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Leftists Ruin Everything, Including Childhood [Warden]

I'm seeing posts like this all over Twitter.

It's bad enough that progressives put this kind of irrational fear into their children, worse how they then wave their kid's wholly unnecessary trauma around like some sort of badge of honor.

"See? My kid is SCARED! Are you HAPPY, Trump voters?"

Eat shit and go fuck yourself simultaneously. Your child freaking out over a completely valid election result has nothing to do with me, with "hate", or with America being an awful place. No, it has everything to do with your own emotionally instability and terrible parenting.

This behavior you're describing is abnormally neurotic and wholly inflicted by YOU as a result of your spiritual emptiness, your need for a bit of drama to spice up this soft, meaningless life you're living, and your complete inability to control your shrieking hysterics in the face of even the most minor of setbacks.

Here's a question: When did it become okay in this country for so-called adults to exhibit roughly zero self control in public or in front of their children at home? Have any of these primal scream addicted ninnies considered that embracing and amplifying every last emotional impulse is not a healthy thing for them or for our civil society?


As my wife commented to me today about many of her political tantrum throwing friends on Facebook, "My God. Control your shit!"

Yeah. Maybe pause and walk away for awhile. Read something having nothing to do with politics. Calm down. Consider. Reflect. And choose to face life as an adult instead of letting your juvenile, knee-jerk reactions run your life while damaging your marriage, your children and all the relationships you hold dear.

There's a difference between thinking about something deeply and letting that thing own your thoughts.

Edit: Loved this enough to pull it into the post.

Trumphausen by Proxy - when parents instill in their children irrational fears to garner sympathy and attention for themselves.

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 10, 2016 09:20 PM (HgtNw)

If you don't get the reference, it's Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, which is when a parent deliberately makes her kid sick to garner sympathy and attention.

Posted by: Open Blogger at 08:50 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Unfrikkin believable

Posted by: deplorable donna at November 10, 2016 08:53 PM (O2RFr)

2 firstish?

Posted by: Gushka Can Has Kittehs what plays fetch! at November 10, 2016 08:53 PM (YhV5r)

3 No wonder liberals are anti-gun. I wouldn't want these 30-year-old toddlers to have a gun, either.

Posted by: Socratease at November 10, 2016 08:53 PM (FqHs5)

4 Whitelash got my kids shaking like a dog shitting peach pits! I demand compensation!

Posted by: Van Jones at November 10, 2016 08:54 PM (FXW24)

5 My 7 yr old granddaughter called me at 6 am Wed morning and screamed " Grandma Trump won!! I voted for him at school yesterday"

Posted by: Molly k. at November 10, 2016 08:55 PM (I3mrR)

6 I have people who inflict their adult world on children by oversharing grown up concerns in front of them. Its called "Emotional incest" its a thing and does real damage. Fucked up people make fucked up youngsters. Little guys need to be protected, they were never ever meant to be your best friend. Thats your SPOUSE. remember those? oh i forgot. you wanted MORE.

now you are left turning to your kids for comfort and freaking them out because that is what you are supposed to do for THEM.

Posted by: Gushka Can Has Kittehs what plays fetch! at November 10, 2016 08:56 PM (YhV5r)

7 Again, we are living in hilariously cray times, my flying monkeys.

This just in: Bill Peyronie's Clinton called our President Elect to wish him well...and, my addition, to "volunteer to train interns in bj's as that "is" not sex."

I want heads on pikes. I want to go for broke and utterly destroy Dims and their socialist satanic views. Screw 'em. Since when were they delicate with my feelings in 08 and 2012. I was just not a delicate snowflake and defended myself with my sarcasm.

Hey, Dims and liberal snowflakes: Bite moi.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky,Deplorable Infidel Queen at November 10, 2016 08:56 PM (Cx8BK)

8 As someone told Jane D'oh on the last thread, show 'em the picture of Elian Gonzales being deported by armed agents.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 10, 2016 08:57 PM (WrQfI)

9 My mother volunteers at an elementary school that is predominately Hispanic. She told me over the past few days there have been many scared children, some actually crying, because they think that their parents are going to be taken away. They are getting this idea from their parents. It's despicable to do this to your children with lies.

Posted by: Mark1971 at November 10, 2016 08:57 PM (gdnq1)

10 Just wrote stop sending children to public leftist seminaries

Posted by: Skip voted deplorable at November 10, 2016 08:58 PM (GH68B)

You raise a generation of forever children that are all told they're special and everybody gets a trophy, and is what you end up with.

Not surprising, as such.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at November 10, 2016 08:59 PM (kdS6q)

12 When I was six, I knew nothing about politics or the President or any of that shit. And Jimmah Carter was in charge. And I had Republican parents.

Ain't nobody's fault but the parents'. A modern form of Munchausen's Syndrome.

Posted by: @DangerGirl ( and her 1.21 Gigawatt SanityProd (tm) at November 10, 2016 08:59 PM (+eR2D)

13 The feminization of the nation is to blame for this.

NYC Values spun through ads and the MSM are destroying the country.

If you were from outer space and watched TV ads you would assume that half the nation was Black and that all males in the country were idiots or ghey.

All doctors are women or Black or both, and no husband can figure out how to change a light bulb

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 10, 2016 08:59 PM (oqezO)

14 My 10 year old came home and said his Indian friends were worried they'd be deported if Trump won.

Their parents are legal citizens working in technology, living in beautiful homes twice the square footage of mine.


Posted by: Warden at November 10, 2016 09:00 PM (MZ8Zz)

15 Self absorbed narcissistic pussies, they and their ilk can all burn in their bonfires they lit.

Posted by: Gmac- Deplorable forever 'All politics in this country now is dress-rehearsal for civil war' at November 10, 2016 09:00 PM (OzPYw)

16 When I was 8 or 9 I was still in too much of a sugar freakout to give a shit who won the election. Kids should be kids, not junior politicos. School had pledge of allegiance on the wall and a picture of the president but I couldn't have rationally discussed a single fucking issue. Guess what - 8 year old still can't.

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at November 10, 2016 09:00 PM (upinl)

17 I can't say I have met many, but I think every home schooled kid I have has seemed to be the most upstanding young people.

Posted by: Skip voted deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:00 PM (GH68B)

18 I was a young child when Carter was president. I knew who he was. I wasn't frightened though. I just thought he was a doofus.

Posted by: Mark1971 at November 10, 2016 09:01 PM (gdnq1)

19 I am astonished about the amount of rage about this election out there. You would have thought we had an embassy ransacked, and the ambassador murdered or something.

Posted by: Jacob's Step Stool at November 10, 2016 09:01 PM (D7XV7)

20 Kelly is now feminazi every night. It always women this women that

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 10, 2016 09:02 PM (oqezO)

21 As always, warden brings the sense to family issues.

These people are incompetent babies, and they're not embarrassed to show it. WTF? Do I have to be embarrassed for them?

Posted by: stace at November 10, 2016 09:02 PM (ozZau)

22 Please stop scaring your children!

Shit, parents in the middle of bombing raids have been more reassuring than these idiots.

Posted by: Lea at November 10, 2016 09:02 PM (vmMMi)

23 It's not those kids' fault that their parents are here illegally. It's too bad that they have to go back to their home country. I really don't care though. Lots of things are too bad.

Posted by: freaked at November 10, 2016 09:03 PM (BO/km)

24 I made the grave mistake at looking at my wife's Facebook page yesterday (I don't have one because fuck Facebook) and saw this bullshit from some people I liked until roughly 38 hours ago. One couple were caterwauling about how they have to tell their daughter about misogyny and racism and all this other bullshit. Their kid is in first grade. If these twats' children are in tears about Trump, is because they have poisoned the child's mind with their hysterical he bitch squawking.

Come on alien invasion, you punch of green skinned pussies. Get it over with.

Posted by: UGAdawg at November 10, 2016 09:03 PM (HL3BI)

25 Haw! On Pedophile Isle children have no fear. Touching, cuddling and special time ensure calm and compliance. No Trump bogey man on our virgin shores!

Posted by: Bill in Chappaqua at November 10, 2016 09:03 PM (FXW24)

26 How about from here on out Anti-Trump "protests" be called "anti-democracy".

Posted by: Mr. Feverhead at November 10, 2016 09:03 PM (j1Wvr)

27 Triggly Puff has become legion.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 10, 2016 09:03 PM (J+eG2)

28 My daughter is 6. She came home from school asking if Trump is a bad man, because someone had told her that he runs around shooting brown and black people. We reassured her, that it's not true. We were laughing, and explained that whoever she learned that from needs to check their facts.

Libs are always trying to infect their own kids with stupid lies, and thoughtless radical left absurdity. I'd kind of like it if they would just stay the hell away from everyone else's kids.

I'll just go ahead and teach mine rational thought instead. Thanks.

Posted by: brando at November 10, 2016 09:04 PM (VIyER)

29 They don't think they feel.

Ummm....since Trump is now President is it ok to like football again in here?

Just askin.

Posted by: eleven at November 10, 2016 09:04 PM (qUNWi)

30 Anyone remember I think a ONT on third spoken languages in their area or state? Indian was it in Pennsylvania. Back in summer I was riding my bike through a nearby development of nice single family homes. There are a lot of Indian families there. Lots.

Posted by: Skip voted deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:04 PM (GH68B)

31 Just imagine all the moral busybody discussion topics the lefties can come up with to ruin Thanksgiving this year!

Posted by: Trump 2016! -- Yuuuger than SMOD at November 10, 2016 09:04 PM (Tnmav)

32 You raise a generation of forever children that are all told they're special and everybody gets a trophy, and is what you end up with.
Not surprising, as such.
Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at November 10, 2016 08:59 PM (kdS6q)

Yup...there it is. "Forever Children". Children should be seen and not heard.

I don't give a damn what most adults think let alone the chilluns.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at November 10, 2016 09:04 PM (ej1L0)

33 I'd be more scared that these were my parents then I would be of Trump.

Posted by: tu3031 at November 10, 2016 09:05 PM (qJhUV)

34 Parenting: FAIL

Posted by: teh Wind at November 10, 2016 09:06 PM (x2bNT)

35 My gerbils are scared! Trump is like that Nazi guy - Josef Gerbils!

Posted by: Richard Gere at November 10, 2016 09:06 PM (FXW24)

36 "It's not those kids' fault that their parents are here illegally."

And their parents are exploiting one of this country's dumbest laws. Pregnant Mexican women will come to a border checkpoint like El Paso or Nogales, AZ when they're in labor, knowing US Customs Officers will render aid and drive them to a hospital in the US. They do this because their kid is now a US citizen and can go to school in El Paso and petition for his parents' green card when he's 18. It's lunacy that we allow that.

Posted by: UGAdawg at November 10, 2016 09:07 PM (HL3BI)

37 Go see Bob Owen 's Bearing Arms on 5 laws Trump can pass immediately.

Posted by: Skip voted deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:07 PM (GH68B)

38 All doctors are women or Black or both, and no husband can figure out how to change a light bulb
Posted by: Nip Sip at November 10, 2016 08:59 PM (oqezO)

Well the last one fits us. My husband has changed maybe three light bulbs in 28 years of marriage.
I remember once standing on a chair changing a bulb in the hall, 7 months pregnant, and he walked by and said "be careful!" But I didn't dump him.

Posted by: stace at November 10, 2016 09:08 PM (ozZau)

39 Sure are a lot of pussified kids being shat out upon the economy by the left, eh? Scared of Trump? They should be scared of their parents. And teachers.

Posted by: Eromero at November 10, 2016 09:08 PM (zLDYs)

40 Oh your children are scared. Well why didn't you say so?!?!

Fuck off!!

But,but we gonna die from climate change!!

Fuck off!!

Racist, homophobic, myso......

Fuck off!!

Posted by: Drider at November 10, 2016 09:08 PM (6Xbsz)

41 "My God. Control your shit!" - I need this in bumper sticker format.

Posted by: The Emperor Cletus Augustus at November 10, 2016 09:08 PM (EeT+7)

42 28
My daughter is 6. She came home from school asking if Trump is a bad
man, because someone had told her that he runs around shooting brown and
black people. We reassured her, that it's not true. We were
laughing, and explained that whoever she learned that from needs to
check their facts.

Libs are always trying to infect their own kids with stupid lies,
and thoughtless radical left absurdity. I'd kind of like it if they
would just stay the hell away from everyone else's kids.

I'll just go ahead and teach mine rational thought instead. Thanks.

Posted by: brando at November 10, 2016 09:04 PM (VIyER)

Don't be too sure it wasn't her teacher.

Posted by: Tami...Powering through being a deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:08 PM (Enq6K)

43 Come on alien invasion, you punch of green skinned pussies. Get it over with.
Posted by: UGAdawg at November 10, 2016 09:03 PM (HL3BI)


Try this one I had on FB yesterday... 51 year old friend crying about the fact she is still young enough to get pregnant and what is she going to do come January when Trump takes away her free birth control. Her husband and her are very financially secure.

Posted by: Molly k. at November 10, 2016 09:09 PM (I3mrR)

44 The old classic -

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at November 10, 2016 09:09 PM (upinl)

45 You know, I really, really, don't know how to talk to these people. In an earlier age, Darwin would have flushed them from the system.

They live in a separate, undefined, non-reality where thought and deed are perceived to be coincident.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 10, 2016 09:09 PM (kCDOM)

46 "and he walked by and said "be careful!" But I didn't dump him."

A thoughtful husband, clearly concerned for your safety is hard to find.

Goo thing you held onto him.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 10, 2016 09:09 PM (J+eG2)

47 You might have to toughen a kid up early in a 3rd world country to face the realities of life.

But this is a 1st world country. After providing food, shelter and clothing your primary responsibility to young children is to make them feel loved and safe.

My kids are 5 and 10. We shield them from many harsh realities of the adult world and try to keep their world as fun and magical as possible.

We never talk politics at home in front of them. Or didn't, until recently when my 10 year old came home filled with misinformation and questions.

Even then, we kept our conversation brief and simple. We did let him watch the debates (sent him out of the room until the pussy-grab stuff was over) because he was interested, but even then provided no commentary or cheerleading.

I will let his values drive his politics.

Christ, family, values.

Posted by: Warden at November 10, 2016 09:10 PM (MZ8Zz)

48 Like Cesar Milan teaches dog owners - you have to be a calm, assertive pack leader.

Same thing with being a parent.

If you panic, the kid panics.

Posted by: @Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at November 10, 2016 09:10 PM (Om16U)

49 Famous leftist once sang:

Hush now, baby, baby, don't you cry
Mama's gonna make all of your nightmares come true
Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you
Mama's gonna keep you right here under her wing
She won't let you fly but she might let you sing
Mama's gonna keep baby cozy and warm

Posted by: Mr. Feverhead at November 10, 2016 09:10 PM (j1Wvr)

50 Goo=Good

F'n auto-cucumber

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 10, 2016 09:11 PM (J+eG2)

51 Try this one I had on FB yesterday... 51 year old
friend crying about the fact she is still young enough to get pregnant
and what is she going to do come January when Trump takes away her free
birth control. Her husband and her are very financially secure.

Posted by: Molly k. at November 10, 2016 09:09 PM (I3mrR)

My response would have been "Buy it yourself, bitch."
I'm reassuring like that.

Posted by: Tami...Powering through being a deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:11 PM (Enq6K)

52 My diary, November 10, 2016, Second day of New America:

Today the media did not show me a hideous photo of Hilz' gaping, diseased maw cackling...and her wicked arthritic, crooked finger pointing to imaginary friends in her rally of tens... during a fit of tertiary syphilis bobble-headed wonky-eye.

Thank you, God, for this day.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky,Deplorable Infidel Queen at November 10, 2016 09:11 PM (Cx8BK)

53 Oh your children are scared. Well why didn't you say so?!?!

Fuck off!!

But,but we gonna die from climate change!!

Fuck off!!

Racist, homophobic, myso......

Fuck off!!
Posted by: Drider

Newsletter? It should be pretty easy to produce.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 10, 2016 09:11 PM (kCDOM)

54 When I was a kid I was oblivious as to who was president. I guess my mom and dad failed to how it was important to my upbringing. As a matter of fact I don't remember them talking about politics around us. I vaguely remember becoming aware of things political when Nixon ran against Kennedy but I can't say I spent any time thinking about it. I was too wrapped up in being a kid and doing kid things.

Posted by: Tuna at November 10, 2016 09:11 PM (JSovD)

55 I just finished a text conversation with my gay daughter where she claimed that every lesbian she knows has been raped by a man for being a lesbian.

I just let it go, it was so ridiculous.

They are just making up the dumbest crap and passing it around as established fact.

No wonder they are liberals, they are in capable of dealing with anything in any manner other than emotionally.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at November 10, 2016 09:11 PM (wfDW1)

56 My 9yo already knows whose parents are Democrats, he asked if they are going to confession for voting for Hilary.

Posted by: Jean at November 10, 2016 09:12 PM (++ihI)

57 Watching the overgrown babies screaming and burning flags on the streets, it struck me that these ninnies don't consider their actions futile - they think they will work and they can actually overturn the results of a lawful election if they scream loudly enough.

It worked for them as children. It works for them on college campuses - all they have to do when Milo shows up, or someone wants a separate bathroom for transexual left-handed Maoists or doesn't want to read a classic because it was written by a white man of privilege is scream and march and the administration caves like their nannies did when they screamed for more chocolate chip cookies.

That is their default way of dealing with reversals and differences in opinion. Scream, swear, cry, bully, shame. And they're so stupid they think that what works at Commie U is going to work in the country as a whole.

Posted by: Donna&&&&V(deplorably brandishing ampersands&&&&and so there at November 10, 2016 09:12 PM (P8951)

58 I thought "Forever Children" was Spinal Tap's best work.

Posted by: tu3031 at November 10, 2016 09:12 PM (qJhUV)

59 You know, I really, really, don't know how to talk to these people. In an earlier age, Darwin would have flushed them from the system.

They live in a separate, undefined, non-reality where thought and deed are perceived to be coincident.

I'm going to paraphrase an old Simpons episode:

Little American flags for some, mood altering psychotropic drugs for others!

Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at November 10, 2016 09:12 PM (hqqM5)

60 I think this is all projection and lies. How do we know any of this is true?

Normal parents go to great lengths to protect their children from unpleasantness. If what they say is true, these people terrorise their own children. How is this not child abuse?

Posted by: Decaf at November 10, 2016 09:12 PM (nogKi)

61 Trump is under performing in the rural areas, once the cities come in it'll be over. Time to slit wrists.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at November 10, 2016 09:12 PM (BS8yt)


Parenting and public educational institutions are the culprits.

So much for "It's for the children!" bs

They always lie. Children are merely props.

The Federalist has a piece about this, although it's not a terrific read, but same topic.

Brainwashing Your Kids About Politics Is Not Healthy Or Cute

I'm not going to discuss hypothetical election fallout with people who wear Ninja Turtle PJs to bed. Neither should you.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 10, 2016 09:13 PM (qCMvj)

63 Take what these SJWs say to their kids. What the BLMers say to their kids. What the hard line regressive left tell their kids and have their kids parrot for the cameras.

Then reverse the race/gender/social trend and have a white factory worker say it with THEIR kid. See how long it takes for the media to start screaming "KKK!" and "Child Abuse!" and "Hate Speech!"

"Fuck them. War."
--Andrew Brietbart

Posted by: Captain Comic at November 10, 2016 09:13 PM (WVYgu)

64 Try this one I had on FB yesterday... 51 year old
friend crying about the fact she is still young enough to get pregnant
and what is she going to do come January when Trump takes away her free
birth control.

How about, "Tell me why I should be paying for you and your husband's play time."

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 10, 2016 09:13 PM (kCDOM)

65 Leftists make everything ugly.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 10, 2016 09:14 PM (0F67M)

66 I was involved in politics early on, not because my parents wanted to scare me, but because it was the dominant topic whenever they talked to either set of grandparents. The first questions my mom asked me yesterday was if I had worked the DD and when did we know PA was going to go for Trump? I was never scared about political stuff as a kid, and if "we" lost on election night, we just prayed harder. I wish all these liberals had that kind of peace.

Posted by: pookysgirl at November 10, 2016 09:14 PM (ar2KI)

67 When I was growing up there were two questions that neither parent would answer. #1 Who are you voting for?
#2 How much money does Dad make. I think i grew up with good parents who instinctively knew that as a child I did not need to know this. Thanks, Mom and Dad~

Posted by: areswomen at November 10, 2016 09:14 PM (Rx2dv)

68 I'm scared I'll run out of vodka! Huma! where is that girl? Huma!

Posted by: Hillary at November 10, 2016 09:14 PM (FXW24)

69 Control your shit!

Nobody wants to see a world where I lose my shit.

Wait that sounds like a MUMR rewrite.

Posted by: DaveA at November 10, 2016 09:14 PM (8J/Te)

Normal parents go to great lengths to protect their children from unpleasantness.
There's your problem.

"Normal parents."

These are not "normal parents."

They are liberals who were stupid enough to breed and, because of their own endless list of incurable personality disorders, are now emotionally abusing their children.

Who then grow up to be incredibly effed up pseudo adults.

/Ancient Aliens, save us from these idiots!

Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at November 10, 2016 09:14 PM (hqqM5)

71 Whatever the hell happened to parents and grandparents who feel they have a responsibility to protect and care for their children and grandchildren. I mean sheep dogs who will face troubling times while guarding the hearts and minds of their children.
These idiots make a good case for sterilization.

Posted by: Northernlurker at November 10, 2016 09:15 PM (hJrjt)

72 Scaring children and weak minded adults was 95% of the Hillary campaign. So it stands to reason those people's fear will keep going after the election.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at November 10, 2016 09:15 PM (BS8yt)

73 I'm going to have to go with Fen's Law here. They are lying, each and every one of them, completely and constantly.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 10, 2016 09:15 PM (0F67M)

74 Try this one I had on FB yesterday... 51 year old
friend crying about the fact she is still young enough to get pregnant
and what is she going to do come January when Trump takes away her free
birth control.

She can be celibate.

Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at November 10, 2016 09:16 PM (hqqM5)

75 Eat shit and go fuck yourself simultaneously. Your child freaking out over a completely valid election result has nothing to do with me, with "hate", or with America being an awful place. No, it has everything to do with your own emotionally instability and terrible parenting.

True words. Sad, but true. And they are the future.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at November 10, 2016 09:16 PM (+DiO8)

76 I have people who inflict their adult world on children by oversharing grown up concerns in front of them. Its called "Emotional incest" its a thing and does real damage. Fucked up people make fucked up youngsters. Little guys need to be protected, they were never ever meant to be your best friend. Thats your SPOUSE. remember those? oh i forgot. you wanted MORE.

now you are left turning to your kids for comfort and freaking them out because that is what you are supposed to do for THEM.
Posted by: Gushka Can Has Kittehs what plays fetch! at November 10, 2016 08:56 PM (YhV5r)

This has been bugging me for a very long time. Ever since they started showing kids smarter than adults in tv commercials, then tv shows, movies, etc.

Then kids were given rights against their parents.

Then you see college age kids (really adults) suing their parents for tuition.

Kids are kids with kid minds.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 10, 2016 09:16 PM (qCMvj)

77 There's a medical term for what these parents are doing: Munchausen Syndrome.

Posted by: Decaf at November 10, 2016 09:16 PM (nogKi)

78 I vaguely remember becoming aware of things political when Nixon ran against Kennedy but I can't say I spent any time thinking about it. I was too wrapped up in being a kid and doing kid things.
Posted by: Tuna

On Tuesday, I wore my "I Like Ike" button.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 10, 2016 09:16 PM (kCDOM)

79 Parents used to tell their kids scary stories to keep them in line. Maybe this is just a modern "Water Horse" myth designed to keep their kids away from conservatism.

Posted by: freaked at November 10, 2016 09:16 PM (BO/km)

80 I'm going to have to go with Fen's Law here. They are lying, each and every one of them, completely and constantly.

Yeah I don't really buy it.

Posted by: eleven at November 10, 2016 09:17 PM (qUNWi)

81 And apropos of nothing, anyone who doesn't agree that Dirk Gently is the most bizarre and enjoyable show currently available online sucks cock by choice.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 10, 2016 09:17 PM (0F67M)

82 Brownies up 7 -- 3.

Posted by: eleven at November 10, 2016 09:17 PM (qUNWi)

83 Scaring children and weak minded adults was 95% of the Hillary campaign.

And there is your democratic base.

Scared children and weak minded adults.

Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at November 10, 2016 09:17 PM (hqqM5)

84 You know. Like the boogie man. Don't go out in to the woods you might not come back.

Posted by: freaked at November 10, 2016 09:17 PM (BO/km)

85 "She can be celibate. "

She can take it in the squeak hole as well.

Learn to swallow?

Lots of potential solutions that don't involve my wallet.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 10, 2016 09:18 PM (J+eG2)

86 I have a few friends and a few of them are on Facepalm. But they ain't my "friends on Facepalm". There is no such animal.

Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at November 10, 2016 09:18 PM (Rf6p0)


5-year old minds raising kids

Not a good combination.

night all

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 10, 2016 09:18 PM (qCMvj)

88 and there, hanging from the door, was ... a hook!

Posted by: Just the Punchline at November 10, 2016 09:18 PM (0F67M)

89 This shit is making me crazy.

Posted by: Lauren at November 10, 2016 09:18 PM (8X6J9)

90 Try this one I had on FB yesterday... 51 year old friend crying about the fact she is still young enough to get pregnant and what is she going to do come January when Trump takes away her free birth control. Her husband and her are very financially secure.
Posted by: Molly k. at November 10, 2016 09:09 PM (I3mrR)

Excuse me, while I suppose it's technically possible if she hasn't hit menopause, the chances of a 51 year old conceiving are - what? Fertility takes a big dive after 30 - how many 51 year olds do you see walking around preggers?

Posted by: Donna&&&&V(deplorably brandishing ampersands&&&&and so there at November 10, 2016 09:18 PM (P8951)

91 And apropos of nothing, anyone who doesn't agree that Dirk Gently is the most bizarre and enjoyable show currently available online sucks cock by choice.

Two awesome books by Adams.

Posted by: eleven at November 10, 2016 09:18 PM (qUNWi)

92 My wife thinks this is actually a form of child abuse. When we met, she was a lib just starting to come to her senses. She told me that this was her biggest problem with them - the way they used their children as a means of signalling their political virtue. (I showed her a P J O'Rourke column, and the cure had begun.)

Posted by: George at November 10, 2016 09:19 PM (+TcCF)

93 Fuck the children.

Well, the little boys at least.

Posted by: Harry Reid at November 10, 2016 09:19 PM (6ToNi)

94 So glad I got rid of twitter. What a sesspool of stupid.

Posted by: the deplorable chiefjaybob, who hates everyone at November 10, 2016 09:19 PM (G2Sc9)

95 In other words you're a deplorable and irresponsible parent. Eat shit and die for politicizing a 7 year old.

Posted by: Nigel West Dickens at November 10, 2016 09:19 PM (FqgrG)

96 You know. Like the boogie man. Don't go out in to the woods you might not come back.

Posted by: freaked at November 10, 2016 09:17 PM

Blame it on the Boogie.

Posted by: zombie michael jackson at November 10, 2016 09:19 PM (lmIoG)

97 It's not about raising happy kids. it's about raising little clones of yourself to boost your fragile ego and reinforce your feelz and your sadz

Posted by: brak at November 10, 2016 09:19 PM (guIHw)

98 Trump scares children. Clinton scares adults. Adults vote.

Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at November 10, 2016 09:19 PM (Rf6p0)

99 Tell the 51 yr old to get over her birth control fears. I doubt her old eggs are fertile. For her pittance for birth control pills she can sacrifice the $ for her box of whine...oops, wine.

Note: my husband is watching that skank MeAgain. I note she is wearing clothing vs swimsuit. Changing times? Amish vote that put Pennsylvania over the top? End of world?

Posted by: ChristyBlinky,Deplorable Infidel Queen at November 10, 2016 09:19 PM (Cx8BK)


Kinda like how Palestinian kids are "scared" of Israelis.

They're so "scared" they want to go out an kill 'em! Because that's what "scared" children do.

Posted by: Soothie at November 10, 2016 09:19 PM (suql3)

101 Do we have time?!?

Posted by: Just the Punchline at November 10, 2016 09:19 PM (0F67M)

102 "My 7 yr old granddaughter called me at 6 am Wed morning and screamed " Grandma Trump won!! I voted for him at school yesterday"
Posted by: Molly k. at November 10, 2016 08:55 PM (I3mrR)"


Molly k. congrats on having such a smart granddaughter.

Posted by: Decaf at November 10, 2016 09:19 PM (nogKi)

103 So a new entry in the lexicon of mental illness?

Trumphausen by Proxy - when parents instill in their children irrational fears to garner sympathy and attention for themselves.

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 10, 2016 09:20 PM (HgtNw)

104 My kids concern level over president Trump? Zero. And I voted for a random prolife protest candidate.

Posted by: Lauren at November 10, 2016 09:20 PM (8X6J9)


This was a Very Special Rant.

Excellent work , sir!

Consider it stolen.

Posted by: Mortimer, negative, dark, divisive and deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:20 PM (zu88C)

106 I'm sorry I made you inflict your irrational paranoia on your prop children.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at November 10, 2016 09:20 PM (3hIZX)

107 80

Agreed. That's true for about 99.9% of the SJW'S

Posted by: The guy with the hair at November 10, 2016 09:20 PM (aAlFX)

108 Voter mom,

thanks for that youtube link on your site to that cute leftist chick making fun of SJW wailing.

Everybody should go see it.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at November 10, 2016 09:20 PM (BS8yt)


Che Che is now Real Life.

Posted by: Soothie at November 10, 2016 09:20 PM (suql3)

110 Try this one I had on FB yesterday... 51 year old
friend crying about the fact she is still young enough to get pregnant
and what is she going to do come January when Trump takes away her free
birth control.----
She can be celibate.
Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at November 10, 2016 09:16 PM (hqqM5)

Or she can tell him to pull out....

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at November 10, 2016 09:20 PM (ej1L0)

111 *On Tuesday, I wore my "I Like Ike" button.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 10, 2016 09:16 PM (kCDOM*

That's pretty damn cool..

Posted by: tbodie at November 10, 2016 09:20 PM (Rhive)

112 Did ya'll see what Nigel Farage said today? He's giddy about Trump's win, and was having fun on some radio show.

He called Barky a "loathsome creature" who hates Britain, and now Trump will have them at the front of the line. He noted Trump can come see Theresa May. He can schmooze her, but don't touch her for goodness sake. Don't grab her. The host wondered if Trump might try to kiss her on the lips. To that, Farage said he'll teach Trump British etiquette about that, and if need be, will be a chaperone, the responsible adult in the room.

He's on top of the world. And deservedly so. Good show, old boy.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at November 10, 2016 09:20 PM (DW+jj)

113 Try this one I had on FB yesterday... 51 year old

friend crying about the fact she is still young enough to get pregnant

and what is she going to do come January when Trump takes away her free

birth control.

How about, "Tell me why I should be paying for you and your husband's play time."

How about, "Why don't daddy get a snip job?"

Posted by: tu3031 at November 10, 2016 09:21 PM (qJhUV)

114 My daughter came flying into my room late last night crying. I asked her what was wrong and she said there was a Donald Trump under her bed and he said he was gonna grab her pussy!

Posted by: SJW parent at November 10, 2016 09:21 PM (43IfB)

115 Trumphausen by Proxy

Shut down the thread.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 10, 2016 09:21 PM (0F67M)

116 Vic had on his "Elect Urukagina, He Establishes Freedom" clay button, but unfortunately not many people could understand it.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at November 10, 2016 09:21 PM (6FqZa)

117 Scaring children and weak minded adults was 95% of the Hillary campaign. So it stands to reason those people's fear will keep going after the election.
Posted by: Make America Great Again at November 10, 2016 09:15 PM (BS8yt)

yes, that campy Hillarhoid ad with the children staring slack mouthed at the TV at the Donald (no- filter edition), it was unintentionally funny like they were trying to spoof Village of the Damned.

Posted by: kallisto at November 10, 2016 09:21 PM (jkmtt)

Remember: It's All Bullshit.

The Left doesn't believe anything they say.

Posted by: Soothie at November 10, 2016 09:21 PM (suql3)

119 Idiots.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 10, 2016 09:21 PM (0tfLf)

120 The Argument of Utility makes tools of us, ALL.

Even the childrens.

Posted by: iKant at November 10, 2016 09:22 PM (6ToNi)

121 Two hundred sixty won executive orders by Obungalla.

Adios, my purple-lipped pigeon-toed pompous poot head. Pack your bags, douchebag.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky,Deplorable Infidel Queen at November 10, 2016 09:22 PM (Cx8BK)



I can't believe I'm going to say this, but Michael Moore was RIGHT ON in this video. Give it a view.

From this zerohedge story:

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at November 10, 2016 09:22 PM (8iiMU)

123 On Wednesday, my kid woke up, asked who won and started jumping on the bed in glee. This is the same one who was stomping on Hillary signs that had fallen over when we were by the polling place. The kids sometimes watch the news with us and while they know we don't like Hillary and disagree with her policies, we have never instilled fear in them and made her out to be some crazed maniac who will throw us in camps. On Tuesday night I told them that, even if Hillary won, we'd be ok because we have our faith, each other, and because America is strong and resilient. Our country, right or wrong, etc.

That said, I had to caution them when they went to school on Wednesday morning not to say ANYTHING about the election. I told them to pretend they were spies behind enemy lines. The first thing one asked was, "That sounds like fun! Where's my gun?"

Posted by: Hoplite Housewife at November 10, 2016 09:22 PM (hYNPr)

124 So, CheChe was just a template for progressives? Like Julia?

Posted by: Puddleglum at November 10, 2016 09:22 PM (J6uVH)

125 Trumphausen by Proxy - when parents instill in their children irrational fears to garner sympathy and attention for themselves.

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 10, 2016 09:20 PM (HgtNw)



Posted by: Mr. Feverhead at November 10, 2016 09:23 PM (j1Wvr)

126 When I was 8 years old MLK and RFK were assassinated within 2 months of each other.

Posted by: Jaqen H'ghar at November 10, 2016 09:23 PM (5fSr7)

127 Try this one I had on FB yesterday... 51 year old friend crying about the fact she is still young enough to get pregnant and what is she going to do come January when Trump takes away her free birth control. Her husband and her are very financially secure.

Then there's no reason why the husband can't get a vasectomy. (Unless she's cheating on him).

Posted by: Basement Cat at November 10, 2016 09:23 PM (3C9q2)

128 Yeah. Maybe pause and walk away for awhile. Read something having nothing to do with politics

For a significant portion of the left politics is all they have.

They don't have a partner. They don't have a good job. And they certainly don't have a deity in the traditional sense.

They have the state and the progress of history. And that god was perhaps mortally wounded on Tuesday.

Who would have thought Marxism would become the opiate of the masses?

Posted by: 18-1 at November 10, 2016 09:23 PM (aZq03)

129 DangerGirl, snap on Munchausen. Should have read the comments first.

Posted by: Decaf at November 10, 2016 09:23 PM (nogKi)

130 Ana wins the whole damn Series of Tubes for today.

Posted by: garrett at November 10, 2016 09:23 PM (6ToNi)

131 "113 Try this one I had on FB yesterday... 51 year old

friend crying about the fact she is still young enough to get pregnant

and what is she going to do come January when Trump takes away her free

birth control.

She's 51 and can't afford $4/month ?

Also she's 51. She ain't having a baby.

Posted by: Lauren at November 10, 2016 09:23 PM (8X6J9)

132 I'd suggest to the 51 year old she take it up the poop chute for awhile.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at November 10, 2016 09:23 PM (6FqZa)

133 I didn't throw any tantrums in 2012 and I had good evidence that the guy re elected really was destroying America.

Posted by: steevy at November 10, 2016 09:23 PM (r/0kC)

134 I feel bad for my kid.
She was born in 09.
She has only known @BarackObama.

Then be sure to explain to her that this used to be a great country, before we started electing half-breed Marxist shitheads.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 10, 2016 09:24 PM (SRKgf)

135 Then there's no reason why the husband can't get a vasectomy.

Or just shoot on her back.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 10, 2016 09:24 PM (0F67M)

136 Anna Puma wins the internet

Posted by: Lauren at November 10, 2016 09:24 PM (8X6J9)

137 Yay Molly k!

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at November 10, 2016 09:24 PM (6FqZa)

138 Warden 2016- The Hammer That Slices. Very nice post.

Posted by: t-bird at November 10, 2016 09:24 PM (/cksx)

139 A business associate told me her daughter was extremely distraught that Trump had won. The father said to the daughter, "Do you realize what this means? Do you realize what's going to happen tomorrow?" In fear, the daughter asked, "What?" The father replied, "Your mother and I are going to get up and go to work and you're going to get up and go to school."

Posted by: csmats at November 10, 2016 09:24 PM (yKiwk)

140 We had one day of celebration at least. They are not going to let this go as they keep building up the fear and pumping up the anger.

Yahoo is doing their part. They are now featuring a pic. of Hillary nestled with a young supporter and her infant, showing the warm and fuzzy grandmotherly type that Clinton is. They are not going to let this go using more subtle reminders of what a great, great woman we passed up.

Posted by: washrivergal at November 10, 2016 09:25 PM (CFc5L)

141 I think I remember watching part of a Republican convention on TV at my grandmother's house.. maybe Eisenhower's 2nd nomination. I was in grade school and not at all interested. I also remember her talking about Robert Taft. Funny the little things you rember from childhood.

Posted by: Tuna at November 10, 2016 09:25 PM (JSovD)

142 I was changing my son's diaper watching election coverage. All of a sudden Donald Trump appeared on tv and my son started crying and covered his penis with his hands.

And that's when I knew.

My son knew Donald Trump wanted to punch him in the dick.

Posted by: SJW parent at November 10, 2016 09:25 PM (43IfB)

143 "Kelly is now feminazi every night. It always women this women that"


At least she is growing out that angry dike hairstyle.

Posted by: Decaf at November 10, 2016 09:25 PM (nogKi)

144 Trumphausen by Proxy - when parents instill in their children irrational fears to garner sympathy and attention for themselves.

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 10, 2016 09:20 PM (HgtNw)

That -- is awesome! And spot on.

Posted by: Hoplite Housewife at November 10, 2016 09:25 PM (hYNPr)

145 >> I'd suggest to the 51 year old she take it up the poop chute for awhile.

Make her ass only.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at November 10, 2016 09:25 PM (DW+jj)

146 We elected Trump.

It's for the adults!

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 10, 2016 09:25 PM (SRKgf)

147 I feel bad for my kid.
She was born in 09.
She has only known @BarackObama.

I'd feel bad for any kid who has only had Barry as president

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 10, 2016 09:26 PM (auHtY)

148 I've been hearing about this. Eight year old Hispanic kids bursting into tears because they think Trump is going to send them away to Mexico. Their parents and teachers who have been brainwashing them with this shit need to be flogged in the public square. It's fucking child abuse, pure and simple.

Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000 at November 10, 2016 09:26 PM (0mRoj)

149 Somebody should send this post to those douchebags.

Posted by: Country Boy - Deplorable and proud of it at November 10, 2016 09:26 PM (Hgbqh)

150 "thanks for that youtube link on your site to that cute leftist chick making fun of SJW wailing. "

Is that perchance Shoeonhead?

If so, that cute leftist chick wasn't born a chick.

But,shoeonhead is certainly worth watching

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 10, 2016 09:26 PM (J+eG2)

151 When I was a little kid the world was going to blow up in a nuclear war. And then there was going to be an ice age. I wasn't really worried though because I was a little kid. My parents warned me about hornets and 'don't pick up hot steel' but they never made me obsess about getting nuked.

As zombie said last night, shun, deride, ridicule are all tools we can use.

Posted by: freaked at November 10, 2016 09:26 PM (BO/km)

152 My folks were liberal, but they let me have my own opinions. Have things gone south that quickly, or was I just lucky?

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at November 10, 2016 09:26 PM (kumBu)

153 Deactivated my Facebook the day after the broncos Seahawks superbowl. Haven't looked back. Been a great decision.

Posted by: Fletch at November 10, 2016 09:27 PM (GaVTK)

154 so here's my plan for anyone who says their scared of trump:

imma tell em I'm a good republican and all, and will hide them behind my walls.

Posted by: Bigby's Ouija Board at November 10, 2016 09:27 PM (U0lQa)

155 I've been hearing about this. Eight year old Hispanic kids bursting into
tears because they think Trump is going to send them away to Mexico.

Wait .. that's not going to happen?

Perhaps my expectations have grown too high.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 10, 2016 09:28 PM (0F67M)

156 Two hundred sixty won executive orders by Obungalla.

Well....apparently there's 261 things Trump can do on his first day in office.

Then a round of 18.

Works for me.

Posted by: eleven at November 10, 2016 09:28 PM (qUNWi)

157 1

Posted by: thathalfricanplayafromthehimalayas - be water my friend at November 10, 2016 09:28 PM (R5HRU)

158 Thank you everyone who liked my comment. Since I seem to be striking word gold, time to hie on over and work on novel.

Keep smiling and annoy the Blue Meanie Soviet Justice Wankers.

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 10, 2016 09:28 PM (HgtNw)

159 I was born during the Reagan admin - given the choices surrounding him, I definitely got lucky on that count.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at November 10, 2016 09:28 PM (kumBu)

160 I was walking with my young nephew the other day.

He asked me, "So is Trump going to make a lot of people leave the country?"

I said, "Trump says he is going to find the people that broke the law to come here and send them home where they belong."

He said, "Oh, then that actually makes sense."

I should have asked why he thought Trump was randomly going to force people to leave the country...

Posted by: 18-1 at November 10, 2016 09:29 PM (aZq03)

161 All three of my elementary aged kids have come home the past two days talking about their friends moving to Canada. Ah, okie-dokie. Maybe I should offer to help them pack.....

Posted by: @lindafelldespair( deplorable, irredeemable, racist, islamaphobe, misogynist, redneck in TEX at November 10, 2016 09:29 PM (JNDQi)

162 "See? My kid is SCARED! Are you HAPPY, Trump voters?"

Fuckin' A.

Posted by: rickl the deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:29 PM (sdi6R)

163 " Their parents and teachers who have been brainwashing them with this shit need to be flogged in the public square. It's fucking child abuse, pure and simple."

Yeah I talked to a super concerned teacher about this and said basically that my kids barely knew who Trump was because we don't watch network television (we're Netflix people).

She responded that in inner cities avoiding the news just isn't possible. Huh? They don't allow Netflix in DC?

Posted by: Lauren at November 10, 2016 09:29 PM (8X6J9)

164 My gay SanFran cousin has lost it and is taking to social media to smear his deplorable Trump voting NY relatives. I hear about this through my crying mother as I stay off social media for this very reason.

I did have a little text conversation with him this morning. Told him to call me if he wanted to figure out how to smooth things over, but if he was just going to lecture me about politics I'd hang up on him. So of course he took to text lecturing me about how I voted to take his rights away. So I unleashed my inner troll and ripped him until he finally stopped responding. Here's just a few examples:

"Dude, calm down no one is taking your rights away. Just stay where you are, I've called the Waaaahmbulance, it should be there shortly."

"Listen, when the vans roll through your neighborhood asking for I'd, just make sure you've got your birth certificate handy and don't try to be cute by saying hola. They'll leave you be, rounding up the gays isn't on our agenda. That's for after the midterms."

"Just checked the news, God Emperor Trump still set to take his throne in two months. The only chance you've got is to insult your family. Keep up the fight and you just might Save America. Fail, and we gonna MAGA all over you."

He stopped responding after that last one.

Posted by: mugiwara at November 10, 2016 09:29 PM (4j7CC)

165 Vic had on his "Elect Urukagina, He Establishes Freedom" clay button, but unfortunately not many people could understand it.
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo

Yeah, that's kinda the reason I didn't wear my Nixon/Lodge button.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 10, 2016 09:30 PM (kCDOM)

166 So my cousin whom I love very much posted on his FB wall this(I'm paraphrasing)

"I'm sick of people dumping on Millennials saying we get offended by everything. Last time I checked it was Christian white male conservatives that killed people like me - minorities - for having a lifestyle that was offensive to them."

I love that boy but the ignorance. It burns brightly and deeply.

I am NOT looking forward to the holidays.

Posted by: thathalfricanplayafromthehimalayas - be water my friend at November 10, 2016 09:30 PM (R5HRU)

167 All these fucksticks filling kids' heads with this bullshit can eat a bag of dicks. I've still got a whole shipping container full.

Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000 at November 10, 2016 09:30 PM (0mRoj)

168 Trumphausen by Proxy - when parents instill in their children irrational fears to garner sympathy and attention for themselves.

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 10, 2016 09:20 PM (HgtNw)

Brilliant. Put it at the end of the post.

Posted by: Warden at November 10, 2016 09:30 PM (MZ8Zz)

169 Write like the Wind, Anna ....

Posted by: Adriane the Tone Deaf Political Class Critic ... at November 10, 2016 09:30 PM (AoK0a)

170 I want illegals to go home and take their children with them, they have no right to this land.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at November 10, 2016 09:30 PM (BS8yt)

Trump is the new Krampus. RUN KIDS! It's Trumpus.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 10, 2016 09:30 PM (auHtY)

172 Maybe I should offer to help them pack.....

Send them off with some homemade organic locally sourced fairtrade granola.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 10, 2016 09:30 PM (0F67M)

173 I'm off FB for awhile. I can't take it anymore.

Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at November 10, 2016 09:30 PM (CNHr1)

174 When I was 8 years old MLK and RFK were assassinated within 2 months of each other.

I was 8 when JFK was shot. I think it was the first time I ever even thought about the president, mainly because all the teachers were freaking out.
I mean, I was 8, for crissakes.

Posted by: tu3031 at November 10, 2016 09:31 PM (qJhUV)

175 "Posted by: Anna Puma at November 10, 2016 09:28 PM (HgtNw) "

Anna-san, you need to tell me what goodies you want next time I go to the land of the rising sun.

Since you always post links to nice figure kits, I thought about you when my friend on the trip bought an anime figurine for 100 (!) bucks (well, 10,000 yen technically).

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at November 10, 2016 09:31 PM (kumBu)

176 Leonard Cobain dead at 82. Father of Kurt Cobain. Trump and now this! Why me?!

Posted by: Hillary Voter at November 10, 2016 09:31 PM (FXW24)

177 Kids are kids with kid minds.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 10, 2016 09:16 PM (qCMvj)

Hey, so are liberals!

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 10, 2016 09:31 PM (SRKgf)

178 It's probably been said.....kardashiawhores? The emulation that comes out of these transvestites of humanity are a root cause.

Posted by: enzo at November 10, 2016 09:31 PM (AY0BI)

179 >>>When I was six, I knew nothing about politics or the President or any of that shit.<<<

When I was young, I remember watching Vietnam on TV and listening to cocksuckers telling America that the war was a stalemate.

Posted by: Fritz at November 10, 2016 09:31 PM (fHq4U)

180 MeAgain Kelly in the background (don't ask, the remote is not mine tonight) going on about President-Elect Trump now has is Twitter account back. Kellyanne let him have. He tweeted something about the protests.

They're scared to death. POTUS-Elect is going rogue on Twitter. I'm going to enjoy the hell out of the next 4 years. A president Tweeting, perhaps Live Tweeting, at 3AM.

And Megyn, make her ass-only too.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at November 10, 2016 09:31 PM (DW+jj)

181 >>Last time I checked it was Christian white male conservatives that killed people like me - minorities - for having a lifestyle that was offensive to them.

He'd have been so much better off if he were born in Zimbabwae.

Posted by: garrett at November 10, 2016 09:32 PM (6ToNi)

182 155 I've been hearing about this. Eight year old Hispanic kids bursting into
tears because they think Trump is going to send them away to Mexico.

Wait .. that's not going to happen?

Perhaps my expectations have grown too high.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 10, 2016 09:28 PM (0F67M)


Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000 at November 10, 2016 09:32 PM (0mRoj)

183 I am NOT looking forward to the holidays.

Opt out.

Get sick.

Make sure you're out of town.

Avoid them. You'll thank yourself. Trust me.

/I have no relatives...

Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at November 10, 2016 09:32 PM (hqqM5)

184 thathalfricanplayafromthehimalayas - be water my friend at November 10, 2016 09:30 PM (R5HRU)

Auschwitz has been closed since WWII ...

just sayin'

Posted by: Adriane the Tone Deaf Political Class Critic ... at November 10, 2016 09:32 PM (AoK0a)

185 Every time I feel I fail as a parent, I can look at these and be assured I haven't been as bad as I could have been.

Posted by: David W. at November 10, 2016 09:33 PM (aWQkK)

186 The children needn't fear Trump or those who voted for him.

The proggie/socialist/commie/leftists? Of course.

Posted by: davidt at November 10, 2016 09:33 PM (XoldI)

187 Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000

Dude! How did it go?

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 10, 2016 09:33 PM (0F67M)

188 My kids thought Trump being elected meant WWIII was going to start. That's what they teach in screwl. I had to sort them out but I was like WTF.

Posted by: james at November 10, 2016 09:33 PM (jxw6R)

189 Wait everyone!Serious news...Jennifer Lawrence has weighed in.

Posted by: steevy at November 10, 2016 09:33 PM (r/0kC)


"Yeah, that's kinda the reason I didn't wear my Nixon/Lodge button."

Henry Cabot Lodge! Wow! That's a blast from the past.

Posted by: Tuna at November 10, 2016 09:33 PM (JSovD)

191 "Last time I checked it was Christian white male conservatives that killed people like me - minorities - for having a lifestyle that was offensive to them."

I'm sorry, but this is a sack full of camel turds from Raqqa.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at November 10, 2016 09:33 PM (6FqZa)

192 170 I want illegals to go home and take their children with them, they have no right to this land.
Posted by: Make America Great Again at November 10, 2016 09:30 PM (BS8yt)

Couldn't agree more.

Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000 at November 10, 2016 09:33 PM (0mRoj)

193 But,shoeonhead is certainly worth watching
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 10, 2016 09:26 PM (J+eG2)


Did not know that.

Does that mean I'm gay now?

Posted by: Make America Great Again at November 10, 2016 09:33 PM (BS8yt)

194 Posted by: Adriane the Tone Deaf Political Class Critic ... at November 10, 2016 09:32 PM (AoK0a)

It's just......I dunno stunning I guess. Politics are ugly as fuck and to be quite frank I'm tired of this shit.

Posted by: thathalfricanplayafromthehimalayas - be water my friend at November 10, 2016 09:33 PM (R5HRU)

195 She responded that in inner cities avoiding the news just isn't possible. Huh? They don't allow Netflix in DC?


it's because poverty in the inner city means having tvs on all the time watching .... news programs

Posted by: Bigby's Ouija Board at November 10, 2016 09:33 PM (U0lQa)

196 Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000 at November 10, 2016 09:26 PM (0mRoj)

Hey! How'd the interview go today?

Posted by: Tami...Powering through being a deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:33 PM (Enq6K)

197 Son #1: Dad, who did you vote for?

Me: It's called a secret ballot for a reason buddy.

Son #1: What's a ballot?

My parents were very politically aware, and chose to speak to us kids about current affairs including politics. We would watch the news together and they would explain things to me when I had questions (Me: Dad, if the British lost two ships, and then Argentinians lost two planes, wasn't that kinda bad for the British? - really, I was fascinated by the Falklands War). I definitely got the sense from them that they held most politicians in pretty low regard, but I generally couldn't figure out who they voted for. OK, except I knew my Dad voted for Bill Vander Zalm (Premier of British Columbia in the 1980s) - he just thought the guy was hilarious and loved to make Van Der Mewre jokes about him.

Posted by: Holdfast at November 10, 2016 09:34 PM (nNdYv)

198 "Posted by: mugiwara at November 10, 2016 09:29 PM (4j7CC) "

Heh. I've trolled a Muslim friend of mine who is freaking out. I told him I'd use my Illuminati hookup to get him a pardon from the camps, but I might not be able to swing one for the rest of his family.

He was born in Iraq and is, of course, comparing Trump to Saddam Hussein.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at November 10, 2016 09:34 PM (kumBu)

199 Here's a question: When did it become okay in this country for so-called adults to exhibit roughly zero self control in public or in front of their children at home?

Boom. This is it.

Parents have a responsibility to make their young children feel safe. It is wrong to dump your worries on your children.

When 9/11 happened, I was home with my 5 kids 9 and under. I could hear fighter jets outside after all flights were grounded (I live close to Dulles). We didn't know what was going on; I didn't know if my husband would be coming home because we just. didn't. know. what was happening and who was attacking us.

I gathered my kids to me and said, let's say some prayers. Then I let them go downstairs and watch kid videos - rarely did I do this, so it was a treat for them. I went up to my room and listened to the radio for information.

There was no way in the world I was going to take out my very real fears on my kids. No way. And for an election? Are you kidding me?

If people decide they want to have kids, they have to decide to act like grownups. And then they have to do it.

I have no tolerance for people who lay their worries on their kids like this. None.

Posted by: bluebell at November 10, 2016 09:34 PM (uHcnA)

200 This reminds me of two things when my kid was young: Clinton and 9-11

"and he walked by and said "be careful!" But I didn't dump him."

A thoughtful husband, clearly concerned for your safety is hard to find.

Goo thing you held onto him.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 10, 2016 09:09 PM (J+eG2)

He spoils me. Not.

I've mentioned here before that my little boy (who had participated in high altitude lightbulb changes while in the womb) liked to watch the news, and I was enraged one day that I was forced to come up with a way to tell him in an age-appropriate way "why everyone is mad at Monica Loo in skee"--imagine that question in a child's voice.

Then 9-11. I had just quit my job, so I was home for a change watching the attacks. Finally called the school to ask them if they wanted parents to come get their kids.

No. They had given a calm briefing to the "big kids" (those older than 2nd grade), and just wanted us to pick up the kids at the usual time. My son had visited Windows on the World and loved it, so it was personal to him, but obviously we didn't freak out in front of him so he handled it fine.

That was a much scarier event than an election, FFS,but the school and the parents didn't shit their drawers right in front of the children.

Posted by: stace at November 10, 2016 09:34 PM (ozZau)

201 I was a kid during the Clinton blowjob years.

Good times. Good times.

Posted by: Lauren at November 10, 2016 09:34 PM (8X6J9)

202 It's called emotional abuse.

Posted by: Semi-engaged scroller at November 10, 2016 09:34 PM (LQLeS)

203 "Try this one I had on FB yesterday... 51 year old friend crying about the fact she is still young enough to get pregnant and what is she going to do come January when Trump takes away her free birth control. Her husband and her are very financially secure."


This should be a policy line in Trump's platform: Sex is not an entitlement, buy your own contraceptives, and pay for your own abortions.

Sex may be pursuit of happiness but the constitution does not say anything about the government paying for it, just that you are free to do it.

Posted by: Decaf at November 10, 2016 09:34 PM (nogKi)

204 I remember having this odd delusion that they were going to use a giant shoehorn to bury JFK.

Kids, huh.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 10, 2016 09:34 PM (0F67M)

205 My family was uniformly for Trump.Even my usually Democrat voting BiL.Holidays will be a joy.

Posted by: steevy at November 10, 2016 09:34 PM (r/0kC)

206 The children needn't fear Trump or those who voted for him.

Amazing how concerned they are about the "children"Too bad they don't care as much about those unfortunate potential "children" they are so happy to abort...

Posted by: deplorable donna at November 10, 2016 09:34 PM (O2RFr)

207 There's also something called tramatic reenactment, like where the person who's father is an alcoholic marries an alcoholic.

They were probably victimized first as children. Doesn't give them the right, but puts it into perspective.

Posted by: Oschisms at November 10, 2016 09:34 PM (ZsN9X)

208 I've been hearing about this. Eight year old Hispanic kids bursting into tears because they think Trump is going to send them away to Mexico.

Just saving them from having to endure oppression by this racist, sexist, homophobic, everything elseic country. They should be grateful to be deported. Every resident of the former East Germany would have been thrilled to be deported.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 10, 2016 09:35 PM (SRKgf)

209 >>>Wait everyone!Serious news...Jennifer Lawrence has weighed in.<<<

I've seen her brown eye, and it's much nicer than Hope Solo's.

Posted by: Fritz at November 10, 2016 09:35 PM (fHq4U)

210 Wait everyone!Serious news...Jennifer Lawrence has weighed in.

Oooh ooh....this is gonna be greeeattt!


Posted by: eleven at November 10, 2016 09:35 PM (qUNWi)

211 Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at November 10, 2016 09:33 PM (6FqZa)

Remember history is taught by leftists by and large. Not people just wanting to tell history for how it is and how it happened, not ignoring anything.

Posted by: thathalfricanplayafromthehimalayas - be water my friend at November 10, 2016 09:35 PM (R5HRU)

212 Holidays should be fine for me--my older niece is a bit of a libtard, but another relative was a Trump early adopter.

Should be fascinating.

Meanwhile, it seems a new voice has joined the Choir Invisible. Apparently Leonard Cohen passed away this evening.

Hell of a year for musicians.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, That Deplorable Guy at November 10, 2016 09:35 PM (vyqqu)

213 After seeing all the colleges that are canceling classes and opening safe spaces, I now understand why ISIS thinks they can beat us.

Posted by: SimonGruber at November 10, 2016 09:36 PM (60SwY)

214 "He'd have been so much better off if he were born in Zimbabwe."

And summered in the House of Saud.

A and of tolerance and diversity there.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 10, 2016 09:36 PM (J+eG2)

215 So have all the "celebrities" who said they are going to move out of the US if Trump was elected left yet?

Posted by: deplorable donna at November 10, 2016 09:36 PM (O2RFr)

216 I hear that school teachers (NEA) are melting down across the country over Trump winning and subjecting their students to their truama.

Another area of Trumpaushen by Proxy affecting our nation's children.

Posted by: Pepe, Proud American Nationalist at November 10, 2016 09:36 PM (FwSdb)

217 "Wait everyone!Serious news...Jennifer Lawrence has weighed in.

Posted by: steevy at November 10, 2016 09:33 PM (r/0kC) "

I'd say around 115 lbs?

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at November 10, 2016 09:36 PM (kumBu)

218 191 "Last time I checked it was Christian white male conservatives that killed people like me - minorities - for having a lifestyle that was offensive to them."

I'm sorry, but this is a sack full of camel turds from Raqqa.
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at November 10, 2016 09:33 PM (6FqZa)

No shit. Hanging gays? Muslims. Stoning gays? Muslims. Throwing gays off rooftops? Muslims. Pulling walls down on top of gays? Muslims.

Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000 at November 10, 2016 09:36 PM (0mRoj)

219 I was born during the Reagan admin - given the choices surrounding him, I definitely got lucky on that count.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at November 10, 2016 09:28 PM (kumBu)

I voted for Reagan. Fuck I'm old.

Posted by: Stating The Obvious at November 10, 2016 09:36 PM (cmE8J)

220 Posted by: Lauren at November 10, 2016 09:34 PM (8X6J9)

Me too, talk about awkward.

Posted by: thathalfricanplayafromthehimalayas - be water my friend at November 10, 2016 09:36 PM (R5HRU)

221 He was born in Iraq and is, of course, comparing Trump to Saddam Hussein.
Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at November 10, 2016 09:34 PM (kumBu)

Is that good or bad in his estimation?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 10, 2016 09:37 PM (SRKgf)

222 I checked it was Christian white male conservatives Democrats that killed people like me

Corrected for truth.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 10, 2016 09:37 PM (0F67M)

223 Retaliating against your employees for their political activities is illegal in California.

California based GrubHub just told employees who voted for Trump to GTFO.

I smell a class-action lawsuit. Any of the lawyers here interested in some pro bono work to destroy a Silicon Valley elitist?

Posted by: The Political Hat at November 10, 2016 09:37 PM (vBeA5)

224 Perhaps these parents are practising for the day when they must explain to their precious snowflakes why their candidate is being frogged marched into the slammer...

Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at November 10, 2016 09:38 PM (kP16F)

225 191 "Last time I checked it was Christian white male conservatives that killed people like me - minorities - for having a lifestyle that was offensive to them."

If they killed people with offensive lifestyles the freeways would be empty in California.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 10, 2016 09:38 PM (SRKgf)

226 "Here's a question: When did it become okay in this country for so-called adults to exhibit roughly zero self control in public or in front of their children at home? Have any of these primal scream addicted ninnies considered that embracing and amplifying every last emotional impulse is not a healthy thing for them or for our civil society?"

I asked the same thing, in my own words, on my FB today. What do I get?

"Trump is going to take gay rights away! He's going to take away my health care! He's a racist!"

I'm surprised I didn't hear "white privilege" in the responses.


Posted by: Captain Whitebread at November 10, 2016 09:38 PM (rJUlF)

227 I think I remember watching part of a Republican convention on TV at my grandmother's house.. maybe Eisenhower's 2nd nomination.

My grandmother on my mother's side was a diehard Republican. She had a collection of elephant figurines in just about every (reasonably priced) material you could carve-- including one elephant carved out of Mexican striped onyx and another made from sandalwood. We used to kid Nana about the time she went to the post office to buy some 6-cent stamps (yeah, it was the 1960s) and was told that the post office was out of the flag design she liked. The postmaster knew her well enough to joke with her, and asked her whether she would accept some FDR commemorative stamps instead. She said, "Young man-- I didn't lick King Franklin's backside when he was in the White House, and I'm not going to do it now!"

I inherited her love of the Phillies as well as her conservative politics. Blessings on you, Nana, and rest in peace.

Posted by: Basement Cat at November 10, 2016 09:38 PM (3C9q2)

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 10, 2016 09:37 PM (0F67M)

LOL Yeah. The irony, it's thick.

Posted by: thathalfricanplayafromthehimalayas - be water my friend at November 10, 2016 09:38 PM (R5HRU)

229 How can anyone, even a child be afraid of Trump? He is colorful and larger than life. He uses funny words like "bigly" and "yuuuge". And when he attended the Minnesota state fair, he took kids up for rides in his helicopter.

Obama is far more creepy looking. And he's a bloodless drone. I don't think he'd be as popular with the kids.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at November 10, 2016 09:38 PM (dtWKK)

230 191 "Last time I checked it was Christian white male conservatives that killed people like me - minorities - for having a lifestyle that was offensive to them."

Then you need to check again, Bucky.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 10, 2016 09:38 PM (SRKgf)

231 I thought "Forever Children" was Spinal Tap's best work.

It's my personal motto.

Posted by: Bill Clinton at November 10, 2016 09:38 PM (/cksx)

232 I was a kid during the Clinton blowjob years.

Good times. Good times.

Posted by: Lauren


Strong candidate for thread-first-runner-up

Posted by: Mortimer, negative, dark, divisive and deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:39 PM (zu88C)

233 "I was a kid during the Clinton blowjob years.

Good times. Good times.

Posted by: Lauren at November 10, 2016 09:34 PM (8X6J9) "

As was I. But the first news story I remember being acutely aware of, because it was impossible to avoid, was the OJ trial.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at November 10, 2016 09:39 PM (kumBu)

234 "Did not know that.

Does that mean I'm gay now?"

I don't think it's actually contagious.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 10, 2016 09:39 PM (J+eG2)

235 Leonard Cohen has died.

All of Canadia will weep.

Posted by: garrett at November 10, 2016 09:39 PM (6ToNi)

236 I'm anti bono.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 10, 2016 09:39 PM (IqV8l)

237 "white privilege"

That's so yesterday..... Now it's Whitelash"

Posted by: deplorable donna at November 10, 2016 09:39 PM (O2RFr)

238 JFK made me "duck and cover."

But he also had spirochetes eating his brain.

Posted by: Bill Wynn at November 10, 2016 09:39 PM (6SrKx)

239 Jay - LOL!

Posted by: thathalfricanplayafromthehimalayas - be water my friend at November 10, 2016 09:40 PM (R5HRU)

240 209 >>>Wait everyone!Serious news...Jennifer Lawrence has weighed in.

I will only watch if she "weighed" in while nude and masturbating.

Posted by: Puddleglum at November 10, 2016 09:40 PM (J6uVH)

241 Trump Twitter account laying blame for protests on enabling media! Just now! Dude is NOT backing down on his war on media!

Posted by: JDW at November 10, 2016 09:40 PM (Y0yhh)

242 Eight year old Hispanic kids bursting into tears because they think Trump is going to send them away to Mexico.

They should be thrilled! You want socialist cronyism? Mexico has that in spades!

Posted by: t-bird at November 10, 2016 09:40 PM (9Q5BJ)

243 >>>Wait everyone!Serious news...Jennifer Lawrence has weighed in.

Calling bull shit on anything under 140lbs.

Posted by: Pepe, Proud American Nationalist at November 10, 2016 09:40 PM (FwSdb)

244 mugiwara, I'm so stealing that. Maybe for use for my own cousin, who posted a link to that HuffPo What Will We Tell the Chilllllllddrennnnnnn story and said her precious snowflake daughter was going to volunteer at an inner city school that day and what should she tell them?

Posted by: Barb the Evil Genius at November 10, 2016 09:41 PM (FQKBL)

245 "Is that good or bad in his estimation?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 10, 2016 09:37 PM (SRKgf) "

Apparently bad (his family moved stateside to get away from that regime), but he was also against the Iraq War, so who knows.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at November 10, 2016 09:41 PM (kumBu)

246 Get a grip you pussies!

Posted by: Londoners in the Tube, 1941 at November 10, 2016 09:41 PM (JO9+V)

247 I feel bad for my kid.
She was born in 09.
She has only known @BarackObama.

I was following fine up to that point. AFter that she lost me.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at November 10, 2016 09:41 PM (dtWKK)

248 I'm anti bono.

Bono doesn't seem real to me. He's like a cartoon, so it's hard to like or dislike him with any intensity.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 10, 2016 09:41 PM (0F67M)

249 Here you go,I know you were waiting with bated breath to find out what Jennifer Lawrence thinks about the election.

Posted by: steevy at November 10, 2016 09:41 PM (r/0kC)

250 .. 51 year old friend crying about the fact she is still young enough to get pregnant a


no she's not.

Posted by: Bigby's Ouija Board at November 10, 2016 09:42 PM (U0lQa)

251 Calling bull shit on anything under 140lbs.


C'mon now.

Posted by: eleven at November 10, 2016 09:42 PM (qUNWi)

252 Yeah, same here. Just down-graded my daughter from 'Close Friend' to 'Family' on FB.

She's gone into full moonbat mode since the election and was flooding my page with leftist nonsense.

The capper was her one post: "To all my LGBT friends, I'm sorry I failed you." I guess there's something in the water in the Louisville (KY) water... or it's all the chemicals she exposed to at the salon she works at.

Posted by: CPT. Charles at November 10, 2016 09:42 PM (ry4ab)

253 So... night two of police helicopters circling my neighborhood because a group of people thinks that there's a point to shouting that not electing a white felon thief is somehow racist and homophobic.

Posted by: Damiano at November 10, 2016 09:42 PM (71OEY)

254 "But the first news story I remember being acutely aware of, because it was impossible to avoid, was the OJ trial. "

So my mom and my grandparents told me we were going to Disneyland. Yay! We went to Disneyland. We also are at the restaurant where Nicole worked, took pictures at the murder scene, and drove by OJs house in Brentwood, where, coincidentally, some of his family members were gathered for some sort of get together.

Even 10 year old me thought the entire thing was all sorts of fucked up.

Posted by: Lauren at November 10, 2016 09:43 PM (8X6J9)

255 247 I feel bad for my kid.
She was born in 09.
She has only known @BarackObama.

I feel bad for Your kid because She has an obvious nut case for a Parent... Call Child protective services...

Posted by: deplorable donna at November 10, 2016 09:43 PM (O2RFr)

256 The girl does like to take nude selfies though,so there's that.

Posted by: steevy at November 10, 2016 09:43 PM (r/0kC)

257 Getting a grip on pussies? I know just the man to help!

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at November 10, 2016 09:43 PM (6FqZa)

258 Exhibit Alltheletters in "Getting emotionally invested in your politics destroys any sense of perspective". Welcome to what the world looks like when you replace "thinking" with "I feel".

If people want to let emotion decide their values and priorities, fine. But idiots have let emotion be the lens through which they view the world and evaluate such things as election results, and this stupidity is the inevitable result.

Posted by: Cortillaen at November 10, 2016 09:43 PM (rpKZV)

259 I am NOT looking forward to the holidays.


You should enjoy Thanksgiving. Everyone glum and you are happy and exclaiming loudly how THANKFUL you are this year!

*be sure to collect their sweet liberal tears for future use*

Posted by: @Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at November 10, 2016 09:43 PM (Om16U)

260 "Last time I checked it was Christian white male conservatives that killed people like me - minorities - for having a lifestyle that was offensive to them."

Huh, Orlando shooter?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 10, 2016 09:43 PM (kCDOM)

261 If you don't eat ALL your vegetables, I will summon the evil Trump monster to suck your eyeballs out of your head!

Posted by: Liberal single mother at November 10, 2016 09:43 PM (dtWKK)

oops. the thought of Jennifer Lawrence nude and masturbating distracted me.

Posted by: Puddleglum at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (J6uVH)

263 I feel bad for my kid.
She was born in 09.
She has only known @BarackObama.
Now #Trump is president & she's scared to death.

I feel bad for your kid, too.

Posted by: t-bird at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (9Q5BJ)

264 Last time I checked it was Christian white male conservatives that killed people like me - minorities - for having a lifestyle that was offensive to them."
The largest mass murder in history was one of Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Stalin, or Mao. The latter two killed the most in absolute numbers the former two the most in percentage of world population.

Only one of those was a white guy and he wasn't a Christian by the time her started killing people.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (aZq03)

265 Marc Cohen is dead?

Walking in Memphis will do that to ya....

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (ej1L0)

266 I am so glad that I have completely avoided social media.

You want to say some weird lefty crap to me?

Say it to my face.

Posted by: Mortimer, negative, dark, divisive and deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (zu88C)

267 I voted for Reagan. Fuck I'm old.
Posted by: Stating The Obvious
I missed that honor by six months. But I was introduced to him a registered to vote because Dutch.
Yeah, we're not old yet, but... Damn if I haven't pushed the rock to the top of the mountain, now.

Posted by: Chi - #FreeCthulhu at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (I5KMJ)

268 They say women secretly want alpha type men. Well we don't want the kind of women who'd post shit like that.

P.S. That doubly goes for you Lena Dunham

Posted by: Mango at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (sTkJe)

269 Night all. Took tomorrow off, so probably see you sometime late.

Posted by: @DangerGirl ( and her 1.21 Gigawatt SanityProd (tm) at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (+eR2D)

270 Hey! How'd the interview go today?
Posted by: Tami...Powering through being a deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:33 PM (Enq6K)

Hi Tami!

Here's what I told bluebell:

I think it went pretty well, but there's just no way to tell until I get an offer or a rejection. There are probably a couple of things I could've done better in retrospect, but it is what it is. I am not allowing myself to feel any hope as it will just make matters worse should it not work out.

Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000 at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (0mRoj)

271 Posted by: @Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at November 10, 2016 09:43 PM (Om16U)

Bwahaha I try to not be a prick purposefully

Posted by: thathalfricanplayafromthehimalayas - be water my friend at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (R5HRU)

272 I feel bad for all these kids, being raised to be terrified of the president. Make sure you don't do that to them, either.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (39g3+)

273 Heh. Zeke Emanuel just said that Obamacare has brought medical expense down.

Zeke the Freak.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 10, 2016 09:45 PM (kCDOM)

274 203 "Try this one I had on FB yesterday... 51 year old friend crying about the fact she is still young enough to get pregnant and what is she going to do come January when Trump takes away her free birth control. Her husband and her are very financially secure."

Well, you just tell that dippy bint that MILF porn pays about 2k per scene.

3k if she does it in the pooper.

Posted by: Oschisms at November 10, 2016 09:45 PM (ZsN9X)

275 Well we don't want the kind of women who'd post shit like that.

I won't go that far, she might have the crazy eyes.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 10, 2016 09:45 PM (0F67M)

276 241
Trump Twitter account laying blame for protests on enabling media! Just now! Dude is NOT backing down on his war on media!

Posted by: JDW


The next 4 years will be ... delightful.

Posted by: Mortimer, negative, dark, divisive and deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:45 PM (zu88C)

277 235 Leonard Cohen has died.

Oh, man. RIP.

The world is a lesser place without him.

Posted by: rickl the deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:45 PM (sdi6R)

278 Libs are always trying to infect their own kids with stupid lies, and thoughtless radical left absurdity. I'd kind of like it if they would just stay the hell away from everyone else's kids.

I'll just go ahead and teach mine rational thought instead. Thanks.

Posted by: brando at November 10, 2016 09:04 PM (VIyER)

Report the teacher. Complain to the principal and the school board. They do not have the right to indoctrinate our kids against the values of the working taxpaying majority.

They need to learn that not everyone agrees with their opinions. We've always known that. Leftists are pretty unaware.

Posted by: Honey Badger don't care at November 10, 2016 09:45 PM (iwSvL)

279 Posted by: 18-1 at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (aZq03)

Posted by: thathalfricanplayafromthehimalayas - be water my friend at November 10, 2016 09:45 PM (R5HRU)

280 The biggest thing I was afraid of as a kid was the danger posed by licking a metal fence.

Posted by: Northernlurker at November 10, 2016 09:45 PM (hJrjt)

281 Posted by: 18-1 at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (aZq03)

Well folks that's what I call a grand slam.

Posted by: thathalfricanplayafromthehimalayas - be water my friend at November 10, 2016 09:46 PM (R5HRU)

282 I voted for Reagan. Fuck I'm old.

Got you beat-- I cast my first vote for Nixon.

Posted by: Basement Cat at November 10, 2016 09:46 PM (3C9q2)

283 191 "Last time I checked it was Christian white male conservatives that killed people like me - minorities - for having a lifestyle that was offensive to them."

We aren't the people who like to shout Aloha Snackbar!

Posted by: tbodie at November 10, 2016 09:46 PM (4Utw1)

284 Having leftist parents is like being abused.

Posted by: steevy at November 10, 2016 09:46 PM (r/0kC)

285 I think it went pretty well, but there's just
no way to tell until I get an offer or a rejection. There are probably a
couple of things I could've done better in retrospect, but it is what
it is. I am not allowing myself to feel any hope as it will just make
matters worse should it not work out.

Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000 at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (0mRoj)

Well I'm praying for you that it DOES work out!

I think companies are going to be doing more and more hiring. Just a gut feeling I have.

Posted by: Tami...Powering through being a deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:47 PM (Enq6K)

286 249 Here you go,I know you were waiting with bated breath to find out what Jennifer Lawrence thinks about the election.

Is she nude and masturbating? Otherwise, there is no point in watching.

Posted by: Puddleglum at November 10, 2016 09:47 PM (J6uVH)

287 "biggest thing I was afraid of as a kid was the danger posed by licking a metal fence."

I actually did that. It wasn't even a dare. I was just a curious dumbass.

Posted by: Lauren at November 10, 2016 09:47 PM (8X6J9)

288 226 "Here's a question: When did it become okay in this country for so-called adults to exhibit roughly zero self control in public or in front of their children at home? Have any of these primal scream addicted ninnies considered that embracing and amplifying every last emotional impulse is not a healthy thing for them or for our civil society?"

I asked the same thing, in my own words, on my FB today. What do I get?

"Trump is going to take gay rights away! He's going to take away my health care! He's a racist!"

I'm surprised I didn't hear "white privilege" in the responses.

Posted by: Captain Whitebread at November 10, 2016 09:38 PM (rJUlF)

People have gone absolutely batshit insane.

Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000 at November 10, 2016 09:47 PM (0mRoj)

289 Had a 6yo daughter of a friend of a friend once that she wanted to kill them President Bush. Her mom was not a healthy personality to be around.

Posted by: FailRabbit at November 10, 2016 09:47 PM (E9R4o)

290 Believe or not, I didn't know about "JLaw" doing some Hope style selfies until recently, when that they made fun of that guy at the townhall debate for commenting on her, well, Solo.

So....I must say, I agreed with him. Properly waxed and bleached, and she know how do the proper pose. Dingbat, I'm sure, but there's that.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at November 10, 2016 09:47 PM (DW+jj)

291 Holy crap don't google Jennifer Lawrence nude! Its....terrible! She's all naked and giggly.

Posted by: Barack Obama at November 10, 2016 09:47 PM (aZq03)

292 I will only watch if she "weighed" in while nude and masturbating.

Posted by: Puddleglum at November 10, 2016 09:40 PM (J6uVH)

Guccifer, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.

Posted by: Stating The Obvious at November 10, 2016 09:47 PM (cmE8J)

293 Vic's first vote was for George Washington.

Posted by: Barb the Evil Genius at November 10, 2016 09:47 PM (FQKBL)

294 I got to see him live once, in the 90s, when this album came out:

Posted by: rickl the deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:47 PM (sdi6R)

295 The biggest thing I was afraid of as a kid was the danger posed by licking a metal fence.

For me it was the coat hanging on the door in my room at night.

I swear to God that thing would move.

Posted by: eleven at November 10, 2016 09:48 PM (qUNWi)

296 Dirk Gently

Watch it.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 10, 2016 09:48 PM (0F67M)

297 I asked my 4 year old who he wanted to be president, and he thought for a few seconds, and declared "Unikitty!" from the Lego Movie.
"What about Lego Batman?" I asked.
"No! Unikitty!"

I might disown him.

Posted by: wooga at November 10, 2016 09:48 PM (3wAg0)

298 Trump Twitter account laying blame for protests on enabling media!

Well, that's just unseemly. Have some respect for the office of President-elect!

Posted by: Barack Hussein Obama at November 10, 2016 09:48 PM (NBHj5)

299 @280
Do NOT piss on an electric fence. I was told this by a friend.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 10, 2016 09:48 PM (0tfLf)

300 >>I actually did that. It wasn't even a dare. I was just a curious dumbass.

Guys must have loved taking you to the Movies.

Posted by: garrett at November 10, 2016 09:48 PM (6ToNi)

301 265 Marc Cohen is dead?

Walking in Memphis will do that to ya....
Posted by: Hairyback Guy

Heh! I'm not sure that Walking in Memphis was safe when that song came out.

Posted by: Puddleglum at November 10, 2016 09:48 PM (J6uVH)

302 I see a new social hierarchy emerging on the left: a pyramid of Trump victims, ranging in severity from low to high.

Posted by: weew at November 10, 2016 09:48 PM (6EH85)

303 shoeonhead is NOT a trannie - you are confusing her with Blair White, the conservative/libertarian who is a trannie.
The two look somewhat alike.

Posted by: Donna&&&&V(deplorably brandishing ampersands&&&&and so there at November 10, 2016 09:49 PM (P8951)

304 As was I. But the first news story I remember being acutely aware of, because it was impossible to avoid, was the OJ trial.
Posted by: broseidon

JFK's assassination for me, but mainly because Captain Kangaroo and Popeye were off the air for a few days.

I guess I was pretty detached as a kid, and the first international news story I ever got personally upset about was the murder of the Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics. I was a big sports fan so I guess that made it more personal for me.

I've fucking loathed jihadis ever since.

Posted by: stace at November 10, 2016 09:49 PM (ozZau)

305 56 My 9yo already knows whose parents are Democrats, he asked if they are going to confession for voting for Hilary.
Posted by: Jean at November 10, 2016 09:12 PM (++ihI)

Normally, I would say that sin is reserved to the Supreme Pontiff. But he would spend the rest of his papacy in the box just hearing those confessions.

Of course, we would be safer if that was all that he was doing.

Posted by: Petrus, PP at November 10, 2016 09:49 PM (brIR5)

306 Leonard Part 6 - DOA.

Posted by: Gene Siskeleton at November 10, 2016 09:49 PM (FXW24)

307 284
Having leftist parents is like being abused.

Posted by: steevy at November 10, 2016 09:46 PM (r/0kC)

They're the ones that convince 7 year old that they want/need "gender reassignment surgery". Sick F's the lot of them.

Posted by: Tami...Powering through being a deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:49 PM (Enq6K)

308 >> Dirk Gently

When do they air that?

I wanted to check it out. Always been a huge fan.

Posted by: garrett at November 10, 2016 09:49 PM (6ToNi)

309 "My 7 yr old granddaughter called me at 6 am Wed morning and screamed " Grandma Trump won!! I voted for him at school yesterday"
Posted by: Molly k. at November 10, 2016 08:55 PM (I3mrR)"
Why in hell are schools having 7-yr-olds vote in a mock election using the real candidates?!? That's WAY too young.
All it does is force parents into discussing politics with little kids.....and force the kids to reveal their parents' views to the school.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at November 10, 2016 09:49 PM (Nox3c)

310 Last time I checked it was Christian white male conservatives that killed people like me - minorities - for having a lifestyle that was offensive to them

Why, they put people in camps for looking different! OH wait, no that was a hard left Democrat.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 10, 2016 09:49 PM (39g3+)

I read the tweets of those two cretins and their stupidity is absolutely mindblowing. They are complete and utter vapid, uneducated dullards who live in a world of endless idiocy. This is why they're liberals and support what they do. Because they are brainless.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 10, 2016 09:50 PM (auHtY)

312 >>>Even 10 year old me thought the entire thing was all sorts of fucked up.
Posted by: Lauren<<<

I was in the jury pool for that shit show. Luckily my employer got me out on a hardship excuse.

Posted by: Fritz at November 10, 2016 09:50 PM (fHq4U)

I voted for Reagan. Fuck I'm old.

Got you beat-- I cast my first vote for Nixon.

Posted by: Basement Cat at November 10, 2016 09:46 PM (3C9q2)

As kid we said "Nixon, Nixon, he's our man, throw old McGovern in the garbage can."

Posted by: Stating The Obvious at November 10, 2016 09:50 PM (cmE8J)

314 "Guys must have loved taking you to the Movies"

Haha. Well now that you mention it I did have a dude in 8th grade whip out his junk, Weiner style, during a movie.

I looked at it in horror, he finally put it away, and he broke up with me the next week.

I'm not sure what the plan was there. There wasn't even a prerequisite make out. Just, hello penis.

Posted by: Lauren at November 10, 2016 09:51 PM (8X6J9)

315 >>I voted for Reagan. Fuck I'm old.

>>Got you beat-- I cast my first vote for Nixon.

Big deal.

Vic voted against coming down from the trees.

Posted by: garrett at November 10, 2016 09:52 PM (6ToNi)

316 272 I feel bad for all these kids, being raised to be terrified of the president. Make sure you don't do that to them, either.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (39g3+)

I've been busy trying to counter the bullshit my kids have been exposed to on this, especially my oldest.

Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000 at November 10, 2016 09:52 PM (0mRoj)

317 Last time I checked it was Christian white male conservatives that killed people like me - minorities - for having a lifestyle that was offensive to them


Posted by: Iranian Tall Building Commission at November 10, 2016 09:52 PM (3hIZX)

318 People have gone absolutely batshit insane.


It's the first effect of not believing in God that you lose your common sense. The Oracle of the Dog (1923)

Posted by: Chesterton at November 10, 2016 09:52 PM (aZq03)

319 I'm not sure what the plan was there. There wasn't even a prerequisite make out. Just, hello penis.

He was reading his dad's Penthouse Forum stash.

Posted by: eleven at November 10, 2016 09:52 PM (qUNWi)

320 I tried to post this earlier in the day but I had posting trouble. go to the side bar and click on the article about the Hillary HQ photos. Now in your mind place a picture of Donald Trump dick punching one of them.

It makes the good article even better.

Posted by: Picric at November 10, 2016 09:52 PM (s0VSd)

321 You right wing bumblefucks just don't get it. Have you ever shook the hand of a Muslim who just got finished stoning a woman for wearing a halter top, mutilating the genitals of a young girl and throwing a few gays off the top of a clock tower? It'll change the way you think about everything.

Posted by: That dumbass UX guy from earlier today at November 10, 2016 09:52 PM (kumBu)

322 This is the meme that did it for me.

If you voted for Trump explain to your LGBT friend, your muslim friend blah blah... why they don't matter to you. Fuck this shit. Over and out. I may never go back.

Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at November 10, 2016 09:52 PM (CNHr1)

323 "Why in hell are schools having 7-yr-olds vote in a mock election using the real candidates?!? That's WAY too young. "

They've been doing that for a long time. I voted for HW Bush. My mom was very disappointed.

Posted by: Lauren at November 10, 2016 09:53 PM (8X6J9)

324 Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000 at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (0mRoj)

You never can tell. I went through a long period of unemployment once and there were interviews I thought I had aced - and I didn't get the job.

Then I had an interview that I thought I had screwed up and I spent the rest of the day thinking "why didn't I say that? Why did I say that?" I got the job.

Posted by: Donna&&&&V(deplorably brandishing ampersands&&&&and so there at November 10, 2016 09:53 PM (P8951)

325 Posted by: Lauren at November 10, 2016 09:51 PM (8X6J9)

That's bad form.

You are supposed to hide it in the Popcorn Bucket.

Posted by: garrett at November 10, 2016 09:53 PM (6ToNi)

They're the ones that convince 7 year old that they want/need "gender reassignment surgery". Sick F's the lot of them.


"But Mom, I don't want an addadicktome!"

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Irredeemable Cycling Stars (TM) at November 10, 2016 09:53 PM (BK3ZS)

327 Why in hell are schools having 7-yr-olds vote in a mock election using the real candidates?!? That's WAY too young.

At least one kid got beat up by fellow students for voting for Trump in one of those stupid elections.

They need to wait until 8th grade at least before they pull that crap.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 10, 2016 09:53 PM (39g3+)

328 "Posted by: Iranian Tall Building Commission at November 10, 2016 09:52 PM (3hIZX) "

I'm afraid I have to report you to the government - this building doesn't have a regulation size window for the defenestration of gays.

Posted by: Iranian Building Inspector at November 10, 2016 09:54 PM (kumBu)

329 Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000 at November 10, 2016 09:44 PM (0mRoj)

Well I'm praying for you that it DOES work out!

I think companies are going to be doing more and more hiring. Just a gut feeling I have.
Posted by: Tami...Powering through being a deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:47 PM (Enq6K)

Thanks Tami! I don't know if there will be much more in the way of opportunity with the shitty state of the economy, but we'll see.

Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000 at November 10, 2016 09:54 PM (0mRoj)

330 Why in hell are schools having 7-yr-olds vote in a mock election using the real candidates?!? That's WAY too young.
All it does is force parents into discussing politics with little kids.....and force the kids to reveal their parents' views to the school.
Posted by: Margarita DeVille

Thank you. Thank you so very much.

If I ever talked about politics with any 7 or 8 eight old I know, I hope they would punch me right in the dick. Then go outside and play.

Posted by: Chi - #FreeCthulhu at November 10, 2016 09:54 PM (I5KMJ)

331 The snooty Lexington, MA elementary school had a mock election in 1980. I was six.

I voted for Reagan because I thought "Ronald Reagan" sounded cool. Didn't even know who Carter or Anderson were.

The other kids in suburban Boston were mostly Carter voters.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo didn't make lots of friends that day at November 10, 2016 09:55 PM (6FqZa)

332 Haha. Well now that you mention it I did have a dude in 8th grade whip out his junk, Weiner style, during a movie.

I looked at it in horror, he finally put it away, and he broke up with me the next week.

I'm not sure what the plan was there. There wasn't even a prerequisite make out. Just, hello penis.

Posted by: Lauren at November 10, 2016 09:51 PM (8X6J9)

He took "it" out?

Posted by: Jerry Seinfeld at November 10, 2016 09:55 PM (JO9+V)

333 I read the tweets of those two cretins and their stupidity is absolutely mindblowing. They are complete and utter vapid, uneducated dullards who live in a world of endless idiocy. This is why they're liberals and support what they do. Because they are brainless.

Posted by: TheQuietMan

I am hearing "educated" leftists saying the same crap. Education has nothing to do with it.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at November 10, 2016 09:55 PM (hVdx9)

334 Warden,
1) My apologies for a recent comment that might have been open to misinterpretation.

2) Thanks for these periodic kids and family posts.

3) There may be a lot of ribald comments, but everyone who has had the grave responsibility for raising kids would go nuts if they couldn't laugh about it.

4) Leftists don't have children and this shows why they shouldn't.

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at November 10, 2016 09:55 PM (J8/9G)

335 Trump wants to build a wall. Trump wants to vet the Muslims because some of them are coming in and blowing people up. He wants to export the illegals who boldly broke the federal law and came into this country without the proper procedures. I must have missed the part about the Blacks and the gays because many of them are coming unglued over I don't know what.

Posted by: washrivergal at November 10, 2016 09:55 PM (CFc5L)

336 "See? My kid is SCARED! Are you HAPPY, Trump voters?"

Eat shit and go fuck yourself simultaneously.

I'll take "Why I love AoSHQ for $1000," Alex.

Posted by: DocJ at November 10, 2016 09:55 PM (+7EAV)

337 Honestly, they should have had me not vote, being as I wasn't American.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo didn't make lots of friends that day at November 10, 2016 09:55 PM (6FqZa)

338 Leftists tend not to have kids to ruin. They let conservatives send their kids to schools so they can ruin those instead.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 10, 2016 09:56 PM (39g3+)

339 325 Posted by: Lauren at November 10, 2016 09:51 PM (8X6J9)

That's bad form.

You are supposed to hide it in the Popcorn Bucket.
Posted by: garrett at November 10, 2016 09:53 PM (6ToNi)

But this one's eating my popcorn!

/just the punchline

Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000 at November 10, 2016 09:56 PM (0mRoj)

340 Big deal.

Vic voted against coming down from the trees.

Posted by: garrett


Or as the Neanderthals called it " The Great Mistake ".

Posted by: Mortimer, negative, dark, divisive and deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:56 PM (zu88C)

341 @314. Hello Penis would be a great band name.

Posted by: Mango at November 10, 2016 09:56 PM (sTkJe)

342 I must have missed the part about the Blacks and the gays because many of them are coming unglued over I don't know what.

Romney wants to ban sex!!!!!!

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 10, 2016 09:57 PM (39g3+)

343 Had a 6yo daughter of a friend of a friend once that she wanted to kill
them President Bush. Her mom was not a healthy personality to be around.

So Mary Cloggenstien is real?

Posted by: tu3031 at November 10, 2016 09:57 PM (qJhUV)

344 Lynyrd Skynyrd Cohen RIP.

Posted by: Freebird at November 10, 2016 09:57 PM (FXW24)

345 "Hello, penis". That could be the name of a sitcom. It will be about a disgraced former politician who not only ruined his own career and marriage, but the career of his ex-wife's boss.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at November 10, 2016 09:57 PM (DW+jj)

If I ever talked about politics with any 7 or 8 eight old I know, I hope they would punch me right in the dick. Then go outside and play.
Posted by: Chi -

No shit.
WTF is wrong with these parents?
Part of being in a democracy is losing, you win some, you lose some.
My oldest child had GOP presidents for her first 6 years. She had no idea what was going on when Clinton was elected at age 6

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 10, 2016 09:57 PM (voOPb)

347 "I'm sick of people dumping on Millennials saying we get offended by everything. Last time I checked it was Christian white male conservatives that killed people like me - minorities - for having a lifestyle that was offensive to them."

If he has a chip on his shoulder like that, he shouldn't be surprised if fewer and fewer blacks get elected. Why would a white voter vote for someone who assumes the worst about them without any proof? This kind of overgeneralization creates a self fulfilling prophecy racial animosity.

Incite this kind of hatred, and then when whites move out to the 'burbs, it's "See! I knew they hated me, those racists!"

Posted by: Liberal single mother at November 10, 2016 09:58 PM (dtWKK)

348 Honestly, they should have had me not vote, being as I wasn't American.
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo didn't make lots of friends that day at November 10, 2016 09:55 PM (6FqZa)

I think everyone is cool with non-Americans who are pro-America. It's the anti-American Americans who can fuck the hell off.

Posted by: Stating The Obvious at November 10, 2016 09:58 PM (cmE8J)

349 I saw Pussy Riot open for Hello Penis at the Metroplex.

Posted by: Mortimer, negative, dark, divisive and deplorable at November 10, 2016 09:58 PM (zu88C)

350 @341 I thought I saw Hello Penis open for Kitty Galore at the Brendan Byrne Arena in 81, but it turns out it was Great White.

Posted by: DocJ at November 10, 2016 09:59 PM (vOveD)

351 Hello Penis would be a great band name.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 10, 2016 09:59 PM (39g3+)

352 You never can tell. I went through a long period of unemployment once and there were interviews I thought I had aced - and I didn't get the job.

Then I had an interview that I thought I had screwed up and I spent the rest of the day thinking "why didn't I say that? Why did I say that?" I got the job.
Posted by: Donna&&&&V(deplorably brandishing ampersands&&&&and so there at November 10, 2016 09:53 PM (P8951)

True enough. You don't know until you do.

Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000 at November 10, 2016 09:59 PM (0mRoj)

353 First!

Why does it not say first next to my post?


Posted by: Special Snowflake at November 10, 2016 09:59 PM (+AnUx)

The first Presidential election of which I was aware was '64, Goldwater v Johnson. Fifth grade. No mock elections.

My sixth grade teacher, Mr. Dixon, had covers from TIME magazine mounted on one wall, about three dozen of them. They were portraits of leaders from here and around the world and we were expected to learn who they were for a quiz.

I don't recall politics being an explicit part of any class until civics in high school.

I don't recall there being any post-election histrionics until 2000. Hmm. Who engaged in the hissy fit then?

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Irredeemable Cycling Stars (TM) at November 10, 2016 10:00 PM (BK3ZS)

355 345 "Hello, penis". That could be the name of a sitcom. It will be about a disgraced former politician who not only ruined his own career and marriage, but the career of his ex-wife's boss.


Even for a sit-com, sounds too unrealistic. Viewers would never buy into it.

Posted by: @Deplorable votermom @vm on Gab at November 10, 2016 10:00 PM (Om16U)

356 "Hello, penis". That could be the name of a sitcom. It will be about a disgraced former politician who not only ruined his own career and marriage, but the career of his ex-wife's boss. "

How a dick pic saved America.

Posted by: Lauren at November 10, 2016 10:00 PM (8X6J9)

357 347:This kind of overgeneralization creates a self fulfilling prophecy racial animosity.

Feature, not a bug.

Thar be GOLD in them thar Grievances!!!!

Posted by: Grievance Industry at November 10, 2016 10:00 PM (J6uVH)

358 I saw Hello Kitty open for Hello Penis.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at November 10, 2016 10:00 PM (hVdx9)

359 ONT is up.

Posted by: tbodie at November 10, 2016 10:00 PM (4Utw1)

360 This is funny because I am old enough to remember Reagan in 84's election.

Lib parents had me scared shitless.

In a few years...kinda became his biggest fan.

Be careful, liberal parents, their gullibility only lasts so long.

Posted by: Joe Inaugurating 45 in DC at November 10, 2016 10:00 PM (QztpB)

361 Hello Penis was the less-successful followup to Goodnight Moon.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo didn't make lots of friends that day at November 10, 2016 10:00 PM (6FqZa)

362 Elaine:He took it out.
Jerry: He took what out?

Posted by: steevy at November 10, 2016 10:01 PM (r/0kC)

363 I saw Pussy Riot open for Hello Penis at the Metroplex.

They always do.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 10, 2016 10:01 PM (0F67M)

364 It's the monster from the USO!

Posted by: Pee Wee Herman at November 10, 2016 10:01 PM (BO/km)

365 Part of being in a democracy is losing, you win some, you lose some.
Part of the problem is we are a representative republic not a true democracy and people don't understand that.

Posted by: @lindafelldespair( deplorable, irredeemable, racist, islamaphobe, misogynist, redneck in TEX at November 10, 2016 10:01 PM (JNDQi)

366 This kind of overgeneralization creates a self fulfilling prophecy racial animosity.
The only way liberalism works is if you break people down into groups they can control.

If we woke up tomorrow and everyone was the same religion and skin color liberalism would disappear.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 10, 2016 10:02 PM (aZq03)

367 I don't recall there being any post-election histrionics until 2000. Hmm. Who engaged in the hissy fit then?

Well, Bush instituted the theocracy and killed all the gheys and banned the female orgasm, so can you blame them?

Posted by: Iranian Tall Building Commission at November 10, 2016 10:03 PM (3hIZX)

368 For those of you who missed it this morning, it's Muldoon's birthday. That triggered a Muldoon-a-paloosa of limerickery. I've gathered them up (all, I hope) for your dubious pleasure.
Wall-O-Text WARNING:

There once was a punster, Muldoon
Who distracted us daily from doom
He assembled his rhymes
At any old time
And made the Horde's laughter go boom!
Posted by: joncelli

His rhymes make you laugh like a loon
So here's hoping he's not leaving soon
Some might say that he's older
I say he'll just get bolder
And so, Happy Birthday, Muldoon!
Posted by: Brother Cavil

Seamus, I'm sure it will give you a lift
that I've shown such admirable thrift
in choosing a way
to remember your day
with this heart-warming message (no gift!)

Happy Birthday!!!!
Posted by: @Deplorable votermom

It seems that we age all too soon,
And our skin wrinkles up like a prune.
It sad to watch time,
Drink our youth up like wine,
Posted by: Mortimer

151 Sixty years ago, our Muldoon was born
His welcome here is never outworn
With his wit he disarms us
With his limericks he charms us
Happy birthday to our own King of Corn!

-- Bluebell

There once was a man named Muldoon
We love the puns from that loon
We should give him the keys
To post as he please
Unless Ace is up before noon!

-- Mama AJ

Forged in fire, blood and the battle
Charging towards the sabre's rattle
The birth of the Marines
Victorious in the deadliest scenes
Share our day with Muldoon, King of Prattle

Happy Birthday Muldoon

Happy Birthday to my brother and sister Marines! Semper Fidelis
Posted by: The Mouse that Roared
There once was a lad named Muldoon
With his puns we were over the moon
Though growing older
He was nonetheless bolder
As with rhymery his comments were strewn
Posted by: Mike Hammer
Welcome to your new year, Muldoon!

When I got up today had I known
That a stealth Yoko link would be shown
I then wished that I had
A faster keypad
Or was back with my dial telephone
Posted by: dissent555

and happy b day Muldoon.
he didn't come from Nantucket and never threw his puns in a bucket
but with quick thought He
made us laugh and snicker a lot
we will always remember Muldoon
as a person with whom
we could laugh and love
our patriotic status laughed at by people wanting status.
but we give two fks that they might call us a loon

Posted by: willow

Muldoon's limericks are always on track
With poetry, pun and wisecrack
He could only be better
If under his sweater
He had something like Alex's rack.

Happy birthday
Posted by: Dirks Strewn

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 10, 2016 10:03 PM (kCDOM)

369 Well, Bush instituted the theocracy and killed all the gheys and banned the female orgasm, so can you blame them?

Can't ban a myth.

Posted by: Insomniac - 1 in 94,609,000 at November 10, 2016 10:05 PM (0mRoj)

370 awww
always loved Cohen.

If it be your will
That I speak no more
And my voice be still
As it was before
I will speak no more
I shall abide until
I am spoken for
If it be your will


Posted by: Bigby's Ouija Board at November 10, 2016 10:05 PM (U0lQa)

371 Last time I checked it was Christian white male conservatives that killed people like me - minorities - for having a lifestyle that was offensive to them

The last time you checked was the 1500's?! Times have changed. Enjoy your flight!

Posted by: Iranistan at November 10, 2016 10:06 PM (/cksx)

I said hello, Penis,
Well, hello, Penis
It's so nice to have you back where you belong
You're lookin' swollen, Penis
I can tell, Penis
You're still glowin'
You're still growin'
You're still goin' strong
I feel that room swayin'
While the porn's playin'
One of your old favorite flicks from way back when
So stop 'n' fap, fellas
Find him an empty wrapper, fellas
Penis'll never go away again

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Irredeemable Cycling Stars (TM) at November 10, 2016 10:06 PM (BK3ZS)

373 If we woke up tomorrow and everyone was the same religion and skin color liberalism would disappear.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 10, 2016 10:02 PM (aZq03)

Thus, fake hate crimes.

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at November 10, 2016 10:06 PM (J8/9G)

374 Leonard Cohen, RIP

"There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets through."

May perpetual light shine upon him.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at November 10, 2016 10:06 PM (Nox3c)

375 If you don't get the reference, it's Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, which is when a parent deliberately makes her kid sick to garner sympathy and attention.
Or has their little boy dress as a little girl and convince him that he's a she to garner attention, SJW praise etc. (Or vice versa with a real girl.)

Posted by: andycanuck at November 10, 2016 10:06 PM (7cmcE)

376 Hilarity ensues on this week's Hello, Penis when Dr Penis Huxtable goes to the Hillary Clinton victory party at the local PP clinic.

Posted by: studio executive at November 10, 2016 10:11 PM (7cmcE)

377 oops. the thought of Jennifer Lawrence nude and masturbating distracted me.

Posted by: Puddleglum

Don't worry, that's nothing a little FGM can't fix.

Posted by: Ahmed Mohammed at November 10, 2016 10:11 PM (dtWKK)

378 Snowflakes I was born at the start of the Cold War and I have children born at the end of the Cold War. And you can't handle election results?

Posted by: Colin S Fincter at November 10, 2016 10:11 PM (0a1T6)

The only way liberalism works is if you break people down into groups they can control.

It's like I said in an earlier thread. I am convinced these clowns get up each morning and pull out a new Diversity BINGO card to play that day.

"There's a POC!"

"Ooh, she's a tranny!"

"Wow! a Latina! Can it be? Yes! DIVERSITY BINGO for me! Me! Me! Me!"

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Irredeemable Cycling Stars (TM) at November 10, 2016 10:12 PM (BK3ZS)

380 I voted for Reagan. Fuck I'm old.
Posted by: Stating The Obvious

I was at his inauguration, in the high dollar seats right by the reviewing stand.

They needed bodies to fill the unsold/vacant seats and I was lucky!

I am hoping my son will be participating in this one. (crosses fingers)

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at November 10, 2016 10:12 PM (ekmuQ)

381 These cucks aren't really adults, are they?

Parents who instill irrational fears in their children should get a visit be DCS.

These are the same people who condemn Christians who teach their children the difference between good and evil.

Posted by: Great Reagan's Deplorable Ghost at November 10, 2016 10:17 PM (DeU1P)

382 Hilarity ensues on this week's Hello, Penis when Dr Penis Huxtable goes to the Hillary Clinton victory party at the local PP clinic.

Posted by: studio executive

PP clinic? Prosthetic Penis clinic?

Posted by: Chazz Bono at November 10, 2016 10:17 PM (dtWKK)

383 When my children were little I was still scared of storms and particularly lightning and thunder. When my husband was at work I would make sure I did not panic the kids and would force myself to sit with them and play until the storm passed.

The great thing is my kids are blasé about storms and now so am I.

I have nothing but contempt for these crybabies who abuse their kids by poisoning them against political figures at such a young age when they have no way of knowing what are truths or lies.

Posted by: Decaf at November 10, 2016 10:22 PM (nogKi)

384 My twin nieces are being raised by a liberal-but-not-leftist mom who understands that Hillary is a crook, and a right-leaning moderate dad. They're totally okay with me, a socon and enthusiastic Trump supporter since his early entrumpening of John McCain, being an influencing figure in their daughters' lives.

I appreciate this, and I don't talk politics with the girls. You know why? They're four years old. I talk about toys and Disney movies and My Little Pony and shit like that with them.

I'll be happy to talk politics with the twins when they're older, and come to me asking about that stuff. Until then, though, I just want them to be kids and enjoy their childhood. And I'll be mighty pissed off at somebody if those adorable girls come to me before even their fifth birthday asking me how such an awful person as Donald Trump could be our President.

Posted by: The Deplorable Prothonotary Warbler at November 10, 2016 10:22 PM (0OG8D)

385 Teh Donald has taken the high road, for now.

Once, properly sworn in, release the hounds of "you're fired" is in order.

Asking all here assembled whether he will. MPO is he will

Posted by: micky at November 10, 2016 10:24 PM (o5vMc)

386 I was a 9-year old kid/peewee hockey player living in Newfoundland when JFK was killed.

A friend of mine told me about it. I knew he was the President but that was about it. I wandered into the house and asked my Dad for the stick tape, cuz I was the goalie and my stick had a hairline crack in it...I needed to re-tape it. And I told my Dad, "Oh yeah, Louis said JFK got killed." And my Dad just stared at me. So I said, "Dad...I need the tape. I'm gonna get killed in goal if my stick breaks.' He turned on the TV to the Armed Forces Network, and sure enough, Louis was correct. But he did get me the tape, so it turned out all right. And that's all kids should be concerned about. Not fucking politics.

Posted by: Sixkiller at November 10, 2016 10:26 PM (mFA3Z)

387 Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at November 10, 2016 09:55 PM (J8/9G)


Since I don't know what you're referencing, no worries.

Posted by: Warden at November 10, 2016 10:31 PM (MZ8Zz)

388 Houston Chronicle this morning; column by Pulitzer Prize winning Lisa Falkenberg: "I'm not to that point, but it was hard to explain to my 7- and 4-year-old girls what just happened."

Explaining the election outcome to a 4-year-old.

I wrote to the Chronicle Ombudsman, asking if they are really so fragile over there, and does delivering your newspaper to a Trump voter upset your staff? Should I drop my subscription, and save your folks all this pain?

Posted by: LCMS Rulz! at November 10, 2016 10:37 PM (o7l6R)

389 I'm glad that millennial was able to quit his job and live the outdoor free life but he's only able to do it because some Gen X or older guy is still working to produce the widgets and gadgets he takes for granted. If everyone quit to play around, eventually we'd live in idocracy.

Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at November 10, 2016 10:54 PM (IDPbH)

390 #388: Lisa Falkenberg, your seven- and four-year-old daughters should be more worried about what's happening in the next episode of Little Einsteins or Sophia The First than about Donald Trump's proposed tax rates.

They're children! Let them enjoy that.

Posted by: The Deplorable Prothonotary Warbler at November 10, 2016 10:58 PM (0OG8D)

391 My daughter will turn 21 next week, but she is autistic and functions more on the level of a grade school child. She knows who George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King were; she loves the old "Schoolhouse Rock" videos about American history; she knows that Barack Obama is the current president, and she knows that we just had an election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and that Trump won. That is all. I've never told her what I or her father personally think of Obama, Clinton or Trump. What would be the point? All we care about is that she learn to be kind, honest, and courteous, be able to hold a job, and ultimately live on her own (with some supervision) after we are gone. Why burden her with all sorts of political baggage? Even if she were "normal" I would have kept my political opinions to myself as much as possible until she asked me for them. I still have the quaint idea that you should still respect the office even if you don't agree with the person who holds it....

Posted by: Secret Square at November 10, 2016 11:11 PM (9WuX0)

392 He's called Ace for the very reason he lays it down. And it STAYS down.

Posted by: Ray Mota at November 10, 2016 11:31 PM (AVxHd)

393 This post would be good if it were attacking something real. The vast majority of these twitter children are just that: children on twitter only. They're made up. They aren't instilling fear into their 8 year olds. They don't have 8 year olds. They just want the dramatic effect.

Posted by: Rich at November 11, 2016 12:35 AM (ygBCA)

394 I feel bad for my kid.
She was born in 09.
She has only known @BarackObama.

I'd feel bad for my kid if it were true too.

Posted by: somejoe at November 11, 2016 01:51 AM (jdyyo)

395 These are kids who never lost a little league game.

Because no one keeps score.

Because everyone is a winner.

If you hit a home run or shrink out wildly, you're still a winner.

Then when life smacks the kids/parents between the eyes, well, here we are...

Posted by: Doc at November 11, 2016 01:54 AM (Vgl4t)

396 It's an aged teen wasteland.

Posted by: BillyDee at November 11, 2016 02:14 AM (SQbEf)

397 I'll post my daily reminder that these idiots aren't representative of all liberals. Most Berners I know are sad that the power brokers stole the primary but aren't freaking out, or scaring their children. The smart ones are thrilled Hillary lost and are bemused by the hysteria and fascistic tendencies being exhibited by her supporters.

Posted by: Bernette at November 11, 2016 03:41 AM (JSys4)

398 "a child comprehends more than adults"

she comprehends that her parents, teachers, and the channel that her parents watch for news (if they watch any) all portray Trump as the boogie man. But he isn't. Thus, not only does "a child" not comprehend more than "adults" -- you've basically brainwashed her into thinking the newly elected president is evil.

On the up side, if the child is somewhat good at comprehension, after 4 or 8 more years she'll realize you guys were all freaking nuts.

Posted by: DaveM at November 11, 2016 05:43 AM (WFjXF)

399 My young daughter was called a racist for voting Trump in the school mock election.

It broke my heart when she asked me

"Mommy what is a racist ? ? ?"

1st grade. Six years old.

Posted by: honeybunny at November 11, 2016 05:44 AM (3jpFR)

400 Mini rant: this summer I went to pick up my daughter from her day camp and the (adult) head counselor pulled me aside and said there was an incident. "Your daughter called another child a name and one of the (teenage) counselors thought it was racially motivated, so we talked to your daughter about not disparaging kids for their differences." I was shocked because my daughter is 5 and has never done such a thing before, doesn't even understand the notion of race, really, so I asked what was said. "She called the other girl 'poop girl' when they were arguing over a place in line."

My daughter is 5. She calls people, including her younger brother just that morning and me earlier in the week, poop girl and poop boy and poopy head when she is mad because THAT'S WHAT 5-YEAR OLDS DO!! She had no idea that was even possibly a racist insult, or even think about other kids' races before your lecture that day. So thanks a lot, see-you-next-tuesday. You are the racist for jumping to that conclusion about what that insult means.

Posted by: Not the mama at November 11, 2016 08:02 AM (HukFI)

401 Screw these people. Oldest is 10, serious a little beyond his years sometimes. Old enough we let him watch some of the debates, took him with us to vote in the red oasis of Carroll County MD. Still read stories at bedtime, the night of election day, when I said good night, told him, honestly, that I thought Hillary Clinton was going to win, but that it wasn't worth it for him to being upset about it - she'll make choices we don't agree with, but that's not everything, and our family would be fine. Nice surprise to wake him up in the morning with the news that Donald Trump won. He slept just fine, and would've been fine if HC won. (Me on the other hand...) Prepared him for a bad result, reassured him that even if we didn't like the result, our life would go on. Can't wait to see how he competes in the future with his safe-space-seeking peers...

Posted by: Mike at November 11, 2016 09:01 AM (7utiO)

402 Remember the good ol' days when libs used to talk about how afraid of our own shadow conservatives were, and how only the right was mentionable for "fear-mongering"?

Now, their fear is something for you to deal with! How afraid they've made their kids about somebody they didn't want as president, is something you need to be mindful of.

I think that's a big takeaway from this election, we never have to take liberals seriously again. Oh, they may be in power, yet, and they may control all three branches, it's just we don't have to get confused that they mean what they say.

Posted by: Axeman at November 11, 2016 09:19 AM (2mC6G)

403 Many on "The Left" (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives,
anarchists, Liberal Democrats) have "threatened" to move to Canada if
Trump is elected.
Trump was elected in a historically large Electoral College margin (soon to be: T=306, C=232).
Now, let us not lose our initiative.
The immediately looming problem is:
can we conservatives facilitate the move of "Lefties" to Canada, while
the Lefties are still motivated to move to Canada, and we conservatives
want to help the Lefties move to Canada?"
Do not miss this historic opportunity to help Lefties leave America, for good.
(younger and better off financially than me) create a charitable
website to facilitate the Lefties in their move out of America. Help is
needed to get passports, buy bus tickets to Canada, provide an
electronic "hot-line" to answer Lefties questions about leaving America.
In return for a passport and a ticket out, the Leftie would have to
renounce his/her US citizenship.
This time, this might just work!
Trump, 2016

Posted by: Tom Johnson, conservative at November 11, 2016 09:29 AM (uNXCo)

404 This is kind of a reverse-Julia reaction. In that pamphlet that the Obama campaign put out in 2012, it repeatedly read "Because of Barack Obama, Julia can ....".

Julia was a benefactor of simply having once had Barack Obama's as president. The pamphlet showed how every single step or aspect of her life was blessed by having the policies of Barack Obama impact them. She lived a blissful life (with no husband mentioned--but kids!) because of Barack Obama, and the legacy of his policies.

So where's Julia, now? Barack Obama will not be president, and his legacy...just ain't. Thus the dreamers who saw themselves in the faceless Julia fall from this idyllic world into the reality that it's not yet the Democratic millennial kingdom.

And for the people who make a habit of making the perfect the enemy of the good, this is HELL!! They might as well be having their skin flayed by demons!!

Posted by: Axeman at November 11, 2016 09:33 AM (2mC6G)

405 "Trumphausen" -- Brilliant. I'm gonna steal that term for the wave of fishy "hate-crime" and "hate-rudeness" stories that are already making the rounds - at least one of which, a Muslim woman alleging that guys in Trump hats assaulted her and stole her hijab on the campus of a university in Lafayette, Louisiana, has already been admitted by the alleged victim to be a fabrication.

There's a nearly identical story out of San Jose State University, and hundreds of Facebook posts by people alleging they were subjected to racial harassment on the street. All very conveniently unverifiable and unfalsifiable. And NY Times has already called on Trump to denounce this supposed wave of hate.

Look, I get that some people are assholes, and that a few of those assholes supported Trump on the basis that his DGAF attitude legitimized their own assholishness. It's plausible that some of those assholes are engaging in boorish behavior to strangers. But I'm making a confident prediction that at least 75% of these incidents are bullshit.

Posted by: Alex at November 11, 2016 12:11 PM (7Yy8M)

406 "Read something other than politics."

Bingo. I'm currently reading a piece of non-fiction by E.B. Sledge about fighting Japs on Okinawa in WW2.

Gawd, what a nation of pussies we have become!

Posted by: Phloda at November 11, 2016 01:39 PM (SBKBH)

407 Ace. Army Vet. Been readin for awhile. Thought I'd post tonight for the first time.

"Eat Shit and Go Fuck Yourself Simultaneously." You had me at "Eat Shit."

From GrubHub to Seth Meyer - can we please stop mollycoddling these induced-psychosis children who are GENUINELY DANGEROUS and hit them between the eyes? With a mailed fist?!! Exact a PRICE. Dump Stocks? Maybe I'll start a website. Recommend punishment in 3X proportion to the offense. Adolescence thrives where children are protected from the consequences of their words and actions. Enough.

I've been a nice-guy conservative for 20 years, and have LOST for 20 years. Where was my "safe space" in 2008 when Comrade Zero said "suck it!" ? Then I read Alinsky - their VERY SUCCESS is predicated on OUR DECENCY. Civility, tolerance, multi-cult-ism are all coded "ceasefires" when our side is in the ascendant. One-way streets.

I swear ETERNAL HOSTILITY to all forms of TYRANNY over the MIND OF MAN.

Posted by: MG at November 12, 2016 01:54 AM (QTuU5)

408 @407
Also been reading a while. Also posting for the first time.

Nice-guy conservatism didn't win us anything. Did it stop the expansion of the federal government? Did it slow the growth of federal regulations? Did it prevent millions of illegal immigrants from entering and living and working in our country? Did it end the Marxist hegemony at every university? Did it decentralize public education?

William F. Buckley was a fuckwad elitist and a narcissist to boot whose mantra "Stand athwart history yelling stop!" was as stupid a strategy as building the Maginot Line.

It's time to play by their rules. We need to out Alinksy them at every turn. We need to ridicule them, protest outside of random leftists homes, jam their communications networks, taunt them in public, make their lives the unbearable hell they have put us through because progressivism.

They want to act like children, then we treat them children. Sounds like we need the SPANKING HEARD ROUND THE WORLD.

Posted by: Seumus Maley at November 12, 2016 06:48 AM (xqXul)

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