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Scalp, Hunted: University of Missouri President Resigns After Football Team Threatens to Stop Playing in Protest of... Um, University's Failure to Back Thug and Robber Michael Brown

I think it was instapundit (I think) who said he derived some satisfaction from seeing the mad Marcusian scientists of the university being eaten by the monsters they themselves created.

I don't know if I can take any pleasure in this. It's just terrible.

The barbarians aren't at the gates. They're in the town center, hanging people.

Update: Robby Soave at Reason notes that liberals often denigrate the threat to free speech and thought posed by the harder-left coreligionists. He points out that these monsters have more power than liberals care to admit, and that this is proof of that.

From Powerline, this parody of the Safe Space movement:

In case you didn't know, South Park didn't just skewer the new intolerance in their opening episode; the entire season is about political correctness, Internet lynch mobs, and so forth.

Eric Cartman has become a crusading Social Justice Warrior -- because, of course he would. He's a vicious narcissistic sadist and con-man; he'll seize on any opportunity aggrandize himself and harm others.

Below, Eric Cartman's "Safe Space" song.

I think you can still watch the Safe Space episode on-demand. If not, you can always go to the South Park Studios site to watch full episodes (with all cursing unbleeped).

This clip is good, too. A trollish villain called "Reality" shows up to a bullshit charity fundraiser (in which $500,000 was spent on catering and wine for the swells, while only raising $300 in actual charitable funds). "Reality" reads the gathering the riot act.

Posted by: Ace at 01:18 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 First, but I'm it doesn't count

Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at November 09, 2015 01:19 PM (uJK1E)

2 Is it safe?

Posted by: HH at November 09, 2015 01:19 PM (DrCtv)

3 Whew!!

Posted by: Golfman at November 09, 2015 01:20 PM (cdKSG)

4 Saint Michael Brown, the patron saint of Gentle Thugs.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 01:20 PM (oVJmc)

5 The bold fear to tread here.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at November 09, 2015 01:20 PM (u82oZ)

6 Thank the Maker!!

Posted by: C3PO at November 09, 2015 01:21 PM (rwI+c)

7 Whew.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 01:21 PM (FsuaD)

8 Hey, the kollij is run by a board of 'C' students.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 01:21 PM (oVJmc)

9 Shhh. Everyone be quiet...

Posted by: HH at November 09, 2015 01:21 PM (DrCtv)

10 Hope the fans at the next game boo their sorry asses

Posted by: Doom Rider at November 09, 2015 01:21 PM (ck8TA)

11 Is it working?

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at November 09, 2015 01:21 PM (VAsIq)

12 assembly required (stolen shamelessly from a previous ace of spaded post)

Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at November 09, 2015 01:21 PM (uJK1E)

13 So we really can't have nice things. Like, for example, a peaceful and tolerant university.

Posted by: joncelli, Boned like You at November 09, 2015 01:22 PM (RD7QR)

14 Blog looks anorexic now.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 01:22 PM (oVJmc)

15 We're baaaaack! Miss us?

Posted by: The Bolsheviks at November 09, 2015 01:22 PM (2Ojst)

16 A modest proposal: bring back Mizzou's most famous alumnus to be university president.

Yes, I'm talking about Michael Sam.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 01:22 PM (oKE6c)

17 I can't take pleasure in this because it only emboldens* the cry-bullies to do more.

Posted by: Lizzy at November 09, 2015 01:22 PM (NOIQH)


Makes me sick to my stomach.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 01:22 PM (qCMvj)

19 Oh, crap.

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at November 09, 2015 01:22 PM (VAsIq)

20 11 Is it working?

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at November 09, 2015 01:21 PM (VAsIq)

you are one brave soul

Posted by: Doom Rider at November 09, 2015 01:22 PM (ck8TA)

21 It's sad that a program that nets $3 million for the university holds so much power.

Posted by: Y-not on the phone at November 09, 2015 01:22 PM (t5zYU)

22 I can take lots of pleasure watching liberals eating their own.

Posted by: Draki at November 09, 2015 01:22 PM (0eidE)

23 Hope the fans at the next game boo their sorry asses

Better yet, not go at all.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 01:22 PM (oVJmc)

24 "They're in the town center, hanging people."


Posted by: Barack Obama at November 09, 2015 01:22 PM (3dOE/)

25 Now we're 4-5-1 (1 lynching)

Posted by: Univ of Misery full contact debate club at November 09, 2015 01:22 PM (326rv)

26 >>The barbarians aren't at the gates. They're in the town center, hanging people.

It's a great leap forward, yo!!

Posted by: Lizzy at November 09, 2015 01:22 PM (NOIQH)

27 The barbarians aren't at the gates. They're in the town center, hanging people.

Posted by: Ace at 01:18 PM

Missouri should rename themselves The Vandals.

Normally I would have bolded that name ... but at this point I don't dare even try.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 09, 2015 01:22 PM (zc3Db)

28 As Rush said, if Mo was 9-0....there would be no protest

Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (uJK1E)

29 Thank you Ace! I was about to hit the hotair button after the margins blew out on the last thread

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (2x3L+)

30 Bet a lot more SJWs will be emboldened after this Mizzou "victory"

Posted by: still traumatizd from the last post at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (REdlt)


I did not think he would back down, but he and his family were probably threatened.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (qCMvj)

32 I think Missouri needs some advice on how to deal with campus unrest.

Posted by: Ohio National Guard at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (7v/r5)

33 Everyone see that screaming bitch at Yale?

My G-D we are so fucked

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (gf8BH)

34 The barbarians aren't at the gates. They're in the town center, hanging people.

Posted by: Ace

That is just terrible.

I know a more humane way.

Posted by: Monsieur Guillotine at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (VAsIq)

35 What exactly was the President supposed to do about "some guys" in a pickup supposedly yelling racial slurs? Nothing tying them to the University even if true.

I guarantee the swastika was a false flag by a minority student unhappy they were being babied enough and in the spotlight. No actual supporter of swastikas or what they represent would draw them in human feces.

This is the crap of liberal utopian minds.

Posted by: brainpimp at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (zosQc)

36 I stopped listening long ago, but I imagine ESPN Radio was unbearable regarding this.

Posted by: Benji Carver at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (OD2ni)

37 One charge is that a white student supposedly walked up to 11 black students and called them the N word. In what galaxy would that ever happen? And if it did happen, the honkey would have gotten the shit beat out of them. Of course, none of this can be substantiated it is just supposed to be believed.

Posted by: Cheri at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (oiNtH)

38 University presidents aren't people. Wake me up when they go after a plumber for asking a candidate a hard question on live TV.

Posted by: dustydog at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (JgGr4)

39 I love how the protest letter stated that the four core values of Mizzou, Respect, Responsibility, Excellence, and Discovery don't represent them.

Posted by: Draki at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (0eidE)

40 This is not a good trend.

Posted by: Dr. Victor Frankenstein at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (326rv)

41 It's actually worse Ace. Have you seen their list of stupid demands? Rush has been going over it. Ridiculous.

Posted by: maddogg at November 09, 2015 01:24 PM (xWW96)

42 Ace the best part is when they lynch reality. They're killing it this season.

Posted by: Ghost of kari at November 09, 2015 01:24 PM (xuouz)

43 "The barbarians aren't at the gates. They're in the town center, hanging people."

Yeah, but at least we will have college football. Otherwise life would just suck.

Posted by: Hand of Count Petofi at November 09, 2015 01:24 PM (1BQGO)

44 I think it was instapundit (I think) who said he derived some satisfaction from seeing the mad Marcusian scientists of the university being eaten by the monsters they themselves created.

This is a stupid way of thinking, I'm sorry.

He was fired for being white. One of their demands was to acknowledge his white privilege. It's not going to stop there. Everything is going to get worse.

Read the ugly thought of these people. You can't be racist against whites to them.

America is a racist society again. Racist against whites, oftentimes with white support.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at November 09, 2015 01:24 PM (kbXFS)

45 Anyone think this is not the same type of people who are currently working at the Dept. of Ed threatening to put the stompy foot of the government on that WI high school if they don't let the trans boy shower in the girls locker room?

They graduate, get jobs in government and harass all of us.

Posted by: Lizzy at November 09, 2015 01:24 PM (NOIQH)

46 21 It's sad that a program that nets $3 million for the university holds so much power.
Posted by: Y-not on the phone at November 09, 2015 01:22 PM (t5zYU)

He should've canceled the rest of the season, shut down the football program entirely (hey, go start a minor league football program, just like baseball has), then rescinded any and all athletic scholarships.

Happy now? The protesters can slink back to the 'hood, hang out, get fat, do drugs, get shot. You know. The usual.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 01:24 PM (oKE6c)

47 I'm going to take my white privilege and buy the expensive bourbon

Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at November 09, 2015 01:25 PM (uJK1E)

48 Just wanna throw my hat in the ring for the President position.

Posted by: PC Principal at November 09, 2015 01:25 PM (7v/r5)

49 Ace, you saved us!!!

The bold walkers were everywhere!

Posted by: @votermom at November 09, 2015 01:25 PM (cbfNE)

50 University presidents aren't people. Wake me up when they go after a plumber for asking a candidate a hard question on live TV.
Posted by: dustydog at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (JgGr4)

He cut Graduate program health care subsidies, and he cut ties with Planned Parenthood.

He was screwed from the start.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 01:25 PM (qCMvj)

51 "Hey, um, black people! You suck! Also, we totally go to the same school as you!"

Yeah, that's what happened!

Posted by: "White Guys in a Pickup Truck" at November 09, 2015 01:25 PM (VAsIq)

52 37 One charge is that a white student supposedly walked up to 11 black students and called them the N word. In what galaxy would that ever happen? And if it did happen, the honkey would have gotten the shit beat out of them. Of course, none of this can be substantiated it is just supposed to be believed.
Posted by: Cheri at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (oiNtH)

So what you're saying is black students are just a bunch of thugs who would automatically respond to an insult from a white student with extreme violence? You, madam, are a RAAAAACIST!!!!

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at November 09, 2015 01:26 PM (2Ojst)

53 They graduate, get jobs in government and harass all of us.

Posted by: Lizzy at November 09, 2015 01:24 PM (NOIQH)
'Cause they couldn't cut it in the private sector.

Posted by: Golfman at November 09, 2015 01:26 PM (cdKSG)

54 It turns out that my mom was friends of Wolfe when they were in college together. She is just sick over this whole deal.

Once MU chose to acquiesce, they sealed their fate. I see a lot more SJW and BLM crap coming down the pike.

Posted by: In Exile at November 09, 2015 01:26 PM (Z7AXG)

55 I'd like to see the average SAT score of the protesters and the football players who are refusing to do the only thing they are capable of doing.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 09, 2015 01:26 PM (zc3Db)

56 Of course at the end of that episode they went and hanged Reality. Because of course they would.

Posted by: Buzzion at November 09, 2015 01:26 PM (zt+N6)

57 Phony movements can be marked by two important distinct traits:
1) They create a Demon Class. That is a group of people who must be eradicated, silenced, suppressed, oppressed, or otherwise killed
2) They have no clearly delineated goal. Not integrated schools, not voting rights, but something ambiguous and/or subjective like feelings or vibes, or completely unattainable like equality of outcome.

Posted by: Circe O'Valle at November 09, 2015 01:26 PM (YWvHM)

58 I don't feel sorry for the various university administrations around the country experiencing this. This is what they built. Let them die by it.

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 01:26 PM (Fmupd)

59 Look at me! I saved the blog!

Posted by: Ahmad the Clock Boy at November 09, 2015 01:27 PM (FsuaD)



USPS has come through.

Another little Polish collectors piece from Classic is safely ensconced with its brothers.

Classic...P-64s...Discrete imports marks...$199.00

Very nice.

Very very nice.
Minor holster wear, but looks like the bang switch has never sent anything besides the Proof round down the pipe.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 09, 2015 01:27 PM (ptqRm)

61 I haven't watched southpark in years, but I've been going on hulu and catching up this season and safe space was hilarious.

This Missouri thing is ridiculous. The issue is flimsy and the terms were outrageous. Pathetic of them to cave.

Posted by: Lea at November 09, 2015 01:27 PM (lIU4e)

62 The Left is turning on its own.

Robespierre nods ruefully.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 01:28 PM (oKE6c)

63 "The barbarians aren't at the gates. They're in the town center, hanging people."


Posted by: rebel flounder at November 09, 2015 01:28 PM (3dOE/)

64 What a puny, unimaginative, childish list of demands. The only materiall change would've been "more funding," but aside from that and a ritual shaming of the beta-male president, these folks aren't looting like they could.

I don't doubt that one day they will, but these pikers have a lot to learn about pillaging.

Posted by: General Zod at November 09, 2015 01:28 PM (Bdeb0)

65 Privilege for me, none for thee:


University of Missouri Protesters Clash With Reporters, Declare 'No Media Safe Space,'

Posted by: weft cut-loop [[]] at November 09, 2015 01:28 PM (rSTkb)

66 One day soon, we will become Venezuela. Thanks, Precious Snowflakes!

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 01:28 PM (FsuaD)

67 Also, "White Guys in a Pickup Truck" is a pretty good name for a band.

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at November 09, 2015 01:28 PM (VAsIq)

68 Boycott the football games and no cash gifts to the university. Dry up the money from racist whites and see how long this lasts.

Posted by: Cheri at November 09, 2015 01:28 PM (oiNtH)

69 I continue to believe that college football, specifically, and college sports, generally, is a life support for the university system. It connects people to their schools and even connects people to schools who otherwise have no affiliation.

Posted by: SH at November 09, 2015 01:28 PM (gmeXX)

70 At least Michael Brown never had to arrive on that racist campus.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 01:29 PM (oVJmc)

71 55 I'd like to see the average SAT score of the protesters and the football players who are refusing to do the only thing they are capable of doing.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 09, 2015 01:26 PM (zc3Db)

Their SAT scores are right around their personal records in the squat.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 01:29 PM (oKE6c)

72 Headline: Thugs Make Coward Shit Pants

Collapse is not pretty.

Posted by: eman at November 09, 2015 01:29 PM (MQEz6)

73 Things are going nicely.

*knits another knot*

Posted by: Madame Defarge at November 09, 2015 01:29 PM (9mTYi)

Posted by: Michael Brown at November 09, 2015 01:29 PM (Bdeb0)

75 The Left is turning on its own.

Robespierre nods ruefully.


You no longer need to study the French Revolution (not that anyone is) - now you can live it.

Posted by: SH at November 09, 2015 01:30 PM (gmeXX)

76 >>He should've canceled the rest of the season, shut down the football
program entirely (hey, go start a minor league football program, just
like baseball has), then rescinded any and all athletic scholarships.

Ideally. However, MO had the Ferguson riots, so there was likely A LOT of pressure by state officials (and maybe even the WH) to not inflame the masses. This is mob rule.

Posted by: Lizzy at November 09, 2015 01:30 PM (NOIQH)

77 This Age of Obama is certainly going well.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 01:30 PM (FsuaD)

78 I can't wait till they find out the swastika was a hoax. But...awareness! There still are people not aware of racism.

Oh, and apparently the student protester also was a Ferguson protester.

Posted by: PJ at November 09, 2015 01:30 PM (cHuNI)

79 They're playing with matches in a powder keg.

And the Ka-Boom won't come in a cereal box, this time.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at November 09, 2015 01:30 PM (McRlu)

80 See WZ for photos if BLM camp being protected from the media by a wall of linked arms.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 01:30 PM (XUKZU)

81 Note that the guy in the video is our favorite Pajama Boy. I guess he changed out of his footie pjs to play.

Posted by: maddogg at November 09, 2015 01:30 PM (xWW96)

82 Yo Ace, I think it was Sir Milo of Beverly Hills that made the comment about college admin getting eaten by the creature they created.

Posted by: Mad Joel at November 09, 2015 01:31 PM (mzM60)

83 and even connects people to schools who otherwise have no affiliation.
Posted by: SH

Half of the Georgia fans don't even know where Athens is.

Go Dawgs!

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 09, 2015 01:31 PM (9mTYi)

84 testing testing one two three.

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 01:31 PM (E5UB0)

85 I am taking a great deal of pleasure in this, Ace. I think of the fools such as Gramsci, and Cloward, and Piven. They set out to smash the system because then they would be the one's on top, steering the mob. And they had lots of help from all of the academic Leftists out there, gleefully shutting down every Conservative speaker, hounding the slightest non-PC thought off of campus.

And now their monster is eating them alive. So yes, I am happy with it. Live as long as your feral "students" permit you to, Lefty jackwagons.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Yo! The Outrage Outlet Wraps! at November 09, 2015 01:31 PM (hLRSq)

86 I don't know if I can take any pleasure in this

Oh, I can. I'll send you a selfie of my shadenboner that's lasted more than 4 hours. Academia is now reaping what it has been sowing for decades, and I have zero sympathy for the barbarian-enablers who are being tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail by their own children.

Posted by: OregonMuse at November 09, 2015 01:31 PM (DWhVq)

87 Danube did 2 open bolds, one close. Anyone here with the balls to try that?

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 01:32 PM (E5UB0)

88 69 I continue to believe that college football, specifically, and college sports, generally, is a life support for the university system. It connects people to their schools and even connects people to schools who otherwise have no affiliation.
Posted by: SH at November 09, 2015 01:28 PM (gmeXX)

The Church of College Football? The stadiums are built for grain storage?

Why should people with no affiliation be connected to the school for nonacademic purposes?

Posted by: First-Rate Political Hack at November 09, 2015 01:32 PM (1r7RR)

89 What hath social justice wrought

Posted by: Ghost of kari at November 09, 2015 01:32 PM (xuouz)

90 "I think it was instapundit (I think) who said he derived some satisfaction from seeing the mad Marcusian scientists of the university being eaten by the monsters they themselves created."

They're eating him! And then they're going to eat US! OH MY GOOOOOOODDDD!!!!

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at November 09, 2015 01:32 PM (2Ojst)

91 It doesn't really bother me watching the university system self destruct. its long been a disaster, and it just kept getting more and more expensive for poorer and poorer results. The concept of higher education is good (and will always be around, in less well known institutions) but the system now is just trash. Let it burn, in particular.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 01:32 PM (39g3+)

92 Half of the Georgia fans don't even know where Athens is.

Island in the Mediterranean?

Posted by: rickb223 at November 09, 2015 01:32 PM (V0CWC)

93 At my university the chick with the big head would give him a blowjob in the van.

Posted by: wth at November 09, 2015 01:32 PM (wAQA5)

Robespierre nods ruefully.

My wife turned on one of the Hornblower movies we have-- it was about the British helping Royalist frenchmen return to France to try to restore the Monarchy.

One of the French leaders was a nobleman, and we were supposed to be horrified that he was bringing a guillotine with him and wound up executing all the proud republican Frenchmen who gave him trouble.

You know, the same revolutionaries that were doing the same thing in the Reign of Terror.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 01:32 PM (oVJmc)

95 The speech he should have given.
I apologize for my white male privilege that makes me stronger than any female on campus, and smarter than any minority on campus. You are correct, the right thing to do for your feel bads is that I should fake being weaker so you can pretend to be stronger(however please be apprised that when you are being raped to death by jihadis after being deployed in Syria, that I told you so) and IF you are quite right that there is a necessity to inflate your IQ tests and grades if you are a minority or your spatial /math abilities if female, so that my natural inborn advantage will no longer make you get the feel bads please be advised that the Asian students are going to kick all our asses, and that the immutable laws of the universe really don't give two hoots about your feelings as gravity and time will bend us all to their will.
You also should read Harrison Bergeron, and watch Idiocracy, and the Princess Bride, and go have a think about whether your constant screeching about white male privilege is sending the message you think it is, to those of us not burdened by your lesser reasoning abilities. Logic dictates that if A. I must be chained for you to be stronger. If B. I must concede you a free point advantage in grade inflation for us to have a "fair" competition. Then C. I must be intrinsically stronger and smarter than you. Is that really the message you wish to send? Somewhere Robert KKK Byrd is sniggering at the immense buckets of water you are voluntarily carrying for him. Shame on you.

"Inconceivable!! I do not think that means what you think it means. "

Posted by: Old Guy at November 09, 2015 01:32 PM (oXkj8)

96 I posted this in the emt, but I can't find the AP story anymore. It's like it was edited or went *poof!*

Here is the direct quote from the end of the story:

The racial issues are just the latest controversy at the university in recent months, following the suspension of graduate students' health care subsidies and an end to university contracts with a Planned Parenthood clinic that performs abortions.

he became a target

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 01:33 PM (qCMvj)

97 Everybody is hunting for scalps these days: young campus brigands as well as the extreme right wing in Republican primaries. The voices that speak up for reason and common sense seem to get quieter with every passing day.

Posted by: Begonia at November 09, 2015 01:33 PM (DlSGW)

98 The system is down.

Posted by: Strong Bad at November 09, 2015 01:33 PM (VAsIq)

99 The transition is going to suck though. An entire generation of emotional infants with no logical capacity is flooding onto the work market and they won't stop with the demands and expectations. We're going to have a rough ride while these guys move through the generations.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 01:34 PM (39g3+)

100 It's starting to look like all of this racial integration isn't working out like so many wished.I know that a lot of blacks are very disappointed with how this is ending up. They had no idea that the Sharpton/Jackson/Farrakan ideal would end up being the prominent one with their race now. It is sad.

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 01:34 PM (Fmupd)

101 Begonia's sockery is really becoming quite obvious.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 01:34 PM (oVJmc)


Yep, they deleted that line.

I googled the text in quotes. The ap piece that comes up conveniently deleted it. Unless I'm bonkers.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 01:34 PM (qCMvj)

103 The Reign of Terror is just beginning.

Posted by: Beorn at November 09, 2015 01:34 PM (dGF4J)

104 Where is my safe space away from the safe spacers?

Posted by: dfbaskwill at November 09, 2015 01:34 PM (zllbf)

105 Those not in favor of Letting It Burn please lay out your plan for putting out this fire.

Posted by: Ghost of kari at November 09, 2015 01:35 PM (xuouz)

106 Stop poking the bold bear, you fools!

Posted by: @votermom at November 09, 2015 01:35 PM (cbfNE)

107 104 Where is my safe space away from the safe spacers?
Posted by: dfbaskwill at November 09, 2015 01:34 PM (zllbf)

At the end of the highway to the danger zone.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at November 09, 2015 01:35 PM (2Ojst)

108 Mizzou was just a brick in the wall - who's next?

Posted by: GBruno at November 09, 2015 01:35 PM (u49WF)

109 One charge is that a white student supposedly walked up to 11 black students and called them the N word. In what galaxy would that ever happen? And if it did happen,

Posted by: Cheri at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (oiNtH)

And if it did happen, who the fvck cares? They could call him some names and it's all even.

In any event, the appropriate action would have been to just expel all the protesters. Quick and done. But these universities actually like this sort of shit. They like the fact that their president was "forced" to resign by a bunch of douchebags and retards. They consider that "progress" and it satisfies their self-hating, nihilistic fantasies. The left love chaos and idiocy.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 09, 2015 01:35 PM (zc3Db)

110 69 I continue to believe that college football, specifically, and college sports, generally, is a life support for the university system. It connects people to their schools and even connects people to schools who otherwise have no affiliation.

Posted by: SH at November 09, 2015 01:28 PM (gmeXX)

Disagree. College athletics used to be real, i.e., student athletes, when it started originally in the Ivy League. College teams were a step above intramural ones, and participants were legitimate students in real subjects (not PE, sociology, communications, grievance studies, etc.).

Now the whole thing has become a joke. People who can barely read now "attend" college essentially as professional athletes. It would be much better if universities were focused on academics, and football and basketball had minor leagues, just like baseball.

Besides, what's the benefit of "connecting" with a school? Does Caltech need sports to "connect" to its graduates? MIT? Anywhere in the Ivy League?

No. People connect with those institutions because of their academic performance. As is proper.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 01:35 PM (oKE6c)

111 My wife turned on one of the Hornblower movies we have--

Gay pr0n?

Posted by: rickb223 at November 09, 2015 01:35 PM (V0CWC)

112 31- I think that is exactly what happened. I also hope that alumnae stop writing checks to the university. Tell the board of directors that when they get some balls and stand up to thugs, find out the truth before making someone give up their job, then, and only then will the ink start flowing.
But that's just crazy talk.

Posted by: Moki at November 09, 2015 01:35 PM (x303I)

113 No so bold now, are we?

Posted by: Weasel at November 09, 2015 01:36 PM (6xtq3)

114 If he didn't resign, the board of the school would have forced him to. What a bunch of gutless pussies

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 01:36 PM (2x3L+)

115 Robby Soave at Reason notes that liberals often denigrate the threat to
free speech and thought posed by the harder-left coreligionists.

Ace, they lie. They know, but they lie, because they know it's advancing their cause.

No leftist will be troubled when speech is regulated, as long as it's speech they don't like.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 01:36 PM (oVJmc)

116 Everybody is hunting for scalps these days: young campus brigands as well as the extreme right wing in Republican primaries. The voices that speak up for reason and common sense seem to get quieter with every passing day.
Posted by: Begonia

I bet you'd say that about any subject that involved any sort of conflict. That was a clumsy, desperate segue to steer the conversation away from the OP.

Of course the real reason that the protests are distressing is because it's over a hoax, which if it were true, wouldn't even be grounds for any sort of action.

You need to show your work: we've made a case for why your faux-Mexican would make a shitty president. Prove that our claims are false.

Vague, asinine comparisons/assertions don't cut it. Sometimes protests are called for, sometimes not, you idiot.

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 01:36 PM (E5UB0)

117 Stop poking the bold bear, you fools!

Posted by: @votermom

She means it!

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at November 09, 2015 01:37 PM (VAsIq)

118 I'm not sure why he didn't call the football players bluff? If those players did "strike" I could actually have some respect for them. They at least took an action which could potentially negatively effect them for some misguided goal.

Posted by: SH at November 09, 2015 01:37 PM (gmeXX)

119 Disagree. College athletics used to be real, i.e., student athletes, when it started originally in the Ivy League.

Some schools still have scholar athletes. Heck, Penn State had a starting lineman who *taught* integral vector calculus to undergrads.

Posted by: Bandersnatch, whut is a proud Nitwit Lion at November 09, 2015 01:37 PM (JtwS4)

120 If I was an Alum they wouldn't get one penny from Me....

Posted by: donna at November 09, 2015 01:37 PM (/dSsq)

121 We have not yet begun to blight.

Posted by: social justice warriors at November 09, 2015 01:37 PM (REdlt)

122 One of the French leaders was a nobleman, and we were supposed to be horrified that he was bringing a guillotine with him and wound up executing all the proud republican Frenchmen who gave him trouble.

He was a bit of a jerk but I didn't mind until he started doing what the terror did: pretty much just executing everyone who he didn't like instead of the ones who were the actual criminals.

Great books, by the way. Highly recommended. Better than the movies.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 01:37 PM (39g3+)

Why should people with no affiliation be connected to the school for nonacademic purposes?

Posted by: First-Rate Political Hack at November 09, 2015 01:32 PM (1r7RR)

Exactly. And of what benefit is it to the school? "Go team!" BFD.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 01:38 PM (oKE6c)

Besides, what's the benefit of "connecting" with a school? Does Caltech need sports to "connect" to its graduates? MIT? Anywhere in the Ivy League?

No. People connect with those institutions because of their academic performance. As is proper.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 01:35 PM (oKE6c)

LinkedIn doesn't cut it? Email?

Posted by: First-Rate Political Hack at November 09, 2015 01:39 PM (1r7RR)

125 Everybody is hunting for scalps these days:

Posted by: Begonia

This stereotypical language is disgusting!!

Posted by: Sen/Princess running joke (D-MA) at November 09, 2015 01:39 PM (326rv)

126 The Unabomber actually warned us that technology would bring this about.

Posted by: dfbaskwill at November 09, 2015 01:39 PM (zllbf)

127 Cut off the Federal money spigot to the universities. Pass a law that says:

1. The US government is out of the student loan business.

2. Universities must agree to pay 50 percent of all bad student loans.

3. No more money for diversity scams. You want that sort of thing, pay for it yourself.

Posted by: joncelli, Boned like You at November 09, 2015 01:39 PM (RD7QR)

128 Posted by: Begonia at November 09, 2015 01:33 PM (DlSGW)

Your concern is noted.
A tumbril has been dispatched to pick you up.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Yo! The Outrage Outlet Wraps! at November 09, 2015 01:39 PM (hLRSq)

129 The Long March Through The Institutions has begun. Hail the new leaders!

Posted by: General Zod at November 09, 2015 01:39 PM (Bdeb0)

This little grey box is my safe space, you can't get in.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at November 09, 2015 01:39 PM (ODxAs)

131 I also hope that alumnae stop writing checks to the university.

This is what confuses me. Why are these boosters and supporters still boosting and supporting? I know many of them are lefties but not THAT stupidly lefty. This new generation is so idiotic and childish even the far left is embarrassed by them (in private, when being honest).

Stop feeding the machine. Starve it until they clean up their act.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 01:39 PM (39g3+)

132 Some schools still have scholar athletes. Heck,
Penn State had a starting lineman who *taught* integral vector calculus
to undergrads.

Posted by: Bandersnatch, whut is a proud Nitwit Lion at November 09, 2015 01:37 PM (JtwS4)

One year Harvard's backfield featured a guy majoring in physics and another in chemistry, IIRC.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 01:40 PM (oKE6c)

133 126
The Unabomber actually warned us that technology would bring this about.

Posted by: dfbaskwill at November 09, 2015 01:39 PM (zllbf)

I think you're right. He talked about how leftists are poorly socialized due to technological advances.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at November 09, 2015 01:40 PM (4ErVI)

134 33 Everyone see that screaming bitch at Yale?

My G-D we are so fucked
Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (gf8BH)

Screaming in people's faces is a leftard tactic. Occupy did it. BLM did it. The creeps who took over Sanders rally did it. And of course the yale bitch did it. If anyone put up their hand to protect their face, the rest of the ferrals would swarm.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at November 09, 2015 01:40 PM (iQIUe)

135 We can only thank God that the new Jacobins are using a guillotine that is virtual.

Posted by: Bernie (who) Madoff (with your money) at November 09, 2015 01:40 PM (ZY2zO)

136 109 One charge is that a white student supposedly walked up to 11 black students and called them the N word. In what galaxy would that ever happen? And if it did happen,

Posted by: Cheri at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (oiNtH)

The Projection Galaxy.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 09, 2015 01:40 PM (V0CWC)

137 If I were one of these special snowflakes potential employers, I'd think twice about hiring them...

Posted by: donna at November 09, 2015 01:40 PM (/dSsq)

138 127 Cut off the Federal money spigot to the universities. Pass a law that says:

1. The US government is out of the student loan business.

2. Universities must agree to pay 50 percent of all bad student loans.

3. No more money for diversity scams. You want that sort of thing, pay for it yourself.
Posted by: joncelli, Boned like You at November 09, 2015 01:39 PM (RD7QR)

I am now sexually aroused. Unfortunately, just like pr0n, what you just said is pure fantasy. Titillating fantasy, but still fantasy.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at November 09, 2015 01:40 PM (2Ojst)

139 Schools have teams for the same reason cities do: Public relations.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 01:40 PM (oVJmc)

140 Welcome to the Cultural Revolution

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at November 09, 2015 01:40 PM (O20we)

141 Oh, and apparently the student protester also was a Ferguson protester.

Posted by: PJ

Nuh uh. This is unpossible.

Posted by: Moderate Salami, weeping for our dead Republic at November 09, 2015 01:41 PM (/Ho8c)

142 I also hope that alumnae stop writing checks to the university.

And get their husbands to do the same.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 01:41 PM (oKE6c)

143 University of Missouri - isn't that the one in Columbia? I went to a party there one weekend back in the 70's. I had a great time, so they tell me.

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 01:41 PM (dFi94)

144 Now the whole thing has become a joke. People who can barely read now "attend" college essentially as professional athletes. It would be much better if universities were focused on academics, and football and basketball had minor leagues, just like baseball.


That is my point. Perhaps not as well stated. College athletics are allowing the university system to exist as it is now - without making any necessary changes. How willing would people be to continue to support universities, either through donations or through their legislatures, if not for college athletics? I submit their support would be weaker.

Look at Texas - do we support higher academics or do we support the Longhorn and Aggie football programs? Major universities have a lot of influence, much of wish I believe is derived from their importance in college athletics.

Posted by: SH at November 09, 2015 01:41 PM (gmeXX)

145 Of course the real reason that the protests are distressing is because it's over a hoax, which if it were true, wouldn't even be grounds for any sort of action.

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 01:36 PM (E5UB0)

No, I disagree with that: hoax or not, there are social conventions that need to be respected if we are to live peacefully with one another. Even if these protesters had a point (which I sincerely doubt) it is no excuse to treat college staff with such disrespect.

The problem here is that these people were not brought up right. They lack manners.

"Sometimes protests are called for, sometimes not, you idiot."

Case in point!

Posted by: Begonia at November 09, 2015 01:41 PM (DlSGW)

146 Stop poking the bold bear, you fools!

Posted by: @votermom

She means it!
Posted by: Turd Ferguson
I repeat my challenge. Anyone with the guts to do 2 open bolds, one close, and see if the problem recurs?

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 01:41 PM (E5UB0)

147 Kidding!

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 01:41 PM (E5UB0)

148 139 Schools have teams for the same reason cities do: Public relations.
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 01:40 PM (oVJmc)

And derive the same benefit, too, to wit, none.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 01:41 PM (oKE6c)

149 "bully-proof windows, troll-safe doors"

*wipes tears*

appoint Matt & Trey to run the NEH and NEA

Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 01:42 PM (aX+pP)

150 One white student went up to eleven black ATHLETES to deliver a racial slur.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at November 09, 2015 01:42 PM (O20we)

151 >>>> The Unabomber actually warned us that technology would bring this about.
Posted by: dfbaskwill at November 09, 2015 01:39 PM
Speaking of the Unabomber, I drove by Supermax the other day where he will spend the rest of his life. A lot of other baddies there too

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 01:42 PM (2x3L+)

152 129 The Long March Through The Institutions has begun is almost complete. Hail the new leaders!
Posted by: General Zod at November 09, 2015 01:39 PM (Bdeb0)


Posted by: joncelli, Boned like You at November 09, 2015 01:42 PM (RD7QR)

153 Really, Ace had a thread on it.
And it has been commented on here several times this week.

South Park.

Season 19.

Particularly episodes #3 and #5.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 09, 2015 01:42 PM (ptqRm)

154 CS Forester is good but Patrick O'Brian is Great. Best historical fiction in the English language, imo, and best look at Napoleon as the totalitarian dictator that he was.

One hell of a Missouri Compromise from Mr. Wolfe. Good luck Mizzou.

Posted by: Ghost of kari at November 09, 2015 01:42 PM (xuouz)

155 National Review should send it's black reporter, Kevin Williamson, to see how bad things are at Mizzou.

I bet he'll sympathize with the football players when white racists yell slurs at him when they see him walking around!

Posted by: Chauncey DeVega at November 09, 2015 01:42 PM (REdlt)

156 Everybody is hunting for scalps these days: young campus brigands as well as the extreme right wing in Republican primaries. The voices that speak up for reason and common sense seem to get quieter with every passing day.

Posted by: Begonia at November 09, 2015 01:33 PM (DlSGW)

"Irony" ain't just a word in the dictionary.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 09, 2015 01:43 PM (0yhH4)

157 One white student went up to eleven black ATHLETES to deliver a racial slur.

And they're still alive?

Posted by: donna at November 09, 2015 01:43 PM (/dSsq)

158 I'm seeing SJW's freaking out a little over "Fallout 4." It seems that, although the game designers made it possible for you to play as any gender you like AND have same-sex relationships if you so desire, the initial set-up for the character creation is framed within a heterosexual couple.

And therefore the game is "problematic."

Posted by: Kensington at November 09, 2015 01:43 PM (7Kbxu)

159 137
If I were one of these special snowflakes potential employers, I'd think twice about hiring them...

Posted by: donna at November 09, 2015 01:40 PM (/dSsq)

They can always get a job with the gubmint. Nice salary, job security, and all that sweet, sweet pension money.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 01:43 PM (FsuaD)

160 I don't remember his name but there was a sports radical back in the 70s who supported the Symbionese Liberation Army and a bunch of other crackpot evil stuff. I remember being shocked. What's sports got to do with all this? I guess it's all one and the same now, though.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 01:43 PM (XUKZU)

I wish the guy would have stuck it out for a week just to see if they would actually play the game or not.

But in general, big mistake giving in, this will only create more supposed boycotts for just about everything under the sun. Good Luck Mizzou with your special snowflake blizzard.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at November 09, 2015 01:43 PM (ODxAs)

162 One white student went up to eleven black ATHLETES to deliver a racial slur.

There's a word for guys like that: The deceased.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 01:43 PM (oVJmc)

163 How willing would people be to continue to support
universities, either through donations or through their legislatures, if
not for college athletics? I submit their support would be weaker.

Look at Texas - do we support higher academics or do we support the
Longhorn and Aggie football programs? Major universities have a lot of
influence, much of wish I believe is derived from their importance in
college athletics.

Posted by: SH at November 09, 2015 01:41 PM (gmeXX)

Most universities lose money on their athletic programs. Relatively few colleges - the powerhouses - actually make money.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 01:43 PM (oKE6c)

164 Does Caltech need sports to "connect" to its graduates?

LittleBrother928 went to Caltech on an athletic scholarship. Just noting.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 09, 2015 01:44 PM (rwI+c)

165 All Missouri is missing are some Syrian "refugees" to raise hell and shit all over the place. I assume that the university already has an order in for a couple hundred Syrians next term.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 09, 2015 01:44 PM (zc3Db)

166 CS Forester is good but Patrick O'Brian is Great. Best historical fiction in the English language, imo, and best look at Napoleon as the totalitarian dictator that he was.

Sure, Forrester is a good introduction to the times and naval combat, Patrick O'Brian is the graduate class.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 01:44 PM (39g3+)

167 Planned Parenthood got their scalp. The rest is just gravy for the students to lap up.

Posted by: brak at November 09, 2015 01:44 PM (xwPSp)

168 162 One white student went up to eleven black ATHLETES to deliver a racial slur.
There's a word for guys like that: The deceased.
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 01:43 PM (oVJmc)

That, or they've just found a world-class sprinter.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 01:44 PM (oKE6c)

169 165 All Missouri is missing are some Syrian "refugees" to raise hell and shit all over the place.

That's our job, you scabs!

Posted by: EPA agents at November 09, 2015 01:44 PM (2Ojst)

170 150 One white student went up to eleven black ATHLETES to deliver a racial slur.
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at November 09, 2015 01:42 PM (O20we)


Yeah, that's really believable. And if it's true, no wonder the team is shit.

Posted by: Seems Legit at November 09, 2015 01:44 PM (OWndX)

171 This is certainly a total fabrication just like Republicans shouting N at black congressmen after Ocare was passed. This tactic is going to spread like wildfire across colleges and universities.

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 01:44 PM (2x3L+)

172 There demands are absurd and probably illegal....Burn it down and start all over again

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 09, 2015 01:45 PM (gf8BH)

173 If I were one of these special snowflakes potential employers, I'd think twice about hiring them...

Posted by: donna

That's why I'm changing what questions employers can ask at interviews.

Posted by: Pres'nt Obama at November 09, 2015 01:45 PM (VAsIq)

174 Posted by: Begonia at November 09, 2015 01:33 PM

Your concern is:

[x] Noted

[ ] Not Noted.

Thank you.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at November 09, 2015 01:45 PM (ttnnR)

175 White liberal university president gets buckets of university money to not put up with this crap anymore. Yep, they showed him. I wonder what department will lose funds next year to pay for his early retirement.

Posted by: Big Ben at November 09, 2015 01:45 PM (x3dTi)

176 I wonder what Chris Cuomo will have to say about this on Twitter? *pokes ace*

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 01:45 PM (FsuaD)

177 164 Does Caltech need sports to "connect" to its graduates?
LittleBrother928 went to Caltech on an athletic scholarship. Just noting.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 09, 2015 01:44 PM (rwI+c)

Doesn't change the point, though, does it?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 01:45 PM (oKE6c)

178 Mizzou bringing the old socks

Posted by: typo dynamofo at November 09, 2015 01:45 PM (ZY2zO)

179 Speaking of the Unabomber, I drove by Supermax the other day where he will spend the rest of his life. A lot of other baddies there too

And Barky wants to close down Gitmo this week and ship some of the terrorists there.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 01:45 PM (XUKZU)

180 Most universities lose money on their athletic programs. Relatively few colleges - the powerhouses - actually make money.


Not my point. It isn't that they make money per se on college athletics, its that college athletics make universities too important to the general public. Would the general public care about UT if there was no football team?

Posted by: SH at November 09, 2015 01:45 PM (gmeXX)

181 Saturday's Dr Who (bear with me, don't judge me), 2nd part of a 2-parter, the ending, was interesting, if wordy and tedious and ultimately kind of stupid beaaause...

Spoilers, as if it mattered...

The Dr is trying to talk an alien out of inciting violence and revolution and war with humans (short form).

In the course of this, he's asking the alien,

What do you really expect to put in its place when you've wiped out the current system? And,

Oooo, it's not fair that you're a minority? Boo hoo! And,

When you're on top, the next bunch will come eat you.

So, it was pretty good, for that. Dr Who goofiness and rubber-suited sucker-covered aliens notwithstanding.

Posted by: mindful webworker - obliquely at November 09, 2015 01:45 PM (67teE)

182 One white student went up to eleven black ATHLETES to deliver a racial slur.

There's a word for guys like that:

Chuck Norris.

So unless he is a student, it didn't happen.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 09, 2015 01:46 PM (V0CWC)

183 176 I wonder what Chris Cuomo will have to say about this on Twitter? *pokes ace*
Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 01:45 PM (FsuaD)

It's bad enough he's cheating on us with that slut, but you've got to go and encourage him now?

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at November 09, 2015 01:46 PM (2Ojst)

184 What's all this talk of Sybian refugees?

*puts on two-inch thick "reading" glasses*

Oh. My bad.

Posted by: Hillary(!) at November 09, 2015 01:46 PM (VAsIq)

185 I don't got no sence

Posted by: adf at November 09, 2015 01:46 PM (eqD/G)

186 Doesn't change the point, though, does it?

It certainly connected him with the college, since he wouldn't have attended otherwise.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 09, 2015 01:46 PM (rwI+c)

187 Anyone care to pick the over/under for how many of those 30 football players will graduate?

I am guessing it is 4.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 09, 2015 01:46 PM (k2fxD)

188 Protest leader was a McCaskill intern.

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at November 09, 2015 01:46 PM (fWAjv)

189 One white student went up to eleven black ATHLETES to deliver a racial slur.
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at November 09, 2015 01:42 PM (O20we)


Yeah, that's really believable. And if it's true, no wonder the team is shit.

They all ran to a safe space and curled up into the fetal position.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 01:47 PM (XUKZU)

190 I saw another SJW bitching that, although "Fallout 4" does provide a mechanism for changing your gender if you so desire, the game doesn't overtly acknowledge that you might be a transexual within the narrative of the story. You can change your gender, but the REASON you're doing so is left to your imagination rather than celebrated directly.

So, that, too, is problematic, of course.

Posted by: Kensington at November 09, 2015 01:47 PM (7Kbxu)

191 If My kid was a Student there they would be transferring...

Posted by: donna at November 09, 2015 01:47 PM (/dSsq)

You dont have to know how to read, write, add or subtract but you damn well better attend the mandatory diversity training and admit your white privilege if you expect to matriculate.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at November 09, 2015 01:47 PM (iQIUe)

193 It wasn't realistic, though.

(Spoiler warning again)

The alien changed its mind and became a good guy.

Which the deranged angry lefty mobsters never will.

Posted by: mindful webworker - additionally at November 09, 2015 01:48 PM (67teE)

194 This all feels very coordinated and planned. It sounds like the brainchild of Planned Parenthood and Dem agitator politicians and BLM

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 01:48 PM (2x3L+)

195 jay

"Besides, what's the benefit of 'connecting' with a school?"

I'd say the answer is "major money."

After graduation, athletic teams become stand-ins for the school as a whole. They give alums a tangible thing to cheer for, and a vector through which donors can be courted and given perks. The money follows.

European universities have no collegiate athletics. I wonder what effect creating collegiate athletics would have in Europe. People fork over their first-born in the way of taxes to support universities, so maybe not much. But if state support diminishes, EUnik universities will have to find ways of shoring up things without raising tuition too much.

Maybe not worth worrying about in the medium to long term, the rate Europe's going.

Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 01:48 PM (aX+pP)

196 As the Man said: What a stupid time to be alive.

Posted by: Jeff Weimer at November 09, 2015 01:48 PM (EeQoW)

197 150-yeah, that's really believable.

142-Mercy. I just can't believe I made a terrible, terrible grammar mistake in Latin. My stars and garters.

Posted by: Moki at November 09, 2015 01:48 PM (x303I)


The election season has just begun folks.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 01:48 PM (qCMvj)

199 My Pleasantview Elementary Honor Student Beat Your College Football Team.

Posted by: Bumper Sticker at November 09, 2015 01:48 PM (VAsIq)

200 What a nation of whiny, entitled, cry-baby douchebags Special Snowflake parents have raised.

Nice job.

Hope for our nation's sake we never need to bring back the draft.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 01:48 PM (FsuaD)

201 True, Chris, I read CS Forrester in middle school and O'Brian in high school.

Posted by: Ghost of kari at November 09, 2015 01:49 PM (xuouz)

202 Next up, the banned college athlete unions. They will now be called Racial Justice Forums.

WTF is going on with MO? I thought the stat's citizens had some fvcking brains?

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 09, 2015 01:49 PM (jJRIy)

203 The Unabomber actually warned us that technology would bring this about.
Posted by: dfbaskwill at November 09, 2015 01:39 PM (zllbf)


Wow. Hadn't thought of that, but he did.

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 01:49 PM (Fmupd)

204 198

The election season has just begun folks.
Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 01:48 PM (qCMvj)

Bad time to give up sniffing glue, etc.

Posted by: joncelli, Boned like You at November 09, 2015 01:49 PM (RD7QR)

205 Protest leader was a McCaskill intern.


Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 01:49 PM (oVJmc)

206 At a Bernie Sanders event, black shakedown artists demanded four and a half minutes of silence for someone. "As soon as everyone is quiet" they said to a few thousand people. Bernie melts like a snowman in February.

Posted by: King Imhoptrump at November 09, 2015 01:49 PM (InKki)

207 Back in the day, college students took to the streets and fought The Man. Now they are The Man, and it turns out The Man wears a onesie and a nightcap and sips hot cocoa with his little pinkie extended. Who knew?

Posted by: troyriser at November 09, 2015 01:50 PM (UWlp+)

208 I have no jokes and no plan to strike back, just thick, bold text and scorn.

Posted by: Ghost of kari at November 09, 2015 01:50 PM (xuouz)

209 have to repost a LizLem comment from last thread..

God Bless IowaHawk for providing teh funny...

@iowahawkblog: An SEC football team threatening to boycott classes is probably the funniest thing I've ever heard of.

Posted by: LizLem at November 09, 2015 12:38 PM (hvf9s)

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 01:50 PM (qCMvj)

210 On the other hand, the University of Virginia fraternity had filed a lawsuit against Rolling Stone. I hope that they collect on that one.

(via Insty)

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Yo! The Outrage Outlet Wraps! at November 09, 2015 01:50 PM (hLRSq)

211 This all feels very coordinated and planned. It
sounds like the brainchild of Planned Parenthood and Dem agitator
politicians and BLM

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 01:48 PM (2x3L+)

Yes. I noticed how fast the protesters managed to get matching shirts with identical slogans and logos. Quick turn-around time.

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 01:50 PM (dFi94)

212 159 137
If I were one of these special snowflakes potential employers, I'd think twice about hiring them...

Posted by: donna at November 09, 2015 01:40 PM (/dSsq)

They can always get a job with the gubmint. Nice salary, job security, and all that sweet, sweet pension money.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 01:43 PM (FsuaD)

Not to mention having power over the likes of us.

Posted by: rickl at November 09, 2015 01:50 PM (zoehZ)

213 What Mizzou needs is a nice statue of St. Michael Brown, holding a handful of stolen cigars.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 01:50 PM (FsuaD)

214 Posted by: SH at November 09, 2015 01:45 PM (gmeXX)

I get your point but UT and A&M would still be a big deal without Football. Just like Rice. Oh wait, they have a football team.

Posted by: Max Rockatansky at November 09, 2015 01:51 PM (0XyIg)

215 30
Bet a lot more SJWs will be emboldened after this Mizzou "victory"

Posted by: still traumatizd from the last post at November 09, 2015 01:23 PM (REdlt)

This will spread like shit through a goose.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 09, 2015 01:51 PM (jJRIy)

216 WTF is going on with MO? I thought the stat's citizens had some fvcking brains?

You trade them in when you move to a big city and go to college. That's how you get access to the safe spaces with the crayons and dolls.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 01:51 PM (39g3+)

217 137
If I were one of these special snowflakes potential employers, I'd think twice about hiring them...

Posted by: donna at November 09, 2015 01:40 PM (/dSsq)

No need. Next.

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 09, 2015 01:51 PM (3dOE/)

218 WTF is going on with MO? I thought the stat's citizens had some fvcking brains?
Posted by: Nip Sip at November 09, 2015 01:49 PM (jJRIy)


Haven't been to MO, have you? One of the most striking aspects about that state is that everyone looks the same.

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 01:51 PM (Fmupd)

219 This makes me want to drive by the Missouri practice field and yell, 'PUSSIES!!"

Posted by: Seems Legit at November 09, 2015 01:51 PM (OWndX)

220 What Mizzou needs is a nice statue of St. Michael Brown, holding a handful of stolen cigars.

With a beaten up old man holding a cell phone in the other fist.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 01:52 PM (39g3+)

221 he President refused to acknowledge his "white male privilege" so he had to go?

Is that a thing now?

I need to know so liberals like Alec Baldwin, Bernie Sanders, the Pope, Brad Pitt, Dan Rather, Harry Ried, Josh Ernest, Ed Schultz, Chris Mathews. Michael Moore, Bill DiBlasio, George Clooney, Woody Allen, Fidel Castro, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and Joe Biden need to acknowledge their white male privilege and make amends.

The Mizzou President quit. Who's next?

Posted by: Lady Gaga at November 09, 2015 01:52 PM (NjiZL)

222 Is this the U that wanted the statue of Jefferson removed because racism?

Posted by: donna at November 09, 2015 01:52 PM (/dSsq)

223 >>>> And Barky wants to close down Gitmo this week and ship some of the terrorists there.
Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 01:45 PM (XUKZU)
I actually wouldn't mind that. From what I've read about Gitmo and know about Supermax, Supermax is far worse. About 40% of inmates go insane from the solitary confinement. They have a high suicide rate there too. I actually think the death penalty is more merciful than life spent at Supermax

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 01:52 PM (2x3L+)

224 I am sort of wondering if this was a "Let It Burn" move by Wolfe. There is absolutely nothing else he could do that would encourage these SJW meatheads more. They have just been told that they have hiring and firing approval over every employee at the university.
Next year, when the University announces a tuition hike, the students will simply choose another university administrator to toss on the fire. I suspect Wolfe went to this Board of Curators meeting, learned that they did not have his back and said, "Oh yeah, well then F___ You, you deal with these cry-baby assholes."

Posted by: JB1000 at November 09, 2015 01:52 PM (16OL0)


I only watch Clemson games, now.
So, if they screw up, it's over.

I can't watch the NFL anymore either. Been off-NFL for 1 season now, and never been happier.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 01:52 PM (qCMvj)

226 I anesthetize myself from this bullshit by dreaming of an 18-0 Patriots team beating an 18-0 Panthers team in SB 50, in overtime, by 3.

And sending money to Insomniac's chosen 2016 ticket: Pale Horse/Death, of course.

Posted by: Sharkman at November 09, 2015 01:52 PM (F7nSF)

227 WTF is going on with MO? I thought the state's citizens had some fvcking brains?

Posted by: Nip Sip

I married a Missourian and took her out of that poo stain. It seems to be spreading.

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at November 09, 2015 01:53 PM (VAsIq)

228 And Barky wants to close down Gitmo this week and ship some of the terrorists there.Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 01:45 PM (XUKZU)

According to the lease, if we abandon the site it reverts back to Cuba. Maybe not as outrageous as giving up the Panama Canal, but impeachment worthy.

Posted by: PC Principal at November 09, 2015 01:53 PM (7v/r5)

229 At one time a long time ago if you excelled in a sport it might be a ticket out of the ghetto and into a better life. Now the ghetto has moved to the universities they can remain thugs and eventually end up in jail or dead.

Posted by: Buffalbob at November 09, 2015 01:53 PM (8nL8o)

Haven't been to MO, have you? One of the most striking aspects about that state is that everyone looks the same.

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 01:51 PM (Fmupd)

I went there to pick up our son when he completed MOS at Ft. Leonard Wood (or as the Marines call it, Camp Lost in the Woods).

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 01:54 PM (FsuaD)

231 "Besides, what's the benefit of 'connecting' with a school?"

I'd say the answer is "major money."

But major money ... for what? The athletic program? That's the question. Donors for a new physics building aren't likely to be motivated by the football team. They want their names on something in the athletic complex.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 01:54 PM (oKE6c)


No disciplinary acts towards the violent students.
No repercussions.

And, no real journalists out there to tell the truth and reach the nation with it.

banana republic

when these sjw's turn on the liberal media
THAT is when I party hardy.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 01:54 PM (qCMvj)

233 I repeat my challenge. Anyone with the guts to do 2 open bolds, one close, and see if the problem recurs?

Don't do it! You'll create a rift in the time-space continuum!

Posted by: Dr. Emmet Brown at November 09, 2015 01:55 PM (NjiZL)

234 Thank obama for making race relations sooooo great!

Posted by: donna at November 09, 2015 01:55 PM (/dSsq)

Coach Hammer: "Okay, all of you that intend to go out on the field and play hard, line up over here. All of you that intend to 'boycott', line up over there."

*shuffle, shuffle*

Coach Hammer: "Okay, all of you in the boycott group, hand in your gear, and start thinking about how you're going to pay next quarter's tuition, because we don't pay if you don't play, and play hard."

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 09, 2015 01:55 PM (9mTYi)

236 At one time a long time ago if you excelled in a sport it might be a ticket out of the ghetto and into a better life

Worked for OJ. For a while.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 01:55 PM (oKE6c)

237 Has anyone ever asked a faculty member with a "safe space" sticker on the door if their colleague next door, who does not have such a sticker, is "unsafe," and whether they would support putting a sticker saying "unsafe" on that other door?

Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 01:55 PM (aX+pP)

238 Yes. I noticed how fast the protesters managed to get matching shirts with identical slogans and logos. Quick turn-around time.

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 01:50 PM (dFi94)

The protesters get shirts!

Posted by: George 'Anka' Soros at November 09, 2015 01:55 PM (ck8TA)

239 233 I repeat my challenge. Anyone with the guts to do 2 open bolds, one close, and see if the problem recurs?

Don't do it! You'll create a rift in the time-space continuum!

Posted by: Dr. Emmet Brown at November 09, 2015 01:55 PM (NjiZL)

I would rather divide by zero

Posted by: Doom Rider at November 09, 2015 01:56 PM (ck8TA)

240 It's astounding...really shocking even by today's pathetic standards of normalcy that a man can lose his job, essentially, over nothing. Nothing. Was this president the one who smeared the (dubiously claimed) nazi symbol? Was he the one who (also dubiously claimed) shouted racial slurs? It's simply mind boggling that he stepped down, he lost his freaking job, for being guilty of nothing.

Posted by: Lady in Black....CRUZ / PAPERBAG 2016 at November 09, 2015 01:56 PM (pVkEV)

241 Derbyshire put it best ... "what the hell is wrong with white people?".

Posted by: thespellingpolice at November 09, 2015 01:56 PM (6NIyO)

242 And Barky wants to close down Gitmo this week and ship some of the terrorists there.Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 01:45 PM (XUKZU)

Close the entire base or just the prison?

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Yo! The Outrage Outlet Wraps! at November 09, 2015 01:56 PM (hLRSq)

243 You don't see this kind of crap from the college baseball teams. Just sayin'.

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 01:56 PM (dFi94)

244 why the fuck would a UNIVERSITY PREZ step down over something so patently anti-intellectual?


Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 01:57 PM (aX+pP)

245 Coach Hammer: "Okay, all of you in the boycott group, hand in your gear,
and start thinking about how you're going to pay next quarter's
tuition, because we don't pay if you don't play, and play hard."

Don't forget to invalidate their card for training table. You don't work, you don't eat.

Posted by: HR trinken trinken trinken at November 09, 2015 01:57 PM (vn2q2)

246 when these sjw's turn on the liberal media
THAT is when I party hardy.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 01:54 PM (qCMvj)

Oh if only they'd go all Frankenstein monster on their good doctors.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 09, 2015 01:57 PM (493sH)

247 You don't see this kind of crap from the college baseball teams. Just sayin'.


Posted by: donna at November 09, 2015 01:57 PM (/dSsq)

248 Sock off

Posted by: bourbonchicken at November 09, 2015 01:57 PM (InKki)

249 "According to the lease, if we abandon the site it reverts back to Cuba. Maybe not as outrageous as giving up the Panama Canal, but impeachment worthy."

Gizmo existed, and was used as a Fleet Training Center long before the prisoners ever arrived.
I'have been there four times for training myself.

Let it revert back to a Fleet Training Facility for the Navy.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 09, 2015 01:58 PM (ptqRm)

250 228-The prison is not part of GTMO, per se-it's a JTF enterprise located on GTMO property. GTMO is a Naval refueling station run by the Navy and Coast Guard. That lease is and should remain separate from any JTF camp closures. The question, then, is the Pres going to try to close down the WHOLE of GTMO, and not just the detention camps? He has never differentiated between the two entities, which are absolutely separate in funding and chain of command.

Posted by: Moki at November 09, 2015 01:58 PM (x303I)

251 This all feels very coordinated and planned. It

sounds like the brainchild of Planned Parenthood and Dem agitator

politicians and BLM

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 01:48 PM (2x3L+)

Now would the Reds clandestinely organize a "spontaneous" protest?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 01:58 PM (oKE6c)

252 >>>>> I repeat my challenge. Anyone with the guts to do 2 open bolds, one close, and see if the problem recurs?
Why do you think this is a good idea? We already ran through all the bold jokes and puns. It would far worse the second time around

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 01:58 PM (2x3L+)

253 "if you excelled in a sport it might be a ticket out of the ghetto and into a better life"

still works, see Richard Sherman and Marshawn Lynch


Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 01:58 PM (aX+pP)

254 why the fuck would a UNIVERSITY PREZ step down over something so patently anti-intellectual?

Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 01:57 PM (aX+pP)

I am sure his life and his family were threatened.

And, Sports > Education

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 01:58 PM (qCMvj)

255 Hey, great we get to have our own Cultural Revolution, too. Only with even more dumbness and less sanity.

Posted by: Stu-22 at November 09, 2015 01:58 PM (RMOpc)

256 Planned Parenthood got their scalp. The rest is just gravy for the students to lap up.

I've seen this elsewhere. It makes more sense than the so-called "racism" that has been described. A couple of incidents, on a campus of 35,000 students, where a couple of random white people used the "N" word. That's supposed to be evidence of "systemic" racism? In what parallel universe?

You put tens of thousands of people together in the same place, you're obviously going to get some who are a$$holes. There was no evidence offered that the university itself was ever promoting or condoning racism; in fact, in the one case where the offensive speaker was able to be identified, that person was disciplined. So how is the so-called racism "systemic" within the university? It isn't. So this power play from the football players must be about something else.

I don't know if it was the university's decision to stop allowing Planned Parenthood to perform abortions on campus, or something else. But it appears that there is more to this story than the media is reporting. Are the football players at Missouri really knocking up so many co-eds that they need to have PP operating an on-campus abortion mill? If so, that's pretty sad. (And gives the lie to that whole "black lives matter" crapola. Apparently they don't matter at all if they're unborn babies).

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at November 09, 2015 01:58 PM (a31sM)

257 Has President Agitator remarked on this yet? You can bet he will and give a big wink and nod to the protestors to keep it going. Marxism 101.

Posted by: Cheri at November 09, 2015 01:59 PM (oiNtH)

258 "Besides, what's the benefit of 'connecting' with a school?"

I'd say the answer is "major money."

But major money ... for what?

Salaries. Donor gets season tickets or a box, school gets cash.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 09, 2015 01:59 PM (V0CWC)

259 You don't see this kind of crap from the college baseball teams.

Especially at schools where Title IX killed baseball.

Posted by: HR trinken trinken trinken at November 09, 2015 01:59 PM (vn2q2)

260 Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers (ca 1970). Could be plucked from the headlines.

Posted by: Ex NYC Peasant at November 09, 2015 01:59 PM (k8tEg)

261 They got a name for the winners in the world
I want a name when I lose
They call Alabama the Crimson Tide
Call me Deacon White.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 01:59 PM (XUKZU)

262 With your help, we can finally achieve a #ShamelessAmerica. Thank you South Park.

Posted by: mugiwara at November 09, 2015 01:59 PM (uEjuE)

263 189
One white student went up to eleven black ATHLETES to deliver a racial slur.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at November 09, 2015 01:42 PM (O20we)


Yeah, that's really believable. And if it's true, no wonder the team is shit.


They all ran to a safe space and curled up into the fetal position.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 01:47 PM (XUKZU)

So, their own end zone?

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 09, 2015 02:00 PM (3dOE/)

264 It's astounding...really shocking even by today's pathetic standards of normalcy that a man can lose his job, essentially, over nothing.

If you talk to the people that support this a common theme emerges: they don't know the details. They don't even know what this is about. All they know is upset students got bad man to lose job. Why, how, what happened? They only know sketchy minimal details, and even invent crap like "people were throwing feces and painting swastikas" to defend their position.

Its sort of like watching a 7 year old defend their theory about why Dora the Explorer is real.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 02:00 PM (39g3+)

265 In other news, it has been 456 days since Michael Brown last assaulted a shopkeeper, robbed a store, punched a police officer and tried to take away his gun.

I wonder what made him stop?

Posted by: Reality at November 09, 2015 02:00 PM (NjiZL)

266 Thanks for clarifying why they were protesting.

Posted by: Picric at November 09, 2015 02:00 PM (QnQ+g)

267 Maybe we should go back to the days when college students avoided reality with massive quantities of drugs and alcohol. Some of the survivors will sober up and get a useful job eventually.

Posted by: DaveA at November 09, 2015 02:00 PM (DL2i+)

268 There will be no safe spaces one I awaken from my slumber. Or universities.

Posted by: Cthulhu 2016 at November 09, 2015 02:00 PM (MT22W)

269 I don't know if it was the university's decision to stop allowing Planned Parenthood to perform abortions on campus, or something else. But it appears that there is more to this story than the media is reporting. Are the football players at Missouri really knocking up so many co-eds that they need to have PP operating an on-campus abortion mill? If so, that's pretty sad. (And gives the lie to that whole "black lives matter" crapola. Apparently they don't matter at all if they're unborn babies).
Posted by: TrivialPursuer at November 09, 2015 01:58 PM (a31sM)

There's more to it because the AP deleted that part of their early morning story (quoted by me above and in the early morning thread). The AP made a special note of it in the first article of the day, then it went *poof*. Along with the stopping of health care subsidies for graduate students.

BOTH very left causes.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 02:01 PM (qCMvj)

270 265 In other news, it has been 456 days since Michael Brown last assaulted a shopkeeper, robbed a store, punched a police officer and tried to take away his gun.

I wonder what made him stop?

I see South Park is gonna do an episode where they have no Cops.... I can only imagine how well that will turn out..

Posted by: donna at November 09, 2015 02:01 PM (/dSsq)

The transition is going to suck though. An entire generation of
emotional infants with no logical capacity is flooding onto the work
market and they won't stop with the demands and expectations. We're
going to have a rough ride while these guys move through the

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 01:34 PM (39g3+)

You don't say!

Posted by: Aging hippies everywhere at November 09, 2015 02:01 PM (wyI5D)

272 You don't see this kind of crap from the college baseball teams.

Especially at schools where Title IX killed baseball.

Posted by: HR trinken trinken trinken at November 09, 2015 01:59 PM (vn2q2)

Title 1X should be drawn and quartered.

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 02:02 PM (dFi94)

273 I actually wouldn't mind that. From what I've read about Gitmo and know about Supermax, Supermax is far worse. About 40% of inmates go insane from the solitary confinement. They have a high suicide rate there too. I actually think the death penalty is more merciful than life spent at Supermax
Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 01:52 PM (2x3L+)

bringing those scum here presents all sorts of legal problems and opens them up to all the "protections" of the American Judicial System and also presents a draw and target for other muslim scum terrorists to attack American soil and citizens. It is an incredibily bad idea

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 09, 2015 02:02 PM (gf8BH)

274 still works, see Richard Sherman and Marshawn Lynch

Yeah, for those who graduated years ago but today? Colleges are changing for the worse almost weekly.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 02:02 PM (39g3+)


Fly-by media strikes again.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 02:02 PM (qCMvj)

276 "I wonder what made him stop?"

The love of a woman, and a good man with a gun.

But mostly, a good man with a gun.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 09, 2015 02:02 PM (ptqRm)

277 Well that should have read Title, oh what the heck, NINE.

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 02:02 PM (dFi94)

278 The president of Harvard needs to resign. In their chess club, white always go first.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 02:03 PM (XUKZU)

279 Salaries. Donor gets season tickets or a box, school gets cash.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 09, 2015 01:59 PM (V0CWC)

But salaries ... for what? The coach(es)? Trainers?
Donations are typically ear-marked, I believe. They don't just go into general funds.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 02:03 PM (oKE6c)

Fly-by media strikes again.

They're still ragging on Carson and His LIES!

Posted by: donna at November 09, 2015 02:03 PM (/dSsq)

281 Thou doth protest too much

Posted by: Michael Sam, Mizzou 2014 at November 09, 2015 02:03 PM (UhRGU)


this is the kind of sh*t that maintains democrat voters
this is how hillary can win

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 02:03 PM (qCMvj)

283 Saw this behavior exactly at lunch today, Chris. I asked "what happened?" and the response was "somebody drew a swastika."

"The football coach supported the team - as he SHOULD"


Posted by: Ghost of kari at November 09, 2015 02:03 PM (xuouz)

284 bringing those scum here presents all sorts of legal
problems and opens them up to all the "protections" of the American
Judicial System and also presents a draw and target for other muslim
scum terrorists to attack American soil and citizens. It is an
incredibily bad idea

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 09, 2015 02:02 PM (gf8BH)


Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 02:03 PM (oKE6c)

285 Perhaps it's time to apply this standard to Obama.

Posted by: DaveA at November 09, 2015 02:03 PM (DL2i+)

286 If I were president of Mizzou, I would have made a bonfire consisting only of the scholarship application contracts. With all the money saved, I would have reduced tuition for every student. And the guy going on a hunger strike? Well, I'd have waited a few months before offering his dorm room to another student. Maybe less, depending on his initial state of health.

Yes. I'm a bastard. I'm actually nicer than these assholes deserve.

Posted by: physics geek at November 09, 2015 02:03 PM (MT22W)

287 L'Elle - are you talking about the Supermax here in Colorado? I think that is where the Unabomber and others are housed.

Posted by: Cheri at November 09, 2015 02:04 PM (oiNtH)

288 It's too bad the campus cops didn't get a K-9 out to that swastika incident quickly.

A dog probably could have tracked the shit artiste within in seconds.

Posted by: weft cut-loop [[]] at November 09, 2015 02:04 PM (rSTkb)

289 I did a 'net present value' calculation on my wifes modest pension recently. Pretty high number.

I can only guess what this college presidents npv is but could easily be in the 500 to 1000k range. Put up with a bunch of whiney bitchs or take the lump sum and hit the street, set for life?

I guess we'll have to see some personal information but my guess is that if he's over 60 years of age he's laughing all the way to the bank.

Posted by: se pa moron at November 09, 2015 02:04 PM (7v/r5)

290 283 Saw this behavior exactly at lunch today, Chris. I asked "what happened?" and the response was "somebody drew a swastika."

Shouldn't the Jewish Students have been protesting?

Posted by: donna at November 09, 2015 02:04 PM (/dSsq)

291 Let's hope each successive president of University of Missouri resigns each week, until a conservative is appointed.

Then he can tell the students to go fuck themselves.

And if there is a hunger strike, he can tell the fat ones to join in.

Then reiterate that they go fuck themselves.

Posted by: jwest at November 09, 2015 02:05 PM (Zs4uk)

292 So, their own end zone?

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 09, 2015 02:00 PM (3dOE/)

Leave Michael Sam out of this.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 02:05 PM (oKE6c)

293 "He points out that these monsters have more power than liberals care to admit"

No they don't have "power". They have targets who are cowards, some of whom actually believe acceding to extortionate mob demands is true "social justice".

History shows they're not going to like what comes next when they confront otherwise normal, thinking people who believe in individual liberty with this type of treatment.

Posted by: Marcus T at November 09, 2015 02:05 PM (GGCsk)

294 The prison is not part of GTMO, per se-it's a JTF enterprise located on GTMO property. GTMO is a Naval refueling station run by the Navy and Coast Guard. That lease is and should remain separate from any JTF camp closures. The question, then, is the Pres going to try to close down the WHOLE of GTMO, and not just the detention camps? He has never differentiated between the two entities, which are absolutely separate in funding and chain of command.
Posted by: Moki at November 09, 2015 01:58 PM (x303I)


He's best-buddies with Raul and Fidel. What do you think?

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 02:05 PM (Fmupd)

295 >>>>> You don't see this kind of crap from the college baseball teams. Just sayin'.
Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 01:56 PM (dFi94)
No kidding. Football is going the way of the NBA. They are politicizing everything and now giving into the ghey.

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 02:05 PM (2x3L+)

296 And all the stupid white people will keep going to the stupid sportsball games and donating money to the stupid university, and paying their stupid tuition. Because sports or something. Freaking pathetic.

Posted by: Jerk at November 09, 2015 02:05 PM (LIqBo)


The Show Me state.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 02:05 PM (qCMvj)

298 When you break this down to what actually happened it was this:
Some guy called someone else a name, supposedly, and they didn't report it for weeks. The president said "that's wrong, but free speech" and they forced him out of a job.

So he was fired for someone else maybe calling another person a name.

And when you point that out, people cannot defend it so they start flailing around stupidly and inventing crap.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 02:06 PM (39g3+)

299 286 If I were president of Mizzou, I would have made a bonfire consisting only of the scholarship application contracts. With all the money saved, I would have reduced tuition for every student. And the guy going on a hunger strike? Well, I'd have waited a few months before offering his dorm room to another student. Maybe less, depending on his initial state of health.

Yes. I'm a bastard. I'm actually nicer than these assholes deserve.

Posted by: physics geek at November 09, 2015 02:03 PM (MT22W)

You're a bastard-in-training. I'd have done all that, AND published (without names) the SAT scores of the football players involved.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 02:07 PM (oKE6c)

300 bringing those scum here presents all sorts of legal problems and opens them up to all the "protections" of the American Judicial System and also presents a draw and target for other muslim scum terrorists to attack American soil and citizens. It is an incredibily bad idea

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 09, 2015 02:02 PM (gf8BH)

^^^^ THIS

Posted by: mustbequantum at November 09, 2015 02:07 PM (MIKMs)

They arent protesters. They are Political Terrorists engaging what I coined as "soft terrorism."

Posted by: Soothsayer at November 09, 2015 02:08 PM (15Pis)

302 Along with the stopping of health care subsidies for graduate students.

BOTH very left causes.

Why would the school need to subsidize the grad students' health care? Now that we have the great Obamacare that these lefty tools wanted, let them buy themselves 0-Care policies, and get their subsidies from taxpayers, like all the other moochers do.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at November 09, 2015 02:08 PM (a31sM)


Who'd have ever thought we'd end this way
As I watch you go the tears are rolling down my face.
Who'd have ever thought I'd be so blue
As I cry beneath that old Missouri moon.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 02:08 PM (qCMvj)

He's best-buddies with Raul and Fidel. What do you think?
Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 02:05 PM (Fmupd)

Scares the hell out of me.

Posted by: Moki at November 09, 2015 02:08 PM (x303I)

305 Cheri, yes. In Florence. The underwear bomber, one of the 9/11 hijackers, Richard Hansen, Terry Nichols are all there along with the Unabomber

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 02:09 PM (2x3L+)

306 Put up with a bunch of whiney bitchs or take the lump sum and hit the street, set for life?

I would put "whiny bitches" in my resignation speech.

Posted by: HR trinken trinken trinken at November 09, 2015 02:09 PM (vn2q2)

307 Send them to SuperMax

In each cell provide a single cyanide capsule in a wall mounted bracket, similar to a fire alarm pull box.

Let nature take its course.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 09, 2015 02:09 PM (ptqRm)

308 You're a bastard-in-training. I'd have done all
that, AND published (without names) the SAT scores of the football
players involved.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 02:07 PM (oKE6c)
Okay, point taken, but I probably would have upped my game in short order. Because I can be a real dick when I want to be one.

Posted by: physics geek at November 09, 2015 02:09 PM (MT22W)

309 Some teenage idiots discover they have a race card and see how far they can get with it. The school is paralyzed because nothing in the universe is more important than their grab-ass games. Layers upon layers of stupidity here.

Posted by: Brought to you by the ad council at November 09, 2015 02:09 PM (s6/4z)

310 246 when these sjw's turn on the liberal media
THAT is when I party hardy.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 01:54 PM (qCMvj)

Well, that's the answer, isn't it. If we could only get the SJW's to turn their next efforts on to the media, claiming a few victims, the Media would turn on the JSW's, lashing out at them which of course is to only protect their own industry.

Posted by: WisRich at November 09, 2015 02:10 PM (hdpay)

311 I wonder whose scalp will be next? They are emboldened now. They are on a roll. Might makes right. Buckle up. One of us might be next.

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 02:10 PM (dFi94)

312 But salaries ... for what? The coach(es)? Trainers?
Donations are typically ear-marked, I believe. They don't just go into general funds.

1. Mizzou football generated $3 mil last year. Coaches salary was higher. Go figure.
2. Donations if done above board. If not, ........

Posted by: rickb223 at November 09, 2015 02:10 PM (V0CWC)

313 >>>I don't know if I can take any pleasure in this.

You don't have to like it, just acknowledge that if we are to reverse this tide and protect free expression, that this is necessary, and this pain has to be inflicted on everyone possible who are the architects of the problem.

Posted by: MikeTheMoose at November 09, 2015 02:10 PM (0q2P7)

314 This is a good thing. universities are parasitic, destructive, towards other institutions, now they are being destroyed by a force they've created and nurtured. universities taken over and run by blacks are on the road to destruction faster than you might think

Posted by: Ben H at November 09, 2015 02:11 PM (gJEsZ)

315 Thanks L'Elle that's what I thought. I can't even imagine working at that place. Not many employee pot lucks I would imagine.

Posted by: Cheri at November 09, 2015 02:11 PM (oiNtH)

316 No kidding. Football is going the way of the NBA.

What bothers me more is NASCAR is headed in that direction. In the name of reaching more fans, they're losing their character and becoming more "inclusive"

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 02:11 PM (39g3+)

317 OK, you didn't listen and now it's too late. MSNBC says global warming will warm the Earth by 37 degrees Fahrenheit. I hope you like four 150 degree summers!

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 02:11 PM (XUKZU)

318 I assume it's a nice sunny day in Columbia? (Colombia? I don't actually care.) Maybe get a little Winter Gift Giving shopping done?

Posted by: HR trinken trinken trinken at November 09, 2015 02:12 PM (vn2q2)

319 AND published (without names) the SAT scores of the football
players involved.

How about how much in scholarship money they are paid? Average STEM major vs average football player.

Posted by: mustbequantum at November 09, 2015 02:12 PM (MIKMs)

320 >>>>> bringing those scum here presents all sorts of legal problems and opens them up to all the "protections" of the American Judicial System and also presents a draw and target for other muslim scum terrorists to attack American soil and citizens. It is an incredibily bad idea
Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 09, 2015 02:02 PM (gf8BH)
You are probably right, but they are being pampered at Gitmo compared to Supermax. They should all be given the death penalty. That will solve the problem entirely.

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 02:12 PM (2x3L+)

321 universities taken over and run by blacks are on the road to destruction faster than you might think

Its stupid white kids ruining schools. Those rape allegations and freaking out over a string in a tree isn't black kids crying.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 02:13 PM (39g3+)

322 MSNBC says global warming will warm the Earth by 37 degrees Fahrenheit.

By January, right?

Posted by: HR trinken trinken trinken at November 09, 2015 02:13 PM (vn2q2)

323 Don't know if this was covered here...

Welcome back to class, students! I am Mike Adams your criminology professor here at UNC-Wilmington. Before we get started with the course I need to address an issue that is causing problems here at UNCW and in higher education all across the country. I am talking about the growing minority of students who believe they have a right to be free from being offended. If we don't reverse this dangerous trend in our society there will soon be a majority of young people who will need to walk around in plastic bubble suits to protect them in the event that they come into contact with a dissenting viewpoint. That mentality is unworthy of an American. It's hardly worthy of a Frenchman.

and on and on

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at November 09, 2015 02:13 PM (fWAjv)

324 I hadn't seen any of this season's South Park, so I just started watching Episode 2 at the link. Mr. Garrison's plan has merit.

Posted by: Lincolntf at November 09, 2015 02:13 PM (2cS/G)

325 No kidding. Football is going the way of the NBA.

I just wish our political campaigns would go the way of professional wrestling and gain a little dignity.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 02:14 PM (XUKZU)

326 307 Send them to SuperMax

In each cell provide a single cyanide capsule in a wall mounted bracket, similar to a fire alarm pull box.


I prefer them to get it in the ass, repeatedly, by big brawny guys who make them their bitches.

Posted by: Seems Legit at November 09, 2015 02:14 PM (OWndX)

327 83 Saw this behavior exactly at lunch today, Chris. I asked "what happened?" and the response was "somebody drew a swastika."

Shouldn't the Jewish Students have been protesting?

Yes, since when is a swastika an anti-black slur? If the feces-artist had written "KKK" with his/her poop, the protesters might have a point, but a swastika? That's traditionally been an insult to Jews, who are white.

In any event, any time a swastika or a noose makes an appearance in one of these cases, it's just a matter of time before we learn that it was actually one of the SJW's themselves who put it there. It's like catnip to kitties; they just can't help themselves.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at November 09, 2015 02:14 PM (a31sM)

328 What was just totally bonkers, utterly insane, about this latest incident of mau-mauing was that the protestors had drawn up a list of what they called "racial incidents". A very long list. Wow! Must be indicative of serious problems! This needs to be looked into!

Except that only a tiny fraction of those "racial incidents", only about three or four of the dozens of "racial incidents" on the list, were what the rest of us would consider a bona fide racial incident.

For example: the black student who says racially abusive language was shouted at him from a vehicle while he was walking. If that is true -- it is uncorroborated, unwitnessed by others, and no one has been named as a a suspect -- sure, that's a "racial incident".

EVERYTHING ELSE on the list, all cases, were "racial incidents" which the black protestors had ginned up on their own.

For example: they drew up a list of their demands -- utterly over the top stuff reminiscent of the worst of the 1960s Maoist student left -- and sent a delegation to present those demands at the university president's office. They then listed the act of their having done so as a "racial incident"!

Posted by: torquewrench at November 09, 2015 02:14 PM (noWW6)


"They Gotta Quit Kickin' My Dawg Aroun'
(Missouri Hound Dog Song)"
by Byron G. Harlan

Notes: Campaign song of James Beauchamp "Champ" Clark, senator from Missouri, during his campaign for U.S. President in 1912. See "Champ Clark", as well as the fiddle tunes "Sally Ann" and "Great Big Taters in Sandy Land".

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 02:14 PM (qCMvj)

330 Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 02:07 PM (oKE6c)Okay, point taken, but I probably would have upped my game in short order. Because I can be a real dick when I want to be one.
Posted by: physics geek at November 09, 2015 02:09 PM (MT22W)

Many years ago Berkeley was having its annual auto da fe, with the campus Reds demanding big pay hikes for maintenance workers ("workers and students unite!" that sort of thing).

The Chancellor published the salary scale for the maintenance workers. Turned out that gardeners were making a bit more than assistant professors.

End of protest.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 02:14 PM (oKE6c)

331 Yeah, Cheri, I used to work for them, not that one, a minimum security one. The single best job I have ever had. I worked with great people, a lot of ex cops and ex military, a very conservative place.

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 02:15 PM (2x3L+)

332 Wolfe spent 30 years in the business world before being hired by Missouri. He worked at IBM as a sales representative and manager, and then became a vice president. He was later the president of Novell, an infrastructure software company.

Hired 2012, 57 years of age.

Posted by: se pa moron at November 09, 2015 02:15 PM (7v/r5)

333 What support do Republican lawmakers get from "higher ed" by continuing the status quo?

Our state's Governor just gutted around $100 million out of the University's budget and for maybe a single news cycle there was blowback but then somehow they just kept chugging.

The zoos have gotten out of hand and the scam of college needs to be exposed. They can do this on their own dime.

Posted by: Coolio at November 09, 2015 02:15 PM (E+nAN)

334 I'm a cracker. I want to go to a safe school.

Because I want to be a safe cracker.

Posted by: Clyde Darrow at November 09, 2015 02:16 PM (x9jNY)

335 I just wish our political campaigns would go the way of professional wrestling and gain a little dignity.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 02:14 PM (XUKZU)

Mooch could confer the championship belt. She wears it everywhere.
(Speaking of Mooch, has she been in witness protection recently?)

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 02:16 PM (oKE6c)

336 I would have let the little fucker starve to death ala Bobby Sands

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 09, 2015 02:17 PM (ZxmMG)

337 All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for large numbers of stupid people to believe bullshit.

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 02:17 PM (dSMFJ)

338 Wolfe spent 30 years in the business world before being hired by Missouri.

Probably hired on to help them get out of the red and cut costs. Which he did, from all I've read. And of course he thus made enemies of the usual suspects who stirred up the credulous and foolish students as their pawns.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 02:18 PM (39g3+)

339 The sad but funny part about this is that even with the resignation of the president, this shit isn't going to miraculously change.

The Institution is the disease.

Posted by: Fritz at November 09, 2015 02:18 PM (UzPAd)

340 >>>Yes, since when is a swastika an anti-black slur? If the feces-artist had written "KKK" with his/her poop, the protesters might have a point, but a swastika? That's traditionally been an insult to Jews, who are white.
Sounds like an EPA intern

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 09, 2015 02:18 PM (ZxmMG)

341 337
All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for large numbers of stupid people to believe bullshit.

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 02:17 PM (dSMFJ)

Welcome to the internet, where we believe stupid shit at the speed of light.

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 09, 2015 02:18 PM (3dOE/)

342 Yes, since when is a swastika an anti-black slur? If the feces-artist had written "KKK" with his/her poop, the protesters might have a point, but a swastika? That's traditionally been an insult to Jews, who are white.

Since the black student doing it is too stoopid to realize it.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 09, 2015 02:18 PM (V0CWC)

343 >> and also presents a draw and target for other muslim scum terrorists to attack American soil and citizens.


How hard is it to gain access to a military prison on an island to assist in an escape vs. getting into/near those who work (or are vendors who do business with) at a federal prison in rural CO?

Posted by: Lizzy at November 09, 2015 02:19 PM (NOIQH)

344 Speaking of Mooch, has she been in witness protection recently?

Last I heard she was in Qatar and sandstorms were preventing here from leaving. Blow winds blow.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 02:19 PM (XUKZU)

345 >>>> What bothers me more is NASCAR is headed in that direction. In the name of reaching more fans, they're losing their character and becoming more "inclusive"
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 02:11 PM (39g3+)
I know. They're following the GOPe model of success and growth. It's all becoming too much.

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 02:19 PM (2x3L+)

346 I'm so old I remember when higher education was about challenging your assumptions and broadening your perceptions.

Posted by: Socratease at November 09, 2015 02:19 PM (FqHs5)

Supermax is not worse than death. It's run on behavior mod principles. You earn privileges and you can eventually earn your way out of it and into a max fed prison where you can have a job. Most if not all of the prisoners in supermax are psychopaths/ sociopaths already. They are only isolated due to security measures. They're fking dangerous. But it is not solitary confinement.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at November 09, 2015 02:19 PM (iQIUe)

348 If only there were a social system wherein people of different races were somehow "segregated" so that the possibility of someone being offended was eliminated.

I'm surprised a community activist hasn't suggested this before.

Posted by: jwest at November 09, 2015 02:19 PM (Zs4uk)

349 1. Mizzou football generated $3 mil last year. Coaches salary was higher. Go figure.
2. Donations if done above board. If not, ........
Posted by: rickb223 at November 09, 2015 02:10 PM (V0CWC)


$3 million is chump change. One Federal block grant to the engineering department is more than that.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 02:20 PM (oKE6c)

350 Hired 2012, 57 years of age.>>>

If he had a golden parachute in his contract he may be laughing his way to the bank right about now.

Posted by: Buzzsaw at November 09, 2015 02:20 PM (XtAzU)

351 The world really would be a much better place if sports were separated from college. I enjoy a good college football game, but what really is the reason for an academic institution to have this from of recreation that taxpayers subsidize?

We'd be much better off if there were simply minor league teams separate from the University.

And yes, athletics is probably 90% of the reason why money gets funneled to them from alumni.

Posted by: Coolio at November 09, 2015 02:20 PM (E+nAN)

352 If you want to protect yourself, go trans. They are as immune as black, women and muzzies. And admit it guys. You all fantasize about being lesbians.

Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at November 09, 2015 02:21 PM (dSMFJ)

Those IRA guys were idiots. I think once they agreed to starve they were afraid to back out of it.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at November 09, 2015 02:21 PM (iQIUe)

354 This is phase two of the progressive plan to destroy independent thought in America.

Phase one was the hyper-politicization of college campuses beginning in the1960s with the Free-Speech Movement.

Phase two is the crushing of dissent and the destruction of independent thinking.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 09, 2015 02:21 PM (k2fxD)

355 348 If only there were a social system wherein people of different races were somehow "segregated" so that the possibility of someone being offended was eliminated.

I'm surprised a community activist hasn't suggested this before.
Posted by: jwest at November 09, 2015 02:19 PM (Zs4uk

They could do it with vouchers

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 09, 2015 02:21 PM (ZxmMG)

356 Last I heard she was in Qatar and sandstorms were preventing here from leaving. Blow winds blow.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 02:19 PM (XUKZU)

Visit Ahmed the Clockmaker, aka the Marconi of Mecca?
(Am I the only one who sees "Qatar" and thinks "catarrh?")

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 02:22 PM (oKE6c)

357 Very excellent, subtle, casual racism from Ben H at 314. Really clear, acrid notes of racism with just a hint of leather on the finish.

We love the sinner while hating the sin. It's a delicate balance but it has to be done if we're to actually win.

Posted by: Ghost of kari at November 09, 2015 02:22 PM (xuouz)

358 You're a bastard-in-training. I'd have done all that, AND published (without names) the SAT scores of the football players involved.

The Cavil Plan (yeah, I know):

1 - You're all expelled!

2 - Football program? Coaches? You're all fired!

3 - New reg: Hoax racial incident? That's an expulsion!

4 - Profs with the protestors? No tenure for you!
4a - Tenured already? Pfft, you're tenured janitors now!

5 - Everybody's info goes public!

6 - Splat studies go splat!

Steps taken: 6
F***s given: 0

Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at November 09, 2015 02:23 PM (9krrF)

359 348
If only there were a social system wherein people of different races were somehow "segregated" so that the possibility of someone being offended was eliminated.

I'm surprised a community activist hasn't suggested this before.

Posted by: jwest at November 09, 2015 02:19 PM (Zs4uk)

They won't because, without whitey to victimize them, they lose all the power that victimhood confers.

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 09, 2015 02:23 PM (3dOE/)

360 All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for large numbers of stupid people to believe bullshit.

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 02:17 PM (dSMFJ)

And too many cowards to stand up.

Posted by: Blano at November 09, 2015 02:23 PM (C3E0x)

361 The sooner we rid the world of racial/religious provocateurs and other people who offend our sensibilities the better off you and I will be. Let us send them on their long march to the isolation and re-education camps forthwith.

Posted by: Hank at November 09, 2015 02:24 PM (V9g65)

362 They could do it with vouchers

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 09, 2015 02:21 PM (ZxmMG)

Or, with substantially more money, busing.

Posted by: jwest at November 09, 2015 02:24 PM (Zs4uk)

363 >>>> Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at November 09, 2015 02:19 PM (iQIUe
It used to be that all inmates were alone in their cells for 23 hours a day, with one hour of recreation also alone. They used to be allowed I think 7 hours of visitation but no direct contact. The BOP got their asses sued so they changed some of their rules to appease their critics. Idk how they're running the place now.

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 02:24 PM (2x3L+)

364 If I was an Alum they wouldn't get one penny from Me....

Posted by: donna at November 09, 2015 01:37 PM (/dSsq)

My Aunt's husband is an alum of Mizzou J-School. He quit donating several years ago because of the shitty left-wing "product" they were allowing to graduate.

Posted by: Country Singer at November 09, 2015 02:24 PM (8Y7+f)

365 "We can only thank God that the new Jacobins are using a guillotine that is virtual."

Sadly, (for those of us who must listen) they cut off their own heads before they speak with their new virtual tool.

Posted by: Voter/ConsumerUnit#985731 at November 09, 2015 02:24 PM (pxwEr)

366 I'm so old I remember when higher education was about challenging your assumptions and broadening your perceptions.

That's when those "assumptions" and "perceptions" were, y'know, the wrong ones. Now they come in with the right ones, it's all about reinforcement.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at November 09, 2015 02:25 PM (9krrF)

367 Here in a foreign anglo-country, my son just graduated top of his engineering class 4 years degree. One of our nation's top universities, it has no "Dorms" whatsoever. Even though we live 2 hours away my son caught the train to Uni daily. He now works in Europe on cutting-edge robotics. A lot of things you Americans take for granted are unnecessary, and are therefore the cause of your problems. Like boils, you have created these spaces which fill up with social puss. Maybe they once had a purpose, now they invite crazies. Lance the boils.

Posted by: bruce at November 09, 2015 02:26 PM (nfc4H)


America has lost its moorings.

Very sad to see all of this, no matter how hard some of us fight, most of us are just trying to live our lives, happily, in goodness, with our family. It's not in our DNA to be nasty scumsuckers like the left. You have to give up your life (and martyr yourself, like Breitbart, Michelle Malkin) to fight this crushing wave of demented souls.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 02:26 PM (qCMvj)

369 352: If men are so privileged, why don't I hear of any women who want to be turned into a man? The market seems to be going in the other direction. Where we used to have George Sand, now we have Caitlyn Jenner.

Posted by: Socratease at November 09, 2015 02:27 PM (FqHs5)


time to go do happy things


Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 02:27 PM (qCMvj)

371 Why do I have the urge to poke someone's eye out?

Posted by: Peyton 'Jughead' Manning at November 09, 2015 02:27 PM (oDCMR)

372 Probably hired on to help them get out of the red and cut costs. Which he did, from all I've read. And of course he thus made enemies of the usual suspects who stirred up the credulous and foolish students as their pawns.Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 02:18

Solid business background, good information technology background, dealing with whiney bitches? Probably not much experience. Sad, really.

After all those years, no doubt being treated with the respect due those positions, I think I understand the desire to walk away.

Unfortunately, it's just blood in the water for the sjw types.

Posted by: se pa moron at November 09, 2015 02:27 PM (7v/r5)

373 >>>Yes, since when is a swastika an anti-black slur? If the feces-artist had written "KKK" with his/her poop, the protesters might have a point, but a swastika? That's traditionally been an insult to Jews, who are white.

It didn't feel like I had enough in there to squeeze out enough logs for KKK, so I had to settle for a swastika.

But I agree, it wasn't my first choice.

Posted by: Fecal Artist at November 09, 2015 02:27 PM (dSMFJ)

374 AND published (without names) the SAT scores of the football players involved. How about how much in scholarship money they are paid? Average STEM major vs average football player.
Posted by: mustbequantum at November 09, 2015 02:12 PM (MIKMs)


Better yet. Publish the SAT scores of all the students. I think we'd start realizing why so many in college are falling for all the leftist bullshit.

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 02:28 PM (Fmupd)

375 Probably like the SDS protests of my era...
I wonder how many of the protesters are really students or just professional SJWs brought in to make the student protesters seem more influential than they really are?

Posted by: Diogenes at November 09, 2015 02:28 PM (r65B3)

376 Having removed intellectualism from higher education, what shall we do tonight, Brain?

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Yo! The Outrage Outlet Wraps! at November 09, 2015 02:28 PM (hLRSq)

377 "Many years ago Berkeley was having its annual auto da fe, with
the campus Reds demanding big pay hikes for maintenance workers
('workers and students unite!' that sort of thing)."

San Francisco State University. Big loud rally. Students insisting simultaneously upon radically lower tuition rates, and also on radically higher pay for the campus janitorial staff.

Janitorial pay that comes out of the funding pool from tuition fees.

Math and logic and economics courses at SFSU must really be something.

Posted by: torquewrench at November 09, 2015 02:28 PM (noWW6)

378 348 If only there were a social system wherein people of different races
were somehow "segregated" so that the possibility of someone being
offended was eliminated.

With separate drinking fountains, waiting rooms, and seats at lunch counters?

It's always worthwhile trying something new.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 02:28 PM (oKE6c)

Or, with substantially more money, busing.

Posted by: jwest at November 09, 2015 02:24 PM (Zs4uk

Ding, Ding, Ding, Winner

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 09, 2015 02:29 PM (ZxmMG)

380 Maybe the kids in college need a little positive reinforcement...

How about a program that would pay each white kid $10 per day if they refrained from shouting racial slurs and didn't draw swastikas in shit on walls?

I believe the vast majority of the white students would voluntarily sign up for that one.

Posted by: jwest at November 09, 2015 02:29 PM (Zs4uk)

Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) said Monday that he hopes the University of Missouri becomes a role model for dealing with racial tensions.

"Racism has no place in our society," he tweeted. "It is my hope that the students, faculty, campus leadership and the University of Missouri System will have an open and meaningful dialogue that will become an example for the MU System campuses, the state and the country," the Missouri lawmaker added.

Vote GOPe. The Mr. Wiggle of Jello-like desserts.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at November 09, 2015 02:30 PM (kdS6q)

382 and don't forget, ass hats like Bernie Sanders want public universities to be free.

anyway, Tom Buchanan did warn us about the non-whites taking over.

Posted by: Mallflower at November 09, 2015 02:30 PM (qSIlh)

383 I wonder what Claire McCaskill will have to say to her BFF Mika tomorrow?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 02:30 PM (FsuaD)

384 I went to Mizzou's Student Life page to see if I could find some Christian organizations. I found a load of gender activities - find your gender, how to do gender makeup, embracing transgender - lots and lots of that. Christian - not so much. Couldn't find Christian activities at all on the Diversity Activity page -

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 02:30 PM (dFi94)

385 And yet no candidate is calling on defunding these intellectual cesspits.

Posted by: Iblis at November 09, 2015 02:31 PM (9221z)

386 With separate drinking fountains, waiting rooms, and seats at lunch counters?

You joke but blacks-only Student Unions and dorms are real, by demand of the black students and profs.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 02:31 PM (39g3+)


btw, watch the November 6th Episode of Master of None

Called Parents: Dev and Brian try to show their appreciation for their immigrant parents at a joint family dinner.

It's touching. It actually does show the struggle and hard work the parents of Dev and Brian went through to make their kid's lives better. It really is touching.

New Netflix Original


Posted by: artisanal 'ette at November 09, 2015 02:31 PM (qCMvj)

388 "Butler gives shout out to queers, blacks and Planned Parenthood"

Sick of this damn story.

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at November 09, 2015 02:31 PM (fWAjv)

389 re 384: what, and make the other third feel unsafe?

Posted by: Mallflower at November 09, 2015 02:31 PM (qSIlh)

390 I had a lesbian friend that went to Stanford and requested to live with a black person because she felt solidarity with blacks as an oppressed lesbian. She tried to hang out and attend black clubs and social events. They all treated her like shit and rejected her and wanted her out. Her take away from that experience is that it was painful, but sometimes people just need time.

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 02:32 PM (2x3L+)

391 Probably like the SDS protests of my era...
I wonder how many of the protesters are really students or just professional SJWs brought in to make the student protesters seem more influential than they really are?

And somewhere in the bowels of Chicago, Little Billy Ayers is laughing his ass off.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at November 09, 2015 02:33 PM (LUgeY)

392 With separate drinking fountains, waiting rooms, and seats at lunch counters?It's always worthwhile trying something new.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 02:28 PM (oKE6c)


In Obamerica, I wouldn't be surprised at the number of blacks that would actually advocate this.

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 02:33 PM (Fmupd)

393 Posted by: bruce at November 09, 2015 02:26 PM (nfc4H)

I'm happy for you and your son but your approach probably could have been delivered differently.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 09, 2015 02:33 PM (No/ki)

394 386 With separate drinking fountains, waiting rooms, and seats at lunch counters?

You joke but blacks-only Student Unions and dorms are real, by demand of the black students and profs.
Did you miss the Dems segregating all of America by redlining Black Congressional Districts after they proudly desegregated Southern States? Any guess on whether UM is in a segregated Congressional District?

Posted by: Peyton 'Jughead' Manning at November 09, 2015 02:33 PM (oDCMR)

395 >>If only there were a social system wherein people of different races

were somehow "segregated" so that the possibility of someone being

offended was eliminated.

What's sad is that they have created separation for themselves at schools - things like black dorms, black student union, black prom, etc. One of the offenses was racial slurs cast at a black theater club rehearsing outside.'s OK in some cases, and evil in others.

Posted by: Lizzy at November 09, 2015 02:34 PM (NOIQH)

396 Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 02:24 PM (2x3L+)

Oh, boo hoo hoo! IOW it is like other high security prisons. And again, it is based on behavior mod principles.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at November 09, 2015 02:34 PM (iQIUe)

397 Reading notes for a game on Friday, one of the kids who was Player of the Game in a game I called last year is back for his senior year, with a full scholarship to Bucknell in his pocket. That's gotta be quite a bit of coin his family is saving.

Posted by: Lincolntf at November 09, 2015 02:34 PM (2cS/G)

398 I feel better about my decision to have not started a college fund for my children.

Posted by: SH at November 09, 2015 02:34 PM (gmeXX)

399 "You joke but blacks-only Student Unions and dorms are real, by demand of the black students and profs."

The Ferguson protest groups said that they wanted completely independent and parallel police forces for black areas. Staffed and overseen entirely by blacks.

Also, independent and parallel city councils, schools, school boards, courts, judgeships, jails, and all other civic functions, to be run entirely by blacks for blacks.

Old and busted: "Separate but equal."

The new hotness: "Separate but equal."

Posted by: torquewrench at November 09, 2015 02:35 PM (noWW6)

400 Probably like the SDS protests of my era...

Well, back in the 60s we had an excuse. We were all so high on acid we couldn't even count our fingers.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 02:35 PM (XUKZU)

401 They already call for segregated spaces, without whites. But I don't mind. I wish the illegals would join them in that desire.

Suits me, don't forget to add a feeble protest as they flounce off, so they don't realize how you really feel.

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 02:35 PM (dSMFJ)

I feel better about my decision to have not started a college fund for my children.

Posted by: SH at November 09, 2015 02:34 PM (gmeXX)

We gave each of our kids exactly one thousand dollars. Daughter worked three jobs while taking a full load. Son went to school courtesy of Uncle Sam. Where there's a will, there's a way.

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 02:37 PM (dFi94)

403 401 They already call for segregated spaces, without whites. But I don't mind. I wish the illegals would join them in that desire.

Suits me, don't forget to add a feeble protest as they flounce off, so they don't realize how you really feel.
Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 02:35 PM (dSMFJ)

I'd settle for a grocery store that DOESN'T take EBT.

Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at November 09, 2015 02:38 PM (48QDY)

404 The Ferguson protest groups said that they wanted completely
independent and parallel police forces for black areas. Staffed and
overseen entirely by blacks.

Also, independent and parallel city
councils, schools, school boards, courts, judgeships, jails, and all
other civic functions, to be run entirely by blacks for blacks.

Why, we could have our own little Rwanda right here. And doubtless would, in short order.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 02:38 PM (oKE6c)

405 Suits me, don't forget to add a feeble protest as they flounce off,

Oh. Was that today?

Posted by: rickb223 at November 09, 2015 02:38 PM (V0CWC)

406 Now would be a good time to integrate several thousand Middle Eastern refugees into the Mizzou campus community. Tolerance and social safety; show us the way!

Posted by: Fritz at November 09, 2015 02:39 PM (UzPAd)

407 I have no desire to return to a segregated society. The people I interact with and do life with would be markedly reduced.

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 02:39 PM (dFi94)

408 401 They already call for segregated spaces, without whites. But I don't
mind. I wish the illegals would join them in that desire.

We could call the first one "ghettos." And the second, "Mexico."

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 02:39 PM (oKE6c)

409 We could segregate into three countries. White trash, adults, and black trash and you get to decide which one you live in.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 02:39 PM (XUKZU)

410 406
Now would be a good time to integrate several thousand Middle Eastern refugees into the Mizzou campus community. Tolerance and social safety; show us the way!

Posted by: Fritz at November 09, 2015 02:39 PM (UzPAd)

They could solve all their differences with a tolerance-off. Losers forfeit their heads.

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 09, 2015 02:40 PM (3dOE/)

411 I am sure next up is to remove all vanilla Oreo's from shelves.

I would imagine the board offered this guy a nice pay-out. At least I hope they did.

I am so bored with the black olives matter movement I did not read what they were protesting against.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, aging supermodel Redneck Queen at November 09, 2015 02:41 PM (yG5Nj)

412 345
>>>> What bothers me more is NASCAR is headed in that
direction. In the name of reaching more fans, they're losing their
character and becoming more "inclusive"

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 02:11 PM (39g3+)

NASCAR axed the folks at the Texas race not to fly the Battle Flag.

Epic number of flags showed up to tell Brian France to get fvcked.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 09, 2015 02:41 PM (jJRIy)


Missouri lawmakers called Sunday afternoon for UM System President Tim Wolfe to step down in response to the escalating tension between student protesters and Wolfe's administration.

Rep. Steve Cookson, R-Poplar Bluff, and chairman of the Missouri House Committee on Higher Education, said the university system's reaction to the protests on campus are only the latest in a series of mistakes. He called Wolfe's reaction to the protesters' concerns about race relations on campus "callous."

"He should show leadership in his final official act and step aside, failing that the University of Missouri system Board of Curators should remove him.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at November 09, 2015 02:41 PM (kdS6q)

414 >>>> Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at November 09, 2015 02:34 PM (iQIUe)
It isn't. It's different from a maximum security prison. Supermax sits adjacent to a maximum security prison. The set up there is entirely different. It was the first prison of its kind and a lot of other countries and states have modeled their own prisons for the highly dangerous after Supermax.

I used to work for them. I'm not sympathetic to insane, dangerous people especially terrorists btw. I wish I could get the tinyurl thing to work on my iPhone, I could send you a really good piece to read on Supermax.

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 02:42 PM (2x3L+)

415 394
386 With separate drinking fountains, waiting rooms, and seats at lunch counters?

You joke but blacks-only Student Unions and dorms are real, by demand of the black students and profs.

Black dorms AND ghey dorms norm at UNC-CH.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 09, 2015 02:43 PM (jJRIy)

416 Why, we could have our own little Rwanda right here. And doubtless would, in short order.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 02:38 PM (oKE6c)


And I really wouldn't care. But, I'm afraid they'd be the first to fall to islam and sharia law. Which would then become a festering boil of terrorist wannabes. For that I would care.

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 02:43 PM (Fmupd)

417 They'll be angry even with segregation because subconsciously they realize the Klan meant it sincerely and they only do it out of a fox-and-grapes mentality.

But at least then they'll no longer be able to make a nuisance of themselves.

Oh wait, Vester Flanagan would be offended because "nuisance" contains the homophone "noose".

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 02:43 PM (dSMFJ)

418 398 " I feel better about my decision to have not started a college fund for my children."

My neighbor is just going through this with his son. The kid doesn't want to go to college, he just wants to go to work for his dad at the Chrysler/Dodge dealership he owns.

I told him why not? He can always take some general accounting/management courses at the local community college if he needs them and the car companies are always offering advanced specialized courses, so what does he have to gain with a 4 year degree in something?

Posted by: jwest at November 09, 2015 02:44 PM (Zs4uk)

419 nine lives matter!

Posted by: Morris at November 09, 2015 02:44 PM (qSIlh)

420 Well, back in the 60s we had an excuse. We were all so high on acid we couldn't even count our fingers.

And the colors all smelled so far out, man.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at November 09, 2015 02:44 PM (LUgeY)

421 Isn't the SJW paradigm pretty much Godwin's Law in meatspace?

Shouldn't we just institute the rule, a la Godwin, that the instant an SJW plaint arises they have lost the argument?

Posted by: Bigby's Indian Sunburn at November 09, 2015 02:44 PM (3ZtZW)

422 Rep. Steve Cookson, R-Poplar Bluff, and chairman of the Missouri House
Committee on Higher Education, said the university system's reaction to
the protests on campus are only the latest in a series of mistakes. He
called Wolfe's reaction to the protesters' concerns about race relations
on campus "callous."

I have yet to meet one person from Poplar Bluff that wasn't a complete bumpkin. Just ask them to say "Poplar Bluff". They can't even say it without sounding like a clod.

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 02:44 PM (dFi94)

423 "We could segregate into three countries. White trash, adults, and black trash and you get to decide which one you live in."

The left: "White people are the worst people on the planet. Hateful, biased, greedy, exploitative monsters with no redeeming social or cultural value. White people ruin everything."

White secessionists: "Geez. Normally we'd try to make a case for ourselves but it sounds like your minds are firmly set. Okay, since our differences are entirely irreconcilable, let's figure out how to peacefully disentangle our political and financial affairs, and amicably go our separate ways. You won't have to put up with our shit any longer."


Posted by: torquewrench at November 09, 2015 02:45 PM (noWW6)

424 "417 They'll be angry even with segregation because subconsciously they realize the Klan meant it sincerely and they only do it out of a fox-and-grapes mentality.

But at least then they'll no longer be able to make a nuisance of themselves.

Oh wait, Vester Flanagan would be offended because "nuisance" contains the homophone "noose".
Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 02:43 PM (dSMFJ)"

This is a whites only dorm. Noose outside should have told you.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at November 09, 2015 02:45 PM (2Ojst)

425 409
We could segregate into three countries. White trash, adults, and black trash and you get to decide which one you live in.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 02:39 PM (XUKZU)

Don't forget us! Where do we go?

Posted by: The Wetbacks at November 09, 2015 02:45 PM (jJRIy)

426 I'd settle for a grocery store that DOESN'T take EBT.

Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at November 09, 2015 02:38 PM (48QDY)

It's called Costco.

Posted by: The Wetbacks at November 09, 2015 02:46 PM (jJRIy)

427 Black dorms AND ghey dorms norm at UNC-CH.
Posted by: Nip Sip at November 09, 2015 02:43 PM (jJRIy)

Come on, Nip. Link?

At least they're not broadcasting the Muslim prayer from the bell tower.


Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at November 09, 2015 02:47 PM (48QDY)

428 You joke but blacks-only Student Unions and dorms are real, by demand of the black students and profs.Black dorms AND ghey dorms norm at UNC-CH.
Posted by: Nip Sip at November 09, 2015 02:43 PM (jJRIy)


Dear Leader and his regime have been very successful in executing the final stages of tribalism in this country.

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 02:47 PM (Fmupd)

429 This thread has gotten boring. I'm turning the bold back on.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 02:47 PM (oVJmc)

At least they're not broadcasting the Muslim prayer from the bell tower.

Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at November 09, 2015 02:47 PM (48QDY)

I wouldn't be at all shocked if they had footbaths though.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at November 09, 2015 02:47 PM (2Ojst)

431 Yale Free Speech Event Attendees Spat On, Called Racists By Liberal Protesters

Weasel Zippers

Enemy territory
Stalin would be proud

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 09, 2015 02:47 PM (gf8BH)

432 bringing those scum here presents all sorts of legal problems and opens them up to all the "protections" of the American Judicial System

Yep. If you can't reveal sources in open court, case dismissed.

Posted by: Grump928(c) at November 09, 2015 02:47 PM (evdj2)

433 re 425: Meh Hee Co..?

Posted by: Morris at November 09, 2015 02:48 PM (qSIlh)

434 I'd settle for a grocery store that DOESN'T take EBT.Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at November 09, 2015 02:38 PM

Come to think of it, there's a fruit and vegetable chain in my area. Cash only. Great, great prices. But there's something strange about the clientele. I see a lot of skinny asian women, a lot of skinny white women, a lot of skinny hispanic women. Apparently, eating a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables has some effect on derrieres.

But it almost seems as if some group is missing but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Posted by: se pa moron at November 09, 2015 02:48 PM (7v/r5)

435 Today, in Daily Mail, I saw a wild junior high fight in Houston. Hair pulling and crazy-town. Then a young girl gets run over by car. This is how life would be without police. Hail, this is life with police.

In a different story, I think from Drudge, about the dear refugees in a town of 25, 000 in Germany. Of course the old army barracks are made to house 500 and now have 1500. The repairs will be on the taxpayer's dime. Of course. So, anyway, they are noticing missing kitties and doggies in town (one would assume kitty falafal). One rape and counting. One woman, who works nights, afraid to leave for work. She is afraid to let her son play in playground as the dear refugees are squatting there (she also won't let her kitty go outside). There are signs posted for the dear refugges not to poop in their gardens as that is what toilets are for. Also! Shades of Ferguson....shopkeepers are afraid to go to shops. Theft is the dear refugees just waltz in and take whatever. Mayor has told the police to just tally up what is stolen but not arrest them. OK! Meanwhile, as shotguns sell out in Austria (cause you can still hunt there), Germans are grabbing up pepper spray.

Just another day in Europe and Amerikka.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, aging supermodel Redneck Queen at November 09, 2015 02:48 PM (yG5Nj)

436 429 This thread has gotten boring. I'm turning the bold back on.
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 02:47 PM (oVJmc)

1100+ comments.


Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at November 09, 2015 02:48 PM (48QDY)

437 The left: "White people are the worst people on the planet. Hateful, biased, greedy, exploitative monsters with no redeeming social or cultural value. White people ruin everything."

White secessionists: "Geez. Normally we'd try to make a case for ourselves but it sounds like your minds are firmly set. Okay, since our differences are entirely irreconcilable, let's figure out how to peacefully disentangle our political and financial affairs, and amicably go our separate ways. You won't have to put up with our shit any longer."


Normally, one would need to visit a sanitarium to find people who hold two opposite opinions at the same time.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at November 09, 2015 02:48 PM (LUgeY)

438 Pappy, dammit! I started having a panic attack thinking you would pull a Danube on us

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 02:49 PM (2x3L+)

439 I think I'm getting high from the paint fumes.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 02:49 PM (FsuaD)

HuffPost BlackVoices
'Too Many Times to Count': My experiences of racism at the University of Missouri

"Mainly because I never learned basic arithmetic...."

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at November 09, 2015 02:50 PM (kdS6q)

441 I'd settle for a grocery store that DOESN'T take EBT.

Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at November 09, 2015 02:38 PM (48QDY)

I always use the EBT line..

It seems to have the shortest line and I'm not worried that someone might think I'm using an EBT card.

Posted by: jwest at November 09, 2015 02:50 PM (Zs4uk)

442 439 I think I'm getting high from the paint fumes.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 02:49 PM (FsuaD)

Pass the Dutch Boy on the left hand side!

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at November 09, 2015 02:50 PM (2Ojst)

Sharia courts in Britain mean Muslim men have 'up to 20 children each' through polygamy

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at November 09, 2015 02:50 PM (iQIUe)

444 @427

From UNC web site.

47. Because the UNC Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender, and Queer Center works to foster a safe and inclusive
environment for students of all sexualities, gender identities, and
gender expressions.

The center is a dorm. Looking for name of Black dorm, BBL

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 09, 2015 02:51 PM (jJRIy)

445 The left: "WHAT?!?!?! YOU CAN'T *DO* THAT!!! OUT OF THE QUESTION!"
Posted by: torquewrench
Reminds me of the Woody Allen joke:

"I was lucky not to come from a broken home. My parents never divorced. They stayed together out of spite."

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 02:51 PM (dSMFJ)

446 425 409
We could segregate into three countries. White trash, adults, and black trash and you get to decide which one you live in.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 02:39 PM (XUKZU)

Don't forget us! Where do we go?
Posted by: The Wetbacks at November 09, 2015 02:45 PM (jJRIy)


Posted by: rickb223 at November 09, 2015 02:51 PM (V0CWC)

447 443

Sharia courts in Britain mean Muslim men have 'up to 20 children each' through polygamy

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at November 09, 2015 02:50 PM (iQIUe)

What could possibly go wrong for Britain? A nation full of Clock Boys.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 02:52 PM (FsuaD)

448 >>Because the UNC Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,

Transgender, and Queer Center works to foster a safe and inclusive

environment for students of all sexualities, gender identities, and

gender expressions.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Posted by: Lizzy at November 09, 2015 02:52 PM (NOIQH)

449 glad to see jocks stand up against racism for a change!

Posted by: jayjay at November 09, 2015 02:52 PM (OaQDM)

450 Pappy, dammit! I started having a panic attack thinking you would pull a Danube on us

After an experience like that, it's only logical to expect occasional flashbacks.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at November 09, 2015 02:52 PM (9krrF)

451 447 443

Sharia courts in Britain mean Muslim men have 'up to 20 children each' through polygamy

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at November 09, 2015 02:50 PM (iQIUe)

What could possibly go wrong for Britain? A nation full of Clock Boys.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 02:52 PM (FsuaD)

And all on the dole.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at November 09, 2015 02:52 PM (2Ojst)

452 ChristyB, I read that sad piece that Drudge linked. Germany is more boned than we are. How did that happen? Europe will collapse before we do. Thanks Merkel and Sweden for beating us in the race to the bottom. This is so depressing.

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 02:52 PM (2x3L+)

453 Every one of these fucking children should be forced, on pain of not graduating, to sit and watch/listen to the TRUTH of what happened to Michael Brown.

Their entire lives are steeped in absolute falsehood, which is why they whine like babies whenever anything happens.

Not that they could handle the truth about Brown. But at least the university would be putting something into their stupid heads other than lies.

Posted by: Sharkman at November 09, 2015 02:53 PM (F7nSF)

454 re 444: KFC..?

Posted by: Morris at November 09, 2015 02:53 PM (qSIlh)

455 446 425 409
We could segregate into three countries. White trash, adults, and black trash and you get to decide which one you live in.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 02:39 PM (XUKZU)

Don't forget us! Where do we go?
Posted by: The Wetbacks at November 09, 2015 02:45 PM (jJRIy)

Posted by: rickb223 at November 09, 2015 02:51 PM (V0CWC)

RickB ended it. Moving on now.

Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at November 09, 2015 02:53 PM (48QDY)

456 What is truth?

Posted by: The Modern University at November 09, 2015 02:54 PM (evdj2)

457 I think I'm getting high from the paint fumes.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 02:49 PM (FsuaD)


Heh. This should be fun.

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 02:54 PM (Fmupd)

458 Live life boldy or not at all.


Posted by: se pa moron at November 09, 2015 02:54 PM (7v/r5)

459 452 ChristyB, I read that sad piece that Drudge linked. Germany is more boned than we are. How did that happen? Europe will collapse before we do. Thanks Merkel and Sweden for beating us in the race to the bottom. This is so depressing.

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 02:52 PM (2x3L+)

I think the Czechs and the Danes are the only ones holding the line right now.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at November 09, 2015 02:54 PM (2Ojst)

Shaun King*
Several Missouri students asked me to communicate that what happened today is STEP ONE in making the campus safe. This alone is not enough.

*Senior Justice Writer @NYDailyNews, Building an international coalition against police brutality @JusticeTogether, Morehouse Man - IYKWIM

Never for a moment thought it would be.....

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at November 09, 2015 02:54 PM (kdS6q)

461 @429 Pappy, you serious? I will f*cking do this thing, but I want some show of support so I know people won't get angry at me.

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 02:54 PM (dSMFJ)

462 @444

I'll have to axe a friend up there, there is no "official" recognition of the Black dorm's name.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 09, 2015 02:54 PM (jJRIy)

463 Why did someone unbold the previous thread? It should have stood as a monument, or cautionary example.

Posted by: Grump928(c) at November 09, 2015 02:55 PM (evdj2)

464 re 459: I thought the Hunkies were, too.

there's and Abbott and Costello joke in there.

Posted by: Morris at November 09, 2015 02:56 PM (qSIlh)

465 463 Why did someone unbold the previous thread? It should have stood as a monument, or cautionary example.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at November 09, 2015 02:55 PM (evdj2)

Yes. A monument indeed. For a time we were all in teh barrel.

Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at November 09, 2015 02:56 PM (48QDY)

466 re 456:
white people are racist.
men are all sexual predators.
LBGTPDQ is not a choice.
Anyone who says Obama is not a great president is a racist.

Posted by: Morris at November 09, 2015 02:58 PM (qSIlh)

467 Gov. Jay "Let Ferguson Burn" Nixon has come out in support of the kollij president stepping down.

There's a shock.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 02:58 PM (oVJmc)

468 This day will forever be known at the HQ as the Day of the Emboldening. And, later, the Widening.

Did anyone every figure out what happened?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 02:58 PM (FsuaD)

469 Remember when white guys were in charge of everything?

Good times. Good times.

Posted by: Weasel at November 09, 2015 02:59 PM (6xtq3)

the dear refugees in a town of 25, 000 in Germany. Of course the old army barracks are made to house 500 and now have 1500.

they're all CONCENTRATED in one area like in CAMPS?
what could possibly go wrong?

Posted by: wth at November 09, 2015 02:59 PM (wAQA5)

471 What could possibly go wrong for Britain? A nation full of Clock Boys.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 02:52 PM (FsuaD)

it's about time that Big Ben got replaced by the innards of some department store clock. And it should be called Big Mohammed, as that is the most popular boys' name in Britain now, anyway. Who cares if it can't keep time? It's not as if the Brits have anything to do anymore.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 09, 2015 03:00 PM (zc3Db)

472 In Kentucky Fried Movie, a white guy yelled a racial slur around blacks. He had to run away, but he lived. It's toally doable. I should see that again. It was brilliant.

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 03:00 PM (dSMFJ)

473 I remember when things were less racist than ever, before the Left decided that wasn't good for business.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 03:00 PM (oVJmc)

474 Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 02:58 PM (FsuaD)

I blame the embiggening on you. Never tempt infidels.

Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at November 09, 2015 03:00 PM (/eMNB)

475 >>>>I think the Czechs and the Danes are the only ones holding the line right now.
Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at November 09, 2015 02:54 PM
Are Hungarians considered Czechs? Don't forget the smart Hungarians. Those motherfuckers put up a magnificent fence with razor wire that Donald Trump would approve of. Poland too. Are Poles considered Czechs too? I'm confused.

Btw, I said a little prayer for you which is hard for me, but people here have been praying for me so I have a debt to repay. Do you actually like lawyering? Maybe you should consider other possibilities if you don't. I think you will be better off in the end. Try not to worry. I know, hard. And it sucks.

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 03:00 PM (2x3L+)

476 Three f*cking yards - that's all I needed. And then Moe goes and pokes Curly's eye out. WTF?

Posted by: Peyton 'Jughead' Manning at November 09, 2015 03:00 PM (oDCMR)

477 I was just listening to a group of journalists praise the "courage" of the black protesters at the University of Missouri.

Were the KKK or Nazis ready to storm the student union to take the protesters off to be lynched? What was the grave danger they were so bravely facing down?

Somebody's got to do some whitesplainin.

Posted by: jwest at November 09, 2015 03:01 PM (Zs4uk)

478 In Kentucky Fried Movie, a white guy yelled a racial slur around blacks.
He had to run away, but he lived. It's toally doable. I should see that
again. It was brilliant.

Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 03:01 PM (oVJmc)

479 South Park has been really good this season. PC Principal is one of these kollege kids all grown up.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 03:01 PM (FsuaD)

480 Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 09, 2015 02:47 PM (gf8BH)

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, aging supermodel Redneck Queen at November 09, 2015 02:48 PM (yG5Nj)

Sigh. Things like these are why the gungrabbers are so afraid of bayonet lugs. 'Cuz this crap puts me in the mood to yell:


(followed by a chorus repeating FIIXXXXX!!!)


Followed by the rattling and clanging of thousands of bayonets being attached to the ends of rifles.

Posted by: Country Singer at November 09, 2015 03:01 PM (8Y7+f)

Posted by: Country Singer at November 09, 2015 03:01 PM (8Y7+f)

482 Gov. Jay "Let Ferguson Burn" Nixon has come out in support of the kollij president stepping down.There's a shock.
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 02:58 PM (oVJmc)


24 hours, and he'll rescind that wreckless statement.

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 03:01 PM (Fmupd)

483 I always use the EBT line..

It seems to have the shortest line and I'm not worried that someone might think I'm using an EBT card.

Posted by: jwest at November 09, 2015 02:50 PM (Zs4uk)

EBT line? They have a line for EBT? Where is that. Surely that's RACIST!

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 09, 2015 03:01 PM (jJRIy)

484 Perhaps water fountains labeled "#BLM Members Only"

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 09, 2015 03:01 PM (ptqRm)

485 The politicians will all be trying to cover their backsides so the campus doesn't get burned down and so the cash cow of college football isn't jeopardized

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 09, 2015 03:01 PM (No/ki)


Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at November 09, 2015 03:02 PM (oVJmc)

487 That was close...

Posted by: Country Singer at November 09, 2015 03:02 PM (8Y7+f)

488 LOL.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 09, 2015 03:02 PM (zc3Db)



Trudges to the barrel.

Posted by: Country Singer at November 09, 2015 03:02 PM (8Y7+f)

490 Remember when white guys were in charge of everything? Good times. Good times.
Posted by: Weasel
You sound like a citizen of my country.

Posted by: Robert Mugabe at November 09, 2015 03:02 PM (dSMFJ)

491 It's, um, happening again.

Posted by: Weasel at November 09, 2015 03:02 PM (6xtq3)

492 Didn't the Finns stand shoulder to shoulder and keep out the Mohammedan invasion?

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 03:02 PM (dFi94)

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at November 09, 2015 03:02 PM (LUgeY)

494 >>>And it should be called Big Mohammed, as that is the most popular boys'
name in Britain now, anyway. Who cares if it can't keep time? It's not
as if the Brits have anything to do anymore.<<<

Wasn't it Mohammed who said, "even a broken clock is right 5 times a day?"

Posted by: Fritz at November 09, 2015 03:02 PM (UzPAd)

495 anyway, Tom Buchanan did warn us about the non-whites taking over.
Posted by: Mallflower

You are aware that Tom Buchanan was portrayed as a ginormous ass, yes?

Posted by: Bandersnatch at November 09, 2015 03:02 PM (JtwS4)

496 Ho Le Fuk

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 03:02 PM (FsuaD)

497 I remain unsatisfied.

Posted by: Barrel at November 09, 2015 03:03 PM (vsbNu)

498 Two more gems from the UNC-CH admission's web site. Why to attend UNC.

48. Because UNC offers Peer Minority Advisors who
are available through the Center for Student Academic Counseling to
assist in the transition of university life.

49. Because UNC students can attend Carolina United,
a program that provides a safe and accepting environment for UNC
students to explore diversity within and between themselves.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 09, 2015 03:03 PM (jJRIy)

499 It is definitely a bold day, today.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 09, 2015 03:03 PM (zc3Db)

500 When college students go on about how college should be "free" just like it is in "wonderful" Europe, I point out to them that Euro universities don't have semi-pro atlhletic programs and also their dorms are pretty spartan The one I stayed in in London had a wall heater you had to feed change into to stay warm - and since the room was cold even in August, I made sure I had plenty of change. The cafeteria food - well, what can you say about "British cafeteria food?" Worse than the dreck I've had in cafeterias here.

The snowflakes want everything to be free but they also want their plush dorm rooms and fancy unions and Starbucks - and their sports teams.

Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at November 09, 2015 03:03 PM (u0lmX)



Posted by: BB Wolf at November 09, 2015 03:04 PM (qh617)

502 a another victory against ignorant southern white trash! we shall overcome

Posted by: jayjay at November 09, 2015 03:04 PM (OaQDM)

503 Waiting for the widening.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 03:04 PM (FsuaD)

504 Darnit Countrysinger. Don't tempt me. Don't make me barrelfap! I don't want to get banned.

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 03:04 PM (dSMFJ)

505 Wasn't it Mohammed who said, "even a broken clock is right 5 times a day?"

Posted by: Fritz at November 09, 2015 03:02 PM (UzPAd)

Which was the basis of forcing muzzies to kiss the ground five times a day. It's a broken clock-thing.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 09, 2015 03:05 PM (zc3Db)

506 Not again.


Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 09, 2015 03:05 PM (ptqRm)

507 Those aren't bayonets sticking in the barrel. Just saying.

Posted by: Fritz at November 09, 2015 03:05 PM (UzPAd)

508 Jay Z for President of Missou!

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 09, 2015 03:05 PM (NjiZL)

509 We have nothing to fear from out Next Republican President. All of this will be straightened out long before there is a republican in the White House.

We're going to have to change the color of the White House. Checkerboard squares, rainbow, pink, brown. Can't have the seat of national government in a white racist symbol of white oppressive patriarchy.

Pastels maybe, a nice soothing collection of pastels.

Posted by: Hayfield Volkovski at November 09, 2015 03:05 PM (fpcHA)

510 EBT line? They have a line for EBT? Where is that. Surely that's RACIST!

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 09, 2015 03:01 PM (jJRIy)

Out of 8 lines at our local supermarket, only one line takes EBT cards. However they do cater to white trash too, so it's not racially sensitive.

Posted by: jwest at November 09, 2015 03:05 PM (Zs4uk)

511 There are white people I wouldn't trust to go to my mailbox for me. And there are non-whites who I would trust to take my grandchildren on vacation for a week. I don't think it's a matter of color. I think it's much more than that.

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 03:05 PM (dFi94)

512 Yo!

Posted by: Yo! at November 09, 2015 03:06 PM (GwIKd)

513 Hahahaha. At least it wasn't Pappy or Bruce Boehner and it was fixed.

I feel bad for Country Singer. I like him. I hope the Barrel is kind to you, CS

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 03:06 PM (2x3L+)

514 Several Missouri students asked me to communicate that what happened today is STEP ONE in making the campus safe. This alone is not enough.



Some of the most vicious fighting in China was amongst different factions of Red Guards students. *popcorn*

Posted by: Bigby's Indian Sunburn at November 09, 2015 03:06 PM (3ZtZW)

515 505 Wasn't it Mohammed who said, "even a broken clock is right 5 times a day?"


Only the ones that I build.

Posted by: Achmed the Clock Maker at November 09, 2015 03:06 PM (NjiZL)

516 The snowflakes want everything to be free but they also want their plush dorm rooms and fancy unions and Starbucks - and their sports teams.

It's like they think this is Star Trek and there's no need for money because everything appears magically on its own from some replicator somewhere.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at November 09, 2015 03:06 PM (LUgeY)

517 I remain unsatisfied.

Posted by: Barrel at November 09, 2015 03:03 PM (vsbNu)

Don't worry, I'm bringing my bayonet.

Posted by: Country Singer at November 09, 2015 03:06 PM (8Y7+f)

49. Because UNC students can attend Carolina United,
a program that provides a safe and accepting environment for UNC
students to explore diversity within and between themselves.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 09, 2015 03:03

Isn't that special? Bless their hearts.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 09, 2015 03:06 PM (w/iDp)

519 re 496: well... yeah. Daisy was pretty shallow, too.

Posted by: mallfly at November 09, 2015 03:07 PM (qSIlh)

505 Wasn't it Mohammed who said, "even a broken clock is right 5 times a day?"

Didn't he invent math?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 03:07 PM (FsuaD)

521 white people are racist.
men are all sexual predators.
LBGTPDQ is not a choice.

All men are sexual predators, except the ones that want to change in women's locker rooms and claim to be a girl. Every man is a potential rapist girls need protection from, except in the bathroom where its bigoted to keep a man out.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 03:07 PM (39g3+)

522 Ya'll stop messing with the bold. The art class was bad enough.

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 03:08 PM (2x3L+)

523 Kanye West for President of Harvard


Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 03:08 PM (aX+pP)

524 I suggest every BLM# member and supporter relocate to Missouri and take over the state. Make it run exactly like you want. I will be wishing you the best from my now reduced crime State of Texas.

Posted by: Max Rockatansky at November 09, 2015 03:08 PM (0XyIg)

525 I feel bad for Country Singer. I like him. I hope the Barrel is kind to you, CS

I've had to work at work, regrettably. What was Danube Guide's sentence in the Barrel?

It seems like it ought to be a fate worse than Buzzion's.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at November 09, 2015 03:08 PM (JtwS4)

526 We need to come up with a design for Snuggies for Special Snowflakes.

At least let's make a few bucks off the idiots.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 03:09 PM (FsuaD)

527 To make U Missouri truly safe, we need to cull the library.

Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 03:09 PM (aX+pP)

528 When college students go on about how college should be "free" just like it is in "wonderful" Europe, I point out to them that Euro universities don't have semi-pro atlhletic programs and also their dorms are pretty spartan

Not to mention that you don't decide to go to university there, at least, not when I was in Germany. They decide after the 5th grade whether you are college material or not. If They decide not, off to trade school with you. If you make it to Gymnasium, and don't make grade, "Du musst fliegen".

Posted by: Grump928(c) at November 09, 2015 03:09 PM (evdj2)

529 a another victory against ignorant southern white trash!

I know you're doing a little routine here

However, do people from MO think of their state as southern or Southern Midwest?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 09, 2015 03:09 PM (No/ki)

530 All men are sexual predators, except the ones that
want to change in women's locker rooms and claim to be a girl. Every
man is a potential rapist girls need protection from, except in the
bathroom where its bigoted to keep a man out.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 03:07 PM (39g3+)

Makes sense to me.

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 03:09 PM (dFi94)

531 De ja vue is a glitch in the matrix. Usually when they cut the hardline.

Posted by: Hayfield Volkovski at November 09, 2015 03:09 PM (fpcHA)

532 We need you to start commenting now, Willow.

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 03:09 PM (Fmupd)

533 The Unabomber actually warned us that technology would bring this about.

Posted by: dfbaskwill at November 09, 2015 01:39 PM

Now that guy could make a clock.

Posted by: Achmed at November 09, 2015 03:09 PM (jCvFX)

534 We are seeing the Mob in action...

Not the gangster Mob... but the mob as in Rome...

The demand bread, and circuses, while finding someone new to hate every day...

and if you don't apologize fast enough???? You are outcast.. you are a pariah...

Note... the history of Rome was interesting... they once sent Christians to the Lions... forced them to fight in the Coliseum...

But once the Emperor was a Christian... they sent Heretics to that very same Coliseum to die...

I note, that human nature has not changed...

Posted by: BB Wolf at November 09, 2015 03:10 PM (qh617)

535 Snoop Dogg for president of Columbia University!

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 09, 2015 03:10 PM (NjiZL)

536 that's basically right, grumpy

plus, it's "free" because they tax you up the ass

for education they made it impossible for you even to attend


Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 03:10 PM (aX+pP)

537 >>>>> I've had to work at work, regrettably. What was Danube Guide's sentence in the Barrel?
It seems like it ought to be a fate worse than Buzzion's.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at November 09, 2015 03:08 PM
I'm not sure. He's either still in the Barrel of he ran off like a total chickenshit once he discovered the error of his ways. I hope he is in the Barrel. If he is, at least he will have company with Danube.

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 03:11 PM (2x3L+)

538 There are white people I wouldn't trust to go to my mailbox for me. And there are non-whites who I would trust to take my grandchildren on vacation for a week. I don't think it's a matter of color. I think it's much more than that.

Funny how these precious little snowflakes somehow managed to avoid any and all of the normal relationships that would've taught them this simple truth.

It's like the country has gone completely mad.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at November 09, 2015 03:11 PM (LUgeY)

539 Ice T for President of University of California Berkeley

Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 03:11 PM (aX+pP)

540 Posted by: BB Wolf at November 09, 2015 03:10 PM (qh617)

When daughter and I went to Italy, we toured the Coliseum. Made me cry.

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 03:11 PM (dFi94)

541 Easy pickings Nip.

From Duke's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion department. Few campuses are safe from this.

And the Yankees in Durham County probably led the way.

Creating an inclusive and respectful workplace
Cross-cultural communication (including intercultural awareness)
Leading and managing diverse teams
Sex and gender diversity education
Breaking the cycle of subtle bias, stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination
Developing diversity leadership teams and committees
Search committee strategies for identifying qualified, diverse talent pools and conducting an equitable process

Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at November 09, 2015 03:12 PM (/eMNB)

542 All men are sexual predators, except the ones that want to change in women's locker rooms and claim to be a girl. Every man is a potential rapist girls need protection from, except in the bathroom where its bigoted to keep a man out.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor
Men rape because they are angry and bitter that they are not lesbians.

This can be fixed by giving them all sex changes.

Because all women are bisexual or lesbian, they will not mind this at all.

The only one who will mind will be Milo Yiannopolis.

Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at November 09, 2015 03:12 PM (dSMFJ)

543 So, not the Show Me State anymore?

Needs a new motto

Posted by: Bigby's Indian Sunburn at November 09, 2015 03:12 PM (3ZtZW)

544 The only one who will mind will be Milo Yiannopolis.

In fairness Milo already is a pussy.

Posted by: Grump928(c) at November 09, 2015 03:13 PM (evdj2)

49. Because UNC students can attend Carolina United,

a program that provides a safe and accepting environment for UNC

students to explore diversity within and between themselves.

Diversity is weakness.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 03:13 PM (oKE6c)

546 "Needs a new motto"

State of Confusion

Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 03:13 PM (aX+pP)

547 Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 03:05 PM (dFi94)

Exceptions to the rule. Of course not everything is 100% or 0%. As a thinking human being you have to make judgements based on past experiences and current enviroment. If you don't have enough information to evaluate , you must take the default position that best protects your interest if a choice is required.

Posted by: Max Rockatansky at November 09, 2015 03:13 PM (0XyIg)

548 Out of 8 lines at our local supermarket, only one
line takes EBT cards. However they do cater to white trash too, so it's
not racially sensitive.

Posted by: jwest at November 09, 2015 03:05 PM (Zs4uk)

I would think that would be forbidden. DISCRIMINATION!

That sure as hell wouldn't work in the South and certainly NOT at Wal Mart
They stopped making kids show their free meal tickets at school because they didn't want the leaches to be embarrassed.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 09, 2015 03:13 PM (jJRIy)

549 543 So, not the Show Me State anymore?

Needs a new motto
Posted by: Bigby's Indian Sunburn at November 09, 2015 03:12 PM (3ZtZW

The Blow Me State

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 09, 2015 03:13 PM (n22zQ)

550 543 So, not the Show Me State anymore?
Needs a new motto
Posted by: Bigby's Indian Sunburn at November 09, 2015 03:12 PM (3ZtZW)

The Blow Me State.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 03:14 PM (oKE6c)

551 543
So, not the Show Me State anymore?

Needs a new motto

The "First, you will blow me" state?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 03:14 PM (FsuaD)

552 The snowflakes want everything to be free but they also want their plush
dorm rooms and fancy unions and Starbucks - and their sports teams.

I can't wait until these freaks enter the workforce. I've seen a preview of some applying and a few being hired at my workplace. We had one engineering new-hire actually call HR and ask if it was OK to come to work (on his first day) in basketball shorts and a T-Shirt.

I almost relish my next new hire candidate coming in.

Posted by: OurCountryIsScrewed at November 09, 2015 03:14 PM (jxbfJ)

553 The Blow Me State

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 09, 2015 03:13 PM (n22zQ)

Missed it by thaaaaat much.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 03:14 PM (oKE6c)

554 Lol. Great minds....

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 03:14 PM (FsuaD)

555 I point out to them that Euro universities don't have semi-pro atlhletic programs and also their dorms are pretty spartan

And how its not free. "free" college paid for at gun point by everyone else sounds great when you're a college student. When you're the guy that has to pay extra taxes for the rest of your life for everyone ELSE to go to college for "free"... not so much.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 09, 2015 03:14 PM (39g3+)

556 The Unabomber actually warned us that technology would bring this about.

Posted by: dfbaskwill at November 09, 2015 01:39 PM

Now that guy could make a clock.
Posted by: Achmed

Yet another reason why we're all going to Hell.

Posted by: The Moron horde at November 09, 2015 03:15 PM (326rv)

557 grammie

city of Rome is thinking of renting out the Colosseo for events

not kidding

its renovation already has corporate sponsorship because the city can't afford it

Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 03:15 PM (aX+pP)

558 Kinda OT - I love how people from Poplar Bluff MO say "barbed wire". Makes me laugh.

carry on ......

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 03:15 PM (dFi94)

559 The SJW's never remember that The Terror brings about Napoleon.

Their surprise is always entertaining.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet is Proud to Sponsor The Outrage Olympics. at November 09, 2015 03:15 PM (hLRSq)

560 College can easily be made free. Just fund it with tha Free College Fund. Of course this will take funds to do, so the Free College Fund will be funded by the Free College Fund Fund. Of course this will require funds..

Posted by: eman at November 09, 2015 03:16 PM (MQEz6)

561 >>bringing those scum here presents all sorts of legal
problems and opens them up to all the "protections" of the American
Judicial System and also presents a draw and target for other muslim
scum terrorists to attack American soil and citizens. It is an
incredibily bad idea

Posted by: Nevergiveup

I'm incredibly consistent idea-wise.

Posted by: Barry at November 09, 2015 03:16 PM (c7vUv)

562 I almost relish my next new hire candidate coming in.

Posted by: OurCountryIsScrewed

Same here. The look of indignation mixed with bewilderment when they are actually held accountable and expected to perform is a sight to behold.

Posted by: Cheri at November 09, 2015 03:16 PM (oiNtH)

563 IDK Snowflake State kinda works...

...temporary though, since it'd just collapse soon after they took it all over.

Posted by: Bigby's Indian Sunburn at November 09, 2015 03:16 PM (3ZtZW)

564 "I can't wait until these freaks enter the workforce"

they'll protest the pink slip for being pink

Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 03:16 PM (aX+pP)

565 Any UNC or Louisville fans here? The number 6 ranked HS basketball player in the country, Edrice "Bam" Adebayo just transferred to a school in my area, I'll be seeing him Friday. He's already been offered by half a dozen teams, but apparently his two major suitors are the Tar Heels and the Cardinals. I can send you instructions to watch the livestream of the game for free on Friday around 6 PM if you want a sneak peek at the guy. He's a 6-9 Forward with pro potential.

Posted by: Lincolntf at November 09, 2015 03:16 PM (2cS/G)

566 Kinda OT - I love how people from Poplar Bluff MO say "barbed wire". Makes me laugh.

What do they call bobwire?

Posted by: Grump928(c) at November 09, 2015 03:16 PM (evdj2)

567 "city of Rome is thinking of renting out the Colosseo for events"

Tonight's Auto-de-Fe brought to you be Kingsford Charcoal and Omaha Steaks.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet is Proud to Sponsor The Outrage Olympics. at November 09, 2015 03:17 PM (hLRSq)

568 543
So, not the Show Me State anymore?

Needs a new motto

Posted by: Bigby's Indian Sunburn at November 09, 2015 03:12 PM (3ZtZW)

Show me the money state.

Posted by: rebel flounder at November 09, 2015 03:17 PM (3dOE/)

569 eman, I've had people look at me in wonder and say "well, just print more money"

they. do. not. give. a. damn.

Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 03:17 PM (aX+pP)

570 527 To make U Missouri truly safe, we need to cull the library.
Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 03:09 PM (aX+pP)

Of the uncolored books?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 03:17 PM (oKE6c)

571 Love you crazy morons. Embolded ones, too. And those in the barrel. xoxo

Mizzo sucks.I am sure this sacrificial lamb is just going to fix everything. Right?

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, aging supermodel Redneck Queen at November 09, 2015 03:17 PM (yG5Nj)

572 I don't know. I kinda like "The Blow Me State". I don't think it fits.

Posted by: Achmed at November 09, 2015 03:18 PM (eCv+a)

573  I remain unsatisfied.
Posted by: Barrel

*STOP* *IT*. I will remain pure. I will think pure thoughts.

Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at November 09, 2015 03:18 PM (dSMFJ)

574 grammie

city of Rome is thinking of renting out the Colosseo for events

not kidding

Are you kidding me? Oh - you already said you're not kidding. Well - that's just wrong! My gosh, I walked past the cages and thought of all the martyrs that were killed there, and now what? They want to bring in Ringling Brothers ?? Wrong wrong wrong

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 03:18 PM (dFi94)

575 I don't feel too bad about this. Let the left eat each other.

University administrators started this back in the '60's when they caved into the demands of the New Left. Then the '60's generation took over as the teachers and administrators

Now these asshats are going to reap what they sow.

And the miserable SJWs, who will never be happy or content because spoiled brats never are, will tear each other apart. You can already see the trannies and the feminists attacking each other.

Pass the popcorn.

Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at November 09, 2015 03:18 PM (u0lmX)

576 Hey MFM, take this to it's natural conclusion:

Remove ALL white presidents from all universities and replace them with blacks!

Start with the most liberal colleges, like Bard College (white Jew Leon Botstein) and Brown University (white female Christina Paxson who unjustly replaced a black woman).

Or Vassar College (white female financier Catharine "Cappy" Bond Hill).

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 09, 2015 03:18 PM (NjiZL)

577 564
"I can't wait until these freaks enter the workforce"

they'll protest the pink slip for being pink

But I use a black pen. Does that make me a racist?

Posted by: OurCountryIsScrewed at November 09, 2015 03:18 PM (jxbfJ)

578 Ace must've gone hobo hunting.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at November 09, 2015 03:18 PM (LUgeY)

579 It is interesting and curious that there aren't women demanding to be made men by surgery. Why is that?

I have always thought that male homosexuality is an entirely different phenomenon than lesbianism. I have a theory on this that I'm working on. It's different, isn't it?

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 03:18 PM (2x3L+)

580 Thing with the Roman Mob though - in relation to politics, it refers not to the coliseum crowds nor the bread and circuses, but to the crowds which hurled political rivals off walls during elections.

You can still visit the spots they did all that at, too.

Posted by: Bigby's Indian Sunburn at November 09, 2015 03:18 PM (3ZtZW)

581 sock-b-gone

Posted by: TJ Camper at November 09, 2015 03:18 PM (eCv+a)

582 jay

establish a Committee and create an Index of Prohibited Books

anything published before 1969? I shudder to think what triggering horrors away unwary LGBTQ coeds

Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 03:19 PM (aX+pP)

Diversity is weakness.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 03:13 PM (oKE6c)

Yep. Mosaic vs Melting Pot.

We need more Chiques.

Congrats to her BTW.

Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at November 09, 2015 03:19 PM (48QDY)

584 Not to mention that you don't decide to go to university there, at least, not when I was in Germany. They decide after the 5th grade whether you are college material or not. If They decide not, off to trade school with you. If you make it to Gymnasium, and don't make grade, "Du musst fliegen".
Posted by: Grump928(c) at November 09, 2015 03:09 PM (evdj2)


This is true. My ex-wife's kid had to be told he wasn't going to the university after his first year of school. Very traumatic for the parents and the kid.

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 03:19 PM (Fmupd)

585 I don't watch "South Park" but that song was clever.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 09, 2015 03:19 PM (No/ki)

586 "Does that make me a racist?"

you have to ask?

I hope you have a lawyer

Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 03:19 PM (aX+pP)

587 Couldn't we dump these folks on Europe while no one was looking? Just get them to say they're Syrian. All Free Stuff and White Women they want.

Posted by: Puddin Head at November 09, 2015 03:20 PM (oDCMR)

588 What do they call bobwire?

Posted by: Grump928(c) at November 09, 2015 03:16 PM (evdj2)

I wish there was some sort of Speech button here (what the heck we can't even link, but I digress)
It comes out something like "bawrbwhar". Most peculiar.

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 03:20 PM (dFi94)

589 The League is going to be in for quite a treat. Do you know how highly prized black, male, football players are by The Sisterhood that's about to take over?

Yeah, not so much.

Posted by: t-bird at November 09, 2015 03:20 PM (3U4+k)


Thats racist.

Posted by: fixerupper at November 09, 2015 03:21 PM (8XRCm)

591 Dibs on 600

Posted by: Yo! at November 09, 2015 03:21 PM (GwIKd)

592 "start with the most liberal colleges"

excellent idea

at this rate, I'm sure most of those colleges and their would actually support the purge

Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 03:21 PM (aX+pP)

593 I've started watching the show "Monsters inside of Me". It is pretty gross to watch what parasites can do to your body but I find it fascinating as well. Not so much in our society.

Give in to a parasite they continue to feed and multiply until nothing is left.

Posted by: Cheri at November 09, 2015 03:21 PM (oiNtH)

594 565
Any UNC or Louisville fans here?

I don't think so, maybe Gabe? You have to be ghey to like UNC and that fag blue color.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 09, 2015 03:22 PM (jJRIy)

595 There are white people I wouldn't trust to go to my mailbox for me. And there are non-whites who I would trust to take my grandchildren on vacation for a week. I don't think it's a matter of color. I think it's much more than that.

Funny how these precious little snowflakes somehow managed to avoid any and all of the normal relationships that would've taught them this simple truth.

I once read the interrogation of a low level Nazi war criminal. they asked him how he justified what he had done. He replied that you can't treat everyone the same. They asked him why he couldn't treat good people well and bad people badly. He responded that he had never thought of that.

Back when I read that probably 40 years ago I thought that nobody could be that stupid and that he had seen the light because of the shadow of the gallows. Now I'm not so sure. I am sure that there are members of #BLM who view the world in that way.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 09, 2015 03:22 PM (XUKZU)

596 Seeing crap like this makes me glad the fruit of my loins is in a conservative religious university.

Posted by: OurCountryIsScrewed at November 09, 2015 03:22 PM (jxbfJ)

597 Posted by: BB Wolf at November 09, 2015 03:10 PM (qh617)

Uh I don't think so. First Christian emperor was not until around 400 AD. I don't think the Coliseum was in use at that time. But yes Christian rulers did kill heretics back in the day.

Posted by: Max Rockatansky at November 09, 2015 03:22 PM (0XyIg)

598 What do they call bobwire?
Posted by: Grump928(c) at November 09, 2015 03:16 PM (evdj2)


Heh. That's what farmers called it where I grew up.

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 03:22 PM (Fmupd)

599 "bawrbwhar">>>

As in Whawaa (Walters)?

Posted by: Buzzsaw at November 09, 2015 03:23 PM (XtAzU)

600 What do they call bobwire?


"Thet other guy from the Grayt-fewl Daid"

Posted by: Bigby's Indian Sunburn at November 09, 2015 03:23 PM (3ZtZW)

601 @puddinhead (I love that name...Daddy used to call me puddin) 587...this sounds like a great idea. I nominate you for pest control of the future Moron Utopia.

Also, put folks at border pointing to a plane that zaps that bunch to Germany/Sweden.

I think this solves our own illegal problem as well as thug problem. Brilliant!

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, aging supermodel Redneck Queen at November 09, 2015 03:23 PM (yG5Nj)

602 There are white people I wouldn't trust to go to my mailbox for me. And there are non-whites who I would trust to take my grandchildren on vacation for a week. I don't think it's a matter of color. I think it's much more than that.
Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 03:05 PM (dFi94)

So you know Michelle Malkin?

Posted by: Bruce Boehner at November 09, 2015 03:24 PM (dSMFJ)

603 Posted by: Nip Sip at November 09, 2015 03:22 PM (jJRIy)

Gabe's OK State IIRC.

Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at November 09, 2015 03:24 PM (/eMNB)

604 Mizzou plays Arkansas in football on November 27 on CBS.

Can't wait to NOT WATCH that one.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 09, 2015 03:24 PM (NjiZL)

605 As in Whawaa (Walters)?

Posted by: Buzzsaw at November 09, 2015 03:23 PM (XtAzU)

No - not that much of an open vowel. Get more of the "oh" sound in it.

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 03:25 PM (dFi94)

606 I stole this comment verbatim from SSC cop blog.

" Fart In Your General Direction said...
"And even if it isn't young Mister Lee, it's some kid, about 4 years old, on his way to a lifetime of lord knows what."

I believe the proper statement would've read: "on his way to a lifetime of VICE lord knows what".


THIS is why normal people (of all colors) don't want these savages living anywhere near them. Seriously... why would any parent want their kid(s) coming into contact with this piece of shit in-the-making at school, on a playground or at extracurricular activities?

THIS is why coppers, firemen and other city workers held hostage by the residency requirement send their kids to Catholic schools.

THIS is why it doesn't bother hardened coppers to see ghetto children asleep on piss, shit and cum stained mattresses on the floor as roaches crawl over them.

THIS is why nary an eyebrow gets raised when we see "Mama" literally dragging a 4 year old in a shitty diaper out of a liquor store by one arm at midnight. Yelling and screaming at the top of her lungs for the kid to "stop dat muthafuckin' cryin'"!

THIS is why I quit pulling over cars with weed smoke pouring out of the windows, shorties in the back seat without car seats, bouncin' to some Jay Z as Play Auntie cracks a U-Turn into the White Castle drive thru.

I could go on for days, but "Lost Cause" is what I'm driving at here. I quit giving a fuck quite some time ago when my "you can't help those who won't help themselves" epiphany occurred.

You see, at one time - when I was much younger and much more naive - I too was oblivious to just how much of a lost cause the majority of the ghetto is. I'd donate food, clothing and toys whenever the district CAPS office had drives around the holidays (and when the Area Youth Office did the same pre-CAPS).

I remember a few instances where house fires resulted in families losing everything they owned; the district personnel took up a collection that replaced just about everything destroyed. I was always happy to contribute, believing that most ghetto "parents" were of good intention, just unable to provide for their children due to the litany of hardships associated with poverty.

Then reality slowly started setting in. No one in the ghetto actually worked, but they all drove new(er) cars. They wore expensive clothing and gym shoes. They had tons of jewelry. The females always had their hair and fingernails "did". They seemed passionate about drinking top-shelf liquor. Even the low-level players you went through had several hundred dollars in their pockets. They all had the latest cell phones.

The hardworking, taxpaying suckers (that'd be you and me) have been bankrolling a hedonistic lifestyle, free from any responsibilities and absent real consequences, for the ghetto for generations. They have become experts at gaming the system and playing the Race Card anytime someone questions the status quo or dares call them on their bullshit. Championed by race baiters like Jesse, Sharpton, and Holder and supported by uneducated ignoramuses of movements like #BLM, has only further emboldened the Gibs-Me-Dat crowd. I won't even get into the roles that police perception and anti-LE rhetoric play in this dynamic.

The "White voices asking that we save African-American children" need to see past the crocodile tears and the begging for money/support/help every time some inner city kid gets killed. They need to see that the ignorance responsible for spawning and 'raising' the kid isn't some anomaly in a cutesy YouTube video - it's a fucked-up, ass-backwards lifestyle that society has allowed to exist for far too long."

Posted by: maddogg at November 09, 2015 03:26 PM (xWW96)

607 Uh I don't think so. First Christian emperor was not until around 400 AD. I don't think the Coliseum was in use at that time. But yes Christian rulers did kill heretics back in the day.
Posted by: Max Rockatansky at November 09, 2015 03:22 PM (0XyIg)


A lot of first-century Christians were killed in the Coliseum by the Romans. Many of them were also crucified along the Apian Way.

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 03:26 PM (Fmupd)

608 True Story:
I had a 20-something campaign worker show up on my doorstep recently canvassing for the local mayoral race, wearing a 'Bernie' button. I live deep behind enemy lines in Northern VA, and I am certain he was expecting a warm reception. I stepped out onto the porch and told him that liberals disgusted me and that he needed to hit the road. I thought he was going to cry. It is going to be interesting to see these people deal with any sort of real adversity.

Posted by: Weasel at November 09, 2015 03:26 PM (6xtq3)

609 I watched a show on PBS a week or so ago about violent ancient Rome. Dear Lord.

Nero once used Christians, coated in tar and crucified, as human torches for a party.

And Roman's sex lives were off-the-charts weird. It was common for boys and men to have sex with each other, and then marry (women). Pedophilia was no big deal.

In Pompeii they uncovered villas with graphic pictures of men and women having sex...on the dining room walls. Nice for the kiddies to see.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 03:26 PM (FsuaD)

University administrators started this back in
the '60's when they caved into the demands of the New Left. Then the
'60's generation took over as the teachers and administrators

Now these asshats are going to reap what they sow.

And the miserable SJWs, who will never be happy or content because
spoiled brats never are, will tear each other apart. You can already
see the trannies and the feminists attacking each other.

Pass the popcorn.

Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at November 09, 2015 03:18 PM (u0lmX)

Two words: online education.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 03:26 PM (oKE6c)

611 so based on the list of demands, this Missouri student group is obviously coached by activists

who are they?

Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 03:26 PM (aX+pP)

612 I once read the interrogation of a low level Nazi war criminal. they asked him how he justified what he had done. He replied that you can't treat everyone the same. They asked him why he couldn't treat good people well and bad people badly. He responded that he had never thought of that.

Back when I read that probably 40 years ago I thought that nobody could be that stupid and that he had seen the light because of the shadow of the gallows. Now I'm not so sure. I am sure that there are members of #BLM who view the world in that way.

But we Christians who do our best to abide by the Golden Rule and treat everyone the way we'd like to be treated are the nutsos today.

I don't unnerstan any of this.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at November 09, 2015 03:27 PM (LUgeY)

613 I have always thought that male homosexuality is an entirely different phenomenon than lesbianism. I have a theory on this that I'm working on. It's different, isn't it?

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 03:18 PM (2x3L+)

No comparison, at all. Lesbian scenes in movies between hot chicks guarantee extra ticket sales. They are allowed and encouraged by most. Homosexual male scenes in movies guarantee that no one will watch them. This really pisses gay guys off to no end. And the bull dykes get mad because no one really cares about them or takes them seriously in any way.

People are fascinated by hot chicks getting it on, repulsed by gay guys doing much of anything and giggle at bull dykes doing sad, campy impersonations of men (in their minds).

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 09, 2015 03:27 PM (zc3Db)

614 I know one thing, if a "refugee" tried to squat and poop in my garden he would do it for the last time. I would think of something to deter his jihad arse. [insert Rebel Yell here]

I have been working hard (wait, I think that is raciss?) in gardens, planting bulbs and stuff. If any refugee wanted to add fertilizer to this he would regret it. They may not have guns over there, but surely someone can remember how to boil oil? Heck, make a potato gun and fire off rounds of your own sewage.

Germans, if you are reading this, do something and keep fighting back. You are in deep do-do regardless where they squat.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, aging supermodel Redneck Queen at November 09, 2015 03:27 PM (yG5Nj)

615 Heh. The guy I'm talking about was offered by Missouri, just noticed that. Also Auburn, Kansas, Kentucky, NC State and Wake Forest. Kid's got options.

Posted by: Lincolntf at November 09, 2015 03:27 PM (2cS/G)

616 Coral, your my son.

Don't go outside the compound, Coral.

I'm serious. The walkers.


Posted by: Rick from the Walking Dead at November 09, 2015 03:28 PM (NjiZL)

617 Posted by: maddogg at November 09, 2015 03:26 PM (xWW96)


**wipes a tear from my eye ***

Posted by: fixerupper at November 09, 2015 03:28 PM (8XRCm)

618 What is truth?Posted by: The Modern University at November 09, 2015 02:54 PM (evdj2)

What is truth?

Posted by: Pontius Pilate, Having A Famous Moment at November 09, 2015 03:29 PM (UWlp+)

619 Looks like a whole group of whining ninnies need a "Yelper Special"

Posted by: CAC at November 09, 2015 03:29 PM (DAe/h)

620 It is interesting and curious that there aren't women demanding to be made men by surgery. Why is that?

I actually have a friend from high school who did the female to male transition. It seems very different though.

Posted by: Lea at November 09, 2015 03:29 PM (lIU4e)

621 Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 03:26 PM (aX+pP)

If we could get a look at the records I expect a lot of them have been visiting the WH

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 09, 2015 03:29 PM (No/ki)

622 In Pompeii they uncovered villas with graphic
pictures of men and women having sex...on the dining room walls. Nice
for the kiddies to see.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 03:26 PM (FsuaD)

I've been to Pompeii. It's nasty. Needless to say, I didn't bring home any of their souvenirs.

Posted by: grammie winger, the sky spills over at November 09, 2015 03:30 PM (dFi94)

623 Posted by: maddogg at November 09, 2015 03:26 PM (xWW96)


Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 03:30 PM (oKE6c)

624 who are they?
Posted by: Feh at November 09, 2015 03:26 PM (aX+pP)


Ferguson..... or as my Nat Guard son, who was there for the riots, refers to it as "Fergudishu"..... is only 150 miles down the road.

Posted by: fixerupper at November 09, 2015 03:30 PM (8XRCm)

625 I actually have a friend from high school who did the female to male transition. It seems very different though.

Posted by: Lea at November 09, 2015 03:29 PM (lIU4e)

The period's a dead giveaway.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 09, 2015 03:31 PM (zc3Db)

626 Open Nude!

Posted by: Drill_Thrawl at November 09, 2015 03:31 PM (JOG+K)

627 In Pompeii they uncovered villas with graphic
pictures of men and women having sex...on the dining room walls.

Wouldn't they slide off? Kidding.

I've been to Pompeii, too, and came away with the impression that it was Rome's answer to Palm Springs.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 03:31 PM (oKE6c)

628 One of my painters is outside having an argument on his phone with his wife/girlfriend.

They guaranteed me the job will be over tomorrow afternoon. So far, they arrived two hours late this morning, then after about an hour, took a one hour lunch break.


Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 03:31 PM (FsuaD)


Posted by: maddogg at November 09, 2015 03:31 PM (xWW96)

630 doubt flown in from the organization.

During the take over of the Wisconsin state house, the ACLU were flying their own in from Florida.

Keeping in mind during "riots' post Ferguson, Baltimore? many of those protesting were not local.

Hello, I am a professional rage boy. What are we protesting today?

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, aging supermodel Redneck Queen at November 09, 2015 03:31 PM (yG5Nj)

631 Nero once used Christians, coated in tar and crucified, as human torches for a party.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 03:26 PM (FsuaD)

Romans 12:19

Posted by: Golfman - Xenophobe Extrodinaire at November 09, 2015 03:31 PM (/eMNB)

632 crappy schools giving into crappy human beings. we are truly boned.

when these idiots cannot fend for themselves in reality they will be easy pickings for their moslem overlords.

Posted by: Nora at November 09, 2015 03:32 PM (Trq86)

Yeah, Instapundit says lots of stupid things, like the one about "I'll believe there's a global climate crisis when Al Gore rides a bike" or the equivalent. Idiotic. If your crazy neighbor hides inside during day-time cuz space aliens are hunting for him during those hours, would you also hide, Glenn? Total lack of logic, total failure of emotive impact ("hypocrisy" being important to 3% of the population, plus Sean Hannity).

And ace (yeah, I know he's not reading this), the "power" of the idiot authoritarians and racists is 100% based on the acquiescence of everyone else. They have absolutely no power of their own.

The collapse of the US in many respects into a Third World backwater, in terms of the civic culture, is entirely the fault of ..... everyone who lets it happen. There are always stupid/racist/authoritarian people ready to grab power and ruin lives and life. In the more civilized countries, they have long been marginalized and kept powerless by the decency and seriousness of the many.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 09, 2015 03:32 PM (QDnY+)

634 607 Uh I don't think so. First Christian emperor was not until around 400 AD. I don't think the Coliseum was in use at that time. But yes Christian rulers did kill heretics back in the day.
Posted by: Max Rockatansky at November 09, 2015 03:22 PM (0XyIg)


A lot of first-century Christians were killed in the Coliseum by the Romans. Many of them were also crucified along the Apian Way.
Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 03:26 PM (Fmupd)

Yes, I was responding to claim that the Christian emperor used the Coliseum to kill heretics.

Posted by: Max Rockatansky at November 09, 2015 03:32 PM (0XyIg)

635 597 Posted by: BB Wolf at November 09, 2015 03:10 PM (qh617)

Uh I don't think so. First Christian emperor was not until around 400 AD. I don't think the Coliseum was in use at that time. But yes Christian rulers did kill heretics back in the day.

Posted by: Max Rockatansky at November 09, 2015 03:22 PM (0XyIg)

Last historical mention of Gladiators in the Coliseum? 435 AD...

Heretic Laws in Rome? 380 AD...

Posted by: BB Wolf at November 09, 2015 03:32 PM (qh617)

636 the Terror induces the Jacobins to slaughter themselves ( while slaughtering every imagined and availale enemy ); the Girondists try to keep the Revolution going, which brings the Directory ( not the phone book )

the Directory is like a committee of university presidents and establishment politicians; so it's not that difficulty for a pudgy Corsican artillery officer to use 'a whiff of grapeshot' to get himself proclaimed First Consul, then Emperor.

like Julius Caesar, only different----like the Romans, we're f*cked

Posted by: English guy who makes tangential comments at November 09, 2015 03:32 PM (8CdUx)

637 I don't think the Coliseum was in use at that time. But yes Christian rulers did kill heretics back in the day.

I always remember this. Rome ordered Jesus put to death (yes I know but proximate cause, yo) and they tried to wipe out Christianity.

Today there is no empire of Rome and the Throne of St. Peter sits in the capital.

Posted by: blaster at November 09, 2015 03:32 PM (2Ocf1)

638 We're not firing the University President for refusing to kow tow to ridiculous grievance-mongers just trying to show everybody how they can get whatever they want by crying loudly enough. No.

We're firing the University President for not having the JUDGMENT to know how to kow tow to ridiculous grievance-mongers just trying to show everybody how they can get whatever they want by crying loudly enough.

Big difference. See?

Posted by: The Trustees at November 09, 2015 03:32 PM (k8tEg)

639 >>"I can't wait until these freaks enter the workforce"

May not be so funny if/when they get jobs at EPA, Dept. of Ed, EEOC, etc. and start making demands on schools or businesses with the full force of the federal government behind them.

Posted by: Lizzy at November 09, 2015 03:33 PM (NOIQH)

640 I have always thought that male homosexuality is an entirely
different phenomenon than lesbianism. I have a theory on this that I'm
working on. It's different, isn't it?

Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 03:18 PM (2x3L+)

Male homosexuality spreads disease (like crazy), and hence poses a public health threat, because guys will pork anything they can. And without women to put on the brakes ... it's on. Oh yes.

Lesbians just pair up and have a zillion cats.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 09, 2015 03:34 PM (oKE6c)

641 we killed heretics, but we didn't enjoy it

okay, we enjoyed it

Posted by: THE HOLY INQUISITION, bitches at November 09, 2015 03:35 PM (8CdUx)

642 Are Hungarians considered Czechs? Don't forget the smart Hungarians. Those motherfuckers put up a magnificent fence with razor wire that Donald Trump would approve of. Poland too. Are Poles considered Czechs too? I'm confused.

Btw, I said a little prayer for you which is hard for me, but people here have been praying for me so I have a debt to repay. Do you actually like lawyering? Maybe you should consider other possibilities if you don't. I think you will be better off in the end. Try not to worry. I know, hard. And it sucks.
Posted by: L, Elle at November 09, 2015 03:00 PM (2x3L+)

Ah yes, the Hungarians. Thanks for reminding me.

Thanks for the prayer, I appreciate it. Whether I like lawyering is a simple question with a complicated answer. I like the analytical, problem-solving, and constructive parts of it. I like the attention to detail and getting things done right.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at November 09, 2015 03:35 PM (2Ojst)

643 @628...Jane, I am sorry. This reminds me of daze of yore when we were having ceiling of back porch repaired and painted prior to selling. Two guys came (not the boss). One guy, all day long (having no idea I was in bedroom listening), was complaining about boss. Then he told other guy (who seemed ok and just wanting paycheck) they were going to not do something and cut corners. I was calling husband (on other side of house) and reporting. He was sort of "jimmy-crack corn, we are selling, c'est la vie." I was totally waiting,per rage of one guy, for him to start firing off guns.

I have to say the repair guys have been pretty great out here in the West. Kind, on time, professional. This still does not take away from my circle of hell, but thank goodness for nice guys who appear to know what they are doing. xoxo

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, aging supermodel Redneck Queen at November 09, 2015 03:35 PM (yG5Nj)

644 have been working hard (wait, I think that is raciss?) in gardens, planting bulbs and stuff. If any refugee wanted to add fertilizer to this he would regret it. They may not have guns over there, but surely someone can remember how to boil oil? Heck, make a potato gun and fire off rounds of your own sewage. Germans, if you are reading this, do something and keep fighting back. You are in deep do-do regardless where they squat.
Posted by: ChristyBlinky, aging supermodel Redneck Queen at November 09, 2015 03:27 PM (yG5Nj)


Slingshots. A rock in the right place can really fuck up a person's day.

Posted by: Soona at November 09, 2015 03:36 PM (Fmupd)

645 who are they?
Posted by: Feh

The faculty.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 09, 2015 03:36 PM (9mTYi)

646 Nero once used Christians, coated in tar and crucified, as human torches for a party.


Well, sure. They were heretics to the Imperial cult and would offer incense one way or the other

Posted by: Bigby's Indian Sunburn at November 09, 2015 03:37 PM (3ZtZW)

647 I'll say one thing for Nero, when Rome went balls up, he had the decency to kill himself.

*looks toward DC*

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 03:38 PM (FsuaD)

648 Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at November 09, 2015 03:35 PM (2Ojst)

Are there other kinds of jobs that would allow you to use those skills without doing the things about law which don't like? Maybe someone else some ideas about job transitions?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 09, 2015 03:39 PM (No/ki)

649 Are there other kinds of jobs that would allow you to use those skills without doing the things about law which don't like? Maybe someone else some ideas about job transitions?
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 09, 2015 03:39 PM (No/ki)

I'm not really sure. Believe me, this is something I've contemplated from time to time along the way but I haven't really come up with any viable ideas.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at November 09, 2015 03:40 PM (2Ojst)

650 New open thread.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at November 09, 2015 03:41 PM (2Ojst)

651 Lesbians just pair up and have a zillion cats.
Posted by: Jay Guevara

If only that were the case.....

Posted by: The turkey baster at November 09, 2015 03:42 PM (326rv)

652 In Pompeii they uncovered villas with graphic pictures of men and women having sex...on the dining room walls. Nice for the kiddies to see.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 09, 2015 03:26 PM (FsuaD)

Pass the butter!

Posted by: Caliban at November 09, 2015 03:42 PM (DrC22)

653 639
>>"I can't wait until these freaks enter the workforce"

not be so funny if/when they get jobs at EPA, Dept. of Ed, EEOC, etc.
and start making demands on schools or businesses with the full force of
the federal government behind them.

You mean they don't work there already? The illegal overreach of the Clean Water Act? Shutting coal plants down without any viable alternative to producing energy?

I actually look forward to rolling blackouts and when some of these snowflakes can't take a warm shower as a result of their actions.

And I will sit there with my fire (fire pit, fireplace, firearm) and laugh my ass off.

Posted by: OurCountryIsScrewed at November 09, 2015 03:42 PM (jxbfJ)

654 so it's not that difficulty for a pudgy Corsican artillery officer to use 'a whiff of grapeshot' to get himself proclaimed First Consul, then Emperor.

like Julius Caesar, only different----like the Romans, we're f*cked
Posted by: English guy who makes tangential comments at November 09, 2015 03:32 PM (8CdUx)

People often think of Napoleon as a cartoony figure, exaggerated and comical, which is probably ahistoric echoof British propaganda along those lines. The man himself was nothing of the sort. Even a perfunctory reading of Clauswitz would tell you Napoleon was gifted with the ability to conceptualize in detail the movement of armies across a topographical spacein real-time and to coordinate those movements in such a way as to concentrate his forces at the time and place of his choosing. Only a handful of military leaders in human history possessed that gift to that degree.

Posted by: troyriser at November 09, 2015 03:43 PM (UWlp+)

655 The politicians will all be trying to cover their backsides so the campus doesn't get burned down and so the cash cow of college football isn't jeopardized
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 09, 2015 03:01 PM (No/ki)

You know, the "cash cow" of college football is not what many think it is.
Ever hear of Title IX? It's the federal gov. requirement that campuses have to offer the same amount of athletic opportunities for women as it does men.
I watched a bit of women's college soccer last night on the Big Ten channel. There were maybe 200 people spectating. But the gals were in proper uniforms with proper shoes, the facility was groomed and dedicated to soccer, the visiting team had been bussed there and put up in hotels, fed, etc.
Who do you think pays for that? The Athletic Department of the respective teams. And where do they get the money? From the programs that bring in the most revenue, namely men's football, mens's basketball , and sometimes hockey. All AD are self funded, meaning when a school (I've give the one I'm most familiar with) such as Ohio State brings in huge dollar revenues from television , etc from the football team, that money doesn't go to the General Fund of the university. It goes into a pot that then pays to fund ALL of the athletic teams, all of the scholarships, all of the facilities, all of the travel, all of the security, employees, etc.. Women's rowing is fully funded because the FED gov. would come down like hell's fury if it weren't. Never mind that rowing loses hundreds of thousands of dollars per year because it generates little income. It can only be dropped if an equivalent men's sport is dropped.

There are only about ten universities that generate enough profit from their AD to put money into the general fund of the university. OSU is one of them, and the money goes into a scholarship fund for non athetes. Great that it happens, but it is not required.

There are numerous colleges that have to have the university kick in money at the end of the year to keep the athletic department afloat. And many are struggling with how to keep the departments open with balancing the profitable sports against the non profitable ones, particularly when most of them are women's sports which cannot be legally terminated.

Government planning at it's finest.

Posted by: Jen the original at November 09, 2015 03:44 PM (E2mFK)

656 grammie winger asked a good question - is Missouri Southern or Midwestern? I've never been there so I can't say.

The border states are odd: Maryland was a slave state but culturally it seems East coast to me, not Southern. But Kentucky seems southern.

A friend in college said the rule of thumb he used was that he was in the South when grits started appearing on diner menus instead of hash browns.

Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at November 09, 2015 03:47 PM (u0lmX)

657 okay, he was a GIFTED Corsican artillery officer

Posted by: English guy who makes tangential comments at November 09, 2015 03:48 PM (8CdUx)

658 All of this because a few football players on a mediocre team were too lazy to practice. Now it's racism so it's a thang.

Posted by: gracepc at November 09, 2015 03:56 PM (DMQhB)

659 President should have said he's terminating the football program because it's violent, dangerous, objectifies the cheerleaders and microaggresses against weaklings.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 09, 2015 04:01 PM (3myMJ)

505 Wasn't it Mohammed who said, "even a broken clock is right 5 times a day?"

Didn't he invent math?

Muslims invented EVERYTHING.
Even everything that existed pre-Islam.

Posted by: Hikaru at November 09, 2015 04:13 PM (CMbMd)

661 #RedGuardMatters #BlackIsTheNewRed

Posted by: OCBill at November 09, 2015 04:36 PM (Oowge)

662 I sure would love to know what the "skit" was that touched off the racial slurs.

And how the investigation is going on the swastika BS.

Posted by: PJ at November 09, 2015 04:37 PM (cHuNI)

663 It was said the final victims of the guillotine in Paris France were the architects of the revolution that beheaded them.
I have tried to wrap my brain around a Liberal, socialist, race conscious University President was charged, found guilty in public court by the football team of racism and forced to resign.
The football team judged him a racist and had him sacked?
The Sacked their own quarterback!
Viva La Revolution Robespierre!
Hike hike hike!

Posted by: obsidian at November 09, 2015 04:52 PM (ARK2U)

664 I do wonder though, do the rest of the Liberal college Presidents, Professors feel the noose tighten?
Do they go to the bathroom at night, look at their reflection in the mirror and say >sotto voce< "there but the grace of their God that doesn't exist go I"

Posted by: obsidian at November 09, 2015 04:56 PM (ARK2U)

665 We lost the Vietnam War and the Communists took over...

Bill Anderson--"Where Have All Our Heroes Gone?"

Posted by: setnaffa at November 09, 2015 05:51 PM (BtRXi)

666 Tyranny of the moronity.

Those race pimps should have had their scholarships rescinded and been thrown out of the university for being FAR more poisonous to the 'learning environment' of the school..

Posted by: rayra at November 09, 2015 06:02 PM (cKRAq)

667 The BlackKluxKlan is proud.

Posted by: subhuman taxpayer at November 09, 2015 06:31 PM (Ph45J)

668 Just came across this quote that best describes the insanity; "first, you go after the counter-revolutionaries, then you go after the insufficiently enthusiastic"

Posted by: RosalindJ at November 09, 2015 07:29 PM (RDenq)

669 Ignoring all the fairly absurd demands involving race, there were several legit disagreements between faculty/students and administration. Don't confuse legit with logical though. Lots of people here are upset about the universities break with Planned Parenthood. Graduate students are upset about losing their healthcare subsidies. Which is so enormously delicious. Obamacare made the subsidies illegal apparently. The IRS was threatening a fine. I'm sure there were others. All typical campus politics that could be worked out. So nothing terribly important is happening, until the football team got involved. It would have cost Mizzou somewhere around two million dollars to forfeit their next game. I can't even fathom how much money was in jeopardy if they didn't show for the final two games. The legal wrangling between the university, conference, CBS, and ESPN would have been a hell of a show.

Posted by: Mozanga at November 09, 2015 08:03 PM (qZdEL)

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