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Overnight Open Thread (26 Oct 2013)

The Republican Party's Hidden Advantages. Oh I'm sure they'll figure out a way to screw that up too.


What is deemed 'offensive' these days is getting ridiculous. U of CO prohibits cowboy, indian and any costume with a sombrero.

I'm sure they'll add any 404 Obamacare costumes to the list.

Guns N Roses Cover

F-14 Tomcats vs UFO's

I don't care how bogus I think the story is, the idea of Tomcat's vs UFO's is awesome. Iranian F-14's chasing UFO's.


So this mamming thing is real? What's next? Balling?

Oh Hell No

Heh. A sensible horror film.

CIA Spies

Figures. The CIA's most highly trained spies were animals.

Pacific Rim Honest Trailer

I don't care. I still enjoyed the movie.

Proper Toilet Paper Roll Installation

I think this image clearly shows why it is important to place your toilet paper roll the other way.

Coming To America

UK welfare couple demand bigger taxpayer funded house because they are lesbian.

Cat Video

Tonight's ONT brought to you by Grumpy Cat in Disney Movies:

Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maet or CDR M. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

Posted by: CDR M at 09:54 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 I *heart* vampkitteh

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 26, 2013 09:58 PM (DmNpO)

2 Bat Kitteh!

Posted by: garrett at October 26, 2013 09:58 PM (MLUSL)

3 thurd

Posted by: ALH at October 26, 2013 09:58 PM (2LTPq)


Posted by: Tobacco Road at October 26, 2013 09:59 PM (4Mv1T)

What's new, Pussybat?
Whoa, Whoa-ooh, Whoah.

Posted by: Tom Jones at October 26, 2013 10:00 PM (MLUSL)

6 Awesome kitteh!

Posted by: Y-not at October 26, 2013 10:02 PM (5H6zj)

7 Tomorrow morning all the talking heads will be saying the glitches were all the fault of the Tea Bagging Republicans.

Posted by: the littl shyning man at October 26, 2013 10:02 PM (tmFlQ)

8 Why does it say 11:54?

Posted by: CarolT at October 26, 2013 10:02 PM (z4WKX)

9 I rub my junk on the arugula in the grocery raise awareness of prostate cancer.

Yea, that the ticket...raising prostate cancer awareness.

Posted by: Purp at October 26, 2013 10:03 PM (4tK7k)

10 Ooooh... scarrrrry!

Posted by: Count Floyd at October 26, 2013 10:03 PM (5H6zj)

11 Okay, that G n' R cover was pretty cool until it started sounding like Chinese restaurant Muzak.

Posted by: Tobacco Road at October 26, 2013 10:03 PM (4Mv1T)

12 Public School Collecting Political Information on Parents… Through Their Children

A public school in Colorado handed out assignments to students that collected information about the students’ political beliefs… as well as the beliefs of their parents. The questions had a subtle bent that painted the “liberal” side in a good light, while casting the “conservative” side in a bad one. This is yet another example of the public schools conditioning children to think “correctly.”


Posted by: The Political Hat at October 26, 2013 10:04 PM (Vk2pI)

13 Yea, that the ticket...raising prostate cancer awareness.

I was obviously ahead of my time.

Posted by: Zombie Robert Mapplethorpe at October 26, 2013 10:04 PM (2DunM)

14 Obamacare Halloween Horror


Posted by: The Political Hat at October 26, 2013 10:04 PM (Vk2pI)

15 clumsy cats are hilarious but Purp made me laugh harder

Posted by: Peaches at October 26, 2013 10:04 PM (8lmkt)

16 My wife won't let me dress our two girls(mutts)up for Halloween. And she refuses to let me get them any Pink Camouflage at any time of the year.

Posted by: Registered Voter at October 26, 2013 10:04 PM (MZGhy)

17 I hate spiders.

Posted by: Guido at October 26, 2013 10:05 PM (JvtXj)

18 Thanks for the ONT Cdr m

And Good night y'all

Posted by: Joethefatman™ (@joethefatman1) at October 26, 2013 10:05 PM (MnSla)

19 Okay, that G n' R cover was pretty cool until it started sounding like Chinese restaurant Muzak.

Purple Haze played on a shakuhachi is pretty funky ...

Posted by: Adriane ... at October 26, 2013 10:05 PM (KoFMU)

20 That little girl playing Sweet Child O' Mine is terrific. I had forgotten how much I enjoy the music because I so like the song.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 26, 2013 10:05 PM (DmNpO)

21 FSU rolled today in impressive fashion. Life is good.

Posted by: logprof at October 26, 2013 10:07 PM (fOFYL)

22 Grover Norquist? Isn’t he a Commie too? I know he’s bashed the Tea Party & Ted Cruz. I don’t have time to read article now.
I have been saying for two plus hours that I have to go eat but haven’t yet.

MY BROTHER PAUL CALLED ME THIS AFTERNOON TO TELL ME HE MOVED HIS LEFT BIG TOE! It’s a start considering he’s been paralyzed since March 30.
Thank all of you for your prayers.

Posted by: CarolT at October 26, 2013 10:07 PM (z4WKX)

23 Good night, Joethefatman (tm)

Posted by: Adriane ... at October 26, 2013 10:07 PM (KoFMU)

24 12 Public School Collecting Political Information on Parents… Through Their Children

Shit, my public school did that in the 70s. Johns Hopkins used us as guinea pigs for some survey with all sorts of inappropriate questions about our family, including religion and politics.

When my mom got wind of it she demanded my survey be returned. School tried to bluff by claiming it was all anonymous, but I knew that they'd had us a put our names on something - which was coded to the survey. So eventually they coughed it up.

That was kind of the final straw in my mom really getting involved in our public school system.

Posted by: Count Floyd at October 26, 2013 10:07 PM (5H6zj)

25 Scarrry sock off

Posted by: Y-not at October 26, 2013 10:08 PM (5H6zj)

26 But if you put the toilet paper on the other way the spider bites your hand and you never saw it to begin with.

Posted by: Bigby's Boxing Gloves at October 26, 2013 10:08 PM (RLTt1)

27 Hi sailor, wanna hide in my bat-cave

Posted by: Sandra Fluke at October 26, 2013 10:08 PM (Pr6hk)

28 the "hidden" advantages of the gop??? explaining away rino treason with the same glib ignorance of facts that the democong use? the fact that the gop surrendered control of the purse strings, and continued adding to the debt? i guess those are advantages for rinos getting their cut of kickback for destroying the country...not so much for those of us stuck paying their bills

otoh, Miss Kwan does a nice cover...

Posted by: just passin by at October 26, 2013 10:08 PM (7f1Is)

29 Nobody expects the bat-kitty

Posted by: Torquemada at October 26, 2013 10:10 PM (Pr6hk)

30 Pray tell. How do two broke "lesbians" have two young children?

Posted by: Lauren at October 26, 2013 10:10 PM (uAMYd)

31 So, been borrowing Ace's time machine that he totally doesn't have?

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 26, 2013 10:10 PM (GEICT)

32 Mrs. D'oh is gonna flat out murder your ass for the tp pic.

Posted by: Bill D. Cat at October 26, 2013 10:11 PM (1jQhu)

33 I'mv drunker than Cotter Brown.

Posted by: toby928© has a dirty joke at October 26, 2013 10:11 PM (QupBk)

34 dammit

Cooter Brown

Posted by: toby928© has a dirty joke at October 26, 2013 10:11 PM (QupBk)

35 Yeah, I'm sure there are a few 'ettes that are gonna get me for the spider pic.

Posted by: CDR M at October 26, 2013 10:12 PM (OJvfL)

36 Now to attempt to read the post

Posted by: toby928© has a dirty joke at October 26, 2013 10:12 PM (QupBk)

37 Lauren - they actually have four. One each from previous normal relationships. One each by sperm donors. After they were already poor.

Posted by: Mama winger on her iPad at October 26, 2013 10:12 PM (P6QsQ)

38 Off to a Halloween party.


Posted by: The Political Hat at October 26, 2013 10:12 PM (Vk2pI)

>>That was kind of the final straw in my mom really getting involved in our public school system.
.I pulled my son out of public school in Illinois when I readone of hishistory books that said the Chinese Government never intervened in the Korean Warand the 3 million Chinese Soldiers that crossed the border were all "volunteers". He did the next three years in Catholic school for penance. LOL.

Posted by: Registered Voter at October 26, 2013 10:13 PM (MZGhy)

40 Awwwww....bat kitty.

I forgot to make my cat a spider costume.

Posted by: HeatherRadish™ at October 26, 2013 10:14 PM (hO8IJ)

41 CDR M: I watched last night's Hornet Ball video after the thread was dead. I noticed the Hornets sometimes fly with a centerline tank and right wing tank. Don't know if you can answer this but is it normal for F-18s to fly with an asymmetrical fuel load configuration like that? I worked F-4s and F-16s and we would never hang just one wing tank. In fact , I can't think of any fighters I'm aware of that do that.

Posted by: Bill R. at October 26, 2013 10:14 PM (QnRSM)

42 " . One each from previous normal relationships. One each by sperm donors. After they were already poor.

Posted by: Mama winger on her iPad at October 26, 2013 10:12 PM"

Of course they do. What a mess.

Posted by: Lauren at October 26, 2013 10:15 PM (uAMYd)

43 OK, so you fancy SEC swells may look down on us MAC townies, but damned if I'm not thrilled by my University of Buffalo Bulls. RB Branden Oliver carries defenders like Marshawn Lynch, and LB Khalil Mack looks like he's headed for the first round of the draft. Sure, we haven't beaten anyone with a winning record yet, but still... The Bleacher Report projects we'll play in the Beef O'Brady's Bowl. THE BEEF O'BRADY'S BOWL. If we win that, it will totally erase the sting of four Bills Super Bowl losses.

Posted by: Taro Tsujimoto at October 26, 2013 10:15 PM (celt+)

44 Lesbians tend to be of XXL size so it only seems reasonable they need bigger houses with really wide toilets and a robotic ass wiper. Come on, 250 pound lesbians have needs beyond those of skinny heteros. Can't we all just get along????

Posted by: The rotting corpse of Rodney at October 26, 2013 10:16 PM (hpgw1)

45 Now I want a kitten-bat.

Posted by: cm9000 at October 26, 2013 10:16 PM (3qZbZ)

46 Sounds tasty, Taro!

Posted by: Y-not at October 26, 2013 10:16 PM (5H6zj)

47 I wonder how they did the fangs on that kitteh.

Posted by: Y-not at October 26, 2013 10:16 PM (5H6zj)

48 I just got back from a Halloween party. I was 404 Obama Care. I had a list of the rise of premiums of each state, went around asking people what state they're from, tell them how much more they'll pay for less coverage and bigger deductible and then handed out DNC stickers that said remember, democrats are the ones who jacked your rates up.

Posted by: CDR M at October 26, 2013 10:17 PM (OJvfL)

49 I'm afraid to click that mamming link. Is it safe?

Posted by: Y-not at October 26, 2013 10:17 PM (5H6zj)

50 U of CO will have to pry my corn sombrero from my cold, dead hands.

Posted by: Mittens Romney at October 26, 2013 10:18 PM (DajPN)

51 You know who really loves Beef O'Brady? Giselle.

Posted by: Taro Tsujimoto at October 26, 2013 10:18 PM (celt+)

52 Bill, I don't recall them flying like that when I was a shooter in '03-'04. I'll ask one of my Hornet buddies on Monday.

Posted by: CDR M at October 26, 2013 10:19 PM (OJvfL)

53 CDR M at October 26, 2013 10:12 PM (OJvfL)

I'd volunteer to spank you but after pulling drywall down all day, my arm's too tired.

Go therefore, and spider.GIF no more, instead ...

Posted by: Adriane ... at October 26, 2013 10:19 PM (KoFMU)

54 What happened to J-Wow?

I don't want to have to go to youtube and search for myself!

Posted by: JarvisW at October 26, 2013 10:19 PM (E7Iyp)

55 It's pretty much safe y-not.

Posted by: CDR M at October 26, 2013 10:20 PM (OJvfL)

56 Dept Of Accuracy
My reply @86 last thread.
L, elle, I think hours is @88.

Posted by: teej at October 26, 2013 10:20 PM (M7Cfv)

57 Aloha!

Posted by: cthulhu at October 26, 2013 10:20 PM (T1005)

58 Isn't that bat kitten picture upside down?

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at October 26, 2013 10:21 PM (N/Sup)

59 happy-ish batcaturday, cooth ...

Posted by: Adriane ... at October 26, 2013 10:21 PM (KoFMU)

60 Crap

Posted by: teej at October 26, 2013 10:21 PM (M7Cfv)


Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Chelsea at October 26, 2013 10:22 PM (CA2NO)

62 Isn't that bat kitten picture upside down?
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon

I'll have three of whatever he's having.

Posted by: Tobacco Road at October 26, 2013 10:22 PM (4Mv1T)

63 30 Pray tell. How do two broke "lesbians" have two young children?

Posted by: Lauren

A drunk stork.

Posted by: Puddleglum at October 26, 2013 10:22 PM (8SsiG)

64 60 Crap
Posted by: teej at October 26, 2013 10:21 PM (M7Cfv)


I wondered when I read your previous comment. Didn't really seem like english, but hey, it's the HQ.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 26, 2013 10:23 PM (GEICT)

65 I've now clicked through the entire ONT. I enjoyed all of it.

Thanks, CDR M.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 26, 2013 10:23 PM (DmNpO)

If it was on the other way, you wouldn't see the spider.
Also, your damn cat would unspool it all on the floor.

Posted by: RokShox at October 26, 2013 10:23 PM (8MMMw)

67 Tie ball game.

Posted by: Lincolntf at October 26, 2013 10:23 PM (ZshNr)

68 What's next after "mamming", balling?

Posted by: Thrawn at October 26, 2013 10:23 PM (ZyqBH)

69 All of the advantages of the Republican party will remain hidden. Because to bring them into the open would be insensitive and racist.

Posted by: cm9000 at October 26, 2013 10:23 PM (3qZbZ)

70 Now about that spanking. Is it the you've been a naughty boy type or is the you've been called by your full name stand by for an ass whooping' type?

Posted by: CDR M at October 26, 2013 10:24 PM (OJvfL)

71 Hahahahaha.


AtC doesn't appear to be here, so here.....

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 26, 2013 10:24 PM (GEICT)

72 Yeah, I'm sure there are a few 'ettes that are gonna get me for the spider pic.
Posted by: CDR M at October 26, 2013 10:12 PM (OJvfL)

Why whatever would make you think that, CDR M?

*quietly wrapping barbed wire dipped in arsenic around an oak cudgel*

Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Chelsea at October 26, 2013 10:24 PM (CA2NO)

73 Halloween Is Offensive in Boulder, CO

Buffaloes find Indians and Cowboys "offensive". Blame guns, hunting endangered species ... or something.

Self loathing. Even the other CO historical costume won't be permitted on campus, hard hat miners. Labor working class is "offensive" to the university's prez.

The Prez said no cultural costumes allowed, and nothing sexual in nature, either. Those standard French Maid costumes? Not in Boulder. Toga? "Offensive" cultural costume. Can't come as you are since you're officially "Offensive".

Posted by: panzernashorn at October 26, 2013 10:24 PM (MhA4j)

74 @62-

Ummm, diet Coke and an ice cream sandwich.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at October 26, 2013 10:25 PM (N/Sup)


From last nights IBD Editorial. In 1989 angry senior citizens managed to repeal a costly new Medicare Benefit.

Why can’t we get them to repeal Obamacare?
Please read it.
Thank you.

Posted by: CarolT at October 26, 2013 10:25 PM (z4WKX)

76 " 48 I just gotbackfroma Halloweenparty. I was 404 Obama Care. I had a list of the rise of premiums of each state, went around asking people what state they're from, tell them how much more they'll payforless coverageand biggerdeductible and then handed out DNC stickers that said remember, democrats are the ones who jacked your rates up."

Get this man(?) some of the good alcohol. None of that val u rite shit for him.

Posted by: Lauren at October 26, 2013 10:25 PM (uAMYd)

77 Hahahahaha.


AtC doesn't appear to be here, so here.....
Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 26, 2013 10:24 PM (GEICT)

See? THAT is a sensible spider prevention strategy.


I swear y'all are deliberately trolling me now. I'd be flattered by the attention if it didn't mean being jumped by spiders every ten minutes!

Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Chelsea at October 26, 2013 10:25 PM (CA2NO)

I wonder how they did the fangs on that kitteh.

I don't see any duct tape, so I'll go with Zap-a-Gap.

Posted by: Tom Jones at October 26, 2013 10:25 PM (MLUSL)

79 Yeah, I guess it's safe given the ladies they used for the pix!

I had lunch with three ladies my age (50s) a couple of weeks ago, only one of them - besides self - had regular mammograms. The other two didn't because they're "uncomfortable." Turns out Utah is worst in the nation for women going for their checkups and also very bad for breast cancer survival rates.

Not sure if it's connected, but the radiologist docs I've had here have had terrible bedside manners. I haven't held back on the post-exam surveys my health provider conducts. Saw some improvement from one of them the next time, but then I got a new one last time - he also stunk. SMH.

Posted by: Y-not at October 26, 2013 10:26 PM (5H6zj)

80 So offensive or no?

My nephew went out in a Sombrero and poncho last year, but his mom's Mexican.

PC Jury?

Posted by: Lauren at October 26, 2013 10:27 PM (uAMYd)

81 I lol'd.

Posted by: HeatherRadish™ at October 26, 2013 10:27 PM (hO8IJ)

82 MWR! So sorry I'm late for your birthday, but given the current circumstances I'm sure you'd much prefer this companion for the evening. He's all dressed up, too:

Posted by: Vendette at October 26, 2013 10:28 PM (ZRgMQ)

83 WelshPeruvianCroonerSockOFF

Posted by: garrett at October 26, 2013 10:28 PM (MLUSL)

84 I wonder how they did the fangs on that kitteh.


I'm gonna go with Photoshop

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 26, 2013 10:28 PM (DmNpO)

85 @62-
Ummm, diet Coke and an ice cream sandwich.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon

Then you need to have three of what I'm having.

*slides down ice tea glass of scotch and Food Lion "spring water" to the good doctor*

Two more on the way.

Posted by: Tobacco Road at October 26, 2013 10:29 PM (4Mv1T)

86 80 So offensive or no?

My nephew went out in a Sombrero and poncho last year, but his mom's Mexican.


Posted by: Y-not at October 26, 2013 10:29 PM (5H6zj)

87 Ok thats it. I cant take it anymore. We constantly hear how Republicans get outmaneuvered by Democrats at every turn. Yet when someone tries something even mildly out of the mainstream people like McCain in the party ruthlessly enforce the status quo.
Does anyone actually think that Cruz believed he would be able to achieve his stated goals? We all knew it was not possible. Hell I am pretty sure even he knew it was not possible. So why did he do it?
To borrow the favorite term from Instapundit. Its battle space preparation

The Dem's and the MSM(but I repeat myself) have a very nasty habit of attributing all good things to Democratic policies while all failures are either Republican or bipartisan..They rely on the lack of memory and outright lies to pull this off time and time again. So Cruz did something that may seem like a short term tactical mistake, but turn into a long term boon.

The establishment has just spent weeks going out of their way blaming Cruz for the shutdown and Republicans in general. All because they wanted to stop Obamacare. But you know what? They spent so much time doing that and banging it into the heads of their viewers it will be really hard to then turn around an point the fingers at Republicans as Obamacare being their fault. Heck they were willing to go to the mat for against it.

Oh it wont stop them from trying. But with the extremely short period of time between the shutdown and the Health care implosion wont give the MSM much leeway to parrot the Dem talking points. I dont expect the establishment Republicans to really get any of this.
For the most part they have been spineless bobbleheads simply trying to keep the gravy train flowing. Anyone with an ounce of actual leadership qualities has been quickly marginalized by the RSC for the last 30 years. I think they all know on some level that their "base" had held them in complete contempt for decades now. But are forced to vote for them simply because the alternative is far worse.

I for one am done with the lot of them. The fecklessness, backbiting,power hungry,venal, narcissists that occupy the power structure need to be tossed out on their asses. Until that is done nothing will ever get fixed

Posted by: Mythx at October 26, 2013 10:29 PM (6+z+l)

88 Mew.

Posted by: Satanic Kitty needs milk. at October 26, 2013 10:30 PM (lr3d7)

89 Posted by: cthulhu at October 26, 2013 10:20 PM (T1005)

cthulhu, Thank you for what you wrote last night on ONT, I read it today.
Now go read my comment #22!


Posted by: CarolT at October 26, 2013 10:30 PM (z4WKX)

90 thought all kittehs had fangs. Mine does and they hurt. He also has crazy glow in the dark eyes, devils. If he was bigger he would have grabbed me by the throat long agoI .

Posted by: Guido at October 26, 2013 10:30 PM (JvtXj)

91 Hey BC, check ya mail.
Hi teej!

Posted by: L, elle at October 26, 2013 10:30 PM (6eyB3)

92 Damn, you night creatures comment quicly

Posted by: toby928© has a dirty joke at October 26, 2013 10:31 PM (QupBk)

93 84 I wonder how they did the fangs on that kitteh.


I'm gonna go with Photoshop
Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 26, 2013 10:28 PM (DmNpO)

He ships direct now.

Posted by: Baron bon Mot at October 26, 2013 10:31 PM (cECGP)

94 MWR! So sorry I'm late for your birthday, but given the current circumstances I'm sure you'd much prefer this companion for the evening. He's all dressed up, too:
Posted by: Vendette at October 26, 2013 10:28 PM (ZRgMQ)

Awww, thank you, Vendette! *hugs!*

And OMG PUPPY SO CUTE OMG! Look at those sweet eyes!

Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Chelsea at October 26, 2013 10:31 PM (CA2NO)

95 I think this image clearly shows why it is important to place your toilet paper roll the other way.


G'NR cover
She needs to perform with 3 other mandolin players to get a wall of sound. Mebbe one bass tuned, and two other for rhythm and fill.

Tonight's ONT brought to you by Grumpy Cat in Disney Movies:

heh, TardSauce.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 26, 2013 10:31 PM (xz0nG)

96 22
Grover Norquist? Isn’t he a Commie too? I know he’s bashed the Tea
Party Ted Cruz. I don’t have time to read article now.

I have been saying for two plus hours that I have to go eat but haven’t yet.

LEFT BIG TOE! It’s a start considering he’s been paralyzed since March

Thank all of you for your prayers.


Posted by: CarolT at October 26, 2013 10:07 PM (z4WKX)

That's awesome, Carol. Congrats to him from the Horde.

Posted by: cthulhu at October 26, 2013 10:32 PM (T1005)

LEFT BIG TOE! It’s a start considering he’s been paralyzed since March


That's wonderful, Carol!

Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Chelsea at October 26, 2013 10:33 PM (CA2NO)

98 PC Jury?
Posted by: Lauren

Lazy... I mean he would have to be carrying Immigration Reform Now brochures to avoid any charges from the PC Police.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 26, 2013 10:33 PM (xz0nG)

99 81 I lol'd.
Posted by: HeatherRadish™ at October 26, 2013 10:27 PM (hO8IJ)

Sajak is hysterical. You've seen the "wars" between him and Gutfield, yes?

It's MWR's bday??? HAPPY BDAY!!!!!!!!

L, Elle, I'll check it now.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 26, 2013 10:34 PM (GEICT)

100 The problem with a bat kitty is when they're flapping around the house they'd go "mew mew" rather than screech like a bat does. Plus you'd throw a towel over it or whatever and they'd just play with it.

Posted by: Bigby's Boxing Gloves at October 26, 2013 10:34 PM (RLTt1)

101 So offensive or no?

My nephew went out in a Sombrero and poncho last year, but his mom's Mexican.


No. But only because his mom is Mexican. If it had been a non-hispanic white, it would have been really bad and insulting and La Raza would have been totally justified in burning their house down.

Posted by: Peaches at October 26, 2013 10:34 PM (8lmkt)

102 That's awesome, Carol. Congrats to him from the Horde.
Posted by: cthulhu at October 26, 2013 10:32 PM (T1005)

My Aunt thinks it was my visit for three days. I know I brought his spirits up. I wish it had happened yesterday. I might have been persuaded to stay another day.

He & his friend Donna had a falling out for something stupid someone said & she believed what that person said. My brother cannot take a drug in his current state. He can only take what they give him. I think it’s an excuse to stop visiting him.

Posted by: CarolT at October 26, 2013 10:36 PM (z4WKX)

103 The "Republican hidden advantage article" contains the claim that "There was no tax hike" in the fiscal cliff deal.

Excuse me?

Posted by: Gregory of Yardale at October 26, 2013 10:36 PM (azHfB)

104 No. But only because his mom is Mexican. If it had been a non-hispanic white, it would have been really bad and insulting and La Raza would have been totally justified in burning their house down.


When I was in 6th grade I dressed as a hobo for Halloween. I just won't be able to shake the guilt of perpetrating the stereotype of the downtrodden until someone on the left makes an example out of me.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 26, 2013 10:36 PM (DmNpO)

105 But I guess if it's a vampire bat kitty you could put holy water in a spray bottle

Posted by: Bigby's Boxing Gloves at October 26, 2013 10:36 PM (RLTt1)

106 uh... perpetuating

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 26, 2013 10:37 PM (DmNpO)

107 I for one am done with the lot of them. The fecklessness, backbiting,power hungry,venal, narcissists that occupy the power structure need to be tossed out on their asses. Until that is done nothing will ever get fixed
Posted by: Mythx

They count on that. 'They' meaning those that revel in the pig-slop, swamp that is DC.

Process as any shitty lawyer knows is the method of goading capitulation. Hence, ratcheting and other other strategies of the Left.

You give up? THe Left says Thanks and does another white-man dance on your kids' future.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 26, 2013 10:37 PM (xz0nG)

108 Crap was for the sox tying it up.
My post made sense, well, except for typing hours instead of yours.
My fingers are just a taaad bit bigger than the letters on this fone. Also, too blindingly old (oldingly blind?) to proofread.

Posted by: teej at October 26, 2013 10:37 PM (Nsomq)

When the volunteer Chinese crossed into North Korea, they came as a show of force against the invading American forces bent on occupying and stealing North Korean technology, oil, and mineral reserves.

Thankfully the Chinese were able to forestall the Imperial American invading Army from raping and pillaging the young nubile North Korean women.

Posted by: Michael Moore at October 26, 2013 10:37 PM (pJF+c)

110 Worked fine the first way NDH.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 26, 2013 10:37 PM (GEICT)

111 It's MWR's bday??? HAPPY BDAY!!!!!!!!

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 26, 2013 10:34 PM (GEICT)

Hers was on Wednesday. If navycopjoe wanders in later, you can wish him a happy birthday because it's today.

Posted by: Vendette at October 26, 2013 10:38 PM (ZRgMQ)

112 I love hobo's

They are tasty and delicious! But then I am HOBOsexual

Posted by: Mythx at October 26, 2013 10:38 PM (6+z+l)

113 I have no formatting options on this Mac, which is why I had it change to all caps.

Thank you & please keep praying.

Posted by: CarolT at October 26, 2013 10:38 PM (z4WKX)

114 59
happy-ish batcaturday, cooth ...

Posted by: Adriane ... at October 26, 2013 10:21 PM (KoFMU)

Happy Batcaturday to you, too!

If you think pulling drywall down makes your arms tired, wait until you put it up.

Posted by: cthulhu at October 26, 2013 10:38 PM (T1005)

115 MWR-Happy Birthday!

Posted by: CarolT at October 26, 2013 10:39 PM (z4WKX)

116 Happy belated birthday, MWR!!

Posted by: Peaches at October 26, 2013 10:39 PM (8lmkt)

117 And that man just sang the hell out of God Bless America.

Posted by: teej at October 26, 2013 10:39 PM (Nsomq)

118 Regarding the costumes that are deemed by the political correctness police to be offensive, I'm of German ethnicity. I think I'll contact that university and tell them that costumes having busty blonde women in dirndls hoisting beer steins should be verboten.

I'm feeling all offended and hysterical over the whole thing. And the bigger the boobehs of the fraulein, the more offensive.
Oh, and you're no longer allowed to use the terms heine, kraut, and bullheaded hun. Yeah, I don't know how Hun got to be applied to Germans, but around here it was a thing during WWII.

And I'm pretty sure the Frenchies get all hot and bothered over the sexy French maid costumes. So stop it! Stop looking at pretty, young women in sexy French maid costumes you filthy bigots!

Posted by: nerdygirl at October 26, 2013 10:39 PM (nAAx0)

119 Hers was on Wednesday. If navycopjoe wanders in later, you can wish him a happy birthday because it's today.
Posted by: Vendette at October 26, 2013 10:38 PM (ZRgMQ)

*hangs head*

I've barely been on the computer at all the last few days. Damn work. Damn life.

On the other hand, I'm potentially about 20 minutes away from scaled up, real life, angry birds style slingshot.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 26, 2013 10:39 PM (GEICT)

120 Happy Birthday MWR!

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 26, 2013 10:39 PM (DmNpO)

121 and La Raza would have been totally justified in burning their house down.

Do they know you're supposed to pillage before you burn?

Posted by: HeatherRadish™ at October 26, 2013 10:40 PM (hO8IJ)

122 NVM, I see it's that douche Grover Norquist.

Posted by: Gregory of Yardale at October 26, 2013 10:40 PM (azHfB)

123 But then I am HOBOsexual


Posted by: toby928© has a dirty joke at October 26, 2013 10:41 PM (QupBk)

124 and La Raza would have been totally justified in burning their house down.

Do they know you're supposed to pillage before you burn?

Posted by: HeatherRadish™ at October 26, 2013 10:40 PM (hO8IJ)

So glad you caught that, HeatherRadish. The second I hit "post" I realized I'd screwed up by leaving off "after they take all their stuff." {hangs head in shame}

Posted by: Peaches at October 26, 2013 10:42 PM (8lmkt)

125 107
I for one am done with the lot of them. The fecklessness,
backbiting,power hungry,venal, narcissists that occupy the power
structure need to be tossed out on their asses. Until that is done
nothing will ever get fixed

Posted by: Mythx

They count on that. 'They' meaning those that revel in the pig-slop, swamp that is DC.

Process as any shitty lawyer knows is the method of goading
capitulation. Hence, ratcheting and other other strategies of the Left.

You give up? THe Left says Thanks and does another white-man dance on your kids' future.

Oh I dont give up. I will fully support the massive war that will have to happen inside the party in 2014-15. But I wont bother with helping the RINO's anymore. I reject the better of two evils argument from here on out. I will vote for an actual leader who will point us in the right direction.
But I will no longer vote for two choices which boil down to what to set the cruise control to as we speed into the wall

Posted by: Mythx at October 26, 2013 10:42 PM (6+z+l)

126 Now about that spanking. Is it the you've been a naughty boy type or is the you've been called by your full name stand by for an ass whooping' type?

the Recreational Scoldings type:
: -))

Posted by: Adriane ... at October 26, 2013 10:42 PM (KoFMU)

127 TheBoy™ insisted on doing the classic "sheet over my head....I'm a ghost" costume this year.

It's not as easy as it sounds, to do it [/]right.

g'evenin', 'rons

I'll be creating content for a few more minutes, then I'll join you in earnest.

[insert joke here..."and if Ernest is full..."]

Posted by: AltonJackson at October 26, 2013 10:43 PM (JMmQ9)

128 127 Pardon ME??

Posted by: Ernest P Worrel at October 26, 2013 10:44 PM (E7Iyp)

129 The grieving widow goes to her local newspaper to submit an obituary. The man behind the counter tells her it will cost $5.per word. She thinks for a moment and says "Fred's dead." The man then informs her there is a five word minimum. She' says "Okay... Fred's dead; Buick for sale"

Posted by: toby928© has a dirty joke at October 26, 2013 10:45 PM (QupBk)

130 teej, I still think Cards will win. They look good.
So, so sad. Sniff. Sniff.

Posted by: L, elle at October 26, 2013 10:45 PM (6eyB3)

131 Hi again L, elle.
I'm gonna slither on outta here.
If ncj does show up tell him I said happy B'day,,,
and that the Chiefs are 7-0.

Keep your chins up,, your powder dry and,,,
Love each other fellow babies.

Posted by: teej at October 26, 2013 10:45 PM (RYVE/)

132 I'm pretty sure that mamming thing is just an excuse for women with great bodies to show off their racks without looking slutty.
Reminding people to get mammograms by posting pics of your boobehs on the internet? My dr.'s office just sends out a postcard. No need to pose my boobehs on top of my beagle's head.

Posted by: nerdygirl at October 26, 2013 10:45 PM (nAAx0)

133 Wonderful news Carol! We serve a mighty God indeed.

Posted by: Jmel at October 26, 2013 10:46 PM (cfFqn)

134 Aww, thanks for the belated b-day wishes, everyone. As i mentioned on Wednesday, I'm 34 but don't feel a day over 72.

I blame Obammy.

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, navycopjoe, if you happen along!

Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Chelsea at October 26, 2013 10:47 PM (CA2NO)

135 It's not as easy as it sounds, to do it right.

I did that two years ago--the Charlie Brown "had a little trouble with the scissors" version. I had to wear a baseball cap under the sheet so there was some room to breathe, and I couldn't see worth crap.

And none of my cow-orkers under 35 were able to identify "Charlie Brown's Halloween costume" which depressed me immensely.

Posted by: HeatherRadish™ at October 26, 2013 10:48 PM (hO8IJ)

136 dodged a trip to TheBarrel™ there...sloppy pixy-style-HTML is usually a one way ticket to TheBarrel™

I got my ticket for the long way round
two bottles whisky for the way...

Posted by: AltonJackson at October 26, 2013 10:48 PM (JMmQ9)

137 An old man was laying on his death bed. With only hours to live, he suddenly noticed the scent of chocolate chip cookies coming from the kitchen. With his last bit of energy, the old man pulled himself out from his bed, across the floor to the stairs, and down the stairs to the kitchen.

There, the old man's wife was baking chocolate chip cookies. With his last ounce of energy, the old man reached for a cookie. His wife, however, quickly smacked him across the back of his hand, and exclaimed, "Leave them alone, they're for the funeral!"

Posted by: toby928© has a dirty joke at October 26, 2013 10:49 PM (QupBk)

138 "And none of my cow-orkers"

Isn't cow-orking a criminal act?

Posted by: Baron bon Mot at October 26, 2013 10:50 PM (ZysRd)

139 "Cat people" on TCM next.

Surprisingly good for an old horror movie.

Posted by: The Bourbon in Boehner's Belly at October 26, 2013 10:50 PM (CRY7r)

140 4-2 Cards.

Posted by: Vendette at October 26, 2013 10:50 PM (ZRgMQ)

141 Isn't cow-orking a criminal act?

Not in Indiana.

Posted by: HeatherRadish™ at October 26, 2013 10:50 PM (hO8IJ)

142 its not as fun as Cow-tipping.

They like at least 20%, but they are very happy for it.

Posted by: JarvisW at October 26, 2013 10:51 PM (E7Iyp)

143 MWR, I will change to a belated Happy Birthday!

Posted by: CarolT at October 26, 2013 10:51 PM (z4WKX)

144 If you think pulling drywall down makes your arms tired, wait until you put it up.

I can't wait ....
{insert grumpy cat face here}

The hubby thinks "they" lined the tiled shower with the waterproofing next to the drywall instead of next to the tile ...

Or again, maybe it's just an old guest house.

The BthR is so small we had to take the sink and toilet out just to get enough room to crowbar (etc) the drywall ...

Oh Well. I doubt even the 2x4s can be salvaged.

Posted by: Adriane ... at October 26, 2013 10:51 PM (KoFMU)

145 I'm pretty sure that mamming thing is just an excuse for women with great bodies to show off their racks without looking slutty.
Posted by: nerdygirl

Depends on the definition of 'slutty,' i suppose.

That said, welcome to the golden age of the internet; it's going to get ugly.

Suppose for the sake of discussion that after 10k years , humanity had just discovered speech. What do you think they are going to talk about?

What do you think would be next in terms of opprobrium?

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 26, 2013 10:52 PM (xz0nG)

146 Isn't cow-orking a criminal act?
Posted by: Baron bon Mot at October 26, 2013 10:50 PM (ZysRd)

I think you're thinking of "cow twerking."

Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Chelsea at October 26, 2013 10:52 PM (CA2NO)

147 One Halloween I wrapped a Rams Fleece around my loins and had a big stick...I was a Cro-Magnon Man

I got laid three times

Posted by: Beto at October 26, 2013 10:52 PM (MhA4j)

148 "cow-orkers" is a perfectly acceptable term around these parts

I have several, myself...

Posted by: AltonJackson at October 26, 2013 10:52 PM (JMmQ9)

149 @147 you forgot the "Dear Penthouse" part..

Posted by: JarvisW at October 26, 2013 10:53 PM (E7Iyp)

150 I never orked a cow though

Posted by: Beto at October 26, 2013 10:53 PM (MhA4j)

151 Yeah Cards.....and it was a former Rockie that brought them home.

And yes still can't get over that ass whoopin

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at October 26, 2013 10:54 PM (mfutM)

152 My dr.'s office just sends out a postcard. No need to pose my boobehs on top of my beagle's head.

There's a joke about milk bone dog biscuits in there somewhere, but hey! I'm just a moron ... ette ...

Posted by: Adriane ... at October 26, 2013 10:54 PM (KoFMU)

153 Nanu-nanu

Posted by: Mork from Ork at October 26, 2013 10:54 PM (E7Iyp)

Bush is a liar and should be in jail for the mess he created. I hate Bush !

Posted by: mary clogginstien's uvula at October 26, 2013 10:54 PM (FnKiT)

155 So this mamming thing? Doesn't every woman do this every time we lean against a counter? Or railing? Or cross our arms?

Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Chelsea at October 26, 2013 10:54 PM (CA2NO)

156 Shit. I hate you St Louis.

Posted by: L, elle at October 26, 2013 10:55 PM (6eyB3)

157 Three times? That's Hustler grade right there. Hell with Penthouse

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at October 26, 2013 10:55 PM (Z5H/V)

158 L, Elle.....check yo mail, sucker.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 26, 2013 10:55 PM (GEICT)

159 Three different parties....

Posted by: Beto at October 26, 2013 10:56 PM (MhA4j)

160 Portland Brewing Company has a suspiciously mild IPA....

Posted by: cthulhu at October 26, 2013 10:57 PM (T1005)

161 And none of my cow-orkers under 35 were able to identify "Charlie Brown's Halloween costume" which depressed me immensely.

Posted by: HeatherRadish™ at October 26, 2013 10:48 PM (hO8IJ)

But they are blissfully unaware of their ignorance, and that makes their stupidity mostly painless.

Posted by: cm9000 at October 26, 2013 10:57 PM (3qZbZ)

162 Three different parties....

same goat, though, right?

Posted by: Peaches at October 26, 2013 10:57 PM (8lmkt)

163 Ghost costumes are an offensive mockery of dead spirits, which are important to Native American and other cultures.

Do I need to tell you how offensive wearing a white sheet is?

Posted by: U Colo VP for Diversity and Sensitivity at October 26, 2013 10:57 PM (dfYL9)

164 But they are blissfully unaware of their ignorance, and that makes their stupidity mostly painless.

I envy them.

Posted by: HeatherRadish™ at October 26, 2013 10:58 PM (hO8IJ)

165 Do I need to tell you how offensive wearing a white sheet is?
Posted by: U Colo VP for Diversity and Sensitivity at October 26, 2013 10:57 PM (dfYL9)

That raises a good question. If Casper the Friendly Ghost was the ghost of a friendly black child, would his ghost be black?

How do we KNOW Casper isn't the friendly ghost of a black child?


Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Chelsea at October 26, 2013 11:00 PM (CA2NO)

166 MRI is more accurate in detecting breast cancer than mammograms. I know from experience.

I don’t get mammograms. I go for a yearly MRI. I called to reschedule my appt for this year but I never did reschedule. I’m going to on Monday.

Posted by: CarolT at October 26, 2013 11:02 PM (z4WKX)

167 same goat, though, right?

Tell that to Mrs Coolidge...

Posted by: Stringer Davis at October 26, 2013 11:03 PM (JNUY4)

168 "Cat People" is on TCM starting now.

Posted by: nerdygirl at October 26, 2013 11:04 PM (nAAx0)

169 If the Cards lose, I nominate BCochran1981 to do World Series posts next year for the blog. Only if the Cards lose.

Posted by: L, elle at October 26, 2013 11:04 PM (6eyB3)

170 Have a nice night, everyone.

Posted by: HeatherRadish™ at October 26, 2013 11:04 PM (hO8IJ)

171 Take care, HeatherRadish(tm)

Posted by: Adriane ... at October 26, 2013 11:05 PM (KoFMU)

172 nite Heather

Posted by: wing at October 26, 2013 11:07 PM (e4A7E)

173 Insty linked this -- -- with the caption "Robert Heinlein needs your vote."

Posted by: cthulhu at October 26, 2013 11:07 PM (T1005)

174 "Cave man" costumes represent developmental bigotry, condescension directed against those people supposed to be less "advanced."

Identifying an early human as "Cro-Magnon" is Eurocentric narrowmindedness.


Posted by: U Colo VP for Diversity and Sensitivity at October 26, 2013 11:08 PM (dfYL9)

175 Let's see ...

In Boulder you can buy and sell and smoke dope - as much as you want ... so your clothes probably reek and you stagger all over the place and probably can't drive worth a damn ... but that's all okay in the upside down 2013 Obama workd there.

But at the local college whose mascot is a live buffalo which is handled at football games by wranglers wearing cowboy hats you can't wear a cowboy outfit on Halloween?

Yakov Smirnov used to say "what a country!" He meant just about exactly the opposite of what this country has become.

Posted by: My Name is Nobody at October 26, 2013 11:08 PM (5Q1ZU)

176 Well, since TFG isn't going to do it, Japan has to.

(Israel take note):

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says country is ready to be more assertive against China

Posted by: Thrawn at October 26, 2013 11:09 PM (ZyqBH)

Victorino wears a Grand Inquisitor beard.

Posted by: Justamom at October 26, 2013 11:12 PM (Sptt8)

178 U of CO prohibits cowboy, indian and any costume with a sombrero.

Damn, there goes the annual village people revival.

Posted by: Oldsailors Poet Palin/Bolton 2016 at October 26, 2013 11:13 PM (XIxXP)

179 U of Colorado: Isn't it offensive to part your hair in the middle, put on a pair of cheap sunglasses and pass yourself off as an American Indian?

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at October 26, 2013 11:13 PM (eaBec)

180 Live!
From the Middle of America!
It's Caturday Niiiiight!

My son was in college when he decided to pick up a cat from the shelter. If you pluck the wings off the black dragon in How to Train Your Dragon, you've got his cat. He named it Onyxia for some reason, but fortunately, the little black kitty got the nick of just "Ony."

And where did Ony live after sonny boy left college? Mom and Dad's of course. Along with son's roommate's cat "Dude," who was two paws in the grave when we got him, and died soon after, much to Ony's distress.

Entirely separately, a couple of years ago, a semi-feral cat we called Max (also black, no relation) showed up one morning with a little yellow fuzzy kitty in tow. That kitty just walked into our house, our lives, and our hearts like he always belonged.

Charlie was a tonic for Ony. They soon became good pals and ever since they've nuzzled and licked, chased, and wrestled, and played like kittens. When they tumble around, they can leave a streak of orange and black fur.

Charlie and Ony (sometimes aka "Chony)
They're our Halloween kitties.
No, we don't dress them in costumes.

This pic is a little fuzzy, but so are they.

Posted by: mindful webworker - known by the cats we keep at October 26, 2013 11:13 PM (U13jb)

181 @178 they will be arrested by the Cop, so thats something I guess..

Posted by: Mork from Ork at October 26, 2013 11:14 PM (E7Iyp)

182 Then you need to have three of what I'm having. *slides down ice tea glass of scotch and Food Lion "spring water" to the good doctor* Two more on the way.
Posted by: Tobacco Road at October 26, 2013 10:29 PM (4Mv1T)


Thanks TR, don't mind if I do. I'm kinda hopping in and out tonight.
Nice fall weather in CO. Hope I don't break a leg. ('fall' weather, heh)

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at October 26, 2013 11:15 PM (N/Sup)

183 165 ---
How do we KNOW Casper isn't the friendly ghost of a black child?
Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Chelsea at October 26, 2013 11:00 PM (CA2NO)
Only a racist could ask that.
Obviously Casper is a redneck Klansman.
Would a black child go out at night wearing a white sheet and burning crosses?

Okay, he's never actually been CAUGHT burning crosses, but I know he wants to.
I am pure and can read minds.

Posted by: U Colo VP for Diversity and Sensitivity at October 26, 2013 11:16 PM (dfYL9)

184 Anyone know what they did with the TCU/Texas game?

I turned it off during the rain delay because they started a Mike Tyson show.

Posted by: JarvisW at October 26, 2013 11:17 PM (E7Iyp)

185 I chuckle over the term 'fiscal cliff'. We stepped off the fiscal cliff many moons ago. The reason 95% do not realize we've stepped off into the abyss is because the abyss is very, very deep. Its the last inch that is a bitch and surprises the 95%. Gravity and markets are hard task masters.

Posted by: The rotting corpse of Rodney at October 26, 2013 11:19 PM (hpgw1)

186 This pic is a little fuzzy, but so are they.


sweet babies

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 26, 2013 11:19 PM (DmNpO)

187 Nevermind, it will be on FS2 once it stops raining.

Posted by: JarvisW at October 26, 2013 11:19 PM (E7Iyp)

188 Anyone know what they did with the TCU/Texas game?

I turned it off during the rain delay because they started a Mike Tyson show.

Posted by: JarvisW at October 26, 2013 11:17 PM (E7Iyp)

The game was played (I assume you mean TCU/Oklahoma?). Because it lasted into the baseball pregame show the end of the game was punted to the Fox News channel. Oklahoma won 38-30.

Posted by: Vendette at October 26, 2013 11:20 PM (ZRgMQ)

189 CarolT's visit seems to have been stimulating for her brother? Time to double down on those prayers, now that they've got a toehold!

Hope that's not too glib for the grim circumstance. Sincerely hope it's the beginnings of full healing.

Posted by: mindful "happy" webworker at October 26, 2013 11:21 PM (U13jb)

190 I am a CU alum. They are just flat out wacky up there.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at October 26, 2013 11:21 PM (N/Sup)

191 My bad; I can't read and got TCU and Texas Tech mixed up.

Posted by: Vendette at October 26, 2013 11:21 PM (ZRgMQ)

192 And I can say that Ralphie weighs less, is less hairy and smells better than about 30% of the co-eds in Boulder.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at October 26, 2013 11:22 PM (N/Sup)

193 It was Texas Tech/Oklahoma today.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at October 26, 2013 11:23 PM (N/Sup)

194 @ 87: Yes this is it exactly. The shutdown, and Paul's Cruz's filibusters were not as important in themselves as they were to put themselves out as the opposition.

Posted by: The inexplicable Dr. Julius Strangepork at October 26, 2013 11:25 PM (qXEuH)

195 LOL Seamus

That is the same thing my son says after going partying up there

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at October 26, 2013 11:26 PM (EvEIZ)

196 Damn.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at October 26, 2013 11:26 PM (dfYL9)

197 Tie game, wow.

Posted by: cm9000 at October 26, 2013 11:27 PM (3qZbZ)

198 Oh, hey, looks like we got us a game!!

Posted by: Peaches at October 26, 2013 11:27 PM (8lmkt)

199 "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" is on in 30 minutes. IFC channel. (That's like channel 564 on my TV.)

Posted by: rdbrewer at October 26, 2013 11:27 PM (Iyg03)

200 Go Sox!

Posted by: Madamex at October 26, 2013 11:28 PM (n10nX)

201 F me! What time is it? I'm confused. Not unusual.

Posted by: Kalneva at October 26, 2013 11:28 PM (XyrkB)

202 not exactly my genre, but this could become Teh Hordes' theme song


Posted by: AltonJackson at October 26, 2013 11:29 PM (JMmQ9)

203 I'm watching Pushing Tin. It's a wonder I ever flew again after watching it the first time.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 26, 2013 11:29 PM (DmNpO)

204 "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" is on in 30 minutes. IFC channel. (That's like channel 564 on my TV.)


Unless I'm watching it on the big screen following a RH street fest, and more than a little tipsy, I just can't watch it.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 26, 2013 11:30 PM (DmNpO)

205 On season 4 of breaking bad.

They're not here for the chicken

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at October 26, 2013 11:31 PM (Z5H/V)

206 Entirely separately, a couple of years ago, a semi-feral cat we called Max (also black, no relation) showed up one morning with a little yellow fuzzy kitty in tow. That kitty just walked into our house, our lives, and our hearts like he always belonged.

Posted by: mindful webworker - known by the cats we keep at October 26, 2013 11:13 PM (U13jb) Hide posts from (U13jb)

I fostered a young momma kitty and her litter once a few years back, before adopting them all out.

In the litter was one black-and-white "tuxedo" kitten nicknamed Felix. The mother was Midnight. Who was grey. No, it doesn't make sense.

Anyway, those two were adopted out to the same house, up in the mountains in the middle of nowhere. A few weeks later they disappeared, but a week later they both strolled back, or should I say all three, as a new kitten was in tow - such an exact duplicate of Felix the owners could not tell them apart.

There was only one in the litter, none of the neighbors for many miles had kittens.

Things that make you go "hmmmm...."

Posted by: Merovign , Dark Lord of the Sith at October 26, 2013 11:31 PM (qyfb5)

We had a theatre that showed Rocky Horror at midnight on Saturday night all my teen and college years. We would dress as the characters, take squirt guns, newspapers, tp.
Was this common in other cities?

Posted by: Justamom at October 26, 2013 11:32 PM (Sptt8)

208 Yeah, Rocky Horror is a horrid movie without the theater experience. And even then its meh lol.

I may watch a truly horribly great film, Manos, The Hands of Fate! MST3K version later tonight..

Posted by: JarvisW at October 26, 2013 11:32 PM (E7Iyp)

209 Damn, there goes the annual village people revival.

No, they're exempt.

Posted by: U of CO Thought Cops at October 26, 2013 11:32 PM (Dwehj)

210 Toby, those jokes are great and I am totally sharing! LOL

Posted by: navybrat at October 26, 2013 11:33 PM (AYGBr)

211 If it was on the other way, you wouldn't see the spider.

Posted by: RokShox at October 26, 2013 10:23 PM

Maybe... maybe not.Pic in nic for reference.

Posted by: otho at October 26, 2013 11:33 PM (9gNQd)

212 This is a damn good baseball game.

Could the stupid announcers be more biased in favor of the Sox?

Carol - I'm very happy for you and your brother!

Posted by: Donna V. sez yay Cards at October 26, 2013 11:34 PM (R3gO3)

213 Peeps in WA! I sent an email to my whole family about the current initiatives. Both horrible. I felt the need to apprise because the one about petitions, 517, I think, sounds so good. Well, I guess they both do, if you're a LIV. Both are so bad! Mom, who I was mainly targeting, immediately responded that she always votes no against more laws! Wow!

Posted by: Kalneva at October 26, 2013 11:35 PM (XyrkB)

214 212 Joe (rimes with) Buck's stupid has infected McCarver.

Posted by: JarvisW at October 26, 2013 11:35 PM (E7Iyp)

215 We had a theatre that showed Rocky Horror at midnight on Saturday night
all my teen and college years. We would dress as the characters, take
squirt guns, newspapers, tp.

Was this common in other cities?

Saw the same thing in San Jose, CA, and both Augusta and Atlanta, GA, in the late 80's.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at October 26, 2013 11:36 PM (JawqV)

216 BTW, although I'm rooting for the Cards this time around (I rooted for Texas in 2011 because I wanted the underdogs to win their first WS) - Peaches is one classy BoSox fan.

Posted by: Donna V. sez yay Cards at October 26, 2013 11:36 PM (R3gO3)

217 Posted by: cm9000 at October 26, 2013 10:57 PM (3qZbZ)

They never saw Kill Bill?

Posted by: Madamex at October 26, 2013 11:36 PM (n10nX)

218 The reason 95% do not realize we've stepped off into the abyss is because the abyss is very, very deep. Its the last inch that is a bitch and surprises the 95%. Gravity and markets are hard task masters.
Posted by: The rotting corpse of Rodney/i]

Or the cycle in which we find ourselves is longer than the average working life of a voter.

Extending consequences beyond the consciousness of the voter is the ultimate goal for a politician, me thinks.

Mayor screwed up a pension plan? No bother; he's retired and so has the attentive voters.


ENTER: Mayor Eric Garcetti.


Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 26, 2013 11:37 PM (xz0nG)

219 My inner monologue every time I go to a Starbucks with an attractive barrista:

"Would you like room for cream?"

"Well, if you're offering..."

Posted by: Baron bon Mot at October 26, 2013 11:38 PM (ZysRd)

220 "...a week later they both strolled back, or should I say all three, as a new kitten was in tow - such an exact duplicate of Felix the owners could not tell them apart."
-Merovign , Dark Lord of the Sith

Hmmmm, indeed. Sounds like the two kitties had to go out and do a rescue of the third.

Or a cloning.


Posted by: mindful webworker and the wheels of fate grind exceedingly fine at October 26, 2013 11:40 PM (U13jb)

221 The mighty Beltran is up.
The mighty Beltran is walked.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at October 26, 2013 11:41 PM (dfYL9)

222 No need to pose my boobehs on top of my beagle's head.

Posted by: nerdygirl at October 26, 2013 10:45 PM (nAAx0)

====The moron motion is made that the posing at the top of the beagle's head should commence forthwith.

Is there a second?

Posted by: jc at October 26, 2013 11:42 PM (PlzOe)

223 That guy on second base has the name on his jersey spelled wong.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at October 26, 2013 11:43 PM (N/Sup)

224 Aye

Posted by: Second at October 26, 2013 11:43 PM (E7Iyp)

225 Second!

Posted by: Blanco Basura at October 26, 2013 11:43 PM (JawqV)

My niece rescued a 6 week old kitten and kept it in her bathroom overnight, last night.

I thought my sis would sh!t a brick, but turns out she has mice in her basement. Truth.

Posted by: Justamom at October 26, 2013 11:44 PM (Sptt8)

227 ====The moron motion is made that the posing at the top of the beagle's head should commence forthwith.

Is there a second?
Posted by: jc at October 26, 2013 11:42 PM (PlzOe)

Probably 50th now. But I concur.

Posted by: RWC at October 26, 2013 11:44 PM (LpbKr)

228 Is there a second?
Posted by: jc at October 26, 2013 11:42 PM (PlzOe)



Posted by: A beagle at October 26, 2013 11:44 PM (N/Sup)

229 The moron motion is made that the posing at the top of the beagle's head should commence forthwith.Is there a second?

Posted by: jc at October 26, 2013 11:42 PM

Seconded. Except, forget the beagle.

Posted by: otho at October 26, 2013 11:45 PM (9gNQd)

230 ====The moron motion is made that the posing at the top of the beagle's head should commence forthwith.

Is there a second?

no. I'm pretty sure she only has one beagle ...

Posted by: adriane is easily confused ... at October 26, 2013 11:45 PM (KoFMU)


Love this part.

Posted by: RWC at October 26, 2013 11:46 PM (LpbKr)

232 Yikes!
Good game.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at October 26, 2013 11:46 PM (dfYL9)

233 McCarver is the most irritatingly stupid commentator I've ever listened to.

Posted by: Donna V. sez yay Cards at October 26, 2013 11:47 PM (R3gO3)

234 I'm not a cat guy but they can be cool. My grandpa milked cows for all our dairy needs and had two barn cats that hung around, drinking milk and killing rats. If us kids were fishing the lake at the back of the house they would swim across rather than walk around it. Come mooch perch off us.

Posted by: Tejano Dave at October 26, 2013 11:48 PM (DajPN)

If the Cards don't score in the ninth, consider it yours, Peaches.
The Cards hardly evah win in extra innings.
And, does your pitcher tint his beard?

Posted by: Justamom at October 26, 2013 11:48 PM (Sptt8)

236 F14's are Hanger Queens...I cannot believe that the Iranians fly them without our help.

Posted by: torabora at October 26, 2013 11:49 PM (vTEsW)

237 I have (finally) posted something. Link in nick, or some shit...

Disclaimer: I am not trolling for hits, like some who wear hats around here. I post, I let you know. That is all.

That said, it's really funny...

Posted by: AltonJackson (new content up) at October 26, 2013 11:50 PM (JMmQ9)

238 My Name is Nobody


always loved that movie.

Posted by: jc at October 26, 2013 11:50 PM (PlzOe)

239 Have to be in Denver tomorrow.

My son's wedding is at 4 pm

Avalanche game at the Pepsi Center starts at 6 pm


Posted by: A beagle at October 26, 2013 11:51 PM (N/Sup)

240 Snoopy sock off.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at October 26, 2013 11:52 PM (N/Sup)

241 That hat guy has a blog?

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at October 26, 2013 11:52 PM (N/Sup)

242 Good WS game tonight. Go Sox.

Posted by: Little Boomer at October 26, 2013 11:52 PM (f3koQ)

243 I was ready to put the Snoopy sock on myself.....

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at October 26, 2013 11:53 PM (eaBec)

244 According to most of the politicians and media, everything is the fault of the tea partiers. So why not become the official third party? The Republicans don't want us to be a part of them. What better time or reason to split and become independent of them?

Posted by: katya, the designated driver at October 26, 2013 11:53 PM (DoZD+)

245 I just had to drill out a stripped (and *superglued*) screw on a netbook.


Posted by: Merovign , Dark Lord of the Sith at October 26, 2013 11:53 PM (qyfb5)

246 Wow, 3 hr delay in Texas/TCU game! they are finnaly taking the field.

Those guys are going to be flat!

Posted by: JarvisW at October 26, 2013 11:54 PM (E7Iyp)

247 Hope that's not too glib for the grim circumstance. Sincerely hope it's the beginnings of full healing.
Posted by: mindful “happy" webworker at October 26, 2013 11:21 PM (U13jb)

mindful “happy” web worker,
Yes, I think my visit did Paul good. Thanks to everyone here for your prayers.

No, it’s not glib It’s funny.
I hope he can walk again. Maybe it was having to ask me to move things for him, the trash had to be a certain way so that he could see things going into it, and the table had to be just so, he had to be able to open the drawer and reach what is on top, etc.

Posted by: CarolT at October 26, 2013 11:54 PM (z4WKX)

248 >>>Rocky Horror is a horrid movie without the theater experience.

Yeah, you might have a point there.

Posted by: rdbrewer at October 26, 2013 11:55 PM (Iyg03)

249 Another longwindy caturday story.

Littlest cat we've ever had walked up to my son (not the one who had Ony, the other son) at a gas station downtown and began rubbing up against him with take-me-home meows. Son phoned me and I told him absolutely positively not to take in another cat no way no how. Because that's always worked so well.

So, little Faithful joined us. She has one slightly bent-over ear. Real little. You could make four to six of her out of our biggest cat. Medium long-hair. Fuzzy and snuggly, but like a lot of little critters, can cut you in a flash. For no apparent reason. Finicky, too. Certain brand of fancy canned food only. (None of our farm cats gets to be finicky.)

My son and daugher, and Faithful, had been rooming together in an apartment, and recently moved into a house. Faithful began spraying places other than her catbox, very odd for her. Mostly my daughter's room. So, eventually, Daughter figured it out.

At the apartment, the catbox had been in the bathroom, but at the house, the bathroom is too small for a catbox. They had put the catbox off the kitchen, but Faithful apparently didn't like it.

So, my daughter got a shoebox and put some litter in it. (Faithful's so little!) And that seemed to resolve the problem. She wanted to pee and poo where you're supposed to.

Posted by: mindful webworker - cat man do at October 26, 2013 11:55 PM (U13jb)

250 JEF just said he was rooting for the Sox to win it all.

Sorry Sox fans.

Posted by: RWC at October 26, 2013 11:57 PM (LpbKr)

251 Tie game, Bottom of the ninth.

Posted by: cm9000 at October 26, 2013 11:57 PM (3qZbZ)

Winning run on base?!?!

Posted by: Justamom at October 26, 2013 11:58 PM (Sptt8)

253 Merovign , Dark Lord of the Sith at October 26, 2013 11:53 PM (qyfb5)
{click to 0:40, then play}
: -)

Posted by: adriane is easily confused ... at October 26, 2013 11:59 PM (KoFMU)

254 244

I agree with you. I unaffiliated the day after the election. Will not give any money to the RNC and enjoy sending their prepaid envelopes back to them. Why should I support them when they don't give a rat's ass about the middle class or the Constitution.

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at October 27, 2013 12:01 AM (hRNoZ)

I just had to drill out a stripped (and *superglued*) screw on a netbook.

Trick -- cyanoacrylates are NOT high temp glues; they start decomposing around 300 degrees. If you have a spot where it was being uses like Loctite, you can get it to release by heating the fastener up with the tip of a soldering iron to decompose the glue

Posted by: Purp at October 27, 2013 12:02 AM (4tK7k)

256 JEF doesn't know shit about baseball. Have I mentioned that I hate that guy"

Posted by: Kalneva at October 27, 2013 12:02 AM (XyrkB)

257 We had a cat that would mooch food from us. We called him Garfield because he weighed like 20 lbs! We talked to the neighbors, and EVERYONE fed him,so he would just make the rounds, door to door, and get fatter and fatter.

one day we said, 'you're not getting any more of our leftovers!" so we pulled out the only pet food we had. LARGE DOG food. The kibble was about the size of a nickle!

We put the bowl down, he looked at it, looked at us, and went "Meow??" as in "REALLY? You bastards!" (he didn't HAVE to eat it!) We laughed, and he tried some.. In between trying to chew it, he would look at us again and "Me-crunch-ow!?" We just died laughing!

We just ignored him after that. He had plenty of others to mooch off of.

Seems to be some kind of parallel with the LIVs, but I'm not sure....

Posted by: JarvisW at October 27, 2013 12:02 AM (E7Iyp)

258 Seamus Muldoon at October 26, 2013 11:52 PM (N/Sup)

Ok ... so instead of the bride throwing a cat ... have her throw a hockey stock ...

or something like that.


Posted by: Adriane ... at October 27, 2013 12:03 AM (KoFMU)

259 Cut you in a flash

Posted by: mindful webworker - cat man do at October 26, 2013 11:55 PM (U13jb)

Neighbor had the sweetest neighborhood cat. ,would come up,and rub against you and loved her head scratched.

Then when she pulled you in with the cuteness and laid down for a belly rub..


Posted by: RWC at October 27, 2013 12:03 AM (LpbKr)

260 Wow. He's safe??????

Posted by: Vendette at October 27, 2013 12:03 AM (ZRgMQ)

Oh shit!
He tripped him!!!

Posted by: Justamom at October 27, 2013 12:03 AM (Sptt8)

262 Holy carp.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at October 27, 2013 12:03 AM (dfYL9)

Cards win

Posted by: Justamom at October 27, 2013 12:04 AM (Sptt8)

264 Oh fuck, what the hell just happened?

Posted by: cm9000 at October 27, 2013 12:04 AM (3qZbZ)

265 JEF doesn't know shit about baseball. Have I mentioned that I hate that guy"

Posted by: Kalneva at October 27, 2013 12:02 AM

I suspect he gets the whole pitching and catching thing.

Posted by: otho at October 27, 2013 12:04 AM (9gNQd)

266 What a bizarre end.

Posted by: Vendette at October 27, 2013 12:04 AM (ZRgMQ)

267 256 JEF doesn't know shit about baseball. Have I mentioned that I hate that guy"
Posted by: Kalneva at October 27, 2013 12:02 AM (XyrkB)

Doesn't know shit about anything except agitating.

(And he didn't really say that.)

Posted by: RWC at October 27, 2013 12:05 AM (LpbKr)

268 That was OBVIOUS!

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at October 27, 2013 12:05 AM (hRNoZ)

269 Know why cats are so cute? So you won't kill them.

Posted by: katya, the designated driver at October 27, 2013 12:05 AM (DoZD+)

270 Is it possible for both teams to lose?

I loathe the Red Sox, but am no fan of the Cardinals.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 27, 2013 12:05 AM (oJ5Fd)

271 That was a bullshit call. Grrr

Posted by: Blue Falcon in Boston at October 27, 2013 12:06 AM (KCvsd)

272 Good evening, Horde. I had a most excellent day. A trip to The Mannings spinning and weaving center in East Berlin, PA with two very good friends and Little. And lunch, and another yarn store. Sweater amount of a gorgeous light lavender yarn, fajitas, making my gays listen to all Canadian music the entire time. Hell yeah.

Posted by: Gingy at October 27, 2013 12:06 AM (N/cFh)

Hope there are no fights in the streets.

Posted by: Justamom at October 27, 2013 12:06 AM (Sptt8)

274 That was a goddam double play.

Posted by: Little Boomer at October 27, 2013 12:07 AM (f3koQ)

275 I beseech thee umpire.......Manny Ortiz was safe!

Posted by: John Kerry at October 27, 2013 12:07 AM (eaBec)

276 266 What a bizarre end.
Posted by: Vendette at October 27, 2013 12:04 AM (ZRgMQ)

That's what she said, .

Posted by: Michael Scott at October 27, 2013 12:07 AM (ZyqBH)

277 A question for Purp, or anyone else who can field it:

I have a kitchen sink faucet, with a central screw that seems to work itself out every few months, which means I need to go in there with an allen wrench (to remove the handle) and a screwdriver and tighten it back up. Any way to hold it in there better without permanently fusing it? Getting pretty sick of doing this. And, if I do something, how would I get the screw out again? It's about 1" long, and thin.

Posted by: Splunge at October 27, 2013 12:07 AM (bKA83)

278 Tonight America learned about another part of the MLB rulebook.

Posted by: Vendette at October 27, 2013 12:08 AM (ZRgMQ)

279 272
Good evening, Horde. I had a most excellent day. A trip to The Mannings
spinning and weaving center in East Berlin, PA with two very good
friends and Little. And lunch, and another yarn store. Sweater amount of
a gorgeous light lavender yarn, fajitas, making my gays listen to all
Canadian music the entire time. Hell yeah.

Posted by: Gingy at October 27, 2013 12:06 AM (N/cFh)

Your gays?!?!? O.o

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 12:08 AM (T1005)

280 Did he ever even touch home plate?

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 27, 2013 12:08 AM (ZPrif)

281 Have fun night stalker Morons, but gotta hit the hay. First two comments,

I did a lot of work with F-14's back in the day. Kick ass.

...and for the morons (idiots, dunces, f-ups at UC-Boulder), all I can say is thank goodness you are not in the Big 12 anymore. If I were an Ok State Cowboy, I'd dress up as a humping buffalo for Halloween.

Posted by: dogfish at October 27, 2013 12:08 AM (nsOJa)

282 Did he ever even touch home plate?

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 27, 2013 12:08 AM (ZPrif)

Not even close. If it wasn't for the obstruction call it would have been a double play.

Posted by: Vendette at October 27, 2013 12:09 AM (ZRgMQ)

283 Posted by: Splunge at October 27, 2013 12:07 AM (bKA83)

Get Purple Loc-Tite (low strength). That way you can lock the threads, but it won't be a pain in the ass to take the screw out if you have to do maintenance on the faucet.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 27, 2013 12:09 AM (oJ5Fd)

Did he ever even touch home plate?

Doesn't have to. It's Obstruction.

Posted by: garrett at October 27, 2013 12:09 AM (6NqUs)

285 Besides, what's wrong with Canadian music?

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 12:10 AM (T1005)

286 Your gays?!?!? O.o

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 12:08 AM

Don't judge, man.

Posted by: otho at October 27, 2013 12:10 AM (9gNQd)

287 Obama doesn't like baseball -- too many white people are good at it therefore it must be racist.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 27, 2013 12:10 AM (ZPrif)

288 Screw Norquist. He's playing the game unfairly, like leftys do:

"For two months Texas senator Ted Cruz promised his followers
certain victory if they would simply follow direction and never waver. "

Did he really promise that? Got a quote? As far as I can tell, he just conveyed the notion that Obamacare was worth fighting against. He was right. It was and is.

Posted by: Splunge at October 27, 2013 12:11 AM (bKA83)

289 "Did he ever even touch home plate?"

No he didn't and was tagged out before even getting close.

The obstruction call is why the run was counted as scored. I think that call is bullshit because the 3rd baseman was looking at the ball and didn't have any eye contact with the runner whom had just ran into him.

Posted by: Blue Falcon in Boston at October 27, 2013 12:11 AM (KCvsd)

290 Trick -- cyanoacrylates are NOT high temp glues; they start decomposing around 300 degrees. If you have a spot where it was being uses like Loctite, you can get it to release by heating the fastener up with the tip of a soldering iron to decompose the glue

Posted by: Purp at October 27, 2013 12:02 AM (4tK7k) Hide posts from (4tK7k)

Well, the plastic around it has a considerably lower melting temperature.

Acetone dissolves superglue anyway.

Does't fix stripped screw heads, though.

Posted by: Merovign , Dark Lord of the Sith at October 27, 2013 12:12 AM (qyfb5)

291 "
I have a kitchen sink faucet, with a central screw that seems to work itself out every few months, which means I need to go in there with an allen wrench (to remove the handle) and a screwdriver and tighten it back up. Any way to hold it in there better without permanently fusing it? Getting pretty sick of doing this. And, if I do something, how would I get the screw out again? It's about 1" long, and thin."

Blue Loctite

Posted by: Blue Falcon in Boston at October 27, 2013 12:12 AM (KCvsd)

292 283
Purple Loc-Tite (low strength). That way you can lock the threads, but
it won't be a pain in the ass to take the screw out if you have to do
maintenance on the faucet.

Sounds promising. So when I have to get it out of there, what happens? I just exert a little more force on the screwdriver, but don't have to strip the threads?

Posted by: Splunge at October 27, 2013 12:12 AM (bKA83)

The player covering the bag only has to impede for Obstruction to be called.
...and it was a pretty blatant trip.

Posted by: garrett at October 27, 2013 12:13 AM (6NqUs)

294 Here's a new one. I checked out a local campground online, thinking it might be nice to have a fall weekend getaway not so far away.

They say they are all about diversity and one major reviewer was thrilled to find gay camping locally.

WTF is gay camping? Do they light the fire differently? Roast something other than marshmellows? WTF?

We won't be visiting there any time soon.

Posted by: tcn at October 27, 2013 12:13 AM (fwcEs)

295 I don't care. I still enjoyed the movie.

Finally, a kindred soul, i've spent the past few months being mercilessy mocked and ridiculed for liking Pacific Rim but dammit, it was a fun flick, especially in the theater where the the CGI and sound could really be enjoyed.

Posted by: booger at October 27, 2013 12:13 AM (xRDdL)

It's about 1" long, and thin."


Posted by: Michele Obama's Landing Strip at October 27, 2013 12:13 AM (6NqUs)

297 Pretty clear that 3rd baseman raised his legs up.

Posted by: CDR M at October 27, 2013 12:14 AM (OJvfL)

298 Walking Dead better have a good plot this season. The ramped up zombie gore will be enough to put me off it unless there is actually a good storyline and I'm not wishing Rick would die every episode. So far they're not doing so good.

Posted by: katya, the designated driver at October 27, 2013 12:14 AM (DoZD+)

299 Holy crap - if I were a BoSox fan, I'd be pissed about that call.

But again, what idiots they have as broadcasters. That woman asking Matt Carpenter how he "felt" about winning Game 3 that way - what did she think he was going to say, "Oh, I have a sad?" Of course, he's going to say, "I saw obstruction."

Posted by: Donna V. sez yay Cards at October 27, 2013 12:14 AM (R3gO3)

300 Exactly booger. Now with blu-ray, you can just skip to the good parts!

Posted by: CDR M at October 27, 2013 12:15 AM (OJvfL)

301 Not even close. If it wasn't for the obstruction call it would have been a double play.
Posted by: Vendette at October 27, 2013 12:09 AM (ZRgMQ)

I had just put the game on, I’m not interested in sports, and I live near Boston, and that was an out!
I grew up with brothers and know baseball, basketball and hockey.
I don’t watch any now but if I put a game on I know what’s going on.

Posted by: CarolT at October 27, 2013 12:15 AM (z4WKX)

302 286
Your gays?!?!? O.o

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 12:08 AM

Don't judge, man.

Posted by: otho at October 27, 2013 12:10 AM (9gNQd)

I had no idea she collected them.

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 12:15 AM (T1005)

303 Damn. I suck.

Posted by: Tonights Home Plate Ump (who blew the call at 2nd in Game 1) at October 27, 2013 12:15 AM (/C6Mj)

304 it was a fun flick, especially in the theater where the the CGI and sound could really be enjoyed.

Posted by: booger at October 27, 2013 12:13 AM (xRDdL) Hide posts from (xRDdL)

You should see the drubbing I took over Sucker Punch.

It doesn't have to be *good* to be *fun*.

I mean, for crying out loud, the entire 80s.

Posted by: Merovign , Dark Lord of the Sith at October 27, 2013 12:16 AM (qyfb5)

305 I'm with you Katya. TWD has been meh so far this season.

Posted by: CDR M at October 27, 2013 12:16 AM (OJvfL)

306 Anyone want to know what I think about the call?

Posted by: Steve Bartman at October 27, 2013 12:16 AM (eaBec)

307 304
You should see the drubbing I took over Sucker Punch.

It doesn't have to be *good* to be *fun*

That's different from Donkey Punch, right?

Posted by: Splunge at October 27, 2013 12:17 AM (bKA83)

308 I really dug Pacific Rim, perfect popcorn flick and like all of del Toro's flicks, the whole budget was on the screen.

Sadly, it did pretty much kill the concept of him making his At The Mountains of Madness film though

Posted by: The Dude at October 27, 2013 12:17 AM (vJdyz)

No. It was a textbook Obstruction call.
So much so, that it was exactly what Prince Fielder was hoping for when he pulled the belly-flop in the Tiger's last game.

Posted by: garrett at October 27, 2013 12:17 AM (6NqUs)

310 Finally, a kindred soul, i've spent the past few months being mercilessy mocked and ridiculed for liking Pacific Rim but dammit, it was a fun flick, especially in the theater where the the CGI and sound could really be enjoyed.

Posted by: booger at October 27, 2013 12:13 AM (xRDdL)

Don't quote me on this, but I believe AtC liked it.

Now that the ballgame has ended, time for bed, the best efforts of my neighbor's music (particularly the bass) notwithstanding. Good night, all, and may the next game not again end like a scene from the Keystone Cops.

Posted by: Vendette at October 27, 2013 12:17 AM (ZRgMQ)

311 286 Your gays?!?!? O.o

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 12:08 AM

Don't judge, man.
Posted by: otho at October 27, 2013 12:10 AM (9gNQd)
Hell yes my gays. Everyone needs gays. We even have emergency back-up gays. They are all conservatives, don't worry.

The Canadian music was both Rush: Chronicles and one of the CDs from an all-Canadian complication set called "Oh, What A Feeling".
Posted by: CDR M at October 26, 2013 10:17 PM (OJvfL)

I love you, man.

Posted by: Gingy at October 27, 2013 12:17 AM (N/cFh)

312 308
I really dug Pacific Rim, perfect popcorn flick and like all of del Toro's flicks, the whole budget was on the screen.

Sadly, it did pretty much kill the concept of him making his At The Mountains of Madness film though

Posted by: The Dude at October 27, 2013 12:17 AM (vJdyz)

But the source material for ATMoM rocks!!!!

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 12:19 AM (T1005)

313 I could write better stuff for TWD. Where do they find these writers? It's as though they have no knowledge of zombies, survivalists, apocalypse(s?), human nature, etc. The only thing they ever got right was Darryl and he's not doing much so far.

I really wish Rick would die. He's gotten to be such a pansy.

Posted by: katya, the designated driver at October 27, 2013 12:20 AM (DoZD+)

314 But the source material for ATMoM rocks!!!!

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 12:19 AM (T1005)

I know and the script that he has is really fucking good. It would just cost a good $200 million plus and be a very hard R

Posted by: The Dude at October 27, 2013 12:20 AM (vJdyz)

315 Ted Cruz/Sarah Palin, all the same to the MFM. We're up against air power, just like Bill Whittle said.

Posted by: kalneva at October 27, 2013 12:21 AM (XyrkB)

316 So the whiny Rsox fans come out of all are like cockroaches

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at October 27, 2013 12:21 AM (Ed1xO)

317 302
I had no idea she collected them.
Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 12:15 AM (T1005)
It's not a collection, like souls. More a loose, voluntary agglomeration.

Posted by: Gingy at October 27, 2013 12:21 AM (N/cFh)

318 @311 Wot no Fraser and deBolt?

Posted by: Stringer Davis at October 27, 2013 12:22 AM (JNUY4)

319 207
We had a theatre that showed Rocky Horror at midnight on Saturday night all my teen and college years. We would dress as the characters, take squirt guns, newspapers, tp.
Was this common in other cities?

Um, maybe.... When did these teen and college years take place, just asking for a friend

Posted by: lindafell at October 27, 2013 12:24 AM (PGO8C)

320 We did Rocky Horror in costume in Calgary, midnight on long weekends. I was usually Magenta. I later performed Magenta in a live stage version.

Posted by: Gingy at October 27, 2013 12:25 AM (N/cFh)

321 Umps talking now.

Posted by: Little Boomer at October 27, 2013 12:26 AM (f3koQ)

322 TWD has been semi-interesting. At this stage all I really want is some sort of explanation for what happened. But I'm guessing that will never happen. I know the comic is still being written. And the guy writing the comics says he has no plans to ever end the series. So that means he intends to keep everything a mystery as long as possible.

It also means the writers don't know the answer. There probably is no semi-coherent explanation possible. So it's not that they aren't telling us the explanation to keep us in suspense -- they don't know the explanation themselves. There is no explanation.

Old science fiction used at least require an attempt at explanations for the seemingly inexplicable. But that was too hard. So nowadays they don't even bother.

To me a big part of the payoff of mysteries is knowing I will eventually be told the solution.

Walking Dead defender's will say I'm missing the point. It's all about character studies and relationships in the post-apocalypse world, blah, blah, blah.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 27, 2013 12:27 AM (ZPrif)

323 Congrats, Cards fans! It was weird, but it was a win!!

Posted by: Peaches at October 27, 2013 12:28 AM (8lmkt)

Rocky Horror midnight shows in the eighties.

My kids had an illustrated video that is narrated by Tim Curry and anytime I see or hear him I of course remember him from RH. He can't possibly regret it tho, can he?

Posted by: Justamom at October 27, 2013 12:29 AM (Sptt8)

Thanks, Peaches.
Glad there's no hard feelings, bizarre as it is.

Posted by: Justamom at October 27, 2013 12:31 AM (Sptt8)

326 Del Toro is the Latino Peter Jackson? Hell, Peter Jackson is swarthy compared to pasty pale-face Del Toro.

Del Toro is officially a "person of color" even though he's paler than 2% milk.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 27, 2013 12:31 AM (ZPrif)

327 I want to see this Sheryl Nome cosplayed

Posted by: The Dude at October 27, 2013 12:32 AM (vJdyz)

328 320
We did Rocky Horror in costume in Calgary, midnight on long weekends. I
was usually Magenta. I later performed Magenta in a live stage version.

Posted by: Gingy at October 27, 2013 12:25 AM (N/cFh)

I always thought of myself as more of a Riff, but probably would have gotten stuck as the Narrator.

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 12:34 AM (T1005)

329 If intent does not matter on the trip, how do they prevent flopping? Not saying Craig flopped, but that would be the smart (as in devious) play in that situation.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 27, 2013 12:35 AM (ZPrif)

330 327 I wouldn't let her outta the house!

And I'd want to be the Chain

Posted by: JarvisW at October 27, 2013 12:40 AM (E7Iyp)

331 He can't possibly regret it tho, can he?

Not nearly as much as Susan Sarandon does.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at October 27, 2013 12:42 AM (JawqV)

>>>If intent does not matter on the trip, how do they prevent flopping? Not
saying Craig flopped, but that would be the smart (as in devious) play
in that situation.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 27, 2013 12:35 AM (ZPrif) <<<
Not to mention that Craig chooses to klutzily hurdle the bulk of my body, while if he went straighter down the 3rd base line, he would have moved right past the bottoms of my feet

Posted by: Speedbump Middlebrooks at October 27, 2013 12:43 AM (/C6Mj)

333 hmm Crunchy Roll making their premium sub even more worthwhile with free manga

Posted by: The Dude at October 27, 2013 12:47 AM (vJdyz)

334 I saw Gravity again tonight. This is the first movie I saw twice in a theater since Titanic.

In the previous case, my second viewing was several months after the first. This time I went back again so soon because I read that it is booked in IMAX 3D theaters through the month of October, but I don't know how much longer after that. This is a movie that definitely should be seen in IMAX 3D if possible.

It holds up very well to a second viewing. Some of the more vertigo-inducing scenes still had me hanging onto to my seat for dear life. Also, I made a point of looking for some of the small details I've read about but missed the first time.

Posted by: rickl at October 27, 2013 12:47 AM (sdi6R)

335 Good Night, Horde.


Posted by: CarolT at October 27, 2013 12:50 AM (z4WKX)

336 315
Ted Cruz/Sarah Palin, all the same to the MFM. We're up against air power, just like Bill Whittle said.

Posted by: kalneva at October 27, 2013 12:21 AM (XyrkB)

====I feel less alone now. Not happy. Still just resolved, but less alone.

Posted by: jc at October 27, 2013 12:56 AM (PlzOe)

337 George Clooney and Sandra Bullock as astronauts? Seriously? Suspension of disbelief....


Posted by: otho at October 27, 2013 12:56 AM (9gNQd)

338 Well, Clooney IS a Space Cadet!

Posted by: JarvisW at October 27, 2013 12:57 AM (E7Iyp)

339 Midnight, Mountain Time,
Except for perverse Man.
Clocks shifted East, but
The Sun refuses to cooperate.

Oot Oot I b z. c y'all l8r.

Posted by: mindful webworker - now, what did I come in here for? at October 27, 2013 01:05 AM (13IVx)

340 Actually, I didn't care who inhabited the spacesuits. It's a great movie.

Although I'll bet that Sandra Bullock gets a Best Actress nomination. Whether she wins probably has more to do with internal Academy politics, which I don't pretend to understand, or care about.

Posted by: rickl at October 27, 2013 01:06 AM (sdi6R)

341 Actually, I didn't care who inhabited the spacesuits. It's a great movie. Although I'll bet that Sandra Bullock gets a Best Actress nomination. Whether she wins probably has more to do with internal Academy politics, which I don't pretend to understand, or care about.

Posted by: rickl at October 27, 2013 01:06 AM

I'm just messing with you. I must admit it looks intriguing. But... everytime I see a trailer, it's like "Clooney and Bullock? Fuck off. Not buying that shit for a second." Like the premise though. Mind you it was covered in that godawful "Mission to Mars" rather well. Tim Robbins was an easier sell as an astronaut than either of those two. Weird performance by Sinise, but it was a tres sucky screenplay, so it's forgiven.

Posted by: otho at October 27, 2013 01:11 AM (9gNQd)

342 I know the comic is still being written. And the guy writing the comics says he has no plans to ever end the series.

Deus Ex Robert Jordana!

Posted by: adams Wheel of Fortune porn at October 27, 2013 01:11 AM (R6JT1)

343 R. Zombie redirect of Halloween is on.

He didn't do too bad.

Posted by: RWC at October 27, 2013 01:15 AM (LpbKr)

344 The way Red Sox fans are spazzing out on Twitter makes me laugh

Posted by: The Dude at October 27, 2013 01:15 AM (vJdyz)

345 We wuz ROBBED!!!11!!!
Whaddya mean "spazzing out"??!!!

Posted by: boston boohoo shitspants at October 27, 2013 01:19 AM (tHXgZ)

346 341 otho

I guess I'm more of a technology person than a people person. I loved Titanic because the ship was the real star of that movie as far as I was concerned.

Some have compared Gravity to 2001: A Space Odyssey and I think that is a very apt comparison. Both movies permanently raised the bar for the accurate depiction of spaceflight on screen. And Gravity is a much more entertaining movie than 2001 was.

Posted by: rickl at October 27, 2013 01:21 AM (sdi6R)

347 How you doin'?

Posted by: r.m.s. titanic at October 27, 2013 01:23 AM (tHXgZ)

348 negro cowboy costumes with a homo-fetish edge

Posted by: Stark Dickflüssig at October 27, 2013 01:24 AM (Gu7t9)

349 I guess I'm more of a technology person than a people person. I loved Titanic because the ship was the real star of that movie as far as I was concerned. Some have compared Gravity to 2001: A Space Odyssey and I think that is a very apt comparison. Both movies permanently raised the bar for the accurate depiction of spaceflight on screen. And Gravity is a much more entertaining movie than 2001 was.

Posted by: rickl at October 27, 2013 01:21 AM

Oh, ok. That 's a pretty big rap. I'll give it a look see when it comes on TV. I actually do want to like it. Like you, I enjoy Titantic for the ship stuff. That, plus Zane and Warner... the real heroes of the story.

Posted by: otho at October 27, 2013 01:24 AM (9gNQd)

350 I got ya patois right here!

Posted by: adams refined porn at October 27, 2013 01:25 AM (R6JT1)

351 348 ***
Posted by: Stark Dickflüssig

Skirting the edge there amigo.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 27, 2013 01:26 AM (xz0nG)

352 If Gravity doesn't at least win Oscars for special effects and set design, they should retire those awards.

Posted by: rickl at October 27, 2013 01:27 AM (sdi6R)

All bow down. Vettel goes to workin just a couple ofhours (5am ET). Looking at Google Earth, to get a nice look at the Buddh track, I notice that the Indians have a town named Sector 25. Cool, why not. Must make it tough on the cheerleaders though. While continuing to explore, I found the Ace of Spades.

Posted by: and irresolute at October 27, 2013 01:33 AM (RqHWH)

354 Hidden advantage, my lovely bubble butt they have an advantage! Ha! The Republican party is a party of brow beaten cowards. It is a party that lays down easier than a drunk lonely girl left at a frat party by her friends. The Republican party is so feckless, they probably get coffee for their Democrat feudal overseers without even being told to do so. The Republicans are such wimps, that they probably apologize and step out of the elevators at the Capital building whenever a Democrat steps in at the last minute. They probably apologize, too, and press the elevator buttons for them before stepping out. The Republicans are so bullied, that they probably say their are sorry when Democrats elbow them when passing through the halls. The Republicans probably go home to their spouses at night and say things like, "I don't know what we did, we try to be really nice to the Democrats, and we say we are sorry and stuff, but the Dems are just so mean...I guess we'll have to try harder to make the Dems and the media like us more." Thanks Repubs, thank you for bending over like glory holes, and saying, "Thank you, sir, may I have another?" Thank you for attacking your own party members in the media, and by all means, thank you so much for NOT standing up for the people that entrusted you as their representatives. Of course, I want to give an extra special thanks to John McLame. Thank you, John, for stabbing ever single Republican voter in the back, and for helping the Democratic party, the mainstream media, and every leftist front group do untold harm to the very country you once so bravely served. Like you, McConnel et al are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, and you've forgotten who put you in office - The People. Thank you, and thank you!

Posted by: Mistress Overdone at October 27, 2013 01:35 AM (2/oBD)

355 It struck me today how next year will be the ten year anniversary of the last major league baseball game I watched.

Time pop flies.

Posted by: adams base ball porn at October 27, 2013 01:36 AM (R6JT1)

356 In real-life space news, Sierra Nevada Corporation's Dream Chaser shuttle had its first drop test on Saturday. It flew perfectly, but suffered serious damage when one of its landing gears failed to deploy.

Well, this is why they have test flights, after all.

Dream Chaser is designed to carry up to seven astronauts, but is much smaller than the Space Shuttle. It will launch atop an Atlas V rocket.

Posted by: rickl at October 27, 2013 01:39 AM (sdi6R)

357 I'm looking for a 1-2 hour loop hike not too far off of 101 between Gilroy and Encino. Any suggestions?

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 01:42 AM (T1005)

I'm looking for a 1-2 hour loop hike not too far off of 101 between Gilroy and Encino. Any suggestions?


Posted by: Blanco Basura at October 27, 2013 01:44 AM (JawqV)

359 357
I'm looking for a 1-2 hour loop hike not too far off of 101 between Gilroy and Encino. Any suggestions?

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 01:42 AM (T1005)

Oh, crud -- forgot a major consideration -- shade. Not walking the sandy dunes or out and back among the sagebrush. Something with real forest.

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 01:45 AM (T1005)

360 Wow, watching the San Diego St/Fresno St. game. SD St.made a great offensiveplay and looked like they were going to tie the game, thenfumbled but didn't realize it so stopped playing; thenFSU picked up the ball and ran it in for a TD. Bummer for the Aztecs. Oh well, their cheerleaders are really really hot!

Posted by: Puddleglum at October 27, 2013 01:52 AM (15w2J)

361 I'd suggest Wildwood in Thousand Oaks but it's been so many years I have no idea what it is like today. The pictures here:

don't correlate with my memories at all, though pictures 7 and 8 are close. Perhaps they have a different patch of land designated as Wildwood now but back in the day it was hilly forest with log stairways, a couple of tree mounted platforms, running waterways. Used to go there frequently as a kid.

Posted by: Epobirs at October 27, 2013 01:57 AM (kcfmt)

362 270
Is it possible for both teams to lose?

I loathe the Red Sox, but am no fan of the Cardinals.

I like both teams and have since the 67 Gibby v Yaz series. I don't care who wins cause I know it will be a good series. I've seen games in both Fenway Busch (old) and really enjoyed both places, Fenway for the ambiance/history, Busch cause there are really no fans more knowledgeable about the game anywhere, crazier maybe *cough* Cubs fans *cough*. if anything may be more Cards because F the DH.

Posted by: bill-o at October 27, 2013 01:57 AM (AWwDY)

363 WTF is gay camping? Do they light the fire differently? Roast something other than marshmellows? WTF?

We won't be visiting there any time soon.

Posted by: tcn at October 27, 2013 12:13 AM (fwcEs)
I don't know squat about gay camping either, but I'm sure it will be fabulous.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at October 27, 2013 01:57 AM (60Q+L)

364 This is the first baseball postseason since I cancelled my cable TV last year. I haven't missed TV at all up to now, but it's pretty tough not being able to watch the World Series.

Posted by: rickl at October 27, 2013 01:59 AM (sdi6R)

365 Red Sox should win on account of not being the Yankees.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 27, 2013 02:06 AM (xz0nG)

366 320
We did Rocky Horror in costume in Calgary, midnight on long weekends. I
was usually Magenta. I later performed Magenta in a live stage version.

My Ginger ex did this too, very pop role for the soulless

Posted by: bill-o at October 27, 2013 02:08 AM (AWwDY)

367 Oh, crud -- forgot a major consideration -- shade. Not walking the sandy
dunes or out and back among the sagebrush. Something with real forest.

I can't recommend anything I've actually hiked in central CA, then. You could try looking for what's available from the state parks around and between San Luis Obispo and Goleta.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at October 27, 2013 02:11 AM (JawqV)

368 "All the wrong people getting O-Care"

I don't believe anyone predicted this *rolls eyes*

h/t Instapundit

Posted by: bill-o at October 27, 2013 02:12 AM (AWwDY)

Oh, crud -- forgot a major consideration -- shade. Not walking the sandy dunes or out and back among the sagebrush. Something with real forest.
Posted by: cthulhu


And long sleeves.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 27, 2013 02:14 AM (xz0nG)

370 369

Oh, crud -- forgot a major consideration -- shade. Not walking the
sandy dunes or out and back among the sagebrush. Something with real

Posted by: cthulhu


And long sleeves.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 27, 2013 02:14 AM (xz0nG)

I am able to do this, but I'm looking for somewhere not too far from a 400-mile stretch of highway where I won't have to.

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 02:44 AM (T1005)

371 Hmm, place looks deader than the JEF's legacy.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Div at October 27, 2013 02:57 AM (FMbng)

372 So, I'm trying to plan out a November trip to SoCal. I'll be arriving late 11/1 and have an event 11/2 in the afternoon -- where should I stay, and is there a cool morning thing to do?

After the 11/2 event, I want to settle in somewhere close to Pasadena. Any suggestions? Last time, I was across the street from the college and have reason to believe my Wi-Fi was intercepted.

Planning on hitting the Huntington on 11/3, but bedding down in the San Diego area 'cause we're hitting the SD Zoo on 11/4.

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 03:03 AM (T1005)

373 The SD State/Fresno State game was nuts. Very entertaining.

Posted by: Puddleglum at October 27, 2013 03:04 AM (15w2J)

374 Why in Gods name are we posting links to anything Grover fucking Norguist says?

Posted by: lowandslow at October 27, 2013 03:05 AM (IV4od)

375 Oh, Fresno State won in OT. Now, back to work. The co-worker is watching anime on CN (we gotdecent cableTV here). Its......weird.

Posted by: Puddleglum at October 27, 2013 03:05 AM (15w2J)

376 The Republican Party's Hidden Advantages.

"Each party has one chamber of Congress and thus wields a veto of any change in law. When Cruz demanded a change in the law of the land—repealing Obamacare—the Democrats simply said no. Now it is Obama and the Democrats who wish to change the law of the land: the sequester spending limits and the permanent extension of the tax cuts. Republicans can and (they assure this writer) will simply say no."

If past performance is any indication, the writer is going to be disappointed.

Posted by: Blacque Jacques Shellacque at October 27, 2013 03:06 AM (/IXKu)

377 BJS, the writer was Grover (Eff the Tea party) Norquest..

So, there ya go...

Posted by: JarvisW at October 27, 2013 03:09 AM (E7Iyp)

378 ...among the sagebrush.

I miss the smell of sagebrush in the autumn...

Posted by: Blacque Jacques Shellacque at October 27, 2013 03:12 AM (/IXKu)

379 #372

What kind of place are you looking to stay in? Motel? Holiday Inn Express? There are lots of small towns near Pasadena that should have decent choices while giving you safe distance from the Nerdplex.

Posted by: Epobirs at October 27, 2013 03:22 AM (kcfmt)

380 Heh, the stuff they show on Cartoon Network is pretty tame as anime goes. I think the wildest thing they have on tonight is FLCL.

Posted by: Epobirs at October 27, 2013 03:24 AM (kcfmt)

381 379

What kind of place are you looking to stay in? Motel?
Holiday Inn Express? There are lots of small towns near Pasadena that
should have decent choices while giving you safe distance from the

Posted by: Epobirs at October 27, 2013 03:22 AM (kcfmt)

We're looking to stay in clean, simple places with internet and a microwave. Sort of "Comfort Inn" level. It's not that we go to places because of the hotels, we go to hotels because of the places.

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 03:24 AM (T1005)

382 always liked this song, would make for a killer theme to a western Ghost Rider flick

Posted by: The Dude at October 27, 2013 03:27 AM (vJdyz)

383 Grover Norquist is a bit too narrowly focused on taxes, as if limiting those is a limit on spending. That relationship is completely broken and starve the beast has failed.

The limousine liberals say they don't pay enough taxes. OK, lets jack up their rates and slash the living shit out of the deductions and loopholes so they REALLY pay. Then we'll see how they like when it means more than buying a better class of accountant to cook their books.

Posted by: Epobirs at October 27, 2013 03:30 AM (kcfmt)

384 382 always liked this song, would make for a killer theme to a western Ghost Rider flick
Posted by: The Dude at October 27, 2013 03:27 AM (vJdyz)

This would work too...

Posted by: model_1066 at October 27, 2013 03:32 AM (3OFnS)

385 Catbat. Now that's pretty damn awesome.

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 03:36 AM (x3YFz)

386 Some of the places where you might find good accommodations while staying close to Pasadena are San Marino, La Canada/Flintridge, Arcadia, Monrovia. Pretty much the 210 corridor. At least in terms of the tone of the neighborhoods. It's far too close to home for me to have any sense of the hotels themselves.

Posted by: Epobirs at October 27, 2013 03:37 AM (kcfmt)

387 I live on the beautiful 210 corridor and you know you'd be welcome anytime Coothie but I'm having some problems right now so I have to pass

Posted by: DAve at October 27, 2013 03:41 AM (b7yum)

388 The Sons of the Pioneers' theme song for The Searchers:

Posted by: adams trigger porn at October 27, 2013 03:44 AM (R6JT1)

389 I don't think those two single moms are lesbos. I think they are squeezing the state for every penny. The evil side of me approves.

Posted by: Exidor at October 27, 2013 03:45 AM (mjf5y)

390 Hey, where all da white bats at?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at October 27, 2013 03:46 AM (g8+Vr)

391 388 best movie evah

Posted by: DAve at October 27, 2013 03:50 AM (b7yum)

392 short gaming thread this week, I'm fighting with keeping my eyes open. Need to sleep it off

Posted by: The Dude at October 27, 2013 03:53 AM (vJdyz)

393 I don't believe anyone predicted this *rolls eyes*

h/t Instapundit

Posted by: bill-o at October 27, 2013 02:12 AM (AWwDY)

The asshole insurance companies are about to get a giant wet tuna right across the face.

Fat, dumb and greedy ain't no way to go through life, son.

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 03:53 AM (x3YFz)

394 392
short gaming thread this week, I'm fighting with keeping my eyes open. Need to sleep it off

Posted by: The Dude at October 27, 2013 03:53 AM (vJdyz)

I'd pump the gaming thread, but I rejoined EVE a couple weeks back and hit the AoSHQ channel and was greeted by a total asshole.

Shit won't happen again.

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 03:56 AM (x3YFz)

395 386
Some of the places where you might find good accommodations while
staying close to Pasadena are San Marino, La Canada/Flintridge, Arcadia,
Monrovia. Pretty much the 210 corridor. At least in terms of the tone
of the neighborhoods. It's far too close to home for me to have any
sense of the hotels themselves.

Posted by: Epobirs at October 27, 2013 03:37 AM (kcfmt)

Remember, I used to live down that way. Sunland/Tujunga was also on the menu.

I was hoping for some current info. I'm skittish about LA because so much of what were "nice places" when I lived there are "gangland central" now.

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 03:58 AM (T1005)

396 do people not understand that you should behave online as you do in real life? As in: if you spoke to someone that way in public, like in line at the grocery store, be prepared to be throat snatched and ground pounded?

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 03:59 AM (x3YFz)

397 Who was it?

Posted by: The Dude at October 27, 2013 04:00 AM (vJdyz)

398 397
Who was it?

Posted by: The Dude at October 27, 2013 04:00 AM (vJdyz)

mmm robinson/robinton (?) jax.

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 04:01 AM (x3YFz)

399 something like that. I haven't been back to the channel since.

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 04:02 AM (x3YFz)

400 I would not stay in Sunland/Tujunga. Industrial and low end neighborhoods. If there is a decent motel/hotel in that area it isn't coming to mind. Nor Sylmar or San Fernando. I'd recommend getting a fair bit closer to Pasadena before stopping for the night.

The only pleasant memory I associate with Sunland is spending some time at the Babylonian Productions stages while they were shooting the third season of B5.

Posted by: Epobirs at October 27, 2013 04:05 AM (kcfmt)

401 mmm robinson/robinton (?) jax.

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 04:01 AM (x3YFz)

heh, he dies a lot. Just give him a lot of shit and he becomes docile

Posted by: The Dude at October 27, 2013 04:06 AM (vJdyz)

402 heh, he dies a lot. Just give him a lot of shit and he becomes docile

Posted by: The Dude at October 27, 2013 04:06 AM (vJdyz)

I'm on under "feather kaliama"

Dude... dude... I know. It's what happens when you let your wife make your toon. She plays it as much as I do and she just mines and mankes $$ so she can call the toon whatever she wants.

I'll be sure to tell him to go fuck himself next time I'm on.

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 04:10 AM (x3YFz)

403 400
I would not stay in Sunland/Tujunga. Industrial and low end
neighborhoods. If there is a decent motel/hotel in that area it isn't
coming to mind. Nor Sylmar or San Fernando. I'd recommend getting a fair
bit closer to Pasadena before stopping for the night.

The only
pleasant memory I associate with Sunland is spending some time at the
Babylonian Productions stages while they were shooting the third season
of B5.

Posted by: Epobirs at October 27, 2013 04:05 AM (kcfmt)

I spent a summer in Tujunga with a gf from college (the one where my usual quip is "we lived together for 2-1/2 years, after which I thought we were practically married.....and she thought we were practically single").

Posted by: cthulhu at October 27, 2013 04:10 AM (T1005)

404 Macallan
The only legal 12 year old.

Posted by: SFGoth at October 27, 2013 04:15 AM (u/sKm)

405 Howdy roonz and roonettez.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at October 27, 2013 04:23 AM (yh0zB)

406 348
negro cowboy costumes with a homo-fetish edge

blazing saddles costumes

Posted by: jimmytheclaw at October 27, 2013 04:27 AM (Qj6zO)

407 wow...deader than my sex life in here today.


Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at October 27, 2013 04:44 AM (yh0zB)

408 364
This is the first baseball postseason since I cancelled my cable TV last
year. I haven't missed TV at all up to now, but it's pretty tough not
being able to watch the World Series.

Posted by: rickl at October 27, 2013 01:59 AM (sdi6R)

the first year was tough for me. now I don't even really think about it. either 2-3 years, I forget. I think it is 2.

Posted by: jc at October 27, 2013 04:50 AM (PlzOe)

409 This is the first baseball postseason since I cancelled my cable TV last

year. I haven't missed TV at all up to now, but it's pretty tough not

being able to watch the World Series.

Posted by: rickl at October 27, 2013 01:59 AM (sdi6R)

the first year was tough for me. now I don't even really think about it. either 2-3 years, I forget. I think it is 2.

Posted by: jc at October 27, 2013 04:50 AM (PlzOe)

Same. first year I've missed a Steelers game since my dad died in '94 (had to catch a Sunday flight... he'd have been pissed!).

But. I'm not paying $100/month for crap channels and crap reality shows and crap commercials. $8/mo netflix.

Wee bit cheaper. And other shows I can snatch off the computer and HDMI them into the TV, no commercials. Fuck commercials!

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 05:12 AM (x3YFz)

410 The kitteh/bat fangs are made with white-out.

I condemn myself due to white guilt and boredom.
But mostly boredom.

Posted by: somejoe at October 27, 2013 05:14 AM (+KtKI)

411 And if netflix is dead (meaning I've seen pretty much everything I want to see) I read books. Right now? Reading 4:

Absolution Gap (Alastair Reynolds, sci-fi)
The Memory Book
Raid on the Sun
Brave Men (Ernie Pyle)

Have 3 more in the queue.

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 05:16 AM (x3YFz)

Same. first year I've missed a Steelers game since my dad died in '94 (had to catch a Sunday flight... he'd have been pissed!).

But. I'm not paying $100/month for crap channels and crap reality shows and crap commercials. $8/mo netflix.

Wee bit cheaper. And other shows I can snatch off the computer and HDMI them into the TV, no commercials. Fuck commercials!

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 05:12 AM (x3YFz)

I am also not paying the fucking media complex. They might still be rich assholes without my money, but I am no longer paying them to tell me how much they hate me, and I am no longer watching/listening when they spout off about how much they hate me (and anyone else that thinks each generation owes the next generation a real chance.)

Posted by: jc at October 27, 2013 05:17 AM (PlzOe)

413 I am also not paying the fucking media complex. They
might still be rich assholes without my money, but I am no longer
paying them to tell me how much they hate me, and I am no longer
watching/listening when they spout off about how much they hate me (and
anyone else that thinks each generation owes the next generation a real

Posted by: jc at October 27, 2013 05:17 AM (PlzOe)


Fuck 'em

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 05:19 AM (x3YFz)

414 I also don't facebook. don't twit twat or twurt. I have a cheap $20 cell phone that stays in my car and only call out from a land line. Hell, AoS is my biggest online footprint.

I'm a nerd, but the thing is the smarter I get as a nerd the more I realize it's smarter to reduce your visible online signature to as close to 0 as you can get it.

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 05:24 AM (x3YFz)

415 Fuck 'em

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 05:19 AM (x3YFz)

==Exactly. It was actually my "Fuck 'em" sensibility that made it possible.

It wasn't easy at first. I had the TV jones bad for about 3 weeks. I missed the NFL and college football a whole bunch. I missed the superbowl for the first time since I saw Lenny Dawson play in the game. I had seen every one since then.
And then, it just kinda faded away. I just don't even think about it any more. And, I have a lot more actual life now that I am not glued to the fucking idiot box. I am not inviting their bilge into my life and I no longer even miss it.

Posted by: jc at October 27, 2013 05:26 AM (PlzOe)

416 And then, it just kinda faded away. I just don't
even think about it any more. And, I have a lot more actual life now
that I am not glued to the fucking idiot box. I am not inviting their
bilge into my life and I no longer even miss it.

Posted by: jc at October 27, 2013 05:26 AM (PlzOe)

Exactly! At first, you freak out a bit... then you're thinking: "eh.. do I really give a shit?" Nope. And you start doing more stuff with the fam, and really, actually? you get your life back.

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 05:28 AM (x3YFz)

417 416
And then, it just kinda faded away. I just don't

even think about it any more. And, I have a lot more actual life now

that I am not glued to the fucking idiot box. I am not inviting their

bilge into my life and I no longer even miss it.

Posted by: jc at October 27, 2013 05:26 AM (PlzOe)

At first, you freak out a bit... then you're thinking: "eh.. do I really
give a shit?" Nope. And you start doing more stuff with the fam, and
really, actually? you get your life back.

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 05:28 AM (x3YFz)

I often wonder if their industry has ever considered that their horseshit politics are driving away their best customers. Once you stop using their crack you see how horrible it really is and how much better your life is without it.

Posted by: jc at October 27, 2013 05:36 AM (PlzOe)

418 I often wonder if their industry has ever considered
that their horseshit politics are driving away their best customers.
Once you stop using their crack you see how horrible it really is and
how much better your life is without it.

Posted by: jc at October 27, 2013 05:36 AM (PlzOe)

I wondered the same thing. For about a week.

Then I laughed and went fishing.

Posted by: tangonine at October 27, 2013 05:46 AM (x3YFz)

419 The Simpsons phone/tablet game I've been playing seems determined to remind me why I stopped watching the actual TV show about ten years ago. When you assigned certain jobs to Carl, he often whines, "Things like this won't happen when Obama is President!"

Fuck you, Carl. If I say you're pulling a shift at the nuclear power plant, which is you know, your job, Obama doesn't figure into it.

Posted by: Epobirs at October 27, 2013 05:53 AM (kcfmt)

420 If it were just me I'd only have the cable for the internetz. I don't watch a lot of tv anyway.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at October 27, 2013 06:01 AM (yh0zB)

421 which is you know, your job, .....

Posted by: Epobirs at October 27, 2013 05:53 AM (kcfmt)
the most annoying thing about the left is their bullshit related to jobs. we are paid to please other people. you may not have to like each individual you encounter, but without pleasing other people there is no reward. so on the whole (despite the miscellaneous assholes we all have to deal with), your job is the most prominent way for us to express love for strangers.

leftist dipshits somehow get it in their head that government is love and working is the opposite. what a completely fucked up world view.

Posted by: jc at October 27, 2013 06:02 AM (PlzOe)

422 Anything interesting happen on the ONT while I was out partying?

Posted by: The Political Hat at October 27, 2013 06:24 AM (Vk2pI)

423 #420

I feel the same. The cable is mainly there for my mother. She has never gotten used to the idea of video on demand. Renting videos was where her memory banks maxxed out. She has a couple dozen DVDs my siblings and I have bought for her, and I've downloaded hundreds of hours of material she asked about. But she never watches them. For her, TV is something that happens on the networks schedule, though she does use the TiVo.

In fact, I'd probably drop the TiVo subscription if it wasn't for my mother. My sister is a bit mystified when I talk about network drives but she can understand how to bring up videos on the HTPC if I make a desktop icon.

Myself, I haven't followed a broadcast series for over a year. I just have a hard time getting interested anymore it seems. People gushed over Breaking Bad but after sampling it I just felt like it would be good if everybody died and left a better world for their absence. Perhaps I'd feel that way about the Sopranos if it started today.

Posted by: Epobirs at October 27, 2013 06:26 AM (kcfmt)

Off to the last outdoor flea market of the season.

L8ter, h8ters.

Posted by: Ed Anger at October 27, 2013 06:32 AM (tOkJB)

425 Heh, the stuff they show on Cartoon Network is pretty tame as anime goes. I think the wildest thing they have on tonight is FLCL.

Posted by: Epobirs at October 27, 2013 03:24 AM (kcfmt)

If only they'd show "Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt"…

Posted by: 政治的な帽子~です at October 27, 2013 06:43 AM (Vk2pI)

426 My only TV is college football occasionallyand the home renovation shows sometimes. The first often aggravates me and the second makes me think about spending money. Icould unplug, but the GF does watch some stuff that I consider crap. Shecontrols 100% of the scamper though.

Posted by: Tejano Dave at October 27, 2013 06:50 AM (DajPN)

427 The Republican Party's Hidden Advantages.

Bad joke? Right....

Posted by: Flyover Country at October 27, 2013 07:14 AM (ULH4o)

428 Good Morning.

Well after reading upthread a bit, it looks as if I'm not the only one that kicked the tv habit. Good to know. Myself, I quit watching tv when NCIS had a show where a honor killing was done by a Christian. That was probably 3 years ago, or more.

Posted by: Joethefatman™ (@joethefatman1) at October 27, 2013 07:18 AM (MnSla)

429 Now for something completely different:

Posted by: bestie21 at October 27, 2013 07:27 AM (w84fC)

430 We ditched tv for a while years ago when we moved to a new house and the cable company wanted to jam us to for a new install. Started looking at options and didn't get tv for almost a year.

I highly recommend it. Would do it again but the wife likes tv.

Posted by: Typo Dynamofo at October 27, 2013 07:27 AM (FtCW+)

431 Less than 100 comments since I clocked out last night?

Either I'm not. getting enough sleep, or you nightowls aren't doing your job!

Posted by: mindful webworker - rested & .. just, rested at October 27, 2013 07:40 AM (qG1i2)

432 It's going to be a lazy day. Raining here in the woods just northeast of Houston.

Posted by: Joethefatman™ (@joethefatman1) at October 27, 2013 07:48 AM (MnSla)

433 Doing the jobs Americain Morons won't do

Posted by: Juan Moron at October 27, 2013 07:49 AM (AWwDY)

434 434th!

Posted by: Citation X driver at October 27, 2013 07:50 AM (Sqmjr)

435 372 Cthulhu if you're still reading this, you are coming to SoCal during a New Moon, so definitely take a trip down Route 66 to Amboy one of the nights you're out here. You'll be blown away by the sky

Posted by: CAC at October 27, 2013 09:21 AM (E/y1v)

436 We're complaining about Marine hats, but where was the attention when the Army wore black berets with their work uniform for ten years?

Posted by: Bourbonchicken at October 27, 2013 09:23 AM (Jy3vt)

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