aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | EMT 3/19/16 Prepper edition [krakatoa]I've made a commitment to dry-fire practice. Honestly just one of many things I should be better prepared for when the burning times come. Ammo and pr0n is about as far as I've gotten on all my other preparations. But mostly pr0n.Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Good morning horde
Take it away Vic Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 05:02 AM (fizMZ) 2
Is it really this early?
Posted by: Walter Freeman at March 19, 2016 05:02 AM (21hN3) 3
Okay, fine, I'm going back to watching the second half of the second season of The Americans.
Posted by: Walter Freeman at March 19, 2016 05:03 AM (21hN3) Posted by: Walter Freeman at March 19, 2016 05:03 AM (21hN3) 5
DAY 1,229
234 to go (307 to Inauguration Day ) Muzzies, Marxists, Maoists, Mau-Maus, MFM's, Moochelle, Mao-suits, McCain's, McConnell's, Mario's, Mahdi megatons, machiavellian Mississippi mudslingers, McAuliffe's, Maduro's, MIRV's, Mexifornians, McKesson's, Mizzou malefactors, mewling mattress-myth manufacturers, marriage maimers, menacing Mozillan 'mo's, Myrmidons, Mugwumps, Monrovian microbes, mutants, malcontents, malthusians, maniacs, malignant medical mandates, martial law, miscreants, microaggressors, minions, maladjusted masochistic multiculturalists, momzers, mamalukes, mooks, mopes, mariuoli, meeskeits, maricons, marauders, malodorous militants, menstruating mons veneri, malfunctioning Moron microsites and miscellaneous meshugas notwithstanding. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 05:06 AM (p4UlV) 6
Remember to keep hydrated whilst watching all that pr0n. Plus have a power source for the equipment.
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 05:06 AM (tzULn) 7
The "F" bomb drops in the 4th comment of the day. Must be a personal best. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 05:07 AM (p4UlV) 8
Mornin' 'rons
Posted by: BunkerinTheBurbs at March 19, 2016 05:07 AM (bA+CL) 9
What did I do? Except hope Vic- wehavenoparty would help fill in the Saturday news dump.
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 05:07 AM (fizMZ) 10
6 Remember to keep hydrated whilst watching all that pr0n. Plus have a power source for the equipment.
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 05:06 AM (tzULn) **envisions elbow of arm in motion attached to Gilligan-style generator** Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 05:07 AM (p4UlV) 11
Doumo arigato Sefton for first laugh of the day.
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 05:11 AM (tzULn) 12
Well I could start with hydration in the form of all but black liquid.
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 05:13 AM (fizMZ) 13
Since Skip is insistent on having news...
In southern Russia, a FlyDubai Boeing 737-800 has crashed killing all aboard. Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 05:15 AM (tzULn) 14
Good morning all.
From this date in 1944 - Anzio, Italy 19 Mar 1944 - The EZ Dog Journal Br 5 Div shoved off about 0540. Going slow but satisfactory progress being made. A 170 hit a building just east of Brig and killed 8 Eng. Nettuno is being systematically reduced by this constant shelling. Common rumor has it the 34th Div and an 8" How Bn are scheduled for the beachhead in the near future. 170 = 170 mm German gun Brig = Brigade HQ 8 Eng = 8 engineers 8" How Bn = 8 inch howitzer battalion Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at March 19, 2016 05:17 AM (NeFrd) 15
11 Doumo arigato Sefton for first laugh of the day.
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 05:11 AM (tzULn) Reminds me to learn a bissele Japanese as I am going to Tokyo at the end of the summer. Banzai. Sushi. Pachinko. Geisha-To-Go. Ready! Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 05:18 AM (p4UlV) 16
Ammo and porn are good, but remember to take the time to map out hobo hang-outs. They won't come to you and you won't have time when things go pear shaped. A little bit of preparedness goes a long way.
Posted by: Chicago Vota at March 19, 2016 05:20 AM (mPQ7K) 17
There is a class-action lawsuit against Starbucks alleging the chain was cheating customers on their latte orders.
Something about the high price of milk made Starbucks stores short customers on their latte orders. Considering how much their swill costs, one would think they could afford to keep pouring on the milk. Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 05:21 AM (tzULn) 18
My father in law was a combat engineer D-day to the end.
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 05:22 AM (fizMZ) 19
Geisha-to-Go or Geisha-a-go-go?
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 05:22 AM (tzULn) 20
19 Geisha-to-Go or Geisha-a-go-go?
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 05:22 AM (tzULn) It's a New York late night cable TV reference from the 1980s. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 05:24 AM (p4UlV) 21
No wonder I did not get the reference. Though it sounds like a sitcom idea that would have meshed well with Belushi's samurai.
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 05:26 AM (tzULn) 22
Happy St. Joseph's Day everyone!
Posted by: FireHorse at March 19, 2016 05:26 AM (oNZNR) 23
My father in law was a combat engineer D-day to the end.
Posted by: Skip **** Engineers had some key roles in that campaign (Normandy and beyond). Bet he was involved in some real challenges. Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at March 19, 2016 05:27 AM (NeFrd) 24
Good morning horde Take it away Vic Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 05:02 AM (fizMZ) I I will no longer be posting links. It gets frustrating spending 3 hours putting those links together only to have Ben come along less than an hour later and stomp on them. So Ben can post all the news links now. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at March 19, 2016 05:27 AM (t2KH5) 25
22 Happy St. Joseph's Day everyone!
Posted by: FireHorse at March 19, 2016 05:26 AM (oNZNR) The patron saint of aspirin. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 05:27 AM (p4UlV) 26
G'morning, all.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 19, 2016 05:32 AM (ptqRm) 27
Couple of years now ago I found a website which I suspect was someone putting up memorabilia from a close relative who was in the same company as my FiL. But it was taken down and haven't seen it again. I know they landed at one of the beach exits, and they cleared obstacles and built a road to get off the beach.
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 05:33 AM (fizMZ) 28
For all the movie aficionados amidst the Horde, tomorrow and Wednesday TCM is bringing to the cinemas Cecil B. DeMille's epic The Ten Commandments staring Charlton Heston.
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 05:33 AM (tzULn) 29
The patron saint of aspirin.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 05:27 AM ________ I LOL'ed out loud. Posted by: FireHorse at March 19, 2016 05:35 AM (oNZNR) 30
Vic I can appreciate the work involved, putting together things like the morning news dump and what they do for the ONT is amazing to me.
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 05:35 AM (fizMZ) 31
16 Ammo and porn are good, but remember to take the time to map out hobo hang-outs. They won't come to you and you won't have time when things go pear shaped. A little bit of preparedness goes a long way.
------------ Great advice. I need to get back to studying that Hobo hieroglyphics link someone posted a while back, would make it easier to learn their habits. Posted by: BunkerinTheBurbs at March 19, 2016 05:36 AM (bA+CL) Posted by: BumperStickerist at March 19, 2016 05:37 AM (mVjMU) 33
Well watched the Australian Grand Prix qualifying at 2am. The new format sucked.
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 05:40 AM (fizMZ) 34
28 For all the movie aficionados amidst the Horde, tomorrow and Wednesday TCM is bringing to the cinemas Cecil B. DeMille's epic The Ten Commandments staring Charlton Heston.
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 05:33 AM (tzULn) And the remake of "Ben Hur" : "Ben Xer." Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 05:40 AM (p4UlV) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 05:41 AM (p4UlV) 36
I see Fox is continuing their war on Trump. They are blaming Trump for Megyn Kelly's war that she started.
Another good reason to quit the news buisness. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at March 19, 2016 05:42 AM (t2KH5) 37
And the remake of "Ben Hur" : "Ben Xer."
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 05:40 AM ________ There's a common-core remake on this weekend, too - :The ||::XXO|| Commandments." Posted by: FireHorse at March 19, 2016 05:46 AM (oNZNR) 38
By the way, for those who think Mitt endorsed Cruz, he didn't. He stated he's voting for Cruz in Utah so that it would help bring about a brokered convention. Not only is he a piece of shit, he's a stupid piece of shit. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 05:47 AM (p4UlV) Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at March 19, 2016 05:48 AM (JfSXS) 40
"By the way, for those who think Mitt endorsed Cruz, he didn't. He stated he's voting for Cruz in Utah so that it would help bring about a brokered convention."
The GOP must die. Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at March 19, 2016 05:48 AM (Dttnn) 41
Sefton... the trailer for the new version is horrible... and Morgan Freeman as Sheik Ilderim... *thud* Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 05:48 AM (tzULn) 42
Has Cruz said anything about Mitt's non endorsement yet?
Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah at March 19, 2016 05:49 AM (WVsWD) Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at March 19, 2016 05:49 AM (JfSXS) 44
"I've made a commitment to dry-fire practice."
Excellent idea. It doesn't cost anything and it can really help your trigger control and sight picture skills. A lot. Make sure your gun is unloaded when you do it and point it at something that does not have people you would be upset about shooting on the other side. One thing you can do that will help a lot with a double action trigger pull is to put a dime on top of your pistol and pull it all the way through the double action pull while maintaining the sight picture while keeping the dime from falling off. I have found that a light switch on the other side of the room makes a nice target for dry firing. When that gets boring, aim at one of the screws on the light switch panel. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 05:51 AM (QHgTq) 45
Bravo Italy for being smart. The new version of Ben-Hur, they wanted to film the chariot race at the actual Circus Maximus in Rome. The plans were nixed apparently amidst fears all the equipment and extras might damage the site. So the chariot race was filmed on the same set as the 1959 version.
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 05:54 AM (tzULn) Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at March 19, 2016 05:54 AM (1ijHg) 47
I see that Hispanic Trump opponents attacked the SS security tent and tore it down. But no arrests were made.
And it was all Trump's fault despite the fact that he wasn't even there. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at March 19, 2016 05:54 AM (t2KH5) 48
"I've made a commitment to dry-fire practice."
Snap caps are a nice training aid. They even make some with lasers and you can buy a laser target that makes an audible alert when you hit it. Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at March 19, 2016 05:54 AM (JfSXS) 49
I have a BB pistol to practice with, not exactly the same but I can go out in my backyard to practice with.
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 05:55 AM (fizMZ) 50
By the way, for those who think Mitt endorsed Cruz, he didn't. He stated he's voting for Cruz in Utah so that it would help bring about a brokered convention. Not only is he a piece of shit, he's a stupid piece of shit. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 05:47 AM (p4UlV)" Did he say that? When I heard his statement on the radio he was just saying vote for Cruz because Romney hates Trump. There is a difference. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 05:55 AM (QHgTq) 51
Chicago ending a week with 10/63.....records are going to be broken when warmer weather arrives!
Posted by: colin at March 19, 2016 05:57 AM (og1C6) 52
42 Has Cruz said anything about Mitt's non endorsement yet?
Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah at March 19, 2016 05:49 AM (WVsWD) Not that I know of. We can compare it to Trump's remarks on Krispy Kreme's endorsement. But let's not go down this road. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 05:58 AM (p4UlV) 53
Wasn't being argumentative. Just wondering if Cruz had anything to say about it.
Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah at March 19, 2016 06:00 AM (WVsWD) 54
38 Did he say that? When I heard his statement on the radio he was just saying vote for Cruz because Romney hates Trump. There is a difference.
Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 05:55 AM (QHgTq) It's essentially the same thing. To endorse someone you have to actually endorse them and their policies. He, like Goober, sang Kase-of-the-Itches' praises but lamented that he had no shot at winning. He just wants to force a brokered convention to deny either of them the nomination. Not exactly a ringing endorsement. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 06:00 AM (p4UlV) 55
About Chicago,is there not one gang banger without at least one bullet hole somewhere.....hopefully all in the crotch, cuts down on future bangers.
Posted by: colin at March 19, 2016 06:01 AM (og1C6) 56
53 Wasn't being argumentative. Just wondering if Cruz had anything to say about it.
Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah at March 19, 2016 06:00 AM (WVsWD) Yeah, I know. But I have neither heard nor seen anything. Not unrelated, but I am heartened by the Tennessee delegates to both guys pledging their support to each in case of a brokered convention. That should be the model. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 06:02 AM (p4UlV) 57
Baltimore has a history, and a fascination with riding unlicensed dirt bikes on urban public roads.
Usually large groups of teens and young adults, totally ignoring every traffic law while intimidating car drivers in the process. It has become such a problem that Baltimore has a no chase policy in place, to prevent police from trying to stop them. And sometimes it doesn't end well for the rider. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 19, 2016 06:02 AM (ptqRm) 58
If they force a brokered convention the RNCe will nominate who they want and that would be Jeb or RINO Rubio who nobody wants.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at March 19, 2016 06:03 AM (t2KH5) 59
58: I predict Kasich
Posted by: Rokshox at March 19, 2016 06:04 AM (Ap82b) 60
They are remaking Ben Hur??? It's a classic.. you don't need to remake a classic... geeez.. As I have said for some years now.. they are all out of ideas in Hollywood.. Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at March 19, 2016 06:05 AM (UpGcq) 61
Baltimore has a history, and a fascination with riding unlicensed dirt bikes on urban public roads. Usually large groups of teens and young adults, totally ignoring every traffic law while intimidating car drivers in the process. It has become such a problem that Baltimore has a no chase policy in place, to prevent police from trying to stop them. And sometimes it doesn't end well for the rider. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 19, 2016 06:02 AM (ptqRm) They do the same thing here despite a new law that went into effect two years ago requiring a special license and training for kids riding those dirt bikes. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at March 19, 2016 06:06 AM (t2KH5) 62
Shortened songs for ADD-Tim Hawkins I just found out this guy does tour the Godless Northeast. In NJ he performs in Vineland , in South Jersey- which is not nearly so Godless. ;^) Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 19, 2016 06:06 AM (w4NZ8) 63
Wasn't being argumentative. Just wondering if Cruz had anything to say about it. Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah at March 19, 2016 06:00 AM (WVsWD)" I think Cruz tweeted something like "Thanks for asking people to vote for me." to Romney. It was more polite than enthusiastic. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 06:08 AM (QHgTq) 64
60 Morning!
They are remaking Ben Hur??? It's a classic.. you don't need to remake a classic... geeez.. As I have said for some years now.. they are all out of ideas in Hollywood.. Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at March 19, 2016 06:05 AM (UpGcq) Hollywood isn't out of ideas. It's just out of things to remake. "My Mother the Car: The Movie!" With Seth Rogen and Bette Midler. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 06:08 AM (p4UlV) 65
I wouldn't expect any candidate to say much about any endorsement.
It's down to Trump or Cruz or the 1/2 candidate Kasich, make your pick. Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 06:08 AM (fizMZ) 66
Chi-Town Jerry, amazing isn't it? How do you top an epic film that won 11 Oscars.
I wonder if they will next remake El-Cid and Morgan Freeman will also be in it. Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 06:08 AM (tzULn) 67
63 I think Cruz tweeted something like "Thanks for asking people to vote for me." to Romney. It was more polite than enthusiastic.
Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 06:08 AM (QHgTq) Heh. Or as my friend used to say, "happy go fuck yourself." ![]() Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 06:09 AM (p4UlV) 68
Mornin' everyone.
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 06:09 AM (e7T6D) 69
I wondered the other day Vic.... completely understand. Thanks for all that you did for so long. Appreciated all the links to stuff in the wee hours of the morn.
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 06:10 AM (e7T6D) Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah at March 19, 2016 06:12 AM (WVsWD) 71
Vic, I understand you stepping down from the morning VNN.
Thanks for the years of sitting in that anchor seat for us. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 19, 2016 06:12 AM (ptqRm) 72
Actually Sefton, if they let Bette Midler and Seth Rogen write the script... and its a Chevy Volt. It could be funny in a car wreck sort of way.
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 06:12 AM (tzULn) 73
Baltimore has a history, and a fascination with riding unlicensed dirt bikes on urban public roads. Usually large groups of teens and young adults, totally ignoring every traffic law while intimidating car drivers in the process. It has become such a problem that Baltimore has a no chase policy in place, to prevent police from trying to stop them. And sometimes it doesn't end well for the rider. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 19, 2016 06:02 AM (ptqRm)" I recall a retired cop telling me that he loved the fact that the Ford LTD police cars could do 130 all night if they had to. Working the midnight shift, when a motorcycle would go past at more than 100 MPH, he would get behind them with the lights on and just keep following them until they lost their nerve and pulled over. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 06:13 AM (QHgTq) 74
I'm thinking at least some would realize someone not Ted or Donald picked for the GOP nominee would be such a disaster it would save the country lots of money just to for go the election. The support for some other candidate would be so minimal Bernie would win in a landslide.
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 06:14 AM (fizMZ) 75
Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) took a swing at his party Friday, saying Republicans need to "man up" and give Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland a vote. "Just man up and cast a vote. The tough thing about these senatorial jobs is you get yes or no votes. Your whole job is to either say yes or no and explain why," he told WLS-AM Chicago. The Illinois Republican, who faces a tough reelection bid, was quick to break with the party's strategy to block President Obamas Supreme Court pick from getting a hearing, a vote or, in most cases, a meeting. The Hill O-boy -- sure hope he gets re-elected! Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 19, 2016 06:14 AM (kdS6q) 76
58: I predict Kasich
==== John Kasich is the AntiChrist! LOL I'm having fun poking around the net currently - on the certainty that no matter how ludicrous somewhere on the net someone believes it - and yes, people do believe Cruz or Trump is the AntiChrist Not many. It's just funny to see how they mangle everything to get there, especially the trump ones. Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at March 19, 2016 06:14 AM (Cq0oW) 77
Who else thinks Gawker gets hit with another 100 million in punitive damages so the appeals court can knock it back down to 150 million and Gawker goes out of business anyway. heh. I hope... I hope.
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 06:14 AM (e7T6D) 78
I wondered the other day Vic.... completely understand. Thanks for all that you did for so long. Appreciated all the links to stuff in the wee hours of the morn. Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 06:10 AM (e7T6D) On weekdays the EMT usually gets posted about 8 am. And that is when I would post my links. They used to post the morning thread at 7 am when Gabe was doing the EMT. And then we would have a mid-morning thread about 09:30. All of that has kind of fell apart now. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at March 19, 2016 06:15 AM (t2KH5) 79
I'm thinking at least some would realize someone not Ted or Donald picked for the GOP nominee would be such a disaster it would save the country lots of money just to for go the election. The support for some other candidate would be so minimal Bernie would win in a landslide.
Posted by: Skip .............. So.. you are saying "embrace the Trump!" ??? Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at March 19, 2016 06:15 AM (UpGcq) 80
Yip, the most delicious thing about the Gawker ruling is the jury finding Nick and Albert personally liable.
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 06:17 AM (tzULn) 81
O-boy -- sure hope he gets re-elected!
Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 19, 2016 06:14 AM (kdS6q) I think the donktard running against him has this one in the bag. Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah at March 19, 2016 06:17 AM (WVsWD) 82
Chi-Town Jerry, amazing isn't it? How do you top an epic film that won 11 Oscars. I wonder if they will next remake El-Cid and Morgan Freeman will also be in it. Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 06:08 AM (tzULn)" El Cid had a great theme song. That movie would probably be more popular today if it had been made in color. It had to be one of the last big Hollywood movies made in black and white. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 06:17 AM (QHgTq) 83
Yeah, it appears Gabe has moved on from the AoSHQ as has _____ uh, drawing a blank... the guy that used to post the dire financial doom posts... moved on to other blogs?
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 06:18 AM (e7T6D) 84
@80- AnnaP... yep... I liked that part.
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 06:18 AM (e7T6D) 85
Monty done did the DOOM
Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at March 19, 2016 06:19 AM (Cq0oW) 86
Yip, the most delicious thing about the Gawker ruling is the jury finding Nick and Albert personally liable. Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 06:17 AM (tzULn)" Can the court order that his organs be auctioned off to pay this legal judgement? Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 06:19 AM (QHgTq) 87
No, a solid Cruz guy, I'm saying the convention has but two picks. Anyone else will be trouble.
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 06:21 AM (fizMZ) 88
Spring arrives tomorrow, along with a touch of snow.
There's a good article at Breitbart comparing the March 1980 polling numbers for Ronald Reagan, the establishment scheming, and the eventual result. It's like a replay is occurring. Unlike Ace I'm reconciled to Trump being the nominee. Add Trump and Cruzs' numbers together and there's no doubt an anti-establishment wave election is coming. Posted by: mega machines at March 19, 2016 06:24 AM (fbovC) 89
Ok, riddle me this. Obama opens up relations to Cuba... on his own... w/o Congress. Soooo.... Cubans still get feet-dry immigration? So can they fly here and stay? Think about it. Obama single handedly opened up a mess ..... the way I see it. I've not read anything about how his actions affect the cold-war policy.
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 06:24 AM (e7T6D) 90
I'm thinking at least some would realize someone not Ted or Donald picked for the GOP nominee would be such a disaster it would save the country lots of money just to for go the election. The support for some other candidate would be so minimal Bernie would win in a landslide. Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 06:14 AM (fizMZ)" I heard some GOP insider saying something very much like that and also saying that they realize that convention shenanigans might be the end of the party. But that is just one voice and he may have been trying to lull the credulous into a false sense of security like the numbers on the pegs outside the gas chambers at Auschwitz. It is always good to start off a Saturday with a Godwin reference. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 06:26 AM (QHgTq) 91
"When you consider the small size of the root, and the great size of the stalk, and how close to the ground it is, and that it lies perpetually on the earth, and that it is influenced by every quality of the air, and that its growth is so fast, you will be compelled to admit that the melon is nothing other than the putrid moisture of the earth, colored by changing and harmful qualities, having every vice, harmful to the stomach, liver, spleen, intestines, lungs, kidneys, bladder, causing not only putrid humors but poisonous fluxes.
Therefore my advice is that it should not only be renounced, but even banished from human use by the decrees of rulers. For what pestilence is more pernicious, from which many thousands of men have perished for so long?" Girolamo Cardano, De methodo medendi 1565 === tl;dr Fuck Melons Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at March 19, 2016 06:26 AM (Cq0oW) 92
A So-Cal institution packs it in: Through thousands of small earthquakes and more than a few bigger ones, Dr. Lucy Jones has become the Southern California region's go-to scientist on all things seismic. She has been with the U.S. Geological Survey explaining quakes and faults and aftershocks to us for 33 years. On March 30, she will retire from USGS to expand her work to include a new passion: getting people to prepare for the real effects of global warming and climate change. Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 19, 2016 06:27 AM (kdS6q) 93
Got this from foxtrotalpha.... LA Class nuke sub USS Hartford breaking through ice in arctic .. kinda cool.... here's the youtube link.. looks kinda cold. Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 06:31 AM (e7T6D) 94
90 Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 06:26 AM (QHgTq)
Thing of it is, the GOP as an actual opposition party to the Left, being representative of the majority of conservative American Americans, really does no longer exist. The problem is, while they may no longer have a base, they have access to vast sums of money as well as power. They also have, via the wealth and power, the ability to use the instrumentalities of government (to the extent their overlords on the Democrat-Left side of the coin let them) to intimidate, harass and suppress any opposition to the agenda of the State Uber Alles. Hence, any talk of a third party is meaningless. The idea is to actually destroy the GOP and then build a new second party after that. But considering what I have laid out, how that is to be done is the question and the challenge. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 06:33 AM (p4UlV) 95
Vic, the labor you put into the morning links is appreciated, even if it is a challenge to find them sometimes.
The EMT can disappear for days or not show up until after I'm off to work. It is frustrating enough to find them so I am sure it is far more so to post them. I suppose I would show my ignorance by asking why there cannot be some mechanism to make this easier. You are practically an institution here and are a faithful man. Posted by: AE at March 19, 2016 06:34 AM (E09r+) 96
in the comments at Foxtrot Alpha ( a Gawker subsidiary ) they'll have to post at least 50 Million to appeal. Of course, the punitive damages haven't been set yet, so likely higher. Commenters saying... goodbye Gawker. Heh.
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 06:37 AM (e7T6D) 97
76: I don't support - or even like - Kasich. I just think that's how it's gonna fall out.
Posted by: Rokshox at March 19, 2016 06:37 AM (Ap82b) 98
Looks like the Russian plane crash was due to inclement weather. The plane had already done one flyaround waiting for conditions to improve. Despite leaving from Dubai, doesn't look like terror.
Posted by: mega machines at March 19, 2016 06:38 AM (fbovC) 99
Thanks for all of your efforts over the years Vic! Not sure how you will replace the income lost from not posting the news. <sarc>
Posted by: DJ Jazzy Mel at March 19, 2016 06:39 AM (22uju) 100
Former Olympic medalist and transgender celebrity Caitlyn Jenner clarified Thursday that her friendly comments towards Texas senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz did not amount to an endorsement. "I never said that I endorsed Ted Cruz; I said I liked him," Jenner said in an interview with E! that aired Thursday. "Like me", or "like me - like me"? Posted by: Tedward Cruz Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 19, 2016 06:40 AM (kdS6q) 101
Vic, your work on the links is much appreciated. Thanks
Posted by: sawhorse at March 19, 2016 06:40 AM (jm3+c) 102
Hell, I even looked forward to the VNN in the mornings. <hic> <arf, arf, arf> <cough> The VNN always helped me sober up. <passes out in Huma's lap>
Posted by: Hillary "Felon" Clinton at March 19, 2016 06:41 AM (22uju) 103
Morning horde waiting for my coffee here at the surgical suite
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 19, 2016 06:49 AM (jE7yN) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 06:50 AM (p4UlV) 105
"I never said that I endorsed Ted Cruz; I said I liked him," Jenner said in an interview with E! that aired Thursday.
If I was Ted Cruz, I'd avoid opening any packages from Jenner. Vincent van Gogh set a precedent for removing body parts and delivering them to a beloved. Posted by: mega machines at March 19, 2016 06:50 AM (fbovC) 106
Bwhahaaa. check out this wikipedia page for Gawker...
Look to the right... as to owner... ha Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 06:51 AM (e7T6D) 107
Sorry for the loss of Vic's news links. Paid closer attention to to them than the News Dump. Particularly enjoyed the comments. Thanks Vic for all your work.
Posted by: French Jeton at March 19, 2016 06:52 AM (WMvHw) 108
I I will no longer be posting links. It gets frustrating spending 3 hours putting those links together only to have Ben come along less than an hour later and stomp on them. So Ben can post all the news links now.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at March 19, 2016 05:27 AM (t2KH5) --- Vic, I understand your frustration, but I will miss the schmear of snark that accompanies each of your links. I frankly prefer your morning brief to the "real" news since you are more selective. Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at March 19, 2016 06:52 AM (jR7Wy) Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah at March 19, 2016 06:53 AM (WVsWD) 110
Wow... that was quick
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 06:55 AM (e7T6D) 111
MisHum doing any better?
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 06:57 AM (fizMZ) 112
Ok, weird on the wiki link. Here's the one from foxtrotalpha to a twitter feed, and the link from there works.. So... don't know. Anyway... it shows Hulk Hogan as owner. heh Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 06:57 AM (e7T6D) 113
Oh you think you have it bad. My 73 year old mother's 10 year old flipphone won't hold a charge anymore and I was volunteered to help her go get a smartphone this morning. I have 3 sisters and they all magically had things to do. So FML and Lord please give me patience...
Posted by: jsg at March 19, 2016 06:58 AM (g8MsK) 114
At 73, I'd just get her a flip-phone... the ones with the big keys and call it a day. I can't imagine trying to learn a smart phone at 73. No offense.
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 07:00 AM (e7T6D) 115
Hey Hordies,
What should I do with all my stacks of magazines? No, not that kind, we're talking history, military, MAKE, etc. I need to carve out room and am debating just getting rid of them in one fell swoop. Or maybe guerrilla drops at doctor's waiting rooms, because who wants to read last year's golf or financial rags? Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at March 19, 2016 07:00 AM (jR7Wy) 116
Meanwhile, one state legislating for the Nation -- again: General Mills said Friday it will start labeling products across the country that contain genetically modified ingredients to comply with a law set to go into effect in Vermont. The company said it is impractical to label its products for just one state. And with no deal yet for national legislation on GMO labeling, the company said it decided to add the disclosures required by Vermont starting in July to products throughout the U.S. Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 19, 2016 07:00 AM (kdS6q) 117
March Madness: Last perfect bracket busts after 26 games With Stephen F. Austin's win over West Virginia on Friday night, the last remaining perfect NCAA tournament bracket has busted. DatDudeCP, or Cole Parzych, had picked the first 25 games of the NCAA tournament correct in the NCAA March Madness Capital One Bracket Challenge, the official bracket game of the NCAA. Parzych was perfect through the Wisconsin win over Pittsburgh. Prior to the Maryland-South Dakota State game, there were also two perfect brackets at the ESPN game, but both picked the Jackrabbits. There were also no perfect brackets at the CBS, Yahoo and Bleacher Report games after the 15-2 MTSU upset over Michigan State. Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 19, 2016 07:01 AM (kdS6q) 118
113 - don't know why but have heard that hundreds of times by as many families. Good luck today
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 07:01 AM (fizMZ) 119
Hence, any talk of a third party is meaningless. The idea is to actually destroy the GOP and then build a new second party after that. But considering what I have laid out, how that is to be done is the question and the challenge. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 06:33 AM (p4UlV) This is 100% correct. A fine example of this is that show I think is on Showtime (I have only seen cuts of it on other shows since I cut the cable 1.5 years ago) called "Circus". It is basically a reality type show with all of these movers and shakers of the RNC. What a bunch of arrogant pricks. The clips I have seen is obvious they are not conservative but RNC. In fact, I bet they are closer in the beliefs to Trump. The hate Trump because their power and influence would be greatly challenged. Until the RNC is destroyed, the party can not allow conservatives. Anyway, thats what I think. Posted by: Taiwan_joe at March 19, 2016 07:02 AM (sy8f2) 120
Reminds me of the washer/dime excerise taught in basic rifle marksmanship.
Place a dime or a washer on the end of the barrel near the muzzle. Practice your slow,steady trigger squeeze until the dime does not fall off. Voila! One shot, one kill. As nature intended. Posted by: @PeeteySDee at March 19, 2016 07:02 AM (6ttOd) 121
smartphones for the elderly might have issues in usability, like if there is any arthritis present, for example Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at March 19, 2016 07:02 AM (Cq0oW) 122
None taken Yip but she wants a smartphone. I tried that and she's stubborn about it. Just because. So I'll be there tomorrow morning fixing what they both screw up. 83 tabs open, a snoop dog ring tone, and a curious search for Boobles is my guess since Dad will have to mess around with it too.
Posted by: jsg at March 19, 2016 07:04 AM (g8MsK) 123
Wondered what happened to Jon Bernthal's career. Watching Daredevil kept thinking the actor looked like him. It is him.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at March 19, 2016 07:04 AM (iQIUe) 124
Meanwhile, go ahead and ignore this and anoint Romney in a backroom deal at a brokered convention: Primary voting nearing record turnout, with Republicans holding the edge. Voter turnout has reached its second highest level in the past 35 years. Voter turnout has been double what it was in 2012, and is less than 2 percent behind the historic levels seen during the 2008 presidential election, according to the Pew Research Center, a bipartisan organization. States like Idaho, Virginia and Missouri have seen increases of more than 200 percent in Republican turnout compared to 2012. Traditionally blue states have also seen spikes relative to 2012. Massachusetts and Maine, for example, had increases of 72 percent and 220 percent, respectively. Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 19, 2016 07:07 AM (kdS6q) 125
BTW, speaking of prepping: thanks to whoever posted the link to the Speed Strip device for the Ruger 22/45 in last week's gun thread (Whig's comment, maybe?). I had resigned myself to using the Ruger for bartering material come the Burning Times, since assembly is such a PITA.
Posted by: That SOB Van Owen at March 19, 2016 07:08 AM (Zd3Kw) 126
I have a BB pistol to practice with, not exactly the same but I can go out in my backyard to practice with.
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 05:55 AM (fizMZ) can practice your stance, grip, sight alignment, sight picture and breathing with a BB/Pellet pistol or rifle. The new ones are really good copies of modern 1911's and WP's and Glock's. The triggers ae quite different though. More like a mouse trap snapping off. You can even set up a little range in your garage if you have no back yard. Thanks Vic for all your hard work and please reconsider. Everyone loves Vic in the morning. Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 19, 2016 07:08 AM (ej1L0) 127
Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at March 19, 2016 07:00 AM (jR7Wy)
Depending on which Magazines they are, I might be interested in the Military History ones. Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah at March 19, 2016 07:08 AM (WVsWD) 128
Is publishing a sex tape wrong? Of course it is. Did it ruin Hogan's life? Well, allegedly it contributed to the break down of his marriage, tho I take that with a grain of salt. Publishing the racial slurs sure did. I blame the WWE and the blm crowd for that. It was said in private and there is no evidence that he discriminated against anyone. I'd love for someone to tape black celebs making racial slurs towards non blacks and see what happens. My guess is nothing. Anyway, I dont know if this case is worth 115 million plus. Since Gawker doesnt have that amount of money, he'll never see it.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at March 19, 2016 07:10 AM (iQIUe) Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at March 19, 2016 07:10 AM (zYV5P) 130
My ten year old RWNJ loves shooting the Ruger 22/45.
And, to be honest, I love watching her shoot it. Katniss Everdeens just aren't "born." We gotta grow them. Posted by: @PeeteySDee at March 19, 2016 07:10 AM (6ttOd) 131
jsg.... heh.... well.... good luck.
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 07:10 AM (e7T6D) 132
So FML and Lord please give me patience... "
Fortunately, both my father, and my MiL, who's phones we pay for have a desire to keep their flip/feature phones. About every 18-24 months, I order a replacement battery, usually off of Amazon for a reasonable price. And they are then both good to go till the next time around. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 19, 2016 07:11 AM (ptqRm) 133
I I will no longer be posting links. It gets frustrating spending 3 hours putting those links together only to have Ben come along less than an hour later and stomp on them. So Ben can post all the news links now.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at March 19, 2016 05:27 AM (t2KH5) ----------------- No!!!!!!!!!!! Cant something be worked out? Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at March 19, 2016 07:11 AM (iQIUe) 134
90 Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 06:26 AM (QHgTq) Thing of it is, the GOP as an actual opposition party to the Left, being representative of the majority of conservative American Americans, really does no longer exist. The problem is, while they may no longer have a base, they have access to vast sums of money as well as power. They also have, via the wealth and power, the ability to use the instrumentalities of government (to the extent their overlords on the Democrat-Left side of the coin let them) to intimidate, harass and suppress any opposition to the agenda of the State Uber Alles. Hence, any talk of a third party is meaningless. The idea is to actually destroy the GOP and then build a new second party after that. But considering what I have laid out, how that is to be done is the question and the challenge. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 06:33 AM (p4UlV)" I think that a good analogy is the Episcopalian church in the United States. When they started to ordain practicing homosexuals as priests and bishops, a number of congregations voted to sever their connections with the establishment church organization and join a different Anglican organization. At this point the gay friendly organization would state that they own the title to the church building so the congregation would leave find a new physical space in which to worship and the church would be occupied by a half dozen old lefties who cannot afford to fix the roof or turn on the lights but who are damned sure not going to let their church go to those usurpers. It would be better if the GOP organization can be used to represent the political aims of the people who currently identify as Republicans but if the people who now control it insist on keeping things as they are, it is likely that those who do not feel represented by the Republican Party will have to build or find other organizations. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 07:12 AM (QHgTq) 135
Since Gawker doesnt have that amount of money, he'll never see it. Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! Unless Gawker decides to go out of business next week, they pay or post a bond to appeal. And if they post the bond, the Hulkster gets at least that. Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 19, 2016 07:13 AM (kdS6q) 136
What I like about the Gawker smakdown is the marker sent.... the media abuses people's privacy too often. Just like the Carol Burnett verdict from what, the 80's?, it knocks these trashy sites in the knees. The tabloids cleaned up a lot after that case, but Gawker evidently thought the interweb was cool ans whatnot.... and now Hulk Hogan owns 'em. Plus the personal liability, so they can't just liquidate and walk away... this hits 'em good and plenty. ( if it sticks)
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 07:14 AM (e7T6D) 137
Voter turnout has been double what it was in 2012, and is less than 2 percent behind the historic levels seen during the 2008 presidential election, according to the Pew Research Center, a bipartisan organization.
States like Idaho, Virginia and Missouri have seen increases of more than 200 percent in Republican turnout compared to 2012. Traditionally blue states have also seen spikes relative to 2012. Massachusetts and Maine, for example, had increases of 72 percent and 220 percent, respectively. Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 19, 2016 07:07 AM (kdS6q) Same here, in Union of Soviet Illinoisans. County after county ran out of Republican ballots. (D)Marxist turnout was shit. Hmmmm....... *ponders* Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at March 19, 2016 07:15 AM (zYV5P) 138
I'd love for someone to tape black celebs making racial slurs towards non blacks and see what happens. My guess is nothing.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at March 19, 2016 07:10 AM (iQIUe) Good guess ... because they say that stuff all the time, in public. No need for any secret tapes or anything. They are happy to just announce it. And I have no problem with that. I have problems with people getting their sphincters all knotted up if anyone else says anything. It's like that dating site,, that is getting shit from tons of people. I used to see ads for all the time on the tennis channel (no, I have no idea why they thought advertising that site on the tennis channel made any sense, at all). It's all just out of control, stupid, delusional white guilt. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 19, 2016 07:15 AM (zc3Db) 139
Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah at March 19, 2016 07:08 AM (WVsWD)
--- A big stack of Armchair Generals, mostly, plus a few WWIIs and Military Historys (the latter two titles I usually pawn off on my gym). Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at March 19, 2016 07:15 AM (jR7Wy) 140
Big shout-out to Vic for all the links he had put out there for us.
But even more for your commentary along with links, that was succor to my weary conservative mind!! Posted by: Taqyia2Me at March 19, 2016 07:18 AM (sJuKe) 141
I heard on radio news 200,000 people have changed parties in Pennsylvania (primary is closed to party registration ), is it a true change of heart or shenanigans?
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 07:18 AM (fizMZ) 142
good article wrt migrants etc not necessarily new info but a where we are now kind of thing. Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at March 19, 2016 07:18 AM (Cq0oW) 143
Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at March 19, 2016 07:15 AM (jR7Wy)
About how many do you have? Interested yes. Ability to pay postage right now may be a problem. Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah at March 19, 2016 07:19 AM (WVsWD) 144
For those missing Vic's links... I usually read Vic's links and then head to Maggies Farm. He usually has a good round of morning links up every morning, though obviously missing Vic's commentary, which can't be replaced. your mileage may vary Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 07:19 AM (e7T6D) 145
Maybe the replacement of the GOP has to begin with Conservatives refusing to vote for GOP candidates. I don't see another way.
Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at March 19, 2016 07:20 AM (Dttnn) 146
"So the chariot race was filmed on the same set as the 1959 version."
Call me H'wood ignorant. The original set still exists? Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 19, 2016 07:20 AM (x3MHz) 147
So Hillary won't be that bad at least she doesn't hate America
Posted by: xxxxxx at March 19, 2016 07:21 AM (mcLtI) 148
I'm a dozen year HoBoHunter, and work a grave-yard shift and have loved reading the ONT links and sharing memes/stories/things them with bottom-news-feed co-workers before they read about it later tomorrow afternoon from their MFMSM sources. Bravo sir! Posted by: MoJo-Tee at March 19, 2016 07:21 AM (aR8Ih) 149
Just like the Carol Burnett verdict from what, the 80's?, it knocks these trashy sites in the knees. The tabloids cleaned up a lot after that case, but Gawker evidently thought the interweb was cool ans whatnot....
I wonder if Lyle Waggoner got any of that sweet, sweet lucre. Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 19, 2016 07:23 AM (ej1L0) Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at March 19, 2016 07:25 AM (Cq0oW) 151
I heard on radio news 200,000 people have changed parties in Pennsylvania (primary is closed to party registration ), is it a true change of heart or shenanigans?Posted by: Skip
I've only seen one poll for Pennsylvania - about a month old. It was like a four way tie between Trump, Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich. Could be interesting. I suspect, based on Pennsylvania blue collar voting history, it might be democrats pushing Trump. I don't think that's shenanigans, in this case. Posted by: mega machines at March 19, 2016 07:25 AM (fbovC) 152
All Hail Eris, donate to a local library?
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 07:26 AM (tzULn) 153
As I mentioned last night, apparently Gawker and its Legal Buzzards thought Carol Burnett vs the National Enquirer was so last century...
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 07:27 AM (tzULn) 154
Vic, thank you very much for the 1000's of hours you spent on the morning news links. I have enjoyed having my coffee with you and will miss your (regular) contribution greatly. Some habits are hard to break.
Posted by: cind at March 19, 2016 07:29 AM (nRbbW) 155
Thanks Vic, sorry to see you get stomped on all the time. I will really miss your news links.
Posted by: Cicero Skip at March 19, 2016 07:30 AM (FIrEF) 156
Speaking of links, Karl Denninger had a good post yesterday, "What the Establishment Fears": It's as good an indictment of the GOPe as anything I've ever seen here. See also Bagbalm's comment (it's the second comment after the post) about how the issues that ordinary people are told are important have virtually no impact on the very rich. I've never seen it put quite that way before and it's food for thought. Posted by: rickl at March 19, 2016 07:34 AM (sdi6R) 157
Vic: I will no longer be posting links....
Wow. Bummer. I appreciate your frustration - a regular early thread with Vic News & Views and time for folks to discuss them and other things got my day off right for a long time, but irregular early threads, and quickly-stomped ones when they do appear is just not the same. Posted by: mindful webworker - 20 Years on the Web at March 19, 2016 07:35 AM (Ak/GS) 158
Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah at March 19, 2016 07:19 AM (WVsWD)
-- We're only talking about 20 issues, going back to 2005. Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at March 19, 2016 07:36 AM (jR7Wy) 159
And yes, Anna, I will ask my library about that after I dump off books for the annual sale.
Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at March 19, 2016 07:37 AM (jR7Wy) 160
Much truth in this Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 07:37 AM (tzULn) 161
Watching The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms on TCM.
Posted by: steevy at March 19, 2016 07:38 AM (B48dK) 162
Everyone needs a radioactive plesiosaur swimming up the Thames.
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 07:39 AM (tzULn) Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 19, 2016 07:40 AM (x3MHz) 164
77 Who else thinks Gawker gets hit with another 100 million in punitive damages so the appeals court can knock it back down to 150 million and Gawker goes out of business anyway. heh. I hope... I hope.
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 06:14 AM (e7T6D) ________________________ I've only seen the headlines on this case. Is there any way these Gawker people have hundreds of millions of dollars to pay the judgment, or is this just going to be a symbolic victory? Posted by: TrivialPursuer at March 19, 2016 07:41 AM (df5V4) 165
By the way, for those who think Mitt endorsed Cruz, he didn't. He stated he's voting for Cruz in Utah so that it would help bring about a brokered convention. Not only is he a piece of shit, he's a stupid piece of shit. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 05:47 AM (p4UlV) Mitt is a selfish prick that is just like his dad, namely when daddy Romney slammed Goldwater in 64. Mitt's so lazy he basically just changed the proper nouns and a few adjectives of his dad's 64 speech. Good morning all. Sorry for the rant. But I live in MI so there's a lot of Romney history here. Ack! Posted by: Bebe Dahl at March 19, 2016 07:42 AM (yNyJy) 166
Head-to-Head (Pennsylvania)
Clinton leads all potential Republican opponents. Trump, though, performs the best of all possible GOP nominees.Hillary leads Donald 45% to 40% with 15% undecided.The gender gap in this matchup is absolutely enormous. Among women, Clinton leaders 56% to 30% while with men Trump is ahead 52% to 31%.Clinton also leads Rubio (46-40) and Cruz (48-37) with fifteen percent still undecided in those hypothetical contests as well.Harper Polling surveyed 662 likely voters through landline interviews conducted using Interactive Voice Response (IVR). The poll took place between on March 1st and 2nd. The margin of error is +/- 3.75% Landlines again. Which basically means elderly. Posted by: mega machines at March 19, 2016 07:42 AM (fbovC) Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 07:43 AM (tzULn) 168
So Hillary won't be that bad at least she doesn't hate America Posted by: xxxxxx at March 19, 2016 07:21 AM (mcLtI)" Years ago when I still watched "Hard Ball" Chris Matthews was trying to get Hillary Clinton to say that she loved America and she just would not do it. The closest she would get was to say that she loved what America could become. So maybe you are correct in saying that she loves what Obama has turned America into. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 07:43 AM (QHgTq) 169
The only way I am going to Starbucks is if the female baristas flop out their breasts and give mama milk for the lattes.
Posted by: Snicklefritz at March 19, 2016 07:43 AM (aOqpx) Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 19, 2016 07:44 AM (x3MHz) 171
I wonder if Lyle Waggoner got any of that sweet, sweet lucre. Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 19, 2016 07:23 AM (ej1L0) _______________________ I don't know, but he lives in Wyoming now and is a sculptor. Read that somewhere the other day, and googled him to see if it was true, and it is. Seems like life has turned out pretty well for him. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at March 19, 2016 07:44 AM (df5V4) 172
I'm also in Pennsylvania, and yesterday I heard a local talk radio host, Dom Giordano I believe, saying that it's important to know how the delegates you vote for intend to vote at the convention. Apparently, despite the primary results, they can vote however they want at the convention.
I only caught a little bit of it and that was because I was late for work due to a dentist appointment. I don't usually get to hear him. I'd be interested in learning how to go about finding out about the delegates on the ballot. Posted by: rickl at March 19, 2016 07:44 AM (sdi6R) 173
Thanks rickl.... I like Karl, but haven't visited in awhile. He's in the SMOD camp.. heh.
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 07:45 AM (e7T6D) 174
Allow me to add to the Vic praise. Thanks for all your hard over the years. The morning thread won't be the same without your links.
Posted by: Darth Randall at March 19, 2016 07:45 AM (6n332) 175
Glass raised high and a rousing cheer of gratitude to Vic for all his excellent work over the years.
Posted by: eman at March 19, 2016 07:47 AM (MQEz6) 176
See! The .38 has no stopping power!
Au contraire, mon ami. Some "38"s have stopped me dead in my tracks. Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 19, 2016 07:47 AM (xq1UY) 177
From what I read, the Gawker judgement wasn't just against the site, but Hulk sued the owners personally, so they are truly screwed. And yeah... you can't bleed blood from a turnip, but if this gets even halfway upheld, I'm assuming personal bankruptcies? Who has that kind of money?
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 07:48 AM (e7T6D) 178
Go .45 or stay home, that's my motto.
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 07:48 AM (fizMZ) 179
Thank you Vic.
Posted by: Snicklefritz at March 19, 2016 07:49 AM (aOqpx) 180
Or a Bazooka
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 07:49 AM (fizMZ) 181
Phased plasma rifle.
Posted by: eman at March 19, 2016 07:51 AM (MQEz6) 182
Yeah, bazooka seems to have drawn some blood.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 19, 2016 07:51 AM (x3MHz) 183
And the remake of "Ben Hur" : "Ben Xer."
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 19, 2016 05:40 AM (p4UlV) In the new version Judah and Messala act like Barry and Reggie on a Saturday night. Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 19, 2016 07:51 AM (45oDG) Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 07:52 AM (tzULn) 185
Landlines again. Which basically means elderly.
Posted by: mega machines at March 19, 2016 07:42 AM (fbovC) Exactly. I'm in a solid blue state of MI and I am drowning in a sea of frigging liberals. Yet every young dim that I hear talking is voting either Sanders or Trump. Only the over 65 crowd are voting for the Shrill. Even the BLM crowd hates her for the most part. Evidenced by how Sanders & Trump won MI, which is amazing given the YUGE black & Union population here. Posted by: Bebe Dahl at March 19, 2016 07:55 AM (yNyJy) 186
De-lurking to add my thanks and gratitude to Vic. Mornings just won't be the same, but I understand the reason. May your porch be always sunny and warm.
Posted by: RedDish on the tablet at March 19, 2016 07:56 AM (5eXg1) 187
G'mornin' Horde !
jsg@113 - why not just buy a new battery for the old one ? batteriesamerica dot com has been keeping my old motorola going for years now. Posted by: sock_rat_eez at March 19, 2016 07:57 AM (gUoN4) 188
Lee van Cleef to kill the monster.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 19, 2016 07:57 AM (x3MHz) 189
From what I read, the Gawker judgement wasn't just against the site, but Hulk sued the owners personally, so they are truly screwed. And yeah... you can't bleed blood from a turnip, but if this gets even halfway upheld, I'm assuming personal bankruptcies? Who has that kind of money?Posted by: Yip
If that's true, there's gonna be some homeless people who used to work for Gawker. Posted by: mega machines at March 19, 2016 07:57 AM (fbovC) 190
I only caught a little bit of it and that was because I was late for work due to a dentist appointment. I don't usually get to hear him. I'd be interested in learning how to go about finding out about the delegates on the ballot.
Posted by: rickl at March 19, 2016 07:44 AM (sdi6R) Absolutely rickl, vitally important to know about delegates in your home state in this election in particular. Posted by: Bebe Dahl at March 19, 2016 07:59 AM (yNyJy) 191
114 At 73, I'd just get her a flip-phone... the ones with the big keys and call it a day. I can't imagine trying to learn a smart phone at 73. No offense.
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 07:00 AM (e7T6D) My mom is 92 and she's on her iphone constantly, facebook and all that. It's actually convenient : when people call she can access the phone from anywhere in the house and use it on speaker so she can really hear them withou her hearing aid; when she was recovering from a broken arm, she could text us from anywhere in the house so we could come and help her; it's like having a mini conputer & tv in the palm of her hands... Oh and she's a puzzle-fiend so she has constant access to puzzle sires. My teenager lectures her because, " Grandma, you spend too much time on your phone!" Posted by: RondinellaMamma at March 19, 2016 07:59 AM (oQQwD) 192
Vic quitting calls for a flaming skull!
Posted by: Buck Ofama at March 19, 2016 08:00 AM (GLFWg) 193
Oh, and big thanks for all that work over the years, Vic !
Posted by: sock_rat_eez at March 19, 2016 08:00 AM (gUoN4) 194
Whoa, over at Dailymail, shocker... Father of the France train hero, Spencer Stone.... his Dad, charged multiple counts of conspiracy to commit fraud dealing with arson and insurance fraud. Wow. How crazy is that?
It's like the second story on main page after Russian crash story Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 08:01 AM (e7T6D) 195
Head-to-Head (Pennsylvania) Clinton leads all potential Republican opponents. Trump, though, performs the best of all possible GOP nominees.Hillary leads Donald 45% to 40% with 15% undecided. And I have seen polls that said ANY of the Republican candidates would beat Scankles. But that was before Kashit entered the race. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at March 19, 2016 08:01 AM (t2KH5) 196
I like flaming skulls.
Posted by: Buck Ofama at March 19, 2016 08:01 AM (GLFWg) 197
New Prager University video - Government is it ever big enough?
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 08:02 AM (fizMZ) 198
The end of Vic News? Say it is not so.
One is reminded of Michael Ledeen's great work, "If Only Comrade Ace Knew." I guess we can't expect Ace to get all exercised over things that happen in the middle of his night. No particular criticism intended; it's a common management problem, sad to relate. It isn't just the loss of Vic's choice of links, and commentary thereon, that stings. Most days, those items set the tone for other comments for most of the day. How many of us cried out, in the darkness, for Vic to get "the keys to the blog"? It is entirely possible that this entire situation, the good and the bad, came to pass outside the attention of the proprietor. I remember the "Law of the Sea" days... How fortunate that Vic is not a (mildly radioactive) Ungrateful Loaf. If he stomped off in a huff to found his own site, he'd be taking a significant number of the moron faithful with him. But he's not that kind of guy. Bravo Zulu Vic. Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 19, 2016 08:02 AM (xq1UY) 199
That ended kinda weird
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 08:03 AM (fizMZ) 200
My teenager lectures her because, " Grandma, you spend too much time on your phone!
Posted by: RondinellaMamma at March 19, 2016 07:59 AM (oQQwD Thanks for the chuckle. I needed that. Posted by: Bebe Dahl at March 19, 2016 08:04 AM (yNyJy) 201
I will no longer be posting links. It gets frustrating spending 3 hours putting those links together only to have Ben come along less than an hour later and stomp on them. So Ben can post all the news links now.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at March 19, 2016 05:27 AM (t2KH5) ------------------------------------------- Saddest news I've gotten all week. I looked forward to them every morning. They were worth searching for when the emt was screwed up. Thank you for all the work you put into them. Posted by: DrC at March 19, 2016 08:04 AM (QuZ50) 202
186 May your porch be always sunny and warm.
Posted by: RedDish on the tablet at March 19, 2016 07:56 AM (5eXg1) It was this past week. Now it is going to cool back down again. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at March 19, 2016 08:04 AM (t2KH5) 203
"Yip, the most delicious thing about the Gawker ruling is the jury finding Nick and Albert personally liable."
I have only one thing to say about this verdict: MOAR!!!! Can't wait to see a Sulzberger getting the same treatment. There are many instances of things which have run in the NY Slimes which were every bit as egregious as what Gawker did. Posted by: torquewrench at March 19, 2016 08:05 AM (noWW6) 204
I'm also in Pennsylvania, and yesterday I heard a local talk radio host, Dom Giordano I believe, saying that it's important to know how the delegates you vote for intend to vote at the convention. Apparently, despite the primary results, they can vote however they want at the convention. I only caught a little bit of it and that was because I was late for work due to a dentist appointment. I don't usually get to hear him. I'd be interested in learning how to go about finding out about the delegates on the ballot. Posted by: rickl at March 19, 2016 07:44 AM (sdi6R)" It depends on the state. In most states, delegates are pledged to vote for their candidate on the first ballot. North Dakota has different rules. Even though people are sent as a delegate for a particular candidate, they can vote for anybody they want, even on the first ballot. There was some loudmouth delegate from North Dakota who was on the news within the last week saying that his state's rules apply everywhere. If the Republican Party were not profoundly stupid, they would have people out on every print, radio and TV outlet they could access explaining that ignorant jerkoff is an ignorant jerkoff. I would prefer that they also post his picture and home address so that he is so embarrassed that he hangs himself in the tool shed. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 08:05 AM (QHgTq) 205
Yeah, it did.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 19, 2016 08:05 AM (x3MHz) 206
General Mills said Friday it will start labeling products across the country that contain genetically modified ingredients to comply with a law set to go into effect in Vermont.
-- Coming soon: GM's proactively labeling their products as being known to cause cancer, per California. I'm only surprised VT beat CA to the punch on the GMO legislation. Vic, I'm going to miss your links. I know it had to be a lot of time consuming work, only to have them fall victim to enstompening. Still, I tracked them down wherever they wound up, 'cause you're good enough, you're smart enough and doggonit, people like you. /stuart smalley Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at March 19, 2016 08:07 AM (pVkEV) 207
Alright, Ima outta here. Later taters, and once again, thanks for all the years Vic.
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 08:08 AM (e7T6D) 208
Just looked up the sidebar stuff about Kasich. It just confirms what I've always suspected about him: he's an authoritarian prude. No telling what inclinations like that will get you in the White House. Not to mention the fact that his only path to victory is inherently an act of betrayal of the voters. What decent person would want something like that? It's truly sick and immoral.
Posted by: 144 at March 19, 2016 08:08 AM (vCPt1) 209
Wintery mix tomorrow some time
Seven Samurai (1954) TMC Wednesday morning, damn I'm going to miss it for the 37th time, only seen it 36. Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 08:08 AM (fizMZ) 210
209 DVR it.
Posted by: steevy at March 19, 2016 08:09 AM (B48dK) 211
Kasich did say it would take him 100 days to get all the illegals legal not day 1 of Hildabeast or Bernie the old Bolshavik regime.
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 08:10 AM (fizMZ) 212
"[In PA,] Hillary leads Donald 45%
to 40% with 15% undecided." Undecideds show a strong tendency to break for the outsider/newcomer/challenger. With that heuristic, this is a dead-heat race. The real question in PA is whether anything is capable of breaking the massive Democratic urban vote fraud apparatus in Filthydelphia and Shittsburgh. Where vote totals of 105% of eligible district voters are routine, and never successfully challenged. Posted by: torquewrench at March 19, 2016 08:10 AM (noWW6) 213
I do have to get a DVR, only have a VHS which isn't the greatest.
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 08:11 AM (fizMZ) 214
Hi, Firehorse
A happy Feast to you, too. We are having a big celebration- HIgh Mass, a short play, potluck lunch, Kids talent show and a beautiful St. Joseph's altar. St. Joseph, patron of the Universal Church, pray for us. Posted by: Sal at March 19, 2016 08:12 AM (MRX6w) 215
212 Has a Republican ever really challenged it?
Posted by: steevy at March 19, 2016 08:13 AM (B48dK) 216
Like Kuruso I make films, ok I don't make films but if I did they would have a samurai.
Posted by: Skip at March 19, 2016 08:13 AM (fizMZ) 217
"Vic, I'm going to miss your links. I know it had to be a lot of time
consuming work, only to have them fall victim to enstompening." It's like being willowed, but putting in twenty times as much effort. Posted by: torquewrench at March 19, 2016 08:13 AM (noWW6) 218
Flipping through Garden and Gun magazine and came across this recipe, which some enterprising Hordie really should make and file a report on:
Light Dragoon's Punch 2 cups raw sugar 1 1/2 cups fresh lemon juice 8 cups back tea 8 cups brandy 2 cups Bermuda or Barbados rum 1/2 cup peach brandy Peels of 3 lemons, slivered 3 cups soda water Combine all ingredients except soda water in large bowl. Stir until sugar is dissolved, and chill for at least 1 hour. Add ice and top with soda water before serving. Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at March 19, 2016 08:13 AM (jR7Wy) 219
DVR!? Your strange new tools frighten me.
This suddenly struck me (ow): Only a few days ago, one D.Trump blathered something impolitic about tightening up libel laws, after the NYT "thing." And now the Hulk Hogan ruling, hard on its heels. Say what you like about Trump, and you do, but he Gets Results. On half a dozen topics now, he's said something so outrageous that the entire GOP superstructure has to disavow it to avoid a lynching. And two weeks later, there's a bill in congress to do basically whatever The Don said. Until today I did not realize it worked on judges and juries too. This could turn out like we've said about several promising congressmen and senators -- we can't spare him to be president, he's doing too much good where he is. I say we keep him as Gadfly in Chief. Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 19, 2016 08:16 AM (xq1UY) 220
I wonder if they will next remake El-Cid and Morgan Freeman will also be in it.
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 06:08 AM (tzuwln) El Cid had a great theme song. That movie would probably be more popular today if it had been made in color. It had to be one of the last big Hollywood movies made in black and white. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 06:17 AM (QHgTq) El Cid is one of those old movies I remember seeing as a kid. The final scene where the dead El Cid is strapped onto his horse so he can lead the final charge, just raised the hairs on the back of my head. Anyway, so I rented it from netflix recently, and... there is a movie which really could use a remake- very, very very talky- lots of great plot points and cross-purposes and alliances- but it really does need more action and medieval warfare really should be a groaning, heaving, crushing bloody iron and blood mess Of course, no one is going to look more beautiful than the young Sophia Loren in her prime. But, I suppose in a remake- as Anna says- Morgan Freeman would be the real (transsexual?) hero and the Sophia Loren part would played by a 90b chick who wields a broadsword and kicks all the knights asses. Oh! And is sassy! And I suppose the muslims would be the real heroes. And El Cid would be a fat, mean, racist, misogynistic, racist white cowardly racist that hated wymyn cuz he was a Christian racist. O A-H, Actually the El Cid is in color. Posted by: naturalfake at March 19, 2016 08:17 AM (2rmvw) 221
All Hail Eris, with all that brandy and rum in the punch, the 600 could charge by with cannons booming and no one would notice.
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 08:17 AM (tzULn) 222
"Ammo and pr0n is about as far as I've gotten on all my other preparations."
The thought of pr0n for prepers calls to mind visions of entering a fallout shelter that has been untouched since the 1960s. In among the cans of crackers, beans and water are some cans labeled "pr0n". Some quick work with a can opener reveals a stash of early 1960s era photos of young ladies without covering and in daring poses. Attempts to use them for the fapping purposes for which they were designed might be mitigated by the knowledge that all those women who have not already died are now in their 70s and 80s. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 08:18 AM (QHgTq) Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 19, 2016 08:20 AM (x3MHz) 224
Last major film I remember in black and white was The Longest Day.
For a pretty damn accurate crushing iron and blood mess, it's hard to beat Heston in The War Lord (1965). Richard Boone's greatest role ever. Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 19, 2016 08:20 AM (xq1UY) 225
Thanks for your work over the years, Vic. I have to admit that I didn't routinely click on them unless one in particular caught my eye. I'm not usually here early on weekdays.
I also don't click many of the links on the dump thread, because I'm usually at work by the time it appears. Besides which, it seems there are already enough things to keep me in a perpetual state of outrage without actively looking for them. Posted by: rickl at March 19, 2016 08:21 AM (sdi6R) 226
From the piece about the thugball goon who got himself thoroughly killed with his reckless dirt-bike-on-paved-roads acting out:
"As word spread quickly about Walker's death manytook to social media to remember their friend gone too soon." I remember the commemorative shirt worn by Michael Brown's stepfather, the "Burn this bitch down!" fellow, which said about the Gentle Giant that he was "GONE TO SOON". Soon is apparently one of America's fastest-growing cities. Posted by: torquewrench at March 19, 2016 08:21 AM (noWW6) 227
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 08:17 AM (tzULn)
--- Right? I had to let it out into the world just for the brobdingnagian amounts of booze. Per the article, the Charleston Light Dragoons were "part militia, part upper-class drinking club". It's a shame there aren't the right sort of people around these days to coalesce into a similar group of like-minded individuals....... Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at March 19, 2016 08:22 AM (jR7Wy) 228
Have now read the comments, and the many kudos to Vic's work. Another 2¢ worth of my thoughts.
On my blog-heap ( I don't have all the hot news, but I link to several news link listsk - at Gates of Vienna, Maggie's Farm, Political Hat, and recently started including MisHum's morning headlines. Vic topped every day, that he posted. But, as several have noted above, it's Vic's wit as much or more than the news that made it great. No comparison with any other. It doesn't seem that Vic wore out, either, but that the morning blog posts became unaccommodating. Vic has been griping about this for some time, so his giving up is not unexpected. The commenters are unanimous in concern about this. The management, not so much. Commenters can appreciate the feeling - like a Republican conservative and the GOPe. ![]() Posted by: mindful webworker - 20 Years on the Web at March 19, 2016 08:23 AM (Ak/GS) 229
"Actually the El Cid is in color.
Posted by: naturalfake at March 19, 2016 08:17 AM (2rmvw)" I'll have to download it on Netflix or Amazon. Maybe I just remember watching it on a black and white TV. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 08:23 AM (QHgTq) 230
If that's the Light Dragoons Punch, I wouldn't want to try the Heavy Dragoons Punch.
The Hash House Harriers bill themselves as "a drinking club with a running problem." Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 19, 2016 08:25 AM (xq1UY) 231
Posted by: Yip at March 19, 2016 07:19 AM (e7T6D)
That site is run by New England yankees, other than that, yes! Posted by: Meelisssa C at March 19, 2016 08:25 AM (wYnyS) 232
Charleston Light Dragoons?
Try the Philadelphia Light Horse Well start with a polo club and militarize it would be my suggestion Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 08:25 AM (tzULn) 233
Rickl. I joined the county GOP and we're in the process of electing delegates. One has already said he'd vote trumo first ballot and cruz second even though cruz wss a distant 3rd in our county.
The county level is more important than people know. Posted by: Beth M at March 19, 2016 08:25 AM (kiy9d) 234
The thought of pr0n for prepers calls to mind visions of entering a fallout shelter that has been untouched since the 1960s. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 08:18 AM (QHgTq) Not exactly pr0n for preppers, but this young couple were thinking along those lines: Posted by: rickl at March 19, 2016 08:25 AM (sdi6R) 235
We're only talking about 20 issues, going back to 2005.
Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at March 19, 2016 07:36 AM (jR7Wy) If you are still here, I'll take em. Just need to exchange info and money. They should fit into a medium size Flatrate box. Email in my sig. Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah at March 19, 2016 08:26 AM (WVsWD) 236
It's a shame there aren't the right sort of people
around these days to coalesce into a similar group of like-minded individuals....... Posted by: All Hail Eris You're soaking in it. Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 19, 2016 08:26 AM (xq1UY) 237
There was some loudmouth delegate from North Dakota who was on the news within the last week saying that his state's rules apply everywhere. If the Republican Party were not profoundly stupid, they would have people out on every print, radio and TV outlet they could access explaining that ignorant jerkoff is an ignorant jerkoff. I would prefer that they also post his picture and home address so that he is so embarrassed that he hangs himself in the tool shed.
Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 08:05 AM (QHgTq) Thanks for the info, I didn't know it varied so much from state to state. I am very embarrassed about that, so much so, that I too hope the ND jerkoff hangs himself in his tool shed:-) Posted by: Bebe Dahl at March 19, 2016 08:26 AM (yNyJy) 238
"Flipping through _Garden and Gun_ magazine"
Insanely enough, here in the SF Bay Area, I sometimes see that title on carefully arranged coffee tables in households that are otherwise staunch bastions of Democratic liberalism. Apparently the recipes and architecture and photography are just that good, to justify allowing a publication which touts guns right there in its name to be on open display. Go figure. Posted by: torquewrench at March 19, 2016 08:27 AM (noWW6) 239
Also Vic, I'd like to add to the thanks of many here for your yeoman-like dedication to providing us with daily news, snark, and insight. Don't think I will be as aware of current events anymore without the daily VNN.
Take care, and make sure the rocker integrity is maintained. ~H Posted by: Meelisssa C at March 19, 2016 08:28 AM (wYnyS) Posted by: Ruth at March 19, 2016 08:29 AM (cIjBI) 241
"The real question in PA is whether anything is
capable of breaking the massive Democratic urban vote fraud apparatus in Filthydelphia and Shittsburgh. Where vote totals of 105% of eligible district voters are routine, and never successfully challenged. Posted by: torquewrench at March 19, 2016 08:10 AM (noWW6)" Which is why my hope is that when the inevitable Al Qaeda or ISIS nuke is set off in an American city, they pick Philadelphia as their location. It would be simple justice for Philadelphians having worked so diligently to put the Democrats who neglected national security in the White House. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 08:30 AM (QHgTq) 242
Philly is where the dim convention is the summer, so if it is nuked, let it be then.
Posted by: Bebe Dahl at March 19, 2016 08:32 AM (yNyJy) 243
So, is the Punisher coming back for Daredevil 3? Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at March 19, 2016 08:32 AM (iQIUe) 244
The elderly gentleman that I'm helping with his novel has sitting in his garage an original WWI US Army saddle. I sometimes wonder how many hours of writing I would have to trade to acquire said saddle.
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 08:33 AM (tzULn) Posted by: @votermom at March 19, 2016 08:33 AM (cbfNE) 246
The commenters are unanimous in concern about this. The management, not so much. Commenters can appreciate the feeling - like a Republican conservative and the GOPe.
Posted by: mindful webworker - 20 Years on the Web at March 19, 2016 08:23 AM (Ak/GS) Does You want VNN You'll get whatever and like it Sound familiar? Posted by: Your Site Management Betters at March 19, 2016 08:34 AM (wYnyS) 247
Then and there. A small dirty one. Just take out their convention center would suffice.
Posted by: Bebe Dahl at March 19, 2016 08:34 AM (yNyJy) 248
244 No harm in asking him.
Posted by: steevy at March 19, 2016 08:34 AM (B48dK) 249
If you go to Zero-Hedge (yes, I am aware it is zero-hedge) you will find this gem:
The Government Actually Has A Zombie Apocalypse Plan - And It's Just Been Declassified and it has links to the actual documents PDFs at another site. The CDC also has a Zombie Preparedness Initiative too to focus on disaster preparedness. The explanation by the DoD is that it started as a joke and then was continued as a training exercise, up through the training of how to deal with negative publicity for something either scary or ridiculous. anyhow, types of zombies listed are: Pathogenic zombies Radiation zombies Evil Magic Zombies - Zombie life forms created by occult experimentation, or "evil magic." Space Zombies - (this also includes Zombie Satellites that could pose a threat to SATCOM services like DirecTV) Weaponized Zombies Symbiant-Induced Zombies - (Like Puppet Master) Vegetarian Zombies and Chicken Zombies Posted by: Kindltot at March 19, 2016 08:35 AM (XQHkt) 250
I voted on Tuesday. While checking in, and showing my drivers license for ID!! )OMG my civil rights are being trod upon!!!!!) a women comes in and starts to check in with the judge next to mine. I'm in Illinois, so you declare the ballot (Rep, Dem, Indy) you wish to vote on, and away you go. When he asks her what party ballot did she want, she looked at him strangely and said "What difference does it make?
I thought she was channeling Shillary and I think the judge did too. He explained how the ballot thing worked and she said OH, okay, Republican. She did not know how the primaries worked. I live in your neighborhood and I vote. Posted by: Bruce at March 19, 2016 08:35 AM (8ikIW) Posted by: Hrothgar at March 19, 2016 08:35 AM (wYnyS) 252
Since we seem to be without art threads these days, as well, here's BlazingCatFur's latest amazing collection of pictures. Pretty as paintings.
![]() Posted by: mindful webworker - 20 Years on the Web at March 19, 2016 08:36 AM (Ak/GS) 253
>>There was some loudmouth delegate from North Dakota ....
(wiki) Curly Haugland is a non-elected politician and businessman who since 2004 has served as a *national committeeman* at the ND Republican State Committee and former North Dakota Republican Party chairman (1999-2004). Since 2009 Haugland has been a member of the RNC Rules Committee. Posted by: cind at March 19, 2016 08:36 AM (nRbbW) 254
In Lansing, Michigan, two adherents of the Religion of Peace have been charged with sexual assault.
Naturally, the media thinks the most relevant biographical detail it can report about the two men is that they drove for Uber. Posted by: Ted at March 19, 2016 08:36 AM (k40fU) 255
My teenager lectures her because, " Grandma, you spend too much time on your phone!"
Posted by: RondinellaMamma at March 19, 2016 07:59 AM (oQQwD) That's awesome. I was thinking a smartphone woukd be great for seniors because of the video calling. Get a large screen if possible. Honestly if you / she can afford it an iphone would probably be easiest, just because everything is integrated but I am sure there are lots of more economical choices. Just be ready to be her tech support, you know? Posted by: @votermom at March 19, 2016 08:37 AM (cbfNE) 256
Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah at March 19, 2016 08:26 AM (WVsWD)
--- Just sent you an e-mail (I hope!). I'll box them up this weekend. Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at March 19, 2016 08:37 AM (jR7Wy) 257
Morning Horde.
I should know better than to web search on Moron references. A Helmet song and a pr0n from "Geisha-to-go". Sorry to hear Vic's retiring the morning news links, though I get the reason why. One less thing in my morning ritual now. ![]() Posted by: Brother Cavil, hither and yon at March 19, 2016 08:38 AM (D0J8L) 258
Well my flight from Dubai this morning didn't crash so that's a good thing. One more flight until rapey Cologne.
Have a good day all. Posted by: JackStraw at March 19, 2016 08:38 AM (r1Ygw) 259
On eBay, 1904 McClellan saddles price range from a low of $32 to a high of $839.
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 08:40 AM (tzULn) 260
Rapey Cologne?Hai Karate?
Posted by: steevy at March 19, 2016 08:40 AM (B48dK) 261
I will miss the vic in the morning. Not only the links, but the pithy synapses of said links
Posted by: Bruce at March 19, 2016 08:40 AM (8ikIW) 262
Posted by: cind at March 19, 2016 08:36 AM (nRbbW)
Curly ain't the only one. #WASTF Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at March 19, 2016 08:40 AM (jIgQw) Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 19, 2016 08:40 AM (x3MHz) 264
Posted by: Kindltot at March 19, 2016 08:35 AM (XQHkt Dims are walking dead zombies, evidenced by the reign of King Barky and giving Madam Mao Tse Pantsuit a Get Out Jail Free card, so DoD is actually on the right track. Posted by: Bebe Dahl at March 19, 2016 08:41 AM (yNyJy) 265
259 $32 for a disintegrating pile of old leather.
![]() Posted by: steevy at March 19, 2016 08:41 AM (B48dK) Posted by: Bruce at March 19, 2016 08:42 AM (8ikIW) 267
Posted by: Kindltot at March 19, 2016 08:35 AM (XQHkt)
--- I have the CDC zombie comic from a preparedness lecture I attended! It's actually an amusing way to approach the topic for the novice. The issue of pr0n stashes/sexacious time capsules was not addressed. I would use vegan zombies mostly as compost. Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at March 19, 2016 08:42 AM (jR7Wy) 268
The Horde is just to darn nice!
Anyone have the link to Washington Nearsiders gofundme for his sister handy? Save me from searching pleases? ![]() Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah at March 19, 2016 08:42 AM (WVsWD) 269
They couldnt divert this jet to another city to land?
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at March 19, 2016 08:43 AM (iQIUe) 270
I would use vegan zombies mostly as compost.
Posted by: All Hail Eris They might make a flavorful stock Posted by: Bruce at March 19, 2016 08:43 AM (8ikIW) 271
I live in the Philly suburbs. I've run simulations on that nuke effects website, and if a Hiroshima-sized nuke were to go off inside the city limits, it wouldn't affect me too much, depending on the wind direction. Just saying.
Posted by: rickl at March 19, 2016 08:44 AM (sdi6R) Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 08:44 AM (tzULn) 273
Since we still don't lnow what happened to that Malaysian airliner it could have been a zombie outbreak.Vampire in the cargo hold maybe.
Posted by: steevy at March 19, 2016 08:45 AM (B48dK) 274
I live in your neighborhood and I vote.
Posted by: Bruce I am a polling site worker (just so wife has to call me Judge you-know-when), and I thought I'd so thoroughly exhausted both the subject and everyone's patience last election season, I didn't even post what went on last Tuesday. But yeah, you're spot-on there, a large number of primary voters Do.Not.Get. what's going on in a primary. And they get pretty worked up about it, too. Usually, after I try to explain, they'll get exasperated enough to blurt out to the whole class who it is they want to vote for (or against, as it worked out). Add to that the semi-literate designated-Dem lady to my left at the ID post, who'd loudly announce each voter's ballot choice (and she got Huffy when I shushed her), why it's a regular goat-rope. I have a bunch of stories, but they'd bore you to tears. Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 19, 2016 08:45 AM (xq1UY) 275
Baby! It's cold outside. Crunchy snow cold. So I went out to check the propane tank. Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch.
"HHmmm," I says, "More snow than I thought." Crunch, crunch, crunch. "Ah, good sixty percent. Alright then. I'm not plowing snow after near two weeks of fine spring weather." Crunch, crunch, crunch. back inside I check the ten day forecast. "Damn, won't get back above 32 for another #twoweeks. *Looks out the window at the snow piled up by the snow plow blocking the drive.* "Nope, still ain't plow'n snow. I wonder what the Horde is arguing about this morning?" Posted by: Donnybrook at March 19, 2016 08:45 AM (xXo2R) 276
Alexiss Nazario, who has been teaching for 26 years apparently told students 'This is what's going on in the real world.' The video shows the severed head of the victim placed on top his own chest.
=============== As if most of them havent seen it before. They didnt fire her. But it appears she's no muslim apologist so I like her. Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at March 19, 2016 08:46 AM (iQIUe) 277
254 In Lansing, Michigan, two adherents of the Religion of Peace have been charged with sexual assault. Naturally, the media thinks the most relevant biographical detail it can report about the two men is that they drove for Uber. Posted by: Ted at March 19, 2016 08:36 AM (k40fU) Uber has goats in service now? Posted by: Bebe Dahl at March 19, 2016 08:46 AM (yNyJy) 278
Who should you vote for if you want government to work?
In 1980, the City of New York closed the skating rink in Central Park for 2 years for a 9 million dollar renovation. 6 years and 13 million dollars later, the skating rink was still broken. Estimates by the city ranged from 3 to 5 million more in work and another 2 years to complete. Does this sound like just about every program and agency in the federal government? Just convert the millions to billions and trillions. Trump stepped in and offered to complete the repairs himself in exchange for a contract to run the rink and a nearby restaurant. The mayor, Ed Koch didn't want to do it, but public pressure made him bend. The art of the deal. Three months and 2.25 million later, the rink opened. Ahead of schedule and under budget. It continues to this day, in good repair and well run. Isn't this what we all want? Pretty simple - just use our tax dollars to actually get something done, get value for every dollar spent, have accountability to meet schedules and budgets and manage government the way any of us would run it if given the chance. Is there any doubt that during the first 6 years that the city of New York tried to fix this rink that somebody was incompetent? But as government normally works, the guy screwing things up would be the cousin of the guy who controls the votes in a certain district the mayor needed in the next election. Sure, everyone says they will clean up government, but there are rare examples of people actually getting things done. Sarah Palin went against her own party and the oil companies in Alaska. She paid the price for that. Trump undeniably makes things happen. It's time to shake things up and get away from the status quo. This is more than just "conservative" or "liberal" politics, it's the people telling the enormous government machine - from federal workers to lobbyists to elected officials and all the contractors and agencies and others eating at the government trough that the old ways are just not going to be tolerated anymore. All of this terrifies those who have spent their lives relying on the status quo for their cushy jobs. We have a chance in this election. It won't come again in our lifetime, the elite will see to that. Take the opportunity to make a change for the future, even if it embarrasses Ace. Posted by: jwest at March 19, 2016 08:46 AM (Zs4uk) Posted by: torquewrench at March 19, 2016 08:46 AM (noWW6) 280
Uber-Goat - Marvel announces a new Muslim friendly comic.
Posted by: Anna Puma at March 19, 2016 08:47 AM (tzULn) 281
What Does the Fox Say type goofyness from Norway.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at March 19, 2016 08:48 AM (VdICR) 282
I liked Vics links. At least one of them would get a conversation started. I enjoy the 'morning crew' here, since we're predominantly east coast people. Most days after the first emt I'm off to get stuff done. Maybe everyone can try to bring one link in every morning.
I'm tempted to volunteer to fire up a regular 7 am thread, as I spent a good part of my career in IT and did the blogging thing for five years. Then I remember the babysitting involved and the temptation disappears. Posted by: mega machines at March 19, 2016 08:50 AM (fbovC) 283
Jenner "never said that I endorsed Ted Cruz; I said I liked him."
Mitt Romney didn't endorse but will "vote for" Cruz in Tuesday's Utah primary caucus. Nikki Haley didn't endorse but "hopes" Cruz wins. Wow. Hope none of these choke-throated non-endorsements hurts Cruz! ![]() Posted by: mindful webworker - 20 Years on the Web at March 19, 2016 08:50 AM (Ak/GS) 284
Vic- I don't comment much, but I will surely miss the VNN every morning with my coffee prior to heading off to the salt mine. Thank you for all the work!
Posted by: Infidel at March 19, 2016 08:50 AM (0Tr/s) 285
That's what we can do.Everyone check into the EMT with 1 link.Of course there will be some duplication.
Posted by: steevy at March 19, 2016 08:52 AM (B48dK) 286
Vic is retiring ?? I don't blame him. All these years getting up at the butt-crack of dawn to gather up tons of links for morons just barely crawling out of bed. Thanks for my morning paper all these years, Vic! You were my greatest source of news. Maybe we should all get together and buy him a new rocker for his porch. God bless your little pea-pickin' heart.
Posted by: grammie winger, watching the fig tree at March 19, 2016 08:52 AM (dFi94) 287
On the Wollman Rink story, the public fiasco which Trump took over and quickly rescued, there is a detailed recounting thereof in Trump's first book.
Even given Trump's self-aggrandizing nature, it's a pretty meticulous settting forth of just why such large public projects often fail horribly. A complete deficiency of common sense and engineering discipline from the get-go. Numberless drones drawing out the process to continue to pad their own accounts. No hard deadlines nor personal accountability. If I thought we would be guaranteed the Wollman Rink version of Don Trump, I'd be climbing on board the Trump Train right now. Unfortunately, there are a great many versions of Don Trump. Posted by: torquewrench at March 19, 2016 08:52 AM (noWW6) 288
I have a bunch of stories, but they'd bore you to tears.
A friend of mine voted in the Texas Primary. She declared it "embarrassing" to have to tell the poll worker which party's ticket she wanted in front of all those people. I told her if declaring which ballot you want is embarrassing, maybe you shouldn't vote. She's forty years old, but oh, the peer pressure. Sadly, I was unable to suppress that Democrat vote. ![]() Posted by: no good deed at March 19, 2016 08:56 AM (GgxVX) 289
When the Tigers front office let Ernie Harwell go, the Free Press ran a "War Ends" size headline: A GENTLEMAN WRONGED.
This certainly applies to Vic's situation here. And put away the Schlonged jokes, will yaz? Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 19, 2016 08:56 AM (xq1UY) 290
Yesterday's Headline of the Day from the IndyStar,
category: Unfortunate Phrasing Oklahoma's size will test young Purdue women All righty then! Posted by: mindful webworker - 20 Years on the Web at March 19, 2016 08:57 AM (Ak/GS) 291
290 LOL
Posted by: steevy at March 19, 2016 08:58 AM (B48dK) 292
#WASTF Posted by: GOLFMAN Hierarchy > we fall in line He sounds so proud of the fact ![]() Posted by: cind at March 19, 2016 08:59 AM (nRbbW) 293
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at March 19, 2016 08:59 AM (t2KH5) 294
And since y'all are talking about nuking cities...
DC Suicide Madness Continues Adam Kredo, Wash Free Beacon Congress has cancelled funding for an advanced missile defense system that has been deployed across the D.C. area during the last few years to prevent against a rising threat from cruise missile strikes.... Well, it's only the nation's capital, after all. Posted by: mindful webworker - 20 Years on the Web at March 19, 2016 09:00 AM (Ak/GS) 295
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at March 19, 2016 08:59 AM (t2KH5) Well, if that's the only link you post today, I guess it will have to do! Posted by: Hrothgar at March 19, 2016 09:01 AM (wYnyS) 296
Oh Grammy, it goes well beyond the "butt crack of Dawn" (classical reference Tony Orlando). Go back a few years and look up how Vic got started on this.
There is no "24 hour news cycle." There is four hours of news programming with five re-runs, right across the networks. Except for Vic. Vic Never Sleeps. Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 19, 2016 09:01 AM (xq1UY) 297
I hope you like country music Vic, because this one's for you. Posted by: grammie winger, watching the fig tree at March 19, 2016 09:01 AM (dFi94) Posted by: mindful webworker - 20 Years on the Web at March 19, 2016 09:02 AM (Ak/GS) 299
Nood, old pervert teaching young boy how to make bondage gear... Posted by: MICHELLE FIELDS NOOKIES at March 19, 2016 09:02 AM (WdXB6) 300
Dirt bikes were a common sign of spring in South Philly. You'd see about three or four young knuckleheads on dirt bikes or ATVs doing wheelies for about half a block on Snyder Ave. and zig-zagging in and out of traffic. Mostly the cops just watched; a friend of mine at Hahnemann called them "organ donors"....
The other South Philly signs of spring were ice cream trucks on the street with police choppers overhead.... Posted by: Jenk at March 19, 2016 09:05 AM (OtryE) 301
Even given Trump's self-aggrandizing nature, it's a pretty meticulous settting forth of just why such large public projects often fail horribly. A complete deficiency of common sense and engineering discipline from the get-go. Numberless drones drawing out the process to continue to pad their own accounts. No hard deadlines nor personal accountability.
Posted by: torquewrench at March 19, 2016 08:52 AM (noWW6) ---------------- Seen this shit repeatedly in LA. Worse, they pay p.r. firms millions of bucks to see their failed projects. Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at March 19, 2016 09:05 AM (iQIUe) 302
ARRRGGGHHH!!!! Willowed...!!!
Posted by: Jenk at March 19, 2016 09:06 AM (OtryE) 303
286 grammie winger, watching the fig tree
"Maybe we should all get together and buy him a new rocker for his porch." That's a great idea! If someone else organizes it, I shall help fund it. For available amounts of funding. Posted by: naCly Dog at March 19, 2016 09:07 AM (u82oZ) 304
Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 19, 2016 08:45 AM (xq1UY)
I've worked as an election judge a few times but to truly savor the rich tapestry of our electoral system you should work ballot security. Spend a day as an alternate election judge or poll watcher in a precinct where you are the only Republican and often the only person of pallor. Sometimes it was a pretty pleasant experience like when the voting machines were introduced and I seem to have been the only person who knew how they worked. Other times every single person there hated me and some were not a bit shy about it. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 19, 2016 09:08 AM (QHgTq) 305
Dims are walking dead zombies, evidenced by the
reign of King Barky and giving Madam Mao Tse Pantsuit a Get Out Jail Free card, so DoD is actually on the right track. Posted by: Bebe Dahl at March 19, 2016 08:41 AM (yNyJy) Speaking of, have you heard about Brazil? In short: The previous president is being investigated for bribery and corruption charges. The current president appointed him chief of staff which would give him immunity from prosecution. The judge overseeing the case takes 20 minutes to file an injunction . Brazilian legislature votes to start impeachment proceedings against the current president. And here is a political cartoon Posted by: Kindltot at March 19, 2016 09:18 AM (XQHkt) 306
Well, it's only the nation's capital, after all. Posted by: mindful webworker - 20 Years on the Web at March 19, 2016 09:00 AM (Ak/GS) About the only thing I'd miss is the Smithsonian. Posted by: rickl at March 19, 2016 09:18 AM (sdi6R) 307
"A friend of mine voted in the Texas Primary. She declared it
"embarrassing" to have to tell the poll worker which party's ticket she wanted in front of all those people. I told her if declaring which ballot you want is embarrassing, maybe you shouldn't vote." "All those people?" In Illinois you walk up to the judge's table and tell 'em which primary you want to vote in (Republican, Democrat or Green), get your ballot, and go fill it out. You don't have to yell it across the room. In our precinct (solidly Democratic - this is Chicago, after all) I had several people ask for both R and D ballots so they could pick whichever candidate they wanted. I explained - many times - that you can pick and choose in the general election, but in a primary you can only pick one party. Most of them got it, eventually. And here's a mystery for you - of the few Republican votes we had, two-thirds of them went to Rick Santorum. Posted by: Annalucia at March 19, 2016 09:20 AM (a5bF3) 308
Btw since it's Saturday I have my weekly wrap up on my blog
Go check it out if you are bored Link in nic Posted by: @votermom at March 19, 2016 09:29 AM (cbfNE) 309
I don't know much but the morning Vic was consistently one of the best things on this site. Made every morning. I do know that Thanks so much Vic!!! Posted by: MAx at March 19, 2016 09:31 AM (LAliD) 310
Apprebtice skool.....Bernie was FIRED after beating PLOW SHARES into.Sickles and hammers.....................
Posted by: saf at March 19, 2016 01:06 PM (qKiBT) 311
Dry fire, dry fire, dry fire. Everything 'cept the bang. I have found it helps me smooth out my draw, and improve my ease in acquiring a sight picture on my target. I start slow, paying attention to form and consistency.
Slow is smooth, and as we know: smooth is FAST! Posted by: davido at March 19, 2016 04:10 PM (+h3iw) Processing 0.03, elapsed 0.0511 seconds. |
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