aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Friday ONTDidn't have time to do much tonight, here's what's left in my ONT folder. 1![]() 2 ![]() ![]() — ONT WTF (@OntWtf) January 11, 2020 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() — ONT WTF (@OntWtf) January 11, 2020 ![]() Unfortunately for him, 2 negatives make a positive ![]() — ONT WTF (@OntWtf) January 11, 2020 These umps make me sick too ![]() ![]() — ONT WTF (@OntWtf) January 11, 2020 ![]() — ONT WTF (@OntWtf) January 11, 2020 This is Brazil. The guy in the cap is an undercover cop 21 ![]() Tonight's ONT brought to you by a guy who needs to get together with the crossbow guy: 22 — ONT WTF (@OntWtf) January 11, 2020 Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Posted by: Charles the Simple at January 10, 2020 09:52 PM (HuH1F) 2
Posted by: Skip at January 10, 2020 09:52 PM (ZCEU2) 3
Damn, second
Posted by: Skip at January 10, 2020 09:52 PM (ZCEU2) 4
Hiiiii Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 10, 2020 09:52 PM (3EPLG) 5
Crack Monkey
Posted by: Infidel at January 10, 2020 09:53 PM (MTxDQ) 6
Posted by: Charles the Simple at January 10, 2020 09:53 PM (HuH1F) 7
Posted by: Cheribebe at January 10, 2020 09:54 PM (a4qVe) 8
I nooded them so my work is done here.
Good night horde Posted by: Skip at January 10, 2020 09:54 PM (ZCEU2) 9
Ahoy, ſodomites & ſodomettes!
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 09:54 PM (7WaWV) 10
I've been wondering... I only saw it used once, in passing... Why hasn't it caught on? ORANGE MAN BADASS! ?? Also, hello. Posted by: mindful webworker - FOOT! at January 10, 2020 09:54 PM (yT7Mu) 11
Evening Horde!
Posted by: Tonypete at January 10, 2020 09:55 PM (Y4EXg) 12
zactley, motherfuckers.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 10, 2020 09:56 PM (KP5rU) 13
*stubbornly drags witty poat from downstairs*
780 I can't believe I'm sitting here in the dark hiding from the dog. Posted by: Jewells45 at January 10, 2020 09:43 PM (dUJdY) Not sure of the context, but this might be the best opening line of a story I've read in a long time. Heh. Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 09:54 PM (x8Wzq) Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 09:56 PM (x8Wzq) 14
Top 15?
Posted by: Thanatopsis at beautiful Chancre del Diablo ranch at January 10, 2020 09:56 PM (pq7xD) 15
German scrabble? Not scatological enough...
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 09:57 PM (NWiLs) 16
Thanks for the ONT, weirddave!
Posted by: Legally Sufficient at January 10, 2020 09:57 PM (fNFgo) 17
Holy snikes, it's true, the NYC Bar association is lobbying to get
congress to investigate AG Barr for bias in investigating the investigators!!!! That is nucking futs. Posted by: Larry Vaughn at January 10, 2020 09:57 PM (8IS1R) Posted by: Tonypete at January 10, 2020 09:58 PM (Y4EXg) Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 09:59 PM (TdMsT) 20
Learned today that a wonderful Polish deli is just 15 minutes from my house and the stuff they have is amazing!
Posted by: Cheribebe at January 10, 2020 09:59 PM (a4qVe) 21
Ladyl! *hugs*
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 09:59 PM (NWiLs) 22
Not sure of the context, but this might be the best opening line of a story I've read in a long time. Heh.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 09:54 PM (x8Wzq) Maybe I'll write a book. The trials and tribulations of living with a neurotic dog. Posted by: Jewells45 at January 10, 2020 09:59 PM (dUJdY) 23
Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 09:59 PM (Zz0t1) 24
Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 10, 2020 10:00 PM (KP5rU) 25
That IS how a Hitler joke is done.
Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:00 PM (Zz0t1) 26
21 Ladyl! *hugs*
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 09:59 PM (NWiLs) Insom!!! My partner and I beat the men today!!! Ha ha ha ha!!! Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:00 PM (TdMsT) 27
Welsh Scrabble has no vowels.
Posted by: BackwardsBoy. Impeach the Democrat Traitors Instead at January 10, 2020 10:00 PM (HaL55) 28
Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:00 PM (TdMsT) Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:00 PM (Zz0t1) 30
That wee little crossbow would look great as a pendant. Think if the impromptu fun you could have at swank parties.
Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at January 10, 2020 10:00 PM (Dc2NZ) 31
Holy snikes, it's true, the NYC Bar association is lobbying to get
congress to investigate AG Barr for bias in investigating the investigators!!!! Insane doesn't begin to cover it. Jesus Christ on skates. Posted by: Jewells45 at January 10, 2020 10:00 PM (dUJdY) 32
ok those be some good video links.
how could you have the patience to make a mini sword like that? Posted by: Tom Servo at January 10, 2020 10:00 PM (V2Yro) 33
Hey everybody. Yay Friday ONT!
Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 10:00 PM (L2ZTs) 34
Good Hitler jokes stole my childhood.
Posted by: Greta Thunberg, meatball-scented Druid philosopher at January 10, 2020 10:01 PM (EgshT) Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 10:01 PM (2B9A/) 36
26 21 Ladyl! *hugs*
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 09:59 PM (NWiLs) Insom!!! My partner and I beat the men today!!! Ha ha ha ha!!! Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:00 PM (TdMsT) And they loved every minute I bet! Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 10:01 PM (NWiLs) 37
Maybe I'll write a book. The trials and tribulations of living with a neurotic dog.
Posted by: Jewells45 ---- "I'm a good boy!!" "Wait! No! I'm not." Posted by: Tonypete at January 10, 2020 10:01 PM (Y4EXg) 38
Life is good.
Posted by: The inexplicable Dr. Julius Strangepork at January 10, 2020 10:01 PM (X/cwx) 39
My partner and I beat the men today!!! Ha ha ha ha!!! Posted by: Ladyl ====== You must have gotten quite a workout! Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 10, 2020 10:02 PM (3EPLG) 40
All this talk of Yes, my player FINALLY found some.
Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:02 PM (Zz0t1) 41
Jesus Christ on skates stole my childhood.
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 10:02 PM (NWiLs) 42
And they loved every minute I bet!
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 10:01 PM (NWiLs) They weren't very happy. We slaughtered them. Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:02 PM (TdMsT) 43
Dollars to.donuts, that knife would be illegal in the UK.
Posted by: F2000 at January 10, 2020 10:02 PM (9WiM6) 44
Maybe I'll write a book. The trials and tribulations of living with a neurotic dog.
Posted by: Jewells45 at January 10, 2020 09:59 PM (dUJdY) Our house is infested with cats. Believe you me, I know neurotic. Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 10:02 PM (x8Wzq) 45
Time out!?
Posted by: Andy Reid at January 10, 2020 10:02 PM (l3+k2) 46
how could you have the patience to make a mini sword like that?
Posted by: Tom Servo at January 10, 2020 10:00 PM (V2Yro) Cool. Completely fucking useless, but cool. Men from Forged in Fire laugh at that guy. Heartily. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:03 PM (Zz0t1) 47
Are aircraft carriers six billion dollar trailer parks?
"40 ppl are going to mast; the CMC (command master chief) just took over b/c the previous CMC was relieved due to fraternization with females onboard. One of the master chiefs onboard (was sleeping with a new sailor (she is in black dress). The master chief and his wife obviously went to the party and the black dress female didn't know boat boo rules so she confronted him in front of his wife (woman in maroon dress). That is how the fight started. He was also sleeping with another sailor and that female got mad so she joined in on the fight. Apparently, the fight got bigger and went outside. After all was said and done, they were also fighting on the ship. Female chiefs were fighting in the berthing and there was also beef in the wardroom." Posted by: SMH at January 10, 2020 10:03 PM (RU4sa) 48
41 Jesus Christ on skates stole my childhood.
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 10:02 PM (NWiLs) Jesus is very kind. Ask Him for your childhood back. Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:03 PM (TdMsT) 49
listening to rush tonite. thanks, neil. rest well.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 10, 2020 10:03 PM (KP5rU) 50
Damn, that ump can puke!
Posted by: dartist at January 10, 2020 10:03 PM (K22Va) 51
Time out!?
Posted by: Andy Reid at January 10, 2020 10:02 PM (l3+k2) Be careful. Those can get you in trouble. Posted by: Chris Webber at January 10, 2020 10:03 PM (Zz0t1) 52
Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 09:56 PM (x8Wzq)
It was a dark and stormy night, and I sit here in the dark, hiding from the dog!... Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 10:04 PM (+00Vt) 53
Damn, that ump can puke!
Posted by: dartist at January 10, 2020 10:03 PM (K22Va) Yeah. I've looked like that after shotgunning 6 beers. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:04 PM (Zz0t1) 54
Loved the crossbow-have seen ads-nice it works!
Posted by: Bookdoc at January 10, 2020 10:04 PM (PzBTm) 55
You must have gotten quite a workout!
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 10, 2020 10:02 PM (3EPLG) Yeah. It was so fun. We exploited their weaknesses and they got frustrated. Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:04 PM (TdMsT) Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 10, 2020 10:04 PM (lv1Lz) 57
listening to rush tonite. thanks, neil. rest well.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 10, 2020 10:03 PM (KP5rU) I ran through everything on my player earlier. It was a good run....... Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:04 PM (Zz0t1) 58
Great, now the ONT is taking sides in the crossbow vs. longbow debate.
Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 10:05 PM (dOV9E) 59
Someone call bluebell, she needs to see the little duster dude with the eyeballs and stick figure arms.
Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 10:05 PM (t+qrx) Posted by: tbodie at January 10, 2020 10:05 PM (5RITs) 61
55 You must have gotten quite a workout!
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 10, 2020 10:02 PM (3EPLG) Yeah. It was so fun. We exploited their weaknesses and they got frustrated. Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:04 PM (TdMsT) So you were aiming low... Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 10:05 PM (NWiLs) 62
Content plethora!
Posted by: First Post Today at January 10, 2020 10:05 PM (hkCNq) 63
Learned today that a wonderful Polish deli is just 15 minutes from my house and the stuff they have is amazing!
Celina's? Posted by: Son of Sam the Butcher at January 10, 2020 10:05 PM (VJBq9) 64
So you were aiming low...
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 10:05 PM (NWiLs) Um... yes. I believe so! Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:06 PM (TdMsT) 65
how many beers did that ump have before the game?
Posted by: DB at January 10, 2020 10:06 PM (iTXRQ) 66
56 The video of the ump. Was that Mr. Creosote?
Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 10, 2020 10:04 PM (lv1Lz) Bet no one slid into home for the whole rest of the game. Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 10:06 PM (dOV9E) 67
27 Welsh Scrabble has no vowels.
Posted by: BackwardsBoy. Impeach the Democrat Traitors Instead at January 10, 2020 10:00 PM (HaL55) ---------------------------------------- Not so. It has one vowel, and it's worth like 8000 points. Posted by: No One of Consequence at January 10, 2020 10:06 PM (CAJOC) 68
Are aircraft carriers six billion dollar trailer parks?
Posted by: SMH at January 10, 2020 10:03 PM (RU4sa) Checks with chart. Posted by: hogmartin, with smug submarine superiority at January 10, 2020 10:06 PM (t+qrx) 69
Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:07 PM (TdMsT) 70
Posted by: SMH at January 10, 2020 10:03 PM (RU4sa)
{{{SMH}}} I wish I thought that was a Babylon Bee article! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 10:07 PM (+00Vt) 71
Someone call bluebell, she needs to see the little duster dude with the eyeballs and stick figure arms.
Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 10:05 PM (t+qrx) Those always make me smile. Isn't there a name for that? Whatever it is? Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:07 PM (Zz0t1) 72
Gonna watch "Don't F*ck With Cats." BBL
Posted by: Blanco Basura -It's OK, I'm with the banned at January 10, 2020 10:07 PM (SchxB) 73
27 Welsh Scrabble has no vowels.
Posted by: BackwardsBoy. Impeach the Democrat Traitors Instead at January 10, 2020 10:00 PM (HaL55) Neither does Polish. Their Wheel of Fortune is something to behold. "I'd like to buy a vowel," "I'm sorry, there are none." "But we just started..." Posted by: Moki at January 10, 2020 10:07 PM (mFoNl) 74
We exploited their weaknesses and they got frustrated.
Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:04 PM (TdMsT) So you were aiming low... Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 10:05 PM (NWiLs) That shit's funny, right there. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:07 PM (Zz0t1) 75
That tiny sword dagger thing is so pretty!
Posted by: Gem at January 10, 2020 10:07 PM (65i3Q) 76
Sounds like you had a fine day, I'm glad! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 10:08 PM (+00Vt) 77
In the tiny crossbow vid, there was also a tiny cannon on the table. Now he just needs a tiny trebuchet and he's all set for a tiny siege.
Posted by: Bob the Bilderberg at January 10, 2020 10:08 PM (qc+VF) Posted by: Mrs. Peel at January 10, 2020 10:08 PM (rWZ8Y) 79
Isn't there a name for that? Whatever it is?
Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:07 PM (Zz0t1) If there is, I really wish I knew what it was, because somewhere there must be an archive of thousands of them that I don't know how to search for. Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 10:08 PM (t+qrx) 80
DB #65: how many beers did that ump have before the game?
This is like guessing the number of jellybeans in the jar, right? Except, you have to watch him puke a lot to make a good educated guess. My guess: All of them. Posted by: mindful webworker - one after another at January 10, 2020 10:08 PM (yT7Mu) Posted by: SMH at January 10, 2020 10:08 PM (RU4sa) 82
Jewells? WTF?
Posted by: Infidel at January 10, 2020 10:09 PM (MTxDQ) 83
If there is, I really wish I knew what it was, because somewhere there must be an archive of thousands of them that I don't know how to search for.
Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 10:08 PM (t+qrx) Exactly! I've tried to search, but have NO CLUE how to word it. DDG thinks I'm an idiot. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:09 PM (Zz0t1) 84
My guess: All of them.
Posted by: mindful webworker - one after another at January 10, 2020 10:08 PM (yT7Mu) Damn, that's gotta be at least 12. Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 10:09 PM (t+qrx) 85
76 {{{Ladyl}}}
Sounds like you had a fine day, I'm glad! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 10:08 PM (+00Vt) I did have a good day, thank you! How was yours? Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:09 PM (TdMsT) 86
78 I don't understand #17. Am I the dumb?
Posted by: Mrs. Peel at January 10, 2020 10:08 PM (rWZ8Y) It's a reversal of a popular meme. Won't make any sense at all unless you've seen that. Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 10:09 PM (dOV9E) Posted by: SMH at January 10, 2020 10:09 PM (RU4sa) 88
Gonna watch "Don't F*ck With Cats." BBL
Posted by: Blanco Basura I tried. Could not get through the first scene with the kittens. I am a pussy. But that dude would die a painful death should I happen upon him. Posted by: BifBewalski at January 10, 2020 10:10 PM (VcFUs) 89
Let's face it I just want to show the world my cooch
Posted by: Gwyneth Paltrow's autogyno fixation at January 10, 2020 10:10 PM (9dzlp) 90
Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 10, 2020 10:11 PM (KP5rU) 91
Ah! Thank you, kindly stranger on the glowy screen. I am enlightened.
Posted by: Mrs. Peel at January 10, 2020 10:11 PM (rWZ8Y) 92
Hey chavez.
Posted by: SMH at January 10, 2020 10:11 PM (RU4sa) 93
Hey, y'all!
Posted by: Boomer Redneque, deplorable MAGAbilly at January 10, 2020 10:11 PM (KXHve) 94
Let's face it I just want to show the world my cooch
Posted by: Gwyneth Paltrow's autogyno fixation at January 10, 2020 10:10 PM (9dzlp) Isn't that a country song? Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:12 PM (Zz0t1) Posted by: Jewells45 at January 10, 2020 10:12 PM (dUJdY) 96
Posted by: SMH at January 10, 2020 10:08 PM (RU4sa)
The tragedy is that there are so many really good dedicated people in the military, but the military necessarily draws from the citizenry, and far too many citizens have abandoned their allegiance to fundamental honor and decency! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 10:12 PM (+00Vt) Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 10, 2020 10:12 PM (lv1Lz) 98
47 Are aircraft carriers six billion dollar trailer parks? Posted by: SMH at January 10, 2020 10:03 PM (RU4sa) Nope, not trailer parks; followed that link til I found the video and that's pure ghetto culture. And is that what passes for "formal dress" now? I'd expect a hooker's convention in Tijuana to be better dressed than that - this bunch looked like they were strait outta Baltimore. Posted by: Tom Servo at January 10, 2020 10:12 PM (V2Yro) 99
Scrabble in the recently extinct Ubykh language might be interesting... 84 consonants and only 2 bowels!
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 10:12 PM (7WaWV) 100
Posted by: redc1c4 at January 10, 2020 10:12 PM (zHXTb) 101
Errr, Vowels!
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 10:12 PM (7WaWV) 102
Well, he won't be robbing anyone now
Posted by: jsg at January 10, 2020 10:12 PM (XVaPh) 103
I saw a lady throw a cat today. I'm upset about that.
Posted by: Sobek at January 10, 2020 10:12 PM (pmIvR) 104
49 listening to rush tonite. thanks, neil. rest well.
Posted by: chavez the hugo Yup. Listening to 'Show of Hands' at the moment. A live CD, dated mid 80s. Posted by: Puddleglum at January 10, 2020 10:12 PM (sF20v) 105
Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 10:09 PM (dOV9E) ... How is THAT a popular meme? Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 10:13 PM (2B9A/) 106
89 Let's face it I just want to show the world my cooch
Posted by: Gwyneth Paltrow's autogyno fixation at January 10, 2020 10:10 PM (9dzlp) Just disappear for a while. When you say to yourself "that 'Smells Like My Vagina' candle was a bridge too far," then you can come out of hiding. Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 10:13 PM (dOV9E) 107
94 Let's face it I just want to show the world my cooch
Posted by: Gwyneth Paltrow's autogyno fixation at January 10, 2020 10:10 PM (9dzlp) Isn't that a country song? Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:12 PM (Zz0t1) ------------------------------ And a rap song Posted by: No One of Consequence at January 10, 2020 10:13 PM (CAJOC) 108
In the Navy, you can sail the seven seas. In the Navy, you can put your mind at ease.
Posted by: The Boat Boo People at January 10, 2020 10:13 PM (EgshT) 109
my subwoofer is rattling my siding. is that bad?
Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 10, 2020 10:13 PM (KP5rU) Posted by: Ha at January 10, 2020 10:13 PM (NSFCQ) 111
and naow, back to fixing dinner and getting the crap off the front porch that was supposed to be gone before Herself came home and threw a shoe about it.
Posted by: redc1c4 at January 10, 2020 10:13 PM (zHXTb) 112
103 I saw a lady throw a cat today. I'm upset about that.
Posted by: Sobek at January 10, 2020 10:12 PM (pmIvR) Why did she throw the cat? Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:13 PM (TdMsT) 113
Are aircraft carriers six billion dollar trailer parks?
Posted by: SMH at January 10, 2020 10:03 PM ===== Checks with chart. Posted by: hogmartin, with smug submarine superiority at January 10, 2020 10:06 PM Y'all realize that SMH, being formerly affiliated with the Nation's Senior Service, is unlikely to appreciate fully the nuances of your wisdom? Posted by: Duncanthrax The Austere at January 10, 2020 10:14 PM (jxnjf) 114
Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 10:09 PM (dOV9E) ... How is THAT a popular meme? Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 10:13 PM (2B9A/) It fits a LOT of situations. The Obama Presidency is one example. Joe Biden's candidacy is another. Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 10:14 PM (dOV9E) 115
Posted by: SMH at January 10, 2020 10:03 PM (RU4sa)
sadly, was inevitable once we started mixed crews. Saw this kind of crap years ago, and its just getting worse. Note, me and the Wife were a dual Navy Couple. We made it through MY deployments, didn't even make it through HALF of hers. I was not the one who screwed around. Posted by: Don Q at January 10, 2020 10:14 PM (NgKpN) 116
That was an incredibly entertaining ONT. Useful too. Especially liked the Pizza life,hack. It was like, Why didn't I think of that. Lots of lols.
Posted by: Sharon at January 10, 2020 10:14 PM (QzF6i) 117
I saw a lady throw a cat today. I'm upset about that.
say what? Like out the window? Against the wall? Posted by: Jewells45 at January 10, 2020 10:14 PM (dUJdY) 118
109 my subwoofer is rattling my siding. is that bad?
Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 10, 2020 10:13 PM (KP5rU) Nothing wrong with that. It's doing its job. Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:14 PM (TdMsT) 119
He's done next to nothing. Posted by: Ha at January 10, 2020 10:13 PM (NSFCQ) I know. It's sad. There's SO many crimes.....yet no justice. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:14 PM (Zz0t1) 120
Y'all realize that SMH, being formerly affiliated with the Nation's Senior Service, is unlikely to appreciate fully the nuances of your wisdom?
Posted by: Duncanthrax The Austere at January 10, 2020 10:14 PM (jxnjf) She's a smart cookie. I'm sure she caught it. Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 10:15 PM (t+qrx) 121
Holy snikes, it's true, the NYC Bar association is lobbying to get congress to investigate AG Barr for bias in investigating the investigators!!!! Insane doesn't begin to cover it. Jesus Christ on skates. Posted by: Jewells45 at January 10, 2020 10:00 PM (dUJdY) The Democrats are having a very public emotional and mental breakdown and for their own good, and the community's, I think they should be involuntarily committed. Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet is Concerned that It Did Not Get Everything It Wanted at January 10, 2020 10:15 PM (d4iUk) 122
118: ladyl, i like your style!
Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 10, 2020 10:15 PM (KP5rU) 123
Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:09 PM
Mine was good as well, accomplished a few necessary things, and just got back a small from having a few drinks with some of my neighbors, all crazy, but really good people! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 10:16 PM (+00Vt) Posted by: Ha at January 10, 2020 10:16 PM (NSFCQ) 125
98 47 Are aircraft carriers six billion dollar trailer parks? Posted by: SMH at January 10, 2020 10:03 PM (RU4sa) Nope, not trailer parks; followed that link til I found the video and that's pure ghetto culture. And is that what passes for "formal dress" now? I'd expect a hooker's convention in Tijuana to be better dressed than that - this bunch looked like they were strait outta Baltimore. Posted by: Tom Servo at January 10, 2020 10:12 PM (V2Yro) Dr. Detroit got promoted to Captain. Posted by: Don Q at January 10, 2020 10:16 PM (NgKpN) 126
The tragedy is that there are so many really good dedicated people in the military, but the military necessarily draws from the citizenry, and far too many citizens have abandoned their allegiance to fundamental honor and decency!
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 10:12 PM (+00Vt) --- Honor and decency are not ideas that are commonly taught in schools (or at home). Can't abandon something you've never had. And as for the ones that slip through the cracks and somehow end up among the ranks, well, poison has a way of spreading. Posted by: SMH at January 10, 2020 10:16 PM (RU4sa) 127
my subwoofer is rattling my siding. is that bad?
Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 10, 2020 10:13 PM (KP5rU) Tis what it's for. It's also why I'm slightly upset I don't have one in my office. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:16 PM (Zz0t1) 128
Are aircraft carriers six billion dollar trailer parks?
"40 ppl are going to mast; the CMC (command master chief) just took over b/c the previous CMC was relieved due to fraternization with females onboard. One of the master chiefs onboard (was sleeping with a new sailor (she is in black dress). The master chief and his wife obviously went to the party and the black dress female didn't know boat boo rules so she confronted him in front of his wife (woman in maroon dress). Posted by: SMH ----- Well Norfolk so yeah. Hell, they can't even keep them apart in mixed boot camp divisions at Great Lakes. Usually doesn't make the cruise book though. Go figure. Posted by: Tonypete at January 10, 2020 10:16 PM (Y4EXg) 129
love powered subwoofers.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 10, 2020 10:17 PM (KP5rU) 130
Nope, not trailer parks; followed that link til I found the video and that's pure ghetto culture. And is that what passes for "formal dress" now? I'd expect a hooker's convention in Tijuana to be better dressed than that - this bunch looked like they were strait outta Baltimore.
Posted by: Tom Servo at January 10, 2020 10:12 PM (V2Yro) --- Trailer park, ghetto, same diff. Posted by: SMH at January 10, 2020 10:17 PM (RU4sa) 131
I'm coming out with a new product line. It will be a series of barbecue accessories. The first product will be smoking chips that will make your meat taste like.......wait for my cooch.
Posted by: Gwyneth Paltrow's autogyno fixation at January 10, 2020 10:17 PM (9dzlp) 132
Just got back from both Meijer and Kroger, and most of the expected ice storm prep stuff has been raided - french toast ingredients, as usual. One odd thing though. Neither place had any green onions.
??? I have never seen this before. What on earth do you make with eggs, milk, bread, and green onions when the power's out? Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 10:18 PM (t+qrx) 133
Casual Friday ONT Compliance Pics Posted by: kbdabear at January 10, 2020 10:18 PM (qAR6u) 134
Mine was good as well, accomplished a few necessary things, and just got back a small from having a few drinks with some of my neighbors, all crazy, but really good people! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 10:16 PM (+00Vt) Well--I hope the rest of your weekend is lovely! It's nice to have good neighbors, isn't it? I love mine, crazy leftists that they are. Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:18 PM (TdMsT) 135
I did enjoy the woman's critique of the $75 Goop "Smells Like My Vagina" candle that read "Needs more umami."
Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 10:19 PM (dOV9E) 136
"Are aircraft carriers six billion dollar trailer parks?"
5,000 people on board, anything can happen. Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet is Concerned that It Did Not Get Everything It Wanted at January 10, 2020 10:19 PM (d4iUk) 137
I like the tiny sword, but will it KEEEL?
Posted by: jim at January 10, 2020 10:19 PM (DF+pC) 138
Good friend of mine retired from the Marine Corps after 24 years. Knew it was time to go when he and his wife went to the Corps ball while stationed in Okinawa and on the bus ride home, two dudes in their dress blues were making out.
Everyone knows, you don't do ANYTHING in your dress blues that disrespects the uniform. I'll never forget the look on his face in his dad's back yard when I'd mentioned that Owebama traded high profile terrorists for Bowe Berghdal...... "WHAT!?!?!? We don't negotiate with TERRORISTS!!!" Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:19 PM (Zz0t1) 139
Good evening!
Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at January 10, 2020 10:19 PM (CjFDo) 140
More Casual Friday ONT Compliance Pics Posted by: kbdabear at January 10, 2020 10:20 PM (qAR6u) 141
>> Ahoy, sodomites & sodomettes!
I've warned you about this before, I'm a Gomorrahn, dammit. Go Gomorrah, beat Sodom! Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at January 10, 2020 10:21 PM (f1Vqw) 142
I have never seen this before. What on earth do you make with eggs, milk, bread, and green onions when the power's out?
Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 10:18 PM (t+qrx) Hmm, beat the eggs with a touch of milk and some chopped up green onions, make an omelette, toast the bread, have a glass of milk? Posted by: Moki at January 10, 2020 10:21 PM (mFoNl) 143
Gabriel Iglesias
Fluffy Goes To India | Gabriel HT/Germans drink the blood of the Jews. Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 10:21 PM (bETih) 144
my subwoofer is rattling my siding. is that bad? I thought that's what all you guys up north do to knock the snow off your house. Posted by: dartist at January 10, 2020 10:22 PM (K22Va) 145
Go Gomorrah, beat Sodom!
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear Sodom would be pretty excited about that. Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at January 10, 2020 10:22 PM (SfYbS) 146
I have never seen this before. What on earth do you make with eggs, milk, bread, and green onions when the power's out?
-- Gas stove and you make omelets, and toast the bread over the flames like my dad did with the Coleman camp stove. Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet is Concerned that It Did Not Get Everything It Wanted at January 10, 2020 10:22 PM (d4iUk) 147
aww crossbow ONT!
Posted by: vmom 2020 at January 10, 2020 10:22 PM (G546f) 148
Gas stove and you make omelets, and toast the bread over the flames like my dad did with the Coleman camp stove. Posted by: Mikey NTH Great minds, Mikey! Posted by: Moki at January 10, 2020 10:23 PM (mFoNl) 149 I gather that "thicc" means sexy/curvy
but what is "thot"? Posted by: vmom 2020 at January 10, 2020 10:23 PM (G546f) 150
I have never seen this before. What on earth do you make with eggs, milk, bread, and green onions when the power's out?
Welsh toast. Posted by: BackwardsBoy. Impeach the Democrat Traitors Instead at January 10, 2020 10:23 PM (HaL55) Posted by: Sock Monkey...seeking a new level of awareness at January 10, 2020 10:24 PM (Aj7Zq) 152
Well, I guess I never considered that people would crave omelettes with green onion with the power out.
Which, n.b., I can't make now because there were no green onions left. Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 10:24 PM (t+qrx) 153
149 I gather that "thicc" means sexy/curvy
but what is "thot"? Posted by: vmom 2020 at January 10, 2020 10:23 PM (G546f) That Ho Over There. Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 10:24 PM (dOV9E) 154
Posted by: SMH at January 10, 2020 10:16 PM (RU4sa)
We're going to pay a horrible price for our failure in abandoning education to the "professional educators"! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 10:24 PM (+00Vt) 155
You'd think there'd be more Thai ladyboy jokes out there.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 10, 2020 10:24 PM (1ISKN) 156
Welp.. gonna go see what I can do with this silly dog. Night all. Stay safe.
Posted by: Jewells45 at January 10, 2020 10:24 PM (dUJdY) 157
144 109
my subwoofer is rattling my siding. is that bad? I thought that's what all you guys up north do to knock the snow off your house. Posted by: dartist at January 10, 2020 10:22 PM (K22Va) ----------------------------------------- Only if you don't own a flamethrower. Posted by: No One of Consequence at January 10, 2020 10:24 PM (CAJOC) Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at January 10, 2020 10:25 PM (f1Vqw) 159
Good night, Jewells.
Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:25 PM (TdMsT) Posted by: vmom 2020 at January 10, 2020 10:26 PM (G546f) Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 10, 2020 10:26 PM (1ISKN) 162
Posted by: Anna Puma at January 10, 2020 10:26 PM (CKJmt) 163
I no joking matter, Yankee Boy. Posted by: Ladyboy Pul Mai Kok at January 10, 2020 10:27 PM (f1Vqw) 164
117 I saw a lady throw a cat today. I'm upset about that.
say what? Like out the window? Against the wall? Posted by: Jewells45 at January 10, 2020 10:14 PM (dUJdY) You know Hollow Man was a horrible movie, but it did have... two things going that made it memorable. Rhona Mitra naked. The other was a scene after Bacon starts going crazy and evil, there is a dog who continuiously barks in the same containment area he is in. You watch on the camera as he enters where the dog is kept, picks up the dog like a rag doll and slams it's head against a wall. For some reason that is one of the most disturbing scenes I have ever seen in a movie. Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 10:27 PM (2B9A/) 165
My People call them 'gomorrites' and 'gomorrettes'...
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 10:27 PM (7WaWV) 166
First you blow me, Yankee boy. Posted by: Ladyboy Pul Mai Kok at January 10, 2020 10:27 PM (f1Vqw) 167
love powered subwoofers.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 10, 2020 10:17 PM (KP5rU) High energy dogs on submarines? Live and learn. Posted by: RickZ at January 10, 2020 10:27 PM (Y8PSl) 168
155 You'd think there'd be more Thai ladyboy jokes out there.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe A colleague of mine in Hong Kong went to Thailand and had an unfortunate incident with one. They actually went on chaste dates for a week before my colleague, uh, made his move. I was shocked he came back and told me about it. Posted by: Moki at January 10, 2020 10:27 PM (mFoNl) 169
I read where some guy thought that "thot" meant a hot chick, so he called his girlfriend that, in a friendly way.
Took him a while to bounce back from that one. Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 10:27 PM (dOV9E) 170
161 An omelet without cheese? I don't want to live in that world. Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 10, 2020 10:26 PM (1ISKN) Is it even an omelet without cheese? Ick. Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:28 PM (TdMsT) 171
Choosing the best Rush song is like choosing your favorite glock.
But for my money nothing tops Subdivisions. Angsty, synthy, propulsive goodness. Posted by: Larry Vaughn at January 10, 2020 10:28 PM (8IS1R) 172
Konbanwa, Anna!
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 10:28 PM (7WaWV) 173
According to the ad on my screen, if I have an enlarged prostate, I should open a can of jellied cranberry sauce. Weird.
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 10:28 PM (NWiLs) 174
Posted by: SMH at January 10, 2020 10:03 PM
A larger version of my ship, one of the first Navy ships with women on it. What a mess...I'm not working in a 115 degree fire room, I'm getting pregnant! Posted by: clutch at January 10, 2020 10:28 PM (+mbOC) 175
THOT = That Ho Over There Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at January 10, 2020 10:25 PM (f1Vqw) Just don't go look up PAWG on urbandictionary. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:28 PM (Zz0t1) 176
Who knew that a dog would take an egg in its mouth and defend it....without breaking it.
Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:29 PM (Zz0t1) 177
An omelet without cheese?
I don't want to live in that world. Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 10, 2020 10:26 PM (1ISKN) Agree. Cheese was still available, so whoever raided the eggs/milk/bread/green onion selections are going to have some sad, wretched little omelettes if they didn't get cheese too. Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 10:29 PM (t+qrx) 178
5,000 people on board, anything can happen.
Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet is Concerned that It Did Not Get Everything It Wanted at January 10, 2020 10:19 PM (d4iUk) 3,000 boys from da' hood + 2000 ho's from da hood and you KNOW what's gonna happen. Posted by: Tom Servo at January 10, 2020 10:29 PM (V2Yro) 179
So I walked up a ramp to someone's house, and a cat was watching me and kind of looking like it wanted me to scratch it's ears. I like scratching cat eats, so I as totally good with this. I knocked on the door just as the cat finally got close enough to me. I reached down to try and pet the cat. The door opened, so I stood back up so I could talk to the guy inside. The cat ran in the house. While I talked to the guy, a woman inside must have caught the cat and she came to the door and just chucked it. There was a hole in the ramp, and the cat feel through it. (I assume the woman didn't intend for the cat to fall in the hole). The cat hit a cross beam on the way to the ground and hurt it's foot.
When I was done talking to the guy and the door was closed, I tried to lure the cat out so I could pet it, but it limped into a corner and hid from me. Posted by: Sobek at January 10, 2020 10:29 PM (pmIvR) 180
I read where some guy thought that "thot" meant a hot chick, so he called his girlfriend that, in a friendly way.
Took him a while to bounce back from that one. You misspelled "Get out of the hospital." Posted by: BackwardsBoy. Impeach the Democrat Traitors Instead at January 10, 2020 10:29 PM (HaL55) 181
Who you callin' a PAWG? Posted by: Demi Rose at January 10, 2020 10:30 PM (f1Vqw) 182
78 Look, W is a vowel, okay??
---------- My freshman year of college, there was a friend of mine who claimed to be "vowel deaf". Being >29, this was way before the wave of vanity disabilities, so I have no idea if it was a real thing or not. Another friend of ours would walk up within about 2" of the back of the guy and shout "SOMETIMES Y" at the top of his lungs. Anyway, it was probably funnier in person... Posted by: BunkerInTheBurbs, still needs a new Nic! at January 10, 2020 10:30 PM (9p0cQ) 183
Greetings, everyone, hope you are all going to have a great weekend.
The alcohol monster bit me tonight, so sorry, I promise it won't be like my (sober) dream last night, when I got into a fight with everyone because of my extreme drunkenness. Love you all. Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 10, 2020 10:30 PM (l9m7l) 184
sobek, that's terrible! That poor cat!
Posted by: Moki at January 10, 2020 10:30 PM (mFoNl) Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at January 10, 2020 10:30 PM (f1Vqw) 186
I love mine, crazy leftists that they are.
Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:18 PM (TdMsT) Most of mine are NOT leftists, they are quirky as all get out, but they are really good people. There is one really nice couple, not there tonight, that are retired lawyers and textbook NoVA liberals. We just avoid certain topics when they are around. Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 10:30 PM (+00Vt) 187
Speaking of Thailand. I just recently found out about Thai funk music from the 70's, and that shit is tight.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 10, 2020 10:31 PM (1ISKN) 188
176 Who knew that a dog would take an egg in its mouth and defend it....without breaking it.
Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:29 PM (Zz0t1) Some dogs. Mine have figured out what the chicken "egg announcement" sound means, and immediately go after the free food. Why do chickens do that, anyway? It's like announcing that it's breakfast time for any hungry animal in the vicinity. Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 10:31 PM (dOV9E) Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:31 PM (TdMsT) 190
In the anime Asteroid in Love high school girl Suzu, who's family owns a bakery, on her first try at making something delicious baked instead a pastry that looked like 'panties' according to classmate Mira.
Posted by: Anna Puma at January 10, 2020 10:31 PM (CKJmt) 191
Everyone, got a doozy of a question tonight.
What's your favorite Dilbert comic strip? I have several. One that comes instantly to mind is the one re "condescending Unix computer users." :-) Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 10:31 PM (L2ZTs) Posted by: Nancy Schiff at January 10, 2020 10:32 PM (Eicbe) 193
When I was done talking to the guy and the door was closed, I tried to lure the cat out so I could pet it, but it limped into a corner and hid from me.
Posted by: Sobek at January 10, 2020 10:29 PM (pmIvR) What the hell? Did they react in any way, or was it just an ordinary thing for them? Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 10:32 PM (t+qrx) 194
"This is Brazil. The guy in the cap is an undercover cop . . . .
**** and the guy in the hoodie is a dead scumbag." Posted by: Publius Redux at January 10, 2020 10:32 PM (rnDKw) 195
another Invisible Man movie is coming out, speaking of Hollow Man, and it looks to be even worse.
Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 10, 2020 10:32 PM (ykYG2) 196
Chickens, like Leftists, are not known for being able to discern the relationship between cause and effect.
Posted by: Anna Puma at January 10, 2020 10:32 PM (CKJmt) Posted by: NaCly Dog at January 10, 2020 10:32 PM (u82oZ) 198
Why do chickens do that, anyway? It's like announcing that it's breakfast time for any hungry animal in the vicinity.
Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 10:31 PM (dOV9E) Not sure. Rattlesnakes in Texas have figured out that their rattles attract the feral hogs and are stopping the rattle...... That, sucks.... Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:33 PM (Zz0t1) Posted by: Larry Vaughn at January 10, 2020 10:33 PM (8IS1R) 200
and the guy in the hoodie is a dead scumbag." Posted by: Publius Redux at January 10, 2020 10:32 PM (rnDKw) He has an open mind. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:33 PM (Zz0t1) 201
I have to catch up with all y'all tonight.......
Hadrian I am sorry that happened and may you find greener pastures elsewhere. RIP Neil Peart ![]() Posted by: westminsterdogshow at January 10, 2020 10:34 PM (/UQ/R) 202
I'll take things Brie Larson will never be called for $200, Alex.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at January 10, 2020 10:30 PM (f1Vqw) I LOL'd. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:34 PM (Zz0t1) 203
Brie Larson <> talented, comely, ...
Posted by: Anna Puma at January 10, 2020 10:35 PM (CKJmt) 204
In 1980 on the permanent waves tour.......for the finish!
Posted by: westminsterdogshow at January 10, 2020 10:35 PM (/UQ/R) 205
Choosing the best Rush song is like choosing your favorite glock.
But for my money nothing tops Subdivisions. Angsty, synthy, propulsive goodness. Posted by: Larry Vaughn at January 10, 2020 10:28 PM (8IS1R) Likely my favorite Rush album. And I love "The Analog Kid." Might just be my favorite Rush song. Might be. Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 10:35 PM (x8Wzq) 206
It's going to be close to 70 in central Ohio tomorrow.
I just love global warming! Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:31 PM (TdMsT) I'll be 42 tomorrow in North Texas. Send it back, please. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:35 PM (Zz0t1) 207
Most of mine are NOT leftists, they are quirky as all get out, but they are really good people. There is one really nice couple, not there tonight, that are retired lawyers and textbook NoVA liberals. We just avoid certain topics when they are around. Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 10:30 PM (+00Vt) I do miss living amongst conservatives. They are far more kind and giving than leftists are, but the left claims to have the corner on compassion. Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:35 PM (TdMsT) 208
It's going to be close to 70 in central Ohio tomorrow.
I just love global warming! Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:31 PM It might get close to 60° in southern Newyorkistan tomorrow... Our glaciers are going to collapse! Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 10:35 PM (7WaWV) 209
I wasn't looking at the woman but I think she made kind of an oops sound. The guy didn't even flinch.
Posted by: Sobek at January 10, 2020 10:36 PM (pmIvR) 210
Brazil is full of trannies, too. With silicone caulk butt injections. Save for Thailand, Brazil would be the shemale capital of the world. Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at January 10, 2020 10:36 PM (f1Vqw) 211
Can the glaciers collapse on the Cuomos?
Posted by: Anna Puma at January 10, 2020 10:36 PM (CKJmt) 212
and the guy in the hoodie is a dead scumbag."
I bet the scumbag wasn't expecting that. Point blank, right in the old temple. Posted by: BackwardsBoy. Impeach the Democrat Traitors Instead at January 10, 2020 10:37 PM (HaL55) 213
Who knew that a dog would take an egg in its mouth and defend it....without breaking it. A bird dog with a soft mouth. When I was a kid German Short-haired Pointers were good dogs to hunt pheasants with. In field trials they were judged by how they held point and retrieved the bird and dropped it into the handler's hand without chewing the thing up. Posted by: dartist at January 10, 2020 10:37 PM (K22Va) 214
It might get close to 60° in southern Newyorkistan tomorrow... Our glaciers are going to collapse! Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 10:35 PM (7WaWV) We're all going to die! We're all going to die! Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:37 PM (TdMsT) 215
I do miss living amongst conservatives. They are far more kind and giving than leftists are, but the left claims to have the corner on demanding you have compassion.
Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:35 PM (TdMsT) Corrected for accuracy. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:37 PM (Zz0t1) 216
Is it too late to note that that guy who leaked his brains out after the attempted robbery probably died without knowing WTF even happened?
And as for the Grade 8 junior dagger, yeah, there are people like that. Posted by: JEM at January 10, 2020 10:38 PM (8erNz) 217
We just avoid certain topics when they are around.
Posted by: Commissar Hrothga Are there topics THEY avoid when you're around? Posted by: BifBewalski at January 10, 2020 10:38 PM (VcFUs) 218
As a big language nerd, I totally love that scrabble joke
Posted by: Sobek at January 10, 2020 10:38 PM (pmIvR) Posted by: Puddleglum at January 10, 2020 10:38 PM (sF20v) 220
What's your favorite Dilbert comic strip?
This one. Because it was my entire working career. Over forty years worth. Posted by: Tonypete at January 10, 2020 10:38 PM (Y4EXg) 221
Despite being a Rush fan since I was a teenager, I never got to see them live. On their Signals tour my dad forbade me to go, because drugs or something. After that, it just never seemed to work out. I love Dad, but he had a weird blind spot regarding a teenager attending a rock concert.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 10:39 PM (x8Wzq) 222
Likely my favorite Rush album. And I love "The Analog Kid." Might just be my favorite Rush song. Might be.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 10:35 PM (x8Wzq) ---------------- There are a lot of good ones, IMHO. But it's Red Barchetta for me, and lately it sounds like a profound prophecy. Posted by: BunkerInTheBurbs, still needs a new Nic! at January 10, 2020 10:39 PM (9p0cQ) 223
Corrected for accuracy.
Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:37 PM (Zz0t1) Much better stated! Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 10:39 PM (TdMsT) 224
"The Void" is a pretty good horror movie, if you like horror movies.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 10, 2020 10:39 PM (l9m7l) 225
A worthy successor to Moving Pictures and quite the departure in terms of sound and attitude. Posted by: Larry Vaughn at January 10, 2020 10:40 PM (8IS1R) 226
Are there topics THEY avoid when you're around?
Posted by: BifBewalski at January 10, 2020 10:38 PM (VcFUs) Yes, Gun control is one! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 10:40 PM (+00Vt) 227
just up the street from my abode...moved into the neighborhood just in time to watch it's death and the artists included.......Johnny Cash, Hoyt Axton, Willie (much younger), Buck Owens...What the? Flying Burrito Brothers,The Long Ryder's, Tex & The Horseheads,this was an Effin Cowboy bar and night club in NOHO...the 70's brought an attempt to include some Rock&Roll so (I sh*t you not my M&M brethren) George Harrison,John Fogerty, Bob Dylan,Taj Mahal The Pretenders, The Outlaws, New Riders of the Purple Sage and the list just goes on up to and including a very early Green Day. Now it's one of the multiple Russian/Armenian "Banquet Halls"....(always sporting the the high end euro cars on the weekends) with the chain smoking Russian ex-mil types out front .... me hood... Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 10, 2020 10:40 PM (kFkpX) 228
Yo yo yo Morons! Y'll ready for Pierre Delicto's next moment of fame this month? Yea, as soon as Nan sends the Articles over to Mitch next week, we can all look forward to (a) Mitt's next op ed in NYT or WaPo, and (b) generally, more Mittt focus group approved talking points about witnesses or whatever.
I'm sure his team of Top Men have been paid deliciously for weeks getting Mitt's contemporary and authentic (TM) tweets for 2nd half of January all T'd up and ready for distribution on Vox. Posted by: RichardWindsor at January 10, 2020 10:41 PM (DRgs8) 229
I have never seen this before. What on earth do you make with eggs, milk, bread, and green onions when the power's out?
Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 10:18 PM (t+qrx) Here ya go: Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 10, 2020 10:41 PM (LxWV7) 230
221 Despite being a Rush fan since I was a teenager, I never got to see them live. On their Signals tour my dad forbade me to go, because drugs or something. After that, it just never seemed to work out. I love Dad, but he had a weird blind spot regarding a teenager attending a rock concert.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 10:39 PM (x8Wzq) Different bands, dads the same. I know exactly what you speak of. Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 10, 2020 10:41 PM (aA3+G) Posted by: logprof at January 10, 2020 10:41 PM (oZuI0) Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:41 PM (Zz0t1) 233
"The Void" is a pretty good horror movie, if you like horror movies.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 10, 2020 10:39 PM (l9m7l) 'The Void' is a horror documentary about the Dem presidential candidates in 2020. Posted by: RickZ at January 10, 2020 10:41 PM (Y8PSl) 234
Favorite Dilbert? (paraphrasing)
...and tomorrow, a doctor with a flashlight is going to show us where marketing predictions come from. Posted by: klaftern at January 10, 2020 10:42 PM (RuIsu) 235
231 R.I.P. Neil Peart.
Watching the vids Ace linked below. Posted by: logprof at January 10, 2020 10:41 PM (oZuI0) I wore out 2 All The Worlds A Stage LPs. Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 10, 2020 10:42 PM (aA3+G) 236
Oh wonderful, the Peoples Republic of China is trying to give the world a new form of pneumonia.
Posted by: Anna Puma at January 10, 2020 10:42 PM (CKJmt) 237
233. Sequel to They Live when?
Posted by: RichardWindsor at January 10, 2020 10:42 PM (DRgs8) 238
Different bands, dads the same. I know exactly what you speak of. Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 10, 2020 10:41 PM (aA3+G) Most likely, there are many of us that had this issue. My dad made the excuse that I couldn't drive my brother and I downtown to see the last TexxasJam because I was 'too young.' We went the year before, but I didn't drive. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:42 PM (Zz0t1) 239
221 Despite being a Rush fan since I was a teenager, I never got to see them live. On their Signals tour my dad forbade me to go, because drugs or something. After that, it just never seemed to work out. I love Dad, but he had a weird blind spot regarding a teenager attending a rock concert.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 10:39 PM (x8Wzq) My folks were the same way, though even more broadly repressive. Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 10:43 PM (NWiLs) 240
224 "The Void" is a pretty good horror movie, if you like horror movies.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 10, 2020 10:39 PM (l9m7l) Yes it is. Very Lovecraftian. Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 10:44 PM (NWiLs) 241
I just heard the perfect democrat campaign motto in a Rolling Stones song:
"I'll come to your emotional rescue." That would win the DNC primary with 100% of the delegates. Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 10, 2020 10:44 PM (1ISKN) 242
Oh wonderful, the Peoples Republic of China is trying to give the world a new form of pneumonia.
Posted by: Anna Puma at January 10, 2020 10:42 PM (CKJmt) I'm convinced that China does nothing but experiment with every known disease, altering it in an attempt to commit the ultimate in germ warfare. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:44 PM (Zz0t1) 243
Hadrian, just saw the news. Sorry to hear it, and I know you will find something much better, and an employer who appreciates your talents and expertise. Prayers up, buddy.
Posted by: Legally Sufficient at January 10, 2020 10:44 PM (fNFgo) 244
Sequel to They Live when?
Posted by: RichardWindsor We're living it, except you don't need the glasses for most of them. Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at January 10, 2020 10:44 PM (SfYbS) 245
He was sloppy with that 4th shot.
Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 10:44 PM (bETih) 246
233. Sequel to The Thing (by Cameron) when?
Posted by: RichardWindsor at January 10, 2020 10:45 PM (DRgs8) 247
i'd like it if every commenter thinking about complaining about the fact that Barky got elected, twice; consider that half of that was because the GOP put up people who were even worse, twice.
Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 10, 2020 10:45 PM (ykYG2) 248
Rush? Moving Pictures - the absolute pinnacle of their game.
Tom Sawyer Red Barchetta (my personal favorite of all Rush songs) XYZ - a fantastic instrumental piece Limelight The Camera Eye Witch Hunt Vital Signs Posted by: Tom Servo at January 10, 2020 10:45 PM (V2Yro) 249
He was sloppy with that 4th shot.
Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 10:44 PM (bETih) Ammo must be cheap in Brazil. The first shot was all that was required. The rest were waste. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:45 PM (Zz0t1) 250
"You'd think there'd be more Thai ladyboy jokes out there"
Try the cream of sum yung guy soup... Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at January 10, 2020 10:46 PM (8zuow) 251
Different bands, dads the same. I know exactly what you speak of.
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 10, 2020 10:41 PM (aA3+G) 1977. Kiss, Rock and Roll Over tour. 1979. Kansas. Monolith tour. Same thing, over and over again. (Hell, Kansas is basically a Christian rock band.) I didn't even bother asking when Judas Priest rolled through on their Screaming for Vengeance tour in 1983. I was a broken, sad, teenager. Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 10:46 PM (x8Wzq) 252
Favorite Dilbert? (paraphrasing)
...and tomorrow, a doctor with a flashlight is going to show us where marketing predictions come from. Posted by: klaftern I just flashed back to 1980 and nuclear deterrent doctrine. Jeet Sweasus, where's the ouzo? Posted by: BifBewalski at January 10, 2020 10:46 PM (VcFUs) Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 10, 2020 10:46 PM (ykYG2) 254
Tonypete, sounds about right :-)
Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 10:46 PM (L2ZTs) 255
I'm always a little sloppy with the 4th shot. Posted by: Peter North at January 10, 2020 10:46 PM (f1Vqw) 256
242 Oh wonderful, the Peoples Republic of China is trying to give the world a new form of pneumonia.
Posted by: Anna Puma at January 10, 2020 10:42 PM (CKJmt) I'm convinced that China does nothing but experiment with every known disease, altering it in an attempt to commit the ultimate in germ warfare. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:44 PM (Zz0t1) I heard that the weird thing about this new disease is that 24 hours after death, the corpses rise up and start to walk the land, searching for BRAINZZZ... Posted by: Tom Servo at January 10, 2020 10:46 PM (V2Yro) 257
I was a broken, sad, teenager.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 10:46 PM (x8Wzq) *solemn fistbump* Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 10:46 PM (NWiLs) 258
244. They Live II could be epic. Just put all Dem taliking points in black & white billboards and you have 90% of the story and a hit on your hand.
Posted by: RichardWindsor at January 10, 2020 10:46 PM (DRgs8) 259
klaftern, also great
Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 10:46 PM (L2ZTs) 260
Don't usually respond to these online polls, but...
"Bummer of a birthmark, Hal!" Hahaha. Funny. Oh, you said Dilbert. That's the one with the badly-drawn nerd, right? Posted by: mindful webworker - one after another at January 10, 2020 10:47 PM (yT7Mu) 261
I mentioned it earlier, so my player decided to roll "Throw Your Cat Away."
LOL. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:48 PM (Zz0t1) Posted by: Larry Vaughn at January 10, 2020 10:48 PM (8IS1R) 263
Pug, I think I was kind of pathetic as a kid too.
I took myself way too seriously, was seemingly bullied by everyone (or felt that way), was frankly scared of my father, and was afraid of my own shadow. I finally started getting a feel for my own self-esteem in 11th grade, but then had that destroyed by developing a crush on another girl who hated me, in my senior year. As I've said so many times before, I really do wish I could go back there so that I could try to do things differently. Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 10:48 PM (L2ZTs) 264
Meghan M. has returned to Canada to be with her and Harry's son.
Some have expressed concern for the safety of the 9-month old baby while his parents spent an extended time in Britain. However, the baby as kept in a very secure location, the Archie bunker. Posted by: Duncanthrax The Austere at January 10, 2020 10:48 PM (jxnjf) 265
I'm always a little sloppy with the 4th shot.
Posted by: Peter North at January 10, 2020 10:46 PM (f1Vqw) You never studied. Posted by: Ron Jeremy at January 10, 2020 10:48 PM (Zz0t1) Posted by: Dirks Strewn at January 10, 2020 10:48 PM (/Fmtj) 267
235; how come i'm not surprised, mishum. you have good taste.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 10, 2020 10:49 PM (KP5rU) 268
That video- took awhile for the guy in line with abox to even register what was happening
Posted by: Vmom 2020 at January 10, 2020 10:49 PM (G546f) 269
I saw Rush live 3 times. Once in London, twice in Tampa/St. Pete.
Posted by: Puddleglum at January 10, 2020 10:49 PM (sF20v) 270
As I've said so many times before, I really do wish I could go back there so that I could try to do things differently.
Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 10:48 PM (L2ZTs) Word. Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 10:49 PM (NWiLs) 271
They Live II subliminal signs for movie:
"Hate Kavenaugh" "No Genders" "I Need Government. "Disarm" Posted by: RichardWindsor at January 10, 2020 10:49 PM (DRgs8) 272
He was sloppy with that 4th shot.
Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 10:44 PM (bETih) There's another I've seen with a plainclothes cop shooting someone who just jacked a bike... filmed by the victim of the theft, who is standing right behind the thief, i.e., beyond the target, in Rule 4 terms. Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 10:50 PM (t+qrx) 273
You know, my mom never told me this but I was reminded of it watching the Navy vid.
You know who the classy women are because they kick off their shoes before they start snatching another woman baldheaded. And, she makes sure that her privates are groomed when she is wearing a dress slit up to her tits and is going to start fighting Posted by: not so at January 10, 2020 10:50 PM (HALdu) 274
As I've said so many times before, I really do wish I could go back there so that I could try to do things differently.
Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 10:48 PM (L2ZTs) I hated my childhood enough, I don't want to go back regardless of what I could change. I'm fine where I'm at NOW. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:51 PM (Zz0t1) 275
To bad there's not a vid of the plain clothes cop popping the robber at Walmart.
Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 10:52 PM (bETih) Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at January 10, 2020 10:52 PM (SfYbS) 277
Takes off the big hoop earrings before getting into a fight Posted by: Vmom 2020 at January 10, 2020 10:52 PM (G546f) 278
Sponge, I'm a lot better off where I am too.
Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 10:52 PM (L2ZTs) 279
And, she makes sure that her privates are groomed when she is wearing a dress slit up to her tits and is going to start fighting
Posted by: not so at January 10, 2020 10:50 PM (HALdu) They aren't called privates in the Navy, they're called seamen. Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 10:52 PM (t+qrx) 280
There's another I've seen with a plainclothes cop shooting someone who just jacked a bike... filmed by the victim of the theft, who is standing right behind the thief, i.e., beyond the target, in Rule 4 terms. Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 10:50 PM (t+qrx) US Cops can't do anything NEAR this. Their lives would be ruined forever. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:52 PM (Zz0t1) 281
247 i'd like it if every commenter thinking about complaining about the fact that Barky got elected, twice; consider that half of that was because the GOP put up people who were even worse, twice.
Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 10, 2020 10:45 PM (ykYG2) Thankfully, Donny Two Scoops is doing more to reform the GOP than any president since FDR. Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 10:53 PM (bETih) 282
In my twatter account, also under this nic, I followed the Army, Marines, Coast Guard, & Navy. Now I'm getting "you should also" follow links for the FBI, CIA, and other criminal organizations.
Posted by: BifBewalski at January 10, 2020 10:53 PM (VcFUs) 283
I saw one concert while a teenager. All the other concerts I saw I was in my 20s. That's when I saw Rush. Not enough money generated as a teenager to go to concerts. Gas money and junk food I could afford, that was about it.
Posted by: Puddleglum at January 10, 2020 10:54 PM (sF20v) Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 10, 2020 10:54 PM (3EPLG) 285
Puddlegum.....I was fortunate to see them once in Des Moines Iowa
Posted by: westminsterdogshow at January 10, 2020 10:54 PM (/UQ/R) 286
My folks were the same way, though even more broadly repressive.
I spent a fair amount of a decade in various SF clubs, the Mabuhay, the Keystones/Stone, the Old Waldorf, Club Viz, a couple SoMA dyke bars, a couple places down in the Mission whose names escape me now, the Berkeley Square, etc. Thirty years and change later my wife finally booted me off for a hearing test and even I was surprised at just how bad my left ear is. Posted by: JEM at January 10, 2020 10:55 PM (8erNz) 287
Red Barchetta is my favorite Rush song, especially when Neil lights up the rototoms. All the radio play songs are great too. There are a lot of hidden gems - YYZ, Camera Eye, La Villa Strangiato, Natural Science, the list goes on.
Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at January 10, 2020 10:56 PM (8zuow) 288
Sponge, I'm a lot better off where I am too.
Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 10:52 PM (L2ZTs) Sad thing is, I kinda think my parents are now paying for it.....and I don't really feel bad about it. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:56 PM (Zz0t1) 289
consider that half of that was because the GOP put up people who were even worse, twice.
Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 10, 2020 10:45 PM (ykYG2) Worse, they were the best the GOP Establishment had to offer! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 10:56 PM (+00Vt) 290
284 Just popping in to inform you of this.
Old and busted: polar bears New hotness: koalas Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 10, 2020 10:54 PM (3EPLG) Obligatory koala rant link: Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 10:57 PM (dOV9E) 291
Admittedly this doesn't confirm same, but I just read elsewhere on the web that the officers who work that prison, Metropolitan Correctional Center, are pretty much there for the bennies and perks, but otherwise hate their jobs and do the absolute minimum to stay employed. Overall, their morale is shockingly low. Also a claim that a nearby cellie could hear Epstein tearing up his sheets earlier in the evening at question. Doesn't prove anything one way or the other, but thought it was worth sharing. Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 10:57 PM (L2ZTs) 292
US Cops can't do anything NEAR this. Their lives would be ruined forever.
Only if the expired perp(s) are of a preferred race. Posted by: JEM at January 10, 2020 10:57 PM (8erNz) 293
Old and busted: polar bears
New hotness: koalas Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 10, 2020 10:54 PM *golf clap Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 10:57 PM (7WaWV) 294
As I've said so many times before, I really do wish I could go back there so that I could try to do things differently.
Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 10:48 PM (L2ZTs) I do not want to go back there. I was never popular, or even noticed...except for a small tight-knit group of friends. We adopted the hard rock and metal culture. My best friend and I pooled our money together to buy the first Iron Maiden album. We actually had to special order it at the Pamida (I think it was Gibson's at the time). It arrived in a couple of weeks. Iron Maiden. First kids in town who knew who the fuck they were. Best part, he and I are still best friends. 43 years. He's more my brother than a couple of my actual brothers. Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 10:57 PM (x8Wzq) 295
- - - >Worse, they were the best the GOP Establishment had to offer!
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 10:56 PM (+00Vt) They were the worst offered but there were good men out there. The machine controlled the primaries and that was all she wrote. Trump is changing that. Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 10:58 PM (bETih) 296
Thankfully, Donny Two Scoops is doing more to reform the GOP than any president since FDR.
Any random Moron or Moronette here could've wiped the floor with TFG. Neither one of those two mewling quims dared to stand up to him. TFG: "Under my plan, everybody's energy bills would necessarily skyrocket." ARM: "Do you really want a president who has vowed to make your standard of living go down drastically?" ...said nobody ever. #WASTF Posted by: BackwardsBoy. Impeach the Democrat Traitors Instead at January 10, 2020 10:58 PM (HaL55) 297
Pug, that's good to hear.
Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 10:59 PM (L2ZTs) 298
Obligatory koala rant link: Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 10:57 PM (dOV9E) That's ..... terrible. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:00 PM (Zz0t1) 299
Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 10:58 PM (bETih)
Note I said GOP Establishment, not conservatives, but I agree the Uniparty Machine politics have screwed us over for decades! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 11:00 PM (+00Vt) 300
Speaking of Lovecraftian horror movies, I have heard good things about "AM1200." Has anyone seen it?
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 10, 2020 11:01 PM (l9m7l) 301
Sad thing is, I kinda think my parents are now paying for it.....and I don't really feel bad about it.
Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:56 PM (Zz0t1) Ugh. My folks are much different people now but did a shitload of damage while I was growing up. It's something I'll never truly understand. At least it showed me what NOT to do as a parent. Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 11:01 PM (NWiLs) 302
I'll note this was in Sao Paolo, my wife spent some time there on business some years back and it was generally accepted that when on the roads you never stop for anything lest you get robbed or worse. There's a reason they voted in Bolsonaro. Posted by: JEM at January 10, 2020 11:02 PM (8erNz) 303
Had a nice gearhead fun day today. Myself and my houseguests from Alberta first went to the Peoria (AZ) Sportsplex, and viewed the cars lined up to go through the MAG Auction. Saw some nice cars there, and ran into friends from Montana, too.
Then we drove up to the north end of Phoenix, and toured the yard at Desert Valley Auto Parts, the collector car wrecking yard that the was featured in a TV series a few years ago. Then drove back to Apache Junction, just early enough to avoid the worst traffic on the 101 Loop, and took in a car show at a shopping center parking lot. Saw some fine hot rods and restored cars there. Then went out for ribs at a local pub that has a rib special on Fridays. All in all, a great day. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 10, 2020 11:02 PM (LxWV7) 304
ARM: "Do you really want a president who has vowed to make your standard of living go down drastically?" ...said nobody ever. #WASTF Posted by: BackwardsBoy. Impeach the Democrat Traitors Instead at January 10, 2020 10:58 PM (HaL55) And to think there are people willing to vote for Bloomberg after he said taxes should be raised on the poor "so the poor will be forced to make healthier decisions." There are an astonishing number of people who think the government can run their life better than they can. Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 11:02 PM (TdMsT) Posted by: BackwardsBoy. Impeach the Democrat Traitors Instead at January 10, 2020 11:02 PM (HaL55) 306
300 Speaking of Lovecraftian horror movies, I have heard good things about "AM1200." Has anyone seen it?
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 10, 2020 11:01 PM (l9m7l) Nope. Never heard of it before now. Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 11:03 PM (NWiLs) 307
Old and busted: polar bears New hotness: koalas Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 10, 2020 10:54 PM (3EPLG) Koala-kabobs. Sounds like a treat! Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet is Concerned that It Did Not Get Everything It Wanted at January 10, 2020 11:03 PM (d4iUk) 308
PS Alcohol is evil, I don't care what CBD says. The tentacles are so utterly entwined, impossible to root out.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 10, 2020 11:03 PM (l9m7l) 309
Iran just copped to accidentally shooting down the airliner. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 10, 2020 11:03 PM (3EPLG) 310
Good eve...
No. Not a good evening. Neil Peart has died. This planet fucking sucks now and there isn't another redeemable soul here. Sweet Meteor Of Death, wherefore art thou? Release us from the pain of living! I blame Trump. And the Jews. And Insomniac, in case he's been feeling good about himself. I need to be up early. Good night. Posted by: Robert at January 10, 2020 11:04 PM (mOE2u) 311
I saw one concert while a teenager. All the other concerts I saw I was in my 20s. That's when I saw Rush. Not enough money generated as a teenager to go to concerts. Gas money and junk food I could afford, that was about it.
Posted by: Puddleglum at January 10, 2020 10:54 PM (sF20v) When I was in high school, an album/cassette cost around $4, about the same price as a concert ticket. I did go to quite a few concerts. Also, back then, there were a lot of outdoor 'all day into the night' concerts, with 7 or so groups, for the same $4-5 price. Went to a lot of those, too. The last one of those outdoor concerts I attended, way after high school, was in 1981 (Foreigner was the headliner but the Kinks were second bananas; also included in the lineup were Huey Lewis and the News, Joan Jett and {GASP} Madonna). Posted by: RickZ at January 10, 2020 11:04 PM (Y8PSl) 312
Note I said GOP Establishment, not conservatives, but I agree the Uniparty Machine politics have screwed us over for decades! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 11:00 PM (+00Vt) You are so right. I always accused others of being sheeple, but it was the conservatives who were. We believed the GOPe. Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 11:04 PM (TdMsT) 313
One reason I still have a somewhat shaky opinion of Bill Whittle:
The election night video where he was on with Ben Shapiro and Andrew Klavan where he remarked 'Mitt Romney has the best moral character of any candidate since George Washington!' Really? Hyperbole? Just plain wrong? Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 11:05 PM (2B9A/) 314
Ugh. My folks are much different people now but did a shitload of damage while I was growing up. It's something I'll never truly understand. At least it showed me what NOT to do as a parent. Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 11:01 PM (NWiLs) My goal in life right now and for the past 15 years has been for my daughter to NOT look at me the way I look at my parents. She's kicking ass and taking names and I'm supporting her in every way possible. So far so good. I couldn't be more proud. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:05 PM (Zz0t1) 315
Night Robert?
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 11:05 PM (2B9A/) 316
PS Alcohol is evil, I don't care what CBD says. The tentacles are so utterly entwined, impossible to root out.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 10, 2020 11:03 PM (l9m7l) There is a reason it has been called Demon Rum! But there are many who have escaped its clutches. Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 11:05 PM (+00Vt) 317
I just want to reiterate: I love my Dad, and he and Mom are wonderful, loving parents. It's just that Dad had this one weird blind spot. Like I was gonna go to a rock concert and come home hopped up on goofballs.
Funniest part is, I couldn't just sneak out and see a show somewhere. I lived in Cody, Wyoming, for fuck's sake. Going to a concert meant prep, and motels, and gas money. Made up for all that after moving to Front Range Colorado. Seen some great metal shows over the years. Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 11:06 PM (x8Wzq) 318
The election night video where he was on with Ben Shapiro and Andrew Klavan where he remarked 'Mitt Romney has the best moral character of any candidate since George Washington!'
Actually, there's a point at which I would have believed that. Maybe not quite all the way up to the 2012 balloting, but well along. He eventually showed his real spots. Posted by: JEM at January 10, 2020 11:07 PM (8erNz) 319
I blame Trump.
And the Jews. And Insomniac, in case he's been feeling good about himself. I need to be up early. Good night. Posted by: Robert at January 10, 2020 11:04 PM (mOE2u) Wow. That's a low blow. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:07 PM (Zz0t1) 320
My goal in life right now and for the past 15 years has been for my daughter to NOT look at me the way I look at my parents.
She's kicking ass and taking names and I'm supporting her in every way possible. So far so good. I couldn't be more proud. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:05 PM (Zz0t1) Good on ya, man. Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 11:07 PM (NWiLs) 321
-- PS Alcohol is evil, I don't care what CBD says. The tentacles are so utterly entwined, impossible to root out. Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 10, 2020 11:03 PM ------------------ I want to have your baby. Posted by: K. Eichenwald at January 10, 2020 11:08 PM (RVcmP) 322
I would never blame Insomniac for anything...unless it was for being TOO AWESOME!
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 10, 2020 11:08 PM (l9m7l) 323
Pistol Crossbows like the one in the video are illegal in Canada for some reason.
Posted by: Surfperch at January 10, 2020 11:08 PM (oAXUX) 324
I always accused others of being sheeple, but it was the conservatives who were. We believed the GOPe.
Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 11:04 PM (TdMsT) Great point. We forgot the "Trust but verify!" Rule. Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 11:09 PM (+00Vt) 325
But there are many who have escaped its clutches. Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar I'm kinda enjoying it's warm embrace right now. Posted by: Jean at January 10, 2020 11:09 PM (B7KlG) 326
313 One reason I still have a somewhat shaky opinion of Bill Whittle:
The election night video where he was on with Ben Shapiro and Andrew Klavan where he remarked 'Mitt Romney has the best moral character of any candidate since George Washington!' Really? Hyperbole? Just plain wrong? Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 11:05 PM (2B9A/) No doubt he meant it. I can even see what he means, and agree with him, within the frame he's using. But it's the wrong frame. President Trump has shown us more moral character, of the kind that really matters for the job at hand, than Mitt will even be able to conceive of. Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 11:09 PM (dOV9E) 327
- 309 - Iran just copped to accidentally shooting down the airliner.
Didn't have much of a choice. Posted by: lowandslow at January 10, 2020 11:09 PM (4thlk) 328
Posted by: Zod at January 10, 2020 11:09 PM (XzT/D) 329
Becoming Chasm--I know a number of recovering alcoholics who are very happy and doing very well.
Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 11:10 PM (TdMsT) 330
Cars: My 2002 F-150 rides like a buckboard.
I've spent unimpressed time driving Mercedes SUV and BMW x5. My only other driving was rent cars which were usually the cheapest. I did drive a midsize Nissan which was ok. Earlier this week I drove an F-150, 4x4, 4 door. It was slick. It rode as smooth as a 70s luxury car, it was quiet, and the cab was generous. I really liked it. I was told if one wants a V8 it must be special ordered.. Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 11:10 PM (bETih) 331
Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 10, 2020 11:10 PM (KP5rU) 332
Good on ya, man. Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 11:07 PM (NWiLs) I've had few things.....wait.....nothing to crow about in my life. She's my swan song. Her and her mother. We've been together 23 years and counting. Married for 16. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:11 PM (Zz0t1) 333
Funniest part is, I couldn't just sneak out and see a show somewhere. I lived in Cody, Wyoming, for fuck's sake. Going to a concert meant prep, and motels, and gas money.
Wow. Talk about middle of nowhere. Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 11:11 PM (NWiLs) 334
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 11:11 PM (7WaWV) Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:11 PM (Zz0t1) 336
Sorry Beckoning Chasm--autocucumber is vicious tonight.
Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 11:12 PM (TdMsT) Posted by: Legally Sufficient at January 10, 2020 11:12 PM (fNFgo) 338
330 Earlier this week I drove an F-150, 4x4, 4 door.
It was slick. It rode as smooth as a 70s luxury car, it was quiet, and the cab was generous. I really liked it. I was told if one wants a V8 it must be special ordered.. Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 11:10 PM (bETih) I get why you would like it, but it seems like sacrilege. V8 has to be special ordered? Rides like a luxury car? I fear the day that my F-250 V10 gives up the ghost. I don't know whether its like still exists, or whether I can afford it if it does. Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 11:12 PM (dOV9E) 339
Great point. We forgot the "Trust but verify!" Rule.
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 11:09 PM (+00Vt) We were so innocent. And gullible. Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 11:13 PM (TdMsT) 340
Howdy all. Well we're bracing for a coating of ice here in Northern Illinois and then being covered with 327 in of snow. This should be fun. Went to the grocery store today and it was a busiest I've ever seen even topping Christmas.
Looks like we are on the southern edge of a big storm maybe we will miss the worst. Best of luck to all those in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. Posted by: Farmer at January 10, 2020 11:13 PM (oxRXD) 341
I was told if one wants a V8 it must be special ordered..
Posted by: Braenyard at January Who told you that? Posted by: not so at January 10, 2020 11:13 PM (HALdu) 342
@329 Thank you, LadyL. It's not a question of the stars of our nature, but rather the nature of our stars.
I'm sure it's possible. I've been told, many times, that the stars in our orbits are there to be chosen. Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 10, 2020 11:13 PM (l9m7l) 343
Earlier this week I drove an F-150, 4x4, 4 door.
It was slick. It rode as smooth as a 70s luxury car, it was quiet, and the cab was generous. I really liked it. I was told if one wants a V8 it must be special ordered.. Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 11:10 PM (bETih) Yes. Because the ecoBoost 4 and 6 cyl. engines are nothing to shake a stick at. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:13 PM (Zz0t1) Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 10, 2020 11:14 PM (aA3+G) 345
Howdy all. Well we're bracing for a coating of ice here in Northern Illinois and then being covered with 327 in of snow. This should be fun. Went to the grocery store today and it was a busiest I've ever seen even topping Christmas.
Posted by: Farmer at January 10, 2020 11:13 PM (oxRXD) Is that all? We're getting 40 feet in mid-Michigan. Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 11:14 PM (t+qrx) 346
Iran just copped to accidentally shooting down the airliner.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 10, 2020 11:03 PM (3EPLG) Naw, the goatraper that pushed the button to launch the missile did it on purpose. Was he ordered to: 1. shoot at everything that appeared on the screen, or 2. shoot at anything not an airliner, or 3. shoot at that airliner specifically, in order to create a pile of bodies that could be blamed on Trump's reaction to the Iranian missile assault? Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 10, 2020 11:15 PM (LxWV7) 347
I had some cousins in Cody, WY for a while. Stopped in to see them at least once. On the way to Yellowstone, of course. Then up to Glacier. Mid 90's, I think.
Posted by: klaftern at January 10, 2020 11:15 PM (RuIsu) 348
I was told if one wants a V8 it must be special ordered..
Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 11:10 PM (bETih) Scott Adams had a sequence of posts about how he could not get a car or truck with the arbitrary components/configuration he wanted. Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 11:15 PM (+00Vt) 349
It's funny that we are sticking turbo V-6's in trucks and the Germans are sticking turbo V-8's in ridiculously powerful cars.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 10, 2020 11:16 PM (xfb67) 350
Cody, Wyoming, for fuck's sake. Going to a concert meant prep, and motels, and gas money.
Wow. Talk about middle of nowhere. Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 11:11 PM (NWiLs) It was simultaneously the best and worst place for a kid to grow up. Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 11:16 PM (x8Wzq) 351
Howdy all. Well we're bracing for a coating of ice here in Northern Illinois and then being covered with 327 in of snow. This should be fun. Went to the grocery store today and it was a busiest I've ever seen even topping Christmas.
Posted by: Farmer at January 10, 2020 11:13 PM (oxRXD) That's gotta be a record. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:16 PM (Zz0t1) 352
322 I would never blame Insomniac for anything...unless it was for being TOO AWESOME!
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 10, 2020 11:08 PM (l9m7l) Laying it on a bit thick, my friend, but thank you! Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 11:16 PM (NWiLs) 353
It warms the cockles of my cock to see someone else suffer teh wraf of klimut chanj once in a while...
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 11:16 PM (7WaWV) 354
Admittedly this doesn't confirm same, but I just read elsewhere on the web that the officers who work that prison, Metropolitan Correctional Center, are pretty much there for the bennies and perks, but otherwise hate their jobs and do the absolute minimum to stay employed. Overall, their morale is shockingly low.
Also a claim that a nearby cellie could hear Epstein tearing up his sheets earlier in the evening at question. Doesn't prove anything one way or the other, but thought it was worth sharing. Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 10:57 PM (L2ZTs) Knowingly allowing the most valuable prisoner in the entire system to be placed in such an environment and then doing nothing when he went on suicide watch, is tantamount to killing him regardless of whose hands Epstein died at. Posted by: Surfperch at January 10, 2020 11:16 PM (oAXUX) 355
Pistol Crossbows like the one in the video are illegal in Canada for some reason.
Posted by: Surfperch ----- I was hoping for a demo of the micro-mortar. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 10, 2020 11:17 PM (CDGwz) 356
Posted by: westminsterdogshow at January 10, 2020 11:17 PM (/UQ/R) 357
It's funny that we are sticking turbo V-6's in trucks and the Germans are sticking turbo V-8's in ridiculously powerful cars.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 10, 2020 11:16 PM (xfb67) Yet Ford won Le Mons and 24 Hours at Daytona with a turbo 6 cyl. truck engine. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:17 PM (Zz0t1) 358
Sorry I missed the Fattie thread.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at January 10, 2020 11:17 PM (UAOhO) 359
341 I was told if one wants a V8 it must be special ordered..
Posted by: Braenyard at January ---------------------- Who told you that? Posted by: not so at January 10, 2020 11:13 PM (HALdu) Guy at Enterprise. It came up because of a motor trend article that said they were not going to sell V8s. --- When I said rides like a luxury car I did not mean to infer that the suspension could not competently do truck work. I haven't been in that many different vehicles but it was more impressive than the Beemer or the Mercedes. I liked it. Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 11:18 PM (bETih) 360
Good thing Cody wasn't in Absaroka County Wyoming. You would have lucky to get out alive with all the murdering going on there.
Posted by: lowandslow at January 10, 2020 11:18 PM (4thlk) 361
Rush was always a second fiddle rock band, barely promoted
Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 10, 2020 11:18 PM (kFkpX) 362
Cody is nice but tiny. I live in Montana and I've been surprised at some of the big name bands that come through such a sparsely populated state. We recently had Slayer and Primus in town together.
Posted by: Sobek at January 10, 2020 11:18 PM (pmIvR) 363
350 Cody, Wyoming, for fuck's sake. Going to a concert meant prep, and motels, and gas money.
Wow. Talk about middle of nowhere. Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 11:11 PM (NWiLs) It was simultaneously the best and worst place for a kid to grow up. Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons Many Rust Belt towns fits this description in the 80s. Posted by: Puddleglum at January 10, 2020 11:18 PM (sF20v) 364
Sweet Meteor Of Death, wherefore art thou? Release us from the pain of living! May be too late to get here, but the Houston area will be wiped out by storms tonight, with no survivors. At least that's what the forecasters on TV are saying. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 10, 2020 11:19 PM (7rVsF) 365
Murdering Epstein actually purchases Clinton Inc. a sliver of good karma.
Posted by: Zod at January 10, 2020 11:19 PM (XzT/D) 366
And I'm one of them.
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 10, 2020 11:14 PM (aA3+G) * * * * And you are a better and stronger person for having done so. Posted by: Legally Sufficient at January 10, 2020 11:19 PM (fNFgo) 367
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 10, 2020 11:15 PM (LxWV7)
Reasonable questions, but I also think there is some evidence that says "if you give a weapon to a muz in the ME, they'll figure out a way to kill Someone with it!" Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 11:19 PM (+00Vt) 368
Had pretty nice weather here in NE Okla so far this year. 50°-60° days, nights sometimes not even freezing. Just had two days where it didn't even get below 50 at night. Into the 60s today. AND THENNNN...
All today's rain should be frozen and covered in snow on top of the ice by tomorrow. When I get to drive to Big Town. Shouldn't be too bad... ![]() Posted by: mindful webworker - but then 50s later in the week at January 10, 2020 11:19 PM (yT7Mu) 369
Off sock
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 10, 2020 11:19 PM (aA3+G) 370
Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 11:19 PM (TdMsT) 371
323 Pistol Crossbows like the one in the video are illegal in Canada for some reason.
Posted by: Surfperch at January 10, 2020 11:08 PM (oAXUX) Even tiny ones like in the video? Oh, wait...damn hamster lobby!!! (shakes fist) Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 11:19 PM (dOV9E) 372
Knowingly allowing the most valuable prisoner in the entire system to be placed in such an environment and then doing nothing when he went on suicide watch, is tantamount to killing him regardless of whose hands Epstein died at.
Posted by: Surfperch at January 10, 2020 11:16 PM (oAXUX) I was belaboring that point when news of his death first broke. They had one fucking job. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 10, 2020 11:19 PM (LxWV7) 373
-- I was told if one wants a V8 it must be special ordered.. Posted by: Braenyard at January ---------------------- Sir, here we serve Snap-E-Tom! Posted by: Oddly Snooty Bartender at January 10, 2020 11:19 PM (RVcmP) 374
358 Sorry I missed the Fattie thread.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at January 10, 2020 11:17 PM (UAOhO) *sparks up* *tokes* Dude, like, this IS the fattie thread! Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 11:19 PM (NWiLs) Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 10, 2020 11:20 PM (aA3+G) 376
361 Rush was always a second fiddle rock band, barely promoted
Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts Yet they had a huge fan base. Posted by: Puddleglum at January 10, 2020 11:20 PM (sF20v) 377
357 Yet Ford won Le Mons and 24 Hours at Daytona with a turbo 6 cyl. truck engine.
Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:17 PM (Zz0t1) How heavy a trailer were they pulling? Posted by: Splunge at January 10, 2020 11:20 PM (dOV9E) 378
Good thing Cody wasn't in Absaroka County Wyoming. You would have lucky to get out alive with all the murdering going on there.
Posted by: lowandslow at January 10, 2020 11:18 PM (4thlk) Heh. I watched Longmire and tried like hell not to get all sniffy, like that it was filmed in New Mexico. At least they acknowledged that the mountain range west of Cody is pronounced "Absorka." Cuz that's how it's pronounced. Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 11:20 PM (x8Wzq) 379
Yes. Because the ecoBoost 4 and 6 cyl. engines are nothing to shake a stick at.
Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:13 PM (Zz0t1) If you work a truck you want low end torque and a heavy crank. Those sewing machine engines may be ok to take the kids to ball games but not work. They belong in little cars. Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 11:21 PM (bETih) 380
So, the Iranians admitted they whacked the Ukrainians.
Posted by: not so at January 10, 2020 11:22 PM (HALdu) 381
Well, I am heading off to "bed" (nightmares about arguing with the horde, seriously) and so good night to you all.
Especially Mus Hum, for being awesome, WeirdDave, for being awesome, (those few, you know who you are, for being awesome), and for the rest of you, being awesome. Awesome is as awesome does. Keep being awesome! Love you all. Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 10, 2020 11:22 PM (l9m7l) 382
WDS, if you are still here. . . travel arrangements have been made and I will be in GJ on Jan 31.
Posted by: Legally Sufficient at January 10, 2020 11:22 PM (fNFgo) Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 11:23 PM (L2ZTs) 384
If you work a truck you want low end torque and a heavy crank. Those sewing machine engines may be ok to take the kids to ball games but not work.
They belong in little cars. Posted by: Braenyard at January The ecoboost was designed for the f150 Posted by: not so at January 10, 2020 11:23 PM (HALdu) 385
A few years back Ford said they were offering a 1 liter, turbo, 3 cylinder engine in their Fiesta.
It made 120 HP and was a cool little engine. I wanted to get one and put little chrome 1.0's on the side. But I called around everywhere and I couldn't find one. Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 10, 2020 11:23 PM (xfb67) Posted by: westminsterdogshow at January 10, 2020 11:23 PM (/UQ/R) 387
Good night, BC.
Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 11:23 PM (TdMsT) 388
I was just checking some of this Rush on Invidio... I remember some of that -- the screeching lead singer, mostly...
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 11:23 PM (7WaWV) 389
386 {{{{Ladyl}}}}}
How are you feeling today dahlin? Posted by: westminsterdogshow at January 10, 2020 11:23 PM (/UQ/R) Great! How are you, dahlin? Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 11:24 PM (TdMsT) 390
If you work a truck you want low end torque and a heavy crank. Those sewing machine engines may be ok to take the kids to ball games but not work.
They belong in little cars. Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 11:21 PM (bETih) Ford had a really good 300 cubic inch inline six for their truck line, for years. They should have developed fuel injection and a turbo package for that one. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 10, 2020 11:24 PM (LxWV7) 391
Turbo engines have much better low end torque that NA engines (of the same displacement).
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 10, 2020 11:24 PM (xfb67) 392
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 10, 2020 11:22 PM (l9m7l)
'Night. See you later (or your nic at least). Posted by: Pug Mahon, of the Butte Mahons at January 10, 2020 11:24 PM (x8Wzq) 393
Beautiful pictures of nature. Content warning: There is one picture of a big spider, in case AtC comes on here. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 10, 2020 11:24 PM (WI7YS) 394
*sparks up* *tokes* Dude, like, this IS the fattie thread! Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 10, 2020 11:19 PM (NWiLs) Lol. I totally missed that when I s as ud it. Posted by: Cannibal Bob at January 10, 2020 11:25 PM (UAOhO) 395
When the storm roared in this afternoon, it was wild. Lots of wind, considerable amount of rain, almost continuous lightning and thunder for a while. Then the front passed, everything quieted down, the sun even peeked out for a while.
Which was when we got the tornado warning alarm on the cell. Of course. That did a lotta good. Posted by: mindful webworker - twistin' the night away at January 10, 2020 11:25 PM (yT7Mu) 396
If you work a truck you want low end torque and a heavy crank. Those sewing machine engines may be ok to take the kids to ball games but not work.
They belong in little cars. Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 11:21 PM (bETih) Here's an opinion you might be surprised by. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:25 PM (Zz0t1) 397
Naw, the goatraper that pushed the button to launch the missile did it on purpose.
Was he ordered to: . . . My answer to whatever follows: 'no'. When a state bases its ideology on insanity, it has to promote insane people to positions of sensitivity. Eventually they are going to go nuts and push the wrong button and the wrong time. They might be ordered to NOT push that button until given explicit orders... but then they hear the Voice Of Allah and push it anyway. Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 10, 2020 11:25 PM (ykYG2) 398
If the Iranians admit to whacking the Ukrainians...
will that get them in trouble with Vlad? Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 11:23 PM (L2ZTs) Not unless Vlad wants to start white-knighting for the Ukrainians. Ukraine is an independent nation now, and not on real friendly terms with Russia. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 10, 2020 11:26 PM (LxWV7) 399
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 10, 2020 11:24 PM (WI7YS) Gorgeous photos. And I like the spider. Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 11:26 PM (TdMsT) 400
AOP, thanks.
I thought Vlad thought the Russians owned Ukraine. Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 11:27 PM (L2ZTs) 401
If the Iranians admit to whacking the Ukrainians. "The infidel airliner shot down our missile by colliding with it!!" Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 10, 2020 11:28 PM (7rVsF) 402
what happens if you splice spider DNA with squirrel DNA ?
Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 10, 2020 11:28 PM (ykYG2) 403
I have not seen AM1200, but thanks for mentioning it. I'll look for it. If Lovecraftian is your thing, I saw a series called Deadwax - on Shudder, I think - that was decent.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical tentacles at January 10, 2020 11:29 PM (H5knJ) 404
My money is more on nervous dumbassery than evil, Manichean madness.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 11:29 PM (2B9A/) 405
When I lived in Maine, I took endless amusement when the natives, upon learning that I was from the lower 47, felt compelled to tell me how to prepare for a Real Maine Winter...
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 11:30 PM (7WaWV) 406
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 10, 2020 11:24 PM (WI7YS) * * * * Gorgeous photos! Thanks, Fen. And the spider wasn't bad at all. Posted by: Legally Sufficient at January 10, 2020 11:30 PM (fNFgo) 407
Good Ladyl!
Not watching the Avalanche......thank you Comcast! Heading over to Grand Junction tomorrow to watch the lil dude play hockey Posted by: westminsterdogshow at January 10, 2020 11:30 PM (/UQ/R) 408
They already spliced spider DNA into goats.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 10, 2020 11:30 PM (xfb67) 409
AOP, thanks.
I thought Vlad thought the Russians owned Ukraine. Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 11:27 PM (L2ZTs) He'd be more likely to suggest to the Ukrainians that the Iranians would not have dared to shoot down a Russian airliner, because Russia would stomp them into the mud. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 10, 2020 11:31 PM (LxWV7) Posted by: mindful webworker - now ask me a hard one at January 10, 2020 11:31 PM (yT7Mu) 411
405 When I lived in Maine, I took endless amusement when the natives, upon learning that I was from the lower 47, felt compelled to tell me how to prepare for a Real Maine Winter Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 11:30 PM (7WaWV) Where in Maine? Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 11:31 PM (TdMsT) 412
what happens if you splice spider DNA with squirrel DNA ?
Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 10, 2020 11:28 PM (ykYG2) You get forest-sized webs that block out the sun? Posted by: RickZ at January 10, 2020 11:31 PM (Y8PSl) 413
When I lived in Maine, we would always find porn stashed in the woods in Ziploc bags.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 10, 2020 11:31 PM (xfb67) 414
up people who were even worse, twice.
Posted by: boulder t'hobo Thankfully, Donny Two Scoops is doing more to reform the GOP than any president since FDR. Posted by: Braenyard That 'reform' part ain't happening if we don't do some serious hosing of the current apathetic leadership. Because I don't see any change of direction of the GOPe in the slightest. Posted by: weft cut-loop at January 10, 2020 11:32 PM (UdCe2) 415
what happens if you splice spider DNA with squirrel DNA ?
Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 10, 2020 11:28 PM (ykYG2) * * * * You get a squirrelly spider? Posted by: Legally Sufficient at January 10, 2020 11:32 PM (fNFgo) Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 10, 2020 11:32 PM (aA3+G) Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 11:33 PM (7WaWV) 418
In Mother Russia, zoo pets you.
Posted by: Cicero Kaboom! Kid, at January 10, 2020 11:33 PM (Vy7tf) 419
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 11:33 PM (7WaWV) Id love to live in Maine. I've thought about for a long time. Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 11:34 PM (TdMsT) 420
While it's fun to mock the prison staff that let Epstein get murdered, a new discrininant is needed as both Occam's and Hanlon's Razors break down. Enter Clinton's Razor. When there's something suspicious involving Clintonworld, attribute it to a coverup or a hit job.
Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at January 10, 2020 11:34 PM (Zo9jO) Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 11:34 PM (L2ZTs) 422
I mean think about it:
-you are a so-so guy. (Like many asshole regimes, the Rhode Scholar material does not stick around long.) -You are manning an anti-aircraft battery- one of the first targets of any US or Israeli strike. You have a gigantic target painted on your forehead. -You country is busy kicking a hornet nest after the hornets just dusted one of your top superiors by shoving a missile with swords coming out of it up his ass. (You bet that hurt.) -You see a blip you cannot account for (but have been building yourself up to expect at any time.) If you see the blip, the Americans can see your ass, they are sorcerers. You have half a second if that is an american craft before you get vaporized... Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 11:34 PM (2B9A/) 423
Heading over to Grand Junction tomorrow to watch the lil dude play hockey
Posted by: westminsterdogshow at January 10, 2020 11:30 PM (/UQ/R) * * * * Safe travels. Posted by: Legally Sufficient at January 10, 2020 11:34 PM (fNFgo) 424
I lived in Winter Harbor for a few years as a child. I pretty much roamed the woods unsupervised.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 10, 2020 11:35 PM (xfb67) 425
Maine has a new state motto:
"Not as bad as Stephen King says" Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 11:34 PM (L2ZTs) That's funny. My new state motto is "Fuck Stephen King" Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:35 PM (Zz0t1) 426
Night BeCh (this is to differentiate you from Bitter Clinger.... wouldn't it be funny if he was Bitter Klinger?)
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 11:35 PM (2B9A/) 427
I'm fixated on local. GOP owns local they own who we get to choose from. The CoC , in my county is sponsoring ($heavily$) two different area candidates against true conservatives in the primaries.
Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 11:36 PM (bETih) 428
Because I don't see any change of direction of the GOPe in the slightest.
Posted by: weft cut-loop at January 10, 2020 11:32 PM (UdCe2) VAGOP, I rest my case! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at January 10, 2020 11:36 PM (+00Vt) 429
Posted by: mindful webworker - now ask me a hard one at January 10, 2020 11:31 PM That appears to be a chipmunk / tarantula hybrid... Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 11:36 PM (7WaWV) 430
My new state motto is "Fuck Stephen King" Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:35 PM (Zz0t1) Somebody call for this fleshlight mounted on a wheelchair? Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 11:36 PM (2B9A/) 431
Sponge, LOL.
Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 11:36 PM (L2ZTs) 432
So can any of you more advanced it gurus help me figure out how to watch Avalanche games? We are now half way through the season and we can't watch games!
Posted by: westminsterdogshow at January 10, 2020 11:36 PM (/UQ/R) 433
Mitch McConnell did the same thing with Thad Cocran.
Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 11:37 PM (bETih) 434
Haven't seen the whole list, but about a third of the passengers were Iranian/Canadian dual citizens, I think. Not sure how many Ukrainians aboard.
Horrible. But the regime is not done killing and vandalizing the world. Today their president openly threatened "mass casualty" attacks on Americans. This is more commonplace than normal people would believe possible for them, but still. As before, most of their victims will be people in the region, not Americans. Of course we don't know whether they perceive a "red line" as harming Americans, as most seem to see it; Trump has actually refrained from limiting his "red line" to American lives, but this latest incident unfortunately may reinforce the perception. Posted by: rhomboid at January 10, 2020 11:37 PM (El6T/) 435
Heading over to Grand Junction tomorrow to watch the lil dude play hockey
Posted by: westminsterdogshow at January 10, 2020 11:30 PM (/UQ/R) Does he play like the kid in the video above? Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:37 PM (Zz0t1) 436
Gotta go. Thanks for the post MH & the fun, y'all.
Leaving you with Sugar Plum Fairy by Tchaikovsky and the glass harmonium - tune and instrument made for each other. ZZzz♠❚❙❙❘❘❘ Posted by: mindful webworker - sleeping with one eye open at January 10, 2020 11:37 PM (yT7Mu) 437
When the lovely and long-suffering Mrs RnA and I retire in a few years, we plan to get an RV and summer in Maine and winter in Arizona...
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 11:38 PM (7WaWV) 438
396 If you work a truck you want low end torque and a heavy crank. Those sewing machine engines may be ok to take the kids to ball games but not work.
They belong in little cars. Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 11:21 PM (bETih) It's all about the CAFE, the CAFE, the CAFE. The turbo V6s do great on fuel economy when lightly loaded, which is how most trucks operate 80% of the time. Under heavier loads the normally aspirated V8s do better in terms of fuel economy though not necessarily in terms of pulling power. And of course at altitude normally-aspirated engines lose far more power than do turbo motors. Of course you eventually get to the point you want the diesel... Posted by: JEM at January 10, 2020 11:38 PM (8erNz) 439
Night BeCh (this is to differentiate you from Bitter Clinger.... wouldn't it be funny if he was Bitter Klinger?)
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 11:35 PM (2B9A/) Hey. Watch yourself, pal. Posted by: Maxwell Klinger at January 10, 2020 11:38 PM (Zz0t1) 440
What's your favorite Dilbert comic strip?
I have several. One that comes instantly to mind is the one re "condescending Unix computer users." :-) Posted by: qdpsteve at January 10, 2020 10:31 PM (L2ZTs) Dilbert: Do you think of time as a continuous stream or as a series of instantaneous points? Dogbert: I think of Time more as a magazine. Dilbert: Remind me to have fewer of these conversations with you. Dogbert: Ask me about Life. Posted by: Hierominous Botch at January 10, 2020 11:40 PM (YqED9) Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 10, 2020 11:41 PM (aA3+G) 442
Night mw.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 11:41 PM (2B9A/) 443
I am going to say
the aircraft was shot down because they were trying to flee with their lives knowing the assholes of IRAN had just launched missiles into US bases and they did not want to stick around for what they believed to be was to be a thermoberic glassing over of the neighborhood other words they were blasting out on an un-authorized departure (check the passenger manifest) like we will even see that and the black boxes for that matter..since they are already bulldozing the crash site..... ALLAH-Snack bar Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 10, 2020 11:41 PM (kFkpX) 444
Of course you eventually get to the point you want the diesel...
Posted by: JEM at January 10, 2020 11:38 PM (8erNz) I've got the 6.7L diesel......OOOOOH she's a beast. Posted by: Maxwell Klinger at January 10, 2020 11:42 PM (Zz0t1) 445
Haven't seen the whole list, but about a third of the passengers were Iranian/Canadian dual citizens, I think. Not sure how many Ukrainians aboard.
Horrible. But the regime is not done killing and vandalizing the world. Today their president openly threatened "mass casualty" attacks on Americans. This is more commonplace than normal people would believe possible for them, but still. As before, most of their victims will be people in the region, not Americans. Of course we don't know whether they perceive a "red line" as harming Americans, as most seem to see it; Trump has actually refrained from limiting his "red line" to American lives, but this latest incident unfortunately may reinforce the perception. Posted by: rhomboid at January 10, 2020 11:37 PM (El6T/) I am going to assume, unless it is proven otherwise, that most of those dual Iranian/Canadian citizens are friends of the regime, otherwise it's unlikely that they would be allowed to freely travel to and from Iran. Which means they are basically using Canada as a hotel. Too bad, so sad. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 10, 2020 11:42 PM (LxWV7) 446
A career in PR Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 10, 2020 11:41 PM (aA3+G) Top of my class. Posted by: Maxwell Klinger at January 10, 2020 11:42 PM (Zz0t1) 447
Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:42 PM (Zz0t1) 448
My new state motto is "Fuck Stephen King"
Posted by: Sponge at January Guess he is going to be her hitting everyone up for your digits. Posted by: not so at January 10, 2020 11:43 PM (HALdu) 449
I'm wide open to additional info, but I'm not aware Trump has done anything to change the GOP. I whine about this, at the congressional level, regularly here. He endorses every GOP incumbent a nanosecond after they announce, regardless of their value to the country or his announced/presumed agenda.
GOPe does not oppose all of his policies, but on immigration/rule of law, it comes close to outright opposition (via the much easier and safer passive-aggressive approach of doing nothing, and counting on their brain-dead GOP voters - and this WH - to do and say nothing to "politicize" their behavior on that central issue). Posted by: rhomboid at January 10, 2020 11:44 PM (El6T/) 450
I am going to assume, unless it is proven otherwise, that most of those dual Iranian/Canadian citizens are friends of the regime, otherwise it's unlikely that they would be allowed to freely travel to and from Iran. Which means they are basically using Canada as a hotel. Too bad, so sad.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 10, 2020 11:42 PM (LxWV7) I hear Justin "Blackface" Trudeau is strongly disappointed that Iran shot down Canadian citizens and plans to not wear Iranian approved garb on his next muslham appreciation day. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:44 PM (Zz0t1) 451
Doesn't matter Penguins win
![]() Posted by: westminsterdogshow at January 10, 2020 11:44 PM (/UQ/R) 452
432 So can any of you more advanced it gurus help me figure out how to watch Avalanche games? We are now half way through the season and we can't watch games!
I have the same problem with the MN Wild Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 10, 2020 11:44 PM (aA3+G) 453
Put a blower on that 5.4.
Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 11:45 PM (bETih) Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 10, 2020 11:45 PM (kFkpX) 455
Night BeCh (this is to differentiate you from Bitter Clinger.... wouldn't it be funny if he was Bitter Klinger?)
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 11:35 PM (2B9A/) Don't forget Bozo Conservative. BoCo? Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 11:45 PM (t+qrx) 456
The turbo V6s do great on fuel economy when lightly loaded, which is how most trucks operate 80% of the time. Under heavier loads the normally aspirated V8s do better in terms of fuel economy though not necessarily in terms of pulling power. And of course at altitude normally-aspirated engines lose far more power than do turbo motors.
Of course you eventually get to the point you want the diesel... Posted by: JEM at January Guessing that 80% wrong ![]() Posted by: not so at January 10, 2020 11:46 PM (HALdu) 457
Fool guest on FNC just described the Iran nuke deal as a "treaty".
Posted by: Fox2! at January 10, 2020 11:46 PM (qyH+l) 458
I hear Justin "Blackface" Trudeau is strongly disappointed that Iran shot down Canadian citizens and plans to not wear Iranian approved garb on his next muslham appreciation day.
Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:44 PM (Zz0t1) Blackface is so yesterday! Justine is now sporting a beard, like his pa Fidel. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 10, 2020 11:46 PM (LxWV7) 459
Biggest thing is 60 traditionalist Es dropping out thus opening a spot for a Trump supporting candidate.
Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 11:47 PM (bETih) 460
I hear Justin "Blackface" Trudeau is strongly disappointed that Iran shot down Canadian citizens and plans to not wear Iranian approved garb on his next muslham appreciation day.
Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:44 PM (Zz0t1) Nope, he doesn't have any issue with Iran. He lays it all at Trump's feet. Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 11:47 PM (t+qrx) 461
Hey...a skunk is outside my sliding glass door.
I think it wants my wine.... Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 10, 2020 11:45 PM (kFkpX) Just don't piss it off. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:47 PM (Zz0t1) 462
Fool guest on FNC just described the Iran nuke deal as a "treaty".
Posted by: Fox2! at January 10, 2020 11:46 PM (qyH+l) Treaty is a political term. Posted by: Burnt Toast at January 10, 2020 11:47 PM (1g7ch) 463
457 Fool guest on FNC just described the Iran nuke deal as a "treaty".
Posted by: Fox2! at January 10, 2020 11:46 PM (qyH+l) And if my grannie had wheels, she'd be a wagon. Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 11:48 PM (2B9A/) 464
>>> 458 I hear Justin "Blackface" Trudeau is strongly disappointed that Iran shot down Canadian citizens and plans to not wear Iranian approved garb on his next muslham appreciation day.
Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:44 PM (Zz0t1) Blackface is so yesterday! Justine is now sporting a beard, like his pa Fidel. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 10, 2020 11:46 PM (LxWV7) Is it attached more securely than his eyebrows? Posted by: Helena Handbasket at January 10, 2020 11:48 PM (0ReGO) 465
what is even that...they do not care about our relations...they only want power over us these days..... Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 10, 2020 11:48 PM (kFkpX) 466
Evening Horde. Been away a few days. Wed, Mom IMG had her annual physical. Had not been feeling well for a few days prior and had seen her BP steadily trending down.
Well, her BP and pulse were dangerously low, so they transferred her to a Cleve Clinic cardiac unit and did an emergency pacemaker install that afternoon. She's home now and doing quite well. Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at January 10, 2020 11:48 PM (di1hb) 467
Nope, he doesn't have any issue with Iran. He lays it all at Trump's feet.
Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 11:47 PM (t+qrx) Well, he IS and idiot, so..... Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:48 PM (Zz0t1) 468
Is it attached more securely than his eyebrows? Posted by: Helena Handbasket at January 10, 2020 11:48 PM (0ReGO) LOL! Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:49 PM (Zz0t1) 469
Hey...a skunk is outside my sliding glass door.
I think it wants my wine.... Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 10, 2020 11:45 PM (kFkpX) * * * * The last thing you want is a drunk skunk. Posted by: Legally Sufficient at January 10, 2020 11:49 PM (fNFgo) 470
Hey...the skunk is a fan of north coast CAB...who'da thunk?
Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 10, 2020 11:49 PM (kFkpX) 471
Treaty is a political term.
Posted by: Burnt Toast at January 10, 2020 11:47 PM (1g7ch) That must be ratified by Congress, no? Therefore, the deal was SHIT from the beginning. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:49 PM (Zz0t1) 472
Is it attached more securely than his eyebrows?
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at January 10, 2020 11:48 PM (0ReGO) Remains to be seen. Maybe his eyebrows migrated south for the winter. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 10, 2020 11:49 PM (LxWV7) Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 10, 2020 11:49 PM (aA3+G) 474
The last thing you want is a drunk skunk.
Posted by: Legally Sufficient at January 10, 2020 11:49 PM (fNFgo) Yep, that is just setting them up for Pepe Lepew to come along and bamboozle them. Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 11:50 PM (2B9A/) 475
In other head-shaking news, the FISA court has picked a "Mueller truther" and standard-issue Beltway Obama lightweight/"deep stater" to review FBI proposals to fix FISA procedures.
FFS. There's so much wrong with every part of this situation, far beyond the ludicrous choice, but anyway. The guy is a TDS sufferer and pathetic apologist for gross, inexcusable FBI/DOJ misconduct (criminal misconduct). Funny, Congress created and can do anything it likes WRT the FISC. Like abolish it and start over (or not start over). Watch to see how few lonely voices we hear on this matter from the GOP (the Dems have morphed into a completely recognizable mish-mash of racist, corrupt, totalitarian freaks and apologists/enablers, so count them out from the get-go). Posted by: rhomboid at January 10, 2020 11:50 PM (El6T/) 476
The last thing you want is a drunk skunk. Posted by: Legally Sufficient ====== No - give him a drink or he'll make a stink. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 10, 2020 11:50 PM (3EPLG) 477
Well, her BP and pulse were dangerously low, so they transferred her to a Cleve Clinic cardiac unit and did an emergency pacemaker install that afternoon. She's home now and doing quite well. Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at January 10, 2020 11:48 PM (di1hb) The final statement makes me feel much better. Glad to hear it. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:50 PM (Zz0t1) 478
She's home now and doing quite well.
Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at January 10, 2020 11:48 PM (di1hb) * * * * That's good news! Prayers up. Posted by: Legally Sufficient at January 10, 2020 11:50 PM (fNFgo) 479
Those new pacemaker/defibrillator hookups are the bees knees.
Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 11:51 PM (bETih) 480
Yep, that is just setting them up for Pepe Lepew to come along and bamboozle them.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 10, 2020 11:50 PM (2B9A/) Surprise skanal. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:51 PM (Zz0t1) 481
Posted by: Legally Sufficient at January 10, 2020 11:49 PM (fNFgo)
Unless it's drinking bloody Mary's Tomato juice is the key Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 10, 2020 11:51 PM (aA3+G) 482
Hey...the skunk is a fan of north coast CAB...who'da thunk?
Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 10, 2020 11:49 PM (kFkpX) Nightwatch isn't a bullfrog, But he always has mighty fine wine. Posted by: The Skunk at January 10, 2020 11:52 PM (LxWV7) 483
Posted by: rhomboid at January 10, 2020 11:50 PM (El6T/) ====== Can the laughter get more harsh and hollow? Is there nothing Barr and Trump can do about this? Can't anyone fire anyone or declassify everything? Why DOESN'T Trump declassify all the memos between the Odministration and the mullahs? Shall we give up? Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 10, 2020 11:52 PM (3EPLG) 484
Saw Rush live 3 times. Fly by Night, 2112 and all the World's a Stage tours. The only other pair who compare to Peart and Lee were Bonham and Jones.
Posted by: Sock Monkey...seeking a new level of awareness at January 10, 2020 11:53 PM (Aj7Zq) 485
Nightwatch isn't a bullfrog,
But he always has mighty fine wine. Posted by: The Skunk at January 10, 2020 11:52 PM (LxWV7) What's Jeremiah got to do with this? Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:53 PM (Zz0t1) 486
The last thing you want is a drunk skunk. Posted by: Legally Sufficient It's lookin' for some skunk weed. Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 10, 2020 11:54 PM (aKsyK) 487
Posted by: westminsterdogshow at January 10, 2020 11:54 PM (/UQ/R) 488
Willowed: I was watching some Don Imus clips and stumbled across this interview with Trump in 2005. Interesting to hear his thoughts on the Iraq situation at that time. Posted by: TheHoser at January 10, 2020 11:55 PM (Z1nTA) 489
Alright y'all. I've got to work tomorrow.
Calling it a night. Be safe. Hug those you love. Have a great weekend. You're all not bad for a bunch of sick, twisted FrEaKs. Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 11:56 PM (Zz0t1) 490
Hog Martin, sponge and anyone else who caught my lip that was the audio posting deal. It is supposed to read 2 Dash 7 inches of snow. I'm hoping they're off because it was supposed to a frozen by now and it's still just raining not frozen.
On another note, Jules and I have been watching the Netflix series the Windsors. I'm a history buff and totally agree with ATS earlier in this thread or was it another one? The history is fascinating. But this BS today is degenerated into Tabloid crap. Posted by: Farmer at January 10, 2020 11:56 PM (oxRXD) 491
437 When the lovely and long-suffering Mrs RnA and I retire in a few years, we plan to get an RV and summer in Maine and winter in Arizona...
Posted by: Zettai Roshia-no Asetto at January 10, 2020 11:38 PM (7WaWV) What a great plan Plus, you can switch it up and summer in the Northwest and winter in Floriduh. ![]() Posted by: Rock Girthpounder at January 10, 2020 11:56 PM (CLteG) 492
Unless it's drinking bloody Mary's
Tomato juice is the key Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 10, 2020 11:51 PM (aA3+G) * * * * If you are thinking the tomato juice gets rid of the skunk stench, nope. Tried it on my Lab and it did not work. So disappointing. Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, followed by Herbal Essence shampoo did the trick! Posted by: Legally Sufficient at January 10, 2020 11:56 PM (fNFgo) 493
Farmer! Sorry about last night. You are the man. Hope you and Jewels are on the mend!
Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 11, 2020 12:00 AM (KP5rU) 494
Blonde M., you're covering lots of territory there.
Found it a bit interesting that one of Trump's few comments on the (typically disingenuous) IG report (the last one) was to twatter about FBI Dir. Wray's comments: "did he read the same report?". Maybe some day we'll find out, but I am utterly baffled at how such an obvious disastrous pick like Wray wasn't fixed long ago. Even on paper he wasn't remotely the person for the job anyway (silk stocking Beltway lawyer and part of the DOJ mafia) - about the LAST type of person you'd want for the circumstances. Note that the greatest (not even on the same scale) constitutional/institutional scandal in our history has resulted in precisely bupkis from Congress, apart from whatever Devin Nunes has managed to do (pretty much alone). To even include politicking and rhetoric. The "GOP" Senate has been nearly a pristine disaster. Posted by: rhomboid at January 11, 2020 12:02 AM (El6T/) 495
Watch to see how few lonely voices we hear on this matter from the GOP (the Dems have morphed into a completely recognizable mish-mash of racist, corrupt, totalitarian freaks and apologists/enablers, so count them out from the get-go). Posted by: rhomboid Overhauling or outright abolishing the FISA court should be a critical narrative right now but you hear nary a peep of complaint. The GOP is and always has been worthless. Posted by: Sock Monkey...seeking a new level of awareness at January 11, 2020 12:04 AM (Aj7Zq) 496
Those new pacemaker/defibrillator hookups are the bees knees.
Posted by: Braenyard at January 10, 2020 11:51 PM (bETih) That's called an ICD (Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator), which is what I have; going for my third one in the spring as the battery only lasts about 5 years depending on the number of shocks delivered which chew battery life. And they are 'the bees knees' until the defib part fires one time while you are fully awake, then it's just a swarm of angry yellow jackets. Think of the pain this way: Hold a metal knife and stick into a working electrical outlet. Not pleasant. Posted by: RickZ at January 11, 2020 12:04 AM (Y8PSl) Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 11, 2020 12:04 AM (aA3+G) 498
You see a blip you cannot account for Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop ====== Why can't you account for it? It's a passenger plane flying on schedule. Just curious. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 11, 2020 12:05 AM (3EPLG) 499
Posted by: RickZ at January 11, 2020 12:04 AM (Y8PSl)
Sorry to hear about the backfires. Mom had one from Boston Scientific and never had a problem. Guess she was lucky. Posted by: Braenyard at January 11, 2020 12:07 AM (bETih) 500
Good to know
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 11, 2020 12:04 AM (aA3+G) * * * * There is also a ten minute owner bonding experience with the dog while the peroxide and baking soda strip the odor off the hair. Posted by: Legally Sufficient at January 11, 2020 12:09 AM (fNFgo) 501
My Favorite: It's not gay if you're underway!
Posted by: torabora at January 11, 2020 12:11 AM (Y274z) 502
Sorry to hear about the backfires.
Mom had one from Boston Scientific and never had a problem. Guess she was lucky. Posted by: Braenyard at January 11, 2020 12:07 AM (bETih) It wasn't a backfire. My Doc called the shocks 'appropriate'. That means the device worked as planned. But there are 'inappropriate' shocks, which I've not had and which are a whole 'nother kettle of bees. Mine have been all been St. Jude's. Posted by: RickZ at January 11, 2020 12:11 AM (Y8PSl) 503
Sigh...(No wait, I am not resigning my stance just yet)
Whatever the next couple of weeks bring. Nancy and her ...geez cannot even begin....(paragraphs of volatile,DARK NSFW, (I want to hang banners over local freeway overpasses with the type of ANTI-NANCY vitriol in writ large black spray paint for the lemming's to faint on while they are stuck in the bumper to bumper ....such is my delusional glee yet the Getty BOY..wants to give health care (and soon voting rights) to ALL those who jumped the fence and invaded our country. Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 12:14 AM (kFkpX) 504
Posted by: Legally Sufficient at January 11, 2020 12:09 AM (fNFgo)
Of course I wouldn't have it done any other way Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 11, 2020 12:14 AM (aA3+G) 505
The plane was more than an hour behind schedule when it took off... So if no one called the sam site...
Posted by: Oldradartech at January 11, 2020 12:15 AM (cF4ju) 506
They were running a test and Mom volunteered.
They checked her out and declined. The last four years of her life the machine was the only thing that kept her heart beating. It would not beat without it. Posted by: Braenyard at January 11, 2020 12:16 AM (bETih) 507
Chavez, good to see you. I hear dartist might come up your way for a meat could we have a little repeat of the Wisconsin Momee. I think I'm off to bed as I'll have a lot of work to get out of here to get to work in the morning. Be well. And that goes for all you Morons.
Hey, wds, be well. Posted by: Farmer at January 11, 2020 12:16 AM (oxRXD) 508
We were so innocent. And gullible.
Posted by: Ladyl at January 10, 2020 11:13 PM (TdMsT) Where else did we have to go? We could vote for D, R, D in disguise, or Libertarian. Lots of people stayed home. Posted by: Kindltot at January 11, 2020 12:17 AM (1glZx) 509
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran announced Saturday that its military "unintentionally" shot down the Ukrainian jetliner that crashed earlier this week, killing all 176 aboard, after the government had repeatedly denied Western accusations that it was responsible. Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 11, 2020 12:20 AM (aKsyK) Posted by: Braenyard at January 11, 2020 12:20 AM (bETih) 511
The "GOP" Senate has been nearly a pristine disaster. Posted by: rhomboid ======== Well Nunes has looked into the horror and carried too much too far to let it drop, but this is nuts. The republic rests on the shoulders of this guy who cannot even run for Senate in his home state. (Cuz get it? His HOME STATE -- more dark, hollow laughter.) It kills me that Trump isn't doing more. He's already threatened to declassify stuff, but hasn't. Talked about the stuff that's gone on ("Obama wiretapped me") but exercised no executive action in defense of his own office and we're 300 days from the next election. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 11, 2020 12:20 AM (3EPLG) 512
Well, about time for me to go to bed. Be well, Horde.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 11, 2020 12:20 AM (LxWV7) 513
That's my best lead crystal glass!!! Damn skunks......try and be PETA friendly...look at what you get. Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 12:21 AM (kFkpX) 514
They're on MSNBC gloating about the fate of Mike Flynn. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 11, 2020 12:22 AM (3EPLG) 515
We cannot be so careless in 2020. We have to be resolved and very clear as to our options. just sayin.... Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 12:23 AM (kFkpX) 516
And it appears there might be a serial, major leaker (criminal), very senior former FBI official, who is not being prosecuted. Not entirely clear on details. New name for most people - Paarman.
Posted by: rhomboid at January 11, 2020 12:24 AM (El6T/) 517
They were running a test and Mom volunteered.
They checked her out and declined. The last four years of her life the machine was the only thing that kept her heart beating. It would not beat without it. Posted by: Braenyard at January 11, 2020 12:16 AM (bETih) Yeah, I need my pacemaker part to keep my heart in rhythm. But because of the scarring on my heart from a silent heart attack, the electrical impulses which beat the heart and push the blood can get sidetracked and my heart turns into Jell-O. My heart functions without the device at 50% of normal, meaning fibrillation can happen at any moment. The 10 shocks I've had since 2010 have literally kept me alive. My gallows humor is that I'm Dead Man Walking 10 Times Over. Not sure what you mean by "They checked her out and declined." They only gave her the pacemaker and not the ICD? Posted by: RickZ at January 11, 2020 12:26 AM (Y8PSl) 518
A newly introduced Indiana bill would allow people with terminal illnesses to request medication that would end their own lives. Democratic Rep. Matt Pierce submitted the bill Tuesday. The bill describes terminal illness as an "incurable and irreversible illness that will, within reasonable medical judgment, result in death within six months." Patients must be at least 18 years old and Indiana residents to request medical aid in dying. The request must be written and cannot be accepted unless the patient is of "sound mind." Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 11, 2020 12:26 AM (aKsyK) 519
Goodnight all, thanks for the chat tonight. Happy weekend.
Posted by: qdpsteve at January 11, 2020 12:27 AM (L2ZTs) 520
510 Walmart thanks cop who shot robber in cashier line.
Only injured, not three times in the temple and call the coroner. Posted by: JEM at January 11, 2020 12:29 AM (8erNz) 521
Dep da deep state.....any questions? Hillary still hanging back in the wings? (EEEK)....MSM, sh*t they still pulling out RICE....hey wait...where is ERIC to tell us true??
Ya all should be just a tad....VELVET RED ANGRY..(but keeping your powder dry) these days as NOVEMBER is not that far off....the clock goes TIC-TOC...TIC-TOC (just riffing) Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 12:31 AM (kFkpX) 522
I don't remember the test but it was necessary for her to be able function (live) without the device for a period of time, It was a defibrillator/pacemaker, and she couldn't do it.
Posted by: Braenyard at January 11, 2020 12:33 AM (bETih) 523
Well, her BP and pulse were dangerously low, so they transferred her to a Cleve Clinic cardiac unit and did an emergency pacemaker install that afternoon.
She's home now and doing quite well. Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at January 10, 2020 11:48 PM (di1hb) ----- My mother got one a couple years ago and it changed her life. The tech involved is amazing. I hope yours has the same outcome. Posted by: BunkerInTheBurbs, still needs a new Nic! at January 11, 2020 12:33 AM (9p0cQ) 524
Wll since the skunk got my wine, I concede my ability to post further
night...(going to the cellar for more....) Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 12:34 AM (kFkpX) 525
I feel OK but earlier lifted my very heavy mom into her bed since my brother has a hernia that is acting up. He said he hoped I don't have a heart attack. I hope not. I have trouble lifting a gallon of milk and just picked up a person heavier than me. If I die in my sleep I want to haunt someone - my jackass brother who stopped paying me my inheritance - and Obama an Harry Reid for some odd reason.
Posted by: Baldy at January 11, 2020 12:35 AM (+EDVk) 526
Police say a Texas man accused of choking and headbutting his girlfriend because she complained about the smell of his flatulence has been jailed on an assault charge. Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 11, 2020 12:36 AM (aKsyK) 527
And it appears there might be a serial, major leaker (criminal), very senior former FBI official, who is not being prosecuted. Not entirely clear on details. New name for most people - Paarman. Posted by: rhomboid ====== Sounds like the next J. Edgar Hoover. >>A senior DOJ official confirmed "that the decision by the Department of Justice to decline prosecution was made before William Barr was Attorney General." It's not as if he was prosecuted and acquitted; a decision to decline can always be reversed. wtf, Barr? Get off the bagpipes, stop frowning in puzzlement and waiting to see what happens in "late spring or early summer" (more dark, hollow laughter) and give us a flaming skull. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 11, 2020 12:36 AM (3EPLG) 528
Hey, where all da white wimmen at?
Posted by: Sheriff Bart at January 11, 2020 12:37 AM (XVuno) 529
The company I work for has three 2015 Ford Transit 350's in the fleet. Medium height-top, single rear wheel axle. 3.5 Twin Turbo Eco-Boost engines.
IIRC, that's appx 375 hp, and 420ish lbs of torque, with max torque at about 2,500 rpm against a 5,500 rpm redline. I'd call that low-ish end torque. I'll also testify, that the 14 passenger unit, with all seats filled with adult men, pulling a 12 ft. cargo trailer filled to within 20 in. of the roof with "people going on a cruise" luggage, can merge with any stream of traffic short of the exits at the pits of any NASCAR race. Houston Ship Channel Bridge? It doesn't downshift, it just pulls harder than a Navy Dentist on a Moron's Molar. And it's averaged 15.6 MPG in it's heavily burdened life, so far. Two of the vans are in the low 115,xxx mile range. The trailer pulling van has 90,xxx on it, as of when I parked it two hours ago. Other than oil changes, filters and brakes, only ONE of the Transits has needed a single, lone, ignition coil-over-plug unit. Oh, and windshield wipers. And a few windshields. But so far, these Transits are some of the most reliable fleet vehicles I've ever seen. I don't know about or have any experience with the smaller Eco-Boost engines. But that 3.5 Ford Eco-Boost is a MONSTER, in a miserly wrapper. You would have to go full Turbo Diesel for another engine to be a "step-up". Jim Sunk New Dawn Galveston, TX Posted by: Jim at January 11, 2020 12:37 AM (QzJWU) 530
- my jackass brother who stopped paying me my inheritance - and Obama an Harry Reid for some odd reason. Posted by: Baldy ====== I hope that was as different brother than the one who snarked (?) that he hopes you don't have a heart attack. The Obama and Harry Reid are self-explanatory. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 11, 2020 12:38 AM (3EPLG) 531
Saw Rush live 3 times. Fly by Night, 2112 and all the World's a Stage tours. The only other pair who compare to Peart and Lee were Bonham and Jones.
Posted by: Sock Monkey...seeking a new level of awareness at January 10, 2020 11:53 PM (Aj7Zq) -------- Ringo just called and asked, "didn't I have two drumsticks when I started?" Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at January 11, 2020 12:39 AM (XVuno) Posted by: West at January 11, 2020 12:40 AM (TLBWP) 533
Posted by: Elizabeth at January 11, 2020 12:44 AM (XVuno) 534
Say Jim,...(sorry, good evening) How you think those transit's may make for a good family conversion van with upgrades for cross country? Fuel consumption is a critical factor Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 12:45 AM (kFkpX) 535
Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 12:46 AM (kFkpX) Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 12:50 AM (kFkpX) 537
More late-nite fun. MSNBC is fuming that Tom Steyer has bought his way into the next debate. Waltzed in so late in the campaign after titans like Harris and Castro spent YEARS running. My fantasy is that the final three are Biden, Bloomberg, and Steyer. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 11, 2020 12:52 AM (3EPLG) 538
..Say Jim,...(sorry, good evening)
How you think those transit's may make for a good family conversion van with upgrades for cross country? Fuel consumption is a critical factor Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 12:45 AM (kFkpX) Local competitor has a fleet of a dozen Mercedes Sprinters. Blue-Tec Diesels. They're shop queens. I know the mechanic who tends to them, and it's "put his kids through college" money. Go with the Transit conversion unit. Plan to pay for pure synthetic oil changes, including the transmission. Do change the coolant, per schedule. Change ALL the fluids, per schedule. NEVER have the brake rotors "turned". Just replace 'em from O'Reiley's. Cheaper, and safer. If your tires are "in doubt", buy new ones, NOW. Do all this, and your Transit won't be a "lets me down" vehicle. Oh, and one of the most comfortable driver's seats, ever. Jim Sunk New Dawn Galveston, TX Posted by: Jim at January 11, 2020 12:54 AM (QzJWU) 539
405 When I lived in Maine, I took endless amusement when the natives, upon learning that I was from the lower 47, felt compelled to tell me how to prepare for a Real Maine Winter
Someone from Maine was holding forth in a similar vein at a social function once. My wife listened politely, then finally grew bored and said something along the lines of "That would have been handy when I lived in Yellowknife". "Where's that?" "Oh, up by the Arctic Circle". Posted by: Weirddave at January 11, 2020 12:57 AM (CTvSA) Posted by: JT at January 11, 2020 12:58 AM (arJlL) 541
Cough...Cough....Steyer????? Mother of Murgrotrode!!!!(throwing endangered animals into a furnace) (thrusting titanium rods into the earth's crust to prevent the next Earthquake of death) gag...THAT poser?????? Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 12:59 AM (kFkpX) 542
A bill in Vermont would ban the use of a cellphone for anyone who is under the age of 21. The bill was introduced by a Democratic state senator this week. If passed, the bill would make the possession of a cellphone for anyone under the specified age punishable by up to one year in prison, a $1,000 fine or both. Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 11, 2020 12:59 AM (aKsyK) 543
Treaty is a political term.
Posted by: Burnt Toast at January 10, 2020 11:47 PM (1g7ch) Which require ratification by the Senate. Which the Iran deal has not been. Posted by: Fox2! at January 11, 2020 01:01 AM (0TJbv) Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 01:02 AM (kFkpX) Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 01:05 AM (kFkpX) 546
Heavens to Murgrotrode!
Posted by: Snagglepuss at January 11, 2020 01:07 AM (aKsyK) 547
One of the strangest things about the time we live in is that the Moon and the Sun appear almost exactly the same size in the sky.
Too much of a coincidence to be mere coincidence. Posted by: ... at January 11, 2020 01:08 AM (rUoFb) Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 11, 2020 01:15 AM (3EPLG) 549
432 So can any of you more advanced it gurus help me figure out how to watch Avalanche games? We are now half way through the season and we can't watch games!
NHL app. For...I think about $25/month (I paid 150 for the whole year) and you can stream every single NHL game, except those you're in the home broadcast area for). It works with Chromecast too, so you can cast the games to your TV. As a Flames fan in Baltimore (btw, Avs suck) it's a godsend. I watch almost every Flames game, without it I'd get maybe 2 (when they play the Craps). Posted by: Weirddave at January 11, 2020 01:16 AM (CTvSA) 550
Could someone explain #17 (dogs in the multiverse)?
Posted by: Miley, the Duchess 551
Going out under the orange tree...... standby Posted by: Nightwatch ===== Okay. Look out for Elizabeth. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 11, 2020 01:20 AM (3EPLG) 552
Hi Blondie! rgnjiopavn fbbdfzsbh
Posted by: ... at January 11, 2020 01:21 AM (rUoFb) Posted by: Jim at January 11, 2020 01:27 AM (QzJWU) 554
Good night, Jim!
Posted by: Miley, the Duchess 555
Miley, it's an inversion of a popular meme. Was answered and linked earlier, search for "17"
Posted by: Weirddave at January 11, 2020 01:29 AM (CTvSA) 556
In other news, this afternoon I got a message from my Swedish ex-niece-in-law. The Swede (husband #1) passed away on December 23 after an illness.
Husband #2 passed away on December 18. I fear that Publius will be uneasy in the run-up to Christmas in years to come.
Posted by: Miley, the Duchess 557
Yes...thank you for the correct correction (I get my decades all discombobulated at times...Frank Sinatra....I miss Bob Hope and Ron...yet I was just a boy Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 01:33 AM (kFkpX) 558
I already searched for 17 and multiverse. Could you point me to the answer?
Posted by: Miley, the Duchess Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 01:37 AM (kFkpX) 560
Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 01:42 AM (kFkpX) 561
OK, l went back to the beginning and found it in #86. Tack ska du ha!
Posted by: Miley, the Duchess 562
My fantasy is that the final three are Biden, Bloomberg, and Steyer.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia Klown kar should have room for one more as it putt putts up to the finish line. Hillary? Baaawaaah haaa!! How's your popcorn inventory? Posted by: Sock Monkey...seeking a new level of awareness at January 11, 2020 01:46 AM (Aj7Zq) 563
Just exactly why did I wake up at this time? I would rather be sleeping. Am I missing something important that is making me wide awake like this?
Posted by: Is this the end? at January 11, 2020 01:46 AM (/LQkF) 564
Blew that riff....
So......Roasted Almonds as a dietary supplement to prevent HSV?.....Could work, but you have to bath in a mud pot in Yellowstone to confirm clinical efficacy Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 01:49 AM (kFkpX) 565
Someone call bluebell, she needs to see the little duster dude with the eyeballs and stick figure arms.
Posted by: hogmartin at January 10, 2020 10:05 PM (t+qrx) Those always make me smile. Isn't there a name for that? Whatever it is? Posted by: Sponge at January 10, 2020 10:07 PM (Zz0t1) I looked for "stick figure arms gifs" with some success.
Posted by: Miley, the Duchess 566
Hello gang.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger at January 11, 2020 01:56 AM (aylHY) 567
Hey BC, how are you?
Posted by: Miley, the Duchess 568
In a gesture of collegiality, reaching across the aisle, and to honor the integrity and high character of her father, the GOP is inviting Meghan McCain to preside over the Senate Impeachment proceedings.
Posted by: Richard McEnroe at January 11, 2020 02:02 AM (ABuva) Posted by: Bitter Clinger at January 11, 2020 02:05 AM (aylHY) 570
isluT cheescake blames US for the mullahs shooting down that Ukranian airliner. Still think this creep is any different than any other communist?
Posted by: but she's teh wawt and id hit it!!! at January 11, 2020 02:05 AM (/LQkF) 571
sock failure.
Posted by: but she's teh hawt and id hit it!!! at January 11, 2020 02:08 AM (/LQkF) 572
I'm well. Hope you get some rest soon, BC.
Regarding Meggie Mac, I feel sorry for her for having a father of such low character. Them's the breaks.
Posted by: Miley, the Duchess 573
I'm going to bed
Beware Midget Mike Beware the "Mis" Steerage of Steyer they are only here to steal an election by pouring their money into giving illegals a vote............ "Burma Shave" Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 11, 2020 02:13 AM (kFkpX) 574
isluT cheescake blames US for the mullahs shooting down that Ukranian airliner. Still think this creep is any different than any other communist?
"Would hit it" and "would vote for" aren't necessarily overlapping categories. Posted by: Blanco Basura - forgetting to remove my socks. at January 11, 2020 02:16 AM (SchxB) 575
Tulsi. I'd hit it. With a riding crop. While she was chained to a radiator.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical tentacles at January 11, 2020 02:26 AM (H5knJ) 576
They sure train those Brazilian cops funny.
"Aim for the center of mass. Of the head" Posted by: West ------ Yeah, and, "Two or three close rounds to the head should do the job." Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 11, 2020 02:35 AM (CDGwz) 577
I don't think you can hold Meggie Mac for her father's actions.
But you can hold her responsible for her own words. People sell their invaluable immortal soul too easily for a handful of shekels and the admiration of people they don't even know. One day we will all face the reality that we sold ourselves for nothing. The question we'll all face then is whether or not we are sorry we did so or are too prideful to admit our failings. Posted by: Bitter Clinger at January 11, 2020 02:35 AM (0A78Z) 578
I don't hold Meggie responsible. I'm just sorry that she had that for a dad, and charlatans have told her that he was honorable.
Posted by: Miley, the Duchess 579
Very true.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger at January 11, 2020 02:41 AM (46ST9) 580
If drumpf hadn't killed the iranian george washington those 176 people on the ukrainian airliner would be alive!
Posted by: raimondo at January 11, 2020 02:48 AM (++Ovi) 581
Good gravy. I finally make it home from work and it's troll thirty on the ONT.
Turning in. Good night rational people. Posted by: Bitter Clinger at January 11, 2020 02:57 AM (46ST9) 582
If drumpf hadn't killed the iranian george washington those 176 people on the ukrainian airliner would be alive!
-------- Sure, history began when Salami got sliced. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 11, 2020 03:01 AM (xSo9G) 583
@582 Funny conservatives feel what ever happened before 9-11 2001 doesn't need to be taken into account!
Posted by: raimondo at January 11, 2020 03:04 AM (++Ovi) 584
Raimondo Johnson is right!
Posted by: Dr Samuel Johnson at January 11, 2020 03:05 AM (e1mEI) 585
Raimondo Johnson is right!
Posted by: Dr Samuel Johnson at January 11, 2020 03:05 AM (e1mEI) No, left. Posted by: RickZ at January 11, 2020 03:06 AM (Y8PSl) 586
If drumpf hadn't killed the iranian george washington those 176 people on the ukrainian airliner would be alive!
Posted by: raimondo at January 11, 2020 02:48 AM (++Ovi) Nice. Posted by: ... at January 11, 2020 03:10 AM (rUoFb) 587
Dr. samuel johnson "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel!" A better quote for the trumpkins. When boswell asked dr johnson what he thought of the american revolution going on at the time he said. " I observe those who scream the loudest about freedom and liberty are the slave holding southerners!" true then and true now. Neil young's southern man!
Posted by: raimondo at January 11, 2020 03:16 AM (++Ovi) 588
You studied him in between comments. First ones were way too fluent.
Posted by: ... at January 11, 2020 03:20 AM (rUoFb) 589
Three or four to the head and they won't shoot you dead
Posted by: SuberE at January 11, 2020 03:25 AM (EPXLU) 590
" I observe those who scream the loudest about freedom and liberty are the slave holding southerners!"
-------- Really? I doubt that you have ever read Johnson, or Boswell. Your quote is something that only exists in your head. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 11, 2020 03:29 AM (CDGwz) 591
Really? I doubt that you have ever read Johnson, or Boswell. Your quote is something that only exists in your head.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 11, 2020 03:29 AM (CDGwz) It's a quote on the innertubes. It must be true! Posted by: RickZ at January 11, 2020 03:32 AM (Y8PSl) 592
The slave owning Democrats were racist then and the Dems of today are racist still. Even you know this. Posted by: SuberE at January 11, 2020 03:32 AM (EPXLU) 593
Sun tzu: Know your enemy as well as yourself and you need not fear the outcome of a hundred battles! As YOU know neither you will always lose!
Posted by: raimondo at January 11, 2020 03:38 AM (++Ovi) 594
Men of the AoSHQ:
Help me adjust the parameters of a crazy new role-playing board game. Each player's character in the game has three attributes: Brain Wallet Dick At the start of the game, each player gets a certain amount of credit-units which they can apportion however they want amongst the three attributes. You baseline starting level is IQ of 60 $0 in wallet 4-inch penis You are given 8 credit-units. Each credit-unit can "buy" the following additional bonus values for your character: 1 credit-unit = 10 IQ points - or - $500,000 - or - 1 inch of penis length Examples: You decide to use ALL your credit units to buy IQ points. So your character in the game would have an IQ of 140, but be totally broke and have a 4-inch dick. Or.... You decide to convert all your credit units to money. You start the game with $4 million, but are very stupid and have a tiny dick. Or... You go all-in for penis length, and buy yourself 8 inches, giving your character a 12-inch monster penis, but you are extremely retarded and totally broke. Or... you can divvy it up however you want, e.g. 4 units for an IQ of 100 2 units fo $1 million 2 units for a 6-inch dick ...this being the "average compromise" choice. Want to be smarter? Then maybe 6 units for an IQ of 120 1 unit for $500,000 1 unit for a 5-inch dick. Etc. etc. Question: How would you spend your units to build your character? Obviously you'd need to know the rules of the game to decide, but just assume that the game is as close to real-life as possible. If everyone tends to make the same choice-direction because one category is perceived as having the most "value" per unit, then I will try adjust things so the values are more equally balanced. Ready, set -- build your characters! Posted by: zombie at January 11, 2020 03:39 AM (fK2gX) 595
My universal translator thingy quit on me. Now I'll never understand authentic proggie gibberish.
Posted by: RickZ at January 11, 2020 03:40 AM (Y8PSl) 596
well you know neither I am sure of that. History is the Left's kryptonite. Ok, if it is a few minutes on wiki to make a point online they can take it.
Posted by: Quint at January 11, 2020 03:41 AM (n13/j) Posted by: redc1c4 at January 11, 2020 03:44 AM (zHXTb) 598
Ready, set -- build your characters!
Posted by: zombie at January 11, 2020 03:39 AM (fK2gX) I'd throw all my money on 'dick'. I want to run for president as a Democrat so I want to be the biggest dick out there. Money I'll get from the suckers. IQ is not necessary to run for president as a Democrat. Posted by: RickZ at January 11, 2020 03:45 AM (Y8PSl) 599
Posted by: zombie at January 11, 2020 03:39 AM (fK2gX)
....................... 8" dick / IQ of 90 / $500,000...for the win! Posted by: Tentotwo at January 11, 2020 03:46 AM (yhf6w) 600
OK, let's keep track of everyone's votes:
RickZ IQ 60 $0 12" dick Tentotwo IQ 90 $500,000 8" dick Posted by: zombie at January 11, 2020 03:49 AM (fK2gX) 601
This I know demographics. Every month in ameriKKKa 200,000 minority kids turn voting age and nearly all hate conservatives. 6 million more will have turned 18 by november 2020. Look what happened to republicans in arizona in 2018 election. As for illegals voting when drumpf's commission looking for the 3 million illegals drumpf said voted against him in california. The commission shut itself down so the trumpkins on the commission didn't have to report they couldn't find any. In texas rethugs paid an illegal to vote ;but he got cold feet and took the money and ran instead of voting!
Posted by: raimondo at January 11, 2020 03:53 AM (++Ovi) 602
Another way to phrase the question, to take it out of the theoretical and make it more real:
Right now --- whatever age you are, whatever your life situation is -- a genie appears to you and says "I will grant you 8 wishes. Each wish can be either for 10 additional IQ points, or for $500,000, or for 1 extra inch on your penis. What are your 8 wishes?" Not a game. In real life. Posted by: zombie at January 11, 2020 03:56 AM (fK2gX) 603
Obviously raimondo went for the four million!
Posted by: Tentotwo at January 11, 2020 03:56 AM (yhf6w) 604
OK, let's keep track of everyone's votes:
RickZ IQ 60 $0 12" dick Tentotwo IQ 90 $500,000 8" dick raimondo IQ 60 $4,000,000 4" dick Posted by: zombie at January 11, 2020 03:59 AM (fK2gX) 605
So I just watched Will Smith on Fallon saying Tyler Perry built his
studio on a "former Confederate" army base. It took about three seconds to find out that he was talking about Fort Mcpherson near Atlanta. Fort Mcpherson was a US Army base established in 1867 and named after one of the most famous USA Generals of the Civil War. It is odd that Smith picks out this fort as many major US Army forts in the south are named after Confederates. Why call a fort that has been US Army since 1867 and named after a US civil war hero a "confederate fort". I wonder when the Fallon audience believe it stopped being Confederate, when Perry bought it? I did some more online research (the worst kind) and there is some info (not one Wiki) that says the area was used as a training ground by the CSA at some point during the war. But what part of Georgia, the Carolinas, and VA were not used by the CSA during the war? I just find it odd to call a former US Army base of almost 150 years a Confederate base. Particularly a base located in the deep south that was named for a USA hero instead of a CSA general. I think people should just learn more history, but that is not going to happen. Posted by: Quint at January 11, 2020 04:01 AM (n13/j) Posted by: jsg at January 11, 2020 04:03 AM (XVaPh) 607
RickZ IQ 60 $0 12" dick Tentotwo IQ 90 $500,000 8" dick raimondo IQ 60 $4,000,000 4" dick jsg IQ 100 $1,000,000 7" dick Posted by: zombie at January 11, 2020 04:05 AM (fK2gX) 608
Oops, make it 500K women don't want no short dick man.
Posted by: jsg at January 11, 2020 04:05 AM (XVaPh) 609
Hey, wait a minute jsp -- you used 9 units. Gotta subtract something somewhere.
Posted by: zombie at January 11, 2020 04:06 AM (fK2gX) 610
RickZ IQ 60 $0 12" dick Tentotwo IQ 90 $500,000 8" dick raimondo IQ 60 $4,000,000 4" dick jsg IQ 100 $500,000 7" dick Posted by: zombie at January 11, 2020 04:06 AM (fK2gX) 611
I think my first post added up to 9 credits zombie so chop a 1/2 mill off of my answer.
Posted by: jsg at January 11, 2020 04:07 AM (XVaPh) 612
OK that's good.
Posted by: jsg at January 11, 2020 04:08 AM (XVaPh) 613
611 I think my first post added up to 9 credits zombie so chop a 1/2 mill off of my answer.
Posted by: jsg Done. Posted by: zombie at January 11, 2020 04:08 AM (fK2gX) 614
RainMan, we know you far better than you do.
All you can do is project the bigotry and shallow thinking you are guilty of onto us so you can continue pretending you are one of the good guys. Now go back to mommy's basement and take your psych meds. Posted by: SuberE at January 11, 2020 04:09 AM (EPXLU) 615
With an IQ of 60, I'll have raimondos money and unsatisfied female in no time.
Posted by: jsg at January 11, 2020 04:09 AM (XVaPh) 616
Ahh Raimando, from the land of Five Dorkdoms.
Posted by: Kazi Honorary Choom Ganga at January 11, 2020 04:11 AM (0x00j) 617
601 Every month in ameriKKKa 200,000 minority kids turn voting age
I question those matematicals... Posted by: jsg at January 11, 2020 04:14 AM (XVaPh) Posted by: Kazi Musabeivich Atazhukin at January 11, 2020 04:17 AM (0x00j) 619
And every month in Amerikkka, 300,000 middle-aged liberals get "mugged by reality" and turn conservative.
Life is an endless conveyor belt rightward. Posted by: zombie at January 11, 2020 04:17 AM (fK2gX) Posted by: jsg at January 11, 2020 04:17 AM (XVaPh) 621
RainMan doesn't think. He just mindlessly parrots disproven leftist talking points that they mistakenly thought were clever.
Calling them mindless drones would be to elevate their level of "thinking". Twitter has many, many, examples of said leftist behavior. Posted by: SuberE at January 11, 2020 04:18 AM (EPXLU) 622
Actually Raimando started the game a little farther back behind the 8-ball then most with an IQ of 40 and a 2" little thumper!
Posted by: Tentotwo at January 11, 2020 04:18 AM (yhf6w) 623
On the Iranian airliner shoot down there are already conspiracy theories around it.
I guess nothing can happen by accident anymore. Posted by: SuberE at January 11, 2020 04:19 AM (EPXLU) 624
618 Number of vowels:
Poland 9 Welsh 7 Kabardian (East Circassian from the Caucasus) 3 Posted by: Kazi Musabeivich Atazhukin Counting system of some South American tribes in the Amazon basin, listing all known real numbers: One Two Many That's it. Stops there. Posted by: zombie at January 11, 2020 04:20 AM (fK2gX) 625
That's as far as I got with the "new" math zombie.
Posted by: Kazi at January 11, 2020 04:22 AM (0x00j) Posted by: SuberE at January 11, 2020 04:22 AM (EPXLU) 627
623. When the Dutch shoot down an airline and say it is an accident, I will believe them. When the Iranians do it, I have to say Hmm.
Posted by: Quint at January 11, 2020 04:26 AM (n13/j) 628
Counting system of some South American tribes in the Amazon basin, listing all known real numbers:
One Two Many That's it. Stops there. Posted by: zombie at January 11, 2020 04:20 AM (fK2gX) Well, to be fair, there have been times when I've had one too many as well ... Posted by: Adriane the Forbidden Planet Critic ... at January 11, 2020 04:27 AM (LPnfS) 629
626 Side question on the game.
Must my penis be made longer? What if I want more girth? Posted by: SuberE To get extra girth, you have to subtract 10 IQ points from your original 60, and go $1 million into debt. You'd end up with the beefiest dick in town, but be a drooling moron in debtor's prison. Posted by: zombie at January 11, 2020 04:28 AM (fK2gX) 630
I understand that POV, but it is the Iranians we are talking about. Not exactly a varsity team. Yes, I could be wrong. Perhaps they were hoping to blame it directly on our "retaliation"? Need more proof of that before I decide. Posted by: SuberE at January 11, 2020 04:30 AM (EPXLU) Posted by: SuberE at January 11, 2020 04:32 AM (EPXLU) 632
of course it could have been an accident. But these guys are not dumb, they know it could have been an accident too It might sound paranoid but it is not. These people have historically blown civilian airlines out of the sky. They knew they could not get away with taking out American troops or even Americans at this point. It is possible someone in their command wanted to go alla akbar on some Westerners.
I am not saying that is what happened but it could have been. Just last night you had the AFP saying Iran denied shooting down the plane and then an hour later the AP saying Iran admitted to shooting down the plane. Posted by: Quint at January 11, 2020 04:35 AM (n13/j) 633
631 #629
Are there women in this "debtors prison"? Just wondering. Posted by: SuberE Yes, but they're only attracted to smart guys. Posted by: zombie at January 11, 2020 04:35 AM (fK2gX) 634
Well it seems they were pretty much caught red handed thanks to cell phone video. My understanding is that a large number of the victims were Iranians studying abroad that had been visiting family. Nothing wrong with skepticism, but some of the theories are a bit tinfoil heavy. Posted by: SuberE at January 11, 2020 04:41 AM (EPXLU) 635
634 I am just not sure about that, though I have not seen the theories. I would place it as 70 percent they did it by accident and 30 percent they did it on purpose even if the high commander did not give the ok.
What bothers me about the accident is it doesn't make any sense. We did not fire on Iran, they fired on us and that was hours before this plane wen't down. We did not send planes into Iran, this was a plan from their own airport in their own capital. They can't cry that we send a bunch of incoming in and they made a mistake. Sure the Left doesn't care and 45 percent of the country is ready to believe them, but it makes no sense. If the Brits fired a SAM at an airline out of Heathrow would people just say "well, that makes sense, it is Trump's fault?" And what point does none of this make sense. Posted by: Quint at January 11, 2020 04:47 AM (n13/j) 636
If Iran was launching rockets I think they would expect a counter strike. Someone was very nervous and fired first to ask questions later. For as evil as they are on purpose has no good reason to do that.
Posted by: Skip at January 11, 2020 04:55 AM (ZCEU2) 637
I'll split 4 and 4 between IQ and da money. I'm OK with the present size of my accoutrements, and more importantly I'm hearing no complaints from Mrs Hades.
![]() Good morning roonz and roonettez! Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at January 11, 2020 04:56 AM (ZXnzo) 638
final point about the Tyler Perry, Will Smith, CSA thing. I checked at the US Army history site and it is true that CSA soldiers used the area for training at some point during the war. If Perry takes his ownership of the former US Army base as a point of pride, then that is fine with me. But they might want to mention 150 years of the base as a US Army fort and all that entails. I wonder if they did anything to preserve that history.
Posted by: Quint at January 11, 2020 04:56 AM (n13/j) 639
Posted by: JT at January 11, 2020 04:56 AM (arJlL) 640
It could be jumpy soldiers expecting us to retaliate and then firing in a panic. Remember, they couldn't beat the Iraqis and we saw how the Iraqis reacted to our air strikes. I wouldn't be surprised if their AA did as much damage as our air strikes seeing as how they sprayed it everywhere. My guess is the guys that fired the missile will wind up liquidated. From what I have read or been told, the armies of the ME are anything but top tier. Posted by: SuberE at January 11, 2020 04:58 AM (EPXLU) 641
If Iran was launching rockets I think they would expect a counter strike. Someone was very nervous and fired first to ask questions later. For as evil as they are on purpose has no good reason to do that. Posted by: Skip at January 11, 2020 04:55 AM (ZCEU2) like I said, I am 70-30. But look what they have done over the years like the US Embassy, the Marine Barracks, and on and on. So many times people with nomal mores can not understand a true terrorist. Again. it is not likely but no way am I putting in past them. Hell, they have done it before. Posted by: Quint at January 11, 2020 04:59 AM (n13/j) 642
That they might be dead already is a good possibility. No way would they want any eye witnesses getting out.
Posted by: Skip at January 11, 2020 05:02 AM (ZCEU2) 643
I would not put it past them either. Generally I tend to be a skeptic when it comes to conspiracies. Give me solid evidence to the contrary, and I can change my mind. So far no one has. Posted by: SuberE at January 11, 2020 05:03 AM (EPXLU) 644
Genie only appears to men? That's useless.
![]() Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 11, 2020 05:04 AM (WI7YS) Posted by: Vic at January 11, 2020 05:06 AM (mpXpK) 646
I would not put it past them either. Generally I tend to be a skeptic when it comes to conspiracies. Give me solid evidence to the contrary, and I can change my mind. So far no one has. Posted by: SuberE at January 11, 2020 05:03 AM (EPXLU) me too. But I am not seeing the conspiracy. I thought you were thinking of some doozies. I say 70 percent a SAM operator got jumpy and screwed up. 30 percent the Iranians did this to spread pain and fear with no expected retribution I still stand by that and no conspiracy is needed Just read some Iranian history. Posted by: Quint at January 11, 2020 05:07 AM (n13/j) 647
Am going to use up my blueberries and make pancakes but since I have no sausages there is no hurry to get up.
Posted by: Skip at January 11, 2020 05:09 AM (ZCEU2) 648
I think a lot of people in high places have shown the Iranians let people know when the rockets were firing and that they were pulling their shots. But the rocket attacks were long before the Ukrainian plane shoot down.
Actually I am over it. The explanation is their is plane site. We did not fire on them we did not send it planes. Someone in their capital mistakes a civilian liner leaving their own airport for an air raid? What else needs to be said. There is a reason most Dems blame Trump for the deaths. They blame it on a possible American air raid too. Not trying to be a jerk but it is the truths. At some point you either by this as The Fog of War or read about war and not buy that. Even that scrub Tom Nichols is not buying it. Posted by: Quint at January 11, 2020 05:18 AM (n13/j) 649
so many typos but still accurate. Look I understand why people assume this was an accident. But many on the Left extrapolate from that, that this was an understandable accident. And from there they blame Trump for starting the whole thing. It is funny that they pick a certain time that fits their narrative as as "starting it"
I still say the Iranians could have done it on purpose and anyone who knows my posts knows I don't believe in conspiracy theories writ large. But I do know how evil the Iranian state has been. They can't beat us conventionally. Anyone who expected them to rain down fire on our bases is pretty naive. They would be smoking about now, and not Hookah. Posted by: Quint at January 11, 2020 05:23 AM (n13/j) 650
Am going to use up my blueberries and make pancakes but since I have no sausages there is no hurry to get up.
Posted by: Skip Gonna wait for a pig to show up and make yer own ? Posted by: JT at January 11, 2020 05:24 AM (arJlL) 651
We're going to find out that Iraq/Iran are money laundering tools for the left just like Ukraine.
I also won't be at all surprised if there was one high-level associate of Clinton / Obama / Biden / Kerry / Pelosi / etc. on that flight. Posted by: Moron Robbie - Tehran was turning his life around at January 11, 2020 05:27 AM (ASmf0) Posted by: Moron Robbie - Tehran was turning his life around at January 11, 2020 05:29 AM (ASmf0) 653
intemded for the EMT
About the jet Iran now admits they shot down the Russian civilian jet, but taking their cue from US communists with a 'D' they still blame Trump. Posted by: Vic at January 11, 2020 05:33 AM (mpXpK) 654
Friday morning was up from 0130hrs until 4 trying to sleep, might as well just get up now.
And maybe a pig is waiting in the kitchen. Posted by: Skip at January 11, 2020 05:35 AM (ZCEU2) 655
Spewed some damn good coffee everywhere. Great ONT, though.
Posted by: Eromero at January 11, 2020 05:49 AM (UUkQp) 656
I've been up since about 3AM (Houston time) when the power went out. Centerpoint Energy says it will be fixed by 9:30. They also say it affects about 39 people.
I got my first notice from them at around 12:30 so apparently they took my power down to fix the issue in the neighborhood. I'm just lying in the dark listening to the UPS beep. What's up with you guys? Posted by: Cybersmythe at January 11, 2020 05:51 AM (N4pek) 657
Iran now admits they shot down the Russian civilian jet, but taking their cue from US communists with a 'D' they still blame Trump.
Why, did they think Trump! was on it? (just got here, didn't read the link) Posted by: Bruce at January 11, 2020 05:53 AM (vd8XM) 658
I've been up since about 3AM (Houston time) when the power went out. Centerpoint Energy says it will be fixed by 9:30. They also say it affects about 39 people. I got my first notice from them at around 12:30 so apparently they took my power down to fix the issue in the neighborhood. I'm just lying in the dark listening to the UPS beep. What's up with you guys? Posted by: Cybersmythe at January 11, 2020 05:51 AM (N4pek) When my power goes out it doesn't matter if I keep the computer up on the UPS, the modem and cable goes out at the same time so no internet. Posted by: Vic at January 11, 2020 05:55 AM (mpXpK) 659
Iran getting Democrat's talking points now
Posted by: Skip at January 11, 2020 05:55 AM (ZCEU2) 660
Iran now admits they shot down the Russian civilian jet, but taking their cue from US communists with a 'D' they still blame Trump. Why, did they think Trump! was on it? (just got here, didn't read the link) Posted by: Bruce at January 11, 2020 05:53 AM (vd8XM) The same reason the communists in our House blames Trump ----- Orangeman bad. Posted by: Vic at January 11, 2020 05:56 AM (mpXpK) 661
So close to all6
Posted by: Skip at January 11, 2020 05:58 AM (ZCEU2) 662
Rain has turned to freezing rain. Still predicted to turn to snow later. Anywhere from 4- 12" 31° now with winds gusting to 36mph. They are howling out there now.
Posted by: My life is insanity at January 11, 2020 05:59 AM (Z/jzm) 663
Posted by: Bruce at January 11, 2020 06:01 AM (vd8XM) 664
Waves hand waves hand Sir I know where there are a lot of PIGS........the SS SWINGER.
Posted by: saf at January 11, 2020 06:01 AM (5IHGB) 665
Can't get so close and not go all the way, so...
Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at January 11, 2020 06:53 AM (ZXnzo) 666
Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at January 11, 2020 06:53 AM (ZXnzo) 667
This concludes your ONT. Please refer to the ENT posted above. Thank you.
Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at January 11, 2020 06:54 AM (ZXnzo) 668
When my power goes out it doesn't matter if I keep the computer up on the UPS, the modem and cable goes out at the same time so no internet.
Posted by: Vic at January 11, 2020 05:55 AM That was on the phone, so it was AT&T's Internet. The cable modem, router/firewall, and WLAP are all on the same UPS, and didn't know how long that would hold out, so turned WIFI off on the phone. (More than two hours, as it turns out. Power's been back almost an hour now.) During hurricanes Ike and Rita, I lost Internet about half an hour before I lost power. Posted by: Cybersmythe at January 11, 2020 07:09 AM (edlKR) 669
Blonde Morticia - No a different one. The one concerned about my heart is a good guy. My mom weighs 226 lbs and I have shriveled (literally) muscles on my limbs.
Posted by: Baldy at January 11, 2020 07:39 AM (+EDVk) 670
That is one fine ONT.
Posted by: Roulette girl at January 11, 2020 08:19 AM (3v+lN) 671
1̶͙̈ ̶̦̏8̴͇̀ ̶͗ͅ7̷̛̻ ̷̤̃7̵͉̓ ̷̡̾K̷͔̈́ ̵͉͠A̸͍̎ ̶̨̕R̵̭̚ ̵̙͑S̶͇͑ ̵̟͝F̴̡̉ ̶͓͛O̸̤͂ ̴̦̊R̵̖̆ ̷̠̑K̵̨͘ ̴̖̂Ǐ̴̘ ̷̗̉D̶̠̐ ̸̲͒S̴̝̀
Posted by: hogmartin at January 11, 2020 09:00 AM (t+qrx) 672
The bread that looks like a butt is called MONAY. It's a type of Filipino bun, the name is corrupted word for monja (nun).
Filipinos use the word to describe women's rear end. Posted by: Oggi at January 11, 2020 09:34 AM (Bk5Q+) 673
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