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The Return of GAINZZZ: What Side-Benefits Have You Enjoyed Since You Started Yo GAINZZZ?

Also, a Random Commenter suggested that people use this thread for low-carb food/recipe recommendations, as well as low-carb alcohol recommendations. So noted!

Okay, update on my own GAINZZZ: I went off the diet (mostly) a few weeks ago. I made excuses to myself that with my nagging back spasms and then my bout of dizziness, I shouldn't be trying any kind of GAINZZZ and should just eat what I wanted to help me heal up.

(By the way: My dizziness seemed to have been caused by my taking too many Aleve to help with the back spasms. I assumed Aleve was just like Advil as far as dosage, and that I should do two capsules every six hours or so, or six pills (maybe even more) in a day. A hard nope on that assumption -- you're only supposed to take one Aleve every 8 hours. You can have two for your first dose of the day, but you're not supposed to have more than three in a 24 hour period. And a side effect is, get this, dizziness.

Note to self: Read the label, you f***ing lazy moron goof.)

Anyway, in light of those back-to-back (ahem) problems, I went off-diet, to "give my metabolism a break" or whatever bullshit I sold myself.

This is just a textbook example of My Brain making up lies to give me permission to do things which are easy and soft but ultimately against my own interests. And My Brain, having made up these lies, justifications, and excuses, is all-to-willing to believe the lies it just told itself.

You're the easiest person in the world for you to fool, they say.

I didn't go Whole Hog (so to speak) so I haven't lost any previous GAINZZZ. (Well, I did gain back three pounds I abruptly and for no good reason "lost," but honestly, I never really believed I'd lost them in the first place -- a combination of low hydration and scale error, I think.)

My main deviation from diet was going off Intermittent Fasting almost entirely. Because I've been having some trouble sleeping, I went back to my old habit of eating cheese just before sleep -- cheese seems to make me sleepy.

I'm back riding the GAINZZZ TRAINZZZ now, though, and I promise, damnit, I will have positive results for you next week, even if I have to make them up entirely.

I mean, even if I have to do a 24 or 30 hour fast.

So here's a question: First, what are yo GAINZZZ?

Second, and this is important: What are the GAINZZZ you weren't anticipating or trying to GAINZZZ and yet you've GAINZZZed them anyway?

Here's what I mean: I quit smoking a long while ago for the usual reasons. Including the reason that I was convinced I was having pre-heart-attacks or something. I wasn't, but I'm glad I was a bit hypochondriacal on the point anyway, because it did stiffen my resolve to finally quit once and forever more. I'd quit before, sometimes for as long as two years, but I always wound up backsliding.

Just one cigarette. Just one. Then I'll stop. One cigarette isn't going to re-addict me now, is it?

Answer: No, not in itself, but the second and third and fourth cigarette -- which will follow, inevitably, the Just One Cigarette -- will readdict you, and within three days you're back up a pack a day.

F***ing Moron I am.

So anyway, I quit smoking. Here is a GAINZZZ I had that creeped up on me so subtly that I didn't notice it until a month into it:

I had stopped coughing all the time.

As a smoker, I just wasn't aware of how much I was coughing. A full hack of a cough, a simple throat-clearing cough because your throat tickles cough, etc. Smokers cough so much they don't even notice it -- it just happens in background, all the time. Just as no one notices their breathing (unless they're meditating or doing focus-breathing), smokers don't notice their coughing.

By the way: Have any smokers out there ever googled "Is it possible to cough up a piece of lung?" I have -- multiple times. Because I didn't believe the answer ("No") and was pretty convinced I was looking at a piece of lung tissue.

And if you've done this, you know why, and how horrible it is to see that little glob of greenish thing with the thin red line of blood running through it stuck to the side of your sink or toilet.

But back to coughing: I didn't notice it at first, because when you stop coughing gradually, it also comes naturally and with no mental registry of it. But two months after quitting, it did occur to me:

Man, I'm not coughing any more, am I?

Shit, I used to do that all the time, didn't I? And I didn't even notice!

Apart from things you notice because you're keeping an eye on them -- your weight by the scale, your waist measurement, the gross approximation of bodyfat percentage your crap (and they're all crap) impedance device gives you -- there are a bunch of side-benefits you GAINZZZ from positive life changes that you don't notice.

Unless you think about it, and look for them. If you don't look for them, you may not notice them, and may not know to be grateful to your Past Self for making some good decisions. (For once!)

Example: Much decreased resistance to simple things like getting up. When I was heavy, the idea of just getting up was a bit weighing (sorry, I honestly don't know what word to use and only that awful pun occurs to me). I also didn't really want to go out or do anything -- almost anything -- because I was low-energy. I had to conserve the little energy I had, not waste it on doing things.

Now, not a problem at all. I don't even think about this, but I no longer start going into a List of Excuses why I can't do this or that. I just generally say "Sure" now.

Quitting smoking is a part of that, too: Because it's hard to smoke while doing anything -- can't smoke in a theater, can't smoke in a bar, can't smoke in a restaurant, can't smoke at the gym, can't smoke at the supermarket, etc. -- smoking itself gives you a powerful disincentive to do anything than the absolute minimum of things you must do.

There's an unexpected and sometimes unnoticed enormous gift of freedom of movement and freedom of action that comes from shedding an overabundance of fat and quitting smoking.

Another benefit to both: I'm just not as sick as frequently as I used to get. A bunch of nagging little problems I used to have just went away when I quit smoking and lost weight -- stuff like chronic foot pain (now it comes and goes, occasionally), bouts of anxiety (less frequent, much less severe), etc.

Morning headaches? Gone. I actually forgot until just this moment I used to have those. Every single morning.

So, that's the question: Apart from the GAINZZZ you were trying to GAINZZZ, have you GAINZZZed any GAINZZZ you didn't even think about, and maybe haven't really thought about it until now?

Posted by: Ace at 04:24 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 What the hell is going on with your time machine today?

Posted by: Off the reservation at May 12, 2017 04:16 PM (EoAgi)

2 This post appeared linked before the one where you announced it (and time-stamped at 4:06 but posted an hour earlier).

Posted by: Off the reservation at May 12, 2017 04:16 PM (EoAgi)

3 rd

Posted by: Off the reservation at May 12, 2017 04:17 PM (EoAgi)

4 th

Posted by: Off the reservation at May 12, 2017 04:17 PM (EoAgi)

5 Oh hell. Too much fun. Last time I did this all my comments were deleted.

Posted by: Off the reservation at May 12, 2017 04:18 PM (EoAgi)

6 Hooray, beer run time! Back in a bit.

(I have no gainzzz, still stuck at 260)

Posted by: Country Boy at May 12, 2017 04:18 PM (Jcg9Q)

7 Check out this new supplement Niagen. Has done phenomenal things for my workouts. And it is pretty much a miracle supplement for anti-aging etc. Tons of scientific research being done on it including human clinical trials.

Niagen is the brand name... the actual compound is called nicotinamide riboside, a vitamin B3 metabolite.

It boosts NAD+ levels in cells. Declining NAD+ levels in the body as we age leads to all sorts of maladies and disease. NR (Niagen) is the first bioavailable supplement for boosting NAD+ levels.

I've been taking it about 6 weeks and it just has amazing benefits.

Posted by: scofflaw_x at May 12, 2017 04:21 PM (y9ZJX)

8 Do you know the emone
The sea anemone
Well gotta know the emone ra hey

Posted by: Billie Joe Armstrong first draft at May 12, 2017 04:22 PM (+INtM)

9 I had two scoops.

Posted by: Captain Queeg at May 12, 2017 04:22 PM (wPiJc)

10 I have no gainzz, I gained weight from doing exactly what I know is bad. No carbs. Beers and margaritas and chips do not do a body good.

Back on the program.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 12, 2017 04:24 PM (Ri/rl)

I think lung is used in Puerto Rican cooking.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at May 12, 2017 04:24 PM (mbhDw)

12 Right on Ace!
This may be TMI-ish but a 2nd order effect of working on leg strength is i awake with morn___ wood every day for last few months. So yay for junk work___ like a.motherfucker and boo for starting day with blue balls.

Posted by: fastfreefall at May 12, 2017 04:24 PM (RWGgV)

13 Heartburn cleared up. Gone.

Posted by: BuckIV at May 12, 2017 04:24 PM (CLfqv)

14 I took a business trip to India a couple weeks back. There ain't no low carb choices in India. I'm a type 2 and been low carb for 5 years, and just under two weeks of Indian food and my GERD is back, my brain is cloudy, and I'm sure my blood sugar is off the charts.
Thank god for good old USA Prime BEEF!

Posted by: PHenry at May 12, 2017 04:25 PM (obBl1)

15 as far as alcohol:

The easiest solution is (not joking) just to drink hard alcohol, maybe mixed with something that is no-carb, like diet pepsi/coke or carbonated water.

Not seltzer -- most seltzer has sugar in it. You can get no-sugar seltzer for home use but not at bars.

They make low-carb margarita mix if you like margaritas.

a dry red wine is low-ish carb but not super-low so you can't drink more than a glass or maybe two without blowing your GAINZZZ for that day (or at least that period of time).

also, personally, i like (get this) reds with Big Fruit taste and haven't been able to train myself to like dry reds.

plus, to be honest, I'm not really sure I can tell you when a wine is "dry." I assume that just means low sweetness.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:25 PM (8rNrN)

16 No secondary gainnzzzz to report. I guess virtue will have to be its own reward.

The 'ol dog is on a long six month program peaking in October. Just putting the head down and doing the work.

Looking to stay injury free, as the goals are fairly ambitious.

Posted by: browndog at May 12, 2017 04:25 PM (bGMOs)

17 So, can we continue the discussion about cooking with Lard?

Posted by: IP at May 12, 2017 04:25 PM (UmSfZ)

18 I'm on week 6 of "zero carb" which means meat with eggs and occasional cheese cream butter (still coffee).
Found some old jeans in the closet that fit again.

Good side effects: No PMS headache this cycle
Also, no abdominal pain that I used to accept as a matter of course every night as a normal part of digestion.

Posted by: @votermom's phone at May 12, 2017 04:25 PM (RhmeP)

19 Benefits?

Ya, no morning headaches. Well not much. Weight loss, nearing the 200 pound mark until I baked bread. Big mistake. Trend went in the other direction.

On the treadmill, I struggled to walk a quarter mile at 2mph. Now I'm doing 3/4s mile at 2.5.

And with warmer weather, I'm out 'cutting brush', which isn't exactly correct. More like 'digging roots', with hand tools, 'cuz if you just cut the brush, the roots send up more shoots, so you have to dig up the roots.

And I've been clearing stumps in the weed lot, again, with hand tools. Pick ax works best if the stump is sufficiently rotten that you can break it up in pieces and dig it out. The weed lot will never be lawn, will never be level, but it won't be a weed lot forever.

Unless this pain in my chest turns into a real heart attack. If it does, I just hope it's quick. I would hate to linger, mortally wounded, until some passing hunter found my remains.

Posted by: Roybeen Player at May 12, 2017 04:25 PM (NvI3P)

20 >>>13 Heartburn cleared up. Gone.

oh darn, I forgot that one. Me too. I forget if it was the stopping-smoking or the weight loss that did it.

I used to have bad reflux -- really bad-- almost every night.


Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:26 PM (8rNrN)

21 OT /

I was too slow responding in the previous
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at May 12, 2017 03:45 PM (39g3+)

You don't have to go to Ellis Island.. You can find your grandpa's paperwork on the Ellis Island website and through I found the logbooks for the entire danish side of my family. they came through Ellis Island in the early 1900s- my grandma was about 2, and she and her 5 sisters and brothers are listed. I got a copy of the log and a picture of the ship they were on framed as a gift for my dad.
Posted by: LASue, now even more deplorable! at May 12, 2017 04:22 PM (CLKfs)

Posted by: LASue, now even more deplorable! at May 12, 2017 04:27 PM (CLKfs)

22 Hey I can participate this time!

When I got back from vacation 2 weeks ago I started an honest to god diet. (I've had luck with Weightwatchers and it appeals to my analytic side and almost game like trying to make a meal as low point as possible.)

So far I'm down 8.5lbs. I always lose a huge amount week 1 for unknown reasons, to be tempered down in week 2 to the more normal 2-3lbs/week. it'll be 1.5-2 this week I'm guessing when I weigh in on Sunday. (The 8.5 includes an early weight check today.)

It's weird getting used to it again, I was way over eating, so now I'm hungry most of the day, but I've been mostly OK keeping to my limits.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at May 12, 2017 04:28 PM (dzmBR)

23 I used to have to take Zantac or whatever twice a day and then take a big dose when I would wake up with acid reflux. Plus pepto bismol.

Totally forgot that used to be a daily thing in my life.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:28 PM (8rNrN)

24 A week in New Orleans made my gainnzzz go negative. Now to get back in the saddle.

I find that with intermittent fasting and especially exercise I can focus much better. After the morning weight session I am energized and full of ideas. Key is to get them done!

Posted by: chicagolurker at May 12, 2017 04:28 PM (X4zfU)

25 18 I'm on week 6 of "zero carb" which means meat with eggs and occasional cheese cream butter (still coffee).
Found some old jeans in the closet that fit again.

Good side effects: No PMS headache this cycle
Also, no abdominal pain that I used to accept as a matter of course every night as a normal part of digestion.
Posted by: @votermom's phone at May 12, 2017 04:25 PM (RhmeP)

I'm back on the horse and I feel better. When I was eating processed crap (doughnuts) I was hungrier.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 12, 2017 04:29 PM (Ri/rl)

26 I stopped weighing myself a few months because I couldn't do the 2-3 day fasts like I wanted to. (For a variety of reasons.) So I've been doing 16-24 hour fasts most days, and just the occasional 36.

But I had a bunch of pants I couldn't pull on back in January. Clothes from 20 years ago (when I was nearly 9!) and on a lark I tried them all on, and I could get into all of them. Some are a bit snug, true, but they all snap, zipper, button.

I've got definition without doing any lifting. (Weirdly enough your body will make muscle without exercise, to some degree, and fasting and intense heat, apparently, stimulates muscle growth.)

I, too, have experienced a new (restored, really) willingness to move. And it may not be related to any of this, but I've become more flexible lately and faster in my day-to-day movements.

Good to have a GAINZ thread, ace! Thanks!

Posted by: moviegique at May 12, 2017 04:29 PM (7zeA4)

27 Yeah, when your brain tells you eclairs are just fine, don't listen!

As an ancient Indian Master wrote: "You are not your thoughts!"

So, I'm celebrating (mentally, not with fattening stuff) over sitting right around my target weight for a month now.

And I'm adding a bit of muscle as well. Best recent discovery has been the very slow negative reps as I lower the bar, the dumbbell or my body
on the chin bar.

Second best discovery has been tightening up my layoffs between sessions to 48 hours most of the time and 72 the rest of the time.

Feeling pretty darn good plus with the advent of good weather in the mountains the hiking frequency is up as well.

Coming back from a painful tendon inside of the elbow, 5 chin-ups today. Couldn't do one without an ouchie 3 weeks ago. Frist chin-up goal is 12 chin-ups, second if to work on one-arm chin-ups.

Long way to go but that's OK.

Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 04:29 PM (3myMJ)

28 also, personally, i like (get this) reds with Big Fruit taste.


Live life a little, because by the sound of it you might be dead by 33.

Chateauneuf de pape--and I like the "bad" years best with more of a clay taste and therefore--cheaper. Bonus--like $9 to 12 on base.

Posted by: Holmes at May 12, 2017 04:29 PM (v2JGC)

29 The last two weeks I have been succumbing to a serious New York Super Fudge Chunk addiction. Almost every night I was running out to Safeway before midnight to get a fresh pint. It had been a long time since I had ice cream and forgot how awesome it was. Weird thing is that I picked up only a couple pounds since. I'm now entertaining the theory that ice cream isn't actually fattening.. that it's the bread and really just that to blame for obesity.

Posted by: Serious Cat at May 12, 2017 04:29 PM (Gei2C)

30 "Is it possible to cough up a piece of lung?"

Of course it is. Then just spit it in your water glass.

Posted by: hILLRY o O at May 12, 2017 04:29 PM (HgMAr)

31 plus, to be honest, I'm not really sure I can tell you when a wine is "dry." I assume that just means low sweetness.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:25 PM (8rNrN)

Lots of wines have started printing residual sugar on their label, so that is a direct indicator of dryness. (lower residual sugar=drier wine.)

Sadly, WW punishes all alcohol because it's processed like fat. You get a little security form hard liquor, but not enough for me to jump ship from the beer.
I just budget accordingly.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at May 12, 2017 04:30 PM (dzmBR)

32 quitting smoking, hidden gain:

breathing; I had no idea how shallowly I had been breathing

Posted by: m at May 12, 2017 04:30 PM (VgThI)

33 Posted by: moviegique at May 12, 2017 04:29 PM (7zeA4)

Maybe you are just exposing existing muscle definition by losing the "layer" that was over the muscles.

Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 04:30 PM (3myMJ)

34 as far as alcohol:

The easiest solution is (not joking) just to drink hard alcohol, maybe mixed with something that is no-carb, like diet pepsi/coke or carbonated water.


Isn't there a thing with alcohol getting treated by your body like carbs even though pure alcohol has no carbs in it? I'm not talking about all the stuff that get mixed with alcohol, I know there's lots of plain old carbs in most of that.

Plus, aren't artificial sweeteners a bad thing now? They just make you hungry is the latest SCIENCE.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 12, 2017 04:30 PM (R+30W)

35 I got nothing...

Rise in 'sleeping butt syndrome': Doctors report an uptick in people with gluteal amnesia - because they're sitting so long their muscles forget how to wake up

Posted by: weft cut-loop at May 12, 2017 04:31 PM (udajc)

36 Totally forgot that used to be a daily thing in my life.
Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:28 PM (8rNrN)

My husband quit smoking. Before he quit I could find him in the store from his hacking cough. He doesn't cough anymore.

I also think he's stayed the same size for 30 years from skipping breakfast.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 12, 2017 04:31 PM (Ri/rl)

37 plus, to be honest, I'm not really sure I can tell you when a wine is "dry." I assume that just means low sweetness.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:25 PM (8rNrN)

Yes, that it.

Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 04:31 PM (3myMJ)

38 Last time I went to an outdoor function where we were drinking, I took one of those stevia-sweetened drink mixes in the little bottle. You squirt a few drops into a glass with some vodka, water, and ice, and there ya go. Much less carbs/calories than drinking beer and was refreshing.

Yeah my friends wanted to give me a hard time, but they respect that I'm the fitness nut of the group.

Posted by: brak at May 12, 2017 04:32 PM (3YTlB)

39 My blood pressure is down significantly and my taste in food has changed, also significantly.

Posted by: Northernlurker, Phillips screwdriver of the gods at May 12, 2017 04:32 PM (hJrjt)

40 I used to have bad reflux -- really bad-- almost every night.


Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:26 PM (8rNrN)


Your IF might have helped with that, purely from the standpoint that you aren't eating close to your bedtime.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 12, 2017 04:32 PM (R+30W)

41 Serious Cat - get an ice cream maker and make your own. I make plain vanilla with heavy cream, unsweetened almond milk, fake sugar, vanilla and eggs. Add flavoring or make your own sugar free chocolate. Definitely helps with the cravings for sweets.

Posted by: chicagolurker at May 12, 2017 04:33 PM (X4zfU)

42 since i started exercising and watching my weight my gainz have been my body hurting more and being hungry all the time.


now, to go buy as double cheeseburger and a 12 pack of Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA.

Posted by: redc1c4 at May 12, 2017 04:33 PM (3QpTi)

43 7 Check out this new supplement Niagen. Has done phenomenal things for my workouts. And it is pretty much a miracle supplement for anti-aging etc. Tons of scientific research being done on it including human clinical trials.

Niagen is the brand name... the actual compound is called nicotinamide riboside, a vitamin B3 metabolite.

It boosts NAD+ levels in cells. Declining NAD+ levels in the body as we age leads to all sorts of maladies and disease. NR (Niagen) is the first bioavailable supplement for boosting NAD+ levels.

I've been taking it about 6 weeks and it just has amazing benefits.

Longecity has a multi-year personal experience thread on the use of Niagen. I can't post the URL here but google "Longecity+Niagen" and you should find it easy.

Posted by: crumshaw at May 12, 2017 04:33 PM (y9ZJX)

44 I used to have bad reflux -- really bad-- almost every night.


That's a great GAINZZ in itself! Mine comes and goes but has been much better lately. Hanging from the chin bar and doing stomach crunches while hanging seems to be helping. Also, not eating late at night, duh.

Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 04:33 PM (3myMJ)

45 I used to have bad reflux -- really bad-- almost every night.


Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:26 PM (8rNrN)

I got some of that for first time in my life this past winter, but a few weeks ago I overheard a guy saying his doctor told him to stop drinking so much milk and wine or he'd develop ulcers. It dawned on me that I had picked up a recent habit of drinking organic milk in the evening. I since cut out the milk and the upset stomach is mostly gone.

Posted by: Serious Cat at May 12, 2017 04:34 PM (Gei2C)

46 Starting in January, reduced carb intake, started intermittent fasting (no breakfast, 2 meals a day), was at 192 lbs and climbing. Now at 172 lbs. 2/3 of my way to my goal of 162 lbs. Its amazing how much sugar is packed into the food supply - something I did not know until I started reading the labels.

Posted by: Kurt Liebel at May 12, 2017 04:34 PM (NJ61X)


also, personally, i like (get this) reds with Big Fruit taste

In many ways the story of Obama

Posted by: TheQuietMan at May 12, 2017 04:34 PM (493sH)

48 With IF, my version of acid reflux went away which meant I was actually sleeping soundly all night. Before that, I would get a very mild gag reflex which was enough to wake me in a panic, heart pounding. And since I wasn't awake for the cause, it took me forever to figure out (*after* it went away, even).

Posted by: Sabrina Chase at May 12, 2017 04:35 PM (KaVj+)

49 You don't have to go to Ellis Island.. You can find your grandpa's paperwork on the Ellis Island website and through

Yeah, I even found records of Grandad's trips across the Atlantic before he came in permanently. Name of the ship and everything.

Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 04:35 PM (3myMJ)

50 I ate a donut today for no reason other than it was offered. And the other day I gave blood. The agency insists you have something to eat before leaving and the choice was bad soup or cookies. I took cookies--so I've had more sugar in the last week than I've had in a long time.
It honestly didn't feel good.

Posted by: Northernlurker, Phillips screwdriver of the gods at May 12, 2017 04:35 PM (hJrjt)

51 I remember that when I was young, I'd have 1-2 colds every year. Aside from the usual childhood diseases of those days, measles, German measles, and chickenpox, that is. It seemed I could expect a scratchy throat, headache, sneezing, runny nose, etc., every 6 months or so.

Then in my early 20s I started running. And one day I looked back and said, "Y'know, I haven't had a single cold in a year." So yes, benefits can sneak up on you.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at May 12, 2017 04:35 PM (uk/oG)

52 Meremortal -- doubtless true, as far as exposing more muscle

I have the impression I look younger, too, as someone else noted.

Running is still going fine. Will probably hit 10K this month. (I'm in no hurry; I could do it tonight but I'm taking the running super easy, Maffetone Method.)

Posted by: moviegique at May 12, 2017 04:35 PM (7zeA4)

53 I'm almost a year on low-carb without many cheats and I noticed the other day in the supermarket I don't even look at donuts and stuff like that. The addiction is gone.

That said, sure I'd like a donut.

But I don't look at them anymore. Not even "I see them but don't crave them," just that I kind of look past them.

So that's good.

BTW, I haven't been using it long enough to give it thumbs up or thumbs down, but I had read that maca root powder was a non-caffeine stimulant, and I've been using some.

Can't really say if it's good or if it works. I've been putting it in my coffee, which is dumb, because then I can't tell if maca powder is adding anything. (Plus, I don't need to add anything.)

Oh there's another side benefit-- I think stopping smoking and maybe losing weight too really reduces how much caffeine you feel you "need" to get through the day.

I used to drink 2 or even three cups of coffee to clear my head every "morning" (or let's say "every period when I wake up, at whatever hour"). Then diet coke through the day.

Today I had one diet coke in the morning, no coffee, for a two hours, nursing it, and finally remembered to have coffee.

Anyway, the rule now is one cup, and I usually don't even finish it.

and I only have the occasional diet coke during the day.

maybe that's where I should try the maca powder -- rather than soda, maybe water with some maca powder, see if that gives a lift.

I'll do that now.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:35 PM (8rNrN)

54 38 Last time I went to an outdoor function where we were drinking, I took one of those stevia-sweetened drink mixes in the little bottle. You squirt a few drops into a glass with some vodka, water, and ice, and there ya go. Much less carbs/calories than drinking beer and was refreshing.

Yeah my friends wanted to give me a hard time, but they respect that I'm the fitness nut of the group.
Posted by: brak at May 12, 2017 04:32 PM (3YTlB)

Skinny bitch. Vodka, soda with fresh lime.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 12, 2017 04:36 PM (Ri/rl)

55 >>>Then in my early 20s I started running. And one day I looked back and said, "Y'know, I haven't had a single cold in a year." So yes, benefits can sneak up on you.

i get sick less often too. One thing I used to get pretty frequently was the one Cold From Hell every winter, probably because I was going out into the bitter cold to mouth-breath big gulps of cold air as I smoked.

I haven't gotten one of those since I quit.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:36 PM (8rNrN)

56 I have a bit of an iron gut. I can eat almost anything without it bothering me, but sweets now can bother me, which I actually think is a good thing.

Posted by: Northernlurker, Phillips screwdriver of the gods at May 12, 2017 04:36 PM (hJrjt)

57 As far as recipes, I bought my hubby an Instant Pot (electric pressure cooker) for Christmas. (It was on sale on Amazon at Christmas for $80.) I couldn't justify spending $80 for me, so I gave it to him, lol! Well, it ended up being a present for both of us! We eat out less, and I have been making awesome, healthy meals in it. (Apparently, you can hardboil a bunch of eggs at once as well as cook steel cut oatmeal--I've done neither. But what I have made is delicious one pot meals with the best one being the Dad a Cooks ribs recipe (Google that!) in less than an hour!

I can have a full, healthy meal on a plate in about a half hour to an hour every day! I made a really good Mexican brown rice and chicken dish in there the other day that hubby is still raving about! Just add a salad! Now there are other brands out there, but none of them is as easy to use and as sturdy and well made as the Instant Pot (my sister has one her hubby bought off a late night infomercial, and it is not anywhere as good).

If you are strapped for time, this sucker is amazing! You can also make yogurt and cheese cakes in it (haven't done those yet either). Be sure to get the 6 quart 7 in 1 Instant Pot. It will change your life! Plus there are tons of recipes and communities online. A lot of PALEO recipes too! I can't say enough good things about it!

Posted by: runningrn at May 12, 2017 04:37 PM (4lzaU)

58 moviequique --

how is the broccoli sprout thing coming? I got all the stuff I needed to do that but haven't done it yet.

I have an article for the next GAINZZZ thread maybe about someone putting the active agent there (sulfaphoramane or something?) into a pill and saying it's some kind of Miracle Pill.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:38 PM (8rNrN)

59 50 I ate a donut today for no reason other than it was offered. And the other day I gave blood. The agency insists you have something to eat before leaving and the choice was bad soup or cookies. I took cookies--so I've had more sugar in the last week than I've had in a long time.
It honestly didn't feel good.
Posted by: Northernlurker, Phillips screwdriver of the gods at May 12, 2017 04:35 PM (hJrjt)

I gave in to the temptation. There are always donuts at our office. I ate two. I'm not going to do that again.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 12, 2017 04:38 PM (Ri/rl)

60 Question, my neighbor gave me a ham that he got at Trader Joe's, it says it is uncured. Does that mean it's not cooked fully and needs to be cooked before eating?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at May 12, 2017 04:38 PM (6Ll1u)

61 I've got to be on the west coast for a few weeks so there's a forced diet right there. Leftists make me sick to my stomach so I won't feel like eating.

Posted by: Tired Mom at May 12, 2017 04:38 PM (X6wMH)

62 I'd recommend against taking any NSAID (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.) routinely, unless under medical supervision... And taking naproxen like it's ibuprofen -- yikes!

Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at May 12, 2017 04:38 PM (e9G8E)

I used to drink 2 or even three cups of coffee to clear my head every "morning" (or let's say "every period when I wake up, at whatever hour"). Then diet coke through the day.

Today I had one diet coke in the morning, no coffee, for a two hours, nursing it, and finally remembered to have coffee.

Anyway, the rule now is one cup, and I usually don't even finish it.

and I only have the occasional diet coke during the day.

maybe that's where I should try the maca powder -- rather than soda, maybe water with some maca powder, see if that gives a lift.

I'll do that now.
Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:35 PM (8rNrN)

I've gone through a couple of coffee fasts in the last year or so. And I made it through just fine but I like coffee and it's part of my routine. I also feel coffee in the morning helps with regularity. It's the ritual I like.

Posted by: Northernlurker, Phillips screwdriver of the gods at May 12, 2017 04:39 PM (hJrjt)

64 Ace,

You went from cigarettes to e-cigarettes. Did you immediately stop cigarettes and only used e-cigarettes?
Now where are you on that? I'd like to know as I am at the e-cigarette stage, but then I'm also going outside and smoking. Comes to about 4-5 a day. So I am doing both, trying to kick the "real" cigarette habit.

Posted by: washrivergal at May 12, 2017 04:39 PM (+eKyB)

65 Oh, a secondary gain that's actually sort of a primary gain:

Going on a year since starting. And a few months ago (for a variety of reasons) I couldn't do the super long fasts anymore.

So I'm not really "on" any diet at this point. My normal is just to eat once or twice a day, with an occasional skip, and to remind myself it's okay not to eat--especially after a bingey weekend (say).

I'm about to retire some Jeans I was just squeezing into at the beginning of the year.

What I'm saying is that IF works and it's super-easy, and another false idea we've had was that "diets don't work"--whereas the IF approach is "diets absolutely work, just don't worry about being on them all the time".

There's a nice lecture with Fung where he talks about that: You don't want to be the asshole at the wedding who won't have a celebratory piece of cake. Or who goes to the party and can't enjoy any of the food or drink.

Do it, knowing you'll just fast afterwards. Feast, famine.

Posted by: moviegique at May 12, 2017 04:39 PM (7zeA4)

66 Smoking and a human heart, my story.
Cardiologist said I had a blockage. I followed his instructions to the letter - diet, exercise, medication. I did not stop smoking.

One year later I now have two blockages and more medication. Life gets real so scientifically the answer is clear - I quit smoking.

One year later - normal blood flow.

Posted by: gNewt at May 12, 2017 04:39 PM (2d71x)

67 Posted by: runningrn at May 12, 2017 04:37 PM (4lzaU)

I have a fagor multi cooker. That thing is awesome.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 12, 2017 04:40 PM (Ri/rl)

68 >>> I'd recommend against taking any NSAID (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.) routinely, unless under medical supervision... And taking naproxen like it's ibuprofen -- yikes!

Yeah I learned.

I didn't know I wasn't supposed to take advil routinely. I guess I'll go over to aspirin for a while.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:40 PM (8rNrN)

I gave in to the temptation. There are always donuts at our office. I ate two. I'm not going to do that again.
Posted by: CaliGirl at May 12, 2017 04:38 PM (Ri/rl)

The weird thing is I actually don't like donuts but it was there and it was free.

Posted by: Northernlurker, Phillips screwdriver of the gods at May 12, 2017 04:40 PM (hJrjt)

70 Posted by: moviegique at May 12, 2017 04:35 PM (7zeA4)

Oh yeah, that reminds me that I started doing some intervals during my hiking, such as really puffing it up hills and so forth. There's something about simply surviving such activity without physical distress at 68 that feels very good.

Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 04:41 PM (3myMJ)

71 We craft our Uncured Hams from Certified Human pork raised without antibiotics or hormones, and fed a vegetarian diet.

No nitrates.

That's the way I read it.

Posted by: Roybeen Player at May 12, 2017 04:41 PM (NvI3P)

72 I've been making a bunch of little posts--which is probably annoying--but I've mostly been able to change my mentality from living to eat to eating to live. Honestly that's where I want to be.

Posted by: Northernlurker, Phillips screwdriver of the gods at May 12, 2017 04:41 PM (hJrjt)

73 Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:35 PM (8rNrN)

Less coffee may also be helping your GERD.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at May 12, 2017 04:41 PM (p5Y9F)

74 Semi-OT, willowed from last thread:

Lard. For those of us older morons who can remember our grand mall or great grandma baking a pie that had a true crusty, flaky shell, before there was Crisco, they used lard.

They used to Lord for everything, but with manual labor, you tended to burn it off.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 12, 2017 04:42 PM (PCof0)

75 Random blowjobs are the best side benefits

Posted by: Rick in SK at May 12, 2017 04:42 PM (FZYNt)

76 I got nothing...

(Apparently, you can hardboil a bunch of eggs at once as well as cook steel cut oatmeal--I've done neither. But what I have made is delicious one pot meals with the best one being the Dad a Cooks ribs recipe (Google that!) in less than an hour!
Posted by: runningrn

NOOOOO!!!! Do not ever fucking put eggs in a pressure cooker!!!!!!!!

Yes, I know it's electric and has a complex system of redundancies to make it safe. I've bought one for my friend, yes, yes, yes,


Posted by: weft cut-loop at May 12, 2017 04:43 PM (udajc)

77 Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:40 PM (8rNrN)

Too much Aspirin can be worse if you have any ulcers . It can also caused tinnitus.

Posted by: Jack Sock at May 12, 2017 04:43 PM (/H5Dl)

78 Honestly, getting complements on my appearance are a nice side benefit. I guess that makes me vain.

Posted by: Northernlurker, Phillips screwdriver of the gods at May 12, 2017 04:44 PM (hJrjt)

79 Still sticking to keto, now down 32lbs since I started on February 11th.

That's my GAINZZZ report for this week.

Posted by: Country Singer at May 12, 2017 04:44 PM (GUBah)

80 Ace,

>>how is the broccoli sprout thing coming? I got all the stuff I needed to do that but haven't done it yet.

It's GREAT. Obviously these things tend to be very idiosyncratic, but the sprouts (sulfurophane) effects are immediately noticeable to me.

>>I have an article for the next GAINZZZ thread maybe about someone putting the active agent there (sulfaphoramane or something?) into a pill and saying it's some kind of Miracle Pill.

This has been done. I'm in the middle of a 2.5 hour lecture on it.

They talk about eating just the seeds -straight- (not even sprouting) because the seeds have even =more= sulfurophane than the sprouts, but there are so many other variables involved, you can only tell by testing. (Which Dr. Patrick says she's going to do. I haven't checked her site to see if she's reported back yet.)

Posted by: moviegique at May 12, 2017 04:44 PM (7zeA4)

81 Posted by: gNewt at May 12, 2017 04:39 PM (2d71x)

Lots of different results depending on the specific body and GENES. Have a friend who was not a smoker, was a light drinker and thin. Good diet, etc.

6 way bypass out of the blue at 47. He asked the doctor WTF and the doctor said, shitty genes. He had his second bypass last year, a 3 way. He has 45% function left at 68.

Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 04:44 PM (3myMJ)

82 I'm story I was going to stop with the motormouth, motorkeyboard thing but I'm kind of bored.

Posted by: Northernlurker, Phillips screwdriver of the gods at May 12, 2017 04:45 PM (hJrjt)

83 Pretty much I've been eating paleo for the last 6 weeks. I eat bacon, seafood, meat and veggies 3 big meals a day. I don't miss the bread, sugar, carbs, etc. at all.

Lost 20+ pounds, sleep better, happier, my clothes fit better, much more energetic - BP, triglycerides and cholesterol numbers are great.

Still have to wear my reading glasses tho'.

Posted by: Tonypete at May 12, 2017 04:45 PM (tr2D7)

84 Okay. Nothing too elaborate here. I cut way back on carbs about six weeks ago. Down from 250 to just under 240. Walking more, doing simple push-ups and stretching for exercise most evenings.

Bkfst- 2 eggs, scrambled with sour cream, cheese, fruit, yogurt

Lunch- Atkins bar, nuts, protein drink

Dinner- beef or chicken, beans, salad with a little dressing, maybe a low-carb tortilla A beer maybe once or twice a week. A bit of whiskey 3-4 nights a week.

Overall feel better.

Now I have a toothache, that might cause me to lose a few more pounds unintentionally.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 12, 2017 04:46 PM (wPiJc)

85 Random blowjobs are the best side benefits
Posted by: Rick in SK

The one time it is better to receive than give.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 12, 2017 04:46 PM (PCof0)

Lost 20+ pounds, sleep better, happier, my clothes fit better, much more energetic - BP, triglycerides and cholesterol numbers are great.
Better sleep, with more dreaming, and more stable moods are a benefit for me as well.

And there I go again.

Posted by: Northernlurker, Phillips screwdriver of the gods at May 12, 2017 04:46 PM (hJrjt)

87 >>>You went from cigarettes to e-cigarettes. Did you immediately stop cigarettes and only used e-cigarettes?

I've done it all different ways. I've quit long-term like five times.

The last time I went from cigarettes to nothing -- I had a bridge period of nicorette and patches for two weeks, then went off nicotine completely.

However, for some reason, I had this lack of focus. A cardiologist told me, "Well, I'm not saying you SHOULD do this, but you COULD try vaping to see if the nicotine helps with the focus problem."

So I started vaping again.

I actually have another post on vaping and quitting smoking in the queue. I'll post it later.

>>>Now where are you on that? I'd like to know as I am at the e-cigarette stage, but then I'm also going outside and smoking. Comes to about 4-5 a day. So I am doing both, trying to kick the "real" cigarette habit.

the next post (or maybe the post after that) will talk about this.

Just the quick version: you have mostly replaced smoking with the e-cig so your actual physical dependency is taken care of by the e-cig. You continue with the psychological dependency/habit of smoking, though.

It's the psychological part that's the big deal. Nicotine is addictive but not strongly.

The book "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" fixed that in me. In the upcoming post, I talk about that a lot, and why it works, etc.

as for my own vaping: I continue to vape. I'm thinking about trying to kick that habit, but I've been vaping again for like a year and a half.

It's fine.

Since I quit I've only had even the thought (not a craving, just the thought) of smoking a cigarette 3 times.

It's all psychological. Once that is dealt with, there's not really any desire any more.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:46 PM (8rNrN)

88 I'm down 50 pounds, from a 29-30 from 36 waist, back to or just below my high school weight. I am still doing my push-up factorial sets, added pull-ups and switched up the abs.

Gainzzzzzzzzzzzzz thread gave me the info and the motivation

You the man ace, stick to you shit, this whole journey for me was about self-control after the birth of my daughter. It's a test, almost feel like a diet-ninja.

Posted by: down 50 at May 12, 2017 04:47 PM (Mt8T4)

89 Meremortal --


Posted by: moviegique at May 12, 2017 04:47 PM (7zeA4)

90 I'm sick, so haven't been exercising. But I usually gain weight while sick and haven't this time. Gain-lette?

Sam's club has some awesome yogut. Plain, non fat, greek, nothing added, 130 cal 23 g protein in a cup. Very very filling. Their brand.

Posted by: Mama AJ at May 12, 2017 04:47 PM (wwL6Q)

91 I don't let my brain talk me into skipping my exercise days. Sometimes my brain and I have a real fight especially if I'm tired or not feeling well but so far over the past 1 1/2 years I've emerged victorious over the lazy brain.

Posted by: Tuna at May 12, 2017 04:48 PM (jm1YL)

92 some readers here have also read The Easy Way to Quit Smoking and have confirmed it works.

I don't know if it works for everyone. I'm sure it doesn't.

It does seem to work for some, though, and for those, it works really well.

His is a cold-turkey program but doing with the vape instead of cold-turkey just makes it easier.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:48 PM (8rNrN)


6 way bypass out of the blue at 47. He asked the doctor WTF and the doctor said, shitty genes. He had his second bypass last year, a 3 way. He has 45% function left at 68.

Bummer! Yeah, you sadly can't pick your parents, which is why if you have a bad family history, you should do all you can to help yourself out.

Posted by: runningrn at May 12, 2017 04:48 PM (4lzaU)

94 I average at least 8 cups of coffee a day and have for many years.

New study says lowered stroke incidence with heavy coffee use. Light drinking doesn't do it, at least 5 cups a day recommended.

Other health benefits too, according to study, which hopefully wasn't done by global warming guys.

Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 04:48 PM (3myMJ)

95 Posted by: Rick in SK at May 12, 2017 04:42 PM (FZYNt)

Random people just come up to you and give you BJ's? Oooooookay then.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 12, 2017 04:48 PM (fDdVG)

96 I play tennis as much as I can , 4 to 5 times a week , but unfortunately my club has an all you can eat buffet at a reasonable price. The only thing I can't resist is temptation. (OW)

Posted by: Jack Sock at May 12, 2017 04:49 PM (/H5Dl)

97 Since we've gone paleo, or evolutionary diet, we've changed how we eat breakfast.
This morning we had fish and salad. It was delicious and where is it written breakfast has to be cereal or eggs?

Posted by: Northernlurker, Phillips screwdriver of the gods at May 12, 2017 04:49 PM (hJrjt)

98 6 weeks into the Fast Metabolism Diet and down 23 pounds. No wheat, corn, soy or dairy, sugar or alcohol. You eat 5 times a day as much as you want(veggies). 1st 2 days you eat grains(brown rice, quinoa or oatmeal)fruit, veggies and moderate protein and no fat. Next two days lots of protein and lots of low carb green veggies, no fat. Last 3 days of week, oatmeal, protein, whole eggs, fruit and veggies for breakfast, moderate protein and veggies for lunch with olive oil based dressing, berries. Dinner, mod. protein, veggies(salad with dressing. It's complicated but there's science behind it and it WORKS. The trick is you fool your body so your metabolism doesn't slow down. Blood sugar is stabilized, loads of energy. Don't kill myself with exercise either. Just walking.Did lo carb for years but weight crept up along with glucose. I've cheated a little with a couple of beers over the past 6 weeks. Sure enough, next day gained 2 lbs.

Posted by: Magnolia at May 12, 2017 04:49 PM (fPf5X)

99 >>>It's GREAT. Obviously these things tend to be very idiosyncratic, but the sprouts (sulfurophane) effects are immediately noticeable to me.

damn, I've got to finally make those stupid things.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:49 PM (8rNrN)

100 Here's something I watched yesterday. No clue how good all of the suggested tips really are. But one of the tips is about avoiding bright electronics like your smartphone and computer screen before bed. And another suggestion they have is that sleeping on your left side is better for you than your right side. So maybe give that a shot in your efforts to sleep?

Posted by: buzzion at May 12, 2017 04:49 PM (z/Ubi)

101 Congrats on quitting smoking, Ace! That is one of the hardest addictions to quit!

Posted by: runningrn at May 12, 2017 04:50 PM (4lzaU)

102 6 way bypass out of the blue at 47. He asked the doctor WTF and the doctor said, shitty genes. He had his second bypass last year, a 3 way. He has 45% function left at 68.

I eat like seagull on a garbage scow. Pretty much what I want. Weight is starting to creep up, but my numbers are in the perfect range. Pisses my doctor off royally.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 12, 2017 04:51 PM (PCof0)

103 64 Ace,

You went from cigarettes to e-cigarettes. Did you immediately stop cigarettes and only used e-cigarettes?
Now where are you on that? I'd like to know as I am at the e-cigarette stage, but then I'm also going outside and smoking. Comes to about 4-5 a day. So I am doing both, trying to kick the "real" cigarette habit.

Why kick e-cigs? Nicotine is suppose to have some good benefits. I went from non-smoker to vaping the Von Erl.

Posted by: scofflaw_x at May 12, 2017 04:51 PM (y9ZJX)

Posted by: down 50 at May 12, 2017 04:47 PM (Mt8T4)

THAT is fantastic!

Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 04:51 PM (3myMJ)

105 101 Congrats on quitting smoking, Ace! That is one of the hardest addictions to quit!
Posted by: runningrn at May 12, 2017 04:50 PM (4lzaU)

Sugar can be a challenge as well.

Posted by: Northernlurker, Phillips screwdriver of the gods at May 12, 2017 04:51 PM (hJrjt)

106 >>>101 Congrats on quitting smoking, Ace! That is one of the hardest addictions to quit!

thanks but it was a while ago. I can't even remember when it was. I think it's been 2 1/2 years.

That's when I got fat again, of course. but I've GAINZZZed that away.

I'm not sure I'd've gained that weight if I'd been doing the vape instead of going cold turkey.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:52 PM (8rNrN)

107 Regarding GAINZZZ you suddenly notice:

I hate to exercise just to exercise. HATE it. I used to stay relatively fit with tennis and swimming but for various reasons can't do that regularly now. So last fall I signed up for a tap dancing class --- two classes a week plus 45+ min practice on another 4 days.

When I do my home practice, I wear ankle and wrist weights. I started doing that just to burn more calories but.......after a few months I noticed I could carry more stuff with greater ease. especially in my left hand. I mean things like grocery bags with cans.

I realized that most of the time while tapping I'm moving my arms or holding them straight out to the side, so I was building up some arm strength.

It's a little thing, I guess. But makes me smile.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 12, 2017 04:52 PM (0jtPF)

108 One more thing on Niagen... restores the natural circadian rhythm. I sleep so well since I've been taking them.

Back pain and elbow inflammations are gone too.

Posted by: scofflaw_x at May 12, 2017 04:52 PM (y9ZJX)

109 ...
I, ummm...
Bob Schieffer Sees "Parallels" to Kennedy Assasination in Comey Firing

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at May 12, 2017 04:53 PM (B+qrE)

110 So looks like Comey has declined to testify next week.... We all Gainzzz with that...

Posted by: It's Me donna at May 12, 2017 04:53 PM (O2RFr)

111 I scored a sweet Buddy Capps original TPB off Craigslist.

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at May 12, 2017 04:54 PM (D0yfD)

112 Woo, Gainz thread! Ace's greatest contribution to my life.

Gainz-wise, I'm still just on IF (though today was a cheat because bacon and eggs smelled too good) but only being on IF and ending my snacking at 8pm each day has taken me down 1 - 2 pounds a month. Which is awesome.

The side-effect Gainz is...I don't eat as much in general. I'm not hungry often. My body gets buy just fine with less.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at May 12, 2017 04:54 PM (zsHGH)

113 It's a little thing, I guess. But makes me smile.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 12, 2017 04:52 PM (0jtPF)

Well deserved smile! It's not a little thing.

Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 04:54 PM (3myMJ)

114 Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:46 PM (8rNrN)


Thank you for your input. I look forward to your post on the subject!

Posted by: washrivergal at May 12, 2017 04:54 PM (+eKyB)

115 >>>Why kick e-cigs? Nicotine is suppose to have some good benefits. I went from non-smoker to vaping the Von Erl.

well, I don't know, it's not terrible, but it's a vasoconstrictor, increases blood pressure, etc.

Also, just the general idea that there's this unnecessary chemical I've trained myself to NEED is kind of off-putting.

I was at this all-day sort of seminar thing and I couldn't vape. It wasn't a problem like when I was on cigarettes (the idea of going that long without a cigarette was unthinkable!), but I did start feeling nic-fitty towards the end of it.

Eh, if I can get rid of that need, maybe i should.

I don't feel much urgency about it, though.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:55 PM (8rNrN)

116 Your physical state and your mental state interact and feed off each other.

Cellular knowledge baby, it's everywhere.

Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 04:55 PM (3myMJ)

117 >>>One more thing on Niagen... restores the natural circadian rhythm. I sleep so well since I've been taking them.

Back pain and elbow inflammations are gone too.



Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:56 PM (8rNrN)

118 Morning headaches are a symptom of sleep apnea which is related to obesity.

Posted by: davedavedavearf at May 12, 2017 04:56 PM (BLayO)

119 The light thing is legit. I've been going offline at nights with success. The Boy stays on till all hours and had trouble getting to sleep so I got him blue blockers and that really helped.

Posted by: moviegique at May 12, 2017 04:56 PM (7zeA4)

120 Random blowjobs are the best side benefits

Why do all these homosexuals keep sucking my dick?!

Posted by: Grump928(c) at May 12, 2017 04:57 PM (QQ+il)

121 For my GAINZZZ

Started at 250 lbs last September.

Been doing 16/8 Daily intermittent fast. Occasional "cheat weeks" where I'll eat breakfast, which is outside my 8 hour eating window.

I haven't done low carb, but have seriously cut back on snacking, which has still served to reduce my sugar and overall caloric intake by a lot.

Current weight as of this morning 197 lbs, so... 53 lost since Mid-September. Not bad... About 1.7 lbs per week on average. And about 40 to go to hit my goal weight.

Posted by: pkudude99 at May 12, 2017 04:57 PM (Ou1ev)

122 Thanks down 50, and nice going!

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:57 PM (8rNrN)

123 Bob Schieffer Sees "Parallels" to Kennedy Assasination in Comey Firing

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at May 12, 2017 04:53 PM (B+qrE)

Senility will do that to you

Posted by: TheQuietMan at May 12, 2017 04:58 PM (493sH)

124 >>>Morning headaches are a symptom of sleep apnea which is related to obesity.

I think he's saying your head used to hurt 'cuz you were FAT.

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at May 12, 2017 04:58 PM (D0yfD)

well, I don't know, it's not terrible, but it's a vasoconstrictor, increases blood pressure, etc.

Have a cousin who is a heart doctor, says pot is a bronchodilator.

I asked, "So if someone is having an asthma attack, they should take a hit of pot?"

YES, he said.

Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 04:58 PM (3myMJ)

126 >>>Morning headaches are a symptom of sleep apnea which is related to obesity.


Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:58 PM (8rNrN)

127 101 ... Sugar can be a challenge as well

Word. I got 99.9% off of sugar and feel a lot better in many ways. It was not easy. A local health food store has some excellent sugar-free chocolate candy, also some sugar free cookies that taste like Pecan Sandies(tm) only better.

Posted by: peacelovewoodstock at May 12, 2017 04:58 PM (q136n)

128 -----
Why kick e-cigs? Nicotine is suppose to have some good benefits. I went from non-smoker to vaping the Von Erl.
Posted by: scofflaw_x at May 12, 2017 04:51 PM (y9ZJX)


No. I am doing the e-cigs, still involved with cigarettes, though. This endeavor has been all of 1 1/2 weeks, so, I am thinking that my attachments still to the real cigarettes is psychological, as Ace pointed out.

Posted by: washrivergal at May 12, 2017 04:58 PM (+eKyB)

129 Stopped smoking 16 years ago; it was a condition my wife placed on her saying yes. (No, I didn't mind, as I was only smoking 1-2 a day at the time.) Haven't had one since and haven't had a cigar in over 3 years.

Suddenly I'm really craving a cigarette the last three days. There's a local tobacco shop and I could sneak in and buy something like Dunhills that are smoother. But then I'd have to hide the pack and sneak to smoke it and get rid of the smell. And I'd know I smoked.

Posted by: El Skippito Friskito at May 12, 2017 04:59 PM (F26eZ)

130 Posted by: pkudude99 at May 12, 2017 04:57 PM (Ou1ev)

I am very impressed by these large losses. I have to work like crazy to drop 5.

Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 04:59 PM (3myMJ)

131 110 So looks like Comey has declined to testify next week.... We all Gainzzz with that...

Posted by: It's Me donna at May 12, 2017 04:53 PM (O2RFr)


He'd rather leak a bunch of bs instead of going under oath. I wonder why that could possibly be?

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 12, 2017 04:59 PM (R+30W)

132 I was at this all-day sort of seminar thing and I couldn't vape. It wasn't a problem like when I was on cigarettes (the idea of going that long without a cigarette was unthinkable!), but I did start feeling nic-fitty towards the end of it.

Eh, if I can get rid of that need, maybe i should.

Nicotine lozenges and Werther's hard candies. Gradually step down. No cigarette in four years. No Vaping in 2 years.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 12, 2017 05:00 PM (PCof0)

133 Caution on the NSAIDS including Ibuprofin, I was popping them like candy after workouts ... after a few months developed "LGS" which has as side effect confusion, anxiety, dizziness. I would be in a meeting at work and feel like my head was stuffed with cotton. Took a while to figure out what was going on. Fixed it.

Posted by: peacelovewoodstock at May 12, 2017 05:01 PM (q136n)

134 The Russians stole my GAINNNZZZZ!!!!

Posted by: Barbra Streisand with maple syrup smeared all over her face at May 12, 2017 05:02 PM (eSx+E)

135 He'd rather leak a bunch of bs instead of going under oath. I wonder why that could possibly be?

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 12, 2017 04:59 PM (R+30W)

Maybe he's thinking twice after Donny Two Scoops made the "tapes" threat.

Posted by: WisRich at May 12, 2017 05:03 PM (hdpay)

136 Suddenly I'm really craving a cigarette the last three days. There's a local tobacco shop and I could sneak in and buy something like Dunhills that are smoother. But then I'd have to hide the pack and sneak to smoke it and get rid of the smell. And I'd know I smoked.

I smoked for 35 years. I finally quit. I am never going back.

I beat that motherfucker.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 12, 2017 05:03 PM (PCof0)

137 Once again, my posts are being eaten by the hamsters.

Posted by: Sixkiller at May 12, 2017 05:03 PM (uuvvU)

138 I think its the little things that are better just add up to a better mood.

Posted by: MJ at May 12, 2017 05:03 PM (dk3hK)

139 Nicotine lozenges and Werther's hard candies. Gradually step down. No cigarette in four years. No Vaping in 2 years.
Posted by: rickb223 at May 12, 2017 05:00 PM (PCof0)


My ex has had tremendous success with the nicotine lozenges. He's been off cigarettes now for three years but says he uses the lozenges like crazy. He bought some for me but I have not tried them. I am seeing the e-cigarettes as a great alternative, though.

Posted by: washrivergal at May 12, 2017 05:04 PM (+eKyB)

140 >>Here's something I watched yesterday. No clue how good all of the suggested tips really are. But one of the tips is about avoiding bright electronics like your smartphone and computer screen before bed. And another suggestion they have is that sleeping on your left side is better for you than your right side. So maybe give that a shot in your efforts to sleep?


The light thing, totally.

Also, they say to make sure you get blue UV light during the day (especially in the early day) to set your body-clock from the other end (that is, to set your wake-point).

I've mentioned that using a cold pack on my neck (if it's warm) helps me fall asleep. Wrap it in a hand-towel or put it under the pillow case. Cools blood down, signals body to sleep.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:04 PM (8rNrN)

141 135 He'd rather leak a bunch of bs instead of going under oath. I wonder why that could possibly be?

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 12, 2017 04:59 PM (R+30W)

Maybe he's thinking twice after Donny Two Scoops made the "tapes" threat.
Posted by: WisRich at May 12, 2017 05:03 PM (hdpay)

"threat" should also be in quotations.

Posted by: buzzion at May 12, 2017 05:04 PM (z/Ubi)

142 WTG everyone. I am near my initial goal. But I lost quite a lot of weight off my thighs, first time in my life for that, so unless I drop another 10 pounds I've still got flab around my middle. But I'm working on just sticking to mild IF of 15-17 hours daily of non-eating most days a week. So easy for me to do it this way and not have to say "I cant eat more than this amount for lunch" or "I cant eat ice cream I'm on a diet"

Side benefit. I can stick with my horse really well after building up the planking to a moderate level. Also I can get on without needing a few inches of high side which is really nice when the horse is wound up from the weight loss and doing some body weight only squats.

I'm also sleeping better at night. I don't know if the IF helps with inflammation or its mostly coincidental. I did also replace my 5-6 year old mattress topper a month ago and got some boost from that.

Posted by: PaleRider at May 12, 2017 05:04 PM (eASYU)

143 NOOOOO!!!! Do not ever fucking put eggs in a pressure cooke!!!


Don't worry, it's really ok to do that. :8
It's become popular to do and I've made HB eggs myself that way many times. They're easier to peel too than ones boiled the regular way.

Posted by: stace at May 12, 2017 05:04 PM (zy+gb)

144 >>>Caution on the NSAIDS including Ibuprofin, I was popping them like candy after workouts ... after a few months developed "LGS" which has as side effect confusion, anxiety, dizziness. I would be in a meeting at work and feel like my head was stuffed with cotton. Took a while to figure out what was going on. Fixed it.

see, I thought it was like aspirin.

Okay, good tip!

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:05 PM (8rNrN)

145 Emoji fail. I meant to do this:

Posted by: stace at May 12, 2017 05:05 PM (zy+gb)

146 Parallel thought about taking care of our bodies.

Had a lady friend get in my truck one day and remark, "I wish my car was this clean."

I thought to myself, "Gee, who could make that happen?"

Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 05:05 PM (3myMJ)

147 Ace,
All this would be so much easier to visualize if we had a picture of you. You can blur out the face.

Kombucha Tea helped me get off soda. Especially the GT line. Lots of good choices.


Posted by: Lex at May 12, 2017 05:06 PM (Aomm5)

148 Used to smoke, too. Could rely on having a sinus infection at least twice a year, requiring antibiotics. Quit in July 1995. Haven't had a sinus infection since then. Haven't had an antibiotic either, for any reason. Almost 22 years.

Posted by: Grateful at May 12, 2017 05:06 PM (nG95o)

149 Something I picked up in my listening this week: Late night eating es muy mal. Not just makes you fat but gives you cancer! Don't eat right before bed.

Popcorn presents a problem for the moviegique.

Posted by: moviegique at May 12, 2017 05:06 PM (7zeA4)

150 "Ace,
All this would be so much easier to visualize if we had a picture of you. You can blur out the face."

Victory Moobs!

Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 05:07 PM (3myMJ)

151 Kombucha Tea helped me get off soda. Especially the GT line. Lots of good choices.

Posted by: Lex

Kombucha > iodine > zits

Posted by: weft cut-loop at May 12, 2017 05:07 PM (udajc)

152 146 Parallel thought about taking care of our bodies.

Had a lady friend get in my truck one day and remark, "I wish my car was this clean."

I thought to myself, "Gee, who could make that happen?"
Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 05:05 PM (3myMJ)

Hired help?

Posted by: buzzion at May 12, 2017 05:07 PM (z/Ubi)

I've lost about 20 pounds since October and, as expected, my blood pressure is a bit lower.

Posted by: ArthurK at May 12, 2017 05:08 PM (fY5ib)

154 Hired help?
Posted by: buzzion at May 12, 2017 05:07 PM (z/Ubi)

and now we're back to Maria the levitating housekeeper aren't we?

Posted by: IP at May 12, 2017 05:08 PM (UmSfZ)

155 //117 >>>One more thing on Niagen... restores the natural circadian rhythm. I sleep so well since I've been taking them.

Back pain and elbow inflammations are gone too.




I was a little reticent to bring up Niagen too much because it sounds like I'm just hawking a product. But spend an afternoon reading about it and I'm pretty sure you'll want to give it a try.

I used to have to keep the kettlebells I used a little lighter than i preferred because i would invariably tweak my back swinging them. A week or two after starting Niagen I was swinging the heaviest kb in the gym and have not had one twinge of back discomfort.

Same with the elbows... flexor tendon inflammation when I did pull ups or rowing type exercises. Now, completely gone after suffering with it for 2 years.

Posted by: scofflaw_x at May 12, 2017 05:09 PM (y9ZJX)

156 Hired help?
Posted by: buzzion at May 12, 2017 05:07 PM (z/Ubi)

See, easier than GAINZZ.

Posted by: Meremortal at May 12, 2017 05:09 PM (3myMJ)

157 "Bob Schieffer Sees "Parallels" to Kennedy Assasination in Comey Firing "

Rush was talking about that today. Schieffer is an old fool.

Posted by: Tuna at May 12, 2017 05:10 PM (jm1YL)

158 On smoking, I'm on to cigars now. I'm on to a five-year plan. I eliminated cigarettes, then I go to cigars, then I go to pipes, then I go to chewing tobacco, then I'm on to that nicotine gum.

Time to go to the track and win some dough, some serious dough.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at May 12, 2017 05:11 PM (5VlCp)

159 "Bob Schieffer Sees "Parallels" to Kennedy Assasination in Comey Firing "

Rush was talking about that today. Schieffer is an old fool.

Posted by: Tuna at May 12, 2017 05:10 PM (jm1YL)

He was a young and middle aged one too

Posted by: TheQuietMan at May 12, 2017 05:11 PM (493sH)

160 I don't get this thread at all. Buncha bullshit.

Posted by: Michael Moore at May 12, 2017 05:12 PM (3myMJ)

161 I've been such a good girl the past 2 weeks. Stepped on the scale this morning and I've GAINED WEIGHT!! WTF?? I haz the sadz...

Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at May 12, 2017 05:13 PM (CNHr1)

162 I see parallels between Bob Schieffer and Ted Baxter.

Posted by: Meremortal, with mirth metal. at May 12, 2017 05:13 PM (3myMJ)

163 161 I've been such a good girl the past 2 weeks. Stepped on the scale this morning and I've GAINED WEIGHT!! WTF?? I haz the sadz...
Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at May 12, 2017 05:13 PM (CNHr1)

Try taking your clothes off first.

And make sure to face the webcam.

Posted by: buzzion at May 12, 2017 05:13 PM (z/Ubi)

164 I've been such a good girl the past 2 weeks. Stepped on the scale this morning and I've GAINED WEIGHT!! WTF?? I haz the sadz...
Posted by: DeplorableJewells45

It's just Super Powers. They can be heavy.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at May 12, 2017 05:14 PM (udajc)

165 Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at May 12, 2017 05:13 PM (CNHr1)

Just a little water weight. Take a nice walk the next two days and try again.

Posted by: Meremortal, with mirth metal. at May 12, 2017 05:14 PM (3myMJ)

166 I haven't taken a crap since Monday. So crazy gainzzz.

Posted by: Dang at May 12, 2017 05:14 PM (8b+oT)

167 Riced cauliflower is a good substitute for pasta or potatoes.

Posted by: Tuna at May 12, 2017 05:15 PM (jm1YL)

168 OK, have to get back outside, it's too pretty.

Posted by: Meremortal, with mirth metal. at May 12, 2017 05:15 PM (3myMJ)

169 Try taking your clothes off first.

And make sure to face the webcam.

Posted by: buzzion at May 12, 2017 05:13 PM (z/Ubi)

You have / need webcams in the afterlife...interesting.

Posted by: browndog at May 12, 2017 05:17 PM (bGMOs)

170 I haven't taken a crap since Monday. So crazy gainzzz.
Posted by: Dang

I recommend 5000cc of Taco Bell and or a laxative.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at May 12, 2017 05:17 PM (udajc)

171 Car tires hiss over rain-wet streets. Hungry dog howls. Hookers ply their wares in front of sick fluorescent light of donut shop. But the flesh and kruellers on display stir nothing in me. Gave up sugar. Feed myself only fury and justice.

Roll on snare drum, everyone laughs.

Down 40 pounds in six months.

Posted by: Rorsharch, Vigilante and HFLC Dieter at May 12, 2017 05:17 PM (8rNrN)

172 Maybe he's thinking twice after Donny Two Scoops made the "tapes" threat.
Posted by: WisRich at May 12, 2017 05:03 PM (hdpay)

"threat" should also be in quotations.

Posted by: buzzion at May 12, 2017 05:04 PM (z/Ubi)


Or just call it what it was: a "tapes" troll. Trump does know how to get under their skin.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 12, 2017 05:18 PM (R+30W)

173 I was naked buzzion and no cameras were involved. Perv. Serious..I have been eating salads, cut back on the booze, cut out everything "white" (rice, potatoes etc). I don't get it. Even started walking again in spite of my bad foot. *sigh*

Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at May 12, 2017 05:18 PM (CNHr1)

174 Current weight as of this morning 197 lbs, so... 53 lost since Mid-September. Not bad... About 1.7 lbs per week on average. And about 40 to go to hit my goal weight.

Posted by: pkudude99 at May 12, 2017 04:57 PM (Ou1ev)

Nice going!!

Posted by: Country Boy at May 12, 2017 05:18 PM (Jcg9Q)

175 Posted by: Michael Moore at May 12, 2017 05:12 PM

Hi, Michael! We at the Brattleboro Womyn's Health Cooperative and Cat Massage Boutique and Pussy Hat Knitting Claque would love to have you be the keynote speaker at our upcoming Fyrey Fylm Festyval. Interested?

Posted by: Mary Cloggenstein of Brattleboro VT at May 12, 2017 05:18 PM (DMUuz)

176 Jewell, it's the salads.
Eat steak and bacon.

Posted by: @votermom @vm at May 12, 2017 05:19 PM (hMwEB)

177 Once again, my posts are being eaten by the hamsters.

Posted by: Sixkiller at May 12, 2017 05:03 PM (uuvvU)

Well hello there Minister!!! Hope all's well.

Posted by: Country Boy at May 12, 2017 05:19 PM (Jcg9Q)

178 Or just call it what it was: a "tapes" troll. Trump does know how to get under their skin.
Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 12, 2017 05:18 PM

Vlad Tapes?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at May 12, 2017 05:20 PM (DMUuz)

179 I haven't been on a GAINZZZZZZ thread in a while so this might be boring, but last time I tweaked my back I tried using one of the drugstore TENS units, and it fixed it in 2-3 days. Usually I can look forward to weeks of soreness when my back "goes out" once every year or so.

This was the Aleve Direct Therapy brand, and there's also the Icy Hot one that probably works well too.

Posted by: stace at May 12, 2017 05:20 PM (zy+gb)

180 I see parallels between Bob Schieffer and Ted Baxter.

Posted by: Meremortal, with mirth metal. at May 12, 2017 05:13 PM (3myMJ)

I read that as Bundy.

Posted by: Country Boy at May 12, 2017 05:21 PM (Jcg9Q)

181 Oh I read Big Fat Surprise, sort of. Read thge start and end, skimmed the middle.

Posted by: @votermom @vm at May 12, 2017 05:21 PM (hMwEB)

182 >>> I haven't taken a crap since Monday. So crazy gainzzz.

if you go low carb, you have to take fiber or greens to keep things moving. Otherwise going to be cutting out a chunk of your colon

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at May 12, 2017 05:22 PM (D0yfD)

183 Votermom.. maybe I should go on a steak and bacon diet. I'd be happier!

Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at May 12, 2017 05:22 PM (CNHr1)

184 >>> I've been such a good girl the past 2 weeks. Stepped on the scale this morning and I've GAINED WEIGHT!! WTF?? I haz the sadz...
Posted by: DeplorableJewells45

A wired scale can record weight readings to your phone or computer. Then you can start thinking in terms of longer term trends, and see a nice little graph and stuff.

the day to day thing, or even week to week thing, can be misleading. One weighing can be thrown off by hydration state and just by the margin of error of the scale itself.

one suggestion is to weigh yourself at the same time -- when you first get up, after going to the bathroom -- every day, naked, obviously.

This reading will be too low -- you're at your lowest hydration, you have nothing in your belly, etc. -- but at least it's standard.

and even that can vary by one or even two pounds, even on a good scale.

You really need to see the trendlines over time.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:23 PM (8rNrN)

185 I have lost 16 pounds since Christmas. I am now at a very stable weight, and don't have to work at keeping it off.
Biggest plus... no acid indigestion, and no holding my breath when I tie my shoes.
Honestly, it was not that hard, just had to do a couple of things.

Posted by: kraken at May 12, 2017 05:23 PM (zSVEm)

186 Jewells, that is why I pimp "weigh everyday" You do have to balance if doing that will cause anxiety but if you can hop on the scale daily and just average the weights weekly or so you won't get dismayed by the scale if you ate extra salt the day before and have more fluid than your average. I have found that every time I have a riding/camping weekend my weight is up a few lbs when I come home and then returns to normal after 3-5 days.

Posted by: PaleRider at May 12, 2017 05:24 PM (eASYU)

187 "I was naked buzzion and no cameras were involved. Perv. Serious..I have been eating salads, cut back on the booze, cut out everything "white" (rice, potatoes etc). I don't get it. Even started walking again in spite of my bad foot. *sigh*"

I just started by eating what I usually eat but a lot less of it. Didnt feel like I was depriving myself that way. I realized that it took me a long time to gain the weight and it's going to take a long time to lose it.

Posted by: Tuna at May 12, 2017 05:25 PM (jm1YL)

188 How does that work ace? I need a special scale?

Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at May 12, 2017 05:25 PM (CNHr1)

189 Cigarettes are not the problem. Bourbon is the problem. Cigarettes follow bourbon around like puppies. The cigarettes make my chest hurt, but they don't make my hands shake. I would rather that I could feel as good as I do after a couple of blasts, as compared to having tea or coffee and a smoke, but it just doesn't work. Curses. It's got to be curses

Posted by: goon at May 12, 2017 05:25 PM (EaQ6/)

190 Jewell read this blog

Posted by: @votermom @vm at May 12, 2017 05:26 PM (hMwEB)

191 >>>I haven't been on a GAINZZZZZZ thread in a while so this might be boring, but last time I tweaked my back I tried using one of the drugstore TENS units, and it fixed it in 2-3 days.

i tried TENS. Maybe I didn't set it up right, or maybe I overdid it, but it didn't work for me.

I had to get my back re-aligned by the chiropractor then I did hot/cold therapy every day for a while. Plus, used a back support when working out.

That mostly did the trick but to really get that damn muscle to stop spasming (and throwing out my spine) i had to take muscle relaxants for three days.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:26 PM (8rNrN)

192 Pale Rider.. see I listen to the people that say once you start a diet don't weigh yourself for a few weeks. I think you and Ace are right. You need to see the trends.. remember, maybe you didn't hydrate as much as you should have, you had too much salt intake etc. I think I may give that a try. I'm not overweight my any means but would love to shed 10 pounds I gained over the winter.

Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at May 12, 2017 05:28 PM (CNHr1)

193 "I just started by eating what I usually eat but a lot less of it. Didnt feel like I was depriving myself that way. I realized that it took me a long time to gain the weight and it's going to take a long time to lose it."

Also, I never weigh myself. If my clothes continue to get looser I'm happy. I see the doctor every 6months for blood pressure so that's my weigh in time

Posted by: Tuna at May 12, 2017 05:28 PM (jm1YL)

194 >>> How does that work ace? I need a special scale?

yeah, they have bluetooth scales. Fitbit has one called Aria, and Withings has one.

You download the program on to your phone and then sync the thing to your phone.

Then whenever you weight yourself, the number is automaticall recorded.

But it's like $100.

You could also, I'm sure, get a free software program or app to track weight, and then just manually enter readings.

That would work just as well, but I'm... I just can't do that.

One of the things I really have to do is make myself write lists and notes and just generally get organized.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:28 PM (8rNrN)

That mostly did the trick but to really get that damn muscle to stop spasming (and throwing out my spine) i had to take muscle relaxants for three days.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:26 PM (8rNrN)

That doesn't sound like fun.

Posted by: Country Boy at May 12, 2017 05:29 PM (Jcg9Q)

196 bought myself a fit bit 3 weeks ago, and started back up on weight watchers down 15 lbs so far. About 100 lbs to go. I lost about 60 three years ago and it all came back with a vengeance plus a little extra. Scraping up against 300 lbs, was past due to make an honest to goodness effort to do something about it.

I will wait for the moment to deal with my 4 - 6 cigarette a day habit. I had quit for 4 years, and took it up again around the time I started losing weight last time, I was basically on a cigarette/diet pepsi and trident gum diet.

fitbit I thought was a dopey gimmick, but I am making a real effort to hit the daily goals, it scolds me at 10 til the hour to get up off my ass and move around. It's easy to forget how sedentary my life is when I'm in the office and not at home or out at a project site.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at May 12, 2017 05:29 PM (Hzzxg)

197 thanks ace

Posted by: concrete girl at May 12, 2017 05:30 PM (WKvlL)

198 >>>ale Rider.. see I listen to the people that say once you start a diet don't weigh yourself for a few weeks. I think you and Ace are right. You need to see the trends.. remember, maybe you didn't hydrate as much as you should have, you had too much salt intake etc. I

btw don't try to trick the scale by deliberately dehydrating yourself.

I've done that, even knowing how stupid it was. It will result in a few falsely-low weighings and then real weight gain because you're wiped out physically and mentally and you just sit around and snack.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:30 PM (8rNrN)

199 Oh, I also started splitting my high blood pressure pills in half.

Posted by: @votermom @vm at May 12, 2017 05:31 PM (hMwEB)

200 As always, my only GAINZZ involve my attempts to heal an injured muscle.

Question for the gainz-community:

Will taking creatine (as a supplement) help to heal an injured muslce?

I fully understand that creatine is only taken by "bodybuilders" who are trying to "increase" their "muscle mass," and to this end, creatine is proven to work.

But how it works is to accelerate the healing of the micro-injuries one sustains during a workout.

So I was thinking that creatine would ALSO work to accelerate the healing of a muscle that is more severely injured (i.e. a sprained or "pulled" muscle).

Anyone have any experience with this? Or hear tales that creatine does this?

Help! Creatine is my last hope. It's just gotta work.

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:32 PM (DQ4Fv)

201 Tuna, I did that when I started the IF eating system. My scale had been broken and I had not replaced it.

But after a couple months of initial progress I got to a point where I could not see the clothes fit changing anymore and I needed the scale to reassure me that things were going in the right direction, just gradual progress.

Posted by: PaleRider at May 12, 2017 05:32 PM (eASYU)

202 Thanks Ace. I will check that out.

Votermom.. I sort of scanned that article but saved it to read in depth later but one thing that jumped out at me... FATIGUE! Good Lord I feel like I am always tired (I do have a low thyroid) but that "fog" it mentions? I feel like that most of the time. I fell asleep at my desk the other day! Doctor says my dose for my thyroid medicine is the proper dose so I am thinking now diet has a lot to do with my fatigue, not my thyroid.

Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at May 12, 2017 05:33 PM (CNHr1)

"I was basically on a cigarette/diet pepsi and trident gum diet"

All that artificial sweetener, especially the stuff in sugar free gum and mints, will give a really bad case of the runs.

Posted by: Tuna at May 12, 2017 05:34 PM (jm1YL)


and if you've already had your TGIF drink, enjoy

Student freaks out over Trump sign on campus

she's a fraud, and it's all a game

although, people keep walking up to her and asking her if she needs help, lol

why yes, yes she does

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 12, 2017 05:35 PM (fceHP)

205 Jewell yeah me too I was always wiped out.

Now I actually have energy to wake up through the night to take the puppy outside to potty and still function during the day.

Posted by: @votermom @vm at May 12, 2017 05:35 PM (hMwEB)

206 "All that artificial sweetener, especially the stuff in sugar free gum and mints, will give a really bad case of the runs."

I've never had an issue with that, even the olestra chips they used to (still?) sell. I stick to the aspartame, it's why I was so pissed when they changed the diet pepsi formula. I think the runs are a side effect of to much sucralose, and the xylitol in the gum doesn't bother me, but it will kill the dog if I leave it out apparently.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at May 12, 2017 05:36 PM (Hzzxg)

207 right, so signed up for this boxing thing - one session, kind of an intro - stance, the basics. probably an inducement to sign up for classes. i don't know. just want to see what it's about. sometimes you just feel like punching someone, but you wanna do it proper like, so you don't break your wrist or anything...

Posted by: runner at May 12, 2017 05:36 PM (c6/9Q)

208 I just got a steroid shot in my shoulder joint for tendinitis. Has killed my gainzzzz. Cant even sleep at night. Sucks.
and surprisingly enough, upping my tequila intake as physical therapy to kill the inflammation did nothing to help. wtf?

Wait...I'm injured so i can eat anything I want!! To HEAL!!

I think kettle chips is just the things for my shoulder!

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 12, 2017 05:37 PM (O5bec)

209 So, that's the question: Apart from the GAINZZZ you were trying to
GAINZZZ, have you GAINZZZed any GAINZZZ you didn't even think about, and
maybe haven't really thought about it until now?

I've tightened up my belt two holes in the last six months. Not really thinking about it, just did it as I noticed the pants weren't quite as tight as I was used to. Lately feels like I'm going to have to cinch it up one more.

But then I have to travel for work next week, so I'll probably be going the other way when that's over.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at May 12, 2017 05:37 PM (YEelc)

210 Help! Creatine is my last hope. It's just gotta work.

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:32 PM (DQ4Fv)

Sixkiller can probably answer this better than I can.

But my basic understanding of creatine was that it helped "repair" muscles only because it caused more water to be retained in the muscles, which could then help the muscles repair themselves faster. Not that the creatine actually fixed muscle damage itself.

I haven't read up on it in a while though.

Posted by: Country Boy at May 12, 2017 05:37 PM (Jcg9Q)

211 Re: the creatine comment #200:

The injured muscle is my gluteus medius on the right side -- a difficult-to-pin-down muscle that connects the top of your pelvic bone to the side of your hip. Problem is, it goes under the much larger gluteus maximus, so it's just about impossible to massage or even locate the gluteus medius.

I'm trying to develop an efficacious "workout schedule" to stretch the muscle one day, then rest it the next, etc. -- but haven't yet found the magic formula.

What do the experts say when it comes to the schedule/regime for repairing/healing a sprained muscle?

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:37 PM (DQ4Fv)

212 Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:26 PM (8rNrN)

Ok, roger that. My "tweaks" aren't as serious as what you're going through, clearly.

Back when I was a zookeeper, which is pretty physical, at one point my back was so chronically spasmed that it was twisted sideways, and my co-workers would ask me how the hell was I able to even walk around like that? The bosses finally made me go to physical therapy for three sessions. They put me on muscle relaxants and ibuprofen, and at each session they did all of these: chiropractor adjustments, TENS, moist heat (shut up), and forced stretches. Throwing everything at the problem for three days broke that cycle of inflammation and spasm I'd been in for months.

Posted by: stace at May 12, 2017 05:38 PM (zy+gb)

213 I share an office with an old fart who coughs up chunks of lung every day. I always wondered if he chewed them before he swallowed them. Sometimes he spits them out, but I think his immune system benefits more from eating them than expelling them. Mmm, oysters al fresco FTW!

Posted by: Fritz at May 12, 2017 05:38 PM (TNQMS)

214 Then you really might know what it's like.

Posted by: Elizabeth Warren at May 12, 2017 05:38 PM (vRcUp)

215 I'm doing low carb, and the thing I miss the most is tortilla chips. I think I miss the crunchiness of crackers, chips etc.

I put a sheet of parchment paper on a sheet pan, grate about 2-3 tbsp of sharp cheese, and press down a little bit. Then I put a jalapeno slice in the middle. Bake about 10-12 mins, and they will be crispy. Really good.

Congrats to Ace and all the moron losers, I am losing very slowly.

Posted by: Red Enchilada at May 12, 2017 05:38 PM (+i7ay)

216 But my basic understanding of creatine was that it helped "repair" muscles only because it caused more water to be retained in the muscles, which could then help the muscles repair themselves faster. Not that the creatine actually fixed muscle damage itself.

I haven't read up on it in a while though.
Posted by: Country Boy

Whatever the biological mechanism, all I know is the taking creatine = muscle repair faster.

I;m just worried that I as a "side effect" I'll grow really big muscles, which I DON'T want to do.

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:39 PM (DQ4Fv)

217 "But after a couple months of initial progress I got to a point where I could not see the clothes fit changing anymore and I needed the scale to reassure me that things were going in the right direction, just gradual progress."

I learned to stop obsessing over the whole process. I've seen fairly steady weight lose since my hip replacement and the advent of my exercise program and cut back of food intake so I'm happy. Anyway my doc said slower is better as you are less likely to gain it all back.

Posted by: Tuna at May 12, 2017 05:40 PM (jm1YL)

218 The high fat intake in the biggest factor in my GAINZZZ. The muscle growth is massive and the strength GAINZZZ are huge and fast. I lost 6 pounds of fat in 2 days last weekend and I realized that I may have to go 16-8 instead of 20-4. I have to eat a lot just to maintain 185.

I look like I'm in my mid 20's. Everything from hair to skin and everything in between is as youthful as ever. Sleep is awesome. I have high energy. College girls are hitting on me, but 3 years of family court so I obviously am not interstered.... Now.

So I feel and look amazing. Conan Mindset is real.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at May 12, 2017 05:40 PM (2qHjF)

219 We created the phrase 'Two Scoops' and will defend it in court. POTUS or not.

Posted by: Raisin Bran at May 12, 2017 05:40 PM (qeUgm)

220 207 right, so signed up for this boxing thing - one session, kind of an intro - stance, the basics. probably an inducement to sign up for classes. i don't know. just want to see what it's about. sometimes you just feel like punching someone, but you wanna do it proper like, so you don't break your wrist or anything...
Posted by: runner at May 12, 2017 05:36 PM (c6/9Q)

Bags at home. Doing a few intense 5 minute rounds is the only thing that really relaxes me....and keeps me from killing someone. been doing it for many years. Once you learn technique you wont get hurt.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 12, 2017 05:41 PM (O5bec)

221 Zombie -- doing any sauna?

Newell -- Ace is right about trends. I think it's especially important for women. Y'all have cyclical fluctuations.

Posted by: moviegique at May 12, 2017 05:41 PM (7zeA4)

222 213 I share an office with an old fart who coughs up chunks of lung every day. I always wondered if he chewed them before he swallowed them. Sometimes he spits them out, but I think his immune system benefits more from eating them than expelling them. Mmm, oysters al fresco FTW!

Posted by: Fritz at May 12, 2017 05:38 PM (TNQMS)


There was that piece a few days ago that said eating boogers was good for your heath.

Oh, I almost forgot: #science

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 12, 2017 05:41 PM (R+30W)

223 Back when I was a zookeeper, which is pretty physical, at one point my back was so chronically spasmed that it was twisted sideways, and my co-workers would ask me how the hell was I able to even walk around like that? The bosses finally made me go to physical therapy for three sessions. They put me on muscle relaxants and ibuprofen, and at each session they did all of these: chiropractor adjustments, TENS, moist heat (shut up), and forced stretches. Throwing everything at the problem for three days broke that cycle of inflammation and spasm I'd been in for months.
Posted by: stace

Your solution may be what I need for my problem.

Question: What is "TENS"?

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:41 PM (DQ4Fv)

224 Anybody ever pulled a hamstring?
How long am I going to be in agony?
Can't do shit, and it hurts bad when I lay flat and stretch out.

Posted by: wth at May 12, 2017 05:42 PM (HgMAr)

225 i had just moved when these threads started.
my best gainzzzz is that i am happy.
before...i was "stuck"
now i have so much to do.
i did stuff before but now my outlook is positive.
also, i basically exist on vegetables.

except for the occaisional pancake.
thanks again.

Posted by: concrete girl at May 12, 2017 05:42 PM (WKvlL)

226 208 I just got a steroid shot in my shoulder joint for tendinitis. Has killed my gainzzzz. Cant even sleep at night. Sucks.
and surprisingly enough, upping my tequila intake as physical therapy to kill the inflammation did nothing to help. wtf?

Wait...I'm injured so i can eat anything I want!! To HEAL!!

I think kettle chips is just the things for my shoulder!
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 12, 2017 05:37 PM (O5bec)

That's exactly my story minus the shot. I hurt my back. No weights. So I ate chips and doughnuts. And drank. A lot.

No bueno.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 12, 2017 05:43 PM (Ri/rl)

227 Ace--try yogurt before you sleep. It may well very help you sleep well and certinaly wont hurt.
But not Chobani yogurt. ...choose yogurt from companies that are less anti- American , scheming Soros--loving assholes.

Posted by: Malignantly aggrieved and economically useless at May 12, 2017 05:43 PM (ZMEVg)

228 So I feel and look amazing.

"mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all ?"

Posted by: runner at May 12, 2017 05:43 PM (c6/9Q)

229 221 Zombie -- doing any sauna?

Newell -- Ace is right about trends. I think it's especially important for women. Y'all have cyclical fluctuations.
Posted by: moviegique

I wish.

I know that saunas and jacuzzis really help my problem, but I don't have access to either -- I live really far from the nearest place with a publicly accessible sauna and/or hot tub.

My compromise is: hot baths.

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:44 PM (DQ4Fv)

230 I work shift work (12-hour shifts, at a desk, monitoring stuff). Very sedentary, and not much time when I get home for exercise. And forget before work, because that's too freaking early.

But I'm switching to a midnight shift for six weeks. Going to see if I can't motivate myself to get up a little earlier in the afternoon to do something before work.

I have tightened up the diet recently. Brewing my own coffee 5-6 days a week to avoid the energy drinks. Meal prep to avoid the cafeteria/fast food runs.

Posted by: Arch Stanton at May 12, 2017 05:44 PM (MCbul)

231 Huh creatine. i have some. Maybe help with my injured shoulder.

I went to a Mens Clinic and they tested my Testosterone and HGH. The PA there said HGH is very important in healing and sports docs use it to help injured athletes after surgery. Anyone? Bueller?

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 12, 2017 05:45 PM (O5bec)

232 Also, my doc wanted me on Flomax because I have the beginnings of osteoporosis. I was on it a month and started losing my hair again. I've lost so much because of my thyroid! I said oh hell no. So I called her and she switched me to something else. I don't even remember what it's called. I'm not taking it. Trying to figure out a natural way to fight the osteoporosis.

Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at May 12, 2017 05:45 PM (CNHr1)

233 All that artificial sweetener, especially the stuff in sugar free gum and mints, will give a really bad case of the runs.

You know what else does? Cold Starbucks frappacinos in the bottles you get at Wal Mart or the grocery store.

Like "standing flat footed & shit thru a screen door" type runs.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 12, 2017 05:45 PM (OUFmY)

234 Bags at home. Doing a few intense 5 minute rounds is
the only thing that really relaxes me....and keeps me from killing
someone. been doing it for many years. Once you learn technique you wont
get hurt.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 12, 2017 05:41 PM (O5bec)

right, good technique is everything

Posted by: runner at May 12, 2017 05:45 PM (c6/9Q)

235 218 The high fat intake in the biggest factor in my GAINZZZ. The muscle growth is massive and the strength GAINZZZ are huge and fast. I lost 6 pounds of fat in 2 days last weekend and I realized that I may have to go 16-8 instead of 20-4. I have to eat a lot just to maintain 185.

I look like I'm in my mid 20's. Everything from hair to skin and everything in between is as youthful as ever. Sleep is awesome. I have high energy. College girls are hitting on me, but 3 years of family court so I obviously am not interstered.... Now.

So I feel and look amazing. Conan Mindset is real.
Posted by: Widespread Pepe at May 12, 2017 05:40 PM (2qHjF)

If you are 45 I'm going to hit you and then increase my fat intake.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 12, 2017 05:45 PM (Ri/rl)

236 The headaches every morning might be from the pint of val-u-rite the night before. Just saying.

One thing I noticed: stairs. When I started doing squats and putting in time on the rowing machine, stairs all of a sudden seemed a lot more fun. Stairs did not hurt per se, but after working on legs and knees it is almost like you jump up stairs. Much lighter on your feet.

Posted by: Aetius451AD's work phone at May 12, 2017 05:46 PM (tKLxv)

237 That's exactly my story minus the shot. I hurt my back. No weights. So I ate chips and doughnuts. And drank. A lot.

No bueno.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 12, 2017 05:43 PM (Ri/rl)

Well I'm going to try he tequila thing again anyway. Second times a charm.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 12, 2017 05:47 PM (O5bec)

238 232 Also, my doc wanted me on Flomax because I have the beginnings of osteoporosis. I was on it a month and started losing my hair again. I've lost so much because of my thyroid! I said oh hell no. So I called her and she switched me to something else. I don't even remember what it's called. I'm not taking it. Trying to figure out a natural way to fight the osteoporosis.
Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at May 12, 2017 05:45 PM (CNHr1)

Do whatever it takes to fix the osteoporosis. My step MIL has it. She has been bedridden for years. It's terrible.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 12, 2017 05:47 PM (Ri/rl)

239 Question: What is "TENS"?
Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:41 PM (DQ4Fv)

Transcutaneous electroneural stimulation. It's quite effective. Also, heat and ice for pulled or torn muscles can help.

Posted by: Insomniac, Lord Hurlingbone, Earl of Melancholy at May 12, 2017 05:47 PM (0mRoj)

240 I went to a Mens Clinic and they tested my Testosterone and HGH. The PA there said HGH is very important in healing and sports docs use it to help injured athletes after surgery. Anyone? Bueller?
Posted by: Cannibal Bob

I'm quite sure that HGH ("human Growth Hormone," presumably) would massively help heal my (and your) muscles. But the problem would be its "side effects," which can be significant and definitely what I want to avoid. I'm too afraid to use HGH.

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:47 PM (DQ4Fv)

241 Finals and final projects for the term mean that I've basically been off my diet and workout for the past five weeks. I'm trying to get back on it. Was good on Wednesday, bad on Thursday, and trying to be good today. I did go to the gym for the first time in two weeks, and I'm sore as hell today. Unfortunately with graduation everything on campus is closed this weekend, so I'll have to make due with walking five miles tonight and Sunday, and sprints tomorrow.

I went to an open forge last Friday and beat hot iron for about three hours, which was fun. I figure I can try to get in twice a month and work on small projects. I'm going to make a letter opening to get some practice working with 1/2" bar stock before I try to work with tool steel and make a knife. Other than that, having this week and next off means plenty of time for dancing. Tango on Wednesday, swing dancing yesterday, and a hustle workshop tomorrow. Next week will be more swing and tango, and blacksmithing.

The job hunt is officially on. My resume is good, but I need to finish a basic cover letter and start sending both out. I also sat down with the grad program director and got his input on a writing sample, so my plan over the next week is to try and clean it up, make some additions and changes, and send it out to jobs that request a sample.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at May 12, 2017 05:47 PM (Tnhbr)

242 zombie, have you tried Glutamine? Supposed to help with muscle recovery, but I don't know about healing.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:49 PM (8rNrN)

243 Question: What is "TENS"?
Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:41 PM (DQ4Fv)

Transcutaneous electroneural stimulation.

Where you stick pads on you with leads going to a unit usually the size of a deck of cards. Electrical stimulation.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 12, 2017 05:49 PM (PCof0)

244 Also, heat and ice for pulled or torn muscles can help.
Posted by: Insomniac

the super-frustrating thing about the gluteus medius is that it isn't on the surface, and in fact is buried way down so deep under layers of other muscle that the heat and ice treatments don't reach it. The damn muscle is just hiding way down inside your body just laughing at your attempts to access it.

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:51 PM (DQ4Fv)

245 >>>"Will taking creatine (as a supplement) help to heal an injured muslce?

I fully understand that creatine is only taken by "bodybuilders" who are trying to "increase" their "muscle mass," and to this end, creatine is proven to work.

But how it works is to accelerate the healing of the micro-injuries one sustains during a workout.

So I was thinking that creatine would ALSO work to accelerate the healing of a muscle that is more severely injured (i.e. a sprained or "pulled" muscle).

Anyone have any experience with this? Or hear tales that creatine does this?

Help! Creatine is my last hope. It's just gotta work."


Creatine does not work by healing micro-injuries. It helps your ATP replenishment and allows you to do more work or maintain a higher level of work. The cellular water retention can increase protein synthesis and glycogen storage, but the protein synthesis is not conclusive and I would check age and sex of the study subjects.

Protein synthesis to repair micro trauma from a workout is not the same as healing trauma from a pull or sprain. In this case creatine is going to make you piss a lot.

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at May 12, 2017 05:51 PM (D0yfD)

246 239 Question: What is "TENS"?
Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:41 PM (DQ4Fv)

Transcutaneous electroneural stimulation. It's quite effective. Also, heat and ice for pulled or torn muscles can help.

Posted by: Insomniac, Lord Hurlingbone, Earl of Melancholy at May 12, 2017 05:47 PM (0mRoj)

Wife just bought a combo TENS and ELM Electro Muscle stim. on Amazon. $35. (can switch modalities) using it on my shoulder, her on her back. Nice unit. Timer, intensity two channel, pads included. Sweet deal.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 12, 2017 05:51 PM (O5bec)

247 232 Also, my doc wanted me on Flomax because I have the beginnings of osteoporosis. I was on it a month and started losing my hair again. I've lost so much because of my thyroid! I said oh hell no. So I called her and she switched me to something else. I don't even remember what it's called. I'm not taking it. Trying to figure out a natural way to fight the osteoporosis.
Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at May 12, 2017 05:45 PM (CNHr1)

To my knowledge, there is no natural way to fight off osteoporosis. My grandmother had it. Not something to be trifled with.

Posted by: Insomniac, Lord Hurlingbone, Earl of Melancholy at May 12, 2017 05:51 PM (0mRoj)

248 I am so close to buying a Transcranial Direct Stimulation device you wouldn't believe it.

It's $145 but I'm justifying it to myself as "it's an expenditure that will result in blog posts about it."

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:51 PM (8rNrN)

249 Hi zombie, it's transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.

Basically, electrode patches are applied on the skin around the sore area, and then you turn it on and it starts zapping the muscles and stimulating them. It feels really creepy at first, but then it feels great after the creep factor passes. You keep dialing it up the juice as you're able to tolerate the increases.

You can buy the traditional four electrode ones on Amazon, but I found that the Aleve one was easy to use because you're not messing with wires and loose sticky patches.

Posted by: stace at May 12, 2017 05:52 PM (zy+gb)

250 the super-frustrating thing about the gluteus medius is that it isn't on the surface, and in fact is buried way down so deep under layers of other muscle that the heat and ice treatments don't reach it. The damn muscle is just hiding way down inside your body just laughing at your attempts to access it.
Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:51 PM (DQ4Fv)

Look into getting physical therapy that includes ultrasound treatment.

Posted by: Insomniac, Lord Hurlingbone, Earl of Melancholy at May 12, 2017 05:52 PM (0mRoj)

251 >>>But I'm switching to a midnight shift for six weeks. Going to see if I can't motivate myself to get up a little earlier in the afternoon to do something before work.

they say something like the Philips GoLight, which blasts UV light at you, can help re-set your body clock when you're working odd hours.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:53 PM (8rNrN)

252 The damn muscle is just hiding way down inside your body just laughing at your attempts to access it.

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:51 PM (DQ4Fv)

The G spot?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 12, 2017 05:53 PM (rF0hx)

253 Transcranial ? sounds dangerous, may set this blog back years, instead of hours..

Posted by: runner at May 12, 2017 05:54 PM (c6/9Q)

254 248 I am so close to buying a Transcranial Direct Stimulation device you wouldn't believe it.

It's $145 but I'm justifying it to myself as "it's an expenditure that will result in blog posts about it."

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:51 PM (8rNrN)

will it help me be more creative? I'm kinda bogged down. Oh and does it go to 'eleven"?

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 12, 2017 05:54 PM (O5bec)

255 zombie,

This is probably pretty basic, but you know about the lacrosse ball way of getting at deep tissue, right?

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:54 PM (8rNrN)

256 207 right, so signed up for this boxing thing - one session, kind of an intro - stance, the basics.....
Posted by: runner at May 12, 2017 05:36 PM (c6/9Q)
My daughter is taking kick-boxing and looooooves it.
Great exercise, for sure, but also great at relieving stress.
I would think that regular boxing would be good for that too!

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 12, 2017 05:55 PM (0jtPF)

257 I thing that I do is pick my favorite foods that I can't eat while on the GAINZZZ train in ketosis. Mine is pizza and gelato. I'll treat myself to it once every 30 days. This helps motivate me to pack on as much muscle and loss as much fat as possible. I enjoy my pizza and gelato days that much more.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at May 12, 2017 05:55 PM (2qHjF)

258 If anyone doesn't know the lacrosse ball (or softball) way, you just set the ball on the floor, put your body down on it on the painful/knotted part, and put your weight down on it (as much as you can comfortably bear), and sort of try to do circular or back and forth movements with it.

Softball is more for surface tissue, lacrosse ball can penetrate a bit deeper.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:56 PM (8rNrN)

259 Transcranial ? sounds dangerous, may set this blog back years, instead of hours..

At least it's only transcranial and not a cranial rectal inversion kit.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 12, 2017 05:56 PM (PCof0)

260 My daughter is taking kick-boxing and looooooves it.

Great exercise, for sure, but also great at relieving stress.

I would think that regular boxing would be good for that too!

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 12, 2017 05:55 PM (0jtPF)

sounds good. I am a purist, though; boxing in its pure, unadulterated form. but that's just me.

Posted by: runner at May 12, 2017 05:57 PM (c6/9Q)

261 242 zombie, have you tried Glutamine? Supposed to help with muscle recovery, but I don't know about healing.
Posted by: ace

yeah -- but I think you mean ":gkucosamine" which I am indeed taking.

Actually, it's very itneresting -- I did some "deep research" into the medical literature about glucosamine, and there are conflicting results as to whether or not it works to heal tendons, joints and muscles -- but someone had a "Eureka" moment recently when he surveyed all know studies and found that the ones -- and only the ones - -that tested glucosamine sulfate were efficacious -- whereas all the other studies which used glucosamine hydrochloride, which in every instance proved to be useless.

Until now, everyone had always assumed the two different forms of glucosamine were interchangeable and equivalent -- but now we now (for the first time) that they are NOT interchangeable, and only the sulfate version works.

The problem? About 80% of commercially available "glucosamine" pills on shelves today are the wrong kind -- the hydrochloride kind.

But if you shop around you can companies that use the sulfate version.

I did that a couple weeks ago and have been taking it ever since.

Still too soon to know if it works, though.

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:57 PM (DQ4Fv)

262 >>.
will it help me be more creative? I'm kinda bogged down. Oh and does it go to 'eleven"?

there's a subculture that claims it can do all sorts of things. I don't know if creativity is one of them, but they say "focus" and "relieving depression" are, which would contribute indirectly to improving creativity.

I don't know if this is bullshit or not.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:58 PM (8rNrN)

263 Huh. Underline. I have NEVER seen that before!

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:58 PM (DQ4Fv)

264 Not that it matters, but there's a nood about the prosecution letting the Boston doctor murderer get out of deportations. If you need your blood pressure raised, you can read it.

Posted by: Vanceone at May 12, 2017 05:58 PM (HcgJZ)

265 >>>242 zombie, have you tried Glutamine? Supposed to help with muscle recovery, but I don't know about healing.
Posted by: ace

yeah -- but I think you mean ":gkucosamine" which I am indeed taking.


nah i mean glutamine. It's a muscle recovery amino acid. But i think it means "ATP/energy recovery." I don't know about repair.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:58 PM (8rNrN)

266 Nood feds

Posted by: rickb223 at May 12, 2017 05:58 PM (PCof0)

267 Whatever the biological mechanism, all I know is the taking creatine = muscle repair faster.

I;m just worried that I as a "side effect" I'll grow really big muscles, which I DON'T want to do.

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:39 PM

zombie, creatine is one of (probably the) most tested supplement. AFAIK, it will only help hold fluid in the muscle, any 'repair' capability is basically a side-effect of that.

That said, it won't hurt you. Any muscle size increase is basically water. has no significant anabolic effects. If you're chromosomically XY, it's not going to make you into the Governator. If you're XX, as one of the above posts imputes, even less so.

The std. daily amount is 5g. If you're new to it, try taking 10g+ for 10 days or so to 'load'. (Note, this may cause bowel 'looseness'; if so, back off.). After that, do 5g. Supposedly taking it immediately after working out is marginally more effective than pre-workout. Probably not enough to matter for you.

I would suggest supplementing with a BCAA shake to get more leucine, which I have found helps with DOMS. Most have a 2:1:1 or 3:1:1 ratio (the first number is leucine). Some go higher, you might look for one of those. There is some research that says leucine is contraindicated for pre-diabetics or diabetics, in case that's applicable.

Last, exercise the deep lower abdominals. Kegels are a good way; 2-3 sets of 10 a day, lying down, and sitting both (i.e. 4-6 sets total).

Posted by: Duncanthrax at May 12, 2017 06:00 PM (DMUuz)

268 255 zombie,

This is probably pretty basic, but you know about the lacrosse ball way of getting at deep tissue, right?
Posted by: ace

Oh yeah. I do that 90 minutes every day! My beloved lacrosse ball is now my best friend. That is the ONLY thing that I can feel is "reaching" the muscle.

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 06:01 PM (DQ4Fv)

269 If steroids are playing with fire, HGH is playing with fire while having a gasoline fight. Not unusual for guys to get injured because muscles got stronger but tendons and ligaments didn't. Forehead and tooth gap are known. The real stuff is only for the pros, and any supplement you buy OTC is crap.

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at May 12, 2017 06:01 PM (D0yfD)

270 Ace is right, you might try some glutamine, as well. You can mix it into the BCAA shake.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at May 12, 2017 06:01 PM (DMUuz)

271 Transcranial? Is that a body part that self identifies as a head?

Posted by: Northernlurker, Phillips screwdriver of the gods at May 12, 2017 06:02 PM (hJrjt)

272 262 >>.
will it help me be more creative? I'm kinda bogged down. Oh and does it go to 'eleven"?

there's a subculture that claims it can do all sorts of things. I don't know if creativity is one of them, but they say "focus" and "relieving depression" are, which would contribute indirectly to improving creativity.

I don't know if this is bullshit or not.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 05:58 PM (8rNrN)

I'm only half kidding. I always laughed at that old commercial 'whats with magnets?' and the guy is holding refrigerator magnets up to his temples. Also there was a sci fi book and there were 'juice heads' that had had implants into their brains pleasure centers. Hooked themselves up to current. Find that creativity center and have at it. huh.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 12, 2017 06:03 PM (O5bec)

273 >>> Transcranial? Is that a body part that self identifies as a head?

yup. I'm gonna be a wirehead.

I think I should do this just for the JournOlism of it.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 06:03 PM (8rNrN)

274 nah i mean glutamine. It's a muscle recovery amino acid. But i think it means "ATP/energy recovery." I don't know about repair.

Posted by: ace

I'll look into it! Thx!

And thx to everyone who revealed what "TENS" was. I may be too fearful for that quite yet.

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 06:04 PM (DQ4Fv)

275 It's five o'clock in Texas so, cocktail.
I've been using coconut water a lot lately for hydration and guess what, it also tastes good with rum and/or Malibu.

Coconut water is pretty high carb though, I think. I've been reluctant to check. It would be nice to find a hydration drink with a good flavor but without the stuff I don't want in it. That may be a bridge too far. I use Essentia when I'm being more conscientious.

Posted by: stace at May 12, 2017 06:04 PM (zy+gb)

276 @zombie

Creatine will not help with repair of a muscle strain / pull...sorry.

How long ago did you injure your Glute?

There is a protocol that may help, but it depends on how long out you are from your injury.

Posted by: browndog at May 12, 2017 06:04 PM (bGMOs)

277 Something that's been mentioned to me is that if you have a muscle you can't get at, it helps to foam-roll or lacrosse ball all the muscles that attach to it -- problems up the chain cause problems down the chain and vice versa.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 06:04 PM (8rNrN)

278 >>>I thing that I do is pick my favorite foods that I can't eat while on the GAINZZZ train in ketosis. Mine is pizza and gelato. I'll treat myself to it once every 30 days. This helps motivate me to pack on as much muscle and loss as much fat as possible. I enjoy my pizza and gelato days that much more.

Gotta have cheat days, brother. Keeps the sanity and one day ain't gonna kill ya.

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at May 12, 2017 06:04 PM (D0yfD)

279 zombie, I forget, are you a vegetarian?

Posted by: @votermom @vm at May 12, 2017 06:06 PM (hMwEB)

280 276 @zombie

Creatine will not help with repair of a muscle strain / pull...sorry.

How long ago did you injure your Glute?

There is a protocol that may help, but it depends on how long out you are from your injury.
Posted by: browndog

Five or six months ago! In all that time, it still hasn't healed. I've tried a zillion things, to no avail.

Well, not to no avail -- it has gotten better. It just refuses to go "all the way healed."

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 06:08 PM (DQ4Fv)

281 269 If steroids are playing with fire, HGH is playing with fire while having a gasoline fight. Not unusual for guys to get injured because muscles got stronger but tendons and ligaments didn't. Forehead and tooth gap are known. The real stuff is only for the pros, and any supplement you buy OTC is crap.

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at May 12, 2017 06:01 PM (D0yfD)

Thanks. yeah these guys give you shots. its not a yuuge amount per shot. They go slow but I don't need it according to levels. They said its used to jump start your own HGH production. They seem to have it dialed in regarding testing, side affects, time taking it...but not for me yet.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 12, 2017 06:09 PM (O5bec)

282 279 zombie, I forget, are you a vegetarian?
Posted by: @votermom @vm

Yup, I am indeed.

That was another reason why I started taking creatine -- I thought perhaps my jive-ass hippie diet was low on the necessary nutrients for my body to synthesize its own creatine, which may be retarding my healing rate. Creatine will make up the difference - - maybe. Or not.

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 06:10 PM (DQ4Fv)

283 @ DeplorableJewells

There is an answer to your Osteoporosis issue - weight training.

I really think it would be worth your while to trundle over to Starting Strength and read a couple of their case studies on this topic.

This issue is one of their pet topics and they are focusing on issue of the "ageing / masters" health problems.

In fact they just issued a book made expressly for the senior market.

Posted by: browndog at May 12, 2017 06:11 PM (bGMOs)

284 Glucosamine is one of those supps that either works for you or doesn't. Stack it with chondroitin and even MSM, give it 6 weeks, but if you aren't feeling a difference in your joints then move on. I got more out of microlactin when I went on a crazy squat-deadlift 6 days a week bender 5 years ago.

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at May 12, 2017 06:12 PM (D0yfD)

285 @zombie

Damn, that's too long for what I was thinking.

However, try to find a practitioner of Active Release Therapy / ART. They can get after this type of an issue. It'll hurt, but (see what I did there) it's worth it.

Posted by: browndog at May 12, 2017 06:14 PM (bGMOs)

286 The logical extension of knowing that you are stronger than the majority of humans on the planet from roughly a year of effort re centers your outlook on most things, in my case specifically, politics. After every press conference, debate or Sunday show, I find myself considering the veracity of the truism that weakness is born from within. A man simply cannot act strong if he is not confident in his own strength.

Then again, this is my competition in life and in Vallhalla, so I guess things are looking up.

Posted by: jmlrugby at May 12, 2017 06:16 PM (i9stz)

287 Oh, oh, Gainzzz - Watching Mrrrs Obama at Healthier America conference and she's got some gainzzz. Whoof.

Posted by: gNewt at May 12, 2017 06:18 PM (2d71x)

288 However, try to find a practitioner of Active Release Therapy / ART. They can get after this type of an issue.
Posted by: browndog

Thx. Will check it out.

It'll hurt, but (see what I did there) it's worth it.

Actually, the pain is not in my "butt"! Despite the word "gluteus" in the muscles' name, you don't feel the pain in the butt area, but rather along the ridge of the "iliac crest" -- the top of your pelvic bone that kind of defines where your "back" ends.

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 06:18 PM (DQ4Fv)

289 @ zombie


Definitely a candidate for ART.

Posted by: browndog at May 12, 2017 06:20 PM (bGMOs)

290 by the way, i'm not liking the maca. I defintely feel the stimulating effect, but it's a jittery sort of stimulation. (I just read that many get this, especially when they start.)

I also see now it sometimes causes insomnia which is bad because I had it at 5:30, thinking it was just a mild stimulant and less likely to cause sleeplessness than, say, a diet coke.

maybe I had too much. I don't know, though. Maybe I'll do a smaller amount of it tomorrow just to give it a chance, but right now, I don't see any advantages over coffee. If you can't have coffee for some medical reason, I guess it's a substitute.

I have a bad feeling I just drank a cup full of insomnia.

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 06:31 PM (8rNrN)

291 Jewell if you're on FB check out the public group "zeroing in on health "

Posted by: @votermom @vm at May 12, 2017 06:32 PM (hMwEB)

292 My story: about 1.5 years ago, I had rectal bleeding for a week or so. I went to see a gasroenterologist and ended up getting a colonoscopy. At the same time, they drew my blood sugar and it was in the diabetes range. I had known for a while that my blood sugars were elevated but they were never that high. Hemoglobin A1C was also in the diabetes range. The bleeding was due to ulcerative proctitis. I am a pathologist so I looked at my own biopsy slides, which is very disconcerting when they are clearly abnormal. (That's me, and that's clearly abnormal).

I ended up taking medication for a month and haven't bled since. I also changed my diet and restarted exercising. I ended up losing about 40 lbs. I have not been good about my diet since then (gained back about 10 lbs) but two things I have been consistent on:
1) No soda, juice, gatorade, etc. Just water (and a couple shots of scotch after synagogue on Saturdays).
2) No red meat (Not always perfect on this, so lets say very little red meat.

My blood sugars are much improved but since in the impaired glucose tolerance range.

A noticable side effect GAINZZZ has been that I no longer suffer from heartburn the way I used to. I used to get heartburn all the time and I even would take omeprazole. Now, I almost never get heartburn.

I need to get back on my diet and exercise. I bought the Bowflex adjustable dumbells (560s) and am waiting for the bench that is supposed to come with it as part of their package deal. I have a gym membership but Ive found that it takes too much of my time to go. I plan to just jog near my apt.

Posted by: Keyser at May 12, 2017 06:35 PM (v8/5X)

293 Creatine will make up the difference - - maybe. Or not.

Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 06:10 PM (DQ4Fv)

It's made from two amino acids, so if you are eating enough complete protein (rice and beans, etc.) you have the building blocks for it.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 12, 2017 06:35 PM (rF0hx)

294 Oh, and I like the early GAINZZZ thread, especially since I have a chace now to participate (I am offline for the Jewish Sabbath which starts Fri night, but I am on the west coast)

Posted by: Keyser at May 12, 2017 06:37 PM (v8/5X)

295 One more side effect GAINZZ:

No more soda - significant decrease in headaches

Posted by: Keyser at May 12, 2017 06:39 PM (v8/5X)

296 Posted by: Keyser at May 12, 2017 06:37 PM (v8/5X)

Shabbat Shalom!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 12, 2017 06:41 PM (rF0hx)

297 Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 12, 2017 04:52 PM (0jtPF)

Tap dancing is good. My friend teaches belly dancing and she has the best arms ever.

Posted by: gracepc at May 12, 2017 06:44 PM (OU4q6)

298 I just ride my bike everday for at least fortyfive minutes- never less than that. I like bicycle riding, so it never feels like a hated chore to get on the bike and go. I live on the flatlands of NorCal, so riding is as easy as I want it to be. Ive no speed or distance rules. Just ride, no matter what. I'm not one of those bony, jockey sized super skinny spandex nerds. Riding is work.

I love rice, refried beans, tortillas and pan fried potatoes, and will never give them up, so the low carb thing for me is portion control - which doesn't always work. But as long as I keep riding I wont gain weight. So, eh.

Posted by: 13times at May 12, 2017 06:51 PM (WHVu+)

299 lidoderm lidocaine patches (5%) and flexeril are my mainstay in times of trouble

Posted by: concrete girl at May 12, 2017 06:52 PM (WKvlL)

300 Like kraken, it's the shoe thing.

Posted by: Marooned at May 12, 2017 07:07 PM (KdYVH)

301 Hi, 47-year-old male here. I've been skipping breakfast 2-3 days a week for the past few months. Easy to do. I've gone down a few notches on my belt. Am really happy you turned me on to IF, Ace. Have been following Starting Strength for a few years. (Just squats, deadlifts, overhead press, and bench press with occasional chin ups. Three days a week.) Have seen gainzz in muscle tone and just life in general - - I climb stairs like I was 20, pick up both my kids at the same time without worrying about my back, lift heavy things over my head and put them on garage shelves like a boss. Went to an official SS workshop in 2016, and the coach Jordan Feigenbaum (who's also a medical doctor) said glutamine supplements are worthless and one of the biggest scams perpetrated in the weightlifting community. There are threads out there where he goes into the biochemistry behind this opinion. Ace, as I got into heavy deadlifts (110% of my body weight), I started getting wicked neck spasms in the following days. They seemed to stem from my traps and going up my neck. Would last for a week before subsiding. My chiro recommended upping my magnesium supplements big time, and so far so good (though I've also dropped my weight back on the barbells) . Heat packs also helped with the spasms.

Posted by: D-man at May 12, 2017 07:13 PM (UvSy1)

302 I've given up on low carb. Just can't do it. I'd do a week, or 10 days, or 2 days and then just have an overwhelming urge to eat everything, mass quantities of everything. And I'd be miserable the whole time, just thinking about what I'm going to binge on.

So I ended up the last few months basically doing high fat with high carb. Not so good results.

IF is easy, I have never cared for breakfast nor late night snacking. I've gone to a 'just eat better' the last 3 weeks and I've been able to keep to it.

Posted by: Memories at May 12, 2017 07:17 PM (mwcEF)

303 I've decided guacamole is the perfect combination of taste and nutritional value.

I eat the store brand, right out of the tub.

Posted by: Joel at May 12, 2017 07:19 PM (JcRMF)

304 >>>glutamine supplements are worthless and one of the biggest scams perpetrated in the weightlifting community

Bold statement given the history of supplements. A lot of bullshit over the years. 95% of results will be training and nutrition (food), but everybody wants to believe in potions and powders.

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at May 12, 2017 07:27 PM (RrhD2)

305 My gainzz went in remission the past few weeks due to a long term visit by family friend.

Wife and I are horrible about staying on course when we have the excuse of showing someone new the best places to eat, coupled with their urge to bring horrible, horrible, WONDERFUL CHEEZY POOFS into our house.

Benefit of low carb that I've seen outside of weight loss:

Better digestion.
Much less heartburn.
Much less gas from either end. Any time I eat a carby meal, I'm burping and farting up a storm for the next half day.

Can't say that it's done anything for my headaches, but I've had those since I was a teenager.

Can't say anything about the sex drive. Married, have toddler so, you know.

My hobo-killing drive has expanded to an urge to kill hippies as well. I'm calling that a net benefit.

Posted by: krakatoa at May 12, 2017 07:28 PM (RCS9o)

306 I'm on keto for six weeks now, and the best side effect has been that I don't get sleepy after meals anymore. I used to have a sandwich for lunch and feel completely drained from 1:30 to 4:00 PM, wanting to nap but not able to because I was at work. Same midmorning when I had a high-carb breakfast. Now, after a salad or eggs, I don't get tired at all. I can't see myself going back to high carb meals.
My big weakness however is eating out on the weekends. For the last three weeks I have been unable to avoid carbs at restaurants.

Posted by: DM at May 12, 2017 07:31 PM (garNZ)

307 Keyser at 292, I'm a nurse at a large medical center. We are NOT allowed to look at our own chart (if we've been patients at our hospital). I am surprised you were able to read your own slides without someone coming after you. I think it's a dumb rule--HIPAA applied to healthcare workers in regards to their own selves!

Posted by: runningrn at May 12, 2017 07:34 PM (4lzaU)

308 258 If anyone doesn't know the lacrosse ball (or softball) way, you just set the ball on the floor, put your body down on it on the painful/knotted part, and put your weight down on it (as much as you can comfortably bear), and sort of try to do circular or back and forth movements with it.

Softball is more for surface tissue, lacrosse ball can penetrate a bit deeper.

Yup! My hubby has a spot on his pyraformis he does this to. We also have a Vyper--a vibrating foam
Roller that really is awesome!

Posted by: runningrn at May 12, 2017 07:35 PM (4lzaU)

309 Good for you, ace! I'm still tempted to have "just one" smoke every so often, but you're right, it never, ever stops with one.

One thing about losing 15 lbs. - no more acid reflux at night. I know I'm really getting out of shape when I have acid reflux and it goes away once I start working out and losing weight.

Posted by: Donna&&&&&&V sez the Brewers bullpen sucks at May 12, 2017 07:40 PM (P8951)

310 Outside of roids and HGH, the best thing that you can do for your GAINZZZ is train yourself to sleep. The harder and longer you train, the better and larger nighttime meal you can and will have, and THIS will lead to great sleep. Get in bed by 10pm. You will fall asleep. If you fall asleep by 10-30 or 11pm then waking up 6:30-7am and your GAINZZZ will be greater by a factor of 10 in a week compared to going to bed at 1am or 2am.

Hydrate. Drink water from the time you wake up till you go to bed.

Also sunlight. Stronger bones, vitamin D, and increases in testosterone prodcuction. Look up some CrossFit workouts to do outside at your local rec center or high school football stadium. Or ask Banana Splits Guy for some military type workouts to do outside, I'm sure he knows them and will be more than happy to help.

Lift weights. Nothing can replace lifting weights. Especially for men. I'd add women to that as well. Pack on the muscle to burn fat.

Stop watching porn. Dead serious. Porn is toxic.

Do it for yourself. If you work on GAINZZZ for the opposite sex or for sex, then as soon as you get sex or a relationship, you will stop with the GAINZZZ. The sex will come, but don't make that a goal when it comes to GAINZZZ.

Do everything you can to increase testosterone. Stay aggressive, eat lots of eggs, get lots of sunlight and a tan, eat animals, stay away from carbs (unless you have transitioned into beats mode and need them for training and competition days) especially sugar. Stay away from all soy and check the labels and if you read soy then stay away.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at May 12, 2017 07:40 PM (2qHjF)

311 I started intermittent fasting about 2 months ago. I had read about the practice, but reading people's results on these GAINZZ threads inspired me to try it. I was already eating "lazy keto" - just avoiding carbs as much as possible. I work out fairly regularly - lifting twice a week and two or three boot camp sessions with a small group.

I usually would overeat late at night. So I fast until 2 pm and eat a couple of meals between 2 pm and 10 pm. Dropped 20 lbs. in two months. Fasting made me realize that I often ate out of habit or because it was lunchtime. Now I have a better idea about eating when I need food - and only then.

I lift weights in the early morning. I'd like to eat right after those sessions, but I am managing to stick to the fasting schedule.

Have plateaued a couple of times but the weight loss has started again in a week or so. I think I can stick with this long-term. Hoping to lose more in the coming months.

Posted by: altered states at May 12, 2017 07:44 PM (zw9Qt)

312 The one supplement that I take and I know it's not bullshit is GNC's pre workout AMP'ed. Nitric Oxide and has a bunch of other benefits to it. I do one scoop before weights. I do one scoop before my outside workout of the day. That stuff keeps me pumped and going for 5 hours. Highly recommend.

but yeah, most of the supplements are bullshit.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at May 12, 2017 07:48 PM (2qHjF)

313 307 Keyser at 292, I'm a nurse at a large medical center. We are NOT allowed to look at our own chart (if we've been patients at our hospital). I am surprised you were able to read your own slides without someone coming after you. I think it's a dumb rule--HIPAA applied to healthcare workers in regards to their own selves!
Posted by: runningrn at May 12, 2017 07:34 PM (4lzaU)

I actually had someone else write the actual report and sign it out, but I looked at them first.

I've seen surgeons perform skin biopsies on themselves.

Maybe my knowledge of HIPAA is lacking, but there isn't anything wrong with someone looking at their own slides/chart/etc as far as I know. In fact, you can get a copy of your own records by asking for it, although the hospital will make you sign a release. At the colonoscopy, they gave me a copy of the pictures they took right after the procedure. You can request a recut of your own slides by signing a release and sending them to the relevant laboratory or hospital, although they may charge you for the recut slides.

While someone is being treated at the hospital, there may be a policy not to let the patient see their own chart, but they do have a right to it once they are released.

Posted by: Keyser at May 12, 2017 07:55 PM (v8/5X)

314 Memories--

I did low carb pretty successfully for a year or two, but I found it challenging. I ended up craving carbs much in the way you describe.

Curiously, the longer "I"s in the "IF"s, I've found that I just naturally eat fewer carbs. It's not conscious, by-and-large. But my tastes definitely changed.

Posted by: moviegique at May 12, 2017 07:59 PM (CcUfv)

315 We can't access EPIC records on anyone receiving care, even ourselves. You can do a records request for hard copies, but you cannot go into EPIC even for old records.

Posted by: runningrn at May 12, 2017 08:04 PM (4lzaU)

316 To 200 Posted by: zombie at May 12, 2017 05:32 PM (DQ4Fv)

Creating allows for more peak power for lifting heavier / sprinting faster because you have a larger supply of ADP in your cells ; water retention is just a side effect. When you get into the heavy lifting zone, your body goes crazy for growth and repair of muscles. All the hormones that help your muscles get stronger and bigger help you heal from injuries faster too. The more you work your uninjured muscles, the more you spike these good hormones.

Posted by: Mellow at May 12, 2017 08:06 PM (upiC5)

317 Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 04:25 PM (8rNrN)

I'm super late to the gainzz thread, as always, because it's always going when I'm at work. But.

If you'd like dry wine, with big fruit taste, I recommend Spanish reds. Especially garnacha (or Grenache if it's French, but the Spanish are best). Light, dry, and fruity.

Posted by: April at May 12, 2017 08:54 PM (e8PP1)

318 >>>
If you'd like dry wine, with big fruit taste, I recommend Spanish reds. Especially garnacha (or Grenache if it's French, but the Spanish are best). Light, dry, and fruity.

thanks... I've tried Temperillas. Are they in this category?

Posted by: ace at May 12, 2017 09:01 PM (8rNrN)

319 This has got to be the most MORONIC post I've ever read on this website. 'Nuff said.

Posted by: Sean at May 12, 2017 09:25 PM (nDhP3)

320 Tempranillo is close to garnacha, but in my opinion, garnacha is even better. Also, I tried French Bordeaux for the first time last week, and it was super grapey. But still dry. I'm adding that to the mix.

Posted by: April at May 12, 2017 09:48 PM (e8PP1)

321 moviegique

Yes, I think I actually eat fewer carbs this way, it's just not low carb.

Posted by: Memories at May 12, 2017 09:52 PM (mwcEF)

322 Stay away from Rioja, though. I couldn't figure out what I didn't like about it, until a sommelier told me it was the britanamyocin (spelling?), also known as "sweaty horse butt." Just, no.

Posted by: April at May 12, 2017 09:52 PM (e8PP1)

323 Ace: Dry Farms Wine. It's less than 1 gram of sugar per liter and zero sulfite.

Posted by: Jmlrugby at May 12, 2017 09:52 PM (uyFiV)

324 Memories--

Also, FWIW, I seem to be WAY less carb-sensitive. I don't get sleep after meals any more, regardless of what I eat. That's a huge thing. (Speaking of secondary GAINZZZZ.)

Posted by: moviegique at May 12, 2017 10:04 PM (CcUfv)

325 Let me start by saying this is my favorite website ever, maybe second to Mark Steyn's, and my New Year's resolution was to finally financially support it. I am far from rich so I decided to pick my favorite site and put some money there. The whole site is fantastic so I don't want to diminish other contributers, but between you and Oregon Muse I often feel like you guys got in my head and published its contents.

Enough gushing...

This post addressed 2 challenges I have faced, weight loss and cigarette loss.

I had previously given up cigarrettes cold turkey twice in the past, for a couple of years each time. I found that the nicotine withdrawl, while pretty difficult, was manageable. What I really missed was actually smoking. I loved it and had only given it up because of a naggy husband. But every time I watched a movie, like Godfather or whatever, I always envied the characters whipping out cigarettes and smoking. I envied their freedom. No one nagged or judged them and they didn't feel sheepish or shamed. They smoked without apology and I wanted that freedom back, although I do appreciate that it was just a trade-off between being ruled by a nag or being ruled by an addiction/habit. Both times the Marlboro Reds ultimately won.

After children, my older son, at 13, began to nag me to quit smoking. My argument that I don't take orders from teenaged boys proved insufficiently persuasive, but good enough that he offered a compromise. Why don't I try vaping instead. While I won't say there was no adjustment for me, it was very minimal. For a month I had to get used to a slightly different nicotine delivery method, after 4 months of exclusive vaping, I couldn't even stand cigarettes. I was shocked when I tried to smoke one and the taste was like motor oil. And vaping brought me more freedom! Not only do I vape in the house, I sneak off to restaurant and bar bathrooms to sneak a drag and nobody knows! My breath and hands don't give me away, my teeth are whiter, and I've made "smoking" in bed a thing again!

As to nicotine addiction vs smoking habit, 3 months after I switched, my 69 year old mother decided to give it a go, unprompted because I am no nag. Not only did she start on the lowest nicotine level, she recently went nicotine free. For her it was always the habit, not tbe addiction. I still go second highest offering of nicotine just becatbe, god dammit, I want to!

As to weight loss, I always have and always will believe that most diets work. The trick is finding one you can stick to. When I was in my late 20s I started getting big. One day I sat up in bed and my back pinched itself. I had enough back fat that it folded over itself and pinched me enough to hurt. That woke me from my denial about my weight. I had resisted diets because I have a wicked sweet tooth. After som research I decided weight watchers was best for me. I switched from Dr. Pepper to diet Dr. Pepper, started having oreos FOR dinner instead of with dinner, joined a gym and focussed on weight lifting, and almost 17 years later, I have kept most of the weight off. I know it's not really that healthy but I'm thin and working out so I'm better off than I was and it will be a cold day in hell before I choke down vegetables!

Thank you again for your website and the work of the writers who contribute to it.

Posted by: Kay Desmond at May 12, 2017 10:44 PM (O3nep)

326 323 Ace: Dry Farms Wine. It's less than 1 gram of sugar per liter and zero sulfite.
Posted by: Jmlrugby at May 12, 2017 09:52 PM (uyFiV

This is great to know. Thanks!

Posted by: Phone of Widespread Pepe at May 13, 2017 12:02 AM (Niu5G)

327 >>>66 Smoking and a human heart, my story.
Cardiologist said I had a blockage. I followed his instructions to the letter - diet, exercise, medication. I did not stop smoking.

One year later I now have two blockages and more medication. Life gets real so scientifically the answer is clear - I quit smoking.

One year later - normal blood flow.
Posted by: gNewt at May 12, 2017 04:39 PM (2d71x)

Great story, gNewt. Good for you.

Posted by: m at May 13, 2017 04:24 AM (VgThI)

328 Ace - as to spasms in any part of your body - watch your magnesium. Most adults don't get nearly enough in their diet.

Second, I incurred some major fat gain over the winter. Ugly band around the waist. But I've been able to shed it easily, about a quarter pound every day in a simple little 20 minute walk.

The only thing, my walk is with a backpack. With a bag of sand in it. When the walk becomes easier I tuck another 5 lb weight in the backpack. Ugly band of fat is now gone and its time to tighten up abdominal muscles again.

I'm not sure of the total weight involved, but it's substantial. I overdid it at first, which set back a couple days - so beware of that. But I think including another muscle group, the back, along with the#1 muscle group associated with walking, makes for quicker fat loss.

Posted by: E Depluribus at May 13, 2017 06:49 AM (HTdUD)

329 regarding overall health:

The one most beneficial action a person can take is to quit smoking. It's very difficult, kudos to those who can ditch the cigarettes for good.

I quit a long time ago when I was young and had extreme willpower. it was also before Big Tobacco had juiced the product to make it more addictive.

I'm coaching my brother through his smoking cessation journey. He still gets cravings even after six months of being off the product. He joined up with a counseling group that helps him though. Last meeting they measured the carbon monoxide in his blood, the indicator stopped at "2" .

those in the group who had just come back from their smoke break had a reading of 60.

Posted by: kallisto at May 13, 2017 01:40 PM (kD8Fh)

330 Does anyone know whether scofflaw_x is a regular commenter? I am interested in Niagen, but don't want to buy it on his recommendation if it just turns out he is a paid commenter. But if he's a real moron, then that's a useful recommendation.

Posted by: chris not rock at May 13, 2017 01:59 PM (WO0/g)

331 I've done one meal a day about 24 hours apart I was doing up to 48 hours of intermittent fasting, but I stopped that and eat once a day.

Knowing I've lost so much weight allows me to cheat more with ice cream, that shit is addicting and should be labeled a tier 1 drug, but I agree you can get grump on low carbs.

I use vintage burn supplement and I feel it helps. I have been debating adding a creatine or other supplement to keep bulking up. I am really trying to lean out rather than add muscle.

Posted by: down 50 at May 13, 2017 03:40 PM (PjWy4)

332 I took an 11-day vacation recently. Came home 6 pounds heavier. The number on the scale scared me. I returned to a set of breakfasts and lunches that had worked for me in the past. I dropped those 6 pounds, plus a few more. I'm trying to limit carbs at dinner, particularly sugary ones. Also trying to limit dinnertime to 60 minutes or less (based on advice from "The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet" from years back, which worked for me - till I went off it).

The hard part is, this is very boring. Occasional cheats help me stay motivated to stick with my eating plan the rest of the time. (Even plain Greek yogurt with almonds counts as a treat!)

I live on naproxen - just 2 a day, always taken shortly after meals. (Grateful to hear that you didn't die while taking 6 a day, Ace!!!) I try not using them every so often, for a few days, but the arthritis and other aches always bring me back. Naproxen is the NSAID that gives me the fewest side effects, like nosebleeds - prescription Relafen (nabumetone) and aspirin were both problems that way.

I can tell I'm getting enough sleep, since I wake up before the alarm (my secret is taking 3 mg melatonin, 30 minutes or so before getting in bed, plus calming visualizations, and making sure I have 8 to 8.5 hours between bedtime and the alarm clock). This helps me feel like tackling the day, instead of dragging through the morning.

I have to work hard to stay hydrated, since Idaho summers are hot (the highs stay above 90 F every day for a good 2 months around here). I've also been trying to stay off artificial sweeteners, which is hard - coffee tastes like crap, herbal teas are tolerable but the weather's getting hotter - and with soda and flavored waters, it's either the evils of sugar or sweeteners.

I'm not just doing this boring eating plan for the weight loss. I want to be able to shoot my rifle in the "open-leg" seated position, without my gut getting in the way of breathing. I want to be able to concealed-carry my handgun using a wider variety of my shirts, instead of the half-dozen loosest ones I own. THERE'S my motivation.

Posted by: Pat* at May 13, 2017 04:12 PM (qC1ju)

333 Welcome, Kay! Great story!

chris not rock! Good to see you again. Is the running getting better? I had the exact same reaction as yours to the Niagen posts but scofflaw_x has been around for a while so if he's running a con, it's a long con!

Posted by: moviegique at May 13, 2017 04:45 PM (CcUfv)

334 moviegique and chris not rock,

I've been using Niagen (NAD+ Activator) for a couple of months now. A lot of what it's supposed to do is, IMHO, largely invisible - boost metabolism, improve cellular health, support cardiovascular health and brain function.

I think it's improved my sleep, but I'm not sure. Something has improved my sleep, I'm just not sure if Niagen should get the credit.

I have two more bottles of Niagen, so I will continue taking it until they're gone. Then I will quit taking it for 2 months and see what changes, if any, I notice. That may be problematic. Not sure.

I read about 250 reviews of the product on Amazon before I bought it.

It's not like other supplements I take and for which I noticed an immediate difference.

So do I have a recommendation for you?


Read some reviews on the product, perform your due diligence, and decide if you want to spend the money. I wish I could give you a definitive response, but I can't at this time. The jury is still out for me.

Posted by: Sixkiller at May 13, 2017 05:00 PM (PFGCf)

335 Hi sixkiller,

Actually that's pretty useful, because it means it comes from a real person. You never know that about the Amazon reviews. There was a pretty good scientific American article on it. The bottom line of that article was it works really well on Mice but the jury is still out on humans

Posted by: Chris not rock at May 13, 2017 05:57 PM (MKLBv)

336 Late to the party, but a great side-benefit of having lost 30 pounds (coupled with cutting back red wine in the evening from 3 glasses to 1) is that my wife has mercifully been granted relief from my snoring.

Next goal is to put on ten pounds of muscle.

Thanks Ace!

Posted by: ShainS at May 13, 2017 06:43 PM (ZcAbN)

337 Hi moviegique,

Took winter off. Have run 13 straight days. Once again trying to get back on the running wagon after falling off.

Posted by: Chris not rock at May 14, 2017 12:27 AM (WO0/g)

338 Hoping i don't ban myself but here goes...

Hey Ace, if you come back through here take a look at this alternative to drugs insomnia relief. Seems that sea-bands for motion sickness press an acupressure point which somehow allows one to fall asleep. clever-home-remedy-for-insomnia-hurting-your-wrists/

Posted by: random lurker commenter at May 14, 2017 04:55 PM (+tRIN)

339 Hey, Chris! Glad to hear it, still plodding along myself.

Posted by: moviegique at May 14, 2017 07:34 PM (CcUfv)

340 I went from 275 at the end of December to 245 a couple weeks ago thanks to Ace surviving the Keto diet thus demonstrating relative safety for me. I'm up to 247 due to a recent carb binge but am getting back on track today. I no longer need the diabetes pills and have reduced my insulin use near 90%.

Posted by: American at May 15, 2017 06:36 PM (fT400)

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