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Charlie Gasparino: Trump's Border Control Efforts Are, Get This, Spurring Wage Growth

The people who claim to be All About Economics suddenly pretend to not understand what happens when you're constantly increasing supply (low-skilled workers being added willy-nilly into the American labor pool, both legally and illegally) and don't increase demand (the need for low-skilled workers).

Indeed, due to automation and efficiency gains, as well as off-loading all low-skilled labor jobs which can be done in low-wage countries like China to low wage countries like China, demand for low-skill labor is decreasing.

So, what happens? Well the people who are All About Economics won't say so because they have a religious mania to import as many low-skilled foreign workers into the country for no very good reason, but what happens is that the wages of Americans fall. The low-skilled American workers' wages fall the most, but there's a knock-on effect where the wages of moderately skilled workers fall too.

This is a major driver of the 30 year stagnation in American wages and the attendant social anxiety and class animosity in the country. Which in turn is a driver of such social evils such as higher divorce rates, lower marriage rats, lower childbirth rates, lower intact family rates, and higher rates of depression, drug abuse, and suicide.

America has long been a country marked by optimism and faith in the future, but after 30 years of the future coming and passing without delivering much by way of material gains in terms of worker wages (and, in fact, some degree of reduction in worker wages), that optimism and faith in the future may be getting wobbly.

Hope is a productivity- and mood-boosting drug, like caffeine, but that drug has been largely off the market the past 20 years.

But with Trump pushing for a more zestful enforcement of the border, the supply of labor provided by (often illegal) foreign workers has fallen, and American wages are increasing -- all without direct market interventions like increasing the minimum wage.

It has long been Mickey Kaus' contention that the increasing prosperity of workers in the 90s was due to the relatively (relatively!) low-ish migration during the Clinton years (combined with an increase in demand for labor due to a hot economy). This is why Kaus, a paleoliberal, has always been an immigration hawk.

Indeed, this is why NeverTrump soyboomer David Frum has long championed immigration restrictivism as well.

It's not just about money, either: Conservatives have long believed that there is a strong correlation between industriousness and the other virtues and social good. Higher industriousness -- a good work ethic, and work enough to go around -- leads, nigh inexorably, to a host of social goods, such as increased orderliness, increased charity, increased social trust in strangers, as well as great gains in marriage, marital stability, and childbirth.

And what happens to a people who do not have enough work? Or who do not feel that the benefits from working are adequate? They develop an ethic of anti-industriousness, which leads to all the common social woes: dependency, drug abuse, out-of-wedlock childbirth, low marriage rates and low marital stability.

It amuses me that people would call the immigration-restrictivist position "racist." Because, I have to ask, if you don't explain the high rates of drug abuse, out-of-wedlock births, etc., in the inner city minority populations as being a consequence of the anti-industriousness ethic (itself caused by low opportunities for gainful work), then how would you explain it?

It seems to me you'd have no other choice but to explain it by a series of actually racist claims about the low moral and ethical character about populations who are failing to thrive in America.

I don't believe that; I think industriousness and the other moral virtues are strongly correlated, and decline in industriousness rapidly leads to a decline in most of the rest of the virtues.

And when people don't believe in the benefits of industriousness, industriousness declines. They become cynical about working and cynical about the American way in general, and that leads to an anti-industriousness ethic and a self-destructive counter-culture which scorns American idealism about prosperity.

And I don't think whites have any special resistance to this effect.

And of course, American blacks and Latinos are the most harmed by competition from cheaper (often illegal) foreign workers.

What lessons is the current regime teaching them? Work hard, buy into the system -- and then get replaced by a guy whose I-9 form is still moist from forged ink?

So I do believe that if you put millions and millions more whites out of work and on the dole, they will follow the exact same trajectory that inner city populations often do.

Of course, there's little argument about that; we already see this happening a lot. Hillbilly Elegy and Coming Apart are all about this -- and this isn't a new thing. We're into the second, third generation of this phenomenon in some economically distressed areas populated by what was once the white working class.

Wouldn't it be best to avoid adding tens of millions of new entrants into the socially-dysfunctional underclass?

And wouldn't it also be best to avoid kicking low-skilled working class black and Latinos off the labor rolls, lest they, too, begin adopting the toxic (and yet rational, under some circumstances) counter-culture of cynicism and scorn about working that underclass black and Latinos tend to have?

Why someone would be eager to expand the phenomenon of worklessness leading to a host of social pathologies, including violent criminality, which in turn harms the parts of society otherwise blissfully immune to being laid off due to displacement by foreign imported labor, is beyond me.

Nevertheless, she persisted:

Weekly Standard editor-at-large Bill Kristol said Tuesday afternoon that the white working class should be replaced by immigrants as they have become "decadent, lazy" and "spoiled."

"Look, to be totally honest, if things are so bad as you say with the white working class, don't you want to get new Americans in?" Kristol told author Charles Murray during an event hosted by the American Enterprise Institute titled "It Came Apart: Wha'’s Next for a Fractured Culture." Murray recently wrote a book, entitled "Coming Apart," which focuses on the cultural separation between the wealthiest and most educated white Americans and the poorest and least educated white Americans.


"You can make a case that America has been great because every -- I think John Adams said this -- basically if you are in free society, a capitalist society, after two or three generations of hard work everyone becomes kind of decadent, lazy, spoiled -- whatever," Kristol said.

Has it ever occurred to him that a diminishment in work ethic can be caused by a fairly-rational observation that the benefits of a work ethnic have declined in the past 20 years, and working harder to compete with an ever-increasing pool of just-arrived foreign imports begins to strike some people as a chump's game?

And that, perhaps -- in line with the MARKET! BASED! PRINCIPLES! he allegedly believes in -- an increase in the appreciation of the value of working hard could lead to, well, working harder? And being more virtuous in other areas as well?

That is to say, if the diminishment of the American work ethic can be caused (at least partly) by the reduction of the benefits of working (which is in line with MARKET! BASED! PRINCIPLES!), then it stands to reason the American work ethic can equally be increased by a boost to the benefits of working.

But nah -- the cure to declining industriousness and virtue due to joblessness and wage stagnation caused by an ever-increasing pool of foreign workers (many of them illegal) is just MOAR foreign workers.

And what's the plan for the Americans displaced by these foreign workers?

Just welfare? Welfare forever? And the more (out of wedlock) kids you have, the higher your welfare check?

Well! That should work out just fine. It's certainly worked when we've tried it before!

Again, unless you believe that there is something inherently inferior about inner city black and Latino communities that cause greatly elevated drug use, criminality rates, out-of-wedlock births and low marriage rates -- which would be racist, and the NeoCon Virtue-Signalers can't possibly be racist -- then you must accept the unavoidable conclusion that greatly expanding the worklessness-to-welfare regime to include tens and tens of millions more Americans will lead to the exact same problems it caused in the majority-minority cohorts it's already been tried in.

So -- maybe give Work a chance?

Even mild Milquetoast NeverTrump Chump Mitt Romney is making noises in support of border enforcement -- and a "fence" across the southern border.

Here's a quote from his appearance on Face the Nation with Chuck Todd:

"We can't have millions upon millions of people flooding into our country without a border that’s secure, without ICE making sure the people that are here illegally are sent back," he said, referencing the nickname for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

"This is a winning issue I think for Republicans. But more importantly, it’s a winning issue for Americans to say, 'We have to have the sovereignty of our nation.'"

He calls for a "fence" (not a wall) across the southern border, too. Video at the link (to Ed Morrissey at Hot Air, alas).

Posted by: Ace of Spades at 02:49 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 First?

Posted by: Flyguy at April 08, 2019 02:50 PM (3sOO0)

2 Gasparino hates Trump though

Posted by: steevy at April 08, 2019 02:51 PM (BXMxN)

Where has Mittelschmerz been for years on this? He's a posturing fraud.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 08, 2019 02:52 PM (zBaqJ)

4 Honk?

Posted by: Clown Carl Brutananadalewski at April 08, 2019 02:53 PM (BrfST)

5 "lower marriage rats"

Best. Typo. Ever.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 08, 2019 02:53 PM (VpIIl)

6 >>Weekly Standard editor-at-large Bill Kristol said Tuesday afternoon that the white working class should be replaced by immigrants as they have become "decadent, lazy" and "spoiled."

Dare ya to say that about blacks, cuck.
I guess Kevin Williamson has some comrades in hating white unemployed America.

Posted by: Lizzy at April 08, 2019 02:53 PM (W+vEI)

7 A car driving in front of me earlier today was sporting both an "Egg McMuffin For President" and a "Romney 2020" bumper sticker.

I laughed. "Good one!", I yelled as I passed the guy.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, cofveve drinker at April 08, 2019 02:53 PM (Z216Q)

8 "What are supply and demand?"

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read Some Movie Thoughts at April 08, 2019 02:53 PM (oh/Sd)

9 Up near the top but gotta get out to do yard work

Posted by: Skip at April 08, 2019 02:53 PM (BbGew)

10 What does it mean for someone to "ankle the Trump Administration"? Is that a typo in the sidebar or some new slang I'm unaware of?

Posted by: Mexican Border at April 08, 2019 02:54 PM (CQ3Qb)

11 Could have been first but I read the content.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at April 08, 2019 02:54 PM (JUOKG)

12 Zestful is a good word

Posted by: BigZesty at April 08, 2019 02:54 PM (hJn/J)

13 But you don't understand, their is a need in certain circles for gardeners, nannies, and ever-cheaper electronic gimmicks and toys.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - My Spirit Energy Runs the Outrage Outlet During the Merciful Coma! at April 08, 2019 02:54 PM (hLRSq)

14 Fake meme!

Posted by: Brian Stelter, cuckologist at April 08, 2019 02:54 PM (Z216Q)

What does it mean for someone to "ankle the Trump Administration"?


Hump like a chihuahua...

Posted by: fixerupper at April 08, 2019 02:55 PM (8XRCm)

16 We were just talking about long-read writing on the other thread and, poof, here's an epic by Ace.

Posted by: m at April 08, 2019 02:55 PM (5AuVV)

17 Plus, when there are a decent number of jobs with respectable pay, it's harder to claim the system is why you aren't working.

Posted by: WOPR - KTF always wins at April 08, 2019 02:55 PM (J70i0)

18 Zestful is a good word

Posted by: BigZesty at April 08, 2019 02:54 PM (hJn/J)

Zest is a good soap.

Posted by: Count de Monet at April 08, 2019 02:56 PM (QLvwG)

19 If anyone wants to see the damage done by rampant illegals in a community come to NorCA.The schools suck, the emergency rooms are full and houses with 10 or more are being trashed, and don't you dare try to evict them.. Oh and crime...Everyday there are drunk driving and drug incidents . and don't forget the spousal abuse.Sorry, but I was born in this town and the changes are drastic.

Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2019 02:56 PM (O2RFr)

20 Nah, reducing immigration would never work to raise wages ... but if we raised the minimum wage to 25/hr, well then your cooking with gas!

Posted by: Frankovich's Monster at April 08, 2019 02:56 PM (hdzef)

21 What does it mean for someone to "ankle the Trump Administration"? Is that a typo in the sidebar or some new slang I'm unaware of?
Posted by: Mexican Border at April 08, 2019 02:54 PM (CQ3Qb)

Means asked to leave in autocucumber.

Posted by: WOPR - KTF always wins at April 08, 2019 02:57 PM (J70i0)

White people, doing the jobs illegal aliens won't do for years and years!

Posted by: Rockery Hudpeck at April 08, 2019 02:57 PM (UFLLM)

"What are supply and demand?"

Stop it with the fake economics! Everyone knows "supply" and "demand" are completely opposite and have nothing to do with each other!

Posted by: Alexandria Occasio-Cortes at April 08, 2019 02:57 PM (Z216Q)

24 Sorry. Those jobs are NOT coming back

... Mocha Messiah...

Posted by: Bruce at April 08, 2019 02:57 PM (LAt9N)

25 Oh! A fence! Not a wall!

Right! That's so much better!

Fence sounds so much nicer and kinder and gentler than wall, doesn't it?

Because when you're standing on the far side looking to get in, you know you feel much better about having been fenced out than walled out!

Does it make these assholes like Romney feel better to offer the tantalizing vision of the grass on the far side of the fence? Make them feel better to pretend that someone could more easily breach the 'fence' than a wall so it's a better thing to build? WTF?

Fluck it though, if that's what it takes, more semantic bullshit, to get these assholes to recognize we need an actual physical barrier, than so be it, call it a fence if that's what makes you happy.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 02:57 PM (37IEG)

26 stagnation in American wages and the attendant social anxiety and class animosity in the evils such as higher divorce rates, lower marriage rates, lower childbirth rates, lower intact family rates, and higher rates of depression, drug abuse, and suicide.

...and the problem is?

What, Ace wants higher wages for Nazis?!

Posted by: Kap'n Bill Kristol at April 08, 2019 02:58 PM (DuAZ5)

27 Thanks for the Cuck Air warning Ace. (won't click)

If Milk Ramoney says it's an issue. (notice that the little shit among others will says fence but not wall)

Posted by: Minnfidel at April 08, 2019 02:58 PM (+/tGa)

28 ".....benefits of a work ethnic..."


Freudian slip?

Posted by: Credentialed office of credentials, boating division at April 08, 2019 02:58 PM (qC1Sy)

29 17 Plus, when there are a decent number of jobs with respectable pay, it's harder to claim the system is why you aren't working.
Posted by: WOPR - KTF always wins at April 08, 2019 02:55 PM (J70i0)


I remember seeing a graph that showed the loss of income one received when getting off of welfare at different entry-level income levels.

The idea behind the graph was there until you're making the break even point (it was something like $30,000 if I remember correctly), it makes more sense to stay on welfare in all its forms than find a job.

With wage growth continuing, we could see more and more people simply find it more worth their time to go out and get a decent entry-level job that pays them $40,000 a year entirely on their own.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read Some Movie Thoughts at April 08, 2019 02:58 PM (oh/Sd)

30 This is gonna be one of those *types *deletes type of threads.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 08, 2019 02:58 PM (urY6u)

31 Millions of uneducated, untrained, poor health and penny less isn't going to help your country, it will cost more than they are worth not to mention money they do earn much will get sent back to where they come from.

Posted by: Skip at April 08, 2019 02:58 PM (BbGew)

32 That Kristol guy really is a chump.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at April 08, 2019 02:58 PM (DBRY5)

33 I know all about marriage rats.

Posted by: Al Bundy at April 08, 2019 02:58 PM (Dh1wo)

34 Thousands a day is too much for the system to possibly handle, and everyone knows this. It has to be stopped.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2019 02:58 PM (39g3+)

35 This is gonna be one of those *types *deletes type of threads.


Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2019 02:58 PM (O2RFr)

36 These are strange days. In one of her tweets, Ann Coulter praised Bernie and bashed Trump on this issue.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at April 08, 2019 02:58 PM (+y/Ru)

37 So for the past few decades, American kids have been steered away from working while still in school. Instead of getting the McDonald's job, they are convinced they should take some unpaid internship at a non-profit "making the world better."Upon graduation with no real work experience and a silly degree in grievance studies they look exclusively for a job that matches their lackluster, useless skills and experience --- and get called lazy and the reason why we need more immigrants.

I am not defending every out of work millennial, just noting that the Left has made sure we have a less than stellar workforce, and then use that to justify open border/replacement.

Posted by: Lizzy at April 08, 2019 02:58 PM (W+vEI)

38 My favorite Pink Floyd album was The Fence.

Posted by: Minnfidel at April 08, 2019 02:59 PM (+/tGa)

39 Mutt Rumbley is jumping on the border wagon? Did I read that right?

(Oh, and ZESTFUL border enforcement is a wonderful formulation and I will be advocating it in the future. I also want enforcement with BRIO and VIGOR.)

Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at April 08, 2019 02:59 PM (RD7QR)

40 20 Nah, reducing immigration would never work to raise wages ... but if we raised the minimum wage to 25/hr, well then your cooking with gas!
Posted by: Frankovich's Monster at April 08, 2019 02:56 PM (hdzef)


The idea that supply and demand don't apply to labor is flabbergasting to me.

To many on the left, they will pay lip service to supply and demand on consumer goods, but on literally nothing else, including energy and healthcare.

It's so weird.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read Some Movie Thoughts at April 08, 2019 02:59 PM (oh/Sd)

41 36 These are strange days. In one of her tweets, Ann Coulter praised Bernie and bashed Trump on this issue.

I've had it with her... She's an attention whore

Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2019 02:59 PM (O2RFr)

Roe vs Wade????

Those are the best ways for Mexicans to get across the Rio Grande.

Posted by: A.O.C. at April 08, 2019 02:59 PM (8XRCm)

43 yeah, but who cares about actual americans...the left has decided america is inchoate and will be comprised of the 3rd world voters they can import. If stupid, lazy, old (ahem, a dog whistle for white) americans can't compete, then that's further proof that globalized migratory working classes are what's needed to compete.

Plus, think of all the tasty recipes.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 02:59 PM (9AcAx)

44 I'm warming up to the idea of human flypaper along the southern border.

Posted by: Count de Monet at April 08, 2019 02:59 PM (QLvwG)

45 Bonjour!

Posted by: ALH at April 08, 2019 02:59 PM (uLuPn)

46 Love the fact Romney calls it a "winning issue" rather than "it's the law and we need to enforce it."


Posted by: Credentialed office of credentials, boating division at April 08, 2019 02:59 PM (qC1Sy)


I would like an "immigrant" to replace Kristol. He seems worthless in every facet of your imagination. Any robot could do better. Well, or a parakeet.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at April 08, 2019 02:59 PM (DBRY5)

48 There's an old (pre-internet) meme that if we proposed to import a million new journalists/lawyers/doctors or whatever each year, it would take about a day for near on every journalist/lawyer/doctor to convert to an restrictionist outlook.

Posted by: Frankovich's Monster at April 08, 2019 02:59 PM (hdzef)

49 / off credentialed sock.

Posted by: blake - used vacation salesman at April 08, 2019 03:00 PM (qC1Sy)

50 Bill Kristol said Tuesday afternoon that the white working class should be replaced by immigrants as they have become "decadent, lazy" and "spoiled."


For the record, cheap Chinese software could replace Bill Kristol's output with no discernable difference in quality. Decadent, lazy and spoiled applies more so to him than anyone he points at.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at April 08, 2019 03:00 PM (YslsA)

51 Zestful enforcement could mean many things. It's like saying things in a warzone are getting sporty. It's also a fun word to say. Zestful!

Finally, I wonder how much hard manual labor Bill Kristol has done in his lifetime?.....Nah, I don't.

Posted by: pep at April 08, 2019 03:00 PM (wW03z)

52 If Dems really cared about Blacks in Blue Cities they would cut off immigration completely. Currently, central American immigrants (legal and illegal) are remitting $130B a year to their home countries. If Baltimore got one tenth of that money flow it would be gentrification Heaven writ large. Does anyone know how much waterfront property located near to DC and Philly Baltimore has?

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:00 PM (2LelM)


NeverTrumpers, aka Flat Earthers Flat Fencers

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at April 08, 2019 03:00 PM (DBRY5)

54 MAGA!

Posted by: USNtakim profoundly deplorable. at April 08, 2019 03:01 PM (0OmEj)

55 Wait....Gasbagarino said something that was kind of positive about the Trump administration?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 08, 2019 03:01 PM (ptqGC)

56 Benefits of a work ethic > benefits of a woke ethic

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at April 08, 2019 03:01 PM (+y/Ru)

57 And that, perhaps -- in line with the MARKET! BASED! PRINCIPLES! he allegedly believes in -- an increase in the appreciation of the value of working hard could lead to, well, working harder? And being more virtuous in other areas as well?

This is also a sign of the deeply anti-intellectual nature of the TrooCons. They don't actually think that beliefs (and the habits formed therefrom) really do determine behavior.

Posted by: Eeyore at April 08, 2019 03:01 PM (VaN/j)

58 There's an old (pre-internet) meme that if we proposed to import a million new journalists/lawyers/doctors or whatever each year, it would take about a day for near on every journalist/lawyer/doctor to convert to an restrictionist outlook.
Posted by: Frankovich's Monster at April 08, 2019 02:59 PM

Well we could use some imported journalists. We have none here.

Posted by: Minnfidel at April 08, 2019 03:01 PM (+/tGa)

59 WE have failed to continue the cycle of each generation becoming more economically self sufficient for two reasons. Number one, we have continued to build up the welfare state and expanded the definition of who that assistance applies to. This decreases industriousness and lowers the incentive for people to work. Why work when you can qualify for better benefits courtesy of the public. This is indeed linked also to uncontrolled immigration where real wage growth becomes a symptom of the malaise. The cynical part of me also believes that people pushing for the uncontrolled illegal immigration also see this, and as a result push for bigger government spending they know will result in a welfare state that continues to hide the real cost of their illegal immigration agenda.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 08, 2019 03:01 PM (VpIIl)

60 44 more humane than the land mines I think should be planted.

Posted by: Skip at April 08, 2019 03:01 PM (BbGew)

61 And the brother humping scarf head said today that trump called migrants animals.. I'm so tired of that crap fake story. he called MS13 animals

Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2019 03:01 PM (O2RFr)

62 The entitlement programs caused the laziness and the greater separation between the haves and have nots we have today.

If you put a lion in a zoo and feed him everyday for a decade, he's going to expect it and would starve if you released him into the wild.

We are becoming a nation of zoo lions.

Posted by: Cartoon Archer not moron Archer at April 08, 2019 03:01 PM (X9Eva)

63 It's very curious how this post is exactly what Putin would say.

Look, I'm not saying Ace is a Russian agent, but let's not pretend it's not curious.

Posted by: Jonah Goldberg at April 08, 2019 03:01 PM (DuAZ5)

64 no other choice but to explain it by a series of actually racist claims about the low moral and ethical character about populations who are failing to thrive in America.


"the diminishments of benefits of working"


you mean like the welfare cliff that makes it easy for illegals to live as if they make $60K a year while also thriving in the zero law enforcement world of cash, under the table, tax free jobs?

yeah, hard to compete with that

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:01 PM (9AcAx)

65 Roe vs Wade????

Those are the best ways for Mexicans to get across the Rio Grande.

Posted by: A.O.C.

Depends on where you are on the Rio. Some places you row, some places you wade, and some places you have to lay on your back and wiggle across to get it wet.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 08, 2019 03:02 PM (urY6u)

66 "And that, perhaps -- in line with the MARKET! BASED! PRINCIPLES! he
allegedly believes in -- an increase in the appreciation of the value of
working hard could lead to, well, working harder? And being more
virtuous in other areas as well?"-----------

Market based principles don't work when the market is manipulated.

Posted by: NOT THAT GUY at April 08, 2019 03:02 PM (xNAv5)

67 Finally, I wonder how much hard manual labor Bill Kristol has done in his lifetime?.....Nah, I don't.

Posted by: pep at April 08, 2019 03:00 PM (wW03z)

I'm willing to bet he'd be as confused as to which end is the working part of a hammer as Barry O'Blahblah.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 08, 2019 03:02 PM (ptqGC)

68 63 It's very curious how this post is exactly what Putin would say.

Look, I'm not saying Ace is a Russian agent, but let's not pretend it's not curious.
Posted by: Jonah Goldberg at April 08, 2019 03:01 PM (DuAZ5)


*later that afternoon*

"I have a new post about restricting immigration! Please read!"
-Jonah Goldberg

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read Some Movie Thoughts at April 08, 2019 03:02 PM (q8oeS)

A minimum living income for everyone AND a minimum living wage for those who choose to work would make everyone RICH! Swearsies!

Best however to test it, say, on me. I will bravely allow you to give me free money and guarantee a great salary for entry level no effort work and we'll see how things turn out! A noble sacrifice on my part, but I do it because I love you...

Oh, best give me a cadillac platinum no-copay no exclusion medical plan too, just to be on the safe-side

Posted by: In Vino Veritits at April 08, 2019 03:02 PM (UFLLM)

70 47

I would like an "immigrant" to replace Kristol. He seems worthless in every facet of your imagination. Any robot could do better. Well, or a parakeet.
Posted by: artisanal 'ette at April 08, 2019 02:59 PM (DBRY5)

Very few immigrants have the ability to replace Kristol. Most are incapable of his level of folly. You'd have to go to Davos to find one. Or 10 Downing Street.

Posted by: Eeyore at April 08, 2019 03:02 PM (VaN/j)

71 (Oh, and ZESTFUL border enforcement is a wonderful formulation and I will be advocating it in the future. I also want enforcement with BRIO and VIGOR.)

Hey, hey, hey, this is a family site. Language.

Posted by: pep at April 08, 2019 03:03 PM (wW03z)

72 Poofterish Fop Elitist-Pundits like Bill Kristol will be the first to go when Colander Face-Mask Time arrives.

The average person just LOVES it when some snob in a business suit gets up on stage and condemns an entire class of people to eternal misery. They just love that.

Posted by: zombie at April 08, 2019 03:03 PM (5tb4C)

73 50 Bill Kristol said Tuesday afternoon that the white working class should be replaced by immigrants as they have become "decadent, lazy" and "spoiled."


the cucks have this double edged sword thing:

1. poor migrants just want a better life and the ONLY way to do that is to come here and take our jobs.

2. also, you suck and these migrants are superior to you.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:03 PM (9AcAx)

74 Lots of heads are rolling today in the Immigration departments... Somethings afoot.

Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2019 03:03 PM (O2RFr)

75 68 63 It's very curious how this post is exactly what Putin would say.

Look, I'm not saying Ace is a Russian agent, but let's not pretend it's not curious.
Posted by: Jonah Goldberg at April 08, 2019 03:01 PM (DuAZ5)


*later that afternoon*

"I have a new post about restricting immigration! Please read!"
-Jonah Goldberg
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read Some Movie Thoughts at April 08, 2019 03:02 PM (q8oeS)

But is a McGuffin a sandwich? That's what the world wants to know.

Posted by: Eeyore at April 08, 2019 03:03 PM (VaN/j)

76 Posted by: Minnfidel at April 08, 2019 02:59 PM

I saw The Wall at Carl's Court in London live, great show but have all but decided to burn my Pink Floyd albums

Posted by: Skip at April 08, 2019 03:03 PM (BbGew)

77 The Gods of the Copybook Heading nod.

Posted by: Grump928(C) Of Girth at April 08, 2019 03:03 PM (ue+Wr)

78 The facts are facts: America has oscillated between periods of mass immigration and periods of relatively little immigration, often as a backlash to the excesses of the mass immigration period. After 54 years since 1965, it is time to close it up a while.
1783 to 1820: little immigration, restrictions post (Revolutionary) war
1821 to 1861: flood tide (Ireland, Germany, China notable)
1861 to 1880: restrictions post (Civil) war
1881 to 1920: flood tide (Italy, eastern Europe notable)
1921 to 1965: restrictions post WWI, Great Depression
1965 to now: flood tide (Latin America, anywhere NOT Europe notable)

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 08, 2019 03:03 PM (ujg0T)

79 Stagnant wages are good for our membershit.

Posted by: USCC at April 08, 2019 03:04 PM (m/Gc2)

80 Funny how Mittens RMoney discovered the border crisis at the same time as Jeh Johnson and some other lefties finally acknowledged it.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at April 08, 2019 03:04 PM (4AeKb)

81 How about toot-suite border enforcement?

Posted by: Count de Monet at April 08, 2019 03:04 PM (QLvwG)

82 But is a McGuffin a sandwich? That's what the world wants to know.

Know what they call a McGuffin with Cheese in France?

Posted by: Grump928(C) Of Girth at April 08, 2019 03:04 PM (ue+Wr)

The idea behind the graph was there until you're making the break even point (it was something like $30,000 if I remember correctly), it makes more sense to stay on welfare in all its forms than find a job.

$15 an hour gets you $31,200 per year.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 08, 2019 03:04 PM (aKsyK)

84 Let them eat Twinkies.

Posted by: Kristol Antoinette at April 08, 2019 03:04 PM (5tb4C)

85 Well the people who are All About Economics won't say so because they have a religious mania to import as many low-skilled foreign workers into the country for no very good reason, but what happens is that the wages of Americans fall. The low-skilled American workers' wages fall the most, but there's a knock-on effect where the wages of moderately skilled workers fall too.

They know that importing more third world immigrants drives down wages. That's the point. Their cost of living decreases. Ditto with all that cheap shit from China.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at April 08, 2019 03:05 PM (wCmLp)

86 The Democrats and quislings like Kristol-Meth are running out of bread and circuses. As you lower the unemployment rate, increase wage growth and restore the vision of an economic future for people and their children, the mask slips on their diversions. It's getting increasingly hard to dupe people.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 08, 2019 03:05 PM (VpIIl)

87 There is nothing amusing about the idiotic slander of "racism". We are decades past the point where the racists misusing this term to slander people should have been ostracized, demonized, and neutralized. Of course also long past time the racism of the "minority" communities should be confronted and rejected. And, of course, also long over-due is the evisceration of the constitution, common sense, fairness, justice, and rule of law by racism - affirmative action being the most absurd and outrageous example.

And ace you are 100% correct about immigration policy, but your discussion is also 100% over-determined. No need - analytical, moral, practical - to demonstrate any negative effect from any aspect of immigration, legal or illegal.

It's a sovereign policy choice, like budget levels, what's on the flag, or tax rates. There isn't a trace of a serious intelligent case for large levels of legal immigration, and illegal migration by definition is bad and intolerable at any level.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 08, 2019 03:05 PM (QDnY+)

88 The idea behind the graph was there until you're making the break even point (it was something like $30,000 if I remember correctly), it makes more sense to stay on welfare in all its forms than find a job.


yeah, the welfare cliff. It's about $60K a year if you got some fucking kids

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:05 PM (9AcAx)

89 It's amazing that pompous windbags like Kristol don't get punched in the face more often.

Posted by: red speck at April 08, 2019 03:06 PM (6Krd7)

90 the cucks have this double edged sword thing:

1. poor migrants just want a better life and the ONLY way to do that is to come here and take our jobs.

2. also, you suck and these migrants are superior to you.
Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:03 PM (9AcAx)


Real life conversation edited for brevity:

They are in fear for their life because of all the violence. Asylum will save their lives.

So.... we're prohibited from letting them relocate to Chicago, Baltimore or Miami???

<---- insert frothing, blathering and incoherent profanity here.

Posted by: A.O.C. at April 08, 2019 03:06 PM (8XRCm)

91 This is an excellent explanation of why Ace is able to pay the cobloggers so little. We are low-skilled, and can be easily replaced by pretty much anyone!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 08, 2019 03:06 PM (wYseH)

92 37 So for the past few decades, American kids have been steered away from working while still in school. Instead of getting the McDonald's job, they are convinced they should take some unpaid internship at a non-profit "making the world better."Upon graduation with no real work experience and a silly degree in grievance studies they look exclusively for a job that matches their lackluster, useless skills and experience --- and get called lazy and the reason why we need more immigrants.

I am not defending every out of work millennial, just noting that the Left has made sure we have a less than stellar workforce, and then use that to justify open border/replacement.
Posted by: Lizzy at April 08, 2019 02:58 PM (W+vEI)

Moreover, once upon a time Construction summer laborer jobs DID pay (relatively) well, and the teenagers got exercise and were less obese too.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 08, 2019 03:06 PM (ujg0T)

93 1881 to 1920: flood tide (Italy, eastern Europe notable)

1883 is when my peeps came, from Calabria Italy. They lived in Polish-Italian ghettos at first.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at April 08, 2019 03:06 PM (4AeKb)

oooo..... off donky chomper sox.

Posted by: fixerupper at April 08, 2019 03:06 PM (8XRCm)

95 I am not defending every out of work millennial, just noting that the Left has made sure we have a less than stellar workforce, and then use that to justify open border/replacement.
Posted by: Lizzy at April 08, 2019 02:58 PM (W+vEI)

It's not just the left. It was everyone in the establishment. The 90's really kicked it off with we were going to be a post industrial service economy. Of course it ignored that:

- People aren't blank slates. A lot of people aren't cut out for "mental" work.
- Industrial jobs provide work for the service jobs.

Plus add in that it is now designed that kids can't afford to have jobs it they want to get into any sort of competitive college. They have to burnish resumes and work on scholarship areas.

Posted by: WOPR - KTF always wins at April 08, 2019 03:06 PM (J70i0)

96 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge at April 08, 2019 03:07 PM (IXZGh)

97 88 The idea behind the graph was there until you're making the break even point (it was something like $30,000 if I remember correctly), it makes more sense to stay on welfare in all its forms than find a job.


yeah, the welfare cliff. It's about $60K a year if you got some fucking kids
Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:05 PM (9AcAx)


That's what it's called. The welfare cliff.

Wage growth makes it easier to get over that.

Trump loves poor people.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read Some Movie Thoughts at April 08, 2019 03:07 PM (q8oeS)

98 also, the cucks have this idea that other countries are full of minorities because they're not europeans. Which is a stupid because every country's ethnicity is its own majority which they selfishly protect, because you'd have to be a cucked out idiot to think your nation exists to benefit other nations at the expense of your own stupid, lazy, old, and sadly white nation.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:07 PM (9AcAx)

99 WHAT!?!?!?!?!?

This CAN'T BE!!!!

All teh SMARTS said that we MUST HAVE ILLEGAL LABOR to keep Americans in jobs.

Posted by: Sponge at April 08, 2019 03:07 PM (IXZGh)

100 Very few immigrants have the ability to replace Kristol. Most are incapable of his level of folly. You'd have to go to Davos to find one. Or 10 Downing Street.
Posted by: Eeyore at April 08, 2019 03:02 PM (VaN/j)

hehe, so true

There's always Jim Carey. Lunatics from the North who love them some $US dollars, yet always seem to trash it.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at April 08, 2019 03:07 PM (DBRY5)

101 >>>For the record, cheap Chinese software could replace Bill Kristol's output with no discernable difference in quality. Decadent, lazy and spoiled applies more so to him than anyone he points at.

imma gonna lol when clickbait-spitting algorithms put all of these buzzfeed/Mary Sue dopes out of work.

Of course, it'll hurt me some, too. (Can't write more than one or two original posts per day; the rest is just churnalism.)

but it'll be worth it.

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:08 PM (PbpT7)

102 OT - Oh, Jane - did that pot roast recipe yesterday. Fantastic. Now my go-to with the slow cooker and chuck roast when it's on deeply discounted sale.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 08, 2019 03:08 PM (QDnY+)

more humane than the land mines I think should be planted.
Posted by: Skip

Use the humane land mines that pop up a sign that says "BANG!"

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 08, 2019 03:08 PM (aKsyK)

104 Excellent essay, Jefe.

Econ 101 -- you get more of what you subsidize/reward (laziness, welfare, vice, etc.) and less of what you tax/punish (productivity, independence, virtue, etc.).

Posted by: ShainS -- PhD candidate in Angry Orange Male studies at April 08, 2019 03:08 PM (NerAD)

105 97 88 The idea behind the graph was there until you're making the break even point (it was something like $30,000 if I remember correctly), it makes more sense to stay on welfare in all its forms than find a job.


yeah, the welfare cliff. It's about $60K a year if you got some fucking kids
Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:05 PM (9AcAx)


That's what it's called. The welfare cliff.

Wage growth makes it easier to get over that.

Trump loves poor people.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read Some Movie Thoughts at April 08, 2019 03:07 PM (q8oeS)

Where's MY 60k a year in benefits, dammit!?

Posted by: Insomniac at April 08, 2019 03:08 PM (NWiLs)

106 DAMN those ATM's.......

Posted by: Sponge at April 08, 2019 03:08 PM (IXZGh)

107 Real life conversation edited for brevity:

They are in fear for their life because of all the violence. Asylum will save their lives.

So.... we're prohibited from letting them relocate to Chicago, Baltimore or Miami???


also, "jesus wants us to bring them here for a better life and to become sons of jesus because that's what jesus wants"

Narrator: America hates Christians and wants to teach your kids to be trannies who are gay commies.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:08 PM (9AcAx)

The idea behind the graph was there until you're making the break even point (it was something like $30,000 if I remember correctly), it makes more sense to stay on welfare in all its forms than find a job.


yeah, the welfare cliff. It's about $60K a year if you got some fucking kids
Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:05 PM (9AcAx)


Here's a fun fact to break out the next time you're engaged in some witty banter about socio-economics with total idiots.

The income and which the United States sets its poverty level is also in the 93 percentile of incomes world wide.

We, as a nation, have, for all intents and purposes, eliminated REAL poverty.

Posted by: fixerupper at April 08, 2019 03:09 PM (8XRCm)

109 There's always Jim Carey. Lunatics from the North who love them some $US dollars, yet always seem to trash it.
Ask Jim Carey to support a bill allowing Americans to buy Canadian water front real estate. Dittos Mexico. If we are to have Open Borders it should come with two-way roads.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:09 PM (2LelM)

110 >>>91 This is an excellent explanation of why Ace is able to pay the cobloggers so little. We are low-skilled, and can be easily replaced by pretty much anyone!
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

you underestimate yourself. You're impossible to replace -- who else would do it?!?!

No but seriously, thank you, and thank you to all the cobloggers.

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:09 PM (PbpT7)

111 63 It's very curious how this post is exactly what Putin would say.

Look, I'm not saying Ace is a Russian agent, but let's not pretend it's not curious.
Posted by: Jonah Goldberg at April 08, 2019 03:01 PM

If Ace is an agent of Putin, that would appear to be a textbook violation of the Logans Run Act.

Under the Logans Run Act, as soon as Ace turns 30 he must be put to death.

Posted by: Sally Yates at April 08, 2019 03:09 PM (DuAZ5)

112 Plus add in that it is now designed that kids can't afford to have jobs it they want to get into any sort of competitive college. They have to burnish resumes and work on scholarship areas.
Posted by: WOPR - KTF always wins

I'd take a kid who spent his summers carrying sheetrock over one who went to Guatemala to help the locals learn entrepreneurship in a heartbeat. I guess that's why I don't work at a university admissions office.

Posted by: pep at April 08, 2019 03:09 PM (wW03z)

113 Moreover, once upon a time Construction summer laborer jobs DID pay (relatively) well, and the teenagers got exercise and were less obese too.
Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 08, 2019 03:06 PM (ujg0T)

I paved many a road and avoided killing people as a flag man when I was a teen.

Posted by: Cartoon Archer not moron Archer at April 08, 2019 03:10 PM (X9Eva)

114 I'm amazed how many people though are now just openly advocating the idea that any place a person wants to go, they should just be allowed to as some sort of human right.

In the past, both sides would lie to us and say they wanted to do something about the border and illegals, but it was impossible.

Now that real solutions could potentially be implemented, it's immoral to do so.

Posted by: Blago at April 08, 2019 03:10 PM (UfkIY)

115 "It seems to me you'd have no other choice but to explain it by a series of actually racist claims about the low moral and ethical character about populations who are failing to thrive in America."

No shit, 12% of all inmates in the BoP system are Mexican! 33% are ethnically Hispanic. In the race category, 38% are black. Even assuming mild overlap between the two, it means non-Hispanic whites are a considerable minority in prison. Which most people know from common sense, but it's nice to have numbers.

Can't wait for America to have that honest conversation about race!

Posted by: trev006 at April 08, 2019 03:10 PM (6n54H)

116 And by the way, they should get rid of soy milk. The world would be a better place. Congress should tax that shit out of existence.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 08, 2019 03:10 PM (VpIIl)

117 108 Here's a fun fact to break out the next time you're engaged in some witty banter about socio-economics with total idiots.

The income and which the United States sets its poverty level is also in the 93 percentile of incomes world wide.

We, as a nation, have, for all intents and purposes, eliminated REAL poverty.
Posted by: fixerupper at April 08, 2019 03:09 PM (8XRCm)


Our poor people are too fat. Real poor people are too skinny.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read Some Movie Thoughts at April 08, 2019 03:10 PM (q8oeS)

118 So.... we're prohibited from letting them relocate to Chicago, Baltimore or Miami???


In reality, if there's a fucked up blue city, it's already been repopulated with "migrants".

Any coincidence that Houston and Chicago are now crime filled hellholes that "progressively" elect weirdo lesbian mayors?

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:10 PM (9AcAx)

119 Posted by: Keto not Beto

When your bloodstream is filled with fake-Mexican douchebag particles, you're running on Betones.

Posted by: Kristol Antoinette at April 08, 2019 03:11 PM (5tb4C)

120 Off "Kristol Antoinette" sock!

Posted by: zombie at April 08, 2019 03:11 PM (5tb4C)

121 Bill Kristol said Tuesday afternoon that the white working class should be replaced by immigrants as they have become "decadent, lazy" and "spoiled."

Does he even realize what he said.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...

No self-awareness. At. All.

This is what Bill Maher says we all want. His decadence, laziness and being a spoiled brat.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at April 08, 2019 03:11 PM (DBRY5)

122 110 you underestimate yourself. You're impossible to replace -- who else would do it?!?!

No but seriously, thank you, and thank you to all the cobloggers.

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:09 PM (PbpT7)


I'm not quite a cob level, but I do it cause I love this place and love what I write about. No pay necessary.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read Some Movie Thoughts at April 08, 2019 03:11 PM (q8oeS)

This is an excellent explanation of why Ace is able to pay the
cobloggers so little. We are low-skilled, and can be easily replaced by
pretty much anyone!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 08, 2019 03:06 PM (wYseH)

Think of all the HQ benefits:

* unlimited shelving advice
* ______________

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 08, 2019 03:12 PM (ptqGC)

124 No shit, 12% of all inmates in the BoP system are Mexican! 33% are ethnically Hispanic. In the race category, 38% are black. Even assuming mild overlap between the two, it means non-Hispanic whites are a considerable minority in prison. Which most people know from common sense, but it's nice to have numbers


that's kind of another complaint since, on one hand, "mexicans are folks like Louis CK and Selma Hayek" while also "please ignore that we're sending over our native american population.

If my great-gramps moved to Mexico 150 years ago, I'd be a minority because uh mexico is minority central. But here, I'm just a lazy, old, ready to die white guy who needs to be replaced by migrants with tasty recipes.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:12 PM (9AcAx)

125 I'd take a kid who spent his summers carrying sheetrock over one who went to Guatemala to help the locals learn entrepreneurship in a heartbeat. I guess that's why I don't work at a university admissions office.
Yep. That is exactly how you avoid Tim Kaine in the Senate.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:12 PM (2LelM)

126 89 It's amazing that pompous windbags like Kristol don't get punched in the face more often.

Posted by: red speck at April 08, 2019 03:06 PM (6Krd7

Every time Bill Kristol opens his pie hole, a white person picks up Mein Kampf.

Posted by: trev006 at April 08, 2019 03:13 PM (6n54H)

127 "91 This is an excellent explanation of why Ace is able to pay the
cobloggers so little. We are low-skilled, and can be easily replaced by
pretty much anyone!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo
What do you replace a "dildo" with- the real thing?

Asking for a friend.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 08, 2019 03:13 PM (VpIIl)

128 And anyone who screams that stopping illegals at the border is a racist issue is de facto, a stereotyping racist with a narrow bigoted and ignorant view of foreigners and foreign countries and especially of our near neighbor Mexico.

Not everyone who walks across our porous borders is necessarily an individual of any specific race.

If I want the border there to keep out whackjobs from Mexico, Iran, Afghanistan or Somalia, that ain't because I hate Mexicans, Persians, Uzbeks or Cushitics, it's because I don't want illegal immigrants sneaking in and I don't give a rat's ass where they come from.

To prove the point, what race is American?

Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 03:13 PM (37IEG)

129 Posted by: Keto not Beto


Posted by: m at April 08, 2019 03:13 PM (5AuVV)

130 I was bit by a marriage rat.

Fucker gave years of pain

Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at April 08, 2019 03:13 PM (TN1P5)

131 Trump loves poor people.

No, the Democrats love poor people.

That's why they make so many of them.

Posted by: Grump928(C) Of Girth at April 08, 2019 03:13 PM (ue+Wr)

This is what Bill Maher says we all want. His decadence, laziness and being a spoiled brat.
Posted by: artisanal 'ette

Just like life: nasty, brutish and short.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 08, 2019 03:13 PM (aKsyK)

133 This is an excellent explanation of why Ace is able to pay the cobloggers so little. We are low-skilled, and can be easily replaced by pretty much anyone!
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

not even

then, where on earth would we argue about banana bread? or cauliflower?

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at April 08, 2019 03:13 PM (DBRY5)

134 When your bloodstream is filled with fake-Mexican douchebag particles, you're running on Betones.


nice, I'm gonna somehow craft my next nic off of that...I'm living in Betosis.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:13 PM (9AcAx)

135 then, where on earth would we argue about banana bread? or cauliflower?

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at April 08, 2019 03:13 PM (DBRY5)

Or okra? Or syrup on French toast?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 08, 2019 03:14 PM (ptqGC)

136 "Oh! A fence! Not a wall! Right! That's so much better!"

Romney really just wants a dashed line along the border.

Posted by: Al-Gore at April 08, 2019 03:14 PM (eAZVt)

137 To prove the point, what race is American?
Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 03:13 PM (37IEG)


Posted by: Cartoon Archer not moron Archer at April 08, 2019 03:14 PM (X9Eva)

138 To prove the point, what race is American?
Posted by: DamnedYanke


well, up until 20 years ago, it was undeniably european.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:14 PM (9AcAx)

113 Moreover, once upon a time Construction summer laborer jobs DID pay (relatively) well, and the teenagers got exercise and were less obese too.
Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 08, 2019 03:06 PM (ujg0T)

I paved many a road and avoided killing people as a flag man when I was a teen.
I was running my own siding crew at 18. Then the serial recessions forced me to go to college.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:14 PM (2LelM)

140 Where's MY 60k a year in benefits, dammit!?
Posted by: Insomniac at April 08, 2019 03:08 PM (NWiLs)

Do we really need to point out that you're a white male h8r and therefore any and all complaints are invalid?

Posted by: blake - used vacation salesman at April 08, 2019 03:14 PM (qC1Sy)

141 Or okra? Or syrup on French toast?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 08, 2019 03:14 PM (ptqGC)


Posted by: artisanal 'ette at April 08, 2019 03:15 PM (DBRY5)

142 >>>Our poor people are too fat. Real poor people are too skinny.

not to be That Guy, but I was just re-reading Why We Get Fat.

When sugar (and highly processed, calorie-dense and fiber-light bread) was expensive, obesity was almost entirely a disease... of the rich. Cavities too -- though we think of the poor as having bad teeth, back when sugar and carbohydrate-dense breads and cakes were a luxury, the poor had most of their teeth and it was the wealthy who had a lot of teen yanked for cavities.

When sugar became cheap (thanks, Napoleon!) and very-high-carb bread became the norm, obesity spread to the poorer classes, and now the poor are the most obese.

Which is due to the fact that such foods are energetically-dense but pretty cheap.

It's relatively expensive to eat a mostly meat-and-fat diet, relatively cheap to have some meat and lots of energy dense carbs.

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:15 PM (PbpT7)

143 >>And what's the plan for the Americans displaced by these foreign workers?

Just welfare? Welfare forever? And the more (out of wedlock) kids you have, the higher your welfare check?
- - - -

In all honesty, they likely figure the opioid crisis will take care of them.

I mean, that's another benefit of open borders? Free flow of drugs as well as these alleged more motivated "new Americans."

Posted by: Lizzy at April 08, 2019 03:15 PM (W+vEI)

To prove the point, what race is American?
Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 03:13 PM (37IEG)


The Mile???

Posted by: fixerupper at April 08, 2019 03:15 PM (8XRCm)

145 Just like life: nasty, brutish and short.
Touche and Golf Clap.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:15 PM (2LelM)

To prove the point, what race is American?

Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 03:13 PM (37IEG)


Posted by: Someguy at April 08, 2019 03:16 PM (oTYTN)

147 well, up until 20 years ago, it was undeniably european.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:14 PM (9AcAx)

70 years before that, Irish, Poles, and Italians were considered outside the American order.

Posted by: trev006 at April 08, 2019 03:16 PM (6n54H)

148 This is an excellent explanation of why Ace is able to pay the cobloggers so little. We are low-skilled, and can be easily replaced by pretty much anyone!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

Think of all the HQ benefits:

* unlimited shelving advice
* ______________

Posted by: Jane D'oh

*unlimited dating advice
*unlimited medical advice
*unlimited cooking advice
*unlimited gun advice

Posted by: rickb223 at April 08, 2019 03:16 PM (urY6u)

149 No but seriously, thank you, and thank you to all the cobloggers.

No shoutout to the Sub-loggers?

Posted by: Grump928(C) Of Girth at April 08, 2019 03:16 PM (ue+Wr)

150 When sugar became cheap (thanks, Napoleon!) and
very-high-carb bread became the norm, obesity spread to the poorer
classes, and now the poor are the most obese.

Which is due to the fact that such foods are energetically-dense but pretty cheap.

It's relatively expensive to eat a mostly meat-and-fat diet, relatively cheap to have some meat and lots of energy dense carbs.

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:15 PM (PbpT7)

This is about me, isn't it? *seethes* *dials up SPLC*

Posted by: Tank Abrams at April 08, 2019 03:16 PM (ptqGC)

151 ish, Poles, and Italians
still, how you say, eurpoean and christian...even if they came from the backwaters.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:17 PM (9AcAx)

152 I'd take a kid who spent his summers carrying sheetrock over one who went to Guatemala to help the locals learn entrepreneurship in a heartbeat. I guess that's why I don't work at a university admissions office.
Posted by: pep at April 08, 2019 03:09 PM (wW03z)

So would I. That is now how the game is played though.

Posted by: WOPR - KTF always wins at April 08, 2019 03:17 PM (J70i0)

153 In all honesty, they likely figure the opioid crisis will take care of them.

I mean, that's another benefit of open borders? Free flow of drugs as well as these alleged more motivated "new Americans."
Posted by: Lizzy at April 08, 2019 03:15 PM (W+vEI)

That, and Fortnight and FIFA gaming.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at April 08, 2019 03:17 PM (DBRY5)

154 Lots of heads are rolling today in the Immigration departments... Somethings afoot.

Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2019 03:03 PM (O2RFr)

If so, not totally unexpected. My observation is that when Donald Trumps sets out to do something, he does it if it is at all humanly possible. When stymied one way, he will look for other paths. If the border crisis is getting magnified then it is an attempt to make him admit defeat. And I doubt he will do that without looking at every possible solution.

Been a long time since we had someone like that around here.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - My Spirit Energy Runs the Outrage Outlet During the Merciful Coma! at April 08, 2019 03:17 PM (hLRSq)

155 Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:15 PM (PbpT7)

I think again obesity is directly related to laziness. Both mental and physical.

Posted by: Cartoon Archer not moron Archer at April 08, 2019 03:18 PM (X9Eva)

156 To prove the point, what race is American?


get your ass thrown in prison or go to the wrong side of Chicago at midnight and you'll figure out how real race is.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:18 PM (9AcAx)

157 You said "zestful" and brown people like spicy food and carry hot sauce and so all your positions are racist.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at April 08, 2019 03:19 PM (xfb67)

158 You're impossible to replace -- who else would do it?!?!

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:09 PM (PbpT7)

Reason #34,096 why this is the best place on the internets!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 08, 2019 03:19 PM (wYseH)

To prove the point, what race is American?

The Indianapolis 500

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 08, 2019 03:19 PM (aKsyK)

160 still, how you say, eurpoean and christian...even if they came from the backwaters.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:17 PM (9AcAx)

No doubt. Point is, things change if demographics are permitted to be diluted. But now that they're all "white" and therefore targets, there is a real opportunity for a new national identity to be forged from the new populace.

Posted by: trev006 at April 08, 2019 03:19 PM (6n54H)

161 Speaking of cooking advice, how do you fix bitter spaghetti sauce?

Posted by: Someguy at April 08, 2019 03:19 PM (oTYTN)

162 Curmudgeon thanks for posting the historical timeline and facts.

When immigration was close to nil, for the decades between the 1920s and 1960s, the US saw arguably the greatest economic advance of any country in human history. And won WWII. And defended much of the world from evil stupidity (the USSR) for decades. And went to the moon. AND started correcting the civil rights errors of its past. And I'm just summarizing.

The idiotic mythology around "nation of immigrants" needs to be obliterated and mocked (like so many other idiocies damaging the country).

Posted by: rhomboid at April 08, 2019 03:19 PM (QDnY+)

163 >>To prove the point, what race is American?

The Boston Marathon on Patriot's Day!!

Posted by: Lizzy at April 08, 2019 03:20 PM (W+vEI)

164 -
To prove the point, what race is American?

Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 03:13 PM (37IEG)


The Mile???

Posted by: fixerupper at April 08, 2019 03:15 PM


The Pikes Peak International Hill Climb

Posted by: irright at April 08, 2019 03:20 PM (pMGkg)

165 "Look, to be totally honest, if things are so bad as you say with the white working class, don't you want to get new Americans in?"

I read this, and then think of this week's subheading over at The Bulwark, which reads "The noise causes cancer", and wonder if this is some sort of trolling, psychology experiment.

Posted by: Grimaldi at April 08, 2019 03:20 PM (1/FL9)

166 There's that phrase again.....New Americans.

Fuck you, douchebag.

YOU should LEAVE, you fat, lazy, arrogant fuck.

Posted by: Sponge at April 08, 2019 03:20 PM (IXZGh)

167 Speaking of cooking advice, how do you fix bitter spaghetti sauce?
Posted by: Someguy at April 08, 2019 03:19 PM (oTYTN)


You mean fix like prepare??? or fix like repair????

Posted by: fixerupper at April 08, 2019 03:20 PM (8XRCm)

161 Speaking of cooking advice, how do you fix bitter spaghetti sauce?
Vodka and Grape Jelly. If you want to tart it up add some cider vinegar.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:20 PM (2LelM)

169 >>>I think again obesity is directly related to laziness. Both mental and physical.

So in this book, he pointed out that there is no evidence that exercise helps keep weight down. Exercise also increases appetite, of course.

Norwegians did this study for a year and a half and took mildly-overweight-to-fat people and trained them to run marathons. I think they ran a marathon every two weeks, and of course ran long distances on most days (though not marathons).

This training took at least two hours per day.

Know how much weight they lost, on average, after a year and a half of marathon training?

Five pounds! Five pounds of bodyfat, yes, so that's five real pounds and not 2.5 pounds fat, 2.5 pounds water, but... a year and a half, two hours per day of MARATHON RUNNING TRAINING... and they lost five pounds of bodyfat.

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:21 PM (PbpT7)

You mean fix like prepare??? or fix like repair????

Posted by: fixerupper at April 08, 2019 03:20 PM (8XRCm)


Posted by: Someguy at April 08, 2019 03:21 PM (oTYTN)

Marathons are Greek.

Posted by: fixerupper at April 08, 2019 03:21 PM (8XRCm)

172 Speaking of cooking advice, how do you fix bitter spaghetti sauce?
Posted by: Someguy at April 08, 2019 03:19 PM (oTYTN)


You mean fix like prepare??? or fix like repair????
Posted by: fixerupper at April 08, 2019 03:20 PM (8XRCm)

I like that fixerupper responded to that question.

Posted by: Cartoon Archer not moron Archer at April 08, 2019 03:21 PM (X9Eva)

173 A bit rich for Bill Kristol to be calling anyone decadent, lazy, or spoiled.

Posted by: aelfheld at April 08, 2019 03:21 PM (IxDhF)

174 161 Speaking of cooking advice, how do you fix bitter spaghetti sauce?
Posted by: Someguy at April 08, 2019 03:19 PM (oTYTN)

fix = create? or correct?

Posted by: m at April 08, 2019 03:21 PM (5AuVV)

175 When your bloodstream is filled with fake-Mexican douchebag particles, you're running on Betones.
Posted by: zombie

nice, I'm gonna somehow craft my next nic off of that...I'm living in Betosis.
Posted by: Keto not Beto

It's relatively expensive to eat a mostly meat-and-fat diet, relatively cheap to have some meat and lots of energy dense carbs.

Posted by: ace

The cure for America's Moral Obesity? Going into Betosis!

Posted by: progressive GAINZZ at April 08, 2019 03:22 PM (5tb4C)

176 If Dems were actually concerned about "inequality" in society, they'd be feverishly agitating for zero low skilled immigration and high levels of merit-based (i.e., high skilled) immigration. But (spoiler), they're really just interested in gathering power unto themselves.

Posted by: Frankovich's Monster at April 08, 2019 03:22 PM (hdzef)

177 I love the way they assume that illegals are somehow productive workers. Maybe they should work around a few of them.

I know people that have been in prison that now have good paying jobs. If they can see that there's money in it for them, they are more than willing to work. If we stop the illegals and working under the table, let wages go up, there's no need for that artificial $15 an hour minimum wage.

Posted by: notsothoreau at April 08, 2019 03:22 PM (JKNZq)

178 >>>
The cure for America's Moral Obesity? Going into Betosis!

I've heard Betosis is dangerous and can kill you...?!

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:22 PM (PbpT7)

179 My theory on the changes in the Admin over the weekend is that with the Mueller Investigation over, the establishment cucks in the GOP lost what little leverage over Trump they had. As long as an investigation was ongoing they could use that as an excuse to balk on his policies.

This is settling family business.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at April 08, 2019 03:22 PM (wCmLp)

180 >>"This is a winning issue I think for Republicans. But more importantly, it's a winning issue for Americans to say, 'We have to have the sovereignty of our nation.'"

And yet not one other GOP POTUS candidate in 2016 was willing to join Trump in saying so.

Posted by: Lizzy at April 08, 2019 03:23 PM (W+vEI)

181 Speaking of cooking advice, how do you fix bitter spaghetti sauce?
Posted by: Someguy at April 08, 2019 03:19 PM (oTYTN)

Molasses, sparingly.

Posted by: Sponge at April 08, 2019 03:23 PM (IXZGh)

182 Semi-related. I saw a nickname for Beto: Pancho Gringo. Or maybe the Gringo Kid.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at April 08, 2019 03:23 PM (+y/Ru)

183 162 Curmudgeon thanks for posting the historical timeline and facts.

When immigration was close to nil, for the decades between the 1920s and 1960s, the US saw arguably the greatest economic advance of any country in human history. And won WWII. And defended much of the world from evil stupidity (the USSR) for decades. And went to the moon. AND started correcting the civil rights errors of its past. And I'm just summarizing.

The idiotic mythology around "nation of immigrants" needs to be obliterated and mocked (like so many other idiocies damaging the country).
Posted by: rhomboid at April 08, 2019 03:19 PM (QDnY+)

Exactly. The ethos then was everyone was supposed to integrate and be a "real American", and when the Jim Crow South balked, we even changed that too.

And surprise, surprise, surprise, soon after the immigration floodgates were opened again, African American upward mobility tanked.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 08, 2019 03:23 PM (ujg0T)

184 You mean fix like prepare??? or fix like repair????

Posted by: fixerupper at April 08, 2019 03:20 PM (8XRCm)

Posted by: Someguy at April 08, 2019 03:21 PM (oTYTN)


Got it.

Make a shit load more sauce the right way.... then pour in the bitter sauce to dilute it.


Posted by: fixerupper at April 08, 2019 03:23 PM (8XRCm)

To prove the point, what race is American?
Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 03:13 PM (37IEG)

Tractor racing

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at April 08, 2019 03:23 PM (TAmPV)

186 In all honesty, they likely figure the opioid crisis will take care of them.

I always think of the term "opioid crisis" as prescription drugs and wonder what doctor is handing out codeine like Pez candy.

I always thought of heroin as illegal drugs or heroin, not part of the "opioid crisis".

Posted by: rickb223 at April 08, 2019 03:23 PM (urY6u)

187 So in this book, he pointed out that there is no evidence that exercise helps keep weight down. Exercise also increases appetite, of course.


which makes me wonder. Some celebs are notorious workout people, how do you exercise for hours a day?

does that make you eat too much food and therefore age faster (slow aging is a benefit of fasting).

OTH, there's youtube body guys like ketobody who IF everyday and workout only 3 times a week for a few minutes and have 6% bodyfat.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:23 PM (9AcAx)

188 Kristol is a fat, humpty-dumpty grinning fucktard, male in name only, and has never worked a day in his life.

I bet he has great insight into the working class.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at April 08, 2019 03:23 PM (xfb67)

189 kinobody, not ketobody

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:23 PM (9AcAx)

190 180 >>"This is a winning issue I think for Republicans. But more importantly, it's a winning issue for Americans to say, 'We have to have the sovereignty of our nation.'"

And yet not one other GOP POTUS candidate in 2016 was willing to join Trump in saying so.
Posted by: Lizzy at April 08, 2019 03:23 PM (W+vEI)


"You're a heartless piece of shit if you don't want to open the nation up to everyone in the world."
-Jeb, super conservative

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read Some Movie Thoughts at April 08, 2019 03:23 PM (q8oeS)

191 And lest we forget, Oakland used to have middle class blacks, that had good paying jobs at the shipyards. What will it take for these folks to realize that jobs are the key to the better life? Not everyone wants to be stuck on welfare.

Posted by: notsothoreau at April 08, 2019 03:24 PM (JKNZq)

"You're a heartless piece of shit if you don't want to open the nation up to everyone in the world."
-Jeb, super conservative
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read Some Movie Thoughts at April 08, 2019 03:23 PM (q8oeS)

Please, clap.......

Posted by: Sponge at April 08, 2019 03:24 PM (IXZGh)

So in this book, he pointed out that there is no evidence that exercise helps keep weight down. Exercise also increases appetite, of course.



Posted by: fixerupper at April 08, 2019 03:24 PM (8XRCm)

194 1st of all, you don't call it "spaghetti sauce", you call it red gravy.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at April 08, 2019 03:24 PM (xfb67)

195 191 And lest we forget, Oakland used to have middle class blacks, that had good paying jobs at the shipyards. What will it take for these folks to realize that jobs are the key to the better life? Not everyone wants to be stuck on welfare.
Life is an IQ test. Some folks fail.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:24 PM (2LelM)

196 Tractor racing
Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at April 08, 2019 03:23 PM (TAmPV)

Lawnmower racing. There are actual classes and some of those guys are CRAZY!!!

Posted by: Sponge at April 08, 2019 03:25 PM (IXZGh)

197 Kristol. Overweight smarmy fat fuck calling others lazy.

Posted by: Minnfidel at April 08, 2019 03:26 PM (+/tGa)

198 "You're a heartless piece of shit if you don't want to open the nation up to everyone in the world."
-Jeb, super conservative


"also, there's no crisis at the border, DRUMPFF!" - Severe Conservative Mitt romney

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:26 PM (9AcAx)

199 190 180 >>"This is a winning issue I think for Republicans. But more importantly, it's a winning issue for Americans to say, 'We have to have the sovereignty of our nation.'"

And yet not one other GOP POTUS candidate in 2016 was willing to join Trump in saying so.
Posted by: Lizzy at April 08, 2019 03:23 PM (W+vEI)

In fairness, Ted Cruz did to a lesser extent. And guess who finished second in the GOP primaries? You would think all those super smart GOP campaign advisers would take notice. Funny, that.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 08, 2019 03:26 PM (ujg0T)

200 >>>which makes me wonder. Some celebs are notorious workout people, how do you exercise for hours a day?

if it's your job and you don't have any other work to do, I can see that as possible.

When I was in school, I gained a lot of weight. I decided to lose it. I went hardcore as far as exercising (and diet, though I was doing the stupid low-fat/high carb dietary guidelines).

I was either running 4-5 miles, swimming 1-2 miles, and weightlifting for 90 minutes or so every day of the week, many days two of those three, and some days all three. (rarely but I did "hit for the cycle" a few times.)

How did I do it? Well, I didn't go to class for like two months.

Did it work? Shit yeah. It definitely did work.

but... it wasn't sustainable, obviously, and I could only get away with it because I was a student who could blow off class for a couple of months and cram it all in couple of weeks before finals.

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:26 PM (PbpT7)

well, up until 20 years ago, it was undeniably european.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:14 PM (9AcAx)
Does that include the 10 - 12% of those funny black Europeans?Or the 3% Asian Europeans? (which, Asian, in itself, as a category is wildly racist).
So if these undeniable Europeans self deported North or South because of raycis Ameria, which country would have been okay with an additional 32 million people showing up to live?
Heh - that would have been 10 million more people than were IN Canada if it happened in 1990.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 03:27 PM (37IEG)

202 Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:21 PM (PbpT7)

So sedentary person has no greater chance of gaining weight than an active person? Anyway I was t necessarily talking about exercise.

It's more of the mental laziness that leads to the physical laziness ( physical effort to do the right thing)The path of least resistance is what a majority of poor people take . That's mostly why they are poor.

Posted by: Cartoon Archer not moron Archer at April 08, 2019 03:27 PM (X9Eva)

203 "You're a heartless piece of shit if you don't want to open the nation up to everyone in the world."
-Jeb, super conservative

Thank you for noticing.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 08, 2019 03:27 PM (urY6u)

204 and it's annoying, the conflation of the liberals and the church because both feel they can't get an audience with traditional americans anymore, so they want to fill their rolls with whatever 3rd world peasant they can import.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:27 PM (9AcAx)


The latest in feminist idiocy.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at April 08, 2019 03:27 PM (+y/Ru)

206 Federal authorities have charged a man they believe was plotting to ram a stolen truck into pedestrians at the National Harbor waterfront development in Maryland, just outside the nations capital, sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.

NO mention of who the suspect is so you can probably figure it out

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 08, 2019 03:27 PM (bim/x)

207 >>>189 kinobody, not ketobody

I think kinobody is getting some chemical help.

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:27 PM (PbpT7)

208 And surprise, surprise, surprise, soon after the
immigration floodgates were opened again, African American upward
mobility tanked.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 08, 2019 03:23 PM (ujg0T)

Uh...don't forget LBJ's contemporaneous Great Society. That probably did more than unfettered immigration to destroy Black America.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (wYseH)

209 Off cartoon Archer Sock.

Posted by: Cartoon Archer not moron Archer at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (X9Eva)

210 Easy way to lose weight? Join a Ranger Battalion

Posted by: CSMBigBird at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (jsWA8)

211 So in this book, he pointed out that there is no evidence that exercise
helps keep weight down. Exercise also increases appetite, of course.

These free bar peanuts are making me thirsty!

Posted by: Count de Monet at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (QLvwG)

smoking helps keep the weight off.

so does chaw.

Posted by: fixerupper at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (8XRCm)

213 199 In fairness, Ted Cruz did to a lesser extent. And guess who finished second in the GOP primaries? You would think all those super smart GOP campaign advisers would take notice. Funny, that.
Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 08, 2019 03:26 PM (ujg0T)


They could have saved themselves from Trump if they had just jumped on board with him after South Carolina. At that point, it was pretty obviously a two-man race with everyone else fighting for third.

If they really wanted to save the party from Trump, they would have backed Cruz, but Cruz was just another unclean that they didn't want to be the standardbearer of the party.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read Some Movie Thoughts at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (q8oeS)

214 There is a second problem which the open borders crowd does not understand - citizenship.

If the meaning of citizenship is water downed due to open border immigration, then so will loyalty to the state.

Posted by: William Eaton at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (MuTTO)

215 Bill Kristol

Two quick thoughts:
1. USSS likes to keep records of who comes and goes in the vicinity of @POTUS. Did Trump object to this?
2. Will the acting DHS Secretary fire the USSS director unless given a good reason by @POTUS? Or will he resign?

in response to an article "Trump is removing US Secret Service director" (Tapper's involved).

I guess he pulls this kind of crap all day. Obsessed much? He looks like one of those punching inflatable clown toys. Heavy at the bottom.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (DBRY5)

216 To quick on the draw.

Posted by: Can't resist temptation at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (X9Eva)

217 Smoking also makes you looker cooler and more attractive.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (xfb67)

218 there is probably some degree of truth to the narrative that imported labor will work harder for less, but it is to escape harsher conditions in Guatemala. But along with one hard worker comes a host of social problems ... and probably five chain migration "family" members in schools or needing Medicaid, or bringing mumps/measles.

Hey, let's have our next war against the cartels, if we really want to help Central/South America. And yeah, stop the remittances ... they didn't build that community, that build the infrastructure for the jobs ... which need the cash flow to circulate in their own community, not subsidize the cartels in Honduras.

America First is Americans First. There is a whole Americana Culture that goes with that ... evident outside the Clinton Archipelago.

Posted by: illiniwek at April 08, 2019 03:29 PM (Cus5s)

219 Does that include the 10 - 12% of those funny black Europeans?Or the 3% Asian Europeans? (which, Asian, in itself, as a category is wildly racist).


weird, huh, still 88% white christian euro.

1999 was a different America than now.

Everything that some of us grew up with is now upside down and thrown out thanks to a 55% euro america.

so...I think it does make a difference

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:29 PM (9AcAx)

220 210 Easy way to lose weight? Join a Ranger Battalion
Or a Marine Battalion. Get paid to stay stringy.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:29 PM (2LelM)

221 >>In fairness, Ted Cruz did to a lesser extent. And guess who finished second in the GOP primaries? You would think all those super smart GOP campaign advisers would take notice. Funny, that.

I was a Cruz fan, and assumed that after Trump went hard on immigration control Cruz would swoop in and claim the territory between Trump and the rest of them, all open borders GOP. He did not. It was very disappointing.

Didn't he visit Glenn Beck at the border when Beck was giving out teddy bears and whining about the poor immigrants who should be let into America?

Posted by: Lizzy at April 08, 2019 03:30 PM (W+vEI)

222 217 Smoking also makes you looker cooler and more attractive.
And Smarter. And you meet girls who smoke.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:30 PM (2LelM)

223 >>>So sedentary person has no greater chance of gaining weight than an active person? Anyway I was t necessarily talking about exercise.

well in this book I keep plugging, studies have compared the sedentary workers in an factory (I think in india) with the physical laborers, and there was no correlation as far as overweight.

The thing is, people tend to eat more when they burn more calories, and eat less when they burn less. Bodies are self-regulating that way (to an extent).

Now, if you are both sedentary AND eating as if you're physically active, that's a problem, but many people naturally adjust.

exercise has many benefits but it's not particular effective for weight control. Everyone in the field agrees that diet is about 10 times more important than exercise (again, as far as weight control only).

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:30 PM (PbpT7)

224 squishes like the word "fence" because "wall" sounds oppressive and nasty and mean. Fence sounds like we're just neighbors and I'm keeping your dog out of my garden!

Local newspaper headline:

US skyscrapers kill 600 million birds every year

Really? They're hunting down birds to smash them? SKyscrapers are actively killing birds???

This is the same newspaper that shouted how someone took a picture of a black hole.

No, they didn't. You imbeciles.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2019 03:30 PM (39g3+)

225 Heroin and cocaine are also effective diet aids.

Posted by: Count de Monet at April 08, 2019 03:31 PM (QLvwG)

226 217 Smoking also makes you looker cooler and more attractive.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (xfb67)

And makes you smell nice; you and all your stuff.

Posted by: m at April 08, 2019 03:31 PM (5AuVV)

227 210 Easy way to lose weight? Join a Ranger Battalion
Posted by: CSMBigBird at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (jsWA

If that is your idea of easy I sure do not want to see hard.

Posted by: moon_over_vermont at April 08, 2019 03:31 PM (kUmUV)

228 191 And lest we forget, Oakland used to have middle class blacks, that had good paying jobs at the shipyards. What will it take for these folks to realize that jobs are the key to the better life? Not everyone wants to be stuck on welfare.
Posted by: notsothoreau at April 08, 2019 03:24 PM (JKNZq)

And why would not all Christian religions support this. To allow people into a society with no work or purpose is just taking their life of now work and purpose and moving it to another zip. And how Christian is it to support people coming into your society that have very little intention of obeying the laws of that society?

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 08, 2019 03:31 PM (JFO2v)

229 get your ass thrown in prison or go to the wrong side of Chicago at midnight and you'll figure out how real race is.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:18 PM (9AcAx)
I never said there weren't races in America. I never said there weren't races in Mexcio."Mexican" is not a race. Nor is "Islamic". So if someone says I'm racist because I want to close the southern border, for me it's got nothing to do with race.Good people come in every color, but so do asshole people.
We should be allowed to screen out the assholes.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 03:31 PM (37IEG)

230 Weekly Standard editor-at-large Bill Kristol said Tuesday afternoon that the white working class should be replaced by immigrants as they have become "decadent, lazy" and "spoiled."

That's a real shirt-button-popper, Captain.

Posted by: wth at April 08, 2019 03:31 PM (v0R5T)

231 I think kinobody is getting some chemical help.
Posted by: ace


he was in a moderately amusing war with another youtube "celeb" who is openly on gear (he ended up fucking his girl). He claims to be clean which is why dudes on steroids make fun of him for not have paper thin fat cells. fucking weirdos.

kinobody has the advantage of being young and rich with nothing better to do than to not eat and workout.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:32 PM (9AcAx)

232 Oh yeah, well if being sedentary made you fat, how come you never see any fat trees? They stay in one place for, like, all their lives.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at April 08, 2019 03:32 PM (xfb67)

233 In this post Obama presidency, does anyone still back off or cringe when the race card is played?

Posted by: Locke Common at April 08, 2019 03:32 PM (tWak0)

No, they didn't. You imbeciles.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2019 03:30 PM (39g3+)
They have faster than light speed camera!

Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 03:32 PM (37IEG)

235 Also smoking is good for your dental health, especially for your gums.

Posted by: m at April 08, 2019 03:32 PM (5AuVV)

236 >>>214 There is a second problem which the open borders crowd does not understand - citizenship.

If the meaning of citizenship is water downed due to open border immigration, then so will loyalty to the state.


agreed. and what of social cohesion? Some idiots take the idea that some of us "nationalists" care more about fellow Americans than non-Americans, but what other choice is there?

If we do NOT care more for our fellow Americans, as our Transnational Citizens of the World ruling caste does not, then where is the social cohesion? Where are the ties that bind? Where is the natural affection that keeps us civil and peaceable with each other?

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:33 PM (PbpT7)

237 To quick on the draw.
Posted by: Can't resist temptation at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (X9Eva)

Quick on the draw
I thought I'd be dead
He put his gun up to my head
And this is what he said.....

Posted by: Sponge at April 08, 2019 03:33 PM (IXZGh)

238 "Mexican" is not a race. Nor is "Islamic".


and we are where the left treats them as such

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:33 PM (9AcAx)

239 You never see any fat crack heads on those cop shows, either.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at April 08, 2019 03:33 PM (xfb67)

240 And it's a fucking lie that immigrants are hard working

If it's not a lie, why are 60% or more on public benefits?

Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at April 08, 2019 03:33 PM (TN1P5)

241 191 And lest we forget, Oakland used to have middle class blacks, that had good paying jobs at the shipyards. What will it take for these folks to realize that jobs are the key to the better life? Not everyone wants to be stuck on welfare.
Posted by: notsothoreau

Both Oakland and Richmond (similar but less-famous mostly black city just north of Oakland) were 90% white pre-WWII; suddenly all the young men went off to war and at the same moment there were tens of thousands of new jobs needing to be filled in the shipyard and docks of both cities. Southern (and Texan) blacks flocked to the East Bay to fill those jobs, and for a brief time -- maybe a decade or so -- there was a huge thriving black middle class in both Oakland and Richmond.

BUT THEN...the war ended, the war-effort jobs disappeared, and then longshoremen and dockworker unions made it difficult for new arrivals to get jobs on the waterfront, and by the late-'50s/early-'60s, the black middle class collapsed here and became to black unemployed class. Very rapidly the inner cities of Oakland and Richmond became slums. The LBJ's "Great Society" and "War on Poverty" hooked them all on welfare, making their poverty permanent; and THEN the Black Panthers and the general social unrest of the late '60s politicized the ghetto, making ti not just poor, but poor and angry.

Whites fled to the suburbs and the hills, further ghettoizing the inner city, and nothing has changed since.

Actually, this same history applied to MANY big coastal cites in the US.

Posted by: progressive GAINZZ at April 08, 2019 03:34 PM (5tb4C)

242 115----No shit, 12% of all inmates in the BoP system are Mexican! 33% are ethnically Hispanic. In the race category, 38% are black. Even assuming mild overlap between the two, it means non-Hispanic whites are a considerable minority in prison. Which most people know from common sense, but it's nice to have numbers.

Posted by: trev006 at April 08, 2019 03:10 PM (6n54H)
That's the FEDERAL prison system, of course.

What I would like to know --- and the feds won't tell us --- is how many are foreign citizens and how many are in the US illegally.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at April 08, 2019 03:34 PM (Rxduq)

243 Easy way to lose weight? Join a Ranger Battalion
Posted by: CSMBigBird at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (jsWA

If that is your idea of easy I sure do not want to see hard.
Posted by: moon_over_vermont

Russian prison chain gang?

Posted by: rickb223 at April 08, 2019 03:34 PM (urY6u)

244 238 "Mexican" is not a race. Nor is "Islamic".


and we are where the left treats them as such


me? I'd just say they're "foreign" because that's how they'd look at us if we came to their nations and demanded free shit and special head of the line privileges.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:34 PM (9AcAx)

245 238 "Mexican" is not a race. Nor is "Islamic".
Neither is white and black a race.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:34 PM (2LelM)

246 And it's a fucking lie that immigrants are hard working

Some are. Many are not. At least some who might be, are not because they're paid not to work.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2019 03:34 PM (39g3+)

247 Speed is good for weight loss too. Just take your kids' ADHD meds and the pounds will melt away.

Posted by: Count de Monet at April 08, 2019 03:34 PM (QLvwG)

248 My theory on the changes in the Admin over the weekend is that with the Mueller Investigation over, the establishment cucks in the GOP lost what little leverage over Trump they had. As long as an investigation was ongoing they could use that as an excuse to balk on his policies.

This is settling family business.
Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at April 08, 2019 03:22 PM (wCmLp)

Oh I certainly hope so.

As far as the industriousness thingy, it makes sense. People want to do the least amount of work for the most amount of money. I know I do. So when you get only marginal returns for working harder, why do the work?

It's the coming issue with automation: what do we do when automation eliminates the low and moderately skilled? If self-driving trucks ever become a reality, there goes being a truck driver. That is very good money indeed for people who frequently are not highly skilled at typing words on a screen. What do we do then?

I think it was Finland who tried out basic income instead of multiple sources of aid and it was a complete disaster.

Hell, I'm lazy as all get out. L-A-Z-Y. If you told me that I would get enough income to have a sorta decent place to live, food, and enough money to pay for internet access and electricity, you're damn right I would spend all day playing video games.

Why spend your life busting your hump for a company that will shut down its doors in a second and move out when there's 1.25% greater profit in China? Get in the UHaul and move to where the jobs are doesn't exactly work when you can't drive over to China.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 08, 2019 03:34 PM (mf5HN)

249 but the left came up with a new definition of america a few years ago where we're a nation of an undefined content based on people who have yet to come here.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:34 PM (9AcAx)

250 243 Easy way to lose weight? Join a Ranger Battalion
Posted by: CSMBigBird at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (jsWA

If that is your idea of easy I sure do not want to see hard.
Posted by: moon_over_vermont

Russian prison chain gang?

Posted by: rickb223 at April 08, 2019 03:34 PM (urY6u)

North korean prison camp.

Posted by: Someguy at April 08, 2019 03:35 PM (oTYTN)

251 Because when you're standing on the far side looking to get in, you know you feel much better about having been fenced out than walled out!

Does it make these assholes like Romney feel better to offer the tantalizing vision of the grass on the far side of the fence? Make them feel better to pretend that someone could more easily breach the 'fence' than a wall so it's a better thing to build? WTF?

Some parts of the border already have fences -- which are routinely jumped over, tunnelled under, or simply torn down by the illegals.

Smuggling people, drugs, weapons and other shit across the border is a multi-billion-dollar a year business for the cartels. Until Americans understand that, nothing is going to change.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at April 08, 2019 03:35 PM (fqUgw)

252 >>>247 Speed is good for weight loss too. Just take your kids' ADHD meds and the pounds will melt away.

is this true?

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:35 PM (PbpT7)

253 sigh... off "progressive GAINZZ" sock.

I'm really bad at getting rid of stinky old socks. I keep wearing them around.

Posted by: zombie at April 08, 2019 03:35 PM (5tb4C)

254 "Weekly Standard editor-at-large Bill Kristol said Tuesday afternoon that
the white working class should be replaced by immigrants as they have
become "decadent, lazy" and "spoiled."

Coincidentally, those are my exact thought about Bill Kristol and other leaders of Conservtive Inc. Especially the replace part.

Posted by: Ripley at April 08, 2019 03:35 PM (MxEKc)

255 agreed. and what of social cohesion? Some idiots take the idea that some of us "nationalists" care more about fellow Americans than non-Americans, but what other choice is there?


the left is trying to make nationalism a bad word.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:36 PM (9AcAx)

256 Most ADHD medications are technically methamphetamines.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at April 08, 2019 03:36 PM (xfb67)

257 Speed is good for weight loss too. Just take your kids' ADHD meds and the pounds will melt away.

is this true?

Posted by: ace

Yes. Adderall FTMFW!

Posted by: rickb223 at April 08, 2019 03:36 PM (urY6u)

258 My initial reaction to the Trump phenomenon in the primaries was "doubt he will be the guy, but damn, maybe he can drag some of the others, no force them, to deal with this key issue that the GOP has not just refused to solve, but contributed to".

Obviously I was very wrong. But the willingness/ability of the GOP to continue just ignoring national interest and electoral will on this key issue seems almost undiminished, despite the enTrumpenation.

See first 2 years of first term, see Congress, see lack of results.

And it's not just ("just") the lack of results, which is all that matters. The incumbent GOP continues to ignore or even race-bait/back-stab on the issue. See Romney's pathetic belated half-hearted comments. The GOP *still* doesn't even feel the need to pretend about mass illegal migration.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 08, 2019 03:36 PM (QDnY+)

259 243 Easy way to lose weight? Join a Ranger Battalion
Posted by: CSMBigBird at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (jsWA

If that is your idea of easy I sure do not want to see hard.
Posted by: moon_over_vermont
The best Army chow hall I ever ate at was the Ranger Dining Facility in Benning. Five Star quality food and lots of it. Marine chow halls are barbaric in comparison. Always find an Air Force Chow Hall - they have soft ice cream and look like a Shoney's.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:36 PM (2LelM)

260 161 Speaking of cooking advice, how do you fix bitter spaghetti sauce?
Posted by: Someguy at April 08, 2019 03:19 PM (oTYTN)

Forget about its birthday?

Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at April 08, 2019 03:37 PM (RD7QR)

261 Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 08, 2019 03:34 PM (mf5HN)

But would you park a car on blocks in the front of your house and let a jungle grow up around it and put foil paper on your windows to block the sunlight?

Posted by: Can't resist temptation at April 08, 2019 03:37 PM (X9Eva)

262 Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 08, 2019 03:34 PM (mf5HN)

Automation tends to increase the value of labor. Making tools and equipment easier to use is also a form of technological advancement. We'll see if it creates some harsh change in skill mix but I don't think we need to be worried just yet.

Posted by: Someguy at April 08, 2019 03:37 PM (oTYTN)

263 Weston A Price: Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

He was a dentist that went to remote parts of the world in the 20s and 30s, learning about traditional diets. Lots of different cultures had perfect teeth, but they deteriorated when they went to sugar and white breads.

Posted by: notsothoreau at April 08, 2019 03:37 PM (JKNZq)

264 >>>256 Most ADHD medications are technically methamphetamines.

right, but do they really result in weight loss? And at what dose?

asking for a friend.

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:37 PM (PbpT7)

265 Smoking also makes you looker cooler and more attractive.

Celebrity Autopsy featured Michael Landon last night. Unlike most stars, he came off looking good. Worst they could says was that he smoked too much and, at times, he drank to much. And he faced his death with courage and dignity.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at April 08, 2019 03:37 PM (+y/Ru)

266 Romney said that border enforcement is a "winning issue for Republicans". Not that it's the right thing to do, but a "winning issue". If he thought open borders were a "winning issue", he'd be for that instead.

Romney is a contemptible opportunist.

Posted by: rickl at April 08, 2019 03:37 PM (xjiRE)

267 252 >>>247 Speed is good for weight loss too. Just take your kids' ADHD meds and the pounds will melt away.

is this true?

Posted by: ace

Oh yeah. It's true -- but a terrible, terrible idea.

When you're on methamphetamines (and all the similar analogues), your body burns off most of your body fat.

But then your teeth fall out, you go into psychosis, and you end up giving blowjobs for a hit at the Gary Indiana Greyhound station.

Posted by: zombie at April 08, 2019 03:38 PM (5tb4C)

268 >>>He was a dentist that went to remote parts of the world in the 20s and 30s, learning about traditional diets. Lots of different cultures had perfect teeth, but they deteriorated when they went to sugar and white breads.


we should hash this out in a big thread some time.

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:38 PM (PbpT7)

and we are where the left treats them as such

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:33 PM (9AcAx)
Nah, here we are where worrying about the left defining the terms and calling you a racist because you don't want just anyone coming into the country matters.
Allowing them to continue to use their own racist ignorant logic isn't going to help.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 03:38 PM (37IEG)

270 Hey, if you work shift work, tin foil is still the best way to keep out all the light.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at April 08, 2019 03:38 PM (xfb67)

271 >>>When you're on methamphetamines (and all the similar analogues), your body burns off most of your body fat.

But then your teeth fall out, you go into psychosis, and you end up giving blowjobs for a hit at the Gary Indiana Greyhound station.


but i can pull off a tight shirt?

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:38 PM (PbpT7)

272 right, but do they really result in weight loss? And at what dose?

asking for a friend.
Posted by: ace

30 mg.

20 in the morning, 10 in the afternoon.
Then a sensible meal at dinner.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 08, 2019 03:38 PM (urY6u)

273 Cesar Chavez knew this shit like 30 years ago.

I was a big hit in Catholic School (as a parent)
when I brought this up.

For clarity: Illegal fruit pickers drive down the wages of the legal fruit pickers. Or, Farmworkers if you will.

Posted by: nip at April 08, 2019 03:38 PM (DfGpI)

274 Everyone loses in a race to the bottom

And our lords in DC think Americans competing with billions of Indians and Chinese and millions of Mexican illegals for wages is great.

And get a second job, you lazy POS, since the one you had cut your hours because of Obamacare so as not to give you benefits

Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at April 08, 2019 03:39 PM (TN1P5)

275 Oh yeah, well if being sedentary made you fat, how come you never see any fat trees? They stay in one place for, like, all their lives.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at April 08, 2019 03:32 PM (xfb67)

If I was a tree...

Posted by: hILLTY o O at April 08, 2019 03:39 PM (v0R5T)

276 is this true?

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:35 PM (PbpT7)

Anecdotally true. Many (most?) ADHD meds are a form of speed. Children and adolescents react to meds much differently than adults. So, speed to calm them down, clear their brains.

Posted by: Count de Monet at April 08, 2019 03:39 PM (QLvwG)

277 >>>20 in the morning, 10 in the afternoon.
Then a sensible meal at dinner.

omg that is a big dose

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:39 PM (PbpT7)

278 I was a Cruz fan, and assumed that after Trump went hard on immigration control Cruz would swoop in and claim the territory between Trump and the rest of them, all open borders GOP. He did not. It was very disappointing.

Didn't he visit Glenn Beck at the border when Beck was giving out teddy bears and whining about the poor immigrants who should be let into America?
Posted by: Lizzy at April 08, 2019 03:30 PM (W+vEI)

I utterly soured on Ted at that point. I suppose it was the failed "Bromance" that led to it?

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 08, 2019 03:39 PM (ujg0T)

279 I would really love to see this argument distilled down to three or four paragraphs, and for President Trump to deliver that message to A-A communities across the country. First, it is true and good policy. Second it is true and great politics. If he can bring the percentage of A-A votes for Democrats down to just 85% he is untouchable in 2020.

Posted by: motionview at April 08, 2019 03:39 PM (pYQR/)

280 The best Army chow hall I ever ate at was the Ranger Dining Facility in Benning. Five Star quality food and lots of it. Marine chow halls are barbaric in comparison. Always find an Air Force Chow Hall - they have soft ice cream and look like a Shoney's.
Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:36 PM (2LelM)

Best Galley I was in was at Parris Island SC..Not the Recruit one, but the Staff one

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 08, 2019 03:39 PM (bim/x)

281 I'd like to have a conversation with the Horde and ace. This reads like typical crypto-white nationalism from the MAGA right wing. I bet ace even acts altruistic towards white people and associates with white people, which is literally the definition white nationalism.... and I find this to be Anti-Semetic with its dog whistles calling for strict immigration and not putting corporate interests and free trade above the health of American Citizens.
I'm literally shaking like I did after I read the Turner Diaries as a teenager. This is why MAGA and Trump are so dangerous for America IMHO. This further highlights the need for anointed gatekeepers like myself to tell the lower classes what is good think and what is bad think.
Tune into my radio show and be sure to watch me in 2020 when I take over for that white nationalist Tucker Carlson at 8pm on Fox.

Posted by: Ben Shapiro at April 08, 2019 03:39 PM (xTFXi)

282 It's the coming issue with automation: what do we do when automation eliminates the low and moderately skilled? If self-driving trucks ever become a reality, there goes being a truck driver. That is very good money indeed for people who frequently are not highly skilled at typing words on a screen. What do we do then?

I think it was Finland who tried out basic income instead of multiple sources of aid and it was a complete disaster.

Hell, I'm lazy as all get out. L-A-Z-Y. If you told me that I would get enough income to have a sorta decent place to live, food, and enough money to pay for internet access and electricity, you're damn right I would spend all day playing video games.

Why spend your life busting your hump for a company that will shut down its doors in a second and move out when there's 1.25% greater profit in China? Get in the UHaul and move to where the jobs are doesn't exactly work when you can't drive over to China.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 08, 2019 03:34 PM (mf5HN)

Honestly, I don't worry about the automation so much as the changes in society required for full automation. Self-driving trucks on current roads aren't going to be possible, IMHO. But if the techlords and their cuck enablers decide that they want it, they'll go after the rest of the drivers. Ditto manufacturing, package delivery, and the like.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at April 08, 2019 03:40 PM (wCmLp)

283 I think the GOP is right - the country is just so unserious, and not really a country, that they *can* just ignore the biggest issue of their time.

Sheriffy deputies get murdered on Christmas (iconic, legal immigrant sheriff deputies). Pretty young innocent women get murdered in broad daylight in globally famous tourist locations (SF waterfront), and the killer acquitted. And on and on. And on some more.

Big deal. Nobody cares (or not enough people care, enough, for it to even matter as a public policy issue). If it doesn't materially, instantly, negatively affect them, most Americans are utterly indifferent to almost every important issue. Not a country, just lots of people living around each other.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 08, 2019 03:40 PM (QDnY+)

284 I don't like that artificial speed. I prefer organic fair trade cocaine sourced from family farms.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at April 08, 2019 03:40 PM (xfb67)

285 Nadja Regin, the Serbian actress who appeared in the Bond films "From Russia With Love" and "Goldfinger," has died at the age of 87

Posted by: SMOD at April 08, 2019 03:40 PM (QkjLD)

286 The best Army chow hall I ever ate at was the Ranger Dining Facility in Benning. Five Star quality food and lots of it.

This! I used to make up excuses to go over to their compound when I worked at Benning. And I'd always schedule meetings there just before lunchtime if I could. Then I'd tell the guy I was eating with, "Hey, since I'm over here, let's go get some lunch. Yeah, DFAC is fine with me."

Posted by: Bert G at April 08, 2019 03:40 PM (tOP4K)

287 273 Cesar Chavez knew this shit like 30 years ago.

I was a big hit in Catholic School (as a parent)
when I brought this up.


yeah but what if you can't win a national election without, say, 50 million foreigners voting?

or, if you're a church but you're too embarassed to talk God stuff to your fellow countrymen?

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:40 PM (9AcAx)

288 Weekly Standard editor-at-large Bill Kristol said Tuesday afternoon that the white working class should be replaced by immigrants as they have become "decadent, lazy" and "spoiled."

Ya know who elz decided that peepelz should be "replaced">

Posted by: Franz Liebkind at April 08, 2019 03:40 PM (e1q4h)

289 "Mexican" is not a race. Nor is "Islamic".
Neither is white and black a race.

Bannon is a Race.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at April 08, 2019 03:41 PM (+y/Ru)

290 20 in the morning, 10 in the afternoon.
Then a sensible meal at dinner.

omg that is a big dose
Posted by: ace

How else do you think I could work and hang out here all day long?

Posted by: rickb223 at April 08, 2019 03:41 PM (urY6u)

291 I'd like a chemical boost to burn fat but I don't want my skin to crapify and look like shit.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:42 PM (9AcAx)

292 273 Cesar Chavez knew this shit like 30 years ago.

I was a big hit in Catholic School (as a parent)
when I brought this up.

For clarity: Illegal fruit pickers drive down the wages of the legal fruit pickers. Or, Farmworkers if you will.
Posted by: nip at April 08, 2019 03:38 PM (DfGpI)

And it is funny how the Left has rewritten his history. "La causa" of better wages has yielded to "la raza" of importing a larger underclass.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 08, 2019 03:42 PM (ujg0T)

293 Adderall is speed. Dextroamphetamine. So, yup, taking Adderall is a legal way to take amphetamines.

agreed. and what of social cohesion? Some idiots take the idea that some of us "nationalists" care more about fellow Americans than non-Americans, but what other choice is there?

If we do NOT care more for our fellow Americans, as our Transnational Citizens of the World ruling caste does not, then where is the social cohesion? Where are the ties that bind? Where is the natural affection that keeps us civil and peaceable with each other?

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:33 PM (PbpT7)

We're all supposed to worship the State. Remember that loathsome and hair raising Julia video? About how Big Daddy Government helped Julia all through her life? And nowhere in that video were Julia's friends or family or church or volunteer group or anything else. Just Big Daddy Government.

It really and truly creeped me out.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 08, 2019 03:42 PM (mf5HN)

294 Kristol wants to genocide White Americans and replace us with the filth of Turd World. Too bad their bio weapons like Ilhan Omar are turning on the House of Jacob.

Posted by: John Henry Eden at April 08, 2019 03:42 PM (5t+8F)

Some parts of the border already have fences --
which are routinely jumped over, tunnelled under, or simply torn down by
the illegals.

Smuggling people, drugs, weapons and other shit across the border is
a multi-billion-dollar a year business for the cartels. Until
Americans understand that, nothing is going to change.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at April 08, 2019 03:35 PM (fqUgw)
We put locks on our doors, and windows - trust me, that isn't going to stop a determined person, so why do we bother, right?
If the fence, or wall, or magical technological barrier, isn't guarded, we might as well stick with nothing.When an army lays a minefield, they don't expect it to stop your advance, they expect it to slow you down long enough for them to respond to your advance. Saddam's Berm was never going to stop us, it was only there to slow us down.
Walls and fences work the same way. They can't defend themselves.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 03:42 PM (37IEG)

296 Kristol: "...after two or three generations of hard work everyone becomes kind of decadent, lazy, spoiled -- whatever,"

Amazing. Stated by one of THE most decadent, lazy, spoiled whatever's in the contemporary age.

The guy produces nothing but bad hot air for an audience that no longer exists. He lacks the skillset to pivot to anything but more hot air blowing from the opposite direction after being so wrong about areas of his "expertise" and bankrupting the legacy his father left him. Now that is hard to do.

And this waste has the chutzpah to lecture anyone about anything is appalling. He's been running a con. And now he's even doing it badly. I'd suggest he go eff himself but he'd screw that up, too.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at April 08, 2019 03:42 PM (6eEQ+)

297 "Meeting with", not "eating with". See? I'm hungry just thinking about it. Having said that, hands down the best DFAC I ever ate at ever was the USAID's in Baghdad.

Posted by: Bert G at April 08, 2019 03:42 PM (tOP4K)

298 An Israeli court sentenced a French citizen on Monday to seven years' imprisonment under a plea bargain in which he confessed to using a diplomatic car to help Palestinian gun smugglers.

Romain Franck, a former employee of the French consulate in Jerusalem, was arrested last year and accused by Israeli prosecutors of receiving $7,600 for transporting the contraband between the Islamist-ruled Gaza Strip and occupied West Bank.

He was not charged with complicity in terrorism, sparing him a potentially harsher sentence.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 08, 2019 03:43 PM (bim/x)

299 I used to pick apples 5 and a half days a week. Up and down a ladder all day with a 30 to 40 pound bag of apples. (This place did not hire Mexicans because Granny Smith apples bruise easily. It was an all white crew.) I'm 5'6" and never got under 180 pounds. I figured if I didn't lose weight then, there's no way I'm going to lose weight in a gym.

Posted by: notsothoreau at April 08, 2019 03:44 PM (JKNZq)

300 Mittens can't primary Trump if he doesn't at least support a fence.

Posted by: Horus Heresy at April 08, 2019 03:44 PM (DB16e)

301 you've seen the reports on the border. Most parts of the border are unfenced. The stuff at san diego is just some WWII metal grating from temporary air fields.

our laws are unenforced except for the suicidal ones. Who the fuck does birthright citizenship or sell family citizenship to chinese "businessmen"/

Our whole leadership class hates this country and has givens us immigration laws from hell.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:44 PM (9AcAx)

302 agreed. and what of social cohesion? Some idiots take the idea that some of us "nationalists" care more about fellow Americans than non-Americans, but what other choice is there?

If we do NOT care more for our fellow Americans, as our Transnational Citizens of the World ruling caste does not, then where is the social cohesion? Where are the ties that bind? Where is the natural affection that keeps us civil and peaceable with each other?

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:33 PM (PbpT7)

I like to say it as, "The stock broker on Wall Street has more in common with the investment banker in London than he does with his brother in law who runs a farm in upstate New York." That's a huge problem.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at April 08, 2019 03:44 PM (wCmLp)

303 Shep having a melt down over Netanyahu and of course lying about what he said

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 08, 2019 03:44 PM (bim/x)

274 Everyone loses in a race to the bottom

And our lords in DC think Americans competing with billions of Indians and Chinese and millions of Mexican illegals for wages is great.

And get a second job, you lazy POS, since the one you had cut your hours because of Obamacare so as not to give you benefits
The only winner in Barter Town is the Auctioneer. See Goldman Sachs about how this works. Its pump and dump forever.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:44 PM (2LelM)

305 We are OT all over the place.

Posted by: m at April 08, 2019 03:45 PM (5AuVV)

306 I do believe people want to work their ways out of poverty.

It gets awfully hard to do this, when a non-taxpaying worker is willing to do the work at a super-low wage for the privilege of transferring a more valuable currency to a foreign country at a preferable exchange rate.

It's no surprise that his leads to wage-suppression, and a culture of disenfranchisement among a country's most valuable potential workers.

This isn't rocket science.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at April 08, 2019 03:45 PM (5aX2M)

307 276
is this true?

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:35 PM (PbpT7)

Diet pills from the 50s - helped mom zip through her day! SPEED!

Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 03:45 PM (37IEG)

308 Mittens can't primary Trump if he doesn't at least support a fence.

At the very least, shrubbery.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at April 08, 2019 03:45 PM (+y/Ru)

309 294 Kristol wants to genocide White Americans and replace us with the filth of Turd World. Too bad their bio weapons like Ilhan Omar are turning on the House of Jacob.
Posted by: John Henry Eden at April 08, 2019 03:42 PM (5t+8F)

They are proving Lenin correct about "when the time comes to hang the capitalists...."

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 08, 2019 03:45 PM (ujg0T)

310 Posted by: notsothoreau at April 08, 2019 03:44 PM (JKNZq)

How much would you have weighed if you didn't pick apples?

Posted by: Can't resist temptation at April 08, 2019 03:45 PM (X9Eva)

311 Post Script.
You know who else takes Adderall? White people. It's the drug of choice for white nationalism. Not surprised at all this is being discussed in the commmets.

Posted by: Ben Shapiro at April 08, 2019 03:46 PM (xTFXi)

312 Chow is always good. When training is burning 4000 calories a day, it must be replaced. Remember the Soldiers who died at Eglin from Hypothermia? It was because of super low body fat percentage. They do not recommend low body fat anymore. Beside, body fat is your reserve.

Posted by: CSMBigBird at April 08, 2019 03:46 PM (jsWA8)

313 agreed. and what of social cohesion? Some idiots take the idea that some of us "nationalists" care more about fellow Americans than non-Americans, but what other choice is there?
That's the job of the IRS. Be patriotic and of good cheer ZEK.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:47 PM (2LelM)

314 But then your teeth fall out, you go into psychosis, and you end up giving blowjobs for a hit at the Gary Indiana Greyhound station.
Posted by: zombie at April 08, 2019 03:38 PM (5tb4C)

So what's the drawback?

Posted by: Dedicated Bulwark Commenter at April 08, 2019 03:47 PM (RD7QR)

315 311 Post Script.
You know who else takes Adderall? White people. It's the drug of choice for white nationalism. Not surprised at all this is being discussed in the commmets.

Posted by: Ben Shapiro at April 08, 2019 03:46 PM (xTFXi)

Question for the single Morons: would it be worth having Ben Shapiro as a brother in law? How much fun would motorboating his sister be?

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 08, 2019 03:47 PM (ujg0T)

316 Diet pills from the 50s - helped mom zip through her day! SPEED!
Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 03:45 PM (37IEG)

"Mother's Little Helper" by the Rolling Stones was a very accurate portal of a lot of my youth.

Posted by: moon_over_vermont at April 08, 2019 03:47 PM (kUmUV)


Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at April 08, 2019 03:47 PM (W+vEI)

318 And our lords in DC think Americans competing with billions of Indians and Chinese and millions of Mexican illegals for wages is great.


but these chinese and indians are poor minorities, they've been traditionally underrepresented in america.

much like men have been traditionally underrespresented in women's sports.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:47 PM (9AcAx)

319 214 There is a second problem which the open borders crowd does not understand - citizenship.

If the meaning of citizenship is water downed due to open border immigration, then so will loyalty to the state.
Posted by: William Eaton at April 08, 2019 03:28 PM (MuTTO)
I have always regarded as deeply significant the Seattle City Council's resolution to ban the use of the term "citizen" and replace it with "resident."

Traditionally, a citizen is an adult with certain rights and duties of membership in a city/state.
A resident just happens to be there --- like an infant, or a slave, or a cockroach.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at April 08, 2019 03:47 PM (Rxduq)

320 Mittens can't primary Trump if he doesn't at least support a fence.

Posted by: Horus Heresy at April 08, 2019 03:44 PM (DB16e)

He could be one of the posts.

Posted by: wth at April 08, 2019 03:47 PM (v0R5T)

321 Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at April 08, 2019 03:45 PM

Compassionate and Green! What can't that man do?

Posted by: Horus Heresy at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (DB16e)

322 We are OT all over the place.
Posted by: m at April 08, 2019 03:45 PM (5AuVV)

Moron Horde off their meds.

Posted by: golfman at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (OE84+)

323 SARAH SANDERS: USSS Director Randolph Alles "will be leaving shortly and President Trump has selected James M. Murray, a career member of the USSS, to take over as director beginning in May."

Posted by: Deep State is in DEEP SHIT at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (BqBId)

324 You know who else took speed?

(hint - think blitzkrieg)

Posted by: Count de Monet at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (QLvwG)

325 An Israeli court sentenced a French citizen on Monday to seven years' imprisonment under a plea bargain in which he confessed to using a diplomatic car to help Palestinian gun smugglers.

Columbia University Professor Says Israel Is Almost Identical To ISIS

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (+y/Ru)

Shep having a melt down over Netanyahu and of course lying about what he said

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 08, 2019 03:44 PM (bim/x)

Give Sheppy a break. He's heartbroken because Don Lemon got engaged over the weekend.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (ptqGC)

327 Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at April 08, 2019 03:47 PM (W+vEI)

Good to see you, Ben.

Posted by: m at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (5AuVV)

328 You know who else took speed?

(hint - think blitzkrieg)
Posted by: Count de Monet at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (QLvwG)


Posted by: Can't resist temptation at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (X9Eva)

329 agreed. and what of social cohesion? Some idiots take the idea that some of us "nationalists" care more about fellow Americans than non-Americans, but what other choice is there?


the left is trying to rewrite cohesion into some sort of worship of foreigners because we're a nation of we need all the immigrants from everywhere because that's who we are and if you don't, well then you're an evil anti-american asshole

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (9AcAx)

330 324 You know who else took speed?

(hint - think blitzkrieg)
Posted by: Count de Monet at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (QLvwG)

Oh yeah, that ghey mayor guy that Bill Kristol's slobbering on.

Posted by: Insomniac at April 08, 2019 03:49 PM (NWiLs)

331 >>You know who else takes Adderall? White people. It's the drug of choice for white nationalism. Not surprised at all this is being discussed in the commmets.
Posted by: Ben Shapiro

Say, isn't Adderall the drug of choice for journalists?

Posted by: Lizzy at April 08, 2019 03:49 PM (W+vEI)

332 @310,

About what I weigh now at age 68. But I spent most of my mis-begotten youth doing jobs that required physical labor. I did start going to the gym when I started doing office work, but it didn't help much.

Posted by: notsothoreau at April 08, 2019 03:49 PM (JKNZq)

Diet pills from the 50s - helped mom zip through her day! SPEED!

Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 03:45 PM (37IEG)

Mothers little helper.

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at April 08, 2019 03:49 PM (TAmPV)

334 We are OT all over the place.
Posted by: m at April 08, 2019 03:45 PM (5AuVV)

Moron Horde off their meds.
Posted by: golfman

Adderall is wearing off. Time for the afternoon "bump".

Posted by: rickb223 at April 08, 2019 03:49 PM (urY6u)

335 This! I used to make up excuses to go over to their compound when I worked at Benning. And I'd always schedule meetings there just before lunchtime if I could. Then I'd tell the guy I was eating with, "Hey, since I'm over here, let's go get some lunch. Yeah, DFAC is fine with me."
I was gobsmacked at how good that chow hall was. Never seen anything like it since. O-clubs blow chunks compared to it.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:50 PM (2LelM)

Question for the single Morons: would it be worth having Ben Shapiro as a brother in law? How much fun would motorboating his sister be?

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 08, 2019 03:47 PM (ujg0T)

I was wrong. There are unwinnable situations.

Posted by: Someguy at April 08, 2019 03:50 PM (oTYTN)

337 I like to say it as, "The stock broker on Wall Street has more in common with the investment banker in London than he does with his brother in law who runs a farm in upstate New York." That's a huge problem.
Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at April 08, 2019 03:44 PM (wCmLp)

There was an article a few years ago about how all big cities look the same now.

The same firms are designing the monstrosities of modern architecture that are built.

The same stores are in the same type of shopping centers.

The same food is served in the same kinds of high class restaurants.

The same designers are worn by everyone.

The same technology (Apple) is used by everyone.

You could be in Berlin or London or Madrid or Riyadh or New York City or Paris and apart from a few old landmarks, it's all the same.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 08, 2019 03:50 PM (mf5HN)

338 imo the USA has real reason for American social cohesion ... our founders mostly spelled it out and made US unique. We fight for each other's right to be unique ... Bill of Rights made Us Great.

Then there is all the innovation, wars won, lots of stuff. Of the many nationalisms ... Americanism really is exceptional, at least in our founding and future development.

We've been invaded by the commie march through our institutions .. and now the globalists -- but MAGA is actually the counter revolution to that.

Posted by: illiniwek at April 08, 2019 03:50 PM (Cus5s)

Gasparino = Gasping at Perino.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 08, 2019 03:50 PM (zBaqJ)

340 A fence - I have a vision - a nice 2000 mile long white picket fence. Just about waist high with open pickets with rounded points to prevent injury.

Perhaps with some lovely flowers planted as a border on both sides. Occasionally, a pleasant little gate with a stone lined path, leading from outside into the happy garden of the US.

A fence is what we need.

Posted by: Moron Romney at April 08, 2019 03:50 PM (37IEG)

341 Great post, Ace. Jordan Peterson would agree with you.

I totally agree that industriousness is linked to all the ills of our working class, like opiods, suicide, homelessness, etc. The government makes you comfortable being poor, so you stay poor. Then it doesn't make you happy, so you take drugs, get knocked up, whatever. The cycle continues.
Make your bed and clean up your room!

Posted by: pj at April 08, 2019 03:51 PM (qlTN9)

342 Tweaker I knew that died last year could not have managed a tight shirt. Heart started causing problems and he had major water weight gain. It's not a good solution.

Posted by: notsothoreau at April 08, 2019 03:51 PM (JKNZq)

343 So I do believe that if you put millions and millions more whites out of work and on the dole, they will follow the exact same trajectory that inner city populations often do.

A phenomena already observed in Britain. Hence, white ghettos there. And all the same ills.

Posted by: GnuBreed at April 08, 2019 03:51 PM (Z4rgH)

344 Diet pills from the 50s - helped mom zip through her day! SPEED!

She goes running to the shelter
Of her mother's little helper

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at April 08, 2019 03:51 PM (+y/Ru)

345 You know who else took speed?

(hint - think blitzkrieg)
Posted by: Count de Monet

It helped him zu dance. Not many peepel know that...youknowho was a terrific tanzer.

Posted by: Franz Liebkind at April 08, 2019 03:51 PM (e1q4h)

346 Speed -- Veteran SNL writer Anne Beatts makes a rare on-screen
appearance as a housewife able to happily multi-task, thanks to a diet
pill you don't have to be overweight to use. Obtainable from your
doctor, your neighbor's doctor, your college roommate's doctor, etc

It looks like it's not on YouTube; probably because it's an old one and actually funny.

Posted by: Al Bundy at April 08, 2019 03:52 PM (Dh1wo)

347 "Meeting with", not "eating with". See? I'm hungry just thinking about it. Having said that, hands down the best DFAC I ever ate at ever was the USAID's in Baghdad.
Posted by: Bert G at April 08, 2019 03:42 PM (tOP4K)

Here and I thought this went back to the 'vintage' porn actress discussion from a thread or two ago.....

Posted by: Sponge at April 08, 2019 03:52 PM (IXZGh)

348 330
324 You know who else took speed?

(hint - think blitzkrieg)

Posted by: Count de Monet at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (QLvwG)
Gives the phrase "speeding through the Ardenne" a whole new meaning.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 03:52 PM (37IEG)

349 Its funny, in 1961 if you wanted to see Mexicans in the US you went to Texas and New Mexico not California. I really can't remember any Mexicans in California at that time.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:52 PM (2LelM)

350 Mother's little helper.

I miss cough syrup that was narcotic.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 03:53 PM (37IEG)

351 So I do believe that if you put millions and millions more whites out of work and on the dole, they will follow the exact same trajectory that inner city populations often do.

A phenomena already observed in Britain. Hence, white ghettos there. And all the same ills.
Posted by: GnuBreed at April 08, 2019 03:51 PM (Z4rgH

Appalachia but the crime is still much lower though the poverty is horrendous.

Posted by: Can't resist temptation at April 08, 2019 03:53 PM (X9Eva)

352 You could be in Berlin or London or Madrid or Riyadh or New York City or Paris and apart from a few old landmarks, it's all the same.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 08, 2019 03:50 PM (mf5HN)

That's how the globalists want it. We're headed toward a cyberpunk dystopia without all the cool augmentations.

Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at April 08, 2019 03:53 PM (J+mig)

353 Its funny, in 1961 if you wanted to see Mexicans in the US you went to Texas and New Mexico not California. I really can't remember any Mexicans in California at that time.
Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:52 PM (2LelM)

Don't know. I was -10 at the time.

Posted by: Sponge at April 08, 2019 03:53 PM (IXZGh)

354 Best chow hall ever? Osan AFB

Posted by: CSMBigBird at April 08, 2019 03:54 PM (jsWA8)

355 Its funny, in 1961 if you wanted to see Mexicans in the US you went to Texas and New Mexico not California. I really can't remember any Mexicans in California at that time.
Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:52 PM (2LelM)

Zoot Suit riots

Posted by: Can't resist temptation at April 08, 2019 03:54 PM (X9Eva)

356 We are OT all over the place.

Posted by: m at April 08, 2019 03:45 PM (5AuVV)

It's the HQ ADD.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 08, 2019 03:54 PM (ptqGC)

357 Appalachia but the crime is still much lower though the poverty is horrendous.
Posted by: Can't resist temptation

When your neighbor doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of, what's to take?

Posted by: rickb223 at April 08, 2019 03:54 PM (urY6u)

358 Don Lemon got engaged over the weekend.

Bunch of Homos.

Posted by: Tulsi Gabbard - vote for me! at April 08, 2019 03:54 PM (v0R5T)

359 There was an article a few years ago about how all big cities look the same now.

The same firms are designing the monstrosities of modern architecture that are built.

The same stores are in the same type of shopping centers.

The same food is served in the same kinds of high class restaurants.

The same designers are worn by everyone.

The same technology (Apple) is used by everyone.

You could be in Berlin or London or Madrid or Riyadh or New York City or Paris and apart from a few old landmarks, it's all the same.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 08, 2019 03:50 PM (mf5HN)

I noticed that when I was in Valencia last year.

It's why I laugh when I read dating profiles about how she loves "travel". You're either seeing cities that are basically copies of each other, or you're in some third-world shithole.

I have to wonder if this doesn't play into the stupidity like the American tourist kidnapped in Uganda, or those two idiot women killed in Morocco. The more the urban parts of the world feel like each other the more the "cosmopolitan" class thinks that everyone is like them. Religious and cultural differences are just some sort of cutesy detailing and not really important. The whole fucking world is an amusement park for their self-actualization.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at April 08, 2019 03:55 PM (wCmLp)

360 Instead of a Wall, why not just launch an invasion. No one gets upset with border walls in places we invade. No one. Push south a couple of hundred miles and the Wall gets smaller and smaller. Then offer free lands to settlers.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:55 PM (2LelM)

361 SARAH SANDERS: USSS Director Randolph Alles "will be leaving shortly and President Trump has selected James M. Murray, a career member of the USSS, to take over as director beginning in May."
Posted by: Deep State is in DEEP SHIT at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (BqBId)

Of all the awfulness of the Obama years, the one that upset me most was discovering the Secret Service was full of corrupt, incompetent lackwits.

It's the Secret Service! You don't get to be like that when you are protecting the President! I know, I know, there's other stuff they do too but that's the big one.

Nope. Just another incompetent group where the good people are ruled over by idiots.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 08, 2019 03:55 PM (mf5HN)

362 I went to high school in CA in the late 60s (Mountain View). They had a special part of the school for the Mexicans. The rest of us went to different classes and teachers. Every once in awhile, you'd mix in with them in a class.

Posted by: notsothoreau at April 08, 2019 03:55 PM (JKNZq)

363 "Now, if you are both sedentary AND eating as if you're physically active, that's a problem, but many people naturally adjust."

Speaking as someone who has fought with my weight many times, I believe MANY overweight people are self-medicating for some anxiety disorder.

Posted by: Rob Crawford at April 08, 2019 03:55 PM (6oPnJ)

364 Appalachia but the crime is still much lower though the poverty is horrendous.
Posted by: Can't resist temptation at April 08, 2019 03:53 PM (X9Eva)

Go see my movie "The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia!"

Posted by: Johnny Noxville at April 08, 2019 03:55 PM (IXZGh)

365 I'm old It's chow hall, and medics are Pecker Checkers.

Posted by: CSMBigBird at April 08, 2019 03:55 PM (jsWA8)

366 Give Sheppy a break. He's heartbroken because Don Lemon got engaged over the weekend.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (ptqGC)

Yeah OK, I'll give ya that one

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 08, 2019 03:55 PM (bim/x)

367 Adderall (the answer looking for a problem, as I call it), is basically just amphetamine salt.

It's almost identical to dex.

Which I used to mix with androsterone, not as a recreational drug, but to create maximum aggression in sports.

A gut full of those pills and raw beef will make a boy into psycho-ass man on the field.

This is not reasonable as a cure for inattentiveness in young boys.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at April 08, 2019 03:56 PM (5aX2M)

368 Thousands a day is too much for the system to possibly handle, and everyone knows this. It has to be stopped.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor
Cloward Piven in action. And the ACLU gang is always in court adding new laws and procedures before we deport anyone.

Posted by: pj at April 08, 2019 03:56 PM (qlTN9)

369 If economics is an objective at all, it should be GDP per capita, not GDP.

GDP goes up every time import a minimum wage welfare sinkhole. GDP per capita goes down. We don't need more people, if we need anyone at all, we need more valuable people. We need people who benefit the American people, not hurt them.

I'll take 125 IQ PhD astrophysicists who really want to assimilate all day long. Don't need double digit IQ illiterates in their own language.

Posted by: Rather Not at April 08, 2019 03:56 PM (oPogG)

370 359 There was an article a few years ago about how all big cities look the same now.

The same firms are designing the monstrosities of modern architecture that are built.

The same stores are in the same type of shopping centers.

The same food is served in the same kinds of high class restaurants.

The same designers are worn by everyone.

The same technology (Apple) is used by everyone.

You could be in Berlin or London or Madrid or Riyadh or New York City or Paris and apart from a few old landmarks, it's all the same.
I call this Same Grey Paste. It is ubiquitous.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:56 PM (2LelM)

371 Meanwhile, 60 minutes does a profile on a young medical student who thinks his tuition should be free so he can focus on being a good doctor.

Yeah I want everything free too so I can focus on being a good author and illustrator. Everyone wants everything free. Grow the hell up and realize as an adult you have to pay your own way. You're out on your own, mummy and daddy aren't going to buy everything for you any longer.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2019 03:56 PM (39g3+)

372 Instead of a Wall, why not just launch an invasion. No one gets upset with border walls in places we invade. No one. Push south a couple of hundred miles and the Wall gets smaller and smaller. Then offer free lands to settlers.
Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:55 PM (2LelM)

We'll call it the "new colonial" era. It'll be GREAT!

Posted by: Sponge at April 08, 2019 03:56 PM (IXZGh)

373 And the ACLU gang is always in court adding new laws and procedures before we deport anyone.

narrator: trump recently signed a law that let's anyone stay if they claim they have a kid here

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:56 PM (9AcAx)

374 Its funny, in 1961 if you wanted to see Mexicans in the US you went to Texas and New Mexico not California. I really can't remember any Mexicans in California at that time.

They had the Zoot Suit Riots in the '40s that were largely anti-Mexican.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at April 08, 2019 03:57 PM (+y/Ru)

375 I was re-reading James Bond books and Bond takes Benzadrine -- a 1950s upper, maybe an amphetamine -- like it's a daily vitamin.

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:57 PM (PbpT7)

376 medics are Pecker Checkers.
I still like to think of them as "Chancre Mechanics".

Posted by: Bert G at April 08, 2019 03:57 PM (tOP4K)

377 Instead of a Wall, why not just launch an invasion. No one gets upset with border walls in places we invade. No one. Push south a couple of hundred miles and the Wall gets smaller and smaller. Then offer free lands to settlers.


I'm all for this, push into a mexico a few miles and intercept all the green inferno invaders on mexican soil and the ACLU can pound sand.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:57 PM (9AcAx)

378 Why spend your life busting your hump for a company that will shut down its doors in a second and move out when there's 1.25% greater profit in China? Get in the UHaul and move to where the jobs are doesn't exactly work when you can't drive over to China.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around.

Or spend years and years of your life trying to train up to those new "tech jobs" only for the landscape to keep shifting out from under you. Oh wait, we outsource this now! No, nobody does this in house...and the outfits that handle it? Haha, H1-b's baby!

It's no wonder folks like me give up. Every promise made was broken.

Posted by: Brother Cavil at April 08, 2019 03:57 PM (AM1GF)

379 Anecdotally true. Many (most?) ADHD meds are a form of speed. Children
and adolescents react to meds much differently than adults. So, speed to
calm them down, clear their brains.

Didn't you ever see the SNL Doggie Downers/Puppy Uppers parody ad?
Puppy Uppers and Doggie Downers -- Gilda Radner complains to Laraine Newman that her dog Sparky has no energy, so Newman recommends Puppy Uppers. Later, when the dog is hyperactive (and quite a bit smaller), Radner complains that "Sparky's perked up a little too much", so Newman recommends dosing him with Doggie Downers.

Doggie Downers for when you're dog is like this: [shows yapping, jumping Chihuahua]
Puppy Uppers for when you're dog is like this: [shows sad Basset hound lying on the floor]

And #346 shoe salesman sock off.

Posted by: andycanuck at April 08, 2019 03:58 PM (Dh1wo)

This is not reasonable as a cure for inattentiveness in young boys.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at April 08, 2019 03:56 PM (5aX2M)
That's okay, we're hoping they'll be quiet and demure like young girls.

Posted by: Elementary School Psychologist at April 08, 2019 03:58 PM (37IEG)

381 Instead of a Wall, why not just launch an invasion. No one gets upset with border walls in places we invade. No one. Push south a couple of hundred miles and the Wall gets smaller and smaller. Then offer free lands to settlers.
Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:55 PM (2LelM)

Been saying this.

Occupied territory.

Can't claim asylum because the refugees haven't set foot on US soil.

Works for Golan Heights.

Posted by: golfman at April 08, 2019 03:58 PM (OE84+)

382 Now shep is talking about a big snake?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 08, 2019 03:58 PM (bim/x)

365 I'm old It's chow hall, and medics are Pecker Checkers.
Marines have Corpse men. They regularly check to see if we're dead yet.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:58 PM (2LelM)

384 Best chow hall ever? Osan AFB

Posted by: CSMBigBird at April 08, 2019 03:54 PM

In 1980 AND 1981 it was the 2/4 Field Artillery at Ft Lewis WA (Small mess hall category).
Outstanding facility.

Posted by: Diogenes at April 08, 2019 03:58 PM (0tfLf)

385 I like how were supposed to be ok with mexico letting foreign armies march through it to invade america but we're not supposed to do anything to stop-stop this or punish them.

fucking liberals have poisoned our minds.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:58 PM (9AcAx)

386 Cloward Piven in action. And the ACLU gang is always in court adding new laws and procedures before we deport anyone.

The chief of the border patrol brought up how much faster, cheaper, and smoother things would work if they could just deport people without having to go to court every damned time for every damned illegal.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2019 03:58 PM (39g3+)

387 Instead of a Wall, why not just launch an invasion. No one gets upset
with border walls in places we invade. No one. Push south a couple of
hundred miles and the Wall gets smaller and smaller. Then offer free
lands to settlers.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:55 PM (2LelM)

Good plan!

Posted by: Stephen F. Austin at April 08, 2019 03:58 PM (QLvwG)

388 I never liked Biden's act, but the effort to demonize him now is so
obviously driven by his potential Democratic primary opponents. I don't
think it will work. It may cost Biden with young activists in the party
who think even gendered pronouns are triggering. But there's a reason he
leads the polls.

As usual, Jonah Goldbrick is wrong on all counts. In fact, Jonah is fibbing here, and he does like Biden's act and he wants Creepy Uncle Joe to win.

Biden, in Jonah's silly opinion can beat Trump and still represent the Uniparty well. Hence, this pointless column.

But he starts off with a little dishonesty because he's about to bowl a Big Lie and needs to prep the audience.
The Big Lie here is that Biden "may" be losing the activist wing of the Demofascist Party. That already happened. Jonah knows that.

And they are the only part of the Party that matters, so Jonah is wrong, completely wrong, to say "it won't work". He knows it will. It has worked. Biden has no shot.

Posted by: Alexandria Occasio-Cortes at April 08, 2019 03:58 PM (Z216Q)

389 >>Of all the awfulness of the Obama years, the one that upset me most was discovering the Secret Service was full of corrupt, incompetent lackwits.

It's the Secret Service! You don't get to be like that when you are protecting the President! I know, I know, there's other stuff they do too but that's the big one.

- - - -
Didn't Obama move it under DHS?
That probably helped with it devolving into a mess.

That, and the general lawlessness of the Obama team -- can't imagine being around the WH and still wanting to risk your life to save the Obamas, Hillary, Biden, and Jarrett. Would be a morale killer.

Posted by: Lizzy at April 08, 2019 03:58 PM (W+vEI)

390 Best food I had in the Navy was at the Combat systems schools command at Mare Island Naval base/shipyard in Vallejo CA. Cool base great food. Beat the chow at any other place I ever went in my short career.

Posted by: USNtakim profoundly deplorable. at April 08, 2019 03:59 PM (0OmEj)

391 Instead of a Wall, why not just launch an invasion. No one gets upset with border walls in places we invade. No one. Push south a couple of hundred miles and the Wall gets smaller and smaller. Then offer free lands to settlers.
Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 03:55 PM (2LelM)

The world is heading for another big throwdown, and traditionally Mexico has been training wheels for the US Army before we get into the big fight.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at April 08, 2019 03:59 PM (wCmLp)

392 remember, we can't take an action to protect america if our GOP commentiariate class thinks it will annoy the next group of foreigners the left wants to import to vote for them.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:59 PM (9AcAx)

393 Read Steven Pressfield's futuristic The Profession. Prescription Drugs kept the mercenaries going. It was too probable and actually made me sad.

Posted by: Can't resist temptation at April 08, 2019 03:59 PM (X9Eva)

394 375 I was re-reading James Bond books and Bond takes Benzadrine -- a 1950s upper, maybe an amphetamine -- like it's a daily vitamin.

Posted by: ace at April 08, 2019 03:57 PM (PbpT7)

My old folks have told me that they think dieting is harder for people today than in the 1950s because of (1) substituting more caloric high fructose corn syrup instead of old fashioned cane or beet sugar and (2) lack of Benzadrine, which was much more easily available in their day.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 08, 2019 04:00 PM (ujg0T)

395 374 Its funny, in 1961 if you wanted to see Mexicans in the US you went to Texas and New Mexico not California. I really can't remember any Mexicans in California at that time.

They had the Zoot Suit Riots in the '40s that were largely anti-Mexican.
After the war they were chased back to Mexico. Operation Wetback.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 04:00 PM (2LelM)

And they are the only part of the Party that matters, so Jonah is wrong, completely wrong, to say "it won't work". He knows it will. It has worked. Biden has no shot.
Posted by: Alexandria Occasio-Cortes at April 08, 2019 03:58 PM (Z216Q)

This is too logical to come from Ocrazio Cotits.

Must be sock fail......

Posted by: Sponge at April 08, 2019 04:00 PM (IXZGh)

397 Speaking as someone who has fought with my weight many times, I believe MANY overweight people are self-medicating for some anxiety disorder.
Posted by: Rob Crawford at April 08, 2019 03:55 PM (6oPnJ)

As a fat girl with an anxiety disorder, can confirm.

It's amusing to me when the intermittent fasting stuff comes up. I don't eat breakfast, I haven't since junior high which is amusing because breakfast foods are some of my favorite foods. I just do not like eating early for some reason. So I basically go 15-16 hours without eating 5-6 days a week.

It's what I eat between say noon and eight that's the problem.

Eh, unless and until I get off my huge ass and do something about it, I don't get to complain about being fat. I made my own choices, I'm paying my own prices.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 08, 2019 04:00 PM (mf5HN)

398 The world is heading for another big throwdown, and traditionally Mexico has been training wheels for the US Army before we get into the big fight.
Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile

Military's been deployed non-stop for what, seventeen years now? Practice and experience are not the problem here.

Posted by: Brother Cavil at April 08, 2019 04:00 PM (AM1GF)

399 >> You know who else took speed?

USAF pilots. Issued to them.

Posted by: GnuBreed at April 08, 2019 04:01 PM (Z4rgH)

400 "There was an article a few years ago about how all big cities look the same now."

Ever read Niven's "Ringworld"? The protagonist was bitching about just that, though Niven blamed instant teleportation as the cause.

And, honestly, I don't think it's completely true -- unless you're restricting yourself to the cities the governing class considers acceptable. BUT I will say any given highway offramp will be extremely similar to others -- and I consider that a feature, not a bug.

Posted by: Rob Crawford at April 08, 2019 04:01 PM (6oPnJ)

401 Didn't Obama move it under DHS?
That probably helped with it devolving into a mess.

I thought that was the GWB in the knee jerk reaction to 9/11. Probably should look it up, but either way you are correct in that it needs to be moved back to Treasury.

Posted by: moon_over_vermont at April 08, 2019 04:01 PM (kUmUV)

Good plan!

Posted by: Stephen F. Austin at April 08, 2019 03:58 PM (QLvwG)
Gentlemen, I HAD this covered.but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
You were all worried about Mexico being south of the Mason-Dixon line and me running for President!

Posted by: General Winfield Scott at April 08, 2019 04:01 PM (37IEG)

403 My old folks have told me that they think dieting is harder for people today than in the 1950s because of (1) substituting more caloric high fructose corn syrup instead of old fashioned cane or beet sugar and (2) lack of Benzadrine, which was much more easily available in their day.
Posted by: Curmudgeon

#2 can be kinda rough in its own way.

Posted by: zombies Mario Lanza and Judy Garland at April 08, 2019 04:01 PM (e1q4h)

404 I really can't remember any Mexicans in California at that time.

Central valley had lots of Mexicans living there, I'll bet you.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Covfefe for everyone! at April 08, 2019 04:02 PM (Z216Q)

405 392 remember, we can't take an action to protect america if our GOP commentiariate class thinks it will annoy the next group of foreigners the left wants to import to vote for them.
Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 03:59 PM (9AcAx)

Back in 1994 California, some of us tried to do something about uncontrolled immigration in California--even RINO Pete Wilson understood the problem--but we were denounced by Conservacucks like Hugh Hewitt for "alienating the Hispanic vote."

Which the GOP got about 1/3 then and still gets about 1/3 now.

What do we call 2/3 voting against us? A landslide loss.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 08, 2019 04:02 PM (ujg0T)

406 My old folks have told me that they think dieting is harder for people today than in the 1950s because of (1) substituting more caloric high fructose corn syrup instead of old fashioned cane or beet sugar and (2) lack of Benzadrine, which was much more easily available in their day.
Posted by: Curmudgeon

People smoke less too.

Posted by: Insomniac at April 08, 2019 04:02 PM (NWiLs)

407 I'll take 125 IQ PhD astrophysicists who really want to assimilate all day long. Don't need double digit IQ illiterates in their own language.
Posted by: Rather Not at April 08, 2019 03:56 PM (oPogG)

If I were in charge of immigration you'd have to:

1. Have a job skill. No unskilled labor.

2. Speak enough English to be somewhat understood, and willing to learn more.

3. Desire to be culturally American, and embrace individual liberty and its attendant risks, rather than demand an almighty state to abolish or assume all personal risk.

All 3 of those? Come on in, you'll find your own place eventually.

Don't have all 3? Try again later.

Don't have #3? GTFO and don't let the door hit you.

Posted by: Cato, Media Delenda Est at April 08, 2019 04:02 PM (J+mig)

As a fat girl with an anxiety disorder, can confirm.

It's amusing to me when the intermittent fasting stuff comes up. I don't eat breakfast, I haven't since junior high which is amusing because breakfast foods are some of my favorite foods. I just do not like eating early for some reason. So I basically go 15-16 hours without eating 5-6 days a week.

It's what I eat between say noon and eight that's the problem.

Eh, unless and until I get off my huge ass and do something about it, I don't get to complain about being fat. I made my own choices, I'm paying my own prices.
Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 08, 2019 04:00 PM (mf5HN)

Wait. You're fat?

I just thought you had big tits.

Posted by: Sponge at April 08, 2019 04:02 PM (IXZGh)

409 There was an article a few years ago about how all big cities look the same now.

The same firms are designing the monstrosities of modern architecture that are built.

The same stores are in the same type of shopping centers.

The same food is served in the same kinds of high class restaurants.

The same designers are worn by everyone.

The same technology (Apple) is used by everyone.

You could be in Berlin or London or Madrid or Riyadh or New York City or Paris and apart from a few old landmarks, it's all the same.

And...I've noticed that the new stores and centers here on the West coast have been making their parking lots like on the East coast. Smaller and more narrow.
It's not like anyone is going to go to the Mall anymore. So now Mrs D's SUV takes up two spots.
Deal with it bitchez!!!

Posted by: Diogenes at April 08, 2019 04:02 PM (0tfLf)

410 324 You know who else took speed?

(hint - think blitzkrieg)
Posted by: Count de Monet at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (QLvwG)

Bomber pilots, especially in the Pacific.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2019 04:02 PM (mgYcu)

As a fat girl with an anxiety disorder, can confirm.

It's amusing to me when the intermittent fasting stuff comes up. I don't eat breakfast, I haven't since junior high which is amusing because breakfast foods are some of my favorite foods. I just do not like eating early for some reason. So I basically go 15-16 hours without eating 5-6 days a week.

It's what I eat between say noon and eight that's the problem.

Eh, unless and until I get off my huge ass and do something about it, I don't get to complain about being fat. I made my own choices, I'm paying my own prices.
Alex, you're just big boned.

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 04:03 PM (2LelM)

412 07 I'll take 125 IQ PhD astrophysicists who really want to assimilate all day long. Don't need double digit IQ illiterates in their own language.
Posted by: Rather Not at April 08, 2019 03:56 PM (oPogG)


no, we're full. Go home.

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 04:03 PM (9AcAx)

413 I was re-reading James Bond books and Bond takes Benzadrine -- a 1950s upper, maybe an amphetamine -- like it's a daily vitamin.

Posted by: ace

Benzadrine - White Crosses.

Nicotine, Benzadrine & Caffeine - a trucker's best friends.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 08, 2019 04:03 PM (urY6u)

414 People smoke less too.
Posted by: Insomniac at April 08, 2019 04:02 PM (NWiLs)

I wouldn't be surprised if sanitation played a role as well. People are almost too clean today.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at April 08, 2019 04:04 PM (wCmLp)

415 Central valley had lots of Mexicans living there, I'll bet you.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Covfefe for everyone! at April 08, 2019 04:02 PM (Z216Q)

Couldn't see 'em.

They were in the shadows.

Posted by: golfman at April 08, 2019 04:04 PM (OE84+)

416 364 Appalachia but the crime is still much lower though the poverty is horrendous.
Posted by: Can't resist temptation at April 08, 2019 03:53 PM (X9Eva)

Go see my movie "The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia!"
Posted by: Johnny Noxville at April 08, 2019 03:55 PM (IXZGh)

Crime has a much higher correlation with sloppy, slimy egg preparation by common law spouses than it does with poverty in West Virginia.

Posted by: theATL at April 08, 2019 04:04 PM (yFgwo)

417 What's this about tits?

Posted by: Weasel at April 08, 2019 04:04 PM (MVjcR)

418 Benzedrine and other amphetamines were heavily used in WW2

Posted by: Insomniac at April 08, 2019 04:04 PM (NWiLs)

419 410
324 You know who else took speed?

(hint - think blitzkrieg)

Posted by: Count de Monet at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (QLvwG)

I might have taken some of that, but I never swallowed you know.

Posted by: Aldof Hilter at April 08, 2019 04:04 PM (37IEG)

420 Of all the awfulness of the Obama years, the one that upset me most was discovering the Secret Service was full of corrupt, incompetent lackwits.

I'm guessing the chance to serve under Obama as law enforcement was not exactly attracting the brightest and best any longer.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2019 04:04 PM (39g3+)

421 You know who else took speed?

(hint - think blitzkrieg)
Posted by: Count de Monet at April 08, 2019 03:48 PM (QLvwG)

Bomber pilots, especially in the Pacific.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2019 04:02 PM (mgYcu)

They experimented and dropped the program because of the side effects . Whether pilots continued on their own I don't know.

Posted by: Can't resist temptation at April 08, 2019 04:04 PM (X9Eva)

422 And...I've noticed that the new stores and centers here on the West coast have been making their parking lots like on the East coast. Smaller and more narrow.
It's not like anyone is going to go to the Mall anymore. So now Mrs D's SUV takes up two spots.
Deal with it bitchez!!!
Posted by: Diogenes at April 08, 2019 04:02 PM (0tfLf)

They're building all this high density housing and shopping environments near me. The roads are embarrassingly small. I don't even know how they're going to get moving vans in for people moving in, or the supply trucks delivering to the stores.

It's some of the most retarded architecture I've ever seen.

I drive through there in my F250 and hold my breath to seem skinnier.

Posted by: Sponge at April 08, 2019 04:05 PM (IXZGh)

423 Benzedrine and other amphetamines were heavily used in WW2


whistles innocently-Major League Baseball

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 04:05 PM (9AcAx)

424 'I am ashamed of the pain I have caused': Actress Felicity Huffman pleads guilty in college admissions scandal

No word on the penalty.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at April 08, 2019 04:05 PM (+y/Ru)

425 What's this about tits?

Posted by: Weasel at April 08, 2019 04:04 PM


Is there a link?

Posted by: Diogenes at April 08, 2019 04:06 PM (0tfLf)

426 What's this about tits?

I'm for 'em

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2019 04:06 PM (39g3+)

427 'I am ashamed of the pain I have caused': Actress Felicity Huffman pleads guilty in college admissions scandal

No word on the penalty.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at April 08, 2019 04:05 PM (+y/Ru)

She and Lori Loughner are sentenced to Lifetime Movies of the Week for the next 8-10 years.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at April 08, 2019 04:06 PM (wCmLp)

428 What I would like to know --- and the feds won't tell us --- is how many are foreign citizens and how many are in the US illegally. 

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at April 08, 2019 03:34 PM (Rxduq)

Does it matter? If they're illegals, it becomes an extremely good argument against letting any more in. If every Hispanic in the federal prison system is a legal immigrant, then national restrictions on every country, but especially Mexico, are clearly warranted. Hispanics are not 30% of the population yet, and we have enough overrepresented minorities in jail.

Either way, we win.

Posted by: trev006 at April 08, 2019 04:06 PM (6n54H)

429 Nicotine, Benzadrine & Caffeine - a trucker's best friends.
Weed, Whites and Wine....

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 08, 2019 04:06 PM (2LelM)

430 I am ashamed of the pain I have caused': Actress Felicity Huffman pleads guilty in college admissions scandal

No word on the penalty.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at April 08, 2019 04:05 PM (+y/Ru)

I didn't feel a thing.

Posted by: Can't resist temptation at April 08, 2019 04:06 PM (X9Eva)

431 424 'I am ashamed of the pain I have caused': Actress Felicity Huffman pleads guilty in college admissions scandal
Somehow I doubt this. I think it more likely she regrets being caught.

Posted by: Weasel at April 08, 2019 04:07 PM (MVjcR)

432 #407 Australia won't allow any immigrants older than, IIRC, 40 years old.

Posted by: andycanuck at April 08, 2019 04:07 PM (Dh1wo)

433 NOOD Nielsen not Brigitte

Posted by: Guy Smiley at April 08, 2019 04:07 PM (4AeKb)

434 "As a fat girl with an anxiety disorder, can confirm."

The last time I was seriously, honestly angry at someone was at a Weight Watchers meeting with a substitute coach. He was a "personal chef" professionally, and went on a little rant about how "bad" bagged salad mixes are for you.

Half the people in that room were depending on the convenience of those salads to keep themselves from wigging out and eating their way through a Krispy Kreme; the supposed "bad" was so trace it gets lost in the chemicals that naturally occur in plants.

That was, unsurprisingly, one of the last meetings I went to. I couldn't believe a responsible organization would let that douche mop the floors, let alone be a "coach".

Posted by: Rob Crawford at April 08, 2019 04:07 PM (6oPnJ)

Now shep is talking about a big snake?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 08, 2019 03:58 PM (bim/x)

He's deeply hurt over Don Lemon's engagement, and pining for old times.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 08, 2019 04:07 PM (ptqGC)

436 but back to the main topic...yes, stopping illegals...even a bit..has caused wages to go up.

weird, huh?

the globohomocuck crew told us migrants were needed because of tasty recipes and they work hard.

imagine what would happen to millenials if they could've gotten jobs out of college instead of losing out to H1B and "diversity hires" from India (who have traditionally been underepresented in America, what with them being a minority just like the Chinese)

Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 04:07 PM (9AcAx)

437 Here's a nice pair of tits:

Posted by: Insomniac at April 08, 2019 04:07 PM (NWiLs)

438 The people who claim to be All About Economics suddenly pretend to not
understand what happens when you're constantly increasing supply
(low-skilled workers being added willy-nilly into the American labor
pool, both legally and illegally) and don't increase demand (the need
for low-skilled workers).

Yeah - here's the deal. That whole Supply and Demand thing really is simple, ain't it. But it leads to uncomfortable conclusions - so people have to "muddy it up" to keep their comfortable conclusions.

Such as immigration and wages, like you say. Also - government subsidies on pretty much anything. Like College ... College is more expensive now because Government throws more money at it than would normally be there. And Poverty ... Big Gov just makes more of it.

Well ... that ain't no fun. So the Powers That Be purposely fuck up one of the simplest, most powerful lessons any Free Man should know.

Posted by: Democracy Run Amok at April 08, 2019 04:07 PM (/rAo6)

439 426
What's this about tits?

I'm for 'em

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2019 04:06 PM (39g3+)
Mitt Romney would want to call them something else.
Ample bosoms perhaps.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at April 08, 2019 04:07 PM (37IEG)

440 nood

Posted by: golfman at April 08, 2019 04:07 PM (OE84+)

441 Here's a nice pair of tits:

Posted by: Insomniac at April 08, 2019 04:07 PM

Easy to spot the female.

Posted by: Diogenes at April 08, 2019 04:08 PM (0tfLf)

442 Nicotine, Benzadrine and Caffeine - a trucker's best friends.

I thought it was reds, vitamin C and cocaine.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at April 08, 2019 04:09 PM (+y/Ru)

I just thought you had big tits.
Posted by: Sponge at April 08, 2019 04:02 PM (IXZGh)

Why AtC doesn't take a flame thrower to you gaggle of goofballs I do not know.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at April 08, 2019 04:10 PM (AllCR)

444 Here's a nice pair of tits:

I prefer boobies. [Guessing at link content.]

Posted by: andycanuck at April 08, 2019 04:10 PM (Dh1wo)

445 The first season of the new Battlestar Galactica, you know, before they went all REE REE GWB IS EBIL REE REE had an episode named 33 in which there is an attack every 33 minutes. There's a great scene where the pilots are taking the meds to keep them going.

Wait. You're fat?

I just thought you had big tits.
Posted by: Sponge at April 08, 2019 04:02 PM (IXZGh)

Both actually. Back when I was 19 and weighed maybe 100 pounds, I still had C cups. At one point in time my measurements were 32C 19 (yes, I had a 19 inch waist) 33.

I'll never see that again even if I starve for three years.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 08, 2019 04:11 PM (mf5HN)

446 423 Benzedrine and other amphetamines were heavily used in WW2


whistles innocently-Major League Baseball
Posted by: Keto not Beto at April 08, 2019 04:05 PM (9AcAx)

Well-known in serious baseball circles ("greenies") for improving visual acuity. Whether it actually works or not I have no idea.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2019 04:12 PM (mgYcu)

447 Where has Mittelschmerz been for years on this? He's a posturing fraud.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton

He must be hearing this from the Mormons..

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at April 08, 2019 04:12 PM (so+oy)

448 C can you get banned on twitter for #learntoweld ?

Posted by: Kindltot at April 08, 2019 04:12 PM (/8EBC)

449 415 Central valley had lots of Mexicans living there, I'll bet you.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Covfefe for everyone! at April 08, 2019 04:02 PM (Z216Q)

Couldn't see 'em.

They were in the shadows.
Posted by: golfman

My grandmother married five different times over the decades, but her best (and only lasting) marriage was to her final husband, whom she met and married in the '50s. He seemingly was some random "white" guy with a random WASP-y name. but when he dies of old age about ten years ago, I learned something I had never known: this guy was actually 100% Portuguese, the son of Portuguese immigrants who came to California's Central Valley to labor as itinerant farm workers. He escaped the cycle of poverty by becoming a rodeo rider (in the '30s), specializing in riding bulls; But he thought that he hyper-Portuguese-sounding name would scare off fans and lose him gigs so he changed his "ring name" to sound as Anglo as possible. Eventually he become pretty famous as a rodeo bull rider, so he decided to just keep his stage-name permanently as his legal name, which is the name I had always known him by. I had no idea he gre up with Portuguese as his native language.

Posted by: zombie at April 08, 2019 04:12 PM (5tb4C)

450 Uh oh.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at April 08, 2019 04:13 PM (+y/Ru)

451 Speed is good for weight loss too. Just take your kids' ADHD meds and the pounds will melt away.

is this true?

Parachuting late into the thread, but oh yes it's true.

It's an appetite suppressant, it increases physical activity and metabolism, and as a side-benefit it does wonders for hand/eye coordination.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 08, 2019 04:14 PM (fuK7c)

452 And if she' still around I would like AtC to know that I am one of people on here who doesn't care about her t***. I would like them to be very healthy, of course but that's it. And if she ever lived in NJ and wanted to, we could walk off our big backsides together. I think AtC would be interesting and amusing to talk to.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at April 08, 2019 04:14 PM (AllCR)

453 *hugs Fen*

You are the sweetest.

You are really doing the Lord's work hanging out with we degenerates.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 08, 2019 04:17 PM (mf5HN)

454 Whenever I hear the dumb excuse that immigrants 'do the jobs Americans won't do', I think of some of the jobs Americans do--hard jobs, dangerous jobs. Coal mining. Commercial fishing in the Arctic Ocean. Fighting in Afghanistan.

Americans have never been afraid of work. But they won't work for third-world wages.

Posted by: Mike at April 08, 2019 04:17 PM (+S3WW)

455 Americans have never been afraid of work. But they won't work for third-world wages.
Posted by: Mike at April 08, 2019 04:17 PM (+S3WW)

When the Cost/Benefit Analysis favors stealing - I'm stealing. Or whatever else is on the menu.

I'm not going to Obey the Rules my way into poverty if there's a better way.

Posted by: Democracy Run Amok at April 08, 2019 04:21 PM (/rAo6)

456 And if she ever lived in NJ and wanted to, we could walk off our big backsides together. I think AtC would be interesting and amusing to talk to.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke


Now. THAT, I would like to see!

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at April 08, 2019 04:33 PM (so+oy)

457 Thanks Ace for a truly great column. Even pulling in that fat f+#ck Bill Kristol couldn't wreck it.


Posted by: Forheremenaremen at April 08, 2019 05:55 PM (RLiOt)

458 I mentally genuflected for about 12 minutes after reading.
The "tribe over reason" mentality of the left is what galls my soul the most.

Posted by: SpectoVia at April 08, 2019 07:07 PM (QqzTm)

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