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Gun Thread: Pre- TXMoMe Edition!

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Howdy, Y'all! Welcome to the wondrously fabulous Gun Thread! As always, I want to thank all of our regulars for being here week in and week out, and also offer a bigly Gun Thread welcome to any newcomers who may be joining us tonight. Howdy and thank you for stopping by! I hope you find our wacky conversation on the subject of guns 'n shooting both enjoyable and informative. You are always welcome to lurk in the shadows of shame, but I'd like to invite you to jump into the conversation, say howdy, and tell us what kind of shooting you like to do!

Holy Texas Sized Shitballs! The TXMoMe is dang near upon us!! That's right boys and girls, in just a few days we will descend upon Corsicana TX like a flock of retarded locusts. Frankly, I cannot wait! I think over the years (this is ninth!) I have used every superlative known in an effort to cajole "you people" into making the trip. It really is that much fun. A special Thank You to Ben Had, Cow Horse Queen and RancherBob for making it all happen!

Anyhow, there is a bunch of MoMe info below, and if you're going to be there I cant wait to say howdy in person!

Programming Note: You can continue discussing the 10/13/24 PDT rally situation if you like.

With that, step into the dojo and let's get to the gun stuff below, shall we?


So you're out there on the range practicing your fundamentals like a mo-fo and shoot the following 3 round group from a bench with a rifle using commercial ammunition at 100 yards.

101324 target fundamentals scaled.jpg

Ok, not too shabby! Under 1/2 MOA, and all things considered, not too bad! No, actually pretty good! You are one bad ass fundamentals practicin' hombre, and the range babes are impressed! But what factors do you think may have prevented this from being a tighter group? Sock tension and watch diameter? Wind? The inherent limits of commercial ammo? Was the range angry and thereby out of your control?

Q: Weasel, how about wobbly shit?
A: Bingo.

I wasn't present when this group was fired, but I will bet you a nickel what you're seeing are the insidious effects of wobbly shit. Let's assume sock tension and watch diameter were not factors and the range had been appeased and therefore was not angry. The commercial ammo could certainly be part of the issue, but unless you're using North Korean factory seconds, let's assume your ammo is up to the task. Wind effects are generally negligible inside 100 yards unless it's really blowing, so guess what we're left with?

Yup. Wobbly shit.

Wobbly shit will absolutely cause both vertical and horizontal dispersion, particularly at the back of the gun but it doesn't help matters up front in the bipod, either. I have no reason to make this stuff up, people. Your shit just simply cannot be wobbly. Think you have unwobbly shit? I define "unwobbly" as the absolute absence of wobble. Period. In other words, a little bit of wobble is still wobbly.

One-half MOA may very well be bueno for your application and if that is the case then have at it and be happy. It's very nice shooting by any reasonable definition. Just know that with a stock rifle and decent rear bag and bipod, you can very probably tighten things up even more. Also don't forget to have fun in the process. Think of it as a challenge and approach refinements one step at a time. Remember, if this were easy, then everybody would be doing it!


Trigger Mechanics

Trigger mechanics are definitely part of your fundamentals. Below is an easy to understand diagnostic tool from our pal Ten Gallon Hat

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Thanks 10GH!


Reloading Demo at the TX MoMe
So I mentioned last week that our pal Oddbob has graciously volunteered to sacrifice a chunk of his TX MoMe time to make a presentation on reloading, and has asked me to include the Reloading 101 document I put together from past Gun Thread articles. You can also click the PDF link below to download a copy directly from here.

Download PDF

If you plan on attending Oddbob's presentation (Friday 11am) and if you are even a little bit interested in reloading I suggest you do, please print a copy and bring it with you to Texas!


SpaceX Badassery on Full Display
OK, today's SpaceX Starship Flight 5 deserves a Double Jumpin' and Flamin' Holy Atomic Shitballs with a Cherry on Top! They launched the rocket, caught the flamey end in a launch tower contraption, and achieved a pinpoint landing of the pointy end in the Indian Ocean about an hour later. Very, very well done to Elon Musk and the entire SpaceX Team!

Launch and Booster Catch

Reentry and "Water Landing"

Q: Weasel, do you think this is cooler than a box of penguin turds?
A: Why yes, yes I do.

Simply amazing.

I'm making a wee teensy exception to the no politics or current events rule because I think Bill Whittle makes some very good points in the following:


Now This Is A Safe Queen!


Swimming in a Nuclear Waste Storage Pool
Not advised.


The Brain That Would't Die
Have I featured this before? Something tells me I have featured this before.


Texas MoMe Madness!

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TXMoMe Program

Exciting updates in the shooting program below! On Friday, our pal Oddbob will be making a hands-on presentation on reloading beginning at 11am., and our pal EdL will be making a presentation on Short Barreled Rifles (SBRs) and suppressors at 12:00pm, followed by a demonstration on the rifle range after lunch.


I'd like to bring to everyone's attention the upcoming MoMe in Texas on October 18-19. If you're in either the northern or southern hemisphere of the planet of the earth, you need to contact Ben Had for details. The dates and email links for MoMes are always helpfully included on the main page, left sidebar, so you really have no excuse!

There is an entire shooting program for both handguns and rifles over two days, world class food and drink, and the even world classier company of your fellow Morons! More on the Friday/Saturday schedule to come, so stay tuned.

Seriously, people. I have said this probably a bazillion times now. These gatherings are a really good time, and I know of no one who regrets having attended one. No kidding. Would your ol' pal Weasel lie to you? MoMe veterans will attest to the funness. Don't be a dork, do yourself a favor and get your ass to Texas! If you're a TXMoMe veteran, please encourage the scairdy-cats to join in the fun!

TXMoMe Shooting Festivities

This seems like a good time to talk a little bit about the upcoming shooting program at the TXMoMe, or the Conservative's Burning Man, as it's popularly known. What started years ago as an informal plinking session lasting a couple of hours has matured into a full program of shooting activities over two days. I have to thank Ben Had, Cow Horse Queen and RancherBob for allowing the shooting to comprise such a significant portion of the TXMoMe. From a safety and organizational perspective, I think the shooting programs last year were the best so far, and we intend to generally run the programs the same way this year. We haven't lost anyone yet and I'd really like to keep it that way.

For a while I have been conducting a Rifle Clinic on Friday morning followed by range time Friday afternoon and then again well into Saturday. We have also been steadily refining the handgun portion of the program to now include an IDPA-esque move-and-shoot pistol course designed and run by Nurse R & WBG (WeaselBuddyGeoff). There is also the usual static pistol range for those who prefer that style of shooting and a separate setup for gun-curious beginners desiring one-on-one supervision and instruction.

Anyhoo, here's a very rough outline of the schedule of events. Times are tentative and subject to modification/change. I'll move this down to a TXMoMe section below in the coming weeks and update there as necessary.

Friday, 10/18

Rifle Program
8am - 10am: Rifle Clinic (carport)
10am - 11am: Combined Range and Safety Briefing - Mandatory for Friday Arrivals! (carport)
12:00 (carport) and 1pm (rifle range) - SBR Presentation and Demonstration - EdL
11am - 4pm: Live fire (rifle range - targets to 1,000 yds)

Handgun Program
10am - 11am: Combined Range and Safety Briefing - Mandatory for Friday Arrivals! (carport)
11:00am - 12:00pm: Reloading Demonstration - Oddbob
1pm - 2:30pm: Static live fire (pistol range)
2:30 - 4pm: Briefing and Move & Shoot live fire (pistol range)

Saturday, 10/19

Rifle Program
9am - 10am: Combined Range and Safety Briefing - Mandatory for Saturday arrivals! (carport)
9am - 1pm: Live fire (rifle range)

Handgun Program
9am - 10am: Range and Safety Briefing - Mandatory for Saturday arrivals! (carport)
9am - 1pm: Live fire (pistol range)

Again, these times are approximate and programs may change as weather conditions and participation warrant.

You will note there are combined rifle and handgun range safety briefings both days and attendance at one is mandatory. We take your safety seriously and ask everyone who plans to shoot to please also plan on attending this important briefing. All shooters are asked to check in with an RSO (sporting an Orange Cap of Dorkiness for easy identification) upon your arrival at either of the ranges who will answer questions and direct you to an open firing position. The RSOs wield unspeakable power so it is in your best interest to be nice to them.

If you are a novice shooter, or even have never been to the range before and think guns are icky, you are welcome to shoot! Just see an RSO and they will set you up with an experienced shooter to help you. If you miss the mandatory range safety briefing which is mandatory and must be attended, all is not lost. See an RSO to plead your case, be harangued and chastised, and then spend some punishment time on the Disciplinary Range of Shame. In the interests of time and to save yourself the humiliation, please make it to the scheduled range briefings. Thanks.

Please plan on stopping somewhere along your way to Texas and picking up some ammunition if you plan to shoot and aren't bringing your own weapons. Everyone is very generous with sharing, but please don't rely on the generosity of others to provide everything for you. You can really help out by grabbing a box of 9mm or 5.56mm or whatever you want to shoot.

If you are attending the TXMoMe this year, and all the cool kids are, please keep an eye on this section for important information and updates in the coming weeks! I also want to reiterate the TXMoMe is not a gun thing with some socializing attached, but rather is a social thing with some shooting attached. If you aren't a shooter, I guarantee you will not feel out of place and will have a great time. No fooling!

Are all y'all getting excited? Weasel are!!


Musical Interlude
Here is John Lee Hooker and the Rolling Stones.


Ammo Link-O-Rama
I'm really very seriously not kidding around anymore. Buy Ammo
AmmoSeek - online ammo search tool
GunBot - online ammo search tool
SG Ammo
Palmetto State Armory
Georgia Arms
Target Sports USA
Bud's Gun Shop
American Elite Ammo NEW!


Please note the new and improved protonmail account gunthread at protonmail dot com. An informal Gun Thread archive can be found HERE. Future expansion plans are in the works for the site Weasel Gun Thread. If you have a question you would like to ask Gun Thread Staff offline, just send us a note and we'll do our best to answer. If you care to share the story of your favorite firearm, send a picture with your nic and tell us what you sadly lost in the tragic canoe accident. If you would like to remain completely anonymous, just say so. Lurkers are always welcome!

That's it for this week - have you been to the range?

Posted by: Weasel at 07:00 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Balid ID required?

Posted by: Eromero at October 13, 2024 07:16 PM (LHPAg)

2 Montecristo Espada Oscuro, almost finished, if you were wondering, Weasel.

Posted by: rhomboid at October 13, 2024 07:23 PM (QAa0/)

3 Here. W/O ID. But have Gub(s).

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 07:23 PM (OKniM)

4 Hey Weasel! Thanks again! I was beginning to think the gun thread was jinxed.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 07:24 PM (tT6L1)

5 Howdy!

Posted by: Puddleglum, drive by pew pew at October 13, 2024 07:25 PM (sAmhv)

6 Something tells me I have featured this before.
We're not normally allowed to discuss Biden, so probably not.

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 07:26 PM (E8qwH)

Must watch this 2 minute clip because it's important. It's important to the "rust belt" and the "middle class."

Michael fatfuck creepy fuck Moore just had this to say about Trump:

Posted by: Soothsayer at October 13, 2024 07:26 PM (Q6FkM)

8 howdy

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at October 13, 2024 07:27 PM (Mjwzu)

9 Good evening everyone

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2024 07:29 PM (fwDg9)

10 Yay! Gubs!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 13, 2024 07:30 PM (Wnv9h)

11 It's a gun thread!

It's a TxMoMe thread!

* Click*

It's two threads in one!!

Gonne miss it this year, but our hearts are with y'all.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at October 13, 2024 07:31 PM (oeJyF)

12 I'm declaring Monday to be Jerry Jones Day.

Posted by: mrp at October 13, 2024 07:32 PM (rj6Yv)

13 Hello Weasel, see you soon.

If anyone is having trouble with directions to the MOME location please contact BenHad..

Posted by: Rancherbob at October 13, 2024 07:32 PM (21WHr)

14 Gonne miss it this year, but our hearts are with y'all.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at October 13, 2024 07:31 PM (oeJyF)

Darn it, was hoping to mention I'd heard you were attending while you were sitting right next to me.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 07:32 PM (tT6L1)

15 I learned some stuff about wobbly shit two weeks ago.
I was ROing a FIRE (Find Identify Range Engage) match. 350-1250 yards.
Nearlyall shooters/teams had the GameChanger rear bag. Except it’s used an all round bag.
My station was shooting from four different rails of a farm fence. The bag fit very nicely over each rail.
Of course I bought one. Heavy. Solid. Stable. Did not wobble.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 07:33 PM (OKniM)

16 Hello: Best wishes for a successful MoMe, can’t be there but hope you have good weather and good times. Two questions:
1 For 9mm 115 v 124 self defense ammo. Which, IYO is better.
2. .357 mag JHP vs JSP for self defense.
Any thoughts will be appreciated. TIA

Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at October 13, 2024 07:33 PM (R8gY0)

17 Does a victory despite wobbly shit work for you, weaselsan?

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 07:34 PM (tT6L1)

18 The press conference with the sheriff of Coachella confirmed that the charges for Vem Miller were for possession of illegal firearms, not secured according to CA law.
This fellow presented in a car with unruly contents, fake license plates, several fake IDs, several passports and a fake press pass.
Apparently he is one of these Sovereign Citizen types who found out he ain't so sovereign after all.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at October 13, 2024 07:34 PM (MeG8a)

19 @ 7, wow, just wow. never thought I would see that. wow.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - they have been lying to us for decades at October 13, 2024 07:34 PM (UWgy2)

20 Good Sunday evening, gub 'ettes and 'rons, and a special greeting to the Head Retarded Locust!

Mild content warning about the "What If" author, Randall Munroe, who also draws XKCD. He's normally brilliant, but he gets retarded (to continue the theme) around elections. Nobody's perfect, though, except possibly Weasel.

Posted by: Schnorflepuppy at October 13, 2024 07:35 PM (UyrjH)

21 "Darn it, was hoping to mention I'd heard you were attending while you were sitting right next to me."

Between our sons wedding a few weeks ago, my father's hospitalization in Pa the other day, we just can't pull it together.

Oh, and greetings from B'More, on way to visit my dad.
( Just shoot me)

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at October 13, 2024 07:35 PM (oeJyF)

22 Gonne miss it this year, but our hearts are with y'all.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at October 13, 2024 07:31 PM

Damn. The RMBS Mom was looking forward to catching up with you and Mrs. VIA.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 13, 2024 07:36 PM (Wnv9h)

23 Wow been out and about all day did not know about another assassination attempt.

Anyways good evening gub threaders and all the ships at sea.

At my annual Torque and Recoil event on the Takl of the Dragon. This area was unscathed by Helene. But got to shoot for first time in a while.

Posted by: blaster at October 13, 2024 07:36 PM (VN5Xb)

24 Hi Weasel and fellow enthusiasts. I have packed my guns into their bright orange case and have my suitcase about half packed. My knee still unhappy but got a shot in it last Wednesday so hoping it is better by the time I get to Texas.
Looks like it is going to be very hot so don;t forget your hats.
Ordered ammo this week. Good prices. Bereli doesn;t charge shipping even on smaller lots so highly recommended.
See you all soon...

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 07:36 PM (t/2Uw)

25 ( Just shoot me)
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at October 13, 2024 07:35 PM

It's B'More. You won't need our help.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 13, 2024 07:37 PM (Wnv9h)

26 Also shot IDPA yesterday. Took 1st place in my pistol caliber carbine class!
Yup, class size of …1.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 07:37 PM (OKniM)

27 I did something last week that I haven't done for more than 20 years - I ordered a new gub.

Posted by: mrp at October 13, 2024 07:37 PM (rj6Yv)

28 See you all soon...
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 07:36 PM



Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 13, 2024 07:37 PM (Wnv9h)

29 Trump was the FU candidate the first time around. Michael Moore is just figuring that out?

Posted by: fd at October 13, 2024 07:38 PM (vFG9F)

30 @ Rufus T, the best 9mm ammo is the stuff your gun will eat without any hiccups. Basically, shoot a few different brands, both range and self defense ammo and work from there.

With 357 ammo, assuming wheel gun, reliability isn't going to be as much a factor as accuracy. You may find some ammo doesn't shoot well in your pistol.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 07:38 PM (tT6L1)

31 Wish I could go to the MOME; too much happening right now (work--they laid me off, then wanted me back two months later; is okay, as I got termination pay AND pay at higher rate for the last month).

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2024 07:38 PM (ynpvh)

32 Trump was the FU candidate the first time around. Michael Moore is just figuring that out?
Posted by: fd at October 13, 2024 07:38 PM

To be fair to him, he's not very smaht.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 13, 2024 07:39 PM (Wnv9h)

33 The chopsticks catch of the Starship booster is incredible. Wow.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 13, 2024 07:39 PM (mH6SG)

34 Finally bought a boom stick. A used .357 Colt revolver. I bought it at Sharpshooters indoor range and gun shop in Lorton, VA. They were very helpful and even answered my dumb questions. I'm going to take a course they offer. Safety, how to clean, basic stuff. Includes range time too. Just got to schedule it. Life is a harsh mistress though. Did buy a box of ammo (.38 Special) and plan to get some more online, once I check a few sites out first. Need some cleaning supplies for gun. Amazon any good?

Posted by: Puddleglum, drive by pew pew at October 13, 2024 07:40 PM (sAmhv)

35 important information and updates in the coming weeks!
We doing the time machine thing again?

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 07:40 PM (E8qwH)


Valid ID: Yes
Pants: No

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at October 13, 2024 07:42 PM (BkEzK)

37 Range report

Focused on sight alignment and trigger pull.

I got a rhythm down. Sight, squeeze, one, two. Sight squeeze, one , two.

Five rounds. Stop. Inspect target. Repeat. I found the rhythm soothing and focused.

Very nice.

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2024 07:42 PM (dYHqK)

38 Gub!

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 13, 2024 07:43 PM (mH6SG)

39 Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2024 07:42 PM (dYHqK)

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 07:43 PM (fFYnV)

40 {{{RMBS}}}
Looking forward to seeing you and Mom. Was it your rifle I shot last time? It was so hot and I only had a few minutes on the rifle range. All I remember is that I hit one out of 5 at 300 yds and really really want to try and do better this time.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 07:44 PM (t/2Uw)

41 Five rounds. Stop. Inspect target. Repeat. I found the rhythm soothing and focused.

Very nice.
Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2024 07:42 PM

Very nice! Much success!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 13, 2024 07:44 PM (Wnv9h)

42 1 For 9mm 115 v 124 self defense ammo. Which, IYO is better.
Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at October 13, 2024 07:33 PM (R8gY0)

Primarily for me, it's which one cycles the handgun. I have a 1911 that just doesn't do well with 115gr. Other handguns have no problem with it.

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 07:44 PM (E8qwH)

43 17 Hello: Best wishes for a successful MoMe, can’t be there but hope you have good weather and good times. Two questions:
1 For 9mm 115 v 124 self defense ammo. Which, IYO is better.
2. .357 mag JHP vs JSP for self defense.
Any thoughts will be appreciated. TIA
Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly
Quick answer--handguns rounds suck at one stop stops and the marginal different between brands probably matters more than the particular bullet or bullet weight.

On 9mm, some guns have regulated sights for 124gr and prefer it (NATO is why). Others have sights, springs, etc. that like the 115gr bullet which domestic producers preferred. You have to try some of both and find out how they perform in your particular gun--not others.

In 357 Magnum, the old traditional police load is a 125 gr HP at 1350-1450 fps--broad and nasty wound that does not overpenetrate.

A softpoint will penetrate more without a hollowpoint. That may not be a good thing depending on the load. FWIW, Remington used to sell a scalloped jacketed 125 gr hp where the tip was lead and the rest jacketed in a scalloped fashion to aid in expansion. Had a good track record on the street.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 07:44 PM (bt/Nj)

44 Ola, ca va?
Spuhr mounts, there are no others. That is all.

Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at October 13, 2024 07:44 PM (bgJ0E)

45 But what factors do you think may have prevented this from being a tighter group? Sock tension and watch diameter? Wind? The inherent limits of commercial ammo? Was the range angry and thereby out of your control?

The only time my groups open up like that is when two range babes are nuzzling my neck and softly* complementing me on my cologne, which can be a tad distracting, and something I need to work on.

* softly, so my electronic ear muffs transmit their sultry voices

Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2024 07:45 PM (a3Q+t)

46 Looking forward to seeing you and Mom. Was it your rifle I shot last time? It was so hot and I only had a few minutes on the rifle range. All I remember is that I hit one out of 5 at 300 yds and really really want to try and do better this time.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 07:44 PM

Might have been. You may try. A lot.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 13, 2024 07:45 PM (Wnv9h)

47 Godspeed to all going to the Mo-Me this week

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2024 07:45 PM (fwDg9)

48 Gonna miss y’all in TX. But Mrs. Red’s first cataract is out, she can see spectacularly, and can’t wait for the second.
I bet her shooting improves.
But she seems to have forgotten the way to the range.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 07:46 PM (OKniM)

49 Godspeed to all going to the Mo-Me this week


Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 13, 2024 07:46 PM (mH6SG)

50 34 Finally bought a boom stick. A used .357 Colt revolver. I bought it at Sharpshooters indoor range and gun shop in Lorton, VA. They were very helpful and even answered my dumb questions. I'm going to take a course they offer. Safety, how to clean, basic stuff. Includes range time too. Just got to schedule it. Life is a harsh mistress though. Did buy a box of ammo (.38 Special) and plan to get some more online, once I check a few sites out first. Need some cleaning supplies for gun. Amazon any good?
Posted by: Puddleglum

It is okay but there are several online gun product dealers that have better prices. Amazon actually uses Midwayusa for some of its gun goods item fulfillment. You are better off ordering directly as far as those items from Midway.

Brownells is another very old established firm that has quite a bit of cleaning and maintenance. There are others including some mass market sporting goods stores like Academy Sporting too if you want a local place to shop. Another is to find your local gunsmith and buy products there. Many keep things like cleaning supplies. May be a bit higher but always good to be a pleasant customer to a gunsmith and get to know them.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 07:48 PM (bt/Nj)

51 I do have a range report. I went for a bit of gunpowder therapy on Friday. The therapy part was good, the shooting was ok. The magazine... not so much.

I sent a pic with the story to Weasel. This was a decent, but not top of the line*, 1911 .45 mag. I had fired it twice before just on this range trip and several range trips before this. Last round of 5 I had in the magazine.

I pulled the trigger and it went BOOM. Simultaneously soot blew out of the chamber all over my hands, something came back and pinged off my glasses and cheek, and I saw something come out the bottom of the grip. (I did hit the target, BTW - near center.)


Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 07:49 PM (E8qwH)

52 Heh somewhere in the top 100 or so…

No shewtin but cleared brush around deer stands and did major repairs on a couple, one of which was essentially unusable. Thanks as. Always, Weasel and to the Horde heading to Texas, have a great time.

Posted by: Coelacanth at October 13, 2024 07:50 PM (8ns+9)

53 Range Report:

Due to Hurricane Milton Rnge is CLOSED until further notice

Mong events impacted

They have a bunch of recurring events that were simply canceled, but that one may have been significant to postpone for months.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at October 13, 2024 07:50 PM (/lPRQ)

54 Puddleglum, believe it or not, but Wally World has lots of Gub cleaning supplies.
And targets. And cheap holsters. And gun safes.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 07:50 PM (OKniM)

55 Range report, victory despite wobbly edition.

One of our local ranges had a sponsored event, which was poorly advertised and, unfortunately, bad attendance. But, we had enough shooters to make it interesting.

Anyway, rifle match consisted of half size playing cards @100 yards. 5 shots, best hand wins. (I was laughing because I didn't really think this would be much of a challenge. it was, but not in the way I expected)

Because the eyes just aren't what they used to be I decided to go for a 4 of a kind, all aces, because it was easy to figure where the aces were. I took the first round without much trouble, going 4 aces and one missed shot in jack.

Then, we went into the shoot off round and I again shot 4 aces, with a king high, thereby winning the match. The thing which troubled me, though, was it seemed my shooting was a bit inconsistent, from shot to shot, even though I was within the playing card. I finally realized the bench setup wasn't the best, wobbly, even, and that's why shot consistency was a problem, even though I won.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 07:51 PM (tT6L1)

56 48 Gonna miss y’all in TX. But Mrs. Red’s first cataract is out, she can see spectacularly, and can’t wait for the second.
I bet her shooting improves.
But she seems to have forgotten the way to the range.
Posted by: RI Red

Had to tell Ben Had, I won't be there either. Surgery for a trapped nerve is in my near future. Milder methods failed such as cortisone shots, rest, ice, heat, anti inflammatories, etc.

They will have to relieve the nerve where it is trapped and due to a whole bunch of nerve channel impingement, the back and the hand/should/elbow surgeon are gonna have to collaborate. The nerve conductive tests didn't give a clear message as to whether cervical or shoulder/elbow/forearm impingement.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 07:51 PM (bt/Nj)

57 Hello, Weasel! Can't hang around tonight because I'm still packing for the start of my road trip tomorrow.

R.T. Firefly, check out the Lucky Gunner webpage. They've conducted testing on ballistic gelatin with a variety of .38 and .357 defense loads (see entry under the "Labs" tab) and several 9mm loads. Look up the 9mm self=defense loads for sale. The loads tested will have a "Tested" symbol and a link that will allow you to view the results. Note that they tested +P loads too. If you select one of those, make sure your handgun is up to taking those pressures.

Posted by: Ed L at October 13, 2024 07:51 PM (yRXSd)

58 Gonna miss y’all in TX. But Mrs. Red’s first cataract is out, she can see spectacularly, and can’t wait for the second.
I bet her shooting improves.
But she seems to have forgotten the way to the range.
Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 07:46 PM (OKniM)\\

Outstanding news about the surgery. I thought my shooting days were over until I had my cataracts removed. 20-15 vision now in both eyes. When I went to the gun store afterwards, the first thing I did was check the iron sights on a Beretta 92FS. Saw them perfectly.

Posted by: mrp at October 13, 2024 07:51 PM (rj6Yv)

59 49 Godspeed to all going to the Mo-Me this week

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 13, 2024 07:46 PM (mH6SG)


Posted by: AlaBAMA at October 13, 2024 07:52 PM (mzM2O)

60 Posted by: Ed L at October 13, 2024 07:51 PM

See you in TX, Ed.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 13, 2024 07:53 PM (Wnv9h)

61 nother is to find your local gunsmith and buy products there. Many keep things like cleaning supplies. May be a bit higher but always good to be a pleasant customer to a gunsmith and get to know them.
Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 07:48 PM (bt/Nj)
Whig is good on this one.Your LGS guys will be your friends. I've used the same ones for over 25 years.

Posted by: Eromero at October 13, 2024 07:53 PM (LHPAg)

62 I didn't see anything about cleaning clinic? Is there still going to be one? I need a hack on how to depress the two little levers on the old G48 without ripping up my fingers. I have done it by using a rubber thingie that I use to open stuck jars but it's awkward and takes forever. Not a problem with the new G48 because the sight gives me leverage but it's like I need a third hand to hold the gun steady while I pull back the slide.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 07:53 PM (t/2Uw)

63 54 Puddleglum, believe it or not, but Wally World has lots of Gub cleaning supplies.
And targets. And cheap holsters. And gun safes.
Posted by: RI Red
RI, that is a store by store issue. Urban areas don't have much or even no gun dept. Suburban is a mix depending on the state. Rural ones usually do.

The two around me pulled all the gun stuff and then after reorganizing put some of it back but far less than they used to have. They no longer sell handgun ammo either (22 LR fine, 9mm etc. bad).

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 07:53 PM (bt/Nj)

64 Did they ever figure out how many bullets Walz loaded in the clip of his hunting gun?

Posted by: fd at October 13, 2024 07:54 PM (vFG9F)

65 64 Did they ever figure out how many bullets Walz loaded in the clip of his hunting gun?
Posted by: fd at October 13, 2024 07:54 PM (vFG9F)

He was hunting with an M1?


Posted by: AlaBAMA at October 13, 2024 07:55 PM (mzM2O)

66 For interpretation, LGS means local gun store. Always good to know those folks and if you get into buying a firearm online--you will need one of them to do the transfer for you.

The big boys cut and run like Dicks whenever a CEO wets their pants. The LGS are there for the long haul--it is their life by and large.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 07:55 PM (bt/Nj)

67 @34 Posted by: Puddleglum, drive by pew pew at October 13, 2024 07:40 PM (sAmhv)
Congratulations Puddlegum. Hope you enjoy the new gun. Sounds like you have a good shop to work with; just my $.02 but you may want to buy your ammo and supplies from them for a while. I deal with my local brick and mortar store near by, makes for a good relationship.

Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at October 13, 2024 07:55 PM (R8gY0)

68 Hah, RI Red, my wife just finished with her cataract surgery. I was worried I'd have to cancel TX but, she's come through with flying colors.

My wife has had poor eyesight most of her life and getting new lenses in her eyes has been a revelation.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 07:55 PM (tT6L1)

69 Sorry to hear, Whig. Both of my elbows impinge the nerves so my hands always fall asleep depending on position.
But not debilitating, just annoying. Wakes me up from a perfectly good nap.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 07:55 PM (OKniM)

70 Last pre-MoMe range trip yesterday; it went OK, but still trying to get rid of those bad habits. I've made sure to bring the pistol I'm bringing to Texas, to every range trip for the last few months. I wanted to get gud with it. I got...OK enough to not embarrass myself. I hope.

It will be my first time ever traveling on an airline with a firearm. I've read all the fine print, I think. If I missed a paragraph, I guess I'll be in jail instead of Texas.

Posted by: Splunge at October 13, 2024 07:56 PM (hmKaK)

71 2/2
I immediately gave the gun and my hands a quick visual - nothing screaming at me there. So I put the gun down safely and closely inspected my hands - no injuries but covered in powder burn soot. I checked my face (wearing glasses, Moron Horde hat, and button-up shirt - and beard) and found nothing amiss.

I checked the gun, and noticed the magazine spring sitting on the range counter, and the floor plate of the magazine mostly missing. The outer ring was still around the bottom of the mag. The follower was on the floor (and might have been what pinged off my face).

Magazine ejected fine (what was left of it). Function checked the pistol - it appears fine. After answering everyone that I was fine (almost everyone on the range noticed) I put in my last mag of .45 for the day and fired them. I had a little flinch on the first round, but the rest were fine.

My shooting was meh for the whole trip. I did shoot a couple of WMRs from my .22 revolver to start the trip, and fired my EDC through 50 rounds. It only got exciting right at the end.

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 07:56 PM (E8qwH)

72 62 I didn't see anything about cleaning clinic? Is there still going to be one? I need a hack on how to depress the two little levers on the old G48 without ripping up my fingers. I have done it by using a rubber thingie that I use to open stuck jars but it's awkward and takes forever. Not a problem with the new G48 because the sight gives me leverage but it's like I need a third hand to hold the gun steady while I pull back the slide.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice)

There are little plastic Glock takedown tools to help with this problem. SHOT show provided a few fee ones for me, but a intertubes view should find them. About $15 or so.

Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at October 13, 2024 07:57 PM (bgJ0E)

73 I didn't see anything about cleaning clinic? Is there still going to be one?
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 07:53 PM (t/2Uw)
Not this year. We need someone to step up and conduct it.

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 07:57 PM (fFYnV)

74 I may need cataract surgery in the near future. Good to hear it is so common and such great results.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 07:57 PM (t/2Uw)

75 Good evening all, and happy TX MoMe week!
VIA, will miss seeing you and your wife. Hope the wedding was big fun and that your Dad is feeling better very soon.
RI Red, we will also miss seeing you there. Glad to hear that Mrs. Red's eye procedure was a success.
Nurse, I appreciate your description, I call it my zone time.
I have no range report this week, but I am going to TX on Wed, so will make up for it then. Looking forward to seeing everyone who will be attending. And thanks to all who make this possible, especially Ben Had, Rancher Bob and Cow Horse Queen.

Posted by: Grateful at October 13, 2024 07:57 PM (IQ6Gq)

76 @whig, I'm sorry to hear you won't make it. I was looking forward to shaking your hand.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 07:58 PM (tT6L1)

77 Kamala! has revealed that she owns a Glock. She did not specify the model, but it's likely a G17 or G19, Gen 3.

"Wow!", you say. "How would you know it's a Gen 3, Duncanthrax?"

Because the only Glocks that are legal in California are certain Gen 3s. 4s and 5s are not legal.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2024 07:58 PM (a3Q+t)

78 Thank you Ed L, I’ll check that out.

Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at October 13, 2024 07:58 PM (R8gY0)

79 (* My last .45 magazine to go Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly on me was a Wilson Combat. So I don't think it was because it was a cheapo magazine.)

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 07:58 PM (E8qwH)

Trump was the FU candidate the first time around. Michael Moore is just figuring that out?
Posted by: fd


Posted by: Soothsayer at October 13, 2024 07:59 PM (Q6FkM)

81 -----
Not this year. We need someone to step up and conduct it.
Posted by: Weasel

Ohh.... pick me.

Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at October 13, 2024 08:00 PM (bgJ0E)

82 For next year....... I will be at that one.

Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at October 13, 2024 08:00 PM (bgJ0E)

83 TxMoMe question for Weasel. Are you planning to make a Cannonball Run-type journey to Corsicana like you did a couple of years ago? Personally, I'm hoping you have planned the trek to be a little more leisurely. Heh.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 13, 2024 08:00 PM (mH6SG)

84 Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at October 13, 2024 08:00 PM (bgJ0E)
OK! Picked!

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 08:00 PM (HfpuP)

85 Duncanthrax, doesn't Calif also have a mag limit?

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 08:01 PM (t/2Uw)

86 Was that Jan in a Pan? OK I'll read the content

Posted by: Hokey Pokey at October 13, 2024 08:01 PM (QSrLX)

87 R.T. Firefly, check out the Lucky Gunner webpage.
Posted by: Ed L
Interpreting firearm ballistics can be a bit confusing and advertising doesn't help. LuckyGunner Labs and AmmoToGo, have actually conducted ballistic gelatin tests (messy and expensive) on a wide variety of self defense cartridges.

That being said, it matters how long or short the barrel of your gun is versus the one tested (357 Magnum is not generally a good idea in snubbie barrels aka shorter than 3 inches--due to muzzle blast and less performance/heavy recoil). 9mm, if you have a 3.1 inch and the gun tested is four or more, then you would be best served by trying one of the specific short barrel loads such as Gold Dot makes. Mfgs and reloaders can tailor loads to short barrels.

Avoid the gimmick rounds--ultra light and fast, strange nose designs, etc. Those are not proven in the field for someone not with a particular set of needs. (NJ bans hollowpoints for example).

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 08:01 PM (bt/Nj)

88 Yup, I am definitely rural in northern NH. But you’re right. Wally dumped ARs and pistol ammo, so I just buy patches, targets and cleaners there.
My large dollar purchasers are to my 3 LGSs.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 08:01 PM (OKniM)

89 I may need cataract surgery in the near future. Good to hear it is so common and such great results.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 07:57 PM (t/2Uw)

The key is to find the best cataract surgeon in the area. Preferably one that has a staff and operates in a permanent clinic. My optometrist recommended some ophthalmologists who make their rounds working from leased spaces in local hospitals. I didn't like that, and found the best doc who works at a top-tier eye center.

Posted by: mrp at October 13, 2024 08:02 PM (rj6Yv)

90 Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 13, 2024 08:00 PM (mH6SG)
I've made the drive a bunch or times but this year I'm flying down.

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 08:02 PM (HfpuP)

91 For next year....... I will be at that one.
Posted by: NZFrank

Aw, not this year? I've been wanting to hear more about the good cunts you run with.

Posted by: She Hobbit at October 13, 2024 08:02 PM (ftFVW)

92 A reminder that this year is the ninth TX MoMee, so you know what that means... next year will be the tenth TX Mo Mee.

*hint* *hint*

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at October 13, 2024 08:02 PM (FnneF)

93 76 @whig, I'm sorry to hear you won't make it. I was looking forward to shaking your hand.
Posted by: blake
The way my arm feels, it might just come off in your hands while doing that. Nerve pain starts by tingling, numbness, pain. Get it about every 30-40 minutes no matter what I do and it lasts until my back eventually decides it hates me and joins in.

Had arm, hand, and elbow surgery on my left about 18 months ago. This time, it is the right arm.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 08:03 PM (bt/Nj)

94 Sorry to hear you can't come Whig, but am praying that your surgery goes well and is successful.

Posted by: Grateful at October 13, 2024 08:03 PM (IQ6Gq)

95 I may need cataract surgery in the near future. Good to hear it is so common and such great results.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 07:57 PM (t/2Uw)

I had cataract surgery a few years ago. First time since about age 8 that I no longer needed glasses or contact lenses to see! And my color vision improved, too. That muddy brown glass lid for the slow cooker became a nice shade of purple. I need reading glasses for very close work, or sustained reading efforts, but menus and suchlike I can manage without, provided there is decent light. The surgical technique has been so refined now, that it takes only a few minutes under local anaesthetic, and is quite painless. No dread required.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at October 13, 2024 08:03 PM (U0UC8)

96 Sharon,
After pulling the two tabs down, you can release the slide and pull the trigger and the slide should come right off.

I just did it with my G19 and G42.

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2024 08:04 PM (8Ep58)

97 Weasel, I'll do the cleaning clinic if a quick once over the basics is OK. I'm bringing my cleaning tools, so I'll have stuff to work with.

Posted by: Ed L at October 13, 2024 08:04 PM (yRXSd)

98 54 Puddleglum, believe it or not, but Wally World has lots of Gub cleaning supplies.
And targets. And cheap holsters. And gun safes.
Posted by: RI Red
Didn't think about Wally World. There's one right up the street.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at October 13, 2024 08:04 PM (sAmhv)

99 91 For next year....... I will be at that one.
Posted by: NZFrank

Aw, not this year? I've been wanting to hear more about the good cunts you run with.
Posted by: She Hobbit

Well, I can do that. Top tip, if we use the word good as a prefix, its jake. If there is no prefix, thats bad.

Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at October 13, 2024 08:04 PM (bgJ0E)

100 This was with some ammo I bought in bulk a while back. I (stupidly) didn't put the ammo info in the ammo case with the rounds, like I normally do. So I can't say what the ammo was. But I do think the ammo had something to do with it. All that powder came from somewhere.

Boy was my gun dirty when I got home. I cleaned it and function checked it (again), and it appears fine. Extractor worked while at the range.

Also, I need to work on field stripping that weapon a bit more. It should have gone back together more handily than it did. I will review my disassembly and re-assembly drills, Drill Sergeant.

Opinions on what happened?

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 08:05 PM (E8qwH)

101 Evening all. Sorry for the lateness. Was enjoying dinner at one of my brothers.

How is everyone? I have my Jeep nearly packed. Just need to load the pew pews, the freedom seeds and my luggage. :-)

Posted by: Scuba_Dude at October 13, 2024 08:05 PM (0XVad)

102 Duncanthrax, doesn't Calif also have a mag limit?
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 08:01 PM

It *was* 10 rounds. I say was, because I seem to remember a recent court case or two that might have put the kabosh on that foolishness.

Since my escape as a political refugee from that blue sh*thole, I don't keep up with their foolishness much. I do know they still send agents to cruise the parking lots of large gun shows in NV, and record license plates, with a few toward busting people who may be evading the onerous ammo purchase restrictions in CA.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2024 08:05 PM (a3Q+t)

103 There are little plastic Glock takedown tools to help with this problem. SHOT show provided a few fee ones for me, but a intertubes view should find them. About $15 or so.

Posted by: NZFrank with

Thank you! Thank you! Nice to know it is not just me. Everything about the Glock is so user friendly except for those stupid levers.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 08:05 PM (t/2Uw)

104 I've made the drive a bunch or times but this year I'm flying down.
Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 08:02 PM

Safe travels, amigo.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 13, 2024 08:05 PM (mH6SG)

105 I may need cataract surgery in the near future. Good to hear it is so common and such great results.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 07:57 PM

The RMBS Mom had it done to great effect. Talk to her at the MoMe.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 13, 2024 08:05 PM (Wnv9h)

106 Good on ya, blake. A win is a win, whether wobbly shooting or getting new eyesight.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 08:06 PM (OKniM)

107 Posted by: Ed L at October 13, 2024 08:04 PM (yRXSd)
Thanks but the schedule is set and I'd prefer not to start adding things now.

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 08:07 PM (x0NqF)

108 Because the only Glocks that are legal in California are certain Gen 3s. 4s and 5s are not legal.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2024 07:58 PM (a3Q+t)

Do you really think the Ho cares about legal? For all I know, her Glock has a giggle switch on it.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at October 13, 2024 08:07 PM (U0UC8)

109 Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 13, 2024 08:05 PM (mH6SG)

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 08:08 PM (x0NqF)

110 94 Sorry to hear you can't come Whig, but am praying that your surgery goes well and is successful.
Posted by: Grateful
Thanks. I need all the help with the big guy that I can get. My hand/arm surgeon was great the last time, keeping fingers crossed on this one. Nice young woman.

But, I am cranky because I just hate the round of tests, confirmatory steroid shots (didn't work), etc. that I have to do before insurance will preauthorize surgery. Some people have family albums, I have medical imaging ones going back over a decade.

All of you will be having fun I hope and raise a glass or two for me. Or put a buncha holes in the center of the target--either/both will make me feel better.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 08:08 PM (bt/Nj)

111 84 Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at October 13, 2024 08:00 PM (bgJ0E)
OK! Picked!
Posted by: Weasel

Sweet. It won't take long....... just long enough to point to a can of CRC Longlife and explain that the greasier the easier. (:

Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at October 13, 2024 08:08 PM (bgJ0E)

112 77 Kamala! has revealed that she owns a Glock. She did not specify the model, but it's likely a G17 or G19, Gen 3.

"Wow!", you say. "How would you know it's a Gen 3, Duncanthrax?"

Because the only Glocks that are legal in California are certain Gen 3s. 4s and 5s are not legal.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2024 07:58 PM (a3Q+t)
You assume she would not violate a firearm law by owning a firearm not allowed to common Kalifornians. Happy Navy Birthday!

Posted by: Eromero at October 13, 2024 08:08 PM (LHPAg)

113 Sharpshooters in Lorton, VA is fairly easy to get to. It just depends on Babylon DC traffic.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at October 13, 2024 08:09 PM (sAmhv)

114 The chopsticks catch of the Starship booster is incredible. Wow.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 13, 2024 07:39 PM (mH6SG)

The splashdown was pretty incredible, too.
But, yeah, snagging a rocket in flight to re-use it is just the way it should be done. Had me fist-pumping and grinning from ear-to-ear.

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 08:09 PM (E8qwH)

115 Thank you Whig. I knew I could get good advice here. Much appreciated.

Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at October 13, 2024 08:10 PM (R8gY0)

116 Since my escape as a political refugee from that blue sh*thole, I don't keep up with their foolishness much. I do know they still send agents to cruise the parking lots of large gun shows in NV, and record license plates, with a few toward busting people who may be evading the onerous ammo purchase restrictions in CA.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2024 08:05 PM (a3Q+t)

For the Cali Morons: drive to Nevada, park at a brothel, go in to the lobby. Call an Uber, get driven to a place across the street from the gun store, walk across street, load up with the goodies, call another Uber back to the brothel. Drive home, do not sample the goods.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at October 13, 2024 08:11 PM (U0UC8)

117 and explain that the greasier the easier. (:
Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at October 13, 2024 08:08 PM


Posted by: Hedley Lamar at October 13, 2024 08:11 PM (Wnv9h)

118 I remembering being in awe of the Saturn V moon missions. Elon basically said, "Oh yeah, well, did they ever try this with a Saturn V, huh, huh, huh?"

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 08:11 PM (tT6L1)

119 Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at October 13, 2024 08:09 PM (sAmhv)
One of the idiots who worked there pissed me off so badly about 20 years ago I vowed to never go back again.

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 08:11 PM (x0NqF)

120 Need some cleaning supplies for gun. Amazon any good?
Posted by: Puddleglum, drive by pew pew at October 13, 2024 07:40 PM (sAmhv)

Probably easiest to just buy a cleaning kit from the range. Oodles of people make them. But do buy extra patches, as those are consumable, and they never put enough in the kit.

(I went through a LOT of patches cleaning the .45 this go-around. I wonder why?)

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 08:12 PM (E8qwH)

121 94 Sorry to hear you can't come Whig, but am praying that your surgery goes well and is successful.
Posted by: Grateful at October 13, 2024 08:03 PM (IQ6Gq)

What Grateful said, Whig. Hope your surgeons are skilled and can provide you some relief.

Posted by: Schnorflepuppy at October 13, 2024 08:13 PM (UyrjH)

122 117 and explain that the greasier the easier. (:
Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at October 13, 2024 08:08 PM

Posted by: Hedley Lamar

But enough about me.

Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at October 13, 2024 08:13 PM (bgJ0E)

123 Nurse, I have done it several times. I even installed a new spring. Pulling those tabs down, holding them down while I pull back the slide hurts my fingers. I'll see if i can find what NZ Frank mentioned.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 08:13 PM (t/2Uw)

124 Probably easiest to just buy a cleaning kit from the range. Oodles of people make them. But do buy extra patches, as those are consumable, and they never put enough in the kit.

(I went through a LOT of patches cleaning the .45 this go-around. I wonder why?)
Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 08:12 PM (E8qwH)

I think even Hazard Fraught sells a universal gun cleaning kit.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at October 13, 2024 08:14 PM (U0UC8)

125 NZFrank!

Howdy handsome! Looking forward to sharing the stats with you again. One of the highlights that year.

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2024 08:14 PM (aP2uV)

126 Sharing the stars.

Ferking autocucumber

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2024 08:15 PM (aP2uV)

127 Opinions on what happened?
Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 08:05 PM (E8qwH)
How old was the magazine?

Posted by: Eromero at October 13, 2024 08:15 PM (LHPAg)

128 Speaking of gun supplies, does anyone use Lucas Gun Oil?

Posted by: mrp at October 13, 2024 08:15 PM (rj6Yv)

129 NZFrank, thanks for the stocking stuffer idea. DILIT just loves her Glock 44, so lots of .22 stuff goes to her.
There’s also a magazine tool that helps depress that godawful spring for loading.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 08:15 PM (OKniM)

130 Funny but true story about my October so far. Hurricane Helene knocked down an outshed with a large tulip popular and a large oak tree basically on one of the last nasty gusts of wind when the direction shifted to Westerly winds.

Having to supervise building a new shed without being able to do much other than holler and point at the guys doing it.

Lowes lost an expensive order of trim coil for the window people (having outside old window trim clad in shiny aluminum) to go with new sashes already installed.

And, coming home from teh surgeon's appt whose shot of cortisone to the trigger points did not work---my car acts like the transmission is shot--creep back home at about 30-35 mph. Installed new coil packs and vacuum valves, injectors, etc. for a long trip to Texas. Something, probably one of the Chinesium or Mexican Toyota parts went bad even though I used OEM Toyota parts--Denso, etc.

And my mechanic which was replacing the old injectors (possibly original) to a Nissan 90's model hardbody is having to literally soak in pb blaster and pull them like teeth.

So we are down to one car which my wife needs to work.

Not been a good month for me this year.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 08:16 PM (bt/Nj)

131 I think Kamala said Glock because that was the first thing that came to mind. She must have hung around LEOs at some point and a lot carry Glocks. She knew noone would ever call her on it.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 08:17 PM (t/2Uw)

132 Milder methods failed such as cortisone shots, rest, ice, heat, anti inflammatories, etc.
Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 07:51 PM (bt/Nj)

So, you did try to slap hot iron on it?

(Also, bummer you will miss the MoMe. Prayers for the procedure.)

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 08:17 PM (E8qwH)

133 @RI Red, thanks, Funny thing, I'm beating people who have better equipment. However, I'm making fewer mistakes, which has been the difference It's just bizarre to take on people shooting 300 PRC and beat them with an .06.

I'm pretty sure, though, they'll catch up and pass me at some point. Though, I plan to make them work for it, because I've not yet gotten everything out of the .06 I can.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 08:17 PM (tT6L1)

134 114 The chopsticks catch of the Starship booster is incredible. Wow.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 13, 2024 07:39 PM (mH6SG)

The splashdown was pretty incredible, too.
But, yeah, snagging a rocket in flight to re-use it is just the way it should be done. Had me fist-pumping and grinning from ear-to-ear.
Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 08:09 PM (E8qwH)

That was friggin' cool to watch.

I saw a tweet showing how SpaceX has single-handedly reduced the cost to orbit by an order of magnitude, thus opening up new space-based services that would otherwise have been cost-prohibitive. Starlink, for example, probably wouldn't have happened without the proven repeatability of the Falcon 9 booster stack.

Posted by: Schnorflepuppy at October 13, 2024 08:18 PM (UyrjH)

135 What Grateful said, Whig. Hope your surgeons are skilled and can provide you some relief.
Posted by: Schnorflepuppy

Thanks. Yall have been great.

Even the med people (once they figure out you are the strange customer with a buncha problems) have been great but since having Covid for three straight years (2021-22-23), my immune system is a mess and that affects my psoriatic arthritis. That in turn leads to all sort of weird muscularskeletal issues.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 08:19 PM (bt/Nj)

136 Someone should FOIA the Minnesota DNR to find out how many times Tampon Timmy has been issued a hunting or fishing license in the past twenty years.

My money is on "zero", or pretty close to it.

Posted by: BillyD at October 13, 2024 08:20 PM (Yt3ED)

137 Well, my transportation to the MoMee has been chosen. It will be my old reliable 2008 Suburban, which I have owned for 13 years. Finished hanging a new set of tires on it today, which was a mighty struggle, since my ancient Coats 10/10 tire changer was never built to handle 17" tires on aluminum rims. But I persisted. Had to do the ether trick to get two of the new ones to bead up, they were flattened from being at the bottom of the stack. Could not balance the wheels because center hole too big for my old bubble balancer. But the tires are good Michelins. Took the rig for a drive later, and even at 80 MPH, there seem to be no vibrations. All is well.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at October 13, 2024 08:20 PM (U0UC8)

138 But enough about me.
Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at October 13, 2024 08:13 PM

You've been mentioned a couple of times in Threads this week.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2024 08:21 PM (a3Q+t)

139 125 NZFrank!

Howdy handsome! Looking forward to sharing the stats with you again. One of the highlights that year.
Posted by: nurse ratched

Gidday Nurse. I am really looking forward to the next trip and a drinkie-poo or three, and some stars . Cannot be there this time, but I have next year locked in for sure. I plan some more US visits next year as the business plan is hopefully going to take off.

Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at October 13, 2024 08:21 PM (bgJ0E)

140 GWB, did you retrieve the brass casing from the boom?
If things break and powder burn goes everywhere, I doubt it was the magazine.
Maybe the round went off out of battery. I’d have to think how that could happen.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 08:21 PM (OKniM)

I saw a tweet showing how SpaceX has single-handedly reduced the cost to orbit by an order of magnitude, thus opening up new space-based services that would otherwise have been cost-prohibitive. Starlink, for example, probably wouldn't have happened without the proven repeatability of the Falcon 9 booster stack.
Posted by: Schnorflepuppy

Next project is that space elevator to geosynchronous orbit.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at October 13, 2024 08:22 PM (/lPRQ)

142 Duncanthrax, doesn't Calif also have a mag limit?
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 08:01 PM (t/2Uw)

Hence the NYP reporting he had a "high capacity magazine." It probably held 12 rounds, maybe 15. Oof.

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 08:22 PM (E8qwH)

143 Funny story about Wally World: I went there with my kids a few years ago to buy some ammo. My son and I walked up to the counter while my daughter wandered over to look at some stuff. My son and I were ignored until my 6'2" attractive and fit daughter came over to join us. Guy behind the counter about tripped over himself getting to the counter to help us out.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 08:22 PM (tT6L1)

144 So, you did try to slap hot iron on it?

(Also, bummer you will miss the MoMe. Prayers for the procedure.)
Posted by: GWB
Yeah, I actually use heat, hot baths soaking, epsom salts. And cold packs, etc.

Refuse to use any opioid type pain killers. All they do is mask the symptoms and make it harder to find answers. Pretty much had those and the awful nerve pain relievers like Gabapentin, Lyrica, Duloxitine, because for a long time, my pain doc believed I had fibromyalgia. I might, but only as a sideline because the xrays, swelling, nerve conductive tests show something more tangible.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 08:22 PM (bt/Nj)


Posted by: Hokey Pokey at October 13, 2024 08:22 PM (QSrLX)

146 I pulled the trigger and it went BOOM. Simultaneously soot blew out of the chamber all over my hands, something came back and pinged off my glasses and cheek, and I saw something come out the bottom of the grip.

What ammo?

Posted by: Oddbob at October 13, 2024 08:24 PM (/y8xj)

You've been mentioned a couple of times in Threads this week.
Posted by: Duncanthrax

Oh stop.

Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at October 13, 2024 08:25 PM (bgJ0E)

148 evenin' Horde, just a drive-by comment from me as I'm in the middle of pre-travel preps.

Congrats to Puddleglum on your acquisition!

Prayers up for whig's surgery.

Have not read all the comments but hugs and greetings to all, in person soon for many of us. Can't wait!!

Back to the To Do List...

Posted by: screaming in digital at October 13, 2024 08:25 PM (EaPW0)

149 Oh stop.
Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at October 13, 2024 08:25 PM (bgJ0E)

Well, I thought of you when your Navy did NZ proud by sinking a ship. Granted, it was one of your own, but, still.....

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 08:26 PM (tT6L1)

150 Kamala's imaginary Glock would not have to be Gen3. Apparently law enforcement officers can buy off-roster guns. And they can resell them, unless they get caught overdoing it.

Posted by: Splunge at October 13, 2024 08:26 PM (hmKaK)

151 GWB, did you retrieve the brass casing from the boom?
If things break and powder burn goes everywhere, I doubt it was the magazine.
Maybe the round went off out of battery. I’d have to think how that could happen.
Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 08:21 PM (OKniM)

Or maybe the base separated from the cartridge? Definitely a forensic exam of the that cartridge would be worthwhile.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at October 13, 2024 08:26 PM (U0UC8)

152 Oh stop.
Posted by: NZFrank

Hahaha, I'm guessin there'll be more mentions now that you've confirmed you're kinky.

Posted by: She Hobbit at October 13, 2024 08:27 PM (gUkTw)

153 Well, I thought of you when your Navy did NZ proud by sinking a ship. Granted, it was one of your own, but, still.....
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 08:26 PM (tT6L1)

Oh, you went there....

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at October 13, 2024 08:28 PM (U0UC8)

154 By the way, CA has firearm exemptions for police and former police. It wouldn't surprise me if CA DA's enjoy the same privileges.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 08:28 PM (tT6L1)

155 y the way, CA has firearm exemptions for police and former police. It wouldn't surprise me if CA DA's enjoy the same privileges.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing

It's time for her to acknowledge her elite privilege and have a struggle session.

Posted by: She Hobbit at October 13, 2024 08:30 PM (gUkTw)

156 Nuff about me. Needed to vent.
For those starting at the beginning, Massad Ayoob, a noted firearms trainer, is the current editor of the Gun Digest Combat Handgunnery series. The last came out in 2020.

It has excellent information all in one volume with copious pictures and illustrations along with references to other sources that you can reference for future knowledge.

Buying a handgun, legal issues surrounding self defense, holsters and drawing a firearm, how to evaluate training, engaging in firearm competition, AND ammo evaluations from a noted police and firearm trainer to the rest of us.

Kindle about 18 bucks, paperback, about 24 bucks. Well worth it even before you buy a handgun if you are just curious about what is involved. Well recommended.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 08:30 PM (bt/Nj)

157 It's time for her to acknowledge her elite privilege and have a struggle session.
Posted by: She Hobbit at October 13, 2024 08:30 PM (gUkTw)

Did you know she was born in a middle class family?

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 08:31 PM (tT6L1)

158 Righteeho. Got to fly, have to dig a big hole. Hope everyone going to the MoMe gets there safe and has a good time. Wish I was there. Tell us all about it next weekend. Next year in TX...

Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at October 13, 2024 08:33 PM (bgJ0E)

159 In case no one has mentioned it the Moore talk was in 2016. He did get it right.

Posted by: javems at October 13, 2024 08:33 PM (8I4hW)

160 Next project is that space elevator to geosynchronous orbit.
Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at October 13, 2024 08:22 PM (/lPRQ)

I read Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator as a kid. The prospect of encountering a Vermicious Knid is enough to keep me from ever riding a space elevator. Can't be too careful, y'know.

Posted by: Schnorflepuppy at October 13, 2024 08:33 PM (UyrjH)

161 Did you know she was born in a middle class family?
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing

I thought she fell out of a coconut tree.

Posted by: Adriane the Shower Curtain INSIDE the Tub Critic . . . at October 13, 2024 08:34 PM (TX4bP)

162 146 I pulled the trigger and it went BOOM. Simultaneously soot blew out of the chamber all over my hands, something came back and pinged off my glasses and cheek, and I saw something come out the bottom of the grip.

Glad you are okay. That can be a scary situation and why for beginners that you always wear safety glasses when shooting.

Sometimes a cartridge goes blooey even from good manufacturers (rarely from them--gun show reloads or baggies with non matching cartridge makes/bullets--on your own there).

Protecting your hands and eyes starts with shooting gloves and safety glasses along with hearing protection.

Shooting gloves also lessen the scrubbing you should do to remove lead particles from your hands after shooting aka GSR--gun shot residue.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 08:34 PM (bt/Nj)

163 This is kind of interesting.

Vem Miller, the conservative activist accused of possibly trying to assassinate Trump, is calling the claim from the Riverside sheriff "complete bullsh—." Miller was charged with weapons violations when he was arrested about a quarter-mile from the rally.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 08:34 PM (t/2Uw)

164 Have not read all the comments but hugs and greetings to all, in person soon for many of us. Can't wait!!

Back to the To Do List...
Posted by: screaming in digital at October 13, 2024 08:25 PM


See you in TX!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 13, 2024 08:35 PM (Wnv9h)

165 Opinions on what happened?
Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 08:05 PM (E8qwH)
How old was the magazine?
Posted by: Eromero at October 13, 2024 08:15 PM (LHPAg)

Two years old, maybe 3?
It had a plastic/rubber base with a bit of metal inside to hold it in place. The entire "inside" part of the floor plate went missing.

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 08:35 PM (E8qwH)

166 pulled the trigger and it went BOOM. Simultaneously soot blew out of the chamber all over my hands, something came back and pinged off my glasses and cheek, and I saw something come out the bottom of the grip.

Used to date her.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at October 13, 2024 08:36 PM (DECGl)

167 I'm hoping NZ Frank is actually going to do something and it isn't code which means, "track down that obnoxious Yank who mentioned that which shouldn't be."

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 08:36 PM (tT6L1)

168 It's time for her to acknowledge her elite privilege and have a struggle session.
Posted by: She Hobbit at October 13, 2024 08:30 PM

Note...Shtruggle session.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 13, 2024 08:37 PM (Wnv9h)

169 Did you know she was born in a middle class family?
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing

Ha, I grew up in a broken down double wide in semi-rural OK. Pull the other one, Kammy!

Posted by: She Hobbit at October 13, 2024 08:37 PM (gUkTw)

170 Safe travels to Ed, SiD, Scubs,AOP, Weasel and everyone else braving the highways to get to Texas.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 08:38 PM (t/2Uw)

171 I might have mentioned this last week - oh, well - but I installed a laser rangefinder on top of my vortex on the Ruger (After seeing all the different rigs the FIRE shooters used).
Works like a charm. The 1106 yard target turns out to be 1107. I’ll take that.
Not too inexpensive Wulf Arrow 1200. The vortex diving board scope mount was almost as expensive.
But it was almost spot on after mounting. And my early cataract eyes could glance up and see the digits easily.
And it fits in my rifle case without removal.
A win.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 08:39 PM (OKniM)

172 Maybe the round went off out of battery. I’d have to think how that could happen.
Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 08:21 PM (OKniM)

Yes, that was one of the things I considered. But I'm not sure how that would happen with a 1911.

But I could not find the case. The importance of that didn't really set in until I left the range. But I couldn't find the center of the magazine floorplate, either.

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 08:40 PM (E8qwH)

173 Safe travels to Ed, SiD, Scubs,AOP, Weasel and everyone else braving the highways to get to Texas.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 08:38 PM (t/2Uw)

Eh, for me it's "Get on 40, head east until Amarillo, take a slight right."

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 08:40 PM (tT6L1)

174 Ha, I grew up in a broken down double wide in semi-rural OK. Pull the other one, Kammy!
Posted by: She Hobbit at October 13, 2024 08:37 PM

Just for you, She Hobbit:

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 13, 2024 08:41 PM (Wnv9h)

175 Or maybe the base separated from the cartridge? Definitely a forensic exam of the that cartridge would be worthwhile.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon
Overpressure cartridges can happen due to a number of reasons--I think that is what happened but it is kind of like accident reconstruction--was there bullet setback---improper bullet tension or repeated loading and removing from chamber? was it an error by the mfg as to powder in the cartridge as to type or overcharging it? was there some bore obstruction left from the previous round? (odd sounds, feel, or recoil from firign the previous cartridge), some powders are sensitive about position in light loads causing some weird stuff to happen (some are position insensitive like Titegroup), was the cartridge brass itself weak--either a flaw or reloaded too many times, and so on.

Like driving, sometimes weird things happen, but proper safety techniques can make matters exciting but not injurious.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 08:42 PM (bt/Nj)

176 No range wisdom this week. De-lurking briefly to acknowledge the horde, our host, and the upcoming TX festivities. Blam, blam, blam and all that.

Posted by: TRex at October 13, 2024 08:42 PM (IQ6Gq)

177 What ammo?
Posted by: Oddbob at October 13, 2024 08:24 PM (/y8xj)

I think it was some reman I got with some 100 rounds cases. It all went in the ammo cases without the ammo info (which I normally do). I was a bad boy.

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 08:42 PM (E8qwH)

178 Happy Navy Birthday!
Posted by: Eromero at October 13, 2024 08:08 PM

Same to you, shipmate!

Did you know the Navy Birthday was only made official in 1972 by CNO Zumwalt?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2024 08:43 PM (a3Q+t)

179 Or maybe the base separated from the cartridge? Definitely a forensic exam of the that cartridge would be worthwhile.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at October 13, 2024 08:26 PM (U0UC

I would think the cartridge (the wall, anyway) would have remained in the chamber. And that definitely didn't happen.

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 08:44 PM (E8qwH)

180 119 Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at October 13, 2024 08:09 PM (sAmhv)
One of the idiots who worked there pissed me off so badly about 20 years ago I vowed to never go back again.
Posted by: Weasel

Other than the owner, looks like everybody else weren't around 20 years ago. Sorry you had a bad experience there. Mine was pretty good.

Posted by: Puddleglum, drive by pew pew at October 13, 2024 08:47 PM (sAmhv)

181 Got my first order of powder, primers, and bullets from Natchez this week since they were having a free Hazmat and shipping promotion. I followed Weasel's advice to try getting crushed walnut shells from the pet store for use in the case tumbler. I asked the girl at the counter, and she looked at me as though I were asking for a Richard Gere Autograph Model gerbil.

I found some reasonably priced media at Harbor Freight.

Posted by: That SOB Van Owen at October 13, 2024 08:48 PM (Hdixl)

182 Yes, that was one of the things I considered. But I'm not sure how that would happen with a 1911.

Sometimes debris in the firing pin channel can stick the firing pin in the forward position causing an OOB. Rare in handguns, a bit more common in older semi and full automatic assault and battle rifles firing a lot of dirty ammo.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 08:48 PM (bt/Nj)

183 I think it was some reman I got with some 100 rounds cases.

There's your prime suspect. Some reman, especially cheap import stuff, could have poor quality control and/or poor component consistency.

Posted by: Oddbob at October 13, 2024 08:51 PM (/y8xj)

184 By the way, CA has firearm exemptions for police and former police. It wouldn't surprise me if CA DA's enjoy the same privileges.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 08:28 PM (tT6L1)

Apparently DAs and AGs do fall in that category.

Posted by: mrp at October 13, 2024 08:51 PM (rj6Yv)

185 Other than the owner, looks like everybody else weren't around 20 years ago. Sorry you had a bad experience there. Mine was pretty good.
Posted by: Puddleglum, drive by pew pew at October 13, 2024 08:47 PM (sAmhv)
Oh I'm sure they're all gone and the place is fine now, I just like to hold grudges.

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 08:52 PM (vt7xw)

186 163 This is kind of interesting.

Vem Miller, the conservative activist accused of possibly trying to assassinate Trump, is calling the claim from the Riverside sheriff "complete bullsh—." Miller was charged with weapons violations when he was arrested about a quarter-mile from the rally.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 08:34 PM (t/2Uw)
This guy is going to get gulaged, and this is after the deepstate using him to try to throttle down President Trump.

Posted by: Eromero at October 13, 2024 08:53 PM (LHPAg)

187 Like driving, sometimes weird things happen, but proper safety techniques can make matters exciting but not injurious.
Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 08:42 PM (bt/Nj)

Amen, Whig. I felt good about practicing safety after.

As to the bits - this round (target FMJ round) had never been cycled through the weapon so that wouldn't have caused setback. And I didn't notice any height difference in the ammo case.

I didn't feel anything funny firing the previous 4 rounds. And that round did go down and impact the target - I checked the target afterward.

Nothing about the round looked odd, but an internal flaw certainly could have been the case. No fancy loads or anything, just bog standard 230gr .45 ACP. But, again, I think it was a reman. Certainly not doing that again.

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 08:53 PM (E8qwH)

188 Yup, remanufactured goes to top of the list.
If I were reloading it, I’d blame double charge. There’s plenty of room in a .45 ACP case.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 08:54 PM (OKniM)

189 Posted by: That SOB Van Owen at October 13, 2024 08:48 PM (Hdixl)
Ask for reptile bedding

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 08:54 PM (vt7xw)

190 I found some reasonably priced media at Harbor Freight.
Posted by: That SOB Van Owen

A tip, use a slight dash of mineral spirits when tumbling along with a slight dash of Nu Finish Car polish (about a teaspoon of each) Leaves brass sparkling and a bit less resistance when resizing. The mineral spirits also cuts the nasty dust which has aerosoled lead products.

Make sure you tumble outdoors. Wear rubber gloves dealing with the brass after tumbling. You can get more lead from burnt and used priming compounds than you do at the range.

Some of my brass tumbled that way is still shiny despite sitting in a container for 10 years (not air tight).

Walnut media lasts forever but doesn't quite shine like using corn cob media. I found walnut was good enough if a bit darker in hue. I eventually went to using wet tumbling with stainless steel pins because it cleaned the primer pockets better.

Ultrasonic works for small batches as well.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 08:56 PM (bt/Nj)

191 Yeah, I actually use heat, hot baths soaking, epsom salts. And cold packs, etc.

Refuse to use any opioid type pain killers. All they do is mask the symptoms and make it harder to find answers. Pretty much had those and the awful nerve pain relievers like Gabapentin, Lyrica, Duloxitine, because for a long time, my pain doc believed I had fibromyalgia. I might, but only as a sideline because the xrays, swelling, nerve conductive tests show something more tangible.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 08:22 PM (bt/Nj)

I've had neck, shoulder, collarbone pain for six months now. Neurosurgeon ordered an MRI. No cervical problems thankfully. Looks to be some sort of arthritis. Can't take inflammatories due to blood thinners. Started PT last week, then seeing a specialist next week. Hell getting old.

Posted by: javems at October 13, 2024 08:56 PM (8I4hW)

192 Ask for reptile bedding
Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 08:54 PM (vt7xw)

I think I'm banned from that particular store

Posted by: That SOB Van Owen at October 13, 2024 08:56 PM (Hdixl)

193 I was cleaning out my apartment and I had this 36" hard case, never used with foam in the breakaway squares. I meant to use it for my rifle but it wasn't long enough. I put it in front of the dumpster (to be taken by whomever) and it was gone in less than 12 hours.

Today I made beef stroganoff for the first time. I left the pressure cooker in "venting mode" because I am terrible at this. The kitty Kazoo was not happy that something was hissing continuously. Despite this and many other errors it was delicious.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at October 13, 2024 08:57 PM (lhenN)

194 Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 08:56 PM (bt/Nj)
Toss a dryer sheet into the tumbler to catch a lot of the dust.

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 08:57 PM (vt7xw)

195 Weasel, thank you for the thread. Catch you in a few days!

Later, all!

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at October 13, 2024 08:57 PM (tT6L1)

196 I've had neck, shoulder, collarbone pain for six months now. Neurosurgeon ordered an MRI. No cervical problems thankfully. Looks to be some sort of arthritis. Can't take inflammatories due to blood thinners. Started PT last week, then seeing a specialist next week. Hell getting old.
Posted by: javems

Start an anti inflammatory diet and go see an acupuncturist and a massage therapist. Do the PT.

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2024 08:57 PM (xRMIr)

197 So, I had an exciting time. Less exciting than a Trump rally (as Trump), but more exciting than firing 50 rounds.

I also called the wife into the store afterward to see the Beretta Tomcat .32 with tip-up barrel I want. (I figure if I fondle it enough they will mark it down as "used.") So she looked at some other guns, too - including the Glocks and some Glock copies. So, that was a step forward for her.

And, I'm talking myself into actually spending the money on that .32. I might have to reload that ammo.

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 08:58 PM (E8qwH)

198 Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 08:56 PM (bt/Nj)


Posted by: That SOB Van Owen at October 13, 2024 08:59 PM (Hdixl)

199 Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2024 08:57 PM (xRMIr)
Next you'll be telling people to eat well and get a good nights sleep.

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 09:00 PM (vt7xw)

200 Ask for reptile bedding
Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 08:54 PM

Yup. They get confused if you introduce firearms into the pet equation.
I bought some recently from my LPS and the reptile walnut stuff is good.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 09:00 PM (OKniM)

201 178 Happy Navy Birthday!
Posted by: Eromero at October 13, 2024 08:08 PM

Same to you, shipmate!

Did you know the Navy Birthday was only made official in 1972 by CNO Zumwalt?
Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2024 08:43 PM (a3Q+t)
Well, there you go. Named a 'ship' class after him too, but BMC James Williams? Nooooo.

Posted by: Eromero at October 13, 2024 09:00 PM (LHPAg)

202 Nothing about the round looked odd, but an internal flaw certainly could have been the case. No fancy loads or anything, just bog standard 230gr .45 ACP. But, again, I think it was a reman. Certainly not doing that again.
Posted by: GWB
Sometimes even a nick on the used brass can let go. 45 ACP and 38 Special are both cartridges that can be reloaded so many times due to low pressure that a bad case can creep up due to work hardening or some scratch, internal flaw from resizing or firing, etc.

Reason why best to have shiny brass to reload--easier to find flaws in the brass like a wavy area, a nick, crack, etc. inside the cleaned case or outside.

FWIW, Nickel plated cases often has a shorter reloading life as it tends to develop cracks before a regular brass cartridge will.

I separate nickel plated cases for simulated self defense equivalency loads myself.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:01 PM (bt/Nj)

203 Next you'll be telling people to eat well and get a good nights sleep.

For me, that horse left the barn quite a while ago.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 13, 2024 09:02 PM (mH6SG)

204 Next you'll be telling people to eat well and get a good nights sleep.
Posted by: Weasel

Pffft. And take your Geritol and fish oil too!

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2024 09:03 PM (hpzqB)

205 Got my first order of powder, primers, and bullets from Natchez this week since they were having a free Hazmat and shipping promotion. I followed Weasel's advice to try getting crushed walnut shells from the pet store for use in the case tumbler. I asked the girl at the counter, and she looked at me as though I were asking for a Richard Gere Autograph Model gerbil.

I found some reasonably priced media at Harbor Freight.
Posted by: That SOB Van Owen

Jackpot on the free Hazmat!
BTW - last I knew, ammoseek did not poll Natchez so you have to sign up for their spam.... Errr, I have to.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at October 13, 2024 09:04 PM (/lPRQ)

206 Just for you, She Hobbit:

Posted by: RedMindBlueState

Ha, I do have a rule about only living in structures with a foundation.

Posted by: She Hobbit at October 13, 2024 09:04 PM (ftFVW)

207 Start an anti inflammatory diet and go see an acupuncturist and a massage therapist. Do the PT.

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2024 08:57 PM (xRMIr)

I have a young neurosurgeon. He has recommended PT and acupuncturists before. Did work on a different problem before. My old guy, now retired, like to cut first and ask questions later.


Posted by: javems at October 13, 2024 09:04 PM (8I4hW)

208 196 I've had neck, shoulder, collarbone pain for six months now. Neurosurgeon ordered an MRI. No cervical problems thankfully. Looks to be some sort of arthritis. Can't take inflammatories due to blood thinners. Started PT last week, then seeing a specialist next week. Hell getting old.
Posted by: javems
Get you a consult with a pain specialist and/or a rheumatologist. Then ask your pharmacist as often docs are clueless about drug interactions.

FWIW.There are some new anti inflammatories that are safer than others even with blood thinners. I know this cause I take one of them but that might not be appropriate for your situation as they can create other problems depending on the patient. Docs plus pharmacist though usually get it right.

Osteo Arthritis sux but make sure they do the tests for rheumatoid, Sjogrens, etc, just in case. Those require special treatment other than palliative care.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:05 PM (bt/Nj)

209 Oh, sh*t. I just realized that I put today’s .308 brass in the tumbler multiple hours ago.
Going to go check for level of shiny.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 09:06 PM (OKniM)

210 209 Oh, sh*t. I just realized that I put today’s .308 brass in the tumbler multiple hours ago.
Going to go check for level of shiny.
Posted by: RI Red
"Your brass is so bright, ya gotta wear shades."

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:07 PM (bt/Nj)

211 Ha, I grew up in a broken down double wide in semi-rural OK. Pull the other one, Kammy!
Posted by: She Hobbit at October 13, 2024 08:37 PM

I kind of like buildings with cellars. Foundation slabs weird me out.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 13, 2024 09:09 PM (Wnv9h)

212 OK, 9:09pm thank you time!

Thank you!

Look forward to seeing a bunch of all y'all in a few days and the rest of all y'all next Sunday!

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 09:10 PM (vt7xw)

213 Jackpot on the free Hazmat!
BTW - last I knew, ammoseek did not poll Natchez so you have to sign up for their spam.... Errr, I have to.
Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher

Natchez is good folks for reloaders. Got a lot cheaper than they used to and for a long while, would not ship to certain states as they supplied LGS in those states as a wholesaler.

Natchez also has some blowout optic sales if you get their fliers on occasion. Kinda been a niche of theirs for a long time.

Another is MidSouth Shooters Supply and yet another is Grafs and Sons.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:10 PM (bt/Nj)

214 Yup. Shiny.
But I’ve got a small extractor scrape now with 175 g high end loads. They were going 1 MOA higher than expected today.
Best reduce the load a bit.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 09:11 PM (OKniM)

215 "Your brass is so bright, ya gotta wear shades."
Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:07 PM (bt/Nj)

Ha! Love it.

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 09:11 PM (E8qwH)

216 Look forward to seeing a bunch of all y'all in a few days and the rest of all y'all next Sunday!
Posted by: Weasel
Ditto. Sux not to go to MoMeet but things can only get better for me this month.

Worth powering through the pain tonight.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:12 PM (bt/Nj)

217 Osteo Arthritis sux but make sure they do the tests for rheumatoid, Sjogrens, etc, just in case. Those require special treatment other than palliative care.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:05 PM (bt/Nj)

I have an MRI on my shoulder scheduled for next week. Hopefully that will isolate the problem.


Posted by: javems at October 13, 2024 09:12 PM (8I4hW)

218 89 I may need cataract surgery in the near future. Good to hear it is so common and such great results.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at October 13, 2024 07:57 PM (t/2Uw)

The key is to find the best cataract surgeon in the area. Preferably one that has a staff and operates in a permanent clinic. My optometrist recommended some ophthalmologists who make their rounds working from leased spaces in local hospitals. I didn't like that, and found the best doc who works at a top-tier eye center.

Posted by: mrp at October 13, 2024 08:02 PM (rj6Yv)

I'll second that advice. The guy who did mine had written a bunch of journal articles on eye surgery, had developed some of the techniques used in cataract surgery, and has patents on a couple of instruments used for eye surgery. My regular optometrist recommended him highly and said he had done a bunch of cataract surgeries for his other patients with zero complications. Find the best surgeon you can, they're they only eyes you have.

Posted by: BillyD at October 13, 2024 09:13 PM (Yt3ED)

219 Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:12 PM (bt/Nj)
Good luck and maybe next year.

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 09:13 PM (vt7xw)

220 And, thank YOU, Weasel, for putting this together every week.

I look forward to a recap of the weekend events next week, and a lot of "Wow, that was the greatest" comments, again.

I'm trying to plan for next year! )I'll try to bring everything.)

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 09:14 PM (E8qwH)

221 Reminder for those with extensions on FIT filing--October 15th coming up.
Just finished my mother's (she didn't owe anything due to medical bills and memory care eating all her income) but always have to file regardless.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:14 PM (bt/Nj)

222 Well, there you go. Named a 'ship' class after him too, but BMC James Williams? Nooooo.
Posted by: Eromero at October 13, 2024 09:00 PM

Well, the Zumwalt class ships aren't exactly covering themselves in glory.

IIRC, BMC Williams has a ship named after him. But naming a class after the most-decorated enlisted man in Navy history? Wouldn't be prudent. /sarc

Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2024 09:16 PM (a3Q+t)

223 Good luck and maybe next year.
Posted by: Weasel

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:16 PM (bt/Nj)

224 This is gun related. Apparently, Mindy Robinson is some kind of influencer and she says . . .

The man they just arrested for supposedly ‘trying to kill’ Trump in my good friend and business partner for America Happens, Vem Miller.

Vem had just exposed a huge Deep State cover-up involving the Feds and the Bundy Ranch scandal. So I firmly believe this is 100% some kind of set-up in retribution for exposing it. That, or Trump's security team is a bunch of dipshits trying to make up for how badly they failed in Pennsylvania with any kind of ‘win’ they can get, fake or not.

There isn't a universe his intention was to kill Trump, he's worked too hard in this movement to expose the Deep State and all the people against him. If he had guns in his car that were illegal, whooptie-fucking do. As a pro-2A advocate, ask me if I give a s—t about a good guy with a gun in an unsafe shithole like California. It doesn't even make sense why his passes would be fake either when we're both usually invited as media to these things.
And I'd love to see exactly what this ‘threat’ was he made about Trump.....because I don't believe he said it.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Born In the Wagon of a Middle Class Show at October 13, 2024 09:18 PM (L/fGl)

225 I am certainly going to be envious/jealous of the TX attendees.
But it’s all good for The Cause!

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 09:19 PM (OKniM)

226 I have an MRI on my shoulder scheduled for next week. Hopefully that will isolate the problem.

Posted by: javems
Go over that with the surgeon and the image pulled up in a visit. A lotta docs rely on radiologist reports rather than understanding imaging themselves. I'm lucky in that I am treated by one of my docs and she teaches med students how to read imaging. So she is an imaging nerd that likes to point out the various oddities in my innards.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:19 PM (bt/Nj)

227 Back from Thanksgiving dinner early [at 8:30] so I can talk here after all!

Went to the gub store today with my nephew. Bought four types of 5.56/.223 ammo ultimately to test with a new rifle I am waiting on. [And as recommended by Whig, above, and last week to try out different brands.]

Lucked out that it was 10% off as part of a Thanksgiving sale; and find when I get home that I was only charged for one 20-round box of a specific ammo instead of for the three I bought; and charged for a .30 cal.size ammo case instead of the .50 cal. case I had bought!

So I'll contact them on Tuesday and see about getting a few other things I skipped buying today to be mailed to me and have them charge me for the two missed ammo boxes on it but not actually send me the two. We'll see about the $5 or so difference in price between the two ammo cans.

And my nephew bought a refurbished SKS rifle as it was only about US$400 [but no bayonet!]

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at October 13, 2024 09:21 PM (CEzQx)

228 225 I am certainly going to be envious/jealous of the TX attendees.
But it’s all good for The Cause!

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 09:19 PM
We may or may not talk about what may or may not be on your permanent record. Would have been more fun with you there.

Posted by: TRex at October 13, 2024 09:21 PM (IQ6Gq)

Elon has truly earned the title "Space Daddy" today. That was spectacular. First attempt at the chopstick catch and it worked. Watching that booster come in ass-end first, firing and gimbaling those Raptors to line up with the tower was just...erotic.

At this point I wouldn't object to giving Elon a Roman style Triumph.

I'm thinking I may take the over on Elon making it to Mars with the Starship fleet sooner rather than later.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Mr. Miley (w6EFb) at October 13, 2024 09:22 PM (w6EFb)

230 I didn't think I could love this Mets season more and then Fox played the Grateful Dead during their commercial break.

I'm not saying it's magic but it's magic.

My gun went bang before I dropped it in the ocean. There, on topic.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 13, 2024 09:23 PM (LkLld)

That starship booster was supersonic well until pretty close to the tower, too.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Mr. Miley (w6EFb) at October 13, 2024 09:24 PM (w6EFb)

232 225 I am certainly going to be envious/jealous of the TX attendees.
But it’s all good for The Cause!
Posted by: RI Red
I find other people being happy pleases me even if I can't be there. I hope they have a blowout for the ages and come back and tell us how wonderful it was.

Get a bit wistful but the recent years have not been kindly to me as far as medical issues. Had to retire from a good job early this year because of I simply could not come back from those to do a good job with students anymore (fwiw, retired professor now).

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:24 PM (bt/Nj)

233 TRex, my Permanent Record is what it is.
And it is Glorious!
Have fun.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 09:25 PM (OKniM)

234 And my nephew bought a refurbished SKS rifle as it was only about US$400 [but no bayonet!]
Posted by: andycanuck
Have your nephew check the POA=POI from the sights. SKS iron sights were zeroed with bayonets on them when military. A few other rifles are like that---the Mosin carbines for one instance and the Carcano with the folding bayonet as another.

Glad my advice was useful to you and may you have fun shooting it.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:27 PM (bt/Nj)

235 Pre MoMe this evening. Can't wait to see you all.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2024 09:27 PM (I1GXe)

236 fwiw, retired professor now).
Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:24 PM (bt/Nj)

Whig, someday I’d like to review your credentials.
Your contributions here are much appreciated and respected.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 09:28 PM (OKniM)

Mindy Robinson says this is bullshit. Vem "Miller" Yenovkian is MAGA if a little excitable (roaming around with guns). And his bail was set at $5000 which is laughable.

Posted by: gKWVE at October 13, 2024 09:28 PM (gKWVE)

238 235 Pre MoMe this evening. Can't wait to see you all.
Posted by: Ben Had
Sent you a woebegone apology to Protonmail.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:29 PM (bt/Nj)

239 I am certainly going to be envious/jealous of the TX attendees.
But it’s all good for The Cause!
Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 09:19 PM

Next spring in NH!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 13, 2024 09:29 PM (Wnv9h)

240 Have a good evening y'all. Thanks Weasel and thanks horde. See many of you in soon in real life. Happy travels!

Posted by: TRex at October 13, 2024 09:29 PM (IQ6Gq)

241 Pre MoMe this evening. Can't wait to see you all.
Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2024 09:27 PM


Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 13, 2024 09:29 PM (Wnv9h)

242 Pre MoMe this evening. Can't wait to see you all.
Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2024 09:27 PM (I1GXe)

Wait! There was a Pre MoMe? The heck with taking care of Mrs. Red!

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 09:29 PM (OKniM)

243 Reading about shoulder and neck pain I am reminded of my range trip today. My son and a few buddies drew tags and are coming up for the deer opener. Asked to borrow rifles from the lake bottom.

Checked zero on a couple of 7 mags as well as two others. It’s been awhile but I am reacquainted with recoil. Ouch.

They may have to settle for that’s close enough.

Posted by: Pete Bog at October 13, 2024 09:30 PM (5F06M)

244 Have your nephew check the POA=POI from the sights. SKS iron sights were zeroed with bayonets on them when military. A few other rifles are like that---the Mosin carbines for one instance and the Carcano with the folding bayonet as another.

Glad my advice was useful to you and may you have fun shooting it.
Will do; and thanks, as always.

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at October 13, 2024 09:31 PM (CEzQx)

245 237
Mindy Robinson says this is bullshit. Vem "Miller" Yenovkian is MAGA if a little excitable (roaming around with guns). And his bail was set at $5000 which is laughable.
Posted by: gKWVE at October 13, 2024 09:28 PM (gKWVE)
Sounds like a guy who'd be ok to drink a beer with. Except of course the gov surveillance.

Posted by: Eromero at October 13, 2024 09:31 PM (LHPAg)

246 The weather is going to be fantastic with a full moon. It just keeps getting better.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2024 09:31 PM (I1GXe)

247 Posted by: Pete Bog at October 13, 2024 09:30 PM (5F06M)
Old age does suck, amigo.

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 09:31 PM (EABvN)

248 Ahhhh, Mr Bog,
I bet you shoot just fine.

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2024 09:31 PM (X/MmC)

249 Weasel, sir, thanks, and I can’t wait to hear TX war stories. Even when BH takes my name in vain.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 09:33 PM (OKniM)

250 246 The weather is going to be fantastic with a full moon. It just keeps getting better.
Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2024 09:31 PM (I1GXe)
Reminder- Be sure to bring warm clothes. Don't be that guy who has to get to wallyworld for pimp jogging outfit.

Posted by: Eromero at October 13, 2024 09:33 PM (LHPAg)

251 Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 09:33 PM (OKniM)
Sorry you can't make it. Best wishes to Mrs. Red.

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 09:34 PM (EABvN)

252 RI Red, so sorry you couldn't make the range time, free food and booze. Does that help?

Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2024 09:35 PM (I1GXe)

253 And my nephew bought a refurbished SKS rifle as it was only about US$400 [but no bayonet!]
Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at October 13, 2024 09:21 PM (CEzQx)

Bayonet or not, do NOT go golfing with that in Florida!

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 09:36 PM (E8qwH)

254 Missing my MoMe buddies. You guys have fun. I’m sure it will be great.

As for the shoulder, you only feel recoil at the range. L&T came out and shot the new 6.5 and announced it fun and were it not lefty, her new gun.

Posted by: Pete Bog at October 13, 2024 09:37 PM (5F06M)

255 253 And my nephew bought a refurbished SKS rifle as it was only about US$400 [but no bayonet!]
Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at October 13, 2024 09:21 PM (CEzQx)

Bayonet or not, do NOT go golfing with that in Florida!
Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 09:36 PM (E8qwH)
I use a putter as a 'walking stick', would make a great single shot .22mag, wouldn't it?

Posted by: Eromero at October 13, 2024 09:39 PM (LHPAg)

256 Whig, someday I’d like to review your credentials.
Your contributions here are much appreciated and respected.
Posted by: RI Red
Thanks. Means a lot now I no longer see the glow from students in class that get something.

AOS posting for me began as a relief valve from having to watch out constantly being a pragmatist 2nd career stuck in with a lot of leftists straight from Ivy League grad schools who would cut your throat if they could get something on you.

Okay during the Bush years but academia took a nasty left turn in Obammy years and never looked back and students suddenly became informants looking for a scalp.

I taught things that some of my colleagues might think a little strange but given I taught criminal procedure and con law, I could get away with class discussions on self defense and the 2A. Similarly, my prior military service was looked as as a little weird but I had several colleagues that also served at that time.

My prior work in a democratic state for a Democrat House member during the Reagan years also helped keep my colleagues guessing. The fact that due to that service and living in that state, I loathed the Clintons, I kept to myself.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:39 PM (bt/Nj)

257 Pete Bog. Seriously miss you too.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2024 09:40 PM (I1GXe)

258 BH, I wish.
Remember, she’s a pretty good shot, too! And now has better vision.

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 09:41 PM (OKniM)

259 RI Red, clear you calendar for next year

Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2024 09:42 PM (I1GXe)

260 Arm and back are done posting. Y'all have a pleasant and peaceful evening.

Sorry for my not being at this year's momeet. Really, really wanted to be there. Twas not to be.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:42 PM (bt/Nj)

261 What's at stake.

Steve Cortes
This is brutal to watch. Kamala Harris without a teleprompter is the Democrat Party’s worst nightmare:
“When we think about what’s at stake in this election – well it’s packed with some stuff! Some fundamental stuff! *cackles* I say rather articulately.”

That's right. If you care about stuff, vote Kamala.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Born In the Wagon of a Middle Class Show at October 13, 2024 09:43 PM (L/fGl)

262 Looks like the thread is winding down and close to ONT time so I'll risk going off topic. What happened with the dude linked to in an earlier thread who was supposed to go public with some allegedly verified/verifiable stuff about Walz?

Posted by: Oddbob at October 13, 2024 09:45 PM (/y8xj)

263 Did they ever figure out how many bullets Walz loaded in the clip of his hunting gun?

There is a video of him attempting to load five rounds into the shotgun. Problem is, he is "hunting" in a Waterfowl Protection Area (WPA) and federal law requires a magazine plug to restrict the hunter to two in the pipe and one in the chamber.

I believe a transgression of this federal law is $15k, 6 months and forfeiture of his Barretta A400 xcel.

But as a self-identified knucklehead and a possession of the CCP, he, like George Stephanopolis and his illegal 30 round magazine, will escape any consequences.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at October 13, 2024 09:46 PM (rHxhM)

264 Whig - double plus good up twinkles!

Posted by: RI Red at October 13, 2024 09:46 PM (OKniM)

265 whig at October 13, 2024 09:39 PM (bt/Nj)

Some of the people who comment here and others that just read it would surprise many. We aren't all croc wearing, sexually confused people from Montana.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 13, 2024 09:47 PM (LkLld)

266 Weasel, Thank you so much. Not only for the gun thread but everything you do for the TXMoMe.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2024 09:47 PM (I1GXe)

267 262 Looks like the thread is winding down and close to ONT time so I'll risk going off topic. What happened with the dude linked to in an earlier thread who was supposed to go public with some allegedly verified/verifiable stuff about Walz?

Posted by: Oddbob at October 13, 2024 09:45 PM (/y8xj)

Yes, it's true. Walz has no dick.

Posted by: Dr Peter Venkman at October 13, 2024 09:48 PM (i0F8b)

268 Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2024 09:47 PM (I1GXe)
Thank you, Ben Had, for allowing me to be a part of things. Look forward to seeing you soon!

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 09:49 PM (EABvN)

269 Lookin' forward to seeyin' y'all out at the ranch in just a few days.

I shall be, though, on Injured Reserve Status as far as any range work is concerned. Dealing with maladies as yet undiagnosed, which affect speech and strength and endurance. So, my ass will be planted in my folding rocking chair for most of my time there.

For now, I have a near-zero "loadout" planned. But if anyone wants me to bring a particular firearm or piece of gear, name it in this thread and I'll do my best to see that it makes the trip.

Till then, Amigos y' Amigas!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at October 13, 2024 09:50 PM (kQgoX)

270 Looks like the thread is winding down and close to ONT time so I'll risk going off topic. What happened with the dude linked to in an earlier thread who was supposed to go public with some allegedly verified/verifiable stuff about Walz?

Posted by: Oddbob

Releasing on the weekend would result in it being buried. Maybe on Tuesday.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Born In the Wagon of a Middle Class Show at October 13, 2024 09:53 PM (L/fGl)

271 92 A reminder that this year is the ninth TX MoMee, so you know what that means... next year will be the tenth TX Mo Mee.

*hint* *hint*
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at October 13, 2024 08:02 PM (FnneF)

Traditional 10th anniversary gifts are tin and aluminum, so make of that what you will.

Posted by: haffhowershower at October 13, 2024 09:53 PM (NMT5x)

272 Jim,

Hope you are better and back on the line soon.

Posted by: Pete Bog at October 13, 2024 09:53 PM (5F06M)

273 The Walz thing smells like an op designed to discredit those who credit it. I'd be very careful.

Posted by: occam's brassiere at October 13, 2024 09:54 PM (aCsV6)

274 Go over that with the surgeon and the image pulled up in a visit. A lotta docs rely on radiologist reports rather than understanding imaging themselves. I'm lucky in that I am treated by one of my docs and she teaches med students how to read imaging. So she is an imaging nerd that likes to point out the various oddities in my innards.

Posted by: whig at October 13, 2024 09:19 PM (bt/Nj)

Guy I'm going to next week is a shoulder specialist. Has a good rep. Thanks for the help. Hope you get better soon as well.

Posted by: javems at October 13, 2024 09:54 PM (8I4hW)

275 Posted by: Jim at October 13, 2024 09:50 PM (kQgoX)
See you soon, Jim!

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2024 09:55 PM (RG6z4)

276 271 Traditional 10th anniversary gifts are tin and aluminum, so make of that what you will.

Posted by: haffhowershower at October 13, 2024 09:53 PM
Metal makes...targets?

Posted by: TRex at October 13, 2024 09:55 PM (IQ6Gq)

277 There is a video of him attempting to load five rounds into the shotgun.
Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at October 13, 2024 09:46 PM (rHxhM)

Maybe that's why he was having trouble loading 5 rounds - he didn't know the limit. I never saw him actually get 5 rounds into it - looked to me like he quit trying with the last one. But I didn't really watch it critically, either. He just looked so awkward.

Posted by: GWB at October 13, 2024 09:59 PM (E8qwH)

278 Leftists have the brain that just won't live.

Posted by: Erebus- ex-killer whale at October 13, 2024 09:59 PM (elaR+)

279 First

Posted by: Pete Bog at October 13, 2024 10:01 PM (5F06M)

280 Pete Bog, not until you can carry off a mullet.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2024 10:03 PM (I1GXe)

281 Jim
Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
Posted by: Jim at October 13, 2024 09:50 PM (kQgoX)
Yeah, me too, bro. More than 1 diagnosis and medical changes here. Starting to feel limitations for the first time in my life. I will have a rocker as well.

Posted by: Eromero at October 13, 2024 10:10 PM (LHPAg)

282 Planning to be at the MoMe next week. Looking forward to seeing people! Is there any chance someone will be presenting some basics on cleaning and maintenance? I inherited most of my firearms, and while feel confident when it comes to safety and storage, I'm not as confident about maintenance and cleaning. Which is to say: no one ever really taught me. So I'd appreciate it if someone was willing to share some expertise in that area.

Posted by: Caiwyn at October 13, 2024 11:04 PM (BaIXK)

283 Shot a spike elk during muzzleloader season last week. Solo. Three miles from the trailhead. Still a bit sore.

Posted by: Igotnothing at October 14, 2024 12:22 AM (LTRHw)

284 I was sent here by the ONT. MH is in a mood.

Posted by: Igotnothing at October 14, 2024 01:11 AM (LTRHw)

285 I'm sure some of my guns have "wobbly shit", especially the chepo ARs so I am ecstatic when I shoot a .5" group! Ammo makes all the difference! My cheap ass BCA 7.62x39 AR upper shoots 3-4" groups with Russian steel case ammo. Put good ammo in it, and it will shoot sub moa groups even with wobbly old me behind it.

Posted by: madmike at October 14, 2024 08:14 AM (XoF1A)

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The Dowd-O-Matic!
Liberal Consistency and Other Myths
Kepler's Laws of Liberal Media Bias
John Kerry-- The Splunge! Candidate
"Divisive" Politics & "Attacks on Patriotism" (very long)
The Donkey ("The Raven" parody)