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Whistleblower: Acting Director Rowe Personally Slashed Trump's Protective Detail

I don't want him fired, I want him impeached, with Congress taking away his pension. Let him fucking beg progressive lunatics for rent-money on GoFundMe for the rest of his miserable assassin-coddling life.

And throw him in prison for 30 years for repeatedly lying to Congress. This lying saboteur is a one-man insurrection and needs to be treated as such.

Susan Crabtree at RealClearPolitics with further revelations:

Just days after Secret Service Acting Director Ronald Rowe denied playing a direct role in rejecting repeated requests for added security measures and assets for former President Trump, whistleblowers have come forward refuting those claims and blaming Rowe for some of the agency's security failures that led to the July 13 assassination attempt that nearly killed Trump and left rallygoer Corey Comperatore dead and two others wounded.

Other whistleblowers are coming forward citing more systemic problems with the Secret Service, the vaunted agency whose primary job is to protect presidents, vice presidents and former presidents and their families.

Those deep-seated long-term problems include nepotism and other non-merit-based favoritism, lowering standards and cutting corners in hiring -- including failure to pass polygraph tests and accepting past hard drug use, retaliation for voicing security and other concerns, as well as uneven disciplinary action.

Sen. Josh Hawley on Thursday sent a letter to Rowe citing "disturbing information" from at least one whistleblower citing Secret Service planning failures for the Butler, Pennsylvania, campaign event "and your own involvement."

Hawley said he had received detailed information that Rowe personally directed "significant cuts" to the Countersurveillance Division, a department that performs threat assessment evaluations of event sites before the events occur and did not perform its typical evaluation of the Butler site and was not present that day.

"This is significant because CSD's duties include evaluating potential security threats outside the security perimeter," Hawley wrote, adding that a CSD's threat assessment likely would have provided more measures to protect the rooftop of the American Glass Research building where shooter Thomas Crooks perched and opened fire on Trump and the crowd.

"The whistleblower claims that if personnel from the CSD had been present at the rally, the gunman would have been handcuffed in the parking lot after being spotted with a rangefinder," Hawley continued. "You acknowledged in your Senate testimony that the American Glass Research complex should have been included in the security perimeter for the Butler event."

The unnamed whistleblower further alleged that Rowe personally directed significant cuts to the CSD, including reducing the division's manpower by 20%, Hawley asserted. "You did not mention this in your Senate testimony when asked directly to explain manpower reductions."

Rowe also said -- in a quote that merits his firing -- that the assassination attempt was aided by the agency's (his, in other words) "failure of imagination" to imagine that there are people out there who want to kill presidents and other politically-important people.

The director of Protective Operations admitted that he did not believe that assassins even existed, and therefore took a lackadaisical attitude to the ONE FUCKING THING he's supposed to be concerned with.

You had one fucking job, as the old saying goes.

But he admits he "lacked the imagination" to think that people existed who might want to shoot a president.

And of course he refuses to resign.

Rowe specifically denied being involved in any decisions that rejected requests for added security for Trump over the course of two years, and disputed accusations that he was involved in decision-making limiting the assignment of counter sniper teams to any event not in driving distance to D.C. RealClearPolitics reported on those two accusations earlier this week, citing sources within the Secret Service community.

Whistleblowers also accused Secret Service leaders and managers of retaliating against individuals who expressed concerns about the security of Trump's events.

Obviously, organizations with nothing to hide have no need of retaliating against truth-tellers.

The flurry of anonymous accusations includes an assertion that after an event with a Trump golf tournament in August of last year Secret Service personnel present expressed "serious concern" that the agency's reliance on local law enforcement was not adequate to meet security needs because these local officers were not properly trained and "otherwise prepared" to carry out the tasks delegated to them.

"Further, Secret Service personnel expressed alarm that individuals were admitted to the event without vetting," Hawley wrote. "The whistleblower alleges that those who raised such concerns were retaliated against."

Read the rest of the article for details about nepotism. One "legacy" hire, a son of a past agent, failed his polygraph exam, but for some reason was "retested" to make sure this ne'er-do-well got a cushy government posting.

Apparently the agency had a "failure of imagination" about people with histories of hard drug use and other highly-blackmailable pasts being hired to protect the president of the United States.

Remember, a prior whistleblower is warning that the Secret Service is incompetent and rife with corruption and he fears another assassination attempt will soon occur.

A Secret Service sniper has issued a stark warning about the likelihood of another assassination attempt on a presidential candidate before Election Day, citing critical security flaws within the agency. This alarming revelation follows the attack on former President Donald Trump, which has highlighted significant weaknesses in the Secret Service's ability to protect its principals.

"This agency NEEDS to change, if not now, WHEN? The NEXT assassination attempt in 30 days?" read the scathing letter, first published by RealClearPolitics. The sniper's letter, verified by law enforcement sources and sent to the entire Secret Service Uniformed Division, underscores the agency's failures and demands accountability.

The sniper, a Marine Corps veteran and member of the Secret Service's counter-sniper team for over 20 years, called for the resignation of high-level supervisors. The letter accused these supervisors of failing the rank-and-file Secret Service staff, stating, "Sadly we have fallen short for YEARS. We just got lucky and looked good doing it. I have conveyed these thoughts to not only supervisors ... Only to be brushed off as those with less experience somehow knew more than me."

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 01:00 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 1st

Posted by: GF at August 02, 2024 01:01 PM (tUCgX)

2 Read it. Top 10?

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at August 02, 2024 01:01 PM (JkCto)

3 Unexpectedly.

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at August 02, 2024 01:02 PM (lY72Y)

4 Good afternoon everyone.

Posted by: Tonypete at August 02, 2024 01:03 PM (6WCwE)

5 They'd better hurry up if they want DJT "gone" before Merchan sentences him to Extyquajillion years in Prison.

Posted by: XTC at August 02, 2024 01:03 PM (UnA8+)

6 This fucker needs to be the lamppost chicken to scare the monkeys.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at August 02, 2024 01:04 PM (ufFY8)

7 Whistleblower: Acting Director Rowe Personally Slashed Trump's Protective Detail
—Disinformation Expert Ace

I don't want him fired, I want him impeached,

I want him pushed off a 60 foot tower with 45 foot of rope.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at August 02, 2024 01:04 PM (Ps4hc)

8 What's the next attempt going to be?

Can't do the lone gunman again. Poison tipped umbrella? Maid plants a bomb in his bedroom? Plane crash?

They have to get more creative.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2024 01:04 PM (kFCpM)

9 Rowe should resign and go back to being a Democrat staffer.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 02, 2024 01:04 PM (aD39U)

10 Blow it all up.

Posted by: nurse ratched, certified weirdo at August 02, 2024 01:05 PM (hQPf/)

11 Remember for when this phrase comes up again, that when you agree to carry out a assignment, you "take full responsibility" for it.

That phrase is not actually a Get Out of Gitmo Free card.

Posted by: t-bird at August 02, 2024 01:05 PM (D7mYu)

12 Did Biden really wander onto some random plane?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2024 01:05 PM (v6JzV)

13 I want him pushed off a 60 foot tower with 45 foot of rope.
Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods

No! No! No!

Many would prefer he suffer.

Posted by: Tonypete at August 02, 2024 01:05 PM (6WCwE)

14 *In best southern drawl:*

"What we have here ... in addition to Hunter's cocaine in The White House, a nearly dead protectee, and a dead American attendee ... is failure of imagination."

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at August 02, 2024 01:05 PM (lY72Y)

15 Howdy Ace, Horde

"Top ... men ..." -- incompetent Army intelligence officers to Indiana Jones

Posted by: callsign claymore at August 02, 2024 01:05 PM (JcnCJ)

16 Did Biden really wander onto some random plane?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2024 01:05 PM (v6JzV)


Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at August 02, 2024 01:05 PM (ufFY8)

17 That Rowe guy is not law enforcement. He's a political hire. A hack staffer before he got this job.

Posted by: Things on x at August 02, 2024 01:05 PM (7clnj)

18 I remember when he was hired out of the West Palm Beach RA. He was a local cop and cocky, right off the bat. Seems he's honed his cockiness, shouting at a US Senator. Shameful.

Posted by: Jeff E at August 02, 2024 01:05 PM (nIGCg)

19 5. I said it in the last thread. Trump should not even show up. SCOTUS said Hope Hick’s cannot testify. Mistral. Dare judge to issue warrant.

He cannot allow some random low-level immigrant judge to play a role in our election. That is really all there is. If he shows, shame on Trump.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at August 02, 2024 01:06 PM (QyLHS)

20 Rowe was a political hack from the get go . While not in the SS he worked for various dems including Pat Lahey Sen Vermont

Posted by: Smell the Glove at August 02, 2024 01:06 PM (EZPzy)

21 I don't want him fired, I want him impeached, with Congress taking away his pension.

Might I offer an alternative?

Posted by: zombie Vlad Tepes at August 02, 2024 01:06 PM (NlwkK)

22 Blow it all up.
Posted by: nurse ratched, certified weirdo at August 02, 2024 01:05 PM (hQPf/)

nurse needs to get up this guy's ass.

Just sayin'.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at August 02, 2024 01:06 PM (ufFY8)

23 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2024 01:06 PM (IXZGh)

24 Give him a blindfold and a cigarette and then get on with it.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2024 01:06 PM (BwNH5)

25 If, for some reason Merchan doesn't get the memo to jail Trump, he will be shot again. That is the stupidest move the dems could make. That means we will have President JD Vance, and I think he will be out for blood.

Posted by: Megthered at August 02, 2024 01:07 PM (rwiQP)

26 The Buck Stops Over There Somewhere, Not Here

Posted by: Don Black at August 02, 2024 01:07 PM (/7KEl)

27 I don't want him fired, I want him impeached, with Congress taking away his pension.
Why? He's serving the Deep State well.

You don't want to go up against the Deep State. Coward Shroomer said that they have all these ways of getting back at you--including embarrassing photos of Shroomer diddling kids.

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 01:07 PM (krQz2)

28 I don't want him fired, I want him impeached, with Congress taking away his pension. Let him fucking beg progressive lunatics for rent-money on GoFundMe for the rest of his miserable assassin-coddling life.

And throw him in prison for 30 years for repeatedly lying to Congress. This lying saboteur is a one-man insurrection and needs to be treated as such.

In before the "Nothing will happen" guy......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2024 01:07 PM (IXZGh)

29 Ace, is your position still "I can't buy the Strong Form of this idea -- that they intended Trump to be killed"?

I'm not trying to give you grief, just wondering if you've come around to the dark side yet.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:07 PM (T7iTv)

30 17 That Rowe guy is not law enforcement. He's a political hire. A hack staffer before he got this job.
Posted by: Things on x at August 02, 2024 01:05

When he was testifying, my husband turned on the news and I watched him speak for about 1 minute and I told my husband I couldn't stand that guy. I had no idea who he was or what he did, he just gave me the worst feeling.

Posted by: CaliGirl at August 02, 2024 01:07 PM (6IAhu)

31 Rowething will happen.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 01:07 PM (DzUVR)

32 Willowed from previous post:
419 280 If Trump is racist for talking about Black jobs at the Nat. Ass. of Black Journalists...

Umm, you guys practically have a "Black Journalists Only" sign at the water fountain.
Imagine my shock: There is a legit literal site and the LA Times is apparently racist as well :

Posted by: theATL at August 02, 2024 01:08 PM (BYfP9)

33 What is the current official story about the rooftop? I know the ‘too sloped ‘ story was demolished as a lie but it was replaced by that an agent was assigned to the roof but that it was too hot and the agent came down. Was that also shown to be false?

I ask because it would appear it’s false because apparently there would have been no way for an agent to get on or off the roof as there were no ladders on the scene.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 01:08 PM (B1dzx)

34 Democrats actively wanted Trumps Secret Service detail removed, so why is it so hard to think the actual federal agency full of these same people would also want the same thing, but just did it anyway.

They dont even hide their hate, they want him dead.

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2024 01:08 PM (wMRY8)

35 Just assure me that Hawley's letter was sternly worded


Posted by: Don Black at August 02, 2024 01:08 PM (/7KEl)

36 and so it begins

Posted by: that guy that always thinks it's beginning at August 02, 2024 01:09 PM (aD39U)

37 Mike Rowe >>>>> Ronald Rowe

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2024 01:09 PM (v6JzV)

38 Give him a blindfold and a cigarette and then get on with it.
Posted by: garrett

You're talking about an eel and a lime, aren't you? Man, the surprised look on his face...

Posted by: t-bird at August 02, 2024 01:09 PM (D7mYu)

39 Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in an interview with Punchbowl News compared President Biden’s proposed Supreme Court reforms to the Jan. 6, 2021 attacks on the U.S. Capitol. “That’s what some people were trying to do Jan. 6 — to break the system of handing an administration from one to the next,” McConnell said in the interview, referring to the proposed reforms. “We can have our arguments, but we ought to not try to break the rules.”

Posted by: SMOD at August 02, 2024 01:09 PM (RHGPo)

40 Rowe is now in the position of the officer in old stories who has dishonored himself. So his brother officers leave a gun on his desk, say "You know what you have to do" and leave.

Of course, in real life, he'd be found blubbering when they return to find out why there was no shot.

Posted by: Eeyore at August 02, 2024 01:10 PM (1bNHn)

41 Let him fucking beg progressive lunatics for rent-money on GoFundMe for the rest of his miserable assassin-coddling life.

Nah, we got him covered.

Posted by: MSNBCCNNABC ETC at August 02, 2024 01:10 PM (lg881)

42 And so it begins.

Posted by: That guy who always thinks it's beginning at August 02, 2024 01:10 PM (3Fz6p)

43 Mike Johnson will announce that he's looking into the possibility of forming a committee to look into maybe holding a hearing about perhaps holding this guy in contempt. Preliminary meetings to start sometime in 2026.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at August 02, 2024 01:10 PM (2UnvF)

44 I can believe that they would believe no one would want to harm Trump.
These are the same deluded idiots that think only the people on the right are violent and only the people on the left need firearms to protect themselves.

Posted by: Erebus- ex-killer whale at August 02, 2024 01:10 PM (elaR+)

45 I watched him speak for about 1 minute and I told my husband I couldn't stand that guy. I had no idea who he was or what he did, he just gave me the worst feeling.
Posted by: CaliGirl at August 02, 2024 01:07 PM

So, if you weren't married, friend list?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at August 02, 2024 01:10 PM (NlwkK)

46 😂😂😂
Meme on Fartbook:

Yusuf Dikec's body with Alec Baldwin' head and the caption:

Alec Baldwin wins Gold Medal but the accidentally shoots 3 judges and a spectator.


Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at August 02, 2024 01:10 PM (Ps4hc)

47 "I don't want him fired, I want him impeached, with Congress taking away his pension."

You want that. I want all 2024 Maxim cover-girls waiting for me when I get home.

You'll take: Him being fired. I'll take one of them.

You'll get: He gets a medal and nice fat bonus. I'll get a nice chill night on the roof deck with scotch and a cigar.

Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2024 01:11 PM (iFTx/)

48 >>> 29 Ace, is your position still "I can't buy the Strong Form of this idea -- that they intended Trump to be killed"?

I'm not trying to give you grief, just wondering if you've come around to the dark side yet.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:07 PM (T7iTv)

something something so much worse than we know, so much worse than we would want to believe ...?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at August 02, 2024 01:11 PM (FnneF)

49 I can't imagine a worse place to turn into a political hack hierarchy-- put rabid partisans in charge of the protection of their political enemies. WTF?!!

Posted by: Things on x at August 02, 2024 01:11 PM (7clnj)

50 "Just assure me that Hawley's letter was sternly worded


Not only that but his sleeves were rolled up while he was typing it. Like a boss.

Posted by: Outside of Life at August 02, 2024 01:12 PM (89Sog)

51 My operating assumption is that Trump will be murdered before the election.

The Democratic Party is doing everything possible to encourage another assassin.

After all, if Trump is an existential threat to democracy itself, why wouldn't you want to kill him?

Posted by: The ARC of History! at August 02, 2024 01:12 PM (uxCna)

52 Impeached?

Impalement and disembowelment

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 02, 2024 01:12 PM (ioD89)

53 And just how did the shooter get there? Who was he talking to that inspired him?

The Stand Down policy can be explained away as incompetence. It gives them the old "plausible deniability" excuse. Then they offer up one or two heads (not on a pike, whisked off to early retirement and speaking engagements, maybe a book deal).

But that was all supposed to happen after a Dead Trump, not a wounded hero. So they have to do it again ... but they probably will ... they are "professionals", part of their sources and methods.

Posted by: illiniwek at August 02, 2024 01:12 PM (Cus5s)

54 I'm not seeing how ace can continue to not believe this wasn't a setup--a clusterfuck of a setup, but still, this is Blew City competence brought to The Show.

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 01:12 PM (krQz2)

55 >>> 51 My operating assumption is that Trump will be murdered before the election.

The Democratic Party is doing everything possible to encourage another assassin.

After all, if Trump is an existential threat to democracy itself, why wouldn't you want to kill him?
Posted by: The ARC of History! at August 02, 2024 01:12 PM (uxCna)

D party? What is the Eff.Bee.EYE doing?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at August 02, 2024 01:12 PM (FnneF)

56 I'm coming around to the idea that the deep state part of the USSS is dismissive enough of Trump that they just give him token security measures

'close enough to pass' as effort

Posted by: Don Black at August 02, 2024 01:13 PM (/7KEl)

57 "Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest!"

Accidentally on purpose!

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 02, 2024 01:13 PM (Gse2f)

58 It's only lying if you're talking to a human being. But he was talking to a republican.

So . . . what's the big deal?

Posted by: Karen at August 02, 2024 01:13 PM (3itYU)

59 The question about whether something is the result of maliciousness or incompetence ignores the likelihood of malicious incompetence.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at August 02, 2024 01:13 PM (EXyHK)

60 I ask because it would appear it’s false because apparently there would have been no way for an agent to get on or off the roof as there were no ladders on the scene.
Posted by: polynikes

See "George Webb Investigative journalist" on X. He presents much more believable theories.

Posted by: Tonypete at August 02, 2024 01:13 PM (6WCwE)

Rowe should resign and go back to being a Democrat staffer.
Posted by: G'rump928

He's a multi-tasker.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 02, 2024 01:13 PM (63Dwl)

62 I’m not on the active conspiracy theory to kill Trump but I do think there was a passive conspiracy to provide the minimal security allowed and whatever happens happens. That is still a criminal conspiracy imo just harder to prove.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 01:14 PM (B1dzx)

63 Anyone still believe this wasn't an intentional plot by SS and probably other agencies to murder Trump??

I mean, if they were intentionally trying to murder Trump, what would they have done any differently??

Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2024 01:15 PM (iFTx/)

64 If Congress can't even impeach THIS guy, I don't want to see anymore show investigations.

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at August 02, 2024 01:15 PM (w6EFb)

65 Democrats actively wanted Trumps Secret Service detail removed, so why is it so hard to think the actual federal agency full of these same people would also want the same thing, but just did it anyway.

They dont even hide their hate, they want him dead.
So obvious even Blago sees it. Once the lawfare failed, the final solution was activated. They are going to do it again. Next time not with an independent contractor.

Posted by: Things on x at August 02, 2024 01:15 PM (7clnj)

66 But he admits he "lacked the imagination" to think that people existed who might want to shoot a president.

The FBI should brief him about their patsy program.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at August 02, 2024 01:15 PM (fs1hN)

67 My operating assumption is that Trump will be murdered before the election.

Trump or Biden. Honestly, I’d say Biden first, because they can more easily blame it on Trump. It that doesn’t work they’ll go after Trump.

Every murder or attempted murder makes the next one easier to justify.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at August 02, 2024 01:15 PM (EXyHK)

68 hey Rowe, fuck you, actually.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at August 02, 2024 01:15 PM (xcxpd)

69 And just how did the shooter get there?
Posted by: illiniwek at August 02, 2024 01:12 PM (Cus5s)

I assume that in another week or so we'll find out he carpooled with one of the DHS temps who were there instead of Trump's normal USSS team. Maybe Kanna Holster.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:15 PM (T7iTv)

70 I don't understand how a senior officer in the ss would want an assassin on his watch even if he's a Democrat.

Posted by: Northernlurker , wondering where his phone is at August 02, 2024 01:15 PM (FfSAJ)

Build a high log palisade around Trump's podium. Lash the likely facilitators of the "get Trump killed" plans to the logs.

Start with Mayorkas and Rowe. Keep adding folks to be lashed until someone cracks and spills the beans. This RICO assassination gaming needs to be over with, NOW.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at August 02, 2024 01:15 PM (xG4kz)

72 Nascar driver crashes into wall after failing to imagine that he would have to turn left.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 01:15 PM (d9LQi)

73 What they want is to make every discussion of race into the "special word".

They're allowed to use it, you are not.

Mighty convenient when it comes to beating you down on the subject of race, no?

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 01:15 PM (DzUVR)

74 my theory: It wasn't a coordinated assasination attempt by the USSC, but rather a deliberate attitude of "leave the door open and if someone walks through, so be it"

Posted by: Shenanigans at August 02, 2024 01:16 PM (pZ0Mr)

75 The Harris-Biden administration think that Trad Catholics, parents upset at school board meetings, and pro-life activists are a far greater danger to the Republic than ruthless assassins killing innocent Americans.

Posted by: mrp at August 02, 2024 01:16 PM (rj6Yv)

76 I zeroed in on the 'there'll be another assassination attempt' part of the piece. I believe it. Every hostile actor in the known universe knows with certainty Trump's security has been compromised. They also know the current Administration and the American Left in toto very badly wants Trump dead or in jail.

There's going to be another attempt, probably soon given the assassin will want to exploit ongoing Secret Service demoralization and disarray.

Posted by: troyriser at August 02, 2024 01:16 PM (Vvljl)

77 And throw him in prison for 30 years for repeatedly lying to Congress. This lying saboteur is a one-man insurrection and needs to be treated as such.


Definitely not a one man insurrection... He had help.

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at August 02, 2024 01:16 PM (oA0O8)

78 GOPe will gnash their teeth and rend their garments but, in the end, nothing will be done.

Posted by: Archer at August 02, 2024 01:16 PM (IDphi)

79 >>> 62 I’m not on the active conspiracy theory to kill Trump but I do think there was a passive conspiracy to provide the minimal security allowed and whatever happens happens. That is still a criminal conspiracy imo just harder to prove.
Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 01:14 PM (B1dzx)

I would think *if* there was an active part (which seems likely to me), it would be a *completely* separate group / operation than the security limp dick part.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at August 02, 2024 01:16 PM (FnneF)

80 @9 G'rump I don't think that Rowe has to resign to continue being a Democratic staffer

Posted by: Smell the Glove at August 02, 2024 01:16 PM (EZPzy)

81 See "George Webb Investigative journalist" on X. He presents much more believable theories.
Posted by: Tonypete at August 02, 2024 01:13 PM (6WCwE)

I’m not looking for theories but rather what the current status is on whether or not someone was assigned to that roof top.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 01:16 PM (B1dzx)

82 Trump had bullet proof shields in front of him At Harrisburg.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 01:16 PM (d9LQi)

83 LOL.

There are rumors that Kamala wants Shapiro as VP, but that her staff is in full revolt at the idea that a Jew who doesn't support the destruction of the State of Israel would be on the ticket.

Good - Shapiro is the strongest VP candidate - he is popular in Pennsylvania, and would convince a lot of wavering Jews that it was OK to vote Democratic.

Hopefully Kamala can't put him on the ticket.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at August 02, 2024 01:16 PM (uxCna)

84 What they couldn't imagine was that Trump would turn his head at the last moment.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 01:17 PM (DzUVR)

85 How do we get him tried outside DC?

Posted by: Eeyore at August 02, 2024 01:17 PM (1bNHn)

86 Now that you mention it, why isn't Kamala announcing her VP in Harrisburg? There is a failure of imagination.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 01:17 PM (d9LQi)

87 I'm not seeing how ace can continue to not believe this wasn't a setup--a clusterfuck of a setup, but still, this is Blew City competence brought to The Show.
Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 01:12 PM (krQz2)

It is asking a lot. Those of us at that point can say, c'mon man, but it's asking a lot to believe that the US government would actively work to kill a Presidential candidate. I assume he'll get there at some point as the mountain of crap they require him to believe gets ever larger.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:17 PM (T7iTv)

88 Every event surrounding Trump is proof of the existence of the "Deep State"

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at August 02, 2024 01:17 PM (oA0O8)

89 They own the pipeline.

Get rid of Cheatle. You get Rowe. Get rid of him you get...

Posted by: I've got bad news for you at August 02, 2024 01:17 PM (Zab8A)

90 Were there any Dem senators in Rowe's hearing? Looked like only GOP senators showed up to ask questions. Lots of empty seats on the dais.

Posted by: J. Frank Parnell at August 02, 2024 01:17 PM (RXJdG)

91 75 The Harris-Biden administration think that Trad Catholics, parents upset at school board meetings, and pro-life activists are a far greater danger to the Republic than ruthless assassins killing innocent Americans.

Which group threatens Harris-Biden admin's power over the Republic?

Posted by: Chuck Martel at August 02, 2024 01:17 PM (fs1hN)

92 >>> 85 How do we get him tried outside DC?
Posted by: Eeyore at August 02, 2024 01:17 PM (1bNHn)

The attempted murder happened in PA.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at August 02, 2024 01:18 PM (FnneF)

93 I’m not looking for theories but rather what the current status is on whether or not someone was assigned to that roof top.
Posted by: polynikes

Okay, I'll answer directly - Yes, Crooks was assigned to that rooftop. Now, that certainly isn't the current lie being spread but give it a few hours, current lie will change.

Posted by: Tonypete at August 02, 2024 01:18 PM (6WCwE)

94 I don't understand how a senior officer in the ss would want an assassin on his watch even if he's a Democrat.

He'll be a multimillionaire if Trump gets killed - left-wing billionaires will see to that.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at August 02, 2024 01:18 PM (uxCna)

95 86 Now that you mention it, why isn't Kamala announcing her VP in Harrisburg? There is a failure of imagination.

Someone didn't set Kamala up for success.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at August 02, 2024 01:19 PM (fs1hN)

96 I still find it wild that they have turned the attempted assassination of a President into a non-event.

That just boggles my mind.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 02, 2024 01:19 PM (XV/Pl)

97 Trump had bullet proof shields in front of him At Harrisburg.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy

Waist high, DEI shields.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at August 02, 2024 01:19 PM (Ps4hc)

98 Secret service let security be lax.

FBI grooms a shooter

Whatever happens happens.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 01:20 PM (d9LQi)

99 Can’t wait to roll up my sleeves and look very mad and concerned at the next hearing.

Posted by: Jim Jordan at August 02, 2024 01:20 PM (V/xd7)

100 I hate that I posted what I did above because I used to be a good adherent to Hanlon's and Ockham's razors.

I used to stage my identity around those minimal assumption frameworks.

I just can't anymore. First of all, I noticed that ignorance + arrogance is so damn close to malevolence that it plays a similar functional role. Attributing motive is a relatively small detail.

And then I noticed a LOT of arrogance and "ignorance" paired together--especially during COVID (No, we only lied to you about masks NOT working!)

Besides can't we always say that if people have innate value, your inability to perceive that value is a type of ignorance?! And can't we describe the arrogance of I'M RIGHT DAMMIT as a type of Fuck You to people who raise concerns about what you are not concerned about?

You can argue a sort of innocence in ignorance IF nobody spent much time trying to change their mind, but persistent arrogance IS again rather close to malevolence if you DO end up causing harm.

Hanlon's razor no longer cuts it.

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 01:20 PM (krQz2)

101 Wait…so maybe the rank and file arent just ham-n-eggers doing their jobs as apolitical patriots? Possible there is huge systemic rot?

Hannity hardest hit.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at August 02, 2024 01:20 PM (QyLHS)

102 Those of us at that point can say, c'mon man, but it's asking a lot to believe that the US government would actively work to kill a Presidential candidate.
😳 really. Really???

Posted by: RFK jr at August 02, 2024 01:20 PM (7clnj)

103 I dont buy into that it was conspiracy inside the agency to kill him. I think it's just what we already know is being reinforced.

DC voted like 95% against Trump. These agencies are full of Trump haters.

The federal government is incompetent as we all know, throw in DEI hires, plus agency heads that enjoyed "denying" anything Trump requested and cutting resources, and you have a total amateur able to get within a few mm of killing a former President.

Even if there was a conspiracy, Im 10x more worried about the upcoming election that the idea that someone in the SS wanted Trump dead and purposely looked the other way. I think that probably describes most Democrats in every agency.

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2024 01:20 PM (wMRY8)

104 I still find it wild that they have turned the attempted assassination of a President into a non-event.

That just boggles my mind.
Posted by: Thomas Bender

If that had happened in November of '63, there would still be hearings in November orf '64.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at August 02, 2024 01:20 PM (Ps4hc)

105 9 out of 10 (if not more) senior officials in the Fed guv are clones of Rowe. The whole bureaucracy is chock full of them…. I don’t have a solution other than dissolve and defund as many agencies as possible

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 02, 2024 01:20 PM (xT8gx)

106 I'm skeptical Jews can really be convinced to vote for Hamas supporters because of a token hire, and further skeptical that this subset of the "Jewish vote" matters anywhere. 20% are in NYC.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 01:20 PM (DzUVR)

107 96 I still find it wild that they have turned the attempted assassination of a President into a non-event.

Just part of the election season, it happens.

Posted by: Banana Republics Everywhere at August 02, 2024 01:21 PM (fs1hN)

108 Well on the bright side, Hunter can probably pass background checks and poly and be a serving agent ...

Posted by: Commander Cobra at August 02, 2024 01:21 PM (HIK27)

109 Remember, a prior whistleblower is warning that the Secret Service is incompetent and rife with corruption and he fears another assassination attempt will soon occur.


What I saw on the 13th of July was not incompetence, but a well thought out plan that almost worked to get Trump murdered.

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at August 02, 2024 01:21 PM (oA0O8)

110 With regards to the assassination attempt itself, whether the conditions were crafted so there was too little coverage for Trump or the USSS had an overt, active hand in the attempt... someone put the "The Plan™" in motion.

You've got Harris and Jill biden both "spontaneously" going to PA for unscripted events. Who scheduled those events? When?

Start there and put some heat on White House staffers currently working for the meat puppet. They might want to keep their cushy government jobs on down the line.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at August 02, 2024 01:21 PM (Q4IgG)

111 And why hasn't every USSS agent present that day been subpoened by Congress to tell their story?

Posted by: Don Black at August 02, 2024 01:21 PM (/7KEl)

112 Where's my "Nothing will happen button?" I'm sure it's around here somewhere....

Posted by: OrangeEnt at August 02, 2024 01:21 PM (0eaVi)

113 still find it wild that they have turned the attempted assassination of a President into a non-event.

That just boggles my mind.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 02, 2024 01:19 PM (XV/Pl)

I predicted they would follow the Hodgkinson model. Admittedly I didn’t think they would succeed in making it just another dog bites man back page story .

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 01:21 PM (B1dzx)

114 Failure of imagination? Did he also fail history and not do research on the presidential candidates given that the father of RFK Jr, one of the candidates, was assassinated while on the campaign trail?

The more they talk, the more believable it becomes that they wanted Trump dead.

Posted by: Nutsy at August 02, 2024 01:21 PM (CBvOP)

115 I need to go turn my flag upside down again. I flipped it normal on July 4th. Too soon.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at August 02, 2024 01:22 PM (Z8Yh2)

116 Give him a blindfold and a cigarette and then get on with it.
Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2024 01:06 PM (BwNH5)

Exactly. An unfiltered Camel.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at August 02, 2024 01:22 PM (6eAks)

117 I would think *if* there was an active part (which seems likely to me), it would be a *completely* separate group / operation than the security limp dick part.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at August 02, 2024 01:16 PM (FnneF)

But wouldn't it be handy to have one guy, maybe a guy who wasn't career SS, a guy who was actively politically partisan and in a position to ensure that your patsy had the best possible opportunity? Man, if I were in charge of a conspiracy, I'd sure want that guy.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:22 PM (T7iTv)

118 LOL.

There are rumors that Kamala wants Shapiro as VP, but that her staff is in full revolt at the idea that a Jew who doesn't support the destruction of the State of Israel would be on the ticket.

Good - Shapiro is the strongest VP candidate - he is popular in Pennsylvania, and would convince a lot of wavering Jews that it was OK to vote Democratic.

Hopefully Kamala can't put him on the ticket.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at August 02, 2024 01:16 PM (uxCna)

It doesn't matter whether Gov. Shapiro is on the ticket or not. If he's on the ticket, the progs will go nuts at the convention and he'll be the story. Not a good look for Brand Kamala. If someone else is picked, it's just another gun-grabbing, pro open-borders, tax and spend liberal picked by Barry.

Posted by: mrp at August 02, 2024 01:22 PM (rj6Yv)

119 If he dies, he dies.

Posted by: The Secret Service! at August 02, 2024 01:22 PM (uxCna)

120 Secret service let security be lax.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 01:20 PM (d9LQi)
Secret service didn't follow the named POTUS onto a random plane, or even much try to stop him from getting on it.

So, it's not like I don't believe there are serious problems with SS's commitment to mission.

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 01:22 PM (krQz2)

121 "That means we will have President JD Vance, and I think he will be out for blood.

With my tinfoil hat on I say that they wanted Trump dead before he publicly announced his VP pick. In their eyes, we'd have been left a headless snake. A crazed convention would have given us Darling Nikki as the R nominee.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 02, 2024 01:23 PM (Gse2f)

122 Oh.

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at August 02, 2024 01:23 PM (eZwyX)

123 Anyone still believe this wasn't an intentional plot by SS and probably other agencies to murder Trump??

To be fair, those people believe EVERYthing the television says. Fair and honest elections, safe and effective vaccines, Michelle Obama is a woman. All of it.

They are in for a huge shock, one of these days.

Posted by: t-bird at August 02, 2024 01:23 PM (DKHqY)

124 Whatever conspiracy theory you may be entertaining is most likely correct.

Posted by: wth at August 02, 2024 01:23 PM (v0R5T)

125 1) they hate Trump
2) they think everyone hates Trump
3) but only the right ever engages in political violence

So yeah, the entire leadership of the Secret Service:
1) wouldn't care if Trump's was killed
2) believes it's a lie anyone has ever threatened to kill Trump

The FBI gave hasn't passed a single threatened assassination report to the Secret Service either.
Watch, that's next.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 02, 2024 01:23 PM (CwWS9)

126 I dont buy into that it was conspiracy inside the agency to kill him. I think it's just what we already know is being reinforced.

DC voted like 95% against Trump. These agencies are full of Trump haters.

The federal government is incompetent as we all know, throw in DEI hires, plus agency heads that enjoyed "denying" anything Trump requested and cutting resources, and you have a total amateur able to get within a few mm of killing a former President.

Even if there was a conspiracy, Im 10x more worried about the upcoming election that the idea that someone in the SS wanted Trump dead and purposely looked the other way. I think that probably describes most Democrats in every agency.
Posted by: Blago

Where all of that falls apart as just being a "collection of errors"?

A 20 yr old shooter just happened to be crazy enough, on his own, to find the ONLY ungarded roof, and to take a shot at Trump.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at August 02, 2024 01:23 PM (Ps4hc)

127 Bashear is ironing his flannel shirt and polishing his common man talk as we speak. He is the official conner-of-the-rubes.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at August 02, 2024 01:24 PM (QyLHS)

128 Anyone still believe this wasn't an intentional plot by SS and probably other agencies to murder Trump??


Posted by: wth at August 02, 2024 01:24 PM (v0R5T)

129 Deliberately denying the appropriate resources for a protection detail, when longstanding SOP is to provide it, can by itself be seen as a deliberate attempt to put the protectee in extreme danger. Whether it is a decision made by political pathos, indifference, or generate doesn’t matter. The result is the same. If you combine that with what we know about the site commander, who broke numerous SOP’s for presidential protection, you either have a coordinated attempt to create a fatal funnel to put the protectee at extreme risk, or a monumental amount of ignorance because the people involved are highly unqualified. You choose, but tell me this when you look at Rowe and realize the site commander, a woman and some say another DEI hire, do you really believe these people are the height of professionalism and competence?

Posted by: Marcus T at August 02, 2024 01:24 PM (SuQXo)

130 There are rumors that Kamala wants Shapiro as VP, but that her staff is in full revolt at the idea that a Jew who doesn't support the destruction of the State of Israel would be on the ticket.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at August 02, 2024 01:16 PM (uxCna)
That is the limiting factor of left politics. The purists who create ideological paralysis in themselves and others.

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 01:24 PM (krQz2)

131 105 9 out of 10 (if not more) senior officials in the Fed guv are clones of Rowe. The whole bureaucracy is chock full of them…. I don’t have a solution other than dissolve and defund as many agencies as possible


Their goal is to "grow the government". Trump and real conservatism are a threat to that goal, so they act accordingly.

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at August 02, 2024 01:24 PM (oA0O8)

132 Afternoon.

Posted by: Robert at August 02, 2024 01:24 PM (1Yy3c)

133 If Shapiro is selected the Michigan jihadists lose their shit. They probably wouldn't vote and Michigan goes Trump. The hardcore left in other states go nuts as well pissing off a lot of mod independents who would shift to Trump. Please pick Shapiro

Posted by: Smell the Glove at August 02, 2024 01:24 PM (EZPzy)

134 ...Kanna Holster.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:15 PM (T7iTv)


Posted by: Lady Who Always Has a Burning Question at August 02, 2024 01:25 PM (JCLJi)

135 @113

>>I predicted they would follow the Hodgkinson model. Admittedly I didn’t think they would succeed in making it just another dog bites man back page story .

For all intents and purposes, it didn't even happen and it's literally been broomed aside in favor of the new, Isn't Our Inevitable New Coconut Queen Just The Tits!!!1

Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 02, 2024 01:25 PM (XV/Pl)

136 Hiring and retaining Agent FUPA and Agent Diversity Barbie are Mission #1 at the Secret Service.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 02, 2024 01:25 PM (CwWS9)

137 He's certainly not a one man anything.

Posted by: enough BS at August 02, 2024 01:25 PM (2NXcZ)

138 Afternoon.
Posted by: Robert at August 02, 2024 01:24 PM (1Yy3c)

*looks at watch*

This guy's story checks out.

Posted by: spindrift at August 02, 2024 01:26 PM (OguvZ)

139 For all intents and purposes, it didn't even happen and it's literally been broomed aside in favor of the new, Isn't Our Inevitable New Coconut Queen Just The Tits!!!1
Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 02, 2024 01:25 PM (XV/Pl)

Amazing how that happened

Posted by: It's me donna at August 02, 2024 01:26 PM (IyPmt)

140 Bashear is ironing his flannel shirt and polishing his common man talk as we speak. He is the official conner-of-the-rubes.
Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at August 02, 2024 01:24 PM (QyLHS)


Posted by: Jon Tester and Joe Manchin at August 02, 2024 01:26 PM (V/xd7)

141 "No, Mr. Trump. I expect you to die!" - GoldRowe

Posted by: wth at August 02, 2024 01:26 PM (v0R5T)

142 With my tinfoil hat on I say that they wanted Trump dead before he publicly announced his VP pick. In their eyes, we'd have been left a headless snake. A crazed convention would have given us Darling Nikki as the R nominee.
I don't disagree. They are still gonna try before election. Vance won't win by himself. After election, they won't kill trump. That will make Vance president and they don't want that either.

Posted by: RFK jr at August 02, 2024 01:26 PM (7clnj)

143 Just The News: New Scott Rasmussen poll shows Harris up by 5 points

'A new poll from Scott Rasmussen's RMG Research shows Vice President Kamala Harris leading former President Trump by 5 points nationally 47% to 42%.

Independent Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr. received 6% in the poll, which was released on Friday.

The survey was conducted with 3,000 registered voters from July 29-31.

"We don't know yet if this is a temporary bounce or the first indicator of lasting change in the race," Rasmussen wrote Friday on X.

"A week ago, it was a toss-up (Trump 44% Harris 43%)," he added.'

Posted by: Robert at August 02, 2024 01:26 PM (1Yy3c)

144 A pattern of failure is a pattern.

A pattern is how you connect data points and discern design and intent.

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 01:26 PM (krQz2)

145 I still find it wild that they have turned the attempted assassination of a President into a non-event.

That just boggles my mind.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 02, 2024 01:19 PM (XV/Pl)

But a fentanyl up the ass death of an unruly criminal in a headlock is the end of the world for YEARS.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 01:26 PM (DzUVR)

146 I think the FBI and USSS absolutely set the conditions for such an event to occur, I just can't bring myself to believe that Crooks was actively on their payroll.

Posted by: XTC at August 02, 2024 01:26 PM (UnA8+)

147 BTW look at the detail who now surrounds Trump. These are mostly the true professionals we expect from the Secret Service, the type who will die before they fail you.

Posted by: Marcus T at August 02, 2024 01:27 PM (SuQXo)

148 "No, Mr. Trump. I expect you to die!" - GoldRowe

Posted by: wth at August 02, 2024 01:26 PM (v0R5T)

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 01:27 PM (krQz2)

149 For all intents and purposes, it didn't even happen and it's literally been broomed aside in favor of the new, Isn't Our Inevitable New Coconut Queen Just The Tits!!!1

The techs shut down the under normal circumstances viral photo of the iconic fist pumping, bleeding, flag waving triumphant Trump out of the social medias long enough for people to move on.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at August 02, 2024 01:27 PM (fs1hN)

150 😳 really. Really???
Posted by: RFK jr at August 02, 2024 01:20 PM (7clnj)

So, you believe Sirhan Sirhan was innocent, or a patsy?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:27 PM (T7iTv)

151 I want to know if the slug dug out of Corey Compatore matched Crook's rifle. I want to know how many shell casings were truly recovered near Crooks.

You know, the easy stuff. As if we'll ever get the truth anyway.

Posted by: Tonypete at August 02, 2024 01:28 PM (6WCwE)

152 I think the FBI and USSS absolutely set the conditions for such an event to occur, I just can't bring myself to believe that Crooks was actively on their payroll.
Posted by: XTC

I can't believe it was left up to a 20yr old.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at August 02, 2024 01:28 PM (Ps4hc)

153 Crooks was under surveillance for over 90 minutes before shooting by local LE but their warnings went unheeded. The Butler officers I saw interviewed all admit they failed as they assumed their warnings were being handled by the SS.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 01:28 PM (B1dzx)

154 'Diversity Barbie'

you guys, I swear..

Posted by: Don Black at August 02, 2024 01:28 PM (/7KEl)

"A 20 yr old shooter just happened to be crazy enough, on his own, to find the ONLY ungarded roof, and to take a shot at Trump."

Crooks had a drone to help him find that unguarded roof.
While he was doing so, the SS studiously ignored him.

Just a coinky-dink.

Posted by: Speller at August 02, 2024 01:29 PM (pSotA)

156 Amazing to think where this country would be right now if Trump hadn't moved his head an eighth of an inch.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 02, 2024 01:29 PM (KbCG3)

157 @126

>>A 20 yr old shooter just happened to be crazy enough, on his own, to find the ONLY ungarded roof, and to take a shot at Trump.

There is footage of him literally running across the roof in plain sight of the snipers.

I mean, people are free to believe whatever they want, no will ever get me to believe this wasn't an Op to assassinate Trump.

Or alternatively...

Jim Comey: It was early enough and things were chaotic enough that I thought, lets send some agents over to "talk" to general Flynn.

** Comey Smirks **

** Audience Erupts in Laughter. **

Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 02, 2024 01:29 PM (XV/Pl)

158 Good afternoon all!

I hope PDT is gearing up to fight like a tiger for this election and election security. God spared him for a reason. Hopefully he realizes this.

Posted by: jmel at August 02, 2024 01:29 PM (RWHIh)

159 Funny how these agencies seem to have an unlimited army of personnel to raid the former president's residence and carry out massive raids to arrest trespassers who express wrong thoughts, but suddenly are short on resources when they need to protect a presidential candidate.

Posted by: Brian at August 02, 2024 01:29 PM (sOehV)

160 I'm skeptical Jews can really be convinced to vote for Hamas supporters because of a token hire, and further skeptical that this subset of the "Jewish vote" matters anywhere. 20% are in NYC.
Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 01:20 PM (DzUVR)

Plus, Harris is married to a "Jew". Adding one as her VP pick would not sit well with a certain segment of the Dem plantation.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:29 PM (T7iTv)

161 I still find it wild that they have turned the attempted assassination of a President into a non-event.

That just boggles my mind.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 02, 2024 01:19 PM (XV/Pl)
That also goes into the pattern.

We can believe that we are divided enough that people can't even express human concern about assassination, but we are not divided enough for somebody to verge from callousness to evil intent.

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 01:29 PM (krQz2)

162 A 20 yr old shooter just happened to be crazy enough, on his own, to find the ONLY ungarded roof, and to take a shot at Trump.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at August 02, 2024 01:23 PM (Ps4hc)

To be "fair" to the assassin, not "a shot". The official tally is 8 shots, 1 killed, 3 wounded.

Posted by: mrp at August 02, 2024 01:30 PM (rj6Yv)

163 Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.

Posted by: CaliGirl at August 02, 2024 01:30 PM (3YdrS)

164 143 Just The News: New Scott Rasmussen poll shows Harris up by 5 points

'A new poll from Scott Rasmussen's RMG Research shows Vice President Kamala Harris leading former President Trump by 5 points nationally 47% to 42%.

Independent Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr. received 6% in the poll, which was released on Friday.

The survey was conducted with 3,000 registered voters from July 29-31.

"We don't know yet if this is a temporary bounce or the first indicator of lasting change in the race," Rasmussen wrote Friday on X.

"A week ago, it was a toss-up (Trump 44% Harris 43%)," he added.'
Posted by: Robert at August 02, 2024 01:26 PM (1Yy3c)

If America is set on killing itself, there's no reason to worry.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 02, 2024 01:30 PM (KbCG3)

165 SS press conference at 2:00. Bongino will do live commentary.

Posted by: fd at August 02, 2024 01:30 PM (vFG9F)

166 The Kamala lovefest is a very obvious lie. More obvious than even their usual obvious lies.

Steal24 is coming whether we like it or not.

Kamala was planned for a long time. I used to say here back before most even heard of her, that the original plan was The Hag for eight years and then Kamala from 2024 to 2032 to finish us off.

Trump spoiled it but the 2020 steal got them right back on track.

She was chosen for a reason and we will now find out that reason.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 01:30 PM (DzUVR)

167 The survey was conducted with 3,000 registered voters from July 29-31.

"We don't know yet if this is a temporary bounce or the first indicator of lasting change in the race," Rasmussen wrote Friday on X.

"A week ago, it was a toss-up (Trump 44% Harris 43%)," he added.'
Posted by: Robert at August 02, 2024 01:26 PM (1Yy3c)


No major story in that week, and they see massive movement.


Or, polling is bullshit.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at August 02, 2024 01:31 PM (GBKbO)

168 really. Really???
Posted by: RFK jr at August 02, 2024 01:20 PM (7clnj)

So, you believe Sirhan Sirhan was innocent, or a patsy?
Have not seen my years worth of statements regarding the cia involvement?? I published on it. I can go on for hours about it. Did you think I was kidding????!!! They killed my dad and my uncle.

Posted by: RFK jr at August 02, 2024 01:31 PM (7clnj)

169 Just saw the video posted below of Biden wandering into the wrong plane. Holy shit. This is bad.

Posted by: Minnfidel at August 02, 2024 01:31 PM (ewjUl)

170 Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
Posted by: CaliGirl at August 02, 2024 01:30 PM (3YdrS)


Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 01:31 PM (DzUVR)

171 "We were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the Secret Service members whenever they arrived, and that never happened," Jason Woods, a lead sharpshooter on the Beaver County, Pennsylvania SWAT team, told ABC News.

"So I think that was probably a pivotal point, where I started thinking things were wrong because it never happened," he said. "We had no communication."

Posted by: DJ at August 02, 2024 01:31 PM (uosPt)

172 "A week ago, it was a toss-up (Trump 44% Harris 43%)," he added.'
Posted by: Robert at August 02, 2024 01:26 PM (1Yy3c)

If America is set on killing itself, there's no reason to worry.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 02, 2024 01:30 PM (KbCG3)

Not much we can do....

Posted by: It's me donna at August 02, 2024 01:31 PM (IyPmt)

173 Funny how these agencies seem to have an unlimited army of personnel to raid the former president's residence and carry out massive raids to arrest trespassers who express wrong thoughts, but suddenly are short on resources when they need to protect a presidential candidate.

Posted by: Brian at August 02, 2024 01:29 PM (sOehV)
Satan plans ahead.

The ultimate conspiracy is simply Satan orchestrating dupes, as Stephen King intuited for Needful Things.

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 01:31 PM (krQz2)

174 There were numerous opportunities to stop Crooks but he was able to slip by everyone because everyone passed the buck .

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 01:31 PM (B1dzx)

175 Press conference on a Friday afternoon. Almost like they don’t want anyone paying attention.

Posted by: Friday News Dump at August 02, 2024 01:31 PM (V/xd7)

176 This explains why Rowe couldn't answer the direct question about who denied Trump's requests for additional resources and leaned on the BS "process" excuse. He couldn't answer because HE was the guy who denied it. It's perjury straight up and I'm sure the DOJ will get right on any criminal referral.

Posted by: the dandy at August 02, 2024 01:32 PM (L+5ng)

177 What happened to Rasmussen?? I used to think his polling was reliable…. Or alternatively, Harris +5 is real and the country is irreversibly retarded…

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 02, 2024 01:32 PM (xT8gx)

178 "I just can't bring myself to believe that Crooks was actively on their payroll."

No money was exchanged with the soon to be known gunman.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at August 02, 2024 01:32 PM (Z8Yh2)

179 I can't believe it was left up to a 20yr old.
Who did they use to kill Seth rich???

They ALWAYS use cut outs.

Posted by: Speak memory at August 02, 2024 01:33 PM (7clnj)

180 177 What happened to Rasmussen?? I used to think his polling was reliable…. Or alternatively, Harris +5 is real and the country is irreversibly retarded…
Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 02, 2024 01:32 PM (xT8gx)

Certainly is demoralizing

Posted by: It's me donna at August 02, 2024 01:33 PM (IyPmt)

181 SS press conference at 2:00. Bongino will do live commentary.
Posted by: fd

Oh goodie. Just what we need.
More obfuscation and lies.

Posted by: wth at August 02, 2024 01:33 PM (v0R5T)

182 With my tinfoil hat on I say that they wanted Trump dead before he publicly announced his VP pick. In their eyes, we'd have been left a headless snake.

I agree.

A crazed convention would have given us Darling Nikki as the R nominee.

I disagree. Nikki would have tried to present herself as inevitable but I cannot imagine that Trump's delegates would vote for her.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:33 PM (T7iTv)

183 The GOP must get rid of Rowe and send him to jail or resign in disgrace

Posted by: enough BS at August 02, 2024 01:33 PM (2NXcZ)

184 Biden's illegal flights of illegals is put on hold because of fraud concerns, like the same phone number was used by 2000 different people.

Posted by: fd at August 02, 2024 01:34 PM (vFG9F)

185 Yeah the people released in that prisoner swap arrived on that plane

they got out of the plane and rejoined their families

then Joe decided to get on the plane

Posted by: Don Black at August 02, 2024 01:34 PM (/7KEl)

186 Jim Comey: It was early enough and things were chaotic enough that I thought, lets send some agents over to "talk" to general Flynn.

** Comey Smirks **

** Audience Erupts in Laughter. **
Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 02, 2024 01:29 PM (XV/Pl)

The 92nd Street Y event in NYC. I remember that one.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at August 02, 2024 01:34 PM (x+cUp)

187 Michael, there's nothing to worry about. Tessio is providing security on his turf.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 02, 2024 01:34 PM (Gse2f)

188 If that had happened in November of '63, there would still be hearings in November of '64.
Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods

He said, "In winter 1963
It felt like the world would freeze
With John F. Kennedy
And The Beatles"

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at August 02, 2024 01:34 PM (4XwPj)

189 An interesting cat, I don't know what to think of Dr. Louis "Jolly" West. He worked for quite a few orgs after getting involved in psychiatry and hypnosis, and holds a special place in druggie lore as inadvertently killing an elephant with LSD at the Oklahoma zoo. Decimal points matter in dosages, apparently.

He was known to have examined Jack Ruby, Hinckley, and Tim McVeigh. What was he trying to do with drugs and hypnosis with these guys? There is (supposedly) a connection between West and examination of Hinckley, and Chandra Levy. Hm.

West publicly said a lot about cults, and Scientology. I think he testified that Patty Hearst was a victim, rather than an enthusiastic participant in the terrorist group she was involved. Rich trust fund kids, coffee heiress etc, the well to do and heirs can cause lots of trouble, obviously.

Posted by: Common Tater at August 02, 2024 01:34 PM (mGJI/)

190 An extremely lucky assassination is the target accidentally driving down a dead-end alley right in front of the assassin.

A conspiracy of confederates assassination is the driver being directed to drive down that alley while security is posted to guard the wrong street.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 02, 2024 01:34 PM (CwWS9)

191 Where all of that falls apart as just being a "collection of errors"?

A 20 yr old shooter just happened to be crazy enough, on his own, to find the ONLY ungarded roof, and to take a shot at Trump.

Eight shots, if we're to believe everything.

Posted by: t-bird at August 02, 2024 01:34 PM (MZXFo)

192 "So I think that was probably a pivotal point, where I started thinking things were wrong because it never happened," he said. "We had no communication."
Posted by: DJ at August 02, 2024 01:31 PM (uosPt)

Leads one to believe that "no communication" with local LEO was intentional. Didn't the USSS scrub all of its Butler site communications between agency personnel?

Posted by: mrp at August 02, 2024 01:34 PM (rj6Yv)

193 Given the common occurrence of political assassinations in history, and that being the primary function of the USSS a fair conclusion would be that they were actively trying to get Trump killed.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at August 02, 2024 01:34 PM (m6NVp)

194 How many agents to facilitate the Whitmer kidnap bullshit? 9?

Talking a dweeb into taking a shot a Trump should not take that many.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at August 02, 2024 01:35 PM (Z8Yh2)

195 @177

>> Or alternatively, Harris +5 is real and the country is irreversibly retarded…

Half the country is drugged out lunatics and immigrants, so yeah, I can believe this.

All I can do is use my one vote, which means jack squat nothing when these humps can simply manufacture as many ballots as they need.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 02, 2024 01:35 PM (XV/Pl)

196 Biden's illegal flights of illegals is put on hold because of fraud concerns, like the same phone number was used by 2000 different people.

Posted by: fd at August 02, 2024 01:34 PM (vFG9F)


"There's another 2000 votes from one address for Mrs. Emhoff!"

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at August 02, 2024 01:35 PM (lY72Y)

197 It’s not just Rasmussen. Lots of polls showing Kamala leading.

Posted by: Friday News Dump at August 02, 2024 01:35 PM (V/xd7)

198 146 I think the FBI and USSS absolutely set the conditions for such an event to occur, I just can't bring myself to believe that Crooks was actively on their payroll.


Then how the fuck did he know exactly where the weak spot was, and who was he talking to on the phone right before going on the roof.

The SS left the best vantage point in the area wide open and Crooks knew to go straight to that spot.

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at August 02, 2024 01:35 PM (oA0O8)

199 It wasn't a "cut" cut.

Whopsie Goldberg

Posted by: Bete at August 02, 2024 01:35 PM (LX4y3)

200 Just saw the video posted below of Biden wandering into the wrong plane. Holy shit. This is bad.
Posted by: Minnfidel at August 02, 2024 01:31 PM (ewjUl)

The Russki pilot should have firewalled the throttles, and taken off from the taxiway, with the rear step down.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at August 02, 2024 01:36 PM (6eAks)

201 174 There were numerous opportunities to stop Crooks but he was able to slip by everyone because everyone passed the buck .
Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 01:31 PM (B1dzx)

Is "pass the buck" fake speech for "allow and enable"? They did nothing because they wanted Trump murdered on TV.

Posted by: enough BS at August 02, 2024 01:36 PM (2NXcZ)

202 Who did they use to kill Seth rich???

They ALWAYS use cut outs.

MS-13, wasn't it? And then they took those two guys out.

Posted by: t-bird at August 02, 2024 01:36 PM (MZXFo)

203 Remember when people were tarred and feathered?

Ohhhh just asking for no reason.

Posted by: Crazy at August 02, 2024 01:37 PM (Jr+ax)

204 Just how many more "coincidences" will you accept? All of them?

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at August 02, 2024 01:37 PM (Z8Yh2)

205 How many agents to facilitate the Whitmer kidnap bullshit? 9?

Talking a dweeb into taking a shot a Trump should not take that many.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at August 02, 2024 01:35 PM (Z8Yh2)


All they had to offer him was free transgender surgery and care for life.

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at August 02, 2024 01:37 PM (lY72Y)

206 So, this focus on the rangefinder thing. Am I the only person who thinks that by itself isn't a big deal?
I guess I don't know what kind it was exactly, someone said it was like a golf rangefinder.
But a large outdoor rally, I'd expect to see binos, or anything that might help see farther away. For some people that's spotters or rangefinders.
Are things like that expressly banned? (I haven't been to see a president speak since Reagan came to my hometown in his second term, so I really don't know)

Posted by: Inogame at August 02, 2024 01:37 PM (53oGX)

207 Not enough lampposts, are there?

Posted by: Stateless at August 02, 2024 01:37 PM (jvJvP)

208 Kamala +5 is laughable.

I don't care which Pollster floats it.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2024 01:37 PM (BwNH5)

209 The Russki pilot should have firewalled the throttles, and taken off from the taxiway, with the rear step down.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at August 02, 2024 01:36 PM (6eAks)



Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at August 02, 2024 01:38 PM (lY72Y)

210 Is "pass the buck" fake speech for "allow and enable"? They did nothing because they wanted Trump murdered on TV.
Posted by: enough BS at August 02, 2024 01:36 PM (2NXcZ)

Just tells me you don’t know many facts of that day.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 01:38 PM (B1dzx)

211 Posted by: Friday News Dump at August 02, 2024 01:35 PM (V/xd7)


A minority of polls showing it.

The majority are still showing either tied or Trump leading.

Also...margin for error makes all this shit nonsense.

Know what the margin for error is on the Rasmussen poll? 3-4% That's on each data point. With a five point spread, it's all over the place which one is actually winning.

Polling is bullshit.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at August 02, 2024 01:38 PM (GBKbO)

212 Just The News: New Scott Rasmussen poll shows Harris up by 5 points

*cracks open a pudding cup*

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 02, 2024 01:38 PM (JvZF+)

213 What they couldn't imagine was that Trump would turn his head at the last moment.

Great moment at one of his recent rallies: he brought out the person who put the graphic up that caught his attention. “She saved my life!”

Funny and touching.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at August 02, 2024 01:38 PM (EXyHK)

214 If Trump loses this election he dies in jail.

Posted by: mr tmz at August 02, 2024 01:38 PM (rJ48h)

215 Jolly West probably interviewed Sirhan. I don't know this for sure, but it would be surprising if he did not. He probably should have interviewed Mark Chapman, who murdered a Beatle at the Dakota.

Posted by: Common Tater at August 02, 2024 01:38 PM (mGJI/)

216 Just saw the video posted below of Biden wandering into the wrong plane.

Are we to believe that the Secret Service and/or Marines allowed the absolutely real President of the United States to wander in to a Russian plane?

Posted by: t-bird at August 02, 2024 01:38 PM (MZXFo)

217 I just can't bring myself to believe that Crooks was actively on their payroll.

Don't think that detail is required to see a set-up.

Maybe Crooks was actually right-wing-ish and his handler from Washington posed as a right-winger and told him that taking a shot at Trump was a great way to begin Civil War II.

I can quote my first in-depth assessment of Queensryche's Operation Mindcrime. In the opening lines of the title song the viewpoint character (Nikki) says, "For a price, I'd do about anything/except pull the trigger/for that, it'd take a really good cause". "A really good cause" was his "price" to pull the trigger (over and over).

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 01:39 PM (krQz2)

218 Queen Kamala has answered a whopping zero questions since her coronation (well that hasn't even happened yet). We cannot underestimate the significance of these polls as they have a significance that should be appreciated in their significance. They are as significant as venn diagrams and the passage of time.

Posted by: DJ at August 02, 2024 01:39 PM (uosPt)

219 "But he admits he "lacked the imagination" to think that people existed who might want to shoot a president."

He lacked the imagination to see that the chosen shooter could miss at that distance.

Posted by: AZ Hi Desert (Gringo fuertemente armado-Tempus belli) at August 02, 2024 01:39 PM (l7Kbv)

220 214 If Trump loses this election he dies in jail.
Posted by: mr tmz at August 02, 2024 01:38 PM (rJ48h)

And the camps will be opened

Posted by: It's me donna at August 02, 2024 01:39 PM (IyPmt)

221 I disagree. Nikki would have tried to present herself as inevitable but I cannot imagine that Trump's delegates would vote for her.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:33 PM (T7iTv)

Under those circumstances, I would have called for either Rand Paul's or Steve Scalise's nomination. Someone who had skin in the game.

Posted by: mrp at August 02, 2024 01:39 PM (rj6Yv)

222 204 Just how many more "coincidences" will you accept? All of them?
Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at August 02, 2024 01:37 PM (Z8Yh2)

Some people will never accept that the country they grew up in is gone and replaced by fascism and payola.

Posted by: enough BS at August 02, 2024 01:39 PM (2NXcZ)

223 I think the FBI and USSS absolutely set the conditions for such an event to occur, I just can't bring myself to believe that Crooks was actively on their payroll.
Posted by: XTC at August 02, 2024 01:26 PM (UnA8+)

The shooters are never on the payroll. People on the payroll want to get away.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:39 PM (T7iTv)

224 @186

>>The 92nd Street Y event in NYC. I remember that one.

I use that to illustrate how a single individual can guide events.

Was the whole Op Comey's alone?

Nope, but you had a whole bunch of chess pieces being moved around the board by numerous chess players.

Again, Yates said going after Flynn using the Logan Act as a ruse was Biden's idea, Comey was there at the meeting.

So yeah, so that's how these things go down.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 02, 2024 01:39 PM (XV/Pl)

225 A 20 yr old shooter just happened to be crazy enough, on his own, to find the ONLY ungarded roof, and to take a shot at Trump.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at August 02, 2024 01:23 PM (Ps4hc)

Yep. I can (barely) buy they left the roof unguarded and I can buy that this guy decided sometime in advance by himself to try from that roof, but not both.

I understand the only way it happens is for both things to occur but the thing that makes the story, is also the problem with the story.

It's like your kid coming home and telling you he got four separate unrelated flat tires on his way home. Just kept hitting things, it happens.

No it doesn't. Nobody in the world is as "lucky" as this goon got. Nobody.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 01:40 PM (DzUVR)

226 Kamala +5 is laughable.

I don't care which Pollster floats it.
Posted by: garrett


Posted by: wth at August 02, 2024 01:40 PM (v0R5T)

227 Talking a dweeb into taking a shot a Trump should not take that many.
Exactly. Al queda can recruit and activate suicidal terrorists on line. Right?
Do you think the three letter agencies can't? Sock puppet and slide into some angry sperg IM. Give them support and viola!! Instant cut out assassin. Hell they already have a list of angry whackjobs on file!!!

Posted by: Speak memory at August 02, 2024 01:40 PM (7clnj)

228 And the camps will be opened
Posted by: It's me donna at August 02, 2024 01:39 PM (IyPmt)

Like in Venezuela.

Posted by: enough BS at August 02, 2024 01:40 PM (2NXcZ)

229 Telling you your candidate is bound to lose is done to demoralize you and convince you not to vote

Posted by: Don Black at August 02, 2024 01:40 PM (/7KEl)

230 >>> But he admits he "lacked the imagination" to think that people existed who might want to shoot a president.

A lie that most would not make. Because he was actually hoping somebody would take the shot... if only he could leave Trump open long enough then somebody will...

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at August 02, 2024 01:40 PM (m6NVp)

231 So, this focus on the rangefinder thing. Am I the only person who thinks that by itself isn't a big deal?
I guess I don't know what kind it was exactly, someone said it was like a golf rangefinder.
But a large outdoor rally, I'd expect to see binos, or anything that might help see farther away. For some people that's spotters or rangefinders.
Are things like that expressly banned? (I haven't been to see a president speak since Reagan came to my hometown in his second term, so I really don't know)
Posted by: Inogame at August 02, 2024 01:37 PM (53oGX)

I’ve been thinking the same thing. Why is a rangefinder suspicious? I’d guess many bring binoculars to rallies…. And rangefinder makes it sound sinister; you can find those things all over your local golf course…. Heck I’ll bet there’s a iPhone app to measure distances…. I think it’s another squirrel. At that range, a rangefinder really isn’t needed

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 02, 2024 01:41 PM (xT8gx)

232 I want to know if the slug dug out of Corey Compatore matched Crook's rifle. I want to know how many shell casings were truly recovered near Crooks.

Posted by: Tonypete at August 02, 2024 01:28 PM (6WCwE)

We destroyed Crooks rifle that day to prevent it from falling into the hands of extremists. Regrettably, it didn't occur to us to perform ballistics tests. -- USSS

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:41 PM (T7iTv)

No it doesn't. Nobody in the world is as "lucky" as this goon got. Nobody.
Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 01:40 PM (DzUVR)

Exactly, co-Presidents Majorkas and Garland okayed the plot

Posted by: enough BS at August 02, 2024 01:41 PM (2NXcZ)

234 I read somewhere, that "tarring and feathering" was a very serious thing. It might not kill you, but it was pretty close, and the lucky recipient is really screwed for quite a while. Burning hot tar, and once cooled probably no good solvents available to remove it.

Posted by: Common Tater at August 02, 2024 01:41 PM (mGJI/)

235 >> A 20 yr old shooter just happened to be crazy enough, on his own, to find the ONLY ungarded roof, and to take a shot at Trump.


he sounds highly motivated

-devil's advocate

Posted by: Don Black at August 02, 2024 01:42 PM (/7KEl)

236 Just saw the video posted below of Biden wandering into the wrong plane.

Are we to believe that the Secret Service and/or Marines allowed the absolutely real President of the United States to wander in to a Russian plane?
Hey I gotta go take a leak. Gonna use the plane BRB.

Posted by: Joe Tato at August 02, 2024 01:42 PM (7clnj)

237 Or alternatively, Harris +5 is real and the country is irreversibly retarded…
Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 02, 2024 01:32 PM (xT8gx)

She got a bump as the new D candidate and most of the country isn't mean spirited or news junkies or mean spirited news junkies. The vast middle is willing to give her a chance, at least for the moment.

Keep in mind she'll probably get a convention bump, too.

Just like Kamala...enjoyin' all this bumpin'...

Posted by: Robert at August 02, 2024 01:42 PM (1Yy3c)

238 Rasmussen poll: The survey was conducted with 3,000 registered voters from July 29-31.

Not "likely" voters. Even a poll of "likely" voters will miss Turnout. Turnout. Turnout. which I've posted about here.

I'm the guy who in March 2016 famously called that Trump would win with 300+ EVs with a 5% bump from White non-college. Ace banned me.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 02, 2024 01:43 PM (Gse2f)

239 Posted by: Inogame at August 02, 2024 01:37 PM (53oGX)

My understanding is they caught him using it outside the secured perimeter.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 01:43 PM (B1dzx)

240 Just Ham-n-eggers.... Wake me when this Rowe guy is hanging from one of the trees along the National Mall. Hey, here's an idea, defund all the SES, GS 14 and 15 salaries, pension and TSP funding matches, today, until answers are given. Other than that, nothing will happen. It's Clown World, where lying and gaslighting are SOP.

Posted by: Ganowicz Commie Exterminators, LTD. at August 02, 2024 01:43 PM (A2E7p)

Certainly is demoralizing
Posted by: It's me donna


The people on Mark Halperin's show (both left and right) said not to think about the polls until September.

Is that when people start paying attention?

otoh, there are so many damned "events" that will give Kamala bumps and skew opinions -- not just polls, but OPINIONS.

She announces her vp: bump
The DNC convention: bump
That takes us to September, when Trump gets sentenced. Bump.

I expect Merchan to give him prison btw. Brandon Straka confidently says jailing Trump has been their goal and they won't whiff it.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2024 01:43 PM (ny95y)

242 Queen Kamala has answered a whopping zero questions since her coronation (well that hasn't even happened yet). We cannot underestimate the significance of these polls as they have a significance that should be appreciated in their significance. They are as significant as venn diagrams and the passage of time.
Posted by: DJ

We have been unburdened by having to listen to her voice.

Posted by: wth at August 02, 2024 01:43 PM (v0R5T)

243 All rather damning....on the other hand,Trump said pussy

Posted by: steevy at August 02, 2024 01:43 PM (HJ9BW)

244 Fathom that, we have someone running the protection business who doesn't believe that anybody would really need protecting?

Posted by: enough BS at August 02, 2024 01:44 PM (2NXcZ)

245 We buy that the media (and government) is corrupted enough to shill for the deaths of millions of random people and that science (and government) is corrupted enough to cause the deaths of millions of the same random people, but not that the same government is corrupted enough to shoot a single dude who opposes them.

It must be a form of Gell-Mann. It must.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 01:44 PM (DzUVR)

246 If Trump loses this election he dies in jail.

Posted by: mr tmz at August 02, 2024 01:38 PM (rJ48h)


And they will then try to bankrupt and imprison his family.

Pour encourager les autres.

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at August 02, 2024 01:44 PM (lY72Y)

247 But he admits he "lacked the imagination" to think that people existed who might want to shoot a president.

You're hired! Splendid interview...

Posted by: USSS, Whose Job Is To Protect The President at August 02, 2024 01:44 PM (MZXFo)

248 He said, "In winter 1963
It felt like the world would freeze
With John F. Kennedy
And The Beatles"
Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at August 02, 2024 01:34 PM

Well I live in a northern town. But I wasn't alive in 63'.

Posted by: Minnfidel at August 02, 2024 01:45 PM (ewjUl)

249 *checks notes*

Yesterday, August 1, Rasmussen said it was 49 Trump, 44 Clamato.

Posted by: Marcus T at August 02, 2024 01:45 PM (AlNHY)

I'm the guy who in March 2016 famously called that Trump would win with 300+ EVs with a 5% bump from White non-college. Ace banned me.
Posted by: Ignoramus


What's your call for 2024?

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2024 01:45 PM (ny95y)

251 There were numerous opportunities to stop Crooks but he was able to slip by everyone because everyone passed the buck .
Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 01:31 PM (B1dzx)

I was checking my Twitter feed. -- Agent Ponytail (I won't diss Agent Bun, she shouldn't have there since she was too short but she did a credible job anyway)

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:45 PM (T7iTv)

252 "Again, Yates said going after Flynn using the Logan Act as a ruse was Biden's idea, Comey was there at the meeting."

I'd take the bet that Super-Genius Ron Klain put Joe up to it. He was Biden's CoS at the time,

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 02, 2024 01:46 PM (Gse2f)

253 Fathom that, we have someone running the protection business who doesn't believe that anybody would really need protecting?

Posted by: enough BS at August 02, 2024 01:44 PM (2NXcZ)


He's probably blown more men than Kommie-la to get there.

A special case & kind of DEI Hire ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at August 02, 2024 01:46 PM (lY72Y)

254 I'm the guy who in March 2016 famously called that Trump would win with 300+ EVs with a 5% bump from White non-college. Ace banned me.
Posted by: Ignoramus

Banned for that statement? I call BS.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 01:46 PM (B1dzx)

255 That's right. Trump said pussy.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at August 02, 2024 01:46 PM (ttgoc)

256 I'm the guy who in March 2016 famously called that Trump would win with 300+ EVs with a 5% bump from White non-college. Ace banned me.
Posted by: Ignoramus


What's your call for 2024?
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2024 01:45 PM (ny95y)

What, do you want Ace to ban him again? Cut the man a break.

Posted by: Robert at August 02, 2024 01:46 PM (1Yy3c)

257 >>.We have been unburdened by having to listen to her voice.

Posted by: wth at August 02, 2024 01:43 PM (v0R5T)

Nails on a chalkboard plus vapid answers plus marxist ideology = typical dem.

Posted by: DJ at August 02, 2024 01:46 PM (uosPt)

258 241 The people on Mark Halperin's show (both left and right) said not to think about the polls until September.

Is that when people start paying attention?

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2024 01:43 PM (ny95y)


Pollsters are gauged by their accuracy by only their final polls. The polls they do for months ahead of time? They don't go into the calculation.

Getting a 51/49 race "correct" by predicting 50/50 the day before the election makes you look right. The months before of saying 60-40 don't count.

That creates an environment where public pollsters have literally no incentive to report accurate results. Never mind who pays them, they have no incentive to do it right.

Maybe it was right years ago that pollsters would modify their models with newer information come September, hence the switch to something like likely voter models, but I think that reasoning long since died. They know they can create narratives out of wholecloth, and no one will be able to say anything. They've even built this believe into the public that massive shifts in polling a month out from an election are normal.

Throw in the fact that polling is expensive and hard to do right, well..

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at August 02, 2024 01:47 PM (GBKbO)

259 Banned for that statement? I call BS.
Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 01:46 PM (B1dzx)

Perhaps he posted it on a week old thread.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 02, 2024 01:47 PM (aD39U)

260 No it doesn't. Nobody in the world is as "lucky" as this goon got. Nobody.
Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 01:40 PM (DzUVR)
They can still be relatively isolated. But we have information that somebody from offices in Washington visited his house 5-6 times, so that presents the possibility of a handler--or at least somebody who could have known that the Butler rally was going to be his planned date.

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 01:47 PM (krQz2)

261 he sounds highly motivated

-devil's advocate
Posted by: Don Black at August 02, 2024 01:42 PM (/7KEl)

He sounds pretty optimistic, too. No farewell manifesto, no trail of warning messages. No final middle finger salute to the target on social media. "I'll be coming in [to work] on Sunday."

Posted by: mrp at August 02, 2024 01:47 PM (rj6Yv)

262 The more I hear, the more I realize that this wasn't a specifically planned event. Instead, there has been a concerted effort of ongoing dereliction in the hopes that some unhinged leftist would take advantage of it. It tells me a number of things:

1. They know that the true dangerous ones are on the left while claiming otherwise.
2. The media and various politicians tried to gaslight just such event.
3. They kind of screwed the pooch by not reacting in a reasonable way to a very specific and known threat (a guy on a roof with a range finder and a gun). I'm guessing the individual calling the shots at the events was hoping for a negative outcome and got carried away by the potential of having it all finally pay off.

Posted by: Orson at August 02, 2024 01:47 PM (dIske)

263 "Banned for that statement? I call BS.
Posted by: polynikes"

Contradict ace on the wrong day and it can happen.

Posted by: fd at August 02, 2024 01:48 PM (vFG9F)

264 Hey, hey, no need for another attempt. Kamala has caught up in Nate Silver's forecast.

Posted by: Candidus at August 02, 2024 01:48 PM (KbChM)

265 Of course Biles had to take a swipe at Trump

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 01:48 PM (d9LQi)

266 248 He said, "In winter 1963
It felt like the world would freeze
With John F. Kennedy
And The Beatles"
Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at August 02, 2024 01:34 PM

Well I live in a northern town. But I wasn't alive in 63'.
Posted by: Minnfidel at August 02, 2024 01:45 PM (ewjUl)
Did Paul die that same year?

Posted by: Eromero at August 02, 2024 01:49 PM (o2ZRX)

267 If Trump loses this election he dies in jail.

Posted by: mr tmz at August 02, 2024 01:38 PM (rJ48h)
I've already lost the Trump-jail pool. Because if my guess were true, he'd already be doing time.

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 01:49 PM (krQz2)

268 Polling is bullshit.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at August 02, 2024 01:38 PM (GBKbO)

Massive bump for Harris as Trump points out that Harris called herself Indian and Biden called her a DEI hire. Lots of black celebs are back on the "he so rayciss" thing.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:49 PM (T7iTv)

269 Think about it

You - wrongfully - decide to kill one of the most notoriously guarded people in the world.

You think I know what I'll do. I'll do it on this day in this spot.

And magically! It's wide open like it was your turn to bowl.

And Jill was just across town completely decked out in Trump Protest White.

Uh-huh. And covid came from a random wet market, not the biolab across the street. Adn certainly not a lab that you and I funded. That's crazy conspiracy talk. Had to be incompetence.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 01:50 PM (DzUVR)

270 62 I’m not on the active conspiracy theory to kill Trump but I do think there was a passive conspiracy to provide the minimal security allowed and whatever happens happens. That is still a criminal conspiracy imo just harder to prove.
Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 01:14 PM (B1dzx)

My theory as well since the day it happened.

Posted by: Charles Martel at August 02, 2024 01:50 PM (smrxK)

271 Massive bump for Harris as Trump points out that Harris called herself Indian and Biden called her a DEI hire. Lots of black celebs are back on the "he so rayciss" thing.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:49 PM (T7iTv)

Don't think so

Posted by: It's me donna at August 02, 2024 01:50 PM (IyPmt)

272 233
No it doesn't. Nobody in the world is as "lucky" as this goon got. Nobody.
Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 01:40 PM (DzUVR)

Exactly, co-Presidents Majorkas and Garland okayed the plot


Crooks was luckier than Biff Tannen in "Back to the Future II". Oh wait, Biff had insider information too.

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at August 02, 2024 01:50 PM (oA0O8)

273 Hello?

Hi this National Polling. Who do you plan to vote for?


Ok. Harris, got it. Thanks.

I said Trump.

Yes, Harris. Goodbye. *click*

Posted by: wth at August 02, 2024 01:50 PM (v0R5T)

274 You might take a look at the RCP polling. That is not what they are showing.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at August 02, 2024 01:51 PM (MdjE1)

275 Assuming Crooks was the actual shooter that hit Trump. If he was a hired assassin how come he had a non fully auto rifle? If he had fired 3 shots (as available as a burst on military rifles) he would have been successful IMO. Also where did the other shots go out of the 8 that he supposedly fired?

Posted by: Ciampino - Fri Update #05 at August 02, 2024 01:51 PM (qfLjt)

276 They know that the true dangerous ones are on the left while claiming otherwise.
2. The media and various politicians tried to gaslight just such event.
3. They kind of screwed the pooch by not reacting in a reasonable way to a very specific and known threat (a guy on a roof with a range finder and a gun). I'm guessing the individual calling the shots at the events was hoping for a negative outcome and got carried away by the potential of having it all finally pay off.
They know exactly who they are. They have a list and they watch their social media. When they choose they can engage them, support them, and activate them. Just like the fbi did with the Whitmer kidnapping. They just give them real support, real information, and lower the barriers and tell them accurately where to go.

Posted by: Joe Tato at August 02, 2024 01:51 PM (7clnj)

277 Rasmussen shows RFK pulling 5% from trump, Harris gains a percent.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Weird Dude at August 02, 2024 01:51 PM (d9LQi)

278 Massive bump for Harris as Trump points out that Harris called herself Indian and Biden called her a DEI hire. Lots of black celebs are back on the "he so rayciss" thing.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:49 PM (T7iTv)

Yeah, right.

Posted by: mrp at August 02, 2024 01:51 PM (rj6Yv)

279 Trump said something controversial for the 7 billionth time, and lost *10 points nationally*? LMAO ok

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2024 01:51 PM (DzUVR)

280 Don't look at polls.

If you have to, look at aggregates.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2024 01:52 PM (BwNH5)

281 268 Massive bump for Harris as Trump points out that Harris called herself Indian and Biden called her a DEI hire. Lots of black celebs are back on the "he so rayciss" thing.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:49 PM (T7iTv)


Except that happened two days ago, and most of that poll happened before it. I'd guess at least 90% of it since the interview was in the afternoon.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at August 02, 2024 01:52 PM (GBKbO)

282 Posted by: Orson at August 02, 2024 01:47 PM (dIske)

This is the methodology, and it applies to reduced security in ballots as much as candidates. The elites weaken the system to allow their crazies to do their thing.

Posted by: Ted Torgerson Trump/Vance 2024 at August 02, 2024 01:52 PM (wGerL)

283 271 Massive bump for Harris as Trump points out that Harris called herself Indian and Biden called her a DEI hire. Lots of black celebs are back on the "he so rayciss" thing.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:49 PM (T7iTv)

Don't think so


If they do nothing but play the video of her talking about science, its over for her. Bitch is dumber than a bag of dildos.

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at August 02, 2024 01:52 PM (oA0O8)

284 Massive bump for Harris as Trump points out that Harris called herself Indian and Biden called her a DEI hire. Lots of black celebs are back on the "he so rayciss" thing.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:49 PM (T7iTv)

No telling what people who refuse to consider the meaning of words will think.

Because without the discipline of analysis, tribalism makes your decisions for you.

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 01:52 PM (krQz2)

285 The more I hear, the more I realize that this wasn't a specifically planned event.

"Boy, oh boy, fellow travelers with complete control of the intelligence services, law enforcement, and media, I sure hope enough inconceivable coincidences combine in our favor before Nov. 5th to save our bacon..."

Posted by: The Left, Who Have EVERYTHING To Lose at August 02, 2024 01:52 PM (MZXFo)

286 " If he had fired 3 shots (as available as a burst on military rifles) he would have been successful IMO."

The second and third shots are not going to be on target.

Posted by: fd at August 02, 2024 01:52 PM (vFG9F)

287 The more I hear, the more I believe it was a planned event.

Posted by: enough BS at August 02, 2024 01:52 PM (2NXcZ)

288 @252

>>I'd take the bet that Super-Genius Ron Klain put Joe up to it. He was Biden's CoS at the time,

Could have been, but my point is that that's how these things happen, someone says something seemingly off the cuff to an underling and it's off to the races as everyone understands what has to happen.

So Myorkas says, hey I think we should evaluate the resource levels of our protectees and see if we can VE it.

Then Trump gets reduced SS coverage.

Then someone says, we should dial back our security plan and see if we can offload some of the labor to the locals.

Then what was 1000m security perimeter becomes a 100m security perimeter.

And we don't really need these drones or this counter drone tech onsite.

And we don't really have to attend ALLL of the site surveys and meetings with the local PDs

And hey, you guys have been busting your tail, take some time off and we'll get some of these DHS contractors to fill in.

And on and on.

Individually, it all seems innocuous and innocent, by taken as a whole, it's evil and diabolical.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 02, 2024 01:53 PM (XV/Pl)

289 No consequences.

Movie one, Proles.

Nothing we can do about it!


Posted by: Sharkman at August 02, 2024 01:53 PM (vsGEm)

290  All rather damning....on the other hand,Trump said pussy
All the NeverTrump who pompously declared it was merely Trump's morals they found repugnant ...
His language and his alleged sexual relations....

Are suddenly stone-silent as to the candidate that:
1) had a years-long affair while married with her also married boss who was decades her senior and rewarded her with career advancement
2) well documented to not only berate her staff with F-bombs but has even bragged about using that word

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 02, 2024 01:53 PM (CwWS9)

291 287 The more I hear, the more I believe it was a planned event.
Posted by: enough BS at August 02, 2024 01:52 PM (2NXcZ)

I wasn't in that camp but I'm getting there

Posted by: It's me donna at August 02, 2024 01:53 PM (IyPmt)

292 But he admits he "lacked the imagination" to think that people existed who might want to shoot a president.
A lie that most would not make.
Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at August 02, 2024 01:40 PM (m6NVp)

Because the obvious follow-up is why, then, do we pay your salary?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:53 PM (T7iTv)

293 Massive bump for Harris

In her throat, right?

Posted by: Willie Brown at August 02, 2024 01:53 PM (MZXFo)

294 Don't look at polls.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2024 01:52 PM (BwNH5)
Especially not in the shower room.

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 01:53 PM (krQz2)

295 Also where did the other shots go out of the 8 that he supposedly fired?
Posted by: Ciampino - Fri Update #05 at August 02, 2024 01:51 PM (qfLjt)

One hit the hydraulic line of the Hyster.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 02, 2024 01:53 PM (aD39U)

296 Now that Trump's behind the Vice President in all the polls, there's no need to kill him. Throwing him in jail won't cause the same political fallout as it would have if he was still the leading contender, either.

Posted by: Sid at August 02, 2024 01:53 PM (9Pi98)

297 This girl nails it;

Posted by: Marcus T at August 02, 2024 01:54 PM (AlNHY)

298 Massive bump for Harris as Trump points out that Harris called herself Indian and Biden called her a DEI hire.

Of course the Democratic lapdog pollsters were going to claim a "massive bump" for Harris, as part of the massive disinformation campaign.

Posted by: The Secret Service! at August 02, 2024 01:54 PM (uxCna)

299 Posted by: Sid at August 02, 2024 01:53 PM (9Pi9


NYT has him up by 1. Forbes by 2. WSJ by 2. Harvard by 4. Rasmussen Reports by 5.

All polls?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at August 02, 2024 01:54 PM (GBKbO)

300 Kamala +5 is laughable.

I don't care which Pollster floats it.
Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2024 01:37 PM (BwNH5)

How dare you contradict a black pilling while it's underway. How dare you, Sir!

Posted by: Outside of Life at August 02, 2024 01:55 PM (89Sog)

301 Trump in a landslide, barring a Huge Cheat.

Professional pollsters aren't good at seeing shifts in turnout and so missed what happened in 2016. If you voted the last time, they'll assume that you'll vote this time. If you didn't vote the last time but say you will this time, they discount.

Most of America is getting killed by inflation and many will turnout even if they didn't before. Many Black men, Hispanics, and Wine Moms who voted last time will stay home this time or vote for RFK Jr. There are also other factors at play, and they break for Trump.

I'd bet the internal polling shoes this, which is why the Inner Party is worried that they'll lose seven Senate seats.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 02, 2024 01:55 PM (Gse2f)

302 298 Massive bump for Harris as Trump points out that Harris called herself Indian and Biden called her a DEI hire.

Of course the Democratic lapdog pollsters were going to claim a "massive bump" for Harris, as part of the massive disinformation campaign.
Posted by: The Secret Service! at August 02, 2024 01:54 PM (uxCna)


To be fair, the poll that started this discussion was Rasmussen, the dude not the firm, they're different and have been for years.

But Rasmussen the dude has always had funky methodology. The firm has too.

Plus, polling is bullshit.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at August 02, 2024 01:55 PM (GBKbO)

303 Someone posted a link the other night but there were suppressed subsonic rounds striking the area and around the crowd. It's probably why the sniper near the edge of the roof was caught on camera flinching and shuffling backwards like he wanted to run.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What is the one way speed of light? at August 02, 2024 01:55 PM (6Gcwb)

304 Not even the lowest level apparachik in our corrupt government is afraid of us.

Posted by: Sharkman at August 02, 2024 01:56 PM (vsGEm)

305 >>> No consequences.

There will be consequences. He will get fired/step down, sue and be awarded $2 million like Strzok and Page.

Posted by: DJ at August 02, 2024 01:56 PM (uosPt)

306 Now that Trump's behind the Vice President in all the polls, there's no need to kill him.

Yawn. Trump ran two points behind Hillary in 2016 and still won.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at August 02, 2024 01:56 PM (uxCna)

307 301 I'd bet the internal polling shoes this, which is why the Inner Party is worried that they'll lose seven Senate seats.
Posted by: Ignoramus at August 02, 2024 01:55 PM (Gse2f)


We had one view of internal polling over the past month.

It came out right after the debate.

NM was in play. Trump was winning NC by 10. It was a Democrat internal.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at August 02, 2024 01:56 PM (GBKbO)

308 You know what's fun?

Going on to places like Deadline which allows anonymous commenting and pretending to be a D refusing to vote for Harris.

Go on, folks, and have a laugh.

Posted by: Robert at August 02, 2024 01:56 PM (1Yy3c)


(CNN) — Vice President Kamala Harris has won enough votes from Democratic delegates to win the party’s nomination for president, Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison announced Friday.

Harris will become the first Black woman and first Asian American to lead a major-party ticket.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 02, 2024 01:56 PM (63Dwl)

310 Rasmussen name still on his old organization, Scott has a new outfit (name in original comment on the topic). Believe his old outfit not showing anything like his new numbers. But don't pay much attention to polls.

Posted by: rhomboid at August 02, 2024 01:56 PM (GcNJ2)

311 310 Rasmussen name still on his old organization, Scott has a new outfit (name in original comment on the topic). Believe his old outfit not showing anything like his new numbers. But don't pay much attention to polls.
Posted by: rhomboid at August 02, 2024 01:56 PM (GcNJ2)


They have effectively opposite results at this point.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at August 02, 2024 01:57 PM (GBKbO)

312 I don't believe he took 8 shots. Unless the sounds of his weapon changed dramatically after the first 3, or the people putting out the videos relating the audio of the shots are liars. Anyone who believes the SS story is a dem or a gullible fool.

Posted by: enough BS at August 02, 2024 01:57 PM (2NXcZ)

313 One handler to manage direct and support the cut out. Then on protection side a person willing to lower barriers and provide info. Probably dhs to ss with assistance from fbi handler to I'd and switch on the cut out, and provide game day intelligence.

Posted by: Joe Tato at August 02, 2024 01:57 PM (7clnj)

314 271 Massive bump for Harris as Trump points out that Harris called herself Indian and Biden called her a DEI hire. Lots of black celebs are back on the "he so rayciss" thing.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:49 PM (T7iTv)

Don't think so
Posted by: It's me donna at August 02, 2024 01:50 PM (IyPmt)

Polls in this election are to create a fraud potential. It needs to appear close. They have absolutely no problem displaying the most egregious overt fraud right in our face because they know the DOJ will back them up. The problem they need to overcome is a massive landslide that even fraud on monumental levels can't address. So, they use the polls settle the masses. Internal polling must be abysmal for the democrats, however. Despite these bogus polls telling them what they want to hear, they probably know otherwise from the legitimate data.

Posted by: Orson at August 02, 2024 01:57 PM (dIske)

315 Harris will become the first Black woman and first Asian American to lead a major-party ticket.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 02, 2024 01:56 PM (63Dwl)

Two races, two races, two races in one !

Posted by: It's me donna at August 02, 2024 01:57 PM (IyPmt)

316 Perhaps he posted it on a week old thread.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 02, 2024 01:47 PM (aD39U)

Ace gets touchy during pon farr and right before hibernation.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 01:58 PM (T7iTv)

317 Kyle Rittenhouse is voting for...
Ron Paul.

Posted by: SMH at what's coming at August 02, 2024 01:58 PM (zW+7z)

318 237 She got a bump as the new D candidate and most of the country isn't mean spirited or news junkies or mean spirited news junkies. The vast middle is willing to give her a chance, at least for the moment.

Keep in mind she'll probably get a convention bump, too.

Just like Kamala...enjoyin' all this bumpin'...
Posted by: Robert at August 02, 2024 01:42 PM (1Yy3c)

Another thing to remember : Cultural Default Democrats are always looking for any excuse to STAY Democrats.

Posted by: XTC at August 02, 2024 01:58 PM (UnA8+)

319 What is Trump doing about security for his future rallies? I mean, he surely is not relying upon the USSS to do anything, since they seem to have bent over backwards to allow the assassination attempt.

Trump can surely hire competent security for his outdoor rallies, but can he/they get immunity for their actions in protecting Trump? The USSS automatically has that, but would such things extend to private contractors?

Posted by: LCMS Rulz! at August 02, 2024 01:58 PM (TOe+Q)

320 Regardless of Harris' faults, she is not going to be as bad as Biden.

She's going to need a lot of help, and I predict the media will give her that help.

I predict that it could even be the case that Trump will roughly quote something she said, if she doesn't like it she will flat-out call it a lie, and the press will back her.

We'll probably hear dissembling about how Trump got wrong what she said because he didn't use the exact same words and there's nuance.

We already saw this with "border czar" (Hey, maybe blowing off an assignment from the POTUS sounds a lot more serious than we thought!)

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 01:58 PM (krQz2)

321 Kamala: “Hillary 2.0, only with a slight Indian accent.”

Posted by: Marcus T at August 02, 2024 01:58 PM (AlNHY)

322 So we've exhausted lying SS criminals and are discussing lying pollsters for "democracy". Since when is fascism democracy.

Posted by: enough BS at August 02, 2024 01:59 PM (2NXcZ)

323 I think the first three measured and careful shots - without echoes - were a professional, and the signal for the tranny to start Leeroy Jenkinsing his panicked shots (with echoes)

The subsonic ones hitting around the area would be interesting to know more about.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What is the one way speed of light? at August 02, 2024 01:59 PM (6Gcwb)

324 "Go on, folks, and have a laugh.
Posted by: Robert"

It says no comments.

Posted by: fd at August 02, 2024 01:59 PM (vFG9F)

325 I keep saying that we need to waterboard each USSS agent on scene and get names, then waterboard those named people until you get more names.

Then drown the whole damned, rotten, corrupt depraved person involved.

This has always originated from the Oval Office.

Why people haven't been fired? Because like Strzok and Page they were operating under orders.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at August 02, 2024 01:59 PM (rP48S)

326 Meanwhile, the regional war is about to start:

Currently, Tehran-Istanbul flights are being cancelled one by one. This development indicates that there may be Iranian retaliation tonight.

Currently 9:30 PM in Teheran.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at August 02, 2024 02:00 PM (uxCna)

327 This girl nails it;
Posted by: Marcus T

Oh yeah. She's got my vote.

Posted by: wth at August 02, 2024 02:00 PM (v0R5T)

328 Harris will become the first Black woman and first Asian American to lead a major-party ticket.

Needs to work on her Chinese accent.

Posted by: t-bird at August 02, 2024 02:00 PM (MZXFo)

329 Except that happened two days ago, and most of that poll happened before it. I'd guess at least 90% of it since the interview was in the afternoon.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at August 02, 2024 01:52 PM (GBKbO)

We rate responses that give us the answer we want higher. -- Rasmussen

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 02:01 PM (T7iTv)

330 >>Kyle Rittenhouse is voting for...

KR is what...

21? ... 22?

Who gives a shit what he thinks?

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2024 02:01 PM (BwNH5)

331 Kamala: “Hillary 2.0, only with a slight Indian accent.”
Posted by: Marcus T at August 02, 2024 01:58 PM (AlNHY)

Kamala Harris: Just another closet-drinking San Francisco liberal

Posted by: mrp at August 02, 2024 02:01 PM (rj6Yv)

332 If Trump manages to get elected again, any government beaurucrat with "resist" bumperstickers or postings should be fired at minimum.

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at August 02, 2024 02:01 PM (LLfvA)

333 ""Banned for that statement? I call BS."

Ace was once adamantly against Trump. He wanted a Republican Bill Bradley.

I was Trump curious, but had bad memories of his acting the huckster. He won me over, first for not being Hillary, and later with Good Works.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 02, 2024 02:02 PM (Gse2f)

334 317 Kyle Rittenhouse is voting for...
Ron Paul.

Black Rifle Coffee haters haz a sadz.

Posted by: Auspex at August 02, 2024 02:03 PM (j4U/Z)

335 326 Meanwhile, the regional war is about to start:

Currently, Tehran-Istanbul flights are being cancelled one by one. This development indicates that there may be Iranian retaliation tonight.

Currently 9:30 PM in Teheran.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at August 02, 2024 02:00 PM (uxCna)

Good luck with that.

Posted by: Not the mossad at August 02, 2024 02:03 PM (LLfvA)

"Currently, Tehran-Istanbul flights are being cancelled one by one. This development indicates that there may be Iranian retaliation tonight."

Or they just don't want their IAF anxious AA crews to shoot down another Ukrainian airliner.

Posted by: Speller at August 02, 2024 02:03 PM (pSotA)

337 Weird nood.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2024 02:03 PM (T7iTv)

338 Who gives a shit what he thinks?

From all the folks unfollowing him, seems to me a quite a few care who's he voting for.

Posted by: SMH at what's coming at August 02, 2024 02:03 PM (zW+7z)

339 Nobody will touch a single, precious hair on Rowe's head. He's not resigning, he will not be fired nor will the fake "republican" party hold him or anybody to account for perjury or anything else. They never do. How many times do y'all have to see this played out?? Whatshername resigned only because the demonrats decided the optics were bad enough to require a token scalp. That's all we'll get from this.

Posted by: Blast Hardcheese at August 02, 2024 02:04 PM (PWI4f)

340 Kamala: “Hillary 2.0, only with a slight Indian accent.”

Killary has a much higher body count.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at August 02, 2024 02:04 PM (rP48S)

341 @248 madame, great song

Posted by: Smell the Glove at August 02, 2024 02:04 PM (EZPzy)

342 It says no comments.
Posted by: fd at August 02, 2024 01:59 PM (vFG9F)

They do moderate somewhat. Just try to keep comments reasonably polite and they should get through.

Posted by: Robert at August 02, 2024 02:04 PM (1Yy3c)

343 Video below has pretty good info on the SS culture of failure. Somebody actually made it into the White House under Obama with a knife.

The Butler assassination attempt is covered starting at the 14 minute mark.

Basically the SS determined that inside the fence was the secure location and Crooks flew the drone over the site after the counter snipers were in place (if you can believe it) and saw the roof of the AGR building completely free to use. There were 2 SS counter sniper teams behind Trump, 4 local sniper teams located to the south of Trump and 2 local sniper teams in the second AGR building in windows looking west (away from the roof Crooks used). It’s hard to believe the absolute best vantage point to take out Trump wasn’t purposely left open though.

I still think there is a possibility that Crooks already had a rifle on the roof. The image of the rifle on the roof in one video did not appear to be a SS service rifle.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 02, 2024 02:05 PM (2fIO4)

344 Video of recap

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 02, 2024 02:05 PM (2fIO4)

345 Dear media fucknuts,

Kindly fuck right the fuck off to the land of Fuckoffville with the Asian American fucking bullshit shtick mothercuck BIPOC assholissness

I have yet to meet an Indian who described themselves as such, at MOST they might use the term south Asian, but they universally refer to themselves as Indians or Indian Americans



Posted by: The Unvaxed and Unmasked Ranger - Esteemed Trump-Ho and Searcher of Wagshambas at August 02, 2024 02:05 PM (DBZuM)

346 This is far bigger than the Secret Service, Federal law enforcement in general, national security, or even the FedGov itself.

We have reached the point in our fading republic where we have an absolute crisis of competency across literally every field, and we're just beginning to reap the "rewards" of not rewarding competency and merit above all else.

The farther removed you are from having actual lives in your hands, the longer it takes for people to notice you're incompetent. Some programmer in an office coding a little part of a big piece of software that doesn't really do anything life-changing? You can coast for YEARS before you're called out, if you ever are at all.

A surgeon that can't do surgery doesn't make it through med school in a sane world. An agency tasked chiefly with keeping a small handful of people from getting shot in the fucking face but which fails at that mission should be disbanded and re-staffed with competent people.

Posted by: Big Mike at August 02, 2024 02:06 PM (oqH4h)

347 Harris will become the first Black woman and first Asian American to lead a major-party ticket.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 02, 2024 01:56 PM (63Dwl)

Two races, two races, two races in one !
Posted by: It's me donna at August 02, 2024 01:57 PM (IyPmt)
The libs have a good counter to another argument.

They say that it's like cons don't know that somebody can have 2 ethnicities.

However, the question is not whether or not she *is* multi-ethnic, the question is whether or not Trump should have known it. Trump was stating his perspective, and Trump's supporters have been posting all the times when all that was called out was "Indian" this or that.

But these are people who believe that it's "racist" to suggest that maybe an author who had books on the market and "born in Kenya" on his author profile for 15 years might have been born in Kenya as his author biography said for 15 years (and he actually claimed in the Illinois State Senate race to out-black somebody who was out-blacking him--talk to an honest person in Illinois about this).

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2024 02:07 PM (krQz2)

348 Plus, polling is bullshit.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at August 02, 2024 01:55 PM (GBKbO)

Polling has become propaganda.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at August 02, 2024 02:10 PM (g8Ew8)

349 323 I think the first three measured and careful shots - without echoes - were a professional, and the signal for the tranny to start Leeroy Jenkinsing his panicked shots (with echoes)

The subsonic ones hitting around the area would be interesting to know more about.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - What is the one way speed of light? at August 02, 2024 01:59 PM (6Gcwb)


A witness at the event close to the AGR building said there were there were 10 shots.

Three, then five, then one (from a cop on the ground). That spooked Crooks to get up and aim his rifle at the people on the ground. Then a tenth shirt from a counter sniper.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 02, 2024 02:10 PM (2fIO4)

350 Sid loves fleshy poles.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2024 02:16 PM (B1dzx)

351 Water board the fucker on TV.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at August 02, 2024 02:17 PM (J8LnB)

352 I think the first three measured and careful shots - without echoes - were a professional

Who couldn't hit Trump either?

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at August 02, 2024 02:18 PM (Ps4hc)

353 He should not be charged with lying to Congress. That would require a trial in DC.

He should with criminally negligent homicide, as his dereliction of duty resulted in the death of a bystander.
For that matter, rub in extra hard and also sentence him for the death of the shooter, as his negligence led to that death as well.
For those he can be tried in Butler, Pa.
And because of the seriousness of those crimes, put him in a maximum security prison with all of the thugs.

Posted by: Sam at August 02, 2024 02:21 PM (7jMef)

354 Thats not the Rasmussen Poll., which has Trump up by 5

latest poll has Harris up by 4 and thats by DailyKos

Posted by: The Unvaxed and Unmasked Ranger - Esteemed Trump-Ho and Searcher of Wagshambas at August 02, 2024 02:21 PM (DBZuM)

355 I see Hillary redux, this parallels her almost to the letter.

Posted by: IRONGRAMPA at August 02, 2024 02:29 PM (hKoQL)

356 Half the country is worried about Trumps head exploding at rallies, the other half wants to pull the trigger. Dickless there never had it cross his mind? Squirrel.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at August 02, 2024 02:42 PM (Z8Yh2)

357 It's very odd that we can afford to give billions in foreign aid and weapons to all these other counties...but our finances are so tight that we have to cut costs in Secret Service protection details. Maybe we should print some of those trillion dollar coins to deposit in the Federal Reserve!

Posted by: MisterE at August 02, 2024 03:10 PM (7uy3W)

358 Rowe needs to be totally removed from the Job

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at August 02, 2024 04:37 PM (wGqjj)

359 There was a time when people who had great responsibility to duty and failed due to being an incompetent p.o.s. would be left at their desk with a pistol and one round and expected to "do the right thing".
Now, they "take full responsibility" for their failure and...nothing.
They have no honor, but they have s fat pension and a golden parachute at a leftist think tank.
Failure should exact a price.

Posted by: USSS Fashionista at August 02, 2024 05:23 PM (f1Y3x)

360 I want this commie boiled in oil.

Posted by: Jane at August 02, 2024 08:34 PM (bXvrr)

361 315 Harris will become the first Black woman and first Asian American to lead a major-party ticket.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

Animatronic chameleon Indian zzzttap Black zzzttap African Black, she's going to confuse some people.

Posted by: Braenyard says Biden has an affinity for predators at August 02, 2024 11:41 PM (bm1f0)

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