun chat tonight.

Good thing I had steak *before* talking about it... ;-)

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 07, 2021 12:06 AM (L2ZTs)

624 There's a Pavilions nearby me that sells Wagyu, btw.
IMHO it didn't seem that much better than a really well-marbled ribeye or strip.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 06, 2021 11:44 PM (L2ZTs)

I am not expert on this for sure, but I know the term Wagyu gets thrown around a lot. There are for sure different grades of the stuff. At one end you have "Wagyu burgers" ( i mean, come on?). On the other end you have stuff properly named Kobe beef, that costs a couple hundred for a very small steak in Japan.

I would say it is like the difference between a White Alba Truffle and a "truffle pizza" that has mushrooms and is sprinkled with truffle oil.

Posted by: Quint at September 07, 2021 12:07 AM (8u1Ia)

625 I go to a local bar/restaurant. They make good food but sometimes I think they stretch things a bit too much. One special was a "tenderloin". The price seemed low so for sure I ordered it. What I got was not a tenderloin and it was obvious. I asked the waiter about it and he said that they called it a tenderloin because the meat was tender.

They also have Laphroig 10 for sale on the menu. But they only have Laphroig Select in the bar. The later is a cheaper whiskey. I said something to a bartender and he apologized. I said no worries, just lettting you know of the discrepancy. A year later, same thing. Oh well, I guess I was the only one who noticed or cared.

Posted by: Quint at September 07, 2021 12:13 AM (8u1Ia)

626 Isn't wagyu beef what you say when you want a girl to shake her booty?

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 07, 2021 12:13 AM (KAi1n)

627 626 Isn't wagyu beef what you say when you want a girl to shake her booty?
Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 07, 2021 12:13 AM (KAi1n)

Only if she's a Heifer.

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 07, 2021 12:16 AM (oHd/0)

628 Only if she's a Heifer.
Posted by: Romeo13 at September 07, 2021 12:16 AM (oHd/0)

Wasn't Hugh Heifer the founder of Plowboy Magazine?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 07, 2021 12:23 AM (r4ZGs)

629 Wonder if the cook would come out and shoot you if you asked for your Kobe well done?

Posted by: a dude in MI at September 07, 2021 12:25 AM (+I6Y/)

630 Wasn't Hugh Heifer the founder of Plowboy Magazine?
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 07, 2021 12:23 AM (r4ZGs)

Say what you want about his morals... but the guy lived a HELL of a life.

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 07, 2021 12:28 AM (oHd/0)

631 Final note about the new used van. Seller had spent $ shipping the car from Calif to Kan because he thought it had about 40K miles on it. Turns out, the LQ display of the odometer was not displaying the 1 before the 40.

He seems to have been wanting to get rid of it because he kicked himself about the error. He lowered the price by thousands before we found it. Discounted all the fees for the final sale. Works for me!

Gotta go battle the court tomorrow: glad to serve on jury duty, but if they really demand masks, I may warn them that I have an underlying condition of feeling suffocated and going berserk. We shall see.

This is where I say good-night:


Posted by: mindful webworker retires at September 07, 2021 12:29 AM (ijO9y)

632 Night, Mindful. I am going to hit the sack, too. Just realized it's 11:30 here. I am in the midst of a big repair job on a friend's antique car, and I don't want it to drag out too long, so I ought to get a good day in tomorrow.

Night, Horde.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 07, 2021 12:32 AM (r4ZGs)

633 Be well mindful. GL on the jury duty. Last time called I actually had to serve.

We acquitted the guy, the cop was a real azzhole, it was a BS charge.

Posted by: Farmer at September 07, 2021 12:42 AM (55Qr6)

634 227 164 If you're around Victorville we're homies- I'm in north Pomona

Posted by: MAxIE at September 06, 2021 09:37 PM (dVkJu)
we're all homies... i used to drill in Pomona at the armory next to the police station and courthouse. before that, in Ontario there right off the I-10. SF Valley resident these days, like totally, fer sure.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 12:51 AM (+V9LB)

635 As a kid every Summer, I'd spend a long (and sometimes very long) weekend with my grandparents at Murrieta (CA). It was nice to have the pool, but there was precious little else to do, and the drive to/from L.A. (Olympic and Holt) was nuts with the car's buzzer going off every time my grandfather went over 55 mph.

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 07, 2021 01:15 AM (KAi1n)

636 so, dead thread?

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 02:17 AM (+V9LB)

637 Mornin', all

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at September 07, 2021 02:19 AM (210jg)

638 morning MLii

Posted by: Pikov Andropov at September 07, 2021 02:19 AM (y7zkd)

639 Deader than Jerry Garcia....

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 07, 2021 02:20 AM (KAi1n)

640 and the drive to/from L.A. (Olympic and Holt) was nuts with the car's buzzer going off every time my grandfather went over 55 mph.

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 07, 2021 01:15 AM (KAi1n)
i know *right* where that is... your granddad was Sammy Hagar? ;-)

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 02:20 AM (+V9LB)

641 It's not dead yet!

Hey there, Pikov A.

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at September 07, 2021 02:22 AM (210jg)

642 SF Goth: my e-mail is in my nick... we have many points of congruity, and i think it would be fun to talk off line. OPSEC is my religion, and others here can vouch for my discretion, etc... love to hear from you bro!

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 02:22 AM (+V9LB)

643 so, anyway, back about 10-12 years ago, we bought an oversize bottle of red wine up in Paso Robles, but then we stopped entertaining, and never put it to use. bought what is marketed as an "Air Still" from Mile Hi Distilling in CO, and it is currently in the kitchen, distilling out the 15.5% ABV from the well past use by date wine. call it an experiment.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 02:25 AM (+V9LB)

644 just taste tested,,, vaguely wine flavored vodka, so WINNING!

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 02:32 AM (+V9LB)

645 adventures in chemistry lol

Posted by: Pikov Andropov at September 07, 2021 02:38 AM (y7zkd)

646 Red - I'll hit you up when I get some work done in a day or 2.

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 07, 2021 02:39 AM (KAi1n)

647 Red - I'll hit you up when I get some work done in a day or 2.

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 07, 2021 02:39 AM (KAi1n)
no rush... and we will always have Ft Hungry Lizard!

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 02:42 AM (+V9LB)

648 Heh. So that's what the police alert was about on my phone over the weekend.
'Genius award' winner event happened pretty near to mom's

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at September 07, 2021 02:53 AM (210jg)

649 hmmm... did the pharmacy math 15.5% ABV into 1500 ml total volume equals 232.5 ml pure ETOH. i currently have ~ 800, so i'm thinking grapa, at about 34.5%...

not quire vodka, but respectable, and, more importantly, drinkable, unlike the wine.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 02:57 AM (+V9LB)

650 I don't want to get up

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2021 03:03 AM (2JoB8)

651 think of breakfast Skip!

Posted by: Pikov Andropov at September 07, 2021 03:13 AM (y7zkd)

652 But we need some breakfast inspiration, Skip!

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at September 07, 2021 03:15 AM (210jg)

653 Pikov fistbump

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at September 07, 2021 03:15 AM (210jg)

654 What made me a conservative? Greed and like all conservatives a sociopath. So I came here to be with the other men behind blue eyes.

Posted by: mr. conservative at September 07, 2021 03:17 AM (TsCp9)

655 I don't want to get up

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2021 03:03 AM (2JoB
i don't want to go home...

Posted by: Southside Johnny & the Ashbury Jukes at September 07, 2021 03:18 AM (+V9LB)

656 Lie back and think of breakfast.

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 07, 2021 03:19 AM (KAi1n)

657 saw an awesome Milky Way, lying in the brush above the firing range beaches at Ft Ord, back in the lat e80's... we were in between events, looking at the stars, and noticed a satellite moving N to south on track to scan the base (Home of the 7th ID (L) at the time)... i wonder what the photo interpreters said when they saw us?

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 03:21 AM (+V9LB)

658 Planet Irwin is another place to see things normally blocked by light pollution... came reason the Army uses it to fight war games using jammers, etc.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 03:24 AM (+V9LB)

659 osted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 03:24 AM (+V9LB)
or, i should say, they did back in the 80's when the Warsaw Pact was a real threat...

i'm afraid to ask what they do now.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 03:26 AM (+V9LB)

660 i wonder what the photo interpreters said when they saw us?
Posted by: redc1c4

FN Goldbrickers!

Posted by: Some SgtMgr at September 07, 2021 03:29 AM (y7zkd)

661 Seeing the northern lights is one of my bucket list check-offs.

Niece who lived in Alaska for a few years has some amazing pictures of them. She said the pictures don't do it justice

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at September 07, 2021 03:38 AM (210jg)

662 FN Goldbrickers!

Posted by: Some SgtMgr at September 07, 2021 03:29 AM (y7zkd)
WELL after duty hours... call it after hours PT:

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 03:39 AM (+V9LB)

663 and team building, of course.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 03:40 AM (+V9LB)

664 !

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 03:40 AM (+V9LB)

665 patrol insertion training?

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 03:41 AM (+V9LB)

666 probing for mines?

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 03:41 AM (+V9LB)

667 Well done, red

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at September 07, 2021 03:41 AM (210jg)

668 whatever, the training was very successful, and everyone involved had great reviews to turn in on it.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 03:42 AM (+V9LB)

669 Well glad I missed that, have had a few to many.
Making sausage, egg and cheese on toasted bagel

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2021 03:47 AM (2JoB8)

670 Bring breakfast to work today: 2 hard boiled eggs cut up with some bacon. And a very large just picked tomato, sliced and marinating with some salt and pepper. My God, it smells good!

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at September 07, 2021 03:48 AM (210jg)

671 *bringing

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at September 07, 2021 03:48 AM (210jg)

672 Heading to daughter's after work to spend some time with my sweet grandbaby.

Bringing the fixings for BLTs.

Should be a good day!

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at September 07, 2021 03:51 AM (210jg)

673 Later, all.

Hope you find yourselves having a great day, too

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at September 07, 2021 03:52 AM (210jg)

674 Bringing the fixings for BLTs.

Should be a good day!

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at September 07, 2021 03:51 AM (210jg)
pro tip: take your BLTs to 11, and add some blue cheese to the mix. you will NOT be sorry. here we do toast, mayo, blue cheese, bacon, 'maters, other piece of bread W/mayo... YMMV

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 07, 2021 04:06 AM (+V9LB)

675 Back up to the bell tower today, can't say my back is ready for it.

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2021 04:10 AM (2JoB8)

676 sounds good. I like to add bacon and mushrooms to my grilled cheese so not a stretch

Posted by: Pikov Andropov at September 07, 2021 04:11 AM (y7zkd)

677 tell me Skip, do you have bats in your bell tower? lol

Posted by: Pikov Andropov at September 07, 2021 04:12 AM (y7zkd)

678 I was very surprised there seems to be bats up there, or pigeons.

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2021 04:20 AM (2JoB8)

679 No bats or pigeons

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2021 04:22 AM (2JoB8)

680 Don't play on my own old classic rock, but still do have a affinity for Jimi.

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2021 04:23 AM (2JoB8)

681 Don't play on my own old classic rock, but still do have a affinity for Jimi.
Posted by: Skip

"All along the Belltower....

Posted by: JT at September 07, 2021 04:24 AM (arJlL)

682 No Pixy, he doesn't seem to ever take days off so worry he is in a Gulag somewhere.

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2021 04:28 AM (2JoB8)

Long War Journal- Taliban taking all of Afghanistan

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2021 04:29 AM (2JoB8)

684 That song gets all the play but Jimi's best cover of Dylan is this:

Posted by: Pikov Andropov at September 07, 2021 04:30 AM (y7zkd)

685 Heading out, a bit dark to start at 6am outside, but that seems to be the rules.
Have a great day horde, can pop in now during the day.

Posted by: Skip at September 07, 2021 04:31 AM (2JoB8)

686 I prefer to think that Pixy is actually taking a break, sleeping late; well actually with that whole other-side-of-the-planet thing I spoze itw'd be going to bed early ?
anyway, if he was in the fail-to-send-a-selfie-and-get-arrested zone we would have heard all about it already, no ?

Posted by: sock_rat_eez (YjYuE) at September 07, 2021 04:35 AM (Seiya)

687 Have a good one, Skip and stay safe !

Posted by: JT at September 07, 2021 04:36 AM (arJlL)

688 Mornin', all,

Up about my usual time, but I have a dawn mission: to pick up the older cat, Chekov, at the emergency vet. They close at 7 am. His numbers all looked good when I checked with the vet yesterday afternoon about 5, and they have not called me with any emergencies, so he may not have to start insulin injections. At least not yet. His spike in blood sugar went away in a few hours with their treatment.

Of course he will probably hide out in the hotel room again. But they gave him an appetite stimulant, so with any luck he'll come out and actually eat.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 07, 2021 04:38 AM (quCFJ)

689 My son had a really big scrotum all of a sudden when he was 5.

It was caused by a hernia.

Posted by: JAS, AoSHQ addict at September 07, 2021 04:41 AM (xopIz)

690 Also, today, want to stop at the pipe shop for a lighter -- the breeze outdoors makes it impossible to keep a match lit when I want to smoke my pipe. And I will call the barbershop about a haircut and beard trim. This is a local barber who defied the Stasi in May 2020 about their lockdown order. If nothing else I'd like to stop in and give them my support. But the hair and beard both look like I've been in the wilderness for a month . . . which, come to think of it, is about right.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 07, 2021 04:41 AM (quCFJ)

691 nood !

Posted by: sock_rat_eez (YjYuE) at September 07, 2021 04:42 AM (Seiya)

692 I come from a large family. I don't hate anyone, but there a couple of brothers's funerals that I would not attend.


Posted by: JAS, AoSHQ addict at September 07, 2021 05:08 AM (xopIz)

693 Absolutely shocking, sodomites are pedophiles and Facebook is so based it see negros as apes.

Posted by: RandbotFan at September 07, 2021 08:03 AM (7E3C4)

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