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What Can We Do?

It is tempting to lash out and agitate for the most aggressive and combative reactions to what is almost certainly a concerted effort to subvert the rule of law and steal the votes of millions of Americans. It is ironic that the Left in America has accused the Republican party of disenfranchisement for two generations, yet they have demonstrated that exact thing over the last week.

Because that is what has happened. Flooding the count with huge numbers of fraudulent ballots, undercounting Trump strongholds and overcounting Biden-supporting areas are functionally identical to voter intimidation, poll taxes, literacy tests and all of the things that traditionally are considered illegal impediments to free and fair elections.

With the addition of a hostile Fourth Estate that is almost unanimous in its hatred of Trump and support for the Democrat Party and its machinations, and a corporate social media complex that reminds one of Nazi Germany's captive industrial base, it is tempting to throw up one's hands and surrender, or agitate for more direct and violent action.

That is not the topic today; giving up is not an option when American Exceptionalism still lives...however attenuated it may be. And violence is absolutely the last option; I doubt anyone wants to revisit the Civil War.

But there are things we can do. Support President Trump with your voice, and your wallet if necessary. Write letters, call representatives, attend rallies, create more formal groups of like-minded Americans, rather than the traditional loose-knit groups that conservatives tend toward. We are individuals, and organizing is not our first nature...but now it needs to be!

Supporting alternative media sources is vital. OANN, NewsMax, and the various conservative websites and blogs provide a voice for those who have been marginalized by the traditional media.

One of the significant barriers to repairing the obvious structural advantages of the Democrat Party is the natural inclination of Democrats to work in government, and the equally natural disinclination of conservatives to seek employment in the most dysfunctional and least efficient segments of our economy. But that is where the power to manipulate elections resides. Government clerks and functionaries who manage the voting process are overwhelmingly Democrat, and until that changes we are at a significant disadvantage. How to change that is something that we need to examine, but at the very least, a robust presence of Republicans and conservatives at the polls to counter, at least a little bit, the overwhelming numbers of Democrats embedded in the structure of our election process is the minimum.

Hannah Arendt was correct (though incomplete) in her characterization: "The banality of evil." These are ordinary people who have accepted the profound disconnect between their actions and a moral and decent society. They are not murderers, but they are complicit in the murder of our constitutional republic.

But most of all we must be "The Happy Warrior," who:

Finds comfort in himself and in his cause;

And, while the mortal mist is gathering, draws

His breath in confidence of Heaven's applause:

This is the happy Warrior; this is he

That every man in arms should wish to be.

Posted by: CBD at 12:00 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Thanks.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 08, 2020 12:01 PM (A5zUN)

2 I want war! sorry I am not conciliatory.

Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 12:02 PM (l4l/z)

3 What can we do?

Hide your husbands, hide your wives, hide you chilluns....

Joe Biden be raping errbody up in here.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at November 08, 2020 12:02 PM (R/m4+)

4 I nooded the others.

Posted by: olddog in mo, uckfay ancercay at November 08, 2020 12:02 PM (iEx0u)

5 The nation is never going to be united again.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at November 08, 2020 12:02 PM (svbBD)

6 "How to change that is something that we need to examine, but at the
very least, a robust presence of Republicans and conservatives at the
polls to counter, at least a little bit, the overwhelming numbers of
Democrats embedded in the structure of our election process is the

We keep supporting these two useless parties, nothing is going to change.

Posted by: lowandslow at November 08, 2020 12:03 PM (qH6FZ)

7 You can take that GOPe Happy Warrior schlock and stuff up your poop shoot!

Posted by: PacosMojo at November 08, 2020 12:04 PM (F8bEJ)

8 You write like there is some future here. The Democrats winning invalidates anything in the future. We never again win anything..they will just manufacture votes and win. And we will move on.

Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 12:04 PM (l4l/z)

9 Really interesting read on InstaPundit that says that Biden's Poll data isn't an improbability but an actual IMPOSSIBILITY:

Posted by: Mr Obvious at November 08, 2020 12:05 PM (k+h+d)

10 I agree with #7.

Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 12:05 PM (l4l/z)

11 "One of the significant barriers to repairing the obvious structural advantages of the Democrat Party is the natural inclination of Democrats to work in government, and the equally natural disinclination of conservatives to seek employment in the most dysfunctional and least efficient segments of our economy."

This is a good. And also applicable to education.

Although if I had to do it over again, I'd go work for the federal govt straight out of college. Lifetime job guarantee, guaranteed raise every year, always out of the office at 5:01pm, and retire at 50 with a full pension.

I wish someone had sat me down when I was 25 and told me that. Because I had no idea gubmt could se so lucrative. I'm not making that mistake with my kids.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:06 PM (22mNy)

12 I am a happy warrior among the leaves of green...

Posted by: db at November 08, 2020 12:06 PM (E0PSG)

13 Walked by one of the historic downtown homes (full of libs) and next to their biden flag was a "Decency Wins" flag. I tried to get my dog to sh*t on their lawn but he was already cleaned out.

Posted by: Russkilitlover at November 08, 2020 12:07 PM (99Nt9)

14 thank yoy CBD

Posted by: vmom FIGHT FOR TRUMP! at November 08, 2020 12:07 PM (nUhF0)

15 This was mentioned in the EMT. This guy says they have the goods on election fraud.

Posted by: olddog in mo, uckfay ancercay at November 08, 2020 12:07 PM (iEx0u)

16 Not sure that "be like them" is a great strategy for a group of people who's political philosophy, boiled down is simply. "Fuck you! I won't do what you tell me!" Not sure we cats can be organized.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at November 08, 2020 12:08 PM (7o4Oo)

17 After four years of "Russia stole the election!" we are now told it is "unhinged" to think there is election fraud at work against us.

After four years of "deplatform and demonetize" Republicans, "cancel" their careers, end their employment, doxx their addresses and harass them at night in their homes, we are now told to be "at peace" with our fellow Americans.

After four years of one coup attempt after another, we are accused of "an open coup" attempt because we want an honest vote count.

Well, Fuck You. War.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Fopps News Sucks at November 08, 2020 12:08 PM (ZKXrk)

Name me one happy warrior in history not associated with the political world?

Posted by: DAK at November 08, 2020 12:09 PM (PtOP4)

19 From American Thinker that I think ties into what CBD wrote:

Reminder to Christian conservatives: Too much compromise will kill you

From Rabbi Areyeh Spero:
Trump-supporters prayers were answered. Now it's time to follow through

Posted by: SMH at November 08, 2020 12:09 PM (RU4sa)

20 I plan on donating to every single "Help us fight Socialism" request.

just kidding.

I'm not doing that.

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at November 08, 2020 12:09 PM (oAY8z)

21 The Dems are doing the old Assume the Sale trick.

Posted by: davidt at November 08, 2020 12:09 PM (l3+k2)

22 I admire and appreciate those who say violence can and should be avoided because of its cost, but i think they're mistaken or misguided.
War is an awful thing, yes. But it is not the worst of things.
There are worse things than war, such as tyranny and oppression. Make no mistake, we are being oppressed by a tyrannical power which means to see us dead.

Posted by: Washington Nearsider, fuck you, war. at November 08, 2020 12:09 PM (tpneH)

23 13 Walked by one of the historic downtown homes (full of libs) and next to their biden flag was a "Decency Wins" flag. I tried to get my dog to sh*t on their lawn but he was already cleaned out.
Posted by: Russkilitlover at November 08, 2020 12:07 PM (99Nt9)


I like in such a 'hood. Last night was like 4th of July. Fireworks well into the night. I haven't seen any fags like that though. Probably being delivered from Amazon as I type.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:09 PM (22mNy)

24 Sorry. I want people shot or hanged. Fuck peaceful. I will argue for violence. It's the only thing they understand.

Posted by: Justsayin' at November 08, 2020 12:09 PM (Fs5vw)

25 This is the line to die on. No future election can be trusted or won with Democrat-engineered software glitches.
Trump always remains standing no matter what the left lobs at him.

American democracy is at stake.

Posted by: Valiant at November 08, 2020 12:10 PM (3MiF8)

26 My pastor preached an amazing Sermon on forgiveness today.

I think that while we fight against the monsters, we don't become monsters ourselves, filled with bitterness and personal revenge.

I like CBD's happy warrior quote. While we go to war against injustice and evil, we can still do it from a positive place.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:10 PM (9hauA)

27 seriously, if we need to spread despair and gloom - let's spread it to the enemy

and help each other stay in fighting spirits

Posted by: vmom FIGHT FOR TRUMP! at November 08, 2020 12:10 PM (nUhF0)

28 Most effective thing we can do is unabashedly state, publicly in casual conversation, that this election was stolen. Don't back down from the resulting confrontation. For cryin' out loud - don't be quiet just to be polite.

Posted by: English Lycanthrope at November 08, 2020 12:10 PM (zoiGB)

29 "One of the significant barriers to repairing the obvious structural advantages of the Democrat Party is the natural inclination of Democrats to work in government, and the equally natural disinclination of conservatives to seek employment in the most dysfunctional and least efficient segments of our economy."

I'd say its the most significant barrier. Plus, even if conservatives were inclined to work in government offices, guess who controls the HR departments, and therefore keeps conservatives out? Its a conundrum.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist at November 08, 2020 12:10 PM (OssQ4)

30 I don't want to be a happy warrior. I want veins in my teeth.

Posted by: f'd at November 08, 2020 12:10 PM (99fOP)

31 " ... giving up is not an option ... "


Posted by: sock_rat_eez, we are being gaslighted 24/365 at November 08, 2020 12:11 PM (6psdy)

32 Amazon has fag delivery? Why didn't anyone tell me sooner?

Posted by: Shep! at November 08, 2020 12:11 PM (T2IeR)

33 lol
flags are being delivered

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:11 PM (22mNy)

34 We need to think small not big. The left has been at this for 70+ years. They did not gain control overnight and we will not regain control overnight. We need to recognize that academia, the MSM, and Hollywood are corrupt beyond redemption. We need alternatives, not conservative alternatives, but broad-based alternatives based on principles of excellence. The left employed lots of excellent screenwriters to advance its agenda subtly. We need to be firm. This election was stolen. Biden is illegitimate. His government is a fraud. Anyone who supports what was done is a co-conspirator (not the people who voted for Biden by aided and abetted the fraud). The other thing we all must do is mock the left mercilessly, from Bezos to Biden, from the NYT to Harvard. They have hired based on ideology and not merit. Most of all, we must personally explain to whoever will listen to why freedom is better, why central planning always creates Venezuela. Every single time. And point out that the left pulled level it could for months to elect a man with active dementia, who is a serial groper of women and little girls and is as corrupt as any politician in American history. They did not carry him over the finish line; they stole the trophy and handed it him without even running the race.

Posted by: iandeal at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (vgGyZ)

35 I have been struggling the past week. I work best when I have a problem to work on.

Problem: Widespread systematic corruption has led to an outcome which is in direct contravention to a majority of the people's wish.

Solution: Allow Trump to use the mechanisms present in that system (corrupt, etc) to remedy the problem.

I think you can all see the issues with this solution.

Problem: Ok, if that does not work, what do you do?

Proposed solution: I think we need to, starting right now, start organizing without the use of the internet. One of the benefits of the modern era is that we are connected in more ways than ever before. The odd downside is that we are less connected at a local level than ever before.

We need to start marching. The purpose of these marches is not just to make our displeasure known, but also to start forming these human connections and establish lines of communication that it is hard to fuck with.

I first thought of a grand march on Washington, and while that would be dramatic, you would not actually be getting most people. Even if you got a million to go, that leaves 69 million of our brethren watching the thing through the media. This is not ideal or a way to start building will.

Divide the country into districts. Center each one on a state capitol. Make the range of each district 1-200 miles (make it somewhat easy driving distance.) Everyone goes. Start 'networking'.

Whatever comes after, that is another problem, but at least you have utilized the time to organize and start to develop a structure for the solution to what comes after.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (A5zUN)

36 The nation is never going to be united again.
Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee

No it's not. Time to admit it and split it.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (PCof0)

37 You can take that GOPe Happy Warrior schlock and stuff up your poop shoot!

Posted by: PacosMojo at November 08, 2020 12:04 PM (F8bEJ)

Who said GOPe? Not I.

Learn to read.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (xT2tT)

38 Happy Birthday, vmom!

And JJ.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (9hauA)

39 If the gangsters succeed, the collapse will come sooner rather than later.

Posted by: davidt at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (l3+k2)

40 I like CBD's happy warrior quote. While we go to war against injustice and evil, we can still do it from a positive place.

Hard pass. We didn't win WWII with positivity.

Posted by: English Lycanthrope at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (zoiGB)

41 {{{{AnnaS}}}}

it may be that that is our fate
but that day is not yet
give your despair to the enemy
take heart in Trump's courage
put your faith in God

Posted by: vmom FIGHT FOR TRUMP! at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (nUhF0)

42 We just want you to unify under our absolute power.

And we're done asking.

Posted by: DNC MEDIA COMPLEX at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (HO4gs)

43 To quote a very wise man:

We can not let the cure be worse than the disease

Posted by: db at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (E0PSG)

44 29 "One of the significant barriers to repairing the obvious structural advantages of the Democrat Party is the natural inclination of Democrats to work in government, and the equally natural disinclination of conservatives to seek employment in the most dysfunctional and least efficient segments of our economy."

I'd say its the most significant barrier. Plus, even if conservatives were inclined to work in government offices, guess who controls the HR departments, and therefore keeps conservatives out? Its a conundrum.
Posted by: Taqiyyologist at November 08, 2020 12:10 PM (OssQ4)

Then the size and scope of government at all levels needs to be systematically reduced. PDT has been doing an admirable job in reducing regulations. We need to start reducing actual departments and offices and administrations and bureaus. Combine them, defund them, and depopulate them so that they have difficulty in carrying out their stated missions.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (jK8Z7)

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:10 PM (9hauA)

I think that while we fight against the monsters, we don't become monsters ourselves, filled with bitterness and personal revenge.

I'm struggling with this bigly.

Posted by: Spypeach at November 08, 2020 12:13 PM (Up/Jb)

46 thank you chique!
is also Captain Hate's bday

Posted by: vmom FIGHT FOR TRUMP! at November 08, 2020 12:13 PM (nUhF0)

47 I don't want to be a happy warrior. I want veins in my teeth.
Posted by: f'd at November 08, 2020 12:10 PM (99fOP)

Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth: break out the great teeth of the young lions, O Lord.
-- Psalms 58:6

Posted by: DR.WTF at November 08, 2020 12:13 PM (AiZBA)

48 Um, guys, war is the root word for warrior. CBD isn't saying don't fight.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:13 PM (9hauA)

49 Even if Trump doesn't prevail he needs to at least put forth enough evidence that people will question the election. That will be a victory in and of itself.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:13 PM (22mNy)

50 5 The nation is never going to be united again.
Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at November 08, 2020 12:02 PM (svbBD)

But right after he called us all Nazis, Biden said he would unite the country!


Not my President.

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 08, 2020 12:14 PM (NgKpN)

51 >> No it's not. Time to admit it and split it.

Yeah, why can't we? Obviously we have two different missions.

Posted by: DJ at November 08, 2020 12:14 PM (O3/K+)

52 Happy Birthday, Captain Hate!

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:14 PM (9hauA)

53 Scott Adams latest video makes a good case for Trump in the first 30 minutes (of 1:14).

Adams is irritating but this one is fairly therapeutic. I'm going to try to avoid any more news until next Thursday or Friday.

Posted by: Palindrome Paduan at November 08, 2020 12:14 PM (AHq56)

54 CBD, please check your email. Thanks!

Posted by: Insomniac at November 08, 2020 12:14 PM (nakwk)

55 And point out that the left pulled level it could for months to elect a man with active dementia, who is a serial groper of women and little girls and is as corrupt as any politician in American history. They did not carry him over the finish line; they stole the trophy and handed it him without even running the race.
Posted by: iandeal at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (vgGyZ)

What are the chances that Biden would last for 4 years in office?

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 08, 2020 12:15 PM (jK8Z7)

56 51 >> No it's not. Time to admit it and split it.

Yeah, why can't we? Obviously we have two different missions.
Posted by: DJ at November 08, 2020 12:14 PM (O3/K+)

Because the left wants to rule over you.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:15 PM (22mNy)

57 It would make you laugh if it wasn't so serious. Dems 6 for 6 on vote rigging signs

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at November 08, 2020 12:15 PM (r+sAi)

58 We have deemed Joe Biden the winner.

Posted by: AP at November 08, 2020 12:15 PM (adO8x)

I want a national divorce.

Posted by: Stefanh at November 08, 2020 12:15 PM (f1rm5)

60 We didn't win WWII with positivity.
Posted by: English Lycanthrope

yeah we did
we happily killed Nazi shits and we happily killed Jap bastards

Posted by: vmom FIGHT FOR TRUMP! at November 08, 2020 12:15 PM (nUhF0)

61 What if theres no winner by inaguration day?

We have a protracted legal and pr battle against the left and the fraud is demonstrated but between the courts and legislature there is no final result by then.

Does not the constitution prescribe what to do at that point? Do we not have a better chance of obtaining a positive result this way than accepting Biden/Harris?

Posted by: Floridachick at November 08, 2020 12:15 PM (XvEl1)

62 I like CBD's happy warrior quote. While we go to war against injustice and evil, we can still do it from a positive place.

Hard pass. We didn't win WWII with positivity.
Posted by: English Lycanthrope at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (zoiGB)

I said positivity, not pacifism.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:15 PM (9hauA)

63 48 Um, guys, war is the root word for warrior. CBD isn't saying don't fight.
Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:13 PM (9hauA)
It'd also be nice if everyone stopped treating this like its over.

Posted by: Weasel at November 08, 2020 12:16 PM (MVjcR)

64 Happy birthday vmom and Captain Hate! You don't look a day over 29!

Posted by: Insomniac at November 08, 2020 12:16 PM (nakwk)

65 The election isn't over. I think it's just beginning.

In the meantime, notice that *over* half the country has not burned a single town down.

Posted by: t-bird at November 08, 2020 12:16 PM (8eSmR)

66 I had my second colonoscopy 6 months or so ago.

So nothing's going up this guy's poop "shoot"

(except maybe some lotion after I've eaten something too spicy)

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at November 08, 2020 12:16 PM (oAY8z)

67 Leftists hate icky redneck states. But they'd never allow those icky redneck states to secede either. What they want is to dominate those icky rednecks, not be rid of them.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:16 PM (22mNy)

68 Sorry. I want people shot or hanged. Fuck peaceful. I will argue for violence. It's the only thing they understand.
Posted by: Justsayin'

Welcome to the dark side.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 08, 2020 12:16 PM (PCof0)

69 CBD, please check your email. Thanks!
Posted by: Insomniac at November 08, 2020 12:14 PM (nakwk)

Hello, serf. Happy Sunday.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:16 PM (9hauA)

70 - Benford's law is just as likely to save us as WATERMARKS

- High vote counts in specific urban areas ain't gonna do it either (unless they're over 100% which to my knowledge is always Fake News)

- Court's don't want to know about "irregularities"; the whole year is irregular, it's not enough

- The 138,000 votes for Biden thing is also Fake News, or Trump and his team would have probably mentioned it. There *was* an extra 0 added to 15,000 at one point. When the 0 was taken away there was a *minus* difference to Biden of roughly 138,000. Someone apparently faked up a meme showing the before after, and the after before; showing that Biden had ADDED 138,000 votes.

- We need documented fraud; including turning poll watchers into bird watchers - or simultaneous vote pausing in swing states in a wait for boxes of ballots with 95% Biden delivered at 4am (if it happened) - or groups of ballots discarded - or post office workers back dating envelopes - or machines switching thousands of votes at once - stuff like that

- I believe Trump and his team will exhaust every avenue, and that IF there is a way through this mess (the Democrats definitely 100% cheated and are currently getting away with it), Trump will find it, we will prevail, and there will be riots in the streets and the tears shall flow like wine.

Posted by: ... at November 08, 2020 12:17 PM (Ss1RH)

71 I think we have had some misunderstandings this morning I would like to address.

I will not stop fighting. Ever.

I also am not arguing a negative. Trump is President and he won this election and until they Prove Every Vote I am not having another conversation.

If legally we are done as a nation, then that is a different conversation for later. Right now, I do not believe this is the time for that conversation.

I am not going to tell people to GFY over it if they would like to have that conversation amongst themselves. Have at it.

For myself, We Won and until it is deemed otherwise, that is where I stand. That is all.

Posted by: jsg at November 08, 2020 12:17 PM (4k6lm)

72 7 You can take that GOPe Happy Warrior schlock and stuff up your poop shoot!
Posted by: PacosMojo at November 08, 2020 12:04 PM (F8bEJ)

This. Do nothing illegal, but be mad as fuck and show it. Fight fight fight because if Biden sets foot in the Oval official, the country is finished, the borders will be thrown open, amnesty to all, then election reform, then the fake war against White Supremacists begins. War against the majority by the real racial supremacists because they alway project. We didn't ask for this. It's being shoved down our throats. They are rubbing our faces in it. Loyalty to Country and the General Trump. You get the idea.

Also AOC is ready to quit politics. Does it sound like they are winning? BLM is already attacking Biden supporters in California. 50 plus Rallies by around the country in all 50 states. They celebrated in Philly, NYC, and DC, which was amplified by MSM. Does that sound like winnng?

Posted by: Wall of People at November 08, 2020 12:17 PM (GLPJc)

Hello, serf. Happy Sunday.
Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:16 PM (9hauA)

Good morning! Sunday morning!

Posted by: Insomniac at November 08, 2020 12:17 PM (nakwk)

74 Start focusing local. Start pushing these crooked governors and their bureaucrats out of office. Start putting your local municipalities in a choke hold. Start volunteering at the polls. You can't sit on the bank with your finger in the water and whine because you don't get to sail one of the big yachts out in the harbor.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 08, 2020 12:17 PM (B0mGw)

75 15 This guy says they have the goods on election fraud.

People keep whining that Trump was "unprepared" ...

Posted by: Palindrome Paduan at November 08, 2020 12:17 PM (AHq56)

76 The nation is never going to be united again.
Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee

The nation is absolutely united. All those other people that live here are welcome to join.

Posted by: t-bird at November 08, 2020 12:17 PM (8eSmR)

77 67 Leftists hate icky redneck states. But they'd never allow those icky redneck states to secede either. What they want is to dominate those icky rednecks, not be rid of them.
Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:16 PM (22mNy)


Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 08, 2020 12:18 PM (A5zUN)

78 If it turns out that the EC eventually goes the wrong way, which I do not believe it will, but if that were to happen, then special counsels should be appointed by Barr to investigate election corruption, Biden family corruption, and to continue Durham's work (maybe Durham himself), and the incoming AG should be required, Sessions style, to recuse himself or herself and allow the special counsels unlimited budgets and to define their own scope, as Mueller did.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 08, 2020 12:18 PM (jK8Z7)

79 >>>

>> No it's not. Time to admit it and split it.

Yeah, why can't we? Obviously we have two different missions.
Posted by: DJ at November 08, 2020 12:14 PM (O3/K+)

Because we need you to keep paying our bills and making things work.

Posted by: The Other Half of the Country at November 08, 2020 12:18 PM (YDPU/)

80 CBD, as always, thank you for your insightful articles! On this one though, I must disagree with you.

I think it has been many times that "politics runs downstream from culture". This has been echoed here by numerous articles and links to other authors that the Left has been undermining our politics, via education and popular culture, for decades now. After a lot of thought and soul-searching on this past election and the events leading up to it, all I can see now to retain "American exceptionalism" is to have that "American divorce" we've all been talking about: Secession.

The other ~50% of the country does not share our values and never will within their lifetime. They are too busy settling for mediocrity, self-loathing, and consumerism. Only one thing will wean them from these things and it'll hurt us all badly: another Great Depression.

DJT has been marvelous as president, especially given what he walked in to. But could we really, honestly, expect that he could undo decades of cultural rot, legislative excess, and judicial fiat in one or two terms? I sincerely wish it could be so. Even if he were to pull out a win at this point, I fear all that would do is kick the can down the road.

Posted by: Shinjinrui at November 08, 2020 12:18 PM (Gb130)

81 A fecal cannon would be a formidable, but messy weapon.

Posted by: Poop Artillery at November 08, 2020 12:18 PM (adO8x)


Posted by: American at November 08, 2020 12:18 PM (Y3Dab)

83 63It'd also be nice if everyone stopped treating this like its over

Thank you Weasel!

It is always darkest before the dawn.

We haven't even began to fight.

Posted by: Floridachick at November 08, 2020 12:18 PM (XvEl1)

84 I was at the gas station, inside paying for some of that $1.65 a gallon gas, the stuff you won't see under the Rutabaga's administration. and there were two young ladies so happy the Rutabaga "won" because they're now going to get another $1200. Yay. And spend it on some made by Godless Chink Commies crap at Wally world, from which the Rutabaga crime family gets a commission.

Posted by: bill in arkansas at November 08, 2020 12:18 PM (I58tH)

85 71 I think we have had some misunderstandings this morning I would like to address.

I will not stop fighting. Ever.

I also am not arguing a negative. Trump is President and he won this election and until they Prove Every Vote I am not having another conversation.

If legally we are done as a nation, then that is a different conversation for later. Right now, I do not believe this is the time for that conversation.

I am not going to tell people to GFY over it if they would like to have that conversation amongst themselves. Have at it.

For myself, We Won and until it is deemed otherwise, that is where I stand. That is all.
Posted by: jsg at November 08, 2020 12:17 PM (4k6lm)

Posted by: Weasel at November 08, 2020 12:18 PM (MVjcR)

86 Without a duly elected president, which Biden can ever be under the overwhelming torrent of fraud & corruption that has taken place with this election, I submit that the United States of America no longer exists. We are a wild, uncivilized land, like the pilgrims landed on centuries ago.

Act accordingly.

Posted by: CrustyB at November 08, 2020 12:19 PM (EXGRZ)

87 I think that while we fight against the monsters, we don't become monsters ourselves, filled with bitterness and personal revenge.

I'm struggling with this bigly.
Posted by: Spypeach

Bitterness and personal revenge is what warms my soul on a cold night.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 08, 2020 12:19 PM (PCof0)

88 I can be a warrior. Not sure about the happy part. The other side has been nothing but nasty to us.

Posted by: Jewells45 at November 08, 2020 12:19 PM (nxdel)

89 "Also AOC is ready to quit politics."

Huh? She won with 70% of the vote in her district.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:19 PM (22mNy)

90 It'd also be nice if everyone stopped treating this like its over.
Posted by: Weasel at November 08, 2020 12:16 PM (MVjcR)

I know! To put things in perspective, it's been less than a week, and PDT is not failure theater GOPe. He's belligerent and he's fighting. We owe him our enthusiastic support. While fighting doesn't guarantee success, giving up means being doomed to failure.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:19 PM (9hauA)

91 I've seen the writing on the wall for years but didn't want to accept that we would reach this level of schism. Unfortunately I think it's come down to Everyman for themselves.

Posted by: Alabaster Jones at November 08, 2020 12:19 PM (2DOZq)

92 Hard pass. We didn't win WWII with positivity.
Posted by: English Lycanthrope at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (zoiGB)

I said positivity, not pacifism.

The first wave at Omaha Beach was not "positive" in their outlook. The guys that held at Bastogne were not joyous in their circumstances. "Happy" had nothing to do with it.

Hard pass. I want the guy next to me in the foxhole pissed off. High on rage. And I sure as shit don't want him reflecting on the morning sermon on forgiveness. I absolutely want him to be a monster.

Posted by: English Lycanthrope at November 08, 2020 12:20 PM (zoiGB)

93 Dammit! I wasn't writing "How to" manuals!!!

Posted by: Ayn Rand at November 08, 2020 12:20 PM (YDPU/)

94 Trump Won. Biden will never be my president. Consent of the governed? Not me, and I'm not alone.

Posted by: Fortcoins at November 08, 2020 12:20 PM (nV60k)

95 "We live in a time that requires a different kind of courage than that of the battlefield. It's the kind of courage to do what is right, even if it means losing a job, your home, your friends; being shunned by family; even being driven out of town. If we want to preserve the American way of life, all 70 million of us must be willing to stand up to the Woke-Cancel Culture. If we don't, what will we tell our grandkids about an America when men were free?"

Now's the Time to Really Fight for Trump

Posted by: SMH at November 08, 2020 12:20 PM (RU4sa)

96 So I figured out the way in which, if God Please Forbid joe dementia gets in the WH, that covid will go away. Since cdc has decide to list all flu and pnuemonia deaths as covid in 2020*, they will just reverse and call all covid deaths the flu. Problem solved.

*I call this the Trump Miracle - No Flu Deaths in 2020!

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at November 08, 2020 12:21 PM (r+sAi)

97 Yeah I don't know about anyone else but I could use a little bitterness and personal revenge right about now.

Posted by: ... at November 08, 2020 12:21 PM (Ss1RH)

98 Posted by: jsg at November 08, 2020 12:17 PM (4k6lm)

Hear, hear!

Posted by: db at November 08, 2020 12:21 PM (E0PSG)

99 Decline is a choice, and our fellow Americans - for whatever personal reasons - chose decline as the path of least resistance.

Posted by: Jeff Weimer at November 08, 2020 12:21 PM (fpng3)

100 Leftists hate icky redneck states. But they'd never allow those icky redneck states to secede either. What they want is to dominate those icky rednecks, not be rid of them.
Posted by: Asshoes

Remove any of the Bill of Rights and there is no longer a Constitution. Therefore, nothing to secede from.

We just go our separate ways.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 08, 2020 12:22 PM (PCof0)

Proposed solution: I think we need to, starting right now, start organizing without the use of the internet. One of the benefits of the modern era is that we are connected in more ways than ever before. The odd downside is that we are less connected at a local level than ever before.

We need to start marching. The purpose of these marches is not just to make our displeasure known, but also to start forming these human connections and establish lines of communication that it is hard to fuck with.

I first thought of a grand march on Washington, and while that would be dramatic, you would not actually be getting most people. Even if you got a million to go, that leaves 69 million of our brethren watching the thing through the media. This is not ideal or a way to start building will.

Divide the country into districts. Center each one on a state capitol. Make the range of each district 1-200 miles (make it somewhat easy driving distance.) Everyone goes. Start 'networking'.

Whatever comes after, that is another problem, but at least you have utilized the time to organize and start to develop a structure for the solution to what comes after.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (A5zUN)

You're never going to have a group large enough to make a difference. Anything large is going to attract spies or be forbidden. Marches? HA!

It's going to be a different nation now.

Posted by: Justsayin' at November 08, 2020 12:22 PM (Fs5vw)

102 Consent of the governed? Not me, and I'm not alone.

Posted by: Fortcoins at November 08, 2020 12:20 PM (nV60k)

That's the point though, isn't it? They don't WANT your consent. They don't need you to consent. They need you to submit to their rule.

The left and right have always (always) viewed governance very differently from one another.

Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Ridiculous Bullshit at November 08, 2020 12:22 PM (tpneH)

103 Now it's time to follow through
Posted by: SMH at November 08, 2020 12:09 PM (RU4sa)
President Trump did win! ...
Victory, however, was snatched from him -- not by the American people, but by a cadre of evil people.

President Trump will try to defeat this evil. But we need someone among us separate from Trump to rise to this task. God does not do this for us. We must do it ourselves, lead the way ourselves...and He will assist. God helps those who help themselves. Man must make his own history and determine his own destiny.

It turns out that this election could not produce victory without first facing and sublimating this evil. We have the window to still do it.

Rabbi Aryeh Spero

Posted by: Braenyard at November 08, 2020 12:22 PM (CZm2G)

104 One of the fundamental problems is that for the left everything is politics. They eat and breathe it 24/7. The right doesn't.

And I'm not talking about we have jobs and they don't stuff. I'm talking your typical middle class liberal vs your typical middle class conservative. Their entire worldview is shaped by politics, while ours isn't.

It's what Breitbart was saying about politics is downstream of culture. It's only gotten worse.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:22 PM (22mNy)

105 Hard pass. We didn't win WWII with positivity.

Posted by: English Lycanthrope at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (zoiGB)

Fine. Leave. You are reverting to your typical combative and arrogant tone, and changing nics doesn't change your spots.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 08, 2020 12:23 PM (xT2tT)

The unity and peace they want is the unity of the cowed and the peace of the grave.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 08, 2020 12:23 PM (mht8P)

107 If Biden is allowed into the White House and Trump is prevented from the White House come January then that is the date America ends as founded. You have no rights other than what the fascist mobs allow for you to have.

Posted by: American at November 08, 2020 12:23 PM (Y3Dab)

108 If Roberts has been compromised and blackmailed by the Deep State Swamp, it 'splains a few things. There has to be a reason why his court decisions fly in the face of the plain wording and meaning of the Constitution so often.

It also 'splains Dondi's transformation into a mewling quim once he took office. The guy who's there now bears no resemblance to the Marco Rubio I followed on the campaign trail.

And those are just two examples off the top of my little pointed head. This is the hill we and the country die on. We didn't pick it, our domestic enemies (Progressives of both parties in cahoots with the DSS) did. We fight not only for ourselves and our families' futures, we fight for something greater than ourselves.

The Progs' mantra has always been "by any means necessary." We need to also adopt that mindset and set about to defeat our sworn enemies. God, please help us.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #FightBack at November 08, 2020 12:23 PM (HaL55)

109 AOC is ready to quit politics

Meaning she is no longer going to try to appeal to both sides (as if she ever did)

Posted by: db at November 08, 2020 12:23 PM (E0PSG)

110 Also AOC is ready to quit politics.

Ah-hah.... THAT's why CNN briefly had that PornHub banner!

Posted by: t-bird at November 08, 2020 12:24 PM (fFtVH)

111 I live in Illinois, and will be changing primary residence in 2020. I have 2 choices, Ill check out one first, kind of an extended it by ear. No state income taxes is the main reason. I'd rather Illinois have one less tax payer (me) therefore increasing the tax burden on the remaining ones. And I really think this is a sucker stock market rally. Im thinking January will be that uh oh moment. They want to blow up that bubble just a little bit more.

Posted by: boot55555 at November 08, 2020 12:24 PM (Nnw3t)

112 7 You can take that GOPe Happy Warrior schlock and stuff up your poop shoot!
Posted by: PacosMojo at November 08, 2020 12:04 PM (F8bEJ)

I agree with #7.
Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 12:05 PM (l4l/z)

Seriously? Shove it up your own. Wordsworth was no GOPe, and neither is anyone here. For crying out loud, people. Get a grip.

You want to be miserable? Go right ahead. Those of us who prefer, who CHOOSE, to be happy will do so, and we don't need your blessing.

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 12:24 PM (/669Q)

113 Chique I think CBD IS saying don't fight as I read it. I have to fight. I cannot just go along to get along as suggested. I will not knuckle under to Biden and his minions. I will not just roll over and try to win in another election down the road. Don't you understand if we let this stand we never win again? They will just manufacture the votes they need and FU to us? Cant you see that?

Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 12:24 PM (l4l/z)

114 I guess as a Christian, I can reconcile outrage and anger at injustice with inner joy. They are not incompatible to me. Read CBD's quote again. It's not about gooey fun happy feelings. It involves conviction about the rightness of one's cause.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:24 PM (9hauA)

115 We just go our separate ways.
Posted by: rickb223 at November 08, 2020 12:22 PM (PCof0)

Tell that to the Governors

Posted by: Braenyard at November 08, 2020 12:24 PM (CZm2G)

116 Not a conspiracy theory just a timeline of events. Draw your own conclusions.
1. Oct. 2019 - NBA exec Darrell Morey tweets support for Hong Kong. China immediately punishes NBA. NBA and most media outlets and corporations grovel to China.
2. Octoberish 2019 - Covid virus is released in China. Huge worldwide panic created. Worldwide economies shutdown through 2020. Economies tank.
3. Aprilish 2020 - All media outlets ban all references to China as originator for the China virus. Fox News still calls it China virus in some reports.
4. Sept 2020 - Newt Gingrich state uncontroversial fact about George Soros funding DA races and is shutdown on FoxNews. References to Soros is deemed verboten on Fox.
5. October 2020 - Conclusive proof is discovered on Hunter Biden's laptop that Joe Biden is in the pay of the Chinese government.
6. November 3, 2020 - Election night shows all media outlet including Fox as well as big tech are all in thrall to Democrats.

Given that the networks refuse to criticize China, refuse to criticize Biden (who has been proven to be on China payroll) and have done everything to shutdown Trump it seems that a logical conclusion can be drawn here and it does not bode well for the security and sovereignty of America

Posted by: JT Smith at November 08, 2020 12:24 PM (frfx6)

117 In the meantime, notice that *over* half the country has not burned a single town down.

Posted by: t-bird at November 08, 2020 12:16 PM (8eSmR)

Not gonna advocate for it, but maybe it's time that we did.

Posted by: Old Blue - Deplorable Trump Chump at November 08, 2020 12:24 PM (VNmG1)

118 61 What if theres no winner by inaguration day?

We have a protracted legal and pr battle against the left and the fraud is demonstrated but between the courts and legislature there is no final result by then.

Does not the constitution prescribe what to do at that point? Do we not have a better chance of obtaining a positive result this way than accepting Biden/Harris?
Posted by: Floridachick at November 08, 2020 12:15 PM (XvEl1)

There will be a vote of the Electoral College on December 14. That is Constitutionally mandated.

Prior to that vote, states are required to follow the process prescribed by their legislatures to appoint electors. In every state, that involves a certification of the election results by the Secretary of State (or the equivalent in DC).

In several states, I do not believe that the SOS can certify the election as having been free and fair. That is probably the point of maximum leverage, where the SOS's are Republican and the fraud occurred in Democrat-dominated counties.

There is a chimerical thing being floated around the Internet where state legislatures would appoint a slate of electors. This is a misreading of the Constitution. The legislatures create a process, which has been done. The SOS is the critical point in that process.

If no candidate has 270 (which would occur if one or more states do not appoint electors), then the election goes to the House, where PDT wins.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 08, 2020 12:25 PM (jK8Z7)

This was the opposite of a normal election and the court shouldn't pretend it was.

Posted by: DAK at November 08, 2020 12:25 PM (PtOP4)

120 Thank you for this, CBD. It is sorely needed around here. I would add one thing, and because you all know me, you already know what it is: pray. Pray for our country, that the truth will come out and justice will prevail.

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 12:25 PM (/669Q)

AOC is ready to quit politics


Because she's going to be redistricted out of Congress. Sorry you can't go back to tending bar, toots. You can thank your pals DeBlasio and Cuomo.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 08, 2020 12:25 PM (mht8P)

122 #12 You choose to be happy. I choose to not be happy. We both have the right and thankfully are still able to say what we think.

Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 12:26 PM (l4l/z)

123 68 Sorry. I want people shot or hanged. Fuck peaceful. I will argue for violence. It's the only thing they understand.
Posted by: Justsayin'

Welcome to the dark side.
Posted by: rickb223 at November 08, 2020 12:16 PM (PCof0)

We have girl scout cookies, made from real girl scouts.

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 08, 2020 12:26 PM (NgKpN)

124 As has been said, our side lacks ruthless political operators.

Trump was tough, but he was not ruthless.

And the only ruthless people that were around him were saboteurs.

The lefts onslaught will not abate until we become ruthless.

So, that's the name of that tune.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 08, 2020 12:26 PM (ue8j3)

125 One side promises violence.
The other promises the freedom for their opponents to commit violence.
Until we are willing to use the same tactics as the left there can be no peace.

Posted by: egd at November 08, 2020 12:26 PM (cOB2v)

126 I wish I could believe this "quantum block chain invisible ink ballots sting operation" thing, but I don't. I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but I wouldn't bet a nickel on it.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist at November 08, 2020 12:26 PM (OssQ4)

127 I said positivity, not pacifism.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:15 PM (9hauA)

Thank you for actually reading what I wrote and interpreting it rationally.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 08, 2020 12:26 PM (xT2tT)

128 Supporting alternative media sources is vital. OANN, NewsMax

I donated to RSBN. I like those kids.

Posted by: t-bird at November 08, 2020 12:26 PM (fFtVH)

129 I don't see CBD saying don't fight. In fact, he is laying out actions we can take (which will be more impactful than complaining on a blog, which, mind you, I enjoy).

Again, a warrior goes to war.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:26 PM (9hauA)

130 I guess as a Christian, I can reconcile outrage and anger at injustice with inner joy. They are not incompatible to me. Read CBD's quote again. It's not about gooey fun happy feelings. It involves conviction about the rightness of one's cause.
Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:24 PM (9hauA)



Some of us do understand, fortunately.

Posted by: SMH at November 08, 2020 12:27 PM (RU4sa)

131 It'd also be nice if everyone stopped treating this like its over.
Posted by: Weasel at November 08, 2020 12:16 PM (MVjcR)

That's right, Weasel. We are just beginning to fight. The fraud is nationwide, of this I have no doubt.

As of this morning, my vote in NJ has been received, but still is not yet processed. My son, on the other hand, has never declared a party, and his ballot has been processed. We put our ballots in the drop box at the exact same time, on Monday, Nov. 2.

Posted by: IrishEi at November 08, 2020 12:27 PM (sGotD)

132 I'm reminded of "The Bridge over the River Kwai."

"Be happy in your WORK"

Posted by: nurse ratched at November 08, 2020 12:27 PM (U2p+3)

133 Benford's law is just as likely to save us as WATERMARKS

- High vote counts in specific urban areas ain't gonna do it either (unless they're over 100% which to my knowledge is always Fake News)

- Court's don't want to know about "irregularities"; the whole year is irregular, it's not enough

- The 138,000 votes for Biden thing is also Fake News, or Trump and his team would have probably mentioned it. There *was* an extra 0 added to 15,000 at one point. When the 0 was taken away there was a *minus* difference to Biden of roughly 138,000. Someone apparently faked up a meme showing the before after, and the after before; showing that Biden had ADDED 138,000 votes.

- We need documented fraud; including turning poll watchers into bird watchers - or simultaneous vote pausing in swing states in a wait for boxes of ballots with 95% Biden delivered at 4am (if it happened) - or groups of ballots discarded - or post office workers back dating envelopes - or machines switching thousands of votes at once - stuff like that

- I believe Trump and his team will exhaust every avenue, and that IF there is a way through this mess (the Democrats definitely 100% cheated and are currently getting away with it), Trump will find it, we will prevail, and there will be riots in the streets and the tears shall flow like wine.
Posted by: ... at November 08, 2020 12:17 PM (Ss1RH)

They are all connected. Don't discount something you don't understand. This election system In 2020 was made part of national security and infrastructure in 2017. The different .gov websites make this clear.

I refer you to this. Take the 10 minutes to read and follow the links. Watermarks are for an audit and prove some fraud in courts. Benford's Law can be used in court and reach normies. The National Guard in 14-16 states are there for Cyber Security. Military Times reported on this, which is why you don't see them in the streets or guarding polls.

The People have spoken

Posted by: Wall of People at November 08, 2020 12:27 PM (GLPJc)

134 I am so vexed I find no comfort in my usual pleasures, for example the book thread. So I tried to distract myself continuing on my quest to read Shakespeare and so I began where I had left off with the last scenes of act I of Henry IV part I and what did I find? Lies, grievances, and betrayal arising from aftermath of the Wars of the Roses while young Henry V galavants abouts drinking, carousing, and plotting robberies in the sure and certain knowledge that he is immune from consequences. It's like it's ripped from today's headlines. I mean, you know, if journalists were truthful.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks at November 08, 2020 12:27 PM (GeIFr)

135 Again, a warrior goes to war.
Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:26 PM (9hauA)


Been there, done that, got a few t-shirts.

Some oaths do not die.

Posted by: SMH at November 08, 2020 12:28 PM (RU4sa)

136 I'm just gonna pray

Posted by: It's me donna at November 08, 2020 12:28 PM (Zmnko)

137 Chique I think CBD IS saying don't fight as I read it.

He said Happy WARRIOR. WTF is wrong with you people ?

Posted by: runner at November 08, 2020 12:28 PM (zr5Kq)

138 A stolen election isn't even up for debate.

It's the absolute hill to die on.

And it's after an attempted coup.

Posted by: National Divorce at November 08, 2020 12:28 PM (HO4gs)

139 I will concede when the courts throw it out - not until then. There is enough chicanery afoot for the courts to say 'well, let's have a look see".
So please, for the love of God, stop pushing out this tripe that sounds as if a giant woahs me - cry session.
For fuck's sake.
AOC wants to "out" and go after (I dunno how) anyone who paid into Trumps Campaign. Get it?? Happy warrior? More like Warrior who bathes in the blood of their enemies slashed and battered corpse.

Goddamn that feels better!!!!!!!!

Posted by: WYFMIFM at November 08, 2020 12:28 PM (h4Aeo)

140 Because she's going to be redistricted out of
Congress. Sorry you can't go back to tending bar, toots. You can thank
your pals DeBlasio and Cuomo.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 08, 2020 12:25 PM (mht8P)

I wouldn't be too sure of that. They aren't going to hand the district to the Republicans, and she is popular among the immigrants (legal and illegal) who make up the voting blocs in that area. So she will probably win in whatever new district they create.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 08, 2020 12:28 PM (xT2tT)

141 As of this morning, my vote in NJ has been received, but still is not yet processed. My son, on the other hand, has never declared a party, and his ballot has been processed. We put our ballots in the drop box at the exact same time, on Monday, Nov. 2.

Posted by: IrishEi at November 08, 2020 12:27 PM (sGotD)

What????? Your vote has not been processed? What kind of garbage is that?

Luckily we don't register under political parties here in VA, but if we did, I would register as an Independent just to keep everyone guessing.

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 12:29 PM (/669Q)

142 >>>Divide the country into districts. Center each one on a state capitol. Make the range of each district 1-200 miles (make it somewhat easy driving distance.) Everyone goes. Start 'networking'.

You're right. The problem is that whenever anyone does this who isn't a leftist, they go on terror watch lists, the ACLU starts suing them, and the FBI starts planting agents and paying "informants".

Exhibit A: I still don't see the mass Hawaiian shirt-clad racists with "assault weapons" burning down cities that we were promised but that didn't stop the FBI investigations and arrests. On the other hand, it's pretty darn hard to miss all those ANTIFA folks, despite being 'just and idea".

Posted by: Damiano at November 08, 2020 12:29 PM (YDPU/)

143 Politics is always two steps forward, one step back.

Posted by: runner at November 08, 2020 12:29 PM (zr5Kq)

144 @101
"You're never going to have a group large enough to make a difference. Anything large is going to attract spies or be forbidden. Marches? HA! It's going to be a different nation now."

Then quit. Go home. Hide in your basement and cry to your mom. Or quit being a little turd. Stand up. Dust yourself off. And get back out there. 2024 election season is in 2 years. Be ready. We should have the House in 2022 due to the usual mid-term backlash. It's all down hill from there.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 08, 2020 12:29 PM (B0mGw)

145 Thank you for this, CBD. It is sorely needed around here. I would add one thing, and because you all know me, you already know what it is: pray. Pray for our country, that the truth will come out and justice will prevail.

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 12:25 PM (/669Q)

Thanks for the reminder, bluebell.

For me, being a happy warrior makes sense because while doing what I can, I am also resting in the Lord.

I know that will irritate some people, but it is what it is.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:29 PM (9hauA)

146 26 My pastor preached an amazing Sermon on forgiveness today.

I think that while we fight against the monsters, we don't become monsters ourselves, filled with bitterness and personal revenge.

I like CBD's happy warrior quote. While we go to war against injustice and evil, we can still do it from a positive place.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:10 PM (9hauA)

Yes, this exactly.

And yes, violence should be our last choice. And remember, legally administered justice is not "violence".

Let's see if we win the legal battle. I believe we will and so do the Democrats. Just look at how they're acting.

This silly Psy-Ops push to declare Voter Fraud Joe Preezy is a sign of fear and weakness. Not strength.

Anywho, modern civil war in America as everywhere else in the world will be a dirty urban house to house nightmare.

There won't be any grand charge of opposing armies so get that notion right out of your head. It'll be death squads and night time visits and doors kicked in and sniper killing boxes in public space.

It would be nice if it doesn't come to that. Even though it could. We don't need to hasten it along.

Sarah Hoyt had a good idea yesterday. And that is to create a presence in meatspace and online of defiance.

Let them know that there won't be unity and let them know what we think. With graffiti, posters, stick it notes on gas pumps and in grocery stores.

Think up clever mockery of the Dims and esp of Biden and post it or write it in the toilet stall.

Support Trump as stated above by CBD and send cash as lawfare is expensive.

Anywho, anyone encouraging violence at this point, I gotta believe, is a moby.

Certainly, buy guns and ammo. Be prepared for the worst. Because the first violence will come from the Democrats. We know that. (Hello-o-o-o antiftards!)

But, we're a long way from bullets flying and the justification of such as of yet.

Posted by: naturalfake at November 08, 2020 12:29 PM (dWwl8)

147 Some Day ... Someone ... could make a list of the things they ACCUSED Trump and us of doing ... and compare it directly to a hard evidence list of the things they ARE doing.

Biden actually WAS on the take from foreign entities, including the top foreign enemy China. (top domestic enemy is DeepState/globalists)

Biden' Big Money men ARE the communists ... in that they want centralized power, manipulating a pretense of free elections. FBI/CIA plays their role (Strzok "we will stop him"), and of course media is now payed directly by our government to run propaganda (disguised as diverse choice of networks). Their top down propaganda is based on (now legal, but fake) leaks to drive a false narrative. (e.g. Schiff's constant lies about intel, or 100 anonymous sources)

And when it comes to perversions and women hating and stupidity, Biden is the icon of those things, plus the corruption factor. Trump has been a saint, in comparison. This can't stand ... I will retreat regroup IF Trump steps down, but the enemy will have clarified their position as tyrants either way ... which goes back decades really. the internet now makes a public trial of their crimes at least conceivable, despite their watchful eyes and censorship.

Posted by: illiniwek at November 08, 2020 12:29 PM (Cus5s)

148 For the great Gaels of Ireland
Are the men that God made mad,
For all their wars are merry,
And all their songs are sad.

-- The Ballad of the White Horse, GK Chesterton

We must fight for the Christian civilization against the heathen nihilism.

Posted by: Gaelic Girl at November 08, 2020 12:30 PM (5FCda)

149 In the words of General Stonewall Jackson when asked what should be done about those people over there: "Kill them. Kill them all."

Posted by: Cosda at November 08, 2020 12:30 PM (2cezm)

150 @132

That line of thought is actually a prong of Alinsskys rules for radicals.

Choose tactics your operatives enjoy.

I'm sure the Donks had no trouble finding operatives that loved to fill in circles.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 08, 2020 12:30 PM (ue8j3)

151 God---- that feels better!!!!!!!!
Posted by: WYFMIFM at November 08, 2020 12:28 PM (h4Aeo)


Quit taking His name in vain.

Now, more than ever, we need His help, and His mercy.

Posted by: SMH at November 08, 2020 12:30 PM (RU4sa)

152 What do you all think? Sydney Powell doesn't strike me as a loon. At least I've read nothing about here that leans that way... and it's not like she hasn't been in the news with her defense of Flynn. For her to come out so affirmatively for something in a vaccum would sound full tinfoil hat makes me wonder if there is a there, there. I fully admit that I'm looking for hope and that opens me up to some crazy theories I'm just trying to work this out.

Posted by: Inogame at November 08, 2020 12:31 PM (+2xjH)

153 Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And hear the lamenting of their women.

Posted by: Conan the Happy Warrior at November 08, 2020 12:31 PM (YDPU/)

154 I am at the point where I cannot concentrate on anything and it has almost been harmful to venture mere seconds on twatter links to alleged "watermarks" (which I think is complete BS). We cannot show the courts "irregularities" because look how stupid it sounded from the left when they got trounced in 2016. I want hard evidence and I do NOT want it plastered all over TV from the PDT defense team because all that will do is give away what (if anything) we have.
I have already informed the Mrs. that we may actually devolve into a shooting conflict and to be prepared. She used to look at me and tell me to calm down but now she too is prepared to protect what we have with violence if needed.
What I truly hope for is that there is incontrovertible evidence through whatever means (recounts, audits etc...) that fuckery was afoot. The largest most glaring item of which to me is the sudden pausing of counting in ALL swing states. That is not easily explained. The next largest or maybe of equal importance is the down ticket numbers. How in gods name can we know the state of the House races while still waiting for Presidential numbers? NONE of that horseshit adds up at all.
I hope it is thoroughly investigated and brought to light. I want to see these little totalitarian bastards crying for their fucking lives in the streets. Set more shit on fire you assholes! Beat the fuck outta one another! I want it all. I want see them morally destroyed looking down the barrel just trying to build up the courage to squeeze the trigger.
Fuck them all
Retribution is coming

Posted by: Getcha Pull at November 08, 2020 12:31 PM (aR6C/)

155 First we find a way to secure the Senate seats in GA...then we go from there

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 08, 2020 12:31 PM (85Gof)

156 Everyone please board the boxcar, where you will be taken to a place of safety.
... um, no.
Wolverines ! Avenge me !

Posted by: TomEckert at November 08, 2020 12:31 PM (SqeJp)

157 "What can we do"?

DJT will fight this to SCOTUS.

If he ends up losing, the 71 million people who voted for him have one large weapon at their disposal. End the two party system. How to do that? Registered Republicans, in their millions, leave the GOP and register as Democrats. Then sow chaos.

Posted by: occam's brassiere at November 08, 2020 12:31 PM (evxBY)

158 Still voting forn kill em' all, short helicopter rides, hanging from lamp posts, heads on pikes, I want blood, Ive worked my whole 20's sacrificing for the american deam, working horrible hours, smart investments, taking risks, quitting my safe job to start my own business, selling everything to start my business, now I'm 35 with a young family and I have to go on being a maker for the takers? Fuck that, I didnt work that hard for this. No peace this time, no rolling over.

Posted by: KarlHungus at November 08, 2020 12:31 PM (OpkeL)

159 Go to the rallies

They had them everywhere yesterday.

Then send money.

Posted by: confederatefifth at November 08, 2020 12:31 PM (4Jold)

160 Been there, done that, got a few t-shirts.

Some oaths do not die.
Posted by: SMH at November 08, 2020 12:28 PM (RU4sa)


Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:31 PM (9hauA)

161 BTW. Has Trump conceded? I didn't think so. So I'm not looking to the alternatives until he does.

Posted by: Justsayin' at November 08, 2020 12:31 PM (Fs5vw)

162 I'm having a really difficult time keeping my attitude in check.

It's not over.

Stop acting like it's over

Stop pounding on your keyboards trying to convince the world what you're going to do because you're such a badass.

Stop and use your gaddamn head because a lot of you are doing precisely what the left wants you to do right now.

It's fine to be pissed, but you also need to be calm and focused.

Posted by: Weasel at November 08, 2020 12:32 PM (MVjcR)

I am still of the belief that a miracle will happen and we will be delivered from this, and Trump will be inaugurated.

That said, in the event it does not happen, I think every solid red state must essentially secede from the union, insofar as fealty to federal bureaucracy.

If Joe-Kamal is going to ban fracking and oil, then North Dakota for example should declare that it is going to disobey that edict and go on drilling.

How the EPA or IRS or whomever react, it's in their court. So, we can't ship our product from the west coast but the Gulf is still open to us. Build a pipeline south AND north to Canada.

Again, I want Trump to win, but better to resist. Funny how the Left went gaga over the 9th and 10th amendments vis a vis the lockdowns. Shove it back up their ass.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 08, 2020 12:32 PM (s2VJv)

I think that while we fight against the monsters, we don't become
monsters ourselves, filled with bitterness and personal revenge.

I'm struggling with this bigly.

Posted by: Spypeach

We will be called monsters anyway for fighting for our God-given rights. Look at what we've already been called for simply choosing someone other than who the Left wanted in power, starting with "deplorables."

Don't worry about that. We need to simply realize that we're fighting for freedom and universal Principles and against tyranny and the worst of human nature. Sticks and stones my break my bones but words will never hurt me, especially when they are lies.

#FightBack #NoBiden #TrumpWON

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #FightBack at November 08, 2020 12:32 PM (HaL55)


Posted by: Grog at November 08, 2020 12:32 PM (weXmt)

166 @162 Weasel

And it's ok to be a little frustrated and feel cheated today. But tomorrow be ready to be different.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 08, 2020 12:33 PM (B0mGw)

167 Does anyone know anything about the Tom Graham on this video at the link below?

Please read the whole thread.

On Election night, Trump and his campaign team assembled in the Eisenhower Building just west if the White House to watch the results come in.

Know what is there?


in the video in this tweet thread, he states that they were watching election night

He said that they now have hard evidence and there will be arrests coming up next week.

Said he was under an NDA and can now speak.

There is so much garbage flying about these days, I'm getting dizzy.

Tom Graham @tom2badcat
82nd Airborne Veteran -
Followed By: @GenFlynn @codeofvets @RealErinCruz
@RyanAFournier @NewDayForNJ @1776Stonewall

Is this guy for real? Or another wishful thinker?

Posted by: Sunny at November 08, 2020 12:33 PM (sfhL4)

168 Posted by: Inogame at November 08, 2020 12:31 PM (+2xjH

She said there were 450 thousand ballots for Biden only.. No down ticket votes... While we know they are bogus they could argue some voters only vote for president.. Won't hold up in Court..

Posted by: It's me donna at November 08, 2020 12:33 PM (Zmnko)

169 I'm just gonna pray
Posted by: It's me donna at November 08, 2020 12:28 PM (Zmnko)

Good. That's a really good, and really necessary, thing to do. And it's free and available to all!

Our priest said something interesting in his homily this morning. He was not talking about the election directly, but it was clear he was talking about it indirectly. He said God is not going to come down and direct things the way we ask Him to. What He will do, if we ask, is give grace to us (collectively) to fight, to do the right thing.

That's why I am not praying for Donald Trump to win, but for the truth to come out and for justice to prevail. In my mind those two things are one and the same.

I'm also mulling over imprecatory prayer, but that's a thought for another day, lol.

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 12:33 PM (/669Q)

170 If he ends up losing, the 71 million people who voted for him have one large weapon at their disposal. End the two party system. How to do that? Registered Republicans, in their millions, leave the GOP and register as Democrats. Then sow chaos.
Posted by: occam's brassiere at November 08, 2020 12:31 PM (evxBY)


Trump forms a 3rd Party.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:33 PM (22mNy)

171 Posted by: Cosda at November 08, 2020 12:30 PM (2cezm)

That was a war. This is (for now) is a court battle.

Posted by: db at November 08, 2020 12:33 PM (E0PSG)

172 The media and the narrative is telling you the odds of Trump winning this are so impossible they no longer exist. There are no odds anymore. He has already lost.

That's what they're saying. What is the truth?

The truth is Trump only needs three victories:

1. win the count in Arizona
2. win the recount in Georgia
3. win the court battle in Pennsylvania

That's it.

Are they tough roads to hoe? Sure, but impossible? Get outta here. The people saying it's impossible are only saying that because they know how close they are to getting away with murder...and how close they are to defeat.

Three victories. Three Iwo Jima on which to scale and plant the American Flag.

Do not give up.

Posted by: Shenanigans at November 08, 2020 12:33 PM (ZR7kf)


WILMINGTON, Delaware - Joe Biden used his first national address as president-elect to vow to heal a deeply divided nation, declaring it was time to "let this grim era of demonization in America begin to end" and reaching out to the millions of people who voted against him to say, "Let's give each other a chance."

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 08, 2020 12:33 PM (63Dwl)

174 That's my boy, Weasel!!!!!!

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 12:34 PM (/669Q)

175 She said there were 450 thousand ballots for Biden only.. No down ticket votes... While we know they are bogus they could argue some voters only vote for president.. Won't hold up in Court..
Posted by: It's me donna at November 08, 2020 12:33 PM (Zmnko)


Someone on Twatters (forgot the name) did an analysis and in PA that accounted for 18% of votes. Historically, it is only 3%.

There is literally no way that can be chance.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:34 PM (22mNy)

176 I wish I could believe this "quantum block chain invisible ink ballots sting operation" thing, but I don't. I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but I wouldn't bet a nickel on it.

We're all just guessing how Trump is going to pull it off, if he's going to pull it off. Microdots on ballots that didn't go thru normal channels? NSA packet capture of all the HAMMER/SCORECARD activity? Routine USPS photography of all mail being routed (due to that anthrax thing)? FISAs granted after the 2018 election? How about big-league informants? I mean, Trump is a special cross-over candidate. The love-hate is not on an R-D basis.

Meanwhile, the autists keep searching and spinning up wild ideas...

Posted by: t-bird at November 08, 2020 12:34 PM (lIIT7)

177 This whole situation reminds me of the Twain(?) quote about it being easier to fool people than to make them realize they have been fooled.
Regardless of whatever proof is revealed, unless "The media" affirmatively signs off on it most Biden supporters won't agree, and even if most do change their minds there will still be millions saying "Unh uh, not my president."

Posted by: random lurker commenter at November 08, 2020 12:35 PM (48RE5)

By the way, Kristi Noem just told Romney to DIAF. I think she should make a statement that North Dakota will go on drilling for oil and gas no matter who wins this election.

Start the ball rolling. If Trump wins please G-d, it helps the cause of dismantling the bureaucracy. If the other happens, then it sparks a secession.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 08, 2020 12:35 PM (s2VJv)

179 I'm having a really difficult time keeping my attitude in check.

It's not over.

Stop acting like it's over

Stop pounding on your keyboards trying to convince the world what you're going to do because you're such a badass.

Stop and use your gaddamn head because a lot of you are doing precisely what the left wants you to do right now.

It's fine to be pissed, but you also need to be calm and focused.
Posted by: Weasel at

it is who they are and what they do.

Posted by: confederatefifth at November 08, 2020 12:35 PM (4Jold)

180 Someone on Twatters (forgot the name) did an analysis and in PA that accounted for 18% of votes. Historically, it is only 3%.

There is literally no way that can be chance.

Of course

Posted by: It's me donna at November 08, 2020 12:35 PM (Zmnko)

181 @170...Trump 3d party not enough. Must attack the D's, overwhelm their machine and span of control by ruining up their internal processes. Make the party uncontrollable.

Posted by: occam's brassiere at November 08, 2020 12:35 PM (evxBY)

182 If, when, Trump becomes President again, could he just completely hold up any and all government spending?

I'd like spending to be voted on one area at a time, military and border security first - after purges. If the Dems refuse to go along, no EBT cards, no Section 8, welfare, child-care assistance, etc.

When they capitulate, fund things for one month as he slowly funds the non-corrupt areas. Starve everything else.

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at November 08, 2020 12:35 PM (v2c9/)

183 That said, in the event it does not happen, I think every solid red state must essentially secede from the union, insofar as fealty to federal bureaucracy.

Irish Democracy is the last peaceful resort. Instead of being good citizens and pulling the system along - stop trying and let the system fall. Be willing to endure a little misery - to bring them a lot of misery. And yes - be confrontational. Be combative. Stop being nice.

Posted by: English Lycanthrope at November 08, 2020 12:35 PM (zoiGB)

184 RIP Alex Trebek

Posted by: Jonah at November 08, 2020 12:35 PM (hdwhl)

185 The USPS takes photographs of all mail. Count the pictures of mail in ballots in each state, PA for example, and compare that number with what the state counted as mail in votes

Posted by: Art Anderson at November 08, 2020 12:35 PM (utimh)

186 You have to disconnect the profit and power from government services. Without that is doesn't matter. IMO, another 4 years of Trump would be great, but in 2024 its GOPe back in the saddle. A lot of lip service to the T agenda but failure theater until it is reversed. Power corrupts. Any new revolution of populism will be corrupted in short order.

"Democracy" died a long time ago in America. Probably back in the 1800s. That occurred to me about 1995 or so. You get these 5 candidates from each side in the primaries. Where did they come from? Why do I have to pick from them. There might be 1-2 outsiders, but except for Trump and Reagan they never get close to the brass ring.

What we are seeing now is extraordinary, but it simply confirms what we already know. I'm surprised the digital cheating isn't more effective and invisible. That will come with any future "election reform" involving new digital technologies.

So, how do we eliminate the corruptible influences? There are a variety of ways that could be done. Some might challenge the bill of rights but then Govt. service in the military brings with it an alternative set of rights under UCMJ so what can't that apply to government service as well.

Basically limit the ability to work and profit from entities that do government business for officials. Have an active IG constantly reviewing the officials and their families. One that is septate and independent and removed from influence. A number of details to work out. Remove any separate treatment for healthcare, retirement (have to be in a generic 401K during and for 5 years afterwards, etc.

This would have to be passed by ballot measure, and have independent oversight for implementation. And will be harder to achieve than landing a person on Pluto.

Posted by: Keith at November 08, 2020 12:36 PM (jdGlx)

Again, this is the hill to die on--for THEM.

So, so fitting.

Posted by: irongrampa at November 08, 2020 12:36 PM (KATBx)

188 US Army Intel GlowFag drooped this yesterday. The military has our back. The CIA are retards. It's a long read, but it describes in detail what is going on and what YOU need to be doing as a citizen of our country. It is your DUTY to never consent and fight. You only have loyalty, and that is to America.

Posted by: Wall of People at November 08, 2020 12:36 PM (GLPJc)

189 5 The nation is never going to be united again.
Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at November 08, 2020 12:02 PM (svbBD)

not until we get rid of the parasites and vultures ruling us

Posted by: Shoey at November 08, 2020 12:36 PM (hmNVd)

190 RIP Alex Trebek

Sorry to hear that

Posted by: It's me donna at November 08, 2020 12:36 PM (Zmnko)




Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 08, 2020 12:36 PM (s2VJv)

192 167 Is this guy for real? Or another wishful thinker?

I don't really care. I'll take him for real until Trump's done with the court cases ... or he loses on Dec 14. I expect Trump to win but nothing's certain.

Posted by: Palindrome Paduan at November 08, 2020 12:36 PM (AHq56)

193 The truth is Trump only needs three victories:

1. win the count in Arizona
2. win the recount in Georgia
3. win the court battle in Pennsylvania

That's it.


1:00 left on the clock down by 13.
To win you need

1. TD + extra point.
2. Onside kick recovery
3. 50 yard Hail Mary as the clock runs down TD.

It HAS been done before.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:37 PM (22mNy)

194 It'd also be nice if everyone stopped treating this like its over.
Posted by: Weasel at November 08, 2020 12:16 PM (MVjcR)

While in the days after the election I did grow increasingly more hopeful, I still have doubts anything will come of this.

I'm just a glass half empty guy, so my thought is despite the overwhelming evidence we're being shown (which I hope is true and not just exaggerated BS) I also know that those who will decide these issues don't often have the stomach to do what's right. I wouldn't put it past them to admit there's tons of fraud and manipulation going on, but then essentially say "what are we going to do about it? Changing the outcome would be too costly." As they have punted in similar ways before if I remember.

Having 5 votes on the Supreme Court going Trump's way is what we're should expect, but I honestly don't trust anyone outside of Thomas right now (ACB being a question just because we're don't know how someone will change once they get on that bench, as Roberts too was supposed to be a conservative who followed the rule if law 100%, but how'd that work out?) Also while a 5-4 verdict is all we need, I'd still feel better if it was 6-3 so that they can't just say we win because ACB was rushed through.

After that there will still be issues. If there's a recount who does it? Will it be secure? Will there be proper safety protocols? They were able to manipulated the election, who says they can't do it it with the recount. On top of all that we'll still have the media and big tech agitating for more violence as they claim everything that happens is Trump stealing the elections.

I hope this week brings good news and a clear path forward. I hope Trump doesn't get duped again by assigning people to important roles who don't care about him winning, and only care about getting paid. I know we still have over 2 months to go, but to get this right they need to be quick and accurate, because the more time Joe is spent acting like president he's having a negative effect in the world.

Posted by: Rbastid at November 08, 2020 12:37 PM (2Dt+o)

195 That's why I am not praying for Donald Trump to win, but for the truth to come out and for justice to prevail. In my mind those two things are one and the same.

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 12:33 PM (/669Q)

Same-ish here. I am praying for both because I see them as a sides of the same coin. For God to have mercy on us and not let this evil prevail, because it is very evil.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:37 PM (9hauA)

196 The more we string this out the easier it is for Trump to win since it is easier to expose the cheat and harder to maintain the cheat.

Posted by: confederatefifth at November 08, 2020 12:37 PM (4Jold)

197 What do you all think? Sydney Powell doesn't strike me as a loon. At
least I've read nothing about here that leans that way... and it's not
like she hasn't been in the news with her defense of Flynn. For her to
come out so affirmatively for something in a vaccum would sound full
tinfoil hat makes me wonder if there is a there, there. I fully admit
that I'm looking for hope and that opens me up to some crazy theories
I'm just trying to work this out.

SP is no loon. She knows what's going on and has proof of the Deep State shenanigans, or else she wouldn't come forward with that.

Besides, she has an entire room filled with the testicles of her opponents over the years, several of which are bronzed. I trust her.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #FightBack at November 08, 2020 12:37 PM (HaL55)

198 11
Although if I had to do it over again, I'd go work for the federal
govt straight out of college. Lifetime job guarantee, guaranteed raise
every year, always out of the office at 5:01pm, and retire at 50 with a
full pension.

I wish someone had sat me down when I was 25 and told me that.
Because I had no idea gubmt could se so lucrative. I'm not making that
mistake with my kids.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:06 PM (22mNy)

Damn! If I'd gone that path, I could already be retired, instead of dragging my body, piece-by--piece, into the workplace. Instead I got good grades, went to college (STEM), went into a technical field for decades, and still can't make ends meet. Oh well, live and learn, even if you can't apply it to yourself.

Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 12:37 PM (ynpvh)

199 My plan:

Short term: vacillate between despair, a sick feeling in my stomach, and a frequent need to be apolitical for a while (for sanity's sake)

Long term: align myself with good people and get right with God

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at November 08, 2020 12:37 PM (oAY8z)


Really nice post. Solutions and actions.

Posted by: Sunny at November 08, 2020 12:37 PM (sfhL4)

201 Unless you are willing to pledge your Life, your Fortunes and your
sacred Honor, then nothing. Unless you are willing to subject your
family to scorn and extensive emotional distress, then nothing. Unless
you are willing to put a gun to someone's head and pull the trigger,
then nothing.

Posted by: don at November 08, 2020 12:37 PM (FxnaQ)

202 Fucking 2020... Alex seemed like a genuine good person

Posted by: KarlHungus at November 08, 2020 12:37 PM (OpkeL)

203 Damn, I burned Mini-Me's pizza a little.

Shut up and eat the good parts, kulak !

Posted by: jsg at November 08, 2020 12:37 PM (lDzRb)

204 It'd also be nice if everyone stopped treating this like its over.
Posted by: Weasel at November 08, 2020 12:16 PM (MVjcR)

That's as worrying as the fraud. The concerted effort of the media and big tech to start the brainwashing. If we lose the normies, we're in a heap of hurt. And it seems people these days are living dog years. 24 hours is like months.

Since I'm blocked on twatter I can't verify, but 4chans are saying that Trump is not only shadowbanned, but his followers have gone from 80M to 30M? Every #$%& media site I go to talking about the election (like YT) has "AP has called the Presidential race for Joe Biden" and even more of a pisser: "Robust safeguards help ensure the integrity of elections and results [learn more]" F-wads.

If true, they've literally coronated Biden already, and won't even recognize Trump as being President until 1/20. I joked on Friday they'd inaugurate Biden next week, now I'm not so sure it's a joke.

The GOPe has shown their true colors, they're as anxious as Schumer and Nanzi to start working on a transition team. If not for Rudy, Trump would be completely alone.

For 4 freaking years I heard nothing but election interference is for realz yo! Now, it's not only unlikely, but impossible.

Posted by: clutch cargo at November 08, 2020 12:37 PM (8B6Ng)

205 184 RIP Alex Trebek

Sad but not unexpected.

Posted by: Palindrome Paduan at November 08, 2020 12:37 PM (AHq56)

206 Someone on Twatters (forgot the name) did an analysis and in PA that accounted for 18% of votes. Historically, it is only 3%.

There is literally no way that can be chance.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:34 PM (22mNy)

The red mirage. They said they would do it and just like magic ballots showed up and kept showing up until states flipped. 700,000 vote lead in PA goes poof just like magic. Same shit in Georgia

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 08, 2020 12:37 PM (MXDFR)

207 Just heard Alex Trebeck has passed.

Posted by: Cosda at November 08, 2020 12:38 PM (2cezm)



Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 08, 2020 12:36 PM (s2VJv)

Very sad. RIP, Mr. Trebek.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:38 PM (9hauA)

"...never give in, never give in, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense." - Winston Churchill, October 29, 1941

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 08, 2020 12:38 PM (WD9ZA)

210 Insom, now would be a good time to put the letter in your comment.

Posted by: Ben Had at November 08, 2020 12:38 PM (nQl5B)


1960 election:

34,220,984 34,108,157
49.72% 49.55%

Posted by: runner at November 08, 2020 12:38 PM (zr5Kq)

212 What????? Your vote has not been processed? What kind of garbage is that?

Our ballots had identifying number codes on them. I checked with a couple of friends who are registered Republicans, and their codes started with the letter A, as did my own. My son's started with the letter E.

And remember, we had no opportunity to vote in person. If we went to one of the very few polling places on Election Day, we would be given a provisional ballot. It really is a disgrace. And it's not like Biden was ever going to lose NJ fer cryin' out loud.

Posted by: IrishEi at November 08, 2020 12:38 PM (sGotD)

213 178
By the way, Kristi Noem just told Romney to DIAF. I think she should make a statement that North Dakota will go on drilling for oil and gas no matter who wins this election.


I'm pretty sure the governor of SOUTH Dakota has no say over what NORTH Dakota can or can't do.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:38 PM (22mNy)

214 By the way, Kristi Noem just told Romney to DIAF. I think she should make a statement that North Dakota will go on drilling for oil and gas no matter who wins this election.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 08, 2020 12:35 PM (s2VJv)

Noem is South Dakota, no?

Posted by: Jordan61 - 2020 TX MoMe Bacon Wench
at November 08, 2020 12:38 PM (KuT6N)

215 Whatever else happens?

hey FOX News -

We will NEVER EVER FORGET your part in Saturday night's Maoist Propaganda Op.

Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at November 08, 2020 12:38 PM (3P/5p)

216 1. win the count in Arizona
2. win the recount in Georgia
3. win the court battle in Pennsylvania

That's it.

Are they tough roads to hoe? Sure, but impossible? Get outta here. The people saying it's impossible are only saying that because they know how close they are to getting away with murder...and how close they are to defeat.

Three victories. Three Iwo Jima on which to scale and plant the American Flag.

Do not give up.
Posted by: Shenanigans at November 08, 2020 12:33 PM (ZR7kf)

Arizona is going to happen. The key in Georgia and Pennsylvania is to decertify Fulton and Philadelphia Counties (although I would add that Allegheny County is also suspicious, and the President's people should also litigate Milwaukee, Dane, and the WOW Counties in Wisconsin and Wayne County in Michigan). The choke point is that the Secretary of State in each of those states has to certify that the results of the election are free and fair. I don't think any of them can do that. It will likely be necessary to litigate up to the Supreme Court to have those counties thrown out. That's the whole ball game.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 08, 2020 12:39 PM (jK8Z7)

217 that North Dakota

*psst! South Dakota*

Posted by: t-bird at November 08, 2020 12:39 PM (UMXod)

218 No, Nope, No way. I'm not giving up yet. This election has just been boiled down to our democracy and whether or not we keep it. If the Democrats are allowed to steal this and invalidate the safe and fair elections guaranteed in the constitution then we have no Country. This is no longer about Trump or Biden. This is good vs evil, right vs wrong, legal vs illegal, democracy vs socialism, transparency vs corruption.

Posted by: Stellastwocents at November 08, 2020 12:39 PM (cRbt7)

219 By the way, Kristi Noem just told Romney to DIAF. I
think she should make a statement that North Dakota will go on drilling
for oil and gas no matter who wins this election.

Start the ball rolling. If Trump wins please G-d, it helps the cause
of dismantling the bureaucracy. If the other happens, then it sparks a

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 08, 2020 12:35 PM (s2VJv)

The entire Republican party needs to tell Mittens that. Sadly, it's rotten with too many Quislings.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 08, 2020 12:39 PM (MXDFR)

220 Trump won 9 of the 10 bellweather counties, 5 of the top 5. 28 of the 29 top house races, and no gop incumbents lost.

That proves it to me. Fraud ballots were produced with only biden on them

Posted by: Jonah at November 08, 2020 12:39 PM (hdwhl)

221 They are all connected. Don't discount something you don't understand.

Posted by: Wall of People at November 08, 2020 12:27 PM (GLPJc)

Don't insult me. I would purport that it is *you* who does not understand what *I* said.

You need persuasive evidence. It's either there or it is not. I can spot bullshit a mile away and I also have the ability to look at things from multiple perspectives at once. You are linking to some good stuff, some bad. Storytime does nothing to salve my wounded heart.

Humans generally immediately recognize real evidence when they see it. The problem is we're not so good at detecting fake evidence.

Posted by: ... at November 08, 2020 12:39 PM (Ss1RH)

222 161 BTW. Has Trump conceded?
I didn't think so.
So I'm not looking to the alternatives until he does.

Posted by: Justsayin' at November 08, 2020 12:31 PM (Fs5vw)

Posted by: Braenyard at November 08, 2020 12:39 PM (CZm2G)

223 Well, someone got up on the "no" side of the bed:

@marklevinshow 46m

1. "Graceful" is not a word I associate with you, Romney. You've been nasty SOB toward this president since the day you lied your way into the Senate by deceiving the voters of Utah.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 08, 2020 12:39 PM (jmluX)

224 yes, and this is not over, please stop acting like it is, what they did was so blatant, so corrupt, so illegal, I have to believe that the higher courts with strike down these shenanigans.

Posted by: Shoey at November 08, 2020 12:39 PM (hmNVd)

225 Eh, I donated the money, and I went to the rally. I'm doing what little I can, but it doesn't much matter... This country is fully corrupted, and we're not fixing it by speaking out.

So yeah, definitely stay positive and wait for the right time to fix it the other way.

But for my part I will NOT be voting again.

The pretense of representative rule gives this corrupt one-party dictatorship a patina of legitimacy. It would even if the Republican party was worth a damn, but they're not.

Please, stop playing your part in their theater of absurd. Make the Dems own their dictatorship. When the time comes for them to be paid the wages of sin (and it will come) the public needs to be very clear-eyed about who to drag to the Tuileries.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 08, 2020 12:39 PM (XJipD)

226 There needs to be some kind of huge public display of support for President Trump.

Imagine if the President went all Eeyore like so many here.

He needs to SEE something. We need to show him we have his back.

Right now all anyone sees is what the media wants.

I am proposing a rally somewhere, not necessarily in DC but with a million so people showing up where it can't be ignored.

Just an idea.

Posted by: pawn at November 08, 2020 12:40 PM (Cfk8j)

227 2000 presidential election :

50,456,002 50,999,897

Posted by: runner at November 08, 2020 12:40 PM (zr5Kq)

That's why I am not praying for Donald Trump to win, but for the truth
to come out and for justice to prevail. In my mind those two things are
one and the same.

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 12:33 PM (/669Q)

Same-ish here. I am praying for both because I see them as a sides
of the same coin. For God to have mercy on us and not let this evil
prevail, because it is very evil.

These are my constant prayers as well. Whenever I get a quiet moment, I pray for God's Help in this battle. I encourage everyone else to do the same, whether you Believe or not. It certainly can't hurt.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #FightBack at November 08, 2020 12:40 PM (HaL55)

229 Operation Register Democrat. Overwhelm them.

Posted by: occam's brassiere at November 08, 2020 12:40 PM (evxBY)

230 184 RIP Alex Trebek

Sad. 2020 hates us.

Posted by: DJ at November 08, 2020 12:40 PM (O3/K+)

231 #35

Posted by: Gonzotx at November 08, 2020 12:40 PM (eQh3B)

232 That's why I am not praying for Donald Trump to win, but for the truth to come out and for justice to prevail. In my mind those two things are one and the same.

Posted by: bluebell

you better be praying for both because if Trump does not win the truth is not going to matter.

Posted by: confederatefifth at November 08, 2020 12:40 PM (4Jold)

233 Long term: align myself with good people and get right with God
Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at November 08, 2020 12:37 PM (oAY8z)

If I were you I'd skip those short term goals and go right to the ones above. You can do both almost immediately and be a lot happier.

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 12:40 PM (/669Q)

234 Sean Connery and Alex Trebek. Remember when SNL used to do comedy?

Posted by: t-bird at November 08, 2020 12:40 PM (UMXod)

235 Not sure of the path or mechanism to get there, but somehow the monopoly that 6(?) corps plus FB and twitter have needs to be busted.
If it's shown they coordinated, or took direction from N/F government officials can that be RICO?

Posted by: random lurker commenter at November 08, 2020 12:41 PM (48RE5)

236 19 Reminder to Christian conservatives: Too much compromise will kill you
Posted by: SMH at November 08, 2020 12:09 PM

This reminds me of a quote by, I think, CS Lewis:
When virtue compromises with vice, virtue loses.

Posted by: delurk ergo sum at November 08, 2020 12:41 PM (YwPJG)

237 234 Sean Connery and Alex Trebek. Remember when SNL used to do comedy?
Posted by: t-bird at November 08, 2020 12:40 PM (UMXod)


Burt Reynolds is gone too. That was the troika of those SNL skits.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:41 PM (22mNy)

238 34
We need to think small not big. The left has been at this for 70+ years.

Posted by: iandeal at November 08, 2020 12:12 PM (vgGyZ)

Since at least Wilson, so 100+ years. Under Wilson, it became subversive to read the Bill of Rights if it constituted a lack of support for the war, and was an arrestable offense.

Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 12:41 PM (ynpvh)

239 I'm vindictive so I want joe and his whole crime family to be frog marched to prison... i don't care if that means kamala takes over.. She was anyway

Posted by: It's me donna at November 08, 2020 12:41 PM (Zmnko)

240 you better be praying for both because if Trump does not win the truth is not going to matter.
Posted by: confederatefifth at November 08, 2020 12:40 PM (4Jold)

If Trump does win and justice prevails (my prayer), then that is the truth and it will matter.

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 12:41 PM (/669Q)

241 What would happen if deep red states ignored biden and harris, like they did with trump? Send the feds in to the mountains of Idaho? IRS was exposed with lois lerner. Ruin my credit who cares

Posted by: Jonah at November 08, 2020 12:42 PM (hdwhl)

242 We could win without PA if we get GA, AZ and WI.

that's 269

Posted by: Ha at November 08, 2020 12:42 PM (5cof2)

243 Basement Boy will never ever be my President.

Posted by: Aud at November 08, 2020 12:42 PM (uBywd)

Whatever else happens?

hey FOX News -

We will NEVER EVER FORGET your part in Saturday night's Maoist Propaganda Op.

Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at November 08, 2020 12:38 PM (3P/5p)

Fox goes the way of Drudge. They think the left will play nice with them now? No. They are useful idiots for the left at this moment. The left (at least the ones I know) still think that Drudge is an alt-right site. Fox will always be the enemy. All Fox has done is slit their own throat.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 08, 2020 12:42 PM (MXDFR)

245 Although if I had to do it over again, I'd go work for the federal
govt straight out of college. Lifetime job guarantee, guaranteed raise
every year, always out of the office at 5:01pm, and retire at 50 with a
full pension.

I wish someone had sat me down when I was 25 and told me that.
Because I had no idea gubmt could se so lucrative. I'm not making that
mistake with my kids.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:06 PM (22mNy)

Damn! If I'd gone that path, I could already be retired, instead of dragging my body, piece-by--piece, into the workplace. Instead I got good grades, went to college (STEM), went into a technical field for decades, and still can't make ends meet. Oh well, live and learn, even if you can't apply it to yourself.
Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 12:37 PM (ynpvh)

I didn't work for federal gov't. But I worked for state gov't in a soul-crushing bureaucratic position. A place where many had their retirement countdown days counted - sometimes years out - and would tell you that number every damn day. After about 15 years of that, I did what few do. I quit to be a stay-at-home dad for a while.

Now I work in Special Ed , sometimes with kids who shit themselves and I help clean it up.

I wouldn't go back if you put a loaded gun to my head.

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at November 08, 2020 12:42 PM (oAY8z)

246 I think that while we fight against the monsters, we don't become monsters ourselves, filled with bitterness and personal revenge.

I always took this quote to mean that we wouldn't be permanently changed. In the fight for our lives, there is NOTHING off the table in terms of violence and inhumanity to completely destroy these 'people' and all their offspring so this never happens again.

However, afterwards, we return to the good people that we are - family, church, friends - while letting go of all the hatred since the enemy is defeated.

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at November 08, 2020 12:42 PM (v2c9/)

247 The entire Republican party needs to tell Mittens that. Sadly, it's rotten with too many Quislings.
Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 08, 2020 12:39 PM (MXDFR)

Unfortunately Mittens IS the Republican party, at least the establishment which will never cede its power to an "outsider".

Posted by: DR.WTF at November 08, 2020 12:42 PM (AiZBA)

248 I just want to say, reading this thread, this place is the best. We squabble, bitch, and bicker. It feels like Thanksgiving dinner. I really do appreciate the insight and even the fighting sometimes. It's important to work it out. There are great points everywhere.

Love this place.

Posted by: jsg at November 08, 2020 12:42 PM (lDzRb)

249 242 We could win without PA if we get GA, AZ and WI.

that's 269
Posted by: Ha at November 08, 2020 12:42 PM (5cof2)


269 has to be the way 2020 ends. There's no other scenario.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (22mNy)

250 What the hell is up with Netanyahu? Congratulating Biden? Seriously?!!??! After all PDT has done for him?

Posted by: IrishEi at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (sGotD)

251 I will nevergiveup or stop fighting, but what i am is done forever with faux news, all RINOs, and the 50% of Americans who did not vote for PDT. NO quarter given ever again, never ever NEVER

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (85Gof)

252 *waits for someone to chime in about Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus

Posted by: runner at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (zr5Kq)

253 "That was a war. This is (for now) is a court battle."
For now. But I hope Trump is going at it with Jackson like attitude and strategy. Unfortunately Jackson was killed by his own people.

Posted by: Cosda at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (2cezm)

254 I hope that the right people commit to having the backs of the relevant state legislators. I've seen it bandied about that some of these guys are afraid to speak up for fear of having their houses firebombed.

I keep hearing about 300 million weapons, but it's only one side that has any real fear about anything.

Posted by: Hevel Varik at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (fLpTX)

255 chique,

Found this and made it into my desktop photo:

Posted by: SMH at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (RU4sa)

If Trump does win and justice prevails (my prayer), then that is the truth and it will matter.
Posted by: bluebell at

no Trump win, not truth and justice, unless you are working with some 5,000 year timeline.

Posted by: confederatefifth at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (4Jold)




Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 08, 2020 12:36 PM (s2VJv)

That's terrible, I thought they said he was doing better, but from my knowledge I knew there really isn't any getting better or cured from Pancreatic cancer at his age.

He really seemed like a genuinely good person who just wanted to entertain and inform the world. I can't think of anyone who could ever replace him.

Posted by: Rbastid at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (2Dt+o)

258 That's why I am not praying for Donald Trump to win, but for the truth to come out and for justice to prevail. In my mind those two things are one and the same.

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 12:33 PM (/669Q)

You know, if not for covid and the obvious manufacture of mail-in votes (we saw this coming a mile away) in a normal election (with normal amounts of fraud) if Joe won, I'd be good with it. Not happy, but accepting. As it stands right now, I believe Trump won in historic numbers. We knew he had to have a massive landslide to pull it off. It wasn't massive enough, and maybe it never could have been.

This isn't so much about Trump for me, but election integrity. If they can get people to buy into this then they'll get them to buy into anything in the future. The great reset is upon us, and life will never be the same. But if we can get Trump back in, maybe, just maybe there can be something resembling vote reform giving us a fighting chance 4 years from now.

Posted by: clutch cargo at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (8B6Ng)

259 Weeping may endure for the night, but joy cometh in the morning!

Posted by: Jmel at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (o6982)

260 Sean Connery and Alex Trebek. Remember when SNL used to do comedy?

Posted by: t-bird at November 08, 2020 12:40 PM (UMXod)

SCTV had some funny skits with Eugene Levy as Trebek.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (MXDFR)

261 Alex Trebek takes heaven for $5000

Posted by: db at November 08, 2020 12:44 PM (E0PSG)

262 We are dealing with people who live by "ends justify the means". It never ends well. never.

Posted by: runner at November 08, 2020 12:44 PM (zr5Kq)

263 220 Trump won 9 of the 10 bellweather counties, 5 of the top 5. 28 of the 29 top house races, and no gop incumbents lost.

That proves it to me. Fraud ballots were produced with only biden on them
Posted by: Jonah at November 08, 2020 12:39 PM (hdwhl)

They initially produced the number projected to defeat Trump. When the Big Red Wave became obvious they panicked and sloppily produced more.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 08, 2020 12:44 PM (CZm2G)

264 What the hell is up with Netanyahu? Congratulating Biden? Seriously?!!??! After all PDT has done for him?
Posted by: IrishEi at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (sGotD)

He's hoping the crocodile will eat him last.

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 12:44 PM (/669Q)

265 Insom, now would be a good time to put the letter in your comment.
Posted by: Ben Had at November 08, 2020 12:38 PM (nQl5B)

Ben Had, how do I get on the contact list? I don't want to lose touch with this community.

Posted by: Gaelic Girl at November 08, 2020 12:44 PM (5FCda)

266 264 What the hell is up with Netanyahu? Congratulating Biden? Seriously?!!??! After all PDT has done for him?

Boris Johnson did too

Posted by: It's me donna at November 08, 2020 12:44 PM (Zmnko)




Posted by:J.J. Sefton at November 08, 2020 12:36 PM (s2VJv)

That's sad, but I know it wasn't looking good for him. I'm sorry he never got to see what's happening resolved. He seemed a decent enough guy.

Posted by: clutch cargo at November 08, 2020 12:45 PM (8B6Ng)

268 251 I will nevergiveup or stop fighting, but what i am is done forever with faux news, all RINOs, and the 50% of Americans who did not vote for PDT. NO quarter given ever again, never ever NEVER
Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (85Gof)

Yup. Fuck all of them. Tarleton's Quarter.

Posted by: jsg at November 08, 2020 12:45 PM (lDzRb)

269 What the hell is up with Netanyahu? Congratulating Biden? Seriously?!!??! After all PDT has done for him?
Posted by: IrishEi at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (sGotD)

Well A) what do you want him to do? He has to
B) I have been telling you all for years now that Netanyahu is a squish, no guts politically, and other things. HOWEVER in this case, he is stuck between a rock and hard place and his political career is also in it's waning days

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 08, 2020 12:45 PM (85Gof)

270 Trump forms a 3rd Party.

Posted by: Asshoes

And every candidate from that party will be defeated in every election by fraud in perpetuity forever.

Great plan.

Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at November 08, 2020 12:45 PM (3P/5p)

271 250 What the hell is up with Netanyahu?

Pro Forma. In case Biden *does* win.

Posted by: Palindrome Paduan at November 08, 2020 12:45 PM (AHq56)

272 I had bad numbers. Trump won catholics only 50 to 49. Evangelicals trump won 80% to 20. 49 of catholics supported late term abortion.

Posted by: Jonah at November 08, 2020 12:45 PM (hdwhl)

273 I will pray to G-D for his support to keep my resolve strong but I know HE is counting on me to use the brains and strength He gave me to stand against tyranny and evil in this realm.

Posted by: Ben Had at November 08, 2020 12:45 PM (nQl5B)

274 You don't want to hear the executive orders biden has planned for day one...

Posted by: It's me donna at November 08, 2020 12:45 PM (Zmnko)

275 Now's the Time to Really Fight for Trump
Posted by: SMH at November 08, 2020 12:20 PM (RU4sa)

Thank you.

Another paragraph from this article caught my eye

This is additionally designed to intimidate Supreme Court justices from either ruling for Trump or cajoling them into not ruling at all. It's equivalent to waking up with a bloody horse's head in your bed. The mafia-style message is clear: do not be part of a decision that could turn this country in on itself or you will be blamed for any riots and you will go down in history as responsible for the injustices and atrocities of a second Trump presidency. Do not undo what the media, political elites and Biden himself have crafted, even if there is evidence of fraud and corruption; otherwise, our mobs will descend on your homes, at the Court, (and who knows how it will impact your families).

This is all too believable.

The Dems have either intimidated or blackmailed Judas Iscariot Roberts from being a pretty reliable Constitutionalist to at best a swing vote, with an increasingly erratic voting record.

Remember the not-so-veiled threats the JEF made at the SOTU speech before the Obamacare vote?

And now the Lin Wood tweet - hmmm.

Roberts is vulnerable, but increasingly irrelevant.

Thomas and Alito have proven they are unflappable, so I don't think the Dems would bother with them.

Kavanaugh has had his good name very publicly dragged through the mud. What else can they pull on him?

Threats against ACB's children would be a vulnerability as it would for any mother, but hopefully they are all well protected. ACB doesn't strike me as the sort who would be easily intimidated either

Gorsuch is my worry. He didn't have as bad a confirmation hearing as everyone else. His Indian vote was bizarre, along with a couple other ones. What could they blackmail him with?

Posted by: Marybeth - Trump won! at November 08, 2020 12:45 PM (4pK1/)

Like I just said, THEIR hill to die on.

Posted by: irongrampa at November 08, 2020 12:46 PM (KATBx)

277 Netanyahu's no dummy. His job now is to protect Israel's gains during DJT era. Team Biden is a huge threat to that. He's hedging, A little goodwill costs nothing. If DJT wins in the end, Netanyahu knows he's in good shape. Probably already told DJT he was going to do it. DJT probably said, "Fine, I get it."

Posted by: occam's brassiere at November 08, 2020 12:46 PM (evxBY)

278 Howdy, Horde!

I think it was here at the HQ that someone mentioned a book of short stories that centers around a pun-related tavern. One of the stories ends with the line "It stands to reason". I want to get this book for my niece, who loves puns, but I can't remember the title, and can't find it based on what I remember about it.

Anybody familiar with this book?

Posted by: No One of Consequence at November 08, 2020 12:46 PM (CAJOC)

279 Unfortunately Mittens IS the Republican party, at least the establishment which will never cede its power to an "outsider".
Posted by: DR.WTF at November 08, 2020 12:42 PM (AiZBA)

If we don't win the Georgia runoffs, I look for him to go "Jumpin' Jim" Jeffords over the last few years of his term and get a committee chair from Majority Leader Schumer.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 08, 2020 12:46 PM (jK8Z7)

280 But if we can get Trump back in, maybe, just maybe there can be something resembling vote reform giving us a fighting chance 4 years from now.
Posted by: clutch cargo at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (8B6Ng)

I agree. Someone here said this a day or so ago, I think it was Dave in Fla, but if nothing else this election has highlighted for us in dayglo colors that we need election reform, and we need it badly.

*I may have added the part about dayglo colors*

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 12:46 PM (/669Q)

281 What the hell is up with Netanyahu? Congratulating Biden? Seriously?!!??! After all PDT has done for him?
Posted by: IrishEi

he should be in the same fire as Romney.


he and Israel got fuckd hard time by obama biden for the entirety of their admin and he goes crawling and begging to biden?

what a whore

he chose wrong

Posted by: confederatefifth at November 08, 2020 12:46 PM (4Jold)

282 CBD, with your indulgence, Ben Had and I wrote a form letter to be sent to individual Reps and Senators. Here is the body of that letter. Those who like it, feel free to use word for word, or perhaps it will help in preparing your own unique communication. Here it is:

After you were voted into office, you took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. You swore that you would bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution. You took this obligation upon yourself freely and without reservation, and swore to well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office to which you were elected by your constituents. Now is the time to honor this oath, and to fulfill your duties.

The Constitution and one of the fundamental underpinnings of our republic - free, fair, and honest elections - are under unprecedented attack. Malicious and powerful people are currently orchestrating a brazen, shameless and overt effort to manufacture fraudulent votes and subvert the reelection of the President of the United States. Every fraudulent vote, every illegal vote, disenfranchises each citizen who cast their ballot in good faith, and exercised their rights under the Constitution and the rule of law. Their rights are being violated. In fact, their rights are being treated like a joke. The widespread voter fraud we are witnessing today is a direct attack on the Constitution, on the electorate, and on the American system of government - the very system that affords you the position you hold, with duties you swore to well and faithfully discharge.

Now is the time to honor your oath and faithfully discharge the duties of your office. The deliberate destruction of our system of government and the perversion of the people's right to vote cannot be allowed to stand. This letter is a call to action, by any and all legitimate and lawful means at your disposal. This is not a time for pointless hearings with contemptuous witnesses, or collegial letters of inquiry. Demand action by the Attorney General of the United States. Demand action by the authorities of the state that you represent. Take whatever action you can by virtue of the office you hold. If nothing else, publicly and loudly condemn those who are seeking to steal an election, and turn the right to vote into a pointless farce. Stand and fight for the rights of the people you were elected to represent, and for the Constitution you swore to defend. Your elected position requires it, your oath demands it, and the future of our republic depends on it.

Posted by: Insomniac at November 08, 2020 12:46 PM (nakwk)

283 264 What the hell is up with Netanyahu? Congratulating Biden? Seriously?!!??! After all PDT has done for him?

Boris Johnson did too
Posted by: It's me donna at November 08, 2020 12:44 PM (Zmnko)

I think Trudeau has ignored border restrictions and already blown Biden..

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at November 08, 2020 12:46 PM (v2c9/)

284 chique,

Found this and made it into my desktop photo:
Posted by: SMH at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (RU4sa)

Haha, awesome!

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:47 PM (9hauA)

285 I suspect even IF and when PDT is out of Office, he will not go quite into that dark night. We will be hearing from him

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 08, 2020 12:47 PM (85Gof)

286 277 Netanyahu's no dummy. His job now is to protect Israel's gains during DJT era. Team Biden is a huge threat to that. He's hedging, A little goodwill costs nothing. If DJT wins in the end, Netanyahu knows he's in good shape. Probably already told DJT he was going to do it. DJT probably said, "Fine, I get it."
Posted by: occam's brassiere at November 08, 2020 12:46 PM (evxBY)

Agreed, occam. I said the same thing on the book thread. There's no downside for Bibi. Nations have interests, not friendships.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 08, 2020 12:47 PM (jK8Z7)

287 "I doubt anyone wants to revisit the Civil War"

Sorry, but if you don't understand that's where we ARE, then you're part of the problem.

Hell, at this point it's not even a civil war. It needs to be a revolution.

Posted by: GWB at November 08, 2020 12:47 PM (lclUd)

288 264 What the hell is up with Netanyahu? Congratulating Biden? Seriously?!!??! After all PDT has done for him?

Boris Johnson did too
Posted by: It's me donna at November 08, 2020 12:44 PM (Zmnko)

The great reset is upon us. Trump showed us the swamp, and we're basically standing on a very small island. The new world order will not be deterred any longer.

I'm expecting if Joe's in, we're going to have our mandatory vaccines before next fall (covid 21), and the social scoring system is not far behind.

Posted by: clutch cargo at November 08, 2020 12:47 PM (8B6Ng)

289 What's not over ? The election. I'll concede that. What's over is any reconciliation of this country. It's been one step forward and two steps back the past 100 years. It's been accelerated to three steps back this past decade. We can whistle past the graveyard but reality is what it is and you should prepare for that. I can still be happy because first and foremost I'm a citizen of the Kingdom of God but not everyone is .

Posted by: Alabaster Jones at November 08, 2020 12:47 PM (2DOZq)

290 Gaelic Girl, my email is in the left side bar.

Thank You all for contacting me, we have a huge list!

Posted by: Ben Had at November 08, 2020 12:47 PM (nQl5B)

291 Netanyahu's no dummy. His job now is to protect Israel's gains during DJT era. Team Biden is a huge threat to that. He's hedging, A little goodwill costs nothing. If DJT wins in the end, Netanyahu knows he's in good shape. Probably already told DJT he was going to do it. DJT probably said, "Fine, I get it."
Posted by: occam's brassiere

Bull. Shit.

Fuck him

Posted by: confederatefifth at November 08, 2020 12:47 PM (4Jold)

292 Trump won 9 of the 10 bellweather counties, 5 of the top 5. 28 of the 29 top house races, and no gop incumbents lost.

That proves it to me. Fraud ballots were produced with only biden on them

As much as the Horde recoils from it, maths will help us a lot in the legal battle. Way too many things happened that are statistically impossible for Puddinhead to "win."

First thing we need to get our head around: Puddinhead DID NOT WIN. Do not, for one second, ever allow yourself to think this or even acknowledge it. There will be no Biden administration in any way, shape, or form. Embrace this.

Then we can proceed to be the happy confident warriors that we all need to be. Do not give in to what PROGDA wants. No way, no how.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #FightBack at November 08, 2020 12:48 PM (HaL55)

293 Very good form letter Insomniac.

Posted by: runner at November 08, 2020 12:48 PM (zr5Kq)

294 Is this guy for real? Or another wishful thinker?

Posted by: Sunny at November 08, 2020 12:33 PM (sfhL4)

Garbage with a capital G.

Posted by: ... at November 08, 2020 12:48 PM (Ss1RH)

295 Agreed, occam. I said the same thing on the book thread. There's no downside for Bibi. Nations have interests, not friendships.
Posted by: Caesar North

wanna bet?

Posted by: confederatefifth at November 08, 2020 12:48 PM (4Jold)

296 CBD, with your indulgence, Ben Had and I wrote a form letter to be sent to individual Reps and Senators. Here is the body of that letter. Those who like it, feel free to use word for word, or perhaps it will help in preparing your own unique communication. Here it is:

Posted by: Insomniac at November 08, 2020 12:46 PM (nakwk)

Wow. Thank you both. Will be using it.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:49 PM (9hauA)

297 Agreed, occam. I said the same thing on the book thread. There's no downside for Bibi. Nations have interests, not friendships.
Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 08, 2020 12:47 PM (jK8Z7)

I get it, but things are going to get very scary for the state of Israel very soon with a Harris puppet show.

Posted by: clutch cargo at November 08, 2020 12:49 PM (8B6Ng)

298 Trump winning 9/10 bellwether counties is not enough for SCOTUS to overturn the results. This is stuff that is needed on the PR front....which is sorely lacking right now from the Trump team.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:49 PM (22mNy)

299 239 I'm vindictive so I want joe and his whole crime family to be frog marched to prison... i don't care if that means kamala takes over.. She was anyway

Posted by: It's me donna at November 08, 2020 12:41 PM (Zmnko)

If Trump can't win then that is the next best option as it would completely neuter Harris, only problem is Biden will immediately fill every DoJ and FBI position will sycophants who will never go after him, or if he can't the FBI will just use its info to control him. If Biden takes office he's 100% safe from everything since he's protected from all ends.

Posted by: Rbastid at November 08, 2020 12:49 PM (2Dt+o)

300 People keep talking secession. That's not what this is.

I've been reading here and many other sites. I see what's being said. People keep talking secession. They're talking 1861. I'm saying: This is not a civil war that's brewing.

It's a revolution.

Fort Sumpter, 1861?

More like Boston 1770.

It's a Boston Massacre that's going to be the next shoe to drop. After that is the Shot Heard Round the World.

This is not a fight for the states to get to do what they want and the mean old federal government won't let them.

This is a fight against tyranny and of the power to elect the people we choose to represent us.

Posted by: Shenanigans at November 08, 2020 12:50 PM (ZR7kf)

301 Bravo, Insomniac and Ben Had! Bravissimo!

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 12:50 PM (/669Q)

302 RIP Alex Trebek
Posted by: Jonah at November 08, 2020 12:35 PM

Well that sucks. I watch Jeopardy every night. Now the host will be the leftist who publicly makes fun of his conservative father, Ken Jennings.

My mom is going to be depressed, and I don't want to break it to her.

Rest in Peace, Alex. You were family.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist at November 08, 2020 12:50 PM (OssQ4)

303 Thank you for words of wisdom, CBD.

Now is not the time to give up or go wobbly. Trump won the election, fair and square, and the Dems got caught in a massive fraud.

Gird your loins, we have a lot of cleaning up to do once the courts settle this in Trump's favor. Even more cleaning up to do if they should rule against him.

To those on the other side: Fuck you. War!

Posted by: Legally Sufficient at November 08, 2020 12:50 PM (WFcrO)

304 Gaelic Girl, my email is in the left side bar.

Thank You all for contacting me, we have a huge list!
Posted by: Ben Had at November 08, 2020 12:47 PM (nQl5B)

Thank you!

Posted by: Gaelic Girl at November 08, 2020 12:50 PM (5FCda)

305 oh, and Ben Had. Thank you.

Posted by: runner at November 08, 2020 12:50 PM (zr5Kq)

306 I can't think of anyone who could ever replace him.
Posted by: Rbastid at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (2Dt+o)

My guess is Ken Jennings.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 08, 2020 12:50 PM (jK8Z7)

307 272
I had bad numbers. Trump won catholics only 50 to 49. Evangelicals trump
won 80% to 20. 49 of catholics supported late term abortion.

Posted by: Jonah at November 08, 2020 12:45 PM (hdwhl)

Don't forget support of corruption, inappropriate touching of little girls, ...

Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 12:51 PM (ynpvh)

308 Seems like much of the "trap" for the fraudsters involves blockchain technology, of which I know next to nothing.

Posted by: attila the unready at November 08, 2020 12:51 PM (w7KSn)

309 298 Trump winning 9/10 bellwether counties is not enough for SCOTUS to overturn the results. This is stuff that is needed on the PR front....which is sorely lacking right now from the Trump team.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:49 PM (22mNy)


No it isn't and neither is any other anecdotal or mathematical statistic. Hard evidence is needed.

Fortunately hard evidence is being gathered. The trouble here is the election of a president is not one big thing, it's 50 small things, so there are a lot of hoops to go through, especially in this case where the fraud is not just in PA, but in PA, MI, WI, NV, GA, and certainly others.

Posted by: Shenanigans at November 08, 2020 12:51 PM (ZR7kf)

310 Posted by: Insomniac at November 08, 2020 12:46 PM (nakwk)

That was great, Insom. I'll be using that when I start sending emails to my reps tomorrow.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #FightBack at November 08, 2020 12:51 PM (HaL55)

311 274
You don't want to hear the executive orders biden has planned for day one...

Posted by: It's me donna at November 08, 2020 12:45 PM (Zmnko)

I first read that as "execution" orders.

Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 12:51 PM (ynpvh)

312 Truth, by definition, will prevail at some point. It may not, however be within the time frame of our choosing.

Posted by: Muldoon at November 08, 2020 12:51 PM (Fc5rx)

313 During the 4 years with PDT at the helm there were as many conservatives that were never *happy warriors* as progressives.
Nothing made them happy, no amount of achievements by the President and very few bothered to realize what the alternative would bring sooner rather than 2024.

also, I think so much of the past 4 years was spent defending President Trump and correcting media propaganda and scrutinizing false allies, that for some their energy has just finally hit rock bottom.

I love President Trump, his energy, truthfulness, that he embraces everyone, his never-give-up spirit and his lovely family. I'm sure receiving messages of support today will give him the strength to get up tomorrow and fight another day.

Posted by: old chick at November 08, 2020 12:52 PM (sOete)

314 Channeling the spirit of the late, greatly missed Andrew Breitbart. What Would Breitbart Do? A true grass-roots organizer and truth slayer. Oh how we need him now - more than ever. "Fuck you - War!"
Now, who's going to lead the packs??

Posted by: djladysmith at November 08, 2020 12:52 PM (PuW4g)

315 It's possible Bibi and Boris are assuming what the media is saying is true and are not very aware of the shenanigans. Remember, the media is blocking that information.

Or it could be they both suck. But just pointing out that it may not be that they are turning their backs on PDT. Well, Boring probably is, but I will withhold judgment about Bibi. Unless someone has more information about this.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:52 PM (9hauA)

316 Truth, by definition, will prevail at some point. It may not, however be within the time frame of our choosing.
Posted by: Muldoon at November 08, 2020 12:51 PM (Fc5rx)

Unfortunately, I agree with you.

Posted by: runner at November 08, 2020 12:52 PM (zr5Kq)

317 Bravo, Insomniac and Ben Had! Bravissimo!


Copy> Paste >Print > Sign > Mail.

Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at November 08, 2020 12:52 PM (3P/5p)

318 A commenter yesterday suggested we should seek out people in our neighborhoods who had the courage to put up Trumps signs on their lawns and introduce ourselves. We need to stick together. I think this is a good idea.

Posted by: Chillin the most at November 08, 2020 12:53 PM (lonOK)

319 So Hunter was at daddys "I won" speech last night.. Didn't seem too concerned

Posted by: It's me donna at November 08, 2020 12:53 PM (Zmnko)

320 Joe Biden is the Chinah Virus.

Posted by: Poop Artillery at November 08, 2020 12:53 PM (adO8x)

321 Does not mean that people should not fight, be happy warriors. But I have seen this movie before. And I know history well.

Posted by: runner at November 08, 2020 12:53 PM (zr5Kq)

I think that while we fight against the monsters, we don't become monsters ourselves, filled with bitterness and personal revenge.

But you have do do monstrous things to win once the law fails; when the enemy is completely corrupted.
That bitterness and personal revenge will be your shield to make sure you have the will to carry through.
Mere tools to help you do the job.
As easy to put down as to pick up.
And that doesn't make you a monster.

Because they have personally wronged you.
They have taken everything from you.

God told his people to put every man, woman and child to the sword once.
And that was while they were carrying around the original copy of "Thou shalt not murder."
You ain't gonna do that job while singing, "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam. "

Oh well.
Work to be done, hands that can do it will be called.

Posted by: RoyalOil at November 08, 2020 12:54 PM (aO8Gd)

323 Posted by: Insomniac at November 08, 2020 12:46 PM (nakwk)

I like it but would suggest citing specific examples of the fraud.

Posted by: Alabaster Jones at November 08, 2020 12:54 PM (2DOZq)

324 Trump won the election and its being stolen with obviously fraudulent and illegal votes. Trump must know there are millions of us, who want to march, fight, do anything necessary to correct this injustice.

Posted by: rcocean at November 08, 2020 12:54 PM (evE25)

325 Maria Bartiromo is exceptionally cheerful today.

Posted by: Palindrome Paduan at November 08, 2020 12:54 PM (AHq56)

There Are Facts of Fraud" - Rudy Giuliani: Trump Team to File Lawsuits against on Pennsylvania on Monday for Violating Federal Law -- 800,000 Votes COMPLETELY INVALID! (Video)

Posted by: Ghost Of Ruth Buzzi Ginberg at November 08, 2020 12:54 PM (zXyVF)

327 Color me totally uninterested with "reconciliation" with the left.

THEY can either change philosophy or leave, couldn't care less.

They are antithetical to America.

Posted by: irongrampa at November 08, 2020 12:54 PM (KATBx)

328 It may not, however be within the time frame of our choosing.
Posted by: Muldoon at November 08, 2020 12:51 PM (Fc5rx)

The Electoral College votes on December 14. Electors have to be appointed before that time. This can only go on for another month.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 08, 2020 12:54 PM (jK8Z7)

329 Backwards Boy, there will be a pdf in the side bar to copy for your use. Emails get deleted in short order. They have to open the mail they receive.

Posted by: Ben Had at November 08, 2020 12:54 PM (nQl5B)

330 I'm reminded so much of Paul Newman's argument at the end of "The Verdict." There's more...especially about a fervent and frightened prayer. But this just seems apt:

Well...You know, so much of the time we're just lost. We say, "Please, God, tell us what is right. Tell us what is true."

I mean there is no justice. The rich win; the poor are powerless. We become tired of hearing people lie. And after a time we become dead, a little dead. We think of ourselves as victims -- and we become victims. We become weak; we doubt ourselves; we doubt our beliefs; we doubt our institutions; and we doubt the law.

Posted by: jerky at November 08, 2020 12:54 PM (rtGLc)

331 Stop and use your gaddamn head because a lot of you are doing precisely what the left wants you to do right now.

It's fine to be pissed, but you also need to be calm and focused.
Posted by: Weasel at


Posted by: Infidel at November 08, 2020 12:54 PM (32aJ9)

332 Insomniac!

Amazing form letter.


Posted by: SMH at November 08, 2020 12:54 PM (RU4sa)

333 Evangelicals trump
won 80% to 20.

Posted by: Jonah at November 08, 2020 12:45 PM (hdwhl)

French Davidian must be howling in rage.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:55 PM (9hauA)

334 323 Posted by: Insomniac at November 08, 2020 12:46 PM (nakwk)

I like it but would suggest citing specific examples of the fraud.
Posted by: Alabaster Jones at November 08, 2020 12:54 PM (2DOZq)

Then add those examples you think are most effective. That's the beauty of a form letter!

Posted by: Insomniac at November 08, 2020 12:55 PM (nakwk)

We've Identified 450,000 Ballots that Miraculously ONLY have a Vote for Joe Biden" - Sidney Powell Drops a BOMB on Sunday Morning Futures (Video)

Posted by: Ghost Of Ruth Buzzi Ginberg at November 08, 2020 12:55 PM (zXyVF)

336 I have some people I will have to explain to that

1) if you voted for Biden, that was a philosophical decision.

2) if you stood by and approved my vote being stolen, and did not speak up against it, that is a moral decision. You stole something more than money, you stole my autonomy.

Because of that, I have nothing more to say to you.

Posted by: Sal at November 08, 2020 12:55 PM (KTdeA)

337 280
But if we can get Trump back in, maybe, just maybe there can be
something resembling vote reform giving us a fighting chance 4 years
from now.

Posted by: clutch cargo at November 08, 2020 12:43 PM (8B6Ng)


I agree. Someone here said this a day or so ago, I think it was
Dave in Fla, but if nothing else this election has highlighted for us in
dayglo colors that we need election reform, and we need it badly.

*I may have added the part about dayglo colors*

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 12:46 PM (/669Q)

I was just talking with my wife the other night that in my state we should get the ball rolling on a proposition to ensure election integrity. I know it will be fought tooth-and-nail here (voted 9.2M Biden, 4.8M Trump), but who in their right mind, as a normal voter, would be AGAINST election integrity?

Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 12:55 PM (ynpvh)

338 This is a fight against tyranny and of the power to elect the people we choose to represent us.

Posted by: Shenanigans at November 08, 2020 12:50 PM (ZR7kf)

I believe your take on this.

I'm also hoping it spreads to other countries. Even without guns, there are a lot of ways to hurt our 'societal betters'.

I'd like to think most of Europe is just itching for a reason to take out their muslim garbage.

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at November 08, 2020 12:55 PM (v2c9/)

339 Good Burgess Owens news

Posted by: DJ at November 08, 2020 12:55 PM (O3/K+)

340 Posted by: confederatefifth at November 08, 2020 12:47 PM (4Jold)

Go kick your dog and get back to us

Posted by: db at November 08, 2020 12:55 PM (E0PSG)

341 Bibi is a cuck, all he had to do is nothing. Backstabbing c#cksucker.

Posted by: Ward at November 08, 2020 12:55 PM (nzKWW)

342 Gorsuch is my worry. He didn't have as bad a confirmation hearing as everyone else. His Indian vote was bizarre, along with a couple other ones. What could they blackmail him with?

Posted by: Marybeth - Trump won! at November 08, 2020 12:45 PM (4pK1/)

I mentioned this a couple of days ago. I'm not so sure blackmail is the thing or just an alliance to the globalist agenda and self preservation. I'm already starting to have my doubts about ACB.

The only thing that should be high entertainment is Thomas. I should start scouring YT for video of Biden tearing into him during his confirmation as a refresher - he's waited 30 long years for this moment.

I'd also hope that Kavanaugh remembers Harris smearing him for days on end. But I'm not so sure he's not going to go along with the new world order.

Posted by: clutch cargo at November 08, 2020 12:55 PM (8B6Ng)

343 But I have seen this movie before. And I know history well.

Oh well. I wasn't all that keen on dying old anyway.

Posted by: English Lycanthrope at November 08, 2020 12:56 PM (zoiGB)

344 So Hunter was at daddys "I won" speech last night.. Didn't seem too concerned

Posted by: It's me donna at November 08, 2020 12:53 PM (Zmnko)

Why should he be concerned?

Posted by: Barr at November 08, 2020 12:56 PM (5cof2)

345 I really want Trump to win this. I really want him to go all the way. But I'm already in the acceptance phase. I was in that phase in 2015 before he ran. Trump was a miracle. I though it was done and we would never have a "trump" in my lifetime and before it was too late. And maybe it was too late already. But...

Trump opened a lot of eyes. 70 million and strong. Refocused and clarified the issue of Globalism. Immigration. Peace in the Middle East. And that is here to stay... or at least for a while.

There was always going to be a "day after trump." and 8 years of Trump, as effective as he has been will not make up for 100+ years of DC establishment corruption. Especially the post cold war globalism that is entrenched in Western society. This is just the beginning of the fight, if we actually want that fight.

Here's the real, silver lining. A Biden/Harris takeover will will solidify the fight in the base, especially if trump takes this all the way. Some percentage of the brain dead LIVs will get red pilled. The far leftists progressives will increasingly see the establishment for what is is as Biden/Harris nukes them. As they start to see "failure theater" from the dem side. The Dem establishment doesn't want communism, just economic fascism with euro socialism.

In some way, honestly stating this and not being defeatist, from a strategic standpoint the obvious nature of the coup with Trump as a martyr will work in our favor.

Posted by: Keith at November 08, 2020 12:56 PM (jdGlx)

346 re CBD's suggestion that conservatives need to seek out these gubmint clerk positions, you cannot get hired for them in places that count. On the federal side, DC went for Biden at 93%. The SEIU donates almost exclusively to Dems.

And every single city where the massive vote fraud occurred, all are Dem machine shops. No Rs need apply. You think they don't look at your social media footprints?

Sure, we had some poll watchers and counters there, and they were denied the ability to do their jobs.

I watched a documentary on how grasshoppers suddenly morph into locusts (they even change color!) and rapidly multiply, form swarms and eat everything in their path.

I dunno, but I see an awful lot of parallels there.

Posted by: GnuBreed at November 08, 2020 12:56 PM (F0YaR)

347 One of my major issues with this whole debacle, is that we have to rely on the FBI and DOJ to do something.

When they have proven for the last 4 years to be partisan.

They went after Trump with a 2 year investigation, for rumors, yet sat on Hunter Biden's proof of corruption long enough for Biden to get through the election.

They seem to be able to find 'White Supremacists at the drop of a hat, yet have done NOTHING to stop AntiFa or BLM.

I have lost faith in the Federal Government that I spent years of my life, fighting to defend in the military.

If the FBI and DOJ had done their damn jobs in the first place, the entire background of this election would be different.

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 08, 2020 12:56 PM (NgKpN)

348 In 2010. The Gop won 63 house seats , but not in California. We already have won 2 in 2020. Evidence of deep state fraud

Posted by: Jonah at November 08, 2020 12:56 PM (hdwhl)

349 One thing we can do, is remember how Yeb, Sasse, Mittens, and bunch of other RINO's did everything they could to sabotage Trump and elect Biden.

I'm going to donate to anyone who Primaries Romney in 2024 and will support a D who runs against him, if that doesn't work. And I will vote D, if the R's run some Rubio/Mittens/Yeb like traitor in 2024.

Posted by: rcocean at November 08, 2020 12:56 PM (evE25)

350 Alex Trebek is mort.

Posted by: Jeff Weimer at November 08, 2020 12:56 PM (fpng3)

351 who in their right mind, as a normal voter, would be AGAINST election integrity?
Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 12:55 PM (ynpvh)

Our election integrity is their voter suppression. They really believe that.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 08, 2020 12:57 PM (jK8Z7)

352 347 One of my major issues with this whole debacle, is that we have to rely on the FBI and DOJ to do something.

Like they did with Hunter Biden?

Posted by: It's me donna at November 08, 2020 12:57 PM (Zmnko)

353 Thank you, Insomniac and Ben Had!

I'd also add a letter of support to our president. Let's make sure he knows how many of us believe in him, and this fight.

Posted by: My life is insanity at November 08, 2020 12:57 PM (Z/jzm)

354 What can we do? Keep the faith and contribute to the legal fund. I just did a small contribution but it's all I have. Pathetic as it is, it's all I have.

Keep the faith Morons and Moronettes. Keep the faith.

Posted by: Somewhere South of I-80 at November 08, 2020 12:58 PM (uxUoN)

355 Hammer and Scorecard. What's your thoughts?

Posted by: CSMBigBird at November 08, 2020 12:58 PM (xInes)

356 McCarthy and McConnell have to realize that they have give an eye for an eye, or they will lose 2022. First thing they do is demand a national bill outlawing mail in ballots

Posted by: Jonah at November 08, 2020 12:58 PM (hdwhl)

357 Fantastic on several levels. Sound on for full effect.

Posted by: DJ at November 08, 2020 12:58 PM (O3/K+)

358 I wish people would stop being "good losers" and get angry and start fighting this thing. We can still win, but we can't if you're all going to sit around and muse about "It was all for the best". "maybe we should lose some more"

Posted by: rcocean at November 08, 2020 12:58 PM (evE25)

359 >>>282 Your elected position requires it, your oath demands it, and the future of our republic depends on it.

Posted by: Insomniac at November 08, 2020 12:46 PM (nakwk)

Made a copy and will follow through. Thanks

Might want to present it on later threads for others.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 08, 2020 12:59 PM (CZm2G)

360 Color me totally uninterested with "reconciliation" with the left.

THEY can either change philosophy or leave, couldn't care less.

They are antithetical to America.
Posted by: irongrampa at November 08, 2020 12:54 PM (KATBx)

I'm fire with reconciliation with the left if they renounce their awful ideology. Otherwise, no dice.

Reconciliation individual people is a different thing - I will do what is in my power to be a peacemaker, but if the other party refuses, nothing much I can do.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:59 PM (9hauA)

361 We've Identified 450,000 Ballots that Miraculously ONLY have a Vote for Joe Biden" - Sidney Powell Drops a BOMB on Sunday Morning Futures (Video)
Posted by: Ghost Of Ruth Buzzi Ginberg at November 08, 2020 12:55 PM

I bet the ink in the circle all came from the same 200 or so pens.

It sure would be great if we had some sort of Bureau that was good at investigating that sort of thing, like at the Federal level. I wonder what we would call it?

Posted by: Taqiyyologist at November 08, 2020 12:59 PM (OssQ4)

Amazing that Trebek lasted as long as he did with pancreatic cancer. 80 is actually a pretty good run, the suffering over the past year or so notwithstanding.


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 08, 2020 12:59 PM (s2VJv)

363 Our election integrity is their voter suppression. They really believe that.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 08, 2020 12:57 PM (jK8Z7)

No, they SAY it as a cudgel.

Same as they know you're not a racist but it's good for silencing you.

Posted by: ... at November 08, 2020 12:59 PM (Ss1RH)

364 351
who in their right mind, as a normal voter, would be AGAINST election integrity?

Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 12:55 PM (ynpvh)

Our election integrity is their voter suppression. They really believe that.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 08, 2020 12:57 PM (jK8Z7)

Then maybe *THEY* should get a verified petition of *THEIR* voters to oppose it, and a cemetery address does not count.

Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 12:59 PM (ynpvh)

365 Every conservative website ought to end their relationship with Twitter by eliminating the "share" button. Make it hard. Every conservative ought to delete their account-and every conservative writer ought to quit tweeting there. Do not support a business that hates your guts.

Posted by: jeff at November 08, 2020 12:59 PM (J2JqR)

366 "Hammer and Scorecard. What's your thoughts?"

Developed by the CIA for interference in foreign elections, now used in the USA, possibly for years.

Posted by: attila the unready at November 08, 2020 01:00 PM (w7KSn)

367 Yeah, well Trump endorsed Sasse this year in the gop primary in neb. Sasse has 6 more years

Posted by: Jonah at November 08, 2020 01:00 PM (hdwhl)

368 It is a nice sentiment, but there weren't any happy warriors at Stalingrad, just people willing to do whatever it took to beat back the Hun.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at November 08, 2020 01:00 PM (4NtsG)

369 358 I could not agree more. I refuse to be a good loser. I am surprised to see folks here advocating that!

Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 01:00 PM (l4l/z)

370 Go kick your dog and get back to us
Posted by: db

maybe you should try retyping that after you finish your shift sucking dicks.

it is going to save everybody time if you just share your entire list of those you are fine with stabbing Trump and his supporters in the back .

Posted by: confederatefifth at November 08, 2020 01:00 PM (4Jold)

371 Then add those examples you think are most effective. That's the beauty of a form letter!
Posted by: Insomniac at November 08, 2020 12:55 PM (nakwk

Sorry to add a suggestion. Carry on.

Posted by: Alabaster Jones at November 08, 2020 01:01 PM (2DOZq)

372 366. That is terrifying

Posted by: Jonah at November 08, 2020 01:01 PM (hdwhl)

373 Funny, in my personal life it's the Democrats that hate--they are the ones that put the conditions on the relationship...

Posted by: jeff at November 08, 2020 01:01 PM (J2JqR)

374 Nood bush traitors.

Posted by: Warlord Someguy - General Who Pacifies The East and West at November 08, 2020 01:02 PM (Zm+LZ)

375 Terrifying, yes.
Also true.

Posted by: attila the unready at November 08, 2020 01:02 PM (w7KSn)

376 In some way, honestly stating this and not being defeatist, from a strategic standpoint the obvious nature of the coup with Trump as a martyr will work in our favor.

Posted by: Keith at November 08, 2020 12:56 PM (jdGlx)

I believe we will win on December 14 or in a vote of the House of Representatives after that, but if you're right, I expect 2021 to be an economic disaster. Biden has plainly said that he's going to lock the country down to fight the Chinese flu, and said it again 3 times on Friday night in dogwhistle language. No question that many regulations will be reimposed. The markets will see these moves as catastrophic. I would not be surprised to see a serious correction, followed by recession.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 08, 2020 01:02 PM (jK8Z7)

377 but who in their right mind, as a normal voter, would be AGAINST election integrity?
Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 12:55 PM (ynpvh)

Democrats. That's easy. Why else fight showing ID at the polling place? Why fight purging voter rolls every decade or so? Why the desperate fight to not only have mail in voting, but no matching signature or post mark?

In CA, they introduced AB-60 not to give DL's to illegals, but send them voter registration materials. An "honor system" don't you know. Half the country seems to be totally fine with BAMN. Honesty and fair play only have value as a shield and cudgel for them.

We saw plenty of evidence from video to social media where these people are fine with throwing away other people's votes. Keeping poll watchers away. Posting or wearing pro-Biden/D gear. Honesty and integrity is for losers.

Posted by: clutch cargo at November 08, 2020 01:02 PM (8B6Ng)

378 Our ballots had identifying number codes on them. I checked with a couple of friends who are registered Republicans, and their codes started with the letter A, as did my own. My son's started with the letter E.

And remember, we had no opportunity to vote in person. If we went to one of the very few polling places on Election Day, we would be given a provisional ballot. It really is a disgrace. And it's not like Biden was ever going to lose NJ fer cryin' out loud.

Posted by: IrishEi at November 08, 2020 12:38 PM (sGotD)

Not sure what my number is, checked it and it was processed (I have no party affiliation) I'll have to ask my parents, they're both educated as Democrats despite never voting in a democratic primary or for a Democrat office holder, but that's just what happened in this part of NJ back when they registered in the 60s/70s, you were a Democrat no matter what.

I also should check if my aunt who died a year ago, or sister who moved 10 years ago and let them know she didn't live here, ended up with a vote, but I'll need to make some fake email addresses to go through the registration for NJ.

Posted by: Rbastid at November 08, 2020 01:02 PM (2Dt+o)

379 Bartiromo is still irritating as sh*t ...

Posted by: Palindrome Paduan at November 08, 2020 01:03 PM (AHq56)

380 Jeopardy will get woke and have a new tranny host, or big lefty ken jennings

Posted by: Jonah at November 08, 2020 01:03 PM (hdwhl)

381 Any morons in/around the north Atlanta metro area? Been living in Cobb County for almost 13 years now. Would love to get connected with some local conservative folks.

Posted by: The Mad Analyst at November 08, 2020 01:03 PM (Wnbyt)

382 I've seen a lot of optimism and pessimism here - both rightly justified.

I've been on the optimism side for some time now...but, I'm sorry, I think it might be over. Courts are very reluctant to get involved 'after' an election, but before one happens they seem to meddle in them a lot...I just don't think our President will get them to take up his legal challenges - its possible, but unlikely.

The time to have prevented this wholesale fraud by the Dems was before the election. There is a reason why armed guards protect Brinks trucks, and it isn't to record a crime in progress. We all knew there was going to be fraud, an EO back in 2019 to appoint federal marshals (or federalize LE to do the same) to over see the election in key cities and precincts if a bipartisan commission of observers were also appointed would have would have been challenged but I doubt state or federal courts would have intervened.

Once the horse has left the barn, I think its too late to get the courts to dig in and over turn an election, no matter how much it violates the previous cited election laws. One thing my wife has taught me, judges are egotistical, yes, but they are lazy as hell. They're not working 80 hrs a week at a top law firm for a reason.

I'm sorry, I hope I am wrong, but how could a guy who engineered Middle East peace not put in safe guards to protect the vote before the election in order to stop fraud in its tracks, fraud everyone knew would happen? I think that is a huge failing on his part and he hasn't had many, but its a big one.

Can we put to rest the Hammer/Scorecard thing? Its really weird and not going to help. It reeks of evil genius working out of an extinct one cares that there is a SCIF in the Eisenhower building. If you were really an evil Bofeld watching your enemies makes evil moves, you'd stop them right then, not send out some lawyer named Powell a week later to talk vaguely about them on a news channel with a guy that probably won't even be working there in a year.

I think I'm gonna fade TJM and others - like Homer into that hedge.

Posted by: Boswell at November 08, 2020 01:03 PM (w2LAm)

383 358 I could not agree more. I refuse to be a good loser. I am surprised to see folks here advocating that!
Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 01:00 PM (l4l/z)

Who's advocating being a good loser? I'm not saying no one did, but I'm pretty sure they are in the minority here.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 01:04 PM (9hauA)

384 Someone on Twatters (forgot the name) did an analysis and in PA that accounted for 18% of votes. Historically, it is only 3%.

There is literally no way that can be chance.

Posted by: Asshoes at November 08, 2020 12:34 PM (22mNy)

The biggest issue should also be how most of that 18% overwhelmingly came for those late ballot dumps, where all the earlier counted things were still high, but not 6x as high.

Posted by: Rbastid at November 08, 2020 01:04 PM (2Dt+o)

385 Eh, I donated the money, and I went to the rally.
I'm doing what little I can, but it doesn't much matter... This country
is fully corrupted, and we're not fixing it by speaking out.

So yeah, definitely stay positive and wait for the right time to fix it the other way.

But for my part I will NOT be voting again.

The pretense of representative rule gives this corrupt one-party
dictatorship a patina of legitimacy. It would even if the Republican
party was worth a damn, but they're not.

Please, stop playing your part in their theater of absurd. Make the
Dems own their dictatorship. When the time comes for them to be paid the
wages of sin (and it will come) the public needs to be very clear-eyed
about who to drag to the Tuileries.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 08, 2020 12:39 PM (XJipD)

YD... take a deep breath and calm down. There is not a dictatorship YET. You giving up now is of no use to anyone except the enemy... it is not even helping you.

Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at November 08, 2020 01:04 PM (946rW)

386 379 Bartiromo is still irritating as sh*t ...
Posted by: Palindrome Paduan at November 08, 2020 01:03 PM (AHq56)

You're not schtupping her. And she is actually one of the 4 people still at FIX News on our side.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 08, 2020 01:05 PM (s2VJv)

387 A commenter yesterday suggested we should seek out people in our neighborhoods who had the courage to put up Trumps signs on their lawns and introduce ourselves. We need to stick together. I think this is a good idea.
Posted by: Chillin the most at November 08, 2020 12:53 PM (lonOK)

There are no Trump signs here in my neighborhood, I'm deep in enemy territory. The SF Bay Area, East Bay to be precise.

I'm even outnumbered 2:1 in this house where I'm staying. I've never felt more alone.

Posted by: Gaelic Girl at November 08, 2020 01:05 PM (5FCda)

388 Not sure what "we" can do, the lack of power and all, however, the gop politicians in every state better start right effing now auditing their electronic voting systems. In states that aren't red, they will need to go to court with whatever evidence they can to get the audits, because the dems won't fund it.
I suppose "we" could start gathering signatures for state amendments that require voter id, clean voter rolls, and day or week of voting.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at November 08, 2020 01:05 PM (r+sAi)

389 We can call our cable or satellite company today and immediately terminate service.

We can delete our Facebook account today.

We can delete our Twitter account today.

Posted by: @ChicagoBri at November 08, 2020 01:05 PM (1tbtm)

390 Trump playing golf and 5d chess...

Very interesting...from Kate at smalldeadanimals - Saskatchewan based by the way....

Why did Trump hold his press conference next to an adult bookstore and a crematorium?
link to the article

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at November 08, 2020 01:05 PM (v2c9/)

391 380 Jeopardy will get woke and have a new tranny host, or big lefty ken jennings
Posted by: Jonah at November 08, 2020 01:03 PM (hdwhl)

Non-Jeopardy Safe Space. All POC contestants are winners.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 08, 2020 01:06 PM (s2VJv)

392 Grennell on Newsmax.

Posted by: Infidel at November 08, 2020 01:06 PM (32aJ9)

393 I wrote the whitehouse.

I am with President Trump. Fight. Cross the Rubicon. We are ready.

Fuck you. War.

Everyone.... if they did indeed monitor from the SCIF facility and recorded the election results and fraud in real time (which is how your catch the "Hammer", then Trump is president and the fight will commence with very serious consequences for all.
Get Ready. I will not live under communist rule, and that is exactly what they are trying to achieve.

Posted by: Derak at November 08, 2020 01:06 PM (k0WjC)

394 I think that while we fight against the monsters, we don't become
monsters ourselves, filled with bitterness and personal revenge.

I always took this quote to mean that we wouldn't be permanently
changed. In the fight for our lives, there is NOTHING off the table in
terms of violence and inhumanity to completely destroy these 'people'
and all their offspring so this never happens again.

However, afterwards, we return to the good people that we are -
family, church, friends - while letting go of all the hatred since the
enemy is defeated.

^^^THIS!!!^^^ So much THIS! that this dimension cannot accommodate all the THIS! and it spills over into a parallel dimension. We may need to get down on their level for a while and get deeper in the mud in order to defeat them, but then we'll go home and have a cold beer whilst in the shower.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #FightBack at November 08, 2020 01:06 PM (HaL55)

395 I've been on the optimism side for some time
now...but, I'm sorry, I think it might be over. Courts are very
reluctant to get involved 'after' an election, but before one happens
they seem to meddle in them a lot...I just don't think our President
will get them to take up his legal challenges - its possible, but

The time to have prevented this wholesale fraud by the Dems was
before the election. There is a reason why armed guards protect Brinks
trucks, and it isn't to record a crime in progress. We all knew there
was going to be fraud, an EO back in 2019 to appoint federal marshals
(or federalize LE to do the same) to over see the election in key cities
and precincts if a bipartisan commission of observers were also
appointed would have would have been challenged but I doubt
state or federal courts would have intervened.

Once the horse has left the barn, I think its too late to get the
courts to dig in and over turn an election, no matter how much it
violates the previous cited election laws. One thing my wife has taught
me, judges are egotistical, yes, but they are lazy as hell. They're not
working 80 hrs a week at a top law firm for a reason.

I'm sorry, I hope I am wrong, but how could a guy who engineered
Middle East peace not put in safe guards to protect the vote before the
election in order to stop fraud in its tracks, fraud everyone knew would
happen? I think that is a huge failing on his part and he hasn't had
many, but its a big one.

Can we put to rest the Hammer/Scorecard thing? Its really weird and
not going to help. It reeks of evil genius working out of an extinct one cares that there is a SCIF in the Eisenhower building.
If you were really an evil Bofeld watching your enemies makes evil
moves, you'd stop them right then, not send out some lawyer named Powell
a week later to talk vaguely about them on a news channel with a guy
that probably won't even be working there in a year.

I think I'm gonna fade TJM and others - like Homer into that hedge.

Posted by: Boswell at November 08, 2020 01:03 PM (w2LAm)

Go with God if you choose but your premise that courts will not get involved in elections after the fact is... contrary to facts.

Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at November 08, 2020 01:07 PM (946rW)

396 What concerns me is their lack of serious opposition to Barrett. What happened to Scalia. To even things out.

Posted by: runner at November 08, 2020 01:07 PM (zr5Kq)

397 If the Democrats steal power there will be no recovery. They will censure your speech and silence opposing viewpoints, they will complete the weaponization of our federal agencies and use them to their full extent to crush individuals and businesses as they deem necessary, they will bail out states that have accumulated billions of dollars in debt rewarding their political malfeasance and they will make it IMPOSSIBLE for any opposing political candidate to succeed on the national level via vote fraud. The next civil war is here and it will not abate unless a national divorce occurs. The republic is over.

Posted by: Sewer Urchin at November 08, 2020 01:07 PM (udOzM)

398 Some here speak of how we vote in the next election. What makes you think they won't just manufacture votes again like this time? Stop the Steal or there won't be another true election.

Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 01:07 PM (l4l/z)

399 Well said CBD.
I would add that the best revenge is living well, or as well as you can afford.

So...what to do???

Not may favorite general but Colin Powell has a great bit of advice...Get mad, then get over it.

I believe this 100 year slide (since Wilson) into neo-socialism can be halted. Trump showed us how. But I do not believe it can be reversed. And this is my personal opinion folks. At some point, it all breaks.

But we can have fun along the way.
As CBD said, get organized. It starts locally.
Find out who runs the local Precinct and get into it. Then make your presence felt.
Read Machiavelli. The dems have.
Decide where your pain points are. What are you willing to do?
If you are action oriented, begin a guerilla campaign. My personal favorite is a black hand giving the finger and the caption is TAX THIS INSLEE.
But as CBD stated, start supporting conservative sites and find like-minded Americans. Get connected.
And never quit.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 08, 2020 01:07 PM (axyOa)

400 Who's advocating being a good loser? I'm not saying no one did, but I'm pretty sure they are in the minority here.
Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 01:04 PM (9hauA)

Agreed. I'm going to keep fighting, but I am not going to allow myself to be morose and gloomy while doing so. Those who want to do that can go right ahead.

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 01:08 PM (/669Q)

401 We few
We happy few
We band of brothers

Posted by: JackStraw at November 08, 2020 01:08 PM (ZLI7S)

402 Happy Warriors have been getting their asses kicked for 40 years now.

About time we picked up a little bitterness, anger and desire for revenge to get on to winning a long term war.

And if that consumes me, I'll get my forgiveness from God.

But I don't need no Sunday school sermon about turning the other cheek-- I've been smote on both already.

Posted by: RoyalOil at November 08, 2020 01:08 PM (aO8Gd)

403 There needs to be groups in place ready to canvass absentee balloters, making sure they were in fact legitimate, and not someone requesting in their name. Wisconsin should do this now, but I see no evidence of it happening. I have tried contacting some Wisconsin officials in Milwaukee and Waukesha county, but did not hear back.

They have 300k ballots that were filled out with a spacial exemption to get avoid ID requirement, encouraged by Dems.

Posted by: MikeN at November 08, 2020 01:09 PM (o/eHL)

404 Deactivated my Twitter account today. Was pleased to see I can go to Twitter and read Trump's tweets without signing in. Will get away from FB by the end of the year, although that's a little harder because it's been a good way to keep up with geographically distant family.
I just can't take the algorithms, the censorship, the spying, and the lies any longer.

Posted by: Jack Squat Bupkis at November 08, 2020 01:09 PM (0V/8D)

405 Some here speak of how we vote in the next election.
What makes you think they won't just manufacture votes again like this
time? Stop the Steal or there won't be another true election.

Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 01:07 PM (l4l/z)

This... so this.

Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at November 08, 2020 01:09 PM (946rW)

406 Thank you Insom and Ben Had! Great job!

Insom, will modify mine enough so we are not sending the same letters to Rubio and Scott.

Will also send to our new Congresscritter. Even though he was a lock to win once he got past the primary, Trump really built him up. He will be receiving a reminder of that loyalty from me.

Will also send to the quivering GOP legislators in the states where this fraud is occurring, and will include a copy of the STRONGLY WORDED LETTER the PA House Speaker sent to the Guv of PA. Will remind them all actions speak louder than words.

Cocaine Mitch? McCarthy? Cruz?

Anyone else ya'll can think of?

Posted by: Marybeth - Trump won! at November 08, 2020 01:09 PM (4pK1/)

407 Coward. Communists only understand blood. Their own. The Russians could not believe their new masters after the fact. They went quietly. Coward.
I want to see what they do in a real fight.

Posted by: Bill Senn at November 08, 2020 01:10 PM (1t9ap)

408 We few
We happy few
We band of brothers

Posted by: JackStraw at November 08, 2020 01:08 PM (ZLI7S)

You got that right.

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 01:10 PM (/669Q)

409 Can we put to rest the Hammer/Scorecard thing?

No because it's real and there's proof of it working in real time on XiNN. It's well-known in DC and has been used to sway foreign elections by our IC before.

It's not tinfoil haberdashery.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #FightBack at November 08, 2020 01:10 PM (HaL55)

410 377 Posted by: Clutch Cargo at November 08, 2020 01:02 PM (8B6Ng)

Reagan had a saying: "Trust, but Verify". That is the key to the whole thing: Verification. How do we VERIFY that votes are valid? How do we keep the dishonest honest? How do we plug the loopholes that are used to destroy the legitimacy of the vote?

BTW: the answer "Democrats" is not a valid answer; they are *NOT* in their right minds.

Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 01:11 PM (ynpvh)

My guess is Ken Jennings.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 08, 2020 12:50 PM (jK8Z7)

Ken came out as a completely partisan and political douche since years back. Alex, despite seemingly being a right leaner, never got into the fray. He took his job seriously and didn't try to use it to push an agenda. Ken may be the new host, but he'll never be a tenth of the man.

Posted by: Rbastid at November 08, 2020 01:12 PM (2Dt+o)

412 Thanks kindly for this post CBD
Going back to lurking.

Posted by: BluesFish at November 08, 2020 01:12 PM (WQZ1O)

413 I wonder if there would be any way to ban Twitter itself. Sever their connections.

Posted by: Poop Artillery at November 08, 2020 01:13 PM (adO8x)

414 Marybeth, that's the spirit.

I have 500 copies made and am taking them around town to get them signed and be mailing them by Tuesday.

Posted by: Ben Had at November 08, 2020 01:13 PM (nQl5B)

The GOPe establishment better come to terms with the fact that the votes for Trump are not a vote for the Republicans.

Posted by: YIKES! at November 08, 2020 01:14 PM (t6XCL)

416 405
Some here speak of how we vote in the next election.

What makes you think they won't just manufacture votes again like this

time? Stop the Steal or there won't be another true election.

Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 01:07 PM (l4l/z)

This... so this.

Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at November 08, 2020 01:09 PM (946rW)

Okay, so how to do this in practice?

Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 01:14 PM (ynpvh)

417 It's fine to be pissed, but you also need to be calm and focused.
Posted by: Weasel

Here speaks the wisdom of the 'crack shot'.
Believe the Weasel!

Posted by: AZ deplorably isolated at November 08, 2020 01:14 PM (gtatv)

There needs to be groups in place ready to canvass absentee balloters,
making sure they were in fact legitimate, and not someone requesting in
their name. Wisconsin should do this now, but I see no evidence of it
happening. I have tried contacting some Wisconsin officials in
Milwaukee and Waukesha county, but did not hear back.

They have 300k ballots that were filled out with a spacial exemption to get avoid ID requirement, encouraged by Dems.

Posted by: MikeN at November 08, 2020 01:09 PM (o/eHL)

True the Vote is calling for all hands on deck volunteers in all states but particularly the disputed states. Here is their sign up page:

My brother lives near ATL and he signed up to volunteer. They directed him to the local authority that is coordinating pretty quickly.

Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at November 08, 2020 01:14 PM (946rW)

419 Agree with Weasel at 162. Sure, I am angered. But I put the rage in a cauldron and slammed on the lid. While I might not be happy, I am not going to let myself be unhappy.

Cold and relentless. I want the Progs and Comms to meet their Admiral Yamamoto moment.

As I think this through, I am reminded of an old saying: "Work as if everything depended on you; pray as if everything depended on God."

Short term here is what I am doing:

1. Pray for America. 2. Pray for that the dumb MF'er Donks and LIV will pull their heads out of their asses and join us opposing the fraud [probably need to change the language for the actual prayer. 3. Write my Dem reps and ask them to stand against fraud. 4. Write the Rep legislators in the swing states in support. 5. Send money to Trump [refusing to pay high prices for ammo have left some $$ in the kitty]. 6. Adopt the Sarah Hoyt "post-it note" plan [Trump Won; Biden Lost; Biden Cheats, etc.] at the gas station, grocery store, etc. Maybe try to find some Rutabaga stickers.

Longer term: I'm still thinking.

Posted by: Mr. Barky at November 08, 2020 01:14 PM (l72Ps)

420 The electronic voting system is full of holes and is the source of much of the vote fraud.
The criminal element in place in elections boards, USPO, etc are also part of the problem.
Am I wrong to state that the voting in every state is suspect if not outright provably corrupt? If that is the case what is the remedy?

Posted by: Clean Underwear when I wear it. at November 08, 2020 01:16 PM (aBBMN)

I wonder if there would be any way to ban Twitter itself. Sever their connections.
Posted by: Poop Artillery at November 08, 2020 01:13 PM (adO8x)

Never had a Twitter or Facebook account.
So doing my part.

Posted by: YIKES! at November 08, 2020 01:16 PM (t6XCL)

422 You Have A Defender - No Weapon Formed Against You Shall Prosper

Posted by: SMH at November 08, 2020 01:17 PM (RU4sa)

423 Okay, so how to do this in practice?

Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 01:14 PM (ynpvh)

Get out and protest. Contact your representatives (even the commie ones) and let them know we will not have our voices stolen. Give to Trump's election integrity fund. Very importantly especially if you live in a state where there will be recounts (which may end up being most of them quite frankly), VOLUNTEER to be part of it. More eyes means less cheating.

Most of all DO NOT give into despair.

Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at November 08, 2020 01:18 PM (946rW)

424 Proposed solution: I think we need to, starting right now, start organizing without the use of the internet. One of the benefits of the modern era is that we are connected in more ways than ever before. The odd downside is that we are less connected at a local level than ever before.

I think there might be an alternative solution that might be more effective in terms of economic warfare: We need our own FB, our own Twitter, our own MSM network. I mean when Gore lost his first goal was to install AirAmerica as "an alternative to the Conservative media" which in his case amounted to Fox News. Totally redundant with all the other MSM networks it failed and he re-capped his money by selling it to Al Jazeera.

I mean think about it. We've got 70 million pissed off voters. If they leave FB, Twitter, they can start their own networks where Cancel Culture can pound sand. We can support our own advertisers and organize boycotts of theirs.

Nothing says "review your position" like unemployment, and economic failure. The Liberal Corporations and their sycophants need to discover this the hard way.

Posted by: Mr Obvious at November 08, 2020 01:19 PM (k+h+d)

425 Giuliani: Republican observers kept out of the room or kept away from the room for 24-hours where mail-in ballots were counted, adding that 135,000 ballots were counted during that time period.

"Even though we went to court, and we were allowed to move 6 feet closer, the Democrat-machine people moved the counting place six feet further away. This is documented on videotape. There are upwards of 50 witnesses," Giuliani said, which would be the subject of a Monday civil rights lawsuit on Monday.

Posted by: 6 feet for you, half a dozen for me at November 08, 2020 01:19 PM (BBWrU)

426 What do we do? I can think of (at least) three options, none of which are mutually exclusive:

(1) Stay in the rural areas, live our lives, and let the cities burn.
(2) Quit our jobs and start collecting welfare. Clearly being a productive citizen is a chump's game.
(3) Third Continental Congress.

It would be immoral to *initiate* violence. But if after, say, half a generation of "progressive" "utopia", a sizable number of red counties banded together and walked away, they would be justified in defending themselves against a tyrannical and illegitimate federal government determined to keep them under their boot. Hopefully it won't come to that.

Posted by: Jonathan at November 08, 2020 01:20 PM (VRF+w)

427 Thanks kindly for this post CBD

Going back to lurking.

Posted by: BluesFish at November 08, 2020 01:12 PM (WQZ1O)

Thanks from me too CBD. We need the reminder.

Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at November 08, 2020 01:20 PM (946rW)

428 420
The electronic voting system is full of holes and is the source of much of the vote fraud.
The criminal element in place in elections boards, USPO, etc are also part of the problem.
Am I wrong to state that the voting in every state is suspect if not
outright provably corrupt? If that is the case what is the remedy?

Posted by: Clean Underwear when I wear it. at November 08, 2020 01:16 PM (aBBMN)
Okay, so how to do this in practice?

Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 01:14 PM (ynpvh)

Get out
and protest. Contact your representatives (even the commie ones) and
let them know we will not have our voices stolen. Give to Trump's
election integrity fund. Very importantly especially if you live in a
state where there will be recounts (which may end up being most of them
quite frankly), VOLUNTEER to be part of it. More eyes means less

Most of all DO NOT give into despair.

Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at November 08, 2020 01:18 PM (946rW)
We have to look at both long-term and short term solutions. The question for the long-term is how to push forward with election integrity reforms, state-by-state, that protect the vote. AS always, the devil is in the details.

Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 01:20 PM (ynpvh)

429 I am on twitter just to get the tweets from DJT and others like him.
He has been busy tweeting today, and all of his tweets have some kind of modifier to them, courtesy of twitter.

Posted by: attila the unready at November 08, 2020 01:21 PM (w7KSn)

430 425
Giuliani: Republican observers kept out of the room or kept away from
the room for 24-hours where mail-in ballots were counted, adding that
135,000 ballots were counted during that time period.

"Even though we went to court, and we were allowed to move 6 feet
closer, the Democrat-machine people moved the counting place six feet
further away. This is documented on videotape. There are upwards of 50
witnesses," Giuliani said, which would be the subject of a Monday civil
rights lawsuit on Monday.

Posted by: 6 feet for you, half a dozen for me at November 08, 2020 01:19 PM (BBWrU)

In states, make it a jailable and finable offense to prevent election observers from monitoring the vote counting.

Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 01:21 PM (ynpvh)

True the Vote is calling for all hands on deck volunteers in all states but particularly the disputed states. Here is their sign up page:

My brother lives near ATL and he signed up to volunteer. They directed him to the local authority that is coordinating pretty quickly.

Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at November 08, 2020 01:14 PM (946rW)

I hope these people will be truthful as:

A) Some may like the outcome and just go with it.
B) some may fear retaliation if they help price the was fraud.

I wonder how much fraud they really need to show. Toy already have peasants like Jedediah Billa and Andrew McCarthy saying that if there was fraud, but not enough to change things we shouldn't care. But odds are you can't find all fraud, but if you find some there's almost sure to be more. So at what point can they say "yeah this was stolen"

Personally I say it should only be a few dozen at most, by that point, if not lower, you have a pattern even if it is only .00002% of the voters.

I also think they should push a recount in all the states, not just areas with the suspect machines. Because now in MI they're claiming it was "human error" so in that case those humans proved to be incompetent, so all their work must be double checked to find if there are more errors, as humans screw up more than machines.

Posted by: Rbastid at November 08, 2020 01:22 PM (2Dt+o)

432 It would be immoral to *initiate* violence. But if
after, say, half a generation of "progressive" "utopia", a sizable
number of red counties banded together and walked away, they would be
justified in defending themselves against a tyrannical and illegitimate
federal government determined to keep them under their boot. Hopefully
it won't come to that.

Posted by: Jonathan at November 08, 2020 01:20 PM (VRF+w)

It is not immoral to initiate violence in self-defense. This is very much self-defense of our God given rights. As always though, all other options should be exhausted before we go there.

Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at November 08, 2020 01:22 PM (946rW)

433 I'm hoping that Brian Kemp is taking notes and getting battle space prepared for the runoff elections in January, making sure that there will be no shenanigans.

Posted by: Opus at November 08, 2020 01:22 PM (Wo2ED)

434 Arizona is going to happen. The key in Georgia and
Pennsylvania is to decertify Fulton and Philadelphia Counties (although I
would add that Allegheny County is also suspicious, and the President's
people should also litigate Milwaukee, Dane, and the WOW Counties in
Wisconsin and Wayne County in Michigan). The choke point is that the
Secretary of State in each of those states has to certify that the
results of the election are free and fair. I don't think any of them can
do that. It will likely be necessary to litigate up to the Supreme
Court to have those counties thrown out. That's the whole ball game.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 08, 2020 12:39 PM (jK8Z7)

======================================When these matters reach the US Supreme Court, the Court will face an existential challenge. If the evidence of fraud is overwhelming in each of these counties, then the US Supreme Court must act in order to preserve their authority. If the bedrock constiutional principle of free and fair elections can be ignored with impunity, so can Supreme Court decisions. Bush v. Gore was a 9-0 decision, not because the liberal members of the Court loved Bush; it was because the alternative would have led to an unconstitutional unraveling that would, in turn, lead directly to the neutering of the federal court system.

Posted by: mrp at November 08, 2020 01:22 PM (Pqytn)

435 "...USPS takes photographs of all mail. Count the pictures of mail in
ballots in each state, PA for example, and compare that number with what
the state counted as mail in votes"

We can look back to things that Trump should have done to stop this ... OR maybe we can look forward to next week when we find out what Trump (or the white hats) DID do to stop this.

We certainly have the tech, NSA has the evidence, there are several frauds already discovered ... prayer and fasting, a little sack cloth and ashes ... then next week (we pray) the path to victory over evil becomes more clear. In the meantime the media will drive their false narrative of "accept the results" ... like a hammer.

Posted by: illiniwek at November 08, 2020 01:22 PM (Cus5s)

436 nood
Posted by Ace at 01:02 PM Comments


The last Bush Betrayal

Sad that there were so many that they have to be labelled or numbered to be referred to

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at November 08, 2020 01:23 PM (v2c9/)

437 426 (3) Third Continental Congress.

Posted by: Jonathan at November 08, 2020 01:20 PM (VRF+w)

That could be problematic. We could easily end up with a horrible system depending on who does the reorganization of how our goverment works. I would be *VERY* worried about this path.

Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 01:23 PM (ynpvh)

438 And one more:

(4) Go along with the system, but start playing the long game, just like the left has for the past century. If conservatives (or really, just people who understand and love America) started cheap private schools in poor areas, both urban and rural, and managed to pass along both the skills necessary for a successful life, and a deep appreciation for the unique virtues of Western civilization that make that success possible... It's hard to imagine totalitarian clowns like AOC getting very far.

Posted by: Jonathan at November 08, 2020 01:23 PM (VRF+w)

439 I wonder how much fraud they really need to show.
Toy already have peasants like Jedediah Billa and Andrew McCarthy saying
that if there was fraud, but not enough to change things we shouldn't
care. But odds are you can't find all fraud, but if you find some
there's almost sure to be more. So at what point can they say "yeah this
was stolen"

Posted by: Rbastid at November 08, 2020 01:22 PM (2Dt+o)

Any fraud should mean a hand recount with scrutiny on death rolls, voter ineligibility and registration rolls. "Not enough to count" is not a thing.

Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at November 08, 2020 01:24 PM (946rW)

440 It's not about gooey fun happy feelings. It involves conviction about the rightness of one's cause.
Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (It's not over folks!) at November 08, 2020 12:24 PM (9hauA)

And not despairing no matter what.

Posted by: clutch at November 08, 2020 01:25 PM (9UmRs)

441 438
And one more:

(4) Go along with the system, but start playing the long game, just
like the left has for the past century. If conservatives (or really,
just people who understand and love America) started cheap private
schools in poor areas, both urban and rural, and managed to pass along
both the skills necessary for a successful life, and a deep appreciation
for the unique virtues of Western civilization that make that success
possible... It's hard to imagine totalitarian clowns like AOC getting
very far.

Posted by: Jonathan at November 08, 2020 01:23 PM (VRF+w)

The leftists got the long-game by taking over those institutions of importance in the long-run like education, the media, and bureaucracy.

Posted by: jim at November 08, 2020 01:26 PM (ynpvh)

442 437 You're right, it could end badly. But if the time ever came for some sort of national divorce, you'd almost have to have some sort of convention to agree on the system of government and all that.

Are there any paths forward that don't have the possibility of ending badly?

Posted by: Jonathan at November 08, 2020 01:30 PM (VRF+w)

443 61 What if there's no winner by inauguration day?

Nancy Pelosi, being Speaker of the House, becomes temporary president. How long that would be I do not know

Posted by: Brett at November 08, 2020 01:33 PM (lXfyM)

444 I agree. Someone here said this a day or so ago, I think it was Dave in Fla, but if nothing else this election has highlighted for us in dayglo colors that we need election reform, and we need it badly.

*I may have added the part about dayglo colors*
Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 12:46 PM (/669Q)

That's been obvious for a long time. The reason THIS election is so important is that if they can rig any election at will, then they have all the power as to how those election are done.

Also, chew on this: The states that are being focused on the most right now all have GOP legislatures (in BOTH houses). THEY make the election rules, so how did this happen?

In PA, the executive branch made up the rules, and we can expect the SCOTUS to throw those rules out, but, to certain extent, the cow is already out of the barn.

Beyond that, they simply break the rules, with apparently no recourse.

Posted by: Optimizer at November 08, 2020 01:39 PM (hOOi9)

445 I am generally no fan of the French, and I was outraged when I traveled to France years ago only to find the entire highway system outside Paris shut down by a truckers' strike ("la greve"). I remember thinking that the US would never have or allow such a shutdown, especially if the sole justification for the shutdown is the truckers' demands for higher pay. Still, I have been thinking about this idea all morning; what kind of non-violent civil disobedience can sufficiently demostrate the severity of the situation?

Posted by: Faire la Greve at November 08, 2020 01:39 PM (gYn5K)

446 441 They got the long game because they were the only ones on the field. But it's not a secret how badly the public education system has failed the poorest children, and it's not a secret that a good education is as sure a path upward as the world can provide. There are plenty of blue cities in red states; start cheap, effective private schools in those cities and I guarantee that parents will come running.

Higher ed is running scared right now. (I work in higher ed, so I've got a front row seat...) We've been told to expect very large (I want to say like 50%, but don't hold me to that) enrollment drops across the industry within about 5 years, just because there are fewer children. So I expect that the left's ability to poison the culture from that particular front is likely to see some serious setbacks soon.

Posted by: Jonathan at November 08, 2020 01:41 PM (VRF+w)

447 What can we do? Not a damn thing.
Which is why I'm checking out.

If you knew the deck was stacked and the outcome already determined, who in their right mind would play the damn game?

I'm done.

Posted by: Bea Arthur's Dick at November 08, 2020 01:42 PM (jWe5r)

448 "Be copy now to men of grosser blood,
And teach them how to war. And you, good yeoman,
Whose limbs were made in England, show us here
The mettle of your pasture; let us swear
That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
For there is none of you so mean and base,
That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.:

- Henry V

Posted by: Jeffersonian at November 08, 2020 01:43 PM (5qCqD)

449 443 Nancy Pelosi, being Speaker of the House

She isn't speaker for the new session ... and she may not be.

Posted by: Palindrome Paduan at November 08, 2020 01:44 PM (AHq56)

450 I keep thinking everytime I look in absolute and total dismay to what is happening in GA, why an R governor (Kemp) did not do what Desantis did in Fl to wrestle the election process from the hands of these thieves???

Posted by: Floridachick at November 08, 2020 01:44 PM (fdVEh)

451 And BTW....I think it's safe to say reversing this election fraud will be a battle of wits with the unarmed. I mean if you go to any Federal Penitentiary you'll find that EVERY prisoner there was "innocent" when they were convicted. What kind of intelligence does it take to think they could commit Election Fraud on a National Level and we'd submit?

Posted by: Mr Obvious at November 08, 2020 01:46 PM (k+h+d)

452 451 I dunno, I feel like the typical lefty (at least leadership and middle management) tends to have high INT and low WIS, if you know what I mean. Which means they might have a decent chance of pulling this off. Google and Facebook weren't built from scratch by idiots.

Posted by: Jonathan at November 08, 2020 01:51 PM (VRF+w)

453 The first thing is real with the traitorous GOP by boycotting the next election. I don't care if that means the dems will have more power. The only thing the GOP does is act as the controlled opposition. Primaries won't work. I rather deal with an openly declared enemy than those back stabbing traitors who are doing nothing while our votes are stolen. They want to kick out Trump then I'll leave too.

Posted by: John galt at November 08, 2020 01:54 PM (kB+Uw)

454 #453 It won't matter if you vote or not in the next election. They will have won it before it started.

Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 01:56 PM (l4l/z)

455 #444 who is going to stand up for election reform? Joe Biden? Kamala Harris?

Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 01:58 PM (l4l/z)

456 There is no long game as many have suggested. That only works as long as BOTH opponents agree to play by the rules. The Democrats published their strategy for stealing this election weeks in advance and they have executed on that strategy. Boxes of ballots being delivered at 4AM from vehicles with out of state license plates, more votes being tallied than the number of registered voters in some precincts, hundreds of thousands of ballots with just a single vote for Biden/Harris and no down-ticket votes, altering ballots and denying poll watchers lawful access. If the media/democrats succeed, there will be no long game. They will use every tool at their disposal to crush their opponents, discourage dissent, destroy careers, and imprison and silence those that disagree. Either Trump prevails at the Supreme Court or the republic is over.

Posted by: Sewer Urchin at November 08, 2020 01:58 PM (B9OsQ)

457 I'm seeing a lot of urging us to give up. Now, who would be trying to send that kind of message, hmmm?

Posted by: Emmie at November 08, 2020 01:59 PM (5HGFT)

If this election stands mail in balloting will be expanded, well funded and the new norm. The new waves of immigrants will be settled in red states and republicans will lose the house and the senate in 2022.

Posted by: DAK at November 08, 2020 02:01 PM (PtOP4)

459 I dunno, I feel like the typical lefty (at least leadership and middle management) tends to have high INT and low WIS, if you know what I mean. Which means they might have a decent chance of pulling this off. Google and Facebook weren't built from scratch by idiots.

Posted by: Jonathan at November 08, 2020 01:51 PM (VRF+w)

So they can do lots of damage with Black Magic but are shit at healing spells?

Posted by: Rbastid at November 08, 2020 02:09 PM (hOX2Q)

460 This is just anecdotal, but I came back from a 2 hour motorcycle ride in SW Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) and Medina County. Most who had Biden signs have taken them down. Those who support Trump still have their signs up.

Posted by: 0231 at November 08, 2020 02:11 PM (r+ov6)

461 CBD, it is absolutely easy -- practically automatic -- that we win.

1. The 5 Republican state legislatures void their corrupt cities's forgeries and vote the electors, as they are supposed to do. But the Republicans will betray you.

2. SCOTUS voids the corrupt votes. But the Republicans will betray you twice

3. Since SCOTUS won't act, the election goes to the US House, where we have an easy majority. But the Republicans will betray you three times.

Posted by: Gilded at November 08, 2020 02:12 PM (AcsI+)

462 "Higher ed is running scared right now. (I work in
higher ed, so I've got a front row seat...) We've been told to expect
very large (I want to say like 50%, but don't hold me to that)
enrollment drops across the industry within about 5 years, just because
there are fewer children. So I expect that the left's ability to poison
the culture from that particular front is likely to see some serious
setbacks soon.

Posted by: Jonathan at November 08, 2020 01:41 PM (VRF+w)"

I think you are partly reading that wrong.

Serfs don't need higher education, and a smaller audience means the left doesn't need to subsidize and steer people to it anymore. Higher ed's usefulness is coming to an end in the near future other than as a certification mill for moonbats of the middle-ruling class, while they still retain regular public education.

Posted by: there are only three star wars films at November 08, 2020 02:13 PM (EEVQU)

463 I'm vindictive so I want joe and his whole crime family to be frog marched to prison... i don't care if that means kamala takes over.. She was anyway
Just sayin' -- Kamala of the Juicy Smeller, and her compadres, Michelle Robinson and Valerie Jarrett, certainly make a triumvrate of nastiness.

Posted by: mustbequantum at November 08, 2020 02:16 PM (MIKMs)

464 Democrats and most GOP are the American PRI.

Somewhat counterintuitively, the sitting members of the party that survived the plutocratic onslaught against them this year is, rather than resisting PRI-ization, teaming up with Dem's ballot-stuffing in Rotten Boroughs. It is insane behavior.

Provisionally, never vote for any Democrats, that goes without saying. But stop supporting any GOP incumbents after more than 3 terms. Rather than have an immediate civil war with the wealthy Republican wing of the PRI against me, I'd prefer to let the Washington Generals die out first.

Posted by: Prognosticus Maximus at November 08, 2020 02:19 PM (mX3Ey)

465 Ace: "Throw the damn towel"

Posted by: MikeyPete at November 08, 2020 02:24 PM (tXWX9)

466 @456

Then roll over and die if you wish, but do it quietly. My family has fought for this country since the revolution and I'll be fucked if I'm going to throw up my hands and give up.

Posted by: old5.0 at November 08, 2020 02:26 PM (2Ls0B)

467 LOL 464 you say never vote for Democrats and GOPe etc.. what difference does your vote make? See the light. They will fix every election from here forward unless we stop the steal now

Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 02:30 PM (l4l/z)

468 Ace: "Throw the damn towel"
Posted by: MikeyPete at November 08, 2020 02:24 PM (tXWX9)

Really? Where and when did Ace say this? Please provide a link.

Posted by: bluebell at November 08, 2020 02:32 PM (/669Q)

469 fuck this happy warrior shit.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 08, 2020 02:34 PM (V2Yro)

470 I doubt anyone wants to revisit the Civil War.
This will be the New Civil War. We have tech now. Better living through chemicals, little flying machines that travel great distances and GPS tracking devices in the back of bumpers will find help our enemies.

Democrats to work in government, and the equally natural disinclination
of conservatives to seek employment in the most dysfunctional and least
efficient segments of our economy. But that is where the power to
manipulate elections resides. Government clerks and functionaries who
manage the voting process are overwhelmingly Democrat, and until that
changes we are at a significant disadvantage.
This is where we attack first. This is where the first New Patriots will fall. We know where they work.

You won't change the minds of these people, until the truth can flow freely. There will be blood...sorry but that's how it works. Look at Hong Kong as an example.

You may ban this post at your leisure, cause Violence.

Posted by: Peaceful War at November 08, 2020 02:46 PM (SQJo+)

471 More like Boston 1770.

It's a Boston Massacre that's going to be the next shoe to drop. After that is the Shot Heard Round the World.

This is not a fight for the states to get to do what they want and the mean old federal government won't let them.

This is a fight against tyranny and of the power to elect the people we choose to represent us.

Posted by: Shenanigans

Posted by: Baked Arizona at November 08, 2020 02:51 PM (Q1qIm)

You won't change the minds of these people, until the truth can flow freely. There will be blood...sorry but that's how it works. Look at Hong Kong as an example.

You may ban this post at your leisure, cause Violence."

This is exactly where my thoughts are running. When and how are the only parts to work out.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 08, 2020 02:54 PM (V2Yro)

473 459 So they can do lots of damage with Black Magic but are shit at healing spells?

Posted by: Rbastid at November 08, 2020 02:09 PM (hOX2Q)

Yep, and they've used up all their spell slots for the day and there's no Safe Space(TM) to rest.

Posted by: Jonathan at November 08, 2020 02:58 PM (VRF+w)

474 Bah. Getting a divorce over this nonsense. My sister in law has increased our baby sitting duties as she has separated from her husband. The 8 year old informed me that Trump is a POS. I brought it up to his mom and asked her to maybe tone down the political rhetoric the kids hear at home. This was an affront to her parenting. She then got my wife on the horn and told her that the kids were not welcome at our house. Wife was furious with me, and remains so even after I showed her the text exchange. Done with 4 kids from 2 broken marriages playing soccer in my living room and being told to grow up and not sink to their level when I boot them out to the 3 acre yard to play. Moving on.

Posted by: Spidly at November 08, 2020 03:00 PM (buP4J)


Posted by: Saf at November 08, 2020 03:03 PM (5IHGB)

476 What can we do?

I think that Roberts will do his utmost to screw Trump. And absent real vote reform conservatives will keep losing.

So Trump needs to pull out his 4-D chess set and say he will give up any claims if there is real vote reform.

Every state must adapt the Florida model and all electronic data must be block chained.

All mail in ballots must be in one week in advance

There must be the purple finger for in person voting

IDs must be required.

Trump could do this nation and himself a great favor. Because this would guarantee him a win in 2024 and Mark him as one of the greatest presidents in history.

Not a troll I swear!

Posted by: Loki, watering thoroughly The Tree of Liberty at November 08, 2020 03:07 PM (KqiMr)

477 If there is anyone who wants to see a weak and failing man dweeb who is also a sexual pervert and pedophile as President and his whore of a wife who was screwing him while his first wife was still alive, she with their three small children, you go right ahead. Compare the whore with Melania.

Whatever befalls this benighted nation, it deserves it. We threw away God, we slaughtered our babes in the womb, we were willing to allow our daughters to be raped and molested by men-women pretenders.

I'm surprised God has stayed with America up to this point, but I think His patience must be thinning. If one virtuous man remain in the city....I don't know. Is one?

Posted by: Innocent Flower at November 08, 2020 03:11 PM (xZjSg)

478 By the way - Joe Biden can't win this, the Democrats like Schumer and AOL can't win this. The victory will belong, if Trump loses. to CHINA. They don't even mind butchering their own people. What mercy do you think will be shed on us?

Posted by: Innocent Flower at November 08, 2020 03:13 PM (xZjSg)

479 Baked Arizona and Tom Servo Im with you both!

Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 04:12 PM (l4l/z)

480 Hmmmmmm. Civil War is the last option. So it is an option.

These bastards going to regret when they make it the only option.

They think slavery under their bootheel is an option. They'd be thinking wrong.

It ain't.

Posted by: Minuteman at November 08, 2020 04:32 PM (Us8Ej)

481 "Wrong! Conan, what is best in life?"

"To crush the leftists, see them driven before you, hear the lamentation of the women."

"Correct! The rest is just kayfabe."

Posted by: Conan the Former Libertarian at November 08, 2020 05:26 PM (b+vZJ)

482 Test

Posted by: Randomgenerator at November 08, 2020 05:41 PM (+aiYj)

483 For some reason I keep hitting a server error when I try to post something longer than a sentence.

Posted by: Randomgenerator at November 08, 2020 05:43 PM (+aiYj)

484 The virus has us at home. We need to be together in groups. They have silenced us online, so we need to make enough noise in person that they can not deny our presence. We need to make sure our message is not distorted.

Posted by: Randomgenerator at November 08, 2020 05:57 PM (+aiYj)

485 The red state legislatures for states that voted for Trump should all lead the way and pass identical resolutions:

"Due to the nation wide concern about overwhelming fraud, this legislature exercises its constitutional authority to directly select a slate of electors. "

It would be like saying "I am Spartacus" and it would help the legislatures of the critical swing states to do the right thing.

Posted by: chimerical thing at November 08, 2020 06:01 PM (Adjue)

486 In case you care, the problem is this (in brief): Our enemy ACTS - we do not.

Where to act? Doesn't matter...just do something. But if someone asked, my list as of last week was:
1) Join the school board. Yes, you morons, do it!
2) Donate to my charity which is tasked to buyout local media. (or support OAN, etc...I guess)
3) Ask Trump to move agencies out of DC. Nevermind.

Now, the mostly peaceful knife is at the throat and the skin is broken. So add this.

4) Organize for pushback to the machine. We need BODIES in organizations: Clean out your local GOPe, the gov't, etc. Retired? Great! Run for office (esp SOS)! Have time? Get a gov't job. Infiltrate the system.

Write a letter if you must, but ACT!


Posted by: Tonic Dog at November 08, 2020 06:06 PM (UYvk0)

487 We're turning into the United States of Chicago if the courts don't challenge this bullshit.
This all started with the Associated Press. It's a nonprofit.
Is it really?
I think DJT should order an audit. I wonder who would have standing to sue.

Posted by: vivi at November 08, 2020 06:11 PM (USW1s)

488 474 -I wish my brother would divorce his wife over this...

Posted by: vivi at November 08, 2020 06:15 PM (USW1s)

489 I've been thinking about the right word for what I've been feeling about the election and the runoff coming in January. It hit me that impotent is the right word. I sit here feeling helpless while I'm watching an evil entity steal something right in front of my eyes and there is nothing I can do to stop it.

Posted by: Michael Davis at November 08, 2020 06:25 PM (kPPnr)

490 I know this is so far down nobody will see it, but it's something I've been mulling over all week.

I think the single most important thing that must be fixed is how votes are counted, and it (unfortunately) needs to be changed at the federal level to ensure fairness. The current system has been carefully tweaked and twisted over the years to aid in fraud and cannot be allowed to continue.

Here's what I mean: we watched multiple states last week reporting big numbers for Trump and meh ones for Biden, followed by a handful of strategic counties under Dem control "finding" just enough votes in the 11th hour to push the walking carcass over the finish line. They can only do that by withholding their own reporting until they see what other counties report and estimate how many extra votes they need to turn up to swing it. Remove their ability to know that, and they lose the biggest tool in their fraud arsenal.

No more of this peeking at everyone else's results to "adjust" your own. No more "Oh that state is too far gone, so your state needs to create more votes". Each county/parish/district/whatever needs to conduct their counting under a reporting blackout. No numbers, no trickle of reports. Just the counters and observers from each party.

Once the counting is complete, the county certifies it (under penalty of perjury or whatever makes sense to charge someone subverting the vote) and transmits it to the state. Finally, all states publish their results at a single time.

Posted by: Cortillaen at November 08, 2020 06:35 PM (4Acrv)

491 Piss on "The Happy Warrior" nonsense. We're on the brink from becoming Venezuela and people want to act like it is 1988.

Posted by: Ernie McCracken at November 08, 2020 07:06 PM (3VGQ8)

492 491 Piss on "The Happy Warrior" nonsense. We're on the brink from becoming Venezuela and people want to act like it is 1988.
Posted by: Ernie McCracken at November 08, 2020 07:06 PM (3VGQ

Or maybe it's 1775?

Posted by: Jonathan at November 08, 2020 07:15 PM (VRF+w)

493 #490 I agree but who are you going to get to reform. We can't even have a fraud free election.

Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 07:36 PM (3rpCw)

494 Loll. #438 AOC has got pretty far for a barista. And just got re-elected.

Posted by: AnnaS at November 08, 2020 07:55 PM (3rpCw)

495 I've been reading this site since the early 2000's though I rarely comment. I'm not very funny especially when talking about serious issues. I do enjoy the way most of you keep your sense of humor. But I needed to thank Ace and his gang (commenters included) for helping me keep sane during this time. Thanks one & all.

I think it's too late to save this election, this weekend was crucial and we allowed the left time to hide the evidence. We should have raided all the counting rooms 24 hours after the election and locked everything down until the recount.

As far as civil war I'm old but I'm ready. If biden gets in I'll make sure I'm working with a group of like minded people.

Posted by: Tony Noboloney at November 08, 2020 08:47 PM (++5O6)

496 You say Fourth Estate. I say Fifth Column.

Posted by: John Simpson at November 08, 2020 09:34 PM (wnOW6)

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