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Quick Hits: Time's Up for Time's Up Head Tina Tchen


It's not just that they are frivolous people -- many people are frivolous.

It's not just that they are stupid people -- many people are stupid, and many of them are good and valuable.

It's that they're evil people. Evil people who use frivolity to push evil onto the world.


The mastermind behind a terrorist bombing in Bloomington, Indiana now says that he's a woman and that gender dysphoria, along with reading "conservative blogs," prompted the attack.

Given that he bombed a mosque, am I allowed to call him by his correct gender?


The head of Time's Up, Tina Tchen, has been forced to resign after the revelation that the head of an organization supposedly established to "Believe All Women" and hold their harassers to account actually told her organization to "stand down" with respect to accusations against Andrew Cuomo -- that is, ignore the allegations in order to support Cuomo.

A Washington Post story published yesterday revealed that Time's Up, the group founded to fight harassment against women in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, had held its tongue when an accuser came forward with allegations about Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Text messages show that Time's Up chief executive Tina Tchen told her colleagues to "stand down" from a plan to release a public statement supporting Cuomo’s first accuser, Lindsey Boylan, after two people connected to the group spoke with Melissa DeRosa, the governor's longtime adviser.


Eventually the Post story reveals that the decision not to support Boylan came in conjunction with advice from a board member who is part of a Democratic PR firm. The concern was that a statement supporting Boylan would give Fox News an excuse to run a story that might catch on. Defending abusers to own the cons.

That board member? Democrat flack Hilary Rosen, of the Democrat-aligned crisis communications/PR firm SKDK, which represents Democrats in trouble or those seeking publicity. Like Sandra Flook.

If the name Tina Tchen seems familiar -- well, it should. I put off mentioning this to let your memories recall where you last heard the name.

In addition to being Michelle Obama's former Chief of Staff, Tina Tchen seems to have become an all-around sleazy fixer for Democrats in trouble with the law. It was she who helped put the fix in for Jussie Smollett, by putting corrupt Chicago DA Kim Foxx in touch with Smollett's well-connected relatives.

In 2019, Tchen reached out to Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx to put her in touch with actor Jussie Smollett’s family after Smollett reported that he was a victim of an attack in River North.

Tchen passed Foxx's number to a relative of the actor, and the ensuing conversations with the family member were cited as to why Foxx recused herself from Smollett’s prosecution when he was initially charged.

Foxx did not recuse herself; she pretended to recuse herself.

So that's your filthy-dirty, favor-trading, political fixing Democrat Party.

They care so much about women. And racism. And everything.

How many minutes do you think will pass until she's guaranteed her next well-paid sinecure at her next Democrat front organization?

I bet it wasn't even 60 minutes. They won't announce she's the new head of Democrat Front Group #239 until she's had time to cool down as far as bad publicity, but I would bet any amount of money that her next job has already been taken care of for her.


Via Mis. Hum. in the sidebar -- RFK's assassin Sirhan Sirhan has been released from prison -- after two of RFK's children asked for his release.

I will not condemn them. But society has been turned upside-down by the left. Law-abiding citizens are harassed by the government, and assassins that changed the course of history (at least for a while) are free to do as they will.

More, via Instapundit:

Douglas Kennedy, who was a toddler when his father was gunned down in 1968, said he was moved to tears by Sirhan Sirhan's remorse during a parole hearing that prosecutors didn't attend.

"I'm overwhelmed just by being able to view Mr. Sirhan face to face," he said.

"I think I’ve lived my life both in fear of him and his name in one way or another. And I am grateful today to see him as a human being worthy of compassion and love."

I've changed my mind. I think I will condemn them.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has spoken in favor of Sirhan's release in the past, also wrote in favor of paroling Sirhan.

Sirhan --who smiled as Kennedy spoke -- told members of the California Parole Board that he'd learned to control his anger.

Well that's just terrific.


Shockingly, Twitter omnipresence and sanctimonious social media scold S.E. Cupp has anxiety issues.

For the past week I've been stuck in a deep black hole of anxiety, a kind I've never felt before. It’s been exhausting.

You're exhausting. You exhaust the people around you. People like you vomit your craziness and anger and stress on to everyone around you.

Before I continue, let me say at the outset that I am getting treatment. I'm taking steps to limit my exposure to triggers. I have not yet asked my employers for time off, but I very well may.

I've always been a worrier -- the kind Woody Allen movies and Larry David sitcoms affectionately portray as "neurotic," or as go-getters might spin as "Type A."

I'm going with, "Hysterical Karen looking for things to be upset about in order to feel alive."

She's come down with anxiety because she has so much empathy that she takes the world's pain unto herself. Kind of like Jesus, if Jesus had a little-watched show on CNN and preached to his flock through Sick Twitter Burnz.

I also started obsessively transferring the pain of others onto myself. It wasn't hard to find subject matter -- I covered things like war, genocide, oppression. It wasn’t long before every child victim of the Syrian war was my child. Every mother fleeing Myanmar was me. Every family separated at the border was mine.

That can be useful -- I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of empathy. But at times it could be debilitating. I leaned on friends who also worked in those difficult spaces, and attempted to compartmentalize.

Did you apologize to those around you for splashing your manic anxiety on them?

Nah, right?

The increasing divisiveness of American politics was also disorienting and traumatic. Once friends were now political foes; the things I thought we all cared about were no longer important to many; things like facts and truth and science were perverted purely as an exercise in manipulation and political gain; institutions have been and continue to be attacked and eroded by the very people charged with protecting them.

Yes it's everyone else's fault that you turned friends into foes. See, they just "stopped caring about 'truth' and 'science.'"

Then, in the midst of a deadly pandemic, worrying about things we once took for granted -- going outside, going back to school, traveling -- now had a proper purpose. Indulging my anxieties during Covid felt good and appropriate.

I'll bet it did, Karen.

Worrying about my job, my kid, my parents, my town, my community, my country all felt totally deserved. I leaned in.

But suddenly, the anxiety I nurtured and cultivated over the years became an absolute monster during this perfect storm -- pandemic, politics, problems.


In the past week, simple things have become impossible. Making a decision, from what to buy at the grocery store to which words to use in a conversation, is agonizingly difficult. Racing thoughts make sleep impossible. A video of a boy on a ventilator sparked a panic attack while running errands. I am simultaneously overwhelmed with emotion and completely disassociated from my body.

She cares too much, guys.

While I knew instinctively to limit my news and social media intake, it's my job to pay attention. So as I prepared to write this morning, the headlines were assaulting:

"COVID-19 cases among kids keep rising."

"Wildfires ravage California and Greece."

"Cuomo report triggering emotions for other sexual harassment victims."

Asking anyone to function amidst a steady diet of this kind of news is a heavy lift. Today, I could barely manage to click on the links.

Look, I had an anxiety-related disorder -- panic. It was a debilitating thing and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


I find it hard to generate too much sympathy for someone whose plight is, "I get triggered from Twitter but I can't stop checking Twitter because I use it to feel my unearned sense of superiority and my unbearable moral sanctimony."

Turn off Twitter, then.

I know what she'd say. In fact, she's already said it: "But I HAVE TO look at twitter for my woorrrrk!"

Um how did people "do their jobs" before Twitter?

Addicts always have a list of reasons why they have to continue taking the drug they're addicted to.

And: I mean, the cliches here. Stick-up-her-ass wealthy white woman gets triggered by her social media addiction and uses it an excuse to lash out at others and bask in her asserted superiority.

It's less a mental condition than a carefully-curated identity.

How many other NeverTrumpers do you think have this exact same type of neurotic/hysterical personality disorder? 75%? 90%? 100%?

Turn off twitter. Power down the phone. Talk to human beings, and not only via texts. (That's not "talking." Communicating yes, but not talking.)

Go outside. Go for a walk. See the sun through your eyelids. Be present in the world. The real world. Not the fake Twitter/FaceBook world.

Do anything in which success or failure is not measured by retweets or likes or "ratios."



Flashback to when Nancy Pelosi said we cannot require people to be vaccinated, and also cannot demand they present vaccination papers, because people's health matters are protected from disclosure by laws of medical privacy.


Is she not baking fresh cookies for the press any longer?

Content warning: Me-Again McCain like you've never seen her before. Thanks to Yudhishthira's Dice.

Posted by: Ace at 06:33 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Sponge!

Posted by: Bete at August 27, 2021 05:33 PM (Ojki1)

Canadian govt says: hold my moosehead beer

I just heard this: members of the canadian govt called the Taliban their "brothers."

Not sure of the context, but I assume it means partners, allies, etc. in the "withdrawal."

The Terrorists have won. Simple as that.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 05:33 PM (fb+b5)

3 And let the otters know as well.

Posted by: Bete at August 27, 2021 05:34 PM (Ojki1)

4 Willowed:

The Terrorists have won. Simple as that.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 05:31 PM (fb+b5)

One quibble: In 2010, Vice President Joe Biden's government formally declared the Taliban to be not a terrorist organization.

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 05:34 PM (cvNl1)

5 2
Canadian govt says: hold my moosehead beer

I just heard this: members of the canadian govt called the Taliban their "brothers."

Not sure of the context, but I assume it means partners, allies, etc. in the "withdrawal."

The Terrorists have won. Simple as that.
Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 05:33 PM (fb+b5)

Given how Canada has gone after their own citizens, especially Christians, I'm surprised Castro's kid isn't an open member of the Taliban's ruling council.

Posted by: Bete at August 27, 2021 05:35 PM (Ojki1)

6 looks up well duh!

In addition to being Michelle Obama's former Chief of Staff, Tina Tchen seems to have become an all-around sleazy fixer for Democrats in trouble with the law.

Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:36 PM (yrol0)

7 Twitter is so...

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at August 27, 2021 05:36 PM (wAnMi)

8 The New South Wales camps are nice this time of year.

Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:37 PM (yrol0)

9 On Sirhan Sirhan, I think any assassin of leftist politicians should be let loose. What's the worst that could happen? A relapse?

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 05:37 PM (cvNl1)

10 The panty thong scene in the new Clinton made for TV movie was DEMANDED by Monica.

Just as many gals are pervert as guys.

Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:38 PM (yrol0)

11 The Terrorists have won. Simple as that.
Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 05:31 PM (fb+b5)

Why don't they visit DC to show us?
I dare ya. I double dog dare ya.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at August 27, 2021 05:38 PM (wAnMi)

12 Dear SE Cupp:

If following the news is upsetting to you, maybe - stick with me here - you should seek employment not following the news?

Just a thought.

Posted by: blaster at August 27, 2021 05:38 PM (mbFEM)

13 Fun fact: The SE in SE Cupp stands for Sarah Elizabeth.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at August 27, 2021 05:38 PM (a3Q+t)

14 Shooting Kennedys should be an Olympic sport.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at August 27, 2021 05:39 PM (ecYxZ)

15 On Sirhan Sirhan, I think any assassin of leftist politicians should be let loose. What's the worst that could happen? A relapse?
Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 05:37 PM (cvNl1)

If he'da shot Goldwater, he'd be tenured professor at Berkeley.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at August 27, 2021 05:39 PM (wAnMi)

16 9 On Sirhan Sirhan, I think any assassin of leftist politicians should be let loose. What's the worst that could happen? A relapse?
Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 05:37 PM (cvNl1)

Now do Mark David Chapman!

Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:39 PM (yrol0)

17 My dream house has wall to wall carpet

Posted by: Hilary Rosen at August 27, 2021 05:39 PM (uCLWI)

18 Sh3 has anxiety about bullshit stories. You know what relieves stress SE? Sending me nudes

Posted by: steevy at August 27, 2021 05:39 PM (uUDKV)

19 RFK probably would have been a disaster.

I was about to say that he did not deserve to be shot. I am getting mean as I get older. Less patience and belief in the essential goodness of Man. I fucking hate the commie sons of bitches.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 27, 2021 05:40 PM (z4k8L)

20 I just heard this: members of the canadian govt called the Taliban their "brothers."

Not sure of the context, but I assume it means partners, allies, etc. in the "withdrawal."

I believe it was just one member. Some chick who was on the Women's Commission or whatever. I believe she is Muslim.

Posted by: blaster at August 27, 2021 05:40 PM (mbFEM)


Posted by: SFGoth at August 27, 2021 05:40 PM (KAi1n)

22 14 Shooting Kennedys should be an Olympic sport.
Posted by: Dr. Bone at August 27, 2021 05:39 PM (ecYxZ)

That and aviation! And navigation after dark.

Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:40 PM (yrol0)

23 It was nice when we had a sense of self respect. Call it shame culture, whatever.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 27, 2021 05:41 PM (z4k8L)

24 Islamic center is in Bloomington, MN

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 27, 2021 05:41 PM (63Dwl)

25 Since that first tweet mentions NeverTrump I'd just like to post a reminder that the Lincoln Project was a grift designed to raise money for a pederast and possibly supply young men to the same.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at August 27, 2021 05:41 PM (SchxB)

26 It's almost as if Moslems are some sort of security risk. I mean, almost.

Posted by: Common Tater at August 27, 2021 05:41 PM (faXIs)

27 Hopefully Sirhan Sirhan will make good use of his time left and go and visit some more of the Kennedys.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at August 27, 2021 05:42 PM (R/m4+)

28 Sirhan Sirhan shot RFK because he was too pro-Israel. We cannot know, but I am pretty sure that RFK would have beaten Nixon.

Sirhan Sirhan ensured Nixon as President - who turned out to be WAY more pro-Israel than RFK could have imagined.

Posted by: blaster at August 27, 2021 05:42 PM (mbFEM)

29 Content warning: Me-Again McCain like you've never seen her before.
Thanks to Yudhishthira's Dice.

That was grim.

Posted by: JT at August 27, 2021 05:42 PM (arJlL)

30 Tokyo Medical Chairman holds press conference recommending Ivermectin to all doctors, for all Covid patients.

Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:43 PM (yrol0)

31 No matter how bad Bloomington, MN is, I can assure you Bloomington, Indiana is far worse. At least the college parts.

We used to call them townies (the citizens who were not connected with the university.) They were the smart ones.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 27, 2021 05:43 PM (z4k8L)

32 >>Turn off twitter. Power down the phone. Talk to human beings, and not only via texts. (That's not "talking." Communicating yes, but not talking.)

Go outside. Go for a walk. See the sun through your eyelids. Be present in the world. The real world. Not the fake Twitter/FaceBook world.
- - - -

*gold clap*

This is the way, sad cuckfanboys! Listen to ace. . .

Posted by: William Shatner at August 27, 2021 05:43 PM (bDqIh)

They didn't even lie to us and tell us Sirhan was "dying of cancer" so we should let him out for his few remaining days. They just let him out.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 05:43 PM (fb+b5)

34 Margins, how do they work?

Posted by: Max Power at August 27, 2021 05:43 PM (Hucnr)

35 Has anyone heard any songs by The Dead Kennedys?

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at August 27, 2021 05:44 PM (cSyAR)

36 And besides all that shit, I used to be cute. Now my fuckin' mirror needs a trigger warning.

Posted by: SE Cupp at August 27, 2021 05:44 PM (sWM8x)

37 25 Since that first tweet mentions NeverTrump I'd just like to post a reminder that the Lincoln Project was a grift designed to raise money for a pederast and possibly supply young men to the same.
Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at August 27, 2021 05:41 PM (SchxB)

We used to call that Boy Scouts.

Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:44 PM (yrol0)

38 Just watched that threat video from Sgt Cindy of the motor pool1q

Posted by: Skip at August 27, 2021 05:44 PM (znIQ9)

39 35 Has anyone heard any songs by The Dead Kennedys?
Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at August 27, 2021 05:44 PM (cSyAR)

Too fuck to drunk

Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:44 PM (yrol0)

40 >> just heard this: members of the canadian govt called the Taliban their "brothers."

Not sure of the context, but I assume it means partners, allies, etc. in the "withdrawal."

A Canadian MP, a woman.

Posted by: William Shatner at August 27, 2021 05:44 PM (bDqIh)

41 Back in 2017 that bombing in Bloomington was widely thought here to be some type of false flag bombing by the left
You can look it up and see what you thought about it

Posted by: Kurt at August 27, 2021 05:45 PM (MXOwa)

42 12 Dear SE Cupp:

If following the news is upsetting to you, maybe - stick with me here - you should seek employment not following the news?

Just a thought.
Posted by: blaster at August 27, 2021 05:38 PM (mbFEM)

But someone with her qualifications would have no ability to get an entry level job in either the food service or housekeeping industries.

Posted by: P. Venkman at August 27, 2021 05:45 PM (Ojki1)

43 um Ace have you watched the What We Do in the Shadows TV series?

SE is an "Evie"

I used to call females like this (and trust me - there are a LOT of em and they all seem drawn to me or something) "drama mamas"

but I like the E.V. = Evie thing now.

Posted by: BlackOrchid at August 27, 2021 05:45 PM (j9HX3)

44 A lot of uptight, emotionally-fragile wealthy white leftist women seem to be missing me.

Posted by: A Good Dickin' at August 27, 2021 05:45 PM (0G13K)

45 Has anyone heard any songs by The Dead Kennedys?
Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at August 27, 2021 05:44 PM (cSyAR)

"Holidays in Cambodia" is a favorite.

Pol Pot, Pol Pot, Pol Pot!

I also like "The Legend of Pat Brown" by The Vandals.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at August 27, 2021 05:46 PM (R/m4+)

46 Speaking of anxiety, I had to go in for an MRI on my neck yesterday. I had the same procedure done about ten years ago and had no issues with it. Yesterday, they locked my head into some kind of "helmet" before they put me in the tube which they didn't do the time before. About a minute in, I had to bail. I couldn't breathe. I guess I get to do it again, but next time sedated. I think it was the helmet thingie.

Posted by: Old Blue at August 27, 2021 05:46 PM (VNmG1)

Posted by: Kunt at August 27, 2021 05:45 PM (MXOwa)

STFU, kunt.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 05:46 PM (fb+b5)

48 >>>43 um Ace have you watched the What We Do in the Shadows TV series?

yes, watched and rewatched. And yes, she's an E.V.

the new series starts september 3rd.

Posted by: ace at August 27, 2021 05:46 PM (0G13K)

49 But someone with her qualifications would have no ability to get an entry level job in either the food service or housekeeping industries.
Posted by: P. Venkman at August 27, 2021 05:45 PM (Ojki1)

25 bux same as downtown

Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:46 PM (yrol0)

50 WTF ???



Posted by: SIRHAN at August 27, 2021 05:46 PM (uCLWI)

51 Now do Mark David Chapman!

Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:39 PM (yrol0)

I guess Lennon could have run for office...

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 05:47 PM (cvNl1)

52 >>>I used to call females like this (and trust me - there are a LOT of em and they all seem drawn to me or something) "drama mamas"

good one.

a lot of childless Wine Aunts out there determined to mother the world.

Posted by: ace at August 27, 2021 05:47 PM (0G13K)

53 46 Speaking of anxiety, I had to go in for an MRI on my neck yesterday. I had the same procedure done about ten years ago and had no issues with it. Yesterday, they locked my head into some kind of "helmet" before they put me in the tube which they didn't do the time before. About a minute in, I had to bail. I couldn't breathe. I guess I get to do it again, but next time sedated. I think it was the helmet thingie.
Posted by: Old Blue at August 27, 2021 05:46 PM (VNmG1)

I cannot even wear a mask!

Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:47 PM (yrol0)

54 The head of Time's Up, Tina Tchen, has been forced to resign after the revelation that the head of an organization supposedly established to "Believe All Women"

Without Tina around, they'll need the Taliban to provide security for women.

Posted by: t-bird at August 27, 2021 05:47 PM (WLHrn)

55 Over at instapundit, lefty journo beaten by Portland antifa and thrown in street. They actually took notice.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 27, 2021 05:47 PM (z4k8L)

56 Were The Dead Kennedys punk?

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at August 27, 2021 05:47 PM (cSyAR)

57 22 14 Shooting Kennedys should be an Olympic sport.
Posted by: Dr. Bone at August 27, 2021 05:39 PM (ecYxZ)

That and aviation! And navigation after dark.
Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:40 PM (yrol0)

And snow skiing, and Car Races over bridges!

Posted by: Romeo13 at August 27, 2021 05:48 PM (oHd/0)

58 30 Tokyo Medical Chairman holds press conference recommending Ivermectin to all doctors, for all Covid patients.
Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:43 PM (yrol0)

Whelp, guess that'll settle the question of if Japan was bombed too much or not enough as Slow Joe will have them targeted with nukes by Labor Day.

Posted by: Bete at August 27, 2021 05:48 PM (Ojki1)

59 So when do you know you have passed on from being a Twitter Addict to just being a twat-waffle?

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at August 27, 2021 05:48 PM (okGHj)

60 Answering query from the Chinc thread:

A Liberal cabinet minister for the very important Women's Issues portfolio is an Iranian whose family got into Canada many years ago lying that they were Afghan refugees [ironically enough].

She just made a speech where she called the Taliban "our brothers" while asking them to allow "our" Afghans to leave the country unmolested that she claims was just a turn of phrase in addressing fellow Moslems and, as I've been mockingly commenting elsewhere on the 'net, saying "it's like using 'dude' here, dude!"

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at August 27, 2021 05:48 PM (UHVv4)

61 Im a doctor. Well as much as dr Biden is, and I have thoughtfully diagnosed Ms Cupp with DS.M 12.4x.2. Commonly known as: Grow up and stop being a weirdo.

Posted by: LASue at August 27, 2021 05:48 PM (Ed8Zd)

62 >>>46 Speaking of anxiety, I had to go in for an MRI on my neck yesterday. I had the same procedure done about ten years ago and had no issues with it. Yesterday, they locked my head into some kind of "helmet" before they put me in the tube which they didn't do the time before. About a minute in, I had to bail. I couldn't breathe. I guess I get to do it again, but next time sedated. I think it was the helmet thingie.

a friend of mine had a lot of problem with one of those machines that you have to go inside. Maybe the MRI. He absolutely hated it. I think he had to get sedated for it.

Posted by: ace at August 27, 2021 05:48 PM (0G13K)


Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, The Suicide Squad review at August 27, 2021 05:48 PM (XvPQV)

64 Tokyo Medical Chairman holds press conference recommending Ivermectin to all doctors, for all Covid patients.
And Denmark announced that they're shitcanning all Covid restrictions next month.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at August 27, 2021 05:48 PM (sWM8x)

65 The hell with "Vaxx status", I want to know what drugs people are on. In the interests of transparency and full disclosure, the laundry list of the psycho-pharmaceutical cocktail these lunatics ingest daily so they can face the day. Put that shit right before their fucking pronouns

"Suzy Wackjob-Psychobitch (D) NV -- Thorazine, Elavil, Zoloft"

Posted by: Common Tater at August 27, 2021 05:49 PM (faXIs)


Think on this:

The Latch-Key Kids Generation reared and "raised" the Daycare Kids Generation.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 05:49 PM (fb+b5)

67 Does no one have respect for tradition?!

It is 'Drama Queen'. It is good for a boy or a girl.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 27, 2021 05:49 PM (z4k8L)

68 And snow skiing, and Car Races over bridges!
Posted by: Romeo13 at August 27, 2021 05:48 PM (oHd/0)

Don't forget golf.

Posted by: blaster at August 27, 2021 05:49 PM (mbFEM)

69 Posted by: Old Blue at August 27, 2021 05:46 PM (VNmG1)

Actually fairly normal fear response. Being in an enclosed area is bad, but being in an enclosed area when you are constrained and cannot move, sets off your Lizard brain.

I have the same type of response.

Posted by: Romeo13 at August 27, 2021 05:49 PM (oHd/0)

70 Indulging my anxieties during Covid felt good and appropriate

We know just how you feel, Sistah Cupp!!!

Posted by: A Scold of Karens and Suburban Wine Moms at August 27, 2021 05:50 PM (Xrfse)

71 >>I've always been a worrier -- the kind Woody Allen movies and Larry David sitcoms affectionately portray as "neurotic," or as go-getters might spin as "Type A."
. . .

How very. . . common among Lefty women on social media.
Seriously, Karens feel left out unless they have some sort of 'disability' so they can claim "I am one of the oppressed, you guys! Feel my struggle!"

The fact that she's confessing humblebragging about this on twitter before even tellin ger employer is such a tell.

Gah! Will there be tiktok sessions keep us updated on her progress? Or better yet, she will become an expert on anxiety and now police others online about how insensitive they are to how their tweets make others feel. . .

This is Narcissistic Social Media DIsorder.

Posted by: William Shatner at August 27, 2021 05:50 PM (bDqIh)

72 After reading that I feel as if I'm S.E. Cupp's psychiatrist after a double session. I'm cancelling the rest of my appointments for the day and going to Happy Hour.

Posted by: JuJuBee at August 27, 2021 05:50 PM (1nfB1)

And now the Daycare Kids Generation is "raising" the Tik Tok Kids Generation.

What will the Tik Tok Generation's kids be like?


Yes. Exactly that.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 05:50 PM (fb+b5)

74 Were The Dead Kennedys punk?
Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at August 27, 2021 05:47 PM (cSyAR)


Their lead singer, Jello Biafra, is a real smart fella but a total headcase.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at August 27, 2021 05:50 PM (R/m4+)

75 has anyone heard any songs by The Dead Kennedys?

Certainly "Holiday in Cambodia" and "California uber Alles" at the Varsity in Palo Alto.

Posted by: t-bird at August 27, 2021 05:50 PM (B2mhs)

76 49
25 bux same as downtown
Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:46 PM (yrol0)

$25? Wow, inflation is everywhere. Good thing hotdogs are cheaper by $.16.

Posted by: Bete at August 27, 2021 05:50 PM (Ojki1)

77 Guy I know can't even sit in an open MRI.
I almost sleep in it.

Posted by: DaveA at August 27, 2021 05:51 PM (FhXTo)

78 There are roughly 136,400 gas stations in the U.S., but just 43,800 EV charging stations, according to the Department of Energy.

This is stupid. There are more than 12 pumps per gas station.

So the real number is

Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:51 PM (yrol0)

79 So if I willfully and callously murder another human being who happens to be a liberal, I can fake remorse and get off with their approbation. Kewl!

Posted by: Marcus T at August 27, 2021 05:51 PM (CyB2R)

80 > things I thought we all cared about were no longer important to many; things like facts and truth and science

Oh, fuck off. Science is a process, not an institution. The "science" that most leftists demand we grovel to are nothing more than missives issued by nasty, partisan bureaucrats.

I bet you don't think much about scientific facts like when a human baby in utero becomes a life, do you miss abortion fanatic?

I doubt I'd have to list more than a handful of actual, verifiable facts to you before you call me names then block me on Twitter.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 27, 2021 05:51 PM (UW2ZS)

81 >>>No matter how bad Bloomington, MN is, I can assure you Bloomington, Indiana is far worse. At least the college parts.

I will corroborate that. It's a modern American university town, meaning it's populated with great numbers of unemployable, insufferable sociopaths.

Posted by: Citizen Cake at August 27, 2021 05:51 PM (HmZuC)

82 My natural tendencies (either nature or nurture) towards being a paranoid bastard I spun into a career in quality control- where trying to figure out and foresee what is coming is a benefit.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 27, 2021 05:51 PM (z4k8L)

83 oh if we are discussing tv shows I'm rewatching Dark Matter and the whole Evil Big Corp thing is so on the nose

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at August 27, 2021 05:51 PM (oEn12)

84 People like you vomit your craziness and anger and stress on to everyone around you.


yeah, I hate that; self centered asshoes

Posted by: runner, distinguished commenter at August 27, 2021 05:51 PM (V13WU)

85 Their lead singer, Jello Biafra, is a real smart fella but a total headcase.

Jello Biafra?

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at August 27, 2021 05:52 PM (cSyAR)


Sounds like s.e. cupps is 2021's chelsea handler.
Boo fckin' hoo.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 05:52 PM (fb+b5)

87 Buddy had a metal shaving in his eye when he had an MRI. They yanked him out.

Posted by: dartist at August 27, 2021 05:52 PM (+ya+t)

88 matter how bad Bloomington, MN is, I can assure you Bloomington, Indiana is far worse. At least the college parts.

We used to call them townies (the citizens who were not connected with the university.) They were the smart ones.
Posted by: Aetius451AD

The Peoples Socialist Utopia of Bloomington. My son went to IU on the g.I.bill. Kelly school of Business is a good school. The boy spawn considered most of the people he met, student and teachers to be batshit insane. I avoid going to Bloomington as much as possible but my doctors are there.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at August 27, 2021 05:52 PM (Vxu+H)

89 What a silly, shallow bitch SE Cupp is. Look, I get stress and depression and anxiety, we've all suffered from them. But what I don't get is the performative woe is me-ism that so many people barf all over social media about it. And Cupp's "I just care too much" crap is tedious.

As for these Vice cocksuckers, they use a picture of some LARPers to smear the Marine Corps. Nice work guys, please walk into a bar in Oceanside and run your cunt mouths about white supremecy in the USMC.

Posted by: UGAdawg at August 27, 2021 05:52 PM (tRd71)

"I covered things like war, genocide, oppression."

By reading about them in Time Magazine while guzzling merlot in her Upper West Side apartment.

Cupp can take her porn name and shove it up her squeekhole.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 27, 2021 05:52 PM (n+4am)

91 a friend of mine had a lot of problem with one of those machines that you have to go inside. Maybe the MRI. He absolutely hated it. I think he had to get sedated for it.

Posted by: ace at August 27, 2021 05:48 PM (0G13K)

Yeah, it's the one in the tube where your nose is six inches from the bottom of the tube. Last time they just put a foam block on either side of my head, and I handled it just fine. This time they locked my head into some type of medieval torture device.

Posted by: Old Blue at August 27, 2021 05:52 PM (VNmG1)

92 Does S.E. have a sister named Sippy?

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at August 27, 2021 05:52 PM (PiwSw)

93 We cannot know, but I am pretty sure that RFK would have beaten Nixon.
Dunno about that. Dems were in general deep shit over Viet Nam, and RFK had really torqued a lot of Dems by jumping in the race late.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at August 27, 2021 05:53 PM (LBiAf)

94 You can go with what they tell you, or what you see when you look out the window. Here in Palm Beach County, all the tradesman I use say business has never been so good. Real estate is booming.
I would like the thank the Muslim invasion of Europe for sending the continental wealthy this way. I woulld also like to thank the commies in South America for making Miami the capital of South America.
And also the Yankee Democrats, for scaring the entire Northeast to South Florida.
Some days I hope the China Flu scare never ends.

Posted by: The Charlie Daniels of the Torque Wrench at August 27, 2021 05:53 PM (HTwHf)

95 Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:51 PM (yrol0)

Uh, I've got like 70 or so electric outlets in my house...

Can't you just plug the damn thing in?

Posted by: Romeo13 at August 27, 2021 05:53 PM (oHd/0)

96 66 Think on this:

The Latch-Key Kids Generation reared and "raised" the Daycare Kids Generation.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales

And according to the media at the time, every single one of the kids in the Daycare Kids Generation were raped in secret rooms by Satanists dressed up as clowns.

Posted by: Furious George at August 27, 2021 05:53 PM (9vQJW)

97 If I'm the son of Robert Kennedy, who quite literally could have been President of the United States, the only comfort I would get is when I was roasting Sirhan's liver over an open campfire on a spit. With a little Texas BBQ dry rub.

Posted by: Marcus T at August 27, 2021 05:53 PM (CyB2R)

98 I have a fix for SE Cupp's problem. She can stay on Twitter but can only follow "The Transformed Wife" and maybe Kirstie Alley. No checking the news or anything else.

Posted by: notsothoreau at August 27, 2021 05:53 PM (YynYJ)

99 Why does Ms Cupp wear fake glasses?

Posted by: Javems at August 27, 2021 05:53 PM (8SSHh)

100 Beatin' the Sirhan Sirhan rap!

I can reuse that one, can't I??

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at August 27, 2021 05:53 PM (UHVv4)

s.e. cupp is pretty much saying she has PTSD...from reading her Internets eighteen hours a day.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 05:54 PM (fb+b5)

102 Does S.E. have a sister named Sippy?
Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at August 27, 2021 05:52 PM (PiwSw)

and a brother named Tin.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Keith's Son at August 27, 2021 05:54 PM (4l77G)

103 Does Sirhan get tk keep his Marksman Award?

Do the kids have a say in that too?

Posted by: Regular joe at August 27, 2021 05:54 PM (L9P9s)

104 McCain vid was brutal. And funny.

Posted by: Just a side note at August 27, 2021 05:54 PM (2DOZq)

105 Radio says:
_Active Marine officer chastises thoughtlessness of Bagram/Kabul pull out

_Active Marine officer relieved of duty

Posted by: Braenyard, Major Biden says, I bite 'em at August 27, 2021 05:55 PM (/jZjK)

106 I just laugh at all these drama queens, M/F both.

They don't want a life, they want validation.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 05:55 PM (1kUWP)

107 Cupp = stupid, narcissist. Twitter not the issue. End of analysis.

Posted by: rhomboid at August 27, 2021 05:55 PM (OTzUX)

108 One of the kids suffered from crippling anxiety due to a TBI from a car accident. She is much better now, but hides a
lot of the struggle from others.

My point: she didn't do things that made the situation worse.

Posted by: Sal at August 27, 2021 05:55 PM (3c1fY)

109 "Does Sirhan get tk keep his Marksman Award? "

How about his pistol. It's his property amirite?

Posted by: Marcus T at August 27, 2021 05:55 PM (CyB2R)

110 How low does your IQ have to be for you to be literally working in media day in and day out and still be stupid enough to believe that everything you see in the news is the actual honest-to-god truth?

"COVID-19 cases among kids keep rising."


Apparently America's decades-old multi-trillion-dollar over the counter cold and flu medicine market just fell out of the f****** sky...

Posted by: Azathoth at August 27, 2021 05:55 PM (K2S+U)

111 >>Jello Biafra?

Would you believe that's not his real name?
I forget what his birth name is, my sister used to caprpool to the ice rink with his sister, lol.

Posted by: Lizzy at August 27, 2021 05:55 PM (bDqIh)

112 Willowed:

251 us servicemen-killed kabul blast identified

Rylee McCollum
David Espinoza
Jared Schmitz

I heard a woman claiming to be Rylee McCollums mom on with Andrew Wilkow earlier today. He was 20 years old, married earlier this year, with wife expecting. Incredibly sad. And she laid into Biden and Psaki. Apparently, they live in Lauren Boberts district, and the family will be meeting with her.

Posted by: Tofer732 at August 27, 2021 05:56 PM (kUGet)

113 I can assure you Bloomington, Indiana is far worse. At least the college parts.

That took me totally by surprise. What were so many people- who obviously had nothing to do with college- doing in an otherwise normal-looking Midwestern land-grant college town?

Posted by: t-bird at August 27, 2021 05:56 PM (lIIT7)

114 Whenever I hear some dumbass complain about the "divisiveness of American politics" (which, of course, always means why don't those fucking Rethuglicans do what I want?), I like to remind them that the fat drunk Tip O'Neill called Ronald Reagan "the evil in the White House."

So take that 'divisiveness' shtick and shove it up your ass.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at August 27, 2021 05:56 PM (2JVJo)

115 So the real number is

throw in x at least 12 for 5 minute fill vs hour part charge

Posted by: DaveA at August 27, 2021 05:56 PM (FhXTo)

116 I had the distinct pleasure of sitting in the ER waiting room yesterday, wherein I got to spend time with the drama queens who sit and moan and claim their pain is so bad they can't stand it, and yet, there they are, standing it. Usually those are the GOMERs and end up waiting the longest. Luckily, my case was a bit more urgent than sending the queens to API for a haldol cocktail, so I didn't have to listen to the whining for more than, say, two hours.

Didn't much care for the CT scan but at least it wasn't like an MRI.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at August 27, 2021 05:56 PM (okGHj)

117 "I'm cancelling the rest of my appointments for the day"

I thought the new hip expression was "calling a lid".

Posted by: Duncanthrax at August 27, 2021 05:56 PM (a3Q+t)

118 We shouldn't be so hard on Sippy Cupp. The humane thing to do would be to euthanize her on live television.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at August 27, 2021 05:57 PM (QU5/8)

119 I'm not sure I get this forgiveness thing - Christ will opine in time. I have not spoken to a sister in 20 years now for something that doesn't seem any less trivial after this time - and it wasn't murder. Kennedys are what they are I suppose.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at August 27, 2021 05:57 PM (oWBc3)

120 >> Does S.E. have a sister named Sippy?

Brothers Stanley and Ryder

Posted by: Lizzy at August 27, 2021 05:57 PM (bDqIh)

121 oh if we are discussing tv shows I'm rewatching Dark Matter and the whole Evil Big Corp thing is so on the nose
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at August 27, 2021 05:51 PM (oEn12)

Hell yes! We were all wrong about that bs weren't we?

Posted by: weirdflunky at August 27, 2021 05:57 PM (cknjq)

122 RFK would not have beaten Nixon, even with the Kennedy worship at the time. The country was damn near in flames and people wanted it back under control.

And this is the issue I have with those opposed to the death penalty. Folks like to pretend that they will keep criminals in jail for life. But they can turn them loose any old time. Some people need to be put down to protect society.

Posted by: notsothoreau at August 27, 2021 05:57 PM (YynYJ)

123 "Does Sirhan get tk keep his Marksman Award? "

How about his pistol. It's his property amirite?
Posted by: Marcus T

Sirhan could make a compelling case on the .22 vs. 9mm vs. .45 arguement.

Posted by: Tonypete at August 27, 2021 05:58 PM (mD/uy)

124 Would you believe that's not his real name?
I forget what his birth name is, my sister used to caprpool to the ice rink with his sister, lol.
Posted by: Lizzy at August 27, 2021 05:55 PM (bDqIh)

Eric Boucher. Born in Boulder CO. Not sure if he lived there. kinda like me being from Butte MT. Wasn't there long.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Keith's Son at August 27, 2021 05:58 PM (4l77G)

125 Sirhan will become part of the Twittidiots. He will have lots of nevertrump followers and great insightful things to say about the tone of our politics. An overnight sensation with the Deep State!

Posted by: Marcus T at August 27, 2021 05:58 PM (CyB2R)

126 > Yeah, it's the one in the tube where your nose is six inches from the bottom of the tube. Last time they just put a foam block on either side of my head, and I handled it just fine. This time they locked my head into some type of medieval torture device.

Last MRI I had on my head, it was kind of a combination of the two. It was a panel on either side of my head with a foam block and some cloth jammed in to keep my head still. It didn't bother me, but it also wasn't a pleasant experience.

You have to keep still for several tens of minutes, and the sound isn't constant. It made several different sounds and they weren't periodic. I don't think I'd ever fall asleep in one unless I was exhausted.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 27, 2021 05:58 PM (UW2ZS)

127 tcn. prayers for healing of what ever ails ya.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 05:58 PM (1kUWP)

128 S.E. Cupp needs to take the whole sausage.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at August 27, 2021 05:59 PM (ecYxZ)

129 "Does Sirhan get tk keep his Marksman Award? "

How about his pistol. It's his property amirite?
Posted by: Marcus T

Sirhan could make a compelling case on the .22 vs. 9mm vs. .45 arguement.
Posted by: Tonypete at August 27, 2021 05:58 PM (mD/uy)"

Maybe Weasel can interview him for the Gun Thread. First hand experience and all that.

Posted by: Marcus T at August 27, 2021 05:59 PM (CyB2R)

130 I've never joined Twitter (because one angry outburst could ruin my life) but I read it compulsively throughout 2020, at least until the election. Then I stayed away from it for my own sanity until this whole Afghanistan nightmare. Now that I'm reading threads again, I can see the descent into craziness. So I'd better give it a rest again. I didn't need to read Twitter to know the world has many stupid people. Twitter makes you feel like there is nothing but stupid people out there.

Posted by: donna&&&&&v at August 27, 2021 05:59 PM (HabA/)

131 Sirhan could make a compelling case on the .22 vs. 9mm vs. .45 arguement.
Posted by: Tonypete at August 27, 2021 05:58 PM (mD/uy)

Carcano 6.5mm > Baby Pistol Rounds

Posted by: Zombie Lee Harvey Oswald at August 27, 2021 06:00 PM (R/m4+)

132 a friend of mine had a lot of problem with one of those machines that you have to go inside. Maybe the MRI. He absolutely hated it. I think he had to get sedated for it.

Posted by: ace at August 27, 2021 05:48 PM (0G13K)

I had to have sedation twice when I first had one, as the MRI tech was very snarky when pointing out to me when it was done.

I was like, sorry I made your day harder with my freaking out over both having to be in a metal tube, and just being told 2 hours ago I had cancer, and also that my neck was in such a bad state that if I sneeze I could sever something that runs through that area (good thing nothing overly vital runs through the base of your neck/top of the spinal cord, right?).

But I totally feel bad that I made your job a little harder.

Posted by: Bete at August 27, 2021 06:00 PM (Ojki1)

133 And their Scottish cousin, Jock Cupp.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at August 27, 2021 06:00 PM (UHVv4)

134 It's good to see what the media always thought, Marines are nazis but Taliban can be relied on.

Who was it who got blown up by the taliban in Kabul? Isn't Vice happy now?

Posted by: President Select Decaf at August 27, 2021 06:00 PM (RMGKK)

135 Nice rant Ace.

1. Is everyone in major media a grifter or a neurotic or a neurotic grifter?

2. When did splashing your panicky emotional issues become praiseworthy instead of a mark of shame?

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Outrage Outlet Summer Biden Special! Sunblock 10,000 SPF 20% Off! at August 27, 2021 06:00 PM (+CAqC)

136 53 years in incarceration. He isn't going to adjust. He offs himself or gets back in in 6 months.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 06:00 PM (1kUWP)

137 Cupp obviously also suffers from acute self centeredness with an overlay of chronic tittie babyitis. Easily treatable when youre young, but a bit more challenging once you hit 30.

Posted by: LASue at August 27, 2021 06:00 PM (Ed8Zd)

138 That took me totally by surprise. What were so many people- who obviously had nothing to do with college- doing in an otherwise normal-looking Midwestern land-grant college town?
Posted by: t-bird at August 27, 2021 05:56 PM (lIIT7)

Bloomington is a bit in the middle of nowhere, but there was still some industry (Crane or Krane was one) while I was still there. They have built a new interstate to connect Indianapolis to the ne and Evansville to the SW so that is making it easier to commute.

Plus, Bloomington has the advantage of having a lot of services you do not see out in the country (although I look at them now as cold comfort.)

My best friend sold his condo and moved his family BACK to Bloomington. First thing I asked him: Good God, Man- why?!

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 27, 2021 06:01 PM (z4k8L)

Any post about S. E. Cupp needs a photo, in her preferred position.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 27, 2021 06:01 PM (n+4am)

140 Being a left-winger is a debilitating mental condition.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at August 27, 2021 06:01 PM (OU+8W)

141 > just being told 2 hours ago I had cancer

I'm sorry you had to go through that. My doc told me over the phone and I sat down on a sidewalk for a while and just absorbed the news.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 27, 2021 06:02 PM (UW2ZS)

142 53 years in incarceration. He isn't going to adjust. He offs himself or gets back in in 6 months.
Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 06:00 PM (1kUWP)

"Sirhan was here" --Carved in the rafters somewhere.

Posted by: Napoleon XIV at August 27, 2021 06:02 PM (AiZBA)

143 Content warning: Me-Again McCain like you've never seen her before.


Brutal ....and hysterically funny

Posted by: runner, distinguished commenter at August 27, 2021 06:03 PM (V13WU)

144 > Any post about S. E. Cupp needs a photo, in her preferred position.

Singing an aria?

Posted by: bonhomme at August 27, 2021 06:03 PM (UW2ZS)

145 Are you sure that was SE Cupp who wrote that trainwreck?

She always brings up her rug rat to gather moral superiority points, usually starting out right away with...

"As a Mother..."

Posted by: kbdabear at August 27, 2021 06:03 PM (qAR6u)

146 IDK why MRIs are so loud. It's decades old tech so it must be unremovable. IIRC the last one had active cancelling piped into the headphones and still was a head banger.

Posted by: DaveA at August 27, 2021 06:03 PM (FhXTo)

147 Apart from the wisdom of releasing him, Sirhan is an interest conspiracy-hole to jump down if you are so inclined.

How many bullets were fired and from how many guns? What happened to the door frame? If his consistent lack of memory of the incident a ploy, or does it lean towards brainwashing.

And before you dismiss this as hogwash, what once was foolishness is not fact in many parts of life.

Posted by: Tiberius Gracchus at August 27, 2021 06:03 PM (VSIhW)

148 The New South Wales camps are nice this time of year.
Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:37 PM (yrol0)


Tourist camping grounds are empty though.

Posted by: President Select Decaf at August 27, 2021 06:03 PM (RMGKK)

149 _Active Marine officer chastises thoughtlessness of Bagram/Kabul pull out

_Active Marine officer relieved of duty
Posted by: Braenyard, Major Biden says, I bite 'em

Trump running mate ?

Posted by: JT at August 27, 2021 06:03 PM (arJlL)

150 After 50+ years, his prison wallet is probably more like a full set of luggage. He can mule anything anywhere. He's like Smokey or The Bandit, whichever, but with even more storage space.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at August 27, 2021 06:03 PM (QU5/8)

151 What if Byrd was set up as much as Ashli?

Capitol police wave MAGA into the Capitol. Byrd is barricaded in the House chamber with members of Congress. The radio is filled with sporadic reports of gunfire, pipe bombs, officers with fingers blown off, gas, thrown projectiles. Were any of them true? Were they reports of panicked cops? Fake reports by FBI or other feds to spook the cops into shooting someone? Byrd doesn't know. He knows what he hears on the radio, they are shooting people, violent, using gas, and he sees the mob coming toward the glass doors prodded on from behind by his fellow officers.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 27, 2021 06:03 PM (TayrX)

152 donna&&&&, Good for you. There is a whole wide world out there that doesn't function on disfunction.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 06:04 PM (1kUWP)

153 Look, I had an anxiety-related disorder -- panic. It was a debilitating thing and I wouldn't wish it on anyone....
These things like panic and other things that go on are real and yes they can be debilitating. But they don't need to be life ending. You sort them out, buck up and move on. The owner of this blog, Ace, could have become a pathetic hulk instead Ace built one of the greatest dead modern publications on the planet.

The real problem is when these things become the center part of your life and and then demand, and when necessary go off the rails and pitch a fit, that everyone worship you for whatever the fuck is bothering you.

I don't admire people that are handed challenges, I admire people that rise above them, and I despise people that wallow in them and then throw a chain around everybody's neck and then drag them into the abyss.

And yes, for the record I do have issues as anyone that has followed my comments knows. Especially when it comes to 20th century American music.

Posted by: LostInSpace at August 27, 2021 06:04 PM (X4BXD)

154 "a friend of mine had a lot of problem with one of those machines that you have to go inside. Maybe the MRI. He absolutely hated it. I think he had to get sedated for it.

Posted by: ace at August 27, 2021 05:48 PM (0G13K) "

I had one today and I've had several before. Like anything else in life, it's about your attitude and preparation. Breathing and state of mind matter. Part of it is your disposition. Frankly, you could throw me out of an airplane, shoot at me, throw rocks at me, whatever. Nobody lives forever. Plus imagine being that guy running and screaming down the hall with nurses chasing you and your ass hanging out of that gown because you were ascared of the big, bad MRI.

Posted by: Marcus T at August 27, 2021 06:05 PM (CyB2R)

155 It isn't fair to the taxpayer either to force them to provide three hots and a cot and sex change operations and the rest of it into perpetuity either.

The quickest execution I'm aware of, in 1932 someone tried to shoot then president elect FDR, who was in Miami w/ Chicago mayor Tony Cermak. FDR wasn't hit, but Cermak was, and died after lingering for about two weeks. They swapped out to a murder trial midstream. The perp was found guilty and executed. Total elapsed time?

Thirty two (32) days.

Now of course today, and this bears watching, whatever the leftists hate (because they don't control) if they suddenly start extolling the virtues of Ol Sparky, watch out. They don't hate guns, they LOVE guns, it's just they hate you.

Posted by: Common Tater at August 27, 2021 06:05 PM (faXIs)

156 S E Cupp declared herself an atheist so I see how she will be adrift mentally and spiritually. She relies on the world to be rational and when it's not she is stumped. She has nowhere to turn.

Posted by: President Select Decaf at August 27, 2021 06:05 PM (RMGKK)

157 I think the governor has to approve the parole

Posted by: REDACTED at August 27, 2021 06:05 PM (uCLWI)

158 Hiya Donna of the Ampersands !

Posted by: JT at August 27, 2021 06:06 PM (arJlL)

159 I can think of a good name for SE Cupp's son, if SE Cupp were to have a son. No, it's not "Fred."

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at August 27, 2021 06:06 PM (sWM8x)

160 Cat Ass, I could believe that if this goon was not an antifa/blm worshiping asshole. Even so, maybe.

Does it matter what his intent was? He show a woman in cold blood and then ran away. I was always taught: intent does not matter for shit. It is your actions that count and what comes out of them. If you make a bad call, you own up to it. Not hold off for 9 months and then go do an interview with a nancing commie piece of shit.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 27, 2021 06:06 PM (z4k8L)

161 I know nothing about S.E. Cupp beyond the fact her brother Fuck is the president.

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at August 27, 2021 06:06 PM (cSyAR)

162 Twitter is childish. It really is. Childish people trying to sick burn others and get recognition for it. It's populated with stupid people, mostly leftists, who think they're scoring points in propelling their video game knowledge of Socialism into reality. It's all so dumb. On Twatter, everyone thinks their opinions matter and are "making a difference."

Posted by: Lady in Black at August 27, 2021 06:06 PM (O+I8R)

163 Is it possible for Jen Psaki to not be a snide callous arrogant bitch?

No, no it's not.

She is all-in on Duel to the Death partisan politics and The Progressive Self-Important Life. A few months ago when CDC recommended masks for K-12 this fall, a reporter asked Jen how her daughters felt about wearing masks at school. Jen replied, "My rising kindergartner doesn't have a problem wearing a mask inside, all day." Her 'rising' kindergartner. Who talks like this?

Posted by: Gref at August 27, 2021 06:06 PM (AMIL/)

164 What if Byrd was set up as much as Ashli?

he's way too dumb to set up

Posted by: REDACTED at August 27, 2021 06:06 PM (uCLWI)

You have to love the timing for newsome, so that's kinda funny.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 06:07 PM (fb+b5)

166 151 What if Byrd was set up as much as Ashli?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 27, 2021 06:03 PM (TayrX)

I could see this easily. Perfect way to tip the imagined violence over into the real thing. Lead a willing dupe into the fray and see what happens. At worst he only kills a deplorable. At best he sets the deplorables into violence themselves, hence validating the further use of deadly force both in the capital and maybe even nationwide.

Posted by: Tiberius Gracchus at August 27, 2021 06:07 PM (VSIhW)

167 When one abandons a religion they start looking for another
See Leftism

Posted by: Skip at August 27, 2021 06:07 PM (znIQ9)

168 Not gonna lie, I didn't even know Sirhan was still alive. Or cared. Kind of like James Carville.

Posted by: Citizen Cake at August 27, 2021 06:07 PM (HmZuC)

169 2. When did splashing your panicky emotional issues become praiseworthy instead of a mark of shame?
Posted by: Mikey NTH - Outrage Outlet Summer Biden Special! Sunblock 10,000 SPF 20% Off! at August 27, 2021 06:00 PM (+CAqC)

I think something like 60% of women on instagram have some sort of mental illness in their profile.

Posted by: blaster at August 27, 2021 06:07 PM (mbFEM)

170 And this is the issue I have with those opposed to the death penalty. Folks like to pretend that they will keep criminals in jail for life. But they can turn them loose any old time. Some people need to be put down to protect society.

Posted by: notsothoreau at August 27, 2021 05:57 PM (YynYJ)

This is my struggle. I oppose the death penalty, not on any ethical or moral grounds such as the sanctity of life, but because I just don't trust the government that much.

But if we stroke the death penalty, we have to have Nearsider prison rules: You turn big rocks into little rocks for the duration of your stay. No cable, no conjugal visits, no internet. I'm okay with a non-fiction library, but that's it.

And that will never happen, so, death penalty it is.

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 06:07 PM (cvNl1)

171 Don't forget S.Es moonshiner cousin, "Hic" Cupp.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at August 27, 2021 06:08 PM (2JVJo)

172 90% of modern anxiety afflictions are caused by massive selfishness and self-focus. Sitting around grinding your teeth over perceived or even real injustices, focusing on how people mistreat you, outrages, and frustrations.

Look outside yourself. Focus on helping others, doing things for others. Go work, doing physical labor on the lawn, cleaning house, anything. Get out of that shell of misery you've built around yourself.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 27, 2021 06:08 PM (KZzsI)

173 "COVID-19 cases among kids keep rising."

WTF does this headline even mean? Actual sickness more than a standard flu, or the dumb "PCR testing" that constitutes a "case." Why does the headline have to include the "keeps" in there, as if it's some threat that WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING FOR THE CHILLREN?

I'm sure the body of the article is just as nonsensical as the headline. All this blameshifting makes me want to puke.

Posted by: Homer's Donuts at August 27, 2021 06:08 PM (HK8/E)

Didn't this RFK cocksucker make it into that garbage song that goes where have all the flowers gone?

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 06:08 PM (fb+b5)

I can see MSNBC giving her a new show to appeal to the college crowd: two female coed guests and our spectacled host.

Two Girls, One Cupp

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 27, 2021 06:09 PM (n+4am)

176 Had a great time on a very mini vacation in PA at an amusement park in PA-Knoebels in Elysburg, PA. I don' t like roller coasters but FenSon does they have two great wooden ones and another metal one, and a haunted house ride among lots of other rides, They also have a large outdoor pool with cool water slides. Some their rides weren't open because of a labor shortage but we still had a good time and as far as speaking to real people, I had a nice conversation with a guy wearing a cross and a shirt that said "International Association of Chaplains". He has been a chaplain to first responders and is also a hospice chaplain. I said I like to come to the park because in addition to having fun I see people there wearing crosses and having religious tee shirts. (Also, you pass farmhouses in rural PA with signs saying, "Give thanks to God in everything" or -at the top of a silo-"Jesus is coming soon. Are you ready?" Anyway, he said in his chaplaincy work with people he sees that many of them don't have a deep faith. I gave him June Hunt's Book "Hope-the anchor for your soul" in case someone he knows could benefit from it. So, yes, it is good to speak to real people.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 27, 2021 06:09 PM (AJzTi)

177 Sending prayers, Bete, Cancer sucks.

Posted by: Lizzy at August 27, 2021 06:09 PM (bDqIh)

What's that other song that goes bobby, martin, and.....I forget?

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 06:09 PM (fb+b5)

179 I still wonder if Byrd fired in the hope of really starting a riot.

Posted by: Skip at August 27, 2021 06:09 PM (znIQ9)

180 Pelousy looks like Hannibel Lechter in that yellow getup. She looks utterly ridiculous.

Posted by: Lady in Black at August 27, 2021 06:09 PM (O+I8R)

181 Not gonna lie, I didn't even know Sirhan was still alive. Or cared. Kind of like James Carville.
Posted by: Citizen Cake at August 27, 2021 06:07 PM (HmZuC)

How about Rosey Grier? Is he still alive?

He was always a nice guy.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at August 27, 2021 06:09 PM (R/m4+)

182 Like I said in a previous thread - Punchy shit in the pool and the press must either go in like Bill Murray and take a bite - or join those in the Caddyshack pool evacuation scene.

Jen Psaki has to go in a take a bite and she's bitter about that, and that's why she's got the "go fuck yourselves, Americans!" attitude - she's gotta do something embarrassing so she's going to take it out on us and let us know it!

These people, the Obama Dems, they've always been about themselves, not America or some greater when bad things happen to them, they damn sure make bad things happen to us...

Psaki and Obama and Sullivan and Klain, its all about themselves, not you and your crappy nation. There's no master PLAN to take over the world here, there is only a child's plan to make life good for themselves and their friends...and that is as far as their thinking takes them.

Posted by: Boswell at August 27, 2021 06:10 PM (5iUNf)

183 What's that other song that goes bobby, martin, and.....I forget?
Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 06:09 PM (fb+b5)

Abraham, Martin and John?

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at August 27, 2021 06:10 PM (cSyAR)

184 53 years in incarceration. He isn't going to adjust. He offs himself or gets back in in 6 months.
Posted by: Ben Had

I'll be 53 in November.


Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at August 27, 2021 06:10 PM (3BxAr)

185 I predict that 2021 will go down in history as a cursed year

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at August 27, 2021 06:10 PM (oEn12)

186 Fen sounds like you had a good time.

Posted by: Skip at August 27, 2021 06:11 PM (znIQ9)

Abraham, Martin and John?
Posted by: Brother Northernlurker

Yeah, those guys.

I hate that song.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 06:11 PM (fb+b5)

188 When Sirhan finally gets out of prison, the media is going to have to use a drone to capture the entire crowd full of landwhale gray-haired hippies out there wanting to bang him so they can remember the 60s one last time.

I guarantee you there's already a 48 year-old hard 3 out there somewhere with a stuffed animal collection that's promise to marry him.

Posted by: Azathoth at August 27, 2021 06:11 PM (K2S+U)

189 Advice for S.E Cupp: Your anxiety will go away when you leave CNN.

Posted by: redridinghood at August 27, 2021 06:11 PM (NpAcC)

190 Plus imagine being that guy running and screaming down the hall with nurses chasing you and your ass hanging out of that gown because you were ascared of the big, bad MRI.
Posted by: Marcus T at August 27, 2021 06:05 PM (CyB2R)

And Nurse Ratchet chasing you with a huge friggin hypodermic!

Posted by: Diogenes at August 27, 2021 06:11 PM (axyOa)

191 53 years in incarceration. He isn't going to adjust. He offs himself or gets back in in 6 months.
Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 06:00 PM (1kUWP)

"Sirhan was here" --Carved in the rafters somewhere.
Posted by: Napoleon XIV at August 27, 2021 06:02 PM (AiZBA)

Cuz the world went and got itself in a damn hurry

Posted by: Doof at August 27, 2021 06:11 PM (mZUr4)

192 The real problem is when these things become the center part of your life and and then demand, and when necessary go off the rails and pitch a fit, that everyone worship you for whatever the fuck is bothering you.
It's become fashionable to hang onto one's maladaptions rather than to constructively confront them and change them. And yes, we all have them.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at August 27, 2021 06:11 PM (sWM8x)

193 I wonder if Kerry pays child support for his kid with Psaki. He rode her like a rented mule in P5+1 negotiations.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 06:11 PM (1kUWP)

194 I'll be 53 in November.

Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at August 27, 2021 06:10 PM (3BxAr)

Huh. I had you pegged at 29.

Posted by: blaster at August 27, 2021 06:12 PM (mbFEM)


Fen it's the best, isn't it?!?!

the camping there is really really great - also they have the cutest cabins to stay in- and the food! it's amazing

I love Knoebles SO MUCH have been going my whole life! you don't pay admission so if you're not into rides you don't pay for a massive ticket you won't use. the pools are also amazing and the little mini golf - there is so much

it's right near my family's hunting cabin - we always took a day trip to knoebels while there

Posted by: BlackOrchid at August 27, 2021 06:12 PM (j9HX3)

196 >>>I predict that 2021 will go down in history as a cursed year

I tried to warn you about my crazy younger brother.

Posted by: 2020 at August 27, 2021 06:12 PM (HmZuC)

197 Oh, yes, we passed a PA truck which said, "Donald Trump-best President ever or "Don't blame me. I voted for Trum"p or a particularly brave one on a widow-a big sideview of Trump with a sign saying "Miss me yet?" If you had that in some places in Jersey they'd deface your car. I expect rural PA went for Trump in a big way.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 27, 2021 06:12 PM (AJzTi)

198 S.E.'s cousin had a movie about him
Tin Cupp

Posted by: Skip at August 27, 2021 06:12 PM (znIQ9)

199 Sirhan crawled through a river of shit...and came out clean.

Posted by: Red at August 27, 2021 06:13 PM (HmZuC)

200 "Cupp obviously also suffers from acute self centeredness with an overlay of chronic tittie babyitis"

I concur Doctor ... also Acute Cognitive Dissonance ... maybe split personality. She believes she is a wise journalist, but is a political drone sticking to her script. The conflicts bother her. (do androids become psychotic?)

Posted by: illiniwek at August 27, 2021 06:13 PM (Cus5s)

201 What is be Presdent Bidum going two dew to make Trump pay for what's happened yesterday? We demand Trump bee acounterbile for this!

Posted by: Mary Cloginstien from Brattleboro, VT at August 27, 2021 06:14 PM (D9mnB)

202 I don't admire people that are handed challenges, I admire people that rise above them, and I despise people that wallow in them and then throw a chain around everybody's neck and then drag them into the abyss.

Exactly. Like four generations in a row have been raised to assume everything will be wonderful and they are special people that deserve good things. Its nonsense and a brutal lie that leads to this kind of crushing anxiety.

When your worldview clashes so badly with the real world, inevitably you either learn to grow and change or go crazy from the dissonance between what you want to be true and what is.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 27, 2021 06:14 PM (KZzsI)

203 Hi, JT!

Posted by: donna&&&&&v at August 27, 2021 06:14 PM (HabA/)

204 Urban Pennsylvania went for Trump in a big way too, that's why they had to steal it, after all.

Posted by: Common Tater at August 27, 2021 06:14 PM (faXIs)

205 The State Department is reportedly blocking the rescue of Afghani Christian converts seeking to flee _Life Site

Posted by: Braenyard, Major Biden says, I bite 'em at August 27, 2021 06:14 PM (/jZjK)

206 Fwiw there is some discussin about whether quesera sserra offer rfk.

You would ordinarily think it was an insane theory, the again Joe biden

Posted by: Y5 at August 27, 2021 06:15 PM (o6WqV)

207 sorry I got a little excited there


my kids are now too old so I don't have any excuses to go until I get grandkids

I guess I could bring the dogs

Posted by: BlackOrchid at August 27, 2021 06:15 PM (j9HX3)

208 Sirhan murders the president's brother and is now free. I'll bet Leslie Van Houten is firing up the hope machine.

Posted by: Lady in Black at August 27, 2021 06:15 PM (O+I8R)

209 Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller was relieved for cause after demanding that senior U.S. leaders hold themselves accountable for actions made during the U.S. military's withdrawal from Afghanistan

Posted by: Braenyard, Major Biden says, I bite 'em at August 27, 2021 06:15 PM (/jZjK)

210 I expect rural PA went for Trump in a big way.

Did you see that final Bradford County rally? (and Bucks and Berks Counties that day. I forget where the fourth one was)

Posted by: t-bird at August 27, 2021 06:15 PM (8eSmR)

211 If you had that in some places in Jersey they'd deface your car. I expect rural PA went for Trump in a big way.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 27, 2021 06:12 PM (AJzTi)

Fen there are places in PA where they'd deface your car. But I was up near Harrisburg last weekend and there were tons of Trump-Pence signs still around.

Posted by: blaster at August 27, 2021 06:15 PM (mbFEM)

212 S.E.'s cousin had a movie about him
Tin Cupp
Posted by: Skip at August 27, 2021 06:12 PM (znIQ9)


Posted by: Lord Stanley at August 27, 2021 06:15 PM (mZUr4)

213 Do androids become psychotic?

Occasionally, but its those whack job Replicants the Tyrell Corporation turns out that should worry you.

Posted by: Ash at August 27, 2021 06:16 PM (uc0d+)

214 I predict that 2021 will go down in history as a cursed year

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at August 27, 2021 06:10 PM (oEn12)

It can only 'go down in history,' if we actually survive it long enough to write the history.

I like your enthusiasm and positive outlook.

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 06:16 PM (cvNl1)

215 Posted by: BlackOrchid at August 27, 2021 06:12 PM (j9HX3)

I've never stayed there, but I really like the fact that they don't charge admission for the parking and you can pay by ride. I would never have known about it, but a friend (now deceased sadly) mentioned that she liked to go camping and visit there at the park about 15 years ago and go on the rides and her husband was a roller coaster enthusiast riding so many times to get a record.I think we've been going with the boy for about 14 years off and on.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 27, 2021 06:16 PM (AJzTi)

216 Didn't this RFK cocksucker make it into that garbage song that goes where have all the flowers gone?
It's the song I sing to my neighbor who feeds the squirrels.

Posted by: dartist at August 27, 2021 06:16 PM (+ya+t)

217 Oh, yes, we passed a PA truck which said, "Donald Trump-best President ever or "Don't blame me. I voted for Trum"p or a particularly brave one on a widow-a big sideview of Trump with a sign saying "Miss me yet?" If you had that in some places in Jersey they'd deface your car. I expect rural PA went for Trump in a big way.


Pretty common in my area. That's the nice thing about living in the boonies in the deep South. You try to deface somebody's car around here and you're likely to get defaced.

Around here, "he dun run off" is still a valid excuse for not being able to find somebody.

Posted by: Azathoth at August 27, 2021 06:16 PM (K2S+U)

218 The State Department is reportedly blocking the rescue of Afghani Christian converts seeking to flee _Life Site
Posted by: Braenyard, Major Biden says, I bite 'em at August 27, 2021 06:14 PM (/jZjK)


*shakes head in complete and utter disgust*

Posted by: Napoleon XIV at August 27, 2021 06:16 PM (AiZBA)

219 PA didn't vote Biden

come on man!


we make fun of Delaware (or used to, ugh) and he's no pennsy guy no matter what he claims

Posted by: BlackOrchid at August 27, 2021 06:16 PM (j9HX3)

220 What's that other song that goes bobby, martin, and.....I forget?
Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 06:09 PM (fb+b5)

"Abraham, Martin and John." Recorded in 1968 by Dion DiMucci when he was trying to stay relevant.

Marvin Gaye also did a version, as did Moms Mabley, which sounds like a cross between Carol Channing and Mrs Miller:

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at August 27, 2021 06:16 PM (2JVJo)

221 Q: Why did God make you?
A: God made me to know Him, love Him, serve Him and be happy with Him forever in Heaven.

So, not quite yet. Vale of tears, etc.

Posted by: Sal at August 27, 2021 06:16 PM (3c1fY)

222 Radio says, Biden's dog bit eight SS men and some WH guests within eight days.

Posted by: Braenyard, Major Biden says, I bite 'em at August 27, 2021 06:17 PM (/jZjK)

223 Of course the athlete brother, Cupp. His real first name is Protective, but nobody calls him that.

Posted by: mot at August 27, 2021 06:17 PM (n9pm0)

224 Posted by: Skip at August 27, 2021 06:11 PM (znIQ9)

Too short but very nice. Thanks.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 27, 2021 06:17 PM (AJzTi)

225 Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller was relieved for cause after demanding that senior U.S. leaders hold themselves accountable

What took them so long?!

Posted by: Lt. Col (with BearClaw Clusters) Vyndman at August 27, 2021 06:17 PM (9Fwwf)

226 And lest people forget Bobby Kennedy was Jack's Attorney General and a bit of a hatchet man for him. He was not beloved like Jack.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at August 27, 2021 06:17 PM (5HBd1)

227 Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller was relieved for cause after demanding that senior U.S. leaders hold themselves accountable for actions made during the U.S. military's withdrawal from Afghanistan
Posted by: Braenyard, Major Biden says, I bite 'em at August 27, 2021 06:15 PM (/jZjK)

Well, I guess Punchy's DOD can fire someone...just no one responsible for the single most embarrassing military mishap in US history.

Posted by: Boswell at August 27, 2021 06:18 PM (5iUNf)

228 The truth is, you're not special. I'm not special. We're ordinary. Our generation is not going to Change The World. We don't deserve better. Like everyone else on earth that has ever existed throughout all time, we only get what we fight and strive and work to get, and sometimes we get nothing for all that. That's how life is, its not fair, its not just, its not kind, and we will never achieve true happiness here.


Bad things are going to happen to you. WE DO NOT DESERVE BETTER.

The sooner everyone comprehends this, the sooner they can get on with life as a rational, stable human being.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 27, 2021 06:18 PM (KZzsI)

229 Marcus T, that description so fits my mental image of you. Rock Steady.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 06:18 PM (1kUWP)

230 > just being told 2 hours ago I had cancer

I'm sorry you had to go through that. My doc told me over the phone and I sat down on a sidewalk for a while and just absorbed the news.
Posted by: bonhomme at August 27, 2021 06:02 PM (UW2ZS)


I am so sorry for both of you. It is horrendous and earth shattering. I found out when I was still woozy from the colonoscopy as the doctor loomed over me and said "We need to talk".

At that moment I thought ten years if I'm lucky. It's nearly ten years and I'm still OK, I think, though there was surgery and chemo.

Posted by: President Select Decaf at August 27, 2021 06:18 PM (RMGKK)

231 I dumped twitter after the election. I found myself getting angry over stupid shit and stupid people. Glad I got rid of it. Twitter is a sewer.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at August 27, 2021 06:18 PM (kTF2Z)

232 222 Radio says, Biden's dog bit eight SS men and some WH guests within eight days.

that dog was probably a protective dog not a pet not ever socialized to people

they tried to use it as a prop and that went horribly awry

like all their stupid, stupid plans

Posted by: BlackOrchid at August 27, 2021 06:18 PM (j9HX3)

233 Sirhan Sirhan being released at the urgings of Kennedy's sounds like Darwinism at work.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Outrage Outlet Summer Biden Special! Sunblock 10,000 SPF 20% Off! at August 27, 2021 06:18 PM (+CAqC)

234 I'm sorry to ruin the Sirhan Sirhan party, but he's not out on parole yet. Some sort of 90 day review of the Parole Board's recommendation is required, after which the decision goes to the Governor. So, parole is a lock - if Brylcreem Newsom is not recalled.

Posted by: Gref at August 27, 2021 06:18 PM (AMIL/)

235 "I think I've lived my life both in fear of him and his name in one way or another. And I am grateful today to see him as a human being worthy of compassion and love."


Jesus has returned.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at August 27, 2021 06:18 PM (C/kwd)

236 A group of highly trained US military veterans has been secretly rescuing hundreds of allied operatives from Afghanistan -

volunteering over fears those allies would otherwise be left for dead, according to a report.

The weeklong secret operation dubbed "Pineapple Express" _NY Post

Posted by: Braenyard, Major Biden says, I bite 'em at August 27, 2021 06:19 PM (/jZjK)

237 Marvin Gaye also did a version, as did Moms Mabley, which sounds like a cross between Carol Channing and Mrs Miller:


That song is crying out for a cover by Gilbert Gottfried.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at August 27, 2021 06:19 PM (C/kwd)

I give no shit about any Kennedy, dead or alive.

What I do care about is 1) people acting like humans, not savages, and 2) justice.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 06:20 PM (fb+b5)

239 Around here, "he dun run off" is still a valid excuse for not being able to find somebody.
You still occasionally hear the expression "He got run off" around here. It means someone did something so egregious that he was politely invited to leave the area, usually by family.

"Whatever happened to Joe?"

"He got run off."

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at August 27, 2021 06:20 PM (sWM8x)

240 I always take a nap and miss something good--in this case Buck's piece on corpos and the Chinese fail train. This is something I have some personal experience dealing with, as I used to be with a hardware company with a reputation for top quality product. Somewhere around 2013 the idiots that had recently taken over via merger decided that outsourcing everything was the bee's knees, and naturally they'd go with whichever contract manufacturer blew the most smoke up their asses. Engineering wound up spending 20 to 30 percent of its resources on cleaning up their messes--everything from things not assembled correctly to using the wrong electrical components and then wondering why stuff doesn't work. This all got escalated to R&D (and frequently software, because our team had enough of a GET SHIT DONE reputation that we were the first line of defense), and nobody was specifically assigned "deal with Chicom fuckery" as a job description so it meant burning through the continuation engineering budget on this bullshit and then pulling people off active projects.

Supposedly they learned their lesson and went back to in-house US manufacturing, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Posted by: CppThis at August 27, 2021 06:20 PM (UewuT)

241 S.E. has a favorite coffee Wake

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at August 27, 2021 06:20 PM (cSyAR)

242 53 years in incarceration. He isn't going to adjust. He offs himself or gets back in in 6 months.
Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 06:00 PM (1kUWP)


He is about to be the new media darling along with the Kennedy who forgave him. What better issue to distract from the Biden catastrophes.

Posted by: President Select Decaf at August 27, 2021 06:20 PM (RMGKK)

243 Jock Strap and him are inseparable.

Posted by: mot at August 27, 2021 06:21 PM (n9pm0)

244 I hope either Trump or DeSantis is elected in 2024 and reinstates Col. Scheller and then promote him to Lt. General in charge of cleaning out all the cowards and lay-abouts in the Pentagon...

Posted by: Boswell at August 27, 2021 06:21 PM (5iUNf)

245 Re: Mark David Chapman
My only disappointment in Lennon's death is that Paul McCartney wasn't standing directly behind him...

Posted by: FriscoYoda at August 27, 2021 06:21 PM (+56GQ)

246 A group of highly trained US military veterans has been secretly rescuing hundreds of allied operatives from Afghanistan -

volunteering over fears those allies would otherwise be left for dead, according to a report.

The weeklong secret operation dubbed "Pineapple Express" _NY Post
Posted by: Braenyard, Major Biden says, I bite 'em at August 27, 2021 06:19 PM (/jZjK)

The names and plans of this group has been sent to the Taliban so they can assist these heroes.
-- The US State Department

Posted by: Napoleon XIV at August 27, 2021 06:21 PM (AiZBA)

247 What's with the "T" in "Tchen"? It's still "Chen", right?

Posted by: t-bird at August 27, 2021 06:21 PM (DMQdU)

248 Braenyard, I keep wondering how they bypassed all the bureaucratic bullshit.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 06:22 PM (1kUWP)

249 []You still occasionally hear the expression "He got run off" around here.


Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 27, 2021 06:22 PM (KZzsI)

250 These days Kennedys only make the news when they beat a girl to death with a nine iron.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at August 27, 2021 06:22 PM (C/kwd)

251 Of course the athlete brother, Cupp. His real first name is Protective, but nobody calls him that.
Posted by: mot at August 27, 2021 06:17 PM (n9pm0)

Is that her Scottish relative Jock?

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at August 27, 2021 06:22 PM (cSyAR)

252 Posted by: Braenyard, Major Biden says, I bite 'em at August 27, 2021 06:15 PM (/jZjK)

So he's got to go to a Show Cause board, but White Rage Milley is totally good to go.

We're fucked.

You found a combatant commander with a hardon to destroy the enemy, and your first thought was to relieve him and make him show cause? What the actual fuck?

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 06:22 PM (cvNl1)

253 The Al Isha unit is using US-made hand-held scanners to tap into the US-built biometric database to positively identify any person who helped the NATO allies or worked with Indian intelligence. [for mostly peaceful reasons]
_NY Post

Posted by: Braenyard, Major Biden says, I bite 'em at August 27, 2021 06:23 PM (/jZjK)

254 Only thing that frauded Pennsylvania was Philadelphia ( and surrounding Counties)and Pittsburgh

Posted by: Skip at August 27, 2021 06:23 PM (znIQ9)

255 Back in 2017 that bombing in Bloomington was widely thought here to be some type of false flag bombing by the left

C'mon man! That was 4 or 5 years ago!

Posted by: BignJames at August 27, 2021 06:24 PM (AwYPR)

256 Tokyo Medical Chairman holds press conference recommending Ivermectin to all doctors, for all Covid patients.
Posted by: rhennigantx

Link to Lifesite News

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at August 27, 2021 06:24 PM (OssQ4)

257 Posted by: Skip at August 27, 2021 06:11 PM (znIQ9)

Too short but very nice. Thanks.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke

Good. The nice part, not the short part.

Posted by: JT at August 27, 2021 06:24 PM (arJlL)

258 There's a lot of grifting going on... so trust but verify. Many of these so called efforts are simply rip offs.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at August 27, 2021 06:25 PM (BFigT)

259 Meghan McCain is the best thing that has ever happened to people who sit on the fence, drink beer and shit themselves without a proper diaper. Daddy would be proud -- and be covered in his own shit.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at August 27, 2021 06:25 PM (ecYxZ)

260 The truth is, you're not special. I'm not special. We're ordinary. Our generation is not going to Change The World.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 27, 2021 06:18 PM (KZzsI)

I'm 41. I realized this about 10 year ago, and it was a savage blow to my ego, my pride, and my ambitions.

For a month, maybe. Then it was just 'the truth,' and I committed myself to doing the best I can at what I choose to do (in every capacity). Sometimes my best is 100% effort. Other times, my best is only about 30% effort. It's still the best I can give at that moment.

I'm always giving the best I can, and I forgive myself for not being at 100% capacity all the time. It's made my life far more livable, enjoyable, and peaceful.

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 06:26 PM (cvNl1)

261 This is my struggle. I oppose the death penalty, not on any ethical or moral grounds such as the sanctity of life, but because I just don't trust the government that much.


Ashlii Babbit got a death sentence sanctioned by government and congress so I understand your mistrust of government.

Posted by: President Select Decaf at August 27, 2021 06:26 PM (RMGKK)

262 Life: wake up in the morning and Thank G-D for another day and go about using the common sense HE gave you

Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 06:26 PM (1kUWP)

263 Only thing that frauded Pennsylvania was Philadelphia ( and surrounding Counties)and Pittsburgh
Posted by: Skip at August 27, 2021 06:23 PM (znIQ9)

Only because they didn't need anywhere else

Posted by: Doof at August 27, 2021 06:26 PM (mZUr4)

264 253 The Al Isha unit is using US-made hand-held scanners to tap into the US-built biometric database to positively identify any person who helped the NATO allies or worked with Indian intelligence. [for mostly peaceful reasons]
_NY Post

Posted by: Braenyard, Major Biden says, I bite 'em at August 27, 2021 06:23 PM (/jZjK)

Anyone know how easy or difficult it may be for the bad guys in A-stan to listen-in on cell phone calls, read texts, and read emails, between trapped Americans and the State Department?

Posted by: Gref at August 27, 2021 06:27 PM (AMIL/)

265 Oh that McDaddy McCain has triggered me beyond belief. I need a drink.

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at August 27, 2021 06:27 PM (f1Vqw)

I give no shit about any Kennedy, dead or alive.

What I do care about is 1) people acting like humans, not savages, and 2) justice.

Posted by: Soothsayer's

Poetry masquerading as a comment

Posted by: LostInSpace at August 27, 2021 06:27 PM (X4BXD)

267 People I'd permanently ban from ever doing anything online:

99% of lefties/liberals worldwide, including every tech oligarch.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at August 27, 2021 06:27 PM (L2ZTs)

268 I'm kinda special. Just sayin.'

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at August 27, 2021 06:27 PM (QU5/8)

269 You have to keep still for several tens of minutes, and the sound isn't constant. It made several different sounds and they weren't periodic. I don't think I'd ever fall asleep in one unless I was exhausted.
Posted by: bonhomme at August 27, 2021 05:58 PM (UW2ZS)

They put me out like a light switch. I lay down, remember the table sliding in, next thing i know, the radiologist is pok___ at me with a finger and a wake up smell vial just to ensure I'm not dead. Comes from too many years of working on radars in tiny assed electronics bays. Almost relaxing.

Posted by: BifBewalski @ (VcFUs) - at August 27, 2021 06:28 PM (VcFUs)

270 Mrs Miller:

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at August 27, 2021 06:19 PM (C/kwd)

Who all was in on the joke?..don't think Mrs. Miller was.

Posted by: BignJames at August 27, 2021 06:28 PM (AwYPR)

271 Don't forget S.Es moonshiner cousin, "Hic" Cupp.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at August 27, 2021 06:08 PM (2JVJo)

Also dont forge her flat chested sister, Bee Cupp

Posted by: Somewhere South of I-80 at August 27, 2021 06:28 PM (weGKL)

272 People I'd permanently ban from ever doing anything online:

99% of lefties/liberals worldwide, including every tech oligarch.
Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at August 27, 2021 06:27 PM (L2ZTs)

Your number is too low

Posted by: Doof at August 27, 2021 06:28 PM (mZUr4)

273 BREAKING NEWS: Next CV19 booster shot to be accompanied with a required lobotomy, to ensure Dr Fauci is never questioned again

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at August 27, 2021 06:28 PM (L2ZTs)

274 You found a combatant commander with a hardon to destroy the enemy, and your first thought was to relieve him and make him show cause? What the actual fuck?
Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 06:22 PM (cvNl1)[/i[

I don't think there will be a board. He was relieved because the leadership had lost confidence in his ability to command.

And he's not going to be around for another President to promote him instead. This shit only works one way. Vindmann? Not even relieved of his post. Made the promotion list. This guy? Done.

Posted by: blaster at August 27, 2021 06:29 PM (mbFEM)

275 I'm kinda special. Just sayin.'
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at August 27, 2021 06:27 PM (QU5/


I'm kind of a big deal.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at August 27, 2021 06:29 PM (kTF2Z)

276 Gref, looks like it's going to be pretty easy.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 06:29 PM (1kUWP)

277 Anyone know how easy or difficult it may be for the bad guys in A-stan to listen-in on cell phone calls, read texts, and read emails, between trapped Americans and the State Department?
Posted by: Gref at August 27, 2021 06:27 PM (AMIL/)


Kindly refrain from calling them "trapped." Here at the White House we like to refer to them as Persons of Undecided Itineraries.

Posted by: Jen Psaki at August 27, 2021 06:29 PM (C/kwd)

278 Doof, I actually know of *one* lefty who's doing a great job of exposing lefty hate every day at Twitter.


Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at August 27, 2021 06:29 PM (L2ZTs)


Jen said that anyone who wants to leave Afghanistan can do so at any time.

Posted by: Dr.Rev. Senator Your Highness E Buzz Miller, Esq PhD MA MS at August 27, 2021 06:31 PM (4WPW/)

280 256 Tokyo Medical Chairman holds press conference recommending Ivermectin to all doctors, for all Covid patients.
Posted by: rhennigantx

My neighbor and his wife have C-19, they went to a Doc in th Box and received Regeneron and Ivermectin.

Said they really felt bad before the medicine.
He was firing up the Bar b when we spoke.

FWIW - three people from his workplace have died from it.

Posted by: Braenyard, Major Biden says, I bite 'em at August 27, 2021 06:31 PM (/jZjK)

281 I'm kind of a big deal.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at August 27, 2021 06:29 PM (kTF2Z)

Okay, Big Deal, the toilet needs fixing again.
-- Duke's Wife

Posted by: Napoleon XIV at August 27, 2021 06:31 PM (AiZBA)

282 Don't forget S.Es moonshiner cousin, "Hic" Cupp.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at August 27, 2021 06:08 PM (2JVJo)

Also dont forge her flat chested sister, Bee Cupp
Posted by: Somewhere South of I-80 at August 27, 2021 06:28 PM (weGKL)


And her brother the urologist, Pee Cupp.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at August 27, 2021 06:31 PM (kTF2Z)

283 Doof, I actually know of *one* lefty who's doing a great job of exposing lefty hate every day at Twitter.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at August 27, 2021 06:29 PM (L2ZTs)

Worth checking out. Thanks

Posted by: Doof at August 27, 2021 06:31 PM (mZUr4)

Anyone know how easy or difficult it may be for the bad guys in A-stan to listen-in on cell phone calls, read texts, and read emails, between trapped Americans and the State Department?
Posted by: Gref at August 27, 2021 06:27 PM (AMIL/)

Unless special approval was granted to them to handcarry encryption and encryption apps for export would be a very simple measure the the TalkyWhackers to go to the cell service server farm and listen in, and/or passivly read all the open text e-mails.

Posted by: BifBewalski @ (VcFUs) - at August 27, 2021 06:31 PM (VcFUs)

285 Don't forget S.E.'s bulimic sister Yack

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at August 27, 2021 06:31 PM (cSyAR)

286 Posted by: blaster at August 27, 2021 06:29 PM (mbFEM)

Yeah, you're probably right about the board.

Still... Marine commanders itching to kill the enemy? Yes, please. Give him a platoon or two and let him fix this dumpster fire.

Think his Marines wouldn't be willing to carve a path to and from for every American still outside the wire?

Hell, I've been out for years, and I'D follow this dude. Get some.

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 06:31 PM (cvNl1)

287 Kindly refrain from calling them "trapped." Here at the White House we like to refer to them as Persons of Undecided Itineraries.

Posted by: Jen Psaki at August 27, 2021 06:29 PM (C/kwd)

Darn, I wish I had thought of that euphemism for trapped.

Posted by: Gref at August 27, 2021 06:32 PM (AMIL/)

You all know I hate fucking monkeys, right?
But if I witnessed someone torturing and beating and killing monkeys, I'd insist on that person being Dispatched. Why?

Because that person is subhuman and has no place in a civilized society. Civilizations don't last long when we allow sub-humans to roam free.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 06:32 PM (fb+b5)

289 We all still lament the murder of Winston Cupp. They did him dirty.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at August 27, 2021 06:32 PM (OssQ4)

290 My mom has an anxiety syndrome that was triggered by my father's sudden death. I was 1500 miles away and there were no relatives for her to lean on. He was her soulmate and was probably codependent. She still suffers from it 30 years later though it's better. Xanax when she gets an attack.

Posted by: Just a side note at August 27, 2021 06:32 PM (2DOZq)

291 Co-worker was telling me a story he read a good guy Afghanistani journalist was supposed badly injured in bomb blast, but turned out was murdered probably tracked by his cell phone all in Afghanistan.

Posted by: Skip at August 27, 2021 06:32 PM (znIQ9)

292 281 I'm kind of a big deal.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at August 27, 2021 06:29 PM (kTF2Z)

Okay, Big Deal, the toilet needs fixing again.
-- Duke's Wife
Heh. I heard my mother's voice: "Well OK, Mr. Big Deal, go mow the yard."

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at August 27, 2021 06:33 PM (sWM8x)

293 Don't forget S.E.'s bulimic sister Yack
Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at August 27, 2021 06:31 PM (cSyAR)

How about her hard of hearing uncle, Spee?

Posted by: Doof at August 27, 2021 06:33 PM (mZUr4)

294 I am a piss ant on the face of eternity.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 06:34 PM (1kUWP)

295 I'm kinda special. Just sayin.'
Heard the same thing from girls in the bar. What's up with that?

Posted by: dartist at August 27, 2021 06:34 PM (+ya+t)

296 Who all was in on the joke?..don't think Mrs. Miller was.
Posted by: BignJames at August 27, 2021 06:28 PM (AwYPR)

I think Mrs Miller was as deluded as Florence Foster Jenkins.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at August 27, 2021 06:34 PM (2JVJo)

297 > At that moment I thought ten years if I'm lucky. It's nearly ten years and I'm still OK, I think, though there was surgery and chemo.

Congrats on making it through.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 27, 2021 06:34 PM (UW2ZS)

298 Still... Marine commanders itching to kill the enemy? Yes, please. Give him a platoon or two and let him fix this dumpster fire.

Think his Marines wouldn't be willing to carve a path to and from for every American still outside the wire?

Hell, I've been out for years, and I'D follow this dude. Get some.
Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 06:31 PM (cvNl1)

I get ya, I really do. But where, exactly, does the Marine Corps have a place for a BN CDR with an itching to kill? McKenzie (CDR, CENTCOM, USMC) at the press conference yesterday said that in response to the Marines being killed, they would look at their training and procedures. Didn't sound like he had much use for a killing machine.

Posted by: blaster at August 27, 2021 06:34 PM (mbFEM)

299 Speaking of state assisted health policies, lobotomies were used to treat what was diagnosis as mental illness all the way through 1970s.

Posted by: runner, distinguished commenter at August 27, 2021 06:35 PM (V13WU)

300 I am a piss ant on the face of eternity.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 06:34 PM (1kUWP)

Angry Ben Had is my favorite Ben Had.

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 06:35 PM (cvNl1)

301 Speaking of state assisted health policies, lobotomies were used to treat what was diagnosis as mental illness all the way through 1970s.


Yep, the best family in America was heroic for doing that to one of their little girls. And brave. Or something.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - (BMWRT) The booster shots are unchanged doses for COVID-19. It's 2021. at August 27, 2021 06:36 PM (+MSSo)

302 Guess I'll go fix the toilet.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at August 27, 2021 06:36 PM (kTF2Z)

303 At that moment I thought ten years if I'm lucky. It's nearly ten years and I'm still OK, I think, though there was surgery and chemo.

God bless you. Glad you're here.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at August 27, 2021 06:36 PM (2JVJo)

Guess I'll go fix the toilet.
Posted by: Duke Lowell


Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 06:37 PM (fb+b5)

305 Cupp needs to stop the benzos

Posted by: Garland at August 27, 2021 06:37 PM (ONvIw)

306 Nice to see they released Sirhan Sirhan. He has unfinished business.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at August 27, 2021 06:37 PM (62/i9)

307 S.E. Cupp's cousins, Cupp Cake and Cupp Holder.

Posted by: runner, distinguished commenter at August 27, 2021 06:37 PM (V13WU)

308 Taliban is going to get support from Qatar to run HKIA airport.

Here's a quiz: anyone know where CENTCOM HQ is in theater?

Posted by: blaster at August 27, 2021 06:37 PM (mbFEM)

309 Guess I'll go fix the toilet.


(looks to see if there are any elections happening anywhere in the US)

Posted by: Moron Robbie - (BMWRT) The booster shots are unchanged doses for COVID-19. It's 2021. at August 27, 2021 06:37 PM (+MSSo)





Posted by: Dr.Rev. Senator Your Highness E Buzz Miller, Esq PhD MA MS at August 27, 2021 06:37 PM (4WPW/)

311 Didn't sound like he had much use for a killing machine.

Posted by: blaster at August 27, 2021 06:34 PM (mbFEM)

I agree entirely, and it breaks my heart. I was an FMF CSAR kid attached to Marine units throughout my time over there. It was different then. I know everyone says that about the olden times, but it was different then. Our mission was to destroy the enemy and get our guys home alive. The end.

Training and procedure reviews don't stop the enemy from wanting to kill you, so you have to kill them first. Until leadership recalls that salient fact, Marines will die along with the rest of us.

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 06:38 PM (cvNl1)

312 I'm just biding my time until eternal hellfire.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at August 27, 2021 06:38 PM (UfRqq)

313 hmm...Butter Cupp ?

Posted by: runner, distinguished commenter at August 27, 2021 06:38 PM (V13WU)

314 306 Nice to see they released Sirhan Sirhan. He has unfinished business.

Posted by: Andrew Dice Clay at August 27, 2021 06:38 PM (sWM8x)

315 Rosemary Kennedy

After Rosemary was mildly sedated, "We went through the top of the head," Dr. Watts recalled. "I think she was awake. She had a mild tranquilizer. I made a surgical incision in the brain through the skull. It was near the front. It was on both sides. We just made a small incision, no more than an inch." The instrument Dr. Watts used looked like a butter knife. He swung it up and down to cut brain tissue.

Posted by: Commisar of Sciencing and Plenty at August 27, 2021 06:38 PM (FIcxp)

316 Word power

Biden : boner - China

Biden : failure - USA, Europe, South America, Africa, Oceana, Asia (minus China)

For Abject Failure and Pathetic Loser see Biden.

Joe Biden must be removed from the White House either by resignation, 25th amendment, impeachment, or NATO invading the United States and removing him to a early bird buffet for dementia patients in Florida.

Posted by: LostInSpace at August 27, 2021 06:38 PM (X4BXD)


Good advice, followed immediately by posts of three tweets.

Posted by: Receive gp's Free No-Obligation Information Packet at August 27, 2021 06:38 PM (qpX6U)

318 Not sure of the context, but I assume it means partners, allies, etc. in the "withdrawal."

The Terrorists have won. Simple as that.
Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 05:33 PM (fb+b5)

It's some muzzie cnut named Monsef. But the fact that Trudeau hasn't punted her skank ass back to Shitcanistan is very telling.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at August 27, 2021 06:39 PM (62/i9)

319 Washington Nearsider. No anger. I'm just a small time player in a very big plot and am grateful for every gift that G-D gave me and try to use them to my very best.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 06:39 PM (1kUWP)

320 hmm...Butter Cupp ?
Posted by: runner, distinguished commenter at August 27, 2021 06:38 PM (V13WU)

As you wish

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at August 27, 2021 06:39 PM (cSyAR)

321 Anyone else notice that Y5 and Mary's spelling is similar?

Posted by: Aetius451AD work phone at August 27, 2021 06:39 PM (z4k8L)

322 I am a piss ant on the face of eternity.
Posted by: Ben Had

No, you are not.

God doesn't think of you as a pissant.

Yes, our lives in this mortal world compared to eternity is nothing, but never think that you're nothing in the eyes of God.

Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at August 27, 2021 06:39 PM (3BxAr)

323 @stillgray

Teacher says the US flag makes her uncomfortable so she "misplaced" it and has students in the classroom pledge their allegiance to the trans pride flag.

I am sooooo glad I don't have kids in school. I'd be in jail by now.

Posted by: Tami at August 27, 2021 06:39 PM (cF8AT)

324 Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at August 27, 2021 06:36 PM (2JVJo)

I know you're in MA somewhere, but want to take a day off and meet me in NY or PA somewhere for a cigar and a scotch?

I've got a week off of work starting now.

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 06:39 PM (cvNl1)

325 So has the Taliban/ISIS (because we are supposed to pretend they're different groups) agreed to let us use their airstrips in order to "hunt them down" and bring the Taliban/ISIS terrorists to justice like Biden said?

If not, how are we going to do it?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - (BMWRT) The booster shots are unchanged doses for COVID-19. It's 2021. at August 27, 2021 06:39 PM (+MSSo)

326 I pledge allegiance
To the fag

Posted by: Moron Robbie - (BMWRT) The booster shots are unchanged doses for COVID-19. It's 2021. at August 27, 2021 06:40 PM (+MSSo)

If I told you in 2001 Bush's war on the Taliban would end in 20 years with us giving them roads, two airports, aircraft, and a billion dollars in weapons and equipment, and all the poppy fields, would you have believed me?

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 27, 2021 06:40 PM (fb+b5)


Twitter is a cesspool
Facebook is an outhouse
TikTok is a junior high school girl's bathroom

Posted by: wth at August 27, 2021 06:41 PM (v0R5T)

329 Anyone using the phrase "heavy lift" non-ironically and not in connection with physical objects gets beaten.

Posted by: Insomniac at August 27, 2021 06:41 PM (II3Gr)

330 Nood critters

Posted by: Moron Robbie - (BMWRT) The booster shots are unchanged doses for COVID-19. It's 2021. at August 27, 2021 06:42 PM (+MSSo)

331 Radio says, Biden's dog bit eight SS men and some WH guests within eight days.
Posted by: Braenyard, Major Biden says, I bite 'em at August 27, 2021 06:17 PM (/jZjK)


Are they sure it was the dog?

Posted by: President Select Decaf at August 27, 2021 06:42 PM (RMGKK)

332 Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 06:39 PM (1kUWP)

I hear you on the gratitude. I'm spending a lot of my time and energy reminding myself of the thing I have to be grateful for. I don't mean life-changing stuff, but small things. Every day things. I have food in my fridge, friends in a box, and a career I love and excel in.

That's more than so many of my peers... When I get super dark, I try to claw myself back with some of that.

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 06:42 PM (cvNl1)

333 So C's Cup runneth over?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks aka Hangdog Barkston at August 27, 2021 06:42 PM (d9FiS)

334 Seriously, if you see me post and it's after 300, you should go ahead and start clicking refresh on the main page.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - (BMWRT) The booster shots are unchanged doses for COVID-19. It's 2021. at August 27, 2021 06:42 PM (+MSSo)

335 Kennedy Love is as big a myth as
Obama Love.

Not that some didn't swoon but the majority didn't.
It was another media lap dance.

Posted by: Braenyard, Major Biden says, I bite 'em at August 27, 2021 06:42 PM (/jZjK)

336 Guess I'll go fix the toilet.
Posted by: Duke Lowell

Wasn't me!

Posted by: Captain Splatter at August 27, 2021 06:42 PM (v0R5T)

337 334 Seriously, if you see me post and it's after 300, you should go ahead and start clicking refresh on the main page.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - (BMWRT) The booster

Holds envelope to forhead

Posted by: Braenyard, Major Biden says, I bite 'em at August 27, 2021 06:43 PM (/jZjK)

338 I know you're in MA somewhere, but want to take a day off and meet me in NY or PA somewhere for a cigar and a scotch?

I've got a week off of work starting now.
Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 06:39 PM (cvNl1)

Damn, that sounds tempting, Nearsider. I don't know that I can swing it, but let me check. I'll let you know over the weekend.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at August 27, 2021 06:43 PM (2JVJo)

339 308 Taliban is going to get support from Qatar to run HKIA airport.

Here's a quiz: anyone know where CENTCOM HQ is in theater?

Posted by: blaster at August 27, 2021 06:37 PM (mbFEM)

Bagram Air Base

Posted by: Joe Biden, currently awake. Right, Jill? at August 27, 2021 06:44 PM (AMIL/)

340 Back in 2017 that bombing in Bloomington was widely thought here to be some type of false flag bombing by the left
You can look it up and see what you thought about it
Posted by: Kurt at August 27, 2021 05:45 PM (MXOwa)

Looking at the pic of the perp, that seems utterly logical. Looks like I imagine you to look, Kurt. If you could muster up enough testosterone to grow facial hair, of course.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at August 27, 2021 06:44 PM (62/i9)

341 Don't forget S.E.'s bulimic sister Yack
Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at August 27, 2021 06:31 PM (cSyAR)

And her cousin Fa

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at August 27, 2021 06:44 PM (AVDhF)

342 I'm glad you're all here. Even Buzzion's ghost.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 27, 2021 06:45 PM (KZzsI)

343 SMH, maybe that was a poor way of saying I don't ever want to take myself so seriously that I lose sight of what life is. I know that I am fierce friend and a mortal enemy and that I always need to give thanks to my Creator.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 06:45 PM (1kUWP)

344 Ms CupHead -

"Type A" even in the nutty psychopop was never a label for neurotic, moody worriers. They were the types that drove themselves to get serious work done.

Your type were never on the charts, as even Type Bs that did work and went home outperform you.

Your type is 'psychotic'

Posted by: Oldcat at August 27, 2021 06:46 PM (eoQWY)

345 This is stupid. There are more than 12 pumps per gas station.

So the real number is

Posted by: rhennigantx at August 27, 2021 05:51 PM (yrol0)

Not all gas stations have 12 or more pumps. My local small-town station has 2 gasoline, 2 Diesel. And some EV charge sites have multiple hookups.

But what really matters is throughput. My little 2-pump gas station can refuel a hundred vehicles in the time it takes to recharge one Tesla.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at August 27, 2021 06:50 PM (62/i9)

346 If you are very familiar with the psych terms like she is, she is probably under regular treatment.

Posted by: Garland at August 27, 2021 06:51 PM (ONvIw)

347 Damn, that sounds tempting, Nearsider. I don't know that I can swing it, but let me check. I'll let you know over the weekend.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at August 27, 2021 06:43 PM (2JVJo)

I'll wear a suit if you want.

washingtonnearsider at g mail dot com

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, Single and #SuperStraight at August 27, 2021 06:51 PM (cvNl1)

348 Were The Dead Kennedys punk?
Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at August 27, 2021 05:47 PM (cSyAR)

Yes. They had something of a sense of humor, with songs like "California Uber Alles" - "youll be crushed by the master race / that always wears the happy face "

Posted by: Oldcat at August 27, 2021 06:53 PM (eoQWY)

349 53 years in incarceration. He isn't going to adjust. He offs himself or gets back in in 6 months.
Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2021 06:00 PM (1kUWP)

You underestimate the new California crop of D/As.

Posted by: Oldcat at August 27, 2021 06:57 PM (eoQWY)

350 If you are very familiar with the psych terms like she is, she is probably under regular treatment.
Posted by: Garland at August 27, 2021 06:51 PM (ONvIw)

Treatment likely means happy drugs. Doesnt go well with the white wine.

Posted by: Oldcat at August 27, 2021 06:58 PM (eoQWY)

351 I really like the fact that they don't charge admission for the parking and you can pay by ride.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 27, 2021 06:16 PM (AJzTi

Fen - Believe it or not, Disneyland used to be like that. Minimum charge to get in and then if you wanted rides you buy a ticket book. I practically grew up in Disneyland.

Posted by: Russkilitlover at August 27, 2021 07:01 PM (nWxPx)

352 350 in her case, racing thoughts mean psychotic features

Posted by: Garland at August 27, 2021 07:09 PM (ONvIw)

353 Evening.

Tonight, I announce my candidacy to become President of The United States of America.

I promise, on Day One, to sign the order for attack drones to fire Hellfire missiles into all known locations housing Twitters servers. Twitter is a clear and present danger to America and as your Commander-In-Chief I will put a stop to them.

On day two I shall resign immediately and my running mate, Donald J. Trump, shall assume the Office of the President.

God bless you all, and God bless America.

Posted by: Robert - 7 Days until the new Iron Maiden album at August 27, 2021 07:12 PM (tBHYN)

354 So, No one fired or resigned yet for the Obamastan fiasco ?????

Wow, Welcome to the national idiot's Convention hosted by Blo Jiden !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: james at August 27, 2021 07:50 PM (24+Vp)

355 Big difference between Bloomington, Indiana and Bloomington, Illinois. Correction, please.

Posted by: Mr. Guest at August 27, 2021 09:06 PM (4Y9hF)

356 S.E. Cupp was normal, sane and attractive until she quit smoking. Have a Lucky Strike, babe....

Posted by: Darwin Akbar at August 27, 2021 09:18 PM (vwEFH)

357 SE is still hawt. Even if crazy.

Posted by: Kaldar at August 28, 2021 12:51 AM (3f9UK)

358 Shooting Kennedys should be an Olympic sport.
Posted by: Dr. Bone at August 27, 2021 05:39 PM (ecYxZ)


Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 28, 2021 07:50 AM (yQpMk)

359 OK now I may get in trouble here.
BUT, Sirhan Sirhan was just paroled and Joe Biden has FUBAR'ed and embarrassed the democrat party.
Are there any conspiracy theories about this?

Posted by: obsidian at August 28, 2021 10:00 AM (zsKs7)

360 Does this person have big boobs?

Posted by: Winnie SC at August 28, 2021 11:01 AM (6Sk36)

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