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Overnight Open Thread (2-28-2016) – Guaranteed 96% Oscar Free

Quote of the Day I

"You see, with me, they're not protected, because I'm not like other people but I'm not taking money. I'm not taking their money. So we're going to open up libel laws, and we're going to have people sue you like you've never got sued before."

-- Donald Trump

Quote of the Day II - Don't Worry There'll Never Be Some Dude in the Bathroom With Your Daughter Edition

Have you ever noticed that whenever liberals say that something won't happen, it happens?

-- Benny Huang


Quote of the Day III

The summer menu on a notice board says its either ham salad or roast beef for lunch on Thursday and chicken risotto or chicken caesar salad for dinner. Vegetarian options are either mushroom risotto or balsamic mushroom with cos, fetta and egg.

-- from a description of Australia's new 'human rights compliant' prison

Hollywood Stars Promote Gun Control While Comfortably Protected by a Phalanx of Armed Men


Will California Lead the Way on Occupational Licensing?

One of the great scandals over the last two or three decades is how so many barriers have been raised to keep people from starting their own service businesses.

One of the more insidious ways that insiders with political power have rigged the economy against less-skilled workers over the past generation is by imposing licensing requirements for working class professions, restricting the job supply, raising prices, and squelching competition. As Sen. Mike Lee noted in an important op-ed last month, "security guards, florists, barbers, massage therapists, interior decorators, manicurists, hair stylists, personal trainers, tree trimmers and auctioneers work in just some of the many, many professions that state legislatures have seen fit to cartelize." So it's encouraging to see that the largest state in the union is mulling over rolling them back.

Mark Zuckerberg Confronts 'Hate Speech' In Germany And At Facebook

And by hate speech he means criticizing migrants and Germany's refugee policy and replacing 'Black Lives Matter' on Facebook's wall with 'All Lives Matter'.

Southern Hillary is Back

'I don't feeel no-ways tahrrd.'

The American Educational System and the Popularity of Bernie Sanders


Leave Bernie Alone!: Bernie Sanders Volunteer Cries Over Mean Conservatives She Called

Sweden Complains That Daily Mail Is Running a Campaign Against Its Migration Policy

Well mainly by reporting on crimes and social problems in Sweden caused by migrants and letting people editorialize against Sweden's policies. This is known in Britain as journalism and free speech.

Related: Norway Wants To Reject All Refugees in the Event Swedish Migration Controls Break Down

Also: Belgium reintroduces border controls with France to prevent influx of Calais migrants

Capitulation: Virginia to Recognize All States' Carry Permits Starting July 1

Heh: Shooting of Beloved Rapist Angers Seattle NAACP

Are CEOs Overpaid? Not in Comparison to University Presidents

And unlike university presidents CEOs actually get fired if they don't perform.

Why Winners Become Cheaters

CHP Involved in Slow Speed Unicorn Chase


Total Clickbait: How Kylie Jenner Are You?


Meerkat Expert Cleared of Assault on Monkey Handler in Zoo Love Triangle Spat


Weekly Commenter Standings

Top 10 commenters:
1 [659 comments] 'ThunderB' [92.52 posts/day]
2 [566 comments] 'eleven'
3 [505 comments] 'redbanzai'
4 [501 comments] 'Christopher Taylor'
5 [468 comments] 'Vic-we have no party'
6 [427 comments] 'Nevergiveup'
7 [416 comments] 'willow'
8 [390 comments] 'Ghost of kari - WAR'
9 [351 comments] 'Mike Hammer, etc., etc.'
10 [342 comments] 'ace'

Top 10 sockpuppeteers:
1 [93 names] 'D. Trump' [13.06 unique names/day]
2 [70 names] 'The Political Hat'
3 [67 names] 'Prince Ludwig the #Problematic'
4 [55 names] 'Mimzey'
5 [48 names] 'Bertram Cabot Jr.'
6 [47 names] 'phreshone'
7 [40 names] 'Turd Ferguson'
8 [34 names] 'Joe Biden'
9 [33 names] 'Cicero (@cicero)'
10 [33 names] 'Benito'

The group. Banned on 12 universities.

Where it's at - the Twitter

Tonight's post brought to you by the new CPR/assailant disabling technique:


Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace for a higher level of ignoring.

Posted by: Maetenloch at 11:17 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Evenin' everyone.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at February 28, 2016 11:17 PM (YJmuy)

2 Woot woot ONT

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 28, 2016 11:18 PM (voOPb)

3 Trump Approved of the Tiananmen Square Massacre

It turns out the Donald Trump didn't always disapprove of what Communist China does. In fact he is on record on congratulating them for not blowing it, in his opinion, regarding the Tiananmen Square Massacre.


Posted by: The Political Hat at February 28, 2016 11:19 PM (vBeA5)

4 First..give my Oscar!

Posted by: RGallegos at February 28, 2016 11:20 PM (49Jfq)

5 Here is the "News of the Week" compilation of the News


Posted by: The Political Hat at February 28, 2016 11:21 PM (vBeA5)

6 Hola, amigoz en loz intertuboz!

Posted by: cthulhu at February 28, 2016 11:21 PM (EzgxV)

7 3 Trump Approved of the Tiananmen Square Massacre

Of course that was before be disproved of it. His flip flops are yuuge

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 28, 2016 11:22 PM (voOPb)

8 Good Evening

Posted by: French Jeton at February 28, 2016 11:23 PM (WMvHw)

9 Whatever you say Trump said, he didn't say it. You're a liar and will probably get sued. Jeff Sessions has lost his mind.

Posted by: wnwjc at February 28, 2016 11:24 PM (wnwJC)

10 Look, I know the entire Jenner/Kardashian Clan is fucking certifiable and their entire genetic structure boils down to "IT'S A TRAP!!!"...but I'd hit that Kylie so hard even Admiral Ackbar couldn't pull me off.

Posted by: Oedipus at February 28, 2016 11:26 PM (CXLVd)

11 Who would still hit that hot little ginger Chelsea?

Posted by: wnwjc at February 28, 2016 11:26 PM (wnwJC)

12 >>>Heh: Shooting of Beloved Rapist Angers Seattle NAACP<<<

He was a good boy. A very good boy.

Posted by: beloved rapist's mother at February 28, 2016 11:26 PM (H9MG5)

13 Yay! Not in Top 10s!

Posted by: logprof at February 28, 2016 11:27 PM (gXNza)

14 Man, ThunderB been dropping all kinds of knowledge with the comments. Wow.

Posted by: Dead Parrot Society at February 28, 2016 11:27 PM (AJeMv)

15 Oops. wnwjc was me. Goodnight.

Posted by: JROD at February 28, 2016 11:28 PM (wnwJC)

16 So proud that I am 100% not Kylie Jenner.

Anecdotally, also 100% not Caitlyn Jenner.

Posted by: shibumi who is awaiting SMOD at February 28, 2016 11:28 PM (7FH+T)

17 you say Trump said, he didn't say it. You're a liar and will probably get sued. Jeff Sessions has lost his mind.
Posted by: wnwjc at February 28, 2016 11:24 PM (wnwJC)

That endorsement basically sinks Cruz I'm afraid. You have sessions backing trump and sasse stating he would never vote for trump. Quite the mess.

Not a trump guy here but I laugh at all of the GOPe telling us they won't vote for trump yet told us we had to be happy voting McCain & Romey. As ace says we live in stupid times

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 28, 2016 11:28 PM (voOPb)

18 First Emily Ratatouilleski, now this chick. What's Bernie's pull with the hot brunettes?

Posted by: he needs to write a book at February 28, 2016 11:28 PM (vXsn1)

This is known in Britain as journalism and free speech.

For a limited time only.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at February 28, 2016 11:29 PM (FkBIv)

20 10: Some things only look good on paper. Communism and the Kardashians fall into that catagory.

Posted by: Puddleglum at February 28, 2016 11:31 PM (k35y3)

21 10: You're lucky, she's 18 since August. But just think of who and what else has likely been hitting that. That should put you off.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 28, 2016 11:32 PM (dvuhZ)

22 Even the Missus has noticed I'm wasted. And she has years and years worth of experience.

I have been sent to bed without supper. She hopes
I will ruin my reputation here and, absent any friends, be persuaded to enter drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

She has no idea of my current reputation, here. Heh.

Plus, I got sent to alcohol rehabilitation back when I was a 1Lt, with experience of deployments to places elsewhere in the world where they really hate us.

She's going to lose.

All the best.

Posted by: Yer man, the quare fella at February 28, 2016 11:33 PM (1zS3A)

23 Thanks for the ONT.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 28, 2016 11:33 PM (iHjB5)

24 I only checked two boxes on the "How Kylie Jenner are you?" quiz. You like Popeye's... Yes. You love a matching two-piece outfit... Yes.

You got:

You are NOT Kylie Jenner.
Yes! I'm so glad that, as a man in his forties, I'm not also a girl still in her teens.

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler... Ask not for whom The Donald Trumps. at February 28, 2016 11:33 PM (0OG8D)

25 The Bernie girl's tears are really really sweet.

Posted by: Aviator at February 28, 2016 11:33 PM (c7vUv)

26 @3 ThePolitical Hat

You know what? That quote from Playboy makes no sense at all. What is the implication here? That Trump is so evil, that he liked the student protest put-down? Then why in the HELL did NBC give him a TV show to do?

Why wad Trump lauded as a fat cat doofus, but never evil until he decided to run for President? He has always been criticized for his business... his gaudy buildings... failed casinos... the model-wives.. But never as a evil, student killing, liberty-hating troll..... UNTIL he runs for President. Huh.

Color me not persuaded. Trump/SMOD 2016!

Posted by: Yip at February 28, 2016 11:34 PM (e7T6D)

27 First Emily Ratatouilleski, now this chick. What's Bernie's pull with the hot brunettes?
Posted by: he needs to write a book at February 28, 2016 11:28 PM (vXsn1)

That Emily chick needs a cheese burger or five. I saw some of the selfies the little narcissist was taking (selfie culture disgusts me) and her protruding ribs were almost as prominent as her boobs.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:34 PM (PjWy4)

28 Hey everybody.

Anybody here try the new "Smoke9" flavor at Wing Stop yet??

Posted by: qdpsteve at February 28, 2016 11:34 PM (ntObR)

29 Meerkat Expert Cleared of Assault on Monkey Handler in Zoo Love Triangle Spat

The llama-keeper they were fighting over is a nice-looking dude-- maybe he was cheating on both women with the llama.

Posted by: Basement Cat at February 28, 2016 11:34 PM (3C9q2)

30 Look, I know the entire Jenner/Kardashian Clan is fucking certifiable and their entire genetic structure boils down to "IT'S A TRAP!!!"...but I'd hit that Kylie so hard even Admiral Ackbar couldn't pull me off.

Posted by: Oedipus at February 28, 2016 11:26 PM (CXLVd)

Again I say.....ewwwwww!!!!

Must be a lot of young posters on here lately.

Posted by: Blano at February 28, 2016 11:35 PM (heN73)

31 So today I went to a Ted Cruz meeting, starting to put teams of volunteers in place to work the Maryland election April 25. I'm looking forward to organizing GOTV, canvassing and phone bank operations for Baltimore County. Hopefully it'll be fun.

Posted by: Weirddave at February 28, 2016 11:35 PM (N8hFs)

32 Surprise. I am NOT Kylie Jenner. But we both enjoy Popeye's so I have that going for me.

Posted by: CozMark at February 28, 2016 11:35 PM (BEnbl)

33 That Atlantic article has Trumpsters made out to be knuckle dragger stupid idiots who in a perfect world would be voting Obama if it wasn't for that evil Hannity and Limbaugh.Features Palin/Trump podium pic.

The left delusionally blames righties for the conditions that they created.

Posted by: torabora at February 28, 2016 11:36 PM (r0Ux0)

34 Ditto for Popeyes!

Posted by: Yip at February 28, 2016 11:36 PM (e7T6D)

35 Ah Popeye's, been so long...

screw the diet, I'll get some this week.

Posted by: qdpsteve at February 28, 2016 11:36 PM (ntObR)

36 Wait really? I'm never early for the ONT!

Posted by: small town girl at February 28, 2016 11:37 PM (wwx67)

37 The llama-keeper they were fighting over is a nice-looking dude-- maybe he was cheating on both women with the llama.

Posted by: Basement Cat at February 28, 2016 11:34 PM (3C9q2)

Joke's on him. Both wimmenz were getting it on with the pheasant plucker.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 28, 2016 11:37 PM (afR/C)

38 Are men generally attracted to clearly artificial women? Or is it the prospect of a potentially easy lay that is appealing? Or are bewbs all that matter at the end of the day?

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:38 PM (PjWy4)

39 With the Sessions endorsement, I think Cruz's chances are probably over. Sessions is hugely (yugely?) important in the South.

We'll have to see how it plays out, but the Sessions endorsement could be written of by historians in years hence as the pivotal moment when the transformation of the American right went from maybe to reality.

My hope is that Sessions has enough away with Trump to reign in the liberalism aspects of Trump.

We will see. Time will tell. We live in strange times.

Posted by: Grumpy old man at February 28, 2016 11:38 PM (WQ7Wn)

40 35
Ah Popeye's, been so long...

screw the diet, I'll get some this week.

Posted by: qdpsteve at February 28, 2016 11:36 PM (ntObR)

Same here. The biscuit. Dirty Rice. Things fried in a white flour based medium.

Posted by: CozMark at February 28, 2016 11:38 PM (BEnbl)

41 This is what a Strauss and Howe 4th Turning Crisis looks like. I've rambled about this before, but it's here. Enjoy it. We will emerge renewed stronger than before, with new purpose, once the baggage of the last 80 years is cleared like bad debt that must be cleared. The result is always a reset, and that's what we're getting.

Either that, or America as we know it will be destroyed and our little Experiment will come to an end.

One or the other.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 28, 2016 11:38 PM (dvuhZ)

42 Benghazi and the emails will default Hillary.

Information about the Lolita Express flights to Jeffery Epstein's Bimbo Island, his comments praising the mafia's contract work for him and his choice comments about women will shoot Trump down.

Posted by: Ralph at February 28, 2016 11:39 PM (qB3GS)

43 38 Are men generally attracted to clearly artificial women? Or is it the prospect of a potentially easy lay that is appealing? Or are bewbs all that matter at the end of the day?


Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 28, 2016 11:39 PM (voOPb)

44 Kylie Jenner, not the Emily chick.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:39 PM (PjWy4)

45 I approved of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

Just before it happened, I bought a large number of recently-minted Chinese gold coins. After, the ban on further imports gave me numismatic, as well as bullion, value.

I've never been too terribly worried about the internal functioning of that fascist state. America's dealings with said fascist state are opportunities for very careful dealing. The Chinese will rob you blind, when they can.

Vote Trump!

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 28, 2016 11:40 PM (1zS3A)

46 I saw the Zoo Love Triangle open for Ben Folds Five at the Great Western Forum in '98.

Posted by: good show at February 28, 2016 11:40 PM (vXsn1)

47 I was reading over at Neo-con and one of the commenters argued with me in the comments that Trump just could not be trusted with the bomb because he didn't know of the triad, et,al. Iran just got the bomb...

Turkey is a hair away from war with Russia... and NATO is about to be shown to be neutered... and this guy worried that Trump would launch on someone. Good God. Like, how in the hell after 7 years of Obama, the ultimate Manchurian candidate can anyone worry about the button anymore? I"m losing it. The Trump fear is strong in so many formerly great places to read content.

Posted by: Yip at February 28, 2016 11:40 PM (e7T6D)

48 >>Are men generally attracted to clearly artificial women? Or is it the prospect of a potentially easy lay that is appealing? Or are bewbs all that matter at the end of the day?
Posted by: chique d'afrique

Not all men

Posted by: Aviator at February 28, 2016 11:41 PM (c7vUv)

49 Are men generally attracted to clearly artificial women? Or is it the prospect of a potentially easy lay that is appealing? Or are bewbs all that matter at the end of the day?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 28, 2016 11:39 PM (voOPb)

Heh. Succinct.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:41 PM (PjWy4)

50 PS - I will vote Cruz Tuesday.

Posted by: Grumpy old man at February 28, 2016 11:41 PM (WQ7Wn)

51 18 First Emily Ratatouilleski, now this chick. What's Bernie's pull with the hot brunettes?

Posted by: he needs to write a book at February 28, 2016 11:28 PM (vXsn1)

Perhaps they are into rough sex and roleplay?

Posted by: buzzion at February 28, 2016 11:41 PM (zt+N6)


I'm not here long, I gotta be sharp tomorrow. Possible chance of a job in Music City.

Speaking of Music City, I just watched my Dores drop #16 UK. And the stadium was like all UK fans. The bath I made from their tears was most excellent.

Posted by: DC's ring finger is longer than his index finger at February 28, 2016 11:42 PM (e+1S5)

53 Popeye's has the best biscuits and I could eat that dang popcorn chicken til I popped.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 28, 2016 11:42 PM (39g3+)

54 Why Winners Become Cheaters

Based on a study of a whole 85 people ...

Yeah, not buying it. Cheating is something in the personality of an individual - or the culture, as there are many cultures that celebrate cheating (see the Seoul Olympics for a good example of culture proud of its cheating - and it was awful, overt cheating, at that).

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 28, 2016 11:43 PM (zc3Db)

55 38 Are men generally attracted to clearly artificial women? Or is it the prospect of a potentially easy lay that is appealing? Or are bewbs all that matter at the end of the day?

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:38 PM (PjWy4

Its not all that matters. I'm a fan of legs and a nice ass too.

Posted by: buzzion at February 28, 2016 11:43 PM (zt+N6)

56 Not all men
Posted by: Aviator at February 28, 2016 11:41 PM (c7vUv)

I know it's not all men, hence the use of "generally". Just wondering how common it is. Because I feel I would run away from Miss Jenner were I male.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:43 PM (PjWy4)

57 Kylie Jenner, not the Emily chick.

Emily chick is too skinny. And THOSE ELBOWS!!!!

Posted by: Oedipus at February 28, 2016 11:43 PM (CXLVd)

58 The more they are seen the more they are exposed. Cruz is the only constant.

Posted by: Ralph at February 28, 2016 11:43 PM (qB3GS)

59 hmmmm popcorn

Posted by: Yip at February 28, 2016 11:43 PM (e7T6D)

60 If Jedediah Bila is any indictation, they think Bernie is adorable. She was gushing over him on RedEye one night, more than half serious. He's a communist, but he's so darned cute she said.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 28, 2016 11:44 PM (dvuhZ)

61 My hope is that Sessions has enough away with Trump to reign in the liberalism aspects of Trump.

Maybe he'll be his Dick Cheney.

Posted by: t-bird at February 28, 2016 11:44 PM (w/iDp)

62 38 Are men generally attracted to clearly artificial women? Men are attracted to pretty women. Artificial part, not so much. Which leads to your next question.

Or is it the prospect of a potentially easy lay that is appealing? If she's artificial, sure. Much easier to walk away from some vapid annoying chick.

Or are bewbs all that matter at the end of the day? bewbs always matter!

Posted by: Puddleglum at February 28, 2016 11:44 PM (k35y3)

63 replacing 'Black Lives Matter' on Facebook's wall with 'All Lives Matter'.

Southern Hillary is Back

'I don't feeel no-ways tahrrd.'

Or maybe it's senility.

Posted by: nerdygirl at February 28, 2016 11:45 PM (+lVUW)

64 Are men generally attracted to clearly artificial women? Or is it the prospect of a potentially easy lay that is appealing? Or are bewbs all that matter at the end of the day?

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:38 PM (PjWy4)

The easy lay is an open and shut case.

As to fake boobs, guys like big boobs. Natural big boobs are thousands of times better than fake ones ... but big fake boobs will do in a pinch.

Guys love boobs.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 28, 2016 11:45 PM (zc3Db)

65 Are men generally attracted to clearly artificial women? Or is it the prospect of a potentially easy lay that is appealing? Or are bewbs all that matter at the end of the day?

I figure its like this. Women don't want a long relationship and life with a boyish hunk with a sixpack and shaved, sculpted chest, huge bank account, massive wang, perfect chiseled features, and bad boy attitude.

But a wild weekend on his expense on the French Riviera? Yeah.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 28, 2016 11:45 PM (39g3+)

66 52

I'm not here long, I gotta be sharp tomorrow. Possible chance of a job in Music City.

Speaking of Music City, I just watched my Dores drop #16 UK. And
the stadium was like all UK fans. The bath I made from their tears was
most excellent.

Posted by: DC's ring finger is longer than his index finger at February 28, 2016 11:42 PM (e+1S5)

Lemme guess. Big intro. In a hurry. Everything fuckin great. Ending in a non sequitur.
I'm going to go with cocaine and a few shots of booze to even out a little?

Posted by: CozMark at February 28, 2016 11:45 PM (BjOkm)

If I can hold them in my hands THEY'RE REAL

Posted by: MAx at February 28, 2016 11:45 PM (LAliD)

68 I want Hillary's bark for my ringtone.

Posted by: Ralph at February 28, 2016 11:46 PM (qB3GS)

69 As to fake boobs, guys like big boobs. Natural big boobs are thousands of times better than fake ones ... but big fake boobs will do in a pinch.

Guys love boobs.


Posted by: Boobs at February 28, 2016 11:46 PM (39g3+)

70 >>My hope is that Sessions has enough away with Trump to reign in the liberalism aspects of Trump.

Maybe he'll be his Dick Cheney.
Ooo. When does he take him quail hunting?

Posted by: Aviator at February 28, 2016 11:46 PM (c7vUv)

71 Sanders strikes me as an angry old man.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:46 PM (PjWy4)

72 45 I approved of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
Just before it happened, I bought a large number of recently-minted Chinese gold coins. After, the ban on further imports gave me numismatic, as well as bullion, value.
I've never been too terribly worried about the internal functioning of that fascist state. America's dealings with said fascist state are opportunities for very careful dealing. The Chinese will rob you blind, when they can.
Vote Trump!
Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 28, 2016 11:40 PM (1zS3A)

No problem with killing all those people. Just so long as your numismatic investments aren't affected - because that would be the worst thing ever!!

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 28, 2016 11:46 PM (wqVD1)

73 >>>Are men generally attracted to clearly artificial women? Or is it the prospect of a potentially easy lay that is appealing? Or are bewbs all that matter at the end of the day?

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:38 PM (PjWy4)


Women are generally a pain in the ass, selling an asset that they've completely overpriced.

Once we have sexbots, men will be able to approach dates with a take-it-or-leave-it attitude that will completely turn the tables on women, and the games they play.

Oh, and BTW, this is what feminist rhetoric is driving.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 28, 2016 11:46 PM (1zS3A)

74 One of Session's senior advisors just got on board with Trump's campaign. I think the effect of Sessions and his will be a great improvement on Trump. I trust Jeff Sessions. He's thrown all in on this. I have to respect that.

Posted by: Yip at February 28, 2016 11:46 PM (e7T6D)

75 Jedediah Bila

Who the heck names their daughter a dude's name like that? This is my daughter Hezekiah. And her sister, Adam.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 28, 2016 11:47 PM (39g3+)

76 By the way, remember this is the party that was mocking John McCain for being old.

(Go away McCain! )

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:47 PM (PjWy4)

77 Ass for me too. We were talking about that in an ONT a while back. They've actually done detailed studies on the boob vs butt preference (apparently they think it's highly probative of evolutionary stuff -- what men natural selection selected and why).

America is butts over boob, slightly, but it breaks down regionally. We in the South give butts the edge, but the Midwest likes boobs. NY state is butts, but others around there are boobs. It's likely NYC doing the butt stuff with the numbers there. Europe is boobs for the most part. Muzzie are butts, but it's goat butts.

There are all sorts of interesting personality correlations with the boobs vs butts, as well.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 28, 2016 11:48 PM (dvuhZ)

78 I would sooner behold a nice set of natural B's than any adulterated boobs.

Posted by: Ralph at February 28, 2016 11:48 PM (qB3GS)

79 Are men generally attracted to clearly artificial women? Or is it the prospect of a potentially easy lay that is appealing? Or are bewbs all that matter at the end of the day?

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:38 PM (PjWy4)

I cannot tell a lie. I like bewbs. Preferably nice firm, natural ones. A little discreet "enhancement" for those women not well-endowed by Nature. Fine. If well done by the surgeon, nobody need ever know.

Honking big, ginormous, obviously fake bewbs? Just, no.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 28, 2016 11:48 PM (afR/C)

80 Assuming Trump takes Sessions' advice if he wins.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:48 PM (PjWy4)

81 >>>Jedediah Bila

Who the heck names their daughter a dude's name like that? This is my daughter Hezekiah. And her sister, Adam.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 28, 2016 11:47 PM (39g3+)<<<

This is my sister Darryl, and my other sister Darryl.

Posted by: a girl named Larry at February 28, 2016 11:49 PM (H9MG5)

82 Jedediah Bila wears too much eye makeup.

My sister wears too much. People think she's a whore.

Posted by: that delinquent at the police station at February 28, 2016 11:49 PM (vXsn1)

83 She's so hot that the name Jedediah doesn't matter. Also, you'll certainly remember that name, won't you? It works. Makes you wonder about the name and wonder about her, which makes her interesting. It works very well for publicity purposes.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 28, 2016 11:50 PM (dvuhZ)

84 I'm curious to see if Trump tosses Sessions aside like he did Christie - I doubt it. But we will see....

Posted by: Grumpy old man at February 28, 2016 11:50 PM (WQ7Wn)

85 hi all
huh, had not heard of Kylie Jenner before tonight

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 28, 2016 11:50 PM (uZNvH)

86 No problem with killing all those people. Just so long as your numismatic investments aren't affected - because that would be the worst thing ever!!

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 28, 2016 11:46 PM (wqVD1)

Chinese being killed by their own state is nothing new. What fawning, bleary-eyed Westerners have called "The Great Wall of China" was always referred to, in China, as "The World's Longest Cemetery". Not as catchy a name, though ...

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 28, 2016 11:50 PM (zc3Db)

87 If you're a boob man, you don't "get" sex.

A fat ass is worth a thousand words. But I won't bore or disgust you with that much ink on the topic this evening.

And natural mammaries too, yes. Although I've never had fakes. And that doesn't bother me.

Posted by: Ghost of kari - WAR at February 28, 2016 11:51 PM (ubByS)

88 Don't Worry There'll Never Be Some Dude in the Bathroom With Your Daughter
What could go wrong?:

"BLUNDER: New Charlotte Ordinance Prohibits ALL Sex-Specific Bathrooms and Showers inside of City Limits"

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 28, 2016 11:51 PM (9mTYi)

89 Sessions has shown himself a fool.

Posted by: Ralph at February 28, 2016 11:52 PM (qB3GS)

90 Josef Stalin has a long mustache. And it's fabulous!

Posted by: Uncle Jed Bila at February 28, 2016 11:52 PM (FkBIv)

91 Heh: Shooting of Beloved Rapist Angers Seattle NAACP
He was a good boy. A very good boy.
Posted by: beloved rapist's mother at February 28, 2016 11:26 PM (H9MG5)

He was getting his life in order. Cutting back on the raping and armed robbery.

Posted by: nerdygirl at February 28, 2016 11:53 PM (+lVUW)

92 America is butts over boob, slightly, but it breaks down regionally.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 28, 2016 11:48 PM (dvuhZ)

I don't buy that, at all. It breaks down ethnically, but that's about it, I would bet everything that breasts are teh clear number 1 interest of American men.

And it's funny because most of the asses that we see celebrated these days aren't even good-looking asses. There's this thing with trying to push big, bubbly butts, as if that's sexy ... but outside of a specific demographic that is just untrue.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 28, 2016 11:53 PM (zc3Db)

93 90 Josef Stalin has a long mustache. And it's fabulous!

Posted by: Uncle Jed Bila at February 28, 2016 11:52 PM (FkBIv)
Saddam Hussein. Always hated the man, but loved his hair-cut. - Hank Hill.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at February 28, 2016 11:53 PM (/33sy)

94 The Kardashians are a terrible family. But I mostly blame the society that allowed them to rise to prominence.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:54 PM (PjWy4)

95 Legs. She's gotta have 'em. I don't do nugget porn

Posted by: derit at February 28, 2016 11:54 PM (OC+TJ)

38 Are men generally attracted to clearly artificial women? Or is it the
prospect of a potentially easy lay that is appealing? Or are bewbs all
that matter at the end of the day?

I'm not a fan of bolt-on boobs. Can spot them a mile away - we haven't come close to perfecting that technology. Then there was the whole saline debacle after the junk science silicon ban.

I'm an ass man anyway. At least, that's what my friends tell me: "You're a real ass, man."

Posted by: Jason M at February 28, 2016 11:54 PM (4oYqL)

97 hope is that Sessions has enough away with Trump to reign in the liberalism aspects of Trump.

Maybe he'll be his Dick Cheney.
Posted by: t-bird at February 28, 2016 11:44 PM (w/iDp)

Dick Cheney was a democrat favorite Republican moderate before he became Darth Cheney.

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at February 28, 2016 11:54 PM (MNgU2)

>>Guys love boobs.

Posted by: Boobs

I don't come to AoSHQ for sofeistery!!$#@

Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 28, 2016 11:55 PM (A/3fN)

99 There are all sorts of interesting personality correlations with the boobs vs butts, as well.
Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 28, 2016 11:48 PM (dvuhZ)

I am surprised that butts are that close to boobs honestly.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 28, 2016 11:55 PM (iHjB5)

100 Who the heck names their daughter a dude's name like that?

Sir Edmund Hillary Rodham's parents, for example.

Posted by: t-bird at February 28, 2016 11:55 PM (OLNwX)

101 In a different era people wouldn't become famous for releasing sex tapes. Instead, they would be shunned.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:55 PM (PjWy4)

102 Look, I know the entire Jenner/Kardashian Clan is fucking certifiable and their entire genetic structure boils down to "IT'S A TRAP!!!"...but I'd hit that Kylie so hard even Admiral Ackbar couldn't pull me off.

Posted by: Oedipus at February 28, 2016 11:26 PM (CXLVd)

Well, if you ever get that opportunity, triple bag it. You never know what's been in there.

Posted by: nerdygirl at February 28, 2016 11:55 PM (+lVUW)

103 #38: Yes to all three questions. There's a lot of men out there, and we tend to have different opinions on all those subjects.

I prefer the all-natural girl-next-door type, but a lot of guys do like that artificial Hollywood type. And actually, I sort of think of the really artificial gals like Pamela Anderson as the "Canadian type", because several of the more prominent ones hail from Canada.

I also don't really get the fascination that a lot of guys have with lesbians. I mean, I understand it on some level with lesbian porn (it's two hot chicks, naked and going at it), but my personal take on it is, "Oh, you two have things covered between yourselves; you don't need me injecting my penis into that".

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler... Ask not for whom The Donald Trumps. at February 28, 2016 11:56 PM (0OG8D)

104 Boobs AND Popeye's

Posted by: Yip at February 28, 2016 11:56 PM (e7T6D)

105 Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 28, 2016 11:53 PM (zc3Db)

Au contraire....

I am a Butt Man... but luckily with the current Lady, it is immaterial....

53 Year old hard body MILF, Great Ass with a pair of 38s...

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 28, 2016 11:56 PM (RK8AH)

106 I'm an ass man anyway. At least, that's what my friends tell me: "You're a real ass, man."

Posted by: Jason M at February 28, 2016 11:54 PM (4oYqL)

You're an arse-man!!

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 28, 2016 11:56 PM (zc3Db)

107 99

I am surprised that butts are that close to boobs honestly.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 28, 2016 11:55 PM (iHjB5)
I think you've been misinformed. Have you a copy of 'Grey's Anatomy' close by? Might want to take a look at it......

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at February 28, 2016 11:56 PM (/33sy)

108 Chinese being killed by their own state is nothing new. What fawning, bleary-eyed Westerners have called "The Great Wall of China" was always referred to, in China, as "The World's Longest Cemetery". Not as catchy a name, though ...
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 28, 2016 11:50 PM (zc3Db)

Yes there's always been killing and other forms of evil in China. But do you not see the difference between acknowledging that Chinese governments have been pretty casual with killing their own people and actively approving it?

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 28, 2016 11:57 PM (wqVD1)

109 I met a woman named Sherman Friday. There's a first time for everything.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 28, 2016 11:57 PM (9mTYi)

110 OT, but since the Oscar thread looks dead, it just occurred to me. If I had kids, I wouldn't want them watching this.

Posted by: AD at February 28, 2016 11:57 PM (B5d3N)

111 I'm a face guy. Big boobs and a fine butt are great but unless they are attached to a face I'm attracted to they become useless.

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at February 28, 2016 11:57 PM (MNgU2)

112 79
Are men generally attracted to clearly artificial women? Or is it the
prospect of a potentially easy lay that is appealing? Or are bewbs all
that matter at the end of the day?

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:38 PM (PjWy4)


I prefer any sweet angel of mercy who shows a guy like me some pity and kindness. Cuz that's the way I roll.

Posted by: Seth Rogen at February 28, 2016 11:57 PM (BjOkm)

113 Hold it. Phrasing. I met a woman Friday, named Sherman.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 28, 2016 11:58 PM (9mTYi)

114 Yo!

Posted by: Yo! at February 28, 2016 11:58 PM (MtVp+)

115 Great. Leo the smug got an Oscar cause he got raped by a bear in the woods.

Posted by: Yip at February 28, 2016 11:58 PM (e7T6D)

116 The thing that attracted me to my wife is her ability to make interesting conversation.
OK, boobs helped. And the glasses.
Married 36 years, semper fidelis.

Posted by: navybrat at February 28, 2016 11:58 PM (8QGte)

117 So happy Sessions is a Trump guy. ..

Trump 2016

Posted by: gonzotx at February 28, 2016 11:59 PM (QD9b6)

118 92: It doesn't say they don't like boobs. Everybody loves boobs. It's a matter of what turns one on the most.

Just put "boobs vs butts" in Google and you'll pull up some pieces with charts. This has been extensively studies.

And no, I don't like a Kardashian fat ass at all. That's is an abberation. But a nice pert little caboose just gets my motor running more than anything else. I love boobs, little ones, big one, in between ones, but I'm all about the the end.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 28, 2016 11:59 PM (dvuhZ)

119 Heh. On the documentary I am watching they are telling the story of Khrushchev making an ass of himself at a gallery by criticizing Expressionist art. I am not a huge fan of Expressionism personally so he has my sympathies, posthumously.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 28, 2016 11:59 PM (iHjB5)

120 Are men generally attracted to clearly artificial women?

This is about me, isn't it?

Posted by: Bruce Jenner at February 28, 2016 11:59 PM (9mTYi)

121 97
hope is that Sessions has enough away with Trump to reign in the liberalism aspects of Trump.

Maybe he'll be his Dick Cheney.

Posted by: t-bird at February 28, 2016 11:44 PM (w/iDp)

Dick Cheney was a democrat favorite Republican moderate before he became Darth Cheney.

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at February 28, 2016 11:54 PM (MNgU2)

Trump/ Sessions 2016...
He is the hard core insider that will cement the election IMO.

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 28, 2016 11:59 PM (RK8AH)

122 #81: Tell me about it!

Posted by: James King at February 28, 2016 11:59 PM (0OG8D)

123 Yeah, butts rule for black men everywhere. Probably because "generous hips," as they were termed in one of my secondary school classes, are a racial marker of black women.

Also probably why butts aren't a big thing in East Asia (I presume).

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:59 PM (PjWy4)

124 "Chelsea" never called me! The poor dear...

Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at February 28, 2016 11:59 PM (5csB/)

125 Hold it. Phrasing. I met a woman Friday, named Sherman.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 28, 2016 11:58 PM (9mTYi)

How was she, generally?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 28, 2016 11:59 PM (afR/C)

126 38
Are men generally attracted to clearly artificial women? Or is it the
prospect of a potentially easy lay that is appealing? Or are bewbs all
that matter at the end of the day?

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:38 PM (PjWy4)

Just as lions think about impala, "easy" has a lot going for it. You might not want to eat the gamy one with the limp, or date the one that is so desperate for attention that they'll have unnecessary body-modification surgery -- but those are the ones that get taken down most days.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 28, 2016 11:59 PM (EzgxV)

127 Spotlight beat the odds. Nice little kick in the teeth to the socialist pope.

Posted by: Jason M at February 29, 2016 12:00 AM (4oYqL)

128 115 Great. Leo the smug got an Oscar cause he got raped by a bear in the woods.
Posted by: Yip at February 28, 2016 11:58 PM (e7T6D)

Well going semi-retard and getting raped are known Oscar bait.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 12:00 AM (wqVD1)

129 I think you've been misinformed. Have you a copy of 'Grey's Anatomy' close by? Might want to take a look at it......
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at February 28, 2016 11:56 PM (/33sy)

By Jove, you're right! I have been watching too many videos of Hillary! campaigning. I thought they were naturally closer.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 12:00 AM (iHjB5)

130 I've been seeing/hearing comments in various quarters that the mask will come of Hillary now. Or after the conventions. Or after she is sworn into office.

(cocks head in cunfusion)

You mean there is something even worse hidden below? How much worse could the "real" Hillary be?

Posted by: Ripley at February 29, 2016 12:00 AM (0vsws)

131 The thing that attracted me to my wife is her ability to make interesting conversation.

The rest is just standard plumbing... except for the sammich skills.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 29, 2016 12:00 AM (9mTYi)

132 119 Heh. On the documentary I am watching they are telling the story of Khrushchev making an ass of himself at a gallery by criticizing Expressionist art. I am not a huge fan of Expressionism personally so he has my sympathies, posthumously.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 28, 2016 11:59 PM (iHjB5)
Can't remember his name - he wrote 'Holidays in Hell' - but he described, right after the fall of the Soviet Union, seeing on-sale on the streets of Moscow "the sort of modern art that the Soviets used to critique with bulldozers." That line always stuck with me.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at February 29, 2016 12:00 AM (/33sy)

>>>I met a woman named Sherman Friday. There's a first time for everything.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 28, 2016 11:57 PM (9mTYi)<<<

She was built like a tank. Just the facts... er, man.

Posted by: Det. Sgt. Joe Friday at February 29, 2016 12:01 AM (H9MG5)

134 You mean there is something even worse hidden below? How much worse could the "real" Hillary be?
Posted by: Ripley

Did you ever see 'Alien'?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 29, 2016 12:01 AM (9mTYi)

135 This is about me, isn't it?

Posted by: Bruce Jenner at February 28, 2016 11:59 PM (9mTYi)

There's a difference between artificial and counterfeit.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 12:01 AM (afR/C)

136 I'm not a fan of bolt-on boobs. Can spot them a mile away - we haven't come close to perfecting that technology. Then there was the whole saline debacle after the junk science silicon ban.

I'm an ass man anyway. At least, that's what my friends tell me: "You're a real ass, man."

Posted by: Jason M at February 28, 2016 11:54 PM (4oYqL)

That reminds me, the English language version of Franken-Fran is coming out this week...

Posted by: The Political Hat at February 29, 2016 12:01 AM (vBeA5)

137 I'm Cosmo Kramer, the Assman!

Posted by: Cosmo Kramer at February 29, 2016 12:01 AM (lRwmz)

138 102 Look, I know the entire Jenner/Kardashian Clan is fucking certifiable and their entire genetic structure boils down to "IT'S A TRAP!!!"...but I'd hit that Kylie so hard even Admiral Ackbar couldn't pull me off.

Posted by: Oedipus at February 28, 2016 11:26 PM (CXLVd)

Well, if you ever get that opportunity, triple bag it. You never know what's been in there

Triple bag it?? The Kardashians are HAZMAT suit territory.
Posted by: nerdygirl

Posted by: Puddleglum at February 29, 2016 12:01 AM (k35y3)

139 128 115 Great. Leo the smug got an Oscar cause he got raped by a bear in the woods.
Posted by: Yip at February 28, 2016 11:58 PM (e7T6D)

Well going semi-retard and getting raped are known Oscar bait.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 12:00 AM (wqVD1)

You mean they didn't give it to the dude pretending to be a woman in a shitty SJW movie?

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 12:02 AM (zt+N6)

140 But do you not see the difference between acknowledging that Chinese governments have been pretty casual with killing their own people and actively approving it?

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 28, 2016 11:57 PM (wqVD1)

As far as I'm concerned it's their affair. It's part of their culture and always has been.

It's not a matter of my approval of it. I just don't care about it. It's their country so the way they treat each other is not open to my approval or disapproval ... and I am certainly not going to value Chinese lives more than they value them, themselves.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:02 AM (zc3Db)

141 I feel the need to reach out to Chelsea and "comfort" her...

Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at February 29, 2016 12:02 AM (5csB/)

142 138: My copy and paste foo is lacking.

Posted by: Puddleglum at February 29, 2016 12:02 AM (k35y3)

143 Popeye was neither a boob nor a butt man.

Posted by: Olive Oyl at February 29, 2016 12:03 AM (FkBIv)

144 Anyone had the new KFC Nashville hot chicken? Any good?

Posted by: shibumi who is awaiting SMOD at February 29, 2016 12:03 AM (7FH+T)

Well going semi-retard and getting raped are known Oscar bait.
Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 12:00 AM (wqVD1)

Never go full retard, son.

Posted by: Kirk Lazarus at February 29, 2016 12:03 AM (iHjB5)

146 "Can't remember his name - he wrote 'Holidays in Hell'"

P.J. O'Rourke.

Posted by: torquewrench at February 29, 2016 12:04 AM (noWW6)

147 128
115 Great. Leo the smug got an Oscar cause he got raped by a bear in the woods.
Posted by: Yip at February 28, 2016 11:58 PM (e7T6D)

Well going semi-retard and getting raped are known Oscar bait.

Mrs. Chronda dragged me to the bear rape movie this evening. That the bear didn't get a nomination just goes to show how speciesist the academy is.

Posted by: Anachronda at February 29, 2016 12:04 AM (o78gS)

148 144 Anyone had the new KFC Nashville hot chicken? Any good?

Posted by: shibumi who is awaiting SMOD at February 29, 2016 12:03 AM (7FH+T)

Meh. I got the chicken tenders. There is a little heat I guess and the flavor is ok. But really that is what the offer for the meal? I think you get more chicken in a 10 piece McNuggets from McDonalds.

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 12:04 AM (zt+N6)

149 Boob - also known as:

A mass of flesh and fat coupled to a mammary gland.

Posted by: Synonyms at February 29, 2016 12:05 AM (dJmIF)

150 SO does this gun thing make McAwful a possibility for VP, a half-gearted swab at getting a few rural votes here and there who still cling to they're guns.

Posted by: Jean at February 29, 2016 12:05 AM (cXiMR)

151 146 "Can't remember his name - he wrote 'Holidays in Hell'"

P.J. O'Rourke.
Posted by: torquewrench at February 29, 2016 12:04 AM (noWW6)
That's the one.....I kept trying to call it up in my mind, but always got P.G. Wodehouse...... different cove entirely, what?

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at February 29, 2016 12:05 AM (/33sy)

152 Are men generally attracted to clearly artificial women?

Only if I can stand three seconds of her speaking. That Bernie redhead looked great, but then I hit 'play'. Gah!

Posted by: t-bird at February 29, 2016 12:05 AM (eeTCA)

153 Just put "boobs vs butts" in Google and you'll pull up some pieces with charts. This has been extensively studies.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 28, 2016 11:59 PM (dvuhZ)

You don't have to do all that. The term "T and A" has been around in show business for a long, long time.

I just really doubt that asses rank higher than tits. In the first place, tits are right up in your face. They are what you are mostly presented with. And when men are trying to pick up a girl it's her tits they see, not her ass.

But, I agree with you, a nice firm ass is a great thing. It's just not at the very top of the list and I just don't buy any study that says so.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:05 AM (zc3Db)

154 Yes there's always been killing and other forms of evil in China. But do you not see the difference between acknowledging that Chinese governments have been pretty casual with killing their own people and actively approving it?
Posted by: Maetenloch at February 28, 2016 11:57 PM (wqVD1)

Not necessarily referring to POP since he didn't make any judgements about what Trump allegedly said, but I've noticed that a number of Trump supporters will defend anything he has said or done, no matter what. Nothing gives them pause. Very fascinating.

At least, they're not out there comparing him to God, like some did with a certain disaster of a community organizer.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:05 AM (PjWy4)

155 How was she, generally?
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

I told her that I'd never met a woman named Sherman before. She asked my name, and said, "Oh, I've met lots of Mikes", and we both laughed. I think it's safe to say that many, many people had made the same comment that I did.

I also know a woman named Scott. Nice lady also.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 29, 2016 12:06 AM (9mTYi)

156 I also tried the KFC Nashville Hot chicken. Was *very* disappointed; IMHO they had very little actual spicy (or other) flavor.

Posted by: qdpsteve at February 29, 2016 12:06 AM (ntObR)

157 Sessions for Trump is the nail in the coffin.

As for Trump, it's not who he is or what he's said. It's what he'll do that matters.

To the TDS shriekers on here who don't believe he'll do anything conservative, none of the juicy nuggets from his past that you're digging up on here have anything to do with this race - which he's dominating. You have a grudge and you're in search of a reason for it. Make your peace, because it's up to writers like ace (and the great many tremendous writers here in the comments) to make sure that real conservatism, and not a soft-socialist populism, has a place of prominence in the public consciousness going forward.

As for David Duke... Trump is going to jam the race card right back up the media's ass:

This election is over.

Posted by: Ghost of kari - WAR at February 29, 2016 12:06 AM (ubByS)

158 As far as I'm concerned it's their affair. It's part of their culture and always has been.
It's not a matter of my approval of it. I just don't care about it. It's their country so the way they treat each other is not open to my approval or disapproval ... and I am certainly not going to value Chinese lives more than they value them, themselves.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:02 AM (zc3Db)

Indifference is not the same thing as active approval.

Also what are your objections (if any) to Germany killing the Jews during the 30s and 40s?

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 12:06 AM (wqVD1)

159 A chick isn't going to slap you for staring at her ass unless she turns around. She know when you're staring at her tits all the time.

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 12:07 AM (zt+N6)

There are all sorts of interesting personality correlations with the boobs vs butts, as well.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 28, 2016 11:48 PM (dvuhZ)

I am surprised that butts are that close to boobs honestly.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 28, 2016 11:55 PM (iHjB5)

I suspect it's because most guys get 10 seconds looking at boobs and asking girls out, then a couple of long minutes watching her ass as she walks away.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 12:07 AM (EzgxV)

161 Wanted to try the ghost pepper wings at Popeyes - but they pulled them too fast.

Posted by: Jean at February 29, 2016 12:07 AM (cXiMR)

162 75
Jedediah Bila

Who the heck names their daughter a dude's name like that?

Nah. If it were a dude's name, it'd be Jedediah Bil.

Posted by: Anachronda at February 29, 2016 12:08 AM (o78gS)

163 I also tried the KFC Nashville Hot chicken. Was *very* disappointed; IMHO they had very little actual spicy (or other) flavor.

Posted by: qdpsteve

That sucks.

I actually went out to try that Jack in the Box's spicy ghost pepper chicken thing only to get rat-fucked, and I was looking forward to that KFC thing.

Chain stores are nothing but warehouses of disappointment and fatty fat fat.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 29, 2016 12:09 AM (A/3fN)

164 Jean, Buffalo Wild Wings has a ghost pepper sauce for their wings.

Great flavor, but they were actually too spicy for me, and I have a rep for being able to withstand a lot of heat.

Posted by: qdpsteve at February 29, 2016 12:09 AM (ntObR)

165 She know when you're staring at her tits all the time.

This is when a genetic defect she'll feel bad for calling attention to comes in handy!

Posted by: zombie Marty Feldman at February 29, 2016 12:09 AM (vXsn1)

166 115 Great. Leo the smug got an Oscar cause he got raped by a bear in the woods.
Posted by: Yip at February 28, 2016 11:58 PM (e7T6D)

Hell, if the clip they showed was a bear raping little Leo, I'd have sucked it up and watched that stupid bunch of self congratulating narcissists.
Just to see Leo take it up the azz from a bear.

Posted by: nerdygirl at February 29, 2016 12:09 AM (+lVUW)

167 Mike, no offense intended,..... but was she named after the cartoon dog or the General that burned Atlanta to cinders?

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 12:09 AM (e7T6D)

168 It's not a matter of my approval of it. I just don't care about it. It's their country so the way they treat each other is not open to my approval or disapproval ... and I am certainly not going to value Chinese lives more than they value them, themselves.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:02 AM (zc3Db)

Do you approve of it? Are you okay with Trump approving of it, if indeed he did so?

The world is a big hot mass of suffering and evil. We can't stop most of it, but we can have opinions about whether things are right or wrong.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:09 AM (PjWy4)

169 Actually, POP, when I'm checking out a babe, her ass is where my eyes want to go. I'm going to innocently position myself to check it out. Every damn time.

It varies. One's own preferences, or that one's own buddies, aren't a representative sample.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 12:10 AM (dvuhZ)

170 weft, I *think* I remember JITB's ghost pepper burger... was that the "Hot Mess"??

Posted by: qdpsteve at February 29, 2016 12:10 AM (ntObR)

171 Not necessarily referring to POP since he didn't make any judgements about what Trump allegedly said, but I've noticed that a number of Trump supporters will defend anything he has said or done, no matter what. Nothing gives them pause. Very fascinating.

This is not a phenomenon unique to people that support Trump. There is always an excuse for true believers of a candidate no matter what. Can't even talk negatively about Romney still without risking some people getting really pissed off, and starting with the excuses.

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 12:10 AM (zt+N6)

172 Hell, if the clip they showed was a bear raping little Leo, I'd have sucked it up and watched that stupid bunch of self congratulating narcissists.
Just to see Leo take it up the azz from a bear.

Posted by: nerdygirl at February 29, 2016 12:09 AM (+lVUW)

He wasn't there for the hunting, if you know what I mean.

Posted by: The bear at February 29, 2016 12:10 AM (afR/C)

173 So, tried to sneak an ONT in on me when I wasn't looking, eh? Well, it's not that easy, y'hear?

Okay, it is.

Evening, glorious munchkins!

Now to jump to top of page and peruse the content, contentedly.

Posted by: mindful webworker - at rope's end at February 29, 2016 12:11 AM (xkaSw)

174 I'm a face guy.

In terms of physical attributes, me too. And a nicely curved hip. Face first though, that's the key.

Yeah, butts rule for black men everywhere.

Cultural conditioning. Lots of rappers and movies telling them that's how they should act.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 29, 2016 12:11 AM (39g3+)

175 132
119 Heh. On the documentary I am watching they are telling the story of
Khrushchev making an ass of himself at a gallery by criticizing
Expressionist art. I am not a huge fan of Expressionism personally so he
has my sympathies, posthumously.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 28, 2016 11:59 PM (iHjB5)


Can't remember his name - he wrote 'Holidays in Hell' - but he
described, right after the fall of the Soviet Union, seeing on-sale on
the streets of Moscow "the sort of modern art that the Soviets used to
critique with bulldozers." That line always stuck with me.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at February 29, 2016 12:00 AM (/33sy)

Holidays in Hell is P. J. O'Rourke.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 12:11 AM (EzgxV)

176 A usual lover of both boobs and butts here.

Recently reconnected with a knockout then and still Beautiful now High School girl friend (I am 53).

She physically is lacking in one area but exceptional in another. On the whole, I wouldn't care if she were lacking in both. She is amazing.

That is all.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 12:11 AM (YLidQ)

177 156 I also tried the KFC Nashville Hot chicken. Was *very* disappointed; IMHO they had very little actual spicy (or other) flavor.
Posted by: qdpsteve at February 29, 2016 12:06 AM (ntObR)

I have been diappointed in most of the "spicy" offerings from chains:

Popeye's spicy- probably the best of the lot in that they went for flavor over raw heat. Flavor is very good, but could have used a bit more heat to be interesting.

Chic-Fil-A's spicy chicken sandwich- very good (as everything there is) but a bit too much heat and not enough added flavor with the heat. The fact that their chicken is usually by far the best flavored and spiced of anyone's has something to do with it, most likely.

Most of the others are not really spicy at all.

Posted by: Kirk Lazarus at February 29, 2016 12:11 AM (iHjB5)

178 The new KFC Nashville hot chicken is made by an absolutely horrible impostor Col. Sanders. No wonder it's absoulutely horrible.

Take it from me, the real Col. Sanders.

Posted by: Norm MacDonald Col. Sanders at February 29, 2016 12:11 AM (H9MG5)

179 I suspect it's because most guys get 10 seconds
looking at boobs and asking girls out, then a couple of long minutes
watching her ass as she walks away.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 12:07 AM (EzgxV)

simpler.... I realized early on the eventually Boobs will sag.... and not be very attractive unless you resort to surgery....

Yet... a great butt comes with working out... with desire to remain in shape...

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 29, 2016 12:12 AM (RK8AH)

180 Chain stores are nothing but warehouses of disappointment and fatty fat fat.

Posted by: weft cut-loop

Speaking of warehouses of disappointment and fatty fat fat.. heh heh

Posted by: Huma at February 29, 2016 12:13 AM (e7T6D)

181 weft, I *think* I remember JITB's ghost pepper burger... was that the "Hot Mess"??

Posted by: qdpsteve

Something like that. Pepper Jack or Spicy Jack Hole or Put your Dick in this Hole...

Let's just say your average truck stop is less disappointing.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 29, 2016 12:13 AM (A/3fN)

182 Kirk, yup, agreed. :-)

Norm, I know the *actual* Colonel didn't like what KFC became after he sold the chain.

Posted by: qdpsteve at February 29, 2016 12:13 AM (ntObR)

183 178 The new KFC Nashville hot chicken is made by an absolutely horrible impostor Col. Sanders. No wonder it's absoulutely horrible.

Take it from me, the real Col. Sanders.

Posted by: Norm MacDonald Col. Sanders at February 29, 2016 12:11 AM (H9MG5)


Posted by: Jim Gaffigan Col. Sanders at February 29, 2016 12:13 AM (zt+N6)

184 Off sock of a white man, playing a black man, who is played by a white man!

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 12:14 AM (iHjB5)

185 weft, yick. :-)
Sounds like the San Francisco Special burger...

Posted by: qdpsteve at February 29, 2016 12:14 AM (ntObR)

186 How Hillary Clinton are you?

1. Your husband has an affair with a young intern and you defend your husband and attack the intern. To the whole nation. Even though everybody knows the very obvious truth of the matter.

Posted by: Ripley at February 29, 2016 12:14 AM (0vsws)

187 >>To the TDS shriekers on here who don't believe he'll do anything conservative, none of the juicy nuggets from his past that you're digging up on here have anything to do with this race - which he's dominating.

Clearly. By the way, having a bad opinion of Trump is not the same as TDS. Although, yes, there are people who have TDS. Such as our resident lawyer hater.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:14 AM (PjWy4)

188 Mike, no offense intended,..... but was she named after the cartoon dog or the General that burned Atlanta to cinders?
Posted by: Yip

The former I could deal with, the latter, no.
I didn't ask how she came to be named, but I did ask if she has a Wayback Machine. She claimed not.

At any rate, at that point I engaged her husband in conversation. It seemed socialy prudent.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 29, 2016 12:14 AM (9mTYi)

This is not a phenomenon unique to people that
support Trump. There is always an excuse for true believers of a
candidate no matter what. Can't even talk negatively about Romney still
without risking some people getting really pissed off, and starting
with the excuses.

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 12:10 AM (zt+N6)

I myself was like that with GWB up until he uttered not one word about what Obama was doing in Iraq and the ME-N. Africa.
Mr. Democracy Builder decided to keep on painting the problems away.

Posted by: Seth Rogen at February 29, 2016 12:14 AM (CbGSW)

190 "Moderate Drinkers Wanted" ONT Compliance Pics

Posted by: kbdabear at February 29, 2016 12:15 AM (363+Y)

191 As for Trump, it's not who he is or what he's said. It's what he'll do that matters.

That's the problem. You have no idea what he'll do and neither do I. What you know is that he doesn't seem to believe in executive restraint, he'll make bold proclamations and walk them back, there are some basic facts about world affairs and history he doesn't know, and he has a thing skin when criticized.

Posted by: AD at February 29, 2016 12:15 AM (B5d3N)

192 ... socially...., durnint.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 29, 2016 12:15 AM (9mTYi)

193 The curve from a woman's hip to waist is the most gorgeous and perfect form in Nature.

"The world moves on a woman's hips"

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at February 29, 2016 12:15 AM (/33sy)

194 Farmer Boys has a spicy burger that's not bad. They call it the "Barn Burner."

Posted by: qdpsteve at February 29, 2016 12:15 AM (ntObR)

195 Regarding reports of Trump "approving" of China's handling of the Tiananmen Square situation, did he specifically approve of the communists killing pro-democracy protesters, or was it more a case of him shooting from lip, as in "That's how you put down a riot!"

Not that he's ever been accused of engaging his mouth before throwing his brain in gear, of course.

Posted by: The bear at February 29, 2016 12:16 AM (afR/C)

196 Indifference is not the same thing as active approval.

Meh ...

Also what are your objections (if any) to Germany killing the Jews during the 30s and 40s?

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 12:06 AM (wqVD1)

I'm a Jew so my interest in that is different. It's personal. If someone wasn't Jewish and didn't care about what was happening in Germany I couldn't fault them for that.

And, to be honest, most people didn't care one whit about Jews being killed in Germany. I never faulted FDR for turning back Jewish refugees - Jews were not America's particular concern. It would have been nice if FDR had not done that, or if more Americans had cared, but they didn't and it wasn't an American issue.

Nowadays, Israel exists to fight for Jews who will find themselves in such a situation in the future - or, at least, to provide them with an escape route (which so many European Jews didn't have). That is a great deal of the reason why Israel has to continue to exist - because each group is responsible for its own and no one else is responsible for any others'.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:16 AM (zc3Db)

197 #164: Their Mango Habanero flavor is about the limit for me. I'll usually go for something less hot.

Posted by: James King at February 29, 2016 12:16 AM (0OG8D)

198 Trump for emperor.

Jeff Sessions for Shogun.

Posted by: Goatweed at February 29, 2016 12:16 AM (CBcnm)

199 Cultural conditioning. Lots of rappers and movies telling them that's how they should act.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 29, 2016 12:11 AM (39g3+)

Nope, African men like butts a lot. I would say most definitely value but over boobs. Its a black thing, probably because black women tend to have larger butts.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:16 AM (PjWy4)

200 "Moderate Drinkers Wanted" ONT Compliance Pics - 2

Posted by: kbdabear at February 29, 2016 12:16 AM (363+Y)

201 Because I feel I would run away from Miss Jenner were I male.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 28, 2016 11:43 PM (PjWy4)

I certainly would.

Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 12:16 AM (3eoPa)

202 I also get tired of Trump people telling us to shut up and get in line. I did not like it with the McCain peeps, the Romney guys, or anyone else. I do not care whether he is a dead lock for the nom or not.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 12:17 AM (iHjB5)

I didn't ask how she came to be named, but I did ask if she has a Wayback Machine. She claimed not.

At least she doesn't get bossed around by a dog.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at February 29, 2016 12:17 AM (FkBIv)

204 And more evidence that America does indeed prefer butts over boobs, nationally, the porn business will confirm that, turns out I just found out. Butts top boobs in the searches. State by state, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine are the only ones where boob searches win out.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 12:17 AM (dvuhZ)

205 You'll feel the Bern with my new KFC Soylent Red-Hot!

Posted by: El Presidente Col. Sanders at February 29, 2016 12:17 AM (yddCj)

206 Do you approve of it? Are you okay with Trump approving of it, if indeed he did so?
Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:09 AM (PjWy4)

Barack Obama would give a 45 minute speech on the importance of remembering the massacre at Tianenmen Square, smirk, wave, then head back to the White House to meet with BLM higher-ups, write an executive order expanding funding for illegal immigrant services, and personally tell staff at a consulate under mortar attack to fuck off and die, preferably of smoke inhalation so he had some plausible deniability that terrorists killed them.

Trump doesn't know what the hell he's talking about on most topics, but he might actually deliver on protecting Americans and not being shy about it.

You are barking up the wrong tree.

Posted by: Ghost of kari - WAR at February 29, 2016 12:17 AM (ubByS)

207 Posted by: AD at February 29, 2016 12:15 AM (B5d3N)


Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 29, 2016 12:17 AM (w4NZ8)

208 Evening horde.

So went out around 3 today and thought I watched the processional/parade...sorry, I don't know what it would be called...for the murdered officer.

Then I see FB shares featuring them 'taking her home.'

What would have been the first one?

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at February 29, 2016 12:18 AM (hlMPp)

209 If Jedediah Bila is any indictation, they think Bernie is adorable. She was gushing over him on RedEye one night, more than half serious. He's a communist, but he's so darned cute she said.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 28, 2016 11:44 PM (dvuhZ)

Good God, really??

There goes one of my favorite fantasies.

Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 12:18 AM (3eoPa)

210 >>>I am certainly not going to value Chinese lives more than they value them, themselves.<<<

Genocide is OK because the offender holds his victim valueless. We should not value dead black babies in Detroit because the gangbangers don't?

I don't think you meant that.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 12:18 AM (untxK)

211 That sense of irony:

Total Clickbait: How Kylie Jenner Are You?

While trying to highlight that link to copy and paste down here, so I could say, "there's one I'm not clicking!" ... I clicked it. (Reaches for buzzfeed-b-gone.)

Posted by: mindful webworker - broke in cash and confidence at February 29, 2016 12:18 AM (xkaSw)

212 I will never be a Trump enthusiast, fan, or follower.

I see him for what he is and I'm not impressed.

Posted by: CozMark at February 29, 2016 12:19 AM (CbGSW)

213 Do you approve of it? Are you okay with Trump approving of it, if indeed he did so?

I had no idea Trump had said anything about it. My view of China and how it treats its people has been the same for decades.

The world is a big hot mass of suffering and evil. We can't stop most of it, but we can have opinions about whether things are right or wrong.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:09 AM (PjWy4)

The way the Chinese treat each other - and how Chinese culture has been for a couple of thousand of years - is not something that I care about. I don't make moral judgments about it. That is just who they are. So long as they only threaten each other I couldn't care less. I only care when they threaten my interests.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:19 AM (zc3Db)

214 Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 12:17 AM (dvuhZ)

Hmmm.... another case where our 'betters' have convinced media of what WE really want? Without bothering to find out?

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 29, 2016 12:19 AM (RK8AH)

215 You'll feel the Bern with my new KFC Soylent Red-Hot!

Posted by: El Presidente Col. Sanders

*stands in line*
*sighs loudly*

Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 29, 2016 12:20 AM (A/3fN)

216 Cultural conditioning. Lots of rappers and movies telling them that's how they should act.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 29, 2016 12:11 AM (39g3+)

Goes back a long way:

Posted by: The bear at February 29, 2016 12:20 AM (afR/C)

217 Hmm. I seem to recall that Jacob Marley was 'a man of business' also.

I suppose that it's just me, but I perceive no moral difference between Hillary and those who have given money to Hillary. I'm simple like that.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 29, 2016 12:20 AM (9mTYi)

218 Just putting my vote in for boobs, asses are fine, but there's no mystery, you can go on any beach or to any swimming pool and see asses aplenty, but boobs have the ever elusive nipple that allows for some fantasy, at least until the owner of said nipples does seven skittle vodka shots and whips 'em out.

Posted by: All Teh Meh at February 29, 2016 12:21 AM (yos+4)

219 but the Midwest likes boobs.

That's because in the Midwest most women need a tractor trailer to haul their butt around.

Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 12:22 AM (3eoPa)

220 Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 12:10 AM (zt+N6)

I guess that's fair, but it seems like people are willing to excuse the most outrageous things and defend him aggressively 100% on *everything*, with no allowance for faults. I'm not sure I've come across it on our side before.

And I appreciated him when he first started running.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:22 AM (PjWy4)

221 I've watched a little bit of the NFL scouting combine today. And to me its almost like figure skating. You have no clue at all how the scoring is done and you can only really tell anything when they really screw up.

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 12:22 AM (zt+N6)

222 So, a fellow goes down to the Lada dealership, pays in full for his vehicle, and is told he'll be able to take delivery in exactly ten years.

He seemed a bit perturbed by this and lingered a while with the clerk.

"Ten years," he said, thoughtfully. "To the day?"

"To the day," the clerk replies.

A long pause.

"Morning or afternoon?" he asks.

"What does that matter?" asks the clerk.

"Well, it's just that the plumber is supposed to come that day in the afternoon....."

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at February 29, 2016 12:22 AM (/33sy)

223 210
>>>I am certainly not going to value Chinese lives more than they value them, themselves.<<<

is OK because the offender holds his victim valueless. We should not
value dead black babies in Detroit because the gangbangers don't?

I don't think you meant that.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 12:18 AM (untxK)

Simple Premise...Fix America FIRST. Fix what we can actually affect... instead of bitching about things we can't fix...or in other words.... Take care of our OWN business, and leave others to take care of theirs.

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 29, 2016 12:22 AM (RK8AH)

224 That's the problem. You have no idea what he'll do and neither do I. What you know is that he doesn't seem to believe in executive restraint, he'll make bold proclamations and walk them back, there are some basic facts about world affairs and history he doesn't know, and he has a thing skin when criticized.
Posted by: AD at February 29, 2016 12:15 AM (B5d3N)

He hasn't wavered on border security, trade, destroying ISIS (the current administration armed it), or his rejection of PC speech-policing, which to me is actually the most important.

It is just as essential that the electorate realizes it both wants to and can vote for someone who isn't a socialist (or an acceptably socialist-leaning republican) as it is to have a perfect candidate. It is just as important to break the leftist stranglehold on the culture as it is to win every battle we have ahead of us.

This isn't a candidacy. It's a movement. It was designed, by Trump, to appeal to the average American, and the average American these days is an under-educated stoner douchebag. This is what we have to work with. We need to get better and that means, before anything, making sure the socialists can't finally finish lady liberty off for good and all.

Posted by: Ghost of kari - WAR at February 29, 2016 12:22 AM (ubByS)

225 Hey it's all good. Boobs butts and another part I won't mention. That would be crass, and you know I'm not crass at all. Not in the least.

And yes, Palpatine, that curve is indeed nature's most wonderful thing.

And that ain't nothing by hard wiring in our little brains. And I do mean hard.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 12:23 AM (dvuhZ)

226 The way the Chinese treat each other - and how Chinese culture has been for a couple of thousand of years - is not something that I care about. I don't make moral judgments about it. That is just who they are. So long as they only threaten each other I couldn't care less. I only care when they threaten my interests.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:19 AM (zc3Db)

Understood. I'm not saying you should try to be their savior. But would you actually actively approve of what they do? That's the question.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:24 AM (PjWy4)

227 Ok I'm gonna contain myself and not start sprinting in a circle and making noises like I'm a firing squad.

Everyone have a good night and remember:

Boobs are fun
Buns get it done.

Posted by: Ghost of kari - WAR at February 29, 2016 12:24 AM (ubByS)

228 Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:16 AM (zc3Db)

Interesting. This puts your previously expressed Jews-should-know-their-historical-place view in more context.

It's still a fundamentally amoral view point. And in my experience people who are amoral in one area tend to be amoral in multiple areas.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 12:24 AM (wqVD1)

229 Nope, African men like butts a lot. I would say most definitely value but over boobs. Its a black thing, probably because black women tend to have larger butts.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:16 AM (PjWy4)

My (limited) understanding is that steatopygia, which is a buildup of fatty tissue on the butt and thighs, is an adaptive response to a cyclical feast/famine existence. Prevalent in Africans from some regions, and rare in Africans from other regions.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 12:25 AM (afR/C)

230 And more evidence that America does indeed prefer butts over boobs, nationally, the porn business will confirm that, turns out I just found out. Butts top boobs in the searches. State by state, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine are the only ones where boob searches win out.
Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 12:17 AM

Hmm IL is not there over preferring butts over boobs.

I can buy that. Off to bed w/ some bodacious ones.

Posted by: Farmer at February 29, 2016 12:27 AM (o/90i)

231 157 ----This election is over.
Posted by: Ghost of kari - WAR at February 29, 2016 12:06 AM (ubByS)
Yes, it is.
President Hillary Clinton.
Get used to it.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille, shrieking with TDS!!!! at February 29, 2016 12:27 AM (T/5A0)

232 'Bout time someone did some work around here.

Just because it's Sunday is no reason to think you can laze around like some Bernie Sanders wannabe.

Or just keep repeating the same ol' shit like Marco Polo Rubio.

And where IS that fcuking ball? How big is it? What color is it? What's it inflated with? Who inflated it?

Did it spring a leak and flutter off with that farty sound that balloons make?

Or did it run into some prick and got popped like a fat girl at the Prom?

*hides behind door with a big needle*

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at February 29, 2016 12:27 AM (Xo1Rt)

233 Simple Premise...Fix America FIRST. Fix what we can actually affect... instead of bitching about things we can't fix...or in other words.... Take care of our OWN business, and leave others to take care of theirs.
Posted by: Don Quixote at February 29, 2016 12:22 AM (RK8AH)

I agree with your priority, but not your reasoning. The principles are the same. People should be allowed to live free, if they want to. If we turn a blind eye to thuggish behavior by governments abroad, well then it is but a short leap to turning a blind eye to ours here.

I do agree with you that we have problems of our own that need tending.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 12:27 AM (iHjB5)

234 Genocide is OK because the offender holds his victim valueless.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 12:18 AM (untxK)

The Chinese are not committing "genocide" against the Chinese. And what I said referred to how much the Chinese, in general, value themselves, not how much the government does. This is a cultural thing, not a government thing.

Look, there are lots of cultures in which life is just very, very cheap. That's how they are. They are all over the place and most Westerners (who are among the few who value individual life so much) would be "shocked" to find that individual life isn't worth more than $1.36 in so many places. Those are their cultures. They are not allowed to value my life at $1.36 - at that point I have a serious problem - but what they want to value each other is their business.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:27 AM (zc3Db)

235 Nope, African men like butts a lot. I would say most definitely value
but over boobs. Its a black thing, probably because black women tend to
have larger butts.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:16 AM (PjWy4)

But.... what is considered a 'good' butt is different based on culture.

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 29, 2016 12:27 AM (RK8AH)

236 On bathroom of choice legislation. Shortly after WA law became effective. Man-caught-undressing-in-front-of-girls-at-Green-Lake-locker-room

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian at February 29, 2016 12:27 AM (3dOE/)

237 Trump doesn't know what the hell he's talking about on most topics, but he might actually deliver on protecting Americans and not being shy about it.

Posted by: Ghost of kari - WAR at February 29, 2016 12:17 AM (ubByS)

I actually agree with this. But that was not the question I was asking.

Hillary would sell us out to Islam, and Bernie would give us up for free. But one thing I'm reasonably sure of is that Trump would never bow down to the Islamists. Which is why I would never vote for any of the Democrats no matter how much I don't like Trump, and I will probably end up voting for him in the general I think.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:28 AM (PjWy4)

238 The China square event .... it was awful but kinda pointless. Not like the Green revolution in Iran where our administration sat on their hands because VJ had already started Operation-Enable-the Mullahs and make Iran great again!

It just doesn't matter. We've witnessed the worst administration EVER the last 7 years... beyond parody or any thriller up to this point. To argue passionately about which GOP candidate has baggage or is evil or a plant hits me wrong. I'd trust any/all of them. I'd vote for any of them. Trump is the one who would break the back of the DC machine though... on both sides.

We would emerge 8 years from now in a changed state.. the chairs reupholstered in gold.. new alliances in the political circles in DC will have been made.... new princes... new shitheads.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 12:28 AM (e7T6D)

239 That endorsement basically sinks Cruz I'm afraid.
You have sessions backing trump and sasse stating he would never vote
for trump. Quite the mess.

Not a trump guy here but I laugh at all of the GOPe telling us they
won't vote for trump yet told us we had to be happy voting McCain
Romey. As ace says we live in stupid times

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 28, 2016 11:28 PM (voOPb)

No it doesn't MisHum... this might matter in Alabama but Trump was already winning there. I love Jeff Sessions but my first reaction (after THAT'S shocking) was to wonder if he was just looking at the immigration policy that he himself wrote on Trump's website and just never listened to what Trump actually said.

As I said on the other thread, my next thought was amusement because Sessions started his endorsement with "you can't get everything you want" in a candidate.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 12:28 AM (NPofj)

240 This election is over.
Posted by: Ghost of kari - WAR at February 29, 2016 12:06 AM (ubByS)
Yes, it is.
President Hillary Clinton Julian Castro.
Get used to it.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille, shrieking with TDS!!!! at February 29, 2016 12:27 AM (T/5A0)


Posted by: Obama Justice Dept. at February 29, 2016 12:28 AM (vBeA5)

241 If your election lasts more than 4 years, call your nearest military base for political assistance.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at February 29, 2016 12:29 AM (Xo1Rt)

President Hillary Clinton.
Get used to it.
Posted by: Margarita DeVille

Haven't yet gotten used to President Barack Obama.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at February 29, 2016 12:29 AM (FkBIv)

243 I prefer Mexican women over white women. And for some reason Mexican women feel the same way about me.

I consider my self lucky in this regard.

Posted by: CozMark at February 29, 2016 12:29 AM (CbGSW)

244 Hillary would sell us out to Islam, and Bernie would give us up for free. But one thing I'm reasonably sure of is that Trump would never bow down to the Islamists. Which is why I would never vote for any of the Democrats no matter how much I don't like Trump, and I will probably end up voting for him in the general I think.
Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:28 AM (PjWy4)


This joint could use a "like" button. LIKE.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 12:29 AM (YLidQ)

245 If you aren't following Senator Ben Sasse, he's killing it in Twitter right now. It's like a whole restatement of constitutional conservativism 140 characters at a time, absolutely perfect. He is the next Reagan. Sasse 2020.

Posted by: Cjw at February 29, 2016 12:30 AM (Ydc14)

246 But.... what is considered a 'good' butt is different based on culture.

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 29, 2016 12:27 AM (RK8AH)

Yup. For example, when you guys remark on a woman's good butt, I'm usually not sure what constitutes one. But if a black guy says a black woman's butt is very attractive, I tend to understand why. It's culture.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:30 AM (PjWy4)

247 Understood. I'm not saying you should try to be their savior. But would you actually actively approve of what they do? That's the question.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:24 AM (PjWy4)

I just don't care. It's not an issue of approval or not. They do to each other what they've always done to each other. It's not to me to say. I don't care enough about what they do to each other to support it (which is what "approval" is). I don't have any problem with it. Make of that what you will.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:31 AM (zc3Db)

248 Goodnight all, thanks for the chat, happy work week. :-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at February 29, 2016 12:31 AM (ntObR)

249 The guy who was shot was on parole, had a gun, and 6 ounces of crack and some tar heroin - no, he wasnt planning on going back to the joint for drug dealing and a bunch of other crimes.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at February 29, 2016 12:32 AM (iQIUe)

250 >>>I think you get more chicken in a 10 piece McNuggets from McDonalds.

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 12:04 AM (zt+N6)


Sure, but you have to survive the Urban Youth beating.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 12:32 AM (1zS3A)

251 Science! has something to say about why one digs the butt. The hourglass shape, as Palpatine mentioned. That means skeletal structure for easier childbirth. Narrower hips means possible trouble. Your baby batter has a better chance of growing into fruition.

And then there are fascinating secondary effects as well. Women with wider hips and bigger butts tend to have *smarter children*. Their children have significantly higher cognitive scores. Who woulda thunk?

And that gets chemical. The butt is a store of some particular long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids that are important for brain development.

A women with what we think as a nice butt is going to have more of that particular fat available when our baby batter takes root and grows.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 12:32 AM (dvuhZ)

252 I prefer Mexican women over white women. And for some reason Mexican women feel the same way about me.

I consider my self lucky in this regard.
Posted by: CozMark at February 29, 2016 12:29 AM (CbGSW)

What type of Mexican women? Columba Bush or Mexican soap opera star?

(Is Salma Hayek Mexican? )

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:33 AM (PjWy4)

253 >>>Why Winners Become Cheaters

Pet Peeve #478:
Headlines that promise to answer a question, sitting on top of an article that fuckin' doesn't. The whole reason I read the damn thing was to find out the answer, only to find it wasn't there.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 29, 2016 12:33 AM (R+30W)

254 I do agree with you that we have problems of our own that need tending.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 12:27 AM (iHjB5)
IMO the way to lead, it by example, not by castigating them for what they are...We used to be the Land of the Free... Home of the Brave....
Now we are the Land of the NSA, and home of the SJW.....
We bitch at China for spying on their citizens... while our own government has MORE power to spy on us, the they do...We bitch at Russia for bombing in Syria... when WE STARTED IT....We talk about Free Enterprise, when we have the most stringent Rules in place about labor and business... and the highest Business Tax in the world...We need to stop the rhetoric, and get back to reality in this country.

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 29, 2016 12:33 AM (RK8AH)

255 And then there are fascinating secondary effects as well. Women with wider hips and bigger butts tend to have *smarter children*. Their children have significantly higher cognitive scores. Who woulda thunk?

Then my kids will be near geniuses, LOL.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:34 AM (PjWy4)

256 but what they want to value each other is their business.Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:27 AM (zc3Db)

It may be their business but we, personally, do not have to accept it.

The way the Chinese treat their people is shameful.
The way the muslims treat their women is abhorrent.

America is not a libertarian country America is not an amoral country. We are in the bad fix today because we stopped caring and we taught it to our children.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 12:34 AM (untxK)

257 Yup. For example, when you guys remark on a woman's good butt, I'm usually not sure what constitutes one. But if a black guy says a black woman's butt is very attractive, I tend to understand why. It's culture.
Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:30 AM (PjWy4)


We are at base, or used to be, a 36/24/36 culture. I would call a measurement with 12" less of waist to bust doable, as long as the numbers did not get too way out there.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 12:34 AM (YLidQ)

258 He hasn't wavered on border security, trade, destroying ISIS (the current administration armed it), or his rejection of PC speech-policing, which to me is actually the most important.

For border security, yes he has. He's certainly the toughest and most believable of the candidates, but he added in the part about letting the good ones back in after his initial comments on the wall.

For trade, I don't believe he's wavered, but that's because I'm still not clear what his position is except that trade should be "fair."

So, that leaves destroying ISIS (how exactly?) and PC language.

That awesome, but that still means you have no idea what he's going to do in office.

Posted by: AD at February 29, 2016 12:34 AM (B5d3N)

259 I am surprised that butts are that close to boobs honestly.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 28, 2016 11:55 PM (iHjB5)

Anyone can have big boobs, even men, especially if they eat enough.

But a nicely sculpted ass? That's a work of art.

Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 12:35 AM (3eoPa)

260 Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 12:28 AM (e7T6D)

Character matters, Yip.

You shouldn't complain that your representatives lie to you and betray you when you knew they were liars and had bad character when you voted for them.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 12:35 AM (NPofj)

261 257

Waist to hips. My bad.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 12:35 AM (YLidQ)

262 Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 29, 2016 12:33 AM (R+30W)

yep. it's happening more and more.

I think they make up the headline and go find the incident afterwards.

Or lie.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at February 29, 2016 12:36 AM (Xo1Rt)

263 I am a Butt Man... but luckily with the current Lady, it is immaterial....

53 Year old hard body MILF, Great Ass with a pair of 38s...

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 28, 2016 11:56 PM (RK8AH)


Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 12:36 AM (3eoPa)

264 Another lol moment from this documentary: The societs propagandizing over a new trans-siberian railway. Struck me as similar to the current agitation over various "Light rail" projects.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 12:36 AM (iHjB5)

265 Interesting. This puts your previously expressed Jews-should-know-their-historical-place view in more context.

My opinions tend to be pretty rational in their formation and mutually consistent.

It's still a fundamentally amoral view point. And in my experience people who are amoral in one area tend to be amoral in multiple areas.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 12:24 AM (wqVD1)

There just are some areas where moral judgments are not appropriate. A good part of the problem these days is that so many people believe that government is, primarily, an instrument of morality. It isn't and to treat it that way only serves to weaken and destroy it. This is not to say that we don't make laws of morality (cultural laws, so to speak) but that is very specific. The idea that government is the moral engine of a society is mistaken and dangerous.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:37 AM (zc3Db)

266 Women with wider hips and bigger butts tend to have *smarter children*.

I seriously doubt Kim Kardashian will be pushing out any Nobel winners.

Posted by: dubious at February 29, 2016 12:38 AM (vXsn1)

We are at base, or used to be, a 36/24/36 culture. I would call a measurement with 12" less of waist to bust doable, as long as the numbers did not get too way out there.
Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 12:34 AM (YLidQ)

That reminded me of someone relating a fan letter that Ayn Rand sent to Mickey Spillane about being a "Perfect 36." Kind of shudder worthy considering.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 12:38 AM (iHjB5)

What type of Mexican women? Columba Bush or Mexican soap opera star?

(Is Salma Hayek Mexican? )

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:33 AM (PjWy4)

Pretty is really my only initial criteria. And they weren't wall flowers, definitely outgoing. Everything else like intelligence, sanity, and cost to maintain is variable.

Posted by: CozMark at February 29, 2016 12:39 AM (CbGSW)

269 Cialis Migrants! Well this won't end well.

Posted by: Emily Litella at February 29, 2016 12:39 AM (Ag8Mw)

270 I just don't care. It's not an issue of approval or not. They do to each other what they've always done to each other. It's not to me to say. I don't care enough about what they do to each other to support it (which is what "approval" is). I don't have any problem with it. Make of that what you will.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:31 AM (zc3Db)

One last question. So it wouldn't bother you if Trump said he approved of the Chinese government's actions (which is different from your stated indifference, your statements don't confer approval) which may speak to his attitudes?

I'll drop it now. Boobs and butts are more interesting than Trump right now.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:39 AM (PjWy4)

271 A perfectly proportioned posterior is a sight to behold.

It arouses and excites by just being.

And if the woman who has one knows how to work it, then accidents will happen and work will cease while she tends to her business.

And like boobs, the only thing that can be argued about is what size is the best.

But we all know when we've seen an excellent one.

There is no doubt.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at February 29, 2016 12:40 AM (Xo1Rt)

272 That reminded me of someone relating a fan letter that Ayn Rand sent to Mickey Spillane about being a "Perfect 36." Kind of shudder worthy considering.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 12:38 AM (iHjB5)


Please see the helpful update posted above.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 12:40 AM (YLidQ)

273 263
I am a Butt Man... but luckily with the current Lady, it is immaterial....

53 Year old hard body MILF, Great Ass with a pair of 38s...

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 28, 2016 11:56 PM (RK8AH)


Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 12:36 AM (3eoPa)

And whats really scary..... She's a Long Haul Trucker Redneck Girl... who does not thin she is hawt....

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 29, 2016 12:40 AM (RK8AH)

274 If you aren't following Senator Ben Sasse, he's killing it in Twitter right now. It's like a whole restatement of constitutional conservativism 140 characters at a time, absolutely perfect. He is the next Reagan. Sasse 2020.

Posted by: Cjw at February 29, 2016 12:30 AM (Ydc14)

Remember, delegates are not pledged to a Vice-Presidential candidate.

Sasse for Veep in 2016.

Make it happen.

Posted by: Sasse 4 Veep at February 29, 2016 12:40 AM (vBeA5)

275 Then my kids will be near geniuses, LOL.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:34 AM (PjWy4)

I've seen your picture, chique. Your butt is in no way yuuge. Your kids won't be geniuses; they will be Morons. Which is far better!

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 12:41 AM (afR/C)

276 Showoff.
Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 12:36 AM (3eoPa)

You can't be a showoff without pics.

Posted by: AD at February 29, 2016 12:41 AM (B5d3N)

277 Thing is, they could have easily titled it in the form of a statement:
Winners Found To Cheat More

or something similar, but no, they have to that imply they will give us some insight into the why of this behavior instead of just the fact that some (weak) study says it occurs.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 29, 2016 12:41 AM (R+30W)

278 Posted by: Don Quixote at February 29, 2016 12:33 AM (RK8AH)

I am not saying we do not have to get our own shit in order, but for myself I think it wrong, even when you cannot do anything about it, to let pass unremarked things which are evil.

I will not give my consent by silence.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 12:42 AM (iHjB5)

279 I guess that's fair, but it seems like people are
willing to excuse the most outrageous things and defend him aggressively
100% on *everything*, with no allowance for faults. I'm not sure I've
come across it on our side before.

And I appreciated him when he first started running.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:22 AM (PjWy4)

Trump's supporters are developing the morals of Democrats which is so not a good thing.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 12:43 AM (NPofj)

280 We are in the bad fix today because we stopped caring and we taught it to our children.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 12:34 AM (untxK)

Yep. Amorality is just a vacuum waiting for immorality to take it's place. Hence the European white men joining ISIS.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:43 AM (PjWy4)

281 Nite all, thanks for the fun.

Well f*ck was never nominated for an Oscar.

Can we create a cattegorgy for Old White Dudes Who Post Crap on the Net?

Posted by: Farmer at February 29, 2016 12:43 AM (o/90i)

282 First, it's just statistical. Not every big ass women has a genius, and not every skinny ass woman has an idiot. The correlation is statistically significant, though. How wide the difference is, I don't know.

And is Is that Kardashian ass even real? And I don't think it's just "lard butt". It's a particular type of fat that the human body stores mostly in the butt area.

I cannot stand a lard butt. I like a toned, pert little, well "sleek" thing. Remember "squat girl" Maet posted a while back? Cute little redhead started out skinny then went into butt building. She got carried away and went into muscle girl territory, but that was one fine ass before she got carried away with it. And that was toned, not lard.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 12:44 AM (dvuhZ)

283 Chique, out of curiosity who are some women that you think are attractive? I know you've mentioned before about looking at some white women that we morons are ogling over and you just don't see it. So who is?

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 12:44 AM (zt+N6)

284 >>>There just are some areas where moral judgments are not appropriate. <<<

If a judgement is not moral it is an immoral judgement

good part of the problem these days is that so many people believe that
government is, primarily, an instrument of morality. <<<

Our government was founded on the principles of morality. Our founders said that without morality the government they founded would cease.


>>>The idea that government is the moral engine of
a society is mistaken and dangerous.>>>

If our government is not a moral engine it is an immoral engine.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 12:44 AM (untxK)

285 Should you ever happen to be in Atlanta, and have a taste for insanely hot food, stop by "Grub" at Briarcliff and North Druid Hills, and ask for the Ghost Burger, with extra hot sauce (a menu option).

I've had it. It's so hot, my nose was streaming, my eyes were tearing, and I was hiccoughing with every bite. I was as if my body, all on its own, was out to overrule my voluntary choices, and wanted me to puke back up every bite.

I finished it. Kept it down. And regret the entire experience, to this day.

I mean, you know that moment when your bowels turn liquid, hot, and bubbly? Yeah. That moment.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 12:45 AM (1zS3A)

286 I read recently that a study done found that the energy saved by mass transportation was about even with that used by personal transportation. (vehicles)

Because those trains and buses have to be almost full for there to be savings. And they most never are.

Because everyone would rather pilot their own way and not be stuck with routes that still leave them walking (sometimes miles) to get where they need to be.

And forget about timeliness. With the exception of major urban areas, most mass transit has large time gaps between availability going where you need to go. And when you need to go.

What the Liberals don't tell you is that the eventual plan is for mass transit to become MANDATORY and all personal vehicles will be limited to the elite powerful and political.

Just like health care and self protection.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at February 29, 2016 12:45 AM (Xo1Rt)

287 Most of those big butts are filler and implants. Dont know why they do that to their bodies. It's a sickness. I think it was Blac Chyna in shorts and you could see baseball size lumps protruding from the bottom of her butt. That's not natural.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at February 29, 2016 12:46 AM (iQIUe)

288 One last question. So it wouldn't bother you if Trump said he approved of the Chinese government's actions (which is different from your stated indifference, your statements don't confer approval) which may speak to his attitudes?

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:39 AM (PjWy4)

It wouldn't bother me one bit.

The only things about the Chinese government that concern me are those issues that threaten or affect this nation and myself. I am bothered by China's long-standing use of the Norks to hassle us with. I'm bothered about Chinese BS in trade. I'm bothered about China's threats to Japan (which impinges on American interests in a real way). I'm concerned about China's long-standing threats to Taiwan. I'm concerned about Chinese military build-up and interests in the middle east and Africa. Those sorts of things about China concern me. How they treat themselves doesn't make one bit of difference to me.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:46 AM (zc3Db)

289 Recently reconnected with a knockout then and still Beautiful now High School girl friend (I am 53).

She physically is lacking in one area but exceptional in another. On the whole, I wouldn't care if she were lacking in both. She is amazing.

That is all.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 12:11 AM (YLidQ)

Well it's nice to hear somebody that age on here having some good fortune.

Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 12:47 AM (3eoPa)

290 Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 12:42 AM (iHjB5)

I think my point is.... that we spend a lot of time complaining about other countries, instead of looking inward.

Especially when that other country is doing the exact same, or near the same, thing we do.

How many of us Supported invading all the stinking countries we have in the Mid East.... toppling governments left and right...

Yet complained bitterly about Russia in Ukraine?

When both sets of actions were done about POTENTIAL problems...

Just justified from different countries viewpoints?

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 29, 2016 12:47 AM (RK8AH)

291 I've seen your picture, chique. Your butt is in no way yuuge. Your kids won't be geniuses; they will be Morons. Which is far better!
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 12:41 AM (afR/C)

Sweet of you.

I put on weight since then though and let's say that my genes send the weight to my hips and a connected part, which I don't mind too much, being African and all. Not having a flat butt makes extra junk in the trunk okay, or even an asset in certain contexts.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:47 AM (PjWy4)

292 225
Hey it's all good. Boobs butts and another part I won't mention. That
would be crass, and you know I'm not crass at all. Not in the least.

And yes, Palpatine, that curve is indeed nature's most wonderful thing.

And that ain't nothing by hard wiring in our little brains. And I do mean hard.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 12:23 AM (dvuhZ)

Speaking of pattern recognition hard-wired into our little brains....this guy decided to do some plots of mathematical functions in sepia tones -- [potentially NSFW -- depending on how many mathematicians or SJWs you have around] /image/eros-ex-mathematica/ . (IIRC, this originally came out about 2006)

Mind you, the forms never existed in the real world at all.....they were all just mathematical functions of x and y that produced a certain result mapped to light and dark. Graphing curves.... (I vaguely recall they used to have the equations attached).

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 12:48 AM (EzgxV)

293 The smart correlation is there with the women themselves, too. Women with wider hips and bigger butts (naturally bigger) are statistically significantly smarter too.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 12:48 AM (dvuhZ)

294 If our government is not a moral engine it is an immoral engine.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 12:44 AM (untxK)

There I disagree with you. The CULTURE is the one that should teach morality, not the government. The government cannot teach morality, even when it wants to. Look at the Soviets (sorry been watching this documentary, so it is on my mind.)

If the culture does it's job (and I am talking about parents, many of whom today have abrogated that responsibility), then the government will reflect that morality.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 12:48 AM (iHjB5)

295 I like pony tails.

And a pleasant attitude.


Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 12:48 AM (1zS3A)

296 This.
Trump's supporters are developing the morals of Democrats which is so not a good thing.
Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 12:43 AM (NPofj)


Good Lord.

Ya know, once upon a time, those who supported Trump would have still supported Cruz in a heartbeat. What I find to be incredibly sad is that those who are anti Trump have no compunction about alienating those who may be converted.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 12:49 AM (YLidQ)

297 My opinions tend to be pretty rational in their formation and mutually consistent.

I said they were amoral. A good number of beliefs are rational and internally consistent. Some of them are rather ugly ones.

There just are some areas where moral judgments are not appropriate. A good part of the problem these days is that so many people believe that government is, primarily, an instrument of morality. It isn't and to treat it that way only serves to weaken and destroy it. This is not to say that we don't make laws of morality (cultural laws, so to speak) but that is very specific. The idea that government is the moral engine of a society is mistaken and dangerous.

Who's arguing that government is the moral engine of a society?

I stand by my argument that people who are amoral in one area tend to be amoral in many areas.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 12:50 AM (wqVD1)

298 I like Alicia Vivanker but that movie was crap. It was Dr. Mengele type shit.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at February 29, 2016 12:50 AM (iQIUe)

299 So, I've learned from this little "research" (which I enjoyed) why I did that ass. That is natural selection at work. That ass tells my little hard wired brain that that babe is smarter, the children will be smarter, and my genes will be bettter spread by a babe a divine derriere.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 12:51 AM (dvuhZ)

300 A lot of the knee jerk automatic defense of Trump is because of the constant (and still ongoing) attack on his supporters by those who don't like him or what he says and does.

Nothing can arouse someone to defend the indefensible than to continually tell them how stupid and ignorant they are and that they're worse than Satan for wanting to vote for this guy.

Since Aug. 2015 that's all we've heard from most pundits and a lot of people here are/were guilty of that too.

And the constant smug assurances that Trump would fail soon.

If he seals the southern border, I'll vote for him again. That and he has to not allow more stupid gun laws and he's golden.

Everything else is negotiable. But I do assume he will get better deals than anything done so far by a flacid and feckless Congress.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at February 29, 2016 12:52 AM (Xo1Rt)

301 DiCaprio is always tan. I get that. But it looks off. Like he is a drinker. I know he drinks but never seen photos or heard he does so to excess. I wonder if he has high blood pressure.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at February 29, 2016 12:52 AM (iQIUe)

302 I like pony tails.[/]i

And Chantilly lace.

And a pretty face.

Posted by: zombie Big Bopper boarding a Beechcraft Bonanza at February 29, 2016 12:53 AM (vXsn1)

303 Who's arguing that government is the moral engine of a society?

I stand by my argument that people who are amoral in one area tend to be amoral in many areas.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 12:50 AM (wqVD1)

As to your question, post 284 in this thread.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 12:53 AM (afR/C)



Posted by: zombie Big Bopper boarding a Beechcraft Bonanza at February 29, 2016 12:53 AM (vXsn1)

305 Our founders said that without morality the government they founded would cease.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 12:44 AM (untxK)

They were referring to THE PEOPLE. The government is not an instrument of morality. It is an instrument to preserve rights, property and security. Those are not moral issues.

Like I said, we pass laws of morality and they are very important (as they are part of the definition of our culture) but those individual laws are minor pieces of the government, whose main functions are what I wrote above - not morality.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:54 AM (zc3Db)

306 Well it's nice to hear somebody that age on here having some good fortune.
Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 12:47 AM (3eoPa)


Thanks man, and wishing you the best. As you know, looking at this age sucks ass.

We have missed each other, sometimes by weeks, in hookups and timing in the past. Finally connected, and it is amazing.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 12:54 AM (YLidQ)

307 If he seals the southern border, I'll vote for him again.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at February 29, 2016 12:52 AM (Xo1Rt)

Tested, tanned, and ready!

Posted by: Kim Il Sung at February 29, 2016 12:55 AM (vBeA5)

308 >>>Just like health care and self protection.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at February 29, 2016 12:45 AM (Xo1Rt)


Here in Atlanta, all the MARTA buses and trains say "RIDE WITH RESPECT".

A clear indication that people are mostly not riding with respect.

(BLM: I'm a white rider, and I'm looking at you.)

(Of course, I'm also discretely armed and have a war face of many years practice. The Urban Youth worry about that. I generally go untroubled.)

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 12:55 AM (1zS3A)

309 Chique, out of curiosity who are some women that you think are attractive? I know you've mentioned before about looking at some white women that we morons are ogling over and you just don't see it. So who is?
Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 12:44 AM (zt+N6)

Hmmm. I'm so out of pop culture and I am sleepy, but I'll try. Catherine Zeta Jones before the plastic surgery, Audrey Hepburn (too skinny though), pre-puffy Ashley Judd, Halle Berry, to name a few. These are not my top 4, just the ones I could think of.

I think Lupita Nyongo is quite meh and don't understand the hype.

This is heresy here, but I think much of the time Kate Upton is a butterface and has a weird shape.

As for figures, I think Scarlett Johansson's is knockout. Wonderfully curvy in the true sense of the word.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:56 AM (PjWy4)

310 Personally, I dig a well-turned ankle.

Shoulders are nice.

Necks can be intriguing.

Not that there's anything wrong with boobs and butts.

Mostly, it's how it all hangs together, not how it all hangs separately.

No relation to howzit hangin'.

Posted by: mindful webworker - in a hole so deep I can't see daylight at February 29, 2016 12:57 AM (xkaSw)

311 I also think Beyonce is talented, gorgeous in face, body and voice, and also a very silly and vapid successful woman.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:58 AM (PjWy4)

312 So, I've learned from this little "research" (which I enjoyed) why I did that ass. That is natural selection at work. That ass tells my little hard wired brain that that babe is smarter, the children will be smarter, and my genes will be bettter spread by a babe a divine derriere.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 12:51 AM (dvuhZ)

Regarding wide-butt women having smart kids vs narrow-butt women having dull kids, I wonder if it is not simply that the former tend to have easier childbirths, so that the newborn gets an adequate supply of oxygen sooner?

To put it another way, maybe the narrow-butt women have a greater proportion of children subtly brain-damaged in childbirth than do the wide-butt women. Might not be genetic at all.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 12:58 AM (afR/C)

313 If our government is not a moral engine it is an immoral engine.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 12:44 AM (untxK)

There I disagree with you. The CULTURE is the one that should teach
morality, not the government. The government cannot teach morality, even
when it wants to. Look at the Soviets (sorry been watching this
documentary, so it is on my mind.)

If the culture does it's job (and I am talking about parents, many
of whom today have abrogated that responsibility), then the government
will reflect that morality.Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 12:48 AM (iHjB5)

Good enough. But it this to function as you say government must get out of the way. It should have no right to mandate whether as school should or should not have prayer, integration, teach a certain history or math a certain way. And that's just government out of schools.

Our nation was founded as a moral as a moral nation. Our founders said without morals and faith in God we would cease. They were right.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 12:58 AM (untxK)

314 This is heresy here, but I think much of the time Kate Upton is a butterface and has a weird shape.

As for figures, I think Scarlett Johansson's is knockout. Wonderfully curvy in the true sense of the word.
Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:56 AM (PjWy4)

I will not sit here and take this foul calumny against the big, bouncing... figure of the delightful Ms Upton!

Do agree with your other choices though. Audrey Hepburn (aside from the boniness) really had something.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 12:59 AM (iHjB5)

It wouldn't bother me one bit.

The only things about the Chinese government that
concern me are those issues that threaten or affect this nation and
myself. I am bothered by China's long-standing use of the Norks to
hassle us with. I'm bothered about Chinese BS in trade. I'm bothered
about China's threats to Japan (which impinges on American interests in a
real way). I'm concerned about China's long-standing threats to
Taiwan. I'm concerned about Chinese military build-up and interests in
the middle east and Africa. Those sorts of things about China concern
me. How they treat themselves doesn't make one bit of difference to me.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:46 AM (zc3Db)

There is a difference between advocating intervention in another country and voicing disapproval for their evil actions.

And there is no excuse for a moral human being expressing approval of the massacre of unarmed people even if those people are in China.

You may not care about the Chinese but you should be bothered by Trump's statement even if only as it reflects how he thinks governments have the right to treat their citizens. It is wrong and bad... all moral people should care about that.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 12:59 AM (NPofj)

316 Hmmm. I'm so out of pop culture and I am sleepy, but I'll try. Catherine Zeta Jones before the plastic surgery, Audrey Hepburn (too skinny though), pre-puffy Ashley Judd, Halle Berry, to name a few. These are not my top 4, just the ones I could think of.

I think Lupita Nyongo is quite meh and don't understand the hype.

This is heresy here, but I think much of the time Kate Upton is a butterface and has a weird shape.

As for figures, I think Scarlett Johansson's is knockout. Wonderfully curvy in the true sense of the word.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:56 AM (PjWy4)

You've made it sound like you don't get it. But based on who you're listing you're probably in line with many here. I had to look up this Lupita. No clue who she is.

Do you have an opinion on The Walking Dead's Michonne? Danai Gurira

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 01:00 AM (zt+N6)

317 This is heresy here, but I think much of the time Kate Upton is a butterface and has a weird shape.

As for figures, I think Scarlett Johansson's is knockout. Wonderfully curvy in the true sense of the word.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:56 AM (PjWy4)

I will concur with your heresy!
Kate? Meh....Scarlett? YEAH!But as an old Guy? Heather Locklear....

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 29, 2016 01:00 AM (RK8AH)

318 Good enough. But it this to function as you say government must get out of the way. It should have no right to mandate whether as school should or should not have prayer, integration, teach a certain history or math a certain way. And that's just government out of schools.

Our nation was founded as a moral as a moral nation. Our founders said without morals and faith in God we would cease. They were right.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 12:58 AM (untxK)

That is true of pretty much everything about what the government SHOULD do- get the hell out of the way. It is pretty much the core of what it means to be conservative/libertarian.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 01:02 AM (iHjB5)

319 I prefer Mexican women over white women. And for some reason Mexican women feel the same way about me.

I consider my self lucky in this regard.

Posted by: CozMark at February 29, 2016 12:29 AM (CbGSW)

What's your secret?

Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 01:02 AM (3eoPa)

320 I believe that there's been TOO MUCH navel gazing in this country.

Too much time wondering what it all means and have we been fair to people who at the time were trying to kill us.

Too much worrying about whether this or that group of people deserves this or that much attention.

Agonizing over whether the threat posed by a large fraction of an ethnic or religiously homogeneous group can rightly be a concern just because maybe the particular batch currently being focused on hasn't participated YET in that threat but has the capacity to do so.

And too much screwing around with the language so that no one has their feelings hurt.

This country became the basket case it is when we started to allow the minority dictate to the majority about nonsense.

Because they were told they had earned some moral high ground due to their ancestors being enslaved by their ancestors and sold to someone else's ancestors.

We've lost sight of the bigger picture and as a result are no where closer to being independent of this singular ball of dirt and could be wiped from the Universe by an errant rock no bigger than Manhattan.

We'll be lucky if we have progeny to curse our lack of foresight.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at February 29, 2016 01:02 AM (Xo1Rt)

321 To put it another way, maybe the narrow-butt women have a greater proportion of children subtly brain-damaged in childbirth than do the wide-butt women. Might not be genetic at all.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 12:58 AM (afR/C)

Let's not conflate the butt with the hips. Though next to each other, hip shape and butt size aren't the same thing.

Posted by: Hip-Hip Hooray! at February 29, 2016 01:02 AM (vBeA5)

322 For any morons in Atlanta, I plan on being over at Pataks in Austell by about 0800 next Saturday. I'll be in the black Honda Pilot with the "Molon Labe" bumper sticker.

I'll be happy to share soda, cigarette, and chat. Until the line starts to form. Then, it'll be sauve qui peut.

Comme en dit, en francais.

Excusez moi, le vin parle.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 01:02 AM (1zS3A)

323 312: That's certainly a part of it. Pre-civilization, narrow hips could be death for both mother and baby.

But there's that fatty acid thing. The human body for some damned reason stores that special type of fatty acid in fat in the glute area. Which fatty acid is necessary for brain development.

So if baby's got back, she's got more of that fatty acid for junior in the oven.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 01:03 AM (dvuhZ)

324 This is heresy here, but I think much of the time Kate Upton is a butterface and has a weird shape.

As for figures, I think Scarlett Johansson's is knockout. Wonderfully curvy in the true sense of the word.
Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 12:56 AM (PjWy4)


While I vehemently disagree, here is a better example of a perfectly curvy woman.....

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:03 AM (YLidQ)

325 You may not care about the Chinese but you should be bothered by Trump's statement even if only as it reflects how he thinks governments have the right to treat their citizens. It is wrong and bad... all moral people should care about that.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 12:59 AM (NPofj)

Do you have a link to what Trump actually said about Tiananmen Square, and in what context?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 01:03 AM (afR/C)

326 Mmmm Jane Seymour. There is another one who has aged with the grace of angels.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 01:03 AM (iHjB5)

327 So I "missed" the Oscars what did I miss?

Posted by: donna at February 29, 2016 01:04 AM (/dSsq)

328 Do you have an opinion on The Walking Dead's Michonne? Danai Gurira
Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 01:00 AM (zt+N6)

Had to look her up. I guess she would be considered exotic by some but she's just ok to me, somewhat pretty I guess. Love her skin tone, though.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:05 AM (PjWy4)

329 >>>We'll be lucky if we have progeny to curse our lack of foresight.<<<

Only by the grace of God.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 01:05 AM (untxK)

330 327 So I "missed" the Oscars what did I miss?

Posted by: donna at February 29, 2016 01:04 AM (/dSsq)

A bunch of narcissistic pricks in a circle jerk about how awesome and world changing their shitty movies that no one watches are.

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 01:06 AM (zt+N6)

While I vehemently disagree, here is a better example of a perfectly curvy woman.....
Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:03 AM (YLidQ)

She has an amazing body. Her face is odd to me for some reason. Happens. I felt the same way about Bo Derek's face.

Very strange- and I am talking about me.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 01:06 AM (iHjB5)

332 Do you have a link to what Trump actually said about Tiananmen Square, and in what context?
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 01:03 AM (afR/C)


I am fairly certain that an actual quote will be a bridge too far, and not fit the narrative.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:07 AM (YLidQ)

333 And there is no excuse for a moral human being expressing approval of the massacre of unarmed people even if those people are in China.

Well ... evidently I'm not a moral human being. And I very much approved of our firebombing of Dresden and Tokyo and tens of other cities in WWII. There, we incinerated hundreds of thousands of unarmed people. To my full approval. Call me heartless.

You may not care about the Chinese but you should be bothered by Trump's statement even if only as it reflects how he thinks governments have the right to treat their citizens. It is wrong and bad... all moral people should care about that.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 12:59 AM (NPofj)

Thanks for telling me what I should be bothered by. I'm not. You can type until your fingers bleed and it won't change that.

And I think you are taking some serious serious liberties with the phrase "moral people", but I don't care if you consider me amoral or immoral or anti-moral or whatever. If it makes you feel better then go for it.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 01:07 AM (zc3Db)

334 A bunch of narcissistic pricks in a circle jerk about how awesome and world changing their shitty movies that no one watches are.

I thought as much....

Posted by: donna at February 29, 2016 01:07 AM (/dSsq)

335 Link in my nic to Coyote Blog, Jan 29th about light rail and the boondoggle and wasted money cities are spending on it. Lots of great comments too. Mass transit is a jobs program and money suck.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 01:07 AM (e7T6D)

336 The topic is more the stated thoughts about what Trump said than his exact words.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 01:07 AM (untxK)

337 Showoff.

Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 12:36 AM (3eoPa)

And whats really scary..... She's a Long Haul Trucker Redneck Girl... who does not thin she is hawt....

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 29, 2016 12:40 AM (RK8AH)


Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 01:07 AM (3eoPa)

338 Sofia of both worlds.

Posted by: Landofskybluewater at February 29, 2016 01:07 AM (lRwmz)

339 Buzzion, I actually agree with some of the Morons' judgements. I think it's some of the comments cheerleader pics I don't fully get.

My close white guy friend liked only black females and had extremely questionable taste in them, so I couldn't get any help there.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:08 AM (PjWy4)

340 Had to look her up. I guess she would be considered exotic by some but she's just ok to me, somewhat pretty I guess. Love her skin tone, though.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:05 AM (PjWy4)

I find her pretty when she's made up and dressed to the nines. And I'm not normally a fan of short hair on women, but yet, pretty. Give her the samurai sword, dreds, and no "makeup" and normal clothes and I find her very hot.

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 01:08 AM (zt+N6)

341 When I realized the last 50 comments were a blur...

something about hot sauce on Trump's butt...

I figured I should give it up for the night.

Good night, gang.

Posted by: mindful webworker - needs sleep at February 29, 2016 01:09 AM (xkaSw)

342 338 Sofia of both worlds.
Posted by: Landofskybluewater at February 29, 2016 01:07 AM (lRwmz)

Yes. And Christina Hendriks.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 01:09 AM (iHjB5)

343 Do you have a link to what Trump actually said about Tiananmen Square, and in what context?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 01:03 AM (afR/C)

Political Hat has a link up thread. He said it in a 1990 interview with Playboy.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:09 AM (NPofj)

344 Public service announcement:

The Oscar gowns tonight were very disappointing.
A few nice looks, to be sure, but nothing super glamorous, nothing that I would call "Oscar-worthy."

I'll give the prize to Alicia Whatsherlander for that yellow Louis Vuitton. It was distinctive without being bizarre.

The booby prize ---no, not those boobies, you idiots --- goes to Pharell for those stupid cropped pants, worn without socks. If I were Queen of the World, he'd do 5 years of hard labor for that.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at February 29, 2016 01:09 AM (T/5A0)

345 My experience of the Chinese is that they will behave like 100% perfect business partners when you begin to deal with them.

They will then immediately begin to dial back the quality until you complain. They then might make some moves to address your complaints.

Yet they will *always*, *always* keep putting the quality screws to you.

They will lie, cheat, and steal every way they can.

Never, ever, do business with the Chinese. Ever.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 01:10 AM (1zS3A)

346 The topic is more the stated thoughts about what Trump said than his exact words.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 01:07 AM (untxK)


So, they called in the mind readers, who have a 100% history of being accurate. Awesome.....

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:10 AM (YLidQ)

347 donna,
I only watched the Chris Rock monologue which was semi funny but mostly BLM BS. Apparently the whole program was one admonishing after the next of white people. And groped, dirty old man Joe Biden showed up to lecture everyone about the fake rape epidemic. I think DiCaprio get Best Actor for being raped by a bear.

Posted by: L, Elle at February 29, 2016 01:10 AM (2x3L+)

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:03 AM (YLidQ)

All I see are boobs. I thought curvy also involved hips.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:10 AM (iLoHX)

349 "Most of those big butts are filler and implants. Dont know why they do
that to their bodies. It's a sickness. I think it was Blac Chyna in
shorts and you could see baseball size lumps protruding from the bottom
of her butt."

I've been catching occasional reports for at least the last 20 years of people ordering barrels of industrial grade silicone and injecting it directly into various body parts.


The consequences are typically horrific, and not merely in a cosmetic sense. People get nasty autoimmune disorders from silicone breast implants that leak, and those things are manufactured with impurity-free medical grade silicone. Imagine what the rough unpurified industrial material with process contaminants in it will cause.

Posted by: torquewrench at February 29, 2016 01:11 AM (noWW6)

350 347 donna,
I only watched the Chris Rock monologue which was semi funny but mostly BLM BS. Apparently the whole program was one admonishing after the next of white people. And groped, dirty old man Joe Biden showed up to lecture everyone about the fake rape epidemic. I think DiCaprio get Best Actor for being raped by a bear.
Posted by: L, Elle at February 29, 2016 01:10 AM (2x3L+)

So rapey and pedophile and transgender? Looks like "America."

Posted by: donna at February 29, 2016 01:11 AM (/dSsq)

351 My close white guy friend liked only black females and had extremely questionable taste in them, so I couldn't get any help there.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:08 AM (PjWy4)

What about Stacey Dash? Very pretty gal, IMHO. And somewhat conservative, too.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 01:12 AM (afR/C)

352 Alberta Oil Peon, I followed the link @#3 to his blog, then to the article that quotes the Playboy interview...

But no one talks like what they wrote.. his answers make no sense... there is a complete lack of context, so pathetic character attack.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 01:12 AM (e7T6D)

353 Political Hat has a link up thread. He said it in a 1990 interview with Playboy.
Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:09 AM (NPofj)


26 years ago. Sure, that is totally representative of current views. Good grief.....

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:12 AM (YLidQ)

354 315

It wouldn't bother me one bit.

The only things about the Chinese government that

concern me are those issues that threaten or affect this nation and

myself. I am bothered by China's long-standing use of the Norks to

hassle us with. I'm bothered about Chinese BS in trade. I'm bothered

about China's threats to Japan (which impinges on American interests in a

real way). I'm concerned about China's long-standing threats to

Taiwan. I'm concerned about Chinese military build-up and interests in

the middle east and Africa. Those sorts of things about China concern

me. How they treat themselves doesn't make one bit of difference to me.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 12:46 AM (zc3Db)

There is a difference between advocating intervention in another country and voicing disapproval for their evil actions.

there is no excuse for a moral human being expressing approval of the
massacre of unarmed people even if those people are in China.

may not care about the Chinese but you should be bothered by Trump's
statement even if only as it reflects how he thinks governments have the
right to treat their citizens. It is wrong and bad... all moral people
should care about that.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 12:59 AM (NPofj)

I do think that Cultural Darwinism can be taken too far -- though condemnation should be weighed with practicality and diplomacy. Whilst we shouldn't necessarily lecture allies or rivals about bullfighting, mistresses, or knocking on doors at 3AM, we shouldn't retreat from stating:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 01:13 AM (EzgxV)

355 Thanks man, and wishing you the best. As you know, looking at this age sucks ass.

We have missed each other, sometimes by weeks, in hookups and timing in the past. Finally connected, and it is amazing.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 12:54 AM (YLidQ)

Thanks, it would be nice. You're right, at this age it sure does.

Hope it works out for you.

Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 01:13 AM (3eoPa)

356 I also realized that what white men find attractive in African women is different from what Africans find attractive. My friends that live in Nigeria regale me about the kind of women expatriates date in Nigeria, women that we would mostly not consider very desirable. But apparently they are the ones getting all the white men who also spend ridiculous amount of money on them.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:13 AM (iLoHX)

357 Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 01:10 AM (1zS3A)

It's almost as if it's in their DNA.

They can make some of the best stuff in the world.

But you have to stand over them with a club and check every seam and joint and weld before payment or they'll screw you till you bleed.

And they love to bargain.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at February 29, 2016 01:14 AM (Xo1Rt)

358 So, they called in the mind readers, who have a 100% history of being accurate. Awesome.....Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:10 AM (YLidQ)

If you were to read the posts you would understand the debate. And that the debate is not about what Trump said but whether we are a moral people or not.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 01:14 AM (untxK)

359 And I think you are taking some serious serious
liberties with the phrase "moral people", but I don't care if you
consider me amoral or immoral or anti-moral or whatever. If it makes
you feel better then go for it.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 01:07 AM (zc3Db)

I am not taking liberties at all with the phrase POP. Approving of evil is immoral. The fact that Trump spoke approvingly of that Tienanmen Square massacre and said the US needed to be strong like that is extremely troubling.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:15 AM (NPofj)

360 All I see are boobs. I thought curvy also involved hips.
Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:10 AM (iLoHX)


Uummm... She has those too. In my world, very nice hips.

We may have a different POV.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:16 AM (YLidQ)

361 345 My experience of the Chinese is that they will behave like 100% perfect business partners when you begin to deal with them.

They will then immediately begin to dial back the quality until you complain. They then might make some moves to address your complaints.

Yet they will *always*, *always* keep putting the quality screws to you.

They will lie, cheat, and steal every way they can.

Never, ever, do business with the Chinese. Ever.
Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 01:10 AM (1zS3A)

They have massive QC issues. However, from what I have heard from a few people who have had dealings with them over there, they actually export the most rigourously tested stuff for overseas consumption. Their true qc issues are for products intended for their own, domestic consumption.

I was speaking with one of the Japanese guys at my last job when we were in Japan. He had been complaining about the number of Chinese tourists and he asked me a question after he told me that primarily, rich Chinese visited Japan in order to buy things. He asked me what I thought they purchased the most of.

I said electronics, as it seemed to most logical at the time. He laughed and said, no, they buy condoms. He did concede that they bought a lot of electronics, but they also purchased condoms and a lot of what we consider very basic and non-complex machines because the quality of the ones sold there are so terrible.

An interesting conversation. Probably partially true even.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 01:17 AM (iHjB5)

362 Heather Locklear....

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 29, 2016 01:00 AM (RK8AH)

Oh good Lord, Heather.....


Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 01:17 AM (3eoPa)

363 One thing to ask yourself: do you know exactly what Trump said?

Do you know the context prior to what was said?

Why do we distrust journalists but then believe what they tell us about this or that particular person because we want to believe or believe it already?

If it was daytime and a journalist told me the sun was in the sky and the sky was blue, I'd run outside to check.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at February 29, 2016 01:17 AM (Xo1Rt)

364 All I have to add on the boobs and butts thing is that the very flat or, even worse, concave ass is the worst. This seems to be pretty normal in men, but when you see it in a woman, it looks very strange. I saw a woman crossing the street the other day and she had big huge boobs and I thought "Hey Jiggly!" but her ass was nonexistent. The boobs looked real to me too, but the ass was just so disproportionate.

Posted by: L, Elle at February 29, 2016 01:18 AM (2x3L+)

365 Ok, if you click enough, first you get NR. So... now no bias there.... then from them you get to the Playboy interview... in the first paragraph they mention Trump sits down to do their interview and hadn't been to sleep in 48 hours....

So how would ANY thing he says worth a shit? Seriously. And of course we can trust Playboy's interviewer at the time, and the editing... and how questions were framed, etc.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 01:18 AM (e7T6D)

366 >>>Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at February 29, 2016 01:14 AM (Xo1Rt)


Agree completely, and I'm over them.

Actually, I'm over the offshoring thing entirely. For example, when I interview developers, I have to do so over Skype and with a passport photo in one hand, to be sure I am not being scammed. Well, fuck that.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 01:20 AM (1zS3A)

367 363 One thing to ask yourself: do you know exactly what Trump said?

In this case we do. If you follow Hat's link you can find the full quote in context. And in some ways the context is even more damning...

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 01:20 AM (wqVD1)

368 >>> I saw a woman crossing the street the other day and she
had big huge boobs and I thought "Hey Jiggly!" but her ass was
nonexistent. The boobs looked real to me too, but the ass was just so

Posted by: L, Elle at February 29, 2016 01:18 AM (2x3L+)<<<

Thankfully that poor lass didn't tip over.

Posted by: Hank Johnson (D-ipshit) at February 29, 2016 01:21 AM (H9MG5)

369 Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 01:17 AM (iHjB5)

They're really bad about stuff that can be done in a garage. (granted a large garage).

Because that invites lots of part timers looking to make a quick buck. Which is why simple stuff for sale to themselves can be really horrendously bad.

And some of that stuff makes its way over here.

And they will sometimes carry those cost cutting instincts over into large scale manufacturing and for stuff that requires stringent QC and materials provenance.

I.E. they'll try to sell carbon steel as high speed steel or fasteners made out of the wrong metal alloy. Things that take quite a bit to discover you've been cheated. And that can be very dangerous in application.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at February 29, 2016 01:22 AM (Xo1Rt)

370 What about Stacey Dash? Very pretty gal, IMHO. And somewhat conservative, too.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 01:12 AM (afR/C)

Gorgeous. But she's almost white, also pretty, so my friend's wouldn't be into her, LOL. I am too light skinned for his usual tastes, for example.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:22 AM (iLoHX)

371 359
And I think you are taking some serious serious

liberties with the phrase "moral people", but I don't care if you

consider me amoral or immoral or anti-moral or whatever. If it makes

you feel better then go for it.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 01:07 AM (zc3Db)

am not taking liberties at all with the phrase POP. Approving of evil
is immoral. The fact that Trump spoke approvingly of that Tienanmen
Square massacre and said the US needed to be strong like that is
extremely troubling.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:15 AM (NPofj)

May I emphasize the following from my earlier quote: "...laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in
such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 01:23 AM (EzgxV)

372 I saw a woman crossing the street the other day and she
had big huge boobs and I thought "Hey Jiggly!" but her ass was
nonexistent. The boobs looked real to me too, but the ass was just so

Posted by: L, Elle at February 29, 2016 01:18 AM (2x3L+)


My daughter is like that, and she hates it. She is a 36 GG.

34" hips.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:23 AM (YLidQ)

373 "When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak ... as being spit on by the rest of the world."

I would not, myself, call that unalloyed approval. He admires their decisiveness, while acknowledging that their methods were horrific. Sort of like how armchair military historians here might admire the skill of Erwin Rommel, while deploring the cause he served.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 01:24 AM (afR/C)

374 You know, speaking of "flat ass", a few years ago I read a rant by somebody about supermodels and the fashion industry. The ideal clothes horse is a skinny flat ass. And this guy was some sort of anthropologist, and believe me, he knew human external anatomy and lot of the evolutionary theories behind it and all that. He would see details I wouldn't notice at all until pointed out.

And he was going on about how the supermodel types just aren't naturally "hot women", evolutionary speaking, but are aberrations. You'd think they actually liked feminine looking boys (which they do, the dudes in the fashion industry).

And he was showing how some of the top model babes, Victoria's Secret and all that, really had flat asses, and the tricks they do to make it look more natural.

He pointed out that in porn, you get what "men like" in terms of his natural selection, although it may be exaggerated. But in the haute couture world, and even Hollywood, you don't.

The ideal model actually has a masculinized face. He made his point with a lot of those details that I wouldn't notice normally.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 01:24 AM (dvuhZ)


Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 01:18 AM (e7T6D)

Would you support a totalitarian governments violent actions against its people even if you slept for 72 hours?

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:25 AM (iLoHX)

376 I know a lot of People here like Trump, but I just can't...I've tried but He's says such stupid things it's near impossible...

Posted by: donna at February 29, 2016 01:26 AM (/dSsq)

377 Now I get it. He said something almost 30 years ago and everyone's having a shit fit.

Good god. If stuff I said in my yout were now taken up as if I currently believe what I was saying, I'd be ripe for an indictment or at least a twitter outrage.

Give. Me. A. Break.

In all fairness, let's examine stuff that someone else said 20, 30 years ago and hold them to account for it now.

I know I'm gonna get flack for this so I'm out.

The context is that it was an interview done 30 years ago.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at February 29, 2016 01:27 AM (Xo1Rt)

378 363
One thing to ask yourself: do you know exactly what Trump said?

Do you know the context prior to what was said?

do we distrust journalists but then believe what they tell us about
this or that particular person because we want to believe or believe it

If it was daytime and a journalist told me the sun was in the sky and the sky was blue, I'd run outside to check.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at February 29, 2016 01:17 AM (Xo1Rt)

Regarding the David Duke thing -- it looked to me that some journalist stuck his mike in Trump's face and said, "David Duke is KKK and he just endorsed you -- what is your reaction?" And Trump replied, "I don't know David Duke from a hot rock, I'll let my people get back to you [because you just told me the sun was in the sky and the sky was blue and you're a lousy, lying media fuck.]" -- and, being a LLMF, they ran out and published "Trump loves him some KKK!!!!"

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 01:27 AM (EzgxV)

379 What about Stacey Dash? Very pretty gal, IMHO. And somewhat conservative, too.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 01:12 AM (afR/C)

Gorgeous. But she's almost white, also pretty, so my friend's wouldn't be into her, LOL. I am too light skinned for his usual tastes, for example.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:22 AM (iLoHX)

Stacey is incredible. I defaulted to her after checking out that Lenny Kravitz girl. Wasn't impressed at all.

"Almost white," could that be why most blacks hate her, and not just 'cause of her politics?

Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 01:28 AM (3eoPa)

Ok, if you click enough, first you get NR. So... now no bias there....
then from them you get to the Playboy interview... in the first
paragraph they mention Trump sits down to do their interview and hadn't
been to sleep in 48 hours....

So how would ANY thing he says
worth a shit? Seriously. And of course we can trust Playboy's
interviewer at the time, and the editing... and how questions were
framed, etc.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 01:18 AM (e7T6D)

This I find more troubling that Trump's comments. He is after all just one guy. But there seems to be nothing he is, does or says that his supporters will not twist themselves to keep from criticizing him on.

Is he right that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and you would still support him? If so, at what point would your moral outrage kick in? What action from him on a personal level would be a bridge too far for any of his supporters? At what point did we turn into Democrats?

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:29 AM (NPofj)

381 >>> My daughter is like that, and she hates it. She is a 36 GG.
34" hips.
Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:23 AM (YLidQ
Yeah, I don't understand that. I always thought most body types with breast size and body size , excluding racial physical traits, would be proportionate according to build and frame. It is weird when I see a petite woman with oversized breasts and skinny little legs and no ass. I always think the breasts must be fake, but I have had enough girlfriends who have the same problem and their boobs are real.

Posted by: L, Elle at February 29, 2016 01:29 AM (2x3L+)

382 "He laughed and said, no, they buy condoms."

That Japanese condoms are of exceptionally high quality may be inferred in part by the impending-extinction-of-Japanese-people birth rate.

Posted by: torquewrench at February 29, 2016 01:29 AM (noWW6)

383 Is he right that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and you would still support him? If so, at what point would your moral outrage kick in? What action from him on a personal level would be a bridge too far for any of his supporters? At what point did we turn into Democrats?

Kind of like Hillarys! backers...

Posted by: donna at February 29, 2016 01:30 AM (/dSsq)

384 Uummm... She has those too. In my world, very nice hips.

We may have a different POV.
Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:16 AM (YLidQ)

The pic at the link had only her very buxom top half.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:30 AM (iLoHX)

385 Ugh. Elders of Zion has a video of a college with flags in windows. Algerian student whines that Israeli flag is next to Algergia's so school took it down and said they understood why muzzie was upset.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at February 29, 2016 01:31 AM (iQIUe)

386 I know a lot of People here like Trump, but I just can't...I've tried but He's says such stupid things it's near impossible...

Posted by: donna at February 29, 2016 01:26 AM (/dSsq)

I was enjoying him for a while, now I've soured on him, but if it's him vs. Hildebeast, he's got my vote.

Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 01:31 AM (3eoPa)

387 @375 chique d'afrique, I don't understand. So now I'm the one in favor of suppressing a student uprising? So if I support Trump OR try to show why a hit piece may be the most shallow of BS hit piece hyped by NR the day before super-Tuesday.... I'm now suspect. Got it. Thanks.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 01:31 AM (e7T6D)

388 I was enjoying him for a while, now I've soured on him, but if it's him vs. Hildebeast, he's got my vote.

Reluctantly, Me too...

Posted by: donna at February 29, 2016 01:32 AM (/dSsq)

389 Almost white," could that be why most blacks hate her, and not just 'cause of her politics?
Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 01:28 AM (3eoPa)

I have no clue. I'm not plugged into African American black stuff and have no desire to.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:32 AM (SEFXb)

390 The context is that it was an interview done 30 years ago.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at February 29, 2016 01:27 AM (Xo1Rt)

And that makes it OK?

And, closer to home, you are fine with his strong man view of the proper relationship between government and governed?

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:32 AM (NPofj)

391 The pic at the link had only her very buxom top half.
Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:30 AM (iLoHX)


Search her on Bing.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:32 AM (YLidQ)

392 OT, but sort of on-topic, I was waiting on a flight at Hartsfield a couple of weeks back, and into the gate area came a woman with - I SWEAR TO GOD - basketball-sized individual breasts.

Every man in the gate area shuffled newspapers so as to keep eyes on. Discretely.

Nobody said anything. I, for one, wanted to walk up to her and ask "Ma'am, what is the title of your upcoming movie, which I promise to enjoy?"

But, you know. Good manners. And memory. And google.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 01:32 AM (1zS3A)

393 Oscar thread is dead it just me or did dicaprio have a hunk of chaw in his bottom right lip during his acceptance global warming diatribe?

Posted by: keena at February 29, 2016 01:34 AM (RiTnx)

394 What action from him on a personal level would be a bridge too far for any of his supporters?

Repudiating the wall and backing full amnesty.

Outside of that, he could indeed shoot a man and still get my vote. ("Did he have a good reason? He probably had a good reason.")

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster browsing Bravely at February 29, 2016 01:34 AM (1D4Ef)

395 I was enjoying him for a while, now I've soured on him, but if it's him vs. Hildebeast, he's got my vote.

Reluctantly, Me too...

Posted by: donna at February 29, 2016 01:32 AM (/dSsq)

Not me... I am flabbergasted and appalled by both of them. I think both are immoral and will do anything to get their way. I cannot vote for either and am fervently praying that those are not the options left to us.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:35 AM (NPofj)

396 Always preferred Heather Thomas to Heather Locklear.

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2016 01:35 AM (2rE0p)

397 Is he right that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and you would still support him? If so, at what point would your moral outrage kick in? What action from him on a personal level would be a bridge too far for any of his supporters? At what point did we turn into Democrats?

Kind of like Hillarys! backers...

Posted by: donna at February 29, 2016 01:30 AM (/dSsq)

Depends on who he shot.

Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 01:36 AM (3eoPa)

398 375 chique d'afrique, I don't understand. So now I'm the one in favor of suppressing a student uprising? So if I support Trump OR try to show why a hit piece may be the most shallow of BS hit piece hyped by NR the day before super-Tuesday.... I'm now suspect. Got it. Thanks.
Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 01:31 AM (e7T6D)

I think you missed my point. You said that Trump hadn't slept for 48 hours and my point is that *you* wouldn't say such a thing even if you haven't slept for a longer period of time. I only know you through these gray boxes, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be in favor of violent government action towards its own people. Not many people here would be, except perhaps jwest, LOL.

Again, this is assuming what was reported was accurate.

And he was in his 40s 30 years ago, which is older than I am, so youth is not an excuse, IMO.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:36 AM (SEFXb)

399 Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 01:20 AM (wqVD1)

I read the article at the link and let me start off saying, I dislike Trump and think he is a giant question mark:

He seems to be talking about the type of leadership he admires in the excerpt from the article (and a lot is cut out in the particular post.) He is talking about the need for a leader to be strong and firm handed. He uses the examples of Gorbachev to illustrate what he calls "Weak leadership" and the Chinese to describe what he thinks of as "Strong leadership" although he does qualify it.

I kind of think, from what I am reading here, that he got off in the weeds of his own making when asked a question.

Also, I think he has a tendency to see everything in the world from a POV of winners and losers, regardless of where people are coming from and how they got there. He is qualifying Gorbachev as a Loser, but the Chinese as Winners. He is being a bit cold and clinical in his examination of these events.

While his ability to get into the weeds is troubling, I am not sure the post or quotes related there are quite as black and white as some are saying.

Honestly, I would be more worried about how he approaches the world and moral issues than necessarily what he said here.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 01:37 AM (iHjB5)

400 380

Ok, if you click enough, first you get NR. So... now no bias there....

then from them you get to the Playboy interview... in the first

paragraph they mention Trump sits down to do their interview and hadn't

been to sleep in 48 hours....

So how would ANY thing he says

worth a shit? Seriously. And of course we can trust Playboy's

interviewer at the time, and the editing... and how questions were

framed, etc.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 01:18 AM (e7T6D)

This I
find more troubling that Trump's comments. He is after all just one guy.
But there seems to be nothing he is, does or says that his supporters
will not twist themselves to keep from criticizing him on.

Is he
right that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and you
would still support him? If so, at what point would your moral outrage
kick in? What action from him on a personal level would be a bridge too
far for any of his supporters? At what point did we turn into Democrats?

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:29 AM (NPofj)

I'd have more trust in a James O'Keefe expose on Trump than ANYTHING coming from the Democrats with Bylines MSM. Furthermore, I would readily believe that there is stuff out there -- I'm not a Trump fanboi. But 30-year-old chopped-and-reassembled stuff that cannot now be vetted properly is half-assing it.....and so is "when did you stop beating your wife?" gotcha-ism.

I'm not so much a Trump fan as someone who loathes and despises the MSM and its revolving-door with totalitarian politics. [Oh, yeah, overstating? Where does Stephanopolous get his paychecks these days?]

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 01:37 AM (EzgxV)

401 Redbanzi, did you miss the part where Ace switched to Democrat because he was tired of losing? How about playing the Donk game against them to eleven and playing the drive-by media hype game and beating them at it... tying them in knots.

You bash of Trump supporters for not questioning their support no matter how much you and others throw at them. WHY ? It's insulting. And it's getting old.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 01:37 AM (e7T6D)

402 377 Now I get it. He said something almost 30 years ago and everyone's having a shit fit

If it was just this one quote, then you would have a valid point. But Trump has said several things even in the last year that are consistent with the previous quotes including explaining away Putin's killing of journalists and dissidents.

Now if Trump had ever held any office this would be less of a concern, but he hasn't so all we have to go on are his words. And his words do show a disturbing pattern of admiring authoritarians and of being okay with their methods.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 01:38 AM (wqVD1)

403 And that makes it OK?

And, closer to home, you are fine with his strong man view of the proper relationship between government and governed?

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:32 AM (NPofj)

Go back far enough into anybody's background, and you are bound to find recorded statements that are cringe-worthy. And Trump's been a public figure for about as long as Rubio and Cruz have been alive, so of course there is a rich vein to mine there.

And yes, the original source is Playboy, which is about as liberal as a general-circulation magazine could ever possibly get, so no agenda there, no siree.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 01:38 AM (afR/C)

404 The booby prize ---no, not those boobies, you idiots --- goes to Pharell for those stupid cropped pants, worn without socks. If I were Queen of the World, he'd do 5 years of hard labor for that.

That really was bizarre, if the pants had been cut to accentuate the no socks look, it actually would have worked , maybe, I like the no socks look so im biased, but rolling them up like that just looked sloppy.

Posted by: All Teh Meh at February 29, 2016 01:39 AM (yos+4)

405 >>>That Japanese condoms are of exceptionally high quality may be inferred in part by the impending-extinction-of-Japanese-people birth rate.

Posted by: torquewrench at February 29, 2016 01:29 AM (noWW6)


No Japanese woman of my acquaintance would ever trust a Japanese tampon.

Just sayin'.

When I worked for Hitachi, everybody making a trip to Japan was asked to bring care packages of female sanitary products.

The Japanese are a strange folk.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 01:39 AM (1zS3A)

406 Really big boobs usually correlates with chubby. Huge natural boobs and and an otherwise svelte body is a rarity. There's a limit beyond which is just becomes grotesque to me.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 01:39 AM (dvuhZ)

The pic at the link had only her very buxom top half.
Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:30 AM (iLoHX)

A full length image of Ms. Mckinney:

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 01:40 AM (iHjB5)

408 397
Is he right that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and
you would still support him? If so, at what point would your moral
outrage kick in? What action from him on a personal level would be a
bridge too far for any of his supporters? At what point did we turn into

Kind of like Hillarys! backers...

Posted by: donna at February 29, 2016 01:30 AM (/dSsq)

Depends on who he shot.

Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 01:36 AM (3eoPa)

If it was a MSM reporter, I might even try to donate.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 01:40 AM (EzgxV)

409 It's not what Trump said or did twenty years ago. It's what he's said and done consistently for the last thirty years.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 01:40 AM (untxK)

410 Not me... I am flabbergasted and appalled by both of them. I think both are immoral and will do anything to get their way. I cannot vote for either and am fervently praying that those are not the options left to us.
Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:35 AM (NPofj)


Kinda funny that the party and individuals that tell me they will never vote for Trump tell me I have to vote for the R nominee, whoever it is, except Trump.

Care to please square that circle for me?

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:40 AM (YLidQ)

411 We have to elect Trump before we can find out what's in him.

Posted by: San Fran Nan at February 29, 2016 01:40 AM (H9MG5)

412 and he has a thing skin when criticized.
Posted by: AD at February 29, 2016 12:15 AM (B5d3N)

The Thing is Marvel's orange rock-creature, so you're not wrong.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 29, 2016 01:42 AM (VdICR)

413 I was enjoying him for a while, now I've soured on him, but if it's him vs. Hildebeast, he's got my vote.

Reluctantly, Me too...

Posted by: donna at February 29, 2016 01:32 AM (/dSsq)

Not me... I am flabbergasted and appalled by both of them. I think both are immoral and will do anything to get their way. I cannot vote for either and am fervently praying that those are not the options left to us.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:35 AM (NPofj)

I get it....I totally do.

I've always railed against the idea of voting for the lesser of two evils. It's just that this time the choice is between potentially-evil-but-might-also-do-a-few-things-I-like (Trump) vs. Satan himself (Hillary).

We can't let Satan win this one, no matter the odor of this election. Stop her now, and the Clinton machine dies.

Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 01:42 AM (3eoPa)

414 I cannot vote for either and am fervently praying that those are not the options left to us.
Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:35 AM (NPofj)

I was never going to vote for Trump in the primaries, but I was okay with supporting him if he won the nomination. I am a lot more bothered by him now, but I think he will be a defense against Islam taking over compared to the alternative. And while I don't mistake him for a social conservative, I don't think he would RAM all this leftist crap down our throats as actively as a Democrat would.

If the Democrats were not so awful, I would happily stay home. But while I think he is definitely not presidential material, the Democrats are incredibly toxic. So I will probably vote for him in the general.

I think he definitely has an authoritarian streak in him and most likely has no regard for the Constitution, but hopefully since the Congress will dislike him they will be able to keep him in check. Not because of principles mind you, just out of spite.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:43 AM (SEFXb)

415 What about Stacey Dash? Very pretty gal, IMHO. And somewhat conservative, too.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 01:12 AM (afR/C)

Very pretty ... beautiful eyes. Which brings up one of the most beautiful women, ever, ... Vanessa Williams .... pretty close to perfect.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 01:43 AM (zc3Db)

416 >>Stop her now, and the Clinton machine dies.


Posted by: Chelsea Clinton at February 29, 2016 01:44 AM (2rE0p)

417 Very pretty ... beautiful eyes. Which brings up one of the most beautiful women, ever, ... Vanessa Williams .... pretty close to perfect.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 01:43 AM (zc3Db)

I'll drink to that!

Posted by: The guy who drinks t everything at February 29, 2016 01:44 AM (iHjB5)

418 Hello.

Just getting here - did I miss anything important?
Do I need to read back?

Posted by: Chi at February 29, 2016 01:45 AM (YvGXk)

419 Ahem.

Posted by: Chelsea Clinton at February 29, 2016 01:44 AM (2rE0p)

Well, there shouldn't be any problem with your kid being born stupid. Evil, though, is in the genes.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 01:45 AM (afR/C)

420 Never trust a Trump.

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2016 01:45 AM (2rE0p)

421 Repudiating the wall and backing full amnesty.

Outside of that, he could indeed shoot a man and still get my vote.
("Did he have a good reason? He probably had a good reason.")

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster browsing Bravely at February 29, 2016 01:34 AM (1D4Ef)

He already has backed full amnesty (see here for one instance and then go back to the 2013 CPAC meeting where he also endorsed amnesty).

But that is not what I asked. I asked what he could do or say personally that would set off bells that he is a bad person who you could not support?

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:46 AM (NPofj)

422 But Trump has said several things even in the last year that are consistent with the previous quotes including explaining away Putin's killing of journalists and dissidents.

This really bothered me. And all because Putin complimented him . Dangerous ego.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:46 AM (SEFXb)

423 Yes, there are very few more beautiful than Vanessa Williams.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:48 AM (SEFXb)

424 "The pic at the link had only her very buxom top half."

Yes, she reminded me of my mother, all right.

Posted by: Frank Drebben at February 29, 2016 01:48 AM (TnUKj)

425 Chelsea Hubbell has all her mother's corruption, with none of her mother's winning personality.

For which, the Republic thanks God.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 01:49 AM (1zS3A)

426 Yes, she reminded me of my mother, all right.
Posted by: Frank Drebben at February 29, 2016 01:48 AM (TnUKj)

Is that what he says when they are driving by the... domes? What are those, silos of some kind?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 01:49 AM (iHjB5)

427 Just getting here - did I miss anything important?

Do I need to read back?

Posted by: Chi at February 29, 2016 01:45 AM (YvGXk)

Hey Chi... the two discussion going are T and A on attractive women and whether moral voters have a responsibility to abjure support for immoral candidates.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:49 AM (NPofj)

428 Some people here do such an "amazing" job of endorsing their preferred candidate and attacking the ones they don't like and their supporters that they would do a much better job by actually supporting the candidate they hate.

If that's not clear. You make me want to vote for the guy you keep bitching about.

And you suck the fun out of the room.

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 01:50 AM (zt+N6)

429 Nail on head about Trump's mindset probably. Winners/ Losers. Always be winning. That mindset doesn't fit well in normal life or Government.

It'd be worse for me if he didn't lose a fair amount of the time. I judge him well by getting back up, talking his book and trying something else. He's a grinder. And I mean that in a positive way.

He says he holds grudges. He spites people. He gets even.

The perfect tool to bash the crap out of the Democrats, the GOPe and the Media. We're ahead of ourselves though... I still think the GOPe is going to try to broker the convention if they can or run a 3rd party Romney against him.

The 3 machines are not going to go quietly... and all three are all too aware that a populist President who wants to undo shit deals and make new ones, goes against all the modern one-world-Gov't stuff since the 70's.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 01:50 AM (e7T6D)

430 No, the domes remind him of his old girlfriend. The other line is in the sequel.

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at February 29, 2016 01:50 AM (TnUKj)

431 I think he definitely has an authoritarian streak in him and most likely has no regard for the Constitution, but hopefully since the Congress will dislike him they will be able to keep him in check. Not because of principles mind you, just out of spite.
Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:43 AM (SEFXb)

I wonder. In some ways a GOP congress is more likely to be co-opted by a President Trump since he's a 'fellow' Republican along with a natural reaction to the clear opposition of the Democrats to him. I think we're far more likely to get a lot of compromise deals between Trump and a GOP congress than with Hillary. That may not be a good thing.

Note that this is not a argument for electing Hillary instead. That woman is just so damn evil.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 01:51 AM (wqVD1)

432 at this point I am looking into the Constitution Party

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 01:51 AM (uZNvH)

433 A full length image of Ms. Mckinney:

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 01:40 AM (iHjB5)

Oh, is she the poor man's Kate Upton who was in that very chesty commercial a year or so ago? She was quite the butterface then but she seems to have grown prettier. Too skinny for me though, not that I'm into chicks.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:51 AM (SEFXb)

434 >>>Never trust a Trump.

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2016 01:45 AM (2rE0p)<<<

C'mon. You can trust me. I'm gonna Make America Great again. I can spin straw polls into classy, classy gold. It'll be fantastic. But we have to make a deal first. And you'll love my deal. I make the best deals. It'll be terrific.

Posted by: Trumplestiltskin at February 29, 2016 01:53 AM (H9MG5)

435 402
377 Now I get it. He said something almost 30 years ago and everyone's having a shit fit

it was just this one quote, then you would have a valid point. But
Trump has said several things even in the last year that are consistent
with the previous quotes including explaining away Putin's killing of
journalists and dissidents.

Now if Trump had ever held any office this would be less of a concern, but he hasn't so all
we have to go on are his words. And his words do show a disturbing
pattern of admiring authoritarians and of being okay with their methods.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 01:38 AM (wqVD1)

Our tripartite system of government is meant to be a non-stop epic catfight of Executive v. Congress v. Judicial -- and the current threat to States' and Citizens' rights is a direct result of continuing collusion between the branches to fleece taxpayers with a strong overlay of corporate cronyism. I worry more about the poison snake in the grass than a bull in a china shop.

And who wouldn't support a little law-and-order imposed on BLM thugs? Black Panthers threatening polls? Hell, the bicycle assholes who frequently shut down traffic in San Francisco? Or, I dunno, senior IRS executives that decide to politicize enforcement?

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 01:53 AM (EzgxV)

436 Note that this is not a argument for electing Hillary instead. That woman is just so damn evil.
Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 01:51 AM (wqVD1)

Yes. And if we didn't radical Islam problem in the world and it came down to Bernie or Trump? I would just stay home.

Hillary on the other hand can not be rewarded for all her decades of evil.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:53 AM (SEFXb)

437 Stop her now, and the Clinton machine dies.


Posted by: Chelsea Clinton at February 29, 2016 01:44 AM (2rE0p)

Chelsea ain't gonna do shit politically.

You heard it here first.

Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 01:53 AM (3eoPa)

438 430 No, the domes remind him of his old girlfriend. The other line is in the sequel.
Posted by: Jinx the Cat at February 29, 2016 01:50 AM (TnUKj)

Ah, when driving by the domes he says something like "Everything I see reminds me of her."


Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 01:54 AM (iHjB5)

439 at this point I am looking into the Constitution Party
Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 01:51 AM (uZNvH)


Of course you are.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:54 AM (YLidQ)

440 Chelsea Hubbell has all her mother's corruption, with none of her mother's winning personality.

For which, the Republic thanks God.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 01:49 AM (1zS3A)

I had never heard the rumor that Chelsea was not Bill's until I started hanging around here. I got curious on day and pulled up pictures of Webb Hubbell... With the trout mouth on both of them, if she isn't his daughter, she's has to be his female doppelganger.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:54 AM (NPofj)

441 well I'm certainly not going to support the Socialist, the Felon, or the Democrat

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 01:55 AM (uZNvH)

442 If that's not clear. You make me want to vote for the guy you keep bitching about.

And you suck the fun out of the room.

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 01:50 AM (zt+N6)

True, dat. I actually asked AmishDude and Spittoonia if Trump was paying them to make the anti-Trump contingent look bad. Spittoonia sounds like a Dalek on meth, "Destroy, destroy, destroy!"

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 01:55 AM (afR/C)

443 Let's compare how Bern or Hill might treat Putin. Let's take all the very worst things about Trump and give it the pepsi challenge.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 29, 2016 01:56 AM (VdICR)

444 Stacy Dash can laugh her way all the way to the bank. She just bought herself a 20 mil buck mansion in Beverly Hills and she will continue to earn money since she is smart and articulate.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at February 29, 2016 01:57 AM (iQIUe)

445 Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:46 AM (NPofj)

Wait, why are we making the ONT a Trump thread?

If you still care tomorrow, ping me in whichever political thread then.

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster browsing Bravely at February 29, 2016 01:58 AM (1D4Ef)

446 443
Let's compare how Bern or Hill might treat Putin. Let's take all the
very worst things about Trump and give it the pepsi challenge.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 29, 2016 01:56 AM (VdICR)

i am less worried about how Trump would treat Putin, I am more worried about Trump emulating Putin in his treatment of us

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 01:58 AM (uZNvH)

447 Naked Gun and the sequel are available on amazon prime, btw.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 01:59 AM (iHjB5)

448 433
A full length image of Ms. Mckinney:

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 01:40 AM (iHjB5)

Oh, is she the poor man's Kate Upton who was in that very chesty
commercial a year or so ago? She was quite the butterface then but she
seems to have grown prettier. Too skinny for me though, not that I'm
into chicks.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:51 AM (SEFXb)

Regarding the upthread dismissal of Kate Upton as a butterface....the thing is, her face always looks happy. It's almost an anti-"Resting Bitch Face". It's like, "sure, I'm prancing around in 50-degree weather in my underwear in the rain -- but people love the way I do it and I'M MAKING MONEY!!!!!" If I were designing her body to my specifications, I might make some changes....but she generally makes me smile.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 01:59 AM (EzgxV)

449 Hooray, let's suck out more fun.

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 01:59 AM (zt+N6)

450 Too skinny for me though, not that I'm into chicks.
Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:51 AM (SEFXb)

So what does chique d'afrique do that requires a non-skinny chick?

Inquiring minds want to know. For Science.

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster browsing Bravely at February 29, 2016 01:59 AM (1D4Ef)

451 well I'm certainly not going to support the Socialist, the Felon, or the Democrat
Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 01:55 AM (uZNvH)


Your statement and actions, if correlated, will get you the Felon. Sad you can not see this simple fact.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:59 AM (YLidQ)

452 "Co-opted", yes, the (bd) Republican congress would be all aglow being pushed around by tehDonald.

Little Mitchie would just ooze at press conference.


Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 02:00 AM (e3JIL)

453 With the trout mouth on both of them, if she isn't his daughter, she's has to be his female doppelganger.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:54 AM (NPofj)

"Trout mouth" LOL, that's so true. Somebody needs to take one of those Webb/Chelsea pics and P-shop a Royal Coachman fly into the upper lip of each of them.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 02:00 AM (afR/C)

454 I think he definitely has an authoritarian streak in him and most
likely has no regard for the Constitution, but hopefully since the
Congress will dislike him they will be able to keep him in check. Not
because of principles mind you, just out of spite.
Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 01:43 AM (SEFXb)

He wants to make deals... they want to make deals. Why wouldn't they find him more fun and agreeable than a basket of kittens? I don't see them opposing him at all because he is just the other face of the corrupt Washin system that we have been fighting for years.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:01 AM (NPofj)

455 Stacy Dash can laugh her way all the way to the bank. She just bought herself a 20 mil buck mansion in Beverly Hills and she will continue to earn money since she is smart and articulate.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at February 29, 2016 01:57 AM (iQIUe)

If she needs a guy to spill oil on the floor of her garage, I can be bought.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 02:02 AM (afR/C)

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:46 AM (NPofj)

Wait, why are we making the ONT a Trump thread?

If you still care tomorrow, ping me in whichever political thread then.

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster browsing Bravely at February 29, 2016 01:58 AM (1D4Ef)

How's Brave working out for you? I got too much shit on my plate to be a first-wave guinea-pig this time, but I could see myself going over in the second wave. I mean, it's not like Eich hasn't been to this show before....

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 02:03 AM (EzgxV)

457 *Washington

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:03 AM (NPofj)

458 >>>Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 01:54 AM (NPofj)


Bill had mumps. He's sterile.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 02:03 AM (1zS3A)

459 It's really beyond crazy that Hillary, who has NO resume , and brings liar Bill in as uncomfortable 1st husband, also former President... yuck.

Then, that as if they weren't up to their eyeballs in corruption, fraud, conspiracy, obstruction and misandry. She insisted on the reset with Russia, the overthrow of Libya and Syria and all without new authorization from the Congress. They did all this shit on Bush's Iraq War authorization!

If she was anyone else, she'd be already convicted, much less indicted for the email shit. Her and her aides. All of 'em. But no.

The rule of law in this country is in great peril, and if not bad enough that her party is pushing her as their nominee and she is garnering support... her election would certainly cross a red line our country has yet to cross... and it will be ruinous on many levels.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:03 AM (e7T6D)

460 Many of us have pined from SMOD -- the Sweet Meteor of Death -- to take us away from this world of political madness.

And some of those same people now cry, "See? Even Trump is part of the madness too."

Well here is a thought for you:

Trump is SMOD.

He's not part of the madness we want to flee. He's the wrecking ball from space that's going to Smash Everything to Bits.

If you're unhappy with the current state of political affairs, you should be glad about the existence of the Trump juggernaut. Because it is the only thing tht has any chance of really demolishing the existing political alignments and cronyism and everything else.

I don't "like" Trump. He is far from my preferred choice. He obviously doesn't even have a consistent ideology. And I don't expect any of you to "like" him either.

But if the only option is more of the same (Hillary) or something even worse than the same (Sanders), oh hell yeah I'm voting for SMOD.

Sure sure, in some fantasy scenario, Cruz wins the nomination and I get to vote for him and dance for joy. But neither I nor you get to manipulate reality to our liking, and odds are that fantasy scenario won't come true.

So, do we throw a fit and let Hillary win? Or Sanders? God no.

You want a constitutionalist.
You'll settle for any non-communist.
You get SMOD.

Posted by: zombie at February 29, 2016 02:04 AM (jBuUi)

461 well I'm certainly not going to support the Socialist, the Felon, or the Democrat
Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 01:55 AM (uZNvH)


Your statement and actions, if correlated, will get you the Felon. Sad you can not see this simple fact.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:59 AM (YLidQ)


Posted by: Blano at February 29, 2016 02:04 AM (3eoPa)

462 Is that what he says when they are driving by the... domes? What are those, silos of some kind?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 01:49 AM (iHjB5)

Nuclear reactors at San Onofre in California (Northern part of San Diego County just south of San Clemente). I believe that they are being shut down because the California Democrats hate Californians.

Posted by: The Nukular Hat at February 29, 2016 02:04 AM (vBeA5)

463 pined from = pined for

Always the typos in the first sentence. Sigh.

Posted by: zombie at February 29, 2016 02:04 AM (jBuUi)

464 Sorry for lack of fun. sigh

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:04 AM (e7T6D)

465 I'll be voting third party and doing so happily, R's and D's are both shit.

Posted by: All Teh Meh at February 29, 2016 02:04 AM (yos+4)

466 Hey Chi... the two discussion going are T and A on attractive women and whether moral voters have a responsibility to abjure support for immoral candidates.
Posted by: redbanzai
Well, OK then.
I'll vote yes on both the T and the A.

Voters? Politics? No thanks...

Posted by: Chi at February 29, 2016 02:05 AM (YvGXk)

467 What sucks is that we know we can't trust anyone. We're all trying to figure out how to trust one candidate enough to vote for them.

Pretty ironic going up against the woman everyone knows not to trust.

Posted by: OldDominionMom at February 29, 2016 02:05 AM (GzDYP)

468 i am less worried about how Trump would treat Putin, I am more worried about Trump emulating Putin in his treatment of us
Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 01:58 AM (uZNvH)

I do not like the guy either, Chemjeff. But I think that to be unlikely.

I just do not see him as an authoritarian dictator. Except when he would tell people he "Wants this done, not that" or "Quit that shit."

Just because we do not like Trump does not make him the spawn of the devil with nefarious intentions.

The guy may be an arrogant jackass, but I do not think he is evil. Even the soft evil of the dems.

I could be wrong.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 29, 2016 02:06 AM (iHjB5)

469 >>>"Trout mouth" LOL, that's so true. Somebody needs to take one of those Webb/Chelsea pics and P-shop a Royal Coachman fly into the upper lip of each of them.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 02:00 AM (afR/C)


Here in GA, we prefer to noodle our large mouth catfish.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 02:06 AM (1zS3A)

470 Doesn't Hill and Sanders also have small fingers? If there's a silver lining somewhere, anywhere, it might have been mentioned by now.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 29, 2016 02:06 AM (VdICR)

471 Zombie. Ditto.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:06 AM (e7T6D)

472 >>>I don't see them opposing him at all because he is
just the other face of the corrupt Washin system that we have been
fighting for years.
.Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:01 AM (NPofj)

Opposing? He's been buying them for years.

Posted by: Ralph at February 29, 2016 02:06 AM (e3JIL)

473 pined from = pined for

Always the typos in the first sentence. Sigh.

Posted by: zombie at February 29, 2016 02:04 AM (jBuUi)

What about us?

Posted by: the fjords at February 29, 2016 02:07 AM (afR/C)

474 How's Brave working out for you? I got too much shit on my plate to be a first-wave guinea-pig this time, but I could see myself going over in the second wave. I mean, it's not like Eich hasn't been to this show before....

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 02:03 AM (EzgxV)

I've been using it here and there. Overall it seems pretty stable. They've slowly been adding functionality, and jsut what they do and do not add will probably depend how much I use the final version.

Posted by: The Testing Hat at February 29, 2016 02:07 AM (vBeA5)

475 Your statement and actions, if correlated, will get you the Felon. Sad you can not see this simple fact.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 01:59 AM (YLidQ)

A reminder... according to RCP's rolling average of head to head match-ups, Trump is the ONLY candidate that loses to Hillary of the top three R's.

If the likelihood of beating Hillary is your shibboleth, Trump ain't your guy.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:07 AM (NPofj)

476 And, remember, in the general's all going to be about sending someone to Washington whose trademark phrase is, "You're Fired!!!" If he promises to reduce the Federal workforce by 50% in his first term and build the fucking wall, he will win 50 states. If he actually does it, he'll win 2020 with 50 states.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 02:08 AM (EzgxV)

477 Here in GA, we prefer to noodle our large mouth catfish.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 02:06 AM (1zS3A)

I am afraid to ask what that means.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:08 AM (NPofj)

478 It all needs to be relatively proportional and relatively firm. Nothing I dislike more than bewbs that have no firmness to them. I also subscribe to the "more than a handful is wasted" school of thought.

Posted by: The company man at February 29, 2016 02:09 AM (bN6TL)

479 >>>I believe that they are being shut down because the California Democrats hate Californians.

Posted by: The Nukular Hat at February 29, 2016 02:04 AM (vBeA5)


I'm afraid it's not quite that. California Democrats love rich, shore-dwelling Californians. They hate all other Californians.

Especially that lot that plants and harvests the spinach.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 02:10 AM (1zS3A)

480 How's Brave working out for you? I got too much shit on my plate to be a first-wave guinea-pig this time, but I could see myself going over in the second wave. I mean, it's not like Eich hasn't been to this show before....

Makes AoS load practically instantly. I needed NoScript in PaleMoon to even see the main page.

It's based off of chromium and is functional enough to do basic browsing - but the featureset is cut down to the point where it is very basic browsing. No favorites/bookmarks or toolbar, and many other quality of life things that you get with a modern browser. Ex: website name autocomplete isn't quite there; have to manually type to get here

0.8 is supposed to get released about now. Any particular feature you're needing, or just want the next major release? Can keep you posted.

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster browsing Bravely at February 29, 2016 02:10 AM (1D4Ef)

481 I am afraid to ask what that means.
Posted by: redbanzai
That's a safe one to search - include the word "catfish" & you should be fine. It's actually kinda interesting

Posted by: Chi at February 29, 2016 02:11 AM (YvGXk)

482 And, remember, in the general's all
going to be about sending someone to Washington whose trademark phrase
is, "You're Fired!!!" If he promises to reduce the Federal workforce by
50% in his first term and build the fucking wall, he will win 50 states.
If he actually does it, he'll win 2020 with 50 states.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 02:08 AM (EzgxV)

Yah.. he's not going to do that. He will need all those HHS workers to administer his not at all Obamacare universal coverage plan with individual mandates and the IRS to sic on his enemies as Obama has done.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:11 AM (NPofj)

483 Congrads to Decaprio and the talented crew of Mad Max.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 29, 2016 02:11 AM (VdICR)

484 A reminder... according to RCP's rolling average of head to head match-ups, Trump is the ONLY candidate that loses to Hillary of the top three R's.

If the likelihood of beating Hillary is your shibboleth, Trump ain't your guy.
Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:07 AM (NPofj)


If this measure had been more accurate in the past, I would go with it. It does not take into account polling methods, just aggregate National numbers.

I'll see you Tuesray night, and we can talk further.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:11 AM (YLidQ)

485 I am afraid to ask what that means.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:08 AM (NPofj)

I believe it means catching fish with one's hands by feel in muddy water. You can't see them, and they can't see you. Get your finger under the gill plates, and hoist away. There be spines, too, I think.

Posted by: the fjords at February 29, 2016 02:11 AM (afR/C)

486 No offense redbanzai, but RCP polling on who beats who as an argument settler... is like whipping out a Consumer Reports and proving that a Honda Civic is so awesome compared to a Chevy Silverado. We're too far out to know anything. For 10 months I've been told by everyone who knows anything about Presidential politics that Trump will fade... he'll blow up.... only mouth-breathers like him, just wait for real votes... Yeah, well...

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:12 AM (e7T6D)

487 >>>Stacy Dash can laugh her way all the way to the
bank. She just bought herself a 20 mil buck mansion in Beverly Hills and
she will continue to earn money since she is smart and articulate.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at February 29, 2016 01:57 AM (iQIUe)<<<

**jaw drops** 20 mil for a house?! She must be smart, 'cause she's never been in any terribly big movies (sure, Clueless but she was a supporting character) or tv shows, and I wouldn't figure FOX pays all that much for roles on the panel show she's sometimes on.

Posted by: Trumplestiltskin at February 29, 2016 02:12 AM (H9MG5)

488 Here in GA, we prefer to noodle our large mouth catfish.
Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 02:06 AM (1zS3A)

I am afraid to ask what that means.
Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:08 AM (NPofj)

Your arm is the noodle. And you stick it in the fish.

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster browsing Bravely at February 29, 2016 02:12 AM (1D4Ef)

489 It's based off of chromium and is functional enough to do basic browsing - but the featureset is cut down to the point where it is very basic browsing. No favorites/bookmarks

How could anyone release a browser without bookmarks? Bookmarks are one of the simplest things in a browser - any 8 year old can write the code for bookmarks. And a browser without bookmarks is almost useless.

Are you sure there are no bookmarks in there? That seems really strange.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 02:14 AM (zc3Db)

490 There's a threat out there somewhere that said a shitload of Federal Workers polled in DC said they'd quit immediately if Trump was elected. heh heh. They really don't know how that comes across out here in normalville.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:15 AM (e7T6D)

491 That Spotlight movie said pedophilia was bad. Bunk!

Posted by: Harry Reid at February 29, 2016 02:15 AM (gwG9s)

492 >>>I am afraid to ask what that means.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:08 AM (NPofj)


Apologies, sort of. I left it vague for effect.

To "noodle", here in GA, is to introduce your arm into a catfish hole in such a way as to mimic the sorts of small creatures catfish swallow whole.

When you're noodling, and a catfish swallows your forearm, you grab on to that catfish's gut, and you haul it out into the boat, or onto the bank.

Then you kill it, gut it, skin it, behead it, bread it, deep-fry it, and enjoy dinner.

With beer.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 02:16 AM (1zS3A)

493 How could anyone release a browser without bookmarks? Bookmarks are one of the simplest things in a browser - any 8 year old can write the code for bookmarks. And a browser without bookmarks is almost useless.

Are you sure there are no bookmarks in there? That seems really strange.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 02:14 AM (zc3Db)

That was true a few builds ago when I was looking for them. They're in now. Heh.

The dev build does have an auto-update, so you can automagically have the latest build.

Be aware that things are still fragile - Brave broke on one computer after I deferred an update. Tried uninstall/reinstall but it still wouldn't run. Eventually found the hidden profile folder to delete.

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster browsing Bravely at February 29, 2016 02:18 AM (1D4Ef)

494 There's a threat out there somewhere that said a shitload of Federal Workers polled in DC said they'd quit immediately if Trump was elected. heh heh. They really don't know how that comes across out here in normalville.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:15 AM (e7T6D)

Yeah, riiight. Give up the iron ricebowl? About as likely as Al Sharpton decamping for Zimbabwe.

Posted by: the fjords at February 29, 2016 02:18 AM (afR/C)

495 Trump is SMOD.

He's not part of the madness we want to flee. He's the wrecking ball from space that's going to Smash Everything to Bits.

If you're unhappy with the current state of political affairs, you
should be glad about the existence of the Trump juggernaut. Because it
is the only thing tht has any chance of really demolishing the existing
political alignments and cronyism and everything else.

I don't "like" Trump. He is far from my preferred choice. He
obviously doesn't even have a consistent ideology. And I don't expect
any of you to "like" him either.

Posted by: zombie at February 29, 2016 02:04 AM (jBuUi)

What ever anywhere in Trump's history makes you think he would destroy cronyism? That system helped make him richer and he heartily approves of it (see his statements on ethanol mandates for instance).

As a side note, if Cruz is the guy you would happily vote for, don't give up on that just yet (or even Tuesday)... I think we are in for a long slog to Cleveland and no one will have a majority to win on the first ballot.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:18 AM (NPofj)


There's a lot of anti-Trump sentiment here.

Ok, make the case for:

Hillary "Benghazi IS Her Resume",
Bernie "Finally Got a Steady Paycheck at 40!" Sanders
Mario "Some Things Don't Quite Translate" Rubio.

Suddenly, Trump doesn't look so bad.

Posted by: Arbalest at February 29, 2016 02:18 AM (FlRtG)

497 There's a threat out there somewhere that said a shitload of Federal Workers polled in DC said they'd quit immediately if Trump was elected. heh heh. They really don't know how that comes across out here in normalville.
Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:15 AM (e7T6D)


If true, these assholes don't even realize that this is a desired outcome, not a problem. Good Lord, these cocksuckers seem to think we can't live without them.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:19 AM (YLidQ)

498 Regarding the upthread dismissal of Kate Upton as a butterface....the thing is, her face always looks happy. It's almost an anti-"Resting Bitch Face". It's like, "sure, I'm prancing around in 50-degree weather in my underwear in the rain -- but people love the way I do it and I'M MAKING MONEY!!!!!" If I were designing her body to my specifications, I might make some changes....but she generally makes me smile.
Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 01:59 AM (EzgxV)

I agree. She seems like a very pleasant, if airheady, young woman.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 02:20 AM (SEFXb)

499 I've got Brave on my old laptop that I don't have with me, but I could have sworn it did have bookmarks, might be misremembering though, otherwise yeah, good browser but very basic at the moment.

Posted by: All Teh Meh at February 29, 2016 02:20 AM (yos+4)

500 How could anyone release a browser without bookmarks?

Oh, and it's not quite released. I'm playing with a pre-beta build. Makes sense for them to disable unnecessary parts and get the core tech working first, then add back the frills.

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster browsing Bravely at February 29, 2016 02:20 AM (1D4Ef)

501 448---Regarding the upthread dismissal of Kate Upton as a butterface....the thing is, her face always looks happy. It's almost an anti-"Resting Bitch Face".
Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 01:59 AM (EzgxV)
Well, she's not a butterface at all. She's very pretty.
But I think you've nailed it. She has a great smile and it seems natural, not like the forced smile of the onstage beauty queen.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at February 29, 2016 02:20 AM (T/5A0)

502 There's a threat out there somewhere that said a shitload of Federal Workers polled in DC said they'd quit immediately if Trump was elected. heh heh. They really don't know how that comes across out here in normalville.
Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:15 AM (e7T6D)

Hmmm. This may induce me to ditch Cruz for Teh Donald.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 02:21 AM (SEFXb)

503 When you're noodling, and a catfish swallows your forearm, you grab on to that catfish's gut, and you haul it out into the boat, or onto the bank.

Then you kill it, gut it, skin it, behead it, bread it, deep-fry it, and enjoy dinner.

With beer.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 02:16 AM (1zS3A)

I take it they don't have much in the way of teeth. Try that with a northern pike, aka "slough shark", and your arm would be hamburger.

And I guess the odd snapping turtle would add to the excitement, right?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 02:21 AM (afR/C)

504 480
How's Brave working out for you? I got too much shit on my plate to
be a first-wave guinea-pig this time, but I could see myself going over
in the second wave. I mean, it's not like Eich hasn't been to this show

Makes AoS load practically instantly. I needed NoScript in PaleMoon to even see the main page.

It's based off of chromium and is functional enough to do basic
browsing - but the featureset is cut down to the point where it is very
basic browsing. No favorites/bookmarks or toolbar, and many other
quality of life things that you get with a modern browser. Ex:
website name autocomplete isn't quite there; have to manually type to get here

0.8 is supposed to get released about now. Any particular feature
you're needing, or just want the next major release? Can keep you

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster browsing Bravely at February 29, 2016 02:10 AM (1D4Ef)

How is it on memory allocation? I know this is bad, but my usual practice is to keep a bunch of tabs open until I dispose of the issue for which I opened them. So, my basic tabs are Insty, PJM, [used to be Tepid Zephyr, RIP], Ace, Drudge, Foxnews, Fox Business, ZeroHedge, The Market Ticker, and Ulsterman. There are currently 12 open tabs between Insty and PJM that represent links cast from Insty that I haven't fully digested, executed on, wrote down the good info, or whatever. Every so often, I go on a purge [like I did when HA went foom] and shut down dozens of links

At any given time, I might have 200 tabs open, so memory efficiency with no leaks is important. And bookmarks, because that's sometimes the way things are cleared. And, being that R'lyeh is Paranoia Central, security needs to be bulletproof.

Between fucking over Eich for SJW reasons and ditching Thunderbird, Mozilla is really not endearing itself to me of late.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 02:21 AM (EzgxV)

505 I also subscribe to the "more than a handful is wasted" school of thought.
Posted by: The company man

Way back when I first went to England when I was just out of college, I more than once overheard a weird bit of British slang that I have never once ever seen or heard being referenced since that time. Maybe it was a passing fad, but this was a typical conversation:

"Is she fit?" ("Fit" is cockney slang for "physically attractive").

"Yeah -- SBH."

After a few times hearing this I got up the nerve to ask what "SBH" stood for. The answer?

"Standard British Handful," in referring to breast size.

After further inquiries I garnered more detailed anthropolgical information about what this meant: a "Standard British Handful" was apparently slightly larger than "average," because of the increasing levels of overweightness among the female population of Britain at the time, which led to some of the bodyfat beefing up the newly "standard" boob size. In other words, the guys were showing their appreciation for the Chubbies, because at least Chubbies have bigger boobs. And now since most girls are growing chubbier, the "SBH" is gaining in dimension, which is a good thing.

And as with your preference -- they're getting bigger, but still no bigger than a handful, so none wasted.

Since that trip I haven't ever hard or read the phrase "SBH" since. Strange.

Posted by: zombie at February 29, 2016 02:22 AM (jBuUi)

506 BTW, growing up, "to noodle" meant "to think about something".

That's how I figured out the US and the UK are two countries divided by a common language.

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 02:22 AM (1zS3A)

507 If this measure had been more accurate in the past, I
would go with it. It does not take into account polling methods, just
aggregate National numbers.

I'll see you Tuesray night, and we can talk further.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:11 AM (YLidQ)

Tuesday will not be dispositive on whether Trump beats Hillary since Hillary is not on the R ballot.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:22 AM (NPofj)

508 "Nuclear reactors at San Onofre in California (Northern part of San Diego
County just south of San Clemente). I believe that they are being shut
down because the California Democrats hate Californians."

Yep, San Onofre is done for. Not least because of the energetic efforts mounted against it by Obama's NRC, and Senator Ma'am, Babs Boxer. The dopey owner-operator of the plant didn't help matters.

The lucky ratepayers in San Diego are now going to get hit with a trifecta:

(a) Paying for the early decommissioning of the San Onofre facility, which is going to cost a metric shit-ton of money, and,

(b) Paying to buy their utility an equivalent baseload generation capacity, and,

(c) Having a major fraction of that equivalent baseload generation capacity be extremely expensive "green, renewable" power, because SD now requires that at a municipal level.

All of this is legally, legislatively, and contractually locked in. It would not be out of the question for San Diego's electric rates (not cheap as it is) to triple by the end of the next decade.

Posted by: torquewrench at February 29, 2016 02:23 AM (noWW6)

509 If true, these assholes don't even realize that this is a desired outcome, not a problem. Good Lord, these cocksuckers seem to think we can't live without them.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:19 AM (YLidQ)

Unfortunately, they know that the Vichy GOP turds in Congress are deathly scared of such an event (of any bit of the feral government shutting down for even a minute) and would do anything to make sure that not one feral government worker leaves or takes a sick day. The Vichy GOP Congress would offer them raises just to stay.

They're not threatening us; they're threatening the GOP Congress and Vichy establishment.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 02:23 AM (zc3Db)

510 Suddenly, Trump doesn't look so bad.

Posted by: Arbalest at February 29, 2016 02:18 AM (FlRtG)

They are ALL horrible. That is the problem. None of them are ones I want to enthusiastically vote for. And that really must include Cruz for me now.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:24 AM (uZNvH)

511 >>>Since that trip I haven't ever hard or read the phrase "SBH" since. Strange.

Posted by: zombie at February 29, 2016 02:22 AM (jBuUi)


EU thing, innit?

Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 02:24 AM (1zS3A)

512 >I had never heard the rumor that Chelsea was not Bill's until I started hanging around here.

and imo, that is why the average, non-political junkie chooses their candidate on face value,
ie: do I like his/her face.

the chest pounding in the World is not going to influence the average
working man/woman, except perhaps to make them dig in their heels even
deeper, because they don't read political blogs for enjoyment or spend
their limited down-time researching candidates.There is not a test
required to vote, that I know of.

I mean that not as a slight to average, non-political voters. I mean it in defense of one man/one vote.
All voters should be allowed to make their choice free from being ostracized because their choice doesn't meet someone else's standards/morals. Isn't ostracizing what "democrats" do?

Posted by: cind at February 29, 2016 02:25 AM (nRbbW)

513 Tuesday will not be dispositive on whether Trump beats Hillary since Hillary is not on the R ballot.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:22 AM (NPofj)


True, but it will be an awesome representation of what the the lowly voters want.

Those people are such crude plebes, aren't they?

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:25 AM (YLidQ)

514 Trump is SMOD.

Posted by: zombie at February 29, 2016 02:04 AM (jBuUi)

The choice is made.

The destructor comes.

Posted by: Gozar the Gozarian at February 29, 2016 02:25 AM (vBeA5)

515 Hillary "Benghazi IS Her Resume",


Bernie "Finally Got a Steady Paycheck at 40!" Sanders


Mario "Some Things Don't Quite Translate" Rubio.

Suddenly, Trump doesn't look so bad.

Posted by: Arbalest at February 29, 2016 02:18 AM (FlRtG)

Notice who you left off your list.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:26 AM (NPofj)

516 482
And, remember, in the general's all

going to be about sending someone to Washington whose trademark phrase

is, "You're Fired!!!" If he promises to reduce the Federal workforce by

50% in his first term and build the fucking wall, he will win 50 states.

If he actually does it, he'll win 2020 with 50 states.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 02:08 AM (EzgxV)

he's not going to do that. He will need all those HHS workers to
administer his not at all Obamacare universal coverage plan with
individual mandates and the IRS to sic on his enemies as Obama has done.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:11 AM (NPofj)

And if you can prove that, he's over....but any bullshit about 30-year-old Playboy interviews or gotcha questions just highlights his exceptional taste in haters. If you can prove that he won't build the wall or fire a bunch of Losers, you'll take the wind right out of his sails. Good luck with that.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 02:27 AM (EzgxV)

517 What ever anywhere in Trump's history makes you think he would destroy cronyism? That system helped make him richer and he heartily approves of it (see his statements on ethanol mandates for instance).

As a side note, if Cruz is the guy you would happily vote for, don't give up on that just yet (or even Tuesday)... I think we are in for a long slog to Cleveland and no one will have a majority to win on the first ballot.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:18 AM (NPofj)

He might not totally destroy cronyism, but there would be a fresh crop of cronies, and the old corrupt crowd would be put out to pasture. Kind of like pulling the power plug on a computer that's locked up to force a reboot.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 02:27 AM (afR/C)

518 True, but it will be an awesome representation of what the the lowly voters want.

Those people are such crude plebes, aren't they?

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:25 AM (YLidQ)

Why are you trying to turn this into a class discussion?

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:27 AM (NPofj)

519 510 chemjeff

They are ALL horrible. That is the problem.

Unfortunately, the field is essentially closed. After Super Tuesday, no newcomers will be seen to be legitimate ... they have no delegates, or at least nothing near even a plurality.

So ... who will it be?

Posted by: Arbalest at February 29, 2016 02:28 AM (FlRtG)

520 Maybe tomorrow I will photoshop a luxurious blond mane onto the Stay-Puffed Marshmallow Man.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 29, 2016 02:28 AM (VdICR)

521 They are ALL horrible. That is the problem. None of them are ones I want to enthusiastically vote for. And that really must include Cruz for me now.
Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:24 AM (uZNvH)


Best wrap your head around Nominee Donald Trump.

Because Math. It is a Stone Cold Bitch.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:29 AM (YLidQ)

522 490
There's a threat out there somewhere that said a shitload of Federal
Workers polled in DC said they'd quit immediately if Trump was elected.
heh heh. They really don't know how that comes across out here in

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:15 AM (e7T6D)


Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 02:29 AM (EzgxV)

523 All of this is legally, legislatively, and contractually locked in. It would not be out of the question for San Diego's electric rates (not cheap as it is) to triple by the end of the next decade.

Posted by: torquewrench at February 29, 2016 02:23 AM (noWW6)

Why not treat energy like we did with the landlines when Ma Bell broke up?

You pay a little standard fee for the infrastructure, and then buy power from anyone who can dump in what you take out.

That way all those rich Greenies can buy up all the Green energy at whatever prices they want.

Heck, if you support "Green Power" than the rich buying it left and right will put money into making it more affordable for everyone... just like it has done with practically any technological innovation since the industrial revolution.

Posted by: The Electric Hat at February 29, 2016 02:29 AM (vBeA5)

524 475----If the likelihood of beating Hillary is your shibboleth, Trump ain't your guy.
Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:07 AM (NPofj)
This may sound amoral --- I suppose it is --- but if I thought he had a decent chance of beating Hillary, I could overlook just about anything.

But IMO he hasn't got a prayer one-on-one against her --- and it's likely there will be a sorehead GOPer playing 3rd party spoiler to boot.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at February 29, 2016 02:29 AM (T/5A0)

525 trump our next president. USA! USA! USA!

Posted by: cristie at February 29, 2016 02:29 AM (FlUxs)

526 418 redbanzai

Notice who you left off your list.

I like Cruz, but it looks like various powers (Ds & Rs) are working to make him #3. I expect D crossdressers to vote for Rubio, thus Cruz looks to be out.

Is there anyone I'm missing?

Posted by: Arbalest at February 29, 2016 02:31 AM (FlRtG)

527 At any given time, I might have 200 tabs open, so memory efficiency with no leaks is important. And bookmarks, because that's sometimes the way things are cleared. And, being that R'lyeh is Paranoia Central, security needs to be bulletproof.

Huh, good question. Haven't used it to do all my browsing yet, because it previously lacked bookmarks.

I too run dozens of tabs, though the propagation of flash ads made that too annoying. Hunting through dozens of tabs to find the video ads got old quick.

Bookmarks are in now though, sorry for the misinformation.

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster browsing Bravely at February 29, 2016 02:32 AM (1D4Ef)

528 Found it on the Govt worker threat...

LInk in my nic.... 25% of Govt' workers polled, say they'd quit..

Ok, they said they'd consider it... and we know , they would not actually do it. Just like Cher didn't move to Moosensqurrel, Canada.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:32 AM (e7T6D)

529 Why are you trying to turn this into a class discussion?

it is funny, isn't it, how much many in the pro-Trump crowd view the conflict through the lens of Marxist analysis....

the "proletariat" (working class) vs. the "bourgeoisie" (e.g. the "Establishment")

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:32 AM (uZNvH)

530 Why are you trying to turn this into a class discussion?
Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:27 AM (NPofj)


Goodness. If pointing out that the Voters outweigh your opinion = class discussion, then guilty as charged. Really?

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:33 AM (YLidQ)

531 So ... who will it be?

Posted by: Arbalest at February 29, 2016 02:28 AM (FlRtG)

that is why I am strongly considering third party.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:33 AM (uZNvH)

532 >>>Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 02:21 AM (afR/C)


Now you have me paranoid. You bastard.

All I can say is that I've never seen a snapping turtle in running water, and I've caught pike, and take the point, but I've never dealt with one that might take a finger - unlike a snapping turtle.

As for catfish teeth, well, sure, you wear gloves, but they're nothing like the chain mail I'll be wearing from now on, as defense from snappers.


Canadians. Kill the Princess Pat's while upping the paranoia. I'm not so sure I like y'all any more.

I kid. I kid. Who doesn't like Canadians?


Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at February 29, 2016 02:33 AM (1zS3A)

533 it is funny, isn't it, how much many in the pro-Trump crowd view the conflict through the lens of Marxist analysis....

the "proletariat" (working class) vs. the "bourgeoisie" (e.g. the "Establishment")

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:32 AM (uZNvH)

Dude ... you've really lost it. I'd get that checked if I were you.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 02:34 AM (zc3Db)

534 Blech..... down in that linked Govt survey, when asked, IF Obama could run again, would you support his re-election over the other Democrat candidates...

56% would.

That, my friends , speaks volumes.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:34 AM (e7T6D)

535 "There's a threat out there somewhere that said a shitload of Federal Workers polled in DC said they'd quit immediately if Trump was elected. heh heh. They really don't know how that comes across out here in normalville."

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:15 AM (e7T6D)
Well, I'll tell you how it comes across in electionville.
Hillary takes Virginia.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at February 29, 2016 02:35 AM (T/5A0)

536 Ok, they said they'd consider it... and we know , they would not actually do it. Just like Cher didn't move to Moosensqurrel, Canada.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:32 AM (e7T6D)

And how fortunate we are that she didn't.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 02:35 AM (afR/C)

537 Dude ... you've really lost it. I'd get that checked if I were you.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 02:34 AM (zc3Db)

not really. I mean I don't think the Trumpians are Marxists. Just that in this framing, they see it in the same way, the "Establishment" holding them down, ignoring them, not listening to their demands, and the "working class" nominating someone who will "smash the Establishment", sounds a lot like the whole Marxist revolution crap.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:35 AM (uZNvH)

538 that is why I am strongly considering third party.
Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:33 AM (uZNvH)


Then just go ahead and do this. Bye. Enough said by all parties.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:36 AM (YLidQ)

539 531 chemjeff

that is why I am strongly considering third party.

So ... you really want either Hillary or Bernie? This is how we got Slick Willie.

How does electing either of them make any sense?

Posted by: Arbalest at February 29, 2016 02:36 AM (FlRtG)

540 I like Cruz, but it looks like various powers (Ds & Rs) are working to make him #3. I expect D crossdressers to vote for Rubio, thus Cruz looks to be out.

Is there anyone I'm missing?
Posted by: Arbalest at February 29, 2016 02:31 AM (FlRtG)

If you like Cruz, then vote for him. If Trump is inevitable, why note vote for the candidate you prefer since Trump will win anyway.

Posted by: chique d'afrique at February 29, 2016 02:37 AM (SEFXb)

541 trump supporters are social conservative populists so attacks on him that he is not an ayn randist free trader movement conservative his supporters agree with you that is why they are voting for him! all the others crud punk rubio are bought by the free trader donor billionaires.

Posted by: cristie at February 29, 2016 02:37 AM (FlUxs)

542 So ... you really want either Hillary or Bernie? This is how we got Slick Willie.

How does electing either of them make any sense?

Posted by: Arbalest at February 29, 2016 02:36 AM (FlRtG)

no, I don't want to elect any of them. ANY of them. not Hillary, not Bernie, not Trump, not Rubio. I would be fine with Cruz, more or less.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:38 AM (uZNvH)

543 "Why not treat energy like we did with the landlines when Ma Bell broke up? You pay a little standard fee for the infrastructure, and then buy power from anyone who can dump in what you take out."

Something like that was the original concept behind Commiefornia's loudly touted "electricity deregulation" plan back in the 1990s.

What emerged was a monstrosity not looking anything like that original concept. Said monstrosity then going on to pass in the state Legislature *unanimously*.

Of course, when the political class get behind something that energetically and enthusiastically, you know that ordinary consumers and businesses are going to be totally boned. And that's exactly what transpired.

Posted by: torquewrench at February 29, 2016 02:38 AM (noWW6)

544 Gee, i thought the "class discussion" remark was a pun on "plebes" being the entry class at one of the military academies.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 02:38 AM (afR/C)

Then just go ahead and do this. Bye. Enough said by all parties.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:36 AM (YLidQ)

by the way, this blog is not an Official GOP Blog or an Official Trump Blog

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:38 AM (uZNvH)

546 by the way, this blog is not an Official GOP Blog or an Official Trump Blog
Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:38 AM (uZNvH)


My irony meter just blew a Fetzer Valve.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:40 AM (YLidQ)

547 Here's Trump bragging about building more for less, referring the $1B renovation on the UN building.
I remember this form 2005 because it was the first time I watched him on tv.

He may still be SMOD, but this is kind of charming.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 29, 2016 02:40 AM (VdICR)

548 As intended all along, whether by those with good intent or ill, Tuesday will clarify matters. There's a reason why not all primaries are on the same day, and there's a reason why there's a trickle before there are floods.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 02:40 AM (EzgxV)

549 542 chemjeff

no, I don't want to elect any of them.

Yes, well ... unfortunately, you don't get that option.

The contest will likely be between Hillary!!!!! and Trump.

Cast your vote wisely.

Posted by: Darth Reality at February 29, 2016 02:40 AM (FlRtG)

550 Yep. All the fun sucked out of the thread. Hooray! More Trump discussion again. Because some people can't keep their fucking mouths shut for 8-10 hours so they can start spouting all this same crap during the daytime.

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 02:41 AM (zt+N6)

551 G'night Horde.

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster browsing Bravely at February 29, 2016 02:41 AM (1D4Ef)

552 there was a good article at the Federalist discussing the "Hamilton Rule", instead of the "Buckley Rule". basically, instead of voting for the most electable conservative, we should instead, if we can't even find a minimally suitable candidate, then and only then, vote for the one who is your enemy - it is better to stand in opposition to a horrible candidate than to be dragged down as an ally of a very flawed candidate instead.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:41 AM (uZNvH)

553 by the way, this blog is not an Official GOP Blog or an Official Trump Blog
Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:38 AM (uZNvH)

This is the ONT. It is close to Super Tuesday, so there's an excuse, but still ...

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster browsing Bravely at February 29, 2016 02:42 AM (1D4Ef)

554 Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:41 AM (uZNvH)

Math is a stone cold bitch. You are about to run right into its wall. Buckle up.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:43 AM (YLidQ)

555 So ... you really want either Hillary or Bernie? This is how we got Slick Willie.

Nah, we got Slick Willie because Bush sr, quite literally, proved the old adage that you know a politician is lying because his lips are moving.

Posted by: All Teh Meh at February 29, 2016 02:44 AM (yos+4)

556 Cooth, here is Trumps latest statment on the individual mandate: and he has said many times, including at the last debate, that he will insist on universal coverage (government paid of course) because "did we want people dying in the streets?"

The tax thing is based on his very thin skin and burning need to go after anyone that he feels has slighted him.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:44 AM (NPofj)

557 546
by the way, this blog is not an Official GOP Blog or an Official Trump Blog

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:38 AM (uZNvH)


My irony meter just blew a Fetzer Valve.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:40 AM (YLidQ)

If you're going to get into things personally with Chemjeff, for God's sake teach him how to cook a steak. He's universally well-liked here and is a clear leading indicator for the stock price of Fapplebee's. Breathe into a paper sack and walk away from politics.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 02:44 AM (EzgxV)

558 Yep. All the fun sucked out of the thread. Hooray! More Trump discussion again. Because some people can't keep their fucking mouths shut for 8-10 hours so they can start spouting all this same crap during the daytime.

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 02:41 AM (zt+N6)

There are other conversations still going on, but I guess being dead makes it hard to focus sometimes.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 02:45 AM (afR/C)

559 550 Yep. All the fun sucked out of the thread. Hooray! More Trump discussion again. Because some people can't keep their fucking mouths shut for 8-10 hours so they can start spouting all this same crap during the daytime.
Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 02:41 AM (zt+N6)

Sorry the ONT discussion was not to your satisfaction. But there's no way to make people talk about a certain subject or NOT talk about a subject if that's what they want to talk about.

Fucking watches man. Watches! So don't complain to me about too much Trump talk.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 02:46 AM (wqVD1)

560 555 All Teh Meh

Do you remember H. Ross Perot?

Posted by: Arbalest at February 29, 2016 02:46 AM (FlRtG)

561 If you're going to get into things personally with Chemjeff, for God's sake teach him how to cook a steak. He's universally well-liked here and is a clear leading indicator for the stock price of Fapplebee's. Breathe into a paper sack and walk away from politics.
Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 02:44 AM (EzgxV)


Please explain how my comment that you responded to was in any way personal. I responded to a comment he made. Nice try, Sport.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:46 AM (YLidQ)

562 buzzion, what do you want to talk about?

And to be fair, the Trump shit started at #3... dropped an upper-decker and went back out into the party somewhere. We were stuck with the shit since.

Let's talk about baseball... or the fragility of Saudi Arabia... or that Russia and Turkey are crazy close to stupid right now and NATO has no way to un-invite Turkey. Hmmm. Small oversight I'd say in the plan... if you can't kick out a country.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:47 AM (e7T6D)

563 thank you cthulhu, but I am not "universally well liked" here, that's fine. some people here think I'm some sort of prog, I am sure.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:47 AM (uZNvH)

564 Che ... with a gun

Posted by: tmitsss at February 29, 2016 02:47 AM (Pa9vP)

565 @556 of course we want people dying in the streets what do you think we are bleeding heart liberal?

Posted by: cristie at February 29, 2016 02:48 AM (FlUxs)

566 Fucking watches man. Watches! So don't complain to me about too much Trump talk.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 02:46 AM (wqVD1)

I have a Studebaker watch, made by the Studebaker watch company in South Bend, Indiana. Very pretty medium size pocket watch.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 02:49 AM (afR/C)

567 Please explain how my comment that you responded to was in any way personal. I responded to a comment he made. Nice try, Sport.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:46 AM (YLidQ)

oh come now. this is residual butthurt-ness from a few nights ago. this is why you insist on responding to everything I write with gloating comments. yes yes, Trump is ahead in the polls. yes yes, it looks likely now that we are going to get Nominee Trump. I am sure you are quite thrilled. I am not. That probably makes you happy.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:49 AM (uZNvH)

568 chemjeff... I'd vote for you again if you weren't term limited

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:49 AM (e7T6D)

569 I have gotten into wearing my watch again lately, it is nicer being able to look at my time on my wrist without having to whip out my cell phone

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:50 AM (uZNvH)

570 When you go to the polls ask a few strangers if he's using the Hamilton Rule.
In some alternate universe we're complaining that Presidents McCain and Romney put two Republican squishes on the supreme court, and because of this, the overall court moved to the left. Really pissed off.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 29, 2016 02:50 AM (VdICR)

571 ok dude... that made me laugh and almost cough on my rye ...

" this is residual butthurt-ness "


Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:50 AM (e7T6D)

572 568
chemjeff... I'd vote for you again if you weren't term limited

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:49 AM (e7T6D)

if nominated, I would refuse to run....

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:51 AM (uZNvH)

542 chemjeff

no, I don't want to elect any of them.

Yes, well ... unfortunately, you don't get that option.

The contest will likely be between Hillary!!!!! and Trump.

Cast your vote wisely.

Posted by: Darth Reality at February 29, 2016 02:40 AM (FlRtG)

Actually we do... there were some very lovely dogs and cats posted on the pet thread yesterday. I am sure some of them are over thirty five in dog or cat years. We can write in any of them if it comes to that.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:51 AM (NPofj)

574 560 555 All Teh Meh

Do you remember H. Ross Perot?

Sure do, I live in Texas, we're very familiar with the Perot family around here.

Posted by: All Teh Meh at February 29, 2016 02:51 AM (yos+4)

575 I really like The Night Manager. The characters are rich and breeze into one small luxury hotel after another. I could live that life style. Hugh Laurie as the arms dealer is very good. He travels with an entourage that includes wives and children. His love interest is gorgeous. So, how does one become an arms dealer?

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at February 29, 2016 02:53 AM (iQIUe)

576 Fucking watches man. Watches! So don't complain to me about too much Trump talk.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 02:46 AM (wqVD1)

Well at least the watch talk wasn't Trump. By people who were writing the exact same crap about Trump they wrote yesterday. And will again write tomorrow.

Posted by: buzzion at February 29, 2016 02:53 AM (zt+N6)

577 556
Cooth, here is Trumps latest statment on the individual mandate:
and he has said many times, including at the last debate, that he will
insist on universal coverage (government paid of course) because "did we
want people dying in the streets?"

The tax thing is based on his very thin skin and burning need to go after anyone that he feels has slighted him.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:44 AM (NPofj)

First, did I mention "individual mandate"? IIRC, I said (1) Fucking Fence; and (2) "You're Fired!!!"

So, why did "individual mandate" not make the list? Because that's what we had when I was a wee lad....everyone paid general income, sales, and property taxes, and if a tree fell on your car while you were driving, then paramedics showed-up, stabilized you, and took you to an emergency room where they got you to survive. If you wanted ordinary medical care, you wrote a check to a doctor that had to compete with other local doctors. If you wanted private medical insurance for risks (like cancer) outside the public sphere (like physical therapy after getting walloped by trees), you bought it in a competitive marketplace.

"Individual mandate" is a code-word under Obamacare. It means anything they want it to mean.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 02:55 AM (EzgxV)

578 Which Texas wheeler dealer's grandson died of heroin OD?

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at February 29, 2016 02:55 AM (iQIUe)

579 oh come now. this is residual butthurt-ness from a few nights ago. this is why you insist on responding to everything I write with gloating comments. yes yes, Trump is ahead in the polls. yes yes, it looks likely now that we are going to get Nominee Trump. I am sure you are quite thrilled. I am not. That probably makes you happy.
Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:49 AM (uZNvH)


There are none so blind as those that will not see.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:55 AM (YLidQ)

580 >>>I really like The Night Manager. The characters are
rich and breeze into one small luxury hotel after another. I could live
that life style. Hugh Laurie as the arms dealer is very good. He travels
with an entourage that includes wives and children. His love interest
is gorgeous. So, how does one become an arms dealer?

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at February 29, 2016 02:53 AM (iQIUe)<<<

Great Scott! Did you steal the DeLorean, or Ace's time machine? Doesn't that start in April?!

Posted by: Doc Brown at February 29, 2016 02:56 AM (H9MG5)

581 I stopped wearing watches about 4 years ago. I have a nice winder Tag Heuer that I regreat spending the money on back in the day. I thought having a auto/manual-winder watch made me so awesome. Not so much. Thing is pretty on the wrist, great weight.....though few knew it was "cool" and it lost 5 minutes in two weeks. I seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time keeping it in time. Now it looks good in the drawer.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:56 AM (e7T6D)

582 573 redbanzai

Actually we do... there were some very lovely dogs and cats ...

... and you may indeed vote for them, should you so choose. But the question dealt with being elected ...

Posted by: Darth Grammar, Consiglore to Darth Reality at February 29, 2016 02:57 AM (FlRtG)

583 you should vote your conscience, always.

because you have to sleep with your conscience.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:57 AM (uZNvH)

584 561
If you're going to get into things personally with Chemjeff, for God's
sake teach him how to cook a steak. He's universally well-liked here and
is a clear leading indicator for the stock price of Fapplebee's.
Breathe into a paper sack and walk away from politics.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 02:44 AM (EzgxV)


Please explain how my comment that you responded to was in any way personal. I responded to a comment he made. Nice try, Sport.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:46 AM (YLidQ)

Guy tries to say he doesn't do personal attacks -- accidentally includes "Nice try, Sport" in at 11.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 02:57 AM (EzgxV)

585 Goodness. If pointing out that the Voters outweigh your opinion = class discussion, then guilty as charged. Really?

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:33 AM (YLidQ)

Tim, a lot more people aren't voting for Trump than are so I think my opinion is very well supported.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 02:57 AM (NPofj)

586 563
thank you cthulhu, but I am not "universally well liked" here, that's
fine. some people here think I'm some sort of prog, I am sure.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:47 AM (uZNvH)

You're better-liked than you think you are, then. Even by some who think your positions ill-supported.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 02:59 AM (EzgxV)

587 Guy tries to say he doesn't do personal attacks -- accidentally includes "Nice try, Sport" in at 11.

saw that too, eh? heh

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:59 AM (e7T6D)

588 Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:46 AM (YLidQ)

Um you've been pretty personal with CJ. This is makes discussions uglier and nastier.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 02:59 AM (wqVD1)

589 I stopped wearing watches about 4 years ago. I have a nice winder Tag Heuer that I regreat spending the money on back in the day. I thought having a auto/manual-winder watch made me so awesome. Not so much. Thing is pretty on the wrist, great weight.....though few knew it was "cool" and it lost 5 minutes in two weeks. I seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time keeping it in time. Now it looks good in the drawer.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 02:56 AM (e7T6D)

Little-known fact: the strippers will, in fact, take your dollar, even if you are wearing a Timex.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 02:59 AM (afR/C)

590 Great Scott! Did you steal the DeLorean, or Ace's time machine? Doesn't that start in April?!
Posted by: Doc Brown at February 29, 2016 02:56 AM (H9MG5)
Started last week in the UK which means you can find it online.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at February 29, 2016 02:59 AM (iQIUe)

591 you should vote your conscience, always.

because you have to sleep with your conscience.
Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:57 AM (uZNvH)


Agreed. Why do you expend so much time and energy against those whose conscience guides them to vote for Trump then?

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:59 AM (YLidQ)

592 who sleeps with their conscience? No one around here!

Mostly right hand, but sometimes that frenchy-lefty gets the work.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 03:01 AM (e7T6D)

593 579
oh come now. this is residual butthurt-ness from a few nights ago. this
is why you insist on responding to everything I write with gloating
comments. yes yes, Trump is ahead in the polls. yes yes, it looks likely
now that we are going to get Nominee Trump. I am sure you are quite
thrilled. I am not. That probably makes you happy.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:49 AM (uZNvH)


There are none so blind as those that will not see.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:55 AM (YLidQ)

Boy, can you sing that in church....

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 03:01 AM (EzgxV)

594 Um you've been pretty personal with CJ. This is makes discussions uglier and nastier.
Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 02:59 AM (wqVD1)


I have been very careful lately to respond to comments, not the person. Can you give me a recent example please? Straight question.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 03:01 AM (YLidQ)

595 If you like Cruz, then vote for him. If Trump is inevitable, why note vote for the candidate you prefer since Trump will win anyway.
Posted by: chique d'afrique

That's what plan to do. But I live in California, and every election it's always the same story: Our primary is in June, just about the final one, and by the time it's out turn to vote, generally one or another candidate has already wrapped up the nomination and the other candidates have dropped out. We Californians are powerless over who gets nominated. So we get fatalistic

Posted by: zombie at February 29, 2016 03:02 AM (jBuUi)

596 Agreed. Why do you expend so much time and energy against those whose conscience guides them to vote for Trump then?

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:59 AM (YLidQ)

because I think you, and they, are making a mistake. duh.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 03:02 AM (uZNvH)

597 Ace has a time machine? Of course he does. I don't think it's a bright blue police-box though.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 29, 2016 03:02 AM (VdICR)

you should vote your conscience, always.

because you have to sleep with your conscience.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 02:57 AM (uZNvH)

You can't even force that damn Jiminy Cricket nattering out to sleep on the couch occasionally8P

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 03:03 AM (NPofj)

599 574 All

I live in Texas, we're very familiar with the Perot family around here.

Then you're also aware that H.Ross took very many more votes from Bush than he took from Clinton ... potentially enough to allow Clinton to be elected.

Do we really want to do this again ... with Hillary or Bernie?

Posted by: Darth Grammar, Consiglore to Darth Reality at February 29, 2016 03:03 AM (FlRtG)

600 >>>Started last week in the UK which means you can find it online.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at February 29, 2016 02:59 AM (iQIUe)<<<

Aha! Thanks. I see the ads during The Walking Dead, and will probably end up checking it out.

Posted by: Doc Brown at February 29, 2016 03:04 AM (H9MG5)

601 "NATO has no way to un-invite Turkey."

Given how little combat power NATO puts on the table these days, and how slowly it deploys, and how paralytic is its resupply, the Turks would be shocked by the shortfall even if they did get a full bore NATO backup.

As for the United States's military contribution, let's send Turkey a flotilla of Little Crappy Ships, and a few air wings of the F-35 Faceplant. Plus a company of female Army Rangers.

Posted by: torquewrench at February 29, 2016 03:04 AM (noWW6)

602 because I think you, and they, are making a mistake. duh.
Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 03:02 AM (uZNvH)


But, per your own comment, it is my conscience. Therefore, I should vote it. Right?

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 03:05 AM (YLidQ)

603 That's what plan to do. But I live in California,
and every election it's always the same story: Our primary is in June,
just about the final one, and by the time it's out turn to vote,
generally one or another candidate has already wrapped up the nomination
and the other candidates have dropped out. We Californians are
powerless over who gets nominated. So we get fatalistic

Posted by: zombie at February 29, 2016 03:02 AM (jBuUi)

For good or ill, I don't think this is going to be wrapped up until Cleveland.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 03:05 AM (NPofj)

For good or ill, I don't think this is going to be wrapped up until Cleveland.

... the Full Cleveland.

Posted by: Arbalest at February 29, 2016 03:06 AM (FlRtG)

605 But, per your own comment, it is my conscience. Therefore, I should vote it. Right?

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 03:05 AM (YLidQ)

You don't need my permission or anyone else's to vote however you want.

I and others try to persuade you, so that you will change the dictates of your conscience.
What is your point?

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 03:07 AM (uZNvH)

606 "We Californians are powerless over who gets nominated. So we get fatalistic"

That's right, darn it! I'm sick of this. I'm moving to somewhere that I know my primary vote will make a difference, and be counted: New Hamster.

::: contemplates actually living in New Hamster :::

Um, never mind.

Posted by: torquewrench at February 29, 2016 03:07 AM (noWW6)

607 I don't blame H.Ross for H.W. losing to Billy Jeff. Naw man... that was all H.W. completely tacking to the left of Reagan as much as he could for 4 years prior to running for reelection. He didn't stand for anything.

H.W. and the est made room for Perot and his charts to jump up and show how shitty NAFTA was and how H.W. was a establishment hack.

That election was all on H.W... and the GOPe for forcing Reagan to put H.W. on his ticket in 80.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 03:08 AM (e7T6D)

608 Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 02:59 AM (YLidQ)
because I think you, and they, are making a mistake. duh.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 03:02 AM (uZNvH)

You know, most of the Trump supporters here are well aware of the fact that you don't like their choice. Please don't become like Amish Dude, constantly harping on the same old tired talking points over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. Hold it in until such time as there is some sort of game-changing revelation, and then join the conversation again.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 03:08 AM (afR/C)

609 604

For good or ill, I don't think this is going to be wrapped up until Cleveland.

... the Full Cleveland.

Posted by: Arbalest at February 29, 2016 03:06 AM (FlRtG)

More like a Cleveland Steamer....

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 03:08 AM (EzgxV)

610 ... the Full Cleveland.

Posted by: Arbalest at February 29, 2016 03:06 AM (FlRtG)

Having spent a month in Cleveland one weekend, that is not exactly a pleasant phrase

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 03:09 AM (NPofj)

611 Aha! Thanks. I see the ads during The Walking Dead, and will probably end up checking it out.
Posted by: Doc Brown at February 29, 2016 03:04 AM (H9MG5)
Best thing about dl and watching it online is that there are no ads and the programs is not edited to in commercials.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at February 29, 2016 03:10 AM (iQIUe)

612 I can't wait to get that girl's CV (or resume) and check out her online history. She's the kind of really bright person that we need in a critical position. We provide Kleenex.

Posted by: goon at February 29, 2016 03:10 AM (gy5kE)

613 You don't need my permission or anyone else's to vote however you want.

I and others try to persuade you, so that you will change the dictates of your conscience.
What is your point?
Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 03:07 AM (uZNvH)


Your comments keep making my point for me, but you seem not to be able to realize that you are doing this. It is really quite impressive.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 03:10 AM (YLidQ)

614 I have been very careful lately to respond to comments, not the person. Can you give me a recent example please? Straight question.
Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 03:01 AM (YLidQ)

Well 439 and 554 among others. It's clear you've got a hate-on for CJ which is why his comments seem to bother you so much.

Look - if CJ is so clearly wrong and Trump's victory is inevitable, then why do you care so much what CJ posts?

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 03:11 AM (wqVD1)

615 You know, most of the Trump supporters here are well
aware of the fact that you don't like their choice. Please don't become
like Amish Dude, constantly harping on the same old tired talking
points over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.
Hold it in until such time as there is some sort of game-changing
revelation, and then join the conversation again.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 03:08 AM (afR/C)

He did.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 03:12 AM (NPofj)

616 SPeaking of Kate Upton's face. You know what Science! has to say about that? Ask what facial expressions the opposite sex rates as the most attractive. Get a group of women of various facial types and have them make different expressions. Distribute them around to different groups of men and see what expression makes men rank it the most attractive cold (never seen the face before).

What is the most attractive face to men? It's a happy face. A smiling girl. Laughing and happy.

With women rating men's faces, however, not so much. It's the bad boy look. The too cool for school look and the rugged look. Imagine Clint Eastwood in a Western looking like he does when he's about to blow somebody's brains out.

Women say they like men who are funny and make them laugh. And we like it when they laugh and smile. THe other way around, not so much. Not that important.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 03:12 AM (dvuhZ)

617 "H.W. and the est made room for Perot and his charts to jump up and show
how shitty NAFTA was and how H.W. was a establishment hack."

Giant sucking sound!

Except for the fact that after NAFTA, and GATT, and MFN, and the rest of the alphabet-soup trade deals, there really was a giant sucking sound. A vacuum-assisted abortion of the economic hopes of the American working class.

But wow, wasn't Dana Carvey's impression of Ross Perot funny? Ha ha.

Posted by: torquewrench at February 29, 2016 03:13 AM (noWW6)

618 Then you're also aware that H.Ross took very many more votes from Bush than he took from Clinton ... potentially enough to allow Clinton to be elected.

Taking votes isn't a one way street, Bush could have gotten those voters back from Perot, but he didn't, that's not Perots fault, that's Bushs fault.

Posted by: All Teh Meh at February 29, 2016 03:15 AM (yos+4)

619 They, with quotes, can try to cover it up, by making it seem humorous and absurd, but that IS a damn unicorn. Anyone can clearly see that "they" forgot to airbrush out the horn on his noggin before "they" published the picture. Maybe that is where the weeping girl works? Don't cry sweetie, it will be okay, we'll say that you fucked-it-up and you'll still get to keep your job!

Posted by: goon at February 29, 2016 03:16 AM (gy5kE)

Your comments keep making my point for me, but
you seem not to be able to realize that you are doing this. It is really
quite impressive.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 03:10 AM (YLidQ)

So what is your point then.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 03:16 AM (uZNvH)

621 The data is coming in, and it's showing all these wonderful trade deals are not doing that Ricardian wonderful shit it's supposed to. You know, each side always and everywhere benefits from free trade. Opening up China to the US has had a demonstrable negative impact on the US middle class.

It's now nearly impossible to deny, and that just shoots down a lot of economic theory which is taken as "law", like physical laws by these elites.

It may have made some GDP and corporate profits look good for a while, but it has screwed the middle class big time.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 03:17 AM (dvuhZ)

622 Well 439 and 554 among others. It's clear you've got a hate-on for CJ which is why his comments seem to bother you so much.

Look - if CJ is clearly wrong and Trump's victory is inevitable, why do you care so much what CJ posts?
Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 03:11 AM (wqVD1)


Are you really going to call those 2 comments in any way personal posts? Good lord.

I understand your ruling is final. If that is the basis, then I have no further idea how to respond to this, or frankly any, situation here.

Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 03:17 AM (YLidQ)

623 You know, most of the Trump supporters here are well aware of the fact that you don't like their choice. Please don't become like Amish Dude, constantly harping on the same old tired talking points over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. Hold it in until such time as there is some sort of game-changing revelation, and then join the conversation again.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 03:08 AM (afR/C)

Sorry but that's NOT how it works. In any way, shape or form.

And it's unfair to compare CJ's comments to AD's.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 03:18 AM (wqVD1)

Taking votes isn't a one way street, Bush could have gotten those voters back from Perot, but he didn't, that's not Perots fault, that's Bushs fault.

But this would not have happened if Perot was not in the race. Write-ins tend to be an extremely small fraction of the total vote.

But Perot was in the race, and therefore appeared to be a legitimate candidate.

Do we want to repeat this in 2016?

Posted by: Darth Grammar at February 29, 2016 03:18 AM (FlRtG)

625 The data is coming in, and it's showing all these
wonderful trade deals are not doing that Ricardian wonderful shit it's
supposed to. You know, each side always and everywhere benefits from
free trade. Opening up China to the US has had a demonstrable negative
impact on the US middle class.

It's now nearly impossible to
deny, and that just shoots down a lot of economic theory which is taken
as "law", like physical laws by these elites.

It may have made some GDP and corporate profits look good for a while, but it has screwed the middle class big time.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 03:17 AM (dvuhZ)

That is not even faintly true, Publius.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 03:20 AM (NPofj)

626 H.W. and the est made room for Perot and his charts to jump up and show how shitty NAFTA was and how H.W. was a establishment hack.

That election was all on H.W... and the GOPe for forcing Reagan to put H.W. on his ticket in 80.

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 03:08 AM (e7T6D)

Someone here posted a link to an analysis which showed pretty convincingly that Perot actually narrowed Clinton's margin of victory in that election, not widened it.

But in any case, there's no indication at present that Trump is going to go third party. But if he did, I don't think any parallels could reliably be drawn between Trump as third party, and Perot as third party. Perot was well known in Texas and in the oil industry, and practically unknown elsewhere. Practically every LIV in the country knows Trump by virtue of his TV show, and has some sort of clue about his personality. Name recognition alone is gold in that marketplace.

And we have the Internet, which is a two-edged sword.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 03:20 AM (afR/C)

627 when I vote, I might just write in Mitt Biggly. lol

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 03:20 AM (uZNvH)

628 614
I have been very careful lately to respond to comments, not the
person. Can you give me a recent example please? Straight question.
Posted by: Tim in GA at February 29, 2016 03:01 AM (YLidQ)

Well 439 and 554 among others. It's clear you've got a hate-on for CJ which is why his comments seem to bother you so much.

Look - if CJ is clearly wrong and Trump's victory is inevitable, why do you care so much what CJ posts?

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 03:11 AM (wqVD1)

439's a solid, 554 much less so....I'd consider the contemptuous dismissal in 538 to be worse. 554 and 546 are more like general snark. 613 is passive-aggressive in saying the comments make the case but including "your" and "you" every chance he gets and not actually referencing the portion or substance of the comments that supposedly work such magic.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 03:24 AM (EzgxV)

629 I was sold at "carpet bombing". Jesus awaits with open arms. It doesn't matter who pulls the trigger. Just so someone with some stones will actually do it and punish and burn and leave me with a very, very vague feeling of regret for what we have done. They chose, not me.

Posted by: goon at February 29, 2016 03:24 AM (gy5kE)

630 Not even faintly true? There's an NBER study out that finds it a little more than faint. Megan McArdle even wrote an article about it herself.

Free trade with China is killing the US middle class. All of those new jobs of comparative advantage theory didn't materialize. Displaced workers went on welfare or to lesser jobs.

Ricardian theory is not a law, and the US and China case is demonstrating that it does not always hold.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 03:26 AM (dvuhZ)

631 well anyway. I have to go to bed.
if Tim's oblique point is that the voters should get the final say, then well duh. I never argued otherwise. but whomever the mob votes for does not automatically make the mob's choice a wise or correct choice.

anyway good night all

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 03:27 AM (uZNvH)

632 439's a solid, 554 much less so....I'd consider the contemptuous dismissal in 538 to be worse. 554 and 546 are more like general snark. 613 is passive-aggressive in saying the comments make the case but including "your" and "you" every chance he gets and not actually referencing the portion or substance of the comments that supposedly work such magic.
Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 03:24 AM (EzgxV)

Yes. It's not so much that any one comment is so bad but rather the sum total of them and focus on a certain individual.

Crazy idea for Tim: What if every time you saw a CJ post, you just made a wanking motion in your mind instead of snarking?

Hell I do it for a lot of the comments here and it works for me.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 03:28 AM (wqVD1)

633 okay one last thing about trade.

what has to happen in order for the comparative advantage model to work is that the more advanced country has to make up for the outsourced jobs by developing and creating NEW jobs for which IT has the comparative advantage. and that has been the lacking feature. Not the trade deals per se. But the strangulation of the American economy that makes it too difficult to create new jobs to offset the ones lost to China.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 03:29 AM (uZNvH)

634 "One of Session's senior advisors just got on board with Trump's campaign. I think the effect of Sessions and his will be a great improvement on Trump. I trust Jeff Sessions. He's thrown all in on this. I have to respect that."

Well being it seem's that we are allowed to speak the name of the one that has become unspeakable, I will say this.
I agree with you 100%.
Sessions is the same man he is today as he was yesterday and last week and so on and so forth. He has a very keen BS meter and he see's something in Trump that most will just dismiss out of hand because of what he said 5-10 years ago or don't like his brashness or whatever.
I trust Sessions. I'm voting Trump.

Posted by: Drider at February 29, 2016 03:29 AM (6Xbsz)

635 625
The data is coming in, and it's showing all these

wonderful trade deals are not doing that Ricardian wonderful shit it's

supposed to. You know, each side always and everywhere benefits from

free trade. Opening up China to the US has had a demonstrable negative

impact on the US middle class.

It's now nearly impossible to

deny, and that just shoots down a lot of economic theory which is taken

as "law", like physical laws by these elites.

It may have made some GDP and corporate profits look good for a while, but it has screwed the middle class big time.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 03:17 AM (dvuhZ)

That is not even faintly true, Publius.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 03:20 AM (NPofj)

So, bring the data...."Uh... everything that guy just said is bullshit... Thank you." only works if you have Mona Lisa Vito in your back pocket.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 03:30 AM (EzgxV)

636 632
439's a solid, 554 much less so....I'd consider the contemptuous
dismissal in 538 to be worse. 554 and 546 are more like general snark.
613 is passive-aggressive in saying the comments make the case but
including "your" and "you" every chance he gets and not actually
referencing the portion or substance of the comments that supposedly
work such magic.
Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 03:24 AM (EzgxV)

Yes. It's not so much that any one comment is so bad but rather the sum total of them and focus on a certain individual.

Crazy idea for Tim: What if every time you saw a CJ post, you just made a wanking motion in your mind instead of snarking?

Hell I do it for a lot of the comments here and it works for me.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 03:28 AM (wqVD1)

Crap, I can't find the email addy for "Comment of the Week"....

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 03:33 AM (EzgxV)

637 633
okay one last thing about trade.

what has to happen in order for
the comparative advantage model to work is that the more advanced
country has to make up for the outsourced jobs by developing and
creating NEW jobs for which IT has the comparative advantage. and that
has been the lacking feature. Not the trade deals per se. But the
strangulation of the American economy that makes it too difficult to
create new jobs to offset the ones lost to China.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 03:29 AM (uZNvH)

That is a really good point.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 03:34 AM (EzgxV)

638 But Perot was in the race, and therefore appeared to be a legitimate candidate.

Well he was a legitimate candidate, he has just as much right to run for office as Bush or Clinton and voters are free to choose, Bush should have done a better job getting their votes.

Posted by: All Teh Meh at February 29, 2016 03:34 AM (yos+4)

639 The trade deals with China would have been maybe minimalized except for China bribing Clinton/Gore for computer restriction relief as well as space and aviation technologies.

China went from a joke in tech and number one copycat to actually building shit from stolen plans. One thing leads to another. Our betters wanted a service economy in the US and a spread the wealth around world economy... and the Clintons, and others were right there ready to profit on sharing and leveling the playing field.

So in reality... from '92 on... trade policy has been a wealth transfer scam and the only real losers in the deal... the middle class and working class in the US who lost entire industries. Yeah... consumer goods became throw-away cheap.. but at a ruinous cost to the economy that has mestacisied to the cancer of today.

I'm willing to be told I'm wrong. Plus... man... it's getting late!

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 03:35 AM (e7T6D)

640 Not even faintly true? There's an NBER study out
that finds it a little more than faint. Megan McArdle even wrote an
article about it herself.

Free trade with China is killing the
US middle class. All of those new jobs of comparative advantage theory
didn't materialize. Displaced workers went on welfare or to lesser jobs.

Ricardian theory is not a law, and the US and China case is demonstrating that it does not always hold.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 03:26 AM (dvuhZ)

Link the actual paper and I will be glad to read it but I do not consider Megan McCardle to be a particularly good analyst. In fact, I find too often that she forgets that correlation is not causation. I do know that concurrent to the time period after NAFTA, the US's regulatory environment has been increasingly hostile and uncertain. HUD and banking rules, for instance, were patient zero in the sickness that destroyed the housing wealth of the middle class. The last eight years, you can't get most people to start a business on a bet because of regime uncertainty.

Blaming free trade for the middle class's decline is rather like Rosie O'Donnell blaming her scale for her being fat.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 03:36 AM (NPofj)


China's emergence as a great economic power has induced an epochal shift in patterns of world trade. Simultaneously, it has challenged much of the received empirical wisdom about how labor markets adjust to trade shocks. Alongside the heralded consumer benefits of expanded trade are substantial adjustment costs and distributional consequences. These impacts are most visible in the local labor markets in which the industries exposed to foreign competition are concentrated.

Adjustment in local labor markets is remarkably slow, with wages and labor-force participation rates remaining depressed and unemployment rates remaining elevated for at least a full decade after the China trade shock commences. Exposed workers experience greater job churning and reduced lifetime income. At the national level, employment has fallen in U.S. industries more exposed to import competition, as expected, but offsetting employment gains in other industries have yet to materialize.

Better understanding when and where trade is costly, and how and why it may be beneficial, are key items on the research agenda for trade and labor economists.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 03:38 AM (dvuhZ)

642 Sorry but that's NOT how it works. In any way, shape or form.

And it's unfair to compare CJ's comments to AD's.

Posted by: Maetenloch at February 29, 2016 03:18 AM (wqVD1)

Maet, I like CJ, so I don't want to see him go down the same rabbit hole as AD did. But you are right, I went back and scanned the entire thread, and there was nothing really objectionable about any of CJ's posts, other than the somewhat condescending "Trumpians". But really, I don't want to see him, or any of this crew, burn up their good will by constantly singing the same tired refrain. And those who see Trump as some kind of Messiah are every bit as annoying as those who see him as the Devil Incarnate.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 29, 2016 03:42 AM (afR/C)

643 Blaming free trade for the middle class's decline is rather like Rosie O'Donnell blaming her scale for her being fat.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 03:36 AM (NPofj)

Don't call it "free trade". Free trade is free in both directions. It is reciprocal. With China (as with Japan) that has never even remotely been the case.

Of course, you cannot have such reciprocal free trade unless the basic structure and nature of the two countries are similar.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 03:43 AM (zc3Db)

Not even faintly true? There's an NBER study out

that finds it a little more than faint. Megan McArdle even wrote an

article about it herself.

Free trade with China is killing the

US middle class. All of those new jobs of comparative advantage theory

didn't materialize. Displaced workers went on welfare or to lesser jobs.

Ricardian theory is not a law, and the US and China case is demonstrating that it does not always hold.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 03:26 AM (dvuhZ)

the actual paper and I will be glad to read it but I do not consider
Megan McCardle to be a particularly good analyst. In fact, I find too
often that she forgets that correlation is not causation. I do know that
concurrent to the time period after NAFTA, the US's regulatory
environment has been increasingly hostile and uncertain. HUD and banking
rules, for instance, were patient zero in the sickness that destroyed
the housing wealth of the middle class. The last eight years, you can't
get most people to start a business on a bet because of regime

Blaming free trade for the middle class's decline is rather like Rosie O'Donnell blaming her scale for her being fat.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 03:36 AM (NPofj)

CJ made a great point just upthread -- free trade is all nice and stuff if you're not going to put your thumb on the scale against your own country.

Your own observation regarding "hostile and uncertain" regulations calls for regulatory arbitrage -- you can weigh down domestic industry with safety and socially-conscious regulation or you can open global markets for mutual advantage....but if you attempt to do both simultaneously, you savage your middle-class by exporting worker risk and socially-conscious goals (slavery, pollution, etc.) You end up with cheaper steel but more foreign cripples who were cooking steel over coal furnaces in flip-flops.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 03:46 AM (EzgxV)

645 Classical physics died a hard death as well. Einstein and Planck didn't just happen. It was the undeniable failure of classical physics against empirical evidence, what you see with your own eyes that killed it. And the old guys who had so much invested in it had to wither and die some too, before the new guys with the new theories came along.

Economics is much the same with the current received "truth".

The problem with the comparative advantage theory is it doesn't take into account central banks doing what is their raison d'etre, fiddling with their various fiat currencys. And it doesn't take into capital, assets and debt moving between countries freely. And *labor* itself moving, ie companies offshoring in response.

The original analysis is all about two countries. Labor and assets and debt don't cross borders, only goods and "money" does.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 03:52 AM (dvuhZ)

646 Your own observation regarding "hostile and
uncertain" regulations calls for regulatory arbitrage -- you can weigh
down domestic industry with safety and socially-conscious regulation or
you can open global markets for mutual advantage....but if you attempt
to do both simultaneously, you savage your middle-class by exporting
worker risk and socially-conscious goals (slavery, pollution, etc.) You
end up with cheaper steel but more foreign cripples who were cooking
steel over coal furnaces in flip-flops.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 03:46 AM (EzgxV)

The thing is absent actual slavery, as bad and unsafe as you or I may think those jobs are, they are still better than the alternatives available to workers or they would not be taking them.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 03:53 AM (NPofj)

647 Classical physics died a hard death as well.
Einstein and Planck didn't just happen. It was the undeniable failure of
classical physics against empirical evidence, what you see with your
own eyes that killed it. And the old guys who had so much invested in it
had to wither and die some too, before the new guys with the new
theories came along.

Economics is much the same with the current received "truth".

The problem with the comparative advantage theory is it doesn't take
into account central banks doing what is their raison d'etre, fiddling
with their various fiat currencys. And it doesn't take into capital,
assets and debt moving between countries freely. And *labor* itself
moving, ie companies offshoring in response.

The original analysis is all about two countries. Labor and assets and debt don't cross borders, only goods and "money" does.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 03:52 AM (dvuhZ)

Pub... that is a reductionist and untrue view of economics.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 03:55 AM (NPofj)

648 I am out of here for tonight...

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 03:56 AM (NPofj)

649 Also, red, ask yourself the following: Without free trade and opening China up, what if the impact of the increasing regulations wouldn't have been as bad? The US middle class wouldn't have been hit as much.

What is your "goal" so to speak? The validity of a certain economic theory, or the economic welfare of us, the US?

I get the feel in a lot of these arguments that it's "Dammit, our theory is right, all other things being equal and comfounding factors did this and that". Well, if things aren't all equal and there are confounders, then they're the most important thing, not your theory.

You are not, in this world, going to do away with those confounding factors. It's not an option.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 03:58 AM (dvuhZ)

650 and then there were two

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 04:03 AM (e7T6D)

651 Oh yes, I'm a reductionist. It has served science well. I'm not an absolute reductionist though, there are emergent properties of systems.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 04:05 AM (dvuhZ)

652 646
Your own observation regarding "hostile and

uncertain" regulations calls for regulatory arbitrage -- you can weigh

down domestic industry with safety and socially-conscious regulation or

you can open global markets for mutual advantage....but if you attempt

to do both simultaneously, you savage your middle-class by exporting

worker risk and socially-conscious goals (slavery, pollution, etc.) You

end up with cheaper steel but more foreign cripples who were cooking

steel over coal furnaces in flip-flops.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 03:46 AM (EzgxV)

thing is absent actual slavery, as bad and unsafe as you or I may think
those jobs are, they are still better than the alternatives available
to workers or they would not be taking them.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 03:53 AM (NPofj)

Yes, it is unambiguously good for foreigners -- but you are consigning your domestic employees to unemployment if they are unwilling to assume the same risks and businesses are regulated from producing equivalent or better jobs. If you regulate what jobs people can have and allow offshoring, your people get fucked both ways.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 04:09 AM (EzgxV)

653 I'll take Tacos n' burritos for $400

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 04:10 AM (e7T6D)

654 Back to first principles: (1) It's going to be bad.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 04:13 AM (EzgxV)

655 Oh, and what destroyed the housing wealth of the middle class? My God, there was no housing wealth of the middle class. It was all debt, reckless credit expansion debt that made the on-paper value be all that great.

And it still hasn't come down to where it should be.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 04:16 AM (dvuhZ)

656 you make it sound like debt is a bad thing. I'll have to find a CNBC link that says otherwise. heh

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 04:17 AM (e7T6D)

657 Actually, there are three kinds of debt. Good debt, bad debt, and evil Satanic 666 debt.

The latter kind, the worse, is like loaning money to people to go gamble in Vegas. It always loses.

Good debt is debt that fuels production, real shit, that wouldn't otherwise occur. Bad debt is that which fuels consumption.

Our crash was due to both bad and 666 debt.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 04:21 AM (dvuhZ)

658 you make it sound like debt is a bad thing. I'll have to find a CNBC link that says otherwise. heh

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 04:17 AM (e7T6D)

Debt IS a good thing, within reason. A very good thing. It is one of the most important financial tools ever invented, but it is one of the most dangerous, too - as is true of every important tool Mankind has ever created.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 04:23 AM (zc3Db)

659 POP... I know. Sorry. I was only halfway jesting. Debt can be good... but it's a tool. It also ties you to the future .

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 04:25 AM (e7T6D)

660 Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 04:21 AM (dvuhZ)

I would partition it differently. Good debt is debt that is secured in some way - as with the old 80% mortgages. All the problems of debt arise from defaults killing lenders and the destruction propagating through the system. A debt where a default is recoverable in good part is not a debt that threatens anything but the borrower.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 04:26 AM (zc3Db)

661 Consumption debt is simply pulling demand forward. You eat a hamburger today that you will glady pay for next Tuesday. COme Tuesday, you still need to eat. If you made double hamburger money since then, you're good. Pay for both. If you haven't. It's time to roll that debt.

Good debt is the hamburger makers borrowing to be able to make the hamburgers. Now, the problem is compounding effects. If the demand for hamburgers is in fact bad debt fuel pull-forward demand, then that's a false demand signal to the system, and the actual hamburger production debt is bad too. There wasn't the current demand for the hamburgers as you thought.

666 debt is throwing money at idiots to bid up the price of some shiny trinket, say a house. The house's value on paper goes up, because of all the idiots with money bidding on it. That makes the system lend even more money to more idiots.

At some point you run out of idiots. That's when it comes tumbling down.

The housing bubble showed all the signs of a classical speculative bubble, yet our economic wizards of smart convinced themselves it was real.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 04:28 AM (dvuhZ)

662 I was only halfway jesting. Debt can be good... but it's a tool. It also ties you to the future .

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 04:25 AM (e7T6D)

I figured ... but I took the opportunity, anyway, because I just like writing about debt. And money, too. Very interesting things.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 04:29 AM (zc3Db)

663 Not the trade deals per se. But the strangulation of
the American economy that makes it too difficult to create new jobs to
offset the ones lost to China.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 03:29 AM (uZNvH)

We've lost a lot more jobs to Robbie the Robot in the past 10-15 years than we have to Chin the Chinaman. And the jobs we've lost to Robbie are gone and they aren't coming back. Ever.

Posted by: GGE of the Working Horde, NC Chapter at February 29, 2016 04:30 AM (30qi/)

664 So, just as a reminder of something that nobody appears to be talking about, the definition of GDP [ /wiki/Gross_domestic_product #Expenditure_approach ] is the sum of consumption, investment, government spending, and the net of exports over imports. So if our elected betters decide to fund 100,000 ruffians with cudgels to accost us in the streets for $10/hour, that's $20,800,000,000 per year that is counted in the nation's GDP [GOOD!] that only does damage to the nation [BAD!].

If, in a given year, government expenditures on ruffians and thugs increased by $20.8B, while private expenditures on massage parlors and whiskey decreased by $18.8B, official statistics would show that GDP increased by $2B, while everyone in the real world would feel fucked-over to the tune of $39.6B (being the increase in government hooligans added to the loss of whiskey and hookers).

And this is because every transaction in the real world has two people thinking they're getting a better deal from it; while every transaction in government involves a gun to your head.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 04:30 AM (EzgxV)


Posted by: GGE of the Working Horde, NC Chapter at February 29, 2016 04:30 AM (30qi/)

666 Now!

Posted by: GGE of the Working Horde, NC Chapter at February 29, 2016 04:31 AM (30qi/)

667 The housing bubble showed all the signs of a
classical speculative bubble, yet our economic wizards of smart
convinced themselves it was real.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 04:28 AM (dvuhZ)

That's because they don't actually understand economics at all. They're basically cargo cult economists.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at February 29, 2016 04:32 AM (J+mig)

668 Hello?

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 04:32 AM (EzgxV)

669 665!
Posted by: GGE of the Working Horde, NC Chapter at February 29, 2016 04:30 AM (30qi/)

666 Now!
Posted by: GGE of the Working Horde, NC Chapter at February 29, 2016 04:31 AM (30qi/)


Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 04:32 AM (zc3Db)

670 ............

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 04:33 AM (e7T6D)

671 Taco taco, burrito burrito

Posted by: Yip at February 29, 2016 04:34 AM (e7T6D)


Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 04:32 AM (zc3Db)

It wasn't a false start it was a feint! A FEINT I tell ya!

and you totally fell for it!

Posted by: GGE of the Working Horde, NC Chapter at February 29, 2016 04:34 AM (30qi/)

673 663
Not the trade deals per se. But the strangulation of

the American economy that makes it too difficult to create new jobs to

offset the ones lost to China.

Posted by: chemjeff - PuppyMonkeyBaby '16 at February 29, 2016 03:29 AM (uZNvH)

lost a lot more jobs to Robbie the Robot in the past 10-15 years than
we have to Chin the Chinaman. And the jobs we've lost to Robbie are gone
and they aren't coming back. Ever.

Posted by: GGE of the Working Horde, NC Chapter at February 29, 2016 04:30 AM (30qi/)

If we didn't have misconceived bullshit laws about the honor of work that made human labor so damned expensive, we might not have replaced 'em with Robbie. The real minimum wage is $0 -- always has been; always will be.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 04:34 AM (EzgxV)

674 The real minimum wage is $0 -- always has been; always will be.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 04:34 AM (EzgxV)

Well ... now that they're seriously entertaining forced "negative interest" rates .... you might hold up on that "always will be".

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 04:38 AM (zc3Db)

675 If you regulate what jobs people can have and allow offshoring, your people get fucked both ways.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 04:09 AM (EzgxV)

Nailed it. As I've said it a thousand times, our regulatory structure gives foreign competitors a structural advantage. They can get away with things that US employers can't, so we can't compete on cost, and the jobs go overseas because businesses are rational actors and not patriots.

If you don't do anything to correct for that structural advantage, you end up with a hollow economy - which is remarkably dangerous from a strategic perspective since it's reliant on imports for things it used to be able to produce. Not only that, but your middle class is wrecked, and the service sectors that depend on having lots of middle class able to buy their services or foreign-made products fall apart.

The only solutions I've heard that can do anything about this are either deregulation or tariffs. The problem has to be addressed, free trade with countries with structural advantages is killing us.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at February 29, 2016 04:39 AM (J+mig)

676 The real minimum wage is $0 -- always has been; always will be.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 04:34 AM (EzgxV)

And the gods of the copybook headings are waiting in the wings, so to speak.

And now it's back to work for me. Later roonz and roonettez, fear no evil!

Posted by: GGE of the Working Horde, NC Chapter at February 29, 2016 04:39 AM (30qi/)

677 THe ultimate conclusion of Robbie the Robot: Tomorrow, the zero-point is finally cracked and unlimited energy is now available to us for zero cost. (ain't likely to happen, but go with it). Our world is now one of Star Trek replicators.

You need an 'x'. Computer, make me an 'x'. It materializes, consuming more energy to do so than the ouput of the sun in a day, say, but we have infinite supply from the zero point.

All our material wants are met. What happens. Well, in the real world, we immediately destroy ourselve because some jihad jockey has the energy to vaporize the world and bring about Allah and the Mahdi. Or some other nutcase beats him to it for some other reason.

Very bad, but say that doesn't happen because...magic. We never have to work again. THere are no jobs, but there is no want.

Now, what happens to society? If angels prevail, we devote our lives to leisure and scholarly pursuits. We don't need to work, but we do, moving on to a much higher plane of life.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 04:40 AM (dvuhZ)

678 Listened to the Bernie supporter crying over being called names, remember that sweet heart the next time your friends put conservatives in the non human category.
Good morning horde

Posted by: Skip at February 29, 2016 04:40 AM (fizMZ)

679 674
The real minimum wage is $0 -- always has been; always will be.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 04:34 AM (EzgxV)

Well ... now that they're seriously entertaining forced "negative
interest" rates .... you might hold up on that "always will be".

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 04:38 AM (zc3Db)

Different things. A business' response to a potential employee has been, is, and will always be, "piss off" -- unless the government decides to micromanage employment, which lights a very short fuse.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 04:42 AM (EzgxV)

680 Oh that's another miss for economic theory: NIRP, negative rates. Why that should stimulate spending and borrowing. Goose the economy. Guess what it actually does: increases saving and deleverage even more. Why? My God, negative rates Mable!! They're going take our money. We've got to hold on to what we can even more.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 04:44 AM (dvuhZ)

681 Now, what happens to society? If angels prevail, we devote our lives to leisure and scholarly pursuits. We don't need to work, but we do, moving on to a much higher plane of life.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 04:40 AM (dvuhZ)

I think you underestimate the power and thoroughly destructive nature of boredom. Forget the jihadis. A bored populace is an out-of-control, demented, perverted populace that is not long for this world.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 04:44 AM (zc3Db)

682 Now, what happens to society? If angels prevail, we devote our lives to leisure and scholarly pursuits. We don't need to work, but we do, moving on to a much higher plane of life.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 04:40 AM (dvuhZ)

You want ST:TNG

You'll settle for ST:TOS

You'll get STS9

Posted by: To Boldly Go Where No Hat Has Gone Before! at February 29, 2016 04:45 AM (vBeA5)

683 A bored populace is an out-of-control, demented, perverted populace that is not long for this world.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 04:44 AM (zc3Db)

Just look at the modern welfare class, or in the "ghetto" of every major city and you see this. People create their own drama, they go around seeking artificial highs, crime takes off, etc...

Work keeps people right in the head and doing something useful. A world where nobody had to work would be heaven for those of us who have hobbies (IE, non-essential work that we like doing), but be turned into hell by those who don't.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at February 29, 2016 04:46 AM (J+mig)

684 Now, what happens to society? If angels prevail, we
devote our lives to leisure and scholarly pursuits. We don't need to
work, but we do, moving on to a much higher plane of life.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 04:40 AM (dvuhZ)

We collapse into a puddle of our own excrement and the cockroaches rise up to take over the world.

And now, I really am going back to work. Later roonz and roonettez!

Posted by: GGE of the Working Horde, NC Chapter at February 29, 2016 04:46 AM (30qi/)

685 Okay, I'm outta here too. To dream of replicators an holodeck sex romps.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at February 29, 2016 04:49 AM (dvuhZ)

686 Different things.

They are very intimately related.

A business' response to a potential employee has been, is, and will always be, "piss off" -- unless the government decides to micromanage employment, which lights a very short fuse.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 04:42 AM (EzgxV)

And a saver's response has always been "piss off, bank, I'm going to buy gold or keep my cash in my mattress." That's why I said "forced" rates. If that ever came to pass you would see a lot of really weird things happening. Really, really weird.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 29, 2016 04:51 AM (zc3Db)

687 I've always know there were some occupational licenses, but never knew how extensive it was until years ago on radio a story of a jobless woman in Alabama I think proved to be a fantastic flowered arranger but a grocery store wasn't allowed to hire her.

Posted by: Skip at February 29, 2016 04:52 AM (fizMZ)

688 678
Listened to the Bernie supporter crying over being called names,
remember that sweet heart the next time your friends put conservatives
in the non human category.

Good morning horde

Posted by: Skip at February 29, 2016 04:40 AM (fizMZ)

She wasn't even being called names. She was upset because other people objected to unrestrained immigration. "It might admit undesirables (criminals and terrorists); additional non-citizens would increase costs (e.g. schools, emergency healthcare, police); it would depress wages for our own people; it might create social strife" [all of which is indisputably true]. She INTERPRETED this as saying that the immigrants were unworthy, horrible, filthy, dirty, criminal, awful, terrorist people.....which is not what was clearly stated. Then she worked herself up into a lather about what monstrous people might say such things, and proceeded to label her fellow citizens that had legitimate concerns as "sick" and "racist".

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 04:53 AM (EzgxV)

689 Good Morning Good People. This will all be over in about 8 months or so.

Then we can all start bitching about what is instead of what might be. You take your little improvements where ever you may find them.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah... at February 29, 2016 04:55 AM (WVsWD)

690 Never bet on "angels prevail."

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 04:57 AM (EzgxV)

691 690
Never bet on "angels prevail."

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 04:57 AM (EzgxV)

That don't happen till the last chapter for a reason. So we're going to have to wait a while to see it happen. Probably not in our lifetime, either.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at February 29, 2016 04:58 AM (J+mig)

"Bernie Sanders Supporter Cries Because Republicans Disagree With Her"

Same thing used to happen on the Supreme Court -- a lot.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has to write a dissenting opinion? Cue the waterworks and bitching about it for weeks.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at February 29, 2016 05:09 AM (kdS6q)

693 692

"Bernie Sanders Supporter Cries Because Republicans Disagree With Her"

Same thing used to happen on the Supreme Court -- a lot.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has to write a dissenting opinion? Cue the waterworks and bitching about it for weeks.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at February 29, 2016 05:09 AM (kdS6q)

So, you're trying to make me miss Antonin "Suck it up, buttercup" Scalia even more than I miss him already???

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 05:11 AM (EzgxV)

694 Night all.

Here is "Paradise in a purple sky"

Posted by: The Political Hat at February 29, 2016 05:12 AM (vBeA5)

695 So evidently, I'm a dacryphiliac.

Who knew?!

Posted by: @PeeteySDee at February 29, 2016 05:12 AM (B77dy)

696 California, largest state? Where did that person learn geography?

If Alaska were chopped in half it would still be bigger than the second largest state.

Posted by: Lisl at February 29, 2016 05:16 AM (86eeo)

697 Mornin' all.

The rain is just pissing down.

We watched an old 80s horror favorite last night: Sleepaway Camp.

What a damn classic. Screw the sequels with Brucs Springshit's little sister. The original is, was and always will be da bomb.

The twist ending still gives me the willies (hee hee.)

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at February 29, 2016 05:22 AM (HMt16)

California, largest state? Where did that person learn geography?

If Alaska were chopped in half it would still be bigger than the second largest state.

Posted by: Lisl at February 29, 2016 05:16 AM (86eeo)

But it wouldn't have the tallest tree on the planet; or the biggest tree on the planet; or the oldest tree on the planet.

It wouldn't be home to the highest point in the lower 48 states and the lowest point in the US.

It wouldn't be the world's 7th largest economy if it were a separate's not irrational to think of California as the largest state in a lot of ways....

....not least of which being "Democrat shithole that sensible people are fleeing."

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 05:23 AM (EzgxV)

699 Morning, Peeps.

Posted by: fluffy at February 29, 2016 05:36 AM (2hcmo)

700 Hlywd sx.

Posted by: Eromero at February 29, 2016 05:41 AM (zLDYs)

701 I heard about that new tax on Vowels. Way to beat the system.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah... at February 29, 2016 05:49 AM (WVsWD)

702 The response in Japan to NIRP?

They've sold out of safes.

The response to the doubling of shooting deaths in Chicago IL?

A 3X increase in gun sales statewide.

The response to unlimited immigration by both parties in DC?


For every action, there is a reaction.

btw, for an ONT with quite a few contentious stances, it was quite civil. Bravo.

Posted by: GnuBreed at February 29, 2016 05:49 AM (gyKtp)

703 7th largest economy if it were a separate country........

Yet, the state can't pay its debts. If it were a separate country, if only.

Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at February 29, 2016 05:54 AM (rnH8X)

704 Morning.

Posted by: Hanoverfist at February 29, 2016 05:54 AM (xn335)

705 703
7th largest economy if it were a separate country........

Yet, the state can't pay its debts. If it were a separate country, if only.

Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at February 29, 2016 05:54 AM (rnH8X)

A tremendous amount of mischief would be avoided if defined-benefit pensions were completely abolished. Oddly enough, it would even benefit folks who were deeply invested in defined-benefit pensions.....because they would be predictable instead of going until they quit.

Posted by: cthulhu at February 29, 2016 06:02 AM (EzgxV)

706 701 I heard about that new tax on Vowels. Way to beat the system.

I thought he was saying "Hollywood sex."

It took me a minute. I should have bought a vowel.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at February 29, 2016 06:02 AM (HMt16)

707 703
7th largest economy if it were a separate country........

Yet, the state can't pay its debts. If it were a separate country, if only.

Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at February 29, 2016 05:54 AM (rnH8X)

We should probably be getting out ahead of the issue by passing a constitutional amendment with a few salient points.

1. If your state government goes bankrupt, your state government is disbanded, becoming a Territory again.

2. As a Territory, Congress may parcel out the failed state to other states, or create as many new ones from it as it sees fit (within sizing guidelines, none smaller or less populous than the current smallest state permitted).

3. All who held state-level office in the majority party in the failed state, during the period under which it accumulated its fatal debt load, are forbidden from ever holding elective office again.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at February 29, 2016 06:05 AM (J+mig)

708 Anyone else think that Christie's endorsement of Trump is because he's angling to become the next Attorney General?

After all, he's about to become unemployed.

I heard a person being paged at the casino tonight. The name?

Tamika Cabbagestalk.

So I searched a bit, and yes there are many Cabbagestalkers in the US.

To my great surprise.

Posted by: GnuBreed at February 29, 2016 06:09 AM (gyKtp)

709 The thought of Christie as AG terrifies me.

Just realized something about my breakfast. Isn't a BACON bialy kind of just wrong? Talk about cultural mis-appropriation.

But I'm not Jewish, so GIT IN MAH BELLAH, delicious bacon bialy.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at February 29, 2016 06:12 AM (HMt16)

710 G'morning, all.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at February 29, 2016 06:13 AM (ptqRm)

711 Managed to totally skip the Oscars.

So I guess the big news last night is that Ace made it to his own Wall of Shame.

#10, but still....

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at February 29, 2016 06:14 AM (ptqRm)

712 Cabbagestalkers

Heh. Sounds like a cheapo, badly-dubbed, Spanish-made ripoff of Children of the Corn.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at February 29, 2016 06:14 AM (HMt16)

713 >>> So I searched a bit, and yes there are many Cabbagestalkers in the US.

Easier than 'neaking up on a unique rabbit.

Posted by: fluffy at February 29, 2016 06:16 AM (2hcmo)

714 Freedom Munitions has free shipping today.

That is all.

Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at February 29, 2016 06:16 AM (Dttnn)

715 The US Census shows four Tamika Cabbagestalks.

Great Job, Internet!

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at February 29, 2016 06:18 AM (HMt16)

716 @708. If Trump wins out, he should appoint Rudy Giuliani the next Attorney General. Let Giuliani clean out the scum inD.C. Have trials going seven days a week.

Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at February 29, 2016 06:18 AM (rnH8X)

717 If Trump wins out, I'd rather have Cruz as AG.

But fk no, not Christie.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at February 29, 2016 06:21 AM (HMt16)

718 @716 Fuckin' A. I like the cut o' your jib.

Posted by: The Drunken Conservative at February 29, 2016 06:22 AM (9Uv2S)

719 One of the great scandals over the last two or three decades is how so many barriers have been raised to keep people from starting their own service businesses.

Part of the reason is the flood of illegals. People can't openly say that because it results in getting called racist. Licensing is a way around it. California isn't doing this for any benevolent reason. It's to help the swarm of illegals in their state.

Posted by: WOPR at February 29, 2016 06:22 AM (LTDSy)

720 How is it Monday morning already?
What the hell happened to the weekend?

Posted by: Chi at February 29, 2016 06:24 AM (Etp2S)

721 Laws and Constitutional Amendments only work on those willing to obey them in the first place.

More than half of the population of this Country have shown that they are way beyond that point.

As an example please view the Video Hat posted about the 1st Amendment just the other day.

Take a look at the confusion on the face of the guy writing the ticket and the utter disdain on the fatty guy. Both of these guys wear badges and carry loaded weapons.

Cool huh?

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah... at February 29, 2016 06:24 AM (WVsWD)

722 Christie was a prosecutor before he became a gubner.

I'm not saying I want that gun grabbin' lunkhead as AG, just that he might be after that job.

Posted by: GnuBreed at February 29, 2016 06:26 AM (gyKtp)

723 @721
I wish I knew what you were referring to...
Is it posted at his site?

Posted by: Chi at February 29, 2016 06:28 AM (Etp2S)

724 I'm not saying I want that gun grabbin' lunkhead as AG, just that he might be after that job.

He definitely wants it. And I am not exaggerating when I say that he'd be worse than Holder.

Christie made it crystal clear during his candidacy that he would use the full power of the federal jackboot to stomp all over state's rights. Fuck him.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at February 29, 2016 06:29 AM (HMt16)

725 Sure is Chi,

A student was issued a ticket for disorderly conduct for using the words "anus and penis".

Someone called the po-po and said they were offended by it.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah... at February 29, 2016 06:31 AM (WVsWD)

726 A student was issued a ticket for disorderly conduct for using the words "anus and penis".

Someone called the po-po and said they were offended by it.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois
Well, fuck me runnin'

I'm offended by the proliferation of special snowflakes these days.
What is my recourse? Where's my safe space?

Posted by: Chi at February 29, 2016 06:43 AM (Etp2S)

727 Behind the sights of a multi round automatic assault machine rifle with bayonet lugs and silencer mount.

I fear.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Blah, blah,blah... at February 29, 2016 06:51 AM (WVsWD)

728 I just ordered from Freedom Munitions. Not a big order, but every little bit helps.

Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at February 29, 2016 06:52 AM (Dttnn)

729 Is Ace still pouting about the Sessions endorsement? Will there ever be a post about it?

Posted by: Mortimer Snerd at February 29, 2016 07:35 AM (i7PoZ)

730 Is Ace still pouting about the Sessions endorsement? Will there ever be a post about it?

Posted by: Mortimer Snerd at February 29, 2016 07:35 AM (i7PoZ)

There is at least one in every bunch.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 29, 2016 07:57 AM (NPofj)

731 Trump endorsed Hitler and Pol Pot. In fact, Trump is the epitomy of all evil. Charles Manson and Ted Bundy endorsed Trump as did...

Get a life assholes!

Posted by: Ceteris Paribus at February 29, 2016 08:03 AM (lQqJB)

732 "As for Trump, it's not who he is or what he's said. It's what he'll do that matters."

Yikes. It's not who he is or what he's said???? What are we even voting for then? What are the point of elections if you don't care who you are voting for? Our country is gone. The right is just as crazy as the left. There are no sane options left.

Posted by: Myself at February 29, 2016 08:20 AM (5wiU6)

733 "Posted by: Myself at February 29, 2016 08:20 AM (5wiU6)"

If not Trump, who?

Posted by: Ceteris Paribus at February 29, 2016 08:25 AM (lQqJB)

734 Dude, that "#Enough" bracelet looks just like Goatse! Fitting.

Posted by: BJ* at February 29, 2016 09:17 AM (peUyB)

735 I'm sure Kylie would POP an EYE out fer ya.........Fingaaah lickin good secret recipe....

Posted by: saf at February 29, 2016 09:27 AM (qKiBT)

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