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New York Times Sad: Trump Has Ruined Washington DC's Christmas Party Networking Circuit

This entire article is a lie, in addition to being about trivial things.

Their suggestion is that Trump has stopped social mixing in DC.

That's nonsense. Trump people aren't going out to these parties because they get "confronted." The media cheers when Senators and Secretaries are driven out of restaurants by antifa. Who wants to take a chance that these lunatics call their antifa buddies and let them know that a Trump Commerce official is present and ready to be beaten?

Donald Trump Has Drained the Swamp (of Good Christmas Parties)

Elites and D.C. establishment types are nostalgic for the days when cabinet secretaries rubbed shoulders with the riffraff and -- gasp -- journalists.


Going out in Washington is work. Parties are places for D.C. officials and members of the press corps to meet, mix and move the pieces on the chess board. (Booze helps.) Money or beauty is irrelevant. Power, and the proximity to it, is the only metric. It has always been so.

President Trump has, as promised and to his supporters' glee, disrupted Washington’s way of life. And sure, as during Watergate, the news business is booming and random bureaucrats have been thrust onto the national stage. But it’s been hell on the social life.


In the beginning, though, people such as Ms. Conway, Steven Mnuchin and Ivanka Trump could be counted on to show up at parties and interpret the latest presidential paroxysm in an effort to soothe the freaked-out establishment. Three years in, relations have soured.

"It's like a siege mentality," said Kevin Chaffee, a senior editor at Washington Life, a society magazine that is read by President Trump. "They don’t want to go out and court confrontation. Trump has cast a pall."

Posted by: Ace of Spades at 11:59 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 OT: first

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, source of random movie thoughts at December 23, 2019 12:00 PM (q80AH)

2 Yeah, what incentive does anyone in the administration have to hobnob with journalists.

Either it will be civil and the journalists won't change their coverage of them or the administration, or the journalists will be openly belligerent.

Just hang out with people you actually know and like instead.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, source of random movie thoughts at December 23, 2019 12:01 PM (q80AH)

3 Republicans partying with reporters, and Booze involved?

Its a TRAP!

Posted by: Admiral Akbar at December 23, 2019 12:02 PM (NgKpN)

Either it will be civil and the journalists won't change their coverage of them or the administration, or the journalists will be openly belligerent.

Just hang out with people you actually know and like instead.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, source of random movie thoughts at December 23, 2019 12:01 PM (q80AH)

Why go to a party when you KNOW anything you say will be blasted over the internet, and made to look as bad as possible?

Posted by: Don Q at December 23, 2019 12:03 PM (NgKpN)

5 Lack of self awareness.

Posted by: Someguy at December 23, 2019 12:03 PM (ii3sZ)

6 Donald Trump: Make The Elite Less Elite Again!

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 23, 2019 12:04 PM (oVJmc)

7 WAH! WAH Again!

Posted by: media cry bully at December 23, 2019 12:04 PM (/LQkF)

8 1. "They don't want to go out and court confrontation.

2. "Trump has cast a pall."

These two things do not go together.

Posted by: NOT THAT GUY at December 23, 2019 12:04 PM (DIyMv)

9 "They don't want to go out and court confrontation. Trump has cast a pall."


Who's causing the confrontations dickhole??

Posted by: fixerupper at December 23, 2019 12:04 PM (8XRCm)

Posted by: NOT THAT GUY at December 23, 2019 12:04 PM (DIyMv)


Ha. I almost wrote that exact same sentence.

Posted by: fixerupper at December 23, 2019 12:05 PM (8XRCm)

11 "New York Times Sad: Trump Has Ruined Washington DC's Christmas Party Networking Circuit"
Millions will die.

Posted by: Ripley at December 23, 2019 12:05 PM (MxEKc)

12 Really? Hey why don't these people go out to be abused?

The infantantilation of the Washington faction continues apace

Posted by: Axeman at December 23, 2019 12:05 PM (Eicbe)

13 Besides, the left are such nags and scolds. Who would want to party with these cretins..

Posted by: IC at December 23, 2019 12:06 PM (sYDum)

14 Boo Hoo

Posted by: It's me donna at December 23, 2019 12:06 PM (6XlcD)

15 What shallow lives they live.

They need to learn to code.

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 23, 2019 12:06 PM (10jcS)

16 Burn. It. Down.

And Merry Christmas!

Posted by: Czech Chick at December 23, 2019 12:07 PM (J9wxX)

17 Media: Trump punched me back first!

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at December 23, 2019 12:07 PM (u9usb)

18 Elites and D.C. establishment types are nostalgic for the days when cabinet secretaries rubbed shoulders with the riffraff and -- gasp -- journalists.

You mean, the days before "journalists" were unhinged traitors devoted to overthrowing the elected government of the United States?

Those days?

Posted by: The ARC of History! at December 23, 2019 12:07 PM (I2/tG)

19 Cry me a river, bitches.

Posted by: Vanishingly Rare Foreign Youkai at December 23, 2019 12:07 PM (KJ1D7)

20 Why would anybody go to an event almost certain they will be facing a confrontation?
And the media imbeciles would make an issue of how many diet cokes/pepsis Trump had.

It seems the media despises the very concept of credibility.

Posted by: N.L. Urker Philips Screwdriver of the Gods at December 23, 2019 12:07 PM (Uu+Jp)

21 I'm triggered.

Posted by: Paula Cast at December 23, 2019 12:07 PM (rqrwe)

22 When Libtards and Socialists and Commies are in a bad mood, I party. With PDT it has been nonstop.
To you DC douchebags: LOLGF.

Posted by: The Man from Athens at December 23, 2019 12:07 PM (WqhK3)

23 No one reads the NYT anyway

Posted by: It's me donna at December 23, 2019 12:07 PM (6XlcD)

Scuse me...... stewardess..... I speak Journolese.

What the man is trying to say is......

"Yes Mr President.... we hate you AND your underlings guts. But . . . we still still want to seen hob knobbing with important people".

Posted by: fixerupper at December 23, 2019 12:08 PM (8XRCm)

25 11 "New York Times Sad: Trump Has Ruined Washington DC's Christmas Party Networking Circuit"
Millions will die.
Posted by: Ripley at December 23, 2019 12:05 PM (MxEKc)

Clearly this will lead to global Warmering!

Posted by: Don Q at December 23, 2019 12:08 PM (NgKpN)

26 Now if we want officials to be confronted and in danger, we have to call in a swat raid, but Trumps DOJ is even casting a pall on that.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 23, 2019 12:08 PM (RiGOH)

27 Kellyanne knows her fat pig of a husband would probably have goons attack her.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 23, 2019 12:08 PM (ptqGC)

28 Articles of Impeachment:

Hear ye, let it be known that cocktail parties attended by sleazy Deep State whores such as ourselves have decreased in quality since Donald Trump has assumed the presidency. For the high crime of Cocktail Party Ruining, we hereby impeach him.

Posted by: zombie at December 23, 2019 12:09 PM (fK2gX)

29 Can you think of anything more painfully boring that socializing with these self involved pinheads?

Posted by: Log Cabin at December 23, 2019 12:09 PM (9bBKu)

30 mean our actions may have consequences? Consequences that are detrimental to our self-esteem? Why didn't anybody tell us about the sowing and the reaping! - Washington DC insiders.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Measure Your Fury With A Rage-o-Meter from The Outrage Outlet! at December 23, 2019 12:09 PM (Phf2D)

31 Huh. People don't want to be abused... whodathunkit?

My GAFmeter didn't budge.

Posted by: JQ at December 23, 2019 12:09 PM (gP/Z3)

32 You know who are having good Christmas parties?

All the people who have well-paying jobs in this economic boom thanks to Trump.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at December 23, 2019 12:09 PM (wCmLp)

33 I just saw that the Saudi's have sentenced 5 men to death for the Kashoggi killing. The completely surprising part is that apparently it wasn't done by the Crown Prince's sidekicks who were there in the embassy at the time of the killing - no, no, it was 5 of the "Usual Suspects" back home. and no one is allowed to talk to them now, because of course they've been convicted.

The power that Democrats dream of.

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 23, 2019 12:10 PM (V2Yro)

34 Wait a minute.... they have CHRISTMAS parties? Is the NYT even allowed to print the word?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 23, 2019 12:10 PM (RiGOH)

35 And sure, as during Watergate, the news business is booming

LOL. That's why there are mass layoffs across the news business.

Trump's superpower is to create the best economy in the history of the United States, while still creating the worst job market for "journalists" since the Great Depression.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at December 23, 2019 12:10 PM (I2/tG)

36 I just saw a NYT add on FB with the line "in a world under pressure trust in facts."


Cheered me up it did.

Posted by: N.L. Urker Philips Screwdriver of the Gods at December 23, 2019 12:10 PM (Uu+Jp)

37 Happy Hanukkah, Ace.

Please tell me your menorah isn't on your shelf.

Posted by: garrett at December 23, 2019 12:10 PM (WuLIo)

38 Good morning y'all!

A. It is still a.m. in my corner of the world.

Z. Yes, I am on vacation.

Posted by: tbodie at December 23, 2019 12:11 PM (Jk+3L)

39 If the Repubs were smart, they would choose one network, like, oh, CNN,

and one Newspaper outlet, like NYT,

And cut off all press access.

In the internet age, the Press needs access to get stories, much more than the Administration needs their biased coverage.

So, NO Republicans on CNN. Investigate leaks to NYT like they are national security violations, and reprimand or fire anyone who talks to them.

Play hardball.

Posted by: Don Q at December 23, 2019 12:11 PM (NgKpN)

40 Change it to Festivus parties and Trump can air his grievances. Also feats of strength against pushup challenger Biden.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 23, 2019 12:12 PM (+y/Ru)

41 Aw no dance of the Red Masque for our ersatz royalty? That's a shame.

Posted by: Regular joe at December 23, 2019 12:12 PM (6/uwW)

42 33 I just saw that the Saudi's have sentenced 5 men to death for the Kashoggi killing. The completely surprising part is that apparently it wasn't done by the Crown Prince's sidekicks who were there in the embassy at the time of the killing - no, no, it was 5 of the "Usual Suspects" back home. and no one is allowed to talk to them now, because of course they've been convicted.

The power that Democrats dream of.

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 23, 2019 12:10 PM (V2Yro)

They're not far off with the whole accusing others of what they did.

Posted by: Someguy at December 23, 2019 12:12 PM (ii3sZ)


Oh boo hoo. Trump ought to give them the real sadz and go through DC like Jhenjis Khan

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 23, 2019 12:12 PM (REzVc)

44 Don't worry, "journalists" and other representatives of the Deep State, you can still go to Walmart and smell the Trump supporters during the holiday season.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at December 23, 2019 12:12 PM (I2/tG)

45 >>In the beginning, though, people such as Ms. Conway, Steven Mnuchin and Ivanka Trump could be counted on to show up at parties and interpret the latest presidential paroxysm in an effort to soothe the freaked-out establishment. Three years in, relations have soured.

This is like complaining that Rape Victims don't enjoy a night playing Pinball in the local dive bar.

Posted by: garrett at December 23, 2019 12:12 PM (WuLIo)

46 In the beginning, though, people such as Ms. Conway, Steven Mnuchin and Ivanka Trump could be counted on to show up at parties and interpret the latest presidential paroxysm in an effort to soothe the freaked-out establishment. Three years in, relations have soured.
Oh boo-hoo. Cry me a river. I will dine with a friend. I will dine with an opponent. I will dine with an adversary. I will not dine with an existential enemy.

Beyond that, *they* did this. Them. They advocate for and pursue the politics of personal destruction. They live their lives as a part of a machine that grinds everything down in the pursuit of raw power. They are hateful, vindictive partisans who attack the persons on the other side without moderation or compunction.

And then they complain that the other side stops showing up? That's pretty galling and shows an almost unfathomable lack of self-awareness.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 12:13 PM (I2dne)

47 The article is hilarious. It's in an actual newspaper?

Posted by: Caliban at December 23, 2019 12:14 PM (qEujL)

48 If I worked for the Trump Administration, no way would I go out hobnobbing in DC and have any sort of social life outside my known tribe. I'd be taking my meals by Postmates at home under an alias.

It's a sad state of affairs and the media cheers it on.

I do have to wonder what people like Sarah Huckabee thought was going to happen when they went to tony DC hotspots. That they were going to be treated with civility? These people LITERALLY want you in a camp, of course they are going to ruin your night.

Posted by: Blago at December 23, 2019 12:14 PM (sjTfF)

49 I just saw a NYT add on FB with the line "in a world under pressure trust in facts."

Maybe they meant fauxs.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 23, 2019 12:14 PM (+y/Ru)

50 Press jobs available in Russia and China.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at December 23, 2019 12:14 PM (xlR/o)

If they keep moving the bureaucracy to the hinterlands, as in the case of the BLM, these Washington coctail party animals are going to shit their pants.

"We're stuck in Fargo. I guess it's the Olive Garden or nothing"

Posted by: Sphynx at December 23, 2019 12:14 PM (AsDsz)

52 I've come to the realization that these aren't just biased hacks run amok. This is coordinated, systematic propaganda using the same methods as Goebbels.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at December 23, 2019 12:14 PM (1ISKN)

53 Please tell me your menorah isn't on your shelf.
Posted by: garrett at December 23, 2019 12:10 PM (WuLIo)


Never gonna stop....
put it it up, on the shelving, high
I always put it up from the touch of the Ewok kind
My, my, my..... whoooooooooooo
M-m-m-my Menorah
M-m-m-my Menorah

Posted by: fixerupper at December 23, 2019 12:14 PM (8XRCm)

54 Big Macs and Taco Bell for all the journos at the White House Christmas Party.

And an open Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper bar.

Maybe a nice tray of Rice Krispie treats made with Corn Flakes and dyed green and shaped like tiny wreaths with little red M & Ms for holly berries on them for dessert.

And JFG decaf coffee.

Hook 'em and send out the Twitter invite to the NYT staff, Mr. President.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at December 23, 2019 12:14 PM (u9usb)

55 And then they complain that the other side stops showing up? That's pretty galling and shows an almost unfathomable lack of self-awareness.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 12:13 PM (I2dne)

Yup, the last thing I would want to do when 'off the clock' is be around people who hate me and are out to get me.

Posted by: Don Q at December 23, 2019 12:15 PM (NgKpN)

Oh boo-hoo. Cry me a river. I will dine with a friend. I will dine with an opponent. I will dine with an adversary. I will not dine with an existential enemy.

Beyond that, *they* did this. Them. They advocate for and pursue the politics of personal destruction. They live their lives as a part of a machine that grinds everything down in the pursuit of raw power. They are hateful, vindictive partisans who attack the persons on the other side without moderation or compunction.

And then they complain that the other side stops showing up? That's pretty galling and shows an almost unfathomable lack of self-awareness.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 12:13 PM (I2dne)

And the left and the media do not allow for Christmas Eve truces.

Posted by: N.L. Urker Philips Screwdriver of the Gods at December 23, 2019 12:15 PM (Uu+Jp)

57 Maybe they meant fauxs.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler

No Fauxs Given

Posted by: Rick in SK at December 23, 2019 12:15 PM (FZYNt)

58 I find it amazing where the blame is being cast here: on Trump, not the hordes of leftists that have taken great glee in harassing people in public.

Posted by: Liberty at December 23, 2019 12:15 PM (RX+GO)

59 "It's like a siege mentality!" whines a Propaganda Press writer who hates Trump and can't wait to harass his employees and the Trump family publicly.

What a douche.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at December 23, 2019 12:15 PM (LISuA)

60 Severe Christian Al Sharpton sez evangelicals would "sell out Jesus" for Trump.

All of a sudden, progs are totally concerned about Jesus.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 23, 2019 12:15 PM (ptqGC)

61 LOL get fucked

Posted by: steevy at December 23, 2019 12:15 PM (KNsKs)

62 I'm surprised they dared to call them "Christmas" parties. How long till that headline gets sanitized to "holiday parties" instead?

Posted by: MWR, The Public Intellectual (aka Beth) at December 23, 2019 12:16 PM (rP4OC)

63 NYT: Typical idjits. They think the effect is the cause.

Posted by: klaftern at December 23, 2019 12:16 PM (RuIsu)

64 To progs, Christmas is nothing more than an excuse for cocktail parties.

Ask me how I know.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 23, 2019 12:16 PM (ptqGC)

65 Hmm, and thinking on this?

I bet there are still a lot of parties going on, they are just not being held in public.

And the Press is not invited.

Posted by: Don Q at December 23, 2019 12:16 PM (NgKpN)


Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 23, 2019 12:17 PM (oVJmc)

67 Not to mention that it wouldn't be safe, which is probably the primary reason. Notice how much body armour he was wearing at the State Dinner with the queen.

Posted by: artemis at December 23, 2019 12:17 PM (AwPyG)

68 64 To progs, Christmas is nothing more than an excuse for cocktail parties.

Ask me how I know.
Posted by: Jane D'oh

is sex in the storage closet still a thing?

asking for a friend

Posted by: Rick in SK at December 23, 2019 12:17 PM (FZYNt)

69 Now who will they read their Bernie Sanders talking points to?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 23, 2019 12:17 PM (RiGOH)

70 "confrontation"? it's called assault.

Posted by: mjc at December 23, 2019 12:17 PM (Pg+x7)

71 I find it amazing where the blame is being cast here: on Trump, not the hordes of leftists that have taken great glee in harassing people in public.
Posted by: Liberty at December 23, 2019 12:15 PM (RX+GO)


Nor the quasi-fascists that publicly and repeatedly egg them on.

Posted by: fixerupper at December 23, 2019 12:17 PM (8XRCm)

72 What percentage of the American population has any concern whatsoever about DC elitist soirees?

Posted by: N.L. Urker Philips Screwdriver of the Gods at December 23, 2019 12:17 PM (Uu+Jp)

73 Trump ruined Christmas. What can't that man do?

Posted by: Caliban at December 23, 2019 12:18 PM (qEujL)

74 Trump has stolen my childhood Christmas.

Posted by: Greta Thunberg, meatball-scented Druid philosopher at December 23, 2019 12:18 PM (vtcmf)

75 Obozo had weekly cocktail parties at the White House. We paid for journalists and the federal elite to booze it up. Trump does not drink. Poor fellow. No wonder they hate him.

Posted by: The Man from Athens at December 23, 2019 12:18 PM (WqhK3)


Posted by: MSM at December 23, 2019 12:18 PM (FZYNt)

"It's like a siege mentality," said Kevin Chaffee, a senior editor at Washington Life,

Gee, I can't imagine why considering how civil the MFM has been and there hasn't been the hint of members of the administration or his family being harassed by leftist lunatics if they go anywhere.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 23, 2019 12:19 PM (REzVc)

78 72 What percentage of the American population has any concern whatsoever about DC elitist soirees?
Posted by: N.L. Urker Philips Screwdriver of the Gods at December 23, 2019 12:17 PM (Uu+Jp)

Enough to make Virginia Blue.

Posted by: Don Q at December 23, 2019 12:19 PM (NgKpN)

79 >>Obozo had weekly cock parties at the White House

Posted by: garrett at December 23, 2019 12:19 PM (WuLIo)

80 This is great and all but where's some posts about Tulsi Gabbard? I really like me some Tulsi. Honestly, I wish she would sit on my face.

Posted by: Tim Pool at December 23, 2019 12:19 PM (BDZWU)

81 Notice how much body armour he was wearing at the State Dinner with the queen.

I wonder how many "journalists" fantasize about being the next John Wilkes Booth.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at December 23, 2019 12:19 PM (I2/tG)

82 There are a lot of things I would rather do than see Ana Navarro in a little black dress scarfing donuts.

Posted by: N.L. Urker Philips Screwdriver of the Gods at December 23, 2019 12:19 PM (Uu+Jp)

83 awwwww. fuck you too.

Posted by: x at December 23, 2019 12:19 PM (nFwvY)

84 79 >>Obozo had weekly cock parties at the White House

Posted by: garrett


Posted by: Reggie Love at December 23, 2019 12:19 PM (FZYNt)

85 Great NYT. Now write a story about how sorority girls are asking for it by going to frat parties in revealing clothes.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 23, 2019 12:19 PM (RiGOH)

86 Obozo had weekly cocktail parties at the White
House. We paid for journalists and the federal elite to booze it up.
Trump does not drink. Poor fellow. No wonder they hate him.

Posted by: The Man from Athens at December 23, 2019 12:18 PM (WqhK3)

A prog in my paper complained that Trump and his family have spent "millions" on vacations and golf.

She clearly had Barry confused with Trump. Has Melania even traveled out of the country to shop and party with her girlfriends?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 23, 2019 12:19 PM (ptqGC)

87 Fuck. Them.

Posted by: J Brennen, Esq at December 23, 2019 12:20 PM (B78T/)

88 Oh noes--the courtier class is inconvenienced!
Because that sums up a lot of the media and Never-Trumper hatred for the past three years--spurned courtiers unable to play the influence game like they used to.

Their asses are chapped and their unwarranted self-esteem isn't being affirmed, so they have been lashing out continuously.

Posted by: Steve the Pirate at December 23, 2019 12:20 PM (nOp4s)

89 So, taking one for the Horde, I opened the article. And now I am whip-sawing between my usual default modes of "hate" and "contempt." Anyone here know a word for the super-positioning of both states? Because I am there.

Anyway, here's something:
What there wasn't: anyone recognizable from the White House. Not even Kellyanne Conway, the counselor to the president, who used to attend.
Who cares? The packs of journalists and foreign service officials who prowled the rooms of an imperial manse in search of someone who mattered, that's who. As any of them will tell you, this holiday season, spotting someone by the punch bowl with the ability to whisper into the president's ear has been harder than ever.

This is astounding. The writer acknowledges openly and bluntly that none of them matter and neither does what they do. They are nothing without access and they themselves are worthless. Moreover, they somehow still think that they're *entitled* to "whisper in the president's ear?"

You bit the hands that feeds you. Enjoy. I hope you all starve.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 12:20 PM (I2dne)

90 Fuck these fucking fuckers and their fucking friends.

Posted by: Insomniac at December 23, 2019 12:20 PM (NWiLs)

91 82 There are a lot of things I would rather do than see Ana Navarro in a little black dress scarfing donuts.
Posted by: N.L. Urker Philips Screwdriver of the Gods

a sentence with little and Ana Navarro in it tells me your aren't paying attention

Posted by: Rick in SK at December 23, 2019 12:20 PM (FZYNt)

92 So it's not about doing good for the country, it's about accumulating power.

Gee. How awful that that's not happening.

I think there are already plenty of people ready to leak secret/classified/private information to the press without benefit of a boozed up Christmas Party.

Posted by: DamnedYanbkee at December 23, 2019 12:21 PM (O8SrN)

93 Boo-fuckin'-hoo

This actually makes me smile.. you gotta live in the world you make. Fuck 'em.. Fuck 'em all.

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at December 23, 2019 12:21 PM (CjFDo)

94 These tulsi blowhards will vote for Warren or whatever turd the DNC nominates without a second thought.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 23, 2019 12:21 PM (RiGOH)

95 Trump ruined Christmas. What can't that man do?
Posted by: Caliban at December 23, 2019 12:18 PM (qEujL)

Someone needs to do a photoshop where PDT shows up at Nakatomi Plaza.

Posted by: tbodie at December 23, 2019 12:21 PM (ek7rN)

96 They can all go cry in their semen-enhanced eggnog.

Posted by: Insomniac at December 23, 2019 12:21 PM (NWiLs)

97 These jagoffs....

Posted by: mr tmz at December 23, 2019 12:22 PM (m/Gc2)

98 Hey Washington DC? Go fuck yourself!

Posted by: Chris M at December 23, 2019 12:22 PM (eAZVt)

99 Weird. I was able to get to the archive link a minute ago, but when I just tried again, it's telling me the URL is not found. :\

Posted by: MWR, The Public Intellectual (aka Beth) at December 23, 2019 12:22 PM (rP4OC)

100 I don't think any dress Navarro wears can be considered little.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 23, 2019 12:22 PM (RiGOH)

101 The Spice must flow!!
-NY Times

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at December 23, 2019 12:22 PM (bWBdM)

102 Looking at my GAF meter.

See that? Needle didn't even move.

Posted by: blaster at December 23, 2019 12:22 PM (9VeU0)

103 Trump could invite the media to a Christmas party, lock the doors and go all Vlad Tepis on them.
I know it won't happen but hey, we can always dream.

Posted by: N.L. Urker Philips Screwdriver of the Gods at December 23, 2019 12:22 PM (Uu+Jp)

104 You bit the hands that feeds you. Enjoy. I hope you all starve.

You destroy all the accepted cultural norms in Washington, and then you complain about the consequences.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at December 23, 2019 12:23 PM (I2/tG)

105 "Yes Mr President.... we hate you AND your underlings guts. But . . . we still still want to seen hob knobbing with important people".
Posted by: fixerupper at December 23, 2019 12:08 PM (8XRCm)

That pretty much covers it, I think. We are right to despise them.

Posted by: troyriser at December 23, 2019 12:23 PM (E2EAq)

106 102 Looking at my GAF meter.

See that? Needle didn't even move.
Posted by: blaster

the needle moves when I come around

Posted by: Ana Navarro at December 23, 2019 12:23 PM (FZYNt)

107 What a bunch of jerks

Posted by: VMom's phone (aka VM's phone) at December 23, 2019 12:23 PM (EGSGm)

108 Big-name White House officials used to come out en masse. When the last British ambassador described the Trump White House in cables to 10 Downing Street as "a uniquely dysfunctional environment," his "unvarnished assessments" came from two years of cultivating and kibitzing with many of those aides who are now too skittish to attend.

Cause, I would like to introduce you to Effect.

Choke on it, bitches. Let it stick in your throat like so many scarfed-down, half-chewed shrimp.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 12:23 PM (I2dne)

109 There's a Navarro in my pants.

Posted by: Jerry "Comedy Gold" Nadless at December 23, 2019 12:23 PM (vtcmf)

110 Does the NYTs even mention that mean old Trump is sending USDA folks out to Kansas and Dept of Interior to Pueblo CO where they can't do the DC mingling at all.

I leave a FB friend that is hard core lefty, so I get the see the talking points and one time she posted something about Trump dismantling the government. Took all my restraint to avoid commenting "Right ON - thats why we elected him"

Posted by: PaleRider is simply irredeemable at December 23, 2019 12:23 PM (n4y+3)

111 11 "New York Times Sad: Trump Has Ruined Washington DC's Christmas Party Networking Circuit"
Millions will die.
Posted by: Ripley at December 23, 2019 12:05 PM

Are women and POCs most affected?

Posted by: Grimaldi at December 23, 2019 12:23 PM (5S0FW)

112 101 The Spice must flow!!
-NY Times
Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at December 23, 2019 12:22 PM (bWBdM)

I prefer "and the NY Times must be destroyed"

Posted by: DamnedYanbkee at December 23, 2019 12:23 PM (O8SrN)

113 I love this sentence..

"Three years in, relations have soured."

have soured.. not "left leaning elites have gone bat-shit crazy with Trump Derangement Syndrome"

..nope.. "have soured"

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at December 23, 2019 12:23 PM (CjFDo)

114 Oh fuck off.

Posted by: ... at December 23, 2019 12:23 PM (yXePB)

115 So "nood" isn't a thing anymore?

Posted by: Bob the Bilderberg at December 23, 2019 12:24 PM (qc+VF)

116 What's going to happen to all the bacon wrapped shrimp?

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at December 23, 2019 12:24 PM (1ISKN)


This insanity reporting no different than the two scoops of ice cream and bigger salt and pepper shakers.

Posted by: Easy Andy at December 23, 2019 12:24 PM (2DOZq)

118 TJM

If someone clicks your nic, and leaves a comment on the 'contact' section, do you see it?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at December 23, 2019 12:24 PM (tT0V4)

119 109 There's a Navarro in my pants.
Posted by: Jerry "Comedy Gold" Nadless at December 23, 2019 12:23 PM (vtcmf)

Jerry fantasizes about seeing Ana wearing nothing but one of his dress shirts.

Posted by: N.L. Urker Philips Screwdriver of the Gods at December 23, 2019 12:24 PM (Uu+Jp)

120 Early on I think Charlie Cooke wrote a piece at NR about Trump spending more than Obama on entertaining or sonething

Posted by: steevy at December 23, 2019 12:24 PM (KNsKs)

121 Merry Christmas Ron's and Ette's! The entire reason we have nevertrumpers is they want to keep being invited to these parties. Don't worry Shapiro, Kristol etc. I am sure they will still allow you to fuck your wives.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 23, 2019 12:24 PM (r7Fvf)

122 I find it amazing where the blame is being cast here: on Trump, not the hordes of leftists that have taken great glee in harassing people in public.

Like Bernie "Piss Off Your Parents At Christmas" Sanders.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 23, 2019 12:24 PM (+y/Ru)

123 Deep State types and Lamestream Media types vigorously oppose Trump and Red State America, fight them tooth and nail for 3 years. Then they wonder why there's no civility in D.C. anymore.

Perspective, lack of, please check?

Posted by: exdem13 at December 23, 2019 12:24 PM (W+kMI)

124 As usual the MSM has it bass ackwards. People don't want to go out and get confronted by progtard jerkoffs. And it's Trump's fault!

Be still my bleeding backside. These wienies need to STFU.

Posted by: Comanche Voter at December 23, 2019 12:25 PM (WRSbt)

125 Crud. I just sent my teeny violin to the Nanites to get restrung.

Oh well.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Purveyor of Locally Sourced artisinal Hogwash at December 23, 2019 12:25 PM (xPJvm)

126 All their crying about how much Americans are suffering with 20 jobs, racism, misogyny and poor healthcare is bullshit then, right? Because it would be weird to complain about Christmas Parties with all that going on.

Posted by: ... at December 23, 2019 12:25 PM (yXePB)

127 Who wants to hang w/a bunch of putzes?

Posted by: BignJames at December 23, 2019 12:25 PM (X/Pw5)

128 Not to mention that it wouldn't be safe, which is
probably the primary reason. Notice how much body armour he was wearing
at the State Dinner with the queen.

Posted by: artemis at December 23, 2019 12:17 PM (AwPyG)

He's seen both London Has Fallen and Olympus Has Fallen and knows the score.

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 23, 2019 12:25 PM (q1Pj5)

129 115 So "nood" isn't a thing anymore?
Posted by: Bob the Bilderberg

I don't take requests

Posted by: Ana Navarro at December 23, 2019 12:25 PM (FZYNt)

130 "Trump Has Ruined Washington DC's Christmas Party Networking Circuit"


Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at December 23, 2019 12:25 PM (iw59Q)

131 LOLGF, bitches.

Posted by: redc1c4 at December 23, 2019 12:26 PM (BOpNY)

132 Person who murdered his parents whining and feeling sorry for himself because he's an orphan.

Posted by: Easy Andy at December 23, 2019 12:26 PM (2DOZq)

133 Our so called elites are petty worthless trash, it just took Trump to bring the truth to light.

Posted by: Drew in MO at December 23, 2019 12:26 PM (cGlgB)

134 Are women and POCs most affected?

Posted by: Grimaldi at December 23, 2019 12:23 PM (5S0FW)

Yes as are "immigrants" and the LGBTUVWXYZ

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 23, 2019 12:26 PM (REzVc)

135 2 Words come to mind : Eat Me

Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 23, 2019 12:26 PM (cEsBM)

136 Eddie Murphy actually made SNL somewhat funny again and they surprisingly took a lot of shots at the Democrat field(I expect them to go all in or whatever "savior"is parachuted in)

Posted by: steevy at December 23, 2019 12:26 PM (KNsKs)

137 These are the scum who can't even bring themselves to say Melania looked nice at the Christmas tree lighting.

Posted by: N.L. Urker Philips Screwdriver of the Gods at December 23, 2019 12:27 PM (Uu+Jp)

138 At least they got in a Watergate reference. 'Cause Trump is as crooked as Nixon, doncha know.

Posted by: abbynormal at December 23, 2019 12:27 PM (I849g)

139 When the Obamas took a helicopter to a Broadway show it was celebrated so sickeningly.

On that note, did we ever find our who Obama was "entertaining" when he grazed Lower Manhattan with that plane? Do we know which Imam it was?

Posted by: ... at December 23, 2019 12:27 PM (yXePB)

140 The turnover in this White House is so high that the diplomatic corps can't even figure out who to suck up to. "After November 2016 all the ambassadors were desperately scrambling, trying to find the Trump people, and the worst part was that after three or four months, they were changing overnight," said Gerard Araud, the previous French ambassador.

I once received a fortune cookie with a fortune I taped to my computer monitor:
"Courtesy opens many doors."

That the door is now slammed in your face and no amount of tiny, impotent fury will reopen it should cause introspection not yet more of the same kind of fury.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 12:27 PM (I2dne)

141 I'm surprised they want to drink cocktail served in the Trump White House. April Ryan refused a piece of Sarah Sanders pie thinking it was poisoned

Posted by: Josephistan at December 23, 2019 12:27 PM (wn1Em)

142 Elitists aren't what they once were.

Posted by: N.L. Urker Philips Screwdriver of the Gods at December 23, 2019 12:27 PM (Uu+Jp)

143 Hoo boy. There's this:

"When Michelle Obama was first lady, one evening at a restaurant along 14th Street could ensure that it would become a date-night destination dining. In contrast, Melania Trump is such a Sphinx-like creature that, for a while, many wondered if she even lived in the White House."

Ah, yes. I remember Barry's and his beard's "date-nights" in NYC, where streets would be shut down and the restaurant du jour closed, except for the Special Couple.

I can only imagine the rending of clothes and wailing if PDT and Melania were to do the same.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 23, 2019 12:28 PM (ptqGC)

144 72 What percentage of the American population has any concern whatsoever about DC elitist soirees?
Robert Ludlum's readers, I think. Otherwise, not so much.

Posted by: exdem13 at December 23, 2019 12:28 PM (W+kMI)

145 So "nood" isn't a thing anymore?
F-no. Common courtesy has let this blog, like booze and drug fueled orgies have left DC. They'll leave you shouting at the clouds over there all day long.

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at December 23, 2019 12:28 PM (bWBdM)

146 Every time a Leftist complains another Trump judge gets his appointment.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 23, 2019 12:28 PM (oVJmc)

147 141 I'm surprised they want to drink cocktail served in the Trump White House. April Ryan refused a piece of Sarah Sanders pie thinking it was poisoned
Posted by: Josephistan

if offered I would sample Sarah's pie

Posted by: Rick in SK at December 23, 2019 12:28 PM (FZYNt)

148 F-no. Common courtesy has let this blog, like booze and drug fueled orgies have left DC. They'll leave you shouting at the clouds over there all day long.

Fucking clouds.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 23, 2019 12:29 PM (oVJmc)

149 In contrast, Melania Trump is such a Sphinx-like creature that, for a while, many wondered if she even lived in the White House."

That's disgusting in so many ways

Posted by: It's me donna at December 23, 2019 12:29 PM (6XlcD)

150 Seems to me, they should be grateful. Christmas parties have a large
carbon footprint. Plus, these are the same people that our esteemed
gorilla pundit noted on the previous thread are against happiness and
confelicity (great word). You'd think they'd be thanking Trump.

Posted by: Hoplite Housewife at December 23, 2019 12:29 PM (XXNQ+)

151 Fuck these people in particular.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at December 23, 2019 12:29 PM (9Om/r)

152 Mr. Chaffee said: "I'm old enough to have been around during the last impeachment, and it was just the same as it is now - meanspirited and evil, on both sides." But President Clinton never 86-ed the White House Christmas party during his impeachment.

Mr Chaffee, I am old enough to remember whose side the entire press corps was on during the Clinton Impeachment. If I were Clinton, I wouldn't have kicked you sycophantic fawning boot-lickers out, either.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 12:29 PM (I2dne)

153 Probably what they really wanted was the articles about these parties disinviting the officials after the outcry of them planning to attend. And they're pissed that the Trump House ain't playing their game.

Posted by: Buzzion at December 23, 2019 12:29 PM (75Veb)

154 Don't forget to add in how they show their disapproval of Melania's decorations for the White House. And I think they disliked her coat this year.

Posted by: notsothoreau at December 23, 2019 12:30 PM (JKNZq)

155 Parties are places for D.C. officials and members of the press corps to meet, mix and move the pieces on the chess board

Who elected the press to move any pieces of anything???

These damn fools burn my eyeballs out.

Posted by: the girl who says.... at December 23, 2019 12:30 PM (sI15f)

156 Can't we all just get along?

Posted by: Rodney King at December 23, 2019 12:30 PM (t41dG)

157 Christmas is a time to let it all hang out!

Posted by: Mike Obama at December 23, 2019 12:30 PM (vtcmf)

158 11 "New York Times Sad: Trump Has Ruined Washington DC's Christmas Party Networking Circuit"
Millions will die.


Women and children hardest hit.

Posted by: Pete Seria at December 23, 2019 12:30 PM (0ldxp)

159 But President Clinton never 86-ed the White House Christmas party during his impeachment.

Trump had the WH Christmas party... WTF is this "person" talking about?

Posted by: It's me donna at December 23, 2019 12:31 PM (6XlcD)

160 Obozo had weekly cocktail parties at the White House.

Well, you've got to admit, weekly Diet Coke parties just doesn't have the same pizazz. Now, if Biden is elected, Hunter can throw some coke parties.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 23, 2019 12:31 PM (+y/Ru)

161 Their suggestion is that Trump has stopped social mixing in DC.

To the extent that that might be true, not seeing the problem.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc at December 23, 2019 12:31 PM (hnQOz)

162 156 Can't we all just get along?
Posted by: Rodney King

your missing the zombie tag

Posted by: Rick in SK at December 23, 2019 12:31 PM (FZYNt)

163 "Trump has cast a pall"

Wut?? These festering fuckwads were BRAGGING about not "normalizing" the Trumps and all who work for them. I hate these people.

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 23, 2019 12:31 PM (vN4+Q)

164 152 Mr. Chaffee said: "I'm old enough to have been around during the last impeachment, and it was just the same as it is now - meanspirited and evil, on both sides." But President Clinton never 86-ed the White House Christmas party during his impeachment.

Is it possible Bubba was simply looking for pussy?

Posted by: N.L. Urker Philips Screwdriver of the Gods at December 23, 2019 12:31 PM (Uu+Jp)

165 Mooch bragged to Oprah one time, that the Wednesday night WH cocktail parties often featured conga lines. "Things have been broken."

Trash. Pure trash.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 23, 2019 12:31 PM (ptqGC)

166 Trump had the WH Christmas party... WTF is this "person" talking about?
Posted by: It's me donna at December 23, 2019 12:31 PM (6XlcD)
Not the one for the Press. He had one for real people.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 12:31 PM (I2dne)

167 136 Eddie Murphy actually made SNL somewhat funny again and they surprisingly took a lot of shots at the Democrat field(I expect them to go all in or whatever "savior"is parachuted in)
Eddie is an old hand at playing the Race Card to do edgy but funny comedy. Remember the Velvet Jones and racist reggae skits? Only he could do them, and only he could make them funny, scolds could just go away. He can grin, take shots, and they have to take it. Like people used to do before PC scolds bullied the media into subservience and Salem-style hysterics.

Posted by: exdem13 at December 23, 2019 12:32 PM (W+kMI)

168 Now, if Biden is elected, Hunter can throw some coke parties.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler

the bubbles tickle my nose

Posted by: Slow Joe at December 23, 2019 12:32 PM (FZYNt)

169 Not the one for the Press. He had one for real people.

Oh, you're right

Posted by: It's me donna at December 23, 2019 12:32 PM (6XlcD)

170 Who wants to hang w/a bunch of putzes?

Posted by: BignJames at December 23, 2019 12:25 PM (X/Pw5)

[Trump staffer to reporter] Lonnie, let me introduce you to Mohammet, Jugdish, Sidney, and Clayton.

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 23, 2019 12:32 PM (q1Pj5)

171 But President Clinton never 86-ed the White House Christmas party during his impeachment.

Pretty damned nervy of him to launch that impeachment sham.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc at December 23, 2019 12:32 PM (hnQOz)

172 Things got done in '95 at the Dayton Accords. Why? Because Dayton. Drain the DC Christmas Party Networking Circuit.

Posted by: Wright Patterson at December 23, 2019 12:32 PM (rqrwe)

173 Women and children hardest hit.
Posted by: Pete Seria at December 23, 2019 12:30 PM (0ldxp)

girly men and infantiles.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at December 23, 2019 12:32 PM (LWu6U)

174 I liked the, "Siege Mentality" line. that's precious.
I gave that idiot a hearty bless your heart for cluelessness.
The reality is that they attend these parties and still just go to the office the next day and make shit up like it happened in real life and not in the fever dreams of a screaming hangover.

Posted by: Winston a dreg of society at December 23, 2019 12:32 PM (Tt761)

175 It is comical how this is trumps "fault". They don't see any of this as being their fault at all.

Posted by: Inspector Kemp at December 23, 2019 12:33 PM (+DS2f)

176 48 If I worked for the Trump Administration, no way would I go out hobnobbing in DC and have any sort of social life outside my known tribe. I'd be taking my meals by Postmates at home under an alias. 

Posted by: Blago at December 23, 2019 12:14 PM (sjTfF)

I'd get groceries, take sandwiches to work, and never drink out of a bottle that wasn't either mass marketed or filled by me that day.

But it's academic, because if you see me in DC it's either because I'm a tourist or I came to loot the place. Buying property there strikes me as a real estate deal in Sodom. Conversely, anyone who even tolerates the subhuman scum of the DC elite is automatically suspect.

Posted by: trev006 at December 23, 2019 12:33 PM (aDkrc)

177 Do the Obamas still travel to Hawaii every year and close down the Marine base beach for themselves?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 23, 2019 12:33 PM (ptqGC)

178 Remember when the Obama's had a Mao Christmas ornament on the WH tree?

Fucking anti American anti god socialist scum shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the WH much less throw a party for them.

Posted by: Easy Andy at December 23, 2019 12:33 PM (2DOZq)

179 Christmas is a time to let it all hang out!

Posted by: Mike Obama at December 23, 2019 12:30 PM (vtcmf)

The snow goggles, they do nothing!

Posted by: A Jolly Old Elf at December 23, 2019 12:33 PM (q1Pj5)

180 Well, the right people are bitching up a storm. Let me check my score card...

I'll be damned. Still winning and not tired yet.

Posted by: Bilwis, Devourer of Low Glycemic Souls at December 23, 2019 12:33 PM (jp0Bv)

181 Any story printed in the NYT has a 99% probability with a 95% confidence factor that it is a lie.

Posted by: Vic at December 23, 2019 12:34 PM (mpXpK)

182 Invite Trump Cabinet People to Christmas party... Serve alcohol... Record conversation... **misrepresent** said conversation... Profit!!

Posted by: davidt at December 23, 2019 12:34 PM (l3+k2)

183 Why would anybody show up to a party so some screeching adult-baby can scream invective at you. #RESISTBADORANGEMAN

Fuck em'

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 23, 2019 12:34 PM (vN4+Q)

184 174 I liked the, "Siege Mentality" line. that's precious.
I gave that idiot a hearty bless your heart for cluelessness.
The reality is that they attend these parties and still just go to the office the next day and make shit up like it happened in real life and not in the fever dreams of a screaming hangover.

Posted by: Winston a dreg of society at December 23, 2019 12:32 PM (Tt761)

Bloody Constantinople and their siege mentality!

-Turks and journalists

Posted by: Someguy at December 23, 2019 12:34 PM (ii3sZ)

185 And now I am whip-sawing between my usual default modes of "hate" and "contempt." Anyone here know a word for the super-positioning of both states?

No, but I bet the Germans have a word for it.

Posted by: Rob Crawford at December 23, 2019 12:34 PM (ZJ/un)

186 In fact, this president is a night owl who spent much of his adult life partying his way on to Page Six, surrounded by movie stars, pornographic actresses and models. He knows that social capital can be wielded as a source of soft power

Indeed he does. So I encourage you check your premises. You seem to be of the belief that his actions are inexplicable because he knows "the rules" and how to function in the environment you're describing at a high level.

It isn't inexplicable at all. There is nothing to be gained. You have no value. Indeed, you have negative value. You rank below porn stars.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 12:34 PM (I2dne)

187 Golly, no chance to party wth Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, Schumer, ad nauseam? What a disappointment.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc at December 23, 2019 12:34 PM (hnQOz)

188 You mean totalitarians are shocked, shocked that #Cancel and #Erasure Culture has consequences and repercussions beyond mere infantile Stage One thinking? I shan't believe it ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Mifsud Didn't Kill Himself at December 23, 2019 12:34 PM (/TPq6)

189 @3

As we have seen, nothing is off the record or "on background" when a Republican is involved.

Also as we have seen with Papadopolus and Page, Deep State operatives like to work their marks at parties or bars, gee, wonder why.

Fuck these people, they are evil.

Posted by: White Rabbit Object at December 23, 2019 12:34 PM (coK/l)

190 Screw these media asshats.
The best Christmas Party in DC is the DelTec party held every year at the Ritz Carlton in Tyson's Corner. Usually the first weekend in December. Raises a HUGELY large number of gifts for Toys for Tots and are really great time.

Posted by: Diogenes at December 23, 2019 12:35 PM (axyOa)

191 And now I am whip-sawing between my usual default modes of "hate" and "contempt." Anyone here know a word for the super-positioning of both states?


Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc at December 23, 2019 12:35 PM (hnQOz)

192 There are actually people screeching about the Trump's going to their home at Mar-a-Lago for Christmas. The cost!!!!

Vs. the Obama clan traveling to Hawaii for two weeks during Christmas every year.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 23, 2019 12:35 PM (ptqGC)

193 It is comical how this is trumps "fault". They don't see any of this as being their fault at all.
Yeah, that burning limo on Inauguration Day kind of set the tone, maybe?

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at December 23, 2019 12:35 PM (bWBdM)

194 There's so much love between the MSM and Trump.

I'm amazed it's not one big Impeachmas party with them from Dec 1st onward.

This is like Hitler bitching that Moscow nightlife in 1943 isn't as welcoming to Germans as it used to be.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at December 23, 2019 12:35 PM (O8SrN)

195 Anyone get the sense that Trump is having plenty of parties - its just these assholes are no longer invited?

Posted by: Inspector Kemp at December 23, 2019 12:35 PM (+DS2f)

196 146 Every time a Leftist complains another Trump judge gets his appointment.
Sounds good to me!

Anyone want to make book on RBG kicking it next year and handing Trump a SC appointment and an election year club while the Left goes bananas?

Posted by: exdem13 at December 23, 2019 12:35 PM (W+kMI)

197 Posted by: exdem13 at December 23, 2019 12:32 PM (W+kMI)

Here's a controversial statement

Dave Chappell > Eddie Murphy

Posted by: Easy Andy at December 23, 2019 12:36 PM (2DOZq)

198 178 Remember when the Obama's had a Mao Christmas ornament on the WH tree?

yes... Melania has done wonderful decorations each year, only to be attacked by the media.. Like Jane said they went after the coat she was wearing this year.. And HGTV runs the WH Christmas every year, but they didn't even bother advertising it .. Had it on only once at 2:00 Pacific.....

Posted by: It's me donna at December 23, 2019 12:36 PM (6XlcD)

199 I'll bring the tar, y'all bring the feathers.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at December 23, 2019 12:36 PM (AURKQ)


Alternate post title:

Fake News: We Want Our Punching Bags Back!

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 23, 2019 12:36 PM (WH0HO)

201 another barren field of fucks to give for these degenerate assholes.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at December 23, 2019 12:36 PM (KP5rU)

202 This is great pre-election news.

Nothing like lamenting the quality of the cocktail parties to get the productive class to sympathize with the tribulations of the scum living off our tax dollars.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at December 23, 2019 12:36 PM (LWu6U)

203 109 There's a Navarro in my pants.
Posted by: Jerry "Comedy Gold" Nadless at December 23, 2019 12:23 PM

An infinitely large object in an infinitely large this one of this Zen meditation riddles?

Posted by: Grimaldi at December 23, 2019 12:36 PM (5S0FW)

204 Eddie Murphy Mr Robinson's Neighborhood skit was great.His neighborhood is now gentrified and he is squatting in his apartment.He steals the left wing white people's packages and when they ask where his stuff is he plays the race card.Hilarious.

Posted by: steevy at December 23, 2019 12:37 PM (KNsKs)

205 Dear NYT: This is a feature, not a bug. THIS is one of the many reasons I voted for Trump. To make the elites howl.

Posted by: goatexchange at December 23, 2019 12:37 PM (iUjXP)

206 >>Christmas is a time to let it all hang out!

Now. Who wants to help me Trim the Tree Trunk?

Posted by: Michele Obama's Landing Strip at December 23, 2019 12:37 PM (WuLIo)

Vs. the Obama clan traveling to Hawaii for two weeks during Christmas every year.

Don't forget Marthas Vineyard in the summer

Posted by: It's me donna at December 23, 2019 12:37 PM (6XlcD)

208 172 Things got done in '95 at the Dayton Accords. Why? Because Dayton. Drain the DC Christmas Party Networking Circuit.
Posted by: Wright Patterson at December 23, 2019 12:32 PM (rqrwe)

Rumor is you got a bunch of secret underground tunnels beneath you. What say you?

Posted by: Augustine at December 23, 2019 12:37 PM (BDZWU)

209 199 I'll bring the tar, y'all bring the feathers.
Posted by: Warai-otoko

pretty sure I've given enough

Posted by: the chicken at December 23, 2019 12:37 PM (FZYNt)

210 Also, Trump didn't send Christmas cards to the people who hate him.

Literally Hitler.

Posted by: jsg at December 23, 2019 12:37 PM (tkjIS)

211 186 In fact, this president is a night owl who spent much of his adult life partying his way on to Page Six, surrounded by movie stars, pornographic actresses and models. He knows that social capital can be wielded as a source of soft power

Indeed he does. So I encourage you check your premises. You seem to be of the belief that his actions are inexplicable because he knows "the rules" and how to function in the environment you're describing at a high level.

It isn't inexplicable at all. There is nothing to be gained. You have no value. Indeed, you have negative value. You rank below porn stars.
This is some pretty astute commentary on cause and effect, and the cause of the effect, so to speak.

Posted by: exdem13 at December 23, 2019 12:37 PM (W+kMI)

212 Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 12:34 PM (I2dne)


Posted by: ... at December 23, 2019 12:37 PM (yXePB)

213 I'm so sorry this is happening to them.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 23, 2019 12:38 PM (H9cB7)

214 What shallow lives they live.

They need to learn to code.
Posted by: Anna Puma at December 23, 2019 12:06 PM (10jcS)

Way late here, but nice hexameter. 👍

Posted by: hogmartin at December 23, 2019 12:38 PM (t+qrx)


Posted by: Propaganda Parrot at December 23, 2019 12:38 PM (8q8+V)

216 Do the Obamas still travel to Hawaii every year and close down the Marine base beach for themselves?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 23, 2019 12:33 PM (ptqGC)

When the House was voting on the articles of impeachment against Trump, Obama was on a golf course in Hawaii.

Posted by: Vendette at December 23, 2019 12:38 PM (un8gM)

217 Our garbage elites... it's amazing what mediocrities they are.

Posted by: Truck Monkey at December 23, 2019 12:38 PM (flINI)

218 Anyone want to make book on RBG kicking it next year
Posted by: exdem13

I'd need to see proof of life this year first

Posted by: x at December 23, 2019 12:38 PM (nFwvY)

219 "Why do this racist nazi devil man and his supporters not want to party with us?"

Fucking slimeballs.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at December 23, 2019 12:39 PM (AURKQ)

220 his supporters' glee...
"Trump has cast a pall."

So! Very! Gleeful!!!

Giddy like a schoolboy, as redeemed Scrooge might say.

Their lamentation is peppermint candy in my stocking, whipped cream on my coffee. May their tears spoil their appletinis.

Posted by: mindful webworker - Alexa, play Nelson Muntz laugh at December 23, 2019 12:39 PM (qpKia)

221 208 172 Things got done in '95 at the Dayton Accords. Why? Because Dayton. Drain the DC Christmas Party Networking Circuit.
Posted by: Wright Patterson at December 23, 2019 12:32 PM (rqrwe)

Rumor is you got a bunch of secret underground tunnels beneath you. What say you?
No, no, that's The Tunnels at Wright State University next door. Wright Pat has the mysterious unlabeled warehouses and hangers.

Posted by: exdem13 at December 23, 2019 12:39 PM (W+kMI)

222 When I'm president, we're gonna party all the time. Party all the tiiiime.

Posted by: President Joey at December 23, 2019 12:39 PM (cLLSC)

The hypothetical abusive spouse who explains their violence and isolating behavior as being forced upon them by the victim; the abuser is the the real victim here.

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at December 23, 2019 12:39 PM (t5m5e)

224 I'm adding this to the articles of impeachment.

Posted by: Rep. Adam Schiff at December 23, 2019 12:39 PM (qEujL)

225 >>There is nothing to be gained. You have no value. Indeed, you have negative value. You rank below porn stars.

You will submit your cv and three samples of your most recent work to Zod Publications, c/o Managing Editor.

Posted by: Zod at December 23, 2019 12:39 PM (qXNVo)

226 218 Anyone want to make book on RBG kicking it next year
Posted by: exdem13

I'd need to see proof of life this year first
Right, that's one for "dead as of January 1".

Posted by: exdem13 at December 23, 2019 12:40 PM (W+kMI)


WHO has cast the pall?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 23, 2019 12:40 PM (aKsyK)

228 As much as I love Chappelle, he isn't nearly as talented as Eddie Murphy.

Not even close, really.

Posted by: garrett at December 23, 2019 12:40 PM (WuLIo)

229 This has the feel of an article written by people getting used to the idea that they've got five more years of this shit.

Posted by: ... at December 23, 2019 12:40 PM (yXePB)

230 One more thing about DC: in the modern era, it's preferable to take cities without an excess of brutality. The labor and capital of the cities are often specialized and takes considerable time to replace. Destroying a city means destroying the financial foundation that makes taking the city worthwhile. Only the most rabid level of hatred and ideological principle makes things like the Soviet sack of Berlin look like a good idea, and even then their atrocities resulted in West Berlin implacably working against the Soviets for decades.

With DC, things are different. It's the boot on the throat of actual Americans. Its regulations are designed to assist oligarchy and it produces nothing of value. Its inhabitants are wretched traitors who are critical to maintaining the enemy state, and cannot be relied upon to refrain from harming us, much less help us. They have completely earned whatever terrifying fate awaits them.

The fate of DC should make Carthage and Sodom look like an afterthought.

Posted by: trev006 at December 23, 2019 12:40 PM (aDkrc)

231 I would like to attend one of these parties. It would be amusing to watch these corrupt toolboxes stumbling around, half-stuffed and entirely drunk, searching in vain for a reason to exist, merely tolerating each-other because nobody wants to be there, there's no point in being there, there is nothing to accomplish, their souls are incapable of joy and yet they *have* to show up because it's all they have.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 12:41 PM (I2dne)

Every time a Leftist complains another Trump judge gets his appointment.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 23, 2019 12:28 PM (oVJmc)



Im sooooo stealing that.

Posted by: fixerupper at December 23, 2019 12:41 PM (8XRCm)

233 In unrelated news had the smaller humans help prep the brisket for the slow cook (20 hours).

Here is hoping they carry on the Christmas Brisket tradition long after I am gone.

And not invite any members of the press to our parties.

Posted by: Big V at December 23, 2019 12:41 PM (B06Zw)

234 Murphy killed it. When Buckwheat broke into "Respect" or however he spelled it, I lost it in a way that I haven't lost it watching SNL in forever.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 23, 2019 12:41 PM (H9cB7)

235 Alternate post title:

Fake News: We Want Our Punching Bags Back!

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 23, 2019 12:36 PM (WH0HO)

The Bush clan was perfect for them. The left got to call them Hitler and fascists and those douches stood there and took it. Of course now we know what a bunch of Quislings the Bushes and everyone who worked for them were which was probably why they just stood there like idiots and took the abuse

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 23, 2019 12:41 PM (REzVc)

236 And now I am whip-sawing between my usual default modes of "hate" and "contempt." Anyone here know a word for the super-positioning of both states?

There is a theory that shampeachment never intended to remove Trump but just to impair his reputation and authority. Maybe, but they have also diminished the reputation and authority of Clown Nanzi's Kangaroo Kongress and government generally.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 23, 2019 12:42 PM (+y/Ru)

237 The pall on the mall falls mainly upon the small.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 23, 2019 12:42 PM (/sgva)

238 Trump has ruined calling nood

Posted by: ... at December 23, 2019 12:42 PM (yXePB)

239 The fate of DC should make Carthage and Sodom look like an afterthought.
Posted by: trev006 at December 23, 2019 12:40 PM (aDkrc)

Right now, as we read this, Kurt Schlichter is outlining a new character for his next novel named "Delenda Salt".

Posted by: Warai-otoko at December 23, 2019 12:42 PM (AURKQ)

240 177
Do the Obamas still travel to Hawaii every year and close down the Marine base beach for themselves?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 23, 2019 12:33 PM (ptqGC)


I thought DogEater was now an openly kept man on one of Branson's islands or something.

Posted by: ShainS -- Mifsud Didn't Kill Himself at December 23, 2019 12:42 PM (/TPq6)

241 James Brown in the hot tub.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at December 23, 2019 12:42 PM (1ISKN)

242 There is an easy way to fix DC.

Make all those assholes walk home.

Let them try and walk through those neighborhoods that surround the Capitol to get to their tony homes in the Suburbs.

1/3 of them would be killed on the first commute.

Posted by: garrett at December 23, 2019 12:42 PM (WuLIo)

243 The pall on the mall falls mainly upon the small.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 23, 2019 12:42 PM (/sgva)
hear, hear!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 12:42 PM (I2dne)

244 The Pall Malls in Bhopal fall mainly in the hall.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 23, 2019 12:43 PM (H9cB7)

245 "It's like a siege mentality," said Kevin Chaffee, a senior editor at
Washington Life, a society magazine that is read by President Trump.

umm, maybe because the White House staff is actually under siege?

I've often thought of Trump and his people operating in a bunker in hostile territory.

Posted by: kallisto at December 23, 2019 12:43 PM (DJFLF)

246 Anyone want to make book on RBG kicking it next year
Posted by: exdem13


Ill be kicking your scrawny ass there sonny. Now.... get out of my fucking way.... Im late to my half marathon.

Posted by: R.B.G., The Notorious to you at December 23, 2019 12:43 PM (8XRCm)

247 I've often thought of Trump and his people operating in a bunker in hostile territory.
Posted by: kallisto at December 23, 2019 12:43 PM (DJFLF)
That is precisely what they are doing.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 12:43 PM (I2dne)

248 Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 23, 2019 12:42 PM (/sgva)

Oh that's too good.

* * * uptwinkles * * *

Posted by: ... at December 23, 2019 12:43 PM (yXePB)

249 The pall on the mall falls mainly upon the small.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 23, 2019 12:42 PM (/sgva


Mmmmmm... Pall Malls. I haven't had a cigarette in 10 years.

Posted by: Truck Monkey at December 23, 2019 12:44 PM (flINI)


You built this.

The hysterical Chuck Todd with Cruz interview shows you all you need to know.


But I am going to have a very merry Christmas.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at December 23, 2019 12:44 PM (vEIlU)

251 >>241
James Brown in the hot tub. Posted by: sniffybigtoe at December 23, 2019 12:42 PM (1ISKN)

James Brown in the hot-dish. The hardest-working man in a Minnesota church basement.

Posted by: Zod at December 23, 2019 12:44 PM (qXNVo)

252 >>Mmmmmm... Pall Malls. I haven't had a cigarette in 10 years.

My old boss smoked those.

Posted by: garrett at December 23, 2019 12:44 PM (WuLIo)

253 A society mag read by president trump.


Posted by: dagny at December 23, 2019 12:44 PM (nRWPy)

254 There is an easy way to fix DC.
.----.Nuke it from space. It's the only way to be sure.

Posted by: Ripley at December 23, 2019 12:44 PM (t41dG)

255 I like how the article describes Sally Quinn as, "The Georgetown hostess" vs. describing her as "was married to the late Ben Bradlee, which got her social cachet in town and a column in the Washington Post. Her last columns at the Post were in the Faith section, but she cast aside after writing a column bemoaning the fact that her son's shotgun wedding to a yoga instructor he impregnated happened to conflict with the already-scheduled wedding of Bradlee's niece and how awful it all was. Oh, and something about the availability of the National Cathedral."

Posted by: Vendette at December 23, 2019 12:45 PM (un8gM)

256 Yeah, that burning limo on Inauguration Day kind of set the tone, maybe?
A limo owned/driven by an African Immigrant, but #RESIST!!

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 23, 2019 12:46 PM (vN4+Q)

Nuke it from space. It's the only way to be sure.
Posted by: Ripley at December 23, 2019



Nuke it from orbit.

Goddamned alien replicants.

Posted by: fixerupper at December 23, 2019 12:46 PM (8XRCm)

258 ... and move the pieces on the chessboard? The media's fantasy of themselves Washington power players is comical. The inverse proportion of their own self-regard to their awareness of the way they're actually seen by most of the public is amazing.

Posted by: Al Crapton at December 23, 2019 12:46 PM (zQPzn)

259 They're fighting for you, though. Really they are!!!!

Posted by: ... at December 23, 2019 12:46 PM (yXePB)

260 Right now, as we read this, Kurt Schlichter is outlining a new character for his next novel named "Delenda Salt".

Posted by: Warai-otoko at De

If he throws in a Dahl reference, I'll actually buy this one.

Posted by: trev006 at December 23, 2019 12:46 PM (aDkrc)

261 These people are just like Firemen and Soldiers.

Posted by: garrett at December 23, 2019 12:47 PM (WuLIo)

262 And how much of this is nostalgic horseshit also? Let's face it, for bad or good, I don't know, parties like that are kind of dying. I'm kind of nostalgic about going to a good party myself but now that I'm 29 when I do go to something like that, after an hour I usually want to just go home.

Posted by: lowandslow at December 23, 2019 12:47 PM (4thlk)

263 TDS projection at its finest: "It's Trump's fault we harass anyone associated with him to the point we can't have good social gatherings"

Posted by: can of spam at December 23, 2019 12:47 PM (g0aRc)

264 You know who else didn't invite journalists to his cocktail parties?

You guessed it, Frank Stallone.

Posted by: ... at December 23, 2019 12:47 PM (yXePB)

265 In fact, this president is a night owl who spent much of his adult life partying his way on to Page Six, surrounded by movie stars, pornographic actresses and models. He knows that social capital can be wielded as a source of soft power

And denying it is a play of power, as well.

And this is what they're pissed about-- they're being cut out of power.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 23, 2019 12:47 PM (oVJmc)

266 I did not think it possible for person to be so detached from reality.


Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserios at December 23, 2019 12:48 PM (pw+jk)

267 250 

You built this. 

The hysterical Chuck Todd with Cruz interview shows you all you need to know. 



They are lashing out due to losing power.

They are used to getting Rs to cave.

Posted by: Ha at December 23, 2019 12:48 PM (UU64l)

268 I'd say the selfishness and lack of introspection/ self awareness is unbelievable but unfortunately I've seen it in liberals on the home front. It's stunning.

Posted by: piratepatch at December 23, 2019 12:48 PM (taXNc)

269 235 Alternate post title:

Fake News: We Want Our Punching Bags Back!

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 23, 2019 12:36 PM (WH0HO)

The Bush clan was perfect for them. The left got to call them Hitler and fascists and those douches stood there and took it. Of course now we know what a bunch of Quislings the Bushes and everyone who worked for them were which was probably why they just stood there like idiots and took the abuse
Posted by: TheQuietMan

The humiliation is part of the kink.

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 23, 2019 12:48 PM (vN4+Q)

270 Eddie Murphy didn't give one good goddam about appeasing the SJW's. He just went out and was funny.

When the soi doinks at the AV Club have their panties all twisted in wads today trying to figure out how to say that Murphy was funny yet problematic, you know he was good.

Right around the time Murphy, as Buckwheat, perfectly enunciated one line in "Feliz Navidad" with a flash of that old Eddie Murphy grin, I thought, this is what SNL has been missing for eons. Energy, cleverness, talent and that once-important sense of "hey, we're all in on it."

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 23, 2019 12:48 PM (H9cB7)

271 Meanwhile Democrats argue over whose elite wine-tasting fundraiser had the most billionaires

Posted by: Victor Tango Kilo at December 23, 2019 12:48 PM (WGUm2)

272 261 These people are just like Firemen and Soldiers.
Posted by: garrett at December 23, 2019 12:47 PM (WuLIo)

"First Responders" indeed. Literally no time elapsed between an event and their immediate, insipid responses on antisocial media.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at December 23, 2019 12:48 PM (AURKQ)

273 >>Let them try and walk through those neighborhoods that surround the Capitol to get to their tony homes in the Suburbs.
1/3 of them would be killed on the first commute. Posted by: garrett at December 23, 2019 12:42 PM (WuLIo)

AP: In a fit of populist pique, DC-area boaters took the opportunity to express their frustration at members of Congress. From the bows of their boats--armed with modern-day tridents--they spitted congressmen and -women swimming home to Virginia from the Capitol on pitchforks and stakes. "Just like gigging frogs," said one boat-owner. "You see the face, and the terror, and then BAM, you just jam whatever down on the head."

Posted by: Zod at December 23, 2019 12:49 PM (ZS9TG)

274 This kind of stuff plays really well in the heartland. People love elites moaning about how their hot super rich elite cocktail circuit isn't as fun as it once was.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 23, 2019 12:49 PM (KZzsI)

275 >>In fact, this president is a night owl who spent much of his adult life partying his way on to Page Six, surrounded by movie stars, pornographic actresses and models. He knows that social capital can be wielded as a source of soft power

Bob Dole can help you turn that Soft Power hard, again!

Posted by: Bob Dole at December 23, 2019 12:49 PM (WuLIo)

276 when I do go to something like that, after an hour I usually want to just go home

Posted by: lowandslow at December 23, 2019 12:47 PM (4thlk)

Holy shit an hour? What are you, some kind of deranged social butterfly?

Posted by: ... at December 23, 2019 12:49 PM (yXePB)

277 "They don't want to go out and court confrontation. Trump has cast a pall."

How does "Trump cast a pall" when its his people being "confronted" ?

This is the same rubbish a wife-beater makes when complaining that his knuckles are bruised because his wife kept smashing her face in to it.

They want proximity to power, then show thanks by jamming shivs in the backs of those that showed any level of comity.

Demonically possessed narcissists - all of them.

Sane people would want to have zero exposure to these psychopaths.

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at December 23, 2019 12:49 PM (lD3vL)

278 Trump was impeached last week.
The fact that the nyt can find space to print such vapid nonsense just days after the President was impeached tells you all you need to know about the impact this is having, even within the bubble of people who read the nyt.

Posted by: Clay ** Have you told a commie to fcuk off today? Ask me for a list of local DNC offices at December 23, 2019 12:50 PM (xT+ue)

279 alcohol fueled leaks are what they live by... that plus paid propaganda from Fusion GPS and / or China.

Posted by: henry at December 23, 2019 12:50 PM (JMDly)

280 They're not jealous of Trump at all, by the way.

Posted by: ... at December 23, 2019 12:50 PM (yXePB)

281 This kind of stuff plays really well in the heartland. People love elites moaning about how their hot super rich elite cocktail circuit isn't as fun as it once was.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 23, 2019 12:49 PM (KZzsI)
I do love it. I want more and bigger.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 12:50 PM (I2dne)

282 Note to self: Nuke-proof Festung Zod in preparation for stand-off DC nuclear devastation.

Posted by: Zod at December 23, 2019 12:50 PM (ZS9TG)

These people are just like Firemen and Soldiers.
Posted by: garrett

Firemen from Fahrenheit 451

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 23, 2019 12:50 PM (aKsyK)

284 Democrats go to racist, misogynist, oppressive Christmas parties? Who knew?

Posted by: joseph dagostino at December 23, 2019 12:50 PM (3w9Fm)

285 RBG - When I'm calling you-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo...

Posted by: Antonin Scalia at December 23, 2019 12:50 PM (rqrwe)

286 "You go out to the grocery store or the gasoline station or the cocktail party and tell them they're not welcome! You track them down at baseball practice and smash their pelvic bone with a 7.62x39 mm! You go to their houses with a mob and and you put a tire filled with gas around their neck and you light it on fire! Kill! Kill! Kill!

Boom shaka laka laka boom shaka laka laka


Why won't they come to our Holiday party?

- Maxine Waters et al

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at December 23, 2019 12:50 PM (t5m5e)

287 Last nite on the ONT I posted about a situation where they sent in a paramilitary unit to extract a guy from his house. This was in a neighboring town.
The guy made it out alive, surprisingly. I don't know what kind of shape he is in though.
The newspaper's account differs from what a witness, my BF, who was there giving me periodic updates related. Surprise surprise.
I'll just leave you with this. When BF saw the armored vehicle rolling up his street, complete with battering ram, he said, "if the government wants to take our guns they'll be able to do it. That thing could have rode up on my property and smashed through my house like it was made of toothpicks."

Posted by: kallisto at December 23, 2019 12:51 PM (DJFLF)

288 16 Burn. It. Down.

And Merry Christmas!
Posted by: Czech Chick

That's what I said.

Posted by: Hans Gruber at December 23, 2019 12:51 PM (prSvo)


Posted by: Guzalot at December 23, 2019 12:51 PM (prSvo)

290 Has anybody mentioned that DC's "Newseum" is closing its doors forever in a couple days because nobody outside the MSM GAF?

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at December 23, 2019 12:51 PM (dfRN6)

291 But remember, we are the ones living in a bubble.

Posted by: DocJ at December 23, 2019 12:51 PM (77WPm)

292 This is not a joke: most of the work done in DC was done at cocktail parties. Its why departments whined so much when Trump split them up to be closer to their actual work. "We'll have no influence!!!"

Trump's White House seems to be fixing this ludicrous system, based on this whining article

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 23, 2019 12:51 PM (KZzsI)

293 In fact, this president is a night owl who spent much of his adult life partying his way on to Page Six, surrounded by movie stars, pornographic actresses and models. He knows that social capital can be wielded as a source of soft power

And denying it is a play of power, as well.

And this is what they're pissed about-- they're being cut out of power.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 23, 2019 12:47 PM (oVJmc)

Yes, this is what the big fight is all about. Power, which, cliche, is the root of all evil.

Power via the Supreme Court
Power in the lower courts
Power in international lands (for money laundering and favors)
Power in controlling the media narrative
Power in influence and money

It's always ultimately about power, with a dash of arrogance and ego sprinkled on top.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at December 23, 2019 12:51 PM (vEIlU)

294 I had a dream that POLITICO staff was mad at Nanzi because she's not allowing them to help her. It's like she forgot whose team she is on.
In the dream the staff writers were wearing hipster hats.

Posted by: kallisto at December 23, 2019 12:52 PM (DJFLF)

295 The managers! The managers! I blame the managers!

Posted by: Speaker Nancy Pelosi at December 23, 2019 12:52 PM (qEujL)

296 Note to self: Nuke-proof Festung Zod in preparation for stand-off DC nuclear devastation.
Posted by: Zod at December 23, 2019 12:50 PM

On the plus side, your blue cheeses will have a lovely glow.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 23, 2019 12:52 PM (ejd/p)

297 Just speaking truth to power, dude.

Posted by: Fredo at December 23, 2019 12:53 PM (tkjIS)

298 You guessed it, Frank Stallone.

Posted by: ... at December 23, 2019 12:47 PM (yXePB)


Take it back!

Do do do do -- take it back!

Posted by: ShainS -- Mifsud Didn't Kill Himself at December 23, 2019 12:53 PM (F26rd)

299 Damn those Trumpkins for not standing still whilst we pelt them with stones!

Posted by: WarEagle82 at December 23, 2019 12:53 PM (jADor)

300 295 The managers! The managers! I blame the managers!
Posted by: Speaker Nancy Pelosi at December 23, 2019 12:52 PM (qEujL)

So did I

Posted by: Zombie George Steinbrenner at December 23, 2019 12:53 PM (Izzlo)

301 Wasn't Captain Kristol claiming the DC cocktail party circuit was a deplorable myth?

Posted by: Victor Tango Kilo at December 23, 2019 12:53 PM (WGUm2)

302 Zod attended one of the post-election victory shindigs. At said shindig, a senior senator suggested that Mike Lee would be a superb candidate for SCOTUS. Also, Ben Sasse was invited, but did not attend.
That is all.

Posted by: Zod at December 23, 2019 12:53 PM (qXNVo)

303 BREAKING: We are hearing reports of shots fired at Nakatomi Plaza.

Posted by: NYTimes at December 23, 2019 12:54 PM (q1Pj5)

304 They are lashing out due to losing power.

They are used to getting Rs to cave.

Posted by: Ha at December 23, 2019 12:48 PM (UU64l)

What is beautiful about this is that it is Trump that gave some in the GOP the spine. He has their back. People like Jordan, Gaetz, Meadows, Nunes... The Mitt Romney's of the party would continue to stifle them if it weren't for Trump having their back and showing them that fighting back is effective.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at December 23, 2019 12:54 PM (vEIlU)

305 I guess they could always invite Bill kristol, for the insider true conservative viewpoint.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 23, 2019 12:54 PM (RiGOH)

306 I thought Fox News was supposed to have a Republican editorial slant. Never watched it during the day much, but this show I'm watching with four women yapping and some idiot guy in the middle is straining to characterize Pelosi's impeachment bullshit as complety credible statesmanship.

Posted by: Al Crapton at December 23, 2019 12:54 PM (zQPzn)

307 I'll just leave you with this. When BF saw the armored vehicle rolling up his street, complete with battering ram, he said, "if the government wants to take our guns they'll be able to do it. That thing could have rode up on my property and smashed through my house like it was made of toothpicks."

Posted by: kallisto

Only if we don't stand together. If we're united how many 2A supporters are veterans of the endless wars we've been fighting? Do you think none of them know how to make an IED? Lay an ambush?

An armed resistance is a guerilla war, not Joe down the street holed up by himself.

Posted by: Guzalot at December 23, 2019 12:54 PM (prSvo)

308 Damn those Trumpkins for not standing still whilst we pelt them with stones!
Posted by: WarEagle82 at December 23, 2019 12:53 PM (jADor)

Article 2 of the Democrat's DeElection vote was pretty much "Trump won't put his orange head in this noose we made for him".

Posted by: DocJ at December 23, 2019 12:54 PM (77WPm)

309 I'll just leave you with this. When BF saw the armored vehicle rolling up his street, complete with battering ram, he said, "if the government wants to take our guns they'll be able to do it. That thing could have rode up on my property and smashed through my house like it was made of toothpicks."

Posted by: kallisto at December 23, 2019 12:51 PM (DJFLF)

Right up until Mr. Armored Vehicle meets Mr. IED.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 23, 2019 12:55 PM (/sgva)

310 An armed resistance is a guerilla war, not Joe down the street holed up by himself.
Posted by: Guzalot at December 23, 2019 12:54 PM (prSvo)

If you just hunker down in your basement with a cache of small arms, you're toast.

.... which is why one does not do that.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at December 23, 2019 12:55 PM (AURKQ)

311 WaPo on Christmas:

Three days before Christmas, hundreds of people filled the pews at Elmbrook Church, one of the largest evangelical Christian campuses in suburban Milwaukee. Some brought gifts for friends in tow. Onstage, LOVE, PEACE, HOPE and JOY were spelled out in life-size neon-blue letters.

For 20 minutes, the choir led the audience in Christmas carols. Outside the chapel, children ran circles around the church's brightly lit trees. Lead pastor Lee Heyward said the theme of the day's sermon would be love.

There was no mention of an editorial, published days before in an influential evangelical Christian magazine, that had called for President Donald Trump's removal from office.

Who do those damn Christians think they are?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 23, 2019 12:55 PM (+y/Ru)

312 >>On the plus side, your blue cheeses will have a lovely glow. Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 23, 2019 12:52 PM (ejd/p)

The current Stilton-style was a failure. Zod does not have any penicillium roqueforti in the 'fridge right now. Otherwise, you would be correct.

Posted by: Zod at December 23, 2019 12:55 PM (ZS9TG)

313 Meanwhile Bloomberg s private news outlet is making up fake news stories that trump called off the Ukraine funding immediately after the phone call.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 23, 2019 12:55 PM (RiGOH)

314 I thought Fox News was supposed to have a Republican editorial slant.
Posted by: Al Crapton at December 23, 2019 12:54 PM (zQPzn)

Except for 8PM through, maybe, 11PM, FNC is barely distinguishable from CNN and MSDNC.

Posted by: DocJ at December 23, 2019 12:55 PM (77WPm)

315 "I'll just leave you with this. When BF saw the armored vehicle rolling up his street, complete with battering ram"

The industrial military complex know how to play the game. Get the taxpayer to pay for these federal government military toys and then have them pay for them again at the local level.

Posted by: lowandslow at December 23, 2019 12:56 PM (4thlk)

316 290 Has anybody mentioned that DC's "Newseum" is closing its doors forever in a couple days because nobody outside the MSM GAF?
Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher

Heh! Merry Christmas!!

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 23, 2019 12:56 PM (vN4+Q)

317 People who drive armored vehicles don't live in the armored vehicles. They live in homes.

Posted by: hogmartin at December 23, 2019 12:56 PM (t+qrx)

318 Has anybody mentioned that DC's "Newseum" is closing its doors forever in a couple days because nobody outside the MSM GAF?

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at December 23, 2019 12:51 PM (dfRN6)

They did good business as a space for, guess what? Receptions, cocktail parties, and dinners. Otherwise, pretty much the only people who visited the place were school groups, the few people who were actually interested, and desperate tourists whenever there was a government shutdown that impacted the Smithsonian museums.
Plus the people in charge of the foundation that runs the Newseum weren't satisfied with their space in Arlington, VA (admission was free!) and their vision of grandeur in relocating to one of the most expensive pieces of real estate in DC was a really bad idea.

Posted by: Vendette at December 23, 2019 12:56 PM (un8gM)

319 An armed resistance is a guerilla war, not Joe down the street holed up by himself.
Posted by: Guzalot at December 23, 2019 12:54 PM (prSvo)

If you just hunker down in your basement with a cache of small arms, you're toast.


But.... If EVRYBODY on the culdesac is at the windows when they come for Mr Johnsons guns....

Posted by: fixerupper at December 23, 2019 12:56 PM (8XRCm)

320 I'll just leave you with this. When BF saw the armored vehicle rolling up his street, complete with battering ram, he said, "if the government wants to take our guns they'll be able to do it. That thing could have rode up on my property and smashed through my house like it was made of toothpicks."
Posted by: kallisto at December 23, 2019 12:51 PM (DJFLF)

That's not at all how the Boogaloo is going to go down.

Posted by: DocJ at December 23, 2019 12:57 PM (77WPm)

321 I'll just leave you with this. When BF saw the armored vehicle rolling up his street, complete with battering ram, he said, "if the government wants to take our guns they'll be able to do it. That thing could have rode up on my property and smashed through my house like it was made of toothpicks."

Posted by: kallisto at December 23, 2019 12:51 PM (DJFLF)

I don't doubt it. But that's also why defense is futile against that kind of force, on a macro and micro level. If you live in a city and have more guns than you can give to your friends, you're just a target for someone.

Step 1: Live outside cities. Suburbs might be okay, but not usually ideal. The further, the better.
Step 2: When the thugs show up, don't be at your home.
Step 3: Try to be at their home instead.
Step 4: Always be movin'.
Step 5: If your family is too big to be moving, keep them somewhere super secure. Hopefully your wife is a good shot.

Either way, the government had an even larger advantage over swarthy terrorists, and they still lost. There's a lesson in that.

Posted by: trev006 at December 23, 2019 12:57 PM (aDkrc)

322 Good. Everyone should leave DC for Christmas and go home to their resident states.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at December 23, 2019 12:57 PM (JRaU+)

323 Evangelicals should vote for devout Catholic joe Biden. Nevermind the abortion stuff, we are all sinners and whatever.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 23, 2019 12:57 PM (RiGOH)

324 307 I'll just leave you with this. When BF saw the armored vehicle rolling up his street, complete with battering ram, he said, "if the government wants to take our guns they'll be able to do it. That thing could have rode up on my property and smashed through my house like it was made of toothpicks."

Posted by: kallisto

Only if we don't stand together. If we're united how many 2A supporters are veterans of the endless wars we've been fighting? Do you think none of them know how to make an IED? Lay an ambush?

An armed resistance is a guerilla war, not Joe down the street holed up by himself
Two words to that Fed APC; "Molotov cocktail".

Or as a Xmas special once put it, "Oh my God, the quarterback is toast!"

Posted by: exdem13 at December 23, 2019 12:58 PM (W+kMI)

325 267:

"They are lashing out due to losing power."

This is the best explanation for the last three years of insanity. These people should be on their knees thanking God for Trump because otherwise sizable chunks of the populace would be at best indifferent to a nuclear/chemical attack on D.C. Even with Trump at the helm a huge swath of America never again will support United States military intervention. Most of the military has hailed from that swath although increasingly fewer will enlist.

Obviously this writer is a fucking idiot but he's hardly an outlier. An Imperial City this isolated from its ostensible citizens is not long for it.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at December 23, 2019 12:58 PM (iw59Q)

326 Good grief. We always joke about invitations to the right parties. I didn't realize it really is all about the parties. And the influence.

Posted by: Ladyl at December 23, 2019 12:58 PM (TdMsT)

327 Right up until Mr. Armored Vehicle meets Mr. IED.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 23, 2019 12:55 PM (/sgva)

"Thank you Mr. Cowboy, I'll take it under advisement."

Posted by: trev006 at December 23, 2019 12:58 PM (aDkrc)

328 >>and go home to their resident states. Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at December 23, 2019 12:57 PM (JRaU+)

...and stay there. Zod wants his Virginia back.

Posted by: Zod at December 23, 2019 12:58 PM (ZS9TG)

329 Here's a controversial statement

Dave Chappell > Eddie Murphy

Posted by: Easy Andy

Weeeeeelllllllll, that's a kinda apples vs. Oranges

Eddie was a 19 yr old kid on SNL and exploded to fame by dint of his talent and personality.

Nothing against Chappelle, but Eddie blazed the trail.

Posted by: JT at December 23, 2019 12:59 PM (arJlL)

330 anybody mentioned that DC's "Newseum" is closing its doors forever in a couple days because nobody outside the MSM GAF?

Sounds like nobody inside the msm gave a fuck either.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 23, 2019 12:59 PM (RiGOH)

331 MSM is responsible for what has happened and yet they're blaming the administration for the lack of socializing by administration officials?

Yet another day ending in "y."

These people really need a new playbook.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at December 23, 2019 12:59 PM (oBfF8)

332 I don't get invited to any parties at all. I guess that simplifies matters.

Posted by: Insomniac at December 23, 2019 12:59 PM (NWiLs)

333 Will the newseum employees have to learn to code?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 23, 2019 12:59 PM (RiGOH)

334 Republicans terrorized, Democrat's social lives most affected.

Posted by: DoubleBerryBerry at December 23, 2019 12:59 PM (x3Jue)

335 Wow kallisto.

Posted by: Tonypete at December 23, 2019 12:59 PM (Y4EXg)

336 The current Stilton-style was a failure. Zod does not have any penicillium roqueforti in the 'fridge right now. Otherwise, you would be correct.
Posted by: Zod at December 23, 2019 12:55 PM

Failure as in "not as good as Zod expected", or failure as in "why is it an iridescent orange?"

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 23, 2019 12:59 PM (ejd/p)

337 When BF saw the armored vehicle rolling up his street, complete with battering ram, he said, "if the government wants to take our guns they'll be able to do it. That thing could have rode up on my property and smashed through my house like it was made of toothpicks."

Tanks are pretty unstoppable, while working. But you can't take anything with a tank, you have to have people actually do the taking. And fuel the tank. And climb in to drive it. And if worse comes to worse you can blow the tread off.

Tanks are powerful, but they need support to function, because you cannot take any land with just tanks.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 23, 2019 12:59 PM (KZzsI)

338 Sounds like nobody inside the msm gave a fuck either.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 23, 2019 12:59 PM (RiGOH)

"Where's *my* picture? This place sucks."

Posted by: Warai-otoko at December 23, 2019 01:00 PM (AURKQ)

339 I'm Gumby dammit!

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 23, 2019 01:00 PM (H9cB7)

340 332 I don't get invited to any parties at all. I guess that simplifies matters.
Posted by: Insomniac at December 23, 2019 12:59 PM (NWiLs)

Same here!

Posted by: Charlie Brown at December 23, 2019 01:00 PM (qEujL)

341 >>could have rode up on my property and smashed through my house like it was made of toothpicks."
Posted by: kallisto at December 23, 2019 12:51 PM (DJFLF)

This is where the "move" part of "shoot and move" is derived.

Posted by: Zod at December 23, 2019 01:00 PM (ZS9TG)

Right up until Mr. Armored Vehicle meets Mr. IED.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 23, 2019 12:55 PM (/sgva)


Liquid fire is very effective against armored vehicles. Low tech and available.

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at December 23, 2019 01:00 PM (t5m5e)

343 Step 1: Live outside cities. Suburbs might be okay, but not usually ideal. The further, the better.
Step 2: When the thugs show up, don't be at your home.
Step 3: Try to be at their home instead.
Step 4: Always be movin'.
Step 5: If your family is too big to be moving, keep them somewhere super secure. Hopefully your wife is a good shot.

Posted by: trev006 at December 23, 2019 12:57 PM (aDkrc)

Sounds like an episode of Walking Dead

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at December 23, 2019 01:00 PM (vEIlU)

344 311 WaPo on Christmas:

Three days before Christmas, hundreds of people filled the pews at Elmbrook Church, one of the largest evangelical Christian campuses in suburban Milwaukee. Some brought gifts for friends in tow. Onstage, LOVE, PEACE, HOPE and JOY were spelled out in life-size neon-blue letters.

For 20 minutes, the choir led the audience in Christmas carols. Outside the chapel, children ran circles around the church's brightly lit trees. Lead pastor Lee Heyward said the theme of the day's sermon would be love.

There was no mention of an editorial, published days before in an influential evangelical Christian magazine, that had called for President Donald Trump's removal from office.

Who do those damn Christians think they are?
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler

You sure you didn't get that from America's Paper of Record, The Babylon Bee?

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 23, 2019 01:00 PM (vN4+Q)

345 Oh gawwwwd, I'm so BORED at work today.

I'm falling asleep at my desk. Please someone let me take a nap before I pass out.


Posted by: MWR, The Public Intellectual (aka Beth) at December 23, 2019 01:00 PM (rP4OC)

346 What am I going to do with all of this paella?

Posted by: Stelter's mom at December 23, 2019 01:00 PM (5DZMc)

347 I don't know why, but i've got a feeling that a couple cases of Great Stuff would come in handy in an improvised anti-vehicle campaign...

Posted by: Warai-otoko at December 23, 2019 01:01 PM (AURKQ)

348 I don't doubt it. But that's also why defense is futile against that kind of force, on a macro and micro level. If you live in a city and have more guns than you can give to your friends, you're just a target for someone.

Step 1: Live outside cities. Suburbs might be okay, but not usually ideal. The further, the better.
Step 2: When the thugs show up, don't be at your home.
Step 3: Try to be at their home instead.
Step 4: Always be movin'.
Step 5: If your family is too big to be moving, keep them somewhere super secure. Hopefully your wife is a good shot.

Either way, the government had an even larger advantage over swarthy terrorists, and they still lost. There's a lesson in that.
Posted by: trev006

You can run but you'll just die tired. If the time comes organize with like-minded neighbors. You can fight a guerilla war in the cities just as well as you can in the country provided you're not trying to be the lone wolf. Face it, you're not Rambo.

Posted by: Guzalot at December 23, 2019 01:02 PM (prSvo)

349 Plus the people in charge of the foundation that runs the Newseum weren't satisfied with their space in Arlington, VA (admission was free!) and their vision of grandeur in relocating to one of the most expensive pieces of real estate in DC was a really bad idea.

I never went because I think it was like $25 admission and across the street from the greatest free museums this country knows how to put on.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at December 23, 2019 01:02 PM (gd9RK)

350 New York Times Sad: Trump Has Ruined Washington DC's Christmas Party Networking Circuit


Posted by: NY Times at December 23, 2019 01:02 PM (qAR6u)

351 Who do those damn Christians think they are?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 23, 2019 12:55 PM (+y/Ru)

Meanwhile, practically no one in the DC area looking for local news considers looking at the Post first.
As for Christianity Today, I bet that if you walked into evangelical churches and polled people about whether they read it, even online, the yeses would be small. I haven't looked at the website in years. There would probably be people saying that it was the first time they'd heard of it in years.
All that to say that Christianity Today is not as influential these days as the mainstream media would like to think.

Posted by: Vendette at December 23, 2019 01:02 PM (un8gM)

352 Good. Everyone should leave DC for Christmas and go home to their resident states.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at December 23, 2019 12:57 PM (JRaU+)

To be taxed?

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 23, 2019 01:02 PM (q1Pj5)

353 These Christmas lights didn't hang themselves. Neither did Jeffrey Epstein.

Posted by: Rusty Nail at December 23, 2019 01:02 PM (I99aF)

354 Eddie Murphy bought an island. I bought Yellow Springs, Ohio. Who's the chump? Yeah, thought so.

Posted by: Dave Chappelle at December 23, 2019 01:02 PM (8X42K)

Wait! Come back!

I was gonna make espresso...

-Maxine Waters et al

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at December 23, 2019 01:02 PM (t5m5e)

356 Sounds like an episode of Walking Dead

Not a lot of difference between zombies and leftists.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 23, 2019 01:02 PM (KZzsI)

357 Son says they're calling the supposed Virginia boogaloo the Shenandoah Showdown. heh

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 23, 2019 01:02 PM (ptqGC)

358 345 Oh gawwwwd, I'm so BORED at work today. I'm falling asleep at my desk. Please someone let me take a nap before I pass out. Zzzzzzzz...
Posted by: MWR, The Public Intellectual (aka Beth) at December 23, 2019 01:00 PM (rP4OC)

Ditto. Just had lunch. Napping by 2.

Posted by: Caliban at December 23, 2019 01:02 PM (qEujL)

359 >>Failure as in "not as good as Zod expected", or failure as in "why is it an iridescent orange?" Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 23, 2019 12:59 PM (ejd/p)

The crypts did not fill as they're supposed to after it was formed up with a spatula. It was knobbly, and it stayed that way. I was left with the option of making almost a half gallon of blue cheese dressing, or slaying it.
It was slain.

Posted by: Zod at December 23, 2019 01:03 PM (ZS9TG)

360 Either way, the government had an even larger advantage over swarthy terrorists, and they still lost. There's a lesson in that.
Posted by: trev006 at December 23, 2019 12:57 PM (aDkrc)

Swarthy terrorists with no qualms about killing and/or injuring every alien invader

Frame of mind makes a difference

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at December 23, 2019 01:03 PM (BiNEL)

361 I believe I've told this story, but I shall tell it again.

I went to a very small combined junior high and high school, as in around 100 kids grades 7-12. There were 13 people in my graduating class.

I started there my freshman year of high school as that's when we moved to the area. Everyone else had grown up together. It was very very cliquey.

There was a girl in our class who was one of the popular girls. She made it a point that she hung out with the popular kids and shunned the rest of us. However. She was the only one of the Cool Kids from our year.

I sat back and waited for her to figure it out. She didn't. Cut to senior year and she waltzed in assuming that she would take over the school. We all promptly ignored her. No one was overtly cruel, we just ignored her exactly as she'd ignored us.

A few weeks into the school year, her mother was at a function with my mother and her mom went on and on about how awful we were being. Mommy, being a good soul, came home and asked me about it and why were we leaving her out. So I explained and I asked Mommy if at any point in the last three years had that girl ever once been my friend. Mommy, to her credit, listened and told me to not be mean, but, no, I didn't have to be her friend.

That girl ended up being more or less a pariah all year, due to her own actions.

I bring this all up for the obvious reason. The Establishment et al have been assholes to Trump. Trump does not need that at all. Not in the slightest. Also he doesn't care. Reap and sow, bitches, reap and sow.

Also doesn't Jonah Goldberg and the NROites sneer about how there's no such thing as the DC cocktail party circuit?

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at December 23, 2019 01:03 PM (mf5HN)

362 318: Plus the people in charge of the foundation that runs the Newseum weren't satisfied with their space in Arlington, VA (admission was free!) and their vision of grandeur in relocating to one of the most expensive pieces of real estate in DC was a really bad idea.
Posted by: Vendette

If my memory is correct, it was located in lovely Rosslyn, home of many of the Beltway Bandits office buildings?

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 23, 2019 01:03 PM (vN4+Q)

363 303 BREAKING: We are hearing reports of shots fired at Nakatomi Plaza.
UPDATE: We have a confirmed report of shots fired at Nakatomi Plaza. A police officer doing a routine investigation following a complaint of armed men on the premises was fired on by an assault rifle and had his cruiser damaged, with the loss of $25 worth of Hostess products. Police are now responding, and blocking access to Nakatomi Plaza.

Posted by: exdem13 at December 23, 2019 01:03 PM (W+kMI)

364 Next thing you know the deplorables will want to join their country clubs and send their kids to their schools!

Posted by: kbdabear at December 23, 2019 01:04 PM (qAR6u)

365 Meanwhile, practically no one in the DC area looking for local news considers looking at the Post first.
As for Christianity Today, I bet that if you walked into evangelical churches and polled people about whether they read it, even online, the yeses would be small. I haven't looked at the website in years. There would probably be people saying that it was the first time they'd heard of it in years.
All that to say that Christianity Today is not as influential these days as the mainstream media would like to think.
Posted by: Vendette at December 23, 2019 01:02 PM (un8gM)

Agreed. I haven't read CT in years. I never give it a thought.

Posted by: N.L. Urker Philips Screwdriver of the Gods at December 23, 2019 01:04 PM (Uu+Jp)

366 Sounds like an episode of Walking Dead
Posted by: artisanal 'ette

It's prepper porn, real life doesn't work like that. There have been many instances of social unrest and government crackdowns in history and it's never worked out like many in the prepper community like to think it will.

Posted by: Guzalot at December 23, 2019 01:04 PM (prSvo)

367 The heavy rains here have ceased briefly. Off to buy chili makings. No carrots will be involved.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 23, 2019 01:04 PM (ptqGC)

368 "Has anybody mentioned that DC's "Newseum" is closing its doors forever in a couple days because nobody outside the MSM GAF?"

I thought they already closed earlier this year. What is up with that?

Posted by: The Band at December 23, 2019 01:04 PM (Tnijr)

369 Oh gawwwwd, I'm so BORED at work today.

I'm falling asleep at my desk. Please someone let me take a nap before I pass out.

Posted by: MWR, The Public Intellectual (aka Beth) at December 23, 2019 01:00 PM

It's awfully quiet here today, too. After the last few weeks, I'm not complaining.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 23, 2019 01:05 PM (ejd/p)

370 I guess all of those free passes to off-shore children and underage ass are scarce these days.

Posted by: Fritz at December 23, 2019 01:05 PM (zD38/)


You're alive !

Posted by: JT at December 23, 2019 01:05 PM (arJlL)

372 As for Christianity Today, I bet that if you walked into evangelical churches and polled people about whether they read it, even online, the yeses would be small. I haven't looked at the website in years. There would probably be people saying that it was the first time they'd heard of it in years.

First off, no magazines are influential or have much circulation any longer. And second, yeah, Christianity Today isn't really read much now and honestly never was a huge thing among most Christians. Many pastors probably have a subscription, church libraries, etc, but not many people in the pew.

There was a time when it was a great magazine but its been ages since it was worth a damn.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 23, 2019 01:05 PM (KZzsI)

373 All that to say that Christianity Apostasy Today is not as influential these days as the mainstream media would like to think.

It is better to just listen to Albert Mohler's Daily Briefing than waste one moment viewing any of the dreck between the covers of that hack publication.

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at December 23, 2019 01:05 PM (lD3vL)

374 Not a lot of difference between zombies and leftists.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 23, 2019 01:02 PM (KZzsI)

This is known.

Posted by: Zombie Bob Hope at December 23, 2019 01:05 PM (q1Pj5)

375 >>Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at December 23, 2019 01:03 PM (mf5HN)

More than a few young men should have recognized your ploy and taken advantage of it.

Posted by: garrett at December 23, 2019 01:05 PM (WuLIo)

376 Nothing against Chappelle, but Eddie blazed the trail.
Posted by: JT at December 23, 2019 12:59 PM (arJl

Beg your pardon ? - Richard Pryor

Posted by: Easy Andy at December 23, 2019 01:06 PM (2DOZq)

377 Either way, the government had an even larger advantage over swarthy terrorists, and they still lost. There's a lesson in that.
Posted by: trev006 at December 23, 2019 12:57 PM (aDkrc)


Maybe if the lawyers would stay the fuck out of warfare, we'd actually able to do what armies do.

Posted by: SMH at December 23, 2019 01:06 PM (RU4sa)

378 >>Beg your pardon ? - Richard Pryor

Eddie had more talent that Richard Pryor, too.

Posted by: garrett at December 23, 2019 01:06 PM (WuLIo)

379 Fuck those assholes.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at December 23, 2019 01:07 PM (UNMPM)

380 If my memory is correct, it was located in lovely Rosslyn, home of many of the Beltway Bandits office buildings?

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 23, 2019 01:03 PM (vN4+Q)

Yes, it was.

Posted by: Vendette at December 23, 2019 01:07 PM (un8gM)

381 Posted by: Tonypete at December 23, 2019 12:59 PM (Y4EXg)

TonyPete!! I have been trying to catch you to say Congratulations!!! on your newest grandchild!!!

Posted by: Linn Ridge, Russian bot. This means War. at December 23, 2019 01:07 PM (MIUG6)

382 Richard Thornburg did nothing wrong. He was nothing but a tenacious, curious, and effective journalist that night. No, I'm not kidding.

Posted by: Rusty Nail at December 23, 2019 01:07 PM (I99aF)

383 For every DC swamp Christmas party cancelled, there are probably 10,000 MORE Christmas parties held by people with tax-cut-provided jobs and raises in Flyover country than before.

Posted by: Jonah Kyle at December 23, 2019 01:08 PM (SH7Tr)

384 348

You can run but you'll just die tired. If the time comes organize with like-minded neighbors. You can fight a guerilla war in the cities just as well as you can in the country provided you're not trying to be the lone wolf. Face it, you're not Rambo.
It took 1,000 men to crush Patrick Ferguson's force at King's Mountain, plus another 1,000 men blocking attempts to contact or reinforce him. That got the job done, then the force dispersed to their homes and left Lord Cornwallis with no way to evaluate the disaster visited upon him. Meanwhile the disgruntled Loyalist POWs went home and told their neighbors and families how bad the King's army was handling the war.

Learn from history, people.

Posted by: exdem13 at December 23, 2019 01:08 PM (W+kMI)

385 I thought Fox News was supposed to have a Republican editorial slant. Never watched it during the day much, but this show I'm watching with four women yapping and some idiot guy in the middle is straining to characterize Pelosi's impeachment bullshit as complety credible statesmanship.
Posted by: Al Crapton at December 23, 2019 12:54 PM (zQPzn)
There are two Foxes.

Fox's editorial staff (Tucker, Hannity, etc.) are conservative and unabashed about it. Their news staff is not. Their news staff isn't unhinged madness like the other alphabets, but they are more of a "normal," old-style, center-left organization.

Fox News is a normal center-left (and increasingly left-left) news organization. Fox News' opinion stuff is usually conservative.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 01:08 PM (I2dne)

386 The crypts did not fill as they're supposed to after it was formed up with a spatula. It was knobbly, and it stayed that way. I was left with the option of making almost a half gallon of blue cheese dressing, or slaying it.
It was slain.
Posted by: Zod at December 23, 2019 01:03 PM

Alas, poor Horace...

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 23, 2019 01:08 PM (ejd/p)

387 334
Republicans terrorized, Democrat's social lives most affected.

Posted by: DoubleBerryBerry at December 23, 2019 12:59 PM (x3Jue)

And they're completely oblivious.
A gathering of women for Trump in a swank Washington hotel was mobbed by a leftist wedding party, people beaten and choked. I wonder if WaPo even mentioned it.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at December 23, 2019 01:08 PM (H8QX8)

388 Hoping someone at work comes to their senses & dismisses us early

Posted by: josephistan at December 23, 2019 01:09 PM (Izzlo)

389 Where's the love?

Posted by: Bill Cosby, PhD at December 23, 2019 01:09 PM (8X42K)

390 I bring this all up for the obvious reason. The Establishment et al have been assholes to Trump. Trump does not need that at all. Not in the slightest. Also he doesn't care. Reap and sow, bitches, reap and sow.

Also doesn't Jonah Goldberg and the NROites sneer about how there's no such thing as the DC cocktail party circuit?
Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at December 23, 2019 01:03 PM (mf5HN)
I will never forget the Kristol tweet about how he doesn't know anything about cocktail party circuits and indeed, he wasn't even in DC - he was at Brown, attending a "function" with various academics.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 01:09 PM (I2dne)

391 NOOD Rudy

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 01:10 PM (I2dne)

392 Beg your pardon ? - Richard Pryor

Eddie had more talent that Richard Pryor, too.
Posted by: garrett at December 23, 2019 01:06 PM (WuLIo)

Don't disagree. Just talking ' blazing the trail' .

I understand I'm in the minority but I just like the comedy mind of Chappell better than Murphy.

Posted by: Easy Andy at December 23, 2019 01:10 PM (2DOZq)

393 >>Maybe if the lawyers would stay the fuck out of warfare, we'd actually able to do what armies do. Posted by: SMH at December 23, 2019 01:06 PM (RU4sa)

I think this is the lesson of The Thin Red Line.

Posted by: Zod at December 23, 2019 01:10 PM (ZS9TG)


Larry The Cable Guy@GitRDoneLarry
Just saw the new Star Wars. Wow! Never saw this coming, Rey turned out to be Hunter Biden's kid! What a twist!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 23, 2019 01:10 PM (+y/Ru)

395 nood

Posted by: henry at December 23, 2019 01:10 PM (JMDly)

396 TonyPete!! I have been trying to catch you to say Congratulations!!! on your newest grandchild!!!
Posted by: Linn Ridge


Thanks Sweetie! I have been out retrieving the granddaughters this morning. They'll be here through Christmas.

I Facetimed my grandson this morning. He slept through it all. What a cutie!

Posted by: Tonypete at December 23, 2019 01:10 PM (Y4EXg)

397 I read a great comment about the impending Virginia unpleasantness:

Remember, Virginia is both Appalachian and Southern, so, good luck!

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at December 23, 2019 01:10 PM (mf5HN)

398 I was left with the option of making almost a half gallon of blue cheese dressing...

Dear Zod, man, imagine how many buffalo wings would go with that. You could have been the hit of half a dozen New Year's Eve parties!

Posted by: Rob Crawford at December 23, 2019 01:10 PM (ZJ/un)


Larry The Cable Guy@GitRDoneLarry
Just saw the new Star Wars. Wow! Never saw this coming, Rey turned out to be Hunter Biden's kid! What a twist!
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 23, 2019 01:10 PM (+y/Ru)

So Kylo Ren was right after all...

Her parents really are nobodies who really don't matter.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at December 23, 2019 01:12 PM (AURKQ)

400 Also doesn't Jonah Goldberg and the NROites sneer about how there's no such thing as the DC cocktail party circuit?

Well, not that they get invited to, at least

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 23, 2019 01:12 PM (KZzsI)

401 You can run but you'll just die tired. If the time comes organize with like-minded neighbors. You can fight a guerilla war in the cities just as well as you can in the country provided you're not trying to be the lone wolf. Face it, you're not Rambo.

Posted by: Guzalot at December 23, 2019 01:02 PM (prSvo)

Oh, I know I'm not Rambo. Thing is, guerilla war only works when you have a large sympathizing population to hide out in. In the average liberal city you'd be surrounded by people who would happily torture you themselves, never mind turn you in. My steps are strictly for "trapped behind the lines with one week left to live" types, which is what I would be if trapped in DC. Liberals may be really bad at a lot of things, but I doubt they'll fail to pillage any urbanite insufficiently enthusiastic about their plans, much less supporting asymmetrical warfare.

Posted by: trev006 at December 23, 2019 01:12 PM (aDkrc)

402 There was a time when it was a great magazine but its been ages since it was worth a damn.

That is true of everything from GQ and Vanity Fair to Model Railroader.

Posted by: Bandersnatch, former magazine afficionado at December 23, 2019 01:13 PM (gd9RK)

Armored vehicles don't do well without functioning home bases.

Posted by: irongrampa at December 23, 2019 01:14 PM (KATBx)

404 I see John "I had no desire to die in an Asian rice paddy" Bolton is running his yap again.

Sorry John, you have no credibility or the necessary accomplishments to criticize Trumps handling of foreign policy.

Fuck off.

Posted by: White Rabbit Object at December 23, 2019 01:14 PM (coK/l)

405 That is true of everything from GQ and Vanity Fair to Model Railroader.
Posted by: Bandersnatch, former magazine afficionado at December 23, 2019 01:13 PM (gd9RK)
I assume the new version of "Model Railroader" is the discussion of models that can be used by top state officials to railroad political enemies?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 23, 2019 01:15 PM (I2dne)

406 Also doesn't Jonah Goldberg and the NROites sneer about how there's no such thing as the DC cocktail party circuit?

Well, not that they get invited to, at least

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 23, 2019 01:12 PM (KZzsI)

Funny, NRO used to hold events at DC bars, inviting readers to meet various NROers who were either local, like Jonah, or who were visiting.

Posted by: Vendette at December 23, 2019 01:16 PM (un8gM)

407 Oh gawwwwd, I'm so BORED at work today. I'm falling asleep at my desk. Please someone let me take a nap before I pass out. Zzzzzzzz...
Posted by: MWR, The Public Intellectual (aka Beth) at December 23, 2019 01:00 PM (rP4OC)


Here. Drink this.

Posted by: Bill Cosby at December 23, 2019 01:17 PM (8XRCm)

408 "Going out in Washington is work."Well, there's your problem right there.

Posted by: PCachu at December 23, 2019 01:26 PM (gR+qu)

409 "ruined the D.C. networking parties," you say?

Damn! I'll have to write ANOTHER TMAGAC check now.

Posted by: mnw at December 23, 2019 01:42 PM (Cssks)

the hell kind of story do you think you're going to get wandering
around with 8,000 other reporters? I know - the same kind of "scoop" you
get doing all your research on Twitter.
Blow it out your ass. You were there looking for free food and booze.

Posted by: TheHoser at December 23, 2019 01:45 PM (IDjUx)

411 Shorter NYT: "Where's my pony? WAHHHHH!"

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at December 23, 2019 01:49 PM (Ndje9)

412 For this reason alone, PDT must be reelected. Then Pence.

On to return to the glory days of Katharine Graham and her bestest parties with the bestest people. They would bring along a token conservative. The conservatives didn't realize that the others were calling these events "Dinner for Schmucks". Yes, the movie was based on actual events.

Posted by: Groundhog at December 23, 2019 01:50 PM (VYwSh)

413 Trump has cast a pall?! Trump???
You cretin m----------r.

Posted by: FloridaMan at December 23, 2019 01:53 PM (r28kI)

414 As if you need more proof that life inside the fabled Beltway is nothing but one big high school...

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at December 23, 2019 02:40 PM (vc9hX)


COCKTAIL two of my favorite things.

Sugar Plum Honey Bunch was my shower nic.

Posted by: saf at December 23, 2019 02:51 PM (5IHGB)

416 Trump administration scumbags don't attend any DC holiday parties anymore. Do you have any sense of why?

Posted by: Alysin Camarota at December 23, 2019 03:03 PM (11H2y)

417 And the award for Best Metaphor of media cluelessness...for today...goes to Garrett at 45.

Posted by: vivi at December 23, 2019 03:09 PM (11H2y)

418 If this entire piece isn't symbolic of the entire elite entitlement mentality, I don't know what is. I don't believe in racial privilege, but by the libs' own definition, this would seem to be soaked in it.

Posted by: Justin at December 23, 2019 03:13 PM (4ghPf)

419 The New York Pravda(Times)ruining every ones Christmas with their daily lies

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at December 23, 2019 04:21 PM (wGqjj)

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