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Wednesday Overnight Thread (5/6/20)

ont 5 6 20.jpg


The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. Winston Churchill

Quote II

It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things. Theodore Roosevelt

Quote III

When you have a dream that you can't let go of, trust your instincts and pursue it. But remember: Real dreams take work, They take patience, and sometimes they require you to dig down very deep. Be sure you're willing to do that. Harvey Mackay


Church registration? What's next, mandatory waiting periods?

NEWSTYRANNY: Kansas City is Now Requiring Churches to Keep Lists of People Entering ChurchesPublished 1 day ago on May 5, 2020By Jose Nino

New reopening guidelines in Kansas City that require churches to keeps “lists” of attendees have worried advocates of religious freedoms in the area, according to a report from Metro Voice.

Mayor Quinton Lucas enacted the policy where houses of worship receive the same treatment as “non-essential” businesses when it comes to keeping information of those who attend a service or anyone who enters the building.

“Never in our wildest dreams could we have imagined Nazi-like measures designed to surveil, track and spy upon what was once a free American people,” declared Liberty Council, founder and Chairman Matt Staver. “That is exactly what Kansas City’s misguided government officials are now demanding.”

As a Christian I want everyone to be saved. I'm having trouble with this concept at the moment.


Bound and Gagged by the Bugmen - We cannot build a better America without a common language with the capacity to inspire it. “Bug language” only debases and defeats us.

Do you speak Bug? Do you know its diction and syntax? Do you recognize its cant, the clicks and stridulations?

If you are reading this, you almost certainly do. You are, more likely than not, well-versed in its rhetoric. Bug is a second language for you. The superstratum of the hyper-educated class to which you belong. It is a language you need to survive here, to effectuate your role in the “knowledge” economy. Bug is the lingua franca of globohomo.

H/T Hrothgar via JJ Sefton




(H/T Legally Sufficient)


The ONT Musical Interlude


A little different, I know................


This couple is really hawt and Genius Award Winners!

MAY 1--A Florida Woman is facing a felony charge after a video call with her imprisoned boyfriend turned very raunchy, prompting a criminal probe helmed by an investigator identified in court records as “Detective Assmann.”

According to a probable cause affidavit, Noelle Rascati, 32, engaged in a late-March “virtual visit” with Tathan Fields, a 26-year-old locked up in the Santa Rosa County jail. The duo’s video encounter allegedly “became extremely sexual.”

During a law enforcement review of Fields’s jailhouse calls, an investigator “came across” the March 25 video call between the inmate and Rascati. Court filings do not reveal what prompted the review, which was conducted by Detective Assmann with the local sheriff’s office.

Fields is serving a 15-year sentence on burglary and grand theft charges. While incarcerated, he has been charged with masturbating during a prison class taught by a female instructor and mailing a hoax weapon of mass destruction (both cases are pending). In the latter matter, Fields is accused of mailing letter purporting to contain anthrax to the Santa Rosa prosecutor’s office.


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Oh Shit Moments.

ont 56 20 brouh.jpg

Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire and AceCorp, LLC. Please serve all pleadings with Dewey, Cheatem & Howe, S.C. Not responsible for women left overnight. No shirt or shoes? No problem. Enjoy.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:00 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Nice!

Posted by: lin-duh en fugue at May 06, 2020 10:00 PM (UUBmN)

2 *Plants flag*

Posted by: Charles the Simple at May 06, 2020 10:00 PM (HuH1F)

3 First!

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at May 06, 2020 10:01 PM (/UQ/R)

4 tops!

Posted by: iandeal at May 06, 2020 10:01 PM (vgGyZ)

5 Damn!

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at May 06, 2020 10:01 PM (/UQ/R)


Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 10:01 PM (7WaWV)

7 I wouldn't want to fjord it though...

Posted by: lin-duh en fugue at May 06, 2020 10:01 PM (UUBmN)

8 On lin-duh's first...

Posted by: Charles the Simple at May 06, 2020 10:01 PM (HuH1F)

9 G'night, horde.

Posted by: CAPT Constitution at May 06, 2020 10:01 PM (Og820)

10 /Sigh

Rookie mistake, again ...

Posted by: Gmac- The light at the end of the tunnel is the Trump 2020 train. at May 06, 2020 10:01 PM (qZdIZ)

11 *Removes flag*

Posted by: Charles the Simple at May 06, 2020 10:01 PM (HuH1F)

12 hiya

Posted by: JT at May 06, 2020 10:02 PM (arJlL)

13 The grey looks so terribly grey, when they're grey...

Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 10:02 PM (7WaWV)

14 New reopening guidelines in Kansas City that require churches to keeps 'lists' of attendees have worried advocates of religious freedoms in the area, according to a report from Metro Voice.

Now do abortion clinics.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at May 06, 2020 10:02 PM (I2/tG)

15 I hope for her sake that the lady who peed on her boyfriend enthusiastically apologized later that evening

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 06, 2020 10:03 PM (wJzv3)

16 The government once wanted the NAACP to over their membership records.

USSC said no.

Posted by: torabora at May 06, 2020 10:03 PM (R7v9g)

17 Hey, I'm posting and it's still in the double digits!

Good evening, 'rons and 'ettes.

Posted by: Captain Whitebread at May 06, 2020 10:03 PM (KlCGO)

18 Good Evening

Posted by: wing at May 06, 2020 10:03 PM (JFzNN)

19 Evening.

*Looks at the time*


Posted by: Robert at May 06, 2020 10:03 PM (Q3bxD)

20 Thirst!

Posted by: redc1c4, ONT Rx tech at May 06, 2020 10:04 PM (dlZr1)

21 1 Nice!
Posted by: lin-duh en fugue

Congrats !

Posted by: JT at May 06, 2020 10:04 PM (arJlL)

22 I really hope that a headline I skipped today about a "pee your pants challenge" was a lie.

Posted by: Splunge at May 06, 2020 10:05 PM (dOV9E)

23 nd

Posted by: parsimony at May 06, 2020 10:05 PM (X1xq4)

24 Damn you fvckers are fast and no noodies!

Posted by: Cheriebebe at May 06, 2020 10:05 PM (Xt7n2)

25 dang

Posted by: parsimony at May 06, 2020 10:05 PM (X1xq4)

26 The top pic is lovely. The bottom pic is not.

Posted by: Jordan61 at May 06, 2020 10:05 PM (OzQGF)

27 I was all cozy here in my office and then I looked at MisHum's up top photo and I got the chills.

Beautiful picture, but Brrrrr....

Posted by: cfo mom at May 06, 2020 10:05 PM (RfzVr)

28 Would you say I have a plethora of content?

Posted by: El Guapo at May 06, 2020 10:07 PM (cuKeo)

29 It's been a while since I've gotten an ont first. Thanks MisHum!

Posted by: lin-duh en fugue at May 06, 2020 10:07 PM (UUBmN)

30 Good evening, Horde!

Posted by: Ladyl at May 06, 2020 10:07 PM (TdMsT)

31 26 The top pic is lovely. The bottom pic is not.
Posted by: Jordan61 at May 06, 2020 10:05 PM (OzQGF)

“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time.”

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:08 PM (aA3+G)

32 I do like listening to some Robert Johnson. Thank You, MH!

Posted by: BifBewalski at May 06, 2020 10:08 PM (VcFUs)

33 Hey, I'm posting and it's still in the double digits!

Good evening, 'rons and 'ettes.

Posted by: Captain Whitebread at May 06, 2020 10:03 PM (KlCGO)


i haven't seen you in awhile... but, then again, i don't get out much.

how are things in your part of the world?

Posted by: redc1c4, ONT Rx tech at May 06, 2020 10:08 PM (dlZr1)

34 Thanks for the dandy ONT, Mis Hum! Another beautiful photo up top with a great tune behind.

Nice quotes!

Posted by: Legally Sufficient at May 06, 2020 10:08 PM (WFcrO)

35 Oh Beautiful for Spacious Skies - That's what I heard when I saw that top pic.
Thank you, MisHum, for another stellar ONT!

Posted by: ALH at May 06, 2020 10:09 PM (Lhcx9)

36 Nice pic of the river, MisHum. I think I see Bigfoot loping along the tree line on the right.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 10:10 PM (cuKeo)

37 MH, you joke about waiting periods for churches, but we have that in Illinois.

In the sense that we'll be allowed to reopen our churches on the 7th of Never.

Posted by: Methos at May 06, 2020 10:10 PM (kOpft)


Whoa! It's Neil Young! Behind the right click!

I'm just gonna start something, right here.

I like Neil Young as a musician. He has been cranking it out for 50 years now. Alone or with his 3 buddies, he stands the test of time.

But as a person, he's a Young Richard.

And he is so anti-American, why, it's like he wasn't born here or something. Unlike DeNiro however, I can still watch his work.

Anyone have some Molson's and some Grade A Amber maple syrup? Suddenly I have a hankering.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:10 PM (sy5kK)

39 Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:08 PM (aA3+G)

Posted by: Jordan61 at May 06, 2020 10:10 PM (OzQGF)

40 I hate all electronic devices, especially when they are connected to a POS DSL line.

Nonetheless, I got to see a beautiful MisHum picture tonight, My order for the coffee table book is just waiting to be filed!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at May 06, 2020 10:11 PM (jnM20)

41 I feel like I should mark my territory on the ONT, but it looks like someone's beaten us all to it.

Posted by: hogmartin at May 06, 2020 10:11 PM (t+qrx)

42 Fields is serving a 15-year sentence on burglary and grand theft charges.

You can get fifteen years for burglary and grand theft? People serve less time for murder.

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:11 PM (wGeit)

43 Okay, before I go to bed...

Regarding the above story about the church and the listmaking...

Martyrdom has a long and glorious tradition in the church. I'm not asking or even expecting anyone to be boiled alive but the churches need to start giving those pigs the finger. If they get arrested? Fuck it. It's not like they're gonna get shot.

Fuck the State!

*Grabs balls*

Now I'm off.

Posted by: Robert at May 06, 2020 10:11 PM (Q3bxD)

44 Shoulder piss. I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me. What is it with you gals?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 06, 2020 10:12 PM (GBHAb)

45 >>> 36 Nice pic of the river, MisHum. I think I see Bigfoot loping along the tree line on the right.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 10:10 PM (cuKeo)

Yeah, but did you find the sniper?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at May 06, 2020 10:12 PM (0ReGO)

46 That wasn't pee.

Posted by: CMU VET at May 06, 2020 10:12 PM (SYVOv)

47 Axl Rose is having a Twatter spat with Mnuchin.

Let's look at the stats for these intellectual contenders:

Rose: high school dropout, screeches into a microphone for a living, had a couple of hit records 40 years ago.

Mnuchin: degree in economics from Yale, has headed several successful large investment groups.

Perhaps Rose should limit his comments to fields in which he has actual expertise, such as alcoholism, heroin addiction, herpes, and taking 35 years to record a shit album.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at May 06, 2020 10:12 PM (mNq/0)

48 And FIRST!!!

Posted by: ALH at May 06, 2020 10:13 PM (Lhcx9)

49 44 Shoulder piss. I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me. What is it with you gals?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 06, 2020 10:12 PM (GBHAb)

I can honestly say I've never peed on anyone's shoulder.

Posted by: Jordan61 at May 06, 2020 10:13 PM (OzQGF)

50 Axl Rose Is no Kid Rock...

Posted by: lin-duh en fugue at May 06, 2020 10:13 PM (UUBmN)

51 I agree with Robert. Just don't take the damn names. Let's see how many people King Lucas wants thrown in jail. It won't end well for him.

Posted by: Jewells45 at May 06, 2020 10:13 PM (dUJdY)

52 Good evening, Horde!

Who have we, by dint of great self-discipline, restrained ourselves from slaughtering, today?

Did some grocery shopping up the road at H.E.B. today.

Less than half, wearing masks. Of those? Fully 20% with the mask worn under the nose.

One brilliant bint, with it worn in the James Hardin's Beard position.

I had my mask, too. Out in the car.

Man, if a swarm of Murder Hornets had invaded the store, I would've been screwed!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at May 06, 2020 10:14 PM (QzJWU)

53 Mnuchin is trolling Axl. It's not really sport, they aren't evenly matched.

Posted by: ALH at May 06, 2020 10:14 PM (Lhcx9)

54 I'm not giving any ette piggy back rides at the NoVAMoMe. Nosiree!

Posted by: Muad'dib at May 06, 2020 10:14 PM (6X9zF)

55 Howdy all, maybe made first 20 but I'm slow tonight.

An example of the free market system at it's best...
A local farmer, Ashton IL, couldn't sell his hogs to the usual processors. So his wife put out an offer on Facebook to sell them at $100 per hog if you picked them up.

He sold out, had calls from all over. It was basically his production cost, usually he's getting something like $150 per hog. It was this or killing them and burying them. I think this guy might be a Moron.

Posted by: Farmer at May 06, 2020 10:14 PM (Iw9bs)

56 Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:10 PM (sy5kK)

I'm not ashamed to say I enjoy most of Neil Young's catalog.

That said he is no different than 98.9% of entertainers who hate the American way of life.

And if we all based our hate and disgust on that fact we all join convents or monasteries and live a life of solitude

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:15 PM (aA3+G)

I've heard that the janitors who cleaned up after the Beatles concert at Shea Stadium found the smell... memorable.

Much lubricity in evidence.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at May 06, 2020 10:15 PM (mNq/0)

58 Munching is a scumbag Democrat engineering the Federal takeover of the US economy and needs to be fired, preferably out of a cannon, headfirst, into a brick wall.

Appetite For Destruction was the shit.

Siding with Axl.

Seriously, I'm off this time.

Posted by: Robert at May 06, 2020 10:15 PM (Q3bxD)

59 @47
Axel Rose is a commie, after all GR's biggest disaster was the album, Chinese Democracy.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at May 06, 2020 10:15 PM (xQklc)

60 Earlier today I remarked to a leftist acquaintance of mine on Facebook that a simple plan to restore America, which she purported to be very concerned about, would be to make those imposing and enforcing the lockdowns personally liable for the costs that resulted from them.

She was not amused.

Posted by: Dr. T at May 06, 2020 10:15 PM (pxDdN)

Lindsey Graham needs to figure out that he is a US Senator, and as such, has more power than being a Hannity sidekick when dealing with the Mueller / Rosenstein / fake Russia! Russia! Russia! stuff.

Give it a shot, Lindsey. You are the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, man. Get on it.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:15 PM (sy5kK)

62 As far as I can determine the ACLU has said precisely jack shit about any of this.
Anybody hear differently?

Posted by: millions of monkeys and typewriters in the basement at May 06, 2020 10:16 PM (d6mdH)

63 Hey everybody.

Wow a Neil Young track! Thanks MisHum!!

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:16 PM (L2ZTs)

64 I can honestly say I've never peed on anyone's shoulder.
Posted by: Jordan61

Paul Anka sang "Put your pee on my Shoulder....."

Posted by: JT at May 06, 2020 10:16 PM (arJlL)

65 Why is Charlie Berens wearing a Chicago Bears bathrobe?

Posted by: rd at May 06, 2020 10:16 PM (+0uDE)

66 The A$$Mann video...

This starts off funny, but then just gets really sad and disturbing.

She got arrested, not for phone sex with an inmate...but for doing it in front of her young son.

She put on a sex show with vibrators and sex toys for this guy...with her young son in the same room.

Like I said, it started off funny with the "Assmann" name.

But in the end...just dark...perverse...acts in front of a child.

Posted by: El Jefe at May 06, 2020 10:17 PM (Ae67h)

67 masturbating during a prison class taught by a female instructor


Wait, that's not allowed? That's a bunch of malarkey.

Posted by: Joe Biden at May 06, 2020 10:17 PM (WdocV)

68 Funny you should put up quotes by both Winston Churchill and Teddy Roosevelt.

Teddy actually met Churchill while TR was President and Winston was a youngish British aristocrat visiting America.

Teddy thought Churchill was something of an asshole, actually. He actually mentions this in a letter in one of his published biographies.
Really didn't like Winston.

So, there you go.

Posted by: Bozo Conservative....unfrozen caveman moron at May 06, 2020 10:17 PM (ZCiJZ)

69 Evening,

Helping a friend with a tooth problem (I'm not a dentist)

but I have clove oil and the will to use it.....

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 06, 2020 10:17 PM (kFkpX)

70 She put on a sex show with vibrators and sex toys for this guy...with her young son in the same room.


What the hell is wrong with people? This is how you get a Joe Biden years later.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 10:18 PM (WdocV)

71 Love that top picture. The bottom one, ugh.

Posted by: bluebell at May 06, 2020 10:18 PM (/669Q)


Well that was a good one to hear, ALH.

I heard my favorite John Denver tune.

Posted by: TeeJ - slight change there but still me at May 06, 2020 10:18 PM (yBWAd)

73 Evening,

Helping a friend with a tooth problem (I'm not a dentist)

but I have clove oil and the will to use it.....
Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 06, 2020 10:17 PM (kFkpX)


Have you tried slapping a hot iron to it?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 10:18 PM (cuKeo)

74 63 Hey everybody.

Wow a Neil Young track! Thanks MisHum!!
Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:16 PM (L2ZTs)

You're welcome, i wish i had that band's Blood Drug Content, boy they were ripped.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:18 PM (aA3+G)

75 ((((ladyl)))))!

Posted by: bebe's boobs destroy at May 06, 2020 10:18 PM (tUOCc)

76 "Kansas City is Now Requiring Churches to Keep Lists of People Entering ChurchesPublished 1 day ago"

You're making a list
They're checking it twice
Going to see who's naughty and nice
G-man's coming to town.

Posted by: Braenyard at May 06, 2020 10:18 PM (miuGT)

77 Turn it up

Well I heard Mr Young sing about her
Well I heard old Neil put her down
Well I hope Neil Young will remember
A Southern man don't need him around anyhow.

Posted by: ALH at May 06, 2020 10:18 PM (Lhcx9)

78 42 Fields is serving a 15-year sentence on burglary and grand theft charges.

You can get fifteen years for burglary and grand theft? People serve less time for murder.
Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:11 PM (wGeit)

It's a good thing he's not a hairdresser.

Posted by: Moki at May 06, 2020 10:19 PM (mFoNl)

79 As far as I can determine the ACLU has said precisely jack shit about any of this.
Anybody hear differently?
Posted by: millions of monkeys

The ACLU is only out to protect everyone else from us Morons.

Anybody hear differently?

Posted by: BifBewalski at May 06, 2020 10:19 PM (VcFUs)

80 Lindsey Graham needs to figure out that he is a US Senator, and as such, has more power than being a Hannity sidekick

I can't wait to see Lyndsey Graham hocking Publishers Clearing House in a few years...

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 10:19 PM (WdocV)

81 I agree with Robert. Just don't take the damn names. Let's see how many people King Lucas wants thrown in jail. It won't end well for him.
Posted by: Jewells45 at May 06, 2020 10:13 PM (dUJdY)

And if Lucas and his thugs do start throwing people in jail, get his and their names. Then start publishing them, with as much personal information as possible.

Two can play that game.

Posted by: Dr. T at May 06, 2020 10:19 PM (pxDdN)

82 71 Love that top picture. The bottom one, ugh.

Posted by: bluebell at May 06, 2020 10:18 PM (/669Q)

See #31

Besides aren't you an ice cream polluter?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:19 PM (aA3+G)

83 I heard my favorite John Denver tune.
Posted by: TeeJ - slight change there but still me at May 06, 2020 10:18 PM (yBWAd)

Which one? Country Road?

Posted by: ALH at May 06, 2020 10:20 PM (Lhcx9)

84 > And he is so anti-American, why, it's like he wasn't born here or something.

And yet he lives here.

That's what's so damned infuriating about people like him and that Trevor Noah bastard.

You came from countries that have exactly the kind of laws that you claim to want. So why the fuck are you here bitching?

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at May 06, 2020 10:20 PM (mNq/0)

85 I hope for her sake that the lady who peed on her boyfriend enthusiastically apologized later that evening
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)

Hey, some people pay good money for that.

Posted by: The imaginary hookers in Steele's dossier at May 06, 2020 10:20 PM (P1f+c)

86 Now the ACLJ on the other hand is a worthy organization...

Posted by: lin-duh en fugue at May 06, 2020 10:20 PM (UUBmN)

87 >
Besides aren't you an ice cream polluter?
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:19 PM (aA3+G)

More efficient than shiving.

Posted by: Muad'dib at May 06, 2020 10:20 PM (6X9zF)

As a Christian I want everyone to be saved. I'm having trouble with this concept at the moment.

Scripture tell us in our anger, do not sin. It doesn't tell us that we shouldn't get angry. This admonition is what has been traveling around my head amongst the squirrel panel discussions. We have almost arrived at the level of China. You may worship at a state approved church. My wife and I have been meeting with some friends/neighbors on Sundays for dinner and bible study. We are entertaining the idea of expanding that to a home church. As my neighbor said, the idea of ushers with an AR sounds attractive right about now.

Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 10:21 PM (dYt5T)

89 MisHum, yup.
Could be wrong but I believe David Crosby was especially notorious for being stoned out of his gourd during concerts.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:21 PM (L2ZTs)

90 Heh. That last picture is funny.

I suspect that she didn't actually pee on him though.

I bet that is just sweat.

NOT ass sweat you perverts...

Just normal sweat from carrying her around.

Posted by: El Jefe at May 06, 2020 10:21 PM (Ae67h)

91 Evening,

Helping a friend with a tooth problem (I'm not a dentist)

5olb test, elevator car....some assembly required.

Posted by: JT at May 06, 2020 10:21 PM (arJlL)

92 oof shoulder rides. I saw Anal Discharge open for Big Pecker back in the '60s.

Posted by: BluesFish at May 06, 2020 10:21 PM (WQZ1O)

93 I can honestly say I've never peed on anyone's shoulder.

Posted by: Jordan61 at May 06, 2020 10:13 PM (OzQGF)
Don't knock it until you've tried it. Then again it could be the 15 guys who were banging on my prostate last night

Posted by: Andrew Gillum at May 06, 2020 10:21 PM (WdocV)

Besides aren't you an ice cream polluter?
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian

I've been meaning to see if it is on sale. Because, Moron solidarity.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 06, 2020 10:21 PM (pK7cg)

95 William Elliott Whitmore - Mutiny

Posted by: Hereogar at May 06, 2020 10:21 PM (eQ0LF)

96 which was conducted by Detective Assmann with the local sheriff's office.


"Yeah, but does he have 'Assman' license plates?" -- Cosmo Kramer

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:21 PM (WqPYg)

97 Teddy thought Churchill was something of an asshole, actually. He actually mentions this in a letter in one of his published biographies.
Really didn't like Winston.

So, there you go.
Posted by: Bozo Conservative....unfrozen caveman moron at May 06, 2020 10:17 PM (ZCiJZ)

While I'm neither president of the Churchill Fan Club nor a TR-hater, I would much rather meet the former than the latter, personally.

Posted by: Dr. T at May 06, 2020 10:22 PM (pxDdN)

98 Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 10:21 PM (dYt5T)

Good to see you, how are you doing?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:22 PM (aA3+G)

99 Give it a shot, Lindsey. You are the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, man. Get on it.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:15 PM (sy5kK)

Miss Lindsay is the Senate's Paul Ryan!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at May 06, 2020 10:22 PM (jnM20)

100 Teddy thought Churchill was something of an asshole, actually. He actually mentions this in a letter in one of his published biographies.
Really didn't like Winston.

Posted by: Bozo Conservative....unfrozen caveman moron at May 06, 2020 10:17 PM (ZCiJZ)

People who accomplish a lot in life sometimes do so by ignoring the sensibilities of the people around them.

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:22 PM (wGeit)

101 Don't knock it until you've tried it. Then again it could be the 15 guys who were banging on my prostate last night

Posted by: Andrew Gillum at May 06, 2020 10:21 PM (WdocV)


Geez, getting old sucks. I read your nic as "Gillian Anderson."

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:23 PM (WqPYg)

102 Is Kansas City requiring mosques to take names of people who attend? Buddhist temples? Gurdawaras? I'm curious as to how far they are going with this order, and for what purpose.

I'm also on Team Robert/Jewells. Just don't take the names.

Posted by: Moki at May 06, 2020 10:23 PM (mFoNl)

103 ...And if we all based our hate and disgust on that fact we all join convents or monasteries and live a life of solitude
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:15 PM (aA3+G)


Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:23 PM (L2ZTs)

104 I really enjoy Neil Young's music. Seen him many times. Enjoyed every show. He did a show with Blind Melon, Pearl Jam and Crazy Horse out at the Gorge Ampitheater in the 90s that would have knocked your socks off.

Really fun show.

Posted by: nurse ratched at May 06, 2020 10:23 PM (U2p+3)


KC churchgoer, when asked his name.

"My last name is Job. First name Barry, but you can call me what my ex-wife calls me, Blow."

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:23 PM (sy5kK)

106 First you get the power.

Then you get the boys, err, women.

Then you drag the commies before the committee.

I think I have that right?

Posted by: Lindsey Graham at May 06, 2020 10:23 PM (WdocV)

107 I wonder how are they verifying that the names listed actually attended the church.

I wonder how much it costs to get the donor list for the local gay pride and Democrat and university alumni associations. I wonder where I could find the names of the local authorities, state employees, court employees and fire and police employees.

I wonder where I could find Kansas phone books

Posted by: Kindltot at May 06, 2020 10:23 PM (WyVLE)

108 Geez, getting old sucks. I read your nic as "Gillian Anderson."
Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:23 PM (WqPYg)

I read this as Gilligan.

Posted by: ALH at May 06, 2020 10:23 PM (Lhcx9)

109 Booty Sweat!

Posted by: Alpa Chino at May 06, 2020 10:24 PM (l3+k2)

110 "My last name is Job. First name Barry, but you can call me what my ex-wife calls me, Blow."


I really enjoyed this joke.

Posted by: Mel Gibson at May 06, 2020 10:24 PM (WdocV)

111 I am most certainly not an ice cream polluter. I am a wildflower. I only found out the happy coincidence that my nic is also top shelf ice cream (when it isn't contaminated with listeria) from this wonderful place.

Posted by: bluebell at May 06, 2020 10:24 PM (/669Q)


Rocky Mountain High.

Posted by: TeeJ - slight change there but still me at May 06, 2020 10:24 PM (yBWAd)

Geez, getting old sucks. I read your nic as "Gillian Anderson."

Pretty sure a prostate check on this one is going to come up negative.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 10:25 PM (WdocV)

114 Biden's all set - with his "good friends across the aisle" Graham, McConnell and other old partners-in-establishment running interference, we can expect no investigation into Ukraine, China, etc.

Posted by: Ask Jeeves at May 06, 2020 10:25 PM (RzJg/)

115 Helena, dear lady, I suspect you may have had trouble reaching me by email.

Please try ...sosiare or just text or call.

Posted by: Emmie at May 06, 2020 10:25 PM (ouBhA)

116 "It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things." -- Theodore Roosevelt


I'm pretty sure half the country would disagree and say "It is only through government" ... and ironically, they would call themselves Progressives.

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:25 PM (WqPYg)

117 {{{Bebe}}}

How are you?

Posted by: Ladyl at May 06, 2020 10:25 PM (TdMsT)

118 So what happens if they demand a name and you tell them you are Barack Obama.

Are they allowed to demand ID?

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 10:25 PM (WdocV)

119 Rocky Mountain High.
Posted by: TeeJ - slight change there but still me at May 06, 2020 10:24 PM (yBWAd)

That's a beautiful song. John Denver was a conservative, and a friend of Clint Eastwood. Too bad how he died.

Posted by: ALH at May 06, 2020 10:26 PM (Lhcx9)

120 {{{{Ladyl}}}}

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at May 06, 2020 10:26 PM (jnM20)

121 and, with that, dinner is served here on FOB DeDe...

BIAB, not that anyone cares.

Posted by: redc1c4, ONT Rx tech at May 06, 2020 10:26 PM (dlZr1)

122 Al Bundy had the most famous toilet flush of all... one of those old fashioned 5 Gallon toilets.

And he would leave with his newspaper and you know damned well he never washed his hands.

Posted by: torabora at May 06, 2020 10:26 PM (R7v9g)

123 89 MisHum, yup.
Could be wrong but I believe David Crosby was especially notorious for being stoned out of his gourd during concerts.
Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:21 PM (L2ZTs)

But was he as bad as Steven Tyler, who collapsed on stage?

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:26 PM (wGeit)

I'm also on Team Robert/Jewells. Just don't take the names.
Posted by: Moki at May 06, 2020 10:23 PM (mFoNl)

Me too, but if it comes to it I'd have no problem giving a fake name. My pastor would actually approve of that. He thinks all of this is crap.

Posted by: bluebell at May 06, 2020 10:26 PM (/669Q)

125 Last night I also watched the Who's live appearance on The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour in 1967, when Keith Moon blew up his drum set and deafened Pete Townshend.

When Tom Smothers asked Moon his name, he said "Keith. And my friends call me Keith, but you can call me John." (Tom was behaving a little dickish toward them.)

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (L2ZTs)

126 Scripture tell us in our anger, do not sin. It doesn't tell us that we shouldn't get angry.[/I

This is why revenge is a dish best served cold. Plus, good planning ensures you won't get caught.

I still have my last Battery Commander's SSN and personal data. I regularly give them out to robocallers and telemarketers. Effer should've never tried to butt fuck me with my last OER as a Warrant Officer.

Engineering degree from West Point, commanded the Patriot Battery in Riyahd during GW1. Had an assignment to Australia until he fucked with me. Now, 30 years later....he manages the swing shift in a glass factory in North Texas.

Don't piss me off.

Posted by: BifBewalski at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (VcFUs)

127 Posted by: nurse ratched at May 06, 2020 10:23 PM (U2p+3)

I've seen Young 7-8 times in various configurations.

My fav is always been Crazy Horse

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (aA3+G)

128 Most of us appreciators of RE owe a debt of gratitude to Robert Johnson. The list of Rockers we love, who were strongly influenced by that man is long.

*fistbump mishum*

As always, screw social distancing!

Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (dYt5T)

129 I can't make heads or tails out of that bug thing. Can somebody explain it?

Posted by: Joe Blowme at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (65nXH)

Caught a little bit of the discussion in the last thread about Fauci's patents or lack thereof. I can't begin to fathom all of the Byzantine shell-gaming in those rules.

But here's one thing I do understand... there is only single purpose to the US Federal government in the modern era: to enrich and empower the Democrat Party, and to a lesser degree, it's GOP hangers-on. Any other result of its activity is accidental, or coincidental. It is an absolutely pure State and Party machine system.

And if you rise to Fauci's level in it, you're part of the scheme and you're richly rewarded for it. It's why if you are a high-ranking government official, your word is dogshit as far as I'm concerned, unless and until you prove otherwise. Which they nearly never do. If anything they usually prove me insufficiently cynical.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (EQRLd)

Did some grocery shopping up the road at H.E.B. today.

Less than half, wearing masks. Of those? Fully 20% with the mask worn under the nose.

One brilliant bint, with it worn in the James Hardin's Beard position.

I had my mask, too. Out in the car.

Man, if a swarm of Murder Hornets had invaded the store, I would've been screwed!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
Posted by: Jim at May 06, 2020 10:14 PM (QzJWU)


Target Store in outer Minnesota.

About the same. Employees are REQUIRED to wear masks. At least one quarter of the employees were wearing them below the nose, another quarter were not wearing them at all, however some may have been off the clock and kibitzing with the others.

One old lady employee square in the high risk demographic said she couldn't breathe wearing a mask over her nose.

Hard to breathe? Wait until she gets the rona.

Posted by: rd at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (+0uDE)

132 That's a beautiful song. John Denver was a conservative, and a friend of Clint Eastwood. Too bad how he died.

Posted by: ALH at May 06, 2020 10:26 PM (Lhcx9)

doing something he loved?

there are much worse ways to go than that.

remember, life is a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% mortality rate.

Posted by: redc1c4, ONT Rx tech at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (dlZr1)

Posted by: BifBewalski at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (VcFUs)

134 I wonder how much it costs to get the donor list for the local gay pride and Democrat and university alumni associations.

Standard trick for madams running bordellos back in the day - make sure your little black book of clients also includes the police chief, the mayor, the city council, all the important ministers in town, etc. Reduces the value of the little black book as evidence.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (I2/tG)

135 124
I'm also on Team Robert/Jewells. Just don't take the names.
Posted by: Moki at May 06, 2020 10:23 PM (mFoNl)

Me too, but if it comes to it I'd have no problem giving a fake name. My pastor would actually approve of that. He thinks all of this is crap.
Posted by: bluebell at May 06, 2020 10:26 PM (/669Q)

The important part is providing a name that's obviously fake, like I. P. Freely.

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (wGeit)

136 114
Biden's all set - with his "good friends across the aisle" Graham,
McConnell and other old partners-in-establishment running interference,
we can expect no investigation into Ukraine, China, etc.

Posted by: Ask Jeeves at May 06, 2020 10:25 PM (RzJg/)


"WRONG again, deplorable! There will be investigations into Trump-Ukraine collusion, and Trump-China collusion as well as impeachments and prosecutions through and beyond 2024!" -- Adam Schitt (CCP -- California)

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:28 PM (WqPYg)

137 OH man.... she snapped the tooth off to the gum line....

Time for homemade polymer temp crown until the dentist offices open up......luckily, I have that gear too.

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 06, 2020 10:28 PM (kFkpX)

138 Ace's liver, not sure.

I didn't know Tyler had collapsed on stage. I do know he did tons of shows on complete autopilot and doesn't remember anything about them.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:28 PM (L2ZTs)

139 Biden's all set - with his "good friends across the aisle" Graham, McConnell and other old partners-in-establishment running interference, we can expect no investigation into Ukraine, China, etc.
Posted by: Ask Jeeves at May 06, 2020 10:25 PM (RzJg/)

Between the Chy-Nah connection and the Epstein tapes, I am sure nothing will ever see the light of day!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at May 06, 2020 10:28 PM (jnM20)

140 You can please some of the people all of the time,
you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please
all of the people all of the time.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:08 PM (aA3+G)

And once upon a time you hit the sweet spot with a very focused class of fetishists

Posted by: Kindltot at May 06, 2020 10:28 PM (WyVLE)

141 #119 more airplanes at the bottom than submarines. It isn't natural to do either. We're neither fish nor fowl ...nor bat.

Posted by: torabora at May 06, 2020 10:28 PM (R7v9g)

That said he is no different than 98.9% of entertainers who hate the American way of life.

And if we all based our hate and disgust on that fact we all join convents or monasteries and live a life of solitude
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:15 PM (aA3+G)

So, we should call Robert DeNiro "1.1%"?

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:29 PM (sy5kK)

143 ooohh, what do ya'll think of this charm if'n I were to make more keychains?

Posted by: Jewells45 at May 06, 2020 10:29 PM (dUJdY)

144 I can't make heads or tails out of that bug thing. Can somebody explain it?

Posted by: Joe Blowme at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM

I skimmed the article... (bookmarked for later!)

It seems like the internationalised version of "PC" to me...

Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 10:30 PM (7WaWV)

145 Hmmm. Do I take life advice from Axl Rose or a gray box named 'Robert'?

Posted by: BluesFish at May 06, 2020 10:30 PM (WQZ1O)

146 So when I was younger I always tuned out when the old-time religion preachers warned that persecution of the Church would one day come to America. They were right.

Posted by: jmel at May 06, 2020 10:30 PM (OeWgo)

147 Caught a little bit of the discussion in the last
thread about Fauci's patents or lack thereof. I can't begin to fathom
all of the Byzantine shell-gaming in those rules.

But here's one thing I do understand... there is only single purpose
to the US Federal government in the modern era: to enrich and empower
the Democrat Party, and to a lesser degree, it's GOP hangers-on. Any
other result of its activity is accidental, or coincidental. It is an
absolutely pure State and Party machine system.

And if you rise to Fauci's level in it, you're part of the scheme
and you're richly rewarded for it. It's why if you are a high-ranking
government official, your word is dogshit as far as I'm concerned,
unless and until you prove otherwise. Which they nearly never do. If
anything they usually prove me insufficiently cynical.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (EQRLd)

and to enrich employee unions so they have lots of $$$ for political donations and a solid voting block.

see #Failifornia, for instance.

Posted by: redc1c4, ONT Rx tech at May 06, 2020 10:30 PM (dlZr1)

148 Man, that John Hurt song is sublime...

Some music, you listen to, and you think "I could never create anything like that."

And you are right.

And then there is other stuff, that you hear it, and you think "I could totally do that." Because it sounds so...accessible.

Until you actually try. And then you realize just how amazing and talented that musician was/is, and how it was just hubris that led you to think that you could do the same.

That's what that John Hurt song made me think.

Posted by: El Jefe at May 06, 2020 10:30 PM (Ae67h)

149 132 That's a beautiful song. John Denver was a conservative, and a friend of Clint Eastwood. Too bad how he died.

Posted by: ALH at May 06, 2020 10:26 PM (Lhcx9)

doing something he loved?

there are much worse ways to go than that.

remember, life is a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% mortality rate.
Posted by: redc1c4, ONT Rx tech at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (dlZr1)

couldnt agree more red

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:30 PM (aA3+G)

150 The important part is providing a name that's obviously fake, like I. P. Freely.

And then the authorities will announce that voluntary reporting of names has failed, and it is time to move onto mandatory reporting of names, by requiring that IDs be checked. Police will be deployed to churches to "assist" with the reporting.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at May 06, 2020 10:30 PM (I2/tG)

151 143 ooohh, what do ya'll think of this charm if'n I were to make more keychains?
Posted by: Jewells45 at May 06, 2020 10:29 PM (dUJdY)

Love it!

Posted by: ALH at May 06, 2020 10:30 PM (Lhcx9)

152 138 Ace's liver, not sure.

I didn't know Tyler had collapsed on stage. I do know he did tons of shows on complete autopilot and doesn't remember anything about them.
Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:28 PM (L2ZTs)

Amusingly it was 1984, which isn't his period of heaviest drug use.

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:31 PM (wGeit)

153 143 ooohh, what do ya'll think of this charm if'n I were to make more keychains?
Posted by: Jewells45 at May 06, 2020 10:29 PM (dUJdY)

I love it, {{{Jewells}}}

Posted by: Ladyl at May 06, 2020 10:31 PM (TdMsT)

154 How are you?
Posted by: Ladyl at May 06, 2020 10:25 PM (TdMsT)

furiously clearing my mom's clutter. how are you?

Posted by: bebe's boobs destroy at May 06, 2020 10:31 PM (tUOCc)

Me too, but if it comes to it I'd have no problem giving a fake name. My pastor would actually approve of that. He thinks all of this is crap.
Posted by: bluebell at May 06, 2020 10:26 PM (/669Q)


i'm just sad that we are even discussing this in 2020.

On a happier note, how are you sweet lady? I hope you and yours are happy and thriving!

Posted by: Moki at May 06, 2020 10:31 PM (mFoNl)

156 ALH, I didn't' know John Denver leaned conservative.

There's a legend that when John Denver first found out his first wife Annie wanted to divorce him, he took a chainsaw and cut their bed in half. :-P

Also, in 1974, when Charlie Rich announced on the Country Music Association Awards that Denver had been voted the Country Artist of the Year, Rich set the card on fire with his lighter before telling the audience. LOL.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:31 PM (L2ZTs)

157 Hmmm. Do I take life advice from Axl Rose or a gray box named 'Robert'?

What did he do in the 20 years between blowing up Guns and Roses and releasing his failed Chinese Democracy album?

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 10:31 PM (WdocV)

158 I was all cozy here in my office and then I looked at MisHum's up top photo and I got the chills.

Beautiful picture, but Brrrrr....
Posted by: cfo mom at May 06, 2020 10:05 PM (RfzVr)

The looks like the Bow River where it passes through Banff National Park. The Trans-Canada Highway parallels it for a pretty fair distance.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 06, 2020 10:31 PM (LZcDP)

159 there are much worse ways to go than that.

remember, life is a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% mortality rate.
Posted by: redc1c4, ONT Rx tech at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (dlZr1)

They only found half of his brain. You should read the autopsy report.

Posted by: ALH at May 06, 2020 10:31 PM (Lhcx9)

160 The important part is providing a name that's obviously fake, like I. P. Freely.
Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (wGeit)

Mine would be something from P. G. Wodehouse. Probably Honoria Glossop. Or Aunt Agatha.

Posted by: bluebell at May 06, 2020 10:31 PM (/669Q)

161 150 The important part is providing a name that's obviously fake, like I. P. Freely.

And then the authorities will announce that voluntary reporting of names has failed, and it is time to move onto mandatory reporting of names, by requiring that IDs be checked. Police will be deployed to churches to "assist" with the reporting.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at May 06, 2020 10:30 PM (I2/tG)

That would be a mistake on their part. That won't play well on the news and they know it.

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:32 PM (wGeit)

162 137 OH man.... she snapped the tooth off to the gum line....

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 06, 2020 10:28 PM (kFkpX)


Posted by: Jordan61 at May 06, 2020 10:32 PM (OzQGF)

163 67
masturbating during a prison class taught by a female instructor

There are a ton of lawsuits against Cook County for inmates in the jail whacking off every time a female guard, sheriff or lawyer walked by their cells. Got so bad they were ordered to be handcuffed.

Posted by: dartist at May 06, 2020 10:32 PM (K22Va)

164 122
Al Bundy had the most famous toilet flush of all... one of those old fashioned 5 Gallon toilets.

And he would leave with his newspaper and you know damned well he never washed his hands.

Posted by: torabora at May 06, 2020 10:26 PM (R7v9g)


Never watched that show, but first saw and laughed at that scenario back when Archie would flush upstairs on "All In The Family."

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:32 PM (WqPYg)

165 I guess Axl thinks having had drug problems makes him an expert.

Every day when my peepers open I thank God for this President and for his intervention to save America from the evil witch and her henchmen.

Posted by: torabora at May 06, 2020 10:32 PM (R7v9g)


"I wonder where I could find Kansas phone books."

I'm sure I've got 2 or 3 for East Central Kansas around here somewhere.

But is that in KCKS or KCMO.
I, um, didn't read the link,,, if there was a link.

Now, I'm going to read down to here from @112 and turn in.

Posted by: TeeJ - slight change there but still me at May 06, 2020 10:33 PM (yBWAd)

167 Hi Moki! We are all fine, thank you. Just tired of all of this, as is everyone. You guys all okay?

Posted by: bluebell at May 06, 2020 10:33 PM (/669Q)

168 What did he do in the 20 years between blowing up Guns and Roses and releasing his failed Chinese Democracy album?
Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 10:31 PM (WdocV)


To be fair, he ate a lot.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 10:33 PM (cuKeo)

169 ..OH man.... she snapped the tooth off to the gum line....

Time for homemade polymer temp crown until the dentist offices open up......luckily, I have that gear too.

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 06, 2020 10:28 PM (kFkpX)

JB Weld for the win. And the temporary crown.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at May 06, 2020 10:33 PM (QzJWU)

170 That would be a mistake on their part. That won't play well on the news and they know it.

Unclear. We have now learned that there is a very substantial pro-Stasi segment of the American electorate.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at May 06, 2020 10:33 PM (I2/tG)

171 By the way, I think ShowMeMoMe (or is it ShoMeMoMe?) is a clever name.

I would like to be invited, please.

Posted by: Emmie at May 06, 2020 10:33 PM (ouBhA)

172 There are a ton of lawsuits against Cook County for inmates in the jail
whacking off every time a female guard, sheriff or lawyer walked by
their cells. Got so bad they were ordered to be handcuffed.


Handcuffed? I like the sounds of that. How about me, you, and the ficus play a little cops and robbers later tonight?

Posted by: Harvey Weinstein at May 06, 2020 10:33 PM (WdocV)

173 I'd read John Denver died whilst frantically trying switch fuel tanks with the lever just out of reach... His head was never found...

Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 10:34 PM (7WaWV)

174 160 The important part is providing a name that's obviously fake, like I. P. Freely.
Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (wGeit)

Mine would be something from P. G. Wodehouse. Probably Honoria Glossop. Or Aunt Agatha.
Posted by: bluebell at May 06, 2020 10:31 PM (/669Q)

I'm partial to the fake Chinese pilot names, myself. Wi Tu Lo, Sum Ting Wong, Bang Ding Ow, and Ho Lee Fuk.

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:34 PM (wGeit)

154 How are you?
Posted by: Ladyl at May 06, 2020 10:25 PM (TdMsT)

furiously clearing my mom's clutter. how are you?
Posted by: bebe's boobs destroy at May 06, 2020 10:31 PM (tUOCc)

My daughter has tomorrow off, so drove down to my house with her two little girls.

Soooo fun, but I'm already exhausted!

She's a lefty and a nurse practitioner, and I believe she is over the social distancing stupidity.

Posted by: Ladyl at May 06, 2020 10:34 PM (TdMsT)

176 143 ooohh, what do ya'll think of this charm if'n I were to make more keychains?
Posted by: Jewells45 at May 06, 2020 10:29 PM (dUJdY)

I'd buy one!

Posted by: Jordan61 at May 06, 2020 10:34 PM (OzQGF)

177 143 ooohh, what do ya'll think of this charm if'n I were to make more keychains?
Posted by: Jewells45

I can't say I'm a fan, it's a little too totenkopf for me.

Posted by: Moki at May 06, 2020 10:34 PM (mFoNl)

178 To be fair, he ate a lot.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 10:33 PM (cuKeo)

Oh dear. Was he in quarantine too?

Posted by: bluebell at May 06, 2020 10:34 PM (/669Q)

179 118 So what happens if they demand a name and you tell them you are Barack Obama.

Are they allowed to demand ID?
Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 10:25 PM (WdocV)

If they demand ID, warn them about what happenef to. Dr. Morbius on Altair-4.

Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at May 06, 2020 10:34 PM (e1mEI)

180 So I've been growing a 'stache while imprisoned at home because I'm bored as hell.

I notice it makes my nose itch. How can I make it NOT do this?

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 10:35 PM (WdocV)

181 I can't make heads or tails out of that bug thing. Can somebody explain it?
Posted by: Joe Blowme at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (65nXH)

It is a primer on the rise of the credentialed class.

You run a machine shop with a government contract, do you need a skilled master craftsman machinist or a Human Resources Director with a Master's Degree in Gender Intersectionality? Think carefully before you answer...

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at May 06, 2020 10:35 PM (jnM20)

182 Hmmm. Do I take life advice from Axl Rose or a gray box named 'Robert'?

What did he do in the 20 years between blowing up Guns and Roses and releasing his failed Chinese Democracy album?
Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 10:31 PM (WdocV)
Thats the thing... I have no idea what Robert has been doing during those years.

Posted by: BluesFish at May 06, 2020 10:35 PM (WQZ1O)

183 that charm is perfect jewells!

Posted by: bebe's boobs destroy at May 06, 2020 10:35 PM (tUOCc)

184 > To be fair, he ate a lot.

Dude could sub for Meat Loaf nowadays.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at May 06, 2020 10:35 PM (mNq/0)

185 Yay MisHum throws another excellent ONT, mucho thanko. Rum and OJ. Buying wife a kayak tomorrow.

Posted by: zeera Moron Author at May 06, 2020 10:35 PM (zUdXR)

186 People who accomplish a lot in life sometimes do so by ignoring the sensibilities of the people around them.

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:22 PM (wGeit)


One of my favorite quotes (which I think applies to Trump) is from Dr. Richard Jarvik, inventor of the artificial heart: "Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and no concept of the odds against them. They make things happen."

Of course, some moron hear once replied "That's true of sociopaths as well ..."

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:36 PM (WqPYg)

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:29 PM (sy5kK)

Hey, you drive, I'll ride shot gun with Neill & Crazy Horse at Filmore East

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:36 PM (aA3+G)

188 You could put Hilary Clinton, Chelsea Hubbell, Michael Obama, Harry Reid, and Hyman Roth on the list.

Posted by: ALH at May 06, 2020 10:36 PM (Lhcx9)

189 Yay MisHum throws another excellent ONT, mucho thanko. Rum and OJ. Buying wife a kayak tomorrow.
Posted by: zeera Moron Author at May 06, 2020 10:35 PM (zUdXR)

Just don't have another "boating accident" with all your firearms Zeera ;-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:36 PM (L2ZTs)

190 If anyone wants to read it, I left some new info about Flynn on the other thread.

Here's a tease....footnote on page 6:

"Mr. Holder appeared briefly at a client conference, communicated about the firms representation of Mr. Flynn and made Twitter posts that were a significant problem for the defense and were discussed within the firm"

Posted by: Tami at May 06, 2020 10:36 PM (cF8AT)

191 > I notice it makes my nose itch. How can I make it NOT do this?

Itchiness is the curse of beards --- goes with any new facial hair.

It goes away after a while.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at May 06, 2020 10:37 PM (mNq/0)

192 185 Yay MisHum throws another excellent ONT, mucho thanko. Rum and OJ. Buying wife a kayak tomorrow.
Posted by: zeera Moron Author at May 06, 2020 10:35 PM (zUdXR)

You're too kind, it really isn't much.

Enjoy shopping, be careful with your guns in that kayak

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:37 PM (aA3+G)

193 128 Most of us appreciators of RE owe a debt of gratitude to Robert Johnson. The list of Rockers we love, who were strongly influenced by that man is long.

*fistbump mishum*

As always, screw social distancing!
Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (dYt5T)

owe debt to Robert Johnson?

now there is some truth.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:37 PM (sy5kK)

194 Good to see you, how are you doing?
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian

Other than the aforementioned anger issues, the increased number of squirrel panel discussions, I am excellent. Spring has sprung, no snow left under the trees and already have half the firewood down. Started my next construction project and built a number of cold frames so I might possibly get some green stuff growing a couple weeks early. Busy is good because an idle Sock Monkey during this crap might lead to something that exceeds the definition of civil disobedience.

Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 10:37 PM (dYt5T)

195 173 I'd read John Denver died whilst frantically trying switch fuel tanks with the lever just out of reach... His head was never found...
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 10:34 PM (7WaWV)


It's still a more respectable way to go than David Carradine found.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 10:37 PM (cuKeo)

196 180 So I've been growing a 'stache while imprisoned at home because I'm bored as hell.

I notice it makes my nose itch. How can I make it NOT do this?
Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 10:35 PM (WdocV)

Shave it off?

Posted by: ALH at May 06, 2020 10:37 PM (Lhcx9)

197 126 Scripture tell us in our anger, do not sin. It doesn't tell us that we shouldn't get angry.[/I

This is why revenge is a dish best served cold. Plus, good planning ensures you won't get caught.

I still have my last Battery Commander's SSN and personal data. I regularly give them out to robocallers and telemarketers. Effer should've never tried to butt fuck me with my last OER as a Warrant Officer.

Engineering degree from West Point, commanded the Patriot Battery in Riyahd during GW1. Had an assignment to Australia until he fucked with me. Now, 30 years later....he manages the swing shift in a glass factory in North Texas.

Don't piss me off.
Posted by: BifBewalski at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (VcFUs)


This sounds like a very interesting story.

Can you tell us more?


Posted by: El Jefe at May 06, 2020 10:37 PM (Ae67h)

198 188 You could put Hilary Clinton, Chelsea Hubbell, Michael Obama, Harry Reid, and Hyman Roth on the list.
Posted by: ALH at May 06, 2020 10:36 PM (Lhcx9)

Why would you do that? I'm just an old man with a bad heart. I'll probably be dead any day.

Posted by: Hyman Roth at May 06, 2020 10:37 PM (wGeit)

199 that charm is perfect jewells!

I thought so too. I can still get the others but this one caught my eye. I'm gonna be experimenting with making my own medallion from polymer clay, then adding the ace charm. Just worried about the durability. Can't just throw that thing around, lol!

Posted by: Jewells45 at May 06, 2020 10:38 PM (dUJdY)

200 News at another site, that some state worker (not sure the state) typed onto one of those overhead highway electronic signs:


Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:38 PM (L2ZTs)

201 167 Hi Moki! We are all fine, thank you. Just tired of all of this, as is everyone. You guys all okay?
Posted by: bluebell

Same. I miss church and going to the grocery store. Mr Moki is the only one going out to reduce the potential stuff he could encounter and bring back to me and our daughter. Otherwise, i'm busy from when I get up to when I finally go to bed. I worked less when I was gainfully employed.

Posted by: Moki at May 06, 2020 10:38 PM (mFoNl)

202 Slappy? Is that you gripping that flag?

Posted by: creeper at May 06, 2020 10:38 PM (XxJt1)

203 I got some new ones too. Dunno if Weasel is around but got a nice deal from SGAmmo that he recommended on the gub thread. Mucho thanks for that too. Life is good.

Posted by: zeera Moron Author at May 06, 2020 10:38 PM (zUdXR)

204 That would be a mistake on their part. That won't play well on the news and they know it.
Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:32 PM (wGeit)

Even as recently as a month ago, I think I would have agreed with you, but now...

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at May 06, 2020 10:38 PM (jnM20)

205 Dude!

i haven't seen you in awhile... but, then again, i don't get out much.

how are things in your part of the world?
Posted by: redc1c4, ONT Rx tech at May 06, 2020 10:08 PM (dlZr1)

Things are fine. Work is good. I was starting to make some decent money hosting karaoke on the weekends...until the Wuhan flu. But that will be back in a couple of weeks.

Posted by: Captain Whitebread at May 06, 2020 10:38 PM (KlCGO)

206 The important part is providing a name that's obviously fake, like I. P. Freely.
Posted by: Ace's liver


Posted by: Hugh Jeddick at May 06, 2020 10:39 PM (P1f+c)

207 204 That would be a mistake on their part. That won't play well on the news and they know it.
Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:32 PM (wGeit)

Even as recently as a month ago, I think I would have agreed with you, but now...
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at May 06, 2020 10:38 PM (jnM20)

The backlash has been building. It's gonna happen in any event, but they can still make it worse.

Posted by: Hyman Roth at May 06, 2020 10:39 PM (wGeit)

208 45 >>> 36 Nice pic of the river, MisHum. I think I see Bigfoot loping along the tree line on the right.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 10:10 PM (cuKeo)

Yeah, but did you find the sniper?
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at May 06, 2020 10:12 PM (0ReGO)

Rapids sound will make it hard to find em...snipers paradise

Posted by: a dude in MI at May 06, 2020 10:39 PM (SxBH1)

209 AOC just announced she's introducing legislation on the floor of Congress tomorrow, to send frogmen to the bottom of every lake, river, stream and other body of water in America...

so that the Feds can recover and confiscate lost firearms. :-P

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:40 PM (L2ZTs)

210 I live. Again!

Posted by: RBG at May 06, 2020 10:40 PM (2N7oZ)

211 175 oooh grandkid time, nice!

You think your daughter is seeing the light?

Posted by: bebe's boobs destroy at May 06, 2020 10:40 PM (tUOCc)

212 Time for homemade polymer temp crown until the dentist offices open up......luckily, I have that gear too.

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 06, 2020 10:28 PM (kFkpX)

JB Weld for the win. And the temporary crown.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at May 06, 2020 10:33 PM

Marine epoxy...

Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 10:40 PM (7WaWV)

213 I also keep a carpenter hammer in my freezer.

Posted by: BourbonChicken with a Face Colander at May 06, 2020 10:40 PM (LxTcq)

214 I'd read John Denver died whilst frantically trying switch fuel tanks with the lever just out of reach... His head was never found...
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto

It's still a more respectable way to go than David Carradine found.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero)

Well, there goes my top-three of the best ways to die.

3) peacefully in my sleep
2) doing something I love
1) doing someone I love

Posted by: mikeski at May 06, 2020 10:41 PM (P1f+c)

215 Otherwise, i'm busy from when I get up to when I finally go to bed. I worked less when I was gainfully employed.
Posted by: Moki at May 06, 2020 10:38 PM (mFoNl)

Oh gosh, sounds like you're being really productive. Good for you. I am not. I have little bursts, but then they go away. Seems like that's the best I can do these days.

Posted by: bluebell at May 06, 2020 10:41 PM (/669Q)

216 210 I live. Again!
Posted by: RBG at May 06, 2020 10:40 PM (2N7oZ)

I wonder if my mother still has my copy of the D&D Monster Manual. Does anyone know how long Liches live?

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:42 PM (wGeit)

217 The Goodwill opened today so I was finally able to donate everything we cleaned out of the closets. I had a lot of junk in the trunk of the Camry.

Posted by: ALH at May 06, 2020 10:42 PM (Lhcx9)

218 209 AOC just announced she's introducing legislation on the floor of Congress tomorrow, to send frogmen to the bottom of every lake, river, stream and other body of water in America...

so that the Feds can recover and confiscate lost firearms. :-P
Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:40 PM (L2ZTs)


Nah...this can't be true.

You are just kidding, right?

Posted by: El Jefe at May 06, 2020 10:42 PM (Ae67h)

219 I can't make heads or tails out of that bug thing. Can somebody explain it?
Posted by: Joe Blowme at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (65nXH)

Yeah. It's tedious, for sure.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 06, 2020 10:42 PM (LZcDP)

220 There's a legend that when John Denver first found out his first wife
Annie wanted to divorce him, he took a chainsaw and cut their bed in
half. :-P


There's a YouTube video (assume it's real, but who knows these days?) entitled "Magician Killed His Wife By Accident" where the assistant wife is shaking her hands and trying to make her husband notice that she wasn't ready for the trick -- and he apparently starts to cut her in half.

Needless to say, I couldn't bring myself to watch it ...

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:42 PM (WqPYg)

221 Fake?
Posted by: Hugh Jeddick

I should've taken that one.

Posted by: Hugh G. Rection at May 06, 2020 10:43 PM (Ypqc1)

222 214 I'd read John Denver died whilst frantically trying switch fuel tanks with the lever just out of reach... His head was never found...
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto

It's still a more respectable way to go than David Carradine found.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero)

Well, there goes my top-three of the best ways to die.

3) peacefully in my sleep
2) doing something I love
1) doing someone I love
Posted by: mikeski at May 06, 2020 10:41 PM (P1f+c)

I read a news article a few years back that said the last was actually more common than you might think.

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:43 PM (wGeit)

223 Just going to leave these two things here:

"The Justice Department on Wednesday released a mostly unredacted version of then-Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's August 2017 "scope memo" outlining the authority of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller -- and the document reveals for the first time that Mueller's authority went significantly beyond what was known previously.

Robert Barr comments from Mueller Report Presser:

"But before I do that, I want to thank Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein for joining me here today and for his assistance and counsel
throughout this process. Rod has served the Department of Justice for many years with dedication and distinction, and it has been a great
privilege and pleasure to work with him since my confirmation. He had well-deserved plans to step back from public service that I interrupted by
asking him to help in my transition. Rod has been an invaluable partner, and I am grateful that he was willing to help me and has been able to see
the Special Counsel's investigation to its conclusion. Thank you, Rod."

Posted by: Turn Two at May 06, 2020 10:43 PM (+AVpa)

224 The backlash has been building. It's gonna happen in any event, but they can still make it worse.
Posted by: Hyman Roth at May 06, 2020 10:39 PM (wGeit)

Earlier this evening I sent an email to that judge in Texas who put the salon manager in jail.
I told him he needed to rethink his strategy, the optics were not good.

Posted by: ALH at May 06, 2020 10:44 PM (Lhcx9)

225 That would be a mistake on their part. That won't play well on the news and they know it.
Posted by: Ace's liver

Not to mention the fact that at least a tird of the men in my church pack.

Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 10:44 PM (dYt5T)

226 Relevant to My Interests ONT Compliance Pics

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 10:44 PM (qAR6u)

227 I love Rod.

Posted by: Barack Hussein Obama at May 06, 2020 10:44 PM (WdocV)

228 There's a YouTube video (assume it's real, but who knows these days?) entitled "Magician Killed His Wife By Accident" where the assistant wife is shaking her hands and trying to make her husband notice that she wasn't ready for the trick -- and he apparently starts to cut her in half.

Needless to say, I couldn't bring myself to watch it ...
Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:42 PM (WqPYg

so the article suicide by circular saw is out of the question for an ONT?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:45 PM (aA3+G)

229 Top scientists and futurists have announced they now know the worst health hazards America will suffer from for the remainder of 2020. They are:

June: Murder Hornets

July: Man-eating Space Aliens

August: Man-eating Hornets

September: Fauci Flies

October: Space Alien Hornet Zombies

November (tie): Murder Turkeys / Flying NPC Phlegm

December: Insane Pelosi Clones

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:45 PM (L2ZTs)

230 209 AOC just announced she's introducing legislation on the floor of Congress tomorrow, to send frogmen to the bottom of every lake, river, stream and other body of water in America...

so that the Feds can recover and confiscate lost firearms. :-P
Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:40 PM (L2ZTs)


Yeah, after looking at the picture of the river at the top of this post, it is obvious that your are just kidding.

Even AOC isn't that dumb.

But you did succeed in yanking my chain and getting me all worked up for a bit.

Well played, sir.

Well played indeed.

Posted by: El Jefe at May 06, 2020 10:45 PM (Ae67h)

231 The Bug thing is just a cry for getting rid of the gibberish that passes for educated language these days.

Posted by: creeper at May 06, 2020 10:45 PM (XxJt1)

232 173
I'd read John Denver died whilst frantically trying switch fuel tanks
with the lever just out of reach... His head was never found...

Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 10:34 PM (7WaWV)


One of the creepiest and saddest events was that pro golfer Payne Stewart, where I thing everybody onboard his private plane was poisoned by CO2 and the plane just kept flying (presumably on auto-pilot) until it ran out of fuel and crashed.

IIRC, some military jets were scrambled to make contact and escort it -- and to shoot it out of the sky if it looked like it would go down in a populated area.

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:46 PM (WqPYg)

233 El Jefe, *wink* ;-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:46 PM (L2ZTs)

234 Can you tell us more?

Posted by: El Jefe

One of these years, I'll get to the TX MOME. I'll spill then, not via this media.

I still have a hard on for this f*cker after 30 odd years. The battalion and brigade field grades that closed ranks around him have suffered also with collateral damage and career damaging cancer as well. I, on the other hand have steadily progressed through the ranks in my defense industy company while those limp di*k effers are stuck at the entry level for their buttf*ckery.

Posted by: BifBewalski at May 06, 2020 10:46 PM (VcFUs)

235 The show "Space Force" looks kinda dumb

...but tell me this isn't Ace's favorite girl AOC here at 1:06. The appearance is similar, but the voice is dead on.

Posted by: BourbonChicken with a Face Colander at May 06, 2020 10:46 PM (LxTcq)

236 so the article suicide by circular saw is out of the question for an ONT?
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:45 PM (aA3+G)


Downside: you must have OSHA-compliant eye protection and, mess.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 10:46 PM (cuKeo)

237 Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:37 PM (sy5kK)

Robert Johnson's "Crossroads Blues" is interesting!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at May 06, 2020 10:46 PM (jnM20)

238 More Relevant to My Interests ONT Compliance Pics

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 10:46 PM (qAR6u)

239 By the way, I think ShowMeMoMe (or is it ShoMeMoMe?) is a clever name.

I would like to be invited, please.
Posted by: Emmie at May 06, 2020 10:33 PM (ouBhA)

I'm keeping a mental list!

I just hope I don't confuse it with my mental *enemies* list.

Posted by: Dr. T at May 06, 2020 10:47 PM (pxDdN)

240 221 Fake?
Posted by: Hugh Jeddick
I should've taken that one.
Posted by: Hugh G. Rection at May 06, 2020 10:43 PM (Ypqc1)

Ninja please...

Posted by: Hugh Jorgen at May 06, 2020 10:47 PM (tUOCc)

241 One small dribble of lemonade to be had is the be next time you encounter an 'urban planner' waxing eloquent about high density housing or mass transit you can just accuse him of loving epidemics and wanting to kill your grandma.

And we can call reusable grocery bags 'virus transporters'.

Posted by: millions of monkeys and typewriters in the basement at May 06, 2020 10:47 PM (d6mdH)

242 December: Insane Pelosi Clones
Posted by: qdpsteve

How did you not make this "Insane Clone Pelosi's"?

Posted by: mikeski, not a juggalo at May 06, 2020 10:47 PM (P1f+c)

243 I'd read John Denver died whilst frantically trying switch fuel tanks
with the lever just out of reach... His head was never found...

Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 10:34 PM (7WaWV)

I remember reading something about that, too. It was something like... he had built a kit plane, and for some reason moved the valve, or installed it backward, or something like that.

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:47 PM (wGeit)

244 It's still a more respectable way to go than David Carradine found.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 10:37 PM (cuKeo)

It could be worse.

Posted by: Albert Dekker at May 06, 2020 10:48 PM (2N7oZ)

245 Too late to comment on the Kayleigh McAnany thread

But let me say this...

Hit it..... King of England

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 10:48 PM (qAR6u)

246 240 221 Fake?
Posted by: Hugh Jeddick
I should've taken that one.
Posted by: Hugh G. Rection at May 06, 2020 10:43 PM (Ypqc1)

Ninja please...
Posted by: Hugh Jorgen at May 06, 2020 10:47 PM (tUOCc)

You guys are so lucky.

Posted by: Hugh Jass at May 06, 2020 10:48 PM (wGeit)

247 If history has taught us anything, it's that bands and singers should travel by train.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at May 06, 2020 10:48 PM (G4GU9)

248 mikeski, OMG you are correct ;-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:48 PM (L2ZTs)

249 Honestly, bluebell, I'm not busy by choice. I have a 110 pound motivator who drools, loves me so much he has to tell me, loudly, every few minutes, thinks squirrels and toddlers in neon colors are hatching plans to invade our home, and likes to trade half-eaten chewies for dog biscuits.

This dog has exhausted all of us more than the three dogs we had before. But I don't think we have ever had a dog that loved us more.

Posted by: Moki at May 06, 2020 10:48 PM (mFoNl)

250 Downside: you must have OSHA-compliant eye protection and, mess.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 10:46 PM (cuKeo)

A GFCI receptacle, a good quality tarp, lots of lime, and you're good togo!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at May 06, 2020 10:48 PM (jnM20)

251 IIRC, some military jets were scrambled to make contact and escort it -- and to shoot it out of the sky if it looked like it would go down in a populated area.
Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:46 PM (WqPY


Where's the sport in downing a Cessna? I wouldn't even paint a kill like that on the side of my cockpit.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 10:49 PM (cuKeo)

252 233 El Jefe, *wink* ;-)
Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:46 PM (L2ZTs)


Again, well played, Sir.

Well played indeed.

I tip my hat to you.

Posted by: El Jefe at May 06, 2020 10:49 PM (Ae67h)

253 AlaBAMA, LOL.

It seems that in the 1970s, every single time a member of either Lynyrd Skynyrd or Allman Bros got on a motorcycle, something bad happened.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:49 PM (L2ZTs)

254 180
So I've been growing a 'stache while imprisoned at home because I'm bored as hell.

I notice it makes my nose itch. How can I make it NOT do this?

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 10:35 PM (WdocV)


I've heard that a sufficient amount of cocaine can numb the nose.

I've heard it can even eventually cause one to require nose jobs (heard a rumor than this happened to Don Henley).

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:49 PM (WqPYg)

Kansas City is Now Requiring Churches to Keep Lists of People Entering Churches

John Smith
John Smith
Jane Smith
John Smith
Jane Smith
Jane Smith
John Smith
Jane Smith
John Smith
John Smith
John Smith
John Smith
Jane Smith
Jane Smith
John Smith

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at May 06, 2020 10:49 PM (EGyGV)

256 I watched the latest banned video, and saw a lot of things that made sense. Memory t-cells have a memory span of months.

Quarantine doesn't help with the virions your body used to easily fend off. The longer the quarantine, the more we revert to babies - sick all the time from everything, and spreading everything to everybody else that was in quarantine.

Posted by: Menack at May 06, 2020 10:50 PM (buTO7)

257 Posted by: Moki at May 06, 2020 10:48 PM (mFoNl)

I think the love will remain forever, the monster "puppy" will not!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at May 06, 2020 10:50 PM (jnM20)

258 244 It's still a more respectable way to go than David Carradine found.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 10:37 PM (cuKeo)

It could be worse.

Posted by: Albert Dekker at May 06, 2020 10:48 PM (2N7oZ)

Why are so many successful actors sex freaks? Maybe because it's so easy with groupies throwing themselves at you?

Posted by: Hugh Jass at May 06, 2020 10:50 PM (wGeit)

I wonder if my mother still has my copy of the D&D Monster Manual. Does anyone know how long Liches live?
Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:42 PM (wGeit)

Bad news....eternal longevity

Posted by: a dude in MI at May 06, 2020 10:50 PM (SxBH1)

260 One of the creepiest and saddest events was that pro golfer Payne Stewart, where I thing everybody onboard his private plane was poisoned by CO2 and the plane just kept flying (presumably on auto-pilot) until it ran out of fuel and crashed.

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May

was no 02

Posted by: not so at May 06, 2020 10:50 PM (HALdu)

261 249 Honestly, bluebell, I'm not busy by choice. I have a 110 pound motivator who drools, loves me so much he has to tell me, loudly, every few minutes, thinks squirrels and toddlers in neon colors are hatching plans to invade our home, and likes to trade half-eaten chewies for dog biscuits.

This dog has exhausted all of us more than the three dogs we had before. But I don't think we have ever had a dog that loved us more.
Posted by: Moki at May 06, 2020 10:48 PM (mFoNl)


That sounds lovely...

Posted by: El Jefe at May 06, 2020 10:50 PM (Ae67h)

Give it a shot, Lindsey. You are the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, man. Get on it.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg

As stated in an earlier thread I'm breathlessly awaiting Miss Lindsey's haka performance for us to enjoy and to put fear in his enemies hearts.

Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 10:51 PM (dYt5T)

263 187
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:29 PM (sy5kK)

Hey, you drive, I'll ride shot gun with Neill & Crazy Horse at Filmore East
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:36 PM (aA3+G)

As long as we stop for beer first, let's go!

This could be the most famous ride since Jake and Elwood.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:51 PM (sy5kK)

264 ShainS, I know that legendary pro poker player Stu Unger did so much cocaine, he had to have a nose job. He died in poverty in 1988.

Stu Unger was incredible at poker -- he could literally read the mind of his opponents re what cards they had. He was also in deep with the mob (who bankrolled him) and had a wildly bipolar personality.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:51 PM (L2ZTs)

265 Oops... Unger died in 1998, not 1988.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:52 PM (L2ZTs)

266 *holds flashlight under the chin*



Posted by: BourbonChicken with a Face Colander at May 06, 2020 10:52 PM (LxTcq)

267 254 180
So I've been growing a 'stache while imprisoned at home because I'm bored as hell.

I notice it makes my nose itch. How can I make it NOT do this?

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 10:35 PM (WdocV)
Shave it then go primitive again. I shave once every two weeks, shower every 2-3 days like evolution intended, almost. Haven't got no virus.

Posted by: Menack at May 06, 2020 10:53 PM (buTO7)

268 As stated in an earlier thread I'm breathlessly awaiting Miss Lindsey's haka performance for us to enjoy and to put fear in his enemies hearts.
Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 10:51 PM (dYt5T)

Omg, with those giant chiclet teeth????!!!!!

Posted by: bebe's boobs destroy at May 06, 2020 10:53 PM (tUOCc)

269 234 Can you tell us more?

Posted by: El Jefe

One of these years, I'll get to the TX MOME. I'll spill then, not via this media.

I still have a hard on for this f*cker after 30 odd years. The battalion and brigade field grades that closed ranks around him have suffered also with collateral damage and career damaging cancer as well. I, on the other hand have steadily progressed through the ranks in my defense industy company while those limp di*k effers are stuck at the entry level for their buttf*ckery.d

Posted by: BifBewalski at May 06, 2020 10:46 PM (VcFUs)


Sounds good. I look forward to it and hope I'm around when you drop your story.

Posted by: El Jefe at May 06, 2020 10:53 PM (Ae67h)

270 266 *holds flashlight under the chin*


Posted by: BourbonChicken with a Face Colander at May 06, 2020 10:52 PM (LxTcq)

Didn't Predator keep skulls? Shot it down with his tacticool shoulder thingy that went up

Posted by: a dude in MI at May 06, 2020 10:53 PM (SxBH1)

271 264 ShainS, I know that legendary pro poker player Stu Unger did so much cocaine, he had to have a nose job. He died in poverty in 1988.

Stu Unger was incredible at poker -- he could literally read the mind of his opponents re what cards they had. He was also in deep with the mob (who bankrolled him) and had a wildly bipolar personality.
Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:51 PM (L2ZTs)

Unger was one of those sleazy guys who sold multiples of his end in poker tournaments. Five different guys thought they were bankrolling him, and all he had to do to come out ahead was lose.

Posted by: Hugh Jass at May 06, 2020 10:53 PM (wGeit)

272 200
News at another site, that some state worker (not sure the state) typed onto one of those overhead highway electronic signs:




Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:38 PM (L2ZTs)


Freudian slip?

I see those on the highways of Arizona and want to go out sign-hunting some night with a shotgun.

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:53 PM (WqPYg)

As stated in an earlier thread I'm breathlessly awaiting Miss Lindsey's haka performance for us to enjoy and to put fear in his enemies hearts.
Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 10:51 PM (dYt5T)

It was that very post that inspired me to write that bit about Senator Lindsey.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:53 PM (sy5kK)

274 Oops... Unger died in 1998, not 1988.
Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:52 PM (L2ZTs)


That must have been 10 energetic extra years.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 10:54 PM (cuKeo)

275 Out damn sock.

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:54 PM (wGeit)

276 259
I wonder if my mother still has my copy of the D&D Monster Manual. Does anyone know how long Liches live?
Posted by: Ace's liver at May 06, 2020 10:42 PM (wGeit)

Bad news....eternal longevity
Posted by: a dude in MI at May 06, 2020 10:50 PM (SxBH1)

Until you destroy the Phylactery. The thing holds either his heart, or Soul, depending on which mythology you go by.

Posted by: Romeo13 at May 06, 2020 10:54 PM (NgKpN)

277 The Bug thing is just a cry for getting rid of the gibberish that passes for educated language these days.
Posted by: creeper at May 06, 2020 10:45 PM (XxJt1)

Thing is, he could have said that in half a page.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 06, 2020 10:54 PM (LZcDP)

278 Shain, yup.
Hugh, true, Stu was not the most upstanding person who ever lived.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:55 PM (L2ZTs)


Democrats and #Nevers: Free milk and free bread!

Republicans and Morons: Freedom!

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:55 PM (sy5kK)

280 Quarantine doesn't help with the virions your body used to easily fend off. The longer the quarantine, the more we revert to babies - sick all the time from everything, and spreading everything to everybody else that was in quarantine.

Posted by: Menack at May 06, 2020 10:50 PM

I thought that about this "new" inflammatory syndrome ("possibly related to COVID-19" -- according to the bint on the telescreen) affecting children now...

Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 10:55 PM (7WaWV)

281 I do love the irony of those digital road signs telling everyone not to text and drive.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at May 06, 2020 10:55 PM (G4GU9)

282 ...Thank you, Rod."
Posted by: Turn Two at May 06, 2020 10:43 PM (+AVpa)

And another one dances away after a star turn!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at May 06, 2020 10:55 PM (jnM20)

283 The looks like the Bow River where it passes through Banff National Park. The Trans-Canada Highway parallels it for a pretty fair distance.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 06, 2020 10:31 PM (LZcDP)

Searched on this one as well and for a change, Bing delivered.

Mistaya River, Mistaya Canyon, Banff National Park not too far from the Saskatchewan River Crossing.

Posted by: Mr. Olson at May 06, 2020 10:56 PM (7s3Gx)

284 Cicero, it's sad. Stu had a daughter in the early 1980s, but spent so much time doing coke and gambling, he never got to know her.

Numerous times he'd swear to clean up so he could be closer to her (his ex-wife demanded it) but would always fail.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 10:56 PM (L2ZTs)

I think the love will remain forever, the monster "puppy" will not!
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar

From your keyboard to God's ear!

In all seriousness, I love this dog to pieces, probably because the first year has been so...challenging.

Posted by: Moki at May 06, 2020 10:56 PM (mFoNl)

286 So I've been growing a 'stache while imprisoned at home because I'm bored as hell.

I notice it makes my nose itch. How can I make it NOT do this?

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 10:35 PM (WdocV)

I'm growing full on Mungo Jerry lamb chops. Mrs. Morango is not impressed.

Posted by: Mr. Morango at May 06, 2020 10:57 PM (2N7oZ)

287 Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:51 PM (sy5kK)

not sure how to give you a thumbs up

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:57 PM (aA3+G)

288 Searched on this one as well and for a change, Bing delivered.

Mistaya River, Mistaya Canyon, Banff National Park not too far from the Saskatchewan River Crossing.
Posted by: Mr. Olson at May 06, 2020 10:56 PM (7s3Gx)


Damn. I was guessing it was the Brahmaputra.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 10:58 PM (cuKeo)

289 *holds flashlight under the chin*



Posted by: BourbonChicken with a Face Colander at May 06, 2020 10:52 PM


Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 10:58 PM (7WaWV)

290 Unger was one of those sleazy guys who sold multiples of his end in poker tournaments. Five different guys thought they were bankrolling him, and all he had to do to come out ahead was lose.


Surprised he never got murdered for that.

I'd at least slam his head in a car door for that scam. Stupid. And lucky, I guess.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 06, 2020 10:58 PM (EQRLd)

291 My solution for the next time a pandemic hits is if you shut down the private sector, you shut down the public sector. NO ONE GETS PAID. Everyone shares the burden. And no, no reimbursement for public employees when the panic is over. And no unemployment compensation. Let's see how long the lockdown goes on.

Posted by: Charles the Simple at May 06, 2020 10:58 PM (HuH1F)

292 The Brandy Alexander is actually a decent drink from time to time. The hard part is getting some decent Creme de Cacao. And anything with cream is at the risk of falling apart with a single wrong move.

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 10:58 PM (hHxp2)

293 Moki, I'm glad your pup is bringing you so much joy. And you probably sleep well at night!

Posted by: bluebell at May 06, 2020 10:58 PM (/669Q)

294 232 173
I'd read John Denver died whilst frantically trying switch fuel tanks
with the lever just out of reach... His head was never found...

Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 10:34 PM (7WaWV)


One of the creepiest and saddest events was that pro golfer Payne Stewart, where I thing everybody onboard his private plane was poisoned by CO2 and the plane just kept flying (presumably on auto-pilot) until it ran out of fuel and crashed.

IIRC, some military jets were scrambled to make contact and escort it -- and to shoot it out of the sky if it looked like it would go down in a populated area.
Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:46 PM (WqPYg)


The Payne Stewart crash happened in 1999, before the 9/11, so those jets had no intention of shooting him down.

The probable cause of the crash was the plane had a pressurization failure, so as it climbed...the pilots passed out from lack of oxygen.

There are many systems in place to prevent this from happening normally.

However...those systems failed...leading to the tragedy and crash.

Posted by: El Jefe at May 06, 2020 10:58 PM (Ae67h)

295 Yesterday was a good day. The fetching Mrs Beartooth and I delivered the grandkids their first true kids bikes.

The smiles washed away all my worries

Posted by: Beartooth at May 06, 2020 10:59 PM (JY8Ei)

296 291 My solution for the next time a pandemic hits is if you shut down the private sector, you shut down the public sector. NO ONE GETS PAID. Everyone shares the burden. And no, no reimbursement for public employees when the panic is over. And no unemployment compensation. Let's see how long the lockdown goes on.
Posted by: Charles the Simple at May 06, 2020 10:58 PM (HuH1F)


No joke, that is quite inciteful.

Posted by: El Jefe at May 06, 2020 11:00 PM (Ae67h)

297 292 The Brandy Alexander is actually a decent drink


And a fine girl.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 11:00 PM (cuKeo)

I'm growing full on Mungo Jerry lamb chops. Mrs. Morango is not impressed.
Posted by: Mr. Morango at May 06, 2020 10:57 PM (2N7oZ)

My goal is to pass as a member of Duck Dynasty

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 11:00 PM (aA3+G)

299 >>> News at another site, that some state worker (not sure the state) typed onto one of those overhead highway electronic signs:




Posted by: qdpsteve at May

Would have been way cooler if he had typed "THEY LIVE"

Posted by: Turn Two at May 06, 2020 11:00 PM (+AVpa)

300 Turn Two, LOL!

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:01 PM (L2ZTs)

301 The smiles washed away all my worries
Posted by: Beartooth at May 06, 2020 10:59 PM (JY8Ei)

Oh my, they must have been overjoyed! Good on you, Grandpa!

Posted by: bluebell at May 06, 2020 11:01 PM (/669Q)

Other than the aforementioned anger issues, the increased number of squirrel panel discussions, I am excellent. Spring has sprung, no snow left under the trees and already have half the firewood down. Started my next construction project and built a number of cold frames so I might possibly get some green stuff growing a couple weeks early. Busy is good because an idle Sock Monkey during this crap might lead to something that exceeds the definition of civil disobedience.
Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 10:37 PM (dYt5T)



Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg, now reduced to a 3 second attention span. at May 06, 2020 11:01 PM (sy5kK)

303 I didn't know Tyler had collapsed on stage. I do know he did tons of shows on complete autopilot and doesn't remember anything about them.
Posted by: qdpsteve

Hands down not even close, worst concert I ever attended. Aerosmith. Twice. Shame on me the second time. The second concertcame complete with empty liquor bottles being thrown at the stage after Tyler basically said F you to the audience.

Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 11:01 PM (dYt5T)

304 I see those on the highways of Arizona and want to go out sign-hunting some night with a shotgun.
Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:53 PM (WqPYg)

How hard could it be to hack into those signs?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 06, 2020 11:01 PM (LZcDP)

305 The Bug thing is just a cry for getting rid of the gibberish that passes for educated language these days.

Posted by: creeper at May 06, 2020 10:45 PM (XxJt1)

Thing is, he could have said that in half a page.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 06, 2020 10:54 PM (LZcDP)

never heard of this bug stuff. But they call it a second language so it makes some sense. In 2a circles that is what bug means to, a back up.

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 11:01 PM (hHxp2)

306 John Denver died in a small pusher-prop plane (experimental?) while trying to turn a valve to switch over to aux fuel. That failed. It crashed in to Monterey Bay, a beautiful spot.
He was a conservative, I know to this day several that played in his band, who are also conservatives.
He was a great guy.

Posted by: navybrat, hot house orchid at May 06, 2020 11:02 PM (w7KSn)

307 How hard could it be to hack into those signs?
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 06, 2020 11:01 PM (LZcDP)

Not sure, some guys put some porn on one in Detroit I think...not classy

Posted by: a dude in MI at May 06, 2020 11:02 PM (SxBH1)

308 296 291 My solution for the next time a pandemic hits is if you shut down the private sector, you shut down the public sector. NO ONE GETS PAID. Everyone shares the burden. And no, no reimbursement for public employees when the panic is over. And no unemployment compensation. Let's see how long the lockdown goes on.
Posted by: Charles the Simple at May 06, 2020 10:58 PM (HuH1F)


No joke, that is quite inciteful.
Posted by: El Jefe at May 06, 2020 11:00 PM (Ae67h)

As long as it includes Congress and Congressional staff, it might work, and no "off" time should be counted towards retirement!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at May 06, 2020 11:03 PM (jnM20)

309 I do love the irony of those digital road signs telling everyone not to text and drive.


I believe the actual data is that texting isn't any more dangerous then other league stuff people do in their cars - play with the radio, do their makeup, eat salad - except with the younger cohort.

Many states banned younger people from texting/using phones while driving at first but I think most states have banned or are about to ban any use by anyone of a phone while driving.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 11:03 PM (WdocV)

310 I need to read up thread to see what started the Unger talk. But if that guy was not a warning story of how not to live, I don't know who was. The one poker player who seems like a really straight laced guy is Mike Sexton. Sure no one knows anyone, but Sexton seems the opposite of Unger to me.

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 11:03 PM (hHxp2)

311 Hands down not even close, worst concert I ever attended. Aerosmith. Twice. Shame on me the second time. The second concertcame complete with empty liquor bottles being thrown at the stage after Tyler basically said F you to the audience.
Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 11:01 PM (dYt5T)


Interesting. Mrs. Cicero has been bugging me to get Aerosmith tickets at The Park in Vegas once the world finally opens back up. I'm leaning, "no."

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 11:03 PM (cuKeo)

312 291
My solution for the next time a pandemic hits is if you shut down the
private sector, you shut down the public sector. NO ONE GETS PAID.
Everyone shares the burden. And no, no reimbursement for public
employees when the panic is over. And no unemployment compensation.
Let's see how long the lockdown goes on.

Posted by: Charles the Simple at May 06, 2020 10:58 PM (HuH1F)


My solution is simpler. Order a lockdown, swing from a lamp post.

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 11:04 PM (WqPYg)

313 Worst concert I ever went to was Carlos Santana opening for the Grateful Dead in the Tacomadome in 1988 or 87 dont remember.

Not even the mushrooms could make it sound good.


Posted by: nurse ratched at May 06, 2020 11:04 PM (U2p+3)

314 Everyone shares the burden


I can't tell you how much hearing government employees and celebrities telling me "we are all in this together" is pissing me off.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 11:04 PM (WdocV)

One of the creepiest and saddest events was that pro golfer Payne Stewart, where I thing everybody onboard his private plane was poisoned by CO2 and the plane just kept flying (presumably on auto-pilot) until it ran out of fuel and crashed.

IIRC, some military jets were scrambled to make contact and escort it -- and to shoot it out of the sky if it looked like it would go down in a populated area.
Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:46 PM (WqPYg)

I remember that because Rush Limbaugh was giving us updates on the whole thing. The plane was on autopilot and moving in a very wide arc, and they were thinking it might run out of fuel over Nebraska or something. The windows were all fogged up.

A very odd day on the EIB Network.

Posted by: Pug Mahon at May 06, 2020 11:05 PM (x8Wzq)

316 Steven Tyler is a horrible human being.

He had a 14 year old "girlfriend" when he was in his late 20s.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 11:06 PM (WdocV)

I still have a hard on for this f*cker after 30 odd years. The battalion and brigade field grades that closed ranks around him have suffered also with collateral damage and career damaging cancer as well. I, on the other hand have steadily progressed through the ranks in my defense industy company while those limp di*k effers are stuck at the entry level for their buttf*ckery.

Posted by: BifBewalski at May 06, 2020 10:46 PM (VcFUs)

So, a love story.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 11:06 PM (sy5kK)

318 My husband's band filled in for John Denver after his crash. It was a benefit for a school for the deaf. You would not be surprised if I told you that sign language for rock and roll is a guitar strumming motion.

Posted by: Emmie at May 06, 2020 11:06 PM (ouBhA)

319 Kansas City is Now Requiring Churches to Keep Lists of People Entering Churches

John Smith

[. . . ]
Jane Smith

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at May 06, 2020 10:49 PM (EGyGV)

A) No John Big-Bootay?
B) Surely "Joseph Smith" at the Mormon church?

Posted by: Kindltot at May 06, 2020 11:06 PM (WyVLE)

320 >>> Interesting. Mrs. Cicero has been bugging me to get Aerosmith tickets at The Park in Vegas once the world finally opens back up. I'm leaning, "no."
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at

I watched utube videos of VH concerts. May be glad I never went, because David Lee Roth appears to to be phoning it in on everyone I see.

Posted by: Turn Two at May 06, 2020 11:06 PM (+AVpa)

321 yet a quick wiki check shows Sexton and Ungar were very close. Interesting info there.

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 11:06 PM (hHxp2)

322 I think the stones covered 'All my love in Vain" on 'Let it Bleed" I always liked that song.

Posted by: The Walking Dude at May 06, 2020 11:06 PM (cCxiu)

323 Quint, yup. I'd like to meet Sexton.

I'd also like to meet Doyle Brunson, who by all accounts, including in his book Super/System, is a born-again Christian. His wife has also done missionary work.

A lot of people also don't know that his daughter, Doyla, who was a teenager at the time, died in 1970, which severely tested his faith.

Unfortunately Doyle's so old (and by his own admission, rather enfeebled) by now, I don't know if I'll have the time to ever meet him. I've heard it's not hard, as long as you know where he's playing.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:07 PM (L2ZTs)

324 Major League Baseball expects to offer a return-to-play proposal to the MLB Players Association within a week, as teams have begun to encourage players to prepare for a "spring" training that could begin in mid-June and a season that could start in early July, sources familiar with the discussions told ESPN.

We need this.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at May 06, 2020 11:07 PM (JCrfD)

325 ...The plane was on autopilot and moving in a very wide arc, and they were thinking it might run out of fuel over Nebraska or something. The windows were all fogged up.

A very odd day on the EIB Network.

Posted by: Pug Mahon at May 06, 2020 11:05 PM

The dread 'spiral dive'...

Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 11:07 PM (7WaWV)

326 >>> Steven Tyler is a horrible human being.

He had a 14 year old "girlfriend" when he was in his late 20s.
Posted by: 18-1 at May

What's your point?

Posted by: Jerry Lee Lewis at May 06, 2020 11:07 PM (+AVpa)

327 320 >>> Interesting. Mrs. Cicero has been bugging me to get Aerosmith tickets at The Park in Vegas once the world finally opens back up. I'm leaning, "no."
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at

I watched utube videos of VH concerts. May be glad I never went, because David Lee Roth appears to to be phoning it in on everyone I see.
Posted by: Turn Two at May 06, 2020 11:06 PM (+AVpa)

I saw them in Milwaukee in 198___?
I was so blasted they might have all been phoning it in

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 11:08 PM (aA3+G)

328 How hard could it be to hack into those signs?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 06, 2020 11:01 PM (LZcDP)


Damn, that brings back memories of that subversive movie "Used Cars."

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 11:08 PM (WqPYg)

329 326 >>> Steven Tyler is a horrible human being.

He had a 14 year old "girlfriend" when he was in his late 20s.
Posted by: 18-1 at May

What's your point?
Posted by: Jerry Lee Lewis at May 06, 2020 11:07 PM (+AVpa)


Yeah, what's your point?

Posted by: Bill Clinton at May 06, 2020 11:08 PM (cuKeo)

330 I believe Sexton and Brunson both urged Stu Unger numerous times to get clean and away from the mob, but Stu just couldn't do it.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:09 PM (L2ZTs)

331 Steven Tyler is a horrible human being.

He had a 14 year old "girlfriend" when he was in his late 20s.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 11:06 PM (WdocV)

Can't catch me 'cause the rabbit done died.

Posted by: Steven Tyler at May 06, 2020 11:09 PM (q1Pj5)

332 One of the creepiest and saddest events was that pro
golfer Payne Stewart, where I thing everybody onboard his private plane
was poisoned by CO2 and the plane just kept flying (presumably on
auto-pilot) until it ran out of fuel and crashed.

IIRC, some military jets were scrambled to make contact and escort
it -- and to shoot it out of the sky if it looked like it would go down
in a populated area.

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 10:46 PM (WqPYg)

I remember that because Rush Limbaugh was giving us updates on the
whole thing. The plane was on autopilot and moving in a very wide arc,
and they were thinking it might run out of fuel over Nebraska or
something. The windows were all fogged up.

A very odd day on the EIB Network.

Posted by: Pug Mahon at May 06, 2020 11:05 PM (x8Wzq)

I saw it on cable news. It is fairly well established that they were gone but the plane kept going and the news was on it.

I saw Payne play live. He had a really nice old school swing. We all know he wore the plus fours as they were his trademark. I remember at one point the NFL paid him a bunch of money to wear a uniform that had the local team's colors and logo wherever he was playing.

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 11:10 PM (hHxp2)

333 Denver's problem was that he was doing touch and goes in a Rutan Long-EZ built by someone else and had depleted the fuel in the aircraft during the flight to the airport and the subsequent touch and goes. The original owner assembled it with the fuel selector switch in a location that Burt Rutan had not intended. Instead of between the legs, it was over the left shoulder and had substantial resistance to being switched. To compound the problem, the fuel gauge was behind the pilot's seat and not visible to the person at the controls.

Wiki's got a pretty good writeup of the accident...

Posted by: Mr. Olson at May 06, 2020 11:10 PM (7s3Gx)

334 Worst concert I ever saw: Scorpions in '92. Pure shite. In an arena. Hate big venue shows.

'Twould be much more difficult to name the best concert I ever saw. The common denominator in all those: small venue.

Alice Cooper

and so forth...

Posted by: Pug Mahon at May 06, 2020 11:10 PM (x8Wzq)

335 I griped last week in this space about a dispute with my wife over closing the lid on our wall-mounted mailbox. She had been leaving it open because of virus fear. Really.

I'm happy to report that the lid has been closed during the past three days. I think the growing number of dead bugs that get trapped inside the box had something to do with it. *snicker*

More good news: The bedroom radio has been free of NPR since she began to work from home. No longer do I have to wake up angry. (Although I admit I used it as a source of intelligence about the enemy.)

I'm sure she hasn't changed her views on anything and that the old pattern will return when she begins to work in her office again. For now, I'm enjoying the respite.

Posted by: Weak Geek at May 06, 2020 11:10 PM (u/nim)

336 324 Major League Baseball expects to offer a return-to-play proposal to the MLB Players Association within a week, as teams have begun to encourage players to prepare for a "spring" training that could begin in mid-June and a season that could start in early July, sources familiar with the discussions told ESPN.

this is AWESOME

and the SEC - almost all of it - has announced they're damn weill playing football this fall. kids will be on campus at most SEC schools.

because the South is simply BETTER than the rest of the country! well, the northeast anyway

Posted by: BlackOrchidInCaptivity at May 06, 2020 11:10 PM (j9HX3)

And we can call reusable grocery bags 'virus transporters'.
Posted by: millions of monkeys and typewriters in the basement at May 06, 2020 10:47 PM (d6mdH)

For effectiveness, make sure that package of chicken you placed in your reusable bag leaks all over the inside, and then put it back in your car for the week or two before you use it the next time.

Bonus points for tossing it on the floor of the back seat and letting the family dog lay on it.

Oh, and don't worry, that chicken blood will dry quickly. You won't even notice it until a couple of hours after your last meal.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 11:11 PM (sy5kK)

338 330 I believe Sexton and Brunson both urged Stu Unger numerous times to get clean and away from the mob, but Stu just couldn't do it.
Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:09 PM (L2ZTs)


Genetics are strange. Stu and Felix were like night and day.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 11:11 PM (cuKeo)

339 It was funny watching Hannity treat Graham like an underling tonight. Maybe everybody does.

Posted by: t-bird at May 06, 2020 11:11 PM (ZS2+d)

340 326 >>> Steven Tyler is a horrible human being.

He had a 14 year old "girlfriend" when he was in his late 20s.

Posted by: 18-1 at May

What's your point?

Posted by: Jerry Lee Lewis at May 06, 2020 11:07 PM (+AVpa)


Yeah, what's your point?
Posted by: Bill Clinton at May 06, 2020 11:08 PM (cuKeo)

What's your point?

Posted by: Jerome Seinfeld at May 06, 2020 11:11 PM (q1Pj5)

341 Pug, I believe all the all-time best rock shows have been in small venues. It's tough to work hard enough to impress 10,000 people all at once.

Even if the show isn't great, the intimacy of a small venue goes a long way towards improving the experience.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:11 PM (L2ZTs)

342 Hi everyone, I just want to apologize for my attitude the past few times I've shown up. I've been taking a step back for my mental health, but things bubble up and I ended up venting here. I've also been drinking way too much, which added to me just blah blah blah freaking out. so today is my first day of not drinking and I'm going to try to stick to that. I'm sorry for freaking out a couple of times, things are tough for all of us right now. I wish you all well and I hope we all get out of this soon.


Posted by: DangerGirl the SanityProd(tm) is lost at May 06, 2020 11:12 PM (ssqLp)

343 Quint, yup. I'd like to meet Sexton.

I'd also like to meet Doyle Brunson, who by all accounts, including
in his book Super/System, is a born-again Christian. His wife has also
done missionary work.

A lot of people also don't know that his daughter, Doyla, who was a
teenager at the time, died in 1970, which severely tested his faith.

Unfortunately Doyle's so old (and by his own admission, rather
enfeebled) by now, I don't know if I'll have the time to ever meet him.
I've heard it's not hard, as long as you know where he's playing.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:07 PM (L2ZTs)

For sure he is the greatest and most revered of them all. His son is a pretty good player too. But it like Jack Nicklaus and Gary Nicklaus, different leagues.

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 11:12 PM (hHxp2)

344 Commissar Hrothgar- it means EVERYBODY. That judge in Dallas, throwing the hair salon owner into jail? He can do that on his own time. Those deputies in Odessa, the "Meal Team Six" arresting at GUNPOINT people protesting the lockdown, they can do it on their own time. And with their own guns and ammo. And SUV. Nazi Pelosi and the rest of the government? No pay. Trump doesn't take pay anyway, and he's the only one actually working.

Posted by: Charles the Simple at May 06, 2020 11:12 PM (HuH1F)

345 Crapspackle! Sock off. Police Squad was so last thread...

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM guy at May 06, 2020 11:13 PM (7s3Gx)

346 Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:29 PM (sy5kK)

Hey, you drive, I'll ride shot gun with Neill & Crazy Horse at Filmore East
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:36 PM (aA3+G)

As long as we stop for beer first, let's go!

This could be the most famous ride since Jake and Elwood.
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:51 PM (sy5kK)
* * * *

That would be epic! And worthy of video.

Posted by: Legally Sufficient at May 06, 2020 11:13 PM (WFcrO)

347 well, the northeast anyway

Posted by: BlackOrchidInCaptivity at May 06, 2020 11:10 PM (j9HX3)

The cocksucking piece-of-shit scumbag Goldman Sachs whore of a governor of my state has extended his fascist lockdown until June 30th.

How the fuck does he know so much about the epidemiology of epidemics? And that they are eased by closing gun stores?

I hope he dies of a loathsome disease.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 06, 2020 11:14 PM (dLLD6)

348 Hang in there, DangerGirl!!

Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 11:14 PM (7WaWV)

349 And anything with cream is at the risk of falling apart with a single wrong move.

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 10:58 PM (hHxp2)

I've never had a problem with the cream when mixed with vodka and Kahlua. Well, except for the hangover from drinking too many 'milkshakes'. Cream is thick enough to withstand the mixing with alcohol, unless you're mixing one part cream with 1,000 parts booze.

Posted by: RickZ at May 06, 2020 11:15 PM (Y8PSl)

350 Hands down not even close, worst concert I ever attended. Aerosmith.

They were pretty good at Comisky Park in 76. Bad thing is the roof of the stands caught on fire and we came this close to climbing down the outside of the upper deck. Being around panicked people is not a good place to be.

Posted by: dartist at May 06, 2020 11:15 PM (K22Va)

351 {{{Danger Girl}}}

We're here for you!

Posted by: Emmie at May 06, 2020 11:15 PM (ouBhA)

352 Genetics are strange. Stu and Felix were like night and day.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 11:11 PM (cuKeo)

ba doom bah!

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 11:15 PM (hHxp2)

353 John Denver died in a small pusher-prop plane (experimental?) while trying to turn a valve to switch over to aux fuel. That failed. It crashed in to Monterey Bay, a beautiful spot.
He was a conservative, I know to this day several that played in his band, who are also conservatives.
He was a great guy.
Posted by: navybrat, hot house orchid at May 06, 2020 11:02 PM (w7KSn)

Denver's plane was a Bert Rutan design Long-Eze, built by another person, who moved the fuel tank changeover valve from its proper location.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 06, 2020 11:15 PM (LZcDP)

354 unless you're mixing one part cream with 1,000 parts booze.

Posted by: RickZ at May 06, 2020 11:15 PM (Y8PSl)


Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 06, 2020 11:15 PM (dLLD6)

355 Cicero, fun fact:

In his early days in the 1980s, Stu Ungar (not Unger, I was misspelling his name) looked an awful lot like Ashton Kutcher.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:16 PM (L2ZTs)

356 And anything with cream is at the risk of falling apart with a single wrong move.

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 10:58 PM (hHxp2)

I've never had a problem with the cream when mixed with vodka and
Kahlua. Well, except for the hangover from drinking too many
'milkshakes'. Cream is thick enough to withstand the mixing with
alcohol, unless you're mixing one part cream with 1,000 parts booze.

Posted by: RickZ at May 06, 2020 11:15 PM (Y8PSl)

I knew I was doing something wrong!

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 11:16 PM (hHxp2)

357 Cob privilege... CBD haz it!

Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 11:16 PM (7WaWV)

358 I have always wanted to do a small prop plane, an ultralight or something. It would be a thrill. IFF rules.
The problem is, if I got in to it, it would no longer be an ultra light.
Gravity is a stone cold bitch...

Posted by: navybrat, hot house orchid at May 06, 2020 11:17 PM (w7KSn)

359 {{{WDS}}}

More encouragement went to Brother CavilTim today. Thanks for your help!

Posted by: Emmie at May 06, 2020 11:17 PM (ouBhA)

360 355 Cicero, fun fact:

In his early days in the 1980s, Stu Ungar (not Unger, I was misspelling his name) looked an awful lot like Ashton Kutcher.
Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:16 PM (L2ZTs)


Thanks Steve. I will place that in my News You Can Use file.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 11:17 PM (cuKeo)

361 Mt. Gould?

Posted by: Derak at May 06, 2020 11:17 PM (BMFHr)

362 I saw Edgar Winter Group in a bar in Billings, Montana in the '90s. Great fucking show.

I love watching musicians play simply because they love it. Don't matter how many people are in the audience.

Once saw Exodus take the stage even though there were maybe 40 of us in the club. The opening bands said fuck it. But Exodus played their entire set, and talked between songs about the episode of South Park they had just watched in their bus.

Fr the record, it was the Oprah's Minge episode.

Fucking love Exodus.

Posted by: Pug Mahon at May 06, 2020 11:17 PM (x8Wzq)

363 Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 06, 2020 11:14 PM (dLLD6)

June 30th?

Da Fuck!!

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 11:17 PM (aA3+G)

364 Also re poker, I know that Tobey Macguire burned a lot of bridges in Hollywood, because he behaved like such an entitled asshole during the underground poker games he played for several years.

Supposedly that's outlined in the book Molly's Game.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:17 PM (L2ZTs)

365 Cicero, you never know when you might find yourself in a Hollywood casting office. ;-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:18 PM (L2ZTs)

366 287 Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:51 PM (sy5kK)

not sure how to give you a thumbs up
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:57 PM (aA3+G)

You just did.

Can you get me a beer?


Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 11:18 PM (sy5kK)

367 Back in my piloting days, the Burt Rutan designs were all the rage. This was the early '80s.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 11:19 PM (cuKeo)

368 I don't think the centre can hold until 30 JUN...

Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 11:19 PM (7WaWV)

369 It needs to be announced loudly:


Go forth and share!

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:19 PM (L2ZTs)

370 >>>As long as we stop for beer first, let's go!

This could be the most famous ride since Jake and Elwood.
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:51 PM (sy5kK)
* * * *

That would be epic! And worthy of video.
Posted by: Legally Sufficient at May 06, 2020 11:13 PM (WFcrO)

Might I suggest a Bee Double E Double Are you N, beer run?

Posted by: Todd Snider at May 06, 2020 11:19 PM (+AVpa)

371 The cocksucking piece-of-shit scumbag Goldman Sachs whore of a governor of my state has extended his fascist lockdown until June 30th.

holy shit CBD you live in NJ!??!?

altho it's a close thing, which is worse, PA or NJ

you can buy booze, so that's a plus for you

AND I just am not seeing people in NJ complying - basically a lot of people ignore Murphy (which is good). PA people are really obedient it's annoying.

Posted by: BlackOrchidInCaptivity at May 06, 2020 11:19 PM (j9HX3)

372 It is very strange that the same techniques that will save us from the Pandemic will also save us from Global Warming, and transphobia and rampant capitalism.

Posted by: Kindltot at May 06, 2020 11:20 PM (WyVLE)

373 I didn't know Tyler had collapsed on stage. I do know he did tons of shows on complete autopilot and doesn't remember anything about them.
Posted by: qdpsteve

Hands down not even close, worst concert I ever attended. Aerosmith. Twice. Shame on me the second time. The second concertcame complete with empty liquor bottles being thrown at the stage after Tyler basically said F you to the audience.

Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 11:01 PM (dYt5T)

My favorite story of Tyler was when he was still doing his drug benders. He was with a member of the band in a hotel room, heard some song on the radio and said they should do that song. The band member said, 'That's us, you asshole.'

Posted by: RickZ at May 06, 2020 11:20 PM (Y8PSl)

374 Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:17 PM (L2ZTs)

Really? Didn't know that's why. Love me some Hold Em

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 06, 2020 11:20 PM (IYHxL)

375 Hi everyone, I just want to apologize for my attitude the past few times
I've shown up. I've been taking a step back for my mental health, but
things bubble up and I ended up venting here. I've also been drinking
way too much,

Seems normal to me!

Posted by: dartist at May 06, 2020 11:20 PM (K22Va)

Made a reservation for a party of one for 7:30 Mass this Sunday.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 06, 2020 11:21 PM (mht8P)

377 {{{Danger Girl}}}

We're here for you!

Posted by: Emmie at May 06, 2020 11:15 PM (ouBhA)

Thanks Emmie. My amazing governor is letting us attend drive-in movies starting in this state where the last drive-in movie theater closed in 2008. What a generous and benevolent dictator.
It's hard to have faith these days, but I'm trying really hard.

Posted by: DangerGirl the SanityProd(tm) is lost at May 06, 2020 11:21 PM (ssqLp)

378 Worst concert I ever went to was Carlos Santana opening for the Grateful Dead in the Tacomadome in 1988 or 87 dont remember.

Not even the mushrooms could make it sound good.

Posted by: nurse ratched

Wow! Beauty is in the ear of the listener apparently. Carlos is at opposite end of my list, again twice. In 75 with Buddy Guy and years later 2023 with my son. Zepplin in the Kingdom in 76 comes in at a close 2nd.

Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 11:21 PM (dYt5T)

379 >>> I've also been drinking
way too much,

Seems normal to me!
Posted by: dartist

Is that even possible?

Posted by: Charlie Harper at May 06, 2020 11:21 PM (+AVpa)

380 I don't think the centre can hold until 30 JUN...
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 11:19 PM (7WaWV)

Local paper actually reported that a Salem Oregon salon reopened in defiance of Governor Brown's lockdown. a good crowd showed up to support her.

Posted by: Kindltot at May 06, 2020 11:21 PM (WyVLE)

381 364
Also re poker, I know that Tobey Macguire burned a lot of bridges in
Hollywood, because he behaved like such an entitled asshole during the
underground poker games he played for several years.

Supposedly that's outlined in the book Molly's Game.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:17 PM (L2ZTs)


Yeah, read that too. That was a good movie.
I once saw Kevin Pollack in the poker room of The Bellagio (around the year 2000). He's apparently a notorious poker player.

Willie Nelson also apparently has lots of poker games with various friends and celebs.

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 11:22 PM (WqPYg)

382 Danger girl, shits getting to all of us. don't sweat it and God bless you

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 06, 2020 11:22 PM (IYHxL)

383 2023 my son and I borrowed the Dr. Brown's Delorean.

Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 11:22 PM (dYt5T)

384 thathalfrican, thanks, I love it too. I miss playing live.

I shared at a poker forum elsewhere a few weeks back that when live poker comes back to casinos, there's unfortunately gonna be a lot of changes that will likely change the feel of the game a lot. Namely:

- Masks required for everyone

- Gloves possibly required too... or, only dealers will be allowed to handle chips

- Max 6 players per table; no more 9-10 people per

- Lots of breaks for cleaning everything, including chips, cards and shuffle machines

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:22 PM (L2ZTs)

385 >>> ------------------------------------------
Thanks Emmie. My amazing governor is letting us attend drive-in movies starting in this state where the last drive-in movie theater closed in 2008. What a generous and benevolent dictator.
It's hard to have faith these days, but I'm trying really hard.
Posted by: DangerGirl t

Which state?

Posted by: Turn Two at May 06, 2020 11:23 PM (+AVpa)

386 Garden wall. Glacier.

Posted by: Derak at May 06, 2020 11:23 PM (BMFHr)

387 Local paper actually reported that a Salem Oregon salon reopened in defiance of Governor Brown's lockdown. a good crowd showed up to support her.

Posted by: Kindltot at May 06, 2020 11:21 PM

Good on them! We need more of this... I've been a bit rebellious of late myself...

Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 11:23 PM (7WaWV)

388 Danger Girl, trust me that a lot of us have been there and done that

That makes you.... ONE OF US, ONE OF US, ONE OF US...

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:24 PM (qAR6u)

389 Danger Girl--this is a good place to come to vent. Hang in there. Those of us the right have to stick together.

Posted by: Ladyl at May 06, 2020 11:24 PM (TdMsT)

390 382 Danger girl, shits getting to all of us. don't sweat it and God bless you
Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 06, 2020 11:22 PM (IYHxL)


Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 11:24 PM (aA3+G)

391 >>> Danger girl, shits getting to all of us. don't sweat it and God bless you
Posted by: thathalfrican -

I rate this as 100% true.

Posted by: Turn Two at May 06, 2020 11:24 PM (+AVpa)

392 I'm busy researching the net for Kayleigh McAnany bikini pics

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:25 PM (qAR6u)

Good on them! We need more of this... I've been a bit rebellious of late myself...
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 11:23 PM (7WaWV)


I've been rebelling since this started but so far nobody's seemed to notice.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 11:25 PM (cuKeo)

394 I've never had a problem with the cream when mixed
with vodka and Kahlua. Well, except for the hangover from drinking too
many 'milkshakes'. Cream is thick enough to withstand the mixing with
alcohol, unless you're mixing one part cream with 1,000 parts booze.

Posted by: RickZ at May 06, 2020 11:15 PM (Y8PSl)

I used to drink those in college at a certain bar. They would add a bit of coke and called it a Colorado Bulldog.

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 11:26 PM (hHxp2)

395 >>> I'm busy researching the net for Kayleigh McAnany bikini pics
Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:25 PM (qAR6u)

After today, don't tease!

Posted by: Turn Two at May 06, 2020 11:27 PM (+AVpa)

396 The one poker player who seems like a really straight laced guy is Mike Sexton. Sure no one knows anyone, but Sexton seems the opposite of Unger to me.

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 11:03 PM (hHxp2)

Mike Sexton is a former 82nd Airborne paratrooper, though he never saw combat. That might account for 'the good guy' image. When I looked Sexton up on the always reliable Wiki, it stated Sexton was a pallbearer and speaker at Stu Unger's funeral.

/The circle of life ONT conversations.

Posted by: RickZ at May 06, 2020 11:27 PM (Y8PSl)

397 326 >>> Steven Tyler is a horrible human being. 

He had a 14 year old "girlfriend" when he was in his late 20s. 

Posted by: 18-1 at May 

What's your point? 

Posted by: Jerry Lee Lewis at May 06, 2020 11:07 PM (+AVpa) 


Yeah, what's your point? 
Posted by: Bill Clinton at May 06, 2020 11:08 PM (cuKeo) 

What's your point?

Posted by: Jerome Seinfeld at May 06, 2020 11:11 PM (q1Pj5


Your point is?...

Posted by: Woody Allen at May 06, 2020 11:27 PM (flINI)

398 I've been rebelling since this started but so far nobody's seemed to notice.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 11:25 PM (cuKeo

Rebel without a pause.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at May 06, 2020 11:28 PM (G4GU9)

399 Remember when solitary confinement was supposed to be a horrible thing that would drive prisoners crazy....but is now just a normal thing lefty governors can sentence their people to with no trial?

Odd how things change so quickly....

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 11:28 PM (WdocV)

400 "386 Garden wall. Glacier.
Posted by: Derak at May 06, 2020 11:23 PM (BMFHr)"

That actually was my first guess. The correct answer's at posting 283.

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent at May 06, 2020 11:28 PM (7s3Gx)

401 Mike Sexton is a former 82nd Airborne paratrooper, though he never saw
combat. That might account for 'the good guy' image. When I looked
Sexton up on the always reliable Wiki, it stated Sexton was a pallbearer
and speaker at Stu Unger's funeral.

/The circle of life ONT conversations.


If Sexton is from Ghana, we've REALLY come full circle.

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 11:28 PM (WqPYg)

402 So, a love story.
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg

Oh, yes. I still like to smack dat ass. Hopefully they know I've been effing them. Totally makes up for the eighteen months of PTSD group therapy I went through, the night mares, the depression, the anger, the desire to just say eff it all and walk away. Yes. I reach out and fuck them in their ass with a 12 inch girthy donkey dick at least annually for their sins.

Two of my platoon committed suicide within the next year. The rest of my mechanics (2 post soldiers of the year, and one post NCO of the year, one Sgt. Morales candidate) all ETS-ed mid career. The rest, kind of stayed mentally in SWA and never came home again. My duty to those troops is to make the command and their enabling staff regret ever deciding to f*ck with me or my troops.

There is no hell hot enough for those ashoe.

And that is the Apollo Root Cause of my deep seated hatred and anger at people that think they should rule me (and those I care for).

Posted by: BifBewalski at May 06, 2020 11:29 PM (VcFUs)

403 Guten abend, mein fapperschoen!

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at May 06, 2020 11:29 PM (NWiLs)

404 I just hope I don't confuse it with my mental *enemies* list.
Posted by: Dr. T at May 06, 2020 10:47 PM (pxDdN)

Uhhh. Me too.

Posted by: Emmie at May 06, 2020 11:29 PM (ouBhA)

405 I'm busy researching the net for Kayleigh McAnany bikini pics

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:25 PM

I saw the vid of her giving the press their 'homework' -- My God, Jim!! I thought I should spontaneously ejaculate! I was only able to restrain myself by thinking of the Ghanaian Funeral Dancers...

Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at May 06, 2020 11:29 PM (7WaWV)

406 I love the judgemental twerps on Twatter who call those wanting the salons reopened because "they're too spoiled to go without a haircut"

This comes from slugs laying around on mom's couch stuffing their faces in front of the TV while collecting more in unemployment than they make at Starbucks, doing TikTok videos, and judging us on their iPhones as "selfish"

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:29 PM (qAR6u)

407 Your burnin' burnin' point?

Posted by: E the Pelvis at May 06, 2020 11:29 PM (HuH1F)

408 altho it's a close thing, which is worse, PA or NJ

Pikers. I got WA locked down till July 6th.

Posted by: Gov. Jay Inslee at May 06, 2020 11:30 PM (786Ro)

409 399
Remember when solitary confinement was supposed to be a horrible thing
that would drive prisoners crazy....but is now just a normal thing lefty
governors can sentence their people to with no trial?

Odd how things change so quickly....

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 11:28 PM (WdocV)


Next thing you know, they'll order Britney Spears music piped into our homes.

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 11:30 PM (WqPYg)

410 Thanks everyone, you make me feel better, seriously.

Which state?

Posted by: Turn Two at May 06, 2020 11:23 PM (+AVpa)


Posted by: DangerGirl the SanityProd(tm) is lost at May 06, 2020 11:30 PM (ssqLp)

411 Dangergirl,
Love, we have all been struggling. The mental health toll this is going to take will take years to repair.
No judgement. Do what you can to stay sane.
I cry, no sob, every damn day.

I miss baseball. I miss my friends, some are lost forever. They didnt die, but they drank the kool aid and have invested in their victimhood to an extent I cannot tolerate.

My Church has left me to drown.

I get it. We are resilient. It's ok to feel overwhelmed and to unload here

Blessings and peace to you

Posted by: nurse ratched at May 06, 2020 11:31 PM (U2p+3)

412 Thanks you all for being the Horde. You truly sustain me.
Many thanks to MisHum for this ONT.

Does anyone understand Pritzers directives? F him I went in to Walgreens and was only the unmasked person there.

Posted by: Farmer at May 06, 2020 11:31 PM (Iw9bs)

413 I am really hoping lots of retailers just open, not even making a big deal about it.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at May 06, 2020 11:31 PM (r+sAi)

414 403 Guten abend, mein fapperschoen!

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at May 06, 2020 11:29 PM (NWiLs)


Ooh, you're wearing me down with all that gemutlichkeit.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 11:31 PM (cuKeo)

415 Also re poker, I know that Tobey Macguire burned a lot of bridges in

Hollywood, because he behaved like such an entitled asshole during the

underground poker games he played for several years.

Supposedly that's outlined in the book Molly's Game.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:17 PM (L2ZTs)
I bought a Gambling Times magazine as a kid a good 20 years before the poker boom. They kept talking about Texas Hold'em but i didn't know what they meant. I thought it must be a game were you get dealt the cards and just hold them. I played five card draw back then with my buddies. I wish I studied hold'em at that point as I would have had a pretty decent edge after the Moneymaker and Rounders poker boom.

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 11:31 PM (hHxp2)

416 The problem with our press is that they can't even remember what they themselves were pushing a week ago.
Predictable little sub average IQ idiots, out to change the world.
Legions of them.

Posted by: navybrat, hot house orchid at May 06, 2020 11:32 PM (w7KSn)

417 Oh but of course.

NBC News: Gov Whitmer wants to ban firearms from the state capitol after armed anti-lockdown protests.

Can't wait to watch the courts bitchslap her down with extreme prejudice.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:33 PM (L2ZTs)

418 411

Love, we have all been struggling. The mental health toll this is going to take will take years to repair.

No judgement. Do what you can to stay sane.

I cry, no sob, every damn day.

I miss baseball. I miss my friends, some are lost forever. They
didnt die, but they drank the kool aid and have invested in their
victimhood to an extent I cannot tolerate.

My Church has left me to drown.

I get it. We are resilient. It's ok to feel overwhelmed and to unload here

Blessings and peace to you

Posted by: nurse ratched at May 06, 2020 11:31 PM (U2p+3)


Ironically, as physical masks have become required ... the character masks of friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, "rulers," etc. have all slipped.

Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 11:33 PM (WqPYg)

419 well DangerGirl if there is a drive in movie theater left in DE to be found, I'm totally there for that!

at least your state is making an attempt at opening

ugh I hate Wolf

Posted by: BlackOrchidInCaptivity at May 06, 2020 11:33 PM (j9HX3)

420 I'm busy researching the net for Kayleigh McAnany bikini pics
Posted by: kbdabear

Where does one apply for said research grant?

Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 11:34 PM (dYt5T)

421 >>> Mike Sexton is a former 82nd Airborne paratrooper, though he never saw

Apropo of nothing, but it reminds me, my uncle is was 101st in '69. That's all I know because he won't talk about it. Anyhoo, of course he has the "death from above" tat. I've told my three kids, when they've done what he's done, THEN you can get a tattoo.

Posted by: Turn Two at May 06, 2020 11:34 PM (+AVpa)

422 Ooh, you're wearing me down with all that gemutlichkeit.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 11:31 PM (cuKeo)

Ein prosit!

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at May 06, 2020 11:34 PM (NWiLs)

423 "Appetite For Destruction was the shit."

Word! And the rest was mostly shit.

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at May 06, 2020 11:35 PM (zo4+n)

424 Quint, yup, I wish I had known about it then too.

Hold'em was pushed and eventually became most popular because unlike most traditional poker games (draw and stud), it has *four* betting rounds. Trad games usually only have two.

The belief was that the larger pots and increased suspense would help build up interest in the game, and it worked, at least from 1998 to about 2004.

Poker isn't nearly as popular anymore as it was during that time, and I don't know if it'll ever be that popular again, but I still have a lot of good memories and had a ton of fun, even if I lost a lot of money way back when.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:35 PM (L2ZTs)

425 Kayleigh McAnany...

"I would hit that so hard ___________"

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:35 PM (qAR6u)

426 Hi Emmie, I am also very slow! Sending an email now...

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at May 06, 2020 11:36 PM (0ReGO)

427 Does anyone understand Pritzers directives? F him I went in to Walgreens and was only the unmasked person there.

He's preparing us for the massive tax increase he doesn't want to put on the backs of Illinois taxpayers to bail out the pensions they stole the money from.

Posted by: dartist at May 06, 2020 11:36 PM (K22Va)

428 at least your state is making an attempt at opening

ugh I hate Wolf

Posted by: BlackOrchidInCaptivity at May 06, 2020 11:33 PM (j9HX3)

It's a farce of an opening. There are no drive in theaters. My local Hallmark store can reopen but curbside service only. How am I supposed to pick a card from my car? So, my husband will go to Walmart and get one there. I feel like the world is going insane and I'm trying not to follow.
nurse ratched, I am hugging you from afar. I know exactly how you feel. I am so lost right now.

Posted by: DangerGirl the SanityProd(tm) is lost at May 06, 2020 11:36 PM (ssqLp)

429 Willowed:
Under the Supreme Court case of Ex Parte Milligan as long as the Civilian Courts are operating there is no state of emergency dire enough to allow the suspension of Constitutional Rights.

The judge bullying that Hair Salon owner in Texas legally ends the lockdown, our Constitutional rights are restored in full.

Posted by: An Observation at May 06, 2020 11:36 PM (6JrQy)

430 From the earlier thread today on those fkker mrap cops, "Meal Team Six" had me LOL at work for a couple of minutes.

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at May 06, 2020 11:36 PM (zo4+n)

431 if there is a drive in movie theater left in DE to be found, I'm totally there for that!


Should I conjure one up?

Posted by: Christine O'Donnell at May 06, 2020 11:38 PM (WdocV)

432 425 Kayleigh McAnany...

"I would hit that so hard ___________"
Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:35 PM (qAR6u)
14 d9's would not pull me off

Posted by: Menack at May 06, 2020 11:38 PM (buTO7)

433 DangerGirl even still, I know it's curbside or whatever, but NOTHING is opening in PA


ok so - what is the mask-wearing situation like there? is everyone 100 percent complying, are they mandatory everywhere, like if you're outside of your house, or just in certain stores?

Posted by: BlackOrchidInCaptivity at May 06, 2020 11:38 PM (j9HX3)

434 Supposedly that's outlined in the book Molly's Game.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:17 PM (L2ZTs)

Is that a good book? I have read a few good poker books over the years but not in a long time. Two i can vouch for are The Professor, Banker, and Suicide King, as well was Positively Fifth Street. There was another about a Brit poker player and author but I can't come up with the title at this juncture.

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 11:38 PM (hHxp2)

435 >>> Thanks you all for being the Horde. You truly sustain me.
Many thanks to MisHum for this ONT.

Does anyone understand Pritzers directives? F him I went in to Walgreens and was only the unmasked person there.
Posted by: Farmer at

That's a good question that I'd like to know the answer to. Wifey and I rode down along the river this weekend. Wanted to come back on the Ill side, by way of Galena. But every gas station said mask required. Decided to say on our side, in case potty break needed.

Posted by: Turn Two at May 06, 2020 11:38 PM (+AVpa)

436 Steven Tyler is a horrible human being.

He had a 14 year old "girlfriend" when he was in his late 20s.

Posted by: 18-1 at May

What's your point?

Posted by: Jerry Lee Lewis at May 06, 2020 11:07 PM (+AVpa)


Yeah, what's your point?
Posted by: Bill Clinton at May 06, 2020 11:08 PM (cuKeo)

What's your point?
Posted by: Jerome Seinfeld at May 06, 2020 11:11 PM

The point is, did she have a big rack?

Posted by: Joe Biden at May 06, 2020 11:39 PM (786Ro)

437 I love the judgemental twerps on Twatter who call those wanting the
salons reopened because "they're too spoiled to go without a haircut"


I am Groot

Posted by: Mayor Groot, Chicago at May 06, 2020 11:39 PM (kOpft)

438 Quint, I haven't read it but it sounds fun. I probably will eventually. :-)

Most of the poker books i've read have been how-to books by the likes of Sklansky, Mike Caro and Lou Krieger.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:39 PM (L2ZTs)

439 I feel like the world is going insane


It has been going in that direction for a is just more obvious now.

No one in 2008 would believe the world of 2020. Hell....I'm not sure anyone in 2016 would either.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 11:39 PM (WdocV)

440 Danger Girl.

It's not the Virus, or the Lockdown that's the problem.

You're in DELAWARE. Or, as Biden sees it, UNAWARE.

That'd be enough to drive anyone to drink!


Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at May 06, 2020 11:40 PM (QzJWU)

441 Helena, no problem! I will check the inbox.

Posted by: Emmie at May 06, 2020 11:40 PM (ouBhA)

442 425 Kayleigh McAnany...

"I would hit that so hard ___________"
Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:35 PM (qAR6u)

The explosive force would create a new universe.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at May 06, 2020 11:40 PM (NWiLs)

443 Poker isn't nearly as popular anymore as it was
during that time, and I don't know if it'll ever be that popular again,
but I still have a lot of good memories and had a ton of fun, even if I
lost a lot of money way back when.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:35 PM (L2ZTs)

understood. It went the way of the cigar boom that I believe preceded it by a year or so. The games got too hard really and people got sick of losing. No way is it like it was then. We can still remember the days of celebrity poker though

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 11:41 PM (hHxp2)

444 ok so - what is the mask-wearing situation like there?

I told off a Karen the other day. But I think most of the stores around me are requiring them now so...f*ck me I guess.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 11:41 PM (WdocV)

445 Worst concert I ever went to was a DMX concert. Opening acts were unremarkable, a fight broke out between some chicks while a dude refereed and almost started another fight with people trying to break it up and DMX showed up drunk, late did he his set and bounced.

I was highly pissed as was my buddy.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 06, 2020 11:41 PM (IYHxL)

And I'm going to try - try - to go to Confession tomorrow. It's been a bad two months.

I'm always amazed that despite what an awful person I am, I have never been treated with anything but compassion and encouragement. I think priests feel if you're remorseful enough to spill the beans they're not going to beat up on you.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 06, 2020 11:41 PM (mht8P)

447 418
Ironically, as physical masks have become required ... the character masks of friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, "rulers," etc. have all slipped.
Posted by: ShainS, COVID-1984 survivor at May 06, 2020 11:33 PM (WqPYg)

I never dreamed that we'd see such complete and volatile Us vs Them in the USA, but here we are.

Mis Hum, thanks for these great bluesmen! A dose of the blues is always welcome medicine!

Posted by: RondinellaMamma at May 06, 2020 11:42 PM (8/7u2)

448 I used to drink those in college at a certain bar. They would add a bit of coke and called it a Colorado Bulldog.

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 11:26 PM (hHxp2)

That just sounds all kinds of wrong.

Posted by: RickZ at May 06, 2020 11:42 PM (Y8PSl)

449 Speaking of those poker games, there were supposedly some high stakes private games in Vegas that celebrities and athletes would get into.

There was a story that Charlie Sheen lost a shitload at one of those game and told the game boss he couldn't pay up. Supposedly "some guys" showed up at Martin Sheen's house in Malibu to collect what Charlie owed.

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:42 PM (qAR6u)

450 I'm busy researching the net for Kayleigh McAnany bikini pics

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:25 PM (qAR6u)

Um. Not sure if true or not, but someone here mentioned today that she has had a double mastectomy, because she has that bad breast cancer gene.

Status : confirmed. She talked about it on Fox News. At age 30, as a preventative measure.

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 06, 2020 11:42 PM (Z4rgH)

451 Quint, yup.

It didn't help that our fave prez of all time, Barack, presided over Black Friday, which made it all but illegal and impossible to play poker online. He made a lot of enemies that day.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:42 PM (L2ZTs)

452 Why was Dana Loetsch complaining about Kayleigh McAnany's boobs? I'm not even kidding here. I see a bunch of stuff on the internets and it looks too dumb to read.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 06, 2020 11:42 PM (WdocV)

453 {{{Nurse}}}

We'll stick together here.

I'm so angry about this effing farce I can't even talk about it.

Posted by: Ladyl at May 06, 2020 11:42 PM (TdMsT)

454 >>> I'm always amazed that despite what an awful person I am, I have never been treated with anything but compassion and encouragement. I think priests feel if you're remorseful enough to spill the beans they're not going to beat up on you.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 06, 2020 11:41 PM (mht8P)

Three Hail Mary's and your good to go.

Posted by: Turn Two at May 06, 2020 11:42 PM (+AVpa)

455 Oh but of course.

NBC News: Gov Whitmer wants to ban firearms from the state capitol after armed anti-lockdown protests.

Can't wait to watch the courts bitchslap her down with extreme prejudice.

That Second City Cop blog someone linked a few nights ago had an article about how the totalitarians are going to push things until they get armed conflict. He wasn't terribly interested in participating. I doubt Lansing police are going to be any more excited to, given they let armed protesters into the capital last time.

Posted by: Methos at May 06, 2020 11:43 PM (kOpft)

456 ok so - what is the mask-wearing situation like
there? is everyone 100 percent complying, are they mandatory everywhere,
like if you're outside of your house, or just in certain stores?

Posted by: BlackOrchidInCaptivity at May 06, 2020 11:38 PM (j9HX3)

Mandatory in all stores. Outdoors not mandatory as far as I know. But supposedly there is some exception if you medically can't wear a mask? I don't know how you prove that though. I have no idea what the compliance factor is, to be honest. I haven't been in a store for the past two weeks, when I went to WalMart and had a panic attack from all the new "rules". So, Mr D is kind enough to run all the errands for me.
Who knows what this idiot governor will do in the future though, he's in cahoots with your guy and Murphy and Cuomo etc. He's a fucking moron.

Posted by: DangerGirl the SanityProd(tm) is lost at May 06, 2020 11:43 PM (ssqLp)

457 >>> Three Hail Mary's and your good to go.
Posted by: Turn Two at May

Ugh. You*re.

Posted by: Turn Two at May 06, 2020 11:43 PM (+AVpa)

458 "at least your state is making an attempt at opening
ugh I hate Wolf"

And I hate Goobernor Herr Docktor Babykiller McBlackface Coonman Grabbygun Klanhood Commie O'Fuckhead. Asshole!

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at May 06, 2020 11:43 PM (zo4+n)

459 The Payne Stewart crash happened in 1999, before the 9/11, so those jets had no intention of shooting him down.

The probable cause of the crash was the plane had a pressurization failure, so as it climbed...the pilots passed out from lack of oxygen.

There are many systems in place to prevent this from happening normally.

However...those systems failed...leading to the tragedy and crash.
Posted by: El Jefe at May 06, 2020 10:58 PM (Ae67h)

October 25, 1999.

When they figured out something was wrong was when the plane was way off course and I am sure ATC found the plane unresponsive. So some ANG jets were scrambled to check it out. The pilots radioed back that the windows were iced over from the inside, and with that, it was all too clear what happened. Mr. Stewart's plane was followed clear up to ND, where it ran out of fuel, and crashed in a field. When it did so, there was no fire, because the fuel tanks were that used up at that point.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 06, 2020 11:43 PM (zqhdn)

460 Kayleigh McAnany...

"I would hit that so hard ___________"
Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:35 PM (qAR6u)

They have to cut me off with the jaws of life

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:44 PM (qAR6u)

461 Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:22 PM (L2ZTs)

If that pans out I'll never play in a casino again.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 06, 2020 11:44 PM (IYHxL)

462 Quint, I haven't read it but it sounds fun. I probably will eventually. :-)

Most of the poker books i've read have been how-to books by the likes of Sklansky, Mike Caro and Lou Krieger.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 06, 2020 11:39 PM (L2ZTs)

Sure I get that. Sklansky wrote the "bible" along with Doyle's book. Sklansky could not write a lick but what he did write was pretty important. The books I mentioned were non fiction and just for fun. They were both good as I recall.

I even read one about Asian poker players in Maryland at one point. I think that was an e-book but even that was a decent read. I guess I was in the weeds at that point.

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 11:44 PM (hHxp2)

463 454 >>> I'm always amazed that despite what an awful person I am, I have never been treated with anything but compassion and encouragement. I think priests feel if you're remorseful enough to spill the beans they're not going to beat up on you.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 06, 2020 11:41 PM (mht8P)

Three Hail Mary's and your good to go.
Posted by: Turn Two at May 06, 2020 11:42 PM (+AVpa)

That's three Ave Marias, you Vatican II heretic!

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at May 06, 2020 11:44 PM (NWiLs)

464 They have to cut me off with the jaws of life

Sounds like a date!

Posted by: That German cannibal guy at May 06, 2020 11:44 PM (WdocV)

465 It's not the Virus, or the Lockdown that's the problem.

You're in DELAWARE. Or, as Biden sees it, UNAWARE.

That'd be enough to drive anyone to drink!



Sunk New Dawn

Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at May 06, 2020 11:40 PM (QzJWU)

Heh, thanks Jim, that gave me a laugh.

Posted by: DangerGirl the SanityProd(tm) is lost at May 06, 2020 11:45 PM (ssqLp)

466 Hi Ladyl!

So good to see you are with the grandlovies again today! Savor every minute.

God is good to create such cherubs.

Posted by: nurse ratched at May 06, 2020 11:45 PM (U2p+3)

467 Thanks for the info DE peeps!

I have to venture to NotTotalWine soon - trying to get prepared.

(I've heard they aren't carding us PA losers at TotalWine anymore, but I like a nice drive anyway so I'll take my time and go somewhere other than TW to be safe)

Posted by: BlackOrchidInCaptivity at May 06, 2020 11:45 PM (j9HX3)

468 Posted by: GnuBreed at May 06, 2020 11:42 PM (Z4rgH)

Damn that's fucking awful. File that under fuck cancer.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 06, 2020 11:46 PM (IYHxL)

469 That's three Ave Marias, you Vatican II heretic!

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at May 06, 2020 11:44 PM (NWiLs)

Get some sleep you have to work tomorrow.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 06, 2020 11:46 PM (4tEsR)

470 >> Three Hail Mary's and your good to go.
Posted by: Turn Two at May

Ugh. You*re.
Posted by: Turn Two at May 06, 2020 11:43 PM (+AVpa)


PRO TIP: Upgrade to a Bakelite Elite membership and you get limited editing privileges.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 11:47 PM (cuKeo)

471 > 397 326 >>> Steven Tyler is a horrible human being.

He had a 14 year old "girlfriend" when he was in his late 20s.

Posted by: 18-1 at May

What's your point?

Posted by: Jerry Lee Lewis at May 06, 2020 11:07 PM (+AVpa)


Yeah, what's your point?
Posted by: Bill Clinton at May 06, 2020 11:08 PM (cuKeo)

What's your point?

Posted by: Jerome Seinfeld at May 06, 2020 11:11 PM (q1Pj5


Your point is?...

Posted by: Woody Allen at May 06, 2020 11:27 PM (flINI)

Only one?

Amateurs. I'm surrounded by amateurs.

Posted by: Jeffrey Epstein at May 06, 2020 11:47 PM (mNq/0)

472 John Denver bought an experimental aircraft that had the fuel tank selector valve in a non-standard place. It was hard to reach and required some practice to become familiar with it's location and operation. this type of thing is not unusual for experimental aircraft in that it's up to the builder to do what they think appropriate. He didn't become familiar with his aircraft before he flew it and paid the ultimate price. Sad.
There was a big law suit afterward by his family against the builder and I'm not sure of the outcome, but I don't think it turned out well for the builder.
This case was the primary reason why I took apart my aircraft that I built from blueprints for 3 plus effin years and sold the parts rather than sell it to some numbnuts that couldn't bother himself to learn his aircraft before he flew it.

Posted by: Last at May 06, 2020 11:48 PM (BdIMF)

473 So good to see you are with the grandlovies again today! Savor every minute.

God is good to create such cherubs.
Posted by: nurse ratched at May 06, 2020 11:45 PM (U2p+3)

The four faces and multiple wings are a little off-putting though.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at May 06, 2020 11:49 PM (NWiLs)

474 Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at May 06, 2020 11:44 PM (NWiLs)

If you're Lutheran you just have to eat jello salad

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 11:49 PM (aA3+G)

475 The MSM loves to point at my governor DeSantis who actually remembers that businesses need to keep functioning. They point and laugh at Florida until it's pointed out that their hero in New York is fucking up far worse.

If that gay meth head Gillum had won, we'd be welded in our homes like Wuhan and the MSM would slobber "ohhhhh, he's just like Ohhhbaaahhhmaaaa"

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:49 PM (qAR6u)

That's three Ave Marias, you Vatican II heretic!
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo

How anyone can call Vatican II "progress" is beyond me. Has church attendance gone up? A proliferation of new parishes? Vocations increasing? It's progress only if the idea was to ruin everything.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 06, 2020 11:49 PM (mht8P)

If that gay meth head Gillum had won, we'd be welded in our homes
like Wuhan and the MSM would slobber "ohhhhh, he's just like

I should really see what Obama is up to now a days.

Posted by: Gillum's now ex-boyfriend at May 06, 2020 11:50 PM (WdocV)

478 Kayleigh Mac

"I would hit that so hard ___________"
Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:35 PM (qAR6u)

...the Large Hadron Collider would forever be known as the Small Hadron Collider.

Posted by: ... at May 06, 2020 11:50 PM (zlSEX)

479 I'm busy researching the net for Kayleigh McAnany bikini pics
Posted by: kbdabear
Where does one apply for said research grant?

I'm no lawyer, but I'd take that case "pro boner"

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at May 06, 2020 11:50 PM (zo4+n)

480 Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 11:49 PM (aA3+G)

And the lutefisk. Dont forget the lutefisk. White people's version of chitlins says I.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 06, 2020 11:50 PM (IYHxL)

481 Interesting. Mrs. Cicero has been bugging me to get Aerosmith tickets at The Park in Vegas once the world finally opens back up. I'm leaning, "no."
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 11:03 PM (cuKeo)

Aerosmith was way, way better when they were shooting up. As soon as they cleaned up and became an act more concerned with how much airplay they could get on MTV, it was over. I'll listen to what they did when they were on drugs, but not after.

Worst concert I ever attended? Metallica. 1997. The tour after they released Load of Shit. They did medleys of their older songs - fine, I get there wanting to play their newer material, but damn, don't do that to the songs that made you great! The worst part was when they played the first two verses of Master of Puppets. This here headbanger had waited for eternity to see this played live, but right when they got to the part where the long instrumental portion is supposed to take place...they stopped the song. WTF???? And it seemed like they were doing everything to get out of playing. Oh, how it sucked.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 06, 2020 11:50 PM (zqhdn)

482 Bars, gyms, and theatres are opening back up here starting Friday, with 25% capacity.

Restaurants are going to 50% capacity, from 25%.

Hair salons and the like are still operating on an appointment-only basis.

We had our first Chicom Crud death in several weeks yesterday, sadly.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at May 06, 2020 11:51 PM (mNq/0)

483 I went to Walmart this am during the Old Fucks Hour, and other than the employees, I was the only person in a mask. *shrugs*

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 06, 2020 11:51 PM (Z4rgH)


He had a 14 year old "girlfriend" when he was in his late 20s. 

Posted by: 18-1 at May 

What's your point? 

Posted by: Jerry Lee Lewis at May 06, 2020 11:07 PM (+AVpa) 


Yeah, what's your point? 
Posted by: Bill Clinton at May 06, 2020 11:08 PM (cuKeo) 

What's your point? 

Posted by: Jerome Seinfeld at May 06, 2020 11:11 PM (q1Pj5 


Your point is?... 

Posted by: Woody Allen at May 06, 2020 11:27 PM (flINI) 

Only one? 

Amateurs. I'm surrounded by amateurs. 

Posted by: Jeffrey Epstein at May 06, 2020 11:47 PM (mNq/0



Posted by: Roman Polansky at May 06, 2020 11:51 PM (flINI)

485 Posted by: ... at May 06, 2020 11:50 PM (zlSEX)

The meteor that took out the dinosaurs would take notes from me

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 06, 2020 11:51 PM (IYHxL)

486 > ...the Large Hadron Collider would forever be known as the Small Hadron Collider.

I actually saw a typoed chyron on the news once that called it the "Large Hardon Collider".

Laughed my ass off.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at May 06, 2020 11:52 PM (mNq/0)

487 Get some sleep you have to work tomorrow.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 06, 2020 11:46 PM (4tEsR)

Yes, dear.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at May 06, 2020 11:52 PM (NWiLs)

488 471 > 397 326 >>> Steven Tyler is a horrible human being.

He had a 14 year old "girlfriend" when he was in his late 20s.

Posted by: 18-1 at May

What's your point?

Posted by: Jerry Lee Lewis at May 06, 2020 11:07 PM (+AVpa)


Yeah, what's your point?
Posted by: Bill Clinton at May 06, 2020 11:08 PM (cuKeo)

What's your point?

Posted by: Jerome Seinfeld at May 06, 2020 11:11 PM (q1Pj5


Your point is?...

Posted by: Woody Allen at May 06, 2020 11:27 PM (flINI)

Only one?

Amateurs. I'm surrounded by amateurs.
Posted by: Jeffrey Epstein at May 06, 2020 11:47 PM (mNq/0)


uh, she might have been fifteen, but when you get that little red beaver right up there in front of you, I don't think it's crazy at all and I don't think you do either. No man alive could resist that, and that's why I got into jail to begin with. And now they're telling me I'm crazy over here because I don't sit there like a goddamn vegetable. Don't make a bit of sense to me. If that's what being crazy is, then I'm senseless, out of it, gone-down-the-road, wacko. But no more, no less, that's it.

Posted by: Menack at May 06, 2020 11:52 PM (buTO7)

Wow! Beauty is in the ear of the listener apparently. Carlos is at opposite end of my list, again twice. In 75 with Buddy Guy and years later 2023 with my son. Zepplin in the Kingdom in 76 comes in at a close 2nd.
Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 11:21 PM (dYt5T)

Saw Zep in '73 and '75, in the Coliseum.

Zeppelin '75, in the Coliseum, was the best. Over 4 hours, no warm-up band, 4 curtain calls.

As all other tours, the opening song was "Rock and Roll". And there was a 45 minute version of "Dazed and Confused". Kashmir was new then, and also played.

Crowd was insanely into the show every minute.

Best concert of my life.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 11:52 PM (sy5kK)

490 I actually saw a typoed chyron on the news once that called it the "Large Hardon Collider".

Laughed my ass off.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at May 06, 2020 11:52 PM (mNq/0)


Great name for a chain of bathhouses.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 11:52 PM (cuKeo)

491 > Kayleigh McAnany...

> "I would hit that so hard ___________"

That whoever pulled me out would become King of England.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at May 06, 2020 11:52 PM (mNq/0)


I'd love some rear-view shots of Kayleigh. I'm sure that's one nice tight little spinner butt.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 06, 2020 11:53 PM (rCwaK)

493 There was a story that Charlie Sheen lost a shitload
at one of those game and told the game boss he couldn't pay up.
Supposedly "some guys" showed up at Martin Sheen's house in Malibu to
collect what Charlie owed.

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:42 PM (qAR6u)

And Emilio went up even higher on the pecking order.

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 11:53 PM (hHxp2)

494 I actually saw a typoed chyron on the news once that called it the "Large Hardon Collider".

Laughed my ass off.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at May 06, 2020 11:52 PM (mNq/0)

They'd have to rename that too

Posted by: ... at May 06, 2020 11:53 PM (zlSEX)

495 And the lutefisk. Dont forget the lutefisk. White people's version of chitlins says I.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 06, 2020 11:50 PM (IYHxL)

chicken tenders.

Posted by: Quint at May 06, 2020 11:54 PM (hHxp2)

496 DeSantis isn't one to strut "I AM THE LAW" and the cops at least in my part of the state aren't busting anybodys balls. They're not even bothering people who go onto closed beaches although that puts the Karens and old bag Gladys's bowels in an uproar more than a little

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:54 PM (qAR6u)

497 Danger Girl, I don't know if I've missed anything, but I think your idea of a "meltdown" is far less melty than some others I've seen.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at May 06, 2020 11:54 PM (0ReGO)

498 Opps I fucked up and went on NextDoor and the Karens are out in force.

My God, people are stupid and as it turns out obedient. I am neither so it comes to a clash.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at May 06, 2020 11:55 PM (pw+jk)

499 ok so - what is the mask-wearing situation like there? is everyone 100 percent complying, are they mandatory everywhere, like if you're outside of your house, or just in certain stores?

Posted by: BlackOrchidInCaptivity at May 06, 2020 11:38 PM (j9HX3)

Here in New COVID City, masks are mandatory, with a nice little exception for walking your dog on your block; I haven't figured out yet how they would know if you walked two blocks from home, though. (That tells you how serious this shit is; DemPanic is the correct term.) I only pull my mask out of my pocket and put in on outside any store where I have to shop (grocery, pharmacy, etc.). Have had more than a few Karens scold me as I walked to said stores and to whom I've had to extend my middle finger as a response.

Posted by: RickZ at May 06, 2020 11:55 PM (Y8PSl)

500 Greetings:

The Rolling Stones did a nice version of "Love in Vain"
either on "Let It Bleed" album or "Get Your YaYas Out"

Posted by: 11B40 at May 06, 2020 11:55 PM (evgyj)

501 ..Heh, thanks Jim, that gave me a laugh.

Posted by: DangerGirl the SanityProd(tm) is lost at May 06, 2020 11:45 PM (ssqLp)

Happy to help, ma'am!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at May 06, 2020 11:55 PM (QzJWU)

502 Regarding the mastectomies, do plastic surgeons rebuild a pair of replacement boobs?

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:56 PM (qAR6u)

503 Damn that's fucking awful. File that under fuck cancer.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 06, 2020 11:46 PM (IYHxL)

Agreed. Even worse for me, I read about her double mastectomy right after I wished for her to show some cleavage at today's presser.

And felt like a heel.

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 06, 2020 11:56 PM (Z4rgH)

504 Helena, I have replied to your email.

Thank you!

Posted by: Emmie at May 06, 2020 11:56 PM (ouBhA)

505 Went to Target today to pick up provisions. It's been awhile too as we stocked up awhile ago and have been ordering out WAY too much but I digress, 60/40 masks. I was depressed seeing that.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 06, 2020 11:57 PM (IYHxL)

506 keep on truckin, DangerGirl. better times! clink!

Posted by: trapper's girl at May 06, 2020 11:57 PM (MIF0q)

507 Regarding the mastectomies, do plastic surgeons rebuild a pair of replacement boobs?
Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:56 PM (qAR6u)


Yeah, but insurance won't pay for it unless they're required as a Building Code upgrade.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 06, 2020 11:57 PM (cuKeo)

508 Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:56 PM (qAR6u)

No. Whatever is left over is left over. Sadly I know I from experience.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 06, 2020 11:58 PM (IYHxL)

509 I think the county in which I reside is going to miss out on some sales tax for a while.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at May 06, 2020 11:58 PM (0ReGO)

510 But we know, to be sane humans, and not fuck up the flow, we make sure to only do good, also im well into a jug of value rite

Posted by: Menack at May 06, 2020 11:58 PM (buTO7)

Regarding the mastectomies, do plastic surgeons rebuild a pair of replacement boobs?
Posted by: kbdabear


It depends on what the woman wants. Angelina Jolie got replacements right along with her double mastectomy, but Ann Jillian decided didn't.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at May 06, 2020 11:58 PM (G51Gf)

512 Posted by: GnuBreed at May 06, 2020 11:56 PM (Z4rgH)

Nah fuck that bro. Not like you knew. No need to feel like a heel.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 06, 2020 11:58 PM (IYHxL)

513 I'm going to head to bed, guys. Thank you all again and I pray you all stay well.

Posted by: DangerGirl the SanityProd(tm) is lost at May 06, 2020 11:59 PM (ssqLp)

514 497 Danger Girl, I don't know if I've missed anything, but I think your idea of a "meltdown" is far less melty than some others I've seen.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at May 06, 2020 11:54 PM (0ReGO)

When someone is not only banned, but mention of his name is banned.. Now THAT'S a meltdown

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:59 PM (qAR6u)

515 513 I'm going to head to bed, guys. Thank you all again and I pray you all stay well.
Posted by: DangerGirl the SanityProd(tm) is lost at May 06, 2020 11:59 PM (ssqLp)

Take care, DG.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at May 06, 2020 11:59 PM (NWiLs)

516 466 Hi Ladyl!

So good to see you are with the grandlovies again today! Savor every minute.

God is good to create such cherubs.
Posted by: nurse ratched at May 06, 2020 11:45 PM (U2p+3)

I love them so much.

But these two are WILD.

I'll need a day on the couch and a repairman when they leave!

Posted by: Ladyl at May 06, 2020 11:59 PM (TdMsT)

517 Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:59 PM (qAR6u)

Holy shit. that's happened here? Lmfao

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 06, 2020 11:59 PM (IYHxL)

No. Whatever is left over is left over. Sadly I know I from experience.
Posted by: thathalfrican


Well, kbdabear, you're getting conflicting stories here.

But if the woman gets a "nipple delay," what was cut out can be replaced with implants.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at May 07, 2020 12:00 AM (G51Gf)

519 488 471 > 397 326 >>> Steven Tyler is a horrible human being.

He had a 14 year old "girlfriend" when he was in his late 20s.

Posted by: 18-1 at May

What's your point?

Posted by: Jerry Lee Lewis at May 06, 2020 11:07 PM (+AVpa)


Yeah, what's your point?
Posted by: Bill Clinton at May 06, 2020 11:08 PM (cuKeo)

What's your point?

Posted by: Jerome Seinfeld at May 06, 2020 11:11 PM (q1Pj5


Your point is?...

Posted by: Woody Allen at May 06, 2020 11:27 PM (flINI)

Only one?

Amateurs. I'm surrounded by amateurs.
Posted by: Jeffrey Epstein at May 06, 2020 11:47 PM (mNq/0)


uh, she might have been fifteen, but when you get that little red beaver right up there in front of you, I don't think it's crazy at all and I don't think you do either. No man alive could resist that, and that's why I got into jail to begin with. And now they're telling me I'm crazy over here because I don't sit there like a goddamn vegetable. Don't make a bit of sense to me. If that's what being crazy is, then I'm senseless, out of it, gone-down-the-road, wacko. But no more, no less, that's it.

Pikers all of you

Posted by: Mohammed at May 07, 2020 12:00 AM (aA3+G)

520 > Damn that's fucking awful. File that under fuck cancer.

> Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free

Agreed. What a terrible thing at any age, much less that young.

Fuck cancer with a pile driver and 25 feet of wrought-iron fence. And no lubricant.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at May 07, 2020 12:00 AM (mNq/0)

521 I'll need a day on the couch and a repairman when they leave!
Posted by: Ladyl at May 06, 2020 11:59 PM (TdMsT)



Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 07, 2020 12:00 AM (cuKeo)

522 Good night, {{{DangerGirl}}}.

Posted by: Ladyl at May 07, 2020 12:01 AM (TdMsT)

523 For those of you who, like I, cannot or will not wear a mask: The governors had to make exceptions because some of us can't breathe well. It is a HIPAA violation to require anyone to disclose a medical condition, so nobody can force you to wear a mask or tell them why you can't.

I found this business card type of thing that I am considering printing out so I can hand it to anone who gets aggressive. It helps to have the info on it that the fine for demanding that one disclose info is over $90,000 for a first violation.

Here's the link to the image:

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 12:01 AM (8HBLI)

524 Posted by: Blonde Morticia at May 07, 2020 12:00 AM (G51Gf)

Yeah that's my fault. In the case I'm speaking of I dont they could have afforded it. Then again I'm not sure, I didn't ask too many questions.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:01 AM (IYHxL)

525 It depends on what the woman wants. Angelina Jolie got replacements right along with her double mastectomy, but Ann Jillian decided didn't.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at May 06, 2020 11:58 PM (G51Gf)

I thought so, because when I mentioned Angelina's decision at my old workplace, the boss's wife said she had it done. She wore v-neck sweaters so there must have been some rebuilding done.

Posted by: kbdabear at May 07, 2020 12:01 AM (qAR6u)

526 521 I'll need a day on the couch and a repairman when they leave!
Posted by: Ladyl at May 06, 2020 11:59 PM (TdMsT)


Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 07, 2020 12:00 AM (cuKeo)

Heavens, no.

I meant it!

Posted by: Ladyl at May 07, 2020 12:01 AM (TdMsT)

527 Oh wait before I go, one sliver of brightness. I put out a hummingbird feeder today on my back deck and had a hummingbird at it in less than five minutes. I have no idea how they found it so quickly, but it was back and forth all late afternoon until it got dark. Beauty in nature.

Posted by: DangerGirl the SanityProd(tm) is lost at May 07, 2020 12:02 AM (ssqLp)

Went to Target today to pick up provisions. It's been awhile too as we
stocked up awhile ago and have been ordering out WAY too much but I
digress, 60/40 masks. I was depressed seeing that.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 06, 2020 11:57 PM (IYHxL)

Imagine if you see 98/02 in sheeple wearing masks.

That is what it is in Moonbat Central Kalifornia.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at May 07, 2020 12:02 AM (pw+jk)

529 Regarding the mastectomies, do plastic surgeons rebuild a pair of replacement boobs?

Posted by: kbdabear at May 06, 2020 11:56 PM (qAR6u)

They can, yes, and some opt for mastectomies that save the nipples, though that carries some cancer risk.

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 07, 2020 12:03 AM (Z4rgH)

530 Heavens, no.

I meant it!
Posted by: Ladyl at May 07, 2020 12:01 AM (TdMsT)


I just hope you're on the couch on a different day than you're on the repairman.

You know, stubborn stains.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 07, 2020 12:03 AM (cuKeo)

531 Ok, to bed for real now. Gnite.

Posted by: DangerGirl the SanityProd(tm) is lost at May 07, 2020 12:03 AM (ssqLp)


Selfie Kayleigh took after the breast reconstruction. Girls are taped:

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 12:03 AM (rCwaK)

533 In 75 with Buddy Guy

My brother and I left a shitty Bears game and walked down to his club on south Wabash. Had a few beers and played Wheel of Fortune with a black dude sitting at the bar. At some point I noticed a ring he was wearing that had BG spelled out in diamonds. Hey, we were drunk. Great guy.

Posted by: dartist at May 07, 2020 12:04 AM (K22Va)

534 I like that bit about giving fake names going to church. I'll have to think up a good one.

Posted by: Hugh Jorgan at May 07, 2020 12:05 AM (YqED9)

535 But if the woman gets a "nipple delay," what was cut out can be replaced with implants.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at May 07, 2020 12:00 AM (G51Gf)

Much appreciated. It would be dereliction of duty if I didn't seek knowledge of all things relating to boobs

Posted by: kbdabear at May 07, 2020 12:05 AM (qAR6u)

536 >>> Three Hail Mary's and your good to go.
Posted by: Turn Two at May 06, 2020 11:42 PM (+AVpa)

That's three Ave Marias, you Vatican II heretic!
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at May 06, 2020 11:44 PM (NWiLs)

Sorry. That was my standard penance. That and five laps around the church.

Posted by: Turn Two at May 07, 2020 12:05 AM (+AVpa)

537 If 98 percent are wearing masks, then why should you? It is like the idea of carrying a cell phone in case there is an emergency. If every other living being has a cell phone, then do you really need one in case there is an emergency?
I know this idea is dated and people can't live without them, but still the point remains.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 12:06 AM (hHxp2)

538 Oh joy, reading these sitreps of various retard blue state Fuhrers maks me nervous, The Gretch likes to outdo everyone else

Posted by: A dude in MI at May 07, 2020 12:06 AM (4X5xS)

539 Posted by: A dude in MI at May 07, 2020 12:06 AM (4X5xS)

Good luck and godspeed. I'm terrified Walz is gonna extended it again.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:07 AM (IYHxL)

540 > Pikers all of you

> Posted by: Mohammed


Posted by: King Solomon at May 07, 2020 12:08 AM (mNq/0)

541 They keep showing this series "The Last Dance" about the Chicago Bulls. They are showing it over and over as if it was the greatest thing ever. It was well made, no doubt there. But does anyone in that show come off as likable?

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 12:09 AM (hHxp2)

542 It is critical that you get out of the house. If you can't deal with the rules in the stores, then drive around in your car. If you sit at home all the time, it will get harder and harder to get back out into the world.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at May 07, 2020 12:09 AM (Lqy/e)

543 Meh.

Posted by: King Solomon at May 07, 2020 12:08 AM (mNq/0)


Blow me. I got dwarfs.

Posted by: Peter the Great at May 07, 2020 12:09 AM (cuKeo)

544 I found this business card type of thing that I am considering printing out so I can hand it to anone who gets aggressive. It helps to have the info on it that the fine for demanding that one disclose info is over $90,000 for a first violation.

Here's the link to the image:

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 12:01 AM (8HBLI)

I really like that card. I can't breathe well when I wear a damned mask. I feel like I'm suffocating. And as I mentioned before, my glasses fog up, too.

Posted by: RickZ at May 07, 2020 12:10 AM (Y8PSl)

545 I volunteered, did you get that?

Volun fricking teered to serve refreshments at a mud hens game a few years ago for charity.

It was my job to serve beer and check ID's, but I cant read that small. So I'd pretend to look at the ID, like some kind of judge. But really, what the fuck do I care.

Long story short, they gave me my 20 minute break. I walked halfway around the stadium and bought myself one of those beers. When I get back, 4 staties are standing around firing me from my volunteer job for drinking a beer on break.

Posted by: Menack at May 07, 2020 12:11 AM (buTO7)

546 "I had it and recovered, I am not at further risk this year"

Posted by: Kindltot at May 07, 2020 12:13 AM (WyVLE)

547 541
They keep showing this series "The Last Dance" about the Chicago Bulls.
They are showing it over and over as if it was the greatest thing ever.
It was well made, no doubt there. But does anyone in that show come off
as likable?

Is it any good? The last time I watched a basketball game was when he played.

Posted by: dartist at May 07, 2020 12:13 AM (K22Va)

548 Posted by: dartist at May 07, 2020 12:13 AM (K22Va)

Haven't watched it but my buddies swear by it. YMMV

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:14 AM (IYHxL)

549 489
Wow! Beauty is in the ear of the listener apparently. Carlos is at opposite end of my list, again twice. In 75 with Buddy Guy and years later 2023 with my son. Zepplin in the Kingdom in 76 comes in at a close 2nd.
Posted by: Sock off at May 06, 2020 11:21 PM (dYt5T)

Saw Zep in '73 and '75, in the Coliseum.

Zeppelin '75, in the Coliseum, was the best. Over 4 hours, no warm-up band, 4 curtain calls.

As all other tours, the opening song was "Rock and Roll". And there was a 45 minute version of "Dazed and Confused". Kashmir was new then, and also played.

Crowd was insanely into the show every minute.

Best concert of my life.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 11:52 PM (sy5kK)

I should invent time travel just to experience seeing "Kashmir" played live back then. Easily among my favorite songs, EVER.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 07, 2020 12:14 AM (zqhdn)

550 546 "I had it and recovered, I am not at further risk this year"

Posted by: Kindltot at May 07, 2020 12:13 AM (WyVLE)

Why, yes, last December, but, yes.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 12:15 AM (sy5kK)

551 Is it any good? The last time I watched a basketball game was when he played.

Posted by: dartist at May 07, 2020 12:13 AM (K22Va)

It is pretty well done. If you like the Bulls or liked the old Bulls, I would say go for it. They focus on Jordan, Pippen, and Rodman in separate episodes. I think there were four in total. It has been running regularly on ESPN.

I used to like the Spurs years ago but have not watched a single NBA game in years.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 12:16 AM (hHxp2)

552 541 They keep showing this series "The Last Dance" about the Chicago Bulls. They are showing it over and over as if it was the greatest thing ever. It was well made, no doubt there. But does anyone in that show come off as likable?

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 12:09 AM (hHxp2)

I'm betting that after 2 viewings you get mighty sick of Alan Parsons Project's "Sirius"

Posted by: kbdabear at May 07, 2020 12:16 AM (qAR6u)

553 I should invent time travel just to experience seeing "Kashmir" played live back then. Easily among my favorite songs, EVER.
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 07, 2020 12:14 AM (zqhdn)
Can I go too? Kashmir is one great piece of workmanship.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 12:16 AM (8HBLI)

554 Haven't watched it but my buddies swear by it. YMMV

I'll have to check it out. I never was much of a basketball fan until my sports nut brother kept bugging me to watch this Jordan kid. Guys like that don't come around very often.

Posted by: dartist at May 07, 2020 12:18 AM (K22Va)

555 I wear a mask outside now, all the time.
It is scary as f*ck.
If I saw me, I would run the other way, or at least cross the street.

Posted by: navybrat, feeling positive at May 07, 2020 12:18 AM (w7KSn)

556 I should invent time travel just to experience seeing "Kashmir" played live back then. Easily among my favorite songs, EVER.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 07, 2020 12:14 AM (zqhdn)

Even though I saw a lot of bands live way back when, if that time machine did exist, there are a few bands I'd love to go back in time to see that I never saw, two being early '70s Yes and Humble Pie.

Posted by: RickZ at May 07, 2020 12:19 AM (Y8PSl)

557 @553

I'll buy a ticket to

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 12:19 AM (aA3+G)


Well fuck me. Andrew Cuomo just admitted that 66% of the corona hospitalizations are coming from people staying at home and not getting out.

Very little is coming from people who are outside and about.

This means the stay at home orders are useless.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 12:20 AM (rCwaK)

559 551 Is it any good? The last time I watched a basketball game was when he played.

Posted by: dartist at May 07, 2020 12:13 AM (K22Va)

It is pretty well done. If you like the Bulls or liked the old Bulls, I would say go for it. They focus on Jordan, Pippen, and Rodman in separate episodes. I think there were four in total. It has been running regularly on ESPN.

I used to like the Spurs years ago but have not watched a single NBA game in years.
Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 12:16 AM (hHxp2)

As a native San Antonian, I love me some Spurs basketball.

"The Spurs are boring, man!" - basketball fans that are NOT Spurs fans

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 07, 2020 12:20 AM (zqhdn)

560 I never was much of a basketball fan until my sports nut brother kept bugging me to watch this Jordan kid. Guys like that don't come around very often.
Posted by: dartist at May 07, 2020 12:18 AM (K22Va)
This is how I started watching hockey. Mario Lemieux playing for the local team. No regrets.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 12:20 AM (8HBLI)

561 >>> 558

Well fuck me. Andrew Cuomo just admitted that 66% of the corona hospitalizations are coming from people staying at home and not getting out.

Very little is coming from people who are outside and about.

This means the stay at home orders are useless.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 12:20 AM (rCwaK)

Not exactly ... it depends on what your goal is.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at May 07, 2020 12:21 AM (0ReGO)

562 Can I crush hug anyone before 2021?

I'm done with this.......non-human contact is Un-Human

and I'm a nurse........done with this.....

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 07, 2020 12:23 AM (kFkpX)

563 Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 07, 2020 12:20 AM (zqhdn)

Hard to be boring when you had the greatest PF of all time on that team.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:23 AM (IYHxL)

564 537 If 98 percent are wearing masks, then why should you? It is like the idea of carrying a cell phone in case there is an emergency. If every other living being has a cell phone, then do you really need one in case there is an emergency?
I know this idea is dated and people can't live without them, but still the point remains.
Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 12:06 AM (hHxp2)

It's not really the same, though. If people around you are wearing masks, you benefit, statistically. But even if everyone around you has a cell phone, there's still no way for you to receive calls, and even in an emergency you might have trouble getting people to lend you a phone.

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 07, 2020 12:23 AM (wGeit)

565 Well fuck me. Andrew Cuomo just admitted that 66% of the corona hospitalizations are coming from people staying at home and not getting out.

Very little is coming from people who are outside and about.

This means the stay at home orders are useless.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 12:20 AM (rCwaK)

I beg to differ. The stay at home orders are not useless -- they are doing exactly what they are intended to do: Destroy the economy and make more people dependent on the gub'mint. Because if it was about 'saving just one life', abortion clinics would be closed forever.

Posted by: RickZ at May 07, 2020 12:24 AM (Y8PSl)

566 Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 07, 2020 12:23 AM (kFkpX)

Happy National Nurse Day

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 12:25 AM (aA3+G)

567 And they weren't boring; they were surgical. I loved the Lakers/Spurs rivalry. A decently in shape Shaq Diesel, Kobe, Horry and Jackson vs. Duncan and Popovich was an awesome period

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:25 AM (IYHxL)

568 This is how I started watching hockey. Mario Lemieux playing for the local team. No regrets.

Hockey takes some getting used to compared to say baseball. Way faster and it takes me a few to be able to follow the puck. I think they must have the best replay cameras of any sport though. Quite a bit better than when slo-mo started.

Posted by: dartist at May 07, 2020 12:25 AM (K22Va)

569 Harrison Bergeron

He was THAT we all are

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 07, 2020 12:26 AM (kFkpX)

570 Well fuck me. Andrew Cuomo just admitted that 66% of the corona hospitalizations are coming from people staying at home and not getting out.

Very little is coming from people who are outside and about.

This means the stay at home orders are useless.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 12:20

I have believed, since day 1, the primary source of transmission is contaminated surfaces. People at home still have to go out to buy supplies, and even if you stay away from other people you still touch door handles, shopping carts, keyboards... even the inventory itself could have been stocked by someone with active illness.

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 07, 2020 12:26 AM (wGeit)

571 Well fuck me. Andrew Cuomo just admitted that 66% of the corona hospitalizations are coming from people staying at home and not getting out.
So, it hunts you down? That's quite an advancement for a virus. /sarc

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 12:26 AM (8HBLI)

572 Mr. Bassman and I enjoyed our first sauna in several weeks. On the one hand, now we have to reserve our time. On the other hand, we no longer have to share our sauna time with that one weird guy who thinks he's a spiritual guru and babbles at us while we're trying to relax.

Posted by: Emmie at May 07, 2020 12:27 AM (ouBhA)

573 Well fuck me. Andrew Cuomo just admitted that 66% of the corona hospitalizations are coming from people staying at home and not getting out.

Very little is coming from people who are outside and about.

This means the stay at home orders are useless.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 12:20 AM (rCwaK)

You don't say, that's weird. My county in OH has pretty much ignored the shutdown, other than restaurants, hair places, and tourists places. The county, the sheriff, and the health department pretty much has told DeWine we're opening and Karen calm down and get fvcked.

Posted by: Evasiveboat42 at May 07, 2020 12:27 AM (Rz2Nc)

574 Posted by: dartist at May 07, 2020 12:25 AM (K22Va)

I dont care for hockey and never have but one of the most fun experiences I've had was at live hockey game. That's a game most appreciated in person I dont think it translates well into TV

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:27 AM (IYHxL)

575 Can I go too? Kashmir is one great piece of workmanship.
Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 12:16 AM (8HBLI)

Anyone who appreciates that work of art is welcome.

Back in HS I hung out with a fellow headbanger at a bus stop and we'd BS about everything before getting on board. One morning we was talking Zeppelin in a huge way and I was curious about them. He wanted to check out a Primus album I got, and I wanted to check out some Zeppelin he put on cassette. Deal. We had early dismissal from school, and he swung by my house. I tossed him my Primus cassette, and he tossed me his Zeppelin tape, cued up for "Kashmir". I went to my room, put on my headphones, dropped the tape in...
I was blown completely away. I kept rewinding the tape to the beginning, and played it again, and again, and again. This was 2:30 in the afternoon. I was still at it, at 9 pm. Even when I had to go to a dental appointment, I cued the tape, and asked my mother if I could jam to it on the way to the dentist. She was no Zeppelin fan but she was very much into music so she let me play it on the car stereo. It was all "Kashmir", all the time.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 07, 2020 12:27 AM (zqhdn)

576 Well fuck me. Andrew Cuomo just admitted that 66% of the corona hospitalizations are coming from people staying at home and not getting out.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 12:20 AM (rCwaK)

The SCIENCE! and data that Cuomo and other strutting martinets say they're using is all over the place, so who the fuck knows anymore.

A Yuuuuge amount of New York's tax base is in NYC suburbs, so if Cuomo is admitting that he's scared that the lockdowns have royally screwed his budget.

Posted by: kbdabear at May 07, 2020 12:27 AM (qAR6u)

577 Mr. Polansky, I have Charles Manson holding on line three.

Posted by: klaftern at May 07, 2020 12:28 AM (RuIsu)

578 They are officially saying there was no spike in Wuflu after the Wisconsin election.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at May 07, 2020 12:28 AM (Lqy/e)

579 I still have my last Battery Commander's SSN and personal data. I
regularly give them out to robocallers and telemarketers. Effer
should've never tried to butt fuck me with my last OER as a Warrant

Don't piss me off.

Posted by: BifBewalski at May 06, 2020 10:27 PM (VcFUs)

shorter version: never fuck with a Warrant Officer.

it will not end well

Posted by: redc1c4, ONT Rx tech at May 07, 2020 12:29 AM (dlZr1)

580 >>> 570
I have believed, since day 1, the primary source of transmission is contaminated surfaces. People at home still have to go out to buy supplies, and even if you stay away from other people you still touch door handles, shopping carts, keyboards... even the inventory itself could have been stocked by someone with active illness.
Posted by: Ace's liver at May 07, 2020 12:26 AM (wGeit)

This would not surprise me. I vaguely remember a few years ago some yapping in the nooz about how nasty shopping carts are, and eventually I decided to keep wipes in the car to use after getting groceries, gas, etc.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at May 07, 2020 12:29 AM (0ReGO)

581 Be sure to lick your fingers while turning pages.

Posted by: navybrat, feeling positive at May 07, 2020 12:30 AM (w7KSn)

582 Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:27 AM (IYHxL)

My wife felt the same about hockey until I took her to a game

She slowly started paying attention
And I took her to more games
She now is a big NHL fan
God do we miss the playoffs

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 12:30 AM (aA3+G)

583 shorter version: never fuck with a Warrant Officer.

it will not end well

Posted by: redc1c4, ONT Rx tech at May 07, 2020 12:29 AM (dlZr1)

same same with career SP-4s too.

ask me how i know.

Posted by: redc1c4, ONT Rx tech at May 07, 2020 12:30 AM (dlZr1)

584 I have believed, since day 1, the primary source of transmission is contaminated surfaces. People at home still have to go out to buy supplies, and even if you stay away from other people you still touch door handles, shopping carts, keyboards... even the inventory itself could have been stocked by someone with active illness.

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 07, 2020 12:26 AM (wGeit)

That's been my hunch too, which is why I don't bother with the mask but I keep Lysol wipes with me and don't touch doors, credit card keypads, anything touched by lots of strangers.

Hell, the guy delivering the food or whatever could be spreading it without even testing positive

Posted by: kbdabear at May 07, 2020 12:31 AM (qAR6u)

585 kbdabear, well it's official then. We have to ban people from staying home!

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 07, 2020 12:32 AM (L2ZTs)

586 I have believed, since day 1, the primary source of transmission is contaminated surfaces. People at home still have to go out to buy supplies, and even if you stay away from other people you still touch door handles, shopping carts, keyboards... even the inventory itself could have been stocked by someone with active illness.

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 07, 2020 12:26 AM (wGeit)

Here's hoping Mickey D's gets rid of those germ-infested in-store ordering kiosks. And grocery stores get rid of 'self-checkout' lines/machines. Even though I'm doing the job of an employee, I don't get paid to use a self-checkout in a grocery store. Now if there was some sort of automatic discount, I'd be more inclined to use them. Note: I said more inclined, though that is subject change at a moment's notice.

Posted by: RickZ at May 07, 2020 12:32 AM (Y8PSl)

587 563 Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 07, 2020 12:20 AM (zqhdn)

Hard to be boring when you had the greatest PF of all time on that team.
Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:23 AM (IYHxL)

We both know this but I was amazed, and still am, at the number of people who see me out and about (especially outside of TX) who will comment on how boring the Spurs are. Never mind the big three and the amazing coaching that takes the role-players' games up several notches. Never mind the way the Spurs sliced and diced with their passing and scheming. Never mind the many ways they devised to crush their opponents.

I was in the arena when the Spurs won Game 6 against the Nets and won their second championship. Greatest basketball experience of my life, EVER. If only Timmy got those two blocks to make it a quadruple double...

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 07, 2020 12:33 AM (zqhdn)

588 Hockey takes some getting used to compared to say baseball. Way faster and it takes me a few to be able to follow the puck. I think they must have the best replay cameras of any sport though. Quite a bit better than when slo-mo started.
Posted by: dartist
When I first started watching I had a 13" BW that I would watch when I was in bed. I learned to watch the players movements rather than looking for the puck.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 12:33 AM (8HBLI)

589 570

It is worse than that. Because of the "inverse vector control" that we have just been so HAD with (Hey Tony..looking good there...nice socks!)

Sure enough and because of this , we will get ROUND TWO......FIGHT!!....come the fall time.

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 07, 2020 12:33 AM (kFkpX)

590 Well fuck me. Andrew Cuomo just admitted that 66% of
the corona hospitalizations are coming from people staying at home and
not getting out.

Very little is coming from people who are outside and about.

This means the stay at home orders are useless.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 12:20 AM (rCwaK)

When A Virus Calls

Posted by: Count de Monet at May 07, 2020 12:33 AM (q1Pj5)

591 Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 12:30 AM (aA3+G)

Ha nice. I grew up with the North Stars, then they left and we had a hockey void for years. By that time I was watching the Vikings and some young wiry kid named Kevin Garnett. When the Wild came I wasn't remotely interested until we signed Parise and Suter. Then we had one deep playoff run. And in typical MN sports fashion; mediocrity ever since.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:34 AM (IYHxL)

592 575
Can I go too? Kashmir is one great piece of workmanship.

There was a thing I saw at Jimmy Page's house with that goof Sting and Jack White where he explained and played how he came up with the riff. Pretty cool.

Posted by: dartist at May 07, 2020 12:34 AM (K22Va)

593 When I first started watching I had a 13" BW that I would watch when I was in bed. I learned to watch the players movements rather than looking for the puck.
Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 12:33 AM (8HBLI)


Posted by: Fox Traxxx ' the red streak' at May 07, 2020 12:34 AM (SxBH1)

594 RickZ, IMHO the major advantage of the self-checkout is saving time.

I was at Walmart two days ago, and had to get into line (instead of using the self-checkout) because I wanted to buy a gift card. Long story short(er), I had no less than TWO persons ahead of me, who could not for the life of them figure out how to run their EBT cards through the payment machine. What are the odds?? :-P

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 07, 2020 12:35 AM (L2ZTs)


90% of hospitalized people with covid did not use public transport, too. The Daily Mail had this story yesterday:

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 12:36 AM (rCwaK)

596 A Yuuuuge amount of New York's tax base is in NYC suburbs, so if Cuomo is admitting that he's scared that the lockdowns have royally screwed his budget.
Posted by: kbdabear at May 07, 2020 12:27 AM (qAR6u)

Cuomo was already scared about the budget because of SALT changes.

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 07, 2020 12:37 AM (wGeit)

597 True EBT Stores, Part 958003:

"I can't figure out why my EBT card isn't working"
"Because it's for food only. You're buying beer and cigarettes."
"But I need them for my children!"

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 07, 2020 12:37 AM (L2ZTs)

598 Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:34 AM (IYHxL)

I grew up listening to the Candiens on the radio in French at the old forum
My dad thought I was nuts

Love the Wild & MN walleyes

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 12:38 AM (aA3+G)

599 Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 07, 2020 12:33 AM (zqhdn)

Yup. You guys crushed alot of Timberwolves dreams for me. But you guys had/have a GOAT - fuck him - coach, drafted really well and got the most out of your players. Wolves never did.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:38 AM (IYHxL)

600 My wife felt the same about hockey until I took her to a game

She slowly started paying attention
And I took her to more games
She now is a big NHL fan
God do we miss the playoffs
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 12:30 AM (aA3+G)

LOL, when my wife and I were first dating, she was at my house, I had the the playoffs on. I went to go to the bathroom. Later in watching the NY Rangers got a power play. She said, if the Rangers can't start capitalizing on the power play they'll loose the series. Years later she admitted she was repeating what the announcers said while I was in the bathroom.

Posted by: Evasiveboat42 at May 07, 2020 12:38 AM (Rz2Nc)

601 Remember....planes still flying

check out ADS-B Exchange to see for yourselves.....many planes....every day...flying petri dishes crissin an a crossin


Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 07, 2020 12:39 AM (kFkpX)

602 Cuomo doesn't do math.
Not his thing.

Posted by: navybrat, feeling positive at May 07, 2020 12:39 AM (w7KSn)

603 She said, if the Rangers can't start capitalizing on the power play they'll loose the series. Years later she admitted she was repeating what the announcers said while I was in the bathroom.
Posted by: Evasiveboat42 at May 07, 2020 12:38 AM (Rz2Nc)

Isn't that about half the sports conversations among guys, too? Lots of people who don't like sports repeat what they hear in an effort to fit in.

Posted by: Ace's liver at May 07, 2020 12:40 AM (wGeit)

604 Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 12:38 AM (aA3+G)

In french?! Damn that's dedication. You better know how to speak French at.this point!

If the hockey matched the walleye we'd be in a good spot.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:41 AM (IYHxL)

I'm betting that after 2 viewings you get mighty sick of Alan Parsons Project's "Sirius"

Posted by: kbdabear at May 07, 2020 12:16 AM (qAR6u)

i watched what I could find on your tip. That specific search is blocked but now I know what you are talking about. Everyone knows that song but I didn't relate it specifically to the Bulls. Good info there.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 12:41 AM (hHxp2)

606 Amazon tv calling, because netflix has been picked over,

Posted by: Menack at May 07, 2020 12:41 AM (buTO7)

607 thathalfrican, I think MisHum's estate is right at the US-Canadian border :-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 07, 2020 12:41 AM (L2ZTs)

608 Hell, the guy delivering the food or whatever could be spreading it without even testing positive

I get everything delivered, wipe it all down and let it sit before putting it away. Not ready to die in a fvcking VA hospital just yet.

Posted by: dartist at May 07, 2020 12:41 AM (K22Va)

609 Can I crush hug anyone before 2021?

I'm done with this.......non-human contact is Un-Human

and I'm a nurse........done with this.....

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 07, 2020 12:23 AM (kFkpX)

Happy National Nurse Day

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 12:25 AM (aA3+G)

. . . to someone who has seen more penises than a prostitute.

Posted by: Count de Monet at May 07, 2020 12:42 AM (q1Pj5)

610 Used to go to a game at the old Forum in Montreal, and a game at Le Colisee in Quebec City, most every year, as part of a winter sports trip to both cities.

Whole thing was great. In Montreal there were still a fair number of fans in the lower/best seats in coat/tie.

Loved the game announcements in French.

Favorites were the penalties for fighting ("le combat"), and roughing ("le rudesse").

One game in Montreal was against the Nordiques. Incredible energy in the building.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 07, 2020 12:43 AM (El6T/)

611 Posted by: qdpsteve at May 07, 2020 12:41 AM (L2ZTs)

Boundary Waters is a dicey place to live!

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:43 AM (IYHxL)

612 MisHum
A lot of hockey games were "radio only" back in the day, so I listened to my fair share on the radio. But they were all broadcast in English. Were you listening to the Habs broadcasts in French? No wonder your father questioned your sanity.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 12:44 AM (8HBLI)

613 Baseball 2030

"Grandpa?..."What was Baseball??

"Tim, get me another beer and I'll tell ya.....................

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 07, 2020 12:44 AM (kFkpX)

614 Yup. You guys crushed alot of Timberwolves dreams for me. But you guys had/have a GOAT - fuck him - coach, drafted really well and got the most out of your players. Wolves never did.
Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:38 AM (IYHxL

I had mad respect for KG - still do. When he got a ring with the Celtics I was geeked for him. Timmy got the best of him but I for one will always consider KG to be a worthy opponent.

(Don't get me started on the L.A. Fakers. There in no team in sports I hate more than the Fakers. To. This. Day.)

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 07, 2020 12:44 AM (zqhdn)

615 Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:41 AM (IYHxL)

Nope, don't know French
Knew the Habs roster by heart
Had a sweater before it was big biz
Forum announcers always made announcements in French then English
Crowd noises were telling

Twins have done well over the years
So it's not all mediocrity over there

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 12:44 AM (aA3+G)

616 607 thathalfrican, I think MisHum's estate is right at the US-Canadian border :-)
Posted by: qdpsteve at May 07, 2020 12:41 AM (L2ZTs)

There you go thinking again

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 12:46 AM (aA3+G)

617 I wouldn't mind going to St Paul MN someday.

I believe the building where Charles Schulz's father had his barbershop in the 1930s-40s is *still there.*

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 07, 2020 12:46 AM (L2ZTs)

Old, local story about Led Zeppelin.

In 1969, the first album not yet released, Zep opened for The Doors in an outdoor venue with a stage near Woodinville called the Gold Creek Dome, in Gold Creek Park. It was a local mini-Woodstock for the Seattle area, kinda. The name was the Seattle Pop Festival.

No, wasn't there, because I was still 13 and Woodinville was about 40 miles away.

There were over 20 bands over 3 days. Chicago Transit Authority, Chuck Berry, Ike and Tina Turner, The Flying Burrito Brothers, The Byrds, Lee Michaels, The Doors, and a dozen others. Over 50,000 people, with estimates of up to 70,000, attended. Extra food and water had to be brought in at the last minute.

Instead of using off-duty police for security, the private owner hired the local chapter of the Black Panthers. Virtually no violence was reported for the concert.

Led Zeppelin played on Sunday night, the final day, then Lee Michaels (been 14 days, since I don't know when, do you know what I mean?) before The Doors were supposed to close the show.

Zep were only supposed to play for an hour, but the crowd would not let them leave the stage and the wildly screaming fans kept bringing them back 3 times or more. Lee Michaels played a half hour, but the crowd kept yelling for LZ. He cut his show short, sensing the crowd wanted Zep instead.

Then The Doors came on, and they didn't even get through the first song, and the crowd hated them.

They booed so hard, Jim Morrison told them to fornicate many times, and walked off after the second song. Morrison's rant just got the crowd louder. Ray Manzarek, keyboard player and the band's producer, tried one more song without Morrison, then walked off with the rest of the band.

The crowd cheered for more LZ, but they were gone by then.

Chuck Barry finished the show, and the crowd cheered again.

The Seattle Pop's line-up was a mix of established acts,and native groups from the Pacific Northwest. Twenty-six musicians and groups performed at the festival. The Doors, Chuck Berry, The Byrds and The Ike & Tina Turner Revue were among the most highly-anticipated acts of the festival, but newcomers Led Zeppelin emerged as the highlight.

"Sunday night was supposed to belong to The Doors but it was stolen right out from under them by the great English blues group, Led Zeppelin," wrote the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 12:47 AM (sy5kK)

619 MisHum, yup. :-) Like a boss told me years ago:

"You're not paid to think!!"

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 07, 2020 12:47 AM (L2ZTs)

620 566 609

Thank you.

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 07, 2020 12:47 AM (kFkpX)

621 Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 07, 2020 12:44 AM (zqhdn)

I was happy too and he said this was for MN to which I loved. My problem with KG is he acted like an alpha but was.really a number 2 guy. Greatest number 2 guy ever, with respect to Pippen, but KG disappeared in alot of big games.

Lakers are hated by many. I think maybe the Heatles era gave them a run for their money.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:47 AM (IYHxL)

622 Isn't that about half the sports conversations among guys, too? Lots of people who don't like sports repeat what they hear in an effort to fit in.
Posted by: Ace's liver at May 07, 2020 12:40 AM (wGeit)

I have no idea. At the time I thought, wow, she likes this. When she told me the truth about it, I thought it was cute and clever.

Posted by: Evasiveboat42 at May 07, 2020 12:48 AM (Rz2Nc)

623 Catch Thirty-Thr33 - That "My Intro to LZ" story is da bomb. When a band just resonates with you, it's a magical thing.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 12:49 AM (8HBLI)

624 Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 12:44 AM (aA3+G)

We got lucky with some cheap signings. Pohlad needs to open his wallet and pay for pitching which he sorta did for this year. We shall see. And yes I'm a very jaded MN fan.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:49 AM (IYHxL)

625 Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:49 AM (IYHxL)

Hang tight you'll have Aaron Rodgers in 3-4 years

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 12:50 AM (aA3+G)

626 Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:34 AM (IYHxL)

I was at one of the last North Star games. In between chants of "Norm Sucks" the North Stars somehow managed to remember they could play hockey and won the game.

The problem Pro Hockey has always had in MN was all the local hockey. Really good high school and college programs which meant fans knew what good hockey should look like.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at May 07, 2020 12:50 AM (WEBkv)

627 A lot of hockey games were "radio only" back in the day, so I listened
to my fair share on the radio. But they were all broadcast in English.
Were you listening to the Habs broadcasts in French? No wonder your
father questioned your sanity.

I don't mind listening to games on the radio. You can imagine if they're moving left to right or right to left. Not everything has to be visual.

Posted by: dartist at May 07, 2020 12:50 AM (K22Va)

628 One thing I always hope to do but haven't so far was to go to a QMJHL game up there, probably in Trois Rivieres, which like much of Quebec is hockey sacred ground.

Did manage to see a game in Prague, years ago. Was never in Russia (RUSSIA!) in season.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 07, 2020 12:50 AM (El6T/)

629 I dont care for hockey and never have but one of the most fun experiences I've had was at live hockey game. That's a game most appreciated in person I dont think it translates well into TV

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:27 AM (IYHxL)

That is the Truth. Ice hockey is simply too fast a sport to enjoyably watch on tv. Plus that little puck is almost impossible to watch/find on a tv screen. The disputed goal replays are nice, though, as they are magnified close-ups. I can remember going to games before that disputed goal replay existed. Led to a lot of argy-bargy on the ice, including those adorable bench-clearers which, with the new no-hitting 'flag hockey' rules, are sadly gone from the game.

I was at a preseason Rangers-Flyers game in the early '80s. There were so many game misconduct penalties from after-the-whistle antics, each team had only about 7 skaters on the bench at the end; I think the total penalty minutes was around 500 thanks to those 2 minute roughing, 5 minute fighting and game misconducts. While not an official stat, getting thrown out in the first period was counted as being 40 plus 'penalty' minutes, that is, from the time of the ejection subtracted from 60 minutes.

Good times, good times.

Posted by: RickZ at May 07, 2020 12:51 AM (Y8PSl)

630 Alright Mrs.thathalf is telling me to goto bed. Shes right too, with a two year old who doesn't sleep through the night or in his crib through the night sleep is at a premium.

Night all. God bless.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:51 AM (IYHxL)

631 As a Christian I want everyone to be saved. I'm having trouble with this concept at the moment
Try this. You may have not known what these people were capable of. But the Lord saw it all. And he still wanted you to pray for your enemies.

Don't think it is not human to betray the highest principles they've been entrusted with.

Posted by: Axeman at May 07, 2020 12:52 AM (Eicbe)

632 Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:51 AM (IYHxL)

Goodnight, God bless you and your family.

Posted by: Evasiveboat42 at May 07, 2020 12:53 AM (Rz2Nc)

633 and now they dump a bunch of politics including interviews with Barrack. I should have known, it is ESPN.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 12:53 AM (hHxp2)

634 Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 12:50 AM (aA3+G)

Had to comment on this. I hope so. We'll win a few rings with him. I have no idea what green bay is doing or thinking. What a waste of his career by shitty drafts and poor FA signings.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at May 07, 2020 12:50 AM (WEBkv)

Very cool and you're right too much good hockey in this state.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at May 07, 2020 12:53 AM (IYHxL)

635 A Yuuuuge amount of New York's tax base is in NYC suburbs, so if Cuomo is admitting that he's scared that the lockdowns have royally screwed his budget.

Posted by: kbdabear at May 07, 2020 12:27 AM (qAR6u)

Hence why Fredo the Elder decreed volunteer nurses from out-of-state are liable for NY State income taxes.

Posted by: RickZ at May 07, 2020 12:54 AM (Y8PSl)

636 Hence why Fredo the Elder decreed volunteer nurses from out-of-state are liable for NY State income taxes.
Posted by: RickZ at May 07, 2020 12:54 AM (Y8PSl)

And that is why he should replace Biden, he cannot stop making friends!

Posted by: Evasiveboat42 at May 07, 2020 12:56 AM (Rz2Nc)

637 Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at May 07, 2020 12:50 AM (WEBkv)

With the new GM 2 years ago I had hopes
He has been somewhat agressive in the FA mkt

This years draft makes me think he's daft

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 12:56 AM (aA3+G)

638 I quit watching hockey for a time when they encouraged fighting. Bullshit goons beating the shit out of each other. I prefer the skill style.

Posted by: dartist at May 07, 2020 12:57 AM (K22Va)

639 Ice hockey is simply too fast a sport to enjoyably watch on tv.
I disagree completely, although I concede that being at the game is much more fun. As I mentioned upthread, I used to watch on a 13" BW set. That is when I was learning about hockey. Having world-class play-by-play is essential to the enjoyment. We have been lucky to have probably the very best here in Pittsburgh.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 12:57 AM (8HBLI)

640 God bless to you too, half.

And good night to all.

Off to continue reading Amity Shlaes new book.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at May 07, 2020 12:58 AM (WEBkv)

641 1) doing someone I love
Posted by: mikeski at May 06, 2020 10:41 PM (P1f+c)

The Rocky approach. Although he might have lived if it hadn't taken his concubine half an hour to get out from under his bulk, according to reports.

Posted by: Fox2! at May 07, 2020 12:58 AM (qyH+l)

642 I've shared this for sure on previous posts (?Ban Hammer?)

In my 20' the 80's did work (free) at the Haight Ashbury Free Medical Clinic..(O K settle) The "Rock Medicine" unit that supported all the outdoor events that "Bill Graham Presents" ever put on and some mid state and SoCal events as well..(US Festival??) anyone?

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 07, 2020 12:59 AM (kFkpX)

643 Any Emerson Lake & Palmer fans here?

I just went ahead and got:
- Brain Salad Surgery
- Black Moon

(and I already have Pictures At An Exhibition)

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 07, 2020 01:00 AM (L2ZTs)

644 This years draft makes me think he's daft
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 12:56 AM (aA3+G)

Unfortunately, I no longer follow Hockey. Or football and was never more than a casual fan of basketball.

My sports soul is sold to Baseball and the MN Twins.

The Twins were looking to possibly have a decent season then the virus lockdown hit.

Ah well.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at May 07, 2020 01:01 AM (WEBkv)

645 Four of my posts just ended up on another thread. I only have this one post open. How does this happen? Pixy? I don't even know what thread it was. But it was biting, incisive commentary. Like usual.

Posted by: Charles the Simple at May 07, 2020 01:01 AM (HuH1F)

646 MisHum: daft draft? Drat!

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 07, 2020 01:02 AM (L2ZTs)

647 Happy Nurse Appreciation Day Nightwatch.

You got to hear a lot of bands then? Any memorable stories you want to share?

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 01:02 AM (8HBLI)

648 643

Saw them at CALJAM Ontario Motor Speedway 1974

They were the headliner......(tear,,,,) my 1st Rock concert event as a yout.

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 07, 2020 01:04 AM (kFkpX)

649 Nightwatch, good show? Sounds like it.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 07, 2020 01:04 AM (L2ZTs)

650 One game in Montreal was against the Nordiques. Incredible energy in the building.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 07, 2020 12:43 AM (El6T/)

I was in Montreal one long summer weekend. I bought an English paper and was reading the Expos box score. A home run was a (CC), not (HR), for complete circuit. French even leaked into English box scores up there.

But the Nordiques and Canadians had a helluva rivalry while the Nordiques existed. Probably better than the Toronto-Montreal rivalry because French.

Posted by: RickZ at May 07, 2020 01:05 AM (Y8PSl)

651 Four of my posts just ended up on another thread. I only have this one post open. How does this happen? Pixy? I don't even know what thread it was. But it was biting, incisive commentary. Like usual.

Posted by: Charles the Simple at May 07, 2020 01:01 AM (HuH1F)
That's troubling because posting on old threads gets you auto-banned. Maybe that explains some things that were making life a misery for the COBs (getting people unbanned)?

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 01:06 AM (8HBLI)

652 Sad about Keith Emerson.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 07, 2020 01:06 AM (L2ZTs)

I should really see what Obama is up to now a days.
Posted by: Gillum's now ex-boyfriend at May 06, 2020 11:50 PM (WdocV)

Yeah isn't that funny.

In 2012 Obama gives Trump all of his yuk yuk contempt and disregard with Jimmy Kimmel and Seth ?Meyer?. That's who he is to the core, an eternal sneering snickering teenage motherfucker.

And now a few days ago, Trump lights up Obama on twatter by name, and he doesn't respond.

What a strange thing. It's a head-scratching mystery.

Posted by: BourbonChicken with a Face Colander at May 07, 2020 01:08 AM (LxTcq)

654 Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 01:06 AM (8HBLI)

Sounds like he was on an earlier thread today
Which is usually safe

You're right on the Cob labor aspect

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 01:11 AM (aA3+G)

655 A few caveats may be in order for NYC's 66 percent stay at homer's getting the wu flu

A large number of those staying at home were black and hispanic. Large numbers of them live in the city housing projects which aren't much cleaner than the subways. You have to figure some weren't totally honest, and some may have stayed home but had visitors.

Then there's the "don't mention that, racist!" part. Those neighborhoods are thick with drug dealers who might make home deliveries but they operate a strictly cash business. Cash is one of the dirtiest things you can touch. Then a trip to the dealer for some is just as necessary as a trip to the grocer, and "necessary" trips are considered "staying at home"

Posted by: kbdabear at May 07, 2020 01:12 AM (qAR6u)

656 That's who he is to the core, an eternal sneering snickering teenage motherfucker.

Posted by: BourbonChicken with a Face Colander
That's enough right there to get me to subscribe to your newsletter.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 01:13 AM (8HBLI)

657 I don't mind listening to games on the radio. You can imagine if they're moving left to right or right to left. Not everything has to be visual.

Posted by: dartist at May 07, 2020 12:50 AM (K22Va)

I grew up in Norfolk, VA but when the atmospherics were right, I could listen to the Bruins games on WBZ radio. This was the Big Bad Bruins era, with Bobby Orr and Company. The game was called by the legendary Bob Wilson. I could visualize those games, too.

Posted by: RickZ at May 07, 2020 01:14 AM (Y8PSl)

658 There was a thing I saw at Jimmy Page's house with
that goof Sting and Jack White where he explained and played how he came
up with the riff. Pretty cool.
Posted by: dartist at May 07, 2020 12:34 AM (K22Va)

I think you're mistaking of The Edge, guitarist for U2, for Sting. It sounds like a scene from "It Might Get Loud," a hugely entertining documentary about the three of them - three guitarists, three generations, three approaches. Unfortunately, it's been taken down off youtube, but you can still usually pay to see it somewhere for the normal $4-5 if you want.

Posted by: Hierominous Botch at May 07, 2020 01:15 AM (YqED9)



The expansion team, the Seattle SuperSonics. Born at the same time as the Chicago Bulls. Fall of 1967.

As an 8th grade kid growing up in Puyallup, I would listen to every game on my little transistor radio.

Tom Meschery, Bob Rule, Dick Thorn, Bobby Weiss, Walt Hazzard, Al Tucker, Dorrie Murray. Geez I surprised myself for doing that from memory.

When Howard Schultz sold out Sonics fans because Gary Payton and Sean Kemp got sick of him hanging out with them like the skinny little bitch he is, he got pissed and sold the team to OKC.

And Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels was a fat-assed bitch, negotiating in bad faith and lying to sports fans as well.

And fat-assed David Stern made sure Seattle would only get another franchise over his cold, dead body.

That was 13 years, 9 months, and 19 days ago.

The good news is that Greg Nickels was voted out of office, Howard Schultz was so burned by his hometown fans that his attempt to try for a Democrat Prez run was smacked down hard with massive on-line negative karma and it failed, and David Stern is dead now.

That's my NBA story.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 01:15 AM (sy5kK)

660 Then there's the "don't mention that, racist!" part. Those neighborhoods are thick with drug dealers who might make home deliveries but they operate a strictly cash business. Cash is one of the dirtiest things you can touch. Then a trip to the dealer for some is just as necessary as a trip to the grocer, and "necessary" trips are considered "staying at home"
Posted by: kbdabear at May 07, 2020 01:12 AM (qAR6u)

sounds like a case of Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes.

meanwhile, some hope in the Luther case (the salon owner) here in Texas. The case has been directly appealed to the Texas Supreme Court, bypassing the Appeals Courts, and her immediate release is being asked for.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 07, 2020 01:16 AM (V2Yro)

661 649

They were late coming on and after all day out in the sun, the crowd (115, 000) started throwing 1 gallon plastic water jugs around the infield like semi-lethal snow balls....then everyone started mini trash fires which gave the stage a cloud covered kinda medieval siege effect ....still a great set especially with Emerson doing a piano solo with a rig that lifted him AND piano 20 feet off the stage and did like 30 rotations with his feet locked in and still playing front to back...effin crazy...

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 07, 2020 01:17 AM (kFkpX)

662 Goodnight all, thanks for the fun chat tonight.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 07, 2020 01:18 AM (L2ZTs)

663 Isn't Black Moon Emerson Lake & Powell?

Brain Salad Surgery, IMO is overhyped. I prefer the debut, Trilogy, and Tarkus. But that's me.

Posted by: Axeman at May 07, 2020 01:18 AM (Eicbe)

664 meanwhile, some hope in the Luther case (the salon owner) here in Texas.
The case has been directly appealed to the Texas Supreme Court,
bypassing the Appeals Courts, and her immediate release is being asked


I suspect that will be be of those decisions that's fun to read.

Posted by: Methos at May 07, 2020 01:18 AM (kOpft)

665 And there we go

Posted by: Methos at May 07, 2020 01:19 AM (kOpft)

666 augh

Posted by: Methos at May 07, 2020 01:19 AM (kOpft)

667 LeftCoast Dawg, Seattle's NBA championship back in '80 (?) was a real treat. I mostly remember it for Dennis Johnson before he went to Boston, and Downtown Freddie Brown coming in off the bench to light it up. I'd watch the whole thing again in a heartbeat.

Posted by: Hierominous Botch at May 07, 2020 01:20 AM (YqED9)

668 Then there's the "don't mention that, racist!" part. Those neighborhoods are thick with drug dealers who might make home deliveries but they operate a strictly cash business. Cash is one of the dirtiest things you can touch. Then a trip to the dealer for some is just as necessary as a trip to the grocer, and "necessary" trips are considered "staying at home"
Posted by: kbdabear at May 07, 2020 01:12 AM (qAR6u)

I don't know about the cash being dirty part, but I know some people might enjoy our new tax free market. Not certain we want to go back. Governors keep things closed!

Posted by: Evasiveboat42 at May 07, 2020 01:21 AM (Rz2Nc)

669 Evasive, I believe Roy (TX) has introduced a bill to enshrine some "emergency" measures permanently (of the good kind, well, the relief kind, not the restrictive kind).

Posted by: rhomboid at May 07, 2020 01:23 AM (El6T/)

670 Goodnight all, thanks for the fun chat tonight.
Posted by: qdpsteve at May 07, 2020 01:18 AM (L2ZTs)


I'm heading to bed, too.

Goodnight all!

Posted by: Evasiveboat42 at May 07, 2020 01:23 AM (Rz2Nc)

671 545 I volunteered, did you get that?

Volun fricking teered to serve refreshments at a mud hens game a few years ago for charity.

It was my job to serve beer and check ID's, but I cant read that small. So I'd pretend to look at the ID, like some kind of judge. But really, what the fuck do I care.

Long story short, they gave me my 20 minute break. I walked halfway around the stadium and bought myself one of those beers. When I get back, 4 staties are standing around firing me from my volunteer job for drinking a beer on break.
Posted by: Menack at May 07, 2020 12:11 AM (buTO7)

That'll teach you to do good deeds.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 01:23 AM (sy5kK)

672 The thing about the Luther case that is troubling is that Ms. Luther is in jail amd whatever has happened to her can't be undone. She had to go through a degrading search before being put into a cell. If she is not in a cell alone, she could be enduring unspeakable assaults right now. I pray that nothing worse than the strip search has or will happen to her. Maybe I'm all wrong about what happens to you when you get put in jail. I hope I am beause the psychological trauma would probably cripple me for a while.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 01:23 AM (8HBLI)

673 Evasive, I believe Roy (TX) has introduced a bill to enshrine some "emergency" measures permanently (of the good kind, well, the relief kind, not the restrictive kind).

Posted by: rhomboid at May 07, 2020 01:23 AM (El6T/)

I'm not certain what you mean,the tax free market?

Posted by: Evasiveboat42 at May 07, 2020 01:25 AM (Rz2Nc)

674 I don't know about the cash being dirty part,

Posted by: Evasiveboat42 at May 07, 2020 01:21 AM (Rz2Nc)

There's always odds that the cash has been next to some pole dancer's cooter, in some hobo's pants, or stuffed in Hillary's mattress

Posted by: kbdabear at May 07, 2020 01:25 AM (qAR6u)

675 Thank gawd!

Posted by: JC. Idaho bot. at May 07, 2020 01:25 AM (377Zs)

676 585 kbdabear, well it's official then. We have to ban people from staying home!
Posted by: qdpsteve at May 07, 2020 12:32 AM (L2ZTs)

If I live alone, which I do, do I have to throw myself out of the house?

Remember, Jay Insless is my Guvnor. And July 4 to him means nothing. Nothing at all. WA "opens" on Monday, July 6.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 01:28 AM (sy5kK)

677 There's always odds that the cash has been next to some pole dancer's cooter, in some hobo's pants, or stuffed in Hillary's mattress

Would you prefer cash that had been stashed in a pole dancer's pants, a hobo's mattress, or next to Hillary's cooter?

Posted by: Blanco Basura - hiding out in the secret mountain lair at May 07, 2020 01:30 AM (SchxB)

678 Payback for this

Oh Hell Fuckin Yes

or just give the keys to your car to the 1st guberment prick that shows up at your door

Choices people....choices

Fuck OBummer and his mooch

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 07, 2020 01:31 AM (kFkpX)

679 Well, time for me to hit the sack. Night, Horde.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 07, 2020 01:31 AM (LZcDP)

680 next to Hillary's cooter?
Posted by: Blanco Basura - hiding out in the secret mountain lair

Whoa! What did we do to deserve THAT? Yuck. Just. YUCK.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 01:32 AM (8HBLI)


there..I feel better

good night me lovely Horde

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 07, 2020 01:33 AM (kFkpX)

682 Whoa! What did we do to deserve THAT? Yuck. Just. YUCK.

Sorry, door was open.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - hiding out in the secret mountain lair at May 07, 2020 01:33 AM (SchxB)

683 G'night AOP and Nightwatch. Pleasant dreams and a beautiful morning when you wake.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 01:34 AM (8HBLI)

684 Hillarys cooter has got to be worse than the barrel.

Posted by: USNtakim profoundly deplorable. at May 07, 2020 01:34 AM (0OmEj)

685 683
night to you Pennalady

Posted by: The Nightwatch at May 07, 2020 01:36 AM (kFkpX)

686 I saw Hillary's Cooter open for Fuck O'Bummer at the Barrel in 1969.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 01:37 AM (8HBLI)

687 686 I saw Hillary's Cooter open for Fuck O'Bummer at the Barrel in 1969.
Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 01:37 AM (8HBLI)


Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 01:38 AM (aA3+G)

688 Evasive, you expect me to read beyond headlines for stuff I'm not that interested in? The nerve.

I keeed.

I don't know. Something to do with $$$, and a good thing, to lock in some temporary relief of some kind. But I didn't read beyond the headline.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 07, 2020 01:38 AM (El6T/)

689 Hillary's Cooter open

Now I'll have nightmares for a week.

I guess that's fair.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - hiding out in the secret mountain lair at May 07, 2020 01:39 AM (SchxB)

690 Jeebus, leave for a bit and the last few posts.....

Posted by: A dude in MI at May 07, 2020 01:40 AM (4X5xS)

691 684 Hillarys cooter has got to be worse than the barrel.

Well thanks a lot for nothin'!

Posted by: The Barrel at May 07, 2020 01:41 AM (YqED9)

692 Soul Coughing doing "True Dreams Of Wichita." Saw these guys at Cat's Cradle in Chapel Hill a couple and a half decades ago with my boys.

Posted by: Hierominous Botch at May 07, 2020 01:45 AM (YqED9)

693 667 LeftCoast Dawg, Seattle's NBA championship back in '80 (?) was a real treat. I mostly remember it for Dennis Johnson before he went to Boston, and Downtown Freddie Brown coming in off the bench to light it up. I'd watch the whole thing again in a heartbeat.
Posted by: Hierominous Botch at May 07, 2020 01:20 AM (YqED9)

1979. Yup.

A rematch of the 1978 finals with the Washington Bullets.

I still argue that if there was a 3 point line back then, Downtown Freddie Brown would still hold the 3-point record for best percentage.

It was amazing to see Brown run to the corner of the floor and cast off shot after shot, and *swish*. That shot is now a 3-point shot.

They tried to stop him by fouling him, but it did no good.

Good times.

And Fred Brown, still around Seattle, is a great man, has been involved with many causes for people down on their luck or kids looking for a break, and donates his time behind the scenes. He has been doing this for decades.

When I met him once, Fred was a kind and friendly person to this then-30 something when I ran into him at a bar one night at the base of Queen Anne hill.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 01:47 AM (sy5kK)

694 Jeebus, leave for a bit and the last few posts.....
Posted by: A dude in MI at May 07, 2020 01:40 AM (4X5xS)
It was low-hanging fruit that simply could not be passed up.

Posted by: Weiner's Huma at May 07, 2020 01:48 AM (8HBLI)

695 In non-cooter late night commentary -

* Ms Lindsey twatted a FoxNewz item about release (partial) of a Mueller scope memo and said "The legal foundation for Mueller's appointment is crumbling". Lavrenti Beria on pogo stick, FFS Graham, there was obviously no legal foundation for Mueller's appointment, it was obvious the instant it happened, and was so described by many who understand the statute and the system.

* FoxNewz online report also relays claim that "Schiff is in panic mode" over DNI declassifying House Intel hearing transcripts. OK. Guess we'll see. But the "panic" part I'll never buy. FFS, people, have you been watching for a few years? We are in a bizarre, semi-Soviet twilight zone - reckless bizarre stupid human garbage like Schiff can do literally anything they want, get "caught", and hardly anyone knows or cares about it, and he and his entire party pay zero price. Because their voters are dumbed down, ignorant, misinformed, and an anchor around the country's neck.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 07, 2020 01:51 AM (El6T/)

696 speaking of cooter what is slo joes pefrance? Would he go in for the hillbitch cootch? Keep in mind Biden Jr's learned behaviors.

Hell even Billy boy avoided Hill.

Posted by: USNtakim profoundly deplorable. at May 07, 2020 01:52 AM (0OmEj)


rhomboid, all I ask is ONE 4am raid.

Just ONE.

And this time tip off FOX instead of Xi-NN.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 01:54 AM (sy5kK)

698 what is slo joes pefrance?
Posted by: USNtakim profoundly deplorable
He definitely has a finger-thing going. Remember when he started nibbling his wife's (that's DOCTOR Jill to you) fingers? I need not mention more than the initials TR to cite my second point of evidence.

Posted by: Weiner's Huma at May 07, 2020 01:58 AM (8HBLI)

Remember, Jay Insless is my Guvnor. And July 4 to him means nothing. Nothing at all. WA "opens" on Monday, July 6.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg

Fuck that noise. Betting the tribe up the road is going to selling fireworks. Sovereign nation and all that jazz. Goin be buying me some and doing some celebrating in some very conspicuous places. Unless of course, the fireworks have already started. Then...........

Posted by: Sock off at May 07, 2020 01:58 AM (dYt5T)


Is there a Naughty Nurse Appreciation day as well as the general one?

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 02:01 AM (f1Vqw)

Hope Solo's hairy gaping backhole is better than Hillary's cooter.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 02:02 AM (f1Vqw)

702 I laugh to myself because my handle was supposed to be "MeBack" but I was drunk as fuck when I made it.

Posted by: Menack at May 07, 2020 02:03 AM (buTO7)

703 Fuck that noise. Betting the tribe up the road is going to selling
fireworks. Sovereign nation and all that jazz. Goin be buying me some
and doing some celebrating in some very conspicuous places. Unless of
course, the fireworks have already started. Then...........

And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night, that our flag was still there...

Posted by: Methos at May 07, 2020 02:04 AM (kOpft)

704 Posted by: Sock off at May 07, 2020 01:58 AM (dYt5T)

Time to go buy out Muckleshoot.

Posted by: Quilter's Irish Death at May 07, 2020 02:04 AM (DjiZK)



Sock, I was talking to friends just yesterday about the same thing.

I want to buy some of those big Reservation multi-shot rockets, randomly drive around, shoot one off, then drive off and do it elsewhere again.

Probably drive past one of the cops trying to find me.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 02:05 AM (sy5kK)

706 Fuck that noise.
Posted by: Sock off
I would like to know how those of us who have taken as much as we are williing to put up with can do more than just bi**h about it in comboxes. I really like the protests, but they seem to be as effective as the Tea Party protest that preceded the Obamacare vote. "They" just don't care. I certainly do not want to see anything get out of hand, that is not what I am saying or trying to hint at. But, other than the slow drip of legal actions being filed, what can we do? They have us paralyzed waiting for the rigged system to give us justice.

Posted by: Weiner's Huma at May 07, 2020 02:06 AM (8HBLI)


How's the GoFundMe going for the treadmill for the Meal Team Six boys in that Texas sheriff's dept?

I've always been opposed to military equipment for LEOs. If things are bad enough you need that, it's time to send in the actual military (NG) rather than Buford T.

And Buford T. Justice would be ashamed of those lard asses.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 02:08 AM (f1Vqw)

708 Dirty sock off.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 02:08 AM (8HBLI)

Time to go buy out Muckleshoot.
Posted by: Quilter's Irish Death at May 07, 2020 02:04 AM (DjiZK)

It would probably take most of that PPP money to completely buy out the Muckleshoots. How many stands are set up by the casino, maybe a couple of hundred? And then when you drive through the reservation towards Enumclaw, there are a few dozen more stand-alone stands on their own properties.

I'm guessing, but I think the Muckleshoot fireworks stand sales are even greater than the Tulalip fireworks stands north of Everett.

Which are also really big.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 02:11 AM (sy5kK)

710 707

How's the GoFundMe going for the treadmill for the Meal Team Six boys in that Texas sheriff's dept?
it got shutbdown. they are still worried in obese

Posted by: Menack at May 07, 2020 02:12 AM (buTO7)

711 trying to get a raise

Posted by: Menack at May 07, 2020 02:12 AM (buTO7)

712 That MRAP is huge inside. It can hold 3, maybe 4 Ecton county police comfortably.

Posted by: BourbonChicken with a Face Colander at May 07, 2020 02:15 AM (LxTcq)


The Shelley Luther GoFundMe, that Dallas lady salon owner who stood up to that Hack of a Judge, has just cleared $500,000.

Most donations are $10, $20, $25.

Americans are still out there.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 02:15 AM (sy5kK)

714 I would like to know how those of us who have taken as much as we are
williing to put up with can do more than just bi**h about it in
comboxes. I really like the protests, but they seem to be as effective
as the Tea Party protest that preceded the Obamacare vote. "They" just
don't care. I certainly do not want to see anything get out of hand,
that is not what I am saying or trying to hint at. But, other than the
slow drip of legal actions being filed, what can we do? They have us
paralyzed waiting for the rigged system to give us justice.


Apparently the NYPD union is telling them not to enforce anything because there are teams of citizens looking to draw a social distancing citation, film it, and sue the shit out of the LEO who signed it. Because the cops know there's no legal basis for any of this. So maybe try to organize something like that, and when the local cops similarly lose interest, the businesses can reopen.

Certainly the optimal outcome here is that the commie shutdown governors keep giving orders, and their media allies keep screaming, and everyone else ignores them.

Posted by: Methos at May 07, 2020 02:16 AM (kOpft)

715 #695 notice how the gnus is totally disinterested in where Schiffhole parks his tool at night.

Dead guy in Ed Bucks apt.... crickets.

Posted by: torabora at May 07, 2020 02:17 AM (bAxNT)

716 Posted by: Weiner's Huma at May 07, 2020 02:06 AM (8HBLI)

Good questions. Individuals & groups of like mind & beliefs must participate in civil disobedience.

I travelled thru a tourist town here in northern WI businesses that should be closed were open. Signs out in front said resist tyranny. All people and all business is essential.

I expect red states & fly over country to resist. Sisified city folks living in blue states will remain slaves & serfs

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 02:18 AM (aA3+G)

717 That GFM for a treadmill was the funniest thing I've heard of in a while. I hope all those who thought it was going to be military cosplay party time are unable to sleep because of the humiliation they so rightfully have brought down upon themselves.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 02:18 AM (8HBLI)

718 707

How's the GoFundMe going for the treadmill for the Meal Team Six boys in that Texas sheriff's dept?

Meal Team Six.

I still laugh, even though I first heard it yesterday.

Because it is true.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 02:19 AM (sy5kK)

719 Cops have been doing a bang up job of pissing off I people who pay their salaries.

Not all of them but enough.

Posted by: torabora at May 07, 2020 02:19 AM (bAxNT)

720 Bourbon Chicken, LOL.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 07, 2020 02:20 AM (El6T/)

721 Meal Team Six.

I still laugh, even though I first heard it yesterday.

Because it is true.
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 02:19 AM (sy5kK)

I think, come election time, "that" picture done up movie poster style with the horde's titles from this morning's thread, would make some great publicity for the opposition ...

Posted by: Adriane the True Crime Critic ... at May 07, 2020 02:23 AM (LPnfS)

nite, all.

thanks for the entertainment.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 02:24 AM (sy5kK)

723 Methos is on it here. Actually I think there has been a steady disintegration of police will to enforce the dumber aspects of lockdowns for a while - it varies tremendously, by location and circumstance.

I always expected - assuming the epidemic was not nearly as serious as feared - that this would happen. Actually I expected and still do that some states may talk stupid (as some are, right now), then fold fairly quickly under the combined weight of epidemic developments (holocaust for nursing homes, far less serious for most of society), economic pain, liberty infringement, and many states returning to normal.

Interestingly Germany has said it will return to mostly normal very soon. That country has a string of disastrously stupid self-destructive decisions going back a ways - most recently their idiotic energy de-industrialization. So it's surprising to see them not choose the self-destructive, stupid course here.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 07, 2020 02:26 AM (El6T/)


Kurt Schlicter has been ripping Meal Team Six pretty hilariously as well. "Thick blue line", he tweeted in response.

And then, he did a Joe Friday Dragnet style intro for them:

It was 11 AM, second breakfast. My partner Luther and I were working the Candy Crush detail out of Shoney's near the Interstate when the call came in. American citizens, protesting. We took our waffles, bacon, eggs, and more waffles to go and suited up.

I carry a badge. And a fork.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 02:30 AM (f1Vqw)

725 But, other than the slow drip of legal actions being filed, what can we do? They have us paralyzed waiting for the rigged system to give us justice.
Posted by: Weiner's Huma

I no longer speculate about their intelligence. I don't even know if they have an actual plan. The TP crap should have opened some eyes but I doubt it did. Some of the dominoes in the supply chain seem to be teetering. Once they start, promises and assurances from some asshoe in his mansion in the state capital won't placate frightened people. Impose martial law? That will just help with the targeting decisions. Don't take me wrong. I want this country to survive, for my kids, my grandkids, but the optimism that I have carried most my adult life is gone. I'm not the only one. Normal, taxpaying, law abiding people in my life are just one push away from responding. I fear they have miscalculated the number and courage of people. Pray that reason returns and our Lord does not allow evil men to prevail.

Posted by: Sock off at May 07, 2020 02:31 AM (dYt5T)

726 I think the businesses in our little town would be able to open without the local PD bothering them. Maybe it could start with us and the other little towns that would tell Wolf to pound sand if he tried anything.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 02:35 AM (8HBLI)

727 my license i gave was wrong, I do a[ppologizy, but at least I wont hva tro get a new one

Posted by: Menack at May 07, 2020 02:35 AM (buTO7)


Starsky and Lunch was another good one.

And I was just looking at the Ector County high sheriff himself. He's a bubba, all right. As Lard assed as Starsky and Lunch. Good ol' boy shore 'nuff, looks like.

Fat bastard is running unopposed. That needs to change. That fat fuck needs to be run out.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 02:36 AM (f1Vqw)

729 It seems warmer temperature and sun light (ultra violet rays) the corona virus doesn't seem to like according to scientists at fort dietrich maryland who are testing ways to kill it. The implication of stay inside orders are interesting as mr. spock says. Gov. coumo say 66% of new cases are from people sheltering in their homes and 18% from nursing homes. (the nursing home percentage is low as so many have already died.)

Posted by: raimondo at May 07, 2020 02:36 AM (7DwbB)

730 Kurt Schlicter may never get the chance to finish book 5 in his Kelly Turnbull series. The which deals with the events which started the dividing of our country. Shame. I've been waiting to read that. I don't really want to live it.

Posted by: Sock off at May 07, 2020 02:36 AM (dYt5T)

731 In the same way that self-righteous busy body scolds and informers are labeled Karens we should label the overweening two-bit street corner Fascists, be they cops, judges,or Governors , as Cartmans.

Posted by: millions of monkeys and typewriters in the basement at May 07, 2020 02:36 AM (d6mdH)

732 Ignore trannymondo.

Posted by: Sock off at May 07, 2020 02:38 AM (dYt5T)

Well, Ector County has the highest obesity rate in the state of Texas. It shows.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 02:39 AM (f1Vqw)

734 In the same way that self-righteous busy body scolds and informers are labeled Karens we should label the overweening two-bit street corner Fascists, be they cops, judges,or Governors , as Cartmans.
Posted by: millions of monkeys and typewriters in the basement

*makes motion to include Cartman in official horde dictionary *

Posted by: Sock off at May 07, 2020 02:41 AM (dYt5T)

735 Off odiferous sock.

Posted by: Vlad the Impaler, whittling away like mad at May 07, 2020 02:43 AM (d6mdH)

736 I carry a badge. And a fork.
Posted by: publius

Fortunately, it wasn't 'The Naked City'.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 07, 2020 02:46 AM (WD9ZA)

737 What a hideous story to hear about my hometown!! I knew Quinton Lucas was a lib, but this edict on churches??? I suppose the KC Star is supporting this. Which is another reason why they'll never get my money to get behind the sports section paywall. Not even for news of Mahomes.

Posted by: Shopgirl at May 07, 2020 02:46 AM (qK70M)

738 I think the businesses in our little town would be able to open without the local PD bothering them. Maybe it could start with us and the other little towns that would tell Wolf to pound sand if he tried anything.
Posted by: PennaLady

Every moron who lives in a lockdown state should send an email to their county sheriff. Not your legislators. They are , for the most part, useless. Call on them to uphold their Constitutional oath and stand up to the Governor. Without enforcement, the Governor's power is diminished.

Posted by: Sock off at May 07, 2020 02:47 AM (dYt5T)

739 The bible says pray in your closet. Public praying is for pharisees.

Posted by: raimondo at May 07, 2020 02:50 AM (7DwbB)

740 Normal, taxpaying, law abiding people in my life are just one push away from responding. I fear they have miscalculated the number and courage of people. Pray that reason returns and our Lord does not allow evil men to prevail.
Posted by: Sock off
I get you. My sister, who is one of the front line hero health care workers (/sarc) and not much into politics comes home every day saying she is ready for tar and feathers. I know exactly what you are saying about people being at the point of saying "Enough."

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 02:52 AM (8HBLI)

741 So the Guv of Oregon has unilaterally extended the State's HouseArrest to July 6, in effect cancelling Independence Day.

*Peak Democrat unlocked*

Whitmer, Cuomo, Newsome, Pritzer et. al. must be green with envy.

Well, actual Peak Democrat would be having her tools shooting those peasants being insufficiently worshipful.

Posted by: Vlad the Impaler, whittling away like mad at May 07, 2020 02:52 AM (d6mdH)

742 712 That MRAP is huge inside. It can hold 3, maybe 4 Ecton county police comfortably.

Posted by: BourbonChicken with a Face Colander at May 07, 2020 02:15 AM (LxTcq)

Probably the only vehicle that can carry that many without busting the springs and blowing out the shocks.

Someone pointed out that since they don't make Kevlar in size 65, a lot of soft flesh was left exposed. Never mind that one cop had his rifle pointed directly at his partner's very fat ass

Posted by: kbdabear at May 07, 2020 02:53 AM (qAR6u)

743 Ignoring my own advice. Rainman, scripture tells us to not act as hypocrites, not hide ourselves. Scripture also tell us to pray unceasingly. Typical progtard. Know a little scripture so you think you can use it to point out what you think is hypocrisy. Scripture also tells us to seek after the Lord with all our hearts and our minds. Your heart I won't be the judge of.As for all all your mind, that should be too strenuous for you.

Posted by: Sock off at May 07, 2020 02:57 AM (dYt5T)

744 Someone pointed out that since they don't make Kevlar in size 65, a lot of soft flesh was left exposed. Never mind that one cop had his rifle pointed directly at his partner's very fat ass
Posted by: kbdabear

Have to love the internet is forever thing. If I lived in that town I would be plastering that picture everywhere.

Posted by: Sock off at May 07, 2020 03:00 AM (dYt5T)

745 737 What a hideous story to hear about my hometown!! I knew Quinton Lucas was a lib, but this edict on churches??? I suppose the KC Star is supporting this. Which is another reason why they'll never get my money to get behind the sports section paywall. Not even for news of Mahomes.
Posted by: Shopgirl at May 07, 2020 02:46 AM (qK70M)

Okay, so next Sunday, there will be several Mickey Mouse's, a few Minnie Pearls, a Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, maybe a Phillis Diller, and who knows who all going to those churches.

If I know my Americans, and I think I do.

Posted by: tcn in AK at May 07, 2020 03:02 AM (vVOK2)

746 Remember when Trump was talking about the 4th of July parade in DC and saying he wanted to see military vehicles proudly represented and how the media went into hysterics about military vehicles rolling down the streets of America? The HORROR of such a PARADE. Where are they now? Have any of them written anything about the horror of seeing military vehicles rolling into towns and being used against citizens? Yeah, I know I'm delusional if I think there's going to be any resistance from the resistance.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 03:03 AM (8HBLI)

747 No remaining confidence in the electorate, but the mishandling of this by governors in places like MI WA OR IL - in another America - could well lead to a political earthquake of 8.0 magnitude. We'll see.

Fun factoids.

Spread, expressed as reproduction rate, or R(t), of the bug, is below 1.0 (contracting, not growing) in all but 6 states, as of today - and the highest above 1.0 is 1.06 (NE).

Related - the R value for most (all?) places studied, where data is now becoming available, allowing one to back-engineer the trends, was declining (in some cases sharply) *before* lockdowns were adopted.

Doesn't mean lockdowns didn't "work", doesn't tell you the degree to which they worked, if they did - just tells you epidemic was following probably a normal path, and that it started earlier than believed.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 07, 2020 03:03 AM (El6T/)

748 739 The bible says pray in your closet. Public praying is for pharisees.
Posted by: raimondo at May 07, 2020 02:50 AM (7DwbB)

Why, Rainman, are you hiding your light under a bushel basket?

Posted by: tcn in AK at May 07, 2020 03:03 AM (vVOK2)

749 *Mahomie

screw auto-correct

Posted by: Shopgirl #MVPatrickisMahomie at May 07, 2020 03:03 AM (qK70M)

750 Some of these edicts - like the one in IL limiting church attendance to 50 - have simply got to lead to litigation, that will be "lit", as the kids say. Though I expect most of them to be rescinded, mooting most of the cases, before they get that far. Due to a combo of desperately wanting to avoid the ruling, and the air going out of the pandemic bag.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 07, 2020 03:06 AM (El6T/)

751 The joking thread got a late- night tut-tutting. I admit I didn't know all the details at the time and still do not. I said I still support L.E. in general and that is still the case; and I bet that is true for 90 percent of the Horde.

I think a lot of it was in jest but the idea that something was wrong was very real. That monstrous vehicle did not give the right image in the social distance or else world we now live in. These West Texans might not realize it but we expect them to be the most pro-individual, the most pro - liberty.

If we lose West Texas, we have problems. I could see this happening in Swampy areas, but that is not where we are getting it. Add-in the Dallas situation and it makes sense people went off and had a harmless laugh.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:07 AM (hHxp2)


What a bunch of fat fucks!

Posted by: Frank Cannon, PI at May 07, 2020 03:08 AM (f1Vqw)

753 tcn!! Thanks for the chuckle. Probably more than a few unMethodist-type names as well.

So annoyed by the KC news I forgot to thank MisHum for the Robert Johnson vid. My fave of his: "Four til Late" ("A woman is like a dresser, some man's always ramblin' through her drawers...")

Posted by: Shopgirl #MVPatrickisMahomie at May 07, 2020 03:08 AM (qK70M)

754 Oh - didn't even mention that the details of these edicts - like the 50 in church - have absolutely no basis in science or data or even common epidemiological sense (like the 6-foot rule).

And that's on the micro level.

On the macro level, literally every single policy apart from isolating infirm elderly now confronts questions that can't be answered, or at least haven't been - what are we doing, and why, at this point? It's not exactly shifted goalposts, it's more like "disappearing goalposts".

Speaking of which, I'm gonna disappear too. Almost to the end of a book which is basically the NKVD briefing file on Hitler prepared for Stalin after the war, based largely on the direct accounts of two key Hitler personal aides. It's April 23, Wenck and Steiner (Steiner!) have appeared in the narrative, if not the Government District, and bunker types are fighting over airplane seats to the Obersalzberg. Good times!

Posted by: rhomboid at May 07, 2020 03:13 AM (El6T/)

755 Any authoritarian hates to be laughed at. Scream and yell, but don't laugh.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:16 AM (hHxp2)

756 On the macro level, literally every single policy apart from isolating
infirm elderly now confronts questions that can't be answered, or at
least haven't been - what are we doing, and why, at this point? It's
not exactly shifted goalposts, it's more like "disappearing goalposts".

the thing that annoys me is that the elderly and infirm in nursing homes have no choice. They rely on others to care for them and put their best interests first.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:18 AM (hHxp2)

757 Law & Order : Buffet Specials Unit

Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 03:20 AM (jY/1v)

758 Potato "CHiPs"

Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 03:24 AM (jY/1v)

759 Just did the nightly 3 a.m. poop stroll with the corgi puppy. No need for pants, but footwear is essential, as it's a tiny-turd minefield out there.

Moon almost straight up overhead, lighting just right for a night drop into July 1944 France, which when you think about it, is just about where we are in this cycle of occupation by an oppressor.

Except there are no Nazis to fear. Only gators and black bears. All else is harmless, and the only sounds are the nightjars doing whip-poor-will, and the air conditioners tripping on and off.

Our oppressors today are our own governors, mayors, judges, commissioners, and police. And just as in Vichy France in July 1944, there are collaborators and snitches behind every window and door.

Posted by: Les Kinetic at May 07, 2020 03:24 AM (+fPHo)

760 We've work to do.

Posted by: Les Kinetic at May 07, 2020 03:25 AM (+fPHo)

That's who he is to the core, an eternal sneering snickering teenage motherfucker.

Posted by: BourbonChicken with a Face Colander


That's enough right there to get me to subscribe to your newsletter.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 01:13 AM (8HBLI)

could you at least include the time hack, so we can find the comment quoted?

asking for a friend.

Posted by: redc1c4, ONT Rx tech at May 07, 2020 03:25 AM (dlZr1)

762 Needs a walker, Texas Ranger

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:26 AM (hHxp2)

763 No sitting on a beach you can walk on has to be the stupidest of the stupid rules.

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 03:26 AM (ZCEU2)

764 Cold Cuts Files

Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 03:27 AM (jY/1v)

765 Blown Doof Mcquade.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:28 AM (hHxp2)

766 Red:

I should really see what Obama is up to now a days.
Posted by: Gillum's now ex-boyfriend at May 06, 2020 11:50 PM (WdocV)

Yeah isn't that funny.

In 2012 Obama gives Trump all of his yuk yuk contempt and disregard with Jimmy Kimmel and Seth ?Meyer?. That's who he is to the core, an eternal sneering snickering teenage motherfucker.

And now a few days ago, Trump lights up Obama on twatter by name, and he doesn't respond.

What a strange thing. It's a head-scratching mystery.
Posted by: BourbonChicken with a Face Colander at May 07, 2020 01:08 AM (LxTcq)

Posted by: My life is insanity at May 07, 2020 03:29 AM (kck+S)

767 No Country Fried Steak.

yes, I know in Texas it is Chicken Fried. I am on a roll.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:29 AM (hHxp2)

Our oppressors today are our own governors, mayors, judges, commissioners, and police. And just as in Vichy France in July 1944, there are collaborators and snitches behind every window and door.
Posted by: Les Kinetic at May 07, 2020 03:24 AM (+fPHo)

True enough. The Sunshine laws exposing the Quislings in Missouri warms my heart.

Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 03:30 AM (jY/1v)

769 Interestingly Germany has said it will return to mostly normal very soon. That country has a string of disastrously stupid self-destructive decisions going back a ways -

Yeah, like two centuries worth

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 03:30 AM (ZCEU2)

770 In 2012 Obama gives Trump all of his yuk yuk contempt and disregard with Jimmy Kimmel and Seth ?Meyer?. That's who he is to the core, an eternal sneering snickering teenage motherfucker.

And now a few days ago, Trump lights up Obama on twatter by name, and he doesn't respond.

What a strange thing. It's a head-scratching mystery.
Posted by: BourbonChicken with a Face Colander at May 07, 2020 01:08 AM (LxTcq)

Sorry. I was hoping to keep the copied stuff to a minimum.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 03:31 AM (8HBLI)

the media took millions in loans meant for small business

Saw that just before bedtime

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 03:34 AM (ZCEU2)

772 And now a few days ago, Trump lights up Obama on twatter by name, and he doesn't respond.

What a strange thing. It's a head-scratching mystery.

Posted by: BourbonChicken with a Face Colander at May 07, 2020 01:08 AM (LxTcq)

Posted by: My life is insanity at May 07, 2020 03:29 AM (kck+S)

Obama knows he has the entire media at his back calling him the greatest. He is used to constant fawning and if it doesn't show up, he has not clue.

btw, I laugh that they interviewed Obama in that basketball show. Have you ever seen Obama shoot hoops? That guy is one of the least athletic presidents in history. They used to bag on Ford but he was one of the most athletic in history. The media can spin so much yarn they will get half the people to believe anything really. And yes, Obama sucks ass at golf too. I can't think of a president in modern history that was worse. Maybe Carter but he didn't even try to play sports as far as I know.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:35 AM (hHxp2)

773 On the macro level, literally every single policy apart from isolating
infirm elderly now confronts questions that can't be answered, or at
least haven't been - what are we doing, and why, at this point? It's
not exactly shifted goalposts, it's more like "disappearing goalposts".

Random uncertainty.

Posted by: Sock off at May 07, 2020 03:36 AM (dYt5T)

774 Blown Doof Mcquade.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:28 AM (hHxp2)

It is low rent to quote yourself but you guys know what I am talking about right? It was one of the greatest movies of the early 80s. Hell it was what made Walker Texas Ranger.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:36 AM (hHxp2)

Meal Team Six makes me laugh because of a story from my early 20s.

A good buddy of mine was growing some weed. Personal use stuff, six plants, not even at the felony level back then in terms of their maturity at the time. Now, we come from a rural county in CO that has been a major marijuana cultivation zone for fifty years. Thousands of acres under tillage for top-quality shit.

So six unfruited plants was practically nothing. Deputies there wouldn't get out of bed for a raid where they could sell the take down in Denver for less than five digits.

Except this one, who we grew up with, and who hated my group of kids back in HS. And we didn't bully him or anything. He was just a tremendously fat, STOOOOPID asshoe who didn't get invited to our parties. And, to be fair, while he was manifestly unfit for police work in every way, and only got on the Department because of nepotism, he was likely the only honest deputy PCSD had.

In any event, he found out about my friend's pathetic little garden and decided to raid him in the middle of the night. He and his partner suited up in all the SWAT gear. I'm guessing homeboy had to wear two vests because he was no less than 400lbs by then.

My friend said he woke up because heard a lot of noise out in the woods, and looked out there to see this guy "hiding" behind a Doug fir with an M16. Except, he was bigger around than the trunk so hiding isn't the right word.

He just walked out laughing, and took his misdemeanor charge from the circuit court.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 07, 2020 03:38 AM (EQRLd)

776 btw, I laugh that they interviewed Obama in that basketball show. Have you ever seen Obama shoot hoops? That guy is one of the least athletic presidents in history. They used to bag on Ford but he was one of the most athletic in history. The media can spin so much yarn they will get half the people to believe anything really. And yes, Obama sucks ass at golf too. I can't think of a president in modern history that was worse. Maybe Carter but he didn't even try to play sports as far as I know.
Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:35 AM (hHxp2)

He throws a baseball like a fag, shoots a basketball like a homo, and has a gay ass golf swing.

It ain't hard to figure out.

Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 03:39 AM (jY/1v)


I'm reading a bit on this Ector County High Sheriff. His name is Mike Griffis. Turns out he's big on no-knock raids. Get them drugs off the streets, or dirt trails, of Ector County.

He's a big boy, like his deputies.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 03:43 AM (f1Vqw)

778 All this cop talk reminds me it's my turn to bring in doughnuts friday.

Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 03:43 AM (jY/1v)

779 It ain't hard to figure out.

Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 03:39 AM (jY/1v)

you have a way with words sir.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:43 AM (hHxp2)

780 Live version of "After Dark" by Tito and Tarantula (song made famous by Salma Hayek dancing to it in From Dusk to Dawn)

Sensuous underrated southwestern blues.

Posted by: Ghost of Bob Crane at May 07, 2020 03:43 AM (Cd618)

781 Well, Germany has a history of adjusting to the "new normal," doesn't it?

Near-starvation and ungodly inflation after WW1, Hitler's brownshirts and Gestapo and gauleiters in the 30s, in the east, the alternative universe of communism and the Stazi under the Soviets, and in the 21st, Islam on steriods. This new thing, Wuhan? Just another phase. They had may waves of plague years in the medieval and renaissance years.

Posted by: Les Kinetic at May 07, 2020 03:43 AM (+fPHo)

782 i get calling out the sheriff but can we let the rest lie a bit until we get all the facts? This is just my opinion and I speak for no one else obviously. But I personally don't know all the details but they don't look good for the cops a this point. But still, it is likely guys were told to to x and they did x.

They deserve to be mocked for the absurdity of that response. But other than that, I would hold off. I would not get personal. That is my opinion and mine alone. I joked about them too and still will.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:47 AM (hHxp2)

783 Live version of "After Dark" by Tito and Tarantula (song made famous by Salma Hayek dancing to it in From Dusk to Dawn)

Sensuous underrated southwestern blues.

Posted by: Ghost of Bob Crane at May 07, 2020 03:43 AM (Cd61

your link is not working. A cool movie recco is "near dark" I doubt most have seen it. It is a pretty wild flick and goes with the Texas motif.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:49 AM (hHxp2)

784 Never set the alarm last night, I'm supposed to get up in 40 minutes

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 03:50 AM (ZCEU2)

785 If you say New Normal you are already the opponent (see I am being nice), Never accept that term, they are selling you something and it ends in 'rat.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:51 AM (hHxp2)

786 Gotta drop the (dot) for the real thing

Posted by: Ghost of Bob Crane at May 07, 2020 03:51 AM (Cd618)

787 I don't care if the JEF is not good at sports, is not very manly, or can't construct a comprehensible sentence to save his life. I detest him for what he has done and continues to do to MY COUNTRY. But, I enjoy tremendously every bit of humiliation that can be heaped upon him from any quarter.

He is a sissy and "an eternal sneering snickering teenage motherfucker." He is revolting and makes me physically ill when I have to hear his prissy voice or see his despicable face.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 03:52 AM (8HBLI)

788 Never set the alarm last night, I'm supposed to get up in 40 minutes

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 03:50 AM (ZCEU2)

i have this thing where I can doze off, flop around and doze off again, but still guess the time within minutes most of the time. I don't keep a cell phone or clock in my bedroom. If I have to check it I have to get up. It can get spooky really. I get it to the minute way more often than normal.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:53 AM (hHxp2)

789 I personally don't know all the details but they don't look good for the cops a this point. But still, it is likely guys were told to to x and they did x.


I get it. Much as I had fun making fun of the deputy I mentioned upthread, I still feel bad, because he was an honest cop and ended up being shot dead in a poorly conceived no-knock raid organized by our stupid and ruthless Sheriff over a piddly little bullshit tax dispute.

The other two shot in that incident (one in the guts, one in the wiener) had it coming. It's too bad they survived and he didn't.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 07, 2020 03:55 AM (EQRLd)

790 They deserve to be mocked for the absurdity of that response. But other than that, I would hold off. I would not get personal. That is my opinion and mine alone. I joked about them too and still will.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:47 AM (hHxp2)

Too many police departments have officers going fully armored hut-hut with the blessings of their chiefs and politicos who used taxpayer money to buy all that armor, including armored vehicles. (As stated above, if a situation is bad enough for MRAPs, it's time for the National Guard, not the po-po.) That SCOTUS decision stating the police have duty to protect citizens has, IMAO, done a lot of damage with the cops as the cops took full advantage of that ruling, deciding their pensions were more important than their 'sworn' duty to protect and serve. Police unions sticking up for the bad apples hasn't helped their cause at all, either.

Mocking is good, derision is even better.

Posted by: RickZ at May 07, 2020 03:58 AM (Y8PSl)

791 Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 03:52 AM (8HBLI)
I hear ya. The only reason we point it out is that people in the media have tried to make him cool, and hip, he is neither. ESPN and others spent hours with him on his fantasy sports picks. They tried to show him as an athlete but he was Urkel.

We don't think you have to be good at sports to be president, he does. He needs the illussion the media has always given him. This guy always got a leg up in any competition, it became the norm. Really there was never a competition. He just always got a leg up.

If you ever see him hit a golf ball or shoot at a hoop, it is pretty embarrassing. Even GWB, with all his flaws was ten times the athlete the lesser Urkel was.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:58 AM (hHxp2)

792 Direct YouTube links almost always can be used as their small.

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 03:58 AM (ZCEU2)

793 Good Morning Morons today is Thursday, May 7, 2020. On this day in 1942 the Battle of the Coral Sea occurred. The United States Navy aircraft carrier aircraft attacked and sank the Imperial Japanese Navy light aircraft carrier Shoho; the battle marks the first time in naval history that two enemy fleets fight without visual contact between warring ships.

Posted by: Vic at May 07, 2020 04:00 AM (mpXpK)

794 Got 2 hrs and 15 minutes until I need to leave for work but want coffee. Not even sure what to make for breakfast yet.

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 04:01 AM (ZCEU2)

795 First the Democrats hammered Trump for doing too much on the coronacrap, then they hammered him for not doing enough. Now they are hammering him for his plan to disband the corona task force. But lo and behold he sucked them in and said it would continue indefinitely but shift its focus. He is making fools out of them.

Posted by: Vic at May 07, 2020 04:01 AM (mpXpK)

796 Meanwhile House communists led by Nazi Peelousy are crafting their corona stimulus bill. A multi-trillion dollar spending fest on communist/socialist crap that has nothing to do with the coronacrap.

Posted by: Vic at May 07, 2020 04:01 AM (mpXpK)

797 Mueller was given an overly broad scope in his 'get Trump' Russia investigation. And it appears that a lot of this was unconstitutional.

Posted by: Vic at May 07, 2020 04:01 AM (mpXpK)

798 And Adam Schift for brains is in a panic mode as his lies are being exposed.

Posted by: Vic at May 07, 2020 04:02 AM (mpXpK)

799 Trump has vetoed the Iran War Powers resolution which would have said he could not launch military action against Iran unless congress declared war or specifically authorized it. Smattering of RINOs and DIABLOs sided with the Democrats.

Posted by: Vic at May 07, 2020 04:02 AM (mpXpK)

800 RAMIREZ (repeat)

And that's it for today.

Posted by: Vic at May 07, 2020 04:02 AM (mpXpK)

801 Mocking is good, derision is even better.

Posted by: RickZ at May 07, 2020 03:58 AM (Y8PSl)

there have certainly been way to may terrible examples. They should pretty much give up the para military gear. No one is going to accept it and there is good reason. We have Ruby Ridge, we have Waco, hell we have that Christmas movie. Any time a cop tries to play Rambo, they look horrible.

And trust me I take this seriously. But I don't like calling out names when I don't know all the deets. That again is just my opinion. Power deserves to be mocked when it is even possibly wrong, that is a safe guard.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 04:03 AM (hHxp2)

802 Nothijng exciting on the fatalities of Chinese Lung disease
NY plus 232, NJ 305, Pa 97, Wi 7

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 04:05 AM (ZCEU2)


Ok here it is. I highly recommend you watch it. Extremely sensuous and moody southwestern blues. His lead guitarist is brilliant and plays flawlessly even though some extremely limber sexpot is all but raping him on stage.

It will totally change your mood. Certainly did for me

Posted by: Ghost of Bob Crane at May 07, 2020 04:07 AM (Cd618)

804 Not even sure what to make for breakfast yet.
Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 04:01 AM (ZCEU2)

Rebel !!!!

French toast with real Maple Syrup ...

Posted by: Adriane the True Crime Critic ... at May 07, 2020 04:08 AM (LPnfS)

805 If you ever see him hit a golf ball or shoot at a hoop, it is pretty embarrassing. Even GWB, with all his flaws was ten times the athlete the lesser Urkel was.
Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:58 AM (hHxp2)
I was only making the point because I can see a time when some dorky guy is going to be our best choice. I do enjoy the mocking of the JEF and your point is well taken about his image being wrapped up in his athletic wonderfulness.

To me, the picture that best represents his lack of athletic prowess is the one where he's on the bicycle wearing mom jeans and what appears to be a little kid's helmet.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 04:09 AM (8HBLI)

806 And that's it for today.
Posted by: Vic at May 07, 2020 04:02 AM (mpXpK)


Posted by: Adriane the True Crime Critic ... at May 07, 2020 04:09 AM (LPnfS)

807 Bug language.
I would say tl;dr, but I actually wasted a portion of my lifespan reading it.
A bunch of twaddle about rebranding the definition of twaddle.

Posted by: Downcast at May 07, 2020 04:14 AM (xgpfE)

808 To me, the picture that best represents his lack of
athletic prowess is the one where he's on the bicycle wearing mom jeans
and what appears to be a little kid's helmet.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 04:09 AM (8HBLI)

the whole thing was made up from whole cloth. He is like Johnny Ringo in the old west. Some say the guy never existed. Most think he existed but most of his story was made up. That is like Obama. He existed, but so much was a media creation.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 04:15 AM (hHxp2)

809 Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 04:09 AM (8HBLI)


Maybe the best, but never electable. The media won't cover for our dorks like they did for Obama, and he was able to present as a normal guy when wearing a suit and on (flattering) cameras.

Americans won't elect a faggy dork without him being stage-managed to look normal. Ask Gore and Dukakis.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 07, 2020 04:15 AM (EQRLd)


Posted by: Adriane the True Crime Critic ... at May 07, 2020 04:09 AM (LPnfS)

Good Morning

Posted by: Vic at May 07, 2020 04:17 AM (mpXpK)

811 btw, I laugh that they interviewed Obama in that
basketball show. Have you ever seen Obama shoot hoops? That guy is one
of the least athletic presidents in history. They used to bag on Ford
but he was one of the most athletic in history. The media can spin so
much yarn they will get half the people to believe anything really. And
yes, Obama sucks ass at golf too. I can't think of a president in modern
history that was worse. Maybe Carter but he didn't even try to play
sports as far as I know.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 03:35 AM (hHxp2)

and the SCOAMF had to fake his "skeet shoot" shot at that....

totally shopped.

Posted by: redc1c4, ONT Rx tech at May 07, 2020 04:19 AM (dlZr1)

812 Hi Adrienne, are you a true crime fan? Court TV has resurrected itself to become a true crime aphrodisiac

Posted by: Ghost of Bob Crane at May 07, 2020 04:20 AM (Cd618)

813 Obama's ego was so fragile he needed people to pretend he was a jock. Of course it is aburd, and that is the point.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 04:21 AM (hHxp2)

814 To me, the picture that best represents his lack of athletic prowess is the one where he's on the bicycle wearing mom jeans and what appears to be a little kid's helmet.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 04:09 AM (8HBLI)

Not to mention, but I will anyway, it was a girl's bike -- which is somehow appropriate for President Light In The Loafers.

I was only making the point because I can see a time when some dorky guy is going to be our best choice. I do enjoy the mocking of the JEF and your point is well taken about his image being wrapped up in his athletic wonderfulness.

Just like how the media had to proclaim Michelle was a beauty with 'toned arms', the media had to make the sissy Obama more masculine because they knew he was a bathhouse dork.

Can't imagine how they'd portray Former Mayor Petey Pie and his boyfriend were he ever elected president. I could see every news report about him having a Village People soundtrack, 'Macho Man'. Because the DNC propaganda arm has to do what propagandists do: Lie their asses off.

Posted by: RickZ at May 07, 2020 04:21 AM (Y8PSl)

815 The media that asked him such questions as what he found most enchanting about being in office earned every bit of their characterization as "fake news." They panted after him like he was a bitch in heat and they were hounds on his scent. Revolting. Everything about him and his sycophantic media is revolting.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 04:21 AM (8HBLI)

816 and the SCOAMF had to fake his "skeet shoot" shot at that....

totally shopped.

Posted by: redc1c4, ONT Rx tech at May 07, 2020 04:19 AM (dlZr1)

you finally made me look up that acronym. It was way more glorious than I could have dreamed.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 04:24 AM (hHxp2)

817 I am the guy who didn't know what MFM meant after two years posting and much much longer lurking. I knew it was negative though, I am pretty quick on the uptake.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 04:25 AM (hHxp2)

818 808 Most think he existed but most of his story was made up. That is like Obama. He existed, but so much was a media creation.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 04:15 AM (hHxp2)

Oh he existed, but he was not killed by Doc Holiday as the movie portrayed. He committed suicide. If you get permission from the landowner you can visit his grave and see the plaque that has been erected.

Posted by: Vic at May 07, 2020 04:27 AM (mpXpK)

819 Maybe the best, but never electable. The media won't cover for our dorks like they did for Obama, and he was able to present as a normal guy when wearing a suit and on (flattering) cameras.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 07, 2020 04:15 AM (EQRLd)

The media turned a Republican president who was a two-time All-American college football player, and who played on a National Championship team, into a clumsy bumbling dork thanks to Chevy Chase and Saturday Night Live, just as Tina Fey and Saturday Night Live belittled an accomplished governor, Sarah Palin, setting the media narrative on her.

Posted by: RickZ at May 07, 2020 04:28 AM (Y8PSl)

820 Americans won't elect a faggy dork without him being stage-managed to look normal. Ask Gore and Dukakis.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 07, 2020 04:15 AM (EQRLd)

Kerry in that baby blue onesie.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 04:29 AM (hHxp2)

821 RickZ - I wasn't sure I was remembering correctly about the girl's bike so I didn't put that in my comment. Thanks for confirming that.

On an completely different topic, does anyone else hate having a one-stroke CAPS LOCK key? I hardly ever use it on purpose. I am constantly having to retype comments. Having to double-tap the SHIFT key is a better configuration for me. This tablet cost less than $100 so I guess I need to shut up and be thankful for what it does well.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 04:31 AM (8HBLI)

822 They panted after him like he was a bitch in heat and they were hounds on his scent. Revolting. Everything about him and his sycophantic media is revolting.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 04:21 AM (8HBLI)

The photo of Andrea Mitchell on the 2008 campaign plane, looking all starry-eyed at Obama, was nauseating.

Posted by: RickZ at May 07, 2020 04:33 AM (Y8PSl)

823 Maybe cheese omelette and toast

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 04:34 AM (ZCEU2)

824 821 On an completely different topic, does anyone else
hate having a one-stroke CAPS LOCK key? I hardly ever use it on
purpose. I am constantly having to retype comments. Having to
double-tap the SHIFT key is a better configuration for me. This tablet
cost less than $100 so I guess I need to shut up and be thankful for
what it does well.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 04:31 AM (8HBLI)

I just wish they would put the caps lock key in a location at the top of the keyboard where the likely hood of hitting it while typing would be low.

Posted by: Vic at May 07, 2020 04:35 AM (mpXpK)

825 RickZ - I wasn't sure I was remembering correctly about the girl's bike so I didn't put that in my comment. Thanks for confirming that.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 04:31 AM (8HBLI)

I had to do a quick Bing image search to verify that myself.

Posted by: RickZ at May 07, 2020 04:36 AM (Y8PSl)

826 Maybe cheese omelette and toast
Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 04:34 AM (ZCEU2)
Hey, Skip just invited us all to his place for omelettes and toast.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 04:37 AM (8HBLI)

827 Oh he existed, but he was not killed by Doc Holiday
as the movie portrayed. He committed suicide. If you get permission from
the landowner you can visit his grave and see the plaque that has been

Posted by: Vic at May 07, 2020 04:27 AM (mpXpK)

I oversold that a bit and expected to get called out. But there is a famous book you can find on Amazon called Johnny Ringo, the gunfighter that never was.

I love old west history. It is fascinating because it is a proven fact we have better records on ancient Rome than we do of the Old West in the mid to late 1800s.

There are likely some new books, but up until ten years ago I read every serious scholarly book on Doc Holliday that has been written. It is cool to read the early, serious works and notice the huge mistakes. The dime novel stuff is absurd with regard to all of these people. The famous and good movie "My Darling Clementine" is so historically inaccurate, it would have caused all kinds of libel and slander lawsuits today.

It is cool to know you know your stuff. I am up for talking the old west, Doc and Wyatt any time. It sucks there are not many really old west historians and there is even less of a market for their studies that are just as important as those from any other region or time. The thing got so mixed up with dime novels and mythology that many don't even wan to know the cold hard history.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 04:37 AM (hHxp2)

828 I just wish they would put the caps lock key in a location at the top of the keyboard where the likely hood of hitting it while typing would be low.
Posted by: Vic at May 07, 2020 04:35 AM (mpXpK)
Yes. This would be fantastic. You know, we could solve all the world's problems if they'd only tune in to the ONT.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 04:40 AM (8HBLI)

829 Ghost of Bob Crane at May 07, 2020 04:20 AM (Cd61

No cable. Just Forensic Files and the like on toob of yew ...

And mumbly years ago ... books!

Posted by: Adriane the True Crime Critic ... at May 07, 2020 04:41 AM (LPnfS)

830 PennaLady I take it you could get here by lunch at earliest

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 04:44 AM (ZCEU2)

831 Court TV (both of them) are over-the-airs

Posted by: Ghost of Bob Crane at May 07, 2020 04:44 AM (Cd618)

832 They also have FBI Files, American Greed, Corrupt Criminals and many others. Truly a cynic's paradise!

Posted by: Ghost of Bob Crane at May 07, 2020 04:45 AM (Cd618)

833 PennaLady I take it you could get here by lunch at earliest
Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 04:44 AM (ZCEU2)
That's probably about right. I'm around Pittsburgh. Are you around the Valley of Happiness, or is that another PA resident I'm thinking of?

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 04:48 AM (8HBLI)


I never had a problem with the Caps Lock key until I started using laptop flat keyboards. I hit that sucker all the time and sHIT hAPpens.

These laptop keyboards are awful. I can only imagine what it's like with some of those on-screen tablet keyboards and stuff.

The Backspace, Delete, Home, and other keys are also problematic. And Ctrl. I hit some crazy key combinations by accident sometimes that do all sorts of crazy shit I'm not expecting.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 04:50 AM (rCwaK)

835 The book that got me started on serious Old West history was The Encyclopedia of Old West Gunfighters, by Bill O'neal.The thing I liked about the guy is he played down all rumors and only told was was dead solid fact. They guy might have been too skeptical, but that was a good antidote at the time. He required solid proof of every gunfight result. You don't hear about shooting 40 men from this guy.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 04:50 AM (hHxp2)

I never learned to type, or had any formal typing training. I started out huntin' pecker with computer keyboards back in college, and then gradually gained finger memory on the location of keys with the QWERTY layout.

I can type pretty fast now, and use most of my fingers. It's strange, I couldn't draw out a keyboard layout to save my life, but my brain knows where to put my fingers.

With a normal, full size keyboard, I do pretty well, but these flat laptop keyboards can mess me up. They are narrower and my fat fingers get confused on where they are.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 04:55 AM (rCwaK)

837 Oy.

Roses are red,
Some of us are cynical,
After watching Hillary,
Get away with all things criminal ...

Burma shave!

Posted by: Adriane the True Crime Critic ... at May 07, 2020 04:55 AM (LPnfS)

838 I hit some crazy key combinations by accident sometimes that do all sorts of crazy shit I'm not expecting.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 07, 2020 04:50 AM (rCwaK)
That's me all over. In a previous life I had to take notes and provide feedback on job performance to people as they did their jobs. I found that using a laptop was less useful than paper and pencil (well, carbonless triplicate forms). I spent more time trying to fix my typing errors than recording what I was seeing them doing. And I made faces at the computer that they interpreted as feedback on their performance.

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 04:56 AM (8HBLI)

839 Mornin' Horde !

Posted by: JT at May 07, 2020 04:59 AM (arJlL)

840 I honestly don't recall whether he listed Ringo or not. Again, I am not saying Ringo did not exist. I am a huge Doc Holliday fan like you would never know. But this guy takes Doc down a few pegs. That is ok because it is just a start. Doc wasn't what they showed in Tombstone,and I freaking loved Tombstone. He was more really, because he was human.

I think he did not mention Ringo but i am not sure,I don't have the book but will remedy that. I am referring to the 1979 edition. Maybe it is a quirk, but I always go for the oldest editions. Anything close to this time well, enough said.

If you ever want to read a Norton Anthology of American Literature, get the oldest version you can, trust me.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 04:59 AM (hHxp2)

841 ghosting their schools face few consequences
On one hand nice to know some tried to continue education though licked out, on other hand not surprising the powers that be are all in on giving everyone a pass grade.

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 05:02 AM (ZCEU2)

842 #Collectivism is a murder pact #Totalitarian #Communists #Unite

I thought I had enough guns & ammo but after this experience I clearly don't have enough ( I think I am going to need explosives though) #DoomsdayPrepper

American individualism is a suicide pact
by Damon Linker

...Then there's the restive faction of the Republican Party that uses its media perches and headline-grabbing protests at state houses and city halls to express displeasure with stay-at-home orders. And well-publicized anecdotes of people becoming less willing in warm spring weather to continue sheltering-in-place (despite numerous polls showing strong broad-based support at both the national and local level for maintaining such restrictions).

But underlying all of these sources of opposition to public-health measures is a deeper cause that intertwines with and underlies all of them, at least in part - Wisconsin governor's stay-at-home order when she volunteered that she considered it "the very definition of tyranny."

Americans like to see their "don't tread on me" ethic as one of the country's most admirable traits. And maybe in some contexts and historical moments it is. But during a pandemic it is idiocy to cry tyranny at efforts to mitigate the spread of the pathogen. In such circumstances, our incorrigible individualism can become lethal - a suicide pact that threatens individuals as well as the political community as a whole. That makes it a public menace...

Posted by: BetaCuck4Life at May 07, 2020 05:05 AM (FBrfY)

Harkening back to the previous thread, imagine being the guy whose image (and voice?) was there on screen when the sound of the flushing toilet broke free like a fleeing buck bursting through thick undergrowth into open country and bounding off like the wind. Nothing you say in the future will escape this mental process among your listeners:

Who is this guy? He seems familiar ... I know that I've seen his face before, but where, wh... wait! He's that toilet-flushing-on-live-TV-while-being-interviewed guy! What an assclown!

And then you'll see THAT look of realization, and then a smirk, and always, always you will hear (with a muffled guffaw or two), "Could you please repeat what you just said? I ... I didn't quite catch that."

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 07, 2020 05:07 AM (pNxlR)

844 And then you'll see THAT look of realization, and then a smirk, and always, always you will hear (with a muffled guffaw or two), "Could you please repeat what you just said? I ... I didn't quite catch that."

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 07, 2020 05:07 AM (pNxlR)
Eric Swallwell and the Coffee Cup Boof

Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 05:09 AM (8HBLI)

Good morning!

Posted by: Gooshy at May 07, 2020 05:14 AM (6jwo4)

846 Curly Bill was another that got over played. It was not that he was not outlandish. He was more outlandish than the movie dreamed of showing. Check his real history and you will see some stuff you could not imagine.

Making Mexican party goers strip naked and dance, yes, he did that.

But he became the Hans to John Mclane. The real story is way more rich and way more complicated. I have said my peace on it and maybe someone will take a shot. The history of the OK Corral is crazy complicated.

I love Tombstone and consider it one of the most historically accurate westerns ever made. But two problems here. The Earps were basically run out of the town with the law after them. You don't see that in the movie.

And Earp abandoned Doc to die alone in Leadville Colorado. I don't mention this as a gotcha to those who love the movie. Trust me, it was more accurate than all but that boring drone fest by Kostner.

I only mention this stuff because I love history and it is fun to chase it down. The first Doc Holliday bio I know of was from John Myers Myers. He made a few mistakes as when he got the dental school doc went to wrong. But it was the first real scholarly attempt and it still stands up.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 05:15 AM (hHxp2)

847 And then you'll see THAT look of realization, and
then a smirk, and always, always you will hear (with a muffled guffaw or
two), "Could you please repeat what you just said? I ... I didn't quite
catch that."

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 07, 2020 05:07 AM (pNxlR)

but doesn't it really take them all down a peg. They all hit the head right? I think there was a Leslie Nielson movie that made light of all this but I could be remembering it wrong.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 05:17 AM (hHxp2)

Oh, how long and loud sound the Virtue Klaxons during these days of the quarantine breakers! Their constant "tsk, tsk"ing, immediately followed by THEY'RE the reason we'll be in this state forever!" and concluding with, "I hope the virus takes them out, and painfully!" is hammered out, fortissimo, again and again. And their faithful Chorus chimes in with "We are the Chorus, and we agree! We agree, we agree, we agree!"

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 07, 2020 05:21 AM (pNxlR)

849 Couple radio talk shows yesterday think the lockdown will try to be continued until election day, after that they will hardly care.
And heard the commentary Emperor Wolf was ecstatic Pa had voting by mail. I am thinking this will make it a bit harder for Trump to win here.

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 05:27 AM (ZCEU2)

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 07, 2020 05:21 AM (pNxlR)

And that process with its two groups -- the rule breakers and the tsk-tsking lookie-loos -- are exactly the same as it was two hundred years ago, when the rule breakers uprooted themselves and struck out for the new and uncharted lands.

Where are such lands these days?

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 07, 2020 05:29 AM (pNxlR)

851 Where are such lands these days?

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 07, 2020 05:29 AM (pNxlR)

its all and the net now, and it sucks.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 05:31 AM (hHxp2)

Couple radio talk shows yesterday think the lockdown will try to be
continued until election day, after that they will hardly care.

And heard the commentary Emperor Wolf was ecstatic Pa had voting by
mail. I am thinking this will make it a bit harder for Trump to win

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 05:27 AM (ZCEU2)

Those PA types in Philly and Pitts are corrupt AF.They will do anything to win. I have been to real PA, Central PA and you will never see more hard core Trump Supporters. These guys put their Trump signs up with hard wood. They are not making short term campaign signs, they are making them to last for years. I have seen them over and over. If Central PA is not Trump Country, I don't know any place that is.

But they are getting bamboozled. And the mainstream Rs better show up wtih tons of lawyers or they are punks that want to lose.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 05:35 AM (hHxp2)

853 Good morning!

Posted by: Gooshy at May 07, 2020 05:14 AM (6jwo4)

hey Gooshy!

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 05:36 AM (hHxp2)

854 MisHum, you seem to be around at this time.

I am guessing that yesterday's photo was also one of yours? I liked it quite a bit and prefer it over today's. Today's photo is better quality, but I would much rather see the DIY.

Posted by: fluffy at May 07, 2020 05:37 AM (NGm/n)

855 Morning, 'rons and 'ettes.

Posted by: olddog in mo, F*ck BofA & uckfay ancercay at May 07, 2020 05:42 AM (Dhht7)

856 court sides with governors dictatorial shutdown order in partyline decision

So guess Emperor Wolf has his 90 days of complete dictatorial powers with the rule of law. Been convinced Pa is in the lockdown for the long haul since it began and its joining the League of Ordinary Governors with Cuomo and Commuist party chairman Murphy.

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 05:43 AM (ZCEU2)

857 i could have charged for this. But it is the pay no mind list. It happens.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 05:43 AM (hHxp2)

858 I am just kidding , try a bottle of ardbeg in a night and see how you act.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 05:44 AM (hHxp2)

859 if only the ardbeg was the beginning lol/

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 05:46 AM (hHxp2)

860 I was offered a copy of: Becoming

In a life filled with meaning and accomplishment, Michelle Obama has
emerged as one of the most iconic and compelling women of our era. As
First Lady of the United States of America.

I turned it down and said donate it to the local Good Will place.

Posted by: Colin at May 07, 2020 05:48 AM (bhBSF)

861 So guess Emperor Wolf has his 90 days of complete
dictatorial powers with the rule of law. Been convinced Pa is in the
lockdown for the long haul since it began and its joining the League of
Ordinary Governors with Cuomo and Commuist party chairman Murphy.

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 05:43 AM (ZCEU2)

PA must rebel or they are a bunch of pikers. Who is Murphy, NJ? I never expect a thing from that state. Same for NY. The question is why have you not left? I get the family ties but come on now. This is not Big Russ and ME. People need to vote with their feet or they will get the same.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 05:49 AM (hHxp2)

862 Posted by: PennaLady at May 07, 2020 03:52 AM (8HBLI)
I hear ya. The only reason we point it out is that people in the media have tried to make him cool, and hip, he is neither. ESPN and others spent hours with him on his fantasy sports picks. They tried to show him as an athlete but he was Urkel.

Lets not forget his infamous Nittally Lions comment.

Posted by: LASue at May 07, 2020 05:51 AM (Ed8Zd)

863 >>> I turned it down and said ...

the toilet paper shortage is over.

Posted by: fluffy at May 07, 2020 05:51 AM (NGm/n)

864 I have said enough. THese were good chats execpt when they weren't. That was likely my fault but I am glad I went off like I did. One guy will check up on that stuff and learn some stuff others do not know.

It was the booze that got me on the old west but someone instigated it lol. I learn so much here I am glad I went off really. If only I care, no worries. I need no plaudits at all. I appreciate having a place to go off even on something that means little to others. I have gone off on worse. you should see me talk cider or sherry.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 05:54 AM (hHxp2)

865 is losing his edge with voters

I actually doubt it has anything to do much with voters. Polls are whatever they want them to be. But its the narrative Creepy Uncle Joe doesn't really have a chanceno matter how often they try and say he polls ahead of President Trump.
Which brings me to his replacement, they would love Mooch as a 3rd Obummer term, Hildabeast is coming out of the woodwork but doubt they would touch her with a 10 foot pole. But replacing him they will.

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 05:54 AM (ZCEU2)

866 Guy with the girl riding on his shoulders forgot just one little thing.

Posted by: Eromero at May 07, 2020 05:56 AM (XhWtx)

867 3 months and I wouldn't doubt a %10 small business failure in Pa.

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 05:56 AM (ZCEU2)

868 >>> I hear ya. The only reason we point it out is that people in the media have tried to make him cool, and hip, he is neither.

And then there is the way the media portrayed his wife.

Posted by: fluffy at May 07, 2020 05:57 AM (NGm/n)

869 Was just wondering I assume girl knows who she is pissing on but not positive.

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 05:58 AM (ZCEU2)

g'mornin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at May 07, 2020 05:59 AM (4Cqc6)

871 And Fred Brown, still around Seattle, is a great man, has been involved with many causes for people down on their luck or kids looking for a break, and donates his time behind the scenes. He has been doing this for decades.

When I met him once, Fred was a kind and friendly person to this then-30 something when I ran into him at a bar one night at the base of Queen Anne hill.
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 01:47 AM (sy5kK)

Downtown Freddie Brown was one of my favorite Sonics. I had a poster of him in my room. Which bar -Harrys?

Posted by: LASue at May 07, 2020 05:59 AM (Ed8Zd)

872 Lets not forget his infamous Nittally Lions comment.

Posted by: LASue at May 07, 2020 05:51 AM (Ed8Zd)

he would be an SNL punchline if they had any clue or integrity. The man is seriously the worst athlete I can think of as a modern president. That POS CHevy Chase tried to make Ford look like a buffoon, He pulled it off in many ways as the skis are still well known. But Ford was likely the most athletic president since Ike. And everyone hates Chevy Chase, even lefty SNL jagoffs.

that is the thing about Dems. They know when to drop the payload. It might make fools of them later, but they do it when it helps them the most, in the moment. They love a Repub who is retired, because why not? All they care about is the next win. If you watch them long enough, it is as clear as a bell.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 05:59 AM (hHxp2)

873 Going to hit the road, still no traffic at all getting across the entire county. And shouldn't have to go to a second job today.
This lockdown is slowly getting to me I think, between masks and the devastation.

Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 06:03 AM (ZCEU2)

874 Good morning!

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at May 07, 2020 06:04 AM (21aJD)

875 Dobroe ytro morons.

Yup. Hate Chevy Chase.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 07, 2020 06:09 AM (EZebt)

876 And Fred Brown, still around Seattle, is a great
man, has been involved with many causes for people down on their luck or
kids looking for a break, and donates his time behind the scenes. He
has been doing this for decades.

When I met him once, Fred was a kind and friendly person to this
then-30 something when I ran into him at a bar one night at the base of
Queen Anne hill.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 01:47 AM (sy5kK)

Downtown Freddie Brown was one of my favorite Sonics. I had a poster of him in my room. Which bar -Harrys?

Posted by: LASue at May 07, 2020 05:59 AM (Ed8Zd)

it is shame they lost that team. i remember them as serious adversaries to the Rockets way back when. They had some really good players on the Sonics. And as a Frasier fan, it is a bit melancholy to see all the episodes that included that team. I can think of three episodes off hand that included going to a Sonics game. They mentioned them other times but actually shot three different episodes with scenes in the Tacoma Dome/Seattle Center.

You don't see that every day in a series based on stuck up psychiatrists.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 06:12 AM (hHxp2)

877 I've never watched a minute of SNL in my life. Letterman either.
Only Carson and Leno.

Posted by: clutch at May 07, 2020 06:12 AM (9UmRs)

878 Nice to see Mississippi John Hurt get a bit of recognition. Thanks.

Posted by: Moron Robbie suspects there are fewer than 10K actual COVID-19+pneumonia deaths at May 07, 2020 06:12 AM (IwDj9)

879 Good morning!

Let's smile and be happy & strike fear in the hearts of killjoy leftists everywhere.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 07, 2020 06:15 AM (u82oZ)

880 Snow forecast this weekend in the northeast. Just a little bit of global warming would be welcome.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at May 07, 2020 06:16 AM (NVYyb)

I've never watched a minute of SNL in my life. Letterman either.

Only Carson and Leno.

Posted by: clutch at May 07, 2020 06:12 AM (9UmRs)

wow, you make me look hip and with it. Letterman had his moments though they are most likely by accident. There was this one time he treated a Tea Party lady fairly by accident. I wonder if anyone can pull up that video.

SNL was never really that good. Sure there were moments and some good actors. But seriously, it was ALWAYS overrated. There was a time when nothing else was on at that time, it helps.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 06:17 AM (hHxp2)

882 Work chores abound, with a deadline of this morning.

Have a blessed day, everyone.

Hand washing is the new head on a swivel. Because COVID-19 Wuhan crazed politicos and bureaucrats have a Mattis plan for you, and you, and you.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 07, 2020 06:18 AM (u82oZ)

883 Nice to see Mississippi John Hurt get a bit of recognition. Thanks.
Seconded, especially with that great song.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at May 07, 2020 06:18 AM (NVYyb)

884 Work chores abound, with a deadline of this morning.

Have a blessed day, everyone.

Hand washing is the new head on a swivel. Because COVID-19 Wuhan
crazed politicos and bureaucrats have a Mattis plan for you, and you,
and you.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 07, 2020 06:18 AM (u82oZ)

live as far away from them as you can. that is all I have to offer really.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 06:19 AM (hHxp2)

885 Thank you Lord for another day.

And strawberry jam.

Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 06:19 AM (jY/1v)

886 Chevy Chase was never funny, and apparently, he is an insufferable prick. The people around him made him funny.

Bill Murray is the complete opposite...Chive on.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at May 07, 2020 06:20 AM (21aJD)

887 I am out guys. There is a point when a man is talking to himself and that is never a good look. Farewell and adieu.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 06:20 AM (hHxp2)

888 Andrew Cuomo just admitted that 66% of the corona hospitalizations are coming from people staying at home.


I wonder how many of those are the result of family transmissions. When I was at the ER a few weeks ago, I heard the nurse say that most of their cases have been transmitted by family members. And, I know one family where the father got it from work, then transmitted it to his wife and kids who were "staying at home."

Posted by: sillyme at May 07, 2020 06:21 AM (RPGAd)

889 May today be the day when some Karens get their comeuppance.

Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 06:22 AM (jY/1v)

890 SNL was never really that good. Sure there were moments and some good actors. But seriously, it was ALWAYS overrated. There was a time when nothing else was on at that time, it helps.
Posted by: Quint

At the time, it was stuff that wasn't being done on TV, so it was funny to me. Some of the bits still hold up. If I watch any of the old ones now I'm thinking, huh, I thought it was funnier than that.
I gave up on it in the late 80's

Posted by: Bruce at May 07, 2020 06:22 AM (vd8XM)

891 Andrew Cuomo just admitted that 66% of the corona hospitalizations are coming from people staying at home.


I wonder how many of those are the result of family transmissions. When I was at the ER a few weeks ago, I heard the nurse say that most of their cases have been transmitted by family members. And, I know one family where the father got it from work, then transmitted it to his wife and kids who were "staying at home."

Posted by: sillyme

So now it's time to un-quarantine. To flatten the curve

Posted by: Bruce at May 07, 2020 06:24 AM (vd8XM)

892 Interesting discussion about Ringo above - all I ever think about is the Lorne Green song. Ha. I always wondered why the story of John Wesley Hardin didn't get more Hollywood treatment - serious gunfighter in his day.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at May 07, 2020 06:25 AM (nFRLh)

893 So now it is the adults dragging the sicknesses home instead of the kids.

Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 06:27 AM (jY/1v)

894 Some mornings, you wish you were non-essential.

Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 06:31 AM (jY/1v)

895 Interesting discussion about Ringo above - all I
ever think about is the Lorne Green song. Ha. I always wondered why the
story of John Wesley Hardin didn't get more Hollywood treatment -
serious gunfighter in his day.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at May 07, 2020 06:25 AM (nFRLh)

get the book I recommended up thread. I am not saying it was the sole and final answer but the guy was meticulous. He didn't give any kills to anyone if it was not dead solid fact supported by the law and many other. There were no rumors here. It has been decades, but I think he put Hardin on 20 or so kills and that made him by far the deadliest gunfighter ever. He was also insane and a sociopath but there is more to that story too. I think Hardin became a lawyer in the end. Not that is much different than a ....

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 06:31 AM (hHxp2)

896 This guys makes Doc look kind of sad, And as a life long Doc fan, there is some truth to that. It is a starting point and imo, don't go for any updates. Sure check them later if you want, but it was the 1979 book that taught me a lot and threw a lot of cold water on the myths.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 06:35 AM (hHxp2)

897 Thanks Q, I will get the book.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at May 07, 2020 06:35 AM (nFRLh)

898 masturbating during a prison class taught by a female instructor

Hot for Teacher

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 06:38 AM (JFO2v)

899 Oh FFS.. I cannot believe this kind of shit is happening in Texas.

Some sheriff needs to have his ass and his walking papers handed to him.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at May 07, 2020 06:38 AM (21aJD)

900 894 Some mornings, you wish you were non-essential.
Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 06:31 AM (jY/1v)


Posted by: m at May 07, 2020 06:38 AM (aK8Pt)

901 887 I am out guys. There is a point when a man is talking to himself and that is never a good look. Farewell and adieu.
Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 06:20 AM (hHxp2)

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 06:31 AM (hHxp2)

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 06:35 AM (hHxp2)

Posted by: m at May 07, 2020 06:41 AM (aK8Pt)

902 But apparently for adults to catch it they need to REALLY be exposed to it. And transmission from person to person doesn't seem to be particularly easy unless you're in a household:

"Overall, 372 contacts of both cases were identified; 347 underwent active symptom monitoring, including 152 community contacts and 195 health-care personnel. Of monitored contacts, 43 became persons under investigation, in addition to Patient 2. These 43 persons under investigation and all 32 asymptomatic health-care personnel tested negative for SARS-CoV-2."

Posted by: Moron Robbie suspects there are fewer than 10K actual COVID-19+pneumonia deaths at May 07, 2020 06:42 AM (IwDj9)

903 899 Oh FFS.. I cannot believe this kind of shit is happening in Texas.

Some sheriff needs to have his ass and his walking papers handed to him.
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at May 07, 2020 06:38 AM (21aJD)

Mike Griffis is just a typical bully with a MRAP. True tyrant.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 06:48 AM (JFO2v)

904 I liked the musical selections a lot, MisHum!

Posted by: m at May 07, 2020 06:49 AM (aK8Pt)

905 902 But apparently for adults to catch it they need to REALLY be exposed to it. And transmission from person to person doesn't seem to be particularly easy unless you're in a household:

"Overall, 372 contacts of both cases were identified; 347 underwent active symptom monitoring, including 152 community contacts and 195 health-care personnel. Of monitored contacts, 43 became persons under investigation, in addition to Patient 2. These 43 persons under investigation and all 32 asymptomatic health-care personnel tested negative for SARS-CoV-2."
Posted by: Moron Robbie suspects there are fewer than 10K actual COVID-19+pneumonia deaths at May 07, 2020 06:42 AM (IwDj9)

Casual contact is about one half of 1 percent when tracked down.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 06:49 AM (JFO2v)

906 And transmission from person to person doesn't seem to be particularly easy unless you're in a household

Or a subway, or on a bus, or in an airplane, or in a classroom...

Why, it's almost as if we just followed some common sense protocols like staying home if you're sick, having some respect for personal space and courteous behavior , and maintaining personal hygiene this would be just another flu.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at May 07, 2020 06:50 AM (21aJD)

907 "Kansas City is Now Requiring Churches to Keep Lists of People Entering Churches "

Puddin Tame
Puddin Tame
Puddin Tame
Barack H. Obama, Jr.
Puddin Tame

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at May 07, 2020 06:50 AM (PiwSw)

908 889 May today be the day when some Karens get their comeuppance.
Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 06:22 AM (jY/1v)

May their complaints for on deaf ears. May their scoldings sound like angels to the scoldee. May their periods last for another week.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 06:51 AM (JFO2v)

909 G'morning, all.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at May 07, 2020 06:52 AM (3D/fK)

910 maintaining personal hygiene this would be just another flu.
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at May 07, 2020 06:50 AM (21aJD)

as George Carlin said you only need to keep your pits, ass, and mouth clean. And to save time, use the same brush.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 06:53 AM (JFO2v)

911 L.O.L.

Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 06:54 AM (jY/1v)

912 I have to admit this Sino Sinus Syphilis dumbassery has demonstrated that

a) our 'elites' and the sycophantic boot licking MSM that supports them truly want to be our masters and,

b) as a whole, we are easily manipulated and timid.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at May 07, 2020 06:55 AM (21aJD)

913 Why, it's almost as if we just followed some common sense protocols like staying home if you're sick, having some respect for personal space and courteous behavior , and maintaining personal hygiene this would be just another flu.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at May 07, 2020 06:50 AM (21aJD)


I guess that's an okay approach if you're not interested in pension bailouts or crashing the economy prior to the election.

Posted by: Moron Robbie suspects there are fewer than 10K actual COVID-19+pneumonia deaths at May 07, 2020 06:55 AM (IwDj9)

914 Two more Wu-Flu deaths in the city.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at May 07, 2020 06:56 AM (3D/fK)

915 Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 06:53 AM (JFO2v)


Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at May 07, 2020 06:56 AM (21aJD)

916 Welcome to communism

Illinois governor says churches may not reopen for a year or more because of coronavirus

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 07:00 AM (JFO2v)

Trump has vetoed the Iran War Powers resolution which would have said he
could not launch military action against Iran unless congress declared
war or specifically authorized it. Smattering of RINOs and DIABLOs sided
with the Democrats.

Posted by: Vic at May 07, 2020 04:02 AM (mpXpK)

i would call them dicks, as in dedicted infantry commie killers but would not be fair. Now way do they reach the aspirational level of DICKS.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 07:02 AM (hHxp2)

918 914 Two more Wu-Flu deaths in the city.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at May 07, 2020 06:56 AM (3D/fK)

Both victims were pronounced deceased at the location.

Homicide detectives are asking anyone with information if the victims came into contact with anyone infected with Covid-19 to contact them at....

I might have slightly edited the last bit

Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 07:02 AM (jY/1v)

919 Illinois governor says churches may not reopen for a year or more because of coronavirus
Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 07:00 AM (JFO2v)

This is how I know this entire thing is phony.

Posted by: clutch at May 07, 2020 07:03 AM (9UmRs)

920 519 488 471 > 397 326 >>> Steven Tyler is a horrible human being.

He had a 14 year old "girlfriend" when he was in his late 20s.

Posted by: 18-1 at May

What's your point?

Posted by: Jerry Lee Lewis at May 06, 2020 11:07 PM (+AVpa)


Yeah, what's your point?
Posted by: Bill Clinton at May 06, 2020 11:08 PM (cuKeo)

What's your point?

Posted by: Jerome Seinfeld at May 06, 2020 11:11 PM (q1Pj5


Your point is?...

Posted by: Woody Allen at May 06, 2020 11:27 PM (flINI)

Only one?

Amateurs. I'm surrounded by amateurs.
Posted by: Jeffrey Epstein at May 06, 2020 11:47 PM (mNq/0)


uh, she might have been fifteen, but when you get that little red beaver right up there in front of you, I don't think it's crazy at all and I don't think you do either. No man alive could resist that, and that's why I got into jail to begin with. And now they're telling me I'm crazy over here because I don't sit there like a goddamn vegetable. Don't make a bit of sense to me. If that's what being crazy is, then I'm senseless, out of it, gone-down-the-road, wacko. But no more, no less, that's it.

Pikers all of you
Posted by: Mohammed at May 07, 2020 12:00 AM (aA3+G)


Oh hai guize!
Hey I didn't get the meet notification for this.

Posted by: Jimmy Page at May 07, 2020 07:05 AM (cJWhF)

921 916 Welcome to communism

Illinois governor says churches may not reopen for a year or more because of coronavirus
Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 07:00 AM (JFO2v)

OK enough of this bullshit!

Should be tarred and feathered by sundown.

Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 07:05 AM (jY/1v)

922 Trump has vetoed the Iran War Powers resolution which would have said he could not launch military action against Iran unless congress declared war or specifically authorized it. Smattering of RINOs and DIABLOs sided
with the Democrats.

Illinois governor says churches may not reopen for a year or more because of coronavirus

We deserve the government we've voted for and allowed to run roughshod over us. And we're getting it good and hard.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at May 07, 2020 07:05 AM (21aJD)

923 916

Illinois governor says churches may not reopen for a year or more because of coronavirus

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 07:00 AM

Gatherings of more than 50 people will not be allowed until phase five.

Pritzker said the state entered phase two on Friday and will enter phase three on May 29 at the earliest. Face masks will be recommended in public until phase five is reached. Schools, restaurants, and bars will not reopen until phase four.

Phase five cannot begin until a vaccine is widely available or a highly effective therapeutic drug is released. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said a vaccine is 12 to 18 months away from being available to the public.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at May 07, 2020 07:05 AM (Do5/p)

924 Kalimera friends in grey boxes!!
We've received the gift of a new day, let's open this gift and kick @ass!
Now, whose got the bacon and the covfefe?

Posted by: Cheriebebe at May 07, 2020 07:06 AM (Xt7n2)

925 mornin yall. I got meat.

Posted by: freaked at May 07, 2020 07:09 AM (Tnijr)

926 Well, if Pritzker the hutt thinks the people, businesses as well as the actual state can survive that long he is out of his mind. He might get agreement from Chicago but the rest of the state will get chippy and I think sooner than later.

Posted by: Cheriebebe at May 07, 2020 07:09 AM (Xt7n2)

927 We deserve the government we've voted for and allowed to run roughshod over us. And we're getting it good and hard.
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at May 07, 2020 07:05 AM (21aJD)

Won't change until something happens that makes them fear us.

Which they do not.

At all.

Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 07:10 AM (jY/1v)

928 Phase five cannot begin until a vaccine is widely available or a highly effective therapeutic drug is released. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said a vaccine is 12 to 18 months away from being available to the public.
Posted by: Clyde Shelton at May 07, 2020 07:05 AM (Do5/p)

I think Phase 37 allows for 2 riders in a golf cart and couples sharing a milkshake.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 07:10 AM (JFO2v)

929 919 Illinois governor says churches may not reopen for a year or more because of coronavirus
Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 07:00 AM (JFO2v)

This is how I know this entire thing is phony.
Remember, it was the Pritzker's (Jennifer in particular) that got their shine box Obama to launch into Trannies in the Girls Bathroom as the New Selma All Over Again in his second term. These people are fucking crazy.

Posted by: Puddin Head at May 07, 2020 07:11 AM (OMJvY)

930 Posted by: Moron Robbie suspects there are fewer than 10K actual COVID-19+pneumonia deaths at May 07, 2020 06:55 AM (IwDj9)

How do states like IL, NY expect a pension bailout when we just spent $5T on this phony virus?

Posted by: clutch at May 07, 2020 07:11 AM (9UmRs)

931 Illinois residents. Did your gov specifically say churches?

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at May 07, 2020 07:11 AM (JVgnl)

932 Remember a few short years ago when a guy potentially interested in legally marrying a younger woman as someone he would remain with for the rest of his life was sufficient to disqualify him from office because he was a Republican?

Posted by: Moron Robbie suspects there are fewer than 10K actual COVID-19+pneumonia deaths at May 07, 2020 07:11 AM (IwDj9)

933 Best gig I went to was AC/DC in the Ulster Hall in Belfast in 1979. It was one of Bon Scott's last ever gigs, possibly THE last. He passed a couple of weeks later.

The worst was Hawkwind with Ginger Baker guesting on drums at the same venue a year or so later. It might have been great for all I know. I had a lot of mushrooms and according to mates spent the entire gig staring at a wall.

Posted by: Sir Ian Botham at May 07, 2020 07:11 AM (cJWhF)

934 Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said a vaccine is 12 to 18 months away from being available to the public.

I would like to know how they even know this with any type of certainty. What is this 12-18 month window based on?

Considering we do not have a vaccine for the common cold or HIV/AIDS, what makes Fauci so certain that (1) a vaccine will be developed and (2) it will be available within 12-18 months?

Is he basing this on the vaccines they develop for seasonal flu?

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at May 07, 2020 07:11 AM (Do5/p)

935 When you have a dream that you can't let go of, trust your instincts and pursue it. But remember: Real dreams take work, They take patience, and sometimes they require you to dig down very deep. Be sure you're willing to do that. -Harvey Mackay

Nahhh, just be Mooch and blame the lack of dreams achieved on having children.

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at May 07, 2020 07:12 AM (O+I8R)

Should be tarred and feathered by sundown.
Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 07:05 AM (jY/1v)

I notice you didn't say to put that fat fucker on a rail.

Posted by: clutch at May 07, 2020 07:13 AM (9UmRs)

937 931

Illinois residents. Did your gov specifically say churches?

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at May 07, 2020 07:11 AM

The article states:

Pritzker announced a five-phase plan to reopen Illinois that gives guidance to schools, businesses, churches, and other religious centers about when they will be allowed to reopen.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at May 07, 2020 07:14 AM (Do5/p)

938 Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said a vaccine is 12 to 18 months away from being available to the public.
Posted by: Clyde Shelton at May 07, 2020 07:05 AM (Do5/p)

And it always will be 12 to 18 months away.

Posted by: clutch at May 07, 2020 07:14 AM (9UmRs)

939 Clyde. Thanks.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at May 07, 2020 07:15 AM (JVgnl)

940 Excuse me, has anyone seen a white man, medium, height, with a comb over, vacant expression, may be drooling a little? He seems to have wandered off and we, um, he has a um, interview to do shortly....

Posted by: Jill Biden at May 07, 2020 07:15 AM (PiwSw)

941 Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said a vaccine is 12 to 18 months away from being available to the public.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at May 07, 2020 07:05 AM (Do5/p)


Now tell us why we haven't had one for a cold virus before today.

Posted by: Moron Robbie suspects there are fewer than 10K actual COVID-19+pneumonia deaths at May 07, 2020 07:16 AM (IwDj9)

942 Well, if Pritzker the hutt thinks the people, businesses as well as the actual state can survive that long he is out of his mind. He might get agreement from Chicago but the rest of the state will get chippy and I think sooner than later.


He seriously needs to get his gelatinous, flabby, disgusting body dragged to the street and curb stomped until he runs away, never to seek elected office again.

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at May 07, 2020 07:16 AM (O+I8R)

943 934 Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said a vaccine is 12 to 18 months away from being available to the public.

I would like to know how they even know this with any type of certainty. What is this 12-18 month window based on?

Considering we do not have a vaccine for the common cold or HIV/AIDS, what makes Fauci so certain that (1) a vaccine will be developed and (2) it will be available within 12-18 months?

Is he basing this on the vaccines they develop for seasonal flu?
Posted by: Clyde Shelton at May 07, 2020 07:11 AM (Do5/p)

There is NO facility in the world that can make even 10,000 vaccines for an RNA bases virus.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 07:17 AM (JFO2v)

944 Nahhh, just be Mooch and blame the lack of dreams achieved on having children.


That blew my mind. Could you imagine being her kids and knowing that Mom told millions of people that?

Posted by: Moron Robbie suspects there are fewer than 10K actual COVID-19+pneumonia deaths at May 07, 2020 07:18 AM (IwDj9)

I notice you didn't say to put that fat fucker on a rail.
Posted by: clutch at May 07, 2020 07:13 AM (9UmRs)

Well, that too. But first things first.

Posted by: jsg at May 07, 2020 07:18 AM (jY/1v)

946 887 I am out guys. There is a point when a man is talking to himself and that is never a good look. Farewell and adieu.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 06:20 AM (hHxp2)


Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 06:31 AM (hHxp2)


Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 06:35 AM (hHxp2)

Posted by: m at May 07, 2020 06:41 AM (aK8Pt)

they brought up the old west What was i supposed to do? If you think i don't give my best info and attention to people who ask a real question, you don't know Quint.

Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 07:19 AM (hHxp2)

947 "Phase five cannot begin until a vaccine is widely available or a highly
effective therapeutic drug is released. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director
of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said a
vaccine is 12 to 18 months away from being available to the public.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton"
Five? WTF? Is this like the 7 stage of grief? I only see 3, at most, in a normal world"

1- Mass panic over models and bad information
2- Virus turns out to be not very dangerous'3. Everything opens opens and returns to normal with special precautions for certain st risk groups

In a normal world.

Posted by: Ripley at May 07, 2020 07:19 AM (MxEKc)

So, a couple of days ago, Trump said he was winding down the Covad team of Pence and Co.

The Lefties and Nancys of the world shrieked and screamed! OMG! HOW COULD YOU! WE COULD DIE!!

Trump knows he has to get the economy open and going again.

So what does he do?

In less than 24 hours, he pivots and now says the Covad team is not only still alive, but he is ADDING to it and changing the focus to getting the American economy back open, in addition to continuing the task of fighting the Covad menace.


Like. A. Boss.

The guy would be a great surfer, or a sailor, because he can read the waves and the tides, and ride it out like a champ.

And lucky you. You can tell your descendants in the future that you lived when Donald J Trump was President.

You're a blessed person. And because you read this blog, you realize it.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 07:20 AM (sy5kK)

949 938

And it always will be 12 to 18 months away.

Posted by: clutch at May 07, 2020 07:14 AM

First it was reopen in 2 weeks after flattening the curve.

Then it was 30 days to flatten the curve.

Now it's 12 to 18 months to have a vaccine.

Interesting how they just moved the goal posts to something which none of us can track through their bogus case/death counts.

This now gives Governors the ability to extend their lockdowns for 12-18 months with zero accountability.

"We can't open until we have a vaccine."

*types* *deletes*

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at May 07, 2020 07:20 AM (Do5/p)

950 The Hyatt Hotel clan, which hails from Chicago, counts 11 billionaire members - many of whom still have stakes in the publicly traded Hyatt. Thomas, the hotel group's executive chairman, is the only Pritzker who still maintains a role at Hyatt. The family members have mostly diversified after the clan spent the 2000's feuding over trusts. They eventually divvied up the fortune. Penny is now the U.S. Commerce Secretary; Gigi is a movie producer (Drive; The Way Way Back) John owns boutique hotel group Commune Hotels; brothers Anthony and J.B. run Pritzker Group investment firm; Karen (pictured above) and her husband Michael Vlock are active investors. Liesel Pritzker Simmons, who sued her father and the Pritzker family in 2003 (the family settled), is an impact investor. Roots of the fortune date to A.N. Pritzker (d. 1986), who with his sons Jay, Donald and Robert created Hyatt Hotels and invested in holdings like industrial conglomerate Marmon Group, now owned by Berkshire Hathaway.

Posted by: Puddin Head at May 07, 2020 07:20 AM (OMJvY)

951 In a normal world.


If Hillary were president, NYT bottom of page 4:

"Nursing homes are noticing a particularly bad flu season this year and encourage visitors to wash their hands, cover their mouths when they sneeze, and practice other basic hygiene awareness techniques."

Posted by: Moron Robbie suspects there are fewer than 10K actual COVID-19+pneumonia deaths at May 07, 2020 07:23 AM (IwDj9)

952 Seems we are also finding out that the public health officials have a lot more power then our governors. In some instances based on antiquated laws. Anyone think that someone like DeWine of OH will allow these laws to be changed? Nope. Gives him and those like him cover for being little tyrants, they can say their hands were tied, couldn't do anything about it.
Voted against the little nerd in the primary. Had to vote for him in the general. I feel unclean, just like the McCain and Romney years.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at May 07, 2020 07:25 AM (JVgnl)

953 "The Hyatt Hotel clan, which hails from Chicago, counts 11 billionaire
members - many of whom still have stakes in the publicly traded Hyatt.
Posted by: Puddin Head"

So they are all non-essential workers sounds like.

Posted by: Ripley at May 07, 2020 07:25 AM (MxEKc)

954 Posted by: m at May 07, 2020 06:41 AM (aK8Pt)


Posted by: Quint at May 07, 2020 07:25 AM (hHxp2)

955 Trump knows he has to get the economy open and going again.

So what does he do?

In less than 24 hours, he pivots and now says the Covad team is not only still alive, but he is ADDING to it and changing the focus to getting the American economy back open, in addition to continuing the task of fighting the Covad menace.


Like. A. Boss.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 07:20 AM

I dunno. I'm losing my patience with President Trump.

We're all sitting here pissed at the IL Governor's 5-phase plan.

Yet... weren't President Trump and his task force the ones who released the 5-Phase Plan for Reopening thing a week or so ago?

I don't see why President Trump is not taking the blame for these things.

Hell, his own guy on his own task force, Fauci, is the one recommending not opening for 12-18 months until there is a vaccine.

So when Governors take the recommendations from President Trump's task force, how is it that President Trump takes no blame for that?

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at May 07, 2020 07:26 AM (Do5/p)

956 If Hillary were president, NYT bottom of page 4:

"Nursing homes are noticing a particularly bad flu season this year and encourage visitors to wash their hands, cover their mouths when they sneeze, and practice other basic hygiene awareness techniques."


I go back and forth on this. There's only so much tamping down they could do because the rest of the world is experiencing it too. I'm more inclined to think they would (as they've said) use it as an opportunity to truly reshape the economy. Gov't takeover of large swaths, etc. Of course, all the while, making every shart Hillary did along the way the most historic, genius thing that ever came out of the WH.

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at May 07, 2020 07:27 AM (O+I8R)

957 mornin' y'all

Posted by: Big V Caffeinated at May 07, 2020 07:28 AM (NeD6B)

958 "Nursing homes are noticing a particularly bad flu season this year and encourage visitors to wash their hands, cover their mouths when they sneeze, and practice other basic hygiene awareness techniques."

Posted by: Moron Robbie suspects there are fewer than 10K actual COVID-19+pneumonia deaths at May 07, 2020 07:23 AM (IwDj9)

Not really. It is a very low death year.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 07:28 AM (JFO2v)

959 953 "The Hyatt Hotel clan, which hails from Chicago, counts 11 billionaire
members - many of whom still have stakes in the publicly traded Hyatt.
Posted by: Puddin Head"

So they are all non-essential workers sounds like.
When you become billionaires you are never non-essential. BTW, all of the billionaire Pritzkers inherited their money the hard way.

Posted by: Puddin Head at May 07, 2020 07:29 AM (OMJvY)

960 Illinois governor says churches may not reopen for a year or more because of coronavirus
Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 07:00 AM (JFO2v)

A real Church Militant would say "fuck you, we open on Sunday."

The American Catholic Church sees that the tithes and money are still rolling in electronically and says "keeping closed over here, boss!"

This country is a bad joke.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at May 07, 2020 07:30 AM (2JVJo)

961 I go back and forth on this. There's only so much tamping down they could do because the rest of the world is experiencing it too.


Not me. Thanks to Obamacare in addition to Hillary's wise leadership and health protocols, we haven't experienced these problems.

Posted by: Moron Robbie suspects there are fewer than 10K actual COVID-19+pneumonia deaths at May 07, 2020 07:31 AM (IwDj9)

962 Bonjour, fappeurs!

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at May 07, 2020 07:31 AM (NWiLs)

963 Bonjour, fappeurs!
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at May 07, 2020 07:31 AM (NWiLs)

Good morning Mr. Working man!! Have an awesome day!!!

Posted by: Cheriebebe at May 07, 2020 07:33 AM (Xt7n2)

964 Good morning Mr. Working man!! Have an awesome day!!!
Posted by: Cheriebebe at May 07, 2020 07:33 AM (Xt7n2)

Why thank you, and I hope you do as well!

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at May 07, 2020 07:33 AM (NWiLs)

So when Governors take the recommendations from President Trump's
task force, how is it that President Trump takes no blame for that?

Yep, and Guv Pritz has already his his sizable self behind Trump's recommendations. "But Trump said..."

Posted by: lizabth at May 07, 2020 07:33 AM (L3Rsz)

966 Some Romanian churches in the Chicago area have informed Pritz they're opening on Sunday. Also suing his rump.

Posted by: lizabth at May 07, 2020 07:34 AM (L3Rsz)

967 the biotch slap heard round the world

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 07:35 AM (JFO2v)

968 Thank God for the Romanians! The stupid Chicago Archdiocese is too busy closing churches and selling them off. Commie fvcks

Posted by: Cheriebebe at May 07, 2020 07:36 AM (Xt7n2)

969 These Romanian pastors KNOW communism when they see it, and they ain't having it no more.

Posted by: lizabth at May 07, 2020 07:36 AM (L3Rsz)

970 IT is heartening, isn't it, Cherie. Wheat and tares, folks. Wheat and tares.

Posted by: lizabth at May 07, 2020 07:37 AM (L3Rsz)

971 Remind me to never stay at the Hyatt.

Posted by: Puddin Head at May 07, 2020 07:38 AM (OMJvY)

972 Bonjour, fappeurs!
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at May 07, 2020 07:31 AM (NWiLs)

Morning, Insomniac. Hope you have a great day.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at May 07, 2020 07:38 AM (2JVJo)

973 All joking about Meal Team Six aside, I still can't believe that actual police tanks were deployed, SWAT-style, to that bar in TX. Un-flipping-believable. I do believe things are going to start snapping all over the place.

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at May 07, 2020 07:38 AM (O+I8R)

974 965

Yep, and Guv Pritz has already his his sizable self behind Trump's recommendations. "But Trump said..."


Posted by: lizabth at May 07, 2020 07:33 AM

Well, he's not wrong.

I mean, he's a hypocrite, sure. Because none of these Governors would take any advice from President Trump when it comes to "sanctuary" cities/states and illegal immigration laws.

But when it comes to wanting to control their citizens, they go by the Trump Task Force guidelines.

Still, why is President Trump giving them that cover? He talks about wanting to re-open the country, yet his task force puts out a 5-Phase plan to not reopen fully until there is a vaccine.

That's ridiculous.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at May 07, 2020 07:38 AM (Do5/p)

975 967 the biotch slap heard round the world

That was a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL thing! What's makes it even more awesome is how the douche whines about her "being Prepared"!

Posted by: Cheriebebe at May 07, 2020 07:38 AM (Xt7n2)

976 I think with the statement by Cuomo yesterday, about how many sick came from those staying home, is going to pop the balloons of all of the stay-at-home advocates across the country. Oh, they'll try to hang onto their positions for awhile out of pure stubbornness and pride, but any "scientific" basis for that position has not been blown to hell.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 07, 2020 07:38 AM (V2Yro)

977 I think you are right, Lady. Won't take much to set it off here in Pritzkerville.

Posted by: lizabth at May 07, 2020 07:39 AM (L3Rsz)

978 Morning, Insomniac. Hope you have a great day.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at May 07, 2020 07:38 AM (2JVJo)

Hey buddy! Thanks, and I hope you do too.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at May 07, 2020 07:40 AM (NWiLs)

"the biotch slap heard round the world

Posted by: rhennigant"

Pretty impressive she had those quotes right in front of her to throw at them. That is made possible the by rabid press corps being complete uninteresting, predictable jackasses.

Posted by: Ripley at May 07, 2020 07:40 AM (MxEKc)

980 804 Not even sure what to make for breakfast yet.
Posted by: Skip at May 07, 2020 04:01 AM (ZCEU2)

Rebel !!!!

French toast with real Maple Syrup ...
Posted by: Adriane the True Crime Critic ... at May 07, 2020 04:08 AM (LPnfS)

And bacon.

Thick cut bacon.

OK that was my breakfast last Sunday and I'm still happy.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 07:40 AM (sy5kK)

981 I know he's not wrong. Trump, Fauci and crew gave him the 'science' he needs to follow. It's maddening.

Posted by: lizabth at May 07, 2020 07:40 AM (L3Rsz)

982 973 All joking about Meal Team Six aside, I still can't believe that actual police tanks were deployed, SWAT-style, to that bar in TX. Un-flipping-believable. I do believe things are going to start snapping all over the place.
Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at May 07, 2020 07:38 AM (O+I8R)

Whats the worst that could happen?

Shoot a few dogs.

Burn down the compound.

Kill a few women and children.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 07:41 AM (JFO2v)

983 Well, McKinsey is advising Pritz, too. There is that, haha.

Posted by: lizabth at May 07, 2020 07:41 AM (L3Rsz)

984 Pretty impressive she had those quotes right in front of her to throw at them. That is made possible the by rabid press corps being complete uninteresting, predictable jackasses.
Posted by: Ripley at May 07, 2020 07:40 AM (MxEKc)

She should had added that NPR took YOUR money to lie to you!!!

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 07:41 AM (JFO2v)

985 Lizabth, I do appreciate the Eastern Europe immigrants, they WANT the American dream. They are a reminder to those that Take it for granted.

Posted by: Cheriebebe at May 07, 2020 07:42 AM (Xt7n2)


Posted by: saf at May 07, 2020 07:42 AM (5IHGB)

987 For sure, Cherie. They know the true cost of the situation we are so blithely embracing..

Posted by: lizabth at May 07, 2020 07:43 AM (L3Rsz)

988 976

I think with the statement by Cuomo yesterday, about how many sick came from those staying home, is going to pop the balloons of all of the stay-at-home advocates across the country. Oh, they'll try to hang onto their positions for awhile out of pure stubbornness and pride, but any "scientific" basis for that position has not been blown to hell.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 07, 2020 07:38 AM

All those videos of doctors and such which have been getting vanished from YouTube... all were saying that there is going to be a huge increase in illnesses once we all come out of house arrest.

The Plandemic video has a few of these statements from doctors in it.

But, of course, everyone is ripping on that video as "conspiracy theory".

Can't go against the official narrative!

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at May 07, 2020 07:43 AM (Do5/p)

989 All joking about Meal Team Six aside, I still can't believe that actual police tanks were deployed, SWAT-style, to that bar in TX. Un-flipping-believable. I do believe things are going to start snapping all over the place.

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at May 07, 2020 07:38 AM (O+I8R)


While useless street thugs continue doing business with impunity and no worries of the equipment being used on them.

Posted by: Moron Robbie suspects there are fewer than 10K actual COVID-19+pneumonia deaths at May 07, 2020 07:45 AM (IwDj9)

990 I had recommended a book to Eris last Sunday, which has a line in it that I think is appropriate to all of us who are surrounded by Karens and COVID-1984 power-hungry politicians:

"He was one of those people who knew they were right, and could prove it, but had the misfortune of being born into an age that did not want to hear it."

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at May 07, 2020 07:45 AM (2JVJo)

991 973 All joking about Meal Team Six aside, I still can't believe that actual police tanks were deployed, SWAT-style, to that bar in TX. Un-flipping-believable. I do believe things are going to start snapping all over the place.
Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at May 07, 2020 07:38 AM (O+I8R)

although I'm guessing, I would not be surprised to learn that there was bad blood between the Sheriff and that bar owner far preceding this incident. The whole setup had the feel of a conflict that was a lot more personal than just some guy selling beer.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 07, 2020 07:45 AM (V2Yro)

992 Lizabth, I do appreciate the Eastern Europe immigrants, they WANT the American dream. They are a reminder to those that Take it for granted.


Yes, and it turns my stomach how poorly educated American millennials are (and the generation that follows). They know nothing of the horrors of communism. Other than that they want it. They're so ignorant of nearly everything about human nature and human history.

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at May 07, 2020 07:46 AM (O+I8R)

The Shelly Luther GoFundMe, to support the Dallas salon woman that dared to be a business woman and was punked by that Jackass Judge who is a tool for the Left (and probably Chinese Commies), is now $500,330.

Do you smell that freedom?

That's America!

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 07:46 AM (sy5kK)

994 This meatball NJ police commissioner on FOX is indicative of how much this scam has perverted everything..

Meatball NJ PC: We are under lock down orders so we are trying to keep everyone home, safe and not spreading the virus.

No matter what you do, You cannot stop the spread of a virus in a country of 325 million people, dipshit.

That's not how this works, it's not how any of this works.

People may be "locked down" but they go to....

The grocery store.
Home Depot.

We have nursing home attendants basically killing our old population.

We have officials not wearing masks ordering plebes to wear masks.

Masks will not do shit in a country of 325 million people.

If masks worked, Asian countries would have lower incidences of viral infections and outbreaks.

Plot twist:

They don't.

This is the sickest, most anti-science, scam and operation in world history.

This is bullshit.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at May 07, 2020 07:46 AM (xQklc)

But, of course, everyone is ripping on that video as "conspiracy theory".

When the press comes out en masse and all parrotting the exact same cliches at the exact same time, or when the WHPC asks the same question over and over and over of the same people, is it perhaps sensible to begin to think that there IS some sort of conspiracy?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 07, 2020 07:46 AM (oVJmc)

996 and 1000

Posted by: Guzalot at May 07, 2020 07:47 AM (Rz36l)

997 LCD, thanks for that update. When I donated yesterday it was at 165k and zooming right along, it had gotten to 250k by mid afternoon I think.

Posted by: Cheriebebe at May 07, 2020 07:47 AM (Xt7n2)

998 drat!

Posted by: Guzalot at May 07, 2020 07:48 AM (Rz36l)

999 although I'm guessing, I would not be surprised to learn that there was bad blood between the Sheriff and that bar owner far preceding this incident. The whole setup had the feel of a conflict that was a lot more personal than just some guy selling beer.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 07, 2020 07:45 AM

Yep, probably a lot of context missing in the basic story.

You don't go from zero to police tank without there being some kind of backstory.

Still doesn't make it right, in my opinion. But would be good to know the history there.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at May 07, 2020 07:48 AM (Do5/p)

1000 Other than that they want it. They're so ignorant of nearly everything about human nature and human history.""

Yep, and so into the dark we go. It's an astounding thing to watch.

Posted by: lizabth at May 07, 2020 07:48 AM (L3Rsz)

1001 Missed it by THAT much...

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at May 07, 2020 07:48 AM (Do5/p)

1002 "He was one of those people who knew they were right, and could prove it, but had the misfortune of being born into an age that did not want to hear it."
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at May 07, 2020 07:45 AM (2JVJo)

Of all the tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under the omnipotent moral busybodies.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 07:48 AM (JFO2v)

1003 And Trump, apparently, is a bit of both. Robber baron and omnipotent moral busybody. Disappointing. I hope he shakes the OMB part off right quick.

Posted by: lizabth at May 07, 2020 07:50 AM (L3Rsz)

1004 Of all the tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under the omnipotent moral busybodies.
Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 07:48 AM (JFO2v)

Agree, I am over the Tyranny of the Karen's.

Posted by: Cheriebebe at May 07, 2020 07:50 AM (Xt7n2)

1005 Nooooooooooood!

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at May 07, 2020 07:50 AM (ExV1e)

1006 and, it's..... JJ!!!!

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 07, 2020 07:51 AM (V2Yro)

1007 And I do think he is trying to do so. Benefit of the doubt, right now, for Trump. Fauci rolled him.

Posted by: lizabth at May 07, 2020 07:51 AM (L3Rsz)

1008 true love

Baltimore Ravens star Earl Thomas 'held at gunpoint by his wife after she found him naked in bed with several women after a night out'

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at May 07, 2020 07:53 AM (JFO2v)

1009 995

When the press comes out en masse and all parrotting the exact same cliches at the exact same time, or when the WHPC asks the same question over and over and over of the same people, is it perhaps sensible to begin to think that there IS some sort of conspiracy?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 07, 2020 07:46 AM

Yes. This.

Plus, when all social media are taking the recommendations of Event 201 to censor any information that goes against the official narrative, that should raise eyebrows too.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at May 07, 2020 07:54 AM (Do5/p)

1010 Another ONT over a thousand.

Once again, great job, MisHum.

Can I get another beer? The sun is coming up, and now I understand why I'm always wearing these sunglasses.

263 187
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:29 PM (sy5kK)

Hey, you drive, I'll ride shot gun with Neill & Crazy Horse at Filmore East
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:36 PM (aA3+G)

As long as we stop for beer first, let's go!

This could be the most famous ride since Jake and Elwood.
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:51 PM (sy5kK)

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 07:55 AM (sy5kK)

1011 1010 Another ONT over a thousand.

Once again, great job, MisHum.

Can I get another beer? The sun is coming up, and now I understand why I'm always wearing these sunglasses.

263 187
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:29 PM (sy5kK)

Hey, you drive, I'll ride shot gun with Neill & Crazy Horse at Filmore East
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 06, 2020 10:36 PM (aA3+G)

As long as we stop for beer first, let's go!

This could be the most famous ride since Jake and Elwood.
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 06, 2020 10:51 PM (sy5kK)
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 07, 2020 07:55 AM (sy5kK)

Lets roll!

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at May 07, 2020 08:17 AM (aA3+G)

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