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Melissa Click's Resume Is a F***ing Parody

Milo Yiannopolous wrote about this yesterday, and I linked that earlier today, but seriously, this is a joke.

Woody Allen used the line "I love being reduced to a cultural stereotype" as a joke in Annie Hall. For Melissa Click, it's a life motto.

Behold: The professors teaching your kids, and getting paid good money to do so.

1. "Graduate Certificate in Advanced Feminist Studies, University of Massachusetts-Amherst"

Wow, a certificate, you say? In "advanced" feminist studies, to boot?

The ground zero of Click’s activism. While officially a communications professor, she also made the effort to get an additional credential, not just in women’s studies, not just in feminist studies, but in advanced feminist studies. A quick online investigation suggests this exact program may only exist at UMass-Amherst.

Then of course come the "studies" in TV shows, movies, and pop-froth books which are ironically called "novels."

2. 'More drinkin', less thinkin', fewer teeth, and beer’: Representations of class in CMT’s My Big Redneck Wedding"


3. "Fifty Shades of postfeminism: Contextualizing readers’ reflections on the erotic romance series. In E. Levine (ed.) Feeling Feminine: Popular Culture for Women in the Early 21st Century."

Sadly, this book chapter has not yet been published, so the masses will have to wait to learn about Click’s critical post-feminist insights on 50 Shades of Grey.

4. "Saving food: Finding the politics of the everyday in food preservation. Environmental Communication, 4, 301-317”

Here, Click manages to spend 15 pages describing how the act of canning food can help destroy capitalism.

I can't quote it all, obviously, so you'll have to click over for the rest.


This woman looks nothing at all like exactly what you'd expect her to look like, huh?

Posted by: Ace at 05:57 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)


Posted by: Dr. Amy Bishop at November 12, 2015 05:59 PM (t5zYU)



Posted by: eleven at November 12, 2015 06:00 PM (rjtGa)

3 That wo-man, the one in the vid that circulates, is deranged. Cerealy.

A couple of nut clusters short of a double nut cheerios box.

Posted by: Hayfield Volkovski at November 12, 2015 06:00 PM (3anni)

4 Don't aggress upon me, bro.

Posted by: Marmo at November 12, 2015 06:00 PM (tEbv6)

5 She looks like Carrot Top accidentally switched out his 'roids for estrogen. Still has the rage though.

Posted by: Iblis at November 12, 2015 06:00 PM (9221z)

6 With that intense glint in her eyes, if you shaved her bald, she'd look a lot like Yul Brenner. I'm serial.

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 12, 2015 06:01 PM (E5UB0)

7 She has a certain naive charm, but no muscle.

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 12, 2015 06:01 PM (E5UB0)

8 It's Archie Andrews' dirty Uncle Bertie!

Posted by: Dr. Mabuse at November 12, 2015 06:01 PM (gjLib)

9 Heh. Good caption by Woods.

Posted by: maddogg at November 12, 2015 06:02 PM (xWW96)

In order to achieve a Graduate Certificate in Advanced Feminist Studies, one must be able to find the little man in the boat, in the dark, blindfolded, blind drunk...

Posted by: Gangster Bruce With a Gangster Wang! at November 12, 2015 06:02 PM (iQIUe)

11 At least Amy Bishop had a semi-real career field.

M'lick? Nope.

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 12, 2015 06:02 PM (0bkJJ)

12 B!Y!U!


Posted by: fluffy at November 12, 2015 06:02 PM (AfsKp)

13 I wanna know what her real name is, no way "click" is the real name for a mass media indoctrinatress.

Posted by: yankeefifth at November 12, 2015 06:02 PM (vb33c)

Hairy pits ?

Posted by: The JAckhole at November 12, 2015 06:03 PM (3mTyP)

15 "More drinkin', less thinkin', fewer teeth, and beer': Representations of class in CMT's My Big Redneck Wedding"

It's adorable when liberals make commentary on redneck culture. Hint: They're trolling you.

Posted by: Lauren at November 12, 2015 06:03 PM (bYGAR)

16 Laugh at her if you want, but she's teaching your future guards at the camps.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 12, 2015 06:03 PM (oVJmc)

she certainly could do something with Her hair.

and of course her mind.

Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:03 PM (M7pnY)

18 She has a Doctorate in pretend studies.

Posted by: maddogg at November 12, 2015 06:03 PM (xWW96)

19 >>> She has a certain naive charm, but no muscle.

She seems to completely lack charm.

Posted by: fluffy at November 12, 2015 06:04 PM (AfsKp)

20 So who has the worse hair?

Click or Washes-Her-Schlitz?

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 12, 2015 06:04 PM (0bkJJ)

21 She missed the class on 15th century French Lesbian literature

Posted by: Skip at November 12, 2015 06:04 PM (gviQk)

22 Little Orphan Crazy

Posted by: The JAckhole at November 12, 2015 06:04 PM (3mTyP)

23 Speaking of Advanced Feminist Studies...

Did you see that Brave and Inspirational Caitilin Jenner said that the hardest part about being a woman is picking out an outfit?

Posted by: Lauren at November 12, 2015 06:04 PM (bYGAR)

24 Life during wartime.

Posted by: Hayfield Volkovski at November 12, 2015 06:04 PM (3anni)

25 Ace, when are you going to stop putting up pictures of Carrot Top and put a real photo of this harpy up?

Posted by: buzzion at November 12, 2015 06:04 PM (z/Ubi)

26 Twenty bucks says she's pegged her BF.

Posted by: Colorado Alex at November 12, 2015 06:04 PM (OiH3z)

27 No walkouts at the u of iowa today, fwiw.

Posted by: Marmo at November 12, 2015 06:04 PM (tEbv6)

28 She is a living, breathing caricature.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at November 12, 2015 06:04 PM (kpqmD)

29 "picking out an outfit"? Siriusly???

How about coordinating the shoes/boots problem?

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 12, 2015 06:05 PM (0bkJJ)

30 Tell me that she doesn't have the face of someone who would have no problem loading people onto box cars.

Posted by: Walsingham at November 12, 2015 06:05 PM (dCigj)

31 Laugh at her if you want, but she's teaching your future guards at the camps.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 12, 2015 06:03 PM (oVJmc)

That just means that it'll be easier to escape.

Posted by: Colorado Alex at November 12, 2015 06:05 PM (OiH3z)

32 wood Is a GENIUS I am crying its so funny!

Posted by: vizzy at November 12, 2015 06:05 PM (iumjx)

33 Do the SJWs and their enablers not grasp the fact the only safe place anybody has, regardless of political viewpoint, is within the shelter of the rule of law? Take away the rule of law and nobody is safe.
It really isn't a hard concept to grasp.

Posted by: Northernlurker at November 12, 2015 06:05 PM (hJrjt)

34 At least Woody Allen in Sleeper was funny...

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 12, 2015 06:06 PM (0bkJJ)

35 26 Twenty bucks says she's pegged her BF.
Posted by: Colorado Alex at November 12, 2015 06:04 PM (OiH3z)

Twenty bucks says she prefers taco to sausage.

Posted by: buzzion at November 12, 2015 06:06 PM (z/Ubi)

36 Laugh at her if you want, but she's teaching your future guards at the camps.
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel

So they'll be dumb as dirt and easily fooled?

"Oh please Mr Guard, shoot me if you want just don't throw me in the river outside of the camp!"
-B'rer Prisoner

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at November 12, 2015 06:06 PM (zn5Cm)

37 "Graduate Certificate in Advanced Feminist Studies"

Whoa! Get a few more of those and half a brain, and you could be a pre-op man-tranny or whatever the fuck it is they are calling themselves today.

Somewhere, there is a sandwich missing its maker.

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 12, 2015 06:06 PM (3dOE/)

38 She is a stereotype. The pattern for making a lunatic leftard.

Posted by: maddogg at November 12, 2015 06:06 PM (xWW96)

39 26 Twenty bucks says she's pegged her BF.
Posted by: Colorado Alex at November 12, 2015 06:04 PM (OiH3z)

actually, she is so far through the looking glass her boyfriend took her peg and pegged her.

Posted by: yankeefifth at November 12, 2015 06:06 PM (vb33c)

40 Dissertation on Martha Stewert

...and you know she insists on being called "Doctor"

Posted by: brak at November 12, 2015 06:06 PM (xwPSp)

41 36
Laugh at her if you want, but she's teaching your future guards at the camps.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel

So they'll be dumb as dirt and easily fooled?

"Oh please Mr Guard, shoot me if you want just don't throw me in the river outside of the camp!"

-B'rer Prisoner

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at November 12, 2015 06:06 PM (zn5Cm)

Stop that shit right now, both of you. I am trying to eat lunch.

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 12, 2015 06:07 PM (3dOE/)

42 She may not be THE Mary Cloggenstein from Brattleboro, VT...but she is certainly a Mary Cloggenstein from Brattleboro, VT.

Posted by: Walsingham at November 12, 2015 06:07 PM (dCigj)

Many conservatives have begun calling me Carrot Bush and I resent being compared to someone with a red twat!

Posted by: Melissa Click at November 12, 2015 06:08 PM (OiFtZ)

44 Yeah she's so smart, she's surfing in Nebraska.

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 12, 2015 06:08 PM (0bkJJ)

45 Do the SJWs and their enablers not grasp the fact the only safe place anybody has, regardless of political viewpoint, is within the shelter of the rule of law?

Burn the witch!!

Posted by: no good deed at November 12, 2015 06:08 PM (GgxVX)

46 "How about coordinating the shoes/boots problem?"

To be fair, finding them in a size 13 wide has got to be rough.

Posted by: Lauren at November 12, 2015 06:08 PM (LzzEz)

47 James Woods owes me a new keyboard

Posted by: MTF at November 12, 2015 06:08 PM (NVmJr)

48 Gosh, I had no idea that Mrs. Eez & I were destroying capitalism by canning food .... guess we'll have to give that up, huh ?
Thanks for the heads-up, ace ! /sarc

But srsly, what a resume. They think we're wingnuts and wackobirds ? Once again proving that projection is one of the primary characteristics of all lefto-fascist "thinking".

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 12, 2015 06:08 PM (erRNA)

49 She may not be THE Mary Cloggenstein from Brattleboro, VT...but she is certainly a Mary Cloggenstein from Brattleboro, VT.
Posted by: Walsingham at November 12, 2015 06:07 PM (dCigj)

she has been retweeting cloggenstein without attribution for years.

Posted by: yankeefifth at November 12, 2015 06:08 PM (vb33c)

50 ...and you know she insists on being called "Doctor"Posted by: brak at November 12, 2015 06:06 PM (xwPSp)Yup

Posted by: The JAckhole at November 12, 2015 06:08 PM (3mTyP)

51 Someone should tribute her on the adult sites...

It's only a problem if it's done by a white guy.....

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at November 12, 2015 06:09 PM (AC0lD)

52 >>>Hairy pits ?

Shaving is submission to the patriarchy.

Posted by: Ghost of Lee Atwater at November 12, 2015 06:09 PM (V7WPk)

53 This makes me remember back in the good 'ol days when they would burn their bras. Turns out they were all so ugly you wouldn't want to nail them any way.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 12, 2015 06:09 PM (r65B3)

54 Its Leonard Hofstadter's mom

Posted by: Yankee, Self-Winding at November 12, 2015 06:09 PM (mZS3c)

55 >>>>Provost's Outstanding Junior Facility Teaching Award, University of Missouri. May 2010.
.Does that trump my Junior Sailor of the Quarter Award for the Third Quarter 1981?

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at November 12, 2015 06:09 PM (iONHu)

56 Lauren, yep

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 12, 2015 06:09 PM (0bkJJ)

57 "Laugh at her if you want, but she's teaching your future guards at the camps."

Guards? Please. As if.

Counselors. Highly trained... counselors.

Posted by: Happy Fun Camp Activities Director at November 12, 2015 06:09 PM (noWW6)

58 14 Hairy pits ?
Posted by: The JAckhole at November 12, 2015 06:03 PM (3mTyP)

My money is on 'you betcha'

Posted by: MTF at November 12, 2015 06:10 PM (NVmJr)

59 "Graduate Certificate in Advanced Feminist Studies, University of Massachusetts-Amherst"

All right! Another reason to be proud of the alma mater!

Posted by: tu3031 at November 12, 2015 06:10 PM (YFFpo)

60 It's obvious from the video she's participating in protesting her own university.

Something's gotta be done about these people. The Leftist assembly line has to be ripped out at the roots.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 12, 2015 06:10 PM (oVJmc)

She's a fucking ape.

And you all know I feel about fucking apes.

Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo at November 12, 2015 06:10 PM (6a1ih)

62 Tell me that she doesn't have the face of someone who would have no problem loading people onto box cars.


Imagine standing in front of that face in a Star Chamber trial. Imagine she has the power to send you and yours to the gulag. Do you even bother asking for mercy?

Now ask yourself if the 2nd is an anachronism.

Posted by: bonhomme at November 12, 2015 06:11 PM (jhqr1)

63 16 Laugh at her if you want, but she's teaching your future guards at the camps.

And there, folks, is the optimistic side of the news

Posted by: MTF at November 12, 2015 06:11 PM (NVmJr)

64 This woman

Gonna have to stop you right there, ace.

Posted by: Mortimer at November 12, 2015 06:11 PM (0dcbp)

65 So you gave up on banging the monkeys and graduated to apes?

And you call that progress?

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 12, 2015 06:11 PM (0bkJJ)

66 The poor cats.....

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at November 12, 2015 06:11 PM (AC0lD)

67 It's obvious from the video she's participating in protesting her own university.

Something's gotta be done about these people. The Leftist assembly line has to be ripped out at the roots.
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 12, 2015 06:10 PM (oVJmc)

you are gonna have to do more than pull, you need DDT and radiation.

Posted by: yankeefifth at November 12, 2015 06:11 PM (vb33c)

68 James Woods owes me a new keyboard.
- - - -

Ha! Took me five minutes to clean the off my screen.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 12, 2015 06:11 PM (r65B3)

69 She's a fucking ape.

And you all know I feel about fucking apes.

Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo

There was no consent! I was raped!

Posted by: Ape on a pinball machine at November 12, 2015 06:12 PM (zn5Cm)

Really. These people are fucking animals. They are not fit to be included in polite society or any society.

They belong in an asylum. Yet they are the ones who, daily, make New Rules for Us to abide. Sick of it. Sick of them. No quarter.

Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo at November 12, 2015 06:12 PM (6a1ih)

71 What A a charming Woman... I would certainly consider sending My Child to a U that would have Her as a Professor .

Of course I don't need the SARC tag do I?

Posted by: donna at November 12, 2015 06:12 PM (/dSsq)

72 Grape Ape was framed!

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 12, 2015 06:12 PM (0bkJJ)

73 I'm betting she has cats. At a minimum, 4.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 12, 2015 06:12 PM (/tuJf)

74 What are the politics regarding grandma's canned peaches?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at November 12, 2015 06:13 PM (FkBIv)

75 Japan seems to have nipped this crazy in the bud recently.

Think about that. The humanities are too crazy for Japan.

Posted by: Burn the Witch at November 12, 2015 06:13 PM (Wckf4)

76 She looks like Carrot Top after his sex change operation.

Posted by: Jackie Mason at November 12, 2015 06:13 PM (w/bVh)

77 What are the politics regarding grandma's canned peaches?
Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at November 12, 2015 06:13 PM (FkBIv)

I am pretty sure trying to put Peaches in a can will get you a date with Fluffy.

Posted by: yankeefifth at November 12, 2015 06:14 PM (vb33c)

78 Cats are cool. This women, using the term loosely, man she would be so harshing their style bet they petitioned the courts to be taken to a no-kill shelter.

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 12, 2015 06:14 PM (0bkJJ)

79 She has a Doctorate in pretend studies.


Advanced Pretend Studies.

Posted by: eleven at November 12, 2015 06:14 PM (rjtGa)

80 It's weird, but stuff like this makes it a lot easier to visualize Paris in 1789. Madness.

Posted by: Ghost of Lee Atwater at November 12, 2015 06:14 PM (V7WPk)

81 I would guess that everything out of that maw is pitched in a shrill, grating screeeeeech.

"Where should we go for LUNCHEEEEEEEEEE?"

Posted by: Mortimer at November 12, 2015 06:14 PM (0dcbp)

82 Unfortunately, the future camp administrators are going to be her graduates .... the actual guards will be recruited from all the ms-13 narcotraficantes and mideast terrorist-wannabes that are getting in.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 12, 2015 06:14 PM (erRNA)

83 >>> you are gonna have to do more than pull, you need DDT and radiation.

Do I have to say it?

Posted by: Lt Ellen Ripley at November 12, 2015 06:14 PM (AfsKp)

84 "Ace, when are you going to stop putting up pictures of Carrot Top and put a real photo of this harpy up?"


Best laugh I've had all day.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at November 12, 2015 06:14 PM (LA7Cm)


People like her don't "have" cats, because that implies ownership.

Seriously. It is no longer pc (yep, yet another New Rule!) to say you own your pets. Instead, you are your pets caretakers or some such shit.

Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo at November 12, 2015 06:15 PM (6a1ih)

86 I really don't feel bad at all about counseling my 9 and 11 year old that college isn't the only path to success in life.

Posted by: no good deed at November 12, 2015 06:15 PM (GgxVX)

87 She has a Doctorate in pretend studies.


Advanced Pretend Studies.

Advanced FEMINIST Pretend Studies.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 12, 2015 06:15 PM (oVJmc)

88 Wouldn't hit it, but does she have any redeeming qualities? Tits, for example?

Posted by: Weasel at November 12, 2015 06:15 PM (e3bId)

89 She watches TV for a living. I bet people on welfare are more knowledgeable about her subjects and they don't get paid nearly as much.

Posted by: Abby Normal at November 12, 2015 06:15 PM (O4xMo)

90 It's Caitlyn Top now.

Posted by: Walsingham at November 12, 2015 06:15 PM (dCigj)

Remember, these are same barbarians who are trying to get a Bill Of Rights for trees.

Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo at November 12, 2015 06:15 PM (6a1ih)

92 Alright, done with lunch. Release the puns.

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 12, 2015 06:16 PM (3dOE/)

93 Darwin weeps.

Posted by: davidt at November 12, 2015 06:16 PM (SyqyH)

94 What are the politics regarding grandma's canned peaches?

Grandma was a progressive socialist.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at November 12, 2015 06:16 PM (2lndx)

95 That pic of Click needs moar cats.

Posted by: Lizzy at November 12, 2015 06:16 PM (NOIQH)

96 I'd like to see a university board respond to this idiocy by announcing the doors to the institution are closed--no more classes--no more degrees--no more jobs. Do whatever you but property damage will be penalized.
Turn out the lights when you hungry and leave.
Won't happen but I can dream.

Posted by: Northernlurker at November 12, 2015 06:16 PM (hJrjt)

97 Class.



Posted by: Melissa Click at November 12, 2015 06:16 PM (LAe3v)

98 I'm guessing a quick blow job is out of the question.

Posted by: anchovy at November 12, 2015 06:16 PM (D0WQD)

Look....I'd had a really rough week....

I went out and got...really drunk....and....well...


I ass raped Carrot Top.




Who knew he'd have a butt baby nine months later?

Posted by: Howdy Doody at November 12, 2015 06:16 PM (0cMkb)

100 Japan seems to have nipped this crazy in the bud recently.

Think about that. The humanities are too crazy for Japan.
Posted by: Burn the Witch at November 12, 2015 06:13 PM (Wckf4)

looking to Japan for anything to solve our problems is a mistake. Japan skipped over the battle for their future and went straight to waiting around for the end or whatever.

Posted by: yankeefifth at November 12, 2015 06:17 PM (vb33c)

101 Guards? Please. As if.

Counselors. Highly trained... counselors.

Posted by: Happy Fun Camp Activities Director at November 12, 2015 06:09 PM (noWW6)

The Happy Fun Camp mates are triggering me! D:

Posted by: Highly Trained Counselor at November 12, 2015 06:17 PM (0NdlF)

And tonight's mystery lyrics are most relevant:

Everywhere is freaks and hairies
Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity
Tax the rich, feed the poor
Till there are no rich no more?

What's the song?

Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo at November 12, 2015 06:17 PM (6a1ih)

103 75
Japan seems to have nipped this crazy in the bud recently.

Think about that. The humanities are too crazy for Japan.

Posted by: Burn the Witch at November 12, 2015 06:13 PM (Wckf4)

I was just thinking of that article from zerohedge and was going to look it up. It was a very smart move by the Japanese. I was thinking how if I wanted to weaken their country, or really any country, I'd actively support their universities and humanities programs.

And I posted it on the dead thread, but here's cute South Korean girls looking up their names for the college entrance exam. Pretty girls, conservative culture and short skirts without being slutty. I love that country.

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at November 12, 2015 06:17 PM (AC0lD)

104 RS McCain has definitively shown that feminism causes mental health.

She is ExhibiA---er, more accurately, Exhibit #1,253,167 of McCain's conclusion.

Posted by: Lizzy at November 12, 2015 06:17 PM (NOIQH)

105 Meanwhile in Greece, a riot broke out over - guess what - the austerity measures. One side brought Molotov Cocktails and the other tear gas.

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 12, 2015 06:17 PM (0bkJJ)

106 "Remember, these are same barbarians who are trying to get a Bill Of Rights for trees."

What would you print it on?

Posted by: torquewrench at November 12, 2015 06:18 PM (noWW6)

107 >Here, Click manages to spend 15 pages describing how the act of canning food can help destroy capitalism.

Why does Click hate Gaia?

You know what you need to can at home(I've actually done it)? Heat, lots of it, and depending on what I'm canning, lots and lots of it. Now however I get the heat the bottom line is it will be wildly inefficient for the number of cans produced than a commercial cannery.

Home canning is wasting energy; wasting energy makes Gaia cry. Why does Click hate Gaia?

Posted by: MikeTheMoose at November 12, 2015 06:18 PM (0q2P7)

108 It's weird, but stuff like this makes it a lot easier to visualize Paris in 1789. Madness.

Yes, but remember that in 1789 they were actually demonstrating against a monarchy. The reign of terror began later.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at November 12, 2015 06:19 PM (2lndx)

109 >>Cats are cool.

You're kidding yourself. Your cat wants to kill you. And it will just as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

If cats had opposable thumbs we'd al have been on boxcars long ago.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 12, 2015 06:19 PM (/tuJf)

110 I'd love to save the world, but I don't know what to do.
Ten Years After, IIRC

Posted by: Old Blue at November 12, 2015 06:19 PM (9iR5/)

111 Melissa Click is her real name? It's not like a stage name or something? Like there is a Click family out there in the wild with ancestors?

And her resume is a real as her family name? This isn't a hoax or anything is it? Like her real name is Smith, or Hickenlooper or something?

Posted by: Hayfield Volkovski at November 12, 2015 06:19 PM (3anni)

112 >>> I'm guessing a quick blow job is out of the question.

Talk about sticking your dick in crazy.

Posted by: fluffy at November 12, 2015 06:19 PM (AfsKp)

113 "What would you print it on?"

All-natural vellum made from the skin of an Enemy of the People.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 12, 2015 06:19 PM (erRNA)

114 109 >>Cats are cool.

You're kidding yourself. Your cat wants to kill you. And it will just as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

If cats had opposable thumbs we'd al have been on boxcars long ago.
Posted by: JackStraw at November 12, 2015 06:19 PM (/tuJf)

Oh, on. I'm getting the popcorn.

Posted by: Northernlurker at November 12, 2015 06:20 PM (hJrjt)

115 Guards? Please. As if.

Counselors. Highly trained... counselors.

Posted by: Happy Fun Camp Activities Director

Counselors with truncheons and brass knuckles.

Posted by: pep at November 12, 2015 06:20 PM (LAe3v)

116 Tell me where is sanity?

Posted by: Garrett at November 12, 2015 06:20 PM (FPCJ0)

117 Ms. Click should be ashamed at herself for looking, acting and having the "edgeucayshonal" experience of every stereotypical feminist in history.

Posted by: "Syrian" "Refugee" at November 12, 2015 06:20 PM (r9mDd)

118 What would you print it on?

I'm scared.

Posted by: untermenschliche haut at November 12, 2015 06:21 PM (2lndx)

119 Some cats have a fifth digit. Hemingway's favorite place down in the Keys has a large population of the five fingered felines.

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 12, 2015 06:21 PM (0bkJJ)

120 >>Melissa Click is her real name? It's not like a stage name or something? Like there is a Click family out there in the wild with ancestors?

I know, right?

Posted by: Faith Popcorn at November 12, 2015 06:21 PM (NOIQH)

121 The student VP declared the 1st amendment to be bad because it creates a "hostile and unsafe learning environment."

I wonder if he realizes its the 1st that lets him declare this without fear of reprisal?

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 12, 2015 06:21 PM (39g3+)

122 No 9-year old boy ever wrote her a love note admiring her hair.

Posted by: kathysaysso at November 12, 2015 06:21 PM (fMQoG)

123 go ask alice

Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:21 PM (M7pnY)

124 The reign of terror began later.

When 'academics' like this wench took over.

Lately, I've had to rethink the bloody revolutions where they started shooting the academics and intellectuals.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 12, 2015 06:22 PM (oVJmc)

125 102

And tonight's mystery lyrics are most relevant:

Everywhere is freaks and hairies

Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity

Tax the rich, feed the poor

Till there are no rich no more?

What's the song?

Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo at November 12, 2015 06:17 PM (6a1ih)

I'd love to change the world.

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 12, 2015 06:22 PM (3dOE/)

126 Scary as it may be to contemplate, sanity is here at the HQ.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 12, 2015 06:22 PM (erRNA)

127 garett i don't know but i'm on the fkitall tour.

Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:22 PM (M7pnY)

128 Christopher Taylor, yes we are approaching that time of the Iranian Revolution when the Mullahs lined up against the wall and shot their Leftist allies.

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 12, 2015 06:22 PM (0bkJJ)

129 Melissa Click is her real name? It's not like a stage name or something?

Posted by: Hayfield Volkovski at November 12, 2015 06:19 PM (3anni)

Wait a second. I'm just starting to think that Kim Dotcom might not really be named Kim.

Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at November 12, 2015 06:22 PM (nFdGS)

I'd love to save the world, but I don't know what to do.
Ten Years After, IIRC


And an Honorable Mention award to Garrett, too.

Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo at November 12, 2015 06:23 PM (6a1ih)

131 In other news, Bernie Sanders has locked up the hard-fought and coveted endorsement of... the federal postal workers' union.

Because nothing says "relevance to the 21st century globalized technology economy" quite like the USPS does.

Tom Toles can be an annoying moonbat, but like the proverbial blind pig, he does find the occasional acorn (unlike his _Washington Compost_ cartoonist compatriot Herblock, who went for decades without managing to be anything other than predictably trite):

Posted by: torquewrench at November 12, 2015 06:23 PM (noWW6)

132 go ask alice
Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:21 PM (M7pnY)

actually that is sung by a sane person, they recognize the difference between truth and lies, these people reject truth.

Posted by: yankeefifth at November 12, 2015 06:23 PM (vb33c)

133 >>You're kidding yourself. Your cat wants to kill you. And it will just as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

Yeah, like that thing where they sit by your head, watching you sleep aaaaaand just when you're starting to doze they put a paw on your face, as if to say --- "Hmmm, are its defenses suitably dropped so I smother it?"

Posted by: Faith Popcorn at November 12, 2015 06:23 PM (NOIQH)

134 here's cute South Korean girls looking up their names for the college entrance exam. Pretty girls, conservative culture and short skirts without being slutty. I love that country.
Posted by: Stateless Infidel

"without being slutty." You say that as if it's a good thing.

Posted by: Furious George at November 12, 2015 06:24 PM (3GAnN)

135 She is par for the course for the Retard Fields.

It's amazing, though. The kind of resume one has to have to get a tenure-track job in a STEM department at Mizzou is pretty amazing and some idiot like her waltzes into the Communications department, 44 years old and full of herself and gets a job.


I mean, I know STEM involves competition from around the world and people in China and India have MUCH better pre-grad educations than we do here, but there must be a line out the door of potential Comm. Profs.

Posted by: AmishDude at November 12, 2015 06:24 PM (Xd2w5)

136 Melissa Click is her real name? It's not like a stage name or something?

No, and I should know. I'm her sister.

Posted by: Batshit crazy at November 12, 2015 06:24 PM (LAe3v)

137 >>Some cats have a fifth digit. Hemingway's favorite place down in the Keys has a large population of the five fingered felines.

Been there and seen 'em. Hemingway is my role model. A few more years and I want to head to the Keys and let my freak flag fly.

It will be anti-climactic by then since freak flags are flying everywhere they days but at least I'll be warm and by great fishing. And rum.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 12, 2015 06:24 PM (/tuJf)

so it wasn't "go ask Alice"?

Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:25 PM (M7pnY)

139 I have already signed a book and film deal for my magma opus entitled "69 Shades of Pooh Swastikas"

Norton, we're gonna make a million!

(yeah, ha ha, like the National Endowment for the Arts hasn't given grant money to people with ideas that stupid.)

Posted by: Satan at November 12, 2015 06:25 PM (qSIlh)

140 "Graduate Certificate in Advanced Feminist Studies, University of Massachusetts-Amherst"

Posted by: Scooter Libby at November 12, 2015 06:25 PM (u83AO)

141 yankee, right.

Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:25 PM (M7pnY)

Hemingway put a gun in his mouth, I believe.

Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo at November 12, 2015 06:26 PM (6a1ih)

143 As a little noticed and unknown author, I struggle to find names for my characters.

Posted by: Hayfield Volkovski at November 12, 2015 06:26 PM (3anni)

144 re 133: or wanting to make sure you're not dead.

Posted by: Satan at November 12, 2015 06:26 PM (qSIlh)

145 You just know she is insufferable to be around. Heck, even without her pointy finger and bossy self, I simply could not deal with her putrid green scarf knitted from cat hair.

I'll bet she only uses one square, per day, of toilet paper. Probably the recycled cloth she washes by hand on a rock in a creek with soap she made from the dry skin of her feets and olive oil...not seeing she is polluting the creek and water, you know, but altering her carbon footprint by recycling and not using that vile electricity. Or some sasaquatch uber elite crackola. pfft.

A'hm tarred of this gen-hippie rerun. Ready to throw some napalm. Hail, just throw something at them...baking soda, to deodorize. I can smell the stale hippie from here...

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, aging supermodel Redneck Queen at November 12, 2015 06:26 PM (yG5Nj)

146 119 Some cats have a fifth digit.

Hemingway's favorite place down in the Keys has a large population of the five fingered felines.

Yeah, i'm polydactyl.

What about it, chief?



... the haven't lived till you've had it jacked polydactyl style...



We call it the Hemingway Special.

Posted by: Five Fingered Cat at November 12, 2015 06:27 PM (0cMkb)

147 "Graduate Certificate in Advanced Feminist Studies, University of Massachusetts-Amherst"

I don't know. Did she get a participation trophy as well? Because if she didn't, she's probably not quite at our level.

Posted by: U. Missouri tenure committee at November 12, 2015 06:27 PM (LAe3v)

148 There she was guarding the 'safe space' of a makeshift tent city in the quad of the campus. I gazed upon her body, sensing her need for fulfillment. Our eyes locked, despite the extreme curvature of her lenses I sensed the primal need coursing in her veins.

'We need muscle here, ' she cried.

'I have all the muscle you want right here', I said, clasping my tumescence with both hands.

Rejected by Penthouse Letters

Posted by: se pa moron at November 12, 2015 06:27 PM (7v/r5)

149 Feminist Studies? What does that degree entail? How to bitch and moan and accuse, and try to find great Feminists in History? Must be a short course....

Posted by: donna at November 12, 2015 06:27 PM (/dSsq)

150 Holy crap. I did a YouTube search on her and there's video of her ****HUSBAND****

DUDE! Just dude....

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at November 12, 2015 06:27 PM (AC0lD)

151 I say we name her Queen of the Fecal Swastika of Mizzou.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, aging supermodel Redneck Queen at November 12, 2015 06:27 PM (yG5Nj)

152 Some cats have a fifth digit. Hemingway's favorite place down in the Keys has a large population of the five fingered felines.

Once the cats complete their eugenics program, mankind is doomed.

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster at November 12, 2015 06:28 PM (0NdlF)

153 so it wasn't "go ask Alice"?
Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:25 PM (M7pnY)

I think the song was love to change the world.

Posted by: yankeefifth at November 12, 2015 06:28 PM (vb33c)

154 23 Speaking of Advanced Feminist Studies...

Did you see that Brave and Inspirational Caitilin Jenner said that the hardest part about being a woman is picking out an outfit?

Posted by: Lauren at November 12, 2015 06:04 PM (bYGAR)

Well, in Kardashian Universe, that IS the hardest part about being a woman.

Posted by: Donna&&&&V. (brandisher of ampersands) at November 12, 2015 06:28 PM (P8951)

i miss the old days of feminism.
strips off bra, and knows i am as good/valuable as a guy When i am.

this is all b.s. simpering soul stealing , defeating b.s.

Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:28 PM (M7pnY)

156 "You know what you need to can at home (I've actually done it)? Heat, lots
of it, and depending on what I'm canning, lots and lots of it."

No, you don't really need that. It's an urban legend.

You can and should be more energy-efficient with your home kitchen. Turn that knob down. Help protect the planet.

Posted by: _Clostridium Botulinum_ at November 12, 2015 06:28 PM (noWW6)

157 cute South Korean girls

How much for two? I pay goats, many goats, fine goats, virgin goats. Can have delivered?

Posted by: Mohammet at November 12, 2015 06:28 PM (3anni)


and this is what she is growing, if you haven't seen this video yet

Brutal: Future leader of a brighter, fairer America explains how we're going to pay for free college


Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 12, 2015 06:28 PM (qCMvj)

159 My cat doesn't want to kill me. And he says he is happier without his nuts and thinks having them removed was a good idea after all. He told me so.

Posted by: maddogg at November 12, 2015 06:28 PM (xWW96)

yankee, hmm, that is probably its proper name.

i remember pieces and bits .
it Should be 'go ask alice'

Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:29 PM (M7pnY)


gerting your degree from Mizzou is what?

about 36k?

36k for that

this should be a RICO investigation

Posted by: ThunderB at November 12, 2015 06:29 PM (zOTsN)

162 SMOD, this shit ain't funny anymore.

Posted by: eman at November 12, 2015 06:29 PM (MQEz6)

163 159 My cat doesn't want to kill me. And he says he is happier without his nuts and thinks having them removed was a good idea after all. He told me so

Just keep one eye open at night when You're sleeping...

Posted by: donna at November 12, 2015 06:29 PM (/dSsq)

164 feminism has come full circle back to the women need to be protected idea again. silly feminists.

Posted by: yankeefifth at November 12, 2015 06:30 PM (vb33c)

actually, she is so far through the looking glass her boyfriend took her peg and pegged her.

Posted by: yankeefifth at November 12, 2015 06:06 PM (vb33c)

She probably bullied him into letting her have a girlfriend as well, but won't do a threesome because it's "patriarchal".

Posted by: Colorado Alex at November 12, 2015 06:30 PM (OiH3z)

166 She gives, "Clickbait," a whole new meaning.

Posted by: davidt at November 12, 2015 06:30 PM (SyqyH)

167 >>Yeah, like that thing where they sit by your head, watching you sleep aaaaaand just when you're starting to doze they put a paw on your face, as if to say --- "Hmmm, are its defenses suitably dropped so I smother it?"

Totally by accident, right? Uh huh.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 12, 2015 06:30 PM (/tuJf)

168 anyway, what the hell is 'advanced feminist studies'? Did she get her cert by coming up with ten new forms of micro-aggression?

Posted by: Satan at November 12, 2015 06:30 PM (qSIlh)

169 She writes pseudo-intellectual fangirl drivel and plots the destruction of Western Civilization, but mostly the destruction of Western Civilization.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 12, 2015 06:30 PM (oVJmc)

170 Oh, and I totally love James Woods. xoxo

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, aging supermodel Redneck Queen at November 12, 2015 06:30 PM (yG5Nj)

171 148
There she was guarding the 'safe space' of a makeshift tent city in the quad of the campus. I gazed upon her body, sensing her need for fulfillment. Our eyes locked, despite the extreme curvature of her lenses I sensed the primal need coursing in her veins.

'We need muscle here, ' she cried.

'I have all the muscle you want right here', I said, clasping my tumescence with both hands.

Rejected by Penthouse Letters

Posted by: se pa moron at November 12, 2015 06:27 PM (7v/r5)

Accepted for AoSHQ threadwinner, 4th runner up.

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 12, 2015 06:30 PM (3dOE/)

Serious for a moment.

Anyone else remember not too long ago when we used to see these people wearing "Che" shirts and laughing to ourselves because we thought, stupidly, that they really had no idea what kind of person they were idolizing?

Remember when we used to think these people were idealistic peacenik liberals with good intentions?

Wow how dumb WE were. The evil was percolating right there in front of us for decades on these campuses and we laughed it off.

Well, I ain't laughing today.

Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo at November 12, 2015 06:31 PM (6a1ih)

173 Sometimes my daddy issues just fester and fester and fester and...WHAM!1!

Posted by: Melissa Frick at November 12, 2015 06:31 PM (Dwehj)

174 willow,

are you thinking of this


Posted by: yankeefifth at November 12, 2015 06:31 PM (vb33c)

175 I know I'm old, but I remember the feminist sitting in the local park topless, daring the cops to arrest them, she would have been one of them in the old days...Being young and foolish, none of them rated a second, or first glance.
Sort like seeing Hilary topless!

Posted by: Colin at November 12, 2015 06:31 PM (0bEpn)

176 You know what I fear? Hillary Clinton wins, declaring her victory a mandate on gun control and black lives matter concerns, and goes full Stalin. All the mechanisms are in place now. All the lists of political enemies, all the money there they want it, all the agencies armed up and equipped.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 12, 2015 06:31 PM (39g3+)

177 She probably bullied him into letting her have a girlfriend as well, but won't do a threesome because it's "patriarchal".
Posted by: Colorado Alex

And her name is Paola.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at November 12, 2015 06:31 PM (zn5Cm)

"Graduate Certificate in Advanced Feminist Studies, University of Massachusetts-Amherst"

WOMENSST 793A:The final stage for the completion of the certificate is a year-long research project under the direction of a committee of two faculty members.

Research projects may take a variety of forms including but not limited to a masters thesis; a research paper; a book chapter; a performance or multimedia presentation.

And then it took off xer pants, and did the Antler Dance
Well, it's so easy, you can do it, too!

Put your hands on your head, like a big ol' moose
Keep your elbows high, and your legs real loose

Groove around the floor, kinda leap and prance
Shake your middle just a little, and you're doing the Antler Dance!

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at November 12, 2015 06:31 PM (kdS6q)

179 150
Holy crap. I did a YouTube search on her and there's video of her ****HUSBAND****

DUDE! Just dude....

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at November 12, 2015 06:27 PM (AC0lD)

Boldly going where no . . . thing should ever go, for humanity.

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 12, 2015 06:32 PM (3dOE/)

180 I really want to go to a "schools are automatic cosigners on student loans" model, just to see her trying to keep job.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at November 12, 2015 06:32 PM (2lndx)

Reagan saw it.

Joe McCarthy saw it.

Wasn't it Reagan who said freedom needs to be defended EVERY GENERATION or we lose it?

Guess what. We skipped a generation and we lost our freedoms.

Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo at November 12, 2015 06:32 PM (6a1ih)

182 Amherst, once described here I believe, as a combination of The Stepford Wives and Village of the Damned.

Posted by: Puddleglum at November 12, 2015 06:32 PM (lPHCt)

183 Japan seems to have nipped this crazy in the bud recently.

Think about that. The humanities are too crazy for Japan.

Yeah, this is from one of Abe's ministers. There's the usual scorn from elitist academics but most universities (who are losing students because Japan doesn't have children) are going along.

The elite ones aren't, but that's fine. We can have the humanities at expensive private universities. If you want to take an easy field and pretend like you're learning ... well ... anything, pay your own way.

Posted by: AmishDude at November 12, 2015 06:33 PM (Xd2w5)

184 is someone ever going to point out in a serious critique how stupid feminism is? well how stupid it is in a world where logic and reason exist and are embraced.

Posted by: yankeefifth at November 12, 2015 06:33 PM (vb33c)

185 3. "Fifty Shades of postfeminism: Contextualizing readers' reflections on the erotic romance series. In E. Levine (ed.) Feeling Feminine: Popular Culture for Women in the Early 21st Century."

I really like this one. The EARLY 21st century. LOL. This journal of the intelligencia is already preparing to be read and studied by their cultural descendants a hundred years from now. This is thinking big!

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 12, 2015 06:33 PM (zc3Db)

186 and this is what she is growing, if you haven't seen this video yet

Brutal: Future leader of a brighter, fairer America explains how we're going to pay for free college

I usually don't like Cavuto, because he's one of those jackass hosts who constantly interrupts his guests. However, in this clip, he's clearly had enough of this bimbo's BS and decides to publicly school her, with facts and patronizing condescension. She's too clueless to figure it out at first, and then, when she realizes she's being made a fool of, doesn't know what to do because she doesn't have fact one at her disposal, and can't figure out a way to get out of her situation with dignity. Very entertaining.

I wager that's the last time we see her on TV.

Posted by: pep at November 12, 2015 06:34 PM (LAe3v)

187 >>Wasn't it Reagan who said freedom needs to be defended EVERY GENERATION or we lose it?

He was talking about cats. Google it.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 12, 2015 06:34 PM (/tuJf)

yankee no, but that is a great tune.

White Rabbit-Jefferson Airplane Lyrics

Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:34 PM (M7pnY)

189 You know, I am a Christian, I have lots of Christian friends, I am connected to hundreds of Christians across the internet on social media and none of them give a crap about the Starbucks cup. None of them.


Where did this come from? Who started this?

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 12, 2015 06:34 PM (39g3+)

190 As soon as I say all the time she devoted to the Twilight series, I knew she was a nut.

Posted by: ryukyu at November 12, 2015 06:34 PM (FuBZa)

191 "164 feminism has come full circle back to the women need to be protected idea again. silly feminists."

Christina Hoff-Summers termed it "fainting couch feminism."

Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at November 12, 2015 06:34 PM (u5gzz)

192 157 cute South Korean girls

How much for two? I pay goats, many goats, fine goats, virgin goats. Can have delivered?
Posted by: Mohammet at November 12, 2015 06:28 PM (3anni)

I was listening up until the "virgin goats" bit. I wasn't born yesterday, pal.

Posted by: Jeffrey Epstein's Fixer at November 12, 2015 06:35 PM (u83AO)

193 When one is too ugly for politics, Advanced Wymin's studies is your major.

Posted by: Karmel Tuttering at November 12, 2015 06:35 PM (3anni)

194 because we thought, stupidly, that they really had no idea what kind of person they were idolizing?

I did a voxsplainer on why the media thinks Bernie Sanders lost the debate, with just that topic: because until the debate, they could reasonably think he didn't believe socialism inevitably leads to cronyism and corruption. After the debate, and his condoning of Clinton's Foundation/Email activities, it is no longer reasonable to believe he doesn't know where socialism leads; he does, and he's okay with it.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at November 12, 2015 06:35 PM (2lndx)

195 This woman looks nothing at all like exactly what you'd expect her to look like, huh?

Heh. Actually, she looks exactly the way I always picture Mary Cloggenstein.

Waitaminute. Could it be?

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at November 12, 2015 06:35 PM (HMt16)

196 190 As soon as I say all the time she devoted to the Twilight series, I knew she was a nut.
lesbian /Bi...

Posted by: donna at November 12, 2015 06:36 PM (/dSsq)

197 You know, I am a Christian, I have lots of Christian friends, I am connected to hundreds of Christians across the internet on social media and none of them give a crap about the Starbucks cup. None of them.
Where did this come from? Who started this?
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 12, 2015 06:34 PM (39g3+)

Saw that on FB too. Of course, some Christian friends liked it, because they're the good, PC, tolerant Christians, unlike the troggy ones who give us all a bad name.

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster at November 12, 2015 06:36 PM (0NdlF)

198 该计划的工作

Posted by: Red Guards at November 12, 2015 06:36 PM (vBeA5)

199 176
You know what I fear? Hillary Clinton wins, declaring her victory a mandate on gun control and black lives matter concerns, and goes full Stalin. All the mechanisms are in place now. All the lists of political enemies, all the money there they want it, all the agencies armed up and equipped.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 12, 2015 06:31 PM (39g3+)

Don't fear the reaper. If it's going that way anyway, let's get it over with.

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 12, 2015 06:36 PM (3dOE/)

200 Reagan saw it.

Joe McCarthy saw it.

Wasn't it Reagan who said freedom needs to be defended EVERY GENERATION or we lose it?

Guess what. We skipped a generation and we lost our freedoms.
Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo at November 12, 2015 06:32 PM (6a1ih)

well Jefferson thought a little rebellion was a good thing as well. hope click and comrades do not start something they cannot finish. simply starting the revolution does not mean you get to run the camps.

Posted by: yankeefifth at November 12, 2015 06:36 PM (vb33c)

201 I was at a birthday party in NYC last weekend

genial fellow to my right, who works on climate policy for the World Bank loudly proclaims he could never eat beef

methane? I say

yes says he, warming to his subject

I say, what about the dinosaurs? they produced infinately more methane


he goes on to say the planet is getting undeniably hotter and it will force mass migration like what is happening now with Syrians

I tell him real temps have not risen in 19 years. Its officially called "The Pause"

more sputtering

well he admits they havent done a good job of modeling and reporting air temp, but no doubt the oceans are hotter

the oceans are hotter and the ice caps are melting

I say, no they aren't. In fact they are growing.

more sputtering

by this time the fellow to the left of me has joined in and is saying Yeah! what about that!

Then the fellow to my left, who is agreeing with me, says he doesnt think the government has any idea how to "change" climate and they should keep their hands out of his pocket

guest to my right very very angry. Prolly wanted to arrest me

Posted by: ThunderB at November 12, 2015 06:36 PM (zOTsN)

202 The Soup Man: That soup is good, isn't it.
Little Girl: Yes, it is.
The Soup Man: Do you know why it's good?
Little Girl: No, why?
The Soup Man: Because the Soup Man says so!
Little Girl: Oh!

Posted by: Original SNL at November 12, 2015 06:36 PM (SyqyH)

203 196 190 As soon as I say all the time she devoted to the Twilight series, I knew she was a nut.
lesbian /Bi...

I meant the Actress from the movie series came out a lesbian/bi...

Posted by: donna at November 12, 2015 06:37 PM (/dSsq)

204 She's too clueless to figure it out at first, and then, when she realizes she's being made a fool of, doesn't know what to do because she doesn't have fact one at her disposal, and can't figure out a way to get out of her situation with dignity.

The sad thing is how she just refuses to believe the facts and didn't have even the first one at her fingers to support her arguments. You know she went home to a safe place to suck her thumb whining about microaggressions and how evil the white man was who mindraped her, not about how maybe she's wrong and needs to learn.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 12, 2015 06:37 PM (39g3+)

205 Has anyone here seen the movie-

"Picnic at hanging Rock"?

The erudite and ethereal Mrs naturalfake ordered it from netflix for a Thursday movie night-

It looks....potentially interesting....maybe.

But, it also has the look of one of those slow, low key art films from the 60s and 70s, which can easily decent into pretentious boredom.

My question is....

Is there enough there there in "Picnic at Hanging Rock" to me from falling to sleep halfway through?

Or should i prepare for a glorious 2 hour snooze?

If you fall asleep, consider yourself lucky. This movie has no end. I mean that quite literally. The movie just stops

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 12, 2015 06:37 PM (Nwg0u)

click and her type of femism is disabling women and their personal strengths.
we don't have to be guys to be strong, but we are able to be strong with the gifts we have.

i hate this demeaning wimpering we need others to protwct our little brainless tunes.
i can be brainless all by myself, i don't need protection

Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:37 PM (M7pnY)

207 Where did this come from? Who started this?

According to Mollie Hemingway at the Federalist it was a joke that the left decided to take seriously, or was too stupid to realize it was a joke. If you need a response to idiots on Facebook, just search for Mollie Hemingway starbucks christmas for the link.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at November 12, 2015 06:37 PM (2lndx)

208 Remember when we used to think these people were idealistic peacenik liberals with good intentions?

Wow how dumb WE were. The evil was percolating right there in front of us for decades on these campuses and we laughed it off.

Well, I ain't laughing today.

Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo at November 12, 2015 06:31 PM (6a1ih)

In the future, literally punching a hippy will be part of proper societal etiquette.

"Fighting images".

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster at November 12, 2015 06:37 PM (0NdlF)

209 That uppity Asian man didn't jump when she said to so she called in her own "muscle." How hideous.

Posted by: AMartel at November 12, 2015 06:37 PM (WWgnZ)

... it is no longer reasonable to believe he doesn't know where socialism leads; he does, and he's okay with it.

It took a while but I finally learned that 'The End Justifies The Means' is what the Left is all about. Nothing more.

Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo at November 12, 2015 06:37 PM (6a1ih)

211 and like it!

Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:38 PM (M7pnY)

212 Please sir to you if you could find it in yourself to deliver to me a kpop group I would find many thanks for you.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at November 12, 2015 06:38 PM (4ErVI)

Feminist Studies - Associated Faculty



Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at November 12, 2015 06:38 PM (kdS6q)

214 I'm currently reading "Gone with the Wind" after seeing the movie for the first time (I liked it so much I bought the book the following day). It is the best novel I've read since reading Atlas Shrugged a few years ago; I don't know if its because I saw the film first but Margaret Mitchell is such a good and detailed writer that the reader (and I know this is cliche) is instantly transported into the 1860s South.

Anyway I noticed a major parallel to the present day: the social stigma that men and women face in Southern society if they do not behave as "ladies" and "gentlemen" even to the point of not being accepted (I think she uses the term "received" in the book) by their own families if they break just one moral/societal code of conduct.

I just couldn't help comparing that to the even worse outcomes of the modern day if one is not deferential enough to a protected class and is caught by the mainstream or social media for not being so. You can be fired from your job, have your business boycotted, be socially shamed, and even be litigated and tossed in jail for donating to the "wrong" political party or cause. All for not living up to what the media, political, academic and entertainment class requires out of an SJW.

Dirty Yankee Carpetbaggers.

Posted by: "Syrian" "Refugee" at November 12, 2015 06:38 PM (r9mDd)

215 "Anyone else remember not too long ago when we used to see these people
wearing 'Che' shirts and laughing to ourselves because we thought,
stupidly, that they really had no idea what kind of person they were

I continue to think on the basis of a considerable body of evidence that most of these people really do NOT have any kind of an idea what kind of person Che was.

Those shirts with the iconic likeness are all over the gay community and the arts community in Scum Scamfrisco.

I often don't get invited back to parties in SF, and one reason why is that I will loudly observe that the real Che thought homosexuals should be confined to labor camps and that the "arts" were shallow bourgeois indulgences which should be thrown on trash heaps. Che was so hardcore on that last point that he wouldn't even allow visiting Soviet theatrical troupes to perform socialist-realism themes.

Oddly, I have seen someone wearing what on first glance appeared to be a Che shirt in SF, but I then realized as I got a closer look that Reagan's face had been substituted underneath the beret. Ironic hipster?

Posted by: torquewrench at November 12, 2015 06:38 PM (noWW6)

216 and from the newspaper that ran the pic of the two Korean school girls:

U.S. video-streaming provider Netflix will invest US $50 million in director Bong Joon-ho's next film, to be called "Okja." Production company Okja SPC said Brad Pitt's Plan B Entertainment is co-producing the movie.

Posted by: Satan at November 12, 2015 06:39 PM (qSIlh)

217 a committee of two faculty members.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at November 12, 2015 06:31 PM (kdS6q)

Is that a real thing? A committee of two?

Posted by: Jeffrey Epstein's Fixer at November 12, 2015 06:39 PM (u83AO)

218 She can study all she want's but will she ever be as feminine as Katline?

Posted by: Buffalbob at November 12, 2015 06:39 PM (8nL8o)

219 Did you see that Brave and Inspirational Caitilin Jenner said that the hardest part about being a woman is picking out an outfit?

Posted by: Lauren at November 12, 2015 06:04 PM (bYGAR)

Hey, when you get to skip over menstrual periods, cramps, mood swings, pregnancy, childbirth, post-partum depression, menopause, brittle bones, etc., then picking out an outfit probably IS the hardest part of being a woman.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at November 12, 2015 06:39 PM (a31sM)

220 hildebeast's running mate.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at November 12, 2015 06:40 PM (ucDmr)

221 The Honorable Court rules that the shirt idol of Che, a mass murderer, is a fighting image. The street beating by John Doe is deemed too light and shall be complemented with twenty lashes and a week in the stocks.

*taps gavel*

Court dismissed!

Posted by: Post Burning Times Judge at November 12, 2015 06:40 PM (0NdlF)

222 "This woman looks nothing at all like exactly what you'd expect her to look like, huh?"

What, Canine the Librarian?

Posted by: Markham Shaw Pyle at November 12, 2015 06:40 PM (WlkUc)

223 U.S. video-streaming provider Netflix will invest US $50 million in director Bong Joon-ho's next film, to be called "Okja."
Posted by: Satan at November 12, 2015 06:39 PM (qSIlh)


Posted by: First-Rate Political Hack at November 12, 2015 06:40 PM (u83AO)

224  She gives, "Clickbait," a whole new meaning.
Posted by: davidt
Knew there had to be a decent pun in there somewhere.

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 12, 2015 06:40 PM (/HwZG)

225 I meant the Actress from the movie series came out a lesbian/bi...

I thought she was famous for sleeping around with a lot of men. Or is she one of those that just decided she's Lez/bi one day.

Anyway, as sucky as she was in Twilight, I have to admit she really was excellent as Joan Jett in The Runaways. Maybe ol' Joan turned her ghey.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at November 12, 2015 06:41 PM (HMt16)

226 I was listening up until the "virgin goats" bit. I wasn't born yesterday, pal.

Posted by: Jeffrey Epstein's Fixer at November 12, 2015 06:35 PM (u83AO)

If you sell the goat in a neighboring village you can claim they are 'virgin'- Shit Khomeini Wrote

Posted by: Burnt Toast at November 12, 2015 06:41 PM (T78UI)

227 Tell me that she doesn't have the face of someone who would have no problem loading people onto box cars.

Future Irma Grese.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 12, 2015 06:42 PM (Nwg0u)

228 >>Did you see that Brave and Inspirational Caitilin Jenner said that the hardest part about being a woman is picking out an outfit?
Posted by: Lauren at November 12, 2015 06:04 PM (bYGAR)

Ok, I'm late coming to read the crazy today but this kind of thing makes me so so irritated! God.

This is why nobody thinks you're a real woman Caitlyn! That and the penis.

Posted by: Arkansas at November 12, 2015 06:42 PM (vmMMi)

229 She look like-a man.

Posted by: Ms. Bunny Swann at November 12, 2015 06:42 PM (HMt16)

230 Is that a real thing? A committee of two?

Posted by: Jeffrey Epstein's Fixer at November 12, 2015 06:39 PM (u83AO)

Why not. I'm a soviet of one.

Posted by: Zombie Iosef Stalin at November 12, 2015 06:42 PM (vBeA5)

torquewrench , i know right?
they defend all things demeaning and pointless to humanity.
an all communities. they really are insane, i don't know if they actually believe anything they espouse BUT they are teaching our young without the history of their freakshow murderous heros.


Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:43 PM (M7pnY)

232 Is a virgin goat really that good?

Posted by: Colin at November 12, 2015 06:43 PM (0bEpn)

233 That scholarship is nonsense btw.

Posted by: lea at November 12, 2015 06:43 PM (vmMMi)

234 I would just like to quench some ugly rumors that appeared here; on this Smart, Military, Blog, earlier, today.,

Though yes, indeed, I am a conspicuous Hollywood, A-Lister, I do not, actually, have AIDS. It's a lip fungus they haven't identified yet.

Lip. Fungus.

Posted by: Zerk Globinafulkis at November 12, 2015 06:43 PM (0riyX)

235 1. "Graduate Certificate in Advanced Feminist Studies, University of Massachusetts-Amherst"

Is that like the attendance pins you get at Sunday School?

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 12, 2015 06:44 PM (jJRIy)

236 simply starting the revolution does not mean you get to run the camps

How true, comrade. How true...

Posted by: Zombie Leon Trotsky at November 12, 2015 06:44 PM (Dwehj)

237 U.S. video-streaming provider Netflix will invest US $50 million in director Bong Joon-ho's next film, to be called "Okja."
Posted by: Satan at November 12, 2015 06:39 PM (qSIlh)


He's a Colorado entrepreneur specializing in paraphernalia and pimping.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 12, 2015 06:44 PM (Nwg0u)

238 189 You know, I am a Christian, I have lots of Christian friends, I am connected to hundreds of Christians across the internet on social media and none of them give a crap about the Starbucks cup. None of them.


Where did this come from? Who started this?

THIS!! I'm with you. I'm amazed of all the "concerns" us Christians are supposed to have. I don't drink Starbucks coffee but thats because its overrated and overpriced. 7-11 makes better coffee and its reasonably priced.

Posted by: Puddleglum at November 12, 2015 06:44 PM (lPHCt)

239 Oddly, I have seen someone wearing what on first
glance appeared to be a Che shirt in SF, but I then realized as I got a
closer look that Reagan's face had been substituted underneath the
beret. Ironic hipster?

Posted by: torquewrench at November 12, 2015 06:38 PM (noWW6)

Emasculated victim-to-be.

Posted by: kathysaysso at November 12, 2015 06:45 PM (fMQoG)

240 In elementary skool, when she spelled her name correctly, someone told her she was smart and it did not matter that she looked like a total turnip seed in a field of flowers. She later changed her name to what it is, as, groovy. "I shalt have a last name of Click vs Bile.

Learned to knit from her Aunt Clara, who collected her cat hair, after grooming and from stray little tumbleweeds of dust bunnies in corners. Carefully crafting her knitting masterpieces from Kitty I, Kitty II, Kitty III and so on until several generations of Kitty fur, spun on ye olde spinning wheel. Then carefully dyed in organic kale or beet juice into sneezy balls of woven cat fur, ready for crafts (see: pitiful fuzzy scarf in photo...knitted by her pointy fingers).

I am not sure why she did not wear her King Tut tee shirt, which is the tee choice of anarchy. I guess too masculine vs le ratty scarf of putrid. Life is baffling. I do not have all of the answers. xoxo

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, aging supermodel Redneck Queen at November 12, 2015 06:45 PM (yG5Nj)

241 Tell me that she doesn't have the face of someone who would have no problem loading people onto box cars.

She has the face of someone who would be first on the boxcar. In fact, I think she was the first that Dolores Umbridge put on the boxcar in Harry Potter.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at November 12, 2015 06:45 PM (2lndx)

242 Unlike the Italians, we do not make claim of 'extra virgin'. Our goats are pure and virgin.

Used goat lot next door sells used goats half price. See cousin Ben al Faizel

Posted by: Faizel al Faizel at November 12, 2015 06:45 PM (3anni)

But really I think it's good and very important that we call these Brownshirts at every turn. No more of this stupid SJW crap. They are Brownshirts.

Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo at November 12, 2015 06:46 PM (6a1ih)

244 I see that picture of Ms. Click and immediately think, "Harridan!"

Posted by: kathysaysso at November 12, 2015 06:46 PM (fMQoG)

245 Those glasses? My sister worn those in 1960 first grade.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 12, 2015 06:46 PM (jJRIy)

246 Posted by: ThunderB at November 12, 2015 06:36 PM (zOTsN)


Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 12, 2015 06:46 PM (qCMvj)

247 WHO?!?!?!

He's a Colorado entrepreneur specializing in paraphernalia and pimping.Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 12, 2015 06:44 PM (Nwg0u)so are they sending free bongs and sex toys with that?

Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:46 PM (M7pnY)

248 Brutal: Future leader of a brighter, fairer America explains how we're going to pay for free college

Self-Esteem Culture in action.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 12, 2015 06:46 PM (oVJmc)

are the leftie networks showing this?

Because this is outing the crazies big time.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 12, 2015 06:46 PM (qCMvj)

yes they are sooth.
braless ones.

Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:47 PM (M7pnY)

Just received a gift from a friend, a SpaceX shirt!
Posted by: artisanal 'ette


What is a SpaceX shirt?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke


Don't ever change, you two.

And this is why I keep coming back here.

Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo at November 12, 2015 06:47 PM (6a1ih)

252 "genial fellow to my right, who works on climate policy for the World Bank loudly proclaims he could never eat beef

One of the few things on which I agree with the Ronulan Empire is the calls by both Ron and Rand Paul to "Audit The Fed".

But while we're at it, let's audit the World Bank and the IMF, too.

The WB and IMF will no doubt claim jurisdictional immunity against anything so jejeune, as "international" organizations. So be it. Cut off the American funding for both with immediate effect. No money without transparency.

Posted by: torquewrench at November 12, 2015 06:47 PM (noWW6)


then I tell the guest to me right that the problem is the loss of creability of climate scientists

first and ice age, then global warming

all the alarmist claims that never come to pass

then they get caught repeatedly falsifying data, because they have a financial incentive to

I am sure he put my name on a list

he is also delighted at the criminal charges being brought against exxon

Posted by: ThunderB at November 12, 2015 06:47 PM (zOTsN)

254 Amazingly enough CNN did a story on Hillary Clinton's outrageous "they wouldn't let me into the Marines 'cause I'm a girl" lie and how there's no evidence and everyone thinks she's lying about it.

Surprising, really.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 12, 2015 06:47 PM (39g3+)

255 I'm sort of waiting around to see how long it takes them to start burning books. Can't remember the name of the 19th century philosopher who said that any society that burns books will soon start burning people.

Posted by: Old Blue at November 12, 2015 06:48 PM (9iR5/)

256 OK, you think there is ANY chance SNL will do skit on her Saturday night?

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 12, 2015 06:48 PM (jJRIy)

257 Drudge Report

"27% of Democrats in favor of prosecuting"Global Warming foes"

Get Ready for Hillary!

Posted by: Lawtifa at November 12, 2015 06:48 PM (mcm0N)


I like Ben Shapiro's tweet.

Compromise illegal immigration solution: keep the illegal immigrants, deport all the #MillionStudentMarch participants.

evidently a lot of other people did too

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 12, 2015 06:48 PM (qCMvj)

259 237 U.S. video-streaming provider Netflix will invest US $50 million in director Bong Joon-ho's next film, to be called "Okja."
Posted by: Satan at November 12, 2015 06:39 PM (qSIlh)

Starring Kim Chee in the title role.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 12, 2015 06:49 PM (oKE6c)

260 >>>I continue to think on the basis of a considerable body of evidence that most of these people really do NOT have any kind of an idea what kind of person Che was.

I am still pleasantly surprised that Jay didn't turn out like him.

OTOH, the Che Ney shirt is hilarious.

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 12, 2015 06:49 PM (/HwZG)

261 he is also delighted at the criminal charges being brought against exxon

Tell him you agree, because Exxon supports Planned Parenthood.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at November 12, 2015 06:49 PM (2lndx)

262 more Ben

Please explain by what moral logic I owe you funding for your selfish desire to spend four years studying Lesbian Dance Theory.

I like when spoiled college students cloak their desire to steal from others in moral superiority. It's hilarious.

Why is your safe space in my wallet?

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 12, 2015 06:50 PM (qCMvj)

263 She should be the new problematic scowling face for Everything's a Problem.

Posted by: Profigatewaste at November 12, 2015 06:50 PM (cN1tG)

i know we do the what she looks like deal here. but how she looks is nothiong compared to the fact she gets Paid to screw up young women.

what a sell out.

Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:50 PM (M7pnY)

Compromise illegal immigration solution: keep the illegal immigrants, deport all the #MillionStudentMarch participants.

evidently a lot of other people did too

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 12, 2015 06:48 PM (qCMvj)

I've long proposed trading liberals for Mexicans, straight up. At least the Mexicans want to be here. Plus, our yards would look great.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 12, 2015 06:50 PM (oKE6c)

266 She should be the new problematic scowling face for Everything's a Problem.

It's the iconic stance of the finger nanny.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at November 12, 2015 06:51 PM (2lndx)

267 169 She writes pseudo-intellectual fangirl drivel and plots the destruction of Western Civilization, but mostly the destruction of Western Civilization.
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 12, 2015 06:30 PM (oVJmc)

Plain screechy female gingers will not have much of a place in the New Post-Western Civ world she wants to create. She's too dumb to realize that.

When I look at that face, I picture Margaret Hamilton on her bicycle with Toto in the basket.

Posted by: Donna&&&&V. (brandisher of ampersands) at November 12, 2015 06:51 PM (P8951)

268 'If' she was a Christian?

She'd be the 'Church Lady'....

'can you say.... SATAN!!!'

has just morphed into, 'can you say... RAAAAACISM!'

Posted by: BB Wolf at November 12, 2015 06:51 PM (qh617)

269 Wow, a certificate, you say? In "advanced" feminist studies, to boot?


Meanwhile, the other night I was helping one of the young Guevaras to solve a triple integral with variable limits of integration.

So ... pretty much the same thing as writing about canning.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 12, 2015 06:51 PM (oKE6c)


Oddly, I have seen someone wearing what on first glance appeared to be a Che shirt in SF, but I then realized as I got a closer look that Reagan's face had been substituted underneath the beret. Ironic hipster?

Posted by: torquewrench at November 12, 2015 06:38 PM (noWW6)

like that?

Posted by: First-Rate Political Hack at November 12, 2015 06:51 PM (u83AO)

271 Redneck insults? The elite do love their ethnic supremacism, don't they?

Oh, and AFAICT the "starcups" thing is a manufactured controversy. Probably manufactured by Starbucks.

The only people I've seen talking about it are the people complaining about the supposed complaints.

It's like the Pumpkin Spice thing, I think the hate meme was being pushed by advertisers to get attention. Not much actual ad space but the "public consciousness" was very high because of the whining.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at November 12, 2015 06:52 PM (bLnSU)

272 What is a "Graduate certificate" anyway? Is it a diploma??

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 12, 2015 06:52 PM (39g3+)



Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 12, 2015 06:53 PM (qCMvj)

274 254 Amazingly enough CNN did a story on Hillary Clinton's outrageous "they wouldn't let me into the Marines 'cause I'm a girl" lie and how there's no evidence and everyone thinks she's lying about it.
Surprising, really.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 12, 2015 06:47 PM (39g3+)

Not to Kremlinologists.

You're relegated to being last out onto the platform on Red Square for the May Day parade?

Next stop: the gulag, comrade.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 12, 2015 06:53 PM (oKE6c)

new femism,
i can do nothing without you.


Posted by: willow at November 12, 2015 06:53 PM (M7pnY)

276 or, I should say nude

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 12, 2015 06:53 PM (qCMvj)

A "certificate" is a resume padder.

Posted by: Soothsayer, with arms akimbo at November 12, 2015 06:54 PM (6a1ih)

My neighbor is such a drama queen. Any thing for attention. I hear her mouth yapping, look outside and there are 4 firemen roaming around. I have no idea why they were called and neither do they. They looked around the property and the neighbors' property and left. I smell no smoke, see no burned anything, no sparks from wires.

Posted by: Gangster Bruce With a Gangster Wang! at November 12, 2015 06:54 PM (iQIUe)

279 What is a "Graduate certificate" anyway? Is it a diploma??

It's a potholder.

Posted by: Zombie Leon Trotsky at November 12, 2015 06:54 PM (Dwehj)

280 What is a "Graduate certificate" anyway? Is it a diploma??

Before you can go to graduate school, you need to be certified crazy.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at November 12, 2015 06:54 PM (2lndx)

281 244 I see that picture of Ms. Click and immediately think, "Harridan!"
Posted by: kathysaysso at November 12, 2015 06:46 PM (fMQoG)

I see it and think she's going to start ranting about how she's has funnier props than Gallagher.

Posted by: buzzion at November 12, 2015 06:54 PM (z/Ubi)

282 he is also delighted at the criminal charges being brought against exxonPosted by: ThunderB at November 12, 2015 06:47 PM (zOTsN

But of course. He then left the party, looked at the gas gauge of his 15mpg SUV, and pulled into an exxon.

It's almost as if the hemispheres of his brain are divided with a 100 mile wide 'dead zone' between them.

Posted by: se pa moron at November 12, 2015 06:55 PM (7v/r5)

283 I was struck that this very educated man, who went to some very slective universities, and has an important job at the world bank, was absolutely dumbfounded when confronted with other ideas

dumb struck really

like he had never heard them

this fellow, and the lady that is the subject of this post, are so profoundly ignorant and so very dangerous

Posted by: ThunderB at November 12, 2015 06:55 PM (zOTsN)

284 Is it just coincidences they are replaying "Mystery of the Urinal Duece" on South Park?

Posted by: Burnt Toast at November 12, 2015 06:55 PM (T78UI)

285 Wow.

That Cavuto video with the dumb bimbo from the "million" student march-

is just brutal in a hilarious way.

She's just like your dog when you fake throw a ball or something-

she runs after the question then suddenly ???????

I mean you can literally see the stupid descending over her mind from the expression on her face.

Then Cavuto talks to her and she sort of mentally wags her tail and is all fired up.

And he "throws" out the question...

and the stupid descends over her face ?????????


Rinse repeat.

Her parents are getting gypped if this represents the education they're paying for.

Posted by: naturalfake at November 12, 2015 06:55 PM (0cMkb)

286 When I look at that face, I picture Margaret Hamilton on her bicycle with Toto in the basket.

Posted by: DonnaV. (brandisher of ampersands) at November 12, 2015 06:51 PM (P8951)

Posted by: Scarecrow at November 12, 2015 06:55 PM (SyqyH)

287 The Blacker-Than-Thou camp will still put her out of the Black Safe Space.

Posted by: baldilocks at November 12, 2015 06:56 PM (ys2UW)

288 255
I'm sort of waiting around to see how long it takes them to start burning books. Can't remember the name of the 19th century philosopher who said that any society that burns books will soon start burning people.

Posted by: Old Blue at November 12, 2015 06:48 PM (9iR5/)

German Jewish poet Heinrich Heine, who wrote in his 1820-1821 play Almansor
the famous admonition, "Dort, wo man Bucher verbrennt, verbrennt man am
Ende auch Menschen": "Where they burn books, they will also ultimately
burn people."

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 12, 2015 06:56 PM (3dOE/)

289 That little idiot on Cavuto has the economic understanding of a fern.

Guaranteed Sanders Voter.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 12, 2015 06:56 PM (oVJmc)

290 109 If cats had opposable thumbs we'd al have been on boxcars long ago.

Daughter has a Hemingway cat, the type with six paw pads, which are close to opposable thumbs.
His nickname is "you little bastard".
I could totally see him standing on the platform of a train, just like Pavel Antipov, in Doctor Zhivago, speeding towards evil deeds.

Posted by: Sal at November 12, 2015 06:57 PM (MRX6w)

291 What is a "Graduate certificate" anyway? Is it a diploma??

Uh ... not exactly.

Posted by: A Parakeet at November 12, 2015 06:57 PM (oKE6c)

292 You know, during the tulip craze of 1637 I'm sure there were vast numbers of people who were highly paid tulip exerts, who could dissect and authenticate the providence of each and every tulip bulb. Then the collapse came, and those sad, useless people realized they exactly zero marketable skills.

Posted by: George Orwell's Ghost at November 12, 2015 06:59 PM (oLnNK)

293 Insane Clown Puthy

Posted by: GnuBreed at November 12, 2015 07:00 PM (gyKtp)

294 I really wish that Cavuto would bring that girl back on, in person, and give her an Econ 101 lecture. I think it'd be some of the best TV Fox could do.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 12, 2015 07:00 PM (oVJmc)

295 I'd love to see this scrunt's perspective on canning about 72 hours after it all shuts down. Freaking idiots, working on our dime as always.

(sorry if this has been said upthread, I'm late)

Posted by: BunkerinTheBurbs at November 12, 2015 07:01 PM (bA+CL)

Pro advice to universities - stop hiring these ninnies. At best they will make your life a living hell. At worst they will get you fired.

Also, get ride of any and all of these bullshit feminist/minority studies classes. yes we know they are easy As for your athletes, but c'mon. there are easier ways to skin that cat.

Posted by: George Orwell's Ghost at November 12, 2015 07:02 PM (oLnNK)

297 Meanwhile, the other night I was helping one of the young Guevaras to solve a triple integral with variable limits of integration.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 12, 2015 06:51 PM (oKE6c)

The triple integral: a classic tool of the rabid patriarchy.

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 12, 2015 07:05 PM (3dOE/)

298 Why this feisty broad isn't barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen with a toddler on each hip is beyond me.

Posted by: Fritz at November 12, 2015 07:07 PM (3tjn4)

299 The triple integral: a classic tool of the rabid patriarchy.

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 12, 2015 07:05 PM (3dOE/)
Yeah, it was pretty much oppressing young Guevara.
Triple integrals were invented by a man. Worse, he was doubtless a white man.
No more need be said.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 12, 2015 07:07 PM (oKE6c)

300 Posted by: baldilocks at November 12, 2015 06:56 PM (ys2UW)

I wonder if she realizes that *she* won't be welcome in the "black only" spaces being set up. I suspect she'll be very surprsed to find the rules apply to her as well.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at November 12, 2015 07:13 PM (GDulk)

301 Love it. Ridicule is the BEST weapon against these cry-bullies. I bet she never expected this level of scrutiny at a national level, and now, she's a walking punchline like the Sulk and Rolling Stone.

Posted by: acethepug at November 12, 2015 07:14 PM (RHPFv)

302 I believe New York City tried free city college back in the 70's. stopped, being far to expensive even for NYC.

Posted by: Colin at November 12, 2015 07:16 PM (0bEpn)


this woman is a bargain basement Camile Paglia

Posted by: ThunderB at November 12, 2015 07:16 PM (zOTsN)

The people in these movements are very big on making whitey know their place. So the white idiots will face lots of public criticism and being forced to confess the errors of their ways.

Posted by: Gangster Bruce With a Gangster Wang! at November 12, 2015 07:18 PM (iQIUe)

305 Posted by: Colin at November 12, 2015 07:16 PM (0bEpn)

I know they did in '30s and '40s but doubt it lasted to the 70's. Unless they were trying it again since there's never been a socialist idea so ineffective it won't be revived.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at November 12, 2015 07:33 PM (GDulk)

306 Then of course come the "studies" in TV shows, movies, and pop-froth books which are ironically called "novels."

I have an Advanced Degree in Gilligan's Island or is it F Troop? Any way should be worth a plum gig at a university

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 12, 2015 07:39 PM (45oDG)

307 Is she going bald or is it the camera angle?

Posted by: Rino sanctuary at November 12, 2015 07:41 PM (yiuXf)

308 This woman looks nothing at all like exactly what you'd expect her to look like, huh?

Lookism: America's Next Discrimination Frontier

Because ugly people deserve a seat at the cool kids' table too.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at November 12, 2015 07:45 PM (8ZskC)

309 Your all nuts, that is a man. Looks like Carrot Tops brother.

Posted by: Tinker at November 12, 2015 07:51 PM (sMZYj)

310 Oh, bullshit. There's no way you're getting an Advanced Feminism certificate at Amherst without writing something New and Important about Emily Dickinson.

There is, literally, nothing else to be said for, by, from, or about Amherst.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at November 12, 2015 07:53 PM (xq1UY)

311 That's just a big bundle of yarn and sexy, right there.

Posted by: Chupacabra at November 12, 2015 08:26 PM (QFjNO)

312 That's not just cat pee I smell, Ms. Click.

Posted by: Hillary's alcoholic depression at November 12, 2015 09:41 PM (FFIoe)

313 I'll bet if you asked 2/3 or more of the protesting college students what they are protesting you'd get a "duh."

"Free college" while most are, probably, on parent's free dime.

"Black power" or something, when, well, look who is in charge of this country and most of his cabinet (who are not lesbians).

Nope! They want an excuse to miss exams. Then when they fail, should their professors have the cojones to fail them, they can screech about the protest. And, wawawah, cry me a river.

I know that my white talented son did not get a full scholarship to Boulder as he was the wrong color (other universities, in state, also offered, but we told him we could not afford out of state tuition). The professor told him this. So, perhaps, we should have protested and set up tents or something (now I am very glad he did not go there after going there with husband on business several years ago. The hobos were not allowed, at the time, on Pearl Street but congregated and camped at City Hall).

THIS IS BS! It is nothing but wishin' they were at Woodstock and had something to protest. I guess the cold weather will soon bring the whole shebang, like Occupy, to a wet farht in the tub soonish. pfft

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, aging supermodel Redneck Queen at November 12, 2015 10:06 PM (yG5Nj)

314 Do. Not. Fuck. Crazy. This is a bad one. I would suggest staying at least one state away.

Posted by: dogfish at November 12, 2015 10:24 PM (0O2Lr)

315 Carrot Top himself tweeted she looks like him. Neither rager is happy about this situation.

Posted by: dogfish at November 12, 2015 10:26 PM (0O2Lr)

316 So, to get your "certificate" in Advanced Feminist Studies, you have to do 2 seminar courses, 2 elective courses, and then a final project which will be judged by a committee of two of the kind of profs who volunteer to judge projects in Advanced Feminist Studies. I'll assume none of the final projects have ever been rejected.

So, at most it is about half the "work" of a Master's Degree.

Though factor in that in SJW land, "seminar" means "weekly 90-minute echo chamber rap session" and "elective" means "weekly 60-minute echo chamber rap session with homework" and the whole 2-year program probably takes less actual time and effort than binge-watching all of Breaking Bad and then writing a review about it.

Key difference, Breaking Bad will teach you how to be a better person (a murdering, organized crime boss who destroyed his family and hundreds of lives) than a shrieking SJW harpy.

Posted by: jade_crayon at November 13, 2015 04:20 AM (g9SkC)

317 She looks sweet.

Posted by: Reformed Trombonist at November 13, 2015 06:56 AM (SlABZ)

318 Here is a trigger that you probably know about, but just in case:

UMass Amherst is a Socialist School of Economics, and strongly Socialist in most other non-STEM fields. This isn't an opinion, it's a fact. If you get your Ph.D. in Economics there, you are recognized as having been trained in the Socialist model, much like at Chicago you will be trained as a Monetarist or NeoClassical. It's just how it is.

And it permeates the other fields. This isn't just liberalism, it's open Socialism. Click attended this red hotbed intentionally.

Aside from the fact that non-STEM academia is a joke, in general, at UMass it's an exercise in force-fitting Socialist memes to pretty much everything.

I know UMass Engineers and Doctors, and they are normal... but any Social Scientist or Humanity major is generally a hard-core socialist. There might be one or two who squeak by who aren't, but I've yet to meet one.

Posted by: RobM1981 at November 13, 2015 08:40 AM (zurJC)

319 Howdy Doody's grand daughter lives!

Posted by: Larry at November 13, 2015 09:22 AM (S8OoQ)

320 Dear God, but she's ugly.

Posted by: Patrick Carroll at November 13, 2015 09:43 AM (bpn7O)

321 Looks like Margaret from Dennis the Menace has grown up to be a big girl!!

Posted by: Mark at November 13, 2015 12:34 PM (1NDPc)

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