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Fox News: The Movement to Decriminalize Crime Is Being Spearheaded by Leftwing Marxist DAs Put Into Office by Communist Billionaire George Soros

I'm surprised Fox didn't censor this, or brand the facts "anti-semitic," as Soros' paid goons insist through their media minions.

District attorneys and current candidates whose campaigns benefited from the work of left-wing organizations - including ones backed by liberal billionaire George Soros - are now pushing for new practices that could see sharp reductions in prosecutions and incarcerations.


St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, who was boosted by Soros in her campaign, drew controversy when she announced her office was bringing felony charges against Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the couple who brandished guns outside their home as protesters marched by in June.


Another high-profile prosecutor who has been backed by Soros in the past is Cook County, Ill. State's Attorney Kim Foxx. Foxx drew national attention when she dismissed the case against actor Jussie Smollett, who had been accused of faking a hate crime attack against himself. The case was later taken over by a special prosecutor who filed new charges.


Looking at her term in office, a report from the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund found a 13 percent decline in guilty pleas or verdicts in felony cases and a 39 percent increase in dropped or lost cases after Foxx took office in 2016.

San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, another beneficiary of Soros-tied contributions, recently defended the movement to defund police.

Boudin is also one of a number of district attorneys participating in "Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commissions," teaming with the Grassroots Law Project, an organization co-founded by activist Shaun King that calls for defunding police.

Posted by: Ace at 06:00 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 3yg555

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:01 PM (G51Gf)

2 I stand by every word I said.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:01 PM (G51Gf)

I 3238u3r8ur4 ed

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:02 PM (G51Gf)

4 And they're just discovering this?

Posted by: Old Dude at July 30, 2020 06:02 PM (LGXGf)

5 That's really surprising.

I mean, I knew that. You knew that. No surprise to us, because we keep up with real news via Ace of Spades.

I just didn't know that *Fox* knew that.

Posted by: mindful webworker
clik4 a shaggy Gothic horror story
at July 30, 2020 06:03 PM (RnSBy)

6 And?

Posted by: Donna Thomas at July 30, 2020 06:03 PM (Zmnko)

That's "I nooded."

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:03 PM (G51Gf)

8 Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm ...

Posted by: Ozzy and Tony Both Enter the Octogon. Only 1 will leave ... at July 30, 2020 06:03 PM (LPnfS)

9 Welcome to the party, Pal!

Posted by: Old Dude at July 30, 2020 06:03 PM (LGXGf)

btw, Gardner dropped the charges against the McCloskeys. Something must have happened.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:04 PM (G51Gf)

11 If there's one guy that needs to get run over by a truck, it's George Soros.

Posted by: vrf at July 30, 2020 06:04 PM (FL0P4)

12 This is part and parcel of the Left's determination that they will get their way, no matter what.

Can't get laws repealed? Get DAs elected who will use prosecutorial discretion to simply not prosecute the crimes.

Nice game. Time to start playing it back.

Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 30, 2020 06:04 PM (GbPPJ)

13 Light bulb about 10 years too late.

Posted by: Pliney at July 30, 2020 06:04 PM (nzKWW)

14 Nice to know this is not going unnoticed...

Posted by: It's me donna at July 30, 2020 06:04 PM (Zmnko)

20 !!! Hi

Posted by: Yo! at July 30, 2020 06:04 PM (fvvBx)

16 Kim Foxx (D) easily re-elected despite the Jesse Smell-it fiasco. So there's that.

Posted by: Old Dude at July 30, 2020 06:05 PM (LGXGf)

17 Called "new thread" below.

But I suspect the Soros DAs are only decriminalizing cases that support the Left, and will attack harder the cases that the Right would support.

Posted by: gdgm+ at July 30, 2020 06:05 PM (ExnWy)

18 Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:04 PM (G51Gf)

Gardner dropped or AG dismissed ?

Posted by: Adriane the True Crimt Critic ... at July 30, 2020 06:05 PM (LPnfS)

19 Soros need to become Soreass.

Posted by: The "boys" in cell block D at July 30, 2020 06:05 PM (Z2qFv)

20 4 And they're just discovering this?
Posted by: Old Dude

no shit. it's so old it's history

Posted by: x at July 30, 2020 06:05 PM (nFwvY)

21 Yeah, no shit.

Posted by: Allie at July 30, 2020 06:05 PM (vmRc0)

22 San Francisco's DA, Chesa Boudin, was raised by Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn after his parents went to prison for the murder of a bank guard during the commission of an armed robbery.

Posted by: bonhomme at July 30, 2020 06:05 PM (YYlyE)

23 Well, d'uh.

Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas at July 30, 2020 06:05 PM (SRRAx)

24 arson is free speech
self-defense is a crime

Posted by: vmom 2020 (on twitter as @vm20201 at July 30, 2020 06:05 PM (TOyHQ)

25 Decriminalize robbing the bougie scum. Defending your property? Not so much.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at July 30, 2020 06:05 PM (e6WNk)

26 Herman Cain (Trump supporter and Tulsa rally attendee) dead from Coronavirus.

One less Trump voter. Lmfao.


Posted by: President One Term at July 30, 2020 06:06 PM (bRny3)

27 So, when the goons come for these "prosecutors" who are nothing of the kind, who do they think will protect them?

After all, the proggies have been telling us for years that it is right-wing extremists who are the most dangerous folks around, and by removing the police protection from between themselves and the right-wing extremists....

BTW, who fits that description (right wing extremists)? I'm mystified and I never hear actual names, just the lies.

Posted by: tcn in AK at July 30, 2020 06:06 PM (okGHj)

28 Welcome to the party.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 30, 2020 06:06 PM (ZLI7S)

29 the Cisco Kid was a friend of mine.

Posted by: Chico Escuela: Vidas Negras Cuentan at July 30, 2020 06:06 PM (IL6Hc)

Hey communist retards

No cops = we shoot the crimes ourselves

Posted by: Yo! at July 30, 2020 06:06 PM (fvvBx)

31 "Soros is a philanthropist!"

Posted by: davidt at July 30, 2020 06:07 PM (l3+k2)

32 11 If there's one guy that needs to get run over by a truck, it's George Soros.
Posted by: vrf at July 30, 2020 06:04 PM (FL0P4)

I think that he and RGB trade spare parts back and forth.

Posted by: tcn in AK at July 30, 2020 06:07 PM (okGHj)

33 All of us who were paying attention (including anyone who reads this blog) were trying to tell everyone this as soon as Soros started trying to buy DA's around the country.

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 30, 2020 06:07 PM (Kpl3J)

34 So, they're not elected, they're just put into office by a billionaire?

So all we need is our own billionaire? Best get looking for one.

Or is there some other part to it?

Posted by: rhomboid at July 30, 2020 06:07 PM (OTzUX)

35 Chesa Boudin, of course, is the Marxist son of convicted Weather Underground /BLA ally Mrs. Boudin who was arrested and convicted in the murderous Brinks robbery in NY State 1981 as she was a planner and decoy driver who had luckily could not reach her pistol that was under driver's when being ordered out of the car by cops (her common law hibbie was in car too as passenger). She then convinced parole officers that she was okeedokee by organizing AIDS "outreach" for women prisoners, got an M.A. at Columbia in some stupid class and was then elevated to prof. In charge of a "peace and justice center " at Columbia.... despite helping to kill 2 cops and a security guard and wounding many others.

Posted by: Donovan Nuera at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM (n6XcA)

36 See San Francisco's new DA. There's a reason anarchy reigns in that city.
See also the real estate market. The cities are all emptying out in rapid fashion.

Posted by: Defund NeverTrump at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM (0jZvB)

37 Worst part. Most of these DA's are voted in by mouth breathing buffoons.

Posted by: Hesco Gypsy, staring from 457 meters at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM (h2OUV)

38 If there's one guy that needs to get run over by a truck, it's George Soros.
Posted by: vrf at July 30, 2020 06:04 PM (FL0P4)

He's got four sons and a daughter.

Posted by: IrishEi at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM (sGotD)

39 Posted by: President One Term at July 30, 2020 06:06 PM (bRny3)

Yeah, sweetie, that's what we had hoped for your guy, but no luck.

Of course, our guy only took one year to undo all Obozo's crap, but there ya go.

Now, go lay down by your dish.

Posted by: tcn in AK at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM (okGHj)

40 btw, Gardner dropped the charges against the McCloskeys. Something must have happened.

Someone leaked documents asserting the DA's office re-assembled Mrs McCloskey's gun to make it operative. At the time she was waving it around it had been rendered inoperative so it could be used as evidence in court.

Also, the Governor said he'd pardon them if the DA continued the case.

Posted by: bonhomme at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM (YYlyE)

41 This happens because the Left who support this live in protected communities, send their kids to private schools, and profit from crime and unrest.

The elite live in another country. And that country is at war with us.,

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM (LWu6U)

42 And the cycle begins anew; from quiet to leniency, to crime wave, to crackdown*, to quiet. Repeat.

*Yes, it will result in a crackdown, no matter how much money the cycle is human.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Boo Hoo? You Do! Pity Party Supplies at The Outrage Outlet! at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM (cZjDV)

43 >>Worst part. Most of these DA's are voted in by mouth breathing buffoons.

So are most politicians.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM (ZLI7S)

44 Mentioned this a few times in the last year, he who gets to make who is a criminal and who isnt is the DA, rioters are their friends and those defending their properties are the criminals. In Philadelphia some years ago black thugs held clubs outside a polling place, nothing ever happened to them. That's when I got what they were doing.

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2020 06:09 PM (6f16T)

45 38 If there's one guy that needs to get run over by a truck, it's George Soros.
Posted by: vrf at July 30, 2020 06:04 PM (FL0P4)

He's got four sons and a daughter.

Posted by: IrishEi at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM (sGotD)

So use a bigger truck.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 30, 2020 06:09 PM (6FeV1)

46 And it disgusts me that they say "Under the Radar" since we here certainly saw it and were shouting about it. But the MSM worked hard to censor the entire thing.

"Actively Suppressed" is far from the same as "under the radar". I think the Philly DA is another Soros creature.

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 30, 2020 06:09 PM (Kpl3J)

47 OANN Makes me m-OANNnnnnn.

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin, Conservative Blogger at July 30, 2020 06:10 PM (7Fj9P)

48 Can't wait for the Mandels to tell us how anti-semetic this report is...

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 30, 2020 06:10 PM (ysmsf)

49 Actually, this has been reported on for about 2 years. It's a very smart play. Go after the DA's, get them under your wing. It's subversion at the local level. Hell, the leftists already have Congress, most Federal judges, likely SCOTUS... the only play is downstream.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 30, 2020 06:10 PM (3H9h1)

50 Print the wanted poster for Soros from Malaysia.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2020 06:10 PM (m/Bi8)

Don't forget Marilyn Mosby. The NY Times crowed about it in 2016:

>>African-American lawyers, racial justice groups and the liberal hedge fund billionaire George Soros are combining forces to try to elect more black prosecutors in response to what they see as an insufficient response by incumbent district attorneys to the killings of black people by the police.

By the way, Mosby got re-elected after she spent God knows how much Baltimore money trying unsuccessfully to prosecute six cops in the Freddie gray case -- and she is now threatening to sue any federal cops who are sent to Baltimore to enforce the law.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:10 PM (G51Gf)

52 Portland is a beehive of terrorists, Trump says. I like that.

Posted by: lizabth at July 30, 2020 06:10 PM (L3Rsz)

53 PDT: These are people who are allowed to go forward, and do what they have to do. (re: teh National Guard)

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 30, 2020 06:10 PM (ufFY8)

54 Missed my chance last thread. Fuck off and die, Obama.

Posted by: Eli Cash at July 30, 2020 06:11 PM (IjdPk)

55 Just another right-wing conspiracy theory.

Posted by: JuJuBee, just generally being shamey at July 30, 2020 06:11 PM (COzlW)

56 If Smullet had pulled his little hoax off, I bet we would have seen the same exact orchestrated and pre-planned BLM/Antifa response... but rioters in Chicago would have had more frostbit limbs as it was super cold that winter!

Posted by: Donovan Nuera at July 30, 2020 06:11 PM (n6XcA)

57 Can we make Obozo the diversity hire for the manned trip to Mars? Seems like any number of things could happen in that scenerio.

Posted by: tcn in AK at July 30, 2020 06:12 PM (okGHj)

58 As far as I can tell,

This is an extension of an earlier play to get control of state sec. of states who control elections. It is intended to make it easier to steal elections since a lot of the tactics the Dems use are criminal.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at July 30, 2020 06:12 PM (LWu6U)

59 26 Herman Cain (Trump supporter and Tulsa rally attendee) dead from Coronavirus.

One less Trump voter. Lmfao.

Posted by: President One Term at July 30, 2020 06:06 PM (bRny3)

You're filth.

Posted by: Maga dude at July 30, 2020 06:12 PM (auM9M)

60 Trump's giving Portland two days to clean up,
if they don't he's going to send in the National Guard and they won't be restricted to the court house.

Posted by: Braenyard at July 30, 2020 06:13 PM (ezSUn)

61 Fox News: The Movement to Decriminalize Crime Is Being Spearheaded by Leftwing Marxist DAs

Sweet! Because my list is getting long.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 30, 2020 06:13 PM (dhqL5)

62 You CANNOT ignore this. 500% MATCHING EXPIRES in 3 HOURS. If you are a Trump Patriot & want to restore Trump's majority we NEED you NOW

Posted by: #metoo at July 30, 2020 06:13 PM (2Q2wi)

63 Where are the Republicans? WTF can't they unify and push back.

Posted by: Iggycaster at July 30, 2020 06:13 PM (b/fp8)

64 Fvck it. It's time for pitchforks and impaling spikes. There were riots in Springfield, Oregon last night. That's only an hour from my town. Springfield is a relatively consevative middle class community, unlike crazy liberal Eugene. If those bastards are marching thru the suburbs of Springfield, OR, it's time to start cleaning my AR-10 and AR-15 and keeping them ready and accessable in my home and office.

Posted by: SteveOReno, I proudly self-identify as a Moron at July 30, 2020 06:13 PM (2sCft)

65 Gaylord Merkin Focker the Wurst will be found dead in a bathhouse in a disgusting and denigrating sexual position.

And the Media will still elide over it to sing hosannas.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2020 06:13 PM (m/Bi8)

66 Ah, Boudin is the DA where I live.
First thing he did in office was allow shoplifting up to $999 worth.
Retail downtown has never recovered.
At its peak, gangs of yutes would mob shoplift the Apple store, grab and run.

Posted by: attilla with suspenders at July 30, 2020 06:13 PM (w7KSn)

67 Hmm. I wonder why George Soros want criminals on the streets with the rest of us. . . Well, it's a real mystery.

Posted by: Murrican Ninja War Eeyore at July 30, 2020 06:13 PM (xptlg)

68 63
Where are the Republicans? WTF can't they unify and push back.

Posted by: Iggycaster at July 30, 2020 06:13 PM (b/fp

Yeah, they are mostly appalling.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 30, 2020 06:14 PM (ufFY8)

69 63 Where are the Republicans? WTF can't they unify and push back.
Posted by: Iggycaster at July 30, 2020 06:13 PM (b/fp


Posted by: It's me donna at July 30, 2020 06:14 PM (Zmnko)

70 I'll take the Merc vaccine.
Gates can go none too soon.

Posted by: Braenyard at July 30, 2020 06:14 PM (ezSUn)

71 You know, if we only had something like a Patriot Act to combat terrorism....

Posted by: Old Dude at July 30, 2020 06:14 PM (LGXGf)

72 Only crime that is done by the left for communistic totalitarianism.
Anything slightly American is illegally criminalized to make the American pay the price through the process.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at July 30, 2020 06:14 PM (pw+jk)

73 Can we make Obozo the diversity hire for the manned trip to Mars? Seems like any number of things could happen in that scenerio.
Posted by: tcn in AK at July 30, 2020 06:12 PM (okGHj)

He would prefer a manned trip to Uranus.

Posted by: DR.WTF at July 30, 2020 06:14 PM (AiZBA)

74 Same DAs are refusing to prosecute the mobs.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 30, 2020 06:14 PM (oVJmc)

One thing I do look forward to is the day when they realize that "defund the police" and "decriminalize everything" was code for "everything except going to work and paying the State is illegal, the penalty for everything is death or enslavement, and every single nickel we take from you is going to maintain our police and military apparatus."

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 30, 2020 06:14 PM (Tm4zg)

76 I thought this was common knowledge.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 30, 2020 06:14 PM (yQpMk)

77 Trolls be ramping up the trolling. "Their" internal's must look really shitty. Soros must be sending extra Starbux cards with their minimum wage checks.

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin, Conservative Blogger at July 30, 2020 06:14 PM (7Fj9P)

78 Gaylord Merkin Focker the Wurst will be found dead in a bathhouse in a disgusting and denigrating sexual position.

And the Media will still elide over it to sing hosannas.

Posted by: Anna Puma

Unfortunately, he and Hillary will live forever, or at least longer than I will (and I'm only 57), because Evil is real.

Posted by: Sharkman at July 30, 2020 06:15 PM (BM2fS)

79 58
As far as I can tell,

This is an extension of an earlier play to get control of state sec.
of states who control elections. It is intended to make it easier to
steal elections since a lot of the tactics the Dems use are criminal.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at July 30, 2020 06:12 PM (LWu6U)

Yup. And don't forget about Obama muscling the Arizona Governor early in his term as to which federal immigration laws the state could or could not enforce.

Posted by: davidt at July 30, 2020 06:15 PM (l3+k2)

80 I live in the St. Louis area and I don't think Kimmy's done anything yet. I do know that Missouri's AG is intervening in Kimmy's little debacle to get the charges dropped. Between botching the Eric Greitens case and this, Kimmy will be lucky to find a job as a paralegal

Posted by: Christopher Johnson at July 30, 2020 06:15 PM (o9JlE)

81 Thanks to Fox News for elucidating the obvious.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:15 PM (pmpob)

If there's one guy that needs to get run over by a truck, it's George Soros.
Posted by: vrf at July 30, 2020 06:04 PM (FL0P4)

He's got four sons and a daughter.

Posted by: IrishEi at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM (sGotD)

Hertz truck fleet sales should be at quite reasonable prices, given the bankruptcy. I'm just sayin'.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at July 30, 2020 06:15 PM (EGyGV)

83 In other news the German Defense minister, who is a left wing ideologue just dissolved the KSK's 2nd Command Company, one of their best units. This would be like someone dissolving SFOD. Plus they are embarking on a top to bottom KSK restructuring.

All over "accusations" of right wing activity. Mostly from a prostitute.

Posted by: Hesco Gypsy, staring from 457 meters at July 30, 2020 06:16 PM (h2OUV)

84 Any video of the Springfield OR riots?

Posted by: Yo! at July 30, 2020 06:16 PM (fvvBx)

85 .....the couple who brandished guns outside their home as protesters marched by in June......

It's this kind of seemingly innocuous reporting that pisses me off the most.

Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 30, 2020 06:16 PM (2DOZq)

86 If there's one guy that needs to get run over by a truck, it's George Soros.
Posted by: vrf at July 30, 2020 06:04 PM (FL0P4)

He's got four sons and a daughter.

Posted by: IrishEi at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM (sGotD)

Fine. A train.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 30, 2020 06:16 PM (yQpMk)

87 34 So, they're not elected, they're just put into office by a billionaire?
So all we need is our own billionaire? Best get looking for one.
Or is there some other part to it?
Posted by: rhomboid at July 30, 2020 06:07 PM (OTzUX)

How it works, the opportunity Soros noticed, is that local DA races are usually low budget affairs. Even in big cities, a $500,000 campaign is Huge. That's what both traditional challengers for the Philly DA seat in 2017 were able to raise, and one of them was wealthy enough to loan his campaign another $400,000, so he had about $900,000 for his campaign. (this is all public record) But this was all dwarfed when Soros gave his flunky Kraswell a check for $1.45 million. With that much money to throw around, unknown radical Kraswell blew the other two away. And Soros chalked up another win.

(btw, you aren't naive enough to think that a silly thing like Campaign Finance Law would be a hindrance to a guy like Soros buying a seat, are you?)

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 30, 2020 06:17 PM (Kpl3J)

88 Can we make Obozo the diversity hire for the manned trip to Mars? Seems like any number of things could happen in that scenario.
Posted by: tcn in AK at July 30, 2020 06:12 PM (okGHj)

Make him the public defender for black defendants. Bump up the conviction rate.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:17 PM (pmpob)

89 Do all these AGs have to be black and named "Kim?"

How about Kim Fields, that busty chick from Facts of Life?

Posted by: JoeF. at July 30, 2020 06:17 PM (gtdYu)

90 >Nice game. Time to start playing it back.

I'm all for the sentiment. But let's face it, if that ever actually happens anywhere (and that's a _big_ if) the left will wail about the injustice of it all, as if they weren't the ones who unleashed Calvinball-as-ruling-policy on the country. And the media will run cover for this idea, as they always do as good footsoldiers in the Democrat-Media Axis.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at July 30, 2020 06:17 PM (L106N)

91 Missed my chance last thread. Fuck off and die, Obama.
Posted by: Eli Cash at July 30, 2020 06:11 PM (IjdPk)

Almost always on topic. (After post 100 for cob threads, of course!)

Posted by: filbert at July 30, 2020 06:17 PM (NiXyF)

92 80 I live in the St. Louis area and I don't think Kimmy's done anything yet. I do know that Missouri's AG is intervening in Kimmy's little debacle to get the charges dropped. Between botching the Eric Greitens case and this, Kimmy will be lucky to find a job as a paralegal
Posted by: Christopher Johnson at July 30, 2020 06:15 PM (o9JlE)

I agree!

Posted by: Howard Johnson at July 30, 2020 06:17 PM (KXkkH)

93 Remember, that evil fuck, Soros is also doing this with the Sec of States so they can rig the ballot box.

Posted by: Fritz at July 30, 2020 06:17 PM (/DWrO)

94 Can we hope that Soros' stunt is a one-trick-wonder, that such a blatant perversion of justice does not survive re-election?

Posted by: LCMS Rulz! at July 30, 2020 06:18 PM (17+9D)

95 (btw, you aren't naive enough to think that a silly thing like Campaign Finance Law would be a hindrance to a guy like Soros buying a seat, are you?)
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 30, 2020 06:17 PM (Kpl3J)


Posted by: John McCain in Hell at July 30, 2020 06:18 PM (AiZBA)

96 Don't forget the SOS project to put in marxist Secretary of States who will delay vote tallies to ensure manufactured absentee ballots are received and counted, but rush to certify elections where more people vote than eligible voters reside in a precinct.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 30, 2020 06:18 PM (dNzKv)

Someone leaked documents asserting the DA's office re-assembled Mrs McCloskey's gun to make it operative. At the time she was waving it around it had been rendered inoperative so it could be used as evidence in court.

Also, the Governor said he'd pardon them if the DA continued the case.
Posted by: bonhomme


Haha, all that PLUS the fact that she illegally failed to report travel was stuff I thought she could easily withstand (cf Ilhan Omar). I predict a bright future in politics for her.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:18 PM (G51Gf)

98 26 Herman Cain (Trump supporter and Tulsa rally attendee) dead from Coronavirus.

One less Trump voter. Lmfao.

Posted by: President One Term

Correct me if Im reading you wrong, but, it seems this man dying pleases you. If thats so, look no further than yourself and those like you who have created the fracture in this country. I wonder if youll be this flippant about matters of life and death when its your neck on the blade.

Posted by: THE Lonebadger at July 30, 2020 06:18 PM (1YXYZ)

99 One thing I do look forward to is the day when they realize that "defund the police"

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice

means no one is protecting their asses and hunting season has just opened.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 30, 2020 06:18 PM (dhqL5)

100 I'm pretty sure this is how the conversation went between Oregon and the Feds:

Feds to OR: Guard the courthouse.
OR: Yea, whatev
Fed: No really
OR: Sure
Courthouse trashed
Fed: We're coming in
Fed: Enough we're leaving, but guard the courthouse
OR: Whatev
Fed: You really won't like it when we come back with live ammo
OR: Wut

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 30, 2020 06:18 PM (3H9h1)

101 "Where are the Republicans?"

I am pretty sure me and maybe SF Goth are the only ones left.

Posted by: attilla with suspenders at July 30, 2020 06:18 PM (w7KSn)

102 If they use mail in ballots the election results could go on for months and months, years.

That's what he said.

Can you imagine?

Posted by: Braenyard at July 30, 2020 06:19 PM (ezSUn)

If there's one guy that needs to get run over by a truck, it's George Soros.
Posted by: vrf at July 30, 2020 06:04 PM (FL0P4)

He's got four sons and a daughter.

Posted by: IrishEi at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM (sGotD)

Fine. A train.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 30, 2020 06:16 PM (yQpMk)


Already ran train on 'em. All the way to Hawaii. It's how I got "tapped" for the job

Posted by: AOC at July 30, 2020 06:19 PM (Tm4zg)

104 Well, I missed the thread on Showtime's Comey mini-series, but I'll comment anyways.

I looked up the cast and for the most part, they're either raging lefties (e.g. Jeff Daniels) or nobodies. But I will admit to being disappointed in seeing Holly Hunter's name on the thing as Sally Yates. I always had a thing for her...

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM guy at July 30, 2020 06:19 PM (ZSK0i)

105 And we were concerned when Khrushchev said we'd sell the commies the rope which would hang us. Soros infiltrated the system and is destroying us from within.

Posted by: Old Dude at July 30, 2020 06:19 PM (LGXGf)

106 attilla, didn't that idiotic state initiative a few years ago decriminalize lots of crime, including theft? Not just a local SF policy?

Posted by: rhomboid at July 30, 2020 06:19 PM (OTzUX)

107 How bad is Kim Gardener? The local fish-wrap, The StL Post Disgrace, endorsed Kim's primary challenger. Who is a white woman.

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin, Conservative Blogger at July 30, 2020 06:19 PM (7Fj9P)

108 Unfortunately, he and Hillary will live forever, or at least longer than I will (and I'm only 57), because Evil is real.
Posted by: Sharkman at July 30, 2020 06:15 PM (BM2fS)

My working theory is that Satan would prefer to not be associated with them, and there's really no where else to put them.

Posted by: tcn in AK at July 30, 2020 06:20 PM (okGHj)

109 btw, Gardner dropped the charges against the McCloskeys. Something must have happened.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:04 PM (G51Gf)


Because I'm seeing two stories regardingn St. Louis DA's:

1) Missouri AG is intervening to have charges dismissed, and
2) St. Louis Co. DA isn't going to charge anyone in the Michael Brown thing ("hands up! don't charge!")

Not seeing that DA Sorosclone has dropped charges on the gun-totin' Missourians.

Posted by: filbert at July 30, 2020 06:20 PM (NiXyF)

110 Any video of the Springfield OR riots?
Posted by: Yo! at July 30, 2020 06:16 PM (fvvBx)

Yes, but I don't know how to link to it. Just put it in DuckDuckGo. It's not being covered by the national media at all only local media. The sweet part is the BLM thugs were met by normie counterprotesters who told them to go the Fvck home!! I'm sure there are the dreaded black rifles in many if not most homes in Springfield, OR. Say hello to my little friend!!

Posted by: SteveOReno, I proudly self-identify as a Moron at July 30, 2020 06:20 PM (2sCft)

111 I'm glad that Trump talked about "delaying" the election because now that he's explained to all the dummies out there that it will take weeks and months to settle the election if we have universal mail-in ballots, it may dawn on some of them that the election would be "delayed" anyway...

Posted by: JoeF. at July 30, 2020 06:20 PM (gtdYu)

112 I thought this was common knowledge.

It is ... for the 0.00001% of US citizens who frequent right-leaning, non-MSM news sites.

Posted by: bonhomme at July 30, 2020 06:20 PM (YYlyE)

113 How it works, the opportunity Soros noticed, is that local DA races are usually low budget affairs.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 30, 2020 06:17 PM (Kpl3J)

Not just low budget, but low effort without a lot of op research, dirty tricks, mudslinging and scum. You bring that shit to an opponent without the resources to fight back and it is easy to win. This is the SCOAMF approach to winning elections - bribe the right people to release defamatory documents against your opponents. Criminal and dirty - the Chicago way.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at July 30, 2020 06:20 PM (LWu6U)

114 Party of Crime. They've even normalized mask wearing for their storm troopers and other assorted violent thugs.

Posted by: ... at July 30, 2020 06:20 PM (uEbPt)

115 Don't worry, there will still be strictly enforced laws...

Posted by: The Mask Polizei at July 30, 2020 06:20 PM (UMXod)

116 The Soros DA in St. Louis, Kim Gardner, has a viable opponent in next Tuesday's Dem primary. Viable on paper, anyway. Unfortunately, the challenger, Mary Pat Carl, is a paleface, so I suspect the election will be a "racial census." Hope I'm wrong, but... of course that's rare!

Posted by: mnw at July 30, 2020 06:20 PM (Cssks)

117 He's got four sons and a daughter.

Posted by: IrishEi at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM

Are they as good-lookin' as dear old dad?

Posted by: JuJuBee, just generally being shamey at July 30, 2020 06:21 PM (COzlW)

118 Unfortunately, he and Hillary will live forever, or at least longer than I will (and I'm only 57), because Evil is real.

Posted by: Sharkman at July 30, 2020 06:15 PM (BM2fS)

Watched the latest episode of Yellowstone last night, and the preview for the next episode had Kevin Costner saying something to the effect of "You don't reason with evil - you fight until it wins, or you kill it."

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 30, 2020 06:21 PM (ufFY8)

119 St. Louis, Cook County Ill., and San Francisco.
bwaahahaa all out? Time to stock up!

Posted by: fucks 4 sale at July 30, 2020 06:21 PM (v0R5T)

120 >Any video of the Springfield OR riots?

Go back to last night in his timeline

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at July 30, 2020 06:22 PM (L106N)

121 Party of Crime. They've even normalized mask wearing for their storm troopers and other assorted violent thugs.

We should all be required to carry baseball bats. Baseball bats keep the virus at bay.

Posted by: t-bird at July 30, 2020 06:22 PM (UMXod)

122 I'm pretty sure this is how the conversation went between Oregon and the Feds:

Feds to OR: Guard the courthouse.
OR: Yea, whatev
Fed: No really
OR: Sure
Courthouse trashed
Fed: We're coming in
Fed: Enough we're leaving, but guard the courthouse
OR: Whatev
Fed: You really won't like it when we come back with live ammo
OR: Wut
Posted by: Martini Farmer

Oregon Governor calls up National Guard.

Trump nationalizes them to take them out if Governor's control.


Posted by: rickb223 at July 30, 2020 06:22 PM (dhqL5)

123 Any video of the Springfield OR riots?

Posted by: Yo! at July 30, 2020 06:16 PM (fvvBx)

Ian Miles Cheong had a few clips on his twitter feed. See:

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM guy at July 30, 2020 06:22 PM (ZSK0i)

124 "Not just a local SF policy?"

AG was, hmm, who was it...
Oh, yes.

Posted by: attilla with suspenders at July 30, 2020 06:22 PM (w7KSn)

125 Kim and Kim need to be in prison orange.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2020 06:22 PM (m/Bi8)

126 Well, ads are back.

No boobs.

Lyft but no 'lift and separate'

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 30, 2020 06:22 PM (ifmtJ)

127 Mystery solved regarding skyrocketing crime in those cities.

Posted by: Great Reagan's Deplorable Ghost at July 30, 2020 06:22 PM (y5oH4)

128 Trump's giving Portland two days to clean up,
if they don't he's going to send in the National Guard and they won't be restricted to the court house.
Posted by: Braenyard at July 30, 2020 06:13 PM (ezSUn)


Posted by: Max Power at July 30, 2020 06:23 PM (q177U)

129 Kate Upton Wet Tee Shirt
Kate Upton Wet Tee Shirt
Kate Upton Wet Tee Shirt

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 30, 2020 06:23 PM (ifmtJ)

130 Arrest George Soros.

A man can dream.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at July 30, 2020 06:23 PM (e+rs5)

131 n Philadelphia some years ago black thugs held clubs outside a polling place, nothing ever happened to them.
Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2020 06:09 PM (6f16T)

It's worse than that. It was the "New Black Panthers Party," and they'd been CONVICTED, and were just awaiting sentencing, when Holder dropped all the charges.

So basically it was the equivalent of the OJ Simpson verdict: blacks blatantly ignoring any semblance of justice or even-handedness simply on the basis of race. Then accusing others of racism.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:23 PM (pmpob)

132 I'm glad that Trump talked about "delaying" the election because now that he's explained to all the dummies out there that it will take weeks and months to settle the election if we have universal mail-in ballots, it may dawn on some of them that the election would be "delayed" anyway...
Posted by: JoeF. at July 30, 2020 06:20 PM (gtdYu)

Excellent point.


Posted by: filbert at July 30, 2020 06:23 PM (NiXyF)

133 110 Any video of the Springfield OR riots?

Try Goes to Citizens Free Press

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 30, 2020 06:23 PM (3H9h1)

I'm glad that Trump talked about "delaying" the election because now that he's explained to all the dummies out there that it will take weeks and months to settle the election if we have universal mail-in ballots, it may dawn on some of them that the election would be "delayed" anyway...
Posted by: JoeF.


Heh, and until the winner is determined, we'd have no choice other than to keep the current prez in office.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:23 PM (G51Gf)

135 God remembers

Posted by: Abiss at July 30, 2020 06:23 PM (Y8DtA)

136 103
If there's one guy that needs to get run over by a truck, it's George Soros.
Posted by: vrf at July 30, 2020 06:04 PM (FL0P4)
He's got four sons and a daughter.
Posted by: IrishEi at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM (sGotD)

Fine. A train.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 30, 2020 06:16 PM (yQpMk)

Put all of them on a 737 Max, bound for Malaysia.

Posted by: Braenyard at July 30, 2020 06:24 PM (ezSUn)

137 130 Arrest George Soros.

A man can dream.
Posted by: Hairyback Guy at July 30, 2020 06:23 PM (e+rs5)

If anyone has a time machine please go back to 1944 Hungary and fix this as a public service.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:24 PM (pmpob)

138 John Kass of the Chicago Tribune got demoted for writing about this. His coworkers wanted him fired.

I live in a Philly collar county and we got our very own Soros DA. I was shocked that the Philly Inquirer wrote about it and even wrote that the guy was Soros-financed.

So now we have our own mini-Krasner but I still don't understand, we're hardly an important county.

Posted by: jeannebodine at July 30, 2020 06:24 PM (QWHnR)

139 102
If they use mail in ballots the election results could go on for months and months, years.

That's what he said.

Can you imagine?

Posted by: Braenyard at July 30, 2020 06:19 PM (ezSUn)


They Marxist cult wants chaos, and they're going to get it.
Earlier today Rush was talking about some local election in New York state that took place in June -- and is STILL undecided owing to mail-in ballots.

Posted by: ShainS at July 30, 2020 06:24 PM (gJV/8)

140 Mail in voting will be a 3 month long affair

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2020 06:25 PM (6f16T)

141 I'm glad that Trump talked about "delaying" the election because now that he's explained to all the dummies out there that it will take weeks and months to settle the election if we have universal mail-in ballots, it may dawn on some of them that the election would be "delayed" anyway...
Posted by: JoeF.

I think the idea was to get the Reds to reflexively reject anything Trump says, and so thereby to scupper their own efforts to push mail-in balloting.

At this rate Trump will have them demanding everyone vote in person on election day, that's it, and produce a valid voter ID when they do so.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:26 PM (pmpob)

142 Yeah, lets put the election in the hands of Newman.

Posted by: Jerry Seinfeld at July 30, 2020 06:26 PM (l3+k2)

143 If anyone has a time machine please go back to 1944 Hungary and fix this as a public service.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:24 PM (pmpob)

Old and busted: Go back in time and kill Hitler
New hotness: Go back in time and kill Soros.

(Sometimes, the old ways are the best.)

Posted by: filbert at July 30, 2020 06:26 PM (NiXyF)

144 117 He's got four sons and a daughter.

Posted by: IrishEi at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM

Are they as good-lookin' as dear old dad?
Posted by: JuJuBee, just generally being shamey at July 30, 2020 06:21 PM (COzlW)

They all look like they've been chasing parked cars.

Posted by: tcn in AK at July 30, 2020 06:26 PM (okGHj)

145 I think that Satan will not reward the Clintons for their evil, as there can only be one Satan, after all. No, he'll roast them both extra special because they presumed to do their own evil bidding in furtherance of their own evil aims - not the kind activity of a good servant of the Devil that gets one a special place - but then, no one really ever gets a special spot in Hell, that's the whole point of the place.

Posted by: Boswell at July 30, 2020 06:26 PM (32YRo)

146 I find this article and post very racist, Ace. Just for that, I am appropriating your Kaboom! cereal post and putting it up without attribution over at Not!Bulwark . . . along with all of your other posts.

Posted by: JONAH G. at July 30, 2020 06:26 PM (WYwUW)

147 Trump's giving Portland two days to clean up,

if they don't he's going to send in the National Guard and they won't be restricted to the court house.***
Takes what pathetic little bounce there might have been out of Biden' s coronation and announcement of V P female poc. Start rolling ads of dem backed chaos in cities.

Posted by: Old Dude at July 30, 2020 06:27 PM (LGXGf)

148 jeanne where ya at?

I think PA is just important, we don't even want to be, but pity us, a poor swing state with a maicious Governor who hates his constituents.

Posted by: BlackOrchid_j9HX3 at July 30, 2020 06:27 PM (j9HX3)

149 116 The Soros DA in St. Louis, Kim Gardner, has a viable opponent in next Tuesday's Dem primary. Viable on paper, anyway. Unfortunately, the challenger, Mary Pat Carl, is a paleface, so I suspect the election will be a "racial census." Hope I'm wrong, but... of course that's rare!
Posted by: mnw at July 30, 2020 06:20 PM (Cssks)

It'll give us a good measure of St. Louis - if Gardner wins, it'll mean a majority of St. Louis residents are now gang bangers, ho's, and welfare cheats, and they want to keep someone in office who's just like them, and who will help them keep all of their scams going. That's the dem party's prime constituency nowadays.

and once that group becomes a voting majority in any spot, all anybody decent can do is get out as fast they can. The tipping point has done tipped, and it's game over.

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 30, 2020 06:27 PM (Kpl3J)

150 Even the trustworthy and hard-working US Postal Service employees finding new mail-in ballots for unity candidate Joe Biden in the furthest recesses of my quarantine beard can't help but notice that George Soros and I, among the last true Reagan Conservatives in America, are subjected daily to attack and vitriol.

It doesn't take a Dr. Fauci-level genius to understand why it is that we are being singled out as the objects of hatred in the age of Trump.

Posted by: Jonah Goldberg at July 30, 2020 06:27 PM (jutvm)

151 All over "accusations" of right wing activity. Mostly from a prostitute.

Posted by: Hesco Gypsy, staring from 457 meters

To be fair, prostitutes are probably one of the most accurate sources of actionable intelligence the world has ever known.

Posted by: Sharkman at July 30, 2020 06:27 PM (BM2fS)

152 143 If anyone has a time machine please go back to 1944 Hungary and fix this as a public service.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:24 PM (pmpob)

Old and busted: Go back in time and kill Hitler
New hotness: Go back in time and kill Soros.

(Sometimes, the old ways are the best.)
Posted by: filbert at July 30, 2020 06:26 PM (NiXyF)

I get a time travel power, gonna be a LOT of dead Progressives.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 30, 2020 06:27 PM (ifmtJ)

153 About the MO AG:

He joined the McCloskeys' defense counsel, by filing an amicus brief in support of the defendants' Motion to Dismiss.

Because there are unresolved issues of FACT, I expect the pre-trial motion will fail.

I posted a book-length entry here not long ago about what an incompetent hack Gardner is. The STL Post-Dispatch had it right when they endorsed Gardner's opponent: "For 4 years, Gardner has demonstrated her incompetence in everything she has touched." (from memory- that's the gist of it)

Posted by: mnw at July 30, 2020 06:28 PM (Cssks)

154 Well, ads are back.

No boobs.

Lyft but no 'lift and separate'

It's the Internet. Boobs are everywhere.

Posted by: bonhomme at July 30, 2020 06:28 PM (YYlyE)

155 I miss the old days of 1984 when it was only Two Minutes Hate.

Posted by: filbert at July 30, 2020 06:28 PM (NiXyF)

156 "Did you know George Soros is a convicted criminal in Malaysia?"

Leftoid -"That's anti-Semitic!"

"So Muslims are anti-Semitic?"


Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2020 06:28 PM (m/Bi8)

157 Black Orchard - Delaware County.

Posted by: jeannebodine at July 30, 2020 06:28 PM (QWHnR)

158 To be fair, prostitutes are probably one of the most accurate sources of actionable intelligence the world has ever known.

Posted by: Sharkman at July 30, 2020 06:27 PM (BM2fS)

They often provide the action.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at July 30, 2020 06:29 PM (ufFY8)

It's worse than that. It was the "New Black Panthers Party," and they'd been CONVICTED, and were just awaiting sentencing, when Holder dropped all the charges.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara


Actually, they had forfeited by not showing up to answer charges.

But same thing.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:29 PM (G51Gf)

160 I have the death sentence in twelve systems.

Posted by: George Soros at July 30, 2020 06:29 PM (yQpMk)

161 I get a time travel power, gonna be a LOT of dead Progressives.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 30, 2020 06:27 PM (ifmtJ)

If I get time travel power my snooze button will be redundant. Think about that. You all can fight nazis, I'm getting all the sleep I need.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at July 30, 2020 06:29 PM (LWu6U)

162 They Marxist cult wants chaos, and they're going to get it.
Earlier today Rush was talking about some local election in New York state that took place in June -- and is STILL undecided owing to mail-in ballots.

Posted by: ShainS

The return envelopes for the ballots were postage paid envelopes, which it turns out the Post Office doesn't frank with the date and time mailed.

So there will NEVER be an accurate count of votes.

Eventually they'll just have to have another election.

Posted by: Sharkman at July 30, 2020 06:29 PM (BM2fS)

163 The fuck kind of name is Chesa?

Posted by: Eli Cash at July 30, 2020 06:29 PM (IjdPk)

164 Larry Krasner is Philly is another one. Arrested more cops than the rioters. Rioters arrested? Zero.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 30, 2020 06:30 PM (AFSld)

165 I get a time travel power, gonna be a LOT of dead Progressives.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 30, 2020 06:27 PM (ifmtJ)




Posted by: filbert at July 30, 2020 06:30 PM (NiXyF)

166 BlackOrchid and jeannebodine unless your in Philadelphia, Krasner isn't your problem.

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2020 06:30 PM (6f16T)

167 154 Well, ads are back.

No boobs.

Lyft but no 'lift and separate'

It's the Internet. Boobs are everywhere.
Posted by: bonhomme at July 30, 2020 06:28 PM (YYlyE)

Yes, but if I am going to click on spam ads, I want Ace to get paid for it

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 30, 2020 06:30 PM (ifmtJ)

168 I profess to being baffled by Soros. I do not understand his end game. I think it's obvious that he finds a functioning democracy to be an obstacle to rule by an elite, but what kind of society is he angling for? I see no reason to believe that he is, in any way, a genuinely compassionate man who simply has some very wrongheaded ideas about what constitutes a "fair" society. Is he a Marxist, a one-worlder, or a wanna-be James Bond villain? I wouldn't be particularly surprised, of course, to learn that he's the anti-Christ.

Posted by: Paco at July 30, 2020 06:30 PM (hOjCo)

169 161 I get a time travel power, gonna be a LOT of dead Progressives.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 30, 2020 06:27 PM (ifmtJ)

If I get time travel power my snooze button will be redundant. Think about that. You all can fight nazis, I'm getting all the sleep I need.
Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at July 30, 2020 06:29 PM (LWu6U)

I can do both

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 30, 2020 06:31 PM (ifmtJ)

once that group becomes a voting majority in any spot, all anybody decent can do is get out as fast they can. The tipping point has done tipped, and it's game over.
Posted by: Tom Servo


One of the Weinstein bros was talking about this. The SJWs currently in law school are going to be our judges and prosecutors in the years to come. So, toast.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:31 PM (G51Gf)

171 About Mosby, ironic that slave states have sent a Mosby against the Union twice now.

Posted by: SFGoth at July 30, 2020 06:31 PM (KAi1n)

172 >It's worse than that. It was the "New Black Panthers Party," and they'd been CONVICTED, and were just awaiting sentencing, when Holder dropped all the charges.

Fine for the NBPP, not so much for Flynn.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at July 30, 2020 06:31 PM (L106N)

173 You all are not going to believe this but Diane Fienstien is praising China.

In similar news, the Sun will come up in the east tomorrow.

Posted by: RoyalOil at July 30, 2020 06:31 PM (aO8Gd)

174 There are lots of commenters here in and around Philadelphia

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2020 06:31 PM (6f16T)

175 There is a pretty hard push to wipe out middle class and leave only poor and megacorporations. No small business. no medium sized business. No local shops and markets. Decriminalizing looting, shoplifting, etc all destroys businesses like this. Doesn't much affect a place like Amazon.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 30, 2020 06:32 PM (KZzsI)

176 Six states have mail-in voting (either only, or option) already. MI just added it two months ago. Absentee is separate, and has its own rules and procedures, and of course has been around forever.

There's an easy fix to the "delay" thing, of course.

And delay isn't the issue, of course, fraud/integrity are.

And then there's ballot-harvesting, which is an entirely different problem. And a big one, as CA House races showed last time.

Ballot-harvesting and mail-in integrity are a big deal, and the fixes aren't clear. That is, beyond the state level.

Posted by: rhomboid at July 30, 2020 06:32 PM (OTzUX)

Can we hope that Soros' stunt is a one-trick-wonder, that such a blatant perversion of justice does not survive re-election?
Posted by: LCMS Rulz!


Another of his proteges who failed spectacularly, Marilyn Mosby, got reelected in a landslide after the Freddie Gray debacle.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:32 PM (G51Gf)

178 Black Orchard we did turn all blue in the last election, it was a wipe out. Republicans had been in power for 150 years before 2018.

Posted by: jeannebodine at July 30, 2020 06:32 PM (QWHnR)

I find this article and post very racist, Ace. Just for that, I am appropriating your Kaboom! cereal post and putting it up without attribution over at Not!Bulwark . . . along with all of your other posts.
Posted by: JONAH G. at July 30, 2020 06:26 PM (WYwUW)

I can actually see him trying that, even after Teh Ewok riffed on that very idea in his "J Accuse" post about JG ripping off ace's posts.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at July 30, 2020 06:32 PM (EGyGV)

180 Is Three Rivers Gorge Dam still intact?

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2020 06:32 PM (m/Bi8)

181 I profess to being baffled by Soros. I do not understand his end game. I think it's obvious that he finds a functioning democracy to be an obstacle to rule by an elite, but what kind of society is he angling for? I see no reason to believe that he is, in any way, a genuinely compassionate man who simply has some very wrongheaded ideas about what constitutes a "fair" society. Is he a Marxist, a one-worlder, or a wanna-be James Bond villain? I wouldn't be particularly surprised, of course, to learn that he's the anti-Christ.
Posted by: Paco at July 30, 2020 06:30 PM (hOjCo)


He has money and this is how he derives his pleasure, through manipulating people and governments. In the process, it sometimes adds to his wealth.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at July 30, 2020 06:32 PM (WEBkv)

"Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commissions"

Sounds like something out of South Africa.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 30, 2020 06:33 PM (aKsyK)

183 I profess to being baffled by Soros. I do not understand his end game. I think it's obvious that he finds a functioning democracy to be an obstacle to rule by an elite, but what kind of society is he angling for? I see no reason to believe that he is, in any way, a genuinely compassionate man who simply has some very wrongheaded ideas about what constitutes a "fair" society. Is he a Marxist, a one-worlder, or a wanna-be James Bond villain? I wouldn't be particularly surprised, of course, to learn that he's the anti-Christ.
Posted by: Paco at July 30, 2020 06:30 PM (hOjCo)

As I understand it, he read and then completely misunderstood Karl Popper's "The Open Society" and then decided to make the world into his conception of paradise.

Which of course will end the way all such delusions of being able to make the world into paradise end.

In fire.

Posted by: filbert at July 30, 2020 06:33 PM (NiXyF)

184 Fuck the soccer/wine moms that gave us TFG - what an asshole

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at July 30, 2020 06:33 PM (nFRLh)

185 Republicans had been in power for 150 years before 2018.

Posted by: jeannebodine at July 30, 2020 06:32 PM (QWHnR)

And in the blink of an aye$

Posted by: Braenyard at July 30, 2020 06:33 PM (ezSUn)

186 Is Three Rivers Gorge Dam still intact?

I would assume so. A failure of that dam would certainly make the news...

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM guy at July 30, 2020 06:34 PM (ZSK0i)

187 I do not understand his end game. I think it's obvious that he finds a functioning democracy to be an obstacle to rule by an elite, but what kind of society is he angling for?

At this point I think he just wants the US destroyed.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 30, 2020 06:34 PM (KZzsI)

188 180 Is Three Rivers Gorge Dam still intact?
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2020 06:32 PM (m/Bi

Did you think we could have nice things?

We can't have nice things.

Dam is still up and bulgy

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 30, 2020 06:34 PM (ifmtJ)

189 Speaking of time travel, this short video is very, very funny:

Could be called "Time Travel and Dating, A Primer"

Posted by: Sharkman at July 30, 2020 06:34 PM (BM2fS)

He has money and this is how he derives his pleasure, through
manipulating people and governments. In the process, it sometimes adds
to his wealth.***
Well, if he is backing BLM, he's getting a tremendous return on his investment.

Posted by: Old Dude at July 30, 2020 06:34 PM (LGXGf)

191 TFG you were President for 8 years, WTF did you do? Nothing.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at July 30, 2020 06:34 PM (nFRLh)

192 If you can go to Walmart or black people funerals then you can go vote in person.

The end.

Posted by: Charles Darwin twerking in Congress at July 30, 2020 06:34 PM (+0ddm)

193 If I could go back in time to "get" Soros, I'd arrange to leave him bound and gagged in front of a Thai court in '98. They'd have had him ripped apart by wild dogs for all the world to see.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 30, 2020 06:35 PM (Tm4zg)

194 It's worse than that. It was the "New Black Panthers Party," and they'd been CONVICTED, and were just awaiting sentencing, when Holder dropped all the charges.


Posted by: Michael Flynn at July 30, 2020 06:35 PM (iydjf)

195 I've never understood the lure of telling others how to live. I don't care how you live as long as you leave me alone.

Posted by: InCali at July 30, 2020 06:35 PM (9AFWN)

196 Has Soros won any prosecutors' races in cities/counties that Democrats did not already have a lock on the post? Because refusing to prosecute in those places ends up victimizing your own supporters.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Boo Hoo? You Do! Pity Party Supplies at The Outrage Outlet! at July 30, 2020 06:35 PM (cZjDV)

197 168 I profess to being baffled by Soros. I do not understand his end game.
Posted by: Paco at July 30, 2020 06:30 PM (hOjCo)

It benefits him to have a corrupt system. This is the core principle of the commies and marxists. He understands that the more corrupt the system is, the more opportunities for him to gain power and wealth. I do not think he cares about low level crime, he cares about the elections and the election laws. He wants corrupt dems in power.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at July 30, 2020 06:35 PM (LWu6U)

198 You all are not going to believe this but Diane Fienstien is praising China.

Posted by: RoyalOil

The check cleared.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 30, 2020 06:36 PM (dhqL5)

199 Skip, you're right, we do have a lot of Philly area morons.

We don't have Krasner, but we have our own mini-me DA, elected by a Soros campaign.

Posted by: jeannebodine at July 30, 2020 06:36 PM (QWHnR)

200 I profess to being baffled by Soros. I do not understand his end game. I think it's obvious that he finds a functioning democracy to be an obstacle to rule by an elite, but what kind of society is he angling for?

Soros is guilty of many things. Far beyond the relatively minor things he has admitted to.

Perhaps he is motivated by the knowledge of his own evil.

Posted by: Miklos at July 30, 2020 06:36 PM (QzkSJ)

201 I don't think power and wealth matters to Soros any longer. I think he just wants the USA to pay for winning the cold war.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 30, 2020 06:37 PM (KZzsI)

202 The Movement to Decriminalize Crime

...For Certain Groups of People, While Also Criminalizing Non-Criminal Behavior For Other Certain Groups of People

I know it's a mouthful, but in the interest of accuracy.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist at July 30, 2020 06:37 PM (j3jZX)

I profess to being baffled by Soros.

Posted by: Paco


I've posed and pondered this question endlessly. Throw in the Clintons, the Obamas, all of them -- what do they want? They're leading to some sort of pre-Enlightenment system of inherited nobility, cronyism, absolutism, and vast wealth disparities. Have they studied Henry VIII and consciously said, "That's what I want"?

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:37 PM (G51Gf)

204 "It benefits him to have a corrupt system."

Chaos is good for business.

Posted by: freaked at July 30, 2020 06:37 PM (Tnijr)

205 195 I've never understood the lure of telling others how to live. I don't care how you live as long as you leave me alone.
Posted by: InCali at July 30, 2020 06:35 PM (9AFWN)

You're one of the second type of people.

THere are only two types of people. There aren't Democrats and Republicans, Fascists and Communists...

There are people who want to tell other people what to do, and people who don't.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 30, 2020 06:37 PM (ifmtJ)

206 Let's see all those white women BLM protesters volunteer to go into the DC projects, into the almost half that have no web access, and teach those kids how to school via Zoom, on their new taxpayer funded equipment, over their taxpayer funded wifi.

'Cause BLM, amirite?

Posted by: Les Kinetic at July 30, 2020 06:37 PM (//bV4)

207 I also find it funny (read: sad) that there are many memes out there about masks fogging up glasses, but no one puts 2 and 2 together to realize masks aren't stopping what you're putting out.

Posted by: InCali at July 30, 2020 06:37 PM (9AFWN)

208 148 jeanne where ya at?

I think PA is just important, we don't even want to be, but pity us, a poor swing state with a maicious Governor who hates his constituents.
Posted by: BlackOrchid_j9HX3 at July 30, 2020 06:27 PM (j9HX3)

He can't run again in 2022, so he's going for "Most Beloved Progressive Governor" Legacy Points. I do expect him to run again in 2026, if he doesn't run for the Senate, though.

Despite the media having decided that Cuomo's the Chose One"

Posted by: Allie at July 30, 2020 06:37 PM (vmRc0)

209 Black Orchard - Delaware County.

My entourage found a noose there.

Posted by: Bubba Karen-Wallace at July 30, 2020 06:38 PM (EgshT)

210 I've never understood the lure of telling others how to live. I don't care how you live as long as you leave me alone.
Posted by: InCali at July 30, 2020 06:35 PM (9AFWN)

Some people, apparently an awful lot of people, really get off on the power trip of making somebody else do something that they would not otherwise do.

I think the word is "sociopath."

And emphasis on AWFUL lot of people, apparently.

Posted by: filbert at July 30, 2020 06:38 PM (NiXyF)

211 "Tonight on Fox News: New studies show that water is wet!"

Posted by: RKae at July 30, 2020 06:38 PM (N+Yg+)

what do we want?


when do we want it?


Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 30, 2020 06:38 PM (yQpMk)

213 "There are people who want to tell other people what to do, and people who don't."

If I want to tell people to shove it what does that make me?

Posted by: freaked at July 30, 2020 06:39 PM (Tnijr)

214 I'm really hoping Wolf turns PA red, everybody seems to hate him.

Posted by: jeannebodine at July 30, 2020 06:40 PM (QWHnR)

215 I am not a Republican. I am an American. I served 12 years in the Army reserve. I believe that the United States Constitution (as amended by the Bill of Rights) is the greatest thing ever written (and I have read the whole thing -- it's not very long). I am not a Republican.

Posted by: SFGoth at July 30, 2020 06:40 PM (KAi1n)

216 If there's one guy that needs to get run over by a truck, it's George Soros.
Posted by: vrf at July 30, 2020 06:04 PM (FL0P4)

He's got four sons and a daughter.

Posted by: IrishEi at July 30, 2020 06:08 PM

Uday and Qusay Hussein were unavailable for comment.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist at July 30, 2020 06:40 PM (j3jZX)

217 "Tonight on Fox News: New studies show that water is wet!"
Posted by: RKae at July 30, 2020 06:38 PM (N+Yg+)

This is about me, isn't it?

Posted by: Three Gorges Dam at July 30, 2020 06:40 PM (NiXyF)

218 I noticed today that in Obama's remarks at the Lewis Funeral today, he pretty bluntly said a Democrat Senate will nuke the filibuster to "Expand Voting Rights".

What that means is California rules for the entire country, and all illegal aliens can vote. If they win, there will never be another honestly contested election in this country.

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 30, 2020 06:40 PM (Kpl3J)

219 Actually think Soros has a winning formula for him, as Wyatt said rioters are getting away free all over.

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2020 06:40 PM (6f16T)

To be fair, prostitutes are probably one of the most accurate sources of actionable intelligence the world has ever known.
Posted by: Sharkman at July 30, 2020 06:27 PM (BM2fS)

And people wonder why I funded Fanny White's exclusive New Yawk brothel while I was in the State Assembly.

Posted by: Zombie Daniel Sickles at July 30, 2020 06:41 PM (EGyGV)

221 I would find telling others what to do exhausting. I only want to run one life - mine!

Posted by: InCali at July 30, 2020 06:41 PM (9AFWN)

the fixes aren't clear. That is, beyond the state level.
Posted by: rhomboid


Some bold, creative thinking and litigating is in order. We were talking in the last thread about Eisenhower forcing Germans to go look at the remains of the death camps. Bold, creative. Trump needs to apply such thinking to election reform. I know the hurdles. He has to be Olympian about it.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:41 PM (G51Gf)

223 "backed by liberal billionaire George Soros"

Yeah, "liberal." I don't think that word means what Fox News thinks it means.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis at July 30, 2020 06:41 PM (sWM8x)

224 Oh and who is going to school those DC teachers how to conduct those "remote" classes.

Another job for those wine moms in Fairfax, who march for BLM and believe! Yeah, BELIEVE!

'Cause BLM!

Posted by: Les Kinetic at July 30, 2020 06:42 PM (//bV4)

225 10
btw, Gardner dropped the charges against the McCloskeys. Something must have happened.

Maybe somebody in the state AG's office whispered in her ear that if she went forward with it, they'd charge her with evidence tampering (her office ordered the crime lab to put the firing pin back in place to make the gun operable, after the lab determined it was not operable, and the weapon being operable was an element of the crime that Gardner was charging them with).

Or maybe she has an accomplice in the judge's office and they warned her that the judge was going to dismiss the ludicrous charges and give her a much-deserved public slap-down.

Or maybe somebody at DOJ notified her that they were opening an investigation of her for her deprivation of the McCloskeys' civil rights under color of law.

So many possibilities . . . .

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 30, 2020 06:42 PM (k4dH2)

226 Fox has let a few things things slip through the cracks recently. Maybe they are acting sorta right-of-center before they shitcan Tucker?

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat (Joe Biden Didn't Kill Himself at July 30, 2020 06:42 PM (puu6v)

227 Marx.


Posted by: filbert at July 30, 2020 06:30 PM (NiXyF)


Erase that fuckstain, and the West is saved.

Posted by: fktheleft at July 30, 2020 06:42 PM (lvXKd)

228 Soros is motivated by the same thing that motivates all leftists. Ignorant hate.

Posted by: drerbrerard at July 30, 2020 06:42 PM (ntkt0)

229 "...go look at the remains of the death camps."

I think he also forced them to work to clean up their own mess.

Posted by: attilla with suspenders at July 30, 2020 06:42 PM (w7KSn)

230 I've never understood the lure of telling others how to live. I don't care how you live as long as you leave me alone.

Posted by: InCali at July 30, 2020 06:35 PM (9AFWN)


It's neat to see how the whole "stay out of our bedrooms!!! / two adults behind closed doors!!!" plan ended up, isn't it?

Posted by: Charles Darwin - COVID takes 15 min - get govt document with dates if you are quarantined and traced at July 30, 2020 06:42 PM (7y8j/)

231 FL reported 253 C19 deaths today.

Of those - ...... 17 actually occurred yesterday.

And, of course, one must run the usual screen for "of" vs. "with", to further refine things.

Haven't looked, but I'd imagine FL "media" is screaming the big number, which really amounts to just flat lying.


Posted by: rhomboid at July 30, 2020 06:42 PM (OTzUX)

232 209 Black Orchard - Delaware County.

My entourage found a noose there.
Posted by: Bubba Karen-Wallace at July 30, 2020 06:38 PM (EgshT)

You're right - it was wrapped around the neck of the George Floyd hologram.

Posted by: jeannebodine at July 30, 2020 06:43 PM (QWHnR)

233 Have they studied Henry VIII and consciously said, "That's what I want"?
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:37 PM

They've studied Stalin and said that's what we want".

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 30, 2020 06:43 PM (rBtIz)

234 62 You CANNOT ignore this. 500% MATCHING EXPIRES in 3 HOURS. If you are a Trump Patriot & want to restore Trump's majority we NEED you NOW
Posted by: #metoo at July 30, 2020 06:13 PM (2Q2wi)

An hour ago, my text said that I get a 700% match!

I'm special, I guess.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 30, 2020 06:43 PM (sy5kK)

235 In another story are you all ready for your face shields... Dr. Brix says we need them or mask with goggles... WTF?

Posted by: It's me donna at July 30, 2020 06:43 PM (Zmnko)

236 I am registered Republican just because it pisses off all the right people.

Posted by: attilla with suspenders at July 30, 2020 06:43 PM (w7KSn)

237 I've posed and pondered this question endlessly. Throw in the Clintons, the Obamas, all of them -- what do they want? They're leading to some sort of pre-Enlightenment system of inherited nobility, cronyism, absolutism, and vast wealth disparities. Have they studied Henry VIII and consciously said, "That's what I want"?
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:37 PM (G51Gf)

I disagree. What they are working toward is what they think will be an 'Intelligencia based Oligarchy' where the elect (themselves, oddly not really elected, but selected because of their obvious and self evidenced incendiary brilliance) will be able to manage an entire world based on principles they know will work.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at July 30, 2020 06:43 PM (cI3Q7)

238 I guess since Soros isn't russian then everything is cool.

Posted by: Charles Darwin - COVID takes 15 min - get govt document with dates if you are quarantined and traced at July 30, 2020 06:44 PM (7y8j/)

239 235 In another story are you all ready for your face shields... Dr. Brix says we need them or mask with goggles... WTF?
Posted by: It's me donna at July 30, 2020 06:43 PM (Zmnko)

Fauci apparently said it too.

So yeah, it's coming.

Because they just can't help themselves.

Posted by: Allie at July 30, 2020 06:44 PM (vmRc0)

You're one of the second type of people.

THere are only two types of people. There aren't Democrats and Republicans, Fascists and Communists...

There are people who want to tell other people what to do, and people who don't.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 30, 2020 06:37 PM

There are two kinds of people:

Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data

Posted by: AltonJackson at July 30, 2020 06:44 PM (DUIap)

241 fnord

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at July 30, 2020 06:44 PM (NWiLs)

242 Jack Maxey is joined by Steve Bannon, Dr. Li Meng Yan, Lu De, and Dr. Xiao to discuss the latest on the coronavirus pandemic as Dr. Fauci goes on tour in an attempt to discredit hydroxychloroquine.

Brian Kolfage calls in with an update from the Southern Border.

Posted by: Braenyard at July 30, 2020 06:44 PM (ezSUn)

243 Kant.

Erase that fuckstain, and the West is saved.

Posted by: fktheleft


I hear he was a real pissant who was very rarely stable.

Posted by: RKae at July 30, 2020 06:45 PM (N+Yg+)

244 Blonde, they've been looking at options for a while, but it's all of course constrained by time and what's on the books, plus, bigly, by the constitutional allocation of election management to the states.

Posted by: rhomboid at July 30, 2020 06:45 PM (OTzUX)

245 I didn't even wear my face shield at all today, not even for when I usually do drilling metal above my head.

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2020 06:45 PM (6f16T)

246 They are really gonna go with the Hells Angels caused Minneapolis? And Ellen is a nice girl as well I imagine? Fuck these people, WAR.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at July 30, 2020 06:45 PM (nFRLh)

247 In another story are you all ready for your face shields... Dr. Brix says we need them or mask with goggles... WTF?

Posted by: It's me donna at July 30, 2020 06:43 PM

So, the big purple dildos on our foreheads is another two months out, at least. That's a relief. Mine's still at the cleaners.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist at July 30, 2020 06:45 PM (j3jZX)

248 "fnord"


Posted by: freaked at July 30, 2020 06:46 PM (Tnijr)

249 Face shield and goggles are just the next step in ramping up the fear factor. Vote by mail is the goal.

Posted by: Old Dude at July 30, 2020 06:46 PM (LGXGf)

250 How old are George Soros's children?

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at July 30, 2020 06:46 PM (e+rs5)

251 218 I noticed today that in Obama's remarks at the Lewis Funeral today, he pretty bluntly said a Democrat Senate will nuke the filibuster to "Expand Voting Rights".

What that means is California rules for the entire country, and all illegal aliens can vote. If they win, there will never be another honestly contested election in this country.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 30, 2020 06:40 PM (Kpl3J)

Yah know, if there was an actual opposition party and it controlled the Senate, it could nuke the filibuster tonight and start implementing things its ostensible base wants. After all, the ostensibly out-of-power party has announced it will nuke the filibuster, right? But that base wants things the ostensible Majority Leader doesn't want, so it will keep the filibuster until it loses the majority next time and go back to playing the role of controlled opposition.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat (Joe Biden Didn't Kill Himself at July 30, 2020 06:46 PM (puu6v)

252 235 In another story are you all ready for your face shields... Dr. Brix says we need them or mask with goggles... WTF?
Posted by: It's me donna at July 30, 2020 06:43 PM (Zmnko)

Fauci apparently said it too.

So yeah, it's coming.

Because they just can't help themselves.

Posted by: Allie


Precursor to the "hop around on one leg everywhere you go" mandate.

Posted by: RKae at July 30, 2020 06:46 PM (N+Yg+)

253 Tread carefully, comrades.

By tomorrow, face-shields may be patriotic.

Posted by: rhomboid at July 30, 2020 06:46 PM (OTzUX)

254 Body condoms!!! Stay safe.

Posted by: A Scold of Karens at July 30, 2020 06:46 PM (EgshT)

255 Springfield OR is where Ken Kesey lived. It has both loggers and Lefties. Seems they decided to parade around on the logger side of town.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at July 30, 2020 06:46 PM (YynYJ)

256 We have always worn face shields.

Posted by: Air Strip One at July 30, 2020 06:47 PM (yQpMk)

257 They've studied Stalin and said that's what we want".
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 30, 2020 06:43 PM (rBtIz)

More correct than even they know. They want his absolute ability (probably not wielded on that scale by another man in history) to completely change the fabric of the country on a whim. The ability to say 'Those farms need to work.' and force everyone to fall into line.

The thing is, they are idiots. That kind of power does not change reality. Making serious upheaval results in, you know, upheaval. They think that Stalin misused his power in order to persecute people. They do not see that his ability to enact change was because of and predicated on his brutality.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at July 30, 2020 06:47 PM (cI3Q7)

258 They are really gonna go with the Hells Angels
caused Minneapolis? And Ellen is a nice girl as well I imagine? Fuck
these people, WAR.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at July 30, 2020 06:45 PM (nFRLh)

If you recall, they also pushed that Benghazi was caused by a video...

Posted by: Archer at July 30, 2020 06:47 PM (gmo/4)

259 fnord
Posted by: Insomniac

I remember the Swedish Chef

Posted by: Miklos, vaguely recalling at July 30, 2020 06:47 PM (QzkSJ)

260 I'm surprised Fox didn't censor this, or brand the facts "anti-semitic," as Soros' paid goons insist through their media minions.

yes but they slanted it , imho
brandishing a gun is a legal term, in my opinion, which presumes guilt for a crime.

this case meets no criminal element, it would appear, notwithstanding the evidence- tampering efforts demanded by the sor-bot.

Posted by: lunatic fringe-i know i'm out there. at July 30, 2020 06:47 PM (Mce6+)

261 Obama is such a patriot - to what country is unknown, but a patriot.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at July 30, 2020 06:47 PM (nFRLh)

262 64 Fvck it. It's time for pitchforks and impaling spikes. There were riots in Springfield, Oregon last night. That's only an hour from my town. Springfield is a relatively consevative middle class community, unlike crazy liberal Eugene. If those bastards are marching thru the suburbs of Springfield, OR, it's time to start cleaning my AR-10 and AR-15 and keeping them ready and accessable in my home and office.
Posted by: SteveOReno, I proudly self-identify as a Moron at July 30, 2020 06:13 PM (2sCft)

Last night in the ONT, ARC of History was reporting the cops got tough on them, and locals (a conservative, practical bunch) showed up with guns to chase them off. Locals would beat their azzes if they tried anything, and ultimately outmanned them.

After a while, antifa realized they were surrounded and tried to leave. The roads were blocked. Antifa kept shouting to the police to "do your job and PROTECT US!!".

Locals were videoing all of the license plates, and going car to car to record faces.

Now, that's how you do it!

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 30, 2020 06:47 PM (sy5kK)

263 Saw today that the St Louis prosecutor has declined to charge the officer in the Micheal Brown case from 2014.

Wonder if St Louie will take this news peacefully?

Posted by: lizabth at July 30, 2020 06:47 PM (L3Rsz)

264 As a couple radio hosts have pointed out Dr Fauci has not seen a patient in decades, he is a life long bureaucrat and that's it.

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2020 06:47 PM (6f16T)

265 I know the times are crazy when I read about the guy who entered a bank without a mask and security escorted him out.

Posted by: attilla with suspenders at July 30, 2020 06:48 PM (w7KSn)

266 By tomorrow, face-shields may be patriotic.***
I know, right. After all, we're all in this together. *spit*

Posted by: Old Dude at July 30, 2020 06:48 PM (LGXGf)

267 The cunt romney is endorsing all voting by mail...shocka ha?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 30, 2020 06:48 PM (tsZQ+)

268 Actually, they had forfeited by not showing up to answer charges.

But same thing.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:29 PM (G51Gf)

Ah. Thank you for the correction. I'd presumed that they'd been convicted because I knew they were awaiting sentencing.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:48 PM (pmpob)

I disagree. What they are working toward is what they think will be an 'Intelligencia based Oligarchy' where the elect (themselves, oddly not really elected, but selected because of their obvious and self evidenced incendiary brilliance) will be able to manage an entire world based on principles they know will work.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop


I can't agree with that because of their blatant greed and manipulation. I keep chuckling over Joule, Inc., which was set to earn the Podestas a fortune on fake energy. After Hillary lost the election, the exciting website replete with a Careers page, the Projects page, etc evaporated in a 404. So many examples of their greed and corruption, which clash with their stated principles.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:48 PM (G51Gf)

270 Masks are the new onion belt.

Posted by: A Scold of Karens at July 30, 2020 06:48 PM (EgshT)

271 Wait. Hell's Angels? Wha?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at July 30, 2020 06:48 PM (cI3Q7)

272 I hear he was a real pissant who was very rarely stable.

Posted by: RKae


Posted by: Miklos Bruce at July 30, 2020 06:48 PM (QzkSJ)

273 "There are people who want to tell other people what to do, and people who don't."

If I want to tell people to shove it what does that make me?
Posted by: freaked at July 30, 2020 06:39 PM

It means you have a shover-ready job.

Posted by: JuJuBee, just generally being shamey at July 30, 2020 06:48 PM (COzlW)

274 It's why we should have political donations restricted to the district you reside in.

The entire concept of representative government is twisted by people and organizations that are not able to vote in a particular election nevertheless able to donate to those political campaigns.

I can think of no just reason why this is allowed.

Posted by: MAGA at July 30, 2020 06:49 PM (D//Bk)

275 Wonder if St Louie will take this news peacefully?
Liz, as peacefully as always.

Posted by: socalcon at July 30, 2020 06:49 PM (Roy2Z)

276 In another story are you all ready for your face shields... Dr. Brix says we need them or mask with goggles... WTF?

Posted by: It's me donna at July 30, 2020 06:43 PM

So, the big purple dildos on our foreheads is another two months out, at least. That's a relief. Mine's still at the cleaners.
Posted by: Taqiyyologist


The new wisdom will be "Lockdowns aren't enough. We need you to you stay in your home AND STAY UNDER THE BED 24/7! Any doctors who tell you that it's dusty under your bed and therefore unhealthy is spreading DANGEROUS MISINFORMATION! They are LITERALLY KILLING PEOPLE WHEN THEY SAY THAT!"

...So don't look for them on YouTube. They won't be there.

Posted by: RKae at July 30, 2020 06:49 PM (N+Yg+)

277 266 By tomorrow, face-shields may be patriotic.***
I know, right. After all, we're all in this together. *spit*\

Well "Dr." brix says we can decorate them.. You know ,get out our Bedazzling kits....

Posted by: It's me donna at July 30, 2020 06:49 PM (Zmnko)

278 I wanna full NASA EVA capable spacesuit.

Oooo! And a ray gun!

Posted by: Archer at July 30, 2020 06:50 PM (gmo/4)

279 Philly's DA Krasner is also a Soros operative

Posted by: josephistan at July 30, 2020 06:50 PM (Izzlo)

280 257 They've studied Stalin and said that's what we want".
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 30, 2020 06:43 PM (rBtIz)

More correct than even they know. They want his absolute ability (probably not wielded on that scale by another man in history) to completely change the fabric of the country on a whim. The ability to say 'Those farms need to work.' and force everyone to fall into line.

The thing is, they are idiots. That kind of power does not change reality. Making serious upheaval results in, you know, upheaval. They think that Stalin misused his power in order to persecute people. They do not see that his ability to enact change was because of and predicated on his brutality.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at July 30, 2020 06:47 PM (cI3Q7)

On top of that, they want as close to absolute power over Life and Death as possible, so they can claim that there is no God, because they wield what they see as "God's Power", the power over Life and Death.

The power to declare who is allowed to reproduce.

The power to declare when and how Joe Citizen must be executed for the Greater Good, because they don't want him to live anymore.

Posted by: Allie at July 30, 2020 06:50 PM (vmRc0)

281 263 Saw today that the St Louis prosecutor has declined to charge the officer in the Micheal Brown case from 2014.

Wonder if St Louie will take this news peacefully?
Posted by: lizabth at July 30, 2020 06:47 PM (L3Rsz)

Was that SIX YEARS AGO?? Tempus fugit, and all that.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:50 PM (pmpob)

282 Could get interesting there. That poor 'gentle giant' will not have justice.

Posted by: lizabth at July 30, 2020 06:50 PM (L3Rsz)

283 In another story are you all ready for your face shields... Dr. Brix says we need them or mask with goggles... WTF?

Posted by: It's me donna

Government funded beer goggles!!

Posted by: Miklos for the Win!!! at July 30, 2020 06:50 PM (QzkSJ)

284 Wow, Sophia Loren dance clips from various movies.

Smokin' hawt.

Posted by: BifBewalski at July 30, 2020 06:50 PM (VcFUs)

285 276 The new wisdom will be "Lockdowns aren't enough. We need you to you stay in your home AND STAY UNDER THE BED 24/7! Any doctors who tell you that it's dusty under your bed and therefore unhealthy is spreading DANGEROUS MISINFORMATION! They are LITERALLY KILLING PEOPLE WHEN THEY SAY THAT!"

...So don't look for them on YouTube. They won't be there.

Posted by: RKae at July 30, 2020 06:49 PM (N+Yg+)

"Stay in place until CDC and WHO agents come to load you onto the trains!"

Posted by: Allie at July 30, 2020 06:51 PM (vmRc0)


The only thing the rising number of Covid infections tells us is that we're getting closer to heard immunity.

And that is a good thing.

No matter what Progda tries to tell you.

Cuz that is how human bodies work to fight any virus.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 30, 2020 06:51 PM (sy5kK)

287 Saw today that the St Louis prosecutor has declined to charge the officer in the Micheal Brown case from 2014.

Wonder if St Louie will take this news peacefully?


The people of St Louis are going to be upset about the speedy trial part of things being neglected?

Posted by: Charles Darwin - COVID takes 15 min - get govt document with dates if you are quarantined and traced at July 30, 2020 06:51 PM (7y8j/)

288 I remember the Swedish Chef
Posted by: Miklos, vaguely recalling at July 30, 2020 06:47 PM

Even funnier as an adult.

Bork, bork, bork!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 30, 2020 06:51 PM (rBtIz)

289 One way to get around the Soros flunkies:

The reputed leader of the Black Disciples street gang was among 23
people arrested in a federal gang takedown involving drug and weapons
trafficking in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood, federal authorities
announced Wednesday.

Darnell McMiller, 34, who goes by the street name "Murder," was charged with
distribution of fentanyl-laced heroin to a cooperating individual last
September in the 7000 block of South Lowe Avenue, according to court

I'm sure it was peaceful drugs and weapons trafficking

Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 30, 2020 06:51 PM (ddLW2)

290 It's why we should have political donations restricted to the district you reside in.

The entire concept of representative government is twisted by people and organizations that are not able to vote in a particular election nevertheless able to donate to those political campaigns.

I can think of no just reason why this is allowed.
Posted by: MAGA at July 30, 2020 06:49 PM (D//Bk)

If you think about it, how is that different from banning foreigners from donating to American election campaigns?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:51 PM (pmpob)

291 I can't agree with that because of their blatant greed and manipulation. I keep chuckling over Joule, Inc., which was set to earn the Podestas a fortune on fake energy. After Hillary lost the election, the exciting website replete with a Careers page, the Projects page, etc evaporated in a 404. So many examples of their greed and corruption, which clash with their stated principles.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:48 PM (G51Gf)

I'll disagree by agreeing- corruption and greed is why I said Oligarchy. They want the power of say the late Roman Republican senate. Odd. The late Roman Republic was notoriously corrupt and did not give a whit for the common people either. In fact, the ruling class would often whip up mobs to try to enforce their political will...

Wait a second!

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at July 30, 2020 06:51 PM (cI3Q7)

292 The entire concept of representative government is twisted by people and organizations that are not able to vote in a particular election nevertheless able to donate to those political campaigns.

I can think of no just reason why this is allowed.

In a proper federal republic it shouldn't but, in this one, who gets elected in NC effects me more than who wins my own state's Senatorial election.

Posted by: Air Strip One at July 30, 2020 06:51 PM (yQpMk)

293 and fucking dammit

Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 30, 2020 06:51 PM (yQpMk)

294 We have always worn face shields.

Posted by: Air Strip One


I can't wait for the CGI-redone versions of old movies where they put masks, goggles and face shields on Bogart and Bergman.

Posted by: RKae at July 30, 2020 06:51 PM (N+Yg+)

bigly, by the constitutional allocation of election management to the states.
Posted by: rhomboid


That's where the creative thinking has to come in. There has to be a legal mind who can devise a federal case against the states' fraud-enabling techniques.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:52 PM (G51Gf)

296 Well "Dr." brix says we can decorate them.. You know ,get out our Bedazzling kits....
Posted by: It's me donna

*buys up whatever Ronco shares there may be*

Posted by: Miklos Popeil at July 30, 2020 06:52 PM (QzkSJ)

297 Darnell McMiller, 34, who goes by the street name "Murder," was charged with distribution of fentanyl-laced heroin to a cooperating individual last September in the 7000 block of South Lowe Avenue, according to court

Oh please please please let him be the source of George Floyd's fentanyl.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:52 PM (pmpob)

298 It'll give us a good measure of St. Louis - if Gardner wins, it'll mean a majority of St. Louis residents are now gang bangers, ho's, and welfare cheats, and they want to keep someone in office who's just like them, and who will help them keep all of their scams going. That's the dem party's prime constituency nowadays.

and once that group becomes a voting majority in any spot, all anybody decent can do is get out as fast they can. The tipping point has done tipped, and it's game over.

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 30, 2020 06:27 PM
The City of STL is approx 400k. That's where Gardner is prosecutor. And it doesn't have a lot of light bulbs. Kind of dark there. The greater metro is 2.8 mill and can't vote it the city.

I denounce myself.

Posted by: olddog in mo, uckfay ancercay at July 30, 2020 06:52 PM (jLgwY)

299 Cook County and Chicago: justice is so broken.. A friend of mine, a Democrat of course, was elected as a Judge in Cook County. After four years of that, she told me the scales had fallen from her eyes.

Posted by: FloridaMan at July 30, 2020 06:52 PM (Mhces)

300 2014? That was like, when the Pilgrims killed the Indians right?

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at July 30, 2020 06:53 PM (nFRLh)

301 it = in (the city)

Posted by: olddog in mo, uckfay ancercay at July 30, 2020 06:53 PM (jLgwY)

302 I've finally figured out who's behind all these mask mandates!

...Ugly girls with nice tits!

This is the world they've longed for!

Posted by: RKae at July 30, 2020 06:53 PM (N+Yg+)

303 I can't wait for the CGI-redone versions of old movies where they put masks, goggles and face shields on Bogart and Bergman.

Posted by: RKae

A kiss is just a kiss
From behind plexiglass

*needs work*

Posted by: Sam aka Miklos at July 30, 2020 06:54 PM (QzkSJ)

304 262 After a while, antifa realized they were surrounded and tried to leave. The roads were blocked. Antifa kept shouting to the police to "do your job and PROTECT US!!".

Locals were videoing all of the license plates, and going car to car to record faces.

Now, that's how you do it!
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 30, 2020 06:47 PM (sy5kK)

Making me proud, my Patriot Oregunian Brothers!!

Posted by: SteveOReno, I proudly self-identify as a Moron at July 30, 2020 06:54 PM (2sCft)

305 Old Dude, we're going to "beat" the virus. That's not actually a thing, in nature, with this kind of virus, but actual science hasn't had much to with almost any part of this.

And NGU - UT is already mail-in, I think.

Of course Romney endorsing it can only be for petty and idiotic reasons.

But the overall premise for mail-in voting - as absurd as it is - stands unchallenged, and even endorsed every day, up and down the line.

And there's an easy fix to the "delay" canard.

Posted by: rhomboid at July 30, 2020 06:54 PM (OTzUX)

306 The City of STL is approx 400k.

400 K and dropping every night, especially on weekends and holidays.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:54 PM (pmpob)

307 I think we need to dust off the post 9/11 color coded DEFCON chart to let us know what level of protective gear we need to have on.

Posted by: Archer at July 30, 2020 06:54 PM (gmo/4)

308 300 2014? That was like, when the Pilgrims killed the Indians right?
Posted by: Heart of Darkness at July 30, 2020 06:53 PM (nFRLh)

No. No. You are thinking of the Smallbox blanket giveaway at the Mets game in 1995.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at July 30, 2020 06:54 PM (cI3Q7)

309 On Wednesday, the City Council in Austin, Texas, passed a resolution declaring that racism is a "public health crisis."

"Racism is literally killing Black and brown people. It's a public health crisis and it's beyond time to treat it as such," Austin Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison said, adding, "The inequities are countless and they aren't because African-Americans are inherently inferior.

Literally killing them. Also, I see the MFM doesn't capitalize the b in brown people.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 30, 2020 06:54 PM (ddLW2)

310 262 After a while, antifa realized they were surrounded and tried to leave. The roads were blocked. Antifa kept shouting to the police to "do your job and PROTECT US!!".

Locals were videoing all of the license plates, and going car to car to record faces.

Now, that's how you do it!
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 30, 2020 06:47 PM (sy5kK)

And pay them a visit some night?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:55 PM (pmpob)

311 302 I've finally figured out who's behind all these mask mandates!

...Ugly girls with nice tits!

This is the world they've longed for!

Posted by: RKae at July 30, 2020 06:53 PM (N+Yg+)

I confess to being conflicted.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at July 30, 2020 06:55 PM (cI3Q7)

312 Condition: Taupe

Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 30, 2020 06:55 PM (yQpMk)

313 292 The entire concept of representative government is twisted by people and organizations that are not able to vote in a particular election nevertheless able to donate to those political campaigns.

I can think of no just reason why this is allowed.

In a proper federal republic it shouldn't but, in this one, who gets elected in NC effects me more than who wins my own state's Senatorial election.
Posted by: Air Strip One at July 30, 2020 06:51 PM (yQpMk)


Sucks, but I want my representative to represent me not your sorry out of state ass.

Posted by: MAGA at July 30, 2020 06:55 PM (D//Bk)

314 Sidebar:

Sweaty piglet has no heart.

CNN's Obese obtuse Ana Navaro opens pie hole. Of course she spews hate.

Hate and custard.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at July 30, 2020 06:55 PM (KnJdm)

315 Soros handpicked Creuzot for DA in Dallas.

Posted by: Ben Had at July 30, 2020 06:55 PM (Xogdd)

316 Looks like, after a quick read on the socials, most people are okay with the Gentle Giant not getting justice.

They are mad about the waste of tax-payer money the
five month long review cost, however.

Posted by: lizabth at July 30, 2020 06:56 PM (L3Rsz)

317 302 I've finally figured out who's behind all these mask mandates!

...Ugly girls with nice tits!

This is the world they've longed for!

Posted by: RKae at July 30, 2020 06:53 PM (N+Yg+)

I confess to being conflicted.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop


"Hey, mister! Quit looking at my face! My tits are down here!"

Posted by: RKae at July 30, 2020 06:56 PM (N+Yg+)

318 Everyone in my household is currently quarantined and dying from COVID-19.

We just got in from swimming, water balloons, playing in the sprinkler, making snow cones, and then popcorn and movie night. One of the kids had the sniffles for a bit but it turned out it was the mustard on the hot dog.

But yeah. Face shields.

Posted by: Charles Darwin - COVID takes 15 min - get govt document with dates if you are quarantined and traced at July 30, 2020 06:56 PM (7y8j/)

319 Old Dude, we're going to "beat" the virus. That's not actually a thing,
in nature, with this kind of virus, but actual science hasn't had much
to with almost any part of this.***
And that is the only thing that ever worried me about the Wuhan. It's simply unknown what the Chi-coms sliced and diced into the sequence.

Posted by: Old Dude at July 30, 2020 06:56 PM (LGXGf)

320 I can think of no just reason why this is allowed.
Posted by: MAGA at July 30, 2020 06:49 PM (D//Bk)

Yeah, try being Alaska for a while. Everybody thinks they own the state, and none of them live here.

Every tree-hugger thinks they can push around folks up here, even Soros money is finding its way into our elections. They are trying to unseat our one decent Senator. Of course, they leave Leeeeeza alone.

And don't get me started on federal land holdings up here. The feds own more land in Alaska than Alaska does, and their holdings are bigger than many states.

There's no such thing as an unencumbered election up here.

Posted by: tcn in AK at July 30, 2020 06:56 PM (okGHj)

321 "Racism is literally killing Black and brown people. It's a public health crisis and it's beyond time to treat it as such," Austin Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison said

Natasha! Shadduppa you mouth!

Posted by: Boris at July 30, 2020 06:56 PM (rBtIz)

322 285 276 The new wisdom will be "Lockdowns aren't enough. We need you to you stay in your home AND STAY UNDER THE BED 24/7! Any doctors who tell you that it's dusty under your bed and therefore unhealthy is spreading DANGEROUS MISINFORMATION! They are LITERALLY KILLING PEOPLE WHEN THEY SAY THAT!"

...So don't look for them on YouTube. They won't be there.

Posted by: RKae at July 30, 2020 06:49 PM (N+Yg+)

"Stay in place until CDC and WHO agents come to load you onto the trains!"
Posted by: Allie at July 30, 2020 06:51 PM (vmRc0)

There are indeed many who would leap at the chance to do just that.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at July 30, 2020 06:56 PM (NWiLs)

323 >241 fnord

I saw one!

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at July 30, 2020 06:56 PM (L106N)

324 312 Condition: Taupe
Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 30, 2020 06:55 PM (yQpMk)

That's one notch below "ecru" isn't it?

Whatever "ecru" is.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:56 PM (pmpob)

325 Looks like, after a quick read on the socials, most people are okay with the Gentle Giant not getting justice.


They were a really great band, though.

"Power and the Glory" was an awesome album!

Posted by: RKae at July 30, 2020 06:57 PM (N+Yg+)

326 That's one notch below "ecru" isn't it?

yesterday was Condition: Bone

Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 30, 2020 06:57 PM (yQpMk)

327 Useful background info:

1) Gardner is the elected state prosecutor ("the Circuit Attorney") for the City of St. Louis.

2) The City of St Louis is NOT in St. Louis County. It is the SL County prosecutor, Wesley Bell, who declined to bring new charges in the Michael Brown death, not Gardner.

P.S. Bell is only marginally less awful than Gardner. Soros backed them both. Bell is just less conspicuous.

Posted by: mnw at July 30, 2020 06:57 PM (Cssks)

328 Fauci must have big investments in PPE manufacturers.

Posted by: josephistan at July 30, 2020 06:58 PM (Izzlo)

329 Looks like, after a quick read on the socials, most people are okay with the Gentle Giant not getting justice.

Correction: he already got justice.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:58 PM (pmpob)

330 If the Hells Angels were the doers in MN it would have lasted maybe 48 hrs.

Posted by: Braenyard at July 30, 2020 06:58 PM (ezSUn)

331 326 That's one notch below "ecru" isn't it?

yesterday was Condition: Bone
Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 30, 2020 06:57 PM (yQpMk)

More like Condition: Boned.

Oh cruel fate, to be thusly boned! Ask not for whom the bone bones; it bones for thee.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at July 30, 2020 06:59 PM (NWiLs)


"Racism is literally killing Black and brown people.

Racism, and also black and brown people.

But almost exclusively black and brown people.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 30, 2020 06:59 PM (oVJmc)

333 "Power and the Glory" was an awesome album!

Posted by: RKae cultural knowledge is so shallow.

Posted by: lizabth at July 30, 2020 06:59 PM (L3Rsz)

334 the year that boiled the frog

Restaurants here are trying to survive if they can with outside seating, I think very limited inside. But that will not be practical for tomorrow which is supposed to be lots of rain and by mid Sept the weather will catch them .

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2020 06:59 PM (6f16T)

335 281 263 Saw today that the St Louis prosecutor has declined to charge the officer in the Micheal Brown case from 2014.

Wonder if St Louie will take this news peacefully?
Posted by: lizabth at July 30, 2020 06:47 PM (L3Rsz)

Was that SIX YEARS AGO?? Tempus fugit, and all that.

IIRC, Obama sent in a bunch of DOJ lawyers to try and gin up some federal civil rights charges against the cop, but even those far-left a-holes couldn't make a case that would stick. Darn pesky facts got in the way!

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 30, 2020 06:59 PM (k4dH2)

336 Sadly, Mrs928 says that she has an upset stomach and will not be cooking tonight.

On the bright side, I made myself a couple of Elvises, grilled peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

I told myself Thank you, thank you very much.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 30, 2020 07:00 PM (yQpMk)

337 That's one notch below "ecru" isn't it?

Whatever "ecru" is.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:56 PM

Spill tea on your white shirt, you got ecru.

Posted by: JuJuBee, just generally being shamey at July 30, 2020 07:00 PM (COzlW)

338 I'm tempted to get a big ol' latex Halloween mask and wear that in public.

That or one of those funky middle ages Plague beak-nose mask thingies.

Posted by: filbert at July 30, 2020 07:00 PM (NiXyF)

339 Old Dude - no, absolutely 100% no - it's not a question of engineering, which wasn't the case here (no gene-splicing).

No virus of this type can be "beaten" - it's not how these bugs work. They can disappear, on their own, or fade and become endemic (which can be, but rarely is, a result of human policies or interventions of any kind).

But generally, they become less important through herd immunity, which is reached at different levels in different ways. That's how this one will fade - it won't be "beaten".

Posted by: rhomboid at July 30, 2020 07:00 PM (OTzUX)

340 Who knew Fauci had a lifetime appointment?

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2020 07:00 PM (6f16T)

341 Useful background info:

1) Gardner is the elected state prosecutor ("the Circuit Attorney") for the City of St. Louis.

2) The City of St Louis is NOT in St. Louis County. It is the SL County prosecutor, Wesley Bell, who declined to bring new charges in the Michael Brown death, not Gardner.

P.S. Bell is only marginally less awful than Gardner. Soros backed them both. Bell is just less conspicuous.
Posted by: mnw at July 30, 2020 06:57 PM (Cssks)

Actually, Bell was elected AFTER the previous prosecutor, Bob McCulloch, retired. McCulloch is he one who declined to prosecute Officer Wilson.

McCulloch is white. Bell is black.

Posted by: BurtTC at July 30, 2020 07:01 PM (hku12)

342 Don't 2e owe the world a couple of special renditions OUT of the US?

Posted by: DaveA at July 30, 2020 07:01 PM (FhXTo)


They're playing a tape of Fauci saying there's no evidence then quoting the Ford Hospital study saying that HCQ resulted in a 51% reduction in mortality.

Posted by: Braenyard at July 30, 2020 07:01 PM (ezSUn)

344 I'm beginning to think this whole face mask thing might not work out the way they think it will.

If one was masked, and really did a good job at hiding Xir face, Xir might be tempted... I said might be, to drive into a nice gathering of social retards and drain the gene pool.

Or not. I don't judge.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 30, 2020 07:01 PM (3H9h1)

345 Whatever "ecru" is.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

"French Farmhouse Vanille"

Posted by: Restoration Hardware at July 30, 2020 07:02 PM (QzkSJ)

346 Restaurants here are trying to survive if they can with outside seating, I think very limited inside. But that will not be practical for tomorrow which is supposed to be lots of rain and by mid Sept the weather will catch them .
Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2020 06:59 PM (6f16T)

I'm waiting to see what becomes of vagrants at the Powderhorn Park come winter ...

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 07:02 PM (pmpob)

347 An hour ago, my text said that I get a 700% match!

I'm special, I guess.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 30, 2020 06:43 PM (sy5kK)

Not special. I got the same. return email address.

Do something worthy of a donation, useless tits.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at July 30, 2020 07:02 PM (KnJdm)

348 The restaurants in Hoboken have opened up outdoor seating in what they call streateries (taking up limited parking spaces on narrow streets in the process) but they've been empty this past week because it's too hot to sit outside. Before the heat wave they were getting some action.

Posted by: JuJuBee, just generally being shamey at July 30, 2020 07:03 PM (COzlW)

349 Boxed up a bunch of books about mostly peaceful naval history today.

Posted by: Eeyore at July 30, 2020 07:03 PM (LMs+g)

350 344 I'm beginning to think this whole face mask thing might not work out the way they think it will.

If one was masked, and really did a good job at hiding Xir face, Xir might be tempted... I said might be, to drive into a nice gathering of social retards and drain the gene pool.

Or not. I don't judge.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 30, 2020 07:01 PM (3H9h1)

Whoa whoa whoa. Cut us social retards some slack, eh?

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at July 30, 2020 07:03 PM (NWiLs)

351 If Darren Wilson was smart, he'd be so far disappeared no prosecutor could find him.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 30, 2020 07:03 PM (oVJmc)

352 They're playing a tape of Fauci saying there's no evidence then quoting the Ford Hospital study saying that HCQ resulted in a 51% reduction in mortality.


Didn't it accidentally come out that Fauci himself talked about how great HCQ was against the last SARS problem?

Posted by: Charles Darwin twerking in Congress at July 30, 2020 07:03 PM (+0ddm)

353 But generally, they become less important through herd immunity, which is reached at different levels in different ways. That's how this one will fade - it won't be "beaten".
Posted by: rhomboid


What happens is any violent version of the virus kills its host, and this turns out to be a bad strategy for its continuation. Eventually only the weak strain is left circulating in the populace, doing absolutely nothing - just another of the trillions of viruses in your body.

Posted by: RKae at July 30, 2020 07:03 PM (N+Yg+)

354 345
Whatever "ecru" is.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

"French Farmhouse Vanille"

Mother of Pearl.

**10 quatloos for correct identification of the source**

Posted by: pep at July 30, 2020 07:03 PM (v16oJ)

355 Burt

According to reports today, Bell confirmed he would not bring new charges in the Brown death.

McCulloch sent the Brown matter to a GJ & said, "Jump ball. We're not asking for a true bill, & we're not opposing one." The GJ declined to indict.

Posted by: mnw at July 30, 2020 07:03 PM (Cssks)

356 The JEF didn't stop with Ace's quote that smeared the Feds. He was all fired up with accusations of voter suppression targeted against minorities.

Jump in a hot tub with Al Sharpton, Barky.

Posted by: FloridaMan at July 30, 2020 07:04 PM (Mhces)

357 354 345
Whatever "ecru" is.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

"French Farmhouse Vanille"

Mother of Pearl.

**10 quatloos for correct identification of the source**
Posted by: pep at July 30, 2020 07:03 PM (v16oJ)

Toothpaste commercial?

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at July 30, 2020 07:04 PM (NWiLs)

358 Whatever "ecru" is.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2020 06:56 PM

J. Crew's new flightless bird mascot?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 30, 2020 07:04 PM (rBtIz)

359 They're playing a tape of Fauci saying there's no evidence then quoting the Ford Hospital study saying that HCQ resulted in a 51% reduction in mortality.
Posted by: Braenyard

Fauci was the one who approved 3.3 million USD to the Wuhan Lab after

1-such research had been banned in the US
2-US personnel reported big problems with biosecurity there

Posted by: Miklos, out-pointing at July 30, 2020 07:04 PM (QzkSJ)

360 Posted by: Tom Servo at July 30, 2020 06:27 PM
The City of STL is approx 400k. That's where Gardner is prosecutor. And it doesn't have a lot of light bulbs. Kind of dark there. The greater metro is 2.8 mill and can't vote it the city.

I denounce myself.
Posted by: olddog in mo, uckfay ancercay at July 30, 2020 06:52 PM (jLgwY)

There have always been two parties in St. Louis city... white Democrats and black Democrats.

The black Democrats have been in charge before, and are currently NOT in charge. I strongly suspect Gardner will be tossed out next week.

Posted by: BurtTC at July 30, 2020 07:05 PM (hku12)

361 Nood

Posted by: Bruce at July 30, 2020 07:05 PM (vd8XM)

362 McCulloch sent the Brown matter to a GJ & said, "Jump ball. We're not asking for a true bill, & we're not opposing one." The GJ declined to indict.
Posted by: mnw at July 30, 2020 07:03 PM (Cssks)

He said "brown matter," heh heh heh

Posted by: Bevis and/or Butthead at July 30, 2020 07:05 PM (NiXyF)

363 351 If Darren Wilson was smart, he'd be so far disappeared no prosecutor could find him.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 30, 2020 07:03 PM (oVJmc)

But he shouldn't have to live that way. He only did his job. This country is so screwed.

Posted by: FloridaMan at July 30, 2020 07:06 PM (Mhces)

364 Burt

According to reports today, Bell confirmed he would not bring new charges in the Brown death.

McCulloch sent the Brown matter to a GJ & said, "Jump ball. We're not asking for a true bill, & we're not opposing one." The GJ declined to indict.
Posted by: mnw at July 30, 2020 07:03 PM (Cssks)

Oh, sorry, this is new? I didn't know Bell was reviewing it.

What a bunch of crooks... and they STILL couldn't get an indictment?

Posted by: BurtTC at July 30, 2020 07:06 PM (hku12)

365 >> Whoa whoa whoa. Cut us social retards some slack, eh?

Of course... with proper papers. And a proper tribute.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 30, 2020 07:06 PM (3H9h1)

366 Toothpaste commercial?

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo


Posted by: pep at July 30, 2020 07:07 PM (v16oJ)

367 And don't get me started on federal land holdings up here. The feds own more land in Alaska than Alaska does, and their holdings are bigger than many states.

Posted by: tcn in AK at July 30, 2020 06:56 PM (okGHj)


Bigger than many - 49 to be exact!

Posted by: Undocumented at July 30, 2020 07:07 PM (Y08Vx)

368 What a bunch of crooks... and they STILL couldn't get an indictment?
Posted by: BurtTC


Posted by: Ham Sandwich with a Troubled Pat at July 30, 2020 07:08 PM (QzkSJ)

369 Hey - good to see you're still on the job.

Posted by: Hi Charles at July 30, 2020 07:09 PM (emywJ)

370 234 62 You CANNOT ignore this. 500% MATCHING EXPIRES in 3 HOURS. If you are a Trump Patriot & want to restore Trump's majority we NEED you NOW
Posted by: #metoo at July 30, 2020 06:13 PM

An hour ago, my text said that I get a 700% match!
I'm special, I guess.
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 30, 2020 06:43 PM

Just to be accurate, the sidebar article identifies the NRSC as the culprit, but it is the NRCC that has been sending me the obnoxious texts like these. I texted stop on the last two I got a couple of days ago and I haven't received any since. Schlichter is exactly right, so if enough people text "STOP", maybe the NRCC will believe him.

Posted by: Moonbeam at July 30, 2020 07:11 PM (qe5CM)

371 277
Well "Dr." brix says we can decorate them.. You know ,get out our Bedazzling kits....
they are only effective against covid-19 if they have at least six pieces of flair.

Posted by: Anachronda at July 30, 2020 07:12 PM (sGtp+)

372 363 351 If Darren Wilson was smart, he'd be so far disappeared no prosecutor could find him.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 30, 2020 07:03 PM (oVJmc)

But he shouldn't have to live that way. He only did his job. This country is so screwed.

So did Mike Flynn.

But look where he is now. Still running up tens of thousands in legal fees every month, after more than $6 million billed by the first (incompetent) lawyers, and even after a mountain of evidence proving his innocence was produced and the government moved to dismiss the charges, the damn courts still won't allow the case against him to be dismissed.

It's beyond ludicrous.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 30, 2020 07:13 PM (k4dH2)

373 196
Has Soros won any prosecutors' races in cities/counties that Democrats
did not already have a lock on the post? Because refusing to prosecute
in those places ends up victimizing your own supporters.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Boo Hoo? You Do! Pity Party Supplies at The Outrage Outlet! at July 30, 2020 06:35 PM (cZjDV)
Harris County, TXHouston is full of Democrats but the suburbs made it competitive. In 2016 the DA, Sheriff, and trial judges were all Republican. In November that year they all flipped.

Posted by: Jack Squat Bupkis at July 30, 2020 07:14 PM (0V/8D)

374 mail in voting is fine, as long as the mail is deposited at a polling place, and the voter shows proper ID for his ballot, and it is done prior to the end of election day.

It can't possibly work if it is just boxes of ballots dumped into the post office system ... that kind of cheating is even easier than when Dem poll workers were dumping hundreds of ballots into boxes at polling places ... caught on video.

Posted by: illiniwek at July 30, 2020 07:16 PM (Cus5s)

375 Did anyone say Nood yet? Because Nood.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at July 30, 2020 07:17 PM (cI3Q7)

376 Ecru is the color of raw silk

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2020 07:18 PM (6f16T)

377 I've posed and pondered this question endlessly. Throw in the Clintons,
the Obamas, all of them -- what do they want? They're leading to some
sort of pre-Enlightenment system of inherited nobility, cronyism,
absolutism, and vast wealth disparities. Have they studied Henry VIII
and consciously said, "That's what I want"?

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 30, 2020 06:37 PM (G51Gf)

That's so strange about the Divine Right of Kings topic.
Many years ago some sage whom i cannot recall said to me that we;d rocket back to the future--to the time of HenryVIII.

Odd and bewildering thing to say.
Presto Change O here we are--400+ years ago

Posted by: lunatic fringe-i know i'm out there. at July 30, 2020 07:31 PM (Mce6+)

378 Ot, Dim spin is Herman Cain brought it on himself by going to the PDT rally. What will the spin be when the thousands of congregants of one of the many services for the congressman start dropping like flies?

Posted by: Dingbat at July 30, 2020 07:32 PM (0KPVR)


Posted by: Miklos Bruce at July 30, 2020 06:48 PM (QzkSJ)

Ok, padre, say the blessing...

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM guy at July 30, 2020 07:47 PM (ZSK0i)

380 Burt

I contributed to Gardner's opponent Mary Pat Carl, but I'll bet you a virtual dollar that Gardner is re-elected next Tuesday.

According to Census estimates for 2019, the white* population of the City of SL is 44%. AA is 46%. The remaining 10% are Latino; Asian; & other.

*"white" means people who identify as "white only," i.e., not "white + something else." Again according to the Census.

Posted by: mnw at July 30, 2020 07:49 PM (Cssks)

381 I'm surprised Fox didn't censor this, or brand the facts "anti-semitic," as Soros' paid goons insist through their media minions.

This did happen 4 years ago -- when Fox was too busy trying 24/7 to defeat PDT in the primary to cover it.

Posted by: Gilded Age II at July 30, 2020 07:53 PM (BRkq2)

382 The Second City Cop blog refers to Ms. Foxx as "Crimesha."

Posted by: Still Zap Rowsdower old friend you've managed to kill just about everyone else at July 30, 2020 08:22 PM (cUpB1)

383 i want to testify of how DR MOSES  herbal mixture cream enlarged my penis size. i never thought i will be happy again in my life because of my small penis situation,i have struggling with this issue my life time and i could not find a professional result i wanted ,i ave went to hospitals,used vaccines,tried several herbs online ,penis pumps and all but none rendered me the solution i wanted ,i felt like killing when my fiance KIMBERLY left me after undressing myself in front of her,my size was too embarrassing and shameful imagine a 37 years old man like me having 3.5 inches penis size..the world seem to an end to me when she left,  one faithful day as i was watching a video on you tube i saw on the comments of one MR PAUL HAVERSACK testifying of this great herbal healer DR MOSES helped him enlarge his penis .i was shocked and happy so i quickly visited his website and emailed him within 30 mins he got back to me and told me all i need to buy and i did so after 4 days i received his herbal medicine ,he gave me instructions on how to use it ,as i am speaking to you people now after using the cream for just two weeks my penis size is 10 inches long and 8.0 girth ,,am so happy and grateful for his work in my life thank you so much Dr MOSES ,,i also learnt he has cure for LOW SPERM COUNT,PREMATURE EJACULATION,ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION,HIV/AIDS VIRUS,DIABETES 1/2,HERPES DISEASE,CANCER,and lots more you can email him on ( ) or call/whats-app him directly on +2349060529305 thanks or you can call me 05019914802

Posted by: kam ray at July 30, 2020 09:13 PM (D9E0b)

384 Shaun King -a/k/a Talcum X

Posted by: lunatic fringe-i know i'm out there. at July 31, 2020 03:54 AM (Mce6+)

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