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As Hunter Biden Prepares to Sell Political Influence Disguised as "Art" for a Half Million Dollars Per Piece, Miranda Devine Reports Hunter Biden Paid For Some of the Upkeep of Joe Biden's House

Here's what makes this important, as Byron York explains: For years Joe Biden has boasted that he's the "poorest man in Washington, DC," suggesting that he's free of the graft that so many politicians take.

But, in fact, Joe Biden kept himself poor while sending out Hunter to collect the graft on his behalf:

For years, Joe Biden was known as the poorest man in the U.S. Senate. It was a label he himself welcomed, claiming it showed how ethically clean he was. "I entered as one of the poorest men in Congress, left as one of the poorest men in government, in Congress, and as vice president," Biden said during his presidential campaign in 2019. What Devine has discovered suggests that while Biden bragged about his lack of money -- in other words, claiming to be free of the financial corruption common in politics -- he was relying on his influence-peddling son to pay some of his bills.

Speaking of influence peddling, Devine also reported recently that Hunter Biden "used the perks of the vice presidency -- parties, meetings with Joe Biden and flights on Air Force Two -- to pursue business deals with Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim while his father was in office." To illustrate the story, Devine published a 2015 photo of Slim, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and other men with whom Hunter Biden was pursuing business, at the vice president's residence in November 2015.

York is also reminded by Miranda Divine that Hunter Biden has claimed that Joe Biden forces him to give up "half of his salary" for the "Big Guy's" upkeep.

Now we know of another email which states that 10% of a deal will be reserved for "The Big Guy," meaning Joe Biden.

Hunter was probably exaggerating about "half" his money. But I imagine the 10% figure is mostly accurate.

Except that sometimes the Big Guy will inveigh upon his corrupt son to pay the expenses of maintaining his home.

While Joe Biden careens around the country eating ice cream and behaving like a kind, but slightly dotty grandpa, it's worth remembering the cynical way he used his son, Hunter, to generate cash for the family.

Hunter, now 51, wanted to be an artist or a writer, but he was assigned by his father the role of family breadwinner through lucrative grace-and-favor jobs and sweetheart deals facilitated by Joe's network of connections in Delaware and, later, throughout the world.


"I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years," Hunter wrote in a 2019 text message to his daughter, Naomi, that was found on his abandoned laptop.

"It's really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop [Joe], I won’t make you give me half your salary."

There's no direct evidence of such a wealth transfer on Hunter’s laptop.

But what we do know is that, while Joe was vice president, Hunter routinely paid at least some of his father's household expenses, including AT&T bills of around $190 a month.

We know from an e-mail on June 5, 2010, with the subject "JRB bills" to Hunter from Eric Schwerin, his business partner at Rosemont Seneca, that he was expected to foot hefty bills to Wilmington contractors for maintenance and upkeep of his father’s palatial lakefront property. Joe’s initials are JRB, for Joseph Robinette Biden.


Schwerin's e-mail to Hunter begins: "FYI, there are a few outstanding bills that need to be paid and I am not sure which ones are a priority and which should get paid out of 'my' account and which should be put on hold or paid out of the ‘Wilmington Trust Social Security Check Account.'"

He goes on to explain "there is about $2,000 extra in 'my' account beyond what is used for monthly expenses." It is unknown why Schwerin used quotation marks around "my." But it appears the account is used, at least in part, to pay expenses for Joe.

Yes, and it appears the Poorest Man In Washington was comingling funds with his jet-setting, influence-peddling crackhead son.


In another e-mail to Hunter on July 6, 2010, titled "JRB Future memo," about a plan apparently devised for Joe's future wealth management, Schwerin writes: "Does it make sense to see if your Dad has some time in the next couple of weeks while you are in DC to talk about it? Your Dad just called me about his mortgage . . . so it dawned on me to might be a good time [for] some positive news about his future earnings potential."

At this point, Joe had been vice president for barely 18 months of his first term.

This revelation comes as Suddenly Discovered Untrained Artistic Genius Hunter Biden is set to sell his watercolor doodles for half a million dollars a grift, I mean per piece.

And Hunter Biden and the White House says this all passes ethical muster because the paintings will be sold to... anonymous donors. I mean, "anonymous buyers."

And they claim this makes the process non-corrupt because Hunter Biden won't know who he owes million-dollar political influence favors to.

Right, right, right.

As the Washington Post reports:

White House officials are crafting an agreement under which purchases of Hunter Biden’s artwork -- which could be listed at prices as high as $500,000 -- will be kept confidential from even the artist himself.

I mean, yeah, that's an absolutely foolproof system to avoid Hunter Biden knowing who he owes.

I mean, unless the anonymous donors just tell him that they contributed to The Big Guy Retirement Fund.

But apart from that one tiny flaw -- perfect!

Remember, this is the White House supposedly run by the moderate, centrist Democrat relentlessly promoted by NeverTrump as conservative-leaning and virtuous.

The Great Restorer of Muh Normzzz!

The Noble Re-Installer of Truth!

The Great Bringer-Backer of Decency!

Your NeverTrump/National Review/Conservative, Inc. endorsed "president," everyone! Blessing his son taking huge sums of graft from foreign paymasters -- but then saying they'll "keep the process clean" by keeping the foreign paymasters anonymous!

Last month I wrote about Hunter’s upcoming art sale at Berges' gallery. At the time, Walter Shaub, the former Office of Government Ethics director in the Obama administration, was the only ethics expert speaking out against such an obvious grift. Shaub called the sales shameful with a "gritty feeling to it." At least someone was being honest, right? The Washington Post reports today that Georges Berges will set the prices for the work. He will shield the names of the bidders and purchasers. Berges will also reject any offer he deems suspicious. This is the deal the White House is alleged to have struck with Berges and Hunter via the document. Do we have any faith that Berges will show good judgement in what is and isn't "suspicious"?

Well, according to the Sun, this particular dealer is a criminal and has spent time in jail:

In 2016, Berges was accused of defrauding investor Ingrid Arneberg by $500,000. Berges countersued Arneberg and the two settled in 2018.

Years earlier in 1998, the Post reported Berges was charged with assault with a deadly weapon and making "terrorist threats," which were later dismissed.

He received 36 months probation in served 90 days in jail, according to the Santa Cruz Superior Court.

But the White House says this is all okay so long as Hunter doesn't (wink, wink) know the names of the Chinese-government-connected Chinese billionaires buying his influence, I mean, buying his "art."

Gee, isn't it terrifically lucky that just as Hunter Biden loses his revenue streams from Ukraine, Russia, Mexico, and China due to increasingly scrutiny, reportedly China-connected art dealers suddenly discover that he's an Instant Genius Untrained Artist?

Imagine the great good fortune that always seems to attend to Joe Biden, the "poorest man in Washington." His crackhead whoremonger son loses his revenue stream peddling influence to foreign potentates and billionaires, and then, virtually the next day, he's discovered to be the Pablo Picasso of graft.

Byron York closes his piece with Miranda Divine's wishcast that the media will finally become embarrassed enough to report on this:

And yet, even though the elder Biden is President of the United States, the laptop news blackout continues at all those media and social media sites. Will that ever change? Devine is optimistic. "I think the steady accumulation of evidence should reach a tipping point beyond which no self-respecting journalist can keep ignoring it," she said via email. "But until the New York Times, Washington Post, etc. start taking it seriously, the White House won't address it. The point is that this is not a story about Hunter Biden, private citizen with a former drug problem. It involved the president and his claim he knew nothing about Hunter's business dealings."

There are almost no "self-respecting journalists." They are determined, vicious partisans, acting as State Media for the Democrat Party.

And even if a few actually "self-respecting journalists" would like to report on the story, they will be squashed by leftwing editors who fear being criticized for "helping the Republicans" by reporting the truth.

Posted by: Ace at 02:34 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 First!

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy (z5Vrg) - The Republic is Already Dead at July 08, 2021 01:34 PM (z5Vrg)

2 The grift is strong.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 08, 2021 01:34 PM (vBO1h)

3 second

Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs (qIQLc) at July 08, 2021 01:35 PM (qIQLc)

4 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 08, 2021 01:35 PM (Zz0t1)

5 I suspect large portion of the population already knows this but still wanted to get rid of Trump because mean tweets.

I wish I was joking.

Posted by: The Maskless Ranger at July 08, 2021 01:36 PM (0zEIp)

6 Remember, Trump was the most corrupt politician in history.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 01:36 PM (LvTSG)

7 >>>And even if a few actually "self-respecting journalists" would like to report on the story, they will be squashed by leftwing editors who fear being criticized for "helping the Republicans" by reporting the truth.

How *you* doin'?

Posted by: National Review at July 08, 2021 01:36 PM (DZp0Z)

8 10% to the big guy!

Posted by: Bete at July 08, 2021 01:36 PM (Ojki1)

9 There's no direct evidence of such a wealth transfer on Hunters laptop.


Hahahaha, I love our modern media and law enforcement.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 01:36 PM (xVQEQ)

10 Hunter is responsible for his own degeneracy yet the big guy has contributed significantly to the mental and moral destruction of his son.
I know that's contradictory.

Posted by: Northernlurkerish at July 08, 2021 01:37 PM (cSyAR)

11 I'm pretty certain every accusation they leveled at Trump is true of Obama and/or Biden.

Posted by: ... at July 08, 2021 01:37 PM (1gBxb)

12 Hunter was probably exaggerating about "half" his money. But I imagine the 10% figure is mostly accurate.

Hunter's take was 20%. He was kicking half of that back to Al Zheimer. That was what he was bitching about in the text. The Frank was only kicking back 30% to President Dying Brain.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 08, 2021 01:37 PM (yQpMk)

13 "I think the steady accumulation of evidence should reach a tipping
point beyond which no self-respecting journalist can keep ignoring it,"

I didn't know that "self-respecting" was a synonym for onanistic.

Posted by: pep at July 08, 2021 01:38 PM (ZsR3z)

14 The Bidens have more honor and dignity than the US press.

Posted by: mr tmz at July 08, 2021 01:38 PM (m/Gc2)

15 Democrats shut down counting in the middle of the night and stuffed ballot boxes with hundreds of thousands of fake ballots because Americans of all stripes really wanted Joe Biden to be president.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 01:38 PM (LvTSG)

16 There's no direct evidence of such a wealth transfer on Hunters laptop.


Hahahaha, I love our modern media and law enforcement.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 01:36 PM (xVQEQ)

It's brutal isn't it. Every word is an obfuscating lie.

Posted by: ... at July 08, 2021 01:39 PM (1gBxb)

17 Joe was an intellectual mediocrity in his prime. Hunter is drug addled but they sure do know their way around getting maximum gain from corruption.

Posted by: Northernlurkerish at July 08, 2021 01:39 PM (cSyAR)

18 The Bidens have more honor and dignity than the US press.
The Borgias had more honor and dignity that the US press.

Posted by: pep at July 08, 2021 01:39 PM (ZsR3z)

19 And even if a few actually "self-respecting journalists" would like to report on the story, they will be squashed by leftwing editors who fear being criticized for "helping the Republicans" by reporting the truth.

Posted by: Ace at 02:34 PM

And then stoned in the street by the rest of the pack as a bonding measure, punishing the heretic and also warning the others to stay in line. But not a cult.

Posted by: Bete at July 08, 2021 01:39 PM (Ojki1)

20 Maybe that's what Jill meant when she said, "Hunter is the heart and soul of the family."

He kept her in fishnets and leather skirts and pool boys.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:39 PM (ptqGC)

21 Everybody stupid enough to believe that SloJo Biden was broke, don't bother raising your hand. What a country!

Posted by: klaftern at July 08, 2021 01:39 PM (r4sI4)

22 I don't think I like the way you use the word "whoremonger" ace.

Posted by: JROD at July 08, 2021 01:39 PM (0jZnq)

23 I'm pretty certain every accusation they leveled at Trump is true of Obama and/or Biden.
Posted by: ... at July 08, 2021 01:37 PM (1gBxb)


Oh goodness yes. That's how the Democrats have always worked for my entire adult lifetime.

Anywhere you saw Russia, insert "China", and it was true about Biden and the rest.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 01:39 PM (xVQEQ)

24 >>>17 Joe was an intellectual mediocrity in his prime.

you are charitable to a fault

Posted by: ace at July 08, 2021 01:40 PM (0G13K)

25 I thought he wanted to be in the Navy? You know, enough to get a special exemption to enlist, but not enough to quit the booger sugar.

Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 01:40 PM (v61ip)

26 Hunter Biden, Paid Proxy for the Chinese Communist Party Paid For Some of the Upkeep of Joe Biden's House



Posted by: ShainS at July 08, 2021 01:40 PM (kXln2)

27 So refreshing to have decency and honor back in the WH.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:40 PM (ptqGC)

28 9 There's no direct evidence of such a wealth transfer on Hunters laptop.


Hahahaha, I love our modern media and law enforcement.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 01:36 PM (xVQEQ)


Posted by: Martha Stewart at July 08, 2021 01:40 PM (Ojki1)

29 Hahahaha, I love our modern media and law enforcement.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 01:36 PM (xVQEQ)

The modern day equivalent of "No controlling legal authority"

Posted by: 496 at July 08, 2021 01:40 PM (U1eOr)

30 A venus flytrap has more honor and dignity than the US press.

Posted by: ... at July 08, 2021 01:41 PM (1gBxb)

31 Willowed:

I think I might have found a metric that has value.

Keep in mind, I'm working from raw voter registration numbers and raw vote totals. I don't know how many of each party voted for whom. That information isn't available.

I'm calling the metric "Party Performance". What percentage of votes did a party get beyond their registration numbers? There are two unknowns that contribute, how many in the party didn't vote, and how many of the other party or independents voted for the candidate. But it might be a useful metric to show places where something fishy was going on.

In Florida the GOP overperformed its registration number by 7.94% and the Dems under performed by -0.36%. Those numbers feel normal.

In Idaho the GOP overperformed by 12%

The Dems in Idaho? *55.58%*

Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 08, 2021 01:41 PM (5p7BC)

32 Joe was an intellectual mediocrity in his prime.

you are charitable to a fault

Hah! It's a trick. Biden never had a prime. His entire life is one long descent into Hell's sewer.

Posted by: pep at July 08, 2021 01:41 PM (ZsR3z)

33 If only Hunter and Joe had given Lego to their niece.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 01:41 PM (xVQEQ)

34 First!

Well, according to the Dominion voting machines.

Posted by: callsign claymore at July 08, 2021 01:41 PM (JxH0l)

35 I think it would be fun to waterboard David French until he spills his guts about the grift and admits Biden is not all the decent after all.

Posted by: Northernlurkerish at July 08, 2021 01:41 PM (cSyAR)

36 Beau was being groomed to replace Joe in Congress to keep the family grift going. I'm sure his death was quite the blow to the business.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 08, 2021 01:42 PM (yQpMk)

37 The Dems in Idaho? *55.58%*
Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 08, 2021 01:41 PM (5p7BC)

That seems huge

Posted by: 496 at July 08, 2021 01:42 PM (U1eOr)

38 When is Joey scheduled for a complete physical and cognitive testing? Anyone?

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:42 PM (ptqGC)

39 As Hunter Biden Prepares to Sell Political Influence Disguised as "Art" for a Half Million Dollars Per Piece

Hey, it beats "writing" a book! - H. Biden

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 08, 2021 01:42 PM (YqDXo)

40 >>>35 I think it would be fun to waterboard David French until he spills his guts about the grift and admits Biden is not all the decent after all.

You had me at "it would be fun to waterboard David French."

Posted by: ace at July 08, 2021 01:42 PM (0G13K)

41 >>> I suspect large portion of the population already knows this but still wanted to get rid of Trump because mean tweets. I wish I was joking.
Posted by: The Maskless Ranger at July 08, 2021 01:36 PM (0zEIp)

Me: Your belief that Trump was bad comes from lies provided to you by lying journalists.

Them: Well yes but they had to do that.

Me: Why?

Them: Because he was so bad.

The dialog never veers from this path. I have gone through it enough times that I don't even try anymore.

Posted by: banana Dream at July 08, 2021 01:42 PM (6Phnr)

42 I gainsay no man with regard to my self-respect!

Posted by: Brian "T" Stelter at July 08, 2021 01:42 PM (DMUuz)

43 Hah! It's a trick. Biden never had a prime. His entire life is one long descent into Hell's sewer.
Posted by: pep at July 08, 2021 01:41 PM (ZsR3z)

Hope he enjoys that landing.

Posted by: Bete at July 08, 2021 01:42 PM (Ojki1)

44 Hunter is delusional if he thinks it was him who earned any of the business deal monies given to him. That is one sicko family.

Posted by: Just a side note at July 08, 2021 01:43 PM (2DOZq)

45 31 In Idaho the GOP overperformed by 12%

The Dems in Idaho? *55.58%*
Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 08, 2021 01:41 PM (5p7BC)


Dems cheated everywhere, and have been for decades.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 01:43 PM (LvTSG)

46 He goes on to explain "there is about $2,000 extra in 'my' account beyond what is used for monthly expenses." It is unknown why Schwerin used quotation marks around "my." But it appears the account is used, at least in part, to pay expenses for Joe.

I wonder if that the account that raised the alarms about Hunter banging prostitutes.

Posted by: Buzzion at July 08, 2021 01:43 PM (G2zl5)

47 How often does a meth addict with money have to replace his teeth?

Posted by: Northernlurkerish at July 08, 2021 01:43 PM (cSyAR)

48 "I think the steady accumulation of evidence should reach a tipping point beyond which no self-respecting journalist can keep ignoring it,"


There are none.......It's PAINFULLY obvious. NONE.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 08, 2021 01:43 PM (Zz0t1)

49 There must be times where Hunter loathes his father.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 08, 2021 01:44 PM (k39e/)

50 "Poorest man in the U.S. Senate?"

I don't take that to mean he was ethically clean. I take it to mean he's just stupid.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 08, 2021 01:44 PM (YqDXo)


Tonight's Bout: Big Guy vs Corn Pop

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 08, 2021 01:44 PM (63Dwl)

52 When is Miranda going to delve into the little Chinese girls Hunter was raping? So far he seems to be getting a pass on his vile, awful, rapey behavior.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:44 PM (ptqGC)

53 Conservative Legacy Media are slowly leaking what's on the laptop that was available online for anybody to download. Why are they doing this?
1. Providing cover for the establishment
2. Tons of money to be maid by slowing leaking it. Years worth of stories.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at July 08, 2021 01:44 PM (dJHdQ)

54 There are almost no "self-respecting journalists." They are determined, vicious partisans, acting as State Media for the Democrat Party.

This x 1000.

And if any GOPer manages to get to the White House again, the first order of business (besides cashiering the entire JCS) should be to pull every press pass except for those belonging to OAN, have the bastards marched out of the press room at bayonet point and told they will be shot as trespassers if they so much as throw a shadow on the lawn.

Anything less is admitting that they have a legitimate place in republican discourse and that the phrase "enemy of the people" is bukkake theater.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 08, 2021 01:44 PM (2JVJo)

55 Breaking: Avenatti gets 30 months for his attempt at extorting Nike. Given the sentencing guidelines said 9 years, he got off easy.

Of course he has two OTHER federal trials so he may end up behind bars quite a bit longer.

Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 01:44 PM (v61ip)

56 Simple ... DeepState (includes DOJ/FBI/MSM/etc.) fabricates crimes against Trump (and leaks fake evidence to MFM for Narrative) ... but they ignore real crimes by Their Guys, even "shot a guy on 5th Avenue in broad daylight" crimes. (Joe peddling influence is a broad daylight crime)

Posted by: illiniwek at July 08, 2021 01:44 PM (Cus5s)

57 The Biden family is worthy of John Waters in his prime.

Posted by: mr tmz at July 08, 2021 01:44 PM (m/Gc2)

58 >>>Devine is optimistic. "I think the steady accumulation of evidence should reach a tipping point beyond which no self-respecting journalist can keep ignoring it," she said via email.

Absolute fantasy

Posted by: DB- just DB (iTXRQ) at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (iTXRQ)

59 Dave in Fla that is VERY INTERESTING

great metric

keep digging my friend

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (j9HX3)

Uncle Joe just announced (or stumbled through reading something he doesn't cognate) that the US has achieved its goals in Afghanistan and have now pulled out.

Mission accomplished.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (Mzdiz)

61 There must be times where Hunter loathes his father.
As a father myself, I have to say it never occurred to me to turn any of my children into my bagman, much less my fall guy.

Posted by: pep at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (ZsR3z)

62 The Bidens have more honor and dignity than the US press.
Posted by: mr tmz

That doesn't make any sense.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (M119n)

63 35 I think it would be fun to waterboard David French until he spills his guts about the grift and admits Biden is not all the decent after all.
Posted by: Northernlurkerish at July 08, 2021 01:41 PM (cSyAR)

Cult members truly believe things. He may honestly think that, and anything you show him is just "noise" and "misinformation."

Well, that and he's stupid and may not understand simple math.

Posted by: Bete at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (Ojki1)

64 I hate to live in an irrelevant past a la Al Bundy but Trump saying "Who? Hunter?" to defuse Pastebrain's scripted emotionally manipulative grandstanding on his own son's corpse was a thing of absolute beauty.

Posted by: ... at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (1gBxb)

65 This revelation comes as Suddenly Discovered Untrained Artistic Genius Hunter Biden is set to sell his watercolor doodles for half a million dollars a grift, I mean per piece.


Hunter's next piece is expected to fetch $100 million: entitled Piss Trump, It will feature a red MAGA hat filled with his own crack-tainted urine.

Posted by: ShainS at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (kXln2)

66 There must be times where Hunter loathes his father.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 08, 2021 01:44 PM (k39e/)

My assumption is that his behavior is due to decades of emotional abuse by Joe, leading to a mixture of hatred and insecurity on Hunter's part. I guarantee you that if he came out and admitted everything that he's done and provided the receipts of Joe's corruption, he'd find a huge weight off of his soul.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (jOcSX)

67 The Biden family is worthy of John Waters in his prime.
Posted by: mr tmz at July 08, 2021 01:44 PM (m/Gc2)

John Prine in water > John Waters in his prime

Posted by: 496 at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (U1eOr)

68 Breaking: Avenatti gets 30 months for his attempt at extorting Nike


Wait, did he have direct evidence of such a wealth transfer on his laptop?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (xVQEQ)

69 Devine at dog shit once. I saw it.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (LvTSG)

70 "Self-respecting journalists" are about as common as self-respecting scat porn actresses.

Posted by: Guzalot at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (prSvo)

There must be times where Hunter loathes his father.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 08, 2021 01:44 PM (k39e/)

He knows Beau was "Pop's" favorite. And he knows Joe uses him.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:46 PM (ptqGC)

72 57 The Biden family is worthy of John Waters in his prime.

they're way too dull for Waters. don't insult him.

they're just talent- and morality-free used car salesmen writ large (for some unknown reason)

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 08, 2021 01:46 PM (j9HX3)

73 The Biden family are just the Capone's with more hookers and crack.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 08, 2021 01:46 PM (Zz0t1)

74 Want to see why people spend millions to earn seats that pay a fraction?

In what other profession would the world's richest, most powerful people ever anchor themselves to a demonstrable tard and a crackhead?

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 08, 2021 01:46 PM (KbCG3)

75 >"Poorest man in the U.S. Senate?"

$174,000 a year
damn- I wish I were that poor

Posted by: DB- just DB (iTXRQ) at July 08, 2021 01:47 PM (iTXRQ)

76 Maybe that's what Jill meant when she said, "Hunter is the heart and soul of the family."

Good God, she admitted that?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 08, 2021 01:47 PM (YqDXo)

77 Hunter just meant his inspiration is Dadaism.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at July 08, 2021 01:47 PM (UHVv4)

78 "Poorest man in the U.S. Senate?"

$174,000 a year

damn- I wish I were that poor

Posted by: DB- just DB (iTXRQ) at July 08, 2021 01:47 PM (iTXRQ)

And a beach house.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:47 PM (ptqGC)

79 I mean, unless the anonymous donors just tell him that they contributed to The Big Guy Retirement Fund.
The paintings are just bribe receipts.

Posted by: zmdavid at July 08, 2021 01:47 PM (xqRaG)

80 It is unknown why Schwerin used quotation marks around "my."

Yeah a total mystery.

Posted by: ... at July 08, 2021 01:48 PM (1gBxb)

81 62 The Bidens have more honor and dignity than the US press.
Posted by: mr tmz

That doesn't make any sense.
Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (M119n)

It does, it is a damning indictment of the press.

Posted by: Bete at July 08, 2021 01:48 PM (Ojki1)

82 Kinda makes you wonder how deep shit corrupt Beau was if Hunter's drug riddled ass had to take over "the family business."

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 08, 2021 01:48 PM (Zz0t1)

83 $174,000 a year
damn- I wish I were that poor

You could run for senate in a state with no republicans in that office. Might be easier if that state is focused on cleaning up voter fraud.

Posted by: Blanco Basura -(SchxB)- Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at July 08, 2021 01:48 PM (SchxB)

Maybe that's what Jill meant when she said, "Hunter is the heart and soul of the family."


Good God, she admitted that?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 08, 2021 01:47 PM (YqDXo)


Yes. Yes, she did.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:48 PM (ptqGC)

85 Honest question: how much do the paintings of Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler sell for these days?

Posted by: Northernlurkerish at July 08, 2021 01:48 PM (cSyAR)

86 I love when stuff we have known for months is "news"

Posted by: blaster at July 08, 2021 01:49 PM (4q7lA)

87 And on a different note, that "coregasm" girl in the sidebar needs to go a little lighter on the makeup. She looks like a chav.

And now time to work. See you all here and there.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 08, 2021 01:49 PM (2JVJo)

88 73 The Biden family are just the Capone's with more hookers and crack.

insulting to Capone who loved his children and actually was able to do productive things other than the crime things

now - the first wife of SloJo was actually a decent person. that explains a bit of Hunt's torment (if there is any, I dunno). he's biden-dumb, but he has still some of his mom in him. so for sure he hates his dad.

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 08, 2021 01:49 PM (j9HX3)

89 Maybe that's what Jill meant when she said, "Hunter is the heart and soul of the family."
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 08, 2021 01:47 PM (YqDXo)

And apparently the Wallet.

Posted by: jakee308 at July 08, 2021 01:49 PM (iDOB7)

90 The insanity will continue until we stop financing it.

Posted by: Your Eminence at July 08, 2021 01:49 PM (u1vod)

91 So Carlos Slim (NYT majority shareholder) is financing Biden? No corruption there.

Posted by: 29Victor at July 08, 2021 01:50 PM (BJKQV)

92 My assumption is that his behavior is due to decades of emotional abuse by Joe, leading to a mixture of hatred and insecurity on Hunter's part. I guarantee you that if he came out and admitted everything that he's done and provided the receipts of Joe's corruption, he'd find a huge weight off of his soul.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (jOcSX)

Though the weight around his neck as he's dumped into the river would probably be uncomfortable for a short time.

Posted by: Bete at July 08, 2021 01:50 PM (Ojki1)

93 71 There must be times where Hunter loathes his father.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 08, 2021 01:44 PM (k39e/)
He knows Beau was "Pop's" favorite. And he knows Joe uses him.
Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:46 PM (ptqGC)

And he'll never loathe him enough to turn "state's evidence"

Posted by: Buzzion at July 08, 2021 01:50 PM (G2zl5)

94 Honest question: how much do the paintings of Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler sell for these days?
The relevant question is "how much do the paintings of WC's and AH's children sell for"? Since AH had none, we can substitute Stalin.

Posted by: pep at July 08, 2021 01:50 PM (ZsR3z)

95 Was Joe cheating on his first wife with Jill?

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:50 PM (ptqGC)

96 And even if a few actually "self-respecting journalists" would like to report on the story, they will be squashed by leftwing editors who fear being criticized for "helping the Republicans" by reporting the truth.

Yeah the current Media situation boils down to:

Tell a lie that goes viral about Trump or a Republican not in the GOPe: You win a Pulitzer Prize.

Tell the truth about a Democrat: You're fired.

Posted by: Gref at July 08, 2021 01:50 PM (AMIL/)

97 How much do W's paintings sell for?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 01:50 PM (LvTSG)

98 Artist Statements:

Rothko: "I don't express myself in my painting. I express my not-self. The dictum 'Know Thyself' is only valuable if the ego is removed from the process in search of truth."

Monet: "For me, a landscape does not exist in its own right, since its appearance changes at every moment; but the surrounding atmosphere brings it to life."

Biden: "I think this thing is spent. Fuck. See if that mook in Dover is holding."

Posted by: ZOD at July 08, 2021 01:51 PM (xK9An)

99 And a beach house.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:47 PM (ptqGC)

One beach house? Pfft! Talk about poor white trash!

Posted by: Bernie Sanders, Man of The People at July 08, 2021 01:51 PM (2JVJo)

100 Who would buy a painting by W, other than a fellow Deep State tool.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:51 PM (ptqGC)

101 73 The Biden family are just the Capone's with more hookers and crack.
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 08, 2021 01:46 PM (Zz0t1)

Same amount of Syphilis, just more penicillin.

Posted by: Bete at July 08, 2021 01:51 PM (Ojki1)

102 "It's good to be The Big Guy!" -- Some king....

Posted by: Lord Squirrel at July 08, 2021 01:51 PM (ZIoLS)


Hunter Biden is the Ella Emhoff of Murph the Surf's.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 08, 2021 01:51 PM (s2VJv)

104 95 Was Joe cheating on his first wife with Jill?


and btw MUMPS is right too

he was banging Hailie before Beau passed, open secret around here

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 08, 2021 01:51 PM (j9HX3)

105 Is there a pool on how long it is until Hunter didn't OD himself?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 01:51 PM (xVQEQ)

106 But I repeat my assertion: nothing Hunter-related will bring Uncle Joe down

you can say you read it here first, and that you knew me back when

Posted by: DB- just DB (iTXRQ) at July 08, 2021 01:52 PM (iTXRQ)

107 Boy, that classy DOCTOR Jill.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:52 PM (ptqGC)

108 In Idaho the GOP overperformed by 12%

The Dems in Idaho? *55.58%*
Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 08, 2021 01:41 PM (5p7BC)

Yeah but math is racist.

There are ALL kinds of metrics that show the 2020 vote was wonky. But you are not allowed to argue that.

Posted by: blaster at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (4q7lA)

109 How much do you want to bet that, in private, Joe has told Hunter, "You killed your mother!"

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (jOcSX)

110 95 Was Joe cheating on his first wife with Jill?
Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:50 PM (ptqGC)

That is a rumor. Usually tied to her death, as suspected suicide because of his cheating. Joe and Jill claim they didn't hook up until after her divorce. Jill's ex husband says she was cheating on him with Joe.

Explains why Joe gets along so well with Cindy McCain though doesn't it? They're both home wrecking whores.

Posted by: Buzzion at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (G2zl5)

111 There's a chance Beau was insulated from the corruption since he was being groomed for higher office. Hunter clearly doesn't have the responsibility to be a dog catcher, so no worries about damaging his political career.

Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (v61ip)

112 Is there a pool on how long it is until Hunter didn't OD himself?
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 01:51 PM (xVQEQ)

Yes there is but please don't shit in it.

Posted by: ... at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (1gBxb)

113 he was banging Hailie before Beau passed, open secret around here
Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 08, 2021 01:51 PM (j9HX3)

One of Hallie's kids is named "Hunter."

Posted by: blaster at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (4q7lA)

114 Amanda Devine - an Australian journalist. Of course there was only a Woodward and Bernstein around when a Republican President needed to be taken down for doing 1/100 of what is currently happening.

With very few exceptions, true American journalism is dead.

Posted by: Cheri at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (oiNtH)

115 I'm such an idiot I actually believed for a good long time the whole at least Biden's just stupid and not corrupt.

This is because I'm an idiot.

Gah, I don't want to feel anything but contempt for Hunter but if, as seems the case, he was the ignored kid who had to do the tough work while Beau was the shiny object, then, yeah, the drugging and whoring makes a tiny bit more sense. I mean, it was still his life and still his choices but I can at least sort of see the lashing out to sabotage his life.

In wildly different news, the NY Post had a picture of Melania and Barron and Barron's up to 6'7" now. He just turned 15 a few months ago.

Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (mf5HN)

116 Though the weight around his neck as he's dumped into the river would probably be uncomfortable for a short time.
Posted by: Bete at July 08, 2021 01:50 PM (Ojki1)


Our work is much quicker than you realize. He wouldn't be very uncomfortable at all.

Posted by: Hillary!'s Special Activities Squad at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (xxG/v)

117 Was Joe cheating on his first wife with Jill?

And Jill was cheating on Joe with his son Hunter........

Or Joe approved......either way. I'm SURE it happened.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (Zz0t1)

118 I wonder how many people turned out to see Jill in Savannah today? I'm sure the local fish wrap will have front page coverage of the DOCTOR and how gorgeous and fashionable she is.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:54 PM (ptqGC)

119 >>109 How much do you want to bet that, in private, Joe has told Hunter, "You killed your mother!"
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (jOcSX)

How much do you want to bet that, in private, Hunter has told Joe, "Mom's a sport."

Posted by: ZOD at July 08, 2021 01:54 PM (xK9An)

120 Bidens first wife died in a car accident, right? Was there some suspicion it was a suicide?

Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 01:55 PM (v61ip)

121 In wildly different news, the NY Post had a picture
of Melania and Barron and Barron's up to 6'7" now. He just turned 15 a
few months ago.

Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (mf5HN)

She's so gorgeous and such a great, protective mom. I miss her.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:55 PM (ptqGC)

122 If they co-mingled funds, the SS showing up during the prostitute fiasco w the M&Ms makes sense.

Posted by: EveR at July 08, 2021 01:55 PM (MUpk6)

123 In wildly different news, the NY Post had a picture of Melania and Barron and Barron's up to 6'7" now. He just turned 15 a few months ago.
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (mf5HN)

**smishes AtC**

I wonder if Barron's growth is natural or if he might have Marfan syndrome?

Posted by: Bernie Sanders, Man of The People at July 08, 2021 01:55 PM (2JVJo)

124 I agree with the trend above that Beau was the golden boy and favorite and whatever Hunter may once have been or wanted was sublimated to the goal of making Beau a political name, possibly president. So Hunter had to be the bagman to keep Joe AND Beau clean.

The most sickening and despicable thing was that when Beau died, Joe continued to exploit Hunter's grief and addiction to keep the money flowing. He's not a dotty uncle. He's a monster.

Posted by: Art Rondelet of Malmsey at July 08, 2021 01:56 PM (fTtFy)

125 **smishes AtC**

Posted by: Bernie Sanders, Man of The People at July 08, 2021 01:55 PM (2JVJo)

That's awkward......

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 08, 2021 01:56 PM (Zz0t1)

126 Ha. Yeah, IIRC Jill's husband found out Joe was banging her while they were still married when she wrecked her car and for some strange reason Joe was driving.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 01:56 PM (xVQEQ)

127 109 How much do you want to bet that, in private, Joe has told Hunter, "You killed your mother!"

I mean ... flip that around and yeah Hunt would have definitely said that

also alexthechick - Hunt wasn't a bad person a million years ago. he had a lot of aftereffects from the accident too. I dunno this whole thing is weird.

I question everything about this. everything. it's all really super strange, 24/7.

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 08, 2021 01:56 PM (j9HX3)

128 In Idaho the GOP overperformed by 12%

The Dems in Idaho? *55.58%*
Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 08, 2021 01:41 PM (5p7BC)

Yeah but math is racist.

There are ALL kinds of metrics that show the 2020 vote was wonky. But you are not allowed to argue that.
Posted by: blaster at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (4q7lA)
In the absence of direct evidence, all we can do it look for anomalies and patterns. There is MORE THAN ENOUGH strangeness in voting patterns in 2020 to raise the suspicions of anyone with two brain cells to rub together. Granted, that leaves out most Democrats, so it's not a surprise that they don't seem to see it...

Posted by: Lord Squirrel at July 08, 2021 01:56 PM (ZIoLS)

129 125 **smishes AtC**

Posted by: Bernie Sanders, Man of The People at July 08, 2021 01:55 PM (2JVJo)

That's awkward......
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 08, 2021 01:56 PM (Zz0t1)


Watch out, AtC...Bernie probably thinks you have certain...fantasies.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 01:57 PM (LvTSG)

130 In wildly different news, the NY Post had a picture of Melania and Barron and Barron's up to 6'7" now. He just turned 15 a few months ago.

Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (mf5HN)


I've heard and it seems to generally be true that boys often get their height from their mother's father. I wonder how tall Melania's father was?

Posted by: ShainS at July 08, 2021 01:57 PM (kXln2)

131 111 There's a chance Beau was insulated from the corruption since he was being groomed for higher office. Hunter clearly doesn't have the responsibility to be a dog catcher, so no worries about damaging his political career.
Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (v61ip)

Insulated in the same way Tom Hagen was insulated from the family business by Michael Corleone. They didn't talk names or specifics, just deniable generalities.

Posted by: Bete at July 08, 2021 01:57 PM (Ojki1)

132 120 Bidens first wife died in a car accident, right? Was there some suspicion it was a suicide?
Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 01:55 PM (v61ip)

Joe loved to tell the tale that the guy in the other car was drunk.

Another lie.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 08, 2021 01:57 PM (KbCG3)

133 I guarantee you that if he came out and admitted everything that he's done and provided the receipts of Joe's corruption, he'd find a huge weight off of his soul.

Almost immediately replaced by a huge weight on his ankles.

Posted by: Oddbob at July 08, 2021 01:57 PM (nfrXX)

134 In Idaho the GOP overperformed by 12%

The Dems in Idaho? *55.58%*
Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 08, 2021 01:41 PM (5p7BC)
IIRC there were no surprise flips in Idaho. Two thoughts:

1. Idaho has become more of destination for people moving out of California -- perhaps internal migration is responsible for the increase.

2. If this is fraud, then the only reason to commit such fraud in Idaho is to goose Joe Biden's national (popular vote) numbers. I could see how that would make sense to create a "Trump repudiated!" narrative, but it's difficult to see any other value. It's alot of risk for not alot of return.

What were Idaho's ballot rules for 2020? Did they relax mail-in voting integrity / permit ballot harvesting?

Posted by: Revenant at July 08, 2021 01:57 PM (ydlAE)

135 Bidens first wife died in a car accident, right? Was there some suspicion it was a suicide?
Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 01:55 PM (v61ip)

There is one explanation that she was drunk and leaving Joe over the affair, taking the children with her, when she ran the stop sign.

So, could have just been an accident.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 08, 2021 01:58 PM (i9ZF7)

136 120 Bidens first wife died in a car accident, right? Was there some suspicion it was a suicide?

yes - in fact I dimly remember an actual local article saying as much

probably impossible to find now

I will look around

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 08, 2021 01:58 PM (j9HX3)

137 @DaveinFla, also willowed, but do you have data on D overperformance by county? If so, that may be a very, very interesting indicator. You might then look for lots of absentee ballots.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at July 08, 2021 01:58 PM (5Q92H)

138 Dammit, off crusty old commie sock.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 08, 2021 01:58 PM (2JVJo)

139 There are ALL kinds of metrics that show the 2020 vote was wonky. But you are not allowed to argue that.
Posted by: blaster at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (4q7lA)

The guy at also did a couple of great exposes on "the numbers". I recommend reading his 2 entries exposing the "fuckery at foot" in the election. Also read his bio - he's smart and hilarious.

Posted by: 496 at July 08, 2021 01:58 PM (U1eOr)

140 With very few exceptions, true American journalism is dead.
Posted by: Cheri at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (oiNtH)

Oh it's alive as there really never was truth telling journalism. Yes did find out Truths (for a certain value of truth) and report some of it but generally they were aiming for headlines (more ad revenue or clicks these days) and scooping their competition.

Since there is no competition these days all they do is go for clicks and clicks requires inside knowledge (as it used to but they're lazy) and it's easier to get that from the ruling party that they just happen to agree with and vote for than to dig up scandals that only confirm what the other party is claiming. (these days not so much)

Truth was always coincidental.

Posted by: jakee308 at July 08, 2021 01:58 PM (iDOB7)

141 I mean, unless the anonymous donors just tell him that they contributed to The Big Guy Retirement Fund.
The paintings are just bribe receipts.
Posted by: zmdavid at July 08, 2021 01:47 PM

This. "Anonymous donor buys painting" and hangs it somewhere in their home or office. Invites Hunter over for a meeting, or to a cocktail party, or whatever. Ensures that Hunter sees his refrigerator finger-painting and mentions whatever he needs as a part of the "art purchase".

Posted by: Bert G at July 08, 2021 01:58 PM (UtSuS)

Joe loved to tell the tale that the guy in the other car was drunk.

Another lie.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 08, 2021 01:57 PM (KbCG3)

EVERYTHING about Joe Biden is a lie.


Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 08, 2021 01:58 PM (Zz0t1)

143 There's a chance Beau was insulated from the corruption since he was being groomed for higher office. Hunter clearly doesn't have the responsibility to be a dog catcher, so no worries about damaging his political career.

It's more than a chance.

I really think that the intent was for Beau to win DE Gov in 2016 and run for president in 2020, while Biden retired to write his memoirs safe in the knowledge that his son would achieve the one thing he never could. Instead, Biden decided to make one last run for the WH because he knew that he has no political legacy anymore.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at July 08, 2021 01:58 PM (jOcSX)

144 125 **smishes AtC**

Posted by: Bernie Sanders, Man of The People at July 08, 2021 01:55 PM (2JVJo)

That's awkward......
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 08, 2021 01:56 PM (Zz0t1)


"Alex is good Russian name, no?"

Posted by: ShainS at July 08, 2021 01:59 PM (kXln2)

145 Black orchid, did you actually like go to school with Hunter, or just sort of know him because he's local? For instance, I know a decent bit about Josh Mandel because he's a Beachwood Jewish guy.

Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 01:59 PM (v61ip)

146 juts want to mention: I saw Jonah Goldberg on Fox News 'Specil Report' last night. Here is a quote from J G from the transcript at Fox:

"We have seen a mass exodus of what were once traditional Republican voters. Suburbanite married couples raising, college educated, they have fled the Republican Party to vote for Joe Biden."

let's see, according to the numbers at wikipedia, Trump got about 11 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. Who exactly does Goldberg think left Trump for Biden?

Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at July 08, 2021 01:59 PM (4a9Vv)

147 She's so gorgeous and such a great, protective mom. I miss her.
Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:55 PM (ptqGC)

It's an adorable picture because she looks tiny next to him. And he's carrying her purse like a good son. Apparently Trump joked about it at the last rally that he's taller than Eric now. Eric's 6'6". All the Trump kids are 6 foot plus, even Ivanka I think.

*smishes MP4 back*

Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 08, 2021 01:59 PM (mf5HN)

148 Devine at dog shit once. I saw it.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (LvTSG)

Why go after Devine? She might be a little naive , but she's been covering Hunter's crimes for some time

Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 01:59 PM (mR6Gs)

149 125 **smishes AtC**

Posted by: Bernie Sanders, Man of The People at July 08, 2021 01:55 PM (2JVJo)

That's awkward......
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 08, 2021 01:56 PM (Zz0t1)

As long as he doesn't start read those rape fantasy things he wrote.

Posted by: Bete at July 08, 2021 01:59 PM (Ojki1)

150 In wildly different news, the NY Post had a picture of Melania and Barron and Barron's up to 6'7" now. He just turned 15 a few months ago.

Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (mf5HN)

God help us all if Barron starts hitting the gym.

Trump's security detail will need multiple rings around the boy.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at July 08, 2021 02:00 PM (jOcSX)

151 There is one explanation that she was drunk and
leaving Joe over the affair, taking the children with her, when she ran
the stop sign. So, could have just been an accident. Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 08, 2021 01:58 PM (i9ZF7
Hard to imagine a mother doing suicide by car with her kids in the car. However, I've also heard that Biden for years claimed the truck driver who hit her was drunk until he was sued.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at July 08, 2021 02:00 PM (5Q92H)

152 134 2. If this is fraud, then the only reason to commit such fraud in Idaho is to goose Joe Biden's national (popular vote) numbers. I could see how that would make sense to create a "Trump repudiated!" narrative, but it's difficult to see any other value. It's alot of risk for not alot of return.

Posted by: Revenant at July 08, 2021 01:57 PM (ydlAE)


Trump was the trigger for the Left to lose the last of its rationality. I fully believe they tried cheating in every corner of the nation in order to make things happen, including places where it wouldn't make a difference to the electoral college or downballot races.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 02:00 PM (LvTSG)

153 We have seen a mass exodus of what were once traditional Republican voters. Suburbanite married couples raising, college educated, they have fled the Republican Party to vote for Joe Biden."

let's see, according to the numbers at wikipedia, Trump got about 11 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. Who exactly does Goldberg think left Trump for Biden?
Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at July 08, 2021 01:59 PM (4a9Vv)

His friends

Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:01 PM (mR6Gs)

154 108 In Idaho the GOP overperformed by 12%

The Dems in Idaho? *55.58%*
Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 08, 2021 01:41 PM (5p7BC)

Yeah but math is racist.
There are ALL kinds of metrics that show the 2020 vote was wonky. But you are not allowed to argue that.

Posted by: blaster at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM (4q7lA)

You election deniers keep talkin bout standard deviations and other white maf'matical hooey! We all know that that word, standard, is a dog-whistle for white standards done being racistly applied to blacks!

Posted by: Maxine Waters at July 08, 2021 02:01 PM (AMIL/)

155 The lies and tall tales in a Biden memoir would be darkly amusing, well mostly enraging.

Posted by: Northernlurkerish at July 08, 2021 02:01 PM (cSyAR)

156 This Devine person's little jaw-dropping bit about "self-respecting journalists", and the implication that, you know, eventually these major media platforms will, you know, *simply have to take account of the ocean of obvious facts flowing over the many dams they build to keep info from being known*, is pathetic, actually. And one sees it every day from many people.

I stumbled across a Hemingway thing yesterday somewhere. She was almost, almost sounding serious and upset, but still pretty much in this mode of acting as though it's 1967, or something.

A lowering tide lowers all boats, it seems.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 08, 2021 02:01 PM (OTzUX)

157 148 Devine ate dog shit once. I saw it.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 01:45 PM (LvTSG)

Why go after Devine? She might be a little naive , but she's been covering Hunter's crimes for some time
Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 01:59 PM (mR6Gs)


Pink Flamingos joke.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 02:01 PM (LvTSG)

158 Hard to imagine a mother doing suicide by car with her kids in the car. However, I've also heard that Biden for years claimed the truck driver who hit her was drunk until he was sued.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at July 08, 2021 02:00 PM (5Q92H)

It's not that crazy. It's a way to punish the unfaithful husband, or a thought that "It's better if they don't have to suffer without me!"

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at July 08, 2021 02:02 PM (jOcSX)

159 Trump was the trigger for the Left to lose the last of its rationality. I fully believe they tried cheating in every corner of the nation in order to make things happen, including places where it wouldn't make a difference to the electoral college or downballot races.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 02:00 PM (LvTSG)

I believe that in addition to everything else, they were afraid Trump might win the POPULAR vote and wanted to prevent that.
At all cost.

Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:02 PM (mR6Gs)


Home Depot has a Milwaukee oscillating multi tool set with blades for $43. That's a great tool if you don't have one, and that price is probably close to Harbor Freight junk for a good name/tool.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 02:02 PM (xVQEQ)

161 Dave in Fla, just an FYI. In a couple of the Panhandle Counties w D Supervisors of Election some really "strange" stuff happened. Voters that should have been removed being sent vote by mail options, folks who were NPA not receiving their long-time requested vote by mail ballot (because the Supervisor decided to change their mail address.) IMO, Brenda Snipes may be out of office, but there are still SOE that see her as a mentor.

Posted by: EveR at July 08, 2021 02:02 PM (MUpk6)

162 145 Black orchid, did you actually like go to school with Hunter, or just sort of know him because he's local? For instance, I know a decent bit about Josh Mandel because he's a Beachwood Jewish guy.

I didn't go to Archmere but I went to a nearby girls school and we mostly dated guys from AA (and Sallies)

so yeah more like your Josh Mandel thing I guess? but saw them a lot, mutual friends etc

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 08, 2021 02:03 PM (j9HX3)

Why go after Devine? She might be a little naive , but she's been covering Hunter's crimes for some time
Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 01:59 PM (mR6Gs)


Pink Flamingos joke.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 02:01 PM (LvTSG)

Oh, THAT Divine.

Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:03 PM (mR6Gs)

164 RE: #139


Posted by: 496 at July 08, 2021 02:03 PM (U1eOr)

165 I'll admit - when I was younger, I said a drunk driver hit my mother. The truth is that we have no idea who hit her, and she was at fault for crossing the highway at night. Just some human impulse to want our tragedies to be more tragic? Or me trying to rationalize what happened and absolve my mother of what was kind of a suicide attempt?

Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 02:03 PM (v61ip)

166 Idaho has voter ID, no ballot harvesting and remove their dead from the rolls annually. Also, the little white grannies running everything from precincts to counties board have impeccable records of honesty.

The count totals denote an incredible increase in migrating scum...

Posted by: Your Eminence at July 08, 2021 02:03 PM (u1vod)

167 sorry also IIRC Beau went to Penn ...he was older than me but saw him there, not so much at HS

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 08, 2021 02:04 PM (j9HX3)

168 Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, the hottest swing state in the country, Democrats under performed their registration numbers by 22.28%.

Yet managed to win anyway.

Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 08, 2021 02:04 PM (5p7BC)

169 >>>The Great Bringer-Backer of Decency!

>>>the Pablo Picasso of graft.


Posted by: flounder at July 08, 2021 02:04 PM (KnJdm)

170 Joe Biden and his whole screwed up family belong on TV in reality show.

They do not belong in the White House.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at July 08, 2021 02:04 PM (jGZjF)

171 P.S. If anyone is pleased to see the Senate in PA doing an investigation of some counties in the "vote" of 2020; he's not subpoenaing anything. He's asking nicely.

The Dem. Sec State has already told the counties to tell him to eff off. And since Philly figures prominently we can expect zero cooperation.

Apparently he figures he can't get an actual requirement for what they want to investigate.

I wish they'd just go ahead and fix the various crap that the Sec State unilaterally made the rules and stop that crap. That and some actual teeth to the requirement of letting the opposing party observe the vote count. Those refusing need to go to jail or get fined if they lock them out.

Posted by: jakee308 at July 08, 2021 02:04 PM (iDOB7)

172 It's not that crazy. It's a way to punish the
unfaithful husband, or a thought that "It's better if they don't have to
suffer without me! Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at July 08, 2021 02:02 PM (jOcSX

Fathers will kill their ex and the kids in a murder-suicide, but mothers almost never.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at July 08, 2021 02:04 PM (5Q92H)


I wonder if Biden beat Clinton with the "withdrawals" from the sex offender slush fund in Congress. I would bet both are over 10%.

Posted by: artisanal ette at July 08, 2021 02:05 PM (9VFzC)

174 The Aristocrats!

Posted by: Just the Punchline at July 08, 2021 02:05 PM (i9ZF7)


Kindly wipe your pesky anal run down on this canvas, I have a boat payment to make.

Posted by: Joey Bidet at July 08, 2021 02:05 PM (Qt80h)

176 166 Idaho has voter ID, no ballot harvesting and remove their dead from the rolls annually. Also, the little white grannies running everything from precincts to counties board have impeccable records of honesty.

The count totals denote an incredible increase in migrating scum...
Posted by: Your Eminence at July 08, 2021 02:03 PM (u1vod)

They don't actually. Because the numbers he was going over would've captured that in registration numbers.

There's a lot of anomalies that line up with each other that require systemic fraud without people directly involved(human-touch processes have a certain degree of messiness).

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy (z5Vrg) - The Republic is Already Dead at July 08, 2021 02:05 PM (z5Vrg)

177 If I recall correctly Carlos Slim not only holds a whole lot of NYT stock but also owns the company that illegal aliens use to wire money back home.
So he
1) Campaigns for Biden & illegal immigration in the NYT
2) Profits from out of controll illegal immigration into the US & from those immigrants taking American's jobs.

Nice racket he's gor going there.

Posted by: 29Victor at July 08, 2021 02:05 PM (BJKQV)

178 Right. With the highest partisan approval in history, Trump lost zillions of robotically GOP suburbanites. Sure. Makes sense. Adds up.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 08, 2021 02:06 PM (OTzUX)

179 It's not that crazy. It's a way to punish the unfaithful husband, or a thought that "It's better if they don't have to suffer without me!"

also the story then was she was pregnant - I guess the story was in the Bulletin. I found it a while back online but could be disappeared now. implied that she wanted to end her life and take her children with her. I think? and also may have been taking prescription pills.

very sad.

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 08, 2021 02:06 PM (j9HX3)

180 122 If they co-mingled funds, the SS showing up during the prostitute fiasco w the M&Ms makes sense.
Posted by: EveR at July 08, 2021 01:55 PM (MUpk6)

This is EXACTLY why the SS was involved. Its in the texts on the laptop. Hunter kept trying different cards to pay the hooker and they kept getting denied. Then the one that didn't get denied was his dads.


Posted by: blaster at July 08, 2021 02:06 PM (4q7lA)

181 That and some actual teeth to the requirement of letting the opposing party observe the vote count. Those refusing need to go to jail or get fined if they lock them out.
Posted by: jakee308 at July 08, 2021 02:04 PM (iDOB7)

The entire precinct's votes should be invalidated.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 08, 2021 02:07 PM (i9ZF7)

182 I've heard and it seems to generally be true that boys often get their height from their mother's father. I wonder how tall Melania's father was?
Posted by: ShainS at July 08, 2021 01:57 PM (kXln2)

Not joking or being dirty for the sake of it, but I've read that all matters of 'size' come from the mother's side.

Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:07 PM (mR6Gs)

183 A reminder... Hunter's laptop is crammed full of video and stills of him banging minors

It will get more attention at some point; someone has been uploading them all over the Internet without indicating who is in the footage. They'll never get a lid on it.

That's in addition to the stuff he uploaded to porn sites himself, mostly banging hookers.

Posted by: somedood at July 08, 2021 02:07 PM (K2Qh2)

184 If you can handle how pathetic they are, you should check out Hunter's texts to his exes sister(?). Any pathology you think he has, he confirms. Massive insecurities, especially sexually, and sounds like the ex probably cucked him.

Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 02:07 PM (v61ip)

185 Ha. Yeah, IIRC Jill's husband found out Joe was banging her while they were still married when she wrecked her car and for some strange reason Joe was driving.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 01:56 PM (xVQEQ)

Hard to control a vehicle going 60 MPH while getting head.

Posted by: Boswell at July 08, 2021 02:07 PM (5iUNf)

186 under performed their registration numbers by 22.28%
How many of that 22.28% of registered voters are still alive and living in the county of registration?

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at July 08, 2021 02:07 PM (5Q92H)

187 Me: Your belief that Trump was bad comes from lies provided to you by lying journalists.

Them: Well yes but they had to do that.

Me: Why?

Them: Because he was so bad.

The dialog never veers from this path. I have gone through it enough times that I don't even try anymore.
Posted by: banana Dream

I could go for some mean tweets and $1.74 gas.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 08, 2021 02:08 PM (SMh/7)

188 182 I've heard and it seems to generally be true that boys often get their height from their mother's father. I wonder how tall Melania's father was?
Posted by: ShainS at July 08, 2021 01:57 PM (kXln2)

Not joking or being dirty for the sake of it, but I've read that all matters of 'size' come from the mother's side.
Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:07 PM (mR6Gs)

That seems kind of odd considering the whole XX vs XY thing.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy (z5Vrg) - The Republic is Already Dead at July 08, 2021 02:08 PM (z5Vrg)

189 Hard to imagine a mother doing suicide by car with her kids in the car. However, I've also heard that Biden for years claimed the truck driver who hit her was drunk until he was sued.

And the old fucker still claims it, even after receiving multiple cease and desist letters from the family's lawyers.

Posted by: bicentennialguy at July 08, 2021 02:08 PM (IytoW)

190 Hard to control a vehicle going 60 MPH while getting head. Posted by: Boswell at July 08, 2021 02:07 PM (5iUNf)

Spoken from personal experience?

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at July 08, 2021 02:08 PM (5Q92H)

191 Trump was the trigger for the Left to lose the last of its rationality. I fully believe they tried cheating in every corner of the nation in order to make things happen, including places where it wouldn't make a difference to the electoral college or downballot races.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 02:00 PM (LvTSG)

I believe that in addition to everything else, they were afraid Trump might win the POPULAR vote and wanted to prevent that.
At all cost.

Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:08 PM (mR6Gs)

192 Let me know when ANY of these treasonous fvcks answers for their crimes. It's very much them rubbing our noses in it now. Even dim-witted Obama wasn't quite this blatant with his graft and treason.

Posted by: acethepug at July 08, 2021 02:09 PM (qPKAe)

193 181 That and some actual teeth to the requirement of letting the opposing party observe the vote count. Those refusing need to go to jail or get fined if they lock them out.
Posted by: jakee308 at July 08, 2021 02:04 PM (iDOB7)

The entire precinct's votes should be invalidated.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 08, 2021 02:07 PM (i9ZF7)


For every vote counted without the presence of a monitor, the counter gets a $100 fine and one day in jail. They are also barred from ever working an election again.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 02:09 PM (LvTSG)

194 Dave, don't forget that in PA the Biden data team (!) itself said Trump needed 53% of election day votes to win - he got 61%. And I believe there was a huge increase in GOP registration in PA after 2016. Plus of course the best economy in the lives of most now alive there. But yeah, Trump lost big ground, with all those factors. Sure.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 08, 2021 02:09 PM (OTzUX)

195 None of this matters.

GloboHomoPedo Joe is our lord and master, and will remain so until Our Betters decide they want someone else, who they will choose.

We live in a very comfortable banana republic. Get used to it folks, it will only get worse.

Posted by: Vyx at July 08, 2021 02:09 PM (tjZg/)

196 @176
At our city fireworks display, 6 people stopped to ask me where the best viewing spot was, all with out of state plates.
This has never happened in my 58 years of residence.

Posted by: Your Eminence at July 08, 2021 02:09 PM (u1vod)

197 I could go for some mean tweets and $1.74 gas.


I find it incredible that we could go from that to $4.00 gas and mass inflation and yet Sundown still cracking 50% approval ratings. The problem is I believe it because half the country really does need to be fumigated out of existence.

Posted by: The Maskless Ranger at July 08, 2021 02:10 PM (SXSxL)

198 Spoken from personal experience?
Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at July 08, 2021 02:08 PM (5Q92H)

I've never met Jill Biden in my life...

Posted by: Boswell at July 08, 2021 02:10 PM (5iUNf)

199 Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 02:03 PM (v61ip)

I'll go you one better; there was a frequently told story about how my mother got chased by a bull while carrying me.

Now my mom grew up on a farm and I assume not stupid so it makes me wonder what the hell she was doing in the bull's area. They keep those guys separate from all other cows (male and female) and people are wary also.

I began to think later in life that maybe she was trying to get a miscarriage (known to happen when too much excitement/threat of death/danger) as she was not happy about bearing another child. I got hints of this now and then but was too young to put it together. She hated my Father's parents and had very little to do with them herself personally.

Posted by: jakee308 at July 08, 2021 02:10 PM (iDOB7)

200 The count totals denote an incredible increase in migrating scum...
Posted by: Your Eminence
Nope, I'm looking at the registration numbers. They don't support this result. Dem registration did not grow that much.

The only way this number works is if half the Ind voters who voted Trump in 2016 decided to vote Biden in 2020.

It isn't migration.

Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 08, 2021 02:10 PM (5p7BC)

201 I think the steady accumulation of evidence should reach a tipping point beyond which no self-respecting journalist can keep ignoring it

Ah. No Abominable Snowman can ignore it, either.

Posted by: t-bird at July 08, 2021 02:10 PM (SwCv8)

At the same time, Trump Organization executives indicted for not declaring benefits of their jobs as income. Not, notified and ordered to pay their back taxes. Indicted and frog-marched.

I would assume that, like Trump, their tax returns are complex and essentially audited every year in negotiations between their accountants and lawyers, and ones from the government.

Our Deep State overlords are really sending a message about the end of equal treatment under the law. The reason it's so blatant is because they want it to be blatant.

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at July 08, 2021 02:11 PM (oAByg)

203 This Devine person's little jaw-dropping bit about "self-respecting journalists", and the implication that, you know, eventually these major media platforms will, you know, *simply have to take account of the ocean of obvious facts flowing over the many dams they build to keep info from being known*, is pathetic, actually. And one sees it every day from many people.

I stumbled across a Hemingway thing yesterday somewhere. She was almost, almost sounding serious and upset, but still pretty much in this mode of acting as though it's 1967, or something.

A lowering tide lowers all boats, it seems.
Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 08, 2021 02:01 PM (OTzUX)


Out: Underestimating your enemies.
In: Underestimating your tyrannies.

Posted by: ShainS at July 08, 2021 02:11 PM (kXln2)

204 Here's some more Biden grift. Joe's sister Val has written a book about the Biden family's faith. Seriously. She was a guest on Morning Joke.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 02:11 PM (ptqGC)

205 Home Depot has a Milwaukee oscillating multi tool set with blades for $43. That's a great tool if you don't have one, and that price is probably close to Harbor Freight junk for a good name/tool.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 02:02 PM (xVQEQ)

That appears to be just for the blades...

Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs (qIQLc) at July 08, 2021 02:11 PM (qIQLc)

206 >yet Sundown still cracking 50% approval ratings.

I don't believe that number

Posted by: DB- just DB (iTXRQ) at July 08, 2021 02:11 PM (iTXRQ)

207 I find it incredible that we could go from that to $4.00 gas and mass inflation and yet Sundown still cracking 50% approval ratings. The problem is I believe it because half the country really does need to be fumigated out of existence.
Posted by: The Maskless Ranger

47% of the fucking country needs to start paying fucking taxes.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 08, 2021 02:11 PM (SMh/7)

208 Quick check in on my lunch break...

Dave in Fla are you or will you post (here or elsewhere) your findings, sources, etc? I'm particularly interested in poking through those Idaho stats.

We've had a large influx of CA types so some increase could be driven by that but if there's Dem skullduggery happening in my state I want to catch my congresscritters by the throat (rhetorically speaking) and have a real heart to heart about fixing this B.S.

As an anecdote, in our Independence Day parade, the Republicans had 2-3 trucks & pulling floats (trailers) and dozens of people. Dems, 1 car and half a dozen people. About average for the Repubs but a noticeably smaller showing for Dems than years past. This does not suggest massive Dem voting excitement in my neck of the woods, certainly not to the tune of 4x overperformance compared to Repubs.

Posted by: I still can't think of anything at July 08, 2021 02:12 PM (ghePG)

209 Ah. No Abominable Snowman can ignore it, either.

Posted by: t-bird at July 08, 2021 02:10 PM (SwCv

I have it on good authority that the Florida Skunk Ape is indifferent to it.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 08, 2021 02:12 PM (i9ZF7)

210 Dave, don't forget that in PA the Biden data team (!) itself said Trump needed 53% of election day votes to win - he got 61%. And I believe there was a huge increase in GOP registration in PA after 2016. Plus of course the best economy in the lives of most now alive there. But yeah, Trump lost big ground, with all those factors. Sure.
Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 08, 2021 02:09 PM (OTzUX)

This is just one tidbit in a long list of why the MSM never talks about the ACTUAL nuts and bolts of the election and keeps it to the vague "Biden BEAT Trump fair and square and it's a CONSPIRACY THEORY to believe otherwise, you domestic terrorist you!"

Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:12 PM (mR6Gs)

211 168 Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, the hottest swing state in the country, Democrats under performed their registration numbers by 22.28%.

Yet managed to win anyway.
Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 08, 2021 02:04 PM (5p7BC)

So for the PA result to be legit, I's and R's would have had to overwhelmingly vote for Biden?

Posted by: What's a Seawolf? at July 08, 2021 02:12 PM (khAeP)

212 >>>Joe's sister Val has written a book about the Biden family's faith.

faith in what

Posted by: DB- just DB (iTXRQ) at July 08, 2021 02:12 PM (iTXRQ)

213 Is it possible that Joe Biden is an even worse person than has been thought?

Posted by: Northernlurkerish at July 08, 2021 02:12 PM (cSyAR)

214 Dave, a slightly different issue, but still an underperformance/overperformance sort of look - WI. Biden v. 2016 Hillary performance. Biden trailed Hillz significantly across the state, including Dem counties, yet ..... posted historically unprecedented *increases* in 2-3 counties (Dane, Milwaukee).

The sort of pattern I believe that has literally never been seen before, anywhere, for obvious reasons - it makes no sense. In state-wide races, especially presidential, performance simply does not vary all that much between counties (compared to "baseline" performance for that party in previous cycles).

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 08, 2021 02:13 PM (OTzUX)

I began to think later in life that maybe she was trying to get a miscarriage (known to happen when too much excitement/threat of death/danger) as she was not happy about bearing another child. I got hints of this now and then but was too young to put it together. She hated my Father's parents and had very little to do with them herself personally.
Posted by: jakee308 at July 08, 2021 02:10 PM (iDOB7)

Makes for a fun childhood.

My mother never wanted kids but my damn father knocked her up. She wasn't ABOUT to raise an only child like HE was (18 years older than his brother) and they got to me after a miscarriage.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 08, 2021 02:13 PM (Zz0t1)

216 Out: Underestimating your enemies.
In: Underestimating your tyrannies.
Posted by: ShainS at July 08, 2021 02:11 PM (kXln2)


Upon further reflection, check that --

In: Underestimating your realities.

Posted by: ShainS at July 08, 2021 02:13 PM (kXln2)

217 212 >>>Joe's sister Val has written a book about the Biden family's faith.

faith in what
Posted by: DB- just DB (iTXRQ) at July 08, 2021 02:12 PM (iTXRQ)


A god that looks a lot like the Catholic God but whom just, you know, really hates babies.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 02:13 PM (LvTSG)

218 Joe's sister Val has written a book about the Biden family's faith.

faith in what
Posted by: DB- just DB (iTXRQ) at July 08, 2021 02:12 PM (iTXRQ)

You asked for it.......

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 08, 2021 02:14 PM (Zz0t1)

219 211 168 Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, the hottest swing state in the country, Democrats under performed their registration numbers by 22.28%.

Yet managed to win anyway.
Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 08, 2021 02:04 PM (5p7BC)

So for the PA result to be legit, I's and R's would have had to overwhelmingly vote for Biden?
Posted by: What's a Seawolf? at July 08, 2021 02:12 PM (khAeP)

And Trump at the same time.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy (z5Vrg) - The Republic is Already Dead at July 08, 2021 02:14 PM (z5Vrg)

220 Not joking or being dirty for the sake of it, but I've read that all matters of 'size' come from the mother's side.
Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:07 PM (mR6Gs)

That seems kind of odd considering the whole XX vs XY thing.
Posted by: Red Turban Someguy (z5Vrg) - The Republic is Already Dead at July 08, 2021 02:08 PM (z5Vrg)

Doesn't Male Pattern Baldness come from the mother's side too?

Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:14 PM (mR6Gs)

221 205 Home Depot has a Milwaukee oscillating multi tool set with blades for $43. That's a great tool if you don't have one, and that price is probably close to Harbor Freight junk for a good name/tool.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 02:02 PM (xVQEQ)

That appears to be just for the blades...
Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs (qIQLc) at July 08, 2021 02:11 PM (qIQLc)

Borrow your wife's vibrator and grab a roll of duct tape and you're golden.

Posted by: Roy at July 08, 2021 02:14 PM (YJoYt)

222 His art takes its place among the most profound, and provocative, contact papers ever produced.

Posted by: Ted Torgerson at July 08, 2021 02:15 PM (vN+oL)

223 Jonah Goldberg went to Goucher College.

Wikipedia says the former name of Goucher is the Women's College of Baltimore.

Posted by: Hoid at July 08, 2021 02:15 PM (41OwV)

That appears to be just for the blades...
Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs (qIQLc) at July 08, 2021 02:11 PM (qIQLc)


Aw crap, you're right. I was browsing the site and saw it and my eyes saw that red rectangle on the bottom right of the image as the tool.

Sorry errybody. On the bright side, I've met my quota for my one mistake for the day.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 02:15 PM (xVQEQ)

225 Joe's sister Val has written a book about the Biden family's faith.

faith in what
Posted by: DB


Posted by: rickb223 at July 08, 2021 02:15 PM (SMh/7)

226 Yet managed to win anyway.
Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 08, 2021 02:04 PM (5p7BC)

Dave, you realize if you actually start analyzing the election numbers, by demographics, county by county - state by state - and then actually write up a "what happened" - you'd be the first. Because all the PR GOP and Dem election consulting gurus that get paid to do these post mortems for their respective parties - never did for 2020...funny that.

Posted by: Boswell at July 08, 2021 02:15 PM (5iUNf)

227 193 181 That and some actual teeth to the requirement of letting the opposing party observe the vote count. Those refusing need to go to jail or get fined if they lock them out.
Posted by: jakee308 at July 08, 2021 02:04 PM (iDOB7)

The entire precinct's votes should be invalidated.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 08, 2021 02:07 PM (i9ZF7)

For every vote counted without the presence of a monitor, the counter gets a $100 fine and one day in jail. They are also barred from ever working an election again.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 02:09 PM (LvTSG)

Those are racist laws and policies. Plaintiff's objection is valid, so the requested relief, to count every ballot postmarked up to Nov. 30, witnessed by the opponent's representatives or not, is hereby granted. Next case!

Posted by: Judge Molokai Macadamia at July 08, 2021 02:16 PM (AMIL/)

228 From Joe Scarborough's twitter about Val Biden:

"Faith sees best in the dark." -- Val Biden quoting Kierkegaard on the Biden family's faith through their toughest times.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 02:16 PM (ptqGC)


My stepmother's mouth is very moist.

Posted by: Joey Bidet at July 08, 2021 02:16 PM (Qt80h)

230 Posted by: ShainS at July 08, 2021 01:57 PM (kXln2)

My vote is boys get Dad's Father's height and girls get Mom's Father's height.

Same gender parent. I was told I looked just like my great Grandfather. The looks and the height. And this seems possibly true as my mother's parents were short to avg. but my father's parents were taller on the male side.

Gregor Mendel probably could tell us.

Posted by: jakee308 at July 08, 2021 02:16 PM (iDOB7)

231 Doesn't Male Pattern Baldness come from the mother's side too?
Posted by: JoeF.

Supposedly. Hard to tell when both sides have it. LOL.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 08, 2021 02:16 PM (SMh/7)

232 From Joe Scarborough's twitter about Val Biden:

"Faith sees best in the dark." -- Val Biden quoting Kierkegaard on the Biden family's faith through their toughest times.
Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 02:16 PM (ptqGC)

Excuse me while I retch

Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:17 PM (mR6Gs)

233 I find it incredible that we could go from that to $4.00 gas and mass inflation and yet Sundown still cracking 50% approval ratings. The problem is I believe it because half the country really does need to be fumigated out of existence.
Posted by: The Maskless Ranger at July 08, 2021 02:10 PM (SXSxL)

Rush tackled this years ago. When an R is prez the MSM runs stories about how your life may be good but your neighbors are suffering. When a D is in the White House they do the opposite

Sadly, a lot of people trust the press more than they trust their own eyes.

Posted by: 29Victor at July 08, 2021 02:17 PM (BJKQV)

234 Once again American Troops are being sent into harms way, to show the freedom loving people of Haiti that America will never let them down. During this time, I have decided to name my son, Hunter Biden to be Governor General of Haiti, and those people may rest assured Hunter's love of voodoo kinky sex with black chicks and dope.. wait a minute, I'm going to get in trouble here.

JoJo the Waterhead

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at July 08, 2021 02:17 PM (I58tH)

235 he was expected to foot hefty bills to Wilmington contractors for maintenance and upkeep of his father's palatial lakefront property

For a "poor" guy, Joe sure seems to own a lot of "palatial" real estate properties, doesn't he? He owns a multi-residential "compound" in Delaware which he uses as his primary residence, he owns a luxurious spread in Ireland, and apparently he also owns a "palatial lakefront property" too.

And wife Jill sports an expensive designer wardrobe. That ugly lemon-tree dress that she wore a few weeks ago was an Oscar de la Renta, and cost thousands of dollars. Just because her clothes are ugly doesn't mean they're cheap. And of course both Joe and Jill have had multiple plastic surgery procedures. Also not cheap.

We should all be able to live as well as Joe and Jill on such paltry incomes. They've managed to live like royalty while claiming to be "poor."

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 08, 2021 02:17 PM (k4dH2)

236 Dave, you realize if you actually start analyzing the election numbers, by demographics, county by county - state by state - and then actually write up a "what happened" - you'd be the first. Because all the PR GOP and Dem election consulting gurus that get paid to do these post mortems for their respective parties - never did for 2020...funny that.
Posted by: Boswell at July 08, 2021 02:15 PM (5iUNf)

And if you need any help in doing so, I'd be happy to help.

Posted by: What's a Seawolf? at July 08, 2021 02:17 PM (khAeP)

237 Joe Biden's father owned a car dealership
can't imagine where Joe learned how to
shift money.

Posted by: Braenyard at July 08, 2021 02:18 PM (ElqsY)

238 Dave, you realize if you actually start analyzing the election numbers, by demographics, county by county - state by state - and then actually write up a "what happened" - you'd be the first. Because all the PR GOP and Dem election consulting gurus that get paid to do these post mortems for their respective parties - never did for 2020...funny that.
Posted by: Boswell at July 08, 2021 02:15 PM (5iUNf)

Michael Barone used to do this after every election

Except this one.

Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:18 PM (mR6Gs)

239 Wikipedia says the former name of Goucher is the Women's College of Baltimore.
Posted by: Hoid at July 08, 2021 02:15 PM (41OwV)

Prior to Women's College of Baltimore, it was probably the Women's Baltimore Sanitarium for Hysterics and Consumption Patients

Posted by: Boswell at July 08, 2021 02:18 PM (5iUNf)

240 There's a sunny side where no ills betide,
On the road that we must go;
There are pleasant vales, verdant hills and dales,
Where sweet flowers ever grow.
Oh, the happy, sunny, verdant dales,
Where the sweetest gladness e'er prevails,
Where the sunshine lingers on the hills
Of the sunny side of life.

Inflation's silver lining: higher salaries

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks aka Hangdog Barkston at July 08, 2021 02:18 PM (d9FiS)

241 I'm tall
my dad was tall
his brother was tall
his brother's sons were tall
dad's dad was tall

Posted by: DB- just DB (iTXRQ) at July 08, 2021 02:18 PM (iTXRQ)

Michael Barone used to do this after every election

Except this one.
Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:18 PM (mR6Gs)


Such a mystery. COVID, I guess.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 02:18 PM (xVQEQ)

The thing I always admired about was his perspicacity in this one single regard. It's the only thing he's ever been smart about.

While he was running his first campaign (Mr. Coffee was rolling out their revolutionary electric "drip" coffeemaker that year), Biden began the process of farming out the graft to his brother and parents. Later, along with time and more success, he expanded that to his wives and children.

He has *always* been able to hide his rapacity with a broad buffer of friends and family. Extremely shrewd and forward-thinking, from the start onward.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 08, 2021 02:18 PM (Ink9N)

244 213 Is it possible that Joe Biden is an even worse person than has been thought?

Posted by: Northernlurkerish at July 08, 2021 02:12 PM (cSyAR)


The Biden Crime family (with the help of the Praetorian Guard media.) slipped under the radar while we were all focused on the Clinton Crime Family, Obama's Muslim Brotherhood, Soros, et. al.

Posted by: ShainS at July 08, 2021 02:18 PM (kXln2)

245 Wikipedia says the former name of Goucher is the Women's College of Baltimore.
Posted by: Hoid July 08, 2021 02:15 PM (41OwV)

Did he go before or after the name change?

Posted by: 496 at July 08, 2021 02:19 PM (U1eOr)

246 @joshdcaplan 4m

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) -- Two men believed to be Haitian Americans -- one of them purportedly a former bodyguard at the Canadian Embassy in Port au Prince -- have been arrested in connection with the assassination of Haiti's president, a senior Haitian official said Thursday.

Posted by: Tami at July 08, 2021 02:19 PM (cF8AT)

247 Every time Joey Bungles makes another huge blunder a flaming ice cream cone would be nice. With 2 scoops of Banana Republic ice cream.

Posted by: Dr Spank at July 08, 2021 02:19 PM (4b/iB)

248 Was Joe cheating on his first wife with Jill?
Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 01:50 PM (ptqGC)

For certain.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 08, 2021 02:19 PM (vjO0a)

249 236 Dave, ...
all the PR GOP and Dem election consulting gurus that get paid to do these post mortems for their respective parties - never did for 2020...funny that.
Posted by: Boswell at July 08, 2021 02:15 PM (5iUNf)

I'm eager for the next big installment.

Posted by: Braenyard at July 08, 2021 02:20 PM (ElqsY)

250 Sorry, but can a Haitian-America live in Haiti?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 02:20 PM (xVQEQ)

251 Two men believed to be Haitian Americans -- one of them purportedly a former bodyguard at the Canadian Embassy in Port au Prince -- have been arrested in connection with the assassination of Haiti's president, a senior Haitian official said Thursday.
Posted by: Tami at July 08, 2021 02:19 PM (cF8AT)

Have they found the legos yet?

Posted by: 496 at July 08, 2021 02:20 PM (U1eOr)

252 Rush tackled this years ago. When an R is prez the MSM runs stories about how your life may be good but your neighbors are suffering. When a D is in the White House they do the opposite

Also, when an R is president and the economy is good, they simply don't MENTION the economy
When an R is president and the economy has a hiccup--they go WALL to WALL with negative coverage.

Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:20 PM (mR6Gs)

253 Regarding the Idaho numbers, I'm just looking at official secretary of state numbers. 2016 votes, 2020 votes, 2016 registrations, and 2020 registrations.

When you look at registration changes and compare performance between parties, you get some interesting numbers.

Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 08, 2021 02:20 PM (5p7BC)

254 I saw Bringer-Backer open for Chumba Wumba at the Turf Club.

Posted by: johnd01 at July 08, 2021 02:20 PM (ukNFU)

255 Given Hunter's predilections, it's not difficult to question Joe Bidens sexual continence and chastity. Apples and trees and all that.

Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 02:20 PM (v61ip)

256 207 47% of the fucking country needs to start paying fucking taxes.
does that mean i need to declare my fucking? will there be an itemized fucking schedule?

Posted by: Comrade Anachronda, behind the Newsom curtain at July 08, 2021 02:21 PM (v3pYe)

257 228 From Joe Scarborough's twitter about Val Biden:

"Faith sees best in the dark." -- Val Biden quoting Kierkegaard on the Biden family's faith through their toughest times.
Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 08, 2021 02:16 PM (ptqGC)

So Joe Biden is sacrificing Hunter? I mean, if they're wanting to go full Kierkegaard here...

Posted by: 29Victor at July 08, 2021 02:21 PM (BJKQV)

258 241 I'm tall
my dad was tall
his brother was tall
his brother's sons were tall
dad's dad was tall
Posted by: DB- just DB (iTXRQ) at July 08, 2021 02:18 PM (iTXRQ)


Height supremacy > White supremacy

Posted by: ShainS at July 08, 2021 02:21 PM (kXln2)

259 hiya

Posted by: JT at July 08, 2021 02:21 PM (arJlL)

260 It's surprising the human race has done so well considering that the parents treat their children generally worse than most animals treat their children.

Posted by: jakee308 at July 08, 2021 02:21 PM (iDOB7)

261 Lego is just a fall guy. The real insurrection was planned with K-Nex

Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 02:21 PM (v61ip)

262 Not joking or being dirty for the sake of it, but I've read that all matters of 'size' come from the mother's side.
Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:07 PM (mR6Gs)

Sad part is the research was likely funded by the US government meaning you and I paid for it. Might be amusing to read the grant proposal.

Posted by: moon_over_vermont at July 08, 2021 02:22 PM (CwyYd)

263 Posted by: Comrade Anachronda, behind the Newsom curtain at July 08, 2021 02:21 PM (v3pYe)

It's called "thingy"

Posted by: 496 at July 08, 2021 02:22 PM (U1eOr)

264 248 Was Joe cheating on his first wife with Jill?
Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC)

He's pegged every living thing in his household.

Posted by: Braenyard, (ElqsY) at July 08, 2021 02:22 PM (ElqsY)

265 Wikipedia says the former name of Goucher is the Women's College of Baltimore.
Posted by: Hoid

"Goucher" slides off your tongue like a sweet lemon Lifesaver!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks aka Hangdog Barkston at July 08, 2021 02:22 PM (d9FiS)

266 Not the goldfish

Posted by: Braenyard, (ElqsY) at July 08, 2021 02:22 PM (ElqsY)

267 CNBC
Inflation's silver lining: higher salaries
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks


Posted by: rickb223 at July 08, 2021 02:22 PM (SMh/7)

268 Haitians are the second biggest buckets of pool diarrhea after somalis. Really disgusting "people".

Posted by: Joey Bidet at July 08, 2021 02:22 PM (Qt80h)

269 Wow.

Snorting coke, pounding skank whores, and being an artist that rolls in the dough.

What a guy!

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at July 08, 2021 02:23 PM (ufFY8)

270 Evil works best in the dark.

Posted by: ... at July 08, 2021 02:23 PM (1gBxb)

271 >>>47% of the fucking country needs to start paying fucking taxes.

"We can't stop here- this is fucking country."


Posted by: DB- just DB (iTXRQ) at July 08, 2021 02:23 PM (iTXRQ)

272 the second biggest buckets of pool diarrhea


I love this place.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 02:23 PM (xVQEQ)

Fucking taxes = (Gross Income - Government Taxes) = Net Income.

As it has always been and will ever be.

Sorry for the math, guys.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 08, 2021 02:23 PM (Ink9N)

274 248 Hey,AOP glad you're here. With the latest in killer disease being talked about, I saw a VW Variant the other day. Not many of those left.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at July 08, 2021 02:23 PM (I58tH)

275 Height supremacy > White supremacy
Posted by: ShainS

Shaq, Wilt Chamberlin and Yao Ming would like a word with you.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 08, 2021 02:24 PM (SMh/7)

276 does that mean i need to declare my fucking? will there be an itemized fucking schedule?

Posted by: Comrade Anachronda, behind the Newsom curtain at July 08, 2021 02:21 PM (v3pYe)


Different brackets based on marginal cum rate.

Posted by: ShainS at July 08, 2021 02:24 PM (kXln2)

277 Biden Crime Family strikes again

Posted by: Skip at July 08, 2021 02:24 PM (Cxk7w)

278 So, to date, all we have is the laughable claim that suburban GOP robotic voters fled Trump en masse - for *Joe Biden*? That's it?

They can't conceal the fact that Trump won Dem counties never before won by a GOP prez. Which kinda sorta simply does not compute if he's simultaneously losing GOP surburbanites (AND, somehow, ALSO simultaneously enjoying the highest partisan approval in history!).

I was wondering openly about when we'd see the election demo/political-geek post-mortems, way back in the winter, I think. Also, the JFK School traditional campaign manager's forum, which I believe hasn't happened. (try to imagine making that into any kind of believable discussion:

Trump campaign: well when we saw that almost half of our late campaign rally attendees were registered Democrats, it started to line up with all of our other data showing Trump's traction deep into historically Democratic-voting voters.

Biden campaign: we couldn't have the candidate interact with the public, obviously, and we hoped that the pretty bizarre and embarrassing "car rallies" we had wouldn't attract too much attention.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 08, 2021 02:24 PM (OTzUX)

279 On making everyone pay taxes. NO.

If for whatever reason you can avoid paying taxes there should be no penalty unless you're disobeying some law. Reason being a lot of those not paying taxes are POOR for whatever reason.

Making voting or any other citizen qualifier would be detrimental and counter to the ideals of the Constitution.

What could be done is to eliminate the incentives to avoid paying taxes. But not by a penalty but by some sort of incentive (and no voting should not be one)

Posted by: jakee308 at July 08, 2021 02:24 PM (iDOB7)

280 Syntax still matters - It's called a *tax fucking* and it happens to me every April

Posted by: 496 at July 08, 2021 02:24 PM (U1eOr)

281 "Goucher" slides off your tongue like a sweet lemon Lifesaver!
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks aka Hangdog Barkston at July 08, 2021 02:22 PM (d9FiS)

Goucher? I hardly know her!

Posted by: 29Victor at July 08, 2021 02:24 PM (BJKQV)

282 Cancer's secret lining : weight loss.

Posted by: Dr Spank at July 08, 2021 02:25 PM (4b/iB)

283 "Self respecting journalist"


Hahahahahahaha. Hoooooo. Hahahahaha

*falls on floor*

Posted by: Marcus T at July 08, 2021 02:25 PM (Fdwku)

284 I'd say 53% of people need to pay less taxes, actually.

Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 02:25 PM (v61ip)

285 Cancer's secret lining : weight loss.
Posted by: Dr Spank at July 08, 2021 02:25 PM (4b/iB)

No thanks

Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:25 PM (mR6Gs)

286 @CNBC
Inflation's silver lining: higher salaries
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks aka Hangdog Barkston at July 08, 2021 02:18 PM (d9FiS)

That's not how ANY of this works.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 08, 2021 02:25 PM (Zz0t1)

287 230 Gregor Mendel probably could tell us.
ah. gregor mendel. know *there's* a fellow who visualized whirled peas.

Posted by: Comrade Anachronda, behind the Newsom curtain at July 08, 2021 02:26 PM (v3pYe)

288 What could be done is to eliminate the incentives to avoid paying taxes. But not by a penalty but by some sort of incentive (and no voting should not be one)
Posted by: jakee308 at July 08, 2021 02:24 PM (iDOB7)

There's a pretty good book called "Skin in the Game." I highly recommend it.

Posted by: 29Victor at July 08, 2021 02:26 PM (BJKQV)

289 Speaking of the sunny side of life . . .

Jerry Dunleavy
Michael Avenatti is crying in the courtroom during his speech before sentencing.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks aka Hangdog Barkston at July 08, 2021 02:27 PM (d9FiS)

290 Shaq, Wilt Chamberlin and Yao Ming would like a word with you.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 08, 2021 02:24 PM (SMh/7)


Heh. My poor 5' 5" father, an extremely muscular ex-Marine, still had a Napoleonic Complex. Fortunately, my brothers and I all made it to 5'10" owing to my mother's father being about 6'.

Posted by: ShainS at July 08, 2021 02:27 PM (kXln2)

291 >>Inflation's silver lining: higher salaries
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks

I think Punchy actually started to suggest that the Government handouts increased salaries as if he should be thanked for that....then he trailed off in a mumble.

Posted by: Boswell at July 08, 2021 02:27 PM (5iUNf)

292 Former Stormy Daniels attorney Avenatti sentenced to two and a half years in prison over Nike scheme

Avenatti had previously been an attorney for Stormy Daniels in her suit against former President Donald Trump.

Posted by: artisanal ette at July 08, 2021 02:27 PM (9VFzC)

293 Why if inflation goes high enough your salary can be in the billions! You'll need a wheelbarrow to withdraw all your cash. Going to the ATM would take a lot longer.

And you need a panel van full of cash to buy a popsicle, but hey, details.

Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 02:27 PM (v61ip)

294 How about adding the most corrupt, compromised man in Washington to that list of titles? You know, besides King of Dementia.

Posted by: Marcus T at July 08, 2021 02:27 PM (Fdwku)

295 Jerry Dunleavy
Michael Avenatti is crying in the courtroom during his speech before sentencing.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks aka Hangdog Barkston at July 08, 2021 02:27 PM (d9FiS)

Cry me a river, you fucknut.

Hope you're a prison bitch. EVERY DAY.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at July 08, 2021 02:27 PM (Zz0t1)

296 Trump campaign: well when we saw that almost half of our late campaign rally attendees were registered Democrats, it started to line up with all of our other data showing Trump's traction deep into historically Democratic-voting voters.

If you only know one fact about the election, this is the one to know.

Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:27 PM (mR6Gs)

297 President Who Shit My Pants has been a complete scumbag for six, count 'em, six decades.

Posted by: President Orange Man Bad (Rheees Be Upon Him) at July 08, 2021 02:28 PM (jV+aN)

298 287 230 Gregor Mendel probably could tell us.
ah. gregor mendel. know *there's* a fellow who visualized whirled peas.
Posted by: Comrade Anachronda, behind the Newsom curtain at July 08, 2021 02:26 PM (v3pYe)

A pure gene-ious.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at July 08, 2021 02:28 PM (dfRN6)

299 Avenatti bawling like a little bitch before his sentencing is a video I need to see. Maybe multiple times.

Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 02:28 PM (v61ip)

300 The idea is to get gas and inflation rampant ASAP. Lose the house but maintain or capture the senate (based on # of seats Rs are defending).

Come 2024, people will be used to $4.50 gas. "Now that covid is wiped out, let me work on getting the economy fully repaired." Joe Biden

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at July 08, 2021 02:28 PM (Lu2IP)

301 292 That's some funny stuff

Posted by: Skip at July 08, 2021 02:28 PM (Cxk7w)

302 Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 02:27 PM (v61ip)

Exactly. But that was written for CNBC viewers/readers so they'll just think "Yay - More money!"

People gotta think. But they don't.

Posted by: 496 at July 08, 2021 02:29 PM (U1eOr)

303 One suggestion to stop the Hunter Biden painting scam: flood the market with forgeries.

Posted by: Bladders! Bladders Full Of Hot gp! at July 08, 2021 02:29 PM (qpX6U)

304 I'm fine with poor people and other non-taxpaying citizens having one vote.

And people who do pay taxes are allowed three, four, or five depending on income (billionaires can have five votes per individual since I'm a giver).

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 02:29 PM (xVQEQ)

305 Hey everybody! Hey ace!

Broseidon, isn't that delicious???

Posted by: qdpsteve at July 08, 2021 02:29 PM (L2ZTs)

306 CNBC
Inflation's silver lining: higher salaries
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks aka Hangdog Barkston at July 08, 2021 02:18 PM (d9FiS)

We need to start describing the problem correctly. Inflation is not the price of everything going up, it is the value of our money going down. What has happened to the value of our currency in the time I've been alive is nothing short of criminal.

Posted by: moon_over_vermont at July 08, 2021 02:29 PM (CwyYd)

307 another one of those, but of course!

Calif. transgender prisoner law: Biological males attacking female inmates, says women's advocate

"No one's listening" to the female inmates terrified of the violent men transferring to their prisons, said Lauren Adams, legal counsel for the Women's Liberation Front.

As biological males who identify as transgender women or nonbinary are being transferred upon request to female prisons in California, biologically female inmates have been assaulted by these new transfers, says Lauren Adams, Legal Counsel for the Women's Liberation Front (WoLF).

Following a California law that went into effect on Jan. 1 allowing inmates to use their claimed gender identity to determine whether they are incarcerated in men's or women's facilities, there have been 261 prison transfer applications. All but six were to be transferred to women's prisons, Fox News reported. At least 26 men have been transferred, but it may be more, Adams told the John Solomon Reports podcast Wednesday.
--- Just The News

California... keep it up

Posted by: artisanal ette at July 08, 2021 02:29 PM (9VFzC)

308 We should all be able to live as well as Joe and Jill on such paltry incomes. They've managed to live like royalty while claiming to be "poor."

No one was as poor as us when we left the White House!!


Posted by: Hillary at July 08, 2021 02:30 PM (IytoW)

309 Women's prison movies are going to be very different in the future...

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 02:30 PM (LvTSG)

310 303 One suggestion to stop the Hunter Biden painting scam: flood the market with forgeries.
Won't work. Its not the paintings they're buying. Its Biden.

Posted by: Puddin Head at July 08, 2021 02:30 PM (/MaDp)

311 267 CNBC
Inflation's silver lining: higher salaries
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks

Posted by: rickb223 at July 08, 2021 02:22 PM (SMh/7)

In the boardrooms of Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter...

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at July 08, 2021 02:30 PM (DTX3h)

312 Should Avenatti get his own topic? He's such a fucking nobody now that he's been completely cast aside, but on the other hand laughing at him is really fun. I'm torn.

Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 02:30 PM (v61ip)

313 Yesterday at his blog, Jeffy Wells was openly wishing for unvaxxed conservatives to die.

Not sure which would be the better personal response: don't get vaxxed? OR, get vaxxed... and get a gun.

Posted by: qdpsteve at July 08, 2021 02:30 PM (L2ZTs)

314 296 Trump campaign: well when we saw that almost half of our late campaign rally attendees were registered Democrats, it started to line up with all of our other data showing Trump's traction deep into historically Democratic-voting voters.

If you only know one fact about the election, this is the one to know.
Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:27 PM (mR6Gs)

Yeah. Trump got his huge numbers by getting massive crossover voting from the D demographics. I believe this would be incredibly difficult for other Rs to replicate.

In consequence, Biden would've needed to get 25 million new voters compared to 2016.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy (z5Vrg) - The Republic is Already Dead at July 08, 2021 02:30 PM (z5Vrg)

315 Broseidon, I say go full delicto flagrante with Avenatti. The man cannot be humiliated enough.

Also helps that his "client" Stormy will be workin' the pole 'til she's 115 to pay the bills courts stuck her with.

Posted by: qdpsteve at July 08, 2021 02:31 PM (L2ZTs)

316 296 Trump campaign: well when we saw that almost half of our late campaign rally attendees were registered Democrats, it started to line up with all of our other data showing Trump's traction deep into historically Democratic-voting voters.

If you only know one fact about the election, this is the one to know.
Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:27 PM (mR6Gs)

And a very good reason he should be the 2024 candidate.

Posted by: Braenyard, (ElqsY) at July 08, 2021 02:32 PM (ElqsY)

317 47% of the fucking country needs to start paying fucking taxes.

Well, that leaves me out.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 08, 2021 02:32 PM (2JVJo)

318 Bia Den (who shit my bdu's?) says US War in Afghanistan will end August 31st.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 08, 2021 02:32 PM (SMh/7)

319 When Joe Biden passes away, will the auction prices of Hunter Biden paintings go up, or go down?

Posted by: Bladders! Bladders Full Of Hot gp! at July 08, 2021 02:32 PM (qpX6U)

320 Yesterday at his blog, Jeffy Wells was openly wishing for unvaxxed conservatives to die.


I suspect a LOT of those folks have buyers remorse over their enthusiastic injections and are pissed off that other people aren't In This Together with their decision.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Don't look away. Your friends and family were made to die on purpose at July 08, 2021 02:32 PM (xVQEQ)

321 Churches Across Canada Being Torched By Antifa-Style Terrorists, Left Wing Government Cheers Them On

Trudeau bonfires.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks aka Hangdog Barkston at July 08, 2021 02:32 PM (d9FiS)

322 "There are almost no 'self-respecting journalists.' They are determined, vicious partisans, acting as State Media for the Democrat Party."

I'm beginning to wonder how many are actual wholly owned (but disguised) subsidiaries of the DNC. Kinda like the CIA/FBI/IC. They are employees of the party. At this point CNNMSNBC are essentially fronts for the DNC. Wouldn't surprise me that some tax dollars are being funneled their way though some "buffers".

And how many, if not proxy hires by an owned "media" extension, are contracted as actual agents for the DNC above and beyond philosophical unity. I mean, look at the "academic" who went after George Papadopoulos. He was a contracted government agent. Does anyone believe there are no MFM people on Federal payroll for the express purpose of investigating/spying on targeted Americans under the guise of Free Press?

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Ashli Babbitt at July 08, 2021 02:33 PM (aXxgO)

323 They are chasing the Trump Organizations CFO for what amounts to a few hundred dollars a year in fringe benefits. That's something that's never been done before. There are no criminal prosecutions on record. But Biden's son with no other measurable talent except doinking whores, doing meth and grifting, collects millions from foreign governments, peels off a portion to his demented father and, in violation of IRS regulations doesn't report it. But that's totes ok with the media.

Posted by: Marcus T at July 08, 2021 02:33 PM (Fdwku)

324 316 296 Trump campaign: well when we saw that almost half of our late campaign rally attendees were registered Democrats, it started to line up with all of our other data showing Trump's traction deep into historically Democratic-voting voters.

If you only know one fact about the election, this is the one to know.
Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:27 PM (mR6Gs)

And a very good reason he should be the 2024 candidate.
That, and he took 40% of the Hispanic vote. You Texas and Florida understand this.

Posted by: Puddin Head at July 08, 2021 02:33 PM (/MaDp)

Inflation's silver lining: higher salaries

Zimbabwe bucks

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 08, 2021 02:33 PM (63Dwl)

326 And yes, yes I will ask anyone I ever meet from Delaware just 2hat the fuck is wrong with them.

Posted by: (jV+aN) President Orange Man Bad (Rheees Be Upon Him) at July 08, 2021 02:34 PM (jV+aN)

327 >>>Hope you're a prison bitch. EVERY DAY.

Gonna profess ignorance, but is this really a thing? I mean, I saw Shawshank, etc... but that's hollywood. Hollywood also tells us that the FIB are the smartest, most athletic people on earth.

How much of that is just plain made up?

Posted by: 496 at July 08, 2021 02:34 PM (U1eOr)

328 This is just one tidbit in a long list of why the MSM never talks about the ACTUAL nuts and bolts of the election and keeps it to the vague "Biden BEAT Trump fair and square and it's a CONSPIRACY THEORY to believe otherwise, you domestic terrorist you!"

Posted by: JoeF. at July 08, 2021 02:12 PM (mR6Gs)

Totally agree. The story of just how Joe overcame these numbers and turned out millions of new Dem voters would be too good to ignore. If it was true.

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at July 08, 2021 02:34 PM (uhPTO)

329 >>>Bia Den (who shit my bdu's?) says US War in Afghanistan will end August 31st.

who won?

Posted by: DB- just DB (iTXRQ) at July 08, 2021 02:34 PM (iTXRQ)

330 re: PA

The voter rolls are packed with "voters" all registered on the exact same date 20, 30 years ago who all have miraculously not moved in decades. Like 20-50k of them in a single county alone. No fucking way are those legit.

Posted by: somedood at July 08, 2021 02:34 PM (K2Qh2)

331 248 Was Joe cheating on his first wife with Jill?
Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC)

We don't know for sure, but the circumstantial evidence strongly points to yes.

Bill Stevenson, Jill's then-husband, wrote in his autobiography that Jill and Joe first met when Jill and Bill Stevenson volunteered to work on Joe's first senate campaign. Joe's wife Neilia was very much alive at that time, and both Jill and Bill met her. Jill spent time working on the campaign out of Joe and Neilia's home, at their kitchen table.

Bill Stevenson does not know when Jill and Joe began screwing each other, but Bill first learned of the affair shortly after the death of Neilia. He says Jill had been spending a lot of time with Joe, and had been babysitting the Biden boys Hunter and Beau, while Joe was setting up his new senate office. Bill got a call one day from his mechanic, who told him that Jill had just brought in her Corvette (a gift to her from Bill) for some accident repairs. The accident had been caused by Joe Biden's driving. Bill confronted Jill and she admitted the affair to him, and Bill told her to move out.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 08, 2021 02:34 PM (k4dH2)

332 Bia Den (who shit my bdu's?) says US War in Afghanistan will end August 31st.

who won?
Posted by: DB

If you have to ask....

Posted by: rickb223 at July 08, 2021 02:34 PM (SMh/7)

333 Cretins like Avenatti really, strongly, fervently believe that they are the good guys.

He is probably flabbergasted that anyone could find him guilty of anything.

I mean, what's a little fraud here and there when you're trying to save the world, right?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 08, 2021 02:35 PM (6FeV1)

334 >How much of that is just plain made up?
Posted by: 496

prison rape is a real thing

Posted by: DB- just DB (iTXRQ) at July 08, 2021 02:35 PM (iTXRQ)

335 California... keep it up
Posted by: artisanal ette at July 08, 2021 02:29 PM (9VFzC)

Apparently that's not a problem. It's keeping it DOWN that is.

I'm surprised they're keeping anyone in prison anymore.

The majority of inmates are there for drug crimes. Just keep the violent and let the drug dealers/users/assorted posse members go.

Posted by: jakee308 at July 08, 2021 02:35 PM (iDOB7)

336 That's "one time Dem Presidential front-runner" Michael Avenatti!

Hunter/Avenatti 2024 -- Two Degenerates for the Price of One!

Posted by: ShainS at July 08, 2021 02:35 PM (kXln2)

337 325
Inflation's silver lining: higher salaries

Zimbabwe bucks
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 08, 2021 02:33 PM (63Dwl)

Seriously. It's like one of those old Soviet jokes, except they're not actually in on the joke.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 08, 2021 02:36 PM (6FeV1)

338 I believe this would be incredibly difficult for other Rs to replicate.

Are you insinuating that K Street crony capitalism and a party platform consisting solely of opposition to increased taxes on capital gains doesn't resonate with the common man?

Posted by: Mitt Romney, Jeb!, and Associates at July 08, 2021 02:36 PM (QU5/8)

339 We know that a lot of "authors" have used ghost writers in the past. How do we know that Hunter hasn't used a ghost artist?

His work looks amateurish, but it could have been made purposefully amateurish.

Posted by: brio at July 08, 2021 02:36 PM (WuxYF)

340 I think the steady accumulation of evidence should reach a tipping point beyond which no self-respecting journalist can keep ignoring it

Well, there's your first problem right there

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 08, 2021 02:36 PM (KZzsI)

341 111 There's a chance Beau was insulated from the corruption since he was being groomed for higher office. Hunter clearly doesn't have the responsibility to be a dog catcher, so no worries about damaging his political career.
Posted by: Broseidon at July 08, 2021 01:53 PM

Maybe, but to me, the situation compares to JFK running after older brother Joe, groomed by his dad to be president, died in the plane crash. If the whole family is corrupt, I don't think it's possible.

Posted by: Moonbeam at July 08, 2021 02:37 PM (qe5CM)

342 The Handlers are stoking inoculation angst.

Posted by: Braenyard, (ElqsY) at July 08, 2021 02:37 PM (ElqsY)

343 Journalists deserve nothing more than the same vicious pain they've inflicted on the citizens of our country. They are dishonest, partisan fanatics who have sold their soul and sold us out for their political party.

Posted by: Marcus T at July 08, 2021 02:37 PM (Fdwku)

344 prison rape is a real thing
Posted by: DB- just DB (iTXRQ) at July 08, 2021 02:35 PM (iTXRQ)

I guess I knew that. I mean that the movies make it seem like it's the only thing that goes on there.

Posted by: 496 at July 08, 2021 02:38 PM (U1eOr)

345 329 >>>Bia Den (who shit my bdu's?) says US War in Afghanistan will end August 31st.

who won?
Posted by: DB- just DB (iTXRQ) at July 08, 2021 02:34 PM (iTXRQ)

Opium vendors.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at July 08, 2021 02:38 PM (DTX3h)

346 Stormy will be workin' the pole 'til she's 115 to pay the bills courts stuck her with.

Makin' a livin' the old, hard way
Takin' and givin' by day by day
I dig snow and rain and my dirty hole
Workin' the pole (Workin' the pole)

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks aka Hangdog Barkston at July 08, 2021 02:38 PM (d9FiS)

347 PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) -- Two men believed to be Haitian Americans -- one of them purportedly a former bodyguard at the Canadian Embassy in Port au Prince -- have been arrested in connection with the assassination of Haiti's president, a senior Haitian official said Thursday.
Posted by: Tami at July 08, 2021 02:19 PM (cF8AT)

So they found a couple of fall guys. Now, we need to know who really did it.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 08, 2021 02:38 PM (C+5lX)

348 Nood

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 08, 2021 02:38 PM (vBO1h)

349 If HB paintings are sold only to launder graft, then that should show up in low auction prices. Secondary market would not buy at the graft-premium first-buyer price.

Posted by: Bladders! Bladders Full Of Hot gp! at July 08, 2021 02:39 PM (qpX6U)

350 Zimbabwe bucks

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 08, 2021 02:33 PM (63Dwl)


I expect to see DogEater's smug mug appropriately on the $100 trillion feral reserve note in my lifetime.

Posted by: ShainS at July 08, 2021 02:39 PM (kXln2)

351 Just heard of a story: "Ohio allows doctors to deny LGBTQ healthcare on moral grounds."

Posted by: qdpsteve at July 08, 2021 02:39 PM (L2ZTs)

352 340 I think the steady accumulation of evidence should reach a tipping point beyond which no self-respecting journalist can keep ignoring it

Well, there's your first problem right there
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 08, 2021 02:36 PM (KZzsI)

Shouldn't it be the fucking *journalists* who accumulate the evidence? And the stubborn audience who reaches the tipping point as a result?

The very fact that we have to talk about "journalists" reaching some mythical "tipping point" where they actually do their fucking job is absurd.

They're not "unconvinced". They're not "skeptical". There's no evidence that would possibly make them change their tune. They are fighting in the enemy's army. They know exactly what they are doing.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 08, 2021 02:39 PM (6FeV1)

353 Beau was the best looking, had manners and the patina of character. Below the fluff he was all Biden.

Posted by: Braenyard, (ElqsY) at July 08, 2021 02:39 PM (ElqsY)

354 NOOD!

Posted by: Moonbeam at July 08, 2021 02:39 PM (qe5CM)

355 Hey,AOP glad you're here. With the latest in killer disease being talked about, I saw a VW Variant the other day. Not many of those left.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at July 08, 2021 02:23 PM (I58tH)

Heh. I saw a Skoda on Tuesday. Driving on the road!

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 08, 2021 02:39 PM (C+5lX)

356 Despite the fact that many people in Delaware, including Jill's ex-husband Bill Stevenson, knew that Jill had met and knew Joe Biden while working on his first senate campaign when Joe's wife Neilia was still alive, both Jill and Joe Biden have claimed for decades that they met each other for the first time years after Neilia's death, after Joe saw Jill's photo on a billboard in the airport, and asked somebody for her phone number.

Why lie about when and how they met, unless they have something to hide?

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 08, 2021 02:39 PM (k4dH2)

357 You can buy a Norman Rockwell painting for between 300k and 600k.

Posted by: Just a side note at July 08, 2021 02:40 PM (2DOZq)

358 Ol' Joe never was one to let sleeping dogs lie.

Posted by: Braenyard, (ElqsY) at July 08, 2021 02:42 PM (ElqsY)

359 349 If HB paintings are sold only to launder graft, then that should show up in low auction prices. Secondary market would not buy at the graft-premium first-buyer price.
Posted by: Bladders! Bladders Full Of Hot gp! at July 08, 2021 02:39 PM

There will be no secondary market. The first purchase is the only one that matters.

Posted by: Moonbeam at July 08, 2021 02:42 PM (qe5CM)

360 Dave, you realize if you actually start analyzing the election numbers, by demographics, county by county - state by state - and then actually write up a "what happened" - you'd be the first. Because all the PR GOP and Dem election consulting gurus that get paid to do these post mortems for their respective parties - never did for 2020...funny that.
Posted by: Boswell
Well I have a hefty bit of state analysis that I am starting to write up, I've been looking at the data for a few days.

But today I headed down the registration changes data rabbit hole to see if I could find some further insight in some odd results I'm seeing.

Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 08, 2021 02:42 PM (5p7BC)

361 >>They are chasing the Trump Organizations CFO for what amounts to a few hundred dollars a year in fringe benefits.

Correct - they are trying to prosecute something the IRS has never prosecuted. And much of the case rests on the impossible proposition that his travel into NYC for work is not a deductible expense by suggested the CFO was a secret resident of the NY

Posted by: Boswell at July 08, 2021 02:43 PM (5iUNf)

362 Women's prison movies are going to be very different in the future...
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at July 08, 2021 02:30 PM

A derelict women's penal colony spaceship encounters aliens ...

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 08, 2021 02:43 PM (DMUuz)

363 Couples that train together, stay together. (Sidebar Women having orgasms while working out also men can too).

Orgasm at the Gym? It's the Female Coregasm!
Men's Health explains why women can have orgasms while working out. The female coregasm, explained and demystified for your (and her) enjoyment

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at July 08, 2021 02:45 PM (7/1Wu)

364 We know that a lot of "authors" have used ghost writers in the past. How do we know that Hunter hasn't used a ghost artist?

His work looks amateurish, but it could have been made purposefully amateurish.
Posted by: brio at July 08, 2021 02:36 PM (WuxYF)

It doesn't matter. The "buyers" aren't buying art; they are buying access.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 08, 2021 02:46 PM (C+5lX)

365 But today I headed down the registration changes data rabbit hole to see if I could find some further insight in some odd results I'm seeing.
Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 08, 2021 02:42 PM (5p7BC)

Yeah, and the voter demographic data from Nov 2020 is going to be hard to obtain, I think. I am sure that consultants for both the RNC and DNC gathered it as best they could, but discarded it or hid it once the cheat was evident, because that makes this data either hard to analyze effectively or more simply, just garbage that points to the cheat that shall not be named.

Posted by: Boswell at July 08, 2021 02:48 PM (5iUNf)

366 Wondering how those JRB bills paid by Hunter were expensed on his tax returnzzzz. Wondering if those bills and maintenance costs for JRB were reported as income once it exceeded the gift allowance....

Posted by: Java Joe at July 08, 2021 03:15 PM (nm5or)

367 So, as I've said before, I love the input from the day walkers. So much fantastic info!
I just tend to do better during the ONT.
Sometimes one just needs that light-hearted banter.
I'm guessing I'll see many of you later.
Thanks again for the best info on the interwebs!
Gotta totally love AoSHQ!

Posted by: COMountainMarie at July 08, 2021 03:48 PM (wAcdS)

368 Thanks for the good writeup. It actually used to be a entertainment account it.
Look complicated to far added agreeable from you! By the way, how
can we keep up a correspondence?

Posted by: Unblock at July 11, 2021 07:32 PM (ptMI4)

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