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More from Captain Cerebellum: It's Time to Ban Any Gun That Have a Capacity Greater Than a Single Shot

Apologies for the first post being incomplete; I was behind and just had to put something up.

This post should be more complete.

Word of Biden's dementia has reached the UK.

'The experts say we know that this virus is, in fact, uh, um, uh, it's going to be, or excuse me': Biden loses his thoughts on vaccines, flubs answer on his foreign policy work and falsely tells town hall you WON'T get COVID if you have the shot

President Joe Biden stumbled through Wednesday night's CNN town hall when he issued a series of gaffes, lost thoughts and false statements

'You're OK. You're not going to -- you're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,' Biden falsely assured

He also said no vaccinated individuals will be hospitalized, sent to the ICU or die
Biden repeatedly gave confusing, misleading and non-linear answers when discussing masks, national security issues and COVID-19 vaccine approval

There are breakthrough cases of coroanvirus in vaccinated individuals, and some cases result in death -- thought the rate much higher in the unvaccinated

Biden revealed unvaccinated children, including all those under 12, will have to wear masks in school when CDC releases new guidance


Joe Biden overinflated the efficiency of vaccines, especially against the Delta variant, during his gaffe-filled town hall on Wednesday where he claimed the jab will prevent Americans from contracting coronavirus.

'We're not in the position where we think that any virus, including the Delta virus, which is much more transmissible and more deadly in terms of unvaccinated people, the – the various shots that people are getting now cover that,' Biden said during a CNN town hall in Cincinnati, Ohio on Wednesday.

'You're OK,' he assured. 'You're not going to -- you're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.'

Will Twitter and FaceBook be suspending Biden's accounts for covid and vaccine misinformation?

Why does the left have a permanent pass on "misinformation"?

Section 230 contains a "good faith" requirement as to a company's own censorship decisions.

This is not "good faith."

Or it's government coercion. Either way, this cannot stand.

This statement is false considering many vaccinated Americans have contracted coronavirus, as well as been hospitalized and fallen fatal to the disease.

'If you're vaccinated, you're not going to be hospitalized, you're not going to be in the IC unit, and you're not going to die,' the president told host Don Lemon on stage at Mount St. Joseph University.


Biden struggled at some points during his town hall to complete statements coherently as he lost his train of thought on multiple occasions.


At one point, when talking about getting vaccinations approved for children under the age of 12, the president said: 'That's underway, just like the other question that's illogical. And I've heard you speak about it because you always -- I'm not being solicitous -- but you're always straight up about what you're doing.'

'And the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you uh, um, are -- why can't the, the, the experts say we know that this virus is, in fact, uh, um, uh, it's going to be -- or, excuse me, we, we, we know why all the drugs approved are not temporarily approved by permanently approved. That's underway too. I expect that to occur quickly,' Biden continued as he fumbled over his words.

'You mean for the FDA,' Lemon clarified.

Biden replied: 'For the FDA'

People complain about Trump's boastfulness -- but he's a piker compared to the serial braggart and liar Biden.

When speaking about national security, Biden also lost his words when declaring his qualifications to speak on the matter.

'And I'll say one last thing: You're going to -- I've had a lot of experience internationally and -- I mean, not good or bad, just I have -- I chaired the Foreign Relations Committee, I've been deeply involved,' he said.

'I did national security for our last – the administration with Barack,' he said. 'But folks, the rest of the world's wondering about us. Those of you who travel abroad, it's not a joke. Not a joke.'

He continued to ramble in saying: 'Ask -- you know, when I went to this G7, all the major democracies. I walked in and go, 'America's back.' I'm serious, heads of state. I give you my word as a Biden. They said, 'Are you really back?'

I don't want to take more from the Daily Mail, but I recommend clicking on the link and looking to the right sidebar material, the area shaded in light blue, which contains verbatim transcripts of Biden's incoherent, Sundowning "answers."

Here's one:

Response to question on how to prevent misinformation

'There are trusted interlocutors. Think of the people -- if your kid wanted to find out whether or not there were -- there's a man on the moon, or whatever -- you know, something, or, you know, whether those aliens are here or not -- you know, who are the people they talk to beyond the kids who love talking about it? They go to people they respect, and they say, "What do you think?"'

By "trusted interlocutors," I imagine he means the staffers he has coercing the Tech Monopolies to censor and deplatform dissident speech.

Biden also doubled down on his "just pay more" non-solution to a non-working workforce -- people are absentees from available jobs, because Professor Science over here is paying them not to work.

Biden tells desperate restaurateur to pay MORE to solve his staffing problems as he speaks at half-empty Ohio town hall

Restaurant owner John Lanni asked Biden what he was going to do to get more people back to work

The President responded by telling Lanni it was down to him to pay workers more and incentivize them

Since last year, COVID-19 unemployment benefits have been $300 more per week than in the past


They say they are partly to blame for the fast-rising inflation that is presenting itself across America

Last night, restaurant owners said Biden neither answered the question nor understood the problem

Many states and cities already pay staff $15-an-hour in wages but they say they're struggling to find workers

Across the country, restaurant owners are slamming Sundown:

EXCLUSIVE: Do you want to pay $50 for a hamburger, Joe? Furious restaurant owners vent at Biden for telling them to raise wages which they say will lead to MORE inflation and drive them ALL out of business

On Wednesday night, Biden told restaurant worker John Lanni to increase his staff's wages to survive

Restaurant owners on Thursday lashed out at the suggestion which they say will drive inflation

In New York City, the minimum wage is already $15 -- if it goes higher, owners will have to increase prices

New jobless claims jumped to 419,000 this week -- the highest in two months

There are still more than 12million people claiming unemployment in America; in 2019, the number was 5.8m

John Stratidis, the manager of the The Famous Cozy Soup 'n' Burger diner in Manhattan's Greenwich Village, said it could people out of business

Robert Mahon, owner of Toro Loco, Amor Loco and Broadstone, said Biden's expanded unemployment benefits must end in order to solve the problem

Republicans are pushing for Biden to replenish the Restaurant Revitalization Fund to help owners

They called his remarks 'patronizing', 'out of touch' and demonstrative that he's never run a business

26 states have ended the expanded benefits and are already seeing more people returning to work

Biden says he'll scrap them entirely in September - he insist people aren't working in restaurants because they're now considering their 'other opportunities'

Yes, they're "considering" the "opportunity" of simply living on the Biden Dole forever.

Speaking of shiftless layabouts collecting money for doing nothing:

Biden also said "I'm so damn proud of my son," because, Biden claims, Hunter has kicked the crack habit.


I wonder if he's also proud of his son's new career as a million-dollar artist.

He also announced that he intends to ban... all guns with a capacity greater than a single shot?!

QUESTION: Thank you. So gun violence has been on the rise across the country. And as a recent student and young professional living in Over-the-Rhine, I've seen this first-hand. Gun violence has taken the lives of so many young students and young people. I'm tired. And I want to see change that's going to make our cities like Cincinnati safer. So how will you address gun violence from a federal point of view to actually bring about change and make our local cities safer?

BIDEN: Now, I'm not being a wise guy. There's no reason you should. Have you seen my gun violence legislation I’ve introduced? As you know, because you're so involved, actually crime is down, gun violence and murder rates are up. Guns.

I'm the only guy that ever got passed legislation, when I was a senator, to make sure we eliminated assault weapons. The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon, whether -- whether it's .9 millimeter pistol or whether it’s a rifle, is ridiculous.

I'm continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things. But I'm not likely to get that done in the near term. So here’s what I’ve done. The people who, in fact, are using those weapons are acquiring them illegally. Illegally.

Below, more cringe videos of Biden "stuttering," plus a picture of the "half-empty" auditorium.

Looks three-quarters empty to me.

Posted by: Ace at 02:02 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 St

Posted by: Duke Lowell at July 22, 2021 01:03 PM (kTF2Z)

2 I'll fetch em

Posted by: Duke Lowell at July 22, 2021 01:03 PM (kTF2Z)

3 He also said he's proud of Hunter because he wrote a book. Problem is, it doesn't have color-by-numbers for Pop.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:03 PM (ptqGC)

4 He's OK, for reals, guys.

Posted by: CNN at July 22, 2021 01:04 PM (aAP3z)

5 I nooded

Posted by: Duke Lowell at July 22, 2021 01:04 PM (kTF2Z)

6 There is an article about Sundowner Joe and ice cream at American Thinker.

/spoiler: eating ice cream makes sundowners happy and calm

Posted by: shibumi at July 22, 2021 01:04 PM (tjZg/)

7 "Doctor" Jill arrived in Japan wearing another set of floral curtains, and sporting a scab on her leg.

Great heebie jeebies.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:04 PM (ptqGC)

8 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 22, 2021 01:04 PM (Zz0t1)

9 SPONGE!!!!

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:05 PM (ptqGC)

10 God help Us.. If he choses to do so

Posted by: It's me donna at July 22, 2021 01:06 PM (Zmnko)

11 Sigh. 81 million votes. *cough*

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:06 PM (ptqGC)

12 At this point, the only Biden who's not a criminal grifter is the Arkansas baby.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:07 PM (ptqGC)


They should have the cameras turned on themselves. How do these fake journalists and shills keep a straight face covering this imbecile.

Posted by: artisanal ette at July 22, 2021 01:07 PM (9VFzC)

14 {{{{Jane}}}}

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 22, 2021 01:07 PM (Zz0t1)

15 Maybe the Brits can dispose of him like they did all those mad cows.

Posted by: jdgalt1 at July 22, 2021 01:07 PM (3SFo/)

16 Joe Biden overinflated the efficiency of vaccines, especially against the Delta variant, during his gaffe-filled town hall on Wednesday where he claimed the jab will prevent Americans from contracting coronavirus
"Gaffe-filled?" No. Asking the clerk for two pickets to Titsburgh is a gaffe. This is stuttering, stumbling incoherence. There's a big a difference.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 22, 2021 01:07 PM (3p5uk)

17 I mean, Mike Bloomberg is a piece of shit for a lot of reasons, but putting this dementia-addled stooge up as a puppet for his regime is pretty goddamn evil.

Yet his presence is an indicator of the Bloomberg/ Epstein cabal's weakness. Not its strength.

Posted by: trev006 at July 22, 2021 01:07 PM (rIlCX)

18 I'm waiting for him to shit his pants live on the air. It's coming.

Posted by: Guzalot at July 22, 2021 01:07 PM (prSvo)

19 "Doctor" Jill arrived in Japan wearing another set of floral curtains, and sporting a scab on her leg.

Great heebie jeebies.
Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:04 PM (ptqGC)

Hunter likes his head given on gravel driveways.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 22, 2021 01:08 PM (Zz0t1)


80 million votes

Posted by: artisanal ette at July 22, 2021 01:08 PM (9VFzC)

21 "Gaffe-filled?" No. Asking the clerk for two pickets to Titsburgh is a gaffe. This is stuttering, stumbling incoherence. There's a big a difference.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 22, 2021 01:07 PM (3p5uk)

It's a stutter!

Posted by: Your sycophant press at July 22, 2021 01:08 PM (Zmnko)

22 "I went to this V8 deal, you know the thing.....and everyone there declared me King of Uranus....."

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:08 PM (ptqGC)

23 Maybe some day they will play the POTATUS in to the tune of Glenn Campbell's last song. Not Gonna Miss You.

A fella can dream.

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at July 22, 2021 01:08 PM (C/YEn)

24 The UK press is a great example of weird confluence. They're all generally in bed the big global socialist bullshit just like our press are, but they *also* hate America and so are willing to report on things like this.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 22, 2021 01:09 PM (3p5uk)

25 Apologies for the first post being incomplete; I was behind and just had to put something up.

Posted by: Ace at 02:02 PM

I mean, this us the horde we're talking about. We can ramble on in a thread almost indefinitely, especially if someone says the word boobs or guns.

Posted by: Jordan61-(Ez6QX) at July 22, 2021 01:10 PM (Ez6QX)

26 You just love how we trot this guy out like he's a late arrival at a party, and how he acts like he's been an innocent bystander for 47 years...

Posted by: CNN at July 22, 2021 01:10 PM (aAP3z)

I mean, this us the horde we're talking about. We can ramble on in a thread almost indefinitely, especially if someone says the word boobs or guns.
Posted by: Jordan61-(Ez6QX) at July 22, 2021 01:10 PM (Ez6QX)

That's hot....

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 22, 2021 01:10 PM (Zz0t1)

28 'And the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you uh, um, are -- why can't the, the, the experts say we know that this virus is, in fact, uh, um, uh, it's going to be -- or, excuse me, we, we, we know why all the drugs approved are not temporarily approved by permanently approved. That's underway too. I expect that to occur quickly,'

I had to watch this video several times to see if there's a charitable interpretation of it that makes sense. There is not. The man's brain is running on half a watt at most and is only average for a few minutes a day.

Posted by: bonhomme at July 22, 2021 01:11 PM (YYlyE)


Posted by: Joe Biden at July 22, 2021 01:11 PM (hbwVI)

30 i agree, that was a pretty shitty movie...

Posted by: SturmToddler (8D42x) at July 22, 2021 01:11 PM (8D42x)

31 boobs or guns.
Posted by: Jordan61-(Ez6QX)


Posted by: confedratefifth at July 22, 2021 01:11 PM (q5Q1L)

32 I'm looking forward to Joe's eyeball bleeding again. That's always fun.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:11 PM (ptqGC)

Interesting link in the Morning Report about why Joey Bivalve is always eating ice cream.

Hint: Dementia.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 22, 2021 01:11 PM (s2VJv)

34 You'd think that the people that rigged a national election would do a better job on a fake town hall on a fake news network.

The political machines put enormous effort into these things and this is the best they can do? Something is fishy.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 22, 2021 01:12 PM (Y5qcH)

35 I am Trusted Interlocutor of Borg.

Posted by: Jan Psaki at July 22, 2021 01:12 PM (a3Q+t)

36 ... Biden continued as he fumbled over his words.
'You mean for the FDA,' Lemon clarified.
Biden replied: 'For the FDA'

Remember when the press would hand out obvious help to President Trump?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 22, 2021 01:12 PM (3p5uk)

37 As you know, because you're so involved, actually crime is down, gun violence and murder rates are up. Guns.


I love this one. One.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - If you'll just trust Science and get the jab you might not even know you caught COVID at July 22, 2021 01:12 PM (33ek6)

38 How frickin' stupid did you have to be to think "Trump is a meany pants. Biden couldn't be worse than this!" or "I just want all the chaos to stop. I'm voting for Biden to make the noise stop!"?

How did we get here?

Posted by: squid_hunt at July 22, 2021 01:12 PM (B0mGw)

39 Sad thing is that he probably believes this nonsense.

Magical thinking is a pretty common symptom of dementia.

Whatever happens in 2022 and 2024, we have a front row seat to a historic implosion of a political cadre. Enjoy the schadenfreude.

Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 22, 2021 01:13 PM (5p7BC)

40 "But he has a stutter, haters!!!"

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:13 PM (ptqGC)

41 Cornpop? When did you get a job a cnn?

Posted by: Joe Biden's bleeding eye at July 22, 2021 01:13 PM (C/YEn)

42 Even Anderson Cooper called the usurper out on the vax lie. When you've lost And...ah, who'm I kidding. He won't lose any of 'em.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at July 22, 2021 01:13 PM (Bmy3R)

43 @33: "Hint: Dementia."

'tis a slippery slope from ice cream to sherbet to jello.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at July 22, 2021 01:13 PM (+WWsf)

44 Hey, I'd be down for a .50 cal single-shot hunting rifle.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at July 22, 2021 01:13 PM (0M2wm)


I would like to interloculate some of Joe's young ladies...

Posted by: My Pimp Shot My Dealer at July 22, 2021 01:13 PM (kd9w9)

46 As was mentioned last night, you can get dead people to vote, but it's a lot harder to get them to show up at a town hall.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - If you'll just trust Science and get the jab you might not even know you caught COVID at July 22, 2021 01:13 PM (33ek6)

47 33
Interesting link in the Morning Report about why Joey Bivalve is always eating ice cream.

Hint: Dementia.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 22, 2021 01:11 PM (s2VJv

I mentioned this connection a while ago.. Right from the Alzheimer's web site

Posted by: Your sycophant press at July 22, 2021 01:13 PM (Zmnko)

48 His "we're back" comment at the G-7 is telling though. Yes back being run by the international cabal is what he means

Posted by: steevy at July 22, 2021 01:14 PM (uUDKV)

49 43 @33: "Hint: Dementia."

'tis a slippery slope from ice cream to sherbet to jello.
Posted by: Walter Freeman at July 22, 2021 01:13 PM (+WWsf)

Slippery Slope: Fang Fang doing oil wrestling?

Now I denounce - - Swalwell.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 22, 2021 01:14 PM (s2VJv)

50 Boy, who knew the norms to be restored where King George III's.

Posted by: Bete at July 22, 2021 01:14 PM (Ojki1)

51 so 9mm pistols are out but 9mm rifls are in!

Posted by: confedratefifth at July 22, 2021 01:14 PM (q5Q1L)

52 "I just want all the chaos to stop. I'm voting for Biden to make the noise stop!"?
Well if that was their desire, it didn't work. So sucks to be them.

Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 22, 2021 01:14 PM (5p7BC)

53 "Doctor" Jill arrived in Japan wearing another set of floral curtains, and sporting a scab on her leg.

Great heebie jeebies.

Have you seen Psircle-back's legs? Gorbachev's liver spot is downright sexy compared to those things.

They're not horrendously shaped, but they're mottled and speckled, reminiscent of raw chicken skin left in the sun.

Posted by: bonhomme at July 22, 2021 01:14 PM (YYlyE)

54 Joe Biden overinflated the efficiency of vaccines
Is there an acceptable level of inflation?

Posted by: pep at July 22, 2021 01:14 PM (ZsR3z)

55 Just think, all of the smart people wanted Biden as president. The really rich ones too. Mmmmm.

Posted by: iandeal at July 22, 2021 01:14 PM (MGjjz)

56 If I'm only going to have one shot I guess I'll have to make it a good one, Joe.

Posted by: Cosda at July 22, 2021 01:14 PM (U7k1y)

57 "I give you my word as a Biden. They said, 'Are you really back?''

I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for blah blah blah...

Posted by: Guy Smiley at July 22, 2021 01:14 PM (Bmy3R)

58 Eating ice cream is a sign of dementia? Oh, dear. I probably eat it a couple of times during the week in the summer because it's so darn I don't feel like eating anything else.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 22, 2021 01:14 PM (k39e/)

59 How did we get here?


Illegally via a coup by the Democrats and their alphabet agency enforcement arms.

Trump won in a massive landslide.

Trump probably won California.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - If you'll just trust Science and get the jab you might not even know you caught COVID at July 22, 2021 01:14 PM (33ek6)

60 President Joe Biden stumbled through Wednesday night's CNN town hall...


Just like Obama, he surrounds himself with people dumber than he is.

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at July 22, 2021 01:15 PM (uhPTO)

61 Again, SCAOMF needs to be updated:
Senile Clusterf*ck of a Miserable Failure

Posted by: Virginia SoCon at July 22, 2021 01:15 PM (3WJhw)

62 "I give you my word as a Biden. They said, 'Are you really back?''


If you don't vote for me you ain't back! You ain't back!

Posted by: Moron Robbie - If you'll just trust Science and get the jab you might not even know you caught COVID at July 22, 2021 01:15 PM (33ek6)

63 so is there a press release coming out this afternoon announcing they have closed the gun shops that do not abide by the law?

Posted by: confedratefifth at July 22, 2021 01:15 PM (q5Q1L)

64 I'm waiting for him to shit his pants live on the air. It's coming.
Posted by: Guzalot at July 22, 2021 01:07 PM

I hope it's audible, too. An unmistakable wet deluge for the microphones.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at July 22, 2021 01:15 PM (OssQ4)

65 Twitter, facebook, are leftist organizations. Government coercion is not required. Hell, the government doesn't even really need to ask. Social media is only too happy to help persecute the right because they WANT TO.

Posted by: Darth Chipmunk at July 22, 2021 01:15 PM (AD14M)

66 We're so fucked.

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at July 22, 2021 01:15 PM (Wx1iE)

67 54 Joe Biden overinflated the efficiency of vaccines
Is there an acceptable level of inflation?

Yet there are "rumors" that his WH is gonna call on those vaccinated to continue to wear masks....

Posted by: It's me donna at July 22, 2021 01:16 PM (Zmnko)

68 he still uses "My word as Biden?". Is this some kind of a joke? He talks about "those of you who travel abroad" meaning Leftist college dummies from Georgetown and Amherst.

Well i went to one of the very few conservative public schools. They can probably count them on five fingers at this point. I recall the Euros hating Reagan, Bush SR, Bush W, and Trump. You wont learn anything there, and unless you are as dumb as a Biden you would know that.

In some ways it was worse twenty or thirty years ago. The Leftists from dummy schools would put maple leafs on their backpacks and pretend to be Canadian. They didn't care about America anyway so it was really a bit of fun. And yes this really happened.

Posted by: Quint at July 22, 2021 01:16 PM (F2/Ok)

69 in a way they are doing the employers a favor because the shitheel potential employees are self identifying. these are the last people I'd hire, much less pay more to.

just like if I was a landlord, I'd demand proof of on time rent payments through the pandemic in order to consider a lease application, because the one's who took advantage of the eviction moratorium will fuck you too.

Posted by: x at July 22, 2021 01:16 PM (oA+QO)

70 "These are trusted interlocutors."

"Mister Interlocutor" was a stock character in the old minstrel shows. CANCEL!!!!!

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at July 22, 2021 01:16 PM (7CyHK)

71 @52 "Well if that was their desire, it didn't work. So sucks to be them."

Of course it didn't work. The people creating the noise were the people they voted for. How many times we going to fall for this? People are stupid and they piss me off. There once was a dream that was America.

Posted by: squid_hunt at July 22, 2021 01:16 PM (B0mGw)

72 the thing is is, is it smarter to have him in office until he flames out or remove him and put in harris.

Posted by: confedratefifth at July 22, 2021 01:16 PM (q5Q1L)

73 Have you seen Psircle-back's legs? Gorbachev's liver spot is downright sexy compared to those things.

They're not horrendously shaped, but they're mottled and speckled, reminiscent of raw chicken skin left in the sun.
Posted by: bonhomme at July 22, 2021 01:14 PM (YYlyE)

Why are you looking at her legs?

If you must be dissuaded from doing so, imagine them wrapped around her soy-boy husband as they engage in fluid-transfer decadence.

Posted by: Thrawn at July 22, 2021 01:16 PM (5aFbR)

74 Interesting link in the Morning Report about why Joey Bivalve is always eating ice cream.

Hint: Dementia.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 22, 2021 01:11 PM

Yeah, well, like, you know who ate TWO scoops!!!

Posted by: MSM at July 22, 2021 01:16 PM (a3Q+t)

75 So, how corrupt was Beau? I mean, Joe always mentions him as the favorite and has to now rely on the stumbling whore that is Hunter.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 22, 2021 01:16 PM (Zz0t1)

76 How frickin' stupid did you have to be to think "Trump is a meany pants. Biden couldn't be worse than this!" or "I just want all the chaos to stop. I'm voting for Biden to make the noise stop!"?

How did we get here?
Posted by: squid_hunt at July 22, 2021 01:12 PM (B0mGw)

I was reading something about Alton Brown the other day. It said he voted Republican in every election except the last one. Coincidentally he also got himself a new wife in 2018.

Posted by: Jordan61-(Ez6QX) at July 22, 2021 01:16 PM (Ez6QX)


What's wrong with shitting your pants?

Posted by: Jimmy Carter at July 22, 2021 01:17 PM (kd9w9)

78 I'm waiting for him to shit his pants live on the air. It's coming.

Didn't Nadler already do that?

Posted by: weew at July 22, 2021 01:17 PM (EaEMG)

79 I'm waiting for him to shit his pants live on the air. It's coming.

Posted by: Guzalot at July 22, 2021 01:07 PM

I hope it's audible, too. An unmistakable wet deluge for the microphones.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at July 22, 2021 01:15 PM (OssQ4)


Remember Nadler's uncomfortable shuffle after an accident? I want this in spades. Loud, smelly, and proud.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:17 PM (ptqGC)

80 I said that if Chief Craig ran for governor, I would volunteer for his campaign. Looks like I need to get my home-projects finished ASAP so I can free up the time.

This is what coherent looks like, Joe:

Posted by: NaughtyPine at July 22, 2021 01:17 PM (/+bwe)

81 The staring blankly at the ground when his words go bye bye is pretty bad. Looooooong stares at the ground. Hey numnutz you are on TV. Jeebus imagine if Trump were as impaired and doddering as this guy? Watching lemon stand and stare incredulously and the drooling leader of the free world. Thanks allot to the "81 million".

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at July 22, 2021 01:17 PM (C/YEn)

82 By "trusted interlocutors," I imagine he means the staffers he has coercing the Tech Monopolies to censor and deplatform dissident speech.

or the voice that resides in his ear and gives him words.

Posted by: confedratefifth at July 22, 2021 01:17 PM (q5Q1L)

83 I will not do that thing in your mouth. My word as a dildo.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 22, 2021 01:18 PM (wrfI8)

84 "I'm waiting for him to shit his pants live on the air."

So is Eric Swalwell.

Posted by: squid_hunt at July 22, 2021 01:18 PM (B0mGw)

85 Wonder if they're gonna let joe back out after this?

Posted by: It's me donna at July 22, 2021 01:18 PM (Zmnko)

86 I always call blushing on the claim that crime is down when murders are climbing fast. No you brain damaged dipshit. Other crime is also climbing. It's just that you've announced to the worl that police aren't allowed to do a fucking thing about it so it's pointless to even bother reporting that you just got mugged for $200. Murder stats go up because you can't hide the bodies in the street.

Posted by: Buzzion at July 22, 2021 01:18 PM (G2zl5)

87 Didn't Nadler already do that? Posted by: weew at July 22, 2021 01:17 PM (EaEMG
Although there are many great Nadler moments out there on the interwebz, my alltime favorite is when he beat Schiff to the microphone at the big impeachment.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at July 22, 2021 01:19 PM (BMmaB)

88 Look it is simple. The only way to prevent death or serious disease is to get the vax. But the vax alone won't protect you. You have to wear a mask, social distance, and isolate to avoid death and serious disease. But those measures are not enough, you have to get vaccinated, too.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy not an FBI informant at July 22, 2021 01:19 PM (gpKIi)

89 They're not horrendously shaped, but they're mottled and speckled, reminiscent of raw chicken skin left in the sun.
Posted by: bonhomme at July 22, 2021 01:14 PM (YYlyE)

*makes note to wear long pants to future MoMes*

Posted by: Jordan61-(Ez6QX) at July 22, 2021 01:19 PM (Ez6QX)

90 EXCLUSIVE: Do you want to pay $50 for a hamburger, Joe?

Force to have the restaurants pay their employees more than their capable skill set.
Green Government Takeover of the Energy Sector and force the peons to eat less meat.
Use the threats of shutdowns to utterly ravage the supply chain.
Quadrillions of Magic Money Tree pouring to destroy the concept of the dollar as a strategic currency.

Having to pay $50 for a burger may not be far-fetched in the near future.

Posted by: Homer's Donuts at July 22, 2021 01:19 PM (HK8/E)

91 When the Biden administration -- and all his lackeys in the media and rube supporters -- start yapping about "misinformation"... and then I see crap like this supposed "town hall meeting" and Biden sputtering and yammering one lie after another after incoherent jobbers after lie. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU ATTRIBUTE 'MISINFORMATION' TO *US*???

Posted by: red speck at July 22, 2021 01:19 PM (gS3OW)

92 Jeebus imagine if Trump were as impaired and doddering as this guy? Watching lemon stand and stare incredulously and the drooling leader of the free world.


Biden was chosen specifically for that reason. It's part of the kink. They want us to KNOW they did it, and they did it with a dementia patient and an abrasive woman who came in fourth place in her own state during the primaries.

See also: Epstein is going to be killed in prison while the cameras are mysteriously switched off

Posted by: Moron Robbie - If you'll just trust Science and get the jab you might not even know you caught COVID at July 22, 2021 01:19 PM (33ek6)

93 Has anyone tried to find out if he's a witch?

Posted by: torabora at July 22, 2021 01:19 PM (Gz1We)

94 Wonder if they're gonna let joe back out after this?
Posted by: It's me donna at July 22, 2021 01:18 PM (Zmnko)

They're in a bad spot. Harris is arguably worse. Joe might be completely gone, but Harris seems to actively turn people against her.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at July 22, 2021 01:19 PM (jOcSX)

95 @81: "Watching lemon stand and stare incredulously and the drooling leader of the free world."

Pretty sure Lemon can file a Medicare reimbursement claim for several hours of companion care after last night.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at July 22, 2021 01:20 PM (+WWsf)

96 "Jobbers"? I typed "gibberish."

Posted by: red speck at July 22, 2021 01:20 PM (gS3OW)

97 I haven't looked, but I've got $5 that says crime in rural areas has dropped like a rock over the last year.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - If you'll just trust Science and get the jab you might not even know you caught COVID at July 22, 2021 01:20 PM (33ek6)

98 I am Trusted Interlocutor of Borg.
Posted by: Jan Psaki at July 22, 2021

Jan, trust me, those goggles and the red-light headset will make you look 100% better!

Posted by: Borg Fashionista at July 22, 2021 01:20 PM (/XOcP)

99 His word as a Biden is pretty much worthless. So basically whatever he saiwas a lir.

Not that he isn't an inveterate liar, regardless.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Math Queen King of Greenland, the Merciless (don't/stop/believin') at July 22, 2021 01:20 PM (9hauA)

100 I am waiting for Biden to get angry and start swinging at people.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy not an FBI informant at July 22, 2021 01:20 PM (gpKIi)

101 Joe Biden should be impeached.

A man can dream.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at July 22, 2021 01:20 PM (bOA9J)

102 I'm totally shocked Ghislane hasn't killed herself yet.

Posted by: torabora at July 22, 2021 01:20 PM (Gz1We)

103 Meanwhile, Jill is hurrying to get in as many FLOTUS trips abroad as possible, before Joe gets the hook.

She's despicable.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:21 PM (ptqGC)

104 It's funny you can see the scripted buzz phrases because they're the only coherent things:

"I give you my word as a Biden"

That's such transparent marketing persuasion talking past the sale BS. As if the name Biden is anything but pure trash.

But it's there and you're gonna have to hear it constantly unless we find a way to meme it out of existence.

Posted by: ... at July 22, 2021 01:21 PM (4qYQG)

105 "I am waiting for Biden to get angry and start swinging at people."

That crazy Joe... *shakes head affectionately*

Posted by: squid_hunt at July 22, 2021 01:21 PM (B0mGw)

106 Has anyone tried to find out if he's a witch?
Posted by: torabora at July 22, 2021 01:19 PM (Gz1We)
You never see him in the same room with a duck, do you?

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at July 22, 2021 01:21 PM (7CyHK)

107 4 years of searching, snipping and rendering innocuous POTUS statements into the worst crisis ever, and this POTUS stumblefucks around every day and nbd. My goodness, the hypocrisy.

Posted by: jhawk90 at July 22, 2021 01:21 PM (Ned50)

108 *makes note to wear long pants to future MoMes*
Posted by: Jordan61-(Ez6QX) at July 22, 2021 01:19 PM (Ez6QX)


People wear pants to these things? Man, this blog has really gone high-class.

Posted by: Virginia SoCon at July 22, 2021 01:21 PM (3WJhw)

109 Hey, over 100. I went to see the ladies cutting wood in the sidebar and it was spectacular. Go to the channel and there's an even better one.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at July 22, 2021 01:21 PM (BMmaB)

110 > How frickin' stupid did you have to be to think "Trump is a meany pants. Biden couldn't be worse than this!" or "I just want all the chaos to stop. I'm voting for Biden to make the noise stop!"?

Trump broke them. I personally know many lefties who were so thoroughly convinced Trump had done and would continue to do so many horrific things, they would have elected Hitler reincarnated over him. They'd give you the litany on demand (Russian agent, good people on both sides, etc) but all that was ancillary to a visceral hatred they developed that would be "justified" by literally anything.

Posted by: bonhomme at July 22, 2021 01:21 PM (YYlyE)

111 the thing is is, is it smarter to have him in office until he flames out or remove him and put in harris.
Posted by: confedratefifth at July 22, 2021 01:16 PM (q5Q1L)

I'm satisfied with two dogshit choices the derp state imposed on the country. Let them deal with the blowback.

Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at July 22, 2021 01:21 PM (y7DUB)

112 "But it's there and you're gonna have to hear it constantly unless we find a way to meme it out of existence."

Shouldn't be too hard. Just post pics of Hunter in bed with random hookers and video chatting his naked niece.

Posted by: squid_hunt at July 22, 2021 01:22 PM (B0mGw)

113 "I'm waiting for him to shit his pants live on the air."

So is Eric Swalwell.
Posted by: squid_hunt at July 22, 2021 01:18 PM (B0mGw)

Is there anything funnier than Nadler sneaking off the stage sideways after blowing mud during that presser?

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 22, 2021 01:22 PM (Zz0t1)

114 101 Joe Biden should be impeached.

A man can dream.
Posted by: Hairyback Guy at July 22, 2021 01:20 PM (bOA9J)

He should be in a "home"...Instead we are getting SanFranNan investigating Trump yet again.. The Jan. 6 kangaroo court is for Trump 3: The impeachment even though he's not President.. At least not in the WH

Posted by: It's me donna at July 22, 2021 01:22 PM (Zmnko)

115 Dead man presidenting.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 22, 2021 01:22 PM (BFigT)

116 Blizzard wasn't sjw enough:

They promise that's all in the past, they're woke as hell now, and they've all been neutered.

Posted by: banana Dream at July 22, 2021 01:23 PM (C38z1)

117 I am waiting for Biden to get angry and start swinging at people.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy not an FBI informant at July 22, 2021 01:20 PM (gpKIi)

He already regularly resembles Chevy Chase in the Christmas Vacation scene where he snaps

Posted by: Doof at July 22, 2021 01:23 PM (HBuMf)

118 I'm really glad they let him out of his basement. Need more of this.

The drugs aren't working any more.

Posted by: torabora at July 22, 2021 01:23 PM (Gz1We)

Posted by: red speck at July 22, 2021 01:19 PM (gS3OW)

The former head of the Alabama Department of Public Health said that if everyone got the vaccine, the number of hospitalized people would be 50 instead of nearly 500. I read that to hubs and he yelled, "isn't THAT misinformation?"

Posted by: Jordan61-(Ez6QX) at July 22, 2021 01:24 PM (Ez6QX)

120 Sundowner versus a black scholar on why the democrat party is the party of hate and racism.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at July 22, 2021 01:24 PM (w5raC)

121 "hey would have elected Hitler reincarnated over him. "

In all fairness, the left pushed Hitler into power the first time.

Posted by: squid_hunt at July 22, 2021 01:24 PM (B0mGw)

122 The Jan. 6 kangaroo court is for Trump 3: The impeachment even though he's not President.. At least not in the WH
Posted by: It's me donna at July 22, 2021

He's president all right. As you point out, just not in the White House.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at July 22, 2021 01:24 PM (/XOcP)

123 He already regularly resembles Chevy Chase in the Christmas Vacation scene where he snaps
Posted by: Doof

We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye!

Posted by: rickb223 at July 22, 2021 01:24 PM (wJky2)

124 all that was ancillary to a visceral hatred they developed that would be "justified" by literally anything. Posted by: bonhomme at July 22, 2021 01:21 PM (YYlyE
^^this. And although Trump was the tangible object of the hatred, underlying it was hatred of you and me. It is going to be tough to walk back from this.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at July 22, 2021 01:24 PM (BMmaB)

125 I've seen articles suggesting the thing about ice cream is a dementia symptom.

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at July 22, 2021 01:25 PM (cSyAR)

126 Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at July 22, 2021 01:21 PM (BMmaB)

The only way ladies cutting wood would excite me is if they cut down the dead tree in my yard or at the church or trimmed the trees there free of charge.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 22, 2021 01:25 PM (k39e/)

127 I have decided to ban Batman on TV because he had been determined to be that originator of the COVID virus. Any TV station carry the show Batman must contact Dr. Fauci now!!!!

Posted by: Joe Bite-Me at July 22, 2021 01:25 PM (zMaGC)

128 103 Meanwhile, Jill is hurrying to get in as many FLOTUS trips abroad as possible, before Joe gets the hook.

She's despicable.
Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:21 PM (ptqGC)

Bitch flew through Anchorage yesterday on her way to Japan and stopped at the Native Hospital to bleat something about vaccines. The same Native Hospital that required its staff to get the jab or be fired. All about the fascism, all the time. Screwed up traffic for nothing, whatsoever. DR. Jill my ass.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at July 22, 2021 01:25 PM (okGHj)

129 It's Time to Ban Any Gun That Have a Capacity Greater Than a Single Shot

The government goes first. Then we can talk. I promise.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at July 22, 2021 01:25 PM (MLiKH)

130 @116: "Blizzard wasn't sjw enough"

Activision was notorious long before the 2008 merger with Blizzard. I'm surprised they didn't fire everyone back then just to be safe.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at July 22, 2021 01:25 PM (+WWsf)

131 *makes note to wear long pants to future MoMes*
Posted by: Jordan61-(Ez6QX) at July 22, 2021 01:19 PM

Just wear a V-neck top and a push-up bra. They won't even remember if you HAVE legs.

Posted by: NaughtyPine at July 22, 2021 01:26 PM (/+bwe)

132 125 I've seen articles suggesting the thing about ice cream is a dementia symptom.
Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at July 22, 2021 01:25 PM (cSyAR)

Hey, maybe he just likes ice cream. But yes, he's batshit crazy and his brain is completely broken.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at July 22, 2021 01:26 PM (okGHj)

133 >>>the thing is is, is it smarter to have him in office until he flames out or remove him and put in harris.
Posted by: confedratefifth at July 22, 2021 01:16 PM (q5Q1L


It doesn't matter. Personnel is Policy. And the personnel behind the scenes, the ones actually calling the shots, will not change when Heelzup takes over.

Posted by: Swingin' for the downs at July 22, 2021 01:26 PM (QEsNc)

134 In some ways it was worse twenty or thirty years
ago. The Leftists from dummy schools would put maple leafs on their
backpacks and pretend to be Canadian. They didn't care about America
anyway so it was really a bit of fun. And yes this really happened.

Posted by: Quint at July 22, 2021 01:16 PM (F2/Ok)

I can vouch for this - I saw this too.

Posted by: Iris at July 22, 2021 01:26 PM (DibdT)

135 >>>Biden also said "I'm so damn proud of my son," because, Biden claims, Hunter has kicked the crack habit.

Low bar!

Posted by: m at July 22, 2021 01:27 PM (ya129)

136 So Jill is on her way to Japan. Counts as a State visit, I guess, since she is about as much President as Dementia Joe.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at July 22, 2021 01:27 PM (MLiKH)

Hey, maybe he just likes ice cream. But yes, he's batshit crazy and his brain is completely broken.

He need something in his mouth so he doesn't speak

Posted by: It's me donna at July 22, 2021 01:27 PM (Zmnko)

138 I'm totally shocked Ghislane hasn't killed herself yet.
Posted by: torabora at July 22, 2021 01:20 PM (Gz1We)

She possibly has a deadman switch.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at July 22, 2021 01:27 PM (hbwVI)

139 the best thing in that townhall last night was how joe seemed to be terrified when he heard dn lmn had been vaxxed.

Posted by: confedratefifth at July 22, 2021 01:27 PM (q5Q1L)

140 Bitch flew through Anchorage yesterday on her way to
Japan and stopped at the Native Hospital to bleat something about
vaccines. The same Native Hospital that required its staff to get the
jab or be fired. All about the fascism, all the time. Screwed up traffic
for nothing, whatsoever. DR. Jill my ass.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at July 22, 2021 01:25 PM (okGHj)

She came to Savannah a couple of weeks ago to harangue about 10 black students about the vaccine. But the local media swooned because she stopped by a pub and ordered two pecan pies to carry back to the WH. What of that carbon footprint, progs?

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:27 PM (ptqGC)

141 We only think the Waterhead is eating ice cream. Cherry vanilla lithium with sprinkles makes JoJo a happy boy.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at July 22, 2021 01:28 PM (I58tH)

142 > I've seen articles suggesting the thing about ice cream is a dementia symptom.

What kind of monster doesn't like ice cream?

Posted by: bonhomme at July 22, 2021 01:28 PM (YYlyE)

143 Ice cream? I just had a terrible thought. If Biden ever strokes out in public, then it's gonna be an ice cream brain freeze induced blood clot.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at July 22, 2021 01:28 PM (+WWsf)

144 I think there are 2 billionaires who made a bet that the Dems could run the most corrupt, incompetent administration in history, and still have support.

One dollar, mortimer!

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy not an FBI informant at July 22, 2021 01:28 PM (gpKIi)

145 Based on the lack of people around her, this pretty girl with a big smile and a plunging top was at Biden's town hall:

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 22, 2021 01:28 PM (3p5uk)

146 Just wear a V-neck top and a push-up bra. They won't even remember if you HAVE legs.
Posted by: NaughtyPine at July 22, 2021 01:26 PM (/+bwe)

NaughtyPine, you're so smart. I should've thought of that!

Posted by: Jordan61-(Ez6QX) at July 22, 2021 01:29 PM (Ez6QX)

147 The bigger the shit show the better for us. It's taken us 50 years (more actually) to get to this point. It will not turn around over night. This might even be a better outcome than a 2nd Trump term now for the naked contrast.

The Normies were put off by Donald Mean Tweet who never experienced the Carter years and the inflation and the malaise need it hard up the bunghole so they finally get a clue. And those who did need a reminder.

Posted by: Keith at July 22, 2021 01:29 PM (jdGlx)

148 "If Biden ever strokes out in public, then it's gonna be an ice cream brain freeze induced blood clot."

That's the only way we're going to find out he's dead for at least a month is if it's on live tv.

Posted by: squid_hunt at July 22, 2021 01:29 PM (B0mGw)

149 Eating mushrooms would be cannibalism for old fungus brain.

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at July 22, 2021 01:29 PM (cSyAR)

150 I appreciate the transcripts because I can't possibly listen to him speak.

Posted by: m at July 22, 2021 01:29 PM (ya129)

151 Based on the lack of people around her, this pretty girl with a big smile and a plunging top was at Biden's town hall:
Posted by: Joe

or she and her boyfriend have decided to have sex at the game.

Posted by: confedratefifth at July 22, 2021 01:29 PM (q5Q1L)

152 How did we get here?
Posted by: squid_hunt at July 22, 2021 01:12 PM (B0mGw)
If anyone here thinks you're immune to it, I'm here to warn you that you're not. You're going to inadvertently swallow some bullshit at some point (I'll never forget how many here fell for the vaping scare a few yeas back). The only solution is to cut the cable or dish or whatever.

Posted by: Commander Tacticool at July 22, 2021 01:30 PM (tu/2g)

153 Trump said pussy.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 22, 2021 01:30 PM (yQpMk)

154 I liked POTATUS when he looked at l3mon and said you got the Vax and your know he was about to say dead but he barely caught himself.. this guy is going to crack gloriously one day.

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at July 22, 2021 01:30 PM (C/YEn)

155 Pretty sure our illustrious SCOTUS shoots blanks.

Posted by: LnL at July 22, 2021 01:30 PM (b/ZXL)

156 Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.

Posted by: Edward Blake at July 22, 2021 01:30 PM (FMV0a)

157 "Why does the left have a permanent pass on "misinformation"? [...] Either way, this cannot stand."

But it will stand, until the force of government is used to enforce appropriate provisons in law. And those in control of government force are determined 1) not to enforce said provisions, 2) not to yield said government force to anybody else.

The rest is left as an exercise for the reader.

Posted by: rold at July 22, 2021 01:30 PM (Fntzm)

158 Apparently, The Fascistbook has noticed the distain for VP Harris .

When one member commented "Push pull hoe!" on a post about preferred weeding tools, Facebook sent a notification that read, "We reviewed this comment and found it goes against our standards for harassment and bullying," a moderator said.

Posted by: SMOD at July 22, 2021 01:31 PM (RHGPo)

159 I still think this part of the overall plan (in how many parts?) has to do with cutting off the NWO's funding--the panama papers stuff, washing around the world off-the-books.

I think the GME/reddit saga of taking down the hedge funds is part of this--it isn't a coincidence.

And interestingly, the GME/reddit people are suddenly all over mets owner Steve Cohen, and his fund. Did you know he was fined over a billion dollars in 2014 for insider trading, but still operates a fund? Seems pretty sketchy. Anyway, a lot of them are claiming the internet outage has to do with the sudden uptick in articles about him.

Grain of salt, of course--it's reddit.

Posted by: artemis at July 22, 2021 01:31 PM (AwPyG)

160 150 I appreciate the transcripts because I can't possibly listen to him speak.
Posted by: m at July 22, 2021 01:29 PM (ya129)

The sound of his voice makes my skin crawl. Same as the JEF's voice. I expect it's worse after I go to confession and am in a state of grace. Listening to Satan is the worst.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at July 22, 2021 01:31 PM (okGHj)

161 SCROTUS. I suck at this.

Posted by: LnL at July 22, 2021 01:31 PM (b/ZXL)

162 Just wear a V-neck top and a push-up bra. They won't even remember if you HAVE legs.
Posted by: NaughtyPine

I believe precedence has been set for at least the Nova Momees to be braless

Posted by: Jean at July 22, 2021 01:31 PM (qYXpy)

163 116: "Blizzard wasn't sjw enough"

Activision was notorious long before the 2008 merger with Blizzard. I'm surprised they didn't fire everyone back then just to be safe.
Posted by: Walter Freeman at July 22, 2021 01:25

That's kind of a relief to me. I have some Blizzard (and Sierra) buddies whom I absolutely love. We met in the '90s while I worked for another division of the parent company.

Posted by: NaughtyPine at July 22, 2021 01:31 PM (/+bwe)

164 Apparently, The Fascistbook has noticed the distain for VP Harris .

I believe that is "distaint", which is different from "thattaint"

Posted by: confedratefifth at July 22, 2021 01:32 PM (q5Q1L)

165 158 Apparently, The Fascistbook has noticed the distain for VP Harris .

When one member commented "Push pull hoe!" on a post about preferred weeding tools, Facebook sent a notification that read, "We reviewed this comment and found it goes against our standards for harassment and bullying," a moderator said.
Posted by: SMOD at July 22, 2021 01:31 PM (RHGPo)

And yet I get called a rake repeatedly and nothing happens!

Posted by: 496 at July 22, 2021 01:32 PM (VJsqe)

166 When reading quotes from Biden these days, I can't hear his voice anymore. I hear Dunigan's voice.

Posted by: BurtTC at July 22, 2021 01:32 PM (YV6PJ)

167 >>> She came to Savannah a couple of weeks ago to harangue about 10 black students about the vaccine. But the local media swooned because she stopped by a pub and ordered two pecan pies to carry back to the WH. What of that carbon footprint, progs?

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:27 PM (ptqGC)

Crap, she went to green truck. That's just up Habersham from me. Suprised they didn't close my neighborhood down.

Posted by: banana Dream at July 22, 2021 01:32 PM (C38z1)

168 We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye!
Posted by: rickb223 at July 22, 2021 01:24 PM (wJky2)

Just need the moose antler punch mug!

Posted by: Doof at July 22, 2021 01:33 PM (HBuMf)

169 My word as a Biden.

The Lannisters always pay their debts.

Winter is coming.

Posted by: Czech Chick at July 22, 2021 01:33 PM (haWye)

170 This stage of dementia can lead to inappropriate sexual behavior - how will we tell the difference with Biden?

Posted by: Jean at July 22, 2021 01:33 PM (qYXpy)

171 The bigger the shit show the better for us. It's taken us 50 years (more actually) to get to this point. It will not turn around over night. This might even be a better outcome than a 2nd Trump term now for the naked contrast.

The Normies were put off by Donald Mean Tweet who never experienced the Carter years and the inflation and the malaise need it hard up the bunghole so they finally get a clue. And those who did need a reminder.

This is a comfortable fantasy. This same line of thinking was pervasive before Obongo was elected the second time. "Nobody has ever been elected a second time with these terrible economic indicators." Yeah, but he got elected anyway.

Posted by: bonhomme at July 22, 2021 01:33 PM (YYlyE)

172 Just need the moose antler punch mug!
Posted by: Doof at July 22, 2021 01:33 PM (HBuMf)

We actually have one of those

Posted by: It's me donna at July 22, 2021 01:33 PM (Zmnko)

173 Perhaps Biden should bring an ice cream cone into every townhall meeting. Then the media could blame his lack of coherence on brain freeze.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 22, 2021 01:33 PM (k39e/)

174 "Doctor" Jill does Tokyo:

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:34 PM (ptqGC)


The Ed.D is the single most illegitimate utter abortion of all " doctorate " programs.

The DNP is a close second.

Posted by: Nelson Eddy Munster at July 22, 2021 01:34 PM (kd9w9)

176 @154: "... but he barely caught himself."

Biden barely caught himself on the inflation question too. He was about to say people weren't going back to work in lumber mills 'cause their unemployment benefits hadn't run out yet. Quick look of panic in his eyes after he said "unemployment" then segued into lumber prices and "you know what I'm saying."

Posted by: Walter Freeman at July 22, 2021 01:34 PM (+WWsf)

177 Biden has a point. The .9mm pistols are killers. They fire thousands of shots per minute.

Posted by: callsign claymore at July 22, 2021 01:34 PM (Rnllb)

178 Joey Bidet is surfing in Nebraska.

He is making Gov. Lepotimane look competent.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 22, 2021 01:34 PM (f7K/X)

179 When JoJo was a lifeguard, he was told to stuff a potato down his trunks to attract the girls. He didn't realize it was supposed to be the front of his trunks.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at July 22, 2021 01:34 PM (I58tH)

180 > This stage of dementia can lead to inappropriate sexual behavior - how will we tell the difference with Biden?

I'm fairly confident old Joe's depravity in private FAR outstrips what we've seen in public.

Posted by: bonhomme at July 22, 2021 01:34 PM (YYlyE)

181 I think G.I. Joe dolls carried point-nine mm pistols. (The pre-'80s 12" ones that is!)

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at July 22, 2021 01:34 PM (UHVv4)

182 You will know the end is near when a confused and angry Joe starts yelling out his first wife's name.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy not an FBI informant at July 22, 2021 01:34 PM (gpKIi)

183 If anyone here thinks you're immune to it, I'm here to warn you that you're not. You're going to inadvertently swallow some bullshit at some point (I'll never forget how many here fell for the vaping scare a few yeas back). The only solution is to cut the cable or dish or whatever.
Posted by: Commander Tacticool at July 22, 2021 01:30 PM (tu/2g)

I don't recall that. I recall it being discussed and wanting a lot more information than just "caping is killing people" and a lot of people getting the conclusion that it is questionable "homebrewed" vapor juice usually with weed. I didn't see anyone calling for a ban on baling.

Posted by: Buzzion at July 22, 2021 01:35 PM (G2zl5)

184 "We had to create hyperinflation in order to destroy it."

Posted by: ShainS at July 22, 2021 01:35 PM (3Q4Q0)

185 Vaping*

Posted by: Buzzion at July 22, 2021 01:35 PM (G2zl5)

186 My word as a Biden.

The Lannisters always pay their debts.

Winter is coming.

Posted by: Czech Chick at July 22, 2021 01:33 PM (haWye)

I drink and I know things. That what I do

Posted by: Doof at July 22, 2021 01:36 PM (HBuMf)

187 "Doctor" Jill does Tokyo:

WTF is that flowered dress? I mean, it looks like a bedspread... My favorite is the wave she does getting off the plane in the red short sleeved dress... Nothing like arm wattle...

Posted by: It's me donna at July 22, 2021 01:36 PM (Zmnko)

188 How to tell if Joey is finally a rutabaga?

Call out the name "Neil" and see if he answers.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 22, 2021 01:37 PM (f7K/X)

189 I don't know where green truck would get their pies from. It's a hamburger joint, a good one too. But pies? I wouldn't go there for a pie. For pecan pies here you should go to Pie Society, a british style pie&pastry place that actually makes a damned fine southern pecan pie.

Posted by: banana Dream at July 22, 2021 01:37 PM (C38z1)

190 I count 6 rows filled center, 4 on right, and at least 18 rows empty. College. Campus. Even Bush drew more.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at July 22, 2021 01:37 PM (wAnMi)


Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 22, 2021 01:37 PM (yl9uq)

192 Just checked No video of Biden's Town Hall on the website's front page, only a report about "5 Takeaways From Biden's Townhall", and another report excerpting from it.

It must look really, really bad to them as well.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at July 22, 2021 01:37 PM (HvCpa)

193 Is the phrase "my word as a Biden" supposed to comfort anyone? How many times did Hunter say that before he banged his sister in law?

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at July 22, 2021 01:37 PM (oWBc3)

194 "Hunter did not sleep with my sister Jill -- my word as a Biden! "

Posted by: ShainS at July 22, 2021 01:37 PM (3Q4Q0)

I don't know where green truck would get their pies from. It's a
hamburger joint, a good one too. But pies? I wouldn't go there for a
pie. For pecan pies here you should go to Pie Society, a british style
piepastry place that actually makes a damned fine southern pecan

Posted by: banana Dream at July 22, 2021 01:37 PM (C38z1)



Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:38 PM (ptqGC)

196 Just need the moose antler punch mug!
Posted by: Doof at July 22, 2021 01:33 PM (HBuMf)

We actually have one of those
Posted by: It's me donna at July 22, 2021 01:33 PM (Zmnko)

Awesome! And I bet you have imitated Clark Griswold drinking from it on more than one occasion

Posted by: Doof at July 22, 2021 01:38 PM (HBuMf)

197 Still can't tell the difference between Jill Biden and Camilla Parker-Bowles.

Well Camilla has better fashion sense.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 22, 2021 01:38 PM (f7K/X)

198 190 They wanted a very small and selective audience

Posted by: steevy at July 22, 2021 01:38 PM (uUDKV)

199 I believe precedence has been set for at least the Nova Momees to be braless
Posted by: Jean at July 22, 2021 01:31 PM

* big sigh of relief *

Umm, that includes us too, right?

Posted by: NoVa MoMe 'Rons at July 22, 2021 01:39 PM (a3Q+t)

200 "He's gonna' put y'all back in masks!"

Posted by: InCali at July 22, 2021 01:39 PM (MBmq2)

201 197 Still can't tell the difference between Jill Biden and Camilla Parker-Bowles.

Well Camilla has better fashion sense.

Yes.. And she has mastered the wave.. Never wave with arm up

Posted by: It's me donna at July 22, 2021 01:39 PM (Zmnko)

202 They wanted a very small and selective audience
Posted by: steevy at July 22, 2021 01:38 PM (uUDKV)
Yes. Of shills with pre-formed questions.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 22, 2021 01:39 PM (3p5uk)

203 The good news I see is I neither own nor owned anything like a 9mm cordless hole puncher.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at July 22, 2021 01:39 PM (u82oZ)

204 A new fiscal year for the Fed starts 1 October. I predict that's rezident retard's last day. *Fresh start and all that.

* The fact that he'll have been dead for a month is of no consequence.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 22, 2021 01:39 PM (BFigT)

205 Just checked No video of Biden's Town Hall on the website's front page, only a report about "5 Takeaways From Biden's Townhall", and another report excerpting from it.

It must look really, really bad to them as well.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at July 22, 2021 01:37 PM (HvCpa)

Now THAT is telling. CNN obviously thinks Il Douche turned in an embarrassing performance.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 22, 2021 01:40 PM (YqDXo)

206 Dis Dane; that Swede!

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at July 22, 2021 01:40 PM (UHVv4)

207 Biden has apparently graduated from the Denzel Washington School of Acting and is now repeating short sentences and phrases two or three times.

Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at July 22, 2021 01:40 PM (VbI7r)

208 74 Interesting link in the Morning Report about why Joey Bivalve is always eating ice cream.

Hint: Dementia.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 22, 2021 01:11 PM

JJ, I went back to look for this...

Under which heading?

I can't seem to find it.

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at July 22, 2021 01:40 PM (BgMrQ)

209 >> I believe precedence has been set for at least the Nova Momees to be braless

No Flats.

Heels Only.

Posted by: garrett at July 22, 2021 01:40 PM (GNKPt)

210 Even Bush drew more.
Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at July 22, 2021 01:37 PM (wAnMi)

Well, bush is a big draw

Posted by: Booger at July 22, 2021 01:40 PM (HBuMf)

211 You will know the end is near when a confused and angry Joe starts yelling out his first wife's name.
Stella! Stella!

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at July 22, 2021 01:41 PM (UHVv4)

212 So, how corrupt was Beau? I mean, Joe always mentions him as the favorite and has to now rely on the stumbling whore that is Hunter.
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt

I think Beau was meant to be the "straight" son, and follow Joe into politics; the younger political front for the family business. Just as Jim Biden (Joe's brother) is likely waist-deep in all this corruption and selling of favors, Joe is supposed to be "clean" (and stupid too).
A deep examination of Jim, Joe and Hunter would likely reveal A LOT of corruption. But that will likely never happen.

Posted by: Bozo Conservative.....Living on the prison planet at July 22, 2021 01:41 PM (vcOmj)

213 Biden has apparently graduated from the Denzel Washington School of Acting and is now repeating short sentences and phrases two or three times.
Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at July 22, 2021 01:40 PM (VbI7r)

He is indeed, is indeed.

Posted by: Toby Two-Times at July 22, 2021 01:41 PM (yQpMk)

214 As for Jill's dress when meeting with the Japanese, that is a serious contender in WTF with Michelle's shower curtain dress.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 22, 2021 01:41 PM (f7K/X)

215 JJ, I went back to look for this...

Under which heading?

I can't seem to find it.
Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at July 22, 2021 01:40 PM (BgMrQ)

4th or 5th article on the right side.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at July 22, 2021 01:41 PM (hbwVI)

216 Is the phrase "my word as a Biden" supposed to comfort anyone?

Notice that no one has ever said, "My word as a Clinton." Imagine the reaction THAT one would get.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 22, 2021 01:42 PM (YqDXo)

217 Has there ever been a bigger imbecile as a US president than this fool? Good lord.

Posted by: Lady in Black at July 22, 2021 01:42 PM (O+I8R)

218 I believe precedence has been set for at least the Nova Momees to be braless
Posted by: Jean at July 22, 2021 01:31 PM (qYXpy)

Wouldn't do it myself. I have a couple of friends who did so, thinking to emulate the look from the Oscars a few years ago. The A-cup gal looks good wearing cute camisoles; the others look like they have two-day old balloons in their shirts.

Posted by: NaughtyPine at July 22, 2021 01:42 PM (/+bwe)

219 Cat Ass Trophy not an FBI informant

What if he starts shouting out Kamila's name?

On national TV. Then he talks about how good her hair smells.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at July 22, 2021 01:42 PM (u82oZ)

220 I have to watch the tapes, because I find it impossible to read his jibberish statements. It's like TS Elliot on crack.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at July 22, 2021 01:42 PM (oWBc3)

221 "Doctor" Jill does Tokyo:

WTF is that flowered dress? I mean, it looks like a bedspread... My favorite is the wave she does getting off the plane in the red short sleeved dress... Nothing like arm wattle...
Posted by: It's me donna at July 22, 2021

I'm all for the Japanese PM's wife being barefoot. But is it just tone-deafness that leads Jill to keep her slippers on, or a determination show, "We're better than you"?

Answer: Yes.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at July 22, 2021 01:42 PM (/XOcP)

222 Not all heroes wear capes, er, bales, er,

never mind

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at July 22, 2021 01:42 PM (UHVv4)

223 >They called his remarks 'patronizing', 'out of touch' and demonstrative that he's never run a business

Oh no, Manhattan restaurateurs are just now realizing that POTUS Bad Touch has never actually run shit in his life, other than his mouth? You had an actual businessman in the office for once in your entire lives, who actually understood your situation, but I guarantee you hated him and voted against him. Go back to being a Dem simp, losers. Suck it hard and reap the whirlwind.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at July 22, 2021 01:42 PM (DXFDM)

224 How long until the DNC calls for him to step down. Biden and his admin(junta) are the worst things ever for the socialist dnc since carter.

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at July 22, 2021 01:42 PM (0OmEj)

225 I believe precedence has been set for at least the Nova Momees to be braless
Posted by: Jean at July 22, 2021 01:31 PM (qYXpy)

Wouldn't do it myself. I have a couple of friends who did so, thinking to emulate the look from the Oscars a few years ago. The A-cup gal looks good wearing cute camisoles; the others look like they have two-day old balloons in their shirts.
Posted by: NaughtyPine

There was a trampoline too

Posted by: Jean at July 22, 2021 01:43 PM (qYXpy)

226 As long as people continue to buy the notion that 10 mega-corporations that own 90% of the media companies and nearly all of the internet are acting in your best interest, there will be nothing that the Left can ram down that people will think twice about supporting them.

The 10 companies:
Time Warner

Posted by: Homer's Donuts at July 22, 2021 01:43 PM (HK8/E)

227 @216: "Imagine the reaction THAT one would get."

Would be greatly reassuring if the Clinton in question was working as a Vegas fixer and concierge.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at July 22, 2021 01:43 PM (+WWsf)


211 You will know the end is near when a confused and angry Joe starts yelling out his first wife's name.
Stella! Stella!
Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at July 22, 2021 01:41 PM (UHVv4)


Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at July 22, 2021 01:43 PM (cSyAR)

biden brought up gun control?

Yeah, expect a mass shooting very soon, then, courtesy of the f-b-i, the "i" for "assholes."

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 22, 2021 01:43 PM (yl9uq)

230 What was that tone-deaf diplomatic mistake that either Obama or Hillary did? Something their handlers should have told them about, but apparently didn't, or they didn't listen?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at July 22, 2021 01:43 PM (/XOcP)

231 This is a comfortable fantasy. This same line of thinking was pervasive before Obongo was elected the second time. "Nobody has ever been elected a second time with these terrible economic indicators." Yeah, but he got elected anyway.
Posted by: bonhomme at July 22, 2021 01:33 PM (YYlyE)

It's not just the economics. Its the CRT, the intersectional feminism, the climate change grift. Numerous examples each day that rub people the wrong war or even shock them. I wish there were more transjengas in the Olympics this year. I wish track and field and swimming were full of them.

And economically, we are heading for realties that were not remotely present during the Obama years. Can't think about buying a house realties with double digit inflation and interest rates. Cant afford to eat out realties. Cant lease the BMW realities. China just sank an aircraft carriers and Taiwan is lost realties.

Take the last one,. There was a time when you had to be a doctor or lawyer or such to think a but a euro luxury or sports car. Haven't seen that since the 1990s. Anyone can lease anything. A lot fewer when that $400 lease is $600 or $800.

The 70s

Posted by: Keith at July 22, 2021 01:43 PM (jdGlx)

232 "the others look like they have two-day old balloons in their shirts."

The key to this issue is tighter shirts. Trust me on this.

Posted by: squid_hunt at July 22, 2021 01:43 PM (B0mGw)

233 @204

I dunno, as we've speculated before, something's happened to derail the Kamala train.

Did you see that the Trump spoof account @ildonaldotrumpo (which many think is Trump) had a photoshop of Kamala servicing the Bezos rocket? Interesting that they'd be that bold

Posted by: artemis at July 22, 2021 01:44 PM (AwPyG)

234 224 How long until the DNC calls for him to step down. Biden and his admin(junta) are the worst things ever for the socialist dnc since carter.
Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at July 22, 2021 01:42 PM (0OmEj)

They don't have to.. He's not running anything.. His handlers are in charge... I guess they will have to keep him in the basement though

Posted by: It's me donna at July 22, 2021 01:44 PM (Zmnko)

235 somebody on Gab wondering why GA sent out 7 million mail-in ballots when there are 5.6 registered voters.

Posted by: artemis at July 22, 2021 01:44 PM (AwPyG)

236 I believe precedence has been set for at least the Nova Momees to be braless

No Flats.

Heels Only.
Posted by: garrett

Kilts have been worn

Posted by: Jean at July 22, 2021 01:45 PM (qYXpy)

237 I believe precedence has been set for at least the Nova Momees to be braless
Posted by: Jean

Would not be prudent. bluebell runs a very classy event. Or else. Have you seen her shiv collection? Yikes.

Besides, the 'ettes have wonderful attitudes, good personalities, and are quite knowledgeable. They are not bits of crumpet.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at July 22, 2021 01:45 PM (u82oZ)

238 That last post of mine was a bit rushed and sloppy

Posted by: Keith at July 22, 2021 01:45 PM (jdGlx)

239 When JoJo was a lifeguard, he was told to stuff a potato down his trunks to attract the girls. He didn't realize it it was supposed to be the front of his trunks.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at July 22, 2021 01:34 PM (I58tH)


Gives a whole new meaning to him telling Corn Pop to "shove it."

Posted by: ShainS at July 22, 2021 01:45 PM (3Q4Q0)

240 Good to know that they don't want to confiscate my Remington 510.

Posted by: gp Dodging Fast Nuclei at July 22, 2021 01:45 PM (qpX6U)

241 You will know the end is near when a confused and angry Joe starts yelling out his first wife's name.
Judy. Judy. Judy.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at July 22, 2021 01:45 PM (UHVv4)

242 Dem women dress for their perceived constituency.

Posted by: Braenyard at July 22, 2021 01:45 PM (6qmBU)


I. Am. Dying!

Posted by: Guy Smiley at July 22, 2021 01:46 PM (Bmy3R)

244 I'm all for the Japanese PM's wife being barefoot. But is it just tone-deafness that leads Jill to keep her slippers on, or a determination show, "We're better than you"?

Answer: Yes.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at July 22, 2021 01:42 PM (/XOcP)

WTF is she even doing there?

Posted by: Jordan61-(Ez6QX) at July 22, 2021 01:46 PM (Ez6QX)

245 somebody on Gab wondering why GA sent out 7 million mail-in ballots when there are 5.6 registered voters.
Posted by: artemis

I'd like to see that distribution by county

Posted by: Jean at July 22, 2021 01:46 PM (qYXpy)

246 We are being ruled by buffoons.

Posted by: Bosk at July 22, 2021 01:47 PM (FgPjD)

247 238 That last post of mine was a bit rushed and sloppy

Posted by: Keith at July 22, 2021 01:45 PM (jdGlx)


This too is the story of ShainS ...

Posted by: ShainS at July 22, 2021 01:47 PM (3Q4Q0)

248 Jean

I heard about the kilts, and crashing the bachelorette party. If there was a blood alcohol machine nearby, I assume it would have tilted.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at July 22, 2021 01:47 PM (u82oZ)

249 235 It's not fair to disenfranchise people just because they are dead...

Posted by: steevy at July 22, 2021 01:47 PM (uUDKV)

250 169-

More like Walder Frye.

Sure, come to a wedding between your uncle and one of my daughters. You have my word as a Frye that no harm will come to any of your family.

Posted by: BurtTC at July 22, 2021 01:47 PM (YV6PJ)

251 So what percentage of that Babbling Biden audience was actually CNN staff? I'm guessing that very few were not, beyond those carefully vetted to 'ask questions'. Probably local university employees and spouses of local Dem pols.

Posted by: JEM at July 22, 2021 01:47 PM (8erNz)

252 "We are being ruled by buffoons."

The worst part about the entire affair. They're stupid, venal, greedy morons. And they're in charge.

Posted by: squid_hunt at July 22, 2021 01:47 PM (B0mGw)

biden must be taking a thousand milligrams of pure baby stem-cell HGH per day

A shot of HGH, and I'm talking amounts measured
in "iu's," is like $10K.

Look at his skin -- between the Botox, the make-up, and the HGH, he has the wrinkles of a 50 year old, not a 78.6 year old.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 22, 2021 01:48 PM (yl9uq)

254 a photoshop of Kamala servicing the Bezos rocket? Interesting that they'd be that bold
Boldly going where no man has many men have gone before! [whooosh!]

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at July 22, 2021 01:48 PM (UHVv4)

255 The bigger question should be - why is Jill Biden who is not elected globe trotting on the government dime without Joey?

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 22, 2021 01:48 PM (f7K/X)

256 I can't wait till Joe blurts out about showering with his pre-teen daughter.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:48 PM (ptqGC)

257 Biden has apparently graduated from the Denzel Washington School of Acting and is now repeating short sentences and phrases two or three times.
Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at July 22, 2021 01:40 PM (VbI7r)

Or Jack Bauer. I've been watching 24 with wifey lately - its okay, not great but not terrible (if you don't mind an entire show of exposition) - and my favorite thing is that he always says a sentence once and then says it again but while yelling and spitting.

Where did you put the MacGuffin.

I want ham for lunch.

Posted by: ... at July 22, 2021 01:48 PM (4qYQG)

258 >Is the phrase "my word as a Biden" supposed to comfort anyone?
Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at July 22, 2021 01:37 PM (oWBc3)

It's the same thing that the used car salesman says on his low-budget commercial that runs in between Divorce Court and Jerry Springer.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at July 22, 2021 01:49 PM (DXFDM)

259 Where did you put the MacGuffin.

I did naht hit her. I did nahhht. I DID NAHHHHT!

Posted by: Guy Smiley at July 22, 2021 01:50 PM (Bmy3R)

260 "I walked in and go, 'America's back.' I'm serious, heads of state. I give you my word as a Biden. They said, 'Are you really back?'"

That is the perfect Joe anecdote. It works on so many levels.

Posted by: gp Dodging Fast Nuclei at July 22, 2021 01:50 PM (qpX6U)

261 "We are being ruled by buffoons."

The worst part about the entire affair. They're stupid, venal, greedy morons. And they're in charge.
Posted by: squid_hunt at July 22, 2021 01:47 PM (B0mGw)

They THINK they're in charge.

Posted by: Wi Tu Lo and Sum Ting Wong at July 22, 2021 01:50 PM (4qYQG)

262 How is this a "bad" performance, or of any consequence whatever? Changes nothing. No pathetic or unbelievable display of incoherence, or hatred, or ignorance will make any difference.

Anyone stupid or ignorant enough to vote for Biden - and there were 81 million, or close - would find any of this to be the least bit troubling. As long as something doesn't affect them, personally, immediately, concretely, AND they understand anything about it (this part is rare), they don't really care. And even then, political tribalism and bigotry would keep them in line.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 22, 2021 01:50 PM (OTzUX)

263 I did not just shit myself on uh that thing you know live word as a Biden.

//Zhou Bai-Dan

Posted by: sven at July 22, 2021 01:50 PM (Lzpvj)

264 253 Not working too well on his brain though...

Posted by: steevy at July 22, 2021 01:50 PM (uUDKV)

265 235-

At this point I don't even care what's true and what's not. The more we have of wild accusations of shenanigans, the more we discredit the whole damn farce of our elections.

Posted by: BurtTC at July 22, 2021 01:50 PM (YV6PJ)

266 The bigger question should be - why is Jill Biden who is not elected globe trotting on the government dime without Joey?
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 22, 2021 01:48 PM (f7K/X)

And meeting with prime ministers. What the hell?

Posted by: Jordan61-(Ez6QX) at July 22, 2021 01:50 PM (Ez6QX)

267 Good to know that they don't want to confiscate my Remington 510.
Posted by: gp Dodging Fast Nuclei at July 22, 2021 01:45 PM (qpX6U)

Remington Rolling Block for the win, for the win.

Posted by: Toby Two-Times at July 22, 2021 01:50 PM (yQpMk)

268 When the DNC and others finally ask Biden to step down: the MSM will swoon.

"See, when they saw a problem, even with their own beloved president, they took action. Not like those nasty Republicans. "

Count on it.

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at July 22, 2021 01:51 PM (Wx1iE)


Blood for oil, my word as a butt-slut!

Posted by: Joey Bidet at July 22, 2021 01:51 PM (kd9w9)

270 But is it just tone-deafness that leads Jill to keep her slippers on, or a determination show, "We're better than you"?

Answer: Yes.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at July 22, 2021 01:42 PM (/XOcP)

WTF is she even doing there?
Posted by: Jordan61-(Ez6QX) at July 22, 2021

It's this notion Dems have (which I thought had been killed dead by 2000 with Hillary) that the First Lady is a de facto public official and is empowered by the Constitution to sign treaties on behalf of the US, or something like that.

'Tain't true, McGee.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at July 22, 2021 01:51 PM (/XOcP)

271 258 Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at July 22, 2021 01:49 PM (DXFDM)

Look, we did NOT say defund the cops, that was that guy word as a Biden....

//Zhou Bai-Dan

Posted by: sven at July 22, 2021 01:51 PM (Lzpvj)

272 Maybe Jill has really ugly feet. Like psaki's legs.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at July 22, 2021 01:52 PM (Bmy3R)

273 First lady's spending big tax payer money is okay again

Posted by: steevy at July 22, 2021 01:52 PM (uUDKV)

274 Anna Puma

Dr. JILL has an unbridled ego. She wants the trappings of a President, without the effort.

I view her as the epitome of a gold-digger for power. Not a good look.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at July 22, 2021 01:52 PM (u82oZ)

275 What would Mitt Romney do when faced with a vote impeach Joe?

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at July 22, 2021 01:52 PM (cSyAR)

276 "What would Mitt Romney do when faced with a vote impeach Joe?"

Call for civility and unity.

Posted by: squid_hunt at July 22, 2021 01:53 PM (B0mGw)

277 275 Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at July 22, 2021 01:52 PM (cSyAR)

Take a dive faster than Paul Ryan

Posted by: sven at July 22, 2021 01:53 PM (Lzpvj)

278 hiya

Posted by: JT at July 22, 2021 01:53 PM (arJlL)

School starts in, what, 5 weeks?
I wonder how many "nikolas cruzes" the FBI has agitated and armed...

Gotta help get that gun control passed!

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 22, 2021 01:53 PM (yl9uq)

280 "I'm serious, heads of state".

Yeah this is their way of imitating Trump who, even before President while campaigning, used to do those wonderful Lily Tomlin phone call bits. "Sir!!!"

The idea was to make you picture him as president but in a relatable way. But with Trump of course, it was genuine. You can't imitate him. Rubio tried and it was a huge disaster. Remember when Rubio became Don Rickles for like 2.5 days? Pure douche chills.

Posted by: ... at July 22, 2021 01:53 PM (4qYQG)

281 192 Just checked No video of Biden's Town Hall on the website's front page, only a report about "5 Takeaways From Biden's Townhall", and another report excerpting from it.

It must look really, really bad to them as well.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at July 22, 2021 01:37 PM (HvCpa)

Because it's a CNN program, C-SPAN doesn't have it. BUT! C-SPAN has this:

After participating in a CNN town hall in Cincinnati, Ohio, President Biden responded to reporters' questions about the debt ceiling, COVID-19 vaccinations, the Nord Stream pipeline, and the January 6 committee.

Posted by: m at July 22, 2021 01:53 PM (ya129)

282 275 What would Mitt Romney do when faced with a vote impeach Joe?

Good one. Like the Republican'ts would ever impeach!

Posted by: Guy Smiley at July 22, 2021 01:53 PM (Bmy3R)

283 Maybe Jill has really ugly feet. Like psaki's legs.
Posted by: Guy Smiley at July 22, 2021

I can't tell from those pictures.

Actually I just don't care.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at July 22, 2021 01:54 PM (/XOcP)

"My word as a Biden" makes me laugh every single time. That's my absolute favorite thing he says. It's not as if he comes from a long line of Bidens known for their exceeding probity...

He's the first of his line to achieve any public notice, and he's known as a plagiarist, philanderer, child sniffer, and general, all-around crook and influence peddler. The rest of his family is known for similar stuff, and also hard drug use and incest.

The word of a Biden isn't worth one plugged nickel more than the word of any other sister-fucking trailer trash crackhead you may have the misfortune to know.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 22, 2021 01:54 PM (JN3xP)

285 He'll win reelection easily.

We'll have an 82 year old president who is in the last stages of dementia.

Sorta reflects where we are as a country.

Posted by: MJ at July 22, 2021 01:54 PM (zwDuR)

286 "Do you want to pay $50 for a hamburger, Joe?"

He gets the 10% for the "big guy" so he doesn't care.
Anyway, the First Homewrecker handles finances for THAT couple.

Posted by: Flyover at July 22, 2021 01:54 PM (Rbu5d)

287 I think piss hockey could actually turn me off of redheads. Which is saying something.

Posted by: ... at July 22, 2021 01:55 PM (4qYQG)

288 >Nothing like arm wattle...
Posted by: It's me donna at July 22, 2021 01:36 PM (Zmnko)

Bingo Wings

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at July 22, 2021 01:55 PM (DXFDM)


See, when my 8 years are about up we're going to replace Kamala with a nice mixed race maybe a quadrone, who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking woman and then she's a lock for another 8 years

Posted by: Joey Bidet at July 22, 2021 01:55 PM (kd9w9)

290 Clusterfuck has been redefined.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at July 22, 2021 01:56 PM (E1cwe)

291 Speaking of shots, the NJ Murphy vax gestapo were just at the door.

Posted by: BluesFish at July 22, 2021 01:56 PM (Hu+vT)

292 Maybe Jill has really ugly feet.


The elderly woman with a lifetime of wearing age appropriate clothing and shoes?

Gosh, surely not.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - they've got a brand new pair of rollerskates you take this brand new key at July 22, 2021 01:56 PM (2CptV)

293 285 He'll win reelection easily.

He wasn't elected in the first place. The junta will leave him in place as a figurehead, until they decide to make the change to Kumala.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at July 22, 2021 01:56 PM (Bmy3R)

294 284 Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 22, 2021 01:54 PM (JN3xP)

I know what my nieces taste like, my word as biden!

//Zhou Bai-Dan

Cut, jib, newsletter

Posted by: sven at July 22, 2021 01:56 PM (Lzpvj)

295 When describing Biden should we use 'Masterful' or 'Eloquent'?

Posted by: Don Lemon Show Editor at July 22, 2021 01:56 PM (zwDuR)

296 18 I'm waiting for him to shit his pants live on the air. It's coming.
Posted by: Guzalot at July 22, 2021 01:07 PM (prSvo)

Drool, first.

Posted by: Flyover at July 22, 2021 01:56 PM (Rbu5d)

297 Is the phrase "my word as a Biden" supposed to comfort anyone?

Notice that no one has ever said, "My word as a Clinton." Imagine the reaction THAT one would get.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 22, 2021 01:42 PM (YqDXo)

Slick knew his whore mother would fuck anything and some references were 100% off limit.

Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at July 22, 2021 01:56 PM (y7DUB)

298 I wonder if Hunter has a small office in the White House? Pretty big place, wouldn't be hard to give the kid a desk, a phone and a bong. Dad could drop in from time to time as long as it isn't training day with Dr. Jill.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at July 22, 2021 01:56 PM (I58tH)

299 The entire Biden clan is messed up and unredeemably corrupt. In a sane world, they would be bad examples, long shunted from touching anything of consequence.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at July 22, 2021 01:57 PM (u82oZ)

"I walked in and go, 'America's back.' I'm serious, heads of state. I give you my word as a Biden. They said, 'Are you really back?'"]/i]

They all started singing the theme from Welcome Back Kotter.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 22, 2021 01:57 PM (63Dwl)

301 @284

Remember when everyone reacted with distaste when he gave his granddaughter lingering kisses on her mouth?

And his reaction to the reaction was to do it some more?

Posted by: artemis at July 22, 2021 01:57 PM (AwPyG)

302 298 I wonder if Hunter has a small office in the White House? Pretty big place, wouldn't be hard to give the kid a desk, a phone and a bong. Dad could drop in from time to time as long as it isn't training day with Dr. Jill.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at July 22, 2021 01:56 PM (I58tH)

Meth lab

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at July 22, 2021 01:57 PM (cSyAR)

303 More from Captain Cerebellum: It's Time to Ban Any Gun That Have a Capacity Greater Than a Single Shot

Did that idiot really say that? That would be blatantly unconstitutional. It would be repealed instantly the first time someone took it to court.

Posted by: Vic at July 22, 2021 01:57 PM (mpXpK)

304 Jill has athletes foot people, come on fat!

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at July 22, 2021 01:57 PM (oWBc3)

305 All of my guns only fire a single shot with the distinct action of the trigger.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - they've got a brand new pair of rollerskates you take this brand new key at July 22, 2021 01:58 PM (2CptV)

306 I can't wait for the adverse reaction on live TV to all the drugs they have him on just keeping him conscious.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 22, 2021 01:58 PM (Zz0t1)

*hides fully-automatic blunderbuss*

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 22, 2021 01:58 PM (oXaJD)

308 Mr. President, what do you say to Americans who have done everything right? They've gotten fully vaccinated and they still contract COVID - a "breakthrough case," as it's called. What do say to them?

Well, I say to them: There are very, very, very, very, very, very few people - number one. Those that it happened to, I don't - it may be possible - I know of none where they're hospitalized, in ICU, and/or passed away. So, at a minimum, I can say that even if they did contract it - which I'm sorry they did - it's such a tiny percentage, and it is not life-threatening. Guys, we got to get on the plane or they're going to leave us all. Thank you.

Posted by: m at July 22, 2021 01:58 PM (ya129)

309 12 At this point, the only Biden who's not a criminal grifter is the Arkansas baby.
Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 01:07 PM (ptqGC)

got this meme texted to me a couple of days ago:

Somewhere, there is a 2 year old baby, who's Mom is a stripper, her Dad is a crack head, and Grandpa is President of the United States!

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 22, 2021 01:58 PM (sy5kK)

310 All of my guns only fire a single shot with the distinct action of the trigger.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - they've got a brand new pair of rollerskates you take this brand new key at July 22, 2021 01:58 PM (2CptV)

There's a new trigger out that works really well in that realm.......

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 22, 2021 01:58 PM (Zz0t1)

311 I think piss hockey could actually turn me off of redheads. Which is saying something.
Posted by: ... at July 22, 2021

She turns me off to her, not all redheads. Thank goodness.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at July 22, 2021 01:58 PM (/XOcP)

312 "The people who, in fact, are using those weapons are acquiring them illegally. Illegally."
-- Joe Biden

A flat-out admission that more laws does nothing about crime, and a statement that neither his demented puppet-masters nor the lickspittle media jack-wads can address.

Posted by: LCMS Rulz! at July 22, 2021 01:59 PM (K58O6)

313 The Smart Set, ladies and germs! Give them a standing O.
LMAO at this Thread complaining about hay fever turning into Bronchitis and a tummy ache and O2 level down to 96, which is normal when sick. What a pussy.

I'm vaccinated. But flew @united Sun and Tues, landed Tues with a fever and other symptoms, got tested, got a positive COVID result Wed. And no one is contacting me for contact tracing, and @united refuses to take my info. Who at CDC do I contact, or is this still amateur hour?
Replying to @tedfrank
Delta is real, yall , and the unvaccinated are a menace to society. And we're still making the stupid mistakes of 2020 if 48 hours after my inadvertently flying with COVID no one is notifying the people on my flight. (Or me from whatever person gave me Delta on my Sunday flight.)
Replying to @tedfrank
Moderna with second shot in late January. Fever peaking at 101.5, congestion, headache, fatigue, sore throat, loss of appetite, some minor GI effects. Pulse Ox bottomed at 96. No effect on taste or smell, but that's apparently true for Delta. So far equivalent to a very bad flu. (cont.)

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at July 22, 2021 01:59 PM (zzidh)

314 And even then, political tribalism and bigotry would keep them in line.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 22, 2021 01:50 PM (OTzUX)

It's not even that. How many people have a scintilla of a clue of what's going on in the world? If you don't actively read or watch the news you get only the barest brush of the world.

It's pure emotionality. Not that it matters, but people still vote on name, hair, voice and "feel". In numbers far greater than policy or anything important.

Posted by: ... at July 22, 2021 01:59 PM (4qYQG)

315 Okay everybody

Lets follow the bouncing ball...

Our dear Biden.....

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at July 22, 2021 01:59 PM (E1cwe)


Posted by: Joe Biden at July 22, 2021 01:59 PM (hbwVI)

317 287 I think piss hockey could actually turn me off of redheads. Which is saying something.

Posted by: ... at July 22, 2021 01:55 PM (4qYQG)


Trust me, the ass and chest hair don't match the head.

Posted by: THE Rick Wilson, Butt Buccaneer at July 22, 2021 01:59 PM (3Q4Q0)

318 35 I am Trusted Interlocutor of Borg.
Posted by: Jan Psaki at July 22, 2021 01:12 PM (a3Q+t)

Please, someone photoshop this! (I would but have not the skills...)

Posted by: Flyover at July 22, 2021 01:59 PM (Rbu5d)

319 CDC is now monitoring 200 people in 27 states who might have come into contact with Mr. Monkey Pox.

No word if any of the Texas Fleabaggers came in contact.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 22, 2021 01:59 PM (f7K/X)

320 I wonder if Hunter has a small office in the White House? Pretty big place, wouldn't be hard to give the kid a desk, a phone and a bong. Dad could drop in from time to time as long as it isn't training day with Dr. Jill.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at July 22, 2021 0

Not so much as a hol in the wal

In the men's room

Posted by: Y5 at July 22, 2021 01:59 PM (BRQzG)

321 Well, I say to them: There are very, very, very, very, very, very few people - number one. Those that it happened to, I don't - it may be possible - I know of none where they're hospitalized, in ICU, and/or passed away. So, at a minimum, I can say that even if they did contract it - which I'm sorry they did - it's such a tiny percentage, and it is not life-threatening. Guys, we got to get on the plane or they're going to leave us all. Thank you.
Posted by: m at July 22, 2021 01:58 PM (ya129)

AS it is with most that get Covid that aren't 'vaccinated'..........

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 22, 2021 02:00 PM (Zz0t1)

So, back to Muskets, then??

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 22, 2021 02:00 PM (yl9uq)

323 osted by: BluesFish at July 22, 2021 01:56 PM (Hu+vT)

I'm so sorry. What did you say?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 22, 2021 02:00 PM (k39e/)

Sharpe's Rifles for everyone?

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 22, 2021 02:00 PM (yl9uq)

325 "Just like Obama, he surrounds himself with people dumber than he is."

Which explains the small size of the crowd, anyway.

Posted by: boxx culvert, waitin for the clampdown. at July 22, 2021 02:00 PM (a07g0)

326 She turns me off to her, not all redheads. Thank goodness.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at July 22, 2021 01:58 PM (/XOcP)

I was being dramatic for effect.

Posted by: ... at July 22, 2021 02:00 PM (4qYQG)

327 Crossbows vs longbows?

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 22, 2021 02:00 PM (f7K/X)

328 "Lets follow the bouncing ball...Our dear Biden....."

It's a downside that Biden doesn't seem to need that as long as you keep the sacks of cash flowing. Even the most ardent leftist nevertrump wienies might balk at that in the current environment. Ten years from now? Who knows at this point?

Posted by: squid_hunt at July 22, 2021 02:00 PM (B0mGw)

329 Well, this is what 81 Million People Voted* for.

A vicious and retarded Octogenarian Meat Puppet.

This is all going to end very badly.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 22, 2021 02:00 PM (qYWtu)

330 Delta is real, yall , and the unvaccinated are a menace to society


I've got bad news for you, friend.

The COVID isn't doing very much evolving to counter the unvaccinated resistance to its continuing survival.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - they've got a brand new pair of rollerskates you take this brand new key at July 22, 2021 02:01 PM (2CptV)

331 It must look really, really bad to them as well.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at July 22, 2021 01:37 PM (HvCpa)

I checked a bunch just a few minutes ago - no mention whatsoever of a town hall. Usual suspects like SFGate. If Trump did one, they'd have it as headline and be shitting all over Trump. Suddenly seems to be more important things than the most popular president elect in history giving one of his few public appearances.

I watched some of this traiwreck, and damn, it's painful. The jump juice they've been giving him certainly gets him alert (well, agitated), and his eyes are actually open. But, where it sort of got his brain working before, he's in full short-circuit mode.

I've seen this before, quite a few of us have. He's moving on to the next stage, where it's going to be impossible to deny. Things should be very interesting by year's end. He's going to start saying and doing some very uncomfortable things.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at July 22, 2021 02:01 PM (wAnMi)

332 Does Jill have ugly feet?

I took one for the Horde team and checked.

Definitely. You do NOT need to check for yourselves.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at July 22, 2021 02:01 PM (/XOcP)

333 291 Speaking of shots, the NJ Murphy vax gestapo were just at the door.
Posted by: BluesFish at July 22, 2021 01:56 PM (Hu+vT)

Legit? They're actually going door-to-door checking on vaccinations?

Posted by: 496 at July 22, 2021 02:01 PM (VJsqe)


Posted by: Joe Biden at July 22, 2021 01:59 PM (hbwVI)


It must be the night fever ...

[Thanks for giving me that earworm from the sidebar this morning, Ace]

Posted by: ShainS at July 22, 2021 02:01 PM (3Q4Q0)

335 Somewhere, there is a 2 year old baby, who's Mom is a stripper, her Dad is a crack head, and Grandpa is President of the United States!
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 22, 2021 01:58 PM (sy5kK)


Posted by: Diogenes at July 22, 2021 02:02 PM (axyOa)

336 Did that idiot really say that? That would be blatantly unconstitutional. It would be repealed instantly the first time someone took it to court.
Posted by: Vic at July 22, 2021 01:57 PM (mpXpK)

Hawaiian judge: "No standing!"

SCOTUS: "We're gonna punt. Legacy and all that."

Posted by: Thrawn at July 22, 2021 02:02 PM (5aFbR)

337 Well, this is what 81 Million People Voted* for.

A vicious and retarded Octogenarian Meat Puppet.

This is all going to end very badly.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 22, 2021 02:00 PM (qYWtu)

And the only ones that will suffer mightily will be us.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 22, 2021 02:02 PM (Zz0t1)

338 You know, in Biden's defense, it isn't easy to learn the entire CCP playbook of your owners when you start at 78 years old.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 22, 2021 02:02 PM (sy5kK)

339 Delta is real, yall , and the unvaccinated are a menace to society

If you're vaccinated, how am I a menace?

Posted by: rickb223 at July 22, 2021 02:03 PM (wJky2)

340 Make mine a Goose Gun.

Posted by: klaftern at July 22, 2021 02:03 PM (r4sI4)

341 They said, 'Are you really back?

And then everybody clapped. And Albert Einstein was in the front row.

Posted by: ... at July 22, 2021 02:03 PM (4qYQG)

Feet are like Ears -- no one has "nice" either.

Feets and Ears are either normal or horrible.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 22, 2021 02:04 PM (yl9uq)

343 Look at his skin -- between the Botox, the make-up, and the HGH, he has the wrinkles of a 50 year old, not a 78.6 year old.
Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales

He is not on HGH. lol. Too many risk factors like making cancers larger and that brain surgery he had to have because exploding blood vessels.. It would kill him.
Try CGI, green screen tech, Hollywood type makeup, and body doubles.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at July 22, 2021 02:04 PM (zzidh)

344 You know as a small tike in grade school learning about our country (back when you learned actual history and not propaganda) I thought that the founding fathers had created a system of government that would protect our rights and liberties. I thought that the checks and balances would keep government in its place. And I thought people who ran for office were honest public servants for the most part.

I don't suppose the 8-year-olds of today would have any more concept of this then they would have have the idea that you could pack a pb&j sandwich and an apple in a paper sack, grab your bicycle, and head out into the neighborhood and not come home until the street lights came on.


Posted by: Just Lily at July 22, 2021 02:04 PM (RLLZj)

345 331 Yep. He will, before the year is out, pull out his junk and begin hitting it on the desk like a gavel, screaming order, order. Then he will say I'll take a ham on rye and laugh hysterically.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at July 22, 2021 02:04 PM (I58tH)

346 Legit? They're actually going door-to-door checking on vaccinations?
Posted by: 496 at July 22, 2021 02:01 PM (VJsqe)
oh hell yea. better believe it. The state has a database of who has been jabbed and who hasnt.

just like Santa's naughty and nice list.

Posted by: BluesFish at July 22, 2021 02:04 PM (Hu+vT)

347 "If you're vaccinated, how am I a menace?"

Mumble, mumble...viral loading...something...herd immunity...racist...

Posted by: squid_hunt at July 22, 2021 02:04 PM (B0mGw)

348 Get around the new law with a Ferguson breechloading flintlock rifle. Modern steel and machine tooling would make them even better than the originals.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at July 22, 2021 02:04 PM (UHVv4)

78.67 years old, to be exact, as of today

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 22, 2021 02:04 PM (yl9uq)

350 339 Note they are all vaccinated and complaining of being sick yet the unvaccinated are at fault. These people are retarded.

Posted by: steevy at July 22, 2021 02:04 PM (uUDKV)

351 Somewhere, there is a 2 year old baby, who's Mom is a stripper, her Dad is a crack head, and Grandpa is President of the United States!
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg

You forgot the last sentence.
"Dear Facebook, fact check that!"

Posted by: rickb223 at July 22, 2021 02:04 PM (wJky2)

352 I'm so sorry. What did you say?
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 22, 2021 02:00 PM (k39e/)
told em the homeowners werent home. Im just the guy who cuts their grass.

Posted by: BluesFish at July 22, 2021 02:05 PM (Hu+vT)

Speaking of shots, the NJ Murphy vax gestapo were just at the door.

Posted by: BluesFish at July 22, 2021 01:56 PM (Hu+vT)


Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 22, 2021 02:05 PM (ptqGC)

354 Somewhere, there is a 2 year old baby, who's Mom is a stripper, her Dad is a crack head, and Grandpa is President of the United States!
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 22, 2021 01:58 PM (sy5kK)

And at least 50% of them need their shorts changed.

Posted by: 496 at July 22, 2021 02:05 PM (VJsqe)

355 So many people are trying to keep COVID at the state where 99.96% of people are unaffected by it, but noooooo, the pro-virus folks want to make sure it unnaturally evolves and adapts.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - they've got a brand new pair of rollerskates you take this brand new key at July 22, 2021 02:05 PM (2CptV)

356 78.67 years old, to be exact, as of today

But Reagan was the old guy who napped a lot.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 22, 2021 02:05 PM (f7K/X)

357 President Kamala

Posted by: Javems at July 22, 2021 02:05 PM (NcvM5)

358 Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey Pox variant!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 22, 2021 02:05 PM (63Dwl)

359 Somewhere, there is a 2 year old baby, who's Mom is a stripper, her Dad is a crack head, and Grandpa is President of the United States!
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg

Dear Penthouse,

I was only in my twenties, but never IMAGINED this would happen to me.......

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 22, 2021 02:05 PM (Zz0t1)

360 Oh yeah in NJ they texted me until I put a stop to it and than they or my health insurance called EVERY day for two weeks, including once on a Saturday about the vaccine.

Posted by: steevy at July 22, 2021 02:06 PM (uUDKV)

In the basement of the White House is a nursery. Rows of babies with tubes coming out of them, as they suck the Life Juice out of the babies to inject into biden-the-invalid.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 22, 2021 02:06 PM (yl9uq)

362 Biden has had Soviet agents among his handlers for evah.

He sure didn't come up with being a treasonous **** on his own. And especially not for FREE.

Posted by: klaftern at July 22, 2021 02:06 PM (r4sI4)

363 78.67 years old, to be exact, as of today

So, in 15 minutes, he'll be 78. SIXTY NINE!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 22, 2021 02:07 PM (Zz0t1)

364 In a just World....TVvvvvv stations should be burning.. Particular drives on servers should be spread with Crunchy Skip.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at July 22, 2021 02:07 PM (E1cwe)

365 338 You know, in Biden's defense, it isn't easy to learn the entire CCP playbook of your owners when you start at 78 years old.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 22, 2021 02:02 PM (sy5kK)


All I needed to understand were two words: Ca-Ching!"

Posted by: ShainS at July 22, 2021 02:07 PM (3Q4Q0)

366 has anybody else noticed the timing of the cesar sayoc fake pipe bomb attacks in 2018 and the fake gretchen whitmer kidnap plot...they both happened in election years...

Posted by: sound awake at July 22, 2021 02:07 PM (Er0UY)

367 Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 22, 2021 02:02 PM (sy5kK)


Sup, Dawg?

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 22, 2021 02:08 PM (Zz0t1)

368 Posted by: BluesFish at July 22, 2021 02:05 PM (Hu+vT)

LOL. Good for you.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 22, 2021 02:08 PM (k39e/)

He is not on HGH. lol. Too many risk factors like making cancers larger and that brain surgery he had to have because exploding blood vessels.. It would kill him.
Try CGI, green screen tech, Hollywood type makeup, and body doubles.
Posted by: Widespread Pepe

They don't care if they kill biden.
Indeed, they want to get rid of him. But in the mean, they need biden to be as coherent as possible.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 22, 2021 02:08 PM (yl9uq)

370 nood cheney

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at July 22, 2021 02:08 PM (UHVv4)

371 Speaking of shots, the NJ Murphy vax gestapo were just at the door.
Posted by: BluesFish at July 22, 2021 01:56 PM (Hu+vT)
You're the first one I've heard of actually getting a visit from one of the Jecovid Witnesses. How'd they behave?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 22, 2021 02:09 PM (3p5uk)

372 370 nood cheney
Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at July 22, 2021 02:08 PM (UHVv4)

I'm almost afraid to look!

Posted by: m at July 22, 2021 02:09 PM (ya129)

373 Biden has had Soviet agents among his handlers for evah.


In many ways, this too is the story of FDR.

Posted by: ShainS at July 22, 2021 02:09 PM (3Q4Q0)

374 @366

It looks like the FBI/CIA are being run out of Robert Creamers dirty tricks shop.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 22, 2021 02:10 PM (qYWtu)

375 They don't care if they kill biden.
Indeed, they want to get rid of him. But in the mean, they need biden to be as coherent as possible.
Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales

That's not how HGH works tho. You don't gain super mental and cognitive powers from it.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at July 22, 2021 02:11 PM (zzidh)

376 Based on the lack of people around her, this pretty girl with a big smile and a plunging top was at Biden's town hall:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 22, 2021 01:28 PM (3p5uk)

Kinda has that Jennifer Love Hewitt vibe going on.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 22, 2021 02:11 PM (axyOa)

377 Note they are all vaccinated and complaining of being sick yet the unvaccinated are at fault. These people are retarded.
Posted by: steevy at July 22, 2021 02:04 PM (uUDKV)

The lack of critical thinking ability by the enemedia has been more evident in Covid than even global warming.

Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at July 22, 2021 02:12 PM (y7DUB)

378 If that chick had been at the townhall, Biden would have been mumbling for ice cream. Dayum.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at July 22, 2021 02:15 PM (oWBc3)

379 "You know as a small tike in grade school learning about our country (back when you learned actual history and not propaganda) "

Even if the stuff I learned in 1960s grade school _was_ propaganda, at least it was propaganda designed to _sustain_ a nation, not fucking destroy it.

Posted by: gp Dodging Fast Nuclei at July 22, 2021 02:15 PM (qpX6U)

380 Of course crime is down. They stopped arresting people for thefts under $950 in SF after all. Just stop calling it crime and it goes away.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at July 22, 2021 02:17 PM (5HBd1)

381 You're the first one I've heard of actually getting a visit from one of the Jecovid Witnesses. How'd they behave?
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 22, 2021 02:09 PM (3p5uk)
hard to say. i was cutting the grass they asked if i were the resident, i said 'no Im just cutting the grass', they knocked on the door, and no one answered, they asked if i knew where the residents were and i said 'theyre not home'.

better to play stupid with them.

Posted by: BluesFish at July 22, 2021 02:19 PM (Hu+vT)

382 What flavor icecream do you have today Mr President?

11 year old tiny titties uuuu Spainish uuuu mexnish girl.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at July 22, 2021 02:22 PM (E1cwe)

383 Liz! Cheney! will be out of Congress this time next year doing her "I hate Donald Trump" Loser Podcast for all 10 listeners who heard about it on CNN and MSLSD.

Posted by: Constantine XI at July 22, 2021 02:29 PM (yiAMj)

384 My word as a Biden, Liz Cheney's dad was the best ever VPOTUS.

Posted by: occam's brassiere at July 22, 2021 02:44 PM (9J0Rw)

385 "restaurant owners said Biden neither answered the question nor understood the problem"

That should be the final, overall summary of Biden's presidency. No matter what the topic is or who is having the problem, Biden understood nothing about anything related

Posted by: Dave at July 22, 2021 02:48 PM (mXUCw)

386 Hey, say what you want about Dr Jill but at long last, I have the upper arms of a First Lady!

Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at July 22, 2021 02:51 PM (5HBd1)

387 Love the CROWD photo at CNN Town hall.
81 million votes!

Posted by: wth at July 22, 2021 02:52 PM (v0R5T)

388 I just wonder why Don Lemoan can't afford a better suit.

Posted by: wth at July 22, 2021 02:53 PM (v0R5T)

389 "im absolutely certain that liz cheney will be out of a job next fall"

Posted by: sound awake at July 22, 2021 03:15 PM (X2Nwc)

390 "restaurant owners said Biden neither answered the question nor understood the problem"

That should be the final, overall summary of Biden's presidency. No matter what the topic is or who is having the problem, Biden understood nothing about anything related
Posted by: Dave at July 22, 2021 02:48 PM (mXUCw)

My word as a Biden!

Posted by: who am I? at July 22, 2021 03:31 PM (Ed8Zd)

391 Thomas Jefferson gifted a 20-shot semiautomatic rifle to the Lewis & Clark expedition. That one was air powered, but no a toy; it would drive a shotgun-sized slug into a hardwood tree trunk.
But something something slaves something something.

Posted by: Finally at July 22, 2021 05:08 PM (Q5Poh)

392 Its time to ban liberal democrat stupidity which would probibly mean all Liberal democrats with walnut sized Brains

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at July 22, 2021 06:23 PM (wGqjj)

393 "It's Time to Ban Any Gun That Have a Capacity Greater Than a Single Shot"

Meh. President Lincoln thought that would work, too.

Other than that, the play was awesome.

Posted by: someguy at July 22, 2021 07:22 PM (n6JQZ)

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