aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Here Is Why We Shouldn't Care That Greg Gianforte Won The Special Election In MontanaRemember Congressman Etheridge? Probably not, because the Democrat Party protects its own. Check the video below the fold for Etheridge's violent reaction to some students asking him questions. But the Dems were cool with that behavior, because they allowed him to run for the governorship in the Democratic primary, and then after he lost gave him a job in government! He is the executive director of the North Carolina branch of the U.S. Farm Service Agency, whatever the hell that is. So lets us not get too exercised by Gianforte's behavior. Holding Republicans to a different standard than Democrats is exactly the game plan of the Democrat Party, and it works very, very well.Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Posted by: Mostly Cajun at May 26, 2017 11:22 AM (U5CmX) 2
How quickly we forget...
Posted by: MacGruber at May 26, 2017 11:23 AM (kQBSd) 3
Glad everyone forgets about me ...
Posted by: Jim Moran at May 26, 2017 11:23 AM (9TU00) 4
F-that. Shouldn't we hold everyone to a high standard instead of settling for the lowest?
Posted by: XPO172 at May 26, 2017 11:24 AM (1PDwB) 5
The man looks like he's high on narcotics.
Posted by: Fritz at May 26, 2017 11:25 AM (2Mnv1) 6
if it wasn't for double standards, the left would have none at all
Posted by: Rick in SK at May 26, 2017 11:25 AM (FZYNt) 7
"Alinksy, you magnificent bastard! I read your book!"
Rule 4: Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. This has proven the hardest rule to turn tables on the Left. That's because the Organs of the Left -- Academia and MSM -- are happy to wallow in hypocrisy. Posted by: Ignoramus at May 26, 2017 11:25 AM (+7/1f) 8
Democrats = criminals. And proud of it.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at May 26, 2017 11:25 AM (MZcWR) 9
He could've popped him on the noggin w/a bike lock...that would've been ok w/me.
Posted by: BignJames at May 26, 2017 11:25 AM (x9c8r) 10
The Dems have twice as many standards as everyone else.
Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at May 26, 2017 11:26 AM (oVJmc) 11
what a googley eyed phuckstick. he needs some eyewear that makes him look wickett smaht. what a fuck up. shocked that guy didn't win.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at May 26, 2017 11:26 AM (KP5rU) 12
Posted by: XPO172 at May 26, 2017 11:24 AM
If the left refuses all standards, I'm not going to wring my hands over one of our own losing it and crossing a line. I won't dance to THEIR script, even if they try to use my "integrity" against me. Posted by: Rusty Nail at May 26, 2017 11:26 AM (toi7g) 13
Their standards are to use against you, not against themselves.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 26, 2017 11:27 AM (oVJmc) 14
Whats the big deal? Nothing that a rolling backfist to Congress Etheridge's nose from that kid wouldn't have rectified.
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at May 26, 2017 11:27 AM (i0ykY) 15
The NYT is owned by Carlos "Shady" Slim, the Mexican billionaire, correct?
So when the NYT runs a political story it is tantamount to foreign Big Money Interests interfering in American politics, correct? I propose calling the rag "The New York Mexican Times" or some such. Posted by: jbspry at May 26, 2017 11:28 AM (IhKmM) 16
Drunk as Cooter Brown.
Posted by: huerfano at May 26, 2017 11:28 AM (TO4Og) 17
I am against exercise band violence too
Posted by: Harry Reid at May 26, 2017 11:28 AM (FZYNt) 18
I am soooo thankful Gianforte won. Otherwise it would have been non stop "this is the beginning of the end for Trump!!!!!!!", blah, blah, blah. Hoping the race in Georgia also smacks the traitorous left right in the face and makes them squeal like the pussies they are.
Posted by: Theresa, MSgt (ret), USAF at May 26, 2017 11:29 AM (63mQb) 19
Did he really body slam the reporter or just shove him? Violence shouldn't be encouraged but I am having a hard time giving a rat's ass about this guardian reporter.
Posted by: IC at May 26, 2017 11:29 AM (a0IVu) 20
Let's see...3rd hand info is an unrefutable source, except when its dems...
Posted by: Anon a mouse... at May 26, 2017 11:29 AM (MINbv) 21
Wow. Just watched pixy eat a comment (not mine). Didn't seem like something that needed janitorial attention.
Posted by: Rusty Nail at May 26, 2017 11:29 AM (toi7g) 22
To be honest, I'm OK with a return to dueling
Posted by: A Jackson at May 26, 2017 11:29 AM (9TU00) 23
This is priceless.
Chelsea was introduced as "activist, thought leader, and change agent" and then said: "Just listening to the concerns around education and climate change, women's health, child marriage, access to technology, all of those are of course interconnected," Clinton said while participating on a panel at the CARE National Conference in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. She added, "We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness, as well as individual outrages that do demand our attention." Posted by: Ignoramus, Thought Leader, Change Agent at May 26, 2017 11:30 AM (+7/1f) 24
Remember when all the MSM reporters came to the defense of Trump supporters' right to free speech without fear of lefty funded violent persecution, while the the lefty jurisdiction LE were apparently given stand-down orders?
Yeah, me neither. Here is your bag of dicks. Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at May 26, 2017 11:30 AM (ZG3PM) Posted by: Buzzsaw at May 26, 2017 11:30 AM (r5KeJ) 26
carlos slim, jeff bezos, what's the difference? same shit, different toilet.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at May 26, 2017 11:30 AM (KP5rU) 27
Al Franken threw a chair at Michael Medved and now Al's a senator.
Posted by: Smarty Skirt at May 26, 2017 11:31 AM (leodh) 28
I don't live in Montana so I could give a shit if he tears the guys face off and wears it to his swearing in.
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at May 26, 2017 11:31 AM (/K7cs) 29
Speaking of journos, Katie Hopkins has been fired from her radio gig in the UK, just for calling out Manchester for what it was. As sorry as I am for the innocent kids, the Brits have brought this upon themselves.
Posted by: IC at May 26, 2017 11:31 AM (a0IVu) Posted by: votermom pimping great books at May 26, 2017 11:32 AM (hMwEB) Posted by: Conan The Barbarian at May 26, 2017 11:32 AM (4AVeu) 32
You should learn to lose like a gentleman, old chap!
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 26, 2017 11:32 AM (IqV8l) 33
. She added, "We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness, as well as individual outrages that do demand our attention."
Sure Chels... I half expect her to add "As if !." Posted by: It's Me donna at May 26, 2017 11:32 AM (O2RFr) 34
Gianforte gave a verbal warning to the little prick. He had every right to remove his punk ass from his personal space.
Posted by: Theresa, MSgt (ret), USAF at May 26, 2017 11:32 AM (63mQb) 35
23: then she choked on her bag of oats.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at May 26, 2017 11:32 AM (KP5rU) 36
Strange behavior for a congressman. They're usually full of shit enought to fake a smile and a pat on the back and make some excuse and move on. This guy must have been coming from his girlfriend's condo, back to the office or something. And she didn't give him any head. Posted by: Sphynx at May 26, 2017 11:33 AM (OZmbA) 37
WaPo seems concerned with a rise of "Tribalism" in American politics?
So, there you have it. Cleveland is headed to the World Series. Posted by: IP at May 26, 2017 11:34 AM (UmSfZ) 38
"Just listening to the concerns around education and climate change, women's health, child marriage, access to technology, all of those are of course interconnected," Clinton said while participating on a panel at the CARE National Conference in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. She added, "We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness, as well as individual outrages that do demand our attention." LOOK, MOMMY, I SPEECHED!!! I'm starting to think her father isn't Webb Hubble, it's Ralph Wiggum. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 26, 2017 11:34 AM (oVJmc) 39
But, But he didn't win by double digits so VICTORY!
Posted by: The Dems... at May 26, 2017 11:34 AM (O2RFr) 40
"We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness, as well as individual outrages that do demand our attention."
Authentic Ivy League gibberish. Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 11:34 AM (lR0HG) 41
>>Chelsea was introduced as "activist, thought leader, and change agent" and then said
Posted by: Ignoramus, Thought Leader, Change Agent at May 26, 2017 11:30 AM (+7/1f) Words mean stuff. Posted by: General Zod at May 26, 2017 11:34 AM (Bdeb0) 42
then she choked on her bag of oats.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at May 26, 2017 11:32 AM (KP5rU) Sweet feed...nuthin' but the best for that prize filly. Posted by: BignJames at May 26, 2017 11:34 AM (x9c8r) 43
23 This is priceless.
Chelsea was introduced as "activist, thought leader, and change agent" and then said: "Just listening to the concerns around education and climate change, women's health, child marriage, access to technology, all of those are of course interconnected," Clinton said while participating on a panel at the CARE National Conference in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. She added, "We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness, as well as individual outrages that do demand our attention." Posted by: Ignoramus, Thought Leader, Change Agent at May 26, 2017 11:30 AM (+7/1f) UGH...and yet can you imagine how many accolites tell her she a f*cking genius? Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 26, 2017 11:34 AM (E8apb) 44
28. ....and I can support this proposal.
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Glory to Kekistan! No Longer Accepting Harem Applicants at May 26, 2017 11:34 AM (TwwWO) 45
Here's why I do care:
I was told it was a referendum on Trump's presidency, and then the (presumed) pro-Trump candidate supposedly F*CKING BODY SLAMMED A REPORTER and still won. They made me care, and that's why I care. Posted by: Hate Has No Home Here But He Knows the Wi-Fi Key and Helps With The Weedeating at May 26, 2017 11:35 AM (fD1ST) 46
Posted by: Nevergiveup at May 26, 2017 11:35 AM (5y11N) 47
If Dems want to tell us violent Congressman are unacceptable, have them explain the long career of Rep. Jim Moran (D-espicable). His lowlights include getting an a scuffle with his Catholic priest after church because he didn't like what the sermon said about abortion, and oh yeah, a scuffle with a *child*. His son (who was involved in voter fraud) was caught on video bashing his GF's head into an outdoor trashcan.
There's also Patches Kennedy who assaulted a TSA agent, IIRC, and Cyntia McKinney who scuffled with Capitol Police.... Posted by: Lizzy at May 26, 2017 11:35 AM (NOIQH) 48
As a longtime student of Karate, with some modest immersion in Krav Maga, and currently taking up BJJ, I have no frickin idea what a "body slam" is.
This is to description of body contact what "collusion" or "hacking" is to an election: a carefully focus-grouped word-blob that implies something sinister without actually meaning anything. And of course, not being specific means never having to walk back your story. Posted by: xnycpeasant at May 26, 2017 11:36 AM (QtQaN) 49
Congress critters are immune on their way to or when exiting the District of Criminals. Its the largest criminal cartel in history. 90% of them are whores and thieves slathered with thick icing of narcissism and a cherry on top.
But hey, I am just a cynical old fart who wants to tend his garden if the rain would stop. Posted by: colfax mingo at May 26, 2017 11:36 AM (FLjWH) 50
chelzee, the fredo of the clinton crime family. sorry fredo.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at May 26, 2017 11:36 AM (KP5rU) 51
I was told it was a referendum on Trump's presidency, and then the (presumed) pro-Trump candidate supposedly F*CKING BODY SLAMMED A REPORTER and still won.
It was because of the early voting It was because of the early voting It was because of the early voting Posted by: The Dems mantra at May 26, 2017 11:36 AM (O2RFr) 52
23 This is priceless.
Chelsea was introduced as "activist, thought leader, and change agent" and then said: "Just listening to the concerns around education and climate change, women's health, child marriage, access to technology, all of those are of course interconnected," Clinton said while participating on a panel at the CARE National Conference in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. She added, "We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness, as well as individual outrages that do demand our attention." Posted by: Ignoramus, Thought Leader, Change Agent at May 26, 2017 11:30 AM (+7/1f) --- It's important to remember just how few true binary zeros you've encountered in your lifetime. Posted by: Hate Has No Home Here But He Knows the Wi-Fi Key and Helps With The Weedeating at May 26, 2017 11:36 AM (fD1ST) 53
May you live in interesting times. Whether this is a blessing or a curse...
We live in an era where a republican candidate for office allegedly assaults an obnoxious reporter who won't remove his phone from the candidate's face. This person must be crucified. We live in a time when an Illinois candidate for a U.S. House seat is arrested for DUI, and takes swings at a police officer and this is silenced. The dude's BAC was .186. But he was hammered so this is totes cool? Must be by the lack of MSM coverage. We have judges now who take it upon themselves to sentence an illegal immigrant (valid non immigration related conviction) to 364 days because any longer sentence would have triggered deportation for the individual. If you or I were convicted of the same crime, well we'd have some more bunk time with Bruno the big-bad-butt-slayer. We live in a time when the police apprehend two muzzies in possession of firearms and grenades along with lots of other goodies and they get out on bail. We are doomed. Doomed because justice is no longer blind. And probably hasn't been in a while. We are doomed because the scales of justice are tipped in favor of those truly guilty. Because justice means one thing to those of one political bent, and means something entirely different to the rest. Burn, scatter, salt. Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at May 26, 2017 11:37 AM (jxbfJ) 54
Does drowning a girl in a car count as violence?
Posted by: JackStraw at May 26, 2017 11:37 AM (/tuJf) 55
"We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness, as well as individual outrages that do demand our attention." Authentic Ivy League gibberish. Chelsea Johnson is right! Posted by: Olsen Johnson at May 26, 2017 11:37 AM (IqV8l) 56
There's also Patches Kennedy who assaulted a TSA agent, IIRC, and Cyntia McKinney who scuffled with Capitol Police....
I know the list is long but I demand a little recognition. Posted by: Bob Filner at May 26, 2017 11:37 AM (lR0HG) 57
It was because of the early voting
Posted by: The Dems mantra at May 26, 2017 11:36 AM (O2RFr) --- I really hope this gets wings. Posted by: Hate Has No Home Here But He Knows the Wi-Fi Key and Helps With The Weedeating at May 26, 2017 11:37 AM (fD1ST) 58
>>This guy must have been coming from his girlfriend's condo, back to the office or something. And she didn't give him any head. Posted by: Sphynx at May 26, 2017 11:33 AM (OZmbA)
He was shock-testing the kid for twink status. Etheridge was probably ready for some rough young trade, but he only beds the boys that struggle. The kid's passivity saved him from a more rigorous, secluded gay rapprochement. Posted by: General Zod at May 26, 2017 11:37 AM (Bdeb0) 59
Giving some lumps to a reporter is worth a few percentage points if you are GOP, I say we get the word out.
Posted by: Vashta Nerada at May 26, 2017 11:38 AM (7ZVPa) 60
23 This is priceless. Chelsea was introduced as "activist, thought leader, and change agent" and then said: "Just listening to the concerns around education and climate change, women's health, child marriage, access to technology, all of those are of course interconnected," Clinton said while participating on a panel at the CARE National Conference in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. She added, "We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness, as well as individual outrages that do demand our attention." Posted by: Ignoramus, Thought Leader, Change Agent at May 26, 2017 11:30 AM (+7/1f) --- It's important to remember just how few true binary zeros you've encountered in your lifetime. Posted by: Hate Has No Home Here But He Knows the Wi-Fi Key and Helps With The Weedeating at May 26, 2017 11:36 AM (fD1ST) Being in the IT field, I think we'd consider this as NULL Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at May 26, 2017 11:38 AM (jxbfJ) 61
Posted by: Sphynx at May 26, 2017 11:33 AM (OZmbA)
He was in his own office where the "reporter" was trespassing. He *couldn't* retreat any further. For that matter, he claims t was the operative who pulled *him* down when he tried to get the operative's recording device out of his face. Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at May 26, 2017 11:38 AM (sEDyY) 62
27 Al Franken threw a chair at Michael Medved and now Al's a senator.
Posted by: Smarty Skirt at May 26, 2017 11:31 AM ( in all fairness I've wanted to throw a chair at Medved. Like yesterday when he was trashing the Montana Seantor for bad behavior. F*ck Medved. Franken is still a douche though. Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 26, 2017 11:38 AM (E8apb) 63
CNN was OK with this: Also, was it Trump who told his supporters they need to get in their opponents faces and punch back twice as hard? Posted by: Lizzy at May 26, 2017 11:38 AM (NOIQH) Posted by: chavez the hugo at May 26, 2017 11:38 AM (KP5rU) 65
Clearly, the visionary Etheridge foresaw the Trump Montana Mauling all those years ago.
Stop it, Mika! I'm dialing 911! No, don't rip the cord out of the wall! That's wiretapping, you know! Ow! Ow! Ow! Help! Posted by: Joe X, c/o the Abused RINO Shelter at May 26, 2017 11:38 AM (Ndje9) 66
Jim Moran, successfully representing all the worst stereotypes of the Irish for a quarter century!!
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at May 26, 2017 11:39 AM (/K7cs) 67
"If you knew what I know about terror, you'd never leave the house."
Why is it so secret Mr. Kelly? I say spill it and let us decide where the real threat is. Posted by: IP at May 26, 2017 11:39 AM (UmSfZ) 68
Strange behavior for a congressman. They're usually full of shit enought to fake a smile and a pat on the back and make some excuse and move on.
He's not a congressman yet, dc hasn't ruined him yet Posted by: A Jackson at May 26, 2017 11:39 AM (9TU00) 69
Being in the IT field, I think we'd consider this as NULL
Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at May 26, 2017 11:38 AM (jxbfJ) --- Seriously, I'm well into middle aged and have probably seen a million women in my life at least. I doubt there are more than a thousand or so that I wouldn't let at least... well, nevermind. You get my point about 0 and 1s. Posted by: Hate Has No Home Here But He Knows the Wi-Fi Key and Helps With The Weedeating at May 26, 2017 11:39 AM (fD1ST) 70
"If you knew what I know about terror, you'd never leave the house."
I read that. Bet he gets in trouble for being honest... Posted by: It's Me donna at May 26, 2017 11:40 AM (O2RFr) 71
F-that. Shouldn't we hold everyone to a high standard instead of settling for the lowest?
Posted by: XPO172 at May 26, 2017 11:24 AM (1PDwB) Yeah, the problem isn't that we aren't as vicious as the left, the problem is that we have p*ssies running the Republican Party who, rather than fight the Democrats, collude with them. Posted by: BurtTC at May 26, 2017 11:40 AM (TOk1P) 72
Is there any tape of what actually happened? Was it a legit assault or was it more like Michelle Fields getting her arms ripped off?
Posted by: Biggs Darklighter at May 26, 2017 11:40 AM (rX06+) Posted by: Lizzy at May 26, 2017 11:40 AM (NOIQH) 74
23 This is priceless.
Chelsea was introduced as "activist, thought leader, and change agent" and then said: "Just listening to the concerns around education and climate change, women's health, child marriage, access to technology, all of those are of course interconnected," Clinton said while participating on a panel at the CARE National Conference in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. She added, "We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness, as well as individual outrages that do demand our attention." Posted by: Ignoramus, Thought Leader, Change Agent at May 26, 2017 11:30 AM (+7/1f) Give her an award! Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 26, 2017 11:40 AM (SRKgf) 75
Jim Moran, successfully representing all the worst stereotypes of the Irish for a quarter century!!
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy You got a problem with drinking and fighting! Posted by: A Jackson at May 26, 2017 11:40 AM (9TU00) 76
WaPo seems concerned with a rise of "Tribalism" in American politics?
Posted by: IP at May 26, 2017 11:34 AM Concerned? They're leading the charge! Just read this: then tell me where it leads and how it ends. Posted by: Rusty Nail at May 26, 2017 11:40 AM (toi7g) 77
Does drowning a girl in a car count as violence?
*** Apparently coordinating with the Soviet Union to "hack the election" doesn't count as treason... Posted by: 18-1 at May 26, 2017 11:40 AM (aZq03) 78
Jim Moran, successfully representing all the worst stereotypes of the Irish for a quarter century!! Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at May 26, 2017 11:39 AM (/K7cs) Every year that cock-socket would walk in the Alexandria St. Pat's Day Parade, waving and grinning like a fool, and every time he'd get exactly bupkus from the crowd. What an ass. Posted by: General Zod at May 26, 2017 11:40 AM (Bdeb0) 79
The new Congressman in Montana did NOT assault a reporter...
The person in question was trespassing... entering into a place he was not invited, and was then being an asshole.... interrupting the proceedings, hoping to get a 'Got ya' question... all while working for a FOREIGN News paper... trying to influence a US Election, in MONTANA... The Press has a legitimate role to play, but they do NOT get to be assholes while doing it... they do not have the RIGHT to be rude, or trespass, or interrupt.... He did not 'body slam' a reporter.... he did it to a girly boy who was someplace he should not have been.... Posted by: Achilles, in his Rage at May 26, 2017 11:41 AM (NgKpN) 80
>>Nothing that a rolling backfist to Congress Etheridge's nose from that kid wouldn't have rectified.
That or a swift stomp to the side of his knee and watch hin fold. Posted by: garrett at May 26, 2017 11:41 AM (cwFUa) 81
TWINKS! Coohoo! Twinks.
Posted by: harry reid's cockatoo at May 26, 2017 11:41 AM (nlbfN) 82
I really hope this gets wings.
Red Bull Wings or 'every time an EPA staffer is fired a Democrat gets his wings' wings Posted by: Bob Filner at May 26, 2017 11:42 AM (lR0HG) 83
72 Is there any tape of what actually happened? Was it a legit assault or was it more like Michelle Fields getting her arms ripped off?
Don't think it was recorded but three witnesses were in the room so I think it went down like reported .Not that the asswipe didn't deserve it... Posted by: It's Me donna at May 26, 2017 11:42 AM (O2RFr) Posted by: Zombie Ted Kennedy at May 26, 2017 11:42 AM (cwFUa) Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 26, 2017 11:42 AM (oVJmc) Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 11:42 AM (lR0HG) 87
As Ace has said many times, a rule for only some people is a rule for nobody. Screw the Left in their attempts to vilify and be violent to only the "others". Body Slam a Leftist Reporter Today! (tm) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at May 26, 2017 11:42 AM (ODxAs) 88
Chelsea was introduced as "activist, thought leader, and change agent" and then said:
"Just listening to the concerns around education and climate change, women's health, child marriage, access to technology, all of those are of course interconnected," Clinton said while participating on a panel at the CARE National Conference in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. She added, "We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness, as well as individual outrages that do demand our attention." Posted by: Ignoramus, Thought Leader, Change Agent at May 26, 2017 11:30 AM (+7/1f) Give it up, Dems. This dog won't hunt. Chelsea is a non-starter. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 26, 2017 11:43 AM (SRKgf) 89
>>68 Strange behavior for a congressman. They're usually full of shit enought to fake a smile and a pat on the back and make some excuse and move on.
He's not a congressman yet, dc hasn't ruined him yet Posted by: A Jackson a Ok, but I was referring to the video posted above, the old Dem from NC acting like Al Queda was attacking him. Posted by: Sphynx at May 26, 2017 11:43 AM (OZmbA) 90
I guess that's what happens when you are returning back to congress from your 4 martini lunch. What a cockholster.
Posted by: Timon at May 26, 2017 11:43 AM (RjcAj) 91
So, there you have it. Cleveland is headed to the World Series.
From your lips to God's ears, IP. Posted by: Barb the Evil Genius at May 26, 2017 11:43 AM (FQKBL) 92
>>F-that. Shouldn't we hold everyone to a high standard instead of settling for the lowest?
The GOP/conservatives have been doing that for decades. This is what happens when only one side plays by the rules: Posted by: Lizzy at May 26, 2017 11:44 AM (NOIQH) 93
That Gianforte gave a well-deserved shove to a pompous propagandist is hardly worth a demerit in my book. Guessing the good folks of MT thought the same.
Posted by: red speck at May 26, 2017 11:44 AM (6Krd7) 94
As a Montana native who also was a newspaper reporter there, I have no problem with Gianforte's response to the obnoxious national newsie. A local reporter would not have been aggressive like that.
Posted by: lyn5 at May 26, 2017 11:44 AM (MmD9Y) 95
Posted by: zombie Randy Savage, FL13 early favorite at May 26, 2017 11:44 AM (eXSOZ) 96
And the little prick reporter from the Guardian tried to get into Gianforte's personal space. Serves him right, and Gianforte should NOT have apologized.
Posted by: Curmudgeon at May 26, 2017 11:44 AM (ujg0T) 97
29 Speaking of journos, Katie Hopkins has been fired from her radio gig in the UK, just for calling out Manchester for what it was. As sorry as I am for the innocent kids, the Brits have brought this upon themselves.
* * Sean Hannity could hire her. Oh, wait, the new Fox may be cleaning house and getting rid of him too, right? Well, they could start up a website together. Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at May 26, 2017 11:44 AM (jTUfG) 98
This guy from Montanana is out of cuntrol and should not be able to hold office. He is worst then Bush end Trump and all of us down at the Brattleboro Womins Reproductive Health Center calls on Presdent Obama to do something about this. If we are not careful we will end up like one of those reedicoulous contries that we be had to fight in Word War II !!!!
Posted by: Mary Clogginstien from Brattleboro, VT at May 26, 2017 11:44 AM (WmgTn) Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 26, 2017 11:45 AM (SRKgf) 100
His lowlights include getting an a scuffle with his Catholic priest after church because he didn't like what the sermon said about abortion,
To be honest Father Cregan would have kicked his ass .. Posted by: A Jackson at May 26, 2017 11:45 AM (9TU00) 101
Is there any tape of what actually happened? Was it a legit assault or
was it more like Michelle Fields getting her arms ripped off? *** It sounds like the leftist stuck his microphone literally in Gianforte's face and wouldn't back off. Gianforte then pushed him away relatively hard. This is based on the audio and the witnesses. Interestingly the the lefty reporter and the non-reporter witnesses seem to describe the same incident, but with a different take - with the reporters seeing it ok to stick your microphone in someone's face and the non-reporter seeing it as ok to push someone away if they do that to you. Will the police go after Gainforte? If this wasn't political no. So it will come down to the police chief and mayor and if they want to score lefty political points. Posted by: 18-1 at May 26, 2017 11:45 AM (aZq03) 102
I'm glad he won.
I think he over-reacted but if we have more reporters 'body slammed', I'll be happy. Fuck them, they're the enemy. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at May 26, 2017 11:45 AM (xJa6I) 103
I meant to add to my 97, "Hannity and Hopkins" could be their title!
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at May 26, 2017 11:45 AM (jTUfG) 104
Yeah, everyone on FB this morning had the vapors over this. Punk had it coming.
Posted by: deplorable Jewells45 at May 26, 2017 11:45 AM (zRZaJ) 105
>>Is there any tape of what actually happened? Was it a legit assault or
was it more like Michelle Fields getting her arms ripped off? Only audiotape from the reporters phone - the one he was sticking in the candidates face despite being asked not to. Posted by: Lizzy at May 26, 2017 11:45 AM (NOIQH) 106
No video; but the reporter-shit had the phone-recorder running. He (IIRC) released it but he could have doctored it or self-censored it as it's not like it was seized as evidence by the cops first.
Posted by: andycanuck at May 26, 2017 11:45 AM (nlbfN) 107
Standards for thee, none for me.
Posted by: Democrats at May 26, 2017 11:45 AM (gDMFf) 108
Someone here cared that he defended himself against the reporter?
Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at May 26, 2017 11:46 AM (Y9+RI) 109
gotta go off topic, this is too interesting:
Drudge has a link to NBC news about the FBI's interest in Trump's son-in-law, Kushner. I thought the most interesting passage in the article was this: "Mr. Kushner previously volunteered to share with Congress what he knows about these meetings," Kushner's lawyer, Jamie Gorelick, told NBC News. "He will do the same if he is contacted in connection with any other inquiry." Jamie Gorelick???? Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at May 26, 2017 11:46 AM (ILitO) 110
Gotta say, CBD, that I'm utterly baffled by the implicit premise here.
Do we even yet know exactly what happened? Do we know who touched whom first? Even taking the dipshit's version, it does not sound that bad. I am astounded (to the extent that is still possible) that anyone here would have a nanosecond's hesitation about preferring a victory by Gianforte. And it's not about media/political "double standards" (along with "hypocrisy", the lamest, weakest whine there is). It's about results. To illustrate, take the famous MO case. Akin's stupid comments had no bearing on anything. His opponent went on to f**k her state and the country in ways Akin probably would not have done. So, good job, Show Me state! You helped propel the country over the cliff - but doing so allowed you to preen about "muh standards!" WRT utterly immaterial wacky comments by a candidate who otherwise would have been 100% better on SUBSTANCE, the things that actually affect everyone. Posted by: rhomboid at May 26, 2017 11:46 AM (QDnY+) 111
"Just listening to the concerns around education and climate change, women's health, child marriage, access to technology, all of those are of course interconnected," Clinton said while participating on a panel at the CARE National Conference in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. She added, "We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness, as well as individual outrages that do demand our attention."
Posted by: Ignoramus, Thought Leader, Change Agent at May 26, 2017 11:30 AM (+7/1f) OK, I just modified my nic, too. This is wonderful. Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader at May 26, 2017 11:46 AM (Z3xqO) 112
What's the proper response to having your hand grabbed?
1) I might grab his pinky full with my left hand and roll on the ground. 2) ??? 3) Finish the fight and call the police. Posted by: BourbonChicken at May 26, 2017 11:46 AM (VdICR) 113
51 I was told it was a referendum on Trump's presidency, and then the (presumed) pro-Trump candidate supposedly F*CKING BODY SLAMMED A REPORTER and still won.
It was because of the early voting It was because of the early voting It was because of the early voting Posted by: The Dems mantra at May 26, 2017 11:36 AM (O2RFr) Coulda been the Russians hacking the election. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 26, 2017 11:46 AM (SRKgf) 114
I remember them telling us Michelle Fields was 'body slammed' at first, too.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 26, 2017 11:46 AM (oVJmc) 115
child marriage tops my list of critical concerns.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at May 26, 2017 11:47 AM (KP5rU) 116
The way we're moving, technologically, soon enough everyone is going to have a button cam or Google glasses or a MAGA hat cam and every minute of every day is going to be recorded. Yikes when that day comes. Brits have more CCTV cams around their cities than anyone else in the world. You can't even piss in an alley without someone watching. Posted by: Sphynx at May 26, 2017 11:47 AM (OZmbA) 117
My money is on Jacobs waved a hand or mike too close to Gianforte's face and Gianforte put his hands on Jacobs' lapels or chest.
Jacobs grabs a hand or shirt reflexively. Some pushing and someone loses balance, trips. Hardly an MMA highlight. Posted by: xnycpeasant at May 26, 2017 11:47 AM (QtQaN) 118
This concept though that you can cross all sorts of boundaries and needle someone and not face any sort of physical consequences is a sort of "Millennial" way of looking at the world.
But I'm not going to go out of my way defending the Congressman from Montana. I'm REALLY glad he won, but asshole reporters just come with the territory if you want to be in politics. Better learn to handle them without getting physical or fine a different line of work. Posted by: Maritime at May 26, 2017 11:47 AM (SCkw/) 119
Personally, until there is actually some evidence that Gianforte did anything at all, this whole thing has the credibility of some lowlife trying to pull a slip-and-fall fraud on a supermarket.
Care ? What I care about is that the democrat / media alliance failed miserably at a Fake News Character Assassination, and I am very happy about that ! Posted by: sock_rat_eez, they are gaslighting us 24/7 at May 26, 2017 11:47 AM (KGH7Z) 120
Not only was he in his office but he was beginning an interview with a Fox reporter when this clown barged into his office. Then the Fox reporter who witnessed the "assault " told one story initially of Gianforte "choking " the Guardian reporter, then 12 hours later, she started wavering and said she couldn't tell if Gianforte had his hand on the neck or just his collar.
Posted by: Jen the original at May 26, 2017 11:47 AM (8AwtM) 121
I was thinking of filing for office just so I could kick the shit out of a reporter, but then I realized I don't need to file to do that.
Be back in a bit... Posted by: Diogenes at May 26, 2017 11:47 AM (0tfLf) Posted by: nip at May 26, 2017 11:48 AM (VqJRJ) Posted by: phineas gage at May 26, 2017 11:48 AM (XsVWn) 124
OK, I just modified my nic, too. This is wonderful.
Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader at May 26, 2017 11:46 AM (Z3xqO) I've always been annoyed by the term "thought leader." Are there different kinds of leader? Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 26, 2017 11:48 AM (SRKgf) 125
>>OK, I just modified my nic, too. This is wondeful.
heh! Those two phrases are such meaningless puffery. Put 'em on a resume as your experience and see if you get hired. Posted by: Lizzy at May 26, 2017 11:48 AM (NOIQH) 126
Father Cregan for those not local, Moran picked the wrong priest to tussle with:
Fr. Cregan: 'A Marine for Christ' You could say those four words are Father John Cregan's motto - ones he's remembered ever since first hearing them from the Sisters of Charity at his New York grade school in the 1940s. He remembered them during his 22 years with the U.S. Marine Corps; he remembered them in the foxholes in Vietnam; he remembered them when, at nearly 50 years of age, he was ordained a priest; and, as pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parish in Alexandria and the bishop's delegate for clergy at the Chancery, he remembers them still. Posted by: A Jackson at May 26, 2017 11:48 AM (9TU00) 127
How surprising: Let's take it nationwide. The whole country needs a fumigation. Posted by: phineas gage at May 26, 2017 11:49 AM (XsVWn) 128
I just don't like where this goes if we reward or tacitly support physical assault of folks we disagree with. The left is already there.
I also don't see the upside of being crude and vulgar. Reagan and Thatcher never behaved like that, they were class acts and MUCH more effective spokesmen for the Right. Posted by: Bat Chain Puller at May 26, 2017 11:49 AM (Yi9Gb) 129
This would have been my apology:
I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't break more than your glasses, shitbird. Oh, and all of you out there clutching your pearls? Fuck you too! Posted by: Duke Lowell at May 26, 2017 11:49 AM (kTF2Z) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at May 26, 2017 11:49 AM (ODxAs) 131
Nothing that a rolling backfist to Congress Etheridge's nose from that kid wouldn't have rectified.
*** The problem is we know how that would have played out. The kid would have charged with assault and battery and given the following choices: 1) Publicly apologize, grovel, admit complete responsibility and finger some larger conservative organization as the real culprit and get probabtion. or 2) Go to pound me in the ass prison for the maximum allowable sentence. Much like in the middle ages, there are differing standards of justice for the elites and the commoners. Posted by: 18-1 at May 26, 2017 11:49 AM (aZq03) 132
Posted by: zombie Randy Savage, FL13 early favorite at May 26, 2017 11:50 AM (eXSOZ) 133
Look I won. Period. And elections have go smack a reporter today.
Posted by: Gianforte at May 26, 2017 11:50 AM (E8apb) 134
23 This is priceless.
Chelsea was introduced as "activist, thought leader, and change agent" and then said: "Just listening to the concerns around education and climate change, women's health, child marriage, access to technology, all of those are of course interconnected," Clinton said while participating on a panel at the CARE National Conference in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. She added, "We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness, as well as individual outrages that do demand our attention." Posted by: Ignoramus, Thought Leader, Change Agent at May 26, 2017 11:30 AM (+7/1f) If her last name wasn't "Clinton" she'd be waiting tables at a vegan bistro in Portland. Posted by: Insomniac - forgotten but not gone at May 26, 2017 11:50 AM (0mRoj) 135
I also don't see the upside of being crude and vulgar. Reagan and Thatcher never behaved like that, they were class acts and MUCH more effective spokesmen for the Right.
Posted by: Bat Chain Puller at May 26, 2017 11:49 AM (Yi9Gb) True, but the times they are a changing and so is the enemy Posted by: Nevergiveup at May 26, 2017 11:50 AM (5y11N) 136
I don't even care even if it was unprecedented or if it was the most amazing body slam ever.
The media partisans take their freedom to harass, shame, intimidate, invade physical space, etc., for granted. It's just assumed that they can push any and every button they want 'til they secure a GOTCHA! without assuming any personal risk. Trolls and bullies in general do this, it's not unique to any one profession or group, but "journalists" in particular do revel in it. I cannot detail the math but there comes a line where nonphysical abuse justifies physical response. Without the math I can tell you the media apparatus arrogantly dashes this line with glee. (Except when reporting on Islamists, because, again, it's about being an asshole without assuming real-world risk.) Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If I'm supposed to care then give me someone to care about, someone who reports with integrity and objectivity and who does not use their reporting platform purely to preach to choirs while disrespecting everyone else. I'm not going to hold my breath. Democracy dies in darkness, I'm told, so I think fair reporting is worth a body slam or two. Posted by: Don't Even Care at May 26, 2017 11:50 AM (wx6iv) 137
Yeah, he wasn't giving a fucking press conference or addressing a group; he was in a separate office giving a solo interview to the Fox chick when the dick entered. I want to know if the door was closed too; then countercharge the dick with trespassing.
Posted by: andycanuck at May 26, 2017 11:50 AM (nlbfN) 138
by the way, this was a headline on yahoo's home page:
Republicans' 7-point win in last night's Montana election is great news for Democrats. source of course was Vox. Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at May 26, 2017 11:50 AM (ILitO) 139
Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at May 26, 2017 11:38 AM (sEDyY)
FYI, the "Knittin Kitten" link in your nic looks like it was mistyped. It goes nowhere. Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader at May 26, 2017 11:50 AM (Z3xqO) 140
"4 F-that. Shouldn't we hold everyone to a high standard instead of settling for the lowest?"
Mmmm....nah. They wish I was extinct. Why would I do anything but fight with all the tools at my disposal. Posted by: Reality at May 26, 2017 11:51 AM (+2Hlr) 141
wtf is a change agent? does it come with credentials? do you get a nice laminated card?
Posted by: chavez the hugo at May 26, 2017 11:51 AM (KP5rU) 142
I imagine it was a pro wrestling style body slam, like Hulk Hogan slamming Andre the Giant.
Posted by: Average Guy at May 26, 2017 11:51 AM (KqRop) 143
Posted by: Bat Chain Puller at May 26, 2017 11:49 AM
BECAUSE the left is already there, this is necessary. Otherwise, they just beat on us with impunity. Looks like we need violence on both sides for awhile until the left gets back on the "polite is good" page. I don't see any other way of making that happen. It's the world we live in, now. Posted by: Rusty Nail at May 26, 2017 11:51 AM (toi7g) 144
Posted by: Yo! at May 26, 2017 11:51 AM (GwIKd) 145
I just don't like where this goes if we reward or tacitly support
physical assault of folks we disagree with. The left is already there. *** I'm all for it. The best way to get someone to stop bad behavior is to subject him to what he is dishing out. We will never get the left to reform by being nice to them. Posted by: 18-1 at May 26, 2017 11:52 AM (aZq03) 146
I've always been annoyed by the term "thought leader." Are there different kinds of leader? Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 26, 2017 11:48 AM (SRKgf) Theres a 'behind leader'. Posted by: Barney Fwank at May 26, 2017 11:52 AM (E8apb) 147
He's a piker!
Posted by: Gerry Studds at May 26, 2017 11:52 AM (uLFAe) Posted by: Yo! at May 26, 2017 11:52 AM (GwIKd) 149
Apparently the FAB is giving the commencment speech at Wellesley and is uncontrollably coughing.
Posted by: Country Singer at May 26, 2017 11:53 AM (uiwCw) 150
"Mr. Kushner previously volunteered to share with Congress what he knows
about these meetings," Kushner's lawyer, Jamie Gorelick, told NBC News. "He will do the same if he is contacted in connection with any other inquiry." Jamie Gorelick???? Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at May 26, 2017 11:46 AM (ILitO) We'll that's...interesting....scary....naive....a trainwreck? I don't know exactly how to put my thoughts on this into words. Posted by: WisRich at May 26, 2017 11:53 AM (hdpay) 151
I've always been annoyed by the term "thought leader." Are there different kinds of leader?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 26, 2017 11:48 AM (SRKgf) Well, there's world leader Cub Scout Leader loss leader industry leader and Light Bringer name a few. Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader at May 26, 2017 11:53 AM (Z3xqO) 152
134 . . .
If her last name wasn't "Clinton" she'd be waiting tables at a vegan bistro in Portland. * * And not doing too well at it, I'll warrant. Probably have to sleep with the boss to keep her job. Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at May 26, 2017 11:53 AM (jTUfG) 153
Praying Tossoff doesn't beat Handel. The prog twit doesn't even live in the district, and Hollywood and other leftists have filled his coffers with $18 mil.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at May 26, 2017 11:53 AM (PY9jH) 154
Republicans' 7-point win in last night's Montana election is great news for Democrats. Their premise being, I'm sure, that the Rs are losing ground (but still winning) after Trump. Well, then, you can't ALSO go with the premise that the body slam had an impact, because that wouldn't bellwether other races. IOW, they're seeking a rationale and have settled on two conflicting ones. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 26, 2017 11:53 AM (oVJmc) 155
Based Stickman/Pepe 2024
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Glory to Kekistan! No Longer Accepting Harem Applicants at May 26, 2017 11:53 AM (TwwWO) 156
That guy had every right to punch Etheridge in the throat.
Posted by: Insomniac - forgotten but not gone at May 26, 2017 11:53 AM (0mRoj) 157
Jamie Gorelick????
Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at May 26, 2017 11:46 AM (ILitO) Why not? As long as graft, corruption, double dealing and lying are sop in DC...she'll have a job. Posted by: BignJames at May 26, 2017 11:53 AM (x9c8r) Posted by: It's Me donna at May 26, 2017 11:53 AM (O2RFr) 159
by the way, this was a headline on yahoo's home page:
Republicans' 7-point win in last night's Montana election is great news for Democrats. source of course was Vox. Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken ______ And the fact that Gianforte LOST in the last election when he ran statewide against the Democrat Governor shows that Montana is not some automatic Red State. But if I were Democrat Senator Tester, I'd be scared shitless in 2018. Here's to hoping we can recruit someone that is a quality candidate. Posted by: Maritime at May 26, 2017 11:53 AM (SCkw/) 160
123 Media is already claiming it will ruin his bid for governor.
I'll take that bet. Posted by: phineas gage at May 26, 2017 11:48 AM (XsVWn) In New York, or California? sure... In Montana? It will GAIN him votes... Posted by: Achilles, in his Rage at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (NgKpN) Posted by: Sphynx at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (OZmbA) Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (sEDyY) 163
Posted by: Very Undude at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (uLFAe) 164
I'm not really convinced this "assault" was a big deal. Clearly, the pussy, Ben Jacobs, lied about it being a "body slam" and everybody got all judgy about it before knowing what the facts were.
Granted, Gianforte should probably have just told him to piss off and been done with it. Posted by: V the K at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (O7MnT) 165
Apparently the FAB is giving the commencment speech at Wellesley and is uncontrollably coughing.
Posted by: Country Singer at May 26, 2017 11:53 AM (uiwCw) Frankly I don't give a damn anymore. LOL Posted by: Nevergiveup at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (5y11N) 166
wtf is a change agent?
Chelsea: "At its most distilled level, we try to make a positive, impactful, empowering difference in whatever ways we can. It's the story of any of our programmatic work over time,..." Posted by: Ignoramus, Thought Leader, Change Agent at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (+7/1f) 167
I've decided, regardless of what actually happen and I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing turns out to be a total fabrication, that I don't care if he cleaned this retard's clock.
The last eight years I've put up with pre-genocidal threats, humiliations, and government intrusion into my life on a scale not seen in a long time. They've made it clear they would either put me in a camp or outright kill me if given the chance. I've decided they're not getting that chance. I can lament that we're descending to such a level. But I didn't start it. I want to be left alone. That is no longer possible so I will now laugh and point when a "journalist" gets his or her head caved in. Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (4ErVI) 168
Chelsea Clinton, I am still amazed that her brain generates sufficient consciousness to qualify her as alive. Fungus is more cerebral.
Posted by: Strobe at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (gbWkA) 169
Setting correct link URL
Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (sEDyY) 170
152: that would be a fireable offense. the boss has his pick of better looking phillies than that.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (KP5rU) 171
Apparently the FAB is giving the commencement speech at Wellesley and is uncontrollably coughing.
See? She was fit for office! Posted by: andycanuck at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (nlbfN) 172
109..Jamie Gorelick has been advising Trump and family regarding how to structure their business and blind trusts to avoid conflicts of interest since before Trump was elected. She is considered to be an expert in those types of legal requirements to work in government.
Posted by: Jen the original at May 26, 2017 11:55 AM (8AwtM) 173
I imagine it was a pro wrestling style body slam, like Hulk Hogan slamming Andre the Giant. Posted by: Average Guy at May 26, 2017 11:51 AM (KqRop) Oh yeah..that is a body slam..I saw a pic of the guardian reporter..pffttt..I could rough him up. Posted by: IC at May 26, 2017 11:55 AM (a0IVu) 174
I breathed a sigh of relief when Ben Carson dropped out of the 2016 race. The man is too kind and thoughtful. He would have been slandered mercilessly and not known what to do about it.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at May 26, 2017 11:55 AM (VdICR) 175
I'm all for it.
The best way to get someone to stop bad behavior is to subject him to what he is dishing out. We will never get the left to reform by being nice to them. Posted by: 18-1 at May 26, 2017 11:52 AM (aZq03) WORD. You dont negotiate with bullies. You hurt them. And my mom helped me stop pinching other kids by pinching me... hard. "Thats how it feels". Worked. I should have called HHS but she would have told them to f*ck off. And well rotary phones were a challenge. Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 26, 2017 11:55 AM (E8apb) 176
Jamie Gorelick????
Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at May 26, 2017 11:46 AM (ILitO) We'll that's...interesting....scary....naive....a trainwreck? I don't know exactly how to put my thoughts on this into words. Posted by: WisRich at May 26, 2017 11:53 AM (hdpay) So she's in private practice now? Hmmm... One thing I will say for Jamie "Master of Disaster" Gorelick: she may have been massively incompetent at all of her government jobs, but she is very adept at managing to land on her feet. That's the one thing she's good at. Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader at May 26, 2017 11:55 AM (Z3xqO) 177
"At its most distilled level, we try to make a positive, impactful, empowering difference in whatever ways we can. It's the story of any of our programmatic work over time,..." Posted by: Ignoramus, Thought Leader, Change Agent at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (+7/1f) I doubt she understands half the word soup coming out of her mouth. Posted by: Jane D'oh at May 26, 2017 11:56 AM (PY9jH) 178
If her last name wasn't "Clinton" she'd be waiting tables at a vegan bistro in Portland. Posted by: Insomniac - forgotten but not gone at May 26, 2017 11:50 AM (0mRoj) Where would she be if she used her dad's last name instead of her mother's. Chelsea Hubbell Posted by: Timon at May 26, 2017 11:56 AM (RjcAj) 179
Concerning Etheridge -The kid should have decked his ass and ran off to set up an alibi and retain his cousin Vinny.
Posted by: The Walking Dude at May 26, 2017 11:56 AM (ARzf8) 180
"At its most distilled level, we try to make a positive, impactful, empowering difference in whatever ways we can. It's the story of any of our programmatic work over time,..." Posted by: Ignoramus, Thought Leader, Change Agent at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (+7/1f) She could get a job/award or both from Farcebook. That's some gibberish that Suckerberg can appreciate Posted by: TheQuietMan at May 26, 2017 11:56 AM (493sH) 181
You would think that Gianforte had hit a guy on the head with a bike lock while wearing a mask or something...
That story is being massaged like the very devil locally. Yes, the local news media are covering it, all the while not using the words "Black Bloc" or "Antifa". The local Berkeley detectives puffing out their chests about the arrest, no mention of the 4chan people who revealed his ID. Posted by: navybrat at May 26, 2017 11:57 AM (w7KSn) 182
The same media that sought to understand the rage and violence of Ferguson thugs is telling us that violence is unforgivable.
Understanding, like all their platitudes, is only for when it's convenient for their agenda. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 26, 2017 11:57 AM (oVJmc) 183
"At its most distilled level, we try to make a positive, impactful,
empowering difference in whatever ways we can. It's the story of any of our programmatic work over time,... Someone should ask her what that means.. it would be a hoot to see her struggle with an original thought... Posted by: It's Me donna at May 26, 2017 11:57 AM (O2RFr) Posted by: fixerupper at May 26, 2017 11:57 AM (8XRCm) 185
UM, UH, AND WHEN YOU GET SOMEBODY WHO DON'T CARE WHAT A SLIM JIM COSTS, OOH, WELL, SOMETIMES YA GOTTA SLAM EM. TO MAKE A POINT, Y'KNOW? Posted by: zombie Randy Savage, FL13 early favorite at May 26, 2017 11:57 AM (eXSOZ) 186
I just don't like where this goes if we reward or tacitly support physical assault of folks we disagree with. The left is already there.
I know this is not what you meant, but I heard people from Manchester after their little girls were slaughtered say the a similar thing. But in general, yes, violence is not the way, but people shouldn't ever feel guilty for defending themselves or taking pre-emptive action. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at May 26, 2017 11:57 AM (ODxAs) 187
145 I just don't like where this goes if we reward or tacitly support
physical assault of folks we disagree with. The left is already there. *** I'm all for it. The best way to get someone to stop bad behavior is to subject him to what he is dishing out. We will never get the left to reform by being nice to them. Posted by: 18-1 at May 26, 2017 11:52 AM (aZq03) ---------------------- Up to and including murder? What's your limit? Posted by: Bat Chain Puller at May 26, 2017 11:57 AM (Yi9Gb) 188
Chelsea Clinton: Agent of C.H.A.N.G.E.
Posted by: Lord Chancellor johnd01 at May 26, 2017 11:58 AM (ukNFU) 189
Frankly I don't give a damn anymore. LOL
Posted by: Nevergiveup at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (5y11N) Every time Hillary coughs A devil gets his wings (ok, I know it didn't rhyme. sue me) Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader at May 26, 2017 11:58 AM (Z3xqO) 190
The kid with Etheridge had it on tape.
If he'd decked the a-hole, he could show it was justified. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 26, 2017 11:58 AM (oVJmc) Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at May 26, 2017 11:58 AM (ILitO) 192
183 "At its most distilled level, we try to make a positive, impactful,
empowering difference in whatever ways we can. It's the story of any of our programmatic work over time,... Someone should ask her what that means.. it would be a hoot to see her struggle with an original thought... Posted by: It's Me donna at May 26, 2017 11:57 AM (O2RFr) Anybody using the word "impactful" in a non-mocking fashion should be beaten with a sock full of quarters. Posted by: Insomniac - forgotten but not gone at May 26, 2017 11:58 AM (0mRoj) 193
>>Posted by: zombie Randy Savage,
ITS FUNNY BECAUSE ITS ALL CAPS LIKE HE WAS SAYING IT ALL LOUD AND STUFF LIKE PRO WRESTLERS DO ON CAMERA Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at May 26, 2017 11:58 AM (OZmbA) Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at May 26, 2017 11:59 AM (sEDyY) 195
A bit off topic but only for a sec. Every Memorial Day I hold a Silent Toast to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country and for us. I invite you to join in on Monday, at 1800 Pacific Time (that's 6 PM for you Marines out there) to take a moment wherever you are, and raise a glass in silent tribute. This is something I have been doing for many years and this year will include friends and colleagues in places such as Sydney, Afghanistan, Berlin, Tokyo, Prague, and all over the US. Thanks in advance...enjoy the weekend. Now back to your regularly scheduled Dem bashing. Posted by: Diogenes at May 26, 2017 11:59 AM (0tfLf) 196
Anybody using the word "impactful" in a non-mocking fashion should be beaten with a sock full of quarters.
And empowering... Hate that... Posted by: It's Me donna at May 26, 2017 11:59 AM (O2RFr) 197
186 I just don't like where this goes if we reward or tacitly support physical assault of folks we disagree with. The left is already there.
I know this is not what you meant, but I heard people from Manchester after their little girls were slaughtered say the a similar thing. But in general, yes, violence is not the way, but people shouldn't ever feel guilty for defending themselves or taking pre-emptive action. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at May 26, 2017 11:57 AM (ODxAs) Violence never solved anything! Posted by: Literal Hitler at May 26, 2017 11:59 AM (0mRoj) 198
Just listening to the concerns around education and climate change, women's health, child marriage, access to technology, all of those are of course interconnected," Clinton said while participating on a panel at the CARE National Conference in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. She added, "We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness, as well as individual outrages that do demand our attention.
Gotta admit, shoving that many platitudes into just a couple of sentences takes some real talent. If a republican can give a beat down to a reporter and still win, imagine what a politician running against Chelsea could do, and still win. Liberals, keep pushing Chelsea. Matter of fact, for the 2020 presidential race: Chelsea/Carolyn Kennedy would make a great ticket. Posted by: nerdygirl at May 26, 2017 11:59 AM (+lVUW) 199
I think left wing reporters need a lesson in safe spaces. And the penalty for violating a safe space is good old fashion Gorilla Monsoon Body Slam...But hey that's me
Posted by: Nevergiveup at May 26, 2017 11:59 AM (5y11N) 200
Up to and including murder? What's your limit?
Posted by: Bat Chain Puller at May 26, 2017 11:57 AM I refuse to define a limit, because I don't know what the left will throw at me and I won't tie my hands behind my own back. They'll get what they give. That's the best answer. They'll get what they give. Posted by: Rusty Nail at May 26, 2017 11:59 AM (toi7g) 201
Honestly, punching out a "journolist" would make want to vote for somebody even more!
I don't see a problem here. In fact, I'm hoping I see a TREND. Posted by: Agent Cooper at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (INRVS) 202
Posted by: zombie Randy Savage, FL13 early favorite at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (eXSOZ) 203
After the whole Corey Lewandowski saga where even conservatives jumped on the bandwagon that he had "battered" a woman and thrown her to the ground, I'm definitely in the skeptical camp for most of these stories. I honestly believed it until I saw the video.
That being said, I do think from the audio the Montana Republican handled it poorly. Oh well, I'm not going to support a folk-singing, Bernie Sanders wannabe as punishment for a guy losing his cool. Posted by: Maritime at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (SCkw/) 204
Up to and including murder? What's your limit?
Posted by: Bat Chain Puller at May 26, 2017 11:57 AM (Yi9Gb) ______ Limits, like water, will find their own level. Posted by: IP at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (UmSfZ) 205
The best way to get someone to stop bad behavior is to subject him to what he is dishing out.
So in other words we need a 'Get A Prog Fired Week'? Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (TppKb) 206
Murder is illegal. Violent self-defense is not. It concerns me that you're pretending not to understand such simple things. Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Glory to Kekistan! No Longer Accepting Harem Applicants at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (TwwWO) 207
Activist, Thought Leader, Change Agent ...
It's like degrees of Black Belt, you see. You work your way up, hoping to reach the nearly unreachable 10th degree: Light Worker! Posted by: Ignoramus, Thought Leader, Change Agent at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (+7/1f) Posted by: Flying Allende Brothers at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (nFwvY) 209
Violence never solved anything! Posted by: Literal Hitler at May 26, 2017 11:59 AM (0mRoj) Violence is not the only option...but it is an option. Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (E8apb) 210
>>I just don't like where this goes if we reward or tacitly support
physical assault of folks we disagree with. The left is already there. Already there --- and escalating. And the MSM is not only normalizing it, but encouraging it. If nothing else, Gianforte's incident showed them to by the massive hypocrites they are. So many of the offended, concerned journalists have "Punch a Nazi" glee and approval comments/tweets that they have nothing to stand on. Don't know if it matters anymore, but it *is* forcing a discussion on political violence that hundreds of Lefty attacks didn't. Posted by: Lizzy at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (NOIQH) 211
Concerning Etheridge -The kid should have decked his ass and ran off to set up an alibi and retain his cousin Vinny.
Posted by: The Walking Dude at May 26, 2017 11:56 AM (ARzf ![]() When that douchebag grabbed the kid's arm? I believe that's called assault. The kid would have been within his rights to file a complaint with the DC Police. He was probably way too flabbergasted to think of that, though. Probably nothing would've happened. Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader at May 26, 2017 12:01 PM (Z3xqO) 212
It's pretty obvious the little presslut did this for the sole purpose of staging a "body slam". You know, walk into a candidate's office the night before an election, shove a recorder in his face, and begin grilling him like a DA with a hostile witness in a murder case. Then when the candidate tries to push the recorder out of his face, fall to the ground like a soccer wimp and exclaim "you just body slammed me!" knowing there's no video to back up the claim. I hope the next time the little vagfart tries this he gets the full Jimmy Snuka Superfly off-the-top-rope treatment. Twice.
Posted by: Free Beer Tomorrow at May 26, 2017 12:01 PM (jo2YY) 213
Do you ever notice that the dumbest people use complicated sounding words and organize them in sentences that sound clever (to them and other stupid peeple) but are really empty nonsense; case in point Obama, Hillary, Chelsea...Really smart people like Ben Carson use very simple language to state obvious truths like 'the best way to help people on welfare is to get them off it'.
Posted by: IC at May 26, 2017 12:01 PM (a0IVu) 214
"We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness, as well as individual outrages that do demand our attention."
--- would someone explain what 'focus' means to her. several times... Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at May 26, 2017 12:01 PM (PNcou) 215
Up to and including murder? What's your limit?
Posted by: Bat Chain Puller at May 26, 2017 11:57 AM (Yi9Gb) Some folks need killin'. Posted by: Insomniac - forgotten but not gone at May 26, 2017 12:01 PM (0mRoj) 216
I, Ben...Jacobs, have a answer your question. As you, Ben Jacobs, travel conventional means, the normals you travel with experience malfunctions. As you realize ALL THAT IS LEFT is total self-destruction, do you, Ben Jacobs, show self-pity? DO YOU, Ben Jacobs, try to reason why? Do you, Ben Jacobs, try and comfort the normals that have even more fear than you? Or do you, Ben Jacobs, kick the doors out? Kick the cockpit door down. Take the two pilots that have already made the sacrifice so that you can face the challenge. Dispose of them, Ben Jacobs. Assume the controls, Ben Jacobs. SHOVE THAT CONTROL INTO A NOSEDIVE, BEN JACOBS!!! Puss yourself to total self-dstruction. As you realize, Ben Jacobs, you are about to enter a world close to Parts Unknown. Ah, smell it, warriors. Do you, Ben Jacobs, look for a place to hide? Or do you, Ben Jacobs, face the challenge that may be more powerful than EVEN YOU ARE, BEN JACOBS!!!! You, Ben Jacobs, must self-destruct so that you will know, Ben Jacobs, who is...The Elected One. FOR BEN JACOBS, I am not the Elected One...that you speak of. I am not. I, BEN JACOBS, am...the *SCRONK* Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at May 26, 2017 12:01 PM (/K7cs) 217
Gianforte is probably an asshole. Seems like an asshole for sure. That said, I give zero fucks about this.
A friend said, "Don't you think this reflects poorly on all Republicans?" I said, "Google Al Hastings. When you're educated on that topic, come back and we'll talk." Posted by: DanInMN at May 26, 2017 12:01 PM (15ZVX) 218
Violence never solved anything! Posted by: Literal Hitler at May 26, 2017 11:59 AM (0mRoj) Violence is not the only option...but it is an option. Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (E8apb) I have that T shirt by the way. Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 26, 2017 12:01 PM (E8apb) 219
Horde, A bit off topic but only for a sec. Every Memorial Day I hold a Silent Toast to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country and for us. I invite you to join in on Monday, at 1800 Pacific Time (that's 6 PM for you Marines out there) to take a moment wherever you are, and raise a glass in silent tribute. This is something I have been doing for many years and this year will include friends and colleagues in places such as Sydney, Afghanistan, Berlin, Tokyo, Prague, and all over the US. Thanks in advance...enjoy the weekend. Now back to your regularly scheduled Dem bashing. Posted by: Diogenes at May 26, 2017 11:59 AM (0tfLf) Will do so most definitely. Attended the Propeller Club's annual Maritime Day dinner last night on the river. It was a beautiful ceremony, remembering those lost in the maritime community here and around the world. Lovely wreath ceremony from the boat onto the river, as the sun set. Semper Fi. Posted by: Jane D'oh at May 26, 2017 12:02 PM (PY9jH) 220
166 wtf is a change agent?
Chelsea: "At its most distilled level, we try to make a positive, impactful, empowering difference in whatever ways we can. It's the story of any of our programmatic work over time,..." Posted by: Ignoramus, Thought Leader, Change Agent at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (+7/1f) Well... a ticket agent is someone who takes tickets... So a change agent.... takes all your spare change? Posted by: Don Q. at May 26, 2017 12:02 PM (NgKpN) 221
when the left wing, the BLM types, the anarchists, and rest o f the rabble on the left get concerned about violence, get back to me. Until then I have to worry about the Yankee's Starting Pitching
Posted by: Nevergiveup at May 26, 2017 12:02 PM (5y11N) 222
201 Honestly, punching out a "journolist" would make want to vote for somebody even more!
I don't see a problem here. In fact, I'm hoping I see a TREND. Posted by: Agent Cooper at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (INRVS) Exactly. I said this yesterday, that Republican elected officials need to start head-butting reporters who get in their faces and act like dicks. Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader at May 26, 2017 12:02 PM (Z3xqO) 223
So she's in private practice now? Hmmm... One thing I will say for Jamie "Master of Disaster" Gorelick: she may have been massively incompetent at all of her government jobs, but she is very adept at managing to land on her feet. That's the one thing she's good at. Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader at May 26, 2017 11:55 AM (Z3xqO) One additional thought. The Dem's really shot themselves in the foot regarding Trump. He and the Trump family surround themseleves with liberals and democrats. Most of the family are liberals. Trump is not an ideologue. Trump responds to and rewards effusive praise. They could of had most of their agenda if they had just played nice with Trump. I'm going to say a small prayer right now, giving thanks for the Democrats stupidity. Posted by: WisRich at May 26, 2017 12:03 PM (hdpay) 224
Hilarious hat and sunglasses sock off.
Posted by: Sporkatus at May 26, 2017 12:03 PM (eXSOZ) 225
L'affaire du jour. Big old yawn. The Media Machine will crank out these incidents, to Infinity.
I am not going to let these people play me. The proper response is... ignore.. on my personal level. Posted by: kraken at May 26, 2017 12:03 PM (zSVEm) 226
>>That being said, I do think from the audio the Montana Republican handled it poorly. Posted by: Maritime at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (SCkw/)
He handled it too loudly. He should simply have quickly grasped the man's windpipe, crushed it, and then eaten the reporter's face like a mantis eating a cicada. Wordlessly, calmly, curiously, with interest. Posted by: General Zod at May 26, 2017 12:03 PM (Bdeb0) 227
Oh well, I'm not going to support a folk-singing, Bernie Sanders wannabe as punishment for a guy losing his cool.
Yeah, for President the Democrats nominate Pantsuit Nixon, and for MT Congress they nominate the Rhinestone Cowboy. Keep at it, guys, we're lovin' it. Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:03 PM (TppKb) 228
It would not surprise me if they got warrants to search the Kushner children's toy chests. And look under their beds.
This is insane. And it will continue for 8 long years. Posted by: gracepc at May 26, 2017 12:04 PM (OU4q6) 229
Thanks in advance...enjoy the weekend.
Now back to your regularly scheduled Dem bashing. Posted by: Diogenes at May 26, 2017 11:59 AM (0tfLf) ___________________ At 10am CT, the American Legion Riders will lead a procession to the city cemetery, and as VP, I will lay a wreath on their behalf.There will be several glasses raised throughout the day, and I will indeed add yours to that list. Posted by: IP at May 26, 2017 12:04 PM (UmSfZ) 230
You saw that ... Congressman Etheridge copped a 'feel'
Posted by: undocumented SMOD at May 26, 2017 12:04 PM (e8kgV) 231
The media reported it like the pencilecked reporter was just asking a difficult question at a presser and the candidate bodyslammed him. The FNC's Alicia Acuna, sensing she could piggyback some fame out of this, lied that Gianforte grabbed the guy by his pencil neck.
It wasn't a presser at all. Gianforte was giving a private interview in a closed office when pencilneck busted in shouting questions. He was asked to leave nicely, then not so nicely, but kept shouting questions, trying to provoke a reaction. And he wasn't the first Guardian a-hole to pull this stunt either. Once Acuna hastily walked back her lying lies when pencilneck HIMSELF walked it back, this thing became a nothingburger. Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at May 26, 2017 12:04 PM (ul9CR) 232
He and the Trump family surround themseleves with liberals and democrats. Most of the family are liberals. Trump is not an ideologue. Trump responds to and rewards effusive praise.
They could of had most of their agenda if they had just played nice with Trump. I'm going to say a small prayer right now, giving thanks for the Democrats stupidity. Posted by: WisRich at May 26, 2017 12:03 PM (hdpay) Maybe you shouldn't have said this out loud. No need to give them any ammo. ![]() Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader at May 26, 2017 12:04 PM (Z3xqO) 233
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy
Applause for authentic ULTIMATE WARRIOR Johnson frontier gibberish. Posted by: Sporkatus at May 26, 2017 12:04 PM (eXSOZ) 234
He handled it too loudly. He should simply have quickly grasped the man's windpipe, crushed it, and then eaten the reporter's face like a mantis eating a cicada. Wordlessly, calmly, curiously, with interest.
"I'm sorry I had to kill him", he said, more in sorrow than in anger. Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:04 PM (TppKb) 235
then eaten the reporter's face like a mantis eating a cicada. Wordlessly, calmly, curiously, with interest.
Posted by: General Zod at May 26, 2017 12:03 PM (Bdeb0) That's way out of line... his liver and some fava beans and a nice Chianti is the way to go Posted by: Nevergiveup at May 26, 2017 12:05 PM (5y11N) 236
Someone shows up to take me to the camps, I'm opening fire. Someone places me in reasonable fear of my or my kids' life or serious bodily injury, I'm opening fire. Black masked Bolsheviks come at me with clubs, I'm opening fire. Fuck this weak-ass, pacifist, bend over and take it up the ass to avoid not being nice bullshit.
Posted by: Insomniac - forgotten but not gone at May 26, 2017 12:05 PM (0mRoj) 237
"We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness, as well as individual outrages that do demand our attention." --- would someone explain what 'focus' means to her. several times... Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at May 26, 2017 12:01 PM (PNcou) This sounds like Scientology, only Scientology makes (relatively) more sense. Posted by: Agent Cooper at May 26, 2017 12:05 PM (INRVS) Posted by: 18-1 at May 26, 2017 12:05 PM (aZq03) 239
204 Up to and including murder? What's your limit?
Posted by: Bat Chain Puller at May 26, 2017 11:57 AM (Yi9Gb) ______ Limits, like water, will find their own level. --- The only limit that works is Tat Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at May 26, 2017 12:05 PM (PNcou) 240
As Chris Kyle's motto for Craft intl stated," despite what your momma told you,violence does solve problems."
Posted by: Jen the original at May 26, 2017 12:05 PM (8AwtM) 241
Violence never solved anything!
Posted by: Literal Hitler at May 26, 2017 11:59 AM (0mRoj) * * Oh, really? Posted by: The Carthaginians at May 26, 2017 12:06 PM (jTUfG) 242
He handled it too loudly. He should simply have
quickly grasped the man's windpipe, crushed it, and then eaten the reporter's face like a mantis eating a cicada. Wordlessly, calmly, curiously, with interest. Posted by: General Zod at May 26, 2017 12:03 PM (Bdeb0) LoL..someone send Gianforte some bath salts quick..and let that quisling Paul Ryan know he is coming armed to DC. Posted by: IC at May 26, 2017 12:06 PM (a0IVu) 243
226 >>That being said, I do think from the audio the Montana Republican handled it poorly. Posted by: Maritime at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (SCkw/)
He handled it too loudly. He should simply have quickly grasped the man's windpipe, crushed it, and then eaten the reporter's face like a mantis eating a cicada. Wordlessly, calmly, curiously, with interest. Posted by: General Zod at May 26, 2017 12:03 PM (Bdeb0) Break the wrist, walk away. Posted by: Insomniac - forgotten but not gone at May 26, 2017 12:06 PM (0mRoj) 244
>>Someone should ask her what that means.. it would be a hoot to see her struggle with an original thought...
She is consistently incoherent. It really is entertaining to see how many buzzwords and progressive cliches she can pack into a single run-on sentence! Posted by: Lizzy at May 26, 2017 12:06 PM (NOIQH) Posted by: Curtis LeMay at May 26, 2017 12:07 PM (TppKb) 246
208 Al Franken bodyslammed a citizen and bragged about it: Posted by: Flying Allende Brothers at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (nFwvY) Yeah and the pussy coward Franken tackled the guy from behind. Then bragged he 'used a wrestling move on him' Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 26, 2017 12:07 PM (E8apb) 247
"Montana authorities have arrested Glen Gianforte, GOP candidate for the House, with eating a man's face. Local Bozeman pols expect Gianforte's unorthodox approach to reportage of his campaign to redound to the candidate's benefit among face-hungry Montanans."
Posted by: General Zod at May 26, 2017 12:07 PM (Bdeb0) 248
Really late and OT, but which AoSHQ membership plan comes with installation complementary arm tits? Asking for a friend... Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 26, 2017 12:08 PM (AJwk0) Posted by: Eric Strattan, Damn Glad to Meet You at May 26, 2017 12:08 PM (+7/1f) 250
This is a great video from the Australian senate. A female senator is questioning a male senator and accuses him of 'mansplaining'....and that's when the fight started..... Posted by: Tami at May 26, 2017 12:08 PM (Enq6K) 251
Up to and including murder? What's your limit?
Posted by: Bat Chain Puller at May 26, 2017 11:57 AM (Yi9Gb) ---- Yes, because standing up for oneself and not allowing yourself to be intimated by bike lock throwing pussies or cresspy stalking journalists always leads to murder. Your concern is [] Noted [] Not Noted [x] STFU [x] GTFO Posted by: fixerupper at May 26, 2017 12:08 PM (8XRCm) 252
OT, some lucky soldiers got to take a photo with a very hot looking Flotus in Italy..
Posted by: IC at May 26, 2017 12:08 PM (a0IVu) 253
43 226 >>That being said, I do think from the audio the Montana Republican handled it poorly. Posted by: Maritime at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (SCkw/)
He handled it too loudly. He should simply have quickly grasped the man's windpipe, crushed it, and then eaten the reporter's face like a mantis eating a cicada. Wordlessly, calmly, curiously, with interest. Posted by: General Zod at May 26, 2017 12:03 PM (Bdeb0) A little bit a' the ultra! Posted by: Clockwork Orange at May 26, 2017 12:09 PM (E8apb) 254
>>No, he shouldn't have done that, but that's a far cry from what Gianforte did.
Do you have a video of what Gianforte actually did? If not, how do you know what Gianforte did was a far cry from anything? He has been charged with misdemeanor assault not murder in the first. That's about as weak a charge as possible. The left no longer has reporters, they have activists who go out of their way to frame Republicans in a bad light. During Trump's campaign, they sent in activists to try and provoke Trump supporters into violence. We know this because we have they guys who planned it on tape bragging about it. The left is using every tactic in the book to beat Republicans or anyone who challenge them and that includes violence. I'm all out of shits to give about a Republican pushing back using their own tactics. Posted by: JackStraw at May 26, 2017 12:09 PM (/tuJf) 255
I see Jared is about the get the full body cavity search for being an agent of Russia. I wonder if after this and Princess Ivanka getting treated like shit if they might rethink their fashionably liberal views about things? Posted by: TheQuietMan at May 26, 2017 12:10 PM (493sH) 256
All I care about is the fact that there will be one less Democrat in Congress.
The rest of it is garnish, like that parsley nonsense you push to the side of your plate. Posted by: kraken at May 26, 2017 12:10 PM (zSVEm) Posted by: Nevergiveup at May 26, 2017 12:10 PM (5y11N) 258
That being said, I do think from the audio the Montana Republican handled it poorly. Posted by: Maritime at May 26, 2017 12:00 PM (SCkw/)
He handled it too loudly. He should simply have quickly grasped the man's windpipe, crushed it, and then eaten the reporter's face like a mantis eating a cicada. Wordlessly, calmly, curiously, with interest. Posted by: General Zod ________ I like the strategy of creating audio that had nothing to do with what was going on. Like accusing the reporter of fondling his kid while he was beating the shit out of him. Posted by: Maritime at May 26, 2017 12:10 PM (SCkw/) 259
Violence never solved anything!
Sure it does, if you win. Not so much if you get the silver medal. Only one way to stop a bully. Stand up to him/her. Most are cowards and they will back down. If they don't, kick some butt. Ironically you don't even have to win the fight to have him/her leave you alone. (Bullies hate a fat lip.) Its just more fun if you do. Posted by: Diogenes at May 26, 2017 12:10 PM (0tfLf) 260
wtf is a change agent?
Makes change in the NYC Subway Posted by: Nevergiveup at May 26, 2017 12:10 PM (5y11N) Or a rub joint in 42nd Street Posted by: Nevergiveup at May 26, 2017 12:10 PM (5y11N) 261
241 Violence never solved anything! Posted by: Literal Hitler at May 26, 2017 11:59 AM (0mRoj) However, violence has dissolved many things -- literally and figuratively. -- Prefixes: What Do Dey Do? Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 26, 2017 12:11 PM (AJwk0) 262
OT, some lucky soldiers got to take a photo with a very hot looking Flotus in Italy..
Posted by: IC at May 26, 2017 12:08 PM (a0IVu) Aunt Esther Obama: I didn't let no soldiers take no pictures with me!! Posted by: TheQuietMan at May 26, 2017 12:11 PM (493sH) 263
Your concern is
[] Noted [] Not Noted [x] STFU [x] GTFO Posted by: fixerupper at May 26, 2017 12:08 PM (8XRCm) Exactly. And did you know that your Nics nic is FU? Just sayin'. Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 26, 2017 12:11 PM (E8apb) 264
"I'm sorry things got a little out of hand with the Guardian reporter. I should learn to control my temper--and my appetite for the human face's zygomaticus major/minor muscles--and I will. You have my word as a Montanan."
Posted by: General Zod at May 26, 2017 12:11 PM (Bdeb0) Posted by: Jane D'oh at May 26, 2017 12:12 PM (PY9jH) 266
Amid all this MSM hand wringing about Gianforte and political violence, have they found time to cover the Berkley professor who was recently arrested for participating in an Antifa riot and whacking a guy in the head with a heavy bike lock???
Posted by: Lizzy at May 26, 2017 12:12 PM (NOIQH) 267
The problem with being a 0 and from a rich and powerful family is you don't develop your smart and personality muscles to make up for your looks.
Also, ask any lefty woman you know if they think Chelsea is attractive. Then be comfortable in knowing you aren't in a cult. Posted by: Chupacabra at May 26, 2017 12:12 PM (rrKIh) Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 26, 2017 12:12 PM (IqV8l) 269
242 He handled it too loudly. He should simply have
quickly grasped the man's windpipe, crushed it, and then eaten the reporter's face like a mantis eating a cicada. Wordlessly, calmly, curiously, with interest. ---- have you ever tried English food? Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at May 26, 2017 12:12 PM (PNcou) 270
By the way, I'll save you a click, it's not a "Ghost Ship", its a well known garbage barge that broke free and ran around in a storm.
I figure that's at least as helpful as anything Chelsea has done in a year or so. Posted by: IP at May 26, 2017 12:12 PM (UmSfZ) 271
So lets us not get too exercised by Gianforte's behavior.
No worries about that. It's made me positively mellow. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at May 26, 2017 12:12 PM (vRcUp) 272
Let's ask Mad Dog Mattis what he thinks about solving "problems" with violence.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at May 26, 2017 12:12 PM (PY9jH) 273
Yeah and the pussy coward Franken tackled the guy from behind. Then bragged he 'used a wrestling move on him'
I suppose it would be impolitic to suggest that had he been less careful in choosing his victim we might now be referring to 'the late Senator Franken'. Which might, from certain quarters, invite a Sir Robin's Minstrels response. Posted by: Curtis LeMay at May 26, 2017 12:12 PM (TppKb) 274
His mansplaining left her femfused.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at May 26, 2017 12:13 PM (VdICR) 275
One again I failed to remove my Underalls.
Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:13 PM (TppKb) 276
Then bragged he 'used a wrestling move on him'
Posted by: Cannibal Bob only wrestling move Franken knows is the front face-penis lock Posted by: Rick in SK at May 26, 2017 12:13 PM (FZYNt) 277
128 I just don't like where this goes if we reward or tacitly support physical assault of folks we disagree with. The left is already there.
--- I agree, and I think you and XPO172 make the point very well: XPO172 - "Shouldn't we hold everyone to a high standard instead of settling for the lowest?" --- I expect you to be just like me. I'm calm, quiet, and well behaved. I don't raise my voice in the library, and I will say "bless you" if you sneeze as you stand behind me in the checkout lane. I hold you to my high standards, and until you prove differently I don't have reason to think you're a POS. The moment you lay hands on me I have to assume you were raised poorly and need to be addressed in the ways you understand. But that first hurdle towards proper resolution of your issues will always be your choice. Posted by: Hate Has No Home Here But He Knows the Wi-Fi Key and Helps With The Weedeating at May 26, 2017 12:13 PM (fD1ST) 278
>>wtf is a change agent?
A person who says lofty but vague, banal things and then takes credit for things done by other people? Posted by: Lizzy at May 26, 2017 12:13 PM (NOIQH) 279
Jamie Gorelick? Why not? Apparently she's fucking bullet proof.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at May 26, 2017 12:14 PM (kTF2Z) 280
Amid all this MSM hand wringing about Gianforte and political violence, have they found time to cover the Berkley professor who was recently arrested for participating in an Antifa riot and whacking a guy in the head with a heavy bike lock???
Posted by: Lizzy at May 26, 2017 12:12 PM (NOIQH) Well after all THAT guy has Tenure, so he is safe. Right? Posted by: Nevergiveup at May 26, 2017 12:14 PM (5y11N) 281
259 Violence never solved anything!
Sure it does, if you win. Not so much if you get the silver medal. Only one way to stop a bully. Stand up to him/her. Most are cowards and they will back down. If they don't, kick some butt. Ironically you don't even have to win the fight to have him/her leave you alone. (Bullies hate a fat lip.) Its just more fun if you do. Posted by: Diogenes at May 26, 2017 12:10 PM (0tfLf) Exactly. As a personal example, this one asshole kid in elementary school just wouldn't leave me alone until I finally had enough and spear-tackled him. I never saw him anywhere near me again. Posted by: Insomniac - forgotten but not gone at May 26, 2017 12:14 PM (0mRoj) 282
And did you know that your Nics nic is FU? Just sayin'.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 26, 2017 12:11 PM (E8apb) ----- Its.... occured... to me. ![]() Posted by: fixerupper at May 26, 2017 12:14 PM (8XRCm) 283
278 >>wtf is a change agent?
A person who says lofty but vague, banal things and then takes credit for things done by other people? Posted by: Lizzy Present Posted by: B.Obama at May 26, 2017 12:14 PM (FZYNt) 284
276 Then bragged he 'used a wrestling move on him'
Posted by: Cannibal Bob only wrestling move Franken knows is the front face-penis lock Posted by: Rick in SK at May 26, 2017 12:13 PM (FZYNt) He and Hairy Reid practiced together. Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 26, 2017 12:14 PM (E8apb) 285
I like checking out DailyKos after a loss. They are definitely dispirited.
I hope we can also win in GA, I really think a win there for Republicans would pay off in a very big way for 2018. They need to spend whatever it takes because that really will crush the activist base to lose there. If Republicans can't beat a little snot documentary film maker in a Trump district (where he doesn't even reside) I will start to get a little worried. Posted by: Maritime at May 26, 2017 12:14 PM (SCkw/) 286
249 wtf is a change agent?
--- You give me a $20, I give you 20 McNuggets, a Large fry, an apple pie and a Coke Plus $5 $1 $1 quarter...wait, let me get a manager Posted by: Change Agent at May 26, 2017 12:15 PM (PNcou) 287
Its.... occured... to me. Posted by: fixerupper at May 26, 2017 12:14 PM (8XRCm) Yeah, I figured. Lol. Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 26, 2017 12:15 PM (E8apb) 288
Speaking of Montana, anyone else watched the Far Cry 5 trailer yet?
Posted by: Insomniac - forgotten but not gone at May 26, 2017 12:15 PM (0mRoj) Posted by: Free Beer Tomorrow at May 26, 2017 12:15 PM (jo2YY) 290
I like checking out DailyKos after a loss. They are definitely dispirited.
I hope we can also win in GA, I really think a win there for Republicans would pay off in a very big way for 2018. They need to spend whatever it takes because that really will crush the activist base to lose there. If Republicans can't beat a little snot documentary film maker in a Trump district (where he doesn't even reside) I will start to get a little worried. Posted by: Maritime at May 26, 2017 12:14 PM (SCkw/) When you have your opponent on the Ground, do NOT take your foot off his throat. That's how I roll Posted by: Nevergiveup at May 26, 2017 12:16 PM (5y11N) 291
If Republicans can't beat a little snot documentary
film maker in a Trump district (where he doesn't even reside) I will start to get a little worried. Posted by: Maritime at May 26, 2017 12:14 PM (SCkw/) The race is neck and neck right now. Tossoff has $18 mil. in his coffers, the little twit. Posted by: Jane D'oh at May 26, 2017 12:16 PM (PY9jH) 292
Only one way to stop a bully. Stand up to him/her. Most are cowards and they will back down. If they don't, kick some butt. Ironically you don't even have to win the fight to have him/her leave you alone. (Bullies hate a fat lip.) Its just more fun if you do.
Posted by: Diogenes Excellent advice. Bullies preferred meat is the easily bullied. Posted by: Potest Solum Unum at May 26, 2017 12:16 PM (HTdUD) 293
Can anyone imagine the fawning if Obama had done this to a Faux News reporter asking about Benghazi?
Posted by: Hate Has No Home Here But He Knows the Wi-Fi Key and Helps With The Weedeating at May 26, 2017 12:16 PM (fD1ST) 294
272 Let's ask Mad Dog Mattis what he thinks about solving "problems" with violence.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at May 26, 2017 12:12 PM (PY9jH) I'm sure it's the same view Mr. Rasczak had. Posted by: Chupacabra at May 26, 2017 12:16 PM (rrKIh) 295
I propose calling the rag "The New York Mexican Times" or some such.
Posted by: jbspry at May 26, 2017 11:28 AM (IhKmM) Suggestion for the Style Guide: "Los Tiempos de Nueva York" ... and really layer on that latino fricative stank on the "Y" in "York" Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:16 PM (AURKQ) 296
>>Jamie Gorelick? Why not? Apparently she's fucking bullet proof.
That is a Vox-worthy hot take, but you've got an excellent point there! Posted by: Lizzy at May 26, 2017 12:17 PM (NOIQH) 297
Well, there's world leader Cub Scout Leader loss leader industry leader Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader at May 26, 2017 11:53 AM (Z3xqO) Ledehosen Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at May 26, 2017 12:17 PM (PtOP4) 298
>>>Gianforte gave a verbal warning to the little prick. He had every right to remove his punk ass from his personal space.
. . .That's pretty much the way I feel too. If someone on either side gets into someones face they deserve what they get. Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at May 26, 2017 12:18 PM (le7jz) 299
167 I've decided, regardless of what actually happen and I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing turns out to be a total fabrication, that I don't care if he cleaned this retard's clock. The last eight years I've put up with pre-genocidal threats, humiliations, and government intrusion into my life on a scale not seen in a long time. They've made it clear they would either put me in a camp or outright kill me if given the chance. I've decided they're not getting that chance. I can lament that we're descending to such a level. But I didn't start it. I want to be left alone. That is no longer possible so I will now laugh and point when a "journalist" gets his or her head caved in. Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (4ErVI) ----------------- Same here. I will not be nice to these people any longer. Posted by: Soona at May 26, 2017 12:18 PM (Fmupd) 300
OK enough fun for now. Don't toss each other around too much. Luego.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 26, 2017 12:18 PM (E8apb) 301
293 Can anyone imagine the fawning if Obama had done this to a Faux News reporter asking about Benghazi?
Methinks Barky's idea of a body slam might be slightly different than yours... Posted by: Free Beer Tomorrow at May 26, 2017 12:18 PM (jo2YY) 302
I think Nancy Pelosi has turned the corner with her latest mental slippage.
Posted by: washrivergal at May 26, 2017 12:18 PM (+eKyB) 303
Can anyone imagine the fawning if Obama had done this to a Faux News reporter asking about Benghazi? Posted by: Hate Has No Home Here But He Knows the Wi-Fi Key and Helps With The Weedeating at May 26, 2017 12:16 PM (fD1ST) Ohh...he is so masculine, so alpha male, so in charge of the moment..o la la..(is what I imagine Olberman's reaction would have been). Posted by: IC at May 26, 2017 12:18 PM (a0IVu) 304
What the fuck is a "thought leader?"
Posted by: JoeF. at May 26, 2017 12:19 PM (7uYFy) 305
He is the executive director of the North Carolina branch of the U.S. Farm Service Agency, whatever the hell that is.
Two legs bad! Four legs good! Posted by: Bob Etheridge at May 26, 2017 12:19 PM (vRcUp) 306
282 And did you know that your Nics nic is FU? Just sayin'.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 26, 2017 12:11 PM (E8apb) ----- Its.... occured... to me. Posted by: fixerupper at May 26, 2017 12:14 PM (8XRCm) --- well it also has XE Posted by: Change Agent at May 26, 2017 12:19 PM (PNcou) 307
This thing in Minnesota, the day before the election, was a planned hit, intended to "draw a penalty," no?
Last several weeks over things Russian has felt like a replay of Pussygate, which had adverse effect on Trump but then mostly burned itself out. I don't see any exposure to Trump unless Jared has been Crossing Streams to get bailout financing for his 666 Fifth Avenue boondoggle. Posted by: Ignoramus at May 26, 2017 12:20 PM (+7/1f) 308
>>Can anyone imagine the fawning if Obama had done this to a Faux News reporter asking about Benghazi?
Or Hillary Clinton? Oh wait, that would never happen because she kept them far away, penned up in lil' rope corrals and surrounded by SS agents. And at one event had one of her people shadow each reporter, even following them into the bathroom, to ensure they didn't use tech to record anything. Which never bothered them. Posted by: Lizzy at May 26, 2017 12:20 PM (NOIQH) 309
"Los Tiempos de Nueva York"
So we are now required to refer to that cage liner as the TNY here. Got it. Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:20 PM (TppKb) 310
Thinking of setting up a GoFundMe site to pay for a Gianforte visit to the Fourth Circuit. Discuss.
Posted by: The Poster Formerly Known as Mr. Barky at May 26, 2017 12:20 PM (hKi6n) Posted by: Caitlyn Jenners surgeon at May 26, 2017 12:20 PM (PNcou) 312
I think Nancy Pelosi has turned the corner with her latest mental slippage.
Posted by: washrivergal I don't understand the words you just wrote. Could you put them in alphabetical order for me dear? Posted by: Nancy Pelosi at May 26, 2017 12:20 PM (HTdUD) 313
So we are now required to refer to that cage liner as the TNY here. Got it.
Or, specifically, 'Los TNY'. That works. Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:21 PM (TppKb) 314
>>They've made it clear they would either put me in a camp or outright kill me if given the chance.
Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (4ErVI) A glaring failure of the Trump administration--no re-education TrumpCamps. Posted by: Flavius Zod Caesar at May 26, 2017 12:21 PM (Bdeb0) 315
the Berkley professor who was recently arrested for participating in an Antifa riot and whacking a guy in the head with a heavy bike lock???
Posted by: Lizzy a guy? the psychopath whacked a bunch of people on the head with his 5 lb metal lock. Posted by: Flying Allende Brothers at May 26, 2017 12:21 PM (nFwvY) 316
293 Can anyone imagine the fawning if Obama had done this to a Faux News reporter asking about Benghazi?
Posted by: Hate Has No Home Here But He Knows the Wi-Fi Key and Helps With The Weedeating anyone recall a reporter throwing his shoes at GWB? Posted by: Rick in SK at May 26, 2017 12:21 PM (FZYNt) Posted by: Jane D'oh at May 26, 2017 12:21 PM (PY9jH) Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:21 PM (TppKb) 319
Can anyone imagine the fawning if Obama had done this to a Faux News reporter asking about Benghazi?
----- Im pretty sure Shannon Bream can kick his ass. Posted by: fixerupper at May 26, 2017 12:21 PM (8XRCm) 320
I'm more butch than Uncle Bob.
Posted by: Melissa Etheridge at May 26, 2017 12:22 PM (bc2Lc) 321
>>Can anyone imagine the fawning if Obama had done this to a Faux News reporter asking about Benghazi?
Remember how outraged the media was when Obama told his supporters to get in the faces of anyone who didn't agree with them and to bring a gun if they have a knife? The media thought they had a win with this issue. I was in the car most of the day yesterday listening to the radio and it was non-stop coverage of this stupid little incident. To the extent they care at all about this issue it is only as a club to continue beating us with. Fuck 'em. Sorry, not sorry. Posted by: JackStraw at May 26, 2017 12:22 PM (/tuJf) 322
a guy? the psychopath whacked a bunch of people on the head with his 5 lb metal lock.
You forgot the part about where he bought a BUNCH of those locks for other protesters... Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:22 PM (TppKb) 323
314. Ha! The God-Emperor has gone one better than that!
Re-education camps? You're soaking in it, to quote the Palmolive commercial. Next step - Golden Path, bitchezz! Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Glory to Kekistan! No Longer Accepting Harem Applicants at May 26, 2017 12:22 PM (TwwWO) 324
309 "Los Tiempos de Nueva York"
So we are now required to refer to that cage liner as the TNY here. Got it. Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:20 PM (TppKb) ?Como se dice "Cage liner" en espan~ol? Posted by: Curmudgeon at May 26, 2017 12:22 PM (ujg0T) 325
Im pretty sure Shannon Bream can kick his ass.
Posted by: fixerupper at May 26, 2017 12:21 PM (8XRCm) I'm pretty sure an actual bream could kick his ass. Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:23 PM (AURKQ) 326
Don't forget: He raised $100k AFTER the story came out.
It's almost like there's unheard group of Americans out there that are getting real tired of the Democrats' shit. We could call them a Silent Majority. PS: It is most delicious that the big show of withdrawing their endorsements by the newspapers did fuck-all to hurt his election. Posted by: RoyalOil at May 26, 2017 12:23 PM (ZQpd0) 327
the psychopath whacked a bunch of people on the head with his 5 lb metal lock.
better than getting hit with a 5lb cock Posted by: Rick in SK at May 26, 2017 12:23 PM (FZYNt) 328
You forgot the part about where he bought a BUNCH of those locks for other protesters...
Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:22 PM (TppKb) ---- That would be "malice afore-thought" and "conspiracy". Posted by: fixerupper at May 26, 2017 12:23 PM (8XRCm) 329
anyone recall a reporter throwing his shoes at GWB?
Posted by: Rick in SK at May 26, 2017 12:21 PM (FZYNt) Arab. Overseas press conference. Posted by: ScoggDog at May 26, 2017 12:23 PM (4rETj) 330
Posted by: Lizzy at May 26, 2017 12:12 PM
He's not a Berkeley professor. He committed violence in the city of Berkeley, but he teaches at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, which is more like a large high school with ashtrays. Full disclosure: I was a student at DVC. Posted by: Rusty Nail at May 26, 2017 12:23 PM (toi7g) 331
Believe me, I lost my head over a little bit of violence.
Posted by: Mary. Queen of Scots at May 26, 2017 12:23 PM (d76uN) 332
Im pretty sure Shannon Bream can kick his ass.
Posted by: fixerupper at May 26, 2017 12:21 PM (8XRCm) --- She has a standing invite to kick mine. She can lick me easily... Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at May 26, 2017 12:24 PM (PNcou) 333
I think it's starting to dawn on these fags what's going to happen to them if things keep getting awfully awfully physical around here.
Posted by: Flying Allende Brothers at May 26, 2017 12:24 PM (nFwvY) 334
>>a guy? the psychopath whacked a bunch of people on the head with his 5 lb metal lock.
>>You forgot the part about where he bought a BUNCH of those locks for other protesters... Geez, I missed those parts! Posted by: Lizzy at May 26, 2017 12:24 PM (NOIQH) 335
Out of curiosity, has this reporter ever visited Russia or spoken to any Russian government officials or businessmen?
Posted by: Hate Has No Home Here But He Knows the Wi-Fi Key and Helps With The Weedeating at May 26, 2017 12:24 PM (fD1ST) 336
A change agent , or a thought leader are meaningless phrases made up by a bankrupt political and cultural group... the purpose of these type of phrases are to enable followers to project on the phrases whatever meaning they come up with, at a given time.
The phrases are Protean, in that they can assume any meaning, at the convenience of the Left. Also, making up phrases is trendy, hip, and cool... Posted by: kraken at May 26, 2017 12:24 PM (zSVEm) 337
329 anyone recall a reporter throwing his shoes at GWB?
Posted by: Rick in SK at May 26, 2017 12:21 PM (FZYNt) Arab. Overseas press conference. Posted by: ScoggDog exactly. and CNN thought it was a wonderful event Posted by: Rick in SK at May 26, 2017 12:24 PM (FZYNt) 338
anyone recall a reporter throwing his shoes at GWB? Posted by: Rick in SK at May 26, 2017 12:21 PM (FZYNt) Arab. Overseas press conference. Posted by: ScoggDog at May 26, 2017 12:23 PM (4rETj) GWB ducked and the shoe hit Dana Perino.....Jasper was ok though. Posted by: Tami at May 26, 2017 12:24 PM (Enq6K) 339
If you don't want to say where your link is directed (for dramatic effect, I guess) than use the preview version of Tiny URL.
Posted by: Max Power at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (q177U) 340
So what does one bring to a bike-lock fight?
Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (AURKQ) 341
This thing in Minnesota, the day before the election, was a planned hit, intended to "draw a penalty," no? Last several weeks over things Russian has felt like a replay of Pussygate, which had adverse effect on Trump but then mostly burned itself out. I don't see any exposure to Trump unless Jared has been Crossing Streams to get bailout financing for his 666 Fifth Avenue boondoggle. . . .I seriously doubt there is anything there. Heck even Trump though he was going to lose and I am pretty sure he would not go and actively seek out the Russians, let alone them actually helping with anything because they knew he was going to lose also. That's the one thing about this whole mess that bothers me the most. Everyone, and I mean everyone including Trump himself knew that he was going to lose so why would anyone waste any effort on a losing Campaign? It doesn't make sense. Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (le7jz) 342
MSM is setting up the meme that Rs are out to kill our free press.
As Trump has been put in the position where he has to take on the likes of Los Tiempos de Nueva York and WaPo over leaks. Posted by: Ignoramus at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (+7/1f) 343
Somebody quick! Ask Nancy if she smells burnt toast. She thinks Trump should have visited countries in alphabetical order. Loony old bat.
Posted by: Strobe at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (gbWkA) 344
340 So what does one bring to a bike-lock fight?
Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (AURKQ) A gun. Posted by: Chupacabra at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (rrKIh) 345
Posted by: Insomniac - forgotten but not gone at May 26, 2017 12:15 PM (0mRoj)
Eldest Kidlet just did, says she can see why people consider it controversial. Apparently the plot has a militarized *Christian* cult forcibly taking territory in the American midwest. Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (sEDyY) Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (AURKQ) 347
I could care less. I hate the media. It was The Guardian, of all people. They are the scum of the earth. I don't care anymore. The left are so violent and even Fox is shouting "but we are better than that" blah blah blah Yeah, we are, but we are tired of losing. The left are so viciously violent, so far beyond a push back. #War Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 26, 2017 12:26 PM (fceHP) 348
nyone recall a reporter throwing his shoes at GWB?
Posted by: Rick in SK at May 26, 2017 12:21 PM (FZYNt) Arab. Overseas press conference. Posted by: ScoggDog at May 26, 2017 12:23 PM (4rETj) I believe Dana Perino actually got hurt in that incident. She wasn't hit with a shoe, but by some equipment that fell over in the fracas. The Iraqi PM actually deftly knocked away a shoe headed directly at GWB... Posted by: JoeF. at May 26, 2017 12:26 PM (7uYFy) Posted by: Zombie Gerry Studds at May 26, 2017 12:26 PM (p+Wdc) Posted by: Jasper at May 26, 2017 12:26 PM (IqV8l) 351
Know what else is cool ...
This new Republican already hates Ryan and the GOPe for throwing him under the bus. So, whatever his personal politics are on the issues - he's at least partially on our side. Posted by: Jean at May 26, 2017 12:26 PM (9TU00) 352
She has a standing invite to kick mine. She can lick me easily...
I will pay for the peanut butter and jelly if you get the whole thing on video. Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:26 PM (TppKb) 353
So what does one bring to a bike-lock fight?
Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (AURKQ) ----- Bersa Thunder 9mm Ultra Compact Pro Posted by: fixerupper at May 26, 2017 12:27 PM (8XRCm) 354
I almost hope Kushner did do something stupid with the Russians just to get his ass out of the White House.
Posted by: Maritime at May 26, 2017 12:27 PM (SCkw/) 355
This new Republican already hates Ryan and the GOPe
for throwing him under the bus. So, whatever his personal politics are on the issues - he's at least partially on our side. Posted by: Jean at May 26, 2017 12:26 PM (9TU00) If he body slams Ryan for being a dick, I'll send him money every month. Posted by: IC at May 26, 2017 12:27 PM (a0IVu) 356
wtf is a change agent?
Hydrochloric acid. Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:21 PM (TppKb) Hydrofluoric acid for the win! Posted by: Zombie Walter White at May 26, 2017 12:27 PM (gwPgz) 357
342 MSM is setting up the meme that Rs are out to kill our free press.
As Trump has been put in the position where he has to take on the likes of Los Tiempos de Nueva York and WaPo over leaks. Posted by: Ignoramus at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (+7/1f) They must still be laboring under the presumption that they're beloved. Nothing could be further from the truth. They must have forgotten all those surveys that show the press is less popular than used car salesmen, pedophiles, and serial killers. Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at May 26, 2017 12:28 PM (4ErVI) 358
343 Somebody quick! Ask Nancy if she smells burnt toast. She thinks Trump should have visited countries in alphabetical order. Loony old bat.
Posted by: Strobe at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (gbWkA) Can BoTox seep into the brain? Posted by: Curmudgeon at May 26, 2017 12:28 PM (ujg0T) Posted by: nip at May 26, 2017 12:28 PM (VqJRJ) 360
Out of curiosity, has this reporter ever visited Russia or spoken to any Russian government officials or businessmen?
Since he's still alive, I'll go with no Posted by: Jean at May 26, 2017 12:28 PM (9TU00) 361
corner has her I latest mental Nancy Pelosi slippage the turned think with.
Always been correct. Posted by: Nancy Pelosi at May 26, 2017 12:28 PM (HTdUD) 362
C'mon - it's OK now to "punch a Nazi". He just defines "Nazi" differently, is all.
Posted by: SaltyDonnie at May 26, 2017 12:28 PM (i6shs) 363
Nothing could be further from the truth. They must have forgotten all those surveys that show the press is less popular than used car salesmen, pedophiles, and serial killers.
Posted by: Dack Thrombosis what about us? Posted by: lawyers at May 26, 2017 12:28 PM (FZYNt) 364
340 So what does one bring to a bike-lock fight?
Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (AURKQ) --- The Club? Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at May 26, 2017 12:28 PM (PNcou) 365
Double word.
Posted by: Zombie Grand Imperial Cyclops Robert Byrd. at May 26, 2017 12:29 PM (gbWkA) 366
I remember GWB immediately saying something like, "I think it was a size 11!" after that shoe incident...
Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:29 PM (AURKQ) 367
I don't care anymore. The left are so violent and even Fox is shouting "but we are better than that" blah blah blah
Don't fall for that shit. That Fox garbage is one part "We're too lazy to fight" and one part "We stand with our media bros and sis's". This is a fight. Dirtiest son-of-a-bitch usually wins. Posted by: ScoggDog at May 26, 2017 12:29 PM (tcQdP) 368
"I seriously doubt there is anything there. Heck even Trump though he was going to lose and I am pretty sure he would not go and actively seek out the Russians, let alone them actually helping with anything because they knew he was going to lose also."
All these meetings of Flynn and Jared etc. happened after the election. So how could you "collude" in something that's already happened. Trump apparently hit a low point during Pussygate about his chances, but his inner circle (and us clairvoyants) thought he'd win. Posted by: Ignoramus at May 26, 2017 12:29 PM (+7/1f) 369
So what does one bring to a bike-lock fight? Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (AURKQ) An axe handle Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at May 26, 2017 12:29 PM (PtOP4) 370
Nobody ever visits us.
Posted by: Zimbabwe at May 26, 2017 12:29 PM (IqV8l) 371
So what does one bring to a bike-lock fight? Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (AURKQ) A syringe of etorphine and an industrial mangle. Posted by: Dexter Zodman at May 26, 2017 12:29 PM (Bdeb0) 372
To be fair to Bob, I would have asked those young scallawags the same thing.
Posted by: Pete Townshend at May 26, 2017 12:30 PM (vRcUp) 373
I Don't Care Anymore ~ Phil Collins Well you can tell ev'ryone I'm a down disgrace Drag my name all over the place. I don't care anymore. You can tell ev'rybody 'bout the state I'm in You won't catch me crying 'cos I just can't win. I don't care anymore I don't care anymore I don't care what you say I don't play the same games you play. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 26, 2017 12:30 PM (fceHP) 374
So what does one bring to a bike-lock fight?
Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (AURKQ) HK P7M13, shorty TDI, and an ASP Posted by: Jean at May 26, 2017 12:30 PM (9TU00) 375
I seem to remember a reporter going to Russia to interview another reporter who had been mocking the shitty reporting in the US. The Russian reporter proceeded to beclown said traveling propagandist.
But that's the only time I can think of. Posted by: Chupacabra at May 26, 2017 12:30 PM (rrKIh) Posted by: JackStraw at May 26, 2017 12:30 PM (/tuJf) 377
Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:21 PM (TppKb)
Hydrofluoric acid for the win! Posted by: Zombie Walter White at May 26, 2017 12:27 PM (gwPgz) Remember don't use the bathtub. Posted by: Jesse at May 26, 2017 12:30 PM (r5KeJ) 378
It was The Guardian, of all people. They are the scum of the earth.
It's funny. The Guardian may be hard-left, and has been for a century, but there are actual journalists there. They don't pretend to be anything other than what they are, and as such if you read their stuff with an appropriate filter it's very useful material. The blinking clock on the microwave is still right twice a day. Which puts them a big notch above most US fishwrap, even some of the name-brand stuff, that tries to hide their biases under nonsensical 'democracy is eaten by worms' and other garbage. Come on, if you're the Daily Worker say so, but do actual reportage, and we'll know how to interpret you, and we'll even credit you (hey, Matt Taibbi) when you occasionally get it right. Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:31 PM (TppKb) 379
. . .I seriously doubt there is anything there. Heck even Trump though he was going to lose and I am pretty sure he would not go and actively seek out the Russians, let alone them actually helping with anything because they knew he was going to lose also. That's the one thing about this whole mess that bothers me the most. Everyone, and I mean everyone including Trump himself knew that he was going to lose so why would anyone waste any effort on a losing Campaign? It doesn't make sense. Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (le7jz) --------------- You're wrong. I think Trump knew his chances of winning were much greater than the polls and the MFM were predicting. I don't think his winning surprised him at all. Posted by: Soona at May 26, 2017 12:31 PM (Fmupd) 380
344 340 So what does one bring to a bike-lock fight?
Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (AURKQ) A gun. Posted by: Chupacabra at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (rrKIh) --- I'm old enough to have that as the answer to ANY fight. My back won't tolerate rolling around on the ground with you fools, my blood pressure probably can't take too many strikes, and I don't intend to leave my family fatherless just because you decided to go have some fun on a school day. I'm a peaceful man and I expect you to be, too. Posted by: Hate Has No Home Here But He Knows the Wi-Fi Key and Helps With The Weedeating at May 26, 2017 12:31 PM (fD1ST) 381
Posted by: JackStraw at May 26, 2017 12:30 PM (/tuJf) The fishing implement, or the missile system? Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:31 PM (AURKQ) Posted by: lawyers at May 26, 2017 12:31 PM (FZYNt) 383
off legal douche sock!
Posted by: Rick in SK at May 26, 2017 12:32 PM (FZYNt) 384
Violence never solves anything - au contrraire mon ami.
Posted by: Strobe at May 26, 2017 12:32 PM (gbWkA) 385
>>The fishing implement, or the missile system?
Fishing implement. Did we learn nothing from Anchorman? Posted by: JackStraw at May 26, 2017 12:32 PM (/tuJf) 386
MSM is setting up the meme that Rs are out to kill our free press.
As Trump has been put in the position where he has to take on the likes of Los Tiempos de Nueva York and WaPo over leaks. Posted by: Ignoramus at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (+7/1f) If I didn't know better, I'd swear they are setting up this meme for when this Russia thing explodes in their faces and they look stupid for carrying the Democrats water, they could say, " Yeah, well what do you expect? Trump hates us!" Posted by: JoeF. at May 26, 2017 12:32 PM (7uYFy) 387
We've taken care of everything The words you read, the songs you sing The pictures that give pleasure to your eyes It's one for all, all for one We work together, common sons Never need to wonder how or why We are the priests Of the Temples of Syrinx Look around this world we made Equality of stock in trade Come and join the brotherhood of man Oh what a nice contented world Let the banners be unfurled Hold the red star proudly high in hand RUSH was SO far ahead of its time. Posted by: fixerupper at May 26, 2017 12:32 PM (8XRCm) Posted by: Rick in SK at May 26, 2017 12:32 PM (FZYNt) 389
Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 26, 2017 12:30 PM
Pretty sure that was an ex-wife song, but it works in this context. Posted by: Rusty Nail at May 26, 2017 12:33 PM (toi7g) 390
Trident. Posted by: JackStraw at May 26, 2017 12:30 PM (/tuJf) The fishing implement, or the missile system? Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:31 PM Sugarless gum Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 26, 2017 12:33 PM (IqV8l) 391
To be fair, I bring a gun to pretty much any event that doesn't involve more than 2 beers.
Posted by: Chupacabra at May 26, 2017 12:33 PM (rrKIh) 392
367 I don't care anymore. The left are so violent and even Fox is shouting "but we are better than that" blah blah blah
Don't fall for that shit. That Fox garbage is one part "We're too lazy to fight" and one part "We stand with our media bros and sis's". This is a fight. Dirtiest son-of-a-bitch usually wins. Posted by: ScoggDog at May 26, 2017 12:29 PM (tcQdP) Yup.... and of course EVERY reporter EVERYWHERE... will take the reporters side... It would be professional suicide to do otherwise... no matter how much of a douche the reporter was. Posted by: Don Q. at May 26, 2017 12:33 PM (NgKpN) 393
345 Posted by: Insomniac - forgotten but not gone at May 26, 2017 12:15 PM (0mRoj)
Eldest Kidlet just did, says she can see why people consider it controversial. Apparently the plot has a militarized *Christian* cult forcibly taking territory in the American midwest. Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (sEDyY) Yep, I can see that. They do seem to draw distinctions, though, as the pastor of the local church is part of the resistance. Looks like a badass game regardless. I think it's ridiculous it's not being released until February. Posted by: Insomniac - forgotten but not gone at May 26, 2017 12:33 PM (0mRoj) Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:33 PM (TppKb) 395
Fishing implement. Did we learn nothing from Anchorman?
Posted by: JackStraw at May 26, 2017 12:32 PM (/tuJf) Ha! My hair is still swaying from the breeze generated by that one flying past me at just a tick above scalp-level... Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:33 PM (AURKQ) 396
I'm all out of shits to give about a Republican pushing back using their own tactics.
Posted by: JackStraw at May 26, 2017 12:09 PM (/tuJf) When you are born you are alotted a certain number of shits that you may give. So be frugal with giving them. For example, I'm saving some of my shits for old age. Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Summer's Here and the Outrage Outlet Reminds You to Use Sun Scream When At the Beach! at May 26, 2017 12:33 PM (hLRSq) 397
Posted by: Jesse at May 26, 2017 12:30 PM (r5KeJ)
Jesse, I told you exactly what to buy at Home Depot! Posted by: Zombie Walter White at May 26, 2017 12:34 PM (gwPgz) 398
Best part of Professor Bike Locks -- besides the eventual trial and incarceration -- is the $200,000 bail. That's gonna leave a mark. Especially on future 'counter protests'. Excellent work 4chan. Posted by: Potest Solum Unum at May 26, 2017 12:34 PM (HTdUD) 399
388 Violence never solves anything
uttered by losers Posted by: Rick in SK at May 26, 2017 12:32 PM (FZYNt) in concert with victims... Posted by: Don Q. at May 26, 2017 12:34 PM (NgKpN) 400
To be fair, I bring a gun to pretty much any event that doesn't involve more than 2 beers.
Posted by: Chupacabra at May 26, 2017 12:33 PM (rrKIh) ---- ayup Posted by: fixerupper at May 26, 2017 12:34 PM (8XRCm) Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:34 PM (TppKb) 402
anyone recall a reporter throwing his shoes at GWB?
Posted by: Rick in SK at May 26, 2017 12:21 PM (FZYNt) the MFM thought that was hysterical. Odd what they do and don't get outraged over Posted by: TheQuietMan at May 26, 2017 12:35 PM (493sH) 403
A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week. George S. Patton.
Posted by: Strobe at May 26, 2017 12:35 PM (gbWkA) 404
"The Guardian may be hard-left, and has been for a century, but there are actual journalists there."
------- They all claim to be "actual" journalists but in my book if you have to read them through a filter they are no journalists, they are liars with a byline. Posted by: Decaf at May 26, 2017 12:35 PM (ZZwkY) 405
You're wrong. I think Trump knew his chances of winning were much greater than the polls and the MFM were predicting. I don't think his winning surprised him at all.
Posted by: Soona at May 26, 2017 12:31 PM (Fmupd) I think he was "surprised" he actually pulled it off, but not shocked. Lewandowski had been on CNN around 6:30 that evening and sounded VERY confident. Wolf Blitzer looked at him like he had two heads. I think they knew they had a real shot. Posted by: JoeF. at May 26, 2017 12:36 PM (7uYFy) 406
I'm delighted with the victory. Dems elect people from jail cells. I am totally sick with the double standard.
Posted by: CN at May 26, 2017 12:36 PM (2+tI4) 407
An Iraqi deflector saved Bush!
Posted by: andycanuck at May 26, 2017 12:36 PM (nlbfN) 408
and, not to be pedantic (but i will be), I believe the correct spelling is "Grauniad".
Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:36 PM (AURKQ) 409
I'm saving some of my shits for old age. Posted by: *Mikey NTH As someone who has reached old age, I can confidently say that is a good idea. Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 26, 2017 12:37 PM (IqV8l) 410
In the Montana I grew up in it was a plus to pummel a reporter
Posted by: devildog at May 26, 2017 12:37 PM (IhE71) 411
and, not to be pedantic (but i will be), I believe the correct spelling is "Grauniad".
I refer the right honorable member to the comment I posted on the EMT some hours ago. Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:38 PM (TppKb) 412
You're wrong. I think Trump knew his chances of winning were much greater than the polls and the MFM were predicting. I don't think his winning surprised him at all.
Posted by: Soona ______ He said in one of his rallies after the election he thought he was going to lose. Posted by: Maritime at May 26, 2017 12:38 PM (SCkw/) 413
BOLD nood
Posted by: Rusty Nail at May 26, 2017 12:39 PM (toi7g) 414
Nobody ever visits us.
Posted by: Zimbabwe Maybe once Mugabe is lying in Posted by: JEM Deserves what he deserves. Posted by: Brother Cavil, Abbot of St. Costello-on-the-Hurlingbone at May 26, 2017 12:39 PM (AM1GF) 415
I refer the right honorable member to the comment I posted on the EMT some hours ago.
Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:38 PM (TppKb) Quite right. I believe I must have been in the loo. Apologies all around. Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:40 PM (AURKQ) 416
Pretty sure that was an ex-wife song, but it works in this context.
Posted by: Rusty Nail at May 26, 2017 12:33 PM (toi7g) just spotify'd it, and cranked it up RUSH was SO far ahead of its time. Posted by: fixerupper at May 26, 2017 12:32 PM (8XRCm) 2112? Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 26, 2017 12:40 PM (fceHP) 417
Chelsea was introduced as "activist, thought leader, and change agent" Posted by: Ignoramus, Thought Leader, Change Agent at May 26, 2017 11:30 AM (+7/1f) Don't you have to have thoughts in order to be a thought leader? Good thing I wasn't drinking anything when I read that, because I would have choked rather badly. Posted by: rickl at May 26, 2017 12:40 PM (xjiRE) 418
As someone who has reached old age, I can confidently say that is a good idea.
If you intend to hold on to those shits, evaluate your diet carefully and don't overdo the Grape Nuts. Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:40 PM (TppKb) 419
I'm Chelsea Clinton, special agent with the FBC -- Federal Bureau of Change.
Posted by: Sphynx at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (OZmbA) In a just world she'd be making change - at a toll booth. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 26, 2017 12:40 PM (SRKgf) 420
NOOD. Bold.
Posted by: Lord Chancellor johnd01 at May 26, 2017 12:40 PM (ukNFU) 421
The media have only themselves to blame for the contempt in which they are held. They revealed, and still do now more than ever, their contempt for us.
Just look at the the Berkeley and other attacks on non-leftists, it is acceptable as far as they are concerned. We learned from them that respect is a one way street. Posted by: Decaf at May 26, 2017 12:40 PM (ZZwkY) 422
He said in one of his rallies after the election he thought he was going to lose.
He had to know by election night his chances were good because the some in the Clinton camp were getting very nervous; weren't the fireworks they had planned canceled earlier that day? Posted by: JoeF. at May 26, 2017 12:40 PM (7uYFy) 423
23 Chelsea was introduced as "activist, thought leader, and change agent"
Posted by: Ignoramus, Thought Leader, Change Agent at May 26, 2017 11:30 AM (+7/1f) They left off "stupid homely twat with entitlement issues." Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 26, 2017 12:41 PM (SRKgf) Posted by: JEM at May 26, 2017 12:41 PM (TppKb) 425
You're wrong. I think Trump knew his chances of winning were much greater than the polls and the MFM were predicting. I don't think his winning surprised him at all.
Posted by: Soona I followed the polling data that Breitbart had available -- thus also Bannon -- and it was meticulous stuff. You looked at the (good, sound) polling data from any state and there was a chart to see what it meant in any other state. For example, if Ohio was +6, Pennsylvania was Trump +1. You could look up every state that way. They were shooting for Electoral College Victory, not popularity contest like Hillary. Posted by: Potest Solum Unum at May 26, 2017 12:41 PM (HTdUD) 426
When you are born you are alotted a certain number of shits that you may give. So be frugal with giving them. For example, I'm saving some of my shits for old age.
Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Summer's Here and the Outrage Outlet Reminds You to Use Sun Scream When At the Beach! at May 26, 2017 12:33 PM (hLRSq) ----------------- Don't worry. Old age teaches all of us on just how much shit we have to give.....even when we don't want to. Posted by: Soona at May 26, 2017 12:42 PM (Fmupd) 427
So what does one bring to a bike-lock fight?
Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (AURKQ) --- Not a crossbow Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at May 26, 2017 12:42 PM (PNcou) Posted by: John Cleese at May 26, 2017 12:43 PM (PNcou) 429
301 293 Can anyone imagine the fawning if Obama had done this to a Faux News reporter asking about Benghazi?
Methinks Barky's idea of a body slam might be slightly different than yours... Posted by: Free Beer Tomorrow at May 26, 2017 12:18 PM (jo2YY) I picture the incident ending with Obama leg humping the reporter. Posted by: Northernlurker, Phillips screwdriver of the gods at May 26, 2017 12:43 PM (hJrjt) 430
Let's face it, The Left would be nowhere without the media championing them. In other words the self appointed guardians of the civil society have created this mess and we are learning fast how best to deal with the enemy.
Posted by: Decaf at May 26, 2017 12:44 PM (ZZwkY) 431
>>>>You're wrong. I think Trump knew his chances of winning were much
greater than the polls and the MFM were predicting. I don't think his winning surprised him at all. . . .Then why did he say that he expected to lose in his Victory speech election night? Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at May 26, 2017 12:44 PM (le7jz) 432
He said in one of his rallies after the election he thought he was going to lose.
He had to know by election night his chances were good because the some in the Clinton camp were getting very nervous; weren't the fireworks they had planned canceled earlier that day? Posted by: JoeF. ____ I've heard so many different stories about the "fireworks" including it was a fire code issue. Everything I've heard is that the Clinton campaign was literally popping champagne on Election Day with Hillary on a flight. That's how confident they were. I would just think cancelling a firework order in the last few hours on Election Night would be the absolute last thing a campaign would be worried about. Posted by: Maritime at May 26, 2017 12:44 PM (SCkw/) 433
Posted by: JackStraw at May 26, 2017 12:30 PM (/tuJf) The fishing implement, or the missile system? --- I'm here to chew gum and kick Ass. And i'm all outta...hey thanks for the Trident pal! Posted by: Roddy at May 26, 2017 12:45 PM (PNcou) 434
"I think he was "surprised" he actually pulled it off, but not shocked."
I'm mid-way through Shattered, Inside Hillary's Doomed Campaign, and just read that during the campaign a longtime Hillary adviser circulated a memo about how Trump could win by drawing people who normally don't vote, so add three to four points to your polls. Mook and his data-driven Brooklyn hipsters laughed this out of town. I posted the same thesis here well over a year ago. It was there if you wanted to see it. Adjust your turnout assumptions for white non-college (the largest cohort) and BINGO. Trump ran a campaign to do just that. QED> Posted by: Ignoramus at May 26, 2017 12:46 PM (+7/1f) 435
RUSH was SO far ahead of its time.
Posted by: fixerupper at May 26, 2017 12:32 PM (8XRCm) --- still 95 years ahead... Posted by: Roddy at May 26, 2017 12:46 PM (PNcou) 436
"Then why did he say that he expected to lose in his Victory speech election night?"
Because Pussygate nearly worked. Hillaryland thought it'd be fatal. Posted by: Ignoramus at May 26, 2017 12:48 PM (+7/1f) 437
We always get blamed for being violent whether it's deserved or not.
So, why not earn it instead? In addition, if the left keeps up its current madness, incidents like this will be the least of their worries. Posted by: Guido H. Obama at May 26, 2017 12:50 PM (0xzXo) 438
Because Pussygate nearly worked. Hillaryland thought it'd be fatal.
Posted by: Ignoramus ______ I would love to know in an alternate universe what Election Night would have looked like had that tape never surfaced. Would it have been a Trump blowout? Posted by: Maritime at May 26, 2017 12:51 PM (SCkw/) 439
"Would it have been a Trump blowout?"
He may have won the popular vote, although he aimed at winning the EC. He would have won states like NH and MN, and might have won states like VA. Posted by: Ignoramus at May 26, 2017 12:54 PM (+7/1f) 440
Remember Congressman Etheridge? Probacbly not, because the Democrat Party protects its own.
redc1c4 posted a link to a democraticunderground chat forum about the election. Basically, all they could say is that Hillary was right, we are deplorable, and probably incorrigible. All astonished indignation, no acknowledgement/awareness of hypocrisy, or that "You know, maybe they have a point. Maybe people can be pushed too far, even conservatives". redc1c4 found it amusing. I found it kind of grotesque. They really should secede. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at May 26, 2017 12:54 PM (vRcUp) 441
FSA is one of those things that we rubes and hicks in agriculture use from time to time.
Posted by: stace, so much winning! at May 26, 2017 01:01 PM (bwBxJ) 442
The person in question was trespassing... entering into a place he was not invited, and was then being an asshole.... interrupting the proceedings, hoping to get a 'Got ya' question... all while working for a FOREIGN News paper... trying to influence a US Election, in MONTANA...
The Press has a legitimate role to play, but they do NOT get to be assholes while doing it... they do not have the RIGHT to be rude, or trespass, or interrupt.... He did not 'body slam' a reporter.... he did it to a girly boy who was someplace he should not have been.... Posted by: Achilles, in his Rage at May 26, 2017 11:41 AM (NgKpN) Not to mention that this so-called "reporter" was first and foremost a left-wing Donk activist. That's his day job. He just got the Grauniad to make him a temporary correspondent to give him plausible access to Gianforte's campaign HQ. His intent was not to get a story; his intent was to go and stir up shit. No question. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 26, 2017 01:06 PM (XUcIQ) 443
124 I've always been annoyed by the term "thought leader." Are there different kinds of leader?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara "Thought Leader" makes me think of Oz talking to the Scarecrow. "Deep thought", etc. Strikes me as a sinecure career. Who comes up with the topics for "the conversations" and "raising awareness"? Those guys. No actual accomplishment. Just (well paid for) blather. Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at May 26, 2017 01:08 PM (di1hb) 444
Granted, Gianforte should probably have just told him to piss off and been done with it.
Posted by: V the K at May 26, 2017 11:54 AM (O7MnT) He did tell the douche to shut and get out, and the douche refused. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 26, 2017 01:18 PM (XUcIQ) 445
Gianforte gave the prick a verbal warning. He deserved what he initiated.
Posted by: Theresa, MSgt (ret), USAF at May 26, 2017 01:35 PM (63mQb) 446
So what does one bring to a bike-lock fight?
Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 26, 2017 12:25 PM (AURKQ) 36" bolt cutters. You're welcome. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 26, 2017 01:38 PM (XUcIQ) 447
You are not allowed to question Mr. Etheridge. He is a member of the Ruling Party, the Party with the SOLE, EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to rule America as it and it alone sees fit, so you never dare question him. Gianforte belongs to an illegal political party and should be arrested and thrown in jail for that offense alone.
(See how this works?) Posted by: CatchThirtyThr33 at May 26, 2017 04:26 PM (/HEUe) 448
"Holding Republicans to a different standard than Democrats is exactly the game plan of the Democrat Party, and it works very, very well."
Funny you should say that. I saw a piece by National Review demanding that exact thing. Posted by: Optimizer at May 26, 2017 08:26 PM (EnK/R) 449
It appears no one has accurately reported what did happen. If the video I was is accurate, it was a wrestling match not a fight. We don't know what the reporter did, but I bet it was obnoxious. Even Foxnews lied about what happened. The Journos are circling the wagons. ANd I say we move on. A guy stood up for himself and his space. Maybe went a little far, but frankly I don't care.
Posted by: sdharms at May 27, 2017 06:13 AM (W95mO) Processing 0.09, elapsed 0.0945 seconds. |
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