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A Journey Through the Upside-Down

Sweet fancy Moses, the stuff you can find on Twitter. What kind of kartoffelkopf do you have to be to believe that the reason Hillary! lost is because the MSM spent all their time ginning up hatred against her because they wanted the Republican to win?

Peter Daou was a Hillary advisor during her '08 campaign. Not sure why he wasn't working for her this time around, but who knows? Anyway, the crush he had on her back then is just as strong as ever. About a week ago, he finally reached his breaking point, and lashed out with a epic tweetstorm of unhinged lunacy that gets close to the Eichenwald absolute.

Below is how it starts out, and I cut and pasted the text from the rest of the tweets to save space. So come along with me and savor the crazy. And the butthurt. But mostly-- well actually, I don't know which one is more predominant, but here we go into the fever swamp. I trust everyone has had their shots, and make sure your mosquito netting is firmly in place:

2. Hillary Clinton has been aggressively vetted and formally investigated (by Republicans) for decades. NO WRONGDOING HAS EVER BEEN FOUND.

3. But Hillary receives more hate, more rage, more fury than serial killers or child murderers. TRUMP IS PRESIDENT BECAUSE OF HILLARY HATE.

4. The hatred for Hillary is wildly disproportional to the facts of her life. Disconnected from reality. She has SAVED CHILDREN'S LIVES.

5. Male politicians who voted for the same policies are given a pass, but she is labeled a murderer for her national security-related votes.

6. Hillary's haters drop a word like "Benghazi" as though it conjures instant evildoing. But endless investigations have exonerated her.

7. The same people who shout "Benghazi" are completely silent on Trump's Yemen raid, which tragically cost many innocent lives.

9. When Hillary earns money, it's "corruption." When other (male) politicians do, it's success. An absolutely vicious double standard.

10. Once again, I repeat: HILLARY CLINTON HAS NEVER BEEN FOUND GUILTY OF WRONGDOING. And her haters will NEVER admit that basic truth.

11. Here's where Trump comes in. Hillary was being vilified by the media, by the right, and by the left BEFORE Trump was a candidate.

12. Before Trump ran, Hillary was being slammed by pundits with terms like "imperious, paranoid, petulant, devious." (link to article by the author which is really quite unhinged)

13. FACT: No matter WHO ran against Hillary, the 2016 election was going to be about demonizing her to the point where she couldn't win.

14. The news media spent SIX HUNDRED CONSECUTIVE DAYS on Hillary's emails. No Trump story, however egregious, got even one tenth the focus.

15. The 2016 election was about the destruction of Hillary Clinton's reputation. The great travesty is that Team Sanders played a huge role.

16. Bernie spent 2015 on an uplifting, positive, progressive message. Encouraging & exciting. Then he pivoted hard negative against Hillary.

17. I chronicled every attack, every TV appearance by Tad Devine and Jeff Weaver calling Hillary corrupt and evil. It was brutal and unjust.

18. Sanders/Stein supporters threw dollar bills at her in the street, one of the most repugnant political spectacles in American history.

19. Meanwhile, the corporate media treated Hillary with dripping disdain while celebrating the ratings Trump's antics got them. Disgraceful.

20. The result of this Hillary-bashing was that by the general election, her public image was severely damaged. Trump just surfed the hate.

21. Given the choice between a hated man and a (wrongly) hated woman, the man wins every time. WE ARE NOT BEYOND GENDER BIAS IN AMERICA.

22. The immense disproportionality in who Hillary is and how she is perceived is also the hallmark of the Trump presidency. Skewed reality.

23. If everything seems topsy-turvy, if right seems wrong and up seems down, you can trace it back to the merciless vilification of Hillary.

24. When a lifelong public servant devoted to the rights of women and children can be seen as a devil-monster-witch, reality is lost.

25. Acknowledging and rejecting the mangling of Hillary's public image by the media, the right and the left is key to dealing with Trump.

26. Hillary's bashers yell that I should "move on" and that it's ALL HER FAULT. She's "flawed." She skipped Wisconsin. Empty talking points.

27. If we quietly accept the unfair, unjust and too often sexist assault on Hillary's character, we are embracing "alternative reality."

28. The original problem, the root cause of our dilemma, is the character assassination of Hillary in 2016. Trump is just a by-product.

29. Every single time we fight the lies and smears against Hillary, we are fighting to regain our grip on truth, on facts, on decency.

30. Dislike her, disagree with her. But to despise her more than the worst people on the planet is UNACCEPTABLE. I, for one, won't forget.


Whew! Did we lose anyone? Good. Step over to your right for your mandatory fungal disinfectant shower, and see the doctor on your way out for some booster shots and antibiotics.

Posted by: OregonMuse at 03:53 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 PotatoHead?

Posted by: Grump928(c) at March 27, 2017 03:52 PM (QQ+il)

2 30 Reasons Why Peter Daou Is An Idiot

Posted by: Brother Cavil, keeper of the Deplorable Unicode Character at March 27, 2017 03:53 PM (9krrF)


Once you've read that you know the rest is BS.

(OK, back to finish reading)

Posted by: Lizzy at March 27, 2017 03:53 PM (NOIQH)

4 Mmm. Tears of unfathomable sadness.

Posted by: Grump928(c) at March 27, 2017 03:53 PM (QQ+il)

5 Hillary Clinton will Never Be President of The United States.

Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2017 03:53 PM (T1Co2)

6 I don't hate her. I don't hate people I've never met.

But I'm betting that a lot of people hate her because she thought that they were deplorable first.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 03:53 PM (mC1ZI)

7 Where's Eleven to make his head explode?

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 03:53 PM (0mRoj)

8 I'm convinced. After all, he used a lot of CAPITAL LETTERS.

Posted by: Furious George at March 27, 2017 03:54 PM (j+dfT)


Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at March 27, 2017 03:54 PM (VdICR)

10 Just following along

Posted by: Skip at March 27, 2017 03:54 PM (GPaiX)

11 Yeah he really well full retard in that chain, and said a lot of things absolutely which are just crazy without equivocation. Twitter is a bad thing for some people to be on.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 03:54 PM (39g3+)

12 31 . *Blacks Out*

32. **Falls Over**

33. ***Soils Self***

Posted by: Hillary at March 27, 2017 03:54 PM (T1Co2)

13 Saved children's lives? Da fuq? What about all that time spent sucking PP's strap-on?

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 03:55 PM (0mRoj)

14 I like that it's all Bernie and his supporters fault. He really should yell that in 72pt type.

Posted by: Grump928(c) at March 27, 2017 03:55 PM (QQ+il)

15 Aww. Poor hILLRY. o O

Posted by: wth at March 27, 2017 03:55 PM (HgMAr)

16 Yeesh.

More like Eichenwald?

Or Olbermann?


Posted by: bluebell at March 27, 2017 03:56 PM (sBOL1)

17 31 . *Blacks Out*

32. **Falls Over**

33. ***Soils Self***

Posted by: Hillary at March 27, 2017 03:54 PM (T1Co2)

34. ***Gets Chucked into Van Like a Side of Beef***

Posted by: Country Singer at March 27, 2017 03:56 PM (uiwCw)

Did you Photoshop all that? Serious question.

Posted by: Chelsea Clinton at March 27, 2017 03:56 PM (ZFUt7)

19 Weapons-grade lunacy, man.....

Posted by: Tex Lovera at March 27, 2017 03:56 PM (NZu+i)

20 So when does he post his secret message from the CIA and wave around his three-ring-binder full of Tucker Carlson's Falsehoods?

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 03:56 PM (0mRoj)

21 Oooooo these tears are sooooo delicious.

Posted by: Draki at March 27, 2017 03:56 PM (Y0byY)


Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at March 27, 2017 03:54 PM (VdICR)

I don't get it.

Posted by: wth at March 27, 2017 03:56 PM (HgMAr)

23 What I cannot get is how some people seem to actually, honestly adore Hillary Clinton when she is one of the most spiteful, unlikable, bitter, and vindictive people on the planet. What do they LIKE about her? I can understand liking her as a lever for their politics, or that she represents some personification of their political dreams as a woman politician or something but to actually like her personally??

And guys like this, take it way past like into worship and adoration, the kind of person who'd kill a Archbishop Thomas Becket because the king mumbled about how annoying he is lately.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 03:56 PM (39g3+)

24 >>FACT: No matter WHO ran against Hillary, the 2016 election was going to be about demonizing her to the point where she couldn't win.

Right out of the Democrat playbook.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 27, 2017 03:56 PM (/tuJf)

25 I don't hate people I've never met.

I do. Hitler? check. Stalin? ditto. Pol Pot? Oh yeah.

She's just another murderous Red.

Posted by: Grump928(c) at March 27, 2017 03:57 PM (QQ+il)

26 If his tweets were a gif, we'd all be having seizures...

Posted by: Tex Lovera at March 27, 2017 03:57 PM (NZu+i)

27 Wow.

I have encountered delusional people, but none this far gone. Bless his heart.

Posted by: moki at March 27, 2017 03:57 PM (wuzmq)

28 FFS, another PROJECTION

Don't forget that people at NBC were behind the leak of the Pussygate tape, which was the real October surprise and nearly changed the election. NBC's direct use of the tape would have violated CA privacy law on taped conversations and broken protocol as Trump was working on a show for NBC (like leaking a secret tape from the Green Room). Hillary even set up Trump beforehand with stuff at their debate.

This is but example -- but a key one -- of how MSM worked hand in glove with Hillary and the Mooks to subvert the election

Posted by: Ignoramus at March 27, 2017 03:57 PM (SIY7D)

29 31 . *Blacks Out*

32. **Falls Over**

33. ***Soils Self***

Posted by: Hillary at March 27, 2017 03:54 PM (T1Co2)

34. ***Gets Chucked into Van Like a Side of Beef***
Posted by: Country Singer at March 27, 2017 03:56 PM (uiwCw)

35. *** Shoe flies.

Posted by: fixerupper at March 27, 2017 03:57 PM (8XRCm)

30 I think I can say I hate her, never met her, maybe not even met a person who has. But know she is evil and what she would have done if she won would have been the end of this country.

Posted by: Skip at March 27, 2017 03:57 PM (GPaiX)

31 1 PotatoHead?

Posted by: Grump928(c) at March 27, 2017 03:52 PM (QQ+il)

I think the great thing about the German language is that you can make up your own word by taking two smaller words and slapping them together.

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 03:57 PM (WPSd5)


Posted by: Amy Schumer at March 27, 2017 03:57 PM (gTQoY)

33 Kartofflekopf?


Posted by: Noam Sayen at March 27, 2017 03:57 PM (611Lm)

34 Utterly divorced from reality, this guy Daou.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at March 27, 2017 03:57 PM (3Td/K)

35 I think I need a flamethrower to rid me of the cooties I got from reading that ludicrous series of tweets.

It burns, even without the flames...

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at March 27, 2017 03:57 PM (tHwdc)

36 25 I don't hate people I've never met.

I do. Hitler? check. Stalin? ditto. Pol Pot? Oh yeah.

She's just another murderous Red.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at March 27, 2017 03:57 PM (QQ+il)


At the risk of sounding awful:

Nope. Don't hate them. They'd been dead for decades when I was born. I feel no emotion towards them at all.

Hate is an exhausting emotion. I don't partake very often.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 03:58 PM (mC1ZI)

37 Conspicuously absent is any threat to meet us IN THE OCTAGON!

Posted by: Grump928(c) at March 27, 2017 03:58 PM (QQ+il)

38 I think the great thing about the German language is that you can make up your own word by taking two smaller words and slapping them together.
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 03:57 PM (WPSd5)

And the longer the words are, the more points you get.

Posted by: bluebell at March 27, 2017 03:58 PM (sBOL1)

39 So, do I get the job?

Posted by: Peter Daou at March 27, 2017 03:58 PM (tTTfk)

40 By looking at #4, it's like this Peter fella doesn't realize that Trump never voted on anything. I almost pity him.

Posted by: Draki at March 27, 2017 03:58 PM (Y0byY)

41 If his tweets were a gif, we'd all be having seizures...

Posted by: Tex Lovera at March 27, 2017 03:57 PM (NZu+i)

That's not funny!

Posted by: Kurt Eichenwald at March 27, 2017 03:58 PM (WPSd5)

42 What I can't figure out is why this dude is "verified." I understand celebrities and major figures but some campaign worker?

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 03:59 PM (39g3+)

43 I am convinced.

Pete needs help.

Posted by: fluffy at March 27, 2017 03:59 PM (jw2Xw)

44 If his tweets were a gif, we'd all be having seizures...

Posted by: Tex Lovera

The popcorn? Popcorn causes seizures? Someone tell me this doesn't happen.

Posted by: Chelsea Clinton at March 27, 2017 03:59 PM (ZFUt7)


Posted by: AL SHARPTON at March 27, 2017 03:59 PM (qA1vU)


Here you go, you banana benders.

Posted by: Mama AJ, nice person, not a witch at March 27, 2017 03:59 PM (gTQoY)

47 Well sheeeit! He just opened my eyes and made me see what an injustice has been done to this wonderful patriot. Betsy Fucking Ross - move over.

Akshully, he didn't open my eyes. He just made me realize that there we are not alone in the universe, because he certainly doesn't come from the planet I inhabit.

Posted by: LGoPs at March 27, 2017 03:59 PM (FoTxO)

48 Every day with DJT as president is a good day.

No iffs ands or butts.

Posted by: Boots at March 27, 2017 03:59 PM (EBwPV)

49 43 I am convinced.

Pete needs help.
Posted by: fluffy at March 27, 2017 03:59 PM (jw2Xw)


He convinced me to build a time machine, go back to November, and vote for Hillary!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 03:59 PM (mC1ZI)

50 Unrequited love for Hillary?Sad really.

Posted by: steevy at March 27, 2017 04:00 PM (r/0kC)

51 If his tweets were a gif, we'd all be having seizures

If he could have, he'd have made them look like a 11 year old's Myspace page with blinking words and moving lights and flashy crap all over. You know he would.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:00 PM (39g3+)

52 Wow. Willful ignorance on display, complete with Clintonian parsing (never "found guilty" because it never got to trial...).

No matter how vile, there are those who will cynically defend it for power and influence.

Posted by: VA GOP Sucks at March 27, 2017 04:00 PM (3dUvt)

53 Hate is an exhausting emotion. I don't partake very often.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 03:58 PM (mC1ZI)

Hate is the only thing keeping me alive. Well, that and caffeine.

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:00 PM (0mRoj)

54 38 I think the great thing about the German language is that you can make up your own word by taking two smaller words and slapping them together.
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 03:57 PM (WPSd5)

And the longer the words are, the more points you get.

Posted by: bluebell at March 27, 2017 03:58 PM (sBOL1)

But they don't sound nearly as good in English, as in German-all stompy and angry.

ex: krankenwagon- ambulance. (I think this is my favorite word, ever.)

Posted by: moki at March 27, 2017 04:00 PM (wuzmq)

55 Does twitter pre-parse these diatribes for you or did this guy sit down and plan out 30 individual tweets and know how long it was going to be before actually putting it in?

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at March 27, 2017 04:00 PM (KUaJL)

56 :::yawn:::

Hillary who?

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at March 27, 2017 04:00 PM (8eDKi)

57 "Peter Daou was a Hillary advisor during her '08 campaign. Not sure why he wasn't working for her this time around, but who knows?"

He was working for Brock this time. His tweets on 9/11/16 trying to spin Hillary's fainting were hilarious. Who knew it was over 100 degrees in NYC on a September morning.

Posted by: Benji Carver at March 27, 2017 04:00 PM (OD2ni)

58 Who is he, and why should I care?

Posted by: Robert Crawford at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (VMBAP)

59 Franz Liebkind: You know, not many people know zis, but der Fuhrer was a terrific dancer.
Max Bialystock: Really? Gee, we didn't know that, did we, Leo?
Leo Bloom: No, we sure didn't.
Franz Liebkind: THAT'S BECAUSE YOU WERE TAKEN IN BY THE BBC! Filthy British lies! But did they ever say a bad word about Winston Churchill? CHURCHILL!
Franz Liebkind: With his cigars, and his brandy, and his ROTTEN paintings! ROTTEN! Hitler, there was a painter! He could paint an entire apartment in one afternoon! Two coats!

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (oVJmc)

60 There's no harangue like an Auf Deutsch harangue.

Posted by: Grump928(c) at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (QQ+il)

61 Peter, you forgot #31:

Hillary Clinton will never be President.

Posted by: blaster at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (tewYv)

62 Leftists are in an alternative universe of their own making.

Posted by: Eric Hoffer's Thumb at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (e6aCv)

63 53 Hate is an exhausting emotion. I don't partake very often.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 03:58 PM (mC1ZI)

Hate is the only thing keeping me alive. Well, that and caffeine.
Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:00 PM (0mRoj)


Ever hear anything from that interview?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (mC1ZI)

64 35. *** Shoe flies.

Posted by: fixerupper

*** And apple pan Dowdy

Posted by: Bruce at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (8ikIW)

65 Wow, that was so long it had perspective.

Posted by: josephistan at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (7HtZB)

66 42 What I can't figure out is why this dude is "verified." I understand celebrities and major figures but some campaign worker?
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 03:59 PM (39g3+)

He's got prospects! He's bona fide!

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (0mRoj)

67 And the longer the words are, the more points you get.

Posted by: bluebell at March 27, 2017 03:58 PM (sBOL1)

Exactly. Like "blaupunktgrundigboschbraunmielegeschicht."

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (WPSd5)

68 There is so much to critique and refute here, and so much projection, one cannot even begin to challenge it rationally. It would be like having an argument with the Mad Hatter.

To use his own words, "reality is lost".

Posted by: RM at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (U3LtS)

69 These people are delusional by a magnitude ..... unknown in recorded history.
Nibiru save us with an ELE!

Posted by: Paladin at March 27, 2017 04:02 PM (mCOPv)

70 At least he didn't blame Russia.

Posted by: josephistan at March 27, 2017 04:02 PM (7HtZB)

71 Peter, you forgot #31:

Hillary Clinton will never be President.
Posted by: blaster at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (tewYv)


Posted by: bluebell at March 27, 2017 04:02 PM (sBOL1)

72 He's got prospects! He's bona fide!

He's a suitor!

Posted by: Warby Gal at March 27, 2017 04:02 PM (39g3+)

73 "37 Conspicuously absent is any threat to meet us IN THE OCTAGON!"

Has that Deadspin guy re-surfaced yet? Or is he still hiding out.

Posted by: Benji Carver at March 27, 2017 04:02 PM (OD2ni)

74 Guy loses the plot by tweet 10.


Not Guilty Didn't do bad shit. Just because she never got caught or charged doesn't meant she doesn't have dirty, dirty hands (she should be in jail for the email scandal alone). What a brown nosing toad.

Posted by: Gaff at March 27, 2017 04:02 PM (jPS2y)

75 So I take it Mr. Daou won't challenge anyone to a MMA fight? Though kind of sad having a grown man idolize a corrupt hell spawn.

Posted by: auscolpyr at March 27, 2017 04:02 PM (suO/a)

76 Hate is the only thing keeping me alive.

*fistbump* I have a Hate Drip straight into the mainline.

Posted by: Grump928(c) at March 27, 2017 04:02 PM (QQ+il)

77 29. Every single time we fight the lies and smears against Hillary,

we must find a wastebasket for the used Depends.

Posted by: Huma at March 27, 2017 04:03 PM (HgMAr)

78 Ever hear anything from that interview?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (mC1ZI)

They said I'd hear from them in about a week, so they have a couple of days to go.

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:03 PM (0mRoj)

79 74 Guy loses the plot by tweet 10.


Not Guilty Didn't do bad shit. Just because she never got caught or charged doesn't meant she doesn't have dirty, dirty hands (she should be in jail for the email scandal alone). What a brown nosing toad.
Posted by: Gaff at March 27, 2017 04:02 PM (jPS2y)


He's probably Trump's biggest defenders, since he's never been declared guilty of colluding with the Russians, right?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:03 PM (mC1ZI)

80 In fact, all these "points" are *so far* divorced from reality, it's as if he planned it that way . . . as a sort of parody that doesn't come off.

I had a member of my writing group who was apparently just this far gone in HC worship. I didn't realize it -- I'd known her fairly well for 10 years, and thought she was basically levelheaded -- but suddenly she decided to leave the group about 6 weeks before the election, and now has refused to come back.

Word is she got upset over comments made by another member, a BernieBro, about Hillary's various problems. Her head would have truly hit the moon if she'd known where I stand with Trump.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at March 27, 2017 04:03 PM (3Td/K)

81 Exactly. Like "blaupunkgrunditboschbraunmielegeschicht."
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (WPSd5)

I remember just enough German to recognize my two dishwashers (one former, one current).

Posted by: bluebell at March 27, 2017 04:03 PM (sBOL1)

82 i have no idea who this fucktard is. don't want know. does he empty hildebeasts' drool bucket? or change her bedpan?

Posted by: chavez the hugo at March 27, 2017 04:03 PM (KP5rU)

83 78 Ever hear anything from that interview?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (mC1ZI)

They said I'd hear from them in about a week, so they have a couple of days to go.
Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:03 PM (0mRoj)


Good luck!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:03 PM (mC1ZI)

84 this is the epitome of eew

Posted by: concrete girl at March 27, 2017 04:03 PM (fZXYQ)

85 I don't hate her. I don't hate people I've never met....

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 03:53 PM (mC1ZI)

I hate you, even though I've never met you. Nothing personal, just out of general principle.

Just kidding.

Posted by: LGoPs at March 27, 2017 04:04 PM (FoTxO)

86 Stuff like this, his demented rant?

Self refuting, requires no response. Like Captain Queeg mumbling about strawberrys while rolling steel balls in his hand, the review board just looks at each other. A few lines, maybe. But once you cross that two dozen point people just sit back and let you finish hoping you don't spit on them or do something violent.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:04 PM (39g3+)

87 HILLARY CLINTON HAS NEVER BEEN FOUND GUILT OF WRONGDOING but we'd better believe any bullshit we hear about Trump.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 27, 2017 04:04 PM (oVJmc)

88 82 i have no idea who this fucktard is. don't want know. does he empty hildebeasts' drool bucket? or change her bedpan?
Posted by: chavez the hugo at March 27, 2017 04:03 PM (KP5rU)


Hey, it's cheap and easy content.

Isn't that good enough for you?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:04 PM (mC1ZI)

89 6. Hillary's haters drop a word like "Benghazi" as though it conjures
instant evildoing. But endless investigations have exonerated her.

7. The same people who shout "Benghazi" are completely silent on Trump's Yemen raid, which tragically cost many innocent lives.

OMFG - She and Obama left her Ambassador *and 30+people* to die at the hands of terrorists. We still don't even know where she was. That is INACTION in a crisis, and putting her own reputation before people's lives.

The Yemen raid was ACTION - planned, military action - using people who signed up and trained for military action.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 27, 2017 04:05 PM (NOIQH)

90 Should be "Not guilty" does not equal "didn't do bad shit". Post formatting ate my not equals characters trying to parse them as tags.

Posted by: Gaff at March 27, 2017 04:05 PM (jPS2y)

91 Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (mC1ZI)

They said I'd hear from them in about a week, so they have a couple of days to go.
Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:03 PM (0mRoj)


Good luck!
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:03 PM (mC1ZI)

Thanks! I expect nothing good to come of it so anything other than that is gravy.

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:05 PM (0mRoj)

92 "She's "flawed." She skipped Wisconsin. Empty talking points."

Is he trying to say she didn't skip Wisconsin.

Posted by: Benji Carver at March 27, 2017 04:05 PM (OD2ni)

93 85 I don't hate her. I don't hate people I've never met....

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 03:53 PM (mC1ZI)

I hate you, even though I've never met you. Nothing personal, just out of general principle.

Just kidding.

Posted by: LGoPs at March 27, 2017 04:04 PM (FoTxO)


It takes no effort to be an object of hate.

I'm good with it. Just don't ask me to do anything. I'm kinda feeling lazy today.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:05 PM (mC1ZI)

94 What do they LIKE about her? I can understand liking her as a lever for
their politics, or that she represents some personification of their
political dreams as a woman politician or something but to actually like
her personally??

Can't figure it out. I've hated her since she cackled about baking cookies in 1992.

Posted by: dagny at March 27, 2017 04:05 PM (Mc+44)

95 They said I'd hear from them in about a week, so they have a couple of days to go.

Here's hopin' brother

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:05 PM (39g3+)

96 You lost because everyone knows how awful you are. Republicans are a mixed bag, but Dems need to lose their party like the Whigs did. Whatever comes after will also be shit ... but that's ok. Tolkien told us that always after a defeat and a respite, the shadow takes another shape and grows again.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at March 27, 2017 04:05 PM (VdICR)

97 Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Posted by: Peter Daou at March 27, 2017 04:05 PM (OD2ni)

98 7. The same people who shout "Benghazi" are completely silent on Trump's Yemen raid, which tragically cost many innocent lives.

I thought we only lost one man, no?

Posted by: Grump928(c) at March 27, 2017 04:06 PM (QQ+il)

99 More Lithium, Mr. Daou?

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet Has Got it, Yeah Baby It's Got It at March 27, 2017 04:06 PM (hLRSq)

100 Exactly. Like "blaupunktgrundigboschbraunmielegeschicht."

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:01 PM (WPSd5)

of Ulm

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 27, 2017 04:06 PM (493sH)

101 Good luck, Insomniac! I'm pulling for you.

Posted by: VA GOP Sucks at March 27, 2017 04:06 PM (2VN2E)

102 Jim Jones had his followers, Hillary has hers

Posted by: Skip at March 27, 2017 04:06 PM (GPaiX)

103 I remember just enough German to recognize my two dishwashers (one former, one current).
Posted by: bluebell at March 27, 2017 04:03 PM (sBOL

I had to use my cob superpowers to correct my idiot typos, but yes, those are German electronics brands. And obviously they make other stuff.

We bought a Bosch dishwasher a number of years ago. It's built really well.

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:06 PM (WPSd5)

104 98 7. The same people who shout "Benghazi" are completely silent on Trump's Yemen raid, which tragically cost many innocent lives.

There they go again. The absolute inability to make a logical comparison.

Posted by: Jack Sock at March 27, 2017 04:07 PM (l513m)

105 96 You lost because everyone knows how awful you are. Republicans are a mixed bag, but Dems need to lose their party like the Whigs did. Whatever comes after will also be shit ... but that's ok. Tolkien told us that always after a defeat and a respite, the shadow takes another shape and grows again.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at March 27, 2017 04:05 PM (VdICR)


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that there's an honest chance of the Democratic Party imploding in on itself in the next few years.

A thumping in 2018 would set it up. Them losing to Trump in 2020 might actually make it happen.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:07 PM (mC1ZI)

106 95 They said I'd hear from them in about a week, so they have a couple of days to go.

Here's hopin' brother
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:05 PM (39g3+)

Indeed. Of course, if it's positive, that only means I'm getting to the next step of the vetting process, not an offer of employment.

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:07 PM (0mRoj)

107 There were no Wikileaks out of the DNC to or from Hillary. A boatload of Podesta though. I find that strange. Is there a connection to the 33,000 still missing Hillary e-mails?

I'd take the bet that Putin has them. Were I he, in October I would have held them back, and used them after Hillary's expected win to blackmail her.

Posted by: Ignoramus at March 27, 2017 04:07 PM (SIY7D)

108 Comey said she was guilty but that no prosecutor would prosecute. Why they think this means she's "not guilty" is a mystery. Did no one listen to what was said?

Posted by: dagny at March 27, 2017 04:07 PM (Mc+44)

109 7. The same people who shout "Benghazi" are completely silent on Trump's Yemen raid, which tragically cost many innocent lives.

I thought we only lost one man, no?

Posted by: Grump928(c) at March 27, 2017 04:06 PM (QQ+il)

I also don't remember Trump lying about the Yemen raid, blaming it on a video or covering up what happened

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 27, 2017 04:07 PM (493sH)

110 Oh, Thank you, Peter Daou.
So glad some people still see the real Hillary Clinton.


Posted by: It's Chelsea! at March 27, 2017 04:07 PM (CPk08)

111 102

That's a really good comparison. We have to hope the Democrats don't stat passing out that sort of kool-aid to their fellow travellers.

Posted by: Gaff at March 27, 2017 04:07 PM (jPS2y)

112 101 Good luck, Insomniac! I'm pulling for you.
Posted by: VA GOP Sucks at March 27, 2017 04:06 PM (2VN2E)

Thanks! Also, phrasing!

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:08 PM (0mRoj)

113 Jim Jones had his followers, Hillary has hers

I just don't understand that phenomenon. Cult leaders never seem that special to me, but they get absolute loyalty and obedience even to death. Who are these people? What kind of sad emptiness is in your soul to worship someone like that?

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:08 PM (39g3+)

114 Oh stop that, Peter. We're in Public.

I don't actually have a penis, you know.

Posted by: It's Chelsea! at March 27, 2017 04:08 PM (CPk08)

115 I thought we only lost one man, no?

Yes, but all those terrorists freedom fighters...

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 27, 2017 04:08 PM (oVJmc)

"never found guilty"

That's lawyerese for she's guilty but you can't prove it.

Posted by: iSoothsayer iPro iLX at March 27, 2017 04:08 PM (EufUL)

117 Absolutely the Hillary emails were held for future blackmail opportunities.

Posted by: dagny at March 27, 2017 04:08 PM (Mc+44)


Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at March 27, 2017 04:08 PM (vRcUp)

119 I think its funny he can't admit or see the media (with few exceptions) was in the tank for her

Posted by: Skip at March 27, 2017 04:08 PM (GPaiX)

120 We bought a Bosch dishwasher a number of years ago. It's built really well.
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:06 PM (WPSd5)

Grrrrrrrr. When it goes, and it will, perhaps spectacularly, get a Miele.

Posted by: bluebell at March 27, 2017 04:08 PM (sBOL1)

121 Can someone tweet him and ask him to list one significant Hillary accomplishment. I still haven't found a Clinton supporter that can do it.

Posted by: Jack Sock at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (l513m)

122 The scary thing is that this guy is not uncommon among the Left. I don't know if there's ever been this level of lunatic hatred in our past. At least not in my lifetime.

Posted by: LGoPs at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (FoTxO)

123 You have to wonder if people like this asshole get paid to write this shit.
This is the only logical explanation. He has kids to feed.

Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (7uYFy)

124 can you give me a hand, Peter? It unbuckles at the side.

Posted by: It's Chelsea! at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (CPk08)

125 I wonder if they have global warming on this dude's home planet.

Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (X+nFp)

I went back to the doctor to get another shrink
I sit and tell him about my weekend
But he never betray what he thinks
Can you see the real me, doctor?
Can you see the real me, doctor?
Can ya, can ya?
I went back to my mother
I said, "I'm crazy, Ma, help me"
She said, "I know how it feels, son
'Cause it runs in the family"
Oh, can you see the real me, mother?
Can you see the real me, mother?
Can you see the real me, can you see the real me?
Can you see the real me, can ya?
Can you see the real me, can you see?

Posted by: Grump928(c) at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (QQ+il)

127 Peter Daou was a Hillary advisor during her '08 campaign. Not sure why he wasn't working for her this time around, but who knows?


Probably, cuz he was starring as the dwarf in "Game of Thrones".

I wonder if he marries the dragon girl this season.

I think he does....that's why it's called A Tale of Fire and Short.

Posted by: naturalfake at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (vZ9Fw)

128 It would be fun, but wastefully time consuming, to run through the list point by point offering concrete examples that contradict this guys assertions.

18. Sanders/Stein supporters threw dollar bills at her in the street, one of the most repugnant political spectacles in American history.

But, when Soros, Russians, bankers, ME potentates, and etc. do it? Well, that's okay.

Yeah really, because Hillz can't be bought.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (NBHj5)

Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at March 27, 2017 04:08 PM (vRcUp)

Pussies are only an inch-and-a-half away from assholes.

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (0mRoj)

130 Can someone tweet him and ask him to list one significant Hillary accomplishment. I still haven't found a Clinton supporter that can do it.

Posted by: Jack Sock at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (l513m)

She's a womyn

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (493sH)

131 >>Whew! Did we lose anyone? Good. Step over to your right for your
mandatory fungal disinfectant shower, and see the doctor on your way out
for some booster shots and antibiotics.

I'm afraid I may have lost some IQ points after reading that.
Definitely deserves this:

Mr. Daou, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic
things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent
tweet-storm were you even close to anything that could be considered a
rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having
listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your

Posted by: Lizzy at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (NOIQH)

This is funniest point of all:

21. Given the choice between a hated man and a (wrongly) hated woman, the man wins every time. WE ARE NOT BEYOND GENDER BIAS IN AMERICA.

All kinds of stupid bullshit there.

Posted by: iSoothsayer iPro iLX at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (EufUL)

133 WOMAN.

Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (vRcUp)

134 113 - History is filled with them, don't get it myself

Posted by: Skip at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (GPaiX)

135 Hee hee. Now you are walking funny.

Posted by: It's Chelsea! at March 27, 2017 04:10 PM (CPk08)

136 Dems won't implode. I have been waiting for twenty some years. They always had too many different constituencies with too much pandering at odds with each group to last long - in theory.

In reality, they make it work by paying off who needs to be paid off, and giving those voices seats at the table regardless of how outlandish they are.

The Dems will continue to lurch left, and they will continue to get their 45% of the vote as a starting point, as long as they keep the freebies flowing. Being a Dem means you don't have to think, and that's pretty attractive to a large chunk of the population.

Posted by: VA GOP Sucks at March 27, 2017 04:10 PM (2VN2E)

137 Yay! Tears of unfathomable sadness!

Posted by: The Political Hat at March 27, 2017 04:10 PM (rUIbB)

138 If they believed anything they said they would call for a constitutional convention, but that's out so let's just try the ole people in the streets ploy for now backed up by Soros money.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at March 27, 2017 04:10 PM (6Ll1u)

139 I don't hate people I've never met.

I do. Hitler? check. Stalin? ditto. Pol Pot? Oh yeah.

She's just another murderous Red.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at March 27, 2017 03:57 PM (QQ+il) )

You wrecked Hitler's car. What did he ever do to you??

Posted by: Nelson Muntz at March 27, 2017 04:10 PM (B6OKy)

140 113 Jim Jones had his followers, Hillary has hers

I just don't understand that phenomenon. Cult leaders never seem that special to me, but they get absolute loyalty and obedience even to death. Who are these people? What kind of sad emptiness is in your soul to worship someone like that?
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:08 PM (39g3+)


Empty, sad, lonely people who have no where else to go.

You know...people who've rejected all form or religion in favor of a vague and ill defined "spiritualism", leaving an empty place in their hearts where a high purpose usually resides. They then place something "important" there to try and fix that hole, that important thing becoming politics. They have to have some kind of manifestation of that politics to attach themselves to, so they attach to politicians, no matter how awful they are.

Hence, hero worship of freaking politicians. It's kinda gross.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:10 PM (mC1ZI)

141 My life for you, Hillary! MY LIFE FOR YOU!

Posted by: Peter Daou, towing a warhead at March 27, 2017 04:11 PM (0mRoj)

142 I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that there's an honest chance of the Democratic Party imploding in on itself in the next few years.

A thumping in 2018 would set it up.

After that miserable display last week? If the Dems can't make serious gains next year, they don't deserve to continue as a party.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, keeper of the Deplorable Unicode Character at March 27, 2017 04:11 PM (9krrF)

Donald Trump was never "hated" until he became a threat to the Democrats, i.e., became a threat to the GOP establishment.

Democrats love the GOP establishment.

Posted by: iSoothsayer iPro iLX at March 27, 2017 04:11 PM (EufUL)

144 So, let's assume that the premise here is correct, that the right was very effective at getting people to hate Hillary.

It seems to follow that the proper course of action is for the left and the media (BIRM), do a better job in the future of shielding leftist politicians from such attacks.

Shit. They're on to us, guys.

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at March 27, 2017 04:11 PM (KUaJL)

145 Yeah, the alcohol wipes clean it off best.

Posted by: It's Chelsea! at March 27, 2017 04:11 PM (CPk08)

146 Here's what I like about Hillary - She's such a thin-skinned, egotistical despot that she brought the power of government down on the Citizens United group, all to stop some movie no one would have watched anyway. And as a result she gave us a terrific Supreme Court ruling that helped bring some semblance of free speech back to politics.

Nice work, Hills!

Posted by: Ted K. at March 27, 2017 04:11 PM (7RqXg)

147 We bought a Bosch dishwasher a number of years ago. It's built really well.
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:06 PM (WPSd5)

It uses strange little monsters to clean the dishes.

Posted by: josephistan at March 27, 2017 04:11 PM (7HtZB)

148 I chronicled every attack, every TV appearance by Tad Devine and Jeff Weaver calling Hillary corrupt and evil. It was brutal and unjust.

Has anyone ever heard of those two guys?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 27, 2017 04:11 PM (NBHj5)

149 Dude just did a half-gainer down the rabbit hole then through the looking glass followed by a triple camel only to end with a face plotz.

This type of delusion needs long term care at Nurse Pelosi's Rest Home for the Wickedly Whacked.

Posted by: Anna Puma at March 27, 2017 04:11 PM (Dt3Vr)

150 16. Bernie spent 2015 on an uplifting, positive, progressive message.

If you're a maggot attached to a blood sucking leech living inside a tapeworm.

Posted by: wth at March 27, 2017 04:11 PM (HgMAr)

151 don't forget the Russian sub-sonic brain waves that made people forget about their best interests and vote for Trump.

you could almost made a board game from all those points. Instead of "50 Shades of Gray" you could have "30 Point of Zany"

Posted by: mallfly suPreme at March 27, 2017 04:11 PM (b7fwp)

152 Who are these people? What kind of sad emptiness is in your soul to worship someone like that?Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:08 PM (39g3+)

Isn't that odd? But I'm pretty cynical about "the greatest thing" that gets everyone so excited. I think they fill some "daddy issues" void by being "joiners."

Posted by: dagny at March 27, 2017 04:12 PM (Mc+44)

153 "And the longer the words are, the more points you get." player

Posted by: DanMan at March 27, 2017 04:12 PM (XTiHL)

154 Not sure why he wasn't working for her this time around, but who knows?

It could be that the Secret Service would't let this lunatic within 500 feet of her.

Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at March 27, 2017 04:12 PM (X+nFp)

155 The news media spent SIX HUNDRED CONSECUTIVE DAYS...

So, every day? EVERY SINGLE EFFING DAY for almost two years?


/I don't think 'consecutive' means what you think it means.

Posted by: shibumi at March 27, 2017 04:12 PM (FkAXz)

156 You wrecked Hitler's car. What did he ever do to you??
Posted by: Nelson Muntz at March 27, 2017 04:10 PM (B6OKy)

Its name was Brad.

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:12 PM (0mRoj)

157 Just leavin' this here.

Living Colour - Cult of Personality

Posted by: Brother Cavil, keeper of the Deplorable Unicode Character at March 27, 2017 04:12 PM (9krrF)

158 94 Can't figure it out. I've hated her since she cackled about baking cookies in 1992.

Posted by: dagny at March 27, 2017 04:05 PM (Mc+44)

Or NOT baking cookies as she would have it. I never understood then or now why she absolutely had to dump on women who want to bake cookies or take care of their families in some ways or other.

She was trying to appeal to people who don't like to do nice things for the people they supposedly love.

Posted by: Boots at March 27, 2017 04:13 PM (EBwPV)

159 132
This is funniest point of all:

21. Given the choice between a hated man and a (wrongly) hated woman, the man wins every time. WE ARE NOT BEYOND GENDER BIAS IN AMERICA.

All kinds of stupid bullshit there.
Posted by: iSoothsayer iPro iLX at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (EufUL)


It's why America chose Hillary over Bernie.

It's why the DNC had to stack the deck in Hillary's favor in order to get her to that finish line first.

God...why is the Democratic Party so full of sexists. Cleanse your own party first, and then go to the rest of the country.

Call all of those who voted against Hillary in the primaries sexists really really loudly for extended periods of time.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:13 PM (mC1ZI)

160 If you're a maggot attached to a blood sucking leech living inside a tapeworm.

Great Society Turducken.

Posted by: Grump928(c) at March 27, 2017 04:13 PM (QQ+il)

161 157 Just leavin' this here.

Living Colour - Cult of Personality
Posted by: Brother Cavil, keeper of the Deplorable Unicode Character at March 27, 2017 04:12 PM (9krrF)


Posted by: josephistan at March 27, 2017 04:13 PM (7HtZB)

Interesting short read

Posted by: Skip at March 27, 2017 04:13 PM (GPaiX)

163 10. Once again, I repeat: HILLARY CLINTON HAS NEVER BEEN FOUND GUILTY OF WRONGDOING. And her haters will NEVER admit that basic truth.

Could we ever have a legit investigation? Because one TS document illegally handled from her bathroom server is an automatic, slam dunk 5 years.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 27, 2017 04:13 PM (DfQBn)

164 "If you're a maggot attached to a blood sucking leech living inside a tapeworm."

das oderkoballspieler ist krank!

Posted by: DanMan at March 27, 2017 04:13 PM (XTiHL)

165 112 101 Good luck, Insomniac! I'm pulling for you.

Posted by: VA GOP Sucks at March 27, 2017 04:06 PM (2VN2E)
Thanks! Also, phrasing!

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:08 PM (0mRoj)


Hey everybody, let's all pull it for Insomniac! Until he gets a job!


Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:13 PM (WPSd5)

166 WOMAN.

Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM


Posted by: minimalist caitlyn jenner at March 27, 2017 04:13 PM (Eu36q)

167 She used a personal "charity" to amass millions in wealth and charged her private jet flights to the "charity" Are you @#$@#ing kidding me?!?!

Posted by: SmileyNh at March 27, 2017 04:13 PM (rgj9x)

168 The same people who shout "Benghazi" are completely silent on Trump's Yemen raid, which tragically cost many innocent lives.

I thought we only lost one man, no?
Posted by: Grump928(c)

I think they're claiming two dozen civilians were killed in the raid.

The wikipedia page is a hilarious and ravingly desperate attempt at removing all blame from Obama and shitting it onto Trump if you're up for it.

look up Yakla Raid.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 27, 2017 04:13 PM (GgzGa)

169 Re: "blaupunktgrundigboschbraunmielegeschicht" --

I recognize the radio brands Blaupunkt and Grundig, and Bosh the car parts people, and Braun because I've had 2 coffeemakers by them. The "geschicht" is "company," or something like that?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at March 27, 2017 04:14 PM (3Td/K)

170 Also... what children did she save, specifically?

I want names.


I want multiple local news stories of the FAB acting like Princess Diana visiting wards and "saving children."

BTW, reading the book that someone else wrote for her to random children does not count as "saving children."

I'll wait.

Posted by: shibumi at March 27, 2017 04:14 PM (FkAXz)

171 It could be that the Secret Service would't let this lunatic within 500 feet of her.

Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at March 27, 2017 04:12 PM (X+nFp)

We won't. We caught him sniffing her used Depends.

Posted by: USSS at March 27, 2017 04:14 PM (uiwCw)

172 We bought a Bosch dishwasher a number of years ago. It's built really well.
Posted by: OregonMuse

1%er. I may have a full chronic care hospital in my home but my dishwasher is named Juan.

Posted by: Chelsea Clinton at March 27, 2017 04:14 PM (ZFUt7)

173 Herr Kartoffelkopf! Herr Kartoffelkopf! Back doors are not secrets!

Posted by: Jim at March 27, 2017 04:14 PM (8nWyX)

174 Er...I'll just root for Insomniac, if it's all the same to y'all.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, keeper of the Deplorable Unicode Character at March 27, 2017 04:14 PM (9krrF)

175 Powers Booth "Kid, all that hate is going to burn you up."

Charlie Sheen "It keeps me warm."

Posted by: Paladin at March 27, 2017 04:14 PM (mCOPv)

176 113, I don't get the Hillary Clinton Cult either. She's not pretty, she's lacks charisma, she's never said a memorable thing, never had a stirring, inspiring speech, she's not a saint, she's never put out an album as good as Blonde on Blonde, Highway 61 Revisited, The White Album or London Calling. What is her appeal?

Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 04:14 PM (7uYFy)

177 He sounds like one of our trolls...

Posted by: Beefy Meatball at March 27, 2017 04:14 PM (Re/7S)

178 I guess with Media Matters nut job David Brock recuperating from a heart attack, someone had to step up and publish the crazy.

Posted by: MacGruber at March 27, 2017 04:15 PM (S+el1)

179 Kartoffelkopf is right.

There's so many exits from this highway of stupidity that it's hard to believe he could get to the end without taking a leak.

Just for one clear last-exit-before-stupidity: if Bernie had understood how serious the Hillary email server thing was, or had a close advisor willing to push him in that direction, he might have actually taken the criminality to the Democrat voter base and he might be President now. Or they might have laughed it off, but the situation would have been no worse for him.

Posted by: JEM at March 27, 2017 04:15 PM (TppKb)

180 Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:10 PM (mC1ZI)

Bags of meat enjoy worshipping other bags of meat.

Posted by: dagny at March 27, 2017 04:15 PM (Mc+44)

181 --
21. Given the choice between a hated man and a (wrongly) hated woman,
the man wins every time. WE ARE NOT BEYOND GENDER BIAS IN AMERICA.

this guy is a loony. Serious you guys, could Jeb or Marco or almost any of the others have defeated Hillary? I can't imagine most of them calling Hill 'a nasty woman"

Posted by: mallfly suPreme at March 27, 2017 04:15 PM (b7fwp)

182 165 112 101 Good luck, Insomniac! I'm pulling for you.

Posted by: VA GOP Sucks at March 27, 2017 04:06 PM (2VN2E)
Thanks! Also, phrasing!

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:08 PM (0mRoj)


Hey everybody, let's all pull it for Insomniac! Until he gets a job!


Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:13 PM (WPSd5)

Let's face it, it's not like y'all weren't going be doing that anyway!

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:15 PM (0mRoj)

183 173 Herr Kartoffelkopf! Herr Kartoffelkopf! Back doors are not secrets!
Posted by: Jim at March 27, 2017 04:14 PM (8nWyX)

What we use his for might be. Tee hee....

Posted by: It's Chelsea! at March 27, 2017 04:16 PM (CPk08)

184 Democrats love the GOP establishment.

Well ... Ric Flair always said he liked working with Ricky Steamboat. Of course - that shit was fake too.

Posted by: ScoggDog at March 27, 2017 04:16 PM (tFWWx)

185 136 Dems won't implode. I have been waiting for twenty some years. They always had too many different constituencies with too much pandering at odds with each group to last long - in theory.

In reality, they make it work by paying off who needs to be paid off, and giving those voices seats at the table regardless of how outlandish they are.

The Dems will continue to lurch left, and they will continue to get their 45% of the vote as a starting point, as long as they keep the freebies flowing. Being a Dem means you don't have to think, and that's pretty attractive to a large chunk of the population.
Posted by: VA GOP Sucks at March 27, 2017 04:10 PM (2VN2E)


I don't know...that lurch left is turning off portions of the 45%. They are in a place where it's borderline impossible for them to compete for control of the House. They can't even win anything particularly significant at the state level.

They're now currently weaker than Republicans were in 2008. Republicans obviously came back from that, but there's a very strong argument that the come back was actually just a structural re-alignment back to the norm.

In some senses, they're going to be a minority party for a long time, and that does tend to have an effect of increasing the power of the far flank of a party.

We'll see...

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:16 PM (mC1ZI)

186 Hence, hero worship of freaking politicians. It's kinda gross.

Remember the school children who were singing songs to Obama? That literally turned my stomach. And made me realize that the country I'd grown up in was in danger of being lost forever.

Posted by: LGoPs at March 27, 2017 04:16 PM (FoTxO)

187 26. Hillary's bashers yell that I should "move on" and that it's ALL HER FAULT. She's "flawed." She skipped Wisconsin. Empty talking points.

She is without blame, without fault and has never ever made a mistake in her entire life her. It must be our sexism that makes us think that.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 27, 2017 04:16 PM (493sH)

188 I don't get the Hillary Clinton Cult either. She's
not pretty, she's lacks charisma, she's never said a memorable thing,
never had a stirring, inspiring speech, she's not a saint, she's never
put out an album as good as Blonde on Blonde, Highway 61 Revisited, The
White Album or London Calling. What is her appeal?

Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 04:14 PM

She is charmless, homely, dull and just like them.

Posted by: huerfano at March 27, 2017 04:16 PM (Eu36q)

189 You wrecked Hitler's car. What did he ever do to you??
Posted by: Nelson Muntz

I had a car that I named 'Adolph'. I loved Adolph, but one day he swerved into an oncoming Russian...

Posted by: Liberty Mutual ad at March 27, 2017 04:16 PM (NBHj5)

190 Perhaps this article is just a mating call to coax her out of the woods.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 27, 2017 04:16 PM (oVJmc)

191 Dude just did a half-gainer down the rabbit hole then through the looking glass followed by a triple camel only to end with a face plotz.

Posted by: Anna Puma at March 27, 2017 04:11 PM (Dt3Vr)

I know, right? And the sheer athleticism of that tweetstorm even impressed the North Korean judge, and they *know* their crazy in that country.

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:17 PM (WPSd5)


31. Hillary saved my baby from a dingo.

Posted by: Peter Doo Doo at March 27, 2017 04:17 PM (IqV8l)

193 Bags of meat enjoy worshipping other bags of meat.
Posted by: dagny at March 27, 2017 04:15 PM (Mc+44)

Hold up, I hear chanting from my fridge...

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:17 PM (0mRoj)

The same people who shout "Benghazi" are completely silent on Trump's Yemen raid, which tragically cost many innocent lives.

The Yemem raid took place nine days after Trump asssumed office and was probably being planned before the election

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 27, 2017 04:17 PM (lKyWE)

195 vince foster unavailable for comment.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at March 27, 2017 04:18 PM (KP5rU)

Kartoffelkopf mit sauerbratenhande

Posted by: naturalfake at March 27, 2017 04:18 PM (vZ9Fw)

197 She is charmless, homely, dull and just like them.

Posted by: huerfano at March 27, 2017 04:16 PM (Eu36q)

And her daughter is just like her.

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:18 PM (WPSd5)

Please don't argue any of these bullshit points, especially the lie about Yemen/Benghazi.

As soon as you argue a lie or false premise, you legitimize it.

Peter Dauo is a liar -- don't argue with him. Laugh at him.

Posted by: iSoothsayer iPro iLX at March 27, 2017 04:18 PM (EufUL)

199 What is her appeal?Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 04:14 PM (7uYFy)
--1. Vagina2. Ugly enough to be a lesbian3. Angry enough to appeal to Beta Libtard Males and Alpha Libtard Bitches.

Posted by: shibumi at March 27, 2017 04:18 PM (FkAXz)

200 142
After that miserable display last week? If the Dems can't make serious gains next year, they don't deserve to continue as a party.
Posted by: Brother Cavil, keeper of the Deplorable Unicode Character at March 27, 2017 04:11 PM (9krrF)


I think many people are overestimating the effect that this will have electorally.

Remember, people love their own congress person no matter what. Not passing a bill doesn't seem to have much effect on electoral chances. And, incumbency, gerrymandering (to an extent), and favorable electorate.

Besides, the real fight will be for Senate seats, and we'll have a bunch of recruits who most likely had nothing to do with this vote going for those red state Democrats. Those newbies will be making promises that we'll buy again. We always say, "Next time, I'm onto you," and then we cheer like mad when Cory Gardener wins in Colorado (only to kind of hate him later).

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:18 PM (mC1ZI)

201 She is charmless, homely, dull and just like them.
Posted by: huerfano

Has a warm Southern accent, bless her heart.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 27, 2017 04:18 PM (NBHj5)

202 The scary thing is that this guy is not uncommon
among the Left. I don't know if there's ever been this level of lunatic
hatred in our past. At least not in my lifetime. Posted by: LGoPs at March 27, 2017 04:09 PM (FoTxO)

Late 70s and 80s if you said the name Nixon, most people would spit. It was crazypants. They have been trying to whip up the same with PDT.

Posted by: mustbequantum at March 27, 2017 04:18 PM (MIKMs)

203 The Yemem raid took place nine days after Trump asssumed office and was probably being planned before the election
Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 27, 2017 04:17 PM (lKyWE)

It was. They were waiting for a moonless night.

Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 04:18 PM (7uYFy)

204 "When I come home at night
"I bolt the door real tight
"People call me on the phone I'm trying to avoid
"Well, can the people on TV see me
"Or am I just paranoid?"

Posted by: Peter "Rockwell" Daou at March 27, 2017 04:18 PM (3Td/K)

205 Great, now got an urge to watch the original Red Dawn because I think it was C. Thomas Howell who said he kept warm due to the hate.

Posted by: Anna Puma at March 27, 2017 04:19 PM (Dt3Vr)

206 Hillary gave up Chelsea, A generation from now, people will be voting for another Clinton for president...count on it....

Posted by: Colin at March 27, 2017 04:19 PM (odQZE)

Do you really think Petwr Dowr believes what he wrote?? Of course not!

Do Not Allow This Piece Of Shit To Put YOU On The Defensive.

Posted by: iSoothsayer iPro iLX at March 27, 2017 04:19 PM (EufUL)


Posted by: Peter Strangedaou at March 27, 2017 04:19 PM (oVJmc)

209 The self delusion of the Left is the best thing we have. It certainly isn't the Failure Theater that is the modern GOP.

Posted by: Puddleglum at March 27, 2017 04:19 PM (EqMcT)

210 It's all for you, Hillary!

*jumps off roof*

Posted by: Peter Daou, with a rope around his neck at March 27, 2017 04:19 PM (0mRoj)

211 >>The same people who shout "Benghazi" are completely silent on Trump's Yemen raid, which tragically cost many innocent lives.

And Trump never once blamed it on a Video, the Easter Bunny or a Smart blonde.

Posted by: garrett at March 27, 2017 04:20 PM (T1Co2)

212 Just for one clear last-exit-before-stupidity: if
Bernie had understood how serious the Hillary email server thing was, or
had a close advisor willing to push him in that direction, he might
have actually taken the criminality to the Democrat voter base and he
might be President now. Or they might have laughed it off, but the
situation would have been no worse for him.

Posted by: JEM at March 27, 2017 04:15 PM (TppKb)

Quite the contrary. I remember that old communist in one of the first Democrat debates say that he was sick and tired of the whole e-mail controversy and that it should go away. Demonstrating that he was nothing more than a shill and a lackey.
Good little communist...good boy...

Posted by: LGoPs at March 27, 2017 04:20 PM (FoTxO)

213 Here's a fun game: Replace all references to Hillary with Sarah Palin (and exclude the Hills-specific ones, like Benghazi). Try 'em on for accuracy and level-headedness:

19. Meanwhile, the corporate media treated PALIN with dripping disdain
while celebrating the ratings Obama's speeches got them. Disgraceful.

20. The result of this PALIN-bashing was that by the general election,
her public image was severely damaged. Obama just surfed the hate.

25. Acknowledging and rejecting the mangling of PALIN's public image
by the media, the right and the left is key to dealing with Obama.

26. PALIN's bashers yell that I should "move on" and that it's ALL HER
FAULT. She's "flawed." Empty talking points.

Nope, still crazy talk, but it's fun to imagine Daou decrying the at time misogynistic Palin bashing with the same fervor.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 27, 2017 04:20 PM (NOIQH)

214 What "children" did Hillary "save"? Ones under sniper fire in Bosnia or the ones in NYC on 9-11?

Posted by: dagny at March 27, 2017 04:20 PM (Mc+44)

215 186 Hence, hero worship of freaking politicians. It's kinda gross.

Remember the school children who were singing songs to Obama? That literally turned my stomach. And made me realize that the country I'd grown up in was in danger of being lost forever.
Posted by: LGoPs at March 27, 2017 04:16 PM (FoTxO)


Ugh...yes...I remember.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:20 PM (mC1ZI)

216 Has a warm Southern accent, bless her heart.

She's come so fahr.

Posted by: Grump928(c) at March 27, 2017 04:20 PM (QQ+il)

217 And her daughter is just like her.
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:18 PM (WPSd5)

Oh, my critics just don't know the strong, generous, passionate, loyal woman I call my Mom. Hugs, Mom! {{{{{{{{{{{{{!}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Posted by: It's Chelsea! Spicy! and Real! at March 27, 2017 04:20 PM (CPk08)

218 Remember the school children who were singing songs to Obama? That literally turned my stomach.

As did the SNL cast singing a tribute to him a couple three months ago.

And made me realize that the country I'd grown up in was in danger of being lost forever.
Posted by: LGoPs at March 27, 2017 04:16 PM (FoTxO)


Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:20 PM (WPSd5)

Do you know why Petre Dwao posted this shit?

He said hey watch this, I'm gonna throw a bunch of shit against the wall and then watch Trump supporters scramble to clean it up!

Posted by: iSoothsayer iPro iLX at March 27, 2017 04:20 PM (EufUL)

220 "175 Powers Booth "Kid, all that hate is going to burn you up."

Wow. This thread made me think of Boothe as Jim Jones. Very good movie.

Posted by: Benji Carver at March 27, 2017 04:20 PM (OD2ni)

221 Meine Führerin!

Ich kann wieder laufen!

Posted by: Peter Daou at March 27, 2017 04:21 PM (rUIbB)

222 D Congresscritters represent the interests of The Borg -- the unholy alliance of BigGov, MSM, Academia, and some BigBiz industries.

The Borg relies on minorities for votes and for cheap labor, and for subjects to be cared for by Borg affiliated unions, paid for at union expense.

The Borg despises Deplorables.

The best spots in The Borg are often reserved for those who are the most strident defenders of its prerogatives. They get to be Elite simply from station.

So this crazed Hillary fan is trying to retain his place, which isn't as secure because Hillary lost

Posted by: Ignoramus at March 27, 2017 04:21 PM (SIY7D)

223 Let's face it, it's not like y'all weren't going be doing that anyway!
Posted by: Insomniac

Hmm, I dunno. Hillary threads always put me off my feed a bit.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 27, 2017 04:21 PM (eeTCA)

224 "216 Has a warm Southern accent, bless her heart.

She's come so fahr."

Where can I got some moonshine? Hic.

Posted by: Hillary at March 27, 2017 04:21 PM (OD2ni)

225 218 FDR was revered to a disturbing extent.His portrait on the walks in many families homes.Not to nention he was president for life...

Posted by: steevy at March 27, 2017 04:22 PM (r/0kC)

226 219
Do you know why Petre Dwao posted this shit?

Some guys like it like that. (giggle)

Posted by: It's Chelsea! at March 27, 2017 04:22 PM (CPk08)

Don't turn around, oh oh!

Der Kartoffelkopf's in town, oh oh!

Posted by: Pre-Zombie Falco at March 27, 2017 04:22 PM (vZ9Fw)

228 "Also... what children did she save, specifically?"

She saved children, well not really saved. More like stockpiled them. For their sweet youthful blood. And their life-forces. So she can continue her hellish undead existence.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet Has Got it, Yeah Baby It's Got It at March 27, 2017 04:22 PM (hLRSq)

229 kartoffelkopf

Is that a dumkopf that fell off the kart?

Posted by: pookysgirl at March 27, 2017 04:22 PM (ar2KI)

230 Shorter Daou: "Please hire me to head Chelsea's Congressional campaign. I'm loyal!"

Posted by: Lizzy at March 27, 2017 04:23 PM (NOIQH)


The cracks between the paving stones
Look like rivers of flowing veins
Strange people who know me
Peeping from behind every window pane
The girl I used to love lives in this yellow house
Yesterday she passed me by
She doesn't want to know me now
Oh, can you see the real me?
Can ya, can ya?
Can you see the real me, can ya?
I went to the holy man, full of lies and hate
I seemed to scare him a little
So he showed me to the golden gate, I said
Can't you see the real me, holy man?
Can't you see the real me?
Can't you see the real me?
Can't you see the real me?
Can't you see, can't you see?
Ah, no, ooh

Posted by: Grump928(c) at March 27, 2017 04:23 PM (QQ+il)

232 Quite the contrary. I remember that old communist in one of the first Democrat debates say that he was sick and tired of the whole e-mail controversy and that it should go away. Demonstrating that he was nothing more than a shill and a lackey.
Good little communist...good boy...
Posted by: LGoPs at March 27, 2017 04:20 PM (FoTxO)

Here's a nice house, now shut up and let me be president!

( *hic* )

( *shart* )

Posted by: Hillary! at March 27, 2017 04:23 PM (WPSd5)

Watch this:

The same people who scream about Benghazi are silent on Hitler who killed millions of innocents.

See? It's a bullshit point. One thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other.

Posted by: iSoothsayer iPro iLX at March 27, 2017 04:23 PM (EufUL)

234 Maybe they convinced themselves that Hillary was going to be the one to take the country the rest of the way left, to finish the transformation and they turned her into their icon of utopia?

I can't come up with why they would idolized that xunt.

Posted by: dagny at March 27, 2017 04:23 PM (Mc+44)

235 Hillary Clinton is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.

Posted by: Peter Daou at March 27, 2017 04:23 PM (oVJmc)

236 this guy hasn't procreated has he? that would be, inexcusable.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at March 27, 2017 04:24 PM (KP5rU)

237 Comey said she was guilty but that no prosecutor would prosecute.

This is the thing nobody seems to remember. He flat out said she was guilty. He confirmed it later in testimony with Cruz. He agreed that Hillary qualified under the law and common interpretation that Hillary was clearly guilty. He simply said he couldn't get a case because prosecutors wouldn't take it.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:24 PM (39g3+)

238 I want the MSM to get behind Daou. Instigate an unconstitutional coup to place Hillary in the White House. The inevitable result would be the opposite of their desired outcome.

Posted by: gewa76 at March 27, 2017 04:24 PM (B6OKy)

239 Shortly after the election, I was in the company of a leftist who was saying that Hillary lost because the media had spent all their time tearing her down. If I had asked for specifics, I wonder what she would have said.

Posted by: Emmie at March 27, 2017 04:24 PM (xVuS6)

240 kartoffelkopf

Is that a dumkopf that fell off the kart?
Posted by: pookysgirl at March 27, 2017 04:22 PM (ar2KI)

'kartoffel' is German for 'potato'.

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:24 PM (WPSd5)

241 9. When Hillary corruptly "earns" money, it's "corruption." When other (male)
politicians do not corruptly "earn" money, it's success. An absolutely non-existent double standard.

Feminism for the win.

Posted by: Reality Autocorrect at March 27, 2017 04:24 PM (GX63o)

242 I think most conservatives and a good chunk of moderates just want a President to look after their interests, protect the nation from foreign enemies and not fuck things up.

Liberals need a hero, a godhead, a spiritual leader, a healer as President. They really don't care what they do in office or even if the country goes to hell in a handbasket. They just want a figurehead, someone they could literally"look up" to.

This is why the can't stand Trump. They got to get up everyday and look at Trump as president. It kills them.

Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 04:24 PM (7uYFy)

243 201 She is charmless, homely, dull and just like them.
Posted by: huerfano

Has a warm Southern accent, bless her heart.

"Mighty mighty pleasin',
"Pappy's corn squeezin's --
"Oooooh! White Lightnin'!"

Posted by: Hillary Channeling George Jones at March 27, 2017 04:24 PM (3Td/K)

16. Bernie spent 2015 on an uplifting, positive, progressive message.

"Smash the Kulaks" is what passes for an uplifting, positive progressive message. Because it doesn't overtly mention shooting kneeling Kulaks in the back of the neck. That would be kind of negative, yo.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at March 27, 2017 04:24 PM (XWkhW)

245 237 Comey said she was guilty but that no prosecutor would prosecute.

This is the thing nobody seems to remember. He flat out said she was guilty. He confirmed it later in testimony with Cruz. He agreed that Hillary qualified under the law and common interpretation that Hillary was clearly guilty. He simply said he couldn't get a case because prosecutors wouldn't take it.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:24 PM (39g3+)


What everyone heard: "She's too powerful and politically connected."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:25 PM (mC1ZI)

246 235 Hillary Clinton is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.
Posted by: Peter Daou at March 27, 2017 04:23 PM (oVJmc)

You know you want it, don't you?

Posted by: It's Chelsea! at March 27, 2017 04:25 PM (CPk08)

247 Putin: what did Trump do today?
Putin assistant tovarich: signed an executive order to keep fossil fuel cheap.
Putin (rubbing hands together): good, our plan is working!

Posted by: mallfly suPreme at March 27, 2017 04:25 PM (b7fwp)

248 <<194

The same people who shout "Benghazi" are completely silent on Trump's Yemen raid, which tragically cost many innocent lives.>>

Comparing those two events is why Democrats got Trump. The former was a terrorist attack on a US diplomatic installation where Clinton and Obama's laze-faire response led to additional US causalities. The latter was a U.S. attack on a terrorist installation that provided valuable intelligence. Intelligence so concrete that it lead to several nations banning electronic devices in cabins.

So yeah, there is no comparison at all.

Posted by: MacGruber at March 27, 2017 04:26 PM (S+el1)

249 >>The same people who shout "Benghazi" are completely silent on Trump's Yemen raid, which tragically cost many innocent lives.

It cost one American life, who was sent to do a job he accepted as dangerous.

Not one who was expected to sit there as a target while his security requests were denied.

Collateral damage is an unfortunate but often necessary problem of warfare.

Posted by: JEM at March 27, 2017 04:26 PM (TppKb)

Posted by: Amy Schumer


Posted by: Fareed Zakaria at March 27, 2017 04:26 PM (j+dfT)

251 0 -- Number of Trump voters who have read or will have read this that would change their vote because of it.


Posted by: RoyalOil at March 27, 2017 04:26 PM (ZQpd0)

252 18. Sanders/Stein supporters threw dollar bills at her in the street, one of the most repugnant political spectacles in American history.

It didn't help Hillary's pristine image when she sent Huma to gather up all the dollar bills.

Posted by: kbdabear at March 27, 2017 04:26 PM (AOrEZ)

253 Grrrrrrrr. When it goes, and it will, perhaps spectacularly, get a Miele.

Posted by: bluebell at March 27, 2017 04:08 PM (sBOL1)

Thank you, I will remember the name.

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:26 PM (WPSd5)

254 This is the thing nobody seems to remember. He flat
out said she was guilty. He confirmed it later in testimony with Cruz.
He agreed that Hillary qualified under the law and common
interpretation that Hillary was clearly guilty. He simply said he
couldn't get a case because prosecutors wouldn't take it.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:24 PM (39g3+)

Which means that Loretta Lynch said Justice would not take the case, That's it.

Posted by: dagny at March 27, 2017 04:26 PM (Mc+44)

Posted by: Fareed Zakaria


Posted by: Doris Kearns Goodwin at March 27, 2017 04:27 PM (j+dfT)

256 *lays out on the table in front of Peter Daou the Queen of Hearts card*

"Now Peter, you will jump off the George Washington Bridge during rush hour today."

Posted by: Anna Puma at March 27, 2017 04:27 PM (Dt3Vr)

257 Hillary Clinton is a nasty, dishonest woman.

Posted by: Fritz at March 27, 2017 04:27 PM (2Mnv1)

258 Posted by: Lizzy at March 27, 2017 04:20 PM (NOIQH)

Difference is the demonstrative examples that prove the Palin case and the lack of proof for Clinton's case. In fact there are demonstrative examples that prove just the opposite for Clinton.

Posted by: Jack Sock at March 27, 2017 04:27 PM (l513m)

259 Dems have been lurching farther left since at least 1988. It took Clinton running as a moderate to win. That said, to me the real issue is the left tilt of the GOP. Frankly, all else equal, Trump could have run as a Democrat in 1992 - that he's seen as right leaning to me means the scale has shifted. So the Dems will do what they did in 1984, which is get the vitriol out there, try to define the narrative, and rely on their structural advantages (education, news media, and bureaucratic infrastructure) to paper over their real goals.

Posted by: VA GOP Sucks at March 27, 2017 04:27 PM (2VN2E)

260 well, I say this, the bed must be warm when you share it with Hillary. You don't want me to say why or or I might get banned.

ok, a hint... depends...

Posted by: mallfly suPreme at March 27, 2017 04:27 PM (b7fwp)

Posted by: Fareed Zakaria

Posted by: Doris Kearns Goodwin at March 27, 2017 04:27 PM (j+dfT)


"I'm fat and I like to eat food."
-Jim Gaffigan

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:27 PM (mC1ZI)

262 "Comey said she was guilty but that no prosecutor would prosecute."

Even more guilty if the investigation hadn't been purposefully hamstrung by Obama and Lynch from the start

Posted by: Ignoramus at March 27, 2017 04:27 PM (SIY7D)

Posted by: Doris Kearns Goodwin


Posted by: Molly Ivins at March 27, 2017 04:27 PM (j+dfT)

264 The left--if they had any sense or honesty at all--would do well to remember the rule:

When there are more than two assholes in your life, you are probably the asshole.

Posted by: RoyalOil at March 27, 2017 04:28 PM (ZQpd0)

265 #31) And to top it off, Hillary Clinton Will NEVER EVER be President of the USA.

#32) Satan is preparing a wonderful surprise for her should she not survive the next time she gets keel-hauled into her mini-RV like a sack of trash.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at March 27, 2017 04:28 PM (jxbfJ)

266 What everyone heard: "She's too powerful and politically connected."
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:25 PM (mC1ZI)

That's what Republicans heard.

What Democrats heard was "She has been cleared of any wrongdoing."

Posted by: bluebell at March 27, 2017 04:28 PM (sBOL1)

267 Sigh

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2017 04:28 PM (KlI/a)

268 31. All the hateful insults regarding her googly eyes, her thick ankles and her fashion sense are ALSO UNNACCEPTABLE in this day and age of inclusivity!

Posted by: Peter Daaaowww at March 27, 2017 04:28 PM (HgMAr)

269 He went all Eichenwald

You never go full Eichenwald

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at March 27, 2017 04:29 PM (ul9CR)

270 this turd burglar sounds like every educator in the country. good luck, america.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at March 27, 2017 04:29 PM (KP5rU)

271 After that miserable display last week? If the Dems can't make serious gains next year, they don't deserve to continue as a party.
Posted by: Brother Cavil, keeper of the Deplorable Unicode Character at March 27, 2017 04:11 PM (9krrF)


Seems that neither the GOP or the Dems should continue as a party.

Posted by: SMFH at March 27, 2017 04:29 PM (sB1y1)

272 16. Bernie spent 2015 on an uplifting, positive, progressive message. Encouraging & exciting. Then he pivoted hard negative against Hillary.

This would be after the DNC made sure Bernie got nowhere.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 27, 2017 04:29 PM (oVJmc)

273 The latter was a U.S. attack on a terrorist installation that provided valuable intelligence. Intelligence so concrete that it lead to several nations banning electronic devices in cabins.

So yeah, there is no comparison at all.

Posted by: MacGruber at March 27, 2017 04:26 PM (S+el1)

The latter was also an action planned durning the Obama admin which required a full moon. The full moon was after the change in administration. EVEN IF it had gone awry, it was not "Benghazi."

Posted by: dagny at March 27, 2017 04:29 PM (Mc+44)

274 266 That's what Republicans heard.

What Democrats heard was "She has been cleared of any wrongdoing."

Posted by: bluebell at March 27, 2017 04:28 PM (sBOL1)


No, they heard that she's too connected, but they were happy with that.

Nothing could take her out. She was anointed.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:29 PM (mC1ZI)

275 Thank you, I will remember the name.
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:26 PM (WPSd5)

In all seriousness, I hope yours never fails, and lasts forever. I think we just had bad luck because we had lots of people recommend it to us.

Posted by: bluebell at March 27, 2017 04:29 PM (sBOL1)

276 'kartoffel' is German for 'potato'.

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:24 PM (WPSd5)

Putting me some German knowledge! Danke, OM!

Posted by: pookysgirl at March 27, 2017 04:30 PM (ar2KI)

277 268 31. All the hateful insults regarding her googly eyes, her thick ankles and her fashion sense are ALSO UNNACCEPTABLE in this day and age of inclusivity!
Posted by: Peter Daaaowww at March 27, 2017 04:28 PM (HgMAr)

That's it. Louder. LOUDER, worm.

Posted by: It's Chelsea! at March 27, 2017 04:30 PM (CPk08)

278 Norman Bates had a healthier relationship with his other than this guy does with Hillary.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 27, 2017 04:30 PM (oVJmc)

279 "The former was a terrorist attack on a US diplomatic installation where Clinton and Obama's laze-faire response led to additional US causalities. "

Actually a CIA front for a gunning running scheme that armed Baby ISIS, before it went bad.

I still say Sid Vicious Blumenthal got a commission

Posted by: Ignoramus at March 27, 2017 04:30 PM (SIY7D)


The same people who shout "Benghazi" are completely silent on Trump's Yemen raid, which tragically cost many innocent lives.>>

Comparing those two events is why Democrats got Trump. The former was a terrorist attack on a US diplomatic installation where Clinton and Obama's laze-faire response led to additional US causalities. The latter was a U.S. attack on a terrorist installation that provided valuable intelligence. Intelligence so concrete that it lead to several nations banning electronic devices in cabins.

So yeah, there is no comparison at all.

Posted by: MacGruber at March 27, 2017 04:26 PM (S+el1)

Remember, Frau Gruppencankles didn't abandon 4 Americans to die in Benghazi. She abandoned 40-50 Americans to die in Benghazi. The only reason the death toll was so low is because a handful of courageous American badasses had to DISOBEY ORDERS so they could save the rest of their fellow countrymen.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at March 27, 2017 04:30 PM (XWkhW)

281 The news media spent SIX HUNDRED CONSECUTIVE DAYS on Hillary's emails.
Did you not see any of the coverage on "grab 'em by the pussy" or tax returns or whatever narrative du jour, Peter?
The media tried to largely ignore any Hitlary scandal and constantly repeat themselves on any Trump one.

When a lifelong public servant devoted to the rights of women and children can be seen as a devil-monster-witch, reality is lost.

Maybe Peter it's because she treats people like they are beneath contempt? Maybe it's because she only cares about leftist women who aren't schnooking her husband and those get destroyed by her surrogates. Wanting to expand government tyranny "for the children" has nothing to do with rights, Peter.

I could go on and on and on. I just remember how I got tired of hearing about "grab 'em by the pussy." Every time I turned on the TV, I heard that audio.

I guarantee if Hildabeast had said she loved drinking the blood of children and occasionally bathed it to maintain her immortality, I'm sure that audio would never appear in the mainstream media until it could no longer be ignored because of exposure on "alternate" outlets.

This guy must be on the kind of hallucinogenics that give even Cheech and Chong pause.

Posted by: grizzledcoastie at March 27, 2017 04:30 PM (GV08/)

282 Again, our elites are really stupid. Campaign advisor is supposed to be someone really, really smart and insightful and stuff. But he is more stupid than an average college frat boy.

Our elites really suck. I think that's the central insight driving everything these days. God, what morons.

Posted by: Bryan at March 27, 2017 04:30 PM (nJWew)

283 >>The same people who shout "Benghazi" are completely silent on Trump's Yemen raid, which tragically cost many innocent lives.

>>It cost one American life, who was sent to do a job he accepted as dangerous.

Not only that but the intelligence that led to banning electronics in the main cabin of aircraft from the countries in the Middle East and north Africa came from that raid. Who knows how many lives that might have saved.

I don't think there were any lives saved from the cluster in Benghazi.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 27, 2017 04:31 PM (/tuJf)

284 Others who have "never been found guilty" in history:

Pol Pot

By using that phrase, he is all but admitting he knows she is a crook.

Posted by: RoyalOil at March 27, 2017 04:31 PM (ZQpd0)

285 Invective much?

Seriously, its a problem with the professional political persuaders make the wait staff at the local starbucks sound logical and reasonable.

Posted by: simplemind at March 27, 2017 04:31 PM (xVRrG)

286 225 218 FDR was IS revered to a disturbing extent.His portrait on the walks in many families homes.Not to mention he was president for life...
Posted by: steevy

Sadly, still. His economic/domestic policies were a disaster. Agencies/programs that were put in place by him affect us to this day.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 27, 2017 04:31 PM (eeTCA)

287 Hillary's big draw for the left is that he's a True Believer mixed with unassailability (you cannot criticize a woman, especially HISTORIC FIRST!) and the kind of vicious ruthlessness and lack of compunction that makes scorpions stand back in horror.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:31 PM (39g3+)

288 286 225 218 FDR was IS revered to a disturbing extent.His portrait on the walks in many families homes.Not to mention he was president for life...
Posted by: steevy

Sadly, still. His economic/domestic policies were a disaster. Agencies/programs that were put in place by him affect us to this day.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 27, 2017 04:31 PM (eeTCA)


I was told that Republicans and Democrats switched sides in the 60s, 20 years after FDR's death.

So, he's revered by Republicans, right? Since FDR was a Democrat?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:32 PM (mC1ZI)

289 time for another pussy hat march. trump ever get that classy pussy filled with classy letters?

Posted by: chavez the hugo at March 27, 2017 04:32 PM (KP5rU)

290 Before Trump ran, Hillary was being slammed by pundits with terms like "imperious, paranoid, petulant, devious."

I think that's what the Dem Watergate committee said about her when they threw her out.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 27, 2017 04:32 PM (zc3Db)

Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at March 27, 2017 03:54 PM (VdICR)

Reposting because.

Posted by: tbodie at March 27, 2017 04:32 PM (I1MCJ)



Posted by: nOT bEN rOTHLISBURGER at March 27, 2017 04:32 PM (ul9CR)

293 So what 'rights' do children have?

The guy was just about into word salad territory here.


Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 27, 2017 04:32 PM (zsHGH)

294 Chelsea's husband is the real conduit here, she has to be the public figure so that the money can come thru his next venture. Money gotta flow, even if you found it hard to even care about money like Chelsea.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at March 27, 2017 04:32 PM (6Ll1u)

295 Which means that Loretta Lynch said Justice would not take the case, That's it.

Posted by: dagny at March 27, 2017 04:26 PM (Mc+44)

Which is at the root of why I hate Democrats with the heat of a thousand burning suns. Because Party comes before all else.
And for those who would say "oh, you're just as partisan" always remember that it was Republican Senators that convinced Richard Nixon to resign. Putting country ahead of Party in that case. And oh, btw, whatever Nixon did pales in comparison to what that fraud Obama did - and is still doing.

Posted by: LGoPs at March 27, 2017 04:33 PM (FoTxO)

296 O.J. was cleared, too.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 27, 2017 04:33 PM (oVJmc)

297 I like old fat chicks in muu-muus.

Posted by: Peter Daaaowww at March 27, 2017 04:33 PM (HgMAr)

298 30. Dislike her, disagree with her. But to despise her more than the worst people on the planet is UNACCEPTABLE. I, for one, won't forget.

I do not despise her more than any person on earth.

I despise her more than any US Politician that ran for President.

I despise many people more than Hillary Clinton. Kim Jong Un and Barack Obama for example.

Posted by: rd at March 27, 2017 04:33 PM (iT57s)

299 >.Difference is the demonstrative examples that prove the Palin case and
the lack of proof for Clinton's case. In fact there are demonstrative
examples that prove just the opposite for Clinton.

Agreed. The savaging of Palin by the DC/MSM alliance, including Republicans, was an eye-opening experience for me. It was disgusting.

I was just thinking that even if you recognize how poorly Palin was treated press (and it was a full-on attack by both news and entertainment industry), tweeting about it like Daou did about Hillary would make one looked crazed.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 27, 2017 04:33 PM (NOIQH)

300 The Hillary cultists are STILL giving her a standing ovation, while looking around desperately to see if anybody has stopped.

Posted by: Ripley at March 27, 2017 04:34 PM (1BQGO)

301 Norman Bates had a healthier relationship with his other than this guy does with Hillary.

Worth repeating.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:34 PM (39g3+)

302 22

Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at March 27, 2017 03:54 PM (VdICR)


I don't get it.

Posted by: wth at March 27, 2017 03:56 PM (HgMAr)


303 The proof that the country most of us grew up with is irredeemably lost will come when the ugly truth about Benghazi finally comes out--and it will---no one will give a shit.

Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 04:35 PM (7uYFy)

304 300 The Hillary cultists are STILL giving her a standing ovation, while looking around desperately to see if anybody has stopped.
Posted by: Ripley at March 27, 2017 04:34 PM (1BQGO)


Who still thinks that Hillary won't make a go of it for 2020?

Her peons still seem to love her a lot. You think she's surrounded with sober minded realists or guys like this?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:35 PM (mC1ZI)

305 Democrats are scum, but I will give them credit for being like mindless robots and marching in line without any thought to the repercussions.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2017 04:35 PM (KlI/a)

306 FDR was revered because he went on TV after the market crash in 29 and calmed the American public.

I laugh but that right there is proof that we crossed the Rubicon. That a man who said that in all seriousness was elected Vice President was the day America died.

Posted by: Jack Sock at March 27, 2017 04:36 PM (l513m)

307 Who still thinks that Hillary won't make a go of it for 2020?

Her peons still seem to love her a lot. You think she's surrounded with sober minded realists or guys like this?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:35 PM (mC1ZI)

But who will carry her coffin around?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2017 04:36 PM (KlI/a)

308 I'm Egg McMuffin and I approve Daou's message.

Posted by: Egg McMuffin, with a dick in his mouth at March 27, 2017 04:36 PM (ul9CR)

*yells passionately*

I am not a Kartoffelkopf!!! I am not a potato!!!

I am a human being!!!!...

I am a man!!!!....

...who likes to chew on Hillary's used Depends!!!

Posted by: "The Kartoffelkopf" Starring Peter Daou and Anthony Hopkins, Directed by David Lynch at March 27, 2017 04:36 PM (vZ9Fw)

310 Oregon Muse, if you're still around: Bookthread suggestion - #BLM YA novel "The Hate U Give". Ugh.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 27, 2017 04:36 PM (NOIQH)

311 Who still thinks that Hillary won't make a go of it for 2020?

Her peons still seem to love her a lot. You think she's surrounded with sober minded realists or guys like this?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:35 PM (mC1ZI)


She may want to, but I doubt the Democratic party would pick her again.

Posted by: Flyboy at March 27, 2017 04:37 PM (FCbYE)

312 Others who have "never been found guilty" in history:

Pol Pot

By using that phrase, he is all but admitting he knows she is a crook.

No. Never convicted.

Posted by: John Winger at March 27, 2017 04:37 PM (B6OKy)

313 I, for one, won't forget.


Knock yourself out.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 27, 2017 04:37 PM (zc3Db)

314 Nope, not feeling guilty about voting for Trump. Still making "Hillarys bitter tears" mixed drink and, no I am not tired of the winning.

Posted by: Picric at March 27, 2017 04:37 PM (s0VSd)


Posted by: Tom Brokaw at March 27, 2017 04:37 PM (eeTCA)

316 Oh, she saved children's lives?

Name one.

Now, Ronald Reagan actually did save people's lives. Like, actually kept them from dying.

That's why he became President. He actually saved lives. He didn't need people out there saying he did in the metaphorical sense.

Posted by: RoyalOil at March 27, 2017 04:37 PM (ZQpd0)

317 Democrats are scum, but I will give them credit for being like mindless
robots and marching in line without any thought to the repercussions.

In that sense they are just like the Borg. Except that, in comparison, the Borg had a sense of humor.

Posted by: LGoPs at March 27, 2017 04:38 PM (FoTxO)

318 This guy lost me at 12.

Hillary's wrong-doing just coincidentally happened to occur while Dems were in the White House. She hid in the Senate during the Bush years.

Posted by: Great Reagan's Deplorable Ghost at March 27, 2017 04:38 PM (DeU1P)

Again, our elites are really stupid. Campaign advisor is supposed to be someone really, really smart and insightful and stuff. But he is more stupid than an average college frat boy.

Our elites really suck. I think that's the central insight driving everything these days. God, what morons.

Posted by: Bryan at March 27, 2017 04:30 PM

We are being lectured to by our inferiors.

Posted by: rd at March 27, 2017 04:38 PM (iT57s)

320 311
She may want to, but I doubt the Democratic party would pick her again.
Posted by: Flyboy at March 27, 2017 04:37 PM (FCbYE)


That's not what I said, just that'd she'd try.

I'm 100% convinced that she will, and it will drag the primary into the gutter, potentially widening already existing wounds in the party without offering any balm to fix it.

I think it'll be awesome.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:38 PM (mC1ZI)

321 Hillary won't run in 2020. Oh, her cult will be there cheering her on, but the white guys who truly run Democrat Party won't let her. She's effectively a two-time loser.

Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 04:38 PM (7uYFy)

322 30. Dislike her, disagree with her. But to despise her more than the worst people on the planet is UNACCEPTABLE. I, for one, won't forget.

So do I have to meet him in the Octagon?

Posted by: Jack Sock at March 27, 2017 04:39 PM (l513m)

323 I'm Egg McMuffin and I approve Daou's message.

Posted by: Egg McMuffin, with a dick in his mouth at March 27, 2017 04:36 PM (ul9CR)

You type pretty good for a guy who always has a dick in his mouth.

Posted by: wth at March 27, 2017 04:39 PM (HgMAr)

324 Before Trump ran, Hillary was being slammed by pundits with terms like "imperious, paranoid, petulant, devious."

A sane person would realize that is evidence she's all those things. Then there's this Daou guy.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:39 PM (39g3+)

325 321 Hillary won't run in 2020. Oh, her cult will be there cheering her on, but the white guys who truly run Democrat Party won't let her. She's effectively a two-time loser.
Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 04:38 PM (7uYFy)


She doesn't need their permission to enter the race and raise money.

And I'm sure she's still got a lot of moneymen she can call on to help.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:40 PM (mC1ZI)

326 I took unhinged to unheard of stratospheric heights!

Posted by: Peter Chow at March 27, 2017 04:40 PM (Tyii7)

327 hillary will not be of this earth in 2020. the glue factory beckons.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at March 27, 2017 04:40 PM (KP5rU)

328 It's the Banana Splits Show, starting Peter Daou!

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 27, 2017 04:41 PM (zsHGH)

329 324 Before Trump ran, Hillary was being slammed by pundits with terms like "imperious, paranoid, petulant, devious."

A sane person would realize that is evidence she's all those things. Then there's this Daou guy.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:39 PM (39g3+)

Where has this guy been? That's been part of the public record for decades.

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:41 PM (0mRoj)

330 >>I'm 100% convinced that she will, and it will drag the primary into the
gutter, potentially widening already existing wounds in the party
without offering any balm to fix it.

I think the one to watch is Chelsea. There's been so much conspicuous praise of the dear child that there has got to be a serious effort behind the scenes to get the Clinton Worshipers band back together for one last show.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 27, 2017 04:41 PM (NOIQH)

The latter was a U.S. attack on a terrorist installation that provided valuable intelligence. Intelligence so concrete that it lead to several nations banning electronic devices in cabins.

Not to mention Stevens was most likely trying to recover weapons that ended up in the wrong hands in an illegal arms deal

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 27, 2017 04:41 PM (lKyWE)

332 Except that, in comparison, the Borg had a sense of humor.

Why is Seven of Nine scared?

Because Five of Eight Nine of Twelve.




Posted by: The Borg at March 27, 2017 04:41 PM (vZ9Fw)

333 Until someone gets her broomstick she can still be president

Posted by: Skip at March 27, 2017 04:41 PM (GPaiX)

334 Who still thinks that Hillary won't make a go of it for 2020?

Nah, not Hillary again. She was too old this time around, she could barely finish the campaign trail with an exoskeleton and pumped full of steroids. Four more years I don't even know if she'll still be alive, but if she is, she'll be in no shape to run.

They really want Chelsea to run, but she might lose to incumbent Trump and that's not a risk they want to take. 2024, unless kingdom come. That's when they'll trot out Howdy Doody.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:42 PM (39g3+)

335 FDR was IS revered to a disturbing extent.His portrait on the walks in many families homes.Not to mention he was president for life...

Posted by: steevy

George Takei when not talking about how oppressed he is as a gay or how Shatner didn't respect him, talks about how his internment as a Nisei child steeled him to fight to make sure no Republican ever inters the oppressed ever again.

Even though it was the 2nd most socialist Democrat President in history who signed the orders putting him in the camps

Posted by: kbdabear at March 27, 2017 04:42 PM (AOrEZ)

336 A sane person would realize that is evidence she's all those things. Then there's this Daou guy.

And he forgot 'felon'.

Posted by: JEM at March 27, 2017 04:42 PM (TppKb)

337 I believe that the GOPe will continue to throw a wrench in the Trump agenda, and that Hillary will run in 2020 as a last gasp. Who they gonna run? Warren, Sanders, Biden? Anyone under 70?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at March 27, 2017 04:42 PM (6Ll1u)


Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at March 27, 2017 04:42 PM (vRcUp)

339 You type pretty good for a guy who always has a dick in his mouth.
Posted by: wth at March 27, 2017 04:39 PM (HgMAr)

If I sit on the desk, it's easier for him.

Posted by: It's Chelsea! at March 27, 2017 04:42 PM (CPk08)

340 330 >>I'm 100% convinced that she will, and it will drag the primary into the
gutter, potentially widening already existing wounds in the party
without offering any balm to fix it.

I think the one to watch is Chelsea. There's been so much conspicuous praise of the dear child that there has got to be a serious effort behind the scenes to get the Clinton Worshipers band back together for one last show.
Posted by: Lizzy at March 27, 2017 04:41 PM (NOIQH)


I can't get myself to a place to believe that they're so desperate that they'll shove Chelsea out there in a presidential primary without at least giving her a worthless term in the House.

But who knows?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:42 PM (mC1ZI)

341 hillary will not be of this earth in 2020. the glue factory beckons.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at March 27, 2017 04:40 PM (KP5rU)

Meh. When she bites it they'll have her stuffed and run her, anyway. She'll be a better candidate that way.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 27, 2017 04:42 PM (zc3Db)

342 Hillary won't run in 2020. Oh, her cult will be there cheering her on, but the white guys who truly run Democrat Party won't let her. She's effectively a two-time loser.
Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 04:38 PM (7uYFy)


She doesn't need their permission to enter the race and raise money.

And I'm sure she's still got a lot of moneymen she can call on to help.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:40 PM (mC1ZI)

True, but the Party has "ways." They cleared the decks for her in '12 and bought off Bernie. And they prevented Biden--who I still say could have beaten Trump-- from going for it.
They are done with her.

Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 04:42 PM (7uYFy)

343 So, he's revered by Republicans, right? Since FDR was a Democrat?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at March 27, 2017 04:32 PM (mC1ZI)

Certain segments of the GOP, notably "neocons", do indeed revere FDR. And they screech like banshees when he is disparaged. Just ask 'American Betrayal' author Diane West.

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:42 PM (WPSd5)

344 TJM, I tend to agree if only that being in the public eye in "elected" office is the only real thing Clinton has ever done with her life. It's all she knows.

I doubt she will get very far, but yeah she will try to run on a nostalgia-based campaign with nods made to the fantasies of "what if she won in 2016" minded rhetoric.

It will fail, hopefully spectacularly, and perhaps put an end to the Clinton dynasty - but then I've been waiting for THAT family to exit the stage since 2000 and am still waiting.

Posted by: VA GOP Sucks at March 27, 2017 04:43 PM (2VN2E)

345 You might ask yourself how one bald little commie can possibly spew that much invective in one Twatter binge? Good question.

Posted by: Peter Chow at March 27, 2017 04:43 PM (Tyii7)

346 305 Democrats are scum, but I will give them credit for being like mindless robots and marching in line without any thought to the repercussions.

I don't give them any credit for it. They're taking the path of least resistance and responsiblity. They want to be ruled. It's nothing more than cowardice and the epitome of anti-Americanism.

Posted by: gewa76 at March 27, 2017 04:43 PM (B6OKy)

347 He forgot to mention the millions of lives impacted and even more empowered through the Clinton Foundation worldwide network of useless meeting, luxury travel and parties.

Posted by: Ripley at March 27, 2017 04:44 PM (1BQGO)

348 He loves, not too wisely, but too well.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 27, 2017 04:44 PM (oVJmc)

349 98
7. The same people who shout "Benghazi" are completely silent on Trump's Yemen raid, which tragically cost many innocent lives.

I thought we only lost one man, no?
Depends on which side you're rooting for.

American forces lost one man.

The terrorists lost "many."

Posted by: RoyalOil at March 27, 2017 04:45 PM (ZQpd0)


....who was that?

give him a drink!


Posted by: Hillary at March 27, 2017 04:45 PM (iLoHX)

351 Where has this guy been? That's been part of the public record for decades.
Posted by: Insomniac

He's been preoccupied, watching "... every TV appearance by Tad Devine and Jeff Weaver"

Whoever the hell they are.

Posted by: Tom Brokaw at March 27, 2017 04:45 PM (eeTCA)

352 FDR was IS revered to a disturbing extent.His portrait on the walks in many families homes.Not to mention he was president for life...

Posted by: steevy

Which pales in comparison to the slobbering worship STILL given to JFK and the Kennedy Crime Family. FDR at least has WW II on his resume.

Posted by: kbdabear at March 27, 2017 04:45 PM (AOrEZ)

353 Quite the contrary. I remember that old communist in one of the first Democrat debates say that he was sick and tired of the whole e-mail controversy and that it should go away.

My point exactly. Either he was an idiot or a stooge, and in either case he gave up a very substantial chance to be President.

Had Bernie made a serious effort to take down Cankles, he might be where Trump is now. But he had no clue what the real issues were.

Posted by: JEM at March 27, 2017 04:45 PM (TppKb)

354 Knock it off with Chelsea. Yes, they are trying to make her a viable future candidate but no, it won't work. She is utterly charmless, lacks street smarts and is uninspiring. And people are dumb.
But not THAT dumb.

Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 04:46 PM (7uYFy)

355 Heh - the crazy is strong with this one.

By the way - Hillary never found guilty of wrongdoing? Didn't she have the whole whitewater thing, travelgate and isn't the Clinton Foundation still under investigation?

Now lastly - just saw this pop up on Yahoo ( yeah I know Yahoo just keeps pushing the stupidest stories - no matter how ridiculous, as long as it furthers some liberal agenda. This one sounds like it is from the Russia is evil and dangerous ( except when it Obama was President then its "the 80s are calling they want their foreign policy back!" Remember that? Heh. Good times, good times.

Anyway the headline is: Russia Creates Unstoppable Hypersonic Zircon Missile capable of Navy Destroying 4,600MPH

I was wondering two things - is this a cubic zyrconia zircon missile?

and is this the over-hyped bullsh*t that it sounds like? Can our resident military types chime in? russia-creates-unstoppable-hypersonic-zircon-140101913.html
(take out space before russia)

Posted by: Publius Redux at March 27, 2017 04:46 PM (Fb9aZ)


Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at March 27, 2017 04:46 PM (vRcUp)

357 Back in 2008 Dauo said Obama rode the wave of Hillary hate (with the MSM help stirring that hate up) to the Dem nomination. He wasn't completely wrong -- anchors on MSNBC were wetting their pants over Obama and saying --out loud -- that Hillary sounded like your nagging ex-wife and was pimping her daughter out as a surrogate (true story -- guy who said that got a 2 week suspension).
So that's why Daou didnt work on Hillary 2016 -- he called out the precious Obama.
Plus, he"s unoriginal af still shilling the poor Hillary pure as the driven snow, just can't catch a break theme.

Posted by: Dancing Queen at March 27, 2017 04:47 PM (lZaEn)

358 Speaking of not even trying to win: Remember when Bernie let those 2 BLM goonettes bum rush his rally and take his microphone?

Good times, good times.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - Takin' My Time on my Ride at March 27, 2017 04:47 PM (ul9CR)

359 352: the kennedy crime family was worse than the gambino crew. and, uglier.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at March 27, 2017 04:47 PM (KP5rU)

360 I will say my family's, er, previous generation thought FDR saved the USA. They remember him as a great wartime president who gave hope to America.

When I did a college thesis on the realities of the 1930s and how FDR policies delayed recovery until monetary control mechanisms were abandoned upon entry into WWII, they thought I was insane. How dare I disparage FDR, a "good" Democrat?!

Posted by: VA GOP Sucks at March 27, 2017 04:48 PM (2VN2E)

361 Of all the liberties given to Hillary in her exhaustive and thorough investigation of herself, I most liked that she used William Macy's clever bad hard copy ploy from Fargo when turning over her emails.

Posted by: Tom Brady at March 27, 2017 04:48 PM (7buKX)

362 russia-creates-unstoppable-hypersonic-zircon-140101913.html
(take out space before russia)

You just cost everyone here 10 IQ points. And some of us can't spare them.

Posted by: simplemind at March 27, 2017 04:48 PM (xVRrG)

Anyway the headline is: Russia Creates Unstoppable Hypersonic Zircon Missile capable of Navy Destroying 4,600MPH

That's not faster than a laser beam

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 27, 2017 04:48 PM (lKyWE)

364 Sessions announced the sanctuary cities are going to lose billions in federal funding.

This is win/win, really. Not only do cities need to get off the federal teat, but they need to suffer for defying federal law at the expense of their citizens.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:48 PM (39g3+)

365 310 Oregon Muse, if you're still around: Bookthread suggestion - #BLM YA novel "The Hate U Give". Ugh.
Posted by: Lizzy at March 27, 2017 04:36 PM (NOIQH)

'Ugh' is right. But I can well understand why this book needed to be written. All of the incidents upon which BLM is based turned out to be lies, so they have to make stuff up.

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:49 PM (WPSd5)

366 Brought it up once before that Rodger Stone (I think) was on Coast to Coast last week and has Bill Clinton on his death watch this year.

Posted by: Skip at March 27, 2017 04:49 PM (GPaiX)

367 Which pales in comparison to the slobbering worship STILL given to JFK and the Kennedy Crime Family. FDR at least has WW II on his resume.

So who was the FIRST most Socialist President in the country's history?

I mean, you could make a 'statist' list and you'd probably have John Adams around ninth and Lincoln a couple notches ahead of that and Nixon's in there somewhere and probably a few others, but where do the Progressive filth - Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Obama - go?

The Socialist list is ordered somewhat differently.

Posted by: JEM at March 27, 2017 04:49 PM (TppKb)

368 anchors on MSNBC were wetting their pants over Obama

Tingles still couldn't even fake any enthusiasm for Cankles 4 years later. You can tell he really hates her.

And Ed "Sgt." Schultz, one of MSNBC's big Obama shills at that time, can't stand her either and doesn't hide it any more..

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - Takin' My Time on my Ride at March 27, 2017 04:49 PM (ul9CR)

369 >>I can't get myself to a place to believe that they're so desperate that
they'll shove Chelsea out there in a presidential primary without at
least giving her a worthless term in the House.

Yeah, I just meant they've moved their focus to getting Chelsea into elective office, not the presidency.

Hillary will have presidential ambitions 'till her dying day, but I just think she's physically up for it again. I could see her flirting with her supporters and media pals to get attention and to pump up her ego, though.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 27, 2017 04:50 PM (NOIQH)

370 Yahoo is truly the worst fake news site out there.

Yesterday they ran stories about how Trump was furious with Ivanka and Jared for leaving town when he was trying to get the Obamacare repeal done.

United Airlines bans travelers wearing leggings.

On and on.

Posted by: Jen at March 27, 2017 04:51 PM (yxZrv)

371 JEM, my vote is for Wilson as the first aggressively socialist/fascist President. Jonah Goldberg made a good case in his first book, and I tend to agree.

Posted by: VA GOP Sucks at March 27, 2017 04:51 PM (2VN2E)

372 2. Hillary Clinton has been aggressively vetted and formally investigated (by Republicans) for decades. NO WRONGDOING HAS EVER BEEN FOUND.

Who's being naive, Pete?

Posted by: Michael Corleone at March 27, 2017 04:51 PM (AOrEZ)

373 Tingles still couldn't even fake any enthusiasm for Cankles 4 . . .

Funny I read enthusiasm as euthanasia...

Posted by: Dr. Freud call your office at March 27, 2017 04:51 PM (xVRrG)

374 Maybe they convinced themselves that Hillary was going to be the one to take the country the rest of the way left, to finish the transformation and they turned her into their icon of utopia?

I can't come up with why they would idolized that xunt.

Maybe they convinced themselves?

They sang like happy half-wits as they raced to the line for the poisoned grape Kool-Aid. Then they gulped it down as if they were dying of thirst in the desert.

As for why they idolized her...

1. unattractive (just like us!)
2. spouse cheated on her (just like us!)
3. angry (just like us)
4. not particularly smart (just like us!)
5. not qualified for her job (just like us!)
6. husband got her a job (just like us!)
7. her kid is not attractive (just like us!)

Posted by: shibumi at March 27, 2017 04:52 PM (FkAXz)

375 Brought it up once before that Rodger Stone (I think) was on Coast to Coast last week and has Bill Clinton on his death watch this year.
Posted by: Skip at March 27, 2017 04:49 PM (GPaiX)

Ruth Buzzi Ginsberg will go before Clinton. So it will be a while.

Posted by: Jen at March 27, 2017 04:52 PM (yxZrv)

376 I will say my family's, er, previous generation thought FDR saved the USA. They remember him as a great wartime president who gave hope to America.

Well in that they aren't wrong. He was all wrong on domestic policy, he was at the very least sympathetic to communism, he didn't give a crap about the fate of Jews, but he did lead the USA during a very hard time and did it well in war. FDR was a very damaging president in the end because of his domestic and economic policies, but he was good in some ways as well.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:52 PM (39g3+)

377 354 Knock it off with Chelsea. Yes, they are trying to make her a viable future candidate but no, it won't work. She is utterly charmless, lacks street smarts and is uninspiring. And people are dumb.
But not THAT dumb.
Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 04:46 PM (7uYFy)

Obama was elected twice. I think that pretty much refutes your thesis.

Posted by: Alcoholic Asshole Shut In at March 27, 2017 04:52 PM (CPk08)

378 Anyone here live in Tom Price's district? Alyssa Milano will personally drive you to the polls. Sure, she's an uber lefty but still super cute. You probably have to lie and say you are voting for the Dem.

Posted by: Benji Carver at March 27, 2017 04:53 PM (OD2ni)

379 So who was the FIRST most Socialist President in the country's history?


Posted by: King Barry I at March 27, 2017 04:53 PM (AOrEZ)

380 >>United Airlines bans travelers wearing leggings.

This is the dumbest non-troversy out there. Many moons ago, I dated a woman who's dad was a pilot for Northwest back when there was a Northwest.

She got the free flight benefits but she had to abide by the dress code because the airline viewed any family member using these benefits as a representative of the company. Nothing controversial about this policy at all.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 27, 2017 04:54 PM (/tuJf)

381 Ruth Buzzi Ginsberg

Is already dead. The thing walking around using her name is the latest edition Disney animatronic robot.

Posted by: Dr. Freud call your office at March 27, 2017 04:54 PM (xVRrG)

Anyway the headline is: Russia Creates Unstoppable Hypersonic Zircon Missile capable of Navy Destroying 4,600MPH

Scramjets have to be moving at high-speed for it to work. What's the launch stage like?

The article reads like a slightly more comprehensible version of Iranian Military Breakthroughs.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 27, 2017 04:54 PM (oVJmc)

383 Sessions announced the sanctuary cities are going to lose billions in federal funding.

Philadelphia is making a killing off its soda tax so they will be alright

Posted by: Skip at March 27, 2017 04:54 PM (GPaiX)

384 371 JEM, my vote is for Wilson as the first aggressively socialist/fascist President. Jonah Goldberg made a good case in his first book, and I tend to agree.

Posted by: VA GOP Sucks at March 27, 2017 04:51 PM (2VN2E)

I think you're on to something there...Wilson suffered a stroke that the country knew nothing about, and it was his wife who was leading the country afterwards. And women do swing further left than men.

Posted by: Boots at March 27, 2017 04:55 PM (EBwPV)

385 Could we get a .. Go Fund Me going for Bruce Kardashian to cut off his Dick already? You gotta commit brah. What is the opposite of ..Gainzzz?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at March 27, 2017 04:55 PM (6Ll1u)

386 And Ed "Sgt." Schultz...
Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - Takin' My Time on my Ride at March 27, 2017 04:49 PM (ul9CR)

Who knows NUTH-ink...

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 04:55 PM (WPSd5)

387 Hillary set up a private server to stuff her family foundation coffers - and she did it while serving in one of the highest positions of power in the land.

No one else has ever done this.
Had any R done it - hell to pay.

Posted by: ethos at March 27, 2017 04:55 PM (t9c06)

They remember him as a great wartime president who gave hope to America.

Except if you happened to be a Japanese American living on the west coast

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 27, 2017 04:56 PM (lKyWE)

389 I wish women would not go out in public in exercise clothing to begin with. The stuff women wear to go shopping now they'd have been embarrassed to wear in private when I was a kid.

I don't just mean slutty clothes, I mean basically wearing your pajamas to go shopping. People act like its just Wal*Mart too but its all over the place. Men have been stupid slobs forever and should know better, but women?

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 04:56 PM (39g3+)

390 Re: fake news.

My Bing page has an MSN story about a former model contestant on "Top Model" who was shot at a party in Houston over the weekend by a "high powered rifle".

Said that an argument started outside and a man went to a car and pulled out an automatic weapon and started firing.

Quoted the police as saying it was an AR15 or AK or AR type of weapon.


Posted by: Jen at March 27, 2017 04:56 PM (yxZrv)

391 Except if you happened to be a Japanese American living on the west coast
Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 27, 2017 04:56 PM (lKyWE)

it was the right thing to do at the time

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2017 04:57 PM (KlI/a)

392 322 30. Dislike her, disagree with her. But to despise her more than the worst people on the planet is UNACCEPTABLE. I, for one, won't forget.
So do I have to meet him in the Octagon?
Posted by: Jack Sock at March 27, 2017 04:39 PM (l513m)

I was kind of wondering the same thing.

He'd probably do well to forget seeing that memory of the loss is just a reminder that he's an impotent loser and crappy advisor who just, contrary to lib doctrine, mansplain tweetstormed this lunatic, counterfactual rant and appropriated some feminist intersectionality something something yada yada.

Twitter followers aren't real life, which is part of the reason this dude and other Hillary fanboys still don't get the loss and just project and reproject their own mental issues in trying to explain it.

Notwithstanding, whatever this big "war survivor" wants to do with that memory, hurry up, we're bored with liberal internet toughs.

Posted by: Ivan Drago at March 27, 2017 04:57 PM (wx6iv)

393 Men have been stupid slobs forever and should know better, but women?
Equality with the lowest common denominator.
Well done feminism.

Posted by: Dr. Freud call your office at March 27, 2017 04:57 PM (xVRrG)

394 You could stop at least half of women from wearing leggings if you showed them a picture of how their ass looks in them.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 27, 2017 04:57 PM (oVJmc)

395 Oh, dear. It looks as if the American people really, really failed Hillary. Peter Daeiou-sometimes-y is very disappointed in us, on Hillary's behalf. First we let down Obama, now Hillary. This has got to stop.

Posted by: JuJuBee at March 27, 2017 04:58 PM (dargh)

396 Who killed Seth Rich?

Posted by: ethos at March 27, 2017 04:58 PM (t9c06)

397 394 You could stop at least half of women from wearing leggings if you showed them a picture of how their ass looks in them.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 27, 2017 04:57 PM (oVJmc)

Behold the power of the fat acceptance movement.

Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:58 PM (0mRoj)

398 You could stop at least half of women from wearing leggings if you showed them a picture of how their ass looks in them.
Nah bro, its more like 88%

Posted by: Dr. Freud call your office at March 27, 2017 04:59 PM (xVRrG)

Posted by: King Barry I at March 27, 2017 04:53 PM

You would be a adult pot head without FDR getting the ball rolling

Posted by: Skip at March 27, 2017 04:59 PM (GPaiX)


Quoted the police as saying it was an AR15 or AK or AR type of weapon.

The ones from Alaska and Arkansas are the worst.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 27, 2017 05:00 PM (oVJmc)

401 Is it me or are there others who've reached a point where you're avoiding most political stories? Not tired of Teh Winning, just tired of the Daily Soap Opera.

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at March 27, 2017 05:00 PM (tHwdc)

402 When do we give Chelsea a Nobel?

She used foundation money for her mega-buck wedding. Chelsea is a walking talking clinton foundation beneficiary! Charity baby!

Posted by: ethos at March 27, 2017 05:00 PM (t9c06)

403 401 Is it me or are there others who've reached a point where you're avoiding most political stories? Not tired of Teh Winning, just tired of the Daily Soap Opera.
Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at March 27, 2017 05:00 PM (tHwdc)


*raises hand*

Posted by: SMFH at March 27, 2017 05:00 PM (sB1y1)

404 This is the dumbest non-troversy out there. Many moons ago, I dated a woman who's dad was a pilot for Northwest back when there was a Northwest.

She got the free flight benefits but she had to abide by the dress code because the airline viewed any family member using these benefits as a representative of the company. Nothing controversial about this policy at all.
Posted by: JackStraw at March 27, 2017 04:54 PM (/tuJf

Those kinds of stories are the result of social media pages manned by teenagers running with these stories that are posted within minutes of the actual event occurring by the people in the story. Then the "news" picks them up as if they are gospel and the company is left to pick up the trash thrown at them by people who have no idea what they are talking about.

UA had to issue a press release saying they welcome any passenger to wear leggings, this didn't apply to them.

Posted by: Jen at March 27, 2017 05:00 PM (yxZrv)

405 She used foundation money for her mega-buck wedding. Chelsea is a walking talking clinton foundation beneficiary! Charity baby!
Multiple people should be in a federal pen on that one thing alone.

Posted by: Dr. Freud call your office at March 27, 2017 05:01 PM (xVRrG)

406 Any night now, the Notorious RBG will go to sleep and not wake up -- just like her bestie Antonin.

Bill Clinton still has a couple of years when he won't be able to stand up, and will drool out of his mouth

Posted by: Ignoramus at March 27, 2017 05:01 PM (SIY7D)

407 My buddies and I were out looking for a place to eat. We pulled up to a Sizzler thinking "well its a steak and its pretty cheap" We get out, and wobbling up the steps to the restaurant is a woman who... she would need 3 chairs to sit down. She had an ass the size of a full grown hog. And she was wearing tights, which they now call "yoga pants" to sound sexy.

It was so repulsive we all stopped, as one, then turned around and got back in the car. Nobody was really all that hungry any more.

Now she could be a delightful, wonderful woman. I bet she gives amazing soft hugs. I don't think she's awful for being overweight, and if she'd worn something more appropriate none of us would have cared.

But to go out, in public, wearing that? You just stopped caring.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 05:01 PM (39g3+)

408 2. Hillary Clinton has been aggressively vetted and formally investigated (by Republicans) for decades. NO WRONGDOING HAS EVER BEEN FOUND.

How many times was John Gotti acquitted before the finally got his Underboss to rat him out?

It took a tax evasion conviction to finally get Al Capone

Carlo Gambino was NEVER convicted of any crimes

Posted by: kbdabear at March 27, 2017 05:01 PM (AOrEZ)

409 Well this guy is clearly a fag.

Posted by: Weasel at March 27, 2017 05:01 PM (Sfs6o)

Niki Haley making the crowd very happy at AIPAC.

Posted by: E Depluribus Unum at March 27, 2017 05:01 PM (ZFUt7)

411 He wanted Gabriel over the White House.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 27, 2017 05:01 PM (IqV8l)

412 I can't get myself to a place to believe that they're so desperate that
they'll shove Chelsea out there in a presidential primary without at
least giving her a worthless term in the House.
Well, she does have a deep well of natural charisma to draw upon. Just like her mother.

Posted by: RoyalOil at March 27, 2017 05:02 PM (ZQpd0)

413 Quoted the police as saying it was an AR15 or AK or AR type of weapon.

The ones from Alaska and Arkansas are the worst.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 27, 2017 05:00 PM (oVJmc)

Indeed, LOL.

Posted by: Jen at March 27, 2017 05:02 PM (yxZrv)

it was the right thing to do at the time
Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2017 04:57 PM (KlI/a)

Yeah no.Many were American citizens born in this country and had their property seized and liberty taken without due process of the law.How many Germans went to camps?

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 27, 2017 05:02 PM (lKyWE)

415 Re: fake news.

Posted by: Jen at March 27, 2017 04:56 PM (yxZrv)

That reminds me...

During the Kentucky game yesterday, CBS was teasing a '60 Minutes' segment entitled 'The Truth About Fake News.' I thought, I wonder if they're going to talk about the news department of a major TV network receiving documents purporting to document George Bush's getting favored treatment in the Texas Air National Guard.

Nah, probably not.

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 05:02 PM (WPSd5)

416 You could stop at least half of women from wearing leggings if you showed them a picture of how their ass looks in them.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 27, 2017 04:57 PM (oVJmc)

Been nice knowing ya.
Hey can I have your stereo?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2017 05:02 PM (KlI/a)

Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at March 27, 2017 03:54 PM (VdICR)

Dear Peter Drou... NAME ONE!

Posted by: Don Q. at March 27, 2017 05:02 PM (NgKpN)

418 377, please. Obama may have been the worst president ever, but to compare him to Chelsea Clinton is just madness.

Obama was a blank slate on which people could project their political fantasies. He was/is awful, but it's understandable how he sold to the public.

Chelsea is just a blank slate. Period.

Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 05:02 PM (7uYFy)

419 *raises hand*

Posted by: SMFH at March 27, 2017 05:00 PM (sB1y1)


Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at March 27, 2017 05:03 PM (tHwdc)

420 Hey Miley

Posted by: SMFH at March 27, 2017 05:03 PM (sB1y1)


Posted by: SOMEASSHOLESTOLEMYPEN at March 27, 2017 05:03 PM (nQHw/)

422 Do not like "The Five"'s NEW SET. The ladies look awful in that lighting.

Posted by: Californio at March 27, 2017 05:03 PM (loZXu)

423 OT; Jeb Bush says Trump has become 'a distraction in and of himself'

In other news...


Posted by: kbdabear at March 27, 2017 05:04 PM (AOrEZ)

424 Bill Clinton still has a couple of years when he won't be able to stand up, and will drool out of his mouth
Posted by: Ignoramus at March 27, 2017 05:01 PM (SIY7D)

Maybe so, but I'll bet he'll still be able to find big-tittied blondes who want to hang with him.

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 05:04 PM (WPSd5)

425 OT; Jeb Bush says Trump has become 'a distraction in and of himself'

In other news...


Posted by: kbdabear at March 27, 2017 05:04 PM (AOrEZ)

Please clap

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 27, 2017 05:04 PM (493sH)

426 ".....I, for one, won't forget."
Well how in the hell am I supposed to sleep with this hanging over my head?

Posted by: Weasel at March 27, 2017 05:04 PM (Sfs6o)

427 Oh yeah, me too. I am about politicked out. I spend the extra time practicing my loading/reloading skills. There is something fulfilling about making my own bullets.
Have not changed my politics by not being constantly glued to every latest STATEMENT!!! about whatever.

More time to read too.

Posted by: kraken at March 27, 2017 05:04 PM (zSVEm)

428 How many Germans went to camps?

Some actually did. But it was wrong, either way.

Obama was a blank slate on which people could project their political fantasies.

And he has a certain level of personal charisma with a great speaking voice. Chelsea has neither, nor any achievements, nor any life to appeal to. She has no great romance or childhood to call upon for boomer nostalgia. She's nothing.

Don't get me wrong, the Dems could still run her and get around 50% of the vote. But she's one of the worst possible candidates and they are pushing her so hard.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 05:04 PM (39g3+)

Quoted the police as saying it was an AR15 or AK or AR type of weapon.

The ones from Alaska and Arkansas are the worst.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles

I'm hungry for a Big MAC-10

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 27, 2017 05:05 PM (IqV8l)

430 398 You could stop at least half of women from wearing leggings if you showed them a picture of how their ass looks in them.
Nah bro, its more like 88%
Posted by: Dr. Freud call your office at March 27, 2017 04:59 PM (xVRrG)

spandex.... its a privilege, not a right....

Posted by: Hakcers at March 27, 2017 05:05 PM (NgKpN)

431 Let me go on record as saying I reject the misogynistic notion of attractive women not wearing yoga pants in public.

Stop the h8.

Posted by: Moron Robbie at March 27, 2017 05:05 PM (/f1mm)

432 411 He wanted Gabriel over the White House.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 27, 2017 05:01 PM (IqV8l)


Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 05:06 PM (WPSd5)

433 You could stop at least half of women from wearing leggings if you showed them a picture of how their ass looks in them.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 27, 2017 04:57 PM (oVJmc)

Been nice knowing ya.
Hey can I have your stereo?
today women's fashions are a conspiracy against 88% of the female population carried out by fashion designers and the 12% of the female population that look good wearing anything from a garbage bag to a aluminum foil.

Back in the 40's and 50's women's fashions were made to improve and enhance the looks of the average woman without over selling her goods.

Posted by: Dr. Freud call your office at March 27, 2017 05:07 PM (xVRrG)

434 Well, except for illegal servers, illegal dissemination of classified documents to individuals without clearance, causing the death of embassy staff and military personnel by her flat refusal to help our people in Benghazi, the illegal and treasonous sale of 20% of our strategic fissible material to the Russians and massive tax fraud via the Clinton "charity", what really has she done wrong?

We are just bad, bad, intolerant people for implying that she was a criminal.

Posted by: redbanzai at March 27, 2017 05:07 PM (qf8IB)

435 JEB! might just make Trump's poll numbers go up by reminding everyone what..could...have...been....

Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 05:07 PM (7uYFy)

436 Well how in the hell am I supposed to sleep with this hanging over my head?

Posted by: Weasel at March 27, 2017 05:04 PM (Sfs6o)

Wear a helmet!

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at March 27, 2017 05:07 PM (tHwdc)

437 today women's fashions are a conspiracy against 88% of the female population carried out by fashion designers and the 12% of the female population that look good wearing anything from a garbage bag to a aluminum foil.

Today's fashions are designed by homosexuals who lust after tween boys and want the models to look that way

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 05:08 PM (39g3+)

438 We have Hillary and Benghazi, leaving dozens of people to die to cover up for her failure.
We have Hillary leaving our national security fully exposed to anyone that knew how to look for it.
She allowed Intelligence information to be given to Huma, Weiner, and a Maid!

and of course whoever hacked her.

but Yes She is worthy of our trust and She will of course put the U.S above everything .

Posted by: willow at March 27, 2017 05:08 PM (R7cwD)

439 436 Well how in the hell am I supposed to sleep with this hanging over my head?

Suck it up, buttercup.

Posted by: Damocles at March 27, 2017 05:08 PM (0mRoj)

440 re 417: Chelsea

Posted by: mallfly suPreme at March 27, 2017 05:08 PM (b7fwp)

441 Hey willow. Long time. You well?

Posted by: kraken at March 27, 2017 05:09 PM (zSVEm)

442 one more thing. We had Hillary and Obama blame OUR free speech as the reason Benghazi situations happen.

Posted by: willow at March 27, 2017 05:09 PM (R7cwD)

443 Well, except for illegal servers, illegal dissemination of classified documents to individuals without clearance, causing the death of embassy staff and military personnel by her flat refusal to help our people in Benghazi, the illegal and treasonous sale of 20% of our strategic fissible material to the Russians and massive tax fraud via the Clinton "charity", what really has she done wrong?

And that's just in the last decade...

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 05:09 PM (39g3+)

444 Yeah no.Many were American citizens born in this country and had their property seized and liberty taken without due process of the law.How many Germans went to camps?
Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 27, 2017 05:02 PM (lKyWE)

I don't believe in judging yesterday's actions by today's standards. And some Germans did go to Camps also.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2017 05:09 PM (KlI/a)

445 Kraken, hanging on by my fingernails, I hope you are doing better than that?

Posted by: willow at March 27, 2017 05:09 PM (R7cwD)

446 I had a bad back injury a few years ago, so I took a job as a manager at Petco during my recovery. The pay was bad, but the women customers in their yoga camel pants more than made up for it. Oh,yea.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at March 27, 2017 05:10 PM (6Ll1u)

447 I don't know. Except for the too fat, the too saggy or the too old, many women liik good in yoga pants. If they are a bit overweight, the pants "hold it in" and if they are skinny, the pants highlight what little in the way of curves she has....

Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 05:10 PM (7uYFy)

448 You could stop at least half of women from wearing leggings if you showed them a picture of how their ass looks in them.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 27, 2017 04:57 PM (oVJmc)

Behold the power of the fat acceptance movement.
Posted by: Insomniac - sin valor at March 27, 2017 04:58 PM (0mRoj)

I was in line at the gas station today, and ahead of me was a woman my age, wearing fleece leggings covered in a print of caribou dancing about. Shoved into a pair of ugghs.

It's 50 degrees here today.

Did I mention she had tree trunks for calves. I mean there was no definition nor reduction in circumference of her legs from her thighs to the tops of her boots which hid her ankles.

She looked like a 250 lb toddler ready for bed.

Posted by: Jen at March 27, 2017 05:10 PM (yxZrv)

449 418 377, please. Obama may have been the worst president ever, but to compare him to Chelsea Clinton is just madness.

Obama was a blank slate on which people could project their political fantasies. He was/is awful, but it's understandable how he sold to the public.

Chelsea is just a blank slate. Period.
Posted by: JoeF. at March 27, 2017 05:02 PM (7uYFy)

Nah. Chelsea is a woman, is not grossly malformed, is not overtly criminal, and has whacking good PR. It's enough.

What's the "Please" about? Is there something you need me to do?

Posted by: Alcoholic Asshole Shut In at March 27, 2017 05:11 PM (CPk08)

450 When do we give Chelsea a Nobel?

Posted by: ethos at March 27, 2017 05:00 PM (t9c06)

She already got a "Lifetime Achievement" award from, what, Vanity Fair magazine for being born, raised in privilege, and for being supremely dull with nothing to say?

By the way, I wonder how many people nowadays know the source for the phrase 'Vanity Fair'? Hint: in the original context, it's not a good thing.

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 05:11 PM (WPSd5)

451 What clothes do men wear that are really not right for their body types? I mean, other than the "my T Shirt ain't long enough so you can see the fat belly hanging over my belt" type.

Because women seem all-too-willing to dress poorly for their build. Gotta be true for men, too.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 05:12 PM (39g3+)

452 Reading pure bullshit like that makes me think Hillary must really have some good dirt on the writer for him to make such a fool of himself like that for no apparent upside.

Posted by: Dang at March 27, 2017 05:12 PM (XBpUz)

453 What clothes do men wear that are really not right for their body types?

Skinny jeans.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 27, 2017 05:12 PM (DfQBn)

don't believe in judging yesterday's actions by today's standards. And some Germans did go to Camps also.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2017 05:09 PM (KlI/a)

The Constitution is the same today as it was in 1940 on that matter.

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 27, 2017 05:13 PM (lKyWE)

455 If they are a bit overweight, the pants "hold it in" and if they are skinny, the pants highlight what little in the way of curves she has....
No dude. Just no.

You are like one of those family's on American Idol that tells their tone deaf kid to try out and never tells the kid they can't sing. Its just wrong.

If you pack 10 lbs of fat into a 5 lb bag its a mess, by definition.

Posted by: Dr. Freud call your office at March 27, 2017 05:13 PM (xVRrG)

456 Well, except for illegal servers, illegal
dissemination of classified documents to individuals without clearance,
causing the death of embassy staff and military personnel by her flat
refusal to help our people in Benghazi, the illegal and treasonous sale
of 20% of our strategic fissible material to the Russians and massive
tax fraud via the Clinton "charity", what really has she done wrong?


And that's just in the last decade...

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 05:09 PM (39g3+)
Bush should have had her and Bubba both arrested for grand larceny when they stole everything that was not nailed down or red hot (including lots of historically significant furniture like Thomas Jefferson's desk) when they left the White House.

Posted by: redbanzai at March 27, 2017 05:13 PM (qf8IB)

457 Nice to see you are still around willow. I took a little break a while back. Had to think about stuff, personal, and check my attitude.
Did a little maintenance. Was kind of bummed when this ministry thing I was doing went bad. Was kind of disillusioned for a bit.
Then it dawned it wasn't really all about me, after all. That helped.

Posted by: kraken at March 27, 2017 05:13 PM (zSVEm)

458 christoper, balloon pants, wife beaters, to small of t's for their tummy. baseballs hats when not at a game.

Posted by: willow at March 27, 2017 05:14 PM (R7cwD)

459 When do we give Chelsea a Nobel?

Posted by: ethos at March 27, 2017 05:00 PM (t9c06)

Thank you, I love you ALL!

Posted by: It's Chelsea! at March 27, 2017 05:14 PM (CPk08)

460 If you pack 10 lbs of fat into a 5 lb bag its a mess, by definition.

If you're a pack of wolves on a budget, it's a bargain.

Posted by: JEM at March 27, 2017 05:14 PM (TppKb)

461 You could stop at least half of women from wearing leggings if you showed them a picture of how their ass looks in them.
Nah bro, its more like 88%
Posted by: Dr. Freud call your office at March 27, 2017 04:59 PM (xVRrG)

spandex.... its a privilege, not a right....

We had this discussion at work a few days ago.

My theory is that when you hit a certain weight, you no longer have the ability to discern what is minimally acceptable and what will traumatize small chidren. My theory is that "sugar" and possibly "carbs" kill the brain cells that do this job.

Consequently, you have 300lb+ women wearing patterned leggings everywhere . And 300+ men with moobs wearing wife beaters.

Posted by: shibumi at March 27, 2017 05:14 PM (FkAXz)

462 Paul Ryan at AIPAC getting a good ovation.

Posted by: E Depluribus Unum at March 27, 2017 05:15 PM (ZFUt7)

463 451

The "muscle tee" shirt on fat dudes.


Team jerseys on grown men.

Also backward baseball caps.

Posted by: TexasDan at March 27, 2017 05:15 PM (Hn56B)

464 kraken, life is a challenge, sometimes for good, at other times completely inexplicable.

Posted by: willow at March 27, 2017 05:15 PM (R7cwD)

465 The Constitution is the same today as it was in 1940 on that matter.
Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 27, 2017 05:13 PM (lKyWE)

The Constitution is interpreted if you have not noticed and by the Standards of the Day.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2017 05:15 PM (KlI/a)

466 I like to wear jeggings. They look great with my Crocks.

Posted by: Dang at March 27, 2017 05:15 PM (XBpUz)

467 speedos, too short of shorts.

keep your stuff hidden!

Posted by: willow at March 27, 2017 05:16 PM (R7cwD)

468 balloon pants, wife beaters, to small of t's for their tummy. baseballs hats when not at a game.

Those saggy pants showing your boxers off, those are just so idiotic looking. Backward hat seems to have finally died off but flat brim baseball cap is still there. That looks idiotic.

I would dress like Humphrey Bogart if I could (but with my waistline lower). It costs too much to pull off Cary Grant.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 05:16 PM (39g3+)


just because you can put it on, doesn't mean you should wear it outside.

Posted by: Dr. Freud call your office at March 27, 2017 05:16 PM (xVRrG)

470 By the way, I wonder how many people nowadays know the source for the phrase 'Vanity Fair'? Hint: in the original context, it's not a good thing.
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 05:11 PM (WPSd5)

I call my office the "Slough of Despond".

Posted by: Alcoholic Asshole Shut In at March 27, 2017 05:16 PM (CPk08)

471 >>I like to wear jeggings. They look great with my Crocks.

Anybody notice the picture of Weiner over at WZ today? He's wearing crocs because of course he is.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 27, 2017 05:17 PM (/tuJf)

472 skinny jeans, OR pants hanging down to their knees.

Posted by: willow at March 27, 2017 05:17 PM (R7cwD)

473 I'm relevant, dammit! Listen to me!! LISTEN TO ME!!!

Posted by: Peter Daou at March 27, 2017 05:17 PM (qJhUV)

474 Team jerseys on grown men.

Also backward baseball caps.

Posted by: TexasDan at March 27, 2017 05:15 PM (Hn56B)

Men dressing as infantile as possible (shorts and flip flops everywhere) needs to end and take their damn caps off when they are indoors especially at a restaurant.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 27, 2017 05:17 PM (493sH)

475 Fashion Question for the Group:
Is it permissible to wear a tweed sports coat year round?

Posted by: Weasel at March 27, 2017 05:17 PM (Sfs6o)

476 I wear leggings in winter under my skirts, warmer, I think they are only otherwise appropriate at yoga classes.

Posted by: willow at March 27, 2017 05:18 PM (R7cwD)

477 Posted by: willow at March 27, 2017 05:15 PM (R7cwD

You got it. Moving me off center stage really helped with perspective.

Posted by: kraken at March 27, 2017 05:18 PM (zSVEm)

478 balloon pants, wife beaters, to small of t's for their tummy. baseballs hats when not at a game.

Shorts, socks, & sandals.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 27, 2017 05:18 PM (DfQBn)

479 Saw an obese lady in Starbucks the other day with her bare belly hanging over her leggings and under her tee shirt. Must not have a mirror in her home.

Posted by: Dang at March 27, 2017 05:18 PM (XBpUz)

480 There are two ways of looking at Hillary's controversial past. One is that she incredibly corrupt at every level and has escaped jail only because she is connected to politically powerful people. The other is that she has never been convicted of anything because she is the victim of 30-year conspiracy, going all the way back to the cattle futures and Rose billing records. Which is more likely? Only a political hack could ignore Hillary's record of lies, financial misfeasance, and lack of any significant accomplishment.

Posted by: IanDeal at March 27, 2017 05:19 PM (teGBX)

I think what we could all use now in these times of trouble is

The Flash rapping to Batman-

Posted by: naturalfake at March 27, 2017 05:19 PM (vZ9Fw)

482 Fashion Question for the Group:
Is it permissible to wear a tweed sports coat year round?

Sure! Come to Texas in August!

Posted by: rickb223 at March 27, 2017 05:19 PM (DfQBn)

483 OT:

I started watching the icelandic series Trapped last night and couldn't stop. It was really interesting. I still have 2 episodes left and am fully prepared to be really disappointed ... but so far it has been riveting.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 27, 2017 05:19 PM (zc3Db)

484 This stream of twitter feels like a full 600 CONSECUTIVE DAYS in the barrel, without the pleasant and inviting call to enter the barrel's depths and the gentle mocking of the horde. I am asking to double up on those inoculations and hell, just leave me the bottle, I'll pour my own.

Posted by: The Mouse that Roared at March 27, 2017 05:19 PM (7N6ox)

485 Is it permissible to wear a tweed sports coat year round?

Not on the continent, but in Great Britain proper.

Can't get away that in say Afghanistan. . .

Pip pip cheerio!

Posted by: Dr. Freud call your office at March 27, 2017 05:19 PM (xVRrG)

486 Yeah, those legging kids were ten years old, and it's ordinary travel garb for the under tween set. And fwiw, plenty of people look very nice in leggings/jeggings/yoga pants, and I don't get the rule. If they aren't transparent or worn out, there's really only that rear end delusion to worry about. Certainly they are not objectionable on kids. United has a right to a dress code, that doesn't mean it isn't stupid. It's stupid. Their dad was in cargo shorts, and he was fine. So yeah, it's also weirdly sexist.

Posted by: SarahW, at March 27, 2017 05:20 PM (Sp1NT)

487 >>Consequently, you have 300lb+ women wearing patterned leggings everywhere . And 300+ men with moobs wearing wife beaters.

I think at that point it becomes about comfort and what's available. The intersection between the two ends up being...not good.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 27, 2017 05:20 PM (NOIQH)

488 "478 balloon pants, wife beaters, to small of t's for their tummy. baseballs hats when not at a game."

Bald dudes get a pass on the baseball hat.

Posted by: Benji Carver at March 27, 2017 05:20 PM (OD2ni)

489 I wear leggings in winter under my skirts, warmer

My mom wore jeans under her skirt to school then took em off when she got there. It was Wyoming in the winter time, 1940s. That makes sense to me.

I love stockings, i wish women wore them more. For a while in the 80s they were popular and they look SO good.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 05:20 PM (39g3+)

490 just because you can put it on, doesn't mean you should wear it outside.

This. I have purged a lot of nice clothes over the years. I wear leggings as jammies in the winter, cause warm. If I go get the paper from the yard at 5:30 am I put on a robe.

Posted by: Infidel at March 27, 2017 05:21 PM (uKRys)

491 April the Giraffe watchers, she appears to possibly be in labor.

Posted by: Jen at March 27, 2017 05:22 PM (yxZrv)

492 My fashion style has not changed in, like, ever.
Jeans, tennis shoes, or boots in winter, long or short sleeve cotton shirts.
Old bomber jacket in the winter.
Shorts in summer, neutral color.

Boring, in other words.

Posted by: kraken at March 27, 2017 05:22 PM (zSVEm)

The Constitution is interpreted if you have not noticed and by the Standards of the Day.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2017 05:15 PM (KlI/a)

I thought we as conservatives were against the idea of a living breathing ever open to change Constitution? And we're talking about the 4th and 6th Amendments here

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 27, 2017 05:22 PM (lKyWE)

494 Yeah, those legging kids were ten years old, and it's ordinary travel garb for the under tween set. And fwiw, plenty of people look very nice in leggings/jeggings/yoga pants, and I don't get the rule. If they aren't transparent or worn out, there's really only that rear end delusion to worry about. Certainly they are not objectionable on kids. United has a right to a dress code, that doesn't mean it isn't stupid. It's stupid. Their dad was in cargo shorts, and he was fine. So yeah, it's also weirdly sexist.
Cargo shorts, which are an abomination, are not underwear. Leggings/tights are underwear.

Posted by: Dr. Freud call your office at March 27, 2017 05:22 PM (xVRrG)

495 I like stockings, but not warm enough in winter.

Posted by: willow at March 27, 2017 05:22 PM (R7cwD)

496 Men dressing as infantile as possible (shorts and flip flops everywhere) needs to end and take their damn caps off when they are indoors especially at a restaurant.

Posted by: TheQuietMan
(Runs all over TQM's lawn, then takes off giggling)

Posted by: Tilikum KAW at March 27, 2017 05:23 PM (+aCe4)

497 United has a right to a dress code, that doesn't mean it isn't stupid.

It has to do with legality. You cannot have a dress code with a qualifier: "as long as you look good in it." You have to ban anything you know will look bad and reflect poorly on the company if it will on at least one of your employees. Tween girls can pull it off, although they probably ought not in public, but Madge with the 250 pound rear end, not so much.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 05:23 PM (39g3+)

498 I love stockings, i wish women wore them more. For a while in the 80s they were popular and they look SO good.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 05:20 PM (39g3+)

yeah? Well, I wore them over my face and got arrested for it. Sexist pricks.

Posted by: Alcoholic Asshole Shut In at March 27, 2017 05:23 PM (CPk08)

By the way, I wonder how many people nowadays know the source for the phrase 'Vanity Fair'? Hint: in the original context, it's not a good thing.
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at March 27, 2017 05:11 PM (WPSd5)

I tried to make a go again at Pilgrims Progress again recently. Still find it just about unreadable.

I peg the needle on the Arminian side of things so that doesn't help any. But mile after mile of allegory is just something up with which etc...

Posted by: TexasDan at March 27, 2017 05:23 PM (Hn56B)

500 underwear is not outerwear, no matter how much the conspiracy of fashion designers and hate filled 12%ers try to make it so . . .

Posted by: Dr. Freud call your office at March 27, 2017 05:24 PM (xVRrG)

501 new thread, in case no one already said it.

and Keith Olbermann is a twat

Posted by: mallfly suPreme at March 27, 2017 05:25 PM (b7fwp)

502 >>I wear leggings as jammies in the winter, cause warm. If I go get the paper from the yard at 5:30 am I put on a robe.

Yup. Yoga pants are comfy - but I would never wear 'em out running errands. I do wear sweatpants sometimes when walking the dog in the a.m..

Posted by: Lizzy at March 27, 2017 05:25 PM (NOIQH)

Donald Trump 'printed out fake £300bn Nato invoice and handed it to Angela Merkel'

Posted by: EVLINC! at March 27, 2017 05:25 PM (y3aQB)

504 I thought we as conservatives were against the idea of a living breathing ever open to change Constitution? And we're talking about the 4th and 6th Amendments here
Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 27, 2017 05:22 PM (lKyWE)

Reality is that the Constitution is interpreted all the time and from generation to generation. And that is a fact. And my point is, and I stand by it, is that I will not try to litigate a case from 70 years ago by today's standards and to criticize those from 70 years ago.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 27, 2017 05:25 PM (KlI/a)

505 yeah? Well, I wore them over my face and got arrested for it.

Son, you got a panty on your head

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 05:25 PM (39g3+)

United has a right to a dress code, that doesn't mean it isn't stupid.

You're getting a free ride on the company dime if you can't abide by a simple dress code you're the one that's stupid

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 27, 2017 05:25 PM (lKyWE)

507 >>United has a right to a dress code, that doesn't mean it isn't stupid. It's stupid.

Easy enough to fix. If you don't want to abide by the dress code then pay for your own tickets.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 27, 2017 05:27 PM (/tuJf)

508 I call my office the "Slough of Despond".

Posted by: Alcoholic Asshole Shut In at March 27, 2017 05:16 PM (CPk0

Heh. My college roomie and I had a sign on our door with the same message.

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at March 27, 2017 05:29 PM (tHwdc)

509 I don't like HER because she don't smoke the same cigarettes as me. It's just that simple. Fly over this, bitch!

Posted by: goon at March 27, 2017 05:30 PM (EaQ6/)

I love stockings, i wish women wore them more. For a while in the 80s they were popular and they look SO good.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at March 27, 2017 05:20 PM (39g3+)


It is strange. Women who are over-weight are improved 100% by wearing a dress, stockings and nice shoes. It is so obvious, yet they don't see it or consider it. Too formal, I guess.

Posted by: washrivergal at March 27, 2017 05:30 PM (Ivjge)

511 Re: Leggings

There was a reason What Not to Wear was such a popular TV show.

There was not a single contestant on that show that didn't look so much better after the makeover.

And also didn't have a giant boost in self esteem after seeing the before and after photos. A lot of people simply don't want to spend the effort it takes to go shopping to find stuff that fits or buy the appropriate size and have it altered to fit.

The contestants would have a follow up a year or so later and most of them had found that their appearance and confidence has helped them land better jobs, improve their life, etc.

Posted by: Jen at March 27, 2017 05:34 PM (yxZrv)

512 Hmm, HCWNBPOTUS needs to be a new flag or hash-tag.

Posted by: Captain Ned at March 27, 2017 05:38 PM (WI6nT)

513 These pukes have had years and years of practice, under clouds of teargas and big barking dogs and screaming police riot squads. We're going to get our asses kicked in the first few plays from scrimmage, but we'll adapt. We own the corn, and ... well ... every other resource that matters to a stomach. I think that they will want to leave their urban hipster lives behind after about the third day of the nitty-gritty. Come soon Lord.

Posted by: goon at March 27, 2017 05:42 PM (EaQ6/)

514 To be fair, I go out in public with my big ass in Capri exercise pants which are tight. I do wear a shirt big/long enough to cover said ass. I usually only do this while working out or stopping at a store on the way to/from exercising. To me workout clothes are different than pajamas. There is a mom who picks her kid up in pajama bottoms/tshirt/slippers. Dropping off I'll give a pass but picking up in the afternoon, uh just no.

Posted by: lindarising on her phone at March 27, 2017 05:46 PM (cGqiy)

515 There's so much ugliness out there. Why pick on yoga pants?

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at March 27, 2017 05:49 PM (tHwdc)

516 38
I think the great thing about the German language is that you can make
up your own word by taking two smaller words and slapping them together.

And the longer the words are, the more points you get.



Posted by: bonobo1 at March 27, 2017 05:53 PM (kBFyd)

517 There was a reason What Not to Wear was such a popular TV show.

There was not a single contestant on that show that didn't look so much better after the makeover.

Posted by: Jen at March 27, 2017 05:34 PM

Heh. I have a friend who has 3 sisters. All 3 of them were on What Not to Wear about 12 years ago. Fortunately for them, it took, and has continued to take.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at March 27, 2017 05:57 PM (p+Wdc)

518 30 lines of crazy and I could only read about 5. No way I was going to get lured into reading that seething cauldron of malice and hate.

Posted by: Blake at March 27, 2017 06:10 PM (qC1Sy)

519 You know, writing that fucking drivel?
How you manage to avoid punching yourself in the face, or smash it through a mirror, is a Marvel
Well done
Just, don't do it again

Posted by: KenH at March 27, 2017 06:32 PM (nER8W)

520 Laura Silsby.

Those two words should have gotten the Clintons investigated and jailed for life.

...But no.

Posted by: RKae at March 27, 2017 06:58 PM (4DpAT)

521 Wack-a-doodle-daou! Time to fark the chickens.

Posted by: Peter D. at March 27, 2017 07:03 PM (j1Wvr)

Guy has a serious hard-on for Hillary...

* * wait for it * *

...and he's the only guy in that state for her in -- decades.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at March 27, 2017 07:10 PM (v1g1+)

523 Why Rudolf Hess was right.
Why Mao's Great Leap Forward was right.
Why Stalin REALLY knew how to deal with kulaks in Ukraine.
The Big Lie will recur forever.
I need a shower; I have been slimed as much as a NYT reader of a Duranty whitewash.

Posted by: Joe Mack at March 27, 2017 08:21 PM (QX0Xt)

524 Bl**dy hell... this guy is so out of touch with reality and rationality... there's almost no way to begin refuting anything he tweeted.

Posted by: Rick67 at March 27, 2017 08:28 PM (SDC/U)

525 It's old, it's dried out and crusty, and it isn't much use to anyone - including its owner. But, dammit, it's a vagina. VOTE HILLARY!!!!


Posted by: Sleeper Dem at March 27, 2017 09:18 PM (o7l6R)

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