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Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 09:40 AM (7HtZB) 2
I'll get the others
Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 09:41 AM (7HtZB) 3
Oh noes, ryskies
Posted by: The guy with the hair at January 09, 2017 09:41 AM (HZ1Rd) 4
Ain't no Rothko.
Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 09:43 AM (dSqvH) 5
Guy on the right: "Oh yeah? I once caught a fish THIS big!"
Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 09:43 AM (7HtZB) 6
"I thought we were going to split the check!"
"No, you always get the expensive liquor." "I always get screwed when we do lunch." Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 09, 2017 09:43 AM (4AVeu) Posted by: Rick in SK at January 09, 2017 09:44 AM (/CIN4) Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 09:44 AM (dSqvH) 9
Is the guy on the right wearing a seashell on his chest?
Posted by: t-bird at January 09, 2017 09:45 AM (2z74n) Posted by: Deplorable Flyover 98ZJUSMC at January 09, 2017 09:45 AM (gMcji) 11
Well, at least it's not Caravaggio's Catamite Capers Cutely or something. (And it's a handsome painting. I love the play of light and shadow.)
Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 09:45 AM (RD7QR) 12
You may recall a 21st Century American President named Trump? Yes. Russia elected him.
Posted by: Pavel Chekov at January 09, 2017 09:45 AM (mvgKL) 13
Why can't I just eat my waffle?
Posted by: The guy with the hair at January 09, 2017 09:46 AM (HZ1Rd) 14
Alternate Title: "Tyler Perry's Old Joos Arguing With Equivocating Young White Joo About Something While Not Eating From Table Of Boring White People Food. And Bird Shit On The One Guy's Elbow. Part Sixteen."
Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 09:46 AM (Bdeb0) 15
also known as 'The Democrat Leadership recharges their colostomy bags'.
Posted by: JEM at January 09, 2017 09:46 AM (TppKb) 16
Little man went to the OR. Should be out in 30 to 45 min. Time to feed weary parents. They look a tad rough.
Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 09:46 AM (dKvxO) 17
Old Meryl would approve.
Posted by: SOMESASSHOLESTOLEMYPEN at January 09, 2017 09:46 AM (nQHw/) 18
Waiter: "Okay, so is this on separate checks?" Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 09:46 AM (XWkhW) 19
"The Sniper was *this* far away......" Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 09:48 AM (XWkhW) 20
Carried over from last thread, for Bruce - Mary Astor in 1926s Don Juan: Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 09, 2017 09:49 AM (X6fMO) 21
"Russia elected him"
Obama had more to do with his election. The Dilbert guy (Scott Adams) is convincing that identity politics is the most important kind. Who would want to be like Hillary or Obama? Posted by: Ok at January 09, 2017 09:49 AM (5knHt) 22
Guy on the right: "The fish was this big."
Guy in the middle: "You're full of it - that fish was this big." Guy standing thinks: "Man, he's getting work ed up over this." Guy in chair thinks: "Oh crap, they're gonna start fighting." Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Infested With Russians? Use Commie-B-Gon! Available at the Outrage Outlet at January 09, 2017 09:49 AM (hLRSq) 23
Prayers up for the little one and family, Iron Mike.
I like this one. Looks like just a couple of guys BSing over a meal. Good times. It's no Kinkade, though. Posted by: Brother Cavil, keeper of the Deplorable Unicode Character at January 09, 2017 09:49 AM (9krrF) 24
Why are these painting always so dark?
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at January 09, 2017 09:50 AM (mpXpK) 25
I love Caravaggio's paintings, I have a print of one (Would that it were an original! ;^)) of Jesus being taken down from the cross hanging in my home. I really like the story of the men on the road to Emmaus and their recognizing Jesus in the breaking of bread is a wonderful one.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 09:50 AM (tOcW/) 26
"$65k per year on tuition just so I can be lectured at my own table about meat being murder?"
Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llamabutcher at January 09, 2017 09:50 AM (NFS4J) Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 09:51 AM (J+eG2) Posted by: David Windsor at January 09, 2017 09:51 AM (e8kgV) 29
>>It's no Kinkade, though. Posted by: Brother Cavil, keeper of the Deplorable Unicode Character at January 09, 2017 09:49 AM (9krrF)
Caravaggio uses light as only a master can. A master like, well, Kinkade. Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 09:51 AM (Bdeb0) 30
Why are these painting always so dark?
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party ---- You just reminded me: I haven't seen "The Magic Christian" in years! "It's frightfully dark." "He was a master of light and shadow, wasn't he?" Posted by: RKae at January 09, 2017 09:52 AM (mvgKL) Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 09:52 AM (J+eG2) 32
What's that bird....roadrunner?
Posted by: BignJames at January 09, 2017 09:52 AM (x9c8r) 33
Needs a higher wattage light bulb.
Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at January 09, 2017 09:53 AM (LrAXf) 34
And the guy with his back to the chair has a great posture of surprise. Yes, they are amazed Jesus is with them!
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 09:53 AM (tOcW/) 35
I don't get the pose of the guy in the middle. I don't see any dice on the table.
Posted by: RKae at January 09, 2017 09:53 AM (mvgKL) Posted by: Rick in SK at January 09, 2017 09:55 AM (/CIN4) 37
Its 10 AM now and still only 23F.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at January 09, 2017 09:55 AM (mpXpK) 38
Guy on the right is obviously discussing the width of Hillary's ass.
"The width takes the breadth away!"? Posted by: Dirks Strewn at January 09, 2017 09:55 AM (kfcYC) 39
Like my Rothko, I could improve this art with a dash of some very sprightly yellow paint.
Posted by: Guy Who Sprays Yellow Paint On Stuff at January 09, 2017 09:56 AM (X4ZNp) 40
9 Is the guy on the right wearing a seashell on his chest?
Posted by: t-bird at January 09, 2017 09:45 AM (2z74n) Yes. The seashell became a symbol of pilgrimage during the Middle Ages. Caravaggio is identifying the wearer as a pilgrim. In the Bible story, the newly risen Jesus encounters two unnamed disciples on their way to Jerusalem. (It was Passover at the time.) By using this tiny image, the artist is identifying the exact story being told. Posted by: Kris at January 09, 2017 09:56 AM (nwqNw) 41
Caravaggio uses light as only a master can. A master like, well, Kinkade.
He's no Zamfir, Master of the Pan Flute. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 09:56 AM (u0s1P) 42
Posted by: David Windsor at January 09, 2017 09:51 AM (e8kgV)
Way ahead of you.... Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at January 09, 2017 09:57 AM (rF0hx) 43
Yes. The seashell became a symbol of pilgrimage during the Middle Ages. Caravaggio is identifying the wearer as a pilgrim. In the Bible story, the newly risen Jesus encounters two unnamed disciples on their way to Jerusalem. (It was Passover at the time.) By using this tiny image, the artist is identifying the exact story being told.
Is this before or after onions on one's belt? Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 09:57 AM (u0s1P) 44
If I want Italian I'll go to Olive Garden ...
Posted by: Adriane is Crossing the Streams, Again ... at January 09, 2017 09:58 AM (AoK0a) 45
I don't get the pose of the guy in the middle. I don't see any dice on the table. Posted by: RKae at January 09, 2017 09:53 AM (mvgKL) It's foreshadowing. In the vernacular: "See, first we're gonna have a dinner not unlike this spread. Then they're gonna tack me up like, well, James over here's got the pose about right, and then the Roman grunts are gonna toss dice for my stuff, like, well, like this..." Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 09:58 AM (Bdeb0) Posted by: Country Boy - Stay Deplorable My Friends at January 09, 2017 10:00 AM (mzjyD) 47
Fox Business is showing Hollywood having its little temper tantrum over Trump last night. A special fark you to Hugh Laurie who must be dimmer than Bertie Wooster and the Georges combined. Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 09, 2017 10:00 AM (493sH) 48
He mostly painted at night.
Mostly. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 09:52 AM (J+eG2) :: golfclap :: Posted by: hogmartin at January 09, 2017 10:01 AM (8nWyX) 49
I might have missed this.
But did we discuss the most excellent position being taken by the Czech government concerning terrorists? Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 10:01 AM (J+eG2) 50
I must admit sometimes I find the responses to the paintings a bit disappointing, bur perhaps not a lot of people have this as a favorite biblical story.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 10:02 AM (tOcW/) 51
People meet Jesus every day. Sometimes they don't realize it's Jesus, and they act in a disrespectful manner. What we should remember is this. Jesus holds the trump card and He works for The House. DAD owns the place, see?
Posted by: Eromero at January 09, 2017 10:03 AM (zLDYs) 52
Puffy Jesus looks like he needs to cut back on the wine and dinner rolls.
Posted by: Fritz at January 09, 2017 10:03 AM (2Mnv1) 53
49 I might have missed this.
But did we discuss the most excellent position being taken by the Czech government concerning terrorists? Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 10:01 AM (J+eG2) ====================== I've been told by my betters to just hide and pray for the police to show up. They also want me to fight a war against Red states for the future of the country. I'm pretty sure that they have my best interests at heart. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:03 AM (/prE6) 54
Let's one nekkid on an ottoman. Yep, all good!
Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 10:04 AM (NOIQH) 55
I don't get the pose of the guy in the middle. I don't see any dice on the table. Posted by: RKae at January 09, 2017 09:53 AM (mvgKL) It's foreshadowing. In the vernacular: "See, first we're gonna have a dinner not unlike this spread. Then they're gonna tack me up like, well, James over here's got the pose about right, and then the Roman grunts are gonna toss dice for my stuff, like, well, like this..." Posted by: General Zod ---- Ah! But not so much "foreshadowing" as "prophecy!" Posted by: RKae at January 09, 2017 10:04 AM (mvgKL) 56
>>A special fark you to Hugh Laurie who must be dimmer than Bertie Wooster and the Georges combined. Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 09, 2017 10:00 AM (493sH)
Hugh Laurie, star of a very mediocre recent hospital drama that lacked the line, "hey, House, know what? You're an insufferable, whiny puss. Go fuck yourself with your cane and your self-pity. I'll complete my residency elsewhere." Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 10:04 AM (Bdeb0) 57
Emma can't cook.
Posted by: Bigbys Olive Fingers at January 09, 2017 10:05 AM (H9fos) 58
That's an odd supper. Just throw a bird on the table and everyone dives in. Who gets the feet?
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 09, 2017 10:05 AM (MZcWR) 59
49 I might have missed this.
But did we discuss the most excellent position being taken by the Czech government concerning terrorists? Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 10:01 AM (J+eG2) The Czechs make some mighty fine firearms. Good to see the government promoting some of their local products. Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 10:05 AM (RD7QR) 60
I'm wairing for one of these Glittertown poltroons to stand up and say that America needs to hold all their politicians to account, Trump and everyone else Democrat, Republican, or Pot Party.
Of course we never hear that because if that truly happened the old lady who sucked up all their money and feels would be serving three years in Federal prison. Posted by: JEM at January 09, 2017 10:05 AM (TppKb) Posted by: Ok at January 09, 2017 10:05 AM (5knHt) 62
Caravaggio is one of those words that gets weirder the more you think or say it. Also, it sounds like a food thing.
Fettucine Caravaggio Caravaggio al forne Posted by: Sporkatus at January 09, 2017 10:05 AM (eXSOZ) Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 10:06 AM (2x9LM) 64
body like a chicken, but longer legs ... maybe they bred the long legged thing out of them. We now have fat midget chickens.
Posted by: illiniwek at January 09, 2017 10:06 AM (/aIFg) 65
"I must admit sometimes I find the responses to the paintings a bit disappointing, bur perhaps not a lot of people have this as a favorite biblical story"
Fen... We're Morons. It's what we do. And truth be told, I have been to Emmaus. And it is a nice little town. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 10:06 AM (J+eG2) 66
Puffy Jesus looks like he needs to cut back on the wine and dinner rolls.
Posted by: Fritz ---- It finally hit me! I know where I've seen that face! In "The Fugitive"; the pudgy Russian drug dealer that lives upstairs from Kimble; the one who gets arrested, then finks on him. Posted by: RKae at January 09, 2017 10:06 AM (mvgKL) Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 10:06 AM (RD7QR) 68
Eek Emmaus.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 09, 2017 10:07 AM (IqV8l) Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 10:07 AM (tOcW/) 70
60 I'm wairing for one of these Glittertown poltroons to stand up and say that America needs to hold all their politicians to account, Trump and everyone else Democrat, Republican, or Pot Party.
Of course we never hear that because if that truly happened the old lady who sucked up all their money and feels would be serving three years in Federal prison. Posted by: JEM at January 09, 2017 10:05 AM (TppKb) ====================== I'm pretty sure that's the surface of what they're saying now. I'd rather have them say, "We let down the nation by becoming a community of boot-lickers to the previous president. We now no longer have any credibility when it comes to criticizing anyone in politics. If we ever want to regain any of that, we should probably shut up for a little while." Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:07 AM (/prE6) Posted by: RKae at January 09, 2017 10:07 AM (mvgKL) 72
The shadows make it look like the light is coming from the table. Or the central figure... who is Jesus?
Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 10:08 AM (xeeHA) 73
59 49 I might have missed this.
But did we discuss the most excellent position being taken by the Czech government concerning terrorists? Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 10:01 AM (J+eG2) The Czechs make some mighty fine firearms. Good to see the government promoting some of their local products. Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 10:05 AM (RD7QR) What's the EBR in the center? I mean, besides being evil and black. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 10:08 AM (2x9LM) 74
>>And it is a nice little town. Where apparently guys tell lies of Biblical proportion over the dinner table. Posted by: JEM at January 09, 2017 10:08 AM (TppKb) 75
Caravaggio is one of those words that gets weirder the more you think or say it. Also, it sounds like a food thing.
Fettucine Caravaggio Caravaggio al forne Posted by: Sporkatus Knew a guy who drove a '06 Caravaggio. Said it got good mileage, but the lights never worked right. Posted by: Brother Cavil, keeper of the Deplorable Unicode Character at January 09, 2017 10:08 AM (9krrF) 76
25 I love Caravaggio's paintings, I have a print of one (Would that it were an original! ;^)) of Jesus being taken down from the cross hanging in my home. I really like the story of the men on the road to Emmaus and their recognizing Jesus in the breaking of bread is a wonderful one.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 09:50 AM (tOcW/) A few years ago there was an exhibition "Rembrandt & The Face of Jesus" that came by the Philadelphia Museum of Art. My favorite piece there was his take on the road to Emmaus. They showed his studies on the bread that would have been broken, and his studies of his Jewish models used for the most realism. It was a great show Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 10:09 AM (7HtZB) 77
Caravaggio is one of those words that gets weirder the more you think or say it. Also, it sounds like a food thing. Fettucine Caravaggio Posted by: Sporkatus at January 09, 2017 10:05 AM (eXSOZ) Or a kind of horse-drawn conveyance. Shay, troika, hansom, barouche, caravaggio. Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 10:09 AM (Bdeb0) 78
People meet Jesus every day. Sometimes they don't realize it's Jesus, and they act in a disrespectful manner. What we should remember is this. Jesus holds the trump card and He works for The House. DAD owns the place, see?
Posted by: Eromero at January 09, 2017 10:03 AM (zLDYs) "Jesus Came to Dinner:" Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 09, 2017 10:09 AM (X6fMO) 79
Hugh Laurie, star of a very mediocre recent hospital drama that lacked the line, "hey, House, know what? You're an insufferable, whiny puss. Go fuck yourself with your cane and your self-pity. I'll complete my residency elsewhere."
Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 10:04 AM (Bdeb0) I watched a couple of episodes of House and was the same story over and over again. I've really only seen Laurie on 'Jeeves and Wooster' and 'Blackadder' where he played dimwits. That must come natural to him Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 09, 2017 10:09 AM (493sH) 80
The Czechs make some mighty fine firearms. Good to see the government promoting some of their local products.
Invisible hand, bitches! Posted by: Adam Smith at January 09, 2017 10:10 AM (u0s1P) 81
So let me get this straight, Meryl. Hollywood, the town that invented the phrase, "It's not what you know, it's who you know, " is a town full of outsiders? There isn't a place in America more driven by nepotism and insider bullshit than Hollywood. If you got the job, the overwhelming evidence suggests you're either related to somebody or an outright whore. What's that, Meryl? You aren't related to anybody that could give you a job? Well, that narrows it down, doesn't it?
Posted by: Bilwis, Devourer of Gluten Free Souls at January 09, 2017 10:10 AM (a3sfz) Posted by: Pedro Cerrano at January 09, 2017 10:10 AM (/CIN4) 83
Guy on the right: You did WHAT?
Jesus: Look, which part of "Messiah" is hard for you? Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist Dude on Left: You said we would have wine with dinner, but ordered three waters! Christ: ...look, it's *ME*, OK? I got this... Posted by: Brother Cavil, keeper of the Deplorable Unicode Character at January 09, 2017 10:10 AM (9krrF) 84
Or a kind of horse-drawn conveyance. Shay, troika, hansom, barouche, caravaggio. Posted by: General Zod Barouche. Barouche. Can you do the caravaggio? Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 09, 2017 10:11 AM (IqV8l) 85
I bought a tube of medicated ointment for my latest flare-up of acute carvaggio.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 09, 2017 10:11 AM (4AVeu) 86
Thanks Brother C
Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 10:11 AM (dKvxO) Posted by: A Church Sign at January 09, 2017 10:11 AM (u0s1P) 88
Also, this version of Christ looks like Weird Al with chipmunk cheeks.
Posted by: Brother Cavil, keeper of the Deplorable Unicode Character at January 09, 2017 10:11 AM (9krrF) 89
>>>50 I must admit sometimes I find the responses to the paintings a bit disappointing, bur perhaps not a lot of people have this as a favorite biblical story.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 10:02 AM (tOcW/) Audience = "Morons." Posted by: moron at January 09, 2017 10:11 AM (3jGss) 90
I'm pretty sure that they have my best interests at heart.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:03 AM (/prE6) ------- As life-long Republicans, their concern is almost certainly genuine. Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 10:11 AM (xeeHA) 91
>>I'd rather have them say,
I'd rather have them say 'We have contributed to fucking up the state of California and we will collectively donate 75% of our net worth to the state's debt.' Posted by: JEM at January 09, 2017 10:11 AM (TppKb) 92
82 63 Y'all need Jesus
Jesus, I like him very much, but he no help with curveball. JESUS SAVES BUT ESPOSITO GOES FOR THE REBOUND Posted by: Adam Smith at January 09, 2017 10:12 AM (u0s1P) 93
82 63 Y'all need Jesus
Jesus, I like him very much, but he no help with curveball. Posted by: Pedro Cerrano at January 09, 2017 10:10 AM (/CIN4) You no help now Jobu..... i say fuck you Jobu.... I'll do it myself Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 10:12 AM (2x9LM) Posted by: Ashley Judd at January 09, 2017 10:12 AM (vZ9Fw) 95
Not sure how many saw the season premiere of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. At first I thought they were going to go SJW but fortunately they did not go that direction. In fact, I thought the episode undercut a lot of the arguments that BLM makes. The main cast is pretty left wing judging by what they post on Twitter but they seem to be even handed when they address controversial issues and sometimes they bolster conservative arguments, such as with guns.
Posted by: Independent George at January 09, 2017 10:13 AM (BDZWU) 96
Yes. The seashell became a symbol of pilgrimage during the Middle Ages. Caravaggio is identifying the wearer as a pilgrim.
Whew, that's a relief. I thought it might be for wiping. Posted by: John Spartan at January 09, 2017 10:13 AM (2vRRd) 97
That's an odd supper. Just throw a bird on the table and everyone dives in. Who gets the feet?
Last one to the table. Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 10:13 AM (dSqvH) 98
Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 10:04 AM (Bdeb0)
Hugh Laurie is an excellent actor. But of course that has zero correlation with his intelligence. All it means is that he is a dancing monkey who has been trained very well in the art of mimicry. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at January 09, 2017 10:13 AM (rF0hx) 99
>>Hugh Laurie, star of a very mediocre recent hospital drama
Plot of every episode of House: The third diagnosis correct, which they make after the treatment for the second diagnosis nearly kills the patient. Watched a few episodes, then there was one where an MLB player was ill and the 2nd diagnosis required tissue donation from wife to cure. Wife and pateinet declined since wife was pregnant after years of attempts, miscarriages. House mercilessly attempts to manipulate both of them (separately) into aborting; the couple continued to say "no." Third diagnosis was illness due to poison in fertilizer used on the MLB player's marijuana. So, he's cured and House helpfully leaves the pesky pot use off the patient's record so he's not punished by MLB. Yeah, decided this show does not reflect my values at all. Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 10:14 AM (NOIQH) 100
Considering the incredible schemes that Hollywood Accounting and the various tax credits and loopholes movies and TV shows get, they maaaaay want to try to stay off the radar for a bit.
Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 10:14 AM (u0s1P) 101
I just wanted to know what bird was for dinner. they say rotten apple ... Eve and fall of man wine ... blood of Christ and so forth ... Posted by: illiniwek at January 09, 2017 10:15 AM (/aIFg) 102
>>You aren't related to anybody that could
>>give you a job? Well, that narrows it down, >>doesn't it? She must have been DAMN good at it, then, 'cause there were never beer goggles thick enough to imagine her as someone worth the effort. Posted by: JEM at January 09, 2017 10:15 AM (TppKb) 103
>>Hugh Laurie is an excellent actor. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at January 09, 2017 10:13 AM (rF0hx)
De gustibus non disputandem est. Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 10:15 AM (Bdeb0) 104
"Jesus Came to Dinner:"
---- "Jesus Came To Play" Last track on Jethro Tull's "Catfish Rising." Way cooler. Posted by: RKae at January 09, 2017 10:15 AM (mvgKL) 105
"Considering the incredible schemes that Hollywood Accounting" should really be "Considering the incredible scheme that Hollywood Accounting is" or something.
(me type words good) Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 10:16 AM (u0s1P) 106
That's an odd supper. Just throw a bird on the table and everyone dives in. Who gets the feet?
on the colony they call it "Roadrunner" Posted by: Rick in SK at January 09, 2017 10:17 AM (/CIN4) 107
Yes. The seashell became a symbol of pilgrimage during the Middle Ages. Caravaggio is identifying the wearer as a pilgrim. Posted by: John Spartan at January 09, 2017 10:13 AM (2vRRd) It's actually not a seashell. The man is a sommelier, and the device is a tool of his trade called a tastevin. He's remonstrating with the diners for having shown them *this much* of the available cellar, and still they're not satisfied... Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 10:17 AM (Bdeb0) 108
>>Considering the incredible schemes that Hollywood Accounting and the
various tax credits and loopholes movies and TV shows get, they maaaaay want to try to stay off the radar for a bit. Also, the dubious financing for some films, such as the anti-fracking movie Matt Damon made that was funded by Dubai. Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 10:17 AM (NOIQH) Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 10:17 AM (J+eG2) 110
Twitter but they seem to be even handed when they address controversial issues and sometimes they bolster conservative arguments, such as with guns.
Posted by: Independent George at January 09, 2017 10:13 AM (BDZWU) ------------- The gun episode was astoundingly even-handed. They seem like the type of lefties that have righty friends they respect so they aren't out-of-hand dismissive of other points of view. Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 10:17 AM (xeeHA) 111
Anyway, Hollywood is stores of movies that made zillions of dollars and sequels greenlit, and then there's always someone who gets shafted because it (supposedly) didn't make a profit.
Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 10:18 AM (u0s1P) Posted by: The Fifth Doctor at January 09, 2017 10:18 AM (MZcWR) 113
Has anyone had the problem?
You repeatedly e-mail your supervisor about a problem that should really be under his aegis, but he never answers because he doesn't want to deal with it. It's very frustrating! Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 10:18 AM (tOcW/) 114
Can't lose with Caravaggio.
Posted by: sinalco at January 09, 2017 10:18 AM (yODqO) Posted by: Rick in SK at January 09, 2017 10:18 AM (/CIN4) 116
Sorry-meant "this" not "the" problem
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 10:19 AM (tOcW/) 117
33 Needs a higher wattage light bulb. Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at January 09, 2017 09:53 AM (LrAXf) Oh no you don't. That'll be a fine of 10 denarii. Posted by: Roman EPA Magistrate at January 09, 2017 10:19 AM (XWkhW) 118
>>Y'all need Jesus
Not now. Ground is covered with snow. He'll be back to do the lawn in the Spring. Posted by: JackStraw at January 09, 2017 10:19 AM (/tuJf) 119
Anyway, Hollywood is stores of movies that made zillions of dollars and sequels greenlit, and then there's always someone who gets shafted because it (supposedly) didn't make a profit.
Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 10:18 AM (u0s1P) ---------- I love how completely nonsensical their accounting practices are when they computer profit/loss. In reality, essentially every movie makes a profit over the long-term. If the banks and insurance companies they hate so much accounted the way they do, they'd be shutdown instantly. Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 10:19 AM (xeeHA) 120
Also, the dubious financing for some films, such as the anti-fracking movie Matt Damon made that was funded by Dubai.
Or China. Iron Man 3 and Transformers: Age of Extinction get a lot of Chinese money, and had China-exclusive scenes. But kowtowing to China is a separate issue. Sort of. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 10:19 AM (u0s1P) 121
"They seem like the type of lefties that have righty friends they respect so they aren't out-of-hand dismissive of other points of view."
I have heard rumors of these types of lefties. But I never knew that they actually existed. Posted by: Loch Ness Monster at January 09, 2017 10:20 AM (J+eG2) 122
Like my Rothko, I could improve this art with a dash of some very sprightly yellow paint.
Or a Messerschmidt strafing run. But mostly... Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 09, 2017 10:20 AM (H5rtT) 123
Repost from previous thread, for book shoppers:
Both of these are found on my blog today which is linked in my nic: There is a FREE BOOK TODAY ONLY! It's an SF anthology that sounds funny. Never heard of the writer before but he hangs out on Sarah Hoyt's group and I think has been published by Baen. Mackey Chandler. Kindle Countdown sale on our next Goodread's group book Flowershop in Baghdad by moron Michael Banzet. If you plan to read it sometime now's the time to buy it at only 2.99 for the next few days. It's non-fiction, about his time in Iraq, and has over 50 reviews averaging 5 stars. Link in nic Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 10:20 AM (Om16U) 124
They seem like the type of lefties that have righty friends they respect so they aren't out-of-hand dismissive of other points of view.
How dare you ask if I own a truck, you sister-humping redneck! Posted by: Lefties on Twitter at January 09, 2017 10:20 AM (u0s1P) 125
92 82 63 Y'all need Jesus
Jesus, I like him very much, but he no help with curveball. JESUS SAVES BUT ESPOSITO GOES FOR THE REBOUND Posted by: Adam Smith at January 09, 2017 10:12 AM (u0s1P) In Philadelphia during the same period there was a popular bumper sticker: "Only the Lord saves more than Bernie Parent." Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 10:20 AM (7HtZB) 126
120 From now on every movie will have a Chinese character.Even Star Wars movies(Rogue One).
Posted by: steevy at January 09, 2017 10:21 AM (r/0kC) 127
Any minute now I'm going to do something productive. Aaaaaaany minute...
Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 10:21 AM (RD7QR) 128
There isn't a place in America more driven by nepotism and insider bullshit than Hollywood. If you got the job, the overwhelming evidence suggests you're either related to somebody or an outright whore.
- In the movie Hail Caesar, the hero tries to cover up allegation that the George Clooney character got his big break in Hollwood by sodomizing a big time director. That plot point was based upon the allegation that Clark Gable got his big break in such fashion. Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at January 09, 2017 10:21 AM (Nwg0u) 129
>>Or a Messerschmidt strafing run.
But mostly...Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 09, 2017 10:20 AM (H5rtT) What can't it do? Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 10:21 AM (Bdeb0) 130
Completely off topic and haven't read the comments, but unlurking for a moment to add that last night my daughter said she'd like to hold her wedding reception at the Trump Hotel in DC. She's 16 so there's no groom in sight, but miraculously in spite of where we live she hasn't been brainwashed.....yet. I'm sure college will take care of that.
Posted by: cricket at January 09, 2017 10:21 AM (PLSbe) Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 10:21 AM (Om16U) 132
>>Also, the dubious financing for some films,
>>such as the anti-fracking movie Matt Damon If Trump goes after the Apple/Alphabet/etc. offshore licensing of IP I will spontaneously combust. Or blow my pants. Or something like that. Posted by: JEM at January 09, 2017 10:21 AM (TppKb) 133
Is the guy on the left doing the ass-lift so the fart can sneak out more quietly? I love that move.
Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 09, 2017 10:21 AM (PNcou) 134
Hugh Laurie is an excellent actor. But of course that has zero correlation with his intelligence. All it means is that he is a dancing monkey who has been trained very well in the art of mimicry. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at January 09, 2017 10:13 AM (rF0hx) ====================== I don't remember where I read it (might have been here) that discussed the difference between emotional and intellectual intelligence. Actors tend to have high levels of emotional intelligence that allows them to empathize easily with others, but that doesn't translate into intellectual intelligence. And yet, they think that because they have one then they must have the other. I saw something else the other day that described the educational achievements of some of the younger, more vocal, actors (Jennifer Lawrence, for example). Most hadn't attended college. Some were high school drop outs. And they are all trying to tell other people what to think. It's weird to see credentialism turn on its head like that. I'm just Jennifer Lawrence would consider Thomas Sowell an idiot for disagreeing with Paul Krugman. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:21 AM (/prE6) 135
This is my pussy-grab grip
Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 09, 2017 10:22 AM (PNcou) 136
House the Med show was mediocre at best. I don't see that it will last in syndication. It was mildy entertaining to hate the fucked up "brilliant" self destructive Dr. The show had nothing else to offer. That and actors are overpaid chimps that offer nothing to society. Why they are celebrated is a mystery to me.
Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 10:23 AM (hMqvx) 137
>>she'd like to hold her wedding reception at the
>> Trump Hotel in DC. I'm assuming you're not asking for volunteers for the pengiun-suit side of the equation? Arranged marriages have a pretty good success rate you know.. Posted by: JEM at January 09, 2017 10:24 AM (TppKb) 138
126 120 From now on every movie will have a Chinese character.Even Star Wars movies(Rogue One).
Donnie Yen was hilarious. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 10:24 AM (u0s1P) 139
cricket, that's awesome
Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 10:24 AM (Om16U) 140
I like Caravaggio but all I can see is a bunch of people arguing about the check.
But I had a salad. A buffalo chicken salad. Posted by: alexthechick - ho ho ho now I've got a Ravage at January 09, 2017 10:25 AM (dEQP3) 141
Let's also enjoy the fact that according to Streep last nigh, Hollywood is a beacon of diversity and inclusion. Every other day of the week most actors, including Streep, are b#tching about how racist (#OscarsSoWhite), sexist, and agist Hollywood is.
LOL! Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 10:25 AM (NOIQH) 142
Actors tend to have high levels of emotional intelligence that allows them to empathize easily with others, but that doesn't translate into intellectual intelligence. And yet, they think that because they have one then they must have the other.
That's a general human psychology issue, actually, but actors and journalists seem to be the worst with it. (The idea than being an expert in one thing translates into being an expert in any number of other things.) For a lot of people, it's hard to say "I don't know," which is one thing, but to take it to the next steps, maaaaan. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 10:26 AM (u0s1P) 143
141 Let's also enjoy the fact that according to Streep last nigh, Hollywood is a beacon of diversity and inclusion. Every other day of the week most actors, including Streep, are b#tching about how racist (#OscarsSoWhite), sexist, and agist Hollywood is.
LOL! Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 10:25 AM (NOIQH) ====================== See, #OscarsSoWhite is a critique of America as a whole since the Oscars are voted on by the public. Hollywood itself is just all kinds of inclusion since it's only run by the "right thinking people". Totally different. \s Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:27 AM (/prE6) 144
JEM: Check back with me in ten years or so. She could do a lot worse than a fine member of the horde!
Posted by: cricket at January 09, 2017 10:27 AM (PLSbe) 145
20 Carried over from last thread, for Bruce - Mary Astor in 1926s Don Juan: Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 09, 2017 09:49 AM (X6fMO) I always enjoy the pictures you link to. Just because they may not get always get a response doesn't mean that they aren't appreciated. Posted by: Michael the Deplorable TEXIT at January 09, 2017 10:27 AM (nvMvs) 146
Thanks for this painting, CBD. I like it, probably because I like the Biblical story it represents.
If anyone is interested, there is a short 4-minute video about this painting here: Posted by: bluebell at January 09, 2017 10:27 AM (sBOL1) 147
126 120 From now on every movie will have a Chinese character.Even Star Wars movies(Rogue One).
Posted by: steevy at January 09, 2017 10:21 AM (r/0kC Good. The world can always use more Donger. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 10:27 AM (wo3jg) 148
"Let's also enjoy the fact that according to Streep last nigh, Hollywood is a beacon of diversity and inclusion. Every other day of the week most actors, including Streep, are b#tching about how racist (#OscarsSoWhite), sexist, and agist Hollywood is."
Sounds like the Trump Effect fixed that, too. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 10:28 AM (J+eG2) 149
142 That's a general human psychology issue, actually, but actors and journalists seem to be the worst with it. (The idea than being an expert in one thing translates into being an expert in any number of other things.)
For a lot of people, it's hard to say "I don't know," which is one thing, but to take it to the next steps, maaaaan. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 10:26 AM (u0s1P) ==================== Wait...are you saying that an expert astrophysicist may not have the smartest things to say on economic policy? Why have you failed me, Neil deGrasse Tyson?!?! Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:28 AM (/prE6) 150
The gun episode was astoundingly even-handed.
They seem like the type of lefties that have righty friends they respect so they aren't out-of-hand dismissive of other points of view. Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 10:17 AM (xeeHA) === Definitely a possibility. Also the fact that they don't seem to care too much about getting awards from Hollywood as evidenced by the episode "The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award." Glenn Howerton's (Dennis Reynolds) father was a fighter pilot in the Air Force could be a part of it too. Posted by: Independent George at January 09, 2017 10:28 AM (BDZWU) 151
In the movie Hail Caesar, the hero tries to cover up allegation that the George Clooney character got his big break in Hollwood by sodomizing a big time director. That plot point was based upon the allegation that Clark Gable got his big break in such fashion.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at January 09, 2017 10:21 AM (Nwg0u) Gone With The Wind. The story is that original director George Cukor was pulled off the project because a young, desperate Gable had serviced him and didn't want to spend the GWTW shoot having to look Cukor in the face. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 09, 2017 10:29 AM (X6fMO) 152
Most liberals seem to think they're The Professor from "Gilligan's Island," all-knowing and able to create anything out of coconuts and palm fronds.
In reality, all they can make out of coconuts and palm fronds are coconut-and-palm-frond themed failures. Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 09, 2017 10:29 AM (MZcWR) 153
Wait...are you saying that an expert astrophysicist may not have the smartest things to say on economic policy?
Why have you failed me, Neil deGrasse Tyson?!?! I said "experts," not "secular messiahs" or "Our Betters" or "jumped-up gift shop managers" or "pot addicts." But yeah, it's a crazy notion. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 10:29 AM (u0s1P) 154
>>See, #OscarsSoWhite is a critique of America as a whole since the Oscars are voted on by the public.
Nope - They specifically went after old, white members of the Academy, purged some, and then appointed your, non-white people to make the Oscar voting pool more diverse. The mistake these actors make is assuming that every other industry operates the same as Hollywood. No, there is no casting couch at the DMV, the local hospital, at the tech company, etc., you morons! Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 10:29 AM (NOIQH) 155
152 Most liberals seem to think they're The Professor from "Gilligan's Island," all-knowing and able to create anything out of coconuts and palm fronds.
In reality, all they can make out of coconuts and palm fronds are coconut-and-palm-frond themed failures. Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 09, 2017 10:29 AM (MZcWR) ==================== He never fixed the boat. HE NEVER FIXED THE BOAT!!! Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:30 AM (/prE6) 156
Hollywood is the very definition of ageism, classicism, racism, misogyny. How in the hell can anyone who is part of that cesspit of evil throw those stones in there glass house. spits.
Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 10:30 AM (hMqvx) 157
81: My final thoughts after reading Streep's screed- she's all wee-weed up about Trump supposedly imitating a NYT reporter (not a 'powerless' or 'voiceless' person)who has a disabled arm. (Trump denied he was making fun of his arm and didn't remember who he was.)
But how offended and outraged is Streep about Shrillary lying straight to the Benghazi heros' parents' faces, saying that a video caused the attack, which she did to save the election for herself and Obama, when Hillary absolutely knew what she told them was a lie? Hillary was truly in power and those parents were powerless. So who's the "bully"? Posted by: LASue at January 09, 2017 10:30 AM (CLKfs) 158
Oh no you don't. That'll be a fine of 10 denarii. Posted by: Roman EPA Magistrate at January 09, 2017 10:19 AM (XWkhW) Oh, I thought you guys crucified the first 10 people you saw as an example to the rest. Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at January 09, 2017 10:31 AM (LrAXf) 159
>>It's weird to see credentialism turn on its
>>head like that. I'm just Jennifer Lawrence >>would consider Thomas Sowell an idiot >> for disagreeing with Paul Krugman. We'll aside from the fact that Krugman's range of expertise is about a nanometer wide and outside of that slice of spectrum he's Keith Olbermann... I care about as much for what Jennifer Lawrence thinks as I do for what Whoopi Goldberg feels like straddling my legs. Pit of maggots, please. Posted by: JEM at January 09, 2017 10:31 AM (TppKb) 160
Uh oh, Caravaggios.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at January 09, 2017 10:31 AM (Pby3z) 161
Posted by: TheJamesMadison Ginger and Mary Ann why the fuck would you want to leave? Posted by: Rick in SK at January 09, 2017 10:31 AM (/CIN4) 162
120 Also, the dubious financing for some films, such as the anti-fracking movie Matt Damon made that was funded by Dubai. Or China. Iron Man 3 and Transformers: Age of Extinction get a lot of Chinese money, and had China-exclusive scenes. But kowtowing to China is a separate issue. Sort of. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 10:19 AM (u0s1P) Basically, if the movie has a scene in Hong Kong, Shanghai, or Macao, it's partially funded with Chinese money. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 10:31 AM (XWkhW) 163
156 Hollywood is the very definition of ageism, classicism, racism, misogyny. How in the hell can anyone who is part of that cesspit of evil throw those stones in there glass house. spits.
Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 10:30 AM (hMqvx) =================== I remember a year or so ago when Meryl said something along the lines of Hollywood not having an ageism problem because there were all of these great roles for older women. Of course, she got all of those roles, so...yeah... Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:32 AM (/prE6) 164
Why have you failed me, Neil deGrasse Tyson?!?!
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:28 AM (/prE6) --------------------- G-d I hate him. With the violent heat of a thousand suns. Maybe more than anyone in Hollywood. Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 10:32 AM (xeeHA) 165
So far, so good for little man cub. Procedure went well and he is in recovery. Structured feeds starting this afternoon. If all goes well, he can go home tomorrow. Big exhale.
Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 10:32 AM (dKvxO) 166
No, there is no casting couch at the DMV, the local hospital, at the tech company, etc., you morons!
I hope I never have another thought as horrifying as "DMV casting couch." (I may never sleep again.) Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 10:32 AM (u0s1P) 167
128 There isn't a place in America more driven by nepotism and insider bullshit than Hollywood. If you got the job, the overwhelming evidence suggests you're either related to somebody or an outright whore.
- In the movie Hail Caesar, the hero tries to cover up allegation that the George Clooney character got his big break in Hollwood by sodomizing a big time director. That plot point was based upon the allegation that Clark Gable got his big break in such fashion. Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at January 09, 2017 10:21 AM (Nwg0u) The town invented the Casting Couch and has seen enough debauchery to make the Mayor of Sodom blush, but we should listen to the arteests, they are our moral superiors, dammit! and I say that as a fan of general debauchery. Posted by: Bilwis, Devourer of Gluten Free Souls at January 09, 2017 10:32 AM (a3sfz) 168
Hillary attended the Broadway musical the Color Purple, and received a standing ovation.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at January 09, 2017 10:32 AM (Pby3z) 169
Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 10:23 AM (hMqvx)
Actually, most actors are not paid very often because they don't get work, and I'd have to disagree with you about actors offering nothing to society, We've all had movies that we found moving and transformative and maybe got us to look at things in a different way. Granted, I do not know any Hollywood actors, but I do know people who perform in Shakespeare plays or other dramas or do religious drama. The religious plays have brought people back to a life of faith. I consider that every significant, but of course I am biased. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 10:32 AM (tOcW/) 170
159 We'll aside from the fact that Krugman's range of expertise is about a nanometer wide and outside of that slice of spectrum he's Keith Olbermann...
I care about as much for what Jennifer Lawrence thinks as I do for what Whoopi Goldberg feels like straddling my legs. Pit of maggots, please. Posted by: JEM at January 09, 2017 10:31 AM (TppKb) ====================== Us not caring what stars think is a good thing. It's too bad that we live in a country where literally millions of people do care. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:32 AM (/prE6) 171
@134 I couldn't mention it on Book Thread, because I'd only read two reviews of it, not the actual book (Like Johnny: "I read it on the plane"), but a Yale psych prof has a new book called "Against Empathy." He draws a heavy distinction between compassion, which he claims leads to rational decisions about how, who, and how much to help in cases of suffering, and empathy, a crippling triumph of emotion over mind. nb: just to unpack the roots of the words, they would mean the same thing. Not in practice though.
Interesting approach. And it appears our professional emotive class is heavy on the one, the other, not so much. Reminds me of Adam Smith's theory of moral sentiments, which is, to reduce it to ridiculous simplicity, that we're hard-wired to give others a hand up, not because we "owe" it, but because the feeling of succeeding among equals completes us as persons. Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 09, 2017 10:33 AM (H5rtT) 172
ost liberals seem to think they're The Professor from "Gilligan's Island," all-knowing and able to create anything out of coconuts and palm fronds.
In reality, all they can make out of coconuts and palm fronds are coconut-and-palm-frond themed failures. Posted by: BeckoningChasm More to the point, they're Gilligan. Posted by: Brother Cavil, keeper of the Deplorable Unicode Character at January 09, 2017 10:33 AM (9krrF) 173
Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 10:32 AM (dKvxO)
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear it. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 10:33 AM (tOcW/) 174
50 I must admit sometimes I find the responses to the paintings a bit disappointing, bur perhaps not a lot of people have this as a favorite biblical story.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 10:02 AM (tOcW/) The road to Emmaus is one of my favorite Biblical stories, partly because of the irony of the travelers telling Jesus all about Jesus. Posted by: Michael the Deplorable TEXIT at January 09, 2017 10:33 AM (nvMvs) Posted by: Muldoon at January 09, 2017 10:34 AM (wPiJc) 176
168 Hillary attended the Broadway musical the Color Purple, and received a standing ovation.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at January 09, 2017 10:32 AM (Pby3z) And STILL, will never be President. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 10:34 AM (2x9LM) 177
So far, so good for little man cub. Procedure went well and he is in recovery. Structured feeds starting this afternoon. If all goes well, he can go home tomorrow. Big exhale.
Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 10:32 AM (dKvxO) ------------------ Thanks for the update, IMG. I've been praying for your little guy. Posted by: bluebell at January 09, 2017 10:34 AM (sBOL1) 178
I remember a year or so ago when Meryl said something along the lines of Hollywood not having an ageism problem because there were all of these great roles for older women.
Of course, she got all of those roles, so...yeah... I nominate this for Threadwinner. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 10:34 AM (u0s1P) 179
Mel Gibson & Vince Vaughn during Meryl Streep's speech last night Also, ppl are reminding me that Streep gave Roman Polanski a standing ovation not too long ago Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 10:34 AM (Om16U) 180
Basically, if the movie has a scene in Hong Kong, Shanghai, or Macao, it's partially funded with Chinese money.
The problem with Chinese money is that a half hour after you put it in your bank account, you're broke again. *rimshot* I'll be here all week, and don't forget to tip your waitress. Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at January 09, 2017 10:34 AM (TRzoP) 181
>>The story is that original director George Cukor was pulled off the project because a young, desperate Gable had serviced him and didn't want to spend the GWTW shoot having to look Cukor in the face.
Sounds like facing him wouldn't be the problem. Only when he turned his back. Posted by: JackStraw at January 09, 2017 10:34 AM (/tuJf) 182
152 Most liberals seem to think they're The Professor from "Gilligan's Island," all-knowing and able to create anything out of coconuts and palm fronds.
--- except a BOAT Posted by: Thurstin H III at January 09, 2017 10:34 AM (PNcou) 183
Glenn Howerton's (Dennis Reynolds) father was a fighter pilot in the Air Force could be a part of it too.
Posted by: Independent George at January 09, 2017 10:28 AM (BDZWU) ------------------ My brother is a gay, NYC ultra-liberal. Having someone you care about be on the other side of the aisle tends to soften your loathing of the other side. The fact that so many on the left are full-on genocidal fascists proves they either: 1) Don't know anybody with a differing opinion, or 2) Don't love the people they associate with, which is where I'd bet most often. It really is a mental disorder. Remember that lady that basically wrote a column condemning her own sons? Batshit lunatics. Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 10:34 AM (xeeHA) 184
So far, so good for little man cub. Procedure went well and he is in recovery. Structured feeds starting this afternoon. If all goes well, he can go home tomorrow. Big exhale.
Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 10:32 AM (dKvxO) That's wonderful!!! Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 10:34 AM (Om16U) 185
Hail Caesar was pretty funny.
Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 10:35 AM (Om16U) 186
And thats the thing, isn't it? A perfect metaphor for LBJ's Great Society. "Oh, it's got a hold in it, and we've got trees and pitch and any decent 18th-century Brit sailor could have whittled down a couple of logs and come up with something that would get us back to port. But, hey, we can milk this shit with the viewers for yesrs. Posted by: JEM at January 09, 2017 10:36 AM (TppKb) 187
178 I nominate this for Threadwinner.
Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 10:34 AM (u0s1P) ==================== It's an honor just to be nominated. Now...let me talk about politics to 30 seconds to make everyone in the room feel more superior to those dumb hicks out in the world who actually make our lavish lives possible. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:36 AM (/prE6) 188
Whats the EBR in the center? I mean, besides being evil and black. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 10:08 AM ------------- Looks like an HK g36c. Posted by: irright at January 09, 2017 10:36 AM (vqzjE) 189
>>I'd have to disagree with you about
actors offering nothing to society or other dramas or do religious drama. The religious plays have brought people back to a life of faith. I consider that every significant, but of course I am biased. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 10:32 AM (tOcW/) Concur. "The Jerk" taught me that "the Lord loves a working man." It taught me other, equally valuable things, but it definitely checked the inspirational box with that spiritual admonition. Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 10:36 AM (Bdeb0) 190
Also, ppl are reminding me that Streep gave Roman Polanski a standing ovation not too long ago
Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 10:34 AM (Om16U) ------------ Well, they've crossed every other river except the child-rape river. That's next, no matter how much they tell us we're CRAZY for worrying about it. They've said that about so many things it is sort of a telegraph of where they ARE going next. Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 10:36 AM (xeeHA) 191
151: I thought I knew everything about GWTW, but I have never heard that!!! Wow.
Posted by: LASue at January 09, 2017 10:37 AM (CLKfs) 192
Hollywood is the very definition of ageism, classicism, racism, misogyny. How in the hell can anyone who is part of that cesspit of evil throw those stones in there glass house. spits.
Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 10:30 AM (hMqvx) What's even worse are the even bigger idiots that worship and listen to the Hollywood idiots. If people tuned them out and ignored them they way they should be their big mouths wouldn't seem all that important any more Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 09, 2017 10:37 AM (493sH) Posted by: An Observation at January 09, 2017 10:37 AM (vaRzx) 194
I hope I never have another thought as horrifying as "DMV casting couch."
--- Okay now let's see if you can back it in Posted by: DMV perv at January 09, 2017 10:37 AM (PNcou) 195
Posted by: Muldoon at January 09, 2017 10:34 AM (wPiJc)
No, Just phrased poorly. I have a print of Jesus being taken down from the cross. It is from a painting by Caravaggio. The print is hanging in my home. Better? Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 10:38 AM (tOcW/) 196
"If Clark were on inch shorter, he'd be the Queen of Hollywood!"
--Carole Lombard (Mrs Gable) Sorry. Had to be said. Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 09, 2017 10:38 AM (H5rtT) 197
Concur. "The Jerk" taught me that "the Lord loves a working man." It taught me other, equally valuable things, but it definitely checked the inspirational box with that spiritual admonition. Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 10:36 AM (Bdeb0) Agreed. "The Jerk" taught me to distinguish between shit and Shinola. Not to mention the good advice to stay away from cans. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 10:38 AM (XWkhW) 198
>>I hope I never have another thought as horrifying as "DMV casting couch."
![]() But it makes the point so graphically, doncha think? Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 10:38 AM (NOIQH) 199
He never fixed the boat.
HE NEVER FIXED THE BOAT!!! Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:30 AM (/prE6) Frankly, if I'm stranded on an island with Tina Louise, I'm not going to be in any hurry to fix the damned boat, either. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 09, 2017 10:40 AM (X6fMO) 200
198 >>I hope I never have another thought as horrifying as "DMV casting couch." But it makes the point so graphically, doncha think? Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 10:38 AM (NOIQH) Puts the phrase "driving test" in a new light, it does. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 10:40 AM (XWkhW) 201
Great to hear that, Iron Mike
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 09, 2017 10:40 AM (MZcWR) 202
169 Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 10:23 AM (hMqvx)
Actually, most actors are not paid very often because they don't get work, and I'd have to disagree with you about actors offering nothing to society, We've all had movies that we found moving and transformative and maybe got us to look at things in a different way. Granted, I do not know any Hollywood actors, but I do know people who perform in Shakespeare plays or other dramas or do religious drama. The religious plays have brought people back to a life of faith. I consider that every significant, but of course I am biased. Of course you are right I was referring to Hollywood and the self important fuckwits therein. These look at us see how great we are, see how smart we are, you are so small and backwards. I disdain hollywood about as much as they disdain us. spit. Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 10:40 AM (hMqvx) 203
More to the point, they're Gilligan.
Posted by: Brother Cavil, ***** This analogy doesn't hold water (SWIDT?) as Gilligan, although a bumbling idiot who couldn't tie his own shoes if spotted both Velcro strips and a roll of duct tape, usually stumbled his way into a solution to the actual problem of the day. Not true for lefties. Posted by: Muldoon at January 09, 2017 10:40 AM (wPiJc) 204
199 Frankly, if I'm stranded on an island with Tina Louise, I'm not going to be in any hurry to fix the damned boat, either.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 09, 2017 10:40 AM (X6fMO) ================= So he made other people suffer so he could never actually hit that. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:41 AM (/prE6) 205
Well, they've crossed every other river except the child-rape river.
That's next, no matter how much they tell us we're CRAZY for worrying about it. They've said that about so many things it is sort of a telegraph of where they ARE going next. Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 10:36 AM (xeeHA) Pedophile is definitely next and will be championed by Commiewood since it seems to be a cesspool of pedos. Can't wait for the movies showing NAMBLA in a good light Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 09, 2017 10:41 AM (493sH) 206
I'd like to tell hollywood to shut up and entertain me.
Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 10:41 AM (hMqvx) 207
she'd like to hold her wedding reception at the Trump Hotel in DC
- She's after those Taco Bowls. Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at January 09, 2017 10:42 AM (Nwg0u) 208
What a wonderful painting. I never get tired of seeing Caravaggio's work. The use of shadow is especially interesting and evocative, stressing the difficulty of the disciples seeing what is true. The muted colors fit with that impression. The realistic detail is, as always in Caravaggio, rich without distracting.
I wonder about the bright focal points in the painting. They point to the table top more than the characters, even Jesus. Is this a way of saying Christ provides sustenance to the faithful? Also, the characters, except Christ, are dressed in a manner contemporary to the painting. Only Jesus is in clothing appropriate to the Bible. Perhaps this is a lesson that 'modern' men, even those who claim to worship, need to realize that Jesus is truly in their lives and in their midst. Perhaps I'm reading too much into the scene but the painting is powerful and makes me think of such matters. Posted by: JTB at January 09, 2017 10:42 AM (V+03K) 209
206 I'd like to tell hollywood to shut up and entertain me.
Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 10:41 AM (hMqvx) ===================== "We're important and smart, you dumb rube. Now shut up and buy more tickets to our movies that lose money." -Meryl Streep, vox populi Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:42 AM (/prE6) 210
Among actors who are probably good people, Keanu Reeves gave his salary for the third Matrix movie to the effects crew.
And I keep hearing that Adam Sandler is very good to the crews on his movies. (I've only seen one of his.) Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 09, 2017 10:42 AM (MZcWR) Posted by: Muldoon at January 09, 2017 10:42 AM (wPiJc) 212
185 Hail Caesar was pretty funny.
Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 10:35 AM (Om16U) I liked it. The Coen Brothers are the masters of the period piece. Now if only I could understand what A Serious Man was supposed to be about. Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 10:43 AM (RD7QR) 213
147 126 120 From now on every movie will have a Chinese character.Even Star Wars movies(Rogue One).
Posted by: steevy at January 09, 2017 10:21 AM (r/0kC Good. The world can always use more Donger. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 10:27 AM (wo3jg) That's what I say! Booty trap! Don't you speak Engrish? Posted by: Data at January 09, 2017 10:43 AM (7HtZB) 214
"Frankly, if I'm stranded on an island with Tina Louise, I'm not going to be in any hurry to fix the damned boat, either. "
By the second week of hearing a breathless "Oh...Professor!!!", I'd be fixing the damn boat. And Mary Anne and I would be out of there. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 10:43 AM (J+eG2) 215
192 Hollywood is the very definition of ageism, classicism, racism, misogyny. How in the hell can anyone who is part of that cesspit of evil throw those stones in there glass house. spits.
Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 10:30 AM (hMqvx) === You forgot pedophilia. Posted by: Independent George at January 09, 2017 10:43 AM (BDZWU) 216
Among actors who are probably good people, Keanu Reeves gave his salary for the third Matrix movie to the effects crew. And I keep hearing that Adam Sandler is very good to the crews on his movies. (I've only seen one of his.) Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 09, 2017 10:42 AM (MZcWR) I've heard similar things about Tom Cruise as well. Just goes to show that being a fucking nutjob and being a nice guy aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 10:44 AM (XWkhW) 217
Okay now let's see if you can back it in
Posted by: DMV perv at January 09, 2017 10:37 AM (PNcou) I larfed Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 10:45 AM (Om16U) 218
Posted by: JTB at January 09, 2017 10:42 AM (V+03K)
I'm afraid you may be too thoughtful to post on the artwork. ;^) Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 10:45 AM (tOcW/) 219
@212 It's about a three-letter word. J-O-B.
Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 09, 2017 10:45 AM (H5rtT) Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 10:45 AM (J+eG2) 221
So he made other people suffer so he could never actually hit that.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:41 AM (/prE6) --- Well since i WAS hitting that with the cocunut & palm frond strap-on the Professor built, i wasn't suffering. Ginger on the other hand... Posted by: Mary Ann at January 09, 2017 10:45 AM (PNcou) Posted by: Muldoon at January 09, 2017 10:46 AM (wPiJc) 223
>>Among actors who are probably good people, Keanu Reeves gave his salary for the third Matrix movie to the effects crew.
>>And I keep hearing that Adam Sandler is very good to the crews on his movies. (I've only seen one of his.) The Farrelly Brothers do mostly low brow stuff but in nearly all if not all of their movies they feature disabled people and lots of locals as extras. They seem like pretty decent people. Posted by: JackStraw at January 09, 2017 10:46 AM (/tuJf) 224
Jesus was a great grill man. It was Judas Escargot who was the fancy saucier.
Posted by: Fritz at January 09, 2017 10:46 AM (2Mnv1) 225
I've heard similar things about Tom Cruise as well. Just goes to show that being a fucking nutjob and being a nice guy aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 10:44 AM (XWkhW) =============== I was living in Virginia when he filmed War of the Worlds there. There was a story about how he went to a DQ that was closing. Being Tom Cruise, they reopened for him. They refused to let him pay because the til was already up. He then drop a few thousand dollars in a charity bin on the counter. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:47 AM (/prE6) 226
The Trump Taco Bowl Tweet was so classic.
I read that it was a once-a-week thing at Trump Grill but after the Tweet, all the tourists wanted to order it so it's a regular menu item now. Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - Takin' My Time on my Ride at January 09, 2017 10:47 AM (ul9CR) 227
219 @212 It's about a three-letter word. J-O-B.
Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 09, 2017 10:45 AM (H5rtT) Yeah, I had that thought but dismissed it after a while. Sometimes I overthink things. Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 10:47 AM (RD7QR) 228
"The Jerk" taught me that "the Lord loves a working man." It taught me other, equally valuable things, but it definitely checked the inspirational box with that spiritual admonition.
Posted by: General Zod Ah "The Jerk" the Obama story Posted by: Rick in SK at January 09, 2017 10:47 AM (/CIN4) Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 10:48 AM (tOcW/) 230
225 216
I've heard similar things about Tom Cruise as well. Just goes to show that being a fucking nutjob and being a nice guy aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 10:44 AM (XWkhW) =============== I was living in Virginia when he filmed War of the Worlds there. There was a story about how he went to a DQ that was closing. Being Tom Cruise, they reopened for him. They refused to let him pay because the til was already up. He then drop a few thousand dollars in a charity bin on the counter. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:47 AM (/prE6) === I thought I read some rumors a while back that he was trying to get out of the Church of Scientology. If that's true then it might be much harder for him since he must be really deep in it. Posted by: Independent George at January 09, 2017 10:48 AM (BDZWU) 231
Do NOT look up "traffic circle" in the Urban Dictionary.
Browsing Wikipedia: edifying. Browsing TVTropes: entertaining and addictive. Browsing Urban Dictionary: OH MY EYES Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 10:48 AM (u0s1P) 232
There was a story about how he went to a DQ that was closing. Being Tom Cruise, they reopened for him. They refused to let him pay because the til was already up. He then drop a few thousand dollars in a charity bin on the counter.
--- on the one hand, sounds nice. On the other hand it's couch change for him. So in my book it makes him a decent person, not a candidate for canonization. That being said, so many can't even aspire to decent. Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 09, 2017 10:49 AM (PNcou) Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 09, 2017 10:49 AM (IqV8l) 234
Among actors who are probably good people, Keanu Reeves gave his salary for the third Matrix movie to the effects crew.
And I keep hearing that Adam Sandler is very good to the crews on his movies. (I've only seen one of his.) Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 09, 2017 10:42 AM (MZcWR) A friend of mine is a movie stagehand (way to put that Econ degree to good use, lol) & when he was working on "Signs" Mel Gibson wouldn't retreat to his trailer, he always eat his meals with the crew Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 10:49 AM (7HtZB) 235
There is nothing wrong with this painting that a couple of happy clouds and some trees couldn't fix - maybe a mountain range in the background...
Posted by: An Observation at January 09, 2017 10:49 AM (vaRzx) 236
Re: Streep.
I'm waiting for someone from the Golden Globes to become pissed off that their precious award they so gallantly gave to Ms. Streep was dropped like a plastic wine glass at an event so that Ms. Streep could instead, use her five minutes of mic time to rant and rave about the new President. Obviously Ms.Streep has little regard for your chintzy little orb she received last night. Just another example of how even the Hollywood elite don't care about these awards, as they EXPECT to get them. Posted by: Jen at January 09, 2017 10:50 AM (a2Sj8) Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 10:50 AM (2x9LM) 238
Caravaggio is one of those words that gets weirder the more you think or say it. Also, it sounds like a food thing. Fettucine Caravaggio Caravaggio al forne Posted by: Sporkatus at January 09, 2017 10:05 AM (eXSOZ) _________________________________________________It also sounds better when spoken like a pirate . . . as one might do on "international talk like a pirate day." words/phrases along these lines:MaracaiboAvast Ye! TortugaHungry BayPieces of EightHillary Clinton will never be President of the United States, Arrgh! Posted by: Publius Redux at January 09, 2017 10:50 AM (Fb9aZ) 239
When you watch a Chinese movie you want to watch another an hour later.
Posted by: Brilliant Business Plan at January 09, 2017 10:50 AM (W6Ch1) 240
"Traffic Circle":
A form of sexual activity, more specificly handjob, where the female places the males penis in the palm of her left hand. The female then proceeds to violently bash the top of the penis with her right elbow, until the male orgasms. Uhhhhhh...can't we just do butt stuff? Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - Takin' My Time on my Ride at January 09, 2017 10:51 AM (ul9CR) 241
I had forgotten when Meryl Str.. stood up and shouted at the Obama administration , calling him out on the arrest of obscure video guy or the harassment being played on joe the plumber, or IRS going after people.
Oh that's right Mz. Strrep You guys actually helped hunt down obscure video guy and applauded the harrasssmnt of citizens using GOVT agencies to do so. so anyway meryl, this is my hand over my ears, eyes, and I will speak no evil. perhaps You and your Hollywood buddies should take a moment to contemplate What you guys did just in the last 8 years. Posted by: willow at January 09, 2017 10:51 AM (R7cwD) 242
62 Caravaggio is one of those words that gets weirder the more you think or say it. Also, it sounds like a food thing. Fettucine Caravaggio Caravaggio al forne Posted by: Sporkatus at January 09, 2017 10:05 AM (eXSOZ) _________________________________________________It also sounds better when spoken like a pirate . . . as one might do on "international talk like a pirate day." words/phrases along these lines: Maracaibo Avast Ye! Tortuga Hungry Bay Pieces of Eight Hillary Clinton will never be President of the United States, Arrgh! Posted by: Publius Redux at January 09, 2017 10:51 AM (Fb9aZ) 243
on the one hand, sounds nice. On the other hand it's couch change for him. So in my book it makes him a decent person, not a candidate for canonization. That being said, so many can't even aspire to decent. Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 09, 2017 10:49 AM (PNcou) =============== There are so many stars out there who can't be bothered to say hello to fans, despite getting into a profession that produces fans. It may be chump change. It may be driven by his PR guy. i don't know. It just makes the world slightly nicer when it does happen. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:51 AM (/prE6) 244
Hillary attended the Broadway musical the "Color Purple"
****** "If you people don't let me be President I'm going to hold my breath until my face turns...well... until it turns THAT color!" Posted by: Muldoon at January 09, 2017 10:51 AM (wPiJc) 245
I was living in Virginia when he filmed War of the Worlds there. There was a story about how he went to a DQ that was closing. Being Tom Cruise, they reopened for him. They refused to let him pay because the til was already up. He then drop a few thousand dollars in a charity bin on the counter. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:47 AM (/prE6) === I thought I read some rumors a while back that he was trying to get out of the Church of Scientology. If that's true then it might be much harder for him since he must be really deep in it. Posted by: Independent George at January 09, 2017 10:48 AM (BDZWU) I like Tom Cruise, I don't care what anyone else thinks. For around 30 years he's made consistently entertaining movies & he doesn't go out of his way to piss off half his audience. Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 10:51 AM (7HtZB) 246
I always enjoy the pictures you link to. Just because they may not get always get a response doesn't mean that they aren't appreciated.
Posted by: Michael the Deplorable TEXIT at January 09, 2017 10:27 AM (nvMvs) I do appreciate that comment. It's nice to hear, especially on days when I feel emptied and bottomed out, like today. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 09, 2017 10:51 AM (X6fMO) 247
226 The Trump Taco Bowl Tweet was so classic. When DJT trolls and hits it out of the park it is glorious. That was glorious. Posted by: Commandante Fredo of The Resistance at January 09, 2017 10:51 AM (BK3ZS) 248
>>I thought I read some rumors a while back that he was trying to get out of the Church of Scientology. If that's true then it might be much harder for him since he must be really deep in it.
If you haven't seen it I highly recommend the documentary Going Clear. It's a brutal takedown of the Scientology cult. And Tom Cruise will never get out unless the cult crashes. He is there messiah. Posted by: JackStraw at January 09, 2017 10:52 AM (/tuJf) 249
An asshole leftie delivering an asshole lefty screed while standing in front of a crowd of leftie assholes employed in a leftie asshole industry is about as courageous as Leni Riefenstahl standing at a Nazi Party Congress and announcing "I dislike Jews".
Posted by: Vlad the Impaler, whittling away like mad at January 09, 2017 10:52 AM (FeQVL) 250
Obviously Ms.Streep has little regard for your chintzy little orb she received last night. Just another example of how even the Hollywood elite don't care about these awards, as they EXPECT to get them.
It's all about self-promotion, not actually honoring great achievements in whatever. The Onion had an article a while back about the Awardie, an award given to participants in awards shows. I'm slightly surprised there isn't something like that yet. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 10:52 AM (u0s1P) 251
249 An asshole leftie delivering an asshole lefty screed while standing in front of a crowd of leftie assholes employed in a leftie asshole industry is about as courageous as Leni Riefenstahl standing at a Nazi Party Congress and announcing "I dislike Jews".
Posted by: Vlad the Impaler, whittling away like mad at January 09, 2017 10:52 AM (FeQVL) ==================== "Oh, so brave. So, very, very brave." -Joseph Goebbels Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:53 AM (/prE6) 252
I like Tom Cruise, I don't care what anyone else thinks. For around 30 years he's made consistently entertaining movies & he doesn't go out of his way to piss off half his audience.
Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 10:51 AM (7HtZB) --------- I always like him in movies. Always. He's really good, probably because he's a high-functioning sociopath. Also, his tolerance (none) of stupid pranks is at exactly the right level. Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 10:53 AM (xeeHA) 253
And they ask me what's wrong with Baltimore. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 10:45 AM (J+eG2) So somebody, uh, "ate his sandwich." Is that code for something? Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 10:53 AM (bZbkb) 254
All I ever hear about La Streepe is "OMG she's a...real actress. Classically trained. Shakespeare, you know."
I just had a quick glance through her, oeuvre, as it were, if you will. Never done a Shakespeare movie. No Greek drama or Moliere either. Now Kenneth Branagh, problematic character I'm sure, don't really want to know. Probably no better than the rest of 'em. But you gotta admit, he shakes living hell out of that Speare. Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 09, 2017 10:54 AM (H5rtT) 255
A friend of mine is a movie stagehand (way to put that Econ degree to good use, lol) & when he was working on "Signs" Mel Gibson wouldn't retreat to his trailer, he always eat his meals with the crew Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 10:49 AM (7HtZB) Yeah, he's another one. I always figured that there was a reason that Robert Downey Jr and Jodie Foster were both publicly and fiercely loyal to him, even when he was drunken crazypants. Especially Foster, who took a HUGE chance with her directing career casting him in The Beaver in the midst of his worst personal problems. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 10:55 AM (XWkhW) 256
In a little-noted move thereafter, the GOP congress essentially gutted all 501(c)4 provisions, making it perfectly legal to launder dark money with zero accountability for political purposes -- a complete overturning of the original intent of Congress in CREATING the section 501 provisions prohibiting charitable activities from being partisan POLITICAL activities, or, in essence, allowing the rich to engage in politics on your dime, Mr. and Mrs. US Taxpayer.
Posted by: David Windsor at January 09, 2017 10:55 AM (e8kgV) 257
253 And they ask me what's wrong with Baltimore. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 10:45 AM (J+eG2) So somebody, uh, "ate his sandwich." Is that code for something? Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 10:53 AM (bZbkb) Piece of advice: DON'T Google it. Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 10:55 AM (RD7QR) Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at January 09, 2017 10:55 AM (Nwg0u) 259
"If you people don't let me be President I'm going to hold my breath until my face turns...well... until it turns THAT color!"
Posted by: Muldoon at January 09, 2017 10:51 AM (wPiJc) She got 3 standing ovations from the audience, so let that be a consolation to her. Kind of like a participation trophy. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 10:56 AM (bZbkb) 260
244 Hillary attended the Broadway musical the "Color Purple"
--- Huma, where are all the purple people? They should call this the 'Color Dark Chocolate'. Posted by: Hilary - WWNBPOTUS at January 09, 2017 10:56 AM (PNcou) Posted by: David Bowie's Codpiece at January 09, 2017 10:57 AM (u0s1P) 262
Especially Foster, who took a HUGE chance with her directing career casting him in The Beaver in the midst of his worst personal problems.
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 10:55 AM (XWkhW) ---------- He always struck me as a decent, down-to-earth guy with serious emotional problems. I figure, when he's not drunk or high, he's a fun person to be around. But he is a bit twitchy. Maybe a lot twitchy. BUT FIRST... Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 10:57 AM (xeeHA) 263
Thank you all for your prayerful assistance. Parents have gone back to recovery to see him. Bumped into SIL'S best friend, who is on staff here, in the cafeteria. Mrs IMG is doing communications director duties. Such a relief. Can't wait to hold him, though he'll be angrier than a hornet.
Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 10:57 AM (dKvxO) 264
And they ask me what's wrong with Baltimore. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 10:45 AM (J+eG2) So somebody, uh, "ate his sandwich." Is that code for something? ________________________________________________ The NY/LA/Gstaad international elite version of this story: "Someone took a bite out of my Croque Monsieur? Sh#t just got real" Posted by: Publius Redux at January 09, 2017 10:58 AM (Fb9aZ) 265
254 All I ever hear about La Streepe is "OMG she's a...real actress. Classically trained. Shakespeare, you know."
I just had a quick glance through her, oeuvre, as it were, if you will. Never done a Shakespeare movie. No Greek drama or Moliere either. Now Kenneth Branagh, problematic character I'm sure, don't really want to know. Probably no better than the rest of 'em. But you gotta admit, he shakes living hell out of that Speare. Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 09, 2017 10:54 AM (H5rtT) I've done more Shakespeare than Streep - 2.5 plays Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 10:58 AM (7HtZB) 266
I like Tom Cruise, I don't care what anyone else thinks. For around 30 years he's made consistently entertaining movies & he doesn't go out of his way to piss off half his audience.
I second this. Give me Tom Cruise over Matt Damon any day. Posted by: gewa76 at January 09, 2017 10:59 AM (B6OKy) 267
Heh. If you want smug, liberal douchebags, I give you Chris Kelly of SNL:
"Donald Trump is winning because everyone you've ever been on a bus with gets to vote too." And then he blocked everyone who called him a smug, liberal douchebag. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 10:59 AM (bZbkb) 268
Just saw a clip of Whoopi (from the Globes?).
She's become much more zaftig. Perhaps worthy of an ONT retrospective, while we await the next Yoko extravaganza. Posted by: Duncanthrax at January 09, 2017 11:00 AM (Si9ix) 269
Thoreau in Self Reliance talks of the problem of "empathy", though he seems to be OK with some "compassion".
"but your miscellaneous popular charities; the education at college of fools; the building of meeting-houses to the vain end to which many now stand; alms to sots; and the thousandfold Relief Societies. . ." "Though I confess with shame I sometimes succumb and give the dollar, it is a wicked dollar which by and by I shall have the manhood to withhold." Posted by: illiniwek at January 09, 2017 11:00 AM (/aIFg) 270
Just a daily reminder that....
"The left destroys everything that it touches." ...Prager Art used to have Rembrandt' we get the "art" of a 30 ft dog peeing. Posted by: john doesky at January 09, 2017 11:00 AM (OvrY3) 271
The can't tell it's Jesus because no beard.
Also I can't tell if Carvaggio included stigmata. Not very evident if at all. It would be interesting to have painted the risen Christ and not included his scars. Posted by: TexasDan at January 09, 2017 11:01 AM (yL25O) 272
"So somebody, uh, "ate his sandwich." Is that code for something?"
Nope. Someone actually ate the dude's sandwich. Leading to the armed stand-off. Jake....It's Baltimore-Town. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 11:02 AM (J+eG2) 273
I've done more Shakespeare than Streep - 2.5 plays
Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 10:58 AM (7HtZB) ---------------- Five curtain calls? Posted by: bluebell at January 09, 2017 11:03 AM (sBOL1) 274
>>Now Kenneth Branagh, But
you gotta admit, he shakes living hell out of that Speare. Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 09, 2017 10:54 AM (H5rtT) Always seemed to me that he came from the "Shakespeare is best played when every line is yelled" school. You know who does Shakespeare well? Sam Shepard as father to Ethan Hawke's Hamlet in the 2000 version. "Most foul, strange, unnatural..." good stuff. Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 11:03 AM (Bdeb0) 275
And then he blocked everyone who called him a smug, liberal douchebag.
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 10:59 AM (bZbkb) Talk about a face for punching Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 11:03 AM (2x9LM) 276
She's become much more zaftig. Perhaps worthy of an ONT retrospective, while we await the next Yoko extravaganza.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at January 09, 2017 11:00 AM (Si9ix) ------------- What are you thinking??? Pull yourself together, man. Posted by: bluebell at January 09, 2017 11:04 AM (sBOL1) 277
They have their food on top of one of my paintings! Buncha jerks.
Posted by: Rothko at January 09, 2017 11:04 AM (0mRoj) 278
Give me Tom Cruise over Matt Damon any day.
Posted by: gewa76 at January 09, 2017 10:59 AM (B6OKy) Phrasing. AOS style guide prefers "in lieu of" for purposes of clarity. Posted by: TexasDan at January 09, 2017 11:04 AM (yL25O) 279
235 There is nothing wrong with this painting that a couple of happy clouds and some trees couldn't fix - maybe a mountain range in the background...
I am working on my first happy cloud. Parts are ok. Others look like a range fire during tracer ban season. Or half a dozen HC pots. Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 11:04 AM (dKvxO) 280
"Heh. If you want smug, liberal douchebags, I give you Chris Kelly of SNL:
"Donald Trump is winning because everyone you've ever been on a bus with gets to vote too." And then he blocked everyone who called him a smug, liberal douchebag." #ThisiswhyyougotTrump Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 11:04 AM (J+eG2) 281
270 Just a daily reminder that....
"The left destroys everything that it touches." ...Prager Art used to have Rembrandt' we get the "art" of a 30 ft dog peeing. Posted by: john doesky at January 09, 2017 11:00 AM (OvrY3) Sighs. At least somebody had the foresight to nix the sculpture of the dog pooping. Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 11:05 AM (RD7QR) 282
Regarding the discussion of Michelle on the earlier thread, I think using the rules laid out by Beth in NewsRadio concerning "pretty" she falls into the same category as Clu Gulager at the end of "Into the Night." Posted by: geoffb5 at January 09, 2017 11:07 AM (d3wbb) 283
268 Just saw a clip of Whoopi (from the Globes?).
She's become much more zaftig. Perhaps worthy of an ONT retrospective, while we await the next Yoko extravaganza. Posted by: Duncanthrax at January 09, 2017 11:00 AM (Si9ix) ======= WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING/DRINKING/SMOKING?!?!? Posted by: Vlad the Impaler, whittling away like mad at January 09, 2017 11:07 AM (FeQVL) 284
235 There is nothing wrong with this painting that a couple of happy clouds and some trees couldn't fix - maybe a mountain range in the background...
Posted by: An Observation at January 09, 2017 10:49 AM (vaRzx) Three words: Floating. Baby. Heads. "Making Art Great Again" Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:07 AM (bZbkb) 285
268 Just saw a clip of Whoopi (from the Globes?).
She's become much more zaftig. Perhaps worthy of an ONT retrospective, while we await the next Yoko extravaganza. Posted by: Duncanthrax at January 09, 2017 11:00 AM (Si9ix) Are you insane, or just high? Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:08 AM (bZbkb) 286
There is nothing wrong with this painting that a couple of happy clouds and some trees couldn't fix - maybe a mountain range in the background...
------------- I went to a Bob Ross party (just drink and watch Bob Ross and make your own painting.. fun but weird). I had never really WATCHED his show before but I was amazed at how frustrating that guy is. He's like, doop doop doop PAINTING! and then I look at mine and it is garbage. How does he DO that? Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 11:09 AM (xeeHA) 287
"Shakespeare is best played when every line is yelled"
Now you and I both know that's not true. But I give you a "Heh" anyway. And it reminds me of my Anglo-Saxon prof, a WWII paratrooper who had ill-fitting false teeth that gave him a Hrothgarian lantern jaw. Turned out all his teeth had been knocked out by a hard landing in Normandy, June fifth. What a man. He knew most of Beowulf by heart in Anglo-Saxon, and would recite at the drop of a helm. He said it was a language "designed to be shouted." Thinking back on the sound of it still makes my neck-hairs stand up. Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 09, 2017 11:11 AM (H5rtT) 288
>>>If anyone is interested, there is a short 4-minute video about this painting here: Posted by: bluebell at January 09, 2017 10:27 AM (sBOL1) thanks Posted by: m at January 09, 2017 11:11 AM (3jGss) 289
I went to a Bob Ross party (just drink and watch Bob Ross and make your own painting.. fun but weird). I had never really WATCHED his show before but I was amazed at how frustrating that guy is. He's like, doop doop doop PAINTING! and then I look at mine and it is garbage. How does he DO that?
Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 11:09 AM (xeeHA) His show is on netflix. I've had it on in the background a couple of times while I'm doing something else. I'll be watching when it's just random swatches of color, go to do something else for a few minutes and *BAM* an entire forest appeared on the page. Posted by: joe, living dangerously at January 09, 2017 11:11 AM (KUaJL) 290
Now Kenneth Branagh, problematic character I'm sure, don't really want to know. Probably no better than the rest of 'em. But you gotta admit, he shakes living hell out of that Speare.
And, much as it pains me to say this, the best damn Shakespeare film since Orson Welles' Chimes at Midnight was made by Joss F'ing Whedon. One of my least favorite Leftists of all. But dammit, his Much Ado About Nothing was brilliant, innovative as hell and wildly entertaining. Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - Takin' My Time on my Ride at January 09, 2017 11:11 AM (ul9CR) 291
In the latest incident of high-seas tension between the U.S. and Iran, a Navy destroyer fired a series of warning shots at four Iranian vessels on Sunday after the Islamic Republic's boats closed in at a high rate of speed in the Strait of Hormuz, Fox News confirmed. The USS Mahan tried to order the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard boats to stop via radio communication, but the vessels didn't respond to the request, prompting the destroyer to fire three warning shots with a .50 caliber machine gun, a U.S. defense official said. After the shots were fired, the Iranian boats stopped the approach. ----- The balls on those guys Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 11:12 AM (2x9LM) 292
OM, speaking of baby head art....
Mrs IMG found a local artist who makes cement sculptures and planters. Starts with baby doll heads when making the molds. Then adds a dash of reptile or xenomorph alien. She bought a couple of simpler ones. Looks like Lectern sawed off the top of the skull, scooped out the brains, and started a fairy garden. Pics latrr, if I remember when we get home. Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 11:12 AM (dKvxO) 293
276 She's become much more zaftig. Perhaps worthy of an ONT retrospective, while we await the next Yoko extravaganza.
--- save me Posted by: the ottoman at January 09, 2017 11:13 AM (PNcou) 294
Bob Ross is now the way I get the 5 year old to settle down into sleep time.
Soothing voice of Bob Ross and her amzement at how its suddenly a picture. I also have it on as background during the few times I get to take a nap. Posted by: H Badger at January 09, 2017 11:13 AM (n/0Nw) 295
His show is on netflix. I've had it on in the background a couple of times while I'm doing something else. I'll be watching when it's just random swatches of color, go to do something else for a few minutes and *BAM* an entire forest appeared on the page.
Posted by: joe, living dangerously at January 09, 2017 11:11 AM (KUaJL) I like watching those 'rapid painters' I guess you would call them. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 11:13 AM (2x9LM) 296
The thing about Bob Ross is that almost all of the paintings would be improved if he stopped two minutes before he did. Almost always his last few additions lessened the work.
Posted by: Vlad the Impaler, whittling away like mad at January 09, 2017 11:14 AM (FeQVL) 297
In the latest incident of high-seas tension between the U.S. and Iran, a Navy destroyer fired a series of warning shots at four Iranian vessels on Sunday after the Islamic Republic's boats closed in at a high rate of speed in the Strait of Hormuz, Fox News confirmed. The USS Mahan tried to order the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard boats to stop via radio communication, but the vessels didn't respond to the request, prompting the destroyer to fire three warning shots with a .50 caliber machine gun, a U.S. defense official said. After the shots were fired, the Iranian boats stopped the approach. ----- The balls on those guys The American sailors or the iranian targets? Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 11:14 AM (hMqvx) 298
The balls on those guys
Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 11:12 AM (2x9LM) One hopes that improved accuracy and the end of profligate wasting of spurious rounds will be part of the doctrine of the Trump Navy. Posted by: TexasDan at January 09, 2017 11:14 AM (yL25O) 299
Baz Luhrman's "Romeo + Juliet" is proof that there are some Shakespeare plays that would benefit from a final-act visit by the Manson Family.
Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 11:14 AM (Bdeb0) 300
AOS style guide prefers "in lieu of" for purposes of clarity.
Worked fine until George Michael went into the loo. Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 09, 2017 11:14 AM (H5rtT) 301
Oops. Speed painting.
Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 11:15 AM (2x9LM) 302
Posted by: john doesky at January 09, 2017 11:00 AM (OvrY3) ---- Orange county, a cross between Red and Yellow Posted by: the ottoman at January 09, 2017 11:15 AM (PNcou) 303
>>"Donald Trump is winning because everyone you've ever been on a bus with gets to vote too."
Says the guy who likely is 100% on board with nudging most people into using cool mass transportation like high-speed trains and Google-owned self-driving cars. Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 11:15 AM (NOIQH) 304
I'll be watching when it's just random swatches of color, go to do something else for a few minutes and *BAM* an entire forest appeared on the page.
Posted by: joe, ------------- Skill + vision. He sees the finished painting in his mind, and has the skills to put it on canvas. I am capable (kinda) of the former, totally incapable of the latter. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 11:15 AM (ZO497) 305
268 Just saw a clip of Whoopi (from the Globes?).
She's become much more zaftig. Perhaps worthy of an ONT retrospective, while we await the next Yoko extravaganza. Posted by: Duncanthrax at January 09, 2017 11:00 AM (Si9ix) *takes away Duncanthrax's keyboard* Clearly you can't be trusted with this. Posted by: Insomniac at January 09, 2017 11:16 AM (0mRoj) 306
Kellyanne Conway Pwns Streep.
"I'm glad Meryl Streep has such a passion for the disabled because I didn't hear her weigh in or I didn't even hear her use her platform last night ... to give the shoutout to the mentally challenged boy who last week was tortured live on Facebook for half an hour, by four young African-American adults who were screaming racial and anti-Trump expletives and forcing him to put his head in toilet water,' she said." Posted by: Willy J. at January 09, 2017 11:16 AM (W6Ch1) 307
The thing about Bob Ross is that almost all of the paintings would be improved if he stopped two minutes before he did. Almost always his last few additions lessened the work.
One of the great artists supposedly claimed that great art is never done, only abandoned. Both these things can be true. Posted by: David Bowie's Codpiece at January 09, 2017 11:16 AM (u0s1P) Posted by: peasant at January 09, 2017 11:16 AM (PNcou) 309
296 The thing about Bob Ross is that almost all of the paintings would be improved if he stopped two minutes before he did. Almost always his last few additions lessened the work.
Posted by: Vlad the Impaler, whittling away like mad at January 09, 2017 11:14 AM (FeQVL) I know a writer like that. Great stories but addicted to unneeded epilogues. Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 11:16 AM (Om16U) 310
The American sailors or the iranian targets?
Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 11:14 AM (hMqvx) The American sailors. They're not supposed to defend themselves. There goes the chance to give millions of dollars to the Iranians which would totally NOT be a ransom. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 11:17 AM (2x9LM) 311
254 All I ever hear about La Streepe is "OMG she's a...real actress. Classically trained. Shakespeare, you know."
Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 09, 2017 10:54 AM (H5rtT) We've been treated to decades of our betters applauding her wonderful ability to do accents. She's no better at accents than I am. Posted by: Michael the Deplorable TEXIT at January 09, 2017 11:17 AM (nvMvs) 312
AOS style guide prefers "in lieu of" for purposes of clarity.
Worked fine until George Michael went into the loo. Posted by: Stringer Davis --------------- Homophones. Is there anything that they can't do? Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 11:17 AM (ZO497) 313
off, foul sock, and to someplace else with thee!
For hath whatever 301 Oops. Speed painting. Go, Speed Painter, go Speed Painter, go! Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 11:17 AM (u0s1P) 314
How does he DO that?
******* I Use The Same Technique As Bob Ross - a limerick "Happy Clouds" is more than a gimmick It's a technique that I've learned to mimic Ross painted trees and birds I do the same thing with words And voila, there's a happy little lim'rick Posted by: Muldoon at January 09, 2017 11:18 AM (wPiJc) 315
284 235 There is nothing wrong with this painting that a couple of happy clouds and some trees couldn't fix - maybe a mountain range in the background...
Posted by: An Observation at January 09, 2017 10:49 AM (vaRzx) Three words: Floating. Baby. Heads. "Making Art Great Again" Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:07 AM (bZbkb) Or at least one inexplicable giant floating baby head. Posted by: Insomniac at January 09, 2017 11:18 AM (0mRoj) 316
281 270 Just a daily reminder that....
"The left destroys everything that it touches." ...Prager Art used to have Rembrandt' we get the "art" of a 30 ft dog peeing. Posted by: john doesky at January 09, 2017 11:00 AM (OvrY3) Sighs. At least somebody had the foresight to nix the sculpture of the dog pooping. Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 11:05 AM (RD7QR) Heh. Canaletto would always include a dog or two in his paintings, often one of them would be pooping. Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 11:18 AM (7HtZB) 317
2 victims killed in ramming attack were US citizens
Two of the four Israeli soldiers killed in the truck-ramming attack in eastern Jerusalem were American citizens through their parents. Comments from White house? Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 09, 2017 11:18 AM (sRFAL) 318
We've been treated to decades of our betters applauding her wonderful ability to do accents. She's no better at accents than I am.
Posted by: Michael ----------- Well, to be fair, she's better than Andie MacDowell. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 11:19 AM (ZO497) 319
I know a writer like that. Great stories but addicted to unneeded epilogues.
Isn't that part of an editor's job? Yeah, I know the gatekeeper paradigm is crumbling, but still. That being said, easier for text than a painting. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 11:19 AM (u0s1P) 320
I like watching those 'rapid painters' I guess you would call them.
Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 11:13 AM (2x9LM) ------------ I guess his style is called "wet on wet" and is a style you can actually go to a school to learn. It is called that because he covers the whole canvas in a layer of white paint before he starts the rest of the painting. I learned a lot at the Bob Ross party. Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 11:19 AM (xeeHA) 321
Comments from White house?
Posted by: Nevergiveup ------------ We'll probably never know the motive. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 11:20 AM (ZO497) 322
Re the awtwerk: Are they dining on tacos at a Jack in the Box?
Good morning, revolutionaries. Woke up today almost totally free of the flu I caught Christmas Day. I... *COUGH COUGH COUGH* Oh, sorry. That'll wash right out. And, don't worry. I'm probably not contagious anymore.... probably... Posted by: mindful webworker - tofu & carrot chili dogs at January 09, 2017 11:20 AM (c3AZU) 323
Three warning shots from a .50 BMG.
Just asking: three rounds, or three bursts? Because, three rounds = SEAL level of awesome. Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 09, 2017 11:20 AM (H5rtT) 324
Homophones. Is there anything that they can't do?
****** Well, apparently they couldn't sway the SCOTUS in Obergefell v. Hodges Posted by: Muldoon at January 09, 2017 11:20 AM (wPiJc) 325
We've been treated to decades of our betters applauding her wonderful ability to do accents. She's no better at accents than I am. Posted by: Michael the Deplorable TEXIT at January 09, 2017 11:17 AM (nvMvs) As I keep saying, Rich Little with Tits Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 11:20 AM (XWkhW) 326
One of the great artists supposedly claimed that great art is never done, only abandoned.
Both these things can be true. ---- My masterpieces are never begun. Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 09, 2017 11:20 AM (PNcou) 327
"Making Art Great Again"
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:07 AM (bZbkb) Or at least one inexplicable giant floating Posted by: Zardoz, in the red diaper at January 09, 2017 11:21 AM (FeQVL) 328
Also, Bob Ross served 20 years in the Air Force so he had that going for him.
Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 11:21 AM (xeeHA) 329
>>She's no better at accents than I am. Posted by: Michael the Deplorable TEXIT at January 09, 2017 11:17 AM (nvMvs)
My betters tell me that Strep is really an "actress' actress." Accordingly, I tug my forelock and go about my mucking little-person way. Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 11:21 AM (Bdeb0) 330
I Use The Same Technique As Bob Ross - a limerick
"Happy Clouds" is more than a gimmick It's a technique that I've learned to mimic Ross painted trees and birds I do the same thing with words And voila, there's a happy little lim'rick Posted by: Muldoon at January 09, 2017 11:18 AM (wPiJc) Yes. Just as effortless-looking and just as remarkable. You astound, Muldoon. You're forgiven for the horrible, horrible puns. (No, seriously, puns are awesome. I'm just jealous.) Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 11:21 AM (u0s1P) Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:22 AM (PeVdw) 332
We've been treated to decades of
Honest to god, that's how I read it the first time. And it actually made sense to me. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 11:22 AM (J+eG2) 333
322 Re the awtwerk: Are they dining on tacos at a Jack in the Box?
Good morning, revolutionaries. Woke up today almost totally free of the flu I caught Christmas Day. I... *COUGH COUGH COUGH* Oh, sorry. That'll wash right out. And, don't worry. I'm probably not contagious anymore.... probably... Posted by: mindful webworker - tofu & carrot chili dogs at January 09, 2017 11:20 AM (c3AZU) Dude, seriously? *swabs iPhone with alcohol* Posted by: Insomniac at January 09, 2017 11:22 AM (0mRoj) Posted by: Jimmy Dugan at January 09, 2017 11:22 AM (PNcou) 335
I always liked Tom Cruise too. He's a decent actor, very engaging.
One of his best performances is one of his least-known, Magnolia. He played the estranged son of a dying Jason Robards (who actually was dying while filming). He and the rest of the cast were uniformly excellent. Posted by: JoeF. at January 09, 2017 11:22 AM (eD3tF) 336
Many years ago I watched Bob Ross shows and wondered how he could do so much in so little time. The key, besides having a lot of talent, is the brush selection and technique. The methods for blocking in grasses, trees (of course they are happy), even mountains, really worked. I didn't stay with painting back then but hope to rediscover some of the techniques now. Wonder if they will work with acrylics or watercolors.
Posted by: JTB at January 09, 2017 11:22 AM (V+03K) 337
My betters tell me that Strep is really an "actress' actress." Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 11:21 AM (Bdeb0) In other words, she's got skills, but is totally incapable of being entertaining on screen. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 11:23 AM (XWkhW) Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:23 AM (PeVdw) 339
Oh, sorry. That'll wash right out. And, don't worry. I'm probably not contagious anymore.... probably...
Posted by: mindful webworker - ----------------- Nothing says 'Good Morning!' better than a nice warm gob of phlegm on the screen. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 11:23 AM (ZO497) 340
299 Baz Luhrman's "Romeo + Juliet" is proof that there are some Shakespeare plays that would benefit from a final-act visit by the Manson Family.
Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 11:14 AM (Bdeb0) With Titus Andronicus you get the Manson family visit from the moment the curtain rises. Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 11:23 AM (RD7QR) 341
Perhaps worthy of an ONT retrospective, while we await the next Yoko extravaganza.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at January 09, 2017 11:00 AM (Si9ix) I think that's a fine idea....maybe both at once... Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at January 09, 2017 11:23 AM (rF0hx) 342
Who is Lieu?
Posted by: Jimmy Dugan at January 09, 2017 11:22 AM (PNcou) I think he works with leppos. Posted by: Gary Johnson at January 09, 2017 11:23 AM (u0s1P) Posted by: EVLINC! at January 09, 2017 11:23 AM (y3aQB) 344
I guess his style is called "wet on wet" and is a style you can actually go to a school to learn. It is called that because he covers the whole canvas in a layer of white paint before he starts the rest of the painting.
I learned a lot at the Bob Ross party ====== I bet you did. *nudge* *nudge* *wink* say-no-more. Posted by: Vlad the Impaler, whittling away like mad at January 09, 2017 11:23 AM (FeQVL) 345
fully man and fully God....we just finished Christmas and Pascha is just around the corner.....
Posted by: the Butcher at January 09, 2017 11:23 AM (AGJqR) 346
267 Heh. If you want smug, liberal douchebags, I give you Chris Kelly of SNL:
"Donald Trump is winning because everyone you've ever been on a bus with gets to vote too." And then he blocked everyone who called him a smug, liberal douchebag. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 10:59 AM (bZbkb) That's funny, because the last time I took a city bus (in 2007, when my car died), I overheard one loudmouth tell the guy he was sitting next to that everyone should vote for Obama because "healthcare would be free." The people who ride the bus here tend to be either students or poor blacks (and riding the bus has become risky - there was an incident a few years back when a white hs student was beaten up by black kids) not exactly the GOP demo. Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at January 09, 2017 11:24 AM (ZM2xo) 347
Oh, great, Duncanthrax. Now you've done it. You're not supposed to poke the dragon.
This next one ain't on me, folks. Posted by: bluebell at January 09, 2017 11:24 AM (sBOL1) 348
Very OT:
Lord Obama is freeing 18 more dangerous jihadi from Gitmo. And yes, of course they have dedicated their lives to k*lling more Americans. Posted by: shibumi, who requires a cute kitty story stat! at January 09, 2017 11:24 AM (J5mC3) 349
334 "in lieu of"
--- Who is Lieu? Posted by: Jimmy Dugan at January 09, 2017 11:22 AM (PNcou) THEN WHO WAS IN PLACE OF PHONE!!?? Posted by: Insomniac at January 09, 2017 11:24 AM (0mRoj) 350
As for Shakespeare on screen, I really prefer the Kurosawa adaptations: Throne of Blood and Ran. Especially Throne of Blood. That movie fucking rocks. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 11:25 AM (XWkhW) 351
347 Oh, great, Duncanthrax. Now you've done it. You're not supposed to poke the dragon.
This next one ain't on me, folks. There's a friendly bear down the road a ways who's just jonesing for a poke. Posted by: The Chicken at January 09, 2017 11:25 AM (u0s1P) 352
318 We've been treated to decades of our betters applauding her wonderful ability to do accents. She's no better at accents than I am.
Posted by: Michael ----------- Well, to be fair, she's better than Andie MacDowell. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 11:19 AM (ZO497) Brad Pitt, too. His Irish accent in one film was atrocious. Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at January 09, 2017 11:26 AM (ZM2xo) 353
317 2 victims killed in ramming attack were US citizens
Two of the four Israeli soldiers killed in the truck-ramming attack in eastern Jerusalem were American citizens through their parents. Comments from White house? Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 09, 2017 11:18 AM (sRFAL) -- That Meryl Streep can do any part! Love to see her star in the Michelle Obama story! Posted by: White House at January 09, 2017 11:26 AM (PNcou) 354
Rapid painter (painting done during National Anthem at hockey game) linked here flashback. Posted by: Willy J. at January 09, 2017 11:26 AM (W6Ch1) 355
304 I'll be watching when it's just random swatches of color, go to do something else for a few minutes and *BAM* an entire forest appeared on the page.
Posted by: joe, ------------- Skill + vision. He sees the finished painting in his mind, and has the skills to put it on canvas. I am capable (kinda) of the former, totally incapable of the latter.[\i] I have read that the painting done on the show is the second of three. One practice, one for the show, and another for shooting stills of work in progress Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 11:26 AM (dKvxO) Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 11:26 AM (dSqvH) 357
Piers Morgan: "the stench of hypocrisy throughout Streep's speech was putridly pungent." Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 11:26 AM (Om16U) 358
341 Perhaps worthy of an ONT retrospective, while we await the next Yoko extravaganza.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at January 09, 2017 11:00 AM (Si9ix) I think that's a fine idea....maybe both at once... Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at January 09, 2017 11:23 AM (rF0hx) GotDAMMIT! Duncanthrax's keyboard is forever forfeit. He's a danger to himself and others. Posted by: Insomniac at January 09, 2017 11:26 AM (0mRoj) 359
>>With Titus Andronicus you get the Manson family visit from the moment the curtain rises. Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 11:23 AM (RD7QR)
Chiron. The *other* white meat. It's what's for dinner. Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 11:27 AM (Bdeb0) 360
>>That's funny, because the last time I took a city bus (in 2007, when my car died), I overheard one loudmouth tell the guy he was sitting next to that everyone should vote for Obama because "healthcare would be free."
Yea, I was wondering about that. In my experience, the vast majority of public bus transportation takes place in big cities which vote overwhelmingly Democrat. Liberals are in such a big hurry to one up each other with insults and condemnation of Trump voters that they are just spewing garbage because they know the media will never call them on anything. Posted by: JackStraw at January 09, 2017 11:27 AM (/tuJf) 361
BTW, did Preezy Muslim Brotherhood say anything about the shooting in Florida? Or was he too bush partying?
Posted by: shibumi, who requires a cute kitty story stat! at January 09, 2017 11:27 AM (J5mC3) 362
As for Shakespeare on screen, I really prefer the Kurosawa adaptations: Throne of Blood and Ran. Especially Throne of Blood. That movie fucking rocks. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 11:25 AM (XWkhW) ===================== ...Ugh...I have to READ?!?!?!? I'm watching a MOVIE!!! I'm not supposed to have to READ!!!! Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 11:28 AM (/prE6) 363
Shakespeare was better in the original Klingon.
Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 11:28 AM (xeeHA) 364
just ruined a perfectly good salad with too much dressing. Today's karma looks shot.
Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 11:28 AM (Bdeb0) 365
Who is Lieu?
Posted by: Jimmy Dugan at January 09, 2017 11:22 AM (PNcou) It's that Al-somebody guy. Tall. Posted by: TexasDan at January 09, 2017 11:28 AM (yL25O) 366
I like Alexander better.
Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 11:29 AM (dKvxO) 367
Piers Morgan: "the stench of hypocrisy throughout Streep's speech was putridly pungent." Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 11:26 AM (Om16U) ------------ I'd really like this guy if he weren't so completely, awfully, condescendingly WRONG on guns. Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 11:29 AM (xeeHA) Posted by: White House at January 09, 2017 11:29 AM (PNcou) 369
If youtube (and even those reality tv shows) has shown us anything it's that Acting/Performing for an audience isn't some rare talent. I'm not saying anyone can be a good actor, but acting isn't some rare talent that only one in a million people have. Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:29 AM (PeVdw) 370
Salad can not be ruined with too much dressing, ok to much bad dressing i'll give you.
Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 11:29 AM (hMqvx) 371
Remember Streep was the one who testified before Congress about the Alar on Apples scare - which turned out to be a big nothingburger.
Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at January 09, 2017 11:30 AM (ZM2xo) 372
Chimes at Midnight starts with a tall thin character with a high reedy voice, and Orson Welles. I could not help but think of Pinky and the Brain.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at January 09, 2017 11:30 AM (VdICR) 373
The people who ride the bus here tend to be either students or poor blacks (and riding the bus has become risky - there was an incident a few years back when a white hs student was beaten up by black kids) not exactly the GOP demo.
The bus riders in LA are entirely Latin American. Aren't those the people our betters in Hollywood claim to be protecting from Trump? Posted by: gewa76 at January 09, 2017 11:30 AM (B6OKy) 374
Fat Man and Little Boy were warning shots.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 09, 2017 11:31 AM (IqV8l) 375
As for Shakespeare on screen, I really prefer the Kurosawa adaptations: Throne of Blood and Ran.
Especially Throne of Blood. That movie fucking rocks. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 11:25 AM (XWkhW) And if you're looking for an oddball rendition of Hamlet, watch 'Strange Brew', featuring Bob and Doug MacKenzie (take off, eh?) Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:31 AM (bZbkb) 376
Remember Streep was the one who testified before Congress about the Alar on Apples scare - which turned out to be a big nothingburger.
-- Like tv news readers, they get their jobs because they're attractive, not because they're smart. Remember that. Posted by: shibumi, who requires a cute kitty story stat! at January 09, 2017 11:31 AM (J5mC3) 377
359 >>With Titus Andronicus you get the Manson family visit from the moment the curtain rises. Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 11:23 AM (RD7QR)
Chiron. The *other* white meat. It's what's for dinner. Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 11:27 AM (Bdeb0) I saw the film version of Titus in a hotel room while in the throes of a huge fever (which was my gall bladder telling me that it wanted out). That was an incredibly surreal experience. Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 11:31 AM (RD7QR) 378
Salad can not be ruined with too much dressing, ok to much bad dressing i'll give you. Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 11:29 AM (hMqvx) I thought there was more lettuce under the good stuff. Now I've got lettuce soup. Monday. Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 11:31 AM (Bdeb0) 379
>>Yea, I was wondering about that. In my experience, the vast majority of
public bus transportation takes place in big cities which vote overwhelmingly Democrat. ...where Lefty bureaucrats want you to abandon your car and take the bus, the metro and/or high-speed rail. That's what's so revealing about the tweet. Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 11:32 AM (NOIQH) 380
With Titus Andronicus you get the Manson family visit from the moment the curtain rises.
Heh. Had a professor call it The Death Metal of Shakespeare plays. Titular hero killing his own son over a minor diss in the first scene ain't enough for ya? We got murder after murder, lots of rape, more murder, severed hands and tongue and two Goths baked into a pie and eaten by their mother yet in store for you. I think he was trying to out-Marlowe Marlowe with that one. Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - Takin' My Time on my Ride at January 09, 2017 11:32 AM (ul9CR) 381
We've been treated to decades of our betters applauding her wonderful ability to do accents. She's no better at accents than I am.
Posted by: Michael the Deplorable TEXIT at January 09, 2017 11:17 AM (nvMvs) She's, at best, inconsistent. The problem is not so much the accent, but the acting. She never disappears into a character, but is always signaling, "Here I am, Meryl Streep, doing an accent." Had Out Of Africa ended with the bitch being mauled by lions, it would have been enormously improved. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 09, 2017 11:32 AM (X6fMO) 382
The Meryl Streep's of the world will not stop until we stop watching their shit.
And hey ... for you folks that like movies, pro sports, and such ... I understand that sucks. But it's the truth. Until the money quits flowing in - the political bullshit will keep spewing out. Posted by: ScoggDog at January 09, 2017 11:32 AM (3cOA7) 383
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, could have been "Groot" in that Super Friends of the Galaxy movie, whatever it was called. But they paid Vin Diesel to say "I am Groot" as if he could do it special. The space raccoon in that movie couldve been played by almost anyone. But they paid Brad Cooper to do it. And he sucked, really. It was a stupid character largely because of Cooper. Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:32 AM (PeVdw) 384
This is art. I don't understand the symbolism, but the artistry is spectacular except for the guy on the right. His distant hand (his right) should be smaller than his near hand.
Other than that, it's a very nice bit of work. Posted by: Skandia Recluse at January 09, 2017 11:33 AM (LA2VP) 385
I always think he muffed the lighting on this one. It's a dark painting, with a light source in the foreground, and shadows on the back wall, but in between, just doesn't quite fit. Additionally, the subject should be of brightness and hope, which is not reflected I the painting. So, from a technical standpoint, as well s a subject matter stand point, this painting is a failure..
Posted by: macleod at January 09, 2017 11:33 AM (N315I) 386
I thought there was more lettuce under the good stuff. Now I've got lettuce soup. Monday.
Posted by: General Zod Add croutons. Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 11:34 AM (dSqvH) 387
Remember Streep was the one who testified before Congress about the Alar on Apples scare - which turned out to be a big nothingburger.
Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at January 09, 2017 11:30 AM (ZM2xo) Because what an actress who once played a farm wife in a movie has to say about the impact of pesticides on agricultural products is so, so important. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:34 AM (bZbkb) 388
Morgan Freeman. This jerkoff gets casted in parts that anyone can play, and play better. But they want to pay Morgan Freeman. It's all about Bullshit Prestige, that YOU & I ended up paying for. Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:34 AM (PeVdw) 389
381--Your take on Streep's "signalling" is spot on.
Posted by: JoeF. at January 09, 2017 11:34 AM (eD3tF) 390
As for Shakespeare on screen, I really prefer the Kurosawa adaptations: Throne of Blood and Ran.
People often compare Ran to King Lear. It also draws heavily from a German silent movie Die Niebelungen. The themes are similar (woman forcibly married into enemy camp seeks her revenge) as are the visuals (especially the burning of the castle, which is almost a shot for shot remake). I say this as a sideways way of saying ohmygodIloveKurosawaandcanwekeeptalkingabouthim. Posted by: Bandersnatch, gentleman cad at January 09, 2017 11:34 AM (mgbwf) 391
>>and tongue and two Goths baked into a pie and eaten by their mother yet in store for you. .Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - Takin' My Time on my Ride at January 09, 2017 11:32 AM (ul9CR)
...and the black guy who won't STFU gets buried to his waist so Wildlife can eat him, slowly. Titus is full of win. Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 11:35 AM (Bdeb0) 392
Hillarys' come back cabinet sans Podesta'philia...NY is a HELL OF A PLACE.
Posted by: saf at January 09, 2017 11:36 AM (+zN6H) 393
Notice Keanu Reeves is never at these awards because 'he can't act' but mostly because I get the feeling he's an anti-Hollywood type guy.
All he does is make good movies after good movies. He's the best script picker ever. Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at January 09, 2017 11:36 AM (/RKWU) 394
375 As for Shakespeare on screen, I really prefer the Kurosawa adaptations: Throne of Blood and Ran.
Especially Throne of Blood. That movie fucking rocks. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 11:25 AM (XWkhW) And if you're looking for an oddball rendition of Hamlet, watch 'Strange Brew', featuring Bob and Doug MacKenzie (take off, eh?) Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:31 AM (bZbkb) Fleshy-headed mutant! Are you friendly? Posted by: Insomniac at January 09, 2017 11:36 AM (0mRoj) 395
356 "in lieu of"
--- Who is Lieu? The other half of Abbott? Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 11:26 AM (dSqvH) ---- Then Lieu must be on first base. Why? I don't know. Posted by: White House at January 09, 2017 11:36 AM (PNcou) 396
Titular hero killing his own son over a minor diss in the first scene ain't enough for ya? We got murder after murder, lots of rape, more murder, severed hands and tongue and two Goths baked into a pie and eaten by their mother yet in store for you.
Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - Takin' My Time on my Ride at January 09, 2017 11:32 AM (ul9CR) Shakespeare sure knew how to bring 'em in to the theater. If 3-D glasses had been invented, he'd have used those, too. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:36 AM (bZbkb) 397
...and the black guy who won't STFU gets buried to his waist so Wildlife can eat him, slowly. Titus is full of win.
Didn't he murder his own baby first too, or just the nurse. It's been a while and there's so much murder in that play. Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - Takin' My Time on my Ride at January 09, 2017 11:36 AM (ul9CR) Posted by: GAINZZ at January 09, 2017 11:36 AM (W6Ch1) 399
Good morning horde! Been away for a intrudes on my hanging out here. Apropos of nothing, what isn't Satan claiming Charles Manson yet. Gah.
Posted by: IC at January 09, 2017 11:37 AM (a0IVu) 400
390 As for Shakespeare on screen, I really prefer the Kurosawa adaptations: Throne of Blood and Ran.
People often compare Ran to King Lear. It also draws heavily from a German silent movie Die Niebelungen. The themes are similar (woman forcibly married into enemy camp seeks her revenge) as are the visuals (especially the burning of the castle, which is almost a shot for shot remake). I say this as a sideways way of saying ohmygodIloveKurosawaandcanwekeeptalkingabouthim. Posted by: Bandersnatch, gentleman cad at January 09, 2017 11:34 AM (mgbwf) The siege of the castle is awesome, especially with that bizarre music (and the guy laughing while his arm spurts blood). Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 11:37 AM (RD7QR) 401
Notice how the Golden Globes, particularly Meryl Streep's speech, has nudged the terror attacks out of the headlines?
Let's see...Ft. Lauderdale shooter turns out to have a Muslim name, "Aashiq Hammad." Then there was that pesky Palestinian who ran a truck into a crowd of IDF soldiers. Nothing to see here, time to focus like a laser on stupid white people in flyover states, they're the root of all evil, I tell ya... Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 11:37 AM (NOIQH) 402
Then Lieu must be on first base.
Why? I don't know. Posted by: White House at January 09, 2017 11:36 AM (PNcou) Oh, he's on third, we're not talking about him. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:37 AM (bZbkb) 403
Macbeth: My murders will never come back to threaten me until the forest of Bob Ross gets up and moves.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at January 09, 2017 11:37 AM (VdICR) 404
The technical perspective on the guy on the right is fantastic.
Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at January 09, 2017 11:38 AM (/RKWU) 405
Oh and Jack Ma of AliBaba wants to create 1 million jobs here..meeting with Trump today I think..#winning..and Meryl, just shut up you daft trout.
Posted by: IC at January 09, 2017 11:38 AM (a0IVu) 406
382 The Meryl Streep's of the world will not stop until we stop watching their shit.
And hey ... for you folks that like movies, pro sports, and such ... I understand that sucks. But it's the truth. Until the money quits flowing in - the political bullshit will keep spewing out. Posted by: ScoggDog at January 09, 2017 11:32 AM (3cOA7) === It doesn't suck so much when you realize that you can use the time to pursue more productive activities. Posted by: Independent George at January 09, 2017 11:38 AM (BDZWU) 407
Iran: U.S. Surrendered More Than $10 Billion in Gold, Cash, Assets
-- And our media and politicial representatives do not find this interesting? Why? Or are they all being paid off by Islamists under the table? Posted by: shibumi, who requires a cute kitty story stat! at January 09, 2017 11:38 AM (J5mC3) 408
Ever watch these hollywood celerys go on Charlie Rose and have these ironically serious discussions about their "craft?" I'll give any actor credit for doing a good job, but give me a fiuckijn break with the making it seem like you did something amazing. Charlie Rose has licked more hollywood celery ass than anyone. What a rump swab. Then he asks them about politics and the conversation turns from absurd to sickeningly ignorant. Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:39 AM (PeVdw) 409
Had Out Of Africa ended with the bitch being mauled by lions, it would have been enormously improved.
Dying of syphilis wasn't enough? Posted by: Grump928(c) at January 09, 2017 11:39 AM (QQ+il) 410
393 Notice Keanu Reeves is never at these awards because 'he can't act' but mostly because I get the feeling he's an anti-Hollywood type guy.
All he does is make good movies after good movies. He's the best script picker ever. Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at January 09, 2017 11:36 AM (/RKWU) I've not ever seen him out there running his mouth about politics, which is a point in his favor. Also, his work ethic is something we'd all do well to emulate. Posted by: Insomniac at January 09, 2017 11:39 AM (0mRoj) 411
396 Titular hero killing his own son over a minor diss in the first scene ain't enough for ya? We got murder after murder, lots of rape, more murder, severed hands and tongue and two Goths baked into a pie and eaten by their mother yet in store for you.
Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - Takin' My Time on my Ride at January 09, 2017 11:32 AM (ul9CR) Shakespeare sure knew how to bring 'em in to the theater. If 3-D glasses had been invented, he'd have used those, too. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:36 AM (bZbkb) Just needs a bit with a dog.... Posted by: Don Q., retired Salty Sea Dog at January 09, 2017 11:39 AM (qf6WZ) 412
>>Notice Keanu Reeves is never at these awards because 'he can't act' but
mostly because I get the feeling he's an anti-Hollywood type guy. All he does is make good movies after good movies. He's the best script picker ever. Yes! Keanu has a limited range, but he is a master and finding roles that that require just his brand of acting. And he does seem pretty normal for being a successful Hollywood star. Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 11:39 AM (NOIQH) 413
People often compare Ran to King Lear. It also draws heavily from a German silent movie Die Niebelungen. The themes are similar (woman forcibly married into enemy camp seeks her revenge) as are the visuals (especially the burning of the castle, which is almost a shot for shot remake).
Directed by the great Fritz Lang, he of Metropolis and M Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 09, 2017 11:39 AM (X6fMO) 414
47 Fox Business is showing Hollywood having its little temper tantrum over Trump last night. A special fark you to Hugh Laurie who must be dimmer than Bertie Wooster and the Georges combined.
Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 09, 2017 10:00 AM (493sH) ====================== Good memory! I'd forgotten how perfectly Laurie captured the blank Wooster stare, the blubbering slowness and the upper-class sense of entitlement. He was well-cast. Posted by: MTF at January 09, 2017 11:40 AM (X4ZNp) 415
Jesus spake thus: Taketh thou the gun. Leavest the canoli.
Posted by: Roland [OMITTED] at January 09, 2017 11:40 AM (QM5S2) 416
What kind of accent did Streep use during her GG speech?
Posted by: davidt at January 09, 2017 11:40 AM (XoldI) 417
393 Notice Keanu Reeves is never at these awards because 'he can't act' but mostly because I get the feeling he's an anti-Hollywood type guy.
_______________________ Paul Newman was the most prominent of the anti-Hollywood actors in my memory. He couldn't stomach the phoniness and self-adulation among the industry. Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 09, 2017 11:40 AM (4AVeu) 418
Does anyone know where Presdent Obamama will be this weak and will he makes any grate speeeches like always does to help us who be nneeding his help? When he leeves what will we do without his help because Bush screwed everything up for uss ??
Posted by: Mary Clogginstien from Brattleboro, VT (Soon to be Obamaboro, VT) at January 09, 2017 11:41 AM (Fbj4h) 419
Charlie Rose has licked more hollywood celery ass than anyone. Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:39 AM (PeVdw)
Oh I beg to differ sir! Posted by: James Lipton at January 09, 2017 11:41 AM (VdICR) 420
My take on Titus is that The Bard was heavily influenced by Marlowe's The Jew of Malta and The Massacre at Paris while writing it.
He was just starting out and clearly a Marlowe fan, so it makes sense that he'd copy a guy who already knew how to put butts in the seats. That gleeful, blackest of black comedy is so Marlovian. Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - Takin' My Time on my Ride at January 09, 2017 11:41 AM (ul9CR) 421
410 393 Notice Keanu Reeves is never at these awards because 'he can't act' but mostly because I get the feeling he's an anti-Hollywood type guy.
All he does is make good movies after good movies. He's the best script picker ever. Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at January 09, 2017 11:36 AM (/RKWU) I've not ever seen him out there running his mouth about politics, which is a point in his favor. Also, his work ethic is something we'd all do well to emulate. Posted by: Insomniac at January 09, 2017 11:39 AM (0mRoj) Scene: Meryl Streep on stage, insults John Wick.... because the Russian Capo told her to... Cut to: John Wick pulling guns... massacre ensues Posted by: Don Q., retired Salty Sea Dog at January 09, 2017 11:41 AM (qf6WZ) 422
408 Charlie Rose has licked more hollywood celery ass than anyone. What a rump swab. Then he asks them about politics and the conversation turns from absurd to sickeningly ignorant.
Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:39 AM (PeVdw) === It was so sweet when Bill Maher (asshole that he is) turned the tables on Charlie Rose and challenged him to defend Islam. Rose was reduced to sputtering meaningless feel good talking points. Posted by: Independent George at January 09, 2017 11:41 AM (BDZWU) 423
393 Notice Keanu Reeves is never at these awards because 'he can't act' but mostly because I get the feeling he's an anti-Hollywood type guy.
Maybe. He's always just struck me as an odd duck, marching to the beat of his own mariachi band. Posted by: DoublySymmetric at January 09, 2017 11:42 AM (8hICw) 424
Then Lieu must be on first base.
Why? I don't know. Posted by: White House at January 09, 2017 11:36 AM (PNcou) Oh, he's on third, we're not talking about him. Posted by: OregonMuse Who? Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 11:42 AM (dSqvH) 425
That Meryl Streep can do any part! Love to see her star in the Michelle Obama story!
Posted by: White House Mr.Ed remake? Posted by: Rick in SK at January 09, 2017 11:43 AM (/CIN4) 426
Scene: Meryl Streep on stage, insults John Wick.... because the Russian Capo told her to... Cut to: John Wick pulling guns... massacre ensues Posted by: Don Q., retired Salty Sea Dog at January 09, 2017 11:41 AM (qf6WZ) Except, John Wick (probably) wouldn't care if you insulted him. His dog, on the other hand... Posted by: DoublySymmetric at January 09, 2017 11:43 AM (8hICw) 427
>>The Meryl Streep's of the world will not stop until we stop watching their shit.
Hey, you guys catch her 2015 movie "Suffragette?" No? Budget: $14 million Gross: $4,693,356 (USA) (as of this month) Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 11:43 AM (NOIQH) 428
415 Jesus spake thus: Taketh thou the gun. Leavest the canoli.
Posted by: Roland [OMITTED] at January 09, 2017 11:40 AM (QM5S2) Let he who is without a cannoli sell his cloak and buy one. Posted by: Insomniac at January 09, 2017 11:43 AM (0mRoj) 429
James Lipton is hilarious, too. He's a parody. But at least he's in the business of film-making, so to speak. Charlie Rose is just an kiss-ass. Lipton is trying to extract information that will be helpful to student filmmakers and actors. Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:43 AM (PeVdw) 430
Cut to: John Wick pulling guns... massacre ensues
Posted by: Don Q., Watched a clip of him on Fb going thru a live fire drill at a range. Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 11:43 AM (dSqvH) 431
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, could have been "Groot" in that Super Friends of the Galaxy movie, whatever it was called.
It's a little more complicated than that - each "I am groot" line was accompanied by a "translation" that was supposed to guide emotion/inflection/etc. A skilled voice actor would have worked for somewhat less, but Vin appears to have "only" gotten a couple million for it, which very well may have gotten the studio return on investment from people wanting to see the movie. Audiences can be dumb. Vin does have rather a useful kind of voice and has a past as a working stiff, so I really don't mind. Lots of actors are too proud to do "silly kid movie A" or to be generous about it - Orson Welles famously was dismissive of the Transformers movie despite taking a check. Posted by: Sporkatus at January 09, 2017 11:43 AM (eXSOZ) 432
Keanu is busy doing real life stuff like building motorcycles. Posted by: Willy J. at January 09, 2017 11:44 AM (W6Ch1) 433
Temperature has soared to the mid 20's. Can Spring be far behind?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 11:44 AM (ZO497) 434
Let he who is without a cannoli sell his cloak and buy one.
Posted by: Insomniac at January 09, 2017 11:43 AM (0mRoj) And all the people said, "Yum". Posted by: DoublySymmetric at January 09, 2017 11:44 AM (8hICw) 435
424 Then Lieu must be on first base.
Why? I don't know. Posted by: White House at January 09, 2017 11:36 AM (PNcou) Oh, he's on third, we're not talking about him. Posted by: OregonMuse Who? Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 11:42 AM (dSqvH) Watts the name of the guy who says second look at Globul Warmering? Posted by: Don Q., retired Salty Sea Dog at January 09, 2017 11:44 AM (qf6WZ) 436
Let's see...Ft. Lauderdale shooter turns out to have a Muslim name, "Aashiq Hammad." Then there was that pesky Palestinian who ran a truck into a crowd of IDF soldiers.
Nothing to see here, time to focus like a laser on stupid white people in flyover states, they're the root of all evil, I tell ya... Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 11:37 AM (NOIQH) And lived within walking distance of a Alaska But shhhhhhhh...... Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 11:44 AM (2x9LM) 437
Hollywood celery ass?
Posted by: Insomniac at January 09, 2017 11:44 AM (0mRoj) 438
433 Temperature has soared to the mid 20's. Can Spring be far behind?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 11:44 AM (ZO497) 10 weeks. Posted by: DoublySymmetric at January 09, 2017 11:44 AM (8hICw) 439
He was just starting out and clearly a Marlowe fan, so it makes sense that he'd copy a guy who already knew how to put butts in the seats. That gleeful, blackest of black comedy is so Marlovian.
Marlowe's a poseur. Posted by: Sam Spade at January 09, 2017 11:45 AM (u0s1P) 440
Watched a clip of him on Fb going thru a live fire drill at a range.
Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 11:43 AM (dSqvH) And doing a damn good job of it too. Posted by: Insomniac at January 09, 2017 11:45 AM (0mRoj) 441
If you like martial arts movies , Keanu Reeves box office bomb , 47 Ronin is a pretty good flick.
Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at January 09, 2017 11:46 AM (/RKWU) 442
And if you're looking for an oddball rendition of Hamlet, watch 'Strange Brew', featuring Bob and Doug MacKenzie (take off, eh?)
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:31 AM (bZbkb) When Kevin Conroy, voice of Batman from the 90s animated series auditioned for the role, he asked what it was all about (being the only person on Earth to have never heard of Batman, apparently). The director told him it's about a rich kid who sees his parents murdered, and wants his own brand of justice, and he may be crazy. "Oh, so it's Hamlet" was his response. Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 11:46 AM (7HtZB) 443
And lived within walking distance of a Alaska
But shhhhhhhh...... Posted by: RWC The ONLY mosque. Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 11:46 AM (dSqvH) 444
It's a little more complicated than that - each "I am groot" line was accompanied by a "translation" that was supposed to guide emotion/inflection/etc. Again, anyone could've have done Groot. Sorry but Casey Kasem's Scooby Doo was a more 'complicated' character than Groot. Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:46 AM (PeVdw) 445
Alibaba job boom: Jack Ma chats with Trump about creating 1 million US jobs over 5 years Posted by: EVLINC! at January 09, 2017 11:47 AM (y3aQB) 446
When Kevin Conroy, voice of Batman from the 90s animated series auditioned for the role, he asked what it was all about (being the only person on Earth to have never heard of Batman, apparently). The director told him it's about a rich kid who sees his parents murdered, and wants his own brand of justice, and he may be crazy. "Oh, so it's Hamlet" was his response. Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 11:46 AM (7HtZB) Nice. Apparently he was also the first one to have a different voice for Bruce and Batman. At least, that's what the x-ray for B:TAS said. Posted by: DoublySymmetric at January 09, 2017 11:47 AM (8hICw) 447
430 Cut to: John Wick pulling guns... massacre ensues
Posted by: Don Q., Watched a clip of him on Fb going thru a live fire drill at a range. Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 11:43 AM (dSqvH) 3 Gun training for Wick 2. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 11:48 AM (2x9LM) 448
Good memory! I'd forgotten how perfectly Laurie captured the blank Wooster stare, the blubbering slowness and the upper-class sense of entitlement. He was well-cast.
Posted by: MTF ----------- Perfectly. I only of Laurie as Bertie Wooster. A much more plausible role than an idiot savant MD. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 11:48 AM (ZO497) 449
Like when Scooby said "Ruh-roh!" in different intonations, we knew what he was trying to convey. We can all say "Oh Shit!" in various ways to express ourselves. Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:48 AM (PeVdw) 450
Perfectly. I only of Laurie as Bertie Wooster. A much more plausible role than an idiot savant MD.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. ---------- allow me to re-phrase... psychopathic MD. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 11:49 AM (ZO497) 451
I like Alexander better. Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 11:29 AM (dKvxO) ===== The 'Mighty White Brush' is a hoot. Posted by: mustbequantum at January 09, 2017 11:49 AM (MIKMs) 452
Vin does have rather a useful kind of voice and has a past as a working stiff, so I really don't mind. Lots of actors are too proud to do "silly kid movie A" or to be generous about it - Orson Welles famously was dismissive of the Transformers movie despite taking a check.
Part of that is celebrity-casting. For the recent-ish big budget Yogi Bear movie, did they use the voice actor who'd been doing Yogi's voice, or get someone else? No, they got Dan Ackroyd. VAs can do incredible stuff on TV and video games, but Hollywood likes big, well-known and expensive names instead for films. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 11:50 AM (u0s1P) 453
I didn't watch the GG's last night because I don't like Hollywood self-congratulatory award shows, but it looks like Meryl Streep pretty much disrespected at least half of the country which should do wonders for movie ticket sales.
Won't affect her. She's made her money. The next generation though should hate that dimwitted bitch. Posted by: Mr Macca Bean at January 09, 2017 11:50 AM (Gh3fw) 454
The ONLY mosque.
Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 11:46 AM (dSqvH) I heard that but wanted to confirm it. *gets off my ass and searches Damn. Yep. Only one. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 11:50 AM (2x9LM) 455
Oh Shit! can mean: surprise, disappoint, or happiness. All depends on how we say it. Like when your woman takes off her bra, we say "Oh shit!" But what it means is all in how we say Oh shit! Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:50 AM (PeVdw) 456
Jack Ma of AliBaba wants to create 1 million jobs here.. Fine. Now if Trump can do that fifty times he might come close to Obama's greatness! Posted by: Josh Earnest at January 09, 2017 11:50 AM (IqV8l) 457
Like when Scooby said "Ruh-roh!" in different intonations, we knew what he was trying to convey. We can all say "Oh Shit!" in various ways to express ourselves. Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:48 AM (PeVdw) Duuudddeeee.... Posted by: Don Q., retired Salty Sea Dog at January 09, 2017 11:51 AM (qf6WZ) 458
>>And lived within walking distance of a Alaska
And the selfie where he's wearing a kaffiyah and making the ISIS finger signal was a giant clue, too. Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 11:52 AM (NOIQH) 459
Good memory! I'd forgotten how perfectly Laurie captured the blank Wooster stare, the blubbering slowness and the upper-class sense of entitlement. He was well-cast.
Posted by: MTF at January 09, 2017 11:40 AM (X4ZNp) So when Laurie was playing the part of a self-entitled dim bulb, he wasn't really acting? Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:52 AM (bZbkb) 460
441 If you like martial arts movies , Keanu Reeves box office bomb , 47 Ronin is a pretty good flick.
Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at January 09, 2017 11:46 AM (/RKWU) =========== Incorrect. It's terrible. Avoid at all costs. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 11:52 AM (XJA/s) 461
Then Lieu must be on first base.
Why? I don't know. Posted by: White House at January 09, 2017 11:36 AM (PNcou) Oh, he's on third, we're not talking about him. Posted by: OregonMuse Who? Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 11:42 AM (dSqvH) No, Lieu. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:53 AM (bZbkb) 462
If you want smug, liberal douchebags, I give you Chris Kelly of SNL:
"Donald Trump is winning because everyone you've ever been on a bus with gets to vote too." ------------ Imagine the outcry if someone made that comment in regard to Obama's election. Networks would have been running specials from the Birmingham museum housing the Rosa Parks bus. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 11:53 AM (ZO497) 463
another person who took money and then slagged the movie: Alec Guinness, to Star Wars. he hated all that shit but enjoyed the cash.
Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 09, 2017 11:53 AM (/B4n/) 464
Also, the 1986 Transformers film is one of my favorite movies, with a great cast, and rockin' 80's soundtrack, but wow is it a toy commercial. Welles was right to be so dismissive.
His review of the movie is also awesome: "You know what I did this morning? I played the voice of a toy. Some terrible robot toys from Japan that changed from one thing to another. The Japanese have funded a full-length animated cartoon about the doings of these toys, which is all bad outer-space stuff. I play a planet. I menace somebody called Something-or-other. Then I'm destroyed. My plan to destroy Whoever-it-is is thwarted and I tear myself apart on the screen." That is a mostly-accurate synopsis-- his character didn't get a retail toy until fifteen years later. (There was horrible prototype in '86, though.) Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 11:53 AM (u0s1P) 465
Incorrect. It's terrible. Avoid at all costs.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 11:52 AM (XJA/s) I thought it was an interesting, and entertaining, movie. Posted by: Mr Macca Bean at January 09, 2017 11:53 AM (Gh3fw) 466
"We can all say "Oh Shit!" in various ways to express ourselves."
Yes "Oh Shit!" sounds different depending on the situation. Examples: "Oh Shit!" (Driving a car going over cliff) "Oh Shit!" (Wife saying yes to giving you a BJ) Posted by: Willy J. at January 09, 2017 11:53 AM (W6Ch1) 467
>>but it looks like Meryl Streep pretty much
disrespected at least half of the country which should do wonders for movie ticket sales. Won't affect her. She's made her money. The next generation though should hate that dimwitted bitch. Posted by: Mr Macca Bean at January 09, 2017 11:50 AM (Gh3fw) Swap "Meryl Streep" for "Hillary" and "movie ticket" for "book," and you lose nothing in translation. Even though Hillary has stretched her lead in Wisconsin to six points. Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 11:54 AM (Bdeb0) 468
433 Temperature has soared to the mid 20's. Can Spring be far behind?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 11:44 AM (ZO497) "We're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave..." Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:54 AM (bZbkb) Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks at January 09, 2017 11:54 AM (KcDnZ) 470
Even though Hillary has stretched her lead in Wisconsin to six points.
Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 11:54 AM (Bdeb0) So, early night, then? Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:54 AM (bZbkb) 471
Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 11:52 AM (NOIQH)
Soooo... lets see... Probably a bit unstable. Lives near the only Mosque in Alaska... 2 months ago walked into an FBI office in Alaska saying he was being told to kill in the name of ISIS... Kinda makes ya go.... hmmmmm...... Posted by: Don Q.... going... hmmmmm.... at January 09, 2017 11:54 AM (qf6WZ) 472
When Kevin Conroy, voice of Batman from the 90s animated series auditioned for the role, he asked what it was all about (being the only person on Earth to have never heard of Batman, apparently). The director told him it's about a rich kid who sees his parents murdered, and wants his own brand of justice, and he may be crazy. "Oh, so it's Hamlet" was his response.
Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 11:46 AM (7HtZB) Nice. Apparently he was also the first one to have a different voice for Bruce and Batman. At least, that's what the x-ray for B:TAS said. Posted by: DoublySymmetric at January 09, 2017 11:47 AM (8hICw) Director: So he's a billionaire whose parents get murdered so he gets trained by ninjas and dresses up as a bat at night time and fights crime. Kevin: Well that's ridiculous. Director: It's a tv show for kids based on a comic book- Kevin: I mean, just because he wears a mask doesn't mean nobody would recognize him. If he's the most famous person in the city, lots of people could pick him out just by his voice. Director: ... That's the ridiculous part? Kevin: Yes, and I won't do it until we come up with an explanation. Director: I dunno... what if you have different voices for when he's dressed up and when he's not? Kevin: That'll work. Posted by: joe, living dangerously at January 09, 2017 11:54 AM (KUaJL) 473
Wait - did Obama have time to comment on the shooting of an US diplomat in Mexico? Oh...nevermind.
Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 11:55 AM (NOIQH) 474
469 Oh, so it's Hamlet" was his response.
- To bat, or not to bat. That is the question. Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks at January 09, 2017 11:54 AM (KcDnZ) Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer Alfred's questions, or by firing him, end them.... Posted by: Don Q.... going... hmmmmm.... at January 09, 2017 11:56 AM (qf6WZ) 475
The exultation of hollywood sickens me, but it's mostly our fault. I'll never get over Apple having "fans." These people range from loving Apple to being fanatics. You've got to have a screw loose to fix an Apple sticker to your car in an effort to Signal your fandom. Product stickers just baffle me -- don't understand why anyone would want to decorate their property with product emblems. Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:56 AM (PeVdw) 476
Even though Hillary has stretched her lead in Wisconsin to six points.
Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 11:54 AM (Bdeb0) Oh no! She'll win for sure now. 90% chance, at least. Posted by: Mr Macca Bean at January 09, 2017 11:56 AM (Gh3fw) 477
Many of us are familiar with cdr salamander, and his front porch crew.
I suspect that some of us may even have sat on his porch, a time or two. But anyhow... Excellent article concerning Germany, and emigration. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 09, 2017 11:56 AM (J+eG2) 478
another person who took money and then slagged the movie: Alec Guinness, to Star Wars. he hated all that shit but enjoyed the cash.
I got the impression (from somewhere)that his disillusionment with the film came later, not during. I wonder what Peter Cushing's take on it was, given his incredible portrayals of Dr. Who in two Dalek movies. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 11:57 AM (u0s1P) 479
Even though Hillary has stretched her lead in Wisconsin to six points. Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 11:54 AM (Bdeb0) So, early night, then?Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:54 AM (bZbkb) Broward always reports late, the Tech Triangle will carry NC for her, Pennsylvania is the GOP's "white whale," and Michigan is a labor state. All she needs is New Hampshire. This race pretty much ended where it began, on the escalator in Trump Tower last summer... Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 11:57 AM (Bdeb0) Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:57 AM (PeVdw) 481
RE: Prince---
"It lists about $110,000 in four bank accounts, as well as unclaimed property, capital credits and cash, and 67 10-ounce gold bars with a total value of nearly $840,000." Prince. Gold Bars. Only conclusion? Obviously listened extensively to Rush Limbaugh on Fox News. /how can you ignore G. Gordon Liddy when he tells you to buy something? Posted by: shibumi, who requires a cute kitty story stat! at January 09, 2017 11:58 AM (J5mC3) 482
>>>> "The left destroys everything that it touches." ...Prager
Art used to have Rembrandt' we get the "art" of a 30 ft dog peeing. Related to this...anyone here seen La La Land? I did last week. It's beautiful, with haunting music and the end scene is great. But a movie that is evoking classic Hollywood musicals should maybe have better singing and dancing? I was disappointed. It's sad being a triple threat is no longer a requirement for today's actors; La La Land reminded me that Hollywood has lowered the bar. The opening scene, while impressive, Insists Upon Itself. And John Legend annoys me so I hated his cameo. But Ryan Gosling apparently learned piano for the role and his playing is quite impressive, go him. Posted by: LizLem at January 09, 2017 11:58 AM (hvf9s) 483
That's a great Kevin Conroy story. He may be my favorite Batman.
Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 11:59 AM (u0s1P) 484
My primary watching is cartoons (not because of grandkids), and I have been surprised by some of the really good voice work -- and squinting at the credits to find out who voiced the characters. Current favorites: The Adventures of Piggley-Winks (Mel Brooks as the sheep leader is wonderful) and Cat in the Hat (Martin Short redid that Cat ambiguity into a positive force rather than chaotic).
Posted by: mustbequantum at January 09, 2017 11:59 AM (MIKMs) 485
I wonder what Peter Cushing's take on it was, given his incredible portrayals of Dr. Who in two Dalek movies. Cushing and Christopher Lee were down to earth. They LOVED Sylvester & Tweety. I shit you not. Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:59 AM (PeVdw) 486
Was looking around to see if Camille Paglia had written anything yet about Meryl Streep. Nope. But keep your eyes peeled
Posted by: Bigbys other phone at January 09, 2017 11:59 AM (f0Ny2) 487
Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:56 AM (PeVdw)
there is something in the Human brain, that wants some figure to emulate... A Hero... It used to be our parents, or Grandparents... or Nobles... then War heroes... then Sports Heroes... But for Women in the last 100 years... its been movie Stars... So with the Feminization of the US Society.... Hollywood now thinks they are heroes who should be emulated... Posted by: Don Q.... going... hmmmmm.... at January 09, 2017 12:00 PM (qf6WZ) 488
I got the impression (from somewhere)that his disillusionment with the film came later, not during.
I wonder what Peter Cushing's take on it was, given his incredible portrayals of Dr. Who in two Dalek movies. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 11:57 AM (u0s1P) === He thought the idea of Star Wars was silly but I don't think he hated it per se. I think what he hated was the fandom that became part of it. I read that one time a young boy came up to him and told him he had watched Star Wars one hundred times to which Guinness responded "If you want to get anywhere in life, you must never watch that movie again." The boy started crying and the mother told him he was very rude. He said his intention was not to be rude but rather to impress upon the boy to live his life in the real world and not be stuck in a fantasy world. Posted by: Independent George at January 09, 2017 12:00 PM (BDZWU) 489
So far, so good for little man cub. Procedure went well and he is in recovery. Structured feeds starting this afternoon. If all goes well, he can go home tomorrow. Big exhale.
Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 10:32 AM (dKvxO) Good news. Precisely what was the little guy's problem, some sort of hernia in his digestive tract? Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 09, 2017 12:01 PM (bG+ug) 490
460 441 If you like martial arts movies , Keanu Reeves box office bomb , 47 Ronin is a pretty good flick.
Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at January 09, 2017 11:46 AM (/RKWU) =========== Incorrect. It's terrible. Avoid at all costs. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 11:52 AM (XJA/s) ======== I can't speak about 47 Ronin but "Ronin" with Robert De Niro was a pretty good flick. Posted by: WisRich at January 09, 2017 12:01 PM (hdpay) 491
Cushing and Christopher Lee were down to earth. They LOVED Sylvester & Tweety. I shit you not. Sir Christopher Lee was the MAN. Rock opera, his WW2 days... Incredible. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 12:01 PM (u0s1P) 492
Again, anyone could've have done Groot.
...but they wouldn't have brought publicizable and hype-able name ID to the table, and complexity of the character notwithstanding, Vin Diesel actually has a history of voice acting on the basis of his voice. Which indicates that the sound qualities of his voice are considered to be relatively choice. He voiced the titular giant in The Iron Giant, which predated his role as a major Hollywood star for anything other than Saving Private Ryan. There is such a thing as celebrity stunt-casting, where any qualified voice actor could have done a role. There's also favors-padding voice acting where a role is given to launder money Hollywood style. There's even the fact that the role was so limited that big pay seems crazy. However, the facts are that Vin Diesel is considered to be a voice actor/multitalent and was thought either through portrayal or name recognition (FANS!!) or both to bring something to the production - so what they paid was "worth it" in their reckoning. Wrong or not, the movie was a major success. Posted by: Sporkatus at January 09, 2017 12:02 PM (eXSOZ) 493
I got the impression (from somewhere)that his disillusionment with the film came later, not during.
Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 11:57 AM (u0s1P) Actually, no. Guinness thought the script was awful. "I grew tired of the banal lines and the mumbo-jumbo" he said. And convinced George Lucas to kill off his character because he didn't want to have to play the part again in any sequel. He *hated* Star Wars. But, as others have pointed out, he never turned down any of the money. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 12:02 PM (bZbkb) 494
I didn't watch the GG's last night because I don't like Hollywood self-congratulatory award shows, but it looks like Meryl Streep pretty much disrespected at least half of the country which should do wonders for movie ticket sales. Won't affect her. She's made her money. The next generation though should hate that dimwitted bitch. Posted by: Mr Macca Bean at January 09, 2017 11:50 AM (Gh3fw) One thing to remember is that these big stars don't really give a shit if their films make money, because they get their fees and profit-participation up front. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 12:03 PM (XWkhW) 495
Buy Prince!
Posted by: Glenn R.R.R. Beck at January 09, 2017 12:03 PM (vtcmf) 496
>>>Also, his tolerance (none) of stupid pranks is at exactly the right level.
Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 10:53 AM (xeeHA) I don't know what you mean. Example? Posted by: m at January 09, 2017 12:03 PM (3jGss) 497
You've got to have a screw loose to fix an Apple sticker to your car in an effort to Signal your fandom. Product stickers just baffle me -- don't understand why anyone would want to decorate their property with product emblems. Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:56 AM (PeVdw) ===== Clothing, same thing. Why aren't 'labeled' articles cheaper? They should be paying me to wear them. Posted by: mustbequantum at January 09, 2017 12:04 PM (MIKMs) 498
Sci-fi and Shakespeare draw from the same pool of actors, it seems.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at January 09, 2017 12:04 PM (VdICR) 499
"His show is on netflix. I've had it on in the background a couple of times while I'm doing something else. "
Best show in the history of everything to watch whilst hungover and incapacitated on the sofa. Posted by: Twin Cities Daydrunk- shoppin for starter igloos at January 09, 2017 12:04 PM (kVX3W) 500
Was looking around to see if Camille Paglia had written anything yet about Meryl Streep. Nope. But keep your eyes peeled Posted by: Bigbys other phone at January 09, 2017 11:59 AM (f0Ny2) Paglia at her best (which isn't always) is great. She gutted Catherine MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin in "Tramps and Vamps." Think she called the latter "MacKinnon's dybbuk," and "the ugly girl with a lollipop perpetually in her hair," something like that. Good stuff. Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 12:04 PM (Bdeb0) 501
Sir Christopher Lee was the MAN. Rock opera, his WW2 days... Incredible.
Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 12:01 PM And putting out an album of heavy metal tunes when he was 90 years old. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 12:04 PM (bZbkb) 502
Can CNN give it a break on the Obama farewell speech?
"Soon to be irrelevant failure to make excuses in 31 hours and 51 minutes! Tune in for the pre-game!" Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 09, 2017 12:04 PM (PNcou) Posted by: Pepe at January 09, 2017 12:06 PM (tPC7s) 504
've got to have a screw loose to fix an Apple
sticker to your car in an effort to Signal your fandom. Product stickers just baffle me -- don't understand why anyone would want to decorate their property with product emblems. Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:56 AM (PeVdw Hunh. What about those plate frames from the dealer? Posted by: Bigbys other phone at January 09, 2017 12:06 PM (f0Ny2) Posted by: Rick in SK at January 09, 2017 12:06 PM (/CIN4) 506
Huh. Rush's web site has been entirely redesigned.
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 12:06 PM (bZbkb) 507
Sci-fi and Shakespeare draw from the same pool of actors, it seems. Posted by: BourbonChicken at January 09, 2017 12:04 PM (VdICR) Everyone draws from the same pool of actors. Posted by: Zod Jung at January 09, 2017 12:06 PM (Bdeb0) 508
"Ever watch an Apple product unveiling event?
It's bizarre to the point of being cultish. Posted by: Soothsaye" No but I am thinking of switching to Apple despite all the smugness and high prices. Just boughtt a new all-in one desktop about one week ago with latest/greatest version of Windows 10. Yesterday it started to act up, crashed, tried to recover now it is locked up in endless loop I cannot break and even get to safe mode/troubleshooting. screen. This after I spent about 10 hours loading work related software and files. It is going back to the store tomorrow. Screw Microsoft/Windows. Sick of their bug-infested operating systems that they can never work the bugs out of. Posted by: Ripley at January 09, 2017 12:07 PM (1BQGO) 509
Did, she has almost always hated Streep. And none too fond of Madonna anymore or Jodi Foster
Posted by: Bigbys other phone at January 09, 2017 12:08 PM (f0Ny2) 510
"Well, to be fair, she's better than Andie MacDowell."
And Kevin Costner. Please to behold the glory of his "English" accent in Robin Hood, prince of Thieves. Posted by: Twin Cities Daydrunk- shoppin for starter igloos at January 09, 2017 12:09 PM (kVX3W) 511
No but I am thinking of switching to Apple despite all the smugness and high prices. Just boughtt a new all-in one desktop about one week ago with latest/greatest version of Windows 10. Yesterday it started to act up, crashed, tried to recover now it is locked up in endless loop I cannot break and even get to safe mode/troubleshooting. screen. This after I spent about 10 hours loading work related software and files.
It is going back to the store tomorrow. Screw Microsoft/Windows. Sick of their bug-infested operating systems that they can never work the bugs out of. Posted by: Ripley at January 09, 2017 12:07 PM (1BQGO) That's a shame because most of us Apple users are looking to jump ship. Guess I need to learn to use Linux, as that's basically the only alternative. Posted by: joe, living dangerously at January 09, 2017 12:09 PM (KUaJL) 512
Clothing, same thing. Why aren't 'labeled' articles cheaper? They should be paying me to wear them. Exactly. Like how we pay extra for ad-free apps or movie channels. Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 12:09 PM (PeVdw) 513
He *hated* Star Wars.
But, as others have pointed out, he never turned down any of the money. I stand corrected. The movie does work better with the death of the mentor-figure, and then it lets him be soft-retconned into being a serial liar. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 12:09 PM (u0s1P) 514
He said his intention was not to be rude but rather to impress upon the boy to live his life in the real world and not be stuck in a fantasy world. Posted by: Independent George Sir Alec like teh cock too Posted by: Rick in SK at January 09, 2017 12:10 PM (/CIN4) 515
Isn't apple os just Linux now anyway?
Posted by: Bigbys other phone at January 09, 2017 12:10 PM (f0Ny2) Posted by: DaveA at January 09, 2017 12:10 PM (8J/Te) 517
another person who took money and then slagged the movie: Alec Guinness, to Star Wars. he hated all that shit but enjoyed the cash. Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 09, 2017 11:53 AM (/B4n/) Or Michael Caine speaking about Jaws: The Revenge "I have never seen it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific!" "will go down in my memory as the time when I won an Oscar, paid for a house and had a great holiday. Not bad for a flop movie." Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 12:10 PM (XWkhW) 518
Watching Fox on delay. Some entertainment dude just made a comment about Trumps response to Streep's GG speech. (paraphrasing) We know actors are to the left why respond.
Well this is what is great about Trump. Silence begets silence which has been the Republican strategy ever since I can remember. Trump tweets beget discussion. Trump being right or wrong we are talking about issues how can that be bad? Posted by: Willy J. at January 09, 2017 12:10 PM (W6Ch1) 519
Voice acting pays quite well. Denis Leary told a funny story about his role as the sabre-toothed tiger in Ice Age on the Stern show.
It was roughly: "I got the script and my character dies at the end. I told them I don't know anything about children's movies but I have children. You can't kill the character at the end." So they make the movie the way they'd written it and have a test showing for children who unanimously freak out and cry when the cat dies and ask Mommy why that mean movie was so mean. They re-did the ending, allowing Leary to be in all the sequels, which he said is enough money to retire on. Posted by: Bandersnatch, gentleman cad at January 09, 2017 12:10 PM (mgbwf) 520
AOP, he had pyloric stenosis. Too much muscle at the exit of his stomach. Started spitting up bad last Mon (out his nose, past his toes). Got worse during the week. Keeping nothing down and dehydrated by Sat. JUST returned to his room from recovery. He'S pretty mad right now. Cuddle time!
Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 12:11 PM (dKvxO) 521
510 "Well, to be fair, she's better than Andie MacDowell."
And Kevin Costner. Please to behold the glory of his "English" accent in Robin Hood, prince of Thieves. Posted by: Twin Cities Daydrunk- shoppin for starter igloos at January 09, 2017 12:09 PM (kVX3W) Yeah, the only reason to watch that Robin Hood, is Allan Rickman as the Sherriff.... 'and call off Christmas!' Posted by: Don Q.... going... hmmmmm.... at January 09, 2017 12:11 PM (qf6WZ) 522
And Kevin Costner. Please to behold the glory of his "English" accent in Robin Hood, prince of Thieves.
Sounded fine to me. Posted by: Dick Van Dyke at January 09, 2017 12:11 PM (iynDC) 523
What about those plate frames from the dealer? Every time Dad ordered a new car he instructed the dealer to NOT put on their dealer emblem-badge on the trunk lid of his new car. One time, they did. He refused the car until they removed it. Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 12:11 PM (PeVdw) 524
And Kevin Costner. Please to behold the glory of his "English" accent in Robin Hood, prince of Thieves.
There's a great bit in Robin Hood: Men in Tights whereupon Robin Hood, being asked what credentials he possesses, replies, "Unlike other Robin Hoods, *I* have a British accent." And everyone aaahs. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 12:12 PM (u0s1P) 525
510 "Well, to be fair, she's better than Andie MacDowell." And Kevin Costner. Please to behold the glory of his "English" accent in Robin Hood, prince of Thieves. Posted by: Twin Cities Daydrunk- shoppin for starter igloos at January 09, 2017 12:09 PM (kVX3W) Unlike other, fake Robin Hoods, I can do a proper English accent. Posted by: Cary Elwes at January 09, 2017 12:12 PM (XWkhW) 526
I would switch to Linux if I wasn't so worried about compatibility will all my games on Steam. A girl I went to high school with works at Gearbox and when I asked her about switching to Linux she said not to and it's really only for people who do programming for a living. That's what she said, not me. Btw, she did confirm to me they are working Borderlands 3.
Posted by: Independent George at January 09, 2017 12:12 PM (BDZWU) 527
That's a shame because most of us Apple users are looking to jump ship.
Guess I need to learn to use Linux, as that's basically the only alternative. Posted by: joe I really am looking for options. Truly sick of Windows after this latest disaster. Linux works, from what I understand but takes lots of playing around with the system. Also compatibility issues? I am going to look into it. Posted by: Ripley at January 09, 2017 12:13 PM (1BQGO) 528
Damn you, Lance. Posted by: Cary Elwes at January 09, 2017 12:14 PM (XWkhW) 529
I know there's a lot of apple hate around here but I love my apple devices. Everything is seamless and user friendly. My husband is a software developer and he has both apple and windows devices. He uses Apple for all his personal stuff now too.
Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic misogynistic redneck at January 09, 2017 12:14 PM (JNDQi) 530
Caught up on the thread.
Vin Diseal is a gay porn actor and the Golden Globes televised a bunch of Hollywood people 'baiting' on live tv. Posted by: Pepe at January 09, 2017 12:14 PM (tPC7s) 531
522 And Kevin Costner. Please to behold the glory of his "English" accent in Robin Hood, prince of Thieves.
Sounded fine to me. Posted by: Dick Van Dyke at January 09, 2017 12:11 PM (iynDC) I always felt sorry for Bert in Mary Poppins... She's a damn Tease! Posted by: Don Q.... going... hmmmmm.... at January 09, 2017 12:14 PM (qf6WZ) 532
I don't know what you mean. Example?
Posted by: m at January 09, 2017 12:03 PM (3jGss) ----- Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 12:15 PM (xeeHA) 533
I know there's a lot of apple hate around here but I love my apple devices. Everything is seamless and user friendly. My husband is a software developer and he has both apple and windows devices. He uses Apple for all his personal stuff now too.
Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic misogynistic redneck at January 09, 2017 12:14 PM (JNDQi) Ditto here...not software developer but I only use Windows in my Office and for The Military Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 09, 2017 12:15 PM (sRFAL) Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 12:16 PM (hMqvx) 535
Voice acting pays quite well. Denis Leary told a funny story about his role as the sabre-toothed tiger in Ice Age on the Stern show.
It was roughly: "I got the script and my character dies at the end. I told them I don't know anything about children's movies but I have children. You can't kill the character at the end." So they make the movie the way they'd written it and have a test showing for children who unanimously freak out and cry when the cat dies and ask Mommy why that mean movie was so mean. They re-did the ending, allowing Leary to be in all the sequels, which he said is enough money to retire on. Posted by: Bandersnatch, gentleman cad at January 09, 2017 12:10 PM (mgbwf) When I was a kid I saw Bambi which had his mother die at the beginning. Today's kids are pussies. Posted by: StrawMan at January 09, 2017 12:16 PM (r1DzX) 536
Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 09, 2017 11:53 AM (/B4n/)
Alec Guiness did his work, was an excellent actor (in other things, I mean) and didn't pontificate about his political opinions. He was the best kind of actor there is. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 12:16 PM (tOcW/) 537
529 I know there's a lot of apple hate around here but I love my apple devices. Everything is seamless and user friendly. My husband is a software developer and he has both apple and windows devices. He uses Apple for all his personal stuff now too. Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic misogynistic redneck at January 09, 2017 12:14 PM (JNDQi) My own experience is that Apple is excellent if everything you own is Apple. The moment you are insolent enough to try to use another company's product with your Apple gear, your refrigerator bursts into flames. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 12:16 PM (XWkhW) 538
Silence begets silence which has been the Republican strategy ever since I can remember. When you keep turning the other cheek you eventually run out of cheeks. Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 09, 2017 12:16 PM (IqV8l) 539
Diseal is a gay porn actor
It's just dis ice cream! Posted by: Dipenguin at January 09, 2017 12:17 PM (eXSOZ) 540
My own experience is that Apple is excellent if everything you own is Apple. The moment you are insolent enough to try to use another company's product with your Apple gear, your refrigerator bursts into flames.
Correction: washing machine. We're working on it. Posted by: Samsung at January 09, 2017 12:17 PM (u0s1P) 541
You don't have to like the movie to enjoy the money.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 12:17 PM (tOcW/) 542
I do like it.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at January 09, 2017 12:18 PM (sh70B) 543
Hmmmph. Back of the cuddling queue, I am.
Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 12:19 PM (dKvxO) 544
I've found myself using Apple more and started with an iPhone 4, and now I'm using a MacBook Air for work, iMac for home stuff, and the iPhone. Before the MacBook I was using an iPad but it wasn't doing what I needed it to do.
The cultishness I think is a leftover from the 80s, when Apple was the non-establishment choice. I don't see many younger people displaying it. Posted by: VA GOP Sucks at January 09, 2017 12:19 PM (PFy0L) 545
he moment you are insolent enough to try to use another company's product with your Apple gear, your refrigerator bursts into flames. Or it starts barking. Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 09, 2017 12:19 PM (IqV8l) 546
Linux is far better integrated than it has been in the past. Major flavors like Ubuntu are largely seamless installations.
And its free, and you can try it out on your current hardware without changing anything by loading from a LiveCD/USB stick. Reboot, all is as it was. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 09, 2017 12:19 PM (iynDC) 547
Reading a script-- especially a not-final one-- is waaaay different from seeing the finished product. So that part of the actor (and his agent)'s job is tough.
And, has been mentioned, money is nice. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 12:19 PM (u0s1P) 548
As a long time Apple user (and stockholder bought @$0.6
![]() Posted by: Islamic Rage Boy at January 09, 2017 12:19 PM (K5Tfu) 549
506 Huh. Rush's web site has been entirely redesigned.
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 12:06 PM (bZbkb) The Russians again? Posted by: rickl at January 09, 2017 12:21 PM (zoehZ) 550
Watching Fox on delay. Some entertainment dude just made a comment about Trumps response to Streep's GG speech. (paraphrasing) We know actors are to the left why respond. Because by insulting him she insults the 62 million people who voted for him Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at January 09, 2017 12:21 PM (lKyWE) 551
Product stickers just baffle me -- don't understand why anyone would want to decorate their property with product emblems.
Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 11:56 AM (PeVdw) Couldn't agree with you more! Posted by: The North Face jacket owners everywhere at January 09, 2017 12:23 PM (kKHcp) 552
Because by insulting him she insults the 62 million people who voted for him Posted by: Dipenguin at January 09, 2017 12:23 PM (eXSOZ) 553
Posted by: Islamic Rage Boy at January 09, 2017 12:19 PM
Yeah, the Mac Pro is supposed to be the A#1 top of the line desktop. I don't think it's been refreshed at all since the redesign. I realize there's a fine line to walk when it comes to refreshing Macs (you don't want to go too fast too soon otherwise you disillusion your user base), but I do agree the refreshes need to come more frequently. It would be a damned shame if Cook abandons the desktop/laptop segment in order to focus on, oh, the Apple Watch. Posted by: VA GOP Sucks at January 09, 2017 12:23 PM (PFy0L) 554
I don't have Apple hate. I have computer system lazy. All my systems/machines at work run on Microsoft Apple stuff may be more intuitive but I have suffered getting good at windows. Why pay extra to learn (the possibly easier language of Apple) English from what I'm told is really hard to learn.
Posted by: Willy J. at January 09, 2017 12:23 PM (W6Ch1) 555
Apple lost me when they closed their architecture and wanted $500 just to be allowed to call yourself an Apple Developer. And you got no tools or support for doing so.
Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 12:24 PM (dKvxO) 556
Homophones. Is there anything that they can't do?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 11:17 AM (ZO497) Those homophones have a hell of ring on them. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 09, 2017 12:24 PM (bG+ug) 557
I broke my iPhone and got a new one. I plugged it in, rebooted it from my last backup and it was like nothing happened and I still had the same phone. I did have to re-enter passwords but it was so easy. It took about 15 mins total to set up the new phone.
Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic misogynistic redneck at January 09, 2017 12:24 PM (JNDQi) 558
Apple OS is a marriage of BSD Unix with a tricked out windows manager and other apple specific command and file system layers. So yes, it's essentially Unix/Linux. Hopefully apple gets it's shit together or else my 2015 MBP will be the last apple laptop. They just might shitcan their entire laptop/desktop/mini lineup anyway as it's become a rounding error as they have gone full tilt with phones and tablets as their cash cow. Posted by: Kreplach at January 09, 2017 12:24 PM (Gh/jd) 559
Because by insulting him she insults the 62 million people who voted for him
...and the Bush/Rove refuse-to-defend strategy has the larger (and disastrous) impact of leaving people who would be allied to you undefended in the court of public opinion. Which is stupid. (sock off) Posted by: Sporkatus at January 09, 2017 12:24 PM (eXSOZ) 560
Posted by: Rick in SK at January 09, 2017 12:10 PM (/CIN4)
Alec Guiness was married of a woman r about 35 years to a woman. Can we just stop the nonsense that every male actor is gay? Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 12:24 PM (tOcW/) 561
>>550 Watching Fox on delay. Some entertainment dude just made a comment
about Trumps response to Streep's GG speech. (paraphrasing) We know actors are to the left why respond. This is an argument for Trump turning over the actual day-to-day presidentin' to a likeminded appointee and making butthurting the Left his unrelenting, full-time job. Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 12:25 PM (Bdeb0) 562
Meant "married to a woman for about 35 years".
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 12:25 PM (tOcW/) 563
Y'all probably saw this already
Townhall spoofs those annoying Hollywood nagging videos Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 12:25 PM (Om16U) 564
>>Can we just stop the nonsense that every male actor is gay? Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 12:24 PM (tOcW/)
John Wayne was gay. I installed two-way mirrors at his pad in Brentwood, and he came to the door wearing a dress. Posted by: Repo Zod at January 09, 2017 12:26 PM (Bdeb0) 565
Hunh. What about those plate frames from the dealer?
Posted by: Bigbys -------- or, the dealer's sticker, actually on the car? The last time I bought a new car, I explicitly told the salesman to see that that did not happen. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 12:27 PM (ZO497) 566
Actually, Windows (real Windows) will be on ARM very soon.
Posted by: Microsoft at January 09, 2017 12:27 PM (WidQN) 567
Besides, Alec Guiness was a convert to Catholicism. Yes, some priests are gay, Some are pedophiles, but I doubt that he converted to Cathiolicism because of the extraordinary cure of their son and then was shagging his male co stars.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 12:27 PM (tOcW/) 568
The Apple environment is very much like the "Village" in that 60s TV series 'The Prisoner'. That is, it's all very nice and well-put-together, but there's this creepy coercion lurking underneath the surface that bites you in the ass if you try to do anything in a way that Apple does not approve. No, you do things the Apple way, or you don't do them at all.
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 12:28 PM (bZbkb) 569
So when Laurie was playing the part of a self-entitled dim bulb, he wasn't really acting?
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 11:52 AM (bZbkb) At least Bertie was a completely apolitical, rather lovable self-entitled dim bulb. Not a SJW bone in Bertie's body. Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at January 09, 2017 12:29 PM (ZM2xo) 570
When I was a kid I saw Bambi which had his mother die at the beginning. Today's kids are pussies.
If "Watership Down" were written today, there would be boycotts and book burnings. Mothers would be fainting directly onto the floor for lack of fainting couches. I read it as a kid, and turned out mostly okay... really! Posted by: mikeski at January 09, 2017 12:29 PM (UzBQ4) 571
Silence begets silence which has been the Republican strategy ever since I can remember. When you keep turning the other cheek you eventually run out of cheeks. Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 09, 2017 12:16 PM (IqV8l) The only way I turn the other cheek now days, is to reacquire my target site during a spin kick.... Posted by: Don Q.... going... hmmmmm.... at January 09, 2017 12:29 PM (qf6WZ) 572
>>Because by insulting him she insults the 62 million people who voted for him
Yeah, Hollywood is always yammering on about how they give voice to the voiceless and whatnot, but then they use their exclusive, star-studded televised events as a platform to insult half the country. Could they be any less self-aware??? Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 12:29 PM (NOIQH) 573
English from what I'm told is really hard to learn.
Posted by: Willy J. ----------------- I've herd the same thing. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 12:29 PM (ZO497) 574
Also, if Apple ran an ice-cream stand, the ice cream cones would be the best you'd ever have, and each one would cost $87.53.
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 12:29 PM (bZbkb) 575
>>No, you do things the Apple way, or you don't do them at all. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 12:28 PM (bZbkb)
A trouble ticket has been opened on you with AppleCare. Your cooperation is appreciated. Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 12:30 PM (Bdeb0) 576
Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at January 09, 2017 12:29 PM (ZM2xo)
Excellent series. very entertaining. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 12:30 PM (tOcW/) 577
there's this creepy coercion lurking underneath the surface
...and it takes the form of blobby white things. Egads, man. You've really stumbled onto something. Posted by: Sporkatus at January 09, 2017 12:30 PM (eXSOZ) 578
And Kevin Costner. Please to behold the glory of his "English" accent in Robin Hood, prince of Thieves.
Or his "Boston" accent in Thirteen Days. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 09, 2017 12:30 PM (X6fMO) 579
No, you do things the Apple way, or you don't do them at all.
Which makes that famous '1984' commercial kind of ironic now. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 09, 2017 12:30 PM (iynDC) 580
Also, if Apple ran an ice-cream stand, the ice cream cones would be the best you'd ever have, and each one would cost $87.53.
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 12:29 PM (bZbkb) And there would only be one flavor of ice cream that would look great but taste ... Meh! Posted by: StrawMan at January 09, 2017 12:31 PM (r1DzX) 581
And there would only be one flavor of ice cream that would look great but taste ... Meh!
Posted by: StrawMan ----------- The stuff served in a cup would require an iSpoon to consume it. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 12:32 PM (ZO497) 582
I'm not a computer techie, that's my husband. I need easy and intuitive so Apple works for me. My MacBook Air is over 6 years old and it still does what I need it to, which granted, isn't too much. I go days without using it. I can do all my daily stuff on my iPad or iPhone. Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic misogynistic redneck at January 09, 2017 12:33 PM (JNDQi) 583
One time, they did. He refused the car until they removed it. ________________________________ Which reminds me, any one have advice about how to remove one of those stickers from the painted surface? I hate that damn thing. Posted by: Kudzu King at January 09, 2017 12:33 PM (HSmrB) 584
English from what I'm told is really hard to learn.
Posted by: Willy J. ----------------- I've herd the same thing. Posted by: Mike Hammer American English or The Queen's English? Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 12:33 PM (dSqvH) 585
I've herd the same thing.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 12:29 PM (ZO497) Yeah I fucked up. Posted by: Willy J. at January 09, 2017 12:33 PM (W6Ch1) 586
The first person to post the scene of Meryl Streep* getting blown up on SCTV's "Farm Fill Celebrity Blow Up" will win the internet. * as played by Catherine O'Hara Posted by: CJ at January 09, 2017 12:33 PM (9KqcB) 587
Which reminds me, any one have advice about how to remove one of those stickers from the painted surface? I hate that damn thing.
Angle grinder? Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 12:34 PM (dSqvH) Posted by: wth at January 09, 2017 12:34 PM (HgMAr) 589
586 NOTE:
The first person to post the scene of Meryl Streep* getting blown up on SCTV's "Farm Fill Celebrity Blow Up" will win the internet. * as played by Catherine O'Hara Posted by: CJ at January 09, 2017 12:33 PM (9KqcB) It's all mine! Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 12:34 PM (2x9LM) 590
Which reminds me, any one have advice about how to remove one of those stickers from the painted surface? I hate that damn thing.
Posted by: Kudzu King ------------ Gently heat the sticker and surrounding surface with a hair dryer. Pick at a corner until it begins to pull away. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 12:34 PM (ZO497) 591
557 I broke my iPhone and got a new one. I plugged it in, rebooted it from my last backup and it was like nothing happened and I still had the same phone. I did have to re-enter passwords but it was so easy. It took about 15 mins total to set up the new phone.
Not unique to iPhone. Gave my daughter my old Android phone when we upgraded. The swich from one phone to another was self-serve in my recliner. Apps, contacts, etc. Got Mrs IMG an ipad 2 years ago. Got her a new tablet for Christmas. This one is Android. She like it better and the Apple WIFI is the worst performing device we have. Back when I did network admin, there always seemed to be issues with Apple devices and networking. Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 12:35 PM (dKvxO) 592
>>Or his "Boston" accent in Thirteen Days.
Hollywood just needs to stop having non-Massachusetts actors do Boston accent. Never heard one done well. Much rather listen to someone like Mark Wahlberg revert to his than some thespian attempt it (The Departed, Wahlberg and Damon vs. Alec Baldwin and Jack Nicholson, ugh!). (Think the same can be said for Maine accents, amirite?) Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 12:35 PM (NOIQH) 593
536 Alec Guiness did his work, was an excellent actor (in other things, I mean) and didn't pontificate about his political opinions. He was the best kind of actor there is.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 12:16 PM (tOcW/) ----------------- Agreed. I've long been a fan. His books are very thoughtful and entertaining, too. So are David Niven's (though much more rollicking). Posted by: Hoplite Housewife at January 09, 2017 12:35 PM (hYNPr) 594
>>Also, if Apple ran an ice-cream stand, the ice cream cones would be the best you'd ever have, and each one would cost $87.53.
If Microsoft ran an ice-cream stand, every single thing they offered would be riddled with bugs and viruses. People would have to go to another company to buy a 3rd party device, which didn't work either, to protect them from all that crap. And the ice cream would also cost $87.53. Posted by: JackStraw at January 09, 2017 12:35 PM (/tuJf) 595
584 English from what I'm told is really hard to learn.
Posted by: Willy J. ----------------- I've herd the same thing. Posted by: Mike Hammer American English or The Queen's English? Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 12:33 PM (dSqvH) "Why can't the English learn to speak!?" ~ Professor Henry Higgins Posted by: DoublySymmetric at January 09, 2017 12:36 PM (8hICw) 596
I've not ever seen him out there running his mouth about politics, which is a point in his favor. Also, his work ethic is something we'd all do well to emulate.
Posted by: Insomniac at January 09, 2017 11:39 AM (0mRoj) I just can't get past his name. Sounds like he should be a killer whale in an aquarium somewhere. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 09, 2017 12:36 PM (bG+ug) 597
Gently heat the sticker and surrounding surface with a hair dryer. Pick at a corner until it begins to pull away.
------ Then clean up the residue with goo be gone or rubbing alcohol. Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic misogynistic redneck at January 09, 2017 12:36 PM (JNDQi) 598
I've herd the same thing.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 12:29 PM (ZO497) Yeah I fucked up. Posted by: Willy J. ----------- *?* Nah. Not that I noticed. I was merely making a pun on the homophone comments. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (ZO497) 599
Odds that this is another fraud ?
Shocked waitress is left a racist note by white couple who 'don't tip black people' even after they admitted she gave them 'great service' Posted by: McCool at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (TQxRy) 600
"Farm Film Celebrity Blow Up"
Posted by: CJ at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (9KqcB) 601
Apple's got this commercial running now where somebody receives a text on their phone that wishes them happy b'day, and ballons or some shit pop up, and the tag line is "Practically Magic".
No. No its not. What is though is how they've convinced the iPhollowers to phork over all that cash for their shit. Posted by: an indifferent penguin at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (WidQN) 602
Scornful SF exec disses the rest of America. Click bait or real? It's getting so I can't even tell anymore. Posted by: MTF at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (X4ZNp) 603
Y'all are done with the painting I'm sure, but this is a damn near perfect work of art.
Moreso than many more famous works by more famous artists, he's just the sh*t, man. His Pete crucifixion... you don't have to be Christian to appreciate the beauty of such a brutal death. Posted by: BurtTC at January 09, 2017 12:38 PM (TOk1P) 604
... there's this creepy coercion lurking underneath
the surface that bites you in the ass if you try to do anything in a way that Apple does not approve. No, you do things the Apple way, or you don't do them at all. Posted by: OregonMuse That is creepy. Maybe the Windows method of just locking up or crashing is better. Posted by: Ripley at January 09, 2017 12:38 PM (1BQGO) 605
599 Odds that this is another fraud ?
Shocked waitress is left a racist note by white couple who 'don't tip black people' even after they admitted she gave them 'great service' Posted by: McCool at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (TQxRy) ====================== I'll take, 99.9% likely a Fraud, Alex. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 12:38 PM (zdM/+) 606
597 Gently heat the sticker and surrounding surface with a hair dryer. Pick at a corner until it begins to pull away. ------ Then clean up the residue with goo be gone or rubbing alcohol. Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic misogynistic redneck at January 09, 2017 12:36 PM (JNDQi) Stick with the alcohol. GooGone has some acetone in the mix and it'll eat at the paint much quicker than the alcohol. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 12:38 PM (XWkhW) 607
One time, they did. He refused the car until they removed it. ________________________________ Which reminds me, any one have advice about how to remove one of those stickers from the painted surface? I hate that damn thing. There are decal remover solutions. WD40 works real good, once you get an edge started. Posted by: Iron_Mike_Golf at January 09, 2017 12:38 PM (dKvxO) 608
Stay away from the brown ice cream
Posted by: f'd at January 09, 2017 12:38 PM (0PXvZ) 609
This is an argument for Trump turning over the actual day-to-day
presidentin' to a likeminded appointee and making butthurting the Left his unrelenting, full-time job. -- Yes, but I think that he's enjoying the fact that even though he's not president, he's gotten more done in a few months that Preezy Muslim Brotherhood has done in eight years. If he was tweeting full time, well, that could possibly mean less time to make deals that will butthurt liberals. So I think the logical thing is to continue the pre-presidenting/ butthurting liberals balance he has now. At least in the short term. Posted by: shibumi, who requires a cute kitty story stat! at January 09, 2017 12:39 PM (J5mC3) 610
601 Apple's got this commercial running now where somebody receives a text on their phone that wishes them happy b'day, and ballons or some shit pop up, and the tag line is "Practically Magic".
No. No its not. What is though is how they've convinced the iPhollowers to phork over all that cash for their shit. Posted by: an indifferent penguin at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (WidQN) ====================== "Listen, I may be starving and homeless now, but at least I can make a glorified gif work in a text message." -iPhollower Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 12:39 PM (zdM/+) 611
The ironic thing is that apple built it's reputation in the post production/production and education markets and has all but abandoned those areas to windows.
Apple has pretty much become a one trick pony. Posted by: Kreplach at January 09, 2017 12:40 PM (Gh/jd) Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at January 09, 2017 12:40 PM (lKyWE) 613
"All he does is make good movies after good movies. He's the best script picker ever."
Haaaaaa hem. Posted by: A Walk in the Clouds, sucking. at January 09, 2017 12:40 PM (kVX3W) 614
Odds that this is another fraud ?
Shocked waitress is left a racist note by white couple who 'don't tip black people' even after they admitted she gave them 'great service' Posted by: McCool at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (TQxRy) ====================== I'll take, 99.9% likely a Fraud, Alex. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 12:38 PM (zdM/+) Fuck that. 100% absolute, iron-clad fraud. Odds on when the fraud will receive the same exposure as the original hoax? Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 09, 2017 12:40 PM (X6fMO) 615
Nah. Not that I noticed. I was merely making a pun on the homophone comments.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (ZO497) Reading my original post it felt disjointed.Which was what I thought I Fucked up. Words ok just jumpy like Max Headroom. Posted by: Willy J. at January 09, 2017 12:41 PM (W6Ch1) 616
My kids school is all Apple for the students but the teachers all have dell notebooks that they hate.
Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic misogynistic redneck at January 09, 2017 12:42 PM (JNDQi) 617
592 >>Or his "Boston" accent in Thirteen Days.
Hollywood just needs to stop having non-Massachusetts actors do Boston accent. Never heard one done well. Much rather listen to someone like Mark Wahlberg revert to his than some thespian attempt it (The Departed, Wahlberg and Damon vs. Alec Baldwin and Jack Nicholson, ugh!). (Think the same can be said for Maine accents, amirite?) Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 12:35 PM (NOIQH Agreed. And Kim Dickens, bless her heart, can't shake her natural southern accent, which is amusing. And British actors/actresses do better southern accents than American actors/actresses (looking at the cast of The Walking Dead). Posted by: Pepe at January 09, 2017 12:42 PM (tPC7s) 618
614 Odds that this is another fraud ?
Shocked waitress is left a racist note by white couple who 'don't tip black people' even after they admitted she gave them 'great service' Posted by: McCool at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (TQxRy) ====================== I'll take, 99.9% likely a Fraud, Alex. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 12:38 PM (zdM/+) Fuck that. 100% absolute, iron-clad fraud. Odds on when the fraud will receive the same exposure as the original hoax? Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 09, 2017 12:40 PM (X6fMO) Problem now is that it's going to be almost impossible to prove either way. So the odds are 0 that the fraud will receive the same exposure as the original. Posted by: DoublySymmetric at January 09, 2017 12:42 PM (8hICw) 619
602 Scornful SF exec disses the rest of America. Click bait or real? It's getting so I can't even tell anymore. Posted by: MTF at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (X4ZNp) ================== I'm betting real. The cultural divide is very stark right now, and as unwilling as I am to move to California, I'm sure that there are many people in California who'd never move to South Carolina. I'm fine with that. My state is growing. My city is bursting at the seams (Charleston is one of those cities that's stitched together from several different communities, and not done very well), and I'm okay with moving somewhere like Texas for a better job. This lady? She'll refuse to move her operations to Texas or South Carolina. Her business will slowly die as California does everything that she wants, making it harder and harder for people to even scrape by in the metro areas (and beyond) of the state. Probably one of the single most important things you can do if you live in a red state is to find ways to teach incoming blue staters why they left and why they came to your state. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 12:43 PM (zdM/+) 620
>>>And British actors/actresses do better southern
accents than American actors/actresses (looking at the cast of The Walking Dead). Posted by: Pepe at January 09, 2017 12:42 PM (tPC7s)<<< Corrrrrrraaaaallllllllll, run! The British are coming! Posted by: Rick Grimes at January 09, 2017 12:44 PM (WidQN) 621
599 Odds that this is another fraud ?
Shocked waitress is left a racist note by white couple who 'don't tip black people' even after they admitted she gave them 'great service' Posted by: McCool at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (TQxRy) The frauds will continue as long as the media covers this shit and refuses to cover the bigger stories of the frauds and the consequences that follow. Posted by: Pepe at January 09, 2017 12:45 PM (tPC7s) 622
Even if you didn't tip black people (which would be very bad, of course) why would you leave a note saying that instead of not saying anything and not tip[ping/? My suspicion is it's yet another hoax by some narcissist.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 12:45 PM (tOcW/) 623
Shocked waitress is left a racist note by white couple who 'don't tip black people' even after they admitted she gave them 'great service' Posted by: McCool at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (TQxRy) All white couples that went there that day should sue for the suspicion she casts on them Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 12:45 PM (Om16U) 624
Problem now is that it's going to be almost impossible to prove either way.
So the odds are 0 that the fraud will receive the same exposure as the original. Posted by: DoublySymmetric Easy peasy. Check original receipt against bank statement. If the bill was 35.00 and the bank statement says $42, you know there was a $7 tip Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 12:45 PM (dSqvH) 625
Shocked waitress is left a racist note by white couple who 'don't tip black people' even after they admitted she gave them 'great service' Ironically in the world of food and beverage blacks are known for being the worst tippers. Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at January 09, 2017 12:46 PM (lKyWE) 626
There have been at least 2 waitress/waiter fraudulent tip notes that I can think of.
Posted by: steevy at January 09, 2017 12:46 PM (r/0kC) 627
And British actors/actresses do better southern
accents than American actors/actresses (looking at the cast of The Walking Dead). Nashville. Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 12:46 PM (dSqvH) 628
>>There have been at least 2 waitress/waiter fraudulent tip notes that I can think of.
Heck, I can't think of *one* legit instance of this. It's always shown to be a hoax. Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 12:47 PM (NOIQH) 629
Probably one of the single most important things you can do if you live in a red state is to find ways to teach incoming blue staters why they left and why they came to your state.
---------- Hahahahahaha**gasp**hahahahahahahahah**gasp**hahahahahahahahahaha......teach a're funny!!!! Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic redneck at January 09, 2017 12:47 PM (JNDQi) 630
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 12:43 PM (zdM/+) Funny thing is, from what I understand, her "operation" is smaller than your average sole proprietorship plumbing shop. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 12:47 PM (XWkhW) 631
"Probably one of the single most important things you can do if you live
in a red state is to find ways to teach incoming blue staters why they left and why they came to your state." What if, like here in Georgia, they all speak Spanish, were born in a third world country and don't even understand the red-blue divide? Posted by: Ripley at January 09, 2017 12:47 PM (1BQGO) 632
Easy peasy. Check original receipt against bank statement.
If the bill was 35.00 and the bank statement says $42, you know there was a $7 tip Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 12:45 PM (dSqvH) Then the Manager should get the name, and go ask them if they left a note... or did what I often do, pay with the credit card but Tip in cash... If not True? FIRE the Waitress immediately.... Posted by: Don Q.... going... hmmmmm.... at January 09, 2017 12:47 PM (qf6WZ) 633
626 There have been at least 2 waitress/waiter fraudulent tip notes that I can think of.
Posted by: steevy at January 09, 2017 12:46 PM (r/0kC) ================ "Truly an epidemic that requires federal action. Also, I don't think the federal government should have any say in how we protect our borders." -Very smart college student, failing most of his classes but acing the gender studies course Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 12:48 PM (zdM/+) 634
100% absolute, iron-clad fraud.
Yeah, anyone that racist wouldn't bother to leave a note explaining the situation, and certainly wouldn't compliment the service. But even if not a fraud, is that where we are? Finding two actual racists in the country proves we're a bunch of deplorable deplorables? Abraham and Sodom in reverse. "May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only two can be found there?" "For the sake of the two, I will destroy it." Posted by: mikeski at January 09, 2017 12:48 PM (UzBQ4) 635
629 Hahahahahaha**gasp**hahahahahahahahah**gasp**hahahahahahahahahaha......teach a're funny!!!!
Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic redneck at January 09, 2017 12:47 PM (JNDQi) ===================== Do all Democratic voters classify as leftists? Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 12:49 PM (zdM/+) 636
623 Shocked waitress is left a racist note by white couple who 'don't tip black people' even after they admitted she gave them 'great service' Posted by: McCool at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (TQxRy) Those rascally racist crackers were even devious enough to write the note in the waitresses' handwriting. The perfidy! Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 12:49 PM (XWkhW) 637
631 What if, like here in Georgia, they all speak Spanish, were born in a third world country and don't even understand the red-blue divide?
Posted by: Ripley at January 09, 2017 12:47 PM (1BQGO) ==================== Find actual Spanish speaking conservatives to convey the message. Or...cede their votes completely to Democrats until they assimilate and learn English, I guess. And then we can send the GOP after them once every 4 years. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 12:50 PM (zdM/+) 638
Sir Alec like teh cock too
Posted by: Rick in SK at January 09, 2017 12:10 PM (/CIN4) If memory serves whoever wrote that about Guinness had him confused with John Gielgud who was busted for "cottaging". Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 09, 2017 12:50 PM (493sH) 639
Yeah, anyone that racist wouldn't bother to leave a note explaining the situation, and certainly wouldn't compliment the service. Seems to me if you are that racist you'd ask to be seated at another table that didn't have a black waitress Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at January 09, 2017 12:51 PM (lKyWE) 640
there is a copy of the top part ofl receipt on the fundraising page
with the alleged note cut off If you compare the writing on the top half (amount & scribbled signature) with the very neat handwriting on the note, they don't seem alike Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 12:51 PM (Om16U) 641
If memory serves whoever wrote that about Guinness had him confused with John Gielgud who was busted for "cottaging". Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 09, 2017 12:50 PM (493sH) That's kind of cheesy. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 12:51 PM (XWkhW) 642
>>So I think the logical thing is to continue the
pre-presidenting/ butthurting liberals balance he has now. At least in the short term. Posted by: shibumi, who requires a cute kitty story stat! at January 09, 2017 12:39 PM (J5mC3) I know you're right, but the Trump Transition press conference would be head-asplodingly good. "I've decided to announce that my vice president, Mike Pence, is gonna do a great job of running the nation as a fascist conservative. Me, I'm going back to hating brown people and grabbing pussy." Posted by: General Zod at January 09, 2017 12:52 PM (Bdeb0) 643
614 Odds that this is another fraud ?
Shocked waitress is left a racist note by white couple who 'don't tip black people' even after they admitted she gave them 'great service' Posted by: McCool at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (TQxRy) ====================== I'll take, 99.9% likely a Fraud, Alex. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 12:38 PM (zdM/+) Fuck that. 100% absolute, iron-clad fraud. Odds on when the fraud will receive the same exposure as the original hoax? Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 09, 2017 12:40 PM (X6fMO) And they started a gofundme for her. Such bullshit. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 12:52 PM (2x9LM) 644
Do all democrat voters qualify as leftists?
I guess a % vote dem because they have always voted that way but couldn't say why. That is probably true of the republicans too. Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 12:52 PM (hMqvx) 645
Shocked waitress is left a racist note by white couple who 'don't tip black people' even after they admitted she gave them 'great service' Posted by: McCool at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (TQxRy) Those rascally racist crackers were even devious enough to write the note in the waitresses' handwriting. The perfidy! Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 12:49 PM (XWkhW) The Russian hacked it Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 09, 2017 12:52 PM (493sH) 646
Every time Dad ordered a new car he instructed the dealer to NOT put on their dealer emblem-badge on the trunk lid of his new car.
One time, they did. He refused the car until they removed it. Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 09, 2017 12:11 PM (PeVdw) Heh. Dealer badges are now highly prized amongst old-car nuts. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 09, 2017 12:53 PM (bG+ug) 647
601 Apple's got this commercial running now where somebody receives a text on their phone that wishes them happy b'day, and ballons or some shit pop up, and the tag line is "Practically Magic".
Is that what that is? I was trying to send a picture of my cat to a friend the other day and some pop-up came up on my iPhone asking of I wanted to send it "loud" or "slam" or "some other thing I don't remember" or "invisible ink" and there was no option for "just send this picture of my dumb silly cat to my friend". Is that not something people do anymore? Posted by: hogmartin at January 09, 2017 12:53 PM (8nWyX) 648
Those rascally racist crackers were even devious enough to write the note in the waitresses' handwriting. The perfidy! Posted by: IllTemperedCur They appropriated her writing style. Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 09, 2017 12:53 PM (IqV8l) 649
And British actors/actresses do better southern accents than American actors/actresses (looking at the cast of The Walking Dead).
Supposedly the modern Southern accent is closer to the Colonial American and contemporary English accent than anything else. Not sure how they determine those things, or how much regional variation they allow for, but I've heard the claim several times from different sources. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 12:54 PM (u0s1P) 650
turn on a light
Posted by: phoenixgirl, Happy Christmas at January 09, 2017 12:54 PM (0O7c5) 651
Posted by: A Walk in the Clouds, sucking. at January 09, 2017 12:40 PM (kVX3W)
That was an excellent movie. Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at January 09, 2017 12:54 PM (/RKWU) 652
If memory serves whoever wrote that about Guinness had him confused with John Gielgud who was busted for "cottaging".
Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 09, 2017 12:50 PM (493sH) That's kind of cheesy. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 12:51 PM (XWkhW) ------ You know my saying in life. Makuna Ricotta !! Posted by: fixerupper at January 09, 2017 12:54 PM (8XRCm) 653
"Heck, I can't think of *one* legit instance of this. It's always shown to be a hoax."
The inspiring "Tip" stories tend to be true I think. But a little harder to find if MSM is where news comes from. Posted by: Willy J. at January 09, 2017 12:54 PM (W6Ch1) 654
And they started a gofundme for her. Such bullshit. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 12:52 PM (2x9LM) ===================== If, by this point, you're unwilling to just wait a couple of days to see if this thing turns into a hoax, then you are begging for anyone to just simply take your money. I can sympathize with someone who got taken in by an early hoax for a few years ago and sent in some cash for the insulted gay waiter. We were still unused to the idea that people who hoax like that, and that the information would be so unreliable. You probably should have been more circumspect, but it's understandable. Now? God no. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 12:54 PM (zdM/+) 655
Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic redneck at January 09, 2017 12:47 PM (JNDQi)
===================== Do all Democratic voters classify as leftists? Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 12:49 PM (zdM/+) Yes. You can sit there and argue "but I'm really just a classic liberal what believes in equal rites and all that tommyrot," but you are electing leftists with your votes. Therefore, even if you don't know it, you're a leftist. Posted by: BurtTC at January 09, 2017 12:55 PM (TOk1P) 656
The Day the Earth Stood Still was a crappy Keanu Reeves movie.
Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at January 09, 2017 12:55 PM (/RKWU) 657
Hey, if we're all deplorable, racist, xenophobic, uneducated, fly over people, then yes. Anyone who votes demoncratic is a leftist.
Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic redneck at January 09, 2017 12:56 PM (JNDQi) 658
Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 12:51 PM (Om16U)
And as I stated above... I OFTEN leave tips in cash, even though I pay with a credit card, especially if its good service.... Posted by: Don Q.... going... hmmmmm.... at January 09, 2017 12:56 PM (qf6WZ) 659
I'll take, 99.9% likely a Fraud, Alex.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 12:38 PM (zdM/+) Fuck that. 100% absolute, iron-clad fraud. Odds on when the fraud will receive the same exposure as the original hoax? Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 09, 2017 12:40 PM (X6fMO) Problem now is that it's going to be almost impossible to prove either way. So the odds are 0 that the fraud will receive the same exposure as the original. Posted by: DoublySymmetric at January 09, 2017 12:42 PM (8hICw) Oh, and you'll love this, the article says there's a fundraising page set up for this now. So that tips it from 99% certain fake to 100% certain. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 12:56 PM (bZbkb) 660
644 Do all democrat voters qualify as leftists?
I guess a % vote dem because they have always voted that way but couldn't say why. That is probably true of the republicans too. Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 12:52 PM (hMqvx) =================== Exactly. And we should welcome these life long Democratic voters (because expelling them isn't an option), and show them how Republicans can be good, welcoming, and heartfelt. But then we should also show them how low taxes, minimal regulation, and a more general live and let live attitude is more advantageous to a growing economy. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 12:57 PM (zdM/+) 661
Why the hell does anyone employ Shaun King aka Talcum X to write about being black?
He is white, his face book page has casserole recipes FFS. Oh & his parents are white too The fucker uses Crest White strips to Tan. Posted by: SchlongStrong at January 09, 2017 12:57 PM (48M9E) 662
Re: Hollywood:
I'll take their moral posturing a lot more seriously when every actor/actress who got where they are by blowing/fucking some producer along the way calls them out, publicly. Until then, they're just a lot of scumbags pretending to be saints. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 09, 2017 12:57 PM (iynDC) 663
In his biography, Alec Guinness: The Unknown, Garry O'Connor reports that Guinness was arrested and fined 10 guineas (£10.50) for a homosexual act in a public lavatory in Liverpool in 1946. Guinness is said to have avoided publicity by giving his name to police and court as "Herbert Pocket", the name of the character he played in Great Expectations. This suggestion was not made until April 2001, eight months after his death when a BBC News article claimed that Guinness was in fact bisexual, and that he had successfully kept his sexuality private from the public eye; only his closest friends and family members knew he had sexual relationships with men.[29] Piers Paul Read, Guinness's official biographer, doubts that this incident actually occurred. He believes that Guinness was confused with John Gielgud, who was notoriously arrested for such an act in 1953.
Posted by: Rick in SK at January 09, 2017 12:57 PM (/CIN4) Posted by: fixerupper at January 09, 2017 12:58 PM (8XRCm) 665
And as I stated above... I OFTEN leave tips in cash, even though I pay with a credit card, especially if its good service....
Posted by: Don Q.... going... hmmmmm.... at January 09, 2017 12:56 PM (qf6WZ) I tip hairdressers with cash. Hubby handles restaurants - he tips by card Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 12:58 PM (Om16U) 666
So the Daily Mail Online takes up the story of the stiffed waitress, turning what is likely a tiny fraud into an international outrage.
Nice work, dicks. BTW, the waitress has a fundme account now up to 320 dollars, 10x the amount of the original bill. Where is the proof? Posted by: OneEyedJack at January 09, 2017 12:58 PM (kKHcp) 667
It's weird to see credentialism turn on its head like that. I'm just Jennifer Lawrence would consider Thomas Sowell an idiot for disagreeing with Paul Krugman.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 10:21 AM (/prE6) I came across an article some years back that cited the educational levels of the current batch of Hollywood stars. The fact is the vast majority of them barely got out of high school, if that. There are a handful who have advanced degrees (James Wood and Peter Weller come to mind), but they are few and far between. And oh yes, it is the uneducated ones who are the flaming lefties who think they are entitled to tell the rest of us what to think. Posted by: The Oort Cloud - No-Longer-Deplorable Source of all SMODs at January 09, 2017 12:59 PM (tHocv) 668
In his biography, Alec Guinness: The Unknown, Garry O'Connor reports that Guinness was arrested and fined 10 guineas (10.50) for a homosexual act in a public lavatory in Liverpool in 1946.
Ten guineas. That's a bargain. Posted by: Oscar Wilde at January 09, 2017 12:59 PM (u0s1P) 669
Why the hell does anyone employ Shaun King aka Talcum X to write about being black?
He is white, his face book page has casserole recipes FFS. Oh & his parents are white too The fucker uses Crest White strips to Tan. Aw shit. Here we go. Behr White paint is darker than Shaun King. Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 12:59 PM (dSqvH) 670
602 Scornful SF exec disses the rest of America. Click bait or real? It's getting so I can't even tell anymore. Posted by: MTF at January 09, 2017 12:37 PM (X4ZNp) No, it's real. The funny thing is she's hardly an image of "fabulous" California herself. When I saw her picture my first thought was "Drew Carey has really let himself go." I'm willing to bet that if she played any sport at all, it was softball and she was, er, real close with her coach. Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at January 09, 2017 01:00 PM (ZM2xo) 671
663 "Guinness was arrested and fined 10 guineas"
_____________________________ Whoa, whoa, whoa! Guineas? You had to go there? Posted by: Caravaggio at January 09, 2017 01:00 PM (4AVeu) 672
665 And as I stated above... I OFTEN leave tips in cash, even though I pay with a credit card, especially if its good service....
Posted by: Don Q.... going... hmmmmm.... at January 09, 2017 12:56 PM (qf6WZ) I tip hairdressers with cash. Hubby handles restaurants - he tips by card Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at January 09, 2017 12:58 PM (Om16U) I tip in cash, with multiple bills... That way the one actually doing the service gets to decide their amount of tip... vice the Manager who often divies it out amongst the entire staff. Posted by: Don Q.... going... hmmmmm.... at January 09, 2017 01:00 PM (qf6WZ) 673
Homophones. Is there anything that they can't do?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 11:17 AM (ZO497) Obamaphones. Hiss dare Annie Singh day Kant dew? Posted by: jwpaine at January 09, 2017 01:00 PM (hoJm7) 674
I came across an article some years back that cited the educational levels of the current batch of Hollywood stars. The fact is the vast majority of them barely got out of high school, if that. There are a handful who have advanced degrees (James Wood and Peter Weller come to mind), but they are few and far between. And oh yes, it is the uneducated ones who are the flaming lefties who think they are entitled to tell the rest of us what to think. Posted by: The Oort Cloud - No-Longer-Deplorable Source of all SMODs at January 09, 2017 12:59 PM (tHocv) And a lot of those advanced degrees are actually MFAs, which is largely just a tacked-on degree for the acting classes that they would already be taking. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 01:00 PM (XWkhW) 675
You, sir made me spit my coffee. Literally choking here. Posted by: fixerupper at January 09, 2017 12:58 PM (8XRCm) _______ You know who also spits their coffee? Shaun "Martin Luther Cream" King Except it's a pumpkin spice soy latte. Drizzled with White Chocolate. And he sips it while binge watching "Charmed". Did I mention he's white? Posted by: SchlongStrong at January 09, 2017 01:01 PM (48M9E) 676
I came across an article some years back that cited the educational levels of the current batch of Hollywood stars. The fact is the vast majority of them barely got out of high school, if that. There are a handful who have advanced degrees (James Wood and Peter Weller come to mind), but they are few and far between. And oh yes, it is the uneducated ones who are the flaming lefties who think they are entitled to tell the rest of us what to think. Posted by: The Oort Cloud - No-Longer-Deplorable Source of all SMODs at January 09, 2017 12:59 PM (tHocv) =================== Is it a huge stretch of the imagination to think that these actors and actresses might consider themselves smarter than they actually are, and are very sensitive about the disparity between their actual intelligence and perceived intelligence? Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 01:01 PM (zdM/+) 677
"here is a copy of the top part ofl receipt on the fundraising page
with the alleged note cut off If you compare the writing on the top half (amount scribbled signature) with the very neat handwriting on the note, they don't seem alike Posted by: Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab " Yep. Hand writing is definite not the same. Meal was paid with a credit card and no tip included Might have been very cheap, inconsiderate customer, very bad service or cash tip was left on the table. No way this is real. Posted by: Ripley at January 09, 2017 01:01 PM (1BQGO) 678
668 In his biography, Alec Guinness: The Unknown, Garry O'Connor reports that Guinness was arrested and fined 10 guineas (10.50) for a homosexual act in a public lavatory in Liverpool in 1946. "
I didn't know that. I do know that he converted to Catholicism at some point and was quite devout, as converts tend to be. Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at January 09, 2017 01:01 PM (ZM2xo) 679
So a bunch of leftists with white guilt will throw money at this dingbats GoFundMe.It's Jill Stein all over.
Posted by: steevy at January 09, 2017 01:01 PM (r/0kC) 680
In his biography, Alec Guinness: The Unknown, Garry O'Connor reports that Guinness was arrested and fined 10 guineas
------------- Now what-a da hell that supposda mean, ah? Posted by: Italian Stereotypes at January 09, 2017 01:01 PM (7HtZB) 681
674 And a lot of those advanced degrees are actually MFAs, which is largely just a tacked-on degree for the acting classes that they would already be taking.
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 01:00 PM (XWkhW) ==================== Peter Weller (Robocop) has a PhD in history. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 01:01 PM (zdM/+) 682
If you compare the writing on the top half (amount & scribbled signature) with the very neat handwriting on the note, they don't seem alike
I didn't want to look into this because these stories are dumb, but you Morons seem to be done with talking about art and movies. First question, why does the Daily Mail even bother printing it. (Oh, click bait, of course, stay with me). Then the NAACP is involved (OK, there's a hook for news coverage). The story is "confirmed" by "restaurant manager" who is also President of anitascorp. So, marketing scam? It's got attention for Anita's. Is that attention he should want? Yes, the handwriting at the bottom is a girl's hand, the scribble in the signature line is worse than mine, which makes it a man's. Anyway, her fundraising page is shut down. Posted by: Bandersnatch, gentleman cad at January 09, 2017 01:02 PM (mgbwf) 683
Look, I live in Austin. I have tried to reason with people who I thought were reasonable. Yeah, I'm a racist for voting for Trump and their kids don't come play with mine anymore for some odd reason. Which is funny being called a racist, for those who have met me IRL which are several now.
Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic redneck at January 09, 2017 01:02 PM (JNDQi) 684
679 So a bunch of leftists with white guilt will throw money at this dingbats GoFundMe.It's Jill Stein all over.
Posted by: steevy at January 09, 2017 01:01 PM (r/0kC) ==================== "Why, no. I'm not. I'm raising money to help us convince John Roberts to give the oath of office to Michelle Obama instead of Trump. We can make this happen! Together!" -Dr. Jill Stein Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 01:03 PM (zdM/+) 685
The local chapter of the NAACP is also spreading the word. Hearing about the incident, restaurant managers said customers are now requesting Carter as their server and tipping generously. They said some are just stopping by to give her hugs and give her money.
Idiots Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 01:03 PM (2x9LM) Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 01:03 PM (RD7QR) 687
Aw shit. Here we go. Behr White paint is darker than Shaun King. Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 12:59 PM (dSqvH) __________ Shaun King blends into Behr white paint like a milkshake in a Styrofoam cup. Posted by: SchlongStrong at January 09, 2017 01:04 PM (48M9E) 688
The frauds will continue as long as the media covers this shit and refuses to cover the bigger stories of the frauds and the consequences that follow.
Posted by: Pepe at January 09, 2017 12:45 PM (tPC7s) It's a simple matter of Incentive vs Disincentive. Right now, the incentive to lie about a Hate Act (getting noticed, martyrdom, SJW cred) is greater than the disincentive (getting caught, shame, shunning). Need a market correction. Posted by: CJ at January 09, 2017 01:04 PM (9KqcB) 689
656 The Day the Earth Stood Still was a crappy Keanu Reeves movie. _____________________________ Yes, but Jennifer Connolly was in it and that's all I'll ever need. Klaatu barada nikto, if you know what I mean. Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 09, 2017 01:04 PM (4AVeu) 690
681 674 And a lot of those advanced degrees are actually MFAs, which is largely just a tacked-on degree for the acting classes that they would already be taking. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 01:00 PM (XWkhW) ==================== Peter Weller (Robocop) has a PhD in history. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 01:01 PM (zdM/+) And he's taught grad-school courses in the subject. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 01:05 PM (XWkhW) 691
"Why, no. I'm not. I'm raising money to help us convince John Roberts to give the oath of office to Michelle Obama instead of Trump. We can make this happen! Together!"
-Dr. Jill Stein Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 01:03 PM (zdM/+) A local talk show host has promised that he's going to debut a "concerned celebrity" parody ad today, "Hide the Bible" where concerned celebrities repeat themselves in demanding that Justice Roberts hide the Bible from Trump at his swearing-in. Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 01:05 PM (7HtZB) 692
656 The Day the Earth Stood Still was a crappy Keanu Reeves movie.
===================== It was actually about 5 movies in one. The part that Keanu was mainly in (the sensationalist disaster movie) was the best. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 01:05 PM (zdM/+) 693
>>Peter Weller (Robocop) has a PhD in history.
We've watched his show on the History channel. Fun to listen to Robocop share his insight on the Roman empire 'n stuff. Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 01:05 PM (NOIQH) 694
In his biography, Alec Guinness: The Unknown, Garry O'Connor reports that Guinness was arrested and fined 10 guineas 10 gerbils would be a better deal. Posted by: Richard Gere at January 09, 2017 01:05 PM (IqV8l) 695
Easy enough to get some guy(a waiter or boyfriend) to scribble the "racist tip note".Such total bullshit.
Posted by: steevy at January 09, 2017 01:05 PM (r/0kC) 696
A local talk show host has promised that he's going to debut a "concerned celebrity" parody ad today, "Hide the Bible" where concerned celebrities repeat themselves in demanding that Justice Roberts hide the Bible from Trump at his swearing-in.
Posted by: josephistan at January 09, 2017 01:05 PM (7HtZB) Maybe they would prefer the Koran in secret like obama is "rumored" to have done... Posted by: deplorable donna at January 09, 2017 01:07 PM (O2RFr) 697
683 Look, I live in Austin. I have tried to reason with people who I thought were reasonable. Yeah, I'm a racist for voting for Trump and their kids don't come play with mine anymore for some odd reason. Which is funny being called a racist, for those who have met me IRL which are several now.
Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic redneck at January 09, 2017 01:02 PM (JNDQi It must be a great burden for Austinites, being the one beacon of enlightenment in the middle of the vast red sea of ignorance called Texas. /sarc I knew a lib from Austin when I lived in DC. He was the only Texan I have ever known who seemed ashamed of Texas. Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at January 09, 2017 01:07 PM (ZM2xo) 698
Peter Weller (Robocop) has a PhD in history. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 01:01 PM (zdM/+) And he's taught grad-school courses in the subject. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 09, 2017 01:05 PM (XWkhW) ___________ Shaun King has history degree in Pure White Baking Soda. He invented it. Posted by: SchlongStrong at January 09, 2017 01:08 PM (48M9E) 699
Heh!! Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic redneck at January 09, 2017 01:08 PM (JNDQi) 700
When I read Streep said "When the powerful use their position to bully others we all lose", I thought she was talking about obama, hillary and lois lerner. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at January 09, 2017 01:08 PM (ODxAs) 701
I tip in cash, with multiple bills...
That way the one actually doing the service gets to decide their amount of tip... vice the Manager who often divies it out amongst the entire staff. Posted by: Don Q.... going... hmmmmm.... at January 09, 2017 01:00 PM (qf6WZ) Tipping with cash also leaves it to their discretion as to whether it goes on their taxes or in their pocket. Posted by: hogmartin at January 09, 2017 01:08 PM (8nWyX) 702
jeez, this thread is now older than the painting that began it
Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 09, 2017 01:09 PM (PNcou) 703
684 679 So a bunch of leftists with white guilt will throw money at this dingbats GoFundMe.It's Jill Stein all over.
Posted by: steevy at January 09, 2017 01:01 PM (r/0kC) And when her scam is exposed, they won't get the money back. Well, fools and their money... Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at January 09, 2017 01:09 PM (ZM2xo) 704
Quarter after 1:00, do you know where your Ewok is?
Posted by: AoSHQ public service announcement at January 09, 2017 01:09 PM (WidQN) 705
I knew a lib from Austin when I lived in DC. He was the only Texan I have ever known who seemed ashamed of Texas.
Glad he got the fuck out. Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 01:09 PM (dSqvH) 706
I didn't know it was against the law to chug a Guinness in the men's room.
Posted by: Dang, drinking a pint in the pool at January 09, 2017 01:10 PM (8b+oT) 707
686 685 Test.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at January 09, 2017 01:03 PM (SEFXb) ___________________________ Who gives tests on Monday? Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 09, 2017 01:10 PM (4AVeu) 708
Riots,looting and killing in Mexico because gasoline is no longer subsidized. Prices went up 20%
And here in the good ol usa we pay taxes on fuel? I wish all I paid was the market price. Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 01:10 PM (hMqvx) 709
Tipping with cash also leaves it to their discretion as to whether it goes on their taxes or in their pocket.
Not any more. 8% of gross sales gets reported as tip income, regardless. Posted by: Bandersnatch, gentleman cad at January 09, 2017 01:10 PM (mgbwf) 710
703 And when her scam is exposed, they won't get the money back.
Well, fools and their money... Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at January 09, 2017 01:09 PM (ZM2xo) ==================== I remember reading about one of these scams that got revealed. The person did return the money in that instance, so there's the possibility. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 01:10 PM (zdM/+) 711
>>>Imagine the outcry if someone made that comment in regard to Obama's election.
Networks would have been running specials from the Birmingham museum housing the Rosa Parks bus. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 09, 2017 11:53 AM (ZO497) Excellent point. Posted by: m at January 09, 2017 01:11 PM (3jGss) 712
Who gives tests on Monday? Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 09, 2017 01:10 PM (4AVeu) ===================== "If you give us $20, we'll make sure that no tests ever get given on Mondays ever again! We'll defeat Trump, and it'll happen!" -Dr. Jill Stein Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 01:11 PM (zdM/+) 713
>>>695 Easy enough to get some guy(a waiter or boyfriend) to scribble the "racist tip note".Such total bullshit.
Posted by: steevy at January 09, 2017 01:05 PM (r/0kC) ______ Shaun King got a racist receipt once. He ordered Steamed Cauliflower, Almond Milk, Boiled white potatoes (peeled b/c the skin wasn't white enough), and a pork chop (the other white meat). Posted by: SchlongStrong at January 09, 2017 01:12 PM (48M9E) 714
656 The Day the Earth Stood Still was a crappy Keanu Reeves movie. _____________________________ Yes, but Jennifer Connolly was in it and that's all I'll ever need. Klaatu barada nikto, if you know what I mean. Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 09, 2017 01:04 PM (4AVeu) Necktie?... Posted by: Ashe at January 09, 2017 01:12 PM (qf6WZ) 715
I am so tied of these folks who have to lie about racist incidents in order to get attention.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 01:14 PM (tOcW/) 716
I remember reading about one of these scams that got revealed. The person did return the money in that instance, so there's the possibility.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 01:10 PM (zdM/+) If it's the one from Jersey she also tried to lie and say she was giving it all to Wounded Warrior. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at January 09, 2017 01:14 PM (2x9LM) 717
715 I am so tied of these folks who have to lie about racist incidents in order to get attention.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 01:14 PM (tOcW/) ===================== "Especially when there are so many real ones. Excuse me, though, I need to go and burn down a black church and spray paint a swastika on it." -BLM activist Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 01:15 PM (zdM/+) 718
They believe reports of racist incidents because they want them to be true.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 09, 2017 01:15 PM (iynDC) 719
Anyway, her fundraising page is shut down.
Posted by: Bandersnatch, gentleman cad at January 09, 2017 01:02 PM (mgbwf) I just went there, seems to be up and running, not shut down. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 01:15 PM (bZbkb) 720
I usually like the Daily Mail, but shame on them for perpetuating this fraud.
Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - Takin' My Time on my Ride at January 09, 2017 01:15 PM (ul9CR) 721
This waitress story is bullshit, a hoax, and now fraud.
Expect none of it to be exposed, of course. The tell is the note. Nobody does that. Just like gangs of whites wearing MAGA hats and shouting Trump! Trump! Trump! while committing some action against a POC/LGBTQWERTY doesn't happen. At this point, what percentage of Americans actually believe this shit anymore, and what percentage consider stories like this to be more proof of who is actually propagating Fake News? Posted by: OneEyedJack at January 09, 2017 01:15 PM (kKHcp) Posted by: steevy at January 09, 2017 01:15 PM (r/0kC) 723
Lauren Cohan, who plays Maggie on The Walking Dead was a spitting image and sounded almost identical to my girlfriend from 7th-11 th grade. Lauren is British.
Posted by: Pepe at January 09, 2017 01:15 PM (tPC7s) 724
Quote from Scornful SF Exec article:
"no educated person wants to live in a sh*thole with stupid people" Believe the problem of sh*t filled sidewalks in SF was discussed last week on the morning thread here, was it not? Yet again, the world continues to follow the pace set by the horde. Posted by: A Walk in the Clouds, sucking. at January 09, 2017 01:16 PM (kVX3W) 725
800 here we come?
Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 01:16 PM (hMqvx) 726
Is it a huge stretch of the imagination to think that these actors and actresses might consider themselves smarter than they actually are, and are very sensitive about the disparity between their actual intelligence and perceived intelligence?
There's also the idea that they feel guilty for not really working for their money, so do-gooder campaigns appeal to them. Or that because they got where they by not doing manual labor, everyone else should be as rich as they are without what we would call "real work." It's like leftard soup. A dash of this, a smidge of that... Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 01:16 PM (u0s1P) 727
In his biography, Alec Guinness: The Unknown, Garry O'Connor reports that Guinness was arrested and fined 10 guineas (10.50) for a homosexual act in a public lavatory in Liverpool in 1946.
Ten guineas. That's a bargain. Posted by: Oscar Wilde at January 09, 2017 12:59 PM (u0s1P) Tell me about it Posted by: Alan Turing at January 09, 2017 01:16 PM (StZrq) 728
And a lot of those advanced degrees are actually MFAs, which is largely just a tacked-on degree for the acting classes that they would already be taking.
Brinke Stevens (best known as an 80's-90's scream queen) has a masters in Marine Biology. Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 09, 2017 01:16 PM (MZcWR) Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - Takin' My Time on my Ride at January 09, 2017 01:16 PM (ul9CR) 730
Hey, lindafell, remember the talk that Texas might go blue in November? Just imagine how excited all those Austin libs got! They must have peed themselves just imagining it. Then y'all went and let them down again.
There was a caller on local public radio who was crying about seeing Wisconsin turn red on the electoral map. It gladdened my heart, but all she could think about was how hard it would be when she flew out to California and NY to see her friends - wouldn't be able to hold her head up... Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at January 09, 2017 01:17 PM (ZM2xo) 731
Quarter after 1:00, do you know where your Ewok is?
Ace's last Tweet was on Saturday. Not sure if that means much. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 01:18 PM (u0s1P) 732
>>>718 They believe reports of racist incidents because they want them to be true.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 09, 2017 01:15 PM (iynDC) ________ See: Rachel Dolezal + Perm + Bronzer See Also: Shaun Talcum X King but too lazy to bother with the perm & bronzer Posted by: SchlongStrong at January 09, 2017 01:18 PM (48M9E) 733
Speaking of frauds, shouldn't this thread be renamed Mid-Afternoon Open Thread?
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at January 09, 2017 01:18 PM (Nwg0u) 734
Somebody n the comments came up with Talcum X months ago.Wish I could remember who.
Posted by: steevy at January 09, 2017 01:19 PM (r/0kC) 735
According to WikiLeaks, the FBI has quietly released documents on a new investigation of Hillary.
No announcement. Hoping it will slip under the radar - best guess - so when they dismiss the investigation, nobody notices. Monday is the new Friday. Posted by: Mr Macca Bean at January 09, 2017 01:19 PM (Gh3fw) 736
726 There's also the idea that they feel guilty for not really working for their money, so do-gooder campaigns appeal to them. Or that because they got where they by not doing manual labor, everyone else should be as rich as they are without what we would call "real work."
It's like leftard soup. A dash of this, a smidge of that... Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 01:16 PM (u0s1P) =================== I can believe it. Also, Hollywood is now a stew of progressiveness beyond regular progressivism. You have to be particularly strong willed and well informed about your own beliefs to move to a place like that and maintain any conservatism. The way Jennifer Lawrence speaks about the general people of Kentucky that she left behind (not specific people...cause they're totally different) is abhorrent. I'm fairly certain she was much less negative towards her neighbors before she left for California. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 01:19 PM (zdM/+) 737
Colorado has gone decidedly blew; I can still hold my head up. What a pussy.
Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 01:20 PM (hMqvx) 738
BTW, the waitress has a fundme account now up to 320 dollars, 10x the amount of the original bill.
Where is the proof? Posted by: OneEyedJack at January 09, 2017 12:58 PM (kKHcp) I wonder if one can make one-cent donations to her gofundme, and then add a snarky comment? Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 09, 2017 01:20 PM (bG+ug) 739
>>>729 Shaun King aka Talcum X
Golf. F'ing. Clap. You are a Great American. Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - Takin' My Time on my Ride at January 09, 2017 01:16 PM (ul9CR) _______ Frosty the Shaun King; Was as white as he could be; And the kids all say he could knit, And crochet just the same as cuz he's a whitey; Posted by: SchlongStrong at January 09, 2017 01:20 PM (48M9E) 740
Speaking of frauds, shouldn't this thread be renamed Mid-Afternoon Open Thread?
we can haz Eternal Open Thread? (Yeah, I know the software doesn't like big numbers.) Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 01:20 PM (u0s1P) 741
Ten guineas. That's a bargain.
Posted by: Oscar Wilde at January 09, 2017 12:59 PM (u0s1P) Tell me about it Posted by: Alan Turing at January 09, 2017 01:16 PM (StZrq) That's why it's good to be the king! Posted by: Richard II (or maybe III, I forget) at January 09, 2017 01:20 PM (bZbkb) 742
Anyway, her fundraising page is shut down.
Posted by: Bandersnatch, gentleman cad at January 09, 2017 01:02 PM (mgbwf) I just went there, seems to be up and running, not shut down. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 Hmm. I swear when I wrote that it said "closed to donations" or somesuch, but you're right that it's open now. Posted by: Bandersnatch, gentleman cad at January 09, 2017 01:20 PM (mgbwf) 743
Well, Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn apparently weren't thrilled with Meryl Streep's speech: Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 01:21 PM (tOcW/) 744
In his biography, Alec Guinness: The Unknown, Garry O'Connor reports that Guinness was arrested and fined 10 guineas (10.50) for a homosexual act in a public lavatory in Liverpool in 1946.
Ten guineas. That's a bargain. Posted by: Oscar Wilde at January 09, 2017 12:59 PM (u0s1P) Tell me about it Posted by: Alan Turing at January 09, 2017 01:16 PM (StZrq) Why didn't he just sue them for making cheap and baseless and disgusting allegations? And then go marry an up and coming starlet. Posted by: Tom Crooz at January 09, 2017 01:21 PM (TOk1P) 745
some time ago there was a norman rockwell painting of guys in a garage listening to a young soldier. the composition was an oval that led you in at the bottom. here the composition is similar, except the oval is horizontal.
nice complementary pictorial relationship demonstrated. well done! Posted by: musical jolly chimp at January 09, 2017 01:21 PM (WTSFk) 746
Drone swarms get a little bit closer:
Posted by: joncelli, Longbow Afficianado and Phalangist at January 09, 2017 01:21 PM (RD7QR) 747
"A Walk in the Clouds, sucking. at January 09, 2017 12:40 PM (kVX3W)
That was an excellent movie." I will agree to disagree with you, sir. Posted by: A Walk in the Clouds, sucking. at January 09, 2017 01:21 PM (kVX3W) 748
I remember when they thought abortion Barbie could beat Abbott. Hahaha......there is a lot of fly over country in Texas and so far it's holding.... Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic redneck at January 09, 2017 01:21 PM (JNDQi) 749
743 Well, Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn apparently weren't thrilled with Meryl Streep's speech: Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 01:21 PM (tOcW/) =================== "We shall destroy them! Kill! Kill! Kill! Not of the body! #LoveTrumpsHate" -Meryl Streep, beacon of humility and charity Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 01:22 PM (zdM/+) 750
Colorado has gone decidedly blew; I can still hold my head up. What a pussy.
- It's just the Denver/Boulder Commie Corridor. Everywhere else we're red as Mao's little book. Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at January 09, 2017 01:22 PM (Nwg0u) 751
All these insults to me are really beyond the pale!!!
Which also happens to be the name of my upcoming autobiography. Posted by: Shaun "Sofa" King white at January 09, 2017 01:22 PM (WidQN) 752
"You know my saying in life.
Makuna Ricotta !!" Gads, curd your loins everyone- the cheese puns are coming. Posted by: A Walk in the Clouds, sucking. at January 09, 2017 01:22 PM (kVX3W) 753
>>>725 800 here we come?
Posted by: USNtakim at January 09, 2017 01:16 PM (hMqvx) ______ I Dreamed of an 800+ Open thread. Maybe we'll get it Shaun King Dreamed of a White Christmas, and all he had to do was look in the mirror. Posted by: SchlongStrong at January 09, 2017 01:22 PM (48M9E) 754
nood filler
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at January 09, 2017 01:23 PM (bZbkb) 755
Posted by: Duke Lowell at January 09, 2017 01:23 PM (kTF2Z) 756
Speaking of frauds, shouldn't this thread be renamed Mid-Afternoon Open Thread?
I prefer the open threads. I love Ace, but a lot of his posts are about the utter lunacy of the left and / or the treason of our political class and God knows I'm feeling lousy enough these days. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 09, 2017 01:23 PM (X6fMO) 757
"Peter Weller (Robocop) has a PhD in history. "
Have seen him host a show or two on the History channel- good stuff. Posted by: A Walk in the Clouds, sucking. at January 09, 2017 01:23 PM (kVX3W) 758
748 Donna,
I remember when they thought abortion Barbie could beat Abbott. Hahaha......there is a lot of fly over country in Texas and so far it's holding.... Posted by: lindafell de spair deplorable xenophobic redneck at January 09, 2017 01:21 PM (JNDQi) ==================== That's not all that made it funny. It's that they poured millions of dollars into her campaign. She had Hollywood behind her. And yet, she still finished behind the last sacrificial lamb of a Democrat against Rick Perry. I think they should do that in South Carolina too. Pour millions of dollars into defeating Tim Scott for Senate. Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 09, 2017 01:23 PM (zdM/+) 759
>>The way Jennifer Lawrence speaks about the general people of Kentucky
that she left behind (not specific people...cause they're totally different) is abhorrent. I'm fairly certain she was much less negative towards her neighbors before she left for California. Lawrence moved to Hollywood and became good friends with Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer. That's when she started getting all third wave feminist screedy in her interviews. Posted by: Lizzy at January 09, 2017 01:24 PM (NOIQH) 760
Well, Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn apparently weren't thrilled with Meryl Streep's speech: Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 09, 2017 01:21 PM (tOcW/) Best line from the Post article linked this morning: "Yes, Hollowwood, because that's what Americans are most concerned about right now, that Trump might deport Amy Adams and Natalie Portman." Posted by: BurtTC at January 09, 2017 01:24 PM (TOk1P) 761
... you should make more of these related paintings for us to decipher. it's fun!
Posted by: musical jolly chimp at January 09, 2017 01:24 PM (WTSFk) 762
Similar thing happened to Michelle Obama. Somebody assumed she was a waitress when she went to a restaurant with Barack. So they decided to not tip her because she is black. They also scribbled a note on the receipt and handed it to her, on the way out. After asking her husband to bring the car around.
Happens all the time. Posted by: Ripley at January 09, 2017 01:24 PM (1BQGO) 763
"There's a sucker born every minute"
Posted by: P.T. Barnum at January 09, 2017 01:25 PM (W6Ch1) 764
>>>751 All these insults to me are really beyond the pale!!!
Which also happens to be the name of my upcoming autobiography. Posted by: Shaun "Sofa" King white at January 09, 2017 01:22 PM (WidQN) Pale like a Polar bear in a marshmallow factory during a fog Posted by: SchlongStrong at January 09, 2017 01:25 PM (48M9E) 765
Happens all the time.
Also similar events at Targets. I wonder why she goes back, with all the racists assuming she works there. Posted by: Lance McCormick at January 09, 2017 01:26 PM (u0s1P) Posted by: I R A Darth Aggie at January 09, 2017 01:27 PM (1hM1d) 767
The way Jennifer Lawrence speaks about the general people of Kentucky that she left behind (not specific people...cause they're totally different) is abhorrent. I'm fairly certain she was much less negative towards her neighbors before she left for California.
Maybe that's why she had to GTFO? Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 01:27 PM (dSqvH) 768
All these insults to me are really beyond the pale!!!
Which also happens to be the name of my upcoming autobiography. Posted by: Shaun "Sofa" King white at January 09, 2017 01:22 PM (WidQN) Pale like a Polar bear in a marshmallow factory during a fog Posted by: SchlongStrong at January 09, 2017 01:25 PM I think whoever coined the name "Talcum X" nailed it. Posted by: RedMindBlueState at January 09, 2017 01:27 PM (p+Wdc) 769
Nood. 50 comments in.
Posted by: rickb223 at January 09, 2017 01:30 PM (dSqvH) 770
>>>532 I don't know what you mean. Example?
Posted by: m at January 09, 2017 12:03 PM (3jGss) ----- Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 09, 2017 12:15 PM (xeeHA) That was wild. Posted by: m at January 09, 2017 01:42 PM (3jGss) 771
Yeah and Myrtle Strep throat can't sing worth Syphilis
Posted by: saf at January 09, 2017 03:03 PM (+zN6H) Processing 0.1, elapsed 0.1204 seconds. |
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