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As Republican Politicians Continue to Act as Paid Fixers for Big Business, Big Business Continues Taking the Hard Left Side in the Culture War



Johnson & Johnson:




Below, actual courage.

Notice courage is found in a single person. Not in a corporate body in which everyone can hide their cowardice as being "what all right-thinking clones think."

Posted by: Ace at 12:53 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Fuck big business.

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at June 30, 2020 12:53 PM (eFYNk)

2 Corgis called.

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at June 30, 2020 12:54 PM (eFYNk)

3 It's just a jump to the left....without EVER a step to the right.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 12:54 PM (ifmtJ)

4 I guess they are telling us to step away from the consumer culture and put our money into assets instead.

Posted by: notsothoreau at June 30, 2020 12:55 PM (JKNZq)

5 Does anyone know if she is still alive?

Posted by: AZ deplorably isolated at June 30, 2020 12:55 PM (gtatv)

6 I look forward to boycotting all the woke companies such that my only option as a consumer will be a bowl of air and cartons of distilled water I pick up from the river.

Posted by: Two Weeks From Ending a Fast Before I Lose All Brain Function at June 30, 2020 12:55 PM (+dsLj)

7 Skittles needs to put Saint Trayvon on the package like it's a goddamn Wheaties box.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist at June 30, 2020 12:55 PM (lW69B)

8 Stand and be counted.

Posted by: Fortcoins at June 30, 2020 12:55 PM (TxI+n)

9 I endorse and admire girl who will not kneel

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 12:55 PM (ifmtJ)

10 well accept it - our side has lost mass media completely. There's not even any point crying about it anymore, it's done.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 12:55 PM (Kpl3J)

11 Can you imagine all the major corporations ever adopting even a single right-leaning position like this?

Posted by: Liberty at June 30, 2020 12:56 PM (Icu+E)

12 Everything is awful, but that soccer player is a legitimate American hero.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at June 30, 2020 12:56 PM (bkUtD)

13 Hey, black people:

Get a diploma.


Posted by: RKae at June 30, 2020 12:56 PM (MTkH+)

14 That girl standing = instant marriage material

Posted by: Two Weeks From Ending a Fast Before I Lose All Brain Function at June 30, 2020 12:56 PM (+dsLj)

15 We are so f**ked up

Posted by: Kavanaugh at June 30, 2020 12:56 PM (Zmnko)

16 I read the article today about laws to demand intellectual diversity in colleges. South Dakota leading the way on this again. We have to start somewhere and it's high time to reign colleges back in.

Posted by: notsothoreau at June 30, 2020 12:56 PM (JKNZq)

17 6 I look forward to boycotting all the woke companies such that my only option as a consumer will be a bowl of air and cartons of distilled water I pick up from the river.

Posted by: Two Weeks From Ending a Fast Before I Lose All Brain Function at June 30, 2020 12:55 PM (+dsLj)

I'm basically at that point now.

Posted by: Liberty at June 30, 2020 12:56 PM (Icu+E)

18 #Amplifyblackvoices - because you never hear anything from them. Man, we need to elect a black person to national office. That'll fix everything.

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at June 30, 2020 12:57 PM (eFYNk)

19 arrghh Almost got into the top 10....

Posted by: Silent at June 30, 2020 12:57 PM (xh1To)

20 Dinesh's estimate is way too high. More like 1 out of 100 with that level of courage.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 12:57 PM (Kpl3J)

The young woman who is standing is not a team player.

She must be crushed.

Posted by: Zod at June 30, 2020 12:57 PM (ZS9TG)

22 Skittles now has a white supremacist bag to celebrate gay pride? Ernst Rohm approves!

Posted by: 18-1 at June 30, 2020 12:57 PM (qlFIA)

23 The USWNT has gained a ton of notoriety for winning an event that only about 6 nations truly compete.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at June 30, 2020 12:57 PM (svbBD)

24 I fully expect that woman to make a public apology by the end of week, if she hasn't already.

Posted by: Liberty at June 30, 2020 12:58 PM (Icu+E)

25 The kneeling soccer girls on the left are assuming the "Rape of Nanking" pose awaiting a bullet to the back of the head.

Posted by: DR.WTF at June 30, 2020 12:58 PM (AiZBA)

26 Skittles suck in general...they didn't need to slather themselves in this bullshit to prove it.

Posted by: Diogenes at June 30, 2020 12:58 PM (axyOa)

27 Regular TV programming is pretty much the commercials are too.

Posted by: BignJames at June 30, 2020 12:58 PM (X/Pw5)

28 Gleichschaltung.

Except far more smothering, and ubiquitous.

And the idiot from UConn, and anyone who takes him seriously, should be diagnosed for what they are - mentally ill.

Disgusting how the ignorant, hallucinogenic hate-filled garbage from idiots like this UConn idiot have come to resemble the actual hate-mongering of the real Nazis.

Posted by: rhomboid at June 30, 2020 12:58 PM (El6T/)

29 I can't help but believe that the rest of the "folks" the silent majority are not pleased with all this...

Posted by: It's me donna at June 30, 2020 12:58 PM (Zmnko)

30 Everything is awful, but that soccer player is a legitimate American hero.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at June 30, 2020 12:56 PM (bkUtD)

Yeah, yeah. She's a square white supremacist tool NOW

But wait til we get through with her....

Posted by: College at June 30, 2020 12:59 PM (CqE5x)

31 But it's not about the flag. Or something.

The good news is I rarely watch sports anymore, rarely watch live TV, and haven't been to the movies since 2017.

Not missing any of those activities. At all.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at June 30, 2020 12:59 PM (bkUtD)

32 #Amplifyblackvoices - because you never hear anything from them. Man, we need to elect a black person to national office. That'll fix everything.


Amen brother, I really miss all the racial harmony we had during the Obama years.

Posted by: Occupy Riots, Ferguson Riots, Baltimore Riots at June 30, 2020 12:59 PM (+dsLj)

33 So... time to get rid of Affirmative Action, then?

Posted by: Refugee from Academia at June 30, 2020 12:59 PM (gou4q)

34 White skittles. . . Alrighty!

Posted by: Lizzy at June 30, 2020 12:59 PM (bDqIh)

35 >>> The good news is I rarely watch sports anymore, rarely watch live TV, and haven't been to the movies since 2017.

Not missing any of those activities. At all.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp


Posted by: 'Round the Horn at June 30, 2020 01:00 PM (wekFg)

36 I can't help but believe that the rest of the "folks" the silent majority are not pleased with all this...
Posted by: It's me donna at June 30, 2020 12:58 PM (Zmnko)

I have a feeling the silent majority ain't a majority any more

Posted by: JoeF. at June 30, 2020 01:00 PM (CqE5x)

37 what a stupid time to be alive

Posted by: brak at June 30, 2020 01:00 PM (cG+eD)

38 I hope her parents are proud of her. If they aren't, she's even more awesome.

Posted by: hogmartin at June 30, 2020 01:00 PM (t+qrx)

39 I've got an idea... Instead of playing the National Anthem before games play Dixie instead...

I denounce myself

Posted by: It's me donna at June 30, 2020 01:00 PM (Zmnko)

40 The breakup between the GOP and big business could end up being the biggest political development of the 2020's.

Posted by: Mark1971 at June 30, 2020 01:00 PM (xPl2J)

41 The standing young woman will be doxxed, added to a racist snitch list on Google Drive, and black-balled at 'elite' colleges.

I'm done.

Posted by: motionview at June 30, 2020 01:00 PM (pYQR/)

42 About time skittles noticed White Lives Matter.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 30, 2020 01:01 PM (r+sAi)

43 This country is heading towards a civil war and I don't intend to be polite when it comes.

Posted by: I am not corey Booker at June 30, 2020 01:01 PM (Ju2mK)

44 Brought up here before, any company that airs a commercial with Rasta Man jerking off a giraffe has problems. Looking at you, Skittles.

Posted by: bill in arkansas at June 30, 2020 01:01 PM (C1Lsn)

45 The Standing Girl is very brave. Her parents should be proud of her. God doesn't tell us to put on a jumpsuit, but armor.

Posted by: jmel at June 30, 2020 01:01 PM (bVhJi)

46 Once again, my boycott won't do anything. I do not buy doritos, johnson and johnson, or skittles.

But fuck them anyway.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at June 30, 2020 01:01 PM (pw+jk)

47 14 That girl standing = instant marriage material

Posted by: Two Weeks From Ending a Fast Before I Lose All Brain Function at June 30, 2020 12:56 PM


Great comments on that Twitter thread.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist at June 30, 2020 01:01 PM (lW69B)


Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -YOU are all in this together!- at June 30, 2020 01:01 PM (eTZoJ)

49 I have a feeling the silent majority ain't a majority any more
Posted by: JoeF. at June 30, 2020 01:00 PM (CqE5x)

I pray you are wrong, but who knows? Nov. election should tell us

Posted by: It's me donna at June 30, 2020 01:01 PM (Zmnko)

50 and black-balled at 'elite' colleges.

I denounce myself.

Posted by: motionview at June 30, 2020 01:01 PM (pYQR/)

51 well accept it - our side has lost mass media completely. There's not even any point crying about it anymore, it's done.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 12:55 PM (Kpl3J)

The mass media is uniquely influential, yet extremely centralized and dependent on oligarchy. If some enterprising President decided to seize the broadcasters in his rise to power, liberals would lose a lot of their influence overnight.

Posted by: trev006 at June 30, 2020 01:01 PM (1YCda)

52 That first photo reminds me I need to buy a new toilet brush.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:02 PM (YqDXo)

53 black-balled at 'elite' colleges.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 30, 2020 01:02 PM (r+sAi)

54 Anything other than ALL LIVES MATTERS is hate speech

exclusionary trope meant to divide Americans

Posted by: REDACTED at June 30, 2020 01:02 PM (JgrP5)

55 So... time to get rid of Affirmative Action, then?

Posted by: Refugee from Academia

A question that needs to be asked frequently, and often!

Posted by: Diogenes at June 30, 2020 01:02 PM (axyOa)

56 But black women are still bitches and ho's, right rappers?

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at June 30, 2020 01:02 PM (xfb67)

57 Honestly we should have seen the woke company deluge coming, and some people smarter than me probably did. It's basically mandatory now, and it's also a fig leaf for not doing anything else. Note that this wokeness will not actually get them new, loyal customers - BLM commies don't actually give a shit about Skittles have a white (!!!) bag for a month. But the cost of NOT being performatively woke is potentially high.

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:02 PM (icI8A)

I have a feeling the silent majority ain't a majority any more

maybe not, but they also don't live their lives on Twitter, Instagram, FB, etc. unlike the left, so it's hard to say

Posted by: brak at June 30, 2020 01:03 PM (cG+eD)

59 kill it all with fire

Posted by: always ahead of the curve at June 30, 2020 01:03 PM (uG03k)

60 25 The kneeling soccer girls on the left are assuming the "Rape of Nanking" pose awaiting a bullet to the back of the head.
Posted by: DR.WTF at June 30, 2020 12:58 PM (AiZBA)

Someone should photoshop Trump in off to the left.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:03 PM (YqDXo)

61 Standing Girl reminds me of the Standing Man in Tiannamen Square

Posted by: The Joker at June 30, 2020 01:04 PM (Izzlo)

62 >>43
This country is heading towards a civil war and I don't intend to be polite when it comes. Posted by: I am not corey Booker at June 30, 2020 01:01 PM (Ju2mK)

Manners maketh man.
"Excuse me, sir. My semiautomatic weapon is out of ammunition. Would you kindly pass me the ammunition box? Thank you very much!"

Posted by: Zod at June 30, 2020 01:04 PM (ZS9TG)

63 I really like the two-fer that a lot of companies are doing, combining pride month with #blm: focus on black transgenders!!

Some examples are:
-- Amazon: "Pride's call to solidarity"


Both were given jobs to manage the indoctrination from inside the house company!!

Posted by: Lizzy at June 30, 2020 01:04 PM (bDqIh)

64 I've barely watched TV for well over a decade, and even in a brief dip into it last month (before the latest racist war against sanity), I was agog at the commercials.

This was the "we are in this together" during "these difficult and uncertain times" period.

My gawd. So idiotic, craven, appropriate only for 8-yr old children. Which apparently accurately describes, emotionally and intellectually, much of America.

And now the hallucinogenic racist idiocy?

Posted by: rhomboid at June 30, 2020 01:04 PM (El6T/)

65 That poor, poor girl.

Posted by: Defenestratus at June 30, 2020 01:04 PM (9V81o)

66 If you want to help black people then don't support democrats or Marxists.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at June 30, 2020 01:04 PM (xfb67)

67 Willowed...

Some serious shit going down in (of all places) Provo, UT.

Via Twatter...

Posted by: Martini Farmer - Civilly Disobedient at June 30, 2020 01:04 PM (3H9h1)


Some of these corporations like Nike or Cuck-Fil-A are run by woke douchebags and down with the cause and some may be bending the knee to try and save themselves from the mob. But it's a full on Maoist Cultural Revolution and they demand we all wave the Little Red Book

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 30, 2020 01:04 PM (ekmlY)

69 Standing girl reminds me of the non saluting cross armed guy in the nazi photo.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 30, 2020 01:04 PM (r+sAi)

70 Anybody else getting a shaking effect on their screen when viewing the tweets in this post?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 30, 2020 01:04 PM (dNzKv)

71 Admittedly, there's a risk in any course we follow other than this, but every lesson of history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement, and this is the specter our well-meaning liberal friends refuse to face -- that their policy of accommodation is appeasement, and it gives no choice between peace and war, only between fight or surrender.

If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand -- the ultimatum. And what then...

...someday when the time comes to deliver the final ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary, because by that time we will have been weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically.

He believes this because from our side he's heard voices pleading for "peace at any price" or "better Red than dead," or as one commentator put it, he'd rather "live on his knees than die on his feet."

And therein lies the road to war, because those voices don't speak for the rest of us.

Posted by: Ronald Reagan at June 30, 2020 01:05 PM (+dsLj)

72 Is there a reason for Standing Girl being the only one in yellow shorts?

Posted by: Ignoramus at June 30, 2020 01:05 PM (9TdxA)

73 That phrase "Slowly, then all at once!" seems so prescient and sadly applicable to so much that is going on!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -YOU are all in this together!- at June 30, 2020 01:05 PM (eTZoJ)

74 Now that big business is all-in on cancel culture and vilifying any opinion that isn't far left, it's probably time to verify that the executives and Board members of all these companies have never said or done anything problematic. Perhaps we gang tackle one big company at a time, checking every yearbook, tweet, and public image to ensure theyve lived a pure PC life.

Posted by: Buck Throckmorton at June 30, 2020 01:05 PM (d9Cw3)

75 It is very pronounced when the skittles and D'Souza tweets are on screen.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 30, 2020 01:05 PM (dNzKv)

76 55 So... time to get rid of Affirmative Action, then?

Posted by: Refugee from Academia

A question that needs to be asked frequently, and often!
Posted by: Diogenes at June 30, 2020 01:02 PM (axyOa)

U Texas is nothing but affirmative action. Been told by state supreme and US supreme to stop it but they keep going on! Really really nasty people there. All college applications needs to be stripped of race.

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 30, 2020 01:05 PM (JFO2v)

77 One reason I'm not worried is that the media and corporate response has been so complete it apes a Third World nation for sheer cultural hegemony. And yet, RPGCodex among many, many others has zero place for cuckery. If there's a crack in the wall, the tyranny cannot stay intact. Already millions of nationalists regard Fox as hopelessly cucked. What happens when tens of millions insist on OANN or RSBN?

Posted by: trev006 at June 30, 2020 01:05 PM (1YCda)

78 I was outed and cancelled during the 2012 elections. It has cost me jobs and 'friends' in the past, and still does today.

The site dedicated to ruining my life does have one upside - it was sufficient justification for my CCW permit in California.

Posted by: motionview at June 30, 2020 01:06 PM (pYQR/)

79 funny, these same people and groups call stats racist and hate speech. are we ready to have a conversation about real stats?

Posted by: always ahead of the curve at June 30, 2020 01:06 PM (uG03k)

80 So, the new strategy is to spend your advertising budget to drive away customers.

Bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see how it plays out.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at June 30, 2020 01:06 PM (kA3Cp)

81 64 I've barely watched TV for well over a decade, and even in a brief dip into it last month (before the latest racist war against sanity), I was agog at the commercials.

This was the "we are in this together" during "these difficult and uncertain times" period.

My gawd. So idiotic, craven, appropriate only for 8-yr old children. Which apparently accurately describes, emotionally and intellectually, much of America.

And now the hallucinogenic racist idiocy?
Posted by: rhomboid at June 30, 2020 01:04 PM (El6T/)

Interesting that through all of the Chinese COVID lockdowns, producing TV commericals has been considered an "essential business"

Posted by: The Joker at June 30, 2020 01:06 PM (Izzlo)

82 Is there a reason for Standing Girl being the only one in yellow shorts?

Posted by: Ignoramus at June 30, 2020 01:05 PM (9TdxA)

Looks like second from the left also has them, as well as yellow socks!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -YOU are all in this together!- at June 30, 2020 01:06 PM (eTZoJ)

Regular TV programming is pretty much the commercials are too.
Posted by: BignJames at June 30, 2020 12:58 PM (X/Pw5)

For me it's just reruns of Futurama and How The Universe Works. Not much viewing on Nextflix or Amazon Prime.
Mostly YouTube videos.

Posted by: YIKES! at June 30, 2020 01:06 PM (t6XCL)

84 The mass media is uniquely influential, yet extremely centralized and dependent on oligarchy. If some enterprising President decided to seize the broadcasters in his rise to power, liberals would lose a lot of their influence overnight.
Posted by: trev006 at June 30, 2020 01:01 PM (1YCda)

A President could never do it. A Lord Protector or Commandante could do it, but he'd need the Military on his side to get away with it.

But it will happen one day.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 01:06 PM (Kpl3J)

85 I am in love with soccer girl!

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at June 30, 2020 01:06 PM (xceTB)

86 These brainwashed kids have made it to VP spots in corporate america. A giant sleeper cell.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 30, 2020 01:07 PM (dNzKv)

87 >>>Some serious shit going down in (of all places) Provo, UT.

Dude just opens up and starts firing into the SUV. Not a cop to be seen, either. Unreal.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at June 30, 2020 01:07 PM (bkUtD)

88 Is there a reason for Standing Girl being the only one in yellow shorts?<<<<<
There are 2, but probably goalies or team captains.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 30, 2020 01:07 PM (r+sAi)

89 Can't wait for Beyonce's vanity passion project, the Disney movie "Black is King."

Posted by: Lizzy at June 30, 2020 01:07 PM (bDqIh)

90 The breakup between the GOP and big business could end up being the biggest political development of the 2020's.
Posted by: Mark1971 at June 30, 2020 01:00 PM (xPl2J)

What?!? Don't you love me anymore? I'll try harder to do what you want. Embrace the left and Biden? On it.

Make being white a crime...well, ok. Next session.

Posted by: Pierre Delecto at June 30, 2020 01:07 PM (Ojki1)

91 9 I endorse and admire girl who will not kneel

Second that.

It takes a lot of courage at that age to resist peer pressure, and she likely had to resist a lot of it. Good for her for not caving and doing the easy thing.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at June 30, 2020 01:07 PM (k4dH2)

92 I'm sick of their crap. Time to pay reparations and make anyone receiving them sign to release all claims. Black man Johnson said it would take $14T to fix it. Take the total revenue generated by companies and individuals since the signing of DOI. Your share is what you have earned BEFORE taxes divided by the total revenue times the $14T. So, the more you made the more you owe. Everyone benefited so everyone pays. When you go to sign up for your 10 year stipend you release all claims against the USA. If you received any govt assistance it counts as revenue. Churches/Colleges/Planned Parenthood... everyone... get on board. Oh and of course we can't have anymore govt sponsored racism.. so all affirmative action programs are immediately stopped. No more minority owned business status. If you take the money, and renig on your contract... jail time until you have paid back all the money taken... I need a drink

Posted by: Silent at June 30, 2020 01:07 PM (xh1To)

93 Interesting that through all of the Chinese COVID lockdowns, producing TV commericals has been considered an "essential business"
Posted by: The Joker at June 30, 2020 01:06 PM (Izzlo)

Brain-washing IS an essential industry, comrade!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -YOU are all in this together!- at June 30, 2020 01:07 PM (eTZoJ)

94 For me it's just reruns of Futurama and How The Universe Works. Not much viewing on Nextflix or Amazon Prime.
Mostly YouTube videos.
Posted by: YIKES! at June 30, 2020 01:06 PM (t6XCL)

I recently started re-watching all the Poirot episodes from the start, there's a lot of them. Just as entertaining as ever.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 01:07 PM (Kpl3J)

95 The Fender Musical Instrument Company sent me a kneel-o-gram a couple of weeks ago.

What I read: "Blah blah blah blacklivesmatter blah."

What I heard: "Oh PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE don't burn down our factories."

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Who can fight the beast? Revelation 13:4 at June 30, 2020 01:08 PM (HaL55)

96 Provo is fairly upper class Karen territory.

Once again, BLM/Antifa is shooting.

Gun up and stay gunned up.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:08 PM (ifmtJ)

97 But the cost of NOT being performatively woke is potentially high.

The question now is, does it matter? They've held off the left for another week but has it cost them the forbearance of the right? Or will we say, "sure, kill business" the next time the left is looking that way?

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at June 30, 2020 01:08 PM (eFYNk)

98 Below, actual courage.

Wellll...first thing I notice is she's wearing a BLM shirt. Then I read that she did kneel with everyone else until the anthem started.

Nice picture, but barely half a profile in courage.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at June 30, 2020 01:09 PM (FtO5h)

99 #CancelHumanResources

Posted by: Chris M at June 30, 2020 01:09 PM (eAZVt)

100 Powerful words from D'Zousa.

How many in the Senate would not have knelt? Three at best?

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:09 PM (puu6v)

101 Earlier today, somebody brought up the fact that the elderly are getting scared, and will accept subjugation to freedom. Witness the Chink Flu propaganda. I'm pushing 70 and I'm just happy I've outlived just about everybody on both sides of the family. Also,I hate the elderly word.

Posted by: bill in arkansas at June 30, 2020 01:09 PM (C1Lsn)

102 I assume the national anthem will be gone, before public events, maybe apart from gun club annual dinners and VFW events, etc.

Sadly sportsball won't die, at any level.

But if Trump doesn't forbid any support whatsoever to the race-baiting sportsball events, he's a loser.

Posted by: rhomboid at June 30, 2020 01:09 PM (El6T/)

103 I think a lot of us thought "Republicans buy sneakers too" would hold this tide off. It did in the 90's and 00's. But at some point that stopped mattering. Corporations NEED to appease the crocodile, and don't really care if it loses them customers. They're also pretty sure that conservatives are chumps who will just keep on consuming product and get excite for next product. But it was always silly to expect any corporation to be courageous - it's simply not in the way they do business.

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:10 PM (icI8A)

104 Bronx boy comedy pioneer Carl Reiner is mort at 98.

He was behind The Dick Van Dyke show, so 16-year old son Rob Reiner was on set. Mary Tyler Moore, a dancer, had the best gams and ass in the biz. Young Rob couldn't help himself and grabbed her ass.

Oh, Rob!

Posted by: Ignoramus at June 30, 2020 01:10 PM (9TdxA)

105 Amplifyblackvoices - because you never hear anything from them. Man, we need to elect a black person to national office. That'll fix everything.
Posted by: Laughing in Texas at June 30, 2020 12:57 PM (eFYNk)

Yeah, and they have so much to say that is valuable.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:10 PM (YqDXo)

106 The platform for the party that replaces the GOP should be that taxes are paid exclusively by big business and billionaires.

These people are the enemies. It's time to grow up and use the power of the state against them. America is a banana republic, start acting like it. The left does. And because they do they actually get results.

Posted by: dj3way at June 30, 2020 01:10 PM (bhPL1)

107 I honestly wouldn't play the National Anthem at sporting events anymore... No need to have it disrespected

Posted by: It's me donna at June 30, 2020 01:10 PM (Zmnko)

108 Terry Crews has blown up the leftists again by saying that everyone of every color is a child of God. The fact that that's controversial is really sad.

Posted by: Ian S. at June 30, 2020 01:10 PM (ZGrMX)

109 Is there a reason for Standing Girl being the only one in yellow shorts?
Posted by: Ignoramus at June 30, 2020 01:05 PM (9TdxA)

Because just a stitched yellow star is hard to see from the stands?

Posted by: Bete at June 30, 2020 01:10 PM (Ojki1)

110 So, the new strategy is to spend your advertising budget to drive away customers.

There is nothing to buy, nothing to invest in. There are literally no companies left that are not full on marxist BLM bandwagon.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 30, 2020 01:10 PM (dNzKv)

111 Skittles doesn't want to lose that all-important Purple Drank constituency.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at June 30, 2020 01:11 PM (FtO5h)

112 She's the backup goaltender, and the goaltenders wear yellow shorts.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at June 30, 2020 01:11 PM (FtO5h)

113 So, the new strategy is to spend your advertising budget to drive away customers.

Except they won't.

This is becoming so pervasive that in many cases there's either no where to go or very limited options.

It's like the GOP. It's hot garbage that does not deserve your vote. But where are you going to go?

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at June 30, 2020 01:11 PM (H5knJ)

114 15 or so years ago I worked for Big Corp, Inc. the CEO dictated that everyone *should* volunteer time toward some cause. I never signed up and I keep getting reminder emails that I hadnt signed up. This went on for about a year until they finally stoped emailing me. It was voluntary you see but if you did not volunteer you were on a list.

an early warning of where Corp America was going.

Posted by: Hotgas VIP Member at June 30, 2020 01:11 PM (SjAGT)

115 Willowed...

Some serious shit going down in (of all places) Provo, UT.

Via Twatter...
Posted by: Martini Farmer - Civilly Disobedient at June 30, 2020 01:04 PM (3H9h1

Were those real guns?

Towards the end of the clip, there's another guy firing, but even a non-gun guy like me knows he wasn't in proper position.

Posted by: JoeF. at June 30, 2020 01:11 PM (CqE5x)

116 Linkage for Provo festivities?

Posted by: rhomboid at June 30, 2020 01:11 PM (El6T/)

117 Skittles suck in general

Never had them, never will. Ruthie and Winfield Joad got a case of the Skittles in the Grapes of Wrath.

Posted by: Piratepatch from the flood zone at June 30, 2020 01:11 PM (h8meQ)

118 >>>I honestly wouldn't play the National Anthem at sporting events anymore... No need to have it disrespected

Donna, I'm with you. I'd rather it be eliminated from sporting events than be disrespected by millionaire chybabies.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at June 30, 2020 01:12 PM (bkUtD)

119 That Antifa guy needs to be hunted down and jailed. SUV had to have been hit.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at June 30, 2020 01:12 PM (xceTB)

120 I'm okay with certain women once again having kneeling as their default position.

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:12 PM (icI8A)

121 He was behind The Dick Van Dyke show, so 16-year old son Rob Reiner was on set. Mary Tyler Moore, a dancer, had the best gams and ass in the biz. Young Rob couldn't help himself and grabbed her ass.

Time to cancel that a-hole. #MeToo.

If the Reds can go decades to make allegations, so can we.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:12 PM (YqDXo)

122 "69 Standing girl reminds me of the non saluting cross armed guy in the nazi photo."

The student in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:12 PM (puu6v)

123 I would like to start a Take Off Your Mask for Freedom July 4th Movement, but I have no create a movement skills. Well except ya know, first thing in the morning.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 30, 2020 01:12 PM (r+sAi)

124 The starting goaltender, also wearing yellow shorts, is second from left.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at June 30, 2020 01:12 PM (FtO5h)

125 110 Black Rifle Coffee.

Posted by: bill in arkansas at June 30, 2020 01:12 PM (C1Lsn)

126 115 Willowed...

Some serious shit going down in (of all places) Provo, UT.

Via Twatter...
Posted by: Martini Farmer - Civilly Disobedient at June 30, 2020 01:04 PM (3H9h1

Were those real guns?

Towards the end of the clip, there's another guy firing, but even a non-gun guy like me knows he wasn't in proper position.
Posted by: JoeF. at June 30, 2020 01:11 PM (CqE5x)

There's a slow mo close up further down Chong's feed. Looks like a round is being fired all right.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:12 PM (ifmtJ)

127 Time to call these companies out. I'm sure a goodly number of them contribute to Planned Parenthood, the number one white supremacist group in the country.

Posted by: Emmie at June 30, 2020 01:12 PM (clsJu)

128 A President could never do it. A Lord Protector or Commandante could do it, but he'd need the Military on his side to get away with it.

But it will happen one day.
Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 01:06 PM (Kpl3J)

My word as a Biden.

Posted by: Supreme Leader Biden at June 30, 2020 01:13 PM (Ojki1)

He was behind The Dick Van Dyke show, so 16-year old son Rob Reiner
was on set. Mary Tyler Moore, a dancer, had the best gams and ass in the
biz. Young Rob couldn't help himself and grabbed her ass.

Time to cancel that a-hole. #MeToo.

If the Reds can go decades to make allegations, so can we.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:12 PM (YqDXo)

Seconded. And I hope she smacked him

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 30, 2020 01:13 PM (ekmlY)

130 Ice Cube tells Fake Jake Tapper to watch his mouth when Fake Jake the Snake calls Calypso Louis a vile anti-LGBTQ anti-Semitic misogynist.


Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at June 30, 2020 01:13 PM (+y/Ru)

131 Even the toppled statues of blind Lady Justice tossed by Antifa into the recesses of my quarantine beard can see that Republicans must reject the tribalist white nationalist appeal of the standing soccer player and run on a platform of unity and competence as the party who will better defeat systemic racism in our society without the divisiveness evident in ugly episodes such as the protest in front of Mr. Bezos' house.

Posted by: Jonah Goldberg at June 30, 2020 01:13 PM (lExK6)

132 so let's see
years ago the Dixie Chicks were heroic for saying they were ashamed to come from the same state that Pres W Bush came from.

and now they're going to be The Chicks.

but according to feminists, it's sexist and offensive to refer to women as 'chicks'

so maybe they can just call their act "The"

Posted by: mallfly The Peach of Hoboken at June 30, 2020 01:13 PM (4a9Vv)

133 122 "69 Standing girl reminds me of the non saluting cross armed guy in the nazi photo."

The student in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:12 PM (puu6v)

Both of them were murdered

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:13 PM (ifmtJ)

134 Hey McDonald's are you going to amplify black lives by paying more to your wage slaves, or getting rid of automated kiosks so you need to hire more workers?

No? Just commercials with trannies? Thought about as much.

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:13 PM (icI8A)

135 I don't think Tiananmen Square Man was wearing a hammer and sickle shirt though.

I mean, standing girl *is* wearing a BLM shirt. With all that implies.

And she did kneel, just not in this picture.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at June 30, 2020 01:14 PM (FtO5h)

136 Another big explosion in Iran, this time in Tehran. Hospital on fire.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 30, 2020 01:14 PM (ZLI7S)

137 Well there goes my plan to substitute nachocheezpowder for the ever rising cost of talc due to lawyerstortion.

Posted by: DaveAScheweddyVanillaBallz at June 30, 2020 01:14 PM (FhXTo)

138 I watch You Tube videos too. I like Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen which was my latest find.

Posted by: notsothoreau at June 30, 2020 01:14 PM (JKNZq)

139 Skittles are hell on dental crowns.
Zod prefers Jolly Rancher.

Posted by: Zod at June 30, 2020 01:14 PM (ZS9TG)

140 103 I think a lot of us thought "Republicans buy sneakers too" would hold this tide off. It did in the 90's and 00's. But at some point that stopped mattering. Corporations NEED to appease the crocodile, and don't really care if it loses them customers. They're also pretty sure that conservatives are chumps who will just keep on consuming product and get excite for next product. But it was always silly to expect any corporation to be courageous - it's simply not in the way they do business.
Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:10 PM (icI8A)

It also doesn't matter when EVERY company is in on the game. A boycotting consumer has no alternatives when the competition is also all in on the Wokeness. Almost like these corporations are in collusion....

Posted by: The Joker at June 30, 2020 01:14 PM (Izzlo)

141 re 129: ever seen what Rob Reiner looked like on 'South Park'?

Posted by: mallfly The Peach of Hoboken at June 30, 2020 01:14 PM (4a9Vv)

142 "106 The platform for the party that replaces the GOP should be that taxes are paid exclusively by big business and billionaires.

These people are the enemies. It's time to grow up and use the power of the state against them. America is a banana republic, start acting like it. The left does. And because they do they actually get results."

If for no other reason that to stop Warren Buffet's crocodile tears about his secretary.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:14 PM (puu6v)

143 They are advertising to a global audience. The target demo has ben brainwashed with Maoism since post WWII. Guess who Mao wanted to eliminate? Colonialists (White People). Guess who were enslaved? everybody else

Posted by: always ahead of the curve at June 30, 2020 01:14 PM (Mw5hD)

144 >>Amplifyblackvoices - because you never hear anything from them. Man, we need to elect a black person to national office. That'll fix everything.

If only the black community had it's own media moguls (Oprah, Robert Johnson), it's own entertainers and entertainment moguls (JayZ, Beyonce, Quincy Jones, Will Smith, Shonda Rhimes, and so on), it's own athletes to look up to (Kobe, Magic, and so on), it's own authors, scientists, business titans, etc. etc. etc. . . .

How is it they have no voice in 2020?

Posted by: Lizzy at June 30, 2020 01:14 PM (bDqIh)

145 OK, B'Gal's up. BBL

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Who can fight the beast? Revelation 13:4 at June 30, 2020 01:15 PM (HaL55)

146 So I guess I'm just not going to buy anything ever.

Posted by: Jordan61 at June 30, 2020 01:15 PM (UCk9I)

147 If there's a silent majority, their majority status is meaningless when:

The entire education system...

The majority of media outlets...

The national popular vote*...

The majority of corporate culture...

The entire entertainment industry...

The gatekeepers of the internet...

The leadership of major police departments...

And on and on and on...

...are all either Leftists, voting for Leftists, or submitting to Leftists.

Posted by: McLurkerson at June 30, 2020 01:15 PM (IRGhF)

148 132 so let's see
years ago the Dixie Chicks were heroic for saying they were ashamed to come from the same state that Pres W Bush came from.

and now they're going to be The Chicks.

but according to feminists, it's sexist and offensive to refer to women as 'chicks'

so maybe they can just call their act "The"
Posted by: mallfly The Peach of Hoboken at June 30, 2020 01:13 PM (4a9Vv)

It's been done

Posted by: The The at June 30, 2020 01:15 PM (Izzlo)

149 Some serious shit going down in (of all places) Provo, UT.

PROVO? The rot has extended that far?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:16 PM (YqDXo)

150 I posted this in last night's ONT. It's timely here as at least a little bit of encouragement, in the face of corporate wokeness:

Big family gathering this past weekend. Got to see my brothers-in-law who I hadn't seen in a while - love those dudes. One is a high ranking firefighter downstate and had some harrowing stories about riot week. One of my other BILs had a more encouraging story I wanted to share.

BIL is black and married into our otherwise white family. It's a remarriage for my wife's sister so he's a more recent addition and I'm just getting to know him lately. Awesome dude. Fabulous set of pipes. I admit I have kind of a man crush.

Anyways, he shows up for work on Juneteenth, and goes to his locker to change into work duds. Manager comes over and says "why are you here? It's Juneteenth". BIL looks at him askance, "I'm here to work." He goes on to explain to me that Juneteenth is a big deal in the community he grew up in, but he never expected anybody to make it an actual holiday. So he's really puzzled at this greeting.

He goes into the main area, and the company's got catered lunch, and all sorts of pamphlets and info about the holiday. Thing is, he's the ONLY black person at his company. Many of the other employees are of Mexican or other Latino descent - but he's the only person for whom this day holds meaning. So the higher-ups have made a big to-do out of it and he's feeling kind of self-conscious.

Then the manager or president says, "why don't you go on up and say something." He's thinking "wuuuuuut" but he's a good dude and he goes up front, clears his throat, and gives them this:

"Thanks for doing all this. You didn't really have to. One thing I gotta tell you: I am NOT on board with this Black Lives Matter stuff. They're just destroying, looting and rioting and they're not really in it for my community." He wraps it up cordially and returns to the room.

He said he didn't get much reaction either way about his comments. They offered him the rest of the day off and he said "fine" because the awkwardness was too much anyways.

Hope that gives you a little glimmer of hope.

Posted by: Clontarf at June 30, 2020 01:16 PM (X1xq4)

151 I no longer support due process for lefties accused of any sort of crime. Once they decided no-go zones and dead 16 year olds were totes cool, I no longer care that they have equal, or any, protection under the law. So fuck Mythbusters dude, send him to the gulag.

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:16 PM (icI8A)

152 135 I don't think Tiananmen Square Man was wearing a hammer and sickle shirt though.

I mean, standing girl *is* wearing a BLM shirt. With all that implies.

And she did kneel, just not in this picture.
Posted by: Guy Smiley at June 30, 2020 01:14 PM (FtO5h)


Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:16 PM (ifmtJ)

153 >.I think a lot of us thought "Republicans buy sneakers too" would hold this tide off. It did in the 90's and 00's. But at some point that stopped mattering.

When things consolidated to the point a boycott wouldn't work?

Posted by: Lizzy at June 30, 2020 01:16 PM (bDqIh)

154 2 Is there a reason for Standing Girl being the only one in yellow shorts?

Posted by: Ignoramus at June 30, 2020 01:05 PM (9TdxA)

Looks like second from the left also has them, as well as yellow socks!
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -YOU are all in this together!- at June 30, 2020 01:06 PM (eTZoJ)

Goalies or captains.

Posted by: Sooner - White Blue-eyed Debil at June 30, 2020 01:16 PM (Fs5vw)

155 A President could never do it. A Lord Protector or Commandante could do it, but he'd need the Military on his side to get away with it.

But it will happen one day.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 01:06 PM (Kpl3J)

It's quite clear the military is divided. Best case scenario, a lot of officers are purged bloodily. Worst case, our guys are too busy fighting off their former brothers to be a positive factor.

Obviously Trump has to get rid of Congress as well. He has no middle ground, and the fate of dying/ having his family destroyed was sealed the minute he became a serious contender. The die is cast, great Caesar. Make it happen.

Posted by: trev006 at June 30, 2020 01:16 PM (1YCda)

156 years ago the Dixie Chicks were heroic for saying they were ashamed to come from the same state that Pres W Bush came from.

and now they're going to be The Chicks.

but according to feminists, it's sexist and offensive to refer to women as 'chicks'

How do they feel about "The Dicksy Chicks?"

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:16 PM (YqDXo)

157 so maybe they can just call their act "The"

There was a band called The The in the previous century.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Who can fight the beast? Revelation 13:4 at June 30, 2020 01:17 PM (HaL55)

158 Dude at the end of the video seemed to be lining up a shot, as well.

Posted by: fly at June 30, 2020 01:17 PM (2M/TV)

159 so maybe they can just call their act "The"
Posted by: mallfly The Peach of Hoboken at June 30, 2020 01:13 PM (4a9Vv)

It's been done
Posted by: The The at June 30, 2020 01:15 PM (Izzlo)

I wonder whatever happened to "And And Fooking And?"

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Confuzzled at June 30, 2020 01:17 PM (xPJvm)

160 Bill in AR,

I prefer "geezer" myself.

Posted by: notsothoreau at June 30, 2020 01:17 PM (JKNZq)

161 Thanks, saw the link.

Looks very similar to the Alamosa, CO events.

Gun looks real. Handling was proper.

Posted by: rhomboid at June 30, 2020 01:18 PM (El6T/)

162 Now my beloved Doritos have gone woke.

I ask you, Horde, where and when does this end? When is enough, enough for them?

Does this end up with a culling of persons deemed not woke enough or maybe too many of, lined up against a wall and killed for their skin color?
Or made to kneel before Zod? (superman reference for those who might be younger Rons).

Seriously man at what point are they satisfied? The whole thing burns down? And is it over at that point?

Posted by: Secret Squirrel, author of 3 LTs of JBLM- a funny play on Amazon at June 30, 2020 01:18 PM (xyImL)

163 156 years ago the Dixie Chicks were heroic for saying they were ashamed to come from the same state that Pres W Bush came from.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:16 PM (YqDXo)

Given most of us have done a 180 on GWB -- are they now to be admired for that? Interesting times.

Posted by: Clontarf at June 30, 2020 01:18 PM (X1xq4)

164 rhomboid: "My gawd. So idiotic, craven, appropriate only for 8-yr old children. Which apparently accurately describes, emotionally and intellectually, much of America."

Like 1984 wasn't supposed to be a How-To, Idiocracy isn't supposed to be our legacy.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at June 30, 2020 01:18 PM (HhXSr)

165 God speaks with a whisper and mountains move.

Satan smashes windows and breaks pots demanding you kneel to his power.

Posted by: RoyalOil at June 30, 2020 01:18 PM (wxle/)

166 A President could never do it. A Lord Protector or Commandante could do it, but he'd need the Military on his side to get away with it.

But it will happen one day.
Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 01:06 PM (Kpl3J)

I listen to Christopher Hitchens on YouTube sometimes and I think I remember him mentioning that's what its like in North Korea and what it was like in Iraq under Saddam. State propaganda that you're required to watch. He joked about North Korea a few times that it was as if someone had smuggled in a copy of 1984 and said, "Do you think we can make this work?"

He also has an amazing speech about freedom of speech, it was in reference to when the entirety of Western journalism bent the knee for radical Islam rather than standing up for the cartoonists who dared to draw mohammed.

Frankly, him and Breitbart, to me, probably did not die of natural circumstances.

Posted by: Iftwilp at June 30, 2020 01:18 PM (gqvXZ)

167 I'm running out of companies that I can buy from.

Posted by: Great Reagan's Deplorable Ghost at June 30, 2020 01:18 PM (y5oH4)

168 OK, now I'm out.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Who can fight the beast? Revelation 13:4 at June 30, 2020 01:19 PM (HaL55)

169 162 Seriously man at what point are they satisfied? The whole thing burns down? And is it over at that point?

Posted by: Secret Squirrel, author of 3 LTs of JBLM- a funny play on Amazon at June 30, 2020 01:18 PM (xyImL)


When there are no other voices than the most woke.

Should be any day now. Just ask Robespierre.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting terrorist in Nakatomi Tower at June 30, 2020 01:19 PM (LvTSG)

170 She exemplifies what is now a minority belief ... 'I will no kneel".
Personally, I will never kneel and the marxists pushing this shit are right on the verge of a 2nd fight.

Posted by: Gmac - WTF did you think was going to happen? at June 30, 2020 01:19 PM (qZdIZ)

171 >>Or made to kneel before Zod? (superman reference for those who might be younger Rons).
Posted by: Secret Squirrel, author of 3 LTs of JBLM- a funny play on Amazon at June 30, 2020 01:18 PM (xyImL)


Posted by: Zod at June 30, 2020 01:19 PM (QgtlX)

172 It's been done
Posted by: The The at June 30, 2020 01:15 PM (Izzlo)

The Who?

Posted by: The Who at June 30, 2020 01:19 PM (Kpl3J)

173 >>>Another big explosion in Iran, this time in Tehran. Hospital on fire.

The Joker.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at June 30, 2020 01:19 PM (VWp7G)

174 I'm such a fucking Racist I expect the average black dude to behave like I do. I even think they can.

Shit, I think they can get ID's too.

I denounce myself.

Posted by: nip at June 30, 2020 01:19 PM (Izot6)

175 The kneeling soccer girls on the left are assuming the "Rape of Nanking" pose awaiting a bullet to the back of the head.

Posted by: DR.WTF


Next time you kneel bring a shovel.

Posted by: Diogenes at June 30, 2020 01:19 PM (axyOa)

176 It also doesn't matter when EVERY company is in on the game. A boycotting consumer has no alternatives when the competition is also all in on the Wokeness. Almost like these corporations are in collusion....

Posted by: The Joker at June 30, 2020 01:14 PM (Izzlo)

Seems like a great time for a non-woke company to enter the market and make a killing.

Posted by: Liberty at June 30, 2020 01:19 PM (Icu+E)

177 Slow Joe is lying his way through his speech today.

Maybe he doesn't remember what he said in January but he's the only one.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 30, 2020 01:19 PM (ZLI7S)

178 not - not 'no'.

Posted by: Gmac - WTF did you think was going to happen? at June 30, 2020 01:20 PM (qZdIZ)

179 Towards the end of the clip, there's another guy firing, but even a non-gun guy like me knows he wasn't in proper position.

I thought that at first as well, but after watching it a few times I think he is taking pictures with a cell phone.

Posted by: motionview at June 30, 2020 01:20 PM (pYQR/)

180 ce Cube tells Fake Jake Tapper to watch his mouth when Fake Jake the Snake calls Calypso Louis a vile anti-LGBTQ anti-Semitic misogynist.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at June 30, 2020 01:13 PM (+y/Ru)

And Jake obliged, right?

Posted by: JoeF. at June 30, 2020 01:20 PM (CqE5x)

181 "I'm running out of companies that I can buy from."

I think it's still OK to buy Glock, Ruger, Hornaday, Federal, etc.

Posted by: PabloD at June 30, 2020 01:20 PM (F1m5e)

182 McLurkerson @147 with insightful observation. And a devastating one.

Posted by: rhomboid at June 30, 2020 01:20 PM (El6T/)

183 One of the commenters on the Twatter video of the incident in Provo claims the people blocking traffic were bused in. A local said "there aren't that many people to scrape up to protest" in that part of town. Further, there are claims being made that this is not isolated. These groups are starting to show up in more affluent and suburban areas.

Posted by: Martini Farmer - Civilly Disobedient at June 30, 2020 01:20 PM (3H9h1)

184 My word as a Biden.
Posted by: Supreme Leader Biden at June 30, 2020 01:13 PM (Ojki1)

Should read: "My word as a ... uh ... a ... uh ... you know, the thing."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:21 PM (YqDXo)

185 >>165
God speaks with a whisper and mountains move.
Satan smashes windows and breaks pots demanding you kneel to his power. Posted by: RoyalOil at June 30, 2020 01:18 PM (wxle/)

Zod says kneel and you find yourself studying his belt buckle.

Posted by: Zod at June 30, 2020 01:21 PM (ZS9TG)

186 155:

"Obviously Trump has to get rid of Congress as well. He has no middle ground, and the fate of dying/ having his family destroyed was sealed the minute he became a serious contender. The die is cast, great Caesar. Make it happen."

I've written it before, but there is literally nothing at this point that Trump could do I would oppose. It has gone too far.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:21 PM (puu6v)

187 So they want our GI Joe Dolls to kneel.

Posted by: humphreyrobot at June 30, 2020 01:21 PM (pB6Gt)

188 160 Geezer is OK, but so is old bastard, grump, grouch, etc. And always be proud of it.

Posted by: bill in arkansas at June 30, 2020 01:21 PM (C1Lsn)

189 "When things consolidated to the point a boycott wouldn't work?
Posted by: Lizzy at June 30, 2020 01:16 PM (bDqIh)"

Yeah, like The Joker said above, when it got to a critical mass that it's basically impossible to boycott. At this point every company bigger than a mom and pop store has caved to the mob, so you'd have to get everything from smaller boutique places who exist to serve the un-woke, and that's simply not possible for most people.

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:21 PM (icI8A)

190 I just wrote Johnson & Johnson a blistering letter. Feel better.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at June 30, 2020 01:21 PM (H8QX8)

191 Seriously man at what point are they satisfied? The whole thing burns down? And is it over at that point?

Posted by: Secret Squirrel, author of 3 LTs of JBLM- a funny play on Amazon at June 30, 2020 01:18 PM (xyImL)

They're the type that is never satisfied.

"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak up because I was not a communist."

"Then they came for the New York elites, and I did not speak up because I was not a New York elite."

"Then they came for the BLM leadership, and I did not speak up because I was not a BLM leader."

"And then it was pretty good. Not perfect, but pretty good."

Posted by: trev006 at June 30, 2020 01:21 PM (1YCda)

192 Racism....hmmmm...what do you call Accepting someone into an Ivy League school who is vastly unqualified academically, but gets in solely on the color of his skin?

Posted by: runner at June 30, 2020 01:21 PM (sUh98)

193 Posted by: Clontarf at June 30, 2020 01:16 PM (X1xq4)

So, wait. They had a big catered lunch but when he showed up they said, "why are you here?" Were they planning on having this big Juneteenth shindig without him?

Posted by: Jordan61 at June 30, 2020 01:22 PM (UCk9I)

194 Seriously man at what point are they satisfied? The whole thing burns down? And is it over at that point?

Posted by: Secret Squirrel, author of 3 LTs of JBLM- a funny play on Amazon at June 30, 2020 01:18 PM (xyImL)

Well, for the Democrat BLM supporting lawyer and his wife in Saint Looey, it ended when the mob showed up on his street and kicked down his front gate. But not before.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 01:22 PM (Kpl3J)

195 Apparently, CNN is selling it's headquarters to avoid layoffs.

Whatever, Biden up by 12 pts!

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at June 30, 2020 01:22 PM (xfb67)

196 that person is the hope of the future

The ones to the left of her, hands behind their backs, heads forward, ready to be chopped off.

Posted by: t-bird at June 30, 2020 01:22 PM (8eSmR)

197 Seriously man at what point are they satisfied? The whole thing burns down? And is it over at that point?

Posted by: Secret Squirrel, author of 3 LTs of JBLM- a funny play on Amazon


Something I heard many year ago which supports what I had learned years before that...Anarchy is FUN. That's why its been so easy for those funding all this bullshit to get so many to participate Pay a few to organize it, and let everyone else jump on board. A hell of a lot more fun that working.

Posted by: Diogenes at June 30, 2020 01:22 PM (axyOa)

198 Ice Cube tells Fake Jake Tapper to watch his mouth when Fake Jake the Snake calls Calypso Louis a vile anti-LGBTQ anti-Semitic misogynist.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at June 30, 2020 01:13 PM (+y/Ru)/i]

Or else what? 99% of what blacks get today is by virtue of violence, or threatening violence.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:22 PM (YqDXo)

199 It's been done
Posted by: The The at June 30, 2020 01:15 PM (Izzlo)

The Who?
Posted by: The Who

The Who's on first?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at June 30, 2020 01:22 PM (+y/Ru)

200 Seems to me that the clips from Provo should be the Twitter response to every one of these corporate passion posts. You want to get behind a domestic terrorists group? Here's what you're actually supporting.

Posted by: Chunk Hunger at June 30, 2020 01:22 PM (uhPTO)

201 Does anyone know the story behind the young woman athlete refusing to kneel? It would be interesting to know what price she paid for her refusal.

Posted by: mongo at June 30, 2020 01:23 PM (LROYh)

202 Whatever is going on in that clip in Utah, Provo sure looks like a nice place.

Posted by: JoeF. at June 30, 2020 01:23 PM (CqE5x)

203 They're also pretty sure that conservatives are chumps who will just keep on consuming product and get excite for next product.

Minimalism seems to be a thing with young hipsters.

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at June 30, 2020 01:23 PM (eFYNk)

204 Someone in the Twitter string saying that a Back the Blue rally was going on in Provo and BLM shitbirds in SLC decided to go to Provo to confront.

Posted by: fly at June 30, 2020 01:23 PM (2M/TV)

205 181 "I'm running out of companies that I can buy from."

I think it's still OK to buy Glock, Ruger, Hornaday, Federal, etc.
Posted by: PabloD at June 30, 2020 01:20 PM (F1m5e)

That reminds me, need to buy sandbags.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:23 PM (ifmtJ)

206 Never had Skittles

I'm a natto man myself

Posted by: REDACTED at June 30, 2020 01:23 PM (JgrP5)

207 And the same thing happened with entertainment.

At this point if you really wanted to starve everybody who hates you, you can't watch:

1. Any Hollywood movie
2. Any TV show on a major broadcast network
3. Anything from a streaming service
4. Any sport, besides maybe baseball until they go all BLM too

You can't play any video games except maybe Nintendo and a few other Japanese companies. You can't read most new books - the classics, at least, still exist. Can't listen to most music, especially if you need to get it from YouTube or Spotify.

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:24 PM (icI8A)

208 I ask you, Horde, where and when does this end? When is enough, enough for them? <<<<<<<
Ok, so the lockdowns and the masks are for specific reasons and it is not a virus. They want young people out creating trouble with no other diversions like school, sporting events, bar hopping or going to the beach. So the Blue state governors and mayors will keep it going until the election, unless there are overwhelming polls that say they are getting creamed. And the pollsters will not do that.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 30, 2020 01:24 PM (r+sAi)

209 I've written it before, but there is literally nothing at this point that Trump could do I would oppose. It has gone too far.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:21 PM (puu6v)

I felt that way right after the election, and all through the Mueller farce. I don't actually NEED the President to act, at some point I might act myself, but it would be nice for him to seize the nettle while he still has a chance.

Posted by: trev006 at June 30, 2020 01:24 PM (1YCda)

210 So, wait. They had a big catered lunch but when he showed up they said, "why are you here?" Were they planning on having this big Juneteenth shindig without him?
Posted by: Jordan61 at June 30, 2020 01:22 PM (UCk9I)

Of course! Understand that point, and you understand all of it. It's not about "race", it's not about addressing "past wrongs', that is all just boilerplate thrown out for the useful idiots to chew on. It's about Power, and Control, and forcing people to do what they are told to do, no matter how ridiculous.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 01:24 PM (Kpl3J)

211 "167 I'm running out of companies that I can buy from."

Some things you can still do: cut the cable cord, drop Netflix or any subscriber service, keep deposit accounts to a minimum so the banks cannot get fees but little interest, shop locally as much as can be done, ditch all forms of social media. Those matter.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:24 PM (puu6v)

212 Doritos no, Skittles no, JJ no. We're good.

Posted by: Eromero at June 30, 2020 01:24 PM (XhWtx)

The entire education system...

The majority of media outlets...

The national popular vote*...

The majority of corporate culture...

The entire entertainment industry...

The gatekeepers of the internet...

The leadership of major police departments...

Don't forget us!!

Posted by: Mainstream Churches at June 30, 2020 01:24 PM (mht8P)

214 195 Apparently, CNN is selling its headquarters to avoid layoffs.

Whatever, Biden up by 12 pts!
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at June 30, 2020 01:22 PM (xfb67)

Great news. They must be really hurting.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:24 PM (YqDXo)

215 Just another neighborhood mob getting protection racket money.

Posted by: humphreyrobot at June 30, 2020 01:25 PM (pB6Gt)

I've got a story, too. It's developing.

Guide to story: You can breeze through the letter from the aggrieved Black person and scroll past her army of idiotic supporters -- and then read the letter that prompted it all.

The white conservative Christian girl who's swimming against the current expects the school to fire her because the sorry tale is going places. She doesn't know what her next move will be if that happens.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at June 30, 2020 01:25 PM (G51Gf)

217 Or else what? 99% of what blacks get today is by virtue of violence, or threatening violence.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

He'll strap Fake Jake to a chair and force him to watch an endless loop of Are We There Yet?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at June 30, 2020 01:25 PM (+y/Ru)

218 >>>Someone in the Twitter string saying that a Back the Blue rally was going on in Provo and BLM shitbirds in SLC decided to go to Provo to confront.

It'll take one BLM/Antifa thug getting shot and killed, then you'll see the college kids starting to fall out of line.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at June 30, 2020 01:25 PM (VWp7G)

219 That's J and J, not JJ. JJ we can't do without.

Posted by: Eromero at June 30, 2020 01:25 PM (XhWtx)

220 107 I honestly wouldn't play the National Anthem at sporting events anymore... No need to have it disrespected
Posted by: It's me donna at June 30, 2020 01:10 PM (Zmnko)

Oh, hell no. Keep playing it. I want to see who I'm going to hunt when the shooting starts.

Posted by: Sooner - White Blue-eyed Debil at June 30, 2020 01:25 PM (Fs5vw)

221 @153

The thinking is along the line of having to hold your nose and voting for the GOP under the theory, who else are you going to vote for?

Similarly, who else are you going to buy your chips, candy or shampoo from?

We all knew the end state but things are accelerating far faster than we dared imagine.

We got four years tops before the Republic ends, however that end may be.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 30, 2020 01:25 PM (HQynW)

222 Tom Servo-

was just thinking of that video of the two lawyers defending their house. I think we're gonna see a whole lot more of that. Especially when round two of the Rona starts to kick in and governments decide to shut cities and states down...again.

I told a buddy of mine in AZ that I think the wheels are about to fall off. We may have reached the tipping point.
As i consult my Magic 8 Ball of Indecision, shaking it vigorously, and ask, are things gonna get worse?
It sayeth, "All signs point to yes."

Posted by: Secret Squirrel, author of 3 LTs of JBLM- a funny play on Amazon at June 30, 2020 01:25 PM (xyImL)

223 "209 I've written it before, but there is literally nothing at this point that Trump could do I would oppose. It has gone too far.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:21 PM (puu6v)

I felt that way right after the election, and all through the Mueller farce. I don't actually NEED the President to act, at some point I might act myself, but it would be nice for him to seize the nettle while he still has a chance."

Agreed on all counts.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:25 PM (puu6v)

224 BLM proponents may be surprised when their efforts to declare their wokeness has the net effect of actually creating more racial animosity. I assume that, like me, people are starting to tire of hearing BLM and its proponents claiming they are racist, without knowing a thing about them, simply because of the their skin color. Sick of seeing black people held up as beacons of morality when the truth is that many black communities are rife with violence, disrespect for the rule of law, and are ruled by chaos. If conditions in some black communities are bad, instead of blaming the grifters they elected, they blame people who don't live there and have no say in the governance of those communities. Black lives will only begin to matter when black people start to believe they do.

Posted by: MaDuece at June 30, 2020 01:25 PM (0dmP2)

225 Ice Cube tells Fake Jake Tapper to watch his mouth when Fake Jake the Snake calls Calypso Louis a vile anti-LGBTQ anti-Semitic misogynist.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at June 30, 2020 01:13 PM (+y/Ru)/i]

Or else what? 99% of what blacks get today is by virtue of violence, or threatening violence.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020

01:22 PM (YqDXo)

It's a game. Ice Cube HAS to say that to Jake---otherwise HE'LL get called out for standing idly by while the Brother is dissed by a white guy.

It's a ll a fucking game and only white people have to play by the rules.

Posted by: JoeF. at June 30, 2020 01:25 PM (CqE5x)

226 Where do we stand on JellyBellys??

Posted by: runner at June 30, 2020 01:25 PM (sUh98)

227 Actually I haven't seen Stern or Jersey Jack do anything super woke yet, so pinball is still okay. For now.

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:25 PM (icI8A)

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at June 30, 2020 01:25 PM (G51Gf)


Oh, the letter that prompted it -- click to embiggen.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at June 30, 2020 01:26 PM (G51Gf)

229 Now that big business is all-in on cancel culture and vilifying any opinion that isn't far left, it's probably time to verify that the executives and Board members of all these companies have never said or done anything problematic. Perhaps we gang tackle one big company at a time, checking every yearbook, tweet, and public image to ensure theyve lived a pure PC life.
Posted by: Buck Throckmorton at June 30, 2020 01:05 PM (d9Cw3)


This is how I always picture Q anon working!

Posted by: Chillin the most at June 30, 2020 01:26 PM (lonOK)

230 Frankly, him and Breitbart, to me, probably did not die of natural circumstances.
Posted by: Iftwilp at June 30, 2020 01:18 PM (gqvXZ)

Hitchens documented his struggle against cancer and admitted that his heavy drinking and chain-smoking habits are what did it for him in the end.

A staunch atheist, Hitchens said he was touched by the kindness of people who said they would pray for his recovery even though they knew he wasn't a believer, himself. I thought that was a refreshing change of pace for a diehard atheist. They usually go for mockery when someone offers to pray for them.

Posted by: troyriser at June 30, 2020 01:26 PM (xeeMq)

231 Bill O'Reilly has announced a "No Kneeling Zone" and is marketing Stand Up For Your Country stickers.

Posted by: kallisto at June 30, 2020 01:26 PM (DJFLF)

232 At this point if you really wanted to starve everybody who hates you, you can't watch:

1. Any Hollywood movie
2. Any TV show on a major broadcast network
3. Anything from a streaming service
4. Any sport, besides maybe baseball until they go all BLM too

You can't play any video games except maybe Nintendo and a few other Japanese companies. You can't read most new books - the classics, at least, still exist. Can't listen to most music, especially if you need to get it from YouTube or Spotify.
Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:24 PM (icI8A)

Well, I'm there. Except I do watch some streaming services, but only for shows made before 2010. Nothings been made in at least a decade that I can stomach.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 01:26 PM (Kpl3J)

233 201 Does anyone know the story behind the young woman athlete refusing to kneel? It would be interesting to know what price she paid for her refusal.
Posted by: mongo at June 30, 2020 01:23 PM (LROYh)

Someone probably said, "Stand up if you're heterosexual."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:26 PM (YqDXo)

234 ...are all either Leftists, voting for Leftists, or submitting to Leftists.
Posted by: McLurkerson at June 30, 2020 01:15 PM (IRGhF)

So we give up or fight. They're wrong and in most cases evil. We can defeat them. Consider this an extraordinarily important time to live and to fight.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at June 30, 2020 01:26 PM (H8QX8)

235 Gummy's? Gummy worms??

Posted by: runner at June 30, 2020 01:26 PM (sUh98)

236 Sick of seeing black people held up as beacons of morality when the truth is that many black communities are rife with violence, disrespect for the rule of law, and are ruled by chaos. If conditions in some black communities are bad, instead of blaming the grifters they elected, they blame people who don't live there and have no say in the governance of those communities. Black lives will only begin to matter when black people start to believe they do.
Posted by: MaDuece at June 30, 2020 01:25 PM (0dmP2)


Posted by: JoeF. at June 30, 2020 01:26 PM (gtdYu)

237 Bill O'Reilly has announced a "No Kneeling Zone" and is marketing Stand Up For Your Country stickers.
Posted by: kallisto at June 30, 2020 01:26 PM (DJFLF)

And buy his new book, where he tells you how hard he's working for the folks.

Posted by: BurtTC at June 30, 2020 01:27 PM (hku12)

238 "221 @153

The thinking is along the line of having to hold your nose and voting for the GOP under the theory, who else are you going to vote for?

Similarly, who else are you going to buy your chips, candy or shampoo from?

We all knew the end state but things are accelerating far faster than we dared imagine.

We got four years tops before the Republic ends, however that end may be."

It's quite dead now.

The breathing is involuntary and it twitches, so we aren't quite ready to acknowledge the passing.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:27 PM (puu6v)

239 Hi ace... I think this is worth a headline or at least a sidebar:

WaPo Editor: White Women Lucky We're Not Calling For Revenge

"The lies and tears of White women hath wrought: - The 1921 Tulsa
Massacre - Murder of Emmet Till - Exclusion of Black women from feminist
movements - 53% of white women voting for Trump. White women are lucky
that we are just calling them 'Karen's'. And not calling for revenge."

Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 01:27 PM (eRvmV)

240 Now that big business is all-in on cancel culture and vilifying any opinion that isn't far left, it's probably time to verify that the executives and Board members of all these companies have never said or done anything problematic. Perhaps we gang tackle one big company at a time, checking every yearbook, tweet, and public image to ensure they've lived a pure PC life.
Posted by: Buck Throckmorton at June 30, 2020 01:05 PM (d9Cw3)

Great idea.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:27 PM (YqDXo)

241 Fear of the mob? Fear of boycott? Truly believe this bullshit? Certainty that the left will win and they don't want to be on the wrong side? Eat me last?

One ponders the many reasons why corporations are so eager to cup the balls of the Marxist machine.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at June 30, 2020 01:27 PM (SX3FQ)

242 218 >>>Someone in the Twitter string saying that a Back the Blue rally was going on in Provo and BLM shitbirds in SLC decided to go to Provo to confront.

It'll take one BLM/Antifa thug getting shot and killed, then you'll see the college kids starting to fall out of line.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at June 30, 2020 01:25 PM (VWp7G)

If they get shot every time they swarm over a place, like Provo, they will be less likely to start blocking roads.

Not sure we're quite there yet, but the music is playing.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:27 PM (ifmtJ)

243 Apparently, CNN is selling its headquarters to avoid layoffs.

That's the cover story. I'd bet real money the actual reason is they were spooked when BLM got into their lobby recently.

Posted by: Ian S. at June 30, 2020 01:28 PM (ZGrMX)

244 Yep. Biden giving a long harangue on the Virus.

"If only Trump had listened to me back in January."

Posted by: Ignoramus at June 30, 2020 01:28 PM (9TdxA)

245 212 Doritos no, Skittles no, JJ no. We're good.
Posted by: Eromero at June 30, 2020 01:24 PM (XhWtx)

No more Morning Reports? The hell you say!

Posted by: The Joker at June 30, 2020 01:28 PM (Izzlo)

246 That Provo shit proves no place is safe. Even if the terrorists arent from Provo, makes it that much worse. Shows they will easily jump in a car and drive to the suburbs/rural towns to fuck shit up.

Posted by: Hotgas VIP Member at June 30, 2020 01:28 PM (SjAGT)

247 Wellll...first thing I notice is she's wearing a BLM shirt. Then I read that she did kneel with everyone else until the anthem started.

Nice picture, but barely half a profile in courage.
Posted by: Guy Smiley at June 30, 2020 01:09 PM (FtO5h)

Wonder if she was trying to indicate that she opposes racism and loves her country. Those two things are not mutually exclusive. She may be completely ignorant that BLM exploits blacks.

Posted by: Emmie at June 30, 2020 01:28 PM (clsJu)

248 You will be made to comply.

Posted by: rd at June 30, 2020 01:28 PM (+0uDE)

249 The best drive through the crowd remains the girl who turned around to get extra points in Denver.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 30, 2020 01:29 PM (r+sAi)

250 WaPo Editor: White Women Lucky We're Not Calling For Revenge

"The lies and tears of White women hath wrought: - The 1921 Tulsa Massacre - Murder of Emmet Till - Exclusion of Black women from feminist movements - 53% of white women voting for Trump. White women are lucky that we are just calling them 'Karen's'. And not calling for revenge."
Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 01:27 PM (eRvmV)

White liberal women needn't worry - they've got their soibois to protect them.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:29 PM (YqDXo)

251 When they came for the razors, I said nothing, for I shave with an electric shaver.

And then they came for my cheese powder flavored corn chips, and I looked around and heard silence, for there was no one else left.

Or their faces were covered with masks. I'm not sure which.

Posted by: BurtTC at June 30, 2020 01:29 PM (hku12)

252 Yep. Biden giving a long harangue on the Virus.

"If only Trump had listened to me back in January."
Posted by: Ignoramus at June 30, 2020 01:28 PM (9TdxA

And DIDN'T ban travel from China?

Posted by: JoeF. at June 30, 2020 01:29 PM (gtdYu)

253 249 The best drive through the crowd remains the girl who turned around to get extra points in Denver.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 30, 2020 01:29 PM (r+sAi)

She went back to pick up the spare.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:29 PM (YqDXo)

254 147 If there's a silent majority, their majority status is meaningless when:

The entire education system...

The majority of media outlets...

The national popular vote*...

The majority of corporate culture...

The entire entertainment industry...

The gatekeepers of the internet...

The leadership of major police departments...

And on and on and on...

...are all either Leftists, voting for Leftists, or submitting to Leftists.
Posted by: McLurkerson at June 30, 2020 01:15 PM (IRGhF)

And THIS is why I'm so damn depressed all the time now. The rot is everywhere. It's inescapable.

Posted by: Jordan61 at June 30, 2020 01:29 PM (UCk9I)

255 246 That Provo shit proves no place is safe. Even if the terrorists arent from Provo, makes it that much worse. Shows they will easily jump in a car and drive to the suburbs/rural towns to fuck shit up.
Posted by: Hotgas VIP Member at June 30, 2020 01:28 PM (SjAGT)

How come the Provo police just sat on their asses and let it happen?

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 01:29 PM (Kpl3J)

256 It's hard to boycott all these bastards.

Do the best you can.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:30 PM (ifmtJ)

257 Hmm, kneeling and putting white stuff in your mouth.

All sounds good to me!

Posted by: Barack Obama at June 30, 2020 01:30 PM (qlFIA)

258 255 246 That Provo shit proves no place is safe. Even if the terrorists arent from Provo, makes it that much worse. Shows they will easily jump in a car and drive to the suburbs/rural towns to fuck shit up.
Posted by: Hotgas VIP Member at June 30, 2020 01:28 PM (SjAGT)

How come the Provo police just sat on their asses and let it happen?
Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 01:29 PM (Kpl3J)

Same reason the Seattle Police did nothing?

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:30 PM (ifmtJ)

259 wow. social media and the internet really accerates the entire 10 stages of genocide

Posted by: always ahead of the curve at June 30, 2020 01:31 PM (Mw5hD)

260 3/4 Irish, 1/4 Swedish, and who knows what else, we suspect some Caribbean ancestry maybe. My skin is white because my ancestors' skin was largely white too.

We don't come from a wealthy or a successful people, but I'm proud of them and I'm proud of who I am. I'm white and I'm proud of my people. These things may be mutually exclusive as Dr. King said, but the existence of the one, the shade of my skin, does not require me to be ashamed of myself.

A liberal would code read that as "white pride" but I assure you it's more the opposite of reverse. I am "anti-"white-shame"".

Posted by: Iftwilp at June 30, 2020 01:31 PM (gqvXZ)

261 255

My guess is Provo police like all police figures better to do nothing than risk becoming the next Chauvin and have your life destroyed.

Posted by: Hotgas VIP Member at June 30, 2020 01:31 PM (SjAGT)

262 "243 Apparently, CNN is selling its headquarters to avoid layoffs.

That's the cover story. I'd bet real money the actual reason is they were spooked when BLM got into their lobby recently."

They probably have purchased a new building site in the Upper Midwest. The claim will be they want to see another part of the nation but we all know what the reality is.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:31 PM (puu6v)

263 Nah, most BLM proponents want more racism. The demand for racism in America greatly exceeds the supply. Lily white college kids desperately want roving herds of KKK members so they can feel like they are behind a righteous cause. The people who brag about wanting to punch Nazis quite obviously WANT MORE NAZIS.

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:31 PM (icI8A)

264 >>>The best drive through the crowd remains the girl who turned around to get extra points in Denver.

And a close second goes to the driver in Pensacola, FL who carried a BLM protester the entire 3-mile span of Pensacola Bay on the hood of his SUV.

Posted by: fly at June 30, 2020 01:31 PM (2M/TV)

265 Bill O'Reilly has announced a "No Kneeling Zone" and is marketing Stand Up For Your Country stickers.
Posted by: kallisto at June 30, 2020 01:26 PM (DJFLF)

Not saying O'Reilly doesn't believe what he's saying, but he was always the master of the hard sell.

Posted by: JoeF. at June 30, 2020 01:31 PM (gtdYu)

266 Given most of us have done a 180 on GWB -- are they now to be admired for that?


Posted by: Laughing in Texas at June 30, 2020 01:31 PM (eFYNk)

Quoted this already, but worth repeating

The Duke of Norfolk: Oh confound all this. I'm not a scholar, I don't know whether the marriage was lawful or not but - dammit, Thomas, look at these names! Why can't you do as I did and come with us, for fellowship!

Sir Thomas More: And when we die, and you are sent to heaven for doing your conscience, and I am sent to hell for not doing mine, will you come with me, for fellowship?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 30, 2020 01:31 PM (mht8P)

268 246 That Provo shit proves no place is safe. Even if the terrorists arent from Provo, makes it that much worse. Shows they will easily jump in a car and drive to the suburbs/rural towns to fuck shit up.
Posted by: Hotgas VIP Member at June 30, 2020 01:28 PM (SjAGT)

Easy to combat. Announce a "Back the Blue" rally here, there, and everywhere, hundreds of miles apart, a day or two apart, and then do nothing.

Make the a-holes drive around all over the country until you fatigue the response.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:32 PM (YqDXo)

269 You can't boycott everything. That is why it would be best for conservatives to choose one particular industry to target and make an example of. My choice would be sports.

Posted by: Mark1971 at June 30, 2020 01:32 PM (xPl2J)

270 The #1 rule of the Left is that nobody is ever Left enough. And that thing about it circling all the way back around to the Right is propaganda and farce.

Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 01:32 PM (eRvmV)

271 193 So, wait. They had a big catered lunch but when he showed up they said, "why are you here?" Were they planning on having this big Juneteenth shindig without him?
Posted by: Jordan61 at June 30, 2020 01:22 PM (UCk9I)

Meaning, why was here there in the locker room readying himself for his shift.

Posted by: Clontarf at June 30, 2020 01:32 PM (X1xq4)

272 I would love to see someone pay a bunch of MS-13 members to load up in an SUV and drive through that intersection, MAC-10's blazing. I wonder if GoFundMe would let us set up an account.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 01:32 PM (Kpl3J)

273 The Left and the Democrat Party, birm, does not love America. There is no need to sugar coat it. They don't.

Posted by: Grump928© at June 30, 2020 01:32 PM (RWSlt)

274 A staunch atheist, Hitchens said he was touched by the kindness of people who said they would pray for his recovery even though they knew he wasn't a believer, himself. I thought that was a refreshing change of pace for a diehard atheist. They usually go for mockery when someone offers to pray for them.

Hitch's last year documenting his death was brutal, honest, and beautiful. He was one of a kind.

I'm pretty close to atheist but I told a woman today that she's in my prayers. She was grateful for that. (She's a parent of my student, mom has stage 4 breast cancer and told me about the chemo plans).

It doesn't violate my conscience to say I'll pray to a God I don't acknowledge, it just uses secular language to say holy shit that's bad and I really hope things go well for you.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at June 30, 2020 01:32 PM (gd9RK)

275 Quoted this already, but worth repeating

The Duke of Norfolk: Oh confound all this. I'm not a scholar, I don't know whether the marriage was lawful or not but - dammit, Thomas, look at these names! Why can't you do as I did and come with us, for fellowship!

Sir Thomas More: And when we die, and you are sent to heaven for doing your conscience, and I am sent to hell for not doing mine, will you come with me, for fellowship?
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

DoN: who are you, again?

Posted by: rickb223 at June 30, 2020 01:32 PM (zfBZT)

276 16 I read the article today about laws to demand intellectual diversity in colleges. South Dakota leading the way on this again. We have to start somewhere and it's high time to reign colleges back in.
Posted by: notsothoreau at June 30, 2020 12:56 PM (JKNZq)

Bingo. If we're going to demand quotas and equality and "affirmative action," then it's high time we demand equal treatment.

Of course, one must never conflate equal justice with "social justice."

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 30, 2020 01:32 PM (s2VJv)

277 And a close second goes to the driver in Pensacola, FL who carried a BLM protester the entire 3-mile span of Pensacola Bay on the hood of his SUV.
Posted by: fly at June 30, 2020 01:31 PM (2M/TV)

I missed that one. Got a link?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:33 PM (YqDXo)

278 Speaking of Ice Cube he hot absolutely smashed by Bongino on Twitter last week.

It was emasculating.

What team or school is the girl from?

Posted by: Ha at June 30, 2020 01:33 PM (KgzRF)

This from the faculty member that assembled the lynch mob against the wrongthinking teacher:

I mentioned that for too long as a Black woman I haven't had a voice,
being one of only a handful of Black faculty at a school, and living a
life filled with systemic racism and prejudice.

Umm, if you're a faculty member at a post high school learning institution ANYWHERE, you're not a victim of systemic racism and prejudice.

Posted by: kallisto at June 30, 2020 01:33 PM (DJFLF)

280 Skittles suck big time anyway and are very bad for children's teeth. That's why Sucky Skittles is the preferred candy of Pantifa. That and it's initials are clearly code for the friggin SS. Spread the word

Posted by: NOS4AH2 at June 30, 2020 01:34 PM (g0gdr)

281 250 WaPo Editor: White Women Lucky We're Not Calling For Revenge

"The lies and tears of White women hath wrought: - The 1921 Tulsa Massacre - Murder of Emmet Till - Exclusion of Black women from feminist movements - 53% of white women voting for Trump. White women are lucky that we are just calling them 'Karen's'. And not calling for revenge."
Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 01:27 PM (eRvmV)

White liberal women needn't worry - they've got their soibois to protect them.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:29 PM (YqDXo)


Remember, white people are definitely going to the left right now.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting terrorist in Nakatomi Tower at June 30, 2020 01:34 PM (LvTSG)

282 273 The Left and the Democrat Party, birm, does not love America. There is no need to sugar coat it. They don't.
Posted by: Grump928© at June 30, 2020 01:32 PM (RWSlt)

That IS the sugar-coating. They hate America. And even that is sugar coating it.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 30, 2020 01:34 PM (s2VJv)

283 Drudge is great for tracking hive activity and direction. Down: Antifa - BLM radicalism. Very little coverage, which must mean that violence isn't the answer So it's back to Wuhan Flu reports. And asymptomatic carriers are "easily contaminating surroundings"

Posted by: mrp at June 30, 2020 01:34 PM (Pqytn)

284 But I disagree with Thomas More now. I *would* cut down every law in the land to get to certain people. After stripping every law, I'll be left defenseless? I already am defenseless.

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:34 PM (icI8A)

285 Bingo. If we're going to demand quotas and equality and "affirmative action," then it's high time we demand equal treatment.

Of course, one must never conflate equal justice with "social justice."
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 30, 2020 01:32 PM (s2VJv

One side believes in equality. The other doesn't.

I'll let you guess which is which.

Which is to say, you'll demand nothing and like it.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at June 30, 2020 01:34 PM (SX3FQ)

286 269

Too many degenerate gamblers for sports to ever take a real hit.

Posted by: Hotgas VIP Member at June 30, 2020 01:34 PM (SjAGT)

287 So I should watch the local TV News as I burn the station down?

Posted by: humphreyrobot at June 30, 2020 01:34 PM (pB6Gt)

288 "255 246 That Provo shit proves no place is safe. Even if the terrorists arent from Provo, makes it that much worse. Shows they will easily jump in a car and drive to the suburbs/rural towns to fuck shit up.
Posted by: Hotgas VIP Member at June 30, 2020 01:28 PM (SjAGT)

How come the Provo police just sat on their asses and let it happen?"

It proves we need a better class of cops or we need to take the law into our own hands.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:35 PM (puu6v)

289 How come the Provo police just sat on their asses and let it happen?
Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 01:29 PM (Kpl3J)

Same reason the Seattle Police did nothing?
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:30 PM (ifmtJ)

In Seattle, that was because Mayor Jenny directly ordered them not to. Could be the same reason in Provo, in which case the voters are getting what they voted for.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 01:35 PM (Kpl3J)

290 And THIS is why I'm so damn depressed all the time now. The rot is everywhere. It's inescapable.

Posted by: Jordan61 at June 30, 2020 01:29 PM (UCk9I)

Take a break from the news. You are being *intentionally* beaten down. You are supposed to believe you are surrounded, that the war is lost, and that nobody will help.

Except there is one very big part of the equation that is being purposely neglected. He can take the bleakest looking situation and turn it into Victory. And I'm not talking about Donald Trump.

Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 01:35 PM (eRvmV)

291 They probably have purchased a new building site in the Upper Midwest. The claim will be they want to see another part of the nation but we all know what the reality is.
Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:31 PM (puu6v)

Someplace like South Dakota, I'm guessing.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:35 PM (YqDXo)

292 The Duke of Norfolk: Oh confound all this. I'm not a scholar, I don't know whether the marriage was lawful or not but - dammit, Thomas, look at these names! Why can't you do as I did and come with us, for fellowship

DoN: who are you, again?
Posted by: rickb223 at June 30, 2020 01:32 PM (zfBZT)

When the Duke of Norfolk says, "Oh confound all this"--is that just a nice way of saying, "Fuck this shit?"

Posted by: JoeF. at June 30, 2020 01:35 PM (gtdYu)

293 Systemic Racism = Not being promoted to a position For which one is superbly unqualified .

Posted by: runner at June 30, 2020 01:35 PM (sUh98)

294 Yeah, this riot shit won't change drastically until law enforcement is forced to shoot and kill some these insurrectionists.

And regarding the election, when Trump wins, the real question is if the leftist traitors and their useful idiots will decide to go into full revolt mode. They are perilously close to that already.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at June 30, 2020 01:36 PM (ufFY8)

295 This will end when President Trump wins in November.

I think the wails and screeches and riots will come to a conclusion that week. There may not be much to destroy by then, so it will be quick.

While I do feel the world has gone mad, surely a symptom of corona madness...I have faith that all will be well.

I saw a blogger interview the other day in NYC. White people were asked about getting rid of police. They were all, "Yes!" with some f words thrown in for emphasis.

The blogger then went to Harlem, talked to some youngish and middle aged black people. Each of them said no way. While police brutality has to end, they need the police.

Similar to seeing conservative black people laughing at the masses of honky nitwits at BLM protests...some of the protests don't even have a black person.
Anyway, normal people do exist and are not fooled. Nor am I fooled or pay attention to stupid polls.

I also await the October surprise President Trump may unleash in September/October of the Dims. Oh, I know, the MSM will not publish, etc. President Trump, by then, may be kicked off Twitter. The asteroid could hit us by then. There could be no survivors of co vid madness. Biden could suddenly find a connecting synapse. The Hag could emerge as a candidate with Mooch as VP. Lots of suppositions. Lots of time for fubar.

Indeed, where are the Republicans? Spineless. Election years always reveal this. I say defund Congress. Make them part-time to meet each quarter and review problems vs constant fundraising for themselves and parties and boot licking (wait, is that raciss?). I trust no one but President Trump and a few who stand by him.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Aging supermodel, Wuhan fighter at June 30, 2020 01:36 PM (SK2xO)

296 Buck Throckmorton at June 30, 2020 01:05 PM (d9Cw3) 

Exactly what needs to be done.

I would add all their public info needs to be put out there.

Posted by: Ha at June 30, 2020 01:36 PM (KgzRF)

297 It sounds like Joe's entire campaign boils down to "Wear a mask forever!".


Posted by: JackStraw at June 30, 2020 01:36 PM (ZLI7S)

298 Ugh- new report of swine flu in China identified that has all indicators it could be another pandemic.

hey, maybe its just doom porn. who the fuck knows anymore.

Posted by: Secret Squirrel, author of 3 LTs of JBLM- a funny play on Amazon at June 30, 2020 01:36 PM (xyImL)

299 Frankly, him and Breitbart, to me, probably did not die of natural circumstances.
Posted by: Iftwilp at June 30, 2020 01:18 PM (gqvXZ)

The death of Breitbart, mere days before his staff would release their findings from their vetting of Barack Obama, was too coincidental.

I considered him a friend, though we never met in person... during the early days of the Tea Party, we tended to trip over each other all over the Internet (which used to have open comments sections everywhere) and reinforce each other's arguments.

That his likely murder has gone unpunished rankles me to no end. What they did to him, they would happily do to every one of us, if they were sure they could avoid being held accountable for it...

...and they will happily do it if they ever get absolute power.

The only way out of this is through. Surrender is not an option, and every surrender monkey on our side ought to be tarred and feathered.

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est at June 30, 2020 01:36 PM (J+mig)

300 That IS the sugar-coating. They hate America. And even that is sugar coating it.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 30, 2020 01:34 PM (s2VJv)

They want to buff their nether regions with America, then set it alight and leave it a burning carcass as a message for all the world to see. Is that getting closer...?

Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 01:36 PM (eRvmV)

301 Hating whitey and plans for genociding whitey is now a religion.

Posted by: always ahead of the curve at June 30, 2020 01:36 PM (Mw5hD)

302 "Remember, white people are definitely going to the left right now.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting terrorist in Nakatomi Tower at June 30, 2020 01:34 PM (LvTSG)"

Terrorism works. At best they will be dhimmis. Most likely they will die in ovens.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:36 PM (puu6v)

303 261 255

My guess is Provo police like all police figures better to do nothing than risk becoming the next Chauvin and have your life destroyed.
Posted by: Hotgas VIP Member at June 30, 2020 01:31 PM (SjAGT)

But so few of the rioters are black! If the cops come in and rough up a bunch of middle class white rioters, there won't be any outrage to be had. And it will quell the rioting immensely.

Posted by: Clontarf at June 30, 2020 01:36 PM (X1xq4)

304 284 But I disagree with Thomas More now. I *would* cut down every law in the land to get to certain people. After stripping every law, I'll be left defenseless? I already am defenseless.
Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:34 PM (icI8A)


Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:37 PM (ifmtJ)

305 Biden presser on now. In the first few minutes of questions he mentioned "cognitive ability"

Posted by: Baldy at June 30, 2020 01:37 PM (hEUVZ)

306 Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 01:35 PM (eRvmV)

I keep TRYING to take a break. But dammit, I just can't seem to quit you.

Posted by: Jordan61 at June 30, 2020 01:37 PM (UCk9I)

307 298 Ugh- new report of swine flu in China identified that has all indicators it could be another pandemic.

hey, maybe its just doom porn. who the fuck knows anymore.

Posted by: Secret Squirrel, author of 3 LTs of JBLM- a funny play on Amazon at June 30, 2020 01:36 PM (xyImL

There it is! You see, this latest scare isn't working anymore. We need the new and improved scare.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at June 30, 2020 01:37 PM (SX3FQ)

308 Fuck a better class of cops, we need ED-209s on every street corner. We need Robocop. We need ABC robots.

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:37 PM (icI8A)

309 "How come the Provo police just sat on their asses and let it happen?"

Cops have gone Galt. Seriously.
Unless you have a garage door pull that looks like a noose, then you get 15 FBI agents.

Posted by: attilla isn't so bad, really at June 30, 2020 01:37 PM (w7KSn)

310 And if one is promoted, any criticism of failure and/or incompetence is also racism.

Posted by: runner at June 30, 2020 01:37 PM (sUh98)

311 297 It sounds like Joe's entire campaign boils down to "Wear a mask forever!".

Posted by: JackStraw at June 30, 2020 01:36 PM (ZLI7S)


And never talking about the news of the day.

He's got his finger on the pulse.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting terrorist in Nakatomi Tower at June 30, 2020 01:37 PM (LvTSG)

312 Gun up and stay gunned up.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:08 PM (ifmtJ)

And train. Don't be like the McCloskey's in St Louis who had no idea WTF they were doing.

Posted by: AZ Hi Desert (Gringo fuertemente armado-now with more Disturbed) at June 30, 2020 01:37 PM (N3El/)

313 >>>I missed that one. Got a link?
You only see the beginning of the ride. Living here in Pensacola, I followed the story locally. The cops were waiting on the other end of the bridge (in Gulf Breeze) when the driver and his exterior passenger arrived.

Posted by: fly at June 30, 2020 01:37 PM (2M/TV)

314 WaPo Editor: White Women Lucky We're Not Calling For Revenge

"The lies and tears of White women hath wrought: - The 1921 Tulsa Massacre - Murder of Emmet Till - Exclusion of Black women from feminist movements - 53% of white women voting for Trump. White women are lucky that we are just calling them 'Karen's'. And not calling for revenge."
Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 01:27 PM (eRvmV)

This is really stupid of the Reds and of the blacks, because white women, all too often being silly moos, are a major source of their support.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:37 PM (YqDXo)

315 Ugh- new report of swine flu in China identified that has all indicators it could be another pandemic.

hey, maybe its just doom porn. who the fuck knows anymore.

Posted by: Secret Squirrel, author of 3 LTs of JBLM- a funny play on Amazon at June 30, 2020 01:36 PM (xyImL)

Sounds like Terror Tuesday to me. Is it on every news site? They're back to it now that Wuhan is Back, baby!!!

Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 01:38 PM (eRvmV)

316 so they insist on winning the debate.... if you have another opinion, Shut UP.

Will anyone actually make the case for "WASPy Founder Culture" ... as opposed to "BLM Culture"? Will we really allow the slave issue to be the ONLY point of debate? (and do commies and blacks really win that debate, hands down, over whites? ... NO)

The BLM culture of Mandela was to kill the Boers (white farmers) and that racist policy continues now, with rape and murder allowed. Those white are fleeing for their lives. Mandela was a warlord who joined the communists, since they supplied weapons for his tribe. The whites that voted for him had false hopes ... that is now clear.

But the DeepState globalists are largely white ... billionaires in the shadows .. why are they so intent on destroying our Republic? I assume it has something to do with the trillions that go missing from our government ... not just the bailouts, the military (I think just the Army) admitted to an unaccounted for $6 Trillion ... more forensic searching found $22 Trillion ... and it could be much more.

That is not counting the $7 Trillion currently in stimulus on the Fed Reserve "books", with their promise to pump infinitely more. No wonder the Players want that game to continue ... by any means necessary. (gold/miners keep climbing)

Posted by: illiniwek at June 30, 2020 01:38 PM (Cus5s)

317 Vote for me! I hate humans, hate NeverTrump, and hate pizza with pineapple and ham!

Wyatt 2024: There Will Be Blood

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at June 30, 2020 01:38 PM (VWp7G)

318 Does anyone know the story behind the young woman athlete refusing to kneel?

Plays for the North Carolina Courage (believe it or not), from her size and shorts, she looks like the substitute goalkeeper.

Posted by: t-bird at June 30, 2020 01:38 PM (KfC1e)

319 Hitchens documented his struggle against cancer and admitted that his heavy drinking and chain-smoking habits are what did it for him in the end.

A staunch atheist, Hitchens said he was touched by the kindness of people who said they would pray for his recovery even though they knew he wasn't a believer, himself. I thought that was a refreshing change of pace for a diehard atheist. They usually go for mockery when someone offers to pray for them.
Posted by: troyriser at June 30, 2020 01:26 PM (xeeMq)

From having watched a lot of him I think a large part of it was. "love of the debate". Lots of the YouTube stuff is his debates and he was invited by religious colleges all over the country to come and debate and he always said he had a great time. When pressed in a different video whether he wishes all religious people and religious things were gone he was like "Of course not then who would I have to argue with?" He was a gentleman really. He was pressed by other atheists about it and said "of course not, the poetry and art and architecture of people inspired by God, we would undoubtedly be worse off without all of that."

The fact is though when you go after radical religion, you make very powerful enemies. I would bet dollars to donuts he received thousands of death threats.

I know he died of cancer, yet, the things he says about Islam, he was virtually the only man on the planet with his stature saying them. I think he "died of cancer" the way KGB defectors die of cancer. Can't prove it worth a dime, it's just my pet belief.

Posted by: Iftwilp at June 30, 2020 01:39 PM (gqvXZ)

320 312 Gun up and stay gunned up.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:08 PM (ifmtJ)

And train. Don't be like the McCloskey's in St Louis who had no idea WTF they were doing.
Posted by: AZ Hi Desert (Gringo fuertemente armado-now with more Disturbed) at June 30, 2020 01:37 PM (N3El/)


Though, the rifle and the armed Karen did keep the would-be rioters away.

Gun + ammo + training

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:39 PM (ifmtJ)

321 284 But I disagree with Thomas More now. I *would* cut down every law in the land to get to certain people. After stripping every law, I'll be left defenseless? I already am defenseless.
Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:34 PM (icI8A)

I understand completely; but it's the Cromwell/Franco option. Pinochet is not actually a good example to use, because he had the entire Military on his side from the start. We don't have that luxury.

And our real problem is that in facing that eventuality, a lot on our side will choose unilateral surrender over war.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 01:39 PM (Kpl3J)

322 What the black community is suffering from are blowhard BSers phony fake leaders like Dr. Catshit Ritalin, MD, PhD, TCL - Tidy Cat Litter.

Posted by: NOS4AH2 at June 30, 2020 01:39 PM (g0gdr)

323 Ugh- new report of swine flu in China identified that has all indicators it could be another pandemic.

We need to nuke Wuhan, just to be sure.

Posted by: Grump928© at June 30, 2020 01:39 PM (FwSdb)

324 I wish we could just deport all these unamerican racist slobs.

Posted by: setnaffa at June 30, 2020 01:39 PM (c4NCi)

Too many degenerate gamblers for sports to ever take a real hit.

Posted by: Hotgas VIP Member at June 30, 2020 01:34 PM (SjAGT)

Wanna bet?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 30, 2020 01:39 PM (mht8P)

326 Everything is racism, even death. Nathan McDermott of CNN KFile staff noticed Daily Caller's Betsy Rothstein died of cancer and says (I am paraphrasing here), "I did not know her but I notice all the people mourning her online are white".

This, from a KFile reporter whose entire staff group is....white. Not only is he a stupid piece of shit, he's also alarmingly un-self-aware.

Posted by: Boneless Pork Rectum (R-Utah) at June 30, 2020 01:39 PM (NVYyb)

327 It is getting harder and harder to find shopping locations that aren't all-in on BLM. Just lost the local grocery store to woke-ness.
On the other hand, Blackout for BLM completely cleared my Twitter and Instagram of people who aren't blood relatives, actual realworld friends, AoS morons, or foreigners living overseas who don't care about face racism in America.

Posted by: Downcast at June 30, 2020 01:39 PM (QkqvN)

328 295:

"Indeed, where are the Republicans? Spineless. Election years always reveal this. I say defund Congress. Make them part-time to meet each quarter and review problems vs constant fundraising for themselves and parties and boot licking (wait, is that raciss?). I trust no one but President Trump and a few who stand by him.
Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Aging supermodel, Wuhan fighter at June 30, 2020 01:36 PM (SK2xO)"

This is the lowest the cuck GOP has gone yet. If would be like Lincoln telling Davis which areas of the West he could have if he could keep his money and family safe.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:40 PM (puu6v)

329 his will end when President Trump wins in November.

I think the wails and screeches and riots will come to a conclusion that week. There may not be much to destroy by then, so it will be quick
Win or lose, there WILL be riots, destruction and looting AFTER the election

If Trump wins, it will be anger riots; if he loses, the riots will akin to when a team wins the WS or Super Bowl

Posted by: JoeF. at June 30, 2020 01:40 PM (gtdYu)

330 I remember all the people that treated Bonnie n Clyde like movie stars.

Posted by: humphreyrobot at June 30, 2020 01:40 PM (pB6Gt)

331 326 Everything is racism, even death. Nathan McDermott of CNN KFile staff noticed Daily Caller's Betsy Rothstein died of cancer and says (I am paraphrasing here), "I did not know her but I notice all the people mourning her online are white".

This, from a KFile reporter whose entire staff group is....white. Not only is he a stupid piece of shit, he's also alarmingly un-self-aware.
Posted by: Boneless Pork Rectum (R-Utah) at June 30, 2020 01:39 PM


Will he notice the whiteness of BLM marches soon?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting terrorist in Nakatomi Tower at June 30, 2020 01:40 PM (LvTSG)

332 It's not about protesting injustice. It's about tearing down the only country in the world that allows people to address the changes we need.

I'm fed up.

Posted by: setnaffa at June 30, 2020 01:40 PM (c4NCi)

333 You only see the beginning of the ride. Living here in Pensacola, I followed the story locally. The cops were waiting on the other end of the bridge (in Gulf Breeze) when the driver and his exterior passenger arrived.

He's driving too slowly. He should have stepped it up and then hit the brakes.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:40 PM (YqDXo)

Umm, if you're a faculty member at a post high school learning institution ANYWHERE, you're not a victim of systemic racism and prejudice.
Posted by: kallisto


kallisto, thanks for reading. the self-contradictions and falsity of the whole thing can be obvious even to a casual outsider.

If you go to the aggrieved Black teacher's page, you'll see a post where she writes, "This week I came to the harsh realization that the college i've taught at for 12 years is racist."

Yes. She's somehow collected a paycheck, gone in to work every day, and never noticed from any treatment she's gotten or witnessed that the institution IS racist. (It all started when the PR guy made a pro-BLM Instagram post and horror of horrors, included All Lives Matter as a hashtag.)

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at June 30, 2020 01:41 PM (G51Gf)

335 324 I wish we could just deport all these unamerican racist slobs.
Posted by: setnaffa at June 30, 2020 01:39 PM (c4NCi)

Setnaffa- do you post on ROKDROP? If so, I lurk there!

Posted by: Secret Squirrel, author of 3 LTs of JBLM- a funny play on Amazon at June 30, 2020 01:41 PM (xyImL)

336 Darn. Boneless Pork sock removal.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at June 30, 2020 01:41 PM (NVYyb)

337 This is really stupid of the Reds and of the blacks,
because white women, all too often being silly moos, are a major source
of their support.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:37 PM (YqDXo)
Women are the next logical "class" in the war. They're coming after all women, not just white women, although that is where it starts. The purpose is fear, subjugation and control. More important than votes is that *nobody* is able to speak the truth - they calculate either that the votes will follow the lies, or that the votes don't matter anymore.

If a WaPo editor is saying this stuff in election year, then you can bet what they *really* think about women is not pretty.

Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 01:41 PM (eRvmV)

Speaking of Ice Cube he got absolutely smashed by Bongino on Twitter last week.

Crushed Ice

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at June 30, 2020 01:41 PM (aKsyK)

339 He is just babbling.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 30, 2020 01:41 PM (ZLI7S)


WaPo Editor: White Women Lucky We're Not Calling For Revenge

"The lies and tears of White women hath wrought: - The 1921 Tulsa

Massacre - Murder of Emmet Till - Exclusion of Black women from feminist

movements - 53% of white women voting for Trump. White women are lucky

that we are just calling them 'Karen's'. And not calling for revenge."

Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 01:27 PM (eRvmV)

All of the pandering and virtue signaling won't save them from the mob. Nothing will and the virtue signalers can't seem to understand that until it's too late for them and maybe even afterwards

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 30, 2020 01:41 PM (WqXtW)

341 It appears this Russia paid for hits kerfuffle is based on a raid in Afghanistan turning up a cache of cash, and conjecture over where it came from and why. So Trump should nuke Putin from orbit

Posted by: Ignoramus at June 30, 2020 01:42 PM (9TdxA)

342 284 But I disagree with Thomas More now. I *would* cut down every law in the land to get to certain people. After stripping every law, I'll be left defenseless? I already am defenseless.
Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:34 PM (icI8A)

I agree in theory, but it's not necessary. We just lack the will to use the laws we have to go after certain people.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at June 30, 2020 01:42 PM (H8QX8)

343 I think he "died of cancer" the way KGB defectors die of cancer. Can't prove it worth a dime, it's just my pet belief.

Hitch documented his struggle with cancer for a year, every week in Slate. His first column on the subject said "the thing to know about Stage 4 cancer is that there is no Stage 5".

Gah. Slate was a good magazine a long time ago.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at June 30, 2020 01:42 PM (gd9RK)

344 Slow Joe: We must test, test, test! The only way to beat this virus is to test as many people as possible.

Also Slow Joe: No, I haven't been tested.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 30, 2020 01:42 PM (ZLI7S)

345 "Some serious shit going down in (of all places) Provo, UT."

The story IS Utah, Frank.

Posted by: Doof at June 30, 2020 01:43 PM (mZUr4)

346 I keep TRYING to take a break. But dammit, I just can't seem to quit you.

Posted by: Jordan61 at June 30, 2020 01:37 PM (UCk9I)

{blows on nails}

Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 01:43 PM (eRvmV)

"This week I came to the harsh realization that the college i've taught at for 12 years is racist."

Well then quit your racist college and go get a job in a profession where there's no racism. Hint: nobody owes you one of them.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 30, 2020 01:43 PM (mht8P)

This is really stupid of the Reds and of the blacks, because white women, all too often being silly moos, are a major source of their support.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara


Eyaaah. White liberal women will eat that abuse right up.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at June 30, 2020 01:43 PM (G51Gf)

349 Fourth of July ought to be a doozy....

Posted by: It's me donna at June 30, 2020 01:43 PM (Zmnko)

350 Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est at June 30, 2020 01:36 PM (J+mig)

The thing I remember best about Breitbart was during the Anthony Weiner fiasco Weiner didn't show up to a press conference so Breitbart who had carried the story until it because real news, hopped up on stage and started taking questions. THAT was entertainment.

To me he was building a conservative coalition to whatever degree, things were looking up, and in my memory that's when he died.

I didn't know about the thing with Obama. Not that I doubt it for a second.

Posted by: Iftwilp at June 30, 2020 01:44 PM (gqvXZ)

351 >>>>Fourth of July ought to be a doozy....

Lot of rumors some blue city police departments are taking a sick out this weekend. NYC especially but rumblings it'll be other departments, too. Just so everyone knows.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at June 30, 2020 01:45 PM (VWp7G)

352 "348
This is really stupid of the Reds and of the blacks, because white women, all too often being silly moos, are a major source of their support.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara


Eyaaah. White liberal women will eat that abuse right up."

Only if it is livestreamed on Facebook.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:45 PM (puu6v)

353 What we are seeing is the Dem "Tet Offensive". You see the "rot" everywhere? I see the Left burning up their resources, every last bit, for a last-ditch attack on America. The intent is to demoralize the President's constituencies at the cost of everything else. Places like Drudge, social media, all of the usual places Americans went to get the latest news are chock-full of doom, gloom, and defeatism. I'm not buying it. In fact, it's rather interesting. As in living in interesting times.

Posted by: mrp at June 30, 2020 01:45 PM (Pqytn)

354 Biden: I'm going to Corn Cob Putin's ass

Posted by: Ignoramus at June 30, 2020 01:45 PM (9TdxA)

355 Mark Andrew Edwards: "Gun up and stay gunned up."

Have you tried shopping these days? You might be able to manage your way onto a waiting list for a pea shooter and some 22LR these days.

Inventories are low. Or gone.

Not that your advice isn't right; but a lot of people are SOL. Sadly my canoe tipped over so I don't have spares, either.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at June 30, 2020 01:45 PM (HhXSr)

356 Biden: I have binders full of women.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 30, 2020 01:46 PM (ZLI7S)

357 Corporate America understands that the left controls the culture and the right didn't even attempt to fight them for it. The woke elements within corporate America will burn their own companies down for not bowing low enough. You must truly show that you love big brother deep within your heart, even being a moderate progressive is no longer enough. It isn't about money anymore, bowing down is about self preservation.

Posted by: Drew in MO at June 30, 2020 01:46 PM (cGlgB)

358 LOL
'pollhype' ad trying to convince me that Kate Upton without makeup is 'scary'.

That's not even a good troll ad.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:46 PM (ifmtJ)

359 The reality of the matter is pretty simple.

If the left keeps pushing like they are, at some point society breaks completely and it becomes the rule of the jungle.

At that point, hell breaks loose and a very pissed off population goes after the left with no concern for rule of law.

On that day, the left will shit their innards out. Because they've never seen a standing army the size of us.

Stick that in your Doom and Gloom pipe and smoke it.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at June 30, 2020 01:46 PM (SX3FQ)

360 According to rumour that was told to Gary on Nerdrotic all the usual fellow travelling big progda media outlets are going to co-oridinate an anti America , anti western culture as or message timed deliberately for July 4th.

It will be similar to the ultra woke propaganda "What truly is Scandanavian?" ads which ran on Swedish TV and backfired so disastrously.
So brace yourselves for co ordinated denigration of your very existence from your woke corporate leftist overlords.
They're determined to rub your face in it on the most significant of days.

Posted by: Sir Ian Botham at June 30, 2020 01:46 PM (FySCE)

361 Hey Johnson and Johnson, how's the asbestos in your baby powder law suits working out for you.? So far it's like zero for J&J and like several millions of court settlements to cancer patients. I can't wait for the link to autism in babies lawsuits. J&J try as you may with your latest bait and switch BLMBS but you are simply toast, melba toast.

Posted by: NOS4AH2 at June 30, 2020 01:47 PM (g0gdr)

362 Holy shit. Antifa terrorist shoots into SUV in downtown PROVO, UT.

Zoomed in clip of the shooter:

Looks like a guy at the end of the video is pointing a gun too.

Posted by: bonhomme at June 30, 2020 01:47 PM (YYlyE)

363 330 I remember all the people that treated Bonnie n Clyde like movie stars.

10 years old - I came back from that movie talking about B&C making so many people happy like they were Robin Hood and man did my dad let me have it. He was probably about my age when they terrorized East Texas and his take was nothing like the movie depicted.

And then my mom followed up.

I felt a lot better about them being kilt after that.

Posted by: DanMan at June 30, 2020 01:47 PM (XTiHL)

364 355 Mark Andrew Edwards: "Gun up and stay gunned up."

Have you tried shopping these days? You might be able to manage your way onto a waiting list for a pea shooter and some 22LR these days.

Inventories are low. Or gone.

Not that your advice isn't right; but a lot of people are SOL. Sadly my canoe tipped over so I don't have spares, either.
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at June 30, 2020 01:45 PM (HhXSr)

I'm always shopping.

Supplies are TIGHT, but...CDNN, J&G Sales, Bud's Gun Shop, Gunbroker even all have guns for sale.

Buy it, ship it to your local FFL, do your paperwork.

Right NOW, supplies of guns are ammo are tight...but they exist.

Later? Who knows?

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:47 PM (ifmtJ)

365 About the mass media... Did you know that in the Mississippi Burning case the Supreme court ruled that private citizens operating in consort with government officials could be found guilty of Deprivation of Constitutional rights under color of law? Is the media operating with Democrats to deprive of our Constitutional rights? Why yes, yes they are. That means the media can be sued under 42 USC 1983 just like government officials can be. The media have very deep pockets. I'm just saying...

Posted by: An Observation at June 30, 2020 01:47 PM (SlJdk)

so they insist on winning the debate.... if you have another opinion, Shut UP.

But isn't White silence violence?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at June 30, 2020 01:48 PM (aKsyK)

367 Corporate America understands that the left controls
the culture and the right didn't even attempt to fight them for it. The
woke elements within corporate America will burn their own companies
down for not bowing low enough. You must truly show that you love big
brother deep within your heart, even being a moderate progressive is no
longer enough. It isn't about money anymore, bowing down is about self

Posted by: Drew in MO at June 30, 2020 01:46 PM (cGlgB)

THIS. They don't care or at least don't seem to care about losing customers. They are beyond arrogant in their wokeness. I hope it costs them dearly

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 30, 2020 01:48 PM (WqXtW)

368 But I disagree with Thomas More now. I *would* cut down every law in the land to get to certain people. After stripping every law, I'll be left defenseless? I already am defenseless.
Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at June 30, 2020 01:34 PM (icI8A)

More only holds up when the law is just.

When the law is arbitrary and held by a single party, and used only to soak the people for every penny they have and punish political enemies, the law has no moral high ground.

When we truly get to that point, to absolute tyranny, tearing down the "law" become a moral imperative.

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est at June 30, 2020 01:48 PM (J+mig)

369 Wyatt Earp: "Lot of rumors some blue city police departments are taking a sick out this weekend. NYC especially but rumblings it'll be other departments, too. Just so everyone knows."

That, cover of fireworks, and lots of masked people is going to make this 4th especially sporty.

I'd suggest going to events in groups so everyone can watch each others' backs. Have some semblance of a plan to escape, too.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at June 30, 2020 01:49 PM (HhXSr)

370 350 Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est at June 30, 2020 01:36 PM (J+mig)

The thing I remember best about Breitbart was during the Anthony Weiner fiasco Weiner didn't show up to a press conference so Breitbart who had carried the story until it because real news, hopped up on stage and started taking questions. THAT was entertainment.

To me he was building a conservative coalition to whatever degree, things were looking up, and in my memory that's when he died.

I didn't know about the thing with Obama. Not that I doubt it for a second.
Posted by: Iftwilp at June 30, 2020 01:44 PM (gqvXZ)

Yup, he was taken off the stage, by God or the State, just as he was getting us organized.

Sigh...Deus Vult

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:49 PM (ifmtJ)

371 Ugh- new report of swine flu in China identified that has all indicators it could be another pandemic.

hey, maybe its just doom porn. who the fuck knows anymore.

Well, better have universal vote by mail then...just to be safe.

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at June 30, 2020 01:49 PM (eFYNk)

372 So brace yourselves for co ordinated denigration of your very existence from your woke corporate leftist overlords.
They're determined to rub your face in it on the most significant of days.
Posted by: Sir Ian Botham

I'm booger hooking the bang switch on the 4th.
Just putting that out there for anyone.

Posted by: rickb223 at June 30, 2020 01:49 PM (zfBZT)

373 The rule of law; what a quaint idea.

Posted by: azalea city at June 30, 2020 01:49 PM (WX+x0)

374 For those saying BLM is all white. It has whites in it but in big cities it is still predominantly black at least the loudest voices and angriest voices are.

Posted by: Hotgas VIP Member at June 30, 2020 01:49 PM (SjAGT)

375 "...Antifa terrorist shoots into SUV..."
You really can't assume they are unarmed.
They all have backpacks.
I often wonder what is inside.
The mostly peaceful BLM march that invaded the McCloskey's place in St. L. also brandished firearms.

Posted by: attilla isn't so bad, really at June 30, 2020 01:49 PM (w7KSn)

376 The BLM culture of Mandela was to kill the Boers (white farmers) and that racist policy continues now, with rape and murder allowed. Those white are fleeing for their lives. Mandela was a warlord who joined the communists, since they supplied weapons for his tribe. The whites that voted for him had false hopes ... that is now clear.

They were idiots to have any hopes, in view of the track record.

What is the best black-run polity? Zimbabwe? Somalia? Nigeria? Rwanda? Detroit? Newark? East St. Louis? What?

So if you took a wild-ass guess as to how South Africa would turn out you wouldn't be far wrong, would you?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:49 PM (YqDXo)

377 It doesn't violate my conscience to say I'll pray to
a God I don't acknowledge, it just uses secular language to say holy
shit that's bad and I really hope things go well for you.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at June 30, 2020 01:32 PM (gd9RK)

God knows what's in your heart and loves you. When you acknowledge Him, really magical stuff happens. And when you see it, though difficult to believe at the time, it can't be unseen. You don't have to do anything else. I don't say this haughtily. I say it as someone who was once where you were. And not as long ago as you would think.

Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 01:49 PM (eRvmV)

378 About that immunity for cops, I'm against it. But not until immunity for gov prosecutors is also ended.

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at June 30, 2020 01:49 PM (Jj+59)

He was probably about my age when they terrorized East Texas and his take was nothing like the movie depicted.

They were psychopathic killers and a civil society did the right thing in shooting them to pieces, then repeating to make sure.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 30, 2020 01:50 PM (mht8P)

380 "I felt a lot better about them being kilt after that."

I always loved how they got machine-gunned to pieces. Too bad they don't do that to antifa.

Posted by: Chris M at June 30, 2020 01:50 PM (eAZVt)

381 Yah, D' Souza. That girl will go on and be the head of something else someday. Maybe even the head of the free world. Her bravery shines. God bless her.

Posted by: NOS4AH2 at June 30, 2020 01:50 PM (g0gdr)

382 Just think...Wrestling teams 50 years from now will be The Navy Seals vs Antifia.

Posted by: humphreyrobot at June 30, 2020 01:50 PM (pB6Gt)

383 I don't care if BLM is white or black. They are all Reds and deserve a beat down.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at June 30, 2020 01:51 PM (xfb67)

384 >>>That, cover of fireworks, and lots of masked people is going to make this 4th especially sporty.

I'd suggest going to events in groups so everyone can watch each others' backs. Have some semblance of a plan to escape, too.

I start weekends off this week - we get weekends off three times a year - so I won't be involved, but the NYPD has been murmuring a sick day for a week or two now.

Sadly, the suburban fireworks display near the Earp Ranch has been cancelled because of the Chinese Flu.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at June 30, 2020 01:51 PM (VWp7G)

385 "359 The reality of the matter is pretty simple.

If the left keeps pushing like they are, at some point society breaks completely and it becomes the rule of the jungle.

At that point, hell breaks loose and a very pissed off population goes after the left with no concern for rule of law.

On that day, the left will shit their innards out. Because they've never seen a standing army the size of us.

Stick that in your Doom and Gloom pipe and smoke it."

The Left thinks their loyalists in federal law enforcement and among the military will mop us up.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:51 PM (puu6v)

386 Hitch documented his struggle with cancer for a year, every week in Slate. His first column on the subject said "the thing to know about Stage 4 cancer is that there is no Stage 5".

Gah. Slate was a good magazine a long time ago.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at June 30, 2020 01:42 PM (gd9RK)

I know how it played out, but my radar goes off when someone so very unliked by so many people drops off the face of the earth.

I don't claim to know everything, therefore I will not rule out the possibility of him being targeted somehow. Virtually the only man on the planet willing to call out the most violent cult on the planet, Radical Islam, is removed from the chess board. Maybe he got the cancer normally, maybe he didn't, I don't know. I'm just saying when things that happen happen to be so very positive for evil men, my rabbit ears go up.

Posted by: Iftwilp at June 30, 2020 01:51 PM (gqvXZ)

387 Grape drank? Crown Royal?

Posted by: Archer at June 30, 2020 01:51 PM (gmo/4)

388 They're determined to rub your face in it on the most significant of days.

Posted by: Sir Ian Botham at June 30, 2020 01:46 PM (FySCE)

They're determined to not let us "unite" over even the smallest thing.

Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 01:51 PM (eRvmV)

389 I am going to upgun the sedan. I think I want something more than just the S&W Compact there.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:51 PM (ifmtJ)

390 The riots will be in the run-up to the election, I fear

Posted by: Ignoramus at June 30, 2020 01:52 PM (9TdxA)

391 >>Right NOW, supplies of guns are ammo are tight...but they exist.

Later? Who knows? Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:47 PM (ifmtJ)

Karate-do, knife-throwing, stealth-garrote, poison dart, broadhead archery, sling-and-stone, "the killing word," psionics...

Posted by: Zod at June 30, 2020 01:52 PM (ZS9TG)

392 What's black on the outside and red on the inside?


Posted by: Archer at June 30, 2020 01:52 PM (gmo/4)

393 When the law is arbitrary and held by a single party, and used only to soak the people for every penny they have and punish political enemies, the law has no moral high ground.

When we truly get to that point, to absolute tyranny, tearing down the "law" become a moral imperative.
Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est at June 30, 2020 01:48 PM (J+mig)

The real problem is, who has the nerve to camp out in the School Book Depository until the motorcade drives by?

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 01:52 PM (Kpl3J)

394 391 >>Right NOW, supplies of guns are ammo are tight...but they exist.

Later? Who knows? Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:47 PM (ifmtJ)

Karate-do, knife-throwing, stealth-garrote, poison dart, broadhead archery, sling-and-stone, "the killing word," psionics...

Posted by: Zod at June 30, 2020 01:52 PM (ZS9TG)

It is good to have options.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:53 PM (ifmtJ)

Well, the San Antonio dog shows scheduled two weeks from now just got cancelled.

*breathes sigh of relief*

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 30, 2020 01:53 PM (mht8P)

396 I ask you, Horde, where and when does this end? When is enough, enough for them?

This will continue and get bigger all through the summer until there is a major and bloody event.
I keep going back to Archduke Ferdinand. It will be something...and then the poopoo hits the oscillating air displacement system.

Posted by: Diogenes at June 30, 2020 01:53 PM (axyOa)

397 Posted by: Zod at June 30, 2020 01:52 PM (ZS9TG)

Macedonian Phalanx

Posted by: Archer at June 30, 2020 01:54 PM (gmo/4)

398 Has "CHOP" been evacuated yet?

Posted by: mrp at June 30, 2020 01:54 PM (Pqytn)

399 So Joe is having a press "conference" or should I say a Trump bashing session and getting nice softball questions... he seems to be able to read his script pretty good... for him

Posted by: It's me donna at June 30, 2020 01:54 PM (Zmnko)

400 389 I am going to upgun the sedan. I think I want something more than just the S&W Compact there.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:51 PM (ifmtJ)

Ma deuce.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at June 30, 2020 01:54 PM (NWiLs)

The Left thinks their loyalists in federal law enforcement and among the military will mop us up.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 01:51 PM (puu6v)


Well, at least Trump's Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is courageous and with us.
Oh, wait ...

Posted by: ShainS at June 30, 2020 01:54 PM (m1/ym)

402 If Joe is elected I can't wait for him to show the nation his jelly jar collection, then spent 20 minutes picking invisible lint from his sleeve while humming the theme from the Lash LaRue serials.

Posted by: Citizen at June 30, 2020 01:54 PM (ldmQR)


Mark Steyn is talking about woke corporations

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 30, 2020 01:54 PM (WqXtW)

404 This will end in November. Not the election. The first snowfall. Rioting in the cold is not a lot of fun.

Posted by: Hotgas VIP Member at June 30, 2020 01:54 PM (SjAGT)

405 398 Has "CHOP" been evacuated yet?
Posted by: mrp at June 30, 2020 01:54 PM (Pqytn)

As in "given an enema"?

Posted by: m at June 30, 2020 01:55 PM (Ij+4T)

406 Well, the San Antonio dog shows scheduled two weeks from now just got cancelled.

*breathes sigh of relief*
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 30, 2020 01:53 PM (mht8P)

Chinese distemper too??

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:55 PM (YqDXo)

407 >>397
Posted by: Zod at June 30, 2020 01:52 PM (ZS9TG)

Macedonian Phalanx Posted by: Archer at June 30, 2020 01:54 PM (gmo/4)

James Tiberius Kirk double-handed clavicle-chop.
(cue ST fight music)

Posted by: Zod at June 30, 2020 01:55 PM (ZS9TG)

408 THIS. They don't care or at least don't seem to care about losing customers. They are beyond arrogant in their wokeness. I hope it costs them dearly


I think Gillette lost a billion with their retarded WOKE commercial bashing men (their market) and they're perfectly happy with it. Tax write-off ya know.

Posted by: Two Weeks From Having a 6 Foot Long Beard at June 30, 2020 01:55 PM (+dsLj)

409 Biden news conference... masks,masks,masks, Trump unfit!!!!

Posted by: It's me donna at June 30, 2020 01:55 PM (Zmnko)

410 A girl has more spine than all of Congress and America's big business leaders.

Well done, young lady.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at June 30, 2020 01:55 PM (KnJdm)

411 Has "CHOP" been evacuated yet?

Posted by: mrp at June 30, 2020 01:54 PM (Pqytn)

Mayor Dingbat said pretty please leave but the bodies keep piling up

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 30, 2020 01:56 PM (WqXtW)

412 I'd suggest going to events in groups so everyone can watch each others' backs. Have some semblance of a plan to escape, too.
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel

Events? What events? Everybody has canceled their 4th of July fireworks displays.
Actually thought about asking the neighbors if we want to pool a lot of stuff together and shoot it off.

Posted by: Bozo Conservative....outlaw in America at June 30, 2020 01:56 PM (vcOmj)

413 Crushed Ice
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

Posted by: NOS4AH2 at June 30, 2020 01:56 PM (g0gdr)

414 Well, the San Antonio dog shows scheduled two weeks from now just got cancelled.

*breathes sigh of relief*

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh


Waiting for the Puyallup Fair to get the ax.

There will be no:
Doing it at a trot,
No doing it at a gallop,
No doing it real slow so your heart don't palpitate.
You won't be late.
Don't do the Puyallup.

Posted by: Diogenes at June 30, 2020 01:56 PM (axyOa)

415 Biden has locked up the Karen vote. And the Black vote

But the Deplorable vote is more than 2x

Posted by: Ignoramus at June 30, 2020 01:56 PM (9TdxA)

416 So Joe is going to run on keeping the country shutdown and wearing masks everywhere.

What a popular platform, real man of the people.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 30, 2020 01:56 PM (ZLI7S)

417 Ode to Joe Biden
Your lights are on, but you're not home Your mind is not your own
Your heart sweats, your body shakes
Another grope is what it takes
You can't sleep, you can't eat
There's no doubt, you're in deep
Your throat is tight, you can't breathe
Another grope is all you need
Whoa, you like to think that you're immune to the stuff, oh yeah
It's closer to the truth to say you can't get enough
You know you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to groping

Posted by: SMOD at June 30, 2020 01:56 PM (3aI0K)

418 Bidens gonna put y'all in masks!

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at June 30, 2020 01:57 PM (9dzlp)

419 Biden is on now, they must have some good drugs in him, he's almost coherent

And yes, he worked the "white supremacy golf cart thing in his rambling answer to the second question about "getting the country on the same page" in the pandemic response.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at June 30, 2020 01:57 PM (PiwSw)

420 You are much worst than the flu. We reject your dick and dictates. Triple meaning cough cough.

Posted by: humphreyrobot at June 30, 2020 01:57 PM (pB6Gt)

421 392
What's black on the outside and red on the inside?


Posted by: Archer at June 30, 2020 01:52 PM (gmo/4)

What's black and white and red all over.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at June 30, 2020 01:57 PM (KnJdm)

422 Psionics.... Zerg Genome.

Posted by: Martini Farmer - Civilly Disobedient at June 30, 2020 01:57 PM (3H9h1)

423 I think Gillette lost a billion with their retarded WOKE commercial bashing men (their market) and they're perfectly happy with it. Tax write-off ya know.
Posted by: Two Weeks From Having a 6 Foot Long Beard at June 30, 2020 01:55 PM (+dsLj)

Great business strategy. Lose money, make it up on volume tax write-offs.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:57 PM (YqDXo)

424 414 Well, the San Antonio dog shows scheduled two weeks from now just got cancelled.

*breathes sigh of relief*

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh


Waiting for the Puyallup Fair to get the ax.

There will be no:
Doing it at a trot,
No doing it at a gallop,
No doing it real slow so your heart don't palpitate.
You won't be late.
Don't do the Puyallup.
Posted by: Diogenes at June 30, 2020 01:56 PM (axyOa)

They canceled the fair in Monroe months ago.


Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:57 PM (ifmtJ)

The Red Guards had to be suppressed brutally by the PLA. Survivors were sent to remote, poverty-stricken farms where many of them died. Even if the Democrats win, that's what's going to happen to Antifa.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 30, 2020 01:57 PM (mht8P)

426 Well, at least Trump's Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is courageous and with us.
Oh, wait ...
Posted by: ShainS at June 30, 2020 01:54 PM (m1/ym

What's he gonna do? Call the UN for blue helmets?

The military and police will not fight for the left. Again, just mass media trying to control the narrative and make conservatives question the long held belief that the military is with us, not them.

Fear tactics. Private FC Lowell isn't going to shoot at the American flag. He's shooting at the Antifa flag.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at June 30, 2020 01:58 PM (SX3FQ)

427 Mayor Dingbat said pretty please leave but the bodies keep piling up
Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 30, 2020 01:56 PM (WqXtW)

Turns out Mayor Dingbat is also a sister of Sappho.

I should've guessed.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:58 PM (YqDXo)

428 400 389 I am going to upgun the sedan. I think I want something more than just the S&W Compact there.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:51 PM (ifmtJ)

Ma deuce.
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at June 30, 2020 01:54 PM (NWiLs)

Heh, I wish.

Nah, probably .45s

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 01:58 PM (ifmtJ)

429 I'm guessing they put him on Prevagen for a couple of months and now this is as good as it gets.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 30, 2020 01:58 PM (sGotD)

430 Biden has locked up the Karen vote. And the Black vote

But the Deplorable vote is more than 2x

Posted by: Ignoramus at June 30, 2020 01:56 PM (9TdxA)

Biden has dead vote too

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 30, 2020 01:58 PM (WqXtW)

431 More only holds up when the law is just.


You need moral people for laws to work in a city, state, Nation.

Hence, the importance of Judeo-Christian values to our Nation.

Posted by: Seems Legit at June 30, 2020 01:58 PM (jUVms)

432 Mayor Dingbat said pretty please leave but the bodies keep piling up

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 30, 2020 01:56 PM (WqXtW)

That's what I thought. The criminal set in "CHOP" are facing some very serious charges. I wouldn't be surprised if there are some fed warrants ready for delivery for some of them. There won't be a deal to leave, no amnesty, no get out of jail free card. That means Washington State-level force to remove them.

Posted by: mrp at June 30, 2020 01:58 PM (Pqytn)

433 just FYI Dr Farley (Philly health dept head) actually blames the protests for the (small, honestly) spike in infections in Philadelphia.

so they aren't "going Green" after all

sucks for them

BUT! at least he did blame the protests. and apparently people going to the shore?!?! I don't get that one but whatever, had to throw in something normies do I guess

Posted by: BlackOrchidOfPrivilege at June 30, 2020 01:59 PM (j9HX3)

434 Biden is out? Biden is... OUT?

Posted by: CNN Fucktard at June 30, 2020 01:59 PM (eRvmV)

435 Has "CHOP" been evacuated yet?

Posted by: mrp at June 30, 2020 01:54 PM (Pqytn)

Mayor Dingbat said pretty please leave but the bodies keep piling up

Posted by: TheQuietMan

The American Patriots "Motorcycle Club" is planning to move through Chop on the 4th.
Buy your popcorn now!

Posted by: Diogenes at June 30, 2020 01:59 PM (axyOa)

436 Of course, the media gave him an assist with the softballed pandemic questions.

Good little doggies....

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at June 30, 2020 01:59 PM (PiwSw)

437 Oh joy... biden promises to keep Fauci on when he "wins."

Posted by: It's me donna at June 30, 2020 01:59 PM (Zmnko)

438 Go Down Together by Jeff Guinn is a good book on Bonnie and Clyde. It has a lot about the family and what life was like in Dallas for poor whites.

Posted by: notsothoreau at June 30, 2020 01:59 PM (JKNZq)

439 Right NOW, supplies of guns are ammo are tight...but they exist.

ammoseek dot com

I just searched for 9mm Speer Gold Dot and found 1,000 rounds of 124 grain Speer Gold Dot 9mm for $700 with free shipping at bone frog.

Bone frog also has 500 rounds of 223 64 grain Federal Tru Hi-Shok soft point for $400.

Posted by: bonhomme at June 30, 2020 01:59 PM (YYlyE)

440 The Red Guards had to be suppressed brutally by the
PLA. Survivors were sent to remote, poverty-stricken farms where many of
them died. Even if the Democrats win, that's what's going to happen to

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 30, 2020 01:57 PM (mht8P)

If Trump wins I hope the same happens or Air Pinochet

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 30, 2020 01:59 PM (WqXtW)

441 Just saw a report that "Conservative" Chuck Grassley is stabbing Trump in the back over Biofuel mandates, his own private graft scheme that he and his backers make billions of dollars from. Tip: Even Environmentalists like the Sierra Club say that these programs are nothing but huge corporate boondoggles, enabling large corporations to rip off consumers and enrich a handful of politicians like Grassley. So Grassley is now threatening to block anymore appointments to the EPA unless Trump kisses his ring and promises even more graft in the future.

this is that is so discouraging, even the supposed "Conservatives" in the Senate are thoroughly and totally corrupt, and in the game only to see how much money they can shove into their pockets.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 02:00 PM (Kpl3J)

442 This will end in November. Not the election. The first snowfall. Rioting in the cold is not a lot of fun.
Posted by: Hotgas VIP Member

Does it snow in Phoenix? Houston? Dallas? Austin? Jacksonville? Miami? Atlanta? Los Angeles?

Posted by: Bozo Conservative....outlaw in America at June 30, 2020 02:00 PM (vcOmj)

Chinese distemper too??
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 01:55 PM (YqDXo)

In part, but mostly because they lost the use of the air-conditioned building where the show rings and grooming space have been.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 30, 2020 02:00 PM (mht8P)

444 The Narrative keeps telling us Biden can hide all the way to the election.
If Biden is doing a "press conference" of any kind, that tells you that hiding away isn't working, that the polls are shit, and that it's all a bunch of fucking lies. Watch what they do, not what they say.

Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 02:00 PM (eRvmV)

445 I am going to upgun the sedan. I think I want something more than just the S&W Compact there.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo

Thinking about that as well. Still comes back to the shot placement of the first two or three rounds. Do that right, and the rest is easy.

Posted by: Diogenes at June 30, 2020 02:01 PM (axyOa)

446 I am watching Biden and as one would expect, the questions from the press are sickening in their obvious support of him. After the insults and degrading of our President in this presser, I can only imagine he just lit the fuse to Trump and his team's fury and revenge bombs.

Posted by: Stella Dubois at June 30, 2020 02:01 PM (KSBDE)

447 Walmart drops All Lives Matter merchandise after complaints.

Posted by: Ha at June 30, 2020 02:01 PM (KgzRF)

448 I really regret not going in on a gun buy with a friend of mine, he got custom lowers, the safety has 2 positions, "pax" and "bellum".

Posted by: attilla isn't so bad, really at June 30, 2020 02:01 PM (w7KSn)

449 The Narrative keeps telling us Biden can hide all the way to the election.
If Biden is doing a "press conference" of any kind, that tells you that hiding away isn't working, that the polls are shit, and that it's all a bunch of fucking lies. Watch what they do, not what they say.

this is correct

and the only reason he is saying he won't do rallies is to give the media something to scream all over, depress us, and try to pressure the President (to not do rallies) with as well.

it's extremely transparent but then again, they're thugs, they're not smart.

Posted by: BlackOrchidOfPrivilege at June 30, 2020 02:01 PM (j9HX3)

450 The military and police will not fight for the left. Again, just mass media trying to control the narrative and make conservatives question the long held belief that the military is with us, not them."

That Great Marine Hero General Mattis sure let us all know which side he was on.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 02:02 PM (Kpl3J)

451 "Does it snow in Phoenix? Houston? Dallas? Austin? Jacksonville? Miami? Atlanta? Los Angeles?"

Don't forget Tampa! We already had one "free night" at a northside Walmart a few weeks back, and some cops set up with a decoy 911 call last week.

Posted by: Citizen (of Tampa) at June 30, 2020 02:02 PM (ldmQR)

452 Last night Ted Cruz called out BLM as a true marxist organization, quoting the founders. At least a few republicans get it.

Posted by: LASue at June 30, 2020 02:02 PM (Ed8Zd)

453 Fourth of July in Skamania county was everyone bringing fireworks to Hegewald pond in Stevenson and setting them off. Was a lot of fun.

Posted by: notsothoreau at June 30, 2020 02:02 PM (JKNZq)

454 441 Just saw a report that "Conservative" Chuck Grassley is stabbing Trump in the back over Biofuel mandates, his own private graft scheme that he and his backers make billions of dollars from. Tip: Even Environmentalists like the Sierra Club say that these programs are nothing but huge corporate boondoggles, enabling large corporations to rip off consumers and enrich a handful of politicians like Grassley. So Grassley is now threatening to block anymore appointments to the EPA unless Trump kisses his ring and promises even more graft in the future.

this is that is so discouraging, even the supposed "Conservatives" in the Senate are thoroughly and totally corrupt, and in the game only to see how much money they can shove into their pockets.
Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 02:00 PM (Kpl3J)

Grassley is not getting rich off this.
He's from Iowa. Biofuel is big business in corn-rich Iowa.

Ethanol sucks but it's not the end of the world.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 02:02 PM (ifmtJ)

455 I really regret all the guns I didn't buy because, "I should invest that instead."

Lot of good that did.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at June 30, 2020 02:03 PM (xfb67)

456 436 Of course, the media gave him an assist with the softballed pandemic questions.

Good little doggies....
Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at June 30, 2020 01:59 PM (PiwSw)

Did Biden remember to wait for the "question" before reciting his "answer?"

Had a CEO who once whiffed on that in an "all hands" meeting. HR apparatchik turd stands to ask obviously planted question, "X, I was wondering if you could comment ..."

X interrupts. "That's a great question, Joe, and in response I'd like to say ..."

Uh, X, he didn't actually ask the question yet. But do go ahead and answer it. We hadn't appreciated that you're a psychic.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 02:03 PM (YqDXo)

457 444 The Narrative keeps telling us Biden can hide all the way to the election.
If Biden is doing a "press conference" of any kind, that tells you that hiding away isn't working, that the polls are shit, and that it's all a bunch of fucking lies. Watch what they do, not what they say.
Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 02:00 PM (eRvmV


And this: If you create an environment where declaring support for one candidate can cost you your life and liberty, then you cannot, with any accuracy, trust any poll.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at June 30, 2020 02:03 PM (SX3FQ)

Dem TN Rep Cohen intros resolution for Hse to begin impeachment inquiry into Barr. Has 35 co-sponsors. Says "Barr obstructs justice by favoring the President's friends and political allies. He abuses his power by using the DoJ to harass, intimidate & attack disfavored Americans"

Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at June 30, 2020 02:03 PM (Fju2f)

459 "450 The military and police will not fight for the left. Again, just mass media trying to control the narrative and make conservatives question the long held belief that the military is with us, not them."

That Great Marine Hero General Mattis sure let us all know which side he was on."

Mark Esper said "hello."

Hopefully fragging makes a big comeback.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 02:04 PM (puu6v)

460 They canceled the fair in Monroe months ago.


Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo

Pity. That was the first fair I even saw. Back as a kid living in Sultan. I got a dollar worth of tickets for the day. My big brother took half of them. I wound up sitting around all day doing nothing.
My brother is still a jerk.

Posted by: Diogenes at June 30, 2020 02:04 PM (axyOa)

461 noood

Posted by: It's me donna at June 30, 2020 02:04 PM (Zmnko)

462 F appointments to the EPA. Trump should purge the whole thing.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at June 30, 2020 02:04 PM (r+sAi)

463 I'm for a radical reorientation of the political right's relationship to big business, but I'm not sure exactly what that new relationship should be.

Basically I'm for stealing their shit. All of it. But I don't want to forgo the jobs and products they provide.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis at June 30, 2020 02:05 PM (sWM8x)

464 445 I am going to upgun the sedan. I think I want something more than just the S&W Compact there.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo

Thinking about that as well. Still comes back to the shot placement of the first two or three rounds. Do that right, and the rest is easy.
Posted by: Diogenes at June 30, 2020 02:01 PM (axyOa)

Yup. But the numbers involved now is making me ponder car gun choices.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at June 30, 2020 02:05 PM (ifmtJ)

465 That Great Marine Hero General Mattis sure let us all know which side he was on.
Posted by: Tom Servo at June 30, 2020 02:02 PM (Kpl3J

Mattis isn't a soldier. He's a knob polisher looking for better accommodations.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at June 30, 2020 02:05 PM (SX3FQ)

466 Last question, Biden did not answer. It was whether he had his cognitive ability tested! He seemed ready to answer, then switched into "I can hardly wait to compare my cognitive ability to Trumps!"

Then he said thank you, & official feed was cut off!!!

Posted by: Baldy at June 30, 2020 02:05 PM (hEUVZ)

If there's a silent majority, their majority status is meaningless when:

The entire education system...

The majority of media outlets...

The national popular vote*...

The majority of corporate culture...

The entire entertainment industry...

The gatekeepers of the internet...

The leadership of major police departments...

And on and on and on...

...are all either Leftists, voting for Leftists, or submitting to Leftists.

Posted by: McLurkerson at June 30, 2020 01:15 PM (IRGhF)

All we have left is the vote and they are trying their damndest to take that from us

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 30, 2020 02:05 PM (WqXtW)

Leo Terrell on frustration with left's failure to call out rioters, says Black Lives Matter is disingenuous

Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at June 30, 2020 02:05 PM (Fju2f)

469 416 So Joe is going to run on keeping the country shutdown and wearing masks everywhere.

What a popular platform, real man of the people.
Posted by: JackStraw
Indeed JS, I believe the self proclaimed Corn Popper Stopper will be about as popular as soggy cereal flakes when the school year rolls around at summer's end.

Posted by: NOS4AH2 at June 30, 2020 02:05 PM (g0gdr)

470 I regard all this garbage speak from corporations and such as so much meaningless word salad. I reject it all. I will not mask, I will not kneel, I will not apologize for my race, and I will not be held responsible for the words and actions of others, living or dead.

Fuck 'em.

Posted by: DB- just DB. Diggin' the summer of love at June 30, 2020 02:07 PM (iTXRQ)

471 444 The Narrative keeps telling us Biden can hide all the way to the election.
If Biden is doing a "press conference" of any kind, that tells you that hiding away isn't working, that the polls are shit, and that it's all a bunch of fucking lies. Watch what they do, not what they say.
Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 02:00 PM (eRvmV)

Exactly right. Do the Reds look and act confident? No. They look and act desperate. See, e.g., trying to hold down attendance at Trump's Tulsa rally, and then this Baghdad Bob style "press conference."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 02:07 PM (YqDXo)


Posted by: always ahead of the curve at June 30, 2020 02:08 PM (+xeiL)

473 Leo Terrell on frustration with left's failure to call out rioters, says Black Lives Matter is disingenuous
Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at June 30, 2020 02:05 PM (Fju2f)

Call out the rioters? Really??

That's like Adolf's failure to call out the SA (before they became inconvenient).

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 30, 2020 02:08 PM (YqDXo)

474 Lunch break over. Later all. Have a good day.

Posted by: NOS4AH2 at June 30, 2020 02:11 PM (g0gdr)

475 "471 444 The Narrative keeps telling us Biden can hide all the way to the election.
If Biden is doing a "press conference" of any kind, that tells you that hiding away isn't working, that the polls are shit, and that it's all a bunch of fucking lies. Watch what they do, not what they say.
Posted by: ... at June 30, 2020 02:00 PM (eRvmV)

Exactly right. Do the Reds look and act confident? No. They look and act desperate. See, e.g., trying to hold down attendance at Trump's Tulsa rally, and then this Baghdad Bob style "press conference."

They would prefer to "win" conventionally but they are laying the groundwork to steal the election, hence mail-in ballots.

The Left operates under the illusion the country will be governable when it assumes power. There would be sand thrown into the gears by the soldiers in Afghanistan and the plumber in Steubenville. This shitshow is about over. They would have their People's Republican and it would be a failed state. Reigning in Hell is on their menu.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 30, 2020 02:12 PM (puu6v)

476 I'm not exaggerating when I say this...

The picture of soccer girl standing is the bravest thing I've seen in a long time.

The pressure to conform is unbelievable for most people, especially young Americans.

Posted by: MJ at June 30, 2020 02:13 PM (gAMkn)

477 but according to feminists, it's sexist and offensive to refer to women as 'chicks'

How do they feel about "The Dicksy Chicks?"

Somebody here suggested The Ditzy Chicks the other day. That one would fit them. Of course, so would Pandering, Virtue-Signaling Assholes, but that's probably too different from their current name to suit them.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at June 30, 2020 02:19 PM (k4dH2)

478 Are we sure the Skittles ad wasn't from the Babylon Bee? Dropping the rainbow for a supreme (get it?) white wrapper has to be a troll, doesn't it?

Posted by: brainy435 at June 30, 2020 02:26 PM (wRIaa)

479 I was wrong, I missed it the 1st time - RE: last question at presser about cognitive decline - Biden said "I've been tested, I am tested all the time" (paraphrasing. He said it so quickly I missed it, then said he can hardly wait to compare his cognitive ability to Trump's...

Posted by: Baldy at June 30, 2020 02:27 PM (hEUVZ)

480 I saw an interesting story in The Intercept about how to buy and use a burner phone. That website is a great place to pick up tactical tips.

Posted by: vivi at June 30, 2020 02:32 PM (11H2y)

481 and Doritos are dead to me. And I was a power user!

Posted by: vivi at June 30, 2020 02:33 PM (11H2y)

482 So turns out that the Provo situation gets worse: the driver of the SUV was actually shot by the "protestor" as they were trying to get away.

The Mayor of Provo is Jon Huntsman's lieutenant governor running mate in his attempt to be Utah's next governor. Lots of Democrats crossing party aisles to vote for him in the primary today.

Our current governor of Utah handled the initial riots pretty good: the BLM types rioted the first night but calmed down pretty quick when the governor ordered armed Blackhawks to loiter very low over their heads. The message was clear.
Since then it's been calm. Until now. BLM people shooting peaceful drivers? Ugh. The mood was already pretty much "this is getting really old, really fast." And now shooting people won't win anything. I suspect that Utah may have reached a tipping point with this whole nonsense. At least I hope so.

Posted by: Vance at June 30, 2020 02:40 PM (GdebO)

483 I'm going to be rich with all the money I won't be spending on all these companies' products. Probably healthier, too.

Posted by: windbag at June 30, 2020 02:42 PM (sDEZT)

484 just want to point out that none of these leftist institutions, media, entertainment, colleges, corporations, can exist without our $$ and therefore our permission.

Posted by: johnny drama at June 30, 2020 02:46 PM (XrpMJ)

485 This is just like The Onion's headline after 9/11, "Dintey Moore Condemns Terrorism"

Posted by: Skip at June 30, 2020 02:57 PM (rIDLH)

486 And of course the twitter mob is already trying to find out who the courageous girl is.

Posted by: PJ at June 30, 2020 03:06 PM (qlTN9)

487 267
Quoted this already, but worth repeating

The Duke of Norfolk: Oh confound all this. I'm not a scholar, I don't know whether the marriage was lawful or not but - dammit, Thomas, look at these names! Why can't you do as I did and come with us, for fellowship!

Sir Thomas More: And when we die, and you are sent to heaven for doing your conscience, and I am sent to hell for not doing mine, will you come with me, for fellowship?
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 30, 2020 01:31 PM (mht8P)

Classic, and so apropos.

Posted by: River Commander at June 30, 2020 03:40 PM (RX/Rl)

488 Yes corporations hate conservatives, what a story. What are you going to do about it? Not one single thing, will you punish the sodomite loving, black-worshiping American-hating corporations? No you will spike outrage and refuse to defend White people like you have always done.

Posted by: mGrant at June 30, 2020 03:41 PM (r5iyh)

489 Just withdraw as much money as possible from the economy. As possible. Sure, you're going to need things. But...don't buy nearly as much. Save up your money.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 30, 2020 07:33 PM (ejsiI)

490 Skittles = Mars and I wasn't aware of their extreme wokeness till they lynched Uncle Ben. Doritos is part of the evil Pepsi empire that I've been not giving money to for decades.

Posted by: These fish sticks are hard as tits at June 30, 2020 09:07 PM (AgR7f)

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