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Straight-Arrow Prosecutors: Video Footage of Jeffrey Epstein's Cell During His First Attempted " " " Suicide " " " Attempt Has Been " " " Inadvertently " " " Erased

Sure, that's exactly what must have happened.

See, they did preserve video footage.

It's just that, they preserved video footage from an entirely different tier of the jail.



In a Thursday filing, Swergold admitted that the Metropolitan Correctional Center had preserved footage amid the investigation -- only it was the wrong cell in the Lower Manhattan jail.

"The Government has learned that the MCC inadvertently preserved video from the wrong tier within the MCC, and, as a result, video from outside the defendant's cell on July 22 – 23, 2019 (i.e. the requested video) no longer exists," the letter reads.

Don't worry, though. This is all on the up-and-up.

A corrupt cop currently on trial for a quadruple homicide while working with the drug cartels is trying to prove that it wasn't he who caused Epstein's neck injuries that day.

A lawyer for Epstein's one-time cellmate, Nicholas Tartaglione, has been seeking the footage in order to prove that his client -- a former cop who is awaiting trial for a quadruple homicide -- is not responsible for the neck injuries Epstein sustained while they shared a cell weeks before the suicide.

The letter claims MCC staff were misled by a computer system that wrongly listed Tartaglione as being housed in a different cell during those dates -- and therefore kept the footage from outside that incorrect cell.

Prosecutors say they realized the mistake after the facility turned over footage on Jan. 3.

Via Instapundit, who comments:

So Epstein was put in a cell with a dirty cop linked to Mexican cartels? Really?

When this broke, I joked that Hillary Clinton had paid a corrupt cop to kill Epstein.

Why a cop? Because they can move in and out of jails and they know enough people who can "forget" to note that they entered at such and such a time.

Why corrupt? Well, obviously if you're going to pay a cop to do a murder, you'd like him to be corrupt.

And of course: Democrat politicians know a lot of corrupt cops.

I imagine the Clintons have a long list of dirty cops they can, and occasionally do, hire for sundry purposes.

I just said that as a joke, just riffing on the most obvious scenario.


Well, who knows. This particular guy is trying to get the videotape to prove his innocence, and certainly he himself didn't erase the videotape.

Still, this is all extremely suspicious.

My first thought was "Well we sure don't want any dirty cops, one foot in the government, the other foot in organized crime in Jeffrey Epstein's cell."

But our straight-arrow betters had a different thought entirely. Apparently they thought, "That's exactly the kind of guy we want in the cell with the politically-inconvenient Epstein."

Why is it that the sort of person a casual observer thinks of as the most likely sort of man to be a paid assassin taking care of someone else's political problem is the exact same sort of man the Democrats put in the same cell as Jeffrey Epstein?

The government and civil "service" and law enforcement aren't really this corrupt that they could attempt not one but two arranged "suicide attempts" and then just delete the videotape and expect their fellow civil "servants" to cover for them, are they?

Are they?!

Is this what America really is?

Posted by: Ace at 04:11 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 st

Posted by: DR.WTF at January 09, 2020 04:11 PM (aS1PU)

2 Heinlein was described anhonest cop as one who stays bought

Posted by: Bill Hedrick at January 09, 2020 04:11 PM (WHmC/)

3 somebody called NOON?

Posted by: Ex-Mayor Pete at January 09, 2020 04:12 PM (45lFm)

4 For those who remember like five years ago when I used to summarily dismiss conspiracy theories, I'm sorry.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 09, 2020 04:13 PM (JCrfD)

5 Epstein Pitch Meeting to Hillary?

Posted by: Reformed NeverTrumper at January 09, 2020 04:13 PM (0jZvB)

6 right date, right time, wrong cell.

that's what it says.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at January 09, 2020 04:13 PM (r+sAi)

7 somebody called NOON?
Posted by: Ex-Mayor Pete at January 09, 2020 04:12 PM (45lFm)

shut up

Posted by: DR.WTF at January 09, 2020 04:13 PM (aS1PU)

8 dammit

Posted by: FrodoB,
hobbits don't wear socks at January 09, 2020 04:13 PM (45lFm)

9 When the moon breaks your neck
And your spine is a wreck

Posted by: BourbonChicken at January 09, 2020 04:14 PM (WOjui)

10 I move to dismiss the charges against Hillary by reason of insufficient evidence.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at January 09, 2020 04:14 PM (YslsA)

11 You guys!

Posted by: tubal at January 09, 2020 04:14 PM (90T4r)

12 shut up

Posted by: DR.WTF at
--it is to laugh

Posted by: FrodoB,
hobbits don't wear socks at January 09, 2020 04:14 PM (45lFm)

13 Are we even really sure there was an Epstein at this point?

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at January 09, 2020 04:14 PM (1CjJc)

14 This is what happens when your culture glorifies movies like The Godfather instead of movies like The Three Amigos.

Posted by: garrett at January 09, 2020 04:14 PM (fOH6p)

15 I heard that there was a NOON thread and thought I must be in the wrong timezone.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserios at January 09, 2020 04:15 PM (pw+jk)

16 There is a long history of cops doing mob hits

Posted by: steevy at January 09, 2020 04:15 PM (KNsKs)

17 The corruption cuts like my blade; deep, wide, and often.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 09, 2020 04:15 PM (K8gH+)

18 Bunch of Clowns. Working in the Clown Factory.

Posted by: tubal at January 09, 2020 04:15 PM (90T4r)

19 Are they?!


Posted by: Manco at January 09, 2020 04:15 PM (he2ZZ)

20 The corruption cuts like my blade; deep, wide, and often.

Posted by: Damocles at January 09, 2020 04:15 PM (45lFm)

21 Just fire everyone with cause.

Posted by: Captain Hate at January 09, 2020 04:16 PM (y7DUB)

22 But yeah, dirty Westchester Cop.

Who did Epstein, who totally did not kill himself, know that lives in Westchester, hmmmm?

Posted by: garrett at January 09, 2020 04:16 PM (fOH6p)

23 How convenient!
- the church lady

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at January 09, 2020 04:16 PM (r+sAi)

24 This entire episode really makes me have great deal of respect for the FBI, the fed law enforcement in general and those who ran this highly secure prison.

Okay, not really. It's a veritable "How Not To Do All The Things".

And as always, EDKH.

re: the sidebar - is Elizabeth Warren doing the Secretariat dance from Craig Ferguson's Late Late Show? She looks ridiculous. As does Jefe Castro. He dances just as white. Heh. What a clown car.

Posted by: turambar at January 09, 2020 04:16 PM (Gylu/)

25 Nothin' for y'all to see here. Move along.

Posted by: Dixie Mafia at January 09, 2020 04:16 PM (6VO15)

26 Of course the LEOs had to have done the hit. Geez, this ain't rocket science.

Posted by: tubal at January 09, 2020 04:16 PM (90T4r)

27 Who's in charge of this facility? Which govt entity?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at January 09, 2020 04:16 PM (fmexF)

28 The best kind of conspiracy is one which, to prosecute or talk about, requires you to destroy people's trust and understanding of how the world works. The more blatant and obvious you are when an authority, the harder time people will have believing or at least admitting it could possibly be what it obviously appears to have been.

Staring right in the camera, shooting the little girl in the face, and snorting meth off her naked body, then daring people to talk about it level of defiance. What are you gonna do about it? Its Craaaaazy to think I'd do that, isn't it? That must be all faked. That's much more reasonable and comforting to believe than that someone in power really would have done such a thing.

Posted by: Ghostly Christopher R Taylor at January 09, 2020 04:17 PM (KZzsI)

29 Dimitri, you lost ANOTHER videotape?

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at January 09, 2020 04:17 PM (YslsA)

Sadly, I believe the Incompetence theory. It's simply bottomless. After all: Top. Men.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 09, 2020 04:17 PM (13CQC)

31 This is what happens when your culture glorifies movies like The Godfather instead of movies like The Three Amigos.

Don't even get me started on the violence inherent in Super Mario Brothers!

Posted by: Ghostly Christopher R Taylor at January 09, 2020 04:17 PM (KZzsI)

32 Yeesh.

And they expect us to trust them?

Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas at January 09, 2020 04:18 PM (SRRAx)

33 I find it hard to believe that any member of the FBI would not be above suspicion.

I mean, come on, they are all honest and on the up and up.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at January 09, 2020 04:18 PM (YslsA)

34 Did Epstein host junkets for Enron advisors?

Just askin'.

Posted by: Eeyore at January 09, 2020 04:18 PM (ZbwAu)

35 You can be sure that a copy of that video exists in some mansion's bathroom in Chappaqua -- and used as foreplay.

Posted by: ShainS -- Make the 20's Roar Again! at January 09, 2020 04:18 PM (6wEBw)

36 You've been erased Jeff.

Posted by: John "The Eraser" Kruger who knows Epstein did not kill himself at January 09, 2020 04:18 PM (BRpqW)

37 he's not dead.

Posted by: nurse ratched at January 09, 2020 04:18 PM (d7Ww2)

38 I want to know how Iranian bottle rockets were unable to hit non-moving targets on the ground but able top bring down a non-target a civilian aircraft in the air. It is almost like they are monkeys at a typewriter. Savage, incompetent monkeys.

Posted by: Ripley at January 09, 2020 04:19 PM (MxEKc)

39 It really is that corrupt.

The best way to thrive is never, ever interacting with government.

And it is no longer possible to avoid government.

Posted by: rd at January 09, 2020 04:19 PM (+0uDE)

40 How many of the dozens of people intimately involved with this non-suicide are no-longer drawing a government paycheck as a result? I'm pretty sure the number is south of 2.

Posted by: DocJ at January 09, 2020 04:19 PM (77WPm)

41 Sadly, I believe the Incompetence theory. It's simply bottomless. After all: Top. Men.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 09, 2020 04:17 PM (13CQC)

Umm NO!
The incompetence always goes 1 way, 100% of the time.

This is enemy action.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserios at January 09, 2020 04:19 PM (pw+jk)

42 Would you say I have a Plethora of Corruption?

Posted by: El Guapo at January 09, 2020 04:19 PM (fOH6p)

43 Nicholas Tartaglione is like the stereotypical person you never want as a cellmate. Corrupt, murderous, and juiced up.

Posted by: Augustine at January 09, 2020 04:20 PM (BDZWU)

44 Glad we got that cleared up. So we will just buy that "He committed suicide." Line Just like you said he did.

BTW you still want me to turn my gun over to you? I think a wise man said "I will meet you at the Airport."

Posted by: Picric at January 09, 2020 04:20 PM (96AXo)

45 Is this what America really is?

Sharyl probably has an opinion on this.

Posted by: GnuBreed at January 09, 2020 04:20 PM (Z4rgH)

46 37: They killed the pest possible look alike?

Posted by: CN at January 09, 2020 04:20 PM (U7k5w)

47 Just fire everyone with cause.
Posted by: Captain Hate

Fire everyone BECAUSE.

Because y'all are fucking incompetent.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2020 04:20 PM (nQpdK)

48 Ace, run the probabilities of all of the things that had to happen for the Epstein death to have been an actual suicide. There are a lot of one in a hundred, or one in a thousand events that had to occur. Those .01 and .001 probabilities multiply together and wind up giving you about a one in a one in a billion chance of that being an actual suicide. As one of the posters pointed out yesterday - why go to the trouble of braiding a tissue paper sheet into something strong enough to hang yourself - when he could have used the power cord from his CPAP machine?
He was murdered.

Posted by: An Observation at January 09, 2020 04:21 PM (+KULC)

49 and someone has the little black book.

or a thumb drive.

shitty people like epstein never go down alone. they always take others with them.

I don't think he's dead.

Posted by: nurse ratched at January 09, 2020 04:21 PM (d7Ww2)

50 I mean they get bolder and bolder. Seth Rich gunned down right in the street, nothing taken, and the police mention routine robbery?? People squawk about it, and are shouted down as crazy conspiracy mongers. Why not go further and be more blatant?

"What the hell are YOU gonna do about it, little man?"
--The establishment

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 09, 2020 04:21 PM (KZzsI)

51 I heard that there was a NOON thread and thought I must be in the wrong timezone.

I think that was a shoutout to our Hawaiian homies..

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at January 09, 2020 04:21 PM (so+oy)

52 Epstein's video didn't delete itself.

Posted by: Max Power at January 09, 2020 04:21 PM (q177U)

53 The government and civil "service" and law enforcement aren't really this corrupt that they could attempt not one but two arranged "suicide attempts" and then just delete the videotape and expect their fellow civil "servants" to cover for them, are they?

Are they?!

Is this what America really is?


Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at January 09, 2020 04:21 PM (mf5HN)

54 Twice is incompetence. Thrice is a plot. More than thrice is just malevolence.

Posted by: joncelli, bludgeoning with a pouncing seize at January 09, 2020 04:21 PM (RD7QR)

55 Sadly, I believe the Incompetence theory. It's simply bottomless. After all: Top. Men.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 09, 2020 04:17 PM (13CQC)

Probably a lot to this.
Three or so generations of public school graduates taught by leftist asshats that are unleashed into the workforce that includes basic civil service jobs like jailers. Superimpose generational corruption and it's pretty obvious this is what we get.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 09, 2020 04:21 PM (K8gH+)

56 It's ironic, isn't it? *hic*

Posted by: Ready For Hillary!!11!! at January 09, 2020 04:21 PM (vtcmf)

re: the sidebar - is Elizabeth Warren doing the Secretariat dance from Craig Ferguson's Late Late Show? She looks ridiculous. As does Jefe Castro. He dances just as white. Heh. What a clown car.
Posted by: turambar at January 09, 2020 04:16 PM (Gylu/)

Laugh all you want, but outside a tiny storm cloud gathered and began to rain at exactly the rate of 1/1,024th an inch per hour.

Posted by: Bilwis, Devourer of Low Glycemic Souls at January 09, 2020 04:21 PM (jp0Bv)

58 All in all, it's a pretty shitty Surveillance State, occasionally.

Posted by: tubal at January 09, 2020 04:21 PM (90T4r)

59 Conspiracy plausible to me.

Posted by: Ghost of Vince Foster at January 09, 2020 04:21 PM (6VO15)

60 "Is this what America really is?"

It is, and has been, for decades.

We're only finding out about it now because the insane people in charge of all of this shit are so brazen that they don't even try to hide it any longer.

They know they will never be called to account.

Just more names to add to The Burning Times Lists

Posted by: Sharkman at January 09, 2020 04:22 PM (hixLE)

61 You may hate Josef Stalin, but he did do one thing right.

He regularly purged every Russian State bureaucracy on a regular basis. It sure kept those Bureaucrats on their toes.

Posted by: rd at January 09, 2020 04:22 PM (+0uDE)

62 There is corruption and collusion in American government and media everywhere you look. Why *wouldn't* they feel they can get away with this? What fear would hold them back?

Posted by: Tim at January 09, 2020 04:22 PM (4l5Pc)

63 Sadly this is on Bill Barr, he could have and should have ordered Epstein moved to an untouchables facility.

Epstein was literally the most important prisoner in the federal system but was for some reason treated as if he was a common street thug.

Posted by: Larry Vaughn at January 09, 2020 04:22 PM (8IS1R)

64 So they put him in a cell with a hitman cop who botches the job the first time.They cover it up with the "suicide attempt" story,get rid of the footage.

Posted by: steevy at January 09, 2020 04:22 PM (KNsKs)


Is this what America really is?

Posted by: Ace at 04:11 PM

the depth of LOL is too funny. Ace's face has frozen into a perpetual state of surprise. He never saw any of it coming. Ace's transition has been years of some guy gagging on a massive red pill and they still haven't quiet gotten it down yet.

Posted by: DFCtomm at January 09, 2020 04:22 PM (50gG9)

66 I want to know how Iranian bottle rockets were unable to hit non-moving targets on the ground but able top bring down a non-target a civilian aircraft in the air. It is almost like they are monkeys at a typewriter. Savage, incompetent monkeys.
Posted by: Ripley

They work as jailers also.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2020 04:22 PM (nQpdK)

67 Epstein couldn't afford a private cell?

Posted by: klaftern at January 09, 2020 04:22 PM (RuIsu)

68 And it's just a coincidence that Epstein's private banker hanged himself before the fbi could get around to asking him some questions about Epstein's money and how he made it.

Posted by: Larsen E. Whipsnade a fucking ray of sunshine at January 09, 2020 04:22 PM (bML9A)

69 As one of the posters pointed out yesterday - why go to the trouble of braiding a tissue paper sheet into something strong enough to hang yourself - when he could have used the power cord from his CPAP machine?


Some origami master needed a challenge is my guess.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at January 09, 2020 04:23 PM (YslsA)

70 one of *my* favorite Christmas movies is "The Ref", with Denis Leary.

In that one the cops get a copy of a security system videotape clearly showing Denis Leary as the burglar - and when they're fooling around with it in the station, since they have a new vcr player, they record "It's a wonderful life" over it.

then the captain goes to proudly show it to his boss.

Posted by: Tom Servo at January 09, 2020 04:23 PM (Kpl3J)

71 is Elizabeth Warren doing the Secretariat dance from Craig Ferguson's Late Late Show? She looks ridiculous.

Still not as bad as Elaine Benes

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 09, 2020 04:23 PM (KZzsI)

72 42 Would you say I have a Plethora of Corruption?
Posted by: El Guapo at January 09, 2020 04:19 PM (fOH6p)

Or a Peloton of Incompetence.

Posted by: joncelli, bludgeoning with a pouncing seize at January 09, 2020 04:23 PM (RD7QR)

73 Anyway. they know the motive for the Vegas incident too. Yes, the system IS that corrup

Posted by: CN at January 09, 2020 04:23 PM (U7k5w)

74 64
So they put him in a cell with a hitman cop who botches the job the
first time.They cover it up with the "suicide attempt" story,get rid of
the footage.

Posted by: steevy at January 09, 2020 04:22 PM (KNsKs)

Had to be some pretty sleepless nights and angry phone calls after that first botch "suicide."

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at January 09, 2020 04:23 PM (1CjJc)

75 How long until Tartaglione gets suicided?

Posted by: Surfperch at January 09, 2020 04:24 PM (tVQUs)

76 Has anyone else seen Spartan?

Yeah, I'm beginning to think that's not even approaching being cynical enough.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at January 09, 2020 04:24 PM (mf5HN)

77 Hmm. Disappearing comments.

Posted by: FrodoB,
hobbits don't wear socks at January 09, 2020 04:24 PM (45lFm)

78 I'm listening to Joe Rogan and Michael Malice. Malice made a couple astute observations. Why did we not see an Esptein perp walk like we do with everyone else? Why no pictures of him being arrested as he got off his plane in New Jersey?

Posted by: Augustine at January 09, 2020 04:24 PM (BDZWU)

79 And it's just a coincidence that Epstein's private banker hanged himself before the fbi could get around to asking him some questions about Epstein's money and how he made it.

That actually is pretty plausible. But damned convenient.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 09, 2020 04:24 PM (KZzsI)

80 66 I want to know how Iranian bottle rockets were unable to hit non-moving targets on the ground but able top bring down a non-target a civilian aircraft in the air. It is almost like they are monkeys at a typewriter. Savage, incompetent monkeys.
Posted by: Ripley
They work as jailers also.
Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2020 04:22 PM (nQpdK)

SkyNet was able to establish communications with that AA battery.

Posted by: Tom Servo at January 09, 2020 04:25 PM (Kpl3J)

81 "Seth Rich gunned down right in the street, nothing taken, and the police mention routine robbery?"

It was a "botched robbery". They killed the victim, but forgot to take his money. It's an easy oversight to make!

Posted by: Chris M at January 09, 2020 04:25 PM (eAZVt)

82 "Ace, run the probabilities of all of the things that had to happen for the Epstein death to have been an actual suicide. There are a lot of one in a hundred, or one in a thousand events that had to occur."

You mean like consecutive coin tosses in the Iowa primary in my favor?

Posted by: Jim McDermott at January 09, 2020 04:25 PM (iI7am)

83 Enjoying the really cool pictures of Billy Jeff with Maxwell boarding the Lolita Express and of him and one of the young escorts that was his daughter's age.

Disgusting pig along with his corrupt evil wife.

Posted by: Cheri at January 09, 2020 04:25 PM (oiNtH)

84 "New York!, New York!"

Posted by: Chairman of the Board at January 09, 2020 04:25 PM (sy5kK)

85 62:None. It's not like the FBI will actually investigate.

Posted by: CN at January 09, 2020 04:25 PM (U7k5w)

86 At this point are we actually sure it's Epstein that's dead?

Posted by: Dr Spank at January 09, 2020 04:25 PM (4e+hS)

87 Erased? Like with a pencil?


Posted by: HRC at January 09, 2020 04:25 PM (tVQUs)

88 Had to be some pretty sleepless nights and angry phone calls after that first botch "suicide."

And according to news reports it was his own lawyers who argued to get him off of suicide watch.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 09, 2020 04:25 PM (KZzsI)

89 Murder killing?
We support killing murderers.

Posted by: SuberE at January 09, 2020 04:25 PM (YW9KA)

90 Staring right in the camera, shooting the little girl in the face, and snorting meth off her naked body, then daring people to talk about it level of defiance. What are you gonna do about it? Its Craaaaazy to think I'd do that, isn't it? That must be all faked. That's much more reasonable and comforting to believe than that someone in power really would have done such a thing.

Posted by: Ghostly Christopher R Taylor

Ann Barnhardt posts about this all the time. They are diabolical narcissists. Evil, twisted souls who get off on getting away with crimes that normal human beings could never commit. The Clintons are DNs, as are most politicians.

Posted by: Sharkman at January 09, 2020 04:25 PM (hixLE)

91 Twice is incompetence. Thrice is a plot. More than thrice is just malevolence.
Posted by: joncelli, bludgeoning with a pouncing seize at January 09, 2020 04:21 PM (RD7QR)

No, more than thrice is absence of accountability.

No one gives a care. It is easier just to look away, and keep marking time until your retirement pension kicks in. Let the corrupt empire builders build their empires, and just hope you are not the one crushed by the empire builders.

Posted by: rd at January 09, 2020 04:26 PM (+0uDE)

92 Oops, forgot hillary sock @82

Posted by: Rex B at January 09, 2020 04:26 PM (iI7am)

93 You mean like consecutive coin tosses in the Iowa primary in my favor?
Posted by: Jim McDermott

--Hillary Clinton

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 09, 2020 04:26 PM (KZzsI)

94 Is this what America really is?

Yes. Come to grips with it and keep your powder dry.

Posted by: Eisenhorn at January 09, 2020 04:26 PM (uGHnY)

95 Yes this is America. Hillary was another important step on the way to fun camps. Believed it then, said it then, know it for damn sure now.

God sent Trump to put them off for maybe a generation, just as he did with Reagan. I wish it could be done another way but that would involve some less than happy consequences.

And this is how it goes. One generation at a time to keep the thieving mass murdering commie marauders at the gate.

At least the nevertumpers and journalists will be killed last. Oh no wait, they're all known traitorous subversives. Those always go first (Whoopsie!) after the revolution...

Posted by: ... at January 09, 2020 04:26 PM (SQBxe)

96 37
he's not dead.

Posted by: nurse ratched

Look at the ears in the autopsy pics and Epstein from before he didn't kill himself.

Posted by: Dirks Strewn at January 09, 2020 04:27 PM (/Fmtj)


Is this what America really is?

Posted by: Ace at 04:11 PM


Posted by: TheHoser at January 09, 2020 04:27 PM (IDjUx)

98 86: Where is he then?

Posted by: CN at January 09, 2020 04:27 PM (U7k5w)

99 You may hate Josef Stalin, but he did do one thing right.

He regularly purged every Russian State bureaucracy on a regular basis. It sure kept those Bureaucrats on their toes.
Posted by: rd at January 09, 2020 04:22 PM (+0uDE)

oh, geez...

Posted by: runner at January 09, 2020 04:27 PM (zr5Kq)

100 You mean wiped? Like with a magnet, a drill, and a car compacter?

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 09, 2020 04:27 PM (e284m)

101 Right now just about everything we learn about the functioning of our government falls into Ian Fleming's 'enemy action'.

Posted by: JEM at January 09, 2020 04:27 PM (8erNz)

It can never be said too often that Hot Springs, AK was a YUGE mafia run city.

With their fingers in everything and multiple connections with the politicians esp the governor and BJ's mentor.

Lots of convenient deaths have occurred around the Clintons for years.

What's the over/under that the Clintons singly or as a pair knows a guy who knows a guy?

Posted by: naturalfake at January 09, 2020 04:28 PM (9X624)

103 98 86: Where is he then?
Posted by: CN at January

club GITMO

Posted by: nurse ratched at January 09, 2020 04:28 PM (d7Ww2)

104 Ace's transition has been years of some guy gagging on a massive red pill and they still haven't quiet gotten it down yet.

Ace in ten years:
Hey you guys, I finally got a gun and my CCW. You can't rely on cops to protect you from violent people.

Posted by: bonhomme at January 09, 2020 04:28 PM (9t0Zz)

105 100 You mean wiped? Like with a magnet, a drill, and a car compacter?

Usually a hazardous-waste incinerator.

Posted by: JEM at January 09, 2020 04:28 PM (8erNz)

106 Why is it that the sort of person a casual observer thinks of as the
most likely sort of man to be a paid assassin taking care of someone
else's political problem is the exact same sort of man the Democrats put
in the same cell as Jeffrey Epstein?

Golly gee whiz, Wally. There's no way that could possibly have been arranged in advance. This is the police we're talking about.

After all if you can't trust the police, who can you trust?

Posted by: BackwardsBoy. Impeach the Democrat Traitors Instead at January 09, 2020 04:28 PM (HaL55)

107 Picture of the dude:

Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas at January 09, 2020 04:28 PM (SRRAx)

108 The people involved want us to know that they are in control

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at January 09, 2020 04:28 PM (ygLTd)

109 I guarantee not one major News outlet will report even a word of this story.

Of course, that goes without saying.

Posted by: Surfperch at January 09, 2020 04:28 PM (tVQUs)

110 Go ahead and try some of the maneuvers when the government asks you for data they think you should have.

We'll write you in jail, we promise.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 09, 2020 04:28 PM (e284m)

111 A quick aside regarding Democrats and corrupt cops. A college (that is, long-time) friend of mine was a career FBI agent who in his initial posting served in LR, AR. Billy Jeff had just ascended to POTUS.
He claimed that the there were several Arkansas State police officer with which he liaised who regaled him with stories of those in their service that essentially made their careers by serving as Governor Billy Jeff's procurers.
I suspect they spent considerable resources ensuring they (the Clintons) had a pool of corrupt LEO's to do their bidding. And no reason to believe that that practice continued once they left Arkansas- only then the pool included Feds.

Posted by: Alamo at January 09, 2020 04:28 PM (vGyhh)

112 Sloppy job, Mossad.

Posted by: squirrelly dan at January 09, 2020 04:29 PM (O8P7E)

113 Have the dumb ass Demoncrats blamed Trump yet for the shooting down of the airliner ???? If they have not, what are they waiting for......I know....Impeach Trump because Iran shot down an airliner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: James "Buster" Hymannd at January 09, 2020 04:29 PM (qM84C)

114 What's the over/under that the Clintons singly or as a pair knows a guy who knows a guy?

Are you serious? They are the Godparents of all the guys.

Posted by: dagny, first of her name at January 09, 2020 04:29 PM (nRWPy)

115 With all the pooches they're screwing, at least the chicken is getting a well deserved break.

Posted by: Stu Podaso at January 09, 2020 04:29 PM (I9DUa)

116 Where is he then?
Posted by: CN at January

club GITMO
Posted by: nurse ratched

Why? He's a liability alive.

If, IF he ever escaped....

Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2020 04:29 PM (nQpdK)

117 My mother was a federal prison guard for a short while. Based on her stories, I got the impression that prisons are deeply corrupt and that it attracts people who would love to be cops but who are too out of shape, stupid, and/or malevolent to be entrusted with the noble task of shooting other people's pets.* Virtually any scenario is possible here. And I'm sure we'll know exactly what happened here and why right after law enforcement reveals the Vegas shooter's motive.

* Yeah, yeah, I understand there are good people in all walks of life.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at January 09, 2020 04:30 PM (iys0/)

118 Is the vile and imbecilic media still trying to tie Trump to Epstein?

Posted by: Northernlurker, still lurking after all these years at January 09, 2020 04:30 PM (VH666)

119 99 You may hate Josef Stalin, but he did do one thing right.

He regularly purged every Russian State bureaucracy on a regular basis. It sure kept those Bureaucrats on their toes.
Posted by: rd at January 09, 2020 04:22 PM (+0uDE)
oh, geez...
Posted by: runner at January 09, 2020 04:27 PM (zr5Kq)

He's got a point - Stalin deserves credit for the things he got right. After all, he killed more communists than any US President ever did.

Posted by: Tom Servo at January 09, 2020 04:30 PM (Kpl3J)

120 And didn't Barr comment on taking over this Epstein incarceration personally?

Posted by: zeera BMGG - Books Make Great Gifts! at January 09, 2020 04:30 PM (X+a7J)

121 Picture of the dude:
Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas

Some 'roid rage in that guy.

Posted by: Cheri at January 09, 2020 04:30 PM (oiNtH)

122 Government employees sure do make a lot of oopsies. I'm sure a policy manual will be promised to be updated and everyone will move on.
As long as the unnamed low level corrections officer in the Cincinnati office didn't INTEND to erase the video then I guess our hands are tied. Oh well!

Posted by: Mst3k at January 09, 2020 04:30 PM (DTxSf)

123 I want to know how Iranian bottle rockets were unable to hit non-moving targets on the ground but able top bring down a non-target a civilian aircraft in the air. It is almost like they are monkeys at a typewriter. Savage, incompetent monkeys.

Posted by: Ripley

1500 years/70 generations of first cousins marrying each other and having their kids marry each other, etc. etc. The level of mental illness/retardation in Muslim-majority countries is incredibly high, though not often mentioned.

Posted by: Sharkman at January 09, 2020 04:30 PM (hixLE)

Three or so generations of public school graduates taught by leftist asshats that are unleashed into the workforce that includes basic civil service jobs like jailers. Superimpose generational corruption and it's pretty obvious this is what we get.
Posted by: Diogenes


Also the hiring practices, which consist of a lot of identity box-checking.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 09, 2020 04:31 PM (ZPyu3)

125 We're a Banana Republic at this point. The situation with Gen. Flynn just disgusts me and folks like Brennan, McCabe, and Peter Strzok will NEVER see justice.

Posted by: Winston at January 09, 2020 04:31 PM (GhVPW)

126 My cellmates would call me "the Strangler" if they were still alive.

Posted by: Nicholas Tartaglione at January 09, 2020 04:31 PM (tVQUs)

127 This video did not erase itself.

Any more than Epstein killed himself.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 09, 2020 04:31 PM (/pTOt)

128 Seriously, though, we don't know anything about worst mass murder in American history that took place in a very public setting. There's no way we get details about something that happened inside the jail.

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at January 09, 2020 04:31 PM (ygLTd)

129 >>>"Is this what America really is?"

I travel to the Southeast Asia (Philippines) a lot for business (tech). The amount of open corruption is astounding.

I've come to the conclusion that the corruption here in the US trumps (no pun intended) even the 3rd world, though for years it has been covered up with amazing discipline by our political, media, and business establishment.

Posted by: Dansgirls at January 09, 2020 04:32 PM (V25ON)

130 102

It can never be said too often that Hot Springs, AK was a YUGE mafia run city.

With their fingers in everything and multiple connections with the politicians esp the governor and BJ's mentor.

Lots of convenient deaths have occurred around the Clintons for years.

plausible deniability. alaska is more than ten miles away from arkansas.

Posted by: Anachronda at January 09, 2020 04:32 PM (sGtp+)

131 No really trust me.
I'll just hold the ball this time. Really.

Posted by: Lucy at January 09, 2020 04:32 PM (sGOvg)

132 And why, exactly, do you think it was New York they moved him to for prosecution the second time around?

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 09, 2020 04:32 PM (e284m)


Should have listened to Dr Michael Baden.

That guy's reputation has been trashed ever since he called BS on the autopsy, saying it was not a suicide.

The call of suicide was 5 days after the autopsy, which gave us a big hint they were trying to sweep something under the table. The CBS pictures on 60 Minutes showed a wound associated with a strangulation, not a bedsheet hanging. The more that a distant eye looked at this situation, the more it looked like a set up.

Now we know.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at January 09, 2020 04:32 PM (sy5kK)

134 Are we sure ValJar isn't involved somehow? We know how scandal-free Barry's admin. was and all, but maybe Epstein procured a young boy or two for him.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 09, 2020 04:32 PM (8Fb1F)

135 Epstein is dead. Juan too. They were just being methodical.

Posted by: SuberE at January 09, 2020 04:32 PM (YW9KA)

136 67 Epstein couldn't afford a private cell?
Posted by: klaftern at January 09, 2020 04:22 PM (RuIsu)


One of the ways they prevent suicide attempts is to put the suicide risk in with another prisoner. It takes a cold (and stupid) mothertrucker to watch someone off themselves. In most states it is also a crime.

Epstein's roommate was released Friday night, and they didn't put another prisoner in with him for the weekend.

Just another little oopsie. Just like all the normal sheets in his cell, not paper sheets.

Posted by: rd at January 09, 2020 04:33 PM (+0uDE)

137 Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence.

~ The Writings of St. Comey the Pious, Vol. 1

Posted by: Joe Mama at January 09, 2020 04:33 PM (OUkUA)

138 >>Picture of the dude:

That's Ace after he got into the Nair.

Posted by: garrett at January 09, 2020 04:33 PM (fOH6p)

139 If this wasn't done on purpose, and I have no idea if it was, then it shows the utter incompetence of that prison. If this is the level of diligence they have in watching over probably the most high-profile prisoner they had, what about the rest of them? Are they busy digging tunnels and filing away at their cell bars?

Posted by: bluebell at January 09, 2020 04:33 PM (/669Q)

140 This plot wouldn't get past the first rewrite.

They would say, "No. That is just way too on-the-nose. Nobody would believe this is real."

Posted by: Murrican Ninja War Eeyore at January 09, 2020 04:33 PM (xptlg)

141 Consider also the obscene wealth of the scions of Pelosi, Clinton and Biden -or- how people here illegally receive health care, education, etc. Why play by the rules? Why work hard and pay your bills?

Posted by: Winston at January 09, 2020 04:33 PM (GhVPW)

142 Didn't Barr's dad hire Epstein to teach at that prestigious school he taught at in the 70's and 80's?

Posted by: Augustine at January 09, 2020 04:33 PM (BDZWU)

143 "Is this what America really is?"

You don't want the real, unvarnished answer to that question.

And neither do I, for that matter. Because all the follow-up questions are worse.

Posted by: Rusty Nail at January 09, 2020 04:33 PM (I99aF)

144 As one of the posters pointed out yesterday - why go to the trouble of braiding a tissue paper sheet into something strong enough to hang yourself - when he could have used the power cord from his CPAP machine?

He was murdered.

Posted by: An Observation

Steven Crowder did a goofy video where he had a neck brace on and tried to hang himself from a bunk bed with a sheet with enough force to match what the Medical Examiner said was the force necessary to break the infamous hyoid bone.

Couldn't even get close to the force necessary until someone picked him up by both feet and wheel-barrowed him.

There was at least one other person in Epstein's cell when he died. It was definitely murder.

Posted by: Sharkman at January 09, 2020 04:33 PM (hixLE)

145 That's why he's been stepping on the GAINZ Threads.

He didn't want all you guys gettin' jealous of hs shredded self.

Posted by: garrett at January 09, 2020 04:34 PM (fOH6p)

146 Ok. Over a hundred so OT.
Watching Fox Sports and there was a quick blurb on how baseball brawls escalate in Venezuela.
Pitcher hits batter in the ass.
Batter swings bat at catcher.
Catcher takes helmet off and throws at batter.
Umpire runs.
Fu*king hilarious!
But then again a metaphor for our times today.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 09, 2020 04:34 PM (K8gH+)

147 >>Picture of the dude:

Holy shit! Okay, I am sure Epstein walked into his cell, saw that monster, and immediately started screaming "I'm not committing suicide! I'm not committing suicide!"

Posted by: Boswell at January 09, 2020 04:35 PM (32YRo)

148 132 And why, exactly, do you think it was New York they moved him to for prosecution the second time around?

Because they couldn't find a nexus to justify moving him to Chicago?

Posted by: JEM at January 09, 2020 04:35 PM (8erNz)

149 Competence rankings:

1) Iranian air defense
2) Iranian ballistic missile batteries*
3) US law enforcement and DOJ

Is that about right?

* I'll have to see a conclusively persuasive detailed analysis based on inside info/etc. before I consider the whole "intentional miss"

Posted by: rhomboid at January 09, 2020 04:35 PM (El6T/)

150 Tragic that Epstein was caught in the 'crossfire' of such unnecessary prison violence.

Posted by: McCool at January 09, 2020 04:35 PM (KvRqW)

151 Who do you have to **** to get somebody suicided these days?

Posted by: klaftern at January 09, 2020 04:35 PM (RuIsu)

152 That cop was a steroid freak.

Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at January 09, 2020 04:35 PM (qcIWB)

153 Erased? Like with a cloth?

Posted by: Guy Smiley at January 09, 2020 04:35 PM (H9cB7)

154 "...The government and civil "service" and law enforcement aren't really this corrupt that they could attempt not one but two arranged "suicide attempts" and then just delete the videotape and expect their fellow civil "servants" to cover for them, are they?

Are they?!"

Is this what America really is?

We are all Chicago in the 20s now...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 09, 2020 04:36 PM (zBaqJ)

155 So we are in the cover up phase.

Posted by: Skip at January 09, 2020 04:36 PM (ZCEU2)

156 This video did not erase itself.

Any more than Epstein killed himself.

And everyone gets to point the finger at their least favorite rich and powerful figure to assign blame.

Posted by: bonhomme at January 09, 2020 04:36 PM (9t0Zz)

157 When the blackmailer croaks
And the camera chokes
That's a hitjob

Posted by: joncelli, bludgeoning with a pouncing seize at January 09, 2020 04:36 PM (RD7QR)

Is this what America really is?


Who first said "Embrace the suck?" Or was it "Embrace the cuck?"

Posted by: ShainS -- Make the 20's Roar Again! at January 09, 2020 04:36 PM (6wEBw)

159 Maybe we can have a dedicated thread where we can point out the positive side of every murderous dictator's policies. Wouldn't it be fun ??! HItler - made trains run on time. Stalin - managerial policies rival those of "Lee" Iacocca.

Posted by: runner at January 09, 2020 04:36 PM (zr5Kq)

160 132
And why, exactly, do you think it was New York they moved him to for prosecution the second time around?

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 09, 2020 04:32 PM (e284m)

Control. Control the information. Control the outcome. This is the outcome.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at January 09, 2020 04:36 PM (1CjJc)

161 Dan McLaughlin

Pete Buttigieg wins the race to be the first major Democrat to blame Trump for Iran shooting down a civilian airliner flying out of Tehran.

Pete Buttigieg
Innocent civilians are now dead because they were caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat.

My thoughts are with the families and loved ones of all 176 souls lost aboard this flight.

11:24 AM - Jan 9, 2020

'The Ayatollah thanks you for your service': TDS-afflicted Pete Buttigieg is straight-up lying about Ukrainian flight that crashed in Iran

Btw, the Journolist 2.0 word of the day is "crossfire"

Posted by: BetaCuck4Life at January 09, 2020 04:36 PM (FBrfY)

162 150 Tragic that Epstein was caught in the 'crossfire' of such unnecessary prison violence.
Posted by: McCool at January 09, 2020 04:35 PM (KvRqW)

"...This is the story of HURRICANE,
the man who the authorities made to kill himself..."

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 09, 2020 04:36 PM (zBaqJ)

163 The saddest observation I can give you is this:

We wanted Epstein alive because he could uncover and unmask powerful pedos.

But in every jail in America, small time shitbags meet their untimely death without so much as a second look.

That's what makes Epstein's murder a foregone conclusion to many of us, because we already know what small time sheriffs and public officials do to anonymous nobodies to protect their own little fiefdoms.

In my little county of 70k we've had half a dozen inmates die in our county jail that only house's misdemeanor offenders. No one ever held accountable. No small time newspaper gives a shit.

Everyone just sits at Hardee's drinking coffee refills, chowing Down senior discount sausage biscuits and talking about the area college football team coach's employment future.

No one gives a shit. We are ruled and occasionally murdered by dirty, shitbag overlords in the cities, counties, states and country without ever looking up from our cellphones or pondering if there will ever be justice.

It's all just a painstakingly slow form of suicide made painless by oblivious, reality-denial. No one cares, no one votes, everyone is out for themselves and their own pitifully infinitesimal, crudely constructed shit-castle.

Thanks for allowing me to share my positive vibes on the matter.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at January 09, 2020 04:37 PM (G2FRS)

164 158
Who first said "Embrace the suck?" Or was it "Embrace the cuck?"
Posted by: ShainS -- Make the 20's Roar Again! at January 09, 2020 04:36 PM (6wEBw)

In Deep State America, suck embrace YOU.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 09, 2020 04:37 PM (zBaqJ)

165 We are all Chicago in the 20s now...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 09, 2020 04:36 PM

The 1920s or the 2020s? And is there a difference?

Posted by: Rusty Nail at January 09, 2020 04:37 PM (I99aF)

166 somebody called NOON?

Posted by: Ex-Mayor Pete at January 09, 2020 04:12 PM (45lFm)

Fucking Apple.

Posted by: clutch cargo at January 09, 2020 04:37 PM (Z1ykJ)

167 If the reports that Epstein's madam is being protected in a Mossad safe house are true, I wonder if it's possible she is there because Bill Barr doesn't trust the FBI to protect her and they will make sure she stays alive long enough to give up what she knows.

Posted by: the dandy at January 09, 2020 04:37 PM (bR08X)

168 Welp, doesn't look like I'm first.

Posted by: Weasel at January 09, 2020 04:38 PM (MVjcR)

169 It was a "botched robbery". They killed the victim, but forgot to take his money. It's an easy oversight to make!
Posted by: Chris M at January 09, 2020 04:25 PM (eAZVt)

To do list:

1. Shoot robbery victim
2. ?
3. Leave

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 09, 2020 04:38 PM (/pTOt)

170 Maybe we can have a dedicated thread where we can point out the positive side of every murderous dictator's policies. Wouldn't it be fun ??! HItler - made trains run on time. Stalin - managerial policies rival those of "Lee" Iacocca.
Posted by: runner at January 09, 2020 04:36 PM (zr5Kq)

The lefties have started writing articles praising Soviet and DDR Bloc housing because they think they're better for the environment and stop sprawl. Seriously.

Posted by: dagny, first of her name at January 09, 2020 04:38 PM (nRWPy)

171 150 Tragic that Epstein was caught in the 'crossfire' of such unnecessary prison violence.
Posted by: McCool at January 09, 2020 04:35 PM (KvRqW)

Crossfire! You'll get caught up in the...crossfire!!

Posted by: Augustine at January 09, 2020 04:38 PM (BDZWU)

172 Bleachbit works on video also.

Posted by: Skip at January 09, 2020 04:38 PM (ZCEU2)

173 167 If the reports that Epstein's madam is being protected in a Mossad safe house are true, I wonder if it's possible she is there because Bill Barr doesn't trust the FBI to protect her and they will make sure she stays alive long enough to give up what she knows.
Posted by: the dandy at January 09, 2020 04:37 PM (bR08X)

I suspect Bibi wants revenge on Obama.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 09, 2020 04:38 PM (zBaqJ)

174 Normally I would say the level of screw up with govt. employees isn't surprising. This many times though with the highest profile prisoners they've ever had? This crap was on purpose and someone paid someone. No freaking way. I am sure someone will get a stern warning!

Posted by: Minnfidel at January 09, 2020 04:39 PM (iBBEC)

175 You know - if they just came out and said they made Epstein watch Jaws III 20 times that night before they found him dead, you could let the whole EDKH thing go...just helping them out here.

Posted by: Boswell at January 09, 2020 04:39 PM (32YRo)

176 I had to strangle Jeff to keep him from killing himself! The tapes would show it had they not conveniently and inadvertently been wiped, take my word for it.

Posted by: Nick Tartaglione at January 09, 2020 04:39 PM (tVQUs)

177 165 We are all Chicago in the 20s now...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 09, 2020 04:36 PM

The 1920s or the 2020s? And is there a difference?
Posted by: Rusty Nail at January 09, 2020 04:37 PM (I99aF)

Wow. Good call.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 09, 2020 04:39 PM (zBaqJ)

178 @PeteButtigieg
Innocent civilians are now dead because they were caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat.

This is the first time Buttplug ever expressed any interest in tits.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 09, 2020 04:39 PM (/pTOt)

179 Where is he then?

Posted by: CN

Firmly ensconced inside Diminutive Former Enron Advisor Paul Krugman's laptop.

Posted by: Sharkman at January 09, 2020 04:40 PM (hixLE)

180 Assume for the moment it WAS incompetence.

The level of incompetence is rather astounding, don't you think?

Bad videos and or accidentally erased videos, allegedly broken cameras, transferred prisoners, improper 'things' in his cell, guards who were asleep at the switch, etc, etc.

All of this incompetence for one of the most well known and well connected prisoners EVER.

Yeah, it's all just a fortuitous cosmic coincidence freight train wreck that had a positive outcome for the rich and powerful, yep, yep, yep.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 09, 2020 04:40 PM (e284m)

Errors of judgment were made

Administrative actions have been taken

This matter is closed

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 09, 2020 04:40 PM (sYGPL)

FBI Director Bella Oxmyx.
CIA Director JoJo Kracko.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 09, 2020 04:40 PM (zBaqJ)

183 Who first said "Embrace the suck?"

Probably some DI in the Army.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2020 04:40 PM (nQpdK)

184 Fucking Apple.

Is that you, Snow White?

Posted by: bonhomme at January 09, 2020 04:40 PM (9t0Zz)

185 A guy named Tartaglione is a corrupt cop/ hit man?

My whole world is falling apart.

Posted by: eleven at January 09, 2020 04:40 PM (M0u+N)

186 14
This is what happens when your culture glorifies movies like The Godfather instead of movies like The Three Amigos.

Posted by: garrett at January 09, 2020 04:14 PM (fOH6p)


LOL. I'll bet TJM could teach a graduate-level course on this theme.

Posted by: ShainS -- Make the 20's Roar Again! at January 09, 2020 04:40 PM (DbSAo)

187 You are the new Number Six.
*surface of water boils with piranhas*
Now back to the Epstein Cellblock !

Posted by: Dr. Hillarius C. at January 09, 2020 04:40 PM (sGOvg)

188 Hi Weasel! Coincidentally, I just sent you a text.

Posted by: bluebell at January 09, 2020 04:40 PM (/669Q)

If MOSSAD had her, it would not be all over the news, me thinks.

Posted by: runner at January 09, 2020 04:40 PM (zr5Kq)

190 135
Epstein is dead. Juan too. They were just being methodical.

but arnold horshack is still with us.

Posted by: Anachronda at January 09, 2020 04:41 PM (sGtp+)

191 HItler - made trains run on time. Stalin - managerial policies rival those of "Lee" Iacocca.
Posted by: runner at January 09, 2020 04:36 PM (zr5Kq)

That was Mussolini. German trains always ran on time. Hitler built the autobahn, and the Volkswagen.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 09, 2020 04:41 PM (/pTOt)

192 I'm still gobsmacked over the Attkisson thread.

Husband and I left his gastroenterologist, and grabbed late lunch at a little cafe up the street. I checked in at the HQ, and my jaw dropped.

Does anyone suppose even Fox will cover her story, or this Epstein one?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 09, 2020 04:41 PM (8Fb1F)

193 Have the dumb ass Demoncrats blamed Trump yet for the shooting down of the airliner ???? If they have not, what are they waiting for......I know....Impeach Trump because Iran shot down an airliner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: James "Buster" Hymannd at January 09, 2020 04:29 PM (qM84C)
They actual have. CNN's Susan Hennessey, Pete Buttedgeedge and Barbara Boxer to name a few.

Posted by: redridinghood at January 09, 2020 04:41 PM (wiXsO)

194 185 A guy named Tartaglione is a corrupt cop/ hit man?

My whole world is falling apart.
Posted by: eleven at January 09, 2020 04:40 PM (M0u+N)

"Wow, that's just crazy talk!"

- - Mueller and Bulger, LLC

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 09, 2020 04:41 PM (zBaqJ)

195 C'mon man.. you know it wasn't me.

Posted by: NALNAMSAM at January 09, 2020 04:41 PM (jy/vu)

196 So Spartan resembles what we are seeing and experiencing as a nation?

Anyone have any idea if we can survive this as a nation?
If so give me some hope. Please

Posted by: willow at January 09, 2020 04:42 PM (rPF/b)

197 Epstein: Oooh oooh mista killeh mista killa! ooh oohh ooo.

Posted by: Minnfidel at January 09, 2020 04:42 PM (iBBEC)

198 188 Hi Weasel! Coincidentally, I just sent you a text.
Posted by: bluebell at January 09, 2020 04:40 PM (/669Q)
Got it! I sent you a text too!

Posted by: Weasel at January 09, 2020 04:42 PM (MVjcR)

199 Fucking Apple.
Posted by: clutch cargo at January 09, 2020 04:37 PM (Z1ykJ)

Is that anything like the Pear of Anguish?

Posted by: A Medieval Torturer at January 09, 2020 04:43 PM (tVQUs)

200 That's a lot of bedding for one cell.

Posted by: redridinghood at January 09, 2020 04:43 PM (wiXsO)

201 s this what America really is?

We are all Chicago in the 20s now...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 09, 2020 04:36 PM (zBaqJ)

I suspect that the Jug-Eared Retard's greatest legacy will be -

all of the Chicago connected a-holes that he dumped into the Federal Bureaucracy.

Chicago politics goes nationwide.


Posted by: naturalfake at January 09, 2020 04:43 PM (9X624)

202 Assume for the moment it WAS incompetence.

Posted by: DamnedYankee

Do I believe it was incompetence?


But that's the reason I'm going with to fire everyone. Unless someone wants to cop to intentionally killing him.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2020 04:43 PM (nQpdK)

203 197 Epstein: Oooh oooh mista killeh mista killa! ooh oohh ooo.
Posted by: Minnfidel at January 09, 2020 04:42 PM (iBBEC)

Oddly enough, I understand Horshack is code for Epstein's mansion.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 09, 2020 04:43 PM (zBaqJ)

204 168
Welp, doesn't look like I'm first.

that's what they *want* you to think.

Posted by: Anachronda, in the pocket of big first at January 09, 2020 04:43 PM (sGtp+)

205 Isn't it quite amazing how many big things - things that really matter - are so screwed up, intentionally or otherwise.

It's as if this elite or authoritarian class remains quite expert and professional about railroading the little guy but has butterfingers and incompetence when handling everything else out for us.

It's all so curious.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at January 09, 2020 04:44 PM (6eEQ+)

206 The tape is actually in the basket with the Khalid tape. The weiner laptop. Epsteins car and videos.

Posted by: willow at January 09, 2020 04:44 PM (rPF/b)

207 199
Fucking Apple.

Posted by: clutch cargo at January 09, 2020 04:37 PM (Z1ykJ)

Is that anything like the Pear of Anguish?

Posted by: A Medieval Torturer at January 09, 2020 04:43 PM (tVQUs)

Or the pineapple of punishment.Or is that something Epstein had Clinton doing, on film?

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 09, 2020 04:44 PM (e284m)

208 They actual have. CNN's Susan Hennessey, Pete Buttedgeedge and Barbara Boxer to name a few.
Posted by: redridinghood at January 09, 2020 04:41 PM

Of course. These people have gone from an annoyance to my enemy. I used to think maybe the left and I had some common ground. Nope, none. I will not associate, patronize, fraternize anyone associated with them. FUCK them all. Done.

Posted by: Minnfidel at January 09, 2020 04:44 PM (iBBEC)

209 Oddly enough, I understand Horshack is code for Epstein's mansion.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton


Posted by: Joe Mama at January 09, 2020 04:44 PM (OUkUA)

210 Got it! I sent you a text too!
Posted by: Weasel at January 09, 2020 04:42 PM (MVjcR)


Posted by: bluebell at January 09, 2020 04:44 PM (/669Q)

211 It's as if this elite or authoritarian class remains quite expert and professional about railroading the little guy but has butterfingers and incompetence when handling everything else out for us.

They get distracted by the $$$$$$$

Posted by: dagny, first of her name at January 09, 2020 04:44 PM (nRWPy)

212 Also the hiring practices, which consist of a lot of identity box-checking.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 09, 2020 04:31 PM (ZPyu3)

And IIRC the head of the jail checked a number of the boxes, which may not be entirely unconnected with the bungling and incompetence, if such it was.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 09, 2020 04:45 PM (/pTOt)

213 I suspect that the Jug-Eared Retard's greatest legacy will be -

all of the Chicago connected a-holes that he dumped into the Federal Bureaucracy.

Chicago politics goes nationwide.

Posted by: naturalfake at January 09, 2020 04:43 PM (9X624)

We deserve at least some credit!

Posted by: The Clintons and Friends at January 09, 2020 04:45 PM (tVQUs)

214 Didn't they allow Epstein Island to be bulldozed?

Posted by: willow at January 09, 2020 04:45 PM (rPF/b)

215 I suspect Bibi wants revenge on Obama.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 09, 2020 04:38 PM (zBaqJ)


There is a lot to this.
Bibi's a badass. Obama a poser.
I hope he makes him squirm.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 09, 2020 04:45 PM (K8gH+)

216 Oddly enough, I understand Horshack is code for Epstein's mansion.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 09, 2020 04:43 PM


Posted by: Minnfidel at January 09, 2020 04:45 PM (iBBEC)

217 I thought it was Mussolini who made the trains run on time.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at January 09, 2020 04:45 PM (H9cB7)

218 The 1920s or the 2020s? And is there a difference?

Posted by: Rusty Nail at January 09, 2020 04:37 PM (I99aF)

At least we always knew where we stood with the mafia. They never made mistakes, they never lied. Plus, they had an actual code of honor. They said you were dead, you were dead. They said they'd take care of you, they'd take care of you. As long as you followed very clear cut rules. But, there were always rules. Consistency.
Our elite idiots would shoot and then forget the fucking cannolis.

Posted by: clutch cargo at January 09, 2020 04:45 PM (Z1ykJ)

219 Yo Epstein sho hiddypop yunk Bernie Sanders donz dis ho Nigera

Posted by: CardiBee at January 09, 2020 04:46 PM (Tnijr)

220 It looked like there were maybe four orange sheets in Epstein's cell. The one with the noose was barely wrinkled.

The C-pap cord was mighty convenient, if someone wanted to suicide him.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 09, 2020 04:46 PM (8Fb1F)

221 183
Who first said "Embrace the suck?"

Probably some DI in the Army.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2020 04:40 PM (nQpdK)

Let thee embrace me, sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.


Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at January 09, 2020 04:46 PM (1CjJc)

222 The only problem with this if that was paid to whack Epstein, Epstein's first suicide would have succeeded.

Posted by: Jean at January 09, 2020 04:46 PM (B7KlG)

223 Hey he was your friend; he wasn't my friend.

Shut up!

Posted by: Ricky Gervais at January 09, 2020 04:46 PM (ojBxe)

224 206 The tape is actually in the basket with the Khalid tape. The weiner laptop. Epsteins car and videos.

Posted by: willow at January 09, 2020 04:44 PM (rPF/b)


You sure it isn't stored with Bin Laden's corpse, ya know, so that radicalized pedos aren't drawn to it like a Mecca?

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at January 09, 2020 04:46 PM (G2FRS)

I want to know how Iranian bottle rockets were unable to hit non-moving targets on the ground but able top bring down a non-target a civilian aircraft in the air. It is almost like they are monkeys at a typewriter. Savage, incompetent monkeys.
Posted by: Ripley at January 09, 2020 04:19 PM (MxEKc)


The jet was shot down by a surface to air missile. That is their job. Also the huge jet was really close to the launch site, and really low at less than 7500 feet. It was easy. A huge f---up! But easy.

The other missiles were fired at targets hundreds of miles away. An error of a single degree is tens of miles. But they did hit their targets and did destroy several hangers and other structures. Drudge had a link to a British Paper with satellite images of the base that was hit.

Posted by: rd at January 09, 2020 04:46 PM (+0uDE)

226 146 Ok. Over a hundred so OT.
Watching Fox Sports and there was a quick blurb on how baseball brawls escalate in Venezuela.
Pitcher hits batter in the ass.
Batter swings bat at catcher.
Catcher takes helmet off and throws at batter.
Umpire runs.
Fu*king hilarious!
But then again a metaphor for our times today.
Posted by: Diogenes at January 09, 2020 04:34 PM (K8gH+)

If I hadn't eaten in 3 days, I'd be in a bad mood, too.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at January 09, 2020 04:46 PM (sy5kK)

227 There is a long history of cops doing mob hits

I read that as "cobs" and I was going to say that I was having beers with CBD that day and can give him an ironclad alibi.

Can't account for that Throckmorton fella, though.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at January 09, 2020 04:46 PM (gd9RK)

228 Hitler built the autobahn, and the Volkswagen.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

he killed Hitler too, something no time traveler has been able to pull off.

Posted by: x at January 09, 2020 04:47 PM (nFwvY)

229 @206 "The tape is actually in the basket with the Khalid tape. The weiner laptop. Epsteins car and videos."

And the DNC server whose supposed "hacking" was supposedly an act of war by Russia and the basis to launch a multi year investigation of the President for supposed "collusion" with Russia.
But m'bad. Who know we should take ahold of that sort of evidence stuff.

Posted by: Guardians of Your Freedom at January 09, 2020 04:47 PM (sGOvg)

230 178 @PeteButtigieg

Innocent civilians are now dead because they were caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat.

This is the first time Buttplug ever expressed any interest in tits.

and tatting is a well-known gateway drug to other fiber arts, such as vile, racist knitting.

Posted by: Anachronda at January 09, 2020 04:47 PM (sGtp+)

231 Who is more incompetent? The Metropolitan Correctional Center or Iranian air defense forces? Please show your work in order to receive full credit.

Posted by: Jolo at January 09, 2020 04:47 PM (WrMOC)

232 Bitter! Ooh right and also all the info on the LVmass killer

Posted by: willow at January 09, 2020 04:48 PM (rPF/b)

233 clutch cargo: "Our elite idiots would shoot and then forget the fucking cannolis."

Worse, they'd remember to shoot the cannolis.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at January 09, 2020 04:48 PM (6eEQ+)

234 Schrödinger's Epstein - where someone both did and did not kill themselves.

Posted by: Cthillary, dead but dreaming at January 09, 2020 04:48 PM (qTx9I)

235 According to Dr Baden, they didn't find Epstein's dna on the orange cloth noose he supposedly made to commit "suicide".

Posted by: Larsen E. Whipsnade a fucking ray of sunshine at January 09, 2020 04:48 PM (bML9A)

236 Not a smidgen
Not even the most infinitesimal piece of a speck of a smidgen!

Posted by: GOPe Commissar Hrothgar at January 09, 2020 04:48 PM (+00Vt)

237 The MFM led by CNN are tantamount to treason for the way they're reporting on the War that Wasn't.

ftlog, the Iranians missed on purpose and gave us advance warning and now if we're gonna let them save a bit of face, we have to let them save a bit of face. That's how it works.

All this mewling and howling about Pence and Pompeo "lying." It's called diplomacy. MF'ers.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at January 09, 2020 04:48 PM (H9cB7)

238 Mike Leach is gone from WSU.

New coach at Miss State.

4 years / $30 million.

He still won't beat Alabama, LSU, or Georgia.

When he gets fired in 2 - 3 years, he will take his offense to the NFL.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at January 09, 2020 04:49 PM (sy5kK)

239 Who is more incompetent? The Metropolitan Correctional Center or Iranian air defense forces? Please show your work in order to receive full credit.
Posted by: Jolo at January 09, 2020 04:47 PM (WrMOC)

The MCC is more malicious than incompetent.

Posted by: Surfperch at January 09, 2020 04:49 PM (tVQUs)

240 Didn't they allow Epstein Island to be bulldozed?
Posted by: willow at January 09, 2020 04:45 PM

I am guessing a bunch of the buildings will be bulldozed. I saw the island on a fishing trip a couple years ago when we were in the Caribbean. I really had no idea who he was at the time. The guy had different palm trees literally shipped to the island that weren't native. Our boat Capitan pointed it out as we were fishing right off of it. Man, that must have been some creepy shit that happened on that island.

Posted by: Minnfidel at January 09, 2020 04:49 PM (iBBEC)

241 The tape is actually in the basket with the Khalid tape. The weiner laptop. Epsteins car and videos.

Posted by: willow

So basically in the Clinton wine cellar...

Posted by: Boswell at January 09, 2020 04:49 PM (32YRo)

242 228
Hitler built the autobahn, and the Volkswagen.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

he killed Hitler too, something no time traveler has been able to pull off.

you are blithely assuming that hitler was not, himself, a time-traveler sent back in time to kill hitler.

Posted by: Anachronda at January 09, 2020 04:49 PM (sGtp+)

243 Iran."we're having this commercial plane take off while we're at war". Umm uhh hmm

Posted by: willow at January 09, 2020 04:50 PM (rPF/b)

244 Epstein is dead. Juan too. They were just being methodical.

They always march single-file to hide their numbers.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy. Impeach the Democrat Traitors Instead at January 09, 2020 04:50 PM (HaL55)

245 231
Who is more incompetent? The Metropolitan Correctional Center or Iranian
air defense forces? Please show your work in order to receive full

Posted by: Jolo at January 09, 2020 04:47 PM (WrMOC)

Iranian Air Defense. Mistake.

Epstein did not kill himself.


Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at January 09, 2020 04:50 PM (1CjJc)

246 77 Hmm. Disappearing comments.

The comments did not delete themselves.

Posted by: Diesel Jones at January 09, 2020 04:51 PM (0CeRG)

247 Boswell probably .

Posted by: willow at January 09, 2020 04:51 PM (rPF/b)

248 You know, in the old days the Romans killed the jailer when things went wrong with the prisoners.

Posted by: TexasDan at January 09, 2020 04:51 PM (yL25O)

249 I keep reading this as Juan *Williams* is dead.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 09, 2020 04:51 PM (8Fb1F)

Innocent civilians are now dead because they were caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat.

Shut up Buttplug.. The Iranians titted and Tatted and all we did was tit

Posted by: It's me donna at January 09, 2020 04:51 PM (6XlcD)

251 Top men.

Posted by: TxDan at January 09, 2020 04:52 PM (wO+Zz)

252 they titty and they tatty
and then they blow up!

Posted by: nurse ratched at January 09, 2020 04:52 PM (d7Ww2)

253 I keep reading this as Juan *Williams* is dead.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 09, 2020 04:51 PM

Types, deletes, types, deletes..goes for diet coke...

Posted by: Minnfidel at January 09, 2020 04:52 PM (iBBEC)

254 "...military tit for tat."

If this numbnut gets elected Putin will bomb us the next day.

Posted by: wth at January 09, 2020 04:52 PM (v0R5T)

255 I want to know how Iranian bottle rockets were unable to hit non-moving targets on the ground but able top bring down a non-target a civilian aircraft in the air. It is almost like they are monkeys at a typewriter. Savage, incompetent monkeys.
Posted by: Ripley

They work as jailers also.
Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2020 04:22 PM (nQpdK)

A jet just after takeoff is slow, outputting a huge heat signature, and taking no evasive action, backed up against the night sky so there is a large contrast.

The missile was put together to go for those targets and worked as designed, once the fire button was pressed.

Posted by: Oldcat at January 09, 2020 04:52 PM (eoQWY)

256 The only problem with this if that was paid to whack Epstein, Epstein's first suicide would have succeeded.
Posted by: Jean at January 09, 2020 04:46 PM (B7KlG)

That little detail being consistently overlooked has always been problematic to me!

Posted by: GOPe Commissar Hrothgar at January 09, 2020 04:52 PM (+00Vt)

257 If the reports that Epstein's madam is being protected in a Mossad safe house are true

The CIA, Mossad, the FBI, the MFM... "If" is such a strong word these days.

Posted by: t-bird at January 09, 2020 04:52 PM (1+J19)

258 Thoughts and prayers for Nicholas Tartaglione. His untimely death by suicide next week is sad. He died by bludgeoning himself 72 times with a lead pipe. RIP.

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 09, 2020 04:52 PM (B1PIZ)

259 you are blithely assuming that hitler was not, himself, a time-traveler sent back in time to kill hitler.

mind. blown.

Posted by: eleven at January 09, 2020 04:52 PM (M0u+N)

260 They took one look at Horshack and figured the cruelest thing they could do was let him live.

Posted by: SuberE at January 09, 2020 04:52 PM (YW9KA)

261 House GOP trolling Pelosi-

Posted by: redridinghood at January 09, 2020 04:53 PM (wiXsO)

262 167 If the reports that Epstein's madam is being protected in a Mossad safe house are true, I wonder if it's possible she is there because Bill Barr doesn't trust the FBI to protect her and they will make sure she stays alive long enough to give up what she knows.
Posted by: the dandy at January 09, 2020 04:37 PM (bR08X)

At this point, quite plausible.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at January 09, 2020 04:53 PM (sy5kK)

263 Buck Henry est mort. C'est triste.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at January 09, 2020 04:53 PM (gd9RK)

264 196 So Spartan resembles what we are seeing and experiencing as a nation?

Anyone have any idea if we can survive this as a nation?
If so give me some hope. Please
Posted by: willow at January 09, 2020 04:42 PM (rPF/b)

This is The United States of America, doggone it! And Americans are the best, most generous and God-fearing people on the planet. That Satan spawn Hillary SHOULD be president now. It was inevitable. They all said so.

And yet. Donald Trump, for whom I had no expectation of anything at all, is now President. And the citizens are taking notice about who the real enemies, foreign and domestic are. And Playboy developer Donald J. Trump is actually Making America Great Again.

If this isn't evidence of God's magnificent providence, I don't know what is.

Posted by: Just Lily at January 09, 2020 04:53 PM (Hy17z)

265 I want to know how Iranian bottle rockets were unable to hit non-moving targets on the ground but able top bring down a non-target a civilian aircraft in the air. It is almost like they are monkeys at a typewriter. Savage, incompetent monkeys.
Posted by: Ripley at January 09, 2020 04:19 PM (MxEKc)

I dunno about that. From those sat photos they showed every missle hit a building at that airbase, which doesn't seem to be coincidence, since most of an airbase is just ground.
Sure, they didn't hit people or planes, but that might be more advance warning than dumb luck and bad aim.

Posted by: OneEyedJack at January 09, 2020 04:53 PM (z79tQ)

266 Man, that must have been some creepy shit that happened on that island.
Posted by: Minnfidel at January 09, 2020 04:49 PM (iBBEC)

If I was in charge they'd be combing for human remains. But I'm sure they will not look for bodies.

Posted by: CN at January 09, 2020 04:53 PM (U7k5w)

267 Reza Aslan on why he deleted the "punchable face" tweet:

My wife had asked me to delete it and I do whatever my wife tells me to do. Then a couple of days ago, I saw that it had been remarked upon by this felon and adulterer you may be familiar with. I believe his name is Dinesh something. I realized I hadn't and so I did. End of story

This moron wants us to believe he forgot about the tweet that he's getting sued over, even after news about the CNN payout was everywhere?

Posted by: bonhomme at January 09, 2020 04:53 PM (9t0Zz)

268 Iran."we're having this commercial plane take off while we're at war". Umm uhh hmm
Posted by: willow at January 09, 2020 04:50 PM (rPF/b)

They need to paint on the side of the jetliner: "Not a bomber."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 09, 2020 04:53 PM (/pTOt)

269 Imagine President Buttplug, dealing with Iran, N. Korea, China, Russia....

Nukes would be launched at the US in record time.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 09, 2020 04:53 PM (8Fb1F)

270 I've heard of tats on tits, but...
What does the constitution say about military tits for tats?

Posted by: wth at January 09, 2020 04:54 PM (v0R5T)

271 171 150 Tragic that Epstein was caught in the 'crossfire' of such unnecessary prison violence.
Posted by: McCool at January 09, 2020 04:35 PM (KvRqW)

Crossfire! You'll get caught up in the...crossfire!!
Posted by: Augustine at January 09, 2020 04:38 PM (BDZWU)


It was a Crossfire Hurricane!

Posted by: FBI Director Wray as he stolidly looks the other way at January 09, 2020 04:54 PM (+0uDE)

272 I love the argument here that when they looked at the file of which tape to keep, they looked up the name of the OTHER prisoner, not Epstein.

Do they store files by freaking seniority or something?

Also, how about you just don't delete ANY files for that day. Or the year. Now that everything is decorated by fan-propelled shit?

Posted by: TexasDan at January 09, 2020 04:54 PM (yL25O)

273 When he gets fired in 2 - 3 years, he will take his offense to the NFL.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at January 09, 2020 04:49 PM (sy5kK)

But he'll throw a chair through the window first.

fun fact - Mike Leach has a jd degree.

Posted by: Tom Servo at January 09, 2020 04:54 PM (Kpl3J)

274 You know, in the old days the Romans killed the jailer when things went wrong with the prisoners.

Posted by: TexasDan

You mean the Thracians did - Spartacus, etal

Posted by: Boswell at January 09, 2020 04:54 PM (32YRo)

275 Innocent civilians are now dead because they were caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat.

Unnecessary? Yeah, we should have let that "poet" go when we had the chance to take him out .. It made Iran mad... Boo, hoo... Buttplug.. Suuuuper genius

Posted by: It's me donna at January 09, 2020 04:55 PM (6XlcD)

276 I blame inter-service rivalry for the civilian airliner incident in Iran.

The Aerospace Force of the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution got to fire missiles toward and to Iraq. This made the The Islamic Republic of Iran Air Defense Force envious and determined to fire their own missiles at something.

Posted by: Helen Caldicott at January 09, 2020 04:55 PM (5NMZN)

277 It's probably the wrong thing to say, but I'd love for someone to point out to Bootygig that fewer Americans --and quite possibly fewer people total-- died on the Ukranian plane than would have died by now if Solemami was still alive today.

Posted by: reason at January 09, 2020 04:55 PM (kZVsz)

278 I thought the FBI all landed on one side of Epstein island and it tipped over, wasn't all that big after all.

Posted by: Skip at January 09, 2020 04:55 PM (ZCEU2)

279 That little detail being consistently overlooked has always been problematic to me!
Posted by: GOPe Commissar Hrothgar at January 09, 2020 04:52 PM (+00Vt)

First time the cameras were on and there were pain in the ass bystanders. They corrected those mistakes on take 2

Posted by: CN at January 09, 2020 04:55 PM (U7k5w)

280 Minifidel. The more the lose info. The higher offices are being protected.

Which is why I know Trump's not involved

Posted by: willow at January 09, 2020 04:55 PM (rPF/b)

281 Lots of convenient deaths have occurred around the Clintons for years.

THe airfield built in the middle of nowhere on Ark tax dollars for um, private planes from South America was a nice touch.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 09, 2020 04:55 PM (KZzsI)

282 Epstein just got caught in the crossfire between Hillary and the truth.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at January 09, 2020 04:55 PM (+y/Ru)

I tawt I taw a titty tat!

I did!

I did taw a titty tat!

Posted by: Pete Buttigieg at January 09, 2020 04:55 PM (9X624)

284 Man, that must have been some creepy shit that happened on that island.
Posted by: Minnfidel at January 09, 2020 04:49 PM (iBBEC)

All waste created on the Island was disposed of in a large pit on the Island. I can only guess at what all is in that pit.

Posted by: Surfperch at January 09, 2020 04:56 PM (tVQUs)

285 A jet just after takeoff is slow, outputting a huge heat signature, and taking no evasive action, backed up against the night sky so there is a large contrast.

In our defense, we thought it was a US bomber taking off. A bomber that didn't bomb us on the way in and that nobody noticed over at the airport... Yeah, seems kind of odd, don't it?

Posted by: Elite SAM Operators at January 09, 2020 04:56 PM (xSo9G)

286 That's a nice looking garrote you got there, chum.

It'd be a shame if it wrapped itself around your neck.

Posted by: Fritz at January 09, 2020 04:56 PM (ATCV4)

287 If I was in charge they'd be combing for human remains. But I'm sure they will not look for bodies.
Posted by: CN at January 09, 2020 04:53 PM

It was weird seeing the island from our boat and the odd looking palm trees. To have enough dough to have trees shipped from elsewhere? Wow. I am sure that's why the creepy fuck got away with it and lived as long as he did until they had him suicided. Accidentally.

Posted by: Minnfidel at January 09, 2020 04:56 PM (iBBEC)

288 It would just be way too crazy to y'know, actually have footage of him offing himself and settling all those nutty questions.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 09, 2020 04:56 PM (oVJmc)

289 Imagine President Buttplug, dealing with Iran, N. Korea, China, Russia....

Nukes would be launched at the US in record time.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 09, 2020 04:53 PM (8Fb1F)
Imagine VP Stacy Abrams dealing with these countries on the presidents's behalf.

Posted by: redridinghood at January 09, 2020 04:57 PM (wiXsO)

290 249 I keep reading this as Juan *Williams* is dead.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 09, 2020 04:51 PM (8Fb1F)

If there was ever a case of wishful thinking, Jane, this is it.

His logic and reasoning died long ago.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at January 09, 2020 04:57 PM (sy5kK)


Oh, but ain't that America
For you and me
Ain't that America
Something to see, baby
Ain't that America
Home of the free, yeah
Little pink louses
For you and me
Oooh, yeah
For you and me

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 09, 2020 04:57 PM (aKsyK)

292 Man the left hates Dinesh D'Souza, with the fiery hate of ten thousand suns. They can't even stand saying his name.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 09, 2020 04:57 PM (KZzsI)

293 Crossfire! You'll get caught up in the...crossfire!!
Posted by: Augustine at January 09, 2020 04:38 PM (BDZWU)


Posted by: Puddleglum at January 09, 2020 04:57 PM (B1PIZ)

294 Buck Henry est mort. C'est triste.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at January 09, 2020 04:53 PM (gd9RK)
I don't think they'll be showing the SNL babysitting skits with the glass bottom boat ride or find the candy bar in my pants bits, but damn he was funny.

Posted by: jhawk90 at January 09, 2020 04:58 PM (Xvo1a)

295 Even better (I am not reading the whole thread to see if this has been pointed out):

"The requested video no longer exists on the backup system and has not since at least August 2019 as a result of technical errors," the prosecutors wrote.

Posted by: blaster at January 09, 2020 04:58 PM (9VeU0)

296 Funny that Reza still has such a hardon for Dinesh D'Souza. Maybe he's worried that Dinesh has more brown skin cred than he does.

Posted by: Tom Servo at January 09, 2020 04:58 PM (Kpl3J)

297 I did taw a titty tat!

Titty tats are so trashy. Even the chicks with lower back tattoos who live in houses right by the train tracks look down on the chicks with titty tats.

Posted by: bonhomme at January 09, 2020 04:58 PM (9t0Zz)

298 Minifidel. The more the lose info. The higher offices are being protected.

Which is why I know Trump's not involved
Posted by: willow at January 09, 2020 04:55 PM

Oh yes, if they even thought orangemanbad was involved they would I believe even throw the Clintons under the bus.

Posted by: Minnfidel at January 09, 2020 04:58 PM (iBBEC)

299 Also, how about you just don't delete ANY files for that day. Or the year. Now that everything is decorated by fan-propelled shit?

Alright, smart-ass, you're in charge of training!

Posted by: Metro Manhattan at January 09, 2020 04:58 PM (Ry8mf)

300 It is to laugh.

Posted by: nip at January 09, 2020 04:59 PM (Izot6)

301 292 Man the left hates Dinesh D'Souza, with the fiery hate of ten thousand suns. They can't even stand saying his name.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 09, 2020 04:57 PM (KZzsI)


I'm pretty sure that being a minority and a conservative is the issue. It's actual racism on the part of leftists.

Posted by: TexasDan at January 09, 2020 04:59 PM (yL25O)

302 Oh yes, if they even thought orangemanbad was involved they would I believe even throw the Clintons under the bus.
Posted by: Minnfidel at January 09, 2020 04:58 PM (iBBEC)

They'd toss a few others under too.

Posted by: CN at January 09, 2020 04:59 PM (U7k5w)

303 Is this the America we live in? Yes, of course. Corruption exists, man is fallen, our entertainment (where no one doubts representation of corruption/criminalty) is just a reflection of reality. Doesn't mean we shouldn't aspire to root it out, or grow weary of well doing.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at January 09, 2020 04:59 PM (87EdW)

304 Nassim Taleb has the Fat Tony character - compared to the Intellectual but Idiot character.

Fat Tony recognizes a loaded coin when the supposed 50/50 coin lands heads 20 times in a row.

The Intellectual but idiot will say it is always 50/50.

This is where we are.

Posted by: SH at January 09, 2020 04:59 PM (sX1BW)

305 That little detail being consistently overlooked has always been problematic to me!
Posted by: GOPe Commissar Hrothgar

Squirrelly stuff happens. Look at the first world trade center bombing. Who knows? Maybe the person doing Epstein the first time was interrupted by someone who didn't get the memo?

Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2020 04:59 PM (nQpdK)

306 Imagine VP Stacy Abrams dealing with these countries on the president's behalf.
"I would rather have two or three teeth out than [meet with Franco] again."- A. Hitler

Posted by: G at January 09, 2020 04:59 PM (5NMZN)

307 you are blithely assuming that hitler was not, himself, a time-traveler sent back in time to kill hitler.

mind. blown.

Posted by: eleven

Yeah, that one almost knocked me out of my chair.

Posted by: Sharkman at January 09, 2020 05:00 PM (hixLE)

308 Finest D'Souza dared to defame the name of the Left's Precious, the Chocolate Messiah.

D'Souza is unclean.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 09, 2020 05:00 PM (8Fb1F)

309 The Aerospace Force of the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution got to fire missiles toward and to Iraq. This made the The Islamic Republic of Iran Air Defense Force envious and determined to fire their own missiles at something.
Posted by: Helen Caldicott at January 09, 2020 04:55 PM (5NMZN)

I wrote before:

1. poorly trained personnel
2. cheap Chinese weapons
3. panic that after launching missiles at the US they were about to get their stool pushed in

Posted by: blaster at January 09, 2020 05:00 PM (9VeU0)

This moron wants us to believe he forgot about the tweet that he's getting sued over, even after news about the CNN payout was everywhere?
Posted by: bonhomme at January 09, 2020 04:53 PM (9t0Zz)


The "OMG SOMEONEONE HAS HAXXOR'D MY MEGAHURTZ" alibi was just used earlier that day...

Posted by: reason at January 09, 2020 05:00 PM (kZVsz)

IT BEGINS: Peter Schweizer Book Set to 'Upend Official Washington'

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at January 09, 2020 05:00 PM (BqBId)

312 Damned autocucumber. DINESH.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 09, 2020 05:00 PM (8Fb1F)

313 Man the left hates Dinesh D'Souza, with the fiery hate of ten thousand suns. They can't even stand saying his name.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 09, 2020 04:57 PM

He's a minority who does not tow their bullshit. Therefore, he must be silenced. Page 38, rules for radicals. Alinsky. Copywrite barky McFuckstick.

Posted by: Minnfidel at January 09, 2020 05:00 PM (iBBEC)

314 Neve thought of it this way, but if Hitler killed Hitler, doesn't that make him a good guy?

Posted by: blaster at January 09, 2020 05:01 PM (9VeU0)

315 I see the Dems have heir new talking point... Assassination

Posted by: It's me donna at January 09, 2020 05:01 PM (6XlcD)

316 Imagine VP Stacy Abrams dealing with these countries on the presidents's behalf.
Posted by: redridinghood at January 09, 2020 04:57 PM (wiXsO)

They would be insulted by the constant whistling.

Posted by: wth at January 09, 2020 05:01 PM (v0R5T)

317 and tatting is a well-known gateway drug to other fiber arts, such as vile, racist knitting.
Posted by: Anachronda at January 09, 2020 04:47 PM (sGtp+)

Don't get me started on punch needle and crochet...

Posted by: Flyover at January 09, 2020 05:01 PM (Rbu5d)

318 We will survive as a nation. The path we are on is not linear. More twists and turns are ahead, as they have always been in the past.
The general trend towards rule of the dastardly, installed by the un-smart, will nevertheless continue.
The next presidential election will set the timing.

Posted by: klaftern at January 09, 2020 05:01 PM (RuIsu)

319 It was weird seeing the island from our boat and the odd looking palm trees. To have enough dough to have trees shipped from elsewhere? Wow. I am sure that's why the creepy fuck got away with it and lived as long as he did until they had him suicided. Accidentally.
Posted by: Minnfidel at January 09, 2020 04:56 PM (iBBEC)

Did you see the weird Blue and White building on top of the cliffs? That's the only structure Epstein didn't mention the purpose of when he got building permits.

Posted by: Surfperch at January 09, 2020 05:01 PM (tVQUs)

Damned autocucumber. DINESH.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 09, 2020 05:00 PM (8Fb1F)

Nothing better than a cheese Dinesh and a cup of french roast.

Posted by: clutch cargo at January 09, 2020 05:02 PM (Z1ykJ)

321 Fat Tony recognizes a loaded coin when the supposed 50/50 coin lands heads 20 times in a row.

The Intellectual but idiot will say it is always 50/50.

"Akshually, the odds are against it but it is technically possible and in the long run it all evens out..."
--Intellectual idiot

"Lissen you little twerp, I know weighted coins, and dis one is weighted. Vito, take this skinny bastach out back and teach him some manners."
--Fat Tony

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 09, 2020 05:02 PM (KZzsI)

322 Also, how about you just don't delete ANY files for that day. Or the year. Now that everything is decorated by fan-propelled shit?

Alright, smart-ass, you're in charge of training!
Posted by: Metro Manhattan

Storage is now so cheap, it's criminal not to.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2020 05:02 PM (nQpdK)

323 Man the left hates Dinesh D'Souza
Didn't he get a film award "Best job riding around in a taxi in a documentary"?

Posted by: G at January 09, 2020 05:02 PM (5NMZN)

324 Just a quick reminder that like the Ukrainian jet, I have been unfairly targeted.

Posted by: Paul Krugman at January 09, 2020 05:02 PM (yL25O)

325 The Intellectual but idiot will say it is always 50/50.

This is where we are.
Posted by: SH at January 09, 2020 04:59 PM (sX1BW)

But, my good man, a coin "should" be 50/50!
So there.

Posted by: GOPe Commissar Hrothgar at January 09, 2020 05:02 PM (+00Vt)

At least we always knew where we stood with the mafia. They never made mistakes, they never lied. Plus, they had an actual code of honor. They said you were dead, you were dead. They said they'd take care of you, they'd take care of you. As long as you followed very clear cut rules. But, there were always rules. Consistency.
Our elite idiots would shoot and then forget the fucking cannolis.
Posted by: clutch cargo at January 09, 2020 04:45 PM


Maybe Mario Puzo's mafia.

Not the mafia in Casino or any of the other books.
Not the mafia in NYC.

Posted by: FBI Director Wray as he stolidly looks the other way at January 09, 2020 05:02 PM (+0uDE)

327 Storage is now so cheap, it's criminal not to.
Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2020 05:02 PM (nQpdK)


Posted by: GOPe Commissar Hrothgar at January 09, 2020 05:03 PM (+00Vt)

Storage is now so cheap, it's criminal not to.
Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2020 05:02 PM (nQpdK)


It's like $3 a month!

Posted by: Ring Doorbell at January 09, 2020 05:03 PM (yL25O)

329 Convicted felon does not always have the effect the left hopes for

Posted by: steevy at January 09, 2020 05:03 PM (KNsKs)

330 IT BEGINS: Peter Schweizer Book Set to 'Upend Official Washington'

Yeah, right. Offal Washington already has their pet media spinning the other way. You can bet they'll spend every cent they have to in order to neutralize something like this.

Posted by: JEM at January 09, 2020 05:03 PM (8erNz)

331 Epstein's island was filmed by two yahoos who jumped off their charter boat on impulse. The place was really weird with pathways leading to his hilltop temple and demonic looking statues everywhere. They were chased around the island by a security guard on a golf cart.

Posted by: Larsen E. Whipsnade a fucking ray of sunshine at January 09, 2020 05:03 PM (bML9A)

332 Yeah I'm sure the Woodside a video file of what would have ended up a lawsuit.

Posted by: willow at January 09, 2020 05:03 PM (rPF/b)

333 Damned autocucumber. DINESH.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 09, 2020 05:00 PM (8Fb1F)

Nothing better than a cheese Dinesh and a cup of french roast.
Posted by: clutch cargo

Mmmmmmm apple dinesh.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2020 05:03 PM (nQpdK)

334 311
IT BEGINS: Peter Schweizer Book Set to 'Upend Official Washington'

Until Official Washington gets Upended, Meh. See these kind of books all the time. Nothing happens, nothing changes.

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 09, 2020 05:03 PM (B1PIZ)

335 New York Post (and probably other sites) now have a 19 second video clip up clearly showing the airliner getting hit by the missile. Time is right, location is right, looks legit. Looks like guy started filming on his cell phone when he heard the missile launch.

Posted by: Tom Servo at January 09, 2020 05:04 PM (Kpl3J)

336 314 Neve thought of it this way, but if Hitler killed Hitler, doesn't that make him a good guy?
Posted by: blaster

did mirror universe hitler win WW2? did he do it with no mustache?

Posted by: x at January 09, 2020 05:04 PM (nFwvY)

337 I did taw a titty tat!

Titty tats are so trashy. Even the chicks with lower back tattoos who live in houses right by the train tracks look down on the chicks with titty tats.
Posted by: bonhomme at January 09, 2020 04:58 PM (9t0Zz)

But they are the hardest to apply. You must adjust the "Y" scale to allow for sagging.

Posted by: wth at January 09, 2020 05:04 PM (v0R5T)

338 IT BEGINS: Peter Schweizer Book Set to 'Upend Official Washington'
Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at January 09, 2020 05:00 PM (BqBId)

Hey. Wait a minute!
Isn't this the job if the guy who's always saying "so it begins?"

Posted by: Diogenes at January 09, 2020 05:04 PM (K8gH+)

339 Yeah there's a lot of mythology around the mafia, but they were basically well-dressed Crips and Bloods. They had better manners but were just as scummy, backstabbing, sleazy, nasty, and murderous. They had rules... for everyone else.

Read Wiseguy some time, that gives you a more complete picture. You know Paulie from Goodfellas? He was having affair with the Lorraine Bracco character. Tons of details left out of the film to streamline the story, but also to make them seem a bit less awful and sleazy.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 09, 2020 05:05 PM (KZzsI)

340 N O O D

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at January 09, 2020 05:05 PM (iys0/)

341 Hey. Wait a minute!
Isn't this the job if the guy who's always saying "so it begins?"

Posted by: Diogenes at January 09, 2020 05:04 PM (K8gH+)

He is on a holiday.

Posted by: runner at January 09, 2020 05:05 PM (zr5Kq)

342 Epstein's island was filmed by two yahoos who jumped off their charter boat on impulse. The place was really weird with pathways leading to his hilltop temple and demonic looking statues everywhere. They were chased around the island by a security guard on a golf cart.
Posted by: Larsen E. Whipsnade a fucking ray of sunshine at January 09, 2020 05:03 PM (bML9A)

Do you have a link to the tapes?

Posted by: Surfperch at January 09, 2020 05:05 PM (tVQUs)

343 "Is this what America really is?"

The red pill is a bitch, isn't it. It only gets worse the more you dig.

Posted by: Time for Arrests at January 09, 2020 05:05 PM (ITey1)

344 An honest judge would have let Epstein bail out for most of whatever his liquid assets were and an honest prosecutor would have put a tail on him 24/7 to see would try to kill him.

My first ideas of "honest",

Posted by: Burnt Toast at January 09, 2020 05:05 PM (1g7ch)

345 Did you see the weird Blue and White building on top
of the cliffs? That's the only structure Epstein didn't mention the
purpose of when he got building permits.

Posted by: Surfperch at January 09, 2020 05:01 PM (tVQUs)

That really is man with the golden gun stuff right there. I had always assumed that weird little building was some sort of elevator access as well as housing whatever is necessary for an underground bunker. I mean, if you're going all Dr. Evil do it right, right?

Posted by: clutch cargo at January 09, 2020 05:06 PM (Z1ykJ)

346 Damn phone

Posted by: willow at January 09, 2020 05:06 PM (rPF/b)

347 76 Has anyone else seen Spartan?

Yeah, I'm beginning to think that's not even approaching being cynical enough.
Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at January 09, 2020 04:24 PM (mf5HN)


A great, paranoid Mamet vehicle, full of his weird dialog rhythms. One of my favorites.

Posted by: Al Crapton at January 09, 2020 05:06 PM (GlmxK)

348 331
Epstein's island was filmed by two yahoos who jumped off their charter
boat on impulse. The place was really weird with pathways leading to his
hilltop temple and demonic looking statues everywhere. They were chased
around the island by a security guard on a golf cart.

Posted by: Larsen E. Whipsnade a fucking ray of sunshine at January 09, 2020 05:03 PM (bML9A)

After which they promptly committed suicide.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at January 09, 2020 05:06 PM (1CjJc)

349 315 I see the Dems have heir new talking point... Assassination

A winning strategy!! Keep it up Dems!! #RESIST!!

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 09, 2020 05:06 PM (7iuSy)

350 Titty tats are so trashy. Even the chicks with lower back tattoos who live in houses right by the train tracks look down on the chicks with titty tats.
Posted by: bonhomme at January 09, 2020 04:58

Like you would turn down "White Russian" and "Chocolate".

Posted by: Ron Moron at January 09, 2020 05:06 PM (YSGEA)

351 Tulsi has transformed into Islut again.

Gabbard On Killing Of Terror Leader Soleimani: 'An Assassination' And 'Absolutely Illegal'

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at January 09, 2020 05:06 PM (+y/Ru)

352 DamnedYankee: "The level of incompetence is rather astounding, don't you think?"

Might explain DeBlasio's and Cuomo's desperate attempts to release felons into the taxpayer's neighborhoods. They know their system is incapable of imprisoning people properly; they just don't want anyone else to know that. How to solve the problem? Quit imprisoning people.

Not that this is a solution, but it's their solution.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at January 09, 2020 05:06 PM (6eEQ+)

353 wearechangedot org

Posted by: Larsen E. Whipsnade a fucking ray of sunshine at January 09, 2020 05:07 PM (bML9A)

354 Mike Cernovich

Babson Adjunct Prof. Out After 'Sloppy' Joke Suggesting Iran List U.S. Cultural Sites to Bomb.

Posted by: redridinghood at January 09, 2020 05:07 PM (wiXsO)

355 Schweizer ENDED the Clintons with that Clinton Cash book, didn't he!

Oh, no he didn't. He got dismissed as a crank. My bad.

Posted by: blaster at January 09, 2020 05:07 PM (9VeU0)

Dinesh DeNiro. Sort of Beale and Loki siamese twins.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 09, 2020 05:07 PM (zBaqJ)

357 Did you see the weird Blue and White building on top of the cliffs? That's the only structure Epstein didn't mention the purpose of when he got building permits.
Posted by: Surfperch at January 09, 2020 05:01 PM

Not sure if I saw it or not, because rum and I was more interested in fishing. We were pretty far out at sea. There was some odd looking buildings on it, that part I do remember. All I remember was the boat Capt. talking about Epstein etc. No clue who he was at the time. Didn't think much of it then.

Posted by: Minnfidel at January 09, 2020 05:07 PM (iBBEC)

358 351 Tulsi has transformed into Islut again.

Gabbard On Killing Of Terror Leader Soleimani: 'An Assassination' And 'Absolutely Illegal'
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at January 09, 2020 05:06 PM (+y/Ru)

Drabbag Islut, officially.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 09, 2020 05:07 PM (zBaqJ)

359 As someone above mentioned a number of deaths in their local hoosegows, I got curious, as there have been a rash of deaths at our sole state prison, Parchman, within the last couple of months. And at our county jail...

So I went looking for some stats. Muckrock has some:

Firstly, they note that no one keeps a comprehensive list. Go figure. That would expose their incompetence. But then there is this --

The most recent BJS report on mortality in local jails was released in December 2016, covering the period from 2000-2014 for 2,870 reporting jail jurisdictions, included a similarly striking case to be made for focusing on deaths occurring in the first few days after an arrest and before a conviction. The most recent numbers from 2014 indicate that nearly three-quarters of inmates passed away before they had been convicted of a crime; forty percent of deaths happened within a week of arrest.

Now isn't that interesting.

Posted by: GnuBreed at January 09, 2020 05:08 PM (Z4rgH)

360 I see the Dems have heir new talking point... Assassination

Is it really an assassination when it's a military guy? Really?

Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2020 05:09 PM (nQpdK)

Who is more incompetent? The Metropolitan Correctional Center or Iranian air defense forces? Please show your work in order to receive full credit.
Posted by: Jolo


I'd show my work, but I can't find it for some reason.

Posted by: Metropeleton Collectional Center for Excellence in Jailing at January 09, 2020 05:09 PM (ZPyu3)

362 nood

Posted by: CN at January 09, 2020 05:10 PM (U7k5w)

363 Never thought of it this way, but if Hitler killed Hitler, doesn't that make him a good guy?

Posted by: blaster

Only for the last second of his life.

Posted by: Sharkman at January 09, 2020 05:11 PM (hixLE)

364 I agree that Barr should have insisted on better handling of the entire case. Throwing a snit after its all ruined does not make up for bad leadership.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 09, 2020 05:12 PM (KZzsI)

365 Here's a fun thought exercise for those of you who saw the Captain America movie with HYDRA'S murderous AI and its invisible drone platforms:

Would YOU be on HYDRA's extermination list?

If you saw the film you have a pretty good idea what it would take to be on it.

Posted by: Citizen of Bureaustan at January 09, 2020 05:14 PM (ldmQR)


The government and civil "service" and law enforcement aren't really this
corrupt that they could attempt not one but two arranged "suicide
attempts" and then just delete the videotape and expect their fellow
civil "servants" to cover for them, are they?

Are they?!
Is this what America really is?"

It has never been any other way in any place at any time. We just know about it now.

Posted by: One More Zap Rowsdower for the Road at January 09, 2020 05:17 PM (cUpB1)

367 Storage is now so cheap, it's criminal not to.


Posted by: BackwardsBoy. Impeach the Democrat Traitors Instead at January 09, 2020 05:18 PM (HaL55)

368 The highest value prisoner in the entire USA who has the goods on the corrupt murderous Clinton crime family among others isn't heavily guarded in a secret secure location, but just put in with the regular population guarded by easily subourned incompetent guards......this failure is on the justice dept, I'm looking at you AG Barr.
To much embarrassment and exposure waiting for the elites, so he was offed.

Posted by: Old Guy at January 09, 2020 05:32 PM (a2pqQ)

369 It is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government.

Posted by: CN at January 09, 2020 05:41 PM (U7k5w)

370 It's well past time for AG Barr and about 50 FBI agents "pounce" on the MCC, lock it down totally, and go through every nook & cranny with a fine-tooth comb.

Posted by: Zombie Ronald Reagan, please save us! at January 09, 2020 05:52 PM (ie1PM)

371 I'm sure somebody already said this, but of course the failed strangler demanded that the videotape be preserved and released...because he already knew it didn't exist.

Posted by: Gem at January 09, 2020 06:41 PM (65i3Q)

372 seen one jail cell tier you seen them all.

Posted by: torabora at January 09, 2020 09:41 PM (Y274z)

373 Funny how the computer showed Tartaglione housed in one cell when he was actually housed in another cell.

Posted by: Nikola's Notion at January 10, 2020 03:51 PM (hrHLc)

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