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Daily Tech News 26 July 2024

Top Story

  • OpenAI has unveiled its Google rival, SearchGPT. (Tech Crunch)

    Kill it with fire.
    OpenAI seems to have taken note of the blowback and says it's taking a markedly different approach. In a blog post, the company emphasized that SearchGPT was developed in collaboration with various news partners, which include organizations like the owners of The Wall Street Journal, The Associated Press, and Vox Media, the parent company of The Verge. "News partners gave valuable feedback, and we continue to seek their input," Wood says.
    Kill it with fire and sow the ground with salt.
    The rapid advancements by OpenAI have won ChatGPT millions of users, but the company's costs are adding up. The Information reported this week that OpenAI's AI training and inference costs could reach $7 billion this year, with the millions of users on the free version of ChatGPT only further driving up compute costs. SearchGPT will be free during its initial launch, and since the feature appears to have no ads right now, it's clear the company will have to figure out monetization soon.
    Though maybe if we just wait a bit they'll encounter the delicious salty fires of bankruptcy.

> Tech News

Disclaimer: IPFS sucks.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 04:30 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 G'Day everyone TGIF

Posted by: Skip at July 26, 2024 04:30 AM (fwDg9)


Cold smoking chicken and steaks.

Regards to climate change.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at July 26, 2024 04:30 AM (hoJz1)

3 First?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 26, 2024 04:31 AM (omVj0)

4 Morning, 'rons and 'ettes.

Posted by: olddog in mo at July 26, 2024 04:31 AM (hoCmQ)

5 First?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 26, 2024 04:31 AM (omVj0)

First third.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at July 26, 2024 04:32 AM (hoJz1)

Election 2024: Bad ass or Bitch

Posted by: Divide by Zero at July 26, 2024 04:33 AM (RKVpM)

7 Darn. Not quite!

Evening and morning to all the satellites of AoSHQ across the Solar system! (Luna City, I know you folks think you're all that because you were there first. Get over yourselves.)

'Tis Friday, and I'm having some coffee and a small pipe of Virginia tobaccos to get my own system ticking over. How about you?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 26, 2024 04:33 AM (omVj0)

8 G'morning, all.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 26, 2024 04:35 AM (a1415)

9 Mornin’, mooncalves.

Posted by: Buzz Adrenaline at July 26, 2024 04:36 AM (JRP2U)

10 Blueberry and cream oatmeal and coffee

Posted by: Skip at July 26, 2024 04:37 AM (fwDg9)

11 Birdbath status?

Posted by: Just Wondering at July 26, 2024 04:37 AM (dg+HA)

12 Willowed: there will never be another rush. Some people hate hearing that because of course our movement has to go forward, But there will never be another Rush. If you missed out on it, that is OK, Time moves on and rush would agree. But just like There was only one Ronald Wilson, Reagan there was only One Rush Limbaugh. You could add up every conservative talker today and many of them, my love, but you could add them all up and they would not have the impact of Rush.
Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024

He was a pioneer, a lone voice in the radio wilderness during the Clinton/Bush II/Obongo years. He had a great radio voice, too. And he had this wonderful ability *not* to hurry what he had to say. He was not afraid to pause, for emphasis or to gather his thoughts; and you were willing to hang in there and wait for the next phrase or sentence, because it was important (or funny!) stuff

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 26, 2024 04:38 AM (omVj0)

13 6
Election 2024: Bad ass or Bitch.

I'll make Dukakis look good.

Posted by: Comma Lah at July 26, 2024 04:38 AM (dg+HA)

14 Yay!

Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 04:40 AM (64Zez)

15 MeTV has a 1974 Barnaby Jones going with Robert Foxworth and Tyne Daly. Tyne was James's daughter. (Who names his daughter "Tyne" -- after a Scots river, maybe?)

Before that, they ran a 1973 Cannon w/ Fritz Weaver and John Vernon ("Dean Wormer"). Aside from the good-looking (and *slim*!) people, the cars are fascinating. Mostly American, Fords mostly in Quinn Martin shows, but now and then a Mercedes would show up.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 26, 2024 04:42 AM (omVj0)

16 >>>
AOOSTAR (dumb name, I know)


Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 04:44 AM (64Zez)

17 I neglected the birdbath yesterday, not sure if wife did the chore, she does sometimes

Posted by: Skip at July 26, 2024 04:46 AM (fwDg9)

18 Perhaps I shall have a slice of whole grain toast with peanut butter. Who's with me???

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 26, 2024 04:47 AM (omVj0)

19 Mornin'

Its been a busy couple of nights. Still got 90 min to go and will probably have to stay a bit over to explain some stuff to the next shift. I'm tired. :-(

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at July 26, 2024 04:48 AM (yKhjs)

20 I wonder about AI. I am a huge near Lodi compared to pixie. No question about that. But I do wonder about AI.

I enjoy studying foreign languages and foolishly. I study both French and Spanish at the same time. I literally cannot make a decision and after many years, I’ve given up on it. When some people say one language is more important than the other, I learned long ago they have no idea what they’re talking about and literally none of them have ever learned foreign language.

Back to AI, I see where it can help, but I also can see where it is severely flawed. You see this with Duolingo, People are mimicking a pronunciation based on a computer language. With Duolingo French when they ask you to put a Y into a sentence, they call it an ee grec. Yes, that is the official pronunciation of the letter if you are reciting the alphabet, but is not how it is pronounced in a sentence. I respect AI for what it can do, but I also think people way over state what AI can do. Not to be A neo Luddite, But isn’t AI basically a tape recorder, That replays what other people told it to say?

Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 04:49 AM (lrgVH)

21 "The Information reported this week that OpenAI's AI training and inference costs could reach $7 billion this year,"

They spelled interference wrong

Morning all!

Posted by: Bruce at July 26, 2024 04:55 AM (nUwdo)

22 Something not on the menu for too long, pancakes. Perfect vehicles for any number of toppings sweet or savory.

Posted by: IRONGRAMPA at July 26, 2024 04:56 AM (hKoQL)

23 I am very tempted to call in sick today. The office is dead quiet for the summer and anything I have to do would wait until Monday. It really would.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 26, 2024 04:56 AM (omVj0)

24 Hundreds of motherboards from Dell, Gigabyte, Intel, and Supermicro have completely broken secure boot functionality. (Ars Technica)

"They use a brain that was marked Abby Someone."


Posted by: Bruce at July 26, 2024 04:56 AM (nUwdo)

25 AOOSTAR (dumb name, I know)

Posted by: m


Posted by: Bruce at July 26, 2024 05:00 AM (nUwdo)

26 & then let's do the same to goggle!

G'mornin' everyone!

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - they have been lying to us for decades at July 26, 2024 05:02 AM (UWgy2)

27 The Information reported this week that OpenAI's AI training and inference costs could reach $7 billion this year, with the millions of users on the free version of ChatGPT.

Did these nitwits not read that Amazon has lost billions of dollars over several years trying to make a profit from its Alexa powered echo spy hardware and still can't. Amazon is so desperate they are thinking of charging people to use their Alexa software which they've been giving away for free. That sounds familiar. The odds of Open AI converting the free customers over at scale is just as likely to happen as Amazon is going to get people to sign up for an Alexa subscription. For the majority of us schlubs we're just fine with the cat videos we already have.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at July 26, 2024 05:04 AM (G8tt9)

28 12, Wolfus, I cherish every moment. I went to a state college in the early90s and the school buses played Paul harvey and Rush. Sure that would sound foreign today, but we are all foreign today.

There was something about Rush that can’t be duplicated. I hoped Mark Steyn Would step into his shoes because I thought he was the closest to Rush politically. I should not have been surprised because rush was a one in a lifetime personality. Even though I disagreed with him on a few issues at one point, No one could explain the issues like Rush.

Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 05:06 AM (lrgVH)

29 23 I am very tempted to call in sick today. The office is dead quiet for the summer and anything I have to do would wait until Monday. It really would.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 26, 2024 04:56 AM (omVj0)

A dead quiet office and a work project that isn't due by the end of the day? Sounds lovely.

Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 05:08 AM (64Zez)

30 Anybody know how many J24 rioters have actually been charged after turning our nation's Capitol into a virtual war zone?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 26, 2024 05:09 AM (a1415)

31 I legitimately believe rush would right now give us five points for Trump. No one did what rushed did the way he did it. Again, I like Mark. stern, And others. I am glad that people like the conservative talkers that they like. The reality is there was no one like us and no one will ever be like him.

Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 05:09 AM (lrgVH)

32 Rush Limbaugh's secret was he was a master at snapping tight pieces of paper when he wanted to make a point. That's it. That's all he did. Take that away and he becomes Mark Stein.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at July 26, 2024 05:09 AM (G8tt9)

33 27 Windows 11 has co pilot for a 'helper' in place of what ever they used. A more condescending piece of shit would be difficult to find.

Posted by: IRONGRAMPA at July 26, 2024 05:10 AM (hKoQL)

34 Anybody know how many J24 rioters have actually been charged after turning our nation's Capitol into a virtual war zone?
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice

I'm more interested in finding out how many of them were given villas and vineyards for services rendered to the Leftist Marxist state.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at July 26, 2024 05:11 AM (G8tt9)

35 I am surprised the term "Chinatown" hasn't been cancelled.
The only thing Canada does right is cool dry air.

Posted by: Jamaica at July 26, 2024 05:12 AM (eF17/)

36 32, you have no idea what you’re talking about so I will excuse it. Your failed critique would work better if you knew how to spell Mark Steyn.

Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 05:12 AM (lrgVH)

37 I wish I had a quiet office job to go to

Posted by: Skip at July 26, 2024 05:12 AM (fwDg9)

38 Windows 11 has co pilot for a 'helper' in place of what ever they used. A more condescending piece of shit would be difficult to find.
Posted by: IRONGRAMPA at July 26, 2024 05:10 AM (hKoQL)

It's Clippy. It's been Clippy all along.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 05:13 AM (BAEGB)

39 In 1981, Sears issued a catalog on Laserdisc. They called it 'Tele-Shop':

"One of the holy grails of laserdiscs, this was sent out to people who had sent in the registration cards for the Pioneer VP-1000 laserdisc player, Pioneer's first US player. This was supposed to be the future of catalog shopping but was the only edition released."

It's... interesting!

Posted by: LenNeal at July 26, 2024 05:13 AM (43xH1)

40 Canada makes an effort to cool things?

Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 05:14 AM (lrgVH)

41 Some week soon I will have to work in Delaware on a Saturday, just don't know when that shoe will drop

Posted by: Skip at July 26, 2024 05:15 AM (fwDg9)

42 Windows 11 has co pilot for a 'helper' in place of what ever they used. A more condescending piece of shit would be difficult to find.
Posted by: IRONGRAMPA'

Oh I don't know, in many ways Linux distros are inherently condescending...

Posted by: LenNeal at July 26, 2024 05:16 AM (43xH1)

43 I would call in sick but it's kind of useless when I'd have to call myself. Life is hard when it is reduced to looking forward to trash day eve. You people with jobs have it so good.*

*The previous statement may have been generated by Open AI when it was experiencing Biden grade delusions.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at July 26, 2024 05:16 AM (G8tt9)

44 Something for y'all to ponder--why should the relationship between employee/employer be an adversarial one? You are, after all engaged with one another for mutual benefit.

Yet one can see countless examples of the opposite.

Posted by: IRONGRAMPA at July 26, 2024 05:18 AM (hKoQL)

45 I am surprised the term "Chinatown" hasn't been cancelled.
Posted by: Jamaica'

Originally, I wanted it to be about Koreans and the title was 'Park Slope', but the studio made me change it.

Posted by: Roman (She said she was 18!) Polanski at July 26, 2024 05:19 AM (43xH1)

46 Delaware, the first state. Also, the state made fun of because it has no personality whatsoever. Oh yeah, Joe Biden When he isn’t saying he is from Scranton PA.

Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 05:20 AM (lrgVH)

47 It is Fibroids Awareness month. They even have ambassadors.

Posted by: Jamaica at July 26, 2024 05:20 AM (FjEs9)

48 every phrase means exactly what it sounds like.

Posted by: Skip at July 26, 2024 05:21 AM (fwDg9)

49 Bastards!

Posted by: Jamaica at July 26, 2024 05:22 AM (eF17/)

50 I have to be in Glen Cove @8. It's about 25 miles and will take about an hour.

Posted by: Jamaica at July 26, 2024 05:23 AM (eF17/)

51 It is cool that we remember rooftop Koreans almost 30 years later. The Koreans Should be proud because there is a reason it was just them.

Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 05:24 AM (lrgVH)

52 49 Bastards!
Posted by: Jamaica at July 26, 2024 05:22 AM (eF17/)

Is this aimed at anyone in particular?

Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 05:25 AM (64Zez)

53 Is this aimed at anyone in particular?
Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 05:25 AM (64Zez)

Anyone with dubious parentage or sired out of wedlock.


Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 05:26 AM (BAEGB)

54 Not bad out
Forward Dog 9 hitting the road
See you from there

Posted by: Skip at July 26, 2024 05:26 AM (fwDg9)

55 The weasels who ruined Roman's movie about Koreans in Park Slope Brooklyn.
Hollywood is full of evil.

Posted by: Jamaica at July 26, 2024 05:27 AM (dKbuD)

56 I have to be in Glen Cove @8. It's about 25 miles and will take about an hour. Posted by: Jamaica

Here in Las Cruces It takes 15 minutes to get across town, in any direction, pretty much at any time of day. With an hour to burn I could be 70 miles away, be seated at a local pub, drinking a beer while waiting for lunch to be served. I know there are downsides to living here but I struggle on the best I can.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at July 26, 2024 05:30 AM (G8tt9)

57 Yet one can see countless examples of the opposite.
Posted by: IRONGRAMPA at July 26, 2024 05:18 AM (hKoQL

There is a law with a name i forget that says that quality of leadership scales inversely with the size of an organization.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 05:30 AM (BAEGB)

58 The Chinese would hate people canceling the term Chinatown. They’re trying to make a buck just like everyone else. The thing about these lefties is they love France, Italy, China, Japan, etc., but they haven’t been to any of these places and the people that live there would tell them to get stuffed. All they know is they hate their own country, f them.

Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 05:31 AM (lrgVH)

59 There is a law with a name i forget that says that quality of leadership scales inversely with the size of an organization.
Posted by: Warai-otoko

It has been my experience that leadership suffers when I'm not in charge.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at July 26, 2024 05:31 AM (G8tt9)

60 57 Yet one can see countless examples of the opposite.
Posted by: IRONGRAMPA at July 26, 2024 05:18 AM (hKoQL

There is a law with a name i forget that says that quality of leadership scales inversely with the size of an organization.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 05:30 AM (BAEGB)

And add into the mix the law with a name I forget that says that everyone is promoted to a position beyond their ability.

Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 05:32 AM (64Zez)

61 "the delicious salty fires of bankruptcy"

Getting me laughing before coffee. *tips hat to Pixy*

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 26, 2024 05:33 AM (O7YUW)

62 The thing about these lefties is they love France, Italy, China, Japan, etc., but they haven’t been to any of these places and the people that live there would tell them to get stuffed. All they know is they hate their own country, f them.
Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 05:31 AM (lrgVH)

I've been noticing more and more as i keep turning 29 that the people who put on the biggest and priggiest airs about being cosmopolitan are in reality the most provincial people on earth.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 05:33 AM (BAEGB)

63 I would love to see a Honky town because it would be the one place I could go knowing I could get a deep fried pickle and mini donuts any time of the year.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at July 26, 2024 05:34 AM (G8tt9)

64 60, the Peter Principle. Civil War historians use that term all the time. You see guys that could run a brigade that were promoted to run a division and they failed. You guys rent a division well but when they were promoted to run an army, they failed.

The peter principal is actually a valuable thing to look into. It shows the floor with hiring in many ways.

Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 05:34 AM (lrgVH)

65 And add into the mix the law with a name I forget that says that everyone is promoted to a position beyond their ability.
Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 05:32 AM (64Zez)

I think that one is the Peter Principle... everyone rises to their level of maximum incompetence.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 05:34 AM (BAEGB)

66 The engineers that maintain the test equipment that is used to produce the avionics used in most commercial aircraft are being pushed to use Windows 11.

We have every version on every MS product ever running testing on products.

None of the management pushed back on this until it hit the guys who work on the floor. Management seems puzzled by how incredulous all the engineers are that they exist in the same universe.

Posted by: pawn at July 26, 2024 05:35 AM (QB+5g)

67 63 I would love to see a Honky town because it would be the one place I could go knowing I could get a deep fried pickle and mini donuts any time of the year.
Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at July 26, 2024 05:34 AM (G8tt9)

There's Dollywood!

Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 05:36 AM (64Zez)

68 62, Warai, you are right on.

Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 05:36 AM (lrgVH)

69 65 And add into the mix the law with a name I forget that says that everyone is promoted to a position beyond their ability.
Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 05:32 AM (64Zez)

I think that one is the Peter Principle... everyone rises to their level of maximum incompetence.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 05:34 AM (BAEGB)

Thanks. And that's much better put than I put it.

Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 05:37 AM (64Zez)

70 64 60, the Peter Principle. Civil War historians use that term all the time. You see guys that could run a brigade that were promoted to run a division and they failed. You guys rent a division well but when they were promoted to run an army, they failed.

The peter principal is actually a valuable thing to look into. It shows the floor with hiring in many ways.
Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 05:34 AM (lrgVH)

Fascinating examples. Thank you, Quint.

Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 05:37 AM (64Zez)

71 What Warai said re: Peter Principle.

'Everyone rises to the level of their incompetence.'

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at July 26, 2024 05:38 AM (PDf99)

72 Thanks. And that's much better put than I put it.
Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 05:37 AM (64Zez)

Quint's right, it's a good book that's a short, easy read, but once you read it, you see it everywhere.

It's like finding out that the sound everyone uses for an eagle screaming in tv shows and commercials is actually a hawk...

Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 05:39 AM (BAEGB)

73 One of El chapo's sons and the other founding member of the Sinaloa cartel got tricked to getting on a plane that flew them directly to El Paso and into the arms of the feds. Apparently another drug lord set this up. I'm going out on a limb here and predict there's going to be a lot of dead bodies around Mexico for the next 5 years over this.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at July 26, 2024 05:40 AM (G8tt9)

74 Here in Las Cruces It takes 15 minutes to get across town, in any direction, pretty much at any time of day. With an hour to burn I could be 70 miles away, be seated at a local pub, drinking a beer while waiting for lunch to be served. I know there are downsides to living here but I struggle on the best I can.
Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at July 26, 2024

AP, what's the population there now?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 26, 2024 05:41 AM (omVj0)

75 I'm not sure I should bring this up but I think I hit the Peter Principle wall when I was seven. Or was it in middle school?

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at July 26, 2024 05:42 AM (G8tt9)

76 food at Dollywood

Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 05:43 AM (64Zez)

77 Morning, Tech Peeps

Posted by: fluffy at July 26, 2024 05:45 AM (86W+h)

78 My WI 'burg is +/- 37K or so and if it takes me 15 minutes to get anywhere I start bitching about lights and all the traffic.
2 miles in any direction and you are in farmland.
To the West, past my workplace, if anyone asks what's out that way, the answer is: "Iowa."

Posted by: Roman (She said she was 18!) Polanski at July 26, 2024 05:47 AM (43xH1)

79 IIRC, the guy is adamant that this principle is not about plain old nepotism or corruption or spoils systems. It's an unavoidable part of any organization even if they have competent, well meaning people in charge.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 05:48 AM (BAEGB)

80 AP, what's the population there now?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius

The population in Las Cruces is about 125,000 while the metro area/Dona Ana County is about 200,000. Las Cruces is a happening place. Three movie sound studios are going up, The old country club is being redeveloped for mixed use, about 800 new homes are being built each year, and there's lots of commercial development going out in the newer areas of town. 20 years from people are going to be saying I should have moved here 20 years ago. I think we're one bowling alley and a stripper joint away from hitting immortality.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at July 26, 2024 05:48 AM (G8tt9)

81 70 miles from here is farm country. 20MM people stuffed in that circle and it's not enough. We are getting organized to move to Accomack county, Va. There are fewer people south of Dover than daily riders of the E train.

Posted by: Jamaica at July 26, 2024 05:48 AM (eF17/)

82 I would love to see a Honky town because it would be the one place I could go knowing I could get a deep fried pickle and mini donuts any time of the year.
Posted by: Alteria Pilgram'

Also known as Wisconsin.

Posted by: LenNeal at July 26, 2024 05:49 AM (43xH1)

83 It's like finding out that the sound everyone uses for an eagle screaming in tv shows and commercials is actually a hawk...
Posted by: Warai-otoko'

Archive and YT have whole albums of nothing but Foley sounds. I've played them at the office for background noise, it's bizarre how many sounds you instantly recognize and associate with certain movies!

Posted by: LenNeal at July 26, 2024 05:51 AM (43xH1)

84 Rt. 113 thru Delaware and Maryland 20 years ago was some stop lights and corn fiields and was way faster than Rt.13. Now, 113 is one long strip mall with lots of traffic. 13 is an easier drive even with Salisbury in the way.

Posted by: Jamaica at July 26, 2024 05:53 AM (MK13O)

85 LOL:
Rasmussen Reports
Independents Only-
Trump: 53% (+20)
Harris: 33%
Someone Else: 9%
Not Sure: 5%

I like that Not Sure fellow; he'll get the crops growing again!

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - they have been lying to us for decades at July 26, 2024 05:53 AM (UWgy2)

86 Taking off from work today sounds nice. *Sounds.* But I'd have to look at these same damn walls for a part of the morning. Go someplace? It's too hot and humid to enjoy anything, and I've seen every part of this town 400 times. There's no area I can go to that doesn't involve risking my neck, my car, or both. It's not like I can drive up into some mountains and hike for a while.

No wonder I am not only depressed but infuriated. And with the possibility of Knee-Pads, Inc., becoming president and ruining the economy even further, I begin to wonder if I can even afford to retire this fall.

It's a real mess when going to work is a better option than anything else.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 26, 2024 05:56 AM (omVj0)

87 81,find your own bliss. Like all states Virginia is being invaded by illegal immigrants. Are used to get good Tex-Mex in the Rio Grande Valley now I have to get bad Mexican food in Virginia. It just doesn’t seem right to me.

The country is bursting at the seams and we are Either going to do something about it or we are not. If you look at the examples of western Europe, and also this country over the last 50 years, it looks like we are not.

Whenever someone ask me where I would live if I had the choice to live wherever I could, I see San Diego in the 1970s. If that were not possible for whatever reason, I would just start Naming rural areas in the 1970s. The point I’m making is you can’t go back again and none of these places are like they used to be. Sure, we can try to change it, but let’s be honest that’s not going to happen. The best we can do is fight these people off.

Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 05:57 AM (lrgVH)

88 On the good hand, I have Stirling the big black cat on my lap. Not all is dark.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 26, 2024 05:58 AM (omVj0)

89 The people who squawk the loudest about "communities" are the people doing the most damage to actual, functioning communities.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 06:00 AM (BAEGB)

90 I could sit here all day churning out over-simplified maxims about how public perceptions and pavlovian responses to certain phrases are at best inaccurate and almost always intentional and malicious.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 06:03 AM (BAEGB)

91 90 I could sit here all day churning out over-simplified maxims about how public perceptions and pavlovian responses to certain phrases are at best inaccurate and almost always intentional and malicious.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 06:03 AM (BAEGB)

I would subscribe to your newsletter!

Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 06:04 AM (64Zez)

92 My Dad liked to use the example of a great salesman who gets a promotion to sales manager and stinks at it.

Posted by: no one of any consequence at July 26, 2024 06:07 AM (+H2BX)

93 Education = Enstupidification
Healthcare = Illness husbandry
Racial Justice = Ghettoization and subjugation
Our Democracy = Not Your Democracy

Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 06:07 AM (BAEGB)

94 92 My Dad liked to use the example of a great salesman who gets a promotion to sales manager and stinks at it.
Posted by: no one of any consequence at July 26, 2024 06:07 AM (+H2BX)

I knew a guy who worked at a car dealership and who kept turning down promotions to remain a used-car salesman on the lot. It was a perfect match and he knew it.

Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 06:09 AM (64Zez)

95 Rt. 113 thru Delaware and Maryland 20 years ago was some stop lights and corn fiields and was way faster than Rt.13. Now, 113 is one long strip mall with lots of traffic. 13 is an easier drive even with Salisbury in the way.
Posted by: Jamaica

I lived along 113 20 years ago and we cursed you f*ing tourons for 4 months every year.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 26, 2024 06:10 AM (d9LQi)

96 While Blizzard artists are being replaced by AI, their developer counterparts have voted to unionize. Surely that won't backfire...

Posted by: Citizen Cake at July 26, 2024 06:10 AM (CwhoI)

97 Democracy dies in Delaware.

Posted by: As any school child can tell you at July 26, 2024 06:13 AM (DobEs)

98 And the shop steward is never "on your side" on purpose. If they seem to be, it's purely a coincidence.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 06:13 AM (BAEGB)

99 I don't want to be in management. I want to go to work, do my job, go home.
I don't want to deal with other people's problems.
I don't want your drama.
I don't need peoples back stabbing two faced schemes.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 26, 2024 06:13 AM (d9LQi)

100 100

Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 06:14 AM (64Zez)

101 97 Democracy dies in Delaware.

Yep. But they are good at the "Awwww shucks, I am just a farmer"

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 26, 2024 06:16 AM (d9LQi)

102 100 100
Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 06:14 AM (64Zez)

You know, if you ever hit 1000, you have to post as capital-M.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 06:16 AM (BAEGB)

103 101!

Posted by: NR Pax at July 26, 2024 06:16 AM (svLOV)

The only thing Canada does right is cool dry air.

Posted by: Jamaica at July 26, 2024 05:12 AM

Don't look now but it's soon to be cool, dry, and smoke filled air. Again.

If you must look now:;-97.5;3&l=pm25

/ Somebody bastard has to be setting these fires intentionally

Posted by: Divide by Zero at July 26, 2024 06:20 AM (RKVpM)

105 102 100 100
Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 06:14 AM (64Zez)

You know, if you ever hit 1000, you have to post as capital-M.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 06:16 AM (BAEGB)

Maybe on election night.

Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 06:21 AM (64Zez)

106 JJ = Nood

Posted by: Warai-otoko at July 26, 2024 06:21 AM (BAEGB)

107 103 101!
Posted by: NR Pax at July 26, 2024 06:16 AM (svLOV)

In the time it took you to type that exclamation point, you lost the game.

Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 06:21 AM (64Zez)

108 Cracks knuckles. Heads out.

Posted by: m at July 26, 2024 06:22 AM (64Zez)

109 I've found my competence niche as a night shift warehouse/stocking clerk.

I mean, I'm very, very good at the other thing, research and all that, and that cohort cannot even believe I work at a supermarket. They're dumbfounded. The best part is, since it's Europe-based, almost all these intellectuals are Lefties and anytime anybody cops an attitude about my 'politics' I can play the Worker Card (none of them have EVER 'worked'!) and shuts them right the fuck up.

Posted by: LenNeal at July 26, 2024 06:23 AM (43xH1)

Democracy dies in Delaware.

Posted by: As any school child can tell you at July 26, 2024 06:13 AM

According to what my wife told me she heard, Delaware is now the number one retirement destination. For what reason I don't know. It's not a bad state, and I'd consider it myself.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at July 26, 2024 06:24 AM (RKVpM)

111 "Something for y'all to ponder--why should the relationship between employee/employer be an adversarial one? "

Because my boss is an asshole. I would fire him except I need the cash.

mornin yall

Posted by: Manatee Facts at July 26, 2024 06:33 AM (vFG9F)



"anytime anybody cops an attitude about my 'politics' I can play the Worker Card (none of them have EVER 'worked'!) and shuts them right the fuck up."

And this is why you are so valuable and unique and I am glad you found your way here.

Posted by: pawn at July 26, 2024 07:58 AM (QB+5g)

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