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Stanley Kubrick Admits the Moon Landings Where a Hoax -- And He Filmed Them!

Now, you have to read this post in full.

I am telling you a lie, for a minute, because I think the journey you'll take will be amusing.

I think it's fun to see the world as other than it is for a moment. It's neat to allow the possibility of Magic, or of a huge conspiracy theory (which is the Magic of the Modern Age), if only briefly.

So first, let your jaw drop as you watch Stanley Kubrick -- yes, that Stanley Kubrick! Director of 2001: A Space Odyssey! -- confess that the Moon Landings were faked, and that he filmed them.

"T Patrick Murray" shot, he says, a documentary about Stanley Kubrick, called "Shooting Stanley Kubrick." That "documentary" can be seen here, but that's just backstory.

Because this documentary, which he claims was shot in 1999, contained footage he didn't release -- until now. Kubrick made him sign an NDA that promised the film wouldn't be released for 15 years.


So, here is he footage he couldn't permit you to see: Stanley Kubrick admitting, on camera, that he staged and directed the "moon landing."

Link Fixed.

Twenty minute excerpt here.

Mindblowing, right?

Okay: Now, for the real story.

Watch this.

Yes, that is a video of the director feeding the actor, "Tom," his lines.

It's reminiscent of this mockumentary, Dark Side of the Moon, which purported to expose the truth of the fake moon landing.

Despite the fact that that "documentary" all but announced itself as a goof -- all the "witnesses" took their names from Stanley Kubrick movies, or Alfred Hitchcock conspiracy thrillers -- it's still cited as a real expose of the faked moon landing.

By the way: Much of the media is running with this story as if it's real.

Posted by: Ace at 03:22 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Where = were

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at December 11, 2015 03:25 PM (AC0lD)

2 Ace forgot to take his Ritalin today.

Posted by: L, Elle at December 11, 2015 03:25 PM (VV9sO)

3 Fake moon landings, huh? I just don't think I can go there.

Posted by: L, Elle at December 11, 2015 03:26 PM (Kq2SQ)

4 So a fake documentary of a fake Stanley Kubrick about filming fake moon landings?

Posted by: Mr. Healthy Penis at December 11, 2015 03:27 PM (LYCUN)

5 I'm not saying it was aliens but it was aliens.

Posted by: andycanuck at December 11, 2015 03:27 PM (QSnYu)

6 Stateless, you should tell the others Nood. It is the obligation of The First.

Posted by: L, Elle at December 11, 2015 03:27 PM (Kq2SQ)

7 It's fake but accurate!

Posted by: Oliver-Dan Rather-Stone at December 11, 2015 03:28 PM (mcm0N)

8 I want to believe!

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Let the Outrage Outlet Plan and Cater Your Holiday Atrocity! at December 11, 2015 03:28 PM (hLRSq)

9 Wait, what?

Posted by: Skip at December 11, 2015 03:29 PM (k0xxN)


Posted by: Richard Cranium at December 11, 2015 03:29 PM (ATlQg)

11 So he pulled an Iron Man 3?

Posted by: JackStraw at December 11, 2015 03:29 PM (/tuJf)

12 6
Stateless, you should tell the others Nood. It is the obligation of The First.

Posted by: L, Elle at December 11, 2015 03:27 PM (Kq2SQ)

Done and done!

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at December 11, 2015 03:29 PM (AC0lD)

13 Wait, is this before or after we sent battleships to Mars?

Posted by: Citizen Cake at December 11, 2015 03:29 PM (ppaKI)


Posted by: Lloyd Christmas at December 11, 2015 03:30 PM (OD2ni)

15 So I could've been first if I didn't watch the video for a few minutes

Posted by: Skip at December 11, 2015 03:30 PM (k0xxN)

16 I'm totally confused but not sure I want to spend 1.5hrs + 0.5 hrs watching video to clear it up.

What is going on?

Posted by: aquaviva at December 11, 2015 03:30 PM (ltS3o)

17 Well, that explains the Pan-Am stewardesses in the background then.

Posted by: andycanuck at December 11, 2015 03:30 PM (QSnYu)

18 They killed Kennedy!

Posted by: Oliver-Dan Rather-Stone at December 11, 2015 03:30 PM (mcm0N)

19 Iron Man 3 was just awful. I hated it. They should have let Pepper/Gwyenth die.

Posted by: L, Elle at December 11, 2015 03:30 PM (Kq2SQ)

20 I was sort of hoping Kubrick would announce he faked Obama's presidency. [I["It never happened."[?I]

Posted by: MTF at December 11, 2015 03:30 PM (TxJGV)

21 16 I'm totally confused but not sure I want to spend 1.5hrs + 0.5 hrs watching video to clear it up.

What is going on?
Posted by: aquaviva at December 11, 2015 03:30 PM (ltS3o)

We didn't fake the moon landings and Donald Trump is going to be the 45th president.

Posted by: Ghost of kari at December 11, 2015 03:30 PM (xuouz)

22 "love and kindness" Hillary slogan

Has nice ring to it, rather than "Lets make America Great again" which sounds unkind....

Posted by: Colin at December 11, 2015 03:31 PM (T3Tpd)

23 "By the way: Much of the media is running with this story as if it's real."

Like telling us that Obama would make a great president because he's so brilliant?

Posted by: Mallflower at December 11, 2015 03:31 PM (qSIlh)

Trump would never fake a moon landing.

Posted by: Ed Anger at December 11, 2015 03:31 PM (RcpcZ)

25 OT:

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Let the Outrage Outlet Plan and Cater Your Holiday Atrocity! at December 11, 2015 03:31 PM (hLRSq)

26 By the way: Much of the media is running with this story as if it's real.

Posted by: Shep Smith at December 11, 2015 03:31 PM (X7E8f)

27 Of course they are.

President purple lip wart cheek is in trouble boys.

LOOK!!!! SQUIRREL!!!!!!!

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at December 11, 2015 03:31 PM (Xo1Rt)

28 That explains why the moon didn't tip over.

Posted by: Rep. Hank Johnson at December 11, 2015 03:32 PM (3GAnN)

29 As the country moves further from the ability to actually execute big projects, one would expect the plausibility of these types of conspiracy theories to increase. At least until the International Muslim Space Program (Islamic Science, Investigation, and Space Program) again takes us beyond earth orbit.

Posted by: RioBravo at December 11, 2015 03:32 PM (NUqwG)

30 They should have let Pepper/Gwyenth die.

This is why my life is so much harder than yours.

Posted by: Gwyneth Paltrow at December 11, 2015 03:32 PM (LYCUN)

31 Obligatory, Mitchell and Webb fake moon landing.

Really obligatory. If you haven't seen this you owe it to yourself.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at December 11, 2015 03:32 PM (1xUj/)

32 So there is no Trump Towers in the Sea of Tranquility?

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at December 11, 2015 03:32 PM (NeFrd)

33 OT: Hillary Clinton exuding the power of love? That brings up visions too foul even for Japanese animators to represent.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Let the Outrage Outlet Plan and Cater Your Holiday Atrocity! at December 11, 2015 03:32 PM (hLRSq)

34 Well that ices it. Now I feel like smashing up some tapir skulls with a jawbone.

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at December 11, 2015 03:32 PM (l3vZN)


FFS. My aunt believes this to the core of her being. She is so far left she is a communist, and there isn't a conspiracy mentioned that she doesn't embrace as gospel

She will be even more insufferable now. She will take this as proof, even though it is clearly satire. Gah

Posted by: ThunderB at December 11, 2015 03:32 PM (zOTsN)

36 I saw that Kubrick film 2001. What bullshit - I was around in 2001 and I don't remember no monolith on the damned moon.

Posted by: Citizen Cake at December 11, 2015 03:32 PM (ppaKI)

37 Did they play that album backwards?

Paul is really dead.

coo coo ka choo.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at December 11, 2015 03:32 PM (Xo1Rt)

The astronaut's landing on Mars was not faked, and I have seen pictures of the men planting the America flag on the Martian landscape.

Posted by: Sheila Jackson Lee, D-TX at December 11, 2015 03:32 PM (OiFtZ)

39 >>I'm totally confused but not sure I want to spend 1.5hrs + 0.5 hrs watching video to clear it up.

Jump to the second video and it will become clear after about a minute.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 11, 2015 03:33 PM (/tuJf)

40 If I were funny or witty or trenchant or mordant I would say something interesting right now but since I'm none of those things, I'll just say, Stanley Kubrick was an overrated director, and be done with it.

Posted by: Kreplach at December 11, 2015 03:33 PM (qgbPQ)

41 Area 54 is where I use to get laid by Liza Minnelli--and the aliens1!

Posted by: Oliver-Dan Rather-Stone at December 11, 2015 03:33 PM (mcm0N)

42 Clearly Presidents Johnson and Nixon were too pussy to take on the moon Nazis since they've got nukes. So we're stuck in this secret cold war standoff.

Posted by: Maetenloch at December 11, 2015 03:33 PM (pAlYe)

43 I like to bounce up and down on Barry's "moon."

Posted by: Reggie "Bodyman" Luv at December 11, 2015 03:33 PM (22uju)

44 There's a documentary on The Shining called Room 237 which talks about all the points in the movie where Kubrick was basically admitting he faked the moon landings.

Although it's completely whacko-bird, a lot of people still believe it.

And Kubrick was always one to screw with people.

Posted by: Chupacabra at December 11, 2015 03:34 PM (CGjum)

45 Fire can't melt moon rocks!

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at December 11, 2015 03:34 PM (NeFrd)

46 Uh, did bitly get banned from being put in the nick?

Posted by: Ghost of kari at December 11, 2015 03:34 PM (xuouz)

47 anyway, if the moon landings had been faked, you can bet your house the soviets would have made every imaginable effort to expose them as faked.

Posted by: Mallflower at December 11, 2015 03:34 PM (qSIlh)

48 My favorite Kubrick story was during the filming of the opening boot camp scene in Full Metal Jacket, R Lee Ermey (Sgt. Hartman) ad-libbed the "reach around" line. Kubrick yelled cut and asked Ermey to tell him what that meant. After hearing the description, Kubrick apparently said "OK. Action. "

Posted by: Benji Carver at December 11, 2015 03:34 PM (OD2ni)

49 Fool me once.

Posted by: Roger O. Thornhill at December 11, 2015 03:34 PM (FkBIv)

50 Why do you post sh1t like this? ...nm... cause you can.. I know.

Posted by: ThisBeingMilt at December 11, 2015 03:34 PM (MbrzC)

51 According to that documentary Space:1999, the moon done got blasted out of our solar system. And now it's back!

Posted by: Citizen Cake at December 11, 2015 03:35 PM (ppaKI)

52 Picture of my dream 2016 ticket.
I'm going long on evil!

Posted by: Ghost of kari at December 11, 2015 03:35 PM (xuouz)

53 Damn it my probe is smoking a hukkah.

Posted by: Oliver-Dan Rather-Stoned at December 11, 2015 03:35 PM (mcm0N)

54 "There's a documentary on The Shining called Room 237 which talks about all the points in the movie where Kubrick was basically admitting he faked the moon landings."

I told you to stay away from Room 237, Doc.

Posted by: Mr. Halloran at December 11, 2015 03:35 PM (OD2ni)

55 Ace or one of the cobs linked the flat earth crowd in the sidebar the other day.

I followed along throughout the page that was listing all the "proofs" that the earth is in fact flat.

About two thirds down the page one of the proofs blamed the Joos!!!!! and the Trilateral Commission i think and whatever the currrent version of the Templar Knights or some other bs.

I might have been convinced as a twenty something smoking weed but the Joos!!!! wth?

Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at December 11, 2015 03:35 PM (X+nFp)

56 Here's a six degrees of separation . Capricorn One is about fake moon landing. James Brolin stars. James Brolin now stars in sitcom Life In Pieces which was on last night and is hilarious. There you go.

Posted by: Max Rockanstansky at December 11, 2015 03:35 PM (Yti03)

57 32 So there is no Trump Towers in the Sea of Tranquility?
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at December 11, 2015 03:32 PM (NeFrd)


When there are, they will be tremendous. Yuge. The best moon towers you've ever seen. Magnificent and tremendous.

Posted by: Donald T. (anon for this) at December 11, 2015 03:35 PM (vgIRn)

58 I'll just say, Stanley Kubrick was an overrated director, and be done with it.

Posted by: Kreplach


And he's a lousy f***ing softball player!

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at December 11, 2015 03:35 PM (NeFrd)

59 anyway, if the moon landings had been faked, you can bet your house the soviets would have made every imaginable effort to expose them as faked.
Posted by: Mallflower at December 11, 2015 03:34 PM (qSIlh)
They were distracted by their investigations into the Kennedy assassination.

Posted by: RioBravo at December 11, 2015 03:35 PM (NUqwG)


But really, I created the internet.

Posted by: Al Gore at December 11, 2015 03:35 PM (ODxAs)

61 I told said aunt that I met Gene Cernan. Doesn't matter. Facts don't matter. Reality doesn't matter

Yet they should run every facet of our lives

Posted by: ThunderB at December 11, 2015 03:36 PM (zOTsN)

I was transported to Remulac by space ship, and had the pleasure of meeting Beldar Conehead. I was especially attracted to Connie Conehead, with her sweet ass and perky breasticles.

Posted by: Brian Williams the Truth Teller at December 11, 2015 03:36 PM (OiFtZ)

63 Let the nuts have their 15 minutes with the understanding that those of us in the 'industry' get to respond as we see 'fit'.

It is really getting old, tired dildo hearing the latest shrillster shrill about the whole program being fake when, in reality, the only time Mankind could pull this moonshot off for real WAS in the 60's before the Dems could screw it up and before the Reps grew manginas.

Therefore, all of us reserve the right to act out as we see fit...

Posted by: JDubya at December 11, 2015 03:36 PM (KXYE4)

64 Posted by: Gwyneth Paltrow

Now I'm hungry for some steamed clams.

Posted by: GnuBreed at December 11, 2015 03:36 PM (gyKtp)

65 24 Trump would never fake a moon landing.

Whomever had the "under" at 30 posts before we could work Trump in, please go to the AOSHQ parimutuel window to collect your winning!

Posted by: rickb223 at December 11, 2015 03:37 PM (TtorR)

66 FWIW, my dad was an engineer with NASA during the Apollo missions. I always joked with him about when he was going to reveal they were fake.

I honestly though don't blame someone for being suspicious about anything our government says.

Posted by: Coolio at December 11, 2015 03:37 PM (MA8Bf)

67 >>>>>> Full Metal Jacket, R Lee Ermey (Sgt. Hartman) ad-libbed the "reach around" line.
Is that where that line originates from? I never knew. Thanks. I should watch that movie.

Posted by: L, Elle at December 11, 2015 03:37 PM (Kq2SQ)

68 The silliest conspiracy of all.The Soviets would have even had to be in on it.

Posted by: Steevy at December 11, 2015 03:37 PM (8HTq1)

69 Hillary Clinton exuding the power of love?


Ha. She should use Huey Lewis' song for her campaign thinger. I'd LOL

Posted by: Bigby's Eye Poke at December 11, 2015 03:37 PM (3ZtZW)

70 I like the fake moon rover the best. I think it caused global warming on the moon.

Posted by: Max Rockanstansky at December 11, 2015 03:38 PM (Yti03)

71 The first rule of "Fake Moon Landings Club" is no talking about fake moon landings.

Posted by: DJ Jazzy Mel at December 11, 2015 03:38 PM (22uju)

72 Is that where that line originates from? I never knew. Thanks. I should watch that movie.
Posted by: L, Elle at December 11, 2015 03:37 PM (Kq2SQ)

Just the first half.

Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at December 11, 2015 03:38 PM (vgIRn)

73 Now would be a good time to be abducted by aliens and serviced by 72 skilled, female sex practitioners.

Posted by: RioBravo at December 11, 2015 03:38 PM (NUqwG)

74 Though NASA did fake sending OJ to Mars.

Posted by: Steevy at December 11, 2015 03:38 PM (8HTq1)

75 Trump would never fake a moon landing.

Maybe, maybe not.

Instead of filming on a Hollywood sound stage, I think he'd buy the moon and film there.

Posted by: DJIA at December 11, 2015 03:39 PM (ZbV+0)

76 By the way: Much of the media is running with this story as if it's real.

Here is my shocked face:


Posted by: rickl at December 11, 2015 03:39 PM (zoehZ)

77 re 58 etc:
2001 -- didn't understand it
the Shining - the moment you see Nicholson you know he's already crazy, and as soon as you see his wife you understand why he's crazy
full metal jacket - I liked the book better but I thought the movie was decent enough
eyes wide shut -- nicole kidman naked was worth the price of the video rental, movie made as much sense as bernie sanders talking finance.

Posted by: Mallflower at December 11, 2015 03:39 PM (qSIlh)

78 But really, don't watch Room 237. It is a silly place.

Posted by: Chupacabra at December 11, 2015 03:39 PM (CGjum)

79 Famous People with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Stanley Kubrick

Donald Trump

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at December 11, 2015 03:39 PM (fWAjv)

80 No grassy knolls on the moon.

Just sayin'

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at December 11, 2015 03:39 PM (NeFrd)

81 "Much of the media is running with this story as if it's real. "

Wi Too Lo
Ho Lee Fuk
Bang Ding Ow
Sum ting Wong

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at December 11, 2015 03:39 PM (LA7Cm)

82 What is this fake moon landing about?
I met Stanley Kubrick once, a really good director
But it can't be fake, we all watched it as kids on tv
Alan Armstrong is a great American

Posted by: THE HAIR at December 11, 2015 03:39 PM (k0xxN)

83 73 Now would be a good time to be abducted by aliens and serviced by 72 skilled, female sex practitioners.
Posted by: RioBravo at December 11, 2015 03:38 PM (NUqwG)
Is there ever a BAD time for that?

Posted by: Kaspar Gutman at December 11, 2015 03:40 PM (Wu2k4)

84 Now would be a good time to be abducted by aliens and serviced by 72 skilled, female sex practitioners.
Posted by: RioBravo at December 11, 2015 03:38 PM (NUqwG)

Me and my 71 clones have skills. Mad skills I tell you.

Posted by: Rosie Odumbass at December 11, 2015 03:40 PM (X+nFp)

85 I was in a shootout at a small motel in Luverne Minnesota back in 79, afterwards I swear I saw a flying saucer.

Posted by: Lou Solverson at December 11, 2015 03:40 PM (LYCUN)

86 "Obligatory, Mitchell and Webb fake moon landing."

Mitchell and Shepard managed the real thing. With some serious difficulties on the way down. Modify the flight control software of the LM per radioed instructions, live in real time, while flying around the Moon? Sure. No problem.

That's your Right Stuff, ladies and gentlemen.

Posted by: torquewrench at December 11, 2015 03:40 PM (noWW6)

87 Kim Kardashian haz fake moon?

Posted by: kitten, unclear on the concept at December 11, 2015 03:40 PM (+y3Tj)

88 eyes wide shut -- nicole kidman naked was worth the price of the video rental, movie made as much sense as bernie sanders talking finance.


Posted by: ThisBeingMilt at December 11, 2015 03:41 PM (MbrzC)

89 83 73 Now would be a good time to be abducted by aliens and serviced by 72 skilled, female sex practitioners.
Posted by: RioBravo at December 11, 2015 03:38 PM (NUqwG)

Well if you're into ovipositors and larvae hosting I guess.

Posted by: Maetenloch at December 11, 2015 03:41 PM (pAlYe)

90 Instead of filming on a Hollywood sound stage, I think he'd buy the moon and film there.

Posted by: DJIA


Brilliant!! That's the last place they would expect you to film a fake moon landing.


Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at December 11, 2015 03:41 PM (NeFrd)

91 So first, let your jaw drop as

"Jaw drop" is now a click bait phrase (her dress dropped jaws!). like "one weird trick" and "the world wasn't ready for" and "what he found will shock you"

Posted by: wooga at December 11, 2015 03:41 PM (NYKbs)

92 20 I was sort of hoping Kubrick would announce he faked Obama's presidency. [I["It never happened."[?I]

That would be great except that Kubrick died in 1999.
Of course the announcement of his death was faked so maybe the real Kubrick will come out and announce that. about Obama's presidency.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 11, 2015 03:41 PM (No/ki)

93 This wasn't Kubrick's first fake-out.

It's little known, but well-documented in YouTube videos, that, years earlier, Kubrick faked the Kennedy assassination. Zapruder, yeah, that was Stanley's work. The "magic bullet" almost gave it away, but fortunately that committee covered everything up. Connelly got a big bonus for his "wounds."

Jack hired Kubrick to do it so that Jack and Marilyn could run off and live together without Jackie suspecting.

Posted by: mindful webworker - true facks at December 11, 2015 03:41 PM (ATv6t)

94 "Is that where that line originates from? I never knew. Thanks. I should watch that movie."

Awesome movie for the first hour. Kind of falls apart when they go to Vietnam as Matthew Modine turns in to Alan Alda from MASH.

Posted by: Benji Carver at December 11, 2015 03:41 PM (OD2ni)

95 I'm pretty sure ISIS has faked the Barky Presidency just to mess with us.

Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at December 11, 2015 03:42 PM (X+nFp)

96 I can see the Moon from my house.

Posted by: Tina Fey's Minge at December 11, 2015 03:42 PM (ppaKI)

97 What's the frequency, Shep?

Posted by: Oliver-Dan Rather-Stoned at December 11, 2015 03:42 PM (mcm0N)

98 88 A younger Kidman gets nekkid in Dead Calm and Billy Bathgate...

Posted by: Steevy at December 11, 2015 03:43 PM (8HTq1)



Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at December 11, 2015 03:43 PM (fWAjv)

100 One of these days...

Posted by: Ralph Kramden at December 11, 2015 03:43 PM (8aOqE)

101 And it's funny to learn that many directors of Kubrick's time started out directing porn.

Like, a great many.

Posted by: Chupacabra at December 11, 2015 03:44 PM (CGjum)

102 LSD is a helluva drug, eh Stanley?

Posted by: wth at December 11, 2015 03:44 PM (HgMAr)

103 Well if you're into ovipositors and larvae hosting I guess.

Posted by: Maetenloch at December 11, 2015 03:41 PM (pAlYe)

You're saying that like it's a bad thing.

Posted by: GnuBreed at December 11, 2015 03:44 PM (gyKtp)

104 Also World War I?

Completely fake. Footage was shot outside of a French village. Mind altering drugs, implanted memories, the usual. Just agitprop for the Zionist bankster elites and the Fed.

Posted by: zerohedge at December 11, 2015 03:44 PM (nVQ5J)

105 The media is also breathlessly reporting that El Chapo has declared war on Isis

Except it was satire and they took the story as fact

Posted by: ThunderB at December 11, 2015 03:44 PM (zOTsN)

106 Yes, when people who aren't Hillary acolytes look at Hillary they immediately think of "love and kindness"/sarc.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 11, 2015 03:44 PM (No/ki)

107 Unbanned on phone?

Posted by: chique testing testing at December 11, 2015 03:44 PM (mBYZv)

108 Oof. Since I still have the sock on, I suppose I should say


Posted by: DJIA at December 11, 2015 03:45 PM (ZbV+0)

109 In the sidebar the app that lets you see wifi signals.

Asking how to tell direction.

I believe all radio waves have a polarity and amplitude in different planes and that this can be correlated with their direction.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at December 11, 2015 03:45 PM (Xo1Rt)

110 Omg. UNBANNED ON PHONE!!1!!!1

Posted by: chique testing testing at December 11, 2015 03:45 PM (mBYZv)

111 Put Buzz Aldrin and Kubrick in the same room for debate. Trump can moderate.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 11, 2015 03:46 PM (T78UI)

112 And didn't the Ronulans try that love thing out last time through?

Posted by: Chupacabra at December 11, 2015 03:46 PM (CGjum)


Posted by: chique testing testing at December 11, 2015 03:46 PM (mBYZv)

114 There's no dark side of the moon, really.
Matter of fact, it's all dark.

Posted by: JoeF. at December 11, 2015 03:46 PM (1D2A9)

115 Welcome back from the Land of the Accidentally Banned, chique.

Posted by: L, Elle at December 11, 2015 03:46 PM (Kq2SQ)

116 (nVQ5J)???

But I liked (hudka) !!!

Posted by: Mortimer at December 11, 2015 03:46 PM (nVQ5J)

117 "Except it was satire and they took the story as fact"

Dozens and dozens of fact-checkers.....

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at December 11, 2015 03:47 PM (LA7Cm)

118 Obama's birth certificate is what's fake. Losers.

Posted by: Trump's thought bubbles at December 11, 2015 03:47 PM (Yti03)

119 What happened to posts at 107 & 110. There one second, then poof!

Posted by: free range jihadist at December 11, 2015 03:47 PM (7v/r5)

120 Chique- welcome back!

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at December 11, 2015 03:47 PM (NeFrd)

121 Of course the announcement of his death was faked so
maybe the real Kubrick will come out and announce that. about Obama's

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 11, 2015 03:41 PM

The GOPe is going to unfreeze Walt Disney and run him in '16.

Posted by: MrScribbler at December 11, 2015 03:47 PM (ykopX)

122 I can't remember where I saw it, but there is a video made by someone with actual experience in the television industry explaining that the moon landings couldn't have been faked because video technology in the 60s wasn't sophisticated enough.

That's right: He's saying it would have been harder to fake than to do it for real.

Posted by: rickl at December 11, 2015 03:47 PM (zoehZ)

123 Posted by: chique testing testing at December 11, 2015 03:46 PM (mBYZv)

Don't thank him chique!

He fake banned you and now has fake unbanned you.

It's all some weird plot.

Luckily, I have my tinfoil hat so I should be ok.

Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at December 11, 2015 03:48 PM (X+nFp)

124 That's no moon landing...

Posted by: Obi Wan at December 11, 2015 03:48 PM (8aOqE)

125 Great. Now none of you will ever believe i bonked Kate Upton.

Posted by: huuh at December 11, 2015 03:48 PM (nHRLr)

126 But does he have footage of the deep space warships?!?!

Posted by: tinfoil hearwear aficionado at December 11, 2015 03:48 PM (H9MG5)

127 Posted by: Bandersnatch at December 11, 2015 03:32 PM

That was hilarious! Thanks!

Posted by: db at December 11, 2015 03:48 PM (z4pSV)

128 And don't forget your special glasses, Chique!

Posted by: Roddy at December 11, 2015 03:48 PM (CGjum)

129 The GOPe is going to unfreeze Walt Disney and run him in '16.

And Ted William's head will be the VP.

Posted by: Citizen Cake at December 11, 2015 03:49 PM (ppaKI)

130 Had to be fake - we do not even have the technology to launch a man into orbit (much less the moon) today... well, we could try if we don't care if he survives.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 11, 2015 03:49 PM (T78UI)

131 " but there is a video made by someone with actual experience in the television industry explaining that the moon landings couldn't have been faked because video technology in the 60s wasn't sophisticated enough. "

Not what you're thinking of but "Mythbusters" did a pretty decent episode on Moon landing myths a few years ago.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at December 11, 2015 03:49 PM (LA7Cm)

132 "Yes, when people who aren't Hillary acolytes look at Hillary they immediately think of "love and kindness"/sarc.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 11, 2015"

Anyone who brings me free booze gets treated with love and kindness. Hiccup.

Posted by: Grandma Hillary at December 11, 2015 03:49 PM (OD2ni)

133 ...polarity and amplitude in different planes and that this can be correlated with their direction.


This is just crying out for an Anthony Wiener sock.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at December 11, 2015 03:49 PM (NeFrd)

134 There was a third astronaut behind the grassy crater!

Posted by: LeBron Horowitz at December 11, 2015 03:49 PM (SnIuD)

135 But what does this have to do with boobs?

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at December 11, 2015 03:50 PM (39g3+)

136 Finally, the signal to come out of hiding!

Posted by: Elvis Presley at December 11, 2015 03:50 PM (ppaKI)

137 I've said it before: the moon landings were the pinnacle of American greatness.

Now, it's all Bradley fighting vehicles from the bottom to the top.

Posted by: Chupacabra at December 11, 2015 03:50 PM (CGjum)

138 And Ted William's head will be the VP.

Posted by: Citizen Cake at December 11, 2015 03:49 PM

Disney/Partial Williams '16!

Just wait 'til you see the 9 Dwarfs in their black robes.

Posted by: MrScribbler at December 11, 2015 03:50 PM (ykopX)

139 *headwear not hearwear

See, the government is altering my posts to make me seem crazy!

Posted by: tinfoil headwear aficionado at December 11, 2015 03:50 PM (H9MG5)

140 Posted by: Bandersnatch at December 11, 2015 03:32 PM

That was hilarious! Thanks!
Posted by: db

My pleasure.

And I'm reply also because an ex-girlfriend styles her name "db". You don't live in Rome, do you?

Posted by: Bandersnatch at December 11, 2015 03:51 PM (1xUj/)

141 Get Yglesias in here, the roosters have cooked themselves!

Posted by: Oliver-Dan Rather-Stoned at December 11, 2015 03:51 PM (mcm0N)

142 Thanks, Seamus! I had so many profound, insightful and paradigm shattering comments but I couldn't share them with you all. Unfortunately, my genius phase has temporarily (I hope) faded. Sucky timing.

Posted by: chique testing testing at December 11, 2015 03:51 PM (mBYZv)

143 My brother-in-law is not certain that the moon landings were real. He's generally a libertarian, although he'd never heard of Ayn Rand, so maybe not a well-read one. Not sure he's a Laup Nor guy either.

Posted by: Barb the Evil Genius at December 11, 2015 03:51 PM (FQKBL)

144 "The GOPe is going to unfreeze Walt Disney and run him in '16.
Posted by: MrScribbler at December 11, 2015 03:47"

OK with me. Based on his HUAC testimony, Walt hated commies.

Posted by: Benji Carver at December 11, 2015 03:51 PM (OD2ni)

145 Link in nic showing proof that moon landings were faked. It gets a little technical but is short. Lot's of graphics for ATD types.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 11, 2015 03:51 PM (T78UI)

146 World War I never happened! It was me doing Paths of Glory!

Posted by: Stan "The Man" Kubrick at December 11, 2015 03:51 PM (YFFpo)

147 Awesome movie for the first hour. Kind of falls apart when they go to Vietnam as Matthew Modine turns in to Alan Alda from MASH.

Movie shit the bed once R. Lee Ermy was killed.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 11, 2015 03:52 PM (TtorR)

But I liked (hudka) !!!
Posted by: Mortimer

and I liked wacky5. Oh well.

Posted by: wth at December 11, 2015 03:52 PM (HgMAr)

149 When people believe everything is a conspiracy...

A certain movie with President Camacho was perhaps optimistic.

Because we live admist the greatest tools to acquire information and still far too many people have the discernment of a peasant in the Middle Ages.

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 11, 2015 03:52 PM (Wj6Ip)

150 @Bitter

And alloys, and things with molecular structures, and...

Posted by: Ashley Williams at December 11, 2015 03:52 PM (CGjum)

151 If I wanted to see fake shit, I'd watch the presidential briefing

Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at December 11, 2015 03:53 PM (uJK1E)

152 I realize that political slogans are usually ludicrous to begin with, but "love and kindness?! Is she a political version of the Dalai Lama? Is this her official slogan or just one temporarily as a response to Donald Trump?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 11, 2015 03:53 PM (No/ki)

All of you uneducated rubes report to the gym after class for extra PE.

Posted by: Balbricker at December 11, 2015 03:53 PM (OiFtZ)

154 Anyone have any experience with this? I want to change my nic. If I do, will I get accidentally banned?

Posted by: L, Elle at December 11, 2015 03:53 PM (2x3L+)

155 I still want to tear Kubrick's arm off and beat him to death with it just for Barry Lyndon.

Posted by: Sharkman at December 11, 2015 03:54 PM (SCIT3)

156 One of humanities greatest abilities is in pattern recognition. And also one of its greatest curses.

Conspiracy theory is all part of that.

Posted by: Chupacabra at December 11, 2015 03:54 PM (CGjum)

157 Moon landing is real ... but Whoopi is fake, she's a droid developed by Microsoft, in their secret propaganda department. Obama is working on getting citizenship for his million droid army, so they can vote of course.

Posted by: Illiniwek at December 11, 2015 03:54 PM (26Yu7)

158 I want to change my nic. If I do, will I get accidentally banned?

Posted by: L, Elle at December 11, 2015 03:53 PM (2x3L+)

No, it will be quite deliberate.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 11, 2015 03:54 PM (T78UI)

But what does this have to do with boobs?
Posted by: Christopher Taylor

On the moon there are no saggers.

Posted by: wth at December 11, 2015 03:54 PM (HgMAr)

160 110 Omg. UNBANNED ON PHONE!!1!!!1

Posted by: chique testing testing at December 11, 2015 03:45 PM (mBYZv)


Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at December 11, 2015 03:54 PM (fWAjv)

161 Is this real life? (I'm asking for a friend)

Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at December 11, 2015 03:54 PM (uJK1E)

162 (nVQ5J)???
But I liked (hudka) !!!
Posted by: Mortimer

and I liked wacky5. Oh well.

Posted by: wth

Stop complaining and be thankful.

There are kids in Africa who don't even get hashes, you know.

Posted by: Your mom at December 11, 2015 03:54 PM (nVQ5J)

163 I didn't watch much of this, but from the description, the poster thinks the earth is flat. So as far as I'm concerned the whole thing is bullshit cubed.

Americans really did walk on the moon. They left footprints, golf cart tracks, instruments, cables, trash, flags, lower landing stages. We have pictures of all that taken from recent satellites in lunar orbit.

They brought back 800 pounds of rocks. You can shoot a laser at the moon and get reflections back from the targets they left there specifically for measuring its distance. They left seismic instruments that record moonquakes and send the data back to earth.

People in Australia saw the rocket light up as they left earth orbit for the moon. There are pictures of the spacecraft (a tiny streak) traveling to the moon. There are pictures of the moon and the earth that could only be taken from lunar orbit. Transmissions were received on earth only by stations that had the moon above the horizon. Ham radio operators listened in on the conversations.

And I was privileged to hear a talk by one of the Apollo 11 astronauts and meet one of the Apollo 12 astronauts.

It's all real. I just wish our present and future could be as great as our past.

Posted by: despair at December 11, 2015 03:55 PM (VrdxH)

164 I want to change my nic. If I do, will I get accidentally banned?

No, that's how sockpuppetry works. You can change your nic at will.

Hashes get banned for bad behavior, not nics.

Posted by: Sockpuppets Everywhere at December 11, 2015 03:55 PM (1xUj/)

165 It;s, "Love and Kindness," because we need to push the opposite of the truth to counteract the truth.

Posted by: Hillary at December 11, 2015 03:55 PM (8aOqE)

166 @RWC

*golf clap*

Posted by: Chupacabra at December 11, 2015 03:55 PM (CGjum)

167 I want to change my nic. If I do, will I get accidentally banned?

Posted by: L, Elle at December 11, 2015 03:53 PM (2x3L+)

No, it will be quite deliberate.
Posted by: Burnt Toast


Posted by: rickb223 at December 11, 2015 03:55 PM (TtorR)

168 Hillary will plant love and kindness but trump will piss on the sprouts and kill them!

Posted by: RioBravo at December 11, 2015 03:55 PM (NUqwG)

169 Speaking of Alan Alda, I saw a movie on TCM yesterday called "The Extraordinary Seaman" I had never heard of before.

David Niven as the ghost of a WWI sea captain brought back to life, Faye Dunaway and a young Alan Alda, who played an amazingly realistic version of a younger whinier Alan Alda.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at December 11, 2015 03:55 PM (NeFrd)

170 When do people hit Hillary with the fact the her number one aid for years is a Muslim brotherhood plant

Posted by: ThunderB at December 11, 2015 03:55 PM (zOTsN)

171 Bewbs in 1/6th gravity. Still need a bra due to conservation of motion.

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 11, 2015 03:55 PM (Wj6Ip)

172 Posted by: Sharkman at December 11, 2015 03:54 PM (SCIT3)

I like Barry Lyndon a lot, but Ryan O'Neill was a poor choice for the part.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 11, 2015 03:55 PM (No/ki)

173 This is misdirection to cloud the truth : It was faked. There was a problem with one of the boosters so they, NASA, faked it to continue getting government funding. I believe people were killed to cover it up. There was a documentary about it.

Posted by: Dr Spank at December 11, 2015 03:55 PM (o7Ajd)

174 Actually, some blogs that screen first time callers will put you in the spam bin if you change your nic, don't think AoS does...

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 11, 2015 03:56 PM (T78UI)

175 "Is this real life? (I'm asking for a friend)"

Is anything really "real?"

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at December 11, 2015 03:56 PM (LA7Cm)

176 My brother-in-law is not certain that the moon landings were real. He's generally a libertarian, although he'd never heard of Ayn Rand, so maybe not a well-read one. Not sure he's a Laup Nor guy either.

Posted by: Barb the Evil Genius at December 11, 2015 03:51 PM (FQKBL)

That sort of leaves "doper" as the default setting, doesn't it?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 11, 2015 03:56 PM (+y3Tj)

177 I vote for "Lies and Corruption" as an honest Hillary slogan.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 11, 2015 03:57 PM (No/ki)

178 >>>> No, it will be quite deliberate.
Posted by: Burnt Toast
Lol. I knew I wouldn't get a straight answer

Posted by: L, Elle at December 11, 2015 03:57 PM (2x3L+)

179 One of humanities greatest abilities is in pattern recognition. And also one of its greatest curses.
Posted by: Chupacabra at December 11, 2015 03:54 PM (CGjum)
That's prejudice. That is not who we are.

Posted by: RioBravo at December 11, 2015 03:57 PM (NUqwG)

180 Hillary!'s slogan could be "Hey, they all lie!".

Posted by: Chupacabra at December 11, 2015 03:57 PM (CGjum)

181 Whoopi is the prototype for jar jar binks

Posted by: ThunderB at December 11, 2015 03:57 PM (zOTsN)

182 Jar Jar Whoopi...

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 11, 2015 03:58 PM (Wj6Ip)

183 When do people hit Hillary with the fact the her number one aid for years is a Muslim brotherhood plant

I'm guessing "never" unless Trump actually becomes the nominee and runs with that.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 11, 2015 03:58 PM (No/ki)

184 I wasn't the only person that was thoroughly disappointed by the South Park finale, was I?

Or did I have too much Bourbon before watching it?

Posted by: Chupacabra at December 11, 2015 03:58 PM (CGjum)

185 "Whoopi is the prototype for jar jar binks"

Jar Jar was funnier. And better looking.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at December 11, 2015 03:58 PM (LA7Cm)

186 reality is just an escape for people that didn't buy enough bourbon...

Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at December 11, 2015 03:59 PM (uJK1E)

187 None of this would have happened before water fluoridation.

Posted by: Citizen Cake at December 11, 2015 03:59 PM (ppaKI)

188 Each time you change your nic you get one sock point reward.

At the end of the week winners collect their prizes.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 11, 2015 03:59 PM (T78UI)

189 The media is running with this?

Media backed Nancy Pelosi when she was grooming Assad in 2007/8. And when Pelosi failed to roll him? The media suddenly found Jesus and proclaimed Assad a fascist.

Posted by: 13times at December 11, 2015 03:59 PM (WHVu+)

190 Good news...
Those people in Paris say last day for earth postponed till tomorrow!

Rahm says FU to protestors,give it up, i'm not resigning.

Posted by: ThisBeingMilt at December 11, 2015 03:59 PM (MbrzC)

191 113 THANK YOU MAET! ! !
Posted by: chique testing testing at December 11, 2015 03:46 PM (mBYZv)


Yeah Maetenloch!

Cripes I found this real quote from Dan Rather--I'm done:

I've tried everything. I can say to you with confidence, I know a fair amount about LSD. I've never been a social user of any of these things, but my curiosity has carried me into a lot of interesting areas.

Posted by: Oliver-Dan Rather-Stoned at December 11, 2015 04:00 PM (mcm0N)

192 Next they'll be searching for sunken U-boats off Argentina.

Posted by: Adolph Jr. at December 11, 2015 04:00 PM (HgMAr)

193 On the moon there are no saggers.

Sounds like a tagline for a fun movie.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at December 11, 2015 04:00 PM (39g3+)

194 Kate tells the real truth behind the moons landing

and bouncing

and looking spectacular

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at December 11, 2015 04:00 PM (fWAjv)

195 Alberta Oil Peon, he's actually not. He is a total geek, though. Hacked into our high school's grading computerized grading records and changed grades around. Yeah, my sister and I went to high school with him, but sis and he didn't start dating until they re-met online in their early 40's.

Posted by: Barb the Evil Genius at December 11, 2015 04:00 PM (FQKBL)

196 Media backed Nancy Pelosi when she was grooming Assad in 2007/8. And when Pelosi failed to roll him? The media suddenly found Jesus and proclaimed Assad a fascist.

Posted by: 13times at December 11, 2015 03:59 PM (WHVu+)
Isn't it hilarious that nobody in the MSM or really elsewhere every mentions or plays that video when it comes Assad?

Posted by: ThisBeingMilt at December 11, 2015 04:01 PM (MbrzC)

197 I hear LSD is safer than LDS

Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at December 11, 2015 04:01 PM (uJK1E)

198 Idk this site is so finicky. If my wifi isn't on or working, I get a new hash and can't post. Used to it and worth the aggravation

Posted by: L, Elle at December 11, 2015 04:02 PM (2x3L+)

199 "He was part of the Free Speech movement at Berkley. Too much LDS."

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 11, 2015 04:02 PM (Wj6Ip)

200 Groovy man

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, he's just a crazy Italian who drove a red sports car at December 11, 2015 04:02 PM (voOPb)

201 Also, the illuminati government killed Kubrick because he let their secrets out in "Eyes Wide Shut."

/adjusts tin foil hat, heads over to Infowars...

Posted by: shibumi who is awaiting SMOD at December 11, 2015 04:02 PM (9JJgN)

202 >>I've tried everything. I can say to you with confidence, I know a fair amount about LSD. I've never been a social user of any of these things, but my curiosity has carried me into a lot of interesting areas.

What's the frequency, Kenneth?

Posted by: JackStraw at December 11, 2015 04:03 PM (/tuJf)

203 Sorry, Stanley. I was there on the Moon and you weren't.


Posted by: Brian Williams at December 11, 2015 04:03 PM (KCQo0)

204 Hacked into our high school's grading computerized grading records and changed grades around.

Your brother-in-law is Ferris Bueller?

Posted by: 31 Flavors at December 11, 2015 04:03 PM (2WoCi)

205 No, that's how sockpuppetry works. You can change your nic at will.

Hashes get banned for bad behavior, not nics.
I think there are some specific nics to stay away from though. Like don't put them in the comments either.

Posted by: Methos at December 11, 2015 04:04 PM (ZbV+0)

206 "The Extraordinary Seaman"


Posted by: wooga at December 11, 2015 04:04 PM (NYKbs)

207 I took the red pill AND the blue pill.

I've been shitting purple ever since.

Posted by: Citizen Cake at December 11, 2015 04:05 PM (ppaKI)

208 I always loved that part when the "astronauts" could jump so much higher on the Moon than they could here. Great special effects.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at December 11, 2015 04:05 PM (1ijHg)

209 Heh.

Posted by: wooga


Exact same thought occurred to me as I watched it.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at December 11, 2015 04:05 PM (NeFrd)

210 In the Mephisto Waltz Alan Alda gets possessed. Obviously they failed to pay to have him unpossessed at the end of the movie.

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 11, 2015 04:05 PM (Wj6Ip)

211 Orr another accurate Hillary slogan, "I'll sell you out even faster."

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 11, 2015 04:05 PM (No/ki)

212 The Evil Government Scientist Corporate Conspiracy went so, so, SO far as to perpetrate this deception that they *actually* went to the moon to plant evidence which can be detected to this day to convince people that they went to the moon!

This is how perfidious the conspiracy really is!

Or, rather, how mind-numbingly stupid the human brain is. People have a "conspiracy brain" inside their normal brain that does stupid crap, and that's not limited to moon landings, there is no end to it.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at December 11, 2015 04:06 PM (bLnSU)

213 The world has gone insane. Or at least the most important people in the US have gone nuts. Something happened in San Bernardino, and something about Trump has driven the political left out of their minds.

I feel like I had a stroke about a week ago. Nothing makes any sense. I read the news, and the words don't make any sense. I see politicians saying things that are clearly deranged, delusional, irrational, and everyone just nods their head in agreement.

Posted by: Ouija Jamma at December 11, 2015 04:06 PM (CC8Go)

214 One nick you can't use is Amanda belongs to Bart, and were trying to get Caitlyn to use it

Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at December 11, 2015 04:07 PM (uJK1E)

215 Hey, Fenelon.
* waves hi *
Have you read the Koran? I am curious if you think Islam is a legitimate religion or not.

Posted by: L, Elle at December 11, 2015 04:07 PM (2x3L+)


Guys, I totally screwed up the links -- go figure.

The video of "Stanley Kubrick" admitting the moon hoax is only six minutes long (not that full movie I linked before). It's now in the post, and worth watching.

Sorry -- big screw up.

Posted by: ace who hacks government and corporate secrets at December 11, 2015 04:07 PM (dciA+)

217 And I'm reply also because an ex-girlfriend styles her name "db". You don't live in Rome, do you?

Not unless Rome has switched to Eastern Standard Time

Posted by: db at December 11, 2015 04:07 PM (z4pSV)

218 31 Flavors, that would have been fun. But, nope.

Posted by: Barb the Evil Genius at December 11, 2015 04:07 PM (FQKBL)

219 I'm leaving. Maybe.

Posted by: Ben Carson at December 11, 2015 04:07 PM (FkBIv)

220 Alberta Oil Peon, he's actually not. He is a total geek, though. Hacked into our high school's grading computerized grading records and changed grades around. Yeah, my sister and I went to high school with him, but sis and he didn't start dating until they re-met online in their early 40's.

Posted by: Barb the Evil Genius at December 11, 2015 04:00 PM (FQKBL)

I was kidding, mostly. But it seems a great many self-styled Libertarians are all about legal pot, and nothing else.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 11, 2015 04:07 PM (+y3Tj)

221 Oblig.:

Never. Gets. Old.

Posted by: Sharkman at December 11, 2015 04:07 PM (SCIT3)

222 I'm gonna build the Alan Shepard golf course on the moon.

Obama not allowed.

Posted by: Trump at December 11, 2015 04:07 PM (8aOqE)

I still want to tear Kubrick's arm off and beat him to death with it just for Barry Lyndon.
Posted by: Sharkman at December 11, 2015 03:54 PM (SCIT3)

I like it, I like it.

Posted by: Inspector Krough at December 11, 2015 04:08 PM (HgMAr)

224 Guys, I totally screwed up the links


Posted by: AoSHQ Per-Post Awards Ceremony at December 11, 2015 04:08 PM (2WoCi)

225 213 The world has gone insane


Your not alone. I think watching SpongeBob makes more sense than the news.

Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at December 11, 2015 04:09 PM (uJK1E)

226 Well of course the moon landings were fake. And those phony names of tha pilots of that Asian airliner was actually a secret message that something nefarious was happening. And all the shootings you keep hearing about are hoaxes. It's all so obvious because potato salad.

Posted by: Buzzion at December 11, 2015 04:09 PM (z/Ubi)

227 In the Mephisto Waltz Alan Alda gets possessed. Obviously they failed to pay to have him unpossessed at the end of the movie.

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 11, 2015 04:05 PM (Wj6Ip)

Never fail to pay your exorcist, or you will get repossessed.

Try the veal.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 11, 2015 04:09 PM (+y3Tj)

228 And Ace replaced the links with Folger's Instant Coffee....

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 11, 2015 04:09 PM (Wj6Ip)

229 Needs more autoplay videos.

Posted by: Chupacabra at December 11, 2015 04:09 PM (CGjum)

230 We will be the new LSD supplier.

Posted by: DowPont chemicals at December 11, 2015 04:10 PM (FkBIv)

231 #163 then help Make America Great Again

Posted by: torabora at December 11, 2015 04:10 PM (R6GSj)

232 Guys, I totally screwed up the links -- go figure.

Gee, and I thought we had to watch an hour and a half of video before commenting.

*scurries off to watch video*

Posted by: Bandersnatch at December 11, 2015 04:10 PM (1xUj/)

233 What do you call a Mexican in outer space??


A astronaut you racist!

Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at December 11, 2015 04:10 PM (uJK1E)

234 welcome back chique!

Posted by: MTF at December 11, 2015 04:10 PM (TxJGV)

235 -
That's your Right Stuff, ladies and gentlemen.

Posted by: torquewrench at December 11, 2015 03:40 PM


Don't forget about Gordon Cooper:

On May 15, 1963, the final mission of NASA's Project Mercury was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida. At 8:04 am EST, an Atlas-D rocket carried astronaut Gordon Cooper into orbit, on a mission that would last more than 34 hours.

Serious technical problems began on the 19th orbit, when the spacecraft's electrical systems began to fail. The temperature inside the capsule began climbing, as did carbon dioxide levels. On the 20th orbit, Cooper lost all readings indicating the attitude, or orientation, of the spacecraft, and on the 21st orbit the automatic stabilization and control system had failed completely.

Because the radio was wired directly into the batteries, voice communication was possible, but telemetry was lost. Mission Control could no longer monitor and advise Cooper as to condition of his spacecraft. The remainder of the mission, including retrofire and reentry, would have to be completed under manual control, using controllers that were directly connected to the thrusters. These controllers opened the thrusters mechanically, bypassing the capsule's electrical system.

even a small error in the orientation of the spacecraft or timing of retrofire could mean missing the splashdown target by hundreds of miles. A large enough error might result in the astronaut's death.

Because he had no attitude readings, Cooper was forced to use his view of the earth and stars through the capsule window to orient the spacecraft correctly for reentry. The clock inside Faith 7 was dead, so Cooper used his wristwatch to time the manual firing of the retrorockets.

Cooper performed these tasks perfectly, and splashed down in the Pacific ocean just 4.4 miles from the recovery vessel, the U.S.S. Kearsarge. It was the most accurate splashdown of the entire Mercury program. Approximately 40 minutes later, Cooper and Faith 7 were aboard the carrier.

Posted by: irright at December 11, 2015 04:10 PM (pMGkg)

236 With today's technology even evidence used in court can be faked, photos and recordings, I guess that is. Or so my nephew told me, and his masters or whatever is in computer and network security. One of those Bourne movies has them planting his fingerprints, for example.

But there are an awful lot of people lying if they faked the moon landings, and all the evidence it was fake that I've seen, has been debunked on Myth Busters. But I've never bounced a laser off the moon reflector, and maybe I trust the myth busters too much. And maybe the moon is made of cheese, and has cows jumping over it.

Posted by: Illiniwek at December 11, 2015 04:10 PM (26Yu7)

237 man, the people who weren't alive then seem really jealous.

your generation did stuff too. like gay marriage.

Posted by: x at December 11, 2015 04:10 PM (57fhp)

238 Ace has now cut Kubrick's confession down to 6 minutes. How convenient.

Posted by: Dr Spank at December 11, 2015 04:10 PM (o7Ajd)

239 Chupacabra, you messing with the natural order again??

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 11, 2015 04:10 PM (Wj6Ip)

240 >>>>> Needs more autoplay videos.
Posted by: Chupacabra at December 11, 2015 04:09 PM
And blown margins and formatting errors

Posted by: L, Elle at December 11, 2015 04:11 PM (2x3L+)

233 What do you call a Mexican in outer space??


A astronaut you racist!
Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at December 11, 2015 04:10 PM (uJK1E)

Not if he's employed by the Russians.

Posted by: Buzzion at December 11, 2015 04:11 PM (z/Ubi)

242 Now, you have to read this post in full.

AB would have kicked your ass for this.

Posted by: Jean at December 11, 2015 04:12 PM (fBkaR)

243 216 UPDATE

Guys, I totally screwed up the links -- go figure.

The video of "Stanley Kubrick" admitting the moon hoax is only six minutes long (not that full movie I linked before). It's now in the post, and worth watching.

Sorry -- big screw up.


Thanks , I happen to be into this.

NOT--because I believe faked--quite the opposite.

Posted by: Oliver-Dan Rather-Stoned at December 11, 2015 04:13 PM (mcm0N)

244 >>Oblig.:

Never. Gets. Old.


Posted by: JackStraw at December 11, 2015 04:13 PM (/tuJf)

245 Pfft. Big deal. I invented the clock. - Ahmed

*scurries off to print the news*

Posted by: MSM at December 11, 2015 04:14 PM (9mTYi)


Guys, I totally screwed up the links -- go figure.

The video of "Stanley Kubrick" admitting the moon hoax is only six minutes long (not that full movie I linked before). It's now in the post, and worth watching.

Sorry -- big screw up.

Posted by: ace who hacks government and corporate secrets at December 11, 2015 04:07 PM (dciA+)

That's just what they want you to think.

Posted by: Buzzion at December 11, 2015 04:14 PM (z/Ubi)

247 What do you call a Mexican in outer space??

José Jiménez?

Posted by: db at December 11, 2015 04:14 PM (z4pSV)

This is both amusing and very depressing.
Stop my life, I want off this planet.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at December 11, 2015 04:15 PM (+aCe4)

249 Posted by: L, Elle at December 11, 2015 04:07 PM (2x3L+)

Yes; I've read the Koran but not in Arabic because I don't speak or read Arabic. I'm not sure what you mean by "legitimate"? Do Muslims think it's a religion-yes. Mohammed if indeed he existed (Some people such as Robert Spencer claim he was made up. The4re was no historical figure) felt his visions were dissed by Jews and Christians and he become increasingly violently hostile towards them. I think it is a religion and encourages complete conquest and submission and covers every aspect of life.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 11, 2015 04:15 PM (No/ki)

250 222 I'm gonna build the Alan Shepard golf course on the moon.

Obama not allowed.
Posted by: Trump at December 11, 2015 04:07 PM (8aOqE)

Who's socking me? It will be the Trump Lunar Resort and Casino with a luxurious Alan Shepard Golf Club lounge.

Posted by: Real Donald Trump at December 11, 2015 04:15 PM (VrdxH)

251 Just whistlin' past the graveyard.

Posted by: Chupacabra at December 11, 2015 04:15 PM (CGjum)

252 What do you call a Mexican in outer space??

A moot question.

Posted by: Major Tom at December 11, 2015 04:15 PM (9mTYi)

253 Blackstronauts.


Posted by: JackStraw at December 11, 2015 04:15 PM (/tuJf)

254 But as a religion it endorses the worldview of a warlord.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 11, 2015 04:16 PM (No/ki)

255 Wait until ace finds the Robert Hoagland's tetrahedron and death star-moon webpages. hell to pay!

Laney used to have images showing secret lunar hangar doors NASA built.. on the QT of course.

Posted by: 13times at December 11, 2015 04:17 PM (WHVu+)

256 58 I'll just say, Stanley Kubrick was an overrated director, and be done with it.

Posted by: Kreplach

No argument here.

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at December 11, 2015 04:17 PM (WWdgA)

257 The Moon itself is fake.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at December 11, 2015 04:17 PM (FkBIv)

258 Interestingly, even several astronauts have said that some of the pictures are "fake" or as they put it "staged" "if the original footage they* got wasn't good enough or something went wrong technically".

It's a big leap from fake footage to saying the whole thing never happened, but allowing the lapdog media to control information, and then catching them lying about everything, encourages first healthy skepticism of EVERYTHING one is told, but then potentially not so healthy magical thinking.

But as the then-head of CIA said, when people are no longer certain of anything, we will have won.

*"they?" don't they mean "we"? or is it as some believe the case that the astronauts held out as the moon explorers were the front men for still-secret military astronauts? There is definitely a story here.

Posted by: Flying Tiger Comics at December 11, 2015 04:18 PM (YdyT3)

259 The Moon is a giant space dragon egg waiting to hatch. Just ask the Doctor.

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 11, 2015 04:18 PM (Wj6Ip)

260 OT - but if we do get a President Trump, it would also be the first time we've had a FLOTUS who posed nude for a magazine cover. Right? Bet the lefties would bring that out in the run up to the general election.

Posted by: IC at December 11, 2015 04:19 PM (a0IVu)

261 Ace has now cut Kubrick's confession down to 6 minutes. How convenient.

Yeah. What are you hiding?

Posted by: tu3031 at December 11, 2015 04:19 PM (YFFpo)

262 There is no "they". Government is something "we" all do together.

Posted by: President Shit-Midas at December 11, 2015 04:19 PM (CGjum)

263 But there are an awful lot of people lying if they faked the moon landings, and all the evidence it was fake that I've seen, has been debunked on Myth Busters. But I've never bounced a laser off the moon reflector, and maybe I trust the myth busters too much. And maybe the moon is made of cheese, and has cows jumping over it.

I like the film guy's take on why it had to be real, using only his knowledge of video editing and the state of the art in the field at the time.

But I can see why people doubt the moon landings - our gov't is against us and lies about all sorts of things. Who cares if we really landed on the moon when the gov't in question is now importing Muslim and Mexicans to take away more and more of your country?

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster at December 11, 2015 04:19 PM (0NdlF)

Cavuto grilling Tom Ridge~

1. Will you vote for Trump? I will not vote for Trump.

2. Will you vote for Hillary? answer..

3. Will you not vote? There is a possibility I won't vote!

This is the GOP butt-lickers in full distress over Trump

Posted by: Doctor Fish at December 11, 2015 04:19 PM (OiFtZ)

265 In one of his bios, I read that at one point, Stanley Kubrick found a pad of paper he really liked, so he got cases of them.

I could totally see myself doing something like that if I were rich and ... um... eccentric.

Posted by: shibumi who is awaiting SMOD at December 11, 2015 04:20 PM (9JJgN)

266 What do you call a Mexican in outer space??

A janitor? Or a gardner?

- Kelly Osbourne -

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at December 11, 2015 04:20 PM (Xo1Rt)

267 Ha!

"I don't know about Paul McCartney's death, but this, THIS--they were right about."

Posted by: Oliver-Dan Rather-Stoned at December 11, 2015 04:20 PM (mcm0N)

268 Yeah. What are you hiding?

The Ewoks in Area 51. Guess where the Rebels created an Ewok reservation after they made Endor uninhabitable by blowing up the Death Star?

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster at December 11, 2015 04:21 PM (0NdlF)

269 What do you call a Mexican in outer space??
A astronaut you racist!
Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at December 11, 2015 04:10 PM (uJK1E)
The gardener next door used to drive a Chevy Astro van.

Posted by: RioBravo at December 11, 2015 04:21 PM (NUqwG)

270 What do you call a Mexican in outer space??

A astronaut you racist!
Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at December 11, 2015 04:10 PM (uJK1E)

Doing the job Americans won't.

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster at December 11, 2015 04:21 PM (0NdlF)

271 This is new: The Federalist caught a board member of the Colorado ACLU saying the only way to stop Trump may be to shoot his supporters before the election.

Link in nic.

Posted by: MTF at December 11, 2015 04:22 PM (TxJGV)

272 "What do you call a Mexican in outer space?"

If he stole the spaceship, an illeagal alien.

Posted by: frump at December 11, 2015 04:22 PM (8aOqE)

273 Pen nerds are notorious for that whole buying a case of pad of paper thing.

Has to do with the way the ink feathers and whatnot.

Not that I know anything about that, or why Kubrick did it.

Posted by: President Shit-Midas at December 11, 2015 04:22 PM (CGjum)

274 The Moon itself is fake.

Yes.... everyone knows it's made out of green cheese!

Posted by: donna at December 11, 2015 04:22 PM (/dSsq)

275 /sock

Posted by: Chupacabra at December 11, 2015 04:22 PM (CGjum)

276 Interestingly, even several astronauts have said that some of the
pictures are "fake" or as they put it "staged" "if the original footage
they* got wasn't good enough or something went wrong technically".

It seems like NASA makes a note on just about every image they release now indicating that they are color or enhanced.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 11, 2015 04:23 PM (T78UI)

277 The Federalist caught a board member of the Colorado ACLU saying the only way to stop Trump may be to shoot his supporters before the election.
Would that constitute voter suppression or only if silencers are used?

Posted by: RioBravo at December 11, 2015 04:23 PM (NUqwG)

278 Back to writing.

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 11, 2015 04:24 PM (Wj6Ip)

What do you call a Mexican in outer space??

Useless. There are no lawns on the moon.

Posted by: wth at December 11, 2015 04:24 PM (HgMAr)

280 OT - but if we do get a President Trump, it would also be the first time we've had a FLOTUS who posed nude for a magazine cover. Right? Bet the lefties would bring that out in the run up to the general election.

Posted by: IC at December 11, 2015 04:19 PM (a0IVu)

Probably also the first time for a FLOTUS that anyone would want to see posed nude for a magazine cover.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 11, 2015 04:25 PM (+y3Tj)

281 Posted by: Doctor Fish at December 11, 2015 04:19 PM (OiFtZ)

Well at least (GWB appointee) Tom Ridge understands national security issues.


Posted by: Hrothgar at December 11, 2015 04:25 PM (ftVQq)

282 What do you call a Mexican in outer space??

Female or Male?

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at December 11, 2015 04:26 PM (Xo1Rt)

283 Useless. There are no lawns on the moon.
Posted by: wth at December 11, 2015 04:24 PM (HgMAr)
Space caddies!

Posted by: RioBravo at December 11, 2015 04:26 PM (NUqwG)

284 This is new: The Federalist caught a board member
of the Colorado ACLU saying the only way to stop Trump may be to shoot
his supporters before the election.

Link in nic.

Posted by: MTF at December 11, 2015 04:22 PM (TxJGV)

That may be true - recent poll for Georgia has him at 43%, pro-rate that to the US as a whole and their talking about capping north of 125 million, assuming 100% turnout including aliens, children, the dead who still vote in Chicago.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 11, 2015 04:26 PM (T78UI)

285 Got my Kennedy comment in by the #90's and there were still two Kennedy references before mine.

Of course. Horde Hive-Mind FTW.

Posted by: mindful webworker - true fax at December 11, 2015 04:26 PM (ATv6t)

286 if we do get a President Trump, it would also be the first time we've had a FLOTUS who posed nude for a magazine cover. Right?


You're forgetting Abigail Fillmore's feature shoot in the 1847 issue of "Flip My Whig". Stunning.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at December 11, 2015 04:26 PM (NeFrd)

287 That's no moon...

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 11, 2015 04:26 PM (LUgeY)

288 Useless. There are no lawns on the moon.
Posted by: wth at December 11, 2015 04:24 PM (HgMAr)


Or Home Depots.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at December 11, 2015 04:27 PM (G6Sew)

289 OT - but if we do get a President Trump, it would also be the first time we've had a FLOTUS who posed nude for a magazine cover. Right? Bet the lefties would bring that out in the run up to the general election.

Feature, not bug.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 11, 2015 04:28 PM (LUgeY)

Good news! Hillary has been selected as the centerfold in the March issue of Hog Callers Quarterly!

Posted by: Doctor Fish at December 11, 2015 04:28 PM (OiFtZ)

291 While the Moon is actually smaller than the Earth, it is farther away

Posted by: AltonJackson at December 11, 2015 04:28 PM (ZQfW9)

292 What do you call a Mexican in outer space??


Air hose 'A' and air hose 'B'?

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at December 11, 2015 04:28 PM (NeFrd)

293 Who wears a wristwatch into space anymore?

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at December 11, 2015 04:29 PM (1ijHg)

294 It's Alive!

Posted by: Capaldi aping Gene Wilder at December 11, 2015 04:29 PM (DL2i+)

295 OT - but if we do get a President Trump, it would also be the first time
we've had a FLOTUS who posed nude for a magazine cover. Right? Bet the
lefties would bring that out in the run up to the general election.

Posted by: IC at December 11, 2015 04:19 PM (a0IVu)

That's OK, we have a POTUS Mom that posed in a cheesy porn magazine.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 11, 2015 04:29 PM (T78UI)

296 He was a space cowboy. Bet you weren't ready for that.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at December 11, 2015 04:29 PM (FkBIv)

297 While the Moon is actually smaller than the Earth, it is farther away

Posted by: AltonJackson at December 11, 2015 04:28 PM (ZQfW9)

Only when I'm standing up.

Posted by: Kim Kardashian at December 11, 2015 04:30 PM (+y3Tj)

298 You know where that's at.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at December 11, 2015 04:30 PM (Xo1Rt)

What do you call a Mexican in outer space??

Taco Rocket proprietor?

Posted by: wth at December 11, 2015 04:30 PM (HgMAr)

You don't want to see Michelle Obama nude dude. It's insulting to the human race, and offends my sensibilities as the voice of the presidency.

Posted by: TOTUS at December 11, 2015 04:31 PM (OiFtZ)

301 So Hillary! doesn't think Trump is "funny" anymore? I bet She wouldn't...

Posted by: donna at December 11, 2015 04:31 PM (/dSsq)

302 Posted by: TOTUS at December 11, 2015 04:31 PM (OiFtZ)


Facts not in evidence.

Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at December 11, 2015 04:31 PM (jJ6tD)

I don't like Trump because he tells fart jokes and other inanities.

Posted by: Sir Edmund Hillary Rodham Clinton at December 11, 2015 04:32 PM (OiFtZ)

304 Do you have any concerns that if we keep putting men and spacecraft on the moon that, someday, the moon might fall out of the sky?

- A future Congressional hearing on NASA funding

Posted by: Hank Johnson at December 11, 2015 04:32 PM (nFdGS)

305 300
You don't want to see Michelle Obama nude dude. It's insulting to the human race, and offends my sensibilities as the voice of the presidency.

But She sure can rap!

Posted by: donna at December 11, 2015 04:32 PM (/dSsq)

306 Fluoride in the water. I knew it. Even when it was bears raping elfin actors, I knew it was fluoride in the water all along.

Posted by: derit at December 11, 2015 04:32 PM (jT+gh)


280 OT - but if we do get a President Trump, it would also be the first time we've had a FLOTUS who posed nude for a magazine cover. Right? Bet the lefties would bring that out in the run up to the general election.

Posted by: IC at December 11, 2015 04:19 PM (a0IVu)

Probably also the first time for a FLOTUS that anyone would want to see posed nude for a magazine cover.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 11, 2015 04:25 PM (+y3Tj)

Hey now. You don't know how much clothing Barbara Bush was wearing when she posed for Quaker Oats.

Posted by: Buzzion at December 11, 2015 04:33 PM (z/Ubi)

308 Sock skilz.

Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at December 11, 2015 04:33 PM (jJ6tD)

309 260 OT - but if we do get a President Trump, it would also be the first time we've had a FLOTUS who posed nude for a magazine cover. Right?


We still have 13 months left.

Posted by: despair at December 11, 2015 04:33 PM (VrdxH)

310 O/T Remember yesterday's thing about "The GOPe is worried about a "brokered Convention?""

They're not worried about it. They are planning.

I figure Trump will take California, New York, and a metric shit-ton of other states.

Serious monkey-business awaits us.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at December 11, 2015 04:34 PM (1ijHg)

311 There has been a Presidential daughter what took her kit off in a magazine.


Posted by: Bandersnatch at December 11, 2015 04:34 PM (1xUj/)

312 It's gonna be hard to fit Trump into a comment on this post.

Posted by: m at December 11, 2015 04:34 PM (d4uu4)

313 OT - but if we do get a President Trump, it would also be the first time we've had a FLOTUS who posed nude for a magazine cover. Right? Bet the lefties would bring that out in the run up to the general election.

Don't objectify her!

Posted by: rickb223 at December 11, 2015 04:34 PM (TtorR)

314 Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at December 11, 2015 04:34 PM (1ijHg)

Then serious SHTF.

Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at December 11, 2015 04:35 PM (jJ6tD)

I posed for Lipstick Lesbian as the flavor of the month. Pistachio!

Posted by: Sally Kohn, Lesbian Activist at December 11, 2015 04:35 PM (OiFtZ)

316 Don't objectify her!

Indeed. Leave that to me and my imagination.

Posted by: Emperor Soetoro I at December 11, 2015 04:35 PM (evdj2)

317 312 It's gonna be hard to fit Trump into a comment on this post.

LOL. We did that @24.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 11, 2015 04:35 PM (TtorR)

318 OT - but if we do get a President Trump, it would also be the first time we've had a FLOTUS who posed nude for a magazine cover. Right? Bet the lefties would bring that out in the run up to the general election.

Wait, is nudity female empowerment or not today?

I didn't get the memo.

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster at December 11, 2015 04:36 PM (0NdlF)

319 Heh. I think Melania Trump is gorgeous really. The fact that she is in her mid-40s and still looks so amazing makes me jealous (yes, yes, I'm petty that way).

Posted by: IC at December 11, 2015 04:36 PM (a0IVu)

320 Ha! I did a search for "Trump" in these comments, and got 35 hits. First up (congratulations!) was:

We didn't fake the moon landings and Donald Trump is going to be the 45th president.
Posted by: Ghost of kari at December 11, 2015 03:30 PM (xuouz)

Posted by: m at December 11, 2015 04:36 PM (d4uu4)

321 And of course there are the Jackie O. nekkid paparazzi pics.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at December 11, 2015 04:36 PM (1xUj/)

322 dammit

Posted by: Grump928(c) at December 11, 2015 04:36 PM (evdj2)

323 Serious monkey-business awaits us.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo

I'll vote for the serious monkey. Or the humorous one.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at December 11, 2015 04:36 PM (FkBIv)

324 Better than a FLOTUS that went to Klingon Military Academy.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at December 11, 2015 04:36 PM (1ijHg)

325 It's gonna be hard to fit Trump into a comment on this post.

LOL. We did that @24.
Posted by: rickb223 at December 11, 2015 04:35 PM (TtorR)

No, no, it's hard to fit him in because he's yuuuuuge.

This thread doesn't have a big enough a tinfoil hat for his hair.

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster at December 11, 2015 04:37 PM (0NdlF)

326 Gamesmanship won and done.

Posted by: Oliver-Dan Rather-Stoned at December 11, 2015 04:37 PM (mcm0N)

327 Thanks. I should watch that movie.

Posted by: L, Elle at December

Now edited for Christmas

Posted by: DaveA at December 11, 2015 04:37 PM (DL2i+)

328 Monkeys are mean smelly beasts.

Posted by: Grump928(c) says Free Sooth! at December 11, 2015 04:37 PM (evdj2)

329 I'll vote for the serious monkey. Or the humorous one.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at December 11, 2015 04:36 PM (FkBIv)

What do you have against evil monkeys?!

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster at December 11, 2015 04:38 PM (0NdlF)

330 The Federalist caught a board member of the Colorado ACLU saying the only way to stop Trump may be to shoot his supporters before the election.
Would that constitute voter suppression or only if silencers are used?

Would result in very few dems being left in Colorado.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 11, 2015 04:38 PM (TtorR)

331 I pretty sure Michele posed for the Cover of Yeti magazine.... That was kind of mean... But I enjoyed it...

Posted by: donna at December 11, 2015 04:38 PM (/dSsq)

Carson interview by Cavuto and he stated he will leave the race if the DNC attempts to void the will of the people.

Posted by: Doctor Fish at December 11, 2015 04:38 PM (OiFtZ)

333 I just hate flying monkeys.

Posted by: Dorothy Gale at December 11, 2015 04:39 PM (1ijHg)

334 Hillary has smelly breasts.

Posted by: Huma Holding Her Nose at December 11, 2015 04:39 PM (22uju)

335 DNC or RNC?

Posted by: Dorothy Gale at December 11, 2015 04:39 PM (1ijHg)

336 Columbus faked his landing in the New World. As did the Pilgrims. We're all living in Europe and don't know it.

Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at December 11, 2015 04:39 PM (nFdGS)

What do you call a Mexican in outer space??

A good start.

Posted by: Dr Spank at December 11, 2015 04:39 PM (o7Ajd)

I meant RNC!

Posted by: Doctor Fish at December 11, 2015 04:39 PM (OiFtZ)

339 Wizard of Oz sock off.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at December 11, 2015 04:40 PM (1ijHg)

340 Posted by: Dr Spank at December 11, 2015 04:39 PM (o7Ajd)



Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at December 11, 2015 04:40 PM (jJ6tD)

341 Tomayto, tomahto.

Posted by: irright at December 11, 2015 04:40 PM (zxnPQ)

342 336 Columbus faked his landing in the New World. As did the Pilgrims. We're all living in Europe and don't know it.

Looks around... Yeah, I think I can see the Eiffel tower from My House!

Posted by: donna at December 11, 2015 04:40 PM (/dSsq)

343 By the way: Much of the media is running with this story as if it's real.

Our. Betters.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at December 11, 2015 04:40 PM (HMt16)

344 I'll vote for the serious monkey. Or the humorous one.

Sooo, not the fvcking one?

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 11, 2015 04:41 PM (LUgeY)

345 Might vote for the smartest monkey.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at December 11, 2015 04:41 PM (FkBIv)

Santorum beating up Carson on Cavuto for saying he would leave the race.

Where is Santorum? 1/2 % - Sit down and shut up!

Posted by: Doctor Fish at December 11, 2015 04:41 PM (OiFtZ)

Hay una llantera cerca de aqui?

Posted by: moon buggy with a flat at December 11, 2015 04:41 PM (HgMAr)

348 Better than a FLOTUS that went to Klingon Military Academy.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at December 11, 2015 04:36 PM (1ijHg)

Or makes rap videos

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 11, 2015 04:42 PM (493sH)

349 328 Monkeys are mean smelly beasts.
Posted by: Grump928(c) says Free Sooth! at December 11, 2015 04:37 PM (evdj2)

*flings poo*

Posted by: Just Some Guy at December 11, 2015 04:42 PM (vgIRn)

350 I'll vote for the shit throwing monkey.

Posted by: Trump Voter at December 11, 2015 04:42 PM (jJ6tD)

351 LOL. We did that @24.
Posted by: rickb223 at December 11, 2015 04:35 PM (TtorR)

Y'all are all so great.

Posted by: trumptrumptrumptrump at December 11, 2015 04:42 PM (d4uu4)

352 So, when (not if) the Republican Party goes the way of the Whigs (from which they arose from its ashes) what Party will arise?

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at December 11, 2015 04:43 PM (1ijHg)

353 Sooo, not the fvcking one?
Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 11, 2015 04:41 PM (LUgeY)

There's more than one *oomph* of those.

Posted by: The Football at December 11, 2015 04:43 PM (vgIRn)

354 nood terrorists

Posted by: m at December 11, 2015 04:43 PM (d4uu4)

355 Carson interview by Cavuto and he stated he will leave the race if the DNC attempts to void the will of the people.

Posted by: Doctor Fish at December 11, 2015 04:38 PM (OiFtZ)

The DNC is running the GOP primary now? Well, they don't call it the Uniparty for nothing, I guess.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 11, 2015 04:44 PM (+y3Tj)

356 352 So, when (not if) the Republican Party goes the way of the Whigs (from which they arose from its ashes) what Party will arise?

I vote for the Toga party.... Like in Animal House...

Posted by: donna at December 11, 2015 04:44 PM (/dSsq)

357 Where is Santorum? 1/2 % - Sit down and shut up!

Posted by: Doctor Fish at December 11, 2015 04:41 PM (OiFtZ)

But he's at 25% among the "wears sweater vest at least six times a year" demographic.

Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at December 11, 2015 04:46 PM (nFdGS)

358 by the South Park finale, was I?

I'll have to re-watch it and see if I can disable my whose side does this help filter.

Posted by: DaveA at December 11, 2015 04:46 PM (DL2i+)

359 Whatever party arises, I just hope it isn't the Fashionist one that has everyone in a twitter

Posted by: derit at December 11, 2015 04:46 PM (jT+gh)

360 The media is actually running with this? Gawd, even the MSM could not be that stupid.

Let's see now, over 200,000 people worked on Project Apollo. (I knew a few of them, and yes, they all had some interesting stories to tell.) It has now been upwards of 50 years since Apollo 11, and five more successful landing after that. And you are going to tell me that not ONE of that 200,000+ people, not ONE, after all this time, has not spilled the beans if in fact the Moon landing had been faked? Bullshit.

I should add that my doctor has, as one of his patients, one of the Apollo astronauts (for privacy reasons I won't say which). But the doc has a signed
photo from this guy, taken on the lunar surface, hanging on one of his exam room walls, and it looks more fucking real than anything Stanley Kubrick ever did on film, even "2001" (and yeah, I like that movie). "Faked Moon landings" my ass...

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - Source of all SMODs at December 11, 2015 04:58 PM (AYY6Y)

361 Wait, this is new?

I thought this was all out there before Kubrick kicked the bucket.

Posted by: Fritz at December 11, 2015 05:11 PM (3tjn4)

362 this is obviously a hoax. Kubrick was a Red, he wouldn't cross the street to piss on Nixon if Tricky Dick were on fire. Frank Capra shit the moon landings- all of them. John Wayne helped with the last three . The Feds originally planned another landing but the last two sequels were so derivative they cancelled it.

Posted by: Jim in Virginia at December 11, 2015 06:36 PM (MoRPz)

363 31 Obligatory, Mitchell and Webb fake moon landing.

Really obligatory. If you haven't seen this you owe it to yourself.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at December 11, 2015 03:32 PM (1xUj/)

That is hilarious. I couldn't watch it earlier because I was at work.

Posted by: rickl at December 11, 2015 07:12 PM (sdi6R)

364 Stanley Kubrick Admits the Moon Landings Where a Hoax -- And He Filmed Them!

"Where a hoax"?

where? where is it? mean WERE A HOAX

.........NEVER MIND

Posted by: ploome at December 11, 2015 08:27 PM (YMH9o)

365 It's bigger. There are people out there, forces out there, who have a lot to lose. They're grown ups. It's gotten too big, it's in the hands of grown ups!

Posted by: Dr. Varno at December 11, 2015 09:11 PM (GdFQh)

366 On the other hand, if you did fake it, an easily debunked "confession" that it was faked would be a very effective way of keeping the secret(*)...

But seriously, I have a bigger problem believing that anyone ever let that little Kenyan/Hawaiian/Indonesian/Chicagoan kid into the White House.

(*) And strictly speaking, an absurdly told confession is not proof that the thing confessed isn't true. I could confess that I ate those cookies at my mom's while no one was looking, but add in such ridiculous details that everyone laughs at my confession, failing to notice the cookie crumbs still in my beard. Did Kubrick have a beard in the video?

Posted by: Alfredo at December 11, 2015 10:28 PM (5ZX3B)

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My Own Micah Wright Style Confession of Dishonesty
Outraged "Conservatives" React to the FMA
An On-Line Impression of Dennis Miller Having Sex with a Kodiak Bear
The Story the Rightwing Media Refuses to Report!
Our Lunch with David "Glengarry Glen Ross" Mamet
The House of Love: Paul Krugman
A Michael Moore Mystery (TM)
The Dowd-O-Matic!
Liberal Consistency and Other Myths
Kepler's Laws of Liberal Media Bias
John Kerry-- The Splunge! Candidate
"Divisive" Politics & "Attacks on Patriotism" (very long)
The Donkey ("The Raven" parody)